#// anyways hands this to you and turns to grab tissues because im cry
munsonsreputation · 1 year
Hi Kai🤗 I was wondering if I can request something with Eddie? I had this idea in my mind where Eddie finds the reader (the usual quiet and shy student) crying in school alone, he approach her nicely and offer her his bandana to dry the tears, since he has no tissues with him, and they end up talking a bit to. The next day she goes to hellfire club to give him the washed bandana, thank him and maybe Eddie asks her to stay and watch them play? From that day they became closer and closer and the feelings for each others get stronger?
I'm very sorry if this is too much. You can change whatever you want about this or just don't write it if you don't like. But thanks anyway ❤️ hope you have a great day
hi francy!!!! im so so so sorry that i took so long to finish your request. i've been so busy but i hope i was able to do your request justice <3
thank you so much for your sweet comments and support...i hope you like this! i piggybacked off your ideas and inserted a bit of mine and what im going through at the moment so i hope this is alright!! 💫💘🧸
Existing shouldn’t feel this hard…but for you it was starting to become that way. 
It had all caught up to you. The different personas you had built up in order to fit in whatever crowd you were floating around were slowly crumbling right before everyone’s eyes. 
You started to feel this heaviness in your chest, the one that makes you feel like you’re suffocating about to die at any given moment, yet you’re just here…suffering. 
High school was cruel and so were the students who didn’t care how much you tried to fit in or how you were kind to everyone, despite their own attitudes. 
It wasn’t your fault, yet it always felt like that. 
But you didn’t want the whole school population seeing you like this, crying because you didn’t feel like you belonged. There were bigger and more important problems in the world and here you were crying in the empty drama classroom because you felt like nobody liked you. 
boo fucking hoo. 
“C’mon get it t-together.” You said through straggled breaths, fanning yourself in order to dry your wet cheeks despite the constant drip from your eyes. 
You should’ve opted to cry in the bathroom but anyone could walk in and see you there, so the drama room seemed to be the perfect place 
“I’m on the highwaaaayyy to — oh! sorry! I didn’t know you were in here!” 
Quickly you turned away from the door, shaking your head and letting out a string of words, “Nonono, you’re fine…sorry, I didn’t think anyone was coming in here. Just give me a sec and I’ll leave.” 
“No, I’ll leave!” He attempted to defuse the situation, backing away towards the door until you turned around and shook your head with your hands wiping away at your tear stained cheeks. 
“It’s fine, E-Eddie, I know you use this room for your club.” You spoke faintly, attempting to shallow out your sniffles that still broke into your words. 
You reached down, going to pick up your backpack that you had dropped down, “You can stay…i’m just coming in here to skip chemistry.” 
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you stood up straight, eyeing him through your blurry vision and nodding, going over to the desk and sitting down. You didn’t bother trying to stop your crying. If anything, you let the dam of salty tears continue to flow down your cheeks as if Eddie wasn’t here watching you, unsure of what to do. 
He slowly approached you, placing down his binder on the table and then rustling around the small room in search of some tissues. 
“There’s gotta be some tissues in here somewhere…c’mon.” He muttered to himself, opening cabinets and drawers, sorting through a bunch of junk as you continued to cry, paying him no mind at all. 
Eddie cursed to him, finding no successes to locate any tissues, not even paper towesl. And to run down to the bathroom to grab some for you would only risk him getting caught by some janitor or teacher, leaving him with another referral that would result in some type of graduation punishment. 
“Uh…” Eddie said half unsurely, as he stood on the side of you. 
You removed your hands from your eyes, visibly confused as to why he was standing so close to you, before you saw his fingers reach behind him and begin undoing the knot that secured the fabric to his belt loop. 
“You can use this…it’s clean, by the way!” The black bandana was fitted between his two fingers, lightly blowing from the a/c unit a couple of feet away. 
You smiled weakly, nodding your head as you took it, immediately patting it across your cheeks and under your eyes, “T-thanks.” 
He waved it off like no big deal and gestured towards the chair next to you, silently asking if he could take a seat. When you nodded, he said nothing, just pulling out the chair and shooting you an apologetic look as the metal feet scraped against the floors, making a loud squeak. 
“Do you…wanna talk about it?” Eddie proposed, immediately regretting it the second it came out of his mouth because, really, who in their right mind would want to talk about to a stranger about their problems that had them crying in the drama room of all places. 
“People are so mean.” You sniffled, looking at him through your damp lashes, the tear drops clinging to the delicate hairs as it dotted your vision of him. 
He sighed, nodding his head slowly and drumming his fingers against the wood, “Yeah…I get it, people are fucked up.” 
“I get so tired of trying to fit in, and making real friends is so hard.” 
“I could be your friend.” He shrugged nonchalantly as you turned your head, a hopeful glimmer in your eyes and your mouth moved, but not formulating any of the words you were trying to find. 
Eddie chuckled, nodding his head and gesturing to himself, “That is, if you want to be friends with a freak.” 
You managed to crack a smile and shake your head, patting your cheeks with the thin fabric once more, “You’re not a freak, Eddie.” 
“No?” Eddie raised his brows at you, and you nodded assuringly, reaching out to pat his hand that was now resting on the table. 
“I would like to be your friend….would like to get to know you.” You proposed with a soft voice and he nodded, leaning over with a giddy smile upon his face. 
“You’re in for a ride, cupcake.” You smiled at his inflection, nodding your head. 
Now here you were, standing right outside the same drama room you were crying in just yesterday afternoon. You could hear the clamoring voices and the squeaks from the moving chairs coming from the inside. 
Eddie had mentioned his club and how they would meet every day after school to play their little fantasy game…something he told you about, and even show you his binder full of ideas for campaigns. It was a bit confusing, but interesting nevertheless. 
So while you and Eddie did share a few short conversations in the hallways during passing, you wanted to get to know him some more, desperate for a conversation…one that was filled with true intentions of a friend. 
Your fist knocked on the door, the voices inside coming to a stop and now becoming whispers while you waited. 
“Mr. Jones, I told you before we have permission to—Oh! Hey!” 
Eddie immediately went into happy mode seeing your figure standing on the other side of the door. His friends slowly crowding around, whispering among themselves in order to find out why you were here. 
“Hi.” You grinned, fingers twiddling with a little wave and a smile on your face. 
He turned his headed back, sensing the whispers become a bit too loud. Shooting his friends a warning glare, they all turned back around, going back to setting up for today’s campaign while you stood there anxiously tapping your foot on the ground and looking around, trying not to catch their eyes. 
“Sorry about them.” Eddie apologized, a small chuckle leaving his lips as you waved him off with a shake of your head. 
“Don’t…I just wanted to come by and give this back to you.” You held out the black bandana, now neatly folded, as he looked down at it, “I washed it so you don’t have to worry about my tears.” 
He shook his head with a grin, taking it from you and instantly unfolding it to tie it back around the belt loop of his jeans, “Thanks…do you, umm, wanna stay and watch?” 
Eddie gestured back behind him, watching as the table was nearly almost set up with chairs around and his throne smack dab at the head of it. 
You peeked it on your tiptoes, offering a sweet smile to his friends who watched on, “Are you sure they won’t mind?” 
Eddie rolled his eyes jokingly and shook his head, “They’ll be fine…plus you’re my friend and friends introduce each other to their other friends right?” 
“Right.” You smiled, nodding your head and stepping forward as he made way for you to enter the room. 
He closed the door softly, clearing his throat as he stood next to you, “Guys, meet my new girlfriend…wait! I meant girl and in female….she’s my new female friend!” 
You stifled your laughter while biting your tongue as Eddie cursed to himself, and even flipped off his friends, who didn’t care too much, letting out their hollering laughs. 
“Nice to meet you all.” You said waving at each of them as Eddie recovered from embarrassment and his friends calmed down from their laughter. 
“You too, Eddie’s girl. friend.” A curly-headed boy quipped, following suit by Eddie groaning. 
“Henderson, shut up and get her a chair.” 
The young boy stood up, reaching over and pulling out an extra one and place it right beside Eddie’s grand throne. Dramatically holding his arms out, he spoke, “For the King and his Queen.” 
You giggled, shaking your head as Eddie turned to you and mouthed a “sorry,” while they laughed again. He rested a gentle hand on the small of your back, guiding you to your chair where you took a seat and grinned. 
“I could so get used to this.” 
That was the first time you had ever sat in on one of Eddie’s DnD campaigns, and certainly not the last. In fact, nowadays you were definitely his queen, which meant you that while you were only searching for a true friend, you got something way better…a lover who was your best friend 
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xoxoxoz · 7 months
hiii how are you? :) i hope you’re doing welll ! ngl but im missing your updates a lot :( hope to hear from u again !
— jeemin anon :D
Omgggg hi Jeemin anon😭🫶🏼
I’m so sorry, I was stacked with studies the past week because of my exams.
Here’s a draft I kept. Just for you🩷🩷
Bang Jeemin x F!Reader
📝: Jeemin broke up with you the night before prom after a terrible argument, and your new prom date stood you up. You deemed it was the worst moment of your life, but Jeemin decided to return in order to fix what she started.
⚠️: lovers to strangers to lovers, a bit angsty, happy ending
You looked up from your cup for the nth time and looked at the opened gymnasium doors with hope, thinking Sunghoon would be come running in.
Yet it wasn’t.
Your heart grew heavier by the minute and your friends came to check on you again after spending a few minutes with their own prom dates. Moka held Chanelle’s hand while she rubbed your shoulder.
“Y/n, he’s not coming” Moka whispered.
You fiddled with the empty red cup in your hands and sighed knowing that she was right.
“He wasn’t worth it anyways. You look like an absolute 10 tonight” Chanelle commented to cheer you up but all you could give was a half smile.
“I knew he’d bail. He’s a dickhead” Yunah scowled which earned her a nudge from Jiwoo.
“Watch your language, Noh Yunah”
“But I’m serious! I’ve warned him to not hurt Y/n and he did anyways. I’m giving him a piece of my mind later”
You turned around to face them, tears already streaming down your face. “I’ll be okay…”
“I’m sorry about Jeemin, Y/n…” Jiwoo sighed.
The name alone gave you terrible flashbacks from the previous night when Jeemin decided to end the relationship after a disagreement she had with you. She had opened up that she received a scholarship to leave Seoul and pursue her Uni studies in Australia but you weren’t willing to accept a long distant relationship. Jeemin even insisted on having you move with her but leaving your hometown just like that didn’t seem so easy.
That’s when Sunghoon decided to step in as your prom date but he didn’t even pick you up, let alone arrive at the event. It felt like your world was falling apart.
“This night couldn’t get any worse, could it?” You sniffled and accepted the tissue Jiwoo prepared.
Moka looked up and her eyes suddenly widened, shaking Chanelle’s hand to gain her attention on the same thing. “No way..”
Yunah looked too and a smile slowly crept up her lips.
You finished wiping you tears, in hopes that it didn’t totally ruin your makeup. But then a heart warming voice filled your ears.
“You look so beautiful, Princess”
You spun around so fast, it almost gave you whiplash. Jeemin stood in front of you, wearing a black dress that matched your white one and her smile made your ears turn red. “Jeemin?”
Jiwoo signalled for the others to leave with her, allowing you to have some privacy with the taller girl.
“What are you doing here?” You asked in a tone of anger. “Aren’t you supposed to be catching your flight to Australia or something?”
Jeemin looked down with shame. “I cancelled it.”
Her eyes returned to you. “Look, I know you’re still mad at me and you have every right to. That night we argued, I thought you’d be happier for me that I even received that scholarship because I’ve told you about my dream so many times. Then once I got home, I realised how stupid I was for focusing so much on my own happiness that I forgot to prioritise our relationship first”
You crossed your arms and looked away but Jeemin was quick to grab your chin and face her again. “Please look at me, pretty girl. I’m so sorry for fighting. I should’ve thought about your feelings first, and I promise I won’t let this happen again in the future. Give me that chance to love you properly and keep you as mine”
Jeemin’s hand moved from your chin to your cheek and you immediately leaned into her warm touch as more of your tears began to fall.
“Don’t cry please, Y/n”
“No I should be sorry, Jee. You’ve been dreaming of this for so long, why should I stop you from achieving it? I was just so worried about what would happen to us and I keep predicting the worst” you cried into her arms.
Jeemin held you close and stroked your hair like she usually did to comfort you. “If dropping this scholarship means being with you forever, then so be it. My happiness is always with you and I wouldn’t have it any other way”
“No Jeemin, I have a better idea” you said and looked up at her. “Take the scholarship and I’ll go with you”
“Y/n you don’t have to do that”
“No I mean it. It’ll be a big step for me to make the sudden decision but as long as I’m by your side, I know everything will work out in the end”
The taller suddenly captured your lips, her hands resting on your sides lovingly. You were quick to accept her kiss and it felt like forever since you last tasted them but you were happy to know that your night got better.
You got your girl back and you weren’t going to let her slip away.
Jeemin pulled away and rested her forehead against yours. “Be mine again, Y/n. We’ll be okay this time, I swear it”
“You’re the only person I want Bang Jeemin. My future pharmacist” You giggled as you touched noses.
“And you’re my one and only…future nurse” She replied sweetly.
“Wait but how about your flight? Won’t you miss it?”
Jeemin shook her head. “I’ll email them and ask if we can fly over next week instead. I have my ways, baby”
You allowed her to rest her chin in your head. “Alright I trust you. My night was going crappy”
“Oh I know. The moment I cancelled my flight, I drove to your house to talk but Yunah called me to say that some dude stood you up at the prom so I got dresssed and came here as soon as I could”
“Thanks for saving me—“
“Yo you’re just gonna steal my date like that?” Sunghoon appeared, grabbing your waist to pull you into his arms.
“Get your hands off my girlfriend”
“Yeah right. She wouldn’t have accepted my promposal if you were”
Jeemin clenched her fists. “You stood her up anyways, dickhead. You may have been her prom date, but she’s been my girl for 4 years, so back off”
“Tsk, let’s get away from this chick, Y/n” Sunghoon scoffed.
You surprised him with a hard punch to the jaw, making him fall on his ass. You dusted off your dress before returning into Jeemin’s arms. “There’s a lot of things wrong with you Sunghoon. Go fix it before trying to woo another girl. You messed with the wrong one”
“That’s my girl” Jeemin smirked and kissed your temple. “Let’s enjoy our night, Princess”
As you and Jeemin walked away, Sunghoon was still processing the punch as he touched his bleeding lip. Yunah, Jiwoo, Chanelle, and Moka reappeared around him like a cage, staring him down like a prey.
Sunghoon looked around cautiously, fear evident in his eyes. “U-Uh…”
“While our little Y/n-ie goes to enjoy her night, we’re gonna give you a lesson for ruining it in the first place” Moka chuckled sarcastically and cracked her knuckles.
“You promised me you wouldn’t hurt her, Sunghoon” Yunah growled, scaring the boy even more.
“W-Wait a second”
They in fact did not wait a second.
And spent the remainder of the night beating his ass.
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irondragonbread · 2 years
Today is the day the day I have gabby dawson the love of my life all to myself hi im mark im African American and I work at cpd as a intelligence medic (I made that up) I always had these feelings for gabby for years I stalked her took pictures of her even hacked her phone and stole the nudes she sent to casey even though me and Casey are best friends I always hated he got to marry her but today all of that will change I've been planning this for years "helloooooo earth to mark" erin said waving her hand in my face "huh oh sorry I was just thinking wassup" I replied to Erin "what I was saying was me and Jay got into a argument and I threw glass at him now he's mad" she said with a worried look on her Jay Halstead me and him are best friends also we served in Afghanistan together I was a combat medic "don't worry you guys are just gonna bang and be back together anyways" I said with a grin on my face then Jay fell on his ass laughing erin threw a pretzel at me "where you get pretzels from!!!!!" I said while still laughing "ugh men" erin said smiling *time skip to 10pm* we were at Molly's i couldn't take my eyes off gabby she was so beautiful her smile her eyes her perfect figure i needed to make my move soon some time later it was just me and gabby in Molly's I was helping close up when she asked me "hey mark can you walk me to my car pls" she said with those beautiful eyes "o-of course" I said grabbing my jacket that had a chloroform napkin in my right pocket when she walked in the front of the trunk I made my move I put the tissue on her face she fought before she went limp thank God it worked I put her over my shoulder and walked her over to my truck good thing its a Sunday night so it was basically dead outside I got zipties and zipped tied her hands together I grabbed her phone and texted casey "hey baby I'm to tired to drive and I'm staying with mark tn he's going to come by and grab some of my clothes" "ok love you" "love you more" you see when I hacked her phone I studied how they texted and how gabby replies so it won't strike suspicion then I broke open the back of her phone and broke the sim so they can't track it then I cleared her phone for extra measure I drove to caseys house and knocked he gave me the bag of clothes and told me to tell her goodnight I said ok and got in the car I looked in the mirror to see her woken up and with a scared look on her face and for some reason it turned me on I smirked and said "we can finally be together at last princess" she stared begging to let her go but I just kept driving "YOU FUCKING MONSTER" she yelled at me I pulled the car over I felt my heart break into pieces I grabbed my glock 17 gen 3 and got out the truck I opened the backseat and dragged her out by hair and sat her on the ground and put the gun to her head "im not a monster say it again and I will kill you " I said in a dark tone I use when talking to suspects" "ok ok im so sorry please mark why are you doing this" she asked crying "BECAUSE you kept treating me like a friend but now we will be together forever" I said before pistol whipping her she fell limp and knocked out and I just wanted to take her right there but I quickly shook it off and put her in that backseat and stared driving again now we are together. END OF PART 1
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domosakis · 3 years
[TARO-222] insatiable, pure love!
★ this is inspired by a hentai that was turned into a porn LOL i pretty much just rewrote it the whole first half but then i get bored of it and made it my own story at the end so sorry if its confusing but i spent a lot of time on it so i hope you like it!! ♡
✭ words: 1.9k !! cw: extreme dubcon, borderline noncon, i can't tell who is insane in this story, toxic relationship, assault, public sex, reader is feminized, lmk if i forgot smth omg im so sorry
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‘i didn’t really want to do it… at the beginning.’
at least shotaro tells himself that, whether it’s true or not. he took the train home after practice like always but you were there. you looked so cute in your uniform but he couldn’t help but notice how sensual your body made you look. plaid skirt barely reaching the top of your thighs and a thin white blouse that might as well have been made with tissue.
he was addicted as soon as he saw you. he felt the need to go home right away, thoughts of making you scream plaguing his mind. stress, deadlines, the pressure of his academy… he deserved a little happiness right?
suddenly the train stopped and shotaro took the opportunity to dramatically fall towards you, your back against his. his hand pressed against your ass, moving your skirt up showing your panties to anyone who looked your way.
his inner monologue was just a stream of excuses he made to keep touching you. so soft… and even though he knows it’s not right he doesn’t make even an attempt to stop.
‘again… another idiot.’
you wondered how far he would go today, after all you did need to get home and start preparing dinner. you didn’t resist instead letting your mind wander to your daily chores and responsibilities, you just hoped your stop came soon.
suddenly you were yanked out of your thoughts, your body carelessly being tossed into the position he wanted and his hands came to grab at your breasts. he wasn’t gentle at all in the way he handled you but at least he wasn’t being completely rude. you’d let him do what he wanted as long as he stayed quiet. he’s not really hurting me like the others so what’s the worst that could happen?
shotaro let himself get brave, after all you weren’t denying him. if anything you were making it too easy. he let his hand slip under your panties to feel your cunt directly. he only grew more confident when he felt how wet you were.
you didn’t understand why you felt this way, you could say it was your body’s natural reaction but then how did you end up with this stranger in the love hotel down the street?
strange men doing what they wanted to you wasn't what you would call a foreign experience. maybe it was because you didn’t dress all that modestly, maybe it was your body or maybe you were just an easy target. whatever it was you definitely weren’t able to defend yourself from it and you ended up in a lot of rough situations.
this felt different though. okay sure so maybe he still molested you on the train without any communication but… he looked your age, and cute, and he didn’t call you mean names or hit you, and he even took you to this nice hotel instead of taking you against the urinal in a seedy bathroom!
maybe you needed to raise your standards.
whatever. it was too late now, this man (whose name you still didn’t now) had you laid underneath him, playing with your body however he wanted and you got the slight feeling he hadn’t touched anybody else in awhile at least. he took his time massaging your tits and all you could do was writhe beneath him.
“do you feel good?” shotaro asked you once he had your top half completely bare. you didn’t answer and turned your head to the side to avoid his gaze.
“no? your nipples are so hard though…” it was true your body was responding to everything he did but you didn’t want him to know that. still, it didn’t do much to deter him and suddenly his hands reached to pin yours next to your head, his mouth attaching itself to your breast.
you couldn’t help but moan out then, your hips bucking to meet his. your body had never been played with like this before and you needed more. he complimented your body and it made your heart swell in a twisted way.
“fuck. why are you so wet?” he laughed at you but you were distracted by his fingers playing with your clothed clit.
“you’re so cute, i need to see more.” you could barely see only feeling him spread your legs apart and taking off your panties roughly leaving only your skirt bunched around your waist. and before you knew it he was fucking into you.
‘this can’t be bad right?’ shotaro thought. ‘they’re so wet they must be enjoying this’
he could barely hold himself back grabbing onto the skirt around you and using it to fuck his dick into you harder. his thrusts were fast and unrelenting and you tried to say no but nothing comprehensible came out of your mouth.
you could already feel him deep within you and you thought you would cry once he pushed your leg to your chest, taking you sideways.
“no i can’t! i can’t!” you managed to cry out but it didn’t matter anyways, if anything it felt like it made him go harder. he let himself stay deep inside you for a bit, enjoying the way your body twitched around him before flipping you onto your stomach.
he took his time teasing you, rubbing the head of his cock against your cunt until he finally listened to you begging him to stop. you were so far gone at that point only able to focus on the feeling of his cock rubbing against your walls. it was almost painful how fast he rubbed against you but his tip was reaching inside you so well.
you almost felt yourself losing consciousness before he pulled out, cumming across your tits and letting some hit your face. your body wouldn’t stop twitching and you realized you had cum as well, the feeling of your pussy clenching around nothing making you feel outrageously empty.
you expected to open your eyes to an empty room, left alone to clean yourself up and get home. instead you were very surprised to see the same man who had fucked you to the edge on his knees, his hands together begging for forgiveness.
“i’m so sorry! please forgive me!” you could hear him mumbling to himself and you almost felt bad for him.
“i’m so terrible, and i didn’t even use a condom… if you get pregnant… i’m so sorry!”
you had quite literally never been in this situation before and you were afraid the man was about to burst into tears.
“uhm… it doesn’t matter really.” you said before looking away. now shotaro was taken aback so you kept going before he could say anything.
“well it does matter, you shouldn’t assault girls but uhm…” you had no idea how to explain this.
“truthfully it’s really easy for me to be attracted to you, and i’ve gone through a lot worse…” you started going into detail about your past experiences and shotaro was growing increasingly confused and worried about your mental state.
“anyways today felt different, like you didn’t cum inside me! that’s a first and… i even came. i felt like you were gentle.” shotaros mind started to reel at the idea of the things you would let him get away with if you thought that was gentle and even when you’re praising him for doing less then the bare minimum he could only think of worse things. truly terrible.
you kept going.
“i won’t call the police and… i felt really good today.”
shotaro thought he was going to die, he just assaulted you and you were saying these things. he could feel himself getting hard again and before he could stop it he was back on top of you.
you liked it. someone like you was actually attracted to someone like him. he couldn’t pass the chance to take you again. he was going to play with you as much as you let him.
after shotaro had once again taken you how he liked he, once again, went through the five stages of grief begging for your forgiveness. you were too fucked out to comfort him at the point and he quickly left leaving you with fare for the ride home.
he decided to leave the whole incident behind him, citing it as a life lesson learned. (even though he should’ve known that assault was bad without having to do it but, whatever.) he promised himself that he would forget about that kind of thing and focus on dance. that is until he ran into you once again.
you greeted him first, before he could run away and that action alone confused him. you looked so cute just like the first time he saw you, but this time you were in a pink tank top and short denim skirt. equally as irresistible. you guys actually made small talk at first until shotaro couldn’t hold it in.
“what happened last night… would you want to do it again? i’ll be gentle!”
you smiled weakly. “if you say so.”
you gave him a blowjob in a bathroom stall before he took you back to his dorm.
in his defense it was very gentle, he took his time with you leaving hot kisses all over your body. you didn’t know what to do with yourself you’d never had sex like that before. he was sweet and thoughtful and you found yourself wanting to hear his voice and feel him more and more.
you wanted him to feel the same way about you. you wanted him to think about you for more than your body. you wanted him to crave every part of you. you felt yourself get lost in the feelings you were developing for him. you pressed your hands against his chest when he moved to enter you.
"please… i want to make you feel good too.” shotaro just stared at you slightly confused before he responded.
“you make me feel so good baby, i think i’m addicted to you.” it’s possible he said more but that’s all you needed to hear. you reached your arms around him and pressed yourself as close to his body as you could.
at that moment you could start to forget the circumstances in which you met. shotaro was so sweet to you now and he wasn’t mean to you then. would it be too much to hope for a relationship with this man? you could imagine letting him use you whenever he wants keeping him satisfied and he would be kind to you in return.
you wanted to kiss him so bad, you were staring at his lips and he thankfully took the hint grabbing your hair to pull you impossibly closer to him. it made you so happy. having shotaro as your boyfriend so no one else could mess with you. and he makes you feel so good…
shotaro loved the look on your face. you looked absolutely obsessed with him and that’s how he wanted it. he felt so lucky that you accepted him, any guilt that he previously felt was totally gone, now he just wanted to have you near him all the time. have you as his and make sure everyone knew.
you were perfect for him. so responsive and eager to please. you loved everything he gave you and he forgot anything else mattered when he saw you.
at some point he knew this was bad. the way you met and how you got to this point. but you didn’t care so why should he? he’ll take advantage of your past to make sure that you’re thankful for everything he does to you.
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koutarousangel · 3 years
I saw that you write for jjk and I was wondering maybe if I could get a gojo , itadori, megumi and inumaki headcannon of how they would take care of you when you’re sick , love ur writing so far ☺️
author’s note : aaaaaaa thank you for your request !! sorry it took a hot minute to put it up, but things have been all over the place. i hope you like it ! also yuji, megumi and toge are aged up !
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gojo’s definitely the type of s/o who will tease you for getting sick
like you’ll text him telling him that you don’t feel too well and he’ll just tease the ever living shit out of you, for something you couldn’t really control????
“oh babe you’re so lovesick because of me 😍 that’s so embarrassing 🤭”
we all know he overuses emojis don’t deny it
you knew you should’ve listened to him and wore a scarf the last time you’d gone out together … so his ‘i told you so’ was completely valid 
doesn’t mean you appreciate it though
for a hot second you think that that was going to be the extent of his care but the man proves you wrong when he just lets himself into your apartment and is just carrying a copious amount of bags filled with … well everything.
mans has medicine, different teas depending on what you’re coming down with, snacks and treats, movies to watch and most importantly, soup to warm you up and make you feel better
he thought about getting the ingredients to make the soup himself, but he just wants to cuddle you as quickly as possible, so making soup would put a wrench in that plan 
you just about cry as he brings out the items and lists them off matter-of-factly
he didn’t think it was a big deal because he just makes sure that the people he cares about have everything they need and you were at the top of that list
gojo might be a complete ass and acts like he’s all too-cool for anything and everything, but he’s just a big sap who likes to spoil you
will cuddle and kiss you, asking if you feel better with every kiss, despite you telling him not to get close to you otherwise he would get sick and you know how insufferable he gets when he’s sick 
( even though you still obviously take care of him, despite him telling you that he’s ‘the strongest’ while sniffling into his tissues )
he’ll coddle you for as long as you’re feeling horrible, not letting you get up from the blankets he’d bundled you up in, bringing you anything you wanted ( even though he complained slightly because he had to get up from the cuddle-zone ) but then he’ll encourage you to get up and walk a little and push you to go shower because it’ll make you feel better
don’t worry, he’ll join you in the shower to help and then dry you off after, before carrying you to bed and going back to cuddletown.
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okay yuji is the epitome of sweetheart
he cares for people a whole lot, even if he doesn’t know them
so when you call him telling him that you don’t feel too good, just be prepared for him to show up in an instant, with anything you might need.
his grandfather taught him how to be a complete gentleman, and supplied him with cooking skills ( and in the latest episode ? we been known he made you that bombass meatball soup ) 
he’ll help you eat it if you’re feeling too crappy to move, but mostly he’ll just gently nudge your hand and encourage you to eat
after successfully getting you to get some food into your system, he’ll carry you back to the your place of choice, whether it’s the living room or your bedroom, and tuck you underneath the blankets, advising you to sit up for a bit so that the food doesn’t upset your stomach.
yuji will make idle conversation with you, playing with your fingers or hair until you start to show signs of sleep, which is when the conversation turns quieter and he occasionally hums a small tune
when you’re asleep, he’ll get up from next to you and head to the kitchen to clean up, before moving around the apartment and tidying anything that needs to be tidied 
his grandfather’s teachings have always remained with him, so that’s why he’s such a gentleman
you’d think that he’d be a bit more chaotic, but he’s just a caring sweetheart who knows how to take good care of people ( pls im so soft )
when he finishes everything that needs to be done, yuji rejoins you and makes sure that you’re covered with the blankets and that you’re comfortable, before sitting next to you and putting on a movie or tv show, idly playing with your hair and making sure to keep his voice down even if there’s a funny or surprising scene.
eventually he falls asleep too ,,,,,, only to then wake up startled a couple of hours later because shit you were meant to take your medicine and you’d both forgotten
so he gently wakes you up, and after a lot of protests and groaning, manages to give you the medicine and makes you drink water because hydration is important
then depending on how you’re feeling, he’ll either let you get back to sleep, or let you rest your head on his chest as you continued to watch whatever’s on tv together.
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you’d think that he’d be a little bit stiff, but mans picks up so quickly that something’s up
like you don’t message him at the time you usually do and suddenly his senses are tingling and he ends up messaging or calling you instead
the moment he hears your voice and it maybe sounds a bit hoarse or hears a couple of sick sniffles, he’ll question you about it and as soon as you confirm that you are indeed sick, he’ll tell you to wait up for him and despite your protests, he ignores them and a couple of minutes later he’s at your door
he doesn’t really show up with anything because he just wanted to make sure that you were okay ... he’d make do with whatever you have anyway
megumi’s quick to ask you if you need anything in particular and he will get it for you, warning you not to move from your comfortable position because you needed rest.
will definitely be the type of person to put his hand against your forehead to check for a fever, and then bring over a damp cloth to wipe your face with it
he’ll fix your hair so that it’s out of your face and not creating any heat or discomfort
usually he’d want to rest his head in your lap but since he’s taking care of you, he’ll switch up roles and let you rest your head in his lap and he’ll gently caress your cheek and draw lines down the side of your face and jaw and while this is comforting, this is also another way to keep himself informed on if you’re developing a fever or if it’s getting better if you already had one
he makes sure that you’re doing everything necessary to get better, so taking your medicine, drinking water, getting enough sleep, eating the right stuff ... all he wants is to see your lovely smile and to help you feel better.
you love his voice, and he knows this since you mention it whenever you get the chance, so he’ll grab a book or find something on his phone to read out to you, filing the silence with his voice while he’s holding onto your hand, pulling it away to turn over the page only to return it promptly after.
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super caring, super observant, super patient
he’s not going to say much, but you best believe that he’s always going to keep an eye on you, especially if he can’t be next to you because he’s getting you something to make you feel better. he’ll keep checking in on you, uttering “leaf mustard?” whenever he hears you cough or shuffling around, waiting for you to calm his concern before returning to what he was doing before.
will pin you down with a glare if you try to move or get up for anything except the bathroom ; he’s there to help you, so that you could rest and get better quicker, so you getting up to do things would be counter-productive ... 
won’t use his cursed speech on you because you always warn him not to so that he doesn’t get hurt, but you know through his glare that he would do it if you tested him ... he only wants to see you get better
anything you’ll ask of him, he’ll get you and he’ll make sure to press a kiss to the side of your head when he leaves and then when he comes back
once you’re all settled and he makes sure that everything is done, he’ll come and sit next to you; at first he’ll sit on the ground next to your head as you lay down, ignoring you when you try to push his face away so that he didn’t get close. he’ll keep moving your hair out of your face and tracing little shapes, gently booping your nose to get you to scrunch up your face and let out a laugh.
at the sign of your first yawn, he’ll move up and cradle you in his arms, rubbing your sides, making sure that you weren’t cold or overheated, and that you were comfortable enough to fall asleep so that you can sleep off your sickness
he’ll watch you as you sleep, worry in his eyes as your reddened cheeks from the fever stubbornly don’t let up, but after pressing the cold cloth to your face a couple of times, making sure not to wake you, he realised that your heated cheeks are cooling off, and a small smile rests on his face because you’re slowly getting better.
toge will kiss the side of your head softly before resting his head back and turning his attention to either the television or to his phone, before he starts feeling sleepy himself and ends up taking a nap with you, his arms stubbornly wrapped around you, making you feel safe.
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sicjimin · 3 years
Could you maybe do a morning sickness taekook: Taehyung knows he’s pregnant but hasn’t told jk yet. Maybe they are getting at dance practice or something and taehyung starts to feel sick but He normally get nauseous easily anyway for jk doesn’t see anything out of the ordinary and just is like “if youre tummy is getting upset we can leave.” (Thought it sounded cute.) and once tae gets sick ge reveals the truth Sorry if doesn’t make sense
A.N : AJSHDJSJDNS THIS IS SO CUTE I LOVE THIS SO MUCH anon ur mind ... i love it. As someone who likes morning sickness a lil bit too much, im having so much fun writing this one. I hope you like it and this one living up to your expectations :D
TW : emeto, graphic descriptions of vomiting, mpreg
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Jungkook's birthday is in 3 days.
Taehyung always believes in Angel, and maybe this is one of Angel's ways to give happiness to his and Jungkook's relationship. Taehyung eyes get teary when he sees the positive sign on the test pack and the little USG photo in the maroon box. His hands grazed it slowly before moving to give his stomach a gentle rub. Yes, after keep feeling nauseous for almost a week, having the worst episode of vomiting in the restaurant bathroom with Jimin beside him 3 days ago, it was his breaking point to take a pregnancy test. To have it aligned with Jungkook's birthday is giving it a plus score, he gonna make it as Jungkook's gift.
He didn't know which one that he should be grateful for, the fact that Jungkook is oblivious of how frequent he's gagging on his hand and feeling nauseous in one day—he gets worried, even insisted on taking the older to the doctor, but because it never really turns into vomiting session and Taehyung always said his stomach is upset because of food, the younger grows used and only give him water and soothe him when the wave comes— or the fact that the time nausea becomes unbearable is always when he's not with Jungkook. Either it's on 2 AM —this got him grateful too that Jungkook is a heavy sleeper— or when he's with Jimin. His soulmate has been catching Taehyung harshly vomiting two times, one in their office bathroom stalls when they had recording, and another one when they went out 3 days ago.
Taehyung is itching to tell his husband. The image of having the younger calming him down when he's getting sick and take care of him when nausea crashes him just so tempting. But he needs to be patient, he only needs to hide his sickness for 2 days and after that he will get all the pregnant person privilege from his husband.
Taehyung believes that his Angels approved his surprise plan and aligned everything so it works well as he's getting the worst morning sickness episode on September, 1st.
The first one comes in the morning, where he burst into the bathroom while Jungkook was peacefully brushing his teeth. He didn't have it in him to care about the "not getting sick in front of Jungkook" plan as his cheeks were already puffed with murky liquid that urging to come out the moment he woke up. So he runs and harshly opened the lid that immediately followed with a rush of yellow murky liquid that he has been holding back and another fresh stream from his stomach splashing to the water inside. Some of it splatters to the seat as the force was .. quite big. Taehyung has never been a quiet puker.
"Baby what happened? Are you sick?", Jungkook worried voices seeping into Taehyung's ears. He managed to shake his head before his shoulder bent further, almost making his head dive deeper, as another harsh retched bringing his dinner filling the bowl again. He coughs few times as the remnants of rice are stuck on his throat. He lifted his head and gasping for air before wipes his runny nose and lips, then tossing the tissue along with his vomit. That's when Jungkook speaks again, " What do you mean you're not sick? Taehyung-ah, you're clearly vomiting!"
Oh, he's using "Taehyung". he's serious.
"Not Taehyung. That's not my name", Taehyung pout. "And I'm sure i am not sick!", he adds. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, " Huh? explain?"
Taehyung huff, "My name is baby or babe for you! I don't know a Taehyung, and yes I'm sure I'm not sick, maybe this just food poisoning? the bulgogi I ate last night is kinda weird, don't you think so?"
"Huh? but I'm fine? I ate the same bulgogi?"
"Then maybe my immune is shit. Don't worry, baby. I'm fine. If it get worse i will tell you okay? Now just continue to prepare yourself while I finished this. We need to leave for practice in an hour", Taehyung says, positioned himself back facing the bowl.
"You're not done?"
Taehyung body is already jerked forward with an empty gag, before he nauseously answers, "No, more". As it on cue, another liquid rushing from the older lips. Taehyung goes for 2 more rounds of sick until he's empty and manages to let go of the toilet.
The second one comes when they were in practice. It's not a rare sight if BTS's choreo has a lot of jumps and runs and .. moving. Queasy stomach didn't help the situation at all. It was their second time to re-run the chorus part, when suddenly a harsh wave of nausea hits Taehyung, making him stop midway and bent on his waist with one hand cradling his stomach, another clamped his mouth. He squeezed his eyes shut as his breathing becomes quicker, his eyes ringing with loud music that still thumping.
"Taehyung-ah, you're okay?", Hoseok's hands settled on his back, giving it a tap a few times. Taehyung sucked a deep breath as he straighten his body when he's sure enough that he won't spill his stomach content on the floor there, " Yeah, I'm fine hyung. Just a little bit nauseous"
Hoseok nods and yells, "10 minutes break everyone!"
Taehyung dragged his body to the couch, his hand still rubbing his stomach, begging the baby inside of him to stop playing around. He was catching his breath when he feels the other side of the couch dipped.
"Baby, are you okay?"
Maybe his baby recognized their father's voice and protest because they have been kept for too long, a harsh gag suddenly hit him and making Taehyung's body jerked forward, not only once but thrice until he almost considers running the bathroom. He squeezed his eyes shut again and try to control his breathing, finally, the wave lessen. He gulped audibly before opened his mouth, hoping that it would be a word that comes out, not his breakfast, "I'm fine"
Jungkook sighs and plants a quick kiss on his forehead before standing up as Hoseok's voices calling them back echo through the room. Taehyung managed to go through the whole practice without gagging on his hand, but it changed when he stopped moving and rest to catch his breath. He sits beside his husband that also panting with a bottle of water in his hands. It's just silence between them, only loud breathing sounds when another wave of nausea hit Taehyung, breaking the silence with an ugly gag from his throat. This one wave is more persistent as the feeling of gag still lingering behind his throat, making his eyes teary.
Jungkook that has grown used to the sight only place his hand on the older knees, "If your tummy still upset, lets just go home"
Taehyung supposed to giggles when Jungkook called his morning sickness as a mere upset stomach if his body didn't rock with wetter gag—he's sure he's going to throw up.
"I'm going to throw up", Taehyung urgently mumbled under his hand that clamped tightly on his lips before he runs to the bathroom. He almost cries when he sees his lunch morph into a murky liquid mixed with bile in the water below. He's tired. He rubs his stomach gently, " Baby please don't make me too sick"
"What baby?"
Taehyung jumps on the sudden voice. Then he feels another hand rubbing his back, "Are you still feeling sick hm?"
"Mhm", another trickle of bile escaped from Taehyung lips. He groaned softly, " Baby stop this"
"I'm not doing anything though, do you want me to stop rub your back?", Jungkook chime in, absolutely confused. Taehyung manages to let out a laugh before another trickle of vomit spills from his mouth. He spat the last thick saliva hanging on his lips before flushed the toilet and stand up. Jungkook trailed behind him like a puppy, until they reached the practice room.
"Is it really bad Taehyung-ah, are you okay? You need to take the anti-emetic medicine the doctor gave you!", Jimin greeted them with a worried ramble.
"Huh? what doctor?"
Taehyung giggles at his husband's confusion, completely enjoying it. He goes to his bag and grabbed the box and water. His throat burns after all the commotion, "Open this"
Jungkook, still in his confusion phase, opened the box.
"Happy birthday baby"
The younger gasp, "What ... what does this mean? Is this a prank?"
Jimin chimed in from behind, "Yah! what prank? Congrats Jungkook-ie, i can't believe a baby like you gonna be a father"
Taehyung laughs when he sees Jungkook's clueless expression, "So, you're not getting food poisoning or just an upset tummy?"
Taehyung shakes his head, "No dummy, that morning sickness. Do you really think I could get an upset tummy for more than 3 days?"
"Oh god. How far?"
"6 weeks now"
"Yah! Jungkook why are you crying", Jimin laughs from the side while Taehyung frantically wiping the younger cheeks that suddenly brimming with tears, " Baby why are you crying?"
"No, i love you. This is the best gift ever", Jungkook shakily says. He grabbed Taehyung wrist that still busy wiping his tears and pull it closer," Thank you"
Taehyung smile as he hides his face on his husband's shoulder, embracing the soft cologne scents that still emits from his shirt, "Now you're responsible to be with me every time I get sick. I've been sick alone or with Jiminie and that's suck"
Jungkook giggles when he hears Jimin protest, "Yah Taehyung-ah what do you mean i'm suck?!" before he adds, "That's what you deserve for hiding such a thing from me, baby"
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One Weary Human
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The Company x Reader
All of the company is drunk. The twist? None of them act the way you’d expect, like at all. Shy Bilbo is all flirty, chill Bofur keeps wanting to start bar fights, Kili/Fili try to be philosophical, Dwalin is the “You’re my best friend. I just love you so much, man,” type of guy, and Thorin is actually FUN and FUNNY. The reader is just sitting there feeling like she’s legitimately in the fucking Twilight Zone ---middleearth2asgard
You knew you should've stopped them from drinking all that ale. 
Over and over again you thought to yourself that this night won't end well if you don't put a cap on their drinking, but each time you came close to interfering you kinda just decided that letting them have fun is better. 
I mean, they've earned it so why not let them enjoy their first night out of danger after all those awful things that happened? Dragons, trolls, orcs, near-death experiences, a war, thousands of horrible things and one night to unwind and be happy. You can't very well take that away from them. 
But you really should've. 
By the time they polished off the first half of the barrel of ale they are completely wasted, and it's hard to keep track of them amidst the sea of men, other dwarves, and elves who survived the battle. 
Well, maybe not wasted since they can still talk and walk around sort of well, but they're definitely inebriated. 
You had maybe a quarter mug of drink before you realized they'll need someone to watch over them, so after that you gave up and decided to make sure none of them do anything stupid (also, ale tastes horrible so you don't wanna finish it). 
Which, to some extent, they do. 
Act stupid, I mean. 
It's just the complete opposite of who you thought it would be. 
You honestly thought that your biggest issue would be Fili and Kili, and probably Dwalin, but as it turns out they aren't even close to being a problem. 
As it turns out, your biggest issue at the moment happens to be Bofur, Bilbo, and Ori. 
Bofur is, quite literally, trying to start a fight with everybody. Bilbo won't leave you alone, and flirting with you so shamelessly. And Ori... won't stop crying no matter what you do. 
For the life of you, you don't know what to do. 
Every time you tell Bofur to calm down he tells you to square up (more or less), when you try to console Ori he cries even harder, and Bilbo... he has pickup lines for days. 
"Bofur! For the last time, sit down and stop glaring at everyone!" You snap, grabbing the back of his shirt when he starts yelling at someone for 'looking at him funny' while also patting the back of Ori's head comfortingly. 
"E-Everyone is so mean to me..." Ori sniffles and sobs, reaching up to grab onto your hand, using it to wipe his tears away like a tissue. 
You cringe but let the young dwarf do it since he's sobbing so much, and when he releases you, you turn to Bofur.
"Stop tellin' me what to do!" He shoots back angrily, though he doesn't fight you when you force him to take a seat. "Damn woman..." 
"Bilbo, please keep an eye on these two while I find everyone else." You tell the small hobbit making heart eyes at you. 
"Surely, my dear, you would much rather stay with me?" 
You kinda just stare at him for a moment before slowly saying, "Do as I say." 
He doesn't reply to that and takes a seat, listening to you surprisingly enough. 
Once that's done you slide off your chair and try to find everyone else, noticing Thorin right away since he's... doing stand up comedy?
He's standing on a table and the group that's gathered around him is laughing their asses off, telling him to give them more jokes which shocks you to your very core. This mans is the complete opposite of funny and chill. 
"And then I told him that no pretty pixie of an elf will talk to me like that!" 
The crowd around him roars with laughter and applause, and while you didn't hear the first part of his 'joke' it still doesn't humor you. 
You fight your way through the countless bodies and finally get to the table, cupping your hands over your mouth so he can hear you when you yell, "Thorin! It's time to go!"
"Y/N! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Thorin calls happily, successfully putting the attention onto you. "I've lost my nephews! Have you seen them by any chance?" 
Why is he asking you??? 
You shake your head slowly and reply, "No, why would I know where they are?" 
"Well, you certainly seem to know the whereabouts of their tongues quite well!" He calls with loud boisterous laughter while everyone around proceeds to find it funny too. 
You kinda just stand there for a moment, looking up at him blankly before your face begins to grow hot. 
Okay, you know what? No, you're not dealing with this right now. 
Very slowly you begin to back away, trying to both avoid eye contact with everyone and also trying to keep yourself from blowing up on the new king. 
Where did he get such an idea from anyway? Freaking dummy. 
"There she goes, off to another royal snogging!" 
More laughter, but you're disappeared and gone before anyone can poke anymore fun at you for something that most certainly did not happen. 
The next person you find, coincidentally, is the princes, and you're pleased to see them sitting mellowly at a table and having a conversation. 
"There you boys are! Thank god you're not drunk, if you could please help me to gather-" and then you hear their conversation and horribly slurred speech. 
"No, I'm tellin' ya, Fee, there's no way lovin' is easier than being loved. It jus' doesn' make sense." Kili tells his brother while shaking his head.
"Of course it does! When ya love then ya don' have t' worry about your own feelin' anymore, 'cause then you already know." 
Are these two really discussing the complexity of loving versus being loved? 
"An' how would you know that?" Kili asks, shaking his head back in fourth a bit too much to show his disagreement. 
"Tha's none of your busn'ess." He slurs back, pointing a finger at him accusingly. 
"How can we even be sure that it's real in tha first place?" 
"Are you sayin' you don't love me?" Fili challenges. 
Kili freaks out and shakes his head, "N-No no! Of course I do!"
"You better, 'm your brother." Fili grumbles, turning his head until he notices you, "Oh! Y/N!"
You're quiet for a moment, kinda just looking at them oddly since their conversation both makes no sense, but also makes all the sense.
They take your silence as a go ahead to continue their 'discussion' and Fili then brings up, "Well wha' about Y/N?" 
"What about her?" Kili asks back, laying his head down on the table after a moment. 
"Nnoo, 'm askin' her." 
"You didn't ask me anything." You chime in, reaching over to take their mugs from them. "You two are making no sense." 
"Wellll, I think she would rather be loved since it doesn' make sense tha' loving is easier." Kili grumbles, trying to reinforce his point through you. 
"I don't think it really matters at the moment, boys. Why don't you both come with me and we can all take a nap and sleep off our drunkenness..." 
"No! It does matter!" They both yell at the same time, successfully earning a sigh from you. 
"Y/N!" Someone calls excitedly suddenly. 
You turn your head slowly, but before you can put a face to the voice, someone it crushing you in a big hug. 
"Have I told you that you're an excellent woman?" The person crushing the life out of you asks, and it's at that moment that you realize it's... Dwalin. 
"U-Uh, no, not really-"
"Well, that's a shame! You're wonderful." He confirms with a quiet hiccup, holding you slightly tighter when you start to squirm. 
"Alright, thank you Dwalin but if you could please-"
"See! My point is proven." Fili slurs triumphantly, pointing at you and Dwalin. "He's havin' a ball, nd' she's freakin' out!" 
"That h-haaas nothing to do with love, Fee!" Kili grumps back, smacking Fili on the shoulder harshly. 
"Hey! Who do you think yer lookin' at!?" An all to familiar, standoffish voice bellows to your left. 
You turn your head and see Bofur trying to get some huge dude to throw some punches, and then you hear more jokes from Thorin across the room, Ori's wails, and Bilbo flirting with some other person. 
Mahal save your soul. 
"You three." You call suddenly, gaining the attention of Dwalin, Fili, and Kili (the three you thought you would be having the most problems with). "Whoever gathers the most of our friends outside gets a big prize."
Kili gasps and asks, "A big prize?" 
"The biggest prize." You confirm, feeling relieved when Dwalin lets you go. 
"What is the prize?" Dwalin asks, looking at you with a very uncharacteristic grin on his face. 
"I can't tell you, it's a secret until one of you wins." 
"Oh, I'm gonna get more than you two!" Fili calls, struggling to get up from his seat before Kili, the two pushing and shoving each other while they fight to stand. 
"No fighting or you are disqualified." You warn, wagging a finger at them.
Thank god they listen. 
You manage to gather the original three (Ori, Bilbo, and Bofur) and Nori, and get them outside of the party hall, trying your best to calm Bofur and Ori while Bilbo keeps on calling you beautiful and complimenting you. 
Eventually, Dwalin walks out with two dwarves. Balin (who is sober, thank god) and Dori. 
The next person to show up is Kili, and he has Bombur and Gloin. 
Finally, Fili emerges from the hall and managed to swipe Oin and Bifir.
You smile at them brightly before you realize you're one short, "Where's Thorin?" 
Fili sighs and answers, "I tried ta get 'im but he made fun of me until I left." 
That sounds about right. 
"I tried, too! But he kep' callin' me names." Dwalin grumbles while Kili nods. 
"Yea-h, he kep' pokin' fun at my beard." Kili agrees, looking at the two he gathered, "Who won?" 
"None of you, it's a tie." You reply, shaking your head.
A part of you is glad, actually that they all have the same amount, because you have no idea what the supposed 'big prize' is supposed to be. "I'll have to find a way to get Thorin, I guess..." You state wearily, already growing tired of their shenanigans. 
" 'm sorry." The three you assigned to help you say sadly, looking at you with big upset eyes. 
"N-No, it's fine! Just, keep everyone out here, okay? I'll be right back." 
Suffice to say you were not 'right back' at all. 
The moment you walked back up to Thorin he started making more jokes about you 'being with' different people in the original company, and very quickly does your patience wear thin. 
At some point you just lose it and end up grabbing his ear and dragging him out of the party hall while people boo at you for being a fun killer. 
Once you've successfully made him leave, you push him out the doors and do a quick headcount to make sure everyone is still there. 
You take them all to a private wing where they all have their rooms in as well as a private kitchen Bombur introduced you to. 
"Okay, good. Now that we're all gathered up in one place... Come with me to the kitchen. Lets eat a bit and have some water, okay?" 
"Is there more ale?" Dwalin asks with the same smile. 
"No!" You snap a bit angrier than you mean to, "No more alcohol for any of you."
That successfully shuts them up. 
Once everyone is seated at the table in the newly stocked kitchen, you go through the cupboards and collect some berries and bread, bringing them over to the table so they can get something in their stomachs to absorb all that alcohol. 
You give them all some chunks of bread and leave a handful or two for everyone (more for the bigger of them), then you walk off to get some water. Balin helps you out with it all (being as he's barely even tipsy), and eventually everyone has water and some food. 
It doesn't take long for everything to disappear into their stomachs, and once they've done as you instructed you start to help some of them to their individual rooms. 
Nori and Dori drag Ori to the room they share, Balin takes care of Dwalin, Bombur excuses himself and thanks you heartily, but you have to take care of everyone else unfortunately. 
First, you deal with Bifir, Oin, and Gloin, which isn't too hard luckily. 
Bifir says something you can't understand and gives you a hug before going off to bed, and Oin thanks you tiredly before closing his door. Gloin smiles at you, being less drunk then those left behind, and thanks you as well before heading off to sleep. 
Now you're left with Bilbo, Thorin, Fili and Kili, and, finally, Bofur.
When you reenter the kitchen, Thorin is laughing about something he said no doubt, and Bofur is glaring at him so angrily you're afraid he might actually hit him. 
"B-Bofur!" You call, running over to stand between them before wrapping your arm around his waist when he starts to wobble and walk towards Thorin. 
Right away he stops and leans into you, still glaring at Thorin while he wraps an arm around you in return, "Wha' is it?" 
"Come along, I'm going to take you to your room for bed. You too, Bilbo, come here." 
Bilbo has no problem walking over to you (though he does sway a bit) and stands next to you while you begin to take Bofur out of the room. "That's a good boy, come on." You usher them both out and, eventually, manage to get Bofur to his room so he can sleep it off. 
You shuffle him to his bed, and once he's seated you tell him to take off his shoes. While he does that, you swipe his hat and lay it on the bedside table, pulling his blanket back so he can lay down. 
Once he climbs in, you pull the covers up over him and pat his head, "There you are. Go ahead and sleep for me, dear, cause you're going to feel dreadful in the morning." 
He closes his eyes while grumbling something about being told what to do, of course he listens nonetheless and doesn't move or say anything else. 
You lean down and kiss his forehead lightly, then turn and leave the room. 
The door thumps softly when you shut it, and then you grab Bilbo's arm and walk with him to his room.
"You're simply stunning in this light, Y/N." Bilbo tells you, wrapping an arm around you despite being able to walk fine. "Completely breathtaking." 
"Thank you, Bilbo. Though, you're going to be mortified tomorrow. I can imagine you'll be begging for forgiveness within an hour of waking up." You comment, opening up his door so you can take him to his bed. 
"Not a word." You cut him off quickly, knowing that he's going to say something very not appropriate, for both your sake and his. 
He climbs into bed without further coaxing, though you do have to take off his coat for him and fluff up his pillow a bit, but once he's nestled under the covers, he doesn't go to sleep. 
Instead he stares at you with baggy eyes, and smiles lightly, "You look radiant." 
"As you've said a few times, Bilbo. You spoil me." You lean down and press a light kiss to his forehead next, and when you stand up straight again he reaches up and taps your nose.
You giggle softly and grab his hand, placing it back at his side before walking over to the door. 
"Goodnight, Bilbo." 
"G'night, Y/N." 
When you arrive back at the kitchen, Thorin is gone and only Fili and Kili remain, talking about another odd topic once more. 
"Where did Thorin go?" You ask, looking around then back down the hall. 
"His head hurt, and he went to bed." Kili replies chipperly, smiling brightly. 
Well, that does make your job a fair bit easier. 
"Alright. Well, boys it's time for bed so come along." You tell them in a gentle voice, gesturing for them to come to you with a wave of your hand. 
Somehow they manage to get to their feet, but after they take a few steps it becomes painfully obvious that there's no way they'll be able to make it, like Bofur. 
Right away you go over to Kili and have him wrap an arm around your waist, and, somehow, you manage to shuffle forward with him to his brother who is looking very unstable at the moment. 
You get Fili to wrap an arm around you as well, and once you've got them both you proceed to, very slowly, shuffle your way to their room. 
At some point Kili started to press his face into your neck and Fili began to lean into you more heavily. If it weren't for the fact that you had one of them on either side of you, you probably would've toppled over. 
Eventually, you do manage to get them to their room, and once you do you bring them to their beds (there are two). 
You have them both sit down and go to light a candle, and once that's done you turn back to see if their laid down yet. Only, their both looking down at their feet as if they expect their shoes to taken themselves off. 
With a heavy sigh, you walk over to Fili and crouch down, taking off his shoes with little difficulty. "There you go, now take off your jacket and lay down." 
Fili nods his head and begins to shrug off his coat, so you turn and go to Kili, pulling off his shoes next. 
Once he's barefoot, you stand and smooth his hair back lightly, "You take off your coat too, okay?" 
"A'right." He mumbles, doing just as you said. 
You step away and take a few steps; and, once their both laying down, you go to Fili and pull his covers up to his chin. 
"Do you sleep with your braids in?" You ask quietly once he's tucked in. 
"N't my mustache ones..." He replies with his eyes closed. 
You nod, though he can't see it, and reach down and pull the clips off, placing them on the beside table so he can grab them tomorrow morning. 
Once he's settled, you lean down and press a kiss to his head, then turn and go to Kili. You're basically on a seesaw with these two, tending to one for a moment before going to the other. 
Kili is sitting up with his legs under the blanket, but when you walk over he lays down completely and waits for you to give him the same treatment as his brother. 
You grab the top of his comforter and pull it up until it covers most of his chest, and once that's done you reach behind his head and pull the clip from the back of his head, off. "Is there anything else?" You ask softly while placing his beaded clip down as well. 
You nod, then lean down and kiss his forehead like you've done to literally everyone else.
"Alright. Goodnight then, boys." 
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jaeyunluvs · 4 years
ex's and oh's - aron piper imagine
requested by @fashphotolife​.: I’m not sure if you’re taking requests but if you are can you write an Aron Piper imagine where his gf finds texts from his ex while they’re together & it causes them to get into a huge argument but at the end they stay together. Thank you!
a/n: thank you for requesting again! i hope you’ll like it and I hope you have an awesome day! <3
disclaimer: english is not my first language, i may have mistakes, please let me know if i do! poor writing and poor Spanish lo siento :’) 
im sorry if your name is gianna, i searched google for most uncommon names and there was gianna :) i love that name tho <3
warnings: angst! happy ending tho (god yes happy endings djfjdfs) crappy writing :’)
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It was a classic day in quarantine. You and Aron were staying together. You had woken up early today. You looked at the cloudy skies and how amazing they were. You tried to change your position to look at Aron, trying not to wake him up. You looked at him with admiration. His admired his features. His curly hair, beautiful face and his cute lips you wanted to kiss so bad. With all the admiration you possessed, you decided to make pancakes that Aron loves.
You went to the kitchen, and opened your favorite songs. Danced and cooked through the process. While you were dancing, Aron appeared behind the door frame as he watched you as you danced. He quickly wrapped his arms behind your back and whispered “Te quiero mucho, amor”
You turned around and kissed him. 
“How did you sleep baby?” you asked while flipping the pancakes trying not to burn.
“It was fine before you left.” He said pouting and making puppy dog eyes. You couldn’t resist his cuteness and pecked his nose. Aron blushed by this action of yours because you made him go crazy.
“Well, I’d like to apologize with pancakes and blueberries? if it’s okay with you Mr. Lover boy” You said laughing as you started to set the table up.
“Hmmm, let me think. You can apologize me in the bedroom, if that’s okay with you bebe?” He put a devilish grin on his face looking at you. You punched him by his arm. 
You guys had a great breakfast. Aron literally finished all the nutella in the jar. You kept eating blueberries. Talked about everything, it was so cute. Everything was going great and to make it cuter, you decided to show your new ukulele which you got it online. You told Aron that you’re gonna be back with a surprise, so you go back you guys’ bedroom. 
While you try to find the ukelele and mumble “Where could it possible be?, you heard various buzz sounds. It was from Aron’s phone. You weren't the type of the girlfriend who would look at your boyfriends phone like a psycho but it was buzzing nonstop so you couldn’t help yourself but look at it. 
When you saw who it was, you couldn’t help but sob. It was from her ex-girlfriend Gianna
Gianna: heyyy aron
Gianna: where should we meet? 
Gianna: im so excited to see you
Gianna:you have the things i’m looking for 
You couldn’t help but throw the phone to bed, and cried. Aron was worried since you didn’t came for long, and he decided to check up on you. When he came to your bedroom, he saw you crying snuggling into a blanket.
“Hermosa, que pasa?” Aron asks worried, he doesn’t like it when you’re sad.
“Maybe you should ask that to Gianna, I think she can give better answers.” it didn’t make any sense, but you couldn’t care less. 
Aron slowly realized what’s going on and he was in shock. He saw you packing your bag.
 “Y/N, bebe que pasa?” His voice was rising a bit.
“Stop calling me that.” 
“But Y/N, I can explain-” 
“NO Don’t talk to me at all. It’s clear-” you zipped the bag and start to walk away.
“You’re not helping and where do you think you’re going” He grabbed you by the arm and gave you a serious glance. You shot him the same look and pulled it out.
“It’s better if we break up.” you said while tears filling in your eyes. Aron was dumbfounded by your words. But you guys said I love you to each other that’s not true or it shouldn’t be true. 
“You’re not saying this. this is not y/n. is this what you want?” Aron asked crying. You nodded.
“Fine, I NEVER WANTED YOU, Gianna was better.” He didn’t meant any of those words but said it anyway. You just slammed the door.
You couldn’t believe what he said. It wasn’t possible. But you thought he was the one. He thought you were the one. Maybe he got bored of you in the quarantine, you thought but that was a nonsense reason.
You called your best friend Ester because she was the only person you could talk to right now. She opened in five seconds.
“Y/N, bebe, que tal?” she asked happily but when you didn’t answer and sniffed, she got worried.
“Y/N todo bien?” she asked again.
“Ester can I stay with you for a few days?” you asked while sobbing.
“Don’t ask me that question again just come mi casa es su casa! now, just come. you’re worrying me and you’re gonna tell me everything.” She said almost yelling because she was so worried about you.
When you got in Ester’s place, you saw Itzan going out. He shot you a smile then left the building before you could tease them. Ester literally ran when she saw you and hugged you. While she nudged you and made you sit down, you explained what happened between you and Aron. She knew how could Gianna be a bitch because before Aron and you started dating, since Aron and Ester are cast mates, she saw what happened between them.
“He’s an ass, I’m sorry you had to deal with this. I don’t know why Aron did this though, I thought he loved you.” she said confused while hugging you between your sobs. Ester knew something was wrong with this situation.
A day passed, two days passed, three days passed. You only ate and watched romantic movies while staying at Ester’s place. After the third day, you heard the door ringing, Ester asked you to open it so you did, but guess who it was.
It was Aron, his face was a mess, eyes were puffy from crying, wet nose and four tissues in his hand looking at you. You couldn’t help but and cry in front of him.
“Y/N Please let me explain.” Aron asked while looking at you. You nodded and brought him inside. You sat on a couch, didn’t care about Ester at all.
“muy bien, pues, you know, she couldn’t move on, we’re not public and i know how you don’t like to. So she threatened to expose us and she wants to hurt people i love, i contacted her and we made a money deal. But you got it the wrong way. I would-” He was cut off by your soft lips mixed with salt tears.
“I think I owe you so much and an apology, I’m so sorry, I didn’t listen to you. I love you so much Aron.” You said while hugging him.
“I love you you owe me nothing. Let’s go home.” He said kissing the top of your head. You packed your bags and saw Ester peeking through the door frame. You went to hug and she hugged back. You thanked her for everything and left the house.
“Querida” Aron asked while driving the car. 
“Yes, honey” you hummed looking at him.
“You said you owe me anything. I think you can pay that in our bedroom.” 
“We’ll see about that” you said smirking.
Who knows what will happen ;)
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kim-seungmine · 4 years
dream the night away
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title: dream the night away
characters: (fem) reader x hwang hyunjin of stray kids
genre: slice-of-life, romance, angst, best friends to lovers au, idol au, idol!hyunjin, hyunjin centric, inspired by 3racha’s cloud 9 but not really?
warnings: minor character death, sometimes heavy, slow burn (aka i wanted it to be but i wasn’t patient enough), i tried to proofread, i gave up trying to format text convo on tumblr, i think they kiss a lot.
word count: 11.6k i’m so sorry
synopsis: one night, hyunjin wonders how he long can stay floating on cloud 9 before he loses his balance and falls all the way down to the pits of hell. After that, nothing feels right.
disclaimer: this is idol!hyunjin so i just wanna say that this is not how hyunjin is in real life and im not trying to convince you that he feels the things in the story. some parts are inspired by the things they’ve said but everything that happens here is pure fiction... which actually goes without saying since this is a fanfic, but i just feel the need to say it. for my personal long ass author’s note, you can read it below.
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Hyunjin is met with darkness when he steps into the dorm. It used to be more packed, it used to be messier, and it used to be really loud. Now he only shares the dorm with the 00z who are surprisingly quiet if you think about it. Seungmin sleeps early, Felix has his headphones stuck to his ears and plays games until the sun rises, and Jisung is snugged somewhere watching movies. On busier days, Seungmin and Felix are at the company for lessons and Jisung spends the night at the studio with Chan and Changbin. Hyunjin, meanwhile, usually has some photoshoots.
However, tonight feels unnaturally quiet, especially since Hyunjin has just won his first Bonsang as a solo artist. He switches the lights on, and his friends are soundlessly huddled together by the fridge, Jisung holding a small cake.
“Surprise!” Seungmin exclaims rather flatly as Hyunjin drops to the floor out of shock, shouting profanities. Felix proceeds to grab some candles from the kitchen counter and lights them up. “Come on, blow the candles."
Hyunjin lets out an amused sigh, rising to his feet before blowing all the candles out. “Please tell me these aren’t those candles that stay lit n—what the hell.”
He continues blowing, his friends giggling while Seungmin groans. “Why did you have to curse? I was about to post that on Instagram Story!”
“Why are we doing this anyways? We’re not 18 anymore,” Hyunjin protests half-heartedly. He can’t really remember the last time they gave each other a proper surprise. It feels like ages ago. Jisung scoffs, searching for a knife inside one of the kitchen drawers. Slicing the cake, he retorts, “Your dramatic ass loves surprises, stop denying it.”
“Anyone has anything to do tonight? The hyungs want to come over,” Felix informs while typing on his phone. Hyunjin’s vibrates after a few seconds; everyone on the Stray Kids group chat must be congratulating him.
Seungmin opens the chat, frowning. “Where’s Jeongin?”
“He hasn’t been replying since hours ago. That brat probably fell asleep. Just ask his bro if he’s home,” Hyunjin suggests, about to reply to Chan’s message when another message pops up.
y/n: sorry i couldnt watch the show
y/n: but i saw the news! congratulations!!
y/n: so proud of you, as always!
Hyunjin’s eyes light up at your messages. It’s been months since he saw you; he’s been busy with his solo debut and you’ve been busy with school. When both of you were children, you often pictured how life would be. Hyunjin would be a famous soccer player for Manchester United and the captain of South Korea national team. You would be studying to become a doctor.
He finds it funny that you’re doing the exact same thing while he’s doing something he never even imagined before. Hyunjin is always amazed at how well you planned your whole life and executed every single plan, albeit not always instantly.
After all these years, though, he dares to say that both of you turned out okay. Amazing, even.
“Order whatever you want. I’m eating outside but I’ll be back soon,” Hyunjin tells his friends, bombarding you with messages before you turn your phone off, the thing you always do when you’re about to cram.
Seungmin arches an eyebrow. “Y/N?”
“Yeah. I asked whether she wants to eat gopchang with me.”
“You should really be careful.”
“Everyone knows we’re best friends. No one will make a weird rumor or anything.”
Jisung clicks his tongue. “Well, do you?”
Whenever someone talks about you, it always leads to this very conversation. Hyunjin decides to let Jisung’s question (sarcasm) hang in the air, but he knows the answer. Yes, he knows you and him are just best friends. Does he like it that way?
Hyunjin knows the answer to that too. He only pretends that he doesn’t.
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You’re already slurping your soup when Hyunjin says hi to the restaurant owners, Mr and Mrs. Jang. “Oh Hyunjinnie, I just watched you on TV. You won something, right?” he asks. His wife ushers him to sit down, putting extra servings of kimchi on the table.
“Why didn’t I get extra kimchi?” You pout, shooting a jealous glare at Hyunjin who’s busy explaining what a Bonsang is to the owners.
“You did a good job, then,” Mrs. Jang coos. “You don’t need to pay today. It’s on us!”
You quickly put your spoon down. “What about me? I barely sleep thesedays, and I’m not as rich as Hyunjin!”
“Aigoo, you started eating before your friend came then demand for free food. You’re lucky we love you as much as we love Hyunjin.”
The couple laugh at your reaction, jokingly scolding you for being whinier than Hyunjin when it used to be the other way around. He smiles, remembering all the times he forced you to eat his eggplants for him and the times when he begged you to help him study because he needed to beat all of his friends.
“Eat,” you scowl. “You only have half an hour to brag. I have a night shift.”
Out of the times you’re being petty towards him, you were only seriously petty once: when he beat your English score in ninth grade although you were the one teaching him. He had to bribe you with a week’s worth of Haribo jellies before you stopped ignoring him.
Hyunjin giggles. “When’s your exam? Tomorrow?”
“Next week,” you whine. “But I have so many things to do! And I think someone stole my notes, I can’t seem to find them anywhere. Do you even understand half the pain I’m going through right now? All I need is one solid hour of sleep.”
“Hmm,” he hums. “Tell me something I don’t know.”
You widen your eyes, eyeing Hyunjin from head to toe. “Sometimes I forget you’re Stray Kids’ Hyunjin.”
He pretends to stab himself on the chest. “That h-hurts,” he fake-groans. “Then who do you think I am?”
“My neighbor,” you answer. “—who doesn’t even live at home anymore.”
“To be fair, you’re practically holed in hospital now.”
“Yeah but I go home every two weeks? You go home twice a year.”
“Excuse me?! I went home on your birthday… in the middle of a tour! I could’ve been sleeping or practicing, but I came home!”
He always “argues” with you until both of you are out of breath, clutching your chests because it somehow feels hilarious. You drink the last few drops of the soup right from your bowl, setting it back on the table and empty your glass in one go.
“I don’t have enough energy for this,” you sigh dreamily, prepping your head on your arm. “Tell me about everything. Your first Bonsang.”
Hyunjin can still hear his fans’ voices chanting his name and cheering for him as he delivered his speech while sobbing (this is what he hates from solo promotions, nobody else is there to stop him from crying or taking over the mic from him so he could calm himself down). He remembers every single word he said and the proud faces of his fellow artists. The thrill, the triumph, the satisfaction, the love… it’s making him emotional all over again.
He grabs a tissue to blow his nose. “I was surprised when the company said that I was invited. Our group hasn’t made a comeback this year, and although my song did chart quite well, I never expected they would even invite me.”
“They gave me a 5-minute stage! I was so happy, I sent you my rehearsal videos, right?”
You nod, imitating one of the moves in his dance break.
“Everything was even more amazing on stage, with Stays watching me. I think I was possessed during the performance… I was goddamn nervous though.”
“Yeah, I watched it on the way here. You kept licking your lip, I don’t care if your fans think that’s hot. To me you’re just a nervous mess…”
Hyunjin has started to pout when you add, “… who did a very great job nevertheless! It’s just that I’ve known you so long. You can’t hide anything from me.”
He notices how you’re holding your breath, waiting for him to respond. After years, Hyunjin thought he would take negative comments much less seriously, but apparently it didn’t become easier. It became harder, so hard that he had to take a 3-month hiatus last year.
With you, everything is different. You can tell him that he sucks big time and he’ll take it seriously, but he never gets offended. There are a lot of times when people treat him like he’s made of glass (or a snowflake, Seungmin once said), but you treat him the way you’ve always treated him and he loves it. None of his other friends understands, but your honesty is priceless. It’s what keeps him going; he knows you’ll never cherish him less no matter what you say about the way he dances and raps, or the way he looks and behaves. And he’s sure that his honesty also means the world to you. You are each other’s toughest critic, but it will never change anything.
“Hyunjin.” You place your hand over his, eyes wide. “I’m sorry. It just slipped out of my mouth.”
He chuckles, flipping his palm to squeeze your hand. “You idiot. You just stated the facts.”
You squeeze his hand back before pulling away. “I’m looking at Hwang Hyunjin of Stray Kids who sold over 100.000 copies of his first solo album, who won Bonsang for the first time, who gets worshiped by everyone he locks eyes with—except for me of course. I’m a very proud friend.”
“Stop it.” Hyunjin rolls his eyes, but unable to hide his smile once he sees you grinning like a happy child. “How much time do we have left?”
You glance at your phone, sighing when a reminder for you to study pops up. “5 minutes. I have to go back to the hospital soon.”
“Can you even study during your shift?”
“I have to,” you mumble. “Anyways, thanks for dragging me out. I did miss you after all.”
“I missed you too,” Hyunjin says, probably too quick for his own good but he doesn’t regret it.
“I’ll be going now.” You stretch your limbs, grabbing your bag and slinging it over your shoulder. “Any last words before I go to war?”
“I should be the one asking you that.”
“Oh, right.”
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Chan is the only one awake by the time Hyunjin gets back home. He huffs in regret, knowing that the hyungs decided to stay over to celebrate his Bonsang win. The leader greets him with a bear hug, carefully avoiding Felix and Minho who are fast asleep on the floor. “We’re so happy for you!” he whisper-yells. “How was Y/N?”
Hyunjin returns his hug with an even tighter one. “Thanks hyung. You composed the song after all! And sorry I came back too late.”
Chan shakes his head. “Nah, it’s fine. At some point we forgot why we were here and just started playing mafia.”
“Y/N is fine, anyways, just tired.”
“She’s always tired, isn’t she?”
“Yeah. It turns out that medical students are probably more tired than us.”
Hyunjin leads Chan to his bedroom. Each of the 00z has their own bedroom now. It’s much more convenient and they can arrange their stuff however they want to (they avoid entering Jisung’s room as much as possible), but Hyunjin misses the mess at times. The old dorm was cramped, either too hot or too cold, and way too noisy, but it was home for quite a long time.
Chan seems to be having the same thought. “We miss you kiddos sometimes,” he laughs. “But we fixed that sliding door. It closes properly now.”
“As long as Changbin hyung keeps opening it with too much force it will be broken again in no time. Trust me.”
Both of them are lying on Hyunjin’s king size bed, staring at the sideboard table he dedicates for his music show—and now, music award—trophies. “The kids don’t really say it but they’re all so proud of you. I’m proud of you. I raised you well, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, you kinda did.”
“I’m joking.” Hyunjin scrunches his nose. “You raised all of us. We raised Jeongin. And we raised each other.”
“3racha are almost finished choosing the final songs, you have 2 weeks to relax then we’ll start production right away. Our next tour won’t start until May, so we have plenty of time to prepare everything.”
“Ohhhhh I can feel my bones breaking already. We’re getting old,” Hyunjin whines.
Chan pats his thighs, cracking his knuckles before jumping out of bed. “You’re getting old,” he teases.
“I’m glad, though. Everything finally works out the way we wanted to. I guess we can say that we’re doing well now, right?”
Chan doesn’t wait for Hyunjin to answer and leaves the room right away. The latter ponders the rhetorical question for a while, recalling the goals they have reached for the past few years. Entering the Melon chart (and staying on Top 20 for a week), having one of the most successful world tour, winning prestigious awards at prestigious music awards, 3racha getting acknowledged as the industry’s top composers, 00z winning music shows for their unit debut last year, Jeongin getting drama roles, and last but not least, Hyunjin’s successful solo debut.
Feeling nostalgic, he scrolls through his phone, looking at old photos and silly videos. Looking at the lyrics he wrote on his note app. Then he goes through @realstraykids’ posts on Instagram, from when Jeongin still had braces until tonight. The latest selcas on his own official account are still getting likes, the fans showering him with praises.
Hyunjin has ticked off everything from his wish list. He has reached every goal he set a few years ago. They are doing well. He’s doing well.
He looks at his surroundings, immersing himself in the space and peace of his room that he once craved desperately. He’s supposed to be at peace now, but his mind won’t stop buzzing, asking himself what to do next.
For the very first time, Hyunjin realizes that he’s now floating on Cloud 9. Everything is perfect, he’s living his dream life. But at the back of his head, he can hear the clock ticking, ready to push him over the edge the moment he loses his balance, watching him fall all the way to the pits of hell.
Everything is perfect, but why does his heart feel so empty?
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Hyunjin’s brows furrow as he tries to catch some comments the fans are posting. When he was a rookie he couldn’t get used to how fast the comments come in, and it’s something that doesn’t quite change. Probably he got used to it at some point, but they kept gaining fans that the comment section is always extremely active.
“Hyunjin oppa,” he pronounces the words slowly. ”Spo-spoiler please!”
He lifts his head to give the viewers a secretive smile. “Nope.” He wiggles his forefinger. “You have to wait for the teasers!”
“Ohhh the comments! You guys are so excited I can’t keep up!”
More comments flood in, and Hyunjin has to press his phone screen in order to read the one comment he’s been trying to read. “Recommend me a song, please!”
“Uhhh—” He takes some time to think of the songs he’s been listening to, tapping his fingers against the surface of the table while the comments keep coming in, but this time he spots words that stab him right on his gut. With trembling hands, he lifts his phone, clicking the report button as subtle as possible. His vision grows blurry as he reports every single comment that has the word “fuck you”, “die” or “talentless” in it.
The pause has become too long and too awkward, so he stops himself from reporting more and stares at the lens. “Ah, song recommendation!” he exclaims. “I have quite a lot but thesedays I’ve been listening to 00z songs a lot. We had so much fun promoting together.”
Hyunjin feels his other phone vibrating in his pocket, probably his mother checking in. It gives him a boost of energy, and he tells his fans he’ll stay with them for 10 more minutes. “When we’re just talking like this, I’m always reminded that we’ve come so far,” Hyunjin says, a smile on his face. “It feels good to know that all of you are making time for us, for me, after your busy day. And no, I’m not sleepy. Don’t worry, everyone!”
He reads some more comments, mostly cheesy pickup lines to cheer himself up as his brain is still trying to get all the hurtful words out of his system. “Ah, I think I have to go now,” Hyunjin announces lowly. “I have to go back to practice, if not Chan hyung will barge in and drag me back to the practice room.”
“What? You want me to get scolded by Chan hyung? Why are you so mean?!”
Hyunjin ends up staying for 20 more minutes before finally ending the broadcast. Conversation with his fans is something he values a lot; it gives him strength and makes him laugh. It makes him feel loved and he wants his fans to feel the same.
But it’s equally tiring. He has to brace himself for some less-than-nice comments, sometimes they are way too severe for him to handle that the company sues all the commenters. You’ve told him over and over again that those people aren’t his fans.
Everything could’ve been worse. Hyunjin still considers himself very lucky that he has much more fans than haters. Still, he often imagines how it will feel if he has no hater at all, since he does have some friends who seem to only hear pretty words.
Hyunjin stays inside the room for a few more minutes, replying to Seungmin’s messages and assures him that he’ll be back soon. He idly plays one of their songs he hasn’t heard for years, the song that was always included in their setlist before being replaced by some other songs. Hyunjin initially thought he wouldn’t need that song anymore, but tonight, he needs it. Maybe he needs it more now than before.
After making a mental note to ask the other boys to add the song back to the concert’s setlist, Hyunjin leaves, cursing himself for taking too much time to regain his composure.
Should I stop or not? Should I give up or not?
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“Hwang Hyunjin, stop coming into my room without my permission! You literally trespassed into someone else’s property!”
Hyunjin groans into his pillow, instantly regretting his decision to pick up your call at midnight. “I didn’t!”
“Don’t lie to me. You took Gureum with you!”
He takes a quick glance at the rabbit plushie he placed on top of his pillow. Last night, he did go home because Kkami (everyone calls him old man now) got a little sick. “I miiiiight have made a quick detour next door when I was about to leave.”
“You’re pathetic. You got soooooo many plushies and toys and cute headbands from fansigns and you stole my Gureum.”
“Stop guilt tripping me! I missed Gureum, okay? Why didn’t you take him to your dorm?”
Hyunjin senses your hesitation as you clear your throat. “Well, sometimes seeing Gureum only makes me miss everyone more, so I just left him at home.”
Now he feels guilty. Your parents are currently staying overseas to take care of your sick little sister. He pictures you coming to an empty home every two weeks, exhausted and not having anyone to welcome you.
“Do you want me to come over?”
“Our superstar isn’t busy?”
“I am, but I’m willing to sacrifice my precious time for my best friend.”
You scoff over the phone, but telling him to hurry up before ending the call. Hyunjin packs his clothes and toiletries, along with Gureum—his birthday present for your 11th birthday. You almost never sleep without it, yet the plushie still looks brand new.
Unable to hide his smitten smile, Hyunjin grabs his keys.
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The apartment complex where Hyunjin lives has changed a lot over the years. The soccer field he used to play at is now a playground. The little bookstore you loved so much is now a bakery. Now there’s a big shopping mall right across the building. After saving up for a while, Hyunjin asked his parents whether they wanted to move to a bigger place. He kind of hoped that they wouldn’t want it because he wanted to stay close to you (although coming home is a real challenge for him). Luckily, his parents said no.
He enters your door password leisurely, recalling the time when your parents told him to take care of you.
So far, you’ve been the one taking care of him.
Hyunjin heads straight to your bedroom, opening the door and sees you curling on your bed. The mattress he sleeps on whenever he stays over is already laid on the floor.
“Gureum!” you yell when he throws the squishy rabbit to you. Hyunjin drops his bag and settles himself on the mattress, staring up at you.
“How’s your sis?”
You scoot towards the end of the bed, showing him a photo on your phone. Your sister is smiling; she looks much better than before, but still very pale and thin. “I haven’t called her,” Hyunjin admits. “But she got the albums I sent to her. Sent the ones signed by the others too. That kid loves Jisung, do you know that?”
“I got her into Jisung.”
He sits up, looking almost offended. “Your bias is Han Jisung?”
“This world doesn’t revolve around you, superstar.” You flash him a cheeky grin. “I wanted to ask you to let me go to the backstage again last tour, but I restrained myself. As your kind best friend, I shouldn’t abuse my privilege.”
“You know that he never cleans his room, right?”
You hum, “Nobody’s perfect, Jinnie.”
“Oh come on!” Hyunjin protests. “If it’s Jeongin I understand although he also never cleans his room. But Jisung? And you’re calling yourself my best friend!”
“He’s funny!” you argue. ”He has a nice voice—it’s really sexy when he raps, he dances well, he wrote all my favorite Stray Kids songs, and he actually had the balls to fight you. A real champ.”
Hyunjin rolls his eyes, making a gesture to snatch Gureum away from you. “And at the end of the day, you love him,” you add. “He makes you laugh too.”
Well, it’s a fact he can’t refute. You ask, “Do you think I should hit on him or something? Will people call me out? Does he have someone?”
“We are not having this conversation Y/N. I don’t care if both of you are my best friends, you’re not dating Han Jisung. What happened to that ‘hot senior’ Jung Jaehyun? The last time we called, you were so in love with him.”
The mention of Jaehyun’s name causes you to slump into your bed, covering yourself with your thick blanket. “I sort of blew it up,” you mumble. “He asked me on a real date and I said no.”
You seem to hit realization that’s way too late, and now you’re hollering, “I said no to Jung Jaehyun! Oh my God Hyunjin… I’m such an idiot!”
Hyunjin can’t contain his giggles. Relief washes over him; you and Jaehyun seemed rather serious and while he wished you well, the thought of you being with someone else always pains him. He knows he’s not allowed to feel that way just because you’re best friends.
Most of the times, he can’t help it.
“He’s a real gentleman and he said he was into me. ME. Everyone would throw themselves at him but he came up to me and I flat out rejected him. What the hell is wrong with me?!”
You’re rolling on your bed, whining and kicking at the air. “I tried not to think about it but… it was just a date? Even if I didn’t end up dating him at least I could tell my grandchildren that I went on a date with Jung Jaehyun!”
“Is he really that great?” Hyunjin asks, out of curiosity but laced with jealousy he hopes you can’t see. His words sound distant to his own ears, triggering his fear of losing you.
“Yeah, I guess?”
You nudge his legs when he doesn’t respond. “How about you? Everything’s fine? You don’t look happy thesedays.”
Hyunjin never lies to you. You have a full access to his heart; he lets you in on his happiest days when life feels like the shiniest summer. He also lets you in even after the messiest thunderstorm when he feels that everything is fucked up. This time, he wants to lock you out. There’s nothing to see, there’s nothing to fix.
His heart is empty—he is empty, and he wants to protect you from the bleakness of it.
“I’m fine, just been arguing with Felix and Minho hyung over the song we’ll perform. It feels too monotone for me, but they think it’s perfect,” he explains, not completely lying. “I don’t know if I’m being selfish but somehow I just can’t let it go.”
“Have you tried explaining to them? Not how you feel, but how the song is. You can always go technical, you don’t need to worry just because Minho is more experienced.”
Hyunjin sighs. “I did, but probably it’s just me.”
“Do you wanna talk things out?” You yawn, squishing Gureum into your chest. “Or do you want to just sleep?”
He glances at the clock. “We both need sleep. It’s almost 3A.M.”
“Alright. Good night—I mean good morning!”
Hyunjin stretches his neck to look at you, your eyes are already closed. He relaxes his body and tries to sleep, but his jumbled mind keeps him awake. Hyunjin waits until you’re fast asleep before scooting closer, softly taking your hand in his before closing his eyes once again. He did it a lot when he was younger, holding your hand until he fell asleep. You nagged at him because it woke you up, but you never told him to stop doing it.
Tonight is no different.
You turn to him, “It’s okay.”
He mumbles a thank you, ready to go to sleep when you move to the mattress. Hyunjin gulps at the close proximity, it’s been too long since you slept on the same bed as him.
“Hyunjin, I missed you.”
Hyunjin heard a theory somewhere: 3.A.M-conversations are the most honest. It’s a little over 3A.M now, and he doesn’t how much of that theory is true, but your words fuel something deep within him. The feeling so strong he has to tear his gaze away from you. Hyunjin slowly pulls you into his arms, patting your back in rhythm with the clock.
He grazes his lips on your shoulder, mouthing his reply quietly, “I missed you too.”
You nod against his chest, pulling your hand out of his grasp so you could circle your arms around his torso.
Hyunjin falls asleep almost immediately, succumbing to the warmth and comfort you radiate.
He’s going to be alright.
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“Do you think I’ll ever debut?”
Hyunjin takes off his SOPA jacket, plopping onto the bed while you’re munching on a pack of jelly. “Let me sleep for 10 minutes. I have to go to the company after this.”
You slap his thigh. “Why do you always sleep in my room? If I got a dollar everytime you sabotage my bed I’d be really rich now. Get out, you have practice!”
He reaches for your knee, using it as a pillow. Hyunjin feels you soften as you card your hand through his hair. “Is it hard? Are those mean hyungs still bothering you?”
Hyunjin shakes his head. “Changbin hyung told those motherfuckers to mind their own business.”
“Stop cursing!” you hiss. “It’s not cool, and what if you accidentally curse on broadcast later? You have so much to learn…”
Hyunjin opens his eyes and smiles when he meets your gaze. “Do you think I’ll ever debut?” he repeats his question.
“Have you seen yourself dancing? You’re better than most of the trainees I saw at the open showcase. Plus you have so many girls screaming your name. No offense, but that is definitely a plus point.”
You give his head a little smack when you notice doubt flashing through his orbs. “I believe in you, Hyunjin. Don’t doubt yourself,” you tell him softly. “And if you need someone to give those ‘motherfuckers’ a lesson, just call me. I know some people who can shut them up.”
He lets out an obnoxious gasp. “Are you a gangster now?! Your parents are going to be so disappointed in you. Looks like you have to say goodbye to medical school now…”
You sigh, now it’s your turn to look at Hyunjin with doubt in your eyes. “I’ll get in, right? What if I flunk my results later?”
“This is why I hate smart people,” he bemoans. “You rank first in the whole school, stop saying nonsense.”
Both of you a few more minutes lying in silence. When he waves you goodbye, Hyunjin feels like he can soar.
He’s safe with you, and you’re safe with him.
“Hwang Hyunjin, get off me!”
Hyunjin wakes up to you trying to untangle your legs from his. He catches your flailing legs, removing his before examining your face. “It’s almost noon. Aren’t you running late?” you pester, pointing at the clock.
“Lunch?” he asks.
This is supposed to be awkward. Hyunjin can’t recall what happened a few hours ago before blushing—he’s never been that intimate with you before. You two have had a fair share of platonic cuddle sessions, but last night felt different.
“Not yet,” you mutter. “I just woke up. Oh God my back hurts.”
He wants to know whether you feel the same, but you’ve made your way to the bathroom before he could ask anything. “What do you want to eat?” you yell, almost incoherently due to the toothpaste in your mouth.
“You’re not going to shower?” Hyunjin playfully shrieks.
“It’s my day off!”
“My mom must’ve cooked something. Gimme 10 minutes.”
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Although he’s done this at least a hundred times, it’s still hard for Hyunjin to leave home. Seeing his he’s never able to stop his heart getting heavier at the sight of bidding his family goodbye until God knows when.
“Please come home more Y/N,” his mother asks you, raising her eyebrow. “Hyunjin seems to randomly pop up whenever you’re here, so please, come home more.”
You smack his back loudly, causing him to let out a choked groan. “I’ll teach him a lesson, don’t worry.”
Hyunjin gives his mother a sheepish smile, knowing all too well what she meant. He pulls you out before she starts grilling him for information, yelling one last goodbye before closing the door. You search for something inside your bag, stopping him from pressing the elevator button.
“You left something?”
“My dorm key,” you answer, walking back to your own unit. “You should just go,” you say. “It’s in the middle of the day anyways, we shouldn’t be seen together.”
Hyunjin follows you inside, watching you rummage through one of the buffet drawers. He notices how your shoulders are slumped and the way your eyebrows furrow. As his mind wanders to last night once again, you jab at his stomach lightly. “Hey, you’re spacing out.”
“Oh,” is all Hyunjin can say. He takes a good look of you, something he always does before he parts ways with you. Before he can stop himself, Hyunjin has wrapped his arms around you, letting you hear his erratic heartbeat. He still misses you, even after spending the whole night together.
Eventually, you pull away. “I’ll go first.” You ruffle his head. “See you when I see you?”
“See you soon,” he corrects you.
You smile, taking your bag from the floor and when he blinks, you’re gone.
Hyunjin still misses you now, even when you were just in his embrace a few minutes ago, burying your head into the crook of his neck. The empty space in his heart seems to expand whenever he thinks about you.
It hurts.
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Minho ends the dance practice and everyone collapses on the floor the moment the music stops playing. Hyunjin immediately restarts the discussion they had before practice started.
“We used to sing both Grow Up and You Can Stay, why do we have to choose one now?” he demands while all of them are sprawled on the floor. “Our fans miss it too, I think it’s the perfect chance to bring it back.”
Chan takes a deep breath, nodding at Hyunjin. “I can’t see why not,” he says with a chuckle. “I don’t even remember why we abandoned it in the first place.”
Hyunjin does, and he knows Chan does too. It was simple, really. The song that once gave them comfort turned into this big monster made out of their worst nightmares. Each member had cried to the song during some of their concerts, and now performing it in front of everyone always brings back the painful memories.
“Yeah, we should sing it again,” Felix adds, kicking Jisung’s leg so the latter would sit up and voice out his opinion. “Well.” Jisung scratches the back of his head, “I’m cool with it.”
The rest of the group mumbles similar answers and Chan claps, giving Hyunjin a thumbs up. “Hyunjinnie is all grown up,” he praises before gathering his things and leaves. Hyunjin snorts at the leader’s compliment, but his sparkly eyes can’t fool anyone.
He pulls out his phone to relay the happy news to you, but the sparks in his eyes quickly fade when his messages from hours ago are still unread.
“What time are we leaving tomorrow?” he asks.
Seungmin checks his phone. “5A.M.”
Hyunjin wipes his sweat, chugging his water. Their American tour starts in a few days, and while he’s ecstatic because they’ll be performing at LA Staples Center for the first time, he also feels uneasy.
He takes out his phone, opening his contacts and stops when he sees your name. He stares at the number he remembers by heart.
“You okay?” Seungmin asks. “If you’re worried about District 9’s formation change, don’t. You nailed it today.”
“District 9…” Hyunjin trails off. “We’re getting too old for District 9.”
Jeongin grunts in agreement. “Whenever we finish my head always spins for like a minute. It’s been too long.”
“Yah,” Seungmin scolds him. “You need to get it checked. What if there’s something wrong with your head?”
The youngest does an exaggerated head banging, earning a kick from the puppy-like boy. Hyunjin chuckles at the two’s antics; some things never really change, and he’s grateful that this is one of those things.
Seungmin throws a playful punch at Jeongin’s stomach one last time before focusing his gaze back on Hyunjin. “Seriously though, did something happen?”
Hyunjin’s brain has a lot of template answers to questions like this, but the cliché words on tip of his tongue feel burning. His friends wait patiently as he fumbles for words, blinking his tears away when he fails to find the right words.
“I don’t even know if there’s anything,” he finally concludes. “It’s just—ever since Bonsang, it’s been hard. It’s been… nothing. Empty.”
Seungmin and Jeongin only nod, as if they understand how he feels. They probably do, Hyunjin thinks. Maybe he’s not the only one. Maybe all of his members have experienced it at some point, although at different times. Hyunjin feels slightly relieved at the thought. I’m not insane.
When he was a trainee, he thought everything would be fine once he debuted. It was, to some extent. But he was young and naïve, and when things beyond his control happened, Hyunjin barely managed to stay afloat. People told him how to handle stress, how to voice out his concerns, how to manage his body, mind and soul. He knew how to survive, theoretically.
No one actually taught him nor the other boys, and for an 18 year-old boy, feelings got intense quickly. After some trials and errors, everyone figured that it was best not to bottle up their feelings. Once again, it sounded easy in theory. In reality, with so many things happening at once, most of them eventually created a space in their own heads to seal everything in. They endured.
Jeongin looks at him with hesitation, rubbing his hands together. “It happens,” he reassures him. “It’s okay to worry about it, hyung. But worry about it with me, please!” Jeongin raises his tone. “You can barge into my room anytime. You can annoy the hell out of me, but stop suffering alone, will you?!”
Seungmin can’t miss the chance to tease the maknae. “Says the one who cried alone all night long in the bathtub after losing his voice.”
“If I hadn’t found you, you would’ve passed out,” Hyunjin adds. Jeongin lifts his hands in defeat. “Whatever. But I meant what I said.”
“Our Jeongin is so dependable,” Hyunjin coos.
“You say that all the time.” Jeongin rolls his eyes. “And then still baby me.”
Seungmin takes Hyunjin’s phone from the floor, passing it to the owner. “Call Y/N.”
Hyunjin panics a little. “Why?”
Seungmin shrugs. “Better days start after meeting the person you want to see the most!”
“Speaking of you and Y/N,” Jeongin quips. “You guys aren’t in high school anymore, stop flirting with each other and date already.”
Hyunjin gets a surge of bravery and dials your number, but immediately regrets his decision with each passing minute. He almost ends the call when you finally answer. “Hyunjin?”
“H-hi,” he stammers. “Busy?”
“Kind of... What? What happened?”
“Can we meet? I only need a couple of minutes. You’re in Seoul, right?”
“I am. Hyunjin, what’s going on? You’re scaring me.”
It’s scaring me too.
“I want to tell you in person. Where are you? I’ll come to you.”
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Hyunjin isn’t sure when the lines between best friends and something more started to get blurry. The worse thing is, he realized it way too late and things got complicated before he could do anything about it.
“It’s too late to back out,” he mouths to himself while opening the stairwell door in the hospital you’re currently at. You’re sitting on one of the steps, dozing off as your head hits the wall every now and then.
Hyunjin runs his hand through his hair, guilt consuming him. He sits beside you, pulling your head to his right shoulder. The two of you always attended the same school until high school, when he decided to enroll in SOPA instead of a regular school. Since then, he never really knows what’s going on in your life. You told him about your close friends, the small fights, medical students’ inside jokes, the good looking boys, all the knowledge and experiences you’re grateful for despite the never-ending suffering and constant lack of sleep. You told him everything, but he’s never actually seen you in your world.
You’ve seen enough of his world—you’ve gone to his concerts, awards shows, even fansigns (as a prank because you wanted to see him getting all flustered while pretending not to know you). Hyunjin never has the time or makes an effort to do the same, and while it’s completely understandable due to the nature of his job, he feels like he’s going to lose you.
As he brushes your hair out of your face, Hyunjin asks himself whether he’s good enough for you.
“Whoa,” you suddenly whisper, straightening your body. “Did I fall asleep?”
Hyunjin stops you from getting up. “You must be tired.”
“So are you.” You remove his hand from your head. “So tell me. What’s going on?”
You’re here, sitting beside him, only wanting truth to come out of his mouth. Hyunjin bites his lip, the urge to just let go is eating him up, his soul begging him to get some answers. The familiar hollowness is back, and tears start to roll down his cheeks.
This isn’t the first time he cries in front of you, so you just pat his head, waiting for the tears to stop. “I’m sorry,” he groans. “I’m so sorry Y/N.”
You lift his head, eyes looking straight into his. “What for?” you mutter. “Hyunjin, please tell me.”
Hyunjin makes a silent plead at himself to toughen up, but it’s hard when you’re staring at him like this, wide eyes filled with raw concern and sincerity that never fail to touch the deepest part of his heart. “Hmm?” you prompt, still patting his head ever so softly.
“It’s been hard,” Hyunjin sniffles. “It’s hard to look forward to the future. I feel restless all the time. I have nothing to fight for. It’s…,” He makes gestures with his hand in attempt to explain it better. “… empty.”
You wipe his tears with the sleeve of your white coat. “Do you know why you feel that way?”
Hyunjin nods. “We’re doing well, we really are… and that’s probably why. Everything is going too well I don’t know what thrills me anymore. I thought I’d feel content once I reached all of my dreams, but that’s not the case.”
He examines your face, rehearsing the next lines in his head again and again. You cock an eyebrow, encouraging him to continue. And the last bit of Hyunjin’s defense crumbles with every blink of your pretty eyes.
“And you… I miss you all the time. Even when you’re right here with me, I still miss you. I have to hold back whenever I’m with you because I don’t want you to run away from me. I love you, Y/N. I don’t know when it all started but maybe I’ve always loved you and it hurts me not being able to tell you that. The emptiness… it gets worse whenever you tell me we shouldn’t be seen together or that you have to go or when you have other boys like Jaehyun who are clearly better for you than I am because they can be there for you. I love you so bad you don’t know how hard it is to go through days without you, without kissing you good night, without hearing you laugh for me. I keep thinking, ‘what if you’re suddenly gone?’ Maybe you’ll leave me someday, maybe you’ll tell me that you can’t be my friend anymore, but I need you, Y/N. I love you and I need you here with me to keep going. I—”
Hyunjin watches you slowly—very slowly—retract your hand from his head as words fail him, and he feels as if his guts are being hammered to pieces. He can’t read your eyes, can’t even try to define what your gaze means.
You eventually stand up, pulling him up with you. “I’m not the answer, Hyunjin,” you mutter. “You can’t expect that you’ll never feel empty again once I say that I accept your feelings. It’s just—it’s not fair. This isn’t just about us not being together.”
“I know,” you cut him off, your body start shaking due to all the tension. “I know. That’s how you feel, and I can’t dictate you what to feel and not to feel. Think about it like this…”
You pause to check if he’s still listening to you. He nods, weakly.
“… you spent years working your ass off to get recognition from everyone, and you did it. Don’t ever forget that, I’m begging you. So all of your dreams have come true and you feel lost now… it’s okay. You have a lot of time, Hyunjin. You can always have a new dream, you can have a thousand more. Don’t make me the answer to everything just because you haven’t found any other answer.”
You wait for him to respond, but Hyunjin is frozen to his spot. His world is now upside down, and he doesn’t know how long it will take to fix everything.
Your phone rings, snapping him out of his trance. You look at him apologetically. “I have to go.” Those damn words again. “Ask Seungmin to help you ice your face, you don’t want to show up at the airport with swollen eyes, do you? Call me before you take off, okay? Hyunjin?”
He can only nod, trying his best to give you the most reassuring smile. He feels everything all at once: shock, shame, sadness… but mostly regret because you’re right.
You always are.
“Have fun on tour! Send me all the photos you take!”
Now it’s turn for Hyunjin’s phone to ring as you make your way out, leaving him alone. He’s about to press the green button when the door opens once again. Hyunjin lets his phone ring, watching you fidget with your hands.
He’s still pretty much tongue-tied, but forces himself to ask, “Did you ever… love me? As more than friends?”
To his surprise, you take quick steps towards him, tiptoeing to press your lips on his. Your eyes are closed, your hands are tied to your sides and it takes Hyunjin his whole willpower to refrain himself from pulling your body closer, wrapping his arms around you and kissing the life out of you. He closes his eyes and just stands there, accepting whatever you’re willing to give him because there’s nothing he yearns more than your love and trust.
Hyunjin almost whines when you pull away with red cheeks and teary eyes. “Come back to me when you’re ready. I’ll wait for you. Only you.”
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It’s Hyunjin’s 10th (or 11th? He can’t really remember) visit to New York, but he’s still as excited as a kid with his lollipop. After years of traveling from country to country, Hyunjin realizes that he just doesn’t get bored, ever. Each place holds a special memory he keeps close to his heart, something sentimental that motivates him to go back every chance he gets.
“Stand there,” he motions at Seungmin—the only one who’s willing to accompany him walking around the Empire State Building for the nth time—to stand at the spot he points at. Seungmin follows his instruction, smiling when Hyunjin starts counting. They examine the result and Seungmin shoves his leg. “I guess you finally learned something.”
Hyunjin feigns hurt, setting his camera’s focus on a group of kids, holding his breath before pressing the shutter. “As if you taught me anything.”
He glances at his bandmate who’s busy taking photos with his own camera. Photo hunting with Seungmin is always in Hyunjin’s “limited free time” itinerary. They’ve strolled around so many cities together, sometimes it takes the whole day if time allows them. Strangely, Seungmin never gets bored of it either and although it’s no surprise since he loves photography more than anything else, Hyunjin is grateful.
“You never say no whenever I ask you to take photos with me,” Hyunjin states. “Why?”
Seungmin frowns. “What kind of question is that?”
“Just wondering,” Hyunjin mumbles. “We do pretty much the same thing everytime. Sometimes I force you to go to the places we’ve been to… don’t you get bored?”
“It’s always different everytime, I thought that’s why sometimes you take photos at the same place? It’s never exactly the same, don’t you think?”
Hyunjin goes through the photos he took in New York last year, smiling at some of them as he recalls the funny anecdotes behind them. When he slips his phone back into his jeans pocket and lets his eyes wander… yes, nothing is exactly the same.
“You truly are a photographer. When’s your next exhibition, Photographer Kim?”
Seungmin snaps his finger. “Ah! Exhibition! I forgot to ask you, why don’t we held a joint exhibition this time?”
“You want to show your photos along with my photos?”
“Why not? Yours are amazing too! And you’re my best friend, it’ll be fun.”
Hyunjin imagines having his photo framed on the wall. Small placards pinned underneath, containing the words he constructs to explain each of them. The fans will come to feel how it feels like to be here behind the lens. Maybe people who don’t even know him will come too, and get a chance to actually know him.
He reaches his phone to relay the idea to you, smiling to himself when he finds messages from you instead.
y/n: [sends a picture]
y/n: ahreum finally woke up today! isnt she pretty?
me: everyone is prettier than you
me: you must be happy!!
y/n: ??????
y/n: oh. she asked me to recommend boygroup songs
y/n: i made her listen to every single skz song
y/n: and your solo songs!!!!
me: awwwwwww
me: and you cant be doing this for free right?
“Is that your best friend slash girlfriend?” Seungmin is suddenly standing behind him, reading over his shoulder. “You guys are so cute it’s making me feel sick.”
Hyunjin sighs, gazing at the busy street upon him. “We’re not dating. At least not yet.”
“What happened? Just realized that I never really asked.”
“She asked me to come to her when I’m ready.”
Seungmin looks at him quizzically, but decides not to press him further. “Are you ready now?”
They’re flying back to Seoul next week, and while he thought he wouldn’t be able to enjoy the tour, he truly did. He thinks of all the good things that have happened: the sold out shows, the happy tears, his improvement, the upcoming exhibition with Seungmin, and lastly, you—the one who’s patiently waiting for him.
There have been a lot of times when Hyunjin feels like he’s everywhere but nowhere at the same time. It sounds scary, but now he realizes that he only needs to admit that he’s indeed everywhere, but never nowhere.
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The instrumental of Grow Up starts to play and all the boys rush back to their designated positions. The atmosphere turns a bit more sentimental as the bridge approaches, they’re just looking at each other while Minho is singing his part. In the past, they often teased each other during this very part, afraid that they would break down if they let their emotions overtake them. Hyunjin averts his gaze to the audience, watching the beautiful color of their lightsticks light up the huge stadium. As he gestures at some of the fans to stop crying, Hyunjin thanks himself for convincing the others to add the song back to their setlist.
The song comes to an end, and Chan gathers everyone to make a circle. Hyunjin feels pats on his head and back, Chan’s voice drowned by the fans who are still singing. He can’t resist the urge to turn around, so he does just that, and what he won’t trade what he sees for anything.
Their fans are standing there, eyes focused on everyone on stage as they sing each syllable perfectly. Changbin follows his gaze, and soon all of them are facing the audience again, listening to every wish, every hope, and every message relayed through the lyrics of the song.
Hyunjin lifts his mic, eyes darting to Chan who gives him a nod of approval. “Thank you,” he begins. “This is our last stop for this tour, and I can’t be any prouder and thankful to all of you.”
He lets the translator translate his speech before continuing, “I had a lot of worries before the tour started. I honestly thought I wouldn’t be able to go through everything.”
“You made our dreams come true,” Hyunjin continues. “You made my dreams come true and I naively thought that was the end of everything. But I learned a lot during this tour, and once again, you made this happen. All the pretty words you told us, they mean a lot. They always will. I realized that this will always be my dream, no matter how many times this has come true. I want to make you, who stay with us throughout everything, happy. I want to be here for a very long time. I want to be with you, to be with the members and our family, for a very long time.”
He stops when he feels he can’t continue anymore, letting the others take the spotlight. He gives each of his bandmates with a loving gaze, stopping at Minho who lets tears roll down his cheeks this time. Jeongin is giggling beside him, walking over to wrap the tsundere hyung in a firm hug.
Hyunjin thinks they’ve really come a long way.
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Being back home usually gives Hyunjin a peace of mind, but when he sees no notification on his phone, he feels weird. He dials his mother’s number, his heart grows even more anxious when she picks up.
“Oh Hyunjin-ah, did you just land?”
“Can you come over here? Or do you have an important schedule?”
“No, we get 2 days off. What’s going on?”
“Y/N’s sister passed away. Sorry we didn’t tell you sooner, we didn’t want you to panic.”
“Eomma! How could you?”
“I’m sorry. This is Y/N’s request as well. She’s been here for 2 days and no one can make her eat anything. Can you take her home?”
“I’ll be there soon.”
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“You’re going to live in Germany! You’re such a lucky kid!”
The little girl smiles bashfully as you pout at her. “The luckiest girl on Earth,” you add, fixing her messy hair.
“If you’re so jealous of me, why don’t you come along?”
“Are you kidding?” you exclaim. “I’m on my way to be the greatest doctor in this country. You can’t change my mind.”
“Alright, it’s time to go,” your father interrupts, giving you one last hug before whispering things into your ear. Hyunjin steps back to allow you say goodbye to your family, tearing up at the painful sight. Your father, a doctor, accepts an offer to work in a hospital in Germany and takes the whole family with him since your sick little sister needs more intensive treatment.
But you’re staying to become a great doctor like your father, hoping you’ll get a chance to cure your sister later.
“Please take care of her, Hyunjin. We trust you,” your mother tells him. Hyunjin nods, enveloping your hand in his. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here monitoring her every move and drag her back home whenever she spends too much time at the academy.”
Your sister laughs, bowing to Hyunjin. “I also want a boyfriend like Hyunjinoppa! Please take care of our unnie.”
You yank your hand away from him. “He’s not my boyfriend!”
Hyunjin seems unbothered by your statement, bowing to your family to annoy you more. “Our family will take care of her, you can trust us.”
Your sister’s smiling face greets Hyunjin as he enters the funeral home. He stares at the photo then closes his eyes to pray, whispering strings of apologies that’s always too late. I’m sorry I never visited you. I’m sorry I failed to take care of your sister. I’m sorry I didn’t call you enough.
He bows to your family, the first bow since years ago, and he wishes he could turn back time. Hyunjin turns to you, gazing into your tired eyes. Your mother pulls him towards you. “She hasn’t eaten at all. Can you please bring her home, Hyunjin? I hope you’re not too busy. I’m sorry that we meet like this.”
“Hyunjin just landed in Seoul. How could you force him to come here?” you snap, returning his gaze. “Go home. I’ll call you later.”
Hyunjin almost yells in frustration, but swallows everything before dragging you out, only tightening his grip on your wrist when you try to pry his hand off of you. You keep shouting at him, yelling at him to stop, but Hyunjin doesn’t budge. He drags you all the way to his car, opening the passenger door for you.
“Get in the car, Y/N.”
Without waiting for you to move, he lifts your body and sits you down, fastening your seatbelt. “Please don’t push me away,” he pleads. “Why do you always tell me go home, go back to practice, to leave… why?! I promised your parents to take care of you. I promised your sister, why aren’t you letting me do that?!”
“I never asked you to do that,” you mutter through gritted teeth, causing Hyunjin to grip your shoulders.
“You only said that to hurt me,” he replies. “Even now you’re still trying to push me away. I want to be here Y/N. Don’t you want me here?”
You avoid his eyes, keeping your gaze on your clasped hands. “Tell me,” Hyunjin challenges. “Tell me that you don’t want me to stay with you, and I’ll leave.”
He waits for you to respond, letting out a relieved sigh he doesn’t bother hiding when you shake your head. “Want you here. Thank you.”
“Have you cried?”
After your sister was born, you were told not to shed tears in front of her. Your parents always scolded you if you started crying when you saw her in pain, and after some time, it became a habit. A habit that Hyunjin absolutely despises since it makes you suppress your feelings, as if punishing you for having feelings.
“I don’t know… maybe I haven’t.”
“You lost your sister, you can cry. Your parents cried a lot too, it’s fine.”
You nod, resting your head in the crook of his neck when tears start to well up. Hyunjin presses a kiss on your temple, finding himself tearing up the moment you start sobbing, something he has never witnessed although he’s known you for almost his whole life.
“Is this your Armani suit?” you manage to voice in the middle of sobs and snorts. He takes you into his embrace, chuckling, “Yes, but you can ruin it however you want. Another privilege as my best friend.”
“Can I abuse this privilege?”
“Ruining my expensive suits?”
“No,” you laugh airily. “Crying when you’re with me.”
Hyunjin cups your wet cheeks, gently pushing your hands away when you want to wipe your tears away. “Anytime. You can cry, laugh, curse, get angry, get drunk… you can do anything when you’re with me.”
And that’s all it takes before you start sobbing into his suit again. Hyunjin is standing there for the longest time, sandwiched by the passenger seat and door of his car with you in his arms. He doesn’t care, he will do it all over again, and he will do much more. For you, and only you.
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“Where are you? It’s past midnight already!”
“Hwang Hyunjin, you’re lucky I’m willing to go home when I have a morning shift tomorrow,” you scold him over the phone.
“It’s my birthday! Wait, it isn’t even my birthday anymore!” he whines in an obnoxious tone that never fails to upset you. He giggles when he hears you huff, the sound of the elevator signaling that you’ve already arrived.
“You asked me to buy you a cake right before I left,” you hiss. “Now open the door, I’m outside.”
The call ends and Hyunjin rushes to the door. You’re carrying the red velvet cake he requested, the candles already lit and Hyunjin tries not to melt at the way you look at him. He did ask you to buy him a cake and “surprise” him at your apartment, but he is nowhere near ready to see you like this: all smiley and cheery for him despite sounding annoyed over the phone.
“Happy birthday,” you sing song, your smile growing wider as he blows the candle. Hyunjin returns your smile before taking the cake from you, pulling you towards your room. “Go get changed, I’ll slice the cake for you.”
A few minutes later, both of you are seated on your couch, talking about every little thing while enjoying the cake. Hyunjin tells you about Stray Kids’ upcoming comeback, a very special one since Minho choreographed the title track. You tell him about various cases that happened in the hospital while wondering if you’ll ever finish medical school and actually be a doctor.
Everything feels the way Hyunjin expects it to be, until you put your empty plate on the table and look at him straight in the eyes. “Hyunjin…”
He quickly swallows and places his plate on the table as well, never breaking eye contact with you. “What?”
You gulp. “Do you remember when I asked you to come find me when you’re ready?”
“Feels like yesterday.”
“Well,” you murmur. “I’m just wondering if you’re… ready.”
Fire lights up in his stomach, and before you can continue, Hyunjin is already trapping you between his body and the couch. “I am,” he says. “Are you?”
You brush his fringe with your fingers. “You were waiting for me?”
“You told me to start dreaming again, so I did,” Hyunjin recalls. “And I realized that all of my dreams are right in front of me—you, my family, the hyungs, Jeongin, the fans… keeping you guys with me is something I’ll always dream of although all of you are already here.”
You pout at him, but Hyunjin doesn’t miss the proud gleam in your eyes. “Then what’s taking you so long?”
He pinches your nose. “I waited for you to be ready, as you said before, it wasn’t just about us being together. I don’t want you to choose me only because you feel like you need me. I want you to… want me… to love me with a clear head. Just like what you wanted me to do. I want to give you the world, but only if you allow me to.”
You circle your arms around his neck, sighing happily, “You gave me the world, Hyunjin. You listen to me, you console me, you give me a shoulder to cry on. You’re the only one I’ve ever waited for, and I’m so glad that you came back to me.”
Hyunjin is sure that his whole system has stopped working, the words you just uttered feel like the strongest, yet the sweetest liquor he’s ever tasted. He is drunk on the love you offer; he’s drunk on your touch, your smile and everything you want to give him. You’re driving him nuts, completely nuts, but it’s the only thing he wants to feel. You are the only one he yearns to feel.
You seem to sense his burning gaze and start nibbling on your bottom lip. “So this is the part where you kiss me…”
“This is the part where I kiss you…”
You shake your head. “This feels weird. You’re my best friend.”
“You kissed me,” Hyunjin reminds you. “It’s not like we’ve never done it before.”
“No, but—” You pause to let yourself breathe. “I kissed you. This is different, I’m not going to survive you kissing me.”
“For the love of God Y/N, just—”
You point at your lips. “And I still have my lipgloss on!”
Hyunjin is caressing your reddening cheek now, trying to destroy the last bit of your defense. “And what’s wrong with that?” he asks softly.
“It’s sticky! Our lips will get stuck and it won’t be romantic.”
“So what do you want to do? Go into your room and wipe it off with a cotton pad or something?”
“Yeah, let’s do—”
Hyunjin doesn’t let you finish as he finally dives in, capturing your lips in a searing kiss that set both of you on fire. He hums when he feels your body relax in his hold, allowing him to savor you with so much longing and want. Hyunjin lets his heart take the lead, kissing you harder whenever you tug the ends of his hair and making him putty under your touch. It never feels enough, it feels like he only gets hungrier everytime you return his kiss, the feeling of your lips moving against his almost destroys him.
Nothing is stopping him now, he came back to you and you welcomed him with open arms. Hyunjin leaves one more open mouthed kiss on your lips before pulling away with a loud pop, taking in the sight of you trying to breathe. You slowly meet his eyes with flushed cheeks, eyes mirroring his own and Hyunjin tries to remember every single detail. “God I love you so much,” he hears himself whisper.
You smile, lifting your hand to trace his face delicately. “I love you.”
“Are you mine now?” Hyunjin knows this is childish, but he wants to hear it. He longs to hear it.
Thankfully, you’re willing to play his game tonight. “Only yours.”
“No more mourning over Jung Jaehyun?”
“Jesus Christ, do you need to stoop that low.”
“Yes.” Hyunjin pecks your nose. “He doesn’t listen to K-pop, right? Introduce him to me.”
You roll your eyes. “I love you, why the hell are we talking about Jaehyun now?”
“Then what should we talk about?”
“Since we’re on a competition to ruin the mood, lemme burst your bubble: my parents are moving back in next week so we need another place to do... this.”
“Okay,” Hyunjin answers. “What are we gonna do now?”
You wrap your legs around his torso, making him gasp. “I don’t know, kiss me again? I’m gonna tell you this just once, but I, along with thousands of other people, have always wanted to kiss you. It made me feel pathetic, but it is what it is.”
Hyunjin blushes, but refuses to lose to you. “You tried to make me not kiss you a few minutes ago and now you’re desperate to kiss me. Was I that good?”
“Hmmm I guess so,” you hum.
He swiftly lifts your body, grinning when you tighten your hold around his neck. “Well, I’m yours to kiss now,” he teases, trying to walk into room without knocking into things. You leave soft kisses all over his face, prompting Hyunjin to walk faster so he could just kiss you already.
When your back hit your bed, Hyunjin stops to admire your face. “I kissed you a long time ago, don’t you remember?”
Your eyes widen. “You? Kissed me? With those plush lips? When?!”
“You don’t remember? But it was our first kiss!”
You spend the next few minutes racking your brain before nodding. “Ah, it did happen a long time ago.”
“It’s okay, maybe you wanted to forget that moment. It was your darkest time, and I probably shouldn’t have done that.”
Shaking your head, you run your thumb along his lip. “Thank you for staying with me all these years.”
Hyunjin closes the gap between you once again, hoping to chase away all the sorrow inside your soul. You pull him closer, making him practically lying on top of you, feeling your chest rise with each touch of his lips on your skin. “Thank you,” a kiss on each of your eye, “for,” a kiss on the tip of your nose, “making me,” a kiss on your lips—this time he lets it linger, “dream,” a kiss on your chin, “again,” and a kiss on your neck.
It took Hyunjin so long to understand the world, and now he still hasn’t understood even half of it. But in the middle of his journey, he met you. He learned to dream, he learned to love you.
And he learned to love himself.
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The door opens with a bang, revealing an incredibly panicked Hyunjin. He just finished training when he received a call from you, who said nothing but, “I won’t let you walk home alone.” You wouldn’t end the call throughout his way home, but refused to say anything else and almost making Hyunjin dash to the police station.
Hyunjin sees your shadow, letting out a small scream when he spots you lying on the floor in the dark. He runs to you, about to carry you back into your room when you stop him. “I feel like crying,” you rasp, choking on your saliva. “I can’t stop it.”
It’s been a month since your family left, and while you’re trying your best to be a big girl and live the way you always do, it’s not easy. Hyunjin lies beside you, eyes locked on the tears rolling down your cheeks. You never cry loudly. You never sob nor wail. You just cry silently, mostly in the dark so you can’t see yourself crying.
Hyunjin takes your hand in his, hovering over you before tracing your tears with his lips as if it can stop them. He pecks every wet spot, slowly getting to your lips. He leaves a chaste, barely-there kiss before wrapping his arms around you, whispering comforting things until you start falling asleep on the hard floor.
Hyunjin hopes you’ll allow yourself to cry however you wish to someday.
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a/n: i was so happy writing this that i almost cried when i finished because i know i’m going to miss writing this one. this story feels so sentimental, happy and sad at the same time and probably that’s why i feel so attached to it. ive wanted to write this since last year, even before “give my heart a chance”. i always wondered what would happen after we reach our dreams and i hope you’ll feel a little better after reading this (especially if you’re experiencing the same thing). this story is a long journey, but i hope you’ll enjoy it. 
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nekowriteshaikyuu · 4 years
paper airplane
 if you need to talk, i’m always here.
pairing : sugawara x reader
a/n : OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. I know i’m exaggerating but thank you so much for 100 notes on my previous post  couple’s necklace  !!  i woke up and i just- i freaking flipped. thank you so much X33. i refuse to do any homework because- i don’t want to huhhuhuhu. but yeah,,,enjoy some wholesome hc with sugamama >w<
disclaimer again: you know the drill. but yeah apologies again if it don’t match ze chawacterr.
you were in despair. you felt empty, hurt, unwanted when your 1 year relationship with the boy you most certainly adore left you for someone else. you stared at the picture frame of the both of you together, smiling, holding each other’s hands happily. how could he ?
you wiped your tears and looked out the window that was just infront of your desk. You looked at the opposite building which was blocking the sky. you sighed and just as you were about to leave your desk to grab a glass of water. a paper airplane flew through your window. 
you looked out your window only to realised all the other windows are closed and you lived at quite a high level so there’s no way someone threw it from below.
You were about to throw it away when you saw some blank ink on it. you unfolded the paper airplane up
‘are you okay?’ was written bodly in blank in. you looked at the bottom of the paper and saw what it seems like a phone number.
‘you can always talk to me:)’ 
you were feeling a little skeptical, thinking it’s just some perverted man trying to get laid or something. but nonetheless you pulled out your phone, dialing the number in with a contact name “paper airplane thrower” what a name lmao 
it took a few hours before you had the guts to text this person. 
‘hi,,,i caught your paper airplane.’ you threw your phone on the bed, thinking this person would never answer. Maybe they forgot? Maybe it was an accident? or a dare? either way, you just walked around your room, admiring all the small decorations that were scattered everywhere in your room. It wasn’t long enough before you heard your phone dinged. For some reason you rushed to your phone, unlocking it and saw that the unknown user replied back
‘hey !! sorry if you’re weirded out, i just saw you crying and i was kind of worried. though we are complete strangers. anyways, i’m sugawara btw !’ you both chatted for the whole day, getting to know each other more. his choice of words always brings you a smile. ‘don’t worry’, ‘that’s awesome !’, ‘you’re so cool!’, ‘heheh’, all these simple texts just gives you the most widest smile ever.
This goes on for days to weeks. Somehow, you both had never gone a day without texting each other ever since the incident. Texts turn into voice messages, and soon to calls. Both of you were on the phone for hours. and if ever one of you fall asleep, you’d just continue the call, listening to the soft snores or the bed rustling.
If ever something happen during school, you’d always come home and straight away give him a call which he would immediately answer. you can never have a day without hearing from him. you really love his presence, his voice, his laugh,,,maybe,,him too.
one day you felt like visiting him. After school you decided to take a trip to his school, karasuno. It’s gonna be a journey for you to find him with just the recognition of his voice since he never send you a photo of himself or even switch on his camera. You were abit scared if ever he’s catfishing or a creep impersonating as a teenager.
he mentioned he had volleyball practice so you spent some time in a cafe, recollecting your thoughts and building the courage to actually meet him in person. After a while, you headed of to his school
Your slowly entered, afraid someone might caught you. But you manage to make your way in and find the volleyball gym when you heard the sounds of volleyballs bouncing off the ground. You slowly walked to the gym and immediately felt the chills. 
You kind of lost confidence so you decided to just head back home and wait till he contacts you. But before you could even take a step, you heard the creak of the metal door slide and a bunch of boys came walking out. You flinched and your presence brought attention to all the boys.
“uh- sorry, are you lost? you don’t seem like you school here” a tall guy with a man bun and a small beard asked. He looked so intimidating. you backed away slowly, giving a weak smile
“ah ! s-sorry ! i uh, have to go” but even before you could bail from the boys, a hand caught you and pulled you in. You squeeled and shut your eyes close, afraid of what’s going to happen next.
“y/n?” his voice...it’s so heart-warming. something you’ve yearn for the whole day. you looked up to see the boy with soft, gray hair and clear, glossy eyes.
“what are you doing here? hehe, silly. miss me that much?” he gave a warm smile. somehow it felt like the same smile you could fell when calling sugawara, even without seeing it once. it’s him. it really is him.
“suga...” you gave him a warm, tight hug which shocked the boys from behind. He slowly placed one of his hands behind your back, while the other slowly carress your head.
“there, there, i didn’t know you’d be visitng me ! this is a huge surprise” you pulled the hug away to see his smile pasted on his face again. your heart have never beated so fast before, faster than when you were with your past lover. something about him just makes you skip a beat all the time.
he turned to see his teammates in awe.
“ah, right. guys! meet y/n ! i met her- uhh,,uhmm-”
“by a paper airplane he threw through my window when i was crying over an ex.” you continued which made him slightly embarressed, rubbing his nape.
“aah! you’re the girl suga keeps talking about!” the boy with a strand on blonde hair at the front spoke, he began to lift his brows as he slowly turn to suga
“uh who?” the oranged haired asked
“the girl.” 
“hehe, y/n! do you mine waiting me by the gate? we’ll go home together.” he covered the mouth of the oranged haired boy before he could continue. you nodded and skipped to the gate.
“hinata....you almost made me dig my own grave” suga sighed with relieved.
you didn’t wait for too long before you saw suga running towards you. You both walked home in silence before he broke it.
“ the stars are pretty today.” you looked up, and nodded in agreement. You recalled what the little tangerine head said and was really curious in what he meant.
“hey,, what did that tangerine head meant when he said you had a crush on me?” he chocked on his own saliva. His cheeks flushed red immediately. 
“e-eh? what do you mean?” he tried to play it off, changing the subject about how his body was aching from practice.
“koushi, i’m not dumb. i know what he was trying to say.” he knew he was defeated. he sighed, before looking up at the sky again as he spoke.
“ well,,,i’ve actually known you before. We..passed by each other at the convenient store once. I was crying, and you were there to buy me tissue and a small melon bread. i guess,,,,i liked you since then? i opened my window one day and saw you. i havent seen you since the incident for months. You were crying, just like how i was. i can’t possibly come up to your door so i drew a paper airplane down. Surprisingly it landed right into your window, and i chickened out so i shut mine. i never thought you’d actually contact me. but when you did,,my heart was pounding like crazy. I guess ever since then i just wanted to give you all my attention, since it was the only way i could show my love for you..” he fiddled with his fingers and looked down at the ground. You couldn’t help but giggle from his cute confession.
“haa koushi, you’re so cute. i guess- i can say i feel the same.” 
“w-wait what?” he looked at you, and you couldn’t help make the first move.
“wanna date?”
“IT’S THAT EASY?! but...i wanted to ask you that..” 
“then, i would have said yes.” you gave him the warmest smile which he returned with his.
“then it’s a yes for me too.” he grabbed your hand and pulled you slightly closer.
“i look forward to the future with you, y/n” he whispers to your ear.
“koushi...that’s so cheesy !!” you playfully smack his shoulder.
but you don’t deny it, you as well look forward to the future, with him by your side.
a/n: Omg i had so much distractions writing this while listening to vocaloid so it turned out super whacky and just- not up up to my standard im so sorry TmT. also sorry my stories are like super duper long, i’ll maybe add a word count next time (keyword: maybe sjsjj) But these few days i’m kind of dry with story ideas, so feel free to send in some requests !! i’d take some time if i’m ever free to go through and try to write some of your requests !! again, thank you so so much for 100 notes on my previous post, it really made my day !! X33 <3333
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princessjungeun · 4 years
Lesson Learned: Little! Momo & CG! Sana
Request: Little! Momo accidentally hurts herself when she’s trying to be curious 🥺 can you choose the caregiver! please?
CW‼️ Burns, scar tissue... idk what it’s called ‼️
I chose Sana as the primary caregiver :) Alsothis is kind of embarrassing but when i was like 4 years old i actually did the exact thing that Momo did...i inspired myself 😌
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Momo woke up, her mind feeling small the second she opened her eyes. She looked around the room and didn’t see Jeongyeon, her roommate, around at all. She slid out of bed and walked out of her room, her favorite stuffed bear, Bearing, tucked underneath her arm.
Sana was awake watching tv in the main area of their dorm. Her eyes fell on Momo and she immediately smiled “Momoring! Good morning baby.” The little ran into her caregivers arms and snuggled in close, loving the affection she was receiving.
Sana quickly switched the channel to something more appropriate for Momo. She found the channel all the girls loved when they were regressed. A cartoon was playing and Momo was watching with wide eyes. Although Momo was too young to understand a lot of Korean, she still knew enough things. Hence, making it pretty easy to follow along what was going on in front of her.
The two stayed on the couch, Momo curled into Sana’s arms, until Momo started complaining that she was hungry. Sana led the hungry girl to the kitchen, sitting her down at the table.
“Ok Momo what do you want?” Sana asked holding up two boxes of cereal. Momo responded enthusiastically “JOKBAL! I WAN’ JOKBAL!!” Sana sighed knowing that she wouldn’t be able to say no to Momo, especially when she was this excited.
Sana made Momo’s plate and placed it in front of her, the little’s legs kicking excitedly under the table. As Sana watched Momo eat she poured herself a cup of coffee before sitting back down. Sana watched Momo eat her food with a huge smile, making small noises that emphasized how much she loved her jokbal.
When Momo was done Sana cleaned her plate and took her back to her room to get dressed. Momo tended to regress quite young sometimes and other times slightly older.
Due to this, Sana took it upon herself to buy a bunch of XXXL shirts that came down to Momo’s knees. The little was able to comfortably move in them and she liked the colors and designs Sana bought for her. This made it easier for Momo to dress herself when she was on the older side because all she had to do was pull the shirt over her own head. But it also made it easy for the other girls to dress Momo when she was too young to do it herself, as she was a wiggly baby.
“Momoring can you pick out your outfit for today?” Sana held up two options of clothing. One a large white shirt with little peaches on it, the other a blue set of pajamas Momo received as a gift from another member. Momo pointed to the blue pajamas, mainly wanting to show how good she was at buttoning her own shirt.
Sana led Momo back to the main area of the dorm so Momo could watch a movie. She let the little choose where she wanted to sit on the couch, as it made her feel more independent. Sana didn’t bother giving her any blankets knowing that Momo liked doing those types of things herself, she was quite picky.
Sana allowed Momo to choose her movie, her selection was the Japanese version of Ponyo. Although Momo was old enough to understand quite a bit of Korean, it was more comfortable to watch in Japanese.
Once knowing for sure Momo was all settled, Sana left her alone to watch while she helped Jeongyeon clean her room.
Like most children, Momo had a short attention span. The little realizing that she couldn’t sit still decided she needed a snack. Her unnies always ate snacks while they watched movies so she could too. Momo walked into the kitchen and grabbed her favorite snack from the pantry.
As she turned around she noticed an orangey pinkish light glowing out of the corner of her eye. Momo turned and saw the coffee pot, on the bottom, the hot plate was glowing a light orange-pink. She knew Sana always told her not to touch the stove, oven, knife drawer, or coffee pot. But this was just so pretty that she couldn’t resist the urge to touch it.
The second she placed her hand on the hot plate she felt a sharp sting shoot up her arm. Momo clasped her hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming, knowing that if Sana found out she’d get a timeout. Her eyes watered over and silent tears spilled out. She looked at her hand, the entire bottom of her palm was red. Quickly she wiped her tears and grabbed her snack before heading back to the couch like nothing happened.
Hours passed and Sana didn’t take notice to the fact that Momo was doing everything with one hand. Momo was hoping and praying with every piece of her that Sana wouldn’t see. The little almost blowing her cover when she washed her hands before snack time, a layer of her skin falling off the second her hand touched the water.
“Ok Momoring come on, it’s bath time.” Sana waved for Momo to come to the bathroom. Thankfully Sana knew Momo liked to be quite independent, and she preferred showering over baths at this age. So all Sana had to do was stand outside the shower and make sure Momo didn’t fall.
When Momo was done she reached her hand out for her towel. Sana noticed immediately how Momo was missing a very significant amount of skin on the bottom of her palm. She decided not to say anything just yet, wondering how new it was.
Sana let Momo get dressed and brushed her teeth before letting her come back to her room for bed. When Momo walked in the room and saw Sana waiting for her, she felt her stomach drop. She knew that facial expression anywhere. Sana wasn’t happy with her.
Sana asked “Momo give me your hand please.” Momo stuck out her hand that didn’t have the burn “here you go.” Sana said “the other one.” Momo held her other hand out, but this time it was palm side down. Sana stated “flip your hand over please.” Momo shook her head no and pouted, her lip quivering in fear. Sana gently turned over her hand and that was all it took for Momo to crack.
Tears poured out of the little’s eyes as she wailed “IM SORRY UNNIE! I DIN’ MEAN TO! IM SORRY! MOMORING SORRY UNNIE!” Sana reassured her “it’s ok baby just tell me what happened.” Momo choked out “coffeeee pot.” Sana sighed and asked “I told you not to touch it Momo-ah.” Momo nodded and said “I know.” Sana asked “and what did you do anyways?” Momo responded “touch it.” Sana replied “and what happened?” Momo held her hand out sadly, tears starting to subside.
“Come in let me wrap this.” Sana led Momo to the bathroom again so she could dress her wound. Sana did her best to clean the burn, it broke heart to see Momo crying in pain but there was only so much sympathy she had. The two of them knew if she just followed the rules, this wouldn’t have happened.
When Sana finished she kissed Momo’s bandaged hand, “There all better, you learned your lesson right Momoring?” Momo nodded and kissed Sana on the cheek. The caregiver leading her little back to her room so they could go to sleep.
Although Momo was regressed old enough to want to be very independent, sleeping didn’t apply. No matter what age Momo was regressed at, she never wanted to sleep alone. This being said, she settled in Sana’s arms with Bearing in her own embrace. Sana kissed the top of Momo’s head before turning off the lights. It only took a few minutes until Momo was completely asleep in Sana’s arms. The caregiver holding the sleeping girl tighter, “goodnight sweetheart.”
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typicalmidnightsoul · 4 years
Prythian Valley - Chapter 1
 New person of interest: Helion Daye.
Here’s a question how far would you go to hide a secret, to protect it? How far would Helion go to hide a secret? What if the secret wasn’t a thing but a person and what if he wasn’t protecting something horrific but a…relationship? As Nesta and Audrey are coming out late from cheerleading practice hoping to just relax in Nesta’s hot tub will a chance situation rock her to her core and question her loyalties?  Cassian always knew Nesta carried burdens but he was angry at God for giving her burdens to carry which weren’t hers, burdens which made her cry in the dark in school when he was coming back from football practice.
One last question....How young can a criminal be? 
Prologue here
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Helion Daye, 9 years older than Nesta and like an older brother to her from the age of 3. They were nerds for life and he was a much respected former student of Velaris High. When Nesta moved from LA to Prythian Valley with her mother it was Helion who got special permission from the principal and showed her around his old school. Helion was now a part time university lecturer, owner of Daye Publishing and part time party boy.
 But he had a secret, one that went back to his younger days when he was a sophomore. No one could know, because if they did then it would mean nothing to him, but to the other keeper of the secret…
She would be destroyed.
 Her name was Mrs Clarissa Vanserra; she was an English and Art teacher in Velaris High when Helion was in school. She had started teaching when she was so young, only 22, and when Helion stepped in her English class he almost dropped to his knees.
 She was so beautiful, but what struck him the most was… she was helping a boy with tissues, a boy who his friends had been bullying outside. She turned to him and he almost crossed the distance and kissed her. He found out she already had children; her eldest was a 3 year old, the same age as his little Nessie. And as one thing led to another they had an illegitimate relationship, an affair.
 She was ashamed of it, because she was married and as Helion later found out it was an abusive marriage. He tried to tell her to leave him but she wouldn’t hear of it, she had children with this man.
The affair never truly ended… he had to leave for Uni as his mother in LA had got him into one of the best ones in the country.
 But Clarissa was carrying Helion’s child. She knew it was his. And she told him she… she told him she aborted it because it would only stop him from achieving his dreams. After he left Clarissa thought that was the end of her and Helion’s story but she was wrong.
  Nesta came out of double geography stretching her limbs Luna next to her, Feyre and Amren were exchanging homework apparently.
Nesta was about to walk up to them when she saw…
“Helion!!” She ran to him and he picked her up spinning her around, he laughed as he set her down,
“Hey Nessie,” he chuckled,
“Hellcat what are you doing here?!” She asked,
“Well I wanted to see my old school, and try outs for the football team and its new captain is being picked, I’m also now an advisor for the school newspaper so you’ll be seeing a lot of me.”
Feyre and Luna gave him a hug and he said, “Where’s Mrs Vanserra’s new class, it’s not the old one. I needed to talk to her about the placement of the newspaper office.”
Nesta was confused but Eris came up behind her saying, “My mom’s old class is now a biology lab, her new one is in the second floor.”
To most people Helion was glad to see Eris but Nesta could see the tightness in his eyes when Eris came up to them. He nodded and headed upstairs.
Nesta gave Feyre a hug and told her to tell mom she’d be home late with Audrey.
Feyre nodded and headed off to her last class.
 Audrey and Nesta were packing up their stuff. They had spent more time after practice to choreograph a new routine for the upcoming matches. They headed upstairs to return the locker keys to the janitors office. He had let them stay earlier do long as they lock up and leave the keys in his office. As they were returning they went past the new newspaper office,
“Damn!” Audrey whispered, “Helion’s done a good job.”
Nesta nodded and they went to the back entrance that led to the parking lot. As they went past Mrs Vanserra’s office Nesta froze stopping Audrey.
Before Audrey could gasp, Nesta put a hand over her mouth.
Because there… there was Helion and Clarissa Vanserra standing a breath apart, Helion tracing the skin on her hands whispering something to her.
Nesta made up different circumstances, maybe he was blowing something out of her eye, or she could be hurt, or maybe she had a panic attack and Helion was comforting her.
But as Helion picked up her hand and intertwined their fingers pressing a kiss to the spot below her ears Nesta could no longer kid herself. They had an affair.
Audrey pulled her out and to their car.
As Nesta started it Audrey said, her voice hard, “tomorrow 6am at the office, are we going?”
“You bet your ass we are.”
Helion was setting up the new office, when Nesta and Audrey stepped in. Audrey shutting the door and leaning on it to add another layer of soundproof and defence.
“Hey girls, it’s a bit too early but I guess if you missed me-“
“How long?”
He raised a brow, “Pardon?”
“How fucking long Helion have you been sleeping with Clarissa Vanserra?” Nesta ground out.
His face drained of any colour and he swallowed, “How-how-“
“We saw you after school yesterday.”
He let out a strangled breath and dragged a hand through his hair, then turned to Nesta taking her hands in his and sitting her down on a chair,
“Nes, listen it’s not-“ she snatched her hands away, he took them again a pleading look taking over his eyes,
“You want the truth, I’ll tell you all of it,” he took a deep breath, “ I was a sophomore, Feyre’s age and she was a new teacher, we fell in love Nesta, she had a notebook and she wrote stories in them and I fell hopelessly in love with her words with her, it’s like what you and Cassian have”-she growled-“forget I said that, anyway, she loved me back but she had children, and she was married, an abusive marriage albeit but she wouldn’t leave her children. And then I left for uni but every time I visited the valley I’d meet her and we’d…”
He shook his head, “Nesta please don’t tell anyone. No, please don’t”
“Why?!”She was crying now, “Why not?! You have an affair with a married woman with the mother of my best friend, why can’t I?”
“Because I was there!” He shouted,
Nesta looked at Audrey and back at him, “Where?”
“When Amarantha died, the day she died, the night she died, I was there, we heard someone laughing and talking and… i was there with Clarissa.”
Nesta exchanged a look with Audrey who was suddenly furious,
“No! Nesta had to protect Feyre and now you!”
Helion looked startled, “Why? What happened with-“
“Not now,” Nesta said, “We will keep your secret Helion. But you know we have to tell Luna, she won’t tell anyone either. But why can’t we at least tell Eris or-or”
Helion stood up gathering Nesta’s hands in his, tears slipping down his face,
“We had underage sex Nesta, and I got her pregnant. She had an abortion later but… the cracks are still in our relationship from it. Do you understand the gravity of this situation? I, a 15 year old got a 22 year old teacher pregnant. She could lose her job, I could go to jail, and she could too. Please.”
Nesta stumbled back as Audrey slid down the door hands in her hair.
“A child?” she whispered and Helion nodded.
Nesta nodded, “You have our word Helion, we’ll keep your secret.”
Audrey opened the door as Helion thanked them,
They left telling Luna to meet them at Pop’s.
Luna slurped her milkshake in shock.
“I cannot believe it. And we are not allowed to tell Eris?”
Nesta shook her head.
Audrey leaned back into the booth and groaned.
“What if Eris hates us?”
Audrey and Nesta hadn’t ordered anything. They’d just came in and started rambling. Pop Tate came over,
“What can I get you girls?”
“Turkey club burger, chilli fries and my large regular milkshake for me Pop,” Nesta answered.
“Chicken club, curly fries and my regular milkshake,” Audrey said as Pop smiled at them and hurried off.
“Stress eating?” Luna asked.
Nesta waved her off.
The TV blared quietly in the background as Nesta turned her head.
“A washed up truck was found late yesterday night-“
“Pop can you turn it up please?” Nesta asked as Pop did so.
“By the sheriff’s office. If this red truck belongs to anyone then it can be claimed from the sheriff’s office. Now moving onto todays main headlines…”
 Nesta’s face was etched with horror, as was Luna’s and Audrey’s. Nesta put on a fake smile and turned to Pop,
“Hey Pop, could you pack ours up and also pack in Feyre, Elain and Jonah’s regulars and Mom’s double chocolate milkshake please?”
Pop nodded and gestured to Demi who was preparing the orders.
Nesta let out the staggering breathe as Audrey dialled up one of their friends.
“Leo? We need you to take Jonah to Chicago tomorrow.”
Audrey looked at Nesta. Nesta nodded.
“They found the truck.”
Nesta rushed in as Elain seemed to be making coffee. Feyre and Jonah were at the table. Jonah was Nesta’s half-brother, the loving result of her mother’s affair. Jonah wasn’t that fond of Feyre or even Elain for that matter but he loved Nesta, a love that went really deep. He was in middle school and his best friend was Cassian’s sister, the youngest Narenz: Nyx Narenz.
She slammed down their takeaway and said, “Go eat in your rooms. Don’t come out and Mom will never know you had takeaway for breakfast.”
They all exchanged looks. Then they all ran to their rooms, grabbing the paper packages.
 Nesta strutted into her mother’s study.
But her mother was already staring at the TV screen. Hand over her mouth in horror. She walked up to her mother wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
“Don’t worry Mom, we’ll sort it out.”
Her mother started shaking her head, “No, no I have already got you involved way too much. I will not allow you to-“
Nesta shook her slightly, “Hey mom, I’m doing it either way. Plus I’ve got everything planned out.”
“I can’t put this on you. I need to protect my baby boy, need to protect you.”
“You’re handling things on the inside. Let me handle this. Besides he’s my brother too you know.”
Before she could answer, the doorbell rang. Nesta took the remote and turned off the TV telling her mother to stay here.
She walked down the hallway to the main door and flung it open.
Her eyes narrowed,
“What do you want?” she snarled.
 Cassian swallowed and asked himself if there was a time of day where Nesta did not look fucking gorgeous.
Her hair was pulled into a long sleek ponytail, and she wore a tight long sleeved sheer meshed crop top with a red dragon print. It showed a black bra underneath and was paired with a black mini skirt and black gladiator heels.
He put on a cocky grin and said,
“Your sister said she needed a ride because Rhys’ car is in servicing.”
She snorted, leaving the door open, “Feyre! Your chauffeurs here!”
She turned back to him, “I’m picking up Nyx at 7:30 for the slumber party, all right with you?”
He nodded, “Who else will be there? Nyx hates all of us and hasn’t really told either of us three who’s coming?”
“Nyx doesn’t hate you, the three of you are just annoying, and I don’t disagree with her. And to answer your question, Roxy and Alec are coming.”
Cassian chuckled, “Ouch, no wonder you’re her favourite.”
She rolled her eyes and made her way back to the study. But Cassian knew Nesta and he could see her shoulders sagging from the burdens she carried. He could see a scared little girl behind those stormy eyes today and that terrified him. But before he could dwell on that matter Feyre bounded in and dragged him to his car.
Cassian bumped fists with his crew and went to take a long shower. As he came out he saw Nesta in her cheerleading outfit, rummaging around in her locker. He stalked over to her leaning against the adjacent locker.
“Well, well, if it isn’t Nesta Archeron. What’s the residential ice queen doing so late at school,” the next part wasn’t intended to be cruel but the jealousy Cassian harboured at the fact that Nesta wasn’t his leaked through him as he whispered, “Or shall we say who’s heart is she breaking?”
She slammed her locker shut and as she looked up at him he faltered. How did he not notice? Shit.
Her eyes were red, and her voice sounded slightly broken.
“Are you done Cassian?”
She swallowed and out a hand to her mouth running past him to the toilet.
 All Nesta could see was…memories of the blood on her hand. Of the bleach as she used it. As she burned her mother’s old rug because of the red stains on it. She remembered the gore and as much as she tried to push it away it just kept coming back.
She puked her lunch into the toilet and then felt strong warm hands hold her hair back. Long soothing strokes were made on her back and she managed to say,
“Cassian you can’t be in the girl’s toilet.”
“I think I can handle detention for being in here for you puking.”
A few minutes later she was washing her face in the sink. She steadied herself as she gripped the sides. Cassian put a hand on her lower back and guided her outside.
“You need some fresh air.”
She sat on back step that led to the parking lot.
Cassian kneeled in front of her, her eyes were still red.
“Nesta please tell me, what happened?”
No answer, just silent sobbing.
“Nes please. Or I’ll tell Feyre and Elain and let them handle it. You need to tell someone or you’ll break down again.”
Nesta shook her head profusely, “No, no, please it’s just… I can’t handle these secrets, Helion having an affair with Eris’ mom for so fucking long, he-he had a baby with her, he-he had sex with her when he was 15. And got her pregnant. Even though the baby was aborted I and he was at the river when Amarantha- and then there’s Jonah-“ she broke down sobbing.
Cassian waited a few seconds letting it set in. Helion the school’s former golden boy had an… affair? With a married woman?
He pulled Nesta into his arms.
They stayed like that for a long time before Cassian asked,
“What about Jonah?”
She opened her mouth to answer before her phone buzzed.
“I need to go. Mom’s worried.” She picked up her stuff, and as she walked away from him he said,
“I’ll give you a ride-“
“No, it-its fine.” And as she walked away he could’ve sworn he heard,
“Thank you Cassian.”
 Coming up Next:
 Nesta crossed her arms at her mother,
“Jonah is going to Chicago with Leo and that’s final. Leo will take care of him, she would never allow anything bad to happen to him.”
Her mother opened her mouth but the study door burst open,
“You can’t take Jonah away from me!” Nyx pleaded at Nesta.
But Jonah held up a hand and stepped toward his older sister.
There was fear, Nesta realized in her 14 year old brother’s  silver eyes as he looked up at her and asked,
“Is it because I killed Tomas Mandray?”
 Tags:: @skychild29 @aesthetics-11 @perseusannabeth​ @awesomelena555​
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keigoloveminty · 4 years
Sweet Angel
Bnha Night club AU
I have a suddenly urge to write this x3 Please enjoy it!
Everyones aged up for this !
Chapter 1: Something new to try 
You slammed your head down as you tried not to cry, you were just kicked out of your previous office work, even though it barely paid you,’This is so bad.. ... what am I going to do now!?’,you internally screamed as you scratched your head with both of your hands. You tried to hold back a sob on the papers that screamed ‘You are being relieved from your work, we thank you for your services. Please receive this generous amount of 400,000 yen as thanks’ the money is great an all but you didn’t want to be a burden to your roommates for paying the rent.
You sniffed has you tired to wipe off your tears off while clutching the already wet papers that are now drenched in your tears,”I don't get this! One day they’re are telling me I'm doing great the now I’m being asked to gather all my stuff to cause I’m getting fired. ...”, You placed the papers on the table and walked to the couch and flopped your whole body on it and screamed at a cushion. You friend Ryukyu walked out from the kitchen and gave you a worried expression, she knew you were suddenly fired because you came home crying your eyes out and went straight to your room closing the door quietly. Your roommates including her, Nemuri, Uwabami were quick to try and comfort you, you told them after hours of convincing you to come out and explain but you ended up crying your eyes out while eating your favourite ice cream.
Ryukyu walks to where you were and pats your head,”Maybe this is a sign that you need to try something new, how about that little side Job you do as an artist that takes commissions?”, she says with a soft voice. You looked up form the cushion while sniffling,”I don’t mind that but I don't want to stay cooped up in my room drawing for at least 100+ hours just for commissions, the pays great but mostly all of them are rush orders which is really tiring for me...”, you say. ”Hmmm..Oh! how about streaming?”, She says you tilted your head to the right with a questioning face,”I’m quite shy Ryu-chan and besides it takes awhile to even have a huge fanbase but either way I’m way to shy to even let people see my face anyways...”, this time it was Uwabami’s turn.
“How about working as a model for me? All my models are cool and all but they all have trash attitudes and zero cooperation on shoots”, she huffs as she walks in with two mugs. She hands you a mug,”Its nice and sweet, just how you like your tea”, she smiles. You sat up putting the cushion on you lap and reached for the mug taking a small sip form the tea,”Plus I think you’ll do well as a model with that great body of yours! I’d say you’d do well as a lingerie model”,you almost spit out your tea. You pouted as you looked at her,”I get the ‘Try new things’ but I don’t think putting my body out in billboards or advertisements is too much for me! I’ve done it twice now for you and my coworkers kept asking me if I was working as a part-time model”, you squeaked as you quietly thanked Ryukyu handing a tissue.
“Whaaat? You should flaunt that cute body of yours, besides you're already wearing some of my trial clothings and you look super cute in them already”, she squeals while Ryukyu laughs nervously. Ryukyu was a film director as well as streamer for fun, Uwabami is a fashion designer as well as an online celebrity, and you used to work as a full-time artist that does commissions but decided to try something new and tried to work at a office as someone who basically works their butt off of dozens of papers.
Everyone was user nice and you did considered that you didn't mind working full-time there but after 3 years of serving them you got fired for no specific reason, you were damn sure that you did everything right, learned from your co-workers. You had a suspicion going on that someone who hated you had spread false rumours about you and managed to get to the president which lead you into to being fired. Lastly, is your friend Nemuri, you went sure what her job is, you tired to ask Ryukyu and Uwabami about it but they always say ‘I don’t think you should know..’ or ‘Her work is... something else its like a form of art? But if I tell you it’ll be too much on your soul’ or any answer to redirect your attention.
After 5 years of living together you still didnt know what Nemuri’s job is,”How about working at my job? You should try something wild!”, speak of devil- your friend Nemuri walks out of her room with a towel on her shoulders drying her hair. Ryukyu coughed at her suggestion while Uwabami rolls her eyes at Nemuri,”Nemu I think that work is too much for Y/n, besides thats too wild I don't think y/n will even consider working there even for a week”, she huffs out. Nemuri laughs at this and smirks,”Wanna bet?”, she cheekily says. Before  Uwabami could reply to that Ryukyu was kind enough to step in-between the two,”Stop it you two, we are supposed to be comforting y/n and help her find a job. A job that SHE likes working at”, Ryukyu says while gesturing you to face away for her so she could braid your hair as that clams you down a bit.
Uwabami quickly agrees with Ryukyu,”Yeah! Which means she could work with me as a model for my clothes!”, Ryukyu looks at her a straight face,”A job that y/n doesn't MIND working at for awhile or if your’re lucky she likes the job as your model then she’ll your there full-time”, she says as she returns to braiding your hair. Uwabami sighs sadly grumbling ‘She has a small experience for last time and I think she would do well!’ Nemuri laughs at her friends demise and looks back you,”Theres an open spot for waiters/waitress at my job and plus we have a new rule of no touching the waiters/waitress since that incident. Aaanndd we also have a tight security now! five in every floor, room and in the bar as well!”, she walks in the kitchen to grab a beer.
“Isn't is a bit too early for you to start drinking? Don’t you have work later on?”, Uwabami looks at her with a pout on her face. Nemuri waves her off as she take a huge gulp of her favourite beer,”I could take her there to day for an interview plus! y/n already has great experience cause she works at a cafe before! But I wouldn't force you to do it but then again your always open to trying something new and I think--”, before she could finish her sentence Ryukyu cuts her off,”--its y/n decision to either go with you or work with Uwabami or she looks for other jobs that are open to her or continue doing commissions. It up to y/n to figure out what she wants to do next, also I wouldn't mind letting you work as a graphic designer or be my assistant”, Ryukyu says as she now finishes braiding your hair, she leans back to admire her work.
“Thank you Ryu-chan, I think that calm me down a bit. I'll think about your offers”, you say as you look at your roommates, Uwabami silently celebrates and squeals, ‘What ever you pick I'll respect it’ Ryukyu says softly while patting your head. Nemuri rolls her eye at Uwabami,”You haven’t won anything yet Medusa”, she sneers. Medusa is a name that she uses to insult to Uwabami’s hair but Uwabami doesn't care about but rather likes it cause it suits her,”Like your one to talk, what makes you think y/n would work where you work?! You’ll scare her to death”, Uwabami rolls her eyes and scoff at this,”She’s working as a waitress, Uwabami and the pays actually good since its a really popular place and I wouldn't let her go near ‘That’ place, the no touching the waiters or waitresses rule is basically non existent there since its VIP only”, Nemuri reasons out.
The two went back and worth with reasons and all while silently insulting each other, Ryukyu sighs heavily as she looks at you who was silently watching them roast each other,”Well I’m really curious about where Nemuri works at and she did say there's a spot for a waitress and Ive got some experience when I worked at a cafe before, so I guess its not that different, besides I can't stay cooped up in here working on commissions all day everyday. I wanna try something new!”, you stood up with a determined face as he looked at Nemuri.
Ryukyu laughs nervously at your enthusiasm,’I don’t think thats the right expression your wearing, y/n’,she sweat drops at this Uwabami drops her jaw and lets out a loud groan saddened that you didn’t choose her, Nemuri squeals in excitement and quickly runs to your side and grabbed both of your hands,”You won't regret it, I swear on it! I have to call the Prez. to secure a spot for you”, she lets go of your hands and reaches for her back pocket for her phone.
“Now hold on just a second! Y/n hasn't technically agreed AGREED to fully work there anyway!”,Uwabami shouts clearly annoyed that Nemuri is celebrating early, Nemuri sticks her tongue out like a child. Ryukyu deadpans at their childish behaviour,”As long y/n is safe in working-- like you promised, Nemuri-- then I have no problems with y/n working there-- as a waitress--”, Ryukyu says with s strict voice as she puts emphasis on Nemuri’s name and you working as a server there.
Nemuri visibly shakes in her place clearly excited for you to come with her later and check out the place before it opens, her phone rang a few times till the call comes through,”HEY PREZ.!! I finally found someone that could fill in the spot if the previous waiter who decided to quit... ..Yes... Could she check out the place later before the place opens? OH don’t worry use the door from the back.. okay..SHE CAN!! OKAY I’ll tell her right away!!”, she quickly ends the call and turns to face you with a grin.
“Wear your most comfortable outfit y/n!! Im taking you to my work place in 2 hours!!”, Nemuri quickly run back to her room and slams her door close. She opens it again and looks at Uwabami,”Aaanndd if you want her to still test out your cute clothes my work allows waiter and waitresses to wear what ever they want as long as they have thier server badge around them”, she then closes her door again. Uwabami huffs in complete defeat but grumbles out ‘I guess that kind of a win for me, I’ll make sure to have something she could wear-- super cute too!!’ and goes to her room to scavenge and continue her cute designs for you wear.
Ryukyu looks at you with a serious expression,”Well... . seeing as you've decided on going to that work, I guess I can tell you that this job no regular job sure there's some aspects of serving a person their orders or drinks but it goes sometimes goes beyond that, y/n”, you looked at her with a confused look. “How is it different Ryu-chan? OH! Will you finally tell me what kind of work Nemuri has now?”, you asked excited flapping your arms with excitement, Ryukyu cough nervously and looks at your with her eyebrows furrowed and a small smile,”Erm I think you have to seat down for this one Y/n”.
Its currently 3:26 pm and Nemuri’s work starts at 6:30 pm, you were squirming in your seat as Nemuri drives you both there. You were wearing your most comfortable clothes you could wear a huge jacket that reaches halfway to your knees, leggings and running shoes while Nemuri was wearing a tight fitting dark purple dress that was way to high up her thighs. You already knew what you chose to work at as Ryukyu explained to you back at the house, but then again you have to be accepted into working here but knowing Nemuri she wouldn't hesitate to pull some strings to make them accept you applying there.
‘A stripper club?! I though Nemuri works for a lingerie model... BUT A STRIPPER?! I would've never guess that if Ryukyu did not tell me this..’,you rubbed your arms as you looked at the road ahead of you. Nemuri looks at you through the rear mirror seeing you were feeling unsure,”Hey, were just checking out the place I'm not actually letting you work there right away, we’ll basically give you a tour of the building and at the end of that tour you have to make a decision that your either want to work there full-time or just keep it as an option. But you have like less than a week to decided cause Prez says that there are a lot of people coming in seeing if they could work there, I'm friends with everyone in the building so if anyone tries to get to touchy with you they have to get through me first, got all that?”.
You looked at Nemuri with a small smile not feeling nervous anymore,”So um.. whats it like being a stripper?”, you asked feeling curious. Nemuri grins at your question,”Weellll its kinda fun and art in a way, it also lets me be myself, let out my true self-- not that I cant outside but this place allows me to get down and get wild! And the crowds cheering as well get me going and I do get down and dirty when someone offers it--- cant say no to that and the money as well”, she laughs.
You sat there laughing nervously and looked at the window,’I don't mind working here well not forever but I'd like to just try it out, after all I still have to look for an actual job. Maybe I should just work for an animation studio?’, your mind began to wonder what jobs you should apply at next since the office life just wasn't for you. You were kind of sad cause the people that surrounded you were super sweet and kind-- except that one person-- you’ll miss Shino, Ryuko, Tomoko as well as Yawara (The Pussy cats real names)
But you could always keep in touch with them after all they literally asked you on a hangout this weekend to comfort you, you agreed to it and can't wait to meet them once this week it over and you finally have a grasp of the job you’ll now be working in which in your case you were quite excited as you don’t know how big of a difference being a waitress in a stripper clubs differs from a waitress in cafe. Your legs were jumping in excitement as you pass the third stop light, you could see a building that has all kinds of lights and expensive--like hella expensive-- a few cars parks in the front as well as moving lights,’I-is this how stripper clubs look like?! This place is almost packed and its not even 6:30 pm yet.. .’,You looked at Nemuri with a confused expression.
Nemuri laughs at you as she turns her car to the back part of the building-- that has three floors??-- where workers could park there car there,”We’re here y/n, try not stay close to me this place is quite big and I don’t really want to lose sight of you”, Nemuri easy has she turns off the engine and got out the car and you followed as well. You pulled on your jacket sleeve as you wait for Nemuri while she get her gym bag where she had all her clothes and all her other stuff. She closed her trunk and walked to my side with her gym bag slung on her left arm,”You ready? You know once you walk inside its a whole new world and scene for you, I’m just giving you a tour along with the prez. as well as the rules. You won't start working here unless you sign the papers”, she says as she walks beside you to the back entrance.
You gave her a soft nod as she opens the door to you, as soon as she opened the door a blast of sexy music can be heard-- but a bit muffled-- and the lighting was so dark you could barely see anything if it wasn't for the floor lightings that could guide you,’What the heck-- why is it so DARK HERE?! To be honest Nemuri I'm not sure if I'm in the right place’, you internally cried as you walked right behind her. You made sure to grab the lose sling of her gym bag as to not get lost as waiters and waitresses scamper around to make sure the place was spotless before it opens its doors to the rich people, each of them had this two things around their thighs--wait a second is that ARE THEY CARRYING TWO HUGE ALCHOL BOTTLES?!-- and are those the uniforms you’ll be wearing- this is getting too much.
Your whole body quivered,’Not only this whole place is super- and I mean super expensive looking-- all the people serving here are wearing those kinds or clothes’,You observed the servers running around trying to get ready some were even strong enough to get change at the corner, your guessing they came in late and didn't want their manager to scold them. From what you’ve observed there were some that decided to wear their own outfit with their server badge of course but majority wore the clubs uniforms. “Hey.. Nemuri are we almost there yet?”, you looked at her as you guys were going up the huge stairs to the second floor.
Th structure of the building was honestly new to you, from what you could observe, it has three floors counting the ground floor-- which had a Two small pole stages levelled on each side of the huge pole stage that had a DJ stationed just behind the huge stage. Surrounding the stages had lounges and seating areas for people to watch the performers from, there were railings on the 2nd and 3rd floors to watch the stages on the first floor from above, there were also seats that curved around a super small stage in the center of it,”We’re almost their no need to be nervous! Everyones super nice here”, you laughed nervously,’I’m basically the odd one out here in this place-- Oh please tell me I can wear legging and not shorts to work, PLEASE’,you prayed silently.
You finally reached the managers room at last, you shuffled nervously on you spot as you looked at Nemuri,”Go inside, I'll meet you in her in a second I have to change into my outfit”, she pats your head softly as she walks to the opposite direction. You looked at the sign on top of door ‘Dancers only’ you sighed heavily,”Figures... well here goes nothing.. ..”, you knocked on the door trice and you heard a faint ‘Come in!’, you slowly turned the knob and peaked at the door meekly.
You poked your head out as look inside the room, before you were three people and two of them were in stripper outfits,’I interrupted something didn’t I... GWAHH NEMURI SAVE ME!!!’, you cried internally as the man gestured for you to come inside. You swallowed and stepped inside and closed the door behind you and walked in front of the table,’Don’t look at them, don’t look at them, dont look at them-- will he start or do I have to’, luckily you didn’t have to start the conversation as the-- cute small bear?-- started it for you. “A pleasure to meet you! I’m guessing your’re the new waitress that Nemuri told over the phone, I was just talking to this two about something but I will continue that later seeing that you are here now!”, the manager? jumped down the chair and walked around the huge table to you.
‘Oh my god-- SO CUTE!!! THIS IS THE MANAGER THAT OWNS THE PLACE?!’, you blushed at this, you were cooing how cute the manager was. You held both of your hands on you chest,“N-nice to meet-- YOUUuu?!”, you flinched when someone blew on your left ear. You covered your left ear as you looked the person,”Hello, precious listener”, the person grinned as he looked at you with a playful expression. The person has long silky yellow hair that framed his looks and is wearing a black mesh crop top, yellow tinted glasses, some necklaces, yellow shorts and black boots. You walked backwards only to land against someones chest, the said person held your shoulders softy with his large calloused hands which might be from dancing on the pole.
“Don’t scare her too much Hizashi..”, you flinched at the husky voice behind you--you didn’t know you’d be would be working with a bunch of handsome men-- ‘I don’t know if I should be happy or scared at this.. Nemuri please save me huhuh’, the man that was behind you was wearing a grey mesh top, black leather fingerless gloves, black cargo pants thats tucked in his black combat boots, a few ear piercings and silver chains around his neck. You quickly muttered a ‘Sorry’ and pulled onto your hoodie to hide your flustered state,’NEMURI WHERE ARE YOU HUHUHUHUHUH’, you internally cried. The prez laughed at your flustered self,”Sorry about them! The one who blew on your ear is Hizashi, his stage name is Present Mic and this other fellow here is Aizawa, Eraserhead is his stage name”, the prez says as he taps your leg.
You peaked out from your hoodie to look down at him, he smiles softy,”Your quite shy but thats okay!I can tell your’re going to be a breath of fresh air here at the UA club!”, he laughs softly and all you could do was nod softly, the two strippers in room the can agree to that.
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sladedick · 4 years
Hi! Here’s a prompt: Joey and Grant finding out Slade’s been ignoring them because he’s been busy fucking *coughrapingcough* Robin, them getting annoyed and going, ‘what’s so good about Robin anyway?!’, and then fucking(raping) Robin themselves to find out. Except Slade walks in on them, and is not impressed to see his property being touched by his other property.
anon your brain is MASSIVE. *flashbacks to that “robin and the wilsons” fic i’ve been meaning to write for ages*
content: nobody should read this, rape, underage, incest, im so self indulgent but i wuv them
Where did you get that? Joey signs. The key gleams in the light, Grant slipping it in the lock and turning it with a small click. The door to the basement opens with a slow creak.
“Pops needs to learn to be more careful with his keys,” Grant hisses back. There’s no reason to whisper, what with Ma being gone and Pops being out, but it feels like they should. Joey shifts from foot to foot nervously. Grant pushes past his brother to start down the stairs, Joey glancing nervously back as he starts down. The door remains cracked.
I still don’t know what we’re doing here, Joey tells him.
“He’s spending more time down here than with us,” Grant says angrily, a few steps ahead.
Isn’t that a good thing? Joey wants to ask, but it’s always pointless to interrogate Grant about Slade.
Grant reaches the bottom of the stairs, but it’s so dark that Joey almost bumps into him.
Are you sure we should be -
“Shut up, Jo,” Grant mutters, fumbling for the light switch. It flicks on to a small, cold room. They’ve been in the basement before, but this time it seems crueler, somehow. A door towers on the right, but their eyes are drawn to something else - the boy curled up on the ground, blinking dull eyes at them.
Dark, stringy hair falls around a deathly pale face. The boy’s utterly naked, and Joey thinks that he must be cold by the way he wraps his arms around himself and huddles in the corner. The chain is connected to a loop on his collar, snaking around him and latched to the wall.He had some idea of what Slade was keeping in the basement - the food he brought down there gave some idea. Grant seems less surprised. He must’ve known.
“He’s more interested in this than in his real family,” Grant says viciously. He doesn’t seem entirely sure of himself, now that he’s found the object of his anger, but he steps forwards anyways.
Careful, Joey signs. The boy looks like he might be feral or … something. He’s filthy, but it’s hard to tell the dirt caked under his nails apart from the bruises that stain his skin. But he doesn’t move, or hurt Grant.
“Don’t worry,” Grant says. Joey follows after him, hiding behind his brother’s wider figure. The boy’s eyes go wide at the mention of Slade, but he still doesn’t move. “I know what to do. I saw.” His eyes narrow. A hand fumbles with his belt, fingers slipping below the waistline.
Joey makes an indignant face. Grant!
“It’s what Slade does,” Grant says. Joey can see him hardening, working himself to readiness. “I want to see how he like this.”
Grant, are you sure -
Grant turns on him. “C’mon, Jo, it’ll be fine. It’ll be fun.” He pulls him closer. “Just follow my lead.” Grant’s cock slips out of his fly, one hand still on it as he grabsa hold of the chain to yank the boy forward. He stumbles, eyes wide. Joey catches sight of between his legs - barely any hair, and no dick, just a cunt.
“Please - ” the voice is cracked, as if it hasn’t tasted water in days.
“C’mon,” Grant says. The head of his cock bumps against a bruise on the boy’s cheek. “You know what to do. Do what you did for Pops.” A hand grabs at the boy’s stringy hair. “Suck.”
Wide blue eyes stare. Then, the boy shakes his head. Grant looks furious. He tries to force fingers into the boy’s mouth, prying apart his lips as his opponent shakes his head, despite the hand in his hair. Saliva gets all over Grant’s fingers as he tries to force the boy’s mouth open, hissing in anger.
“Fucking hell.” The rough tones are deeper and crueler than Grant’s. The boys only have a split second chance to react before Grant is being tugged away, Joey taking a step back. “I leave you boys alone for three fucking hours.”
Slade stares down in disgust at the boy at his feet. “And you. I bet you begged for it, didn’t you, slut?”
The boy shakes his head, eyes wide, speaking more words than Joey has heard from him. “No - no - I told him no - ”
Grant is fumbling with his still-hard dick and his fly. “He tried to bite me!”
Slade snaps his fingers. “Shut up, both of you.” He points at Grant and Joey. “If you’re so desperate to be down here, you’ll help.” Then he turns on the boy at his feet. “You tried to bite him.”
The expression on the other boy’s face is one of the purest expressions of fear that Joey has ever seen. “I’m sorry,” he babbles, whispered and low. “I’m sorry - I didn’t mean - I don’t - I wouldn’t have - I’m sorry, please -”
“Guess you aren’t well trained enough, then.” Slade crouches, drawing another key from his belt. It slips into the lock of the boy’s collar. “Good. You’ll serve as a lesson.” The boy’s eyes are wide, and he’s shaking his head, scrabbling at the stone with worn-down fingernails.
“Master - please - I didn’t mean to.”
“Stand up, boy.” The child shudders to his feet and Joey can see how small he is - much smaller than Grant, but only a little bigger than himself. “Hands against the wall. Like that.”
Pops, Joey signs, realizing his own hands are shivering. Pops, what are you doing?
“Punishing my property,” Slade says, barely even glancing in Joey’s direction. Another whimper from the pale boy. Grant’s eyes are narrowed. “Pay attention, boys.”
The slick sound of Slade’s pocketknife opening makes Joey nervous, but it only seems to make Grant more excited. His eyes are bright and cruel. They remind Joey of Slade, vicious in the light.
The tip of the knife presses against the nameless boy’s back. Joey can see the muscles taut beneath it, the underfed body tensing with fear. “What’s it going to be this time, I wonder?” Slade muses. There are scars crisscrossing the boy’s back, some too faded to read, some disappearing into the mess of roping tissue. Joey watches in horror as the knife sinks in, deeper than it has any right to go, crimson blooming around the cut.
The only sound as Slade cuts is the whimpering of the boy who’s being cut into, hands pressed flat against the wall as he shakes.
“Stay still,” Slade says, “or the next place this knife is going is your cunt.”
Joey marvels at the strength of will it must take to stay still, but the boy barely moves as Slade cuts, and cuts, and cuts, until any rhyme or reason to them is lost in the deluge of blood. Vomit burns in the back of Joey’s throat. A hand grabs his wrist, and Joey sees that it’s Grant, eyes lit up with that horrible fervor. Grant pulls Joey closer by his hand, as if he wants him to see.
It’s hard to tell when Slade is finally finished, wiping the flat of the blade off against the boy’s shoulder. “If he acts up,” Slade says, “you give him a reminder of his place.” He turns to Grant, and offers him the knife. “Punish him.”
The boy makes a choked, shivering sound. Grant steps forward, cruelty in his eyes. He shakes his head “Please - ”
“He’ll beg like a girl,” Slade sneers, “but don’t let it get the better of you, son. He’s not sorry until he’s screaming.”
The boy’s body shudders. Blood glints in the light, dripping down his bare thighs and puddling at his feet. Grant yanks the boy’s hair, pushing his head back, placing the knife against the filthy skin of his neck.
“I’m sorry,” the boy whispers. Joey just stares. He’s left staring a lot, feeling something cold in his gut. This is the kind of thing that happens in the dark, he knows. The thought of doing something - that thought doesn’t cross his mind, though. Not with Slade there.
The knife dips below the skin. The cry is sharper this time, Grant holding the boy’s face in place as he digs the knife in. This time, Joey can see the letter the blood is forming - a G, in childish hand, another stroke with every agonized grasp.
“There we are,” Slade murmurs. “Show him what happens when he disobeys.”
Joey’s hands are shaking. He thinks he makes a choking noise, but it’s too small, too twisted by cut vocal cords. Fingers curl and uncurl, trying to find warmth in his jean pockets.
The knife leaves the skin. Grant doesn’t let go of the boy’s hair, darkness stringing between his fingers. He pants in the light, blood on his blade.
Slade slowly works Grant’s hands out of the boy’s hair. “You wanted him to suck you off, isn’t that right, boy?” Grant nods wordlessly, his hand in Slade’s before it’s dropped. “So make him.” Slade kicks, suddenly; the boy falls to his hands and knees with a cry as his legs go out. He stares up at them all with wide blue eyes - darker than Joey’s own, but with something broken inside them.
“Get him on his knees,” Slade murmurs. Then he crouches, still looming over the boy, who looks smaller than ever, “and make him listen. Hit him.”
Grant’s fist pulls back. Joey winces at the vicious crack that echoes through the basement. The boy’s head jolts, snapping to the side.
“Good.” Slade’s voice is cool, calm, like when he taught Grant to nail wood into boards. “Now hit him again.”
Grant’s eyes gleam. Joey looks away as his boot snaps forward. When he looks back through squinted eyes, the boy’s head hangs low, blood gushing from his nose.
He yanks the boy’s head back by his hair. “Tell him what he’s going to do. Be clear. He’s a stupid little thing.”
“You’re going to open your mouth and suck my dick,” Grant says plaintively.
Pale, thin lips open, cutting the trail of blood from the boy’s nose in half. Slade smiles. All Joey can see is the pink of his tongue. “See? Just a little slut. Needs to be reminded what he’s good for, that’s all.”
Grant is already fumbling with his fly. He’s still hard, pulling the boy’s lips flush with his crotch as soon as he can and groaning at the sensation. Saliva dribbles down the boy’s chin, eyes wide. Joey’s mesmerized by Grant moving in and out, gasping as he fucks his cock into the boy’s mouth. There’s a beat of jealousy there, too, and Joey’s sure that Grant doesn’t like the boy as much as he likes him.
Slade slaps the boy’s thigh, hard. “Put some effort into it, whore.” Then he turns his eyes to Joey, and Joey doesn’t like that at all. But when Slade’s finger beckons, Joey can’t refuse, moving forwards to stand behind the boy with Slade. Slade is pulling the boy back by his hips, pushing up his ass until he’s forced to be on all fours if he wants to balance. Grant has his hands in the boy’s hair, pulling him faster onto his dick, the room filled with his panting and the slick sound of saliva.
Joey stands, eyes wide. Slade’s fingers dip into the folds of the boy’s cunt, coming out slick. He laughs.
Is he - does he like it? Joey asks, hands still shivering a little.
“Of course he does.” Joey can see the wetness stringing between Slade’s forefinger and middle finger. “Look at this cunt. It’s begging for something in it. Come here, Jo.”
Joey moves closer, staring at the drying blood on the boy’s back, the obscene way the back of his head moves as he chokes on Grant. Before he can do anything else, Slade’s fingers hook in the waistband of his briefs, pushing them down to his thighs.
“You ready?” Joey looks down at himself. He’s not hard, not nearly, but Slade’s rough fingers are tracing the shaft and his thumb is teasing the head, and Joey can’t help but let out a low hiss of air. He hardens in seconds under Slade’s fingers, Slade pulling him to his knees.
“There we are,” Slade murmurs. He’s making Joey ache, so much that he pushes forwards, shuffling on his knees as Slade guides his cock into the other boy’s cunt. It’s hot, and wet, and it grips him tight. Joey lets out a hissing sort of moan, just kneeling there, letting his cock sink in.
“Tight, isn’t it?” Slade says. He’s in good humor, now, eyes glinting in the light in the same way that Grant’s do. Joey can see the boy’s head bobbing, Slade murmuring next to him. “Go on. Fuck him.” He presses on the small of Joey’s back to get him to move, and he does, with a small snap of his hips.
Joey’s never been inside anyone before. This is too easy, and it feels to good. His hands grab at the boy’s hips, smaller fingers contrasting against large bruises, pushing himself further inside. There are small sounds slipping from his lips as he starts to move, slowly, savoring every second of it.
The boy shudders around him. The slick sounds from how Grant fucks him makes Joey even harder. He stares up at his brother. Grant is grinning at him, fingers tight in the boy’s dark hair. “This is so fucking good, Joey.” Joey looks as Slade. He’s got a half-smile on his face, too, leaning back on the balls of his feet and watching them. They’re enjoying themselves. Joey should be enjoying himself, too, shouldn’t he?
He is. He has to be. His cock is buried in something tight and slick, the sound of skin on skin as he moves himself in and out. Joey can feel himself getting close, already. It’s the kind of thing Grant might tease him for. But he doesn’t think the boy clenching around him will care.
Grant is first, though. He’s gasping sharper, and then he’s staring at Joey, pulling the boy’s head further onto him. “I’m going to, I’m gonna - ”
Slade is there, one hand on Grant’s shoulder, one hand around the base of his cock. “No. You’re not.” Grant’s face is sweaty, indignant, eyes wide as he glares.
“No - Slade - fucking - ”
“You’re going to beg me to let you come,” Slade murmurs. “You’re going to ask politely to use my property.” Fingers slowly trace Grant’s length, one hand fondling his balls. “You’re going to apologize for touching my things.”
Grant’s face is red, hands trying to push Slade away. “Fuck you - jackass - fuck -” His hips are rutting into Slade’s hand, Slade murmuring right in his ear.
“Say you’re sorry, son.”
“Fuck - fine! I’m fucking sorry! Now just let me - let me fucking - ” Slade’s hands leave and Grant’s hips jerk one last time, come dribbling onto the face of the boy in front of him. Grant gasps, his groans filling the room. It pushes Joey over the edge, grabbing the boy’s hips one last time before finishing as far in him as he can reach, blood staining his fingers.
When Joey looks back up, Grant is coming towards him, dick half-tucked in his pants. Joey pulls himself out of the boy - come leaks out between puffy lips, dribbling down pale thighs. The boy shivers on his hands and knees, trying to move towards the ground, but a heavy hand grabs his collar.
“We’re not done with you, slut.” Slade is tugging him upwards and prying his lips open. Joey notices Slade’s erection pushing at his jeans. He stares at Grant and Joey. “Grant, spread his cheeks. Jo - ”
“Please,” the boy begs, “please, it hurts - ” Thick fingers wrap around his throat. Slade keeps talking as if the boy hadn’t said anything, but Joey can see the body beneath him twitching with the lack of oxygen.
“Don’t let him convince you,” Slade explains, to Joey’s pale expression. “He’ll be begging like a whore soon enough. The bitch doesn’t know what he wants.” He shakes the boy a little, and he shudders more. “Jo, take your first two fingers, get them in his ass. If you don’t pry him open, it’ll be hard to move.”
Joey doesn’t dare disobey. He slips his index finger into the puckered hole, Grant’s eyes on him, and then presses his middle finger in with considerably more difficulty. It’s tight.
“Scissor your fingers,” Slade says. “Open him up.” Joey’s fingers move, back and forth, prying him as wide as he can. It’s hard, at first, but it gets easier as he moves. “See if you can fit in a third finger.” There’s a choked whimper, but the boy - now out of Slade’s grip - doesn’t say anything. With some difficulty, Joey slips in a third finger. Muscles clench around him, as if trying to expel him from the body.
“Spread your fingers as wide as you can.” Joey does, trying to pull him wide. There’s blood there, and he wonders if it hurts. He could stop. He could tell Slade he doesn’t want to do this.
But he doesn’t.
“Now curve them.” Slade has a wicked smirk on his face. Joey does, though, scraping nails along the inside of the boy’s warm body. The boy jerks under him, a low groan coming from his lips. His hips move back to pressing Joey’s fingers into him.
On some level, he is enjoying it.
“You have to know how to touch him,” Slade says. “He turns right into a bitch in heat, though, doesn’t he?” His voice almost sounds fond. “Anytime he tries to act uppity, just show him his place. It’s easy enough.” He turns back to Grant and Joey. “See if you can fit yourself into him. Share with your brother. He’s got two holes.”
“Here, lemme help.” Grant’s voice is husky as he leans in, one hand on his own crotch, one grabbing at Joey’s. This is, at least, something Joey is used to. He hisses at the friction, his own hand snaking down Grant’s pants. Grant grins at him as fingers work Joey to fullness, one hand shoving down his pants to get a better angle. “Now you can fuck him properly.” His hands move from Joey to the boy, spreading his cheeks, showing a pried open hole.
It takes a few tries for Joey to properly push himself in but once he does he finds himself hissing with the pleasure of it. Muscles flutter around his intrusion, rubbing at his dick, tight and hot. It’s even better than the boy’s cunt. If Joey had his hands free he would sign a word like fuck, but all he can do is gasp in choked tones.
Grant’s dick is standing at attention, too, bumping Joey’s thigh as he tries to get in next to him. “Move over,” he mutters, a hand tugging at the boy’s scarred thigh to get at his cunt. Joey’s come leaks out of the folds of it. Grant sticks fingers in to roughly scoop it out before lining himself up. Joey scoots over so he can sink in properly, even if neither of them can get to the hilt.
“Look at you, spreading your legs so nicely.” Slade’s murmuring causes Joey to look up from his own dick and the boy’s bloody back. Slade’s talking to the boy as if he’s a pet, a hand pulling his hair back. “I bet you just love being filled up, don’t you?”
It’s almost, almost tender. Joey feels a spike of strange jealousy. His father doesn’t talk to his sons like that often.
The only answer is a mumbled groan as the boy arches his blood-drenched back to press back against Joey and Grant. Grant’s hands dig into his back, blood smearing them, pulling him tighter around Joey.
Slade’s hand goes to his crotch. Seconds later, his cock hangs free. Joey’s seen his dad’s dick before, but it always strikes him as too big to truly fit anywhere. Especially when it’s swollen and hard, bumping against the face of the boy beneath them.
“Now open your mouth so I can fuck your throat.” Seconds later the boy jerks back onto Joey’s cock, drool dribbling to the floor. Grant’s hips snap in response, pulling him closer, gasping in Joey’s ear. Joey has to push him further away to properly move inside the boy’s ass. Even when he’s only halfway in, it squeeze him tight, warm and inviting.
The debauched sound of Slade fucking the boy’s mouth onto his cock fills the room, Grant’s groans mixing in it, Joey just trying to keep his mind inside his body as he presses in and out. It’s dizzying, but exhilarating, the three of them sheathed in the boy on the floor, using his body. He doesn’t make a sound, choked on Slade, not even at Grant’s rough thrusts and the tentative snap of Joey’s hips. His thighs shiver as he holds himself up, blood still dripping to the floor.
“C’mon, Jo,” Grant rasps. “Isn’t it fun?” He slams into the boy, spreading his cunt wide, rocking him onto Slade’s cock. Slade’s too focused on himself to pay attention, a hand fisted into the boy’s hair as he yanks him back and forth on his cock. Joey moans soundlessly as he moves in and out again. It takes some effort with how tight the passage is but in the end it’s worth it. Before he knows it, Joey is jerking forward - pushing Grant aside to come a second time. He feels it bloom around his cock, warm.
“Can’t last long, can you?” Grant teases. This time Joey has the presence of mind to take a bloody hand and flip him off. Grant sticks his tongue out as he elbows Joey aside to get a better angle into the boy’s cunt. Joey can see his own come dribbling out of the boy’s puckered hole. Grant smears it in annoyance as he starts up a cruel pace. It’s not enough for him, though.
Grant slaps the boy’s thigh, leaving a red print. “Try harder!” His voice is choked, and Joey knows that he’s close too, digging nails into the boy’s hips and fucking him as hard as he can. It’s not as hard as Slade, though. Joey can see how the boy’s head is jerked back with every movement of Slade’s, how he’s rocked between Grant and his father. The blood on his back glints in the light.
“Go on, slut. Show him how tight you are.” Slade pushes the boy’s body back, onto Grant. “Or I’ll let him carve you up a second time.”
Grant is groaning seconds later, pressing himself as far as he can go into the slick folds. His eyes are half-lidded, mouth hanging open, in an expression that Joey knows well. Grant’s cock pulls out of the boy a few seconds later, come leaking onto the floor as the boy collapses with nobody holding onto his hips. The only reason he’s still up is Slade has a grip on his hair, snapping his hips methodically.
Slade’s teeth gleam as he smiles in the light, staring at Joey and Grant. His thrusts stop, and slow, and then the boy is panting with only his hands holding him up. Saliva and come drips down his chin, and he wipes it away with the back of his hand. Slade’s cock brushes his forehead before he looks up and licks it clean without being prompted.
“Put your dick away,” Joey tells Grant. Grant stuffs it back in his boxers, fumbling with the zipper on his jeans, mumbling something obscene. Slade finishes with the boy, pushing him to the side. The boy tumbles against the side of the basement, curling in on himself to let Slade step over him. As he does, he leans over, grabbing at the boy’s collar.
“Get over there and apologize.” The boy’s thrown into a pile of bones in front of Grant and Joey, shivering as he looks up at him. The pale face is smeared with come, tracked with tears from choking. The eyes make Joey shudder.
“I - I’m sorry,” he whispers, eyes flicking anywhere except their faces.
“Tell them you’re a little whore who forgot his place.”
The face turns down, pale arms wrapping around the rest of the body, holding tight. Stringy hair hangs down around his head. “I - I’m a … whore. I - forgot my place.”
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Slade turns to Grant and Joey. “Now you two are going back upstairs, and you’re not going to be coming down here again. Understood?”
Grant just stares. Joey nods.
“Unless you want to start taking his place, that is. Understood?”
Grant nods, too. Joey pulls on his arm, pulling him past Slade. He lets go only to ask, Are you coming?
Slade shakes his head. “No.” He smiles. “He always was hard to teach.”
Joey doesn’t look back. He doesn’t want to see that horror on the boy’s face - but he can hear it in his voice, pale and broken.
“Master - master, please - I said I was sorry, it hurts, please don’t - ”
The basement door slams.
All that’s left is Grant and Joey, standing in the kitchen. Slowly, Joey watches Grant draw the key from his pocket. It’s placed on the counter with a soft click. Joey and Grant stare at each other, and Joey suddenly feels very, very small.
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raylee-kai · 4 years
When You Love Someone - Park Jae Hyung Chpt. 1 (Part 1/2)
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Here's the thing.
You hated playing the guitar. 
You were clearly a keyboard/piano person but when you heard that Jae had volunteered himself at the local music shop, you barely hesitate to put your name down on the form for the guitar lessons. It might have got something got to do with the crush you harbor on the guy. 
Your hate of the guitar was mostly because of the fact that your fingers were never flexible enough to press on the strings, how loud and gritty the sounds of an electric guitar echoes and also how there were different ways to play with different songs.
Like what on earth was plucking? 
Why are there different ways to play one instrument? 
It didn't help that there were different ways to tune a guitar. The amount of time you struggled with the tuner was making you regret the decision but as soon as Jae smiles at you and helped you out, you found yourself back in the studio, practicing yet another song on the guitar.
"Have you been practicing your chords?"
You nod, totally forgetting that he was actually asking about guitar chords and not keyboard. He gave a small chuckle and settled in front of you.
"Great, let's see it!"
The next few minutes consisted of;
"Did you tune your guitar? It sounds a little weird.." 
"That's the G chord."
"Bring that finger here and this one here..." 
"Show me A chord..... Uh... That's C chord."
"That's not even a chord."
It was amazing how Jae was never frustrated with your inability to learn the chords because your limit was approaching fast. 
Every mistake you made, you simply want to throw the guitar down and leave but Jae was always there to stop you from doing that. With his kind smile and carefree attitude, you could not stop yourself from falling for him even more. He was honestly your only motivation to learn the guitar.Your frustration was clear on your face but once he ruffles your hair, you can't help it but to come back for the next session. 
"You did great! Just need a little more practice."
Jae flashed a proud smile when you get a chord right was the highlight of the entire lesson.
"That's it for today!"
Jae clapped his hands and pats your shoulder, as if signing to you that you did a good job. Your shy smile made its appearance along with a slight blush but luckily, his attention was on the notification of his phone. He briefly read through and perked up, catching you before you leave. 
"Before I forget, here!"
He held out a shiny silver ticket out to you and grinned.
"Umm... What is this?"
"There's a gig, tomorrow at Club Eclipse. Thought that maybe it would be nice for you to see a few live performances."
You eyed the ticket for a bit before you glance up at him.
"You'll be playing?"
"Not this time but I'll be sure to invite you next time! Pinky promise!"
He stuck out his pinky, wiggling childishly to which you curled with a small giggle. Jae gave you a ruffle on your hair before looking at his watch. 
"I'll pick you up at about 7 at the cafe near school?" 
"You have a license?" 
"Only one way to find out right?" 
He winked, smiling while you tried to bite back your smile. 
You might have went all out in trying to find the perfect outfit which had Seungmin groaning in pure annoyance at the fact that you just practically dumped a bunch of clothes infront of him. The amount of times that you ran into his bedroom's toilet and came out with a new outfit had him regretting his friendship with you.
As if he could break a childhood friendship that easy.
You and Seungmin met each other at a piano recital when the two of you were younger. Ever since then, it was as if it was fated for the two of you to be friends. Both of you kept getting into the same classes, courses and school with or without planning on it. Plus, it did not help that Wonpil, Seungmin's brother, was your partner for a piano recital which made the two of you even closer.
"Are you seriously doing this at my house?"
"I need fashion advice."
You pouted, turning away from the mirror for Seungmin's view. He barely gave you a glance and scoffed.
"Stop pouting. You ain't cute."
You pouted even more at his harsh words but it was just a Seungmin thing to do so you weren't offended in the slightest. 
"Why aren't you asking Hyunjin for fashion advice? He is better than the rest of us at fashion."
You immediately grabbed your phone and called Hyunjin over to Seungmin's house. It didn't take long for him to arrive but not alone.
"Who invited the sunshine twins here?"
"We are here for mental support!"
"Get out of my house."
"Why do you like Jae anyways?"
Felix's question threw you to a state of flabbergast.
"Why Jae?"
Jisung added on, while Hyunjin was picking up outfits and trying to pair them together.
You sat on Seungmin's mattress much to the other's displeasure and thought about it to yourself. 
At first, it was the smile. You always thought that Jae had a cute smile with how he smiles with his eyes. He had a variety of smiles from the playful mischievous grin to the tired yet blessed smirk. It stays in your mind every time and you could not help feeling warm seeing his smile.
"Who's that?"
You asked Seungmin, who had been re-reading his script for the tenth time that day. Your dear friend was a part of the MC line up for some after school event which he was extremely nervous for which was why you, his dear friend, was there to cheer him on.
"That blonde? I don't think I had seen him before."
"Oh, Jae?" 
You raised a brow as if trying to get him to explain more. "He was a student here, my brother's senior. They called him back to help us with the event."
Your attention went to the blonde who was joking around with some of the MCs to calm their stage nerves. The way he threw his head back to laugh caused you to smile a little.
Then, you fell for his personality. How friendly and welcoming he was with everyone, how thoughtful to those he held those dear and how mature and gives the best advice at times. He was like a canvas with similar yet different shades that you would only realize after looking closely.
Jae was not close to Wonpil by any means. 
It did not mean that they hated each other or anything but it is just that their friend circles never really clashed. So, Jae had no reason to protect Wonpil like he did that one time during his third recital. 
During his third recital, the seniors had Wonpil running around, forcing him to do stuff which would make him late to the recital. They went as far as to cut his formal clothes causing him to turn up with red slick back hair and blue button up which had caused a ruckus among the audience and judges for not being professional. But without a doubt, he was able to pull a performance that had the audience crying and reaching out for their tissues. 
Unfortunately, Wonpil was disqualified and was banned from joining in another recital in the event hall for not being "professional" and was reported for "harassing" the seniors that he had helped. 
That had caused you and Seungmin to fume in pure anger with how you had seen Wonpil going around to help the seniors, even going as far as to cut his practice time. 
It was the first time you saw Wonpil getting upset that he walked away. 
You and Seungmin were about to storm into the judges when Jae reached before the two of you could and provided them with evidence and eyewitnesses of the seniors bullying Wonpil and forcing him on errands. You watched in pure amazement at how the older glared the seniors down. 
When you asked why would he stand up for a total stranger, his reply would always be the same. 
"Why not?"
After, you just could not help but pay attention to him no matter where he goes. It's like your eyes would constantly be searching for him. There was just something about his presence that made you look at him in amazement. 
What do you like about Jae?
"I don't know. I just like him."
You should probably trust Hyunjin more than you did because the outfit he put together really looked good. Not only you looked good but you also feel good in the outfit. So there you were with nervous jitters waiting outside the cafe for Jae, typing at your phone furiously, trying to calm yourself down. 
Millennium Line Unite (5)
Memelix : Still cant believe u got boss to give u today off
Memelix : On short notice
J.ONE : Not fair :(
SeungSky : I dont get y u guys complaining
SeungSky : M covering her shift 
SeungSky : If anyone want complain it be me
                                                    lmao he saw my ticket 
                                                    he just send me off 
Dramallama : boss said you need friends 
Dramallama : hes sad Minnie is ur only friend 
Memelix changed Dramallama to PrettyJinnie 
PrettyJinnie : Aww
PrettyJinnie : Thanks baby
Memelix : Anything for my Prince 
J. ONE : my eyes
SeungSky : No flirting 
SeungSky : Not in this christian household 
Memelix : jokes on you
Memelix : im catholic 
SeungSky : And Jisungs a rapper 
Memelix : ??? 
J. ONE : ??? 
PrettyJinnie : ??? 
SeungSky : it means idgaf 
                                        taht got to hurt 
SeungSky : Idgaf bout ur date either 
SeungSky : u made me work on my off day 
SeungSky : u officially out of my friend list 
J. ONE : at least u were in his list 
SeungSky : Han 
SeungSky : stfu 
Oh shit oh shit oh shit
Jae here gtg 
wish me lcuk
Memelix : Stay safe 
PrettyJinnie : Use protection 
J. ONE : good lcuk 
Private Chat : SeungSky
SeungSky : Text me ASAP if somethings wrong 
SeungSky : Don't accept drinks from strangers 
SeungSky : Stay close to Jae hyung
                                        Must u do this everytime 
SeungSky : U only have one braincell
SeungSky : It worries me that u dont have common sense 
                                        I do have 
                                        hope I dont make a fool of myself 
SeungSky : Tough words for a clown like u 
                                        f u 
"Coming in?" 
Jae's voice hollered from the car as you look up from your phone. You darted into the car taking the seat next to the driver's and greeted him casually. You tried to avoid his look, considering how he actually put effort in looking good and you could barely stop yourself from combusting at the sight. 
"Looking good today."
"Thanks. You too, Jae. It's been awhile since I saw you in something other than a shirt."
"That's cause I'm usually half awake and late for work."
"Well, does that mean that you are late everyday?" 
"Hush now little one."
Laughing quietly at his words, you guys started talking about random things and before you know it, you were already there in the club.
He asked, seeing how you hesitate after parking the car nearby. An arm over your shoulder had you calming down almost instantly. It was as if just knowing that Jae was there brought you calmer. 
"Is this the wrong time to tell you that this is my first time going to a club?" 
"You mean to tell me… you're a club fetus?!" 
You giggle at his dramatic scandalised face and playfully pushed him away. He laughed and placed his hands on your shoulder leading the way. 
"Don't worry and just stay close."
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clown-bait · 5 years
Monster Family (Monster Roommate AU) CH9
HIATUS OVER! Im back! I had to take some time off in the fall because holy hell life got crazy! But Im back and Im determined to finish this and get the story through IT ch2 idk how long that will take me but now that Im financially stable I finallly have time to write!
CH 9 Hospital
When you're on a diet the last place you want to go to is an ice cream shop where temptation surrounds you in every corner. For Pennywise staring at a room full of screaming crying infants was like standing in an ice cream shop with a growling stomach and the world's biggest sweet tooth. 
They were so helpless and plump he could just pluck one up and swallow it whole. No one would even notice! They're all just right there! The Adam's apple of his human form bobbed up and down as he gulped and pressed a hand to the window. 
"First time dad?" A man was speaking to him he sounded disgustingly confident and joyful.
"Yes." He answered distantly.
"Aw congrats son! My wife just popped out number 3 right there! Cute little tyke, those legs look like a future football star's legs I'm tellin ya! Nice and plump gonna be a strong runner!"
Robert Grey wiped his lips with his sleeve as he stared at the squirming drumsticks. 
"So newbie which one of the little rascals here is yours? Wait don't tell me, the one with the fish eyes HA!"
Robert held back a snarl. "My offspring have not arrived yet." He said almost ominously 
"Ah hell don't be nervous pal! You'll be fine!"
"I do not get nervous." Robert did growl this time. He wanted to leave not only because this human stunk of pork rinds and grass cuttings but more so that he was stressed being in this place. There was a lot of fear in these halls possibly some of his own. His mate's seizing body was still fresh in his mind and the blood from her head was still under some of his fingernails. She will definitely kill him when she wakes up.
"Mister um Grey? Your wife is…..well she's stable will you please come with me?" A nurse called to him. Finally an excuse to leave. 
"Go get em champ!" He heard the human male call out to him. The eldritch decided that none of his offspring will be participating in this game of footballs just to avoid ever encountering this loud individual again. 
"We don't know how to tell you this sir but your wife is….well she has no pulse... Medically speaking she should be dead.." Robert stood unamused at the door of a hospital room he really did not want to be in. "I'm aware of that." He growled at the confused nurse. He should probably make her not see the fact that leech was a card-carrying member of the living dead but to be honest he wasn't focusing too much on what people saw and did not see. Most of his attention was on the strange male who insisted they came here instead of home. He didn't like the smell of him and did not like that his mind was unreadable. All he knew about him was that he knew his mate and had more than just a guitar in that case he carried. 
When the man found them it was Robert Grey's face he wore while he stood in the middle of the road. The creature frantically licked his seizing mate whos swollen stomach flashed frantically with muffled light. No matter what he did, he couldn't get it to stop and his silver desperate eyes reflected back in the approaching headlights. The following conversation was a blur,  the man apparently had met them the night before on that wonderfully brilliant bender he went on. Something about getting his mate to the hospital something about a friend who worked there….
"Sir? Are you all alright? " The nurse asked and brought the eldritch out of his thoughts. He let out a very inhuman snarl and pushed past the woman "sir! We need to discuss this more there's the matter of an ultrasound and-" Pennywise slammed the door behind him. He glanced up at the scene before him; another nurse fussed over the unconscious vampire smearing ointment on her stomach as she lay as still as a fresh corpse. He did not like the way they touched her nor the smell of the bandages on her head.
"Oh you must be the father? We're about to take a look at the baby." She said cheerfully. Pennywise's scowl did not change. 
The instrument pressed into his brood and a fang twitched over his lip. How dare this filth touch his mate and his eggs. He moved to protect but stopped when little lights began to dimly glow beneath the surface of Leech's pale skin. The nurse was mumbling something about seeing babies then she froze jaw going slack at the sight of the monitor. The infant deadlights within his vampire all shined through the screen, paralyzing their victim while rotating hypnotically just like their parent lights. The eldritch finally softened his gaze at the sight of his offspring. Pride stole his breath away from him and his scowl slowly warmed into a smile. Not even born and already making kills. He understood it all now, pride in something other than himself. Was he crying? Can he cry? Pennywise was lost in pondering these new emotions not even registering that his mate had come to and had bitten into the brain scrambled nurse. Leech hissed as she sucked the life out of the woman reflecting soulless eyes at the dumbstruck cosmic horror who was still completely mesmerized by all the strange new parental feelings it was trying to process. He didn't move till the empty body fell to the floor snapping back to reality at the sound of the heavy thud. Leech returned to a reclined position resting her palm on her churning stomach feeling the happy buzzing beneath her skin coughing and wheezing as if the blood she just consumed was her first breath of life.
A tissue dragged over her lips and one of her eyes slowly opened to watch Robert hover over her. "You're in trouble." She muttered.
"When am I not." He smirked and licked the tissue before swiping blood from her cheek particularly hard. 
"You didn't even propose you dick!" Leech growled and gingerly sat up. 
"Was tired of being bothered." Her mate tossed the tissue aside and instead switched to running his thumb over her cool lips. He licked his fingers clean with a satisfied groan. 
"That's not really the point of getting married Pen." Leech replied quietly and the mood changed fast. Robert's hands pulled away from her and a coldness filled the air. The eldritch stepped back towards the door and Leech could see the hurt on his features even if he hid it.
"..........You do not want this?" was he sad? Oh great drama queen is upset. 
"Hey I'm having your fucking babies egg head!" She blurted out trying to get out of the bed but struggled from her size. Her mate was already getting ready to walk out. "Pen don't fucking jump to conclusions. I don't want this in the way you did it! That's what has me upset!" She felt fear in her throat followed by the pain of her own children feeding off her. Tears spilled from her eyes as ichor bubbled from her mouth. "I want it to fucking mean something to you, like it does for me!" She gurgled weakly spilling black goo from her lips to the floor. Her mate did finally stop trying to leave much to her relief. She coughed and gripped the bed tightly. "I didn't even get a bachelorette party…." She could feel herself panting and she shifted back to a reclining position. "Hey, I still love you, you big drama queen. Don't ever doubt that. Can we just discuss this post offspring? I got a lot on my plate right now."  After an uncomfortable silence he turned to her with wild golden eyes. "They look like me." Was all he said. 
"They eat like you too." Leech sighed wiping her own blood from her lips. Robert's lip twitched upward as Leech shut her eyes in relief "I hate saying this but-"
"You need my help."
"You're the one who did this to me anyway." The vampire groaned and shut her eyes. "I feel so gross and bloated." She felt a hand reach under her knees and another slither around her back lifting her with ease. "Who's being the drama queen now?" He finally grinned 
"Fuck you." 
"You've already done that darling." Robert smirked with pride kissing her bandaged head. Leech traced the nail of her thumb over his cheekbone and her eldritch leaned into the touch.
"Just mouth stuff then." She smiled and kissed his soft wet lips.  
"What the hell are you doing?! Put her back idiot!" The pair froze at the shout as two men burst into the room. Pennywise's eye cracked open and rolled to the side, eyeing them both with venom. "Oh christ, they killed Bridget." The doctor groaned. Herbert West lifted the dead woman's wrist and dropped it "I suppose I can use the body for research. This will be such a mess to clean, you people are nightmares to work with I hope you know that." 
"I thought you said you didn't work with the living doc." Leech grumbled as her mate eased her back down and stood guard in front of her bedside.
"Your buddy here called in a favor."
"The guy from the bar?"
"Call me Duke darlin, Duke Rivers! Found the two of you in the middle of the road, gave you a lift." 
"I don't remember anything after passing out." Leech grumbled gingerly touching her head. 
"Shoulda seen that old bug of yours! What a worried wreck! Didn't I tell ya he'd come around?" The older man laughed then placed his coat on his shoulder. "I'll bet letting the doc take it from here, consider it my one good deed of the day. Come see my show sometime kid." 
"I- yeah, I think I will thanks." The man studied her as Robert shot a venom-filled glare in his direction then nodded at them as he slipped out. Leech barely had time to think before being roughly grabbed by the chin.
"You seem to be healing slow your um..species.. is known for regenerating yes?" West turned her head and pulled back her dressings.
"You think I'm sick?" Leech sat up taking her mate's hand.
"Do keep in mind I specialize in humans this is completely uncharted territory for me." 
"Well I'm human-shaped….most of the time…"
"I'll need you to go over weaknesses and allergies of both you and your...significant other. Something could have weakened you or the babies." 
"I have none!" Robert butted in with pride. 
"Yeah yeah lucky you." Leech grumbled. 
"And I believe I told you to wait till sunset but ohhhh no someone just haaad to go swimming."
"Oh shut up you were just as into it as I was."
"So you've been weakened by sunbathing despite knowing you're allergic to sunlight. And here I thought legendary monsters would be intelligent." The doctor sighed and turned the vampires head who hissed in annoyance. "Figures you are more vulnerable in your condition. By the rate your head injury is healing it'll take days instead of hours till you're on your feet. Hope the tan was worth it."
"Your bedside manner needs work doc." Leech muttered as he roughly redressed her wound 
"I work with the dead not the living"
"It shows." Robert nearly hissed not liking the way this other touched his mate so carelessly.
Leech rolled her eyes at him "So I don't know about you boys but i need another drink. Hook a girl up doc? Got any A negative? That shits rare!" 
"I would like a baby." The cosmic horror said cooly
"You already have babies Pe-.......wait…..no. oh no you are not eating a baby!"
"Peachy they are literally right there!" The eldritch's fangs split his face as he glared out the small window. His company looked mortified "Just one, one small soft and squealing."
"You are not eating a fucking baby!" Leech growled.
"I deserve one!" The disguised clown snarled glaring at his mate with vermilion eyes and a broken human face. 
"You already got my ass virginity today!" Leech snarled back rolling her eyes at the dramatic display.
"Things I did not need to hear at 5 am….. look I'm not stealing you rare blood types and infants for a grotesque gourmet feast. I will supply you with what you will need and then ask you people to get out of my hospital." The doctor grumbled and began to fuss with the corpse on the floor. 
 "Fine then Pen take me home, I'd rather rot in my own bed anyway." 
"I told you a couple days rest. You will live, are all of you this dramatic?"
"Only the pretty ones doc!" The vampire flashed a parting grin as they left the doctor to clean their mess. He was grumbling something about never working with the undead again. 
"You should be resting." Her monster’s voice hissed from under her bed. Leech shot a disinterested glance to the floor then back to her window. She felt a puff of hot moist air uncontrollably close to her face then heard a maw of teeth open "YoU sHOulD bE REsTinG." The eldritch gurgled.
"You realize the scary faces are gonna keep me awake right?" Leech cooly said and heard a set of jaws snap shut with enough force to break bones in two. 
"Things other than scary faces are keeping you up. I smell it on you." Her clown’s voice warbled out and Leech subconsciously moved for him to join her. 
"You ever look at someone you've never met and just feel like you know them?"
"No. But I am amused by this continue." The massive horror smiled through his words as he bullishly snuggled his way into his mate’s bed.
"I think I know the guy who helped us. I don't know why though." 
"Hmm too much stressing for you Mrs. Wise. But I will help put your mind at ease when you feel better. Promise promise." Leech felt soft nuzzles against her head as her mate ran his cheekbones over her skull like a cat. 
"I thought we agreed not to talk about that." Leech grumbled and turned to face her apparent "husband". "And its Grey. I like Grey on the end of my name."
"Someone's thought of this before!" Pennywise's smile widened. "Daydreaming about your clown my dear?"
"Don't embarrass me." Leech grunted and buried her face in his ruff. If she was alive, her face would be hot. "I'm not considering this official until we have a real ceremony and I get a ring. Call me old fashioned but your girl has standards."
"Hmm as you wish then Mrs. Grey!" He chuckled darkly smirking at her darkened cheeks and wide-eyed expression. 
"You fucking jackass." She muttered as her clown cackled grabbing her tight and tickling her skin. So much for bed rest.
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