#I’m not trying to start debates or anything because I know people view pieces of media with their own experiences
neoncolorblocks · 2 years
I have so many ideas because I have so many opinions on TMNT, especially 2012 because I’ve seen most of the series twice and I have things to say.
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lunarmote · 1 year
Why you should watch “extreme” films
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(image from Enter the Void, Gaspar Noé)
I would consider myself a pretty open person when it comes to viewing art. I try to be aware of the expectations and lenses through which I view pieces and let go of what a good piece of art “should” be like. This does not mean I like everything I see. It does mean that I usually do not turn down a chance to watch a movie because it has a strange premise/storytelling method/genre.
In discussions with people about films, I find quite often that I will suggest a piece of media which has gore, nudity, or a controversial theme as a component, and have it immediately be rejected or dismissed on the basis of that. I have never really understood this attitude since the moment I decided to acclimate myself to film culture because of the idea that I can’t know my true preferences unless I give the vast majority of films a try.
This holds for nudity, overt sexual content, gore, violence, and “dark themes” including: themes of mental health, films depicting depravity and paraphilia, rape, suicide, ambiguous endings where nobody wins, etc.
Let’s start with nudity because it’s the lowest-hanging fruit. It’s old news that films that offend typical American sensibilities are a bit different from films that offend (e.g. French) sensibilities. For some reason a lot of international films with uncensored body parts appearing on screen, make the fact that they show on screen the one talking point. (Ironically, in the 3 months that I had Netflix I couldn’t help but notice almost every episode of some popular show, including Black Mirror, had to have a heavily implied sex scene.)
What’s stranger is that nude is associated with erotic. If the director is not particularly well-liked, the film is charged as “exploitative,” e.g. exploiting the female body for the male gaze. I think the degree to which a film is exploitative is highly depend on context and execution, not on whether it has unclothed bodies per se.
The response is often some kind of squeamish arousal.
Gore and violence
Not much to say about violence for now; there are a ton of debates already on whether anti-war films can truly be anti-war films.
Dark themes
For this section I do have a director in mind and that’s Darren Aronofsky, the director of Requiem for a Dream and Black Swan. I was asking myself why Aronofsky is so successful (other than him being a masterful storyteller), and thought it was because of his mastery of visual storytelling. Horror seems to be excusable when it is accompanied by brilliant cinematography, when the sound-mixing is top notch, when there is enough exposition to make you sympathize with the character’s moral failings.
Anything else, which includes:
Movies with a shitty character
Movies where a character’s backstory apparently doesn’t justify their actions
Movies in which a “bad” character does not receive their expected comeuppance
Movies where you don’t know enough about the characters to revel in their payoff or their victimization or revenge (see Michael Haneke’s Funny Games for a deconstruction of this)
...are not seen as redeeming themselves of their dark subject matter. Quotidian grittiness is not appreciated and is seen as null, pointless, exploitative (violence must serve an end, otherwise it is exploitative — I actually agree with this, but probably not for the most obvious reason).
Bizarre, “weird” stuff
The strangest category for me to write about. My two examples are Jumbo and Titane, which both contain objectophilia. The same thing about these movies is that the fact that they contain something is distinct grounds for their rejection as unserious or too weird to be worth watching. You go into My Strange Addiction with the preconceived notion that everything featured on the show is a strange addiction; same for these movies. I think this kind of thinking can lock us in. Maybe I’m different in that I’m curious about everything and my immediate thought on something like Jumbo is “How would that even work? I want to find out.”
The expectations we have for films
Here’s the thing I find confusing about our attitudes towards films. It’s absurd to me that we have certain subject matters and content we deem as “extreme” simply because of a tradition of not seeing them on the big screen, while in real life they are incredibly common and justified without effort.
Nudity. Changing into and out of your pajamas every day. Not erotic. When nudity is shown on-film, it automatically attracts either positive or negative attention; rarely is nudity allowed to just be.
Long takes where a character sits in an environment and does nothing. (I wrote about this in my post on Sofia Coppola’s Somewhere). Incredibly common. Charged to death of “pacing issues” when put in films.
Senseless violence and death. Michael Haneke’s oeuvre centers around this, setting up a fake hostage thriller which the viewer expects to go one way and make it completely frustrating and anti-thriller-like to watch. It’s frustrating because the killers never receive their comeuppance. And you never even learn anything about the killers anyway so you don’t get the thrill you expect.
What does this say about our relationship with media if it’s supposed to be a creative, escapist force, when in fact, a lot of us expect it to conform. To a series of beats?
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Title: Babylon's Doom: The Decline and Peril of Science Fiction
Author: Terry Carr
Rating: 4/5 stars
I liked this a lot. There was a lot here that I liked, and I'd rate it higher if the book as a whole was more cohesive. I wouldn't say it's a good book, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's not a good book either, and if you're into SF and don't want to buy or read anything that will turn you off for life I'd recommend giving this a chance.
That said, if you're not into SF (and I was pretty skeptical of the prospect when I started reading this book, but on the contrary it turned out to be a lot more of an SF fan's "cup of coffee" book than I realized when I started -- and I wouldn't be surprised to see some readers in this category also find much of the book not worth the time it takes to read it) you can probably just skip it and not lose much time.
At its core this book is about how, over the last couple of decades, there have been two trends in what used to be considered SF and is now a broader category called "speculative fiction": a steady increase in quality and diversity (in both quantity and quality of writing), and a simultaneous trend towards a kind of "low fantasy" that I find very tiresome -- i.e. (a) an increasingly "primitive" view of "magic" (or more precisely: primitive view of anything in the setting; there's a huge quantity of mediocre fantasy that can't be called "low"), and (b) an increasingly "dysfunctional" view of society (or, to be more specific: more and more a focus on themes of social dysfunction, while at the same time failing to show any signs of having considered, even in theory, any real-world society besides "primitive" ones)
The author has a strong, if not especially subtle, personal vision of the current state of speculative fiction, and he is very good at describing this vision, even if the book he wants to sell you on this vision is itself, for the most part, unremarkable. He's also very good at describing trends and shifts in SF, and I really enjoyed the bit where he explained how the SF that used to be a staple of the early-to-mid-1980s had become a lot more scarce in the 1990s (a topic where I've heard plenty of other people say that SF has gotten rarer, not more common -- but I never got into that debate because it seemed like such a pointless exercise). I think the book is overall more about its author's tastes and personal vision than about any of the other issues it's written on.
Terry Carr is very good at writing about topics that seem to me to be fascinating from the perspective of the book he wants to sell you on. He isn't so good at writing about subjects I think are interesting, or ones where I've just never had much of an interest. I don't want to undersell how much the book wants you to be interested in SF as a category and genre; it's a little off-putting if all the people it wants you to care about aren't in it (and, at the same time, it's clear that there are enough people in it to make you care about them). A little over-the-top in this respect, though I wouldn't say I hated the book.
The basic gist of Carr's vision is not as simple as it could be -- I don't think he thinks that SF "in general" has become more and more primitive (he has a bit of a tendency towards that viewpoint in here -- you'll know it when you see it). He's also not an absolutist about "the good SF" and "the bad SF." There are plenty of moments where it looks like he wants to tell you that every single piece of SF written in the last thirty years is worth the time of day. Then there are others where he wants to convince you that no, not all those pieces are good.
I'm also not sure how much Carr feels confident in his own judgments about SF -- in a number of places he says that there has been a decline in SF (at least of the kinds he thinks are good) over the last thirty or forty years, but also there are a lot of places where he is much more ambivalent, and it seems like in those cases he is trying to appeal to his audience as much as possible while still remaining consistent with his own personal vision. Sometimes this comes off as very awkward. For instance:
Terry Carr is very sure, in chapter 6, that the decline of SF in the 1990s and 2000s (at least in part) results from a decline in the quality of SF, but a lot of the same chapter also says that this decline has affected the entire genre as a whole. (The difference is that the decline in quality has been "pervasive" -- it affects "the great books" along with the "garbage books.") Carr's stance on this seems to change every ten pages, and it does so in ways that can be hard to interpret without reading more of his work. And the book makes it seem as though what "low fantasy" is -- i.e. what it's bad for -- is always low fantasy, to the point that it's almost not worth considering.
It's hard not to read a lot of Terry Carr and come away feeling as though the author is a bit confused about what he's reading. In fact, there are two distinct issues involved in this. First is the issue of whether he's actually the sort of person who's best at writing about what he's interested in, and second is the fact that he writes in a genre that makes people who are good at writing about what they're interested in look like they're being confused by something. The two aspects are kind of interconnected and it's hard to parse either without the other. (There's another, related issue here, which I'll come back to below. You can see why this kind of thing makes me suspicious of the kind of person who writes like Carr does -- you want to look at his stuff, but you wonder if you're missing the big picture on purpose.)
I'm not going to address this any further, and I'm also not going to say that I think Carr isn't a good writer or anything like that. I don't. He's actually an exceptionally talented writer. The problem is that he writes about his own interests, and he writes at a time when it's much less clear what those interests are than it used to be (or, at least, less clear as they appear in the books he wants to sell you on), and I don't think the fact that he's so talented and creative means this is a problem that you can fix by reading his stuff any more than a good writer who sucks can be "fixed" by reading their stuff. In fact, I'm worried the kind of person whose tastes Carr thinks are interesting just aren't going to respond to his stuff because it's too focused on his own interests. (I've noticed that the "good" SF of the 1990s has a very high proportion of writers who wrote in that era and who wrote much more about their own personal interests and/or aesthetics than SF is supposed to. Terry Carr's book isn't that. I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing: Terry Carr's book is very good in many ways and if you're into SF it's a good place to start -- but I'm worried about the readers it's supposed to reach, and I'm worried about whether or not they'll be drawn to the book in the first place.)
Anyway, what I wanted to say above is that Carr is very talented, and I enjoyed his book, but it's also a little frustrating because it seems to have a very personal vision for its subject matter, and you never quite get the sense that the author is writing about what he actually cares about. There are a few moments where that might not be a bad thing: for instance, when the "primitive" nature of "low fantasy" is described, that kind of description is a lot more convincing than much of the book (as I have said above) and does its job well. I think Carr is a better writer than this book would lead you to expect, and I've enjoyed his other books, so I think there's at least a little bit of the reason for his success that goes beyond the talents he has for writing "about" things. But it seems like that's the best he can do, and the book isn't very good overall, and that leaves me -- well, I still like his writing overall, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me feel a bit "meh" sometimes, even though a lot of the parts that make me feel that way I really like. I'd also be lying if I said I didn't feel kind of "weird" reading it -- at the same time it made me feel more "weird" (it might be the same sense?) reading, say, Ayn Rand or Neal Stephenson than reading, say, John Scalzi -- that is, it made me a little weird while at the same time making me happy, but it made me a little strange, because I don't share Carr's interests at all and I
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 306: the beginning of the WHAT
Previously on BnHA: Nana and the Gang were all, “hey Deku, we can read your thoughts and feelings so we should already know the answer to this, but for some reason we want to quiz you on whether or not you’d be down to kill Shigaraki Tomura.” Deku was all, “um okay, well tbh, probably not seeing as Saving People has been my entire thing since literally the start of the series.” The Vestiges were all, “yes that makes perfect sense and again we already knew that, but well, good for you buddy and I’m glad we had this talk. Anyway I guess we should ask these two cryptic fuckers in the corner to finally turn around now before we run out of -- ” and then the chapter ended. Because OF COURSE IT DID.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “YOU DON’T NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT, WOULDN’T IT BE SO MUCH BETTER IF I GAVE YOU A CONFUSING CHAPTER WHERE EVERYONE FINALLY LEARNS ABOUT OFA, AND GOES BACK TO THE DORMS, AND THEN THE CHAPTER ENDS WITH DEPRESSED NOMAD DEKU STANDING ON A PRECIPICE WITH GRAN TORINO’S TATTERED CAPE FLOWING IN THE WIND.” Everyone is all, “???????????” Horikoshi is all, “also the parents are moving to the U.A. campus, and Jeanist’s neck is two and a half feet long, for everyone that was wondering.” Everyone is all, “WHERE ARE KACCHAN AND TODOROKI AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHO ARE THE SECOND AND THIRD USERS”, and Horikoshi is all, “:)” and fades away into nothingness like the fucking fae he is. Like a fucking imp who’s kept his end of the cursed bargain. What, the, fuck.
okay guys, so after the longest Thursday of my fucking life, during which I was secretly hoping that my spoiler containment net would be somehow be breached, inadvertently exposing me to theta spoiler radiation, so that I could be all “oh no... spoilers... there’s nothing I can do... I have no choice but to look” (which sadly did not happen), it is finally Friday and the chapter is finally out. so I’ve got my clown kit at the ready and other self-deprecating memes on standby, and I’m ready to go. and I should note that I’m also ready for Horikoshi to pull some absolute bullshit and be like, “oh you know what, we haven’t checked in with Rat Principal in a while have we” and spend the entire chapter on nonsense like that. I’M READY FOR FUCKING ANYTHING so bring it
(ETA: it would be nice if this man wouldn’t call my bluff every now and again.)
oh, right, we were due a color page! wow look at this
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isn’t this supposed to be the future?? what’s with all of these staticky CRT TVs
anyway, so! is this the first time we’ve seen Tomura’s stylish finger prosthetic glove thingy in color?? because I didn’t expect it to be red. also, at some point you just have to give in and change your pants into cutoffs or something, Tomura. start a new trend of stylish villain capris
meanwhile Deku is dressed like he’s going on a journey into the desert to find a mystical oasis. actually this cape looks a lot like Gran Torino’s. I have to go back and see if Gran’s is all raggedy like this
(ETA: it wasn’t before but APPARENTLY IT IS NOW. I also forgot that Horikoshi had showed it sitting on a side table in the hospital a few chapters ago.)
lastly, AFO looks like someone’s thumb after they’ve been washing dishes for twenty minutes. you are just the ugliest dude in history, and as always, fuck you
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oh, Twowy McTwoface is finally starting to turn around? better CUT BACK TO DEKU’S HOSPITAL ROOM THEN. wouldn’t want to accidentally ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS or SOLVE ANY MYSTERIES, god forbid
well, whatever. whatever!! anyway so now someone’s knocking at the door. I say “someone” but we all know it’s Hawks
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they were actually standing outside the door for a while hoping they’d overhear another juicy plot conversation, but no such luck this time
lmaooo Jeanist wtf
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acting all embarrassed, but you’re really just as curious as Hawks is. making him do all the dirty work for you huh
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so like two seconds after Katsuki gets dragged away you open the door for the rest of them!! well, fine!! I really want it to be a more private/personal moment between the two of them anyway so let the other kids check in on Deku first then
and in the meantime, time to see Hawks put the thumbscrews to All Might’s resolve lol
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I wonder how much of it Hawks has already put together in the last five minutes. One for All is something connected to All for One that Tomura seems to want. Tomura was apparently targeting Deku. that’s more than enough to make a few deductions right there. I wonder how much Hawks knows about Deku’s quirk. he did watch the sports festival, and he ran into the kids interning under Endeavor that one time
okay well maybe he hasn’t put the rest of it together just yet, but Hawks is making a pretty reasonable pitch here to All Might
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also this is a pretty spectacular view. is this a hospital or a hotel??
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( •̀_•́ )
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[sitting cross-legged on the ground pulling up little clumps of grass and letting them fall from my fingers one by one] yeah. sure. okay. fine. sure
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everybody better hold tight cuz I’m about to pick up this whole chapter and yeet it into the ocean like a fucking frisbee lol
-- OH
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well okay then. proceed. though lord help me if they’re about to reveal the secret of OFA to the whole fucking world skdkj
oh snap
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well, there it is. pretty much what I expected, but it’s good to actually get to see this moment with him taking responsibility
though at the same time, thank you Horikoshi for not forcing us to sit through the rest of that
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their fucking faces omg. okay but seriously, what nation doesn’t secretly love a good scandal
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the Endeavor Pamphlets, part two. thank you for giving the country something to opine about on twitter in these trying times, Enji
so now they’re asking about Hawks and Jeanist but I cannot even focus on anything all of a sudden because what?!
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is Jeanist even a real actual human being you guys?! are we sure he’s not three kids sitting on each other’s shoulders?? are you related to that one guy with the really long neck from the Jedi Council?? are you Orochimaru, bro??
so now Hawks is apologizing for the murder of Twice, and for hiding the connection with his dad
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the fact that he has to give this serious formal apology and beg forgiveness for the shameful crime of Having An Abusive Father is really something else, though. just. it’s realistic, but I still hate it
moving on now to the one thing he actually does owe the public an explanation for
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not to go all “Hawks did nothing wrong” on you guys yet again, but seriously. 100% facts. fandom can (and no doubt will) debate this until the end of time, but if Twice had gotten away they wouldn’t be having this press conference right now because there wouldn’t be any heroes left to give one. anyways though, I’ve already said more than enough about that in previous posts
so now some severe-looking lady with the weirdest fingers I’ve ever seen is saying that her mother was injured during Machia’s rampage
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and she’s basically all “a fuck lot of good ‘I’m sorry’ does us all about now.” true true
wow she’s really getting fired up
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and now Enji is basically saying that he understands that an apology isn’t enough, and what they really need now are solutions. okay, well! SO THEN WHAT IS THE PLAN THEN
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this eloquent PEZ dispenser makes a good point you guys
wait, hold up
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CERTAIN citizens?? um excuse me, what??
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit
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holy shit. well, this will go over well
okay! so this tells me a number of things, though
basically the minute that Hawks learned about One for All, he realized that anyone connected to Deku (e.g. Inko) would be a target for AFO. AFO wants OFA, meaning AFO wants Deku, and one of the easiest ways to get to Deku would be to target his family
Hawks therefore realized that Inko needed to be placed into protective custody
but the fact that ALL of the hero course students’ families (and is it only the U.A. hero course, or all of the hero course students across the country?) are being given protection tells me that Hawks and co. don’t want to single Deku out as being important. so then it looks like they’re not going to tell everyone about OFA (or at least not the public. which, good). so rather than drawing suspicion by saying “we’ve got to protect everyone connected with this one kid”, they’re making it seem like all the U.A. kids’ families are getting this treatment
but since the heroes are now spread so thin, they can’t just send a protective detail to each and every family, so they’re bringing all of the families to the same place instead to better keep an eye on them
so that’s all well and good, and a very smart move. except that idk how all of this is going to go over with the general public, all of whom are probably feeling unsafe at the moment, and who will probably see this as preferential treatment -- basically just the heroes looking after their own and leaving everyone else to fend for themselves
(ETA: okay so @hanashimas​’ translation clarifies that U.A. is offering their services as an evacuation shelter for everyone who wants it, not just the families of the U.A. students. that’s much more appropriate so I withdraw my previous “wtf” reaction lol.)
anyway though here’s Mitsuki and Inko
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can we take this as confirmation that the two of them really are friends? that’s one piece of fanon that I’ve always hoped was true, so I’m gonna go ahead and say it’s confirmed
(ETA: also this means that Hagakure’s parents (or maybe “parents” in quotation marks) will supposedly be moving in as well. sure am curious as to how that’s going to go.)
now someone in the press crowd is asking whether U.A. can provide adequate security, which is honestly the LAST thing I expected these people would be outraged about lol. shows what I know I guess
(ETA: again though, this makes sense if the “certain civilians” thing was just a translation error.)
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you tell me, Dabi! weren’t you the one who said that wouldn’t be enough to kill him? what even is your endgame here. I’m starting to worry about the villain brain cell supply you guys. I feel like Compress took most of them with him when he left
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“when asked about One for All, Endeavor fucking lied through his teeth.” well, well, well
( ⁰ ⌂ ⁰ )
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(ETA: 9. also if he really wrote every kid in his class then that means the U.A. traitor -- or Hagakure as we like to call her around these parts -- also knows about OFA, and knows that Deku has run the fuck off and isn’t at U.A. anymore. so that’s just great!)
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the hell does that mean, you must leave. leave to go where. son you are not up and leaving to go power up and lead us all into a timeskip. and I swear to GOD, if you left Kacchan too...!!
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y’all I’m not even gonna waste your time with more keysmashing, JUST ASSUME THAT I AM DOING IT NONSTOP, FOREVER. and let’s just jump RIGHT IN HERE
okay so here I thought that All Might and co. had taken him away somewhere to train, but that is CLEARLY not what’s going on here. this kid is standing here in his Apocalypse Aesthetic hero costume which has CLEARLY seen better days, with Gran Torino’s cloak (GUESS THAT EXPLAINS THAT, THEN?? SO DID GRAN FUCKING DIE EXCUSE ME WTF), and a fucking backpack. this little green idiot has RUN AWAY FROM HOME. this is the absolute LAST THING ON EARTH I ever expected to happen so PARDON ME WHILE I SCREAM CONFUSEDLY INTO THE VOID
he does not look okay. you guys he doesn’t look okay at ALL. he has NEVER looked like this. this isn’t just a “I’m sad because I’m leaving all my friends behind” kind of look on his face, or even just a “Gran Torino died maybe and I’m still having emotions over it” look. this is an EXHAUSTED, dead look in his eyes. something terrible has happened
love how this random building is just straight up collapsing, like that’s just a normal thing that happens every day now. lovely
did he go with Deku?? did he get a chance to talk to him before he left?? did he get his own private letter which he read and then promptly blew up in a fit of panicked rage?? is he going to go after him?? DOES HORIKOSHI KNOW WHAT HE’S DOING TO ME RIGHT NOW?? OF COURSE HE DOES, DON’T BOTHER ANSWERING THAT
omg. though actually the fact that we’ve already jumped a few weeks forward makes me hopeful that there won’t actually be another timeskip, or at least not much of one. I’m sure that’ll be the big debate of the week, but I don’t think we can jump too far forward here. for starters because of that All Might prophecy I mentioned. and also because TomurAFO isn’t just going to wait around for months. and also because I’m 100% sure that Deku’s running-away backpack is just filled ENTIRELY WITH NOTEBOOKS and this asshole cannot possibly survive more than 3 days on his own. UNLESS SOMEONE COMES TO HELP HIM THAT IS. OR SOMEONES, EVEN. OMG. omg omg omg. fuck this chapter lmao
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
Coffee & Meetings
Relationship: Dark!Bucky Barnes x Innocent!Reader Warnings: stalking, drugging TW, manipulation, Summary: Prequel to Pastries & Memories - Bucky sees you day after day at a bakery and decides you’re just perfect for him. All from Bucky’s POV. A/N: someone suggested this on ao3 and i really liked that idea so I hope i did it well! I am thinking about expanding this to a bit of a mini-series... :)
Six months earlier…
He first saw you on a Monday. A bright, sunny, lovely Monday morning. He hadn’t even been looking for you — hell, he hadn’t really been looking for anyone.
Bucky was planted at a little table in the corner of a coffee shop, sipping on a dark roast, watching people come and go on the sidewalk. It had become his new morning routine, an interesting yet annoying suggestion from his therapist. She had become concerned he was too into his previous routine. She wanted him to step out of it for a bit, expand horizons, maybe even find a hobby. The craziest thing he had done yet was this — drinking overpriced coffee at a local shop.
He had to admit, it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Sometimes he looked forward to this new start to his day. Everyone at the shop was always nice to him, amazingly. They didn’t mind him dilly-dallying, nursing his coffee, as he people watched. They even had a bakery attached which was part of the attraction to the place for Bucky. He had smelled their pastries one morning and was hooked.
As Bucky sat watching the people, he was contemplating getting an almond croissant to go when something caught his attention. From the corner of his eye, like a little flash, he had seen someone that made him perk up.
It was her. It was you. You were standing in front of the bakery entrance debating on going in. You looked between the coffee and the bakery sign. You checked your phone then you walked in. Bucky watched as you entered the bakery, your face bright with the kindest smile he had ever seen as you greeted the cashier. He didn’t have to hear your voice to know it was contagiously joyous.
You were like a little tease standing around all those baked goods, flicking your hair over your shoulder as you pointed at which donut you wanted. Bucky suddenly felt hungry for something else. Especially when you bent over to point at the strawberry glaze on the bottom row.
But then you were gone as fast as you had come. He watched you from the window as you got back on the path to wherever you were headed, he guessed your job. Your hair blew in the wind. Your skirt bounced as you walked proudly, your hand grasping the box of donuts tightly.
Oh, yeah, Bucky thought, this new routine was definitely what he needed.
You quickly became the most exciting part of Bucky’s day.
With his cup of coffee and hawk-like gaze, he’d sit at the little coffee shop table, watching the world outside the window. You’d come strolling by fairly early, looking so classy and professional. He figured you worked in an office which seemed very unnecessary for a girl like you. You didn’t need to work, he decided. You were too beautiful, clearly too bright, for that.
But you never seemed to recognize this yourself since you were constantly strutting past in your blouse and skirt, stopping in every day to collect some new pastry for your coworkers.
The way you talked to the bakery staff was what really won Bucky over. You were so gentle and patient when the kid behind the counter fumbled with the boxes or accidentally grabbed the wrong item. You’d still shoot them your lovely smile and make light conversation as they rang you up.
You were too generous, especially noted by the strawberry cake you had purchased one more for your work. Whoever was on the other end of your kindness better appreciate it, Bucky thought. He also didn’t miss your obvious love for strawberries.
Bucky watched you for a while, almost for two whole months, in that coffee shop seat drinking in every inch of you. The baristas didn’t seem to mind his lingering. He always made sure to order two cups as some sort of compensation for letting him sit there and watch his girl. Yes — his girl, that was what he had marked you as in his mind. You hadn’t noticed him yet but Bucky wasn’t sweating it. All in due time, he silently promised you.
It took Bucky a few days to gather what was needed. You still weren’t noticing him but he was way past being bothered by that. He had been screwed by life enough to know that sometimes you just have to take what you want. Sitting around waiting and hoping was for men who had patience. He was over it. Little worked out for him so now he had to make it work.
The morning of the commencement of the plan, Bucky stood in his kitchen double-checking the items needed. Content with it, he carefully drew up the correct amount of light sedation into the syringe. It wasn’t anything crazy and apparently affected the mind first, body second. You’d be on autopilot for a bit, walking more like someone who was just having a rough day. But that wouldn’t be an issue because Bucky would be there. He’d be able to escort you to his apartment, simply appearing as the concerned, protective boyfriend among the sidewalk pedestrians. He got a bit giddy just thinking about it.
Moments after you were properly sedated, he’d need to administer you another drug in a timely manner. This one would be focused on memory loss. He’d discovered it on some corner of the black market while originally on the look for types of sedation. Apparently, this drug was part of some sort of failed spy mission in Europe. The seller swore it boasted good results, citing studies conducted. Bucky looked into it and agreed. After some clumsy navigation in the world of online shopping, it was his within a few days. The concoction seemed like it would do that job.
The goal was to pretty much scramble your brain just a little bit. Nothing crazy like making you totally forget key components of yourself but still hit a point where you didn’t have enough to fight Bucky’s word on, well, anything. This drug wore off, though, so he would have to come up with ways to get it in your system over the course of your relationship. It was still worth it to him. He wasn’t stripping you off your personality, just some little details here and there. You’d still be his shining girl, just only now focused on him.
The final items laid out were various feet of rope. Bucky was being overly cautious with this. He didn’t know if anything actually was going to work. What if you woke up and realized you weren’t in your apartment? That you were being watched over by a stranger? You were bound to panic but he understood that. If need be, he could restrain you while he figured out the right way to go about it all. It would never be to hurt you, of course — in fact, he felt it was more for your safety than anything.
After another run of the mental checklist, Bucky gathered the syringe and headed out to the coffee shop. The idea was fairly simple. After you came in for a box of pastries, he’d head out behind you, try to chat you up a bit. He had some old moves he could flex. Once you got comfortable enough, he’d make the move and then lights out. By the end of that day, you’d be making yourself comfortable in his apartment.
Bucky practically fawned over the idea as he walked. He had taken some steps earlier in the week to add some things for you in the apartment like ladies’ toiletries and new outfits. He had even finally purchased a real couch. All for you, so you could have a home. A real home. With him.
Bucky was still lost in his daydream as he sat in the coffee shop, looking between the clock and the window. He waited and waited and waited. The syringe growing heavier and heavier in his pocket as the seconds went by.
The clock struck a new hour. Something Bucky never planned for was unfolding: it didn’t look like you were coming today. He almost about lost it there. Almost went into the streets stomping away in anger. Everything was perfect, how could you just be the only missing piece? Did something happen? Were you okay? Gosh, he should’ve got to you sooner—
Your hair suddenly came into view. You were walking furiously, just glancing at the bakery this time before deciding not to go in. You looked anxious which certainly wasn’t like you. He wanted to crush whatever was making you feel such a way. But Bucky had to snap his thoughts back. You weren’t coming into the bakery. He wouldn’t be able to follow you out, to casually build-up to this moment. His heart was pounding. He panicked.
In a moment of stupid impulsivity, Bucky quickly left the coffee shop and began racing to catch up to you. He took long strides, quite amazed by how fast you walked in those heels, but it didn’t take him very long to now be right on your tail. Few more steps and he was able to pop up right in front of you. You jumped at his sudden presence. Bucky smiled, finding you so amusing.
"Sorry to bother you, ma’am, but I think you dropped something." He lied through his teeth so gloriously, way too easily. It was just the right comment to get you to stop in your tracks but didn’t completely scare you off.
Your brows furrowed, adorably confused. You looked down, searching for whatever it could be. "I’m sorry, sir, but I don’t think I did."
Sir. The word stuck with him a bit. Maybe after some coaxing, you could always be calling him that. Bucky didn’t have much time to think about this, though, as you began to step around him. You had taken his moment of silence as a way to evade him. Smart, but frustrating. A mix of annoyance and anger shot through him. He grabbed your arm and pulled you into him quickly. You let out a yelp in surprise. He ignored it and before you could ask any questions, the syringe was plunged into your neck. To outsiders, it looked like a couple in some weird embrace, but to Bucky, it was just the beginning of something beautiful.
He got you back to his apartment fairly easily after that. You were eventually out cold and the next step of the process could begin. He was pretty much banking on the memory loss solution. Not a very religious man, Bucky still said a silent prayer as he administered it.
He took a step back from his bed, watching you look so at home knocked out on it. It was a wonderful sight, one he was saving in the back of his mind, even though he’d now see it every single day. Feeling quite content with how smoothly that all had gone, he had nothing to do now but wait for you to wake up.
Bucky took this free time as a chance to begin cutting off connections you had. Thankfully, your bag held your laptop along with other necessities like your phone and wallet. He was pretty thankful he wouldn’t have to try to get into your work to grab your devices. That would rely too heavily on whether or not you overshared. No one would believe he was the concerned boyfriend if just last week you ranted about how single you were.
Sliding onto a stool at his kitchen counter, Bucky set up your laptop. The first thing he noticed was your lack of password. You were too trustful, too good, and that was only example A. Bucky suddenly felt so relieved he had you in the safety of his apartment. There were lunatics out there.
Bucky navigated your laptop fairly easily. While he was pretty new to the technology scene, he could at least find the basics and you weren’t exactly running some government-level device. With a few simple taps and clicks, he was writing out messages to your boss and family.
He put in your letter of resignation, something short and vague, to your boss at the public relations firm you were an assistant at. Lower level work, not even anywhere near the big dogs. No wonder you constantly brought in treats for everyone. You were hoping your kindness would get you ahead. Bucky shook his head at your naivety.
A simple Google search showed him you were not the only assistant to the head of the firm. You probably wouldn’t be missed. The pastries, maybe, but you? An assistant? Someone would take your place within the week. Bucky was turning out much better for you than he had realized. He mentally patted himself on the back as he moved onto looking into your family.
Scrolling through your email contacts, it appeared you only had a sister for immediate family. No mentions of parents and… sure enough, another search brought up an obituary for your mother. No mention of a father. Even better, he thought. You needed that strong, guiding force.
A few scrolls through your current email thread with your sister and Bucky found out she was studying abroad. Could this all get any better? Nothing was in the immediate area of a threat. He responded back to the last email your sister had sent. Copying your language the best he could, he dropped some hints that you wanted a vacation. In just a few more exchanges he could drop the news that you were off in paradise. Correspondence could easily fizzle out and your sister would be too caught up in her European dream to notice an absence.
If this ever called for any more attention, Bucky figured he could easily invite her over. It’d take some training but you’d eventually remember your sister — or, what Bucky would plant in your head about her — then you’d happily host a dinner. Introduce your two favorite people to one another. He bought himself enough time to spend with you.
Of course, Bucky realized he got very lucky with you. He had done some minimal research beforehand but everything had been behind sign-in walls. He didn’t know if he was really ready to break into social media and instead decided to risk it. If all had gone to shit, like you having a real big, caring family or a prestigious job, there wasn’t anything a little talking couldn’t fix.
But Bucky had also kind of already knew you as he watched you day in and day out. He had felt that dire need to be comforted, to be loved, to be cared for, to be protected behind those cheery smiles and generous small talk. You always tried too hard as if you needed everyone in the world to love you, to praise you. That wasn’t it at all. You just needed him. And he needed you.
Lost in his dreamy thoughts, Bucky nearly jumped out of his skin (leave it to you to be the first person to actually scared him) when your soft voice called from the bedroom doorway.
"Excuse me," You said, nervously fidgeting as you slowly walked from the hall into the kitchen. "W-What’s going on?"
Bucky shut your laptop quickly and hopped down from the stool. He gave you a warm smile which you seemed to try to return. So obedient and caring already and you didn’t even know why — yet.
"Hey, doll," he said, keeping his voice steady and gentle. "You okay? You laid down for a nap earlier. I was worried you were getting sick." He placed a hand on your forehead pretending to check your temperature. Thankfully, you allowed it. After a moment, he pulled his hand away with a curious hum.
You frowned, obviously confused, much more than you were earlier. You looked totally clueless at the situation. It was the best reaction Bucky could’ve ever hoped for.
You glanced around the living space. "I- Yeah, I think I’m alright… I’m sorry, I can’t seem to remember much. Who are you?"
Bucky chuckled, "I’m your boyfriend. Bucky. And this is our apartment. You remember, don’t you, honey? Maybe you’re just still a bit sleepy."
He watched as you blinked a few times, probably wrestling with whether to admit you really didn’t remember anything or to go with the lie. If you were a good girl, like he predicted, you’d settle with the lie.
"Oh." You bit your lip and eventually nodded. Jackpot. "Of course. Again, I’m sorry. I must’ve been really tired." You glanced over at the clock. It read just before noon. "I’m a bit hungry. Would you like anything, B-Bucky?"
He smiled. "A sandwich would be great, doll."
You nodded once in acknowledgment then began hunting for everything you needed in the kitchen. You looked a bit confused at first but slowly Bucky saw you get the hang of it. He took his place at the kitchen counter again, sliding the laptop out of your sight.
He sat there waiting and observing as his new girl began making him lunch. It was a sight he had dreamed of, but Bucky also knew this was too perfect too soon. You were bound to stumble within time but that was okay. He would have to fine-tune the details later but he was already complying some ideas on how to shape you into who you were destined to be.
Yes, he had a long way to go, but it would all be worth it if he got to come home to you standing in his kitchen whipping up a special treat like the sweetest housewife to ever exist. Because that certainly would be the next step down the line — making you his darling wife.
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secondhand-trash · 3 years
Lost in Blues
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A/N: this is a rewrite of the Oikawa drabble I posted last year. To me, it was one of the things I written that I had a lot of ideas for but ruined because I was rushing it so I really want to give the idea another chance. This does not have nearly the same vibe as the old one and I think I am glad that I decided to rewrite it. I’m still debating whether I would private the old one or not but I’m definitely way happier with how this turns out than the last time round.
Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x reader
Description: You gave him the most reckless, carefree days of your life and you did not expect to meet him again at a wedding of all occasions after those days were long over.
Word count: 2140
(more lines I like from things I like as prompts for people I like)
“Is it ‘running through the airport’ kind of love?”
“The only person I’d run through an airport for is you.”
Season 2, ep6, Fleabag
There was nothing you could think of that was possibly worse than sitting next to your ex at a wedding.
The nicely-tailored jacket on your shoulders felt more restrictive than it had been before you looked up when you heard someone asking if it was alright to sit next to you and it was him. Your eyes widened (just slightly, very slightly and you hoped he didn’t catch it) when you saw him, giving a curt nod before shifting farther away from the empty seat so that there would be a bit of distance between the two of you after he sat down.
You were dressed to the nines, putting in way more effort than you normally would into your appearance which turned out to be a brilliant decision on your part. He looked great, as he used to be and probably always would be, with his dress shirt and polished leather shoes. You would hate to admit that you stole a quick glance at the person you knew so well when the string quartet started playing, losing to your curiosity to know how much he had changed and how much was the same. His hair got shorted, the bangs he had cared for so meticulously before now gone and pushed to the side in a way that finally stopped screaming ‘teen idol’. His jaw grew stronger, the boyish roundness of his cheeks gone without a trace. But he was still loud, even as he sat there in silence and listened to the band. The first two buttons of his shirt were undone, which was already too flamboyant as a wedding guest for your taste. The golden buckle of his belt shined far too bright with each shift of his body and you could not ignore the ring of a matching tone on his thumb as you turned your focus away when you realised you probably shouldn’t be staring at your ex’s belt of all places.
You knew you probably wouldn’t look better or even as good as he was, but you sure was glad that you were at least looking like you had a good life after exiting out of his.
You hoped he would pretend that he does not know you for the rest of the ceremony, but you had a feeling that he wouldn’t.
“It’s been a while,” you had to bite back the sigh that nearly slipped from your lips when you heard him, “how have you been?”
See, spot on.
You tried to not make your exasperation too obvious as you turned to his side slightly, putting on a smile that was friendly enough to be polite but also enough distant for him to know that you were not particularly thrilled for this conversation.
It wasn’t that you two ended on bad terms, but the way you slowly drifted apart was nowhere near satisfactory either.
“Good,” you said, “you?”
His throat tightened at your clear disinterested. The more logical thing he should have done when he walked through the door and saw you at the end of the row all by yourself was to sit at the other end of the room, one that made sure you two would not be in each other’s view until the whole ceremony was over. But it had been so long, and his legs were moving before his mind could stop him until he was standing right next to you.
“Doing good too,” he replied, trying his best to keep the conversation going, “are you here with anyone?”
“No,” you swallowed the lump at the back of your throat and kept your smile on, “I’m on my own.”
“Oh?” his voice slightly sharpened, tilting his head in both interest and in shock, 
You shrugged, “My boyfriend doesn’t work here so he couldn’t make it.”
There was a brief pause.
“Oh,” he said, feeling a slight bitterness well up at the back of his throat at how ironically similar it sounded like.
He gulped, debating in his head whether it was worth risking it to say what he wanted to say.
The side that wanted to know how it was different this time won.
“Did you run through an airport for him too?” he said, trying to put on the most charming, non-offensive smile he could manage.
He was relieved that the gambling paid off when you actually let out a snort.
“No,” your shoulder pulled back slightly as you shook your head, your eyes dropping when you felt a hint of fondness welling up at the recall of the piece of memory that had been tugged at the back of your head, “I don’t run through airports anymore.”
You ran through an airport for the man who was now sitting next to you and even though it was an utterly stupid decision on your part, the reminiscence of your naïve romance brought a bitter-sweet sore to your chest. It was 8 years ago but almost felt longer, when he was about to leave the country to go to the other end of the globe. He did not tell you, that asshole who always decided everything for himself and just ran straight ahead for it. You wouldn’t even know he was leaving if you did not get your phone bombed by frantic calls from his best friend who yelled at you when you finally picked up.
“That shithead is leaving for Argentine in a few hours,” Iwaizumi sucked in a breath, sounding out of breath as he spitted words out of his mouth before you could ask him why he was telling you that, “and I know both of you are too fucking proud to say anything but if you come now, you can still make it in time before he needs to board his flight.”
“So just come, just-” you barely heard the last of his call and the sound of boys hollering from behind him when you threw your phone down onto your bag and grab the nearest shirt you could reach, “come.”
You barely made it in time to the airport and almost got lost because, hell, why was Sendai Airport so god damn big for no good reason at all. You had to run just to get there when he was about to walk past the glass walls of the departure hall, his friends holding him back by the arms when his mouth hung open in shock when he heard you call out his name from the far end of the hall.
You almost knocked him down when you crashed into him, his arms waving around aimlessly before he realised he should be holding you back instead.
"Why are you-”
“You’re an asshole and I hate that I’m doing this,” you muttered, fighting back the tears that were welling up at the corner of your eyes.
“What is that supposed to mean?” he let out a soft gasped, but allowing the burst of warmth in his chest to take over when you let out a laugh through the sob that broke through.
It was reckless, it was embarrassing and people were probably staring but you honestly didn’t care less. You were so in love with him and for reasons you could not believe, he was so in love with you.
And at that moment when he ignored how ugly you probably looked with tear and snot running down your chin and kissed you like he had been waiting for this, it seemed like every piece of the puzzle had clicked into the right place at last.
But the fairytale ended right after the climax, when the story had to continue past the point when the prince finally kissed the princess and everyone rejoiced.
At first, the distance didn’t bother you at all. You were okay with calling him every evening to say “good morning” to him, and he gladly did the same when he was walking home to his empty one-room apartment after another rough day at practice. He told you he was tired but he felt energised again when he got to hear your voice and you made fun of him for being cheesy on the tongue while smiling ear to ear. You believed that your love could win against time and distance, he believed that you two could definitely find a way. 
The question of what would happen if this lasted and who should make sacrifices for who hung over the air, but you didn’t care. You were still so young, you had time.
Until waiting for the call to come only to get nothing but a text many hours later saying that practice held him up started to make you feel frustrated and you were tired of being expected to be the considerate one because he was the one with big dreams you should support. The insecurities he thought he could push down turned ugly when you started to have more and more friends that he wouldn’t be notified of until they appear in your pictures, some standing far too close to you that his bitterness seeped through when he couldn’t stop himself from talking about how happy you seemed to be when he finally had time to sit down and take your call.
“And what is wrong with that?” you gritted, and felt even more aggravated when you remembered seeing his teammate tagged him in a picture where they were out clubbing only moments after he finally texted you saying he was too tired and needed to rest instead of having your weekly video call, “Why am I not allowed to be happy with people who are around me?”
And you also had your insecurities, and he was young and in a place where everything was new to him, and you knew he could be having a much more reckless time if he didn’t have to think about whether it would upset you when you found out, and he knew he could not give you a good enough reason to not feel unsafe, and he already made a choice on where way he wanted to head towards when he boarded that plane.
A way that you felt would be better for the both of you if you turn back while you could still think back on the times you did love him with a fond smile.
Running through the airport was so much easier than the rest that came after.
You were still smiling but quiet until you slowly parted your lips and looked up.
“The only person I’d run through an airport for is you.”
He shared the most reckless, the most carefree days of your life but you grew up now, and now you wanted someone who you did not need to run after.
He seemed like he wanted to say something, but the stop of the strings also put a stop to the moment.
“Dearly beloved…”
“It’s starting.”
You did not talk again for the rest of the ceremony.
“Are you free?”
You paused your hand that was shoving your phone back into your bag after pulling it out to check what time it was when Oikawa turned to your side. The ceremony ended and it was almost 6, not too early and not too late. The sun was sinking outside and the golden rays shined through the stained glass windows of the ceremony hall. 
You blinked, “After this, you mean?”
“Yeah,” he toyed with the thick gold band on his thumb, “do you have time?”
He regretted it the moment he asked. It had been seven years since you last talked and if he had never once wanted to contact you again then he sure shouldn’t have done it now. You also had someone else, to add to it, someone who you could do long-distance with and not looked distressed when you bring it up, what type of person would he looked like now after he asked his ex if they were free after a wedding?
To his relief, you did not seem too taken aback. You only looked down, pulled your phone out again to unlock your screen and look at the time before locking your eyebrows together, putting it away when you finished calculating. 
“Nah,” you shook your head with a tiny smile, “I have a call with someone later.”
You said ‘someone’ but he caught the hint from the way the corner of your lips lifted up just a little higher. 
Oikawa Tooru laughed, something he did not expect himself to do. 
You were doing well, like him, even though in separate places and with separate people.
That was good.
So he said it, smiling without knowing that he was, “That’s good.”
He meant it.
“Yeah,” you nodded and smiled back, this time at him and with ease, “it is.”
And so did you.
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mitskiesque · 2 years
I'm not here to debate you as people are entitled to their own opinions. However, I do want to at least understand your point of view, seriously.
From my relatively new understanding, since I'm new to all of this, society has conditioned women to be insecure of their natural faces and presented makeup to them, convincing them that they'll be more likeable with it. My own [religious] mother was a victim of this and told me multiple times to avoid makeup because it damaged her skin, along with other beauty products. She constantly tells me that I don't need to do my nails, makeup and other things because God already made me beautiful and I get the sense that she is trying to protect me. My mother faced the risk of ostracization for choosing to stop wearing makeup and my father would ❝subtly❞ suggest she put on makeup because she was ❝embarrassing❞ him.
I'm questioning about just how ❝empowering❞ it is to reclaim makeup, given that you're playing right into the hands of the patriarchy. If makeup was as good as it has been claimed to be, why do we have woman like my mother telling me that I should stay away from it? Why does my father feel embarrassed when my mother is willing to go to church with her bare face?
Can you tell me what makes makeup empowering?
Going to give you the absolute benefit of the doubt here bc you seem very young. I want to start off by clarifying that I am not a terf and I think radfems participate in a hate movement. I’ve never said makeup is inherently empowering. I don’t believe that of anything.
If you’re referring to my post about like alt/“egirl” makeup styles, I do think that ALTERNATIVE or antifashion makeup styles can be empowering. I think we need to look at antifashion and counterculture through a lens of sociopolitical analysis to understand how it can be empowering, and that’s something that I’m interested in.
So, yes, society has conditioned women to use makeup in CERTAIN WAYS to be more conventionally attractive. Makeup cannot be inherently empowering, thusly. However, there are many ways that makeup, like clothing and hair, can be used as empowering forms of self expression (this is very elementary and a well known idea). Are drag kings “succumbing to the patriarchy” by wearing makeup? What about AFAB drag queens, like Venus Envy and Sigourney Beaver? They’re using it as a kind of elevated performance, to express ideas about society and gender presentation, right?
So, when a drag king or afab queen uses makeup for that empowerment, I think that a parallel can be drawn between that and, say, the makeup styles employed by siouxie sioux in her performances.
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This is clearly not making her more “conventionally attractive”— if we compare to the beauty standards of the year this photo is from, we can see a distinct separation from the trends of counterculture and that of the mainstream. Let’s also look at a more recent example of the same kind of counterculture being employed— Lolita fashion styles both in Japan and abroad, and the more “editorial” styles that have been on an uptick recently in online communities that center around makeup and fashion.
I’m not going to go too in depth about both the origins of Lolita subculture and the fashion, because I’d like to focus on makeup styles, but it’s important that you know two pieces of background information. Lolita subculture traces its origin to a feminist counterculture fashion movement that aimed to empower women and girls by embracing a more childlike, less sexualized form of dress (Haenfler). The second is that, generally, makeup goes along with dress in counterculture style movements. Exceptions exist (such as when the counterculture statement is not wearing any; although this is still essentially a makeup choice that reflects the subculture). You can read more about Lolita (and other countercultures) from a sociological lens in the article I linked below. I highly, highly recommend you take a look at not just the Lolita section, but the research about other subcultures as well.
So, in Lolita, the makeup facilitates this expression just as much as the dress. This can be seen in the fact that male-presenting Lolitas (more commonly known as Ouji) also wear makeup, including afab lolitas who present as masculine while in Lolita. (Source: Kawamura 2006). These makeup applications also do not flow with the mainstream trends of the Japanese cosmetics industry. Therefore, in the case of Lolita (and other counterculture fashion that considers gender expression, like Decora Kei), makeup use facilitates a subculture expression that goes against the mainstream and aims to allow participants to explore alternate modes of gender expression.
I started to formulate this idea, after seeing a radfem post that e-girl makeup (characteristic of overapplication of blush, enlarged eyes, and highlight on the nose) was ‘disgusting’ because it made the participants “look sick”. She seemed to think that this was a feminist stance to take— but actually, if we use the lens we have applied to previous countercultures on 21st century “alternative” makeup, we can see that in reality what she is reacting to is the fact that the makeup does not make these women conventionally attractive, and is instead inspired by subcultures from countries like Japan. Here I am going to draw a distinction between what I am considering “alternative makeup” in 2020-22, because online trends that fall more along the mainstream have caused some confusion about the term. For visual reference I suggest looking up Jazmin Bean, Rico Nasty, the Afrogoth movement in general but specifically jinxaddie and vladvonkitsch on Instagram.
The mistake to make here would be viewing counterculture makeup through the same rhetorical and analytical lens as you view mainstream makeup, assuming the goal is, essentially, fuckability. When makeup is used as part of a counterculture uniform or ensemble, it is recontextualized and becomes part of the overall statement the counterculture aims to make.
I would also like to emphasize that everything I’ve said about makeup use and counterculture is true of all women, cis and trans— trans women are affected by the mainstream societal attitudes around makeup as well, and actually a larger number of trans women participate in fashion counterculture, and therefore makeup counterculture applications apply to them and are in many instances driven by trans women.
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mel-the-fangirl · 3 years
Toss A Coin to Your Witcher (Part Three)
Henry Cavill x Reader
Words: 4,365
(Part 1, Part 2)
Happy Holidays, Cavillry! I really truly hope that you all had some socially distanced fun! Here’s a little gift from me to everyone. I really hope everyone enjoys this last part to this miniseries as much as I enjoyed writing them!
Warning: I have never written anything even remotely close to smut and this story gets a teeny bit smutty so please be gentle with me.
Please like and reblog or leave some replies if you liked it!
Taglist: @novareign1, @libbymouse, @calwitch, @soldade, @happiness-in-the-dark, @seriouslygoodlookinggents, @wolvesandhoundshowltogether, @zealoushoundrancheclipse, @seanh-boredom, @speakerforthedead0, @rn7rocks, @writingforhenry, @weallhaveadestiny, @suueeeeeee
“Because. We kissed."
Did you hear him right? Did he just say you kissed? You two kissed? And you didn't remember? 
Just the thought of it made you dissolve into fits of uncontrollable laughter.
A valiant effort on his part, truly. He really looked frustrated and confused that you didn't remember. What a brilliant actor.
"Phew!" you brushed the tears from the sides of your eyes and rubbed your nose with the back of your hand
"Right! As if I would ever forget kissing someone like you.” you gestured to him from head to toe, “Specimen.”
“Alright,” he crossed his muscular arms against his equally muscular chest, “I am one hundred and ten percent sure it was you and I’m not about to let you change my mind, madame.”
The challenge was clear in his voice and honestly? It was really hot, his whole stern and smug vibe actually made you forget that you were trying to defend your honour. 
How could he just look like that? All tall and handsome and muscular? It threw you off your game. He looked like he was God's favourite. 
"Aren’t we going to dinner?" you asked, now openly staring at his eyes
"Oh, god. Of course, you must be starving. I apologise." he dropped his proud stance and immediately grabbed your coat from the rack
Henry graciously helped you put it on, his arms lingered around you just a tad bit longer than needed but it was all very good.
Something must have caught his eye as he stepped away from you. He gave you a small smile and made a move to lean in. 
Oh, was this happening now?
Okay, sure. What the hell right? Since he claims to have already kissed you before maybe he needed to be reminded. 
You could do that. You knew how to kiss, you’ve kissed people before.
As he leaned in, the smell of his cologne invaded your senses. It was musky but also floral. Combined with his naturally clean, fresh scent, you could just picture yourself on a leisurely stroll with him in a field somewhere, the pristine air carrying the scent of earthy wood and spring flowers all around you. Henry would be gazing at you adoringly and he’d be in a soaked white shirt even though it was a sunny day.
Armed with that picture in your mind, nothing could go wrong. You were definitely feeling it.
You tilted your chin upwards, leaning in to meet him halfway, more than ready to feel those luscious lips on yours. You shut your eyes, just to make it more romantic.
His arms wrapped around you and you went in for the kill.
That’s when the worst possible thing happened. Well, perhaps not the worst thing but this was pretty fucking close.
Instead of the soft lips you were expecting, your lips met the soft material of his sweater.
Yes, that’s right. His sweater.
You, Y/N Y/LN, had just planted a big ol’ smooch on Henry Cavill’s sweater.
Your eyes snapped open and you wondered what you did so wrong in your past life to deserve this. How could you have misjudged the situation so wrongly?
The second Henry felt the tiny amount of pressure on his shoulder, he knew he fucked up. He had no idea why he didn’t just tell you that the collar of your coat was sticking up, why did he feel the need to straighten it himself? Now, what was he going to do? He didn’t want to embarrass you.
But, it was a little too late for that now, wasn’t it?
You both stepped away at the same time, seeming to look at anything else in the room but each other. It was nice of him to also feel embarrassed on your behalf but, you felt like everyone the world over was cringing out of their skin from secondhand embarrassment.
“So, dinner?” Henry offered you his strong arm, grinning at you like nothing happened
Was it possible for him to be even more perfect? As you looped your arm through his, you found out that it was.
The expansive cityscape was laid out before you from the secluded trellis covered terrace of the restaurant he chose. The view was beautiful, the lights of the city sprinkled across buildings, homes, and streets, the inky black and blue sky stretching far beyond.
Gazing out at it should have made you feel calm, at peace. But you were a bundle of nerves. Never in your wildest dreams did you ever think that you’d be on a date with Henry Cavill and you wouldn’t have imagined that he would be accusing you of forgetting that you shared a kiss.
“Look,” you rested your arms on the table, looking at him as seriously as you could without getting lost in his eyes, “I swear, if we really did kiss, I would remember.”
Henry studied you quietly amidst the hustle and bustle of the restaurant beyond the French doors. It was endearing to him, how quickly you would sometimes switch from confident assertiveness to awkward fumbling.
For you, it was a test of endurance to look past the god-given good looks and focus on trying to anticipate what his next move was.
Turns out, it was one in your favour.
“You know what? I think you’re right.”
You almost did a spit take with your wine. Thank God you weren’t wearing anything white.
Okay, act cool. That should be easy, right? You were an actor after all. Just be cool. Relax your shoulders, unclench your jaw, stop sweating.
"I must've been mistaken. I truly apologise." 
He looked so sheepish, you actually reached over to put your hand on his. You tilted your head and gave him an understanding smile. A wave of relief washed over your body and to Henry, it showed. Your rigid posture finally loosened and you even managed to lace your fingers through his.
"I totally get it. I mean, with our jobs? We meet dozens of people everyday, it's not hard to be confused."
His heart leapt into his throat at the contact, it felt like his entire arm was covered in live wires but he would endure it just to savour your hand in his.
"Let's focus on our date, yeah?" 
"Yes, absolutely," you nodded enthusiastically, "Please. Tell me all about you."
"Oh, but I'd rather hear about you."
You were flattered, really. But just in case this was never going to happen again, you needed to get him talking and sponge up as much information as you could.
"And you will, but let’s hear about you first.”
He wanted to argue but you were already looking at him expectantly and despite your short time together, he was already struggling to say no to you.
So, he talked, and talked, and talked, much more than he’s ever dared to talk in his whole life. And you listened, absolutely captivated by his eloquence, his intelligence, his passion, and his wit. Not to mention his voice, deep and silky and hypnotising. Why people thought he lacked personality was a mystery to you.
“I do love theatre,” he explained with a mouthful pasta. It was adorable, no questions asked. “I wish I had that courage and longevity to just deliver every single night for months on end.”
“I actually started out in theatre.” you nodded your head as he widened his eyes at you questioningly. “Yup. I did a decent run of The Tempest at the Yard a year back.”
That’s when the ball dropped. Time seemed to stop for Henry, his drink hovered in the air just as he was about to raise it to his lips. It had finally made itself known, his smoking gun. He faltered only for a second before masking his triumphant smirk with his wine glass.
One harmless little question out of his mouth had you turning as red as the cherry tomatoes artfully scattered in the salad that was set before you.
“Ah, yes. Didn’t you play Miranda?”
You stopped stirring your iced tea and furrowed a brow at him.
“Yes. Yes, I was. Did you catch a show?”
“I did. I was at the opening night after party as well.” he enunciated this part slowly and clearly, hoping that your eyes would spark with recognition
But they didn’t.
“Isn’t that a shame. We could have done this earlier if we crossed paths that night.”
Henry pursed his lips and nodded, mildly disheartened but nonetheless, he pressed on.
“I do recall meeting you though.”
This again? 
You huffed and set your utensils on your plate. You laced your fingers together and looked him in his gorgeous ocean coloured eyes.
“Okay. If that is the night in question then I will admit that I… may have kissed someone but it wasn’t you.” 
“Well, well, well…” he raised an eyebrow at you and you instantly coloured
It wasn’t one of your finest moments and you figured you would never have to dig that memory out of the vault but here it was.
“I know how this sounds,” you shook your head disapprovingly at him, “But it’s not. Okay. On God, it wasn’t you.”
Henry nodded yet again, narrowing his eyes at you. The silent treatment and judgy look he had on forced you to keep talking, which probably wasn’t the best idea.
“It wasn’t you, Henry. Okay? It was just some random dude in a nice sweater and a signet ring or something.”
Alarm bells started clanging in your head as your eyes swept over your dinner date. Nice sweater, check. A signet ring resting on his pinky, check.
“It wasn’t you.” you repeated in more of a whisper, more to convince yourself than anything else
Throughout your debate, bits and pieces of that night started to come back to you. The most embarrassing part came to mind first, it would probably be your saving grace but, did you really want to tell Henry Cavill what you thought you did?
“Am I really that bad a kisser? That you felt the need to completely erase it from your memory?”
His tone was joking but you could see in his eyes that he was a little bit hurt. It was going to be a cold day in hell if you were going to be the person to make Henry Cavill doubt his skills in the kissing area.
“I kissed a male prostitute that night, okay!” you yelled out in exasperation
Thank God your table was situated on the terrace or else a restaurant full of people would have been in on your little secret. As your voice echoed off the walls, you wrapped your arms tightly around yourself. How much embarrassment were you going to endure?
“A male prostitute?” Henry repeated slowly, clearly having a difficult time processing this new information
“Yes.” you groaned, leaning back in your seat and covering your face with your hands
---One year before---
The curtains closed to thunderous applause, whistles and standing ovations. Your heart pounded in your chest as you struggled to keep your breathing steady.
Did that really just happen?
You looked around at your castmates and wrangled them into a group hug.
“Did I really just do that?” you asked Marge upon meeting her backstage
“Yes, you did! Now go on and get changed. It’s after party time.”
With that, she sent you off with a smack on your ass.
You’d only known Marge for a few months since you arrived in London but you liked her already. It’s not like you had a choice though, really, she was the only one you knew.
“How about that one, that one over there?” Marge slurred, shoulders knocking into yours, less than discreetly pointing out some guy in the crowd of party goers
“Shh! Marge!” you giggled, more than a little tipsy yourself
Opening night was a smashing success, it was your first ever gig anywhere, really. You were so nervous the entire time, you thought you were doomed to fuck up and forget your lines or something but that moment never came.
“HEY! REVIEWS ARE OUT!” someone yelled in the crowd
“Here we go.” you murmured, knocking back your drink and tugging Marge along
The huge crowd gathered around your director, who was standing on a stool. It was a tight squeeze since a good chunk of the people who came were already hammered. Someone from behind shoved you forward and you rather inelegantly fell into the arms of the man next to you.
“Whoa there.” you could just make out the deep velvety voice above the murmurings of the crowd
“Oh, God, I am so sorry, I-” you trailed off when you finally laid eyes on your rescuer
Oh, wow.
You couldn’t decide which feature to focus on first. The captivating eyes that were a shade of blue that your alcohol-soaked brain couldn’t even comprehend, the strong chiseled jawline you needed a protractor to measure, or the perfect stray curls that fell onto his forehead?
Decisions, decisions.
“Are you alright? You almost fell.”
Goosebumps broke out on your arms as he helped you stand upright.
God, he was handsome, an observation you thought you had kept to yourself.
The tall man chuckled, still holding on to your forearms, “Thanks very much. I’m He-”
“And Y/N, my incomparable Miranda!” a booming voice interrupted him from the front of the room
“Fuck, that’s me.”
You broke from his grasp and fought your way through the crowds, leaving your hero looking out after you.
“Newcomer Y/N Y/L/N’s performance as Miranda is the glittering centrepiece to this refreshing, masterful take on an enduring classic,” the director read aloud, allowing the crowd to raise their glasses to you
You smiled at everyone, inadvertently meeting the eye of your tall handsome man.
When the crowd dispersed, you and Marge found yourselves back at the open bar, eyeing up every guy that passed by.
“Y/N, you’re on the fast track now. You killed tonight, now it’s time to pick your prize! How about that one? In the corner? Looks tall, shaggy hair…”
“Marge, that’s a ficus.”
“Well, that other ficus has been looking over since we set up camp here.” 
You followed the tilt of her head to the same guy from earlier, the achingly handsome one. He raised his glass to you and you waved sloppily back. It was the alcohol, okay? Open bar, what were you gonna do?
Marge whistled low, sizing him up from head to toe, “Y/N, that’s a male prostitute if I’ve ever seen one and I have seen a lot of ones.”
The fry you had chomped down barely made it halfway down your throat before coming back up again, “What? No! Marge, he’s not.”
“But he is. Y/N, that man is tall, hung, and handsome. There is no man that tall, hung, and handsome that isn’t either an actor or a male prostitute.”
“Tall, hung, and handsome.” you mumbled, raking your eyes over him as discreetly as you could
In your inebriated state, you completely forgot to ask Marge why he couldn’t have been an actor. Why did her mind immediately head for the strip club? And why did yours follow suit?
“Imma go and bag myself a stripper, Marge. Okay?”
“Yes! Use protection!”
Before strutting off or more like stumbling off, you downed some more booze which probably was not as good of an idea than you thought. Not even halfway to him, you decided that you were teetering in your heels a little bit too much, so you took them off.
“Oh. Hey there.” the same silky smooth voice from earlier greeted you
“Ah, fuck. You’re tall.”
Looking up at him made you dizzy, like standing at the top of a giant skyscraper and looking down at the very edge.
He chuckled and you watched entranced as his face just lit up like Christmas. You decided then and there that you would like to kiss the Christmas, very much so indeed.
The liquid courage in you was really doing its job. You took his hand and dragged him away from the party. This was fine, wasn’t it? It’s not like he was complaining, he looked rather amused actually. Things like this probably happen to him a lot in his line of work.
“Well, now you have me, what are you going to do with me?” he asked teasingly once you two were tucked away in a dark corner
The combined effects of the excessive alcohol, the high of your first successful job, and the way this sinfully handsome man was looking at you made your next move the easiest thing in the world.
You balled the front of his sweater in your fist and tugged him down towards you. He was too tall.
Who on earth was this ballsy, clumsy, beautiful, talented stranger?
Henry didn’t get the chance to ask before his lips came crashing down and immediately, wildfire. 
A shockwave of frenzy ran through his body, he needed to feel you. He was all hands and lips and ragged breaths. His lips traveled down the smooth path of your throat, nipping and sucking as he went. You were putty in his hands.
“Jump.” he growled
You did as he asked and he latched his hands underneath your thighs and planted you against the wall. His lower half pressed into yours and you knew that Marge was right. Your hands raked through his hair and you reveled in the feel of him, strong, confident, in charge. His large hands made their way to your bottom and he squeezed gently.
A breathy moan escaped your lips and you knew you needed to have more of this man. Your fumbling hands made their way to his belt buckle but he set you down on your feet and held you steady.
“What..?” you whispered, suddenly disoriented
“I really should take you on a date first.” he panted
Sober, you definitely would have taken him up on his offer, male prostitute or not, but you were far from it and your head was still spinning so you thought you’d shut your eyes for a while and have him catch your unconscious form.
With you over his shoulder and your shoes in one hand, Henry made his way to his car and drove you safely home, relying on the satnav and your slurred directions.
He laid you gently in bed, brushing the hair away from your face. You snored in your drunken sleep and Henry smiled at the sound.
This was an encounter he was sure he would remember for a long time.
“Well, that was me,” Henry nodded his head with his bottom lip jutted out. “Exactly as you remembered it.”
Tall, hung, and handsome, huh? That wasn’t anything new to him. He’s been described using far more… graphic detail, if his time searching his name on Tumblr was anything to go by. But hearing it come from your mouth turned him several shades of red.
You, on the other hand, had no words. Again. But you figured that it was all Marge’s fault.
“So, I suppose I was right?” he confirmed, unable to contain the self-satisfied smirk on his face
“Uh, yeah,” you sighed, absolutely exhausted from your little trip down memory lane. “Yeah, I guess you were right.”
Slowly, you met each other’s eyes. A moment passed before you both dissolved into fits of laughter.
“Do I look like a male prostitute? Did I exude that kind of energy at the time?” Henry guffawed, shoulders shaking
“God, I don’t even know how I thought that! I was super drunk, okay?” you covered your face with your hands, mortified and extremely amused at yourself
The laughter died down and you were left gazing at each other fondly. Dessert had long since been over and the night went on, the candlelights on your table and scattered around the quiet terrace intensified the feeling that was passing between you.
You didn’t miss the way his eyes darkened and settled on your lips. Unlike all the other times today, you didn’t feel nervous, you didn’t feel like you were about to make a fool of yourself, you felt completely calm.
“Would it be alright with you if we picked up where we left off that night?”
Ever the gentleman. You smiled and made your way over to him.
“Hi.” you made yourself comfortable on his lap and you laced your arms around his neck
“Hello, there.” he whispered against your lips
It was probably not the best place to do this, in a restaurant where upwards of twenty people were just beyond the terrace doors but you were in your own little world.
You were endlessly thankful that you were sober for this, you would never forgive yourself otherwise.
When his lips finally met yours, you wondered how on earth you ever forgot such a feeling. It was gentle and soft, as most of these things start, his thumbs caressed that apple of your cheeks then he laid a chaste kiss on each.
You breathed long and hard as his hands splayed on your back, pushing you closer to him. His warm tongue traced the outline of your bottom lip before exploring your mouth, the taste of you mixed with the subtle taste of wine was exquisite and he wanted more. He drank you in, holding you flush against him.
“Wait.” you took his hand and led him to the far side of the terrace to an alcove enveloped in a curtain of lush vines
“When did you spot this?” Henry asked, breathless as you sat him down and straddled him once again
“On the way in.” you had the audacity to blush
“You had plans for me already?”
“A girl always comes prepared.”
Nothing would ever prepare you for the sight of his full length, once his trousers were lowered, it was over for you. Henry took control by shoving your underwear to the side and impaling you onto him. You inhaled sharply, screwing your eyes tightly shut.
“Are you okay?” he struggled to control himself, having you quivering on top of him was severely testing his restraint
“Yes. Please. Move.” all you could manage were monosyllabic answers
And move he did. It should be illegal to be this good.
The night air was cool but you were both slick with sweat, you two had lost your tops a while ago and Henry’s tongue swept across the valley of your breasts and marked his territory everywhere he could. His thrusts were enough to bruise you but you never wanted anything more than to feel him.
“Henry,” you gasped out as he continued to hit that spot that made you see stars
He could sense that you were close, you were tightening around him and gripping him like a vise. 
“Let go, lovely.” he whispered in your ear, committing the way your face twisted into a mask of pleasure and desperation to memory
You rode him furiously, the sound of your flesh colliding over and over again mingled with your hoarse moans, you were certain that someone would hear you but at that moment all you cared about was reaching your peak and with Henry Cavill at the helm?
His large hand clamped around your mouth as you came, you writhed and arched your body uncontrollably as his thrusts became more erratic. He pulled out of you and began to finish himself off, he did not expect for your hand to join his and he did not expect to come so quickly once it did.
“Jesus.” he panted, reaching over to smooth your hair out of your face
You shivered, suddenly very aware that you weren't wearing anything at all. Henry helped you dress quickly and wrapped his own coat around you, rubbing some heat into your arms.
When you refused to look him in the eye the entire ride back to your flat, that’s when Henry started getting nervous.
It’s not like he could ask you if you enjoyed it? I mean, he could but that would make him look like an amateur and he would really like to think that he was no amateur in that area. So instead, he took your hand as you stood in front of your door. 
“Y/N, I would love to do this again. The date, not the sex- I mean, I would like to have sex with you again but that's not what I'm after-Holy shit."
Oh, how the tables have turned. 
Henry rubbed at his face with a hand and sighed, "Do you think you'd like to see me again?" 
"Do you think you'd like to stay the night?" 
Both of you asked your questions at the same time and you both looked taken aback at them.
"What makes you think I don't want to see you again?" you wrapped your arms around his torso and looked up at him
"You were silent the whole car ride?"
He looked so unsure and a little afraid that you couldn't help but squeeze him. How could someone be both heartbreakingly handsome and adorable all at the same time? 
"I was just summoning up the courage to ask you to stay the night!"
"Oh thank God."
He swept you off your feet and threw your door open but, you didn’t end up in bed (you’d get there later), you ended up in the same place you started, on the couch, with him spectating and occasionally helping out as you played Witcher 3.
The next morning, you woke up to a text message and a forwarded article from Marge,
A muscular arm gently wrapped around your bare waist and a tender kiss was pressed onto your shoulder. You looked back at your handsome bedfellow and smiled.
You’d take a look at it later. Right now, you had better things to do.
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bokettochild · 3 years
If you’re still taking requests maybe Legend showing off his outfits from Triforce Heroes (if you consider that one of his games) or just the fierce deity outfit if that’s to much
Good grief! This one really took it away! I liked the prompt so much, and had so many ideas for it, that I think this might have to be a multi-parter (wasn't expecting that).
I touched on three outfits in this one, but I have six more I might do as well. For reference, I included the Kolkiri Clothes, Linebeck's Uniform and the Cozy Parka.
I also realized while writing this that this is the first time I've written from Wind's perspective, which is positively criminal!
I am still taking requests by the way! If you want to see something, shoot it at me!
(Fic below the cut)
It started so normal, Wind never thought it would get so insane.
They were in the Old Man’s Hyrule, too far from the ranch to make it by nightfall but close enough to still be in a relatively safe location. Time had called for them to set up camp and as they were close to a stream, Twilight had called for the additional order of baths.
Watching Twilight drag his protégé into the water was almost worth having to have his head scrubbed by Sky.
Most of them had taken the chance to cool off and mess around once they were clean, and while Warriors attempted to duck Time under the water (a mistake, they soon realized, when the man easily overpowered the captain, who ended up getting dunked instead) and Wild sat in a tree watching their backs (hanging up to dry, Twilight had joked), Wind found that the rest of them were content to swim idly in the water, with only the occasional splash from one or another of them. Usually, there would be more noise, but Twilight was teaching Hyrule to doggie paddle, and they needed calmer waters so as to not scare the Traveler.
He cast his eyes over their group. A red-faced Warriors was coughing and spluttering out insults at a smug looking Time (boy he needed his picto-box), Twilight was gently coaxing Hyrule to the other bank in a manner highly resemblant of a parent urging a baby to walk, Wild was keeping watch, and Sky was relaxing in the shallows.
Where were Four and Legend?
A glance upwards and a signed conversation with Wild later and Wind was making his way upstream a way, around a bend that blocked off most of the noise but that Wild could still see over if needed, to where Four and Legend sat together one the bank.
Or rather, Legend sat, Four was floating in the shallows with a curious expression as he watched the vet- cleaning clothes?
“We’re out here having a good time and you’re doing the laundry? Boring much.” He drawled, drawing the attention of the two heroes.
“I don’t like swimming around others.” Legend scrunched up his nose in disgust, it wiggled, almost cutely. “And my things needed a wash.”
He snorted, turning his questioning gaze to Four.
The smithy shrugged. “It’s quieter over here, and Wars will try and dunk me if he gets the chance.” A heavy sigh escaped the shortest hero. “He really needs to be taken down a notch some days.”
“Some days?” Legend snorted.
Wind just rolled his eyes. So, what if Wars had a bit of an ego and spent a lot of time messing with them? It was just the way the captain expressed himself, Wind would do the same if he could get away with it and had a few inches on the others.
A flash of color in the spring caught his attention, bright pink against the soft blue of the water, and he surged forwards. “What’s that?”
Legend’s hand hit his face as the vet reached out to push him back, effectively pushing the excited child under water, and for a brief moment, Wind could swear he saw a pink skirt drifting just before his face before it disappeared and he was popping up out of the water again with a splash.
“You have pink clothes?” He grinned at the bundle of fabric in the Vet’s hands.
“I have clothes in all colors.” Legend sniffed, batting another piece of fabric at him in a shooing motion.
“Doubt.” Four and Wind deadpanned. “Nobody has that much clothing.”
Legend’s face was drawn, eyes dark with that haunted look that Time sometimes got when looking at the moon. “I do.”
Wind and Four exchanged a look. “Why would you even need so much clothing?”
“Adventure number six.” Legend sighed, returning to his washing.
Another shared glance was exchanged and the two boys swam closer to the older teen. “And you used all of it?” Legend nodded. “All by yourself?”
The vet paused. “I had some...friends, with me.”
“You have friends?” Wind sat up again, who knew the Vet actually got along with people other than Ravio and Zelda?
“Yeah, Wind, that’s kinda mean.” Four murmured.
“I don’t mean you don’t have friends,” He huffed bangs from his eyes to look at Legend better, it did nothing, they still drifted into his view and cut off his view of the top of Legend’s hat. “I mean, we’ve never seen them so I didn’t realize you were on good terms with more people than Ravio.”
Legend shrugged. “You probably won’t ever meet them, I... became acquainted with them outside of Hyrule and they’ve never been seen leaving the land where we traveled together.”
“What were their names?” Four asked lazily, eyes trailing after leaves that floated off downstream towards where the others were.
Legend’s snort caught them off guard. “You don’t want to know.”
Now that was interesting, Legend never shied away from giving names to the people he had met in his travels, what was so different about these people? He’d had nothing against telling them Ravio’s name. “Why not?” Curiosity was tickling at his just like his hair was, and it was the only thing keeping him from ducking under again to relieve the itching of slowly-drying hair.
Legend cocked a brow at the two of them. “Their names are worse than ours.”
Now Wind really wanted to know! “What were they?”
Four echoed his question, eyes glinting in the light as he stared over at the vet, who was now beginning to pack away his things again. It took some nagging (something Wind had plenty of experience with) to finally get Legend to answer, but when he did, he didn’t disappoint.
“Red, Blue and Green. A set of nut cases if you ask me.” Legend drawled, not looking at them as he stuffed something glittery and gold in his bag. Four froze, eyes flashing four colors, one after another for a moment before he turned his sharp gaze on the vet.
“Did they call you Vio by any chance?”
Wind stared. “Why would they do that? He already has a name, he wouldn’t need to match, besides, Legend doesn’t even wear purple.”
“His eyes are purple.” Four pointed out, and Wind turned to very pointedly try and see what color Legend’s eyes actually were.
They were purple.
“No, they didn’t call me Vio,” Legend rolled his eyes, pushing Wind out of his face again. “They call me Link, same as any sane person does.”
“We’re sane.” Wind protested.
“Debatable.” The two older heroes deadpanned.
Wind pouted, but let it go, gaze drifting for a moment as he let silence fall over them. Four was staring at Legend in a suspicious manner, eyes blue again, but he didn’t say anything, and the vet didn’t seem keen on saying anything either, instead getting up and walking over to the clothes he had draped across one of the trees. He wasn’t kidding, it looked like a rainbow over there.
“So, if those things belonged to your friends, why do you have them?”
“Only one with a bottomless bag.” Came the clipped reply. “That and I’m the only one who’s likely to need them again.”
“Your friends don’t need clothes?” Four balked.
“No! Of course, they do!” Legend made a face, swatting a hand at Four. “Wild’s the only one who goes around naked, I’ll have you know, and if any of them had done the same they would have been shunned by the whole kingdom.” The vet huffed, voice dropping to a mutter. “What with the fashion laws and all.”
“So, if they already have clothes of their own, what did you need all for this for?” He gestured towards the various garments that Legend was still packing away.
“They’re all enchanted, or otherwise intended for special purposes.” The vet winced. “Hopefully I’ll never need most of them again, but there’s always the chance.”
“Will we ever get to see them?” He watched as Legend stuffed another garment into one of his bags many pockets.
“Hopefully never.” Legend spat.
But when did things ever go Legend’s way?
It was a hat first.
A battle in the forest ended with black blood spattered everywhere, but with Legend and Wild having provided support from the sidelines in the form of arrows flying across the battlefield, injuries were more scarce than normal.
Of course, that could be attributed to the fact that there had only been a few of the black-blooded monsters in the camp they had just destroyed.
As most of them had gathered their weapons and wiped away the blood, Wild had come leaping down from the treetops with Legend following after at a more sedate pace. Wind wondered if that was because of the Vet’s arthritis is because of the huge hat on his head.
“Nice accessories, do some shopping while we were down here fighting?” Wars snarked, huffing a laugh at the vet as Legend’s feet touched the earth again.
Indigo blue snapped at the captain as Legend adjusted the pointed cap. “No time for that when I have you all to keep an eye on.”
Twilight sniggered. “What’s with the hat, Ledge?”
“Yeah!” Wind bounded up to the older hero, eyes wide as he looked at the strange accessory. “Where did you get that?”
“Is that one of the things you got on your last adventure?” Four mused, sparking further excitement in the sailor, if it was, than maybe Legend would actually be willing to tell them more about it!
“Yeah, is it?”
No one addressed the confused stares of the taller heroes as their three shortest members conversed.
“Yeah,” Legend lifted the hat off and brushed at its brim in a clearly fond display; if he even attempted to say anything about hating his adventure again Wind was not going to believe him, not after that smile. “A Kolkiri hat, made to aid archers and help them shoot more arrows. I don’t usually use it, but it helps when you need to take out more than one enemy at once.”
“You could just learn to shoot better.” Wild chuckled, plucking at the hats brim only to have the garment whisked out of reach by a glaring veteran.
“I can shoot well; this just helps me see better because it blocks the freaking sun.”
“Kolkiri you say?” Time mused, stepping forwards to peer at the pointed green cap.
“Sure, you didn’t just steal it off of a witch?” Wars teased.
“No witch could replicate this sort of quality,” And if there wasn’t pride in his voice than Wind would eat his boots. “Not even the finest tailors in all of Hytopia could imitate it, and they’ve tried.” Legend spun the hat in his hands before popping it back on top of his head. “Don’t know the tailor, but what I wouldn’t give to learn their tricks. Kolkiri know what they’re doing, and they do it better than most Hylian craftsmen.”
Time was smirking, and Wind really wanted to know why. “You should see the tunics they can make.”
Legend returned the smirk. “Oh, I have, I own one.”
“As do I,” Their resident old man chuckles. “Although I doubt I could fit in it any longer.”
Wind giggles, trying to imagine Time in the clothes he’s seen on the spirits of the kolkiri, it’s hard, what with how big their leader is.
“Hat might fit you though.” And as the words ring through the air, Legend is already reaching up to pull the brim of his pointed hat over Time’s face. Their leader chuckles, brushing Legend off and adjusting the hat to sit more securely on his head.
Somehow, Time looks more comfortable in the hat than he does in his armor, and even though the two clash terribly, he doesn’t seem to mind, a light smile gracing his features as they set off again.
It’s a few days before Legend brings out another item from his collection of clothes, and when he does, it’s only after the others have drifted off to sleep. Wind would have been sleeping too, but you can only stay awake so long when your mind replays the horrors of the past, and Wind can only watch in silence for so long as giant ocean-monsters attempt to destroy those he loves the most. Tetra’s scream echoes in his own cracking voice as he startles awake.
The stars shine brightly overhead, brighter still as they blur from his tears. Despite what the others might say, or the confident way he tries to convey himself, Bellum frightens him, even now, and everything he had to deal with on that adventure... it weighs heavy on his mind.
A strangles sob escapes him as he sits up to bury his head in his knees, arms wrapped tight around his legs as he tries to shake of the after-effects of the dream.
That’s all it was, after all, just a dream.
Just like the Ocean King, like Lineback, like everything else in that world had been.
It’s just a dream.
“Hey,” Legend’s voice is soft and almost lost in his sobs and the crackling of the fire, but Wind is used to listening for even the softest of sounds in the night; be it due to Aryl having a night-terror –her own dreams aren’t free from their adventure- or someone sneaking around to make trouble. “Sailor, you all good?”
It’s clear he’s not, and he knows that, so Legend really has no business asking, but at the very least he isn’t being told to stop being a baby. “’m okay.” His own voice betrays him and Wind wants to sigh in irritation. Usually, he’d pout and groan at the way his voice cracks, but right now he doesn’t have the emotional or mental strength to do anything about it.
There’s shifting from across the camp, and even though his head is still pressed against his raised knees, he sees a flicker of golden pink in the firelight as Legend crouches down before him.
Thank Hylia the vet doesn’t sit back on his ankles, Wind doesn’t want to know if he’s not wearing shorts under that skirt of his.
“None of that now, what’s eating you?” It’s a weird term, especially coming from Legend, who’s usually so clipped and professional in his speech, and Wind can’t help but huff out a short laugh.
“Nothing,” His hand dashes across his eyes, wiping the tears away, only to have more of them prick at the corners. “Go back to watch, I’m fine.”
“And Twilight is a dog person.” Legend drawls. “Look, if you have an emotional moment or whatever, you’ll be tired as shit when we have to leave in the morning. I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel keen on dealing with another Sky.” It’s rough and gruff, but in a way that reminds him of Lineback rather than make him upset.
“I’m fine, just...” He dwells on his next words for a moment. He’s not scared, not really. It’s just the aftershock of a too-real dream about another too-real dream. He’s not really sad either, even if the island is gone now, he’s just... “I’m drained.” He whispers, scrubbing his eyes. “I miss everything back at home but,” He pauses, wondering briefly if Legend could even understand what he’s trying to express. “I guess I miss the things that aren’t there too.”
“Like what?” He doesn’t look up, but he knows the exact expression on Legend’s face; brow raised and mouth pulled into a thoughtful frown.
“Places... people. It’s all just dreams but..” He fiddles with the end of his blanket. “I miss the warmth of them I guess, miss the sea and the islands, even the fake ones, they were so... comforting.” He chuckles, surprising himself with the bitterness that tinges his own voice. “Even if I did spend so much of that time trying not to get killed.”
“Warmth, huh?” Legend hums. There’s a brief pause, one Wind almost takes for Legend rolling his eyes and deciding to leave him to his thoughts, but then there’s a brief rustling and something warm and thick settles over his shoulders as Legend sits at his side. “It’s no pirate uniform, but it still smells like the sea, if that helps at all.”
Wind wants to tease Legend for the sentimentality and love in the action, but when he turns to look at the Vet, his gaze falls instead on the royal blue coat that has been draped around his shoulders.
Too-long sleeves fall to fold at his waist while the rest of the long coat trails and puddles around him, rich, warm fabric blocking out the night chill. It’s a lovely coat, but it’s painfully familiar, and Wind finds himself running his fingers over the stitching and inspecting every detail with a precision that he only ever shows to his swordsmanship and sailing.
His eyes don’t fool him either, the coat is an exact copy of Lineback’s own.
“Where... where did you get this?”
“Like it?” The vet chuckles softly. “Hytopian tailors. It’s a sea-coat, made to aid traveling sailor’s in searching for treasure. Don't ask me how it works though,” A ringed hand waves lazily overhead. “I could never make sense of it all. What matters is that it’s warm, not even the ocean can chill you in that thing, and trust me,” Buck teeth and small canines shouldn’t look so chilling, but Legend’s smile is just that. “It’s tried.”
Wind decides not to push it. There’s no way Legend could know about Lineback, not with the gaps of time and timelines between them. So, instead, he nestles down into the coat, one which bears the promised scent of the sea, with just a hint of smoke and rum to it, and lets his mind drift off again while Legend hums something under his breath.
The vet doesn’t realize he’s humming any less than he realizes Wind is slumping into him, but by the time he does recognize it, Wind is out cold, his head pressed against Legend’s shoulder, the coat still draped over him as he snores softly. Legend doesn’t push down the warmth in his chest as he smiles down at the golden curls, no one will see him anyway. Gnarled fingers decked out with countless rings card through sun-bleached curls as a lilting melody pierces the silence around them, no one will hear it anyway.
In the days to come, Legend allows Wind to don the heavy sea-coat from that night. Warriors makes a comment about poor coordination between fabrics, and while Legend doesn’t seem to disagree, both of the older heroes seem of the opinion that it's for the best he holds onto it, what with the cold and all.
The last switch landed them in the mountains, and while the Hyrule they are in has not yet been confirmed, everyone knows one thing for sure: it’s cold. Wind buries his face in the raised collar of the heavy sea-coat, which, despite being in Legend’s bag for so long and the vet refusing to smoke or sail, much less swig rum, the coat smells of all three, and Wind buries a smile at the thought that maybe Legend didn’t get it new like he’d let on.
It does a good job of keeping him warm though.
He wishes he could say the same for Four.
The poor smithy refuses to be carried, but as snow whips around them as they trek through the knee-high snow, the diminutive smith is left chattering and shivering in their wake.
It really shouldn’t be a surprise that Legend has something to help with that.
Yes, the vet still isn’t wearing pants, but he doesn’t seem too poorly off, no matter how badly the others shiver. He and Wild only share a look and scoff when Warriors asks through chattering teeth how the two of them aren’t freezing.
“You should see the mountains in my Hyrule.” Wild chuckles brightly.
“Done this before, cold is cold, you get used to it.” Legend grins, swinging his fire-rod.
“N-not all of us c-can s-st-stand the c-c-cold.” Four chatters grumpily, sounding startlingly close to the minish he’s shown Wind in the past. “Jer-jerks.”
The concern on the faces of the taller heroes is obvious, but with Twilight’s teeth chattering nearly madly (the rancher's nose is somehow frozen) and Time wrapped as tight as possible in one of Wild’s extra cloaks, it’s clear most of the others don’t have warm things to spare.
They were separated in landing in this world, and even when they had all been pulling themselves together again it had become clear that there was nothing of Wild’s that could even fit the smithy, and not even the blue scarf that trails over his shoulders seems to be doing much good against the freezing winds.
“Hang on a sec.” legend huffs, already turning to rustle through his bag. The coat he pulls out is ridiculously plushy, and in a soft shade of violet that makes Four chuckle past his chattering teeth. The chattering doesn’t last for much longer though, not when shoves the garment over Four’s head like Wind has done to his sister so many times with the sweaters Granny has knit them. The smithy’s blond hair is mused beyond recognition, chunky and flying every which way as he pushes his face out of the plush, but the healthy flush to his cheeks assures the rest of them that he won’t be freezing any time soon.
“I- Oh...” Whatever Four was about to say cuts off as he looks down at himself. The coat is long, but not too long. Where Wild’s shirts would drown the smithy, a coat made for Legend only brushes against the smithy’s ankles.
Legend smirks. “It prevents slipping too.”
“Why aren’t you wearing it then?” Hyrule questions, the Traveler’s cheeks are rosy in the cold, but borrowed clothes from Wild, while also too big, seem to be keeping him warmer.
Legend winces. “It’s a pain to get off.”
“And inconvenience is enough reason to freeze?”
“Do I look cold to you, captain?” Legend snarks, turning an expectant look on Warriors. “Because I certainly don’t feel it.”
“Stop rubbing it in.” The captain huffs, unfortunately too big to borrow from the others, and now highly irritable from the cold. His scarf is still on Four, and if what Legend says is right about the coat, Wars won’t be getting it back for a while, leaving the poor captain to shiver as he clings to another fire-rod.
Four seems comfy enough anyway.
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studiobeebo · 3 years
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THAT’S OK DUDE! Honestly I prefer people be off anon because then that way I know if the requester liked their thing or not since anons rarely follow up 😅 but like I said I’ll do anything that catches my eye and I love me some Teenage Gojō Being A Pest so I hope you enjoy!!
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♡ Road Trips ♡
Satoru Gojō x Fem! Reader
as always if y’all enjoy this please remember that reblogs are greatly appreciated :D
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“I am seriously starting to think that the only person you care about is your damn self.”
The shouted words were sharp enough to hurt his pride just a teeny bit, but the slamming of the passenger door actually made him wince as if you had just slapped him rather than just yelling in anger.
“Wow, nice job. And you thought this trip would be romantic.”
Gojō sneered and stuck his tongue out at his friend who was all-too-eager to mock him for his obvious dismissal of your annoyance, but how was he supposed to know you were actually upset with him? He had practically annoyed his way into being your boyfriend and his general personality was something you had become well acquainted with, and usually loved, but sometimes he was just too much to handle and this seemed to be one of those times, only he was noticing far later than he should have.
Gojō, Getō, Ieiri, and you had been planning this road trip for a good couple of months, but you were starting to regret it already. For the past hour or so, Gojō had been driving without the usage of his GPS or a map of any kind and you were sure at this point you were entirely lost. It was funny at first, it didn’t surprise you that his free spirit may want to go off the beaten path a bit, but as it got later into the evening your anxiety began to kick in as you saw fewer and fewer buildings. Still, even when you started nagging him that you were getting worried you wouldn’t make it to your hostel for the night or mentioning you didn’t want him to be driving without a map in the dark, he’d have some flippant excuse or shitty attempt at convincing you that he was fine. As much as you loved them, Getō and Ieirei weren’t much help since they had long since resigned themselves to the fact that Gojō did what he wanted, when he wanted, so after another half hour filled with bickering between you and Gojō, you practically demanded him to pull over at the nearest look out area, one that actually would have been quite nice if he hadn’t been so damn irritating. To your surprise, he actually listened for once, so here you were a short walk away from the car, standing at the edge of the viewpoint staring out over the vast ocean that had just a sliver of sunlight left to bask it in a dimming light.
You let out a sigh as you wrapped your arms around your waist, quickly taking notice of how the temperature had dropped considering how high up you were, plus the lack of sunlight didn’t help either. You heard the other car doors slam shut one after the other, figuring everyone else needed a breather or maybe the others just wanted to check out the view before the sun set, but for now you just wanted a few minutes alone to cool off. Those ‘few minutes’ were short lived though as after a short amount of time, you felt a familiar pair of slim hands attempting to snake their way around your waist, an attempt of which you were quick to shove away and turn your head with a small huff of defiance, but Gojō was just as quick to try again. A few more attempts later and you finally gave in with another irritated sigh, though you still refused to speak or even look at him as he hugged you closer and rested his head on your shoulder.
“Still mad at me?”
The pointed glare you turned to give him was almost enough to make him raise his hands up in a defensive motion, but he was afraid that if he let go of you, you wouldn’t give him another shot at wiggling himself out of the doghouse.
“Ok, ok- stupid question.” He hummed, tapping his fingers against your hips in thought.
He had never been very good at the whole ‘apologizing’ thing, but that was mostly because he never really felt the need to apologize. He was quite the nuisance to a long list of people, pretty much all of which he couldn’t give two fucks about whether they liked him or not, so why apologize for his antics if he didn’t care to be forgiven? With you, however, that was a different story. It made his stomach twist in an uncomfortable way whenever he saw you look at him with something other than a smile, let alone an angry scowl, and nothing got him to drop his pride quicker than that. Still, as much as he wanted to be able to make things better instantly, or just not make those sorts of mistakes in the first place, he was still learning how to navigate expressing his feelings in a way that didn’t come off as fake, because everything he felt for you was as genuine as possibly could be.
“I pulled up the map, we aren’t too far off, I swear it.~ I’ll even let you nap in my jacket until we get there, if ya want.” He spoke, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out his phone to show you the route as if he knew you wouldn’t take his word for it.
You glanced at the phone screen that lit up your face now that the sun had set, and while it did fill you with some relief to see the hour and a half ETA, that didn’t change the fact that he had taken it upon himself to completely ignore your previous discomfort up until now and judging by his lack of apology he didn’t seem to think he needed to give one, but before you had the chance to open up your mouth to give him a piece of your mind, he beat you to the punch as he squeezed you closer.
“...And I’m sorry- seriously. I should’ve listened to what you were saying. AND it won’t happen again.” He spoke, lifting his head up a bit so he could look you in the eyes over the rim of his glasses.
You couldn’t tell if using those pretty puppy-dog eyes of his was part of his apology schtick or not, but after a moment of mentally debating yourself you let out a sigh as you relaxed into his touch.
“Did you practice that in the car?”
“I’m too perfect to need practice, babe.~” He responded with that characteristic smugness before pressing a kiss to your shoulder, then to the curve of your neck, peppering kisses upwards across your skin before finally meeting your lips.
After a moment he pulled away, slowly releasing his grip on you and giving you some room. He turned with a satisfied smile to head back to the car, but was halted by your foot catching the back of his heel causing him to damn near face plant into the ground as he stumbled before turning to give you a perfect ‘what gives?’ look that you would have photographed if you could.
“I do want that jacket though.” You stated matter-of-factly with one hand on your hip and the other held out expectantly. “Oh- and the keys, too.”
“Huh?” He questioned, ignoring the snickers that came from not too far behind where the two of you stood.
“I’d give her the keys before you end up single by the end of this trip.” Ieiri yelled as she and Getō shuffled into the back of the car in a fit of laughter at his expense.
He groaned and made a face before shrugging off his jacket and then digging the keys out from his pocket, handing both over to you with only a hint of hesitation.
Had it been anyone else, he would have been annoyed with the power shift, but seeing you practically skip back to the car was more than enough to make him crack a smile as he trailed after you, counting his lucky stars that at least this time his title of ‘boyfriend’ had been safely secured.
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wdwmarveldisney · 3 years
Hiiiii this is really dumbbbbb but I love ur work!!! Can I request one w isaac where the reader is afraid of like cutting her hair like it gives her anxiety and isaac helps her?? Idk like maybe she's stiles sister and like stiles is pressuring her about it? Thanks luv u lots ❤ totally fine if ur like whatever never doing this lol
Isaac Lahey x Stilinski!reader with long hair
Summary: Stiles is pressuring you to cut your hair and with a fear of having your hair cut, you call Isaac to help you out.
A/N: Okay sorry it took so long to post this. I did a little research into this so hopefully it’s accurate too because I’d really hate to upset someone so please tell me if I got something wrong.
GIF isn’t mine
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You loved your brother. Honestly, he is so important to you and you look up to him and respect him but oh my god, you just wanted to kill him sometimes. It would just get to a point where you wanted to just wack him with the thing closest to you. Like right now, you were debating throwing the book in your hands at him as he spoke. You weren't really taking any of the words in, your fierce glare unnoticed by the ranting boy. Stiles was talking to you about cutting your hair after it got in the way and almost got you killed. It had blocked your view and your shot was off and then the wolf attacked you and you're only human so it took a while to heal. And now you were being lectured on cutting it.
You would, honestly. You understood where he was coming from and you knew that it was the right thing to do but for some reason, it terrified you. Whenever you had to even think about it, you would shake and cry and it would slowly get so bad that it was a panic attack. So naturally you did your research and found out it was a common fear called tonsurephobia. Mostly seen in children but it can stick with some people as they grow older. There were quite a few ways to help with it but most involved having another person there to help reassure you and such and you weren't telling anyone about your phobia. You just knew that they probably wouldn't understand and you didn't need that.
You heard Stiles huff, your gaze flickering up and meeting his as you realised you spaced out and was staring at the book in your hands. Your brother had his arms crossed, frown on his face, "Are you even listening?" Your head tilted to the side, an expression of thought making him scoff. The book fell into your lap as your hands rested on top of it and you leant forward just a tad, "Not really, no," You watched him groan into his hands before muttering about giving up and leaving the room. As you watched him leave, you couldn't help but think that he was right. That maybe it was time to start working on it. So you called the one person you felt comfortable talking about this with.
Isaac took a little while to get there and because Stiles was home, he had to climb through your window. The first thing he had done was tackle you onto the bed which had you both giggling. You hadn't told him over the phone why you needed him but had said you needed him as soon as possible. "Hey," You ran a hand through Isaac's curls, the boy grinning as he pecked your lips a couple times. "Hi. What's up?" You shrugged, considering backing out but Isaac immediately noticed and frowned at the fact you were so panicked. Realising that he'd used his werewolf abilities to pick out your anxiety, you huffed and pouted, "Fine. I want to cut my hair,"
"And I don't like having my hair cut," He looked so confused so you began to explain it in a bit more depth, "Apparently its called tonsurephobia. It's a fear of having your hair cut, I sometimes have panic attacks when I have to do it," Isaac slowly nodded in understanding and brushed back some hair out of your face. He sat up, pulling you with him, "So, you want me here to help?" You gave a small nod, linking your hand with his as you avoided any eye contact. It felt so stupid as you spoke and you were pushing down the nausea at the thought of ridicule. But Isaac just squeezed your hand tighter and tilted your head down to try and catch your eye, "Okay, so what do I have to do then?"
Isaac laughed when you looked at him wide eyed in disbelief, "So, you don't think it's weird or anything? You're, like, completely understanding?" The boy grinned as you watched him apprehensively, seemingly waiting for him to say something different. He pulled you closer, smiling sweetly as he kissed your nose, "Well, yeah. You're the same with me. So do you want me to actually cut the hair or...?" Your face relaxed and your head fell onto his shoulder in relief. You could feel him laugh and felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment, "Um, yes. Yeah, I want you to, um, cut it," your fingers began to fiddle with his as he nodded with a small okay.
You shakily got up and went to go get scissors but Isaac caught your wrist and pulled you back. His smile seemed hesitant and worried, "You know you don't have to, right?" At your silent nod, Isaac wrapped his arms around your waist and stared up at you with this gaze of comfort that had you relaxing slightly, "Okay, if you're sure," his fingers grazed just under your shirt as you grinned wobbly and slipped out of his arms to go over to your desk. The scissors were under a bunch of papers and pens and wires. Once you’d dug them out, you held them out to Isaac who slowly took them. Pulling the spinny chair out to the middle of the room, you fell into it with a death grip to the arm rests.
Isaac immediately noticed and placed the scissors down on the bed in order to just run his fingers through it. He could hear the trembling breaths and could see how tightly you had your eyes screwed shut. You could tell he was hesitant to do it so with one deep breath, you tried to pull yourself together. “Alright,” your voice shook and was extremely quiet compared to your usual loud sarcastic self, “Just above the shoulders, maybe. Means I won’t have to cut it for a while,” Even though you couldn’t see him, Isaac nodded and reached for the scissors and grabbed a brush from your nightstand.
He was careful and gentle, trying his hardest to not trigger anything. He knew what it was like to have this big fear of something and he knew how suffocating it could be. So he was being mindful of it all and you were so grateful for him. Isaac stopped turning you to check if it all seemed even and then he spun you to face him, holding your hands with this goofy smile that cheered you up. He quickly intertwined your fingers and when he spoke, you could hear the joking edge, “Now just remember, I’ve never cut hair before,” A small groan left your lips, smile growing slowly on your face which made him chuckle, “It’s terrible, isn’t it?”
“No, I’m not that bad,” he seemed genuinely offended by your words but the two of you were giggling still as he pulled you up. You followed him to a mirror, a hand covering your eyes before it dropped and you could see yourself reflected back. Isaac arms were wrapped around your shoulders as he nervously grinned at you. The haircut wasn’t actually that bad, pretty decent. There was a few pieces that were too long or too short but they weren’t overly noticeable. You actually looked really good.
You turned to peck Isaac’s lips, thanking him as he relaxed into you. “Oh thank god,” you laughed into his hair as his head rested on your shoulder. You were so glad to have Isaac by your side.
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If you’re still taking requests; being co-parent with Adrien to Plagg? Lowkey think it’s be funny since Plagg is a big baby sometimes
Adventures in Kwami-Sitting
🤍summary: plagg got into some trouble at school today.
🤍words: 1,004
🤍warnings: nothing i think? just plagg being a little trouble maker. if there’s anything i need to add, please let me know!
🤍a/n: i’m actually really proud of this piece! also, i made this one gender neutral. i think pronouns are only used once or twice but when they are used it’s they/them.
It was around 2:40pm. Your last class, science, ended in about 20 minutes. You had this class with most of your friends, but also your boyfriend, Adrien. Adrien appeared to be an open book. He was honest, and couldn’t lie to save his life. He was kind, and nice. You thought that he was just your everyday average teen supermodel with millions of dollars who happened to go to your school and be your boyfriend. One day, after school, you came over to his house when he wasn’t expecting it, and caught him talking to what looked like a little floating cat. You walked into the room and then tapped on his shoulder, and Adrien screamed the most high pitched scream you’d ever heard from him. The little cat that you’d seen floating went crazy, and started screaming and flying all over the place at full speed. After a little bit of him trying to lie about it, failing miserably, and a long conversation, you learned that this flying cat thingy was a kwami. The black cat kwami, to be exact. Adrien was Chat Noir, and you were the only other human who knew about it.
Plagg knew that no one else was supposed to know. He knew that he is supposed to stay hidden unless its just you and Adrien. Does he listen? No. So, in the middle of science class, when you see Adrien aggressively talking to his shirt, you knew something bad was about to happen. You later found out that Plagg was trying to convince Adrien to let him go to his locker and get some cheese, even though there was like 15 minutes left of school. Adrien was arguing with his jacket for a long time, and then all of a sudden, you saw a little black blob fly up over the classroom and then go through the door and down the hall. You hoped that you only saw it because you knew what to look for, and that everyone else was too focused on class to realize. You were right, but still, Plagg knew better. You and Adrien exchanged a concerned, and also slightly annoyed glance, and both knew that Plagg was in trouble when you guys got home.
Plagg came back just as quickly as he left, and Adrien didn’t make a scene then and there. Then, when you guys got in the limo, you saw Adrien whisper something to his shirt. Probably something along the lines of “You are in so much trouble.” Something like that. The car came to a stop in front of Adrien’s house and you two quickly grabbed your things and rushed up to Adrien’s room. The second you shut the door behind you, Plagg flew out only to sit on the couch and looked ashamed. As if that would work this time. It was silent for a couple of seconds, before Adrien spoke up. “Plagg, what were you thinking?” He said in a stern tone. “I dunno.” the kwami murmured. “What do you mean you don’t know? I know. I know you flew above an entire room full of people just to get some food since you already ate your snack that Adrien had on him!” You added, frustrated. “I’m sorry.” Plagg said slightly louder than the first time he had spoken. Adrien took a deep breath, looked over at you, and then back to Plagg. “It’s fine Plagg. But you seriously can’t be doing stuff like that!” He told him, and then picked him up and gave him a hug. “This isn’t a joke, Plagg. I hope you realize that.” you spoke calmly, and then joined in the group hug.
It was a couple hours after that whole thing had happened, and the three of you were eating dinner together in the dining room. Plagg could be out and about then, since it was only the three of you. Plagg was sharing with Adrien (without Adrien knowing) and he would occasionally come over to you to “share” with you too. Once the three of you had all finished eating, you two were cleaning up. Plagg was using a napkin to wipe the food off of his face, but he missed a spot. So you came over and helped him out a little bit. “Ugh, (Y/N), I’m not a baby! I can do it myself.” he pouted. “I know, I know, I just thought you could use a little help...” you said, debating whether or not you should say what you wanted to say next. “...baby.”
Plagg was mad, obviously, and playfully chased you up to Adrien’s room. By the time you two got up there, he honestly forgot why he was even mad. You two play fought for a little bit, and then Adrien came up. “What are you two doing?” He asked, giggling. “I’m beating them up!” huffed Plagg, out of breath. You were all laughing now, and you held Plagg for a minute so he could catch his breath. You all walked over to Adrien’s collection of movies and decided on one to watch. You put the disc in the DVD player and then found the remote. Plagg jumped on the play button, and then snuggled back into your hand.
He sat in your palm and watched the movie quietly for... well, I don’t know, around... 5 minutes. A new record. He got up and started flying around everywhere. He started chewing on things, making messes, and playing with things he knew he wasn’t supposed to touch. “I’m boreddddd.” he whined, flying circles above the couch that you two were sitting on. “Good, because I have something for you to do.” You spoke. Plagg looked slightly excited. “You can go clean up that mess you just made.” You told him, giggling when he groaned and flopped down dramatically on the sofa.
Plagg might have been the biggest trouble maker you’d ever met, you still loved him so much, and you were so happy you got to know him.
anddd that’s a wrap! thank you all so much for reading! requests are open as always! have a great day! check the adrien x reader tag if you want to view my other adrien pieces.
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tsukibraun · 3 years
Pragma Love; Jean Kirschtein x reader
genre: angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
type: series, blurb
summary: you and jean slowly develop feelings for each other over time, but you both quickly learn that love isn’t as easy as you thought
warnings: feelings of worthlessness (you get better in the end tho cause you’re a legend, obviously)
listen to: Crush- Yuna, Usher
part 1/2
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read part 2 here!
Self-worth is a tricky thing. You have to know when to be humble and when to humble others. You have to be able to determine what’s just a small flaw in someone’s personality and what’s them trying to walk all over you. You have to have enough love and respect for yourself without becoming a complete narcissist. You have to know what type love you deserve and how to reject the love you don’t like. And when someone tries to challenge your worth, you have to be ready to honestly defend yourself.
This is something you’d struggled with for a long time. It wasn’t easy being able to discern people’s intentions or to come up with a reason for why they treated you the way they did. Yeah, sure, this person could just be a total jerk, or you could’ve done something to deserve the harsh treatment. Maybe you really hurt them without realizing; maybe they’re just reacting that way to defend themselves. They could be a bad person, but what if it was the other way around? You never wanted to assume anything about anyone, but in recent years you’ve learned that sometimes that’s what you have to do.
That was the first thing you noticed about Jean. You witnessed the fight he’d had with Eren in the lunchroom one night. They both retaliated back at each other, but there was something different about the way he was doing it. Eren was clearly angry and wouldn’t let someone challenge his opinions, but Jean- Jean was beyond confident. He wasn’t threatened at all by Eren or his opinions; in fact, it seemed Jean knew he was right, at least in his head, and didn’t mind letting someone know that. He was confident in himself, like he knew he’d come out as the victor; but even if he didn’t, you had a feeling he wouldn’t be too bothered by it. He seemed like the type to just be proud of making his point.
At that time, you couldn’t imagine getting into an argument like that with someone. If they disagreed with you, even if you were clearly right, you would just let it go. ‘There’s no reason to put up a fight’, you’d say, ‘they have a valid reason to think what they think’. Even if they persisted after you clearly would not retaliate, you’d either end up agreeing with them to get them off your back or just sit and take it. Confrontation wasn’t an option and must be avoided at all costs, even if you weren’t the one that started it.
That was the first thing Jean noticed about you.
You were very quiet and laid-back; you often didn’t say much when you guys were in groups. You would just sit back and listen, quietly laughing at jokes from time to time. You weren’t quiet forever, though. After a couple of months you started to open up more; not too much, but it was progress. Little by little you would start to engage in group discussion, agreeing with someone, cracking a joke, or adding to the conversation in general. He thought it was so weird. You clearly had a lot more to say but you just...didn’t. You always bit your tongue and let someone else say it, or just let the idea disappear entirely. He didn’t pester you at first, though. He wanted to see how you would come out on your own.
There was one night, though, where he was really irked by your shyness.
It was late the night before an expedition. You guys were supposed to be asleep by then, but the night before a mission is always a restless one. While some scouts were responsible enough to get some shut eye, you, Jean, Berdolt, Reiner, Mikasa, Eren, Sasha, Krista, and Ymir had other plans. All of you sat in the lunchroom, making casual conversation. It was simple things, like games you would play as kids, things you hated, funny stories from before you became scouts. Eventually, though, you began to discuss your current reality. At first it began with the EDM gear, talking about improvements, how hard it was to use, what you liked about it, etc. Then you came to the topic of Titans. Many different things were talked about here, but there was one question that made everyone tense up: If you could only save your family or fellow cadet, who should you pick?
Ymir asked this question, of course, smirking at the change in atmosphere. This was a very sensitive question for many reasons, but you didn’t think too much of it. Everyone is different with their own experiences and reasons for why or why they wouldn’t do certain things. Eren was the first to answer. “What kind of question is that? You’d save your family, obviously.” No one answered for a while, each person contemplating their answer. “Do you guys seriously have to think about this?” Eren pestered. Finally, Jean answered. “As much as I can’t stand you, Eren, I’ll have to agree with you on this one.”
Everyone else began to give their answers and it started a small debate, but you were still thinking. Jean wondered if you were just gonna sit this one out again, and honestly the idea irritated him. But to his surprise (and everyone else’s) you gave an answer. “I’d save the cadet.” Everyone went quiet and stared at you, somewhat because they were shocked you answered, and somewhat shocked of your answer. Eren in particular didn’t like it. “Are you serious? You’d pick a soldier over your own family?” The tone in his voice made you anxious, but you still decided to explain yourself.
“Well, it’s not like I don’t love my family or anything but...in most cases, the cadet is more important...in practical ways at least. I’d obviously try to save my family afterwards but-“
“How heartless are you?” He interrupted. You felt a lump form in your throat as you predicted the confrontation that was about to ensue. “How could you say that? A soldier is more important than your mother, then? Sister? Father?” You gulped, trying your best not to freak out in front of everyone. You took a couple seconds to make sure he was done before speaking again. “Well...I don’t really view you all as just soldiers,” you trailed off looking at your feet, “I do care about all of you. I don’t hold the people I care about one against the other. I care for each of them all the same.”
“So, in this certain scenario, although I would never want my family to die, saving the soldier is more practical. They’re an extra set of hands, skill, thinking ability- we all know how devastating it is to lose a soldier. Everything becomes incessantly harder. What if they were really needed for future fights? What if they were an important asset? And, if I were able to save them, they could help me possibly save my family.” You finally looked up for a second, seeing everyone’s reaction to your words. You immediately looked somewhere else so you could finish your point.
“Saving a cadet isn’t just saving them, it’s also saving the rest of us. If I were to go after my family, what other things would I miss? More Titans coming? A retreat?A change of plan? And even if I did save them, it’s another liability.” You finally looked Eren in the eyes, seeing his clenched fist and strong glare. “Unfortunately, in this world, we can’t always go after what we want. Sometimes we have to go after what we need, even if that means losing something we want. Our decisions don’t just affect us- they affect everyone.”
A long silence followed the end of your tangent. This was the most you’d ever said in one go, and they didn’t quite know how to take it. They didn’t know you had such detailed thinking, either. They shared glances with each other before some began to speak again. “You know,” Berdolt said rubbing his chin, “when you put it like that, I can see your point.”
“Yeah,” Krista agreed, “I’m not sure I would do the same thing, but I can see where you’re coming from.” Eren scoffed. “You guys are delusional. The only reason you’re agreeing with her is because you pity her.” You straightened up, palms sweating. He could be right; you saw the looks on their faces when you were done. They could just be trying to keep you from feeling dumb. Before you could say anything else, Jean came to your defense. “And what’s that supposed to mean?” He asked, cocking his head to the side and leaning forward.
“You know exactly what I mean,” Eren continued, “the girl never says anything!”
“And so what if she doesn’t,” Jean asked, “she’s not bothering you. Why do you care so much?”
“I don’t-“
“Then leave her alone,” he interrupted, “She’s allowed to have her own opinion just like the rest of us. If you’re gonna get that pissed about it, maybe you should go to sleep.” Eren quickly stood up, ready to fight with Jean again, but Mikasa quickly stopped him. You looked between the two of them not quite sure of what to do; you decided not to say anything more to Eren since you had clearly made him upset. Instead, you quietly tapped Jean’s arm and gave a quiet “Thank you.” He gave you a small smile. “Don’t mention it. You know, though,” he said leaning closer to you, “you really need to learn to stick up for yourself. You can’t be so quiet all the time or else stuff like this is gonna keep happening.” He was so close you swore he could hear your unsteady heart rate; still, you returned his word with a small smile and nod.
Ever since then, you two were close.
It wasn’t necessarily a closeness that was outwardly established between you two, it was just there. If he saw you getting anxious, depending on the situation, he would invite you over to where he was. If not, he would give you a certain look, similarly to asking if you were okay or telling you everything was okay. You sat close to each other during meals; if one of you had a smaller portion than the other, you would give a piece of your meal without saying anything. You made sure you were in eyeshot of each other, whether that be on an expedition or simple training. It wasn’t an obsessive thing, just comforting.
Being around Jean made you open up more. Slowly, you began to be okay with showing others who you were. You began to talk louder, laugh more, speak your mind (with tact, of course), and stand your ground. It wasn’t to Jean’s level, but it was there. You noticed other small differences, too. If you needed help with something, you weren’t afraid to ask for it. You could come into a conversation without overthinking it. You began to speak to other people first instead of waiting for them to speak to you. You could walk up to a group of people without feeling like you were intruding. You were able to really live, now. And it was with his help.
The more you came out of your shell, the more Jean absolutely adored you. Sometimes he would be the one to sit back and observe; he would watch you talk and laugh with everyone and be completely infatuated with you. Your laugh, your smile, your humor, your kindness, your little mannerisms; the more and more he was with you, the more he realized he was in love with you. Completely in love with you. So much so it actually started to hurt.
Although he loved being around you, knowing that any of the cadets could have a chance of sweeping you off your feet frustrated him. Since you came out, everyone noticed your charm. The boys had complimented you a couple times, to which Jean told them all to shut up. He wanted to tell you how he felt, and he eventually would, but he had no idea when. He had to use tact like you did so you wouldn’t be too shocked and reject him, but he wasn’t quite sure how. Although you two were close, he had no idea what you wanted in a guy, especially not how you’d want to be confessed to. You didn’t seem to want much from anyone, but there was a part of you he didn’t know yet; the romantic part- that part of you with anyone was completely closed off. He didn’t want to ask you, either, because it was clearly something you weren’t too comfortable talking about.
He had no idea what to do, which was a pretty rare occurrence, at least when it came to women. Either way, he was going to tell you. He just had to figure out when.
Meanwhile, you were completely ignoring your feelings for Jean. Although you were a lot more open with everyone, there were certain parts you kept from them, even from yourself. You noticed the butterflies in your stomach, a different type of longing for his presence, him popping up in your head at random times. You knew how you felt about him, but you continued to lie to yourself. “It’s nothing,” you’d say, “I’m just overthinking it.”
You’d noticed him staring at you with a certain look in his eyes; the way he’d smile at you, the way he’d purposely brush your hands together when walking by, him being more protective and watchful of you- it was little stuff, but clearly different than what it’d been before.
And you absolutely loved it.
You didn’t notice, but you began to do the same thing. Smiling at him if you saw him sleep, fussing at him if he ever got hurt, making sure he had everything he needed at all times, fixing his collar or hair when it was a mess; everyone else saw it except you.
One day you’d have to come to terms with how you felt, but until then, you’d deny the feelings every change you got.
uh...hi!! this is something pretty different from what i normally do 😅 i’m not too comfortable writing stuff like this but i’m trying my best! hopefully this was a nice introduction to this series. anyways, if you read all of it, thank you sm!! i can’t tell you how much i appreciate it. take care and stay safe!<333
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wannabe-fic-writer · 3 years
All Over Again - Chapter 1
Summary: What was lost can be found. - DC & Marvel AU
Pairings: Lena x Reader ; Implied Natasha x Reader ; Platonic!Avengers x Reader ; Platonic!Superfriends x Reader 
Warning: 18+ Smut, Language, Violence
* * * * * *
Sighing, you splay yourself out on the grass, looking up at the distorted view of the sky as the red leaves of the tree above you sway. The gentle breeze sends a chill over your skin but it’s much too calming for you to move.
“Am I going to have to start carrying jackets around with me again?”
The familiarly sultry voice meets your ears over the sounds of nature. It makes your heart thump faster like it always had but this time an ache accompanies it. Her joking tone holds an underlying nervousness and you have to resist the urge to scoff at the drastic change in your conversations together. 
You could never forget the moment everything shifted. Your entire relationship with Natasha fell to pieces. All the love and trust that had grown stronger each year that you were together seemed to mean nothing to her suddenly.
Months on the run from the U.S. government, planning your futures together, it blew to hell in literal seconds. 
Everything you’d grown to know and love was pulled out from underneath you with three simple words: Hi, Bruce. Followed by the awkward pause and nervous, Nat.
Hope rose in your girlfriend’s eyes and you were unsure why. The main reason being that you were recruited by Fury during the Sokovia incident. You never met the infamous Bruce Banner turn Hulk, and didn't know about his history with your girl. And Natasha hadn’t found it necessary to tell you about it either.
Which left you in the dark and completely blindsided by Natasha’s decision to end things with you. Simply telling you she owed it to herself to see where things with Bruce went. And you being the person you are and loving Natasha the way that you do, you wanted her to be happy despite your heartbreak. 
All of that rested on your shoulders at the same time that Thanos appeared. Your broken heart seemed to shatter further when you lost your best friend Wanda and the many friends you’d gained. 
For five years you hurt. Grieving your lost friends and dealing with your broken heart. It seemed as though Natasha breaking up with you wasn’t even worth it as Banner left after Thanos and they didn’t see each other for five years.
Even after the five years though, you still were coping with your heartbreak despite the Avengers having gotten rid of Thanos for good. As you then had the privilege of seeing Natasha and Bruce together. And you could admit that they look good together, happy. 
Which means you need to find your own. You just aren’t sure how. 
You take a deep breath and look up at the redhead who’s watched you in your silence.“ I hadn’t planned on staying out here long so I didn’t grab one.” You respond, deciding to ignore her not so subtle hint at your relationship and personal quirk. 
Jackets are just the last thing you think about before you leave out and Natasha used to take it upon herself to bring one for you whenever you were with her. 
She smiles tightly and nods,“ okay. Well I was just coming to let you know that Steve and Bucky are almost done with dinner.”
When you nod in answer Natasha waits, silently debating if she wanted to say anything else or not, but chose not to and finally walked away. You waited a few extra minutes before pushing yourself up and heading toward the compound.
As you’re walking up to the door, your red leather clad friend lands beside you, her magic vanishing from her hands before she flings her arms around you. 
“Hello to you too.” You chuckle, hugging her back. 
Wanda smiles brightly,“ hi.” 
A small smile of your own hitting your lips. You’d missed the young woman as she was away on a mission with Sam. They weren’t far, just on the East Coast, but they’d been gone for a week, which was more than enough for you to begin to miss her.
Before either of you step into the building, she grabs your hand and laces your fingers together, gently tugging you off to the side. Soft light green eyes stare back sympathetically,“ how are you?” 
“Wan-” you sigh, running a hand up and through your hair.
“I’m just worried about you.” A little pout hits her lips followed by a joking smile,“ and I’m kind of the only reason you’re sane.”  
You throw your head back with a laugh. Then shaking your head and wrapping an arm around her shoulders,“ I’m fine Wanda. Thank you for the concern and sanity.”
Placing a quick kiss to her temple, you guide her into the building, more than happy to have your best friend back.
Like Natasha had told you, Steve and Bucky already have the table set and everyone is sitting around. No matter how hard you try, your gaze finds Bruce and Natasha, the man leans over to say something to her and a cute smile rises, reminding you of the one you’d caused her to have before. 
A squeeze of your hand pulls your eyes away and you nod to Wanda before sitting down beside her. Usual chatter circles the table, Sam and Wanda talking a bit about the mission briefly, and then asking all of you about what’s been going on. 
By the end of dinner you’re a mix of annoyed and happy. Your friends had made you laugh and smile just like usual, except every time you got lost in the joy of it all you forgot what was across from you and your gaze caught the image of Natasha and Bruce flirting, laughing, and smiling. It makes you so upset that you still wish it were you with her.
It’s been six years! What happens to time heals all wounds? Was that just a load of shit? Would you genuinely have to deal with being all bitter and jealous for the rest of your life.
“Welp,” you smack your hands to your thighs,“ Steve, Buck, dinner was incredible, thank you, but I have a few things I need to attend to so if you’ll excuse me.” Standing, you grab your plate and glass. 
“Not so fast Y/Ln,” his voice rings clear not but a second after you walked away.“ You’re all here for once so I’d like to inform you that you’ll all be attending the Stark Industries Investment dinner tomorrow night.” Tony smiles, eyes crinkling in the corners.
Your eyes narrow,“ what exactly would the Avengers be doing for your companies investors.”
“Persuading, encouraging, indulging. Investors would kill to hear mission stories and about all your equipment.” His tone is sweet, as if he’s trying to convince you all to come.
A party/dinner isn’t exactly what you’re feeling up to right now. And quite frankly it’s not necessary for every Avenger to show up.
From the looks of Steve’s face he isn’t going but you still have a bit of hope that is, until he speaks up,“ Bucky and I have a mission.”
Tony gives an expectant gaze to the rest of you.
“I’m always down to party.” Sam shrugs nonchalantly before returning to his food, pretty sure this is his third plate.
Bruce sighs,“ I’m under the impression that this isn’t an option for me.” 
Tony’s grimace is answer enough, but he still says,“ it is not. Also, no offense, probably don’t show up all big and green. The venue is large but-”
“Ah ah ah I got it.” The big green man waves his hand, then smiling down at Natasha,“ mind accompanying me?” She instantly smiles and nods and that small little gesture is enough for you to head out. 
Further, Tony goes,“ Maximoff?” 
And Wanda responds,“ I’ll only go if Y/n does.”
Dammit Wanda!
Turning on your heel, you have every intention of saying no. Only to find her giving you that damn pout, followed by her whispering,“ please.”
“Alright whatever.” 
With that you leave, cleaning your dishes, and then going straight to bed. In the morning you take extra care to avoid Natasha, you eat while she’s in the gym, only going to train after she’s long gone, and eating lunch on the roof with Wanda. 
You make it as far as into the venue for the Investment dinner before you have to see her again. Even then you wish you were blind. 
God she’s beautiful. It’s criminal the way that dress fits on her. And just as your eyes trail up her long legs and over the curves of her body to her piercing green eyes, her looking back at you pulls you to reality. 
You no longer have the right to look at her that way. No matter how good she looks, you can’t look at her like that. No, the man beside her is the only person who carries that privilege. 
“I’m gonna need a drink to get through this.” You sigh, beeligning for the bar instead of your seat. 
Wanda sticks close to you, definitely having seen your staring. 
Leaning against the bar, you wait for the bartender to come your way, then asking for an old-fashioned and you wait. Beside you, Wanda’s eyes flicker over the room, a nervousness in them. 
“Hey,” you nudge her arm with your elbow,“ I’d say it’s not that bad but it is.” The young woman’s eyebrows raise but you wave it off,“ you just have to put up with most people speaking to you like you know less because you make less. Other than that it’s alright.”
As she takes in your words, you accept your drink from the bartender and hand Wanda a flute of champagne. She’s not a drinker but the little boost is needed. 
With a reassuring smile to her and the last swig of your drink and guide her through the scattered crowd to Pepper. The blonde is more than happy to walk Wanda around, introducing her to a few people while you make rounds on your own. 
Just like usual, most conversations revolve around everyone else’s business, or the occasional question about your work that you can’t even discuss. But you manage to do as Tony asked, impressing them with talks of your abilities and that of which you can disclose. 
Majority of the people you talk to take a liking to you, or at least the superhero you, and you convince them to invest in Stark Industries, giving the whole “a company that leads in medical and technological advancements” spiel. 
“Still hate these things huh.”
Breathing in deeply, you exhale and turn to face Natasha. Her green eyes watch you cautiously and you’re in genuine disbelief that the badass Black Widow is so wary of you. Since the breakup she’s interacted with you as if she’s afraid you’ll hurt her.
You lick your lips,“ Natasha you speak to me like you don’t know me anymore.”
A sigh falls from her lips and she looks down at the bracelet on her wrist,“ I know. I’m sorry I just- I don’t want to say anything I shouldn’t.”
“Right,” you scoff lowly.“ You don’t have to worry about my feelings anymore I promise.”
“Y/n I-”
“Nat.” Bruce approaches, completely oblivious to the awkward tension flowing between you and his girlfriend.“ I’m sorry, do you mind if I steal her away for a moment.”
You smile bitterly,“ oh she is all yours.”
Green eyes look at you with an unreadable emotion but you brush it off, walking away with a glance back that reveals Bruce twirling the redhead on to the dance floor. 
You square your shoulders with a deep inhale and head back to the one place that you’ve been able to breathe tonight. 
“Another old fashioned please.” The lady nods and quickly makes the drink and you smile in thanks.
Taking a long swig from the dark liquor, you sigh contentedly at the burning trail down your throat. Your few seconds of peace interrupted by a deep voice speaking cockily. 
“A beautiful girl like yourself drinking dark liquor leads me to believe you’re not enjoying yourself.” The man smiles brightly showing off his, no doubt surgically whitened, teeth.“ Perhaps I could change that for you.”
Narrowing your eyes at him, you pointedly down the rest of the drink, and tap the bartop in call for another.“ Bold of you to assume that I’m not having a good time.”
Before he can reply with his planned flirtatious remark, a lightly accented soft voice joins in,“ I’m sure Mister Richards meant no harm, he’s just a rather presumptuous man.” Her statement has you turning back to see who it came from.
Your eyes meeting the most gorgeous woman you’d ever seen. A sentiment you didn’t think you’d ever make after Natasha. 
Her black hair pulled back into a neat ponytail, not a single strand falling loose. Beautiful light green eyes stare back accompanied by a red lipped white tooth smile. 
In your daze of taking in her appearance you miss what she says to Mister Richards, but it sends him away, leaving the two of you alone. 
“Um, forgive me for this, no doubt, repetitive question but, what company are you here representing?” Your eyes subconsciously trail down the line of her jaw and it’s incredibly hard to draw your attention away when she speaks.
“Luthor Corp.” Her lips turn up into an almost knowing smile and it has you quickly looking up into her eyes, heart pounding when you realize you’d been caught staring at her lips.“ I’m Lena Luthor.”
Clearing your throat, you hold your hand out to her,“ Y/n.” You expected a warm hand but while it’s soft, it’s fairly cold.“ Thanks for the save Miss Luthor.” Your hand returns to your glass, the chill of it like that of her hand. 
“It was nothing, I could tell from across the bar he’d said something you didn’t like.” She makes mention.
You grimace, a soft chuckle falling after,“ you’ll have to forgive me, controlling my expression isn’t a mastered craft as of yet.”
She waves you off, casually leaning her side against the bar as her drink is sat down,“ it takes years, I’m still working on it. Come to enough of these and you’ll get it.”
“Oh I’ve been to plenty,” her eyebrow quivers at that,“ I’ve just never been good at. . .lying. No offense to you in any way, I think you’re ability to deal with all this social-”
“Bullshit.” She finishes for you with a chuckle.
Nodding, you laugh as well,“ yeah that. It’s a true superpower Miss Luthor, and of my many, that is not one.”
“Superpower is a stretch.”
Your eyes narrow at her, a small smirk on your lips,“ something tells me it isn’t.” 
Throughout your continued conversation, her charm and genuine goodness radiates off of her. The woman listens intently to you speak, she makes you laugh, and indulges all your questions with zealous passion. 
As the night goes on neither of you find much entertainment outside of your little space at the bar. Not wanting to go home inebriated, you’d long since switched your liquor for plain club sodas, Lena suggesting the addition of cherry grenadine just for flavor. 
“The idea is brilliant, which I’m sure you know, I just think it has more potential than power storage. What if you used it as a power core instead.” You shrug simply. 
Lena’s hand halts in movement, the drink in her cup sloshing slightly as the action,“ that’s genius. But it wouldn’t be easy. I’ve toyed with alien energy before, it’s much more powerful than expected.”
“Which, I think, makes it all the more useful. Depending on how strong, you could power an entire village or a small town. Imagine giving small pieces of the core to third world countries.” 
An amused smile tugs at her lips for the nth time tonight,“ is your first thought always to help others or is that just the Avenger in you?” 
You chuckle,“ myself and the hero. I just don’t see why we wouldn’t use the knowledge and resources we obtain, alien and human, to help those who truly need it.”
Lena’s mouth opens in preparation for her next reply, however it doesn’t come as a body weakly collides with yours. Wide eyed you look over to see your best friend, obviously drunk, leaning on you.
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere. You have to try the strawberry cake thingies.” Wanda tugs at your arm in a childlike manner. 
Frowning in Lena’s direction, the CEO shrugs. Gentle grabbing Wanda’s shoulders, you turn her to face you,“ what strawberry cake?” 
She smiles,“ the ones on the tray Y/n. The servers are walking around with- oO right here.” Fast as lightning, her hand shoots out and she grabs a small plate off the servers tray. Three little white chocolate truffles sit on it with milk chocolate drizzled over.“ Try.”
“O-” your reply cuts when she shoves a piece in your mouth. As good as it is, your eyes widen for an entirely different reason. Your tongue runs over your bottom lip as if to ensure you’re tasting what you’re tasting.“ Wan, how many of these have you eaten?”
Her hand raises to show three of her fingers.
Yep. The small woman ate nine strawberry champagne truffles. She’s drunk.
Lena, wanting to understand, retrieves one of the truffles and bites into. Her response is the same as yours. 
With an apologetic smile you look at her,“ I hate to cut the conversation short but I should probably get her home.”
“Of course of course. Hopefully we’ll be able to continue sometime.” She smiles sweetly and you nod.
After a short wave to her, you gather yours and Wanda’s things, and leave the building. 
You freeze in step, tightening your hold on Wanda’s waist and pushing your free hand into your pocket, then turning to the source of the voice. 
Pepper takes the stairs quickly but with all the grace of a trained performer. She stops on the same step as you and smiles a little.“ I had to catch you before you left, Lena Luthor wanted me to give you this, and let you know that she’s expecting you at Luthor Corp soon.”
A slight frown pulls your eyebrows closer together as you stare down at the business card, her personal number scrawled on the back,“ did she say why?” Pepper simply shakes her head.
Truthfully she hadn’t been expecting Lena to approach her about you. Mainly because she had no idea the two of you met, she swore she’d introduced you to every investor there tonight. 
“Okay, how soon is soon?”
An apprehensive smile tugs at her lips, brows raised slightly,“ four days.”
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reyescarlos · 3 years
someone to you || a tarlos fic
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read on ao3 || word count: 6.1k
Ever since the start of the semester, Carlos has been harboring a crush on the cute guy in his weekly lecture. When the boy begins appearing at the coffee shop Carlos works at, attending weekly open mic nights, Carlos finds himself falling a little bit more with each song. After one slightly awkward introduction, Carlos goes from being unknown to seen. With a friendship fully in place, Carlos' feelings only grow but he slowly starts to see that maybe, just maybe, he isn't alone in thinking they could be something more.
story mood board by: @sunshinestrand​ literally just reposting this story because Paige surprised me and blessed me with this graphic and it needs to be seen! thank you so much, my love! I loved writing this fic for you. now we’ve come full circle 💜💕
I’ll make the moon shine just for your view I’ll make the starlight circle the room And if you feel like night is falling I wanna be the one you’re calling
“If you don’t say something to him one of these days, I just might lose my mind,” Michelle says with a sigh as she approaches the counter where Carlos is standing.
He chews absentmindedly on his bottom lip as he looks over at TK. Everything to the guy is so effortless. Somehow he makes sitting down in a coffee shop look like an ad as he holds up his mug aloft and laughs at something one of his friends says.
Carlos would give anything to have that kind of access to TK, to be able to share in jokes and to simply know him. Carlos is fairly certain TK doesn’t even know they’re in the same lecture every Tuesday. But even in a hall filled with students, Carlos is always able to spot him, constantly dialed into his frequency like his favorite radio station.
Realizing that he’s been blatantly staring, Carlos clears his throat and looks away, mindlessly pouring sugar into a dispenser.
“It’s just a stupid crush. It doesn’t mean anything.”
Michelle rolls her eyes. “Yeah, well the way I see you gawk at him every week he shows up here says otherwise.”
Carlos can’t help it. In their class TK almost never speaks but each time he makes it out to an open mic, Carlos gets treated to TK quite literally under a spotlight, up on stage singing and playing his guitar or the keyboard.
“He’s really good. I like his sound is all.”
“Is that a euphemism?” Michelle teases, bumping her hip against Carlos’ as she passes by him. “I think it’s safe to say you like his everything.”
He jokingly glares at her before laughing. She’s definitely not wrong about that. Carlos has been crushing quietly since he first saw TK in their lecture at the start of term a little over two months ago. TK has been coming to open mic nights here at the cafe for the last month. Each week he performs, Carlos feels himself fall a little harder, swept up in his beautiful voice. Whether TK performs original music or a cover of something, he always brings the house down.
Michelle glances at her watch. “Oh, I have to start in just a few. Are you okay up here?”
“Yeah, I can tackle the counter. You go ahead.”
She pats his arm once with a smile before moving from behind the counter to head towards the stage to double check the microphones and setup for the evening’s session. He turns his focus back on refilling the dispensers in front of him. A shadow casts suddenly over the countertop, darkening his work area. Carlos looks up, his hand jerking forward in surprise to see TK smiling at him. Sugar spills against the surface, Carlos quickly tipping the bag upright to stem the flow.
“Shoot, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” TK says, grabbing a tissue and trying to clean up the grains of sugar.
Carlos grabs a dry rag from under the counter and wipes it away.
“No worries. It’s cool. Uh, can I get anything for you?” he asks, looking back at TK, doing his best to ignore the way his heart is hammering. This isn’t how he pictured his first substantial interaction with TK to go but he saves face as best he can.
“Could I trouble you for a scone?” TK says, jutting at the case with his thumb.
Carlos holds his breath and nods, clearing his throat, picking up the tongs and a plate. “Yeah, sure thing.”
TK smiles and Carlos can feel something inside his chest melt at the sight. Before he can dwell on it or potentially embarrass himself by randomly saying something to prolong the moment, he quickly puts the pastry on the dish. TK already has his card out, ready to pay for it.
Carlos ignores the slight tremble in his hands as he takes it, mentally reprimanding himself for getting so worked up over his brief and truly mundane conversation with TK.
“Here you go,” he says, handing back TK’s card and pushing the plate toward him.
TK thanks him and Carlos thinks that’s the end of their interaction until TK looks up again and eyes him thoughtfully.
“I feel like I know you.”
The phrasing makes his breath catch in his throat but he quickly realizes what TK actually means.
“We have a class together, don’t we?”
“Astronomy,” Carlos supplies.
TK snaps his fingers and points at him. “Right, yes. That’s it. Man, that was really bugging me. I knew I recognized you from somewhere other than here. It’s good to see you…”
“Carlos,” he repeats as if weighing the syllables on his tongue. “I’m TK. It’s nice to meet you officially.”
“Yeah, you too.”
The house lights dim and both TK and Carlos snap their heads towards the stage where Michelle approaches the microphone.
“Hello and welcome to open mic night here at Déjà Brew,” she greets. There’s a warm round of applause and eager cheering from the crowd gathered.
“It’s always so great seeing so many familiar faces and new ones alike. There are still slots available. Our sign up sheet will remain here just offstage for anyone that would like to perform,” she says, gesturing to her left. “Without further ado, please help me welcome one of our favorite regulars to the stage…Mr. TK Strand. Take it away, sir,” she muses.
TK turns back to Carlos and looks as if he wants to say something but the crowd is already giving him a warm, welcoming applause. He quickly takes his scone and hurries back to his table where one of his friends is holding out his guitar for him.
Carlos lets out a breath as TK approaches the stage and settles on the stool positioned right in the center of it. A few people whoop and cheer for him once again now that he’s situated. TK laughs coyly but the microphone sends his chuckle throughout the room.
“Thank you for that lovely intro, Michelle. Very flattering; I love being a favorite but really, who doesn’t?” he jokes, earning a few laughs. “I was debating what to play tonight. I’ve been working on some new stuff but finally settled on just going for one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite artists. This is The Girl by City and Colour, bastardized by me.”
There are a few more laughs, TK personable as ever that he makes each person feel like they’re old friends. Anyone who has ever heard him play knows there’s no way he won’t knock this cover out of the park.
From the first string TK plucks, the room is completely his. Carlos watches his fingers move expertly along the fretboard. It’s a real sight to see and as Carlos looks away from TK’s hands to his face, he can see just how much fun he’s having with the playful opening melody.
TK gets close to the mic and starts to sing and instantly Carlos leans closer, arms folded on the counter as he watches TK in action. There isn’t a single person speaking quietly to a friend or distracted by their phone. All eyes are glued to the musician on stage. Carlos could listen to TK play all day and never grow tired of the sound. It’s remarkable how his voice floats and cloaks the room, each note nestling in his chest like seeds.
The audience erupts into applause as TK’s final note rings out. He smiles to himself before looking out at the crowd.
“Thank you so much,” he says into the mic before slipping off his guitar and hopping down from the low stage.
Carlos can’t help but to smile as people TK passes give him thumbs up or murmur compliments as he returns to the table with his friends.
Michelle gets back on stage and introduces the next person on the sign up sheet.
The next performer is great but Carlos knows he’s more than a little biased in saying that TK will be the best person to hit the stage tonight.
He chances a glance over at TK and sees that TK is looking at him as he breaks off a piece of his scone. Carlos quickly looks away and focuses on other tasks throughout the rest of his shift, ones that don’t include keeping tabs on the comings and goings of a certain musician.
The night comes to a close, marking yet another successful open mic night. Given that it’s Friday, most of the crowd dissipated as the evening progressed to perhaps party or hang out elsewhere. TK and his friends opted to stay for the entire session, as they almost always do, showing support to each performer who graced the stage.
As TK and his group begin to file out for the night, Carlos waves them off as they say their thanks for another fun night at the shop. Carlos turns his back for a moment to replenish silverware when he hears the quick rap of knuckles on the counter. He turns and is greeted to TK’s bright and open smile up close for the second time this evening.
“So, I’ll see you on Tuesday, right?” he says, hitching the strap of his guitar case up his shoulder.
Brought up short at TK essentially singling him out just then, Carlos nods slowly before he finds his voice again.
“Yeah, definitely. I’ll uh, I’ll see you next week.”
“Cool. Have a good night, Carlos,” TK replies simply with the smile that hasn’t left his face. He knocks on the counter once as if to punctuate his sentence and slinks away to join his friends just outside of the shop.
“Looks like you made it onto someone’s radar tonight,” Michelle sing-songs, settling in beside him.
Carlos stares out the window at TK with his friends, one guy nudging his arm as they begin to walk away. Once they’re out of view, Carlos turns back to look at her.
“He’s just being nice.”
“Denial runs deep in you, doesn’t it?” she teases, shaking her head. “Come on, let’s try and finish up so you can have some of the night to yourself, loverboy.”
On Tuesday Carlos makes sure he shows up early for his lecture, standing outside of the hall doors waiting for the group before him to clear out. Today has the potential to be so different from all the other lectures that have come before it. This Tuesday in particular marks the first time TK will truly know of his existence in the hall too.
He tries to settle his nerves by reading news on his phone but he’s too anxious to focus on the words for long. He gives up with a sigh, tucking his phone into his pocket when TK comes bounding toward him with a bemused smile.
“I was hoping you’d come early, too. We didn’t really get a chance to talk much on Friday,” TK says, completely blowing past any formal greeting. Carlos is taken aback by that candor.
“Yeah, I guess not. You were great, by the way. I mean, you always are but…I really liked your performance. I’ve pretty much been listening to the song on a loop since Friday so thanks for the rec.”
Carlos’ heart nosedives as he realizes what he’s just disclosed so openly. But TK doesn’t appear to think it an odd statement. His face lights up, genuinely pleased.
“Oh yeah? That’s awesome.”
“You’ve got great taste in music though, I guess that really shouldn’t be surprising.”
TK laughs. “I’d be majoring in the wrong field if I didn’t, that’s for sure.”
Before Carlos can reply, the doors to the lecture hall open, students filing out into the hallway. Carlos thinks this kills off the chance of speaking to TK still but the guy stays close to him once the doors are clear enough for them to enter too.
“Hey, do you mind if I sit with you today?” TK asks.
Carlos quickly shakes his head. “Uh, no. Not at all.”
He heads up the flight of stairs in the hall, taking up his usual seat. The one beside him is typically home for his backpack but today it’s TK’s frame that settles into the chair.
Carlos takes covert glances at him from the corner of his eye. It was truly so much easier to look at him when he was across the hall these last few weeks. This close up, it’s much harder to sneak and get an open look. But just sitting beside him makes Carlos so acutely aware of TK’s movements.
As the lecture starts, he zones out in favor of taking notice each time TK toys with the strings on his hoodie or his leg bounces restlessly.
The hour and a half passes in a blur and Carlos is surprised to look down and realize he actually still managed to take a decent amount of notes. Their professor reminds them of an upcoming assignment to which TK groans and quickly writes something down in his book, underlining it twice.
“I totally spaced on that.”
“Was that meant to be an astronomy pun?” Carlos cringes at himself but TK laughs heartedly.
“That was a good one.” He closes his notebook and puts it back into his bag, Carlos following suit and packing up his things as well. “But seriously, I completely forgot the deadline was coming up so quickly.”
“I could…if you need someone to go through it with you or anything, I could help,” he offers.
“Carlos, that’s so sweet of you but you don’t have to do that. I got myself into this mess. I’ll figure something out. But, I mean, maybe I could get your number just in case I hit a snag or something?”
The quick turnaround from feeling rejected to elated is jarring but Carlos smiles and says, “Definitely, yeah.”
TK flashes a smile back and takes his phone out, unlocking it before surrendering it to Carlos to create a new contact. When Carlos is done, he hands the phone back to TK who looks at the newest addition to his phone.
“Cool.” TK sends him a quick text. “Just in case you need to get in touch with me for any reason before then, now you can.”
That phrasing sounds like a challenge, as if TK is now tipping the ball into his court.
“I’ll keep that in mind ,” he says.
Texting with TK becomes such a part of Carlos’ daily routine now. It’s to the point where he comes to expect a message from TK each time his phone buzzes as they’ve had a pretty consistent chain going all week. TK’s most recent text, however, wasn’t a Spotify link to a song he thought Carlos might like but rather an SOS to help him complete his astronomy assignment. The message was followed with TK’s building and room number and the entire walk across campus is spent with Carlos’ heart racing until he’s knocking at TK’s door.
“Thank you,” TK immediately says as he lets Carlos in. “I almost didn’t text you to come over but I’m pretty sure I’ve been doing this wrong.”
Carlos looks around the room as he steps in, clearly picking up on which side is TK’s. There are guitar picks and sheet music on one of the desks, two guitar cases leaning against the wall by the foot of one bed. Above the bed itself is a stylish black and white map of Manhattan. Carlos smiles to himself seeing these traces of TK in the space.
“You can grab a seat,” TK says, gesturing to the desk chair. TK sits at the foot of the bed, a small gap of space separating them.
The air feels charged but Carlos is certain that’s all in his head. Being alone in TK’s room is worlds away from sitting beside him during their lectures.
“Okay, let’s see what you have so far,” Carlos says, determined to focus on the task at hand.
They work for about two hours, getting distracted with cracking jokes every now and then and talking about random things as they eventually end up on the floor with papers and charts spread out between them. It’s a mess but Carlos looks over all that they have and draws one very clear conclusion.
“We did it. You’re officially done.”
TK throws his hands up in victory and laughs, flopping down to rest his back on the floor and stare up at the ceiling.
“Holy shit. Thank you. Again. You’re a lifesaver; I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” He turns his head to look at Carlos who merely shrugs.
But Carlos can’t deny how good it feels to be of help and save TK from the stress he’s been feeling with this assignment hanging over his head. TK is looking at him as if he’s a saint or something. Carlos can feel the back of his neck warming up and busies himself with gathering the sheets of paper around them to avoid looking at TK for even a moment longer before that blush spreads to his face.
“What are friends for, right?” he says, only daring to look back at TK now that he’s collected himself.
TK eyes him thoughtfully and Carlos holds his breaths as he waits to see what TK will have to say.
“Lucky me for having you as mine.”
TK has been frequenting the shop more often than his usual Friday nights. Now Carlos has come to expect him here and there but on Sundays mostly where the crowd is far less dense and the evenings are slowgoing enough that Carlos can actually linger behind the counter and chat with him. It’s become a common occurrence for TK to plant himself at one of the elevated seats and work on assignments. More often than not, the books get neglected for long stretches of time. It’s a comfortable routine, one that Carlos has been finding himself growing dependent on.
TK helps him clean up for the night, offering to sweep while Carlos closes out the registers. They don’t speak much as they focus on their tasks but there’s a comfort in just having TK there, to look up from counting the till to see him moving about the room. This coffee shop really belongs to them in their own ways and now they’ve managed to find yet another way to make it special.
Carlos gets back to his closing duties as TK volunteers to put the trash out back. While he’s gone, Carlos makes a quick to-go cup of green tea, TK’s usual, as thanks. TK comes back in and heads over to wash his hands in the bathroom.
When he returns, he joins Carlos at the counter who pushes the cup forward.
“For your hard work tonight,” Carlos says.
TK smirks and picks it up, bringing the cup to his mouth. “If you keep this up, you may never get rid of me.”
“Ah, so you’re on to me then.” The words slip from his lips so easily but TK doesn’t seem put off. Instead the boy smiles into his cup as he takes a sip.
Relieved, Carlos takes his store keys out of his bag and heads for the door. TK steps out as he flips off the switch, the shop plunged in darkness as he locks back.
“Thanks again for sticking around and helping me,” he says as they begin to head back to campus. “You really didn’t have to do any of that.”
“Are you kidding me? It’s the least I could do. You completely saved my ass last week and besides, it was just…nice. I like hanging out with you.”
Carlos bites the inside of his cheek to keep from breaking out into a ridiculous grin. He feels like he’s in middle school again with just how much he’s been crushing on TK but he can’t help it. His stomach always seems to do cartwheels when TK is around, especially when he makes statements like this.
They walk alongside each other in comfortable silence for a time. Carlos does his best not to keep stealing glances at TK but it’s easier said than done. A few times he’s caught TK looking at him which throws him off guard but it’s certainly not unwelcome.
“How old were you when you started playing?” he asks as they near campus.
“I always sort of grew up around the piano. My mom played and she had one in the apartment so I’d sit with her sometimes and she taught me a few things here and there. But I didn’t start taking it really seriously until I was about seven, maybe eight. It was our thing, you know? My parents…things with them went south and she was busy a lot with work. But whenever we did get to check in with each other, we’d find ourselves on the piano bench together. I loved that time with her, even though it became harder and harder to come by the older I got.”
Carlos smiles a bit sadly. But, he thinks, it says a lot that TK is able to be so candid with him about his upbringing. It’s pretty personal insight and yet TK extends it to him so freely. He supposes TK may just be an open guy in general but it still means a lot to be trusted in this manner.
“Wow, that took a turn, I’m sorry,” TK laughs, rubbing at the back of his neck.
“No, it’s okay, really. I don’t mind at all.” TK nods at this and continues after a beat.
“I got my first guitar on my tenth birthday from my dad. I think he was trying to speak our language in his own way and I really appreciated it. I took to that pretty well and became a bit obsessed, clearly. Totally thought I was going to be a kid rockstar,” he jokes. “Anyway, music’s always been there for as long as I can remember.”
“That’s really cool, TK. Most people go on a long journey to find the thing that’s right for them but your passion found you early on.”
Carlos’ building comes into view and each step towards it fills him with utter dread. They’ve already managed to stretch this night but greedily, it’s still not enough for him.
As they come to a stop outside the doors to his building, TK stares at him and for a wild moment, Carlos thinks TK might kiss him. TK does lean in but it’s to give a hug, one in which Carlos gladly reciprocates.
“It was great getting to hang out with you tonight. I had a lot of fun.”
“Me too,” Carlos replies, subtly drawing in a breath and breathing TK in as they embrace.
TK begins to pull away after a moment and places a soft kiss on Carlos’ cheek.
Carlos is sure his face flushes and he’s all too grateful for the cover of night to disguise it. They both avoid each other’s gaze for a second before laughing a bit. TK stuffs his hands into the pockets of his jacket. Carlos tries to remember how to form a sentence.
“Goodnight, TK,” he says softly.
TK searches his eyes for a moment, almost pensively before smiling faintly.
“Goodnight, Carlos. Sweet dreams.”
Carlos has not been able to shake his walk home with TK. Each time he thinks about it, he can practically feel TK’s lips on his cheek. It was such a modest kiss, a quick peck that probably didn’t mean anything in the grand scheme of things and yet, it’s all he can think about.
On Tuesday they sat beside each other, same as always and have continued chatting regularly through texts. Neither has made even the smallest hint or mention of what happened Sunday night. It makes Carlos wonder if he’s been blowing this out of proportion or if TK is just as clueless on what comes next as he is.
The latter seems almost comical. TK is perhaps the smoothest, most confident guy he knows. If he wanted to progress things further, he would have already.
Carlos does his best not to stare now at TK’s table. Friday night has rolled around once again and while Carlos is excited to see TK perform, it’s hard to see him and not feel transported back to Sunday night. The phantom sensation of that chaste kiss has kept him up every night this week.
“You okay?” Michelle asks, pulling Carlos from his thoughts.
Carlos blinks twice and nods. “Yeah, just tired I guess.” His eyes flicker to where TK is seated.
Something about him seems off tonight. Normally he’d be the liveliest one at the table but TK seems withdrawn.
Michelle makes a noncommittal hum but says nothing else on the matter and Carlos is grateful for it. She excuses herself to start tonight’s event.
He busies himself with customers who approach the counter as the evening kicks off, the backdrop of performers truly background noise as he works.
Michelle calls TK to the stage when it’s his turn and immediately Carlos zeroes in on his table. TK’s friend pats him on the back before letting out a whoop as he settles up on stage before the keyboard.
“Hey, guys. This one’s been playing on my mind a lot these days. Figured I should do something with it and free it somehow. So, yeah. This is Bloodstream by Stateless.”
TK clears his throat and it’s strange but for the first time, the young man actually looks and sounds nervous. He looks over at Carlos who smiles encouragingly. TK blinks twice and looks down at the keys, brows deepened before playing.
The melody he plays is eerie but beautiful, Carlos’ interest all the more piqued as TK’s fingers strike deftly. The song is haunting, TK’s voice much more gravelly than usual and it’s all so captivating that Carlos holds his breath as he listens.
I think I might’ve inhaled you I could feel you behind my eyes
“Gee, wonder who this one is for,” Michelle says, coming up beside him at the counter for a glass of water.
Carlos can’t even offer a response as he continues to watch TK. The guy’s eyes are closed as he croons into the mic, his shoulders bouncing as he strikes the right notes.
He feels goosebumps watching TK perform and can’t help but to hope there’s some validity in what Michelle is not so subtly hinting at.
TK tinkers around on the keyboard for the last few notes, his eyes landing on Carlos for the briefest of seconds as the audience claps for him. He thanks them and rises from his seat, hopping off the stage and returning to his table— but not without another look at Carlos before he sits once more with his friends.
Carlos feels shaken, his heart ricocheting like a pinball.
He hopes so fiercely that TK’s performance was a declaration of some kind but the night ends for the first time since they’ve befriended each other with an awkward smile and wave from a distance as TK and his friends leave.
Carlos isn’t sure what to make of any of this.
The strange energy doesn’t last long. The very next day TK shoots him a random humorous text and Carlos is glad for the ice breaker as it allows them to get back on track. They easily fall into their usual routine and as the week progresses, the night at the shop soon seems like a lifetime away.
TK invites Carlos to his dorm to hang out Wednesday afternoon and Carlos is all too happy to accept, taking advantage of his free time to head over to TK’s building.
From what he can discern, TK’s roommate is the next best thing to living alone. The guy is never in the room, leaving Carlos with uninterrupted time to just talk and be around TK any time he visits.
TK sits at the foot of the bed with his guitar, plucking out a melody for a song he’s been working on and hoping to debut at open mic. He’s got a pencil trapped between his teeth as he plays, stopping occasionally to jot down a note in the open book beside him. It’s fascinating to watch his process from his spot in the middle of TK’s bed, seeing how he develops an idea from a mere thought to an actual song, to something tangible.
“I hope this one goes over well on Friday,” TK mutters, moreso to himself.
“I know it will. Everyone loves you there and your songs are always a huge hit. This won’t be any different.”
TK smiles warmly at his sentiment. “Thanks. It’s always a bit nerve wracking to perform something new and original but it’s pretty exciting, too.”
Carlos shakes his head and laughs, resting his back against the wall.
“I could never do what you do.”
TK finger picks without even looking at the fret as he eyes Carlos quizzically.
“What? Play or perform?”
“Both. I love music but I don’t have the talent for learning. And performing? Ha, there’s no way you’d ever catch me in front of a crowd. But every week you get up there and knock it out of the park. It’s incredible though.”
TK’s mouth twists to the side slightly before he sets his guitar back into its case on the ground and turns to face Carlos again.
“Lay down,” TK says unexpectedly. Carlos is sure his expression must be bewildered because TK laughs and rolls his eyes. “I’m not about to steal your virtue. Just…settle back for a second.”
Carlos does as he’s instructed and stretches out on TK’s bed completely, his head coming to rest on the guy’s pillow. TK’s scent is everywhere and with the young man smiling over him now as he sits just to the left of him on the edge of the small bed, it’s enough to make his head spin and heart stop. He stares at him as TK speaks.
“Playing is a lot easier than you might think. It’s all about proper placement and timing.” He sets his fingertips against Carlos’ ribcage like they’re keys on a piano.
Carlos searches his face as TK mimics playing and hums a melody. It sounds familiar to Carlos but he can’t place it; it’s something classical, he knows. But his main focus is on TK’s light touches, each press of his fingertips like ripples on the surface of water. His long fingers skate up and down Carlos’ side as TK continues to play as if he’s on a Steinway.
It’s a marvel watching his expression. It’s all make-believe but Carlos has no doubt TK can see it all as clear as day in his mind’s eyes, the ivory and black keys. Though his gaze is fixed on TK’s face, the young man doesn’t lose his own focus and doesn’t catch Carlos’ eye until the final note.
“See? Nothing to it,” TK says, eyes shining with amusement.
It isn’t a conscious decision, that much Carlos knows as he sits up slowly and inches closely to TK, his hand cupping the nape of his neck. He doesn’t typically make bold moves but the draw he feels to TK is simply too much to ignore now.
TK falls silent and stares at him but doesn’t move away, his lips parting. After a beat, he draws nearer as well. Their noses touch, Carlos nuzzling gently before bringing his mouth to TK’s. That first press sends a spark shooting down his spine but Carlos doesn’t hurry or balk at the sensation. He relishes in the slight shiver that runs through TK, the small intake of breath, happy to see that he feels this thrill too. His fingers card gently at the back of TK’s hair, curling around the strands as he continues to kiss him.
TK’s hands encircle his waist, pulling him closer and Carlos is pliant as ever, melding against the man’s frame. The kiss grows gradually, moving from tentative to assured, both guys shedding away any hesitancy and owning the moment.
It’s easy for Carlos to get swept away in kissing TK. His lips are proving themselves to be skilled at more than just offering beautiful smiles.
When TK breaks first, his eyes are still closed and Carlos can’t help but to stare, smiling softly at him when he finally reopens them.
“That’s what playing feels like,” TK says quietly. “An electric rush.”
Carlos’ face burns but TK doesn’t tease him for it. Instead he leans in and kisses Carlos’ cheeks, his forehead, the tip of his nose. This draws out a laugh from Carlos, a note so carefree and unguarded he’s almost surprised it’s ripped from him.
He smiles shyly and rests his forehead against TK’s, settling down and simply breathing him in. His hand finds its way once more to the nape of TK’s neck, skimming his fingertips lightly against his scalp. TK seems to appreciate the subtle touch, his eyes fluttering briefly. It’s almost hard for Carlos to wrap his mind around the fact that he’s capable of any real effect on TK and yet, the proof is laid out right before him.
All these weeks of getting to know him as more than just the cute guy in a shared class or the talented performer who frequents open mic nights. All these weeks of truly getting to know him and falling even more, they haven’t been one-sided.
“I see why you like performing so much now. I could get used to this feeling.”
TK laughs and places another kiss on his lips. It takes everything in Carlos not to get too carried away but it’s certainly tempting. TK, a musician through and through, knows what to do with his hands. Placement and timing, as he said before.
He’s able to draw out sounds from Carlos like any of his instruments, a sigh, a moan, a whimper. Carlos’ lips feel swollen by the time they break apart for good, his head in a fog.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for weeks now,” TK says.
TK rolls his eyes jokingly. “You know, I don’t usually go around serenading guys at open mic nights, right?”
“So, that really was for me then?”
“You thought I was singing that about some other guy? Seriously?”
Carlos shrugs a shoulder, looking down until TK lifts his chin gently. He stares into his blue-green eyes and finds the confidence to keep going.
“It felt too good to be true that you may have been dedicating it to me. I thought—I mean, I’ve been hoping but was too scared to ask. In case you aren’t aware, you’re a very attractive and ridiculously talented guy, TK. You could have your pick of anyone.”
“Just like you could. Easily, Carlos. You’re such a catch. I’ve spent weeks hoping you liked me back. I was out of my mind nervous up there. It seemed like a great idea beforehand but actually being on stage and seeing you watching me? I almost chickened out but I knew my friends wouldn’t let me hear the end of it if I did. And, honestly? I wanted to get my feelings for you out there somehow. Music is always my fallback so, seemed like the best bet.”
Carlos shakes his head and draws in a deep breath, letting it out in a gust.
“It was beautiful, TK. Absolutely beautiful. No one has ever done anything like that for me.”
TK gives him a small smile, looking down and playing with Carlos’ hand. “Since we met, I’ve just wanted to matter to you. Is that weird to say?” he asks, pulling his gaze upward.
Carlos shakes his head. “No, not at all. I actually liked you before we even met,” Carlos admits. “You’ve always been someone to me, TK. Never doubt that because I get the feeling that you always will be.”
TK searches his eyes, relief flooding his features before he leans in and kisses him again. Carlos serves it right back, pulling TK against him as he sinks back against the man’s bed. It’s light, it’s playful with soft laughter and even softer kisses. It’s safe and comfortable to hand this vulnerable side over and trust it will be protected.
All in all, Carlos finds, it’s simply natural to be this way, to fall for this beautiful boy and his beautiful music that makes him feel like a work of art to TK in his own right.
135 notes · View notes
brutal-nemesis · 3 years
Arthropod Day 2021: 🦀Time For Crab 🦀
Malacostraca Moment 😳🦀
So fun story I wanted this to be on a Saturday because SIDEWAYS SATURDAY but when I was deciding on the date I looked at the calendar for July without realizing it. Happy Sideways Stuesday I guess? 
Castys Masterlist
Ingredients: drowning mention, animal attack (kinda chill tho it’s not really violent), dehydration, autocannibalism mention, parasitic insects, partial nudity, heckin surgery (but it’s CONSENSUAL (⊙ˍ⊙) who am I), suicide for convenience (immortal)
“This looks like a lovely spot for a vacation; thank you guys so much for finding it for me.” The small dingy had just landed on a sandy beach enclosed by dark rocks on either side, a lush forest leading deeper into the island. Casyts’s captor glared at him before harshly tugging the rope tied to his wrists, trying to get him to stand and step onto the beach with her.
“Shut your trap, Ragnarok, or I might change my mind about gagging you. Now get up or I’ll have my men drag you.” 
Castys sighed and rolled his eyes, getting up and following her so his rope burn didn’t get any worse. “Aye aye, Yvonne.” 
“That’s Captain Veldna to you,” she growled, jerking him forward. He stumbled a bit, but he was able to catch himself before he got sand up his nose. He debated trying to yank the rope out of her hands and running away or stealing the boat, but her very strong men were right behind him and that would probably just end in him having extra bruises. So he just followed her like a stupid little goat as she led him towards the rocks, hoping she wouldn’t leave him tied up so he could at least enjoy his time being stranded. But no, this was about sending a message to his crew or making him suffer or something. He didn’t really remember, he’d been dazed as hell when he’d initially gotten captured during a fight between their two ships. Blood loss was a bitch sometimes.
They forced him to sit with his back against a large rock, yanking his bound hands above his head and worming a large nail through the knotted rope before hammering it into the rock. “Not gonna lie, this seems a little extra. I’m not going to go anywhere, so, like, just let me-” Yvonne slapped him harshly across the face.
“You’re not here to have fun, you annoying little parrot.” She looked over at her men, who had just finished tying his ankles together and nailing them down in a similar fashion to his wrists. “If you lot are done, let’s leave.” She turned back to Castys, a wicked grin on her face. “I wonder how many times you’ll die before your crew finds you?”
“My money’s on eight. Do you want me to keep track and tell you next time we see each other? If only I could write in a diary what horrors I suffer sitting on this warm rock that you tied me to during high tide so I won’t even drown later. Now that-agh!” Yvonne stabbed him in the stomach, and Castys bit back a scream as she twisted her blade. 
“The sound of your silence is something I could get used to.”
“Well, the real question is, is silence actually a sound-” Castys’s very valid observation was cut off by the bitch yanking out her sword and promptly kicking him in the stomach. He couldn’t help but cry out, doubling over as far as he could. Yeah, yeah he should probably just shut the fuck up and let them get on their merry way before he got more unnecessary injuries. 
“Enjoy your vacation, Ragnarok,” Yvonne spat. As one last gesture of maturity, she kicked sand at him before walking off, and some of it definitely got in his stab hole, so that was nice. He watched them row away, sighing. Now it was just boredom city, but hey, at least he had a nice beach view. The sun was a few hours away from setting, not that it mattered that much since his skin was dark enough that he probably wasn’t going to get sunburned. 
Being tied to a rock on the beach was...just about as boring as he expected. His arms got all tingly after a while from being stuck above his head, so he couldn’t even properly relax, and a man could only watch little waves roll for so long. He had a nice view of the setting sun, and hey, that means the light of dawn wouldn’t be shining in his face. While the sun was still a little ways above the horizon, he heard an odd rustling noise over in the vegetation, different from the background sounds he had gotten used to. He looked over, hoping it was a friendly man with a knife.
It was not a friendly man with a knife. But it wasn’t something bad, either. “Oh shit hello crabs!” Castys watched as they scuttled out of the treeline onto the beach, glad to have something fun to watch. One of them was slowly making its way towards him, and Castys wondered if he would be able to convince it to snip his bindings. “Hey there mister crab man, come on down, and please for the love of god untie me.” Yes, yes he was talking to a crab, because why not go full send on the insanity right away? It would be so much more fun, and it’s not like anyone else was here to judge him. “Yeah crab get in my zone-wow you’re kinda big.” He’d thought the crab was closer to him, but nope, it had been farther away but giant. Not like giant giant but not, like, normal crab size. It was almost as big as his torso maybe, but he was never great at estimating the relative sizes of things. 
“You’re large but you’re a gentleman, ain’t ya? I don’t know why, but you just seem like a polite fellow.” The crab stopped not too far from Castys and just looked at him blankly. Or maybe it was making a face at him, but he couldn’t read crab body language. Could anyone read crab body language? Crabs, he would hope. “Could you bring me some tea, good sir? Or just...water. Water that’s not salty. I don’t actually like tea it literally tastes like nothing but you know what I would drink it now because I am thirsty.” There was a moment of silence. “Not like thirsty in the weird way some people are. I have no idea what that’s about. But like, I want water. Or...oh my god, Mr. Crab, bring me a coconut!” Castys closed his eyes and leaned his head back. “Yeah… that would be nice. Food and water and it’s prepackaged and I don’t know how I would eat it because my hands are tied but I’ll figure it out.”
A sudden sharp pinch against his wound jolted Castys out of his daydream. He looked down in horror to see that the crab was holding something in its claws. Something pinkish-red that was dripping blood down onto the sand. The bastard. The crab brought the piece of his flesh to its mouth and just ate it while staring right at Castys. “That,” he blinked in surprise a few times, “was incredibly rude.” The crab stayed still, watching him as it did its weird mouth movements that were maybe chewing. “You are absolutely not a gentleman. I rescind everything. You little garbage boy. Rapscallion. I bet you never get invited to the crab raves.”
And the crab. Had the audacity. To reach out its stupid pincher. And do it again. “Little bitch!” Castys yelled, squirming against the ropes in an attempt to scare the thing off. Shockingly, it did not work, because wounded, dying prey squirmed all the time, and...that’s pretty much what Castys was in this scenario, wasn’t he? He was just stuck sitting here while that stupid crab ripped off little pieces of him with its stupid crab pincher and put them in its stupid crab mouth. If he was lucky, this would make him bleed out and die faster and then he wouldn’t have an open wound anymore, which would be a bonus. Though, it had sand in it, and then if it healed…
A problem for another day.
Not the next day, though, or the one after, because, hooray, he was still tied to a rock, so even though he did die a few hours later, he couldn’t do anything about the Sand In His Insides. He made up a song about it, but singing it loudly did absolutely nothing to scare away the crab, whom he had named Crabstard (Crab Bastard). Crabstard seemed to think Castys was his new best friend, coming back regularly for meals. Castys liked to imagine killing and eating Crabstard as a show of dominance, but that made him wonder...would eating Crabstard be a form of autocannibalism? Because Crabstard had eaten him...
He wasn’t sure what was worse, Crabstard and his stupid giant pinchers, or the mosquitoes. There weren’t a ton of them, but their bites were just awful, littering his arms and legs with swollen, white boils, which were unusual and also very concerning but what the fuck could he do about it. Because of course he couldn’t scratch them, and they itched so much it hurt and he just had to endure it. Just like he had to endure fucking everything. The heat of the sun, the awful tingling in his arms, the soreness of his wrists, Crabstard pinching off bits of his flesh, the maddening pain and itch of all his bug bites, the hunger and thirst, the boredom, and the...the loneliness.
No, he was fine, he was fine with just himself, it was always just him anyway. He wasn’t imagining his crew rowing to shore and untying him and tending to him in his cold, dark cabin, because he couldn’t get his hopes up, because they probably weren’t even coming for him. They were just going to leave him behind like everyone else and fuck he was wasting water like a useless idiot and he couldn’t stop or even wipe them away and he probably deserved this for everything he’d done so what did it matter?
And, great, the next day he started hallucinating a passing ship and a rowboat coming for him. Thank you, dehydrated whore brain! Let’s get our stupid little hopes up! Dang, the people on the boat kind of even looked like some of his crewmates, which was rude of his brain to make this so realistic looking.
It wasn’t until his first mate, Kaveri, was untying him that Castys realized that this was real, that they’d really...really come for him. “I’m so glad we found you, Captain.” She pulled him into a hug as soon as he was free, and he hugged her back as best he could with his sore arms. 
“I’m glad y’all did, too.” He leaned back when she let go and looked down at himself, wincing. “Well, before we get back to the ship, I am going to deliver a much needed death upon mys-“
“Captain, Captain, wait,” the ship’s medic, Sixtus, called as he ran over. He knelt beside Castys, taking his arm and examining the bug bites closely. “I knew it. These bites all over you are...they contain fly larvae. We’re going to need to dig them out before you heal yourself.”
“...what if I’ve died since I’ve gotten bitten. Like, earlier.”
“Well.” Sixtus breathed in sharply. “We will just have to wait for them to, uh, let us know where they are.” He sighed. “For now, let’s get you back to the ship and I’ll get out the ones I can. I don’t have the tools for it with me.”
“Can I kill Crabstard first?”
“Crab...stard?” Kaveri gave him a concerned look, and Sixtus felt his forehead.
“He’s a very impolite giant crab. He is my rival. I wish to vanquish him.” The other two shared a look.
“Do you know where this...this crab is?” Sixtus tried.
Castys held up a finger and opened his mouth, pausing for a second before shutting it and blinking a few times. “I. I do not. He just scuttles out of the trees to commit crimes every now and then. He has no friends.”
“Alright, in that case, no. You’re in no condition to wander around the island looking for a crab.” Sixtus held out his hand. “So, come on.”
“Fiiiine,” Castys groaned, letting the taller man help him to his feet. He was a little unsteady, but he was able to make it to the boat with Kaveri’s help. As they rowed away, he turned back to the island one last time, cupping his hands around his mouth as he yelled, “Fuck you Crabstard I hope you starve and die in a pit and the other crabs eat you!” 
Once they made it back to the ship, Sixtus ushered Castys into his office, instructing him to sit up on the examination table and take his shirt and pants off. Kaveri helped him, opting to stay in case Sixtus needed a hand. He examined Castys thoroughly, using a lightstone to get a good look at the swollen bug bites littering his body as well as the number of small wounds in his side.
“These from the, uh, crab?” Sixtus asked as he gestured to them.
“Yup. Him and his stupid pinchers.”
“Alright, I know you don’t really get infections, but I’m going to clean these out just to be safe.” He paused. “Also it just feels. Really wrong not to. It’ll bother me if I don’t.”
“Do whatever, doctor man.” Castys did his best not to let his pain show as Sixtus dabbed at his wounds with a stingy liquid. It really didn’t hurt that much, but when Kaveri placed her hand on top of his as he gripped the edge of the table, he didn’t wave her off. He’d let it be Fuss Over The Captain Day. For their sake. Because they seem to have been worried about him. 
“Alright, I’m all done with that, so if you could lay down, Captain, I’ll get started with removing those larvae. Kaveri, get him some rum and then hold him down.” She nodded, leaving and returning soon after with a small cup.
“You know, I haven’t had water in days,” Castys mused before winking at her and downing its contents. Kaveri shook her head.
“You literally emptied my waterskin while we were rowing back.”
“Oh dang, I forgot. Nevermind I’m actually not funny and am just stupid.” He scooted a bit and laid down with his hands behind his head. “Get rid of my worms.”
“They’re not-they’re not worms, Captain, they’re insects, since-” Sixtus stopped himself, folding his hands in front of his mouth. “Nevermind.” He cleared his throat. “Arms at your sides, please. Kaveri, if you would.” She nodded, holding down his shoulders as Sixtus turned Castys’s arm, locating the first larva he was going to remove. Castys breathed in sharply as the knife sliced into his arm, doing his best to keep still as Sixtus slid a pair of tweezers into the wound. The rum dulled his senses enough that it didn’t hurt as much as it could, but it certainly wasn’t painless, and he couldn’t help but gasp as Sixtus slowly pulled a small, wriggling grub out of the incision. He dropped it in a metal tray, cleaned the wound, and picked up his knife.
Then the process started all over again.
Castys didn’t bother counting how many times those tweezers probed around inside him, how many wet little plops he heard as another larva dropped into the tray. He focused on staying still, on the prickle of the rough wood table against his bare back, on the feeling of Kaveri’s hands on his shoulders, more comforting than restraining. They reminded him that he wasn’t alone in his suffering, for once. But he wasn’t supposed to need comfort, he was their immortal captain, the one who’d been through everything before and was strong enough to go through it again, the one his crew could always depend on to be strong. And here he was, teeth gritted against the pain, his forehead resting against Kaveri’s arm, fists clenched to mask their shaking, all over a few cuts and some little maggots.
“Alright,” Sixtus wiped his brow with the back of his hand, “I think that’s all of ‘em. That I can see, at least.” He looked down at Castys. “You had seventeen of those things in you, Captain.” He grimaced. “And possibly more, so please let me know if you feel anything, uh, wiggling. But for now, you’re free to...die.”
“Can’t believe I got a new world record for worm friends.” Castys grabbed the small leather pouch that usually hung around his neck from his pile of clothes, pulling it open.
“They’re not worms-”
“Thank you, Sixtus.” With that, Castys stuck his finger in the pouch and touched his death stone. He came back to life feeling infinitely better, but Kaveri and Sixtus still insisted he rest after he cleaned himself up. He grumbled, but he let Kaveri force him into his bed and bring him something to eat. Once he was finished, she collected his plate and stood awkwardly by his bedside.
“Do...do you want me to come back, Castys? Will you be alright?”
“Look, I’m honestly fine, you’re good. I’ve been through a lot worse, and I’m all healed up now so it doesn’t really matter.” 
She pursed her lips. “I suppose, but that doesn’t mean that that didn’t still take a mental toll on you, and…” she sighed. “Just...call me if you need anything, alright?”
“Will do.” She nodded, but as she started to walk away, Castys realized there was something he’d rather not leave unsaid. “Wait, Kaveri?”
“Th...thank you. For, uh, finding me.”
“Of course, Castys. We’ll always be there for you.” Castys opened his mouth to reply, but he stopped himself and just smiled and nodded, his shoulders only falling once she’d left.
He wished that were true.
Castys Cult: @as-a-matter-of-whump​ @blackrosesandwhump​ @fanmanga1357-blog​​ @thehopelessopus​ @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi​ @hearse-song​ @muddy-swamp-bitch @whumpasaurus101 @yet-another-heathen​​ @galaxywhump​ @starnight-whump​ @his-unspoken-words​ @misspelledwitch
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