#Authentic Living
im-madam-baby · 11 months
Embracing Happiness I am moving towards things that make me happy, people who support me, and projects that fulfill my needs. I'm going to unapologetically pursue what I want, regardless of how others perceive my choices. I am not here to please anyone but myself at the end of the day. There is a lot of happiness coming my way, and I refuse to push it away!
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aphroditeslore · 5 months
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What does a fulfilling life look like to you? ✨
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journey-to-balance · 1 month
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The most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home.
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harmonyhealinghub · 3 months
The Courage to Be Disliked: Embracing Authenticity
Shaina Tranquilino
February 16, 2024
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In a world that often values conformity and seeks approval, it takes immense courage to be disliked. We are constantly bombarded with societal expectations, social media pressures, and the fear of being judged by others. However, embracing the courage to be disliked can be liberating, empowering us to live life on our own terms and foster genuine connections with those who appreciate our authentic selves.
1. The Illusion of Social Approval:
Society conditions us to seek validation from others as a measure of success or happiness. This constant pursuit of acceptance can lead to compromising our true identities, dreams, and desires. The courage to be disliked requires acknowledging that not everyone will like us or agree with our choices – and that's perfectly okay.
2. Self-Acceptance and Inner Freedom:
When we embrace the courage to be disliked, we cultivate self-acceptance. Instead of seeking external validation, we learn to validate ourselves based on our own values, beliefs, and passions. This newfound inner freedom allows us to pursue what genuinely fulfills us without being confined by societal norms or the fear of judgment.
3. Authenticity Breeds Connection:
When we have the courage to be disliked, we attract people who value authenticity rather than superficiality. By staying true to ourselves, we create meaningful connections with individuals who accept us for who we are, flaws and all. Genuine relationships are built upon mutual understanding, respect, and acceptance – traits that flourish when authenticity is embraced.
4. Growth through Criticism:
The courage to be disliked doesn't mean disregarding constructive criticism altogether; it means having the resilience to differentiate between valuable feedback and baseless negativity aimed at discouraging us from being true to ourselves. Constructive criticism helps us grow personally and professionally while allowing us to maintain our authentic identity.
5. Inspiring Others:
By embodying the courage to be disliked, we become a source of inspiration for others who may be struggling to break free from societal expectations. Our authenticity can encourage them to embrace their true selves, ultimately creating a ripple effect that promotes individuality and diversity in society.
The courage to be disliked is the key that unlocks the door to a life lived authentically. It liberates us from the shackles of seeking approval, empowers us to embrace our uniqueness, and fosters genuine connections with like-minded individuals. When we have the audacity to stay true to ourselves, we inspire others to do the same, fostering an environment where everyone can thrive as their authentic selves. So let go of the fear of being disliked and step into a life filled with freedom, growth, and fulfillment.
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siamkram · 8 months
Let us keep in mind that the best cannot and must not hide. Meditation, education, all the dream analysis, all the knowledge of God's green acre is of no value if one keeps it all to oneself or one's chosen few. So come out, come out wherever you are. Leave deep footprints because you can. Be the old woman in the rocking chair who rocks the idea until it becomes young again. Be the courageous and patient woman in "The Crescent Moon Bear" who learns to see through illusion. Don't be distracted by burning matches and fantasies like the Little Match Girl.
Hold out till you find the ones you belong to like the Ugly Duckling. Clear the creative river so La Llorona can find what belongs to her. Like the Handless Maiden, let the enduring heart lead you through the forest. Like La Loba, collect the bones of lost Valuables and sing them back to life. Forgive as much as you can, forget a little, and create a lot. What you do today influences your matrilineal lines in the future. The daughters of your daughters of Your daughters are likely to remember you, and most importantly, follow in your tracks.
-Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With The Wolves
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turiyatitta · 2 months
Embracing the Void
The Liberation in NothingnessIn our world, brimming with constant stimulation and endless narratives, the concept of ‘Nothingness’ seems almost alien. It’s a state often misunderstood, perceived as a void of despair or a lack of being. Yet, this misconception veils a profound truth. Nothingness, in its purest form, is not a gaping emptiness but a space of boundless freedom. It’s an existential…
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healthyselflovetips · 4 months
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🎭 Unmasking the source of our tensions and frustrations: Playing a role that's not truly us. 🎉 Let's embrace authenticity and break free from the chains of pretense. 🌟
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becauseideserve · 2 years
From Judgmental & Cheap TO Accepting a Luxury Life... *living more authe...
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cosmic28dreams · 11 months
is authenticity overrated?
In Vinland Saga, the main antagonist, Askeladd said an insightful line that caused Thorfinn to second guess the revenge path he was persevering with for years on end. After yet another duel, Askeladd said:
“Everyone is a slave to something.”
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Hey guys, I haven’t posted anything in two weeks. I have a lot of topics in mind, but just didn’t have the energy to write anything. These past few days I’ve also been thinking to myself, should I even write? What if what I write is nothing new, and it makes it uninteresting? I guess that’s what encouraged me to come back from my short hiatus with this essay.
To be authentic, in a social context, is to be free of any expectations that other people might have on for your life. It is to achieve the highest form of freedom that only you desire, which separates you from the majority, making you interesting and inspirational.
However, does authenticity really matter today, when everyone is racing to be relatable? Influence topics such as micro labels on TikTok may suggest that you are authentic, but it actually does the opposite. To be truly authentic in this day and age means to escape every single advertisement and propaganda (ew, strong word) that is constantly shoved on our faces.
On trains, every 2 tweets you scroll, literally every single TikTok video ever, unsolicited Instagram ads in between stories, and.. 3 ads before a YouTube video now? Are you kidding me? In fact, you might see an ad after you scroll by this post. We live in an era where influence from others is so ingrained within our culture, it’s impossible to truly reach your highest form of freedom.
And I think that’s okay. Well, sort of.
According to existentialist philosophers, we are all born with a fundamental freedom. That we are, at our core, allowed to do anything and everything we wanted to. However, the reward of being completely free comes with the risk of being constantly lost. Which sounds quite exhausting, which is why we are creatures of routine. Routines hold us down when life is shaking us. Routines prevents us from going mad. Routine exist not for it to cage you, but to free you. Free you from decision making, free you from the pressure of taking the best course action, free you from constantly being in your head. Routine creates space and time for you to just, be.
While routine is good, it also scares people as a routine too mundane will feel suffocating and dull. Every day you spend sticking to your routine is another day you are trapped in your own circumstances, supressing your human desire to be somewhat free. The space created by a routine that is supposedly there to assist your desire to be free, is now feeling a bit counterintuitive. It’s seen as mere gaps in between activities, rather than time for you to be your own authentic self.
Authenticity is supposed to make you unique. Yet how will you ever be unique if you are stuck with a 9 to 5 and hit the gym everyday and only see the same three people for the next decade? Having spared only a few hours to ‘do your thing’.
Well, does it really matter? In the constant battle to not be boring, we tend to chase an authenticity that might not even exist anymore in this age of constant oversharing, and the awfully close proximity capitalism have in normal people’s lives, going as far as hiring employees who are so Gen Z and influencing other so Gen Z people to buy their so not Gen Z products.
So does being less authentic makes you less unique? I don’t think so. Uniqueness is when you might know something the next person don’t, yet there are still some things that you might have in common. Maybe you and your friend in book club both read Percy Jackson last week. But on Fridays she’d be crocheting like crazy while blasting Mitski and you’d be going to a gig 4 hours away from home. And that makes you both unique.
To be completely authentic means disregarding yourself as a member of society and refusing to have anything in common with the rest, which can make it harder for you to integrate into a community. And if we’ve learned anything from the pandemic, is that we need to be in a healthy one. Your uniqueness will always be retained in the midst of this being relatable era because there will always be a mix match of niche things that other people might not share with you! Worrying about being authentic can be quite tiresome, and you are not expected to do that.
In conclusion, since I’m such a fawkin Libra, I would say that being your authentic self is neither good or bad. It should be pursued in moderation. It might take a bit more time but that’s okay, do it while you’re sane. People who are totally different from you most of the time aren’t any better. They’re just that — totally different from you. And if you wanna be like them, well go ahead. It does not make you any less of a person than they are either. I’m sure they’re inspired by someone as well. Because that is the beauty of humanity after all.
Thanks for reading!
References and post inspo
1. philosophy and film: “don’t look up” and the fear of authenticity & sincerity by oliSUNvia (https://youtu.be/khqTXJPX3CA)
2. Episode 167. When Burnout Gets Out of Control by The Self Love Fix Podcast (https://open.spotify.com/episode/2Ca6SCpCySfu9NwvDTdLPN?si=YbJiodniQX-6-snrpqtRoQ)
3. Atomic Habits by James Clear
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aphroditeslore · 5 months
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Love yourself enough to pursue your dreams and aspirations - you are the only one that can take action towards the life you dream about ✨
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journey-to-balance · 1 month
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Go ahead. Create the things you wish existed. Our world needs civility, compassion, inclusion, kindness, hope, positivism, laughter, and visions of possibility.
Let it begin with me.
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elisaenglish · 11 months
In the Hollows of Afternoons
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The best parts of us hover in light winds beyond self, casual strangulations, those melodies undone, bored rejection or some other surface fraught unless it’s seen for what it’s not. Were all the world collapsed into a heart, you’d find that stifled art of you, not in recess nor the fallen echo sent of fears, conviction crushed or that sinking nom de guerre—you’d rise to be antithesis of lies resold as love.
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mindful-luna · 9 hours
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When did you start feeling the pressure to be who you are not? How long has this been happening? 🌸
How has pretending to be someone else affected your sense of self? 🌸
What aspects of yourself have you neglected while trying to fit into a certain mold? 🌸
What steps can you take to align your habits with your authentic self and celebrate your true identity? 🌸
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xcellmateo · 1 day
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I am Xcell Mateo- Lifestyle Coach. I help excel people to wellness- body, soul, and mind. When you are ready to be authentic and honest, freedom awaits you. The Truth is still setting folk free. Be authentically happy; it's possible. I can help with the process. Contact me today for a free consultation: mxway.net
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sanjay-mohindroo · 8 days
"How little do they see what really is, who frame their hasty judgment upon that which seems." - Daniel Webster
Sanjay Mohindroo Sanjay Mohindroo. stayingalive.in Challenge hasty judgments and embrace deeper understanding with our guide on seeing beyond surface appearances. Learn how to cultivate curiosity, empathy, authenticity, mindfulness, and an appreciation for complexity. #DeeperUnderstanding #EmbraceAuthenticity #MindfulLiving Seeing Beyond the Surface: Embracing Deeper Understanding: Challenging…
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jadeannbyrne · 12 days
Echoes of the Past: The Parallel Paths of Empress Elisabeth of Austria and Jade Ann Byrne eGirl4Rent
Echoes of the Past: The Parallel Paths of Empress Elisabeth of Austria and Jade Ann Byrne eGirl4Rent Here’s the portrait, inspired by the 19th-century aesthetic but reflecting Jade Ann Byrne and her unique eGirl style. This depiction blends historical fashion with the distinctive elements of Jade Ann Byrne’s modern appearance. 🤷🏻‍♀️Let me know what you think in the comments 👩🏻‍💻 Empress…
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