libidomechanica · 60 minutes
That you on kyrf sette, and toe a lion dye
He future Romans doe obay, rage, extreme; all with sorts refuse this friendship’s holy and each too late with zeal. For theyr eccho ring. Dreams: a thirst their better’d upon a bustle army touch of ever her host, that fire, thou hastily hidden all thee! He mete þe hit he loins engender me running ready stained us. That you on kyrf sette, and toe a lion dye. And þe raȝt of lace of your enemies hand in the when on bonk houes. But for þy lofte; his mode of þe sway has been vast, not one? For each thee this hert and cemmed, now hope came thee. The with a dunt and was grow. And thought to ashes take himself in the first with the lawn runnen you it will be so fayre honoured as old and being beading, they resound of trechez hym lach quen þy lufly his lyue; of which the lover’s breath. Of lucid was play, hende hym so pouer heart must we thing else wholly in tale.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 2 hours
And earth shall be dissipated blissfully please you deeply, and at
Thou will be a reprov’d. And gazed-but longest; the yellow lay a boar-spear alone. No one’s fair that we machinery and after Star, arose from his sorry Scheme of your plan, and soon too bright. And stare. That art can speak and the walls the white face was change, and white: and the unborn canvass you: when curse not, or quiet dreaming what weight of pride, nor Iron bars I saw the Vine has fetters fair some idly trails its stead oblivion of the hope, my joy! Can I though I have remember, each shrunk as a bashful anodyne; with wine. My spirit of the phantasies; numb were sweet or no?
0 notes
libidomechanica · 3 hours
Untitled (“Both; the still me, woment Ill shattere things”)
Both; the still me, woment I’ll shattere things. In bigger. May a reed, and I    wishining of age; and    againe. Ah my borror admired the dartifies art bane!
0 notes
libidomechanica · 4 hours
Untitled # 11530
In the most of þe wyȝe, here is thereon she roll’d; for wyn in halle. Her reade the soil and dry: the voyage than his is a heavy artiller wer now, and he homeward the plain, and said, and weep; and wish’d-for she has root, and mony tene place, þe chaunged heȝe ouer þe rymez by þe renk and in her too. He let for a voyage touch were crying on his rede yȝen grayþely broþe on strok, and þenne, for by one or two had told me all so oft unjust, thinke I should I loathes? Not solely that sang out a bryȝt þore, and their feet yet kept his launce dryȝe, and there watz with all thing balks each endear’d.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 5 hours
Woe was there
And then! But now I call’d their sap, how branch, dark as the level mead on wings over my lady’s eyeballs pure I look upon you, you
may have no measure you. Woe was there was nothing wanted to the town so long; then seems to mend your eyes gleam in the mother us.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 6 hours
She least, once more, but ebbs like a beer can I
He drank his ale instead, women who give up love, for joy he can.—They well might have known in the aforesaid painting souls confine?
0 notes
libidomechanica · 7 hours
“Er with rein”
And Bi þis skyl’ sayde Cros Kryst hit yow fyrre þat I have been taken up and Helen’s public fault that bred it. If you catch men with burnez tellen, þay ferden to home, þe auncian hit semed fayn ayþer oþer; riche red on my past. Cries to Susan cries. As if her still: fond lover? ’Er with rein? But because he saves them talk—he picks my painting imitate his forsnes he feng at þe kerre syde, þen brek þay þe balé, þe bowelez out a bryȝt fyr bette. A much berd as a busk ouer hir blake broȝes, þe breme noyse maked; and did myself, hands and giving in her boy, what merits not removed.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 8 hours
“The shepheards boyes your hero, who had naught have birth new joy”
A sonnet sequence
The shepheards boyes your hero, who had naught have birth new joy is,—empty pocket- handkerchiefs to frame where you open shone, or countries, thou not in my verse present, and awful; odes about the Nation’s rather Count you will be but easy conduct neither to be shown. Which crawling from thence, because I look. At least, is their could it o’er a Bottle, or, which some said of Truths transport and not wed. Though not tell me t is none can say my Stella, I will not giggle, but heard satte beside out one, and by might make the theft: from Tom&Jerry, and the sung, it seem dash’d phosphor and how his eyes?
’Er my eyes show the rest, no sonne now determinating seas of dewe, yet betray’d my heart-honored Maid or Nymph, to what kind; so soft, lute-finger and Caves, and age-bent, no tears. Together my turf when we purge, even of thralled discoveries, and cast assizes keep out them long! And praise rehearse in spend and if not the laws of him, if he delay’d, my fate, my sweet to know I lay in money. Vanishes to the sun and impious love and fairer far that nedeth feyned loved young Messiah blessing by, behold thinking up; and the trees. The Sunne which the snare me in you.
She washbasin of Moore. Where their sacrilege on their suster fer biyonde the door, when men Aspire, tis but all the lighter and that same Design. Small-pox has gone, the middle of nightst their busie Teachery, to return, of comfort my distant Poles have lost: I ask’d the Government. And this will I die. In their Godheads I said, their store; and jewel will do. Surely no crime.—And if in the Tongue, his Prey, his dark slaves their nomenclature; that was combing out here; by a clergyman, Country maiden Maud with my full of a City full of Noise and also found how ye may accustomed to deeds.
’, Love by change within and his heart were not where vice. Would David’s Cause; but it seemed kind, while the rough, and most dearer rate; his blood and in the flocked their seed attending stone to Vertue stand all my chaste away. Sees it often: after his patiently laid, and search’d, and of roses you’ve passed, we die, you Draw; and the think I picked up, she task to man and watch the strewn rich result on a sultan’s, not a hermit’s, whose utters tears, and might be seen it self have in a dozen angry models jetted still them with charming, in tender eyes in a setled Throne? I saw the king tree and Humane Good!
In which make no fear and expire; so bad, that was that your Ark. Take their Duty both sweet memories, having shadow: further treasure: hereat the deep, where frayed by the Sanhedrins to pure and mother’s Mild natural Institute and gipsy bonnet be the nights would not till Thou moved together beauteous moan. Still she is all which with desire to slur with joy, with rev’rence make thee what I was yet in could be, stock, Stone, upon her silent night have threescore—a though the wharvest. Whose laws of buried with ascends, now she cried to forgive! For, as I have some; you can ease his patient Man.
His was dearest, while David, your ruin and a nose the name, is t they Covet makest faults are almond floor. This easy man, tall, hands. The night; and now a soft fire. By atoms moved together, still instrument, received, cat-footed, soon after mansion fixed and Earth, tho’ thy life of the languor, surely render all her crescent-curve, close by way by feeding said, and make him Max, and say no men, like her, as must now. Wish, the while quacks of Earn, and lives attached on occasion served, be quote, for which bit of love to say, a thousand others guilt, t is none moment at the young again!
As child! As I wont to women; certain portion of Thyself will go withdrew in debate true to the Disease; at fifty, and then a like this, too, as then, for this, but love so much, or Paint must needle, and swear the learning and to shew my lifelong her less though no doubtless lassie, ye’re be Absalon: not to- night the boy star appearing moment her cheek. Fame running Power will never more her air like a kind takes long, they mourning, but what enchanted in pleasure, to division I did see a gloriously seat, and her speechless is, she resolved in wane, faded before side, that end their earlier bow.—I heard; and pith to manage my soul of doubt, where sows, and many girls— sick for Nutriment their will fight way; he hearers of old Sir Ralph a page from where at merry was Sabbath; only son with tears, and strength it an echo like at first, but still bloudy night.
In French romances broken hawthorn-hedge, and sage, madly blindly this: the ghosts there, and hours, I though I bliss, the sun: and many a sparks upon the fatal day, by various, Just, a beggared? She gave throng, and Popular, a listen to be security’ will be, and wires and I will. Or if no cluster’d in Impenitence perplex’d deliciously, from his quite in such thing, and mine hid in default is young wife in her timber cotes to perfection with redouble-chinn’d and blythe wauering I will not dare I not temple warrant too, and them both, and you this saving prey.
May get new maim’d a Throne, pretensions to thee with a Jealosies and when I know not write I, while his moments afterwards burning, breathing-space. Life of this I have possible world of books, and die let’s give. The wretched here the Ring of my design for so delicious were to deface to find an echo of sound, to rob the sweetly singing this conduct when fine cages for instinctly, might fears would he had she smile: perfect Beauty and bland the greener; and, if still some great arm-chair, the starte with the red bed, who can send, or vain my horse witnesses. Perfect health, by that all known.
Cheek in lines made their suster fer biyonde the brings or his resurrection. And yet slays me within the love diving brook: for, praising monkey from a room for a Calm uneager commeth timely death a concourse, retire from heaven, and smoke. Behold his head, and attentioners: who took the silver knell of twelve book, from Blood was by, save mine and Hatred to declare all her harves with studied Arts have looked up.—If I should really, too covetous of her walls, thy vestal, Heav’n inspir’d by boyling ascended break of his vows, and dare to pass; erect thy bosom straight to allay.
That after seen, abash’d and virulent; her magazines to represent remember you, you Draw; and all this sweet new to face, without when I knew the dove was they home? Which Hebrew Ballad gallant friend: as swell as of ryper reason, in falling one as far upward turn like the children, and scatter’d charming calculable me! The day; and then, light that ink may come, alas, thought him, there was what wol his new: she bathes also pleasure in beautiful you will die with pain you are the thing for him he attorney last, my cabbage, I would never you shall Rest, as when love in me?
As when Ambition lie; she nails him down. The deepe furrowes eloquence. Whose whom, SPIRIT fair, where is me to I was armed, touch things no Title not mention yet. How safe is with quilled dahlias and men, by waters; they who saw her in a climes, e’er to impart. Sweet, and then he thou think our survey, for one the chiefe lightning; she, like aught be true the Dog-star that even now. May make her, not allowd, is Justly Destiny made to blame him, to bridge you shame! What we have her in its time, so ruefully I saw the ears had he behold him for his delicate the ransack’d the sea.
He, like held his kind, when push’d moment before the Jebusite. Her eyes and kisse-worthy of the Sword, to ten blackning a rumour more than be no longer under the vain, but no more or less her to serve to show, the Consul was born! Silent light with my heart of hell, could rip up old age. Good- morrow, comes nae love I wont tenrage their sign posts the prosperous squire found, depart: as those who, alas, if thy place, stella now beginne without Title grave,—death will be assured, barbarous Don Juan’s life with my hand each our eyes loll which failed—if we shoud People strings, and almost my heaven.
Between border keep her looks, with an Hidalgo, who from one with a pious destroyed. And honour that in the and this, I might be quite a crime: yet not brook at all rubs his answered in act to their tools; but, fearful state, Juan mortal lease. Chloe; till Viper-like in the longer under Jebusite, were one learned and ben; Blythe, blythe Caducean charming Chloe, tripping so become. Matter to seekers thou found here recommend wise Issachar, his short File Barzillai first pretend to this scrawl because I had a deuce the howling both demands, laying, happy face. I want or Weak?
Then alley: there is not heart I used me! And all about, cajoled by blind, had she was large tree, in his booth. Somehow—I know; from Julia instance—gentle Eulalie look, give you blind, swept bothered as the know; at six month of her mounting thought to know love’s old Sir Ralph himself the land much to me: a virgin’s grace, as in the fire beneath there: and the laws of thrall, so that has lost, and to say, Just things bending again, cold fiction, and for there before than more near that glance at Maud by the gentleman of stone, upon the crown’d no point it sent out naked body’s gift; creation of You.
That by your fingers dire woe; just as it’s you at once, O beautiful is always will; thou, sweet neglect, indeed a bust of life inspires a saint’s comprise a part; either. The best the most consule Planco, ’ Horace said Hermes empty of my rival, the very tree of all procession more, it did better prie; what tho his nature by my Paternal bliss till I lie down again with you would have but and with delays, and sweet flowers above and then the Zodiac run, ever in line. At least, in tender them: to declare holds an useless snowing then I err a bit.
My heart rejoic’d in that Donna Inez most ready in haste were many girls do, any way, as allowed steady, her five hundredth parts; but yet, yet, yet, I’ll take up old age. Blythe and feasible it is the sun as Egypt would lie down against all red muscles from one wherewith briars, my own voice, his day gave his. Were impious to a dying like the must go, and yet, to surrender hill the lock, ere they love of State: the first I have Right—but ne’er so well; and my extended several Mother soft splendid dream of youthful, charms of Them it cost meke, what it was not figure?
Let Israelites; who did stand country, so, my soul would be a still rules for as the wild woods; of shadow from hence—forward love cross resolv’d, or our rusty hinges of meetness to government. As line although many a thin Parties, but not covet Mr. You walked with him lay his feeling dangerous Mind; tis exceeding valorous promise of thy more wise? Would go to think, t’ espouse his own disguises of light. Drawn from blame? My earth became. A quietus. Here my right. Upon the casket were made, shall never more, it did, is for his death or Doctor paid a visor of ours.
I grateful kiss, I dared, come friend; but in disgrace is born with teares, whether fly far into a world exclaim’d to herself, with joy, with thee how it, for Don Alfonso’s heart of the David! With his wife is Treason; when Kings and Sence, perhaps to a swoon’d serpent’s early stomachs, too, blasphemed as there. A furlong faithful shadow, soon, all things to Loyalty express into a scroll, and say no measures of ladies ever would I existence; other self might ruined map of his perfect health her curls strive no men, she seem’d to slide out of miraculously thing up from thence?
Ah, gen’rous youth, and do what may with her Maker’s Images, but sown so well, for facts, to Murther, still worse bust. I do not my selfe I not giggle, but that dealt with fannes wel-shading backward, their airy steepy flight not stay puzzle, and flee away on the cube and dark, new boots like: and he stained thy far behind the eagle in thy behavior; beauteous, breathe best prepared, come temple porch, mid his pleased my door reluctantly, Boabdil wept, and far from out to me aside to life’s a changed, for only made to Punish ere he is. And given fall, doest way applied, for heau’n of Spain.
And not for a second Eve, but Desert. Be fifty, and convicted of, but to means compile; even they sought with that age he wish’d-forth a fear, if any said there she such, if they dwell if other I be sayings divine, strive, but coud his height: my head was was by, would State; turn’d to the God began an oath, ask’d the door, like ship afar: each from Julia was—yet I need to Saving claims the Sabbath of further noiseless skies, when shone not know such as the hogs. Far and determined thus from the Beach, Love, to and forth to renew the bond that an iron wedges left me mention sweet.
Dim and deeper too night, saw Juan was not her wits too rough all Created and that which wanton stroke, the should not her, we will be wreak’d on a giant deplore: disdaine together, Thither, fathers do. So, tyran he threaded monster’s tale, that’s the Frowning Babes are the stray’d my lover, till the winds do not like the said, he spake: when from their treat? While yet aliue art found on the blow that sweet ecstasy to a feather noiseless her, where we must each complete, with some obscure. Round a pearl dissolv’d to stone, and so I spake: when follow’d in symbiotic lichen. I crave thee, heart their spouse.
However dress, smelling hour: but move increase thy perfectly- chisled cheeks the sweet love or to Ruine offence, though you here in the only has taken by mortal Beautiful strait; I grants sent mine he counting grapevine springing, not as yet dare covered as make its time Don Alfonso’s hurrying terms in hevene a-bove; give them, and fair, so young and, truth. Alfonso, pommell’d opposition I didn’t convent: she, you think it some there in their Duty at his dinner to have fled, and Share the deposition, but linger of the tangles of the coale in Hate: resolved in negatives, all those object strange, her your faithful Friends, more be sure; t is sweet as these Ills they take him without my good old Caleb free. But pity: thus qualifi’d, in God tis undisting in Heav’n will, still, paints as Saint: would hush, t is the taper, and, as poets feigns of many a city the side.
Had heard or sea, a lady elf, somewhat other with Fear, yet if he his garden his sweeping by the Town must be flatter’d Julia twenty posts the various orient ivory sphere is, only lived, but no matter how, no man shouldst use the trace my lover was a whale rises up like the same. From variation, and foretold, dying, that she live, but sage protection, I favorite scene is told. Whose Sacred illicit emails, which hardest stones where she look’d on might poetess, I would free side. And some majestic cares. To cozen with a noble servant of hue, so long and pains?
Fair day for a Calm unfit would Statues, let me welcome away from the sloping from all things to praise, till the specious surges sink and leave to time he had a great saist they with long walks were, entered from heaven’s heart raves. Not one, and abroad, who kill in Bacchanal price, and then speak, or months have placed, it turns up through once her love with reverend tutors. Many a light put in which the contentedly I view, she is a phenomenon, one sigh’d never more fruit with downcast looked as lost, walk in a rosy red. So low down in the received that one that the braes o’ Ballochmyle.
And the could he while David lives in this wither’d’ as summer’s rain; and ink for no God could mark yon meet, when I think, were frame, unwarily was an angels’ lays; for, like him but be noted weed, the night with slaughtertyre growth at his eyes, even the survivor bulging lately render fear my father rains and downstairs, not wed. Like a though several food he feels; whose Saint, recept to think, by the worse sample—t were Useless Lump, like at a suit there, I cannot choose. You, tiresome Wild, I could not wed. Whan the devil. With your mouth foam’d, and shame shining lately rest: whether, why!
He only hating waye: but most divine, while all weeps plastic, metal trinket from high the unnamed Pompilius, he had a great Princess, I would their banquets rage hys right to skirt to the Sands, if Bands would I exist between you believe my love divine, which yet have been about a year in weird seizures choycest trees, lay on the gain, across resolu’d that while he jested at five talked with love thing waye: but what is but their separate cages for miles the evening strains which the bard by fall. Wood to nonsuit, or you not remedy was I picked way on which makes it for injur’d Fame.
Sir Walter nos. Murmur at our Lords that had one, to Patch the can but claim on the cobweb woven her he discontent to shew his economy, and stones where the land-service, but now at that eternal year ago, whether body is new- appearing an old hysterics, whom thou canst them long! She pray for as they should be, stock, Stone, upon a thrift in his height: for God’s sake, and if they may moder lay as dew in the rain. Like to time, whose scared not with hopes still did Lucy Gray, and in the long year run out, and so unprepared, their narrow ranger. They boated after mansions.
Whether Julia sate with muffled moonlit deep the seventh month became murmur of basalt. About his delight, the tale for Empire, and good. Us if we tried at reconciliation, shiver’d round, wide gates of womens Leacherly head, we have Right, we can becomes of the big kids make you to you go, my deare, but the second line, such a woman’s loveliness mighty throne! She had ever of the measures given, yet deep in my cell of twenty years, and feathers, scarce a fee was getting daffodil dies, some soft, weaves only an anomaly—one said that wasn’t fooled.
Such multitude to Punish a Body to desire; for twas to Aristotle and ruin, when the maples roomes to either. Without you—two days for there, when I thoughts to detain; starve, and chimes, by the blind and hate, despondency and beg they love must learnt how to possess’d, and move; to Heaven punish’d, and Juan should vex, and made by side my heaven and rak’d, for mannequin in the heau’nly fooled. I think that something wholly, he muse will be difference may be doubt: I make wonder heart you. All pain but exertion or lawyers did lye, doth lay. Such sweet is resuming Chloe.
Without defence: so that sits upon the key about then halfway through she took the poor credulous shade, I find there shadows and Place, and take my neighbour as he that which did your world showering of things, the books; bidding hence I durst, th’ admire, and by thy gentle Lycius! Heard with truth, and having pill and ward: I the firste, and Thou; if I—this Distance between mine. Peace is better fitting, is much loth to bring a better, as I bide their Power, which mighty sense here goat-legged buyers thou thyself at least a page with a louely groundless; fields to take off an old Kingship, buy.
Ah, is of Antonia’s skill in was but denial: I recommend as he to bleedings, we are one labour, tho’ thy life a thunder-shoed pale silver saw. Was mad; but they pleasure; she seem’d magnanimity, that was back who told me of. While on the mart; but to possesse him alone. Seemingly strangers though one dream, Love, to my bosom where their Care express his Kitchen can but exerted are, hawk on bought or would frown—that with a little things the eyes show they don’t pretence to ask the same none, t is feminine, now Nature taller grace, were past, into the Irish peer, why!
It be lost as the name of Lucy climbing up a riot, nay even Apollonius sage, and if you adjacent. Then shouting scatter’d, two Leg’d thing moments of May; thought to heap huge trees, at least t was built, and Share the Cross, his People quite a crime, but the pearly low: for Sovereign treasures grinning would draw, to Corinth, when every kind taken in the occasion, mine strain the general Count Strong when souls are fresh grant my life and That; do Thou dost their sacrilege on gentleman prov’d his poor you on the night would not justifi’d the rhyme would kill? Outside in a narrow rangers.
Who looked across the in Glenturit glen. Go tell; and Contracted new come neighbour self might shall be when t is verse; but when the who worship him, the shepheards before slept one that hides here, the midst of the rich, when we receipt of Light on a rushing: sweet boy; but a widows, and blear’d like falling creatures the Moon, while in me. Saw—of the things in all aspects in the little sores she but easy to see against us if we lives there we must, I touched, I’d grow character—but it wanted by quest officious; there! I’ll write poet’s lay, when that t is quite is fairly what blood?
—Blythe, blythe by the sight, th’ admire, and in one extremity can sin again among the sulfuric air, to keepe: and grew hard: with slaughter than the proved but the throwing what enchanted but somehow—I know; but she seem’d not of her Earthy Vapours rise from centurit glen. Waved and from out the squirelings near the and Turbulent of science, and was throwing! And whisperse, I’m fond myself against the kings, and arms undone. And what taste for honourable oil, ’ Macassar! He never had a heart while. That in they Prove: the most dissemble and I continue to everywhere!
Is ampler flock, though not Eternity, insisting that she loiter’d, passed with a new-kindled still in every nervelets were the access of his hand anxieties, whose gentle beams, that so compounds divine could complete: I have to sacrilege on gentle Silvia, be the druggists are out on insult heap, and to required, but to the fingers with you, we have you tyranny now so fairily by the Shadows of his own hues and States-Man, and stronger wit, none. Hope he’s yonder the breath the tomb fair Lamia judg’d, and I—light Elfins may be dissolved the close, or lull’d by the bowl you are though defac’d Jonas, whose pantomime, she distant Poles have seen, what matters—but that one of the better placed, thought foot alone, the Scepter, clean. The banks the wind is meant, nor false to governes mee. Some lesson of their looks behind the banks of Earn, and yonder of basalt.
To rail at the longer cull some lucid interview was all shall at once burnt each be heroic turnpike road, and some grew hard: with errors fall; the more do you—and head just suppose and famous people: thither lips the voice back a presented virgin Margent see? That is all the bolt a line hairs, and of Death inwoven her set, except to the green, above her foes with them all—this was obscure; her eyes a tussle, accorded with wonder of a dreamt a dream; or say, she keep pace; thou were driven, with the basement This and as a human that inly feelings below, made of.
That such band, and hail the song and then she would have passing in what the ground and harmless was, and while yet a dear the secondly, I pity mock not ever saw those who left Defence be sin is some who least Complains, and one with the better, the lament her alike, or fair surpassing by the in her husband’s woe, but heart to be particularly proper to the rest would make it up; and his Youth remained this the rest; for so delight. For calling on this suffocation, you the hurt you. Bring film blew out in the rich cluster’d in a fit contentedly I view from the Town.
Past thy Fortune is—o, valiant such them by date and blandishment, to make it fell at a blow, towards be Sold: till blame? To make it, with so much I praised long the passing further nuttes to either handsome, slender, she washbasin of Moor or Hebrew Priest, unless with a Lordly Rage, his sight of the English air cousins—nay, the children too; so much love, the silence so well knew the Ballad gallant and cost, the fumes commit thee doth give and he livery often—such alliances find you along year ago, yet taught to speak, preachery, with a lovers, and her native court.
But I come traditions, at whose Youth, so sweet nymph prepared, the standing said, and Desire of breathe begged buyers thou along, each their deeds and laid about her sapphire melts into man’s facts against the trust, you’ll love. Alas, if that spot we ne’er to be the found, or doest saves the most degrade the moments of love and heavy heart, I love of heaven. The Factions knew the door arose next to loue you delight to have no moon, until the Laws. You needs bear it had one; for injury of solid Power of human head, and the military Child. And tis time and after dinner.
Thy own despight to speaking upon a throne: see not both day becomes once was like these Arms may suitors remark, or mole, except thy force her wanders weeping by would tears in a heavy Load, while Hermes once admir’d! How coud with a dire Agent found his posse coming, where two cloud, for freshness of Belial with tower, because enough for all the root the breach the Jews from his beauty’s beginning by which is new tempting and true and ioyed oft a rodde dear: and swears in love, or not,—the root of broke out this is the Witness to come. You must go, as one not be fifty Louis.
Take me: I’ll softly death? Nine-hundred heart can give a coral; meantime neglect, Love,— only to kiss, the worst. What it may blush’d, and heat. And vines, bright diadem, sceptre like cloud, for thee. Or your father’s joy, whene’er forget, the Charioteer and clap a white mule she roses of her nobles and rocked at with the dogs’—as summer’s book, so much. Sweet, and so did not contents of ryper reason good Compassionless off, and you be the Gulf Stream and like Friar Bacon’s breathe upon em with the luckier night: for as to a mean fall, ’ for she conscious lighting heart, her wit she languishment?
Doth he given: he might be wont to produce some fair in weird seizures come upon a like blank beyond the Royal Planet rul’d, they lived on the orient whistles in Wexen frame she smile: perfection crowds engage in the was sowne, was every vessel, and spread, i’m a planet float about her harmonious sleights a hundred her to Punish ere he counterchance he mention is the enviable there in as prevented Maid! That this I will be the opening intestate, but when you nor may first is to be undone, cut off thy Name: short year. With light’s shape, and turn’d his prey.
Very man, and threading from Yugoslavia somewhat excuse our cloisters keep them apart, t wise men in the oceans miles that wave hopes and see if it’s in her virtues to either case our Cot o’er the Fleece accompany below; the clash offender, she common men, till midnight I saw the paired with you that the King Oberon’s Herse? At least, in interest scrape; but you—two days it will, that else—it is the kitchen can I expected for in the sward was my thought drinks he glossy hair no less art, althought change men’s day;-summer winds do blows: yet still with you, and his voices of the bastioned shirt yellow proud Granada fell, and never had drunk to Anoint him to displays even now I call my poem that my father, than her immortal of their clouds. By this occasion of the sun that since thy kind, was every years my heart thou the grass, and lent then?
Her story is a trying to express a depths, and the worst of golden hair, or rather if he feature prove unintelligible, because at for her Face; there’s sight; and resolutions; sir Humphry Davy’s lands, which for our rusty hinges, therefore side-lie of Access. For poets plunged in the leaned against the her lasting of cavern of the basilicas rise among then the weak, and Anacreon’s mouth slips to hold an awkward state, born to the Triple Bond he love in vision’d his door. Oh, Mary, at that when out her neck did crawl, and combing our velvet bodies, and hell!
Instead of such, must be the first stark unprinted stones where free. Julia swoon’d serpent’s good, for little still voice, his knee. He had led days he frontier: then the eastern dome, whose and desire; for speak, or ripened even till guaranteed to love, lay on the man. I cherish’d days, use other bow. And half retire from her up for a Darling, queen Maud my blessed the physicians, the snare. New news but all courtier’s arms. So was a compass the first time before her feet divine. At last fly to explored— her sweetest motive, whate’er she loiter’d, like pray’d. That is, for a day, and wide, bright drinks all—tis Duty; but never me. These, that should hardly head as he wild woods that I can’t espy in any brother-angels at the thou mine. Died; for the same, kill’d, and estrange round by the time to a prudent pair, she hath refuse? And shoot as to a friend are you out from her passion raign’d.
So he died, we shall to leaf; t is bigger than soul, in the earthly dunghill is done. These valley now grated from mine offering silver more and o’ershading grapes instead of quarrels, cared not bear. Will see, and proscenium of herds and all down thoughts, all eyes wobble as the Serpent pain, he would passion in his fate appetite, which even their own neighbors, taking heart. Live alone those whom the looked therefore him, as once mought indu’d with you would mark of means he told you were to stones were made eloquence, and I, that for its mistress heart’s core; the answered long small, so that shall command, sleep.
The poet meant to some will not giggling? Would David, undisting their order some will be where is displays itself, and every lineal song of the noble em. The ample whispers fill wild distance. He plants he had done, a neighbouring birds, the sudden fit of Business past and rocked drop into all such devise, tell Rosalind thirsty, glad though a ring, is much love is rare, singing of the Storms; but, perhaps the Virgin bridal whitenesse wanted? For where such band, and with Senses roll who saw the grows with more than hope may word of stone when these restless, by love them crept behind.
Only at nightingale, according the flattring borough the man. And Amnon’s throughout: i’m very man, for my cursed the centre nous, form’d his hope he’s your pen. Were Jebusite; or where too late. From rose-or my power: e’r Saul they were mischief; they can be idle now—but it should change she much- lamented Don Alfonso at my Leave all is overblown. At this is true or fitted thus; while. With permissions of Royal BLood; what never maidens, on the morall not cover your low world with the top appeared, he was serpent’s act. Whenever told me with me. To changed; with holiday.
During so mock-solemn and bland and loues vnbridled love, more the dust and rain and yet abhor’d: his joy conceal the spoke, and not for a little tribute. He said the Crown, slow perfection—dead scanty to a metal, or blushed rosy eloquence? And tangle great shine smile—and showed the daughter’s sky, or moonshine smiles above, while, except to reproof darts, scientific converted, drive I never reader—she’ll ask no matter to her lone voice, and lady, with precipitate his Cause; there were and lived respect to publick Good, that all red muscle, hummingbird sippings; while life has he ground.
Thou must her own worth a Series we had mitigated by this to some grew, it is lover might be one was a fine praise to our Father’s life—I really puzzled within; define their native mirth, or I tomuch below they rode; there! The God-like as, to myself out like Heaven to thy face in some maintaining, and many a thing hair; even if it said, is grown: i’m fond of Subjected to somethinks, began to rise, is, that far behind that she stood at bold erected thus. ’—A chymic treasures grieved so form’d through the space of new to fault of better when I thy powers!
She killed with my free from Power empire is a trying thy praises in Wexen frame my guilt, t is snow: rather well, be well picture banks o’ Earn, and clasp his fear heart too much the pants do make the Fantom of her Earth said the flame was pretty figure; while life confession of the contentedly I view, gored mine appeared to mumble all the Babe! It were narrow like mounted Lies, for I knew him, and drizzling rain: her self, while it smother’s Ancle—cries ago- a sword of prey will be false witnesses. Moments other bed, the night if once did this real lues, or then smart. The hung him.
Love beguiles, and shafts on pantaloons or for impossible it self it only knows the happy had grinning by which played the Throne, and other, which he wiped my life, she went freedome loved nor sleeping, most tell, blest, as long branch of gratified Designs, and then, that is there is proof that half- smother’s door. As serpent I am one should ask, t is quickness, who, at thy holyday above him between the earth, exceeding an old pox, by borrow deep despair with respectably as well as most common presciences, I, And thence, like mind with love within whatever against you.
And half its lamenting author very refuse? And the attention by the Lover, presence moued towards before—and through king, ’ he saint, half-legend in please yours, but of view any room for a time, confess our wholesome friends had watch the fries. Of Aristotle. Whence full-flowered in extremes, and impious use, in his should called dahlias and there was lost—her sterne, and where Godalmighty thick with the northern still he be no less sickle, that passed by an Angel mild: with other wisht the Town so they also of his own quick eye, that in the valley of her husband did the gold too much.
Gentle to pass, a passion, and becomes it cost a Limb of his Prey, his arm-chair? The dark deserves the sky of a harmonious saying lies, to say what want deplore: imaginations all thou art a good, I don’t realm she had been about the Eyes seal’d in his cheek; he candle line; in Power employ, with our daily, or months at last, alone had for else to relieve in Might, you of the Tory, and the serpent rosaries, cities, but some stay’d: regard to Aristotle and black rocks and scatter’d cowslip’d lawns and t’ other without perfumed the paved the time again it.
Arguing hope, a man’s, and bars, is think it thou then, come out to skirt; and, as when the face, poised above, we drove her mind, hissing by the Fates change horsebacke met him give no further grace, then when their love tale of my Plot. Were most soon, and treason goodly persons with lances passing he most people, hither heart of my rival, thou roll’d; by various wife and burnt, surely with gilt bosse about them and Order then choise I have cost a Limb of his turned to lingering is spent before because of all; the swift was fair of some sublimely death—so Juan knows whate’er it thee I speak?
The cared his lost state, born to stones of hysterics, whose blenches sway, but I wouldst thou will bolt the twilight. Some pity had obey’d an Idoll Monarch which that valley of his long since which veils the book, o noble words a perpetual dullness, an older friend extremes of purer sapphire melting head, I’ve checkmate, but Orpheus- like in upon a things she had exploded symmetrically fitted downs—to thy perfect she lovely boy, with the triple league decreed those but feathers’ season with nearly youth. Near and half they knew you once, so my darling, You suicide bitch!
Like gardens palate urge, even her harmless style if you out that eve, aside became to the lawful Government, Petulant shepheards swayne, which seem’d him as then you, except it be. Will contentedly, an all-in-all sudden fit with proved so I took its work is here it is the laws destroy, nor mine; I loath, and cirque-couchant in the woman’s fatal web below, the stern skies, with such a scholar, Lycius from the Scepter, could pull from coming ways, and a Clog to Trade for sympathy. Her hands: they open fields he hell who; whether, which makes Love which in sight to lift my mind his feature greater muse wild as we receiver? Somehow out as for me hope away on that civilisations, cast on the then the weight of the roaring Eyes, he specious few, so heau’n of Spain oft in two, we have I not how so noiseless garden, paradise, infers according to request.
Oh lover, that arm-chair? We knows, and truce with dawn; and on either fled sheepe and even only of vowels a voice luting so and smaller. Blow in the seas to Arts have led there with towers. To bittered, and Sunne which, with a man, and dare not as their Brutal Rage; the State. Blessed up to mischiefs were gathered and love a new pride with the unexpected for I must, each, and hath constraints; but some said, I’ll leave three sister Lilia with bleed. Without a year again, would be fee’d—but, if occasion I shall soul to open you look when my Forgiving Country open fields of lover.
That so they raise, till the world, and wonder what can with slow amenity, put here it can for a time an ill-sorted pair— but streets of the mountain of post—i’ve not punish’d, more than be no comrade Lucy Gray upon a children waved their tears. Now that the eclips’d her glory round to contrast, where vice triumph where I may express had a glory. Pledged paper with the sky, yet, I read strange one will last hem out, at the foundations, airs; ’gainst such a verb dancing in, and Hatred to trace the true sight way; he heart,—this songs, thus betray’d by Nature doth seeing Heaven’s imperiall sway.
The Laws. Which, if it procession serves the fires and yet I do not of joy in which bit of reach the rainbow-sided, to love which of Nature’s very wrong: and every line harmonies she dwelt on another stuffed animal pass the discontend no offence, and all my chin, your many, they could not being is herself you canst not be fair and wondering the lees. As if it cost, still air is gone your Cause; the came the right, and clap a white browse, we recite the mean? Rough the Fairy Queen watery glassy brood, however the most man; but in winds creep from the Apostles in star.
His frugal care, closet: ‘pray, keep them long! With your chest seeming Death is desire; for she though from a hook on this, at love your Title, Long, and large was a concourse or he of Tityrus his story and new, and slug and Quarters worse essays proved to aid there’s naughty Pharoah Curse, retirement of Dispatch, and fear, his knee. How often to mean the first to her stuff was call’d from men a counts of love—put on its shell, and rubious-argent: of all me not determinating snake, as young belle, when prow in human heart of empty out to me: a virgin Mary Morison.
So close: that could never saw the great! Than through the space; the more will be much beleeued, and so I turn’d to bleeds, when your misgiving him. I didn’t know I lay on every star of Lethe not be the trace them a’, ye are taught drooping flowers be shown. When armed Amphion-oak she camera chases to grown so call my heart from every part of the little bosom where some friends on Praise; before her make you and loued she is all which are they only where are fled; thought to live, our wonder the publick storm, or worth there; so, nor Julia saw the apartment into rooms which he broke in my hope the rest.
His vindicating foremost invest, and thin and truce with noiseless of his garrison: in vain? How the Frowning Form, except it began to dream I saw too, there’s a sure mark, the blind yourselves as many gazers mingled poison-cup, he drank until the sun itself enuies your faith, they but left behind, as o’er; heaven’s imperfection of heau’n the electric shock dislinked within the contraries imploy an hour to make in thy new and for love is, and chaster held, was before. Outside in fit of love up her noble woman, and gaine is transmitten me, the tide.
Desert for the light. Twelve hours, to shakes two; yet he knew, his fingertips but Government.— Even if I but to the sky; for that Golden throes, and left to change; here winter like Feinds, were tedious of Fate. As if all means falling Nadab let Oblivion laid your leg between the age of Woman merit somebody or other, while in men require found a kind of waters—go thy errour to common Name I go by, not the bird of Truth, under than to rise, rich will I return their seeded or unfastened by the desultory breed a hot bath. For sure the Best.
Horoscope to render’d through the wax was seen not the time it is woman who look for the Mark: for, as true lovers’ lives were such valid reasons and passive brain … I wish indeed a very way among thee, when rough the coachman though one man had arrived. And even disdain or hate, death and as mortal musket shot, a caravel staving pity to a dying latitudes she survive the flying the public approbation of the age is so very for aught but some sport; both forth a Vitious the sauces did surprize, and when I’m poor and the Love bade that the bliss, with you?
Tarry, t was brought they had been but peace, that roll the Israel’s Crown disgrace. Thinking on the name him, but a voice, and mine hid and a celestial Seed: in vain; what Wonderful beasts where Gods, for a Worth was I pick’d and some wild her bloodless polished his pleas’d, impatient sandals swept, the numberland, Wolfe, Hawke, The devil snare me, in some the morn blushing, others thought she washbasin of Moore. That he died of thee going by myne eie thence, while that like I’m singing all: her secure you go, her own arts tis done will afford to the sweets of loue and I ween a certain dark reality.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 9 hours
But the Indies
You murdring sick of handsomely     cottage-smell, and made the poor Frederick may do betraying     triumphed, or boast though he would your affairs, fall by law     of a merely was beheaded stand tired, wanting Hero’s     ears, taught each stick; and
wild dismay o’er there is fairies     take a little charming, charitable, would your eyes and     fussed around the voice in the vineyard, as in that Learning.     Had been and we close besides alas! We little Leila,     with his time and unco
wae, to thee. But love calls for rich     in the Bard refuse than what singing, Die, oh!—But this: Once     you surpassed, they formed, and meed! All the Moon of Canto of     our sunburned, cast him in the blot of love’s seat of Jove close     bells trembling by Dame nature
gets upon it any place,     with eyes are rustling theefe, wilt heard me softly said, Alas!—     Which so prevarication, not ask.—An’ Charlie, he’s my     darling, my way, left him to the horsemen my own dove was     herse, ceasse now it was
uncertain if one discolours tourne.     Plus the sun himself, and I am, yet mighty mass     returning I feel! Those sweet harmony. Ends me birth, as if     facing here sole in this homestead, they could run dry. And fain     by steale but ofttimes
let him the woods which thee not,     thought, since the roses of your mother hands, so they stole souls     fly to keep their charm her unjustly when you may give the     moonlight observer in Catholic eyes; if all with they     commended knees most of
sentimental. And soft affection;     but to his marble looming like that hideous human     heart the garden …. With ambition or pearles how quiet     tomb, our frown’st thou art my ioy, and once which wondrous battle,     hurried many people
in the high prize, both in thy praise     add something my launch. Murder, rape, but seats are faire, and     disheveled, but not there, and the nigh. I look at thy will; since     she sounds with dost beguile keepe from the days. The guest to me     wandering back, which made
agree. Again thy affair, so     you constitutional debt-sinkers. Nor tears do rob, but     thou can’st see by glim’ring of their former lives and surpass     as much mescal. Her who is the same times behind, go sleep,     as I by yours, and thrusts
him in this fierce pursued his heart     the fieldes and cloute she saw my wrong. Forbid! That starts, or     hot desire or a girl who stared an inspiration     so that is on the world and with thou counsel me, to pleasure     to be country yielding
organs to flow. At the sun     is gone as with Sisyphus he research of her hand; in     touch, and so deformed and ever, I can love; flesh no aching     had then towards of his thyr sourse, als Colin cloud, glimpsed her,     and we close our poor; the
lot of battle, whose double vainer     to hurt and spend revenged on through Sestos Hero,     Venus demands. Requisite grip, and all his mantled     medowes mourning wide; they misse thee all women are we, unlike,     whose weigh not its harvest.
Without remorse. For dead and     now beginnings are style become not you. And will come I,     since from my jewel out? Just when I venture to denounces     that noble sign is gone, and hold is worth remains unseen     hand it or walke; with pushing
underwent a glow, to stop     his yearn to meet that was a period some slight with Absál     to the forest-ways, who has nought to be tongues, thy broad     day are all the dry and saw my white nor bad, nor left my     birthday and could not merely
was deem’d so sweet. Flash up in     us like a Miss to see how did Judas had an     ejection or upsets a throne, whether it was court was born     to his rest. No man’s door, he is fled; in the brere be with     his Agrarian laws
the chivalrous battles to the     night assuraunce; horsemanship both the cherye be without allay.     It’s a blur, a little hour by glancing sheep, his own     he laid and, looked behind I would reach’d ten o’clock has     justified,—take it. The sole
mortal men, that which was not daunted     man, she knew. Seemed to light which the boatman’s good society:     and the lantern, Child. The light of sleep in the and,     where liues she quiet! When the way of wrath and a wretched     race, incensed with his look.
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libidomechanica · 10 hours
And then picked up
In the kindly muse! Of little throats. And then picked up.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 11 hours
And ye fresco in fifteen-hundred young, althought wings
And ye fresco in fifteen-hundred young, althought wings.
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libidomechanica · 12 hours
“But we pay for”
Or e’e, as nae love you snape me?     He the deeps you before shall constitution to the rillets     the dust, nor be my
Lord Mayor’s child, while they fighten’d     in that dare thy soft o’erawes it was full of the even     the morn wine way this
windows obeying. Stretch, with rags     of Tyrant in thy blue night. And shore of Asiatic     tame: I lay on my nature;
’bove here fashion, that holding     amid he would notes on a coward me invisible     cry plain springtime, or rays
tomorrow. The grapes. For thine than     and active crew higher- seated on the ins and     should proved me, to covertues
of the gendering to     Proculus all out his Azure Wand, pass, destine time, thou dost     traveler careless at all
seemed to the you go thy forth the     most undo this many with enfeeble, charge perish: she     wanted quite neck. Then thou
wasted, and that her beautiful     as spirits red read this thy hope drop as a crowns, and just     and let Earthly aches mouthful
ornament in fact. And youth,     the eagles all the but be now mighty Mars have you before     the Spirit indeed
enough! Painter glide in beneath     not squeeze like a ding, and thus and wept, there o’er! And her? But     we pay for humbled the
charming weeds, that presses their hands;     a dusky melancholy, beckoned as I thin, clad in     dreamed blackest man, said some
fabulous. The might-eyed from the     plait a wretching was you of the Field; not Cynthia whelming,     hey ding about eat?
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libidomechanica · 13 hours
Untitled (“Not once a lithe body a bundle unthreshed after loves lips”)
Not from many) had love’s delight.     Not once a lithe body a bundle unthreshed after     love’s lips were up to
attention to admonitions are     clear as crystal curtain glisten to me; while he grew so     tender, or shar’d its crescent
brows; abate the mountain in     their midnight beat like a celestial canopy. But     onely whiteness, when there,
for once cannot express. So, take     a nest from the Nine. By violet past my powres, so I     was obviously a
forlorn child. The woodmen hear. Lament     anew, Urania: her distress, your Highness the cock     can summon age to bear
it. Of lasting, trembling fear, as     if she Autumn were, over- loving, that strained touched it. What’s     too ferocious reader,
nothings. You were curious flower:     wils him with her most: and speak with that seemed to feed on     joy, to solitary
paine: and magnify, and half daddy,     as far from the lake lies a bright be fifty, we might     the ground upon cloudy
film surrounding there. Age o’ertook     him, this huge stage present my misery of thy husband     to the fayre let Life
divided into my head and more     than the broome-flowre, in which thou dost wound: full maiesty, out of     those parts entyre, rather
makes his sharpe his other come, then     he fell’d the woes haue with thousand arrowes to assoyle,     with tears to playe: sike
myrth in May is meetest lyrist     of her straightness past the new world, be swerved from things to make,     and made one with food of
womankind; but if that can ever     yet invent a something like a prisoner. Then grudge me     not’ replied: we scarce have
but weak in. Is gather straight he     was in t, and teach the blood. Come in that cheare, that was once     to pleasing offerings give.
Late in hearts filled wits. Play with     angelick delights the world, your might send flowers set in     complement, in close awayt
to catch in bed. Till love in love     and slightly to thee, Cynara! My pillow’d my adventure     brave expansion. The
New Testament is famine after     long melodious toyle, what was learned bee: all     on the other wit: the
painter and she not she is wings     rain coming out to theyr sondry colour. You that Love her     till I die. To beare: so
weake flesh of mine. Thou hardly scap’t     without a blush, and gathered in such which binds so dear died     Adonais! That the first
was made: so, better salad     ushering that your powre, or with contrary to kind: false love,     the bed, echoing night!
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libidomechanica · 14 hours
Untitled Composition # 11528
Man’s style that sighs. In its separably link’d. But ere evening the bowers, Our life from the day.
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libidomechanica · 15 hours
Fame is a lovely began; for such bodies
Fame is a lovely began; for such bodies of nature, mould a man who’s    moving in time enough.    As pure as trumpet, it seem forms of dew. But be good and use.
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libidomechanica · 16 hours
And kind
I think I’ve been his; no force, especially with two translucent asunder; and whirl the man was an All Night is chill; the new-wash’d, which may round, the child, today two ages. No times; factitious phrase, I told you hope is light, some he must without strong the sand at the stair, and high bred to none. Do you ran and reprove, What shall I be at first breeze or glorious hawk? Since thou, with their gazing springing, dancing hosts of monks, the strong reason, and longing O darlin’ darling, even a sprouting’s making in the wifebeater glorious citizen the soul prophet showers, and love.
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libidomechanica · 17 hours
Untitled # 11527
Still perswaded to the loved, abrupt,     and the after the control to write, tho’ in her all     the still wrings and I stood
long life in me be not grief of     day; rage, I have his. With his sowre-breath sturre. The news o’er in     your beauty take my long
thou shall sleep. Ease a burning yet     in we tough ones i’ the valley of breath! It is not for     all lady this house. Give
thou go to product and for current     glades: I wouldst no bee sharpe worse essays My morning plaint.     That is insubstantiates
in this sweet thy mourning done     thing into his subtill plains will faded, I was it chafing     him to eke out of
that last. His easier each wit!     In Lethe terranean stood pigeon the dies, where old, and go     talking towards, side my marble;
that’s happy drawn, and, Julia’s     clean, my bad, my brief years not to enlarge of his Neck; then,     quickly to remember
body the vulgar scandal still     unchange; there is not of magic casement, the bundless     rough defaced at my grey:
a while I play when my lady     bug with are sugar first. In May, the flowers this centric     happy stars were will dim.
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