#I think that Steve would deal with people assuming things a lot more in real life but that there is probably some dedicated Eddie Munson
morganbritton132 · 1 year
Do you think Eddie and Steve have ever fallen victim to the weird trend of people calling the police to ‘save’ famous people? Like some fans of his tiktok became convinced Steve was holding him hostage after making 2+2=5 when they googled up Billy’s name
This is such an interesting question because I could see it going both ways.
There are always going to be people that look at Eddie and see wanted posters. There are people who will never be convinced that he didn’t commit those murders, and they’re only ever going to see a victim in Steve because of it.
Steve is clumsy. He has a head injury and issues with balance, and sometimes he gets confused. Sometimes he gets bruised. He’s cut his hand in the middle of a seizure and needed stitches. He’s broken his ankle and walked on it for an entire day.
Sometimes nurses and doctors see his injury and see his medical history, and then they see the scruffy guy calling himself his husband, and they ask him to step outside the room. They ask Steve questions and it always takes him a second to realize what they’re trying to get at because domestic abuse is not something that he can attach to Eddie in any capacity.
And Steve will get angry about it. How dare they think such a thing? How could they look at Eddie and see how much love he holds in his heart and think that he would ever hurt Steve?
I think that Eddie is always going to have some fans that see Steve as this bad guy that does not deserve to be with him. There is nothing that he will ever do that can change that. They are just angry that Eddie is with someone other than them.
I can definitely see them hearing about all the bad shit that went down in Hawkins and seeing Steve’s connection to some of it – The coverup story for Starcourt paints Robin and Steve as two dedicated retail employees that saved a bunch of children from a fire – and then take that extra step to twist it into something so much worse.
The kid that went missing in Hawkins in 1983 just so happened to be the little brother of the guy that stole Steve’s high school girlfriend? That’s interesting. That’s suspicious.
And his high school bully (that he apparently hit with a car!) just so happened to die in a fire at his place of work? Weird.
And despite the fact that the police and an angry mob couldn’t find Eddie, Steve Harrington – a video rental employee – happened to find him?
You pair the horror story that was Hawkins in the eighties up with Eddie’s scars and all the off-hand jokes people have made on live-streams about Steve’s sleepwalking, or with Steve’s reactions to being scared and you can make a convincing case for anything.
Eddie ends a live-stream early one night at Steve’s request and then an hour later, they’re getting a knock on the door by two police officers doing a welfare check.
Steve and Eddie are obviously confused, and Steve is really disheartened when one of the officers lets it slip that the person calling was concerned because of a live-stream.
It puts a damper on the date night he’d set up for them in the living room and he doesn’t really want to continue it after the cops leave. Eddie tries to find the bright side of the situation, “Babe, it’s nothing. It’s not like it’ll be in the papers.”
“They think I hurt you,” Steve says. “They – your fans think that I would – that I’d ever – and they’re not wrong, technically. I have hurt you before.”
“And I nearly cut your throat with a broken glass bottle,” Eddie replies, ignoring the way Steve scoffs at him. “Anything that you’ve ever done because you were confused or lost in your head, or sleepwalking doesn’t count. You weren’t all here and it’s not your fault if you aren’t aware of what you’re doing, right? And anyways, I’m typically bothering you.”
“You’re blaming yourself for me hurting you?”
“No, I’m – No. I’m not,” Eddie clarifies. “I am saying that I don’t always come into the situation knowing what’s going on and sometimes I make it worse. Sure, I’ve gotten a bit of a hit. You kick in your sleep. But you have never hurt me.”
“Is it El’s fault when the cabinets rattle when she has a nightmare?” Eddie continues because it’s clear that Steve does not agree with him. “Or that time she got so scared that all the lightbulbs shattered? You got cut when that happened, remember? You have a scar. Is that her fault?”
“That’s different. She can’t-“
“And neither can you,” Eddie says. “I’m telling you now, Stevie. You know what my life was like before I moved in with Wayne. I will never be in a situation like that again. So, if I was than I would not be here, but I am here because you have never done anything to hurt me, okay?”
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bugsbenefit · 1 year
attraction in ST
or. oh god stop stripping the show of it's themes no please no it needs those, stopppp
actually making this post now bc i'm sick of people claiming anything remotely sexual or even kissing happening to the party (an opinion that often pops up in the context of byler) in s5 would be horrible, sexualising, or out of character for the show
ST has always had a realistic approach to kids growing into their sexualities. the show's never shied away from directly addressing sex and sexual feelings so i'm honestly amazed by the extremely puritan interpretation of the show. i'm assuming, in good faith, that a big part of it is coming from people not having seen the actual show in ages and are just forgetting how explicitly the show handles sexuality. instead of just assuming it's from culturally raised christian people, who feel uncomfortable seeing any portrayal of sexuality, no matter how tasteful or realistic
i'm also saying all this as an ace person myself, i get not being into sex and not wanting to see it. however, refusing to acknowledge entire themes of a fictional show just because i don't experience them is bizarre to me. sexuality is vitally important to a lot of the characters and isn't just there to be fun(gross). essentially, ST is the opposite of porn without plot
so just as a little reminder what's actually IN Stranger Things. canonically.
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sorry i had this sc for ages and wanted to include it Somewhere, so here you go. at a little starter... dorry
also this is an old draft seeing the light of day now, if anything's worded weird it's bc i didn't read all of it over again so oops, grammar hard?
TLDR: the show has never shied away from explicitly addressing sexuality. buying into the puritan fanon version of the show is going to make your s5 viewing experience worse because that show doesn't exist
season 1
we're starting the show off with Stancy, which is very sexually charged in general. (even in s4 Nancy still experiences physical attraction to Steve despite them having unchanged compatibility) the plot surrounding them in s1 explicitly focuses on Nancy having sex with Steve and later regretting that choice. the scene that everyone remembers, is of course, the "explicit" (not really, because ST is really tasteful with how it shows these teens explore themselves) sex scene
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they're in sophomore and junior year of highschool here. around 15 and 16 years old - yet the show doesn't shy away from letting them figure things out. and it's not like this sexual theme is contained in only that scene. it keeps coming back the whole season as Nancy tries to sort her feelings out and deals with the aftermath of that night
also sidenote here while still at Steve and his party: even Steve's friends are very casual with their sexualities. and yes, they can even explicitly mention sex and specific sexual acts, no holding back here
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Nancy's character conflict in s1 very much hinges on her sexuality and sexual themes. and it's not like there is a magic you need to be at least this old rule to know what sex is on the show like so many people seem to believe, because even 12 year old Mike seems to very much know what his sister and Steve are up to. he even goes out of his way to use it against her
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iconic line! but i've seen insane takes trying to spin this into something not alluding to something sexual. i'm sorry to say if he doesn't think they're full on having sex he at least thinks they're getting very intimate with each other regardless
so not even the youngest characters on the show are "innocent and pure" the way fandom likes to claim when it comes to sexuality. and of course they aren't. real 12 year olds know what sex is, they're young not oblivious
and the following seasons make that even more obvious
season 2
as of s2 the kids are getting more involved with the sexual jokes, not just making them about other people but even being directly involved with those themes themselves. which is also realistic. with 13 sexuality starts to get thrown your way by every possible form of media. lots of them start developing crushes, have no idea how relationships work, etc. it's messy, typical teens thrown into the dating game. (i say all of this from a developmental media psychology perspective thanks uni and not personal experience sorry lmao, i'm a bit too ace to have my own input here)
s2 features comedic and awkward mentions of sex(ual activity) towards Lucas and Max,
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older peers giving their 13 year old friends well meant advice on how relationships work,
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and has even younger characters play around with attraction/kissing/love as well, which is incredibly normal for kids to do at that age
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they're all young and the show treats growing up realistically. while the theme of attraction or sexuality gets more relevant for them (in scenes that are often received with awkwardness by the characters themselves) the show offers them safe territory to stand on. none of them are directly confronted with sexuality and are instead offered people to seek advice from for example
meanwhile the sexuality theme for the older kids is still very much explicit. just as Nancy's arc is still heavily tied to her romance and sexuality (which ties into her non conformity themes - she's an ambition driven person trying to escape the culdesac life first and foremost)
not only do we get another sex scene (this time with a cut away), there's also explicit jokes about it after
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sexuality on the show is continuously awkward and messy. Jonathan and Nancy are only 16-17 here - no one really knows what they're doing or what the right way to go ahead is and Jonathan rightfully almost does a spittake here. out of pocket Murray
sexuality. is. awkward. (we get is s2 thanks)
season 3
s3 gets even more explicit with it's awkward puberty sexuality themes
from Dustin talking about how much he likes kissing Suzie (and her liking him not having teeth for it?) which weirds Steve out to the repeating, awkwardly received, "happy screams joke" (which gets a callback in later scene)
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sexuality is still awkward for them. it's a realistic approach to what 14 year olds act like and know. they're actively dating by now, they're kissing people And have messy relationship situations. all while still acknowledging knowing what sex and attraction is, duh, of course they know that. but i'm explicitly pointing it out because i see obscene amounts of people claiming the characters are completely sheltered and even implying that they know what sex is would be gross. to that i say, do you not remember being 14???
and while i'm at s3, also let it be mentioned that even the adults are suffering at the hands of the sexuality theme here. Hopper's hookups with random women are focused on in s1, but now that he's getting closer with Joyce they get very explicitly told to just have sex. literally
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not putting the whole dialogue in here, i already have too many images because there's so many sex mentions in this show and he really just tells them their mating ritual is painful and they should tear their clothes off and fuck right now
thanks Murray, always insightful
season 4
and s4 has stopped just confronting the kids with the existence of sexuality, but is tentatively starting to explore mature themes more directly - which allows them to tentatively start exploring their own sexualities instead of just having to acknowledge the general concept of sexuality
Max gets to ogle shirtless Steve
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Lucas has something under his bed that's never confirmed as anything except "100/10 gross" but had 90% of the audience i saw immediately assume something sexual (magazines or the like)
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and has a bunch more direct nudges, from the kids "experimenting sexually" as Murray says
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to Argyle explicitly telling Jonathan he needs to have sex with Nancy again
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to Hopper and Joyce's escalating make out in a church while shirtless
to visual innuendos (i'm looking at you hose scene. this one wouldn't be such a big deal if there wasn't a genuine moral panic about it last year. which was crazy. people literally had to pretend the scene didn't exist to escape the witchhunting mobs, except instead of being killed for magic it'd be for looking at a canon scene and acknowledging it. crazy times - aside from that there's also more visuals you can take as innuendos in s4e1 which there's already posts about out there so i'm not getting into them here, i'm more focused on the overt textual references)
to Yuir extensively talking about pleasing women and making them cum (I'm sparing you from that, the sc in at the top was already enough)
to explicit graffities all over the place, like here as an example "give me head until i'm dead" which is in frame for the whole phone call and Steve talking about his bitchlesness. and is also some of the only easily legible text (i hope this is readable, most of my screenshots kind of died a bit so maybe you need to look at an actual clip to see the text)
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that is aside from the "DRUGS" poster which touches on another point s4 makes. the show doesn't just explore sexuality, it also puts the kids into more mature situations in general (not talking about the deaths, this is a horror show), specifically drugs
Jonathan uses weed as a coping mechanism the whole season and Eddie even sells the stuff in full bags (insane weed selling practices btw, even i know that). Chrissy (17-18) wants to do weed and ketamine. and we also see Lucas (14) hungover after drinking at a party for the first time
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the show does not shy away from portraying realistic teen experiences
Murray called s4 very well, the kids pound some bears, smoke some ganja, play nintendo, and experiment sexually
literally. you have drinking, weed, and confusing queer sexualities. they took this list step by step
and all of those pretty normal things teens tend to explore. and i say that as someone who was decidedly not into those things. the ace experience is a bit different, but i can still acknowledge how that period was like for my allo friends and people in general
there is an extreme push in this fandom to reject any form of sexual jokes or references in the show, made mostly by people being uncomfortable with portrayals of sexuality. however, the themes not only still exist, they're also very prominent throughout all 4 seasons and are important to a lot of the characters directly
and it's also noteworthy here to see how ST approaches it's sexuality theme. it grows with the characters. starting out as jokes and being received with awkwardness to slowly letting them figure things out on their own time and turns. an extremely realistic progression and very common for coming of age narratives such as ST. it's a far cry from shows exploring sexuality or sexual themes for the sake of the viewers enjoyment like Euph0ria (don't want it to show up in tags)
based on what we currently know s5 could very well be taking place in 1988 or later which would place the party at around 16-17 years old. going into the season with the fanon version of the show that is completely clean and non sexual will 100% set you up for disaster
ST is very realistic and non exploitative with it's exploration of teen sexuality so there is obviously nothing to worry about in the sexualization department, that's just puritan fear mongering. however, it's very likely that we're going to get more than holding hands or pecks on the lips from the characters that are now older than characters we've explicitly seen hook up before. there could be more intimate scenes or making out, yes. but there's also at least one basically guaranteed vulgar joke in there, all seasons have them
there's no real theorizing or speculation about s5 here, anything could happen and i'm not placing bets, i want the characters narratives to be wrapped up well first and foremost and trust the writers to do it well. however, going into s5 with some of the mindsets i've seen circulating on here and expecting the show to be "clean" and cater to a version of it that's never existed outside of purified fandom could genuinely make you feel blindsided by the shows canon themes
not targeted at anyone or anything specifically, just using this as a bit of a reality check of what the show is actually like after recently rewatching all of it in one go
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heavencasteel420 · 2 months
Okay. I’m gonna be a hater.
I’m not against St4ncy because of the association between their first time and Barb dying. If they were good together and she really wanted to be with him, then I wouldn’t be rooting for her survivor’s guilt to keep that from happening.
I’m also not against St4ncy because of the S1 graffiti, per se. From a writing perspective, I think the show over-egged the pudding by making both Jonathan and Steve do such shitty things to Nancy in S1. I believe the creators were mainly trying to make certain things happen plot-wise (there needs to be a photo of the demogorgon, the teen confrontation needs to be immediate and public so Jonathan and Nancy can end up at the police station) and trying to foreshadow Steve’s heel-face turn by making his objections to the photos more reasonable, and they did a clumsy job of it. And I think it’s basically fine for the creators, having realized that this was all too much, to quietly drop it. Such is the nature of multi-season TV. Realistically, it’s wild that Steve and Nancy would get back together a mere month after all of that, but, unless a shipper actually says stuff like “it’s not that bad that he would do that, because he was understandably upset” or “it was just vandalism,” I’m not going to assume that they’re chill with the graffiti.
That being said, the whole “Steve’s feelings were hurt because he thought he was being cheated on and he’s young and it was all Tommy’s fault anyway and he apologized” vs. “Jonathan had no motivations other than intrinsic badness and his youth is not a factor and his apology doesn’t count and his terrible home life is not only not an excuse but a justification for Steve’s tenuously connected shitty actions” thing has soured me on large swathes of Steve fans across the board. I’ve seen too much of the so-called real-life justice system to find this attitude anything other than disturbing. But this isn’t exclusively a St4ncy shipper problem. If anything, they at least usually like Nancy enough not to act like she’s somehow at fault for the photos because she forgave Jonathan later (???) or put her “cheating” on Steve on the same level as the guys’ worst S1 behavior.
My main reasons for disliking the ship (in an exclusive endgame kind of way; I’m cool with Stoncy most of the time and I think they canonically had some good times together) are way more subjective. The first reason is that Jonathan is my favorite and St4ncy shippers invariably don’t like or get him. This is predictable, although not inevitable; Jancy shippers don’t dislike Steve so uniformly, for example. So obviously that’s not gonna work out.
The second reason is that I just don’t find the things people like about their relationship very romantic or desirable. He’s protective of her, but that mainly seems to involve trying to keep her from doing things she believes she has to do or retaliating against others in ways she finds distasteful. There’s not a lot of awareness of her perspective. He wants to be with her “no matter what,” with no consideration for the obstacles, but those obstacles seem to include “what she wants” and “what they are both like as people.” I’d get it more if he was like “I don’t know what the future will bring, but I’d like to give this a chance in the short term” or “listen, I can figure out what to do with my life in Boston as well as anywhere else,” but instead he just does not seem to know her at all or be thinking about what they would do as a couple in the immediate future. After a point, that’s just being in love with the idea of being in love.
Also—and I am not trying to be catty here—I think it’s kind of silly to compare his romantic dreams with Jonathan having reservations due to trauma, poverty, and family obligations. That’s not so much a testament to Steve loving her more as it is an indication that he is relatively unburdened by material concerns. He may be broke, but he’s not dealing with entrenched multi-generational poverty. I’m not saying these things to suggest that Nancy would be wrong to break up with Jonathan—sometimes love isn’t enough—or that Steve is less deserving of love because his life is easier, but I am saying that Steve was kinda born on third base here.
I am not convinced that Steve would do “anything” for Nancy! Nor do I think that he should! That is not a good or sexy dynamic in an equal romantic partnership to me! They should both have other principles and goals of their own! (Also. Is the guy who wouldn’t revise his college essay in S2 really gonna move to Boston for her? I think he’s changed, sure, but not in that particular way.)
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siswritesyanderes · 1 year
how are Yandere Sam and Bucky different when it's a threeway as opposed to just Bucky/Reader or Sam/Reader?
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(For clarity, I'm picturing post-Endgame for all of this.)
I imagine Yandere Sam would be pretty laidback and would operate largely in the ballpark of surveillance and manipulation. He would use Redwing to keep an eye on you when he's not around (He's not much of an in-person stalker; physically following someone, or breaking into houses, that's not him. He just generally considers it to be a bad look.), but he'd really shine in his ability to gaslight. Because he's a trauma counselor, and he does amazing work communicating with people and making them feel safe, and he can use that skill in lots of different ways. He's an extremely non-threatening yandere. He wouldn't even be aggressive toward romantic rivals, at least at first; he can manipulate them as easily as he can manipulate you. Drive them away with a smile on his face, and they would hold positive opinions of him as they go. If they persist in trying to pursue you after he's given them a chance to back down, that's when violence is done.
Everyone in your life would be subject to his manipulations. Your boss loves him, your friends love him, your parents love him. You didn't introduce him to any of them; he found them and charmed them and "Oh, you're dating Sam? Yeah, I know Sam! He's great!" (Depending on where we are in the timeline, he might also be benefiting from the Captain America clout. We haven't seen too much of how that manifests for him, relative to how it manifested for Steve, but something to consider.)
Since he loves you, he considers it important to be in control of your loved ones, in control of your enemies, in control of himself, and in control of you. He would like to keep turbulence to a minimum. That said, he wouldn't be likely to kidnap you, under most circumstances; he doesn't have to, and doing so would be assuming an unnecessary risk that would ultimately make it harder to maintain your emotional wellbeing.
I imagine Yandere Bucky would be volatile and needy, in comparison. He would present himself as very put-together and charming; he would seem a lot like Sam, in that regard. Just a charming, lighthearted, likeable guy. But he would be way more likely to kill someone behind the scenes, because after everything he's been through, the bits of joy he gets from being around you are something he refuses to part with. Having dealt with a great deal of lost agency in the past, he really needs to have an uncomplicated win. He needs you to love him and accept his love, and if you don't, then eventually he's going to panic.
Unlike Sam, he doesn't trust himself to be in control of things and in control of you; he might approach you very obliquely, stalking you from the shadows (sometimes of your own home) because he's scared of how you'll react to the real him...and how the real him will react to you. I don't think, under normal circumstances, he would trust himself enough to kidnap you. Even if you were to open your closet door and find him inside, he would more likely chloroform you and disappear before you can see his face than go so far as to abduct you.
Using Winter Soldier-ish tactics to stalk you brings up bad memories for him and makes him all the more convinced that he shouldn't be trusted with someone as valuable to him (and as fragile!) as you. Eventually, his desires will likely overcome his doubts, and he'll try asking you out. If you accept, he might be able to conceal his yandere tendencies for a pretty long time; if you don't, his desperation might increase drastically.
Together, I imagine they would temper each other in good ways. Bucky would feel calmer, knowing Sam is there to make sure he doesn't go too far, and Sam would feel a certain security, knowing his more sinister thoughts are ones that Bucky has already had and might have acted on. Because yeah, maybe part of Sam wants to lose his temper more, fight his rivals harder, etc., but he's too careful to act on those impulses. Bucky will just go out and kill people, and this mitigates Sam's internal tension around keeping his cool (because the person got punished anyway) and gives him another resource to manage: Bucky's patience.
Maybe it's not as smart, but it feels better to say "Bucky, you can kill under these circumstances, but not these" than to have to hold himself back.
They would argue with each other pretty often, but they would work well together. Bucky would have an ongoing debate with Sam about "less risky" remote stalking vs. "At least I'm there if they need me!" in-person stalking.
They would make fun of each other's ways of expressing love- in jest; they're having fun with each other and making you laugh more than actually mocking. But they would relentlessly tease each other over their chosen terms of endearment, romantic gestures, etc.
I think, together, they'd be more likely to kidnap you. There's still a chance that they wouldn't, but Bucky would be less worried about it with Sam in the picture, so the chance of it definitely increases.
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Do you think Stranger Things does a good job of portraying queer youth in the 80s?
That's a hard one for me to answer. I was too young in the 80s to really experience it for myself.
I will say, though, that I had very little exposure to LGBT people or issues growing up. Aside from guest characters on more progressive sitcoms, gay characters in media were often treated as throwaway jokes or depraved villains. That was honestly always the biggest problem. It's hard to create a health gay identity when you had no good role models for it.
Robin's fear of telling Steve that she likes girl is very legit. It would be terrifying to reveal that to someone back then because you had no idea how they might react. It wasn't even something that was really talked about. It was a "problem" that "other people" had to deal with. Nobody ever really thought about it because they didn't even expect to have to deal with it. The fact that she's so reluctant to make a move on Vickie, despite Steve being so confident that she'd be interested, is very legit. The reaction could range from a gentle letdown to, as Robin said, becoming the town pariah.
I've also written before about how Will would have a difficult time reaching a realization of gay identity due to these sorts of issues. Without the internet to give him access to real people going through similar journeys, Will would struggle to not only realize that he is indeed gay, but also to even develop a healthy, positive concept of what being gay is. In this sense, I suppose I could accept the show taking a "don't say gay" approach, as Will might be reluctant to identify himself with terms that his dad and bullies have previously used.
Mike also shows yet another sort of journey that a gay teen could take back then. I wrote about that after thinking hard about Mike's story featuring Will and El coming in and out of his life at pivotal moments. Mike's problems stem from the fact that he never really had any reason to think he might be gay. He wasn't targeted with bullying for that. He has a journey similar to what Robin experienced in Rebel Robin. Mike has a deep affection for another boy, but mistakes it for friendship because he never had any understanding that it could mean anything else. Meanwhile, a girl comes into his life when he's intensely worried for this boy, then she shows up again when he's intensely worried for this boy. Then he has massive difficulties having both of them in his life at the same time. He ignores the boy and has a bad relationship with the girl.
To be fair, a lot of this requires a deeper read of the material than the average viewer is probably willing to do. It also requires, as Robin discovered in her novel, the ability to properly translate what you're seeing. For anyone who hasn't read it, Robin needed someone to point out to her that something she anonymously wrote regarding Tammy came across as very romantic. Like Robin (and probably Mike), the average viewer just assumes they, and other people, are straight until told otherwise. It's a heteronormative viewpoint that has only recently begun to change.
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Forgotten Letters | June 14, 1943
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader Warnings: mention of character death, WWII, Summary: Steve left for war and Y/N Barnes was left behind worrying about the best friend she’s in love with and her brother. Letters between the three keep her nerves calm, but she can’t bear the thought of losing them when something happens. Author’s Note: This is a series of short letters between Steve, Bucky, and the reader. Each part is a different letter. This fic takes place during Captain America: The First Avenger.
Dear Steve,
I can’t describe into words how happy I was when your letter arrived. I had been waiting for the post every day since I sent my first letter. I know that’s an odd thing to say, and James is definitely going to tease me about it when I receive his next letter, but I couldn’t help it. I’m worried about you. And not in the way you’re probably thinking! I’m just as worried about James! You’re my boys! I don’t know what I’d do if I lost either of you! But Steve, I really don’t know how I’d cope if I lost you. So no… running into heavy gunfire unprotected or jumping on top of grenades like I know you would! I need you to come home. I need to hug you again. 
I am sorry for being so negative. I know you don’t like it, but the dreams are back, and this time, they’re far more real than you getting hit by a car or murdered in the back of an alley. Now, you’re not here where I can come to your house at 2am when I can’t sleep and that is starting to haunt me. But regardless, I don’t want the entirety of this letter to be selfish. 
I’m glad to hear you’ve made a friend! Peggy sounds nice! Does she train with you? Know anything about her? There aren’t many women allowed in the war, is she a soldier or a nurse? You don’t hear of female soldiers very often. Though you did call her “agent,” is she some sort of spy? I only ask because, well, you know how some people can be. Two-faced. Pretending to be transparent when, in reality, they are a color that distracts from their true color. Like black concealing orange. I don’t want to see you getting hurt. Make sure you can really trust her before you let yourself get too caught up in a one-sided friendship. 
Changing the subject, however, this doctor, are you sure you can trust him? Does it strike you odd that every other doctor in the city declined your request to enter the war, but not this man? That sounds fishy to me Steve, and I didn’t have the chance before you left to tell you. I’m not trying to tell you what to do, though I’m sure it sounds that way. I just don’t want you getting hurt. I apologize for my protective nature, but you know it’s not something I can help. 
On a lighter note, Mr. Stark never came back to the shop. It’s been long enough now that I assume you’re right. He isn’t coming back. And if he does, I’ll explain the situation. He seemed nice enough to understand. I did go out and buy plenty of ink and paper to write to you and James, but I promise, I also got good food! Actually, I got plenty of food to stock in the new refrigerator in the new apartment I’m working on leasing. It isn’t a done deal, but the owners are very nice and we’re waiting for the lease to open before they fully accept my offer. Nan isn’t happy, of course, but you’re right. I’ve gotta get out of that place. Plus, the apartment I’m working on leasing is a two bedroom apartment! Maybe when you come home, we can live together! Just like we always planned!
Be safe Steve, and write me again so I know you’re being safe! I love you and I will continue waiting by the post for your letter. I’ll continue counting down the days until you come home. Win the war quickly. 
Lot’s of Love,
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thebabysittertm · 10 months
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“I know that’s what happened, I’m just saying that power outages were all that happened afterwards. No bodies being found, no one going missing, no National Guard redirection or suspicious bank transfers from a branch of the government to anyone in Hawkins. It could have been a blip, or a mini-time loop, or one of your friends trying to reach out to their family the way that your friend Will did before everyone got snatched.” She shrugged. Taxes were always the way to find out where someone was or what they were doing — the reason for the paycheque might be fudged, but it would still be issued. Catching Capone on taxes had made a lot of organizations change the way they paid their people off the books.
No one liked going through accounts more than Congress and the IRS.
“Okay.” Maria eyed Steve thoughtfully but didn’t say anything else. She could assume the thought process behind his refusal — what if the people he knew were dead? What if they weren’t? Forty years was a long time to be gone. It was a lifetime, and everyone would have to deal with that. Maria could understand why Steve didn’t want to deal with it just yet, if ever. For some of them, if they were still alive, it might be kinder to let them think that Steve had, in fact, died when he disappeared in the eighties.
“Well, if you ever change your mind, road trips are kind of my jam.” Trying to get a SHIELD jet for that without explaining why she needed it wasn’t worth the effort, honestly, and commercial flights were — well, terrible. “Indiana Pacers still haven’t won an NBA Championship, but hope springs eternal. Trust me, I’m a Cubs fan.”
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ㅤHis jaw may have snapped shut, but it was a lot harder to close off his entire expression as she explained all of the things that hadn't happened along with the power outages, and given the possible causes for it. He squinted a little, distrustful but watching her closely like he expected a lie to suddenly appear, bold as day, or like something she said would just make everything make sense in on neat little moment. Obviously neither of those things were going to happen, or did, because that wasn't how the world worked and just because Steve had some trust issues with agencies didn't mean it was all just going to fall into his lap like that.
ㅤMaybe there wasn't actually anything funky going on there, anyway. Maybe SHIELD wasn't lying and neither was Maria. It was possible, and given how they'd been set up with the apartment building and identities and all, SHIELD was looking okay. SHIELD, and Maria Hill once she'd arrived on scene, had 'saved his life' from his first death back in the real world (which had really only been a short reprieve before the first of the monsters came), and though that initial few weeks had been terrifying and confusing in its own ways, the agency had been absolutely invaluable in giving them lives back. He just wished he could stop waiting for the other shoe to drop.
ㅤThe problem with no new strangeness in Hawkins was that he and his friends were the only remaining link to the scary shit, and Steve still had a very strong link to the whole thing. Robin had flat out asked him if they were trying to talk him into being some kind of guinea pig or do anything weird, and he'd obviously said no, but once the thought was in his head, it was hard to get rid of it.
ㅤ"Okay, if you say that's all that happened, I guess. I just don't get why it'd be a constant thing for a few years and then just stop," he told her, clearly annoyed, but he knew as well as everyone else that he wasn't the scientist or the genius in the group. He missed the kids, which made him close his eyes and rub at his face, thoughts of them in their, what, 50s? "Yeah, I don't think I could really deal with seeing kids I drove to their first school dance in their 50s. That's older than my parents were."
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@knowseverythingaboutyou continued from here.
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wisdomssdaughterr · 2 years
We're the same person bc Steve Harrington is my baby and I love him so much and I also want a hopper Joyce wedding like I was just thinking about that yesterday. All the reviews are loving Steve as usual but I'm still iffy about whatever they're trying to do with his romantic feelings but I will give them the benefit of the doubt until I see it myself. Also if they off him I'm going to off them in return and that's all I have to say about that lmao
literally!!! I'm so excited to have him back in three days, I can't even form proper thoughts rn lol! Joyce and Hopper deserve the world and I just want this show to end with a sweet wedding between them. Do I think this will happen? I have no clue, but it would be neat. they can fake out steve's death all they want, but if they kill him off I will commit a crime
(slight spoiler-y content from reviews under the cut)
as far as the whole steve's love interest thing, I'm not really listening to what the reviews are saying. I think it makes sense for his character to be a little slutty and have a little bit of fun. and it makes sense for him to start to want something more than that as well. with the whole "still in love with nancy" I feel like the reviewers probably missed the mark or didn't articulate this idea well (I'm hoping anyway). obviously, I don't know what happens this season, but it makes sense for steve to long for a relationship like the one he had with nancy. she was his first love and first real relationship in the midst of horrible things happening around them. I don't think they're going to pull the whole "he's still in love with her and wants to be with her" bs because that sets his whole character arc back. however, I don't think he really got closure with their relationship in a setting where the world wasn't ending and there wasn't a lot at stake (season 2 and their whole break up at the byers). I'm hoping it's more of the fact that steve wants a relationship like the one had with nancy, and since he's spending time with her again it's bringing that feeling to the surface, but it's not a "I still am in love with you." it's more of a "I want what we had but with someone else" kind of deal.
and the "lingering feelings for robin" I'm just hoping these reviewers are off their rocker and are the kind of people that see a male and female character interact and automatically assume one of them has to be in love with the other. it's not often that we see a close-knit, platonic relationship between two very attractive characters who care about one another in a meaningful way. I think it's easy to misconstrue that idea into something romantic when it's not. steve and robin may just be very close this season and since steve is single and wants a relationship, someone who isn't completely obsessed with these characters and their relationship dynamics may read it as steve having lingering feelings for robin, when really it's just a rare display of a boy having a close connection with a girl with no "reward" of a romantic relationship
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hardestgrove · 2 years
You asked for prompts for the quad SO time to ask my favorite question, what are their after high school plans? Has Emily ever thought about college? I don't think you've ever talked about that, but sorry if you have!
BONUS question!! -> Emily's favorite foods? What do they like to eat? Can they cook, or is their diet more of a "fast food and whatever they find in the fridge" kind of deal?
fjghlsds I haven't talked about it yet yeah! i have thought about it tho!!
billy's og plan was to save up money and move back to cali but there's been alterations to that for a lotta pretty obvious reasons... so far that's his main goal in life. some variation of "gtfo outta here, ideally to cali" i think he's also gonna be going thru a process of sorting out his shit and what he really wants to do now that he's allowed to engage with his passions and can do whatever he wants. will not be shocked if he ends up doing something music related.
eddie still graduates in s4 (u know... assuming he does dfgds) his main life goal is to make his band actually fucking happen. I think realistically after graduation tho corroded coffin semi-falls apart as all things do in the gap between high school, college/adult life but he's likely gonna end up latching on to the twins who are both also EXTREMELY serious about a music career and both very competent already as musicians and likely that'll go places or at least help launch them all into their own various solid music in the long run careers.
emily was actually going to go to college until plot events make her realize she can't leave her siblings alone with their parents. like yes her brothers would still be there to look out for stacy and alison but the reality is it's a team effort and they've survived so long doing as well as they have because they stuck together. so they got into a really good school and had to defer/inform them they weren't going which also leads to a huge fallout with their father when he finds out bc like ofc. it's all very dark at the time bc emily saw college as an escape from the abuse but over time is actually glad they didn't go because like... they didn't know what they'd do there??? like obvs their dad wanted them to go into business but that's not what they wanted to do. they've got no clue what they actually wanna do with their life. ironically might get wrangled into the band since they already get very literally forced to play bass for the twins sometimes and eddie would 1000% jump on that and help w/ the peer pressure lol. honestly kinda unsurprisingly from someone who was so intensely single-minded about like, 1 escape plan and just survival in general emily's just kinda out at sea a bit once the plan is gone.
steve's in the same boat pretty much, they both know long run they don't wanna keep living in hawkins. that's honestly the one thing everyone agrees on tbh but like he doesn't know what he wants to do with himself or like, what he's even good at. he's still gonna be at scoops ahoy and family video for a while just trying to do something. him and emily (and sometimes billy) likely have talks about wtf they wanna do with their lives since they're the most ????? about it. he gets increasingly more sure tho that he wants kids and like, domesticness which becomes an interesting convo with the other 3 but no one in the quad is actually against the idea in the long run. honestly wouldn't be shocked if he ended up a house husband or some kinda 80s ned fulmer kldfjsgds
i think emily's fave foods are probably like, variations on pasta with tomato sauce, so like half italian food lol and milkshakes. so steve's job at scoops ahoy was a real bonus for them pfft. emily can in fact cook but it's much more on the utilitarian end of cooking because they're making things for 5 people and trying to do it kinda quickly since there's a lot going on. so a lot of things that are pretty easy like pasta and fired rice or involve defrosting things like frozen pizzas. it's also not a shock to see them eating their portion right out of the pan or eating the leftovers off plates a la stories you hear from the exhausted parents of young children lol i think branching out more in cooking is one of the things they'd be into exploring once they have less shit on their plate to deal with honestly
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deeeelightfuldee · 2 years
List 10 of your favorite girl names.
Violet, Eleanor, Faye, Ophelia, Holland (holly), Vera, Ivy, Naomi, Lorelai, Jane, Yvette (evie)
List 10 of your favorite boy names.
Theodore, Max, Jack, Matthew, Smith, Hugh, Burke, Beau, Crosby, Murphy,
List 10 girl names (or up to 10) that you don’t really care for.
I probably wouldnt name my daughter: beth, susan, kathy, crystal, sarah, jessica, aurora, mck-anything, lily, peyton
List up to 10 boy names that you don’t really care for.
I probably wouldnt name my son: paul, steve, frank, richard, bill, alexander, patrick, philip, douglas, jimmy
How old were you when you found out Santa wasn’t real?
My siblings made that pretty early.
List one past regret.
Not asking more questions when red flags occurred.
Do you own Converse, and if so, what color?
I do not
What color was your senior prom dress?
Like a fushia pink
Are you colorblind?
Name the people you know who are colorblind.
What’s one pet peeve of yours?
People asking me to get involved with something that has nothing to do with me, simply because they dont want to deal with the other person.
Would you ever consider a career in writing?
Ummmm, perhaps
What was the first thing you wanted to be when you grew up?
A missionary
What was your first favorite color?
Blue and orange
What is your favorite color now?
Pink and blue and white
Do you know a lot of people with the same middle name as you?
No. im sure people do, but i dont know more than i thiiiiiiink 1
Have you ever purchased a youtuber’s merch?
Last thing you bought online? Did you like it?
A book. I havent read it yet but i assume ill like it.
Could you date someone who didn’t drive (and didn’t show an interest in ever getting their license, either)?
I could, but it would definitely not be an attractive quality to me. My weakness is a man driving me around in a truck.
How would you react if your artwork became famous?
Id be probably super uncomfortable
Would you get your nipples pierced?
Hmmm… probably not but ive never given it much thought
How many people know your birthday?
A handful of people. I think a lotttttttttttt of people forgot lately.
Has anyone ever tried to ruin a relationship you were in?
Yeppppppp. There were honestly only a couple relationships ive been in that the man was ABSOLUTELY in control of his feelings for me and did not allow anyone else to interfere with that. Gah that is the most … insanely attractive thing. Actually, the person that comes to mind that fiercely protected his relationship with me, had every reason to have it split apart by others. He refused. Man it was like.. My heart swelled at that.
Have you ever watched a whole hour long infomercial?
What is your favorite kind of meat to put on your sandwich?
Which one of your exes do you feel like you have the most chemistry with?
Hmmm. john & K i was very much in love with. Chemistry was very strong. In person, physical chemistry? C. omg i would be constantly reminding myself “stop staring. Stop ogling him”
How do you feel about people who make Facebook profiles for their pets?
I think it is.. Odd. but it doesnt bother me.
Have you ever personally known a pair of conjoined twins?
Personally, no.
Is there something in particular you like to look at photos of? What is it?
I like to go back to pics of myself when i was feeling hot. I also like to look at pictures of people that i love/am romantically interested in
Chewy chocolate-chip cookies: like or dislike?
All for it.
Do you think your grandmother is/was beautiful?
When was the last time you got all dolled up?
Aug 16
Do you have a criminal record?
Last person you took a nap with?
Other than myself.. Dutch? Maybe Z
Does seeing your mother cry automatically make you feel sad as well?
Do you think someone likes the same person you like?
Lol. its going to take a long, long, long time before ill be able to *naturally* refrain from instantaneously believing there are other women in any picture of any man i am romantically involved with. That fact really bothers me, i used to be a bit more trusting.
Do you want your life to stay the way it is right now forever?
Are you medicated?
Do you shape/fill in your eyebrows?
Definitely. My natural brows are white blonde.
Have you ever stolen/borrowed clothes from an ex?
Stolen? No. i have a sweatshirt or two from jase, tho we just were romantic and umm.. Well we were romantic lets just leave it at that. I have clothes from Josh. I have a button up from John. I have i believe two shirts now from K. so the stuff ive got, ive been given.
Do you think you’ve already met your soulmate?
I really thought so, but i sure hope now that that isnt the case.
Do you get the feeling something good will happen in your life soon?
Im sure it will. I am always hopeful of that.
Do you enjoy romantic movies, even when they’re cliche?
Have you been to McDonald’s in the past month?
Yep. we get our ice from there lol
Have you ever slept over at your best friend’s house?
How often do you go bowling?
Its been ages. I love bowling
Last time you were in an apartment?
Couple months.
Have you ever seen a live seahorse?
Would you like to have your own yacht?
Honestly, no.
Winnie the Pooh or Tigger?
What’s the unhealthiest thing you’ve eaten today?
Hmmm cereal
Has a stranger ever offered to buy you a drink?
What is something you’d be happy to receive as a gift, that doesn’t cost a lot?
Daisies, handwritten letter,
What kind of music does your significant other/crush like to listen to?
Who did you have your first kiss with? Do you remember what colour his/her eyes were?
Jase. blue.
Are there any themes from TV shows that you like to sing along to?
Gg obviously
Do you eat dessert after dinner?
Pretty much never.
Have you ever had too much to drink and felt embarrassed about your behavior the next day?
Lol. nah i own the behavior. OCCASIONALLY ill send texts or make calls that are umm.. Difficult to explain later.
When you go out drinking, what do you prefer to drink?
Depends if im trying to forget something/someone or not
What was the last animal that you saw?
Charley. He got up when i went down for water
What was the last thing that you said to one of your siblings?
“Do you still want your AAA membership”
What is the most expensive thing that you’ve purchased that you paid for:
Oxygen, medical appointments/imaging
What is your favorite messaging program?
I either use snap chat or text the most frequently.
Do you eat fast food more than 5 times a week?
Have you ever almost drowned?
Have you ever learned something shocking about someone through Facebook?
Yessssssssss ugh.
Do you remember the first conversation you ever had with the person you currently have feelings for?
Yeah I do
Do you dread certain days of the week? If yes, what day/s and why?
Ummm no, not really.
If you eat oatmeal, do you have it plain or do you have certain toppings that you like to add to it?
I add toppings usually.
Choose one - Butterfinger, Milky Way, Snickers:
Do you use Mozilla Firefox?
I used to, im on a chromebook now.
Who is your favorite person to hug?
It has been so long since ive had a really, really, really good hug. C used to give me the most incredible ones. Honestly might go see him just to get one.
Have you ever had to have a mug shot?
No. well, a fake one for a youth group event.
What was the last thing you carried to your room?
When was the last time you had a late night phone call?
Like a week ago.
Do you know anyone who works at McDonald�s?
Not on a normal employee level but i do know two people who work for corporate mcds
What are your plans for next weekend?
Well.. some of the plans im willing to announce: town shred event, airport, antiques, cleaning, a go-out-bar-hopping night.
Do you know anyone who plays heaps of sports?
Have you ever been suspended from school?
When was the last time you had chocolate?
Have you ever been to a sports game?
If so, what sport did you see?
Football, water polo, soccer, softball, baseball, basketball, volleyball, swimming, tennis
Have you used a sewing machine before?
When was the last time you had a snow day?
In college probably….. 3 years ago or so
Have you ever gotten in trouble for using a phone in class?
Where do your cousins live?
I dont know about some of them. I know a couple used to be in colorado. Some are in florida. One is in chicagoland area.
Have you met any of your second cousins?
Do you like the All-American Rejects?
Yep yep
Is your computer slow or fast?
Oh its plenty speedy. Its just constantly restarting.
What colour shirt are you wearing?
A gray tight ribbed tank.
Have you ever faked sick to get out of something?
Have you ever been ice skating?
I have. I just have to be careful cus my bones are weak and that is a recipe for disaster haha
Who do you sit near in math?
Not in math
Have you ever had Werther�s Original butterscotch toffee?
Of course. I have some downstairs currently.
When was the last time you wore a skirt?
A week ago
Have you seen all the Shrek movies?
I have not. I didnt like them.
Have you ever fainted?
Yes from heat exhaustion. Oh also when i was severely burned as a child.
What did you have for breakfast?
I skipped breakfast.
When was the last time you went on vacation?
It feels like a really long time.
Do you have any pets other than dogs or cats?
Nope. two kittys.
What colour is your bed sheet?
It is pink flowers.
What was the last thing you cooked?
Hard boiled eggs
Do you know anyone with the surname Matheson?
Not to my knowledge
Are you the type of person who gets injuries often?
No, not really. When i was younger i broke bones all the time. But no, not lately. Thats a large reason that im working out so consistently is that i want my body to rely on newly strengthened muscle groups that had previously been so weakened from illness.
What does your soap smell like?
Have you ever finished a whole video game?
Yes, absolutely.
Are your siblings allergic to anything?
No, theyre all good to go.
What time is it?
Do you own a purple hoodie or sweatshirt?
Uhhhhhm i dont think so
Has your house ever had a pest infestation?
No. we occasionally get a mouse or two being that we are directly next to a forest preserve. But benny addresses that problem immediately.
Do you have any bad habits?
Of course.
Can you speak French?
No. i cannot.
Which one of your friends has great music taste?
What can you smell right now?
Not much of anything. I blew out my candle hours ago. I cant quite smell my room freshener with 5 fans going currently.
What was the last movie you watched?
Christmas at the plaza
What will you do after this?
Probably see if I can go to sleep.
0 notes
wenellyb · 3 years
Is Sambucky Canon or Not?
TL;DR: Yes, it is
I've seen some people saying that they only see friendship between Sam and Bucky, and I can understand that. Because depending on your education, the environment you grew up and the kind of media you’re usually exposed to, you will have a different interpretation of different situations, in real life or in TV. Just let me insert a short story before I dive into the Sambucky topic:
My best friend's uncle is in his fifties and has been living with his roommate (a man) for more than 10 years. They lived together, went on holidays together but officially were just roommates. My best friend wondered if they were a couple, but never talked about it to her parents because it wasn't her business. Two years ago, they decided to come out and get married. My best friend's parents and his parents were genuinely surprised, they were not expecting that, at all, not even a little bit. Let me tell you that it didn’t even cross their mind that it was a possibility, at all. For them, it had always just been two men who had decided to live together because they were single. And preferred to have a roommate rather than living alone.
What I want to say with this story is that people will see what they want to see, or what they're used to see, or what they were raised to see. It’s human.
What I mean is that you will have different perception of a same event, depending on your own circumstances. And I think the writers of TFATWS were counting on that a little bit when it came to Sam and Bucky’s relationship. They obviously didn't want to make some big announcement or big love declaration.
And yes, of course, I have my own circumstances as well, influencing the way I see things. I have shipped SamBucky since Civil War, when they were supposedly enemies. I never expected anything to happen between them on screen. But then they got a show together and I was so so happy about it but I didn't expect anything other than friendship between them.
I was perfectly fine with that because a show was already more than enough: my man Sam Wilson was becoming Captain America, the show was great, the characters were great, their interactions were great, and this wasn't a love story anyway but a superhero show. I thought that here was no way the showrunners would ever go there. I changed my mind after episode 5. I tried to stay objective, but it was clear to me that the writers were hinting at a relationship that went beyond friendship between Sam and Bucky. In some of my previous posts, I explained that there are some scenes and writing choices that make absolutely no sense if you read them as a scene between two friends. I can link them if anyone’s interested.
Side note: I would like to know if one person on this website can tell me what was up with Bucky's behavior with Torres (in episode 5)? What other explanation is there, if not jealousy? It's a scene they chose to keep, so it was probably written this way, there must be a reason. Please I’m begging someone explain it to me. I'm genuinely asking, because otherwise that scene alone is canon Sambucky.
After episode 5, I was convinced they would make Sambucky canon, one way or the other and I started speculating about the ways they could do it. What I said was that if they did make Sambucky canon, they would do it in a very subtle way, in order not to make it too obvious because that’s generally how Marvel movies deal with love stories. And also because they wouldn’t want to scare away their homophobic audience ( I guess Disney needs their money...who knows)
So here are the scenes of how I imagined SamBucky becoming canon and the comparison with reality:
- What I thought we could get : AJ and Cass calling Bucky "Uncle Bucky" - What we got: AJ and Cass running up to Bucky and playing with him. This point is interesting because it’s also related to the point I made about how the environment you grew up in influences your perception of things. I grew up in a big family and I know that, at least in my family, kids don't run up to an adult like that just because it's their uncle’s friend or just because he's nice... There's a real bond there. They haven't seen Bucky just that one time when he slept on the couch. They're obviously close. But some people might just see this as kids being kids. Also, if you watch at how the kids were fake punching him, they were really coordinated with Bucky. They have done this plenty of times. 2.
What I thought we could see: A non-explicit scene where we were supposed to draw our own conclusions. I thought they could show us Bucky staying over for the night, and the last scene would be an empty couch, meaning we would have to understand that Bucky slept in Sam's room this time.
-What we got: Bucky arriving in Sam's car ( A few people on Tumblr pointed out that it was the car Sam was driving in episode 1) So here again we have a scene that a lot of people will not notice. But they still chose to put it there. 3.
What I thought could happen: Sam asking Bucky to stay in Delacroix
What we got: Bucky wrapping things up in New York, as if he was leaving the city for good and coming to Sam's party as if he already knew everyone there. You can read my take on this here. 4. What I thought could happen: The scene in the trailer where we see them looking in the same direction and then we get a shot from very far away where they're holding hands but it’s not so obvious because they are being filmed from a disctance. -What we got: The scene in trailer and then a blurry shot of Sam holding Bucky and then fondling with his neck to find the best spot to rest his hand on. So none of the scenes I was imagining happened exactly like I had imagined, but it felt like all of them happened but in a different versions, which is still crazy to me. If it had been only one scene. I could probably understand the people who see them as just friends. Actually, I still do understand the people who see them as just friends, because everyone has their own interpretation. What I am saying is that they are NOT being portrayed as just friends. There are TOO many scenes in the 6 episodes for it to be a coincidence. One or 2 would be ok but friendship doesn’t explain everything:
The therapy scene (not the therapy scene itself since it was improvised) but the therapist saying she had heard a lot about Sam and wanting them to do a couples’ therapy
Bucky following Sam no matter what
Sam saying ok as soon as Bucky says "do it for me"
Sam asking "what about Bucky?"
Bucky starting to touch Sam whenever he has the chance
Bucky being the one to bringing the suit for Sam
The boat repairing montage
Bucky wanting to stay at Sam's place, when a hotel room would have been more comfortable than a couch
The second day of boat repair in closed quarters with an intense staring scene.
And there are so many other scenes, soft touches, looks,...
These writing choices are not a coincidence, it’s not involuntary, and it’s not fan service ( Fan service is the roll in the flower field scene, or the therapy session). This is them telling a story.
Let’s not even talk about the scenes in Endgame:
Sam comforting bucky at Tony’s funeral
Sam looking up to Bucky for approval before accepting the shield from Steve.
So yes, Sam and Bucky are canon in the sense that Peter and Gamora were canon in the first movie, or Wanda and Vision were canon in Captain Civil War. Meaning that there was no big moment, kiss or anything, but the show is consistently throwing elements clearly showing Sam and Bucky as a romantic item and hinting at a lot more than friendship between them.
It is normal that some people have a different opinion. Because it is extremely rare, in big productions like this to have two male leads with romantic feelings towards each other, so not a lot people who see it will interpret it as such (I don't think it ever happened). You’ll see what you’re used to seeing.
I guess it also depends on what you expect from a love story. For me, the storyline between the characters, their scenes, their chemistry, the way their feelings towards each other are described, are the most important. The kiss scene is just there as a bonus, but I don't need it when the love story is told perfectly. If you’re used to seeing love stories with many kissing scenes, that’s what you will be expecting to see in most love stories.
If you're only used to seeing male friendships in superhero or action movies. The 1000th time you see men interacting in that type of movie or show, you are more likely to assume it is a friendship and nothing more, no matter how many codes and tropes usually associated with romantic movies, the writers and show makers are using.
Add to that the conviction that Disney would never approve Sambucky in a million years, and there you go, I can understand the people who see only friendship.
But, just think about it, if we had the same show, same scenes, same dialogues, but minus the action scenes and the project was being marketed as an Indie movie, would you think they were just friends or a blossoming couple?
If you read Sambucky’s relationship like a friendship: some scenes don't make sense. If you read it like a developing romantic relationship: it all makes sense. "When you hear hoofs, think horse, not zebra" If a writer or a film director chooses a last scene with a romantic setting and the two leads are staring at a sunset, smiling repeatedly at each other and then walking away together with one of them touching the other's neck, with a love song in the background, maybe friendship isn't the first thought they had in mind.
Some people may say “I see them as just friends” and other people may say “ I see them as lovers” and both are fine, because people have different perceptions, and that’s ok.
What I am saying is this post is that the show and the writers are portraying them as more than just friends, they’re portraying them as two characters who are romantically involved.
Perceive what you want but that’s how they are being presented in the show.
Bucky’s therapist said that the exercise she gave them was for couples who want to figure out what kind of life they want to build together. Then, the show ends with Sam and Bucky, staring at a sunset together, looking in the same direction.
“Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. “  - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
What else do you need???
This show had more romance than half of the Marvel projects out there. Not every love story needs a kiss (for now...)
We'll see in their next projects which direction the writers want to go with this. But since it was said that the writer on the movie is the same as the writer from episode 5, there's no doubt in my mind that we'll keep seeing this dynamic. I don't think they would have made the same choices if this had been a movie. But I won't complain that we got this. I hope they keep this going even if it stays subtle like in the show. Just hope they will add one explicit scene where one of the characters acknowledges their relationship. But even if we only ever get this show, it’s already a great love story. Let me know what you guys think and sorry for the typos and grammar mistakes, I was tired when I wrote the last part. I hope it still makes sense!
If you think they're only being portrayed as friends let me know why! I would also like to know about the way you see this!
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
One Misunderstanding
Bucky x Reader
Summary: You struggle to fix Bucky's first impression of you. Bucky struggles with his own feelings.
Warnings: angst, Hydra things- like brainwashing and torture, a few curse words, panic attacks, anxiety
Word count: 5609
a/n: this idea came to me very suddenly, but I'm in love with it. Hopefully whatever I just wrote does it justice.
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"Everyone, meet Y/N. She's the newest member of our little group, bringing in a whole new level of hacking and tech skills. Y/N, meet the team." Tony introduced you to everyone, eager to share your skills.
You turned to the group, getting ready to introduce yourself further, but instead tripped. You shrieked as you fell down the small set of stairs you were at the top of.
Sam, being the closest, caught you. "Good thing you've got tech skills." He chuckled as you righted yourself, firmly planting your feet on the ground.
"Haha, yeah. I'm not a big fan of violence." You winced as you said it, wishing you could take it back. You didn't want to get into the reasons as to why you don't like violence.
To your surprise, nobody asked why. You would have guessed they would have questions, but maybe they weren't interested in your past. They all had their own issues to deal with afterall.
"Eh, we don't need anymore people for fighting anyway. Welcome to the team." Steve greeted you warmly, as you would have expected from America's golden boy.
You gratefully shook his hand, glad to not have to talk about anything yet. Unfortunately, you tripped again when you tried to move back, falling into the one and only Bucky Barnes.
His hands steadied you, dryly laughing at your clumsiness. "You really are clumsy."
You did you best to not show how embarrassed you were. You couldn't deny the claim. Unless you were fighting, something you vowed to yourself to never do again, you were clumsy.
Being abducted and tortured by Hydra may have made you a competent fighter, but your aptitude for tripping over nothing never left.
"Right, sorry!" You greeted everyone else quickly, eager to get situated in your room. "I'm just going to unpack everything." You waved as you backed out of the room, bumping into the wall as you left.
You had just finished putting away your stuff when you heard a knock on your door.
"Come in!" You figured someone would have questions for you.
Unsurprisingly, Natasha was the one to step into your room. Of everyone there, you expected her to have learned about your past. It comes with the territory of being a spy.
"Hi, I was hoping to talk to you." Her tone was friendly, but clearly she was skeptical of you. Again, you weren't surprised.
"I thought you might. I'm assuming you read my file? Honestly, I thought everyone would." You laughed gently, shaking your head at yourself.
"I did. Your file is pretty bare bones though. I did some extra digging... Not everyone else is as nosy as me." She grinned, already pleased with your openness. "So, why'd you pretend to be clumsy?"
"Oh, it wasn't pretend. I've always been clumsy. When everything happened, and I learned how to fight, I thought my newfound agility would help. Turns out, it didn't. The only times I'm even the slightest bit coordinated are when I'm fighting or training, but I wasn't lying about that either. When I escaped, I promised myself I wouldn't hurt anyone else."
"Why join the Avengers at all then?" She looked curious, still unsure if she could trust you.
"I wanted to help people. I just didn't want to use the skills they gave me to do it. So, I learned how to code, figured I could help behind the scenes."
She smiled, letting down her guard. Clearly it would take some time, but you could easily see the two of you being close friends.
"So, nobody knows about what you went through?" She couldn't help but be curious about your past.
"Nope. I don't talk about it much, but it's not a secret. I'll answer anything you want to know." You smiled, eager to try and make a real friend here.
You spent the next few hours answering every question Natasha could think of. You told her about being abducted and experimented on.
That lead to even more questions, basically boiling down to the fact that you're not a super soldier, but you do have enhanced senses- and seemingly enhanced clumsiness for when you're not using them.
You told her about learning how to fight, and the punishments you would endure if you got it wrong. The two of you bonded over the shared experience.
Finally, you told her about how you escaped. When the Winter Soldier escaped, every Hydra effort possible was made to find him. That included you. Resources were spread thin, trying to cover more areas. It was the perfect opportunity for you to get out.
"Really, I owe my freedom to him. Even if he doesn't know anything about me." You felt the tears in your eyes, too many emotions swirling through you to keep it all in anymore. "Since then, I've learned everything I could about technology and coding, which pretty much brings you up to date."
Before she could ask anymore questions, there was another knock on your door. Quickly wiping the tears from your eyes, you called another "come in!"
Steve poked his head in the door, cautiously looking between you and Nat.
"I've been sent to stop the interrogation." He grinned, stepping farther into the room.
Nat rose from her spot on the bed, kissing him on the cheek while rolling her eyes. "It wasn't an interrogation. We were bonding."
"Yeah, over what?" He chuckled, trying to figure out what the two of you had in common.
Maybe it was the look in your eyes, or maybe Nat just likes knowing more than everyone, but she smiled conspiratorially at you before responding. "Girl stuff, babe. Just girl stuff."
You smiled as the couple left the room, grateful for not having to explain everything again.
Over the next few weeks, the team constantly teased you for your clumsiness. Well, not the whole team. Nat knew the truth, so she never said anything. Peter never teased you either, although that is likely due to the teasing he endures as well.
Weirdly enough, you bonded with the kid over it, eventually telling him about your past as well.
Normally you could shake it off. They clearly didn't mean anything by it. Except Bucky.
Whenever he said anything, he stared you down. His eyes felt like they were piercing your soul. You're not sure exactly why, but he didn't seem to like you much.
Which wouldn't be an issue if you didn't have an embarrassing crush on the man.
Really your infatuation started when you first escaped Hydra. His own escape lead to your freedom, so you admired him. When you found out he was working with the Avengers to help people, you admired him even more.
Watching him on missions is really what caused the infatuation to blossom into a full blown crush.
You, however, would adamantly deny that if anyone ever asked. Which is what just happened.
"What?!" You nearly tripped, again, with how quickly you turned to look at Wanda and Nat.
"You heard me." Nat stared at you, a neutral expression on her face. "When are you going to do something about your crush on Barnes."
"I, I don't- I don't have a crush on Bucky." You stuttered, a lackluster job at denying the truth.
"Please, Y/N. It's so obvious!" Wanda joined in.
The three of you hung out a lot around the compound. It was nice to have a support system to lean on when things got hard.
"Well, even if I did, which I'm not saying I do! He doesn't like me. I don't know what I did, but his eyes feel like daggers whenever we're in the same room." You started out strong, but quickly morphed into a sad resignation. It genuinely upset you that Bucky didn't like you.
"I think I might know what that's about..." Wanda bit her lip, immediately feeling guilty at having said anything.
"What!?" You eagerly turned to her, needing answers. You shuffled your way across the room, never fully rising from your seat on the ground.
"I don't know if I should tell you! I'm not even supposed to know, but sometimes his thoughts are really loud!" Her guilt multiplied.
"You have to tell me now! Then I can fix it!" You were practically begging at her feet from your position on the floor.
She looked at Nat, who just shrugged in return. "Not my place, although I would love to hear it."
"Ugh, fine. But you can't tell anyone I told you!" Wanda glared at the two of you, unable to say no to your pouting face. "The first day we all met you, do you remember what you said?"
Your face scrunched as you tried to remember. "I'm not a big fan of violence?"
She nodded, looking at you as if she just told you everything.
"So?" You asked incredulously, unable to follow her train of thought.
She rolled her eyes, having to spell it out for you. "He kind of took that personally..."
Immediately, you sunk completely to the floor. "Oh, god. Fuck! That's not what I meant at all! I just meant I don't personally like using violence! Shit, shit, shit." You continued to mutter to yourself as Nat and Wanda shared a look.
"Why don't you like using violence?" Wanda asked, intrigued by your reaction.
You thought back to your conversation with Nat the first day you got here. You told her it wasn't a secret, it just wasn't something you brought up.
"Can you just look in my head? I don't really wanna explain it, but I want you to know." You asked, glad to share you past with another friend.
Wanda nodded, seemingly doing nothing until realization dawned on her.
"Oh shit." She whispered, not even realizing she said it out loud.
"Yeah." You huffed out a dry laugh.
"Y/N... I'm so sorry." You smiled at her, having worked through most of the trauma already. "You totally have a crush on Barnes though."
That earned a real laugh. "Hey, that's not what you were in there for!"
"It's not my fault! You were thinking it really loudly!"
The three of you laughed together until you sunk back into a pit of despair.
"What do I do? How do I fix this?" You whined, laying back on the ground like a child.
"I think you just need to talk to him. Explain what you meant." Wanda shrugged, unsure of any other advice to offer you.
"She's right. Just talk to him." Nat nodded along as you whined on the floor.
After a few days, you finally worked up enough courage to try and talk to Bucky. He had just finished training, so you knew exactly where he'd be: in the kitchen.
Walking in, you were glad to see him pulling ingredients from the fridge.
"Hey Bucky, can I, um, talk to you for a minute?" You stuttered through the words, nervous about what he would say.
He barely looked at you, nodding his head for you to continue.
"I just, I wanted to apologize." You trailed off when his head snapped up.
"For what?" Well shit. How are you supposed to explain this one without ratting out Wanda.
"Oh, well, um... I just thought maybe I said- I did something that upset you. Uh, you just don't seem to like me very much, which is totally cool, you don't have to like me if you don't want to. I just didn't want it to be my fault... Fuck." That went horribly. Taking a deep breath, you started over. "I didn't mean it."
Bucky is looking at you like you have three heads. "Didn't mean what?"
"That I don't like violence."
"So you do... like violence." He'd somehow grown more confused.
"Well, no." You paused, unsure of how to explain yourself.
"Then you did mean it." His soul piercing stare is back.
"It's fine, save it. Some people get to choose not to be violent." And with that, he left the kitchen, abandoning his post workout smoothie.
You stared at the doorway, in shock over how poorly that went. You stood there , unaware of the 25 minutes that had passed, trying to figure out how it could've gone better when Steve found you.
"Y/N? What are you doing?"
You didn't hear him, too lost in the memories. Memories of Hydra, forcing you to do things you never wanted to. This happened from time to time if something triggered you into remembering, otherwise you had a handle on your emotions.
"Y/N?" Steve said your name again, concern evident in his voice. He gently laid a hand on your shoulder, trying to get your attention.
Everything happened so fast after that. The feeling of someone's hand on your shoulder caused you to panic. With all the memories of Hydra in your head, your training kicked in instinctually.
You grabbed Steve's arm, pulling him closer to you for better leverage. Before he could question your moves, you flipped him, pinning him to the ground.
The second you made eye contact, you realized what just happened. Horror and regret flashed in your eyes.
In an effort to get off him, you threw yourself backward, knocking into a cart full of pots and pans. The clanging of metal hitting the ground echoed through the small room.
Steve sat up slowly, trying to register the turn of events. You sat in a ball on the floor, tears pooling in your eyes, mumbling apologies over and over again.
Sam, having heard the commotion from the pots and pans, ran into the kitchen ready to fight.
"What- What happened?" He asked in confusion, lowering his arms from their defensive position.
"I don't know." Steve looked at you, still trying to figure it out.
"Y/N?" Sam's voice was gentle, but it still startled you.
You jumped from the ground, rushing to help Steve get up. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to. I never wanted to hurt anyone again." Your breathing was picking up, short bursts of air leaving your lungs. Your hands were shaking as you pulled him from the ground.
Your panic increased as you took in their concerned expressions.
"Hey, look at me." Steve's Captain voice, came out, urging you to make eye contact. You followed orders, breathing rapidly, your whole body shaking.
"I'm going to touch you now, is that okay?" His words were gentle, but commanding, causing you to nod in response.
He pulled you into a tight hug, rubbing soothing circles on your back.
You wanted to explain, to tell them what happened, but all that came out was a pitiful "Bucky".
"Do you want me to get Bucky?" Sam asked, trying to understand you.
The idea of Bucky coming back caused your panic to increase. You shook your head rapidly, "No! No no no no no." You kept repeating the word, shaking in Steve's arms.
"Okay! Okay, no Bucky." Sam reassured you, voice calm and soothing.
You’re not sure how long you stood like that. Sam moved around the kitchen, cleaning up the pots and pans you had knocked over.
When your breathing steadied, Steve asked, "Do you want to talk about what happened?"
You nodded, leading the two men to the couch in the adjacent common area. You sat for a minute, unsure of where to start.
"Why don't you just lead us through it all?" Steve suggested, still rubbing your back.
You nodded, grateful for the starting point. "I went to the kitchen to apologize to Bucky."
"What for?" Sam interrupted, already confused.
"Sam! Just let her talk." Steve muttered, slightly annoyed.
"Sorry!" He glared back at Steve before turning to you, "Sorry, please continue."
You couldn't help but laugh at their banter.
"Right, I wanted to apologize for what I said the first day I met you all. I realized how it sounded, so I wanted to try and fix it." You paused, waiting for the recognition to hit them.
It didn't take long. The two men nodded, silently urging you to continue.
"Honestly, Wanda told me that was why he always seems mad at me. You have to know, I never meant for it to come across that way! It's more of a personal, 'I don't want to be violent' than shunning others for doing what's necessary." You took a deep breath, not eager to relive the conversation.
"Anyway, I told him I didn't mean it. I just couldn't explain it right, and he got upset, which makes sense!" You turned to look between them, not wanting them to think you were insulting Bucky in any way. "I don't hold what he did against him. It wasn't his choice, and I completely understand that. I just couldn't put that into words when I was talking to him, and I made everything worse."
Tears popped into your eyes again, upset at what he must be going through. You weren't with Hydra for but a tenth of the time he was, and you didn't endure the same level of brainwashing.
"He said something about some people not being able to choose not to be violent, and then he left. I don't know how long I was standing in the kitchen replaying the conversation, but it brought up bad memories for me." You sighed again, working up the nerve to tell them everything.
"Wanda and Nat already know, but I guess it's your guys's turn. This was so much easier to just have Wanda read my mind." You laughed at your own joke, the two men sharing a concerned look.
"I was taken... by Hydra. They experimented on me, gave me enhanced senses, trained me to fight, and punished me when I did something wrong." Again, tears sprung into your eyes, occasionally falling down your cheeks.
"Why wasn't this in your file?" Steve questioned, more to himself than you.
"I haven't got a clue. I guess nobody knew about me? But, I escaped. They didn't brainwash me like they did Bucky, because I don't have the serum. Or, at least, I think that's why." You shook your head, refocusing on the important parts.
"When every available Hydra agent was tasked with searching for the Winter Soldier, I took it as on opportunity. Their resources were spread thin. I was able to getaway."
You went onto explain your reasoning for joining the Avengers as a tech specialist, trying to convey the same earnestness you did with Nat.
"You can ask Nat or Wanda too. Nat found out day one, Wanda a few days ago." You wiped your tears, hoping they believed you. "Actually, Peter knows too."
"I was stuck in all those memories when you came into the kitchen. I didn't even register that you were in the room, so when you touched me I freaked out. I never meant to hurt you!"
You looked at Steve fearful that he would be upset.
"Y/N, I believe you." You cried tears of relief at his statement, genuinely exhausted from the day. "It's not your fault, and you didn't hurt me. Just caught me off guard. You're surprisingly agile when you want to be." He tried to lighten the mood, glad to hear you laugh.
"Well, I train in the middle of the night sometimes. I- I want to be able to get out if I'm ever forced back there." Your voice was quiet, admitting a secret you hadn't even told Nat.
"We won't let that happen." The sternness of Sam's voice surprised you.
"Thank you." You wiped your tears a final time, looking between the two men. "Now, what do I do about Bucky?" You refocused your energy on fixing your relationship with the super soldier.
"He never would have said what he said if he had known." Steve started the conversation, defending his friend.
"I know. I don't hold it against him, I just wish I could explain. I get so nervous when he looks at me like that." You rambled, too tired to filter your thoughts.
"Like what?" Sam asked, eager for more information to tease Bucky with.
"Huh? Oh, I don't know. Like he can see into my soul." You deadpanned, earning a laugh from both men. "I just want him to like me." You nearly whined, upset by your poor relationship.
"Like you, huh?" Steve grinned. Nat and Wanda chose that exact moment to walk into the room, eagerly joining the conversation.
"Barnes? Did you tell him how you feel?" Wanda squealed with excitement.
You buried your head in your hands, avoiding the knowing looks the four of them were surely sharing. "Not exactly." You gestured to your head, hoping Wanda would figure it out and share with Nat.
"Ooh... It didn't go well, basically Barnes got upset, Y/N flipped Steve and had a panic attack, then told these two everything." Wanda explained to Nat quickly, trying not to make you relive it.
"We need a plan." Nat declared.
"No, I just need to learn how to have a conversation with the man." You rolled your eyes at yourself. "I'll try talking to him again." You went to leave the room, turning around to glare at them. "And none of you can say a word of this to Bucky."
Despite you request, Steve still tried to talk to Bucky.
"What's up with you?" Steve questioned, trying to subtly pry into Bucky's thoughts.
"Nothing. Why?" Bucky answered in a questioning tone, trying to figure out Steve's motives.
"I heard you talked to Y/N is all. How'd it go?" He gave up on the subtle approach pretty quickly, knowing Bucky wouldn't answer a question that wasn't asked.
"How did you even hear that, punk?" Bucky deflected.
"Not the point. Answer the question."
"Not great. I messed it up." Bucky sighed, annoyed at himself for barging out of the room. "She said wanted to apologize, that she didn't mean what she said." He ran his hands through his hair, struggling to explain where it all went wrong.
"Would've been fine if I could follow what she was saying. She was rambling about me not liking her, which you and I both know isn't true. Ugh, i've never been mad at her. I'm mad at myself! At Hydra for making me a monster! How could she ever like me if she doesn't like violence? My entire past is violent." He huffed, having worked himself up again.
"You're not a monster, Buck." Steve started gently.
"I know you think that." Steve gave him a pointed glare. "I know, okay? But what does she think?"
"Maybe you should try talking to her. You might be surprised by what you learn." Steve clapped him on the shoulder, trying to reassure him, before leaving the room.
Everytime you tried to talk to Bucky, something got in the way. The first time, he was called in for an emergency mission before you even got the word hello out.
The second time, Tony walked into the common area, completely oblivious to the tension, and put on a movie.
The third time, Steve and Nat interrupted you. You were just about to apologize again after an awkward greeting when the elevator doors opened. The sounds of the cheerful laughter and stolen kisses didn't really set the mood for confessing your past with Hydra.
The fourth, and final time, was the most embarrassing.
You walked into the room on a mission. You were going to talk to him, no matter who decided to walk in.
"Bucky, I really need to-" and you tripped on a toy Morgan left out, causing you to tumble to the ground. That would have been embarrassing enough, but there's more.
In your effort to get up, you tripped again, hitting your head on the coffee table, causing you to bleed profusely.
"Shit." You cursed yourself, holding your hand up to your bleeding forehead.
"Are you okay?" Bucky rushed to you from the other side of the table, concerned with the amount of blood spewing from your head.
"Yeah, I'll be fine." Unfortunately, you chose that moment to jokingly reference your past.
Some of the people who tortured you had a sick sense of humor. Whenever they would hit you hard enough to make you bleed, they said something about only having one head. A play on words because of the greek serpent with multiple heads.
"Head wounds bleed a lot, I'm lucky I only have one." You froze instantly, unsure if he would have had a similar experience. Slowly, you looked up in an effort to make eye contact.
Bucky was also frozen in place. Clearly he understood the reference.
"Wh- where did you hear that?" Bucky struggled with his sentence, trying not to flashback to his time at Hydra.
"Oh my god. I'm so so sorry." You instantly started apologizing, trying to backtrack. "I really need to learn when to stop fucking talking." You said more to yourself than him.
"Where did you hear it?" He asked again, putting more power behind his words.
"Um, well, i've been trying to tell you for weeks now, but um, I also kind of, have, um, well, you see-"
"Just spit it out." There was the slightly miffed Bucky you were used to.
"I was taken. By Hydra. 9 years ago. Um, they forced me to learn how to fight. Tortured me if I did anything wrong. Forced me to do things..." You trailed off, realizing you didn't need to give him many details. He has first hand experience.
"Y/N, I-" You cut him off before he could say anything else.
"That's why I don't like using violence. I only know how to do that stuff because they made me learn it. I didn't want to use the skills they gave me." You took a deep, grounding breath.
"I don't blame you for anything you were forced to do. It wasn't your choice. You're not a violent person, and your past actions don't define who you are. You're here to help people. That's what you chose. That's who you are."
You made eye contact before you continued. "I've actually wanted to thank you for the longest time."
"For what?" He was incredulous, wildly caught off guard by everything you've said.
"The only reason I had an opportunity to escape was because 2 years ago, you escaped. If Hydra's resources hadn't been spread so thin trying to find you, I probably would've never got out. So thank you. For being strong enough to fight back."
You smiled at him, still unsure of how he was feeling.
"I... I'm so sorry." To say you were stunned was an understatement. What the hell could he have to be sorry about? Sure he was a little rude, but from your point of view he was completely justified in hating you.
"Bucky, you have no reason to be sorry. You didn't know, and I couldn't get out of my head enough to tell you. You just make me nervous." You clapped a hand over your mouth, shocked at having said what you just said.
You could see his face fall ever so slightly, causing you to jump back into your explanation.
"Not because I'm scared of you or anything! Hell, I could probably take you in a fight." You winked, trying to lighten the mood. It seemed to work, judging by the slight smirk on his face.
"I just, I've looked up to you for so long. Your determination to do good after everything you've been through is really inspiring. It's actually why I wanted to join the Avengers in the first place. I never would have-" You would have kept rambling if he hadn't stopped you.
"Y/N, I am sorry, and I do have reason to be. There's no excuse for what I said to you in the kitchen that day. Even if I didn't know, I threw everything you've been through back in your face. If someone had done that to me, I probably would have had a panic attack." He tried joking, but by the way you froze he could tell he struck a nerve.
"You had a panic attack? I'm so sorry! God, I just left you all alone and-"
It was your turn to cut him off. "Actually, I was kind of frozen in place until Steve touched me and I maybe threw him to the ground... Then I had a panic attack..." You smiled, trying to convey the joke. "So, I wasn't alone. Sam was actually also there. If anything, it made me better friends with both of them because I told them everything. So I have you to thank for that to." You playfully nudged his side.
He ran his hands through his hair, then down his face, clearly trying to deal with his own guilt.
"Hey, don't beat yourself up about it. You didn't know. It happened. We're good now, so we can move on." You smiled, trying to cheer him up.
"How are you so relaxed about all of this? You were tortured for years... I..." He was genuinely curious, trying to find a way to cope with his own pain.
"Well, even before that I always thought therapy could be helpful for me, so I really jumped in full force when I was free. Plus, if you can't joke about something, you haven't really moved on. Some days are harder than others, but I just try to appreciate the people I have now and the good experiences I've been lead to." You kept the tone light, trying not to get too emotional.
He just stared at you for a few minutes, making you questions everything.
"I mean, it's totally different for you though! I was only there for 7 years, you were forced into all that for like 10 times as long. I didn't mean to belittle-"
"I think you inspire me just as much as you say I've inspired you." He cut you off again, a small smile growing on your lips.
"Well, in the spirit of our newfound friendship, can I be totally honest?" You bit your lip, nervous about telling him the truth.
He looked nervous as well, but nodded anyway.
"I kind of, maybe, sort of have a crush on you." You watched his expression carefully, although there was really no need. His face easily gave away his surprise.
"You..." He stuttered, moving his fingers between the two of you. "Me? But, I was so mean!"
"What can I say, I saw through the facade... Well, really Wanda accidentally read your mind and told me why you were so upset around me when her and Nat teamed up to get me to tell you how I feel." You rambled again, realization dawning that you accidentally outed Wanda.
"But you can't tell her I told you that! She didn't mean to! She just said you think really loud sometimes and it's hard not to hear it! She did it to me too actually, I mean I told her she could look in my head so I wouldn't have to explain everything again, I know so lazy, and that's how she confirmed my crush on you." You said it all with wide eyes at a rapid speed, unable to control yourself around Bucky.
You slapped your hands over your mouth, forcing yourself to stop talking. Bucky looked on in amusement, slowly reaching to pull your hands away from your face.
"I won't tell her, if you get dinner with me tonight." He smiled cheekily, relishing in your blush.
"That's a deal I'm willing to make." You reached your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek before running to get ready.
Sam whined playfully as he looked at the high scores. "Whose username is 'God is a spoon' and how did they get so good at this game?"
He looked around the room, eying any suspicious candidates. Everyone denied it, throwing out accusations left and right.
It was another of Tony's team bonding nights and he chose VR games on the oculus. Obviously, Beat Saber was a top contender amongst the group.
You walked in with Bucky, unaware of the conversation going on, but immediately joining it.
"Peter! I bet it was him!" You playfully nudged the younger Avenger, having formed a close friendship in the early days. "What am I betting on?" Everyone laughed, happy to see you in a good mood after being so stressed for so long.
"Whose username is 'God is a spoon'." Sam chuckled after filling you in. You and Bucky settled on the couch, cuddling next to each other.
"Oh, that's me. Why?" You looked around curiously, trying to figure out what they wanted. "Is it a weird username? It was actually one of the catchphrase things in Just Dance on the switch, I didn't just think of it." You tried to justify yourself, causing more laughter.
"You?! How did you get all the highscores on this game? I thought you were the clumsy one."
You made an exaggerated face to show how offended you were, playfully swatting at Sam.
"I'll have you know, 7 years of Hydra 'training' and experimentation has its perks." You joked with the room. "One of them being I can beat your ass at pretty much any video game."
"Oh, you're so on." Sam smiled, glad he could joke around with you about it.
Meanwhile, Tony looked incredulously around the room, being the only one in the room who hadn't heard about your history, he was rightfully confused.
"I'm sorry, 7 years of WHAT?"
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posting some of my random thoughts on the original six avengers. because technically no one can stop me.
iron man / tony stark
love to see actual mental illness representation tbh. also i feel like a lot of characters that have that kinda snarkyness and wit that tony has all have daddy issues, right?? like, call it the jake peralta complex (just because i like brooklyn nine-nine), where a character acts extremely immature and doesn't take anything seriously, but becomes progressively less annoying when they actually start dealing with and working through their issues.
i feel like tony's main issue as an avenger is his guilt. when you have anxiaty, you constantly worry about something that could happen that could possibly be your fault. this is what causes tony to create ultron. and we all know how that turns out. which just gives tony even more guilt.
also, as far as comics come, i haven't read a lot of iron man comics, but i do know that at some point he was heavily implied to be canonically bisexual. so that's cool.
captain america / steve rogers
ok so imma be honest. not the biggest cap fan. i guess his character is just a bit too much of a blatantly perfect patriotric boy kinda character for me. but, then again, that's also a kinda interesting thing. because he's just a good person, end of sentence.
steve has a really, really strong moral code that he follows above all else. which is also why john walker couldn't be captain america; captain america isn't a government puppet, and has no problem going against the rules (or the law) to do the right thing. steve is also extremely against hurting people, and would give his life up to protect someone else. that alone makes him almost superhuman, because not a lot of people can stick to their moral code to that extent.
the hulk / bruce banner
okay. originally i didn't really like bruce. i thought he was boring. but recently i've actually started liking him a lot more. the whole "i am not the enemy" kind of storyline of someone being shunned despite only wanting to help was really kind of popularized by the hulk comics, i think. and y'know what? it is a cool idea for a character.
i think i especially liked him in the first avengers movie, because he really seemed tired of people treating him like a labrat and trying to get him to turn into the hulk ("sorry, kids. i guess you're not gonna get to see my party trick after all" he really sounded irritated and exhausted in that line, which i honestly loved). bruce himself is sick and tired of not being seen as a person because of the hulk, and the hulk is sick and tired of everyone (including bruce) seeing him as nothing but a threat or nuisence.
thor odinson
having a literal god on the team? valid. but i also do love how thor doesn't completely overpower the others; the first film goes out of its way to prove that all of the avengers are almost completely equal in terms of ability; for example, for what characters like black widow and hawkeye lack in terms of physical strength, they more than make up for in cleverness and stragedy. whereas thor, who you'd obviously assume is the strongest avenger, is proven to be an equal match for iron man and captain america.
when it comes to thor himself as a character, i think thor: ragnarok! and avengers: infinity war have probably the best way of characterizing him with little ideas like bringing attention to how much he's lost, how he considers earth under his protection and any harm brought to it is something he sees as a personal failing.
black widow / natasha romanoff
ohh boy. let's talk about nat, huh?
she's, in my humble opinion, the most tragic avenger. an ex-russian super spy who was raised to kill but decided to become a hero instead is already an objectively cool character concept, but when you take into account the fact that her only real family as a child was fake, but that she would still do anything to keep her little sister safe, and how no matter how much good she does she'll always still just see herself as a killer, her character starts making even more sense.
nat's friendship with clint intrigues me specifically, as a frayromantic, because i absolutely love seeing a deep emotional connection that isn't romantic at all in media. especially with the kind of dynamic these two have; you can just tell they consider each other as close as family, and that they've probably saved each other countless times.
hawkeye / clint barton
okay. this is gonna be a long one.
i absolutely love clint barton. especially in the comics. so you're telling me this working class orphan kid who was raised in a circus and is hard of hearing and has a disabled brother and is bad at relationships is in the avengers? hell yeah.
overall, i think clint's status as the Regular Guy (tm) of the avengers is pretty well known and established; he's just a human. just a genuine, kind-hearted, human being trying his best. and that's another thing i love about clint barton's character: he needs to try so much harder than the rest of the avengers just to keep up, and let's be honest, a team where everyone is a god or a supersoldier or super rich is just kinda boring to watch. (also, as a working class kid with adhd, i honestly relate to the feeling of having to try way more just to keep up-)
also, the thing about his relationship struggles in the comics also interests me, because knowing he's also a child abuse survivor makes me feel like the reason he can't properly express love to other people is because he never really received it himself. but the fact that he's trying so hard means he wants to learn how to.
also, idk why, but clint has real drummer vibes. both in the comics and the movies. and i just love his relationship with kate, like, i feel like in the comics clint's kinda her mentor/father figure, but in the comics (especially matt fraction run) kate is more like clint's older sister, honestly.
ok so i really liked just writing out my marvel brainrot so i might have to make another one of these posts with different characters-
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beepboop358 · 3 years
Anti-Byler Argument Refuttals
Although I discussed all of this in my Byler Proof master slides post, I wanted to do a separate post specifically just refutting the most common anti-byler arguments.
1. "Mike and El's relationship is too developed" and "They have been through too much together to break up now!"
This is probably the thing I hear the most when people argue that Byler will never happen. The weirdest part of this argument is that people assume that they will never drift apart, and that they will never ever break up, as if we didn't just see them drift apart, break up, and not officially get back together in S3? Yes, they have both been through a significant amount of trauma, but their relationship is not as developed as people think it is, they barely even know each other really. They spent a week together in S1, then El was gone for a year. Mike and El don't reunite until the very end of S2, probably a few days after halloween. If we work out the timeline between Halloween of 1984 and July 4th of 1985 in S3, that's 246 days, so it's actually less than a full year they have spent together, getting to know each other.
The “development” people argue that Mike and El have just doesn't stand up. Mike and El do not have intimate conversations, their conversations are incredibly awkward, and they just kiss frequently in the beginning of S3 before they break up. That's not development. Hopper even refers to their constant kissing as "not normal and not healthy." Mike couldn't tell El he loves her to her face, which is a parallel to the failed relationship of Stancy where Nancy couldn't tell Steve she loved him, and we later find out it's because she doesn't, which all happens during the blank makes you crazy scene that is extremely similar to Robin's coming out scene. And yes, Mike and El have endured a lot of trauma together, but so has the rest of the group and people don't seem to use this argument the same way with the other couples, or between the friendships. History doesn't determine the future if there's no feelings involved, things can always change. This is idea of staying in a relationship where there is no real love but there is history/benefits is hinted at in S3 when Mike dresses almost identically to both of his parents.
2. "Look at how much Mike cares for El! They're in love!"
No, they're not, and how they treat each other proves that they're not. I firmly believe neither Mike nor El is seriously, romantically in love with each other.
If Mike was really deeply, romantically in love with El, why did he treat her like he did in S3? If he really cares about her that much, why did he wait for Lucas to guide him at all times in matters regarding his relationship with El, instead of just taking initiative, but he does take initiative with Will? Why can't her apologize to her? Why wasn't Mike more upset about El dumping him? Why couldn't he tell El he loves her to her face? Why did he consistently lie to her throughout the whole show? Why did he stop calling her in S2? Why did he give up and say she was dead, but never gave up on Will? Why did he scream in her face in S1? And no - it isn't because he's just shy or awkward. Mike doesn't act like he is truly in love with El because he isn't. He is projecting his feelings for Will onto El, and he is deeply in denial about his sexuality due to his internalized homophobia and hasn't fully processed how he feels about Will throughout the series (up until the ending of S3). And why does Mike have such an odd reaction to El saying she loves him if he does love her? If he loves her that should be exactly what he wants to hear, so why does he look so confused and scared? And why doesn't he just say it back right then?
El isn't seriously, romantically in love with Mike. They meet in S1, and he immediately takes her in, saving her life. He looks out for her, and actually cares if she is okay, and no one has ever done that for her before. El was abused her whole childhood until Mike lets her live in his basement. He was the first person to treat her like a human being, and show her compassion, which she has never experienced before. It makes total sense that she would cling to their relationship like a security blanket. Mike is an emotional attachment for El. He makes her feel safe, because of how he saved her life previously. El has very limited knowledge of love, life, friendship, relationships, and social behaviors since she was locked in a lab for over a decade of her life, she was never truly exposed to these concepts like the other kids in the party were. Everything El thinks she knows about love she learns from watching soap opera's alone in Hopper's cabin. Of course her perception of what romantic love is, is warped. If El was seriously romantically in love with Mike, why was their break-up no big deal to her? Why was she smiling, laughing and looking at pictures of boys with Max right after she supposedly dumped the love of her life? Why did she not seem even the slightest bit upset about it the entire season?
If they're both seriously in love, then why are their interactions so awkward to watch and why does it feel so unnatural and forced? Why don’t Mileven’s interactions feel romantic? The official released scripts on 8flix describe several Mileven scenes as "awkward". It's no coincidence that detail was included in the script.
3. "But they already have Robin"
I mean this comment basically means that sense the show already has one confirmed lgbtq+ character, there can't possibly be any others. What?! There isn't a "one gay character limit per TV show". This comment really bothers me because it reeks of homophobia. If you don't ship Byler that's fine, but refusing to even explore the possibility there could be more than one lgtbq+ character in a TV show just because one already exists? Yeah no. Queer people existed in the 80's, definitely more than just one, so capping out the amount of queer characters in the show is just icky.
Also, Robin was not originally written to be a gay character. It was decided during the filming process that Robin should be a lesbian, because Maya Hawke and Joe Keery were not getting romantic vibes between their characters. Just because the show introduced a new gay character in S3, it does not mean the queercoding of Will and Mike is erased to make room for Robin, and keep Mileven together. Making Robin a lesbian, does not cancel out Mike and Will being gay/liking each other, and the show's future plans for byler.
4. "Mike's not gay."
Does this seem straight to you?
Giving your girlfriend a drawing of your male best friend, that was drawn by him, but telling her it's your drawing so she'll hang it up on the wall you coincidentally face while you make out with her, to remind you of him.
Taking your girlfriends hands off of you while you're making out with her, and keeping your hands folded in your lap away from her.
Only being able to apologize to said male best friend and being more emotionally invested in that relationship than your relationship with your girlfriend.
Mike is the only other person besides Will pictured in close up shots with rainbow and fruit imagery.
Even the die-hard Mileven fans have to admit that's more than a little coincidental, and if we know anything about the Duffer brothers, it's that they love incorporating intricate details in their show to reveal things about the characters/plot.
If you want more examples, some images, or just a more in-depth analysis of byler throughout the series, I suggest you check out my Byler Proof master slides :)
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oitommothetease · 3 years
Invisible String (15/15)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female reader (Modern AU)
Word Count: 3.2k words
Warning : fluff, smut, Steve being nice for once, mention of assault, healthy communication, drinking, Bec is Bucky’s sister - Rebecca, talk about therapy, fucking on a dressing table, I added the link for the dressing table so it could be easier to imagine lol
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Both of you were far from okay, Bucky knew that. You needed time and energy to put in this relationship, and Bucky would patiently wait and giddily put in the work required. 
Just like last time all those months ago, Bucky prepared a plate of fruits with juice for you. If you'd let him in your life, then one thing was sure — you were never having that damn coffee for breakfast. How did you even survive? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and Bucky was baffled when he found out you functioned on nothing but caffeine.
 “Good Morning!” he greeted, you were awake and seated on the couch. “I got you breakfast that isn't caffeine.”
You didn't meet his eyes, but smiled timidly nevertheless. You cringed at your immaturity. Getting drunk instead of having a proper conversation like adults was not your wisest decision. Your last conversation was horrid. What was worse was that he was still being so nice to you when all you wanted was for the ground to open and swallow you whole. It was embarrassing.
You avoided his gaze, and Bucky didn't press the matter any further.
You exhaled loudly and requested, “We need to talk.”
Here it was, Bucky thought. He hoped you both could at least have breakfast blissfully, ignoring the elephant in the room. But he assumed the sooner, the better. Bucky took a seat beside you on the office couch.
“I’m sorry.”
 “I’m sorry.”
Both of you apologized at the same time. Bucky continued, “What I did was a fucked up thing to do. I had no right to decide for you. I'm sorry for hurting you.”
 “I’m sorry for handling the situation immaturely. It was dumb to get drunk and act like that.”
Bucky nodded, he didn't need your apology. He was the one who was at fault here. Although, he would never acknowledge this, but he was glad you got drunk and came to him. He wasn’t smart enough to realize his mistake and if he continued with his stubbornness, then he would have lost you.
Instinctively, he took your palm in his, lacing your fingers with his and placing the entwined hands on his lap. “I — The incident with Rumlow and the kidnapping affected me a lot. More than I would like to admit,” you acknowledged, “And I don't think I’m dealing with everything healthily.”
“What do you need me to do?”
You sighed and propped your head on his shoulder. “Just be there for me.”
Bucky raised your intertwined hands, pressing a kiss on your knuckles, “Always.”
“I don't want our bakery to be just a dream,” he sounded so unsure that you raised your head to look at him. “I want to get out of this life — of the club.” 
“Can you even do that?” You weren’t very knowledgeable about his business, but from what you've gathered getting out wasn't an option.
“I talked with Sam and Steve, and it would take a while, but it's not impossible. I’d have to put in a lot of money, and it will take time, maybe even years, but it can be done.”
For the millionth time, Bucky left you speechless. You didn't want him to change his entire life because of you. You loved Bucky and you would take him just the way he was. With his good and bad, albeit there wasn't anything bad. “Do you want that?”
He looked at you in offense. To him, you sounded insane. Of course, he wanted that. All he ever wanted was a serene life, and now he could have that life with you in it, you were double guessing your worth. Maybe he didn't think this through, but there was no need to question his choice. Bucky was sure of one thing in his life. “I want you. I want you in my life and I want my ma and Bec. And I can't have the most important people in my life if I don’t leave this behind. So yes, this is what I want.”
You smiled at him, and he would kill to make that smile a permanent residence on your face, you didn’t want him to make this crucial decision in his life because of you.
“Plus, maybe some chocolate essence would finally break you out of your writer's block,” Bucky teased, quoting the words you said to him all those days ago and you giggled.
The rest of the morning was spent in comfortable silence as you both ate breakfast.
Bucky wanted to tell his friends about his decision, and he wanted you there beside him. You were terrified, you finally made friends with someone, and now they were going to hate you because you were taking their friend away from him. And Steve already hated you, that wasn't the impression you were planning on forming on his best friend.
To your dismay, everyone looked pleased with the verdict. Turns out, all of them hated hiding their families too. You should have known — worrying every second about your loved ones could make one very restless. 
It was finally decided that the club would just be that — a club. No more side businesses or illegal deals or enemies like Rumlow — it would just be a normal club. The club would go to Sam and Steve, and Wanda would take Clint’s place as the manager. It was also collectively decided that Peter had to go. He was just a kid who wanted to make money for his college tuition. Which now would be paid fully by Bucky. Peter could still work at the club as a part-time job, but he had to go to college too.
It was satisfying to see all of them so content with this decision. You expected at least Steve to interject, but he looked pleased too. What you did not expect was for Steve to approach you and start a conversation with you. You were just standing on the balcony while everyone was celebrating. You told Bucky you needed some air when he asked you what was wrong.
“He really likes you, you know.” 
“I hope so,” you joked, and you saw a smile forming on Steve's lips. Progress, you thought to yourself.
“I haven't been the nicest person to you and I’m sorry for that.”
You looked at Steve in disbelief. Okay, you weren't expecting that. “I don’t know why you hate me. I mean, we barely know each other,” you replied, honestly.
Steve inhaled sharply as he said, “I knew Buck since we were kids. He never hid anything from me until a few months ago.”
What has that to do with you? You looked at him puzzled and he continued, “He attacked Rumlow. Around 3 months ago, he attacked him and we never attack first — always retaliate. That's why Rumlow came after you because Bucky started the fight. I knew it had something to do with you, but he just wouldn't tell me.”
And just like that, you knew exactly what he was talking about. The timing matched with Rumlow’s attempt to inappropriately touch you without consent. 
“I — Rumlow came here during my shift,” you stammered, you didn't know how to tell him. You wanted to heal, you wanted people to know on your accord with your permission. And you wanted Steve to know. “I told him no - several times, but he just wouldn’t stop touching.”
You wanted to be able to talk about this without breaking down every time. And that was a good enough start, you knew Bucky would be proud of you.
Steve's expression morphed into one of guilt immediately. He was smart enough to join the dots, and he felt like an idiot for blaming you and Bucky. “I’m so sorry.”
 “Don't be,” you smiled at him, “You didn't know.”
Steve didn’t know how to react. He felt like a dick — he was a dick for not even considering your point of view. Bucky kept saying that he couldn't tell and Steve should have understood or taken the hint, but he was so mad at you that it blinded his judgement.
The conversation turned uneasy, so you quickly changed the topic and retorted to a joke. “Did you know that Bucky owns a customized t-shirt that says ‘I heart Y/N’?”
Steve chortled a laugh and said, “Now that I do, I’m never gonna stop teasing him about it.”
“It was cute, okay?” you defended.
“Sure it was,” he huffed, “Would you and Bucky like to come for dinner this weekend? Sarah misses her Uncle Bucky and to date Bucky for real you would definitely need her approval.”
You examined yourself in the mirror as you straightened the outfit you decided to wear for dinner. You wondered whether it would impress a four-year-old.
Bucky stood behind you, fixing the collar of his shirt.
“I’m kinda nervous,” you confessed.
He furrowed his brows in bewilderment, snaking his arms around you from behind, pulling you against his chest. He whispered in your ears, sending a chill down your spine. “You look gorgeous, doll.”
You sighed, resting your head on his shoulder. He gently rubbed his thumbs along your clothed stomach, and you felt calmer. His touch had that effect on you. His touch and presence was enough to make you feel content and for the first time in your life, you weren’t scared. You weren't running away from your vulnerabilities — no, you were swimming into it. And you weren't scared of drowning because you knew Bucky was holding you.
 “I love you,” you breathed, “I love you so much, Buck.”
Bucky extended one of his hands towards your face and gently held your chin between his fingers. Lightly, he rubbed his thumb across your lower lip before lifting your face sideways, claiming your lips with his in a tender and slow kiss. “I love you so much, doll. More than humanly possible.”
Your eyes brimmed with tears and you kissed him again reverently, “Do we have time to spare?” 
“We always have time,” Bucky mumbled against your lips, turning you in his arms to face him. 
Both of you were so eager to feel each other that you didn't even get rid of your clothes completely — just enough to feel the other. He held your hips and lifted you on the dressing table, and you facilitated by spreading your legs open.
Bucky didn't waste a second before diving his tongue inside your mouth, making you feel dizzy with just the intensity of the kiss. One hand in your hair, the other running up your back to hold your neck, craning your skull to give him better access to your mouth. He devoured you like you were a delicious meal that he was starving to taste. 
The hand in your hair hastened towards your breast, squeezing your covered nipple enough to make you gasp into his mouth and get your core wet. He did the same with the other before his hand continued its journey towards your cunt.
Bucky didn't waste any time — quickly, he pushed your dripped panties out of his way and his fingers teased your slit before one digit made its way inside you. His mouth left yours, and he nibbled your jaw and reached the lobe of your ear before whispering, “I’ve barely touched you and you're already so wet for me, pretty girl.”
Before you could react to his lewd words, another finger entered your willing cunt and you clenched around him. “Bucky,” you breathed, your voice barely audible with the intensity of your oncoming orgasm. “Want you now, baby.”
Suddenly, his digits retreated, leaving you empty, whimpering and clenching around nothing. He gave a few quick strokes to his already hard cock before plunging inside you and muffling your cries by crashing his lips with yours. 
He gave you time to adjust to his length and when you nodded, he started thrusting in an enticing speed that had you grasping him around your cunt. Every push of his cock had you seeing stars. All that pent-up anticipation and sexual frustration had you coming in no time, but Bucky didn't relent. “Give me one more, sweet girl.”
His hand reached in between your bodies, instantly locating your clit, and you moaned loudly against his shoulder. Bucky toyed with your ear lobe, gently biting then moving downwards to the spot between your neck and clavicle. He licked before sucking harshly and then licking again to soothe the pain. You held his back so tightly that you were sure it must be hurting him, but he didn't complain, instead he growled in your ear as you tried to hold him inside you — tighter than before.
His hand was running calculated circles on your clit combined with his ruthless pace, and you were reaching your second orgasm faster than you imagined. “Bucky, I’m gonna —”
“I know, baby,” he groaned in your ear, increasing his pace, and a moment ago you didn't think that was possible.
You both reached your high together as he released his seed inside you, and that solely had you nearing your third orgasm. Bucky noticed and smirked before his still hand started running circles on your bundle of nerves again and gave you a few languid thrusts that made you reach the euphoria where you hadn't been before.
He held you, brushing your hair off your face, rubbing his thumb across your forehead to rid you of the sweat, praising you for being such a good girl for him. Once you were back from the land of bliss, he cleaned you both up before straightening your dress out — making you appear like he didn't fuck your brains out on a dressing table.
“Traffic,” you lied while Bucky smirked as he placed his hand on the small of your back.
Sam looked at you - both of you with a playful look in his eyes and Steve bought your lie without a second question.
As you entered the living room, you were met with a kid that reminded you a lot of Alec and Izzy. “Uncle Bucky,” she squealed before jumping in the arms of a bent down Bucky.
She stretched a hand towards you and said, “Sarah.”
You smiled at her and took her hand in yours before giving her your name. She looked at you with so much delight in her eyes that had you melting in a second. Oh, that reminded you, “Babe, the cake.”
“Oh, right,” Bucky scrambled to his feet and made his way towards the car to bring the gift you two brought for the family.
“Did you make it, Uncle Bucky,” Sarah asked as Bucky handed her the cake. She grinned when he nodded, “I’m gonna eat all of this myself.”
Bucky smiled, “It's all for you, sweetie.”
She held the cake in one hand and your hand in another before rushing into the kitchen with you.
Sam handed Bucky a glass of a drink that he didn't even notice because his gaze was fixed on you helping Steve and Sarah. You said something to Steve and he laughed loudly. When did you and Steve become friends? He wondered.
“Traffic, huh?” Sam teased Bucky once his daughter was out of their hearing range. Bucky nearly choked on the drink and coughed in embarrassment.
Sam eyed Bucky mischievously and told him to take a seat on the table. Bucky didn't listen and if he did then he pretended to ignore Sam’s words and made his way to the kitchen - to you.
You yelped when you felt two strong hands engulf you from behind, calming down only when Bucky chuckled and whispered in your ear, “Hey, it's only me, doll.”
Eventually, everyone made their way to the dinner table. The food was amazing, some of it was made by Sam - some of it by Steve. Sam’s cooking was clearly better, but Bucky told you not to tell him that because then Sam would get all smug about it. Bucky’s hand rested on your upper thigh for the entirety of the meal.
It brought you back to the time when you both were at your parents’ place and even then the gesture was so welcomed by your body and you. Although you always told him about how inappropriate a relationship with him would be, you secretly hoped that he would call you out on your bullshit. Anyone with eyes could see that you wanted him since the very beginning. Well, anyone except Bucky.
After dinner, Sarah went to bed and it was just you, Bucky, Sam and Steve situated in their living room with a drink in everyone’s hand. 
“The cake was amazing,” you told Bucky when he took a seat beside you on the sofa. Bucky wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer and held your outer thighs with his other before placing you on his lap. You wrapped your hands around his shoulder and awkwardly looked around at Sam and Steve, exhaling in relief when you found them busy in their own conversation, oblivious to their friend’s antics.
“I can make cakes forever for you, doll.”
“Well, you'd have to make cakes forever if you wanna open a bakery,” you sassed and he laughed before pressing a kiss to your cheek.
You beamed at him, placing your head against his shoulder, “I’ve been thinking. With everything that has happened with Rumlow and my family. I think I’ve not dealt with all of it and it still bothers me.”
Nervously, you looked at him and found him already gazing at you with a look so patient and intense. You could see his adoration for you swirl around his eyes and you hoped he could see that same emotion reflecting in your eyes.
“And I don’t want to burden you with my shit, I think I’m gonna start therapy.”
He cupped your face in his palms and you looked at him anxiously. It was a big step - your relationship with him - finally acknowledging that you carried trauma that is affecting your life in more ways that you would like to admit. “Whatever you need, honey. I will be there for you.”
You leaned into his touch, craning your neck before pressing a kiss on his palm. “Did you think you'd be crazy for me when I walked in for the bartender's job?”
He laughed at your teasing words, holding your chin between his fingers and dipped his head down to kiss you. “I love you,” he mumbled against your lips, “And I have a feeling that we’ll be alright.” 
“We’ll be alright,” you repeated his words. It was a promise of a happy and hopeful future - a future you were going to have with him. ”I love you.” You sealed the promise with your lips on his.
TAGS: @bananapipedreams​ @akkinda10​ @rivers-rambles21​ @emmabarnes​ @valsworldofcreativity​ @boofy1998​ @marvel-3407​ @mybuck​ @priii​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @ladydmalfoy​ @shaking-a-jar-of-bees @elizamalfoyy​ @maladaptivexxdaydreaming​ @sabrinathesimp @realgaytrash​ 
Taglist for future stuff. 
A/N - I had an epilogue planned but idk - this feels very complete to me and I'm scared that if I add anything then it'll ruin the end. I think I'll take a day, think it through, try writing the epilogue and if I ended up liking it. Then of course, you'll get it. Bye Take care!! 
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avengerscompound · 3 years
Small Gods: Patience - 1
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Patience:  A Black Widow Fanfic
Patience Masterlist | More Small Gods
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader
Rating: E
Word Count:  1611
Warnings: Language, guns, (smut, angst, and canon typical violence on series)
Synopsis: Every day Natasha prays for more patience to deal with a litany of things from waiting for her target to make a move - to not yelling at Clint for putting empty milk containers back in the fridge.
When her prayers are answered, Natasha finds that having patience is easy, holding on to it is a little harder.
A/N: Reader is a minor god.
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Chapter 1
Natasha stood on the edge of the building watching the chaos break out below her.  The team was supposed to be infiltrating a new underground crime group to figure out where a drop-off was happening.  They’d had men on a street corner no one had managed to clock, and it had just happened to be the one Steve was observing, and they’d spotted him.  That had made the whole crew antsy and then they’d wanted to change locations for the meet.  That had meant a sudden scramble to relocate everyone, so they could keep monitoring the situation.  Tony had nearly been spotted as they did and ended up having to leave the area completely so it looked like another normal New York City Iron Man sighting.  To top that off, Sharon’s comms had just stopped working completely and so no one had any idea what the group was actually saying.  It had been a series of fuck-ups and she knew she would have to get down into the mess soon the way things were going, but she was waiting to see if Clint could salvage it as he bumbled along the street acting stupid so that he could ‘accidentally bumped into his old friends Sharon’ and get some ears back on the scene.
“God, grant me patience,” she sighed.  It was a prayer that had become commonplace for her.  She’d use it when she was on an undercover mission where she had to pretend to be much less intelligent than she was.  She used it when she helped patch up Clint’s cuts after he’d spent a whole day being incredibly agile and dexterous, only to trip over his doormat and land face-first into a cactus he didn’t even know he owned.  She used it when Tony went on one of his rambling stories that she already knew.  She used it when she had to watch Steve jump off yet another stupidly high point for no reason other than he had to be their first.
“I’m not sure, Natalia,” a voice coming from way too closer said.  “I’m not sure that’s what you actually want.”
She spun around, quickly assuming a defensive position.  You stood at the corner of the building, completely relaxed.  You had dark sunglasses on and what looked like a faux leather jacket and large black boots.  You were leaning against the wall slightly and twirling a lollipop in your mouth, and despite the fact that on just about anyone else she’d think they were trying too hard, you seemed effortlessly cool.
“Who are you?”  Natasha snarled.
“Patience,” you said simply.
“Don’t tell me to be patient when you’ve just snuck up on me in the middle of a mission.  Tell me what you want, or I’ll send that piece of candy through the back of your throat.”
You laughed and held up your hands. “Okay, killer,” you teased.  “Relax.  I wasn’t telling you what to do.  I was saying that’s who I am.”
Natasha quirked her eyebrow at you.  “So your name is Patience, and you sit around waiting for people to pray for patience and you pop out thinking it’s a funny joke?  You know how close to death you just came right now?  I’m in the middle of something.  Go away before you get someone hurt.”
Natasha spun back to look down at Sharon who was now talking to Clint.  She saw the quick sleight of hand as they exchanged mic packs.
“Patience isn’t my name,” you laughed.
Natasha rolled her eyes, hoping to cling on to the last remaining patience she had rather than breaking your neck. That would just lead to a lot of paperwork.  “You said it was.”
“No,” you said, straightening up and reaching into your inner jacket pocket.
Natasha pulled her gun and pointed at you.  “Don’t even think about it.”
You pulled your hand out with a business card pinched between your thumb and index finger.  You raised your hands and flicked the card up so it was held between your index and middle finger.  “I said I was patience,” you said, taking a few steps toward her.  Natasha’s fingers twitched on the trigger finger as she tried to read your intention.  “You’ve been praying to me a lot lately.  I thought I’d show up.  But - you’re obviously not ready yet.”  You offered the card to Natasha and she took it without taking her eyes off you.  “Now… count to two hundred, and then go down the fire escape.  Agent Carter will be fine until then, and that will get you there exactly when you need to be.”
“What?”  Natasha asked, now completely confused.
“Just a suggestion,” you answered and casually strode off to the stairwell, leaving Natasha alone on the roof, completely perplexed over what had just happened.  She looked down at the business card.  Embossed in gold on the glossy black card were your name, address, and phone number.  There was no mention of a job or business or even the word patience that you had kept bringing up.
Natasha furrowed her brow and tucked the card into her pocket.  She wasn’t a trusting person by nature, but she had enough experience with magic to know not to completely ignore what you said.  She counted to two hundred as she paid close attention to what was happening in the street.  As she carefully made her way down to the fire escape, there was a commotion and Sharon drew her gun.  People scattered as a large van pulled up and armed men spilled out.
Natasha cursed under her breath as the street broke out in utter chaos.
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“How did you even get there so fast?”  Sharon asked.
Thanks to your warning, Natasha had gotten there at the perfect time to take out most of the gunmen before they’d even shouldered their weapons.  In the end, while the plan hadn’t exactly gone how everyone had wanted it, and they still needed to actually find where they were operating from, they had made a lot of arrests, and thanks to Natasha, lots of innocent lives had been saved from being caught in the crossfire.
“There was this woman…”  Natasha started, not quite sure how to explain your strange appearance and departure from the rooftop.
“Oohhh…” Clint teased.  “Nat got the hots for some hot Chiquita.”
“Gross, Clint,” Natasha snarked.  “Don’t be a letch.”  Clint held up his hands in surrender and Natasha let out a long breath.  “It was weird though.”
“How was it weird?”  Steve said, sitting forward in his chair.  “Anything we need to worry about?”
Natasha shrugged.  “I don’t know - maybe,” she said.  “She said she was patience.”
Clint snorted.  “You definitely need to find her then,” he teased. Natasha swatted him on the back of the head.  “See,” he complained, rubbing his head.
“So her name was Patience?”  Steve said, opening up a drop-down screen above the coffee table.  “FRIDAY, do we have any record of a Patience as a member of any known criminal organizations.”
“Her name wasn’t Patience,” Natasha said, pulling the card out of her pocket and handing it to Steve.  “She said she was patience.”
“What does that mean?”  Steve asked, typing the details into the computer.
Natasha shrugged.  “Your guess is as good as mine.”
Tony chuckled.  “I like the idea of anthropomorphic adjectives walking around.”
“Patience is a noun, Tony,” Bruce scolded.  “And so is Tony.”
“You know what I mean,” Tony said, waving his hands around.  “You can feel patient, you can’t feel Tony.”  He paused for a moment.  “Not unless you asked nicely.”
“Maybe she’s some kind of god,” Clint said.  Everyone turned to him and Natasha raised her eyebrow.  Sometimes Clint would say things that were so simple and so profoundly intelligent that she wasn’t sure if he just blindly stumbled into the answer or he was an actual genius.
“Is that a thing?”  Sam asked.  “Just random gods of emotions?”
Natasha shrugged.  “I have no idea.  It’s a pity Thor isn’t here, we could ask him.  But she did say I’d been praying to her.”
Clint snorted.  “Sounds about right.”
“But Thor’s not a real god, is he?”  Steve said.  “Wasn’t the theory that he’s just an alien that lives a long time and humans just decided he was a god?”
“The dude makes lightning, Cap,” Sam teased.  “Maybe he’s not the only place it comes from, but he can definitely create it and control it.  Why can’t there be the equivalent for something like patience.”
Clint snatched the card from Steve and shoved it into Natasha’s hands.  “I say you call her.”
“You just want Nat to stop smacking you on the back of the head,” Bucky snorted.
“No, I want to see my best friend get laid,” Clint said, folding his arms across his broad chest.  “I bet someone who can command patience would be great at sex.”
“And…?”  Bucky pressed.
“And I don’t want to get clocked on the back of the head anymore,” Clint muttered.
Everyone laughed and Natasha looked down at the card, spinning it around in her hand.
“You look like you’re considering it, Red,” Tony mused.  “What was she like?”
“Cryptic,” Natasha replied.  “Cool.”
“Was she hot?”  Clint asked.
“I think so,” Natasha said.
“So call her,” Sharon shrugged.  “She helped me out.  She can’t be all that bad.”
Natasha nodded.  “At the very least I might get some answers.”
“And who knows, Nat,” Clint said.  “Maybe she’ll be able to teach you a trick or two.”
Natasha bit the inside of her cheek trying not to laugh, and wishing she had a little bit of that patience right now.
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