#Gil would sooner die
Declaration of War
For @oldtvserieslover 's birthday, after asking about something for the Gladiator AU!
"My name is Eros," the newcomer smiled in a way that made both the queen and her daughter bristle. "And you, Princess, are as beautiful as the legends say."
His statement was accompanied by an up-and-down of her with his hungry eyes.
"Prince Eros," Ajak addressed him directly, and rather kindly, given the way he was looking at her daughter. "We welcome you to the tournament of Champions. You have come to challenge?"
"Indeed I have," the Prince grinned at them, bowing his mane of hair slightly to them. "I believe my selected champions will stand a great chance of beating you this time around, my Lady."
"Hm," Thena vocalised, mostly to herself. Her eyes drifted from the challenger in title to the actual fighters accompanying him.
They were lined up, facing their own gladiators. There was one who was clearly their first pick to win. He stood like a beast, massive in height and still heavily muscled. His face hardly even seemed human.
He was staring down Gilgamesh.
"We shall see," Ajak offered diplomatically, offering a polite sort of smile to the visiting Prince. "We have yet to be bested in the past years."
"Actually, I was hoping to propose," the Prince stepped back into proximity with the ladies, "higher stakes."
"Such as," Ajak frowned, backing up a step, incidentally pushing Thena further back as well.
"Such as a proposal," he tipped his chin up, his eyes shifting to Thena as if Ajak had disappeared from his line of sight. "I propose that my prize is the hand of the Lady herself."
"What?" Gilgamesh spoke up from his end of the line, although no one but Thena even looked at him as he spoke.
"That is hardly-" Ajak blinked as the Prince swooped down in a deep bow.
"I ask that if my chosen gladiators win, that I win the hand of the princess," he spoke downward, expressing a humility that he completely lacked just a moment ago. "The treasury I'm offering as a bet on my warriors is triple that of our other competitors."
Indeed, the funds offered by the brazen prince would provide for their coffers very nicely.
"And if we win?" Thena challenged, although something about the Prince's sly gaze and the presence of that beast of a man made her skin crawl.
Eros cocked his head at her with a grin that she could only imagine would have his concubines melting. "Why, you may ask anything you like, my darling bride. Since I intend to win no matter the challenge posed."
"We haven't even fought yet."
At last, the other royals present looked at Gilgamesh, still speaking up with no regard for if it was considered insolent of him - a mere fighter for the crown - or not. He met their critical glares without fear, shrugging his wide shoulders. "You could at least let her set her own conditions."
Thena shook her head ever so faintly, urging him to stay silent on the matter. She had come to enjoy speaking with him, and her mother - having become aware of this rapport between them - tolerated it. But most who were part of royalty did not welcome interruptions by civilians.
Eros chuckled, giving Gilgamesh a different kind of smile. It was still a smile, and still meant to appear affable. But this one was sharper edged and colder--the tilt of his head was so...demeaning. "Did you say something, brute?"
"Yeah, I did," Gil continued, undeterred by Eros' obvious disgust with him. His fists clenched, "it's pretty ballsy of you to come in here and demand to marry the princess. The least you could do is accept the conditions if you lose."
"Well, I don't intend to lose, so by all means," the prince bared his teeth at Gil now, like a predator toying with prey it knew it could outrun. "Set any conditions you like."
"Gil," Thena whispered, but he stepped up to Eros (and in front of her).
Gil got right in the Prince's face, who happily let him, meeting his challenge with a manic delight. "Speak up, pleb."
"If I win," Gil started without even considering the other gladiators selected alongside him. It was always just him by the final rounds of the tournament anyway. "Thena gets to marry anyone she chooses."
"The Lady may select her own groom," Eros postulated, emphasising the proper title for her, in contrast to Gil's overly familiar use of her given name. "What a peculiar thought."
Gil stood firm on the spot, even with the beast of a challenger moving forward and breathing like a bull ready to charge. "She gets to make her own choice. And no one gets to say a damn thing about it--not you, or anyone else."
"Hm," Eros raised his brows at Gil's adamant proposal. He looked amused by the resolve he showed and stepped away from the shorter but significantly more strongly built man. "Fine, I accept your little wager."
Thena glared at him again. Her life and freedom was a 'little wager', apparently.
"But know this, Gilgamesh," Eros turned his eyes on him again, voice sharp and eyes cold. "I do not intend to leave this place empty handed."
"I don't care what you intend," Gil snarled at him, finally backing up but not moving away from Thena behind him as Eros walked off and beckoned for his chosen fighters to follow. "You're not coming anywhere near her."
Ajak let out a breath as the prince and his entourage descended the steps to their mezzanine. She looked at the guards, who were hovering with their weapons, waiting for the word to be given about how the lowly gladiator was standing inappropriately close to the princess. Ajak shook her head, "relax, all of you."
The guards stood back against the walls, although Gil was still glaring at where Eros and his gladiators had vanished. He huffed, crossing his arms, "the nerve of that guy."
"Gil," Thena cut in, glaring at him (and forgetting that she too was addressing him far too casually).
"What?" he shrank back at her obvious ire. "D-Did I do something wrong?"
"Y-You-!" Thena pinched her full lips together, pressing her fingers together before she could make a real fist with them. "That thing with him will be out for your blood, after that altercation!"
"Well," he shrugged at her as if he were talking with anyone else and not the crown princess herself. "He was going to be anyway, right?"
"That's not the point!"
"Thena," Ajak scolded, watching her daughter squabble with one of their own fighters.
"I'm sorry," Gilgamesh conceded, bowing his head to his monarchs. "To both of you, my Lady. But I couldn't just...I couldn't let him think-"
"You have issued a very serious challenge, Gilgamesh," Ajak addressed him firmly but not unkindly. "This cannot be taken lightly."
"It won't be," he assured his queen before turning to his princess. "I'll win."
Thena bit down on the inside of her lip, "you can't know that will happen."
"I can, I'll make it happen," he affirmed, stating it as boldly as he would state any fact about the ocean being deep or the sun being bright. He held her eyes, not letting her fear sway him at all. "I'll win, Thena."
Ajak cleared her throat. That was quite enough use of given names for now. She would have to address it later. "Come--you must prepare for the first round of fights."
"Yes," Gil bowed, stepping back into the line, where his fellow competitors were staring slack jawed at him for yet again speaking with the princess audaciously.
"And you," Ajak turned to Thena, whose face betrayed her nervousness for just a second. "Come with me."
"Yes, mother," Thena murmured, indeed following Ajak up the stairs to the shaded platform for their respective thrones. She looked behind her.
Gil offered a faint smile and a little wave, same as he did every time he saw her, no matter the distance between them.
Thena's eyes were drawn and her frown was heavy, but she still managed to wave back at him as they drifted apart.
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eternalowl · 2 years
Incorrect Eternals quotes part 3
Ikaris gets d e s t r o y e d in this because it’s funny
Thena, while entering a store: Why do they have door sensors outside of the exit door if you’re not even supposed to enter through there?
Gilgamesh: Probably because there’s the occasional idiot that walks through the wrong door.
Thena, dead fucking serious: Then just take the sensor away and let them run into the damn door.
Kingo: *is recording Druig struggling to husk a corn cob*
Druig: I swear I will throw this fuckin corn at your face if you don’t put your damn phone away.
Thena and Ikaris: *are about to beat the living shit out of each other in the kitchen*
Druig, running into the kitchen like a damn track star: WAIT!
Thena and Ikaris: *pause*
Druig: *quickly makes a bowl of popcorn and heads over to the couch to watch*
Druig: Okay, you may continue.
Ikaris: Today, two families will become one.
Druig, in an ominous voice: Two families enter, one leaves.
Sprite: Accurate yet terrifying.
Ajak: …The Wedding Games…
Sersi: May the bouquet toss be ever in your favor.
Phastos: I hate all of you!
Thena: Please don’t turn Gil and I’s wedding into the Hunger Games.
Kingo: I can’t believe you just said that…
Phastos: I don’t even want to know.
Sersi:, texting the others: There’s just this bird…
Sersi: In the Chicago airport…
Sersi: I’m going to name it Ravioli.
Thena: Is it on fire? No? Can it be solved with a fire? Also no? Does it have anything to do with cooking? Yes? Then leave me alone, I’ll just make it worse.
Gilgamesh: Hey, I’m heading to Australia-
Druig: Get me a kangaroo.
Gilgamesh: Why?
Druig: B e c a u s e.
Gilgamesh: No get your own damn kangaroo.
Kingo, running away from Ikaris for who knows why: Lemme tell you something, lemme tell you something-
Ikaris: *grabs a frying pan*
Kingo, screaming: Let mE TELL YOU SOMETHING-
Phastos: So, T, what’s your New Year’s resolution-
Thena: To start a revolution.
Sprite: Don’t you dare kill me! I have a family!
Murderer: And you think I care?
Sprite: That wasn’t a plea for mercy, that was a warning.
*sounds of cosmic energy, several explosions, screams of agony, and car alarms are heard in the distance*
Sprite: And it sounds like they’re almost here.
Thena: What happens if you press the gas and the break down at the same time?
Gilgamesh: The car takes a screenshot.
Phastos, who was just about to leave the Walmart parking lot: Get out of my car. Both of you.
Phastos: Please, Thena, don’t do anything overly violent.
Thena: You could sooner divert a river from its course than deny me my nature.
Sersi, deeply inhaling: Okay, let’s try this again. Mary had a little lamb-
Druig: Its heart as black as coal.
Thena: It crept into her room one night-
Druig: -and ate her fuckin soul.
Sersi: …
Kingo: Roses are red…
Kingo: Violets are blue…
Thena, threateningly holding a paint brush: Interrupt my painting again and I’ll fucking bite you.
Sersi: I stay in bed, I am warm. I get in the shower, I am warm. The distance between the bed and shower? No. That is not warm.
Kingo: So, if you die, how do you think it would happen?
Thena: Eh, probably old age.
Kingo: But- We don’t even age?
Thena: That’s my point.
Druig: *laughing manically after Ikaris makes a stupid mistake*
Druig: It’s funny how dumb you are.
Makkari: I always wear red to funerals. It’s my way of saying, “Hello, Death. Kiss my ass.”
Random person in an elevator: Your purse looks delicious.
Ajak: …
Ajak, ready to wack them with her purse: WHY DON’T YOU JUST EAT IT THEN???
Druig: Hey, wait-
Kingo: Sorry dude, there’s no space left in here.
Thena: We could throw Ikaris onto the roof.
Ikaris: How about we throw you on the damn roof.
Druig: I agree with Thena, now get onto the roof.
Ikaris: How about we put Gil on the roof?
Thena: *throws Ikaris out of the car and pulls Druig in*
Ajak: *closes the elevator*
Kingo, Sprite, Phastos, Druig, and Makkari: *waiting outside the elevator since they won’t fit*
Kingo, as soon as the door closes: *opens it and waves*
Ajak: *shuts the door again because she just wants to leave*
Kingo: *opens the door again and waves*
Ajak: *closes the door again*
Kingo: *opens the door AGAIN* You shall not leave.
Ajak:: *closes the door AGAIN*
Kingo: *proceeds to open it yet again*
Ikaris: Just let us fuckin leave!
Ajak: *closes the door, starting to get agitated*
Ajak, Ikaris, Sersi, Thena, and Gilgamesh: LET THE FUCKING DOOR CLOSE!
Ajak: *closes the door, ready to beat the shit out of Kingo*
Kingo: *finally lets them go*
Thena: I am fluent in many ways of kicking your ass.
Druig: NO!
Phastos, to Sersi: Are they drunk-
Kingo, watching a potato that’s attached to his ceiling fan: A potato flew around my room before you came-
Kingo, Ikaris, Sersi, Sprite, Druig, Phastos, Gilgamesh, Thena, Makkari, and Ajak, less than ten minutes later: *chaotic, bloody murder, unholy screeching*
Kingo: If you’ve knocked on a door, you’ve technically punched a house before.
Phastos: No-
Kingo: honk :D
Druig: WHAT
Kingo: HONK >:(
Makkari, pointing to a strange creature: WHAT IS THAT???
Phastos: I don’t know! I remember reading something about it, but I forgot the name!
Ikaris: What? You’ve told me about how much you’ve been wanting a cat, then I found this guy! It’s fate, Sersi, FATE!
Sersi: IKARIS.
Sersi: Words ending in 'ie' just sound so adorable. Like cutie, sweetie, cookie-
Kingo: Eyy, homie!
Makkari: But then there's cootie...
Thena: Die.
Ajak: You fuckers don’t know about my knife stick. It’s a knife taped to a stick and it’s the ultimate weapon.
Thena: Spear.
Druig: I woke up today smiling because I saw Makkari and then I remembered that I’m still better than Ikaris.
Druig: Ajak, there’s a monster under my bed and it’s really ugly.
Ikaris, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, fuck you.
Makkari: Vegetable oil is made from vegetables, coconut oil is made from coconuts, so BABY OIL-
Thena: *shatters a window and climbs through it*
Thena: *turns around and helps Sprite through it* Breaking and entering is wrong, Sprite.
Sprite: Okay.
Ajak: Is he stupid?
Thena, Druig, and Phastos, in unison: Yes, but he prefers to be called Ikaris.
Makkari: No thanks.
Makkari: I'm god.
Sersi, tearing up nearly every room in the Domo: WHERE ARE THEY???
Sersi, opening every cupboard after interrogating Druig: WHO MOVED THEM? WHO MOVED MY CHILDREN???
Ikaris, during the Emergence: What has this planet done for you? Why would you want to save it?
Sersi, Phastos, Makkari, Druig, and Thena, in unison: BECAUSE I’M ONE OF THE IDIOTS THAT LIVES ON IT!
Druig: Where are you going?
Ajak: To either get ice cream or commit a felony. I'll decide on the way.
Thena, looking at a dead phone: How do we bring this thing back to life? Magic? Live sacrifice? I know a guy in town-
Eros: What happened to Ajak?
Thena: She died.
Eros: She what?
Thena: She died, but she’s okay now.
Eros: …Can you please clarify?
Ajak the Almighty: Clarification is for the weak.
Druig, working at McDonald's: Sorry sir, we don't serve a McFuck here, so either you throw that one slice of pickle out or we're gonna have a McProblem.
Druig: Why are you burning our marriage certificate?
Makkari: Good luck returning me without the receipt.
Phastos: Ikaris, I don't like you.
Ikaris: What did you say?
Phastos: You heard me!
Ikaris, internally: And it turns out I actually didn't hear what the fuck you just said.
Ajak: Are you really planning to shoot the demon?
Makkari: Don't worry, it's a holy gun.
Ajak: How so?
Makkari: It makes holes.
Ikaris: I feel so burnt out.
Thena: Don’t worry, it'll be over soon.
Ikaris: Are you gonna... assassinate me?
Thena: Well not if you’re expecting it.
Ajak, about to jump over a canyon with the others in the back: Total lack of drivers training DON’T FAIL ME NOW!
Gilgamesh: I love you.
Thena: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that.
*Gilgamesh and Thena kiss passionately*
Phastos, to Kingo: You owe me 20 dollars.
Ajak: What? I'm not aggressive!
Druig: Last Tuesday, you wacked me with a pair of sandals and stole my chocolate chips?
Ajak: Survival of the fittest, bitch!
Gilgamesh: Wow, Thena, you want to hold my hand before marriage? How awfully lewd of you.
Thena: We literally slept together yesterday and we’ve managed to convince everyone else that we’ve been married for the past few thousand years.
Gilgamesh: That's NOTHING compared to the lewdness of holding hands.
Kingo, after being buried in sand: I am the sand guardian, Guardian of the Sand.
Sprite, who is the one who buried him: POSEIDON QUIVERS BEFORE HIM!
Kingo, a few minutes later, screaming at a wave: FUCK OFF!
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umbralsound-xiv · 9 months
Prompt #22 - Fulsome
Character: Bexy The Black Shroud, Present Day
She had taken to lounging on her favoured tree that hung across the road, keeping just out of sight enough not to catch the attention of passers by. That wasn't her goal, this sun. This sun, Bexy saught solitude.
A rolanberry is brought to her lips, stained with paint and the vibrancy of the fruit, quietly lost in her thoughts.
'You have far too large a heart...'
She could hear Mattisaux's words in her head. He'd said this to her more than once, but only recently had she actually allowed the words to sink in and take root. But no sooner does she entertain them, heard perfectly in her thoughts with his voice and tone, does she dismiss them.
...At least, for a moment.
He was wrong, surely. How much had she done now? How far from grace had she fallen? Redemption seemed a now impossible task. Swallowing the pang of guilt with the sweetness of the rolanberry hadn't made it any easier.
...She had no regrets. Had she acted any differently, only the worst would have happened, she was sure. Wait any longer, and Eir may well have perished, condemning Sayuri to her misery. Be any more careful, any more sparing, and the horrors she may have had to endure would only have worsened. No. Bexy did what she had to, and if that meant scores of people would die to ensure they lived, she'd do it thrice over to keep it that way. She had no regrets, not one.
...Perhaps one.
A certain woman she had paid a visit at some strange bell; not for the reason many others would seek her, but for her information.
...And when she would not readily give it, even with her offered coin, she opted to take it.
Gods, Bexy thought. How far would i have gone, if she didn't speak?
...She knew her answer; another number added to the rest of them, most likely. White had only demanded a few things in the altercation, though she was in no position to bargain, wounded and completely at the little mercy Bexy was so famous for having.
Coin. Lots of coin. Bexy had acquired much of it, both in her time as the Coeurl and through her work for the company, though scarcely spent much of it. The occasional new outfit, or shiny new baubles, or sweets and boxes of rolanberries.
...She owed her that much, didn't she? She had given her information, and nothing else was given in turn save for a souvenir in the form of a dagger that would surely melt, and a probable scar where she'd given it to her.
Another rolanberry is plucked up, sunk into by her teeth. The sweetness of them wouldn't wash away the bitterness, no.
Better to stay on White's good side, she thought. She already knew far too much, and save for killing her, she had hoped coin would buy her silence for a time. It was a lot of coin, and a rare financial outgoing Bexy would actually feel, but... Was was it, in the end?
A circle of shiny metal, used to purchase. Useful enough, but Bexy had seen both a life with so many of them and so few, and knew the value of better things.
Time. Loyalty. Love.
A long, sharp sigh huffs through her nose, the next berry to pass her lips having an audiable crunch as her ice saught to take it against her will. She'd bring the gil to White.
The somnus she could get with her own prying fingers.
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darksaiyangoku · 11 months
My wishlist for a Fate Route remake
I love what ufotable have done with the Fate/Stay Night Saga. They have given us incredbile adaptations of the Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven's Feel Routes, as well as blessing with beautiful tragedy that is Fate/Zero. However, if there's one criticism I have for it, it's that it's incomplete. 17 years later and we're still missing the one that started it all; the Fate Route.
Despite being the face of the franchise, Saber/Artoria hasn't managed to have her moment to shine properly since Fate/Zero and even then, it's very bittersweet. The Fate Route also gave us the lovely Shirou x Artoria romance, which many consider as the definitive ship of the saga. I do think we are way overdue for a Fate Route remake and I think it's best if it happens sooner rather than later. Not only will it give Artoria her much needed spotlight again, but it's also a good jumping on point for newcomers to get into the series. However, what I want isn't a simple retelling of the VN or the 2006 anime with better animation, I want a full remake that actually changes and fixes the issues of both. These include:
Expanding Saber's character more- with the remake, Saber's character development should be a major focus here and that includes her past as King Artoria. One way that can help flesh her out is to add in flashbacks that adapt Garden of Avalon. Not only that, but it would also give some much needed expansion on the knights too.
Expanding on Shirou and Saber's romance- we all know why Shirou loves Artoria so much, but we need to see why she loves him so much. Just like how UBW showed Rin falling for him and HF showed Sakura falling for him, Fate needs to do the same. More scenes should be shown where Artoria starts to question if her relationahip to Shirou is simply Master/Servant or if she truly likes him. A few more date scenes should be added too.
Changing Shirou's characterisation- UBW and HF really did a lot with Shirou's character and they're his best depiction, imo. The Fate Route, however, doesn't really do that. There are times when he comes across as kind of an idiot and he doesn't have as much of proactive role as he did in the later routes. Give those moments to Fate-Shirou, show him getting better at fighting and show his arc about him becoming that great hero he aspired to be.
More Archer moments- I know Archer essentially had his time to shine in UBW, but I think he was severely underused in Fate. Even HF, where he did still die early, had him more of a presence. Maybe we can even see a rematch between him and Saber right before the battle with Berserker.
Caster fight- for all its flaws, Deen's Fate/Stay Night did give a very good fight scene with Caster. This should be implemented in the remake as well and it gives both Caster and Kuzuki a proper send off.
Shirou vs Gilgamesh- since Shirou isn't fully realised yet, he can't have the exact same battle with Gil as he did in UBW. But they should still fight at least once, maybe have Gil overwhelm him before Artoria takes over.
Shirou vs Kieri- have this one be a similar fight to the one from Fate/Zero between Kirei and Kiritsugu. Have him utilise his martial arts skills more and Shirou makes use of his improved projection magic.
A new ending- the Fate true ending is something that fans do want and I think it would be a beautiful way to wrap up the saga. But honestly? I want a happily ever after ending instead and to have Artoria become a human and marry Shirou. I know it's controversial but after everything Artoria had been through, she deserves a happy ending and a chance to finally be selfish for once.
And that's my wishlist for the Fate Route remake.
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joshmedin · 11 months
The time I was mistaken for a visiting minster
So I was in the hospital today, and a patient said something to me, and we talked. (I stayed in the entryway to her room, not going in.) She told me about her conflicts with one of the nurses, and the guilt that she felt over having to call the techs in so often for help with pain management, and to adjust how she was sitting in her bed (she was a fall risk and wasn't allowed to move around on her own) and how her daughter had been in to see her, up from a small town nearby, and her daughter was very happy that she'd been eating-- chicken broth and Jell-O, but this was a big improvement from what she had been eating. She explained how she'd fallen at her house, and when she falls, she can't get up on her own, and she called for help, and here it was, four days later and she was still in the hospital, to her frustration. She mentioned her arthritis. And also how the doctors had told her that she had pneumonia. She showed me all the bruises on her arms, and told me how they'd had to bring in a special machine to find the veins in her arms so they could get an IV in her. And she told me about how scared she was that she would never be able to just swing her legs over the side of the bed again and get out of it. I told her that she needed to make sure that she kept eating; I wasn't sure what would happen, but she'd never heal if she didn't eat. And some time in there, it came up that she'd mistaken me for a visitation minister. I told her that I was there for another reason, but I was going to be back tomorrow, and I'd say hi. She was clearly uncomfortable, and a bit scared (if not wanting to show it), and wanted someone to talk to. And sometime in there, I had to explain that no, my wife and I were in the hospital visiting the room next to hers. The one my mother is in. I was in the hallway while my wife was talking to mom; she has a bacterial infection, and may be septic, so she's only allowed one visitor at a time, and there are rules that we have to follow to go in at all. So I was waiting outside her room. And maybe talking to a stranger turned out to be easier than worrying. My mother has autoimmune diseases. Not an autoimmune disease, not something as simple and well-known as lupus, but flocks of them-- the rheumatoid arthritis that crippled her older sister, and Sjogren's Syndrome, and obscure ones that only doctors in the Mayo Clinic have even heard of. She's had congestive heart failure, gastric MALT (a form of lymphoma in the stomach), and just had to have all of her teeth removed. She now has a bacterial infection; there could be sepsis. Her memory isn't great, and her husband is a wreck, dealing with this. And I'm keeping it together as best as best I can, somehow. She knows it's medically inadvisable, but that would not stop her from grabbing my hand. She craves touch. She needs contact with people, but feels isolated, now that she can't get around without a walker or a wheelchair. Her hands are so swollen with arthritis, I wonder how much it hurts her to use them. This is the thing about getting older. Everyone else does, too, with all the things that that entails. I guess it's something we all go through, if we're lucky. If we made it this far. If our parents did. If our friends did. But the great truth of life is that it doesn't last forever, and the longer we live, the more we see death around us. The more the people we love die. We're all scared of that. We use indirect language -- James Lacy passed on. The late Doug Atkinson. The fondly remembered Gil Pettigrew. The dearly departed Bonnie Kaufmann. But it's death, and it awaits us all. And it scares me. But we're all going to have to deal with that, sooner or later. I don't know. I'm rambling. But this is the story of how I was mistaken for a visiting minster, anyway. Maybe I should look into that line. I hear it's really rough work, but people need it.
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slowjamastan · 2 years
your mind….. but fr theyve been alive for a combined 2000+ years who fuckin knows if they're brothers… and like if you wanna define it as being derived from one common ancestor(mama scandia) then you could say that fra.nce, s.pain, ro.mania, portu.gal, and the ital.ies are all brothers too. imho since europe is an incestuous cesspool, how they act towards each other is more important than any debatable genetic relationships(if they have genetics the same way humans do???). like yeah ger.many prus.sia austr.ia switzerl.and and liec.htenstein are all """related""" but lutz n gil and lili n vasch are distinctly siblings where gil n rod or lutz n lili are not. idk its all very strange BUT my point is to say they don't have a brotherly relationship i guess???
(you know exactly who this is but im sending it anon bc i dont wanna be accused of inc.est shipping)
hiiiiii bestie im finally d*nn*r posting are u proud of me <3
>if they have genetics the same way humans do
now im not saying the ic*land DNA strips are meant to be taken literally, but i think its fun to take them at face value. it helps that i know fuck all about genetics so i throw on "magical realism" seasoning to cover the fact it makes no sense and call it a day
tldr i personally dont think it has much to do with a common "nation ancestor" but more like the relationships between the original breakoff tribes that would go on to become distinct groups. and the sooner they became distinct groups, the more closely related the Guys would be... or something.
see ive always loved the idea that roaming hunter-gatherer groups each had their own guardian spirit Fella and as the groups collaborated and settled into agriculture, one Guy would become dominant and the others would fade/die/age normally. survival of the strongest cultural identity. so in my mind, to be first-degree related "brothers" it would go like, a group broke off of My Group and immediately You appeared. for example with (mostly)n*rwegian settled ic*land. (and the strip is about ic*land going "idk im pretty sure i was there before your people got there" and getting btfo) you know what i mean? & it would be statistically unlikely for that brother to survive with you for 1500 years so what nor and den have is special. ofc assuming they mean "brother" literally and not as an honorary title which im always split about for like every chr. like calling a family friend "uncle" or yk...adoption. its all ambiguous but thats ok, its vibes
but all this is also why i like ancient r0me being a "grandpa" rather than a father. implying there was a generation between that wasn't strong enough and got absorbed. ooooooh
>you could say that fra.nce, s.pain, ro.mania, portu.gal, and the ital.ies are all brothers too
to me they are, just a further removed. i couldn't tell you how far but i know it in my heart. we're all children of jesus or whatever its fine
>BUT my point is to say they don't have a brotherly relationship
HARD disagree i think scand!navia has very brotherly vibes but again yeah its ambiguous so idc, im not the type to ship-war or nitpick. but in my ideal vision they all annoy each other on purpose for eternity and none of them rly understand the others but they know each other better than anyone else and thats what matters. familial n5 is my favorite h*talia dynamic ever but i settle for ships bc im starved for content
>how they act towards each other is more important than any debatable genetic relationships
and even how they act/feel about each other is all canonically ambiguous :( we live in a cursed fucking fandom. "europe is an incestuous cesspool" yes and they're all my little hapsburgian freaks. Send Post
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the-evil-pizza · 2 years
ok an actual house seems to be  A little Much for the gils I have so I may just go for an apartment honestly. I didn’t go for that sooner because it would get delated if you don’t log in for 3 months but like, let’s be real I have problems and I would die if I don’t play critically acclaimed mmorpg ffxiv for more than a week
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tellusbane · 2 years
five times touched.
          I. He meant to tell her, really. Instead, he clicked his tongue and sought to reprimand her. That he hoped she would choose better ahead and not be quick to trust easily. The danger that followed with such a reckless decision had been close to cost them their lives, hers even more precious than his. He looked at her frustratingly, leaning in her doorway with his long robes and bright, observing eyes. This is the moment wherein his heart would leap at the sight of her, as it always did. But he wanted to be like that column of water he had told her of once, cold and straight, sufficient to himself. Where words failed, actions came in. His hand, surpisingly gentle, was then upon her shoulder and it did not judge. Whatsoever mistake was done, they could shoulder the blame together. 
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          II. When she left for a brief moment, he took it upon himself to inspect their loot. Gear embossed with questionable marks, weapons buried in their veils like brides, and behind them stacks of gil that would leave idiots gaping. Some parts of him despised it. Let it stay and rot for all the good it has brought them. And though it had been the fruit of a bloody labor, it's what they came for to do, and he would not be wiser to leave it now. He stepped into the carriage and found her lurched into the dark inside. The air blew past them, the evening embrace had not calmed enough to wash away the incoming storm. He crawled to where she wordlessly sat and reached for her hands slowly, enveloping each pair within his palms. Here is the heat she did not ask for. Here is the heat that promises to stay.
          III. There was a question that he had failed to answer. He heard it from her lips, but the words escaped him. His jaw was set, his lips bled pale with anger. His old burns ached from standing so close to molten rocks. He felt her close his eyes. The lands streamed by and the wind ran furiously across his marred skin. He imagined pitching over his golden chariot into the open air below. It would feel good, he pictured, afore it hit. They landed with a violent jolt. He opened his eyes to see an alarmingly high soft hill, thick with grass. She stared straight ahead. He felt a sudden urge to fall on his knees and scream at her to take him back, but instead he forced himself to step down onto the ground. The moment his foot touched, the chariot and her were gone. Gone, he thought. The concept alone left him shakened by the bones until the tips of his fingers reached for her face. Beads of sweat surrounded his skin, decorated it with shameless design. He was dreaming. He's safe. They're safe. He touched her face as if begging for her to never leave him for it would have been a very, very cruel thought.
           IV. It was the forest that drew their eyes. It was old growth, gnarled with maples and humus and chanterelle groves, shot through with spearing elms. That’s where the green scent came from, drifting up the grassy hillside as one is wont to expect from The Black Shroud. The trees shook themselves thickly in the winds, and sylphs darted through the shadows. Even now he could recall the wonder he felt when he first set foot into the fold. What sort of life would he have led if it had been spent in dim tunnels, walking the same stunted plains with its threadbare woods? He was not prepared for such profusion and he felt the sudden urge to throw himself in, like a hellfrog into a mossy pond. He hesitated at the sight of her. He was no wood-nymph. He did not have the knack of feeling his way over roots, of walking through brambles untouched. He could not guess what those shadows might conceal, what the Elementals could find worth punishing. What if there were sinkholes within? What if there were treants or gnats? The promise of danger had been dismissed by an arm around her waist. He'd sooner die ensuring her safety than worry about what could possibly sink their teeth at the skin of his neck.
           V. He stood alone in that grassy clearing. The breeze blew sharp against his cheeks, and the air had a fresh scent. However, he could not savor it. His head felt heavy, and his throat had began to ache. They swayed. By now, she was back with him, drinking her milk and honey. The people of the town would be laughing on their riverbanks, the children returned to their games. She, of course, was overhead amidst all these, shedding her light down on the world. All those moons he had spent with her were like a stone tossed in a pool. Already, the ripples were gone. So quick did time pass he could no longer remember when and how they began, only that such moments had been rendered precious to him, irreplaceable. They would have to part soon, their little adventures coming to a stop. He had a little pride. If she would not weep, he would not either. He pressed his plams to his eyes until the skies cleared. Thence, he looked around. On the hilltop afore him was a house, wide-porched, its walls built from finely fitted stone, its doors carved twice the height of a Hyuran man. A little below stretched a hem of forests, and beyond that a glimpse of the sea. Endearingly beautiful, he whispered. Would they really need to part ways? The answer is clear. He intertwined his fingers with hers, greeted her with a knowing smile and from that alone he was certain. He did not have to leave her side at all.
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@halfheavenly :: five times drabble prompts  
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fandom-go-round · 3 years
How about some little snippets with what ever fate characters you think would be into a partner crying when they feel so much pleasure during sexy times? Thank you!!
I didn’t put Gil in here because he’s going to be in another request but he would totally count here too!
Warnings: Overstimulation, Reader Crying, Crying During Sex, Implied Power Difference (Dom/Sub but not necessarily called that),
“Are you finished already?” The pharaoh’s voice is amused, smirking above you. You choke back a sob, trying to stop the tears from streaming down your face. You try to shake your head but all that comes out is another moan, your body shuddering from pleasure turned pain.
You know that he’s teasing you on purpose. Ozy hums, rolling his hips and pushing himself as deep as he’ll go. You whimper loudly, arching your back and pushing your hips closer, even as your arms are held high above you. He laughs, half mocking and half fond as his hands go to play with your nipples.
“Are you sure you can handle me? You’re already a mess.” You huff at him and roll your hips again, eyes still misty. He leans down and kisses you hard, hips beginning to set a bruising pace. This is the third time he’s stopped and started, and you think you might just die.
You cum so hard that it hurts, more tears streaming down your face. Ozy groans loudly, eyes locked on your face. You think he says something about how good you look but you’re not paying attention because he’s cumming and you’re following again. You know that you’re a mess but it’s worth it to have your pharaoh all to yourself.
Leonardo Da Vinci (Caster):
You feel like your whole body shaking, clenching around the vibrator inside of you. You can feel the vibrations in your throat, moaning around the cock in your mouth. Da Vinci moans above you, nails dragging over your chest to rub against you.
“Oh that feels so good.” Her voice is a low purr, eyes locked on your face and gently rolls her hips. You feel so full and it’s intoxicating, especially when you gag against her and the vibrator buzzes faster. The remote is in her hands and she’s been less than merciful. You wail as she turns it down again, one of her hands tangling into your hair.
“Now now, don’t cry.” You hadn’t even realized you were crying until she pointed it out, face going hot in embarrassment. Da Vinci meets your eyes and laughs a little, giving your head a tug. “Once you get me off I’ll let you cum, ok?” You don’t want to believe her; she’s said that already but you want to cum so bad.
She grins as you begin to move, hips bucking and face tilting back to take her in deeper. She groans and turns the vibrator up, deciding to let you cum for real this time. As long as you keep those tears in your eyes, she’s going to get there sooner than later.
Arjuna (Archer):
You want to say that he doesn’t know what he’s doing but you know better than that. Arjuna’s head is between your legs, fingers kneading and pinching your thighs as he brings you to the edge over and over again. You can’t tell if he’s mad or just so focused on you that he’s losing sense of time.
“A-Arjuna.” Your voice is broken now, fingers tugging on his hair but it doesn’t feel coordinated. You feel like a puppet with jerky strings and it’s hard to focus on anything other than his mouth. He hums, pulling away just enough to meet your eyes. You see his face change as he takes you in, face covered in tears and eyes blown.
He doesn’t say anything as he comes up to kiss you, mouth wet and hot against your own. You moan, half in relief and half in protest as your body is left throbbing and sore. Arjuna’s mouth is harsh, not stopping until you’re whimpering and shaking against him. He holds your legs open wide, pushing them towards your shoulders.
“I want you all to myself.” His voice is low in your ear, your mouth falling open as he slowly pushes into you. More tears run down your cheeks and he groans, kissing the streaks. “I never want to let you go.”
You don’t get a chance to respond before he’s pounding into you, teeth sinking into your neck and pinning you to the bed. Your noises fill the room and it only seems to spur him on, Arjuna moaning and groaning lowly into your skin. You know for a fact that you’re going to get more than a little relief tonight and you don’t know if that’s a comfort or not.
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So I held off posting anything because I really needed to compile my thoughts first and what I’ve concluded is um......AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH LOOK AT IT, LOOK AT THEM, IT’S HAPPENING, MY HEART, I SQUEALED WHEN I FIRST SAW IT, I’M SO GIDDY
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This was literally me when I saw it:
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Okay but for real, we love this. And with the twist at the end of 2x17, everything has been written immaculately and honestly I’m just so impressed with this show that they went that deep, they’ve really taken due care with the creation of the show in each and every detail. Just when I thought it couldn’t get better it did, and I’ll be honest I was getting worried when in regards to the Nace content slowing down but now I realise that not only was it deliberate but they were saving up for this (at least that’s how I see it).
Now one of the biggest questions on our minds as Nace shippers has obviously been as to whether or not this moment is going to be, as I’ll say, “real” but I’m gonna say that we shouldn’t worry either way as to whether this will be in Nancy’s mind or a real moment between her and Ace. Now, putting aside all complications for now in relation to Amanda and the as ever annoying Gil, as far as I see it it’s real either way; if this happens in Nancy’s mind then it means she’s finally all in on how she feels and it will be a real moment for herself, accepting what it is she feels for Ace, and if this is for real outside of her mind (which btw I would absolutely die of joy) then they’re both finally on the same page and they both take on the responsibility of navigating what they’ve been dancing around and what they feel goddammit. 
I’ve got so many theories of what might lead up to this scene that we’re gonna get, because make no mistake they will kiss and it will be epic, but that’s for me to obsess over, besides words can’t do it justice right now. As far as what I’d like to see for them when they enter a proper relationship together, and yes I say when because there are no if’s at this point, and not to mention they’re definitely endgame; like how they’ve been slow burn, I want things to be subtle, little moments, very gradual, maintaining they’re investigative duo thing, maybe even not really telling anybody they’re together, having little nods with them holding hands and other stuff like that, and if you thought personal space was a thing of the past before then you won’t even remember it when they’re a thing. Oh Oh and maybe even having reminiscing moments where they remember times from past sleuthing’s to investigate or something, looking at each other with an affectionate gaze in their eyes even just for a split second, maybe even a “that’s when I knew I liked you” moment, or Nancy actually cuts her hand this time and Ace fixes her up, little touches that linger. Oh dear, see just like that I’m spiralling but anyways, yeah you get the gist, the list goes on. Small ones before big ones, and maybe the the odd big moment between the little ones at times of importance, yada yada.
Also, don’t think for one moment that in 2x18 it’s going to be without scenes of Ace being in fear of Nancy’s life, as this image below shows:
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And if we look closer:
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See me with them hands, because there’s no way he’s holding her like that if he’s not a) scared as hell for her or b) got feelings for her. That’s not just a supportive set of hand placements, that’s a “don’t you dare take her” and “I can’t lose her” kind of set of hands placements, specifically full on affectionate hand holding and hand on arm placement. You could say I’m reaching but I’m really not, this pic could easily have had everyone holding her or close in some way, but they chose just to have Ace doing this? that’s PLANNED. Which means that whilst Nancy’s coming to terms with what Ace means to her, Ace is definitely doing the same. Ace will definitely have his moments, looking at Nancy and most likely coming to some serious terms about what he feels. Even though they’re not necessarily, and most likely not, going to be boyfriend and girlfriend at the start of season 3, it’s end up like that at least, I’m sure.
Also on a quick note I was looking at this promo pic:
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Nancy’s wrist is straight up cut wide open, and from the lack of blood the Wraith must really be doing a number on her at this point if it weren’t already apparent from the otherwise zombie-fied appearance she’s got going on.
Also this:
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I bet they’re looking at Nancy, and from what I can tell the room matches up with the one in the previous pic, I’m guessing whatever contraption that box with the vials and stuff on it is has something to do with it or something.
Anyways, to say I’m excited would be an understatement. As much as I don’t want the season to be over yet, we’re definitely getting a feast, and with season 3 being a given I think we can handle it. Aside from the rising of Nace, Nancy Drew has and continues to be the one to raise the bar with every aspect, certainly I will remain intrigued with how they’ll progress everything going forward with everyone. Also, it’s most likely that season 3 will come sooner rather than later, at the earliest from what I’ve read it’ll likely be towards the latter end of this year that it’ll premier and at the latest is early next year. I mean any wait is torturous, but under the circumstances I think we’ll manage. Also, Nancy Drew is being moved to Fridays for next season so put that in your diaries, we are not letting this show go.
That’s my 2 cents anyways, anything any of you guys wanna add please do. What I’ll say for now is I am LIVING for this show, can’t wait to see what’s next. Keep up the good work! (oh and to all the haters of Nace in particular, keep it coming because in case you hadn’t noticed we’re winning and it just makes sense, I don’t need to explain to you why they’re perfect together, anything I say that’s for me and the rest of us to enjoy, I’m not doing it for you)
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I have a Thenamesh AU request if it’s alright?:)
Let’s say they got Gil back and his memories too. But Thena has a hard time to accept him since she saw him die and can’t really believe that’s him. She keeps a distant to him and avoids him as good as she can on the domo. So what if Gil does something that really proofs that he is real and he really came back? Where Thena finally believes it?
Would be a very emotional request and a bit soft in the end :)
"Dinner is served!" He turned to them with a bright smile, "get it while it's hot!"
The rest of the Eternals clambered to get some of the delicious and lovingly made food for themselves. Especially those who had been held captive in the World Forge, adapted to human life and missing the small comforts.
He eyed the doorway, "there's more than enough-"
Thena left.
Gilgamesh sighed, looking down at his pot of stew. She hadn't spoken a single word to him since his return. It was so dire that even looking at him was an improvement in her acknowledgement of his presence.
"Hey," Kingo said gently as he came up for his serving. "Don't let it get to you. She's...well, you know."
He did know; he knew better than anyone, in this life or the next. He nodded, giving Kingo a smile. Once everyone had a helping, including a very different looking Sprite, he dished out two bowls and walked out with them.
She didn't make a sound, she didn't leave any trace. But he would always be able to feel that pull to her.
The door swished open for him, sensing its users presence. Perhaps it was kind of her to not lock him out of his old room. "Feeling nostalgic?"
"These are my quarters."
He smiled, walking in cautiously and placing down the two stew bowls. No matter her reluctance to be with him now, it still warmed his heart that his room had brought her more comfort than her own. She always did sleep better in here with him.
Or maybe all she had done was come in here and mourn him.
Gilgamesh frowned at her, sitting rigid and folded around herself on his bed. Her legs were crossed, her arms folded, just staring at the far wall. "Thena."
"What do you want?"
"I want to talk?"
"Anything else?"
He supposed he should be grateful to get this much out of her. If his Thena truly didn't want to talk, not a force in the universe could pry those perfect lips open.
Thena looked up at him as he pushed the bowl of stew into her line of sight. Unstoppable force met immovable object, and finally, she accepted it from it.
Gilgamesh sat down beside her, giving her enough space not to feel imposed upon. They took slow bites, listening to their breathing, their chewing, the clink of the spoons in the bowls.
Thena stirred hers around, taking it in as she swallowed.
He looked at her. "Is it how you remember?"
She didn't bother answering him.
Maybe questions about her memory weren't the best ice breaker. He shifted on the bed and cleared his throat. "It is a little different from our recipe at home."
At home; the words made her flinch, as if he'd lashed out and cut her.
He was slow and gentle, though, like the first times he'd had to lure her out of her room after an episode. "Can you tell what's different?"
She looked at him, finally, if only to express her annoyance. But she looked at her bowl again, her lips pursing faintly as she moved her tongue around in her mouth. "It's missing...something."
He was honestly impressed she could tell that much. "What have you been eating?--while I've...been away?"
That was a risky question to ask, but it would have to be asked sooner or later. Thena took her time answering, which was just fine with him. "Druig would make food."
But had she eaten it, was the question. It wasn't as if she could starve, and all she would need was a bite here or there to keep herself going. But it always made him sad to think of her letting herself go without the simple comforts of food for that long.
Gil set his half empty bowl aside, angling himself more toward her. "I'll give you a hint. It's-"
"Okay," Gil nodded as Thena stopped his little game dead in its tracks. She took another bite, though. "You've gotten better at that."
"You don't have bay leaf here on the ship so you used mushroom to make it more savoury," Thena murmured as if on autopilot. Another bite.
"I guess you would know if it was any different."
"It's his recipe."
"It's my recipe."
Her eyes shot to him, smooth and swift and lethal, just like the rest of her. He didn't startle from it, letting her eye him with annoyance and disdain and poorly veiled hope. Those eyes always told him everything he needed to know, whether she liked it or not.
"It's my recipe," he repeated softly. She let him pull the bowl away from her, his hands lingering against hers. If she didn't want him to, she could push him away. She could snap even his bones if she really wanted to.
He had never used his Cosmic Energy against her outside of an attack, and he never, ever would.
"Everything else was the same," he began, her hands - slim and light and delicate - resting in his.
"Beef, onion, carrot, flour, broth," Thena listed off, her eyes horrifically distant as she watched the process of it being made in her memory.
Gilgamesh chuckled, moving their hands slowly. She watched him do it, letting him slide their fingers together until his palm could meet hers. "What's the first ingredient?"
Her eyes hardened. She was fighting so hard to protect herself.
Just this once, he wouldn't let her. "What's the first ingredient of everything I make for you?"
Gil reached forward, brushing away the deluge of tears suddenly flowing from those stunning eyes. "I'm sorry, Sweetheart. I've been gone for too long."
Any time would be too long apart from her.
"It's you," she whispered, every fibre of her being fighting not to come unwoven permanently.
"It's me," he promised, understanding of what she needed from him. He brought her palm up to his cheek. "I'm here."
She shook from head to toe, looking at him as if they were in that forest again--as if he had a hole in his neck and was breathing his last breaths. "I see this sometimes. And it's not real."
How cruel. How wretched and unfair Arishem was to make his beautiful Thena endure that. He turned his head to kiss the palm of her hand, "I'm real."
She shook her head again, even as she both pulled him closer and moved closer herself. "No."
"I'm real," he whispered as she climbed into his arms, the way she would at home. The way she would in Australia, wounds on both of them, her dress tattered and trailing behind her. She would settle herself into the safety of his arms and find there as much rest as she could.
"How do I know?" Whatever she had been through in his absence had shaken her to her core. He could ask her about it later, slowly, a little bit at a time. Or never, if she truly didn't want to tell him.
He tightened his hold on her, resting his cheek against her hair. "You'll just have to trust me."
She had nothing to say to that, at least not yet. But she remained in his embrace. She pressed her face into the side of his neck, feeling the pulse of his blood in his veins. "Gil?"
How he had longed to hear that. That one little sound, from her soft little voice. Just for him. "Hm?"
The rumble of his chest against her helped her unwind a little. His hand pressed flat over her back, offering warmth and the promise of his support. It helped her anchor herself to him.
In Australia, if she woke in the night, she would call to him like that. To check if he was there, if he was awake, if he was safe--if he was real. Any number of things. And he liked to believe that even in the depths of sleep, he would respond that same way.
Thena buried her face in his chest, undoing his vest and slipping her hands around him. The closer her hands could be the more sure she could be that he was within her reach.
He would combine the rest of their bowls later, make sure she got enough food in her. But for now, she needed this. He did too, to a degree. He would always need his Thena, and she needed time with just him like she needed air in her lungs.
"The others?"
"Who cares," he chuckled, lying back on the bed with her in his arms. The little pearls in her ears touched her cheeks, and her cardigan was soft to the touch. But this was undeniably what he had been missing in that state of suspended animation from which they had woken him.
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mimisempai · 3 years
The evidences of our love are everywhere
Thor is worried about his little brother's happiness and spies on Loki and Mobius in a more or less subtle way.
Tumblr request : Thor spying on Loki and Mobius.
As usual I got carried away and added most of my favorite tropes :p
1643 words - Rating G
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"I know it, that you are watching us Thor."
Thor wanted to protest at first, but even though he hadn't known Mobius long, he knew the man was perceptive and there was no point in trying to lie to him.
He sighed, "I admit it."
"I suspect you have no malicious intent," Mobius said kindly, "but I would like to know why."
Thor thought about what he would say in response.
He could see that his little brother was happy. That he had changed, or rather that he had become the best version of himself.
And this was partly thanks to Mobius, but he needed to see it with his own eyes. In their daily lives. So he had been watching for every moment he could spy on them during their stay in Asgard.
One evening, he had overheard a scene he never thought he would see.
Mobius with a brush in his hand was sitting behind Loki and asked him softly, "Should I start brushing your hair?"
Loki nodded and closed his eyes, as if he already knew he was going to like it. Like it had become something familiar.
Mobius started at the bottom, taking care not to pull, then slowly worked his way up. After a while, Mobius' fingers replaced the brush and it was clear that Loki was enjoying it. He did not startle or protest. He turned his back to someone and let them touch him. This showed how much he trusted Mobius.
Not so long ago, such contact would have been unimaginable. If it was anyone else but Mobius, Thor thought, Loki would never have allowed it.
Thor could hardly tear himself away from the scene since he was so fascinated.
Mobius stopped and his hands slid over Loki's shoulders and Loki held his head back with a gentle smile on his face. Mobius leaned over and kissed him gently.
Thor thought it was time for him to retire.
" Tell me candidly, is there anything in me, except my ugliness, which displeases you? Do you object to my birth, my temper, my manners?”
“No, truly,” replied the princess; “I like everything in you, except”—and she hesitated courteously—”except your appearance.”
Thor had just entered the living room of Loki and Mobius' suite and stopped in front of the incredible scene he had before his eyes.
Loki was lying on the couch, his head on Mobius' lap, Mobius had one hand in his hair and in the other hand a book that he was reading aloud.
Thor held his breath, because the two men had neither seen nor heard him.
Mobius continued reading.
“Then, madam, I need not lose my happiness; for if I have the gift of making clever whosoever I love best, you also are able to make the person you prefer as handsome as ever you please. Could you love me enough to do that?”
“I think I could,” said the princess, and her heart being greatly softened towards him, she wished that he might become the handsomest prince in all the world. No sooner had she done so than Riquet with the Tuft appeared in her eyes the most elegant young man she had ever seen.
Loki sneered, "Of course, to be happy, they both have to be beautiful and smart. I know it's a fairy tale and doesn't fit reality, but frankly, I'd never read that to my kids."
"Sweetheart," Mobius said softly while stroking Loki's hair soothingly before continuing, "Listen to the end, I think you'll enjoy it more."
Loki harrumphed, but remained silent as Mobius continued, " Some people have said that this was no fairy-gift, but that love created the change. They declare that the princess, when she thought over her lover’s perseverance, patience, good-humour, and discretion, and counted his numerous fine qualities of mind and disposition, saw no longer the deformity of his body or the plainness of his features. However this may be, it is certain that the princess married him; that either she retained her good sense, or he never felt the want of it; and he never again became ugly—or, at least, not in his wife’s eyes, so they both lived very happy until they died. Morality, all is beautiful in those whom we love, and those whom we love are witty and intelligent"
Loki turned on his back and looked at Mobius.
Thor stepped back into the doorway, he was no longer able to see but he heard Loki, "Mobius, it's kind of like the two of us in the end," he chuckled before continuing, "except that we're both princes. But what I mean is that you have seen beyond what I have shown the world."
Thor heard Mobius nod before answering, "And you, Loki, have opened my mind.  So there is nothing to stop us from living very happy until we die."
The only thing Thor heard again before walking away was his little brother's undoubtedly happy laughter.
Thor had not often had the opportunity to see Loki in his Jotun form. He knew that even after all this time it was still an extremely sensitive subject for his brother, so he was surprised to see him like this, sitting on the balcony railing of their suite, looking at the sky.
He was about to join him, when Mobius appeared next to him bringing what appeared to be some refreshments.
When Loki was aware of Mobius' presence, he began to revert to his Aesir form. But Mobius protested, "Loki, you know you don't have to hide from me, Sweetheart. If you want to take on that appearance, I have no problem with it."
And as Loki returned to his Jotun appearance, Mobius put down the tray and approached him, gently touching his face, as if he was used to doing it, knowing that if he lingered too long, the cold sensation would be too much.
Loki said in a voice Thor didn't know, "Do you really not mind touching me while I'm like this?"
Mobius shook his head and replied, "No, the only downside is that I can't touch you or kiss you like I want to, but otherwise I have no problem with this shape. I told you before, I love you, I love everything about you and it's part of you so I love this form too."
Then Mobius sat Loki down on a small bench that was on the balcony, put a pillow on Loki's lap, and lay down next to him resting his head on the pillow then said softly, "And you see, even when you are in this form, it is possible for us to be close."
As he walked away, Thor thought to himself that he would not soon forget his brother's amazed expression.
The next time, Thor had first heard just laughter, as he went to knock on the door of Mobius and Loki's suite.
"No, Mobius! Stop it! You're scratching! I don't want you to kiss me if it scratches like that!"Then Thor heard Mobius reply in a sulky voice, which was quite rare, "Loki..."
"No, no, no your itchy skin will not come in contact with my delicate skin!"
He heard Mobius cough before he replied, "Then would you please shave me?"
Then the two men seemed to be gone, and Thor couldn't help but be curious and slowly opened the door. The living room was empty, but Thor heard voices that seemed to come from a small adjoining room. He knew he shouldn't, but he peeked through the half-open door anyway.
Mobius was sitting with a towel over his shoulders, shaving cream on his cheeks and chin. Loki had rolled up his sleeves, and was holding a razor. He leaned over to Mobius, and with a serious look on his face asked, "Do you trust me?"
Mobius answered firmly, looking him straight in the eye, "Intimately." before stretching his chin forward and closing his eyes.
Thor once again baffled, discreetly turned back and left their suite.
"I'm sorry Mobius. Of course I had no malicious intent. I guess I just wanted to make sure that Loki was happy. It was something I didn't expect to see. I think I wanted to see it for myself, I'm sorry I was kind of a stalker, I-"
Mobius stopped him by putting a hand on his forearm, "It's okay Thor, you don't have to justify yourself. I know Loki's life, his whole life, so I understand perfectly well the need to reassure you, but I can promise you one thing, that I will always do everything to make him happy. That will always be my priority. Loki is the only family I have so I will always take care of him."
Thor nodded visibly moved as a voice echoed behind him, "You see, brother you don't have to worry. My happiness is truly real."
As if to prove what he had just said was true, Loki approached Mobius and put his arm around his waist before kissing him on the cheek.
"This man Thor, is the person who allowed me to change what I thought was my destiny, he saw the good in me, and in doing so I finally believed that I was capable of doing good."
Thor answered softly, "I always knew you were capable of doing good, little brother, but I'm glad you believe it now too."
Then he stepped forward and took the two men in a strong embrace before stepping back and adding, "Mobius, there was only one thing that was wrong with everything you told me before."
Mobius and Loki looked at him in surprise.
Thor added with a gentle smile, "You said Loki was your only family, but that's not true, it's not true anymore. Welcome to the family. We are your family and you are ours now."
Series of Oneshot : Together, for all time, always
Fairy Tale used : Riquet and the tuft, oft underrated or shallowly interpreted. Shaving scene, inspired by Gil Grissom and Sara Sidle shaving scene in CSI
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd and english is not my native language I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless🥰
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loadedmemory · 3 years
Prompt#4: Baleful
Part III: The Beast and the Harlot
They called it Little Ul’dah.
Down deep beneath the duplicitous appearance of an ordinary tavern, the illicit gathered to trade, barter, drink, and cavort with other sinners.  Every sort of pleasure awaited those who had too much gil weighing down their purses. All the known criminals were present, from rogue poachers to drug traffickers, to just the poor souls all too often targeted by Wood Wailers.  Duskwights and Moonkeepers and Ala Mhigans who couldn’t catch a break no matter where they fled.  
Despite it being a den of thieves and cutpurses, Little Ul’dah had laws. Laws you didn’t dare break, lest you lose a few fingers or the tip of your ears to make an example of you for others.  One did not rob customers.  One did not start brawls. One did not murder.  It was expected that violence be left at the door, to be revisited at another time, in another local if one so pleased.  
So the liquor flowed, coins passed from one palm to another in trade for anything from an escort’s arm to somnus pipes to be smoked with other addicts, and shady backrooms were filled with card players, the air indolent with tobacco smoke.  
Tomaistre preferred the company of the dancers, quite content to sit with one at each side, arms over their shoulders.  They leaned in and kissed his neck and whispered the sort of things that made a man’s pants a bit too tight.  Soon enough he’d pick one of the lucky ladies to walk him back to more private chambers.  He always paid a good gil, after all.  
Something fluttered, glittering enough to get his attention.  A card flicked carelessly across the room.  Rimmed with gold foil, it glinted as it tumbled onto the ground in front of him.  One of the girls leaned over to pick it up and hand it to him.  
“Well what’s this, loves? Someone a sore loser at cards?” he laughed.  They laughed with him.
Flicking it over, he studied the picture curiously.  A man dressed in royal robes, carrying a sphere containing a five pointed star.  He chuckled, one of the girls leaned her head against his shoulder.  “It’s upside down.”
“So it is,” he said, turning it over in his hand.  But no sooner had he done so, the card blurred, and returned to the original position, a king standing upside down.  His brow furrowed, somnus addled brain unsure how to take this.  Was it the drug? 
The girl to his left laughed again, the fur of her ear flicking against his temple. “That is so neat.  Do it again!”
He did so, and the image blurred yet again to return to its original, upside down frame.  Perhaps some trick of aether.  Or maybe it really was the drug.
The man appeared out of no where.  One moment it was just the three of them staring at the card in rapt fascination, and suddenly he was standing in the doorway.  Dressed in all black, except for the wood wailer mask that hid the entirety of his face except for his eyes.
“What the swive are you supposed to be?” Tomaistre heard himself asking.  He barely registered the women withdrawing from his embrace.  They had keen senses, and something told both of them it was time to flee.
The door closed behind them with a air of finality.  This definitely had to be the somnus.  A bad trip.  A little sleep and he’d wake up and think this was so sort of nightmare.  
He reached for his spear. Could you stab a nightmare?
“Do you remember me?” the figure asked, his voice deep and bass. 
Something about it did stir a memory in his addled brain.  Warm earth, cool rain, and blood.  So much of it.  “You know they said no violence in here, but that don’t include defending yourself.”
The figure glanced down at the card still in Tomaistre’s hand.  “So what does your fortune tell you?”
“That you’re leaving here in a wheelbarrow, friend.”
He leaped from the couch, spear whirling and singing in the air.  Maybe it was the somnus, maybe it was just hubris on his part, but he didn’t foresee that a man in a wood wailer’s mask would probably also be armed.  
He hit the ground, the spear clattering nearby.  Eyes wide, he stared at the bloodied stump of what used to be his hand.  A quick glance was all he needed for confirmation, his hand still attached to the haft of his weapon.  Another back up to realize the stranger held a scythe, the blade’s edge gleaming bright with his blood.
“You... you cut off my hand...”  
The stranger crouched down next to him, grasping his chin to force him to look up.  “Do you remember me?”
Finally it all fell into place.  It was the eyes that did it.  Blue like polished cobalt.  He’d seen them before, staring up at him shortly before they cut his throat open. His lips parted, trembled.
“Oh... seven hells, I warned him.  Told him.”
The man nodded solemnly.  “But you didn’t stop him.”
He felt the stranger's hand slide around to the back of his neck, fingers closing around his throat.   “I don’t want to die... Please...”
“Neither did the man you killed.”
He wouldn’t have time to ask about that.  Not as the fingers tightened around his throat and twisted fast and hard enough to snap his neck like a dry twig.
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sunflowersupremes · 3 years
The Trade
All is not well in Gil-Galad’s war camp.
Characters: Elrond, Eönwë’
Background Eönwë/Maglor because I love them.
Read on AO3
They’d been traded.
He knew - he truly knew - deep down that it hadn’t been a fair trade. Maglor had given his sons away in return for being left alone by Gil-Galad, which Gil-Galad was already doing. It was a trade on paper, and nothing else.
If the Feanorians had also been given a few wagons of supplies, it was mostly because their camp was starving (that had been added to the agreement only after Cirdan - Gil-Galad’s messenger - had seen the condition of the Feanorians and their followers).
No, in truth it had been the easiest way to ensure everyone stayed alive. The longer the war raged the fewer supplies the Feanorians were able to find. Crops would not grow and game was scarce.
Maglor had given them up because he would not let them go hungry, and he had cut his own rations to feed them until Maedhros had ordered him to stop.
That didn’t make it sting less.
He was glad to be in the army, to be making a stand against Morgoth, but every time Eönwë - the leader of the Valar’s forces - would compliment him, Elrond would have to bite his lip. He was forbidden from asking why the Valar had not come to their aid sooner (he had done it once, in front of the entire court, and Eönwë had been spared having to answer by Gil-Galad swooping in to drag his herald off).
Even his position as Herald - which again, he did enjoy to an extent - was given to him to keep him under the king’s eye, because they did not seem to trust him.
Elros was spending more and more time with the Edain, who seemed to have elected him as some sort of leader. No one was watching him to see what he would do (probably because he had not yet stirred trouble by asking King Finarfin if he thought it was fair that Beren was returned and not Andreth. He hadn’t meant to upset the king, he just thought it was a fair question).
At least that incident had finally gotten a reaction out of Gil-Galad. He was tired of being simply sent away like an errant child, with nothing more than a plea to behave himself next time or to think before he spoke.
He did think before he spoke.
That was why he spoke.
But after he’d nearly reduced the king of Tirion to tears, prompting Finrod to shoo Elrond away, Gil-Galad had finally shouted at him, telling him to stop acting like a child and sending him to help reinforce the walls around their camp.
Eönwë stopped by to see him again, studying him with large, owlish eyes that mirrored the night sky behind him. Then he pointed to the bag on Elrond’s hip, where the Peredhel had taken to hoarding food, instinct telling him that the next meal might not come. “You will not go hungry here, half-elven,” the Maia said gently. “We have supplies aplenty.”
He gripped the leather strap more tightly, narrowing his eyes. “Then why can you not share with the others outside your camp? The Sindar, the Dwarves, the Feanorians, the Mortals of the south? Are they nothing to the Valar?”
Eönwë had, once again, been spared needing to reply by Gil-Galad. The king had come from no where to grab Elrond’s arm, sinking nails through his cotton shirt, and promised that Elrond would not trouble him anymore. As soon as Eönwë was out of sight, the scolding had begun.
It had devolved into a screaming match fairly quickly. Elrond accused Gil-Galad of trading in slaves; Gil-Galad had said he was no more a slave to him than he had been to the Feanorians.
The half-elf had said that the king didn’t understand; the king had accused Maglor of abusing the twins.
Elrond had threatened to join Elros and the Edain; Gil-Galad had replied that Elrond wasn’t forced to remain.
At that, Elrond had snapped that he was going to find his family. Gil-Galad had shouted that he was more than welcome to, in fact, he was ordering Elrond to do that.
Of course, Gil-Galad thought he meant Elros, but it wasn’t his fault the king was an idiot.
Elrond practically gloated as he packed and slipped away, heading not for the Edain’s camp, but into the woods. He’d gathered up as much food as he could fit in his saddle bags, and simply walked out of camp, heading to the east where he had last seen the Feanorians.
Back in camp, all hell had broken loose. It was Finrod who had realized he wasn’t with the Edain, when he had gone to visit them. A few people had suggested leaving Elrond to die on his own, but Elros had threatened to disband the Edain army if his brother wasn’t found (no one was certain if he had the authority to do that, but they really didn’t want to find out).
Finally a blue jay had swooped into the camp and chirped at Manwë’s herald. Eönwë had announced that Elrond was merely following the king’s order to return to his family, and Gil-Galad had shouted that Elrond had known exactly what he meant and that he was going to find the half-elf himself and tan his hide (Manwë’s herald had seemed strangely amused by the fight).
No one thought it was a great idea to send the king out on his own, so Cirdan had simply said that he would go and set off before he could be stopped.
But it wasn’t Cirdan that found him.
He felt the Maia before he heard him, but he kept going, his eyes glued stubbornly on the path in front of him. He’d filled his horse’s back with supplies, so he walked instead, leading the horse by her reins.
After a few moments, a voice echoed from around him, asking, “Where are you going, half-elf?”
“Should you not be leading an army, my lord Eönwë?”
The Maia materialized beside him, falling in step easily. “You will not find them where you are going.”
“Then I will keep looking.”
“Their camp has been disbanded. Their followers have joined the Edain army.”
Elrond tightened his grip on the horse’s reins. “Where are they?”
“I know not. Something to the southeast, I believe.”
Elrond turned his feet southeast. Eönwë followed him. “Your king is distressed.”
“My king ordered me to go to my family.”
“You knew what he meant, did you not? Your brother is to the west, by the sea, and yet you travel southeast.”
“My family is there,” Elrond replied.
“They are not your family.”
“They raised me.” He swallowed. “I love them.”
Eönwë seemed to consider. “They would not want you to do this, I should think. They sent you away for your own-“
“Why do you care!?” Elrond turned sharply, narrowing his eyes at the bird-like Maiar.
Tilting his head, Eönwë raised a feathered eyebrow. “Why should I not?”
Elrond snapped his head back to the path in front of them. “I’m not allowed to ask you why no one protected us from Morgoth sooner, if you care so much.”
Eönwë chirped, almost sounding amused. “It was not my decision, young lord Peredhel.”
He snorted. Then - with a bit more caution than he usually spoke with - he looked sideways and asked, “What if it had been your decision?”
“It was my Lord Manwë-“
“But what if it wasn’t?”
Eönwë blinked at him. A cloud drifted by in his large blue eyes. “I do not enjoy war.”
“Neither do we,” Elrond pointed out, breaking their eye contact.
For a while, they traveled in silence. Birds called out to them from the trees, and occasionally Eönwë would twitter back at them.
Finally, Elrond broke the silence, “Ever since the Nirnaeth, there’s been no food,” Elrond said quietly. “Kanafinwë said it wasn’t so bad at first, but as the years passed everyone began to see the damage.”
He blinked, feeling tears in his eyes but refusing to let the Maia see him cry. “Kana would go hungry to make sure we ate.”
“The land is poisoned.”
“Why?” Elrond stopped, turning to look up at Eönwë. “I know the Exiles brought the Doom upon themselves, but it was not just the Exiles who suffered.”
Eönwë sighed, expelling enough air to send up little clouds of dust at their feet. “I cannot give you an answer you will find satisfactory, Elrond.”
He looked off into the woods, at the gnarled and twisted trees, dead leaves drifting by even though it ought to have been the height of summer. “I can tell you that the Valar are much bereaved, that they find no joy in the suffering of anyone, even those who have forsaken them, and that Melkor has long been on their minds.”
Elrond sighed. “Am I going to find them?” he asked quietly.
“I do not think so,” said Eönwë. “And even if you did, I imagine you would be sent back.”
He swallowed and nodded slowly. His feet had begun to ache, and he had no idea how long it had been since he had last slept. It certainly felt as though he’d been traveling for hours, perhaps all night, but under the twisted trees of Beleriand it was difficult to tell the time.
“How far back to camp?” he asked wearily.
Eönwë’s eyes glittered with stars, his lips almost quirking up in a smile. “No so far as you might think. I have been leading us in circles.” He looked remarkably pleased with himself.
Elrond glared at him.
The Maia whistled loudly - Elrond winced and covered his ears - and a large hawk swooped down to land on a branch above them. “Leave the bags,” said Eönwë quietly. “He will take them to your family. I can… make an exception for this, I think.”
Elrond didn’t ask what he meant by exception. It wasn’t hard to understand he wouldn’t be able to help his family again.
They made quick work of removing the bags from the horse’s back, and the hawk simply gathered them up in his talons and took off with a powerful flap of his wings, throwing up a blinding cloud of dirt.
Elrond was practically shaking from exhaustion by the time the bird was out of sight, and he barely noticed Eönwë grabbing him and lifting him onto the horse’s back. He let the Maia take the horse’s reins and leading them back the way they had come.
Elrond was nearly asleep before he heard the Maia quietly say, “Kanafinwë was a friend of mine. If you have need of an ear, mine will always be open.”
He nodded, leaning forward against the horse’s neck with his eyes closed. “He only allowed the trade because he heard you were leading the army,” Elrond confessed. He yawned. “Maitimo nearly called it off when he heard about you.”
Eönwë laughed and the Maia’s hand came up to rest on Elrond’s shoulder. “Rest little Peredhel,” he cooed. “I shall handle your king.”
How many dads does Elrond have at this point? Because somehow Elrond’s dad is, all at once, a star, two mass murderers, a shipwright, a king, and one (1) bird boy.
Also Eönwë totally thinks he can teach Elrond to fly (since Elrond is part Maia AND the son of Elwing) and there’s a 50% chance that someone (probably Gandalf) had to convince him that “throwing Elrond off a cliff to see if he sprouts wings” is a really bad idea.
Okay but AU where Elrond befriends Eönwë and after the War of the Wraith Eönwë is like “you know who should guard the Silmarils? Elrond. Because Elrond would absolutely not hand them over to the Feanorians when they come looking for them, because that would be against the will of the Valar and he should be very careful not to accidentally fall asleep on account of his mortal blood. No. Elrond would never do those things. Elrond is a good child, very reliable, and his brother is the king so even if some accident happens he would have diplomatic immunity.
Manwë strikes me as the type of guy that you could absolutely lie to his face and he would believe you just because he wants to think the best of everyone. So if Eönwë was like “oh no, I don’t think Elrond meant for the Feanorians to just… walk out with the jewels… thereby avoiding any more bloodshed… and fulfilling their oath…” Manwë would probably believe him. (also by the end of the War of the Wraith Manwë is just 100% done and even if he did figure out the lie he’d be like ‘FUCK IT. FINE. PROBABLY BEST THAT NO ONE HAS THOSE DAMN ROCKS ANYWAY.’
Another great idea is imagining Eönwë just periodically showing up in Middle Earth to check on an increasingly exasperated Elrond who just wants to live his own life, but Eönwë keeps patting him on the head and calling him “little Peredhel” and offering certified ‘Terrible Advice’ because Eönwë doesn’t understand anything about how people actually work.
Eönwë couldn’t be one of the Istari because Manwë knew if they sent him he would just move into Rivendell and possibly never leave and also drive Elrond insane. (Okay, that might be AU #3 because its cracking me up)
Look, I’m not saying that the Counsel of Elrond had to be held outside because Eönwë was sitting in a tree, watching, but I’m totally saying it.
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naancypants · 3 years
maybe this is perfect
Alright here is my finalized repost of the fic I accidentally published yesterday, LOL. If you enjoy, I'd love some support on Ao3 (work link is below)! I wrote this after 2x12 (+ updated to reflect news about 2x13 & 2x15, hehe) as a sort of speculative, "personal ideal" confession scene for the finale episode.
Ao3 | 2,051 words
"Hey," Nancy says from behind, twisting both hands around the strap of her messenger bag. "Can we talk?"
At the sound of her voice, Ace straightens from in front of his locker. He lets out a close-mouthed sigh as the question sinks into his stomach, and when he turns towards her, the discomfort she's feeling becomes evident in her body language.
A beat passes where neither makes a move.
Nancy, however, is the first to take a step, drawing in a shuddering breath. "You've been avoiding me... for a while now. Ever since the whole life-and-death thing with Daniel West. And I'm sorry that I was willing to let people die to save you. I thought you would understand, that you would've done the same thing-"
"It's not about the list," Ace cuts in with a shake of his head, "That was a long time ago."
In reality it had only been a few weeks since Nancy and Grant traded a hit list to a professional killer to spare Ace's life, but time seems to move inordinately slow in Horseshoe Bay.
"I know. But that was also the same time I called in for a favor with Celia Hudson..." she allows her sentence to drift off there, urging Ace to connect the unspoken dots.
He hadn't tried to hide his feelings on the whole Celia situation, especially whenever he and Nancy talked one-on-one; yet still, her ability to pinpoint the root of behaviors she already notices in him never fails to surprise.
"I just... wish you would have consulted me before you made a deal with the devil."
Nancy recalls a talk during which she was alone with Ace, where he'd briefly confessed his dismay at her recent dealings with the Hudson matriarch.
A string of monotone words all run together as she attempts to explain, "We already went over this, Ace. I-I-I had to figure out how to save you, there was no time to consider my options."
"Maybe it wasn't worth it."
Within a second, revulsion twists every feature on Nancy's face.
"I'm sorry, what?" she demands.
Ace doesn't elaborate. Instead he lifts his raincoat from its hook and shuts the door to his locker, staring down at the garment in his hands with a shamed expression. It isn't long before Nancy has his elbow in a firm grip.
"Hey," she convinces him to whirl around and face her. "You're worth it to me."
You're always worth it to me. You're worth everything to me. A thousand times over, she wants to say. But she doesn't.
"I guess that's my problem."
"Your problem is that I care about you?"
"I don't want to be the reason you sell your soul to the Hudsons."
Nancy blinks, her ferocity weakening as she pulls away. "Aren't I allowed to make my own choices?"
"Of course. But... that doesn't mean I have to like them."
The way he says it is so casual, so lacking in venom that it makes her stomach wrench. He doesn't realize that the only approval Nancy craves is his; she is willing to stand up against even the closest of people in her life - Nick, George, her own father - but not Ace. His opinion of her serves as a compass whenever Nancy is too tired or worn down to trust her own judgment. His opinion is the one that matters most.
"Then what do you want from me? Tell me what I can do to make it better."
It's the most fragile, the most desperate she thinks she's heard herself. Nancy Drew is independent and decisive and strong. So whose voice is it that wobbles in fear, laying down her pride in the hands of another?
If there's anything Nancy can't stand, it's being clouded over with emotion, but the tightness in her throat only warns of an oncoming flood.
"Honestly, Nancy, I don't know right now. Maybe just... help me understand why before you make these kinds of decisions. I don't want you to get hurt."
Their eyes linger for what feels like an eternity, distanced by walls that neither of them know how to tear down.
When Ace moves, he turns decisively away.
Panic beginning to swell in her chest, Nancy pushes past all the other emotions running through her mind - fear, guilt, uncertainty - and takes one last step into the room before he has the chance to get away.
"I did it because I love you."
If anything could stop him cold in his tracks, it's that particular confession. His eyes meet the floor in front of him, speechless and calculating, each second ticking by in tense silence. He turns to face her once more.
There in the center of the room she stands, the bold and courageous girl detective herself, looking smaller than ever. Her voice is barely above a whisper now, eyes in danger of spilling over, "Ace... I think I might be in love with you."
Ace stands motionless in awe, save for a swallow and quick shift of his weight.
When Nancy gets nervous she often rambles to relieve some of her tension. "I didn't know how to say it before, and I- have never actually been in love so maybe I didn't even know what I was feeling until recently, but, you were with Amanda Bobbsey and not in love with me and it's all... very confusing..."
Breath leaves her lungs as quickly as words leave her tongue, anxiety shaking her down to the core. She blinks when the self-awareness sets in; lowers her gaze to the floor for a length of awkward silence.
Eventually she looks back up to find him just a few feet away now, having crossed the room sometime after she finished prattling on about nothing. His raincoat hits the bench.
"There are.. a lot of reasons why I can't do this right now." He indicates himself with a curved hand to his chest.
Though her heart sinks, Nancy's eyelids still flutter. "But you- you would? Hypothetically?"
His mouth flattens into something that's not quite a smile, eyes as earnest as ever. "It's just that... y'know, Amanda's only been gone for a week. And I don't want to lose what we have - what all of us have."
"You won't," Nancy states with a furrowed brow, "Why do you think you would lose us?"
He bobs his head a bit. "Things could get complicated between us. Especially considering... things."
"What do you mean? What kind of things?"
"Well, I'm not trying to point fingers, but... there is your track record. With relationships."
It doesn't escape her attention that he refuses to make eye contact when he says the last part. She tenses up and repeats, "My track record?"
Ace opens his mouth to soften the words, but the look on his face is enough to suffice as an apology. Nancy retreats on her own as three particular guys - Ned Nickerson, Owen Marvin and Gil Bobbsey - flash through her mind's eye. Guys she had used as a distraction, a rebound, and a means of sexual gratification, all of which Ace witnessed firsthand from the sidelines.
"Yeah I deserve that, don't I," she says quietly.
"No, you don't. That part's fine. It's about everything else."
"Everything else being the Hudsons, Amanda, and losing what we have."
He offers only a nod. Draws in a breath. "Nancy, I want to love you too. And I'm not saying that I don't, but..." his voice breaks, just a bit, but enough for Nancy to notice.
"...It's not the right time," she finishes for him with a resigned nod; "yeah," under her breath.
This time it's Nancy who won't meet Ace's eyes. She darts them all across the room in avoidance, lips pursing together. "I'm- I'm sorry. This is.. not really who I am and I probably shouldn't have said anything to begin with, but-"
"No - no, don't apologize," Ace says with the usual gentle firmness and a slight tilt of his head. "I'm glad you said something. Really glad. In fact, um, if you're not opposed... there is something I wouldn't mind trying before you go off to Columbia."
"Ha. Who says I'm getting into Columbia?" she asks sardonically, crossing her arms.
Ace gives a subtle grin of support. "You'll get into Columbia."
She stops to consider his words, but then emits a soft chuckle, smiling gratefully at her best friend as though there were no mistakes, no confession of feelings, no heartbreak to contend with.
Time drags on as his vague statement from before remains unaccounted for, though almost as if pulled by gravity, there's a mutual instinct that draws them closer together.
Along with instinct, however, is hesitation - a slowness in the way they line themselves up, a caution in the way they read each others' eyes. Gradually his hands find their way to her jawline and before she knows it, in stark contrast to their prior pace, her back is up against metal with the most satisfying warmth she's ever known on her lips.
Nancy's entire body lights on fire, so much that it takes a dazed moment before she is able to react. Her eyebrows lift as she takes full advantage of the moment, kissing him back with the fervor of months worth of pent-up feelings all finally coming to surface; hands crawl upwards from his arms, to his shoulders, and eventually land on either side of his neck.
For a few rapturous seconds, they allow themselves to melt entirely into each other with the realization that things won't be like this again for a while; not until they're able to overcome the doubts, the obstacles, the emotional walls that they both know would cause more harm than good if they were to pursue this now.
Maybe this is perfect. Maybe one kiss - one blissful, ravenous taste of just what it is they're missing out on is enough to satiate their appetites for the time being and prepare them for what's to come.
With one last surge forward, hands sliding down his chest, Nancy realizes that kissing Ace never felt this good in her dreams.
Then, sooner rather than later, it's over.
Though their lips disconnect, everything else remains. A breathless minute comes and goes before either have any words to speak.
"Are you- are you sure you don't want to change your mind?" Nancy finally asks through her teeth, eyes drifting down to his mouth more than once.
A smirk tugs at his face as he steps back, hands remaining on Nancy's forearms for perhaps a touch longer than necessary. "Few more of those and I might."
Nancy gives a wistful giggle, using her shoulders to launch herself away from the lockers right when her phone buzzes.
Ace watches with curiosity as she opens her latest text notification, but waits silently to be filled in.
"It's George. She says they're waiting for us at their place," Nancy murmurs with her brow lowered, looking at Ace for a potential answer to her confusion.
Rarely one to disappoint, Ace nods in recognition. "Oh yeah, they took it upon themselves to reschedule game night. I was supposed to tell you."
Nancy raises her eyebrows in good spirit. "Ah. Well, I'm sure glad you told me in plenty of time."
"Come to think of it, Bess pretty much insisted I be the one to tell you. The whole thing must've been a ruse."
Nancy shrugs. "Eh, you know what they say. What's done is done." she waits a beat before thumbing towards the back door over her shoulder. "Join me?"
"Yeah," Ace agrees as he grabs his raincoat and the pair start walking out. "Yeah but I have to warn you, none of what just transpired is going to have any affect on how badly I demolish you in Absurd Code Word."
"Wow, Ace, I think you're underestimating my game night abilities. Have you ever seen me in Absurd Code Word?"
"Don't need to."
"I see. Is it because I'm a girl?"
"C'mon, Nancy. You know me better than that."
The ease with which they're able to shift gears serves as a delicate reminder of how intrinsically they are connected; of the level of comfort and stability within their potential when the time is right.
Whenever that may be.
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Too Close To Home (Malcolm Bright x Reader)
Request: Hi! I'd like to request a Malcolm Bright x reader or OFC story. Malcolm and the reader know each other since a few years. The reader has grown up in an abusive family and also has anxiety. They spend more time together cuz of a case. When the reader gets into danger, Malcolm saves her. He guides her home afterwards. First he doesn't want to come in but then they spend the night together (smutty or not, whatever you prefer). Afterwards they experience the most peaceful sleep they've had in ages :) (by @angelicastiel), [Prodigal Son-Masterlist]
Summary: Another case you & your team got to work on. This time, though, the backstory of the killer hit a bit too close to home. Still, you wanted to get the job done & arrest the murderer. There would have been a better, less dangerous way, but you could not change your actions anymore. And maybe you got something out of it. Something you had been wanting for the longest time.
Words: 3,827
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, angst, language, probably spoilers for season 2, father figure!Gil, little kidnapping situation, talks of murder (I mean, it’s Prodigal Son), first time writing for Prodigal Son (even though I do feel kinda confident writing for it, idk…let me know what you think)
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Being part of Gil Arroyo’s team was a dream coming true. Your years in college were spent working your ass off in order to end up in a job like that. Not only did Gil give you a place to work, he also took you under his wing. Talking about your past was something you dreaded but somehow you found yourself opening up to him. He knew about your parents & could tell when things started becoming too much for you. Throughout your time at the NYPD, you got closer with your team. Dani & JT had become your best friends. Malcolm, on the other hand, had been a different case. While the two of you sure were friendly with one another, you slowly developed a little crush on the profiler. Who were you kidding? You had the biggest crush, it was kind of embarrassing. Especially because Dani & JT teased the living hell out of you. Luckily, Gil had yet to notice. You did not want to bring private business into your job.
This case had been a tough one. Not only that but it hit too close to home for your liking. The killer you had been looking for left you a letter at the crime scene. It was a man who had been abused by his parents when he was younger. In that letter, he explained why he did what he did. Like, yeah, you came from an abusive household, too, but you were not running around, murdering a what looked like innocent man. Like, chill a bit. Gil pulled you a few feet away from the scene after you all had finished reading. This left Dani, JT & Edrisa alone with looking for more details. Malcolm was still nowhere to be found, even though all of you had tried calling him a couple of times.
“Maybe you should sit this one out.” Gil’s hand was on your shoulder, keeping you an arm’s distance away to take a look at your face. He knew right away that you were thinking about your own parents & sometimes things could be messy if private stuff got mixed up with work stuff. Again the reason why you kept your feelings for Malcolm at bay.
“Gil.” you sighed. “I’ll be fine. Besides, you guys need me.” Gil hated to admit it but you were right. The team was lost without you & nobody knew if your killer was planning another crime while you were inspecting this scene. A voice interrupted your conversation & both, you & Gil, looked at where it was coming from. Would you look at that. Malcolm, everyone. Fashionably late, as always. Why did he have to look so good though? Ugh…
“I heard there was another murder? What have we got?” Malcolm, being his usual self when it came to crime scenes, directed his questions at both of you.
“You would know if you decided to show up sooner.” Gil gave him a tight lipped smile & you could hear the sarcasm in his statement. Yeah, nobody could ever stay mad at Malcolm for a long time. Except maybe JT. But he seemed like he was just pissed off by whatever Malcolm did. That was why they were such great friends.
“The guy left us a letter, kind gesture, right? Edrisa should have it.” your arms crossed over your chest to hide how bad your hands were shaking. The action did not go unnoticed by Malcolm, though. He could tell you were uncomfortable. Your anxiety seemed even worse than usually. It was not like you ever opened up to Malcolm about your struggles. You had found it hard to talk about your feelings, even when you talked to Gil. But since Gil had become some sort of father figure to you, you found it a little easier to open up to him. The thing was that Malcolm was working even when he was not working. Which meant that he was profiling others even outside of work. It was not hard to notice your trembling hands, your bouncing legs, your struggle to keep eye contact. He could tell that your anxiety was bad. Most days, you hid it rather well, he had to give you that. A normal person would have never noticed anything wrong with your behavior. Malcolm, though, knew better & while he did not know what had happened to you in the past, he knew you were struggling nevertheless. But he could worry about you another time, for now, he had to focus on the crime scene.
As Malcolm walked over to where Edrisa was standing, you pulled at Gil’s hand, motioning him to follow you. Edrisa handed over the letter & explained briefly what they had found so far. You knew what was about to come. As did everyone else, so you quieted down & let the profiler do his job.
“Our dear murderer wrote the letter after he killed James here. The ink is too fresh & some of the letters are smudged. The printer in the office was still running when you got here, right?” this earned him a nod from Edrisa. “No fingerprints, though, he was smart enough to wear gloves. Which brings me to my assumption that he had planned this long beforehand. The bruises show that he was strangled & while we still have to wait for the autopsy, I’m almost entirely sure that he was killed because of that. I believe the stab wounds were caused after he died. The way his words were written sounds way too passionate for an accident. No, this guy, he was enjoying it. If it were an accident, he would have left the scene way sooner. But he took the time to type a letter & print it, to complete his mission by laying it right on top of our victim’s chest.” Malcolm finished & looked around to find everyone rolling their eyes except for you. Whenever he started rambling & piecing evidence together, you simply stood there mesmerized. This time was not different. His eyes met yours & he shot you a little smile which you copied.
“Anything else you wanna tell us? Like, why you’re way too excited about this entire thing?” JT spoke up. You gave him a little slap & chuckled.
“Don’t act like it’s something new.” laughing when you looked at his face.
“Okay, guys. Wrap it up here, we need to continue this at the precinct.” Gil’s authority voice came through & you all knew better than to mess with him.
Malcolm, Dani & JT were already in one of the offices when you & Gil came in. Usually, you asked Gil to take you everywhere, mostly because you got rather shaky during cases & you did not trust yourself enough to drive on your own. Gil told you he did not mind at all.
“Found anything useful?” you asked when you entered & looked over JT’s shoulder to make out what he was doing on his laptop. Malcolm stood at the front of the room, right in front of the whiteboard & was too busy sorting his thoughts to even notice you. Dani told you that they had no luck just yet & soon you found yourself helping them with research, something you were incredibly good at. Gil had left for a while but when he got back, he brought each of you a cup of coffee, knowing it was bound to be a long night without much rest. Being the stubborn person that you were, you declined his request of you calling it a night & heading back home. You were onto something & could not stop right now. Gil let the topic die down with a long sigh. The five of you spent the entire night looking for clues & connections & by the time the sun started rising, you had a plan filed out to catch the killer.
After hours of research, mostly from you, you found out that the victim had very wealthy parents. Parents who loved their kid like nothing else. Parents who would do anything for their kid. Checking his social media profiles, you could tell that he was not silent about his wealth or the love he felt for his parents. “Enough to get our killer started.” Malcolm had said. It took you a while but after checking James’ classmates, you had a suspect & after checking his social media accounts, you knew where you had to go to catch him. Sometimes, things could be so easy, so clear to see. Probably a bad idea to expect you were right with everything but you had a good feeling. Yet, you could not quite understand how someone could kill just because of envy. Just because they did not have what someone else did.
Your suspect spent almost all of his evenings in a local pub, not too far away from the precinct. It was a small pup, not a lot of people, but since it was Friday, you expected it to be filled tonight.
“Why does (Y/N) have to be bait again?” Malcolm asked after discussing the plan yet another time.
“Because she looks more like a guest of a pub like that. You would be out of place, so would Dani & JT.” Gil reasoned. He did not like the idea either but it was probably the best shot they had.
“Right, because if I make an effort I can actually look like an alcoholic. Is that what you’re saying?” despite your chuckle, you found yourself growing more & more nervous. Malcolm noticed right away, didn’t comment on it though.
“What I’m saying is that we all want this asshole locked up & I don’t want you to look like an alcoholic. I want you to go there as if you just got done with work for the day. Take a seat at the bar. We’ll be connected with you this entire time, we’ll hear your conversation. Wait a little & if he doesn’t approach you then you will. Understood?” Gil looked around the room, kept his focus on you, though, & when you nodded he told you all to head off & get this party started.
 “You’re nervous.” you flinched when you heard a voice beside you. Malcolm. Of course.
“I’m not. Just preparing myself.” you did not mean to sound this harsh but he did not really pay attention to that.
“So your shaking hands are a form of preparation?” he teased but you could not focus on his way of calming you right now. Your anxious mind was killing you.
“Look, Mal, I need to go, okay? We’ll talk later.” & before he even had the chance to answer, you were sprinting off.
Ordering a strong drink at the bar in the hopes of it calming your nerves, you tried acting as if you did go out every night. In fact, you were highly uncomfortable. Crowds made your anxiety act up & pubs were usually worse. Drunk people wanting to get laid or whatever. It just was not your world. Anyway, you had better things to focus on. Your suspect had already walked up to the bar & took, much to your dismay, a seat too far away from you to start an actual conversation. Quickly informing your team, an idea popped into your head. He would start taking an interest in you if you got him to grow envious. So without overthinking, you grabbed your phone from your purse & pretended dialing someone.
“Hi mom! How are you?” as much as it hurt saying those words, you felt accomplished when you noticed the suspect’s eyes on you. “Great, as always! We still on for lunch tomorrow?...Perfect! Actually, I wanted to thank you for the purse you got me! I found the package earlier today, you are crazy. That’s way too much.” if it were not for your job at the NYPD, you would make one hell of an actor. Deep down, your heart was breaking a little more with each word you said. “Oh? I’m your favorite daughter? I’m your only daughter, mom, but thanks.” you gave a genuine, or at least you hoped it sounded genuine, laugh & continued. The man had already made his way over to you & took the empty seat next to you. You had him, not fully but almost. Just keep going, you thought to yourself. “Tell dad I miss him, too! I’ll make sure to meet up with him soon. A much needed father-daughter weekend. It has been too long…Alright, I love you too, bye.” you ended your call & placed the phone back into your purse. Gil would kill you after you finished this case. Once again you were improvising but at least it got you here, sitting next to a possible killer. Possible killer? No, you knew it was him. He made it rather obvious after that fake phone call. Thinking about what you had just said on the phone got cut short by the man beside you speaking up.
“Sounds like a nice mom.” a drink in his hand, his gaze not focused on you but on the liquid in his glass.
“Oh, she’s the best. I’m lucky to have her. Same goes for my dad.” these words hurt so bad & if you were not so focused on arresting this asshole you would have started breaking down right in the middle of this bar.
“I’m Enrico, by the way.” he held out his hand for you to shake which you did.
“(Y/N).” faking another smile at him, you were surprised that your silly plan actually seemed to work. This dude was desperate. And it made him extremely dangerous.
“(Y/N), wanna head out & catch some fresh air? This pub is filling up.” he placed money on the counter, paying for not only his but also your drink. Thanking him, you got up. When his hand grabbed yours, you slightly flinched but did not pull away. The thought of your team waiting outside with handcuffs made you breathe easier. Arriving outside did not exactly put your mind at ease. Where was your team? Just when you wanted to turn around, you felt a strong grip around your waist & a cloth being held in front of your nose & mouth. There was not even enough time to scream before you were met with darkness.
Loud voices woke you up. A gunshot. Shit, why could you not move? Where the fuck were you? Looking down at your wrists, you saw them being chained tightly to a chair. Suddenly, a person was kneeling in front of you & you were surprised to find Gil helping you out of the chains. His mouth was moving but your heartbeat was too loud to make out any other noises.
“Have you got him?” Gil rolled his eyes at your question but soon after, nodded. This could have ended badly for you & he was just happy to see you alive & breathing.
“You hurt?” this time his voice was more serious. He looked you over but besides the bruises on your wrists, you seemed fine. Shaking your head no was enough for him to drop it for now.
“That was stupid, (Y/N). We could’ve walked in there & just arrested him in that damn pub. Why did you think it was a good idea to start this whole pretending thing?”
“Could we please not do this today, Gil? I’m tired.” you felt ashamed, embarrassed that you did not handle the situation better. Usually, you were way more careful when it came to other cases. You could not even tell why you thought you needed to act out an entire scene. It felt like the right decision at the time.
“Malcolm? Come over here.” Gil decided to let you rest for tonight but he sure as hell would teach you a lesson tomorrow. He could not have another person risking everything & acting irresponsible. He already had Malcolm. No need to have another one like him.
“(Y/N)? Oh, thank God.” Malcolm came jogging over to where you & Gil were. A small smile started forming, signaling that you were fine.
“Take her home with you. She shouldn’t be alone tonight.” & with that he left you & Malcolm alone.
Two hands came into view & you let yourself be pulled up into a standing position. Malcolm still held onto you since your legs were on the verge of giving out. After a few seconds, though, you felt steady enough & thanked him for helping you. Without another word, he took your hand in his & dragged you outside to his car. Any other day, you would have blushed like crazy but your exhaustion was overpowering your crush. Malcolm opened the passenger side for you & helped you in. Then, he got around to the driver’s side. His body turned towards you & when you noticed that the car still had not been started, you found Malcolm staring at you. Your eyebrows shot up in confusion. After a long pause & a deep breath of his, Malcolm’s voice broke the silence in the car.
“That was-“
“Stupid, I know. Gil already told me.” usually, you would have sounded sarcastic but tonight, you did not have the strength to try & act like you were fine. Because if you were honest, everything that had happened got you thinking. Not that you could have died but everything that had happened with your parents. How awful they treated you. How abusive they were. Not trying to start another conversation, Malcolm started the engine & drove up to his apartment. Gil’s order, after all. Though, he had to admit that he liked the idea of you being close to him. Hell, he could have lost you today. He could have lost you & you still had no idea about his feelings for you. Simply because he was too much of a coward when push came to shove.
The car ride was silent & the tension could have been cut with a knife. Once or twice you almost started talking, wanting to explain yourself. Why you were so exhausted. It was not the first time you got close to death but it was certainly the first time where your past came catching up. Each time, though, you chickened out.
“I’m sorry.” it was you who spoke up first when you entered Malcolm’s apartment.
“What for?” Malcolm turned his focus back to you.
“I made this case unnecessarily hard for you guys. I should’ve handled it better. It’s just…this thing with this fake phone call, it was…fuck, how do I say this?” the last part you mumbled to yourself but when Malcolm spoke up again, you knew he had heard you.
“It’s okay. Gil told me about your parents. I get it, I do. I probably would’ve done the same thing & then it would’ve been you & Gil telling me I was stupid.” you chuckled lightly & Malcolm was happy that you were not mad at him for knowing about your past. He had been aware of your struggles before, now he could finally tell where they were coming from.
Strangely, you felt a weight lifted off your shoulders, now that Malcolm knew. At least you knew he would never judge you, he had his own…familial issues after all. Tears started forming in your eyes & you tried blinking them away angrily, frustrated that you were losing it now even though the situation had been dealt with.
“Come here.” Malcolm opened his arms & you gladly accepted the invitation. Throwing yourself onto him like your life depended on it. His arms wrapped strongly around you. Not in an uncomfortable way, more like in a comforting way. The two of you simply stood in the middle of his apartment, not saying anything, he let you cry it all out & in that moment, it was all you needed.
“Thank you. Sorry for messing up your shirt.” a quiet laugh escaped you. It was not much but it was a good start.
“It’s no problem, really. Here, I’ll bring you some clothes to sleep in, I’m sure you don’t wanna sleep in work clothes?” Malcolm opened one of his drawers & grabbed a basic t-shirt & some sweatpants. Not much but definitely way more comfortable than what you were wearing right now. This was not your first time being at Malcolm’s home so you helped yourself & moved into his bathroom to take a quick shower & change into his clothes. It only took you about ten minutes, you were craving sleep.
“You can take the bed, I’ll sleep on the couch.” Malcolm was setting up his couch to sleep on when you came out of the bathroom.
“Nope, forget it. I wont let you take that couch.” you argued.
“Hey, it’s a comfortable couch!” he defended his way too expensive piece of furniture.
“What about your restraints?”
“Don’t need them when you’re around.” Malcolm let slip without much thought. Only when you tilted your head & raised your eyebrows did he realize what he had just said. “I mean…I don’t know. I’m usually much calmer when I’m with you.” It was funny to see Malcolm trying to explain himself. He was embarrassed but you were putting a stop to it right away.
“Okay, so I guess it would help even more when you’re right next to me, am I right? Your bed is big enough, Mal.” your sweet smile was convincing enough & soon you found yourself laying on one side of the bed while Malcolm was occupying the other.
For a few minutes, neither of you moved or said anything. The silence was not uncomfortable, the situation was still new for the both of you. Yet, you knew what you wanted. What you needed. So you grabbed one of Malcolm’s hands, turned around & let his arm fall around your waist. This action caught him off guard but he relaxed into the new position quickly. While the both of you still had not confessed, this felt like a step into the right direction. You felt safe in his embrace & knew you could be your true self with him. No hiding whatsoever. That thought made you smile. Exhaustion soon took over but the last words you heard before falling into a peaceful slumber were: Sleep well, (Y/N). I’ve got you. Afterwards, he pressed a light kiss on your shoulder & fell asleep himself. Tonight, your struggles could be forgotten. At least for a few hours until morning came around. Then, you still had enough time to deal with whatever was happening between you & Malcolm. Tomorrow, you could deal with your past some more. But right now, all you wanted was to have a peaceful night & Malcolm could give you just that.
Published (03/25/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @fandom-queen67, @cons-tit-ution, @where-thesundoesntshine, @itsanemu0101, @chill-fangirl, @angelnyx, @octopus5555, @the-unknown-fan-girl (thanks for your support <3 - sorry if I tagged you mistakenly/please let me know if I did)
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