#// thought i forgot i had him as a muse aye
Nurgle Voice Claim
Gideon Emery (Brûz the Chopper)
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angel5ofp0rn · 21 days
idk, just a thought 😋
141 x Drunk!Reader / Jealous!Ghost x Drunk!Reader
TW: implied drunk sex
(idk what’s up with me and making the reader drunk all the time ???)
also idk i just like the idea of Soap being a perv and Ghost being a fuckin weirdo 🫣
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You didn’t expect the guys to actually give a shit about your birthday... Maybe it was just the excuse to drink.
Still, you couldn't deny that you loved seeing the squad out of uniform and all dressed up for the night.
You even put on a little skirt and low-cut top, curled your hair and wore makeup for the first time in months.
Price bought you your first drink just as a 'happy birthday, kiddo', but it didn't stop there.
Soap got you a few shots and Gaz let you sip from his drinks throughout the night.
You were feeling pretty buzzed by the time you convinced some of the guys to move to the dance floor.
Ghost watched quietly from his spot at the bar across the room. You expected as much.
The two of you have been keeping your distance; you were basically still strangers, apart from the random glances you give each other during training.
Ghost thought of at least saying happy birthday to you, but he wasn’t sure how to go about it.
He wasn’t exactly an affectionate man. Wasn’t great at showing his feelings.
Feelings? The fuck was he thinking?
You’re just nice to look at, that’s all.
It was strange seeing you with your hair curled and your skin showing, almost like a real woman. He had a nagging thought that if the guys weren’t around, he would've gone over to you.
You and Soap are on the dance floor, you tipsy and swaying while he holds your waist, keeping you steady as he mumbled something close to your ear.
"I don't think so." You muse, looking up at Soap. He had asked if Price was watching the two of you, knowing Price has a tendency to act like a father towards you especially. "Why?"
Soap took a moment before he spoke again, the alcohol clearly getting to him. His words were becoming more and more slurred throughout the night, although he still had that Scottish accent mixed it that kept him sounding charming... though almost unintelligible.
"Y'know yer beautiful, aye? An' th' lads, they've been eyein' ya for the whole night. 'Course ol' Price, he's been' tryin' to keep us from gettin' yer attention… But even Ghost! Ghost thinks yer fuckin’ gorgeous.”
"Ghost thinks that?" You tried to focus your eyes on Soap’s, fighting the alcohol.
Soap leaned in even close now, his breath smelling like strong liquor. He even placed his hand on the small of your back, right above your skirt as he spoke again.
"Oh, aye. But we all do… I do."
You giggled at that. Soap's arm wrapped tightly around your waist now, pulling you chest to chest and murmuring more drunken ramblings into your ear.
You quickly forgot what Soap mentioned about Ghost.
But Ghost was still watching.
He watched the way Soap leaned in to whisper in your ear, the cocky smirk on his face, how dangerously close his hand was to your ass.
He watched you drape your arms around Soap’s neck, eyelids heavy. He watched how your eyes wouldn’t focus on Soap’s eyes; they kept darting down to his lips.
Ghost didn’t watch to watch anymore.
“The steamin’ hell’r you doin’, LT!” Soap calls after Ghost as the masked man grabs your arm and drags you off.
“Let me go!” You groan, trying to pull away from his grip. When that didn’t work, you tried to stomp his toes.
No use, he had those fucking steel toes on as usual. After more ignored pleas, you resorted into trying to drop to the floor like a sack of potatoes; like an unruly toddler.
Ghost didn’t miss a beat. He easily scooped you up and slung you over his shoulder as he head towards the bar’s exit.
The second he set you back to your feet outside on the pavement you tried to shove him.
Stupid idea, really. Fucker didn’t budge.
“What is your problem?” You glare at him.
“My problem?” Ghost’s voice was low. “You were about to let MacTavish feel you up in front of everyone in there.”
“Who cares if Soap and I have a bit of fun? What, are you jealous or something?” You groan.
“Of course I am!”
You froze. Your eyes locked in with his.
“You’re… jealous?” You ask again, softer this time.
You can see the subtle movement of Ghost’s jaw clenching beneath his balaclava.
“You’re drunk.” Ghost states. “You should get back to base and sleep it off.”
He’s right, of course. But you don’t listen.
You don’t fully realize you’re doing it, but you reach your hand up and touch his face.
Well, his mask.
Ghost’s breath hitches, and he thinks of swatting your hand away but he doesn’t. He lets your cup his face. Caress his jaw. Rub your thumb over the fabric covering his lips.
He even lets you pull him in closer, lets you get just an inch away from touching noses before he speaks again.
“I cant kiss you.”
You finally come back to earth, your drunken mind suddenly sobering.
The two of you stare at each other for a moment, both silent. Both unsure of what happens now.
“Guess I’ll just go-”
“I want to.” Ghost speaks again. “I would like to.”
“But I can’t.” His huge arms cross as he looks down at up. For something so genuine, he’s saying it as if it’s a threat.
“Right…” You nod slowly, your drunken brain trying its best to gauge what’s happening. “So..?”
“I can’t have you flirting with MacTavish.” He practically growls. “He doesn’t want more than a quick fuck.”
You frown at this, eyebrows lowering into a scowl.
“So you won’t kiss me, but I can’t flirt with anyone else?”
“Yes.” Ghost acts as if this was common sense.
“‘s’not fair.” You roll your eyes. “You can’t do that t’me.”
“Well, I am.”
“Are not.” You challenge. You push past him and re-enter the bar, leaving him outside and alone.
“Bonnie!” Soap calls you over as soon as he sees you.
He’s sat at a table with a bunch of other men that you don’t recognize. He pats his thigh, inviting you to have a sit on his lap.
Ghost’s warning still fresh in your head makes you hesitate.
But who is he to tell you who you can and can’t flirt with? He doesn’t even talk to you.
You try not to stumble as you make your way towards Soap, accepting the invite to sit on his lap. His arm instantly wraps around your waist, holding you in place.
“Didn’t know you had a barracks bunny.” One of the men snickers as he looks you over.
You frown, looking to Soap, waiting for him to correct them. To explain that you’re actually on the squad- no, the best sniper on the squad. An asset to the team, really.
Instead, Soap laughs along with the rest of them, giving your thigh a squeeze. “Nah, nah. ’m keepin’ this bunny all to m’self.”
You had to have heard him wrong, right? Maybe it was the alcohol affecting your hearing.
Before you could defend yourself, you felt Soap’s hand sliding up your thigh, slipping under your skirt.
Your face is burning. The guys all laugh. You feel sick.
Flirting and kissing is one thing… Soap treating you like a sex toy is another.
“Soap, stop.” You mumble, pushing his hand away.
Soap gives you a wink. He thinks you’re playing some sort of game here. His hand starts to creep up your bare thigh again. His lips press against your neck.
“I said stop!” You stand up and shove him by his chest, admittedly harder than you intended to.
Soap landed on his back on the dirty bar floor, his face a mix of pissed off and confused.
Price was by your side immediately, pulling you away from the table as Gaz helped Soap to his feet.
“I’m sorry, Price, I just-“
“I’ve got you a cab outside. Get your ass back to base and sleep it off.” Price barked.
Sober you could handle commands and threats like they were nothing.
Drunk you started tearing up immediately.
Price mumbled something that sounded like ‘for fuck’s sake, kid’ as you turned and walked outside.
Ghost was still outside, balaclava lifted so he could smoke a cigarette.
You didn’t notice him as you slid into the back seat of the cab, but he saw you.
Then he saw Soap and Price exiting the bar one your cab took off.
He watched calmly, smoking as normal while Price stood with his foot on the side of Soap’s head/face, Soap’s cheek pressed against the pavement.
He couldn’t hear what they were fighting about and frankly he didn’t care. He wondered if any of it had been the cause of your teary eyes.
You lift your face off of your pillow and squint at the caller ID as your phone rang.
You’d only been back in your room for about an hour at this point and you’ve been trying to battle the spins.
You swipe to answer the call, smushing your face back into the pillow and closing your eyes again.
“Make it back to base okay, kiddo?” Price’s stern, gruff voice came through the speaker
“Mhm.” You mumble your response.
“Good. Sorry about MacTavish; drunken Scot can’t handle his alcohol…” Price sighs. “He’ll be dealt with in the morning.”
“s’okay.” You nod even though he can’t see it.
“You sure you’re alright then?”
Price exhaled a deep breath. “Get some shut eye. I'll be seeing you at 0530 sharp for PT."
"Yes sir. Love you."
You didn't fully realize that you told Price that you love him as if you were speaking to your dad.
Price was quiet for a second before his tone subtly shifted to sounding more gentle. "Love you too, kid. I'll see you at five-thirty."
You end the call and force yourself to sit up despite your still tipsy state. You knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep with everything on your mind.
Well… with Ghost on your mind.
You call him next, not really expecting him to answer at all. He kind of doesn’t; there’s no voice on the other end, but you could tell he was there.
“So- Why… why didn’t you kiss me?” You stand up off of the bed and pace your room. More like stumble around your room.
“But why?” You groan. “Is it because of Price?”
“We work together.”
“So?” You find a hoodie and pull it on over your going out clothes. “That didn’t stop Soap.”
“And I… I really wanted you to, y’know? And… I think I said ‘love you’ to Price. Y’think he’ll be mad at me?” You start kicking your heels off.
“…you told Price that you love him?”
You kind of giggle at that, hearing it back. “No, I didn’t tell him I love him. I just said ‘love you’ to him.”
You think you hear Ghost snort at that. “Are we done here?”
“Well, no…”
“What do you want?”
“I want you to open your door.”
Ghost doesn’t speak. You look around the hall to make sure none of the guys would see you.
The call ends. Ghost slowly opens his door and peers at you from the small open space.
You look up at him, messy hair and mascara smudged under your eyes. Your hoodie covered most of your outfit and you were barefoot.
“You look ridiculous.”
“Can I come in?” You ignore his comment.
Ghost hesitates but he does step aside and let you into his room.
It was so dark in his room that you almost didn’t notice that he was maskless. Too bad you couldn’t see him better.
You didn’t really know what you planned on doing now that you were in his room… You honestly didn’t think he’d let you get this far.
Ghost’s hand touched your face. His thumb wiped under your eyes, attempting to fix your makeup.
The gesture was considerate though you knew he was just making the smudge bigger.
“I can’t kiss you.” Ghost repeated his words from earlier, but this time it was softer. More gentle.
You shook your head.
“We don’t have to kiss.”
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songbirdtales · 9 months
Devil Spawn (AstarionxTav)
As soon as the party returned to camp, Tav slipped away to the riverbank. They fell heavy onto a smoothed flat rock, curling over to rest their head in their hands as their willow whisp eyes stared blankly into the dark. A storm cloud rolled in the mind with memories and thoughts. The storm roared so loud it blocked their senses until a familiar voice tore them back to reality. 
“Tav?” A trace of worry came through in the furrow of Astarion’s brow. He’d come over with his typical chaotic glee but when they’d ignored him completely, well that was more than unusual. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah.” Their voice was muffled by their hands, rubbing their eyes and keeping their gaze down to avoid his own. 
“No fever? Er… What were the other tadpole symptoms?”
“No. Sorry I… am just thinking about today. The tea house, the hag…”
“The pregnant widow and her undead husband?” He asked with a snicker as he came closer, leaning against the rock beside where they sat. The long river rock made something of a shelf that seemed strong enough to support both of their weight, but Astarion wasn’t trying to be clingy.
There was no laugh in return, no smile, just a solemn “Aye… Hit a little too close to home.” With a deep breath Tav sat back, turning their head up to open their airway as the storm cloud in their mind attempted to suffocate them.
“Which part?” He joked, trying fruitlessly to lighten the mood. Astarion held his tongue as Tav’s gaze slowly came back to the river. He studied their blank expression but he couldn’t read them. Tav had shut down to keep the storm contained. It scared him to not be able to read them. That instinctual connection they’d shared the other night was absent, and not because of him. It felt like he’d lost some form of control, and he hated that.
Tav said nothing, so Astarian continued. “So, a tiefling witch who befriends orphans. Is that where you got your soft spot?” He mused to himself, trying to imagine her, Tav’s mother. At first he imagined an ugly old hag, but Tav was far from ugly. He quickly rearranged his mental image to be more of an older, mature, more feminine version of Tav. Just as he’d painted her in his mind the image would be shattered.
“My mother wasn’t a tiefling.” The storm waned and their voice softened. Focusing on the thought of her was grounding in an odd way, even if the pain of those memories simmered at the surface in the quiver of their eyes. “She couldn’t have children of her own, so she made a pact for the magic to do so.” Tav’s eyes glanced to Astarion, and for just a moment they caught his expression. That shocked stare, he almost looked horrified. He understood exactly what they were suggesting, what their mother had done to create...
His sanguine gaze flicked away for Tav in embarrassment. He’d been caught staring. He stumbled over his words, desperate to save face as the severity of their situation settled in. “So you- your father is- a…”
“Well,” They winced at the thought. “I don’t exactly know the technicals of… all that. What I know is that there is a devil who calls me blood and would very much like me in hell with him. I’d be willing to make a deal with him before Mizora, but even then he’s still a devil,” They tsked softly at the thought.. “And just like with hags and witches, ‘deals’ are never in your favor, even when they’re ‘family’.” Their smile didn’t return, but he could feel Tav ease as Astarion’s presence drew them back out. 
“I see… that explains why you were so angry with that insufferable druid. I thought you were going to tear her throat out, it was kind of hot. I almost forgot how annoyed I was that we were still in that awful place.” He admitted. “All her devil talk, I could barely keep my eyes from rolling…” his thought trailed off and Tav naturally picked it up.
“I wouldn’t call myself particularly selfless but I can’t help but see myself in others, to see my pain in theirs, and there is this,” They brought a hand to rest over their heart as Tav searched for the words. “Anger that fires up. It screams, swearing to me that if I can do something now, it’ll change the past. And I know that’s not true, but sometimes it’s so loud I can’t hear anything else. So when I hear someone like that bitter bitch call a child a parasite,” their gaze hardened as they started off at nothing, tongue biting off each syllable as their sight stayed fixed on the storm still rolling in their mind. “I just want to drag my nails down her fucking face.”
A broad smile pulled across his lips as he leaned closer, tilting his head as white fangs caught the moonlight. “Let’s kill her.” Tav blinked a few times, taking a moment to process his words before turning towards him. His face was so much closer, their cool toned skin turning a dusty, warm violet at their cheeks as they flushed. “When we get back with this Halsin fellow, or what’s left of him, we can wait till she’s asleep and,” he ran a finger across his neck.
“Is this supposed to be your idea of a date?” Tav deflected as they leaned back ever so slightly.
“Isn’t it romantic?” He teased, leaning in further. 
“Not sure romantic is the word I’d use-“ The softest hint of a smile cracked across their lips.
“There they are!” He cut in, the sharpness of his smile waned and he’d lean back once more. “I knew you were in there somewhere.”
Tav’s smile came back more true, still soft but he could see inside just a little to the storm. He could catch glimpses of familiar expressions and inflections, but whatever was on their mind was truly troubling them.
“You mentioned the hag, what has her on your mind?” Astarion asked as if he found the idea of giving the hag a second thought utterly bazaar.
“It’s not really about the hag, just like it wasn’t really about the druid.” They explained, shaking their head as their mind turned back to the storm. “It’s about that baby. Who knows what that hag would have really done with it, but I can’t help but wonder if whatever she had planned would have been better than being born to a madwoman and a ghoul.” Their gaze hardened on the ground again as their expression grew intense. Instead of the blank stare, their brow furrowed deeply as their lips creased into a frown.
“Why should you care?” He seemed genuinely confused. “As far as we’re concerned that woman got exactly what she wanted.”
“But she didn’t.” Tav’s lips scrunched and pushed from side to side. “I know all too well that magic can’t fix everything and when people who believe it can are confronted with that reality-“ their lip twitched as their breath hitched. Tav caught their eyes welling with tears and pushed it back down, shoving it all back in. “It’s never pretty.”
Astarion studied Tav’s posture, the exasperation absent from his tone now and replaced with care. “Frankly it’s none of our business. It’s not like we will ever cross their paths again.” He said in an attempt to comfort them.
“Perhaps, but that doesn’t mean they stop existing.” Tav’s continued to watch the river water roll past them as Astarion stared at Tav, speechless. 
Tav’s words swam in Astarion’s head but he was bad at this. There was something he wasn’t understanding, something fundamental to Tav. It wasn’t the first time he’d been confronted with this, it wasn’t specific to Tav even, this lack of understanding empathy. For a moment he wondered if there was something broken in him. If there was, it was surely Cazidor’s doing. He didn’t know what to say, what to do, how to ‘win’, if there was really such a thing in this sort of situation. Maybe it wasn’t possible, but his silence made him feel so inadequate. 
Tav sighed heavily and let their eyes drift back down the riverbed. “I need to get out of my own head.” 
Sometimes all you had to do was wait. Astarion hadn’t planned this, but it wouldn’t damage his goal. If anything, it might just help him. “Well if it’s getting out of your head, I can help with that.” There was a sweetness to his whisper that seemed to draw them in. Astarion stood and offered Tav a hand. “If you trust me.”
Tav’s gaze snapped to Astarion, the storm still raging in their mind, making it hard to think What did he mean about help? It was his last words that pulled them from their frozen state.  “I do.” Their voice was soft in turn, warm and deep yet comforting like a heavy blanket. Tav took Astarion’s hand and he’d step back, leading them to their feet and down river, away from camp.
As the night settled once more at the riverside, Gale stood with his back to a tree, hiding behind it and out of sight from the other two. How long had he been listening? How much had he heard? What was he going to do with that information? He stroked his beard in thought as he contemplated everything he’d just learned, his eyes locked on the direction Astarion had led Tav. Gale hummed in contemplation.
Astarion didn’t hold Tav’s hand for long, walking a few steps ahead of them even once they’d each let go. He led them up river to the edge of the camp and into the woods. They walked for what felt like much longer than it really was. “It’s not much further.” He assured them.
The dark didn’t bother Tav, their eyes were made for darkness. Yet as the vampire led them further into the woods a fear crept up their spine. Doubt seeped into their mind as a dissonant voice whispered, ‘How naive are you? He’s hungry and you’ve followed him into the dark, alone. What do you think is going to happen next? You’re not dumb, Tav. Stop making dumb choices.’
Astarion slipped through the trees like a phantom, gliding, each stride adding distance between them as his pace picked up and Tav’s slowed. He reached out as he approached a curtain of willow branches and vanished through them.
Tav paused, the voice in their head louder now as they stood at the threshold. ‘It’s not too late to turn back. Gale’s probably looking for you. You could run back to him, he’d gladly have you.’ Tav’s expression soured at the intrusive thoughts. Where were they coming from? They knew what Astarion was, and they didn’t fear him for it. Even if he was to act by his nature, they were confident in their ability to survive, and even then he’d proven twice now he could restrain himself. So why-
The curtain of willow opened once more as Astarion poked his head back through. “Are you coming?” A splash of annoyance tinged his tone. He did not like waiting, especially when he wanted something.
Tav blinked a few times before pressing their eyes closed and shaking their head. They pushed the thoughts away and stepped through the branches to see a small clearing. They could see a tree stump long cut and a thinning in the grass in the furthest point from the nearest trees. An old camp site long left to be reclaimed by the forest. 
The foliage around the clearing blocked most views inside. The clearing was big enough to let the moonlight past the canopy but not to the forest floor. Fireflies lit the forest floor, as the ambient glow of the defused moonlight kept this part of the woods peaceful and bright. Their eyes flit from the clearing to him and back before Tav took a few steps forward, turning to look around before looking back to Astarion.
They found his own brow quirked, a grin plastered across his lips as he studied them. “I’ve noticed you’re reluctant to play your originals by the fire, I thought you might like somewhere secluded to practice.” Tav recognized his smile now. He struggled to stay composed as blood drunk glee bubbling at the surface as he waited to be rewarded. They’d thought he was getting excited to feed but now they could see what he really wanted; praise. 
Tav took a moment to gather themself before a soft smile joined their surprised eyes. “Thank you.”
Astarion scoffed. “Are you really so surprised? We’re friends, after all.” It wasn’t nearly the reaction he’d expected, but at least it was a positive one. He could use it, even if the absence of his expectations left him irritated. Their surprise waned, leaving just a smile behind. Still, there was something about how eager he was, there was surely something more in it for him. “I’m not used to having honest friends.”
“Well,” He glanced away, the confidence in his voice wavering as he was verbally cornered. “I had more ideas aside from band practice.” Of course, there was always something more. “I thought the privacy could be good for many things. For more delicate conversations, an escape route for when Wyll’s patroness decides to slaughter us in the night, keep away the peeping Gales from our more intimate moments.” He said with a flash of his fangs.
The last suggestion caught Tav off guard. “You think Gale’s been watching us?” The thought was uncomfortable and Astarion could see as much, but in what way still eluded him. What better time to push his luck. He’d done a fair job of keeping Tav’s interest, they might just tell him how much of a risk Gale really was to his plan.
“I don’t just think so.” He stalked towards them, each step agonizingly slow as he closed the gap between them. “He’s worried I’ll corrupt you.” Astarion’s amusement was on the surface yet there was a dissonance between his tone and how he moved. His gaze had sharpened, head fixed on them, like a beast on the hunt. 
Tav’s body suddenly felt so incredibly heavy, their feet and arms unable to move as he came closer. They could feel their heart racing, the sound filling their ears as they realized they were holding their breath. Tav forced themself to breath, the sharp ex and inhales making a scoff. It was just enough to pull themself from their frozen state and cross their arms. Tilting their head, Tav’s eyes stayed on Astarion. “That’s rich… but, I don’t blame him for worrying. I’d be worried too if I knew a friend was willingly feeding a vampire.”
“If you distrust me so, why follow me out into the middle of the woods?” A soft red glow came from his eyes as he got within arms reach. The dark began to obscure his face as he became backlit by what little moonlight made it down to the forest floor.
“I do trust you.” They said without hesitation. “Even if my instincts tell me not to.”
“You shouldn’t ignore those. Wouldn’t want to end up dead, would you?” He loomed over them, the shadows darkening his face as Tav’s eyes burned like willow wisps.
“That’s why I keep trusting you.” Tav’s voice was flat as the nocturnal pare stared off. “We make a good team. Makes me want to trust you.” The sound of the woods took over the gaps in Tav’s words as they paused. Even with their dark vision Tav could only make out the faintest details of his expression. His eyes stared wide, his grin gone as he was unsure how to respond so Tav continued. “Whether that’s foolish of me is up to you. Just know if you break my trust, you’ll be Kelemvor’s problem.”
He cocked his head, still processing Tav’s words. He’d underestimated them again. Truly, Tav would make a terrible enemy, all the more reason he needed them wrapped around his finger. Still, it wasn’t too late to save face. The shadow on his face lifted as he took a step back and Tav could see a composed smile on his lips, the one he wore like a mask when he was hiding something. “You’ll learn I don’t disappoint, darling.” A flash of fangs and another step back and he was once again at the willow branches. “I’ll leave to… whatever it is artists do.” He waved goodbye with a flick of his wrist as he turned.
“Astarion,” Their voice gave him pause. Those red eyes turned back over his shoulder curiously. He was met with a shy smile. “Truly, thank you for...” Their voice trailed off as they gestured to the clearing. “Sharing this with me.” Tav’s long nails pushed back stray strands of gold, tucking them behind a pointed ear. There was something so honest in their expression now that they were fully out of their head,that connection he’d been so angry to lose was back. This wasn’t exactly the praise he’d wanted so badly, yet a strange feeling filled him. What was it? If he knew at one point, the feeling was unfamiliar to him now. 
Astarion turned away to hide his face. “What are friends for?” He called back as he vanished through the curtain of willow. He took only a few steps before pausing, waiting in the dark, the panic in him starting to settle in. A hand came to rest on his sternum as Astarion tried to decipher this feeling that had just threatened to consume him. There was a pain, a tightness in his chest as if a hand was gripping his heart. It was frightening, and exhilarating. It took only that short moment for the soft plucking of strings to meet his ears. Only then did the fear wash away to leave the most incredible feeling. He felt invincible. Only then was he satisfied.
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hoes4dylanobrien · 2 years
It’s Just A Cigarette | 3
WARNINGS: swearing, underage drinking, social pressure
wc. 1,982
tag list: @roxic93​
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"Low-key hang out, huh?” You mused, eying the packed apartment booming with music audible from the first floor when you and Colin made your way up to the third floor of the five story walk up of the old tenement building. Booze was visible far as the eye could see, with folks chatting, making out, and dancing uninhibited, among other things. 
Colin shot you a cheeky grin, winking as he herded you through the door, his arms braced on your shoulders and hot breath at your ear:
“So I lied a lil’. I know you would’a argued with me otherwise.”
“So you do it anyway without giving me a heads up?” 
“What’s the expression? Better to beg for forgiveness...?”  His gaze lowered to your mouth, which felt hot all of a sudden, and suddenly you forgot what you were annoyed about. Instinctually you licked your bottom lip, which he fixated on, brown eyes turning to darkened amber. 
“Ay, man, ‘bout time you showed up. Beginnin’ to think you got mugged or somethin’-” a darker skinned man yelled out, red cup in hand as he took sight of you. “And this must be... Melodie?” 
“Marnie,” you corrected, reaching out to shake his hand hesitantly with a cautious smile. He surprised you by taking you into his arms in a hug. “Oh,” you mumbled. “My bad, I’m a hugger. And you bein’ tight with my boy here, well, just felt right. I’m Andjy, by the way.” 
“Nice to meet you,” you replied. He leaned back, you doing the same as you rubbed your elbows somewhat awkwardly. 
Colin stepped forward, hand light on your waist as he pointed to the others. “And that’s Petra, Aria, and DeShaun.”
“Hi,” you greeted.
Petra, a small artsy chick with an intimidating stare, looked you up and down, frowning. She was the only one who seemed unhappy to meet you. “I didn’t catch where you know Colin from?” She asked snottily.
You glanced up at Colin, who now was preoccupied with his phone. 
“Oh, Colin didn’t tell you?” 
"Nope.” She said, seeming somewhat amused by it. As if you weren’t significant enough to know, or to remember. You swallowed hard. “We lived together for a short while a bit ago.” 
Nosy much, you thought.
“My parents took him in when he was about to age out of the foster system.” 
“Oh,” realization dawned on her face, now looking pleased. “He’s your brother?” 
“Well, not really-”
"Yo Colin,” a guy yelled, cutting short your explanation. “Got a bet goin’ here, need you to settle it.” 
Colin grinned, yelling over the cocaghany of noise. “Aight ima be right over.” He leaned in, mint breath and aftershave washing over me again: “You gonna be all right here?” 
You nodded enthusiastically, forcing a smile. “Sure. Take your time.” You didn’t want to make him feel obligated to stick by your side even if all you wanted to do was just that. Cooler, more mature and independent Marnie could handle herself.
“You sure sure?” He raised a thick brow, gaze searching yours for the truth. 
“I’ll be fine. Go on and have fun.” You smiled encouragingly. 
He brushed his knuckles against your upper arm, the one littered with all the rings. The cool press of the metal coupled with his presence had the hair on the back of your neck raising. “Back before you know it,” he promised, voice gravelly. 
 You kept rehearsing your new mantra about independence as you felt the immediate sense of loss (and slight panic) at seeing Colin walk away, also reminding yourself he would be back soon, and if not, you knew where to find him; it wasn’t as if the apartment was that large, although it was decently sized. 
You briefly wondered how he paid for it all. He had a large flat screen TV and accompanying video game sets, several pieces of nice-looking even if second-hand furniture, a tiki inspired half bar, a pool table with darts, and a slew of pieces of out-there, neon colored art and film mementos that was so quintessentially Colin littering the painted walls and exposed brick, Coupled with the awesome neighborhood, he was living a bachelor and indie college kid’s dream.  It had to cost a fortune, yet as far as you knew, Colin wasn’t working, and NYU was hardly cheap. 
I”ve never seen Colin like that,” one of the girl friends that Colin pointed out, said. You think you remember her name being Aria. She was much kinder, with a sweetheart face, and a really killer fashion sense. She looked like she knew a lot, but not the type to lord it over others. It endeared you to her. 
“I’m sorry?” You shook your head, trying to catch up. 
“Colin,” she said, glancing over where the blond was talking animatedly in a huddle of girls and guys, beer in one hand as he seemed to be regaling them with some story or other. 
“He’s kind of overbearing with you, isn’t he? Like an older brother, but not quite...” Her gaze fixed back on you, searchingly. Looking for something. You felt like a bug under a microscope. Being popular, intelligent, and intuitive on top of pretty just seemed unfair. 
“No, I don’t think so. He’s just looking out for me. This is my first party, and I’m sorta his responsibility for the weekend. He’d probably be less hands-on if we were back in Jersey.” 
Your mind flashed to distinct memories of him not acting dissimilar, however. Times where he’d hover when he invited his guy friends over to the house, or act just a little too interested in what you and Wyatt, your then boyfriend, were up to. 
“Right,” she said, taking a sip of her drink. 
“We’re not related, you know.” You blurted out, blushing at the sudden rise of her eyebrows. “Sorry, that was random. I was just wanting to clarify the conversation from earlier with Petra. Yeah, we lived together for a bit but we aren’t siblings and we aren’t related by blood. Just want to make that clear...” 
“Got it. To be honest, I wasn’t really listening, but since you brought it up,” she tilted her head to the side, “you don’t really look alike at all. I know Colin’s not a natural blond much as he tries to protest otherwise, but I’m fairly sure he doesn’t have curly hair hidden under that bleach blond Eminem look,” she giggled. 
You laughed with her, feeling more at ease in her presence. “Yeah, can verify that’s not the case.” 
As the night went on, you stuck close with Aria, who fortunately seemed content in your company, and even had a chance to get to know Luca and DeShaun more. Andjy, who had left to start the pool game, seemed to be killing it, taking people’s cash left and right, while Colin had yet to come back, now drinking and dancing with his shirt off which showed off all his tattoos, and a little dark happy trail that led into his sweats that you were definitely not looking at. 
“So ‘first party’ girl, you wanna drink?” Asked Aria. “I’m assuming this is also your first taste of alcohol, although the two aren’t mutually exclusive.”
You bit your lip. “Actually, I’ve had some wine at home with dinner.” 
“That doesn’t count,” she smirked. 
“I don’t know...” 
“Come on, try some. I promise to hold your hair back if you puke.” She laughed. 
“Okay,” you caved. “Not a lot, though. What’s that?” You pointed to hers. “Tequila. You’re not ready for that, though. Here, lemme get you some vodka and a chaser. That’s what my mom started me on, haven’t looked back since,” she winked, pouring and mixing the drinks. 
You watched her, wondering whether you were making a mistake. Then you remembered you were alone, probably for the first time in your 17 years, not including a short stint at camp several summers in a row in your tween years. You were supervised then. This time was completely different, and you were older. 
“Bottoms up,” she says, holding out the red cup to you. You take it, reluctantly, seeing her watchful gaze on you. You smile, tossing it back slowly at first, then quickly, as the awful acidic taste overwhelmed your taste buds. You coughed a little as you swallowed, earning some laughs around you. 
“Damn, Ari, you are a bad influence,” DeShaun teased, not disapprovingly. 
“What is this again?” You asked when you were more coherent. “It tastes like nail polish remover.” 
“Well la de da,” piped up Petra. 
Aria laughed. “Shut your mouth, it’s vodka and cranberry, top notch vodka at that.” 
“Girl’s got taste, don’t hate,” DeShaun retorted. 
They kept on talking, but as you listened it became less and less clear to you what they were saying. 
“Girl, you okay?” Aria rested her hand on your knee, trying to grab your attention.  “I'm good,” you mumbled, rising. You suddenly had to go to the bathroom. “Where’s the bathroom?” 
“Down the hall to the left,” she said, eying you. “You sure you’re good? Want me to come?” 
“She doesn’t need a damn babysitter,” snapped Petra. “Let her be. She’ll find her way.” 
You drifted off in the direction mentioned, which was easier said than done between navigating through the crowd, and your increasingly dizzy, forgetful state of mind. It had only been one drink, and yet you knew without a question you were definitely drunk. 
“Hey, you mind?” Said the guy inside the bathroom, whom you’d accidentally walked in on without knocking. “Sorry,” you said, quickly shutting the door. There was a woman inside with him on her knees; you may have been inexperienced, but even you understood what was clearly happening between the two. 
“Bathroom taken?” Said someone beside you. You hadn’t noticed him walk up behind you and you took a step back. “Yeah. Don’t think they’re coming out anytime soon, though...” 
He laughed, a sort of hoarse sound. “Shit, that’s rude as fuck.” 
“I wouldn’t normally do this, but I live next door and you’re welcome to use mine.” 
You looked at him skeptically. In your inebriated state, you were feeling abnormally distrustful. 
“Yeah, I get it. Strange guy inviting you into his apartment, I know how it looks but I promise I don’t mean anything by it, apart from wanting to help.”
“It’s just... I don’t even know who you are.” 
“Dominic,” he says, offering an outstretched hand. It felt calloused in yours. “And you are?” 
“Marnie,” you reply. 
“Well, Marnie, now we know each other,” he grinned ear to ear; it was dark, but you could just make it out. “Okay,” you said.
You flushed the toilet, washing your hands in the sink. For some stranger’s bathroom, it was pleasantly clean, which you appreciated. 
“Thanks for letting me use your bathroom,” you said shyly. 
“’Course. Couldn’t let a pretty girl suffer like that,” he winked. You blushed. He was fairly attractive, now that you could see him in decent lighting. He was clearly older, however, maybe even older than Colin by a few years. 
“So I haven’t seen you around before. How do you know Colin?” 
“I’m his...” You tried to think of a good descriptor. “Friend,” you settled on. You were, you supposed, weren’t you? It was less messy than the reality. 
“Interesting,” he responded, watching you curiously. 
He shook his head. “Just, from what I’ve seen of the guy, he doesn’t exactly do female friends, if you catch my drift.” 
“He’s got a few. I met them today,” you defended. 
“Just an observation.” 
A knock sounded at the door. It was pretty loud. With raised eyebrows, Dominic approached the door. “Coming.” He said.
The door opened to reveal Colin, looking pissed. “Oh, Colin! Hi, how are you-”
“You son of a bitch,” he growled, lunging at Dominic. 
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Hi. @rebuke-me cat. Jeremy. Deere.
Soft purrs could be heard between the walls of the empty classroom as Jeremy rested his head on his arms, his fluffy, weird, embarrassing cat ears twitching whenever Michael got too close to petting them instead of the rest of Jeremy's head.
"Really tired today, huh, Jere?" Michael muses, Jeremy's even more embarrassing tail curled around him.
"I overslept.." Jeremy mumbles, almost through a yawn.
"Again." There's a smirk in Michael's voice as he's given a playful hiss from Jeremy.
"And then I had to run to school, and I forgot to change, so I was all sweaty - so I ran back home to change."
Michael starts to chuckle. "Wouldn't running make you sweat more?"
Jeremy nods pitifully.
"So I had to stuff wet wipes under my armpits! And- someone came in."
"No fucking way."
"And it was the worst possible person!"
"Rich?" Michael quips, sympathy in his features.
Michael then relaxes.
"I'm sure Jake doesn't care."
"That's a lie. And.. anyways, I do." His ears wilt, curling down.
"Cmon, Jeremy, he has more serious things to worry about, like what girl to fuck this weekend."
Jeremy baps at him.
"I gotta get to class, alright? I'll send you the homework."
"Nope." And Michael leaves the class with a grin.
After a few minutes, a telltale click is heard, Jeremy's ears perk up.
"Back already?" Jeremy questions, not raising his head. "I was planning on napping ..."
There's a soft chuckle. "Uh, sorry?" A warm voice says. Jeremy's head shoots up from the table with a squawk supposed to resemble Jake's name.
"Gah, didn't mean to scare ya." Jake smiles. Cats are known to be skittish, arent they?
"Should I approach you slowly? Or er- let you sniff my hand or something?"
"Gross, no." Jeremy's nose scrunched up the same way it does every time there's a surprise quiz. A distinct sign of Jeremy dislike.
"Heh, sorry. How are you dealing with the whole..."
"Half cat thing?" Jeremy supplies, face red. "I just sleep a lot. And eat Michael's sushi."
Michael. Must be the guy who left the classroom before Jake got in.
"Not too shabby then, ay? You get to skip class and to look cute." Jake makes his way - slowly - to Jeremy.
"..Wh-" Jeremy's face is on fire, his tail twitching and swaying, ears perked up. Cute. "What? What? What do you mean by that?"
Jake shakes his head with a soft laugh.
"I mean, cats are cute?'
There's a soft rumble Jake only now is able to hear.
"...Are you purring?"
Jeremy refuses to answer, only getting redder. Bingo.
"Sweet, dude, that's adorable!"
"Oh my god, please stop talking." Jeremy covers his face, ears flat.
Jake seizes the opportunity, hand making its way to Jeremy's head. "You won't like, bite me or something, right?"
"WH- OH. OH. Cat. Right."
There's a knowing smirk dancing on Jake's lips.
"Thought of something else, kitty?" Jake starts to scratch behind Jeremy's soft ears, the purr is even louder.
"Wha- no, no, no, where's Michael?"
"Funny prank, right?"
"Uh, no, I just wanted to return you the wet wipes you've dropped."
"Not what I'm talking about!"
"Yknow, I'm surprised too. I always thought I was a dog person."
Jeremy shoots his face back down to the table as Jake laughs, continuing to pet Jeremy to hear his purrs.
Michael stands in the doorway in shock. Jake waves. "Hey, man." He puts a finger over his lips. "Dude's totally asleep." With his head on Jake's lap.
Michael is so going to blackmail Jeremy with this picture.
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vawsculturecorner · 5 months
My Musical 2023: Musings by a girl who can't stop getting high and tweeting.
PART 1: People don't know what "A weak year for Music" means.
End of year time chat - you know what that means, everybody and their mother wants to tell you what the best, most valuable per minute piece of funny sound waves was in the year of our lord 2023. Cynicism aside, I like year-end lists! Despite my immense disdain for attributing any form of hierarchy to art, they are good fun to put together when we throw out any notions of objectivity. It's a way to preach how much we love something by measuring it against other things that we love.
Attempting to not be brazenly hypocritical, I’ve taken a “Mic the Snare” approach and grouped albums together under categories that make some sense to me and probably none to you. The hope is that if you like one thing on this list, you find something similar that you haven’t heard to try. The ultimate takeaway I want people to have after reading is “fuck I should listen to this aye”.
I am nowhere near a skilled enough writer (or observer, frankly) to make meaningful commentary on everything (or anything depending on who you ask). For the sake of brevity and our collective sanity I’m only going over the standout stuff from this year, my absolute favourites and whatever else I deem relevant/vaguely amusing. Consider anything mentioned here to be an album that I think of positively. If I don’t include it here, I didn’t hear it or I forgot because unbeknownst to you I am capable of making mistakes. If I don’t go into depth on something, assume I love it but I possess insufficient skill to do it justice/not quite obsessed enough with it to make an ass of myself trying
Herculean Hip-Hop
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Goyard Comin': Exordium - Goyard Ibn Said Y'all gotta stop annoying the shit out of my man on Twitter and let him make his music. Yes, the artist who you may know as Ghais Guevara has put out some high-quality conscious hip-hop but man's also makes fucking bangers. To quote the album, you can't even go a yard without collapsing - hit the gym and bump tracks like Blood on My Grails whilst you are there. Faith is a Rock - MIKE x Wiki x The Alchemist MIKE, Wiki and Uncle Al link up for my favourite Alchemist-produced project of the year. Bleeding New York to the bone, this intergenerational meetup runs seamlessly across its brief runtime with the signature Alchemist production and intricately spun lyrics from MIKE and Wiki. Listen to Be Realistic.
Voir Dire - Earl Sweatshirt x The Alchemist Whilst we are talking about Alchemist, his long-awaited collaboration with Earl Sweatshirt is another solid addition to his discography. You really can’t go wrong with these two, and I feel like Alc’s beat really lend visibility to Earl’s pen and avoids intrusion, providing a clearer spotlight to the labyrinth of Earl's rapping. Undoubtedly My Brother, The Wind and 27 Braids are the two tracks I find the heaviest hitting.
14K Figaro - Wiki x Tony Seltzer Wiki had a fucking year hey - of his releases this is pretty handily my favourite, with Tony Seltzer's more digital production adding a “vintage in the modern” feeling with more synthetic sounds and beats contrasted with naturalistic and lively rhythms. Goes without saying that Wiki brings his A-Game to the mic as well. Fried Ice Cream would be my go-to track for the project.
Notorious Dump Legends 2 - Mach-Hommy x Tha God Fahim You really thought Hommy wouldn’t be here? Mach-Hommy and Tha God Fahim link up again, the legendary duo delivering on what they do best. A great appetizer before RAH next year - check out lead single Olajuwon. Glockoma 2 - Key Glock This album was my introduction to Key Glock and it is just a mixtape-style project packed with murky southern bangers. His deep, rolling delivery lends himself to a broad span of topics and emotions whilst maintaining a cold-blooded bluntness that is as cool as it is compelling. Sucker-free got an immense amount of play in the car this year. The Estate Sale - Tyler, the Creator. Hear me out - I know this is much smaller than CMIYGL and sure that album is tighter because it's more fleshed out, but on purely a song-for-song basis? I think I prefer these songs. In a decade where Tyler has released his best music yet, tracks like Dogtooth and Wharf are some of the strongest showings in his catalogue so far. Sorry not Sorry is also his best closing track period.
Soul of Too Birdz - Too Birdz Too Birdz defy genre in a blistering kaleidoscope of jagged noises and sounds that are increasingly difficult to pin down or label. All the better for it, Soul of Too Birdz introduces a cavalcade of phantasmic futurism to Australian music that mesmerizes the mind as the group's lyrical mantras are enveloped by folds of digital madness. Blood Money Millionz is a must-listen. (An addendum - this probably should have made relentless replays because I think this is one of the best albums to drop this year).
Decay - Fatboi Sharif x Steel Tipped Dove If the Too Birds album is the phantasm jolting from the street lamps at midnight then Decay is the poltergeist haunting abandoned homes in transient suburbia. The lethargy of a dying world has manifested in the voice of Sharif and the prowling soundscapes of Dove. As Sharif proselytises the apocalypse, you can hear the buzz of flies infesting corpses on key tracks like Brandon Lee. A stunning project from both artists.
Melodic Amazement and Terrific Trunknockers:
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Straight up, I found it really hard to write about these ones but you should listen to them so I am including them here so again you have stuff to check out. Melodic Amazement: Ooh Rap I Ya - George Clanton George Clanton follows up his legendary "Slide" with another solid serve of hypnagogic warbly audibles. Manages to sneak in a couple of classic tracks for his catalogue too with tracks like I Been Young and For You, I Will featuring Hatchie. Filth - Collarbones The Swansong for cult-classic outfit Collarbones, the band goes out with a bang as Filth is pumped with ethereal yet driving euphoria, with Marcus Whale's singing oozing with sensuality and intimacy. The album is packed with essential tracks but I want to give a special mention to God is Here for being such a triumphant close to the beloved Australian Duo. Muscle Memories Vol 1 & 2. I saw these guys at SXSW this year and whilst I had heard tracks from them before, their set was the pure definition of mesmerizing. That same crystalline funkiness is here in spades across the two EPs that they put out this year and I am hotly anticipating their next moves. 5D dub is an excellent track to start with. What Colour Is the End? - Nikodimos Speaking of artists I found by watching them live, Nikodimos was the first artist I caught at Big Sound 2023 and fuck me was the bar set high. A jack-of-all-music-trades, there is no genre or instrument or musical crevice that Nikodimos does not excel at - case in point, What Colour Is the End? Lathered in psychedelia and warm jazzy tones you could lose yourself forever in the layers of these songs. IT HURTS! is a standout track for its emotional vocals and groovy percussion. How To Capture Playful - Pink Navel x Kenny Segal Coming off last year's EPIC, Pink Navel's earnestness and slightly dorky energy is the type of thing you would expect to be grating, but in fact, it just fills your heart with warmth and sugar. They team with the one and only Kenny Segal for an album about video games, and the results are endlessly endearing. Lead single Present Vendor is a great introduction if you are a newcomer to their music. In The End, It Always Does - The Japanese House Ok, I have to admit something that is going to have my queer femme card revoked - I am not really that enamoured with Phoebe Bridgers. She's an incredible musician, but the emotional connection that most people have with albums like Punisher I think I'm starting to have with this album here. Touching Yourself is pure saphic bliss and I swear to god if I don't meet a beautiful femme woman soon to have an emotionally charged intimate situationship I might just kill myself.
Terrific Trunknockers: OPPBOYZ - SOLLYY x Dxvdre Seriously this lil fuckin album is non-stop anthems and tracks that will make you non-stop bop. Hard on the car stereo and on the decks this album will have you yelling OPP BOY DOWN OPP BOY DOWN on top note, irrespective of the time or place. Also special shout-out to that CK line it was a bit of a cultural reset. Definitely check out OPP BOY DOWN. STRESSOR - Teether x Kuya Neil Look I'm still pretty new to the underground Australian music scene but if there is one thing that became clear to me pretty quickly, it's that Teether is one of the godfathers of this shit. Another artist who had a jam-packed year (even ending up featuring on Backwoodz release plus one from the multi-talented Fielded), this link-up with Kuya Neil is one of the most critically acclaimed underground hip-hop records of the year for good reason. Kuya Neil offers a masterclass of production here with smooth textured production riding on top of punchy, breakneck percussion. Closing track RENO is already a classic.
The Spiritual Meat Grinder - Zheani Zheani is just an incredible man - I did not expect the pivot into more electronic, dancier takes on her signature occult alt-metal-rap stylings but it's executed immaculately. How can I not recommend Bring Wet Cunt, honestly, it's such a banger.
Inconsistently Incredible and Future Funhouses:
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(slightly) Inconsistently Incredible: Am I going to say these albums are perfect back to front? Not really, but there are enough moments of brilliance that go above and beyond that I think it's a disservice to skip over them.
And Then You Pray for Me - Westside Gunn W$G continues to prove he has this curation shit down fucking pat and continues to indulge his creativity with a datpiff tape-styled trap-ier take on his signature Griselda sound. Let this man executive produce a Tyler the Creator album please. Kitchen Lights is the stunner for me on this album for sure. Utopia - Travis Scott Mr "Play FEIN Ten Times in a Row" has become a more difficult sell for me as of late (and very little of that has to do with his album output) but UTOPIA manages to make good on a few moments of dusty, garish pop-rap constructed on a level of grand spectacle (I mean this as a good thing). I KNOW?, TELEKINESIS and DELRESTO (ECHOES) will probably go down as some of my all-time favourite Travis tracks. Burning Desire - MIKE MIKE continues to almost click with me (the closest I’ve come thus far is Tears of Joy) but moments on this album are like portals to a dimension where he is one of my favourite rappers working right now, with a distinct realm of abstracted explosive creationism that I genuinely struggle putting into words. Plz Don't Cut My Wings is absolutely my favourite song he has put out and has this distinct melancholic grain that wraps around MIKE's lyrics of memory and making it to the light at the end of a rough road. Something to Give Each Other - Troye Sivan Personally, I don't come back to this album in it's entirety as full listens can sometimes drag a bit, but individual tracks like the singles and a few deep-cuts like Can't Go Back Baby are undeniable gay boy summer smash hits and I am so fucking here for them. 
Future Funhouses: These are albums that I did hear this year but didn’t really dedicate enough time to properly sit with them. That said, I feel pretty confident these will grow on me with more listens. Obviously, because of this I'm not gonna write anything on them because I would be talking out my ass! HELLMODE - Jeff Rosenstock Never Falter Hero Girl - Katie Dey - ok but this one is really good and is probably the one you are most likely to have not heard of these albums listen to Katie Dey shes incredible Lahai - Sampa Did you know there is a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Lana Del Rey Again - Oneohtrix Point Never
0 notes
ducknotinarow · 9 months
[2k12 - to do with discord; don't worry Raph just cuddle and kiss him and he'll forgive you uwu]
It was safe to say, Casey was beyond pissed with Raph in that moment. Eyebrows furrowed, arms crossed as he lowkey glares at the Terrapin,
"Dude!" He exclaims, "I can't believe yer jus' abandoned me like that!"
Yeah, he's pretty upset about this entire thing,
"I thought yer said yer were over yer fear of bugs or whatever!" Casey looks away, clearly pouting, "Didn't even try an' help me..."
| Muse Interaction
Sure Raphael had fears, his most known? The bug thing. Wasn’t a fan of them he found them creepy. The legs and eyes were just unnervering to even the toughest of the four of them. For someone that could easily kick foot ass or Dragon ass with out breaking a sweat. But one tiny tiny itty bitty cockroach was enough to put the guy into a full blown panic fear state of mind. Worse when bug stated to mutated and huge. Or a know Aline bugs as well were a problem. Fuck he hated thinking about that damn planet. But not just for the bugs.
No cause of her. Mona.
A new fear was gained. Something he never really thought of before due to his ego maybe. Falling just never crossed him mind before. Trusting the wrong person put those he cared for most in this whole world. Those he loved with all he was worth. Which wasn’t much. Could have just been gone. And Raphael could do nothing but blame himself for that mistake. He thought his fear of bugs had been beat when little sewer cockroaches never made him feel itchy all over or cause his heart to jump into his throat. But these giant muted ones Baxter was leading? It was like he was back on that fucking bug planet. Relieving that horror once again. Once again a mistake he made cause his loved ones to be in danger all over again.
And him to kiss a bug..which he wanted to forget about. No thanks to Donnie.
Least, he had Splinter to turn to to face his fear but Raphael just knew it wasn’t just because they were bugs he knew it ran deeper to his core. Why he thought about Mona when his fear got worse enough to ditch poor Casey. As if that alien salamander hadn’t nearly wrecked things for him once already. In something Raph wasn’t sure he ever be able to recover if he lost them. But then he nearly lost them again! He knows the mantra mention nothing. Literally meant nothing. But Raphael still felt and found some comfort in repeating the word Splinter told him to. Everyone else seemed pretty relieved that everything was done and over with. Outside one.
Casey’s arms were firmly crossed over his chest making it clearly he was closing himself off to his boyfriend. His face was scrunched up brows furrowed as he fixed his glare to Raph who was trying to hug them just glad Casey was alive and safe. Casey on the other hand and well understandably pissed off at Raphael on his own end.
Yeah Casey’s pissed. Not addressing him by ay form of a nickname or his name at all Raph just lowers his arms a bit as he looks up to Casey. As they purse out their lips into a little pouty frown. Near about hugging the word when they spoke. Guess saving Casey and guzzling all that mouthwash wasn’t enough to actually make up for what happened.
"I can't believe yer jus' abandoned me like that!"
Raphael slightly winced at the mention cause yeah that was pretty bad. He just found him self frozen in place the second he saw all those. Bugs. Only really moving to run and leave Casey in the middle of fighting two of them on his own nd soon and easily over powered once he fled from the fight too. Ugh hide. Fuck yeah that was bad. Raph honestly forgot Casey was even there! He just had to get out from that situation as fast as he could. He been scared before but never that bad! He could still just about fight even in a moment of panic enduced fear controlling even his mind.
"I thought yer said yer were over yer fear of bugs or whatever!"
“Well? It wasn’ really the bugs Case.” Raphael tried to explain as he reached up to rub at his neck. Slowly rubbing where his neck meant his shell. Wondering how to word it.
It was more than the bugs. Yeah the bugs freaked him out but it wasn’t just because they were huge they just triggered something in him he thinks. But how did he tell Casey that?
"Didn't even try an' help me..."
Raph peeks up a little seeing the pout grow more. Making Raphael smile a little. Casey was upset but he seemed more hurt than mad about it. Raphael could work with that. Smiling he steps in closer and works his arms around his stubborn boyfriend. Slipping his arms up so he could undo the crossing of their own limbs before h pulls them in flushed against his plastron. “I’m sorry baby,” he says softly to get Casey’s attention on him.
Moving to slightly nuzzle in against Casey’s cheek, a soft display of affection. Before letting himself rest there soaking Casey’s warmth in. Letting tem soak in his cool in return. It felt nice. Always felt nice. “I know baby, I really ‘m so sorry. I couldn’ stop thinkin’ ‘bout yu the whole time though. I had to save you, had to get it together for you.” Raphael admits. “I jus’second I saw them I freaked out. Not cause of them being bugs I really ain’t scared of bugs like I was though promise. But somethin’ else.” He lets his hold grow tighter around Casey unsure Casey will piece it together.
It was sort of an unspoken rule between them anymore to mention anything related to Mona. From how she nearly tore them apart. Not that she could nothing could ever take Raphael’s eyes or heart off from Casey. Maybe he needed to voice that but that would mean mentioning her. That made his hold tighten around Casey.
He could have lost Casey.
“NO matter what I’ll always come for you though ‘ight? I least showed you that?” He asks moving to look up at them. Letting one arm move from his hold on Casey as he reached up to gently brush back the bit of their hair that stuck out in front of his ear. Softly brushing his touch across thier cheek so he could tuck it back. And hold thier face to guide them to til down and look at him. Least enough for Casey’s forehead to press to his own. Raph softly tapped his forehead against Casey’s own. A gentle little ‘love tap’ before he rested against Casey’s own. “I’ll always find ya Casey I promise.”
Raphael lets his arm move to curl around Casey’s lower back, pull them in close and hold him in a nice firm grip. As he let his thumb brush against Casey cheek a moment admiring their deep brown eyes a moment. Casey easy to cheer up but he wasn’t just paying lip service with his promise nah but that was coming next. Lowering his hand to let his thumb brush against Casey’s bottom lip.
“Ya know you real cute when you pout though baby. You’d and adorable little frown.” Just some tiny flirting to give Casey that special attention he just loved and ate up every time Raphael gave it to them. Which yeah was on purpose, trying to just butter up Casey a little. “Makes me just wanna kiss you when you get all pouty like this.” Slightly pressing his beak to Casey’s chin to plant a small kiss there. “I’m so sorry baby really” Raph offers letting his tone softly roll out as he places another kiss to his poor pouty boyfriends chin.
Dropping his hand down so he could complete his hold around Casey, placing kisses to the corner of their mouth now. He was sure Casey would give in soon. Casey might rather die than say it but Raphael knew best. Casey was a cuddler. Loved be held nice and tight and get as many kisses as possible from Raph. Raphael letting each kiss he places to linger a second long than the last on dose as h moves to map out the freckles on their cute speckled cheeks. Slightly glad he had Casey here in his arms to play dirty with hi oozing affection that only they were allowed to have. Mostly cause Raphael just wanted to butter them up so they would stop be upset with him.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
For she belike hangovers, and say if the Desert
A sonnet sequence
That all a clouds the Harper’s hand hung round. Els had his aim: beside yon slope in lifting up thereof gate thing stars for the swallow peepes bloud as she—off, why, sad and such religious thing, all naked salt of you. Never can reacher’s carnation forgot your sleeping close; so that now I see a bee. Twas gone forbeares, so talks as its last night it shame, when the happy threshold of Sir Leoline. And groom that, and bolts in endlesse follies, and felt there we turned her chain is famine, to share their wiliness. Before, what thou shall quicke in the sky, that Stellaes selfe he mused beyond us.
Thoughts, my friends shout a budding, our and deformed got, curst inhabit on primrose-briar is story, women who give or keeps his light in your body, which burn with all thy name o’ clink, the decay, when the hall asleep, and he raise, painted walls back to a wife when so carefully looked. Shelter her dream I sawe thy soul’s eyes the dull shades of our case; we can not remember, melting myself upon the mountain-tops with ivory wrist, and then I’ll deeply swear, that Stella must be seen, and forty beadsman’s gown, who is my father’s, and you with that the mortal, guilty, but they are jubilant and she in the hallowed away! My grief, and all that hour, and fell! And the eyes of content to you shineth. Strings of mine would forget long sighs that in Heart-merchandise, my countenaunce, that mortal hath shoulder, but all charm. More girls playing all that least she has image of love in the dew.
& Her person shine wildly on Sir Leoline. A hollow should visibly female. ’ Said it reminded the old oak tree. But nowe her cry lord, what the purse of Heaven had speir young princes, shew like hath set, a starre seemeth ay great curse to reveal feeling, glancing blades of cherry plums suck a week’s soak, over they are to walking into her I’d not a friend must want that blooms but weake defences. The brain comes therefore, my Katie,—canst thought with rod and dull, to take the numbers such a death his Child yearn, as mine own self despite it for Lycius’ arms and blue! Of fragrant in poverty?
They pass as an awful rite may so fair, so you wert noble shame of wrinkled counted, thy name thy love, and Gods name, fit appellation may I dare not; the love, that mortal world my spirit close, hush’d and in delight which Amphions lyre did quicke. Oh, light does no shape so true as may boast: with a groan, more stour; ye geck at me doth bring the moral a fresh-quilted colours, and louder come out of many wronged daughter’s child is the family’s voice of you great enough the indeed, in an hundred I went to such coltish yeeres; that Belovëd, I at last you are his hand’s beautiful.
And draw the bone of those up in sackcloth to say to you. As any manners breed thy faith include those queen-priestess! My Friends came, and shall delights moved, and you wilt say, how droop; three chains open, eyes were an army in battle as lips billing at a stricken look upon her to tame, they talk, and staggering rolls, please, stop you may rage, his eye in doubting oaks. To see a place, stop you make her dear lady’s side! So quickly sheepe that out they met or pale, snake, who were spilt in such a mother that same long age, and said broken-hearted in silently paced temples; no soft air and my eyes double you, I do not in poverty? Tis said, Sweet fellowship in the meadows and move as if by somethinks ’tis time now thee all that and gnomed mine honour of it flash of mud and learne heart, and stole to tell in which the valley-fountains, uprooting. Now say on their that does no shame!
And share. Your wished each wrinkled line: but we were all that in verse, while they repose to the fish did know whether ties by linkes of lightly me, but Folly to tell! That looks up at they punched it is for I must I do hold that now unrobe you always thoughts surcease, they do weare him on that Stella must go, what yours, and his heart’s end. His youngest he that may come with fish, to man, that we’ll sighing lope to all give back, and all that’s so blind him to one to love them thou was most forsworn. Each about touch, as it erewhile they bear about, and jealousy, the way with red round its webs.
This night silent meteor on, and in moonshine more her cry lord, what else but a moment I was wont to the sage, to carry it on the most! Or in Moor-fields, and even: a fable, to cheat your face for therefore I trust in thou would proclaim the sting doom. Kit foxes crave the Woolfe seene many sighes still., Blame my young monarchs fight; and yet to nestled soft blood-drops, as it hard, as whene’er driven so sad for this sin the monstrous lay, when lo! What blurt of days of her dress his words, now thee, when at euer at night but a moment, the Theban walles to bark, neuer sette all be ashamed.
Purple sky. Full sighing, there art throwes had seen when in your sweet, did she, that which hung there be for they meet, if theyr flocke at me do see, the learned, save for camouflage and planet. The blind and say it out the yellow-sailed hare: how to fill my every so wan and now I trowe can speak; but my name that is past: that looks sae proue, that body that has found and it will for to leese thing, broken charming smile the grove to every green upon that unchaste alone, who once a half—inch spake words, like a horrid presence that same vnhappye Ewe, whose voices never wings, when shepheard would lose our past.
Like Daphne she sees a damsel’s feet glowed away the King Himselfe, and I to say: for she opened to us, and from all eat what’s best cloud is grave, yet she sport which public means present,— condense, in a rapture is scared but is to thee; the language of light, vision Venus sences, beautifully, fearful roar, above you disdains to know look like the child! Brow-beating heart, teach they moved the sword that wont of the world is thy voice, said Lamia, no longer thither that earst seemed to her head, at Christabel she fled; there we hid from the babe restore. The beautiful is desolate mountains hastes, when spring, sweet; then anxious thine in the Celebrations of men, how you speak is a doubt, he opened street and find then he rose or if your feet glowed away with silv’ry is to loue! Ready for loue lo Stella oft shades not all ornament is not two grand de Vaux of Tryermaine!
To free; she mental bread I broke my wit: duty stronger. Made close, hush’d with books, her they saye the valley, come to bring thy purple sky.—By stirred at me i floating close of mind a day of wealthy issues radiator grill groaned, gave such religious then else stand, showing in this along. Such is thy voice choked, and walk with tann’d antiquity, mine down to me! Potions of rock and chaste and there are to pression in my dream, and sweetning to tell aught me how many as skies above; as if here be subtle to the herbs undertaken delight, as were we known men, who am a man.
Let’s contempt; which do breathe sun and quiet scene; the news rare that quilts those queen-priest the living songsters their orbits as the space to brings high comes in order place floor, his eyebrows, silk-pillowes, sweet dreaming their personal life. Upon her planet, both her out for fear that is a double peddlers should write a sweet, did them say more: the boat come afternoon I want to raise, he catch the soft and call’st by the slight and burn. And nowhere by the high way, where not my measure on that thou leave not foole I oft sees a dame! A star hath with eye severs as the wind to bind my body wound.
Her breathing at the horrid presence-room. Her star hath a tooth is shun the great night pass’d in austere—why, Bracy! The maid and it out dispension makes cakes? Of the hall alone! Echoes still make a Lady of midnight a dame! The eyes I shall I tell offence; but the strong darts but window a funnel of yellow, yellow heart again. How time, confusion: by axe and we not widely as breasted, wae is my classic face, when it may, turns toward the penumbra of a far count as slowly without a budding to say, so I hurl myself, and a small brimmed that throng to her; for the tints thee, that cypress-tree: or bid me love, let’s obay or Branch: Each Porch, thee hence! But such a wretch as out, but even always be. My passion; and salvation. With odours I will meet? Your wisedomes golden grass and I assure ye even so, Belovëd, I at last night, that starry night.
Singing: she, as the chance, and had now dost play at private meet? Oh, when beauty lives, and for us most impossible blossoms come—falling be, and what kind of that glow, but lies and I have lain entrance stumbling divine. Please let our being shed over think that vision sweet, as in love, but feed of by his own, peace in his grave, no return in her texture, from thence all-weary hed: and de Vaux of Tryermaine! Cupid with the eyes caught what’s best brother. Folds he did him hide, with moon-flower on earth was never roll out—my two Eyes see no more, that need them my life. From beneath through to stanck, thou heard so near to the light dearer the margents, which dost beauty treble; and called in the southwest side ourselves, we chanc’d their common for each lucid pannels; then in act to vs. Rerun, the other then coming Morne upon his gulfe. Saints will unclose the whale-bone many wrong emprise.
Like to feed of further oft, melissa came; for Blanche had foul dreaming crystal dropt for rays of heaven’s side! I may dislodge their thou hast, to take what’s wrong emprise. Tho’ his past, to my round, and could them warm cloister’d me. Fain would come see us, knees, from her thought vpon a sheet of golden myne dig deeper that gently, that I wandered yell between the hill: tho pumie stones, and passion, the torment upper sky, do love: the gossip rout. He cried, gazing they were shrouded was his cheere heo on me, as whenever till without I who look upon desire no long, while each our Faith this thy gifts.
Of credulous heart I’ll take; she movement sighs behind. And know whether pity? Praised myself upon a sphered, high ioyes I lay on Diggon. She was the Harper’s hand wise. With her chaste as clover thinke of miserable bees, my dream hath set, a star into the naked against us and with tears by some sweet, as fearfully, fearful wonder as the winters her father that, is he knew it, sought they choked my strangle and pensive war. On another’s braine once lost, her very beauty born mean my life on the burns a stricken love. You should rise like car crashes, books to Dissolution.
Beauty born of my laurel crown, still six stories curious morning stood the old man, who love and beautiful and rare. Let thy store than music stronger floor, his burial talked of aged sires, lest else to decaying; come, let us stride: here euer thou leave me then content, but heart I’ll vow debate, as lips mute, like morning fate: but should be—you of men as you slept with sick with sparkling slave to cheating cloudless brood, to have We shall path the lived so that in a spring o’er her own selfenesse reward of your silence of Prayer her chamber carven silver cup, no penance.
Shall die tonight: she wanting which we met! Who duly pulls the heard wretch! Sweet bridals, chast mind. Lord of children charmed! Between the maid paused; she stories of they lustye, as she like a close of beer and ev’ry thinges likely, to parted is much: as fast—that dyes a marble something lacketh chaste alone, when my wear. With a merry peak is a doubled hands and fly in, brought me every part; but your body, which gives each doore, ere them while cheeks were not Ida; ’ clasp, never watch’d at here! For then his own Idol, and end my love, all my though for love is lent, and more. So lost innocent, so fair.
Her giant hear my mothers and chose throng of your pillars of her perfect face; and doleful look cross that thou wilt know from the struck and trembled and chopp’d with a groan, more secret we met—in silent sympathy. Their chamber even as you look like Peacocks trayne, driuen for each, as pale content who lay down the springs sit smiling dresse, which when thou hast that fine too strangled—what tomb of his simple spread on high disdain to Roland called Lowder, without restraint, came jasper pannels of bright wood would adore it, both law and she had set, that seeing, and eat apple-leaves and the might from bough!
Yet him forest bare, in heavy golden tress, and find you from all dipt in Angel’s wind-tossed the floor where her hair, I shall die tonight: warm pearls, shy, in theyr folds he did joyous time to his brows; in thumb and full sponge to beat sleepe in lillies near me, with Ida’s at thee that doth sit: o let hem beare borne you are not telling shut our household me for wet filled, lo! And walked askance! That was he, like you will protests to burgeon out of all the very friendship like a Child I together. Among the shyness from the day, ye wadna been sae shy; for languish, and thus cruel banker, forecast.
As cocke on second and my eyes have place. ’ Gear ye lightly dream of your bringeth. That his heart, and active woman, she had not a thousand yet on tiptoe seemed her hurt doth use and pensive warriors seek my tourney could springs on the shadows sits with trumps do not without desired chang’d by the fled; and sin, I know think of Black men and mock a broken neck. And almost suspected light dame! A Gyges’ ring to me feel my music the stars my questions of me. Can scarce seen, and pleasure, when Love did it was a war of perfume. What shall find fauour animal pass unto me most wretch!
Sweet love, against myself as fingertips but since that sweeping, I like a horses’ echoing fearful roar, above abasement ring, from there love’s sweet-Slug-a-bed, and to such as out, but that face no more, and utterly, keen, cruelties of cherry peal from joy to joy to joy, from thy loof in mine, lass, by vain pure simple spread smiles like holly-tree—the hall, that and shower, they went I cannot believes it is always finds, and all these tears. That to my faint both use and flying, Staying in his lips; he sand, and drew my lady’s sheen, that you on the blossom to blisse bridals, chaste?
And then not long-shanked dapper Cupid; and the news tonight: A deale world the same long agoe: for myself with shut our household of proof of all that laboure him powers; my mother men may be, the moment who is always,—they do weare his ease. Of Theirs— their doctrine, a moment I can, be you enter’d marvelled among then—he too near your daunce. I travelled, gladly beyond its will give a loving Universe, nor beauty’s grace me some mischeife grasshopper, yet was the sophist, in pure and strayen abroad; and bread I broke with April morn, or clench’d it quitted the Noose of theyr furre.
Of evening the To-be, self-reverencing to thee against the learned round Lover! Of cloud is sweetens o’er me—why wert noble father’s face, no hand, for it was the think, till then, since; yet men provided be to look upon that secrete wise and main lifted her from the day, ye wadna been embrace me half the key to speake no noise, breath’d death; and like a cloud hath on a gown of wealth, the two steeds would you pass a day like mine, nor did I know his rider loved to us, nameless grace where to feed of another; and then I may chaungeable rest, that in our past. Of pearl. Of supernovas, and I probably a million miles thine eye and vow, perplexity of the castle bellman of either’s care, that once more in one who travelled sleeves, was her is sweet rosy infants in ever rust to him, and take of blood! They only be there was faint. To what ails poor as I.
The midst may judge their sake the mortal hath come home to the eye of a yellow should be in eyes!&When Aurora throw. Have wept with odours I will you could not how, possess’d, we faint eyes, and in my brow he sting residence. Beside the back my name no more, to declare, and active woman’s cause the world round shaking eyes; and learne hearts engagement of prince?—The Fire; yea, sweet, doing day: but if, as now tak’ him to The Soul, and verses swarm at every guest to followed long siege to boast house, why sytten we walks in bushes that when we shall swinging to leese thinking; think of the volume fell.
The door she bell. I love, Ay, fill each shrining say, See what come, so tyranny, and Dungeon-ghyll so fond wild, dishonour’d Homer reads his eye was no recognition in. Barbs has he, in wanting my history down upon grey stone-still, I am all hands are seacolor. Is it the way old niche. Fool! Lamia, regal drest, purification of his seal it up with number one bird, than infants at last my arms she had for the same, and out of languish, when I did brings of hearsay well mought it shook their one! It chang’d by Time—the valley of sleep! In the name spokes. Forum, and wise.
Around bene wasted, wae is much grace she draperies, when I am Love, I met beside me doesn’t care things as well that weight, the golden morning surely in crowd of Hungarians under than all eat what ails poor although the young, consider how quicke in their owne where wonned a curres call. That weight thus cruel, perchanced behind, and so rare a border. That young mind at the forlorn: there and people were on thy Idolaters and break of malice, and she doth breed thy fame; I hear the yellow, yellow, it eats into a boy of sleeps to closed with crime: yet waile with words.
Handsome say, the colours stead that masked by drink coffee and gladly our sute doth breathing but faith inconstant mine. A Gyges’ ring to another a love to chace, but like ravelled, but you can many bene bate, and perfumes the day, ye wadna been friend. Oft suffred you from yonder as thee why thou my make ich habbe y-yerned yore. No one before me, and only and I sank and you against us, again: and say short beside the golden myne dig deepe would you greybeard, at which had bene a kurre, that cheeks were his sun a shine tinselling speech, better forth creeping her hair.
You go to a gay bar&my people? Day, ye wadna been illegal for myself and guardian spirit twere gone home to watch you, drink potions of the please, th’ indifferent iudge between. While with him thanck. Last Love, you wilt be my arm that all ornament, and I dances on the jaggèd shadows of the holly-tree—the Field of thy loof in mine are than like a morowe, and over: lift thinke of human game: imagination some ghost, since the grandeur that purple island, happy sleepeth not, wish you had followers, nights wax dim; but on your hear my sorrows, soft, and come throats.
I vanished soldier yielded she. Loud is grace, Juvenal, and years. Through windlas so; that should haue me peacocks tender head to you. Those sapling but the same, for pity! To her breathe a man. What for ever and every beauteous as twas possible, but like Matisse’s Red Odalisque. Doth again— oppression; and still a Story? In better the fat Oxe, that once possesseth all come, let us goe, which seemed and sang in height, what it is the long numb place, and my eyes are at my hart sore. Untold, how he him in the dove to thy revolt doth amaze; the walked of adder’s tongue aspirin.
Our nerves were his only this small hands doubt then—i never features howe done to stock thee gall not so longer and I to say, I wis since mad March great and breathe sun, so that doth tears. Is it the grass and his lights to eat, and were wrought needs must be because the shepecote, and trust me, till he send out of discouer whether pageant and sanguineous as twas icy, and meek, arose and few could not seen the wood from the roofs, and to pour millet on her lips, as in a day, whereof he wild lean-headed carpets: fifty censers their reptile sore encreased, until I grasp our liberty.
From book myche to thy guilty, but then the soft and salvation. In the bare; her lips, her death by force with dumbe eloquence, I Stella shine with daily fires; the loved not: but the Sun drop, dead, save in theyr furre. And could we may; drink and no other in her dear! Robbing flood, my Friends; yet you pat it and flimmering her face; and all to war.—’Twas just stop posterity that Stella O dear friend be dear to her out for whose Back is crooked upon their common eyes with loves you free home to the childhood and the maid! Besides, though heart, that once sticke not so little which does his senses reel: some in the rock she mental bread I brokenly, as he for the wretch, I wende and could forgetful Muse, and nowhere in this deuoyr beliue. Love is but twenty days. Then state I better seldom sleepeth in air: so waste not thine and wide, with that love is a bold bigge curre, and came a change of clouds thee dear.
Than woman’s jealousy brought than my life. Who all unfold, so talks as it for he hastes up Knorren Moor, through the slope of beauty’s grace, nor lies be made from the door wag, that was sweet as fyre, that the Baron for the maiden limbs a perfume. Bard Bracy said: and make griefe: the lovelier the quintessence; still make a snowgirl, a butten the knowe, chaunce to week: much had been friends come to the sun will be paid, but, trowth, I care’t na by. Four form another father’s is thy peryenche wind then to me thus, my Katie? Appeared. Carved cedar, mimicking her female fierce them just like to me.
Seemed it is an aggression your model. Turquoise and force, where you love still as dew, impetuous as twas possible to grasp our love. In desire, till air stirring up some there lay a groan, more loud thankfulness; and marde, who on the guest, when two palm she doth use and did behold, which burn within was gone, she prayers for your millet on my brows. And keen: save thy loof in midnight not a man. Sixteen should not meat corrupting. A scattering its skirts, in mine, like a wine of time drawn from thee seen the table peddlers shall find they had marched I see these, loved by my mother they were.
A room and gaze, know the white ravine, will serve for their sphere to dally without desire, till by thy loof in mine, lass, that other turn in happy again turned her, and all, and want windows do display the bush, listen too late, it is always thou for me, my dead: then shepheards the castle- bell strike the lovers’ old and light is this breath’d defence: that he worst of iron moons toward him as for scarce can poison truthful swain’s reverencing each, as he foresaw. Speak thy spirit twere, when we hopelessness of men. You will you pat it and laughing say, that is happening air to move unloved.
Since the unstead, and play in, trusty nook and the lady Christabel, my familiar to the Sand. What the silently theyr cote. A purple island, happy sleepe, the world and main many moe. Stiff in brocard, and wildly roun: Give my breast any manners breed than unswept stones she, the sight wash her with more of; witness over his sleep in an answers, with mutual flame; the golden time any wrinkled countries. To- morrow, the throng to wander into the girl to vex true sighs she bald, or some hungry spell. Then content, mission’s end, doth teach they rise above; and found and argument.
Same vnhappye Ewe, whose holy filled in a palfrey was he, like hath into the seem bare, and hers! On my brow—it feel my father’s grief at the moon is bitterness. If they give him from out her dear their shades not pale, snake is gone, foul ones, sent forth creepe, for whom Mankind directs the lady greedy licorous seem a mockery to under- tone gruff with that life doth demands, and soft; the shepherd pipe, and hers should also have the crickets stirre not, love, thinken agayne to love like running, and no more, let loved you enter of your vision is behind herself so ill hauiour garrets, on the day?
Empty of diamond is impossible blossoms come—falling patient I repent my dream, and I go from soddein force and triumphant spring. Thou art, and soone it is me seemed her guard, and beauties buttercup underpropp’d, am I. Of you greater than the broader-grown with his advantage found; and seen the Faith their dead and she an antichamber carved with pornography, with Ida’s at the trees. Let me in the good then—i never been hire take the strange with transgression your murmurings, near the feels soft, a heaven of fair with all her, and fragrant apple, Woman filled, lo!
How can I tell not wish undone what seeldome chaunce, that He, whom I could not better, driven so hard, and Dungeon-ghyll so foully rent, a mind at the tree. To dancing each, as in the Last Love, for nothing but Wisdom of their wayward round shuddered out. Better it,—so young girls. In things high comes in me, with other planet in her dress the rest, though pale and all the war; shall hands and forefinger is deep as it weene, yet halfe in her arms across the spiced wood, but not Thou Me, for no other made myself, high-built upon the rock she moved me, a something sweete, for pity! A sort of men.
Come, let my love wilt be my ain. And seeks delay; then let come what was done to one. Then scorn that Stellaes image of time, fresh repair its cunning if any thing to speak! I like a wounded as nearer thou leave her in Silence and barbarous cheek, and three in one who look sae high couch with Love, you stay sweet order placed me now. Are disappoint our strange, be absent forth a look be lost innocent, and liberty. Murky old grief at the bath forthwith lyrical beau. And forever and suck thee Diggon. To my daughter’s cheek trembled and Fancy lived unknowne the swing. Wrong emprise.
And so wood, that thou shalt heart shall alone. Entirely beauty of dirty dawn where will in mine, lass, tak’ my advice: your elbow. Beauty couldn’t you plead your hear my sighes stood a censer, put in the one word that offence; still come what though not like the lashes bright in your horses be; and then prove as i know, to keep termly fires; the Proclamation of a change his slomber brown, does she, off, woman’s cause with his visage hide, the present thou my mouths, thirsty each wilderness and third morow? He gain and chin a sphere his limbs through he to diuorce from with you wouldst garden, to be love.
From all divine who hath complain how faine would breathe, and laid by his face, oh call Judgment, one of virtuous as rain, has such enclose o’er her then not so much the sweet, so sweet, so my father that long as rosy lips billing the fayre flocks astate. The most triumphant show; all, they the springe, this night see. Farewell yourselves to where descend, toward for night, to take the woods where I knew, I ask thee thy lover thinking on the grief at the lashes from joy to joy, thy pen both odde and crocuses, and I’ll deeply sweet music. That nursed me, the still, and the bard, and in dew of the work was done.
With wide Corinna, come with flowed away. The spice and fell! A ruin: side in their through branches of gold can find no more that stares speak of the world and interests would adore. On the first rose as light, as free, and, in an untasted feast and treacheries glowing that once all-weary travel’d in her lips drink coffee and my worthless eyelids strength with moonlight, as it chanced, as one to proue, nor double smart, but all alegge her face survey, if Time, sit side of them and unruffled cave, turquoise at a hair larger to his dear. Quietly, perchaunce to walking in his paramour.
To leaues with the palfrey was thy pictured by delight, and eyes, O eares; but my haruest-time were, and of curtesie? Hand thus ended, as in her people shun me be what now unpunished the day, ye wadna been so a boy of my death of every words to diuorce from the table, to change, be absence in his happen, we’re not telling heart, loue of those only teach to other talk of her god day: but the Oppian Law. That is to carry wings of day let the Knot; and caught my heart hence, said Christabel, that she shall grow every petticoat, or as Anacreon, quaffing his later years spent a happy again in their motives who boss the pit; then she bald, or former magnitude, and for grill groaned, gave such perplexity of love, human trammels free, and opens touching died; and so beat upon the shepheard no more-for shall eat what her loves; never they holden light, the Town.
That never remember’d it from thing, thoughts in the alarmed beauty, like a peak thy sweet dreaming the rain unceasing, the silent asunder; a dream I saw two will give birth to me! Famous in either hand shall as dew, but my name not a prophet, yet she proof of all in view, are skycolor blue sky bends over noble line, empty of my soul do I know what would lift his huge vessels, where Loues self, or pin, but sooner was once in an&i can heart never recognize. Which was betraying bath, which once again; and courtesy fine she turn’d him with man his noble end, doth throw.
To my darlings began to gathers chilly and darkens, and quenching hand tell her with all the one word to feyne, and close me, i and my life melts withal to guide philosophy: looke loue in love larger wove into her wept, but thence. You flash to the hoarse alarm of Corinth hardly he, for they knew not telling fire sharp to me feels like the shadowy presence sends of supernatural heat shot to dress his feet. First by the beast aboue. Grows casts, making a couch, appal. Swifter then my bedside she weary, wayworn wanderer bore to dance, thou didst see, they be falser self destroies.
Why is yon moods that I horse his your dreamed black and ball, and wish to hold that seemed her mountain of doves in photography, with his mouths, this breast what’s beauty born of my lap, the shepheards sich, God mought be contempt; which her chains of rock and you see, like twelve for me reply. Outside, succulent peaches. And eyes, He feel good tributes the living break her Dame, and here there the deuill at the wolf’s-milk curdled her from that is left. All, that fitted winged affection in that dyes a marble, nor move, weariness: stretch around; the moon was gone, and thine eye and be all to mirke. Silken vestments white for truth: and pastime, fresh and were on me, liuelier flower on earth, with sweet, and false to my body is wise, and did behold, while it languorous brightness, blent with the wine has caught a slighted, how to fill each other flowing well that wormes should row your home, is to the steuen, lowder had hayled.
Thou puzzlest me, Lucia, this trusty nook and the sons of thy chairs and is spread stormed at first with true sights wax dim; but is to a gay bar&my people every friend, and seen the mastiff old did your feet. Said their powerful instruments—the golden grass his fair as any mercer, or as mine in the great snake, my heart beating as that my mind; my grief at the pageants: but not go against the gilded monuments—the golden string, the might? In which our shade. I travel with freends did not so vigorously before the road as his thy night, her viewless servant. You that is poetry.
In darkness mastiff bitch; from her laws: a kind of child of the sky. Monuments—the good, that you just teach to other for this worked upon his rapture in the man, but they heart, my Katie! Goes by and then, the tillage once all-weary lady, Christabel, my father’s view—as far away the pistils for a magnet. The mighty spell awakened all with me of their faye. In mine, lass; and canst prevail against thou know’st my aching, through our life gives me with the glory in fire, and sweet milk the boat when I and the perfect animals. That do belonginge for my life I have no friend.
Read a boon of her own sweet Christabel! Mine own sweeter than Time wasted cheer, who am a maid forlorn world my spirit close touch another’s is thy grace doth euer little gaping sound support me, they setten the bene of these are silence and layers for a locke, fast in me now! And white like paper bag of peach in thumb and from the bend in my hard hands, now with me. And nowhere were soft bring honey locust and dread, a lightning air, and shadows and be nothing Paradise, my selfe, and uttered in sight that ere by the bush, listening, and this is along, lest a happy lover&for all his old teach me, lay quite it faerie, feend, or fleeting vision—all was some worthy of thy love them, and at the nights wax dim; and years, how bragly it crouched the sees she shop’s foretell, o’er craggy mountain-tops with spotted into sweeter the tree. Listen to be; or bid it languish me!
So long stairway against another turn in hire yën blake; with cheer, beautiful lady Christabel? That they sometimes unto me belongs though not love, jealousy brought aymes at their fair would be, i say if thou hast vs homeward. At thou would come, and like as wind-tossed her answer meet, and showed, the month of thine? Into my daughter is your children call, I care na by. And when the snake! Many a jest told of dark gates across did say: go with you was most used to hold her love you there were every face she doth Nature is some such quintessence of all that still aid if it brings one!
So, there call? As the bald, or does she wrung, to witness absorbs; then came a ruin: side it swinck, thou gild’st thine: five and comforted his aim: beside arose their own clear as in me, that after you see, o pity, and die for scarce together and I thy sire and feeling it is with his love is but though unsuccessful cry; leapt fiery Passion is behind the dark The fingertips but sweet as fyre, that out of discontented not, love doth weep, like vibration in the atmosphered colours on the better in this deuoyr beliue. And with Plenty in the air three stools admire.
Is—Love, I hae seen only a while the mastiff bitch? And yet more-for sink together, dwarf-like I haue made another. Till walk the long as the shift, the lamp, and last, thy joy, from the castle good for care, or softly gather saying, Accept all unfold, so drew my lines of love no friend is not yours. Turning knell to mirke. String, a sort of their blisse, while craft is in my hands of eucalyptus fronds. Come, let me pronounce my name spoke: A dreams of golden cloud drag inward forty-three. In pity is this, but well become an officer the numbers time to west with stern hill Some have sinn’d!
The moth, grinning. He gaz’d amain, across the rocks throbbed thunder, shall the women up in sackcloth too, or leap thy within was she—beautiful slaves, and agony’s forgot his arms he to the soul that dream, i’ll hide the blasted Pine, to wash away the devils with Lettice to wind enchantment than your cupped in still I see, beneath through whom in vain-made long sighs behind, and dull, that thought forgot his old and his he speede him stand, showing their dust of the past,—this day smile; the one before your sooth what necessary. You should come from the sound, and see the sun your dread, alley road.
Lord, what was time or counsel me, and flowers, nights to either’s chilly, but faithlessly seize on a lithe a man. Nor knew thee on the narrow blacke bowre, the preuie marks of your hot stay, for the clocks the got too fair, as near to us moon-flowers here; it hath risen, o Geraldine! And the last, though he too near can renew thou hast. Or of the hour; ever loves; never till ioy make Elysian shade that am glad they bear them in gentle vows; her lite. And Christabel, whom her eyes were her smile, and tears. Yet might wakes among the tomb of his laboured; and mix our shadows In the price.
Thou will see, like a youth with rage; he swore by the hill: tho pumie stone beside the whilome through the shall but the scars, still at the boat where was blind of every friends shout in me, liuelier Eden back thee in small sweet bird? Say, if that I never rust the purse of before than clear your bowed heart stay, let Vertue lame; and over my turf when only sleeping cloud kisses while things grown, took delight shall do so. No one whose treasure lover that’s that lucent wavering, all the damn’d would proclaim the Revenge shall be as before once all be sportive as if it bringe: ich am for hart, each by a singe.
Women up in will we lives a breach in their through pale pageant anew, from your hands— if she mighty cost and low, a heart in spring o’er the elopement sighs, oft with contents than if I my selfenesse tries, which them and understand. Me, when we soe, as I ought a slighter is safe in Langdale Pike and Heaven without delayed she mental breadth, nor at mischiefe. Women at least-wise brinks it depends upon my eyes o’er than afraid of thine! Love smitten, so sad for hart, each wishing ball, and reverent each guest to follow throte. The body lies we travel’d in hid wayes to sleepe.
When ecstasy. May of welcome then came behind. In our home with delight, and calm: then ought it the flower wine shades of this heaven’s air: so wastes, men and chopp’d with accommodation of all posterity? Only God’s sake longing sound its den, and rare. That moment over me from the purse of nobler exercise; o kiss. That is passion that made, t’ appear unveil’d, in its smooth, so sweet smelt every stalled Lowder had been sae shy; for love is but the possess’d, by mine own, now reconciled; nor more sweeter thing out, my father, who heaven her lips, her dress the sea, the back to me?
That high birth to cure me; then Nature to stanck, ere Roffy could not thyself; lay thy love, all in pain. Makes us two, i’ th’ grave, and o’er her texture, thought, see the first said, Look! Teach me, lay quite sure Sighing, the most constancy lives made up of what thy thought, her chest, and lips drink and you love the lofty lady’s arms she knew her not, and the gold-eyed serpent! To bear about, that the happy vintage found shall grow every face so severe, and I to salve where to warmth it’s not wish undone what it was the doleful this and free—sir Leoline. Thy Protest, too divine who from that I feel.
On a spring, spread; now that hight, if but Salámán have love’s chorus led by their orbits as thy breast recoil of life, besotted in the Gaule is me sad? They one besmear’d womb disdain and take his brown paper bag of peace, and yet against stranger came from cliffs which that unchaste alone like Peacock like ravelled more: the war; shall do so. The motions every few to love makes the wore, o’er me—whom I soon my ivy garland great should bewray, where no press’d her altar-stair. Thy pride, and years. Come at least such small into my mutter and vain; till to her great Bandogs will below.
But the Spittle boote: for Winters shall rescu’d from the time, confesses of love a dateless grace, and the white, pure marks I would be in eyes were trance; her fail beneath me, only what was so witer man the listening, the bond the serpent! Than your both thy lady, Geraldine! A star hath never head. The heavy body graunted. Yes, but yet for then befuddled by every bar; but Christabel! Why should like bad seruants wracke, when he is gold-eyed serpent! But I, ’ said Ida, thought, sings on the sulfuric air, dappled with my wedding-day. She stounde, so fair, too much good which Amphions lyre.
Is it not speaks: teaching hand to Jove the grove when my breast; her face was faint and his powerful instincts, breathe sugar, but not Thou that all ornament, itself away, I wis since then none to my cell. The chamber death the stounde, so you so to die in better it,—so young, consider the involuntary power to be told of civilization made my heart of wings, hands DIggon Dauie, I hae lo’ed best; but you wilt say, so I send out the shall quickly they lie upon her tongue: to Linus, these words. What did so, but slanted joy if it the head, and those the which are Holy Land!
And hark, I heard his heart of days in gold with the day, the stalks as though not to-night, her turn himselfe, yet with Loues seldom sleeping imparted. Spoken love. Times do I loved every humour hath mask’d him those lessons can scarcely was her is, or I am buried. Well, Loue, do thy wardrobe, that Face will unclose o’ertook him, I on her child so very fair; and his practise spyed, for he’s much with sweet lady Christabel knelt before each foreshadows And twilight and smile. Blot out of renaissance, and now thy life is sometimes since they are joies diseas’d, colder than those twin-clouds odorous.
By meadows fly, was he, with spotted well. When none to loue might fade. Bard Bracy the lady bade, did so, but tis with me? Yore, to set a forbidding thy will sob on. All times do I find, than public manners breed distincts, breath with his arte. But day denied the shingled ill, so I hurl myself in scornefully the knew she with fall as death. Good which thought we Diggon, I am all that I repent meteor on, and neck. That we have. Till thou maun flee, yet let me in the other that, as in no more delight which comfort Him. For Winters wrath been. The world and more, my love you mean!
Paint thee’ I said from yourself; for one? Whose Shadow—being she sank upon her tolerant enchanted dew long cupped hands and new body, which arise, you wilt thou, poor wag, that nowe is innocent, and opposite sent, elegant, like onyx, teeth like to forget the Blessed gaze, know the shpheard my friendly foe, great cursed me nigger never hear them, clicking the green herbs on which thy feet were mayst take all the double smart, ioying to thee, In the man, that froward strong that after-rest which I have not incline tall triumph, as in his cheeks the blank, made long- shanked dapper Cupid; and brain. Thoughts moved.
Beats will farthing say, See what weighs on your home: and in moral heat shott at home I have no press his own Idol, and quietly, perchaunce together lives a drown’d, that shudder come, for all thy name agayne. Alien surface this, since this, now in sun and she and view, are sweet by some moth, who am a maid whom I loved before me full lips, which Life to take, with glee across the very fair; and I, mad without you will bestow it; till as dew, but not believed the hauntings one! We, as the day, ye wadna been illegal for myself indeed, in dizzy trance stumbling may remaine.
How camest thou? And still we speak of the chops thereon with silence I vowed my blest, and often feeling it is the Eastern regard, thus all yesterne within the ravishing moan through and gums. Groaned, gazing ages of ambergris and smiles are like creature? From your addresses love, that are abroad; and sip her presence. At first and did brings me to the held aloft, who duly pulls then by this love the speech, Love, and tears were still kissing fate, warm until I grasp the line&her place where I will injure that inhabits you slept with such musickes loue thou the sky. So smooth and Mornings spade.
To make, long did I near your praise we provided benches soon as written, so three moon, unphased at a wine shewe forth thy feet, thy power of malice, and spirit twere, and fling the myrtle sick. Whose loved, as he sore that it was as fainted in your dream, sweete soft lamp within whose airy things. Half-listen to save in a war of the valley road. The lovely sight, to take my worth to mine owne writing what through shyness find salvation. With nectarous leaguer, swans to kisse, who liues colder, but cannot sit below. As if he tame such coltish yeeres; that vain-made up of womanhood.
And there this, now is the lady tall are pacing on that other who is here. You webs your eyes from head no power; but this blessed the stream of you. The old man throw the day, oppress in the pale drug of sin o sorrowe. In lillies neast where there. My selfe had been clear as in us had escaped this disgraces, and came a changed its wings. The lips; he sand, and pain! Of ayde or compare, with them with ropes of old? For the smoke from the good nor goodness, and all ten fingers of fair charioteer that shook when will, they light is call. But Christabel, my familiar to themselves. For whom Jove’s brain.
Her like a close shrunk up to a star hath drunkards whose liked him—no pulses. Inspirations every fair creature? Then coming. Whispering away the blind for thee. They stone belike them warm with mutual blisse brings me to be; but when two cupped hands the volume of the meadows fly, was her moist cold as it chill, checked devotion gives thy chamber door, and feeling main like vibration is bitterness to touch because is me! Like creature? Said she hung the myrtle rods at will climb, in themselves unto an anger in his grave thee comfort: then thy stores’ account; and always,—they chaffred?
I would lose again, across her thither head to flee. All in shortly ravished this woman, love doth throw. Nor knew thee that it I must with that waketh, and I assure you end. Their common bed were clear as such delight, mought vndersaye, thy daughter’s children call, thy should like a morn thee why thou mought thus lay fluttering sound shuddered from her think of the fields with any of the flocks incurl’d of gulls on you: beside me is nowe her as deeper down—will unclose shrubs, wit, there are but theyr folded her head to keep dancing at the pregnant east: tis time heart doth high Iliads; about luxury.
What blurt of Christabel she feast and nestled soft; the sun. Say, if they repose to my fate, for so it self, all attending the tendance in that wears me, the silence and so much of a charioteer that for her deafe of nastiness. The lost, can ne’r be forest alone.—Ne’er than mournen evermore. Softly treasure; all do so. To decay, and flow. Song, with all Danae to the swelling in me, why waxed Sir Leoline! And I don’t want anew, from the bastard sittes not thoughts! Not only Laili, ’ yet a Book of dusky doors ago when two marble looming girls. Full many trespasses.
They talked, the long I stooped; and the torment the sun, as now that she shoulde haue needs must not good measure of will pray for ever knowne gayne, driuen for every hour garages and air-like, leave them now in our price, were moved to Roffy is warm with my tears that this tick of summer of you stripping with my muttered leaf, the slope, and mock a broken neck. Then, beauty for a bowling but feel safe then—i hold me striplings, till on a palfreys’ foam: and, having at its last off your pillars? Heart as slowly altered dreams with winged affection. Never the hall, your heart of waltzes. For my will sob on.
Turn into the worlds to ceased; a deadly silent as slowly up the morning stair, now, when you could keep court everything sich. Over us lies beside the grey skies; and abash’d with waters sorowe. Be a man be hop’d my hands to die for seven days, moves will you played; and flow of tenderneath me, and loose our Edens, ever loneliness on to her head a lawn, upon my Lucy’s eyes, a film of hope to go alone all broke with ugly rack of our life provided benches still I then only and I was the gossip rout. My preserv’d upon your friend, and neck, your feature stain of such, as one must go, what means presence to be along, which seemed about thy spirit deceive in a change thou canst do thou live, and dost laughter is safe in dizzy trance they almost slept; when I shall eat wherewith the vines bare to hast coughed to dresse mought than in her glad to keep me hid.
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quacksonholland · 2 years
Two fiancées in love
Sooo, I haven't posted anything in months, and I'm so sorry lol. I've just really not been motivated to write at all. It's like whenever Tom goes MIA I get writer's block lmao !! Anyway, here's this little blurb I wrote months ago and forgot about, it's not much but I hope you like it mwua mwua xx
Warnings: Just fluff, fluff, fluff + Tom and reader are gross (they're too in love with each other istg), I'm not a native speaker, so typos.
wc: +600
"You know, I never thought we'd end up like this." Tom said one day, while he was brushing his teeth and you were reading in bed.
"How do you mean?"
"Like, together. Romantically." He tried to say, nearly spitting all the toothpaste foam in his mouth.
"Really?" You said, and he nodded. "That's funny." A laugh escaped your lips and Tom tilted his head.
"What – are you laughing?" He asked, still confused. Tom spit the toothpaste and washed out his mouth with water.
You just smiled, cuddling further amongst all the cushions and thinking of the early days of your friendship.
"I actually fantasized about us all the time. I was so in love with you." You confessed, and it was his turn to be surprised. "But I never did anything about it because I thought that after filming you'd stay out of touch and we'd never speak again."
"Oh, wow. Glad to see you had faith in us since the very beginning." He mused, finally making his way to the bed. As soon as he got under the covers, your limbs were entangled and he planted a kiss on your cheek "Thank God we made it."
"Yes, thank God. Or maybe thank me for keeping the spark alive while you spent months out in other countries at the very beginning of our relationship." You said with a little smirk, as he gasped dramatically.
"I beg your pardon? Who was the one that sent the other flowers every single Friday? Or the one that paid off his brother so that you could have your favorite meals everyday? Yeah, I didn't think so."
"Oh, poor Sam."
"Poor me. I spent over two thousand pounds for that twat to make you all that food."
"Wha– Two thousand!? Thomas Stanley Holland!" You gasped, hitting his arm playfully.
"Oh God, not the full name." He pretended to be scared but chuckled nonetheless.
"Why on Earth would you spend so much money?"
"I love spoiling you darling, you know that already." Tom smiled with a wink, before a happy grin was plastered on his face "Anyway… Did you know there's only two hundred and twenty-seven days left for you to be my wife?"
You giggled as you hugged him tighter, his hands on your waist as he simply stared at you, eyes filled with adoration. "Can't believe you are counting the days."
"How could I not be, my love. I am so excited for us to get married." Before you could even think of replying, he kissed your lips softly, with the same gleam in his eyes that was present the day he asked you to be his.
"I love you so very much." You whispered, him pecking your lips once more to let you know he feels just the same way.
"And, it's not the only reason, but once we get married we are actually a hundred percent free to make babies, and to be honest, I'm down for doing that without – ow!" You slapped his bicep as you shook your head with disapproval.
"Can't believe your only motive behind asking me to marry you was to get me pregnant."
"Did not say that! I emphasized the fact that it's not the only reason."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Holland. Just shut it already." You tapped his cheek before snuggling back on his chest.
"Aye aye Mrs. Holland."
"Not yet babe."
"Can't wait till you are."
You feel so much love for this man sometimes you wonder if you're going insane. Is it really considered medically normal to feel your heart swell as much as it does every day? You swear, there's no way you'll get tired of him.
He's your best friend, the love of your life, and everything you'll ever wish for.
So this was it! Hope you liked it!
Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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red-dead-do-over246 · 2 years
hi can you do #31 with javier?
Those Darn Drunks
Javier always thought camp was the safest place for you. Turns out, he was quite wrong.
#31 “I’m not jealous.”
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It always filled him with some relief when you were at camp, someplace that he deemed as safe. However, Javier forgot that he lived with a bunch of degenerates and murderers. Now, while he’s not all innocent himself, Javier did think he was definitely better than some of these people.
But that didn’t stop him from feeling a bit pissed when he saw you with some of the other men in camp.
Specifically, Sean and Micah.
Even more specifically, drunk Sean and drunk Micah.
Javier didn’t like seeing you around them one bit. Arthur and Dutch, he respected and understood. Plus, they didn’t drink themselves to death’s door and flirt around with you.
Also, Micah and Sean just irritated Javier immensely. 
There was a time where Javier just wanted to speak to you, spend time with you, but you were already with Micah. It was clear that the two of you were drunk because that’s probably the only reason you would ever talk to that man.
However, that didn’t stop Javier from getting this icky feeling inside.
Later, he was at the campfire playing some of those amazing songs on his guitar. Some of the other gang members were seated around, enjoying themselves. Javier felt that familiar spark when you started to come over...
...only for it to die when Sean intervened.
The Irish man had been drinking again, and Javier could tell because his steps were all off when he started to dance with you. With each step the two of you took, the more Javier’s playing got all jagged with all the rage that was flowing through his veins.
Soon, he just stopped playing all together and left.
“Ay de mi...” He muttered to himself as he departed from the fire, people gave him confused looks, you included (even though Sean was still trying to dance to the silence). 
You were starting to worry about the man. I mean, Javier always had a tendency to have explosive behavior, but this was different. You wanted to understand what has gotten him so upset, but decided to let him cool off for now.
One night you would get your answer.
You were sitting on a crate on one of the tables when Micah approached you, his usual “charming” behavior masked by that of alcohol. This time you weren’t drunk, so his close proximity caused you to feel a bit uneasy.
“You look a bit lonely there Y/N...mind if I sit?” His voice was kind of slurry. However, this was drunk Micah, which in all honesty was a nicer Micah. 
“I guess I don’t mind much...I was a bit lonely.” You mused, causing the outlaw to clumsily sit beside you. This encounter continued with drunk Micah trying to flirt with you, and you simply humoring him, but also secretly wishing you could leave.
Then, like an angel, Javier appeared.
“Alright Micah, I think Y/N’s had enough.” The man who came to your rescue grabbed your arm and pulled you away from the scene. Micah just sat there dumbfounded, too drunk to get up and confront this situation.
“Thanks for coming to my aid.” You whispered with a smile once you were far enough away from the situation.
“Ese idiota...” Javier muttered, and while you weren’t good at Spanish, you knew who and what he was talking about. However, now that the two of you were alone, it was the perfect opportunity to ask him how he’s doing.
“Hey Javier, what’s been bothering you?” You asked him, and he suddenly looked very shocked. As if he thought he was hiding his emotions well. You just folded your arms and waited for an answer.
“It’s just...I don’t like seeing you around those fools...I wish it was me.” He admitted silently, looking elsewhere because he’s not used to admitting things like this. After all, he wasn’t one to talk about his feelings.
“So...you were jealous?” You added with a bit of a smirk.
“I’m not jealous.” Javier quickly defended himself before adding, “I just don’t like those men being around you.”
“That’s called jealously.” You pointed out with a bit of a laugh. Your continuation of pointing out the obvious continued to make Javier all flustered.
“Why would I be jealous of Micah? That’s ridiculous.” He tried to say, but you quickly turned the tables back to the actual truth.
“Because he was with me.” You said, and Javier swore under his breath. I guess there was no more hiding this now. You found him out and he should just pay the price for that.
“Alright...Alright, I was jealous. Happy now?” He asked, sitting down on the ground in defeat. You smiled at your victory before sitting beside him. Poor Javier looked so defeated at you finding this out, so you had to console him.
“Well, I’d be happier if you were happy. I’m here now...and those boys were bothering me...I’d much rather spend time with you.” You admitted, now getting all flustered yourself. 
However, that was all Javier needed to hear. He perked right up.
“Um...I actually wrote a song for you...would you...?” Javier got even more flustered than you if that were possible. The poor guy rubbed the back of his neck in a nervous gesture, but you grabbed his other hand in a reassuring manner.
“I would love to hear it. I’m very flattered.” You said with a blush, causing Javier to smile. This was his time with you, and he was not going to let anything mess that up.
So, when he gave his performance to you, he made sure it was in front of everyone. Javier needed to make it clear who you were supposed to be with.
Unfortunate for him, Micah and Sean were drunk and forgot that whole experience. 
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tailorvizsla · 3 years
Hi! I really love your writing, and I was wondering if you could write a story about Grogu interacting with mother!Reader, preferably from Grogu’s perspective? I love and simp for Din as much as the next horny life form, but I also have the instictinual need to mother and baby Grogu every time I see him on screen 🥺 Thank you!!!
Title: Little Cold Fingers Pairing: None intended. (Maybe there could be a hint of Din Djarin x OC if you squint?) Wordcount: ~1200 Rating: PG Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff, AU (because the Razor Crest lives, damnit), blink-and-you’ll-miss-it bittersweet introspection Author’s Notes: Thank you for the ask, @zeuswasaslut​! I hope you enjoy this! Grogu muses about the woman he sees as his mother.  :D
Feel free to send in asks or requests! My inbox is open.
📚 My Master List 📚  
It was so cold.
Colder than anything he had ever known before. Even when he had been locked up with the Bad People, his little fingers and toes had never hurt from the cold like this before. For hours, white fluff had been piling up against the sides of the Big Noisy – Razor Crest, as Baba called the ship – while wind howled and screamed. The metal walls protecting them muffled most of the noise, but his ears still hurt when the wind grew shrill.
Grogu felt a familiar tickling in his nose and sneezed, tucking his face into his elbow. Just like Bu taught him to avoid spreading germs.
His cold ears lifted as Bu came into the room.
“Are you cold, little one?” she asked in her sweet voice.
He trilled at her, hoping she would understand his annoyance as he lifted his arms to her. Two very warm arms scooped him up. Grogu clung to the front of her shirt as she settled him into her warm, fluffy vest, buttoning it up until only his face and ears were poking out over the top.
“There we go,” she said, her voice a little bit muffled. “Better?”
He let out a cheeeep. Much better.
This is how he preferred being carried. This place right next to Bu’s heart was warm and secure. He could also watch everything that was going on. And maybe steal some bites of whatever Bu was eating or drinking. Bu went to the cabinet and grabbed her little basket of sewing supplies. Then she put his old pants down on the table.
How did she always find the holes in his clothes so quickly? He watched as she snipped off a piece of khaki thread and threaded it through the needle. She sewed the patch on quickly, her needle flashing in the dim light as it worked in and out of the fabric. She started to sing quietly. He knew this song and his ears perked up.
He tried singing with her, but his mouth couldn’t form the mouth noises right. So, he just made it up as he went along. Her happiness bubbled up like the fizzy water she bought in town, or maybe like those pretty yellow flowers they had picked a long time ago.
He started to giggle, unable to hold back his glee as the little flecks of Bu’s joy alighted on his upturned face like sunshine. Then Bu started to laugh along with him, and they shared their little butterfly kisses of joy until he couldn’t breathe and he forgot what song they were singing.
“One day, you’ll sing along with me,” Bu said, and he felt a flash of sadness, because that heavy presence in his chest told him that they weren’t going to have much longer together. He pushed it away. No matter how short their time together was, he would love every moment of it, and keep the memories near his heart.
“There we go,” she said, holding up his pants. “I wish I could get you some new ones, but…not this time, I think. Maybe next month. I should be able to sell some of my embroidery at the market. Wouldn’t that be nice?”
He cooed.
All that mattered to him was that she fixed them. Their family didn’t have much, but they were happy. He was happy, and that was all he cared about after so many years with the Bad People. No matter how many holes he accidentally put into his clothes, Bu always patched them up. Even if they ate the same thing over and over, his tummy was always full. (Having a full tummy never stopped him from hunting his favorite snacks, even if the wriggly ones made Bu scream a bit.)
Suddenly, the big door in the back of the ship sank down, letting a gust of ice-cold wind and snow into the ship. Grogu immediately felt a rush of pure elation fill him as Baba climbed up the long ramp, dragging a big bag behind himself. The bag was full of something but it was empty, the kind of emptiness Grogu knew not to ask about. Baba threw the bag into the Forbidden Room and locked the door. Then he came closer.
Grogu reached out with one hand and squeezed Baba’s icy fingers.
“Hey, kid,” he said. “Being good?”
He chirped and pulled his arm back into the safe, warm cocoon inside Bu’s vest. He sneezed. This time, he wasn’t able to cover his face in time, so he wiped his face with his sleeve. Icky.
“Is it still too cold?” Baba asked, and Grogu could feel his concern. It was prickly and sharp and made his nose tickle. He didn’t like it that much. Bu nodded.
“I think the heating coils have gone out again,” she responded. “I couldn’t figure it out from the cockpit.”
“Kriff,” Baba sighed. “I’ll get us out of here. Then I’ll see what I can do for repairs, alright? Keep him warm.”
“Aye,” Bu says, “Hear that, Grogu? You get to hang out with me for a little longer.”
He had no problem staying here where it was warm. Bu shivered. Grogu could feel her discomfort, and he grumbled to himself, tugging at Baba with that warm feeling in his chest. Baba paused. He reached up and unpinned his cloak. Then he draped it around them, nestling it around her shoulders.
“Keep that until I can get this icebox warmed up,” Baba said. “And you. Ask before doing that again. Remember what we said about privacy?”
Grogu chirped sheepishly and nodded. He did forget about that rule a lot. Good thing Baba never got angry with him. He closed his eyes and tilted his head up into Baba’s hand as he rubbed his ears. The Bad People pinched him a lot but his buire never hurt him. It made him feel very happy and safe.
Baba reached up and pinned the material into place, draping it around his head. Grogu relaxed as Baba went to the ladder. He wanted his ball, but he wanted to stay here more than he wanted his toy. He tilted his head back, noting the big smile on Bu’s face. He chirped. Maybe one day Baba would take his big shiny hat off for Bu.
Grogu yawned and wiped at his eyes. Then he pulled his head in and wriggled around until he was facing Bu. He felt her button up the vest around his head and it got nice and dark. Just what his eyes needed for a quick nap.
Even though he had only known his Baba and his Bu for just a few months, he had never felt this safe and happy before. He knew this was where his home was and where he was going to stay.
With those thoughts out of the way, Grogu drifted off, imagining all the wonderful, tasty food his Bu would make for him tonight.
@hdlynn  @princessbatears  @oloreaa  @phoenixhalliwell  @reader-without-a-story  @nelba  @aeryntheofficial  @trippedmetaldetector  @jedi-mando @marthastewart89  @razzlefrazzum  @paintballkid711  @hayley-the-comet @prxtty-big-simp  @aesnawan  @leias-left-hair-bun  @shadylightbearherring  @calamity-queen  @pedroepascal  @dinsdjarinwp  @gallowsjoker  @rosacaelorum  @ben-is-a-hoe  @mandolover86
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All That Was Fair
Chapter 22: The Competition
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Summary: Claire executes her idea to mess with Jamie
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a/n:  A late night Sunday post (the worst time, sorry!) because I wanted to get part 2 of last chapter up. So we pick up the same day as we left off after the incident with the silver. It starts out in Claire’s POV again but switches to Jamie's. It’s pretty clear but I thought I should give a heads up.
Chapter 22: The Competition
They spent the next while outside, walking around, hand in hand. Jamie was rather clingy, pulling her closer if she tried to wander away and squeezing her hand tightly. The land near his house— his “property” as he called it— was beautiful, and they simply wandered for a short time. They talked about everything and nothing, and she enjoyed the sunshine and soothing sound of his voice. As the day went on, she could feel his residual tension gradually easing until he forgot all about the incident with the silver. 
By the time they got inside again, washing dirt from their hands (since Claire couldn’t resist stopping to tend to a few plants in the garden, Jamie was back to his usual self. 
Trying to suppress a mischievous grin as she watched him wash his hands, Claire decided it was time to whip out her idea from earlier. 
“So…” she started conversationally, casually leaning against the table as Jamie eyed her up and down with a dubious expression, “you think I’m always touching you...” 
Jamie groaned and gave a roll of his eyes. “Ye’re one tae hold a grudge. I’ll never live that comment down, I see. All I meant was that ye’re verra touchy, and I like it.” 
Claire hummed, neither confirming nor denying, and countered, “and I think you’re just as touchy as me. In fact, I think that I could go longer without touching you than you could go resisting touching me.” She twirled a strand of hair on her finger, biting her lip while eying Jamie.
His brows raised, betraying his eagerness for a little game. “Is that a challenge?” 
“Care to hear the rules before you accept?” 
His lips downturned in a fond smile as he nodded. 
“No touching. You can get as close as you want and do whatever you want without touching. The first one to give in and reach for the other is the loser.” 
Jamie gave a little snort and grinned. “Ye’ve already lost, my sweet lass,” he said cockily, shrugging those broad shoulders of his, “ye can barely resist touchin’ me for even a second.” 
“It’s arrogance like that which will get you in trouble,” she warned. 
As if proving her point, he was already advancing on her. 
When he was only a hair’s breadth away from her, those beautiful blue eyes alight with the challenge, he said in a low, rumbly voice that twisted her insides in a way that just wasn’t fair, “ye ken, there’s a human story about a fairy who dies if she doesna get enough attention. Think ye can fair better?” 
Claire leveled him with her best narrowed eyes and calmly answered, “oh there will be no lack of attention, I assure you. I will have you begging.” 
To punctuate her point, she leaned in to hover her lips over his, purposefully breathing out a slight puff of air that she knew he would feel. 
“Do we have a deal?” she breathed. 
“Aye, I agree to yer terms, lass. I canna wait tae see ye lose.” 
To punctuate his point, Jamie lifted his hand so it was just under her chin, as if he was about to tilt her head up toward him, only he didn’t touch her. 
“What shall we do now, I wonder?” 
“Oh, I don’t know. If you’re bored you could always kiss me,” Claire suggested, already relishing all the teasing to come. 
“Verra funny,” Jamie said. He took a step back, glancing toward the kitchen. As if spotting something, he suddenly exclaimed, “actually, I know! I nearly forgot!” 
“What?” Claire asked, instantly intrigued. 
“I have a wee present for ye! With everythin’ yesterday...” his eyes lowered, loathe to bring up the events of the previous day, but then continued, “It almost slipped my mind.” 
Claire tilted her head inquisitively. Jamie seemed particularly enthused with his body all but buzzing with excitement. She couldn’t help but smile at his boyishness. 
“Stay here!” he said before bounding off toward the kitchen. 
Claire waited patiently with her hands in her lap and smiling to herself. She loved him more than anything. Already she was beginning to regret her idea for this game because she wanted nothing more than to throw her arms around him the second he got back and kiss him until he was breathless and staring down at her with those adorable glazed eyes. As much as Jamie teased her about having a glass face, he was beyond easy to read after he’d been kissed thoroughly. He couldn’t keep his enchantment from his face any more than she could pretend she didn’t feel the same. What a pair they were…
Her musings were interrupted when Jamie appeared in front of her with something in his hand. Smiling all the while, Jamie sat down next to her. 
“I’m sorry I didna wrap it like a proper gift but all I have is some left-over Christmas paper and I didna think that I—” he stopped suddenly, eyes shining with mirth as he realized, “I’m ramblin’, aren’t I?” 
Claire didn’t answer the last question since she was still lost from his strange words, and asked instead, “wrap it?” 
Jamie laughed, shaking his head and waving a hand dismissively. “Nothin’,” he chuckled. He shoved the object in her hands (careful not to actually touch her) and then sat back, watching expectantly. 
Giving him a shy smile, Claire found the opening and reached inside. The first thing her hand encountered to pull out was a small square— a little smaller than her hand— with the image of the familiar purple of…
“Heather?” she asked, wondering at the perfect image in front of her. It looked nearly as if she was holding the actual plant in her hand, even though she wasn’t, of course! The small square was thin and smooth, and made sort of a shaking sound. 
Jamie nodded encouragingly but didn’t offer an explanation. He looked back toward the large object in her hand, clearly wanting her to pull out more things. 
She did, one by one pulling out more small squares with the amazing images of her favorite plants. As she did, Claire was beginning to wonder what exactly was their purpose. By the 10th one, she decided they sure must have been meant to be displayed. They were far too beautiful for anything else. She’d noticed around Jamie’s house that he had things like this hanging on the walls, with beautiful colors and scenes. The fair folk sometimes made art, but nothing so perfectly real as these images. She could stare at these for days and never tire. 
Holding all of them in her hands like the precious gift they were, she looked up at Jamie with a wide smile. 
“Thank you so much, Jamie, I love them! Where should we put them, maybe upstairs or by…?” 
Jamie was giving her a fond look that he sometimes did when she was acting peculiar, and it made her trail off. 
“They’re seeds, lass,” he said, giving a nod at the images in her hand. 
She lifted them up, squinting at the pictures, completely lost. 
“These aren’t really plants, Jamie, they don’t actually have seeds,” she said dubiously. Maybe he’d gone funny in the head? 
“No,” he laughed, “inside. Those are jus’ packages that hold the seeds. Inside are hundreds of seeds. And these are jes’ the beginning. For the rest of the gift, I thought I could tear up my wee garden so we could expand it. I thought ye might enjoy havin’ somethin’ of yer own. I ken my patch of dirt can barely even be considered a garden, and I thought ye might be missin’ tendin’ to plants and wantin’ to do somethin’ ye’re passionate about, so I…” 
“Jamie, you thoughtful man!” she exclaimed. She started to throw herself forward, about to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him in gratitude, but she managed to stop herself just before making contact. 
She sat back dejectedly, clutching all the “seed packages” in her hands as if touching them could make up for not being able to touch Jamie. 
He was laughing at her, the bastard! “Ready tae give up yet, lass?” he wheedled. 
“That’s not fair,” Claire shot back with a pout, “you chose now to give me such a lovely gift knowing full well that I’d want to hug you.”
“Ye’ll recall your rules were that anything goes as long as it isna touching,” Jamie sat back, lacing his fingers behind his head and looking smug. 
Suddenly, all the urge to hug Jamie was gone. “You ridiculous human,” she said with a roll of her eyes. 
He answered with a grin and a shrug. “It’s yer game, lassie, I’m jus’ winning it.” 
“That’s it,” she said with a shake of her head. She dropped Jamie’s gifts from her hands and shot to her feet. 
Quick as a flash, she had Jamie straddled, her legs just barely on either side of his, hands braced on the couch behind him, and her lips hovering over his. 
Much to her satisfaction, Jamie let out a gasp. His lips parted, and she could feel the puffs of air from his ragged breathing. He was still as a statue, completely taken aback. 
“You think you’re so good at this,” she purred, making sure that he could feel wisps of her breath against his lips, “that you’re so much better than me. But let’s drop the bravado, you’re just as bad as I am.” 
Even though they weren’t touching, Claire knew his heart was beating wildly. His eyes held a lovely combination of glassy desire and alarm— because he knew he was in deep trouble. 
Feeling like a predator with its prey, Claire leaned in even closer so her lips were as close as possible to his without touching. 
“You could end it now…” she breathed, “you could just lean forward a bit and kiss me. It wouldn’t take much— just a tilt of the head and you could feel my lips against yours…” 
Jaime let out an involuntary groan before he realized what he was doing. Coming out of his daze, he looked surprised at himself for a second, but then his face took on that air of smugness once again. 
His lips curved into a smile. “Verra good, lass. I have tae give ye credit. But I have a better suggestion. Why dinna you just bridge the distance? Ye’re obviously longin’ to be close.” 
Claire returned his teasing every bit as much as he was giving. “Hmmm, but I’d rather if you did it. Come on, darling. Think about how soft my lips are... How much you like having them pressed against yours... I know you’d love it if you could just grab the back of my head and pull me down to you right now. I wouldn’t even resist…” 
Jamie was trying very much to keep himself present in the competition, but Claire could see his eyes growing distant as he imagined the scenario she described. There was desire in those beautiful blues, clear as day, and it gave her the delicious sensation of butterflies in her stomach. 
But he was a stubborn, bloody man. He drew himself back to the present once again, set as he was on winning. 
“I dinna think I want that at all, but I thank ye for the suggestion, lass,” he lied, “What I really want is tae win and see ye admit that ye’re the clingy one. So I’ll thank ye tae remove yerself from on top of me.” 
“I’m not on top of you,” Claire shot back, looking down in illustration of the fact that no part of her was, in fact, touching him. 
“Well wherever ye are, perhaps ye’d move?” 
Claire hummed, smiling deviously, “make me.”
“What?” Jamie choked. 
“I don’t think I want to move…” Claire said innocently, “I think I want to stay right here. Why don’t you make me?” 
Jamie grumbled something under his breath. “I suppose I’ll jes’ be stayin’ here then.” 
Long after his faerie had gotten bored trapping him beneath her on the couch, Jamie stood in the kitchen doing dishes and trying to get his mind off of her. He could tell she was plotting something in the other room, probably some other devious idea to bend him to her will. She’d nearly gotten him on the couch, too. It took every ounce of stubbornness within him not to simply end the game then and there. 
And Jamie had extraordinary control. 
After all, he’d been sleeping in the same bed with her all this time and never once had they done more than kiss, even if it had gotten rather hot and heavy. As much as she was all over him, Jamie had managed to keep his baser desires in check. Not only was Jamie too nervous to broach the question of whether faeries even had physical intimacy in the same way as humans, sex was something he believed was sacred within the bounds on marriage. Jamie wanted to do right by her in every sense. He wanted Claire to be his forever, and he could wait until it was time. 
But this bloody game was somehow making it even harder, the tempting wee vixen. 
He had to wonder whether she knew what she was doing…. Whether she felt the same… 
Jamie clenched his teeth and shook his head, trying to clear his mind of such thoughts before he did something foolish like burst out and ask Claire to explain fae reproduction. That was a delicate conversation and should only be broached with a clear head, and Jamie’s head was anything but clear. 
He nearly jumped when he turned around from the sink to find Claire just behind him, a smirk on those perfect lips of hers. 
God, to kiss them… They did look awfully soft...
“Can I help ye, lass?” he asked, trying to sound nonchalant and unaffected by the enchanting creature in front of him. 
“I was just wondering whether you wanted to do something?” she asked innocently, her hands behind her back. 
“What’d ye have in mind?” he asked with raised brows. 
“Oh, nothing in particular. It just looked like maybe you wanted to kiss me,” she said. Claire bit her lip, and Jamie had to swallow hard. 
Keep yer wits about ye, lad. Steady on. 
He made a humming noise from deep in his throat. “Funny, I was thinkin’ the same thing about ye. Something wrong wi’ yer lips?” 
Claire released her bottom lip from her teeth and gave him a pout. 
“Come find me when you get lonely then, I suppose,” she said. Feigning nonchalance, she turned on her heel and strode into the other room. 
While Jamie was quite certain that Claire would come running back to him soon enough, the game would be no fun if he was just doing household chores the whole time. Jamie wasn’t one to run from a challenge, nor was he one to leave his enchanting lass alone for too long.
He made his way into the living room to find Claire inspecting the contents of his bookshelf. After the mishap with his mother’s candlestick earlier, he’d safely removed them and placed them in his office instead. Still, Claire seemed to be eying the contents warily. 
Rising up to his full height, he stepped just behind her. 
Claire turned her chin over her shoulder to glance at him with playful, narrowed eyes. 
“What are you doing?” she demanded. 
“Standing,” he answered simply. 
“Would you care to stand somewhere else?” 
“No I would not,” he said, “I’m verra happy here. Why, am I botherin’ ye, lass?” 
He knew the answer to that question. While he didn’t have Claire’s empathic abilities, he could tell she was buzzing with the need to touch him. Capitalizing on this, he added, “ye look tired, a nighean. Why dinna ye lean back on my chest for a moment? I can wrap my arms around ye, keep ye warm. Are ye cold?” 
Claire’s eyes went wide, betraying the temptation his words brought for her, and she quickly turned her head back toward the bookshelf so he couldn’t see her expression. 
He was so close! Just a little more and she’d give in, and he’d have his faerie in his arms again… 
“Come on, a leannan,” Jamie tried to sound as rational and sensible as possible, “ye ken I’m no’ goin’ tae break. Ye dinna want this to go on forever. Why dinna ye just end this silly little game and we forget all about it and have a cuddle?” 
He saw her shoulders tense, the muscles drawing together as if she was warring within herself. Her body seemed to waver between action and inaction, and then suddenly she slid out from between him and the bookshelf, successfully escaping without a single touch. 
“Nice try, Fraser,” she said, “but if you think the game should end, you can end it.” 
She stalked over toward the couch, putting some distance between them, and put her hands on her hips. Eying him expectantly, she waited for some sort of action. She looked incredibly adorable, feisty but so small. Her head was cocked at him, as if in a dare, and it was just so damn cute that Jamie nearly gave in. 
Instead, he walked right up to her, leaned down as if to kiss her, but stopped at the last second. 
She must have been expecting him to go through with it because a sigh escaped her lips. 
“Ye have an eyelash, jes’ there,” Jamie said, pointing at her cheek so his finger a hair’s breadth from her skin. 
“Will you help me with that?” Claire asked breathily. She sounded so affected by him that she barely had any teasing in her voice at all. 
Jamie leaned in to let his lips drift just over her forehead. He trailed them down, as if he were kissing the skin of her face and neck instead of the air just above. Claire’s head tilted involuntarily to expose the column of her throat like she wanted to give him access to more skin that he wouldn’t even touch. 
She was putty in his hands, the puir lass.  
Suddenly, Claire took an abrupt step back and lifted a hand to press to her forehead, driving the heel of her hand into her brow. A tiny whimper fell from her lips.
His brain stopped for a second, his heart skipping a beat before he realized what was going on. “This is jus’ a tactic,” Jamie said with a grin, stepping closer again, “verra tricky lass, but it willna  work.” 
But then Claire looked up at him with wide eyes that clearly held genuine discomfort, and she managed a weak “it’s not— I feel...”
She stumbled backward, and as soon as her knees hit the couch, she sat down heavily, her hands returning to grab her head. 
Every notion of playfulness disappeared from Jamie. In fact, the entirety of the game was gone from his mind and replaced only with concern for her. He rushed to her side, sitting down next to her on the couch. Both of his hands came to her without a second thought, resting on her back and the other reaching for her face. 
“Claire?” he asked. He had no idea what else to do. 
Slowly, her hands withdrew from her face and she blinked several times before looking up at him, leaning instinctively into his touch.
“Are ye alright, lass?” he asked urgently. 
“I am. Sorry, I—” her brows furrowed, “I just felt very lightheaded all of a sudden.” 
Jamie’s thumb stroked over her cheek as he held her face, and Claire seemed to realize that all at once. As if she’d been missing his touch terribly, she leaned forward to let her body rest against him. He brought both arms around her and hugged her tightly, wondering if she could feel the racing of his heart. 
While Claire took a second to soak up the physical comfort, Jamie tried to take stock of his faerie. It was hard to tell since her face was pressed into his shirt, but he thought she was a little pale. Other than that, there didn’t seem to be anything visibly wrong. 
“How do ye feel now?” Jamie asked. 
Claire sat back, pulling away from his grip, and gave him a smile. Although it seemed genuine and a valiant attempt at reassurance, it came off a bit weak. 
“Better. It’s passed,” she said with an air of confidence. 
“Are ye sure?” he asked, reaching up to hold her face again. 
She nodded into his hand. “Yes,” she breathed, “sorry for ruining our game…” 
Jamie shook his head, a lump suddenly forming in his throat. Didn’t she know that she was a million times more important to him than a silly competition? Had she no idea how precious she was? He’d drop everything in his life at any moment for her, no questions asked. 
“Dinna fash,” was all he mustered out as the weight of his declarations remained in his heart and mind, “are ye sure ye’re alright?” 
“I’m fine,” she said, nodding more convincingly this time, “I think maybe the chill just got to me, it’s awfully cold in here.” 
Jamie chuckled, shaking his head at the more typical behavior and trying to cover his sense of relief. 
“Come on, let’s get ye a blanket and a cuddle, sweet one.” 
a/n: I promise my brain isn't alwayys a pure fluff factory (I'm not saying enjoy it while you can, but I do hope you're enjoying it...)
So much love to you all :) Thanks for reading!!
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iwantutobehapppier · 4 years
Morning Cup
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: The best part of waking up is...
Word Count: 1,105
Warnings: 18+ only Smuts, handjob lol maybe a bit dubcon?
A/N: Been a while aye? Thank you lovelies for your continued support as I work through personal life. I do offer you this sinful drabble. Purely inspired by a salacious gif I found. The mind runs wild sometimes. :)
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It can’t be any later at 5 AM as you start the water to boil for your French press in the compound shared kitchen. Well, a French press for you and Bucky. Right as the electronic kettle hits temp you hear the soft padding of bare feet on the kitchen tile. Speak of the devil and he shall appear you muse to yourself.
“Mornin’ doll,” the rough bass in his voice this early in the morning sends a tingle down your spine stopping at your panty and sleep shorts covered core. The man’s voice was sin so early in the morning.
You mutter out a soft morning in response before pouring the perfectly heated water into the French press pot. Glancing at the clock you denote the time to make sure you don’t wait too long with the brew before turning around to face Bucky.
His attire in the early morning used to be much more modest but over the months of your shared mornings he came out in less and less. Today it was simply his boxer briefs, that was certainly a first. Your eyes trail along his lightly dusted dark-haired chest, the wide expanse of muscles and scar tissue, you subconsciously swipe your tongue over your bottom lip before pulling between your teeth.
The knowing smirk that pulls at the Bucky’s lips brings heat rushing to your cheeks. Oh, you were caught ogling. It wasn’t the first time but this certainly was more of a view to admire. Your eyes trailed along the adonis belt line peaking up. You were fairly certain that hair you see right at his boxer line is his pubic hair with how low they set on his hips.
Your eyes cut up to his, the smirk coupled with his tongue sitting on his upper lip, eyes hooded but do not stray from your eye contact. Feeling the heat taking over your entire face you spin around glancing at the clock. Grateful for the time you begin to push down on the French press.
“You and Steve going to run circles on Sam today?” You make small talk, trying to calm down your growing arousal. Tension had been growing between the two of you over these shared mornings. Both of you early risers. Enjoying each other’s company until Steve wakes up for their morning run.
But until Steve, it’s just the two of you, every morning.
“Nah,” Bucky’s voice right behind you. You inhale deep preventing you to gasp. Doing so you pull in that unique smell of Bucky. “They were called away late last night. Just us this morning doll.”
Bucky can’t help himself, he enjoyed any time he could spend with you. If alone it was even better for him. The way you made him feel, the flirting, longing glances, and that delicious way your eyes dilate when looking at him… it’s intoxicating for him. Your soft giggles made him feel more like himself than anything else did. More than spending time with Steve, more than visiting Brooklyn and more than cutting his hair did.
He smiles when you hand him his cup of coffee with the perfect amount of cream and sugar. Taking a drink he could feel his body relaxing, mind awakening, or was your presence doing that. He trails behind you, making your way to the living room, eyes zeroing in on the panty lines in your sleep shorts. The tight fabric straining over your lushes backend. Bucky feels his boxers pushed against his growing erection. His favorite view disrupted when you take up residence on the loveseat facing the floor-length windows.
This was the morning routine. You made coffee and the two of you drank together watching the sun creep in over the lake. Flirting and such flowing naturally. A steady routine and never going anywhere but Bucky wasn’t settling for that. He wanted more, better yet he needed more from you.
His balls ached nightly, and no matter how many times he took himself into his own hands that ache was there when he awoke at the thought of seeing you again. Spending time with you, next to you...
“Well I hope they’re not gone for long,” You pull Bucky from his thoughts, he almost forgot he told you about Steve and Sam. “Tony has some party planned soon you know how annoyed he gets when we aren’t all there.”
Bucky hums in response, eyes trailing over your crisscrossed legs. Your knee against his with his spread legs. He zeros in on your underwear peaking out, the crotch cloth of your shorts not wide enough to cover what we could only assume is the juiciest pussy. What was a half chub, is now a full-on raging erection barely confined by grey cotton boxers.
Taking another drink you let out a soft sigh, watching the sky changing color slowly as the day dawns. Unaware of your morning partners’ struggles until he clears his throat. You look at him and can make out the faintest line of perspiration on his forehead.
“I’ve uh,” he stops taking his cup in his metal hand resting on the loveseat armrest. “I’ve got something for you.”
Your eyes lighten in delight, eyebrows raised. “Oh?” He tips his head down and your eyes follow, down his chest, to his boxers. You pause thinking you see something you were certain hadn’t been there earlier.
He dips his flesh hand in the left side of his boxer leg hole, pulling the fabric up to reveal his thick, red, and hard cock popping up to full attention. A strangled gasp falls from your lips. You’re entranced at the precum beading at the tip. You lick your lips and Bucky’s eyes catch the movement.
“Ya wanna touch it doll?” His voice is light, the question heavy. You can’t form a response, believing for a split second this isn’t real until his hand is taking your wrist. Wrapping your fingers around the thick shaft. fingertips don’t touch, on reflex you pump your hand up and down. You rub your thumb along the bead of precum smearing it over the tip. He groans, and your head tilts up to look at him, head back, his bottom lip being abused between his teeth. Those brows furrowed.
You freeze your movements his groan pulls you out of the trance. This wasn’t right, he was your teammate.
His eyes open up sensing your hesitation and release your hand. He wraps it around your shoulders, pulling you in closer. “It’s okay,” his hot breath crosses your face. "Just rub me a little bit and I'll rub you too."
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woahitslucyylu · 4 years
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GIF credit to @honeymourns. 
Author’s Note: Today was draining. I needed a break. It’s fluff. It’s mediocre at best, but meh, it’s sweet and I fully believe in a redeemed!Erik. Also, note that the Baby Mama installments are in no particular order. 
Erik’s fingers pressed the buttons of the controller with rapid fire as his eyes darted across the screen. “Aye, cover me! Bitch ass! You see me here! Run it again. Damn.” He leaned back into the couch, grabbing a pre-rolled blunt from the ashtray - lighting it as the screen loaded a new match. 
His phone vibrated in his lap - the bright screen calling the attention of Amber, the week’s favorite flavor, who rolled her eyes at the sight of Baby Mama written on the screen, complete with heart emojis. The audible kiss of her teeth Erik chose to ignore and instead, focused on your message. 
Baby Mama 
Are you busy?
Erik inhaled the blunt as his character dropped onto the Battle Royale screen. “Watch my back this time.” His voice gruff in the mic as he multi-tasked his preoccupations. Ashing the blunt, he swiped an answer to you - prioritizing attention to your virtual self over Amber’s physical presence.  Amber scooted closer, tucking her knees under as she leaned into his thick frame. Erik tossed her a sideways glance - he overlooked a lot of dumb shit, but he wasn’t dumb. Seeing your name brought her closer - using physical touch as a guise to be in his business. 
He shrugged her off - ashing the blunt once more as his screen brightened with your response. Amber could do little to curb her reaction - another kiss of her teeth and exaggerated shrug was too much to ignore. 
“Bitch, get off me.” Erik mused - shifting his body, jostling her against the plush cushions. 
“You call me a bitch, but you textin’ another girl while I’m right here!” Her voice raising as she gestured to his phone. 
Erik closed his eyes - focusing on the inhale-exhale pattern of his breath - as he snuffed the blunt in the ashtray. He weighed his options as if there was a real choice to make and smiled smugly as he unlocked his phone and read your message. 
Baby Mama 
I need to meet with my professor. I forgot he had office hours today. Can I drop the babies off? I can bring dinner too. My treat. (: 
His smile was worth a million dollars as he read your request and typed his answer rapidly. 
“Look at you - smiling at a dumbass text when my ass is sitting right here. You ain’t shit.” Amber mumbled as she retreated to the opposite end of the couch. 
“A dumbass text? Bitch, this is the mother of my kids and I don’t care who I am with - she gets a reply anytime for anything.” His words were dipped in venom as he stood - cleaning up the weed tray and lighting the candle on the coffee table to cover the smell of the California loud. 
“It’s time you showed yourself out anyways.” Erik gestured towards the door as he made his way through the living room - cleaning as he went. 
“But, you said we could chill? I thought I could…” Amber’s whine was cut short as Erik turned and laughed at her unspoken thought. 
“You thought you could meet my kids? Get the fuck out. I don’t bring random pussy around my children or their mother. You not even worthy of meeting the homies. The fuck you think I was going to let you meet my kids?” Erik’s villainous laugh was chilling and shredded any thought that Amber had that she might be more than a warm pussy. 
Erik’s wide steps brought him to the door as he held her purse in his hand, “Now, like I said, get the fuck out.” He gestured to the empty hallway as Amber scoffed in embarrassment. “Lose my number. You ain’t even worth a spot on the rotation.” His final directive was ice cold as the door shut in her face. 
“Come on, EJ.” Your hand was extended as his tiny hand wrapped around your fingers. “Do you want to press the button for daddy’s house?” You gestured towards the glowing buttons as you shifted the weight of Elisha on your hips. 
“Yes!” He shouted as his chubby finger mashed the button. A chorus of dings echoed as the elevator opened to the waiting family. 
Your eyes met hers and you could see the flicker of annoyance as she studied your trio. You smiled sweetly - her face revealed her true feelings as she sauntered towards you. 
“So, you’re her?” She mumbled, her arms crossed at her chest. 
You laughed. This scene had played out many times in the lobby of Erik’s high-rise apartment and you stopped acknowledging the presence of random females - your energy was more precious these days. You shook your head as EJ led you to the elevator, eagerly awaiting the trip to his dad’s house. 
You herded EJ in the elevator and waved - the doors closing on another nameless face. 
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killiansprincss · 3 years
Never Forget You ch.14
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Season 6A Canon Divergence.
Emma is happy. Finally happy with her parents, son and boyfriend. But this happiness is taken away from her when the Evil Queen curses her and turns her into a toddler.
Heartbroken and angry, Killian and Henry run away to Neverland to wait for Emma to break her curse.
But when she does break it and comes looking for them 25 years later, she soon realises this Neverland is very different now it is no longer under Pans rule.
Will she be able to save Henry and Killian in time, or will this new ruler of Neverland keep them hostage forever?
Hi all here is the newest chapter in Neverland fic and it is angsty from here on out ;)
this fic means the world to me it brings me such joy writing it so if you liked it please let me know I’d love to hear what people think of it!
Link to AO3
“So I still don’t understand why she wants to keep the two of you?” Snow asks the next morning at Henry’s treehouse.
 Killian and Henry look at one another, “You want to tell them the truth, Lad, or should I?”
Henry looks over at his family, “It’s my blood that has allowed us to stay for so long, I’ll tell them.”
“Blood? Excuse me?” Emma asks ready to murder the fairy.
“It’s okay love. Listen.” Killian says putting his hand on her back. It felt like normal again, with his hand finding the spot on her back that always managed to calm her. David and Snow were glad to see them all working together again.
“Gold told us that because I still have the heart of the truest believer, a few drops of my blood would restore the youthfulness of this place. So when we came here, I gave a few drops, but it needed more. I sorta passed out because a voice was telling me it needed more blood.” Henry explains, but seeing the look on his mother's face, he then quickly adds, “But I was totally fine, Killian saved me before it was too late. But now I think our time is running out, if I don’t give this Island more of my blood then the fairies can’t stay here and the magic will be gone.”
“Not too dissimilar from Pan then.” David comments. “So how do we defeat her?”
“I have a theory I’ve been sitting on for a while, but it’s dangerous, and I don’t want a repeat of History.” Killian says gesturing towards David.
“No. No. No.” Snow yells. “I almost lost my husband once, we can’t risk it.”
“It might be the only way.” David tells his wife. “Do you want to get off this Island as a family?”
“Okay someone fill me in please. Unless you forgot, I was not born when this happened!” Neal interrupts.
“Dreamshade.” Emma tells her brother. “It’s Neverland's most deadly poison. Dad got infected last time and almost died.” She turns back to Killian, “But the water saves you as long as you stay on the Island, so how does that help us?”
“Wait hold on-Dad got poisoned? And almost died?” Neal suddenly realises there is so much about his family that he didn’t know about.
“I have a concentrated dose on my ship that I’ve been working on. In theory, even if she does drink the water, she can’t leave, she cannot try and stop us.” Killian explains.
“A concentrated dose like the one you gave Gold in New York?” Emma asks, smiling fondly at the memory.
“Aye. Except, a much stronger dose. Hopefully to a fairy, the dose will reach her heart much faster than it did the Dark One.” He looks over to David and Snow. “I’m fully aware that it could go wrong and I don’t want to put you in any danger.”
“We’re aware of the danger, but it’s nothing we haven’t faced before. We can handle a fairy.” David says confidently.
“With all due respect Gramps, these fairies aren’t like blue or any of the other fairies in the Enchanted Forest or Storybrooke.” Henry explains, worrying about their newfound confidence. “In Neverland they play by different rules, they use dark magic, darker magic than mom used as a dark one.
Cecelia was angry.
She didn’t like visitors. Especially if those visitors were the ones trying to take away the magic that kept her alive in her home.
She needed a way to stop her new visitors, especially the blonde who was taking the pirate away.
Normally she would spend her nights in Pixie Hollow with her sisters, but she had a feeling the blonde wasn’t going away. At the end of the night, she flew over to the Lost Ones clearing and what did she see? The blonde with Hook. This could not happen. She needed a plan to separate the two of them, get the blonde back to wherever she was headed, and keep Hook and the boy here.
Pan was a nightmare. He was ruining her Island, though he called it ‘his Island’. He had been here a hundred years and already the Island had changed, the pixie dust was running out, in another hundred years or so the Island would likely die. Pan was apparently searching for a boy that would save the Island, but Cecelia didn’t buy into it-prophecies are 99% of the time wrong, if this boy ever did show up she wonders if he would save the Island.
Thankfully Pan was not able to enter her safe haven. And neither could Tinkerbell since her wings and magic were gone. She could easily avoid her, and if she did see her again, what could the little green fairy do anyway she was powerless. But it did affect her access to fairy dust, he used most of it on his pack of Lost Boys who were typically using it to fight with real weapons, or use it to battle the Pirates that were now stuck on this Island.
Cecelia decided she was sick of hiding in Pixie Hollow, she wanted to see what Pan had done to her home, and see if she could stop it. That’s when she saw him for the very first time. The Pirate. With a Hook for a hand. He was dressed in all leather, a red vest with a large black leather coat and leather pants. He had scruffy black hair and eyes as blue as the sea in Neverland cove.
She transformed into human size so she could follow him. He was with another pirate, this one short and stocky, blue and white striped shirt and a red hat. Not nearly as gorgeous as the man with the silver Hook. She tried to understand what they were saying, something about a weapon, a dagger.
“The dagger is the only weapon that can defeat him. If I can get my hand on it I can skin myself a crocodile at last. I just need a way off this blasted Island.” The one with the Hook said, he sounded angry, whatever this crocodile was, was sure to be a force to be reckoned with.
“Even if Pan gives us a way off this Island, how do you plan on getting the dagger? Baelfire said-“ the shorter man begins to say before the Hooked pirate cuts him off.
“Don’t say his name.” Whoever this Baelfire was, he clearly made a lasting impact on the Pirates lives, the way he sounded upset by the thought of him.
“Sorry Captain. But say we get back to the Enchanted Forest, how do you plan on getting the dagger if he has it on his possession?” Ahh it made sense now, the Hooked Pirate was a Captain, the way the smaller one almost quaked with fear when speaking to him.
“I have a plan.”
One moment Cecelia is walking a fair few paces behind the two pirates, hiding in the darkness so they don’t see but still within earshot, and the next moment the leather clad Pirate had a dagger to her throat and her back against the nearest tree.
“Who are you and why are you following me?” The Pirate asks. It was the leather clad Hooked pirate, the smaller one had scurried ahead leaving just the two of them in the hot Neverland Jungle.
Cecelia laughs as she clicks her fingers and the dagger against her throat disappears and reappears in her own hand.
“A fairy.” The Pirate states, not asks, as he takes a step away from her.
“You know of my kind?” Cecelia asks him with a seductive smile.
“I’m not fond of fairies. Especially the ones I’ve met on this Island.” The Pirate sneers.
“Let me guess Tinkerbell?” Cecelia asks, she assumed Tink was the only fairy who would run into a pirate, but she couldn’t be sure, she needed to protect herself in case there was someone working for Pan who would report her.
The Captain laughs in a husky tone, “not a fan of her either I take it?”
Cecelia shrugs, “she’s not my friend, but she may see me as an enemy.”
“Whatever did you do to the poor girl?” The captain asks. He was very handsome, Cecelia had encountered many pirates in her life, yet none quite like this one.
“Well like Pirates I’m sure, a fairy never reveals her secrets.” Cecelia was flirting, the Captain was sure of it, so he decided to flirt back.
“Hmm secrets are a delicate thing. Is your name a secret too, or do I get the pleasure of knowing it?”
“Cecelia.” She replies with a glint in her eye. “And yours? I can’t just call you Captain now can I? Or would you like that?” She whispers the last part into his ear.
“Hook.” He tells her smirking as he uses his Hook to bring her closer.
“Clever.” She muses. “You’re a pirate, I assume you have a ship.”
“The Jolly Roger, she’s the most powerful in all the realms.”
Cecelia fondles with his Hook for a moment, “Would you like some company?”
Hook grins. “Are you offering?”
Her talk with the blonde Hook was in love with, didn't go down well as well as she had hoped. Cecelia threatened her, told her to leave and she didn’t. She was a stubborn stupid human, but she needed to take it to the next level.
Show her what Hook and her had, how it was nothing compared to what the blonde experienced with him in her land. She couldn’t kill the blonde right away, not with her whole family here. No, she needed to make her leave and she will get Verena to help kill them all if necessary.
The next two nights Cecelia watches the blonde with the Lost Ones. She sees how Hook looks at her, and how she looks at him. It makes her sick. The Lost Ones even look happy, they’re never happy. What was it about this girl that made her so special? Why of all the women, this plain girl was the apple of her Captains eye.
“You know you kissed me for the very first time right around here.” The Captain tells his blonde. She listens in, to see what she can find out, and what she can use against them.
“I remember. You were annoying me, I thought I would just kiss you to get you to shut up!”
“And you realised you’d made a huge mistake as you fell in love with me?” Cecelia couldn’t tell if he was teasing or not, their relationship was still a mystery.
The blonde hits him playfully, “you’re such an ass. If you recall your confession in the Echo Caves, you were the one you realised you couldn’t live without me.”
“Now, now Swan whose rewriting history. I am amazed that you still chose me, you love me after all I’ve done.”
The blonde runs her fingers through his hair, “hey. Stop. We talked about this, you’re not that man anymore, I fell in love with you because you chose to change, you said you wanted to be a better man and that’s exactly what you are. I don’t care what you did on this Island while I was cursed, it doesn’t matter, you’re still the man I fell in love with who risked everything for me, who is selfless and chooses to do the right thing.”
Cassandra turns away as they start to kiss, she doesn't need to see that. So, the Captain has insecurities, that she can take advantage of.
The Echo Caves.
Cass hadn’t heard of those in centuries. She knew Pan liked to use them to trap his unwelcome visitors, but she hadn’t known her Captain was a victim.
They were used in the olden times of Neverland to reveal the darkest secrets of fairies who were going bad and had to reveal the truths of their actions, but Pan ended up using it as a trap and to cause a rift between friends. And that’s exactly what Cecelia was going to plan. She would cause a rift by making them reveal their darkest secrets, and the blonde would go back home.
“Verena! Verena! Wake up!” Back in Pixie Hollow she decides to let her sister know of her plan, and how she can help her.
“The Echo Caves? Are you serious Cecelia?” Verena had heard the stories of the caves, how fairies were forced to reveal their darkest secrets and it was never pretty.
“Whose side are you on?” Cecelia was suddenly starting to doubt her sister, it wouldn’t be the first time.
“Yours obviously! But is it safe?”
“I heard the Pirate talking to the blonde, they went through it before when Pan was still in power. If it didn’t break them before, this time it will.” Cecelia feels confident, Hook had been here for 25 years all alone, his desires had clearly changed.
“So what’s the plan?”
On the fifth night of watching the Pirate and his blonde, Cecelia decides this is the time to intervene. She’s sick of seeing Hook, a fearless and deadly Pirate turned into a “hero” by his lover.
The Lost Ones are finishing up, slowly disappearing back to their beds. Hook luckily is still in conversation with the young boy, the blonde however had finished talking to her lost girl, she was all alone.
Shrinking down to fairy size, she flies into the Lost Ones clearing, and freezes Hook and Henry before returning to human size.
Cecelia smiles at the blonde, “the one and only.”
“What do you want? I already told you, I am not leaving this Island alone.” She was brave. But bravery almost meant stupidity.
“You and Hook just look so happy together. But I’m afraid he’s been keeping secrets from you.” She says, in a sweet but also malicious tone.
“What secrets?” Emma was convicted this fairy was just trying to mess with her head, Killian had been honest the past few days since they reconciled, no way would he be keeping secrets.
“I trust you’re familiar with memory magic?” Cecelia asks as a dream catcher appears in her hands.
Emma nods, all too familiar with dream catcher magic.
She watches as Cecelia makes the dream catcher glow as scenes of her in Neverland start to play out.
“I really don’t need to watch your life story.” Emma says rolling her eyes. But then.
Killian. She sees Killian in those memories. Well, he was in Neverland for 300 years and their paths were surely to cross. The dream catcher doesn’t have any sound, but she doesn’t need sound for what she sees next.
It’s Killian and Cecelia. Together. Lips on one another, bodies pressed together and legs tangled up.
Emma feels like she could vomit.
“You’re lying. This is, this isn’t true.” She manages to say, thoughts whirling around in her head.
Cecelia smirks. “You’re familiar with memory magic, you know how it works. I couldn’t tamper with it even if I wanted to. I guess Hook hasn’t been as honest with you as you thought, such a shame.”
Emma stands there for a few moments, resisting the urge to bring up everything in her stomach. Cecelia just flies away looking satisfied with herself.
“Everything alright love?” Killian appears a few minutes later, completely unaware of the situation.
“I don’t know. You tell me.” Emma feels betrayed, how could he do that to her?
“I’m not sure I understand love.” He says, giving her a puzzled look, “are you feeling okay? Want to take a sail on the Jolly, clear your mind a bit?”
“The Jolly? Where you’ve been fucking Cecelia? I’m good thanks.” She spats.
Killian is lost for words, “Emma what the hell are you talking about?”
Glaring at him, she tells him of Cecelia’s visit to her, and the memories she saw of the two of them.
“Emma, please understand. That was a long time ago. It-“
“Oh so you’re not denying it happened?” She cuts him off, how dare he.
“I would never lie to you Emma. But whatever she showed you, happened a long time ago, long before I met you.” This was all part of Cecelia's plan to drive them apart, Killian was sick of her tricks.
“Just because I was cursed doesn’t mean I’m stupid. How am I meant to believe it was before you met me?”
Killian takes a step toward her, to take her hand but Emma snatches away. “I can’t prove it, but you’ve gotta trust me.”
“I’ve been cursed for 25 fucking years, Hook. That doesn’t give you an excuse to fuck the first woman you see just because I’m not around.” Her voice was getting louder the angrier she was getting.
“Emma I love you. Don’t act innocent though, like you said you were cursed for 25 years, you’re telling me you didn’t jump into bed with a man that isn’t me?” Killian was now just as angry, sure it had been 25 years but he expected better of her.
Emma doesn’t answer his question.
“I thought you said you saw me in your dreams.” Killian says tremulously. “That you were always seeing me. Was that all a lie to get me to go back with you?”
“No! Of course not! I did see you in my dreams, but that’s the thing you were a dream. I had no idea who you were. But don’t change the subject, I was cursed I could sleep with as many men who weren’t you and it would be okay. You on the other hand, slept with the fairy while you were waiting for me. You clearly don’t love me, so I think If we defeat Cecelia, I’m taking Henry and my family back with me, you fsnnstau here I really don’t care.” Emma’s voice was wobbly she felt like the was about to burst into tears.
“Emma. I do love you, whatever she’s shown you is a lie. I never touched her while you were here, I would have never do that to you.”
He tries to call out after her, but it’s no use, she’s walking back to her camp angry and upset, he was going to kill the fairy.
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minijenn · 3 years
Keys to the Kingdom Preview
Featuring me trying my best to write Scrooge well XD. No signs of the triplets yet, they show up later, either way this was fun to jot down. Enjoy! 
And yet, instead of Riku or Kairi or any of the other guardians of light, who is on the other end of the line is just about one of the last people Sora could have expected. 
“Greetings, laddies! It’s about time ye boys finally picked up the phone, I’ve been tryin’ to get ahold of ye for hours now!”
Donald, Goofy, and Jiminy quickly balk at each other before looking back to the phone, with the magician in particular surprised at who’d called them. “Uncle Scrooge?! What have you been calling us for?” he asks incredulously. Upon hearing this, Sora lets out a bit of a relieved sigh, though he still doesn’t move to join the others in joining in on the call. 
“Yes, it’s a treat to speak with you too, Donald,” Scrooge remarks dryly, rolling his eyes. “Good to see you’re just as well-mannered as ever. “
“Hiya, Uncle Scrooge,” Goofy greets much more amicably. 
Jiminy follows suit. “How’s it goin’, sir?”
“Ah, now there we go with some proper greetings!” Scrooge grins. “Goofy, Jiminy, good to see you boys are just as hale and hearty as ever. Speakin’ o’ which, do ye happen to have Sora there with you too? I’ve got a bit of excitin’ news I’d like to share with all of ye laddies, if I can.”
“Er… Sora is…” Goofy trails off, glancing back at Sora. He shakes his head silently, his expression tight as he still refrains from stepping forward into view of the phone, just in case. 
Fortunately, Donald is quick to fill in where Goofy left off. “He’s busy right now,” he says quickly, vaguely. 
“But we can pass on the message to him, if you’d like,” Jiminy offers, even if they won’t really have to. After all, Sora is perfectly in earshot to hear the entire conversation, even if he’s still not very interested in engaging in it. 
“Aye, alrighty then,” Scrooge agrees. “So I happened to catch word from Ienzo and the others at Radiant Garden that ye boys are out lookin’ for a very special treasure. And ye know, treasure-huntin’ just so happens to be me specialty!”
“Uh… Uncle Scrooge?” Donald interrupts with a frown. “I don’t know if now is the best time for-”
“Nonsense, lad, it’s always the best time to seek out somethin’ that’s been lost to the ages!” Scrooge counters firmly. “Especially when this somethin’ just so happens to be a little trinket known as… the Key to Return Hearts!”
“What?!” Donald, Goofy, and Jiminy all exclaim in startled unison. Likewise, Sora swiftly turns around at the mere mention of this elusive, yet all-important key, his eyes wide as he now intently listens to hear more. 
“You’ve heard about the Key to Return Hearts, Uncle Scrooge?” Goofy asks, immensely curious. 
“Aye, I sure have!” Scrooge grins proudly. “Even before Ienzo mentioned ye boys were searchin’ for it, actually. It’s truly a special, downright legendary relic, but it never stays in the same place fo’ too long, ye know. But I just so happened to track down which world it’s in right at this very moment.” 
Before any of the others have a chance to speak to this, Sora suddenly rushes forward, grabbing the phone in their stead. “You found it?!” he asks intensely, any thoughts of his current appearance all but forgotten in light of such incredible news. 
“Oh! There ye are, Sora!” Scrooge exclaims, though he stops short, adjusting his glasses as he takes stock of how he looks. “Bless me bagpipes, boy, what happened to ye? I don’t recall your hair bein’ that white--or white at all for that matter--lest me memory be startin’ to get foggy in me old age-”
“N-never mind all that right now,” Sora hastily interrupts. “The Key to Return Hearts--where is it? We really need to find it--it’s very important.” Supremely important, really, for the sake of finally freeing the last two hearts trapped within his own. For rescuing Roxas and Xion from sharing his own dark, twisted fate. 
“Well, I can’t say exactly where the Key itself may be…” Scrooge muses. “But I do know what world ye can find it in. Went through just about every last record of its history there is out there to tab up where it would be. Ye laddies best be grateful for all the hard work I put in to help your cause out here!”
“We’d be even more grateful if you’d finally tell us where it is…” Donald grumbles, annoyed by his uncle’s usual brand of self-adulation. 
“Ah, I forgot--patience never has been a virtue of yours, Donald,” Scrooge counters just as deadpan. “But if you boys are that set on gettin’ your hands on it, then hop on over to Twilight Town. I’m bettin’ on me special number one dime that’s where it’ll be waitin’ for us. I’ll head on that way too, and better yet, I’ll be bringin’ the best team of bright-eyed young adventurers I know to lend us an extra hand in trackin’ it down!”
“Ok, great!” Sora smiles, perhaps for the first time since the glamor spell had been torn from him. Because finally, at long last, he might just be able to free Roxas and Xion once and for all. And even despite everything else that’s been going on, that’s not an opportunity he’s about to pass up. “We’ll meet you there.”
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