#I already have twenty billion things to do. help. please.
capricioussun · 26 days
I was thinking about designs and got torn on a specific trait for either Lace or Heartfell Papyrus and then my mind said "haha man what if you combined them, he'd be the most pink and heart covered skeleton in the world haha" and I have been trying to keep the thoughts at bay, but I'm growing weak to the thought of fusions between all my different guys...
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Thoughts on Thirty, From A Twenty-Four-Year-Old
This isn’t exactly advice, but a bit of observation: I think many teenagers and early twentysomethings need to start reforming their relationship with aging.
There is a direct correlation between all the eighteen-year-olds saying, “Thirty is so old,” and the amount of twenty-nine-year-olds having existential despair that thirty is coming at them so quickly.
If you spend your teens and twenties thinking the rest of your adulthood will be a progressive decline into decay, you won’t be able to magically switch off that attitude once you reach thirty.  
PLEASE start internalizing that thirty isn’t the year when you will magically start to whither and degrade.  There are countless companies who benefit from you believing this, and cosmetic procedures and age-masking makeup is a multi-billion dollar industry based on the fear of aging that they willingly help to exacerbate.
I’m twenty-four, and I have friends my age who are already thinking about preventative botox.  I see TikToks advising young women to stop smiling and raising their eyebrows.  And I think we really need to internalize that wrinkles and creases are a normal thing that EVERYONE develops, which in many cases can add to one’s beauty and charm.  
I love seeing people with smile lines and eye-crinkles.  I love graying temples.  I love people who project vitality through their attitude and who live life to its fullest rather than trying to make themselves expressionless to try to stave off age.
Free yourself.  Older people can be beautiful.  Wrinkles can be beautiful.  The way you live, what you do, your attitude and the way you carry yourself -- these are the greatest contributors to beauty. 
You have beautiful decades ahead of you.
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tuesday again 5/28/2024
we are rapidly approaching the one-year anniversary of my ill-fated cross country move. i have changed from having a bad time in massachusetts to having a bad time in texas, but this time with my best friend's shoulder to cry on in real life. so an improvement i suppose
i can't fucking believe this wasn't already in my driving playlist. thanks autogenerated spotify dance playlist
the maltese falcon by dashiell hammett. i didn't really appreciate philip marlowe the-human-detective-not-my-cat's bisexual eye for interior design and outfits until i started reading this book. this passage really threw me with regards to shoes before pants in what i assume is a fairly normal suit and not a specific type of formalwear? i have a very specific blind fashion blind spot and that's pre-wwii menswear
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this led to an absolutely VICIOUS argument with my bestie bc our grandfathers were from very different eras and held themselves to very different levels of formality. hers was a fancy white collar bastard and mine wasn't. i never saw mine in a suit outside a funeral.
anyway i KNOW that the fashion in the latter half of the twenties up to WWII was for a very wide legged pant (the oxford bag) and i GUESS you could certainly shove your whole goddamn shoe down that leg but like. it threw me. socks before pants, certainly. especially if you have to fuck with sock garters. but shoving your whole shoe down a pant leg seems. well it just seems. there's an order of operations i thought was sacred for most things. was the seat truly so tight in an oxford bag. are suspenders really that awful to bend over in. so much womens formalwear is uncomfy on purpose so i feel like i have a skewed view of acceptable pain for an outfit to cause you
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why am i reading this? can you think of a more on-brand book for me to read? please let me know if you do and i'll add it to The Pile
the tremendously charming soviet childrens film The Tale of Tsar Saltan (1967, Ptushko). court intrigue! a swan princess! giants marching out of the sea! a slightly unsettling squirrel puppet shelling gold and emerald walnuts! a lot of sight gags, some lovely ballet sequences, and there are so many little moving parts to look at in each scene. at its densest it's like howl's bedroom in howl's moving castle
this was on my library's streaming platform Kanopy and i had credits to use up.
two things in genshin that took absolutely forever to accomplish:
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i finally maxed out the overall XP system (not the character XP system) so the game's just been chucking in-game currency at me instead, which has been helpful!
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and i finally caught two thousand fish! very nice to clear like forty fishing spot markers i put down on my map, in advance of the forty billion markers i'll want to put down to mark stuff in the next big release at the end of the summer.
i forgot that i can use my desktop for things that aren't genshin and applying to jobs, so i reinstalled steam and fired up powerwash simulator. they popped out one new DLC in the year since i touched it, a santa's workshop level last winter. a good hour well spent. i spent a LOT of time with this game right before my move last year and it did genuinely help my anxiety.
not a fallow week but a pictureless week. ended up painting most of my best friend's bedroom bc we didn't have anything better to do on a saturday night. i think this was the hardest i've ever raw-dogged a painting project bc we had no tarps or painters tape or paint trays or rollers wider than 3". just a bucket of paint and a need to make the half-painted bedroom wall look nicer for her new job zoom training. we have to do a lot of things like move the bed and paint that wall, and paint the ceiling, and do all the trim + doors, but it does look much nicer on zoom now!
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therealvinelle · 10 months
Apparently Lionsgate is making a new Twilight TV series. Remain to be seen what's it about, whether it'll be a remake of the movies or something new. Say they went with something new, and they somehow choose an idea that you've already done in a fic. Which fic idea do you: a) just really want to see adapted on screen? And b) thinks that they will do justice the most?
(Muffin can also answer this if they want and if their answer's different than yours)
Well, the trouble is I don't really have any particular fics I want to see on screen. More importantly, I don't imagine they would appeal much to any studios. You want something you can sell to producers, but "The romantic male lead commits cold blooded murder because his quasi-brother was too weak. His quasi-brother killed his wife back in the day, the romantic lead is fine with that and the quasi-brother recruits the murdered man's parents into his harem. Then half the cast goes to Egypt without really accomplishing anything. Please give me millions of dollars so I can make this." would not fly.
(The above, for the record, is The Less Than Immaculate Conception by myself and @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin.
Painting Red Madonnas by Muffin wouldn't fare much better, "No the male and female lead don't get together. The loveable goof is really homophobic, and the closest thing we have to a love interest murders a toddler and his own son in front of his horrified wife. Help me get in touch with investors.")
The Bleach in the Brain (by me) miniseries and its sequel miniseries, Leech in the Rain (by @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin and me) would require somebody saying, not only "I want to focus on child abuse and grooming where the white girl protagonist is attacked by a Native American man and disabled at the end", but "I want to depict a bisexual male character whose male former lover, a gay man, is falsely accused of rape, and then he gets sexually assaulted by his son" as well. Also the really hot chick protagonist who looks twenty-five is actually six years old so she can't be marketed as a sexy female character. And then getting funding for all of this.
(They might decide to make a show inspired by Jessica Stanley in those fics, but... god they'd change everything.)
And Then There Were None, same problem. "Please give us money to produce Bella Swan murdering her family for no reason."
Dark Fantasies/Writhing Coils, maybe if I got Guillermo del Toro extremely drunk and called him a coward. Except it would still need funding, so no.
The Invitation, only if the ending is completely changed. Too much of a downer otherwise.
Nebuchadnezzar's Dream would have the producers nodding along until I get to the part where the big battle happens entirely off screen, instead the audience gets to see a gay sex scene. "Full penetration," I say, tapping my powerpoint slide with a stick for emphasis.
"Let's limit her involvement," they whisper to one another, and then I don't sell them the rights so Nebuchadnezzar's Dream is condemned to development hell.
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to London is too out there, and How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bacchanals even more so.
The Man Who Would Be King bonus, since Muffin and I got talking about it: might fly, if briefly. It's more viable than the Twilight ideas (we've got an attractive, young, and sympathetic protagonist, an enemies-to-lovers slow burn, and our male romantic lead hasn't actually murdered anybody on screen so viewers can pull a Damon Salvatore and insist he's alright), trouble is it's not going to stay that way. For now, it's shockingly viable and gets my nomination.
My vote for Twilight fic to be televised, however, assuming I win a billion dollar and nobody can stop me...
For the Love of a Woman.
Everybody loses.
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And that’s the episode.
Sympathetic Amity?  Amity/Luz friendship?  A fanbase that definitely went nuts with shipping because of this episode?  This one has it all!  I really liked that.  I already thought Amity was a good character, and having this additional nuance added to her was very welcome.  And the things it reveals about her character are such good details!  My favorite is the implication that she dyes her hair to fit in with the rest of her family.
I wonder how the twins will come into play in the future.  They’re definitely coming back--Amity fighting back against them is the obvious next step, and I’d be shocked if they hired Erica Lindbeck to say fifteen lines and then vanish--but how I don’t know.
That’ll be it for today--and this is the start of a VERY successful new step for me livebloggingwise!  Four days in a row is more consecutive liveblogging than I’ve managed in YEARS, and being able to approach this is bite-sized chunks is WONDERFUL for my anxiety.  I think I’m going to be quite successful going forward, and you can expect me to liveblog at noon EST every day for the foreseeable future.  (Except tomorrow, tomorrow’s a day off for deep-cleaning my room.)
Up next is going to be me working on my backlog of Patron Picks--I’m WAY behind, and I have some stuff from all the way back in October that I need to do.  The next liveblog we’re doing is the first half of Fooly Cooly’s final episode, so tune in for that tomorrow!  I’m also going to be starting today’s Final Fantasy XIV stream today in about twenty minutes, so tune in there if you want to watch me make my way through Heavensward!
As always, thank you for tuning in, and thank you to the 48 patrons on my Patreon who make it so I can pay my rent and bills!  I’ll see you next time!
I have an ongoing first playthrough of Final Fantasy XIV that I’ve been streaming on Twitch! If you’d like to tune in when I’m live, I stream it every Saturday at 1 PM EST, and I upload my stream VODs to my Youtube channel!  If you’d like to see that playlist, click here!
I recently completed my first playthrough of Hi-Fi Rush!  You can see the full playlist of those streams by clicking here!
I recently completed my first playthrough of the Dead Space remake!  You can see the full playlist of those streams by clicking here!
If you’d like to help me pay my rent, buy me some food, or help with my bills and medicine, please use my direct donation link!  If you’d like to support me per liveblog completed every month, please pledge to my Patreon!  If you’d like to support my streams or pick a game for me to stream, you can pledge to my stream Patreon too!
You should also go pledge to Gio’s Patreon, or his Sponsus–our Discord server maintenance tech and creator of Rubybot deserves far more than I can afford to pledge to him by myself.
If you’d like more of me and my content:
My Episode Lists master page, where you can find every show and liveblog I’ve done!
My Discord server, where you can come hang out with me and other fans, check out member liveblogs, and join community gaming guilds!
My Twitch channel, where I stream variety games every so often!
My Youtube channel, where you can check out past streams!
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My merch store, where you can get shirts, mugs, stickers, and more!
It’s your kindness and support that lets me do this stuff, and I wouldn’t be where I am without all of you to do it for.  Thank you all so much for your support, and for tuning in every episode!
I may have been one of the earlier Steven Universe liveblogs, but a whole community of livebloggers has sprung up over the last six years!   I linked to a bunch individually for a few wrap-ups, but honestly, this end-slate is already eight billion miles long, so I’m just gonna link to my links page.  Click here if you want recommendations of other livebloggers, or other neat people, or webcomics and podcasts that I recommend.
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hudazavery · 11 months
I just turned 25 this month! So here are…
24 Things I Learned in 24 Years
1. Heartbreak feels like the end of the world, but it isn’t. Give yourself a few months and you will be just fine, I promise.
2. Time flies faster than you’ll realize. Find joy and happiness in the most mundane day-to-day events.
3. Don’t just date for marriage. You may or may not spend the rest of your life with this person, but just enjoy the moment and the way you feel right now.
4. Your twenties are just the beginning of your life. You don’t have to have much figured out yet.
5. Your standards aren’t too high. You are amazing and it is worth waiting for an amazing person that will be everything you have ever dreamed of. If you have certain requirements that you want your future partner to fulfill, make sure you never settle for any less.
6. The world is bigger than it feels. It’s easy to get lost in your mind and feel trapped. If you’re able to, travel as far as you can and see a different part of the world.
7. Whatever you’re worrying about right now probably won’t matter in a year from now. So don’t worry about it too much now.
8. Stop putting pressure on yourself saying “I need to do ____ while I’m still young”. You have your whole life to do anything you like. Every phase of your life is equally important; your twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, sixties, seventies and if you’re lucky, your eighties. Stop putting pressure on yourself to overachieve at your age.
9. Don’t sleep with makeup on. Ever. Please.
10. Meeting your life partner takes some trial and error, and that’s okay. It may take a couple of heart breaks, but every heart break brings you one step closer to your forever person.
11. Be exactly the person you want to be. Write down every detail about your “ideal self”, like how you look, how your personality is, how you dress, how you live your day to day life. Then be this exact version of yourself that you want to be. Live like you are already this ideal person. Life is too short to be unhappy with yourself.
12. On good days you won’t understand why you’ve ever been sad. On bad days you’ll forget what it’s like to be happy. Bad and good days will keep happening in life, but that’s okay.
13. Always have high standards, but also always be the best person you can be. Guys deserve to be treated with love and respect and softness. Be everything for him that you want him to be for you. A relationship requires effort from both ends.
14. Prioritize prayers. Stop putting off praying five times a day and start today.
15. Always be gentle and kind to everyone around you. Always forgive. Always treat people with kindness so that you never have any bad moments that you will regret someday.
16. You are living your best life if you continue to make mistakes. It’s a part of the growth process.
17. Prioritize friends and family. They love you no matter what.
18. Money comes and goes. As soon as you have enough money to buy something you really want or travel to a place you really want to go to, do it!
19. Life goes by fast. Wake up early every day and enjoy the smaller slower things in life. Read a book, cook something, live at a slow pace if you like.
20. Life is too short to be around people that make you unhappy. Cut off the toxic boyfriend or the harmful friends. There are billions of people in this world, and you are bound to meet people better than the ones you’re cutting off.
21. Wear what you want. Trust me, you should feel happy in your outfits every day. Every outfit should be your favourite outfit.
22. Forgive others, not necessarily for them but for yourself. It will help you gain closure and not harbour feelings of remorse or anger. Forgiving and letting go will help you move on.
23. Find a balance when it comes to finances. Don’t spend money recklessly, but don’t be frugal. My best advice is to save 33% of every pay check, spend 33% for personal needs and allow yourself to spend 33% for fun stuff. You shouldn’t be too uptight with money since money comes and goes, but truthfully most of the fun things you want to do in life you will need money for. Also stop using your credit card once you don’t have enough money to pay it off. Interest builds up really fast.
24. Life is too short to not be happy. You don’t have to live your life the way you think you should live it. Some people’s idea of happiness is partying and spending time with friends. Some people are happier focusing on career or education. Some people like to stay home and watch movies with their siblings. Whatever your form of happiness is, do exactly that. Happiness looks different for everyone, and you deserve to live your life the way you want to.
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mrssimply · 1 year
15th: Rain
In my little experience about fandom, there are phases: the fix-it phase (which comes first generally, in an attempt to heal the damage made by the source material), then the canon compliant-different POV fics, then the branching-from-canon AUs, the canon divergent AUs, the what ifs AUs and finally, the crossover and tropes AUs.
And I belive each fandom and pairing need at least one coffee AU (that we got here courtesy of Danypooh80), one bookshop or flower shop AU, and one university AU. And since the last two don't exist for Kerry/V I decided to do it!
You can find the prompt list here.
Every fic will be posted on my AO3 Account here.
Please, enjoy the softness :D That one is t-rated.
It’s raining, which always brings a strange atmosphere over Night City. Things get calmer, as calm as they can be in such a mastodon of wires, metal and rust. To V, it means less business, but it’s fine because he was getting late on accounts and the management of the shop’s social media pages. 
He’s trying to decide between two fonts for his next announcement about the dried flower crowns,  a huge hit of the previous fall, when a customer stumbles in with a curse. He stops right on the threshold to look back at the downpour with a weary sigh.
“Great, just fuckin’ great,” he mutters before looking around, like he just noticed he came into a flower shop. V can’t really see his expression since he appears in profile to him, and the stranger is wearing a huge pair of glasses, like a headband over his eyes. Still, this face looks familiar and V is already racking his brain trying to make the connection. 
When the man finally turns, it hits V like a punch to the gut. The cyberware around his throat gives him away, even if it’s partially hidden under a dove gray turtleneck, and if not that then the telltale chrome lines on his cheeks would. This is Kerry Eurodyne, the famous rockerboy, the last one if you believed some screamsheets, the guy with the twenty albums, nearly all platinum, and billions of records sold internationally. He’s also a pure NC product, and every citizen’s wet dream, even at his age.
“Welcome to Misty’s Flower Shop,” V says automatically, a sentence that’s been ingrained in his brain since he started working here two years ago. Today he’s glad for it because the alternative would have been a very awkward silence.
The rockstar eyes V suspiciously, probably trying to determine if he’s about to turn into a crazy fanboy or not, so the shopkeeper forces himself not to gape and act as naturally as possible.
He lets the celebrity walk around the tiny shop for half a minute, but it’s obvious Eurodyne ended up in the shop to take shelter from the rain first and foremost. V wonders how he ended up walking through Little China, since the young man thought famous people went everywhere by cars or AV.
“Can I help you?” V asks when he can’t bear the silence one more minute.
The rocker chuckles nervously and glances up at him. The glasses are lightly tinted, allowing V a glimpse of eyes he knows are blue. They look sheepish.
“Not really I…”
“Got caught in the rain?” V finishes and the man nods. Another ten painfully awkward seconds before the florist straightens. “Do you want coffee? Tea?”
Eurodyne seems surprised by the offer, and a flash of suspicion zaps through his gaze. V holds his ground, trying to look like having a celebrity in his shop is no big deal. It’s not even his shop, it’s his friend’s shop, she is the real floral artist, he’s just helping her for some money while he figures out his life.
Again, the rocker mumbles a curse that sounds like a “fuck it” and comes closer.
“Coffee would be great. Actually ran away from a meeting, and they didn’t even offer me some, so really the last time I had any was this morning, I mean, when I woke up, so maybe four hours ago but let me tell you, that’s too long.”
V blinks in the following silence. That was…
“Shit,” the famous singer says with a wry smile before running his hands over his face. “Anyway, yes please and thank you.”
V turns stiffly toward the back room, managing to throw a weird smile at the man before practically running. He bites the inside of his cheek hard not to laugh because this was so strange! Who would have thought Kerry Eurodyne, who could perform in front of entire arenas and work the public like a pro, would be a nervous mess in his daily life? V has seen interviews, he’s not like this on screen for interviews either, so maybe it’s just a weird day for him.
He loses his smile once he realizes he doesn’t have coffee. He used to drink it but hanging out with Misty means he slowly shifted to tea, never really noticing until he couldn’t drink a drop of the grinded beans beverage without having to run for the bathroom.
Bracing himself for more awkwardness, he makes tea and brings two cups with the teapot. Surprisingly, Eurodyne is still there, looking around with curiosity. He’s still wearing his glasses but he’s pushed them down his nose to look at some blue dahlias. They match his eyes, V thinks, standing like a gonk with the tray.
He puts everything on the little counter with the laptop, and the noise startles the rocker.
“I don’t have coffee, sorry.”
“Why did you offer some, then?”
“I forgot I don’t drink it anymore.”
Eurodyne sniffs the aroma of the tea and pulls a face, which makes V scowl internally. This is not Caliente. The singer still takes the tea, tries to drink it right away and burns his tongue before V has the time to warn him.
It’s too much, V laughs out loud, and gets glared at.
“Sorry, it’s just, the face you made was so cute, like you were outraged the tea dared to burn you,” V explains before turning away to laugh some more. It takes him a minute to stifle his chuckles, and ten more seconds before he dares looking at the celebrity again. 
He’s watching him with the ghost of a smile on his lips, something amused, and V freezes because here he is, the charismatic singer. 
“Sorry,” he repeats, suddenly sobering up.
Eurodyne doesn’t say anything, just takes back the tea to blow on it. He frowns, tries to put it back to his lips and discovers it’s still too hot so he puts it back on the trail with a frustrated huff.
“This your shop?” he asks suddenly.
“Nope. Friend of mine. I’m just working for her, she is the real deal.”
Kerry nods, like he thought as much and V should feel offended but he can’t. Something that feels strangely like fondness is spreading through him.
“Do you grow them? The flowers?”
“A friend does, yeah. Another one. Misty, that’s the shop owner, makes the bouquets.”
“So you’re not Misty.”
“Nope,” V pops the P with a frown, not getting where this is going.
“No, ‘cause, with the name of the shop and you inside I thought maybe you were Misty.”
Apparently, they’re back on awkward conversation, if they ever left.
“No, that’s my friend… as I said.”
Eurodyne snorts and takes off his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“Fuck, man, it’s just… It’s been such a week, promise I’m not usually this… like that,” he finishes lamely. 
“It’s alright, it’s not everyday I got a celebrity in the shop.”
The rocker winces then shrugs.
“Want an autograph?”
V knows the probably cool thing would be to say no, act like it’s not big deal, but the fourteen years old inside of him is absolutely screaming at him to say yes.
Eurodyne gives him a wry smile while V gives him a flyer about the shop special event of last week and a sharpie.
“So… What’s your name.”
“V? Like, the letter V?”
“Well, only my closest friends get to know my full name…” He tells the rockstar without heat, but firmly enough, like he does with everyone else. The man looks at him for a long second, a glimpse of something interested in his gaze, before he shrugs again.
“V it is.”
He pushes back the flyers toward the young shopkeeper.
“I heard it sells well,” he adds, tapping the paper he just signed with the pen.
“Really?” V blurts before registering how rude it sounded, “I mean…”
But Eurodyne just smiles, charming and confident.
“Really,” he rumbles, leaning on his elbows against the counter. “So, V,” he continues, and the letter rolls in his mouth like thick dark chocolate. It makes the young man shivers, “got anything that says ‘sorry I cheated on you?’”
It brings V back on earth very fast.
“Huh… Yeah?”
“Then please, the biggest you can make.”
When he glances at the shopkeeper, his face appears drawn, tired, for a moment he looks his age. V observes him for a few seconds more before retreating to the back of the shop. Misty might be the artist, but she’s been teaching V the ropes, since his soul searching is taking longer than anticipated.
He starts composing the bouquet following her teachings, and adding his own touch, just like she always asks him to do. 
He brings his creation back to the rocker, who is apparently on the holo with someone.
“Fuck, I said sorry how many times now? What do you want from me, huh?”
He ignores V when he put the gigantic bouquet on the counter and frowns again. “No, Lou — Lets talk this through, you know I didn’t — shit,” he concludes as the call disconnects. 
He sighs, turns back to V and his eyes fall on the enormous flower composition.
“Yep, that ought to do it. I thought yellow was code for cheating in the flower language?” he comments, nudging a mimosa with the tip of his finger.
“We don’t do that here, it’s not the eighteenth century anymore,” V replies with an exasperated expression. It makes the rocker snorts and smile.
“True, how much?”
V rings it, and just as he finishes, a cab pulls in front of the shop. It’s a Delamain, so there is no doubt it’s for his unusual client.
“Thanks V,” Eurodyne says, taking the bouquet without much care and getting out of the shop.
Later, V looks up the news about Eurodyne, and sure enough, he’s been spotted with a man, a new one, and apparently his wife is fed up with that. He tells Misty about it the next time she comes with new arrangements, and she listens with a mysterious smile.
“The rain led him here, interesting,” she concludes and V refrains from pointing out that the rain didn’t do anything, it’s all a coincidence, a funny one. He shuts up because he knows it’s no use with her and sighs internally before going back to the accounts. He still hasn’t finished them.
He glances at the flyer pinned on the wall to his left, the one with a “Thanks for the tea, V,” messily scrawled over a very famous signature.
Imagine his surprise when about a week later, Eurodyne is back in his shop, right before closing. It’s another rainy day so V glares at the universe for playing that game on him with Misty.
“Welcome to Misty’s Flower Shop,” he says and Eurodyne gives him a wry smile.
“Had to come late, avoid the fans, ya know,” he says as an apology for getting in right as V was turning the sign to closed. Once in the shop, he takes his glasses off and wow, he looks like shit.
It must be apparent on V’s expression, because the celebrity winces before rubbing at his nape.
“Yeah,” he concurs.
They hovers near the entrance, and V realizes Eurodyne is smaller than him, not by a lot but enough it’s noticeable. He’s also once again drenched.
“Did you come on foot?”
“Yeah I… Couldn’t remember the name, had to retrace my steps. It started raining again.”
The pause stretches as V gets a bit lost in his eyes. They are bloodshot with lack of sleep or something else but mostly, they look so, so sad. It pulls at V’s heart in an unexpected way.
“You want Co — Tea. You want tea?”
Eurodyne smirks and nods, and V suddenly remember how to function. When he comes back with the tea, the rocker has his head caught in his hands, elbows on the counter, taking deep breaths.
“You ok?” V asks gently.
Eurodynes raises his head and gives him a small smile.
“You got anything that says ‘please don’t leave me’?”
V’s gaze saddens and he nods silently.
“This for your wife or… The guy.”
“Ah, someone did his homework,” the rocker says, “it’s for Louise. My wife.”
V takes his time making the bouquet with what’s left in the shop at this hour. He really tries to put everything he knows to make one beautiful arrangement, but he’s still nervous when he comes out to give it to the musician.
“Sorry, there isn’t much left at this hour… Misty is bringing new things tomorrow.”
“It’s fine, it’s beautiful, V,” Eurodyne says tiredly. He blows on the tea slowly, having learned his lesson, and takes a sip.
“This really doesn’t taste like much.”
“It will grow on you,” V finds himself saying before biting his tongue because this is exactly what Misty used to say, and the rocker looks as skeptical as V felt at the time.
Silence stretches between them, and V can’t really keep the question to himself.
“Do you love her, your wife?”
It’s notably known that Eurodyne prefers men, though he’s been with a few women. When he announced his marriage to Louise Nordin, a lot of people were surprised, some became even accusatory and said he was a coward trying to fit in like they hadn’t ever heard about bisexuality. But it’s also widely known that this marriage has been tanking for a year or so.
Eurodyne sighs and rakes a hand through his hair.
���Yeah. I do. Used to. I think.” It’s clearly not an enthusiastic endorsement. “Was in a weird place when I married her. Thought I wanted to try the piquet fence and two point five children, ya know?”
V doesn’t, but he nods anyway.
“It was pleasant for a while. Then it became fucking boring. I do stupid shit when I’m bored and well, here we are.”
“She is asking for divorce?”
“Not yet… Soon, probably.”
“And you want to stay with her?”
Eurodyne looks at him, bites his lips.
“I want to be able to say that I tried,” he confesses, and it seems to surprise him more than V, how honest he was in his answer.
He rubs his eyes and chuckles dryly.
“Shit, why am I telling you all this? You’ll probably sell it to the media. How much?” he snaps, pointing to the floral arrangement, suddenly angry and V fumbles with the laptop to ring the bouquet, too surprised to try and protest.
Eurodyne looks outside, at the rain still pouring. There is no cab waiting. He gets out with the bouquet, not looking at V, and disappears into the night.
Frantically for the next week, V refreshes the gossip pages and puts an alert on Kerry Eurodyne, convinced the rocker got mugged on his way back home. But apparently not, because nothing pops and V is pretty sure it would make the headline of most screamsheets if he was dead.
He finds himself listening to old records at home while he tries to finish the accounts.
Half a month later, V knows that Louise asked for divorce, it’s been on every gossip page, just like the wedding had at the time. He is reading a very intrusive article and feeling outraged on Kerry's behalf as he waits for water to boil. His angry muttering gets interrupted when the chime of the entrance indicates a new customer. V frowns, he was about sure he turned the sign to closed.
When he walks in the shop proper, he’s half surprised, and half not when he discovers it’s Eurodyne again: it was raining the whole day.
He looks dejected and small in a too big hoodie, but offers a wry smile at V.
“Hey,” he says softly, like they’ve known each other for years and not just met twice. Something warm grows inside V’s heart that makes him clear his throat.
Once the herbal beverage is cooling down between them, Eurodyne glances around, his eyes stopping on new flowers Misty brought back yesterday.
“She sure knows how to choose them,” the rocker comments like he knows anything about flowers, but V agrees anyway.
“I'm surprised it works, your little shop. It’s far from the usual spots and who still buys flower nowaday?”
“Lost superstars, apparently.”
“I’m not lost,” he snaps back, prompting V to raise placating hands.
“I mean, the first time, you were lost, right?”
Eurodyne blinks, and then seems to relax.
He takes his cup, brings his hands around to warm them and looks at the tea with half lowered lids, like he can find some answers in the perfumed liquid.
“She is taking everything, ya know. Being a real bitch, and my lawyer isn’t super enthusiastic about the fact I’m happy to let her have it. He never is, I think he doesn’t like me.”
V can’t help but snort at his petulant tone.
“That’s terrible,” he says and the amused tone makes Eurodyne glare at him, but it’s half hearted.
“Wanna know the worst? Now that it’s official, I actually feel relieved.”
“Means it was the right thing to do,” V replies, quoting Misty.
“Being such an asshole my wife dumped me?”
“Er — I meant…” But the rocker is smiling mischievously.
“I get it, thanks, V,” he sighs, looks around once more before focusing abc on his tea. “Johnny would probably laugh and say I had it coming, trying to play the corpo drone.”
“Johnny Silverhand?”
“Ha, you’re a real fan. Bit young, no? Who was it? Dad, mom?”
“Nah, my best-friend’s mom. She is a true rocker at heart. She hated that her son preferred spanish larzpop.”
Eurodyne winces like he agrees.
"We would side against him, she and I. They could talk for hours about music, but neither could hold a tune.”
“What happened?” Eurodyne asks after a moment of silence.
“You’re using the past tense, what happened?”
V feels a wave of anxious heat spread through him, and he fidgets as the old wound reopens.
“He… He died.”
The rocker doesn’t say sorry, but his eyes clouds with shared pain. That's something they got in common, best friend’s lost at the hand of Arasaka. The story spills out of V before he's made the conscious choice.
“We were mercs for a while. Got a gig to steal something from Arasaka. We botched it, he didn’t make it and I had to lie low so… Misty was his girlfriend, I thought about leaving NC but she convinced me to stay. We… We’ve been helping each other with the grief,” he concludes, looking down.
Eurodynes shifts, brings a hand to V’s shoulders.
“It gets better, promise,” he says and the young man finds himself on the verge of tears but he nods.
“What was his name?”
“Jackie,” V mumbles, and it’s suddenly too much. Shakily, he asks: “You… You needed anything?”
“Yeah," the musicnabreplies softly after a moment of silence, "Something that says ‘I’m sorry’?”
V retreats to the backroom and work on the bouquet at the same time he tries to manage his emotions. When he comes back, Eurodyne is gone, and only left behind another note “put it on my bill, for Johnny and Jackie” scribbled on a post-it note.
After that encounter, V sort of slides into a contemplative mood. He feels something shift inside of him. It's strange, like shedding a heavy coat he's been wearing since Jackie's death. Seeing his face, Misty insists he should take a trip, that a change of air and seeing some friends would do him some good. 
The shop keeper is reluctant to do it, even if he can tell she's right. What if Kerry Eurodyne came back while he was away? 
The truth is, V can't stop thinking about him, not the superstar, but the man. This person he's started calling just Kerry in his mind. This man who shared his grief, who seemed to understand it viceraly…
But the celebrity doesn't come back and Misty, tired of hearing him sigh mornfully, tells him to take two weeks while she does spring cleaning. Since it's a process involving not just brooms, but purification rituals V is really suspicious of, he accepts.
Two weeks later, when V comes back feeling refreshed and strangely hopeful, Misty informs him that he had a visit while he was gone.
V’s heart pounds in his chest at her enigmatic smile.
“Said he was coming to settle his debt and asked about you. He left his phone number.” She explains before sliding a Caliente receipt at him. On it is a number, barely decipherable, smudged by what V would bet is rainwater, and a name: Kerry Eurodyne.
A year later.
V is humming a tune under his breath as he cleans the workshop at the back. He just finished the accounts for the month and decided a little bit of cleaning would help him clear his mind from the debilitating excel lines he worked on.
Distractedly, he puts water to boil, and two cups beside it. He’s just finished pouring the water into the teapot when the door chimes. With a grin, he goes back upfront, expression widening when he sees it’s indeed Kerry.
He then snorts when he sees the rockerboy is wet like a drowned cat, and looking supremely annoyed by that fact. He is shaking his hands to get rid of the excessive water, cursing a blue streak and moaning about his leather vest being wet.
The moment he spots V, though, his face transforms into a big smile and he saunters to the counter.
“Hey you.”
“Hey,” V breathes back in answer, heart racing  joyfully in his chest and cheeks flushing sweetly. He has it bad.
Kerry makes a small noise of happiness when he spots the tea, taking his cup and smelling the subtle aroma with delight.
“Jasmine tea, my favorite.”
“Yeah,” V replies, still trying to rewire his brain into working properly. He’s used to it, though. Seeing Kerry sort of makes him short circuit every time like he’s fourteen and having his first crush. A part of him hopes it won’t ever stop being like this.
“You were right, ya know?” Kerry declares, “It grew on me.”
V's smile blooms bigger and he chuckles.
“I’ll tell Misty she converted another poor unsuspecting soul.”
“Don’t think Misty had much to do with this, it was your dashing smile that did the heavy lifting.”
V blushes harder under Kerry’s mischievous smile, then the rocker leans across the counter to catch V’s cute pink apron and pull him closer.
“I have a request,” he whispers against the young shopkeeper's lips.
“Yeah. Something that says ‘I love you’?”
V grins and closes the slim distance between their mouths, kissing him fully.
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hyperrealisticblood · 2 months
can i say marios madness for the fandom one is that allowed
okay hopefully this one will be shorter and i wont write twenty billion words. funny scary mario mod
favorite character: its a tie between dj hallyboo and mx for me. hallyboo has been my blorbo in law for years now so i already liked him as a character before the mod dropped and people actually started giving a fuck about him. mx is just neat :]
least favorite character: why the fuck is racist mario here. girl go home (second place is chris pratt if he even counts)
5 favorite ships (canon or non-canon): (skipping this one because i cant think of five ships sorry </3)
character i find most attractive: i would let mx do the most heinous shit to me like im not even fucking joking. when i saw powerdown v2 for the first time and i saw how fucking massive i was something fundamental changed inside of my mind. i am moving on before i say something that gets this blog taken down
character i would marry: uh. somari seems the least likely to kill me so i guess him!!!
character i would be best friends with: see above
a random thought: i will never understand why sm64 classified got three songs. like im sure its a fine series but youre telling me we got a second song about luigi in mario 64 and not victim 01. fuck off
an unpopular opinion: i dont think anyone who follows this blog is trapped in funkin discourse purgatory like i am (for the love of god please help me) but when the mod came out there was a lot of debate surrounding the fact that boyfriend expresses things like fear and anger in various songs. for those not in the know (KEEP IT THAT WAY) in canon funkin the reason given that bf and gf are never scared of the enemies is that "theyre too stupid to be afraid". i already dont like that because it makes them boring as fuck so i dont mind mm deviating from that at all. could you imagine mm if bf and gf were just sat there making their fucking free roblox cosmetic ass expressions for two hours. i would have committed higurashi fingernail scene
my canon OTP: grand dad and somari canonically being married is soooo swag
non-canon OTP: i mean its vaguely canon on one side because of pasta night but shinto/coronation peach is :]
most badass character: devil mario stinks so bad of "2000s edgy deviantart oc" and i fuck with it heavy
pairing i am not a fan of: mx/coronation peach :( that is a lesbian and a gay man to me lmao
character i feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i cant really think of any?? i think the art in day out is scuffed as fuck but i dont think that counts
favorite friendship: i miss mx and lord x being bros so bad....... like i wouldnt mind if it just wasnt canon anymore but the fact that its also banned as a fanon thing really sucks :(
anyways sorry for talking about friday night funkin. i will absolutely do it again
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moemoemammon · 3 years
Ok. I need to get this idea out to someone. Solomon and mc are messing with potions for class and he accidentally gives mc a “youth” potion that makes you look younger. It turns mc into like a 4 year old for like a couple of days. What do you think would be the demon brothers (any) reaction to babysitting their master? What would they do? Idk i think it would be a little funny.
You’ve Gotta Be KIDding me, MC!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
He'll be exchanging words with that sorcerer bastard later. You can bet on that.
Lucifer doesn't take kindly to the idea of MC having run ins with magic in general, but at least this seems to be on the tamer side of the magical spectrum. And he had to admit, it's sort of amusing.
He intentionally watches you try to handle things on your own. Be it reaching for things too high up, stubbornly carrying things too heavy for your tiny arms, or making messes when you try to tidy up, Lucifer waits patiently until you ask for help (or until he can't take it anymore).
Treats you like he always does, despite your size. He doesn't talk to you like a child, or try to force toys and nap times onto you, but may or may not tease you when it's only the two of you. After all, you may look like a child, but that doesn't mean you are one. It's still funny to harass you a little, though.
"As independent as you may be, please refrain from trying to climb up onto the counter. If you need something, ask one of my brothers, or myself. If that isn't obvious enough, perhaps a 'time-out' is in order?"
When Mammon recovers from laughing for twenty minutes, (and also making threats on Solomon's life) he then decides to take a billion pictures of you. Now calls you 'munchkin' and variations of it.
And if you thought he was clingy before, just wait till you see how he is now. You're ACTUALLY helpless and vulnerable. I mean, you'd hardly make an appetizer for a random demon! So Mammon's gotta keep an eye on you. Maybe even a toddler leash-
Unintentionally treats you like an actual child. His older brother mode kicks in, and he finds himself taking care of you as naturally as breathing. Mammon? Being responsible?? It's more likely than you think.
He hands you a cup of juice before you can say 'I'm thirsty'. He'll slide over some sliced up fruits before your stomach has a chance to growl. You're tired? No kidding. That's why he's got a blanket and pillow on the sofa for you.
"Where do ya think you're goin', short stack? Nowhere without ME, that's where! I already told ya, if there's somethin' ya need, just tell me!" "Huh? I'm spoilin' ya too much? S-so what if I am?!"
Solomon came in with a child in tow that looked a hell of a lot like MC, and this man nearly had a heart attack. There's no way... did those two have a secret love child?! Th-that's just-!! Oh, it's only MC.
WAIT A MINUTE...TH-THIS IS....! ISNT THIS JUST LIKE 'DETECTIVE C*NAN'? Uwaaah... Just look at you! You're still just as smart as before, but you've become super small! Talk about the ultimate gap moe!!!
Levi isn't a big fan of the idea of tiny, sticky hands touching his things, so he's glad you've still got your normal brainpower. That being said, he finds himself talking to you normally. Maybe even easier than before!
It kinda throws him off that you guys can't do the things you'd normally do together. Your fingers don't have their usual dexterity so playing games is a challenge, and your attention span is a little shorter so these TSL marathons are killing you. But have no fear, Levi knows a ton of other things you could do together! He won't let something like this spoil his time with his dear Henry!
"If you can't use the controller, let's try something that doesn't need one! I've got a new Ruri Hana VR game with REAL motion and voice tracking! If you say the spells out loud, you'll cast them in game! Ah, and it auto-adjusts to the player's height, so there's nothing to worry about!"
Watching you struggle to enter the House of Lamentation in your oversized RAD uniform nearly sent him to the stratosphere. He inhaled tea when you almost tripped over your blazer and had to get a couple of slaps on the back from Asmo.
Does his best to find a cure for your 'little' problem, but the most that can be done is waiting it out. In the meantime, would you like him to read you a story? Large books are probably difficult on your tiny hands.
Constantly catches himself treating you like a tot. He's not trying to, but he can't help himself when he sees your round eyes staring up at him, or when he watches you try to climb up onto an armchair.
"Up we go- There. It must be hard for you, having to climb up into the chairs like that. I've got a stool if you'd like to use it? Though, I don't mind if you sit on my lap, too." "Hm? I'm embarrassing you? I-I didn't realize how overzealous I was being. Ehem...."
Oh that Solomon and his silly spells and potions, always making trouble! It's just one of his many charm points! And seeing as there are no permanent consequences from this harmless mishap, Asmo's enjoying it to the fullest.
Can you blame him? You're SOOOO cute~! So tiny and adorable! Why would've know that was possible?? Look this way, MC! He wants to take some pictures of you! Lowkey uses you as a photo op prop
He used to work part time at a daycare, you know? Asmo's great with kids! But that also means he's treating you like one. There's personalized snacks, cute little nicknames, and he's already gone and bought you a week's worth of clothes. Nobody tell him it'll only last a day-
He can be a little annoying with the baby talk and all the little activities he's planned for you, but you can tell he's enjoying himself.
"MC, look~! I've got plenty of ribbons to decorate your hair with! I'll let you choose your favorites, and then we can set out in town!" "Hm? Where are we going? To the playground, silly! You must be dying for a play date after being stuck in this dreary house all day, right?"
He was kinda teetering between whether or not he should throw Solomon across the yard like a football when he saw him carrying a teeny MC, but all was forgiven when he learned it was an accident.
Has now designated himself the permanent MC carrier. Your feet will never touch the ground so long as you're a child. And it's no problem for the likes of Beel, when you're as light as a feather! That makes him a little more conscious about being careful with you though-
Be it piggybacking or carrying you in his arms, he hasn't released you since he's spotted you. And don't think he's forgotten about feeding you. Beel's also taken your meal prep upon himself. You'll prefer things that've easy to eat, right? Though it kills gum to give you smaller portions than usual.... it feels cruel...
Somewhere between babying you and treating you as usual. He speaks normally to you as he always does, but prioritizes your needs over everything else. He wants to make sure you're well taken care of until this potion wears off.
"You're sure you've had enough to eat? I know I gave you a snack earlier, but... to think you really can't eat as much as before.. I'll talk to Solomon again. It must be torture to have such a tiny stomach, I'll do my best to get you back to normal."
There's obvious opportunity here, and Belphegor won't let it go to waste. (No not for murder)
He's getting a kick about your new mini mode. How's the weather down there? Do you need him to pick you up so you can reach the high shelves? Don't worry, he'll get you a sippy cup.
When the teasing has settled down, he pays attention to a more pressing matter: you're now the perfect side for cuddling. You're a living hot water bottle, not too big, not too small, tiny and soft and adorable. Er, he won't mention that last part though.
Anyway, Belphie thinks a little kid like you should go on and take a nap now. It's exhausting having such short legs and wandering around the house all day, right? He gets it. You look tired and he knows the solution.
"Ah, you're just as cozy as I thought you'd be... Though, it feels kind of weird holding you like this. It's like holding a stuffed animal, but you're not nearly as cute." "Pfft, what's that face for? Sorry, sorry, I was only teasing."
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
And I Will Still Be Here Stargazing
Batsis x Batfamily Story
Word Count: 1.6K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: I shouldn't be allowed to make new stories when I've already got WIP's to do. Oh well, HERE'S ANOTHER STORY! -Thorne
She glanced through the telescope once more, scanning the expanse of the night sky before her. Giddiness ran through her at the thought of seeing the supposed comet coming back around. Apparently, it was one that hadn’t been seen in two hundred years. It’d taken almost two whole days to convince her dad to let her go out on her own in the field three miles out of town.
Of course, that convincing came with a massive surprise—not—of taking a tracker with her just in case—being the only non-vigilante in her family did make her vulnerable to trouble, but most of their enemies wanted nothing to do with her, so she figured she was alright.
Pulling away from the scope, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket, and she sighed as she answered it, putting it to her ear. “Dad, I already told you, I’m fine.”
You weren’t answering your brothers’ texts. They were worried.
“Oh, for the love of—dad, I’m twenty-one. I shouldn’t have to check in every five freakin’ minutes.”
We worry about you, (Y/N).
“I know,” she griped. “C’mon, one night where I can actually be treated like I have a functioning brain inside my skull. Let me have it.” She glanced up again, seeing something streak across the sky. “Oh, there it is!” (Y/N) grinned. “I gotta go dad! I love you!”
Wait, (Y/N)—
Hanging up, she stowed the phone in her pocket before looking into the glass. “Oh wow,” she breathed. “It’s so beautiful…and big.” (Y/N) hummed and pulled back slightly. “Really, really big. Almost like it’s…coming to earth.”
She took a step back when she realized that was exactly what was happening. The comet, or whatever it was, was barreling towards the field near her and she gasped, taking another step back. Her foot slipped in the mud, and she fell, but the thought of being obliterated made her scramble to her feet and run as fast as she could away from it and while she wasn’t sure she’d outrun the devastation, she was going to try.
That being said, whatever it was, hit the ground with a thundering explosion, sending dirt and gravel flying, along with her and she screamed as she was thrown to the ground. (Y/N) covered her head, crying in pain as debris scraped her arms and legs, but she stayed still until the world calmed around her.
When it did, she peeked through her arms and gaped at the destruction around her. Trees had been blown from their roots and in the middle of where her telescope had once been, was something smoking inside a hollowed dip in the ground, dirt and rocks thrown away.
(Y/N) shakily got to her feet and crept closer, terrified that she was going to find some horror movie come alive. Alien and Predator stuck in the back of her mind and part of her wanted to flee. The other part—and curse her Wayne curiosity—wanted to know what it was.
“Hello?” she whispered as she neared the rim of the crater, peering in. A groan sounded and she gasped, pulling away before she took another glance and she saw a woman. At least it looked like a woman.
Her body was unlike anything familiar to (Y/N), in the form of an average woman, but she had no skin. Instead, her body looked like the night sky, swirling pools of stars and dark matter, and her hair was long and white, shimmering like glitter. Her hips and wrists were plated with some type of metal, gold and inlaid with what looked like diamonds.
(Y/N) slid down the side of the crater against her better judgement, nearing the woman carefully. “Hello?” she called again. “Are you alright?” The woman groaned and rolled onto her back, eyes opening at her. She gasped at the white eyes, like stars.
“Help,” she weakly moaned.
Hurrying over, she knelt beside the woman. “Hey, it’s okay. You’re okay.” She reached out to touch the woman but stilled when she felt the warmth radiating off her body.
“Please…help me,” she begged. “They’re…coming.”
(Y/N) shook her head and took the woman’s hand; it made her skin tingle. “Who’s coming?”
“The Insentients,” the woman said. “They’re coming in a years’ time.”
“I…I don’t understand,” she replied. “What are Insentients?”
“Terrible creatures that destroy life.” The woman grasped her hand. “I am Astra, Queen of the Stars. And you must help me.” (Y/N) couldn’t believe a thing she was hearing, simply gaping at her. “I have battled the Insentients for billions of years, but I am at my end.” She squeezed tightly, reaching up to cup (Y/N)’s cheek, white eyes widening. “You must take my place as queen and protect the life of this galaxy.”
She couldn’t even form words, mouth opening and closing like a fish and all she could muster was, “I’m sorry? What?”
Astra coughed and something splattered on (Y/N)’s clothes before fading from sight. “Please, you must do this or life as you know it will cease in one year. Take my place.”
“But I’m—I’m not some alien queen! I’m a human!” She spluttered. “What do I even do?!”
The queen sighed tiredly. “Child, nothing will stop the Insentients unless you help. They will destroy all in their path.”
(Y/N) shook her head and happened to glance towards the sky. “The stars,” she breathed. “They’re so…dull.”
“My life is fading…so they are too.” Astra whispered. “They will die.”
“What?!” she shouted. “But the sun?! It’ll go out!”
“Yes.” The queen murmured.
Bewildered, she asked, “What can I do?”
Astra gazed at her. “Take my power. Be reborn as the Queen of the Stars.”
“How do I?” She questioned and Astra took (Y/N)’s hands, placing them on her chest.
“Grasp my heart.”
“Grasp your what?” she repeated.
“My heart.” The woman’s chest opened, and she stared in surprise as a small, but brilliant light came into view. “Bring it to your own.”
“I better not die,” (Y/N) deadpanned as she cupped the light carefully. Her fingers tingled like she was being shocked, and she swallowed thickly as she brought it up to her chest, just above her heart. “What now?” she asked, and Astra’s form began to fade, starting at her feet.
“Your body will absorb all that I am…all that I…have been.” She smiled. “Place it within your chest.”
“That’s not possible.” (Y/N) retorted, though she moved her hands against her chest. “My body can’t just absorb—holy shit it’s working,” she blurted, and she went still as her something jolted her spine, all the way up her spinal cord to her brain.
Her jaw went slack as he eyes widened, head tipping back to stare at the sky above her. Memories flashed across her vision, faster than she could keep track of and then her mind felt like it was imploding. She let out a strangled gasp and tipped backwards, fatigue overcoming her. The last thing she remembered was Astra’s eyes and her smile before she disappeared from sight and (Y/N) descended into darkness.
When she came to, all she could think about was the pounding headache in her skull and the lack of memory the night before. (Y/N) sat up and looked around. The sun was high in the sky and her telescope was sitting neatly where it had been. She blinked, feeling as though she’d forgotten something important. When she couldn’t remember, she shrugged and got to her feet, beginning to take the scope apart and put it away.
(Y/N) rolled the sleeping bag up and put it in the tote, carrying both back towards the side of the road. Her butler should’ve been around to pick her up but when she didn’t see him, she frowned. Huh…I thought Alfie was coming to pick me up? Blinking in confusion, she patted her pocket for her phone and pulled it out, though her eyes went wide when she saw the shattered screen and burnt phone.
“What the hell?” she questioned. “What happened to my phone?” It looked like it’d been blown up. Now she was really confused. What the hell happened last night? (Y/N) sighed heavily and shoved the phone in her pocket. “I guess I’m walking then.” She grunted and heaved the telescope and sleeping bag over her shoulders, starting back towards the city in the distance.
GCPD was the first important building she came upon and as tired as she was, she knew they’d let her use one of their phones to call home. (Y/N) lethargically wandered into the department, stopping near the counter.
“Excuse me, can I use your phone?”
The man at the counter looked up and suddenly shot to his feet. “(Y/N) Wayne!” he shouted, and she blinked.
“Uh…yeah, that’s me?”
He rubbed his eyes. “Holy shit, you’re here.” Gesturing to her, he added “Wait right there! Don’t move!”
“Wait, but I—” the man sprinted off and she sighed. “Great. Probably going to get everyone so we can do pictures.”
Next thing she knew, Commissioner Gordon was running into the entry way. “Miss Wayne!”
(Y/N) looked at him. “Yes sir. That’s me.” She pointed to the phone at the desk. “I was wondering if I could use the phone to call home? Mine’s…busted.”
He reached out, grasping her arms. “Are you hurt? We should get you checked out immediately.”
“I’m fine?” she answered confusedly. “What’s going on? Why is everyone panicking?”
Gordon gaped at her. “You don’t know what’s going on?” she shook her head. “(Y/N), you’ve been missing for an entire week.”
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seijorhi · 4 years
This isn't a request or anything but I had a soulmate AU idea that I think you'd like.... And reminded me of Oikawa. Imagine you find ur soulmate from their name written on your skin on ur 16/18 bday, but.... You're blind. And dating Oikawa. And he /swears/ your name is on his skin... But when your birthday rolls around, he insists you don't show anyone else.... And starts buying you clothes to cover the mark.... And you hear him whispering about his mark to Iwa.... And you begin to worry. 👀
I know it wasn’t specifically meant as a request, but I took the idea and ran with it - I hope it’s okay!! 💕
Oikawa Tooru x Female Reader
TW gaslighting, manipulation, dub con nsfw, blind reader
Part II
“You promise me it’s there?”
Are you sure it’s me?
Rich, warm laughter fills the air around you, and despite the tension gnawing away in your stomach, the corners of your lips twitch into a soft smile.
“You don’t believe me!”
He’s happy. Even gasping in mock indignation Tooru can’t quite manage to keep it from his voice.
He has every reason to be; you’re both home for the first time in a year and a half, settled in the well worn couch at his parents house, your friends sprawled out either side of you. He’s twenty one today and as of five minutes ago the proud owner of his very own soulmate mark.
Or so he tells you. 
“Well it’s not like I can see it,” you tease, nudging yourself closer so that you can rest your head against his shoulder and sighing loudly. “It could be Issei’s name for all I know, and you’re all just too nice to break the news to me.”
The choked snort from your left side makes you giggle, but not as much as the sound of your boyfriend fake gagging. 
“Please, he fucking wishes!”
“Iwa tell her!” Oikawa demands, and you can just imagine the way that Iwaizumi’s eyes must roll before he ultimately gives in.
He always does.
“It’s yours,” he sighs. “Unfortunately you’re stuck with him, Y/N. My condolences.”
It’s hard, even as raucous laughter fills the air around you and Oikawa turns to shout at his best friend, to deny the warm fluttering in your chest. The arm around you eases you closer, a thumb absentmindedly stroking at your side and you allow yourself to relax against him. 
It’s your name on his skin. You’re his soulmate. 
For the first time in weeks, it feels like you can breathe easy. You wonder if Oikawa knew, if he noticed the way you held onto him just that little bit tighter - like you were scared to let go.
You’ve loved Oikawa for as long as you can remember, but you only get one soulmate. Was it really so outlandish to wonder whether his first love would be his last? Whether you could ever be good enough to be his?
The little blind girl, always following at his heels.
For all your faults, you’ve never been naive. You know how amazing he is - Tooru has always been destined for great things and you were just his highschool sweetheart.
A hindrance, one of his very dedicated fans had once taken the time to inform you, clinging desperately to whatever scraps of pity he felt charitable enough to throw your way.
Neither one of you had realised that Oikawa had heard every damn word. 
“Can you just…”
Oikawa pauses, the hand he has wrapped around yours squeezes lightly. “Hmm?”
Breathe deep. Just say it. 
Tell him. 
You’re almost at the gate, your flight’s leaving in twenty minutes (and you would have been there sooner if he hadn’t insisted on dragging you through every overpriced store in the damn airport) and in a few hours, you’ll be home again. 
But it isn’t the thought of being back in Japan that worries you. Your bottom lip catches between your teeth, your heart thumping unsteadily in your chest. His birthday is in two days, and that’s when he’ll find out who his soulmate is supposed to be. And you trust him, you love him. Even if the name on his forearm isn't yours, it’s not like he’s just going to suddenly toss you aside like yesterday’s trash, but… things’ll change, you know they will. And you couldn’t even blame him for that, because how much effort can you really be expected to put into a relationship if you know they’re not the one you’re supposed to end up with?
The doubts you have, the ones that fester and play on your every insecurity, keeping you up at night long after Tooru has drifted off -  you’ve tried to shut them out and ignore them as best you can, but you just can’t get on that plane without having some kind of reassurance.
What if it’s not you?
“Just promise me that if…” your breath catches in your throat, and you try to force a smile on your face even though you know that it wobbles. “If it’s not- if I’m not-”
Soft lips press against yours, cutting you off. It’s only for a heartbeat, enough to get you to stop the panicked tumble of words you couldn’t quite get out, but for you it feels like it lasts a lifetime. You could lose yourself in Oikawa’s kisses, you think. Lose yourself and be happy for it.
A warm palm cups your face. “I love you,” he says, and it isn’t the murmured declaration first thing in the morning, his voice still thick with sleep as he rolls over to kiss you good morning, and it isn’t the cheesy, throwaway line he gives whenever you save him the last bite of the milk bread that he specifically bought for you (because god knows his coach would kill him if he found out he ate the entire thing himself).
It’s a promise.
“You are my soulmate,” his thumb strokes along your cheekbone, and you can’t help but lean into the touch. “You’re the only one I’m ever going to want.”
Standing on the outskirts of your gate, moments away from boarding the plane that’ll take you both home, you’re not entirely sure if he’s trying to tell you that he’s certain that the name on his arm is going to be yours, or that he doesn’t care if it isn’t.
Either way, it’s enough.
“You’re mine,” he breathes, and captures your lips in another kiss - this one brimming with ardent devotion, a love too deep for either one of you to speak.  
Hours later, Iwa, Makki and Mattsun are all asleep downstairs and it’s just Tooru and you curled up in his bed. You suppose you shouldn’t be surprised that being back in his childhood bedroom did little in the way of curbing his appetite, but between giggles and breathy moans, Oikawa’s hand clamped over your mouth and his lips at your ear-
‘Shhh, you have to keep it down, cutie. Unless you want the whole house to hear all the pretty sounds you make when you’re about to cum for me?’
- he manages to wring four orgasms out of you before the two of you collapse back against the mattress, all sweaty and panting.
And you think he’s fallen asleep now, an arm slung around your waist, his face buried against the nape of your neck despite the warmth of the balmy summer night. With his chest flush against your back, you can feel the steady rhythm of his heart, lulling you gently to sleep with every beat. 
This, here, in Oikawa’s arms, this is where you belong, where you’ve always belonged. And yet even with happiness and relief and an overwhelming love singing through your veins - keeping you wide awake - you can’t deny that it feels… strange almost, knowing that out of seven and a half billion people, you’re the one he’s marked for. 
He’d sounded so sure back at the airport, like there wasn’t even the possibility of doubt in his mind that you were the one for him. And maybe he was just saying it to calm you down and get your ass on the plane, but if the situations were reversed and it was your birthday first… could you really say with one hundred percent certainty that you knew it would be his name that’d show up on your arm?
You love him more than you’ve ever loved anybody else (more than you ever probably will love anybody else), it’s just that you’ve always known that the two of you were on wildly different paths. Tooru’s the starting setter for a pro volleyball team, and there’s already whispers of that national squad, Olympic selection.
He’s talented and driven and sometimes you wonder whether you ever would have left Miyagi let alone Japan at all if it hadn’t been for him dragging you along with him. 
You’ve always been so content in your own little bubble. You cling to what’s comfortable, what you know - all your life, you’ve been told that you’re not defined by your disability, but you’ve never tried to push yourself beyond it. 
With Tooru, you’ve never had to.
That girl, years ago - she wasn’t wrong. You do cling to him, like you’d clung to your friends and your family. And maybe that’s not the worst thing in the world, but when you compare what Oikawa has to offer his soulmate compared to what you bring to the table, and-
“I can hear you thinking from here,” your apparently not-so-asleep-after-all boyfriend murmurs in your ear. “Tell me what’s bothering my pretty girl.”
You sigh, rolling over to face him. It’s pointless to lie to Tooru - he can read you better than anyone else - but admitting the whole truth, even here under this little refuge of soft intimacy between the two of you, feels harder than it should be.
“You’re not… disappointed, are you?” 
The harrumph that escapes his lips sounds almost offended, but the brush of his lips against the tip of your nose is sweet. “How long have I known you?” he asks.
Your forehead wrinkles at the question. “Fifteen or so years, I guess?”
You’d only been six or so when your family had moved in the house next door to his, across the street from Iwaizumi’s, and you can still vividly remember the first time you met him - crying in your front yard with a scraped up knee - always too eager for your own good.
“Hmm,” he acknowledges, “and how long have we been dating?”
“Seven-ish years?”
He chuckles, kissing you again, this time on your cheek. “And how long do you think I’ve been in love with you?”
Your whole face warms, and you fight the urge to bury it in his bare chest, especially when he reaches out to tuck a stray lock of hair that had fallen out of place back behind your ear. “Tooru-”
He sighs again, the sound tinged with just a hint of fond exasperation. “Give me your hand.”
You oblige, and you feel his long fingers curl around yours, tucking all of your fingers but your index away and drawing your hand closer towards him. It’s only when your pointer brushes against skin that you realise what he’s trying to do. Still, you don’t offer a word as Tooru slowly traces your finger along the dark letters on his skin - his soulmate mark.
Your name. 
“I’ve been in love with you since we were kids, Y/N. You’re mine, you’ve always been mine, just as I’m yours,” he vows, and you almost shiver with the intensity that burns in every word. “Any other name would have been nothing more than a filthy lie.”
Any further protests are swallowed up by another kiss, and your boyfriend takes it upon himself to show you exactly how much he adores you, over and over again, until sheer, utter exhaustion drags you to sleep in his arms.
Your own twenty-first birthday is a vastly different kind of affair. For one, the two of you decide to stay in Argentina - Oikawa’s mid season and can’t afford the time off training to traipse back home again.
Which means that it is just the two of you alone in your villa when you feel an odd burning sensation start to creep through your left arm. It doesn’t hurt exactly, more like a warm tingling sensation that flows along your skin as one by one the letters of your soulmate’s name come to light.
The sharp little gasp that slips from your lips must have alerted Tooru - hovering as he had been for the better part of the day - because his hands are on your arm within a moment, flipping it over and eagerly dragging it closer for him to inspect. His own breath hitches in his throat, his fingers tightening on your soft skin and a tentative smile works its way across your face. 
People have told you before that your boyfriend is handsome - stupidly beautiful, you’d once overheard one of your old high school classmates bemoan. His voice certainly is, soft and pretty and lilting, warm like the first rays of the sun on a cool winter’s morning, though not without its sharpness. Oikawa always has had a wicked tongue. In your head, you picture a face to match, delicate, angular features, warm eyes and a grin that’s just a little impish. Trouble, but the irresistible kind. 
You wish you could see it now, watch your soulmate’s eyes widen with delight, or maybe soften with quiet awe. You want to see him happy, deliriously so, you want to look into those lovely eyes of his and see all the love that’s coursing through your veins right now reflected right back at you. 
He still hasn’t spoken a word.
The slow drag of a breath, shaky and too sharp, had your bright smile freezing on your face. His grip hasn’t relented, fingers calloused from years of playing volleyball digging into your arm almost painfully. The air between you two is still, he hasn’t moved, not so much as a twitch.
Unease creeps its way into your stomach.
Why hasn’t he said anything?
He’s never exactly been the strong, silent type, and you love him for that. Iwa often complains that his best friend likes the sound of his own voice too damn much (half heartedly at best), and maybe that’s true, but he never realised that it doesn’t bother you in the slightest. 
It’s different for you, not being able to see. 
You don’t exactly blame them for not understanding - how could they, really? Without your sight to help you, your other senses have to work in overdrive just to make sense of things. Tooru’s voice builds the world around you, imbues it with a spark, guides you like a hand stretching out through the darkness. It’s a gap in the void, a reassurance you cling to - because without it there’s nothing. You’re alone with only your thoughts to keep you company. 
So when he goes quiet like this, it’s never a good sign.
A lump lodges its way in your throat. Without your sight, his silence is almost impossible to read, but you can sense the sudden heaviness in the air, the tension hanging thick between the two of you. 
You expected dramatics. Tears, maybe, or a burst of affectionate cuddles and kisses. Gushing over your mark just as he had when his own had come through. Hell, you thought he’d grab his phone and take a thousand and one pictures just to prove to the world that you were his as much as he was yours - because you loved each other. Because you were soulmates. 
Is there something wrong with your mark?
“Tooru?” you murmur, the edges of your smile starting to slip as your panic rises. “I-is everything-”
“You’re mine.”
The clipped words are little more than a whisper, hoarse and choked. It takes you by surprise, making your heart skip a beat, the knot in your stomach tighten, yet just as that paralysing apprehension starts to take root, he clears his throat, and a laugh bubbles to the surface.
Slowly, like ice thawing, his fingers relax on your forearm, gliding up over your shoulder to curl around your neck. “You love me, right?” 
Your eyebrows knit together, but you nod anyway. “Always.”
There’s another shaky breath, and suddenly his arms are wrapping around you, drawing you into a tight embrace. You don’t fight it, still bewildered by the sudden whiplash of his tone.
His own heart is racing, you can feel it as he holds you against him. The question burns deep inside of your chest, a thought you don’t want to give voice to, but you can’t seem to stop yourself - it slips out before you even realise you’ve opened your mouth.
“It is your name, Tooru, isn’t it? You’re my soulmate?”
There’s a beat of silence, and Oikawa hums, resting his chin against the top of your head. “Of course it is, cutie,” he chuckles. “Who else’s name would it be?”
He takes you out for dinner to celebrate. You’d originally picked one of his favourite dresses to wear, a strapless white number with a pretty, flowing skirt that fell to your mid thigh, but Oikawa stops you before you can leave, passing you over an old denim jacket of yours.
“It’s cool out tonight,” he says as he eases it over your shoulders before you can protest.
You don’t question it.
He fucks you that night, hard, fast and unrelenting, holding onto you so tight that you swear you’ll have bruises come morning.
Oikawa likes doing little things for you. 
He likes it when you hold onto his arm and let him guide you around when you go out together (you do have a cane - it sits in the back of your closet for ‘emergency uses’ only). He likes to buy you pretty things, jewellery, clothes, little trinkets that remind him of you - spoiling you with every opportunity he can, doubly so now that he has a salary that affords him that luxury.
It’s not uncommon for him to pick out your outfits. For one, you can’t see so you kind of have to rely on somebody else’s help so you don’t end up a mismatched disaster, and Tooru seems to enjoy doing it. He likes seeing you wear the things he buys for you - lacy, soft and demure. 
He also likes it when people know that you’re his.
So it doesn’t strike you as odd when Tooru insists on you wearing his club hoodie over your dress the next time you go to one of his games. You might not be able to see him fly across the court, but you can hear the cheers, the roar of the crowd as they stamp their feet and chant like a battle cry when San Juan scores. You can taste the excitement in the air, and whenever your soulmate steps up to the plate to serve, you feel the rabid excitement of the crowd thrumming in your veins. 
It’s warm in the stadium with so many people crammed close together, you push the sleeves up without even thinking. It’s not an issue - it shouldn’t be - but when your boyfriend slips his arms around you, fresh from the locker room post match, it’s the first thing he notices. He’s tugging them back down before you can so much as offer a hello, tersely muttering something about you getting a cold when you frown.
There’s a tiny flicker of unease at the odd behaviour, but he’s kissing you before you can linger on it for too much longer. 
And if that’s all it was, maybe it would be easier for you to shove that niggling worry aside. 
But once you start noticing things - little, inconsequential things you would have just shrugged off before - you can’t seem to stop, and that tiny seed of doubt starts to take root, to sprout and grow.
Your friends stop calling by. Back home your social circle was pretty much limited to Tooru, Iwa and their friends - not that you minded at all, you love them all dearly, it’s just that you didn’t really have any friends of your own outside of that little group. When you moved across to Argentina and Oikawa started training for longer hours, dedicating himself wholeheartedly to his new team, you got lonely, sitting in your new home just waiting around for him to come back to you.
And it took a while, but eventually you started to venture outside of your comfort zone and lo and behold - even with your stumbling Spanish, you managed to make a few friends! Though you can tell that your beloved boyfriend wasn’t exactly thrilled by the burgeoning new friendships you gushed to him about, he’s never begrudged you them. If it made you happy, then he was happy. 
Lately though, they’ve been kind of distant. And by distant, you mean… well, nonexistent. They don’t come visit you anymore, when you call their numbers, it just rings out. 
You can’t even leave voicemails - there’s just an automated voice telling you their message banks are full. Regardless, not one of them has made the effort to call you back, and it’s not like you can text them to ask why they’re avoiding you. Life gets in the way, you know that, and sometimes people just drift apart but it’s like all of a sudden they’ve just dropped off the face of the planet. 
But when you mention venturing out into town one day without them while Tooru’s at practice, he seems strangely resistant to the idea. 
“I just don’t like the idea of you wandering around by yourself. It’s not safe out there for you, cutie,” he tells you.
The words are saccharine, as sweet as the kisses he presses against your lips when he coaxes your chin upwards. You love him, you do. And you understand that he worries - even away from the hustle and bustle of the big cities, San Juan isn’t exactly a crime free neighbourhood, but for the first time the strong, muscular arms that wrap around your waist don’t bring comfort. 
It’s like they’re a cage, locked around you and dragging you slowly down to the depths, and it’s driving you mad because you can’t figure out why it feels like that.
Biting back your annoyance, you sigh, forcing yourself to relax against him. You love him - this is normal, couples disagree all the time. “I’m not an invalid, babe. I’ve done it before - I can’t just sit around the villa all day moping all alone or I’ll go crazy.”
He hums noncommittally, his fingers trailing idly across your skin as he draws you closer still, and the conversation is dropped. 
Two days later, you find your cane snapped in two in the back of the closet. Oikawa has some weights stuffed in an old gym bag for when he can’t be bothered leaving home to work out - the bag must have fallen on your cane and cracked it when he put it back after his session yesterday afternoon.
An accident, it has to be. He’d never deliberately do something so petty, right?
And there are moments where you can forget the doubts that gnaw away at your insides. Tooru has always been a caring, attentive lover - the perfect boyfriend. He seems more determined that ever to shower you in love, whether that’s by waking you up with his tongue eagerly lapping at your cunt, bringing you home bouquets of fragrant flowers and cooking the two of you dinner, or just with the tiny gestures of affection - tucking your hair back away from your face, linking his hands with yours, the little kisses and compliments he lavishes you with on a daily basis.
When it’s just the two of you, lounging around on the couch, his head resting on your lap and your fingers carding through his hair, it’s easy to pretend that everything’s fine. The two of you love each other. You’ve been his rock, his biggest supporter right from the early days, and Tooru’s the one who drew you out of your shell, who makes you feel like you’re actually worth something.
That you’re beautiful, and loved.
It’s not until you come home one afternoon from an impromptu trip to the local bakery just down the road that all the little pieces fall into place, and you realise why.
The craving for something sweet was what drew you out. Truthfully, you hadn’t really thought twice about it. It was a short trip, one you’d made a thousand times before, and it wasn’t like the locals didn’t know you, wouldn’t watch out for you if they saw you about to unknowingly hurt yourself or trip over something. 
The alfajores in your hand were supposed to be a surprise, Tooru had been wound up from practice lately, more stressed than he usually was this late in the season, and you knew you weren’t the only one with a wicked sweet tooth. You’d just wanted to cheer him up. 
You hadn’t expected to come home to find Tooru pacing in your bedroom, muttering to himself, and you certainly hadn’t expected him to whirl around at the sound of your approach, snatching at your wrist and all but hauling you inside. 
You certainly aren’t prepared for the snarling, bitter words he hurls at you. 
And yet even as tears fill your eyes, a choked sob bursting free as he berates you for leaving the villa without telling him, Tooru clutches at you so tightly it feels like your arm’s going to snap. 
“You can’t leave me! You can’t - you’re mine!”
He doesn’t stop, barely pauses for breath, but those eight words hit you like a freight train, and everything else fades out into white noise. You can’t for the life of you explain how or why, but in that moment, you know with absolute certainty that the name on your arm can’t be his. 
Tooru lied to you. 
He’s not your soulmate. 
It’s all you can do to stand there numbly while your boyfriend falls to pieces in front of you. The angry yells and screams turn into wretched sobs, and suddenly it’s Tooru collapsing in your arms, clinging to your neck like it’s a lifeline as he sniffles against your chest, and when desperate apologies turn into desperate kisses and he starts to lead you backwards towards the bed, you don’t fight him.
He treats you like you’re made of glass, worshipping every inch of your skin, fervent declarations of love spilling out between kisses like prayers of the devout at an altar. He fucks you slowly, lovingly, moaning your name so sweetly as he searches for absolution within the plush walls of your sex.
And with his fingers coaxing at your clit, his lips dancing against yours you fall off that precipice with him.
You have no idea long the two of you lie there in silence, limbs entangled with one other, but eventually you register the warmth of his hand on your cheek, caressing it with a gentle kind of tenderness that makes something deep inside of you ache.
“You still love me, don’t you?” Tooru’s voice is quiet. Hesitant. It reminds you of the little boy you knew, the one who confided all his fears of never being good enough to you, desperately seeking the validation you always gave so freely. 
Your eyes flutter shut, another stray tear spilling down your cheek, and your heart breaks anew.
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90stvshowgoth · 3 years
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summary: you thought that as a member of the phantom troupe you were supposed to be smarter than this, yet here you were betting against hisoka. everyone knew that hisoka was a master at poker, cards were his weapon after all, but you couldn’t resist wagering one more bet on a drinking game.
w/c: 4587
tags: dubcon, drunk sex, creampie, blood kink, hate sex, begging, brat taming
a/n: this originally started as a chrollo oneshot, you can kinda tell from how the opening paragraph is about him, but once i started writing the poker game i was like “okay no i gotta make this its own thing,” and because of that decision we now have loose ends getting ch.3 rn :) also no, i couldn’t help but kinda reference phantom of the opera cause it slaps and nobody can tell me otherwise. also, no, before anyone asks, this is a oneshot. it aint getting a sequel.
big thanks to the lovely miss @sealedrosewater for beta reading this clownfucking nightmare.
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The heist had gone off without a hitch, Chrollo’s plan worked like a charm and before the night was out you had all flawlessly extracted each and every one of the gilded texts being held in the museum. You still remembered the childlike gleam in your boss’ eyes as he ran his fingers over the aged leather, its binding parchment laced with gold. The faintest ghost of a smile fled from his pallid lips as he admired his new conquest. It made your chest swell with pride, happy to help the man you respected so much. Besides, your cut was nothing to sneeze at.
Your rendezvous was inside a long-abandoned opera theatre where dust clung to the red velvet of the seats and the chandelier was seemingly hanging by a thread; your boss always had a flair for the dramatics. Once all members of the spider had finished reconvening at the empty theatre to gather their spoils it wasn’t long before someone, probably Uvogin, brought out the drinks. Nobunaga had already begun nursing a rum and coke, all while Feitan kept turning down Shal’s insistence to “Just try some, Fei,” Even Shizuku cracked open one of the ice-cold bottles, knocking back an impressive swig. As soon as you saw Machi pulling out a deck of cards you knew you had to stay for the after party.
Unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said of your leader. He’d gone to his room with the book you recovered tucked under his arm. A few other members who couldn’t be bothered took after your leader and went off to whichever side room they’d stashed a futon in the week prior; the Phantom Troupe’s equivalent of picking out a bedroom. A shame, really. You’d seen Feitan drunk once before and it was truly a sight to behold.
You sat crosslegged on the wooden floor, watching your comrades slowly get comfortable for a night of fun. Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat above you, looking up to see Pakunoda with a soft smile on her face and an opened beer in her outstretched hand.
“Paku, have I ever told you how much I love you?” You couldn’t help but shower the woman with praise. She had been the one who recommended you to Chrollo after all, and she served as your mentor for your first few months until you found your feet.
She scoffed at the compliment, “Far too much,”
Sticking your tongue out playfully at the mindreader, you took a deep sip of beer, enjoying the familiar taste. Paku sat down beside you and it wasn’t long before the two of you were drinking shoulder to shoulder.
“Machi! Deal us in,” You raised your drink to the transmuter and she flicked two cards towards you both.
Scooting away from Paku, you quickly scanned the cards you’d received before pressing them face down. A queen and an ace. Not great, but not awful either.
The others had formed a haphazard circle, each glancing at their cards with an unreadable poker face. Well, all except Hisoka, who seemed pleased as punch with whatever hand he’d been dealt. Silently, Nobunaga took out two coins and threw them into the center— the Troupe’s house rules counting it to be equivalent to 2 billion jenny.
“Call,” you answered, matching the swordsman’s bet with an unreadable expression on your face.
“Oh? Well then, I’ll raise you,” Hisoka purred, pushing five extra chips into the pot without breaking his gaze from yours.
‘What was he planning?’ That smug look of his just made you want to win that much more. The same seemed to be true of everyone else, each calling the clown’s bet in a row. After all, to a member of the Phantom Troupe, five billion jenny wasn’t that much of a loss.
When Machi turned up the first three cards your heart skipped a beat. Two queens and a seven. Winning a round of poker against some of the smartest criminals the world had ever known was an uphill battle, seeing as how you’d been a member for years without winning a single game.
‘Three of a kind already... what should I do?’ Your face was as stone-cold as before, even with the excitement bubbling in your gut. As nonchalantly as you could, you raised another two billion. At that, Uvo and Shizuku both folded, the enhancer grumbling with a disappointed frown.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I haven’t got enough coins~” Hisoka slapped down a twenty, and a chorus of annoyed groans broke out like a choir, the abandoned theatre’s acoustics amusingly echoed the loud noises of displeasure.
After that little stunt only three others remained: Pakunoda, who’s facade hadn’t cracked all game, Nobunaga, who was glaring daggers at Hisoka, and the aforementioned magician holding up his cards in front of him like a child playing for the first time.
All three of you matched his bet, but none were happy about it. As Machi flipped over the fourth card you found yourself holding your breath. Not because you particularly cared about the money at stake, but because you felt closer to a victory than you had in months. The caricature of a medieval jester being illuminated under the light made you dig your nails into the palm of your hand.
Joker. That meant you had four queens.
It never felt harder to fight a smile off your face than in that moment. Without betraying your excitement, you called, and to your surprise so did Hisoka. Was he bluffing? Or did he have something else in mind? Nobunaga took a deep breath, knocking back the rest of his drink before calling alongside Pakunoda.
All eyes were on the card beneath Machi’s fingertips, the seconds it took to turn the paper on its head filled the theatre with a suspense liable to bring its fragile walls to the ground.
An eight of hearts. Oh well, no big deal.
Nobunaga muttered a curse under his breath, revealing a simple jack and ten of the same suit. Pakunoda was unreadable when she showed the pair of kings she held in her hands. She must’ve thought that the three of a kind would’ve won her the game. The smile on your face felt sweeter after holding it in the whole round, and Nobunaga rolled his eyes when he saw your hand, pushing the pot towards you.
“Well, look at that~” Your victory was interrupted by Hisoka’s insufferable tone, the cards he held up making your jaw drop.
A nine and a jack of hearts. A straight flush.
“That’s bullshit!” You cried, enraged over the loss. It wasn’t even that you cared so much about losing, It only mattered because you lost to him. In an instant you had summoned your nen into the palms of your hands, ready to lunge at the clown when Pakunoda grasped your shoulders, holding you back. Sometimes you forgot how much brute strength was hidden under that pantsuit.
“Just flip a coin, don’t give him what he wants.” Your first reaction was to ignore her, squirming against her iron grip to try and get to Hisoka, who was dramatically scooping all your winnings into his arms.
Uvogin tossed yet another empty beer can over his head, “C’mon Paku, I say let ‘em fight,”
“I concur~” The magician chirped, dramatically stacking each and every coin he’d won while boring his yellow eyes right into yours. His tongue parted his lips, a manic excitement hiding behind the coy expression.
Although every muscle in your body screamed at you to rip into him, you knew you wouldn’t win. He knew your abilities and you couldn’t say for certain you knew all of his.
“Never-mind,” You spat the words out at him like they tasted sour, “You’d probably get off on it anyways.”
A few laughs from the peanut gallery followed your words and Hisoka shrugged, the intense bloodlust from a few seconds ago vanishing as if he’d changed his mind about fighting you on a whim. “You may be right, darling,” your face scrunched up at the nickname you knew he only used to get on your nerves, which it did. “but what if we played a different game?”
Despite how badly you just wanted to ignore him and laugh the night away with all but one of your comrades, you couldn’t turn down the idea of a rematch. Your pride wasn’t nothing to you. “What kind of game?” You asked hesitantly.
He hummed, standing up from the towers of coin he’d made, sauntering over to the cooler of drinks Franklin had provided. After digging around the cold box he pulled out a bottle of fruity tequila and two empty shot glasses.
Your eyes narrowed at the “innocent” smile on his face, looking over to Pakunoda for reassurance.
“You’ll kill him if he spikes my drink, right?” You asked your mentor, who nodded resolutely.
Paku was staring at Hisoka like she was already thinking of ten different ways how to kill him. After sizing him up she flashed you a reassuring nod, “Without question.”
Resolute in your decision, you marched forward, snatching one of the shot glasses from his hand. The stage lights shone above him, making his eyes gleam like the plastic gloss of a doll.
“Shall we begin, then?”
You raised an eyebrow, “What are the rules first?”
He waved his hand in the air, brushing it off, “Nothing too complex, I assure you. The first one who taps out will lose. The loser will do something for the winner. That’s all.”
You still weren’t convinced it could be that simple. “What’s the catch?”
That smirk from before returned to his painted face and he suddenly leaned forward, feeling far too close for comfort. Still, you didn’t step away, your face expressionless as he whispered into your ear. If you did you felt like he’d somehow win whatever stand-still the two of you had on.
“If I lose, I’ll leave the Phantom Troupe,” You reeled away, stunned at his declaration.
Being accepted into the Troupe was the best moment of your life, it always would be. When you looked into the mirror at the tattoo that curled under your ribcage you felt such a warm swell of pride. You couldn’t imagine throwing it all away over some drinking game.
“And...” You blinked rapidly, trying to collect yourself, “If I lose?”
The laugh that echoed from his chest was far from reassuring.
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The evening slowly ran into the early morning, each of the other Troupe members wandering off eventually in varying stages of drunkenness. Even Pakunoda headed off to bed after confirming that Hisoka hadn’t spiked your drinks with anything other than a strawberry vodka base. It was unnerving at first, to be completely alone with Omokage’s replacement. Luckily his tastes ran strong, and your vision was spinning before your knew it.
“Match.” Another shot went down your throats, the taste disgustingly sweet, and you watched as his Adam’s apple tensed from the burn.
You’d long since stopped counting how many drinks you’d had, losing track once you got to the double digits. You were both using nen to reinforce yourselves, obviously, but it wasn’t infallible.
‘How is he so good at this?’ You wondered, because as the bottle ran low you started to question just what had made you so confident as to enter a bet with Hisoka in the first place.
“My dear, why not rest for a minute? At least try to enjoy each others company?” His legs were crossed, resting his hand on his palm as he not-so-subtly checked you out. It wasn’t uncommon, and certainly not unexpected from someone like him, but what you hated wasn’t just the nerve of him, but how it made you feel. His scrutiny sent chills down your spine, the unnerving edge to his tone only making you shift your thighs together to relieve some of the pressure.
“You’re the worst, Hisoka,” you knocked back two consecutive shots, unable to hide the wince it caused on your face. Good, you wanted it to sting. Anything to take your mind off the magician in front of you.
He pouted as he poured another row of drinks, “Aw, now why’s that?”
You answered his question with another, pointing towards the half-empty bottle of liquor, “Whats in this, really?”
The magician rolled his eyes, “I did pick an unopened bottle for a reason, dear, I do so want you to trust me.”
Without much fanfare he threw back four shots, over your stunned reaction.
“Just give up already, Darling~ I promise to make it worth your while,” You were reaching your limit for sure, but you were far to stubborn to give up without a fight.
“Fuck you,” you took the first of your next four shots slowly, not managing his fast pace.
He grinned a cheshire smile, “Oh, say that again, will you?”
If he were to call you out on the blush slowly spreading across your nose you’d just blame the alcohol, but the truth was that his words just egged you on even more to the point where you were almost—barely even considering...
“What do you mean, make it worth my while?”
He leaned forward like a cat, agile and silent, whispering his words against your temple, “I’ll tell you how I won that hand,” He got you, hook, line, and sinker.
“You’ll tell me how you cheated?”
Hisoka nodded, a clawed hand coming to stroke a stray piece of hair behind your ear, the action far too intimate for someone like him.
There was no way you’d win against him in this match, that much was clear from the very sober way Hisoka held himself against you, inhumanly still, so what did you have to lose?
‘Your dignity,’ A part of you answered back, but it wasn’t all that convincing. You’d left your dignity behind four shots ago.
“If I lose...”
“If you lose,” He mouthed the words into your cheek, his eyes closed in thought, “You do know what I’ve decided my prize shall be, right?” Of course you knew what he wanted. You weren’t stupid, and the way he nuzzled himself into your neck was far from subtle.
Were you actually so desperate to learn how you lost that you’d sleep with him?
No, you weren’t. But the ache between your legs was getting harder to ignore, and the idea that you could write off what you were about to do behind the excuse of gathering intel sounded like a win-win.
You dug your hands into his hair, not trying to be anything but rough, basking in the moan that spilled from his lips, breath hot against your neck before you yanked him back to meet your gaze.
“Fine. You win, Hisoka,” He smirked, and although he was on his knees he still towered over you, “so how did you cheat?”
Before you could blink his hand had wrapped around your throat, the magician slamming your head into the wood of the stage. You’d had plenty of time to block the damage with your hatsu but the action left your brain rattling inside your skull.
“I’ll tell you later,” He promised, the disorienting blur was slow to fade from the alcohol, and distantly you could feel his other hand stroke your face, his nails like filed daggers trailing over your cheekbones.
“What to do with my prize, then, hm?” He mused, tilting your head from left to right as if examining a block of wood he was about to carve. You coughed on impulse when he let go of your neck, guiding it up instead and taking both your small hands into his palm with an iron grip.
With a flick of his wrist he drew a card, the eight of hearts, seemingly out of nowhere, his nen sharpening it into a thin blade, “Don’t move,”
“Wait... Hisoka, don’t—!” You were far too late to stop him, the frigid air of the ghostly theatre rushing to meet the bare skin of your chest.
Your shirt fell to ribbons along with your bra and you thrashed desperately in his grasp, angry over the loss of your favorite top. He paid your escape attempt no mind, enraptured with the way your tits rose and fell with the timing of your breath and the way you tried to wriggle yourself free.
Still holding your hands to the floor above you, his head bent to wrap a skilled tongue around your tits, a soft sigh involuntarily falling away from you.
“I fuckin’ ha-ate you, Hisoka—ah,” His teeth bit down on your peak at the comment, peering up at you from under his fiery hair.
“Oh? Then why is it you’re moaning like a little whore?” He shifted his weight above you and you saw an opportunity.
You kicked with all your strength between his legs, pulling your knee back and shoving him off with a dig of your shoe into his stomach, “I’m not, don’t call me that shit!”
He actually loosened his grip on you clearly not intending for you to get free from his grasp, a choked sound of what you thought was pain devolving to something much more heated as he stared into you.
“You... are well worth the wait, my dear,” His bloodlust seeped out from every pore, grounding you to the spot. You could usually hold your own against someone like him but it wasn’t hard to see the disadvantage you were at.
Within a fraction of a second he was on you, twisting your waist in his clawed grasp until your ass was hiked into the air, a sharpened playing card slicing through the denim until he could rip it from your legs, yelp echoing like music in the long-silent theatre.
“I knew you’d have some fight left in you,” He crawled forward and you started to realize why he wore exclusively baggy pants, his length hot against you through the fabric as his hips caged you in. As he began to remove that street-performer getup he always wore he’d occasionally curl his hand around your waist to mercifully tug on your ignored clit, your groans muffled and cursed, “I love it. That resilience? It just turns me on.”
You could feel your confidence fade as he tugged those sweatpants down, the weight of him grinding into your ass made all your bravado vanish.
“It will make it so much more satisfying...” He pointed his finger upwards, and suddenly your hands became magnetized to each other, no amount of struggle even budging the rubbery nen substance. “...when I break you.”
Without warning he slid himself inside you, hands holding your hips still as he forced your back into an arch. You couldn’t move even if you wanted to, the flailing of your bound arms useless as he shallowly began pumping his cock deeper inside you.
Your muffled curses whispered into the floor made him laugh, pulling his hand back and cruelly slapping the vulnerable flesh of your ass without a warning.
“Wh.. Why?”
“Because, darling, I want to hear you beg for me.” He pouted, teasing your clenched walls with only the tip of his slick head.
Despite the desire coursing through your veins you still had your pride in tact, “Never gonna happen, asshole.”
Gripping your hips, he dug himself into your dripping cunt as far as he could, both of you unrestrained with a moan at the feeling of his cock brushing near your cervix, your hips traitorously snapping back to meet his eager thrusts, movement near impossible as Hisoka forced you into the ground.
You cried out softly with each quick pull and stretch, only able to say his name one syllable at a time,
“Hi-so—kah...” It was hard to turn your head to the side from his brutal pace but somehow you manage, craning yourself in order to see him; His head was thrown back with a sheer bliss softening his glistening skin, his eyes closed and lips parted. The sight made your keening grow louder, the simple image of him losing himself in your twitching pussy sending a wave of slick dripping around his length.
He must’ve felt your gaze on him because soon enough his was staring at you, his pupils blown wide with desire in a way that made them look like a sun eclipsed, black outlined with a ring of fiery gold.
All at once his hips froze, digging his cock so far as to leave an indent in your pelvis. For a confused second you thought he’d finished, but his gaze was cruel and focused, his lips in a smirk, and you felt no more full than you had a moment ago. He was doing this on purpose.
“Wait, no-nono, wh..y?” You hiccuped, taking his break as a moment to wipe unshed tears from your glossy eyes.
He sighed, “I don’t like repeating myself, darling,” He accentuated the infuriating nickname with a slap to your thigh, face unchanged as he trailed his sharpened fingertips along the reddening skin.
“His..oh.. fuck, Hisoka—“ The banished tears returned, falling silently down your pink face as you whispered, “please,”
“Hmm? Sorry, I couldn’t hear you, my dear, mind saying that again?
Your voice hiccuped as you spoke, “Please, alright? Please,” You thought it’d be enough, that he might finally go back to toying with your clit while he fucked you into the old floorboards, but you’d underestimated the magician’s self-control.
Innocently, he tilted his head, “Please what, dear? Please hit you again?” Hisoka didn’t blink as he slowly brought up his palm, giving you plenty of time to try and wiggle free from your punishment just to show off how futile escape really was, lashing his hand down on the same patch of skin as before, grinning at the shriek he yanked from your lungs.
“No! No, fu-uck.. just—“ You whimpered, brain seemingly disconnected from your mouth as you struggled to form the words, “just fuck me, Hisoka, please.”
“Look at you, huh? You were a slut after all,” He purred, letting the weight of your words hang lifeless in the air along with your stubborn pride. Before you could argue again his hand had returned to your clit, pace unforgiving as he pulled your nerves ever closer to snapping only to halt the second he grew bored, “Say it,”
Mindlessly, you nodded your head, “I’m yours, I’m your slut, Hisoka,” you intentionally clenched yourself around him, mumbling lucid pleas for more as his hard cock twitched, pre cum dripping from your heat onto the floor as your conscience trying to deny what your body so willingly accepted, “want you to fuck me, Hisoka, fu-ck,” you whined, the still presence inside your sensitive walls drove you insane.
With each word a truly unhinged aura began to surround him, and by extension, you, the intoxicating menace dripping over you like a drug as you faced forward once again, wiggling your ass as best you could in his grip.
That was his breaking point, ripping you away from his cock only to drive himself back in, digging the full blade of his nails into your hips, blood pooling around the crescent cuts.
“Fuck, ah.. Darling, ‘doing so good, so good’fr me-ah,” He slurred his words together, more drunk on you than the vodka as he leaned back, forcing you to meet him as his thrusts became so quick that it was getting hard to breathe, your ribcage creaking with discomfort as you were nailed into the stage.
“M..o-re, more...” You begged, and he was happy to oblige. the smearing crimson of blood running hot down your thighs, the pain only making you more pliant in his sculptor’s hands as he folded your body however he liked, ignoring your pained weep from the stretch as he slung one of your bleeding legs over his shoulder.
It was almost weird to hear him say your actual name, so often he used a pet name to mock or flirt with you, sometimes both, “So good for me like this, taking me so goo-uh,” He choked on his words as your cunt tightened around him, your hands clinging for balance in his hair, and Hisoka clearly didn’t mind if the slew of moans from his lips was any indication.
The angle his hips cut into had the edges of your vision turning into a vignette, “I’m close, so close, gonna cum inside you, yeah? Right here,” The hand that had been toying with your clit changed angles, his fingertips spinning spirals onto your aching bud while the flat of his hand pushed against your stomach, your shout swallowed by his pretty lips, tongue toying with yours.
“Ye-es cum inn-side me,” You were too far gone to care, anything he said sounded good as long as he said it in that sultry purr, arms numb as they lay suspended above your head.
“Take it, take it, Darling,” With what little strength you had left you curved your calf beside his neck, pulling him in until his cock brushed your cervix, the pain indistinguishable from the pleasure, “Uhn, cumm-fuck, i’m cumming—“
His cum was thick, the curve of his cock jutting inside you as he filled you up, mercifully swallowing your hallowed scream as he kissed you deeply, almost all feeling in your raised leg lost until he lowered it to his waist, involuntarily snapping his hips up although they had nowhere left to go until your moan turned into a broken sob of lingering bliss.
“Shh, dear, I’ve got you,” With a whirl of his wrist your arms were free of his bungee gum, shakily pulling them to your sides again as he pressed open-mouthed kisses along your neck, whispering a slurred mess of sweet words, stopping to suck a particularly deep hickey into the vein of your flesh.
“Hisoka, quit it!” Your fight had returned along with feeling to your fingertips as you wrenched him back by the hair, his cock jumping.a bit inside you at the grip, “I’ll have to wear sweaters for weeks now, you jerk.”
The capillaries had already begun to burst as he laughed, reaching up behind your head to pull his discarded top forward, digging out what looked like a piece of smooth cleaning cloth from its pocket and lying it over your neck with a simple point of his finger, gyo revealing the pink gum of his aura that controlled it before he smoothed the fabric over your skin, the texture so light you could barely feel it.
“A deal’s a deal, love, I’ll tell you how I cheated,” He smiled as satisfied and smug as he could ever be, a tingling sensation overtaking the patch of covered skin.
As he pulled your hand away you ran your fingers over the cloth, not finding a seam among the normal tone of your chest. Eyes wide as you looked at him for answers he was already happy to provide, “It’s called texture surprise. I can apply it to any flat surface and change its appearance. It’s quite handy,”
“It works on skin, paper, even playing cards,” You felt like an idiot. During the match you kept analyzing him for a sleight of hand trick all while he was using a second nen technique to win. It was so simple but genius, and you felt a little bit better knowing you weren’t outwitted by something obvious.
“You’re the worst, Hisoka,”
He chuckled, kissing along the new unblemished canvas of your neck, “I know~”
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Better Man.
~~~~~~~~~~~~`Just to see you smile, I’d do anything. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Taehyung x Oc
Rated 18 +
Post Divorce, Getting Back Together, Second chances, Angst.
Chapter 1    Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Do you ever truly know what someone is feeling?
You could spend decades , breathing the same air, hands held , your fingers brushing ....connected physically and even mentally but a person’s emotions, they’re hidden away. 
You only ever know what they’re willing to show .
And yet, 
all of us build relationships, convinced that we know exactly what the other person will feel when we act a certain way. Buying her flowers will make happy....visiting him at work will take away that little bit of stress.
But sometimes, what we think someone feels, may not be what they truly feel.
And that’s when your actions, well intended actions..... end up with disastrous consequences. 
“So....last night...” Jungkook’s teasing voice did nothing to ease the pounding in my head.
“I do believe you promised not to tease me about it if I drank two glasses of water, which I did by the way.” I told him firmly, trying to bring the words on my planner into focus as i squinted. Three meeting. Each two hours long. 
kill me now. 
“I wanted to ask HR to give you the day off but you have quite a schedule today. “ He said casually,  leaning over me to peer into the planner . I glanced at his wrist resting on the table, the expensive rolex showing that it was a little past 9. 
“ We’re planning out the Christmas campaign first and I have a meeting with Taehyung’s team in the afternoon so we can go over the contract see if they have any requirements and then the social media team in the evening at four to discuss promos and revamping the website.” I glanced up at him. 
He gave me a smile before casually leaning down, lightly gripping my chin and tilting my face up. I felt the brush of his lips against mine, fleeting and gentle. 
‘You’re beautiful.” He smiled. 
I blinked.
And then took a deep breath.
“Your wife...” I said softly. “ I saw her today.” 
Jungkook went completely still at that. 
“She was waiting in the lobby on my way up. I didn’t know who you were married to and I was a little shocked and also little upset because....” I glanced at him. “ She was my best friend in college. “
Jungkook swore. 
“Fuck.. I told her to stay the fuck away from my company. Did she say something to you?” 
i shook my head.
“I didn’t greet her because I wasn’t sure if she remembered me. And I wasn’t sure if i was remembering her right. i didn’t know she was your wife till i heard someone mention it in the elevator on my way up. Did you know that she and i knew each other?” 
Jungkook looked just a little guilty.
“When you first joined the company, she saw your resume on my cvomputer. told me a lot about you. She remembers you. Fondly. She wanted to come meet you but...things happened.  “ He shrugged.
Things like infidelity and divorces . 
“Ahh...” I smiled. “ Tell me i wasn’t another way to get back at your ex wife, Jeon Jungkook ssi...” 
He made a noise of protest.
“no... No of course not Christ...it’s just...I’ll admit she made me curious about you. She spoke of you being spontaneous and fun and wild and I’d seen you as this demure, elegant woman in the office. i was curious. I wanted to know which one was the real you. “
“Were you curious before she cheated....or after?”
“ Jang Mi...this isn’t what it looks like .. I’m done with her. She fucked my best buddy and ruined my fucking life...” He sounded pained. 
I frowned. 
“It’s hard to believe she would do something like that. The Aera i remember had a very strong moral compass.” 
“Yeah well, apparently, you can live whole entire lives with someone and never really know the person. Listen, do we really have to talk about my ex wife?” He asked, eyes shining with discomfort. 
I shrugged.
“I’m not fond of drama. I won’t tangle myself in a relationship that risks hurting a lot of people Jungkook. That’s just not the kind of person I am. I’m sorry.” 
He made a noise of impatience, shaking his head. 
“We won’t be hurting anyone... We have fun together. We like each other. We’re attracted to each other...that’s all that matters....” He said sharply.
“ If we were in our twenties , without kids ....maybe. But that's not how it is now. I have a son, you have a daughter and I think I’m not completely over my marriage yet.” I said softly. 
He froze.
“And i don’t think you’re completely over your wife either.” I smiled.
He glared at me. 
“Ex-wife.” He snarled.
“She makes you feel things, Jungkook. You need to sort that out before you start something new with someone else. I’m only saying this because we’re old enough not to 
He growled and punched the desk. 
“God, how can she keep ruining my life even when she’s out of it.” He muttered, stepping away from me and moving to the door. 
I watched him storm out of my office and bit my lip. 
By the time evening rolled around, I was exhausted. But the day had been productive and I was happy because the contract had been finalized, the theme had been decided and we’d also spent an amazing three hours redesigning the website. Although it wasn’t in my job description I had studied web design in college and the creative department always welcomed my inputs. 
“You’re in a good mood...” Taehyung’s voice was a complete surprise and I turned to him, shocked. He was dressed in a black t shirt and blue jeans and sneakers and looked a whole decade younger. 
I felt affection rise up my throat so fast I nearly choked. 
“What are you doing here?”
“My agent told me you guys were incredibly cooperative today. She also told me you were quite possibly the loveliest woman she’s ever met and that I’m an idiot to have let you go.” He smiled. 
I laughed, shaking my head and my gaze shifted to the small bunch of tiger lilies in his hand. 
I felt warmth bloom in my chest. 
“You remembered.” I said softly, pleased. 
“Thirteen years since our first date.  The lily to my tiger. ” He held the flowers to me and I grinned, pressing the flowers to my chest. 
“Man I feel old.” I muttered.
“You are old.” Tae grinned and i grimaced, before tossing him a glare. . 
“You’re supposed to say I still look as beautiful as i did thirteen years ago.” I said. 
“But you don.t” He grinned impishly. “ You look a billion times  more  beautiful.” 
I felt the atmosphere shift, the air charged with something dangerous and i looked away. Usually, this was when I would laugh and throw my arms around him. Pull him close and press my lips against his , slip my fingers into his t shirt and trace the skin of his back. Feel his hands on my waist as he lifted me up to twirl me around and kiss me just like that. 
How often had we kissed that way? Thirteen years is a long time to count the number of kisses we’d shared. 
We both stayed quiet, looking anywhere but at each other.
“I...there’s a reason I came.” He said finally.
I glanced at him.
“The lawyer. Ms. Lee she ... recommended a relationship counselor”
I blinked, my breath catching in my throat. 
“Taehyung we’re-”
“Just hear me out. Its not mandatory and it won’t affect the divorce in anyway. its just something the court offers all couples going through a divorce and we’re free to refuse it. “
“Did you?” I asked. 
“Did I what?”
“Refuse it. Did you tell her no?” 
He stared at me. 
“No.” He said finally.
I exhaled sharply.
“Wow.” I whispered, feeling jittery and unbalanced. He sighed and came closer, reaching out to lightly grip my wrists. I let him tug me closer into a hug and held him tight, my heart pounding with anxiety.
“Mia.... I just... I’m not saying we should try to fix this.... relationship.” He said softly, eyes gentle and pleading, “  I just think this whole thing has taken a toll on both of us and maybe we can heal better if we get the help of a professional. Come out of this with closure. Instead of battling guilt and regrets everyday. Just ....it could help us move on. Don’t you think?”
You could never really tell what the other person is feeling. 
I couldn’t tell what Taehyung was feeling right now? 
Hope ?
Hope that we would fix our marriage....
or maybe hope that he would finally move on from me.. Maybe this whole thing was his final attempt to end things with me for good. So he could walk out of my life forever without any lingering guilt or regret. 
I would never know. 
I clung to him harder and somehow the pain of the entire two years we’d been apart, rammed into me at once. 
I choked on a sob. Breathing became difficult and I felt myself gasping for air. 
“Mia?” Taehyung’s panicked voice was the last sane thought that registered. 
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay? I can stay the night if you want. I’ll sleep in the spare bedroom . ” Taehyung whispered,  seated on the warm fluffy blanket that he’d managed to dig out of the closet in the spare bedroom. i was already tucked into the bed, fingers clutching the satin lined edges . 
i shook my head.
“I know how much you need your gazillion pillows. Go on... I’ll be fine.”
“i feel terrible. i pushed you into a panic attack.”
I waved off the guilty words. 
“You didn’t . i was already a little frayed and i guess i haven’t really been processing all the stuff between us the way i should have. i just got a little overwhelmed.” 
A panic attack. At the age of 32. The last time i had one I was twenty four. I wanted to crawl into the bed and never resurface. 
Taehyung’s gentle fingers , stroking my cheek brought me out of my own head. 
“I was so scared.” He said softly and my heart ached.
“I’m sorry i scared you.” I said apologetically, gripping his wrists lightly and stroking the skin there with my thumb. 
“I really want to stay. i don’t think I’ll be able to sleep if I go home right now.” He whispered. 
I bit my lips. 
“Okay... but... You need to hug something. To sleep. “ 
He grinned at that. 
“I’m old enough to survive one night without a pillow, Mia .” he chuckled. 
I flushed, sinking deeper into the covers.
“You don’t have to worry about the counselor thing. I’ll tell Lee we don’t want to do any-”
“No!!” I said quickly, a lot  louder than I’d intended. 
Taehyung blinked.
“I just... I realized that I haven’t been dealing with any of this...the right way. I’m so confused and disoriented all the time and I .. I don’t mind getting some help. To sort things out. Just for myself you know...without the pressure of trying to fix...well us.” I finished .
Taehyung gave me a wide smile before bending down and kissing my forehead.
“ Okay, Mia mine. Sleep well, and I’ll see you in the morning.” 
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taizi · 3 years
61 or 75 for sanji?? i swear just a single op fic from you throws me headfirst back into that fandom
75. “What are you doing?” “…Eating.” “We’re being held hostage and you decide to raid the kitchen?” “They didn’t say the fridge was off limits.”
If he’s anything, he’s annoyed. He’s also just self-aware enough to admit that it’s probably not the correct reaction to have in this situation. At least he’s not the only one.
“Are they for real?” Usopp whispers on his left. He sounds as disgruntled as Sanji feels, which is ridiculously validating.
“Unfortunately, they appear to be.”
“Hey, you two!” one of the Marines snaps, pointing a gun at them. “Stop talking!”
“Or what?” Usopp calls back. It’s less of a taunt and more of a genuine question.
The Marines clearly don’t know how to answer, because they glance between each other for a moment, and then the first guy waves his gun some more.
“Or we make you stop talking,” he menaces. Sanji thinks this must be his first day on the job. God, what an unlucky bastard.
“Hey,” Nami snaps suddenly. “Don’t even think about going in there.”
Her voice is venomous enough that the Navy soldier who had been about to open the door into the girls’ living quarters actually snatches his hand away, as though the handle burned him.
“This is a lot of trouble to go through for a favor,” Sanji grits out.
“I know,” Nami replies. “I’m beginning to think maybe it’s too much trouble.”
Coby had begged them, begged them, on his knees, not to cause any more trouble. The Straw Hats had helped him drag in a dangerous man, and subsequently saved a lot of lives on the island.
Not out of any moral obligation or altruism on their part-- they are pirates, after all-- but the guy was an asshole.
The captain of the Naval base operating here had agreed to let them go on their way, out of what Sanji is pretty sure was one part sincere gratitude and two parts absolute certainty that there would be no way to detain them even if he wanted to.
At that point, though, a skirmish had already started.
“Please, please, please, Luffy-san,” Coby had pleaded, hands clasped in front of him, Helmeppo lingering nervously at his shoulder. “Just this one time? As a favor?”
“Ugh,” Luffy replied in clear distaste, more at the sight of his friend groveling on his knees than at the concept of playing nice with some Marines.
“Was that a yes?” Coby sprang to his feet, smiling widely. “I’m taking it as a yes! Thank you! Now please come with me to get Zoro-san before he does any more damage!”
He seized Luffy’s hand and dragged him down the gangplank. Clutching his hat to his head with his free hand before it could fly off, Luffy called over his shoulder, “Let’s do what Coby wants for now, even though it’s stupid!” and that was that.
So the crew split into two groups, one to retrieve their erstwhile first mate before he sank the entire island out of spite, and one to maintain friendly airs on the ship in the meantime. Luffy led the Zoro squad, because of course he did, Carrot bouncing along at his side. Franky, Brook and Chopper went along because their appearances make small-minded assholes nervous, which hurts their feelings, which in turn makes the rest of their nakama angry, and it devolves into a whole thing. Jimbei and Robin went, too, because it seemed more likely that Luffy’s situation would be the one to spiral into chaos, given that’s what Luffy Situations just do.
So that’s how they ended up here, Sanji, Usopp, and Nami left to play mediators. But it had barely been twenty minutes and already their tempers were fraying. At times like this, Sanji desperately wished Vivi were here. She could convince anyone of anything, while simultaneously making them feel guilty for not thinking of it on their own.
“The captain said we were letting them go,” one of the soldiers is saying nervously to the others. His gun is in his hand, but held down and to the side, unlike the other dozen.
“Are you fucking kidding? They’re worth billions.”
“But Straw Hat-- ”
“He won’t do anything as long as we’ve got these three captive.”
Nami twitches. She’s visibly clinging to the last shred of her patience now.
So they’ve gone rogue, Sanji thinks with distaste. All for some quick gold.
He leans back against the wall beside the tree, its shade a cool respite from the blistering summer sun. He can still vaguely remember who he was in East Blue, how he lived there; if a squad of soldiers had come into his home and pointed their guns at him back then, it would have been, at the very least, cause for some alarm.
But that was practically a lifetime ago. It’s just annoying now.
There’s a creak of footsteps, and Sanji glances up to find Usopp wandering toward the galley door.
“What are you doing?” Nami asks.
“Getting something to eat,” Usopp replies.
“We’re being held hostage and you decide to go raid the kitchen?”
“They didn’t say the fridge was off-limits.”
Sanji tilts his head, considering him. At the same-time, one of the Marines-- the loudest one-- says, “Quit moving around, for fuck’s sake. Just sit there or we’ll start shooting.”
“So start shooting,” Usopp grumbles, “at least then something interesting would happen.”
He’s their sniper, and he was the best at what he did even two years ago, but he would give Benn Beckman a run for his money now. If he wanted to, he could have taken these guys out by himself, within about ten seconds. But he still subsides, because Luffy asked them to go along with this stupid farce. For whatever reason, Coby is important to him. And that means Coby is important to all of them.
Coby is not, however, more important than--
“Are you hungry?” Sanji asks.
“Kind of,” Usopp says, in a way that actually means ‘yes.’ He shuffles a bit, hesitating. It’s been a long, hard road getting him back into the habit of normal meals after two years of extremely unhealthy eating behaviors, from one extreme to the other. Finally, he says, “We had to skip lunch.”
So they did. Sanji can feel himself coming alert, now. Something important is rearing its head inside him. He straightens from his irreverent lean and says, “In the mood for anything in particular?”
Usopp blinks at him, not following. Nami sighs but her expression is one of fondness.
“He’s like a dog with a bone,” she says, bumping Usopp’s shoulder with hers. “Might as well pick something.”
Usopp cracks a smile and opens his mouth, and then a gun goes off. Sanji is in front of Nami and Usopp before he even registers moving, both of his friends behind the shelter of his own body. He’s staring at the smoking muzzle of the pistol, aimed upwards instead of at his nakama, which is the only reason the man holding it is still alive. The bullet blew a whole through their painted mainsail, and the wind is whistling through the ripped canvas noisily.
Nami and Usopp grumble and nudge their way out from behind Sanji, standing one at each side of him instead. The soldier with the gun says, “Your posters say Dead or Alive, you know. You want to keep pressing your luck, or do you want to sit down and-- ”
Sanji kicks him in the face hard enough that something breaks beneath his heel. It’s all chaos after that.
Much later, Coby’s expression is one of absolute horror when he takes in the scene.
The Straw Hats, in turn, don’t miss a beat; stepping over the strewn bodies, drifting as a cohesive unit towards the sandwich station Sanji has set up to tide them over while a big pot of beef burgundy simmers in the kitchen.
Luffy looks around at the mess and says, “What happened?”
“It wasn’t our fault, captain. They shot at us,” Nami says right away, pointing up at the ripped sail as proof. She’s sipping a mimosa, reclining on a lounge chair, not a hair out of place when she adds, “We had to defend ourselves.”
Usopp has half a sandwich left on his plate, thick slices of roast beef dripping with caramelized onions and horseradish sauce, stacked between slabs of toasted rye bread. It’s entirely possible that Sanji went overboard. Usopp holds the second half out to Luffy as the other boy drifts over.
Luffy takes it and sits cross-legged on the grassy deck beside him, close enough that their knees and elbows bump companionably.
“So they deserved it, then,” he tells Coby, extremely judgemental. “Your people should listen to you better.”
Sanji smiles, hiding it behind his hand as he lights another cigarette.
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jinmindeulle · 3 years
instance | bae jacob
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 bae jacob x fem!reader
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 3.4 k
𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆 angst, fluff | soulmates au
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 minor cursing i think?
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚
Ten years ago, the whole soulmate thingy had sounded like the most romantic, life-changing experience of her life. It had felt simple, having to meet someone whose mere presence provided vivid colours to the flower tattooed on her wrist. Apparently, it was representative of her soulmate, yet that never made sense for her. How was she supposed to find out who her soulmate was by looking at the blackened outline of a lily? However, despite her concerns, she had been hopeful. It couldn’t be that hard.
Ah, how wrong was she. And it didn’t help that all of her friends had already found their soulmate, leaving her as the outcast for almost everything.
“I knew you were going to look delightful in that dress”
“As if you hadn’t seen me in it already!” the bride puffed, engulfing y/n in a sweet hug “I don’t know what I had done without you. You are the one who looks splendid! What if they are here?” Naeun released her best friend, wiggling her eyebrows when the girl’s cheeks turned a charming shade of pink.
“Nah, I don’t think so. I’ve given up already” looking down, y/n realized how sad that actually was.
How can someone give up finding their one true love at such young age? Everyone said that, and she understood where they came from. But after spending twenty-four years of her life looking for that significant other and never getting to experience true love, keeping her hopes up was an everyday struggle.
“I am not trying to be repetitive here, but you know they are out there looking for you, right?”
That was the only thing that kept her aching heart beating with a kind of hopeful rhythm. The tattoo she was born with hadn’t faded away, which meant her soulmate was still alive. She had known many stories of people who lost their soulmate at early stages of life, or who even were born without any tattoo at all. Yet, that didn’t solve herproblem. Her soulmate could be literally anywhere in the world, among 7.9 billion people.
“I need the bridesmaid with the rings by the altar in two minutes! The best man is already waiting for her!”
Y/n quickly left her troubles aside for once upon hearing the wedding planner yelling from the other side of the door, and tightly wrapped her arms around her best friend “I love you, Naeun. Please, be happy forever”
“Don’t make me cry five minutes before getting married!” whispered Naeun, returning the hug “I love you even more”
Leaving the room in a hurry, y/n quickly made her way towards the event hall’s main door, where a breathtakingly handsome, smiley Jacob was already waiting for her “Getting emotional?”
“Don’t bring it up now” she chuckled, tangling her right arm with the boy’s left one, approaching the wooden hatch with slow steps “How’s Minhee?”
“A ball of nerves, as usual” he grinned “But she looks fantastic. I can’t wait to see Naeun’s face when she sees her by the altar”
“Ah, to be in love” y/n sighed, looking at the pair of golden bands carefully placed in a little shiny box that was under her care until its content were delivered to their rightful owners.
Jacob stayed silent while starring at the stunning building in front of him, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. But when he finally spoke up, y/n wished he never did.
“It’s funny how I can vividly recall the butterflies I felt the day the girls introduced us hoping we were soulmates. Our tattoos never showed a sign of that being a fact, but how is it that I surely can tell what meeting my soulmate feels like?”
“Soulmate tattoos never lie, Jacob” she whispered, suddenly feeling the urge to open the door herself and begin the ceremony just to avoid yet another emotional conversation with the brother of one of the brides.
“Ever since then, I’ve started to believe they do” with a soft sad sigh, Jacob watched how the wedding planner came running to them, adjusting the last details and making sure they were ready to go in as soon as they opened the hatch.
Y/n was ready to argue against his foolish statement, but seeing the aisle right in front of her and many curious eyes landing on them prevented her from starting a pointless conversation with him “Let’s go”
Once, it had occurred to her that life had intended for it to be that way for a reason. As destiny was almost tangible, of course her love story was already planned out. But although she hated to admit it, Jacob was not that wrong when doubting about the power that those tattoos actually held. She had also felt the butterflies that day, the day her real agony had started.
How could someone be so handsome, caring and loving at the same time?
Jacob had taken her breath away the minute they sat down in a double date with the already soulmated girls, sweetly smiling at her when the pair got lost in their own world, and asking about her dreams. Only Bae Jacob would ask such questions in a first encounter — and that was the magic the boy carried around with him wherever he went.
Yet life was not going to give it away that easily. If she hadn’t hurried to the bathroom in the middle of their date just to find out that her lily was as colourless as it had always been, by the end of the night she would have been convinced that the smiling boy was her so longed soulmate.
Y/n felt how thick tears gathered in her eyes when her best friends vowed to love each other forever, noticing how their own tattoos glowed with the brightest colours, like never before. The happiness that overflowed her came crushing down when, though the tears, she perceived Jacob’s burning gaze fixed on her.
“How is it that you don’t get it?” We are not meant to be, we are not soulmates!”
“You are the one who doesn’t get it. I love you, y/n! Isn’t that enough for you?”
“It’s not”
Drying the fallen tears with the back of her hand, y/n tried to alleviate her grieving heart by looking away, leaving unwanted memories behind and making room for happier ones.
The wedding reception lifted y/n’s mood, just a little bit. She felt happy and pleased to finally see Naeun and Minhee dancing together, just looking at each other and not caring about anyone else but them. Those girls really deserved each other.
It had been nice to have Kevin’s company after the ceremony was over. Holding on to his arm and walking together while sharing a bubbly conversation had helped her ease her mind, avoiding all Jacob related thoughts in the process.
Kevin had always been there when she needed him. Although their friendship was not as old as hers with Naeun, the boy treated y/n like a lifetime had gone by with her by his side, and it felt so wonderfully right. They always jokingly brought up her mom’s disappointment when knowing he wasn’t her soulmate, because Kevin had been, quote, ‘the best prospect so far’.
Until he came.
“Y/n, dear! How long has it been?” the girl turned around from where she was standing looking at the dancing couple, and warmly smiled when she recognized the lady waving at her from her seat.
“I’ll be right back” she whispered to Kevin, who was too busy taking thousands of pictures per second to reply with more than a nod.
“Oh, look at you, honey!”
“Grandma Bae, I’m just the same as last year” y/n giggled, sitting right next to the old woman and gently hugging her.
“How dare you, little lady! You always look beautiful, but today you are glowing, my dear. How have you been?”
Jacob and Minhee’s grandmother was the most heart-warming, sweet little woman she had ever met. She had always been present in family gatherings, and as y/n was usually invited as well, it was only natural for them to get familiar with each other. However, the bond they shared was a rare one. Even Jacob had been amazed by how easily they had hit it off while giving away cake servings in Minhee’s 21stbirthday party. The thing was that as much as Grandma Bae smiled and laughed most of the time, she hardly ever took a liking to people who didn’t belong to the family. So y/n had been the one and only exception.
“You know, my Cobie has been really downhearted lately, and I have been trying to figure out the reason why for months. But today… I totally see it” the old woman placed her soft, wrinkled hand over hers and squeezed it.
“Grandma…” y/n sighed, looking at her with pleading eyes.
“You love him, don’t you?”
Y/n looked around, easily spotting his bright smile. He was dancing with his sister, looking at her like she was the most precious thing in the world but at the same time making fun of her clumsy ball steps. And as he spun Minhee around, Y/n left how her heart leaped — yes, of course she loved him. She had been deeply in love with him ever since their first and only date, and for about four years now.
But they were not meant to be. And she constantly made sure to remind herself of it every time she felt like kissing Jacob because on rainy days, he liked to pick her up from work — he knew her that much to figure out she would always forget her umbrella.
“But we aren’t soulmates” y/n mumbled, looking down at her engulfed hands.
“How are you so sure about that, dear?” Grandma Bae gave her a smile when she lifted her gaze to meet her eyes.
“Our tattoos stay the same whenever we are together. Our flowers are not even similar. We are simply not made to be together”
The old woman nodded, reassuringly tightening the grip “Have I ever told you my love story with Grandpa Bae?”
“No, I don’t think I ev-”
“Grandma! What are you doing with my bridesmaid?” a grinning Minhee interrupted their conversation, tugging at y/n by the arm “She has to be on the dance floor, not sitting like an old woman!”
“Bae Minhee! Don’t be so rude with Grandma, we were just talking! I haven’t seen her in months” as if the bell had saved her from yet another emotional exchange, y/n jokingly scolded her friend, tossing her hand away “I’ll be there in a minute”
“Fine! But if I don’t see you there I will personally come to you and drag you with me”
Nodding in agreement, y/n saw how the bride walked back to the dancefloor, taking Kevin with her in the process “Maybe we can talk about this later” trying to supress her relief, the girl sent the woman an apologetic smile.
“I just want you to know that sometimes our tattoos need some help. For some people like my granddaughter and Naeun, they work right away, needing nothing more than eye contact to display their bright colours. But for others, like my husband and I, knowing and loving each other from afar is not enough. Don’t give up so easily, dear. I know my Cobie profoundly loves you, just like you do”
Sometimes, stargazing helped her with her aching heart. The way the stars shined for her constantly, reassured her that no matter how bad her day went, how hard it was to cope with her loneliness or how heart-breaking it felt to say goodbye to Jacob knowing he could find his soulmate in the next minute, they would remain the same — bright, little, unreachable, delicate, beautiful. Hopeful.
So when she felt like she was suffocating inside the wedding venue, she left through the back door, hoping to catch a little bit of fresh air, but most importantly, strength from the night sky.
Minhee and Naeun had spent a while choosing the perfect venue, and y/n believed that they had decided on the right one. Especially when the party started and the lights illuminated the enormous room with the girl’s tattoos colours. She had to admit she almost cried. Again.
Sitting on an empty bench, y/n leaned her head against its hard wooden backrest and closed her eyes, breathing in and out. With such an empty head, which rarely happened to her, the girl would have fallen asleep if it hadn’t been for the sound of quiet steps approaching her from her side. She didn’t need to open her eyes to know who they were, so she chose to stay still in an attempt to calm her already leaping heart.
“Can I?”
She nodded. His honeyed scent filled her nostrils, making her pout. He really didn’t have to be that perfect, yet he went about life being it.
“I didn’t get the chance to tell you how gorgeous you look tonight. I know my sister and my now sister-in-law are the stars of the night, but still” Jacob murmured, giving a sad laugh “You know what, no. You are always the star of the night for me”
Of course he would say that.
“Jacob…” y/n tiredly sighed, opening her eyes and looking at him. For the first time in a while, she saw his eyes flashing gloom. A silent tear ran down his cheek, making him look away quickly to dry it off with the back of his hand.
“Don’t worry” he mumbled, avoiding her now burning gaze.
“Jacob” she repeated, wrapping her hand around his. It seemed to work, because he looked at her once again, his eyes still shining with pain “Can we just forget about it for tonight?”
“What do you mean?” the boy’s brows knitted, trying to get her point.
“The soulmate thing” she squeezed his hand, fighting back the tears that seemed to be about to leave her eyes anytime soon “Can we pretend we live in a world where people can fall in love with whoever they want and destiny does not get in the way?”
“Y/n…” his soft voice gave away the hurt he had been saving for him all those four years “I don’t want to seem rude about this, but you are too slow to catch up. I have been living like that for a long time. You just didn’t want to do that yourself”
Jacob was known for his gentleness with people. He was always too nice, and many times she had wanted to reprimand him for being like that. Not everybody deserved that treatment, yet he insisted. It felt natural for him.
However, now, Jacob seemed tired. He didn’t want to keep smiling when he was clearly not okay, and y/n understood she was going to be the first one to see his not-so-happy side. She was the one who dared to break his heart. Every. Single. Time. So she deserved the cold tone. She deserved to feel guilty.
But she had always arrived to the same conclusion. She loved Jacob dearly, so she was inevitably going to undergo heartbreak whenever he found his soulmate. Nevertheless, she was not a fool. She would have to find a way to somehow diminish the pain she was going to experience. And avoiding a relationship with Jacob was that way. Y/n was not willing to pretend they were about to spend the rest of their lives together just to have someone snatch him away from her the moment their tattoos revealed their colours, hers staying as colourless as always.
“Can we?” she repeated, hoping he would leave the subject aside for just one night.
“Okay” he sighed, finally returning her hand squeeze.
With no second thoughts, y/n moved closer, pressing to his side and placing her head on the curve of his neck while the boy rested his arm over her shoulders. Looking up, the girl smiled “The stars shine for us tonight”
“They always do” he whispered, caressing her hand with his fingertips.
His comforting touch reminded her of Grandma Bae and the conversation they had shared some hours before. Her last words had stayed in her mind for the rest of the night, and kept her wondering what she really meant with giving the tattoos ‘some help’.
“Cob?” When she called his name, Jacob lifted his eyes from their intertwined hands and looked y/n, who was already sitting straight again in order to face him better “Has Grandma Bae ever told you about her story with your grandfather?”
Jacob seemed a little bit taken aback by the question, but nevertheless nodded and replied “Yeah, she has always been really vocal about it. Why’d you ask?”
“Can you tell me? How they realized they were soulmates?” her hopeful, shining eyes made the boy grin with pride, relieved that he was able to bring her a little bit of happiness, at least for a while.
“Well, back then it was even harder to find one’s soulmate. The soulmate nature of humanity was still developing and adapting, so the tattoos could be anywhere, not only in their arms as most of us currently do. Displaying skin was not an ordinary thing, and when they did, it was usually to make everyone aware of the fact that they had already found theirs. And I don’t think it’s necessary to explain that globalization was not as solid as it is now. If your soulmate lived next door you would easily find them, but imagine if they were on the other side of the globe” he shook his head, his ministrations soft and continuous “Well, my point is that they had to be more explicit than we are nowadays — we just look at our arms and verify it within seconds. But back then, if you liked someone you met in a random place and thought they could be your soulmate, you would have to go further. You just couldn’t wait to get home and see whether the tattoo in your ass cheek was all rainbows or not” Y/n chuckled, suddenly amazed by Jacob’s storytelling skills “Knowing you would likely never see them again, you would have to take a risk. That’s what Grandma Bae did. She kissed him! Like she had known him forever, yet it had been like a couple of months since they met each other at my great grandfather’s farm” now, his tone of voice was the one displaying amazement. No matter how many times he heard his grandparent’s love story, he would always find incredible how bold Grandma Bae had been.
And now, it made sense.
But for others, like my husband and I, knowing and loving each other from afar is not enough.
“Cobie?” y/n called his name once again, trying to find his eyes, which were still caught up in the story’s main point.
“Mhm?” he asked, his smile faltering when he noted her worrying glance.
“Do you… do you think our tattoos…?”
“Say it, y/n” noticing her doubtful expression, Jacob encouraged her by caressing one of her cheeks with the back of his free hand.
Taking a deep breath, she let her thoughts out “Do you think our tattoos need some help?”
“I’m not getting it, love” he mumbled, letting the pet name he had always wanted to call her slip out of his mouth.
“Can I just… show it to you?”
Y/n looked up at the stars asking for courage, and they seemed to understand. It was just a quick glance, but it was all she needed for her to take Jacob’s cheeks with her hands and press their lips together. The million butterflies that had been born the day she met him were released in that instance, liberating them, letting them free. As if it wasn’t already enough, y/n felt Jacob’s arms bringing her closer, tightening his grip around her waist, and softly placing his hands on the small of her back. He deepened the kiss, tasting her for the first time like it was his last — because it could be.
However, when they both left each other’s lips, what could have been grief was now utter happiness.
“Oh my God” y/n gasped, her hands abandoning Jacob’s cheeks to tightly grip her arm.
“I…” the boy hurriedly rolled up his white shirt’s sleeve, just to find out that his flower was displaying all shades of purple with some white traces here and there.
“Cobie, ho-”
“I fucking love you, y/n” he grinned, taking her arm now adorned with an orangey red tattooed lily, and placing a kiss on it.
“I love you” she cried, returning her lips right to where they belonged.
Right where her heart beat, right where her life began.
With Jacob.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚
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alloftheimaginess · 3 years
Let me
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Another part to what I’m calling my comfort song series. The song I was listening to while writing this is called Anchor by Novo Amor
"Wow. Under different circumstances, this would be totally awesome" Clint says as we look out of the window of the ship when we get to 2014 and I look around as he lands.
I follow them as we start the walk towards the mountains and I take in the scenery "you know it's kind of weird" I say.
"What's weird?" Clint asks.
"This is the year that I found out I had powers. So twelve year old me is currently somewhere blowing up a section of the public library" I say a smile on my face and they laugh.
"And we are on our way to find a twelve year old who blew up a section of the library without weapons" Nat says.
"I was so scared. I thought I was going to prison" I say.
"And look how much you've grown since then" Clint says.
"I know. It's crazy. But I have you two and Laura to thank for taking me in and showing me that I have nothing to be afraid of, that I should embrace who I am. I almost felt like I met Charles Xavier" I say and he smiles at me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me close and I wrap my arm around his waist as we walk towards the mountains.
We start to climb the mountain and Natasha let’s put a huff "I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain" she says.
"Technically, he's not a raccoon, you know" Clint says.
"Technically he is" I say.
"Whatever. He eats garbage" she says and I laugh.
"Welcome" a voice says when we reach the top and Clint and Natasha pull their weapons out and my hands start to glow as we turn around and there's a floating man.
"Natasha, daughter of Ivan, Clint, son of Edith and Yn, daughter of Dn" he says.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"Consider me a guide. To you, and to all who seek the Soul Stone" he says.
"Oh, good. You tell us where it is. Then we'll be on our way" Natasha says.
"Ah, liebchen. If only it were that easy" he says leading us to a cliff and I look over getting an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"What you seek lies in front of you as does what you fear" he says.
"The stone is down there" Natasha say also looking over.
"For one of you. For the other two in order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul" he says.
"What?" I ask, my power going out as I mentally repeat what he just said and Nat leads me to a log and she sits me down and I look at them.
"A soul for a soul? He wants one of us to die?" I ask and she nods.
"Yeah I think he does" she says and I shake my head.
"No" I say.
"That can't be right. Why? What? Who thinks of this stuff?" I ask and she rubs my back as we sit in silence.
"How's it going?" Clint asks the guy chucking as he walks over to us.
"Jesus. Maybe he's making this shit up" he says.
"No. I don't think so" Nat says.
"Why because he knows your Daddy's name?" He asks.
"I didn't even know my dads name" I whisper.
"Thanos left here with the stone, without his daughter. It's not a coincidence" Nat says.
"Yeah" he says.
"Whatever it takes" Nat says.
"Whatever it takes" he says and Nat stands up.
"Tasha what are you doing?" I ask.
"If we don't get that stone, billions of people stay dead" she says rubbing my cheek and she smiles at me and I stand up as she turns to Clint.
"Then I guess we both know who it's gotta be" he says.
"I guess we do" Natasha says.
"What? No. What are you guys talking about?" I ask my voice cracking.
"Yn this doesn't concern you" Nat says.
"Yes it does, you're obviously trying to sacrifice yourselves and expect me to just sit here quietly" I say.
"Because you aren't going to do anything so go sit on the log while we work this out" he says and he grabs Natasha's hand and she squeezes it.
"I'm starting to think we mean different people here, Natasha" he says.
"Duh" I say and they both look at me.
"Stop, please just stop. Can we think about this for a second?" I cry.
"For the last five years I've been trying to do one thing. Get to right here, that's all it's been about bringing everybody back. You guys I have to do this" she says holding her hand out to me and I stare at it.
"Oh, don't you get all decent on me now" he says and she grabs my hand.
"What, you think I wanna do it? I'm trying to save your both of your lives, you idiot" she says looking at him.
"Yeah, well, I don't want you to, because I-Natasha, you know what I've done. You know what I've become" Clint says.
"I don't judge people on their worst mistakes" she says.
"Maybe you should" he says.
"You didn't" she says.
"Just because of your past choices doesn't mean you guys have to die to make up for it" I sob and they look at me.
"Yn please just let me do this" Clint says and I shake my head pulling my hand away from Natasha.
"I'm not about to stand here and listen to you guys go back and forth over which one of you is going to die" I say.
"I agree with Yn" Natasha says and he sighs.
"You're a pain in my ass, you know that?" He asks and she smiles.
"Okay. You win" he says smiling and knocks Natasha to the ground and I jump from the sudden attack.
"Tell my family I love them" he says holding her down and she flips them over so he's on his back and she's standing up.
"You tell them yourself" she says electrocuting him and she runs towards the cliff and he gets up and shoots an explosive arrow knocking her down and I glare at them and they both freeze in place.
"What the hell is wrong with you two?" I ask and I walk in front of them.
"I'm not about to let you do this. Clint you have a family who loves you and Natasha you deserve to live, you deserve to be happy. Who cares if you made mistakes you are the only person who I know who is truly worth a redemption. Neither of you have to make up for your crimes because you've done it ten fold already, you are the most amazing people I know and I know a lot of people" I say backing towards the cliff.
"Yn stop" Clint says trying to grab me but he can't and I shake my head and I close my eyes and when I open them they are white.
"Yn" Natasha says.
"No" I say sending them flying back and the vines from the cracks wrap around them.
"I'm not letting either of you die when you deserve so much" I say.
"Yn calm down and think this through. You haven't even lived your life. You're only twenty one years old" Clint says and I nod.
"Which is perfect because I don't have roots, I don't have lifelong friendships, a family. I'm on my own and always have been. I'm not letting you guys kill yourself and not even consider me an option, I'm an adult. I'm going to do it, I’m going to do it for you and the billions of people that didn’t get the choice that I have" I say closing my eyes again and I picture all of the avengers and I send a messages to them.
"You guys have been my family since the first time I met you. I was only twelve and struggling with my powers but you guys took me in and you helped me and I couldn't have asked for a better family but none of you deserve to die. You guys are the avengers. Thank you for everything ever single one of you have done for me, for a girl who was given up and forgetting about none of you will ever really know how much that meant to me. I love you all so much"
"Yn get out of our head and knock it off. You aren't about to kill yourself" Natasha says.
"Yes I am" I say.
"I love you guys" I say and I take a step back and I hear Natasha scream for me as I fall.
"Where's Yn. We got her message?" Steve asks as soon as they all meet back up.
"She used her powers against us. One of us we're supposed to die to get the stone and Clint and I were going back and forth and we got close and she froze us in place and we couldn't do anything but watch. She was only a kid" she cries and Clint pulls her into his arms as the rest of them look on in sorrow.
“Did everyone get their stone?" she asks looking up, a new fire in her eye.
"Yes" Tony says, a silence falling over the group as they realize they have lost the girl that was like a daughter to them.
"Then let's do this" she says walking off.
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