#High-level opening ceremony
worldcitiesday · 7 months
High-level opening ceremony to mark World Cities Day 2023.
On October 31st, the Global Observance of World Cities Day 2023, under the theme Financing sustainable urban future for all, will explore how we can unlock transformative investment in urban planning and achieve adequate fiscal decentralization. ----------------
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-- Programme
- 11:00 – 11:45 Opening address by the Master of Ceremony
• Welcome addresses by high-level representatives of the Government of Türkiye
• Welcome address by the UN Secretary-General
• Welcome address by the USG and Executive Director of UN-Habitat
- 11:45 – 12:00 Keynote address by special guest -
-12:00 – 12:10 Cultural performance
- 12:10 – 12:20 Presentations on financing sustainable urbanization • Video of the Sustainable Human Settlements Foundation • Video of the Zero Waste Initiative by the Government of Türkiye
- 12:20 – 12:25 Videos on the theme of World Cities Day and on Urban October
- 12:25 – 13:05 Speeches by international speakers
- 13:05 – 13:15 Presentation of special citation awards
- 13:15 – 13:30 Closing of the morning session by the Master of Ceremony
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bakugoushotwife · 8 months
kinktober day fifteen: brat-taming kink
>>> god bless i love him so bad...brain rot for this plot...y'all should i make this one like a series fdskjkjgjkgj i swear to god i'm feeling this way about all my fics as of late!! this one has a lot of japanese symbolism and traditions included. i am not japanese and all my research came from different sources across google, but if anything is incorrect or insensitive pls reach out and let me know <3
>>> starring: suguru geto x curvy!f!reader >>> cw: brat-taming, history/pining between reader and geto, face-fucking (m!receiving) edging (f!receiving), fingering (f!receiving), breeding, degradation/praise, pet names, creampie >>> wc: 4.6k >>> event masterlist:
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he didn’t love the idea, to say the least. he understands why a marriage is necessary. it humanizes him, makes him relatable, opens the door to more preaching topics. he didn’t understand why he had to marry his fellow sorcerer and old classmate—especially one as mouthy as you. you didn’t either, forced into it by the higher ups with hopes you could bring suguru back to the right side of history, not taking your feelings into the matter at all, not that you expected them to. but you’re sure they already knew you wouldn’t be able to complete this mission—perhaps they hoped for your death at his hand.
at one point, you were friends. now, you were about to become the unwilling misses geto, though even that was more complicated than it seems. you were the third musketeer back in the day. even shoko preferred to stay out of the boys’ shenanigans, sticking to herself or utahime, not bothered in the slightest to let you chase after satoru and suguru. you were closer to the latter, finding it easy to gang up on the former together. he entertained your  wit and you let him try out new moves on you. you loved each other. that’s why it hurt so bad—still hurts to this day—that he left and turned into this. and now you’re stuck in the thick of it. 
you make him beyond angry. putting aside your utter disrespect and disobedience, you remind him of nothing but conflicting times, things he’d rather not think about now that those days were supposed to be far behind him. you hadn’t changed a bit from the day he left, and he hates that even more. you’re lively and talented, your powers long abused by the very higher ups that contributed to his madness and the ones that leveraged you into this ceremony. when he was told of your engagement, he could have refused and had them find him a new wife. he could have killed them all and refused this altogether—he’s not quite sure why he said yes. he pulls on his hakama trousers, smoothing at the pleats as he racks his brain. he slings his haori around his shoulders, and he realizes a small part of him may have always wanted to marry you; he remembers fantasies of you in high school, recalling how badly he yearned for your affection. and he hates that more than anything. 
he knows you feel similarly about him, hence all your acting up. you had been short and cold and almost satoru level snotty with him through the engagement parties and wedding planning and obligatory dinners. you have the nerve to sneer as you speak and look at him with nothing but disgust. he’s the one who should be disgusted with you. you chose to stay with gojo over him, chose that world of lies and injustice when you could have been enlightened like him from the beginning. it’s only fitting you’re his bride, really. it’s what he deserves, as retribution for your betrayal. and he would make sure to claim what was his on his wedding night. the servants come to get him as he shrugs into his montsuki with a new smug smile replacing what was a dreading frown.
you wore a red iro-uchikake. and you look like a dream he had when he was a teenager. it’s ironic really. he knows not wearing the more traditional and all white shiromuku was another one of your jabs, but the color red was more significant to him than white. it means life, it wards off all evils. perhaps you knew that too, and that’s why you chose the color, though geto remembers you wearing the deep blood color often enough through adolescence that seeing you in it again makes some of the tightness in his chest let off just a little bit, even as you avoid his eyes. 
he looked magnificent. his hair had grown longer, and you had always liked to play with it before, but now it cascades over his shoulder in waves despite the top-bun halving the thickness. you could hear your heart pound. if you were to tell the second year version of yourself that you would be sharing a wedding temple with suguru geto, you may have cried from relief and happiness. but as you get closer to him with no guests to witness this other than the priest and a handful of temple ladies, you feel the coursing energy of excitement and nerves. you aren’t sure what to expect from him now that no one will be watching. you don’t even truly know how he feels for you. he has been making attempts to earn your favor, but that was because he had a crowd. 
he takes your hand and smiles down at you like he did when you were much younger and much less conflicted over your feelings. it makes your heart flutter like it used to, and your eyes widen a bit at his gentility. the priest offers his blessings to the gods as you two stand before him, hand-in-hand. your mind races. how much of this is real? and even if he’s being genuine, does it really matter? after everything he put you through, all the things he had done, the things he wants to do, can you look past it all just to love him anyway? 
the temple servants set up the sakazuiki. they space the three ceremonial cups evenly apart, and fill them with the richest sake. san-san-kudo. you bite your lip, hating yourself for your doubt. suguru gently pulls you out of your head and towards the table, to the binding ceremony of old tradition. he picks up the first cup, holding it to his face. 
“you look beautiful, okusan.” he smirks over the cup, looking oddly satisfied with himself, like he knows something you don’t. he then sips the first cup three times, holding your eyes. you feel your body burn, looking down at the kimono you chose and back to him. his fingers lightly brush against yours as you take the cup. you feel butterflies. 
“thank you, geto-san.” you tilt your head down to indicate your grace, thoughts fuzzied by his intense stare and old feelings bubbling up your gut. you sip three times, and he picks up the next sakazuiki. he chuckles, and you swear you see a little bit of light in his deep eyes. 
“are you waiting for titles until the conclusion of the ceremony, anata?” he piles on the mulit-meaning endearment, passing you the second cup. you nearly choke on your sake. 
“no. you look very nice, uchi no hito.” you take your final sip, and it’s geto’s turn to stammer. he expected a tsureai or muko, but the one you chose had so much meaning. your home, your person. that’s what you called him. he knew the shock and wonder had to show on his face based off of your smug grin whenever you set the cup down. you think you can toy with him, pull stunts with him. you’re much too bold—and he wants to hate it, he wants to smother that personality right out of you, but for now–he’ll let himself love it. 
“this binds us through our love, wisdom, and happiness.” he says the words to bring you together officially, tying your souls together for better or worse. he sips from the final cup three times, the symbolism not lost on you, and passes it to you to do the same. 
“this binds us through our hatred, passion, and ignorance.” you look him in the eyes as you take your drinks, and his dark pink lips stretch into a wide smile. 
“and now you are mine. how lucky we are to be brought back to each other in this way.” he chums, taking the wedding rings from his pocket as the priest continues offering his prayers to the skies. you hold out your hand expectantly, and he arches a brow. 
“nine is not a lucky number, perhaps we’re cursed instead.” you shrug, that same smugness tugging at your lips. oh, you’re going to drive him crazy. you give him hope and you pull it away, you jab at him and you’re so gorgeous that he can’t even be upset with you for it. he slides the diamond encrusted with black gems down your third finger, giving you a smug smile of his own. he can play dirty too. he extends the box to you and you pluck his gold band from it, sliding it slowly down his finger. the excitement builds in your gut as you become more and more okay with whatever this is. you always thought he had a point. the jujutsu society was so horribly fucked up–maybe he was right all along and you were the coward after all. i mean, where did all your loyalty get you? sold off to a dangerous man with hopes to shut you up for good? passed around mission to mission until your body barely functioned anymore? maybe you could turn a blind eye to all his indiscretions, especially when he’s looking at you with such affection in once cold eyes. you still hold his hand in both of yours, and he enjoys the warmth, but you’ve pushed and poked him just enough, these teasing touches part of them. 
instead of a kiss to seal this union once more, he leans down to your ear. “go get changed. i like simple lingerie.” he all but purrs in your ear, sending shivers down your spine at the order. you were losing sight of yourself at a rapid pace. you had hoped to hold out longer than this. his lips tickle the shell of your ear and a soft gasp leaves you. you tell yourself to be strong.
“and if i don’t? you’d be lucky to sleep with me at all, husband.” you sneer, and again he doesn’t know what to make of you, but he’s dedicated to figuring it out. he leans up and tilts his head, analyzing the lust in your eyes and the shakiness in your hands. he laughs at you when he realizes. 
“go get changed, little pet. we’ll discuss your guilt and attitude later.” he shakes his head at you, his gaze making you feel as if you were already undressed before him. he turns, tossing that confident smirk over his shoulder again for good measure. “red is your color.” 
and then the temple girls are at your side, ready to escort their new geto-sama to her new room in the geto estate.. you allow them, trailing silently as you wonder just what he was able to figure out by looking at you, and what lingerie you would put on for him. 
you choose a red babydoll dress. the sheer plunging neckline leaves little to the imagination and the tight fit of the lace leaves even less. it fans out from your body from there, the fluffy hem stopping just below your ass. seeing yourself in the mirror, perched perfectly at the end of the bed, you smile. you imagine that qualifies as simple, though you’re sure it will still make him crazy for you. you’re embarrassed to want that, to dress yourself up and present yourself to him just as he asked. your friends would be ashamed, namely one. but as the door creaks open and you feel an icy stare raking over your body, you can’t quell your excitement. 
he hums approvingly as the door clicks shut behind him. he’s so grateful he didn’t deny this union out of his own narrow minded rage. he never thought he would see you again after you denied him the first time, but here you are, on the bed you two would soon share in his home, now branded with his last name— all wrapped up like a christmas present. 
“sugurin–” the old nickname flies off your tongue in your haste, and a fondness glosses over the devious intent in his eyes. you clear your throat and tug the sides of your dress down pathetically. “i... actually don’t know what to say.” you blink in realization, painfully aware of how alone you two are. was he still the same man you knew? 
“don’t worry, kibōchi.” he returns his own nickname, the way you squirm in your place at the sound of it wasn’t lost on him, though the name puts you at was in the same way it stirs you up. his desire returns at your doe-eyed stare, you trust him to some extent, even through your wariness. “i’ll start. you were assigned to marry me, no?” 
you nod your head, now knowing he wouldn’t hurt you, not with the fondness in which he says your name. your core tingles as he approaches you, a scarily sweet smile on his face.
“good. thank you for your honesty, anata girl.” he nods, sliding his crested black kimono off, the only proper covering of your wedding remaining on his body, for your convenience if anything. “and you’ve been such a brat because…? which is it: you’re mad at them, mad at me, or mad at yourself?” 
you furrow your brows at his words. it seemed he learned everything in just an extended look at you. “am not a brat.” you fold your arms in indignation, incidentally proving him right. he just shakes his head, chuckling again. 
“look at you. you didn’t answer my question and you’re pouting like a toddler.” he lets his gaze drift down to your body just begging for his touch. he can’t help but wonder what you’ll like and what your favorite position will be and how fertile you are and what kind of drive you’ll have, all things he never learned about you when you were just friends. you feel his scrutiny and fight through your mixed feelings to respond. 
“can’t it be a mixture of all three?” you sigh out shakily, deciding to stick to your guns even if you want him, too. 
he clicks his tongue in consideration. “i suppose. but the sorcerers of your past no longer have any influence over your life. and you should be more forgiving to yourself, even if you are being a snot.” 
you scrunch your nose up in distaste, hating how his words soothe your heart. “you conveniently left yourself out of that equation.” you fold your arms and it only pushes your chest out more. you’re impossible, and it’s hard for him not to smirk at you. you’re powerless, he knows and you know it—yet you fight anyway. it’s precious. 
“i don’t regret leaving. i did the right thing.” he says, head held high. his devotion is moving, even when he looks at you with such a mixed bag of emotions. “i missed you however. i accepted this union to see you again.” 
you can tell from his eyes that his emotion is genuine, but it still shoots pangs through your heart as you recall days spent in bed crying over his absence. you turn your head away so the influence of his obsidian stare couldn’t cut so deep. “you left me.” 
“you didn’t join me when i asked you to.” he retorts, clenching his jaw at your argumentative nature. “i came back, just for you.”
“you came back to use me.” you spit, echoing the words of your other classmates. the look in your eyes is angry, this was something you genuinely believed. that infuriates him. “you were going to leverage me, until you provoked him.” 
his jaw ticks again. “and who told you this, satoru? i would have thought you knew me best.” he sighs his disappointment, grabbing your hands. he pulls you off the bed, your knees buckling you into a stand—then he roughly grabs your cheeks to make you look at him. “or did you forget just how close we were? how deeply i loved you then, all the time we spent together? you’re the one who betrayed me. you were mine! mine, you were supposed to be mine and you stayed with him!” his voice rises just a bit with his frustration, but he drops his grip on you and steps back, “i would have done anything to take you with me. and everything…could have been the same, i would have kept you safe and away from this life. We could have had so much more time together—and you’re being so goddamn bratty now that i have you back…what am i to do with you?” 
you blink rapidly at his speech washes over you. did he really mean it, that he just wanted you to have you? you were never intended to be used as a bargaining chip, and you let everyone else warp the vision of the man you once held so dear? you shake your head violently, rejecting the idea. he rakes his hands over his face, fed up with the back and forth. “i’ve compartmentalized you out over the years. but i have you back, and i refuse to waste any more time.” 
“i’m sorry sugurin—i thought you hated me!” you defend, reaching for him. he grabs your wrists again and plants your hands on his chest, moving his touch to your face. 
“then make it up to me.” he orders with a fervent nod, his hold on your face firm but comforting. you surprise him by leaning up and closing the remaining distance to kiss him, balling up his shirt in your fists. you were absolutely insufferable, annoying, bratty, and irritating—but he could do this forever. feeling you move with such passion, vigorously pulling at him and finally giving in to all those pent up feelings was enough to prompt him to do the same.  he memorizes your taste for a while before he pulls away and directs you to your knees with his signature rough handling, though he’s still careful not to hurt you. “i want you to really make it up to me.” 
you nod eagerly and shove your hair over your shoulders while he frees his waiting ache. he can hardly stand the sight of you on your knees under him, massive cock creating a shadow over your obedient and eager face. as gorgeous as you are like this, it was too late to make up for your transgressions. you salivate at the sight of his impressive length standing proud over you, curved and so long he leans to one side with a thickness you know will make even your throat burn. your mouth parts for him immediately, slick sliding down the insides of your thighs at the idea of relieving his drooling slit. “you’re gonna have to open wider than that, okusan.” 
and he helps you do so, planting his broad callused hands firmly on each side of your face, bumping his cockhead against your puffy bottom lip and shoving himself into your silky walls. you moan out in surprise and relax your throat, making your new husband grin at the performance. He’s perhaps unintentionally violent as he sheaths to the hilt, your nose bumping against black coarse hair above his shaft. “there, there.” 
he pats your cheek patronizingly, flicking away a tear that formed. “don’t cry, kibōchi. you were made for this.” he coos affectionately, body growing hot to the touch at his vision. he knew this was a great start to teaching you your place in life, and that being a brat was not one of them. running away was not one of them, you were permanently his and he would never let you go again. he pulls your head back off with that grip to use you, plunging your throat back down on him and biting down on his lip to keep his own sounds from interrupting your gorgeous gags.
“don’t you like this so much better than acting snotty, sweet wife?” he teases only slightly, taking your teary eyes flicking up to look at him as a yes. you can feel him deep, that burning sensation that you knew would come starting to sting your vocal cords. “you take me so well, i’ve always told you sorcery wasn’t for you. this is all you need to do forever.” 
you moan at the idea, him keeping you home to take after the estate and maybe even caring for the kids you may have in the future. he chortles, pleasantly surprised by you yet again. “you think you’re clever, darling. acting all sweet now so i’ll forget all about your behavior, hm?” 
he pulls you off with a lewd pop, pushing at the wimpy straps of your dress with a satisfied hum as the fabric falls away from your chest. “too bad. get on the bed.” 
your heart raced, but you nod. your throat was too hoarse to speak anyway. you weren’t planning anything, you felt like liquid, you had given into your vows and let suguru take you mind, body, and spirit—and he hadn’t even touched you yet. you wobble up to your feet and he slaps your ass when you turn it to him, which makes you gasp and stumble forward. he hums, predatory narrow eyes watching you climb up and lay in the center of the large mattress. he wastes no time in positioning over you. he spits, thumbing his lube over your sensitivity. he pins your fluffy dress up over your stomach, lulling you into sweet moans, your high building in your stomach rapidly. he doesn’t know where to look, you’re all too perfect. the faces you make, your beautiful, slobber-soaked mouth pouting out all your pleasures, your gorgeous tits sitting so prettily in wait for him. then there was your weeping cunt, so pathetically soaked just from sucking him off. 
“su–gu-rin~” you whimper out a little, your legs trying to close around his large body mass as the feeling becomes more intense. he hums, smacking your cunt. 
“brats don’t get to cum.” he shrugs, licking and biting at the insides of your thighs to tease you further. your plush skin is so sensitive, and he loves watching the way you squirm to get away from his canines scraping your flesh. you gasp in anger, orgasm ruined the longer he refuses to touch where you need him most. 
“brat?—you’re really gonna be mean to me, uchi no hito?” you pout, and he can feel his heart pang at the insistence and the sweet way you call him yours. you’re softening his heart already. he still had the want to punish you, but the need to claim you was surely fighting back.
“then apologize for your behavior or you won’t cum at all.” he sits up a bit, tossing some hair over his shoulder. you bat your lashes at him, knowing he was hurt by your choice, just like you were hurt by his. but now there was a chance to make it right, to be together forever like you were meant to–and if you had to apologize for your doubts in him, you would sing them loudly. 
“oh—sugurin, i’m sorry! i really am,” his fingers squeeze and toy with your clit, making your body jump as you try to stutter through your words. “just mi-missed you, that’s all, was mean because i missed y-you!” you writhe and wiggle closer and away from his touch simultaneously, and he hums happily at your speech. 
“that’s better.” he hums approvingly, pushing your legs up to your chest. he wants you to feel this as much and as deeply as possible. “such a good girl, did i tell you how beautiful you look okusan?” 
you nod, feeling the well of nerves heating up in your core, his hands resting on your knees as he looks over the disheveled lingerie. “told me at the wedding…” you sniffle, wiggling your hips for his attention again. 
“i see.” he frowns, as if disappointed by your answer. his hands feel your thighs and trail back to your knees, getting his hands closer and closer to where you needed him most with each pass. you whine desperately, and he hums out in fake curiosity, “what is it, darling?” 
“need you to touch me—please.” you squirm, giving him those irresistible doe-eyes. he planned to make you beg much harder than that, but you had him worked all the way up, your body, behavior, and the history between you was setting him on fire. 
“oh i’ll make you cum, kibōchi.” he moves his grip to the backs of your thighs as he moves his hips forward. you try to prepare yourself but it’s no use, he plunges in without any hesitation or resistance on your part. it aches, you clench down at the spread and his thumb comes back to your clit to rub the pain away. “but you can only do it on my dick. got it?” 
you nod slowly and his hips set a pace. he’s so deep you can barely believe he’s allowed to fuck you like this, the pain melting away to a dull pleasure, different from earlier. his gaze is still white hot and searing, devouring every inch of your body. “you really are so beautiful, sweet okusan. my kibōchi turned perfect cocksleeve, yeah?” he growls into the space between you, his fingers digging into the fat of your skin so hard you know he’ll leave his mark.
that draws a moan out of you, loving the idea of being nothing more than a wife, his partner, something you never thought you’d be once you parted ways. the feeling of him rocking into your body is addicting, and now you know you are capable of looking past anything he’s done or will do just to love him anyway. you would throw all your morals away just for this, and he knows that too. “my pretty little okusan, trying so hard to pretend she didn’t want me. now look, the prettiest you’ve ever been bouncing on me.” 
he leans over your body, deepening his angle and allowing him to pick up his speed. he watches the way your tits bounce at this pace, your eyes rolling back a little as you’re rendered unable to speak again, only lewd smacks of his balls against your ass and his feral grunts to be heard. his hand finds your throat, and his mouth drops open in response to your sweet moans and impossible beauty. you are perfect. he knew you would be, but your pussy was his personal kryptonite. “you feel so good, anata girl. you look even better, stuffed to the brim.” 
he smiles at the double meaning. you are his darling girl, but you are also his exasperating brat. god, he always knew what to say. your jaw falls, gripping his forearms to warn him that you were close. “please—need to cum!”
 he hums, nodding his approval, “then cum, okusan.” he commands, deep voice booming. his spine tingles at the idea of you taking your first round of his seed. his hair falls so angelically around his angular features when you open your eyes, it’s the final push over the edge. you choke out a moan, and then your nails are scraping at his biceps, his shoulders and chest, whatever you can get your hands on, and your release is rushing over his dick seconds later. 
“are you on birth control?” he groans, feeling his cock twitch in between your wet walls. you shake your head, chest heaving deliciously. “good, let’s see how fertile you are.” 
your eyes cross at his statement and his balls feel so heavy, squeezing tight and spurting out their contents against your womb. your head digs into the pillow and his falls back at the feeling of being so full and warm. he keeps his hips rocking, making you gasp with every stroke as he shoves his deposit deeper. You’re both panting when you look at each other, years of unspoken yearning and love being communicated between you. there’s a lot to catch up on, and a lot to relearn about one another, but one thing is certain: this marriage was fated, and not arranged. 
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theblueflower05 · 11 months
Tizin(Entangled)| Part Three
A/N: Ah, and we’ve made it here! The first two chapters were like the worst kind of edging- I always just wanted them to be in love lol
Word Count: 11k(of almost pure smut. I’m sorry)
Warnings: Cursing. Talks of past trauma. Oral sex(female and male receiving), Penetrative Sex. Loss of virginity. Submissive Male. Femdom. Neteyam’s a munch.
Summary: In which Neteyam goes into heat, and makes it clear that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. Omega Neteyam x Alpha Female Reader
<Part Two(previous)
>Part Four(next)
Series Masterlist
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It’s never over,
My kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder.
It’s never over,
All my blood for the sweetness of her laughter
- Lover, You should come over. Jeff Buckley
Last Time:
“Ma Y/N” Neteyam calls to you clear and true. He’s chosen these words carefully, they don’t stick in his throat “I am yours if you’ll still have me”
Only then do you notice that the black Pearl necklace that you had strung together for him hangs around his throat.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
A clear symbol of his acceptance of your courtship.
The crowd, chalked full of all members of the village-gathered close for the Iknimaya ceremony-, had gone still. Or maybe that was just him, his brain working too fast, not able to compute everyones movements as they fought to catch up with him.
Neteyam’s never been that scared before. His heart pounded in his ears like waves battering shore, his stomach queasy- a storm brewing inside of him. Hurricane levels of emotion stirring in his taut belly. He’d faced open battle, sprays of bullets and fire in the skies, with less fear in his chest.
Many things had happened at once.
Ronal’s outraged hiss.
Tonowari’s sway, as though he had taken a physical blow.
Gasp’s. Laughter. Shrill calls of protest. Neteyam can barely hear it over the rushing of his own blood in his ears.
He doesn't look, doesn't pay attention to any reaction but yours. Nothing matters but you, you in the sea of blue.
You're stunned, your pretty face slack with surprise. Ocean eyes wide and plush lips agape. He wishes he had been able to tell you, that night in the forest. That his feelings didnt come as such a surprise.
So Neteyam wait’s with bated breath- his heart in his throat but somehow also in his hands as he offers it to you- the entirety of Awa’atlu as his witness.
You could say no. You could reject him in front of everyone. Make him the village fool who had dared to declare his love for the next Olo’eykte.
The bold outsider.
Silly Omega.
Instead, a smile tugs at your lips and Neteyam lays his bleeding heart at your feet.
When he awakes, its to glittering rays of sunlight streaming through the cracks in the blinds. For a moment, Neteyam feels the disorenation that he’d been accustomed to. The familiar confusion as he drifts back into the world of the living, the dream state left behind.
He still expects to come to in his family's keklu, the one he’d grown up in. The one he’d left behind deep in the Forest with the rest of his childhood.
He wonders if this odd vertigo will ever leave him. If he’ll ever rouse from slumber not missing the earthy smell of moss and leaves and greenery.
The shock of waking, especially for the first couple of months, used to be cruel. It was jarring, the home sickness. All consuming and miserable. He’d hid it well, as he does all things. But he wanted nothing more than to fly home on ikran back as fast as the wind would take him.
He wakes to golden rays of light- in a mauri that’s not his own.
And that familiar pang of homesickness doesn't threaten to choke him.
As he blinks sleep from his amber eyes, he takes in his surroundings. Acquainted to him now. Its decorated finely- clay pots with overflowing herbs. Finely beaded Sun catchers and windchimes that sway in the breeze. A sunken fire pit in the center that crackles. Woven rugs. Hung tapestries. A warm bed mat, piled high with quilts.
Home is a subjective word, Neteyams learned. To most it’s a place, a house. Four walls and a roof. To his father it’s his family; Neteyam himself. His siblings. His mother. To the Metkayina it’s the sea.
Neteyam has found his home-
It’s here. In your Mauri. In your arms.
You’re still peacefully asleep beside him. Your eyelashes kissing your high cheekbones. Your wild mane is everywhere. Spread out on the cushion you lay your head upon. On your face. On his. Strands of it tickle his nose.
You’re beautiful, always. But like this is something else. Soft and sleep warm and so close that he can trace the pattern of your Tahni.
Neteyam thanks the Great Mother for his affinity for early mornings- his internal clock had always been wound tight. An early bird, Jake had deemed him.
You’d sleep until deep in the afternoon if it was allowed.
Most days he’s awake before you, and he loves it. He loves these moments where he gets to watch you. Uninterrupted by responsibility or by your teasing- “What are you looking at me for, huh, Forest Boy?”
As if you don't know. As if he could pull his eyes away.
Greedily he feasts on the sight. You’re tucked in close, on your side, him on his back. Your arms and legs thrown around him, the delicious weight and feel of you pressing down on him. Keeping him cozy far better than any blanket ever could.
He takes his fill of this feeling. Of how content he is with you wrapped around him. Your cheek smushed to his shoulder. Your breath puffing on the side of his jaw.
It’s all so right.
It's bone deep.
He’d realized it the first night he’d spent with you. He belonged here, amongst your things.
Like your eclectic knick knacks and your plants and your well loved soup pot. He was yours. He thinks maybe he has been since the moment he touched down in Awa’atlu. Since the very first time he met your curious gaze. And it used to fucking terrify him. Because all he’s ever wanted was his anonymity and you’d taken all of him without even asking first.
That fear had turned to annoyance- and that annoyance into fondness because you. You are relentless and contagious and Tonowari should’ve known that Neteyam had no chance when the Olo’eyktan had assigned you as Neteyam’s karyu. Fondness had morphed into something else- something that lit his belly on fire and made his blood hot. It was no longer a crush, it was an obsession.
He’s obsessed with you.
He’s drowning in his feelings for you. In his need to be closer to you.
He’d crawl under your skin if he could. He’d crack open his ribs and place you in the center, right next to his heart. It was yours anyway. He’d given it to you. Didnt you want to feel it, bloody and beating in your hands?
No. No, that still wouldn't be close enough.
Neteyam thinks that maybe he’s going crazy.
And you just lay there. In his arms. Resting soundly.
He stews in it, in his head, while the sun climbs higher in the sky. You’ll need to wake soon. Your duties will call you out of bed, steal you from his embrace.
He holds on even tighter at the thought, his nose snuffling into the crown of your head. You smell so good. Bright like fruit and deep like petrichor. Its intoxicating, he breathes it in greedily. Your scent coats his nasal passages, drips in his throat. He can’t help it, he’s nuzzling at you, pawing at you.
In your sleep you turn from him. Desperate to stay in the land of dreams for just that much longer. You go from your side your your back, your legs still somehow tangled with his.
You’re perfectly on display for him now- hair fanning behind you like a halo. Your eyes are still closed and your lips are pursed in the cute way that only happens when you’re sleeping or pouting- he watches your heartbeat in your throat. Your pulse fluttering so near your scent gland. Your delicate clavicle.
You don't sleep with clothes on. There's no reason to, they’ll just tangle in the night. He’d embraced that habit of yours when he spends the night- it’s nice to wake up without his tweng twisted around his legs.
Your body is naked, all of that seemingly endless supple turquoise skin and the swirls of black ink that make up your tribal tattoos.
The only thing marring your bare skin is the courting that he’d made for you. Made of fresh water pearls iridescent shells and stones he’d brought from the forest- you hadn’t taken it off since he’d presented it to you
He can't look away from the curve of your tits and the nipples that top them. Soft from the warmth of your combined body heat. His teeth ache, he wants to chew on them.
Your smooth belly, your wide hips. The mound of your pussy.
Neteyam’s nostrils flare and saliva pools in his mouth.
It’s his greatest fixation, he thinks as he reaches out, his deft fingertips ghosting lightly over your skin. He really has no control over it- no matter how much he tries. Every day in your presence, every night in your bed, it just gets worse.
He grazes the stripes that adorn your arm, the underside of your breast, your naval. He’s memorized your patterns now. He’d know them in a sea of Na’vi. Would be able to point you out without needing to see your face.
Home is this moment, your scent mixing with his own. Your bed has become his nest. The quilts and cushions smell like blossoming romance. The beginning of something long and concrete.
Home is the way you feel under the pads of his fingers. The way you sigh in your sleep- your nose scrunching as you turn your head deeper into your pillow.
Home is between your thighs. Always hot and moist. Ever welcoming to him. An embrace from his dearest friend.
How had he gone all of those years without this?
Neteyam had always been an Omega with a healthy appetite. Even though he’d never acted on it, he’d wanted. Of course he had. He’d gone through his heats crying for a knot, and could be caught on multiple occasions staring at the female Alpha’s of the Omiticaya with longing gazes.
Now that he knows the heat and the comfort of your pussy, he’s sure he couldn't give it up even if he tried. It's silky to the touch, the folds unfurling with his feather light caress.
He wants to taste but knows that his tongue will surely wake you. So instead he just feels, lightly. Watches his own hand play between your thighs. It’s something you’re more than happy to let him do while you’re awake.
You’d be okay with it this way, wouldn't you? If he explored while you're sleeping…he really should've asked but he just can't wait. He’ll apologize later if he needs to.
A vision of you putting him on his knees and demanding he kiss at your feet in apology makes him bite his bottom lip hard to stifle a groan.
You get wet for him so easily and he feels so lucky.
Your pussy slicks up at his touch even in your sleep. It’s heady, it makes his cluttered head feel even heavier. It makes him feel like you’re his.
He doesn't mean to. Really he doesn't.
But his head goes from resting on the cushion next to yours. To resting in your neck, nose against your scent gland. And the moment he's getting your scent potent and right from the source any control he might have had is just gone. He’s under your spell, he’s drunk the potion that is your pheromones.
He’s circling your sticky clit a bit too roughly. His body curled around yours, his hips grinding into your side. His lips moving against your gland.
When you wake its with a breathy moan. Your lashes fluttering and your plush lips parted. Your fingers go tight around his wrist, the one that's between your legs.
“Teyam?” Your voice is groggy and sleep laden around his name. It’s the sexiest thing he’s ever heard.
“Good morning, narlor(beautiful)” your tendency for pet names might be rubbing off on him a little bit. Plus, is it not true? Are you not the most beautiful woman he’s ever met? The title belongs to you.
He kisses on your scent gland. Then behind your ear.
“It is a good morning indeed” you purr, spreading your legs even further, pressing his hand even deeper into your cunt with your grip on his wrist “You’re so bad, Tey”
“Never that” he whispers, his sharp canine catching on your jaw. “Aren't I always good for you? Waking you up in the only way I know how. You’re a real pain in the morning, you know”
You giggle and its so sweet it makes his stomach hurt.
“Ah, so it's my fault that you can't keep your hands to yourself?” you’re very cheeky, even in those first moments awake.
Neteyam pecks the corner of your lips, before breathing his words into your grinning mouth “It’s all your fucking fault”
When he kisses you it's all tongue.
He wants to taste you, he licks into your mouth. Behind your teeth as his fingers plunge deep inside of you. You gasp and suck him inside, your hands coming up to fist his braids as his hips still grind. His dick rubbing against your bare hip, unsheathed- throbbing and wet and hard as stone.
It’s a needy thing. All too quick as he chases both of your releases. You ride his fingers until you’re squealing, never breaking the messy kiss and he comes with a grunt. Shooting off against your skin.
If he rubs the layer of his cum in before he lets you up to ready for the day, that’s his own prerogative. Scent marking has become a thing for him as of late. He doesn't pay it too much mind.
Neteyam just watches you hurry around your mauri.
You get dress, the plum tweng and twinkling shell top look perfect on you. You brush your waist length hair until it falls in uniform waves around your shoulders. It looks like an oil spill, all dark and shiny.
“Watcha staring at, sayrip(handsome)? Haven't you had enough for now?” You tease with a feline smile and knowing eyes as you catch him ogling you. He just rolls his own and gives you a half hearted hiss- before going and busying himself with making breakfast.
It’s domestic. It’s becoming his routine- his new norm.
Ever since that day on the beach where he had announced your relationship and his intentions to everyone, he spends most nights here.
They’ve begun to bleed into one and other. Has it already been over a month, just shy of two? How?
Time passes so fast when he’s with you. He loses track of it as he loses himself to you.
When you’re both dressed for the day, and eating a hot mix of grains and fruit, you reach over to trace along his side.
Neteyam had completed his rite, he was a fledged member of the tribe now. A hunter and known warrior. He’d gotten the markings to prove it. They were painful and slow healing on his tender skin but he’d taken it(with a flurry of curses during the hours of poke and stick)
Now there's sprawling black from his left hip to just under his armpit. A helluva place for his first marking. His father and Tonowari had both winced when he announced his desired placing, pointing at his ribs naively.
It’s all but healed, but still you fret over it. You’ve see infected tattoos before and they are not a pretty sight “I will go to my mother today, and ask her for more salve”
“No” Neteyam shakes his head at once “That’s not necessary, please don't. It feels fine”
Ronal had made her distaste for him known.
She had been the most outraged at his claim on you. Her eldest daughter. The next leader of the Metkayina. When you’d made it clear that you accepted Neteyam, you wanted him and returned his affections it had ended in a screaming match.
Both of you stubborn Alpha’s. Neither of you willing back down.
The pregnant Tsahik honestly scares him a little and he’s trying his best to win her respect, or at the very least, her blessing to be with you.
“You have spent years rejecting any and all suitors we have suggested and yet this boy offers himself to you and you accept? Without a second thought? He hasn't even properly courted you! It’s a disgrace!” Ronal had shouted and Neteyam felt like dirt because she didn't speak lies.
He should've been doing more, earlier. Instead of denying his feelings and bad mouthing you to his family.
He’d stood outside of your family’s large Mauri. Waiting for you. Listening to the conversation within, his tail hanging low between his legs.
“You have never ever suggested anyone that I wanted. Isn't it enough that I care for him and he cares about me in return? He’s the first person who's ever cared about me!” You’d wailed back “You've never given a shit about finding someone who actually cares about me for me and not for my title!”
Tonowari had broken the two of you up soon after that and you’d stormed out of the entrance with angry tears in your eyes.
It’s safe to say that the tension is still there and Neteyam is trying to keep his distance and keep the peace.
“My mother is Tshaik and takes her duty to the people seriously. You are one of the people now. She will heal you whether she wants to or not” You say simply but with finality. A challenge. You have been challenging Ronal ever since that day. Defending your precious relationship with tooth and nail.
He appreciates it- but feels no less guilty.
Neteyam just squeezes your hand, the one inspecting his all but healed tattoo “I will be fine, please. I think right now distance is for the best. I’ve told you I will have my mom or Tsireya look it over if it starts to lean towards infection, I promise”
You argue and he argues right back. In the end, it’s time that makes the decision.
Your father is outside, waiting for you. He greets the two of you with a smile and a nod. It was time to start rounds.
Tonowari is kind to Neteyam. He accepts the union, and has been trying to keep peace between you and Ronal.
You just sigh. Admitting defeat and get up, “Fine. Just don't be stupid and let someone know if it starts to feel hot again”
“I will. I was going to go home soon anyway. I need a change of clothes” It feels odd to call his parents mauri home. Again, he thinks of what that word means.
“You may as well bring your things over, you spend most of your time here anyways” The way you say it is conversational. Off hand. Factual. You’re fastening your shin guards as his brain is misfiring.
“...All of my things?” Neteyam asks, gobsmacked.
“Obviously. Aren't you tired of going back and forth? Seems exhausting to me. If you need help bringing it all- we can do it tonight if you’d like”
And is it that simple? That he suddenly lives with you? Permanently? Because you are acting as though it is.
“Um?-” Neteyam starts all so eloquently, words not coming out but your father is calling for you. You don't have time to decipher him.
“I will see you later, yes?” you reach for him, holding his face in your hands. He’s still reeling but nods all the same.
“Be a good boy today, won't you?”
You kiss him, a wet smack of a thing, before you’re gone.
And he’s sitting there. He’s pretty sure you just asked him to move in with you.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
It is.
Neteyam doesn't have much; being uprooted from the forest had left him with barebones. When packing to flee, Jake had instructed them to keep it light.
Somehow you make sure that all of his belongings mesh perfectly with yours. His few woven tapestries line the walls of the mauri perfectly. His weapons are now stored with yours. You even set the teapot that he’s so fond of, the one with intricate carvings that his Grandmother had made, on display in the middle of the living area. Every morning you brew him strong beaned pekoe.
You are so good to him, and he isn't even officially yours.
…but he wants to be.
Neteyam thinks of it day in and out, a fuzzy feeling in his stomach.
As he goes through the motions all he can think about is the way that he wants to be yours. Officially. He wants to wear your bite. The thought is dizzying and sizzles under his skin.
He knows that his heat is inching, creeping near. Has a gnawing feeling that it will arrive earlier than usual. He could blame these feelings on his hormones, on his natural cycle-
But in truth. You affect him more than his own body ever had. And considering how intense his season’s had always been, that was saying something.
He’d always been good at shoving this down, this part of himself. The neediness. The call of his inner Omega that screeched at the moons bi-annually. Heats had always been a nasty business for him- days of writhing in pain, desperate for a knot. Back in the forest Mo’at would drug him up. Teas and tinctures and salves, his body covered in herbs in an attempt to quell his raging hormones. His heats are strong, his grandmother had whispered when he was thirteen and lost to his first time. Strong heat, strong heart. Strong leader.
Funny, he felt anything but in those times of mindless need.
He’d try to warn you about them, about how he gets during his season, and you’d just giggled. Stroked his face and told him you couldn't wait. “I do enjoy a good challenge, I’m sure i’ll be able to keep up”
He wonders if you’ll be making jokes when both of you are in the thick of it. And then, he wonders what it will be like to have a partner.
And that thought is maddening.
Too big and obtuse in his brain, he cant think of anything but. Cant focus enough to be useful during his hunt. His bounty for the day is pitiful, nothing but a net of small fish. He’d down right missed a juvenile Naltusa(shark like creature), the aim was off. Lucky beast, He supposes it wasnt its day to return to Eywa.
Neteyam hauls the nets onto the shore with a few of his fellow hunters, a little quicker then normal. Fast hands and bulging biceps. He hopes he doesnt look as eager as he feels, all he wants to do is get back to the village. Back to you.
“Some days are more abundant then others, we can give it another try tomorrow. The tides should be on our side then, they’re very shifty in the warm season” Kenai’s a cheery Beta that Neteyam has come to grow fond of. Him and his mate Akemi are close friends of yours and they’ve taken him under their wing so to speak. He appreciates it.
“Naltusa meat is nasty sort, any way. Too tough- we’d be picking it out of our teeth for weeks.” Akemi adds. He’s a huge bulking mountain of a man and if Neteyam didn't know better he would have thought he was an Alpha. Instead, everything about Akemi is Beta soft, from his words to his pheromones.
“Even mighty warriors miss sometimes” his little brother shoves him with his shoulder good naturedly.
Lo’ak and Roxto surround them as well, neither with the markings of adulthood quite yet- if they wanted to attempt their own Iknimaya in the next cycle they figured it would be the best to ‘hands on train’. It's really an excuse for them to tag along, ride the waves. Catch a glimpse of the pretty girls that sway in the shallows, working on collecting from the crab traps.
Neteyam just grins good naturedly with a shrug “Gotta miss a couple times and give you the chance to catch up, don't I?”
A hunter who doesn't gut his own catch isn't much of a hunter at all, no matter the size of the bounty. Dirty work had never strayed Neteyam. Even though back in the forest the other hunters had jabbed about him being too pretty for it.
He listens to his companions chatter, content. His hands are moving, keeping busy. He doest add much to the conversation and that's okay.
He’d been an easy baby, Neytiri told the stories. Barely a peep, no crying or fussing. A quiet child, eager to escape into the thick trees whenever possible. Most had been impressed with his first kill, the fact that he'd accomplished it at such a young age. They grilled him, excited and envious then laughed at his answer. All he’d done is be silent.
The sun is so bright and strong on the isle’s, reflecting off the sea like a mirror. Even late in the afternoon when they return to the village.
Neteyam’s finally started to adjust to the intense rays but still, he longs for the damp sweet shade that came with the forest and its unbreachable canopy’s.There’s sweat beading from his hairline and down his back. He rubs at it with the back of his hand-
“Are you okay, my friend?” Akemi asks after Neteyam has stopped yet again to catch his breath.
“Fine, just hot”
“Don't worry, the storms in the evening will bring cooler weathers. You’ll have to hold our girl close though, she hates ‘em” Akemi grins as they walk along the spongy netted pathways.
“Why?” Neteyam inquires as they sidestep a group of giggling younglings and the Narisi’io(Nanny) that chases them “Is she scared of them?”
“Oh, she’s terrified” Akemi grins knowingly “She has been since we were little, but don't tell her I told you that. You know how she is, always pretending she has no fears. But a little thunder- Eywa forbid lightning, and she’s all but hiding under her bed mat”
Neteyam knows it's stupid but he’s almost jealous that Akemi knows all of this about you. He only wishes that he could’ve seen you, small and ornery. If he can only get in tales, then he’llgreedily take it “Really? She’s never told me that. Anything else I should know?”
Akemi laughs and leans into Neteyam’s space conspiratorially “I will tell you all you need to know- and most you don't. You’ll have to come by soon, spend the evening with us. My Kenai makes the most delicious shellfish stew, don't you, Tiwayn(love)?”
Kenai just chuckles and blushes as Akemi waxes poetic about the thick roux and mix of spices.
Neteyam smiles at the couple. He thinks he knows what that feels like now. To love someone so much that you want to sing their praises to anyone who will hear.
He spots you in the distance, like some sort of beacon. His eyes can find you in crowds so easily now, it's like his body has been rewired to hone in on yours.
You're just outside the big Mauri and he figures the meetings must be over. You stand in a group of elders and tribe leaders. You're smaller than most, your frame so easy to tower above, and yet you hold your own. Shoulders squared and head high. It makes something in his belly bloom. Pride, he thinks.
Yes, he understands Akemi’s need to tell everyone just how amazing he thinks his mate is.
Neteyam has a stupid smile on his face. He just knows that Lo’ak is two seconds away from making fun of him, as usual, for being undeniably whipped-
And Neteyam cant even deny it.
Sometimes, he doesn't like the way people look at you.
Most look at you with adoration, reverence and warmth. Some with heat and lust that makes his hackles rise. The occasional glance of exasperation because of your bold nature. He knows first hand what it’s like to feel all eyes on you, all the time. Knows that you mostly try to ignore it or are so used to it you no longer feel the stares.
There’s one member of the clan that looks at you in a way that makes Neteyams fingers itch for his tstal(dagger).
Vaeyu is everything Neteyam has come to know about Alpha’s and all that he hates. Tall and big and brooding, he uses his body like a weapon and his sharp words and condescending tone like a threat. And that would be enough for Neteyam to dislike him in general.
Its the way that Vaeyu looks at you that cements Neteyam’s distaste for the Alpha.
All sharp and judgmental, or when Tonowari or anyone of importance is around; sickeningly sweet and perpetually bordering condescending.
Neteyam noticed it, even though he hasn't told anyone. The microaggressions. Vaeyu will take any and all chances to dig at you. They’re small things, conversational. He says it with that even voice- a smile on his face. What truly confuses Neteyam is the way that you react. He expects bloodshed; your sharp fangs and that dagger that you keep on your hip at all times go unused. You just…allow it.
Even now when the Alpha approaches you, you just seem to close up. Your arms folded over your chest and your jaw ticking as you grind your teeth. To anyone else it may seem normal. But he knows you.
“I fucking hate that guy” For a moment Neteyam thinks that he’s spoken his thoughts aloud, but the words had come in Akemi’s deep timbre. “I wish he’d just stay away from her.”
“Me too, he seems like a real dickhead” Lo’ak agrees, remembering when the Alpha had joined in on the teasing with Ao’nung and his lackies. The difference between them and him? Ao’nung was a juvenile who didnt know better. Vaeyu a fully fledged adult with a family. Cruelty and ignorance have different tastes.
Neteyam doesn't need to voice his distaste, it’s written all over his face.
There’s any so much he can take. You look so uncomfortable and that just will not do. His feet are carrying almost without his permission. He needs to protect his Alpha. Needs to make sure that you’re okay. There's really no other thoughts in his head, its like fuel.
“See you later, bro! Told you he’s down bad-“Lo’ak calls from behind him rolling his eyes at Neteyam when he gives the group a halfhearted wave.
Your eyes light up as they connect with his. Your whole body just relaxes, like a flower unfurling in the sunlight. “Neteyam, what’re you doing here, I thought you were hunting”
Neteyam’s arm goes around you and he can sense your slight shock. He isn’t a fan of public displays of affection and even though you insist that it’s okay, he knows you crave it.
As his hands rest on your soft warm skin he doesn't think he’ll ever be letting it go again. Fuck it, he cares not who sees.
Actually in this moment there's one person he actively wants to see.
He leans in to press a kiss to your cheek, but his eyes never leave Vaeyu’s. The Alpha is tall and obnoxiously broad, he likes letting it be known. Funny, the way Neteyam stands just as tall and never has to flaunt his size.
“All done for the day, I thought I’d come find you and see if you are as well. I hoped we could spend the afternoon together” Neteyam tells you and it’s half true.
It's not a hope. You’re done for the day whether you like it or not. “Are we done here?” he presses.
It’s not really you he’s speaking to.
Vaeyu’s eyes dance with fire. Anger at being challenged by an Omega…but something else. You cant into Neteyam’s touch, your arms going around his middle as you reach up to kiss at his jaw-
And, ah. Neteyam is able to identify that other emotion. Jealousy.
“Come, I am quite hungry. Are you going to feed me, Sayrip(handsome)?”
“Of course I am, come. Let's go back to our home” If Neteyam emphasizes the word our, it's because he’s not sure Vaeyu saw him move his things in the other day.
As the two of you walk away, backs turned, Neteyam shoots the Alpha one last look. His golden gaze sharp and cautioning as his long thin tail wraps around your upper thigh.
An obvious claim
Vaeyu looks away and Neteyam roars in victory. Internally, of course.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
He’s thrilled that you let him tug you along, past the Mauri. You dont question it as he leads you down onto the beach, away from the village and into the thick trees. You make him bold in a way that he never had been. You follow him deep into the bush. Trudging along beside him.
When the rocky cliff face come into view you start questioning again “Seriously, where are you taking me, Teyam?”
“I need you to trust me, and listen, very closely” Neteyam instructs, letting go of your hand to step closer to the rocks. He looks up, to the naked eye the wall of rock looks solid, vine covered and towering. “Stay behind me and make no sudden movements”
The chirp that leaves his mouth is sharp and shrill, followed by a chattering squawk. There is only moments between before it is returned.
Hidden atop the cliffs, the Sully family ikrans had made their new roost. The nesting grounds were high up and nearly in accessible- to anyone who couldn't climb that is. Usually he’d be happy to meet his mount well above the ground but he highly doubts you could make it up that high.
The screech that the beast lets out as she glides down, answering Neteyam’s call, is loud and shrill. Landing right in front of him, kicking up the forest sand beneath her great wings that she stretches ominously. Her jaws snap threateningly as she stands on her hind legs.
Neteyam can hear your fearful gasp from behind him.
“Nimwey” He sighs at the entire display and reaches out to push her mouth shut “Must you be such a brat?”
The ikran had always been so dramatic, such a show off. She actually had one of the most docile natures he’d ever seen in her kind. The point is only proven as she shoves her massive head into his chest- nearly knocking him over. His sweet old girl.
There is a disbelieved laugh behind him, certainly a little hysterical
“This is Nimwey, I have flown with her since I was thirteen” Neteyam speaks slowly, turning to you with his arms still full of scaled beast “She is very sweet but please. Approach slowly”
“Sweet? I am not sure of that…” you’re hesitant, feet rooted as you watch the entire scene. What is completely normal to Neteyam is so far beyond foreign to you.
He knows the feeling.
“I have wanted to introduce the two of you, but there has been no time. And she’s been nesting, haven't you momma?” Neteyam speaks to the ikran like one would a child and not a man eating winged predator. He connects his kuru to Atanzaw’s and the bond curls around him like an embrace.
“We share Tsaheylu, she will not hurt you” Neteyam reassures because Nimwey wouldnt. Not when she can feel for herself what he feels for you.
Your steps are slow and calculated as you approach and once your close enough he reaches for you, and with his hand cradling yours, leads you to press your palm against Nimwey’s side, “Feel her strong lungs, and her heartbeat. She is Eywa’s creation as all are, she’s not scary as she seems”
“She’s so beautiful” you whisper as you run your fingers along her scales. Nimwey is stunning, painted in shades of Azure and Emerald with shiny scales and iridescent wings.
“She is. Something the two of you have in common” Neteyam waxes poetic and the side eye that you and Nimwey shoot him is very insulting.
“I remember the day that you rode in on her. I had never seen anything like it- they don’t get this big here. I’d heard legends of ikran riders from far away lands but never thought I would live to see it” your tone is awe laced and it goes right to Neteyams head.
“Would you like to take a ride with me?” Neteyam had brought you here for this reason. He wants to take you, far away. If only for a bit.
“...You are serious?” You look at him, then at the ikran, then back at him.
“Don't you want to be apart of those legends? The great Metkayinan Olo’eykte who rode an ikran?” Neteyam grins as he says it. He knows your adventurous nature, knows that your need to experience and throw yourself head first into life will lead you to agreeing.
“Is it not dangerous?” You don't say no and he knows he’s already won, he squeezes your shoulder, gently disconnects from the bond, and goes to a nearby tree, climbing it quickly.
The Sullys had stashed their riding gear close, so that they could saddle their mounts in a hurry if need be.
“No more dangerous than swimming in the open ocean. At least in the sky there aren't Akula” Neteyam assures, returning with a large saddle and harness.
“In the water you can't fall to your death” You point out in a deadpan, watching him work. He’s quick and efficient as he is in most things as he bounds his ikran in her riding leathers.
“I would never let that happen” Neteyam reassures earnestly, he was one of the youngest riders to date, he feels more in control in the sky then on ground most times “You do not have to, of course. But I want to share this with you”
“Then take me on a ride, Forest boy.”
You look all too adorable as he slide’s Kiri’s riding visor down over your forehead. He wants to smush your face between his hands like you always do to him. He wishes he had his fathers human camera on him.
He mounts Nimwey carefully, can feel her through the bond. She wants to fly, it had been too long since they’d taken to the sky together.
“Come, Y/N” He pulls you up. In front of him, much to your distress. He want to be able to hold onto you, adjusts you on the saddle until you settle, back against his chest- his arms around you as he holds the reins. “Move with me, when I turn lean with it”
“Any other pointers?” you’re shifty and excited and it bleeds into him. Into the bond. Nimwey braces for flight.
“Don't close your eyes” He speaks it into your hair- before yipping out an ikran call, sending Nimwey into action.
Neteyam will never forget his first flight. The way it had felt to soar high above the clouds, the rush that came with the wind whipping through his braids. It is the most exhilarating experience that he can recall having, he had never felt more free.
Watching you getting to experience your own first is something special.
He wants to cement it somewhere deep in his brain, wants to share it with the Spirit Tree so that he can relive it over and over. He never wants to forget the smile on your face or the way your eyes sparkle with childlike wonder. Flying over the ocean is a beautiful experience, watching the water sparkle where the sun touches it is breathtaking- it brings tears to your eyes.
He takes you everywhere- far out, past Three Brothers Rock and up into the frothy misty clouds. The two of you soar around the isles, laughing and pointing out things you see- a flock of brightly colored Fkio. Fast leaping Naltusa that spin as they breach on cresting waves. The living breathing coral pulses just below the surface.
You like it the most when he flies fast, and banks against the wind. Your thrilled laughter and screams chime in his ears, not lost to the whooshing wind. An adrenaline junkie, his father had deemed you. Just like Lo’ak.
He never wants to come down, would be happy to spend the rest of his days in the air with only you and Zuli as his companions, but life has other plans.
The storms have started to roll in, the clouds ugly and bruised with perspiration. It’s only a matter of time before it starts to rain- when he tells you so you tighten in his arms. Going rigid. Fuck.
“We won't be able to make it back to the village in time, and flying in the rain is dangerous” He hollers apologetically- he couldn't have picked a mild sunny day to do this?
“We should seek cover- here. Head for the Cove of the Ancestors- there are many caves that we use for ceremonies, we can wait it out there” You instruct and Neteyam yanks gently on the reigns, leading Zuli to the instructed destination.
The Cove is breathtaking as ever, Neteyam had only just been allowed at the sacred space after he had passed his rights and earned his place as Metkayina. The Spirit Tree glows, bright and purple under the waves that are much gentler here, guarded by the high dome like cliff structures and floating rocks that protect the tree.
You lead him to the mouth of one of many caves, its big enough for Nimwey to fly straight in. It is good timing, the first fat drops of rain have just started to fall from the sky.
The cave is up high enough around that most of the waves can only lap at the entrance; there is a large fire pit in the middle and torches mounted on the walls. You scurry quickly around, eager to get a fire going.
“What is this place used for?” Neteyam wonders as he works on getting the torches lit.
When you speak your back is still turned to him as you spark flame to the big pit in the center “There are many like this littered along these lower cliffs, the people here to be close to Ranteg Utralti(Metkayina Spirit Tree). Mostly for prayer circles, fertility ceremonies, mating”
Neteyam’s lower belly swoops and his cheeks burn. “Ah, that makes sense…”
He goes through the motions that have been so ingrained in him, checks the perimeters and makes sure that all is secure before pressing the com on his neck. It’s staticy, the connection is rough due to the weather.
“Pathfinder to Devil Dog, comming in, over”
“I read you, Pathfinder. Where are you? This storm is wicked”
“I'm in a cave with Y/N, out near the Cove of the Ancestors, we’re safe and dry-We’re gonna wait it out here”
“Are you sure? If you need me to, I will come in for extraction”
“I am sure. We’ll head back as soon as its clear”
“Stay safe. Keep in contact”
“Roger that”
It is nice here, dry and warm from the fires. Lit by the flickering light of the torches and the glow of bioluminescent flora and fauna that grow on the walls. A soft moss that acts like a cushion covers the harsh rock floor.
Nimwey has left- the old girl doesn't care if it's wet. They’re near prime hunting grounds and from experience he knows the ikran does some of her best work in the rain. She’ll come back, with a full belly for her chicks, when he calls.
You’re near the back wall, lounged against a large rock, legs stretched in front of you and crossed over each other. You may look casual, but Neteyam can see the way that you keep anxiously eyeing the rain that falls in heavy sheets outside. He sits a few feet away, giving you distance if you so want it.
How had this gone so sideways? He just wanted some time with you, all to himself. And now here you we’re, stuck far away from home during a storm and it was completely his fault. This is why he’s never been impulsive, he sucks at it. Such an unlucky skxawng
“I am sorry” He whispers with a wince as he focuses on the fire. On the same day he’d learned you’re scared of storms, he’d flown you out into one.
“What for?” You ask, your big eyes turning to him. So confused and soft that it only makes him feel worse.
“I know you don't like storms, and somehow I got us stuck in one” he grumbles, a little embarrassed. He feels like a shit partner. What kind of Omega was he, leading you out into the wilderness with no food, nothing?
You just smile a little and scootch closer to him until you're pressed along the side of his body “You can't control the weather, Yawntu(my love). No need for apologies” you lean your head on his shoulder and he noses at your temple. Your hair is still all mused and messy from the flight “How did you know i'm afraid of storms?”
At that moment the cave lights up as a blinding flash of lightning strikes and splinters across the sky- followed by a ground shaking clap of thunder.
You jump, a gasp caught in your throat and Neteyam pulls into his lap, hugging you tight in his strong arms.
“I don't know, just a hunch” he teases after a moment, breaking up the tense moment. You laugh but it's forced and you’re stiff as a board. “Can I ask why they scare you so much?”
“What’s not to fear? They’re destructive and uncontrollable- we’re usually protected from the big ones, by the reef you know? But sometimes they slip through. Though far between its always flooding and chaos” you explain and huh, he guesses that makes sense.
Back in the forest he loved storms- but he had always endured them from the comfort of his family Keklu high in the trees, safe from floods and damage.
“This one will not last long, the clouds were low” He reassures in a low voice as he strokes the fly away hairs away from your face “It will pass before you know it, Yawntutsyip(little love)”
“I bet I seem pretty pathetic right now, huh? An Alpha who’s afraid of a little rain” You frame it as a joke, but there’s too much self-depreciation laced in.
“Not at all, it is normal to have fears. Tuk’s an Alpha and she’s scared of all kinds of things”
“She’s also seven years old!” You exclaim aghast at his horrible comparison and he sniggers, brushing your thick hair away from your shoulders so that he can press kisses there.
It’s easy to distract you.
The bubble of conversation that the two of you cocoon yourselves in feels safe and hospitable. It’s one of Neteyam’s favorite things; the way that he can just talk to you. About any and everything. He doesn't care what the subject is, he listens raptly to your words and the minutes fly by.
You end up shifting, lying on your sides, facing one another. Your chin is propped in your hand, elbow on the ground.
The council meeting today had been boring, mostly talks of village construction which he finds amusing that you have such a distaste for. When you mention Vaeyu and his desire for an expansion on his Mauri Neteyam scoffs. One of your dainty browbones raises in question.
“I just…do not like him. At all” Neteyam gripes.
“We can agree on that, but he has high rank so I’m forced to keep cordial with him” You sigh with a roll of your eyes “I fucking loathe politicks”
This is the opening that he’s been waiting for and his curiosity about Vaeuy bubbles to the surface “Do you know him well?”
“Well enough, his parents are close with mine”
“I see…” Neteyam drawls, and he should let the subject drop. Really, he knows. “Is there anything more?”
“Why? Has someone said something to you?” You sit up a bit and yeah. Yeah he knows that there is so much unsaid. “Has he?”
“No, but I have eyes. There’s some sort of history there. He’s extremely disrespectful to you and I’m not sure why- or why it is allowed” Once Neteyam starts it all flows out of him “I keep expecting you to break his jaw and you just allow it. I’m confused, is it just his rank? Because you outrank him in every sense of the word-”
“Neteyam” You sigh, but he keeps going.
“I know that Alpha’s have their own way of handling things that I don't care to understand-
“Neteyam, please”
It’s sharp and cuts his sentence off. He’s ticked off and down right jealous and you look suddenly very upset again.
“I do not ask about your past partners out of respect…and because it really doesn't matter who you were with before you met me” After a moment of tense silence, he chooses his words very carefully “You were with him, right?”
He expects you to get defensive like you have in the past. Maybe sassy. Put him in his place a little bit.
Instead you droop with shame.
“Yes” you admit and he frowns. It’s not that he’s disappointed in your sexual experience, the same as you aren't in his lack there of. But Vaeyu?
“I know what you’re thinking” you roll onto your back, staring at the glowing cave ceiling as you speak “Why that asshole?”
“Well…yeah” Neteyam replies so unsmoothly, he wants to face palm.
“My whole life has been planned out for me and I’ve learned to be okay with that. Really. The only thing I’ve ever wanted for my own is the chance to choose who I give my heart to” Neteyam knows the sentiment and stays quiet, giving you the space to speak.“Vaeyu was always older and his family was close to mine so he didn't treat me as just the chiefs daughter. I thought he might like me…for me”
The tale that you proceed to weave makes him sick to his stomach.
You had been young and naive and preyed upon by someone you trusted. Vaeyu touched you before you long before your Iknimaya and then dropped you when he’d been unable to get you to submit. Neteyam swears to the Great Mother that if he ever gets the chance, he’ll kill that motherfucker.
“I understand him, in a way,” you whisper, still not looking at Neteyam.
You cant see the way his face scrunches all the way up “And what fucking way is that?”
You bite your bottom lip hard and in the dim light, your eyes shine dangerously. “I’m…a lot . I can understand why someone would be hesitant to bond with me. I won't fool myself into thinking that I am everyone's ideal of a mate”
Neteyam’s chest seizes painfully and it feels like a part of him shatters hearing you speak about yourself in such ways. His poor sweetheart. He reaches out- he wants to dig his nails onto you and shake you because how could you think that you are anything less than magnificent?
Instead his fingers gently trace along your arms, before his hand settles on your chest. He presses his palm to the place above your heart.
“Oel ngati kameie” He says the words that his soul had known. Known since that very first one on one training session. He thinks that maybe he'd known before he was born. His past selves must have loved you, too.
You turn to look at him, tears creepingg down your cheeks “You don't have to…”
Neteyam had always thought that he was put on Eywa’eveng to be a good son. Brother. Hunter.
But now suspects that the All Mother may have created him to find you. And love you, wholly. To love every part of you that others had deemed undesirable.
“Oh baby,” He whispers the English endearment,
“Loving you is as easy for me as breathing. It’s not something I have to force myself to do. It is not a hardship. I’m sorry if anyone made you think differently”
His hand goes to your face, still with gentle touches, but you cup it in your own and press down firm, grounding you both. Your eyes are close, as though your bracing against coming impact.
“All I think about is bonding you. I want a life with you, Y/N” That is an understatement. He wants to wake up with you every morning. Wants to hunt with you. Wants to cook every meal. Wants to see you round with his children, wants to fill your shared Mauri to the brim with little ones that have your eyes and your wild streak “Let me show you”
When he lets go of you, it's so that he can reach behind himself and pull his thick shiny braid over his shoulder.
He offers his kuru to you. Because it’s yours already. Has been, just like the rest of him.
Your eyes follow his movements, widening as you realize what his intentions are. Just for a moment, before they go gentle and you reach for your own braid.
The two of you sit up, both propped on your shins. Kuru’s in hand, the lavender tendrils squirm. Reaching blindly in the dark, desperate for connection.
“Are you sure you’re ready,Neteyam, truly?” even then you have to question it and it makes his need to prove his dedication to you that much stronger“I don't want you to regret this”
“I want to be yours” Neteyam states simply because that is his truth. “I don't need a big ceremony, I couldn't care less about things like that, honestly . We’re here, at the Spirit Tree, in front of Eywa. That’s all that matters to me”
The distance between the tendrils is shortened, then closed. They twine together seamlessly, as though they had always meant to.
The bond is sealed and he can’t help but gasp.
He, as most Na'vi, had spent his life thinking about Tsaheylu. What would it be like to share the sacred bond with another? He’d imagined it, daydreamed about it when he got lonely. Listened to stories both scandalous and reverent.
Nothing could prepare him for the reality.
It’s all consuming and overwhelming, euphoria sings through his veins at being connected to you.
You and Neteyam blur.
Two souls into one being. He can feel you inside of him; your strong wild heart beats within his own chest now.
You collapse into each other: Neteyam slumps, leaning into you. Head falling into your bosom, his cheek smushed against your skin. You welcome him, wrap your arms around his neck, cradling him that much closer.
Why had no one told him it felt like this? He should’ve bonded with you the moment he met you. He wants to crawl under your skin and never come out.
“Yours” he slurs, still unable to open his eyes at the onslaught of intense stimulation “I’m finally yours”
Your joy is bright and eclectic, your love all consuming. He can feel the way that you want him. That you yearn for him. To you he is all things; strong and tender. He’s both the inky night with all of its danger and rough uncertainty and the soft gentle rays of first light during sunrise. He is nuanced and dynamic; you do not just see him as an Omgea. You see him as a person; your equal.
“And I am yours” Your voice echos in his head without you having to speak. “All of me, Neteyam. You can have everything”
His fingers trail along your turquoise skin, groping, taking handfuls of you. Your clothing is stripped, slow and revenant. He’s seen you before, gotten to suckle at your breast and taste your sweet cunt, but it feels different now. New. Every inch of bare skin is a revelation to him.
You’re less graceful than him, more hedonistic. It goes straight to his head, is undeniably sexy as you tug at his tweng roughly- yanking it off his body and manhandling him until he lies flat on his back.
“Fuck, Nete” you groan. He knows what he looks like, he can see himself through your eyes. Liked out on the cave floor, his braids sprawled around his head like a halo. His legs are open and his body lax. He’s the perfect picture of submission.
He’d only ever do this for you “You can have everything” he echo’s your words back to you.
Neteyams already rock hard, his cock peeking out from his puffy swollen slit. The sloppy pumps you give him are only precautionary really, making sure that he’s completely unsheathed before you mount him, your thick thighs spread wide, knees caging in his thin waist.
He can feel the warmth that radiates from your center, the apex of your body calling out to him. His hips rise, seeking it out and the tip of his cock spears through your wet pussy lips.
He hisses at the friction and you just smile, grabbing his girth and aiming it right at your pulsating hole “Slow my love, you’re bigger than anything I’ve ever taken”
His cock jumps in your hold and then you’re sinking down on him.
A crack of thunder rattles the cave but Neteyam doesn't hear it, not really. He feels like his head is underwater, his ears filled with fuzz as your body envelopes him. You take him all the way to the hilt, until your pussy kisses his smooth pubic bone.
There is no greater connection a Na’vi can have, he’s closer to you then he had ever been to anyone. Your kuru’s still connected in Tsaheylu- your bodies joined in harmony.
He can't look away from you, his tawny eyes are glued to your pretty face. Your brows are drawn tightly together, your nose scrunching as you pant. When you circle your hips he lets out a whine that's down right pathetic.
It’s like once the both of you get a taste of that friction, all rules are off.
The need for more is maddening, has you both wriggling and clashing. It’s not the sweet loving making that most think comes with the first time. Neteyam loses his virginity in a desperate frenzy.
He may be submissive, comfortable with being that for you now but he will never be passive. He chases not only his pleasure but yours. His hips snap, hard as they can, up and into you. Watching with his mouth hung open as you bounce atop of them in rough little jerks.
“Oh” you can't catch your breath around the trusts that knock the air from your lungs “G-g-great mother!”
He needs more leverage, needs you close. He reaches for the necklace he’d strung for you. So pretty around your throat, swaying in time with your heaving breaths, and tugs you down onto his wide chest, holding you painfully tight there as he continues to pound you from below.
With your face buried in his neck you have access to his sensitive gland, you worry it with your teeth for a moment “Neteyam- please, let me” you speak right into his skin
“Y/N” his voice is desperate and husky in your ear “Do it. Bite me, fucking knot me. Do it” Your fangs sink into his gland as your body locks around him tight and Neteyam goes limp. Literally. His secondary gender takes over completely. He’s been marked and knotted by his Alpha. He doesn't need to move, does not need to think.
He has you for that now. To take care of him.
He comes with a whine shooting off inside of you as you rhythmically pulse around him. He wants it to take- wants his cum to fill up your womb, to have a piece of him living inside you forever.
In the haze he can barely hold his head up, his arms and legs are useless and loose and your a heavy comforting weight above him. He’s too deep in the post-coital bliss to realize that the rain has slowed to a light drizzle or that the fire is close to being out.
You coo at him, rubbing him down with gentle massaging touches “You’re okay, Paskalin(honey). You did so well for me” you nuzzle at the side of his jaw.
Its quiet sept for the crackling of the dying fire and your sweet comforting hums for a while as the two of you lie in a mess of tangled limbs, still just basking in the connection. It takes him a ridiculous amount of time to formulate the thoughts in his head to words,
“Alpha?” he calls for you and you purr at the name.
“I think I’m going into heat”
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Neteyam had been correct, of course. He could read the signs of his own body well enough. He’d managed to fly the two of you safely back to the village before he’d lost himself to his primal needs.
That was days ago, how many he doesn't know. All he knows is the eclipses come and go as the two of you barricade yourselves in your home. Your bed mat has been turned into a nest of blankets and quilts and cushions- it smells like your combined pheromones and feels like heaven.
The people celebrate the mating of their future chief joyously. Neteyam had proudly displayed his bloody neck, his long hair pulled back so that all could see the mark your canines had left on him.
The mauri is littered with gifs; baskets of fruit and folded leaf pockets full of sweet steamed meat. Jugs of water and juices and wines. Cakes and sweet rice in clay bowls.Tapestries and woven throws. Necklaces and bracelets.
The clan takes turns coming to the closed mouth of their Mauri and saying their prayers, leaving the gifts behind as an offering. As a token of good fortune.
The celebration drums haven't stopped and play in a constant rhythm that flows in through the windows.
Your families had checked in multiple times, leaving their own gifts. Jake and Neytiri had left a large blanket that they and Neteyam’s siblings had scented. The combined scents of love are palpable. He’d added it to the nest. His mother had helped him unbraid his hair before leaving, freeing his long inkky locks.
Your mother and father; Olo’eyktan and Tshaik had brought salves and tonics, medicines to get you through. Your mother kisses both of your heads as she sings a slow, soulful song. There is nothing to do but accept the mating, it had been performed at the Spirit Tree and bleeded by Eywa. Neteyam had almost cried when she patted his head before leaving. He hadn't realized just how desperately he wanted her approval.
His heats had always been dreaded miserable times. He’d dreadfully count down the days to them and then struggle through with only his hand and the potions his Grandmother brewed.
This one is so different from anything he knew. He spends his days doted upon. You spoil him rotten with hand fed bites of food and endless rounds of knotting. With sponge baths and massages.
If all heats were to be like this, he knows that he’d start to greet them with eagerness instead of dread.
He thought he knew about sex. Had spent months exploring with you in your secret spot in the forest; but holy fuck. He really hadn't known shit.
The two of you take each other in ways that Neteyam had not known existed. Hours of tantric love making that ends in him literally collapsing into slumber. Its rough and hard and slow and passionate and everything in between. He’s orgasmed so much that he’d lost count. He’d forgotten what it was like to wear clothes, to be without your touch.
He knows his heat is sadly weaning to an end. The fire in his blood has begun to cool, satiated by his Alpha.
…He still cant keeps his hands to himself.
Touching turns to kissing and kissing turns to you licking every inch of his sweaty bare body. Neteyam is squirmy and sore but lets you get at what you want, his thighs parting easy and wide so that you can slide between them head first.
Fucking Eywa. How had he lived without your mouth for twenty years of his life?
You’re so good with it; all fast talking and sweet kisses. He loves those plush petal like lips so very much.
Especially when they’re wrapped around his cock. You suckle him where he’s hard so perfectly, rubbing his length all over your face before taking it down your throat. Neteyam knows he wont last long, he never can when you do this…
Especially not when you begin to drift lower, mouthing at his sack, pulling at his ballls with careful little nips. Neteyam knots his long fingers in your long thick hair, his hips raising as you give his furled ass hole a wet open mouthed kiss.
It’s still swollen from your previous assault on it; you’d shoved him full so many times in the last week. He’d ridden your face and your fist and your tongue more times then he could count.
He’d never really played with himself there before you, couldn't get over the burn and awkward angle that came with his own fingers. But All Mother, you’re so good at this.
You suckle on the wrinkled skin, getting it all wet and messy and loose as possible with your tongue before you slide your fingers into his tight body. Neteyam groans and throws his head back so hard his neck hurts.
You’re so familiar with his insides now, its all to easy to find his sweet spot. That bundle of nerves hidden far inside that makes him scream every time you touch it.
“Please” Neteyam blubbers as you prod at him “Be gentle, Ma Muntxa(mate). I'm still so sore inside”
You snort, rolling your eyes meanly “You think I’m not? Should I keep my pussy away from you because you hurt it when you jack hammer into me like a man possessed?”
He just whines and clenches down on your dainty fingers.
“This hole is mine, Neteyam. It’s mine to do with what I please. If I want to lick it, fuck it. Spread it open and watch it flutter for me. I will, and you’ll let me, won't you sweet Omega?” You speak to him in a tone that’s all Alpha and it makes his core shake.
He’d always loathed being called by his designation, but he adores it when you call him your Omega now. He just bites at his lower lip and nods.
You’re finger fucking is slow and hard; a prostate masssage that leaves him shaking and gasping. His chest heaving so hard that his lungs hurt as you work him inside out. Internal orgasms feel different, they’re more intense and yet his body can push out multiple at a time.
You watch him dirty his own pretty striped belly over and over with his own milky cum.
By the time his third orgasm rocks through him his thighs are shaking and muscles are cramping up. He’s running away from your touch, his hips shifting away from the finger fucking at every turn. The oversensitivity has his ears twitching and tails whipping under him. All he can do is hold on for the ride.
“Enough” he begs for mercy, his tone high and whiny and nasally from the overstimulated tears escaping the corners of his eyes and rolling down his temples and into his hairline “I feel like I’m gonna pass out. I cant- I cant”
“Awe but look, baby. You just got fully hard again. You dont want to try to fuck me?” You chide with a tut of your tongue as you pull away from his groin. Wiping your messy mouth on the back of your arm as you pout.
How is he the one that is in heat, and he still can't manage to keep up with you? He gives a hysterical, non believing huff of laughter “I do not think I can. You broke me”
You rub his calf for a moment, getting that contracting knot out before sitting back on your haunches “I dont know, I think you’re underestimating yourself”
Your movements are so fluid, a taunting teasing dance for only his eyes as you arrange your body infront of him in a way that he never in his wildest imagination could’ve imagined.
You face away from him, on your hands and knees and then drop your chest low until the whole top half of your body is pressed against the bedding. Your ass is still high up in the air, jutting out in a clear offering. When your thick tail moves, revealing the plump slick lips of your cunt and the tiny tight ring of your asshole
Neteyam’s eyes almost fall out of his head.
You’re presenting. A move so submissive that most Alphas look down on it. Only Omegas and Betas present. What you’re doing for him is utterly unheard of.
You reach behind yourself, your small hand tugging at the thigh jiggle of your asscheek, spreading even further “It’s all yours, Neteyam. Come take care of me”
He groans, hie eyes rolling as he bites hard at his knuckle “What am I going to do with you, woman?”
But he’s already zeroing in, ready to give you exactly what you please.
“Love me forever” you suggest innocently with a giggle.
“Ay” Neteyam’s chest hurts, so heavy and full, with all of his feelings for you. How is he supposed to keep them contained in his body? He loves you like he’s never loved anything before “I think I’ll do just that”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
This chapter was the most exhausting fucking thing i’ve ever writtem my GOD. Between the smut and all of the emotion? Yeah it almost took me out.
Do we like super long chapters? Or should I separate them into multiple little ones?
I def expressed some real feelings here through Y/N, that feeling of not being enough? Fucking painful and we’ve all been there.
I also hate rain and was the victim of flooding this year so that was a nice release lol.
Vaeyu is a creeper and better sleep with one eye OPEN.
Neteyam and Akemi are such a fun duo and I can't wait to explore them in the future.
PLEASE GIVE ME SOME FEED BACK ON THIS ONE GUYS. It mentally drained me and i need replenishment.
Next time we get to see her rut!
As usual I wanna thank my Omegaverse besties for keeping me sane and inspired! @cinetrix @tiredmamaissy @tru-blubelle @imperihoe @eywascall
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rainbow-crane · 9 days
In-Depth Character Analysis On All The DR Characters Because What, Are You Gonna Try And Stop Me? Who Are You, My Mom? Yeah, I Didn't Think So- Part 1: Kiyotaka Ishimaru
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Yes, I'm aware the title is ungodly long, it's called comedy. Behold, a series inspired by my overwhelming hubris! Despite my better judgement, I love this series and (almost) every single one of its characters, so I decided to do this little series of posts on the side, just cuz!
So part 1 of like, 88 I think?, going through the characters from THH, DR 0, SDR2, UDG, DR3, and DRV3 with as much objectivity as possible, analyzing their character using only canon material from the games/anime/novel/canon adaptation they're present in. So sit back and enjoy while I go feral! Or just scroll, if you aren't interested. Whatever works for you.
Part 1- Character Design
Kiyotaka Ishimaru is depicted as a very aggressive honors student, and is shown as such through his very expressive facial features and his choice of clothing. He has large eyebrows and big eyes, and is given a uniform meant to make him look more like a soldier, reflecting his rigid dedication to the rules and his ethics. This uniform also includes an armband meant to signify his authority within the class as Hall Monitor and as the unofficial class rep. His sprites are very animated, with big gestures using his arm(s) and his mouth often wide open, whether in a wide smile or while yelling. This makes him one of the more expressive characters in THH specifically, as most of those characters are pretty restrained on a day-to-day basis and only become more exaggerated when put under high levels of stress.
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Something interesting about Taka is that his talent changes from the original Japanese to the English translation. His official talent is the SHSL Public Morals Committee Member, meaning his original talent was that of discipline and social order. This was translated to Ultimate Moral Compass in English, as most western schools don't have a Public Morals Committee. This change in translation unintentionally shifted the perception of his talent from discipline to morality. This change in distinction has had a bit of a negative impact on the Western perception of his character, as rather than appearing to impose order on the other students, it instead appears at the beginning as though we, the audience, are supposed to view him as a beacon of morality. We're not.
Part 2- Character Introduction
Taka is one of the first characters to actually speak to Makoto directly, berating him for being late on the first day of school, despite the fact that he and everyone else had experienced a strange warping of memory. He also goes on to interrupt your first conversation with Sayaka, stating that their time is being wasted by 'ridiculous back-and-forth'. Despite this, when it's his turn to introduce himself to Makoto, he goes off on a tangent about how cool Makoto's name is. He's described by Makoto as a 'flawless honors student' and is most publicly known for his work on his local Public Morals Committee. He believes in putting 'every ounce of effort' into living, and imposes this belief on those he interacts with, something Makoto finds irritating(This guy is... kind annoying.").
So in short, Taka's first impression on the player is that he's a mildly obsessive honors kid, and a bit of a hypocrite that isn't fully aware of his own presence or the effect it has on the rest of the cast. The game goes on to use this lack of social awareness as a source of comedy, as he takes Monokuma's initial greeting as Headmaster fully at face value. He struggles to grasp the concept of the killing game at first, opening the discussion upon Monokuma's departure from the welcome ceremony with dialogue that sounds like it was pulled from a customer feedback survey("So guys, how would you define what we just experienced?"). He's not a malicious or hateful figure; he wants to work with the class but isn't quite sure how to.
Part 3- Early-Game Events
The game spends the early-game establishing Taka's more negative traits. He's shown to be inobservant and wrapped up in his own ideals and need to command authority to even notice Kyoko is missing and, upon being informed of her disappearance, cares more about her punctuality than her safety. "Not only is she late, she didn't tell anyone she would be late! A most unbecoming personality trait..."
He's also established as hypocritical once again, and a bit egotistical, as he has trouble fathoming the others' lack of discoveries but overinflates the importance of his own.
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He then goes on to agree to Celeste's suggested nighttime rule for all the boys in the class, without letting them speak for themselves. While ultimately, no one has a problem with the rule, this is the first real instance of him doing something that, on paper, is beneficial to the group, but without considering how the others actually feel about it.
Taka doesn't show up in-story again until the day of the motive, when he goes around to the entire class demanding that they will now all have breakfast together every morning after the morning announcement. Although this is a good idea, allowing for everyone to bond and creating a morning headcount, he makes this decision for the entirety of the group. Leon and Makoto both complain about this if you speak to Leon outside the cafeteria, but ultimately go along with it because they don't want Taka to continue bugging them about it. So we can see that his efforts are perceived negatively by his classmates and go unappreciated.
Already we've seen Taka act overbearing and commanding over and over, inadvertently separating himself from the majority of his peers. He's direct and to the point, forming the breakfast meetings expressly to 'become friends and build trust' with the rest of the class. So we can see in no uncertain terms that he wants to befriend his classmates, but that his lack of social skills leads him to fail at every turn. He doesn't ask the class to join him for breakfast, he tells them. The strategy he employs doesn't leave room for choice, and ends up building resentment from his classmates.
It's not until the first body is discovered and the rules of the class trial are revealed that reality fully seems to set in for Taka. He, along with everyone else, are given the rules of a game they don't really want to play- that should they fail in the trial, all of them will be killed. And it sends Taka to a breakthrough- that some regulations can be harmful to those they're imposed upon.
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There's now a shift in his actions- he's still trying to push for the class to follow the rules he's set, yes, but there's a newfound urgency to them. When Byakuya disappears in chapter 2, his concern has shifted from punctuality to his classmate's safety. He's the one to lead the search for Byakuya when he doesn't answer. Despite all his harshness, we can see that his strictness now comes from a place of genuine concern for the people around him, a direct parallel to earlier in the game when Kyoko went missing- "I'd like to think so. But I'm worried something might have happened to him."
This growth of character, though not focused on, is undoubtedly present. The dedication he has to his discipline and his ego are still fully intact, but now that dedication has moved beyond just order. It's an act of protection, for him and everyone else. The invisible threat of death has become all too visible with Sayaka's absence from their last breakfast meeting. If he can keep track of everyone, then he'll know they're still alive. He can prevent another murder. It imposes upon him the responsibility of the leadership he craves.
Part 4- Relationship(s)
Unincluding if the player actively seeks him out through FTEs, Taka only ever develops a real relationship with one character of the other fourteen in-game, though he does have some important dynamics with others. We'll continue moving in chronological order.
4.1- Ishimondo (these bitches gay?)
Throughout the game, whenever Taka is saying or doing something stupid, Mondo is typically the one to call him out on it or shut him down. While this doesn't start to take real shape until chapter 2, it is visible here and there in the early game.
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But their connection doesn't really start to take focus until chapter 2, as Taka's failings as leader and Mondo's constant correcting him puts them at odds. Mondo's attitude is the antithesis of Taka's, living a life of complete risk and impulsiveness, yet has a matching level of energy, and despite being more intimidating on a surface level, he's able to actually befriend characters like Chihiro, Hina, and Sakura, while Taka's left on the out. One of the best examples of this is found not in the game, but in the stageplay adaptation, where both characters attempt to help Chihiro feel better about her weakness in the daily life segment.
When Byakuya starts mocking Chihiro for her fear, Mondo threatens him, and insists that Chihiro's weakness doesn't matter because she's a woman. But when this makes her upset and Sakuraoi call him out on it, he offers to help Chihiro train as an apology, acknowledging that his behavior was irrational. But when Taka tries to give her advice by telling her not to be weak anymore and is told to be reasonable, he can only insist that Mondo's words don't matter anyway.
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In the game itself, Taka's barely present for this exchange, as it chooses instead to focus on Chimondo's relationship. Regardless, the animosity between Mondo and Taka is still made very clear in-game.
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Mondo and Taka are both demonstrating the desire to protect their classmates here, but in different ways. Taka is the more logical of the two, focusing on keeping track of resources and devising a system of check for everyone to keep watch over each other in the breakfast promise. Mondo, meanwhile, wants to push the importance of actually getting everyone the fuck out of there. While their endgoal is the same, they disagree on how to go about it, and both their stubbornness drives them to butt heads as time continues to pass, leading to the sauna scene.
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After being slowly built up in the background, Ishimondo's mutual anger finally comes to a head, with both not understanding the position that the other is in. Taka still believes Mondo's value to be what he provides to society, and as a biker gang leader, that's not much to a man that lives by lawful discipline. Meanwhile, Mondo can only see Taka as an egomaniac with a stick up his ass and doesn't know the background to why(and neither does the player without actively seeking out his FTEs). They each follow a different code of ethics, and view themself as the protector of the class, leading them to see each other as rivals. Yet, despite that, both of them still share their core value of total dedication, and so when finding a way to prove themself the better man, they end up with an endurance competition. For Taka, this reflects his belief that men connect by baring their souls, and do so by baring their bodies(something only learned in-game by approaching him for FTEs).
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(This also leads to the implication that, while Mondo insisted on entering the sauna with all his clothes on, at some point, he was, in fact, naked while with Taka that night.)
The information as to what happened in that sauna is intentionally left unanswered, remaining fully private between both men in-game. The only thing either of them will say is that a brotherhood was formed between them, and that who won their initial contest no longer matters. Finally, Taka has found someone. Someone he can confide in and lean on, someone who'll support him and that he can support in turn("And if you can't do it alone, just find someone to support you, and you can support them back! That's how you can overcome any storm!" -Taka ch 1).
And then Chihiro's case happens.
At first, when the motives are introduced, Taka is one of the few to vocally insist no murder will take place. He has newfound confidence in the willpower of his classmates, and puts faith into everyone else for the first and only time. Even when presented with his own unknown secret, he finds it ridiculous that anyone would kill over the embarrassing memories and secrets. It's here that we truly see the highest high of this character- when he comes up with the idea to share secrets. When he presents this idea, he moves forward as usual, preparing to be the first one to reveal their secret and take the pressure off. But when his classmates insist they can't (Toko & Celeste) he doesn't keep chugging along, and he doesn't completely shut down, either. He looks around at his classmates, and he asks Chihiro. He actually steps back and asks for someone else's opinion.
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And when she isn't yet comfortable, he backs off. He respect her wishes, and he stands with the class, ready to help them face their secrets the following day. Finding a friend in Mondo has softened his rigid exterior a little bit, enough to actually consider the opinions of the others. He's gotten comfortable. All that comes crashing down with the discovery of Chihiro's body the next morning. After finally taking a step back and letting his classmates- his friends- make their own choices, it directly leads to the murder of one of them("Dammit! I'm sorry, Chihiro... It's all because I wasn't strong enough!").
Taka fully blames himself for allowing Chihiro to be murdered, and as the guilt of failure starts to set in on him, he looks to his ethics and order to solve it. Chihiro may be dead, but the murderer will be condemned through the class trial("Justice always prevails! Right, bro!?"). A solution, a path forward, still exists for him. He still has Mondo by his side, and he and the rest of the class can surely prevent this from happening again, right?
The trial only validates him at first, revealing the existence of a serial killer among the group, someone so clearly immoral for her killing obsession. But it's not her. Why isn't it her? "Could such a heinous villain really be innocent!?" But his confusion is quickly stamped out- of course, it's Byakuya, the guy that's been threatening everyone and refusing to cooperate, the guy that has no regard for the rest of their classmates. "He kept calling this a game, right? So he'd totally be willing to do whatever it takes to 'win'!" But no, wrong again- he didn't know that the murder was in the boys' locker room, and was taken aback by Chihiro being AMAB. It should be him, someone so clearly antagonistic, that's how it's supposed to go, right?? But no, it's wrong! Why? And, who could kill someone like Chihiro at their most vulnerable?
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He's failed. Taka's failed in every way conceivable. Mondo, the first person he's ever truly felt connected to, a murderer? Chihiro's murderer? That can't be it. Even long after Mondo's stopped arguing, Taka continues to push back against Makoto and Kyoko's accusations. It's a coincidence, that's not actually proof, anything to get them to stop, to save his brother, to save himself from the reality he's about to have to face. When sent into the BTB, it's Taka we fight in his despair, not Mondo. Until the very end, Taka won't acknowledge it. He can't. He can't bring himself to vote his Mondo a murderer, a killer. How could the man who gave him the chance no one else would, ever be so cruel? "I- I refuse to believe it... There's no way... no way he would kill someone! Why!? Why why why why why!? WHYYY!? Why did you do it!?"
He learns the truth of Mondo's story alongside the rest of the class, unable to process it all. It makes no sense. They were friends who trusted each other, who helped each other. And what about the man's promise? Doesn't that count for anything!? This doesn't sound right. This isn't Mondo, not his Mondo, not the man from the sauna. How could he have been so wrong about him?! It just can't be, but it is; the truth is but a slap to the face.
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He was wrong. He stood by Chihiro's killer and defended him. He let his brother become the monster he saw himself as. He didn't stop it when he could have. He was blinded by his own beliefs, and as he watches Mondo's death, his spirit dies with him, the game cutting out all music as Taka screams, filling a deafening silence. "As Taka's sad screams invaded our skulls, we were each forced to realize once again..."
4.2- Kiyondo Ishida
Taka enters chapter 3 as a hollowed out shell of himself. He's gone near comatose, staring at nothing and saying nothing. He won't eat, won't speak, won't sleep, and although there are a couple weak attempts to get him back in action from Hiro("It's times like this where the committee chairman needs to get things going with a BANG!"), he's mostly left to grieve by himself, as the rest of cast is more concerned with the expanded school than the bossy guy they didn't like that much.
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Monokuma even goes out of his way to torture Taka, to punish him for his grief, lying about the existence of a time machine just to fuck with his head and give him false hope, sending him further into despair- "Hmm... You sound disappointed. But actually, I was lying about the whole thing anyway. There's no such thing as time machines!" He's forced to become Monokuma's most successful project from the class, completely and utterly destroyed.
When he learns of Alter Ego, something in his head clicks. He can still talk to Chihiro. He can repent. He can apologize directly to him. So, with Makoto's help, he's brought to the laptop. His guilt finishes totally consuming him as he asks: "Do you... hate Mondo? And since I couldn't stop him... do you hate me?" His own self-hatred stemming from his failure is projected onto Alter Ego in one last attempt to come to terms with what's happened. The response he receives, unfortunately, is the culmination of all the toxic and unhealthy ideas of manhood the other boys carried with them via an attempted simulation of Mondo.
"You're not letting yourself get crushed under the weight of that responsibility, are you!? A man's only worth as much as the load he can carry! You get it, right bro!? Hell, what am I saying? Of course ya do!"
"So you're just gonna stand there, huh? Just wait for things to get better? Just take your time and get all depressed... Take the time to indulge your regrets... You might even start walking again without realizing it. Sure, that kind of mediocre thing might work for some people."
This speech, while attempting to inspire Taka to keep living for Chihiro's and Mondo's sakes, encapsulates the desperate need to be perceived as strong and untouchable that Mondo himself carried, and that Chihiro admired so much. It sinks its way into Taka, convincing him that the way to respond to his guilt is simple- pretend it isn't there! Mondo has clearly returned to him, and he's never letting him go ever again. He fully deludes himself, and he's fused with this idealized version of his bro. He permanently ties himself to Mondo's memory, and goes from the SHSL Public Morals Committee Member to something else entirely- Kiyondo Ishida, the unholy mixture of both men.
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This revelation also leads him to an obsession with Alter Ego, viewing it as the vessel in which his bro was returned to him. He views it as another chance to protect his bro from ever being hurt again, as some divine second-chance he's been granted. All desire to be around the rest of his class is gone, replaced with this obsession. He's put at odds with Hifumi, who's also connected with the AI, and separates himself from the group that much more. When Alter Ego disappears, he can't handle it. He panics. He won't let his bro die, not again. And so he dooms himself, refusing to let go of the shadows of the past enough to see his own death looming before him, and he's killed in the early hours of the morning, led by desperation to his demise. And even so, the class can only worry about the semantics of when he died, barely mourning him.
5- Isolation (What's the point of this guy, anyway?)
Rather than learning from the mistakes both Chihiro and Mondo made by subscribing to the societal expectations of what makes a man, Taka ends up doubling down, burning away the optimism and more reasonable logic Taka used to have. Taka's story is that of a doomed fate to become the symbol of manhood and its self-destructing nature, leeching off of his first and only friend's unhealthy behaviors and sending him spiraling. And it's allowed to happen because of his social isolation.
From the very beginning of the game, Taka is singled out as annoying to be around. He's put in a negative light and viewed as unpleasant to spend time with. Every attempt to befriend or connect with a classmate is written off as a nuisance, a hindrance. Taka doesn't know how to make friends. He doesn't know how to do anything besides follow the rules and regulations he's been taught. He sticks to his regimen, because it's comfortable, and doesn't understand why others can't conform in the way that he does. He's very thoroughly isolated mentally and emotionally from his classmates at every turn, to the point where even in the very first trial he's standing with no one but the dead by his side(as Sayaka and "Junko" were positioned on either side of his podium).
All this is done with the deliberate intention to showcase his solitude, and more importantly, the loneliness that comes from it. It's to the point that when he finally does make a friend, he thoroughly idealizes him in his subconscious, coming to view him as some perfect person who'd even support him. It's inherently contradictory from his established beliefs going into the game, that a delinquent could be kind, but he accepts it wholeheartedly. He gets to know Mondo on some deeper level while in that sauna, and it's enough to rapidly develop a massive codependency on him. So when Mondo self-destructs and dies, so too does Taka.
Taka's purpose as a character is to suffer. He wraps himself in his moral beliefs, remaining steadfast in what he views as right and wrong, making judgement calls he's 100% sure of, and when they're challenged/disproven, he's thrown wholly out of whack. He exists to serve a purpose- what would've happened if Makoto didn't accept the truth about Sayaka? What happens when you let your idealism blind you to the truth? What happens when you blind yourself to the reality of the people around you, of the darkness in the people you care about? You self-destruct. He's tossed aside, killed as an accessory to the plot of someone who does nothing but manipulate the truth. He dies, and that's just it. His story is cut short; he doesn't get to heal or grow or come to terms with the truth. Such is the fate of the failed.
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6- Afterword
...I didn't even touch his FTEs for this. Holy shit.
I'm gonna be honest, as much as I love Taka, I never expected this post would become as long as it did, or that I'd uncover such a dark fucking reason for why he gets as totally fucked over as he does. Don't get me wrong, I still really wish he'd lived and gotten to grow after this, but maybe his death was more well-written than I used to think. Good god.
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eldritch-spouse · 3 months
Someone who for whatever reason wants to get eaten by Vorticia and so goes to the gluttony ring hoping to find her. They by some miracle get to interact with her but when they beg her to eat them she’s like “lol no,” because it turns out they’re her match
[This is fucking hilarious. Fem reader.]
TW: Macro/micro themes; Vore.
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Tightly tied to a chair, you can hear them talk behind the kitchen doors.
" You're telling me you just found this one trying to break into the premises?! " The short imp you've only caught glimpses of so far sounds exasperated.
" Yes... " The much taller demon with a dark mane replies. " She wasn't very successful, but I'm fairly certain her goal was to get caught. "
" And she said she wants to get eaten. " It's not even a question.
" By mother. Specifically her. "
There's a beat of silence.
" Vorago. You can't expect me to present a fetishist to your mother. That is ridicu- "
" Is it? I would much prefer if my meals walked directly into the plate. " The prince counters. " You're doing the poor thing a favor. I've advocated for this in the past as well, think about the time and resources we could spare during ceremonies if we take in people just like her. "
" My prince- "
" Do you like chasing after them, dad? Do you enjoy spending money on increasingly expensive hunting services? "
Dad?! That little imp? Imp-ressive.
" No, but we can't just- "
" Then give this a shot, perhaps it'll open your eyes to more sustainable alternatives. "
An unmistakable defeated sigh rings out. " ... Fine. "
You smile silently, happy that the tusked high-ranker who caught you managed to get your dream to come true. For such a scary-looking guy, he's actually not that bad.
When the doors part, your head snaps towards the curly-horned imp. They spare you a skeptical glance.
" It looks like you're getting what you want after all. "
" Yes! " The cheer is immediate and juvenile, met with a grimace.
" ... Right. " They're clearly uncomfortable. " Undress please. "
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Words cannot describe how wildly your heart is beating within your ribcage.
You've been dreaming of this day ever since you discovered the nuances of your sexuality. Queen Vorticia is the most gorgeous, regal, seductive demoness to ever slither upon this galaxy and to feel the caress of her tongue would bring you to a level so beyond Nirvana that you have to contain a freakish noise of delight just thinking about it. Not that it would have escaped very fair, with the strange fruit crammed in your mouth- It's starting to hurt your jaw a little actually...
Yes, you're not the most normal of humans, but that hardly matters now.
The cart you're laid upon is wheeled towards what you assume must be the main dining hall of Gluttony's mansion. The pace is slow, the imps in charge of transporting you dare not displace a single element of your large plate's design. See, upon hearing about your situation through the curly-horned imp, the chefs present decided that it would only be fitting if you got properly and excellently decorated for the occasion.
A few of them sympathized with your situation. Few things are as romantic as loving someone so much that you would like to become a part of them, be consumed by them. One of the girls was a bit emotional hearing you talk so sweetly about the Queen. All in all, you feel lucky to have gotten this far so smoothly.
A noise from beyond crashes your train of thought.
A crash. Hissing.
The imps pushing your cart whimper and look at each other fearfully.
Ah, a tempestuous mood. You wonder what has the Queen like that.
Your chaperones slow down even more, and if you could, you'd stomp your foot on the cart to make them hurry up. You're not about to be left stranded in this hall because these cowards are doubting their life's decisions.
Finally, oh finally, you can see the tall, intricately carved doors to the dinning hall. The last room you'll ever be in, if all goes according to plan. The realization breeds a heavy feeling that causes shortness of breath in you, but for some odd reason, you have no second thoughts about any of this. More servants stand stationary, guarding the doors.
At the sight of your cart approaching, said guards hurriedly open the doors much taller than themselves, seeming frantic in the way they hurry everyone inside.
You have to strain your neck to get a good look at the scenery.
Tones of orange, red and gold shower the room, it's large enough to be mistaken for some kind of bombastic ball room- But you've done a bit of research, and you know the dinning areas are the real focus of the Gluttonous Household.
Little does it all matter. You can't bring yourself to focus on anything other than the absolutely gigantic scaled woman currently seated at a massive, tall table. Her sandy yellow scales glimmer under the jeweled chandelier's light, everything from the twin-tipped tail that lounges across the room to her drooping black robe and pupils nearly as sharp as her eyes make you want to swoon, toes curling in delight.
Queen Vorticia reaches down below, you get to watch the demoness grab a flailing, kicking man by the ankles. He's muffled just as you are, but a lot more bruised and roughed up, trying his damndest to scream past an unforgiving muffler. He knows what will happen to him the moment he's raised in the air, as do you. And there's nothing he can do but close his eyes and accept his fate when the bottomless pit that is the Queen's maw stares back.
One second of mind-numbing anticipation is all it takes, then he's gone. Dropped. Her jaw clamping the second the man was submerged. Hardly a lump forms in the column of her long throat before it's over. With neither a scream nor a whimper, his doom arrives. The Queen however, looks unsatisfied. It's almost as if she didn't even eat anything to begin with, frowning at the wall pensively.
Until the platter that man was in goes flying across the room and nearly rips a chunk out of the wall. It was so fast you barely saw the flash of gold before your human eyes.
Two of the imps escorting you scurry beneath the cart for safety.
" I trussst you've brought me ssomething worthh my time? " Her voice finally rings through.
" Y- Yes, your Majesty! " One of them is brave enough to squeak, rattling the cart and everything on it as he pulls it forward, the others sticking to the back.
You can kind of understand them. Vorticia could easily swipe a hand down and capture two or three of these imps as an appetizer.
" Then hurry! Do you wisshh me to starve here?! "
A slam of a powerful fist causes the ground to quake.
" Never, my Queen! "
In a blink, your platter not only lifted off the cart but rushed onto the table, quickly turned and pushed to be in front of the demonlord herself. You almost get dizzy from all the jostling, and as your vision settles, you see the Queen wordlessly wave before scrambling steps follow. The servants nearly trample each other to leave the room alive.
You don't even look their way.
You can only bore holes into the gorgeous woman before you.
Vorticia raises a brow ridge, humming.
When a single claw descends, you imagine she'll slice your skin, peel you like an apple or go for your innards first. Instead, she stabs a tomato next to your waist and brings it to her lips, tongue roping it inside in a blink.
You're sure she can hear your poor heart thunder in its fickle confines.
" You mussst be the human they mentioned earlier. "
You blink.
" Pretty thhhing, wantss to be my dinner... " She nearly purrs, making something stir low in your belly.
At the way you attempt to frantically nod, she actually cracks a smile, incredulous. Although the hunger you've always yearned for resides in her thin eyes, there's also a hint of genuine curiosity you wouldn't typically see in the gaze of such a predator.
" Hmph. Well I hardly buy it. "
" MmMMF! " Even if you had something eloquent to counter with, muffled grunts are all you manage.
" Don't mumble, it'sss rude. "
She begins flirting with the decorations on your platter again. Every single time, you study the movements of her calloused, scaled hands as they move, waiting for the cut that never comes, the grip that never follows, she simply steals bits and pieces of vegetables and frivolous dressing. You're almost offended for a second. But... The anticipation is actually causing some curious effects in you.
In a way, every single time her claws scheme the platter, brushing over the bare skin of your legs and tickling your sides briefly before retreating with a slice of fruit or veggie, she's playing with you. Having her fun, as both an apex predator and a teasing mistress. Fear mingles with sparks of arousal you've poorly contained thus far, creating a fire that has you sweating under her serpentine gaze.
" You're almossst too cute to eat. " She chuckles eventually. Something wooshes nearby, it takes you a moment to notice it's her large tail.
You notice, rather belatedly, that there's no one else in the room but you and Vorticia, and a suspenseful quiet has fallen between you. You could not have asked for a better environment. It feels as if you're both sharing a very intimate, sacred moment.
The next time her hand dips, instead of skirting around the main course, she tip taps her way up your trembling figure and circles a long claw under the swell of your breast, watching you shiver attentively before edging the decorative leaf covering it. A more than pert nipple catches on her sharp extremity, and she uses a thumb to flick it idly, casually, head tilting at the way you squirm and exhale through your nostrils.
Your other breast is easily uncovered as well. The Queen betrays nothing in her expression when she grabs a piece of bread and soaks it in the condiment that coats your skin, dragging it upwards, swirling it around one of your tits before eagerly devouring it.
This is repeated enough times to drive you a little stupid with want, groaning miserably when she merely teases your tits and continues to torture you with featherlite caresses.
The sweet torture continues when she takes care of the rolls covering your spread legs, watching the shameful state you're in become more and more noticeable. Your cunt flutters beneath her mere stare.
" Ssstrange, I've yet to cut you, and you're already dripping. "
You'd shake your head in denial if you weren't able to feel your own soaked folds right now.
She has the mind-numbingly erotic audacity to grab another useless vegetable decoration and generously coat it in your wetness. The rounded tip of whatever she's pressing against your womanhood bumps your clit. She swirls it intentionally, tapping it down and circling the nub with enough pressure that you strain against your binds and whine behind the gag, wanting to beg her for more yet only drooling pointlessly.
She makes a noise like an amused snort, and when you toss your head back, you can hear her practically slurp the thing for all the flavor it has, her thumb replacing the vegetable and leisurely keeping you stimulated.
When you're able to look back, her pupils have blown wide, the black nearly drowning her acidic sclera.
" To thhhink that, ssomehow, suchh a preciouss gift would fall upon my table... Withhout notice... "
Even if you're loving the attention, heating up like a small fire -Probably enough to cook the ingredients around you- You could never have guessed the Queen would take such an intense liking to you. It feels like a dream.
" Do you wisssh to be eaten, my sssweet morssel? " She curves, shadowing you, strings of drool falling onto your neck and chest.
Her hues acquire a nearly hypnotizing quality, prohibiting you from glancing away while she toys with you. All you can respond with is frantic, vapid nodding while you grind yourself down on her finger like a mutt.
" Truly? "
" MMMhmnn!! "
Not even the gag could have curbed that whorish bleating.
" Then I will. " Vorticia grins wide enough to crinkle the edges of her eyes. " Tonight. In my chambersss. Your wissh comess true, in a way. "
You're not given enough time to rationalize anything before her touch vanishes, leaving you cold and miserable. The snaps of the Queen's fingers attract the same imp you met when this all began.
They look at you with a mixture of confusion and mild caution. " You called, Highness? "
" Yess. Run a bathh for me and my Queen to be. "
He coughs and chokes.
When your head snaps to Queen Vorticia, you find no hint of mockery on her face.
You're fairly certain one of the sauces you were doused in must be causing you to hallucinate...
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I'm just here to mix-and-match different kinds of Yuus with different kinds of personalities to see what monstrosity I can make. That being said,,, Technomaniac!Yuu brainrot! 
So basically this Yuu belongs in the High Fantasy Yuuniverse on the human side and they’re absolutely obsessed with technology and becomes unhinged when creating stuff. 
Mayhaps their family ran a robot-related business or a machine-creating business and that’s where their obsession started. Maybe Yuu’s obsession further increased due to the fact that they were a human being in a world full of otherworldly creatures.
In a world of high fantasy, there’s bound to be differing opinions and speciesism can’t be avoided. 
Some creatures thought humans were inferior due to their short lifespans. That they were greedy and ignorant. Some humans were even prejudiced to their own kind. Others thought humans in a more positive light, the fact that they were versatile and determined when it comes to things.
So Yuu with no magic and no super powers strived to be the best in the only thing they knew they could fully control and wanted to prove to everyone that humans weren’t inferior, thus beginning their obsession.
This Yuu has this cute little drone hovering over them all the time because I said so. The drone’s very expressive and acts as a kind of assistant for Yuu. 
So anyway, the day of the entrance ceremony?
Forget Grim opening the coffin, Yuu just ordered the drone to laser through the lid and then kicked it open. 
Seeing this, Grim became startled but then soon after demanded their robe.
“Beep! Threat detected! Determining threat level, please wait… Threat level determined. Warning: Threat level 5, initiating self-defense protocol.” The drone hovering over Yuu’s shoulder turned to an alarming shade of red but before it could do anything, Yuu waved them off gently. “Stand down, A1.”
Yeah, the little drone’s called A1 meaning Assistant 1.
Thankfully, a battle between the force of fire and laser never happened since Yuu saw no reason to wear the ceremonial robe because they felt their clothes were much better and gave it to Grim but only on the condition that Grim become their second assistant.
Grim, too focused on acquiring the robe at all cost, didn’t notice Yuu’s condition.
Anyway, guess what Grim’s nickname is. Yeah, that’s right. It’s A2 for Assistant 2.
Let it be known Technomaniac!Yuu has no penchant for naming. All that’s in their brain is making technological stuff.
I just suddenly thought of Yuu having Doofenshmirtz penchant for naming, just slapping ‘-inator’ at the end of their creation’s names.
Can you imagine an overblot and Yuu just pulls out this strange device and introduces it like:
Yuu: “Behold! Marvel at my ‘Insta-Knockout SlumberBlaster 3000-inator!’ Riddle’s going to definitely go down with this in just one hit!” A1: “With only an approximate 63% chance of dealing concussion! A massive improvement from the previous trials!”  Ace: “Excuse me, only 63%? Wait— Previous trials? Yuu, who did you test it on for you to get that statistic? Yuu? Yuu, come back here! Who did you test it on?! Yuu!”
Another overblot scenario would be…
A1: “Beep! Threat detected! Determining threat level, please wait…” Someone: “W… Why do you need to determine his threat level??? He’s literally about to kill us???” Yuu: “No, no, let my child cook.” A1: “Threat level determined. Warning: Threat level 10. Suggesting course of action: Run.” Yuu: “Okay, now we run.”
Let’s not forget holograms!
Imagine Deuce seeing Yuu facing away from him in the distance so he runs over to them and tries to gain their attention. He tries to tap Yuu’s shoulder but their hand just goes over Yuu’s form, leaving a slight glitch-like effect where Deuce’s hand passes through.
Hologram Yuu looks over to Deuce and says:
“Alas, as I am not here, I disappear.”
Then throws out a peace sign before slowly fading away while still maintaining eye contact.
Now that I think about it, on the first day of their janitorial duties, Yuu was able to make a weird-looking cleaning device out of metal scraps and pieces they found in Ramshackle and it somehow worked.
Well, for the most part anyway. 
Having no windows technically meant nothing to clean so in a way Yuu was doing their job, yes?
Yeah, Yuu broke a few windows and may have contributed to the chandelier also breaking that day so Deuce ain’t the only one at fault for this.
Speaking of, Ace’s first meeting with Yuu.
When he was introducing the Statues of the Great Seven to Grim and Yuu, Yuu turned to him and asked in the most serious voice possible if Ace wanted the statues to be animated by turning it into animatronics.
Ace barely managed to stop Yuu from dismembering the statues.
Technomaniac Yuu at literally everything they can see: “I can make it better!”
Giving broken things to Technomaniac!Yuu to be fixed is a gamble. 
Oh, a toaster? Well, you either get a completely fixed toaster that’s a bit better with warming your bread than before or it turns into a charcoal-maker. There is no inbetween.
Your phone? Oops, might’ve accidentally turned the flashlight function into a flashbang, teehee.
Technomaniac!Yuu is basically the tech support of NRC.\
Or more like tech terror. Tech-rorr, get it? I’m so funny.
Speaking of NRC, Yuu got banned from going to Ignihyde dorm.
That’s because they got too excited seeing all the new devices and technology they haven’t seen before in the dorm and kind of dismantled almost everything to see how it worked.
Ooooo, now that I’m thinking of it, cybernetic body modifications!
Like, what if they got severely injured against one of the overblot boys? Lost a limb or two? Or maybe they already had cybernetic body modifications even before they arrived in Twisted Wonderland.
Imagine them having an arm kinda similar to the robot arm Princess Bubblegum gifted Finn with the various power tools/weapons functions. There’s probably a rocket launcher function around there somewhere.
 Rook tries to stalk Technomaniac!Yuu but it always ends up being a hologram. Why do you think Rook calls them Trickster?
Wait, can you imagine the dynamic between Technomaniac!Yuu and Malleus?
One’s so bad at technology while the other’s the complete opposite.
Yuu asks Malleus if he wants his phone to be upgraded and suddenly Malleus’ phone has a built-in taser, ultra hd 4k graphics camera and video resolution, live tamagotchi game synchronization and surveillance, 24/7 AI assistance, unlimited wifi, faster internet speed, ultra deluxe storage expansion, the strongest antivirus known to to mankind, and Malleus still doesn’t know how to use his phone.
Yuu learns Briar Valley has technomancy and they’re immediately putting that place as a vacation spot because hello? Combining magic and technology? Can you imagine all the things they could create with those two forces combined? They’d be unstoppable!
Also, the Magicam Monsters stand no chance against Technomaniac!Yuu.
The moment those suckers break into Ramshackle, Yuu would immediately interfere with their gadgets and kick them out if they’re feeling merciful.
If not, well, say hello to the most vengeful virus they’ve ever met in their lives. 
No matter what gadget they change into, the virus will always follow them everywhere in the cyberspace network and break their devices or cause them the most annoying inconveniences. 
Slow internet? You betcha! Wifi symbol on but internet not coming through? Why, it happens almost every other day! Apps failing to open at the most crucial time? Lmao, rofl.
Speaking of gadget, Cater probably asks Yuu to upgrade his phone so he can take better selfies.
Thankfully the upgrade was a success and nothing exploded.
Yuu: “Well, here’s your phone, Cater! New and improved with better camera quality, efficiency, and effectiveness! Also, I hope you don’t mind but I also added an app that I occasionally use called Therapy Bot. Free of charge!” Cater: “Thanks, Yuu! Wait—” Yuu, looking around and leaning in to whisper: “Between you and me, I think everyone in this school could really benefit from Therapy Bot.”
Technomaniac!Yuu the most unhinged yet one of the most sane Yuu variants out there.
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skythighs · 1 month
Calista's Dream: Blood on my Flesh
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I don't own the art used per usual. It's all from Pinterest. So we all know Feyd is psychotic so this is me channeling that energy. Tbh I love a fine psychotic love interest that pushes the boundaries of love and toxicity.
Warnings: dub con/non con elements, uninformed voyeurism. 18+ only please 🙏🏽
Word count: 2.2k
Chapter 5
I was seated next to Feyd Rautha near the gluttonous Baron as he shoveled unfathomable amounts of food into his mouth. Feyd barely touched his food and sat stiffly in his chair. There were about twenty noble Harkonnen couples around the table. More than once, I caught the lecherous looks of the male counterparts, and it made my skin crawl. The Baron however couldn’t be bothered to socialize with them, for he was far too preoccupied with plates stacked so high they would surely topple to the floor. 
After dinner my husband disappeared and I was bathed meticulously by the nameless slave who used her body to shield me earlier. She washed my hair very gently, almost as if she was afraid of it, which made me smile. Once we were done I noticed there was a red mesh robe laid out on the bed. 
“We must prepare you for the consummation Na Baroness.”
“Oh, of course.”
She placed the robe over my shoulders helping me put my arms in each hole. I flinch slightly when I feel her move to drape something across my eyes.
“What are you doing?”
“Na Baron requested you wear this tonight.”
“A blindfold? Why?”
“I can not say.” She looked down at the floor like she did so often.
“What will happen once you blindfold me?” I ask hesitantly.
“I will lead you to the ceremony room, where Na Baron awaits you.”
I nod my head slowly agreeing to the terms. With the blindfold secured she grasps my hands and places them on her shoulders before moving slowly before me guiding me away from the quarters that had become familiar to me in this short time. 
The place beyond the doors was just as silent as earlier today when I explored them, and the walk seemed to take much longer than I anticipated.
“Are we almost there?”
“Yes, Na Baroness.”
I hear large doors creak open and I’m led into a warm room. Much warmer than the chilly empty corridors. She removes my hands from her shoulders and then moves away from me leaving me feeling vulnerable and insecure.
“Wife.” Feyd calls out to me from nearby. 
I feel him grip my waist and pull me towards him before I smack against his bare chest ungracefully.
“What’s going on I-”
“Shhh.” He leans down to my ear before continuing.
“Don’t remove the blindfold, no matter what you hear.”
Without another word he lifts me off the floor placing me on an elevated platform. There was a silky material beneath my body but not much give besides that.I rubbed my hand around me trying to get a grasp of my surroundings. Feyd Rauthas hands stroke against my breasts slowly making me seek out his lips blindly. Our lips briefly brush before he shoves me flat on my back seemingly agitated with my attempt. My lips quiver in fear, this level of disadvantage struck a chord inside my brain. Alarm bells were ringing and I try to sit up before his large hand pressing on my chest prevents it.
“Don’t.” He orders harshly. 
“Please let me up, I don’t like this. I can’t see anything.” I plead.
A low chuckle sounds from somewhere else in the room and I jerk my head toward the offending sound. Are there others in this room? Watching us? Horror drains the color from my face. I move my hands up to the blindfold quickly, but Feyd grips my hands and pins them above my head. I feel his lips brush my ear again before he speaks calmly to me.
“I said don’t remove it. No matter what you hear.” 
He squeezes my wrists to emphasize his words. As if to pacify me, he kisses me then. A slow exploring kiss that would have put me at ease any other time, but not now. My body is rigid as he continues kissing me, slowly licking into my mouth deeply. He squeezes my wrists again, silently ordering me to keep them there above my head. His giant hands slither down my frame, gripping and pinching as they travel. I feel each of his hands warp around my thigh and spread my legs as wide as they can go before he settles between them.
His large erection rubs against me suddenly, and he begins to pull the mesh robe up around my waist, not removing it from my form completely. He detaches his lips from mine before slowly moving down to suck on my nipple through the mesh material. A small sigh leaves my lips and he swirls his tongue around before moving to do the same to the other. All the while his erection rests against my heated entrance twitching occasionally. I slowly move my hands down. I want to explore his body as much as he explores mine, and he lets me. I feel him tense slightly at first but then he relaxes as I slowly stroke his muscled back up and down with both hands. 
He bites my nipple and I dig my nails into his back reflexively and he sighs quietly before claiming my lips again. My thighs naturally wrap around his waist as I feel my body become soft again. Forgotten was the misplaced chuckle from somewhere in the room. Right now all I could think about was him, the feel of him, the taste of him. It was all so overwhelming. He reaches between us letting his finger circle my clit bringing back memories of the night we shared together. 
My moan slips out, and he's there to capture it with his lips just like that night. His finger works quickly and deftly before his hand is absent and it’s been replaced with his manhood. He strokes it up and down my slit, letting it slip and slide against me. Earning a groan from the both of us, which prompts him to slowly enter me. I pull away from his lips to breathe slowly and more controlled, preparing myself for what was next.
He breaks me apart, sliding until balls deep in one long stroke, causing me to cry out. It hurts so much that tears are caught by the blindfold. They keep coming until eventually one leaks down my face. Feyd captures it with his tongue and then rests his forehead on mine.
“Such a good pet.” 
This earns laughter from various spots in the room around me. I tense then and cause myself unspeakable pain in the process. 
I whimper aloud and try to push him away from me, out of me, but he won’t budge.
“Don’t fight me Calista, it’ll only be worse.”
“Feyd stop please. Why am I blindfolded? Are we being watched-”
He captures my lips and kisses me harshly as if punishing me for asking questions. He pulls out of me before diving in brutally. Earning a shriek from me, but it doesn’t stop him. He does it over and over, and I find myself trying to scoot backward and away. The faceless voices around the room snicker at my attempt. Feyds grip on my waist stops my attempt to run before he flips me onto all fours and re enters me with a splintering stroke of his cock. He pushes my head down onto the silks below us and holds me exactly where he wants me. What can I do? What can I do? The fear settles into me and I start to cry burying my face into the silk.
“Remove her robe Na Baron. I want to see-”
A resounding hiss from Feyd silences any other attempts at speaking amongst the viewing crowd. Skin slapping skin is all that can be heard now as well as my quiet sniffles here and there. With his hips pistoning into me I bite my knuckles to prevent myself from sobbing. 
Feyd Rautha starts panting like an animal in heat, and I just want it to be over, so I move my hips back, meeting each thrust. His hand settles on my lower back, helping me meet him thrust for thrust, and he moans above me. I feel him lie his front against my back as if he can’t get enough of feeling me. It's as if he wants to absorb my soft skin and bones with his much more hard ones. It's as if he's trying to merge us into a single being.
 He groans into my ear before biting down on the back of my neck painfully as he releases his seed so deeply inside of me. He brushes against a tender spot, and I feel myself reach an unknown peak. I bite my knuckles even more, refusing to cry out in pleasure. Warmth paints my insides, and he keeps stroking until he hisses and shivers behind me. He grips a fist full of my hair, pulling me up with him, forcing his despicable lips onto mine. His arm was placed across me, covering my breasts. He removes himself from the platform before guiding me down as well. 
I try to stand but my legs give out beneath my weight which causes raucous laughter around the room.
“Feyd, what a lovely performance as always. You may go.” Baron Vladimir spoke clearly, no doubt wanting me to know he was present.
Feyd scoops me up into his arms before walking out of the too warm room. All I can do is rest my head against his shoulder and let him carry me out. I was in no state to protest, although I continued to cry silently. Once we reach his chambers he removes the blindfold from my eyes and carries me to the bathing area. He doesn’t speak to me or try to comfort me; he simply watches me as he lowers us both into the tub. The hot water stings my sensitive folds causing me to hiss at the contact. 
“You did well tonight.” He says with pride as he strokes my cheek softly reminiscent of the first time on Caladan. 
He doesn’t respond for a long time as he stares off into space, although he continues to stroke me.
“It had to be done.” He says with finality. 
He didn’t want to continue this conversation. That much was clear.
“Will we ever have to-”
“No. Never again.”
I look him in the eye and see the truth there.
The next morning I woke up alone in the large bed. My core felt battered and bruised and it hurt to move. The nameless slave appeared by my side looking concerned.
“Na Baroness, I’ve been ordered to keep you in bed today. Whatever you need I will provide.” She bows looking at the floor as if she’s ashamed.
“Did you know what would happen there last night?”
“Yes, but I was not permitted to tell you. Forgive me. The Baron demanded the old tradition be upheld, I heard Na Baron Feyd Rautha was not pleased when he received the news."
“It’s not your fault. I just- I don't quite understand any of this or why it happened, and I'm in so much pain."
I felt so hollow. Like a husk of a person. Had I really been reduced to this in such a short time? Was there no fight left in me?
"I have something here for the pain." She holds out a small white pill and a glass of water.
“Are you hungry Na Baroness? I can have the kitchens prepare something special for you.”
“Yes. Thank you.”
After eating and refreshing myself in the bathing chamber I climb back into bed and lounge.
“When will my chambers be ready for me to move into?”
“Na Baron informed the staff you would no longer be needing your own accommodations. You are to reside with him permanently.”
I couldn’t bother responding to her revelation, I was too exhausted. I felt too weak, and I found myself drifting into a slumber even though it was only mid day. I hear movement near me and feel the bed dip, causing me to readjust. I snuggled deeper into the pillow I hugged against my torso. I then felt slow, soft strokes in my hair, lulling me back to sleep.
When I awake the room is dark, but I can feel eyes on me. Watching my every move.
“You slept the day away, pet. Who knew pleasure would take so much out of you?”
Without turning over to look at him I shake my head.
“You’re mistaken, there was no pleasure, only pain.” My shoulders tense as I feel him adjust behind me.
“Is there a difference, wife?” He questions genuinely. Running his large palm down my back. I hug the pillow closer as if it could save me. His touch once excited me, but now I felt only fear. I could remember asking him to stop only to be ignored. I could hear the chuckles from the room and feel the vulnerability of being fucked in front of a crowd while blindfolded. Last night may haunt me forever. 
“Yes. There is.” I say firmly.
He hums contemplatively as if mulling over a brand new discovery. Perhaps for him pleasure and pain were one in the same but that was no excuse.
“I want my own chamber, Feyd Rautha.”
His hand moves from my back to my hair gripping it painfully forcing me to turn and face him. My lips quiver as I look him in his eyes. 
“No.” He bites out brushing his nose against my cheek staring into one eye.
“You said I need only speak my wishes and they would be granted. Was that a lie?”
His hand loosens half an inch as he watches me.
“Are you angry with me, pet? You wish to leave my bed?”
I close my eyes tightly, too afraid to look at him any longer as I speak.
“You hurt me last night and I don’t trust you anymore.”
He laughed a deep offensive laugh for a solid two minutes right in my face.
“Trust. Unfortunately, my innocent little pet Giedi Prime is deprived of trust."
He spits the last word bitterly.
"You will adapt."
Taglist: @mamawiggers1980 @drunkennunicornn @aoi-targaryen @lovereadingfanfic @avidreader73
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 2 years
My new favorite thing on tumblr.com is the discourse around how hard it is to leave the order you guys, they leave their members ‘with no life skills’ etc etc, ONLY THE CLOTHES ON THEIR BACKS, it’s so darlingly melodramatic that I’m low-key picturing some kind of ritualistic drumming out ceremony, possibly involving the knights chanting ‘shame,’ ‘shame,’ ala game of thrones, while every single council member gazes down upon them from on high, faces carved from judgmental stone, culminating in the poor sod spending their first night in rags sleeping at the foot of the temple steps,
okay, I am getting distracted. What I’m actually amusing myself with is picturing what Ahsoka, 16 years of age, can put on her CV. It’s a lot. Now I hate CVs so like I’m not about to write up hers but. It includes military command, references from at least two GALACTIC SENATORS who worked with her, references from at least two HEADS OF STATE. Engineering, piloting, teaching, combat, military command, special ops, investigation, geo-politics....... She is 16. This is an objectively insane CV.
Her level of education is so respected that a head of state invited her to guest lecture at their top academy when she was 14, to kids her own age, and she was poised and confident throughout. Her schooling gets outright called out as privileged by her coruscanti friends. Also like, please let me know when the standard US high school curriculum comprehensively covers shit like astronavigation.
Every time she is depicted with non-jedi kids her age she is depicted as generally more worldly and prepared than them. The mandalorian kids. Lux, Trace, etc. She’s never encountered deathwatch or the Pikes directly before she’s rescuing her friends from them, but she immediately knows what’s up because she is simply. Well informed. Unlike her friends. It’s not like she doesn’t also learn things from them in these episodes, but. She just knows a lot.
She also left the order with at a minimum multiple contacts in the senate, a friendship with the king of Mon Calamar (I think?) and the duchal family of mandalore, as well as some shadier contacts.
(Now it’s true that tcw never answered, or even asked, what kind of financial or otherwise situation the temple itself provides to help a jedi who wants out to find their feet. That’s not a question you can ask in Ahsoka’s case without also asking: where the hell was Padme’s support? Why wasn’t Ahsoka sleeping on her couch? That’s her sister-in-law! Actually this is a trick question because Ahsoka tells Anakin she needs to figure this out on her own. Without the council, and without him. So we’ll never know. Until disney churns out yet more content that may or may not contradict previous content.)
(and obviously like canonically the door was 100% open to her returning, anytime she saw them they were like so... any chance you’re done with your walkabout?... we still have your room ready... your frog grandpa feels so bad he literally had a bad trip vision quest where you were like dying and asking him why he abandoned you and we had to commit him he is very sad. except maybe we’re not actually going to say this because that would sound like a guilt trip.. but... lightsabers ? :3)
(Generally the disaster lineage are a deeply ridiculous dataset. When Obi Wan was contemplating leaving the order he was contemplating becoming the Duke-Consort of Mandalore. Anakin not only married money but was offered a job by the Chancellor at 12 (comics). I mean ANAKIN RUN but also imagine being 12 and the president of the galaxy says well if you don’t like it with your dad I’ll give you a job)
Ultimately when Ahsoka left she tripped and fell into job as a mechanic, immediately found herself bailing her new boss out of trouble, and was headhunted like a week later to be on the command team for a counter coup of a whole system. She was still 16. The rest of us can only aspire to these kinds of job opportunities.
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persefolli · 1 year
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @asimpwithfreetime, @ladylovegood-rpbr-blog, @cupidddd-d, @erenjaegerwifee, @laylasbunbunny, @myheartfollower, @destinylb, @deadgiri02
𝐀/𝐧: 𝐘'𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐭𝐳𝐜𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞
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Jake looked deeply into your eyes as you cooed at the newborn in his hands. Neteyam. His son. How shameless can this man be? Revealing his son to the clan and still had his eyes on his mistress. Nobody seemed to notice Jake’s distraction, but you did.
You glanced at him before smiling back at the baby, and placing a kiss on your fingertips to press against Neteyam’s forehead. “I send my blessings to the future Olo’eyktan.” You stepped down from the rock and retreated with the rest of the clan, clasping hands with those next to you and breaking out into a song that celebrated the birth of the clan leader's son.
Jake held Neteyam up high,  displaying him to Eywa before lowering his arms and handing Neteyam back to his mother. You smiled, seeing the child, but quickly frowned seeing Jake look at you.
He should be focused on his new family, and wife who gave birth a few days ago, not you.
When the ceremony was over, some na’vi members lingered around, chatting amongst themselves. You found a friend and began catching up with them, but not without feeling his eyes on you , again.
“I'll see you later.” You waved your friend goodbye and began walking off. As you did so, you rolled your eyes, sure that he would see. You sped walked away from the crowd and disappeared into the forest. You felt him, right on your trail, his heavy footsteps accelerating behind you. You walked faster, hoping that he would give up and turn around, but he did the exact opposite. You felt a hand on your wrist and your body got pulled to the side.
A few branches hit your face in the process but soon you were pulled into a small opening in the forest,  completely surrounded by thick trees and plants. You looked at your feet, seeing his own come into your field of vision. “You won't look at me.” He said.
Your mouth stayed shut, and you refused to look at him. “Hey!” Jake walked you back into a tree, where he grabbed your jaw and attempted to have you face him. His face was inches from yours, breathing on your neck and cheek.
“Why won't you look at me baby?”
“Neteyam and Neytiri need you.” You bluntly said.
You lost the fight against his hand and eventually faced him, looking him in the eyes. He smiled, laughing softly. “That's my wife, you know. It was gonna happen eventually.”
You swallowed, and nodded.
“This doesn't mean the end of us.” He started.
You smacked his chest, pushing him back and scowling. “You have a son!”
“You want one too?” Jake smiled. “If you want a baby too, all you have to do is ask.”
“Have you no shame!” You hissed.
Jake pressed a kiss to the base of your neck. “Anything you want.” He declared. “A simple sorry won’t be enough, I know, but I'll do anything to keep you with me.”
“Jake this is the highest level of treason I can't-”
“I need you!” He half yelled. He winced at his own voice and began caressing your cheek.
“Anything Y/n I'll do anything.” He begged.
Jake placed your palm against his chest and walked closer. “Use me. Use my body. Drain me of everything Y/n. Ruin my life.”
He knew how to use his words so well. When to drop his voice and octave and how to speed his heartbeat up so you could feel his desire. You looked at him. You weren't even angry really, you just felt guilty yourself, and took it out on Jake.
“I love you.” He declared.
“Jake, shush.”
“I love you.”
This time you pulled him in, crashing your lips into him. His hands ran along your body as the two of you began merging together. Jake's hands ran to under your thighs and hoisted you up, holding you with his toned arms.
You moaned softly as his lips left yours, and made itself home on your chest and neck.
“Jake!” You whined out, throwing your head back and closing your eyes.
The bushes behind you two began to rustle and the both of your paused, looking towards the disturbance. Out walked one of Jake's trusted warriors and friend. The na'vi man held up his hand and slightly waved at you. “Y/n.” He greeted. “Jake, are you kidding me?”
“I won't have my needs denied.” Jake stated.
The na’vi groaned and turned around. “You have ten minutes before people get suspicious.” Jake looked at you and tilted his head, accepting the challenge. “Think you can beat your record sweetheart?”
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notwiselybuttoowell · 2 years
The Hanford nuclear site was established in 1943 as part of the Manhattan Project, and over the next four decades produced nearly two-thirds of the plutonium for the US’s nuclear weapons supply, including the bomb dropped on Nagasaki.
During its lifespan, hundreds of billions of gallons of liquid waste were dumped in underground storage tanks or simply straight into the ground. After the site’s nine nuclear reactors were shut down by 1987, about 56m gallons of radioactive waste were left behind in 177 large underground tanks – two of which are currently leaking – alongside a deeply scarred landscape.
In the decades since, the Yakama Nation has been one of four local Indigenous communities dedicated to the cleanup of this historic landscape. For the Yakama Nation, that has meant tireless environmental and cultural oversight, advocacy and outreach with the hope that one day the site will be restored to its natural state, opening the doors to a long-awaited, unencumbered homecoming.
Today, their outreach work has reached a fever pitch. There are few Yakama Nation elders still alive who remember the area before its transformation, and there are likely decades to go before cleanup is complete. So members are racing to pass on the site’s history to the next generation, in the hopes they can one day take over.
Yakama Nation history on the Hanford site dates back to pre-colonization, when people would spend the winter here fishing for sturgeon, salmon and lamprey in the Columbia River, as well as gathering and trading with other families. In 1855, the Nation ceded over 11m acres of land to the US, which included the Hanford area, and signed a treaty that relegated them to a reservation while allowing the right to continue fishing, hunting, and gathering roots and berries at “all usual and accustomed places”.
But in the 1940’s, the situation shifted dramatically when the area was cleared out to make room for the construction of nuclear reactors.
LaRena Sohappy, 83, vice-chairwoman for Yakama Nation General Council, whose father was a well-known medicine man, grew up in Wapato, about 40 miles from Hanford. She said she remembers the strawberry fields that lined the Hanford site, her family gathering Skolkol, a root and daily food, and traveling to the area for ceremonies.
Her cousin’s family who lived close to Hanford were woken in the middle of the night and forced to leave to make way for the nuclear site, she recalled
“They didn’t have time to pack up anything,” said Sohappy. “They just had to leave and they were never told why and how long they were going to be gone.”
The effort to give Indigenous people a voice in Hanford’s fate was forged in part by Russell Jim, a member of Yakama Nation’s council, whose work has been credited with helping to keep Hanford from becoming a permanent “deep geologic repository”, a place where high-level nuclear waste from this site and others across the country would be stored.
“From time immemorial we have known a special relationship with Mother Earth,” Jim, who died in 2018, said in a statement to the US Senate in 1980. “We have a religious and moral duty to help protect Mother Earth from acts which may be a detriment to generations of all mankind.”
Today, the ER/WM program, which was founded in the early 1980’s with Jim at the helm, includes such staff as a biologist, ecologist and archeologist. It’s funded by the US Department of Energy (DoE), which operates the Hanford site and leads the cleanup process under an agreement with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Washington state department of ecology.
The Yakama Nation program’s focus is on accelerating a thorough cleanup of the site, protecting culturally significant resources and assessing the threats to wildlife and water.
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nestypewriter · 9 months
Male! Ryoba Aishi x F! Reader
You should have just avoided him the moment you saw the signs. Then maybe you wouldn't be in this life right now.
You wouldn't be in this situation where you're married to a psycho.
It all started in my first year of high school.
You were running late for the opening ceremony on your first day of school at the prestigious Akademi High School. Your parents thought that attending this school would help you attend a good university in the future.
Then You ran into him; you shouldn't have given him your name the moment you met him.
You should have notice how he was acting strange
You shouldn't have befriended him
You should have known that he was the one watching you
You should have just stay away from him
You shouldn't have followed him to the gym-
You heard a small voice called "mommy." The voice called again. You turned to the voice but only saw your sweet daughter Ayano tugging your dress and worriedly calling you. Then you felt a sharp pain in your hand and turned back to see your finger had been cut by the knife you were holding.
You spaced out a bit as the blood dripped onto the chopping board, coating the half-chopped vegetable. You then snapped back to reality and panicked at the mess. "Oh my! " You shouted and Hurriedly grabbed a towel and placed it on the cut. You looked down at your daughter and asked, "Dear, can you clean the chopping board while mommy takes care of her cut?" Ayano nodded.
you quickly walked down to the bathroom, turned on the sink tap, and put the wounded finger on the falling water. You stare at the cut as the blood painted the water red before fading away. You shake your head. You turn off the tap, and grab the med kit from the cabinet and took the bandage before wrapping it around the cut. You put everything back and walked out of the bathroom into the kitchen, where you saw Ayano patiently waiting for you while holding the now clean chopping board.
You walked towards Ayano and said, "Thank you, dear," and crouched down to her level and softly patted her head, "I'm sorry you have to see your mommy being so clumsy." You lightly laughed as Ayano smiled a bit, you stood up, and saw the time.
"Oh my! would you look at the time your father will be home soon," you said, and grab the chopping board from Ayano. "Sweetheart, would you please set up the table while mommy finishes dinner?" You asked Ayano, who nodded and ran to the dining table to set up the table for dinner.
You set down the chopping board on the counter, grab some fresh vegetables, and continued where you left off awhile your dull eyes began staring out into nothing and humming a song.
You smiled when you heard the front door opened and a familiar voice calling out
"Honey! I'm home!"
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omegaversetheory · 18 days
Traditional Omegaverse
After getting caught up with Bridgerton the wheels started turning...here is the courtship process in my au at the moment.
The Promenade - A debutant ball style event where families walk and present their child who has newly come of age around the village center and to the town hall to register as an official pack member. The promenade also signifies that the child is ready to find a mate/bond partner to all of the other pack members. Promenades normally occur the first summer after the child's 21st year, but could be delayed all the way to age 24. There is often a high level of pagentry involved, and specific promenade customs vary by region and culture.
Setting Intent - Asking someone out in a traditional marriage isn't the same as just simply saying the words. The pursuer (of any dynamic or gender) will write to letters; one to the person they are interested in, which is very heartfelt and private. It normally containings information about why the pursuer is interested in the pursuee, things that have caught their eye, why they might be a good match, and other sweet nothings. The second letter is to the pursuee's parents/family (or pack if they are not a part of the same one) detailing how the pursuer sees themself fitting into their community, the skills they possess, any wealth/connections they have, and other information that shows the family they would be a valuable addition. Parties would exchanges letters back and forth until a decision had been reached, specific information exchanged by a pursuee and pursuer is kept private, but the pursuee's family must inform the pursuee about their correspondance with their potential bondmate.
Courtship Period - once the pursuer and the object of their affection agree to enter into courtship it begins. If they do not live close together, the pursuer will move to wherever the pursuee is. Courtship may last anywhere from 4-18 months. This period of the process is conducted 100% publicly/semi-publicly. Partners are not allowed to convene privately and may be escorted by 2+ (for witness accountability) chaperones. Courtships may be broken off at any time, but no matter how serious a couple is, they may not move to the next step for 118 days (4 lunar cycles/approximately 4 months).
The Sitting - a ritual that comes between courting and bonding. Lasts one full harvest season/one heat cycle. A couple sequesters away together (normally in designated housing) to get to know each other deeply and experience living together without distractions. Neither partner works, meals are provided by community members. In most cultures, the couple is either expected to abstain from intimacy throughout the duration of the sitting including during any heat/rut period. It is split into two sections - an closed period in which the couple may not be seen in public or be around other people, and an open period where they are free to move about freely. The closed period is extremely difficult but it forces the couple to examine the viability of the coupling beyond the lust/infatuation period. Couples may bond one another after the heat or rut has broken, or the harvest is complete or they may choose to separate.
Bond Ceremonies - A high ranking pack or ministerial official will guide the partners through a vow ceremony which will be performed in front of their community, the community or pack normally then arranges a dinner/meal to celebrate with dancing, and then the couple will retire to perform bonding privately. To ensure the bonding has been completed, within two weeks of the ceremony both partners must show their bond marks to the person who conducted their vow ceremony and as well as one witness picked at random. All four parties will then sign an official document, signifying the bond is now legally binding.
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pascaloverx · 4 months
Forbidden Romance
Summary: You are in love with Prince Thor. He will soon be King and is hosting a ball between Kingdoms so he can find his future bride. Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Asgard is not ready to accept the Chief of the Royal Guard as the new Queen.
Warnings: inappropriate language, use of violence and adult content in the future of fanfic. some characters belong to the Marvel universe and others were created by the author.
AO3 link chapter two
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Chapter One
A calm morning awaits you as you don your attire of the Kingsguard. The duty calls to you. Guarding the safety of the great son of Asgard is an honor. The challenge is to leave your personal feelings aside. Damn was the moment you fell in love...
"Are you sure it won't be strange for you escorting your little boyfriend to a ball designed for him to find a future wife?" Loki quips as he strides into your room without any ceremony. You brandish your sword at the level of the rejected Prince Loki.
"It's conversations like these that make me know I should hit you every time you come to my room." You speak while holding the sword tightly. Loki walks away, smiling a little too much for those who seem afraid of you.
"I came in peace. Thor asked you to stop by his room before leaving to give instructions to the Kingsguard." Loki says, laying down under his bed and swinging his feet playfully. You roll your eyes reproaching him but I understand that it's good that he's helping you and Thor.
"You know if you tell anyone about this, I'll rip your tongue out of your head, right?" You say it knowing that he'll probably enjoy you hurting him but that he would feel humiliated for being hurt by a commoner like you.
"And miss the chance to watch you two fucking everything up when my precious father notices that his favorite son is the one who will bring ruin to his kingdom." Hearing these words coming out of Loki's mouth makes everything even more real. If you and Thor are caught, you will be sentenced to death. And he will be king anyway.
"Tell your brother, I'll see him at the opening ceremony to welcome the leaders of each kingdom and their children." You say finishing and getting ready to go. But to your surprise, before you could leave your room, Thor was waiting for you. Accompanied, obviously, by the guard responsible for his security. You straighten up and bow, paying homage to the future king.
"Lynox, you may withdraw. The chief of the Kingsguard and I have a private matter to discuss." Thor says, looking at you. He scans you from top to bottom, as if he could undress you with just one look. You would like to live in a world where you could reciprocate with him. But we're not in that world.
"With all due respect, Your Highness, Lynox can witness our conversation. After all, as the second-in-command of the Kingsguard, he should be informed about matters concerning your security." You say, looking seriously at Thor and Lynox, who is unsure whether to leave or stay to listen to the conversation.
"Lynox." Thor says, and that's all it takes for Lynox to leave us alone. In the kingdom, Thor's word is only second to that of his parents. Soon, you and he are staring at each other.
"Are you proud? Your word holds more weight than mine in every corner of the kingdom. Want to test that with someone else? Your brother is in my room right now. Want to try to get him out with just a command, Your Highness?" You're upset because when you and Thor started to see each other as more than just royal guard and royalty, he promised he wouldn't walk over you.
"Dove…" He speaks so softly. His eyes watch you as his arms draw near. Thor then pulls you close to him, embracing you tightly.
"You enjoy doing things that put both my position in the Royal Guard and my life at risk. And I'm a fool for accepting it without a fight." You say, lifting your face as Thor looks down to meet your gaze. As you lock eyes, you slowly lean in towards the future king's face, being kissed by him shortly after.
"I'll talk to my father. Try to delay having to choose a wife. Or you could…" He begins, but you already step back, knowing what he's going to suggest.
"Become your mistress?" — you are revolted by the possibility of becoming the King's mistress— "To be the woman who sleeps with the King when he's not with the Queen?" Thor looks regretful about what he was about to say. You, however, look at him determinedly.
"You will never be a mere mistress to me. We could have a family together while the queen and I can have a semblance of a wedding." You laughed at Thor's foolishness. In fact, you were even afraid that Asgard was in the hands of a foolish prince.
"My love...shut up before anyone can hear all this nonsense. I'd rather die in battle than be the woman you cheat on your wife with." You say leaving disappointed with reality. This reality makes you know that you will always be just that for Thor. A head of the Kingsguard or a mistress.
You are a little shaken when you hear a noise and go after it to find out what is happening. A man dressed as royalty stands in the middle of the kingdom's trophy room. He is not known to you, you find his presence strange but you know you need to be polite when questioning him.
"This room has restricted entry. Only Asgardian Royalty can enter here. How did you manage to get past the Royal Guard?" You question using the most serious tone of voice possible. You hold tight to the tip of your sword that is attached to your waist. The man looks at you as if enchanted.
"I think the Royal Guard is busy preparing for the arrival of great royal representatives from the main kingdoms allied to Asgard. Are you usually so straight-faced with everyone?"He asks turning towards you.
"One more step and I will be forced to attack you. Tell me who are you?" You ask, almost wielding your sword, as a way of threatening the man in front of you.
"I hope you can explain to the King how you treat visitors. But since you insist on knowing, I am Steve. Son of King Tristan, future King of Kyrax." He speaks with such petulant calm. It's like he knew you would regret being hostile towards him.
"Your Highness could have told me you were a prince from the beginning. I hope you know that my approach was just security protocol. I will leave you alone." You speak cordially, trying not to show how embarrassed you are.
"However, I prefer your company. " He says as he watches you walk away. You turn around almost abruptly, confused by his revelation.
"I don't know how things are in your kingdom, Your Highness, but here commoners and royalty don't usually keep each other company unless it's essential." You speak keeping a safe distance between you and Prince Steve. Something useless since he doesn't know personal space and quickly got too close to you
"The Commander of the Royal Guard is right, Believe me, she avoids spending time alone even with me if it's not necessary." Thor says, entering the trophy room and staying close, but in a professional manner. The tension between the two is palpable and you mentally prepare yourself for what's to come.
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Pet Names
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Pairing: Wednesday Addams x vampire!Reader (she/her)
Requested by: @animealways
Warnings: canon typical levels of violent threats/insults
Word Count: 743
Summary: Wednesday was on a call with her family when her girlfriend decided to crash the conversation with her bubbly personality
A/N: that was so much fun to write! Requests for all our favourite Wednesday characters are still very much open :)
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"Larissa is still as strict about your free time outside of Nevermore as the last time we visited I trust?" Morticia inquired with a wave of her hand.
Wednesday rolled her eyes at the memory of Prinicpal Weems' pathetic attempts at limiting her in her decision making. It was getting quite repetitive to have those conversations - for thinking of herself that highly, Principal Weems wasn't acting as much as the evil mastermind Wednesday had longed to meet.
"She told me to stay on the grounds for the foreseeable future and should I be caught, I'd be 'facing consequences you won't like Miss Addams'."
There wasn't a need to put up the gesture or air quotations as her voice dropped into the sickly sweet tone Wednesday only ever used when she was forced to talk about her principal.
"Ah my darling!" Gomez exclaimed delighted and clapped his hands, "getting threatened by a teacher? We told you, you'd love the school!"
"It has become-" Wednesday whipped her head around. Someone was in the room with her.
And not one of her summoned spirits.
The mirror on Enid's side reflected an empty room but Wednesday felt the cold presence nonetheless.
"I got you the pig's blood for the ceremony, my sweet angel of death!"
A moment later, Y/N was leaning over Wednesday's desk chair and planted a kiss on her cheek for good measure.
"I told you not to call me that." Wednesday turned and fixed her with her most terrifying glare.
But Y/N just grinned wide enough to show off her pointed teeth and held up the bags of blood. Nothing quite romantic as the idle threat of being mauled to death by your girlfriend. Wednesday knew why she chose her. "And I keep ignoring it."
"You're a menace, bloodsucker."
"Now now, what was that about pet names, ma fleur du mort?"
Someone cleared their throat behind them.
Both of their eyes shot back to the crystal ball where Gomez was clutching Morticia's hand, there faces filled with confusion and - happiness? Ugh.
Pugsley was doing his best to suppress the shit eating grin. "'My sweet angel of death' Wednesday? Really?"
"Make fun of Y/N and I will use your spinal chord as my new bow for my cello."
Y/N damn near choked on her own spit next to her. Not that Wednesday cared particularly - right now, she needed her family to stop being normal about her relationship.
Of course, she still reached for Y/N's hand and hooked her fingers around her wrist to drag her down next to her.
"Pig's blood for a ritual with her girlfriend? Cara mia, our little girl is growing up so fast!" Gomez clutched Morticia's hand between his and pressed it to his chest.
Her mother tilted her head just so and studied Y/N intently. Wednesday resorted to glaring at her in return. She could feel Y/N tense up under Morticia's gaze so Wednesday took the metaphorical bullet and spoke up.
"I am. In fact, we have to leave now or the moon will be too high in the sky for us."
"Very well my dear," her mother had stopped the x-ray stare and was smiling down at their interlocked hands. Then her eyes wandered up to meet Y/N's. "I hope you two are having fun."
"At least as much as your mother and I had when we were your age," Gomez added with a wink.
"We need to go now," Wednesday emphasised again and threw the black fabric across the crystal ball.
The connection cut off almost instantly. Though not fast enough not to hear Gomez delighted chuckling and Morticia's agreeable humming.
"Your parents are quite something else," Y/N remarked as she caught up to her girlfriend who was already halfway across the room to the window.
Wednesday merely opened a panel and looked at her unimpressed. "We really need to get going."
Y/N slipped out and wrapped her arm around Wednesday's shoulders to pull her into her side and brushed a kiss to her temple. The effect was instant - Wednesday ever so lightly relaxed and her lips quirked up just a little bit.
"And you really are a menace," she added but wound her own arm around Y/N's waist.
Unsurprisingly, Y/N wasn’t affected by the accusation in the slightest. Instead she laughed. "You wouldn't want it any other way."
Wednesday sighed. "Let's light those candles already, bloodsucker."
"Whatever you wish ma fleur du mort."
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obae-me · 5 months
Please I’m on hands and knees I need story updates but I can’t level my team high enough to advance yet I’m crying what do you mean by that last post I need to know
I got you, I'll give you a consensus of what lesson 40 was about! Again, spoilers, below!
Overall, lesson 40 was the usual end-of-season stuff where you get a bit of one on one time with the characters ans get the opportunity to kiss them.
Aside from that, here's what generally happened:
We got to see the results of calling Solomon out on his awful cooking during the Angel's Trial. He was determined to cook good and prove us wrong. He was *so* determined that *Barbatos* told us he was there to ensure we had no way out of eating what he made. So through Barbatos' and Luke's guidance, Solomon made a feast for everyone.
And it was good. Delicious even, to the point where several brothers were in tears.
Then we had the ceremony. But before we got to see the ceremony, a rift in space and time opened in the sky and Solomon let us know we had to leave NOW. So, despite Lucifer having the Lord's eyes on him, and being ready to give a speech, he ran away from the ceremony with all his brothers to help us leave.
And then, using the powers of the pact, we managed to control the rift and open it to head back to our time.
And so we did.
And it faded into credits...
Before we got to see if we made it back safely.
.....which I understand, but it still makes me sad.
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yuurei20 · 7 months
Jack Info Compilation part 9: Crewel
Jack says he has “a hard time dealin’ with” Crewel, who he describes as “intense.”
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In Book 6 Crewel compliments him on a motivational speech he gives to Epel about focusing on the present.
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Jack expresses doubt about Crewel’s ability to design a body for Ortho (Crewel: “A mere pup, concerned about ME?”) and compliments him in a conversation with Sebek about the depth of his knowledge of the fae, saying that he even impressed Vil. He also mentions needing to remember to thank Crewel during Port Fest.
As potionology teacher Crewel seems familiar with transformations: Deuce mentions a lesson they had with Crewel where he explained that transforming into another creature without the aid of a potion (like Jack can) requires “extremely high-level magic.”
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The two overlap in a vignette where Jack is experiencing difficulty sprinting as fast as he feels he ought to be able to.
Jack is training for an interschool competition and says that while he knows he’ll get picked to represent NRC, it “feels like my body just isn’t functioning as well as it should be…I just hate that I can’t figure out what’s holding me back. I’m not overdoing it, I’m not neglecting my health…so why?”
Crewel calls the students over, saying that Jack is in need of correction. Jack is resistant, saying that “track’s nowhere near your territory.” (Crewel: “This is precisely why I cannot stand puppies.”)
Crewel reveals that he has deduced the reason why Jack has been failing to perform his best: “You’ve been focusing on building your pectoral and brachia muscles, and now your upper half is bursting at the seams…a poor fit in any one spot changes the feel of the whole outfit.”
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Crewel adjusts Jack's uniform (“I will warn you, however, not to open the zipper at your tail too widely. It’s not a very becoming look.”) and reminds them that they will be barred from all track meet competitions if they fail their final exams.
(In a different vignette both Deuce and Jack win an award for their accomplishments at the track meet, implying that Crewel’s advice was a success.)
Jack’s clothes being ill-fitting seems to be a theme: he says that his school uniform is “tight around (his) abs,” possibly because of all the weight training that he does.
Vil also lectures him for wearing his ceremonial robes incorrectly.
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