#I adore him so much and I'll do anything to see him smile and hear him laugh aaah!
penkura · 2 days
last forever [9/13]
Summary: Zoro only offered to marry you to keep you out of an arranged marriage with a man much older than you. You agreed with the caveat of ending it via annulment once you received word from your parents regarding the original engagement, despite your growing feelings for your close friend.
Pairing: Zoro x Fem!reader, mentioned Sanami later (like epilogue later so chill)
Warnings: Marriage of Convenience, Fake Marriage, referenced sex (waaaaaay later on), mutual pining, Zoro is bad at feelings but what's new there, eventual romance I promise, mention of past attempted assault (I'll warn in that chapter), creepy older dude later on
Note: Post-timeskip, go let's go. Of course, they're a little older now, we know Zoro is 21, so Reader is now 20. :) This chapter IS shorter than the others that are left, but that just means we're getting into the better parts of the story. I really can't wait for you all to see what's next. :)
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2] ● [Ch. 3] ● [Ch. 4] ● [Ch. 5] ● [Ch. 6] ● [Ch. 7] ● [Ch. 8]
It’s been a long time since you’ve felt such strong anxiety about seeing people, not since the last time you’d met with your parents’ chosen fiancé for you, but it’s come back in spades at the thought of seeing your crew again after two years.
At the thought of seeing Zoro again, more than anything.
The thought of him deciding to dissolve your marriage when he sees you again is the main source of your anxiety, what you try to push away as you leave the lovely group of swordswomen who took care of you for the last two years, those who you’d told about your situationship with Zoro wishing you the best as they dropped you off. You hope no one is jinxing anything, but still feel nervous every time you see someone or something that could be Zoro as you go about, looking for things to purchase and for your friends.
When Nami and Usopp find you, the happiness between the three of you makes all your worries and anxieties dissipate for the time being. Both hug you so tightly, a three-person group hug, you almost cry out of happiness at seeing them again, before Nami starts fawning over how you look so much stronger yourself. She can’t believe how different you seem! She adores your outfit of course, a fitted tank top with knee-length shorts to match and ankle boots, your beloved sword from Elias still attached to your hip. You tell her how wonderful she looks, giving Usopp the same compliment as the three of you start making your way towards Sunny, running into a distraught Chopper who you’re able to calm down after an explanation of the fake Starw Hats on Sabaody.
Chopper gives you a big hug and lets you carry him the rest of the way, its like you have a child but you don’t mind it. You’ll baby Chopper all he wants, it’s the least you can do after he’d taken such great care of you all as your crew’s doctor before you were separated.
Once you make it to Sunny, you’re glad to see your ship and home is safe, and receive compliments from Franky and Robin regarding how more grown up you look. You are twenty now, after all, but it makes you smile shyly and your face feel warm as you thank them both.
After Chopper leaves to retrieve the missing members of your crew once Brook arrives, you start to feel your anxiety creep in again, Robin noticing right away and giving you a soft smile.
“Zoro will be glad to see you again.”
“You,” you gulp a bit, smiling nervously now, “you think so?”
“I do. You two have been close since I’ve been with everyone, I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you’re well.”
You really do hope Robin is right, especially when you hear Chopper calling for you all, the large bird he’d left on returning now with Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro aboard as well. You surprise yourself by not crying when you see Zoro, instead grinning brightly and joining Usopp at waving widely to the three of them, shouting their names.
It slightly catches Zoro off guard to see you so happy, but still makes him keep his own smile on his face when he sees you. Robin is correct, though Zoro doesn’t know that, but he is truly glad to see you’re fine, you look so much stronger than two years ago, and seeing how you keep yourself up on your feet when Luffy flings himself down to give you a hug, he’s even more impressed. He wants, needs, to talk to you alone, but after making it on deck, Luffy still hasn’t let you go, Zoro realizes its going to be a bit before he can take you elsewhere to talk, especially so once Sanji recovers from his nosebleed and also gives you a hug. He turns to fawning over you like Nami did, telling you how lovely you look.
Zoro can’t disagree with that statement.
He gives you time with Sanji, who continues to talk to you and tries to tell you about his own two years, until he notices you’re constantly glancing past him, and he knows exactly why.
Sanji smiles at you, before taking you by the shoulder and pushing you towards Zoro, essentially telling you to go see your husband already, he’s been waiting for you to be free so you could talk maybe. It makes you smile at him before you finally walk over to Zoro, who had turned to leaning against the rail with his arms crossed and eyes closed, until you tap his shoulder and he opens his one good eye to see you.
“Hey there.”
You feel nervous, for some reason, before you notice the scar over his left eye finally and tilt your head.
“What happened with your eye?”
“Training accident,” Shrugging, Zoro stands up straight and you realize he’s gotten slightly taller in the last two years, he notices the same for you but you’re still shorter than him, “Come with me for a bit, yeah?”
Nodding, you follow Zoro up to the crow’s nest, the two of you briefly talking about your two years. You’re amazed to hear he trained under Mihawk, while Zoro is beyond impressed you ended up in a village for swordswoman. He knew you looked stronger, he can’t wait to see how much better you’ve become with your sword.
Once you’re both in the crow’s nest, before you can say anything else, Zoro surprises you this time but hugging you as tightly as he can, which you return once you’ve shaken off the shock that he’s initiated this. You thought the two years would make the two of you drift apart, not being around each other or anything, but perhaps you’d just been paranoid the whole time.
Don’t cry, I don’t want to cry right now…
“I missed you.”
He’s making it difficult for you not to cry, so you just nod a bit, biting your tongue to keep from crying.
“I missed you too, Zoro…”
Neither of you say anything for a while, you’re impressed the rest of your crew hasn’t tried to bother and bring you both back down with everyone, but you’re also grateful for it. You both need this, just some time together, time alone, it’s probably not enough time to discuss your marriage and what’s next, but you don’t really care that much.
“I…I love you…”
Zoro nods, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead briefly.
“I know.”
That’s enough for you right now, it still makes you smile up at him, before you frown a bit, causing Zoro to raise an eyebrow at you.
“My parents…they still want me to go back and marry him…”
“Oh yeah?”
You nod, staying quiet for a moment before you sigh and lay your head back against his chest and gripping his top while he strokes your hair a bit. He may not agree with what you’re about to say, but after two and a half years, your marriage could only be ended by divorce, a thought you’ve hated since this came into being. You even hated the thought of the annulment plans, and now, you two only had the choices of divorcing or staying married.
“I don’t want a divorce…”
“We’re not gonna. Not now,” Zoro hugs you a little tighter, one arm around your shoulders and the other around your waist as he gives you a kiss on the top of your head, “I won’t let anyone take you away from the crew, even if we stay married forever.”
“Thank you…thank you so, so much, Zoro…”
“Of course. I’d never let anyone force you into anything, wife.”
You think Fishman Island was one of the fastest “get to city enter battle” events you’ve experienced do far, maybe second only to Sabaody. Your crew was separated almost immediately, you ended up with Nami and she took you to the shops right away, demanding discounts and trying to put cute clothes on you, things she swears Zoro would probably like to see you in with a grin while you shy away and push her off a bit. Admitting to her and Robin that you’re in love with Zoro might have been a mistake, but at least you have people to talk to about the situation.
Of course, though, nothing is easy as a member of the Straw Hats and you all quickly are defending the Ryugyu Kingdom from Hordy Jones, fighting off masses of Fishmen to protect yourselves and the innocent citizens of the kingdom.
While you don’t take out anywhere near as many enemies as Zoro or Sanji, you still fight enough to help keep them at bay, getting some compliments post-battle from your crewmates and some of the citizens. It makes you feel both shy and proud at the same time, your two years of training weren’t a waste after all, even Zoro can see the changes in your fighting style and how well your attacks land now. You don’t look as nervous as you used to either, despite the confidant air you’d put on back then. The little bout you two had when you asked to stay with him, he saw you shaking so badly because you were scared but also still recovering from being sick, you tried your best and Zoro could see that, it’s part of why he had no problem with you following him, especially once you let him start teaching you more about swordsmanship.
You’ve definitely improved from the shaky, scared girl he met four years ago.
You feel like Zoro hasn’t changed at all, despite the scar over his left eye and definitely becoming bulkier, he was still the same to you. Still makes your heart flutter when you watch him fight, he still checks on you after fights, it makes you happy to see he’s still the same. He’s still Zoro, of course he wouldn’t change.
“Hey, come with me for a minute.”
During the celebration that’s being thrown for you all as thanks for saving Fishman Island, Zoro takes your hand leads you off again, just the two of you. It makes you comment that if he keeps taking you away from everyone, someone is going to get the wrong idea, but Zoro just shrugs it off. He doesn’t really care what others think still, you’ve always known that.
Once you’re far enough away from everyone, he guides you to sit beside him before surprising you with what he says next.
“We should talk about our situation.”
The fact Zoro actually wants to discuss what’s going to happen next is the surprise, but you still nod, agreeing with him.
“Change your mind on us divorcing?”
“No, I haven’t,” Zoro brushes a bit of hair behind your ear, placing his hand on your cheek which makes you smile at him, “We’re not divorcing unless you want to, but…I think we should try, you know, dating, or whatever you want to call it…”
You blink a few times, completely confused and shocked before tilting your head.
“…huh? You…what?”
“What, you suddenly going deaf or something?” Zoro pinches your cheek a little which makes you wince and pout, before giving him a glare that makes him smirk at you, “We should try a relationship, forget your parents and our original deal. I…I want to try being your boyfriend.”
You really didn’t expect this, you first thought,  like you asked, that Zoro had changed his mind and decided he was done with your fake marriage, but instead, he actually wants to give the two of you a try. Wants to see if this might be something that really could last, not a temporary solution to your personal problems.
While you think it through for a moment, you barely register that Zoro is starting to look nervous, something you’ve never really seen before. Once you make up your mind, before he can say anything more, you lean up and kiss him, pulling away with a smile that Zoro returns.
“I’d love to give us a real try, Zoro.”
Everything is going to be okay, you’re sure of it.
Sanji and Nami can see a difference in your and Zoro’s relationship quickly after you leave Fishman Island. As you approach Punk Hazard, Zoro doesn’t really let you go, keeping you near to him even as you all draw straws and you end up being one of the group to stay on Sunny and keep watch. Neither of them say anything when he pulls you aside once again, but the smile you have while you talk to Zoro tells them both everything is fine, especially when you nod once more and hug him, which he returns to their surprise.
The two look at each with questioning glances, trying to see if you’ve said anything to the other, but both shrug. Truthfully there’s not been time to talk to either of them, and when the group Zoro’s a part of leaves, the two drag you to the kitchen and start asking questions, which causes you to laugh, but Nami doesn’t really think it’s funny.
“Come oooonnnn,” Nami leans against your arm, giving you a pout, “You guys are acting weird, you can’t tell us something isn’t going on.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Nami.”
The blush on your face starts to give you away, and Sanji figures it out, giving you a slight grin.
“Did he finally tell you he likes you back?”
“Mm…something like that.”
“Are you guys dating then?”
“Maybe~” You’re not very good at being coy, to the point Nami gasps and shouts that she knew it before hugging you tightly while you laugh and Sanji sighs, still smiling.
“About damn time. That stupid mosshead, taming two years to tell you anything.”
“Well, all he said was that he wants to try a relationship, so that’s what we’re doing.”
“So he’s your boyfriend!” The little squeal and giggle from Nami makes you join in. “Finally, I told you he liked you back!!”
“Yeah, yeah, you were right!”
Sanji is quiet while he watches the two of you for a few moments. He really does hope that you and Zoro are going to be okay one day, that he’ll stay your husband and neither of you has to deal with the divorce papers or anything like that. He doesn’t want to watch another couple in his life break down, even as you two are just starting out.
Well, minus your two and a half years of actually being married, even though it hasn’t been a real marriage yet. It still isn’t, as you explain after a bit, but your friends seem to get it. You still want things kept under wraps, until Nami brings something up.
“Yeah…umm…about that…”
You give her a confused look as Sanji sighs again.
“Luffy kind of told everyone that didn’t know. It was the day Franky was making comments about you and mosshead being in his bed.”
Groaning, you lean back in your seat before nodding.
“All right then…let’s keep me and Zoro dating between the four of us then?”
“A good idea.”
“At least we can keep a secret.”
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riisume · 4 months
Do you have any plans to draw Kikuo/Nebo tickling outside of asks, or are you saving it for when the mood strikes?
Needless to say, I hope I'll get to see that cherub wreck that leopard maaaany times. Sorry Nebo, but you do deserve all the tickles.
I do! I'll be honest though, the asks really help me with tk ideas. :'D I have a hard time coming up with them on my own or I wind up feeling that my own ideas are lacking/boring so I don't draw them.
I do want to draw some more of my own ideas for Kikuo/Nebo tks tho!
There'll be plenty more where they came from, asks or not. ^_^ Nebo's a ler/dom (he doesn't like not being in a position of power), so seeing him out of his element is really cute and I've taken a B I G liking to these two's shenanigans.
Li'l cherub fox that's around 2 feet standing can make a 5' 9" leopard man crumple to the floor from several pokes to the ribs. uvu Adorable~
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tojisun · 7 months
im going feral at the idea of biker!simon visiting you at work to bring you a little care package when you sent him a quick message, saying how tired you are :(
"hey, sunshine?" rosie asks as she stops by your desk. "someone's here askin' for you."
you would've jolted in panic at the unexpected summoning but rosie is cheekily grinning at you, her dimpled smile making her look a whole lot brighter, her exhaustion for the day easing off just a bit.
it makes you smile back.
"oh?" you say, standing up from your desk and following her towards the breakroom. "is it my prince charming?"
"i'd love to think so." you didn't expect the familiar drawl of simon's voice and you startle, whipping to face him, your eyes wide in surprise as a gasp punches itself from your lungs.
rosie slips from your mind altogether.
"hey, baby," simon greets when you remained unmoving, too stunned to know how to act. rosie giggles from behind you before hearing the familiar patter of her feet as she leaves, giving the two of you space.
"why're you here?" you finally get to respond, holding onto your excitement as you rove your eyes over your lover, cataloguing the box held in one of his hands and his helmet in the other. he must've driven here directly from the shop.
"you said you weren't feeling too good so i'm here to drop off some goodies." he shrugs as he closes the distance between the two of you before presenting you the box. you take it with trembling hands. "it ain't much but i hope it's enough to last you 'till later in the afternoon, and i promise: we'll do all that you want, yeah?"
he reaches forward to brush your hair away from your face, huffing a fond smile when he catches the way you sniffle. you're still not used to being spoiled and simon adores your shy reactions – eyes ducking away to hide from his, your teeth trapping your bottom lip to nibble on. he hopes one day you will shake away the shyness and start demanding from him. start being confident in what it is that you want.
(you can even ask simon for the stars and he won't find it unreasonable; he will claw his way into the heavens and pluck them out for you. sometimes it terrifies him how you make him feel a love so strong, it triumphs over anything and everything. but often times, simon basks in it. basks in the way his love for you overflows until it creates a crashing tide, ready to sweep him away.)
"thank you," you whisper as you slot yourself in his arms, hiding your face on his chest, breathing in the leather. you sigh wistfully when you feel him pat your head, reassuring. caring. loving.
simon kisses the top of your head. "it's no problem at all, love." he smiles down at you when you pull back just enough to stand on your tiptoes and peck him on his lips. "i'll see you later, yeah?"
you nod, falling back into his arms.
("jesus, sunshine. that is one big boy," rosie says as the two of you watch simon walk out of the office, his unmistakable bulk stark against all the exhausted office workers ambling about.
you giggle. "yeah. my big boy.")
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yawnderu · 8 months
Adoration — Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
Content: fluff, pregnant!reader, horrible dad jokes.
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Our small talk was quite big to me. You know I love you, yeah? My entire life, I always wanted the most simple things. A cup of tea, a normal family, nice food, to be loved and accepted. To find comfort in someone, for the first time ever.
"Earth to Simon." You say teasingly, a hand being waved slowly near his eyes, as if to see if he was focusing on you. He gives you a questioning look, raising a blonde eyebrow stained with eyeblack.
"Seemed a bit lost there." You give his cheek a kiss and you could swear you felt it heat up right after. He returns it, of course, giving you an overly wet kiss on the cheek that makes you recoil and scrunch up your face in mock disgust, dragging a quiet laugh out of him. The sound is beautiful, something your enamored brain can never fully process no matter how many times you hear it.
"I'm here." He replies, arms wrapping around your waist as he brings you closer to his naked body, one hand now gently holding the back of your head as your cheek touches his chest.
"I'm here." He repeats, voice quieter as he looks down at you. The image of you has always been the lens in which he can see the world with love. Reserved for you— his hand trails down, running down your skin delicately before settling on your tummy. —and the life growing inside of you.
"I've been thinking about retiring." He says it so casually you take a few seconds to process, blinking a few times before looking up at him with a mix of confusion and excitement in your face.
"Really?" He doesn't blame you for not believing it— hell, he doesn't even believe it himself. His whole life has been dedicated to putting his life on the line, what else can he do? He'll find something. Anything.
"Yeah." He confirms, planting a soft kiss on your forehead as his hand keeps gently holding your stomach, hoping he can feel the baby kicking.
"There's too much to lose now that I have my girls with me." And he doesn't wanna take the risk anymore. He wants to grow old with you, and he wants to see his girl grow. Maybe even have a couple more kids later on.
His words are met with a soft peck, your hand gently running through his short, bleached hair.
"Are you sure?" He doesn't even hesitate before nodding, bringing your naked body closer to his, wanting to feel everything he missed out on his whole life.
"Already spoke with the old man. Said he'd support me either way." He chuckled softly, thinking back on his conversation with Price. The man was barely 10 years older than him, yet in a way, he was a father figure for Simon. Someone to look up to, a mentor.
He still remembers the first time you and Simon confirmed you were together, and how Price promised to keep his lips sealed despite fraternization being frowned upon. Price knew it would happen either way, looking at the way Simon's eyes softened when you were introduced to the team. The way he was always next to you, paying special attention to you during missions despite knowing you're part of the 141 because you're a capable soldier. Price would tease him in private about his obvious crush on you and Simon would simply say he's seeing things because of dementia.
"Then I'll retire too." You confirm, and before he can open his mouth to protest, you keep talking.
"I'm not risking our girl growing up without a mother. Can't imagine forcing her to deal with your bad jokes alone." You tease and the corners of his lips tilt up, eyes glistening with... something. You know that look.
"No, don't st—" You try to get up from bed and he gently pulls you closer, the same smug smile on his lips that shows he knows he's about to do something awful.
"What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?" You groan loudly and try to escape his grasp, a smile tugging at your lips as he holds you even closer, planting a bunch of kisses all over your face while you try your best not to giggle.
"Sofishticated." He says bluntly, looking down at you to see your reaction. You simply look away, trying to have a serious expression yet... his jokes are so bad they're funny. A small giggle escapes you before you're full on laughing, trying to move him away from you so you can escape the never ending nightmare of his dad jokes, his low laugh coming from somewhere behind you while he holds you closer, thinking of more jokes he read online just to tell you. You are the shelter in which I find strength to carry on. Thank you.
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saetoshis · 27 days
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ LET'S PLAY A GAME | kny headcanons
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⋆୨୧˚ WITH: sanemi ; giyuu ; tengen ; kyojuro ; obanai
⋆୨୧˚ SUMMARY: how much do they like to tease you?
fem reader, teasing/begging, pet names [pretty girl, baby], orgasm control, mentions of dacryphilia, mentions of restraint/bondage, MDNI
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꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ SANEMI: 10/10
sanemi lives to see you yearning for his touch. he just can't get enough of your little whines and pleads for his hands on you, and the way you paw at the bulge in his pants so desperately makes his every muscle tense up in anticipation - but his favorite part is seeing just how far he can push you.
"what's that, pretty girl? you want what?" sanemi sneers, knowing fully well what you just said but he just can't help playing dumb to see how sexually frustrated you can get. he kneels over where you're laying, a hand palming the bulge in his pants nonchalantly. "this? this what you want? hm?"
"yes, please, seriously," you whine out between heaved breaths, your flushed aura making you hot and a bit irritated from how much he's withholding you. your fingers flit over your panties, finding your clit in an attempt to appease the high tension building in your body. "can't take it anymore... please, just give it to me."
"well, since you asked so nicely," sanemi jeers as he slips his pants just beyond his hips, his cock pressing against your twitching, achy clit. he lets out little grunted breaths as he rocks his hips, head catching against your sensitive nerves again and again. he can see the dissent on your face when you realize he's not slipping in anytime soon.
"what's that look, huh?" sanemi feigns innocence, adoring the way you pout and whine at him, begging so desperately to be filled up the way you want to. he sneers between a tantalizing smile, "beg me a few more times n' i'll think about it."
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ GIYUU: 3/10
giyuu doesn't instinctively lean towards withholding himself from you, and he's never really thought about the idea of seeing you beg for him. he's not too keen with the notion of beating around the bush, as it were - and yet, all it takes is your demeanor all needy and pliable in his lap with pleads falling from your lips for his mind to wander.
"can't help it, just so horny..." you mutter through little panted breaths, letting your hips grind and roll against his clothed cock in tandem with the rise and fall of your chest. you feel giyuu's fingers flit against your thighs as his eyes wander across your frame, all until he pulls away, unusually. your eyes flicker up at his expression, and all you can pronounce is a little, "huh?"
"wanna see you do it yourself," giyuu murmurs under his breath, his pants feeling stiffer underneath where you're sitting so prettily for him. he wants to fuck you - bad, but right now he wants to see how far he can take it before you fall apart into pieces. with a little push of his hips up against you, he leers, "i know you want to."
you feel a sliver of tingles down your spine at the change in his demeanor, and your hips almost start rutting on their own. every time you make eye contact with him, you're met with a stern gaze - who would've known this side of him could turn you on so much? your voice comes out in a whimper as you let your now-wet panties grind against his bulge, "i'll do anything if you just touch me, please. fuck me- hah, can't take it."
maybe it's the way you finally look so desperate, so messy, flushed, and shuddering on his lap that causes him to finally give in - and when he does, you're really in for it.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ TENGEN: 11/10
tengen lives to see you a whining, teary-eyed mess just for him. he'll do anything to see you shudder, to feel you getting wetter from just one look, to even hear your pleads become more and more broken and whimpered. he just can't help but enjoy it even when you hop on top of him in attempt to get back at him.
"what's this, huh?" tengen sneers as he watches the little determined look on your face as you sink down onto his cock, refusing to move in efforts to give him a taste of his own medicine. he lets out a little chuckle at the way you cross your arms all serious and tough-like. he lets his hands glide along your hips, "really...? is this a punishment or something?"
"mhm," you hum with a nod, trying to ignore the fact that the head of his cock is poking up right against that spot that makes your knees weaken. you keep your resolve, occasionally grinding your hips to see how he reacts - maybe he'll jolt, let out a little moan - but he doesn't, and you start to feel a little discouraged. you drag your hands along his chest and his abs, pressing kisses against his neck in a desperate attempt.
"feels good, doesn't it? my cock all pushed inside you like this," tengen murmurs against your ear, his voice sending a shudder down your spine and you tighten around him just enough for him to know he's affecting you. his hands caress your waist, your back, your hips - he knows it's working, and that's pissing you off even more. "you can lemme have just a little, can't you, baby?"
it only takes a few more sickly sweet whispers from tengen's lips for him to have you bouncing on his lap, mind boggled as slick smothers messily around his shaft. maybe next time you'll try something different to tease him with.
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ KYOJURO: 7/10
kyojuro oftentimes likes to give you what you want, as you properly deserve - although, the same can't always be said for him in bed. it's like a switch flips, and all he can desire and cultivate are those little whiny moans pleading for him to just 'keep going, don't stop.'
"don't stop what?" kyojuro murmurs with a little smirk on his face and slick covering his fingers and palm. his thumb nudges your clit ever so gently, his fingers finding their way to his tongue to clean off the mess that you've already made of them. he watches your hips jolt in desperation, and he chuckles softly in that innocent manner he always does. "need it that much, do you?"
you let out a little groan of dissent, rocking your hips in an attempt to get his thumb to circle your clit a little faster - just at least a little. he sees the way your muscles shudder in anticipation, and maybe he feels he's been a bit mean. with a little murmur of 'this what you want? here?' and his fist around his cock, he finally presses between your walls with a stifled grunt, "that's it, isn't it? right there..."
"yes, yes, fu- yes," you practically whimper, feeling elation coursing through your every nerve as he rocks his hips slowly, intentionally. each press of his cock fills the hilt of your cunt and you can feel your sanity draining each time he ruts forwards. faster, then faster, even faster still, your consciousness fades just as fast as your orgasm builds. "f-feels so good, fuck."
kyojuro lets out a chuckled sneer as he caresses your cheek, hips rocking hard against yours. "feels better after being patient, doesn't it? maybe i'll have to tease you more often."
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ OBANAI: 6/10
teasing manifests for obanai as more of a power play than anything else. his whims aren't always consistent; sometimes he'll make you touch yourself without his help at all, other times he'll keep your hands restrained so there's no way you could even help yourself if you wanted to. but this time, it's a bit different.
"shh, shh... what did i say? wait," obanai murmurs lowly as his fingers curl intentionally against that spot that makes you feel like you're falling apart at the seams. his other hand finds your clit, circling it in tandem with each press of his fingers inside of you. you shudder desperately beneath him, voice coming out in hitched mews. obanai repeats himself, "no cumming 'til i say so."
you nod your head in obedience weakly, finding it harder and harder to fight the jolts of pleasure wracking your limbs. each aching curl of his digits makes your whole spine tingle, and you use all of your strength to hold back. that is, until he swaps his fingers for the hard cock in his fist. "please..."
"please, what? i told you," obanai lets out a hitched breath as he slips himself between your walls, finding your saccharine, desperate pussy an immediate relief for the unforgiving throb in his cock. he pushes your thighs apart and watches you shiver, curling over you broodingly, "no cumming 'til i say so."
you hold onto your sanity for dear life, but the wet smacks and lewd moans filling the room are enough for you to teeter over the edge of oblivion. you're lucky that obanai is right there with you, gripping your waist and fucking into you with a wanton need - it seems this time you'll just barely make it in time.
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SAETOSHIS 2024. do not copy/repost.
tagging: @suyacho
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he-calls-me-kitten · 4 months
Sugar, Spice and a Tempting Vice
VA! MC x OM! Characters
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"Hey Levi, any new game recommendations for me? I just finished the last lot of books Satan suggested." You asked, plopping down your head on his shoulder to look at his screen.
"M-MC! You have to warn me before you do such things!" He muttered, his ears turning red as he scrolled some webpages pages for you. "But okay yeah these are the new games that are out recently... see anything you like?"
"Oh my God! It's out it's out!" You pointed excitedly at the screen. "Pretty Little Things is out! Finally!! I was dying to tell you all about it!"
Levi visibly stiffened up. "You-you were waiting for this particular game to come out? Are you sure it's not another game with a similar sounding name?"
"Nah uh this is the exact same one. Look up the list of voice actors in this game!"
"Yes! This was the new part-time job I couldn't tell you about since it was still in production! Im so glad you can just play it now!"
"...it's uh ready for download on all platforms already...so which character did voice?"
"Oh spoiler alert, my character is the only one that doesn't have a name, you have assign me one, the same way you name yourself. They even designed the characters to resemble all the VA's and add in some of their personalities, isn't that sweet?"
"Hahaha y-yeah definitely sweet! I'll be sure to check it out soon!"
"Great! Lemme know what you think of the game okay?!" You squeezed him in a small hug before you left.
Later in the Demon Brothers only group chat:
Asmo: OMG are they OKAY?? Should I go check up on them in their room!?!
Satan: I'm already on my way.
Belphie: Is MC hurt in anyway?
Beel: Did they pass out from hunger?! I can bring them emergency snacks right away
Lucifer: Can you lot not lose your minds everytime MC is mentioned? Pathetic. Levi, calm down and tell us what's wrong.
Beel: But Lucifer I just saw you hurrying up the stairs to MC's room too...
Satan: Typical Lucifer. By the way, MC is perfectly fine, happy even. Levi what are you on about?
Mammon: Yeah MC can't stop smiling! It's a good thing that happened, you idiot! Why would you scare us like that?
Asmo: Omg apparently MC voice acted in a new game! Levi I need you to download it for me ASAP please!
Beel: Me too, please.
Belphie: Me three.
Lucifer: I've already done it, you all can do it yourselves if you could do your own work for once.
Satan: Oh shut up, MC just did it for you right now as they did it for me.
Levi: It's a Dating Simulator. With multiple H-rated DLC endings. And MC is one of the dateables.
Levi: Hello?!! Did you guys not see my message?!
Levi: Seriously no reaction?! You guys aren't freaked out by this?!?
Beel: I just heard several doors opening and closing at once.
Asmo: Oh come Levi, I think you already know what our reaction is Levi ♥️ How can we possibly hold in our excitement after such a news!?
Levi: Are you all downloading the game together?!!! Y'all are hogging the bandwidth too much, my download speed has gone way down!!
Simeon: Hey
Simeon: I heard some demons in a cafe, raving about a game where MC plays one of the main characters?
Solomon: Indeed MC just sent us all a link right now.
Simeon: Oh is that so? I'll get Luke to help me download it after he's done with his.
Levi: Luke is playing it too?! I don't think it's appropriate given it's certain hidden endings!!
Barbatos: MC already made sure of it. He only has access to the sibling and friendship routes. It's a special version they added for all ages.
Diavolo: It already has downloads in the ten thousands. I'm really glad to see how MC is beloved by Devildom.
Levi: Are NONE of you affected by the fact that there are erotic routes with MC's VOICE?!!
Solomon: Oh I personally cannot wait hear my adorable apprentice's performance.
Barbatos: Ahem. I'd rather not comment on it.
Simeon: Same.
Diavolo: Same.
Levi: Sigh. We really are just a helpless lot at the mercy of MC.
To be continued...
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baby-dr1ver · 8 months
max and his size kink
warnings: physical descriptions of someone small, semi smut
a/n: as a bigger girl I feel there isn't enough representation for us when it comes to size kinks so, I'll be doing another one of these.
Just thunk a thought about Max
A size kink to him isn’t just that he’s taller than you. No no no no. it’s that he’s literally bigger than you. He’s so broad and compared to your tiny frame. He’s got those huge arms that wrap around your neck when he’s got you on your tummy. Your chin lay on his elbow as he leans down to whisper in your ear. “Taking me so good baby, my little baby.” 
Or when he has you against the wall, pounding in you with everything he has and you just can’t keep up with him. Your legs begging to give out but Max will scoop you up against his big strong hips that you can feel flex with every sharp movement he makes. He’d cradle your face in just one of his hands and forces you to keep your eyes on him. Oh he’d squish your cheeks so your lips puckered and spit right in-
Speaking of hands, Max loves to see the comparison of your hands. He’d line them up and see how much wider his palm was compared to yours, or how much longer his fingers were. So much so that he’d force you to your knees to get him off. Loves seeing your small hands around his thick cock, how you’d have to use two hands because your one couldn’t around it all the way. 
Max loves to shove his fingers in your mouth at any given chance. Sometimes he’ll just cup your face gently, just admiring you for a second to let your head get fuzzy and then oh! Look at that, he’s two fingers deep in your throat and your taking it like the goodest girl. And he’s smiling at you with those big lips that are just so good to bite on, making you melt into a god damn puddle of arousal, and could make you do anything. 
Or oh fuck those thighs. Jesus christ he could take out anyone with those things. They’re like pythons ready to attack. He knows this, of course he does, and he’s so fucking cocky about it. When your watching him getting interviewed, he’ll keep his legs spread open to get you worked up. Reminding you of all the times he had you between his thighs, or on top of them. He could spot that look of lust for him a mile away knowing he’d have you riding his big thighs for hours until you couldn’t feel your legs anymore. 
Or maybe, and hear me out…just sitting there between them. Like when he’s sitting on the couch and suddenly everything is just fuzzy. He’d been doting on you all day and you just have the urge to sit between his legs and lay your head on his thigh. He’d love to see the look of adoration on your face as you just, watched him. Max would also love when he’d be on sim and you’d somehow find a way to sit between his thighs. Theres very little room to begin with but somehow you manage. 
Max just loves how much bigger he his than you.
kinktober <3
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dante-mightdie · 4 days
please HEAR ME OUT for a third time on the cult!au :
so simon is just relieved that his plan worked out, his wife is no longer talking about the outside, but here's the thing, seeing that gut wrenching scene would do a number on anyone's mind let alone a poor girl who has never seen anything but happiness and joy around her
and simon watches his precious wife drown in grief as days go by, she eats less, talks less, every smile she gives him feels so forced
so he's feeling guilty, understandably, and he stays up all night just praying by his bedside hoping his wife just goes back to the way she used to be before that traumatic experience
and so he decides to make it up to her? he brings her fresh vegetables and fruits from the farms everyday, gives her so many kisses and hugs her every chance he gets, he becomes more touchy and soft, but it does not work. and it's making him go mad
and one night when they're getting ready to go to bed, as she's preparing a bath for him, he just tells her to strip down?
and maybe up to that point sex was good, but nothing special, no emotions were ever involved yk? maybe they only had sex in the dark of their bedroom, and they did it like every other chore their community had made them do, they both got off at the end but they didn't talk at all, maybe a few kisses here and there but as i said before nothing special
and now the room is dimly lit, the water is warm and the steam is brushing over their skins so gently, and he just keeps blurting out stuff like, i'll always protect you, i'll make you happy, i'll give you a beautiful family, and everything is just so new for the poor girl, she's just a moaning panting mess
and for simon too yk? he's never viewed sex as anything but an order price had given to him, and he just felt like it was something to be completed, just knock her up and get it over with, a role he had to play as a follower to carry on price's delicacy, but rn he was enjoying something he wasn't supposed to enjoy, if fulfilling john's order brought him any form of joy, he was doing it wrong, dedication is not supposed to bring enjoyment
but right now, he could not care less
and the thought of price shaming him for being this intimate with someone who almost ran away a few days ago just eats at him but he can't help it, she's so soft and nice and her skin glows from the steam and she smells like flowers and fruits
(ps, as always love your writing, please ignore my request if you want to, BUT THIS AU IS SO GOOD?! and your writing makes it even better 😢🙏)
you gotta stop asking me to hear you out because baby i’m HEARING
also smart decision to stay in anon because otherwise i’d be sliding into your dms for sending me something this FILTHY (pls don’t stop)
c/w: cult!au, mentions of trauma and ptsd, mentions of murder, nsfw, fem!reader, teasing, pinv sex, breeding kink
it was eating him alive day after day. watching your sunken form move around the home that had just gotten used to being filled with warmth and companionship. he was terrified of you or john finding out. especially since there is no good outcome to the truth being brought to light. if you find out your husband was really the creature of the night, mauling those who dare to venture past the compound gates, you would run again
on the other hand, if john found out that simon allowed his curious little wife to wander the outside forest by herself, you’re lucky if one of you makes it out of that alive. so he throws himself into his duties, waking up extra early to complete his mandatory chores so he can be home with you much earlier. all of his efforts going towards the goal of just being able to see your eyes light up for him just once more
he adores the soft gasps you make when he comes up behind you in the kitchen, gripping the ties of your apron and tugging you flush against him whilst you prepare dinner. watches your hand tighten around the handle of the kitchen knife, awaiting his next move, only to relax when he simply ties your apron for you before planting a kiss on the top of your head and a painfully light squeeze to your ass
he enjoys the warmth that builds on your cheeks when he comes home with boxes full of fresh fruits and vegetables that you mentioned you like. mumbling that he got johnny to put some aside for him from the farm before he sent of his produce stock. he can almost feel himself foam at the mouth when you stand on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek with a small ‘thank you’
what he doesn’t enjoy is seeing that sullen look in your eyes every time you pass the compound gate, images flashing in your brain of the terrible thing you saw. he simply puts a hand on the small of your back and guides you away, distracting you with conversation about random things
nor does he enjoy hearing you creep out of bed in the night to go and cry in the bathroom, thinking he can’t hear you. when you crawl back into bed he pretends he’s still asleep, “subconsciously” reaching over and pulling you into his arms. his heart aches a little at the way you curl up into his chest, like you’re trying to hide from everything in the safety of his arms
he’s tried to subtly get some advice from price without getting him too suspicious, asking what he can do as a husband to cheer you up when you feel bad. price tells him you’ll be right as rain once simon knocks you up, you just need something to keep you busy when he’s away. simon frowns but he knows if he wants price to take it seriously then he’d to reveal why you’re so down and he certainly won’t be doing that any time soon
he watches you that night as you walk around the bedroom and attached bathroom, preparing a bath for simon after you’d both had dinner. you didn’t eat a lot, piling your leftovers onto his plate. he’s leaning against the bathroom counter, arms folded across his chest as his eyes follow your form
after you plant some fresh towels on the counter, you turn to leave but he grabs your wrist before you can make it out the doorframe. he watches you with tired eyes, “take your clothes off.”
his command is blunt as he tugs you back into the bathroom, kicking the door closed and beginning to strip off his own clothes and piling them on the floor. you attempt to reach down and clear them up but he stops you with another grab of your wrist, nudging you towards the steaming bath
you climb in, kneeling in the water obediently for him. the same way you normally wait for him on the bed when he tells you to get ready for him. hands clasped firmly on your thighs, sweet eyes looking up at him like a pet awaiting instructions. he dims the lights a little before clambering his large frame into the tub, his thighs spread either side of you and caging you in
you chew on your lip, your eyes flicking down to his lips and chest before focusing back on his own gaze. he beckons you closer with two fingers, grabbing your waist and manhandling you into his lap when you crawl closer between his legs. you squeak when he plants you down, the water sloshing around your waist
your hands grip onto his shoulders for balance, your fingers lightly playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. he tilts his head slightly, letting his hands wander down to rest on your ass so he can ever so slightly grind your hips against his, “pretty thing, aren’t ya? hope our kids look like you…”
his words being a heat to your face that makes you pull your eyes away from his. you don’t see his smirk, nor do you see the way one of his hands disappears under the water to grip his cock and drag it through your folds. you let out a soft gasp when you feel him bump the tip against your clit
he repeats the action a few times, dipping the head of his cock into your hole a couple of times just to hear you whine and squirm about how it’s too big. he pushes in a little further each time but lets his cock slip out of you before he can really give you what you want
“you’re gonna let me knock you up tonight, won’t you, pretty baby? gonna let me give you a few of my brats to take care of?” he asks, grinning when all you can do is pant and whine in response, your hips chasing his each time he slips the tip of his cock back inside of you
“course you will. ‘cos you’re my good girl, ain’tcha? made to be my pretty wife and to carry my kids. gonna give you so many, you’ll lose count.” he growls when you nod your head, loud moans echoing through out the tiled room when he bucks his hips up and bottoms out finally
it doesn’t last long before he pulls out again, leaving you empty and aching. “shush, pretty girl. can’t just give it to ya, can I?” he coos, pressing a soft kiss to your pouty lips
“good girls beg their husbands to breed them.”
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rainbow-nerdss · 2 months
Buck goes over to Tommy's place late one morning, coffees in hand. They agreed to go out today, maybe go for a walk in a nearby park or something, no solid plans for the day other than spending it together.
When Buck gets there, though, he feels something is wrong. The curtains are closed, for one thing. And when Buck knocks, he doesn't hear any immediate movement towards the door. Usually, Tommy opens the door before Buck even makes it up the drive.
But today, Buck knocks, and he waits.
Had Tommy gotten held late at work? Buck knows he had a shift that was supposed to end a few hours before, but maybe he got stuck with overtime and didn't have a chance to call or text. But his car is there, in the same place it always is, and there hasn't been anything on the news about any major disasters.
Buck knocks again and considers calling or texting when he finally hears shuffling on the other side of the door, then the jingle of keys before the door opens.
Tommy is... A mess, honestly.
His hair is sticking up in every direction, old sweatpants with a hole at the knee, and a worn out old hoodie which Tommy shoves his hands back into the pockets of when he sees Buck.
"Hey, Evan." He swallows, voice think with some heavy emotion. "I'm so sorry, I... I forgot we had plans today, I—" he's hunched into himself, and he looks smaller than Buck's ever seen him.
"Tommy," Buck reaches for him with the hand that isn't holding the coffee cups. "What happened? Are you okay?"
Tommy shrugs, hesitating before stepping aside to let Buck in. "Rough shift," he says after an extended silence. "Everyone... The team all made it out, but... We lost someone. I lost someone."
Buck sets the coffee cups down on the entrance table and pulls Tommy into a hug, tucking his head into his shoulder and holding him tight. Slowly, Tommy's hands raise enough to wrap around Buck's waist.
"I don't think I'm gonna be much company today," Tommy sniffs after a while. Buck can feel a wet patch on his shoulder, but doesn't mention it.
The fact that Tommy trusts him enough to be this vulnerable with feels like something sacred, something he's been searching desperately for. Up to now, Tommy has been the one adjusting to make space for what Buck needs, but it's time for Buck to step up, to be there for Tommy.
"I get it, but I'm here." Buck kisses Tommy's cheekbone, just below his eye and he tastes the salty tang of tears there. "If you'd rather be alone, I-I get it. I can go home, and we can reschedule this. But, Tommy, I don't care if all we do is sit on your couch in the dark, okay? Whatever you need, I'm here."
Tommy holds Buck tighter for a moment.
"Evan," he says, in the same way he always says it. Like it's a something precious and delicate and wonderful. Buck's not sure where it came from, but he adores it.
"What do you usually do after a bad shift?' Buck asks.
Tommy sniffs, and it takes a while to answer. "Usually..." He clears his throat. "Usually I curl up in bed or on the couch and watch a rom-com. I know, it's a little—"
"Don't you dare say it's embarrassing," Buck warns, cupping Tommy's jaw and running his thumb over the stubble there. "Go make yourself comfortable, drink your coffee, pick a movie. I'll make us some snacks and join you in a minute, okay?"
Half an hour later, Buck settles on the couch—the coffee table full of popcorn, chopped vegetables and dips to snack on.
Buck reclines against the arm, and pulls Tommy on top of him, head on his chest. It's a tight fit, but from the way Tommy settles into him, Buck knows it's what he needs.
Tommy hits play, and Buck smiles at the opening monologue. "Love Actually?" He asks.
Tommy makes a sound, a soft sort of hum. "It's... kind of my favourite," he admits.
Buck smiles and kisses the top of Tommy's head, then replaces his lips with his fingers, running them over Tommy's scalp.
"That's really cute."
Tommy nestles in closer to Buck's chest, and neither of them say anything else for a while.
"Thanks," Tommy says, when they're about halfway through the movie. "For staying."
Buck kisses his head again, and Tommy lifts himself up a little so he can turn and kiss Buck on the lips, instead before settling back against his chest.
"Thank you, for letting me stay. For letting me look after you."
The words are on the tip of his tongue as he looks down and watches Tommy turn his attention back to the movie, watches him mouth along to a handful of lines.
I love him, he thinks. He doesn't say it out loud, not yet, but the realisation is soft, and warming, and perfect. And he will say it, soon. When the time is right. And he hopes Tommy will say it back.
For now though, Tommy is like a weighted blanket on his chest, comforting and warm, and Buck's content to just stay here for as long as he can.
They'll put on another movie, finish the snacks, maybe order takeout for dinner later, and Tommy will smile again, will laugh again, will kiss Buck the same way he says his name.
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vampiresbloodx · 2 months
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Older!librarian!Wanda finally takes you out on a date after being too nervous and having that doubt that you don't actually even like her the way she thought you did, you two talk all the time whenever Wanda has a break on her shift, it's her favourite part of the day, just seeing you, smiling and laughing.
She was right about you being in college. It seems you're in your last year and still have no clue on what to do with your future. Wanda can see how much stress you're in with the finals coming up, it pains her to see you like this. She'd give you the whole universe if she could.
She doesn't know why she's so interested in you, these feelings are definitely not like anything she's already experienced. She was slightly confused herself, what she actually feels towards you, but what she does know is that it's love.
Wanda wants to hold you close to her, kiss you, make you happy, make you laugh, cry, and smile. She wants to see all of it. All of you. Every inch of you.
Maybe she's been reading too many romance books and sapphic fiction.
She just wants to wake up next to you, go to sleep with you every night.
And of course, there are other sinful things she wants to do that she finds herself thinking of when she's at work, in the shower, at home, it doesn't matter where, god, the sound of your voice, the way you look at her, ignites a flame inside her that she didn't know was even there.
Wanda grew up in a pretty Christian neighbourhood. It sucked. She was so used to tradition, how everything should be, not how she feels it should be.
Then you changed her mind on it all.
With one smile.
Wanda hasn't been on a date since.... Forever. Hell she doesn't even know who it was with. It probably was pretty bad then. She has been getting used to her phone so she can text you more and call you, just to hear you speak, when she asks you out, she was expecting a humiliating rejection, but when you smiled up at her, adorably so, you accepted.
"pick me up at 8?"
You said to her.
She nodded.
"see you then."
She watches you walk away, releasing a breath she didn't even know she was holding in.
Her hands were shaking, her heart hammering in her chest.
She felt like she was in highschool again.
Wanda had rushed home after her shift ended and she closed up the library for the night, she was panicking, unsure of what to wear and if she should bring wine or flowers, Wanda decided on both, and chocolate, but what if you were allergic? Dark chocolate. Or just roses.
She wore her best dress that made her feel young again, did her make up, and she felt good.
It was time to pick you up, she drove to your address that you had given her, it was a nice little apartment building she parked outside of and went to the door, pressing on the number of the button you told her to do.
There came your voice.
"hi, it's Wanda."
"oh hey! I'll be right down."
When she saw you, her mouth gaped open, her eyes widened, she felt so lucky, you looked gorgeous, you shy away from her gaze as she eyes you up and down, she steps closer, grabbing your hands as she kisses your knuckles.
A shiver went down your spine when you felt her lips, wanting to kiss her immediately.
"you look stunning."
Your cheeks burned.
"uh... Um, you look really beautiful too. Like really beautiful."
It was her turn to blush.
You chuckled, leaning in as you pressed a kiss to her cheek, her face practically turning red.
God you don't know what you're doing to her.
She took you out to a fancy restaurant, she saw your reaction and how surprised you looked, she chuckled, enjoying the way your eyes wondered all over the place.
"ms. Maximoff?" A guy at the counter greeted her, she nodded, smiling at him.
"your table is ready" he guided the two of you to a nice private era, with a candle lit.
Once he left you spoke up.
"damn, I was not expecting this. No one has ever taken me out to a restaurant!" You gushed.
She grinned, "how come? Anyone would feel lucky enough to show you off."
You bit down on your lip.
"keep flirting with me like that we won't even last till dinner."
She laughed, shaking her head.
The dinner went perfectly, and for a surprise, she took you back to the library, where you two first met, in that same spot.
"are we allowed to be here?" You asked in a whisper.
"hon, I practically run it."
"I know but what if we get caught!" You said, standing close to her.
"we won't" she says, unlocking the door.
You both entered as she locked the door from behind so no one else could get in, you two laughing as she brought you to the same spot she first saw you, you got quiet as you remembered it exactly, she smiled, caressing your cheek with her hand as she pressing her body against yours, your back hitting the book shelves.
"you look so pretty" she cooed, "god, I want to ruin you."
You whimpered, her eyes darkening at the sound as she leans in, kissing you on the lips, your hands coming up to wrap around her neck.
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wondersinwaynemanor · 4 months
the Wayne kids would definitely wear something from their partners without them knowing. or they just forgot because they're so into it.
[a bit long as this is for each Wayne kid]
Dick, enters the movie room at the Manor, announcing himself quite loudly: Who missed me????
his siblings exchange looks as they judge the The Flash joggers their eldest brother is wearing.
Bruce eyes fall to the clothing, a light smile on his lips.
Dick, plops himself beside Damian, ruffling his hair: I hope I didn't miss too much. I got caught up with something.
Jason: Did that something have anything to do with a specific speedster, Dickface?
Damian, huffs as Dick gives him a side hug: You've been frolicking quite often with West these days, Richard.
Jason, attempts to whisper but he obviously wanted everyone to hear him: I'm sure it's more than frolic.
Tim and Duke snicker at that.
Dick, steals Jason's bowl of popcorn: What you guys talking about? He's my best friend. If he needs something, I'll be there-
Cass pokes at Dick's knees and gives a knowing look at the joggers.
Dick, goes red as he continues to eat more popcorn: Um... My pants got dirty. Had to borrow. No big deal. Now..... What we watching????
Dick, grins and bows down as he stands on the mat: Okay! Who's ready to spar with the Master?
Jason and Tim roll their eyes in sync as they do their own business at the Batcave.
Cass emerges outside the changing rooms, wearing her workout clothes with a purple headband that's totally not her brand, and waves a hand to Dick as if indicating "me".
from his place at the Batcomputer, Bruce smiles when he sees his daughter.
Dick, coos: Awww. That's a cute headband, Cass. Where'd you get it?
Damian, emerges from the changing rooms: It seems to be Brown's.
Cass pretends not to blush when she touches the headband on her head.
Dick: You look adorable, Cass.
Before Dick could tease her even more, Cass does a move that knocks Dick on the floor.
Jason enters the dining room. he's the last one to join the rest of the family on the table.
his siblings exchange looks when they see the Star City shirt he's wearing, a shirt that's clearly tight for him.
Jason is minding his own business, stacking pancakes on his plate when Bruce starts the conversation.
Bruce, hides his smile behind the newspaper: Morning, Jaylad. I thought you were arriving later tonight.
Jason, shrugs: Business was cut off short.
Dick, grins from across the table: Just admit it, Little Wing. You miss us.
Jason, groans: It's too early, Dick. Please.
Duke: But not too early to wear a shirt that's clearly not from Gotham, right?
Damian: Must be some lousy business Todd got into.
Tim, snickers: Or an interesting one for Jason as it's clearly a Roy-related business.
Jason: What the fuck are you guys on about?
Cass, who is sitting beside him, tugs at his shirt.
Jason, pretends not to blush and continues to eat: 'nd your o' ucking 'iness
Alfred: Language, Master Jason. And you must not talk with your mouth full.
Tim enters the dining room after a long day at work as CEO of Wayne Enterprises. he hopes he isn't too late for family dinner.
Tim, sits down: Sorry, I'm late. It's been a looong day.
his siblings exchange looks when they see Tim wearing a leather jacket, which clearly wasn't part of his suit and tie that he initially wore to the office.
Bruce has to bite his lower lip to refrain from smiling.
Steph, raises her brow: Was there a photoshoot or something?
Tim, who doesn't look up as he starts typing on his phone: Huh...
Damian: You just got here, Drake, but you're already distracted. How childish of you.
Duke, clears his throat beside Tim: Tim, sorry to break it to you, but you're wearing a leather jacket. It doesn't seem to be your style.
Tim, almost drops his phone: Sh- Oh, yes, it's Kon's. He dropped by to the office to report something. Some team stuffs that doesn't concern any of you. I was cold, so he let me borrow.
Steph: We already know Tim secretly wanted the jacket even though he wasn't cold.
Tim tries to aim a pea on Steph's face, but she just catches it with her mouth.
Duke, enters the Batcave after morning patrol: Seriously, these rogues are coming out at morning too often these days.
his siblings, who were present at the cave, exchange looks when they see the cap with the letter R on his head.
Bruce pretends to cough to cover his chuckle.
Dick, grins: New getup, Little D?
Tim, smiles from beside Bruce by the Batcomputer: It looks good on you, Duke!
Duke, blushes: Wait, huh- Oh. It's Izzy's. She was nice enough to let me borrow.
Jason, pats Duke's shoulder as he makes his way to his motorcycle: You're one of the people I can say looks good with a cap, D.
Dick, shouts: Wait. Who's the other one, Little Wing? I don't wear a cap!!!
Damian enters the vehicle.
the rest of his siblings exchange looks when they see the oversized hoodie their youngest brother is wearing.
Bruce, who is on the driver seat, doesn't even try to hide the smile he has on his face.
Jason: I didn't know that after a sleepover, you get to bring home your host's clothes.
Tim: Oh, shut up, Jay. As if you're any better.
Jason: No one asked you to open your mouth, Replacement.
Dick, cuts the conversation: Aww, you look really adorable with Jon's hoodie, Dami.
Cass, beside him, plants a soft kiss on Damian's cheek.
Damian, curses internally before pulling the sleeves of the hoodie to his wrists: Tt. How did you know this was Jon's?
Duke: Well, it couldn't be Clark's right? It would drown you.
Damian, huffs, definitely not blushing: Whatever. Let's just go.
and the Wayne kids would definitely not return the things they're wearing.
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kisses4choso · 7 months
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#PET NAMES SYNOPSIS: calling your bf a yucky nickname CHARACTERS: gojo, geto, nanami, choso, yuta, inumaki, megumi, & itadori. WARNINGS: cringe NOTES: nanami WAHHHHH
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GOJO is ridiculous enough with his pet names for you. he has you saved as "boo boo bear" with a dozen emojis in his phone, and it's been that way since he was a teen. he refuses to change it (he thinks he's funny), so he's not surprised when you start getting your "revenge" on him by trying to embarrass him in public. keyword, trying. because you think you have a disgusting pet name to call him and he counters with ten even nastier ones. he's got them locked and loaded, you're not winning. "poopsie, do you think this looks good on me?"
GETO is a little taken aback, but he flips it on you. he doesn't like the stares that come along with your comments, but you're having fun annoying him, so he doesn't say anything. until one of the names sticks, even in private. so now, you've got him calling you 'sexy'. it's disgusting, he knows, but he gets a kick out of watching you fight the way your face twists in amusement. he drags out the 'y' at the end too in a little sing-song voice and everything. he's mean, he'll even use it around your friends just to poke fun at you. he uses it mostly when you two are fighting and he's being sarcastic to get a reaction out of you. "whatever you say, sexy." ew.
NANAMI immediately comments on it. he loves you, truly. but you need to limit the time you spend around gojo. he sighs when you call out to him from another room, by anything but his name. hubba wubba? seriously? he opts to ignore you until you realize you're going to have to change that behavior to get him to respond. when you finally give in and he hears his name, he makes his way to your shared room. "you called?" and he pretends that he had heard nothing when you tell him you had spent the last seven minutes yelling for him. "i didn't know you were talking to me. is there something you need or did you just want my attention?"
CHOSO is completely clueless and thinks it's a normal human thing to be called petnames by your partner. he copies a lot of the things you do because he finds you adorable, so he'll take your prank and run with it. calling you a petname is a bad habit you'll have to correct if you don't want to go around in public getting called "muffin". you almost feel bad and you try to get him to call you other things, but in his logic, muffin should be a cute nickname, so he sees no problem. at that point the prank has failed and now you've just got a lovesick boyfriend following you around calling you all kinds of names he hears (from yuuji). it's sweet, when he picks the right ones. "sleep well, my love, i promise i'll be back soon."
YUTA thinks you're unaware of how vile your nicknames are, so he tries to let you down easy. he's not particularly fond of being called your "booger". but he's not gonna just say that! that's rude. so he decides to use a little psychology to his advantage. he insists on calling you pet names that are a bit better! ones that he wouldn't mind being called. so you'll start hearing "angel" a lot at the ends and beginnings of his sentences, in hopes that you'll parrot him. when you insist on your original pet name, he has no option but to confront you. (it takes all his courage). "don't.... don't you think booger is a little... out of the ordinary?"
INUMAKI might pull his collar down and command everyone present to explode if you call him "captain cutie" one more time. especially in front of the first years? and gojo?? are you crazy??? he has a reputation to keep as the cool upperclassman; he's avoided his teacher's teasing because, frankly, gojo doesn't have much to go off of. but now everyone's laughing, and he's left defenseless. you throw him an innocent smile, and he swears he'll never prank you again if this will be how you get revenge. but he's petty, so don't be surprised when you receive a text from him later! "next time i see you, i'm gonna scream 'shit your pants'."
MEGUMI looks at you with a look that can only be described as disappointment. no, he doesn't want to be called 'baby cakes' in public. he might let go of your hand, honestly. actually, he will, if you keep dragging it out like that too. he thinks you might be hanging out with the other first years too much for his liking. you stop, and he thinks he'll address it later, but he's safe now. until you start all over again, hoping for a more dramatic reaction. he loosens his hand and rips it away from you as if you have the plague, and when you ask him "why, baby cakes?" especially loudly, he begins to speed walk in the opposite direction of the mall. when you reach him, he's still a little hesitant to hold your hand, "are you done? that was horrible."
YUUJI thinks it's so funny. he probably started it, honestly. it started with making fun of another couple you heard in public, and he hasn't stopped since then. you start calling him "shmoopie" and it happens so much that you accidentally call him that in serious moments. it's a slip up, but he might piss his pants from the laughter that bubbles up in his throat. expect a few tears (of joy) when you mess up during an intimate moment, maybe after a kiss. "i love you, shm- yuuji." you think you're slick? no, he heard that, and you're never living it down. "i love you too... schmoop."
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urghhh i learn new stsg facts every day against my will and it adds to my suffering
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spiderfunkz · 2 months
hi! i’d love to know abt your fav headcanon(s) for tasm!peter and maybe a little oneshot of said headcanon(s)?
peter parker falls in love HARDDDDD!! i love him and his nerdy ass like aaaaghhhhhh. he's so cutesy and skrunkly i just wanna throw a rock at him 💕
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peter parker is the type of person to go head over heels when he likes someone!! the type of person to steal a glance every time you're not looking. the type of person to secretly hope he'd get partnered up with you during class. the type of person to practice in front of the mirror before finally talking to you.
he's the type of person to notice every little thing about you. the pins on your bag of your favorite artists? he can name five songs. your favorite flowers? he walks past the flower shop every morning, hoping to buy you some one day. the way you always have that one mood ring on your finger, he finds it adorable.
he goes so flustered whenever you catch him glancing at you. his face turns all red and he starts giggling actually, your probably the reason he skips to school everyday, hands in pockets, twirling around in pure joy and excitement.
he'll brag to his friends on how he talked to you when in reality it was him saying happy birthday and you replying with a thank you along with a smile that surely gave him a cavity.
to summarize it up. peter parker doesn't just like someone. he loves them. pure admiration, adoration, infatuation, smitten. you're the light in his heart, the butterfly in a field of wildflowers, the red tulip in a field of white tulips.
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peter has liked you for a while now.
it was a long day of classes, he could've just skipped but aunt may found out he was doing that too much and got pretty mad. besides, it's just one more class. a class he never really had to try in. should be easy right?
yes, but no.
you just switched classes to biology. sitting in the only empty chair, just two chairs away from peter. he saw you, and that's when he knew.
you were never late, unlike peter. every time he comes in you're already there, smiling awkwardly at the situation as mrs. moore lectured him. but what's the point? peter wasn't listening, he was too busy figuring out what emotion was on your mood ring, and spoiler alert! it was love.
it took him a lot of convincing and reassurance from gwen, but he finally got the courage to talk to you. not about how the weather is, or the same old "did you do the _ assignment yet?". he was going to ask you out on a totally friends-only, platonic date ( that goes so well it will end up with you and him holding hands! ).
"hi!" peter smiled, his hand playing with his hair. "hey, peter." he seemed nervous, you were too.
"um, so, i was wondering if you.. would.." he looked everywhere but your eyes, "..that if we could, maybe, um.. hangout? together? if you want to. obviously, you don't have to but um-"
"no yeah, i would love to peter!" you smiled. was it hot? it felt hot, your face felt hot, does peter notice? he probably does.
peter's heart was racing through a field, it was winning first place. "okay, good- great! i could um. pick you up? i'll text you. you have my number right? i could just um- you know..." he played with the hem of his jacket.
you nodded, "yeah i do." — "okay, we could meetup somewhere.. maybe the park? is that boring? the cinema? anything you'd like, i'm fine with anything you know. or we could just.. hang.."
you smile, "sure."
"yeah definitely, either one. or we could do all of them, i've got nothing to do." — "okay, that's super! super- cool.. super cool. i'll text you, is that okay?"
you nodded, "of course."
"okay, i um- i'll go now. i should go now. i'll see you? later?" peter asks.
"yeah okay!" you wave happily as he walks backwards towards the exit, nearly bumping into 2, no, 3 now, students.
"text me!" you yell out.
peter nodded eagerly.
he walks out, knowing gwen is not gonna hear the end of this.
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astraaa3 · 4 months
Hello ! You can request Valentino X Reader. where Valentino adores the reader's breasts.
Thanks in advance and good luck.
A/N: I had a lot of fun with this one, I'll admit. My Hazbin Hotel brainrot is just getting worse. *giggles in: I am going to hell for my degeneracy*. ANYWAY, here is the request. Don't forget to keep them coming~
I kept the reader gn since I believe all chests need to be appreciated, from girl tiddies, to man tiddies, to enby tiddies, etc. In whatever size they come in.
Feedback is much appreciated and welcomed. <33
Valentino x Gn!Reader Headcanons (+small prompt)
Given Valentino's line of work the sight of tits, ass, and/or any other explicit body part doesn't particularly excite him.
That said, he didn't particularly find anything interesting about your chest at first either
It was a few months into your relationship when he realized how much he adored your chest
One night, after the two of you were done with your 'nightly activities' he dropped his head onto your chest while he was still inside of you with your legs wrapped around his waist
You waited for him to move, but to your surprise he fell asleep his head on your chest
Since that day he took every opportunity he could grab your chest or lay his head on it
And well, Valentino being Valentino, the opportunity was whenever he saw you.
It didn't matter if you were working or if you were chatting with someone
You didn't even dare to complain since he threatened to kill the last person who 'kept' him from fondling your chest
It was even more embarrassing when this happened in front of the other Vees
Velvette found this quirk of your relationship with Valentino to be particularly annoying and unsightly; it also increased the number of time she called Valentino a piss baby
All in all, while your relationship did have ups and (a lot of) downs due to Valentino's possessive and short temper, the one thing that remained constant was the cuddling at the end of a long day, his head pressed against your chest as you hugged him (seeing him so vulnerable and open almost made you forget how afraid you were of him when he got furious at something random that you did)
Small prompt:
You were laying on the couch, your head supported by the armrest and your legs strewn out in whatever weird position you found comfortable at that moment. You were scrolling to Voxstragram while some random show was playing on the TV, serving as white noise.
Your moment of peace didn't last long however as you could hear from the hallway that Valentino was coming, aaand he was yelling on the phone. You sighed rolling your eyes at your significant other's short temper. Your shoulders jump up startled as Valentino slams the door open throwing his phone into the wall before quickly walking over to you and doing the same thing with your phone. You look at him incredulous and slightly indignant, as he huffs sitting down on the couch. He lights a cigarette rambling about whatever stupid shit one of his actors did as he grabs you by the arm pulling you into his lap. He buries his head into your chest out of frustration, his shoulder relaxing soon after, as he makes content clicking noises (which you found completely adorable; to be fair, you found everything about his moth anatomy and habits to be adorable, even if you would never tell him that out of fear of him throwing a tantrum over being called that out of all things).
You sighed laying your head on top of Valentino's closing your eyes as you half listen to the TV still playing in the background. "My knees are gonna be sore from staying like... Just another day with Valentino." you think smiling softly as you fall asleep in the less than comfortable position.
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halaxia · 11 months
— the language of flowers 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 the jjk boys
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❥ featuring | itadori yuji, fushiguro megumi, inumaki toge, okkotsu yuta, gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, kamo choso, and mahito ❥ cw | mostly fluff, unrequited love in megumi’s (sorry), brief mentions of violence in mahito’s ❥ note | reposted from my old blog, rewrote some stuff :) also not proofread lol don't come for me for typos/stuff that doesn’t make sense i'll edit it in the morning!!! also some of these are ooc i know i don’t wanna talk about it :,(
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Yuji's love was akin to that of a day in mid-spring when sweet birdsong filled the air and the smell of flowers wafted through the atmosphere as the trees rustled with a gentle breeze passing by. Yuji's love brought you peace, contentment; it was kind, gentle, and welcoming, and it felt like home. Anything you could ever want, ever need, Yuji tried to provide you with it to the best of his ability. Meeting his affectionate gaze never failed to bring a smile to your lips and warm your cheeks, much like the sun would on a beautiful day.
Your love was pure—Yuji didn't care for your flaws or imperfections, nor did you for his. All that mattered was that, after a long, tiring day of exorcising curses or enduring gruelling training from your seniors or sensei, you could find solace in the arms of each other.
— After your first date, Yuji gifted you a crisp, fresh, white daisy, and would continue to do so whenever he noticed the ones he'd given you prior begin to wilt. Now, though, he is sure to get you one each day before seeing you; they're becoming a small bouquet of clean, white flowers on your dresser in a crystal vase next to a framed photo of the two of you.
Megumi loved you, and you loved him, too, but not in the way he so craved.
Passing smiles and lingering embraces were never enough to quell his ever-growing love for you. Megumi wanted nothing more than to see the look in your eyes when he confessed his feelings to you, to let you hold his aching heart in your hands and watch you handle it with care, to hear you whisper the four words he'd been dreaming of hearing leave your lips; "I love you too."
How he longed to kiss you, feel the way your lips slotted perfectly against his and taste the fruit-flavoured chapstick he always saw you applying. He wanted to hold your hand when you were scared, tuck your hair behind your ear and tell you that he would always be there for you, that everything would be okay as long as he was by your side.
It hurt him, not being able to show you just how much he loved you. He swore to himself that one day he would be honest with you, let his mind step aside and let his heart take over. That day, however, had yet to come.
— Megumi's eyes always fall on the gardenias arranged neatly by the exit as he leaves the store with you by his side. Next time, he thinks. I'll give them one next time. Deep down, he knows that next time will never come.
What you adored most about the love you and Inumaki shared was the innocence of it all; warm, comforting hugs after tiring missions, stolen kisses in empty corridors, giggly nights spent together in each other's rooms after everybody else had retreated to their rooms to sleep.
Nobody else knew about what you and Inumaki shared, but the two of you preferred it that way. The love you two had was secret, hidden away from all but the chirping crickets and hooting owls that surrounded you on those warm summer nights spent together on the roof of Jujutsu High.
Your love was pure, innocent, perfect, and you wouldn't trade it for the world.
— Inumaki never fails to greet you with a smile, peppering your face with kisses just as the door shuts behind him. He places his fingertips on your eyelids, a silent instruction to close them, before sliding the stem of a white rose behind your ear. You leave it there for the rest of the night, and before Inumaki is about to return to his room, just as the sun kisses the horizon, he gingerly removes it from where it had found a home behind your ear and places it on your nightstand, beside it, a note written in his distinct scrawl: "sleep well, my flower." He leaves silently, though not before placing a gentle kiss on your temple.
Yuta felt himself begin to regain his humanity after becoming acquainted with you. He could finally begin to appreciate life for what it was—he would smile as the warm summer sun kissed his cheeks, close his eyes and relish in the natural sounds of nature, a breeze sweeping delicately through the trees, the sounds of birds singing happily to one another. He felt present, he felt alive, and for that, he had you to thank.
You were the one who showed him what a joyous, content life could look like, and it was because of you he, for the first time since his childhood, felt happy. Every time he felt your lips against his, heard your harmonious laugh and saw your smile that never failed to warm his heart, he was reminded of his reason to try every day—you.
— Yuta is sweating bullets the first time he asks you out on a real date (Panda, Inumaki, and Maki all insisted that the two of you spending time together during a class outing barely counted as a date). When he knocks on the door of your room and sees the grin on your face the moment you lay your eyes upon the bouquet of lily of the valley he held in his shaking hands, he could feel his anxieties almost immediately melt away. Since then, he's made it a tradition to greet you with those same flowers before each date—he can never get tired of seeing you smile.
Satoru didn't let just anyone in—despite his bubbly exterior and friendly (although irritating to some) exterior, he was rather particular about who he let take a stroll through his aching heart. At the beginning of your relationship, he, of course, welcomed you with open arms and loved you wholeheartedly; he made you feel like you were the only person in the whole world who mattered to him. You, however, could feel the distance at which he kept you—he was open, but only enough so that you wouldn't question whether or not he trusted you with his secrets.
It wasn't until further into your relationship that he finally began to feel as though he could further drop his guard around you and shed his (sometimes) forced sincerity. It started slow at first, with Satoru telling you short stories of his youth and his friends from his past. He would tell you just enough that you were practically dying to know more, but you never pushed, not once.
One night, however, when a spring thunderstorm left the roads far too dangerous for you to drive home, you spent the night at his, and just like the ferocity of the downpour which transpired outside, all of Satoru's feelings poured out; his fear of becoming attached to you just as he once was with Suguru, how he was afraid of loving you with his whole heart lest he had to hurt you, leave you in the same way he did his best friend. It was the first time you'd seen him cry.
Although he expected you to shy away, leave him after seeing his vulnerability and realize that The Strongest was nothing more than a weakling who couldn't so much as get over the death of his best friend, that he was only a child who'd been forced to grow up far too quickly, you embraced him and told him you'd love him no matter what.
— Satoru loves to place the heads of delphiniums around your home whilst you're at work. You were vaguely annoyed by it at first, scolding him (though with no spine) for making a mess of your place of living. One day, though, you find yourself smiling at the violet-blue buttercup staring you in the face from the inside of your medicine cabinet. Satoru makes sure to hide extra flowers for you to come across whenever he has to go on long missions, leaving you something of his for you to find so you "don't miss him too much". You feel your heart swell with love each time you find another flower.
You and Suguru were textbook high school sweethearts—spending your days together outside of classes, holding hands or locking pinkies whenever you were in the vicinity of one another, watching the sun rise and set together. You were practically made for each other, and as grossed out by you as everyone else was, they couldn't deny that fact. You and Suguru were undeniably, irrevocably in love with each other.
That's why his betrayal left such a dark stain of hurt on your heart, so full of him that you weren't sure you could call it your own anymore. Waking up to a cold, empty bed that you once shared, buying him things you think he'd like just for them to gather dust on your dresser—not one day went by where you didn't think of Suguru and the curse of love he'd left with you, gnawing away at your heart as a constant reminder of not only what once was, but what could have been.
You never held any hatred for the boy who was a traitor to Jujutsu Society, the one who would meet your lips with a sweet kiss each morning, night, and any time in between, who would dance with you in your room to a song sung by himself to cheer you up after a particularly gruelling day. You remembered nothing but the good things, and you could only hope he remembered you, too.
— Suguru has a bouquet of zinnia kept in a delicate vase next to a photo of the two of you on a small table in the corner of his room. He finds himself smiling as his eyes land upon them, spritzing them with a bit of water if he finds that they're drying out, replacing them upon noticing the petals begin to wilt. With each spritz of water, he remembers everything the two of you shared, both the good and the bad—now, all that's left of the two of you is a fond memory.
Kento was a tired man who devoted himself to his work, so much so that he never really had the time to let himself think about anything but an upcoming project or deadline he had to meet—that was until you managed to worm your way into his heart.
Your innocence was what initially drew him in, your gentle gaze and soft hands clean of sin. Your ignorance, at first, bubbled a sense of annoyance from deep within his chest, but only after pondering his feelings did he realize he did not resent you, but envied you, your purity and kind-heartedness.
If he was unable to live a life of comfort, of happiness, then he could at least keep you safe from the angry claws of the cruel world. The feeling of solace Kento so craved, he found in you.
— No matter how tired he was after a long day at work, once a week, Kento always makes sure to pick up a bouquet of lilies for you before returning home. Seeing your eyes light up and face break out into a smile always manages to brighten his day, too, no matter how exhausted he's feeling; if you're happy, then he is, too.
No matter what time or day, Choso's thoughts were clouded with nothing but the thought of you. He was undeniably infatuated with you, from the way your fingers ran through his hair on a lazy day to the way your shampoo and perfume always seemed to match. There wasn't a moment in his life where he didn't think of you.
Choose was sincere in his feelings for you—when the words "I love you" fell from his lips, he swore that, leading up to that moment, nothing he'd ever said held as much truth as did that declaration.
— Choose gifts you a small arrangement of gladioluses, along with a small note attached to the metallic string holding them together. Written in his messy scrawl is a short message about how he adores you so, all wrapped up with a small, asymmetrically-drawn heart and a dopey smiley face. You keep the note in the drawer of your bedside drawer and find yourself looking at it when you're missing him.
With Mahito, it wasn't so much love at first sight as it was intrigue.
You weren't afraid of him the very first time he'd appeared before you, nor when he'd turned the two attackers attempting to shake you down of your valuables into faceless, disgusting curses—hell, you'd even asked him to walk you home. What kind of a person wouldn't be afraid of him? Who could do such a thing?
That's why Mahito was so utterly fascinated by you.
He began frequenting your apartment, something which caught you by surprise the first time he did so (you thought he was an intruder and threw a tv remote at him, he thought it was funny), but after a while, you began to grow used to his somewhat eerie presence always lurking behind or beside you—you found your apartment feeling almost empty on the days where he didn't show up.
You craved the moments when he would appear beside you, plopping down on your couch next to you and completely disregarding your evident exhaustion following a hard day at work to ask you incessant questions about what you'd done that day or if you'd missed him (he did so only to see the way you grew flustered and furiously deny his proposition). Feeling a sudden presence behind you as you typed away tirelessly at your computer, stopping only when you felt his hands fall on your tense shoulders and feeling your face grow extremely warm upon hearing his sultry voice purr in your ear: "Only relaxed when I'm around, huh?", you could no longer deny the voice in your head telling you that you liked having the curse for company.
You enjoyed having him around, however unnerving he was, and with each night that he found himself at your apartment, Mahito realized he enjoyed being around you, too.
— Mahito once asked you why you liked to keep a vase of flowers in the main room of your home; What's the point of taking care of something without a soul, much less put in the effort to keep it alive? It gives you a sense of responsibility, you tell him. If you find yourself too tired to take care of yourself, you can at least find happiness in the small flowers that relied on you to live. One day, he notices the petals growing dry and lifeless, and after coming home one night from work, plagued with exhaustion, you're pleasantly surprised to see the purple flowers replaced, flourishing and blossoming once again. Although you don't know why he did so—you seldom know why Mahito does anything, really—you can't help the smile making its way onto your face at the thought of the blue-haired curse who placed them there.
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coqvttes · 8 months
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୨୧˚ synopsis: after making you wait nearly two months to lose your virginity, you surprise him in lingerie that you know he can't resist corrupting you in.
୨୧˚ warnings: nsfw 16+ only, virginity loss, lingerie, p in v, petnames, fem!reader, sub!reader, dom!carlos, creampie, teasing, fingering, spitting, some aftercare, lmk if i forgot anything!
୨୧˚ wc: 2k (my bad lol this is not proof-read)
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its been nearly two months since you've been with carlos. everything has been wonderful, but the only problem is that you're a virgin, and he still hasn't fucked you yet. you know he is the one, but you just can't bring yourself to ask him properly. you've hinted at him, but he brushes it off. he just doesn't want to make you feel like he's forcing it on you because you're not ready. being faint-hearted didn't help either; you were too shy to ask him, and you've had to make do with what he'd give you. lingering touches, messy kisses, and filthy words that all but led to nothing. he'd claim it was too early or that you weren't ready yet, and you'd just nod, too meek to protest.
but now, you don't think you can wait any longer as you plop down on your bed, your eyes boring into the ceiling. you turn your head to the side, and your gaze averts to the pretty white lacey lingerie set sitting on your duvet that you had bought just for carlos. a little surprise for him. but you'd never had the chance to wear it for him because you weren't ready? well, now you are, so you pick up your phone to dial his number, and he picks up after a couple rings.
"carlossss, can you over? pleeeease?" you whine, lying on your tummy on your soft bed. you kick your feet up on the bed as you plead with him. you can hear his smile as he speaks.
"sure, baby, what's up?" you heart aches as you hear his gruff voice from the other side of the phone. gosh, you're so needy, you start to feel wet from just hearing him.
"mmm, nothing, just miss you and i wanna show you something.." you know, if you tell him your true intentions, he'll probably protest.
"show me something, huh? you’re so cute. what have you been up to too, hm, princess?" he teases, completely oblivious to your little surprise waiting for him. you let out a soft, mischievous giggle.
"it's a surprise! you have to come over to see ittt."
"alright alright, i'll see you in 30? try not to miss me too much, hm? i know it's hard," he chuckles, and you can't help but grin and roll your eyes.
"don't be too long."
— ୨୧ —
it's been around 20 minutes, and you're all dolled up in the set, kneeling on the bed, anxiously waiting for him. your eyes are trained on the doorway, excitement coursing through your body. you wonder how he'll react and what he'll say. you're snapped out of your thoughts as you hear the front door open, and you recognize his heavy footsteps as he makes his way to your bedroom.
as the door swings open, his breath hitches, and he freezes at the doorway of the bedroom, gawking at you as you sit prettily in the middle of the bed. there you were. dolled up in a gorgeous white lacey set, barely covering anything, and you just looked so adorable in it.
“fuck, baby—“ he can’t bring himself to finish his sentence as he stares at your tits that are practically spilling out of the skimpy bra you wear. your innocent doe eyes gazing right back into his own, nervously.
“do you like it?" your voice is quiet and meek; his heart melts at your question, and he can’t even find the right words to say. you reach out a hand to him, desperate to be close to him, and he finds himself moving closer to you instinctively.
“i love it, baby. i love you,” he says, walking closer until he stands at the foot of the bed. he takes your hand and pulls you close. leaning down, he presses his lips against yours in a sweet kiss. you moan into his mouth, your other hand moving up to grasp his hair. kissing carlos always leaves you breathless. the way his lips capture yours just perfectly, the way his stubble tickles your soft face, and the way his hand slides up to cup your cheek tenderly. he pulls away from you with a smile on his face.
“i’m ready, carlos, wan’ you to make love to me." you whisper. his breath hitches at your words, and suddenly you're helping him tug his cargos down. he pulls his compression shirt over his head and drops it onto the bedroom floor. the matress dips slightly with the weight of him as he rests one knee on the bed. carlos then reaches behind you to unclasp your bra, and he slips it off of you. a shy blush adorns your face as you reveal yourself to him for the first time. he lowers his head to press gentle kisses over your tits, and you both moan in unison when his warm tongue glides over your sensitive bud. your fingers tangle in his hair, pushing him into your chest desperately.
"you're so beautiful," he says, leaning up to kiss you once more.
he grins against your lips as his hand slowly slides up your inner thigh. he then toys with the band of your lacy panties before sliding them to the side. he backs up and lowers himself on the bed so you can feel his hot breath on your glistening cunt. he leans in, and you think he's going to kiss your heat, but instead, he spits on it! bringing his rough palm to cup your wet cunt, you let out a pathetic whimper. you must be so needy for him, he thinks. he gathers up your arousal before pushing his middle and ring fingers inside you, groaning at how wet your cunt is. you feel yourself instantly weaken as his fingers enter you. from all the sensitivity that had been building up, your back arches off the bed, your head falling back into the pillows. a grin adorns his features, and as he watches your every reaction, he curls his thick fingers inside of your cunt before pumping them in and out of you in a slow rhythm, hitting the spot inside of you that makes your vision blur and your jaw hang open.
"mmm! faster!" you whine, writhing in the sheets, desperate for release.
"say please, princess."
"please!" you plead, glossy eyes gazing down at him. how could he deny you when you begged him like that? his calloused thumb gently rubs at your bud in circular motions, further stimulating you, and you feel your release wash over you in an instant, your thighs trembling violently as you mewl out his name. as you come down from your high you catch him staring at you in awe.
gosh, he's not even sure if you're really that innocent with the way you’re testing his patience right now. he's trying his hardest not to pin you down and fuck you completely dumb with the way your finger rests on your plump bottom lip. the way you rub your legs together. and the way you give him those pretty "fuck me" eyes. maybe its because you've been needing him for so long. depraved of his touch. but it doesn't matter because he loves it. and he's going to show you just how much he does.
and before you know it, he’s nudging the tip of his throbbing dick against your overstimulated, slick entrance. your mouth drops open slightly when you gasp at the stretch as he pushes his length inside your warmth. struggling cunt barely being able to swallow all of him as your grip on his muscular bicep tightens and your brows furrow. he sinks his entire length in with a low groan and notices your discomfort before he coos.
"shit, baby, it will feel good soon, i promise." you nod and he starts building up a good pace, pushing himself in and out of you sensually, grinding against your clit a few times to make you feel good.
he lifts your legs for you with his palm resting on the underside of your thighs for a better angle. the pleasure begins to replace the harsh sting of the stretch, and you try to suppress your needy moans by covering your mouth with your palm. but carlos has none of it, and he pulls away your arm, pinning it next to your head.
"let me hear you, doll."
he then makes it his mission to draw out all of your gorgeous noises by pounding into you faster and harder. as he picks up the pace, you can't bring yourself to be quiet anymore, and soon soft whimpers and mewls spill from your lips, and he swears he's never heard prettier sounds. his gaze is now fixated on the way your cunt keeps sucking him back in. what a lewd sight.
"is it too rough, sweetheart?" he asks, as he quickly remembers that this is indeed your first time, not wanting to go too hard on you because he knows it must hurt. you shake your head and slide your hand up to his cheek.
"i-i like it-" you interrupt yourself with a moan as you feel him hit a particular spot inside you that has your mind going numb. wanton moans spill from your pretty lips as his hips snap against yours; the sweat rolling down his abs makes him look like a god right now, and you just want to kiss him so badly.
"kiss me," you whimper, hands clinging to his broad shoulders for support. your needy lips beg to feel his as he lets out a soft chuckle before leaning down to press his lips to yours. he pours his passion out for you into the kiss, and you whimper into his mouth, tongues clashing against each other. when he pulls away, you find yourself breathless and your lips swollen. he continues to thrust into you, and your hands move up to grope on your soft tits, pinching and tugging at your sensitive nipples. he nearly cums at the sight and replaces your hands with one of his own, further stimulating you as you start to feel overwhelmed by the pressure in your core.
"fuck, just like that, doll," he moans, feeling his release nearing as well. your wet heat clenches around him so perfectly that the momentary feeling causes a lapse in judgement, and he whispers in the heat of the moment.
“fuck, baby, shoulda fucked you sooner. gonna ruin you so bad, doll."
as if your body responds naturally to him, your mind goes blank, and your moans grow high-pitched as you feel the entire force of your release wash over you completely. he releases his grip on your thighs, and your legs close around his waist, pulling him flush against you, keeping him close as he releases inside of you, letting out a guttural moan. he drops his head to your shoulder and litters your collarbone with gentle kisses in contrast to his rough thrusts earlier.
"didn't go too hard on ya did i? how do you feel, hm? i know i'm good," he teases, pulling out of you slowly. wow, even after fucking your brains out, he remains cocky. but you love it and you shake your head at his words.
"thank you," you breathe out. he smiles as he's reaching for his briefs before pulling them on. he caresses your cheek tenderly.
"you don't need to thank me, gorgeous," he chuckles lightly before dissappearing into the bathroom and returning to you with a cloth.
"mm i love youuu," you say as he begins to clean you up, slipping off your panties and wiping you down with the slightly damp cloth.
"love you too, pretty girl," he says before snatching your slick-covered panties from the duvet and stuffing them in his pocket.
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‧˚ʚɞ˚‧ all works belong to © coqvettes 2023. i do not give permission to claim, translate or copy any of my works. reblogs are appreciated!
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