#Also dip treats into coffee!!
ratwizz · 2 months
hellooooo ☕<-the ask thing help
I've been treated to the classiest of teas and I can't go back. Beloved friend of mine makes two liters of two different teas everyday to share with people. He switches between the types everyday too!! My favorite is twig but ginseng and oolong are up there!!
When I do drink coffee though I like it black like my dark twisted soul
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iiotic · 4 months
。‧General dating headcanons ༻༉
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Alastor x Gn! Reader
༉‧.tw - Ep 5 Spoilers, slight nsfw, mentions of cannibalism.
༉‧.words - 0.7k
༉‧.a/n - Just general dating headcanons for my boy </3 I apologize for any mistakes English is not my first language
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At first you gained his respect for respecting his boundaries and not stepping over the line and in return he respects yours (not really). Somehow you ended up dating?? So lucky you.
Alastor is such a gentleman. He'd treat you like royalty!!
He adores cooking for everyone but when he'd cook for you Alastor be extra careful to not fuck things up and add extra flavours. Loves making Jambalaya for you!! Would definitely tell you all the stories about him and his mom cooking together.
I bet he'd love to cook or bake with you. I mean just look at you smiling and giggling like a child!! Adorable (in a good way)
Would try atleast one time to make you try demon meat. If you like it he's very pleased but if not?? He's fine with it too. Not everyone likes the taste of it.
Your relationship would be private so PDA is off the table. Maybe linking your arms together, a hand on the waist or a quick kiss on the cheek when no one is looking. It doesn't mean that he doesn't love you but he has a high status in hell. He wouldn't want you to be a target for other overlords or sinners.
At first only Rosie would know about your relationship but as time passed by Charlie found out and passed the information to Vaggie then Vagatha accidentally fucked up and passed the information to Angel Dust and again and again. Mimzy somehow found out too.
And as a little revenge for Alastor from kicking her out of the hotel (ep 5) she passed the info to other overlords.
So now sinners are aware of you guys being together and The Radio Demon is not very pleased with it. He started to get a tiny bit more protective of you then he was before. However when someone saw you it leaded to them running off, scattering because they're absolutely terrified of what could happen to them if they did anything and I mean anything wrong in your presence.
They looked at you wrong.. Oops where did their eyes went? They touched you without your permission. Suddenly their arms are nowhere to be found! They tried to hit on you and now they are missing. I wonder where they could be??
As i said he is a gentleman!! Opening doors for you, lending you his coat when you're cold, pulling out the chair and kissing the back of your hand.
Every Wednesday he'd bring you a bouquet and each one of the flowers he'd choose has its meaning. Isn't it cute??
His love language is Acts of service and quality time. Alastor loves when you bring him black coffee or something to eat when he is broadcasting someone's screams on the radio when he didn't even ask you for it. Like what do you mean you remember his daily hours of his "work".
Takes you out on dates without an accasion though he prefers to keep it private then to go to a club. He may take you out on a walk in the garden full of red roses and a buetiful fountain however Alastor would also love to cook you your favourite meal and eat it for as an romantic dinner with youuuuu!!
I don't think that even in private he's a cuddler, he doesn't like psychical touch but doesn't mind it from people he is close with. Maybe if he is feeling a little extra today he'd let you hug him as a good morning. In return he'd kiss the back of your hand.
Not exactly much of a kisser either pheraps a quick peck on the cheek or on the forehead?? This doesn't include the times he's feeling extra romantic and dips you in a long passionate kiss. But he's not the time to do full make out session yk??
One day Alastor would tell you that he likes pineapples on pizza and if you're not a big fan of it (me neither) you would be like WHAAAAT.
Alastor loves seeing you in his clothes it's just looking cute on you and kinda turns him on
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desperate-gay · 2 months
A Treat A Day Keeps The Calvin Away
Steph Catley x fem!reader
a/n: little ideas from @occasionallyaurora
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“I love mornings like this.” You murmur, nuzzling your face further into your girlfriend’s neck while keeping your coffee still in your hands as Calvin lays at the end of the sofa with his favorite toy.
You and Steph never get to just relax in the mornings whether it’s training, errands, or Kyra breaking in and disturbing both of your guy’s privacy. Luckily today you both have off, you finished everything you needed yesterday, and Kyra is currently annoying Katie and Caitlin.
“Me too.” Steph agrees, squeezing her free arm tighter around you as she takes a sip of her own coffee. “Now why would he do that?” The brunette complains about the show displayed on the television.
“It’s a sitcom, baby. It’s supposed to be stupid.” You giggle at her grumpy expression, placing multiple pecks on her cheek, making her frown turn into a smile from the soft feeling of your lips on her.
Steph swiftly turns her head right as you’re about to place another kiss on her face, causing your lips to connect to hers. Right as you’re about to pull away in shock, the Australian uses her hand to push the back of your head further into the kiss, making you smile at her eagerness.
“Stop smiling and kiss me properly.” She mumbles against your lips, trying her best to capture yours again but you continue to grin.
When her tongue pokes at your bottom lip, you finally pull yourself together and allow each other to indulge in the kiss. As your lips smack against one another’s, you have to keep in mind that you have to balance the coffee that is warming up your hand while your free one cups Steph’s cheek.
Steph blindly sets her mug on the table behind you before shifting herself into a more comfortable position so she doesn’t have to crook her neck weirdly. As you feel Steph’s tongue roam your mouth, you also notice Calvin getting up and off the couch.
After a few seconds of silence, Calvin begins shaking his toy back and forth, making you peek your eye open which your girlfriend somehow takes notice of. The cold feeling of her fingertips against your skin, when she dips them below the waistband of your shorts, sends a shiver through your spine.
“Baby.” Your words are stopped when Steph continues to kiss you, not allowing you to interrupt the atmosphere you both have created. “Steph, no.” You pull her hand away from your shorts, laughing at the look of annoyance on her face.
“Why? We haven’t had a day to ourselves in forever.” She whines, playfully kicking her feet like a toddler.
“Calvin is right next to us, Stephy.” You point towards the oblivious dog who is currently ripping out the stuffing of his toy, causing a mess on the floor that you’ll eventually have to clean up later.
“So I’m not going to let our son watch us have sex!” You exclaim with a laugh, watching your girlfriend’s mood contort in several different ways.
“Our son, hmm?” Steph smirks as you toll her eyes at her slightly cocky demeanor.
“Yes, our son. I am not letting you take all of the credit considering I’m the one who takes him on his favorite walks and-“
“I do too take him on walks with you!” She interrupts you with a scowl before she crosses her arms and turns her grumpy face towards the sliding door on the other side of the room.
“After I beg and bargain with you, usually with sex.” You say with a chuckle as the Australian grumbles in annoyance.
With a few minutes of silence between you two, Steph suddenly stands up with a huff, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
“Where are you going?” You ask out but receive no answer in return.
When you hear a whistle and Calvin’s name, the shaggy dog runs into the kitchen, causing you to squint in suspicion. Steph walks in alone with a mischievous smirk adorned across her face.
“What did you do?” You ask wearily, almost scared when you don’t hear any indication that the dog is even in the house anymore.
“Gave Calvin his lick mat treat so I can have my own treat.” Steph says before pouncing on top of you, almost making the coffee in your hand spill all over.
“Steph!” You laugh at her eagerness to jump your bones. “You are no better than a horny teenage boy.” You whisper against her lips before she presses them onto yours roughly.
“So can we?” The brunette bites her lip in anticipation as she watches you place your coffee next to hers on the table. You stare her down for a couple of seconds, enjoying watching her squirm.
“Fine, but we have to be quick before Calvin is finished.”
Steph lets no time pass before she is on top of you, smashing her lips against yours and quickly trying to dive her tongue into your mouth. Your hands gently push her shoulders back, disconnecting your lips from hers.
“Not here.” You scold, nodding your head at the wall which on the other side is the kitchen where Calvin remains.
The Australian huffs for what feels like the thousandth time before standing up and throwing you over her shoulder so fast you almost get whiplash. You giggle as she walks you to your shared bedroom and playfully tap her butt with your hands that hang down loosely along with your body.
Steph throws you on the bed and starts to climb on top of you, but the sound of you clearing your throat makes her tilt her head back with a groan.
“What now?” She needily whines.
“The door.” You point at the opened object with a sheepish smile as she gets up and closes it before looking at you in confirmation.
“Happy now? Can I finally make you feel good please?” The neediness in the woman’s voice makes you smile at how riled up she can get.
“Yes, I’m all good now.” You confirm with a soft nod, allowing the brunette to sigh in relief and make her way back over to you, but not without letting out some quippy remarks at your demands.
When she is arm’s length away, you quickly pull her into a steamy kiss, shutting up her little complaints. She quickly melts into you and rubs her hands up and down your waist as your tongues massage along each other’s.
“Are you going to fuck me or not, Catley?”
“God you’re so sexy.”
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Okay, so I’m a fan of Brain Dead - these two overworked boys who need hugs, melatonin, and to sleep in a comfortable pillow fort while wrapped in soft blankets like burritos (bonus points if it’s actual tortilla-pattern blankets) - and I’m also a fan of petty revenge like -
Tim accidentally getting married to Ghost King Danny because Red Robin got captured and used as a sacrifice by a cult to summon the Ghost King to reign destruction but mishap someone forgot to read up on their runes so the “sacrifice” was actually a “sacrificial bride”, meaning magical contract between GK!Danny and Tim.
And Danny, when he gets summoned and realizes what happened, is like, nope. Takes down the cultists, does abscond with Red Robin just to explain the situation and how right now, the dude is his Queen Consort or co-king because magically enforced marriage at least they don’t have to copulate that would have been even worse. And Tim is just computer crashing as he gets an information dump on how one, there’s another realm that’s, two, filled with dead people who, three, is ruled by a guy his age and who, four, Tim is now married to because, five, cultists really need to do their hOMEWORK WHAT THE HELL -
And did I mention that the contract lets them know no secrets between them? So Danny knows who Tim is meaning he knows who the Batfam is but that’s okay since Tim knows who Danny is and oh wow that explains a lot about Jason now with the ecto-contamination by impure ectoplasm -
And Tim really doesn’t want to tell the Batfam what happened since he still has insecurities regarding his place in the family which isn’t helped by their treatment - and Danny is seething because him and Tim actually get along pretty well as friends and Tim has quickly worked his way into Danny’s Obsession of Protecc because Danny will always protect those he cares about and he doesn’t like how Tim gets treated especially when it came to learning about Tim’s missing spleen.
Now here’s the funny part of this AU - because of the marriage contract between Danny and Tim, Tim gets the perks of being Queen Consort/co-king in having power over ectoplasmic beings, so when Jason’s going in on Tim who has been stressed from the situation despite Danny and Tim’s new friends in Sam, Tucker, Valerie, Jazz, and Dani (and Dan if you want to include him) doing their best to help him destress which he greatly appreciates, is still operating on little to no sleep, AND just found out that somebody replaced his extra strong coffee with decaf, Jason who calls Tim “Replacement” one last time -
“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Tim snarled at Jason, his eyes glowing a scarily familiar green to the Batfam. Jason’s own eyes began to glow green in response, but instead of his feeling angry, the Pits encouraging him to hurt, Jason can feel the Pits actually COWERING back instead this time, and an incredible urge to not say another peep.
Meanwhile the rest of the Batfam is also freaking out because holy shit when did Tim take a dip in the Pits?!
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bookished · 8 months
Staying motivated and continuing to work on your story, even when you're not actively writing, can be challenging but essential for your creative process. Here are some tips to help you stay engaged with your story:
Remember Your Why: Reflect on why you started writing this story in the first place. Reconnect with your passion and purpose.
Set Clear Goals: Define specific goals and milestones for your story. Knowing where you're headed and what you want to achieve can help maintain your motivation.
Visualize Your Story: Create visual aids like character mood boards or plot diagrams. Visualizing your story can make it feel more real and inspire creativity.
Create Character Playlists: Develop playlists of songs that evoke the emotions and personalities of your characters. Listening to these playlists can immerse you in your story world.
Explore Backstories: Dive into your characters' pasts. Writing short stories or character profiles can deepen your understanding of their motivations and add depth to your narrative.
Experiment with Prompts: Use writing prompts unrelated to your story to keep your creativity flowing. You might stumble upon ideas that you can incorporate into your narrative.
Write Out of Order: Don't feel constrained to write your story sequentially. If you're excited about a particular scene or chapter, go ahead and write it. You can connect the pieces later.
Keep an Idea File: Maintain a digital or physical file where you store story ideas, quotes, and images that inspire you. Reviewing these can reignite your creativity.
Write Letters from Characters: Compose letters or journal entries from the perspective of your characters. It can help you explore their voices and viewpoints.
Reward Creativity: Treat yourself when you achieve creative breakthroughs. Acknowledging your achievements can reinforce your dedication to your story.
Remember that every writer's journey is unique, so don't be discouraged by occasional dips in motivation. Embrace these strategies and tailor them to fit your writing style and preferences. Most importantly, enjoy the process of storytelling, and your enthusiasm will naturally shine through in your work.
Did you find this useful? Please, consider sending me feedback or buying me a coffee. If you would like to request something (either advice or a piece of a story) for me to write it, go and message me. Also, if you'd like, you can check my masterlist. Happy writing!
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harleehazbinfics · 3 months
I love your cannibal reader works so much!! There’s just something about a psycho being in love and obsessed with another psycho that acts indifferent but actually cares and is possessive about the other :,))
Would the reader give their soul to Alastor when they realise they can, like would they think of it as some kind of marriage? And would Alastor even want it ?
I enjoy their dynamic very much <33
short answer: Alastor won't take it. He has this weird moral code and that same as Nifty (which i believe) he doesn't own her soul she just tags along with them, and that after spending decades together with you he treats you more of an equal rather than someone that actually serves him despite the reader acting like a servant. On the reader's part they are willingly serving Alastor since it's like their main love language alongside feeding him. (Besides, he already gets the benefits to all of the reader without the deal) 🤷‍♀️
a/n: i've actually thought about this when I was starting the spin-offs before the actual oneshot if I should go with Sir or Master. I stuck to Sir because not only does he not want to own their soul but also, i want Alastor to fall into reader without making it seem forced??? i guess, that because they're in a contract doesn't mean that he just falls for them just causeee~
--- CannibalChef!Reader Link
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"Sir Alastor? Why won't you make a deal with me?"
He raises his brow at you making him stop from sipping his drink. Eyeing you as you hugged the teapot looking to the side with sadness dripping from your eyes.
"What brought this on?" he asks with a closed lipped smile putting down his coffee cup.
"Well, after arranging this deal for you. I thought how lucky they were to have that bond with you," you pouted.
Earlier you had served Alastor and a medium ranking demon while they arranged a deal, quid pro quo. Seeing their exchange made you feel sad and lonely. Sure, you were already pleased that you could be with Alastor but something about having a deal with him made you feel very envious about them.
His smile widens and replies, "You're jealous of those souls that I have ownership to?"
You let a whimpering noise when he said ownership making him grin at your silliness. He stands and faces you making you look at him, somewhat confused if you should be admiring him or still be pouting.
He takes his hands and holds your face under your chin and squeezes your cheeks together making your lips puffer up. Ultimately, the skinship makes your eyes finally change into their obsessive heart shapes.
"Why be jealous of some insignificant demon when you should only keep your eyes on me," he more so demands of you, making you flush red nodding along.
He dips his head closer to yours and says, "Besides I own more of you than just your soul. Understood?"
He lets you go and sends you a close eyed, tight-lipped smile achieving an innocent look, hoping that you don't fold over yourself from his unusually genuine look.
"I understand! ... is you eating me still on the table?"
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daze4all · 3 months
Subordinate! Reader x  Yandere! Boss! HSR Penacony Version
Prompt: You are just so kind your boss cannot stop staring at you and wants to be more…than just coworkers…don’t worry about work they’ll take care of you
1.  Stalker! Jing Yuan: A Work Affair- Jing Yuan knows two cannot just be coworkers after that affair…
2. Masochist! Aventurine :  Preserve the Deal. IPC Aventurine makes sure Readers Debts be Paid .TBA
3. Sadist! Sunday :  Serve Up Your Dreams -A special dream Stowaway is dealt with differently by Sunday…. TBA
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Stalker!Boss!Jing Yuan x Reader. Workplace Romance: A Work Affair
Prompt: You were both players playing the game of love, but Jing Yuan wants to make this secret workplace affair serious… Jing Yuan is not the type to end it at a fling
It was one time a fling you had decided after maybe one too sleepless night working overtime.
He was a handsome man, and you were oh so helpful staying to help him.
 He was good boss, so what if you let him sneak naps before rushing him off to his next meeting, or proffered coffee and treats to remind him during breaktime leading to chit chat.
 It wasn’t supposed to lead to him railing you on the desk after hours. Or a secret quickie in a closet when the rest were at lunch. A one-time fling. No two… three…you honestly lost count
Eyes wandered hands touched and led to where they shouldn’t be much to easily after the first time when no one was looking.
A stress relief that was addictive as he was so good with tongue, hands, lips everything…leaving you, flushed and panting for more pleasure.
Still, it was secret.
So why did you hear so much gossip?
 Perhaps you were too rushed to cover up a fumbled touch with hands.
A stutter here or there when alluded or questioned your close relationship with Jing Yuan.
Was it your behavior? Perhaps but most likely it was also his…his meaningful smiles or his lingering touches when you pass him a pen.
Still, someone slipped that you were sleeping with Jing Yuan but who?
Why… the boss himself. He made it all too obvious.
“Don’t let the rumor spread …what about our reputation …” you confront him alone in his offuve hushed whisper after hours the sun dipping in the sky .
“oh what rumors? That you are in my office every night? That you scream-?“
“It’s just to let off some steam. don’t try to make it a anything more than ah .” you were silenced by his mouth to your throat finding the pulse sucking it to silence you with a moan.
“A fling hmm I’m sorry dear but I must have dozed off when we discussed this when it comes to you. I’m always serious” his breath ghosting his neck a chuckle as he pulls away with A lick to his lips eyes dark and predatory admiring his mark on you dainty neck.
“I never agreed this… You….you spread the rumors” You pull the collar pf your shirt closed protectively as yourmind clicks in shock. as you stood frozen as he hugged you from behind head on shoulder while admiring his artwork of love bites peppering the skin.
“Exactly” he purrs nuzzling closer “so stay for some overtime I promise I’ll treat you worth your while…” he insinuates not that you have a choice pinned under his weight in empty office.
Keep pushing and he’ll let you go reluctantly with such big kicked puppy dog eyes trying guilt you into staying.
 However ever the gracious gentleman he recomposes himself catching up with you in the hallway you snap your arm away, but he gently but firmly grasped your forearm to keep you from leaving.
Others stare, the rumored employee having an affair with the general abound…
 “There is no need to cause a fuss in public. Let us get dinner, shall we? I’ll treat as apology for your troubles.”
Yandere! General! Jing Yuan says with a genial smile masking the darkening of his golden eyes promising much more.
However, the staff saw the friendly dozing general surely meaning no harm.
A sweet gesture, a cherished prize, a fool would not deny an offer of dinner with the general.
He smiles serenely as he arranges your hair and coat from the hanger to cover you up smoothly lingering to tease your neck. He waits by the buildings exit. No escape. He obviously wants to turn this affair into a date…
With eyes on you and the giggles of your coworkers in the background how can you refuse?
Of course, you could deny and slip away…whisper and golden eyes following you but-
No worries the cat and his prey can always play another workday~
Or you could just quit lol.
But Yandere! General Jing Yuan will catch you he is a general of Xianzhou of the hunt after all …nowhere in the galaxy you can hid for long.
The irony if you stay satiate his needs in the office it could be just another affair but agree to go out it cements in people’s minds you are the couple he always wanted you to be…your just a little hard to convince and embarrassed that’s all!
Either way, he wins.
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Let Me Love You | 4 - B. Barnes
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Character: college!Bucky x Female!Reader
Summary: On a mysterious, rainy night, Bucky witnesses a distressing encounter involving his crush.
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 , Chapter 7 , Chapter 8.
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Please let me know what your thoughts are. I'd love to hear your feedback. Thank you once again.
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The next day, you wake up feeling refreshed after a restful sleep. With no rush to get up early, you decide to treat yourself to a leisurely morning and join your female friend for coffee instead of preparing breakfast for Lloyd.
You're grateful for the separation between the business and law faculties, as it means you won't have to encounter Lloyd in the morning.
Taking advantage of the extra time, you also request a day off from your part-time job. It's been a while since you've had some 'Me Time', and you feel you deserve it. Despite the lingering ache in your heart, you know that time will eventually heal it.
Walking back to your apartment, you spot someone familiar - Bucky. His presence unexpectedly brings a glimmer of light into your otherwise gloomy day.
With a smile, you approach him."Hi Bucky," you greet him warmly. Bucky seems surprised by your sudden appearance but returns the greeting, "Hi... hiii Y/N."
Then you notice that he's holding a leash, and upon closer inspection, you realize it's attached to a cat. The cat seems oddly familiar, and a memory sparks in your mind.
"Isn't this the cat that we saved together?" you ask, a mixture of surprise and delight in your voice.
Bucky nods, his expression softening. "Yes. The shelter called me and asked if I wanted to adopt her or if they should place her in foster care."
The white cat edges closer to you and rubs her head against your leg, seeking affection.
Your heart flutters with warmth at the cat's gesture, and you can't resist bending down to stroke her head gently. "Aww, she's so cute. What's her name?"
Bucky hesitates for a moment before replying, "Alpine. You could visit her if you want." His words come out a bit awkwardly, and you detect a subtle hint of nervousness in his voice. It's as if he's trying to mask something beneath his casual tone.
You sense a slight shift in the air, a moment pregnant with unspoken meaning. Bucky seems to bite his tongue, a nervous tic that betrays his uncertainty. Is he inviting you to his place? You can't be sure, but his invitation lingers in the air, hanging between you.
Unsure of how to interpret Bucky's demeanor, you simply respond with a warm smile. "Sure, I'd love to. I used to have a cat."
Bucky's smile brightens at your acceptance, a wave of relief washing over his features. From that moment on, the two of you stroll together, lost in easy conversation, until the sun dips below the horizon. Neither of you notices the watchful eyes observing your every move from a distance.
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You returned to your apartment after picking up dinner, following Bucky's recommendation of the Chinese food he'd previously given you. The flavors were delightful, and tonight, you planned to indulge in your favorite dramas while savoring the meal.
As you entered the apartment lobby, your heart sank at seeing someone you'd been avoiding - Lloyd.
He had been waiting for you since morning, expecting the usual routine of you bringing him breakfast. However, he woke up to find himself disappointed.
He check his phone for your messages.
He tried to call you.
Blocked. You block him.
He had even gone to the university, hoping to catch a glimpse of you, only to be further disheartened by your absence. But then, as luck would have it, he spotted you earlier, walking with Bucky. The sight of you laughing and chatting with another man ignited a fire of jealousy within him.
He decided to confront you and waited at your apartment building, though his attempts to gain access were futile due to the strict policy allowing only females to enter. So, he stood there for over an hour, consumed by his thoughts and emotions, waiting for you to return.
Lloyd confronted you, his tone tinged with accusation. "You choose that loser over me?"
You sighed inwardly, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude for the clarity that had come after your breakup with Lloyd. "The moment I found out you kissed her, it was enough for me to leave you. You have broken my trust."
Lloyd appeared taken aback, his surprise evident as he struggled to respond. It seemed he hadn't anticipated the conversation to take this turn.
Continuing, you asserted, "You think I would forgive you? I might, but that doesn't mean I want to get back together. Besides, we're still young."
Inserting a word that Lloyd's father had mentioned last summer, you added, "Perhaps you're happier with someone else."
Lloyd's demeanor shifted, his confidence faltering under the weight of your words. It was clear that convincing you to reconsider would not be as easy as he had hoped.
Fooling around with Nicky was fun for a moment, but he never had a thought to make it serious. Because of you, who always have been there for him.
You stated, "I don't want to be the last person to know that someone cheated on me." Memories flooded back when your mother screamed and threw every piece of furniture to the ground upon discovering your father's infidelity with his coworkers.
Your father apologized to you and left, leaving your mother with deep scars in her heart. Your parents are childhood sweethearts; they have spent almost half of their lives together. That's why history seemed to repeat itself when your mother found out about you and Lloyd.
She urged you to make the relationship work, especially considering Lloyd's status as a star athlete at school with a promising future in football. As the only child, you felt compelled to listen to her. However, you have since decided to chart your own path.
Living alone, working part-time, and earning your own money have shown you that you can thrive independently, without depending on Lloyd. The breakup has made you realize that you may have spoiled Lloyd too much, without receiving the same level of care in return.
You sometimes yearn to be spoiled and surprised, but Lloyd never seemed to reciprocate. His parents' disapproval of you further strained the relationship, especially after they learned of their son's offer to join the NFL. Additionally, Lloyd never respected your mother, despite her high hopes for him.
Now, every step you take seems to reveal more red flags, prompting you to choose a different path to avoid history from repeating itself.
Lloyd feels dejected, unable to believe that you would leave him. His ungratefulness for your kindness and patience becomes apparent, realizing that finding someone like you again will be difficult.
Lloyd still couldn't accept it. "Good. That means I avoided a crazy mother-in-law. Her insanity made our town famous."
You retorted sharply, "Don't mention my mother. This is about us!"
Lloyd fell silent, satisfied with the reaction he provoked.
"Do you want everyone to know that perfect Y/N has a psycho mother?" Lloyd continued, using the sensitive topic to threaten you.
You gasped, never expecting Lloyd to stoop so low.
"Why are you doing this?" you demanded, feeling a mixture of hurt and anger.
Lloyd explained, "Tomorrow there's a gala dinner that's inviting many people who sponsor the university and, most importantly, the football team. You are my plus one."
You scoffed at his words. "So you want me to maintain our image as high school sweethearts, right? What would the sponsors think if they found out one of their athletes is a cheater? Fine, I'll go. I don't want you to blame me if your future goes up in flames."
With a dismissive "Good," Lloyd turned and left you standing there, tears welling up in your eyes.
As you watched his retreating figure, you couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. His back, which had once been a source of comfort during difficult times, now served as a painful reminder of how much he had changed.
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Author Note:
Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account. Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating. Only if you feel like it!
Here's the link: Ko-fi
Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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elliesbelle · 11 months
skinny dipping
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ellie williams one-shot
pairing: ellie x reader
synopsis: it's a wednesday and you go to a coffee shop. you hear the barista call a name: ellie. your ex-girlfriend. after some nonsensical chatter, she asks to catch up. have you both changed or are you still those scared little kids?
content warnings: modern au, ex-girlfriend!ellie, also ex-best friend!ellie, also artist!ellie, also a bit of mean!ellie, ellie and reader are in their mid-20s, cursing, verbal arguments, kind of angst, mention of character death, ellie and reader break-up, non-sexual nudity, minors don't interact
word count: 6.1k
my masterlist
i have a ko-fi if you like my work so much that you feel compelled to tip me ♡︎
based on the sabrina carpenter song “skinny dipping”
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It’s 8:47 on a Wednesday morning. You’d gotten an early start to your morning and figured you could treat yourself to a cup of coffee. Since you work just around the corner from the coffee place and had a few minutes to spare, you were at your leisure. 
You stand to the side from where the pick-up counter was, patiently waiting for your name and order to be called out. Scrolling through your phone absent-mindedly, your ears suddenly perk up when one of the baristas calls out, “Oat milk latte for, uhhh… Ellie?” 
There’s no chance that it’s actually her. 
But it is. 
You look up from your phone to see a flash of auburn hair. The barista places the oat milk latte on the counter to be picked up by a woman in a simple black t-shirt tucked into dark grey jeans and wearing a pair of old, black Converse. 
The woman mutters a thanks to the barista before turning around to suddenly meet your stunned gaze. Her green eyes mirror the expression on yours. 
“Hi.” Your ex-girlfriend suddenly blurts out. 
“Hi, E-Ellie.” You blurt out right back. 
The sounds of chatter from other patrons and chairs scraping and the cha-ching of the register are all drowned out suddenly as you’re both being pulled into a bubble. 
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“Then go, Ellie! Just fucking go!” You screamed. 
“The fuck does it look like I’m doing, huh?” Ellie yelled back, throwing up her hands in frustration before going back to stuffing her belongings from her desk into her backpack. 
“Running away, like you always do!” You responded angrily. “You’re a fucking coward!” 
“Uh, huh, sure.” She scoffed, keeping her back turned to you as she zips up her backpack. 
“Just go back to your fancy fucking college with all your fancy new friends and go ahead and make your pretentious art and forget about all of this!” You said, tears uncontrollably streaming down your face. 
“Yeah, maybe I will!” Ellie retorted, whipping around to look at you. 
“Fine.” You sneered. 
“Fine!” She replied. 
You glared at each other, her angry green eyes meeting yours. 
After a moment of loaded silence, you sniffled, wiped your nose on your sleeve, and shook your head. 
“Well, you can go ahead and forget about me too, then.” You professed, making your way to storm past her and out of the garage. 
Before you reached the doorknob, you felt Ellie’s hand suddenly grab your wrist. 
“Wait,” She said, voice a little softer. 
You kept your eyes focused on the door, knowing that if they met hers once again, you’d beg for forgiveness that you didn’t need to receive from her. 
“Don’t.” You said firmly. You attempted to shake her off, but her grip stayed secure. 
“Let’s just—let’s talk about this.” She said with an attempt at rationality in her voice. 
“I’ve been here the whole time to talk. There’s no point in it anymore. Now let go of me.” 
“I’m not your fucking baby, Ellie!” You suddenly yelled, relenting to turn around and say this directly to her face. Her eyes were welling up with tears. 
“Please, I love you.” Ellie pleaded. 
You scoffed. 
“No, you fucking don’t.” You proclaimed. 
You shook off Ellie’s hand from your wrist once you felt her grip loosen. You yanked the door open and ran into the night. 
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The flooding of memories is put to a stop when you hear the barista call out your name and order. You jump and so does Ellie. 
Awkwardly, you break the eye contact to walk to the pick-up counter right next to her, reaching out to grab your drink. 
You pull the coffee cup to your chest, as if the heat could radiate comfort through your body. Something within you summons a sliver of courage, so you decide to break the silence and dared look her right in those ocean-green eyes again. 
“How are you?” You mutter, so quiet that you weren’t sure if she heard you. But you were both so close to each other that you swore you could hear her heartbeat. 
“I’m…I’m good.” She mutters right back. 
Ellie surprises you with a tiny smile. You return it with a bashful one of your own. 
“Good.” You say. “I—I didn’t know you were back in town.” 
“Yeah, actually I—” Ellie hesitates for a second. “I moved back last month.” 
“Oh.” You say, shocked. “Oh, wow. I didn’t know that.” 
“Yeah, it was–it was a little sudden. But I’m here.” 
“Right.” You reply, taking a nervous sip of your coffee. 
“Umm, so…how’s your family?” She asks. 
“Oh, they’re…they’re the same.” 
“That’s good. How’s your sister Kiko?” 
You smile, touched that Ellie remembered your little sister. You’re reminded of how close she was with her, how much your little sister looked up to Ellie. 
“Oh, Kiko’s…Kiko. As always.” You say. Ellie smiles. 
“How old is she now?” 
“Turning 19 this month. She just graduated.” 
“Oh, wow. That’s amazing. I feel like she was just 5 years old, like, yesterday.” 
“I know, it’s so crazy. She’s actually taller than me now.” 
“My little dude, taller than you? That can’t be true.” 
“Surreal, right?” 
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“That looks awesome, little dude.” Ellie said. 
“Really?” Your little sister Kiko beamed. 
“Yeah! You’ve got talent, kid.” 
You walked into your bedroom, holding a glass of lemonade in one hand. 
“What are you doing in here, Kiko?” You questioned, seeing your sister sitting next to Ellie on your bed with her sketchbook open on Ellie’s lap. 
“I was showing Ellie some of my drawings!” Your sister piped. 
“Oh, yeah?” You said, coming over to sit on Kiko’s other side. You handed Ellie the glass, to which she uttered a quiet thanks. 
“Check it out,” Kiko said, pulling her sketchbook closer to you. “This one is a picture of an apatosaurus eating a leaf.” 
She pointed at a charcoal drawing of a long-necked dinosaur eating from a tree. She flipped the page and pointed at a sketch of a girl who looked roughly the same age as her. 
“This is my friend Peni. I drew it while we were eating lunch the other day, but she said I made her eyes too big.” 
“And I told her to punch Peni for that when she sees her at school on Monday.” Ellie said. 
“Ellie!” You exclaimed, reaching behind Kiko to smack Ellie’s arm. Ellie cackled. 
“She deserves it! Her drawing’s perfect!” Ellie said. 
“Okay, but don’t tell my little sister to resort to violence!” You complained. 
“I think more people should be resorting to violence.” Ellie shrugged. 
“Oh my god.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Whatever,” Ellie laughed again. “Show us more, little dude.” 
Your sister enthusiastically flipped through more pages of her sketchbook, describing each of her drawings. You and Ellie listened happily and attentively, Ellie occasionally taking sips of her lemonade. 
“Oh, and this is you guys!” Kiko suddenly exclaimed. She pointed at a half-finished pencil drawing of you and Ellie. 
Your eyes widened and Ellie choked on her lemonade. 
You and Ellie were laying down together on your living room couch, fast asleep. One of Ellie’s arms served as a pillow for your head while the other embraced your hip to pull you closer. Your head was nuzzled in Ellie’s neck, arms wrapped around Ellie’s waist. You were both covered with a throw blanket, and you could catch a glimpse of your feet intertwined with Ellie’s at the end of the couch. Though just a sketch, you could tell that you were both in deep, unencumbered sleep. 
You weren’t sure when it was that Kiko drew this because you and Ellie had fallen asleep with each other countless times. It wasn’t rare for you two to cuddle either; you’d been best friends for a while now and you were very physically comfortable with each other. But something about the way Kiko captured this intimacy on paper felt further than that. It awakened something dormant in you, something you didn’t realize was there in the first place. 
Neither you nor Ellie seemed to know what to say. You both stared at the sketchbook dumbfounded, Ellie not realizing that she had some lemonade dribbling down her chin. Luckily, Kiko didn’t seem to notice the sudden tension in the air. 
“Oh! Hang on, I have to grab my other sketchbook! I’ve got a couple more dinosaur drawings I wanna show you, Ellie!” 
Your sister jumped up and bounded out of your bedroom, leaving her sketchbook in between you and Ellie. 
You continued to stare at your sister’s sketch. Even if you were five years older than her, Kiko was far more artistically talented than you at just the age of 12. 
Your fingers reached out to lightly brush across Ellie’s and your etched faces, but they were suddenly met with Ellie’s own fingers, who had the same idea. You both quickly retracted your hands after accidentally zapping each other as your skin touched hers. 
“Shit, sorry.” Ellie said, breaking the silence. 
“Oh, it’s okay.” You whispered. You tore your eyes away from the drawing to stare at your legs dangling from the bed. 
“That Kiko is a… pretty funny kid, huh?” Ellie said, laughing nervously. 
“Right,” You said. “Well, Kiko is Kiko.” 
“She really is.” 
An awkward silence continued to loom over you two, neither knowing how to break it. This was unchartered territory for you. You usually felt so at ease with your best friend, but something suddenly shifted. And you weren’t sure what it was. 
You eventually looked up at Ellie, who was twiddling her fingers. You noticed her chin still dripping slightly with lemonade. You giggled as Ellie met your eyes. 
“What?” She asked. 
“What is the matter with you?” You laughed, getting up and walking towards your desk. 
“What!” Ellie repeated. 
“You’ve got lemonade on your chin, dummy.” You said, grabbing a kleenex from a tissue box. 
“Oh,” Ellie brought her hand up and felt the wetness. “Shit.” 
She chuckled, grabbing the bottom of her shirt to wipe her face. 
“Hey, no!” You scolded, running over to her to slap her shirt out of her hand. 
“What!” Ellie said, indignant. 
“Were you raised in a barn?” You scoffed, handing Ellie the tissue. 
“Yup,” Ellie replied, accepting it. “Oink, oink.” 
You rolled your eyes and laughed as Ellie cleaned off her face. 
“You are so annoying!” You said, taking your pointer finger to push up the tip of Ellie’s nose, giving it the appearance of a pig’s snout. 
Ellie swatted your finger away playfully, snickering. 
“And yet you still laughed anyway!” 
“Hey,” Ellie said, holding her hands up. “Not my fault I’m a comical genius.” 
“A comical dumbass, maybe.” You rolled your eyes once more. 
“Oh, you love me.” Ellie said, grinning widely. 
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You and Ellie both chuckle. You’re surprised to find that you missed the sound of her laughter. 
After a few moments, you both fall silent. You feel heat rushing to your cheeks at the same time that Ellie’s freckles turn pink. Suddenly you don’t feel the need for coffee anymore. Your heart beats like that of a hummingbird and you feel as if you were sweating excessively underneath your short-sleeved button-down. Your lungs feel like they were fully submerged in water. You had to tear your gaze away from those ocean-green eyes. 
It’s Ellie’s courage this time that breaks the silence. 
“Well, uhh. Let her know I say hi, will you?” 
“Y-yeah. Of course.” You say. “And uhh, say hi to your Uncle Tommy and Aunt Maria too.” 
Ellie smiles, but you notice a hint of sadness behind it. 
“Sure.” She says. 
You give her a slight nod. 
Fidgeting with your coffee cup, you feel your chest tighten from the rising awkwardness. 
“Well, uhh, I gotta get to work.” You say. “Umm, it was nice seeing you.” 
You give Ellie a final smile and a wave, whipping around and heading out the door before Ellie could respond. 
The sound of a bell tinkles as you walk through the door of the coffee shop. You take several deep breaths as a million emotions wash over you. You take a sip of your coffee before turning towards the direction of your workplace. But before you could get far, you hear another tinkle of the coffee shop bell. 
“Wait!” You hear Ellie’s voice call out. 
Before you could turn around, you feel fingers wrap around your wrist. You both immediately withdraw your hands as you feel Ellie’s skin accidentally zap yours. 
“Fuck, sorry.” Ellie says apologetically. 
“It’s okay.” You reply, pulling your zapped hand to your swiftly beating chest. 
“Umm,” She begins. “This was really nice. Catching up, I mean.” 
“We should…do this on purpose sometime.” She says, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly. An old Ellie habit you recognize. 
“Oh, umm.” You bounce lightly back and forth on your feet. “Yeah. Sure.” 
“Cool beans.” She says, smiling. “Are you free tonight, by any chance?” 
“Oh, I have to stay late at work tonight.” 
“Oh, okay.” She says, her smile faltering. She seems to think you were making up an excuse to flake. 
“But I’m free Friday night!” You say quickly. “I get off at 5:30. But if you aren’t free or if that doesn’t work for you—“ 
Ellie smiles. 
“Friday sounds great. Do you wanna do 6:30 at Raja’s?” 
You grimace slightly. 
“Won’t that be too nostalgic?” 
Ellie chuckles. 
“Maybe, but let’s do it anyway.” She says. Your cheeks feel warm from her sudden boldness. 
“We won’t sit at the same old table or anything,” She says, holding her hands up. “Just dinner. Nothing more.” 
You consider this for a second. 
“Yeah,” You say slowly. “Yeah, okay.” 
Ellie beams, knowing she won you over. 
“Friday at 6:30 then.” 
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“Oh, that’s so fucking cool.” You say. 
“Yeah, you think so?” Ellie responds. 
It was Friday at 6:54 in the evening. Ellie was right on time, but you were kept at work longer than expected and were several minutes late. You’d rushed home to drop your work things off and make yourself presentable as quickly as possible for having dinner with your ex-girlfriend, thanking past you for already laying out the outfit you planned on wearing for the meeting. 
The diner was a 10-minute walk from your apartment, but you made it a 6-minute run instead. It had rained the previous day, so you’d nearly slipped several times. But you caught yourself each time, determined to make it in one piece. 
When you arrived, Ellie was already sitting at a booth, drinking water. You arrived completely winded, breathlessly muttering a hundred apologies. Ellie just smiled, telling you to take a deep breath and that it was completely okay. She seemed grateful that you showed up either way. 
After taking generous sips from the glass of water that was already waiting for you, you’d greeted Ellie properly with a smile. She returned it, and now you were both discussing all the tattoos she’s gotten in the past few years. You’d noticed one on her left arm when she pushed the second glass of water towards you. 
“How about the one on your right arm?” You ask. You’d gotten a slight glimpse of it the other day at the coffee shop. 
“Oh, umm.” She says, placing her arm on the table so you could get a better look. She seems almost reluctant to do so. 
You lean in closer, moving your head around to better inspect the ferns that decorated her forearm from different angles. There was something else engraved on top of the ferns that you couldn’t quite make out, but it somehow seemed familiar. Your right hand hovers over the tattoo, an impulse to touch it nearly coming over you. But you keep your fingers to yourself, afraid to cross that line just yet. 
“It’s beautiful, Ellie. Did you design this one yourself?” You ask. 
“No, uhh,” She begins awkwardly. “My ex-girlfriend Cat did.” 
“Oh” was all you said in reply, unwittingly withdrawing your hand. 
“Yeah, uhh. I got it freshman year of college. After…after my dad died.” 
“Oh.” You repeat once more. 
“Y-yeah. It wasn’t the easiest thing to deal with, and Cat thought it would help with like, the grieving process and all.” 
“Right, of course.” You say, feeling remorseful for having brought attention to the topic. 
Ellie begins to unintentionally run her fingers over the tattoo out of nervousness, drawing your eyes to it once more. You suddenly recognize what the final part of the design was. 
“That’s the…the moth. From your old guitar.” 
Ellie looks down at it sadly. 
“Yeah, it is.” 
You’re both drawn into yet another awkward silence. Fiddling with your fingers in your lap, you feel as if an anchor was dropped onto your chest. You’d known that the topic of Joel’s death might come up, but you were nervous nonetheless. 
You look up to see Ellie’s face to find that she was already staring at you. She didn’t look like she was upset with you in any way at all; in fact, it was guilt that flashed across her features. You realize why, and there was an unspoken acknowledgement that you were both thinking about the same thing. 
Ellie withdraws her arm back to her side. 
“I’m sorry.” She whispers. 
“I know.” You whisper back. 
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You were sitting on the couch in Ellie’s makeshift art studio that she’d set up in her garage. You hugged your knees to your chest, rocking back and forth as you drowned in your tears. It had been almost a week since Joel’s funeral and nobody had heard from Ellie. Everyone asked after her during the wake, but neither you nor her Uncle Tommy or Aunt Maria could answer. She hadn’t made it to the funeral, and you were worried. 
It was four months into your freshman year of college. You decided to attend a university closer to home, only a half-hour drive from Jackson. But Ellie chose an art school in Boston after receiving a scholarship, all the way across the country. 
Deciding on a long-distance relationship seemed like a no-brainer when you and Ellie had discussed it after you both graduated high school. You loved each other, both as girlfriends and long-time best friends. It felt as if your love would be able to survive anything. 
The longer that Ellie was away, however, the more difficult it got. Your college was much smaller, compared to hers. You preferred it that way; that was a factor in your choosing to attend. Some of your peers that you grew up with in Jackson were even in a few of your classes, and this eased the anxiety of being away from home. 
But Ellie, a couple thousand miles away, was in a brand new town with brand new faces. You were nervous for her, fearing that she’d be a fish out of water. You knew how awkward she could be sometimes and you worried that she’d get lonely. But after a few weeks of college, she’d made several friends and grew to love Boston. This made you happy, but part of you was sad that you couldn’t experience this milestone in your lives together. 
You’d been inseparable since childhood, growing up together and going to the same schools and having the same friends. Along the way, you’d realized you were in love with each other. It was bliss, to fall in love with the one person you trusted most with your life and to have them love you back. You were both so in sync, even and especially after you started dating. She knew you like the back of her hand, and you knew her the same. 
But as you sat there in Ellie’s garage with only the comfort of your own arms, you started to wonder. You were trying to convince yourself that Ellie was pulling away from you because of Joel’s passing. But all the unanswered phone calls, missed flights to visit home, the growing disinterest in your side of the conversation affirmed that Ellie was becoming someone you no longer knew. You were still where you always were, but Ellie had traveled oceans away from you.  
You had your head buried in your knees when you heard the sound of the door unlocking. As you dropped your legs to the ground, you watched as Ellie entered the garage. She flicked the light on and jumped when she saw your miserable figure sitting on her couch. 
“Oh, fuck!” She yelled. “You scared me, babe.” 
She placed a hand on her chest as if to slow down her rapid heartbeat. 
“Sorry.” You whisper meekly. 
“What are you doing sitting here all alone in the dark?” She asked, walking over to her desk and placing her backpack on top of it. 
You stared at her in disbelief. 
“Where the fuck have you been, Ellie?” You said, ignoring her question. 
“What do you mean? I’ve been around.” She replied, her back towards you as she collected some belongings. 
“You missed Joel’s funeral.” You said bluntly. 
“Yeah, I know. I’m sorry.” She said, a little too nonchalantly. 
You watched as she continued to move around the room, rearranging a few things and rifling through drawers. She felt your gaze on her but avoided eye contact with you. 
“He was your father, Ellie.” You said after a few minutes of silence. 
“Adoptive father,” She corrected. “He wasn’t my real dad.” 
“He fucking raised you.” 
“Yeah, well,” She said, placing a few paintbrushes in her backpack. “Look how that turned out.” 
You were exhausted. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Ellie?!” 
She finally turned around to face you. 
“What?” She asked, taken aback by your raised tone. 
“Where the fuck have you been? Why weren’t you at Joel’s funeral? Everyone’s been worried sick about you, wondering where the fuck you went off to. Your Aunt Maria nearly called the cops, but your Uncle Tommy and I had to convince her that you wouldn’t be so stupid to go and get yourself hurt!” 
You’d risen from your seat on the couch now, glaring at her. 
“And now this about Joel? He was your fucking father. I don’t give a fuck what you say! He loved you so much, and it would break his heart to hear you talk about him like this.” 
Tears were streaming down your face as Ellie watched you silently continuing your outrage. 
“I know you need to deal with your grief in your own way. I know you’re sad and need time, but…” You sniffled. “Please don’t shut us out. Don’t push away the people who love you. Joel wouldn’t have wanted this for you.” 
Ellie scoffed, which took you by furious surprise. 
“You don’t know that. He’s gone. It doesn’t matter what he wanted anymore.” 
It felt as if she slapped you right across the face. 
“I’m so fucking sick of this.” She finally said after a moment of silence. 
“I’m sick of this town. I’m sick of the people here. I can’t fucking stand being here for another second. I don’t want this.” 
You stood there shocked, staring at a stranger who looked remarkably like the girl you loved. 
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You and Ellie continue to look at each other from opposite ends of the table. She seems as if she wants to say more, to apologize further. But she stops when you give her a forgiving smile. 
“It’s okay.” You say. 
She returns your smile, sadly but with gratitude. 
Your moment of reminiscence is interrupted when your waitress approaches your booth. 
“Oh my goodness, it’s the troublemaking duo!” Your waitress exclaims. “I didn’t know it was you that Ellie was waiting on!” 
Heat rises to your cheeks. 
“Hi, Wendy.” You say, recognizing the old woman. 
“It has been so long since I’ve seen you two together! Oh, and now you’re both so grown up!” Wendy gabbed. “Oh, Ellie, it’s so nice to have you back in town! Your Aunt Maria has been going on and on for weeks about how excited she and Tommy are that you’re moving back!” 
“Yeah, they seem pretty psyched to have me home,” Ellie says, smiling kindly. “It’s good to be back, Wendy.” 
“Maria kept wishing you would move back after you’d graduated college! And I kept telling her, ‘kids gotta get their feet wet first!’ But look at you, back home again finally!” 
“Yeah, Boston was pretty great. But it wasn’t for me, and I really missed Jackson.” 
Wendy smiled at this. 
“Oh, having you two back here like this feels like things never changed. I wish that I knew you were both coming in; otherwise, I would have saved your usual table!” Wendy says, gesturing towards a booth in the corner of the diner. 
You glance over and see a young couple sitting together, holding hands across the table. They were slightly obscured by this old, beat-up jukebox that was playing some old 80s song. 
“Oh, it’s alright, Wendy,” Ellie says, waving her hand. “We’re good here.” 
“Well, okay!” She dips her hand in her apron. “Oh my, I forgot my pen and pad! Oh, and I haven’t even brought you your coffee yet! I swear, I think my brain is slowly spilling out of my ears every day!” 
Ellie laughs and you grimace at the image. 
“Let me go grab those things real quick, and then I’ll take your gals’ order!” Wendy says gleefully. 
“That’d be great.” Ellie replies. 
Wendy beams at both of you before making her way back to behind the counter. 
“Since when did you drink coffee?” You ask Ellie, to which she shrugs. 
“Kind of grew on me back in college. Still have to drink it with tons of sugar and creamer, though.” She says. 
“Ahh, well, that explains the oat milk latte from the other day.” 
“Memorized my order, huh?” She teases. 
Wendy the waitress saves you from your bashfulness by arriving with two coffee cups in one hand and a coffee pot in the other. As Wendy pours into each of your cups, Wendy decides to gush more over the two of you. 
“I was just telling Esther in the back how much we would dread when you two rascals would come in here. I remember how you two would come in and order one milkshake to share and a plate of fries and then pay us with dimes and nickels! Drove us nuts to count it all out!” 
You and Ellie laugh nervously, embarrassed over your childhood antics. 
“And you’d come in here and play that one a-ha! song over and over again if you had any leftover change! Oh, we all got so sick of that song that Raja almost took out the jukebox at one point!” Wendy chortles. 
“Right, “Take on Me” was what we always played,” You recall. “Sorry, Wendy.” 
“Oh, it’s alright,” She says, waving you off. “In fact, someone put that song on the jukebox a few weeks back and it made me miss those good old days.” She sighs, reminiscing. 
Ellie glances at you while you look at Wendy in her reverie. Ellie’s eyes look gentle and affectionate, an expression that hasn’t adorned her face in years. 
“Oh, I do miss you youngsters and your shenanigans. Drove me crazy, but it kept me young. Do you recall when you came in here absolutely sopping wet, Ellie?” 
Ellie blushes suddenly, scratching the back of her neck as her freckles turn pink once more. 
“Y-yeah. Sorry about that.��� 
“Oh, you got the floor all wet and dirty, and your usual booth smelled like wet dog for a week!” Wendy cackles. 
“Oh?” You ask. “When was that?” 
“It was back in—” Wendy starts, but another waitress called behind the counter. 
“Wendy, honey! Table 12 spilled orange juice everywhere; can you grab the mop?” 
“Oh darn,” Wendy says. “Let me go take care of this mess real quick, sweethearts! And I’ll be right back for your orders!” 
Wendy walks off quickly and leaves the two of you alone once more. 
You glance at Ellie. 
“When did that happen?” You question curiously. 
“Umm,” Ellie says nervously. “It was that day. At the lake.” 
Your face softens in recognition. 
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“Els, come on!!” You yelled, pulling her with you. 
“Dude, no!” 
“Els, 17 is way too old to be afraid of the water!” 
“I am not afraid of the water!” Ellie said, breaking free from your grasp and crossing her arms. 
Joel had dragged you and Ellie with him for a fishing trip by a nearby lake. He’d forgotten his bait box back at his and Ellie’s home, and he left you and Ellie to your own devices while he drove back to grab it. Bored out of your mind, you were trying to convince Ellie to jump into the lake with you from a large rock that oversaw the water. 
“Then you won’t have any problems if I just…” You made the motion of pushing someone. “...throw you into the lake, by any chance?” 
Ellie backed away from you, holding her hands up. 
“Don’t you fucking dare, man,” She said. “I will never, ever forgive you.” 
You groaned then dragged your feet to the edge. You looked over at the lake. 
“It’s not that high of a jump, Els! Come on, Joel and I taught you to swim two summers ago!” 
“Let’s just get back to the shore, dude. He’ll be back any second.” She said. 
“You know Joel won’t be back for another half hour.” You replied, knowing that Joel would find a million other things to do before heading out again. You skipped over to where she stood feet away from the edge of the mini-cliff. 
You grabbed both of her hands in yours. Her breathing hitched when your skin touched hers. 
It had been a month since your little sister unveiled her drawing of you and Ellie sleeping together. Ever since then, Ellie seemed nervous to be near you, much less be touched by you. You were still best friends and still as close as ever, but there’d been a palpable tension in the air after that awkward moment in your bedroom. It was as if you were both just waiting for something to happen, something inevitable. 
“Pretty please, Els?” You asked your best friend, batting your eyelashes at her. She blushed furiously. 
“You’re gonna catch your death if you jump in. It’s chilly.” Ellie said. “And I’m not lending you my jacket if you get your clothes all wet.” 
“Fine.” You said. You release her hands and walk towards the edge once more. Ellie’s eyes widen as you begin shedding your clothing: first, your shoes, then your pants, and finally your shirt. 
Ellie averts her gaze as you were left in just your underwear. 
“Problem solved.” You said boldly. You walk back over to her. 
It wasn’t as if you and Ellie hadn’t seen each other intimately before, having been best friends for many years. But for the last month, she started seeing you in a much different light and looking at you this intimately was opening the floodgates.  
“Come on, Els.” You said, tugging on her shirt. “Take a leap with me.” 
Before Ellie could respond, you sighed and turned away from her to walk back near the water, discarded the rest of your clothing, and jumped off the edge with a scream. 
“Goddamn it.” Ellie said, rushing over to see where you’d dove. She watched as you eventually emerged, ripples reverberating around you. 
“Let’s go, Ellie!” You yelled from the water. 
Ellie backed away from the edge, took a deep breath, and said, “Fuck it.” 
She replicated your actions and took off her clothes, all the way down to her black sports bra and boxers. 
You were swimming around in circles when you saw Ellie’s stark naked figure plummeting into the lake before landing ten feet away from you. You beamed, wading towards her as she rose from underneath. 
“You actually did it!” You exclaimed. Ellie splashed you, lake water getting in your eyes. 
“Ellie!” You whined. 
“You’re the fucking worst!” She said, pouting. 
“You love me!” You said, ribbing. 
“No, you’re the worst, I hate you.” Ellie said, splashing you once more. You splashed her back. 
You both waded closer to the shore until you both felt your toes touch the bottom of the lake. 
“You jumped in for me, you fucking adore me!” You giggled. 
“Oh, please, you wish.” Ellie scoffed before you reached over to squeeze her cheeks together. 
“Hey!” She said, muffled. 
“Don’t deny your love for me, Miss Ellie Williams.” You teased before giggling again as you release her face. 
“Nope, hate you ‘til I die.” Ellie said stubbornly, to which you shove her shoulder.  
“Well, too bad, because I love you!” You said. 
“Uh-huh.” Ellie replied, rolling her eyes. 
She began to turn away from you to paddle towards the shore. 
You take a leap. 
“I do love you.” You suddenly said. 
“Yeah, I know, man.” 
“No, Ellie, I—” You said, stuttering. “I-I love you.” 
She turned back to face you. 
You swam closer to her until your faces were inches apart. 
“I love you, Ellie.” 
Ellie blinked. 
“I—” She began, unsure of what to say. 
“Sorry, I just—I just wanted to tell you that, that’s all.” You whispered, looking down at your submerged and naked figure instead of at her. 
“No, it’s okay, I—” Ellie started once more. “I-I love you too.” 
Your eyes shot up to meet hers. 
“Y-yeah, I—” Ellie began, but she’s cut off when your lips suddenly meet hers. 
It was as if fireworks began erupting within you. As the shock of your kiss wore off, Ellie melted into you as she grabbed your face to draw you closer to her. You wrapped your arms around her neck as she pulled you in tighter. 
No amount of fantasizing could ever prepare you for the euphoria that was kissing Ellie Williams. It was like everything fell into place, like your entire friendship was leading up to this. It felt so foolish that you hadn’t realized this sooner, that you had to wait all this time to let yourself fall in love with your best friend. 
You were both pulled into this bubble where it was just you, Ellie, and the lake. You felt inevitable. 
You broke off, needing to catch your breath. Your foreheads were pressed up against each other, both of you breathless. Your head felt empty but your heart was full. 
Before you could say anything, you felt Ellie’s hands leave your face. Your eyes shoot open to see Ellie already at the shore, bounding towards the rock you’d jumped off from. 
“Ellie!” You called out, but she didn’t respond. 
You watched as she reached the mini-cliff where you’d both left your clothing. You thought for a second that she was going to jump back in, but instead, she was pulling her clothes back on. 
You made your way to the shore, shivering and embracing yourself. 
“Ellie!” You called out again. “Where are you going?!” 
Ellie had pulled on her Converse, quickly tying the laces into knots. Fully dressed, she looked down at you, still bare and exposed. 
You could make out her face from where you were, but you didn’t recognize the look she wore. It wasn’t anger or pity or sadness. You’d never seen her make that expression before. 
You started towards the rock, but Ellie was quicker. She ran off before you even got close to her, dripping lake water behind her and leaving you still at the shore, naked and screaming for her to come back. 
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“Oh,” You say. “This is where you came after that?” 
“Yeah,” Ellie replies. “Wasn’t sure where else to go.” 
“I always wondered,” You say. “Cause when Joel got back, we drove back to your house, and you weren’t there. You never said where you’d gone.” 
“Yeah, well. I was just some scared little kid.” She admits. 
“It’s okay,” You reassure. “Me too.” 
You stare once more into the ocean in her eyes. You didn’t mean to bring up the past. You’d wanted to keep this meeting bureaucratic, free from the judgment of yesterday. 
You decide to break the silence with humour. 
“Kind of crazy how you ran away from me real fast.” You giggle, taking a sip of your coffee. 
Ellie doesn’t laugh; instead, she takes a leap and reaches over to your free hand that you’d placed on the table, putting hers over it. 
Your eyes widen as she looks at you in a way that no one else ever has. 
“But I’m not running away now.” She says genuinely. 
You place your cup down and give her a soft smile. 
“Good.” You reply. 
You feel the water finally flow under the bridge. 
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author’s notes:
sabrina propaganda, sabrina propaganda, sabrina propaganda, sabrina propaganda, sabrina propaganda, sabrina propaganda
sorry for teasing this for so long! i have issues
the reader's sister's name is based on my little sister's name kiko :) they're also an artist and currently studying to be an animator!
hope y'all enjoy this! spent so much coming up with the concept and writing about it cause i have such a connection to this song! let me know what you think and reblog if you can ♡
taglist: @digit4lslut, @jajsnjz, @callmelola111, @thatgiraffefromtlou, @gold-dustwomxn, @machetegirl109, @ximtiredx, @fireflyelllie, @brownshirtelliesgf, @sawaagyapong, @uraesthete
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websterss · 5 months
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𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓: Hello, I was wondering if I could request a Anthony Lockwood x reader where the reader is his best friend but they have feelings for each other and don’t realize it until they notice how different they treat each other compared to everyone else (if that makes sense-)? Just fluff please!
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): just fluff
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Anthony Lockwood x fem!Reader    
𝐀/𝐍: Hope you enjoy it! I'm sorry this took so long to make love, I remember starting it and I kept coming back to it. I think my biggest challenge was trying not to include angst lmfao. Also writing this fic makes me want to write for Kipps now.
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Lucy and George had halted their chewing. Watching as you and Anthony worked in synchronization. The pair of you oddly knowing what the other one wanted, without question, without hesitation in any reform. It was undoubtedly so as you spread strawberry jam over Anthony’s toasted bread, whereas he had taken notice of the lack of liquid in your favorite green cup. He reached across you and poured you a good amount of orange juice. Never one for coffee or tea. You liked to drink it with pulp too. You had stopped talking, silently thanking him with a smile before you went back to conversing with Lucy, though she was hardly listening. Not really tuning into your ramble about a bloke who cut you off at Arif’s the other day. Unaware of her eyes flickering back and forth from Anthony placing and taking something in front of you, and you subconsciously making his plate. 
“You’re seeing it too right?” Lucy muttered under her breath, just enough for George to hear. He hummed as he bit down on his biscuit. 
Anthony had immediately taken the toast in front of him, cutting it triangularly with the butter knife. He bit into his own piece then held out his right hand for you to take the other half. Like second nature, you took it and began devouring. His head turned to confirm if you were okay and enjoying it. You hummed, your mouth full of food. You frantically pointed to your mouth and the rest of the piece in your hand. 
“Is it lacking jam...” He nodded. Though not needing another second before he wiped the knife clean on a napkin, and dipped it into the jar again. He gestured to hand it over to him, you mustered a muffled thank you. As you chewed faster. He clicked his tongue at you.
“Slower, you’ll choke.” He shook his head before handing you the rest to finish. You reached forward with your hand, but he tutted you with a stern raise of his eyebrow. You rolled your eyes, but obliged. You slowed your chewing, then finally swallowed it all down. “Wash it down.” He gestured to your orange juice. 
“No, I will not wash it down, give it to me!” You reached for it again, but he held it further from your grasp. “Anthony Lockwood, you dare deprive me of my breakfast.”
“I’d hardly call this breakfast, love. You could do a whole lot better with some eggs, or better yet pancakes. George, do we still have some batter left?” George flinched. Not expecting for the attention to be directed onto him.
“I-I’m not sure. I’ll have to check the pantry.” 
“Well, let me know if we’re out. I can make a quick trip into town for groceries again.”
“You already shopped for groceries though?” You raised a brow at him.
“I know...” He shrugged. “You’re out of those mini pretzel bites though.” The information he inquired was news to you. Your eyes widened, mouth agape. 
“No, I’m not, the bag was still half full the other day!” You could not believe your ears.
“I’m aware...” He slowly grimaced. The look of realization painting over your features made him stand out of his seat. The further the distance he set amongst you the safer he was. “But the thing is...I ate them you see.” He winced watching your face contort into anger. A frown dawning on your lips now.
“You ate them?” You slowly rose from your seat. George and Lucy reached for another biscuit, breaking the rule to only eat one at a time as they watched the scene unfold before them. This was reality tv at its finest. They both bit into their biscuits at the same time, eyes widened, wondering what would happen next. “You ate my bag of mini pretzel bites…”
“Now Y/n, lets not do anything irrational...” He held his hands out, slowly backing away from your approaching steps towards him. “I’m gonna go and get you some more. Swear on it.” He promised, hoping he could bribe his way from your death stare.
“Killing you seems rather rational to me.” He gulped nervously. “Better yet, it’s been long overdue!” You lunged forward but he veered left to flee your grabbing hands.
“Please.” The softness in his eyes almost made you grant him his life…almost. As soon as you mouthed for Lockwood to run, he high tailed it out of the kitchen. Struggling to open the kitchen door and make a break for his bedroom. Though he’d obviously have had a better chance to run out the front door and head to Arif’s. Surely you wouldn’t make a scene in a public place? Right?
Though he wasn’t as smart with his exit escape as he climbed up to the second landing. He tripped over his feet as you reached for his ankles. He let out a squeak of surprise. Lightly kicking you away, but also not trying to cause you any harm. 
Back in the kitchen, Lucy and Geroge strained their ears, wanting to hear the upstairs commotion. 
“Get back here, Anthony!” A loud slam of a door made them jump in their seats. George nimbles on his biscuit then turns to Lucy.
“How long you think till he realizes she can pick a lock?” 
“Lockwood has no clue she can. It might take him a minute for him to register it.” Lucy mindlessly eyed the side you two sat on. She reached forward for the piece of bread you didn’t eat.
“I told him not to do it.” George chimed. “He never listens though now does he. It’s like he enjoys making her chase him.”
“He’s in love, Georgie. He’d get himself ghostlocked just to get her attention.” Lucy grabs your cup of orange juice while taking a sip. 
“You’d think he would tell her by now…” George shakes his head. 
“You’d think she would!” Lucy looks at him with bewilderment. “Those two are as blind as Mrs. Chester’s cat.” 
“Her cat’s blind?” George narrows his eyes. Not yet registering. 
“Scuzzle? Yeah poor kitty…She says he walks into things. Leaves him with dizzy spells, but it’s the only way she ever finds him.” 
“Oh god…” George winces, imaging the poor woman following the sounds of thumps against surfaces.
“How did you- Wait, wait!” Lucy and George shift their heads towards the hallway. 
“That didn’t take long.” Lucy grabs another biscuit. 
“Her best yet.” George stops the stopwatch that appeared out of nowhere. He shows it to Lucy who hums. Very impressed. 
“A minute and thirty. She’s outdone herself!” She laughs. 
“I said I was sorry-“ Lockwood’s cackles echo throughout the house. The lack of beatings told them that you weren’t really out for his head, just out for the common assault of tickling him. “I-I’m sorry. Stop, stop, stop!” 
The two snicker, amused by the whole ordeal. 
“Twenty bucks says he’ll finally cave and tells her.” Lucy turns in her seat, elbow rested on the tabletop to face George.
“Keep your money George. He’s going to tell her at the Fittes ball, especially after Kipps asks her to dance. As a matter of fact, they’ll both realize how blind they’ve been.”
“Why would Kipps ask her to- Oh!” George reels in on her implication.
“Yeah!” Lucy’s eyes bug out. A smirk present of her face.
“You’re gonna make them…” George makes two puppet hands and smashes the tips of his fingertips together to form a kiss. “I get it now.”
“Now all I need…is a plan.”
Once you all had made it to the party. You had imagined it like any other highly rich organization would throw a party. Many important people dressed to the nines. You’re formal attire nowhere near as luxurious as everyone else.
“Stop that now.” Lockwood looked around the room. You whip your head up at him, stoping the tug of your dress. 
“I’m not doing anything.” You furrow your brows and shake your head. 
“You’re fussing. You look beautiful...”
You roll your eyes, but the mark of his words leave your knees almost buckling.
“Y-You’re just saying that...” You tug down your dress again. The fabric insufferable against your skin.
“I say a lot of things, but l’d never lie to you.” His charming smile paints his face.
“Now you’re just being annoying.” You huff and fetch a glass from one of the trays going around. 
“I’d prefer the term honest.” He grabbed your glass and took a sip.
“Doesn’t suit you very well...” You take back the glass. 
“Well what does suit me-”
“What a pleasant surprise?” Your smiles slowly fades as the familiar voice appears from the sides of you.
“Wouldn’t really refer it to pleasantry. Rather more so unfortunate.” Lockwood smirked at Kipp.
“Lockwood.” Kipp cleared his throat and then shifted his attention to you. You frowned at your attire before your eyes met his own. “Y-Y/n you…you look magnificent.”
“Ugh!” You rolled your eyes and walked away from the two insufferable men in your life.
Kipp haven been taken back by your leave turns to Lockwood confused. “Was it something I said?” Lockwood looks your way with a sigh.
“Luckily for you…not this time dear friend.” He smirks and clasps a firm hand on his shoulder. “She’s been questioning her appearance since the moment we’ve left the cab.”
“Why on earth would she? She looks wonderful…” Kipps furrows his brows together. "I've just the trick.” He pats Lockwood’s shoulder this time and walks off after you.
You had barely gotten to the staircases when Kipps tapped your shoulder. “Let me speak with you for just a minute, please.” You glance down at your dress before looking up at him. The expression on your face says enough for him to charm you with a smile.
“What’s wrong with it?” He asks. With a scoff, you tug on your dress and try to straighten yourself.
"Everything. The dress feels short, these heels are uncomfortable, and my face has never felt more heavy. I look foolish."
“No, that’s not at all true.” His eyebrows knit together and a small smile plays the corner of his lips. “You, Miss,” he nods to your dress, “Look…beautiful.” He lets the word linger in the air. “You’re quite simply the most stunning woman in the room.”
"Alright sap, what do you want?" You look away as heat grows in your cheeks. "You're being more annoying than usual."
Kipps smirks a bit before stepping even closer to you, his eyes never leaving yours. “I need to know,” he leans in, “if you can dance.” Without waiting for an answer he places one finger on your chin and tilts your head up to his, his voice drops and becomes raspy. “Because I’d really like to ask,” he trails off letting his words hang in the air.
"You're being charismatic...because you fancy a dance?"
Kipps chuckles as you catch him in his attempts to sway you. "Would you turn me down if that is the case?" He extends his hand out to you.
"Lucy turn you down?" You tease.
The corners of his mouth twitch up at your taunt. "Never really bothered to ask? Shall we?"
"I don't know...I quite like my toes." You glance down at your heels.
"You'll get to keep your toes." He chuckles and extends his hand again. "Just a dance? Or are you afraid Tony will get mad?" Kipps looks back over to where Anthony is looking your way with a glass in his hand.
"Anthony? Why would his opinion decide my choices?"
"I don't know. You're always worried about his opinion. Why, I'm starting to think you like him, and he likes you." He gives a sly grin. "Given the way he looks at you and vice versa."
"I like him now, do I? What other assumptions have you conjured about what Lockwood and I are to each other?"
"I just know that you act differently around him." He smiles slyly. "And he acts differently around you. Love, I've known him longer than you have, he doesn't just let anyone share a glass with him." He smirks as you realize he caught you and Anthony sipping from the same glass
"You saw that- But that doesn't mean anything…" You exclaim.
"Oh, but it does." He chuckles as you turn away. "Or do you not notice how he always looks at you…how he can't help but stay close when he's around you? I've never seen Lockwood like this with anyone before. Anyone. The lads in love."
"N-No he's not." You glance over to where Anthony is still peering at the two of you. He notices your turmoil before he straightens up and begins making his way over.
Kipps lets out an amused cough. "See? There he is now. He cares more than you tend to realize, Y/n." He watches you and how you look away from Anthony. "I do quite envy him…" You look up with softened eyes.
"Kipps…" You sigh.
Kipps laughs, seeing you sigh. "I suppose you don't see it as that though. I won't pry anymore. But," He glances at your appearance again and then smiles as he lowers his voice. "I do stand by what I said before. You look magnificent tonight. I couldn't take my eyes off you the entire evening." His eyes dart around before settling back on yours. You look down at your shoes. "He holds your heart and you don't even realize the half of it..." He watches Anthony grow closer with interest, then turns back to you. He leans over and presses a kiss to your cheek. You close your eyes with guilt as he pulls away with a smile. "Perhaps our dance can wait another time. I'll see you around, Y/n." You watch him walk away, and look to your right as soon as you feel Anthony's arm brush against yours.
"What did he want?"
You smile at Anthony's eyes on you. "Eavesdropping now?" You tease, trying to hide the fact that Kipps had managed to catch you off guard with an unexpected compliment. To be completely honest, it pleased you. "He asked me to dance." You brush it off.
"S'not the trick I expected," Anthony mutters to himself. "I take it his walk of shame was you turning him down." He smirks.
"Maybe," You roll your eyes. "You jealous?" You snicker.
"Off Kipps. Please…" He shakes his head.
"Right. Of course not." You snicker again and give him a small kick. "You're such a liar, Tony." You look away, avoiding his smile.
"Tony now?" Anthony can't fight off the shit-eating grin on his face. "Oh, I sense trouble. What secrets did he spill now? You never call me Tony."
You bite back a giggle as he chuckles at the nickname. This wasn't the first time you had called him this though. "Shut up." You smirk at him as you glance away.
"I'm intrigued now. What did he say to you?" You groan and look back at him, smiling as you roll your eyes.
"It wasn't anything bad, swear." You fiddle with your ring. "He complimented me. More than once."
"And..." He extended.
"He said some things, but it's not important. You know how Kipps is." You gesture to the crowd around you. "All charm, no bite..." You cut yourself off as you grow timid under his watchful gaze. His teasing smile slowly vanishes when you continue to gaze at him with a new glint in your eyes, he knows that look all too well because he gives you the same one when you're not looking.
You nod, biting your lip as you wait for a response. You don't speak as you stare at him, searching for a sign that your feelings are reciprocated. He looks away, he's seen that look before, he's given that look before.
You notice his eyes glance from you to the crowds before looking back at you. You wait for his answer, it's what you've been waiting months to hear. Your heart beats fast in your chest as you anticipate a final judgment from him. You felt like you were going to explode.
"He mentioned that you…that you…" You start fidgeting with your ring again, twirling it between your fingers. "Hold strong feelings for me." Anthony closes his eyes, not thinking he'd ever have to admit his emotions to you in such a public scene. You glance over his shoulder, catching sight of Kipps tipping his full glass toward the two of you. You couldn't believe that Kipps would've said something like that, but you can't deny your excitement and the butterflies swirling in your stomach. The anticipation was overwhelming you.
His eyes shift from the crowds to you, and back again. You can feel your heartbeat picking up at the sight of his lips and how they're parted.
"He said you love me, that you've felt this way for a while…that you're certain of your love for me." You feel a surge of adrenaline run through your body as you stare at him in silence, anticipating his response.
"I am certain." He nods.
Your entire body felt like it was about to erupt. A jolt of excitement surges through you as your knees buckle slightly, and you start trembling. "So…you do?" You ask although it's completely obvious by the way he's gazing at you.
It seems impossible, you've dreamed of this moment for as long as you can remember, and here it is- right before you. Right here and right now. You felt like you could burst.
Anthony takes a step towards you. "Are you sure it wasn't just Kipps being his usual charming self?" He leans in, taking in a deep breath to smell your sweet scent. "I'm not sure I trust him to tell the truth about such a delicate matter…and-" You cut him off with a sweet kiss. He sighs and relaxes into the kiss. His arms snake their way around your waist to tug you closer.
You felt the electricity running through your veins, you could feel a smile plastered on your lips. Your whole body felt warm and tingly, all the while you couldn't take your eyes off of him. You knew what this meant. This whole night, the entire agency, your job, and all the ghosts you had hunted. None of it mattered as long as he was beside you. He holds you, the heat between the two of you radiates and you feel at home with him. You feel whole.
"I'm sure. I've never been more sure in my life than right now."
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nyctophiliq · 1 year
☆ ➣ LUNCHBREAK DESSERT. jill valentine
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— “i’m addicted and i’m never coming down.”
synopsis — requested by anonymous content warnings — female bodied reader, the reader wears a skirt, nsfw content, fingering, cunnilingus, office sex, semi-public sex, the door is locked, kissing, grinding
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it was hard to go around and pretend she didn’t look hot in her uniform, the blue shirt tucked into her office-issued dark blue cargo pants with the beret on top of her head, waltzing around the halls like she owned the place. it was so fucking attractive, even if she was only just existing and trying to get from one office to another one. it wasn’t fair. it made your heart race a little harder. it also didn’t help that she knew damn well she looked good in that outfit.
"stop playin' please..." you sigh as jill's hand slides down your thigh, her nails scratching lightly at the spot below where your skirt is lifted a bit. you groaned as you wrapped your arms around her neck and deepened the kiss. it felt so fucking amazing, the warmth of her skin was almost suffocating. she tasted like chocolate and coffee and everything you thought heaven would taste like and honestly, you needed this more than you needed air.
jill laughed at your needy acts, clawing at the nape of her neck and subtly rolling your hips into hers, trying to close the gap between your core and her thigh that was wedged between your legs. you whimpered against her mouth when her fingers started to work their way underneath your skirt to find the slick patch of wetness between your thighs. "fuck," you whispered, "in a minute, m'yeah?" she chuckled, pulling back slightly to grin up at you.
"gonna treat this pussy real good." she purred, leaning forward to kiss you again and pushing a single finger between your clothed folds. you let out an embarrassing whine when she prods at your clit, just barely rubbing it as she teased and played with the wet patch of your panties. you pulled away suddenly, looking her dead in the eyes. "jill, wait. i -"
"you wanna come on my tongue?" you nodded frantically, your heart beating wildly and you were pretty sure you were going to pass out. she smirked before reaching behind her and getting her chair to sit on, spreading your legs with both of her hands further open to reveal all your glistening glory between your thighs. 
jill grinned widely and leaned forward to lick your clothed clit, teasing you as her arms came around your waist pulling you to the edge of the desk. you gasped, gripping her hair tightly while grinding your hips into her face. "oh god jill, fuck," you panted, feeling yourself growing wetter and weaker with every stroke. your knees wobbled as you sat heavily on the table, your whole body trembling. your mind was fogging up, trying to figure out how you were meant to function without cumming, but you couldn't think straight.
"so wet for me, hm? barely touched you, baby, haven't even got a real taste of you." she murmured against your glistening cunt hiding behind the wet panties, sending small vibrations through your body as she talked, humming almost after every word. 
"just p-please, jill, fuck me please..." you whined your fingers clawing into her scalp, bunching her hair up with trembling digits and weakly pulling on them. jill nodded as she looked up at you through her lashes, her teeth hooking into your panties and pulling them to the side. she took you in easily, licking at your sensitive bud while she sucked your clit before taking it into her mouth and playing with it gently. your hips jerked against her mouth, moaning loudly as the sensation built slowly inside you.
you cried out, hand coming up to clamp over your mouth and muffle the next set of moans as jill dipped inside your entrance before her tongue pressed flat against your clit, grinding. you gripped her hair tighter as she licked you harder and faster before finally popping your clit and letting her tongue flick against the bundle of nerves, leaving you shuddering helplessly against the desk. you didn't even notice one of her hands loosening on your waist until you felt two cold fingers and her hot tongue play with your hole.
oh, fuck. she slid her tongue inside of you, making you gasp loudly as she pumped herself, sliding in and out of you in perfect timing, hitting every nerve you had until you were begging to come. jill hummed again, pumping herself faster as her thumb moved up to circle your clit, keeping your orgasm building. you clutched her hair tight, gasping for breath and crying out in pleasure, your body shaking with the effort of not cumming yet.
"jill! oh gosh, i'm gonna -" your words were cut off by your sudden release as you came undone beneath her tongue.  you could feel her smirk against you as your vision filled with white spots for a few seconds. she removed her mouth from you but not before giving a last few suck to your clit, pulling her fingers free from the comfortable confines of your thighs and sitting back against the chair. 
"good girl," she murmured, her voice low with her ragged breath, licking the sticky mess from her lips. "i was dying for something sweet all day."
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AUTHOR'S NOTE !        the hardest part about writing this fic was is coming up with a title, that’s why this one took so long, i had no idea what i was gonna title it until well, yesterday when i finished the other request BAHAHA, hope you like it dear anonie ♥️
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raz-writes-the-thing · 7 months
Little Minx (Good Omens Drabble)
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Fem!Crowley x GN!Reader 18+ ONLY / requests are open and encouraged
Summary: It's nice to lay in and snuggle.
CW: nipple play, implied smut, just a short thing.
Good Omens Tag List: @coffee-and-red-lipstick @quickslvxrr @clarina04 @motionlessindoubt (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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Crowley was restless. She was always restless to be fair. She wasn’t really one for being still. Particularly for long. So it was always a treat when you were able to convince her to lay in with you and cuddle. 
“Why don’t we do this more often?” She asked, black-painted nails trailing up and down the dip of your spine. The touch made you shiver, and you cuddled closer to her, using one of her breasts as a pillow. 
“Because,” you replied playfully, blowing a lock of hair out of your eyes. “One of us doesn’t like to sit still for more than a minute. I know you don’t need to sleep, but it is still nice to lay in for a bit sometimes.” 
Crowley hums, eyeing a spec of dust floating in the morning light. Your eyes flutter shut. This feels like home for you. This feels like peace. It’s the closest you’ve been able to get to it with the events in the last few years. You suppose that also contributes to Crowley’s unease. Understandably so.
“Mm-” she hums back. “I suppose.” 
You lapse into comfortable silence for a little while longer. Crowley continues to run her nails up your spine, alternating that with tracing patterns on your skin. Goosebumps rise over you when she nears a new area and settle again as you get used to her touch. 
“You know what else is nice-” you say eventually, raising your face from her chest to lick a stripe up her nipple. Crowley arches a delicate brow, nails ceasing their explorations. You pop ner nipple into your mouth, suckling onto it before letting it go with a teasing pop. “Post… coital… cuddles.” Each word is accentuated by a kiss on her breast. 
Crowley gasps, her ribs appearing and disappearing as she grows more interested in your ministrations. It's another moment of teasing and suddenly you’re on your back underneath her. 
Her hair spills over her shoulder and there’s a mischievous glint in those snake eyes. She smirks at you, knowing she’s got you exactly where she wants you. 
“Little minx,” she says fondly. “I think that can be arranged.”
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scribblewrites · 10 days
Random MHA headcanons that live in my brain
list of some stupid headcanons that just feel right
Characters: Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari, Uraraka
Texts with full proper sentence structure and punctuation. He focuses too much on his studies to not be a nerd when texting. I’m talking corporate email style texts.
He is an ugly sleeper. tossing, kicking, snores with his mouth open, you name it. he also looks like shit in the mornings but will deny it and tell everyone that he just rolls out of bed and is good to go.
Has hyperhydrosis and has only worn black/dark clothes since middle school to avoid people commenting on his sweating.
He is asexual. He doesn’t realize he is until his early twenties, he always thought he was just better than other teens for not being distracted by relationships and horny things.
Refuses to wear gloves when dying his hair. His hands and ears are constantly stained red from the messy application.
Wears a retainer at night to help stop teeth grinding or accidentally biting his tongue.
Dry scoops pre workout/creatine like a MENACE when in a rush. He says he’s fine doing it but has had multiple coughing fits after accidentally inhaling.
Struggles in math and English (dyslexia & dyscalculia) but thrives in science. He adores physical science especially, but since people expect him to not be a good student he stopped applying himself.
Has accidentally eaten a candle
Got his wisdom teeth removed in his second year, Sero proceeded to video him crying because his doctor “stole his bones” while recovering from laughing gas.
Knows and uses the most chronically online slang terms to confuse and upset Iida and Bakugou
Will float things around her room while multitasking. She often forgets when she does this and will walk into waterbottles and notebooks she left floating
She often doodles in class and started keeping small notebooks full of cute animal drawings. She’s not especially talented or anything but will always leave doodles for her teachers on tests.
Is a huge fan of mug cakes. She is the reason the dorms never have clean mugs but always offers to make them for her friends as a quick treat.
Loves anything with strawberries. Order at a small coffee shop? Strawberry matcha. Favorite treat at the bakery? Strawberry fruit sandwich. Her favorite snack when her family is tight on money is strawberries dipped in sugar.
Hope y’all liked these stupid hc’s lol. Let me know of y’all’s favorite random highly specific headcanons
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almightygremlinblob · 12 days
Gojo Satoru HCs - Canon & Fanon!
⚠️CONTENT WARNINGS:⚠️ None, for the first part. Under the cut is when stuff gets weird. So minors and those uncomfy with anything remotely sexual don't click the "Keep Reading/Read More"! Will put another warning, tho. Just in case.
This is for my fellow Gojo girlies, platonic and romantic, because WOOOW 261 MAN. Sukuna's up next and then I'll probably dip again lmao. 💅🏽✨
Word Count: 855
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Gojo Satoru HCs - Canon Gojo
A mix of HCs and character analysis, if Imma be honest.
1.) His arrogance is an act - both to himself and to others; although a part of him IS actually crazy. He grew up a spoiled rich kid, yes, but the weight of what he represented in the Jujutsu world has been ingrained in him since…well, he could conceptualize things. He is the strongest, and as such he is responsible for the world's safety (at least against curses) - it is in danger if he isn't. He's the strongest because he also HAS to be. 2.) Is definitely a boy dad to his students - guy OR girl. Though, like Nanami, he does try to make sure his female students feel comfortable around him; he's just more obnoxious about it. Not condescending...just obnoxious. Calls out and makes fun of the male students that make the girls uncomfortable, gives them more breaks if they specify that it's their time of them month and they need it, calls them a cab he can monitor to get them home safe (though he does this for all of his students, to be fair), or other stuff along the likes of that. 3.) Bisexual and Demiromantic, but his first and currently only love was Geto. 4.) Is apathetic to the weak because thinking about them would only weigh him down. Moreso than Suguru's betrayal, I think the deaths of his friends - who were arguably the weaker ones - really solidified in his mind just how important it was to be the strongest because it was so personal to him. The more he cares about the weak, the more he thinks about that instead of BEING it - it's an unnecessary weight. He only needs to focus on being the strongest, and then he can be there for the weak if they need him. 5.) HOWEVER, Geto's betrayal and Nanami's initial quitting only further served to isolate him, to prove to him that strength = loneliness. This is probably where his dream of creating more sorcerers equal to him in strength came from. Guy knows how lonely it is at the top, and doesn't want that for anyone else.
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Gojo Satoru HCs - Fanon Gojo x Reader
These can be read as either platonic or romantic. Reader's gender and sex isn't specified.
1.) Teacher has a faaaavoriiiittee…(if romantic then favorite other teacher, random person, sorcerer, NOT student)… 2.) Despite how bold he often is, Gojo shows that he cares and looks out for you in very subtle ways - whether that be gently convincing you to take a break when you clearly need it, standing in between you and the road, giving you his umbrella when it's raining (he doesn't need it - he kept it for you in case you ever did), carrying extra meds you may need on hand, or even just getting you a snack, coffee or tea when you need a pick me up. 3.) Congratulations, you now have access to a luxurious mansion(s)! Gives you the keys to one of his many estates. Come and go as you please. 4.) If anybody makes you upset, he won't do anything drastic per se but…he WILL embarass them, somehow - though he often disguises it as a harsh joke at the expense of the other. 5.) Grew up as a weapon, basically, and when he finds someone that actually treats him like a person - he sticks to them like glue, without even realizing it.
Alright you know the drill. Minors and anyone uncomfy with anything remotely sexual DNI, and just scroll past. Don't click the "KEEP READING" if you don't wanna see all the sex-y stuff, and just go on with your day, furendo!
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Fanon Gojo - Romantic
⚠️Further Content Warnings!⚠️
Honestly, not much LMAO - I'll save that for the actual fic in, like, 10 years from now. Mostly Gojo fluff, some mentioned sexual activities, and Sub!Gojo.
1.) Inexperienced with women. As much as I love the fanon interpretation of Gojo, he has probably never once touched a woman in his life, even if he and Geto were popular during their younger years. Guys though? Yeah you guessed it - he and Geto had each OTHER. 2.) Adding on to the point above, this guy is LOOYAAAAL when he finds someone that he truly loves. Just look at him and Geto. He has YET to move on after Geto 💔 3.) A golden retriever boyfriend. AND shares his sweets with you but he has to feed them to you. He HAS to. 4.) Guy is a needy, WHINY sub in bed. Loves to please and can stay seated in between your legs for HOURS as long as you praise him. Loud AF too and is absolutely shameless about it - it ruins everyone's day (except for you and him). Loves the wear the marks you leave on him like a crown and it's awkward for EVERYONE. 5.) Because he has so many responsibilities, and the Jujutsu world won't give him a break, you guys don't actually spend much time together - even moreso if you're a sorcerer, too. Expect missing anniversaries, cancelled plans, mismatched schedules, even nights without each other. Despite this, Gojo does try for you, he really does. He calls and texts whenever he can, sees you the moment his schedule allows, and brings home something for you every time.
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prismatic-bell · 3 months
You know, I’m 35 and get told on a regular basis that people think I’m in my early 20s. I usually tell them it’s because I hydrate and mind my own business. But the truth is this: I do actually have a whole-body skincare routine, and I’m going to share it because THE COMPANIES ARE LYING TO YOU and I am going to save you so much time, worry, money, and counter space. It’s ten steps and they’re easy:
1) HYDRATE. Hydrate hydrate hydrate. Dehydration is the little death that brings chapped lips, flaking skin, and hangnails. Drink water. Drink fruit juice. Drink coffee, I don’t fucking care. Anything that puts more water into your body than it removes (which translates to “anything nonalcoholic”). Hydrate.
2) take a multivitamin. There are many out there. Do research if you want to. I take Centrum. Keep in mind this is not a replacement for meals and proper nutrition! It’s more like putting a high-quality patch on a hole in your wall. Micronutrients in particular can be hard to get and vitamins are good for those.
3) fuck your fancy facewash. I use a blend of two parts rubbing alcohol to one part each of rosewater and witch hazel—just dump your constituent parts in a mason jar and shake it. The rosewater and alcohol both lift dirt, the alcohol dissolves excess oil but it’s weak compared to specialized chemicals so it’s not stripping your skin, and witch hazel is a mild astringent that kills bacteria and moisturizes at the same time. Just wipe your skin gently once a day using a cotton round. (I actually have reusable ones, they’re great.) if you have super-dry skin you can use a moisturizer at this point, but I have normal-to-oily skin and have never needed one.
4) only wash your hair twice a week, but comb it every day with a fine-toothed wooden comb to prevent dandruff and stimulate blood flow to your scalp.
5) get an Italy cloth. I swear these things are magic. You just sit in the bath until your fingers just barely start to go pruney and then you rub it all over like a washcloth and it lifts off all the dead skin (don’t use it on your face, the skin is more delicate). You can literally see it come off, it’s so gross and so satisfying at the same time. Do it about once a week. Make sure you hang it up to dry after, and wash it regularly. (Also: Italy cloths do not kill bacteria, so you do still need soap. That’s okay, because washing after will also help remove any bits of dead skin that didn’t rinse away.)
6) fuck your fancy shampoo (if you have white-person hair). Mix apple cider vinegar with tea tree conditioner about 1:1 and soak your hair with it. Let it sit while you bathe. Rinse it out. Astonish hairdressers.
7) pick a fruit/veggie-based snack and reach for it when you’re idly hungry. Look, I get it, junk food tastes great and cooking vegetables is hard. (Believe me, I know.) That is why you do this. I go for veggies dipped in ranch or a cream cheese spread, or apples dipped in peanut butter. (You know what’s REALLY good, if you have the time and spoons? Mix the peanut butter with raisins and then slather the apples with it. Yum.) I’m not saying don’t have a piece of cake. I’m saying when you’re what the Brits call “peckish,” you can cheat and get some of your necessary fruit and veggies this way. It’s also super-helpful if you, like me, are neurodivergent and often forget to eat.
8) make cartoon faces. No, really! Your face was made to move. Puff up your cheeks, squeeze your eyes shut tight, move the muscles in any direction you can make work. You’ll find you feel more relaxed after, and when your face is more relaxed it’s not creating stress lines. (Wrinkles are beautiful, but speaking for myself I’d rather have crow’s feet and smile wrinkles than the angry line my mom had down the middle of her forehead.)
9) get a hobby that relaxes you, preferably a tangible one. Stress is bad for every part of you—your brain, your mental state, your heart, your kidneys, your skin. All of it. The skin is an organ. Treat it as such, and manage your stress.
And finally:
10) makeup ages you. MAKEUP AGES YOU. MAKEUP AGES YOU!!! Makeup blocks pores from doing their job; makeup mixes with sebum (your face’s natural and necessary oils) to create blackheads and whiteheads; the aggressive rubbing you may do to remove makeup causes microtears in your skin. MAKEUP IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU. If you want to wear makeup (or it’s required for your job or the world is stupid and racist and is forcing aggressive femininity on you) try to find powders instead of creams, look for the makeups with the fewest possible ingredients, invest in a good makeup remover, and don’t wear it everyday.
That’s it, that’s the ten steps I use to keep my skin healthy. Take care of yourself and mostly leave your body alone. It knows what to do.
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smoke-and-silver · 4 months
The Ministry + The Divine Feminine
Expanding my headcanon of the clergy revering the divine feminine + how they treat the women in the ministry.
Yes, this is trans inclusive. 😊
A statue of Hypatia looks over the gardens, to honor those women killed for seeking knowledge.
The ghouls dip their heads gently to greet the women they speak to, and always address them with "ma'am" and "miss".
Every morning prayer to Satan also includes a prayer to the first human woman and rebel, Eve.
The ghouls learn how each nun takes her tea or coffee and serve it to them at meals. The ladies have their plates served first.
The library is filled with books about their philosophy and spiritual reverence of the feminine, womens history, and texts written by women that are older than anything you'd find in any public library on earth.
Sister Imperator has the ultimate say in decisions in the end. She has the deepest understanding of the ministry's philosophy and the Unholy Father communicates the most with her.
The clergy follows the pagan Wheel of the Year, with the spring holidays being especially important to them. The ghouls patiently allow the Sisters to adorn them with festive ribbons, flowers, and the like.
During one holiday you see the ghouls lined up, standing at attention to receive their orders for the day, with the adornments still hanging from their horns and tails.
The ladies have rituals and circle dances on certain holidays or important moon phases. The ghouls stand guard around the perimeter of the cathedral to make sure nothing interrupts.
Both the sisters and the ghouls take care of the land surrounding the cathedral and try to give back to it when they can.
The most exciting way of doing this is the bloodlettings the ghouls enact on those who have wronged the Sisters or the church, spilling their blood onto the ground to reinvigorate the soil.
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