#I feel like it wouldn’t be super weird to request ‘silent spring’ and that is part of my holy non fiction trilogy
I see those Etsy listings for earrings with “your favorite book cover” on tiny books and I’m always super tempted (when I have money) but I can’t think of any single novel that would qualify as my favorite (after the age of 14) and while I now think i have a favorite series, i don’t have a single favorite book in fiction. I can however think of two non-fiction books that I absolutely adore but I’m not sure if that would be a weird request or not 🤔
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therenlover · 3 years
In Fleeting Touches & Airy Sighs Chapter One (A Three Chapter Helmut Zemo/Reader Fanfic)
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(Thank you to the wonderful anon who requested angst and smut between Zemo and the reader because Zemo had to be away from her on the run!)
Synopsis: A year after working together with Zemo in the events of Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Sam and Bucky seek him out once again in need of shelter from John Walker. Meanwhile, Zemo’s wife resents his absence and prepares for guests.
Tags: Flashbacks, Depression, Alcoholism, Separation Anxiety, Arguing, Struggling Marriage, Reunions
Rating: T (E in future chapters)
Warnings: Guns, Swearings, Reader shows signs of alcoholism/alcohol abuse, Reader uses a hot shower as a mild form of self harm
Word Count: 5000~
This fic has been crossposted under the same title to my AO3!
Helmut Zemo was not often a man backed into a corner.
He was smart, resourceful, and had nothing left to lose. If it came down to the line, he would do whatever had to be done within his morals to achieve his goals, even if that goal was simply staying alive. The Baron bowed to no man, and made his enemies, no matter their size, fall to their knees with sheer wit instead of brute strength. That’s why, when he stood backed into an alley with the barrel of James Barnes’ gun to his forehead as the Falcon watched on, it was strange that he didn’t try to weasel his way out.
“We need answers,” Sam said, hands in the pockets of his dark hoodie. Bucky wore a similar one, only he wore a baseball cap instead of keeping his hood up. “How the hell did you break out of prison for a second time?”
Usually, Zemo would have replied with a clever quip. He had never been one to back down from a fight. This time, though, he looked almost frightened as he raised his arms in defeat. “I got in contact with friends on the outside during our short adventure together. They decided to help me out once I was re-incarcerated, willingly I might add. I had no part in the plan, but who would look a gift horse in the mouth?”
“And I guess I’m just supposed to assume you had no part in getting my pardon revoked?” Bucky spat.
“If you hadn’t noticed, James, I’ve left you alone,” A hint of his usual mockery slipped into Helmut’s tone, but he quickly pulled it back, “Believe what you want about me, but I’ve had some time since last year to… re-evaluate my feelings on the world. You had no choice but to do the things you did as the Winter Soldier, and as long as you pose no threat to society now I have no qualms with you,”
Despite the strangeness of Zemo’s response Bucky remained unphased. Sam, on the other hand, was less stoic.
“Man, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but the government is looking for Bucky and I harder than they’re looking for you, and it’s kind of all your fault, so excuse me for not giving a shit about your supposed sudden change of heart!”
“Can we get to the point? I’m afraid my flight leaves in an hour and I would hate to be late,”
“Cut the bullshit!” There Bucky went, pushing the cold metal closer to Zemo’s furrowed forehead.
“Bucky...” Sam warned.
“No, Sam, I can do this. Did you or did you not actively attempt to get my pardon revoked when you took us to Madripoor? Because thanks to you, a worse symbol than Sam is now standing unchecked with the title of Captain America AND he has access to the last of the new super soldier serum AND he’s trying to get us killed so we can’t tell the world about the awful shit he does,”
“I-” Zemo went to speak and, for the first time since he had met him, Sam believed he was being genuine. There was a tremble that made its way through him, all the way to his raised hands and even his voice. It was enough that Bucky even lowered the gun minutely. “I understood that by following my lead, the both of you were risking a lot. I didn’t intend any specific malice with my actions though, no. If I may… the two of you have attracted a lot of attention here in the past few days. I assume Walker is very close to finding you?”
Sam and Bucky shared a look before Sam responded. “Maybe, why?”
“I have a safe house,” he continued, “I don’t stay there often so the location isn’t compromised, but it’s my next stop. Might I suggest we take this conversation on the road? I would hate to host your reunion with Mr. Walker in an alley over my corpse,”
There was a moment of complete stillness. Zemo remained, face dark with that strange deer-in-headlights look, a perfect statue, as the barrel of Bucky’s gun remained pointed firmly in his direction and Sam shared what seemed to be a completely silent conversation with Bucky. It was true that they had been burned before. Zemo was a man with his own agenda who did what it took to fulfill it. That being said, he had returned willingly with them back to prison before he was broken out, and without his help, the band of freshly minted super soldiers would still be running around Europe causing chaos. In the end, Bucky lowered his gun slowly before tucking it away into his boot holster.
Zemo grinned.
“Don’t think this means we trust you,” Sam groaned, pointing a finger at the man.
“I wouldn’t dream of it. Now, gentlemen, I believe we have a plane to catch,”
As the trio began to make their way out of the alley Bucky and Sam fell to the flank of the group. “Do you really think this is a good idea?” Bucky asked, eyes darting between his two companions. Sam shrugged.
“At this point, I’m doing whatever it takes to get home to my family in one piece. If that means I have to ride in Zemo’s stupid private jet again and lay low for a while, then that’s what I’m gonna do, because Sarah and those kids don’t deserve to lose me all over again,”
“But don’t you think he’s acting a little… weird?”
“Don’t worry, I have my eye on him. If he tries anything we can just throw him out front when Walker tries to shoot us,”
“You’re doing a very poor job of concealing your conversation,” Zemo shouted.
Bucky stormed ahead as Sam laughed.
“Oh, shut up!”
Surprisingly, the drive to the airstrip was mostly uneventful, as was the relatively short flight from Zurich to Avignon. There was, of course, the usual cutthroat banter and tension so thick you could feel it like a fog hanging over the group, but in an unusual twist of fate, the baron did very little to initiate. Of course, he wasn’t fully innocent though. He never was. That being said, even as his chauffeur carefully navigated the stone roads to the dropoff point he was strangely quiet. He had texted someone earlier to have the house prepared for their arrival but he kept looking down at the phone as if a response would come. It didn’t.
Sam appreciated the break from the noise. To him, it was a moment of peace after a few months of constant opposition. For the duration of the trip, he had chosen to shoot a few choice quips Bucky’s way before taking a long nap. Bucky, on the other hand, was only growing more suspicious of Zemo by the minute.
After his time with Hydra, Bucky had become intimately acquainted with the type of man that Zemo was. He was ruthless, driven by ideals that couldn’t be changed by any amount of debate or theory read inside a prison cell, and willing to do whatever it took to fulfill those ideals no matter the cost. There was remorse but no regret. A man like that doesn’t just stop believing in the thing that led him to kill dozens if not hundreds of people, because once the impetus is gone so is the only thing upholding their sense of self.
In basic terms, he was hiding something. Bucky was intent on finding out what that thing was, a thing important enough to make Zemo of all people shut the hell up and tell his enemies exactly where his safe house was, and he wasn’t going to rest until he did. The answer came easily enough in the end, but not before Sam and Bucky were forced face to face with the strangest thing they had ever seen, even when including aliens and wizards. That thing was Zemo buying flowers.
The trio had gotten out of the car somewhere around the center of the city and continued towards the safe house on foot. A few minutes after they started, though, Zemo had spoken.
“I apologize, but I’ll have to stop for a moment,” He said, holding up a hand to alert the two men trailing him to the fact that he was about to stop. Sam quirked up an eyebrow.
“At a flower shop?”
There, to the right of them, was a small fleuriste. The window was a burst of bright color. Pinks, reds, whites, purples; a certain bunch of spring blooms had caught Zemo’s eye. He shrugged. “It’s rude to arrive at someone’s house asking for a favor without a gift, Mr. Wilson. Excuse me,”
With a comfort that said he had been into the shop many times, Zemo walked through the door and began conversing with the shop owner in perfect French, even referring to her as tu instead of vous as he made his purchase.
“Did he just say someone’s house ?” Sam asked Bucky, eyes widening.
Bucky gritted his teeth. “Yeah, I think he did,”
“So, we’re just showing up at someone’s door,”
“Yup. Not to mention they’re someone who aligns themself with him,”
A groan escaped from Sam as he ran his hand down his face in disbelief. “I didn’t expect much from Zemo, but damn,”
“It’s your fault for expecting anything from Zemo in the first place,”
“For once, you’re right,”
They dawdled for a moment. As their conversation stilled, Zemo returned, now burdened by a sizable bouquet from the window. Around them, the city was starting to get off of work. Families walked together as businesses had their 5 o’clock shift change. Somehow as the world around them came to life it didn’t look at Sam and Bucky with anything more than a passing glance. They were tourists, nothing more. For a moment Sam understood why Zemo would go to a place like this for safety and anonymity.
Without ceremony, the trio began walking towards their destination once again.
“I apologize for the delay,” Zemo said, keeping his pace brisk and remaining about a foot ahead of his companions, “I suppose it’s become a bit of a habit that I buy Y/N flowers whenever I come back. We shouldn’t be long now, though, the house is just a few more blocks away, maybe 3 minutes by foot,”
“Y/N?” Bucky asked. The name felt heavy on his tongue, familiar. That had to be a coincidence though. Zemo would never align himself with anyone who had worked for Hydra, and there was no other place he could have heard that name and had it hold any significance. Right?
Zemo chuckled. “Y/N is our host. I’d appreciate it if you tried to maintain some semblance of respect when we arrive, she tends to have quite the temper and it would reflect badly on me if she believed I was asking her to indefinitely house two people who would happily send her to prison,”
“About that,” Sam chimed in, “Who the hell are we about to be staying with? It’s not that I don’t trust you, but I don’t, and by extension, I also don’t tend to trust people who trust you,”
“I assure you, Sam, Y/N is more trustworthy to you than I will ever be,”
“That doesn’t answer my question, nor does it make me feel any better,”
“She’s American, and like you, she is seeking shelter from the government. Isn’t that enough for you?”
“Man, at this point I feel like you’re not telling us because she’s actually some sort of crazy Sokovian sleeper agent who’s gonna stab us in the back while we sleep. Am I crazy, Buck, or am I right?”
Bucky, who had been trying his best to stay out of the conversation, replied. “You are being unnecessarily evasive, Zemo, though that’s nothing new…”
“Right? Like, I’m really grateful that you’re lending us a hand, but I’ve gotta be honest, if I think for a second things are going south-”
Sam never got to finish his sentence.
Suddenly, Zemo stopped short, turning around and looking Bucky in the eye with a madness neither he nor Sam had ever seen before. His whole body was stiff, rigid. The hand that wasn’t cradling the flowers delicately was gripped in a fist at his side. He looked angry, but underneath the anger, he really just looked scared. “You will not touch her. Do you hear me? Do what you’d like with me, I have made choices worthy of punishment, but you will not touch Y/N. If you so much as think of it, all bets are off. Do you understand me?”
Bucky nodded, sharp. This was certainly interesting. Sam just smirked.
“Is there something else you want to tell us?”
Zemo walked up a small set of stairs towards a home to their right. “No, Mr. Wilson, I don’t believe so,”
The building was a nice one, all tan stone with dark wrought-iron fixtures on its many windows. It looked, for all intents and purposes, like a normal midtown manor-house for some upper-class member of the community. The normalcy of it all hid its true purpose in plain sight. It was genius, really. Over a dividing wall made of the same yellowing stone, Sam could see a small sliver of vibrant green garden space and a pool at the side of the building.
With a steadying breath, Zemo knocked on the door.
“You have to knock on the door of your own safe house?” There was a hint of incredulity in Bucky’s voice as he crossed his arms. This was going to be a disaster. Why had they agreed to this again?
“A little etiquette goes a long way, James, especially when you’re already in the doghouse,” Then, the door opened.
Bucky froze. There, standing in the doorway with a pistol in her hand and a fire in her eyes, was a woman he thought long dead: you. This couldn’t be right! He had killed you back in ‘02 with the rest of the AAHR...
You quirked up an eyebrow at Zemo.
“Give me one reason I should let you in and not shoot you on the spot,”
They were so fucked.
The day, on your end of the world, had gone by much slower.
It started off like any other, with the alarm on your bedside table blaring as you opened your eyes and your arms reached out into the emptiness in the sheets beside you. Sometimes, when Helmut’s flight got in late enough, you would wake up and reach to the side only to find that he had appeared beside you in the night. Those were the best kind of reunions. They were free of pretense, no bitterness or resentment clouded your sleep-heavy brain when you opened your eyes to his peaceful resting face, and you could simply fall into the comforting rhythm of husband and wife. If you reunited with a clear head things tended not to go as well.
You groaned. It wasn’t as if there was even a guarantee he would come back, especially not after the way you’d left things last time. The philosophy of attendre et espérer, waiting and hoping like an Edmond Dantés type, wouldn’t do you any good, at least not anymore.
Maybe it was time to start moving on…
Tomorrow. You could start thinking about the next steps tomorrow. For today you’d enjoy what you had.
Getting out of bed was difficult but you managed. The sun streamed through the curtains that billowed gently in the breeze near your balconette, brilliant gold beams illuminating the dust that danced in the air. The first thing you did was shuffle along to the corner and pour yourself two fingers of brandy from Helmut’s private collection. It was like a morning ritual these days, a numbing agent against the loneliness. Once the drink was downed you moved on to the closet to get dressed.
Dressing yourself wasn’t of much importance these days. You couldn’t exactly leave the house, and nobody was visiting, so more often than not, it was easier to just wear the same pajamas for a few days until you knew Oeznik would be around to drop off groceries. Today, though, you felt… filthy. Not dirty in a physical way, just sticky and filthy and unclean under your skin and in your very heart. Maybe a shower would help.
You looked around the closet with a clinical eye. It was difficult to be in there, surrounded by lavish dresses and expensive suits that you and your husband had worn arm in arm while plotting the downfall of the Avengers before your unsteady alliance had turned into so much more. Everything still smelled like his cologne. In the small, often-closed, walk-in closet, the scent had only intensified, covering every article of clothing with a fog of cedarwood and sage. It made you sick, choked the air from your lungs and left you gasping for even a single breath that didn’t sit heavy on your tongue with the bitter taste of that familiar musk.
The alcohol had helped. It always did. The remnants of its burn in your mouth formed a sort of guard against the scent of the closet as you searched through a pile of shirts for something soft and easy to wear. Your hands suddenly stilled.
“Zemo, I’m gonna be honest, this is the ugliest sweater I’ve ever seen in my entire life,”
“I’m hurt! That’s one of my favorites,”
“Where did you even get it, a 90-year-old grandpa’s closet? Jesus Christ, it looks like something out of a shitty 70’s flick about family values,”
“I’ll have you know that I thrifted that sweater. It’s very eco-conscious you know,”
Your heart hurt. Well, no, your whole body hurt, but your heart ached a little more prominently as you carefully picked up the sweater and held it to your chest. It was terribly ugly, 4 sizes too big even on Helmut and covered in an olive and forest green argyle. Somehow he was always able to pull off the oversized thing no matter how ridiculous you had always insisted you found it. When was the last time he’d worn it again?
The memory evaded you.
Still, it was a happy relic, happier than most of the monuments to a failing marriage that lined the shelves of your beautiful personal prison. It wouldn’t hurt to hope that by wearing it, you might rub just a little bit of that lost happiness off onto your present-day, right? With one last forlorn glance around the closet, you gathered up the sweater and a pair of jeans before getting out as fast as you could. With the scent of cologne clinging to you, the shower wasn’t just a good idea now, it was necessary.
So, you showered. You took the stupid foot-long exfoliating brush Helmut loved so much and scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed yourself under the near-boiling stream of water until your skin was pink and raw. Disappointingly, even the new skin felt filthy. It was better, though, less intense. With some lotion and a little bit of Neosporin on the fresh patches of blotchy red, you were able to feel okay. Not good. Not clean. Just… okay. At least you didn’t smell like him anymore. The clock read 12:14 when you finally made it out of the bathroom in search of some real food.
Lunch, if you could call it that, was a silent affair. The fridge was almost empty and the pantry was only a little less bare, so you threw together a cheese sandwich, not even bothering to waste butter and grill it. You ate it plain with another glass of brandy out on the pool deck. It was gone sooner than you hoped it would be.
Oh well.
You finished your brandy with a sigh. Only seven or eight more hours until you could finish your day with a few more drinks and pass out in bed until nine or ten once again. Ah, dreamless sleep. That sounded divine. Now if only you could fathom any non-depressing way to spend the time between sleeping and waking. Swimming was out, the chemicals would burn your freshly eviscerated skin. Playing solitaire for the fourth day in a row sounded like absolute hell on earth. Even watercolors, a usual calming respite from the torturous and neverending monotony of life trapped alone in a house you had no help in stocking, were off the table ever since you’d run out of paper.
Somewhere inside the house, your phone dinged.
The second the sound hit your ears you jumped, dropping your glass and letting it shatter into a thousand tiny shards on the stone of the patio.
Phones were a difficult thing to own for someone who was trying to stay out of the eyes of the government. They were too easy to track and could tip off enemies to your location with very little error needed on your part. Even searching the internet for innocent things was too risky. If your search history was too similar to that of the alias you had used before Helmut went to prison, it would have been easy for them to find a connection and send someone to track you down. Still, you kept a cell phone charged and ready on the kitchen counter despite the risk for one reason and one reason only: Emergency contact with your husband.
He never texted from the same number on more than one occasion, always switching from burner phone to burner phone as he flew across the country doing god knows what, but if he was ever in a situation where emergency contact with you was needed, he was able to reach you at your number immediately. It had only happened a couple of times, and each time he had been in a considerable amount of danger. So, when you suddenly heard the sound you dreaded more than anything else in the world, you were quick to rush inside, even ignoring the shattered glass at your feet as you shoved through the doors and found the phone.
The small, LED display was lit up with the notification. It made your heart both soar and sink.
Flying home with two guests. Prepare the two rooms for their stay. We will be there by 5 at the latest - B
You read over the message several times before letting the phone fall from your hand and back onto the counter with a dull thud.
That absolute asshole.
Three months. Three months you had spent sitting alone. Three months without a call, or a text, or a letter, or even a word of when he was coming back by way of Oeznik. Three months! And after three months of loneliness and sleepless nights and empty bottles on the drink cart he reaches out through an emergency line of contact that almost certainly means he might be dying only to tell you he’s bringing two strangers into your safe house, the place even he refuses to stay in too long in order to not give its location away. The scar on your spine was starting to burn as you leaned up against the counter and cried.
It was ridiculous to think you had ever believed him capable of more tact than that.
Really, it was your fault. From the beginning, you’d had too much faith in a man incapable of being trustworthy, even to those closest to him. You knew that, and yet you had married him. Maybe the soft touches and sweet lies he had spoon-fed you had made you weak. Maybe you always had been.
“I’m not a child, Helmut, I know what I’m doing!”
“I don’t think you do,” he shouted. He was a few drinks in now, you both were. The nights before his departures never tended to end well when you both drank. “Because no matter what I do to protect you, you have the need to disobey me! Have you considered that I do the things I do for your own good!”
“Oh! Oh yes, the things YOU do!” You slammed your glass down on the table as you stormed over to Helmut, “I sit here all day like a fucking dog in a cage while you fly to fucking Ibiza and flirt with supermodels, but YOUR story is just so fucking tragic! I’m your wife, Helmut! I’m not an animal or your property, I’m your goddamn wife! You can’t just order me to sit and stay like a dog,”
He glared down at you, eyes hawkish and glinting in the low lamplight. For the first time in years, he looked threatening, “You may not be a dog, or a child, or my property, but you are a weapon! It’s my job to keep you here, away from the-”
“Excuse me?” You interrupted. The two of you stood, inches away and yet miles apart. Slowly, the drive in Helmut’s eyes faltered. “Say that again. I dare you,”
“Schatz, I-”
“No, Helmut, you meant it so say it again. Call me that again. I fucking dare you,” Tears were streaming down your face now. He took a step towards you, hand extended to wipe them away, but you were quick to take a step back out of his reach.
“You misunderstood me,”
“I don’t think there was anything to misunderstand,”
You swept the shards of your glass tumbler into a dustpan, hands still shaking even ten minutes after you’d read Helmut’s message to you. As you worked, your last conversation before he’d left echoed in your mind.
How had it all devolved into that? It wasn’t hard to remember Helmut before prison, jaded and broken and lonely. He had been so much like you and yet so different. Each of you seemed to be the perfect balm for the others' wounds. In the end, despite all of his flaws, you had found yourself in love. Now that he was a different man, was that love gone? You couldn’t say. All you knew for sure was that you weren’t nearly drunk enough to be facing the confusing feelings in your brain. With the last of your energy, you emptied the dustpan of glass into the trash can and returned to the house, sweater itchy against your irritated skin, to ready the guest rooms.
The job wasn’t a long one. You had never used the guest rooms in all the time you’d spent at the Avignon property, so the sheets were already clean. There was just a thin layer of dust on the furniture that needed to be swept away as you checked to make sure the dressers were bare and the bathrooms were stocked with amenities. Then, when that was done, you were left to your thoughts as the hours ticked by.
Most of the time you spent sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing. It sounded terrible, and in all honesty it was, but what else could you do? The house was already spotless so cleaning wasn’t an option, and you didn’t quite feel like doing much of anything as you stared at the clock and tried to remember a time when your life was less of a disaster. As it got closer to five, though, you started to get antsy.
You had tried your best to not think about the obvious issue of the guests. Zemo was not the type to threaten his home, even if he wasn’t happy with you, so usually having anyone who wasn’t Oeznik or another paid lackey aware of the location of your safe house would be a big no in his book, but then you started thinking of the implications of him bringing people into your home. Your home, not his. Was he on his way to kill you? It wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. Or maybe he was bringing your replacement.
Now that thought made anger bubble up in your throat. You were no stranger to the idea that when your husband was away, he could be doing anything. There was no guarantee when he slept in lavish hotels or drank the night away in elite lounges that he kept his wedding ring on. The fact that there were two guests meant it was unlikely he was bringing two mistresses, but never impossible. Nothing was impossible when it came to Helmut.
No, it was more likely he had finally decided it was time to end your suffering. The shouts and boisterous laughter that started to sound directly outside of the front room window only confirmed the for you. Slowly, you crept towards the door and grabbed a small pistol from its place in the umbrella stand. If he wanted you dead you weren’t going to go without a fight.
Through the curtains on the front door, you could just barely make out the trio. When you saw them your blood ran cold. It was one thing if he needed help to take you down, but getting the Winter Soldier on board? Your rage only grew by the minute.
Helmut said something, probably planning the best course of action to catch you off guard, and you sneered. Two could play at that game. When he knocked on the door you opened it calmly and held the gun with your finger just barely ghosting over the trigger.
Everyone froze.
“Give me one reason I should let you in and not shoot you on the spot,” you said, rage coursing through every nerve in your body. You may have been in retirement for quite a few years, but you still knew how to handle a gun. Everyone there, except maybe the Falcon, knew that. As Zemo went to open his mouth, you prepared for a firefight.
“Because I brought you flowers,”
a/n: Sorry that only one chapter is out! The fic is just getting very long and complicated and I wanted to make sure you got as much as possible before the next episode drops lol. I’ll be working pretty much nonstop from now until then, though, so the next parts should be out soon!
TAGLIST: @tatestripedsweater​ , @elaineygrace​, @multiyfandomgirl40​ ,  @lovelymischief​ , @rami-malek-trash​ , @dazzlingseb​, @avgravy​ , @sarahsilver , @wh0re-4-techno​ , @forcebros​ , @sugarsweetkiss​ , @grandmuffinsharkbailiff​ , @killsandthrills​ , @novasstudy​ , @thnksfr-ptrkstmp​ , @inmate-marmalade​, @alanathedeer​ , @mossybank​ , @simsiddy​ , @xxspqcebunsxx​ 
Please do not post my work on other sites, thank you!
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lexaprogemini · 4 years
how you meet | edward cullen
A/N: wowowow after being on Tumblr for 6+ years I would have NEVER imagined my first published writing to this site being Twilight dnvjdfjaskdlmfkl enjoy!! requests are open :)) I will write for Twilight (mainly the Olympic Coven, except Jasper romantically), Star Wars, and Harry Potter
Pairing: Edward Cullen x Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
Content Warnings: Reader gets unsolicited attention from teenage boys, swear words
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when you moved to forks after spring break because of your dad’s work, you’re unanimously nicknamed new girl™ by all of forks high school’s students
and consequently, you’re the new eye candy for your male peers
Forks boys are, well . . . neanderthals douchebags
the ones you’ve met are egotistical, super immature, and super HORNY
. . . you decide to keep your distance
you get smooshed into ap u.s. history
apush, baby, apush HAAAAA
the teacher points you to an empty seat next to some pale blonde dude
he gives off weird kid energy at first but then he politely speaks to you
“i’m jasper. welcome to forks” and gives you an acknowledging nod
his eyes are topaz!!!?? woooooooah that’s so cool is that like a genetic defect or smth??
aaaaand your teacher immediately assigns a PROJECT
a fuckin civil war project
you swear you see jasper’s pupils dilate
you hear a chuckle from behind you
and when you turn around you see a pale dude w a dark brown buzzcut and some blonde girl smirking beside him
you later find out that those are his siblings
his fuckin goofy ass siblings
anyways a few weeks pass
you pop in at your dad’s job @ forks hospital and see him chatting w a fellow physician
yet another pale dude with blonde hair 
you approach them and your dad embraces you in a hug
“heeeeyyyy sweet pea! how’s it goin’!” 
the doctor he was talking to looks at you fondly
“hello, i’m carlisle cullen” and offers you his hand to shake, which you do
“y/n, carlisle was just inviting us to his house later tonight for some dinner”
dr. hotpants puts his hands in his pockets and humbly grins
“my son jasper tells me you’re his classmate”
oh god he’s one of those pta dads, isn’t he??
“oh, yeah, he’s my partner in history”
he smiles, “that’s wonderful. my wife esme and i would love to have you both over as our guests. it’s not often we have company for dinner. and i’m sure the rest of my children would love to meet you, y/n”
jesus christ how many kids does this guy have?? he looks THIRTY
don’t worry, in the car your dad tells you they’re all adopted lmfao
✰✰later that night✰✰
their house is HUGE jesus fuckin christ
alice knows (well they all know) about you because of jasper
IMMEDIATELY loves you!!
“hi! i’m alice!!!”
i’m EVAPORATING. i’m YODELLING. it’s fine :-)
you thought you weren’t gonna make any pals in forks bc of the weird horny teenage specimens but here we are ;-;
alice envelopes you into a tight hug and you, in shock, grasp her arms to acknowledge this affection
your dad’s chillin near carlisle and esme and he’s silently chuckling
oh . . . they all have black eyes now?? must be the weather
or the fluorescence
you wave at jasper, rosalie, and emmett
you notice the last sibling
he’s very handsome
to you, everything about him was attractive
his soft hair contrasted against his hardened facial features
you could tell he was socially reserved when it comes to new acquaintances, just like you
he physically isolates himself from his family once you and your dad arrived
he was standing alone near a corner away from everyone else
you make eye contact with him and his mental barrier breaks down
he loses his cool
his face contorts
his lips twist into puckered lines
he claps his hand over his mouth and vacates the room immediately, running up the stairs
everyone notices his sudden departure
his family is shocked but tbh not really
✰✰✰ eddy boy is a lil shy around girls sometimes ✰✰✰
carlisle breaks the impending doom of silence
“i apologize for edward leaving us so abruptly. he hasn’t been feeling well as of late; please excuse his absence. . .”
you awkwardly pretend like that never happened
you feel it in your gut that your presence disturbed him
and not only did you disturb him
but you disturbed him so bad that he had to leave
for why?? you don’t know
you then realize that everyone else in the room knows he left bc of you
. . . anyway you all sit down at the table but you and your dad are the only ones who have plates
your dad notices this too
“hey, aren’t you guys gonna eat too?”
esme grins warmly at him
“oh, don’t worry about us. we just wanted to welcome you to town!”
uhhh, ok ma’am
alice talks to you for almost the entire time you were eating ;-; i love her
you’re also talking to jasper, cracking some apush jokes
you, jasper, emmett, and rosalie talk shit about your classmates and teacher
“why the fuck -- *carlisle glares at emmett* -- heck did mr. whatshisface give us a project RIGHT AFTER BREAK???!!”
“and he paired y/n and jasper!! they’re civil war  n e r d s!! they’re gonna get the best grade” rosalie chimes in
“not if we--”
alice  ❀politely❀  tells them to stfu
you giggle
bonding with your new pals <33
allllllright so it’s a few days later
you’re walking home from school
it’s drizzling, as always, but you know that it’s gonna rain harder if you don’t get home fast enough
and some asshole
some persistent prick from your class
keeps flirting with you
he’s talking about how he hasn’t been able to take his eyes off of you since you came to forks
he’s insisting he has your phone number, that he’s gonna take you out on dates. . .
you hate it
you’re so uncomfortable but you can’t really do anything about it
s u d d e n l y
a car pulls up beside where you and the guy are walking on the sidewalk and screeches to a stop
the window is rolled down and you see a familiar face
it’s edward cullen
with one hand on the wheel, he looks at both of you and clenches his jaw
“get in”
even though he was undeniably weird a few weeks ago, you concede
you never got to speak to him, but you knew that edward was trustworthy
you practically launch yourself into his silver volvo c30™
he shoots a stone-cold glare to the jackass on the sidewalk and drives away
honestly, it wouldn’t take much for anyone (not just a mind-reading vampire) to know how uncomfortable you are after what just happened with that guy
your body language is tense
your arms are crossed tightly
your body is pointed towards the passenger window as your knees touch the door
tears are welling up in your eyes
it would be mere seconds until you fully broke down
you’re embarrassed, to say the least
you’re embarrassed that you were put in a vulnerable situation, like a damsel in distress
and of all people, the handsome and mysterious guy--
the handsome and mysterious guy you began crushing on
--who feels seemingly indifferent towards you swept you off your feet and helped you when you needed someone
that made things even more embarrassing
and the tears started streaming down your heated cheeks
edward immediately sensed your unease (hmm wonder why, but also who wouldn’t sense it???)
he’s pissed. 
absolutely livid
that asshole had a  d e a t h w i s h
he knew you didn’t want to address your unsolicited encounter, so . . .
*awkwardly clears throat* “are you enjoying the weather?”
you choked
you did not expect him to ask that
nor did you expect him to talk at. all.
you smile through your tears and laugh
you can’t help but laugh
he’s just so awkward and cute
his half-baked plan of indirectly distracting you definitely worked
you started to excitedly talk about the rain and how much you love gloomy, cloudy days
. . . and then the elephant in the room
the inevitable first impression from a few days ago
“i’m sorry for my behavior from our first meeting. i wasn’t feeling well, and i wouldn’t have wanted for you or your father to be affected by my illness”
you’re a little skeptical at first
buuuuut you give him the benefit of the doubt and dismiss his apology
“that’s okay. it’s allergy season, anyway. i’m glad you’re feeling better”
you have no idea how bad i wanted to make a spanish flu joke right there
a small, soft smile lifts the corners of his lips “i’m edward cullen”
you look at him and return the smile
t h e  t e a s i n g  e n e r g y
“i’m y/n”
the car approaches your house after time seems to have flown by
your dad looks at you both as he walks to his car to go to work
he waves at edward
edward smiles and waves back at him as he enters the car
you gratefully thank edward for the ride, careful not to dwell on the prior circumstances
as you open the passenger door, edward grabs your wrist
!!he grabs your wrist!!
he insists on being your ride to and from school from now on
you object and exit the car
b u t
edward smirks, leaning towards the open door
“i’ll see you in the morning, y/n” 
your jaw drops
and then he closes the door and speeds off
you watch him drive away and your heartbeat becomes arrhythmic 
a garden of butterflies is unleashed in your stomach
blood rushes to your cheeks once more
you smile to yourself before heading inside
secretly anticipating tomorrow morning :’)
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Thirteen - JJ Maybank
Request: hi! could you write an imagine where jj and the reader are really close and when they are starting to hook up for the first time and y/n gets scared bc of her past. She has a flashback and JJ helps her. She is reluctant and denies that anything is wrong. But finally she admits to jj that it’s not him and he’s super sweet and protective?
TW: Very brief contextual mention of sexual assault to a minor. 
Outer Banks Masterlist
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A knock sounded on the bathroom door as you sat on the edge of John B’s tub, head in your hands as you tried not to cry. Not today, not after all this time. You knew who was knocking but you didn’t have it in you to answer. Partially from embarrassment, (had you really just up and ran into the bathroom in the middle of making out?) and partially from the residual and everlasting pit in the bottom of your stomach that threatened to swallow you whole every time you felt even the smallest bit of happiness seep in. 
“Do you...should I go?” JJ’s voice followed his usual three-in-a-row rapping pattern on the wooden door. Like a code you didn’t need to tell you it was just him outside. No one to be afraid of. 
“No,” you shook your head even though he couldn’t see it, looking at the mirror across from you, a silver of forehead reflecting in the glass at your current height. “No, sorry, I’ll be right out.”
“Don’t apologise,” JJ replied hastily, running a hand through his hair. He wasn’t trying to make you feel like you had to rush out, he just wanted to make sure you were okay. He wasn’t exactly world class at comforting people though, “Are you alright? Do you want me to call Kie or something?” 
“No.” That was the last thing you wanted. Then your friends would be up in your business and you loved them, truly, but you didn’t need them interfering in whatever was happening between you and JJ. Or not happening, at this point. 
“Is there, I mean...is there anything I can do?” He asked, pacing the small area around the bathroom door, staring at the pictures Big John had on the wall. “We can talk or something.” 
You sighed, standing up and getting a full view of yourself in the mirror. “Yeah. Okay.”
The bathroom door opened and JJ stood up straight, back hovering against the wall opposite you, as if he was afraid of what would come out. It was just you though, looking a little worse for wear, as if you’d encountered a ghost somewhere between the pull-out couch and the bathroom. And, to be fair, you had. A ghost that looked a lot like you only younger, maybe a little more naive, and scared. You walked out of the bathroom slowly, reminding yourself over and over that the boy your ghost was afraid of wasn’t here and it was JJ, looking sweet and sympathetic and a little scared himself, that was standing across from you. 
“Hey, uh....here,” he led the way into the living room, moving aside the old comforter for you to sit on the pull-out, “you can sit.” 
You chewed at your lower lip as you sat there on the side of the bed, thigh pressed against the arm of the couch, staring at JJ who was still standing, rubbing at his arms the way he did when he was nervous, “You don’t have to be weird JJ...I didn’t mean to freak out.” 
You couldn’t help the guilty feeling gnawing at you. It’d been a perfectly good afternoon until your meltdown. John B was out and JJ invited you over because, truthfully, things between the two of you had been changing. A little more than friends, it had been a long time since you had trusted yourself with letting a crush be anything more than a crush. But JJ was different, you had always been honest with each other and he had trusted you with his dad. You knew you could let him in, it was just the doing so that felt like an insurmountable hill. 
“It’s cool. I just,” JJ shrugged, sitting down beside you but keeping a person sized distance between your body and his. “I just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” 
“It wasn’t you.” You clarified though you hoped he already knew that. 
“Are you...okay? I mean, can I do anything?” JJ asked, teetering on the edge of wanting so desperately to help but also wanting to call anyone else in the world who would be better at this then he was. 
“It’s just-“ You thought about how to tell him so that he understood, how to make it sound so that he didn’t treat you like some sort of leper when he found out, “you know when you told me about your dad...”
God, he would remember that for the rest of his life. The way you looked so upset when you thought he’d been picking a fight with Rafe or Kelce only to have him say that it was his dad. The way you looked, so horrified and angry, like you were going to march over there and beat the crap out of Luke Maybank yourself. JJ had half a mind to think that you could’ve if you really wanted to. 
“That’s, I feel like that.” You replied, thinking of the way he looked when he told you, that pain like a piece of broken glass wedges into his heart. 
“Is someone hurting you?” He paled as his eyes met yours. Immediately running through every possible candidate in his mind. 
“No, no.” You shook your head, not anymore. “I’m, I just don’t want you to think of me any differently.”
“I wouldn’t.” 
“Yeah but-“ you started to say but JJ shook his head, cutting you off. 
“No, seriously. I wouldn’t. Whatever it is you can tell me.” He replied. He waved his hand between the two of you as he continued, “this is a judgement free zone.” 
“Yeah okay.” You nodded. 
“What’s going on?” 
“It’s just...I haven’t really...done this before.” You replied. It was a complicated truth and you were trying your best to get it out, to explain something you’d never explained before. “Well,”
“Hey, it’s okay.” JJ scooted closer finally and you found a small piece of you immediately comforted by the feeling of his hand against your back, “Is it okay if I touch you?”
You nodded your head, moving your leg so your knee brushed his as id to silently confirm that it was okay. 
“I guess...” you tried to think of the words to say as you started to talk, “when I was 13 I had the biggest crush on my friend’s brother. I thought he was so cool. And he talked to me, ya know...like made me feel special. On day when I was over their house he told me he liked me a lot and that if I liked him I should...show him.” You took a deep breath, trying to ground yourself again.
Trying not to run for the bathroom and lock yourself inside. This was JJ. Funny, dumb, always high JJ, who tried to do party tricks to impress you at the risk of breaking a bone. Who lied through his teeth to buy a keg the week before while you sat in the driver’s side of your jeep honking the horn at him so many times the guy in the shop sold the keg just to get you to leave. JJ who always made sure you were okay any time you were feeling nervous. 
You pushed on, “I just really wanted him to like me and I didn’t want to do that but I felt like I had to. And I haven’t been with anyone since then cause-“ 
“Hey, it’s okay. We don’t have to do anything, at all.” JJ stressed, his hand rubbing warm circles on your back. He leaned over and kissed your exposed shoulder, so gently you almost swore it was your imagination, “Whatever you want, I’m happy just hanging out like we always do.” 
“I know you are. I just, I like you but I just feel like, I’m not sure...how to be with someone.” You didn’t even think you were making sense at this point but he didn’t seemed fazed. “It feels, it doesn’t feel like I think it should.” 
“Maybe that’s like, you telling yourself you aren’t ready for that yet.” JJ replied, unsure if he was even doing this comforting thing right. 
“Yeah but you’ve been with like, a ton of girls before.” You weren’t naive enough to think that JJ had never hooked up with the girls he hung around at parties, you knew that was pretty much all he did. 
“So what? That doesn’t have anything to do with this.” He insisted.
“If that’s true then I should be fine.” You argued. If he could just move on and not think about or compare you to anyone he’d ever been with then you shouldn’t still be carrying this weight. You didn’t even want it. 
“That’s different, someone hurt you.” He replied, “Yeah I’ve had sex before but, both of us wanted it. What your friend’s brother did wasn’t anything like that.” 
“I just don’t want you to think I’m messed up or something,” you explained. “or that you want something I can’t give you yet.”
JJ frowned at the sentiment, the last thing he would ever want is for you to feel any kind of pressure. From him, yourself, or anyone else, “I don’t care about that. And hey, we agreed, no judgement.” 
“Yeah I know but-“ 
“No. When I told you about my dad, that was really hard but you didn’t bail on me or make me feel weak. This is me doing the same for you.” He replied. “Forget dating or whatever, this is me and you alright. Best friends before anything else. What happened wasn’t your fault and it doesn’t change the way I feel about you at all. Don’t think that it does.”
“That was a half-ass okay.” JJ replied, his shoulder knocking against yours. 
“It’s the best okay I can offer.” 
“How about, we just watch something? John B’s not back for another couple of hours.” He suggested, getting up and climbing onto the bed, the springs creaking as they buckled under his weight. You twisted to watch him as he made himself comfortable, spreading out with his back against the cushions and his arms out on either side. “We can even take a nap.”
You kneeled up onto the bed and crawled over to him, careful as you laid down beside him and rested your head against his shoulder. His  arm came around to drape over you and you reached up to hold his hand. “You got a full eight hours last night, how are you still tired?” You asked, the mood lightening significantly as you relaxed with him, “What would you have done if we had actually had sex?”
“Fallen asleep on you.” He replied, shrugging as if it was the obvious answer, “You would have asphyxiated cause I would’ve crushed you to death.” 
“You’ve been hanging out with Pope too long, you actually know what that word means.” 
“Are you saying I’m not smart enough to know things without hanging out with Pope?” He asked, sitting up a little more to look at you. 
“No, I’m just saying Pope is smarter than you,” you almost shrieked as he tackled you against the cushions, fingers prodding your sides over your tank top. “Oh my god, JJ! Stop, you know I’m ticklish!”
“Not until you admit that I’m the smartest person you know.” 
“Yes, yes, okay, you JJ Maybank are the smartest person I know,” you laughed as he stopped tickling you, hands holding your sides as he leant over you and placed a kiss on your forehead. 
“Good,” He replied, “you admit the truth. Now, let’s watch something happy.” 
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @pineappleandcherries @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @balletandyuzu @oh-annaa @aiifandomsunite @x-lulu @ceruleanjj @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @allie-mcginn @pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @talksoprettyjjx @5am-cigarette @smiithys @dontjinx-it @outerbanksbro @mysticsthinking @heavenlymama  @rudy-pankow-needs-an-oscar @babymatilda @raekenliar @lemur46 @haute-shawn @calums-betch
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novasintheroom · 4 years
Ooooo a fresh blog! Heyo there! So, my first request is some head canons, if you write them anyway, for the each of the turtles having a s/o who is usually the purest of beans. Like— she doesn’t get angry, usually shy when meeting new people, very humble, sweet and caring— but for the first time she does it’s like she realizes she’s frustrated and mad about something that happened during the day and it’s the first time she’s expressing it. the turtles notice her come in knowing something is off about her behavior when she’s usually so cheerful. Almost like “Sometimes it just makes me so— it makes me so... so...! Angry!” But she actually gets super surprised with herself realizing she’s actually venting just to say she’s fine in the end after bottling up for so long. The turtles just looking at her and asking if she’s okay 😂 If that makes any sense.. sorry if it doesn’t.
Oooooo my first ask!! I’m so nervous and excited! I think I got the gist of what you’re getting at. Thanks for sending this in, it means a lot to me! <3
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·         Honestly caught off guard when you come in steaming
·         Your calm and sweetness is something he loves and looks forward to – it’s hard being the firm leader in his family when everyone pushes back, so you’re a pleasant break from the arguments and sassy remarks
·         Not today
·         It’s loud in the lair – Raph and Mikey are doing something with a basketball and hula hoop that’s got Raph raging and Mikey screaming, Donnie’s got a power tool going on the truck, and Splinter’s Celine Dion music is blaring to drown it all out while he works on pruning his plants
·         Leo’s up in the concrete rafters with a book, glancing down every other minute to make sure Raph doesn’t kill Mikey
·         He would have completely missed you coming in if Mikey hadn’t thrown the ball toward the entrance
·         You dodge the ball before it hits you, but instead of laughing it off like usual, you throw a dark look at his brothers and beeline toward the dojo.
·         Woah, that’s weird
·         Avoidance of his family = big red flag
·         You didn’t even say hi to him??
·         Hops down and follows, waving off Mikey’s calls to you
·         Finds you in the corner of the dojo, bag thrown to the side and hands smoothing out the sand of his small zen garden
·         Feels a bit awkward honestly
·         Listen, he’s getting better at it, but he’s not the best at feelings
·         Especially girl feelings
·         He knows something’s up though, and he wouldn’t be a good beau if he just let you simmer
·         Spooks you when he asks if you’re okay
·         Darn those ninja skills, how is someone as big as him so silent?
·         You sigh and just say you had a fight with your roommate and that it’s fine, you just needed some quiet before you went to his family
·         Okay, coolcoolcool. He can work with this. He and Raph fight all the time! “What was the fight about?”
·         Cue explosion
·         “She doesn’t pay her part of the bills on time, and she has her boyfriend over constantly and I can hear them through the walls when they’re screwing because the stupid cheap apartment has stupid cheap thin walls, and she leaves her dishes everywhere even when I ask her to not be a slob, and the landlord is getting after me for her rent when– “
·         W o w
·         He didn’t think you knew any swear words, but the names you’re calling your roommate would make even Raph blush
·         Your rant goes on and on
·         Anytime he tries to suggest a solution you get angry at him like why can’t he just listen omg
·         He shuts up quick
·         Somewhere in the process he sat down and your head moved to his lap while you laid all your problems out
·         By the time you’re finished your chest is heaving and it’s been an hour
·         Leo’s scared to say something in case you go off again lmao
·         He just plays with your hair and hums while you calm down
·         Finally you look at him with wide eyes, “Wow, geez, I didn’t think I was that mad.”
·         He can’t help but laugh, “Me neither.”
·         Your smile is back, though, and that’s the best thing he’s seen all day
·         “You feeling better now?”
·         You say yes, and give him a good hug and kiss as thanks for his patience
·         He asks you to come to him if things start building up again
·         Seriously, start talking to him – I don’t think the poor guy can handle another explosion like that lol
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·         Raph knows anger
·         Does he know how to deal with it? Ehhh that’s hit-and-miss
·         But he knows it
·         So seeing your tense shoulders, clenched fists, grinding teeth when you walk in – he knows you’re angry
·         It’s a bit off-putting tbh – you’re the calm to his rage, the quiet touch to wind him down when something gets under his skin
·         What happened to make his quiet girl so mad?
·         Did someone say something about your family?
·         Or something about your outfit?
·         Did a skeevy guy try to touch you?
·         Did someone try to kiss you?
·         Okay, now he’s getting mad
·         Decides to take a page from Splinter’s book and pulls you aside to talk
·         “What’s the matter?”
·         You pull at your sleeves, looking anywhere but him
·         You just mumble you’re fine, and that you’re hungry and try to move to the kitchen
·         Nuh-uh, that don’t work with him
·         Catches you by the arm and gives you a look, “Somethin’s bothering you, and you’re gonna tell me what it is.”
·         “And what if I don’t wanna talk about it?”
·         “Tough luck.”
·         Your glare could curdle milk, but you don’t say anything
·         Alright, you wanna play it that way? He’s got three brothers he grew up with; he can get it out of you.
·         Hauls you up and tosses you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and takes you to his workout station
·         Ignores your screams of outrage and the beating fists on his shell
·         They’re like little kitten paw pats; he can’t help but smile at how small you really are
·         When he sets you down in front of a world-weary punching bag, he crosses his arms and waits
·         You’re red faced and snarling. “What are you doing?”
·         He raises a fist, and gives the bag a good punch – “That’s for when Mikey backwashed into my water bottle today.” He throws another punch, “And that’s for Donnie’s stupid snorts waking me up last night,” and another, “and now I’m back on Mikey’s backwash!”
·         He stops the bag’s swaying and gestures for you to take a turn
·         Realization dawns in your eyes. You look at your fist and throw a pathetic punch at it. “That’s…for my fifth plant…dying this week?”
·         He almost laughs, but nods encouragement
·         You punch again. “That’s for whoever stole my lunch out of the fridge at work.”
·         And again. “And for those kids who spit on that homeless guy!”
·         And again. “And for Gina’s face when she made fun of my teeth!”
·         Punch after punch, you let out your anger and frustrations that boiled over today
·         Raph’s impressed – not just with how much crap happened to you, but how long you held it in
·         You’re a lot stronger than he gave you credit for
·         He’s also a bit freaked at seeing the rage in your eyes
·         Is that what others see when he comes at them?
·         Yeesh
·         You feel a lot better after the session, if sheepish for letting so much anger show
·         But he brushes it off, “Hey, you see how I am. It don’t bother me none, sweetheart.”
·         He pinches your butt for good measure as you walk back to the lair and laughs when you punch him in the arm
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·         The one that takes the longest to realize something’s up
·         He can’t help it! He’s busy making sure his family is safe and hidden! He’s gotta keep the firewall up-to-date from all the new viruses being put out, check the perimeter lasers so that no one sneaks up on them, change the oil in the Turtle Tank, and why is the computer sparking over here, he needs to ask Raph or Leo to come with him to get new parts at the junkyard, but if he –
·         Bumps into you and is like ‘oh. how’d you get in here’
·         Delighted to see you though! It’s like all his worries suddenly vanished when he realized ‘oh yeah! I have a girlfriend!’ and that’s you!
·         Missed you a lot since it’s been a few days since you could visit
·         Starts showing you all of the progress he’s made on certain things, asks you how school’s going, how was that group project you had, did you get that interview for work?
·         It’s your clipped and short answers that finally makes him take a step back and really see how you’re doing
·         You’ve always been enthusiastic about his inventions, even if you don’t completely understand every technical thing he talks about. He thought you guys were past the awkward conversations too.
·         Clipped answers are a big no-no – it makes him shrink inside, like his words and ideas don’t matter
·         Takes a few seconds to look you over – awkward seconds, ones where you look down and away and not at him
·         “Are you alright? Did…something happen?”
·         You take a few deep breaths, trying to calm yourself, but then the words just start pouring out: “I’m sorry, it’s just, I can’t stop thinking about how my supervisors treated me the past few days. They scheduled me to work a triple shift! Without asking me! And I told them I had a date with you, and a million other things to do, but – “
·         You lay it out for him, apologizing every other minute for just putting this on him out of the blue, that you tried really hard to be happy coming to the lair but your boss just text you that you have another shift tonight instead of getting to hang out with Donnie, and –
·         Donnie sits you both down in a couple of chairs, his hands holding your own as you keep talking and venting
·         Rubs circles into your palm, eyes never straying from your own watery and frustrated ones
·         A breath out of the nose is the end to your rant, and you lean to put your head on his shoulder. “I just hate when people spring things on me! I just wanna stay with you and hand you tools to work on stuff.”
·         His heart warms at this, even if he’s sad at how sucky your job is
·         And it gives him an idea
·         He manages to hack into your work’s scheduling system and put your supervisors or fellow employees in your place for the night
·         Even sends out a text masked as your head boss to whoever he put, letting them know they’re on the job and that you had an emergency
·         You’re torn on this – those people had things they had to do too
·         But Donnie reassures you: “If they’re as bad as you say, then getting more people mad at them might just make them change. If not, we at least get to have our date night, right?”
·         Well, when you put it that way…
·         He gets a big, long smooch for pulling it off and for listening to you
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·         Listen, this boy is intuitive when it comes to emotions.
·         He kinda has to be with the type of older brothers he has lmao
·         Instantly knows something’s up by the sound of your feet coming down the tunnels – heavy, like you want to stomp them but don’t know how
·         He’s geared up though – his baby girl’s coming!
·         Hops off the couch and has the biggest grin for you when you walk in
·         Doesn’t even falter when he sees the glower on your face
·         Says something stupid to test the waters – “Woah, babe, I’m gonna have to call the cops – I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to be as fine as you are!”
·         Not even a smirk.
·         Okay okay. Obvi you’re not in a happy mood.
·         Man, he was hoping for a little blush at least!
·         Takes that heavy bag off your shoulders you’ve been lugging around all day and corrals you back to the couch
·         Grabs some sodas and a few chocolate bars from his hidden stash in the kitchen
·         He knows you need it more than him right now
·         Sits down and calls out to the lair that “we’re making out on the couch!!” Def keeps his family from coming in and interrupting lol
·         Isn’t even phased when you explode about your day – your coworker had it out for you, your professor told the whole class that your paper was what not to do if you wanted a good grade, etc. etc.
·         Mikey accents your day with “No!” and “He didn’t!” and “What a jerk!”
·         It’s cathartic to hear someone agree with you like that
·         He takes you in his arms when the frustrated tears start falling and you start to wind down
·         “It just makes me so angry, and I hate feeling embarrassed and…”
·         Rubs circles on your back to help calm you, just like his family did to him growing up
·         After a minute you’re better, and back to your sweet, happy self, if still a bit stuffy from the tears and snot
·         You’re surprised and apologize for your emotions, but he stops you
·         “Hey, everyone has their bad days! Sometimes you just gotta let it out, y’know?”
·         You give him a big kiss for being so sweet
·         Makes the day a lot better after that with the soda and candy and some video games
·         He’s a good turt <3
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sneezefiction · 4 years
with every step
Ushijima x reader - scenario
event request: “could I have 2 + Ushijima”
a/n: “dance with me” + Ushijima took me a while to figure out, but i fell in love with him even more as i wrote it all out. alice (and other Ushijima lovers), i hope you enjoy this short, fluffy Ushi fic :,,,) <3
warnings: none
wc: 870
It’s hard to pinpoint when it all began.
It seems like you’ve always been spinning together in refined circles, your shoes gliding gracefully across the floor. Ushijima’s hand always found itself on the small of your back, leading and guiding your movements. It was all a dance against gravity, lead by the stoic, brown-haired boy.
It took place in banquet halls under the guise of low-flowing, classical music. On concrete driveways under twinkling starry-skies, where only the muted song of a quiet breath and your sleepy hums could be heard. After an important volleyball game, sweaty arms making their way to your waist, swaying you mildly back-and-forth with undertones of triumph and sweet smiles highlighted in Ushijima’s little dance.
You can only assume that the dancing began over time after receiving certain looks or queues.
Sometimes it was the way his olive-toned eyes drew you in. The soothing color seems to douse you in a new-found refreshment, washing over you day-by-day. Ushijima has an unspeakably peaceful effect on you, especially under his watchful gaze. It always managed to pull your body close to his, creating music of its own.
It may be the gentle touch of his strong fingers, brushing softly against your satin skin, holding your waist firmly while you give yourself over to his protective hold. You know he’s strong enough to lift you up off your feet, yet Ushijima’s calloused fingers remain delicate and relaxed on your frame.
Other times, it’s the way he pulls you aside in public for the sole purpose of reminding himself that you’re here with him, holding his hand, standing by his side. Whether it was shining brilliantly outside or downtown streetlamps were lighting up sidewalks, he would still manage to twirl you around. He needed to feel you on his skin, closer than his own shadow.
It’s in the all-encompassing, all-knowing look that Ushijima gets when he finally sighs a breath of relief, letting go of his day. Releasing himself from the pain and agony of always being “perfect” or at least being better than yesterday. On those days, you would take the lead on a short, dining room dance, letting him put some of his weight onto your shoulders.
But no matter what motivates your little waltzing sessions, it’s just you and him floating in your own space. Unbothered by the atmosphere around you. Ignoring any weird stares from strangers or funny comments from friends.
With every step, you understand him better. How your head tucks under his chin, temple resting on his chest, feeling each and every breathe flow in and out of his strong body. 
You feel yourself absorbing his unspoken beliefs and emotion. You gaze into his past. Into his family struggles. How he’s felt unknown and unseen for the majority of his life, whether or not a magazine spoke his name or a camera caught his face. The decisions that were made for him, instead of by him. The highs and lows of going into volleyball as a profession. The moments of grief he experienced when relationships or skills weren’t developing the way he wished they would.
You can see all of it in his eyes. In the solemn, serious shift of his hands. Through the tears that sometimes silently slipped out of his eyes when he thought you wouldn’t notice.
And if you’re being honest, sometimes it’s the closest you can get to knowing Ushijima. The nearest you get to him revealing his everything to you. 
But it’s okay. 
Because as he turns you round and round, you sometimes catch little whispers and trails of sentences. Small “I love you’s.” Little lyrics of speculation that he allows to spill out and over your head. How his fingers twist or tug at your hair when he’s lost in a glowing galaxy of thought.
It’s in that one little touch, every swaying movement, the little taps of shoes on the flooring beneath you. It all speaks 1000 times louder than any word. 
You being there for him is beyond being some simple comfort. To Ushijima, it’s true safety. You drench every inch of his being in a blanket of tranquility, claiming him as your own when nobody else would. These little dances serve as a reminder that you’ve given yourself into his care. That you see him for who he is, with or without a reaffirming vocalization. In the sullenest of moments and the darkest of nights.
And the way he holds you securely is more than enough to satisfy you for an eternity. He cascades over your body, folding his arms around you like unfinished origami. His touches are artistic, thoughtful, and fragile. Always changing and molding into something new... 
But you believe that the finished product will be beautiful.
Deep down, you know that a brief waltz, a clumsy, short-stepped routine just happens to be enough to glue the two of you together. Without a hint of hesitance, you can claim that, as much as you love leaning into his touch and feeling the rhythm of music flow beneath your feet, Ushijima loves it just as much.
And this stays true throughout every season; as leaves fall, golden or not, and pleasant, purple flowers spring from icy grounds… you’ll dance with him. In the most literal and metaphorical senses, you’ll float and twirl and fall with him through it all.
tags: @cherryonigiri, @yams046 , @miss-rin, @shou-kunn, @senkuwu-chan, @super-noya, @stcrryskies, @holaaaf, @sugacookiies, @vintgicals
(comment or send an ask to be added to my general tag list) 
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hqprotectionsquad · 4 years
Hello! can I request a hc of Oikawa, Bokuto, Kuroo and Ushijima’s reaction to their s/o who’s titled as the goddess of volleyball who also won the nationals but unfortunately fainted or fell sick right after the competition. Sorry for my grammar and if the idea is quite weird 😅 Thank you in advance thoo! I hope you have a nice dayy! 💜
Oikawa, Bokuto, and Kuroo reacting to his S/O getting hurt during Nationals
A/N: hi! thanks for your request! i basically took in the request as the s/o’s team is going to nationals or is also going, and then took it from there! so not exactly the same, but slightly more realistic! also i expended all of my energy on the three of them and i don’t have any more brain power to think of ushijima 😭i’m sorry!!!
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He’s definitely supportive of you no matter what.
Oikawa shows up to the end of your practices with your favorite snack. (He also eats like half of it before he even gets to you because he just came from his practice.)
“Hey Y/N-chan, I got you your favorite snack!” He says as he holds out the plastic bag to you.“You definitely ate part of it.”“WhaaaaaAAAt no! Why would I ever do that?”
You’re really appreciative of everything he does for you because he is oh so whipped.
Since his team didn’t make it to the spring nationals, he takes his loss in stride. Yes, he’s upset, but it’s nothing he’s not used to. ;-;
He loves the fact that you’re so excited to experience this new thing since it’s your first time going to nationals!
You two have been to Tokyo once as a special date, but to experience it together as a participant and their supporter is really awesome!
Oikawa takes the opportunity to know what it’s like to be an audience member and not on the court. Sure, he has watched games but usually to analyze them. He isn’t saying he won’t but he definitely wants to try to take a step back.
(He also uses this time to eat. I mean, they have so many food stands! He slips away to find a street market and dig in while you’re in practice.)
Your matches go splendidly and you’re more than thrilled when your team earns a place in the finals.
“Y/N! I’m so proud of you!”
But the match isn’t going as well as you had hoped to.
As your team’s libero, you’ve grown accustomed to smacks to the face and hits that hurt your ribs for days.
However, one of the last spikes in the game takes you out of commission as it totally knocks the wind out of you and you can’t get the air into your lungs without the medical team bringing you to their wing.
At that moment, Oikawa wanted to rush the court and help you even though he isn’t experienced like the nurses are. He just felt so helpless, who wouldn’t?
For whatever reason, significant others aren’t allowed in until after the athlete should be okay to go on their own, but it’s Oikawa. C’mon. The man knows how to get through anything and everything that’s in his way.
"Y/N-chan, what did I tell you about taking it easy, now look what you did to yourself.” He scolds you teasingly as you are resting on the nurse’s bed. He whispers a bunch of cute little things to you while your eyes are shut. He knows you can’t hear him, but he says these things anyway.
When you wake up, he leaves so that you have some time with your parents.
And when he comes back, the first thing you do is wrap your arms around him so tight that he forgets to breathe.
“You’re breathtaking.” His eyes flicker at the pun and you smack him a good one. “Ow, Y/N-chan! They should’ve put you back in the game, you’re fine now!”
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The two of you are dating long-distance, so although he couldn’t be there for all of your games, Bokuto made sure he sent texts with lots of love before and after each one.
However, he made a trip to your part of Japan and he was there when your last play was the one where it decided you were heading to nationals!
Bokuto was extremely surprised at how amazing you blocked the ball and it went straight to the floor. Your teammates crowded around you and all jumped for victory.
But was he surprised that your team was heading to spring nationals? Of course not! Your team is one of the most hardworking teams out there.
He takes you out to eat after your match, as a good gentleman should.
“I can’t wait to see you in Tokyo next month! You’ll finally see where I live!”
When your team arrives for the spring nationals, Akaashi holds him back from meeting you before you settle in.
“What?! Why can’t I see her once she comes in?”“You’re going to bother her team.” (cue emo Bokuto)“But—” “You’ll see her later.” (cue happy Bokuto)
He finally takes you out on that date he’s planned since months ago. Minus all the ice cream you were going to eat together, so now he’ll have to eat it by himself. (He’s not really complaining.)
When your matches begin, he’s in the crowd as often as he can. He arrives as early as you do, making sure he gets a seat super close so he can take photos. (Yes, Bokuto is aware he’s also competing at nationals. He still does it.)
Bokuto on snapchat: “THAT’S MY GIRL 🥵😭SO GOOD BABY!” (He is definitely that cringy, but I feel like he doesn’t know he’s being cringy.)
The worst thing is that some of your matches coincide with one another, but you make sure to catch up afterwards. It doesn’t bother you as much as it does Bokuto, but you know in an ideal situation, you both would be able to support the other full-time.
What’s even worse is when your team arrives to the semifinals, you’re over for the game because of a rough shot right to your fingers. The nurse talks to you as she tapes your fingers.
“Luckily, nothing is dislocated—”“So I should be good to go back in then?”“You didn’t let me finish. I don’t recommend you going back into the game if you think you’ll continue onto the finals. You have a better chance then because your hands might be semi-healed.”
You return to the court, but on the bench. Head hung, but you’re hopeful for the rest of the game, as you cheer on your teammates.
The game came out close and your team had the upper hand this time around.
“(Y/N)! We heard what happened!” Bokuto rushes up to you after both of your games are finished. Akaashi trails in the background and silently provides his condolences for your fingers. “Are you okay?” Your boyfriend hugs you gently, which could leave one with their mouth open, but he has always made sure that his hugs never hurt you despite his stature.
“I’m okay! I should still be able to play in the finals in two days. How did your match end up?”“Ah, we ended up losing. I’m still recovering from it. Right, Akaashi? Tell (Y/N).”“Yeah, he’s still working on it. Clearly.”
Bokuto and Akaashi are in the crowd for the finals. They originally sat but every time you blocked the ball, Bokuto would raise to his feet and start cheering for you. The people in his section kicked him and Akaashi out for disrupting. Now they’re standing by the railing and Bokuto doesn’t even have to get up because he’s already—you guessed it—standing.
Your team was not the better six this time around, but lucky for you, you have Bokuto and Akaashi to comfort you with hugs (Bokuto), handshakes (Akaashi), and ice cream.
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Kuroo's been excited for you and your team since the start.
"I know you guys are going to make it to nationals. Have you seen your team? You all are much more talented than some of the people here.""That's not very nice to say, Tetsurou.""I'm just saying the truth. I'll be at the match."
Kuroo's usually busy, but hearing that he'd be at the match makes your heart squeeze.
You're the outside hitter/wing spiker of your team and you love know that any time you get a shot in, Kuroo's cheering for you in the crowd.
After the match, he’s waiting for you outside of the court with a small bouquet of flowers. (From where he bought those, you have no idea and he has no intention of letting you know.)
“You did amazing, I’m so proud of you,” he says while squishing you in a tight hug. You can’t breathe anymore, but who really cares for necessary human functions?
“Thanks for the love, Tetsurou. Let’s go out to eat!” He has to choose the restaurant because you can’t choose; everything looks good to a hungry athlete!
You two have never been at a tournament together, competing together, so please forgive him when he spends his break with Kenma because he forgot that you had a match.
It's really exciting because Kuroo is the captain of the host representative team and even though it doesn't mean he's the king of the world, he's the king of your world.
To experience Tokyo at this bustling time alongside your lover is beyond words. To have him by your side instead of through a screen is so much better.
Your last match is unfortunately pretty rough. You dug for the ball, just as another girl had. You heard a crunch and you couldn't tell who it came from.
This is the only match Kuroo could attend and he winces in pain seeing the collision on court. He soon realizes that it's you and exits the top floor to come down to the court floor.
You're able to get up after the medic stretches your limbs and it doesn't seem like there's anything wrong from a first glance. They take you in for a full exam.
Kuroo isn't ready to freak out, but he would be lying if he said he wasn't suppressing any feelings. He needs to be strong for you. He plays games on his phone to distract himself, sends a few texts to the team to let them know he'll be late to dinner.
You come out with a smile that grows wider seeing him. "You were here the whole time?"
"Of course." Don't mind him, he's crying on the inside because he feels like he's so lucky to have someone who is actually sunshine. "You were amazing out there, and I don't want to hear anything about your cute ass complaining you didn't do good enough."
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chrismerle · 3 years
what’s up i spent way too long typing up a post about my thoughts on P5S, and it isn’t even all encompassing. i guess if you’re curious about anything i didn’t mention in this trainwreck just ask.
my spoiler-heavy thoughts/pseudo-review below the cut
The characterization, broadly speaking. If you, like me, loved the Thieves in P5/P5R then you’ll be pretty happy with them here. There are a couple moments that made me roll my eyes (lookin’ at you, hot springs) but on the whole, the main cast are unchanged.
The new characters. Sophia and Zenkichi are great. Sophia is precious and Zenkichi straddles a very fine line of ‘realistically out of the loop, but gives as good as he gets.’ I don’t even care how silly their costumes were. Sophie looked like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man, though I did like her little emoticon visor, but also she had no pants. Wolf’s mask was badass but the fact that his stupid pointy hat was riveted to the top of his stupid disco high collar killed it and I wanted to see someone grab his hat and pull it back to see it fling back into place like a drinky-drinky bird. Even so, the characters were great, and when I noticed that all the attacks for Sophie’s initial pseudo-Persona had question marks after them (Kouga? Dia?), it made me laugh, and Wolf’s a good all-purpose party member because he hits like a fucking truck and nothing is immune to Almighty. Plus in some of his post-battle dialogue he calls them all ‘kiddos’ and they consistently call him Gramps.
The gameplay. I mean, yeah, it’s VERY different than P5, but you all know that. And hey! The game no longer immediately ends if Joker gets knocked out (unless he’s the only one left in the party, obviously). It ran pretty smoothly, there’s something weirdly charming about the other Thieves showing up perched on cover points, and the only consistent issue I ran into is that in segments where the camera gets forced into a certain angle, it can switch back so abruptly at the end that you accidentally go walking right off a ledge.
I’ve never really played a Dynasty Warriors-type game before, so it took me a Jail or so to get used to it, but then I was just cackling as I mowed down swarms of Jack Frosts like a weed-whacker in a flower field with a knife the size of Joker’s torso. Honestly, it took me the longest to get used to the fact that the circle button became the all-purpose ‘interact’ button than anything else.
Actually, that’s a lie. It took me the longest to get used to the fact that if I left a Jail, I wouldn’t be losing any time. I’m very used to Persona games having the calendar constantly counting down, which wasn’t the case here.
The story, broadly speaking. It had some hiccups and some issues, which I’ll get into, but for the most part, it was fun. I’m...not going to outline every detail of the story here, but it felt very P5-y and I enjoyed it.
The writing. It was a little inconsistent, beyond just the usual weirdness that I have accepted comes along with Persona games. (//patiently clicks through numerous conversations of the gang going ‘did this super obvious thing that this memory threw in our faces happen? Let’s debate about whether the most likely answer by a huge margin is the answer’ and several conversations of ‘are we sure this person is bad? We saw them playing nice, like literally every other villain we’ve faced’) A lot was great! Like, the bit with the Okinawa locals breaking into the RV while the kids hide in the bushes? Genuinely unsettling! Akane’s Jail and the fake Thieves was fun, and seeing Zenkichi scuttle from hiding place to hiding place without Thief powers was funny, and his Shadow’s glowing eyes watching him before becoming his Persona was both badass and unsettling. The realization that EMMA was actively lying to Konoe was nice. Character interactions were great and I loved that Sophia went with Ichinose at the end. There was a lot that was good. But there were also a lot of missteps.
Like, it kind of felt like the direction for the writing changed partway through. It started out as if each member of the Phantom Thieves was going to get their own time to shine, identifying and empathizing with a Monarch. Ann realized she could have been Alice. Yusuke realized he could have been Ango and also saw redeeming him as sort of like redeeming Madarame by proxy. Mariko was a link to Haru’s childhood and her father. The ghost Jail on Okinawa lured Sophie in and by the end she realized how much she meant to her friends ryuji said fuck. Akane was Zenkichi’s literal daughter. And then it went to Konoe and then EMMA, so Ryuji, Futaba, Morgana, Makoto, and Joker didn’t get a chance to shine in that regard. The switch from ‘a Jail for everyone to identify with’ to ‘whelp here’s the decoy and the end boss’ felt like they came from two separate drafts of the script, and it’s not like they had to watch the time; I got through P5S in about a third the time it took me to get through P5R. It took me about 35 hours. Considering the game kind of relies on you having played P5, they already knew their target audience has a longer attention span than that.
Owada was talked up as kind of a big deal, but he had like two scenes on-screen and otherwise was an entirely off-screen character. There’s a lot of mid-combat dialogue that is very difficult to focus on, which was sort of annoying when some of it was actually relevant. Ichinose’s reveal as a villain is very info-dump-y.
Plus, Joker wasn’t utilized particularly well as a silent protagonist. He’s got more implied personality than basically any other Persona protag. Which means he’s actually pretty expressive throughout the game, but I can probably count his lines of dialogue outside of combat with fingers left over. No one expects Yu Narukami to actually react to anything, so it doesn’t feel odd when he doesn’t. But the combination of Joker being reasonably expressive and having a demonstrated personality means you’re perpetually EXPECTING and WANTING him to say something about the shit going on, and when he doesn’t it feels like mentally missing a stair.
The cut corners. Like, a lot of things just seem lazy. There were scenes that really should have been included that weren’t, like how the Thieves escaped from the hotel after the police showed up; it cut from Zenkichi warning them and getting arrested to them arriving at the temporary hideout, so we never even got to see how the Thieves reacted to realizing the cops were outside. Requests to bond with the other Thieves only got a couple of text boxes, when they could have shown a tiny scene of them hanging out like they had all over P5. Rather than having Sae actually on-screen for her brief scene, the camera instead very unnaturally switched to an angle as if it was from her point of view, which was literally the only time the camera did that in the entire game. All of the Sentries look the same from Jail to Jail, instead of being unique to each Jail. Igor is completely absent for the entire game, and other than a throwaway ‘my master can’t be here’ from Lavenza it’s just not really acknowledged.
The missed opportunities. Like, there is no way to look at this except to assume that Joker was a horrible friend to literally everyone in this world state. Like, I can pass off the fact that everyone has their baseline Personae as being because they haven’t had access to their powers for a while, but when you combine it with the fact that NONE of Joker’s other confidants show up or even know he’s back in Tokyo, it leaves little to assume except that in this world, no confidants got maxed out. On top of that, the Personae are all basically pointless. They could be Pokemon or Stands or Digimon or fucking YuGiOh cards, and it wouldn’t make a difference; NOTHING about the game says ‘these entities are integral to this world and important to these characters.’ Also they could have had Akane actually realize who the Thieves were and it would have been hysterical, but that’s just my personal sulk.
The Requests. I liked the Mementos missions in P5/P5R. They felt like they had a point. Requests in P5S are all basically just fetch quests. ‘Go to Location A, fight so many of Enemy B to get so many of Item C. Turn in Request.’ Hell, one of them bugged out on me, I swear. There’s a Request to teach Zenkichi how to cook a simple meal, and Haru gives you a recipe including beef. I had no beef on me at the time, because if you want SP restoratives you gotta cook a fair amount and I used it, and I could find literally no beef in the city I was in at the time so I had to abandon the Request. On top of that, outside of getting food or a few moments where another character specifically asks for Joker’s attention, character-specific Requests mostly replace the ability to bond with the other characters individually.
The restoratives. Or, more specifically, the disparity between HP restoratives and SP restoratives. There’s essentially one cookable recipe to restore SP for every four recipes to restore HP. Even if I stopped at every store and vending machine, I’m pretty sure there were a couple cities where I could find NO SP restoratives for sale, while most stores and vending machines had at least two or three HP restoratives. And while it is true that you can go in and out of a Jail whenever you please to restore SP, that doesn’t help you if you run out during a boss fight you weren’t expecting (mini-boss encounters are virtually identical to regular monster encounters) or during one of the times where you CAN’T leave the Jail for reasons XYZ.
The final boss, and not just because I died and had to start over a few times. As a concept, EMMA could be cool, but in reality she just seemed like the writers threw Yaldabaoth and Maruki in a blender and poured the results into the game. Like Yaldabaoth, she is a false god who seeks to control humanity, claiming it’s what they want. Like Maruki, she seems genuinely deluded into thinking it’s for the best and that she’s not doing anything wrong. Her Jail looked like a slightly sci-fi reskin of the Depths of Mementos. The shtick with the multiple platforms and getting to actually SEE an all-out attack at the end were nice, but for the most part the fight itself was nothing special. Ultimately, EMMA had nothing unique going for her except her name.
Plus, EMMA’s entire rationale was that the majority of humans want someone else to control their lives for them, essentially out of convenience. And she’s presented as being more or less right, but that just being one of the hurdles of being human. It seemed a little dour and far-fetched. Like, the Thieves repeatedly point out that struggling allows people to grow, and they’re right, but in my experience, I’ve never actually met anyone who, upon hitting a roadblock, decided ‘Jesus take the wheel.’ Considering the greed with which her weird tentacle arms snatched up the solidified Desires, the pettiness of the complaints she used as a “gotcha,” and the fact that she just kind of reiterates her ‘people want to be controlled’ point over and over, I think it would have felt a bit more true to life and given her more agency if, instead of presenting her as largely correct, it instead acknowledged that everyone at some time or another hits a wall and wants someone to tell them what to do and had her capitalizing on those individual brief moments to hook people in, despite her having reams of data that for most people, those moments are temporary.
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hobiorbit · 5 years
familiar connections (m.)
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pairing: kim taehyung x hybrid!reader warnings: hybrid au, breeding kink, dirty talk, (farmer tae- not a warning just kinda important to the plot) summary: in which living on a farm proposes new ideas and desires to you. A/N: this one is a lot shorter than my usual fics. i wrote this in less than a day, sort of as an apology for not being able to post for so long. i hope everyone enjoys (:
You absolutely loved life on a farm. From spending time with your owner to dozing on the farmhouse porch, you adored the life you were given. Originally, Taehyung had bought you per his father’s request to keep pests such as mice away from the house and the barn. However, you proved to be a less than effective method- your feline instincts didn’t seem to translate, and you preferred staying away from the rodents. Taehyung didn’t seem to mind.
Early mornings were usually filled with a nice breakfast while watching the rising sun accompanied with scampering behind Taehyung as he went on his way to feed the various animals.
Your favorites had always been the cows, enjoying how their big eyes would look at you innocently. Often, you would sneak in extra snacks for the spotted animals, trying to act inconspicuous even though Taehyung knew what you were doing.
“Here, kitty kitt kitty.” You heard the melodic voice of your owner project from the first floor of the house, causing you to whine and drag yourself from the inviting softness of your duvet.
It took you a bit to make it all the way down the stairs, footsteps far heavier and slower than they usually were. Taehyung took notice at the time it took you, as well as your newfound affinity for sleeping in. You hadn’t woken up for breakfast this morning, making Taehyung become worried as he ended up making you a small sandwich to carry along in case you got hungry later.
“Good morning, sweet girl. Did you stay up late last night?” Taehyung asked you, voice full of admiration as he reached out to pet along the base of your perked ears. A small purr rumbled deep in your chest as you leaned into the touch, making his heart beat just a tad faster. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t found himself growing more fond of you as each day passed by. It was getting harder to ignore, especially as you continued to get more and more comfortable with him.
“I went to bed after dinner! Promise.” You pouted, wanting him to know that you strictly adhered to your schedule. It wasn’t like Taehyung really enforced anything- routine was good for anyone, and you didn’t seem to have any qualms. Usually, you’d even stay up a couple hours after dinner, whether you spent the free time in your room or with the man.
Taehyung pouted at that, assuming that you’d spent much longer sleeping than you usually did. You’d never exhibited such behavior, and he made a mental note to call the vet when you were eating your lunch.
“That’s okay, kitty. Let’s go feed those hungry animals.” He said, ready to get a start on his day. You smiled at the proposition, happy to see all of the animals you were affectionate towards.
“Is she okay?” You asked Taehyung worriedly as he knelt beside a cow who had taken to laying on the ground. Her belly was bulging outward, a sign of her pregnancy. Taehyung smiled warmly at you from his spot, smoothing a hand over the cow’s belly.
“She might not feel like it, but she’s perfectly okay. I’d expect her to give birth to her babies within the next week or so.” His words caused you to perk up in interest, hopping over to him and the cow and kneeling down next to him, hovering over the cow’s body. Your eyes sparkled with amazement, petting the cow’s belly.
“Can I stay here with her?” You asked, and Taehyung couldn’t find a reason to argue. He loved seeing you take interest in anything he loved, and he taught you how to make sure animals were comfortable to avoid any harmful interactions, so he saw no reason to deny your request.
“Sure, sweetheart. I’m going to go feed the chickens and get started on lunch, just make sure you’re back in time to eat.” Taehyung told you and you nodded excitedly. For the remainder of your time outside, you sat next to the cow, cooing at the large animal and patting her tummy in comforting circles.
“Did you have fun with the mama?” Taehyung asked as you made your way inside the farm house as you nodded in agreement. 
“It was super fun!” You said cheerfully, thanking him as he handed you a plate of food on your way to the small dining table. It was next to a patio, the sun shining through the glass and illuminating everything beautifully. Taehyung took his usual spot right across from you, smiling thoughtfully.
“What’s got you so interested in her?” Taehyung asked curiously. Due to living on a farm his entire life, things like animals giving birth was a walk in the park. It always made him happy, but he’d long since grown used to such occasions.
You seemed to grow flustered at his question, shaking your head. “I-it’s just cool, you know?” You improvised, Taehyung’s sly smile telling you he didn’t believe your words. However, he let it be, opting to introduce a new topic of conversation.
You woke up the next morning feeling even worse than the day before. You’d politely denied Taehyung when he asked you if you’d wanted to come down for breakfast for a second day in a row, feeling your heart break a bit when you heard him dejectedly respond.
“It’s feeding time, kitty.” Taehyung had come into your room instead of yelling from downstairs, partly out of concern and party out of desire to see your face. You pouted from the bed of blankets you’d made for yourself, snuggling farther into them as you tried to wear off the fatigue that gnawed at you.
“Ah.. ‘M just so tired, TaeTae…” You trailed off sadly as Taehyung pursed his lips. He used a large hand to pet the top of your head, leaving it there for slightly longer than usual before pulling back. “Alright, get some rest, sweetheart. I have some breakfast waiting downstairs, remember to eat.” And with that he was out your bedroom, on his way to complete his daily duties.
Being left alone to your own thoughts, you thought back to the cow and Taehyung. You liked Taehyung.
A lot.
Before Taehyung, you lived your life in a shelter. A shelter with nice food and people, but a shelter nonetheless. You’d always hoped that whenever you got adopted, you would like your owner. But now, as you sat in your bed, you wondered if you liked Taehyung more than hybrids were supposed to like their owners.
You loved his scent, especially when he’d pull you close and hug you. It would stick to you, making you feel happy. You enjoyed the way he spoke to you, the fondness of his voice accompanied with the sweet nicknames he gave you caused your heart to melt.
And when he spoke to you about the cow, and how she was having her babies soon, you suddenly became very aware of your own desires. Being Taehyung’s mate, being as close to him spiritually and physically as possible. When you came to terms with it on your own you felt as your face grew hot, causing you to hide it in your hands and whine into them.
“Kitty, are you alright?” Taehyung called from down the hallway. In your fit of feelings, you hadn’t even heard him get back- how long were you thinking about him?
“O-oh, yeah…” You said in surprise. Taehyung wore the same frown he wore earlier, and instead of standing idle next to your door he opted to come inside, sitting at the edge of your bed next to you.
“What’s going on, sweets? Why don’t you talk to me?” He asked in concern, causing you to frown in embarrassment. How could you tell him how you felt? You didn’t want to, but you also didn’t want to see him so sad!
“I can’t…!” You all but cried, shoving your hands into your face again out of pure embarrassment. Taehyung cooed at you, gently prying your hands from your face.
“You can tell me anything, sweetheart. I hope you know that.” You wanted to scream and tell him that this was the one thing you couldn’t tell him, but your tongue seemed to dry up inside of your mouth. Taehyung continued to look at you expectantly, silently letting you know that he wouldn’t let up until he was given some sort of answer.
“U-um, remember the cow mama?” You asked quietly, opting to twiddle your fingers together instead of looking the man in the eye. Taehyung agreed slowly, wondering what a cow had to do with your sudden change in behavior.
“The thing is,” You paused, taking a sharp intake of air. “I want babies too!” You sniffed, tear springing into your eyes at the vulnerable confession. If Taehyung was shocked or disgusted, he didn’t show it. Instead he leaned forward, pressing his lips to the skin of your forehead.
“Y/N, that’s completely normal. You’re a hybrid, a kitty hybrid at that- it’s natural for you to want babies. That’s not something you should be ashamed or embarrassed of.” Taehyung told you definitively, tone confident. It alleviated some of the doubt you felt, happy that Taehyung didn’t find you weird for your desires.
“But…” You started, looking at him with wide eyes. “But what?” He asked, encouraging you to continue. “It it normal for kitties to want babies with their owners?” You asked, bottom lip jutting out to convey that you felt dejected and sad.
Taehyung’s eyes widened at your words, temporarily hesitating as he tried to comprehend what you told him. “You want babies… With me?” He asked breathlessly, red painting his cheeks as a sign of his own flustered state. You nodded quickly and silently, not trusting your voice.
“Kitty, you like me like that?” Taehyung asked again, to which you nodded once more. He tilted his head to the side, not satisfied. “I want to hear you say it.” He requested.
“I like you. I want your kittens.” You said in the calmest voice you could muster, despite the embarrassment as well as excitedness beginning to churn in the depths of your body, causing your temperature to flare up dramatically. Taehyung hummed, smiling at you before leaning in and pressing a kiss to your lips.
“I like you too, kitty. But mama cow is going into labor soon, and you don’t want to miss that, right?” Taehyung teased you, and even though you were mainly concerned with how his lips felt on yours, you still found yourself able to nod in agreement.
You spent the rest of your day by the cow’s side, encouraging her as Taehyung guided her through her labor, petting her every time she let out a groan of pain. After what seemed like forever a baby calf was brought into the world, Taehyung running a gloved hand over it as the cow moved to lick at it.
“Good girl, I’m so proud!” Taehyung spoke to the animal who was paying him little attention when her baby was right in front of her. You cheered quietly to not disturb the newborn or its mother.
“I can’t wait for my kittens.” You said dreamily, watching the cow and her calf happily. Taehyung tried to ignore the feeling in his heart and his gut at hearing you speak those words. If this is what you wanted, he would make you a mother.
You woke with a start, skin flaming and body lit with need. Everything was hot and your groin was cramping uncomfortably, leaving you calling out for your owner. He came as soon as he heard your voice, hair mussed and only clad in a pair of pajama bottoms. You moaned aloud, back arching as you were greeted with the sight of him.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Taehyung asked worriedly, clambering over to you as you continued to yowl in need and pain. “M-My heaaaat,” You whined, legs spreading wide as you kicked your blanket off of your clammy body.
Taehyung made a face of realisation as he continued to hesitate. “Should I call a doctor? What do I do?” He asked innocently, and you wanted to yell at him. Instead, you pushed him onto his back, grinding on him through his pajama pants. He was already half hard, and the sudden movement caused him to moan.
“Taehyungie,” You whined. “Can I?” You asked, signalling what you wanted with another roll of your hips against him. He nodded feverishly. “Yes, baby, yes you can.” He assured you, and you immediately got to work pulling his pants down just enough to let his cock free, bending over his body and licking at his cock.
His hips immediately jutted upward, a throaty groan escaping his lips. You continued your assault on him until he was fully hard, pulling your pajama shorts off and aligning him with your own entrance, sinking down in one swift movement.
You both moaned aloud, you enjoying how nicely he filled you up and him enjoying how tight you felt around him. Immediately, you got to work, lifting yourself up and down, chasing the release you needed so bad.
“So good, sweetheart. So good for me,” Taehyung moaned, lifting one hand to grab at your hip while he used the other to rub at your clit. You keened at this, sinking down on his cock and grinding onto him.
“Please, Taetae,” You whined, still grinding against him. Taehyung seemed to understand what you were getting at, flipping you over so you were on your back as he began to drill himself into you at an unforgiving pace.
Your back arched and your legs spread as wide as they comfortably could, giving your owner all the room he needed. You continued to whine and moan, enjoying his rough assault on your pussy.
“Fuck,” Taehyung moaned aloud, staring you into your glassy eyes. “So, so good. Want me to put a baby in you, sweetheart? Wanna be fat with kittens?” Taehyung asked you, playing into your own fantasy that he found himself sharing.
You nodded, tongue lolling out of your mouth as you tried to focus on anything but the feeling of his cock slipping in and out of you. “I do, I do Taetae- Ah, please put kittens in me, breed me please Taehyungie.” You moaned incoherently, the walls of your pussy beginning to spasm around his cock, signifying your upcoming release.
“Gonna come for me, sweetheart?” Taehyung asked you, leaning over your body to get closer to your face as you whined in agreement. He swiftly captured your lips in his own, sharing a heated kiss before he broke it. “Come for me, kitten. Cream on my cock and I’ll give you kittens.” He bargained.
This is what did it for you, crying out as you came around him, whimpering while he continued to deliver harsh thrusts to your cunt. Soon, his thrusts became less calculated and faster, chasing his own release. He rubbed harshly at your clit, trying to get you to come once more.
“I’m coming, gonna come in this sweet pussy. You want that, right?” Taehyung asked you, panting heavily. “Yes, yes, yes! Want you to come in me Taetae!” You cried, wrapping your hands around his neck and pulling him down into a kiss once more. Soon after he released inside of you, thick ropes of come painting your insides and you began to spasm around him once more.
Taehyung stayed like that for a while, lips locked with yours and delivering shallow thrusts inside of you every now and then, allowing both of you to calm down.
“You did so well, sweetheart.” Taehyung told you sweetly, causing you to smile at him. He brushed a stray lock of hair behind your ear, kissing at your jawline.
“Thank you, Taetae.” You said, sleep clouding your mind as you nuzzled your nose into his neck to inhale the scent you loved to much. Taehyung chuckled in response, grabbing your abandoned blanket and covering both of your bodies with it.
“Sleep while you can, sweet girl. We have kittens to make.” Taehyung said teasingly, feeling you smile against the skin of his neck before your breathing slowed, signifying you’d finally fallen asleep.
Taehyung sat there for a while, your body being cradled in his arms as he found himself thinking fondly of your future. A future you two would share together.
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3starsquinn · 4 years
Lazy Afternoons || Orion & Winn
Timing: June 3rd (Don’t @ us)
Parties: Orion & Winn ( @packsbeforesnacks )
Location: The Commons
Summary: Winn and Rio meet up to discuss Winn’s disappearance and Winn’s memory loss.
Mixed feelings. That was the only way that Orion knew how to describe what he was feeling as he sat, legs crossed, his feet tucked under them. He had picked a random spot on the grass, his bookbag next to him and filled to the top with books. He had agreed to help Winn. That was what Scribes were supposed to do right? He had questions about werewolves and Scribes were meant to collect and impart knowledge. But that didn’t really answer the question about Winn. Was he angry? He didn’t know enough about the situation to hold a grudge. But he didn’t know how else to feel. Hurt? Scared? Those feelings were both way too complicated. Anger was easier. But his dad being with him made things even more complicated. Maybe. Rio didn’t know how to feel anymore. But there wasn’t much time to dwell on it now. His hearing picked up on Winn’s voice from across the large field. Rio jumped up, spinning around to face Winn and who he assumed was his dad crossing the field to meet them. Awkwardly, and against his better judgement, Rio smiled and waved at the two.
The way to campus wasn’t awkward, per se. Sure, his dad had requested to meet his friend fairly out of nowhere, but Winn didn’t begrudge the man for wanting to be involved in his life. (Even if it was, like, a little weird.) But his dad hadn’t told him why he wanted to meet Rio, beyond some bull about wanting to meet a fellow researcher. There’d been a weird look on his face when he’d said that, like he knew somethin’ about Rio that Winn didn’t. And Winn didn’t… well, he didn’t love that? But he’d made a compromise with Dad. Winn would let him tag along and meet Rio, but only if his dad gave them some time to hash things out alone. His dad was happy to go antagonize his future bosses (and walk Denny through campus). As they approached Rio, Winn tossed a blanket his way. “Hey, help me spread it out. I brought grub.” Winn wasn’t above bribery, so had stopped and gotten Rio some fast food, the same order, exactly, as when they’d been on their way to the retreat-that-wasn’t. And who didn’t love a spring afternoon, lazin’ about on a blanket? He’d almost brought a frisbee, but he figured that would kill the vaguely serious vibe. Winn could only hope this conversation went as halfway decently as the others had. Rio didn’t seem the punchin’ type, at least. Denny sniffed at Rio, and Winn remembered that Rio technically hadn’t been introduced properly to his dog. “Oh, Rio, meet Denny. Denny, it’s not nice to sniff new friends without askin’.” The dog looked at him, then immediately back to Rio — an eye roll in dog language, Winn was pretty sure. “And Rio Quinn meet…” 
“Daniel Woods,” Daniel said, holding out his hand to Orion for a shake. “Winn has asked that I,” he held up his fingers, doing air quotes as his students had taught him, “buzz off and let you two talk for a while. Please do go easy on him.” He laughed, tugging on Denny’s leash. “Let’s go, Mister Deniability. I am sure Dean Skaro would love to meet you.” Oh, how Daniel despised that man.
Orion huffed and crossed his arms when he saw that Winn was carrying a bag of food with him across the courtyard. Was this some sort of peace offering? “You can’t just bring food and expect me to— Is that a milkshake too?” Rio squinted his eyes but softened for a moment as he considered the bribe. Eventually, he exhaled the breath that he had apparently been holding and his arms fell to his side. Soon, he completely gave in and bent down to help spread out the blanket. His attempts were thwarted by the dog, but Rio didn’t mind. He held his hand out gingerly, allowing Denny time to get adjusted to the new face before jumping in to try to pet him.
Rio shook the man’s hand, smiling widely and trying to ignore any of the awkward tension, if it could even be called that, between himself and Winn. “Such a pleasure to meet you, sir! I’m super excited to have you join the staff at the college. I’ll make sure that Winn lets me know once you have classes that I can take a look at.” If nothing else, it was always positive to meet another person that was passionate about their academics and learning. Rio knew nothing about the man’s specialty, but he respected him even if he wouldn’t be taking any of his classes. 
Eventually, Daniel led the dog away and suddenly Rio was left with just Winn and the food he had brought along. Rio avoided talking as long as he could be shoveling food in his mouth and then taking the longest possible drink from his milkshake whenever he finished chewing. But the food would run out eventually. And if he knew Winn at all, he wasn’t going to go anywhere. “So. You’re back in town obviously. Where did you go?”
The knots in Winn’s stomach hadn’t loosened, even after explainin’ himself over and over again, so he figured food wasn’t an amazin’ idea for him right now. While Rio ate, and super obviously avoided talking, Winn sipped at a sorry excuse for sweet tea. Least it wasn’t raspberry. Every ‘sweet’ tea Winn had tried for the first few months had been fuckin’ raspberry. Northerners. You can drink sugar, you just gotta pretend like it’s healthy. Naw, admit that shit. Be honest. Speakin’ of…
“Look, I wasn’t lyin’ about everythin’ that happened. I mean, not the basics. A lot of it was a big misunderstandin’, and I didn’t even know y’all thought I was gone until Noah popped me one square on my jaw.” A sip of tea. “You haven’t known me that long, but I really hate lyin’, if I can avoid it. So, um, my name is… well, was Winthrop Linton Zhou. Dad used to be the English department chair down at Georgetown. Mom was in Congress. I, um… some bad shit went down with a Hunter — the kind we both hate — and from there shit gets… blurry. Literally. I wish I could tell you why I was in White Crest, but some shit’s been goin’ on recently, some people suggestin’ maybe I don’t know who I am. And I… Well, I figured the quickest way to remind myself of who I am was to go and talk to the folks who knew me best. Dad. And, uh, my ex-boyfriend-slash-packmate.”
“I didn’t mean to be gone for more than a couple of days, but my dad is a, uh, huxian? Or, shit, what do the Japenese legends call them… kitsune? Foxes. Apparently, when a huxian has a kid with a human, it’s a bit of a coinflip on whether or not the kid comes out human. I got the human end of the coin, so my dad kept my nose out of the supernatural side of the world until… well, until I found it myself. But shit went down, I only found out Dad was, again, literally a fox, last week.” Okay, yeah, naw, Winn couldn’t do this sitting up. He flopped down into the space next to Rio, head resting against Rio’s thigh. “But, um, Dad suggested maybe I’d lost my memory? Or… had it taken? Wanted to rule out, um, wolf-causes before I went after… other causes. And when I asked you, I mean, I thought there was no way it was anything other than some wolf shit. Now, I don’t really know.” He scrubbed at his eyes with the palms of his hands. “So, um. What’s new with you? Likin’ the hair color.” Winn winked up at Rio.
Orion sat patiently, silently while listening to Winn’s timeline. At first it just sounded… like an excuse. Rio had heard enough of them. He remembered all the rushed excuses as to why they had to rush away from Rio if they had gotten stuck in a conversation after Athena was gone. Rio wanted to believe that he had changed since high school. Grown in some way. Enough to be unbothered by people who showed little interest in him or at least enough to know that he was worth more than that. But maybe nothing had changed at all.
But his story started to get way more specific. And way more personal. There was a lot to unpack here. The ex boyfriend, the powerful parents. Some past history with a hunter. His father was a Kitsune? The father that Rio had just casually introduced himself to? Immediately, Rio had to wonder how old the man was. How many pieces of the history that Rio studied so passionately had he been a part of? Rio had so many questions. And Rio needed to remind himself that none of them were important right now given the rest of Winn’s- Winthrop’s?? Story. “Your name is Winthrop?” Rio blurted out, for some reason, that being a key element sticking out in the story, “Sorry- that is the last thing that’s important right now. Ignore me.”
What was important right now? Winn ran through the timeline so quickly that he wasn’t sure what to ask. Or if he should ask. Winn had been intentionally vague about the hunter story? Was it Rio’s business to ask questions? To pry into that portion of his life. Something important enough to lead into another series of unfortunate events that ended up with him in White Crest of all places.
He figured that was for another time when Winn dove back into the source of their original plans. The memory loss. And its connection to being a wolf for a long period of time. Rio still wasn’t sure what he thought. He felt emotional. From the anger that he felt prior to Winn getting here to the confusion he felt hearing Winn spill his guts to him. Rio was just confused. “I uh- well I don’t know. For sure. Memory loss spells exist. I don’t know much about them though. Aside from that, I don’t think we can discount the idea that it is caused by being a wolf for a prolonged period of time. We have no idea how animals perceive time. It’s arguable that spending so long in that form could alter one’s sense of time or self.” He tapped his fingers against the bookbag, not yet pulling any of the books out but trying to pull some of the information from them through some unknown form of osmosis. 
“Me? Uh- pretty boring stuff. I sleep like maybe two hours a night if I sleep at all. Been studying some ancient demon language to try to research the creepy cult that showed up in town for the squid. Did a blood ritual that gave me a creepy third eye in my hand that sometimes opens and gives me visions of chained demons. Oh! And I dyed my hair pink. So thanks.” He tried answering as nonchalantly as possible. He didn’t want to give too much detail. He was upset that he believed Winn’s excuse. If it was all some lie, Rio was as gullible as ever. If it was the truth, then why did Rio still feel so hurt?
“Um, was?” Winn tried. “Couple extra days down south to get it all changed, but it’s not my name anymore.” He left that hanging in the air, hoping Rio would drop it. It wasn’t important and, unlike Blanche or Noah, Winn knew Rio wouldn’t bring it up unless it was relevant. And, given it would never be relevant again, he figured he’d be safe. “It’s fine. I’m not going to ignore you, man, not even if you beg. Um, if you have any… questions, we can, like. I’m tryin’ to be more honest, so, like… Hit me.” He was tired of telling this story, sure, but there were things that Rio didn’t know about him. And whether or not the younger man ‘deserved’ to know them, Winn wanted this to be a space where Rio felt like he could, at least, ask.
“There’s, um, another thing. I haven’t… told anyone this, but I took wolfsbane for a while. Months. It was… laced with something. Honestly, couldn’t tell you what, and I doubt it’s in my system after all of these years. It— I thought I had stopped taking it around the time the… gap starts, but… Well, I don’t know much about wolfsbane, don’t know much about drugs, but I’ve also never met another wolf who took it for that long, who took it when it wasn’t the Moon.” He sighed, covering his eyes with his hands. The sun wasn’t that bright — well, and they’d be due for another blink soon — but Winn could feel a headache blooming in the back of his head.
“I appreciate you bein’ honest, man. It’s… Well, it’s fine to not know somethin’, even if it makes this all a bit… harder, for me to accept. There’s, uh, this guy. Says he knew me, but I’ve never seen him. We kinda… had it out. I don’t like bein’ told who I am, and I freaked out a bit, and… Anyway, my ex told me that he remembered a man whose name started with an S. So, I… Could something carve out so much time? And what happens if I get those memories back?” He took in a breath, trying to keep the slow creep of anxiety at bay. “I’m scared, Rio. Scared of what could have happened to do something to me like that. And if I did it myself, I mean— There’s just so much I don’t fucking know.” 
He laughed, already more exhausted from this conversation than he’d been all week. Not that that was Rio’s fault. “I don’t mean to keep dumpin’ on you, man. You’ve got your own shit, and I’m… Christ, I’m bein’ a really bad friend right now, huh?” Winn leaned up from his place on Rio’s leg, and smiled sadly. “Demons. I— Man, I know you want to help, but it fucking sucks that you’re probably one of our only hopes. You don’t deserve this shit. I mean, none of us do, but you…” Winn looked at the sun, well, the eyeball, as it blinked slowly, and the lights went out. “Not to get all deep in the dark here, Rio, but do you ever wonder, like, why us? I mean, I know I chose to become a wolf, but I didn’t… I didn’t choose to be hated and feared. You didn’t choose to be born with the gene, but you did choose to help, but why… Why should we even have this shit around to help with?”
“I’m sorry,” Winn said, after a moment. “Really, truly, I am. I took for granted that people wouldn’t… care. If I left. And, fuck, I can’t even look you in the eyes and say I wouldn’t have done  somethin’ like y’all thought I did. I didn’t, but I might’ve. Which is shitty. I told y’all, I told you, that we were friends. And I thought… I don’t know. I thought y’all didn’t care as much as I did. And, like, I’m not tryin’ to put words in your mouth, or give you a sob story. That ain’t the point. I just… figured no one would be hurt, whenever I had to leave. I was wrong. And— Shit, I just want you to know that I care about you, Orion. And I want to stick around, ‘cause y’all make my life better. I was… I was in a bad place when I came to White Crest. I’m not in a perfect place now. But I want to be here, for whatever… for whatever that’s worth. So long as y’all will have me.” And then, the sun came back, and Winn winced. Monologuing in the dark. Very chill Winner.
This was all way too much for Orion to handle right now. He had too much going on. Stressing over this just took his attention away from the plethora of other things that Rio had to stress over at the moment. But Winn was trying. He was really trying. He was rambling. Giving more information than Rio knew what to do with. His name was legally Winn now. Which seemed significant, though Winn didn’t seem too apt to talk about it. And Winn seemed open to any questions. Rio felt too tired to even ask questions right now. Especially when he felt there was still so much he didn’t know. He pushed the offer to the back of his mind for a moment. He’d circle back around to that.
Thinking about an actual assignment helped to ground Rio. He could think better when he was thinking as a researcher than something else. The idea of trying to help Winn with his research was pretty much the only thing that had convinced Rio to actually meet Winn out here. “Not knowing something actually really stresses me out so…” Rio let the sentence fade out, pausing to take a drawn out drink from his milkshake. “This just reminds me of all the other stuff I don’t actually know about.” Winn was missing information. Rio knew about Wolfsbane, knew it’s intended effects. But hadn’t known that wolves took it… recreationally? It must be like some kind of drug. “It depends on the source. If the memories were magically taken then arguably they could be magically restored. Probably.” Not that Rio was any expert on magic. “But- I mean it could be something completely mundane too. Maybe they’re repressed memories. Something your brain blocked out as some sort of defense mechanism. Did you ask your ex? Or do you know that other guy that could help fill in the blanks? Maybe if you start hearing them it will jog some sort of memory?” It was definitely more of a theory than anything Rio was confident about. He wasn’t a doctor though. He definitely wasn’t qualified to talk about this. 
Rio wanted to laugh with Winn regarding the ridiculousness of the town, but when he tried it came out as more of a choked sob than anything else. “I’ve been asking that same question since… I don’t know. Probably like ten-ish? I’ve known about the supernatural for a long time. Practically my whole life. But I didn’t understand what I was at first. I like learning about others. I didn’t realize I was learning how to become a killer.” Rio couldn’t remember the moment that he had his epiphany. But it was harder to remember a time where he didn’t feel that way. 
“Well… we do care.” Rio crossed his arms. There were things he wanted to say. So many doubts that filled his head that he needed answers for. If only he wasn’t too afraid to say them. Or maybe… maybe he should just say them. “Look, I- I just want to know-” Rio paused again. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know how to be confrontational. “I need to say stuff but I can’t say it with you looking at me so…” Rio looked at him, motioning silently for him to turn away before he finally resorted to pleaing, “Please?” When Winn wasn’t looking at him anymore, Rio followed suit and stared at the ground, focusing on counting blades of grass as he spoke. “I didn’t have any real friends growing up. I guess my sister was one of the few. I don’t even know if we were friends or not. But she did care about me. And she tried to get others to like me. She was popular. I wasn’t. The first couple years she tried to pull me into the popular group. Her friends were nice to me. Nice enough. Until she wasn’t with us to supervise. What I’m saying is- I’ve spent my whole life with pity friends. And I don’t need those. I don’t want those in my life anymore. But I can’t figure out who actually wants to be my friend and who just feels bad for the nerdy, quiet kid with social anxiety. So- if that’s what this is. I don’t care, okay? No hard feelings. We can just cut out losses and go. Because I have a lot going on and I don’t have the emotional capacity for it.” Rio realized he was gasping for breath once he was finally done talking. At first he thought that it was from rambling, but he realized quickly that he was hyperventilating. It felt like the onset of a panic attack, but Rio was keeping things surprisingly under control. He just needed to try to keep it that way.
Winn laughed, short, almost a bark. “You’re telling me... I don’t even know what I don’t know. César — the ex — doesn’t know much. Just when I stopped talking to him.” A frown, considering Rio’s story about being a Hunter. He felt for the younger man, truly. “I can’t imagine what that was like — having your curiosity taken advantage of like that.” 
But Rio didn’t linger long on his past as a child of killing machines. No, instead, surprisingly, he pivoted to his own feelings. Winn would be proud, if not for the way his heart broke in two as Rio described so-called pity friends. And then he was proud, so proud, because Rio was asking him, point-blank, where they stood. Sticking up for himself. Winn wanted to hug Rio. He would. Winn turned back towards the younger, wrapping him up from behind in the biggest embrace he could manage, trying to pour the truth of his friendship, of his affection for Rio, into the squeeze. “Dude,” he said, firmly. “I would never do that to you. I like you ‘cause you’re smart, compassionate, and pet me on the scruff if I ask nice. We are friends. I swear. Maybe not close friends, not yet, but I don’t... I’m choosier than you’d think, about those I let into my life. And I want you here, if you want to be here. Of course I do.” He gave Rio another squeeze for good measure, and held it there for a moment, giving the other man a moment to compose himself.
Orion sighed, wishing that he had something, anything more that he could offer to Winn. But for now, Rio had nothing else to give. He could do some more deep diving. It didn’t make sense that Winn was the first this had ever happened to. It couldn’t have. There had to be an explanation. Rio just had to find it. “Sorry. It must be really frustrating. Losing chunks of time like this.” 
Rio couldn’t believe he had actually built up the courage to lay it out like that. He could only have his friends to thank for this newfound courage. And he wasn’t sure what he expected. Nobody wanted to admit that they were just hanging out with someone out of pity, but Rio hoped that given the circumstance and how honest Rio had just been with Winn that Winn would afford the same honestly. What he hadn’t expected was to be hugged. Rio went still immediately from the surprise. Affection always took Rio off guard, but it wasn’t an unpleasant feeling. Rio had come to find that in certain situations he actually enjoyed being hugged. By the right people. 
Rio really wasn’t expecting for Winn to go into detail on why he liked him. Rio was happy to get an honest answer, but all the spotlight and attention on Rio made him beet red. Maybe he shouldn’t have asked in such a public park, where prying eyes could make Rio feel even more uncomfortable and seen. All he wanted was to be invisible. “Oh. Wow. Well, that was super honest. So, uh, thanks… for being my friend?” He was fumbling through words now, unsure how to respond. When Winn unwrapped the hug, Rio sat back on the blanket and pulled his legs up into what looked like a fetal position. “So, uh— research was sort of a bust this time around. But I brought some extra books with me that we could start looking into? After I finish the rest of my food.” He dug into his bookbag for the tools he was using to change the subject. Maybe Rio was still a bit hurt, but it was at least good to know that Winn was an actual friend.
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Merry, Merry, Merry
Secret Santa Gift for @ferrofen
This was really fun to write. I hope it doesn’t show I haven’t actually seen Tithi’s season but I still really liked writing him and Yu together! And of course Tsubasa showed up too because I cannot physically write Yu without him.
The amount of begging Yu had to do to score this trip should not be understated. Tsubasa was insistent on being a stick of the mud despite the looming presence of the holidays on the horizon.  An endless stream of questions met Yu’s request that Tithi spend Christmas with them. What about Tithi’s parents? His family? Would they be alright with him coming to another country to celebrate Christmas? Tsubasa should know already those questions aren’t ones to be answered lightly. Yu and Tithi were similar, they kept those secret answers close to their hearts. The past is the past, it has nothing to do with Christmas. Tsubasa was firm; it just wasn’t relastic for Tithi to visit over the holidays. Maybe another time which was Tsubasa speak for never.
Yu, as usual, did not take no for an answer. He was relentless in his pursuit of the fabled yes. He would follow Tsubasa to work, something he hated doing, and complain while Tsubasa was trying to get things done. No door could keep Yu from his goal, no receptionist glaring at him for running through her waiting room could deter him. 
He won in the end, he always wins in the end. He was glad his predictions were as flawless as always, he’d started his crusade in early Spring with the knowledge it would take a few months to break Tsubasa down. Tithi never doubted Yu’s reassurances the trip would happen no matter what. When Yu called Tithi with the good news he was more smug than excited, Tsbuasa had lost once again and Yu had snatched another victory. To be expected, of course, Yu was just that good.
The visit so far had gone excellent in Yu’s very informed opinion. Tsubasa refused to drive to the airport on his super cool motorcycle so they had to take a cab which dampened the ride there. The ride back was all excitement and merriment. Yu and Tithi had run at each other at breakneck speeds and collided in a long, warm hug. Upon seeing Tsubasa hovering to the side Tithi had grabbed Yu’s hand in fear.
“Don’t worry, Tsubasa won’t bite, I’ve trained him well!” This earned a glare from Tsubasa but it was well worth it. Tithi loosened up but still didn’t let go of Yu’s hand. 
Throughout the visit he slowly began to warm up to Tsubasa. He stilled like Yu better because who wouldn’t like Yu better? Still, Yu was a little relived Tithi was getting along with Tsubasa. They were both very important to him and if they hadn’t liked each other he wouldn’t have known what to do. Before he met Gingka and the others that wouldn’t have mattered much to him but now other people’s feelings factor into his calculations. Kenta taught him that. 
Speaking of Kenta, he had changed since the whole legendary blader affair wrapped up. Ryuga was a topic they didn’t talk about together, it was something forbidden much like the question of what Yu did before the survival challenge was forbidden between him and Tsubasa. Kenta was still Yu’s best friend. That was one thing that would never change. 
Yu, Tithi, and Kenta spent some time together doing Christmas things like baking cookies at Kenta’s house. The kitchen at Tsubasa and Yu’s apartment didn’t have near enough room or the right equipment to make proper holiday cookies. Tithi happily slapped the dough on the stick pan, Yu measured everything perfectly, and Kenta used the cookie cutter to make snowmen and christmas trees. Sadly, despite two geniuses working on them, the cookies came out completely charred (“Just like my soul”, Kenta had said). They had to call in Madoka to help them make proper ones.
Yu took Tithi to Tsubasa’s work and they sang him Christmas carols. He didn’t appreciate them near enough because he was trying to work or some nonsense like that. When Tsubasa kicked them out they went home and diligently decorated the apartment. They might have broken a few ornaments and the tree might have fell over a few times but nevermind any of that. The important thing is the apartment ended up looking plenty festive. There was never any doubt after all, they are geniuses. This is just a sample of the things that occupied their time in the weeks leading up to Christmas. 
Which brings the story back to the now. The forecast had been threatening snow all month. Tithi has never seen snow so Yu wished with all his heart it would snow. Over the night before Christmas Eve his wish was granted. 
Tsubasa stopped Yu before he ran out of the apartment in nothing but his pajamas. Now, they’re going through the motions of morning, much to Yu’s chagrin. Tithi seems to be bursting out the seams too in his own shy way. Despite spending a handful of weeks around Tsubasa he still hasn’t completely collapsed his walls. Yu takes smug pride in Tithi mumbling a few words to Tsubasa about breakfast. 
Typically, Tsubasa and Yu get into a fight while washing the breakfast dishes.
“You’re so boring! Come out and play with us!” Yu is angrily scrubbing a plate while Tithi stares at him from the kitchen table. Tsubasa is dutifully drying the plates and returning them to their proper place.
“I have work to do.” Tsubasa does not spare a glance at Yu as he dries the cup in his hands.
“It’s Christmas Eve!” Yu shoves the soaking wet plate into Tsubasa’s already full hands.
“Yu,” Tsubasa says, attempting to juggle the various dishes in his hands, “You can have fun without me.”
“Obviously! I have fun without you all the time I just thought you’d want to hang out with us but clearly not!” Yu takes out his anger on the last plate, scrubbing it so hard it was in danger of losing its coating.
“You’ll have a better time without me.” Tsubasa sounds like he’s trying disengage. He probably feels embarrassed fighting in front of Tithi but Yu himself doesn’t feel a hint of shame. If Tsubasa feels so bad he should just give in and come to the park with them.
“I’m done,” Yu says while pushing the last plate into Tsubasa’s still too full hands.
“Get on your coat, you’ll catch a cold if you go out lik-”
“You’re not my dad Tsubasa!” Yu yells, hopping off his stool with an angry thump. “If you were, you’d be a lousy one!” 
Yu grabs Tithi’s hand and leads him into his room. They don’t say much as Yu helps Tithi wrap himself up in various goats and scarves. 
“Will we build a snowman?” Tithi asks as they finish.
“The biggest snowman in the world,” Yu agrees and takes Tithi’s hand once more. Tsubasa is sitting at the dinner table with his laptop open. He is typing furiously, probably about something really important, more important than spending time with two stupid kids on Christmas Eve.
He looks up from his work when the two stupid kids pass by him. 
“Yu-” Tsubasa starts but he makes a face instead of finishing his thought, like he’s eaten a lemon or something. Yu doesn’t like that face, do they look that weird all bundled up in their winter clothes? 
“Going to apologize?” Yu asks, “Because I don’t want an apology, I want you to play in the snow with us. Tithi wants that too, right Tithi?” Tithi nods vigorously instead of an answer. He squeezes Yu’s hand in support which brings a light smile onto Yu’s face despite trying to look stern. 
Tsbuasa hesitates before closing his laptop. “Give me a second.” 
Yu has won once again as Tsubasa walks to his room to get properly dressed. He turns to Tithi with a wide smile on his face to find a mirror of it on Tithi’s. 
Tithi is all wide eyes and mouth gaping when they walk out of the apartment building. The world is powdered white. Snow is clumped to the side of the sidewalk, someone already has gone and shoveled it, and there was people out bundled up in thick winter clothes. They don’t stop to play in the snow just yet but carefully make their way to a park nearby. 
The first thing they do upon reaching the park is run head first into a pile of snow. They being Yu and Tithi, Tsbuasa is still too dull to do anything but hover on the edge of the park with his glove clad hands in his pockets.
Yu pulls Tithi out of the pile of snow, “Hey, lay down here.” He points to an unspoiled spot of snow. Tithi obeys silently, not bothering to shake off the snow that’s already accumulated on his coat. Yu falls down next to him, arms outspread. 
“Watch me,” Yu instructs as he makes a snow angel. Tithi follows suit dutifully. 
“Tsubasa! Come help us up!” Yu calls when the angels have been properly winged. 
“Excuse me?”
“Don’t just stand there, help us!” 
Tsbusa begrudgingly helps both Tithi and Yu off the ground resulting in pristine snow angels. 
They spend the lion’s share of the afternoon throwing snow balls at each other. Yu and Tithi team up to destroy Tsubasa multiple times. They make a snowman, then they make another. An army of snowmen each representing one of their friends. By the time they leave the park they are covered in white and shivering with cold. 
When they get home they slosh off their heavy, snow laden clothes. Tsubasa makes hot chocolate without having to be asked. Giant white marshmallows float the the top of their mugs and Yu and Tithi sit shoulder to shoulder on the couch wrapped in a blanket.
They whisper about the next day, the fun they will have unwrapping presents and spending time with everyone. There will be a little homemade beyblade tournament Yu swears he is going to win. Tithi giggles into his hot chocolate at that declaration. They fell asleep with their drained mugs on the floor beneath them and their heads on each other’s shoulders. 
The last thing Tithi says before drifting off is, “Thank you for inviting me.”
And the last thing Yu says in return, “Always.” 
Tsubasa eventually wakes them up for dinner and the happy chatter continues once more. Merry Christmas, their body language says as they frost cookies, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas. That night they dream of sugar plums, of dancing fairies, and of snow angels. 
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sunnybugz · 5 years
only fools
chapter: i
word count: 2115
authors note: hi losers, welcome to the first chapter of my new fanfic, it’s dianetti because i am dianetti trash. it’s also a highschool au because i am a teenager and do not know how the real word works. hope u like it!!! i will be posting it on ao3 once my account request finally comes back (by the end of this week!!) lets get to it i guess???
11:38 AM, Brooklyn Academy High cafeteria
Rosa sat at their lunch table, eating her sandwich. By their, she meant her the table that had belonged to her and her best friends since ninth grade. Her best friends being Jake Peralta, Amy Santiago, Charles Boyle, and of course, the one and only Gina Linetti. They were all so amazingly different yet fit together so well. Jake was the dark-haired, brown-eyed, absolutely hilarious (and absolutely childish at times) boy sitting at the top right of their table. He was a total idiot a lot of the time, but was amazing at solving puzzles and problems. He also had an intense love for Die Hard and drinks that were the colour blue. Amy, however, was the beautiful, smart and organized Cuban girl sitting across from Rosa. She was so put together all the time, but was also really goofy and cute when not under watch from everyone else. Her favourite things in the world were probably binders, essays, and her boyfriend, Jake. Charles was the brown-haired, clumsy, goofball who sat beside Amy. He was a total dork who was far too obsessed with his friends relationships, but was truly the most kind and caring person any of them have met in their entire life. He loved to cook too, and often brought some weird food that he made the night before for all of them to try (which often ended terribly, but they were thankful for the effort). And then there was Gina Linetti. Gina was gorgeous, with auburn hair and blue eyes, and she was a lot shorter than Rosa. She was silly and sarcastic and treated herself like she was the queen of the world (which she basically was in Rosa’s eyes). She also cared about her friends more than anything in the world (other than maybe her phone).
The group hadn’t always been as close as they were now though. Jake and Gina had been best friends probably since birth, because their families were super close. Charles and Jake became best friends in the third grade after being assigned desk partners and realizing they were an amazing team when it came to cheating on spelling tests. Amy had come along in seventh grade, when she moved to their area and became part of their class. Rosa joined the gang in the middle of grade eight, when she was new at their school and Gina was the only one who would actually come up to her despite her scary exterior. From then on, they had been a power team, and probably one of the closest, drama free friend groups in their entire high school. They supported each other through everything (even in tenth grade when Amy made the idiotic decision to date Teddy Wells, and to get over his enormous crush on her, Jake dated Sophia  Perez. They realized it was stupid and started dating within a few months). It was nice to just have people who genuinely loved Rosa for who she was, even if that person was an angry, bisexual, all-black-wearing, eighteen year old girl.
It was in that moment when Rosa realized she had been spacing out for the past 45 seconds.
“Hello? I know my girlfriend is hot but there’s no need to stare,” Jake teases while throwing a french fry at Rosa’s head. She rolls her eyes and throws it back.
“Yeah, Rosa, I’m totally the one you should be staring at right now, I mean, look at me!” Gina joins in. At this one, unlike Jake’s teasing, Rosa feels her face heat up. If she had been consciously staring, it definitely would have been at Gina. Of course, she would never say that out loud. Nobody could ever know about her top-secret crush on the auburn haired dancer. Except unknown to Rosa, literally everyone knew except for Gina. Jake and Amy had placed a $20 bet on whether Rosa would ask her out by Valentine’s day. Jake thought Rosa totally would, because she’s been obsessed with her since like, eighth grade, but Amy thought that if Rosa still hasn’t made a move after four and a half years, what would all of a sudden compel her to do so? Charles would always ‘accidentally’ make situations where the two of them ended up alone, but instead of ending up with them confessing their undying love for each other and then promptly making out like everyone hoped it would, it would always end with Rosa stumbling over her words when Gina did or said something cute (re: every five seconds). Rosa thought she was an amazing secret keeper, but it turns out Gina was just oblivious to the rest of the world when she wasn’t being mentioned.
Before Rosa could answer, the bell rang. Everyone quickly got up to race to their next class. “Want me to walk you to class?” asked Gina.
“Gina, it’s English. We’re in the same class. We literally sit beside each other.” Rosa said.
“Fine! I guess I’ll walk alone!” Gina said dramatically. Rosa smiled a huge, dorky smile that she didn’t do for anyone other than Gina.
“I never said I wanted that,” Rosa laughed. Gina turned back to her, smiling her cute smile that Rosa saw in her dreams every night without fail.
“Proven again, Gina Linetti is absolutely irresistible to the ladies!”, Gina said far too loudly.
She isn’t wrong, though, Rosa thought.
2:34 PM, Brooklyn Academy High
The rest of the school day goes by quite uneventfully. Everyone is anticipating the end of the day, when casting in the spring musical comes out. Their schools musicals are written every year by an ex-student at their school, Terry Jeffords. They’ve always been love stories, and Jake and Amy have respectively played the lead male and female every year without fail. This year though, that won’t happen. Mainly because it’s a musical about homophobia, and if Jake and Amy were playing lesbians, the school would have a lot of issues to figure out. However, there is a specific someone who also auditioned for the girlfriend of the character Rosa auditioned for. Rosa auditioned to play Lola, the female lead, a lesbian who has recently come out at her Catholic school and is threatened with expulsion, and Gina auditioned for the role of June, Lola’s girlfriend who is yet to come out. However, Rosa doesn’t think she could ever get the part. Gina will almost 100% get June, but there was a bunch of girls going for the part of Lola. Not as many as there usually are for the lead role (most girls weren’t up to playing a lesbian), but still a fair amount.
When 2:40 finally comes, any drama kid races to the auditorium. They all sit in chairs, Rosa snagging a spot between Gina, who has decided to live stream the casting, and Amy, who is holding Jake’s hand tightly. They’re all on the edge of their seats waiting for Director Holt to come in and read the casting list. When he finally walks in at 2:46, the room goes silent.
“I know you’ve all been waiting for a week and a half since auditions, and I apologize for leaving you all to wonder. However, I now have the casting list, and I’m sure you would all like to hear it.” he says. Yes! Of course they want to hear it!
“I will be reading out the main cast. As you all know, any person not given a main role will be given a role as an extra,” Holt says. Rosa prays that isn’t referring to her. She’s never been an extra, but from the sounds of it, it absolutely sucks. “First off, playing the role of Madam Wringer, the headmistress, will be Sophia Perez,” he reads. First announcement is quite awkward, as this means Jake will most likely have his ex-girlfriend as his co-star.
“The role of Lola’s brother, Henry, will be played by Charles Boyle,”. Yay for Charles! It’s no surprise he got the role, he’s a great actor and is good for both dramatic scenes and comedic relief.
“The role of Lola’s father will be played by none other than Jake Peralta,” reads Director Holt. No surprise there, Jake got the leading male.
“Lola’s mother will be played by Amy Santiago.”. Amy and Jake look at each other with heart eyes. Of course they’re playing a married couple.
“Finally, we’re onto our two leading lady roles. June, the girlfriend will be played by Gina Linetti, and finally, Lola will be played by Rosa Diaz.”
Gina turns to Rosa with her phone. “Babe, we’re girlfriends!”. Rosa freezes for a second before smiling hugely. She tries not to make it obvious the effect that the little pet name has on her, and if Gina notices, she doesn’t say anything.
Rosa is also in shock because she got the female lead! She’s never been the lead, as Amy has always scored the role. Gina ends her live stream with a “Bye, losers!”, and turns back to the group. “I say this calls for celebratory pizza!”. The group cheers, and all feel even happier knowing that they get to go to Sal’s pizza afterwords.
“Our first read through will be tomorrow after school, and we will be rehearsing daily. I expect us to start blocking soon, so you all must practice as often as you can,” Holt says. “I expect no nonsense with this production. You are all experienced actors, and you all know how a play works. Read over your scripts tonight!”. Once they all have their scripts, everyone heads out the door.
“Rosa, how does it feel to get the privilege of playing the love interest of someone as wonderful as me? I’ve never had the experience, please describe in detail.” Gina says, smirking. Rosa shakes her head and smiles.
“It’s wonderful Gina, but I think with the amount of love you have for yourself you wouldn’t have to ask,” Rosa retorts.
“It’s called confidence, bitch! Look it up!” Gina jokes, hitting Rosa lightly on the back of her head.
“Ooh, two lovebirds having a quarrel! Who will win, or will it end in a kiss?” Charles says. The two of them roll their eyes.
“We aren’t lovebirds, Charles! We aren’t even likebirds! We’re just… friendbirds! That’s right, they’re a real thing! You’ve just never heard of them!” Rosa defends.
“Yeah, Charles! Also, Rosa, I truly care about you but if you call me a bird again, I will not hesitate to throw you in front of a bus. I’m clearly a wolf.” Gina says. Rosa rolls her eyes.
“Okay, stop flirting, I want pizza!” Jake complains. Amy lets out a breathy laugh while shaking her head.
“We aren’t flirting!”, Gina and Rosa say in unison.
8:19 PM, Rosa Diaz’s Bedroom
Rosa is looking over her script for the first time, while lying in bed. She’s changed out of her black jeans, navy blue t-shirt, and leather jacket, and now wears flannel pyjama pants and a black tank top. She’s about halfway through the script, when she sees a line that catches her eye.
Rosa re-reads the line about five times to see if it’s right. Lo and behold, the line remains the same. Rosa feels giddy with nerves. She’s going to kiss Gina Linetti. For a play, but that means nothing to her. She doesn’t care what she’s doing it for, as long as she is kissing that girl. Rosa giggles - actually giggles- at the thought. Just then, she gets a text from Jake.
Jake: haha looks like sum1’s wishes are coming tru ;)
Rosa: shut up, jake. i’m totally not into her that way.
(Rosa is definitely into her that way)
Jake: okayyyy sure. explain y u look at her the way u do.
Rosa: how do i look at her?
Jake: like ur in loveeeee
Rosa: ugh, i am NOT in love. she’s just hot, ok??? i'm not one of those lovey-dovey freaks like u and amy
Jake: that’s what i said before i dated amy but ok
Rosa: no, u literally said ‘i would marry amy santiago without hesitation, whether that’s at a huge mansion or in an actual dumpster’
Jake: welp, u got me there.
Rosa rolls her eyes and shuts her phone off. She doesn’t have to tell people about her personal feelings. Emotions were gross, in her opinion. Unless they were emotions about Gina, which were absolutely amazing. However, those were secret feelings. Nobody is supposed to know about that.
That night, Rosa has some very good dreams about Gina Linetti.
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neshatriumphs · 7 years
Don't Make Me Over 36
I feel like a DICK! The date on the original notes for this was 5-10-15 (And it was SUPPOSED to be posted in MARCH of that year.)
HOW you gon' have "a hard year" for years? Smh.
If ANYBODY is even still around, I am so sorry. And, also thank you.
Don't Make Me Over 36
Babycakes Is Born
Jonesy was in the middle of her workout (which meant doing choreography of R&B and pop song official videos, but real talk - like 2 or 3 videos and she'd be done with everything and everybody), when she first started feeling pains. The pains weren't severe or really uncommon for her, having had a couple of bumps in the road during this journey already. She wasn't really ready to give up on her workout yet because that end part of Beyonce's Grown Woman gave her LIFE, but when she felt… not really a pain, but more like a hard kick from the baby, she almost hit the floor.
"You ok, Boss Lady?" Bree asked.
Jonesy chuckled, "Yeah.. I felt this weird super kick…" She hoisted herself up and a gush of fluid released from her body. "Goddamn." She said, as calmly as can be. "I have to go change and get in contact with the doctor..."
Fortunately, she had her things together and it didn't take her long to both change and to put on an adult diaper which her mother insisted she purchase. At some point between the changing of her clothes, washing her face, brushing her teeth… she began to hurt. She rinsed her mouth, came out of the bathroom and gave Bree a worried look.
Bree had already called in assistance, in case something went wrong and she sat alert, "What is it?" She wondered.
"Just some pain." Jonesy took a few deep breaths. "Get a photo of me before I go into labor."
"Of course," Bree said and did so. She began tweeting while Jonesy made her way for the couch, her legs collapsed and she barely caught her fall this time. Bree yelped, dropped her phone and rushed over to help her. Jonesy's heart was beating really fast and her head was spinning. She almost started crying as she called Sam. "Sam. H… Hey…"
"Jones… are you okay?" He was already taking off his work belt. "Is it time?"
"I feel like I might have another seizure!" She sobbed.
"Where's Bree?"
"She's… she's…"
"I'm on my way! Let me speak to her!" He ran passed his manager, just saying, "Jonesy!" The manager, the rest of the staff and the customers looked either surprised or confused, but he hardly had time or attention to notice.
Jonesy was trying to explain something to Bree as Bree was on the phone with Sam, trying to listen to both of them and also to get Jonesy situated where if she had a seizure, she could help her power through it. "She might tell you not to call 911, but I've been saving up for it and just go ahead and do it. You can't really see her through a seizure and drive her to the hospital at the same time, you know?"
"Yeah…" Bree said, reaching for her own fallen phone, but keeping Jonesy's hand in hers and honestly feeling super overwhelmed wondering where the fuck her backup was. Jonesy heard New Edition's "Is This The End" playing from her laptop and hoped silently that that was not a sign, because she certainly felt like she might die.
Renee and Mack finally came in and Mack wondered, "Is this the baby?" in excitement.
"I think I might be preparing to seize," Jonesy was trembling and crying at this point. Mack's eyes widened.
Bree rubbed her belly, "Your hormones and blood pressure are likely not ideal, but maybe it'll be okay. Maybe you aren't seizing. Think about that. Say that," she spoke into the phone, "Yes, she's had one in the past and I guess right now she's having auras. She's pregnant, her water has broken and she thinks she might be about to have a seizure." She looked at Mack and said quietly, "Water and towels." Mack rushed off to comply. Bree put the phone down and cradled Jonesy. "I am going to try to get somebody here to help you. I need someone to help me get you into fresh clothes."
"I got the diaper on."
"Ok. Well, do you need help changing it?"
"No… I don't think I'm seizing. I think I felt the pain and started having an anxiety attack… Cancel the ambulance."
"No, Sam told me not to listen to that order. He claims he can afford it and if I'm being real, I can use the help for my own peace of mind."
By the time the ambulance arrived, they took her vitals, checked her out, confirmed whether or not she needed to be rushed to the hospital (and decided that she didn't seem to, but that they would bring her.) She wanted to wait until she had to be there. She wanted to be comfortable, in the meantime.
Bree had been in a Twitter war pretty much all day long. It started with her posting the pre-hospital photo of Mercedes, and the caption, "When your queen springs a leak but she's still on fleek." Several fans had responded and retweeted in the excitement of the nanny seemingly confirming that Jonesy's water had broken. But, several others decided it was time to try to come for her. There were size jokes and the typical declarations that there was no reason for people to care because, 'She isn't even actually a star. She's a blogger and her reality show isn't good.'
" KittyWildebeast MarleyRose And yet, here you hoes are. #LoveToLoveToHateYou #YallHatersCorny #BabycakesDay"
Sam sighed, "She is always on her phone."
"It's her connection to the outside world," Mercedes said, rechecking all of the stuff that Bree had gathered. "And, she already did her work. I'm just… Sort of freaking out."
"I would love if we can go, now." Sam told her.
"I still have time. I don't want to wait around at the hospital."
"I don't want to try to get there too late and have something happen. I can't believe you sent the ambulance away. We're still going to have to pay for it."
"Worrier," she said.
He quickly muttered in reply, "Says the one triple checking work that she already approved."
Bree commented from her seat, "He's right!"
"Was that a vote to go to the hospital?" Sam asked. "Because that's a two-fer, if so. And two-fers mean you gotta," He looked at Jonesy and she frowned, but reached for her bag. Bree got up and started gathering the stroller, with everything else tucked inside. Sam got up, took Jonesy's bag and made his way towards the door.
Ryvie had arranged for a private room and she and Mary had already decorated the door, which had a guard outside of it. Jonesy pointed a thumb at him as she came inside, "Ummm?"
Ryvie shrugged, "You never know, with your life." She looked at Bree, unpacking the stroller onto the small table and wondered, "Are you planning to be here for the duration? Because if so, I could give you a little tip for watching Ra. Her and her daddy are heading this way."
Bree asked, "Do you not want her to see and know the wonders of bringing human life into the world?"
"To be frank, I'm caught between not wanting to traumatize her with that bloody event and WANTING to traumatize her with it."
"She's too young to be anything but entertainingly grossed out by it, I think," Bree offered. "But, I will take her on. After it was decided to do the hospital thing, instead of the home thing, I'm really not worth much use around here other than handling supplies."
"Nonsense. I have felt better since you were hired," Ryvie said.
Mary was seated at the table, preparing the first outfit and kicked out a chair for Mercedes to sit at. "You ready for this painful miracle?" She asked.
"I am. It feels surreal. Like, so many times, actually coming to full term was not a reality, so inside of me, no matter how well I'm keeping it together, I am losing my shit."
"If it makes you feel better, you ain't keeping it together well. You appear to be losing your shit from where I'm sitting," Mary said.
Mercedes shook her head, "It doesn't make me feel better."
"Well, it didn't make you feel worse," Mary commented.
Ryvie interrupted with, "Whenever it all happens, there can't be too many people in the room. I hope you made some choices, because all of your little friends will get their feelings hurt if they think that they're about to crowd into this space when you're at risk."
The last checkup she received, her blood pressure was dangerously high and she had to be on bed rest. Mostly, it was her obeying, but feeling sick all the time and Bree helping her to try to keep her pressure down. But, the more she tried to relax, the more time she had time to sit and think about everything wrong. About if she saw a baby that looked like Finn, what was she going to actually do. About why she went through with this, especially with all of the complications and the restrictions. About the time when she'd gotten so upset that she had a seizure. A fucking seizure. And the doctors were not sure that she wouldn't have another one.
That was possibly why she had so much anxiety about it and almost manufactured one in her mind.
The level of support made her heart swell. She expected much of it, but hormones didn't care about that when she was crying every time she saw a new check in at the Babycakes Day event that Kurt set up on Facebook.
This. Was. Painful.
Hours of it, in fact. In her mind, she had imagined this happening with a soundtrack in the background that embodied the experience. She had thought that it would play out, not like a movie, but like a viewing. She had somehow expected an out of body experience. Like… she had dissociated from a lot of things over the past nine months and now, she was finally hit with the sobriety of her choice. There was now going to be another person in her life that no matter how screwed up or out of wits she was, she was going to have to be responsible for! And this additional person was coming today. And she was bringing the pain with her. Pain like Jonesy had not been capable of imagining.
For some reason, the "soundtrack" happening in Jonesy's mind was Tina covering Tina's Wish by Ike and Tina Turner at a Shucks on a Shingle show at her request. "I'm talking to the priest. The priest. And everybody out there in the universe. If what I'm saying is wrong, then tell me the right way to say it. Cause, I wanna be made over…"
"What was I thinking?" Jonesy groaned out loud, nearly crushing Sam's hand. "I don't want to do this. I didn't understand what I was signing up for. I can't be a mother. I can't raise nobody!" She cried.
Ryvie wiped some sweat off of her head and said, "You're already a mother, biologically. You still have time to sign off.."
Jonesy could barely breathe. Sam was handed Babycakes, and he stared at her, trying to smooth over the crying. "If you don't want her, I'll take her," he said and moved closer to her.
Everything hurt, but when Sam brought the baby over and showed her to her mother, Jonesy reached out to accept her and forgot whatever she had just been saying.
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taizi · 7 years
I know you're swamped with prompt requests but please hear me out!! What if it hadn't been Taki and Tanuma that had passed by when Natsume was de-aged, but Nishimura and Kitamoto instead?? Thanks for taking the time to read this, I love your work!!
i had a bunch of people ask for a young!natsume fic ;v ; hopefully just this one is sufficient! i have a lot of requests to work through ladgldgh
Taki forgets the cupcakes. Tanuma says, “Natsume won’t mind if we’re a few minutes late,” and they double back to her house to retrieve them. 
When the Days Eater has gone, and Nyanko is left with a pint-sized Natsume where the proper one should have been, Taki and Tanuma aren’t there to intervene and the child slips away from the unfamiliar tanuki yokai, moving as silently and certainly as a little ghost. 
Natsume is fairly certain he’s lost, and fairly certain he hasn’t been missed. But he wouldn’t want to cause the family he’s staying with any trouble – not sooner than he can help, at least. So he’ll follow the road into town, and figure things out from there. 
He can’t go far before he has to stop and roll the legs of his pants up. They keep slipping down so he cinches the belt tighter, and loses the long socks completely. The grass feels good under his feet anyway, sun-warm and springy. He’s surrounded by fields that seem to sprawl forever. He doesn’t know where he is, but it seems calm and welcoming. It seems nice.
“–told you, look at him! He looks just like Natsume! Right down to the thousand yard stare.”
Natsume jumps, whirling around and loosing his footing as he does. He lands with an oof and looks up to find himself face to face with an older boy. A high school student, maybe. There’s two of them, but only one is at his eye level, crouching in the road with an expression of wonder.
“Kitamoto, seriously, are you seeing this? Hey kid, what’s your name?”
He’s shrinking from them automatically – bigger bodies and bigger numbers usually don’t mean anything good for him, and he doesn’t want to go home with bruises on top of everything else he’s put his current family through – but there’s no real fear in his heart of these older boys, none at all. 
That’s… surprising. 
So he says, softly, “Natsume.” And blinks when the boy in front of him grins, like his name was the right answer. 
“I knew it! Natsume never told us he had a little cousin. Your family must have super genes or something, ‘cause the resemblance is scary.” 
“Do you hear yourself when you talk, Nishimura? You’re freaking him out.” The other boy – Kitamoto – yanks Nishimura back by the hood of his sweatshirt so he topples backwards, but not in the mean way Natsume’s classmates do. Nishimura squawks in outrage and scrambles for a second like a stag beetle tipped on its back, and Kitamoto offers Natsume a hand with a warm smile. “C’mon, you’ll catch cold out here. What are you doing, running around without shoes on?”
“You’re not his mom, Acchan. He might look like Natsume, but there’s no way he gets sick as easily as him. No one gets sick as easily as him.“
Natsume takes Kitamoto’s hand tentatively, and the high schooler doesn’t hold it too tight or pull too hard; just brings him up to his feet with a friendly yank, and then tousles his hair a bit. 
“You – you know my,” he swallows hard, and says, “Natsume? You know him?”
“Well, sure,” Nishimura says, dusting himself off. “We’re his buddies. He’s in my class, too.”
The tanuki yokai said the same thing, sort of. About being a high school student, and living in this area with people called the Fujiwaras. And he doesn’t think these people are lying to him. They’re too warm and lively to be monsters, the human or the spirit kind. They’re smiling at him nicely. 
He likes them. 
By the time Nyanko finds them, a few minutes later, he has two more older kids in tow, a dark-haired boy and a fair-haired girl. They all look equally disheveled and a little pale – even the tanuki, through all his fur. Natsume presses behind Kitamoto, folding fingers into the fabric of his jacket, and feels a hand settle on his head. 
“Don’t worry, mini Natsume,” Nishimura says with a wide grin. He’s crouched down again, so Natsume doesn’t have to tilt his head back to look up at him. “They’re some of Natsume’s friends. Ours, too! Real good ones. Oh, and they have his ugly cat with them, of course they do.” 
Kind people have kind friends. Natsume’s pretty sure that’s something he knows. So he steps out from behind Kitamoto, but keeps a hand clenched around the hem of his jacket, and feels a little bit better when Nishimura drops a friendly hand on his head. 
The two new people seem nice, he thinks. They look really worried, but they also look relieved to see him, and with a guilty pang he wonders if maybe he had been missed by someone in this place, after all. 
“Sorry,” he says without thinking, once introductions have been made. He can’t bring himself to talk very loud, but they all fall quiet around him anyway. The attention is nearly too much. He wants to hide behind Kitamoto again. “For – for being lost.” 
“You don’t need to apologize,” Tanuma says. He stoops to talk to Natsume, too, the way Nishimura did. “We were afraid something happened to you, that’s all. I’m glad these two found you when they did.”
“Come to think of it,” Nishimura says brightly, in a tone that promises trouble. “It’s kinda weird Natsume didn’t tell us he’d have a little doppleganger running around town this weekend. Just seems like something he’d mention.” 
“On top of that, he told us he doesn’t have any close relatives,” Kitamoto adds, with steely resolve in his voice. “That’s why he moved to this town in the first place. He wouldn’t lie about something like that, not to us.” 
Wherever this place is, Natsume thinks, awed, it would have been nice to live here all along. Whatever he did to earn friends like these, he wishes he could have done it sooner. 
Tanuma is rubbing a hand through his hair awkwardly, and Natsume missed the excuse he came up with but it must have been a weak one, because Kitamoto and Nishimura aren’t buying it.
“No way,” Nishimura says vehemently, “I know that look in your eye, Tanuma. That’s the Natsume Look. The last time you looked like that was the other day, when he totally zoned out and nearly walked straight into traffic.”
“Same look,” Kitamoto agrees, face folded into a scowl. “You only come running like that when it’s for him, so explain why you came running like that for a grade schooler who looks just like him.”
“And before you try it, I know it’s not his brother,” Nishimura adds with certainty. “He doesn’t have one.” 
Natsume shuffles back a step, heart racing. He doesn’t like arguments, they always lead into fights. He doesn’t want to cause trouble – honestly, despite everything, he really doesn’t. 
They don’t think he’s a liar yet, and he doesn’t want to change their minds, but he doesn’t want these friends to fight. This place and these people are good, and he doesn’t want to be what makes that good go away. 
“Um,” he says, faltering under the weight of five stares. “Um, maybe – it would be okay to tell them.”
His heart thumps painfully in his chest as he says it, because he’s been here before and it never goes right. But a sudden touch has Natsume looking down, and he’s surprised to find the tanuki – the cat yokai leaning its considerable weight in a companionable way against his leg. It’s purring, dark eyes glinting something close to green in the sun, and even without speaking it seems to be giving Natsume a nudge.
It’s familiar, he realizes. He knows what that grinning face is trying to tell him. He pets it carefully, a little dazed, and tries to remember a time anyone else has ever said to him “I’m right behind you.” He can’t. 
“Okay,” he whispers. 
It pushes out of his hand with a huff, shaking out its fur, and then says grumpily, “Alright, brats, you heard him. Let’s just air this out right now.” 
Nishimura and Kitamoto both spring away with a yelp, and Kitamoto plucks Natsume right off the ground, holding him up and away from the talking calico. Everything is dead silent for a handful of seconds that feels like an hour. The gentle breeze is the loudest thing in the world as it rustles through the trees lining the road. 
Tanuma buries his face in both hands, and Taki says, “Nyanko-sensei! You know better!”
“We weren’t solving anything just standing around, were we! And besides, these idiots may be thick but they’re not thick enough to buy whatever cover story the priest’s brat puts together.”
“A cat just called me an idiot,” Nishimura whispers. Natsume dangles in Kitamoto’s arms, trying to wrap his mind around the novel concept of another human protecting him from a harmless yokai. That might have been the most ridiculous thing to happen so far today, and Natsume muffles his mouth behind both hands and laughs. 
The bickering cuts off as abruptly as it started, and Natsume is lowered slowly to the ground. He’s still grinning a little bit when he stops giggling – he can’t help it! “I wish I met you sooner, Nyanko-sensei,” he says, stretching his hands out for the cat. “It would have been a lot easier to make people believe me if I had you around.”
The cat waddles over agreeably, giving Tanuma a smug look from the circle of Natsume’s arms, and Natsume glances up when Nishimura tentatively draws closer. 
“So, call me crazy,” he says, with a nervous smile, “but I think I’d know that laugh anywhere. What have you got yourself into this time, Natsume?”
Kind people have kind friends. For the life of him, Natsume doesn’t know what it took for someone like him to get close to people like this, but he’ll do it again – over and over, forever, if that’s what it takes to keep them.
He hugs Nyanko-sensei close, and smiles up at the older boy he doesn’t know, who knows him so well. 
“A monster made me little again,” he says. “Will you help me?”
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