#I wanted to do this ask game specifically cause it's something people have mentioned before
babacontainsmultitudes · 10 months
🐭 (hi baba)
🐭: slightly intimidating
😎🌸 Howdy Nyx! Haha you know what Nyxie right back at you and I for one value that about our relationship LOL we're friends who keep each other on our toes (back to back, swords drawn) 💜
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galedekarios · 4 months
i'm reading a new interview tim downie gave about gale and it offers some of tim's own headcanons about gale, as well as tim's thoughts and insights on gale's character:
Nerds & Beyond: I like that you mentioned that the game is full of rounded characters because they are, they all have different aspects that make them feel real. I adore that Gale specifically is so serious and studious, but at the same time he has this really playful side — he often jokes about how he was a mischievous youth, he encourages other people like Arabella to do so, he understands when The Dark Urge first mentions their violent thoughts. There is a lot of nuance and depth there. But the quality that I love with Gale most is that obviously he is very ill when we first meet him – not that we know immediately – and he’s dealing with a lot of chronic pain. I find him incredibly selfless because he takes that day-to-day head on to help the party, which is an aspect I feel continues to show throughout the three acts. What’s your favorite quality of Gale’s, or what did you take away from him? Tim Downie: It’s so interesting hearing you say that, because I had so many different feedbacks about what people take from the character and sometimes things really surprise you. It’s interesting hearing that such and such has taken that particular aspect, because there are broad things like “He’s funny,” and that’s quite nice, that’s a nice trait, though not one you necessarily get to see that much. It’s so interesting hearing other people’s views about what they take from Gale.  The idea of dealing with chronic pain I found really interesting and an interesting subplot to play, and that was the great thing about doing something like this is that it is so unbelievably nuanced. You have so many layers that just keep going and going and going, as much as we all contain multitudes within ourselves. We all deal with these things, but only certain things pop up to the surface at any given point.  What did I take from Gale, though? I liked his studiousness. I would imagine that he was probably bullied as a kid for it, and he was probably a bit of a joker because he was bullied, and he uses that as a defense. But an even bigger defense for him is “I now know stuff that I didn’t before,” and that’s a power. It’s very similar to when you are being bullied and you’re the funny one – that’s your power, that’s your thing. “I may not be able to hurt you in a traditional sense, but I can say things that will make you feel pain,” which is a very different thing because you physically can’t go after them.  That’s the wonderful thing about acting and this character as well is being able to explore all these things that you might not have, that you might have gone, “I’m not gonna look at that again, I don’t want to deal with that,” and then it brings it up again and it’s like, “Oh, this is actually quite cathartic,” to re-explore these these moments of sorrow and loss and how you deal with grief and things like that and heartbreak and how you get over that.  It’s not all just tears, you do try and make a joke of it.
i really like that they are addressing the topic of gale's chronic pain. it's something that doesn't get addressed often, not even in the game itself.
i also found his answer as to why people might connect to gale very nice:
Nerds & Beyond: Gale is the most popular origin character to play as. What is it about him that you think allows so many different players to connect with him to the depths the fandom has? Tim Downie: I really don’t know. I think you’d have to ask the players that, ‘cause I don’t know, to be quite honest with you. He’s a wizard, and who wouldn’t want to be a wizard at the end of the day? I always say the difference between wizards and sorcerers is that sorcerers just pretend – they just assume they know what they’re doing, but a wizard has really learned this trade. And so there’s that kind of weight of knowledge and learning, which I would love to play as and be for a length of time.  I think it’s also the frailties. I like characters, and a lot of people do I’m assuming, that have flaws, otherwise you’ve made them completely unapproachable. To be completely superhuman or completely extraordinary at something then removes the humanity from it because it becomes like, “Well, that’s never gonna happen.” But when there’s a flaw, when there’s, “Oh, I’ve got that wrong, too,” or like, “My knees hurt” as you say, or “I’ve got a bit of a headache. I really don’t want to do this,” “You’re really annoying me, this is very annoying, could you please hurry up?” or “Stop licking the damn thing,” it’s always those moments that are fun because it shows what we’re all thinking at that point, it removes it from almost archetype and stereotype and it becomes human in a way.
gale is approachable and likeable, has flaws, but is genuinely nice. i think that very much sums up his character.
this bit here made me laugh:
Nerds & Beyond: When you’re talking about those different layers in the humanity building, I think one of the most important aspects in this game is the more “background” or passive dialogue, so dialogue that is prompted in the world and not in the cut scenes.  For instance — the first time I made Gale sneak he immediately complained about his knees, and it was such a real moment where he was just like, “Oh, don’t make me do this. This is not what I’m here for, I’ve got bad knees and I’m not made for this.” Did you have any of those background lines or moments that stick out as being particularly fun to craft?  Tim Downie: I remember the first time I ever had to do waiting, I found it infinitely interesting in so many ways. The idea that I did actually just have to wait and just actually, “Hmm…” Those little things I find really funny because they’re probably the closest to me that the character ever gets. His waiting mannerisms are kind of very English – slightly annoyed and I’m not going to show it to you though because we’re all being very nice, but I’ll do it with a huff and a slightly sarcastic, “Well, that’s great. Another 20 minutes. That’s great.” Those kinds of sentiments I found wonderful and incredibly fun, and funny, to do. 
if you want to read the whole interview for yourself, you can do so here!
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plussizeficchick · 9 months
Like That | Sleazy Alpha!Kirishima x Chubby!Reader
Warnings: Dubcon(blackmailing)Cunnilingus, P in V, breeding kink
Summary; Reader’s been keeping a secret from her fellow classmates, except Kirishima’s figured it out. You know what they say, when life gives you lemons
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“-gonna be soo cute! Just you, hey! Are you even listening to me?!” Kirishima mentally rolls his eyes before turning to face the omega that was talking his ear off. “Sorry, what was that?” He asked. He had a way of disarming people, big glassy eyes, a cute little pout and the person is putty in his hands.
The omega chirps, flustered by the look he gives her before batting her eyelashes, the sight quite literally making Kirishima want to throw up. She giggles and the noise grates on his ears. “I said that I’m excited for the party after you guys win the game. My outfit’s going to be really cute.” She winks and Kirishima knows what she’s implying.
She thinks that by the end of the night she’ll get in his pants but he knows better. He has only one omega on his mind, one that he knows was made for him specifically.
You thought you’d hidden it well, and if he wasn’t a prime alpha you may have even gotten away with it, but his senses were stronger than the average one and your scent made his mouth water.
He knew why you presented yourself as beta, he honestly couldn’t fault you. Prime omegas were extremely rare, so with you being the only one on campus, it would’ve caused quite a stir.
That was the main reason he was even talking to this girl. He’d seen you around her and he was hoping to get an in to talk to you. “Sounds nice, you bringing any friends?” She goes on to list a bunch of names that he doesn’t care to know, only recognizing his heart skipping a beat at the mention of your name. Jackpot.
— —
This was not your kind of party. It was overly crowded, way too many people to fit inside the enclosed space, but that wasn’t your main focus. You were on a mission.
Your mission: Avoid Eijiro Kirishima.
He made you extremely nervous. His predatory gaze always somehow on you, as if he’s studying you. As if he knows something.
You have a feeling he knows what you really are, his senses as a prime alpha more heightened, so you’d understand if he knew.
But that was just all the more reason to avoid him.
You thought you were doing pretty well, trying your best to enjoy your university’s big win, but then you come to see Kirishima standing in the far corner of the room, nursing a drink with a girl by his side, failing miserably at flirting.
His eyes are everywhere but her, and he’s barely giving her a response. And if that’s not the worst of it, as soon as he catches sight of you in the tight bodycon dress you have on, he’s making a beeline towards you, cutting her off mid sentence. You turn to leave, hoping that the sea of bodies will help him lose track of you. You lose faith however, when you feel his warm, calloused hands grip your arm, turning you to face him.
“Hey, pretty girl. I was hoping to see you here.” He murmurs softly in your ear. You feel a shiver run down your spine at the close proximity. You quirk a brow, “Oh really? And to what do I owe the pleasure?” You answer sarcastically.
Kirishima takes a moment to look you up and down, drinking in the sight of your dress hugging your curves deliciously, the thought of finally getting to peel away the small piece of fabric enough to get him hard. “I was thinking that since we won the championships, maybe you’d want to give me a little reward.” He says, pushing a bit of your hair behind your ear. “I mean, wouldn’t it be a real tragedy if all these alphas were to somehow find out you were a prime omega?” He smirks at the shock that etches onto your face.
He wouldn’t.
“You wouldn’t.” You practically hiss. He just gives you a smug grin, hands up in mock surrender before leaning directly into your face, “I’m not saying I would. I’m just saying it’d be a real shame if word got around and no one could protect you if something were to happen.” You frown at what he was implying, but what other choice do you have? If you didn’t, alphas were going to salivate anytime you crossed paths and omegas would feel threatened, especially those mated. And he knew that. “What do you say, omega? Wanna get out of here?” He grins, his sharp teeth glinting in the light.
He would.
— —
As soon as Kirishima got you into his room, he was all over you. The scent blockers that you thought you’d so strategically hidden were ripped off without hesitation, Kirishima burrowing his nose right into your scent gland. He groans at the smell, a mix of honey and cinnamon.
He licks at your scent gland, releasing pheromones that will hopefully push you into heat.
He pulls away slightly to get a good look at you, tweaking your nipples through your top and he notices the slight rubbing in your thighs. You were just too cute.
He leans into you, nipping at your neck. “Aw, what’s wrong baby? Need me? Need your big, strong alpha to make it better, hm? Talk to me.” You whine at his words, the feel of his teeth grazing your scent gland about to send you into a frenzy. When did it get so hot? “Please, Eiji.” You practically beg, but that’s not enough for Kirishima, no. He wants you to need him.
He tsks and gives a slight shake of his head before pulling away from you slightly. You whine at the loss of body heat but Kirishima is quick to shut that down with a searing kiss, tongue swirling with yours before sucking and nipping at your bottom lip. “You need me, baby. Know you do. Jus’ wanna hear you say it.” He whispers into your mouth.
How did you end up like this? He had practically blackmailed you, threatened to expose your secret and throw you into the lion’s den, yet you’re seriously aching to get on your knees for him. Ready to give him anything he wants.
“Need you, Eiji. Need you so fucking bad.” You mewl into his neck, sucking hickies into his scent gland. Kirishima groans at your neediness, ready to devour you completely. “Yeah?” He asks, and you nod vigorously. You don’t know why, but you feel the heat intensifying. And the waves of arousal feel much more profound than usual.
Kirishima seems to notice your confusion, cock stirring in his jeans. You really have no idea how this works do you? “What’s wrong, babe?” He asks you with faux concern. “Heat about to break?” He grins wolfishly.
You feel your stomach fall to your ass.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” He says, peeling away at his clothes. “Well, I’ll try anyway.” He chuckles.
The sight of his rock hard abs and muscles has your panties soaking and the way he’s looking at you, like you're a cute, chunky bunny ready to be eaten has your heart skipping beats.
“Well?” Kirishima gestures to your clothes, wanting more than anything to rip them off your body. “Not gonna make me wait, are you?” He asks, stroking the length of his cock. You immediately shimmy out of your clothes, your eyes trained on the motion of his hand. He has the prettiest dick you think you’ve ever seen. It’s heavy, the tip is a nice shade of pink, and it’s drooling pre and you want nothing more than to feel the weight of it against your tongue, but it seems like Kiri has a different idea.
“Next time, baby. Right now,” He hoists you up as if you weigh nothing, and honestly, you probably don’t to him, and he unceremoniously drops you on his bed. His hands find purchase on your thighs, it being one of his favorite things about you. “I need to taste you. You gonna let me, hm? Gonna let me make you cum for me?” He mumbles into the skin, and you know you're done for.
“Please, Eiji. Please make me cum.” You beg, tears welling up in your eyes. The sight has Kirishima groaning. He wants to ruin you.
He spreads your pussy lips apart, running a finger along your slick before sucking the finger into his mouth, moaning at the taste. That only seems to encourage him to drink right from the source. Before you know it, he’s pushing your thighs to your chest and is sucking your clit into his mouth, tongue flicking over the bud in rhythmic strokes. You gasp at the feeling, nobody ever eating you out with such vigor before. He’s moaning into your cunt, lapping up as much of your juices as he can but it’s just not enough! He needs more.
He reaches one hand down and rubs it through your slick before pressing a finger inside. You moan, your cunt clenching around the digit while trying to ignore the embarrassing shlick! sound your cunt is making.
It doesn’t take long before Kirishima pulls an orgasm from you and you barely have time to recover before the second one rips through you.
You didn’t even realize he’d come up until you felt his lips against yours and the head of his cock pressing against your entrance.
You gasp as he stuffs his full length in one go, the tip rubbing against your g-spot deliciously with every snap of his hips.
It feels so good, almost too good, the way he’s grinding his pubic bone against you, and when he rubs your clit in tandem with his thrusts, you know you’re a goner.
You’re gushing around his cock, a lewd squelch sound being made every time his hips snap into yours and you’re barely able to form a sentence. “Feel good, baby? Fuck, your pussy feels s’good. S’good to me, baby. So. Fucking Good. Gonna knot you. Fill you up with my pups. Y’want that, baby? Say “yes, daddy.”” Emphasizing his words with each vicious thrust.
He’s fucking into you with vigor, chasing after his own orgasm and at the same time you both reach your climax, your cunt spasming around his pulsing cock as he shoots load, after load into your abused cunt. He’s pawing at your body, the feeling of the soft, doughy flesh somehow intensifying his orgasm.
You cry out, your plush stomach flexing as you feel all your muscles going taut as your orgasm washes over you. Kirishima works you both through it, laying sweet kisses along your neck and chest before pressing one to your lips and cheek as you both come down from your high. You giggle at his softness, knowing he couldn’t keep the act up for much longer.
“Kiriii.” You whine as he blows raspberries into your neck. “(Y/NNNNN).” He mocks back, before pressing more kisses to your face. “We need to shower.” You pout, the sight making him fall deeper in love with you. He sighs, snuggling further into you, “But whyyy, we’re just gonna do it all over again and you smell like me.” He pouts back and neither one of you can help but bust out laughing. “Alright, alright. I’ll get the bath started. You want cookies?” “You have my favorites?” You ask, perking up at the sound of your favorite snack. “Don’t I always?” He smirks. He is your alpha after all.
— —
Taglist: @xogabbiexo @kinq-sleazee @dabilovesme @sintiva @blkchxrryblyss @tenyaiidasslut @luna-indigoduh @bookwormsenpai @bl--ankhaeji @thicksimpx @namjoonswifeyy @nasty-quillz @haikyutiehoe @musicisme333 @unsatisfiedanddisappointed @celi-xxmoon
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autistichalsin · 4 months
When considering Halsin's polygamy, do you think it is just his way of coping with the scars and traumas of his past? He does admit that monogamy is acceptable, but not for him, and he often talks about roaming. However, the more I play this game, get to know him better, and analyze his character, the more I start to doubt that polygamy is not truly what Halsin wants. He has been through so much - pain, suffering, and torture. What if his polygamy is a shield he uses to protect himself from further pain? Perhaps he has realized that he's fallen in love with Tav and now he is afraid of losing them. Just as you mentioned in your previous post, he is afraid of being alone, rejected, and abandoned.
Just a note- it's polyamory, not polygamy. Polygamy refers specifically to marrying more than one woman.
I absolutely do not in any way, shape, or form, think that he's only polyamorous because of his trauma. Polyamory is who Halsin is. There's a devnote in Halsin's scene that says "sincere- this is a core belief of his."
Wood elves are polyamorous by default. The entire cultural belief is that jealousy is a waste of time, and exploring multiple relationships, as long as all people involved consent, is only natural. That is how he was even before becoming a druid.
This isn't an attack against you, anon, I know you were asking a genuine question in earnest, but I am so beyond tired of people trying to reinterpret all of the polyamorous characters in this game as actually monogamous people who are afraid/broken. Why do people insist on doing this? Is it that hard to conceive of a character with an alternative sexuality who actually is happy that way?
Let's just set aside the characterization reasons and look at it from a pure logical perspective. Halsin is the one to bring up polyamory with the player. He is the one to say this is a fundamental part of who he is. If the player answers that they don't have the same nature as he does and don't want a polyamorous relationship, the relationship doesn't progress. If Halsin was actually just pretending to be poly to avoid being abandoned, why would he not jump in at that point and go "oh, actually I'm okay with a monogamous relationship too, please don't leave?" Why would he be okay with the player leaving over this part of himself if it wasn't actually part of himself, just a lie he told to avoid being left alone? Because poly is who he actually is, not a lie he tells himself to engage in emotional self-harm.
Further, if he was so desperate not to be alone that he would deny who he is, he would actually be more likely to lie about being monogamous, not the other way around. Most people will flat-out refuse poly relationships (because it's not for them) and even call poly people perverts or cheaters. Halsin has probably forewent many other relationships before just because of this fundamental incompatibility. If he was scared of being alone, he would be far likelier to pretend he was happy with one person, so that he would be able to find a partner without navigating that situation, than he would to pretend to be some identity that already makes it harder to find a partner to begin with, and that often causes intense strain on relationships when mismanaged to the point that it can easily be the cause of many relationships ending.
Being poly isn't something you lie about because you want not to be alone- being poly makes it infinitely harder to find a relationship just by its nature.
Halsin is "poly and traumatized" not "poly because he's traumatized." It is absolutely absurd to deny his repeated statements that this is who he is and what he wants. Again, no offense, anon, and I hope this doesn't upset you, but I really have no patience for attempts to dismiss a core part of Halsin's identity as a maladaptive coping mechanism.
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pandorasprongs · 1 year
JAMIE TARTT | and i don't even like you that much. wait, i do. f*ck.
PAIRING: jamie tartt x fem!reader
SUMMARY: jamie is actually a board game nerd and starts spending more time with one of the employees of a local shop.
WARNINGS: language
A/N: this idea came to me as someone asked me if i wanted to buy another volume of a board game we had HAHA if you can figure out what game i'm referring to in this story, hmu! alsooo i want to apologize for the length i swear i didn't mean for it to get that long, but still, i hope you all enjoy! title is from the song 'apple cider' by beabadoobee!
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It was another slow morning in the store, given that most of your frequent customers were forced to be in school at this time. You ended up continuing one of the readings for your class during your shift. Despite a wave of drowsiness hitting you the moment you opened the book, it was still better having free time to be tired than the afternoon rush when 13-year-old boys came in to get another booster pack of Magic: The Gathering cards.
You were practically setting all these children up for a gambling addiction the way they'd spend 20 pounds trying to get one of those shiny ones in their deck. You never bothered to learn the names really, because that wasn't part of your job description. When it came to those kinds of things, those boys probably knew more than you did.
When it came to board games though, that was your area of expertise. It was partly one of the reasons you applied to work here while you were finishing up your Master's, — and also because of how generous the owner was with your salary, — so you always loved helping people out for their board game nights. You didn't have regulars that would come in often, but here and there, there would be a person you recognize from before asking about another game.
You don't know how much time had passed, but after deciding that your brain could no longer take reading the word cognitive multiple times in a sentence, you end up shutting the book and resting your head on the counter.
Soon after though, you hear the bell at the top of the door ring, causing you to jolt up. You only catch a glimpse of the guy walking towards you before he drops his head, his cap completely blocking his face, and a loose black hoodie covering his frame.
For a second, you get worried that the store was about to get robbed but the man finally stops in front of you and speaks, in a thick Mancunian accent. "Do you have any suggestions for board games? Like for family and stuff,"
You swear you've heard his voice before. Maybe from school? Or a former customer? You decide to shake it off before replying. "Well, this is a board game store, so there's quite a lot to pick from. Do you have any specific theme in mind? How many players?"
"There'll be 3 of us, but I'm not really picky with the game. Not any of those monopoly type shit though, cause I'm sick of never winning."
You chuckle at the revelation and that's what gets the man to look up at you. It definitely wasn't his appearance he was worried about. His chiseled jaw and striking blue eyes almost draw you in, not to mention his hairstyle looks eerily like the one David Beckham had in the 90s, who you had to admit was a crush of yours as a kid. He could even pass as a contestant on one of those dating reality shows.
And then it hits you where you've heard his voice before. This guy was on Lust Conquers All and was immediately voted off. You remember it well because your sister was so pissed at him for joining the show since the football season had just started. Jamie something, but the show never mentioned his last name. You try to hide your realization by turning to the shelf behind you.
"Alright uh, I’d recommend this one." You turn back around and slide it across the counter as Jamie (?) starts looking at the box from all angles.
"Looks cool," is all he says in reply and he looks back at you, presumably for you to explain the game. You tuck a piece of hair behind your ear before going on your usual introduction to the game.
"Basically in the game, there are 4 characters you can choose to be your 'heroes.' Your main objective is to get your opponent's health to 0 using the different cards in your set. All the characters have different decks and skills you can use throughout the game, and some of them even have side kicks." You look back up for a second to see his expression and you can tell that you're still holding his interest.
"So for example in the one I gave you, you can battle Sinbad, Medusa, King Arthur, and Alice, who's fucking amazing, by the way."
"Alice? From fucking Wonderland?" You laugh at his surprise before nodding to affirm it. "She's your favorite then?"
"How'd you know?" You ask sarcastically. "But yeah, she's just really versatile and it's just really fun to shrink and grow every turn just to piss off the other players. I'm practically unbeatable using her." You admit though you're not really sure why.
Most of the time when customers come in here for a game, they don't ask questions and just buy the first one you suggest. That’s probably why you answered Jamie's question so earnestly. Cause he's the first one to ever ask you what you liked about the game.
You quickly run through the rest of the rules and mechanics of the game with Jamie chiming in occasionally. You describe the other editions as well and Jamie is tempted to buy the other one — "How is anyone supposed to beat fucking Dracula?" — before he ultimately decides to take home the one you offered.
"If I end up losing using Alice, you owe me a refund." He states as you ring up the game. You playfully roll your eyes as you scan the barcode on the box.
"Oh yeah, since you're the first customer of the day, you get a 7% discount on your purchase," you quickly inform him when you glance at the post-it note on the register screen reminding you about it in bold letters.
Instead of the usual gratefulness or blip of happiness from hearing that news, Jamie instead asks, "Is that really a thing or are you doing it because you know who I am?"
You look at him to check if he's serious and given his blank look, you assume he is. You don't know how to respond to that, so instead you just slowly shake your head.
"Wait, do you not know who I am?" His question itself comes off as arrogant, but given the genuine surprise in your voice, you're not sure how to feel about the guy after he says it.
You decide to answer him honestly. "I do, but given that you walked in here in clothes that make you look like a stalker who's about to rob the place, I didn't think you'd want me to make a big fuss about it, Jamie."
His shoulders seem to relax at your statement and once he goes quiet, he finally pulls out his wallet. You quickly place the game in a paper bag and hand it over to him.
He whispers a quick thanks and turns to leave, before pausing. He turns back to you, "Look, it's not like I'm dressed this way because I'm embarrassed to be in a store like this—"
"I didn't think you were," you answer blankly with a hint of sarcasm. You decide to mess with the guy a little bit because hey, when's the next time a famous footballer comes into your store again? "Why, is there something I should be embarrassed about?"
Jamie quickly shakes his head. "No, fuck no! I think it's cool, really. You know, being surrounded by all these games and cards and knowing so much about them. Especially someone like you,"
You tilt your head in amusement. "What do you mean someone like me?" Jamie's embarrassment only seems to deepen at that.
"Fuck I didn't mean it like that. Honestly, when I came in here, I was expecting some teenage boy to be at the counter. Wait no— I mean, girls can like all this stuff too! I just didn't expect someone attr—," he stops himself and shakes his head. "Shit, wait,"
You watch Jamie scramble for words and you decide to just put an end to his misery. "Look, look, I was just joking around. I don't give that much of a shit about what you said." The football player visibly relaxes and you hold in a laugh at that reaction. "And you're basically right about the kind of people who work here. Most of my co-workers can't work these hours right now 'cause they're off studying for their A-Levels."
"Yeah, well thank you for this," Jamie lifts the bag slightly and you give him a genuine smile.
"No problem. Hope you enjoy the game! And if you ever feel compelled to dress like a shitty robber again, you can come back and tell me what you think." Your sarcasm no longer throws Jamie off who instead, just playfully rolls his eyes and leaves the store.
You go back to your reading for your behavioral science class, putting your interaction with the football player in the back of your mind.
The next time you see Jamie is two weeks later, although this time, he comes in right before closing. Technically, you weren't the only one assigned for this shift, but you decided to let your co-worker go home early since he said he had an English exam the next day and still hadn't studied.
So, you were counting down the minutes to 8 pm when you hear someone come inside. Fucking hell. You force a smile, "Hi, welcome! We'll be closing in a few minutes, but please approach me if you need anything so you can have a speedier process."
"Are you really that desperate to get rid of me?" The person moves away from the shelves and turns out to be Jamie Tartt, you learn his last name is. He's wearing another grey hoodie but seems to have decided to ditch his hat. Good, because you weren't sure how much longer you could stare at the ICON written on it and not judge him. "I wanna know, did you think offering to help the customer would get them out of here quicker?"
"I had to try something," you defend yourself, shrugging. You notice Jamie carrying the bag you used to wrap the board game and slightly frown. "Didn't like the game?"
He follows your eyes and is quick to correct you. "I loved it, actually. First time playing a board game that Simon didn't win during the first round." You aren't sure who Simon is, but you laugh nonetheless. "And you're right, Alice is fucking unbeatable."
"I'm glad you liked it, and Alice," you start, but then glance at the time on your phone. "But, is that the only reason you came here?"
"Well no, I was wondering if you wanted to play. That's why I came so late, in case there would be too many people if I came at the usual time."
"Yeah, there was a fuck ton, actually, as you can tell from the fully stocked store." You say, pretending to look around the room. "But sure, if you want. I don't have anything going on tomorrow anyway," Now you're really glad that you didn't procrastinate that paper due tonight.
Jamie smiles as he starts to unbox the set and you grab one of the chairs behind the counter and push it to the other side for the footballer.
Never did you imagine you would spend a Saturday night with a hot football player playing one of your favorite board games, but here you were. In between one of the rounds, the topic of football is brought up and you admit that you don't know all that much about it despite your family being made up of fanatics.
"Everyone has their team they support. My dad loves Arsenal, my mum loves Chelsea, and my sister bounces between West Ham and Crystal Palace. Though, she fucking hates Rupert Mannion, so maybe this is the end of her West Ham support." You answer as you shuffle Jamie's deck.
"Shit, the season must be fun for you guys," Jamie remarks and you snort, though instantly regretting letting that sound out. The football player looks unfazed, so you decide not to apologize for it and answer his question instead.
"Yeah, I basically end up being their messenger till the finals, which ends up becoming World War 3 if their teams are competing," you hand him his deck back and start the round, but your conversation doesn't end there.
"What team would you support then, if you got into football?" He looks hopefully at you.
"Yours, probably." You confirm as you look through your first hand of cards. "I mean, I'm about to destroy one of their players at this game. It's the least I can do."
"We'll see about that," Jamie replies and you roll your eyes playfully, but you smile.
Working at the store meant you were surrounded by board game fans every day, but not even your regulars would come in here after your shift to play. You couldn't help but feel warm at how Jamie matched your enthusiasm about the game, something, you admit, you didn't expect from the player. You knew nothing would probably come from this harmless happy crush of yours, but if he decided to start coming in often to play, you wouldn't be opposed to it.
Your attention turns back to the game once Jamie picks his next move. He smirks at his decision until his expression suddenly shifts. "Wait, if you're not into football, how'd you know who I was the other day?"
You move your piece before looking directly into Jamie's eyes and respond, "I just really love trashy reality shows." Jamie playfully groans at the reminder and you burst into laughter before you continue the game.
True to form, whichever of the two of you uses Alice is the one to win that round. You finally decide on a tie-breaker with your favorite being banned from usage.
"Christ, if this is how you maneuver in a board game, I wonder how good you are at football." You tease, as you glance at his character being at only 4HP.
"I'm fucking amazing, actually. Ask your family, they'll tell you." Jamie moves a few spaces on the board, hoping to escape your Medusa, but instead, he falls into one of your traps.
You corner him and finally reduce his King Arthur's health. "And there you go, 3-2."
It takes Jamie a second to absorb everything before he slouches. "Fucking hell." You laugh before getting up from your chair and helping him keep all the pieces and cards.
"Better luck next time, Tartt."
Jamie, whose competitive side seems to be shining in this game, doesn't let it end there.
Almost every week, he would come into the store at night asking to play. He was definitely getting better, but after making a deal where the loser has to tell an embarrassing story after the round, you realize you know more about him than he probably does about you.
"God Jamie, how are you alive?" You ask as he shares a story from when he first started the league.
"How was I supposed to know doing multiple headers in one match could lead to a bloody concussion?" He retorts, only making your eyes widen even more.
"I'm pretty sure that's common knowledge to about 80% of the population," you say through your laughter.
It's almost 10 when you finish playing, so you grab your jacket and start heading to the door with Jamie. You lock the store up and notice that Jamie's still hanging around you.
It's dark outside, but it seems like his features were even more enhanced by the moonlight. The light hit his eyes just the right way that it made the blue more evident. You notice just then how his hair is neater today, mainly because of his sports headband. The front strands of his hair had fallen out it though, falling on his face in just the right way that it gave you butterflies. Did all footballers look this attractive?
You realize that you may have been starting a bit too long and as you tuck the keys in your jacket pocket, you decide to ask, "Need anything else?"
Jamie opens his mouth to say something, but instead, he just shakes his head. "Nothing actually, just good night," he waves and starts walking in the opposite direction, but you swear you hear him muttering something under his breath.
It had been a week since then and you had to start telling yourself to not be so excited when you hear the bell ring. Every time it did, you'd look expectantly at the door expecting to see Jamie again, asking for another or a new volume or even just game tips. Each time, you'd end up disappointed and would have to fake a smile to the customer approaching you.
This time you hear it ring, and you do your best to not look up. If it was Jamie, you knew that your boss George probably would be sounding an alarm. You only learned the Monday after that he was a major AFC Richmond fan when you mentioned that a football player had visited the store multiple times to play board games.
"Do you think we can get him to sign a picture and put it on the wall? Can you ask?" You quickly have to explain how those interactions were the only times you ever spoke to Jamie and had no actual way of contacting him.
As you close your laptop, — one more paragraph and that essay is done! — you look up to find two guys standing in front of you.
"Hi, do you have any board game recommendations?" the one on the right greeted, his accent quickly revealing him to be Welsh.
You don't have a chance to answer because the left one lightly elbows his friend before whispering (though loud enough for you to hear), "He already told us what to get, bruv."
You may not know who this 'he' is, but the guy pulls out his phone and shows you a picture of a board game, the same one you recommended to Jamie. Wishful thinking gets you to believe that they were friends of his and he liked it so much that he told them about it. And maybe about you, too.
You've never been so happy to be right.
You nod your head and as he kept his phone, you started pulling the same edition from the shelf behind you when you hear a screeching sound that almost made you drop the box.
"Oh my God, Colin Hughes, and Isaac McAdoo!" George exclaims and you wonder where you've heard those names before.
The owner joins you at the counter as you place the board game in front of you. Maybe you weren't pretending to be as peppy as you usually do, because George decides to ask, "How are you so calm? Do you know who these guys are? They're Colin Hughes and Isaac McAdoo!"
"I heard you the first time," you turn to the two guys once again, embarrassed on behalf of your boss.
"They're part of the starting team of AFC Richmond!" And that's when it clicks. On one of your all-nighters, you decided to take a break and search up Jamie Tartt just to see what you could find. You ended up at his club's website and saw the rest of the players as well. You didn't pay them much attention given that you were so focused on player number 9, but you saw enough pictures to recognize them, at least.
"So you guys do know Jamie," you think out loud and the two players turn to each other, before sharing looks of realization.
"Oh, you're the girl!" Colin exclaims and you can't help but feel butterflies in your stomach.
"Yeah, I guess so," you try and act as nonchalantly as possible, so neither of them picks up on anything. You turn back to the game and ask, "Is this the one you wanted?"
"Jamie said there were other versions?" Isaac asks and you nod your head to confirm it, which he smiles at. "We want the Sherlock one."
"Okay," you reach for that one on the shelf as George starts offering them discounts on the game.
When he almost offers to give it to them for free along with another set, you stop him by slamming the box on the counter. Why were you the one trying to keep his business alive? "Here it is, hope you enjoy it!"
You ring up their purchase, still trying to hold your boss back from scaring these footballers away before they can pay. You finally bag the whole thing and hand it to them. "Thank you!" you shout as they exit the store.
"Yeah, see you soon!" George says afterward and you look at him in confusion.
"What the fuck was that, George?" He only sighs, most likely the embarrassment only hitting him at that exact moment.
Once he goes back to doing inventory, you can't help but replay what Colin said. Oh, you're the girl! Why was such a simple phrase like that affecting you so much? For all you know, he might've mentioned you being a sore winner, which wouldn't be the first time you've been called that.
But you still hope he said good things about you and maybe even kept better things he thought to himself.
"Okay, time's up. Please pass your papers." You write one last word as you get up to give your exam to the proctor, sighing in relief that the semester is finally over.
You had asked for leave for the past few days and didn't have a shift until tomorrow, so you decide to treat yourself to some coffee and pasta for lunch at the campus cafe.
As you settle down at one of the tables, you get a phone call from George. He was more than happy to let you take the time off, so you wonder what emergency had to happen for him to contact you.
As soon as you pick up, George screams your name into the phone. You pull it away from your ear for a second, and respond, "What? What do you need?"
"Look, I'm sorry to disturb you on your day off, but you said that your test ended at 2:30, so I decided to hold off calling you till then. Anyway, someone came in a few days ago asking if we host board game nights."
"And we do," you answer for him as you chew your sandwich.
"Right, and then he said that he was from AFC Richmond." You flinch after imagining how your boss could've reacted at that revelation. "They wanted to hold it a few days ago," George pauses.
"Why didn't you say yes? You could've been game master."
"Yeah well, I wanted to, but they specifically asked for you to go." You put down your sandwich and straighten up. George continues, "I told them you were on leave, but they said they could wait till you were back at work. I said that your test was this morning and I would ask if you'd be willing to end your leave early."
"Okay, sure." You answer, a little faster than you intended. You couldn't believe that the team — and maybe even Jamie personally, — was willing to postpone their game night just so you would be the one to facilitate it.
The surprise was evident in George's voice. Normally, you would reject his idea the moment he mentioned board game nights, but something about this was different for you. "Oh okay, well, I'll send you the address. I'll be bringing the boards there since you don't have a car and I'll meet you there at 4 pm. It's a restaurant, so maybe you can get something to eat before 'cause shit can get crazy at those things and it's best to load up."
You don't know how a board game night could get crazy, but you decide not to comment on it. He sends you the details through text before you end the call and continues eating your sandwich. The place wasn't too far from campus, so you didn't have to rush to get there. But after 10 minutes, you consumed your sandwich and were out the door with your coffee in hand.
While walking, you decided to familiarize yourself more with the players trying to put names to face before you had to interact with all of them at once. You started to get the hang of it, — even looking at team photos and naming them one by one as a test — as you get to the venue at around half past 3.
You arrive at a restaurant called Ola's, and you remember seeing one of the Richmond players post about it. Your dad wanted to have dinner here once, but they were always fully booked so the four of you gave up trying to get a table there.
Because of that, you expected the place to be swamped with customers, but instead find an almost empty restaurant. You notice one guy standing in the middle of it and approach him.
"Hi," He turns around and you recognize him as Sam Obisanya, meaning he must be the owner. You introduce yourself quickly before asking, "Am I at the right place? I'm here to help host a board game tournament."
Sam's eyes widen as he seems to recognize you. "Oh yes, this is the place. Sorry, I didn't expect you to be so early. We already fixed up the tables, but I can also help in setting up the boards if you like."
"Ah no, it's alright. My boss is the one who’s bringing them. I came from my university, so I don't have any of them on me right now." You quickly explain and Sam nods as he leads you to one of the tables to relax, while he grabs some appetizers from the kitchen.
He makes his way back to the table, though he can't seem to stop looking at you. You subconsciously start fixing your hair, wondering if you should've gone to the bathroom before going in here.
He seems to pick up on this and is quick to reassure you, "Oh, I'm sorry for staring. It's just Jamie has mentioned you so many times, so it's nice to finally put a face to the name."
Your heart skips a beat at the mention of the football player. You grab some of the food he offered as you reply as calmly as you can, "Oh yeah, did he tell you how he is nowhere close to beating my number of wins?"
Sam lets out a short chuckle. "No, but I'm not surprised. He did say you're very good at it." You smile and decide to ask why they decided to do a board game night.
It takes a second before Sam replies, "Oh well, Coach always says to do team-building activities every once in a while, and seeing as Jamie has asked almost everyone on the team to play the game at least once, we thought it would be a good idea. I think Isaac and Colin got their own board too and they started bringing it to the clubhouse."
"Shit, I didn't realize that football players loved board games so much," you remarked as you hear the door to the restaurant open.
Both of you look up to see George, who is trying to carry 12 boxes of board game sets. You rush out of your seat to help him out and so does Sam. The sight of the player almost makes your boss drop all of them from his arms, but you quickly scoop four of them and Same takes another four.
"Sam Obisanya," George exhales, once some of the weight is literally lifted off him.
The player simply says, "Hello," and states that he'll start setting up the four boards on the tables near the back.
You snap your fingers to get George out of the trance and the two of your start setting up on the rest of your tables, dropping the character figurines at the bar table and putting the sign-up sheet next to it. Slowly, the restaurant starts filling up with players with George gradually losing his mind at the number of footballers from his favorite team.
You finally get him to leave, but only by promising to convince the team to take a picture with him when he came back to pick up the boards. You're pretty sure he's already making plans to put it on a canvas and hang it on his bed.
You settle yourself behind the bar table to be in charge of the players setting up, each time expecting it to be Jamie standing in front of you. You try and keep your focus on the task at hand every time you hear the boys greet someone new.
Isaac and Colin are the next to write their names and they give you a look that you can't quite decipher. Soon enough, Jamie finally gets here and you straighten up in your seat. He greets some of the players till his eyes land on you.
He approached the bench and once he looked up, he observed out loud. "You're here,”
"Aw, did you want to get rid of me that badly?" You mimic him before explaining that you finished your leave earlier, "just to see you, of course." — with some truth behind that statement. Jamie laughs — albeit, a little awkwardly, — and takes the clipboard. As he signs up, you decide to take the chance to tease him. "Heard you were talking about me to your teammates."
Jamie's eyes widen and he stops writing to shoot glares at the rest of AFC Richmond, not sure who told you. Jamie turns back to you and you laugh. "Don't worry, Tartt. I'm sure you just told them how I'm an absolute god at the game and you're glad I'm not playing tonight." The football player simply rolls his eyes as he joins his teammates.
Once the whole team is complete along with their kit-man Will, you decide to start the tournament. "Okay, hi everyone! Welcome to your board game night." The crowd cheers and you're startled by their enthusiasm. You quickly explain the rules of the night, — though they seem to already know most of it, — and the order of players. It's a draw lots method, so the players will be randomly given a character and an opponent.
Once everyone gets their characters and settles in, you start making rounds in case anyone had any questions. After a while, you start heading back to the bar when someone taps you on the shoulder. You find Jamie already done with his round.
"How'd you win that quickly?" You don't try to hide the surprise in your voice. "Even I take like 20 minutes minimum to win."
"Oh I didn't," Jamie clarifies, and you widen your eyes. "I just couldn't attack Dani. I mean, look at that face." You turn to their table and find Dani smiling at you — "This is fun!" — and waving using his Dracula figurine.
You laugh at his reasoning. "Alright then, guess you're done for the night." You walk back to the bar and Jamie stops on the opposite side of it.
"You hungry? Sam said there's prepped meals in the back and since none of the games are ending soon…" Jamie offers and you obliged, seeing as this might be the only time you might ever get to eat in this restaurant. He grabs two plates from there and settles down next to you. Surprisingly, he managed to grab one of your favorite dishes. You remember mentioning to him that you had tried it at another restaurant in the past and loved it, but you doubt he even remembers it and dubbed it a coincidence.
You decide to keep the topic off board games and instead let him talk about what he's doing since he last saw you. Turns out they had multiple back-to-back matches, so practice was tight and he didn't have time to visit you. He also said the next time he did, it was one of your teenage co-workers manning the counter.
"Oh, Chuck! Yeah, he's pretty shit at board games." You say blankly while you shove another spoonful of food into your mouth.
"I ended up just buying a card game and leaving." Jamie continues and you laugh.
"Sorry, you went all the way there for just that. I go to class on Wednesdays, so I don't have a shift then." The conversation then shifts to your degree and you explain that you plan on becoming a psychologist.
"There is another upside to getting that degree too," Jamie chimes in, and you tilt your head. "You can fuck with someone's head while playing."
"Okay, psychology isn't mind control." Though, you think about it for a second. "But it is pretty close. You’ll be my first victim.” You make your sound more ghostly in that last sentence and Jamie pretends to act terrified and faint.
There is a short silence between the two of you when you realize that most of the rounds are done. You start organizing the next round and once the games start, the other players start going around and rooting for their teammates.
It leaves the area near the bar much more isolated and Jamie lowers his voice. "About that card game I got, it's pretty fun, too."
"Yeah?" You ask as you bring your plate back to the kitchen.
"Yeah. I'd love to take you out and talk about it," you stop in your tracks before turning back to the footballer who adds, “If you want."
You turn around to see Jamie is much closer to you now. It's only then you realize how much taller he was than you, but despite that, you’re not intimidated, especially with him looking so expectantly at you.
It takes a second before your mouth turns into a smile. "I think I'd like that."
Jamie does this small bounce thing on his heels, before trying to tone it down. You only laugh and kiss him on the cheek before heading to the crowd of players. He follows suit and rests his arm on your shoulders.
Some of his teammates notice and start cheering. You look at them confused before deciding to ask Jamie, "Was this all an elaborate scheme to ask me out?"
He shakes his head, "No, 'course not. Was there a deal made after I lost a game to Jan? Possibly," The both of you laugh as you playfully push his head away. You start to accept that this unfairly attractive football player — whom you'll be going on a date soon — can be as much of a nerd as you.
If this is what George meant when he said game nights could get crazy, well, maybe you should’ve given them a chance earlier.
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Idk if you're still taking requests but imagine one day Kazuha finds Creator's death note diary and finds a bunch of names. Realizing those are the people who killed the Creator before, he went "Ykw, I'm giving Our Holy One some therapy with the help of my friends" and kidnaps grabs Fischl, Mona, Xinyan, and finally you for an adventure-therapy or something something-
*cutely inserts Tomo breakdancing in Celestia*
PFFT that would be obviously hilarious and adorable.
I can definitely see the group having so much fun, probably telling stories of their lives that aren't mentioned in game. Maybe the creator also gaining information on how these specific characters views others. Like Mona's views of Fontaine or something.
Bonus if where they went was towards those summertime event islands.
But if we're considering Death Seeking Creator (I should probably make it known if those who send in asks don't want me to talk about Death Seeking please just tell me cause otherwise I'll just assume and we know what happens when assuming) though I don't think it would be possible considering he also was someone who killed the creator. Now I don't think he did it out of pure religious reasons, he's more level headed than that. He's someone who only kills "imposters" out of mercy, like Kaeya actually.
He makes it as quick and painless as possible, sometimes having done sneak attacks (so in the diary, the entries would only mention what the day as like before they write about them suddenly seeing darkness and then waking up in another nation). Not too mention the creator would use every single opportunity to experience another death.
They definitely would question Kazuha on why he's doing this, maybe even have some small breakthrough of where they're screaming at him and hurling insults that were thrown their way. Just absolutely trying to beat a dead horse essentially of why they have to die and that they don't understand why everyone is suddenly saying the opposite.
Tbh this makes me think of how confusing any therapy would be for Death Seeking Creator, because I can imagine them as this childishly stubborn person who refuses to see it as any other way purely because everything they did, they tried to do to change the outcome, always resulted in death no matter what. Peaceful talks? They couldn't get a word in before being sliced down. Fighting like a wild animal? Like they could defeat a god with their bare hands. Hiding and never greeting another person? They're always found out somehow, it's like the characters are drawn to them. Disguises? Even that doesn't work. Nothing they did work. So it had to be destiny right? They had to have this role of constant death? Why? Who fucking knows? They're not a god, they were never supposed to be a god. Why question the ways of a being they have no comprehension of how they think? It would be better to just play the role given, to be the the target every hunter wants. To be that white rabbit that gets chased by Alice throughout the story. But how they go? Well that'll be up to them, if the gods want some sick entertainment, why not make it more interesting?
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rowanyx · 9 months
There is something so deep about Laerryn's choice in the finale, and Brennan's phrasing of the decision to be made.
To clarify, this scene (copied and pasted from the CR wiki transcripts):
BRENNAN: On a 16, you must make a tough decision. Do you want to further limit the release of energy and make the release of energy safer for the physical environs of Avalir and Cathmoíra, or do you want to ensure that Rau'shan and Ka'Mort will be permanently banished from Exandria?
TRAVIS: Impossible.
AABRIA: Laerryn's little joke to herself was always that the Heart of Avalir was the thing she inherited, but it was too small. She made it bigger, she improved it. She improved the Etheric Net and built this and that she was the Heart of Avalir, and she gave everything to this city. But I know what people are fighting to protect and I remember what Quay said about going down with the ship. So we will ensure it. This will work. Avalir be damned.
or this timestamp of the episode (in case the link doesn't work for the timestamp, the first comment's list has it labelled Laerryn's Tough Decision):
As we were first introduced to her, Laerryn Coramar-Seelie is the Architect Arcane. As Aabria herself even put, her whole life, all her work, is about taking the city and making it better. Building more. Expansion is the name of the game. So when Brennan specifies that the limiting of energy output will save the physical environs rather than the people, that holds weight.
Just, in a mechanics aspect, there is the fact she is an Abjurer. The whole point of her magic is exactly this choice. To stop things from being destroyed. Her wards that take the damage so that she or others will not. She is not built to bring destruction, leave the fight to others. She will be there to soften the blows that come her allies' ways. She is the one one deciding this, and it feels right, because she's spent her studies dedicated to figuring out how she will prevent the destruction that comes her way.
But that isn't all.
Because any other hero, any other party member, every other soul faced with this question could so easily think that it is a useless decision. A city can be rebuilt, but only if the Betrayer Gods are stopped before they kill all the people that can do so.
But Laerryn, who has dedicated her years to this, the position of Architect Arcane, knows this city and her structures far more intimately. She has been there, step by step, as she forged them. Designed them. Watched over their construction. It is by her hand it was built.
Asking her, specifically, is asking her to choose between everything she's done, or let it all burn. Asking her to make this decision is asking her to decide her legacy. Will she live on as the maker of the land that survived such devastation, but not the people, or will she go down as the one who helped stop the Calamity?
Her choice boiled down to this: Limiting the energy, their work, the libraries and churches, the colleges, grand towers and hallowed halls, stone and mortar, it all can go on unshattered. Or, stopping the Betrayers, the people may continue on.
Was her work more important than the lives she was surrounded by?
Aabria mentions Laerryn was given the Heart of Avalir, jokes how she improved it. But the Heart of Avalir, while magical, is only an engine. It was made, and can be again. So in this moment, I think Laerryn maybe realizes that the true heart of a city comes from the people. Always thinking, thoughts speed by her, whether or not she ever had time to really process the revelations before her demise.
Evandrin is already gone due her hubris. Who else would she lose? Would it have felt like home, without Loqautious there by her side? Would it truly feel like her city, without Patia keeping up with her? What would she cause, without Nydas to hold her back? What is Avalir, without her Brass Ring?
Her assistant, probably still waiting for her, in their offices, and the choice of which will see tomorrow?
How many will feel the heat of Rau'shan's flames as they die? How many will fall to Ka'Mort's earth?
None, she decides. Her friends and neighbors, the kinsmen of her home, will not feel these pains.
I think it is also a moment that beautifully showcases her accepting her death. She will not be here to heal her city. She's going down with the ship. Maybe her blueprints will be found and used, and Avalir will be as it once was. Maybe they won't, and they'll construct it all anew. But she won't see it, so it is their turn to take what was given and build on.
Of course, Rau'shan and Ka'Mort were not the only assets of the Calamity, and damage and destruction was still wrought across Exandria. But there are enough hands to clear the ruins and make their own stories. And that is because of the greatest Architect of them all.
She gave them a chance indeed.
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shiny-kaibernyte · 5 months
hi i heard you're The Guy Who Writes Drayton Stuff /silly uhhh if you're ok with it could I possibly request something with Drayton x Reader who's mute (and bullied because of it)? thank you :)
This is the first post i have written since coming back for the new year. I'm currently focusing on my new etsy shop I'll be opening soon but I'm so happy with how this one turned out and I do hope you do to. 💜
Moonlight Silence | Drayton x Mute Reader
Pokémon Scarlett and Violet Indigo Disk DLC Spoilers ahead!
Mentions of bullying and self doubt. Drayton comes to your side in your moment of zen. Deciding to tell you what he truly thinks in the first moment he gets to share with you.
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It was so quiet. The stars above you shining brighter than normal, the moon's radiant light more prominent than you’d seen it before, almost a halo around the planet. Refreshing. That was the only word your mind could muster up in the sea of peace. Just you and the sky, no Pokémon, no people, not even a cloud. Pure peace, the odd sound of a Pokémon cry being the only thing truly bonding everything together. Sometimes the thought of what was up there ran across your mind… what if you could just grab a star, hold it, love it close up instead of admiring from afar. As if you were trying to make your thoughts come true, your hand reached up towards the sky, covering the moon so only the stars could be seen by your eyes, until another sight took over. “Seems you’ve taken, reaching for the stars literally huh!” Your new vision chimed looking down at you completely covering your vision. Lowering your hand you realise your visitor is no other than Colgate himself, Drayton. 
Quickly sitting up, you stare at him in pure confusion. Drayton was never up at this time, he may have been a bit laid back but he stuck to a very strict sleep schedule, so seeing him up past that was highly confusing. Not to mention the fact he was out here alone, normally he’s paired up with Crispin. Apparently your confusion was noticed by your new companion who simply chuckles at the sight of your face, sitting down beside you.
“I came looking for you…” Drayton bluntly responded, a small smile appearing on his face when your confusion only grew more. He was looking for you? Once again as if he could read your mind, he continued. “Your confusion, I can tell you are wondering why I'm out here. Now you're asking yourself why I came out here specifically to find you… If I'm honest, I've been trying to find you all day. Seems Arceus had other plans for me today.”
Turning on your knees, you give him your full attention, confusion now curiosity as your attentive ears perk up in anticipation. Why had he been looking for you all day? He had your number so he could have just texted you, left a voicemail, anything at all. Why in person?
With a sigh, Drayton turns his head to the sky admiring the same stars you just were. “You know I'm not one to use tender words. Just wastes time and plays on the emotions of others. I prefer speaking plainly and honestly! You know that better than anyone… So I'm going to ask you this plainly all you need to do is nod yes or no.” 
His attention was now back on you, a small bit of concern laced over his eyes, causing your stomach to sink slightly.
“Yesterday, those two boys… were they bothering you?” He asks plainly. Within a moment your eyes grew wide as you replayed the scene in your head. Skipping over small details, only remembering the feeling of them pushing you against the wall, dragging you around in a strange push pull game, yelling hurtful and disgraceful things to you, all because of your silence. This wasn’t an uncommon occurrence either by these two. To be used as they’re punching bag in a sense. But never once would you go for help, to you, it would have only been confusing. Having to write down what you wanted to say. So all you could do was repress the thoughts in your head and continue on with your day, as if it never happened. But now… sitting here, being, asked about the event. The images of their faces, coated in a sinister smile, as if these boys had some kick in seeing your misery. Their eyes were black in your mind, blocked out completely, only their mouths repeating the words over and over. “That’s a yes”
Drayton's sudden words pulled you from your daze, staring intently at him, confused as to how he knew this. From your knowledge… No one else was there in that hallway.
“You know you can come see me if you're being bothered right? You don’t have to go through something like this alone! No one deserves to be treated like that. And don’t give me that ‘I don’t know what you mean look’ This isn’t the first time I've witnessed it…” He looked at you completely focused on your expressions reading each one perfectly. Gently taking your hands into his he pulled up towards him before continuing once more. “I care about you… so much, and seeing how people treat you, just because you don’t talk is heart breaking, but knowing the fact you didn't think you could come to me, hurts even more. You are so important to me, and I want you to know that I will always be here for you. And I want you to know that I will protect you, even if you don’t want me to stand by your side, I will protect you from afar, or as close as you’ll allow me. But please, don’t push me away, it's alright to be afraid, to feel outcasted. But know, you will never be left behind by me, I will never leave you out to dry.”
Tears began welling up in your eyes, your mind running through the words he said over and over again.
“I just wish I had said all this sooner… This whole Kieran situation, the battle league, everything was keeping me away from telling you this…” Suddenly he snaps out of his own daze, seems he got so caught up in the moment he hadn't realised what was going on, and seeing your surprised face, tears running down your flushed cheeks caused him to smile warmly, running his free hand across them to clear away the tears. “I’m sorry, seems I got caught up in my own talking I barely gave you a chance to process anything I said”
You began profusely shaking your head, not wanting him to apologise to you for anything, you just couldn't understand why he was saying any of this to you or why he would care so much in the first place. Just thinking of it made you smile. This whole situation was so overwhelming yet so comforting, the only thing you could get your body to do was hug him. A hug which he returned, no hesitation. His embrace was warm, comforting, even more so than the night sky you’d been absorbed in just moments before. All his words seemed so true at this moment.
“You know… I’ve seen many sights since I came to this school, views many people only dream of seeing, and yet, none compare to your smile.”
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emi-simps · 1 year
some kenma headcanons i have
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tw; none that i can think of but am open to changing if necessary just send me an ask. :)
a/n: not edited definitely grammatical errors but i'm lazy and don't care :D
kenmas main love language is gift giving.
he definitely gets you your own gaming setup that’s the same as his, but it’s themed after your favorite things and colors.
Do you need one with that much top-of-the-line equipment if you’re just a casual gamer? no absolutely not, and he knows this, but he knows it’s some of the best equipment and that’s why he got it
he also gifts you new games on things like steam without even asking, you’ll just get on and see an inbox full of games or add on's he gifted you.
kuroo jokingly calls him your sugar daddy
if you ever ask why or express that you don’t think you’re worthy of all of his gifts he’s actually so confused cause he’s just so in love with you that the idea that you don’t deserve the best is actually impossible to him 
he also expresses how he’s so thankful for you cause he’s not stupid, he knows being with him can’t be easy cause he’s always so busy and there’s times where he has no time to spend with you even though he always does his best to give you as much time or attention as he can
he’s always ready to drop whatever he’s doing if you need him though, no matter if he’s streaming or in a meeting for his company he’ll always come when you need him.
he’s definitely the type to remember everything, even if you don’t think he’s listening.
if you come to tell him something while he’s gaming, he’ll specifically turn the volume down so he can hear you better, he’d even go as far as to mute who he’s playing with if they get too loud or distracting. 
definitely the type of boyfriend where he thinks you look beautiful/handsome no matter what, even when you first wake up with bed head, morning breath and the lines from the pillowcase on your cheek.
takes off your birthday/anniversary every year, no matter what, if it falls on one of his streaming days, he’ll tweet to his fans that the stream is being moved, he mentions why and won’t even apologize cause his fans know by know that you come first always, and its fine cause they love you. if there’s a meeting that way, he has them either reschedule it or leaves it up to someone he trusts to act in his place.
has a bunch of candid photos of you, ones where you know he’s taking pictures of you as well but there’s just something about candid pictures that make his heart clench, and when i say a bunch, i mean a bunch, if anyone sends him any they're being saved.
his lock-screen and home screen are both photos of you, his password is either your birthday or your anniversary. 
his lap is always open to you if you want to sit and cuddle or chat, even if he’s streaming, he’ll gently kiss your temple and whisper asking if you’d like him to log off, and he knows when your no is genuine and when you’re just saying no because you don’t want to upset anyone.
he’s quick to shut down rumors that you’re controlling, manipulating or abusing him in any way, assuring his fans that everything he does for you he does of his own volition. 
“Kodzuken is a simp” starts trending after that, you and kuroo make jokes about it cause, people just now realized? he doesn’t care though, he’s so i love with you he’d do anything for you.
if he’s ever drained, he’ll absolutely just find you and either plop down next to you and cuddle up if you’re sitting or lying down or if you’re standing just come and hug you before nuzzling his face into you.
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quinloki · 1 year
If the Kink Ask thing is still open can I get 1.Threesome (and if the third being a male or a female would change their rating) 2.Humiliation and 3.Body worship (receiving) with Crocodile, Kid, and Katakuri?
Oh You may, you very well may indeed ^_^
This should be relatively easy too cause I've got pretty solid head canons for these three =D <3
Let's go by... hm... Kink on this one.
Crocodile - I dunno - I made brief mention of this in the Double Penetration ask with Crocodile. It's a mix of possessiveness and also a mix of not trusting many people to see him vulnerable like that. There's one or two people he'd be okay with at most, and he wouldn't be terribly motivated to bring it up or admit to any possibilities. Every delicious sound and squirm you make is for him, but if you need to be stuffed he'll build/buy/create whatever can bring you that satisfaction.
Eustass - With other Kid Pirates - FUCK Yes. Outside of the - rather not. The Kid pirates are, to me, very close knit and also very physically close. They've been each others comfort and support and defense against an unbelievably cruel and useless world and they certainly take pleasure in one another emotionally and physically. Being a consummate kinkster, punk and quintessential dom Eustass is here for whatever boundaries/suggestions you have. He'll try most everything more than once, and for sure him and the crew have had sex with islanders when in port, but once the lines of more defined relationships start to form up it's a little different.
Life on the ship has a natural inclination to polycules, which would take 5 miles of string and half the length of the Red Line to map out properly. The crew keeps it all sorted, but gender wouldn't change anything amongst crew mates. Outside of the crew Eustass would have a preference that whoever it was, was at least a professional. Otherwise it's just too complicated and he doesn't care to deal with it.
Katakuri - Rather Not - Katakuri isn't keen on being seen in any manner of vulnerability in general. I can see him being a sweet and understanding partner to his spouse, and hey, if Big Mom had pushed a second spouse onto him, then who is he to argue with her? But outside of something like that I can't see him being game for it. Despite his sweet disposition, I do think he's fairly possessive on top of it. He might share his donuts with you, but he's not likely to share his donuts or you with anyone else.
Crocodile - Sure - If that's what you want, he's fully capable of obliging. Crocodile has verbally decimated people for years, while he wouldn't turn his venomous tongue on you without severely good reason, he's happy to provide such a service to you if you so desire. It's not something that he would suggest or offer up himself - maybe dabbling in it a little during a punishment session, but once you ask for it, he'll provide it.
And the massive amount of aftercare that will be required once he's done.
If your bend of Humiliation includes an audience, it's one of the few times he's willing to "share" you. But he won't allow anyone else to join in - to console you or otherwise.
Eustass - Yes - Eustass' brand of humiliation is physical and verbal, can easily involve a crowd - strangers even - if it's a hot button for you, he'll press it randomly and often. Heaven help you if he realizes it turns you on before you tell him. He loves to see his partner squirm, specifically loves being the cause of it. Your only saving grace is that he'll respect any safe words and boundaries, and his aftercare game is on point.
Katakuri - I guess - Karakuri plays the big bad meanie almost constantly, so it's not on the top of his list to direct that farce in your direction. If you beg him, he'll acquiesce at least a few times. His advanced observation haki lets him calmly and precisely decimate you verbally and/or physically with relative ease.
But don't expect enthusiasm. Katakuri doesn't really like being the big bad.
Body Worship:
Crocodile - Yes - Ah sweet little desert flower, if you want to worship his body he won't stop you. The sweet little kisses and soft warm licks feel good, and even if you don't do that well, he's still sure to reward your effort. Practice makes perfect, and you'll figure out the best ways and places with time. He's not going to help you, watching you worship him is a pleasure, there's no need to rush it. You'll learn everything eventually, and until then not a single kiss or touch will be wasted or unappreciated.
And his appreciation of you is as vast as the desert itself.
Eustass - FUCK Yes - I mean, he already knows he's a god, so don't let him stop you. Look, look, you need to do this in a way without calling it worship. Alright? For your own sanity. DO NOT TELL THIS COCKY BASTARD THAT YOU'RE worshiping HIM. Just like, tell him you want him to lay back and let you appreciate him. Explore him. Lavish him with kisses and such. The word worship should not leave your lips.
Even without the qualifier he's all in for it. Eustass will happily revel in the pleasure of it. Maybe not for too long - once he's calmed down, or relaxed enough, or gotten riled up enough, he's going to move you both into something more physical, and far more rough. He'll appreciate the worship, but he get pleasure from your squirms and sounds more.
Katakuri - Oh god you don't even know - Poor Kata has body issues galore, on top of the stresses of being the big bad older brother. Lavishing praise and attention on his body will probably cause him to error out a few times before he adjusts to it. He won't even know what to say the first time you suggest it, or he'll freeze up if you begin to show your appreciation in the heat of the moment. He was just happy to know you weren't afraid of him, and now you're lavishing him in attention and pleasure.
Cuddling had probably been the highlight of his week the first time you snuggled up with him. But it's adorable how much his face flushes straight to his ears, and how his body twitches and shifts under the soft pleasure.
Kinky One Piece Head Canon
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sunghoonnsupremacy · 11 months
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previous - now - next
- summary ; when the popular jock starts finding interest in the new girl, hell breaks lose. she eventually gives in and he shows her exactly why he's popular.
- warnings ; eventual smut, rough sex, bondage, degrading, mentions of drugs/alcohol, asshole heeseung.
"dude, I know you're used to this but you need to chill. " jay warns, walking over to heeseung. his stare reeks of uninterest as he rolls his eyes.
"what are you on about jay? " his question making jay furrow his eyebrows.
"last night? you hooked up with the new girl and you're already distancing yourself from her. "
"I might take her back. she'll be fine either way. " disgust is basically falling at the tip of his tongue as he speaks of the girl.
"hee, I know you're afraid of commitment because of your last relationship but that doesn't mean you have to ruin it for other people. " jay pats his back as a way of consultation.
he cracks his neck, showing his discomfort at the mention of his heartbreak. "it's not because of her. " he mutters.
"sure, buddy. just make it up to jia. " he walks away leaving heeseung with his own thoughts, staring off into the distance.
"this isn't fair! what am i doing wrong!" jia whines as sunghoon beats her in another round of video games.
"you're just bad at it." he laughs at her despair. she nudges him hardly with her elbow to show her annoyance.
"don't worry pretty, I'll teach you. " he winks at her not failing to notice how her cheeks redden at his nickname. a sudden tension fills the air, the pair falling breathless.
"yeah? " she glances from his eyes to his lips as instinct.
he bites his bottom lip.
"ehem." a throat clearing is heard as the two stare into eachothers eyes.
their necks almost snap, turning around to the person behind them.
"j-jay? what the fuck are you doing here? " sunghoons eyes almost pop out of his eye sockets as he makes out the face of his best buddy.
"I called you. three times. " he sighs and crosses his arms. "hi jia." he shoots a quick smile her way, receiving a small wave.
"my bad, we were busy. " he excuses himself with a groan.
"yeah I could see that.. " jay trails off with a grimace on his face.
jia fiddles with her fingers and looks up at jay. "so what's the reason of you arriving? " she internally slaps herself, not meaning to sound so rude.
"heeseung! " he suddenly says outloud. he looks confused at his own words as sunghoon and jia turn to look at eachother in more confusion.
"what?" sunghoon asks, concerned.
"I talked to him, and.. he's kinda waiting for you at his apartment. " he quickly rants, forcing his brain to make up a lie in order for them to eee eachother.
"are you sure? cause he quite literally said he didn't want anything to do with me. " a glare settles on her face as she squints her eyes at him. sunghoon quietly agreeing.
jay sighs and rubs his eyes. "just- trust me. "
the three sit in silence for a couple of moments before lara abruptly stands up and nods. "I'll go. what's his adress? "
a car parks outside of a white modern apartment. jia steps out mentally bracing herself for what she's about to walk into. jay told her the adress and the specific door for heeseungs place.
before leaving, she said goodbye to the pair and gave them both a quick hug. sunghoon whispering "call me if he does something. " into her ear before letting go. with a quick nod, her quick movements lead her to arriving.
"shit what am I doing. " worry fills up her entire being as she slowly walks up the stairs.
before knocking, jia sighs and contemplates her decision of coming here. "what's the worst that could happen? " she whispers, to herself mostly.
two knocks echo through a half empty apartment. the door swiftly opens, revealing no other than lee heeseung himself.
his eyes widen for a moment before going back to his calm composer.
"jay told me you were expecting me to c-come? " she quietly says, unsure of her own words.
the guy infront of her hesitantly nods and looks her up and down. "yeah, come in. " her sneakers making little to no noise.
they sit down at a surprisingly comfortable couch, both expecting the other to start speaking.
"why did you do that, heeseung? " jia doesn't even think to look up, murmuring a question.
he glances at her and bites his lip. "I don't know what you mean. " she rolls her eyes, does his ego really have to be as big as his dick?
"you know what I mean." she ends up glaring at him with disgust from her seat on the couch.
he sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "what we did meant nothing jia." he spits out, no interest in the conversation.
" you know what? If it meant so much as nothing, you won't mind me hooking up with your bestfriend. "
its like she knew exactly what to say to get a reaction out of him, because the way his jaw clenched did not go unnoticed.
"stop saying bullshit, you know, you wouldn't do that even if you wanted to. " anger reeks from his tone as he leans back, cracking his knuckles.
"and why's that? he knows how to treat a person and he's not a dick unlike you heeseung. "
jia doesn't give him a chance to say anything in reply, as the moment he opens his mouth, she starts talking again.
"sunghoon apologized for something you did, and you still expect me to be nonchalant about the whole situation? " she starts to stand up walking towards the door, making his eyes follow her figure.
"this is clearly a waste of my time, so I'm going to be leaving if you don't have anything good to say."
he hisses, and stands up quickly following her. heeseung grabs her wrists and spins her around, making her back slam against the door.
she winces at the pain. "what the hell are you doing? " she continues glaring at him as he keeps her body in his hold.
"let me make it up to you, hm?" his siren eyes trace every part of her face, his delicate touch of his fingers sending her into a frenzy.
"are you gonna be a dick about it again?" she whispers looking down.
his siren eyes turned doe for a split second , and his fingers lift her chin up making their eyes connect.
"I promise I'll treat you good this time. just let me make you feel good doll. " he lowers his face close to hers, their lips millimeters away from touching.
she stares at his lips before crashing hers onto his. the kiss is harsh with a lot of meaning behind it.
their lips collide as they both express multiple feelings to each one other. his hands move from her face to her waist, grabbing her softly, making her quietly moan into his mouth.
"let's take this to my bedroom. I want you to be comfortable. "
the pair keeps kissing after he wishes his request, but she pulls away, leaving him breathless and confused.
"I would love to, but I told sunghoon, I would come back soon and I don't want him to be suspicious. "
he groans at the mention of his best friend. "can't you just stay over? tell him you went home or something."
she giggles at his desperation, but shakes her head softly "we can continue this later. just call me. "
he kisses her again, giving her a light peck, leaving their lips glossy. "how about tonight? I'm free all day. "
she kisses him back and nods. "sounds good. I'll be here at seven pm. bye hee. "
jia gives him a quick smile as she leaves his apartment, his eyes still where she last was.
he'll make sure it'll be a night she'll never forget.
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felassan · 1 year
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Illuminating tweet series by a former Anthem developer [source].
They mention elsewhere in the thread that Anthem was developed in 15 months. Per the tweets, before this period, it spent 5-6 years in pre-production, lacking a clear vision and with an ever-changing vision; in game development this causes a lot of working and reworking. The devs were talented and all passionate about the game, but they were building "a new IP from nothing on an engine that was meant for an FPS with half a team that had never created live service games".
They further elaborate in more tweets that:
EA had their reasons to release it early but were stupid and the devs' team "had to pay the price". EA learned a lot from the development of Anthem but whether they applied those learnings is unknown
Jason Schreier's article (How BioWare's Anthem Went Wrong) was all 100% true at one point in development or other, and only scratches the surface
How did they manage to ship it in 15 months? The dev mentions working about 90 hours a week for 15 months. Many other devs on the team were also doing so and they think that others were doing 90 hours a week prior to the 15 month mark. "It wasn't sustainable and not even a position we should have been in." "I'm fine now, but not without damage. Contributed to the cost of my marriage and I needed therapy for a while after that endeavor." "It was a lot of morale hits on a personal level and a team level. Everyone had their own way of dealing with it." "There was a lot of pissed, stressed, rinse, repeat. It was a vicious cycle." "I guarantee we could have put something out in Unreal. Working in Frostbite was rough." After launch the team got death threats because of drop rates
Anthem was delayed as it had missing features, lack of polish and bugs that needed fixing. Another big problem that it faced was that it had lots of scope creep. "There were really high expectations for this game and the team felt it. We always were trying to push for cool features, etc.. So I think we could have done it if we kept our scope creep in check."
The main team was focused on getting the game out in a functional state. "We really needed another 1-2 studios to make endgame content while we were finishing up the game."
After launch it was all hands on deck to stabilize the game. Content and features that they wanted to do consequently kept getting deprioritized. A major focus they were trying to address at launch was all the server issues. "I think the shittiest part about this, besides no endgame and replay ability, was that during development, management was putting in gating mechanics to 'lengthen' the time it took to complete the story. IIRC it was removed from the final version after backlash from devs."
"It was a great team effort to get the controls how we shipped. We went through many iterations and it was super rough in the beginning. I know the team was really happy where the controls landed too. We actually took in a lot of feedback from the EA game changers."
A Twitter user asked "When you say it wasn’t ready, was that always communicated with other members of the team i.e. publishers?". The dev replied "I think it was ignored/denied from leadership. There is a story there, but I will refrain."
A transparent retrospective on Anthem/its development will likely never come to light because of both current and former devs still being under NDA
The dev has an assumption that if they didn't release Anthem, BioWare would have been dissolved. They also observe that BioWare just wasn't good at multi-project development, which is hard. Most people at BioWare didn't believe in "BioWare Magic". There was and maybe still is a lot of stress and politics surrounding Anthem from the development and publishing side (a problem not specific to Anthem). The dev mentioned that it was both an EA failure and a BioWare upper management failure. "I actually don't think it was all EA's fault. A developer and publisher is supposed to be a healthy relationship of trust and transparency. It's a 2 way street which i don't think was satisfied on either side."
Re: who made the decision to release the game in the state it was, some of them left and some remain at BioWare
On Anthem 2.0/Anthem Next, the game was really fun and was going in the right direction. The team had hit a really great milestone, when EA canned it. It was a different development team driving Anthem 2.0. The team were gutted when it was cancelled
(please note it's always best to read tweets and the like in full and in context, from the original source)
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outivv · 2 years
Hello hello! Could I request Silver, Azul, Vil and Jamil with a motherly female s/o who loves to cook for the boys and smother them in affection and compliments?
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Synopsis: motherly s/o
Warnings: not proofread
Game/ fandom: twisted wonderland
Characters: silver, azul, vil, and jamil
Pronouns for reader: I don’t think I mention it at all… so… gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: hello hello! I’ve been really slow with requests cause I’ve been busy, and I do apologize for that. But! I’m trying to get back into the swing of writing requests! Hope you enjoy, and have a great rest of your day :D!
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— Silver —
I think silver will say you don’t need to coddle him, or doing things for him, but he really appreciates it. Hell pretend like he doesn’t though, and tell you that you should take a break and worry about yourself… but he will literally devour any food you give him, anything you make for him, and absolutely adores it when you take care of him.
Loves sleeping on your tummy as you brush through his hair. Theis isn’t particular to this specific headcanon, but I felt it was rather fitting.
The way silver melts whenever you take care of him. He got injured in gym, and the way you cup his face all concerned and ask if he’s alright just… melts him. He doesn’t show it, but you can feel his cheeks heating up against your hands.
Lilia adores you. Of course he would either way, but you both especially bond over talking about silver. It’s funny cause silver just sits there.
— Azul —
Tried your cooking once and lost his mind, almost hired you to be a chef at mostro lounge. HGWJW just imagine a feral azul after trying your cooking, like jade and Floyd holding him back aMABSJVSVD. Anyways, yeah he loves your cooking, and will always take it. I think he’s a stress eater so when stressed, he’ll just defeatedly walk towards you and ask you to make him some food.
Literally could listen to you complimenting him all day. He lovesssss it it’s so so much, it makes him wanna hide in his octopot (in a good way). You never fail to make him flustered just by simply telling him you like his hair that day, or that he’s very pretty.
You’re so supportive of him and it just makes him weak to the knees. He literally adores how much you support him, and how much you done on him, he’s such a simp for you KHGSJSJS. Jade and Floyd make fun of him all the time.
— Vil —
THE DYNAMIC YOU BOTH HAVE??? Amazing. Admirable, adoreable. And very feared. Vil will tell someone how ugly they look, and turn to you and just melt in your arms. While you tell the person how wonderful they look.
Vil often times is seen with you right by his side, and you compliment him all the time. He keeps up a front in front of people, but then when you two are alone he’s so flustered ist comical.
It’s funny to see Vil all happy one day because you made him something, whether it be food, or a cute little pot you made in ceramics :). He cherishes it, and has a smile on his face all day.
Vil is used to a lot of attention, and compliments, but he loves when you give him things, or make him something. It’s just is a little extra and he adores the hard work and effort you put into it.
— Jamil —
Jamil isn’t really used to this kind of treatment, other than from his family ofc. He’s typically the one doting on someone, and doing/ making things for them. He’s not used to having having someone do the same for him.
It’s almost a competition between the two of you on who can make the better food, make better whatever, and it’s so funny because whoever taste tests the food literally can’t decide since they’re both so good. It always ends in a draw.
After a long day jamil can’t even lie… he wants to be doted on a bit. Cuddle, and take out his braids before he goes to sleep and he’ll just be putty in your arms. Make him a little bedtime snack, and he’ll appreciate the hell out of it. Either way, he’ll just internally meltttt.
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marabarl-and-marlbara · 9 months
Hello Mara,
i wanted to ask what types of game you like, both in style (point n clicker, rpg, etc...) and genre (horror, romance, etc....). also, do you like getting game recomendations?
have a nice day. (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
hey aliliwawa,
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honestly i don:t really "enjoy" games much any-more because everything sort-of bores me unless i:m randomly just super-passionate about something specific (a week back it was blob-type dungeon crawlers -- downloaded starcrawlers and beat it and had fun with it, first time i finished/enjoyed a game in awhile; then before that it was roguelikes, then before that it was shmups).
generally i like fighting games, visual novels, shmups, dungeon crawlers, roguelikes, and farming sims -- but (like mentioned) it:s mostly just if i feel passionate about something, otherwise playing games (or doing anything, really) is about as entertaining as vacuuming the house.
when i was younger i really loved dwarf fortress, elona; i played a lot of league, too; when i was even younger (a kid!) i spent most of my time roleplaying by myself in the warcraft 2 & starcraft map editors, & diablo (wc3 & diablo2 coming out were amazing moments for me -- vivid memory of going to office max w/ my mom to get diablo 2 when it released and playing it on the office computer).
think i used to roleplay as ciel on forums, from melty blood (only knew her from mugen though); ciel and richter from castlevania (richter was my brother that i made a sockpuppet account for so that people online wouldn:t think i was as lonely as i were).
then when i was in college i really wanted to be an eroge developer (cause i read the hiring-advertisement alicesoft put out and it inspired me a lot) & thought stuff like sengoku rance, violated heroine & ryonarpg were amazingly well designed; i wrote this massive setting for an eroge i wanted to make, and i still borrow a lot of the setting-pieces (+ research i had done for it) for this internal world i use for most stories (the gracecon setting).
i think pathologic is my favorite game overall, but now i mostly just read now (you:d think visual novels would fit-in well here but somehow reading visual novels is more 'slow' than just reading books).
genre isn:t something i really think much about, except for movies because i don:t like watching non-horror movies -- so the only real part this may-be plays for me is in my reading (visual novels or normal novels), but that:s mostly just "passion" stuff, too, ie: over summer i wanted to read hot-weather southerny writing (lotta flannery o'conner), but now i want to read autumnal stuff.
recommendations: i don:t really like getting them because i feel guilty if i look @ a recommendation & immediately write it off as boring (because i usually do, i:m a big contrarian when someone tries to get me to play/listen/look at something, "hey i think you:d like this" -> {automatic reflexive response} "this has to be awful"); but if you want to toss me burner recommendations with zero expectation of a response or follow-through: go for it >:-))
i think that:s everything! take care, chief
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666writingcafe · 8 months
Lucifer's Wish
What were you thinking about around the time the charm took effect?
Content Warning: angst, mention of life in the Celestial Realm (not graphic, but still sad nevertheless)
I can't believe my brothers. Why can't they answer a simple question?
"I suppose I'll go first," I sigh.
"Great," Mammon grumbles. "He's going to be the most challenging."
"Then maybe you should have volunteered sooner," MC snaps, causing Mammon to gulp. I try my best to stop myself from smiling. I enjoy seeing this side of MC, the one where they don't take shit from anybody. It's a much needed balance to their often childlike, naive kindness.
"I was mulling over how best to punish Mammon for serving as the bookie for the bloody moon competition," I explain. "I heard he made quite a bit of money doing it."
"But it was official!" Mammon protests. "Nothing illegal this time!"
"You should have told me before you accepted the job. Instead, I had to find out through that stupid news show along with everyone else." Mammon gulps again, sensing my anger. "I thought about giving you a stern talking-to and leaving it at that, but then I suddenly had this thought. For a moment, all I could think about was this most earnest and genuine desire."
"Does it involve letting other people choose Mammon's punishment?" Asmo asks. "Because I know you'd get tons of views if you livestreamed that."
"And they could donate money to be able to come up with more elaborate punishments," Levi adds.
"What the fuck is wrong with you guys?!" Mammon shouts.
"It's nothing that extreme," I comfort. "I just wish there was some way I could make Mammon become a proper demon."
"You'll have to be more specific," MC chimes in. "Because it can be argued that Mammon is acting properly as the Avatar of Greed, but clearly you're wanting him to behave differently."
"Then, allow me to rephrase: I wish Mammon was more honest and didn't insist on making things difficult for everyone around him."
"That's it!" Levi exclaims. "We're screwed. That's not even within the realm of possibility! Lucifer, why did you have to wish for something that will never, ever, ever come true?!"
"Actually, I have an idea," MC responds. "If we could get to the root of why Mammon acts the way he does, then we can work on ways to improve his behavior that would actually stick."
"You know I'm still here, right?!" Mammon whines. Ignoring him, MC leaves the living room briefly and returns with their D.D.D. They hit different parts of their screen, and soon a ringing noise fills the room.
"Hello, MC," Barbatos greets on the other end of the line. "How can I help you?" Interesting choice. I thought they would have called Solomon.
"Levi tried playing a game before the official release date, and now we're stuck in a time loop," MC explains. "The only way to break it is to make everyone's wish come true."
"I see. Sounds intriguing. What do you need me to do?"
"I was wondering if you had an object at the castle that could make someone tell the truth." Mammon's vigorously shaking his head, but I'm afraid it's too late for him. MC has their mind set.
"I have many objects. Do you want something permanent or removable?" I see now why MC called Barbatos. Solomon certainly could have made a truth serum, but there's no telling how long that would last.
"And who are you wanting to use this object on?"
"Mammon." I can imagine the amused look developing on Barbatos' face.
"Give me one moment, and I'll be there."
"Thank you, Barbatos." MC ends the call, and immediately Mammon starts complaining about how unfair they're treating him using some rather...colorful language. I'm surprised MC's able to keep their composure, because I know that I can't.
Barbatos shows up quickly behind Mammon as he's making a fuss and slips something on his wrist.
"What the hell?!" Mammon shouts once he senses the object on his skin.
"It's a bangle," Barbatos states calmly.
"Why'd you put it on me?!"
"I am simply complying with MC's request."
"Where did you even get something like that?" Satan asks.
"That is not pertinent." MC snorts in amusement. I wonder if they know that he did that intentionally to help protect me from a potential prank. While my relationship with Satan has certainly improved, there are still times we get under each other's skin.
"How do you feel, Mammon?" Asmo inquires.
"Incredibly pissed off at the lot of ya!" Mammon yells.
"Perfect. It's working," Barbatos observes. "MC, you are now free to ask him any question you desire." MC nods their head in response. This is about to get quite interesting.
"Mammon, do you enjoy annoying Lucifer?" Straight to the point, I see.
"Not even a little bit?"
"Absolutely not. I admire him, actually." That I knew. Apparently, my other brothers didn't, for they look like they're about to choke on their own spit. Mammon grows flustered as he sees their reactions.
"Ignore them," MC tells him. "Just focus on me."
"But I didn't want them to know that I like and respect him!"
"Why not?"
"Because they'd make fun of me for it."
"What do you like about Lucifer?"
"He's everything I aspire to be: dignified, honorable, well-liked...the list goes on, really."
"And yet you act the complete opposite of him."
"Only because everyone expects me to."
"Due to your sin?" Mammon nods his head.
"If I didn't act this way, then people wouldn't take me seriously. They'd abandon me." My stomach sinks. I think I know why he feels the way he does.
"Have people abandoned you before for not behaving the way they wanted you to?"
"Yes, in the Celestial Realm. I was considered defective. I don't even want to know what would have happened if Lucifer hadn't taken me in." I remember that day clearly. It marked the beginning of the end of my stay at the Celestial Realm, for the whole situation didn't make sense to me. Mammon couldn't control the circumstances of his creation, and yet everyone acted like it was his fault that he came out imperfect. The way Father was ready to discard him and start over without giving him a chance to prove himself made my blood boil.
As Barbatos takes the bangle off and leaves us behind, I begin feeling that same rage, but this time it's towards myself. I failed to protect Mammon.
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minecraftbookshelf · 9 months
What’s the situation with hostile mobs in the marriage of the state AU? I assume the answer is different for night mobs and Illagers/witches, based on what you’ve mentioned before?
So, if nighttime mobs do exist, do they come from somewhere? Or do they just form out of death smoke like they do in the game? Slime is an important codland export, so are slimes different?
And Illagers are probably just another race right? Or is it more of a culture thing? Are villagers also a race distinct from humans? How do the codfolk/mythland interact with the swamp witches, who you mentioned before do exist?
Also this isn’t really related to the main question but I don’t want to make a separate ask; are gems antlers from elven or deer-hybrid ancestry? (Are elves just deer-hybrid fae?)
Wow that’s a lot of questions, your Worldbuilding is really good btw. (And your writing too)
It's low-key kind of scary how you you're batting...three for three? i think? on asking exactly the thing I really want to talk about XD
You would be correct, most of the night mobs are basically wildlife, if incredibly hostile wildlife. Creepers and spiders and such. (Though spiders are sometimes less hostile and more just, doin their own thing and mindin their own business.)
Skeletons and zombies are also not sentient (anymore) and are basically considered large, dangerous pests. Like if cockroaches were human sized and out to ruin your day, specifically. (I'm not sure of their exact origins yet, because I haven't quite decided how I'm adapting my base mcyt mythology for this au)
Spiders are just like real world small spiders as far as "where they come from". Creepers and Slimes are actually similar in origin, n that they are sort of a magical manifestation of an environment. They both kind of...grow? Out of the land. Slimes are a bit pickier about where they grow from.
Slimes can also be farmed (As in livestock, not in the minecraft sense) which they are in the Swamp, where they also grow at a higher rate. They can be fed algae to encourage them to grow, and then split to make smaller slimes, which can be grown in turn.
Creepers just...separate themselves from the land and wander around after dark. Unless they encounter something that causes them to explode. They're generally considered to have about equivalent intelligence of dogs, as far as anyone can tell, and don't seem to be sentient.
Illagers/Villagers are just human/human+. Villagers are usually interpreted as citizens of relevant empires (see, smajor's elves and ldshadowlady's...pastel fish people) while Illagers are a specific culture, mostly based out of the mountains. (This is mostly because I just associate them with mountains because that's where I somehow encounter most of the Pillager Towers I find while playing minecraft.) They are primarily nomadic but do have bases (said towers) and most of them consider the Crystal Cliffs to be their homeland, as much as they have one.
Witches are also humans/hybrids and its a set of abilities and skills and not a species. the Swamp Witches are a specific group who live deep in The Swamp and mainly are fairly isolated, through they do provide council and aid to the other Swamp Dwellers, particularly during the Occupied years, which was when they separated from the majority of the population and went into hiding, when they were targeted by the invaders. The other Swamp Dwellers tend to regard them with cautious respect.
There are also wandering witches, who tend to travel around and either help or harm (based off personal inclination) as they go. Pix is on decently good terms with about half of them, with the other half it is on sight. (Mostly on the part of the witches)
Most Witches do not exist on good terms with Mythland, even a few hundred years down the line. Tensions remain.
As for Gem's antlers...
So elves are not deer hybrids (or owl hybrids) despite sharing a few physical traits. (and the fae of the Overgrown are not hybrids either, despite frequent resemblances to butterflies and/or cats)
The primary differences are instincts. Fae and fae adjacent people tend to have some physical traits of different animal species, but they aren't actually from the species if that makes any sense. They don't have the animalistic instincts and tendencies any more than they have the human ones, despite resemblances both ways.
Hybrids are actually human+, as I referred to them earlier in this post. All hybrid species started out as humans. They're ultimately the result of the environmental magic of the world (and sometimes meddling from gods and spirits and such). They will have some combination of physical traits and instincts from their additive animal species, to go along with their human ones. They will also have human lifespans and developmental cycles, with a few minor variations here and there.
(But Rain, you say, you made a whole post about Seafolk and their life cycles and development and how its different from humans? Yes because the Seafolk aren't entirely hybrids either. The Deep Oceans have their own variations of fae folk and there was much more intermarriage and cultural crossover there than on Land. But that's another post altogether.)
As for Gem in specific...All I'll say for now is that
A) There is some extant xenophobia against fae races in a lot of majority human kingdoms and half-elven and elvish-descendant individuals often struggle.
B) Gem insisted stoutly her entire childhood that her antlers are because she's a deer hybrid.
C) Deer hybrids have tails.
D) Gem does not have a tail.
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