#I need to stop procrastinating
pastel-charm-14 · 3 months
﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚procrastination, begone!﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚
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identify your triggers
what causes you to procrastinate? is it fear of failure, perfectionism, boredom, or overwhelm? recognize your triggers so you can address them head-on.
2. break it down
big tasks can feel overwhelming, leading to procrastination. break them down into smaller, manageable steps and tackle them one at a time. progress, no matter how small, is still progress!
3. set clear goals
define specific, achievable goals for yourself and set deadlines. having a clear target to work towards will keep you focused and motivated.
4. create a game plan
plan your day ahead of time and schedule dedicated blocks for tasks. set realistic timelines and hold yourself accountable to them.
5. eliminate distractions
identify distractions in your environment and take steps to minimize them. whether it's turning off notifications, finding a quiet workspace, or using website blockers, create a conducive environment for productivity.
6. use the pomodoro technique
break your work into intervals, typically 25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5 minute break. this technique can help increase focus and productivity while preventing burnout. (this really helps me personally!)
7. practice self-compassion
be kind to yourself when you slip up. we're all human, and occasional bouts of procrastination are normal. instead of dwelling on past procrastination, focus on what you can do right now to move forward.
8. find accountability
share your goals with a friend, family member, or coworker who can help keep you accountable. having someone to check in with can provide an extra boost of motivation.
9. reward yourself
celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. treat yourself to something you enjoy after completing a task or reaching a milestone. positive reinforcement can help reinforce productive habits.
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qtepasacalabaza · 7 months
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and won't you please give me some decency?
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creative-inspirati0n · 7 months
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ohno-the-sun · 8 months
Trying to figure out the myers briggs personalities of sun and moon is so funny cause it’s like do they have trouble with deadlines or do they contemplate death and I’m just like—
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sleepypeek · 3 months
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umm...eva reference?
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nerilestudy · 3 months
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Unleashing Focus: How Pomodoro Transformed My Procrastination Habits
Hey fellow students! 👋 Today, I'm sharing a study game-changer that turned my procrastination habits around : the Pomodoro Technique. As a second-year electrical engineering student, I've faced the challenges of balancing coursework, labs, and exams. The Pomodoro Technique has been my secret weapon, significantly improving my focus, productivity, and overall academic performance.
Overcoming Procrastination
I used to be a notorious procrastinator. The daunting size of tasks overwhelmed me, leading to delayed assignments and last-minute cramming. Enter Pomodoro, and everything changed.
Pomodoro in Action
Here's how I apply the Pomodoro Technique to overcome procrastination and boost my grades:
Clear Goals: Before each study session, I set specific tasks or topics to cover during the Pomodoro intervals.
Timed Focus: Using a simple timer app, I dive into focused 25-minute (up to 50 minutes) study sessions, eliminating distractions and boosting productivity.
Short Breaks: After each Pomodoro, I take a 5 or 10-minute break to refresh my mind, stretch, or grab a quick snack.
Longer Breaks: Every four Pomodoros, I reward myself with a 15-30 minute break to fully recharge.
Results Speak Louder
Since adopting the Pomodoro Technique, my grades have seen a remarkable improvement. The structured approach transformed me from a procrastinator into a focused and efficient learner.
If you're battling procrastination and seeking a study routine that works, give the Pomodoro Technique a shot. It's not about the quantity of study hours but the quality of focused learning.
To keep myself motivated and help other students, I recorded my study sessions using this technique and made them available online. You can check my channel if you’d like to give it a try.
Try it out, and let me know how Pomodoro works for you! Happy studying! 📚💡
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kurai-kage · 7 months
Juri Arisugawa and Shiori Takatsuki are the holy mothers of toxic yuri. I don't care what you think about it but this is a fact. Try to change my mind if you want. But firstly look at them:
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And let's not forget how Shiori tried to steal the boy from the above picture when she believed Juri loved him for the sake of hurting her. And once she finds out Juri loves her, she gets pleasure out of knowing how miserable Juri is. Just because she's convinced that the only reason Juri was friends with her in the first place was because she felt sorry for her.
But it's very important to not forget how Juri is not the good one too. She is literally in love with an over-idealised mental image of Shiori than with her actual self. Some of the problems between her and Shiori are caused by Juri's own inability or refusal to communicate properly with her. It's understandable that she can't confess her feelings for the other girl, but the fact that she makes no effort to have a proper conversation with her doesn't help Shiori's inferiority complex at all.
PS: I rarely write any analysis about anything outside school, so i hope that it makes any sense. I just find their relationship very interesting so i decided to do it. Maybe I'm going to do analysis post about Nanami's character next. Or about the parallels between Anthy and Hera.
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turns-out-its-adhd · 2 years
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ya-relyart · 3 months
A little speed paint
La procrastinación invade mi ALMA! 😭😭😭💔💔
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anthonysdemo · 5 months
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0nelinerwordplay · 1 month
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that-gay-gal · 2 months
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March for Raph day 14!:
Early morning :>
I need that mug irl
Sorry I’m posting this so late lol 💀 I’m a master procrastinator ✨
Guys the lighting makes sense I swear he’s just looking out a window
… or into a bright lamp or something BUT IT MAKES SENSE OK
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paranoia-art · 1 month
◦•◦Different websites inspire different passions◦•◦
Tumblr inspires me to write
Tiktok inspires me to draw
Instagram inspires me to start a business
Pintrest inspires me to create cloths and play w fashion
YouTube inspires me to procrastinate
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irmxzzz · 6 days
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my body’s made of crushed little stars
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nfsdiaryy · 2 months
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ccoffii · 2 months
Eleceed Redesign Pt 2
Hi, I’m back to be annoying with my headcanons again. I rlly should be studying. Again, this is for FUNNNN I ain't fixing shit it's more like how I would draw them.
I also redesigned the bestie crew so look at that too after this one teehee.
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Starting off with the one who doesn’t even look like the same person.
I noticed this webcomic rlly likes to repeat hairstyles, I mean Jiyoung has the same hair as Lia and Iseul has the same thing just short.
I have not though about how Jiyoung would get the scar on her chest, but all I know is that at one point she had a phase like Jisuk and that's how she got it. Instead of seeing it as ugly tho I want her to think of it as a badge of honour.
I do not care if her outfit is inconvenient she looks cool af.
The white streak in her hair was because of Jisuk, I didn't think that far after that I just wanted them to kinda match.
I like the think she also has a rebellious streak but she's better at hiding it.
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I actually don't mind Kayden and Kartein's designs, I just made some changes based on some adjustments I would make.
I made his ass built like a Dorito cause body shape is also included in silhouette which is important for character design :)
based on what I said about Jiwoo's clothes in my last post I decided to make it a reality. My friend also told me I should have a button on his shirt holding on for dear life.
Messier hair because he a heads and shoulders 4 in 1 type of guy. Also it helps sell his personality more at first glance.
His black outfit is base on the SOLIDER uniform from FF7, I didn't really have any ideas so it's' in the works. I kept the monochrome black palette for now since it goes so well with Kartein but I'll change that later.
Ear piercings just because.
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Yes, Kartein makeup is for everyone. I didn't change much about him either
I gave him short hair because I couldn't think up a good long hair style for him. Also, half slicked back hair because it makes him look fancy.
Gay Earring because he got his hair slicked back, it may be a gift from a certain someone considering how simple it is.
Monochrome white for him still! Like Kayden, I want to make more outfits where he has more colour.
his mole is only there bc I like it when characters have it there and there was also a stray line art marking I couldn't find the layer of and was too lazy to find it.
a little pendant tie thing because I think it looks cool and again may be from a certain someone
I noticed that Kayden and Kartein would be hard to tell apart if it was only their silhouettes and no black and white contrast to the suit and coat along with hair change help with telling them apart.
A fanfic may be in order, but that will be after I crawl out of exam hell. Also, I am well aware some of these designs would be HELL to draw for a webcomic, don't take it seriously lol.
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