#& like!! i was a crush of theirs for a long time apparently! I’ve always thought I was kind of undesirable!!!
l-cereta · 1 month
Like… idk it’s going to my head a bit but like. Being desired—more than that, being cared for and wanted—is actually a kind of crazy feeling. I never really grasped that I don’t think… the way someone looks at you? And we don’t love each other, she’s graduating in a week & it’s fine but just the way she kissed me made me feel so much better about myself & my ability to be desired than any actual sex I’ve had
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous: Hello! I was wondering if I could request something along the lines of student! Reader and professor! Donna having a one night stand (they both agree that they shouldn't really continue a relationship (despite them both wanting to)) and then later Donna announces that she's pregnant. The reader kinda thinks nothing of it until Donna looks them in the eyes after she is done with the announcement. Then after everyone leaves reader goes up to her and asks if the baby is theirs, Donna starts to break down because she didn't know how to tell them and that she felt guilty about it. Then reader comforts Donna and basically tells her 'i want this' (also sorry if this is like way too much or like out of your comfort zone)
This is a really good prompt. I’ve already written something where Donna is Y/N’s art professor, read that here! But, I left it pretty open-ended so I’m just going to add onto that. Reader, as usual, is gender neutral. Let’s get into it!
The date you had gone on with Donna with was… Magical. She is so sophisticated, but also very sweet. She’s everything you’ve ever wanted. That night was also quite… Steamy. You couldn’t help your attraction to her. You made the first move and gave her a quick kiss.
Donna kissed you back.
Your chemistry was undeniable.
The next morning, however, you could tell Donna was upset. You leaned over to kiss her in bed. As you got a better look at her face, you discover that she had been crying.
“Y/N… I can’t do this. You’re my student.” She says sadly. Honestly, she knows she is really just pushing you away because she’s scared. She likes you and could see herself falling for you… She’s never felt like this before.
Your heart is… Crushed. You’re already catching feelings. You beg her to change her mind, but she just tearfully asks you to leave.
Seeing Donna now is too painful. Even just catching a glimpse of her from across the quad is excruciating. You want her and it sucks that you can’t have her. You thought about transferring out of her class, but it’s too late in the semester. You decide to keep things as brief as possible in your art class with her. No pleasantries, no smiles… You also sit in the very back of the classroom now. You know that if you open yourself up at all to her, you’re just going to pathetically ask her to take you back and make a fool of yourself.
You need to just fucking graduate and get out of this school. You’re in the first half of your senior year, so you only have one more semester and you are done. You can do this. You just have to wait it out.
Unfortunately, by the time class registration rolls around… You still need a humanities course to graduate and the only available class is with… Donna. Fuck. This is gonna hurt.
Meanwhile, Donna is dealing with her own problems. In addition to being heartbroken about you, there’s been a completely earth-shattering revelation that’s come up. Not long after you two had spent the night together, Donna begins feeling incredibly exhausted… She’s sluggish and sick almost all the time. It’s all she can do to get up in the morning and spend time with Angie before she leaves for work. Finally, Donna decides to see her doctor and the diagnosis is… Life-changing. She’s pregnant. With your baby… She should have realized her symptoms sooner. She was pretty much always sick when she was pregnant with Angie.
She hates how happy she becomes when she thinks about having your baby. It… Tickles her, actually. She really does love you (Made a lot more apparent by your time apart from each other). But, she feels guilty. She doesn’t want to tie you down with a baby if that’s not what you want. You’re just about to graduate. You have your whole life ahead of you.
Initially, Donna decides that she won’t tell you. After all, what are the chances of you two bumping into each other on campus? But… Then she discovers that you’re taking another one of her classes. You either enjoy getting in her head… Or this is just a necessary evil for you to graduate. She can’t tell which reason she would hate the most. After agonizing over what to do, Donna comes to realize that she can’t possibly teach you three days a week without telling you that she’s having your baby.
After winter break, you are nervous. You saunter into your first class back with Donna and decide to sit in the back, as has become routine. You’re relieved she’s not here yet. It would be torment to be alone with her knowing how lovesick you are. More students flood in and you find out that you have some friends who are taking this course as well. You happily chat with them and goof off a bit before class starts. You’re thankful for the distraction.
Finally, class starts. It’s uncomfortable for you both, but it (Eventually) ends. Donna highlights the syllabus and points out notable dates. However, before she dismisses her students, she informs them that she will be taking maternity leave later in the semester and that a substitute will take over at that time. She gives you a pointed stare as she announces this.
Your eyes go wide in panic.
Donna can see the terror on your face. She knows first-hand how startling such a realization can be. She almost starts laughing sympathetically at your understandable reaction, but she chooses to keep a more neutral expression.
You wait for everyone else to file out of the room before you go up to her. Your knees are weak as you approach her. What if it is yours? That would… Be pretty great. You don’t want to make assumptions, though. Maybe she met somebody. Dammit. That thought makes your blood boil. You couldn’t take it if that’s the case.
As you get closer to Donna, you find that just being near her is making you feel better. It’s like you’ve been stranded in a desert with no food or water and happened upon an oasis. You’ve missed her greatly. As you take in the sight of Donna… You can see that her cheeks bear a healthy glow. Her hair is so shiny right now, too. Everything about her is radiant. Motherly… This suits her. Your eyes can’t help but look down at her tummy. Now that you’re focusing on it, you can see a small bump. Fuck… This is definitely for real.
Donna bites her lower lip and clasps her hands nervously which draws you out of your staring. What will you say? She braces herself for screaming and yelling.
After keeping your walls up for so long… You wrap your arms around her. Whether or not this baby is yours… You can’t imagine your life without her. You’re praying she will reconsider a relationship with you.
Donna gasps at your affection. She buries her face in your shoulder, feeling safe. She’s never felt more secure, truthfully.
You pull back and look her in the eyes. “Donna…” You say and brush a lock of her hair back.
Donna can see the unspoken question on your face. She nods wordlessly at you, hoping you won’t be upset.
At Donna’s confirmation, your face breaks into a wide grin. “You’re… Having my baby?” You ask quietly. Hoping you understood correctly.
Donna can’t help but giggle at how excited you look. “Yes, Y/N.” She says. “But, I don’t expect you to-”
You immediately hold her closer. “A baby?! Wow!” You exclaim as your brain processes this news.
You are so joyful. Donna… Wasn’t expecting this. Do you… Want this? With her?
You carefully bring Donna in for a kiss. What a great gift she’s given you. “Please, Donna. I… Love you. I want to be in this baby’s life… I want you more than anything.” You plead.
Tears well up in Donna’s eyes. Your request is so pure. You truly love her and want to take this huge leap of faith with her. She kisses you once again. “Y/N… Cara mia. Are you sure?” She asks you, placing your hand on her stomach. “This is… A big decision.” She tells you.
You rub her tummy and smile back at her. “This is what I want. I love you, Donna. I need you.” You answer. Life without Donna is simply not an option. You will do anything in your power to be with her.
Donna gives you a breathtaking smile before adopting a mischievous smirk. “I hope you understand that your grades will be affected by my ever-changing moods and cravings.” She jokes. “That’s your own fault.” She teases.
You laugh. “Well, I hope I might be able to sway your decisions with lots of food runs. I’ll get you anything you crave, Professor.” You tell her with a wink.
Donna giggles back. “I just might have to take that into consideration.” She says with a smile. “In fact, you could get some extra credit right now if you take me to lunch.” She says, quirking an eyebrow.
“Fuck yeah! I’m down!” You cheer.
Donna tuts playfully at you. “Y/N, watch your language in front of our little one.” She scolds and cradles her stomach.
Your heart flutters at hearing Donna say “Our little one”. You and Donna did this together. It feels… Perfect.
Note: That was a fun prompt to write! I hope you enjoyed!
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akshigo · 2 years
Alone 6/23/22
When I was younger I wanted to have thanksgiving with a friends family. I had thanksgiving with him and his family last year and there were no issues but this time around I wasn’t allowed, apparently because one of his family members was racist. This I remember, what happens next not so much. Supposedly I broke down crying and asked my mom to stay with me so I wouldn’t be alone, but she was/is a single mother and had to work. This I don’t remember, how could I not remember this. It seems plausible, it makes sense, but there’s no aha moment, no ah yes I remember that. Why? Surely I would have. Now maybe she is misremembering it, totally within the realm of possibility, but like, no way, no way I didn’t sit crying alone. So what if I did forget it, leads me back to the original question, why? Maybe, just maybe, it didn’t have as much impact as I thought it did, because I’ve always been alone. That’s just reality. When I was young so often my mom would have to go into work with no one to watch me, so I would sit alone in our home. I would play games and re-watch the same movies and shows I had seen at least 50 times. Sometimes I would see a bug, get all afraid, and with no one to help I would remain scared until I fell asleep. As I grew older I gained online friends that I could spend my time with. Though some we’re terrible people they made me feel less alone. Until they would throw me to the curb for some reason, then I was alone again, until we made up. I won’t pretend I was a saint, because I wasn’t but it still hurt. Then I made new friends, ones I had only one thing in common with and more often than not felt even more alone when I was around them. No fault of theirs mind you, just a simple fact that we didn’t have a lot in common. Now I’m with a different set of friends, I find them to be more enjoyable to hang around but I’m still alone. I use a mask around them, one of a select few. Though the secret to any mask of mine is it doesn’t hide me entirely, merely select parts of myself, the undesirably parts of myself, the ugly parts, the ones that would simply complicate things, the ones that maybe I wish weren’t there, the ones I want to protect from outside observation; from their observation. I can’t reveal to much, lest some unforeseen outcome transpire that leaves me alone or overcomplicate things. For so long I feared being alone. I’m a lot more ok with it now but I still don’t want to be by myself. I’ve been isolated for so long now. Yet I continue to hide. Continue to quarantine myself; aspects of myself. It's ironic truly. Sometimes I'm fine and at worst I'm bored. Sometimes I'm crushed by the weight of it all. I just tell myself there is no escape, I'm doomed to die alone, forgotten, drowning in my misery with no lifeline. And I will, or at least it'll feel like I did because I hide, because I fight this battle alone, because it's how I've fought this battle. This is the only way I know how to. Will this isolation continue to my dying day, or will I finally open up to someone, I’ll be honest I’ve got doubts, especially when I don’t know how open I need to be with someone till this feeling of loneliness subsides. Maybe I just have to suck it all up, deal, cope. Is it right for me to burden them? What if I tell them and get responses that just irritate and infuriate. This is how I’ve felt my whole life, what’s a little bit longer, or a lot I guess. It just feels so bad. Oh well. I may feel distant from others, but at least for now, I’ve got me, myself, and I. For now.
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babygirl-diaz · 3 years
how about this tho -- bucky and sam are in heavy denial about how stupid gone they are for each other. and it's mostly bucky's fault :) cue like a bucky barnes from another time or better yet another timeline landing in theirs, and they gotta get him back home. but the other bucky barnes makes all the right moves on sam. makes him laugh, makes him smile, compliments him head to toe -- just easily expresses everything that the real bucky wants to say. bucky barnes being jealous of himself poor bb
(Wrote something based on this. Hope you like it, anon! Sorry it's a bit different from you prompt)
Bucky couldn’t sleep. The thoughts of Sam invaded his mind, like they often did these days, keeping him awake in the middle of the night. He thought about that beautiful face, that gorgeous smile… that hot body and that sexy ass that was just begging to be grabbed. Fuck.
But Bucky couldn’t make a move on the other guy because he was the only friend he had, and he didn’t want to lose him. So he was forever doomed to suffer through his schoolboy crush.
Bucky sighed and closed his eyes to finally get some sleep when a sound caught his attention. He was out of his bed before the knock on his door. He knew none of his enemies would knock before they burst into his apartment, but he still got the gun from the side table and took it with him. Pressing the muzzle to the door, he left the chain on as he peeked out of the door. But his eyes widened and his jaw dropped when he saw the person on the other side and the gun almost slipped from his hand.
“What the fuck…” he said incredulously. Standing before Bucky was his mirror image. Well, not exactly his mirror image, but close. He looked a little older than Bucky, was rough around the edges, his beard was slightly thicker, his brown hair was longer, and his eyes were brown instead of blue.
“I know how this looks,” the man said in a gruff voice. It sounded how Bucky would sound if he smoked. “Okay, maybe I don’t know how this looks. But could you please remove the gun from the door and let me in?”
“How did you--” Bucky asked but was interrupted.
“I am you.” The man replied.
Bucky had to be dreaming. This was some lucid dream. He had a powerful urge to pinch himself, but instead, he lowered his gun and stepped aside, letting the other man into the apartment.
“Thanks,” the man said offhandedly.
“Care to explain what’s going on here?” Bucky asked, closing the door behind them.
“I will once I figure it out myself…” the other man replied.
“Well, you’re— you— you look like me.” Bucky said, staring at the other man. “How is that possible?”
“I don’t just look like you, dumbass. Like I said, I am you.” Okay, this man had no manners whatsoever.
“How can there be two of us? Wait, a second…” something hit Bucky. “Hydra… are they back? Did they send you?” He took the gun and pointed it right between the other man’s eyes.
“Hey, whoa, man, chill. I don’t work for Hydra.”
“Then who are you and where did you come from?” Bucky unlocked the safety of the gun and got closer to the other man.
“I keep telling you, asshole, I am you. What part of that is hard to grasp?” The other man asked. He suddenly looked more frustrated than scared. “As for where I am from… that’s hard to explain but let’s just say that I am not from this universe-- your universe.”
“What?” Bucky let the gun down once again. “What’s that even supposed to mean?”
“Do you want me to write it in dumbass and hand it to you?”
Bucky again had the urge to shoot this man. “Can’t you talk without swearing?”
“Why? Does it make you uncomfortable, princess?”
“You are such an asshole. How can you possibly be me?” Bucky asked. “I need to think…” He started pacing the floor, wondering what the fuck was he going to do. He stopped in his tracks when he remembered something. “Wait… how did you know where to find me?”
“I live in the same apartment in my universe. Except mine isn’t so…” he looked around and made a face. “--so clean and I have a cat.”
“A cat?” Bucky asked, surprised.
“Yes, fluffy little creatures, perky ears, long tails… You got those in your universe?”
Bucky threw his hands up. “Of course we have cats in our universe. I am just surprised that I would want anything to do with one.”
“What? You a catphobe?”
“That’s not even a thing..” Bucky scoffed. “And by the way, we’re derailing from the point. How did you get here?”
“Hell if I know,” the other man shrugged. “One second I am passed out drunk in my apartment and then the next thing I know I wake up in a strange-looking Brooklyn.”
“You can get drunk?” Bucky asked, surprised. The other Bucky had the bionic arm, even if it was old-fashioned. Then he had to have Bucky’s powers, too.
“It was with Thor. He brought out his special Asgardian liquor, and we got hammered,” the other man explained. “Pun fully intended.”
Bucky rolled his eyes at him and started pacing again. “I can’t do this alone. I need help.” He said, more to himself than the other man.
“Who are you calling?” The other man asked when Bucky picked up his phone to call.
Sam looked exhausted when he arrived at Bucky’s doorstep, and Bucky hated to admit it, but his half asleep state and his grumpy face made him look kinda cute. Okay. Right. Focus Buck.
“What’s so urgent that you asked me to take the first flight here?”
“Okay, so don’t freak out…” Bucky said, putting his hands out in front of him.
“You telling me to not freak out is freaking me out, Buck.” Sam sidestepped Bucky and into the apartment. “So what is it?”
“You have to see it to believe it,” Bucky told him as he led him to the bedroom. He slowly opened the door, and the first thing to hit his ears was the sound of snoring.
“What the hell?!” Sam screeched, causing the other Bucky to practically fall off the bed in his haste to get up. “That’s--” Sam looked between the other Bucky and Bucky, before rushing out to the living room.
Bucky went after him and tried to touch his shoulder, but Sam shrugged him away. “What is going on? Who is that?”
“He’s apparently me,” Bucky explained. “From another universe.”
Sam blinked at Bucky before bursting out laughing. “He’s you. From another universe? Good one, Buck!”
When Bucky didn’t laugh along, Sam’s laughter died down. “You’re not joking.”
“No, he’s not.” Bucky turned around to find the other Bucky standing behind them in nothing but his boxers. “Hey, Sam,” the man tilted his head to the side and offered Sam a smirk.
Sam looked at him from top to bottom, making Bucky frown.
“Hi… Bucky?” Sam greeted him unsurely. “This is really freaky…”
“You’re telling me,” Bucky mumbled.
“H- how did you get to this universe?” Sam asked the other Bucky.
The other Bucky walked over to Sam and stopped a little too close to him. “I have no idea, sweetheart.”
“Sweetheart?” Bucky and Sam asked at the same time and looked at each other.
“What? You don’t like it?” The other Bucky lowered his voice even more.
Sam cleared his throat and shook his head at that. “No, that- that’s fine.”
“Well, doll, I gotta say, you are hot.”
Bucky’s breath suddenly became shallow, and his hands tightened into fists beside him. How dare this man call Sam hot? Yes, Sam was hot. Really hot. But this man had no right to call him that.
“Oh, wow.” Sam chuckled nervously and bit down on his lips. “Thanks, man. You aren’t bad looking yourself. Love the rough around the edges look ya got going on.”
“Why, thanks, baby,” the other Bucky winked at him.
Bucky had enough of the other Bucky’s flirting, and he put himself between him and Sam. “Can we get back to the important part? How do we get you back home?”
The other Bucky dropped on the couch and put his arms behind his head. “No clue. I don’t even know how I got here in the first place.”
“We need help, Buck. This is way above our paygrade.”
Bucky agreed with Sam. This wasn’t a problem they could solve on their own. “Should we ask Dr. Strange for help?”
“It’s worth the try-”
“So you got the wizard over here too?” The other Bucky chimed in.
A broad smile spread across Sam’s lips. “THANK YOU!” Sam said a little too loudly. “Glad someone else agrees that he’s a wizard.” He raised his hand to high five with the other, Bucky, who enthusiastically returned the five. “By the way, we need a name for you. Can’t call you Bucky. It will be too confusing.”
“You can call me darling if you like, doll,” the other Bucky started flirting again. “I wouldn’t mind.”
Sam nervously chuckled at that again, “While I love that suggestion, I think I will go with James.”
“Shame,” the other Bucky-- James pouted. He actually pouted.
Sam sat down beside James and James immediately moved closer to him much to Bucky’s chagrin. “What’s the last thing you remember?” Sam asked.
“I remember going to bed drunk last night and then waking up here this morning.”
“How did you know you were in a different universe?” Bucky asked, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Everything felt wrong…”
Bucky and Sam looked at each other before Sam asked, “That can’t be the only thing, James.”
James sighed. “I’ve been sent to a different universe before.”
“You have?” Asked Bucky.
“Yeah… It just feels different when you’re in a different universe. It’s really hard to explain. You know how when you go to a different country and the wind suddenly doesn’t feel right? It’s like that except dialed up to 100.”
“So universe hopping isn’t anything new to you?” Bucky asked with an edge in his voice. “Why didn’t you tell me that before?”
“Didn’t wanna freak ya out, dumbass,” James replied.
“Do you have to call me that?”
Sam looked up at him and chuckled, making Bucky frown even more.
“So, sweetheart, you got a lady or fella in your life?” James threw his bionic arm around Sam’s shoulder and pulled him closer.
Bucky wanted nothing more than to remove his arm and strangle him.
Sam threw a quick glance at Bucky before replying, “I’m single.”
“Nahhh… that can’t be true. A handsome fella like you doesn’t have anyone in his life. It’s impossible.”
“Are you always this flirty?” Sam asked him instead.
“Only around someone as sexy as you.” James leered at Sam like he wanted to eat him up.
Sam chuckled and looked down at the floor.
Bucky couldn’t take it anymore. He was practically in love with Sam and couldn’t do anything about it. Yet, here was another version of him, touching him and openly flirting with him.
“Sam! Let’s go. We should go talk to Dr. Strange.” Bucky grabbed Sam’s arm and pulled him up.
Sam threw him an annoyed look and pulled his arm out of Bucky’s grip. “Fine! Let’s go.”
“What do I do?” James asked.
Bucky threw him an annoyed look. “You stay here and watch tv or something. We’ll be back soon.”
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ramzawrites · 3 years
Barriers - Reader x Niki
Pairings: Niki x Reader
Characters included: Niki, (mentioned) Wilbur, (mentioned) Philza, (mentioned) Ranboo
Warnings: n/a
Series: a small drabble for Valentine’s :]
Summary: The Enderling Y/N meets up with their best friend and Merling Niki like usual, though this time a surprise is waiting for them.
Words count: 1689
Authors Note: This plays in the Powers SMP (I call it Power smp since Orgins is already taken) and I just wanted to write something nice with Niki since I really enjoyed the idea of an Enderling together with a Merling
Y/N sat down on the soft grass, near the pond. A soft smile ever present on their face as they kept their eyes trained on the water. There were bubbles at the surface nearby, since Niki installed some soulsand in the ground that produced them nonstop.
Ever since she got her hands on soulsand she had been lowkey obsessed with the stuff, always asking for more to decorate her home with it. Y/N ended up being her main source for it since they spent the most time together, which was a bit ironic in hindsight.
As a Merling Niki was bound to water, unable to breath on the surface while as an Enderling Y/N was practically allergic to any water. Yet they still hung out as much as they could.
Just like today Y/N would walk over to her pond and she would come up, making sure that her gills are submerged while the two were talking. Though sometimes Niki would come out more, though not for long since it was her equivalent or holding her breath underwater. Only the exact opposite.
Though today Niki took her time. Y/N kept watch over the water but couldn’t spot their friend.
A blush spread on Y/N’s face as soon as they caught themself hoping it could be more than just Friends but the circumstances were a bit against their favor for that, so they were just happy spending the time with Niki like this.
Niki was a lively and beautiful Merling. Always so excited and happy when Y/N brought her stuff from the surface or even the nether.
Meanwhile Y/N got nervous as soon someone looked directly in their eyes and tended to keep to themself, mostly using their time in order to find things that Niki could enjoy. Yeah they had it bad for her but what can you do.
The two have been talking a lot about how they could maybe find a way to bring Niki out of the water so they could show them the surface while also maybe finding a way to bring Y/N into the water without hurting them so they could finally see all the work that Niki put in her home.
Niki would often talk about how she decorated her home and Y/N would apologize saying things like “I can see some things you have done! Sorry, I can’t see a lot though. I’m sure you did a fantastic job!”
Rainy days were the funny ones. It was the only time Niki could be more outside than usual and actually take a good look at everything while Y/N had to hide from the outside, often huddling down beneath a tree only occasionally teleporting to the next one.
It was on one of those rainy days Y/N and Niki shared a hug, though it was still a bit uncomfortable for Y/N since Niki was all wet from the rain but they didn’t dare to complain. Getting a hug from your best friend for the first time was more important than the admittedly very minor water burns.
That was when something red caught their eye. Something floated between the bubbles. Must have for some reason been caught in it and then pushed to the surface.
Curious Y/N moved closer to the bubbles, inspecting what it was.
A rose?
How did a rose get inside the water? That’s curious. Did the others litter inside Niki’s pond again? If Y/N finds out who it is they will make sure to give them an earful. It’s quite rude to empty your trash inside Niki’s home for Ender’s sake.
That’s when a second rose appeared. Okay, now it was more weird und unlikely. Then a third and fourth. More appeared. Did someone throw a whole rose bouquet into the water?
Carefully Y/N took a hold of one rose, trying their best to not touch the water, while using a cloth that they brough with them to hold the flower. It was wet and a tiny bit squished but a beautiful flower nonetheless.
If Y/N didn’t know any better they would say the pond or even Niki is giving them a little gift. An embarrassed smile spread on their face. A stupid thought that made them happy.
“Do you like them?”
Y/N let out a surprised yelp as Niki suddenly appeared with a beautiful smile on her face, scaring Y/N half to death who was busy with their own thoughts.
“Uh, the flowers? I mean yeah they are quite beautiful.”
Niki’s smile widened as her cheeks grew to a soft pink “I picked them for you!”
Y/N’s eyes widened as they looked between the flowers dancing in the water and the blushing Niki.
“You? You picked them? For me?”
Niki enthusiastically nodded “Yes! Wilbur helped me a bit to find a good place near water and together we picked some! It wasn’t raining but I still managed to pick quite a lot for you!”
Y/N’s face grew hot as their heart beat faster “Wait, wait, wait. Never mind how dangerous it is for you to just walk out of the water for some flowers… why?”
Niki suddenly brought a flask out and stared at it for a few seconds before snapping back towards Y/N. They could immediately tell she was nervous which brought their beating heart into overdrive. They pressed their cold hand against their face, trying to calm themself down a little bit.
“Well it’s Valentine’s Day and I wanted to ask you if you would want to be my Valentine?” she immediately sank a little bit lower into the water so that only her eyes were looking out the surface. Honestly if Y/N wasn’t dumbstruck by that question they would have laughed at Niki’s adorable behavior.
They slowly nodded “Yes. I would love that.” Their voice was wavering due to their nerves. Does that mean Niki felt just the same towards them? Wait, peddle that back. How long did Niki feel like that now that they would ask them out on a Valentines date. Or was it a platonic one?
Y/N felt like their head was about to explode.
“You, uh, you want to go out on a Valentine’s date with me?” they just blurted it out as they tried to make sense of the situation.
Niki came back up so she could talk with Y/N only to reveal her bright red cheeks “Yes! Philza and the others even helped me with making potions that allow me to breath surface air! You can show me your home and we can hang out!”
“I would love that so much, Niki.”
“Oh! That reminds me! Wilbur promised to help me with something!” she then uncorked the bottle and downed the contents of the potion she was looking at before. It was clear Niki was relieved with Y/N’s reaction while Y/N themself still seemed to lag behind.
Niki jumped up and came out the water. She then pointed at the cloth that Y/N held on to who in return just gave it to her without hesitating. Niki then dried herself as much as she could with it, mostly concentrating on her hands.
She then stretched her hands out which Y/N slowly took in theirs. It was the first time in a long while they held hands like this.
Almost amazed Y/N looked up at Niki who was smiling just as brightly at them.
“I asked Wilbur to set something up for like a small picnic for us! Let’s go find him!”
Niki stood up pretty fast while Y/N still seemed dazed.
“I kind of just ambushed you with this, huh? I’m sorry.”
Y/N shook their head “No, I’m glad. I’m just, I never thought you would feel like that towards me. I mean I had hoped but, I never imagined. I feel like I’m on cloud nine.” They admitted.
Niki giggled “I’m sorry I should have explained a bit more. I was just so nervous and then so relieved when you agreed that I kind of jumped ahead. Listen, Y/N. We spend so much time together and I enjoy your company so much, I wouldn’t know where I would be without you. You always come around to bring me stuff only because you think I would like them. That’s sweetest thing anybody has ever done for me. I’ve had quite a crush on you for a long while now but was too scared to say anything, you know, because of our water situation.”
Y/N let out a relieved chuckle “Ha! I had the same thought! I mean I’ve had feeling towards you for a while as well but I was too scared to say anything due to our situation but if that was the case why did you ask me out today?”
“Ranboo came around and told Wilbur of all the enchantments and new potions recipes he and Phil found. He told Wilbur about a potion that would help Merlings breath outside of water.” Niki shook fondly her head “He immediately came my way and told me about it. Apparently our mutual pining has been pretty obvious for all the others but us.”
The two laughed. They laughed as if it was the only way to let go of the last rest of their nervousness. Holding each other’s hands as they begun talking about their pining and how obvious it had been in hindsight.
They spent so much time talking about it Niki had to chug another potion which made them realize they should finally find Wilbur who set up the little surprise picnic for them.
Once they found him and Wilbur saw the two grinning with flushed cheeks, holding hands he brought them over to a flower field. He pointed out that he build up a little overhang in the back that should it rain, Y/N could hide beneath it but otherwise the two could spent time on a blanket with a ton of food which was apparently courtesy of almost everyone.
Apparently once the others heard what Wilbur was doing they felt the need to pitch in since for them it seemed like a long time coming.
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mjsparkour · 3 years
Okay, I asked you a while back for some fic recs and I am in need of more. Have you read any Gina x Ricky lately? Would love for you to share the ones you've loved
I’m so glad you liked my rec the last time, there have been alot of fics that have been written since you last asked so this list was super hard to limit. There are alot in this list alone (17 overall I think). I could always recommend more, Rina writers are just so talented. So here's a list of some of my favorites <3
The Story of Us by peculiarblue
‘gina learns that sometimes things have to fall apart so that they can fall back together, right where they were always meant to be’ This is a complete 2 part chapter fic
Thee Rina bible. It’s everything we could ever want and need. Everything we want s2 to be and more. It’s an absolute masterpiece in every way. So many parts where I nearly died, the angst in the fight scene, the tension before they made up (the dress scene that reminded me so much of that amylaurie scene I lost my mind a little more), them being absolutely gone for each other!!! it’s just perfect in every way.
When Your With Me and Were Alone by orphan account
‘Ricky Bowen remembers everything.’ This is a one-shot three-part completed series.
My favorite series, it’s gotta be. It’s the first of its kind for rina fics. Lore does an incredible job of realistically writing rina’s characterization and reactions to Gina moving and what would happen after. A wonderfully talented writer, utilizing the power of her words while minimalist carries an effect. 
You Know Me Better by This_is_Riri
‘Gina was moving. This would be her sixth move in seven years. She was used to it by now...only this time, it felt different. Post episode 7.’ This is an incomplete multichapter fic.
This one really gets you at your gut. Heart-wrenching for both characters but mainly gina. The vents that happen to both characters, it just makes sense that so much more than their vunerabilities bonds them together. Perfect execution of the mutual understanding trope. 
and I know I’ve kissed you before by ptrprkrs
‘but I didn’t do it right / can i try again, try again, try again? or: 5 times ricky kisses gina + 1 time she kisses back’ This is a complete one-shot.
I love a good five times plus one fic. This one is heartwarming, cheeky and cute. It gives a healthy balance of the inevitable anguish that comes with pining (and not just for the character but for frustrated readers that just wanna put these kids together already) but also the sweet innocence and fluff from first love (or first love adjacent). 
what love might have done by rradioh
‘Ricky follows his gut. Everything changes. Some things stay the same.’ This is a completed one shot.
A good look into what could've been for season one. Reflecting moments that felt like they could’ve easily been placed in the show and showed the subtly of the growth of rinas relationship. It wasn’t something that was thrown into our faces but came gradually and this fic facilitates that growth with key moments that add to that. A Great one-shot.
And the 7th Thing I Hate The Most That You Do (You Make Me Love You) by iknowpIaces
‘It doesn’t help that he really does look good in his costume. God, she hates him. She hates him. She hates him. Then, he has the nerve to smile at her. And Gina hates how that smile alone sends her over the moon.’ This is a completed one shot.
SOOOO GOOD. No one understands, I love the trope where one person has a crush on the other and it's unrequited (or it seems that way) but eventually it's apparent that they're also just as gone for that person as soon as they start moving on, or feeling fine with having their feelings not reciprocated. Then they're both just mutual pining messes, ugh I love it. This fic handles the trope with care and rina just comes together organically. 
lesson in love by finelineholland
“Give me 4 weeks. I’ll help you out. Like… a crash course, if you will. 'How to be the perfect boyfriend for Nini Salazar-Roberts': A class taught by yours truly.” This is an incomplete multichapter fic.
A rom-com in the form of a fic. It’s so true to Ricky and Gina as characters and their dynamic. The writing is really good and gives so much in terms of plot. I really hope it updates soon because I love a good makeover/transformation fic, it gives she’s all that and geek charming in the best ways.  
take me to the feeling by peculiarblue
‘gina meets a stranger at a party she doesn't want to be at, and let's herself fall in love for the night, wherever it takes them’ This is a completed one shot.
Katie does it again. Another classic that makes us fall for rina while they fall for each other under the stars. You can’t help but feel something for them right off the bat because theirs something about the cheekiness of the dynamic and so real. You can’t help but fall for them, a must read.
The Last Time by mytearsricochet
‘this is the one where gina meets ricky and nothing is against them. except for a few misunderstandings, forgotten birthdays, wrong people, and missed opportunities. because as much as love doesn’t care about time, this is the one where time cares about love. and with time, everything falls into place.’ This is a completed one shot.
SO UNBELIAVBLEY UNDERRATED. This fic is too excellent, it's everything rinas could want. it’s an incredibly well done long slowburn that makes you strap in for the ride. With all those teasing moments where they're mutually pining and they're just on the precipice of finding out their feelings for one another only to hold back and stay friends (until the end of course). The end makes you work for it, but so worth it when you get to it. 
10 Days in “Love” by kindredspiritsxo 
‘It was almost the end of high school and nobody had it figured out. Especially Ricky Bowen. His parents had recently divorced, he had no idea what he's doing for college, his longtime girlfriend dumped him the month before and now he's been replaced by one of the most popular guys in school.
To make matters worse, he leaves for Europe in two days for his senior trip. The same senior trip that said ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend were going on. So, Ricky did what any desperate teenage boy would do to try and get his girlfriend back: he devised a plan. A plan that included the help of Gina Porter and playing pretend for 10 days.’ This is an incomplete multichapter fic.
I love a good traveling fic. Sometimes all it takes to get a character to wake up about things going on in their lives or feelings for character b is a good change of scenery. This fic does a great job of utilizing the enviornment to facilitate rinas love story through one of my favorite tropes, the fake dating trope. There's some angst along the way because nothing can ever come easy but it's not without its reward. It gives me major spiderman far from home vibes just solely because of petermjs adorableness and how that energy kinda translates to rina in this fic more so in the beginning before they have this repertoire. 
on the line by peculiarblue
‘with everything in her life finally at a stand still for once the last thing gina needs is one curly haired skater to come in and give her a reason to change again
(or, gina lets ricky back into her life the only way she knows how, at a distance, through daily voicemails, until her heart remembers why she can't love him anymore.)’ This is a completed one shot.
It hurts in the best way possible! that is the best way to describe this fic. Were taken on a journey where I personally wanted rina to just talk to each other in person but the magic was all in the voicemails and the power of their connection. There was a satisfying ending, I couldn't ask for more. If you haven’t read literally everything written by Katie go read it, it won't disappoint.
but everywhere just brings me back to you by ptrprkrs
‘or, ricky is just a little in love with the voice of the girl at the starbucks drive-thru’ This is a completed one shot.
An amazing fic that hits every spot effortlessly, even the ones you didn’t know you had. Like Ricky being a lovesick puppy going to a drive-thru just to hear Gina’s voice for coffee, he doesn’t drink or like. All the while they’d been connected all along. I’m a sucker for any kind of soulmate implications or stories where people are unknowingly connected like that so this ones a real favorite for me. It’s sweet, lighthearted and funny and a great read.
About Love by goldenthread
‘a series of Interconnected one shots and canonical aus for Ricky and Gina <3.’ This is an incomplete multichapter fic.
Here's where I enter some shameless self-promo...I wrote this recently. It’s just some loosely connected one-shots I have of rina based on canon. I write about an alternate first meeting, what would've happened if Gina had to understudy Nini in a rehearsal and (for a future chapter) a babysitting au (for what happened when Gina actually told Ricky the truth, she was babysitting her neighbor's kid when she talked to him at the skatepark). Check it out if it sounds like your thing!
in your eyes by finelineholland
‘you always try to hide the pain, you always know just what to say. i always look the other way. i'm blind, i'm blind. in you eyes, you lie, but i don't let it define you.’ This is an incomplete multichapter fic.
There is something about Rina being written about from an outside perspective that is just so excellent. The story starting with Nini noting the obvious chemistry and their connection and being threatened by it, I don’t know it's just so pleasing to me. Another fic like that one of my favorites (one that I’m pretty sure I’ve suggested in my other rec list), pretend i don’t see it in your eyes by spobylol. Another absolutely excellent read that does not miss once. This story in contrast also writes from rina’s perspective as well which I also thought was well done. 
right from the start I knew by anonymous
‘“Uh.” Ricky really didn’t think this far ahead. To be fair, it’s not like he’s ever thought ahead about anything ever in his life, so this is really to be expected. “We - forget about it? Maybe. Or like - I don’t know. I think I have to figure out how to be like - a person right now. By myself.”
“Same.” Gina says absently. “I’ve spent what feels like my whole life thinking about what other people think of me. It’d be nice to - to be able to try looking beyond that for a change.”
Post-Season 1. Ricky and Nini break up, but that doesn't mean things work out right away.’ This is a completed one shot.
The most iconic love confession I’ve read in a rina fic to date. it’s just so good, a certified rush every single time. The mutual pining hits spectacularly especially when you see just how soon it starts to hit Ricky that he’d made a mistake getting with Nini and him paying for that mistake. The writing only amplifies it. Also Ricky telling Gina he’s obsessed with her? yeah, I automatically added this fic to my list of faves.
If they only knew by goldenthread
‘Ricky Bowen never really bought into the whole soulmate thing (except he did) but life got in the way and now he's sort of pretending to date new (totally not intimidating) girl Gina Porter to win back the one and only Nini Salazar Roberts. Not a single thing could go wrong.
The one where Ricky and Gina aren't so good at the whole soulmate thing and they fake date.’ This is an incomplete multichapter fic.
More shameless self promo, sorry y’all but I’m super proud of this one. It’s a soulmate and fake dating au, combining two of my fave tropes into one to make this (surprisingly) long fic. It’s a whirlwind of emotions and a lot of moving parts in the story. I plan on updating within two months then after that there's three more chapters until its finished :) hope y’all enjoy it if you decide to give it a read!
you are the best thing & the worst thing (that’s happened to me this whole year) by tophsgf
‘Gina's roommate Nini is unbearable. What's more unbearable, however? Her very charismatic and totally off-limits sort-of boyfriend.’ This is a completed one shot. 
An amazing fic, I need more people to know about it! I really like fics where the development between Ricky and Gina is gradual, which seems to be the case for a lot of fics but for this one in particular I like its execution. Obviously, at first, he’s with Nini so it’s like the dynamic is at a point of comparison from the start but we quickly learn that thanks to good ole mutual understanding and overall compatibility Ricky and Gina are just right for each other. A fun read that hits all the bases.
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whentheynameyoujoy · 4 years
So the ATLA Movie Is... Good, Actually?
Just kidding, of course it’s not, it’s so bad it sucked the paint off my walls. But after ten years of people pointing out its glaring flaws, why would anyone bother talking about this garbage heap if not to go the other direction? So here’s a very brief and very superficial list of things the movie does get kinda... not atrociously wrong.
And they won’t be fake hipster pokes, like “It’s fun to laugh at”, “The Rifftrax for this is OK”, or “Kudos to the actress for managing to say we believe in our beliefs as much as they believe in theirs with a straight face”.
(though now that I mentioned it, it is fun to laugh at, the Rifftrax for this is OK, and massive props indeed.)
Rasta Iroh
Yes, I know it’s not exactly the aesthetic of the real Iroh or that it makes no cultural sense for him to sport this do when no one else in the racebended Indian “OMFG what were you thinking Shyamalan” Nation does but goddamn, long-haired dudes are my one mortal weakness and I will ogle the hell out of him.
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Jesus is that a man bun I see that’s it mum I’ve been deaded
Yue’s hair
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Now we’re talking. Yue’s hair turned white when the Moon spirit gave her life, so it makes sense for it to go black again when she sacrifices herself to revive the koi fish. It’s a neat detail I find myself expecting whenever I rewatch the scene in the show. Yes, I realize it’d be a pointless hassle to animate since she, unlike in the movie, immediately goes on to become the Moon herself but still. I like.
The Blue Spirit’s mop
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Zuko, hun, what’s with the dance-off?
First of all, I want to imagine that Zuko the Theatre Nerd was about to leave his ship with just the mask like in the show but then stuck his head into the cleaning cupboard and went, “Yeah, more coverage might be good, even though it do seem mighty fried to shit”.
Which makes me giggle. I like to giggle.
And secondly, the hair’s movement is what makes the static mess of the Blue Spirit’s solo fight scene appear at least bit more dynamic because God knows the cinematography isn’t doing it.
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Any particular reason why it’s at the edge of the action, shot all boring-like?
Now, I get why circular shots would be reserved for Aang while he’s in the practice area and then used once the two join forces. What I don’t get is why Aang’s part of the action scene has a defined visual style while Zuko’s delegated to a few stationary wide shots from afar as though he’s a tertiary goon, meaning that when the time comes to combine the respective pieces of cinema language and visually convey collaboration, there’s not really much to combine.
But as long as Zuko is stuck in this static mess, it’s that awesome disaster on his head flopping about that draws the eye, helping me understand that something even is going on over there.
It also prevents me from paying much attention to how the extras are mostly just staying put and a lot of the hits don’t land, so that’s good.
The music slaps
James Newton Howard is too good for this.
Pls ignore that the word “gods” is used in the ATLA universe
I can’t be the only one who constantly uses this piece to daydream about writing specific fanfic scenes instead of, you know, actually sitting down and writing them. It’s just so good at communicating a sense of sorrow while speaking of rebirth that I find myself getting misty-eyed whenever I listen to it. Unfailingly, the soundtrack as a whole manages to break through the mile-thick crust of horrible acting, confusing writing, and uninspired cinematography and make me feel things. And considering how everything on screen is working against it, that’s no small feat.
Imagine what a powerful experience it would be if the score was used in service of an actual movie.
Dev Patel
No wonder since he’s the only one in the film occupying that crucial intersection between “is a good actor” and “was given something to work with”. It also doesn’t hurt that he breaks with the trend of actors starring in martial arts flicks despite never having done any martial art.
And all EIP-jokes about “stiff and humorless” aside, he’s a pretty decent Zuko considering how abridged this version of the character is. A while ago, I remember hearing a reviewer say that with his comedic chops, Patel should have been cast as Sokka. And on one hand, yes, god, absolutely, I need to see that asap. But on the other? He captures all layers of Book 1!Zuko, the desperate obsession, rage, and self-loathing, and at the same time gives you a peek at the soft momma’s boy dork that’s buried underneath. For Christ sakes, he exudes intensity and ambivalence even when acting against an emotionless hunk of wood that’s giving him nothing in return.
Oh, and I guess there’s a tree in the frame.
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Ba dum tss
What can I say, the guy’s good.
Showing vs telling
OK, so this movie is all tell and no show, except for one single moment. And it’s the exact moment where the original goes in the other direction in terms of how information is conveyed.
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See, I never liked this. The revelation is preceded by Iroh giving advice to Zuko who scolds him for nagging. Iroh then apologizes, moves in to say the line above, and is interrupted by Zuko who seems rather uncomfortable with Iroh laying his feelings out like this. And once they’re out, Zuko verbally confirms that he knew already and Iroh didn’t need to bother.
All this extraneous information and pussyfooting ends up weakening what should be a profound scene that reveals to us, the viewers, how deep the relationship between these two in fact runs.
Compare to the movie where Dadroh acts like a parent by fussing and worrying, with Sonion needing a single look to tell him and us that he understands what it’s all really about.
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It’s genuinely efficient and just good.
No Cataang
Fine, a bit mean-girl bitchy from me since I only start minding the ship in Book 3. And probably unintentional on the part of the creators since there are moments where I think they’re trying to set the romance up? There’s a, well, an attempt to recreate the famous introductory shot of fateful meaningful destiny of meaningness, there’s some slight note of saving each other’s bacon going on, I’m pretty sure they’re the only ones in the film who smile, and oh, right, Katara’s shoved into her post-canon useless role where she doesn’t ever do anything, and is all about Aang right from the get go.
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Yes, I will blame the “executive producers” because a) I’m incredibly petty, and b) it’s perfectly in line with their vision of the character so why the hell not.
Hilariously, none of it reads on screen because the actors are just... yeah. These poor kids are struggling so much with delivering their own lines and portraying their own characters they don’t seem to have any strength left to create something between them. To be fair, the bare-bones shot-reverse shot style of their scenes doesn’t exactly lend itself to the idea they occupy the same universe, let alone are friends or each other’s crushes.
And I enjoy this immensely because it allows me to forget the depressing horror show Katara’s life turns into post ATLA.
Yes Zutara
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I need to delve into this because it’s fucking hilarious. So in a movie which fails to establish the original’s central romance so spectacularly that if Aang got lost in a crowd I don’t believe Katara would notice, SomEOnE thought it’d be a good idea to add an utterly unnecessary non-canon moment where Zuko for some reason feels the need to pause his character-defining hunt for the Avatar which otherwise has him ignore everything and snap at everyone, and explain his central conflict to an unconscious peasant he doesn’t know, complete with gently pushing the hair from the pretty girl’s the soulmate’s the Water Tribe Ambassador’s the Fire Lady’s the love of his life’s her face away, AFTER his uncle nagged him twice to find a girl and settle down.
I just wanted to make sure we’re all on the same page and this is what we really saw.
Celibate Avatars
I have no idea why the decision was made, if TPTB thought expecting viewers to understand the story through the lens of Buddhism would be too much, or if the “executive producers” already worked their retconny magic. What I do know, however, is that there’s a big shift in worldbuilding and Aang’s struggle with his role as the Avatar stops being a personal conflict defined by a) his grief for Air Nomads, b) his notion of being robbed of the loved ones in his life, and c) the selfish attachment to Katara he confuses with true love. Instead, what he has a difficulty to accept is apparently a general notion of who Avatars are supposed to be, i.e. a fantasy version of Catholic monks, no family and worldly relations, period.
I guess either someone understood the original’s portrayal of de/attachment as “hermit no freaky”, or thought the audience would so why not go there outright.
Now, do I like this on its own? No, God no, it makes the world infinitely poorer and changes the story from an exploration of ideas which aren’t all that ingrained in the West, to a cliché tropester about a Catholic priest going Protestant so that he could be with a girl.
At least I assume that’s where they were going to take this eventually.
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I mean, I think the direction was “look conflicted, this isn’t the final stage of your journey”?
But consider this—the show went there, it built on the concepts of Eastern philosophy and touched upon the ideas of spiritual awakening, only to swerve in the end and strongly imply they’re bullshit and Aang should have never wasted his time with them.
So honestly, I much prefer scanty worldbuilding to an insulting retcon by a damn rock.
Multiracial Air Nomads
Probably the most substantial “no hint of irony” point on this list and a genuinely good addition to the universe’s worldbuilding.
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See, the notion of the elemental nations being perfectly separate and never mingling before Sozin has always been sketchy but it’s especially ridiculous in the case of airbenders. It never made sense to me for all airbenders to be Air Nomads and for all Air Nomads to be monks and for all monks to be chilling at the temples all the time to facilitate a quick everyone-dies genocide should an imperialistic warlord ever decide to commit one.
Because committing everyone to a single way of life at a handful of places kinda goes against the central philosophy behind airbending. Like the freedom and nomadism part.
Instead, there should be more variety to the airbending culture, with some staying at the temples as monks, hermits, and teachers while others live as nomads, travelling the world and creating more airbenders, with the resulting children in turn being influenced by the non-airbending cultures they grew up in.
And thus, not only should airbenders not be modeled after a single culture to create a one-size-fits-all lifestyle, but they should have the most diverse and dynamic culture out of the four nations.
And it’d be precisely this diversity which would pave way for an eventual reveal that some of them survived, that their complete extermination is impossible.
Because they’re everywhere.
You know.
Like air.
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kirislut · 3 years
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the swing set
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a/n: so this is just a comfort fic for myself really pfft,, just some feelings of mine that seem to stay unresolved,, but i still hope you enjoy! i need to stop pouring my personal feelings and experiences into fics abxmwkd also i’m worried osamu might be a little ooc sorry about that!!
pairing: osamu x gn!reader
word count: 2.2k
warnings: over thinking, self blame, mentions of toxic friendship?
taglist (open): @katsushimaa @animatedarchives @peach-pops @deephasoceanmagic @goopyartiste @sugas-sweetheart @shoutamajiki @justamultifandomfan16 @spookykiri @yee-harr @colorseeingchick @tetsurolls @meliorist-midoriya @olsenholic @ordinary-ace @bunnythepipsqueak @sushii10 @sunseteyes @aaakaaashii @aizawaslovebot @rousouhouuu @wompwomphq @eighth-wanderer
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moving was no easy task. having to leave everything behind and restart was no fun in the slightest. the hardest thing was saying goodbye to all of your friends. you knew the promise of texting each other was flimsy, eventually, they’d forget and move on with other friends. but you tried not to dwell on the thought too much. you tried to think of how making new friends would be good for you, trying to put yourself out there and make connections was something you needed to improve on anyways.
it wasn’t long before you were accepted into a group of friends, being the new person in school comes with perks since the attention was on you for the first week. everything was smooth from there, you enjoyed your new friends even though there were moments or inside jokes you didn’t understand. you tried not to dwell on it much, it’s not like they were trying to exclude you. however, slowly yet surely, they began to.
whether they meant to or not they started to leave you out of things. forgetting to text you plans for hanging out together, leaving without you after school ended, and sometimes never even glancing in your direction during lunch. some days it was like you never even existed to them in the first place. yet you still stayed around the group. how could you not, you had nowhere else to go.it didn’t help that another new student joined the class. and just like your group did with you, they gladly accepted the new girl into the friend group.
if you didn’t think they didn’t care about you before, you did now. it was painfully obvious how much they enjoyed the new girl’s company instead of yours. often talking to her or asking her to tell them stories. the spotlight was constantly on her, asking her about how she thought being at a new school was. or how cool she was for being new and such. even though you were new as well just two months or so ago.
however you held no resent towards the girl, she was funny and lovable, gorgeous as well. you could understand why they enjoyed her company over your own. you just weren’t interesting enough for them, no matter what you did or talked about. but they still had their moments of being nice to you and inviting you to hang out. maybe you were just overthinking the friendship between yourself and them.
with winter break just starting, you couldn’t help but feel excited. you had ideas of what to get and make your friends for christmas. even if they weren’t as attentive to you they were still your friends after all! besides if they didn’t want you there they would’ve said something, and they did.
a few days into the break you got a text from one of the girls in the group. she explained how she and everyone else didn’t want to be friends with you anymore because they just didn’t like you all that much anymore. their excuse was not connecting with you, that you were just too different. that and with the new girl there they didn’t want to keep you around anymore, it apparently just felt too awkward.
you responded with a string of angry and emotional texts, saying how they were all mean and how they were terrible friends anyway. it was all in the heat of the moment, and while you said you wouldn’t miss them, deep down you knew you would. while the last bits of the friendship was weak and crumbled, the beginning was lots of fun and memorable. what were you going to do now that you were alone?
you don’t know how much time was spent with you crying in your bed, but that was all you could do. so when tears no longer came out, you decided to leave the house and just get some fresh air. your room was now stuffy, the tearful atmosphere felt suffocating to you. so you grabbed your jacket, told your parents you were gonna go for a walk and left the house.
the winter night instantly made you feel chilly, a tingle immediately rushing down your spine as your started to walk to nowhere in particular. even though you went on this walk to try and clear your head, thoughts slowly started to spill into your mind about the ordeal.
you wondered what went wrong, they said it was you so could you have done better? maybe you weren’t a good enough friend, maybe you should’ve been more interesting and fun, maybe if the new girl never came you wouldn’t have been tossed aside like a piece of garbage. all of the possibilities and thoughts of maybe this and maybe thought clouded your mind. it was only when you felt tears running down your cheeks again that you were pulled out of your spiraling thoughts.
carefully you swiped your tears away with the back of your hand, only now looking to see where your feet had carried you too. it seemed that you ended up at the local park in your neighborhood. this was the one place you enjoyed after the move, coming there after school to just relax and enjoy the weather. it seemed that your subconscious knew where to take you to try and comfort yourself. it made you feel a little happy that at least someone cared, even if it was just your subconscious.
you beelined straight to the swings, it was the best place to sit in the park. it also felt nice to pretend like you were in a shoujo manga, waiting for your crush to meet you at the first place you met so that they could confess to you. maybe this was why your friends, now previous friends, decided to drop you. were your thoughts and interests just too different from theirs? was it really that bad enough for them to decide and exile you from their group? whichever way you tried to think about it, it just didn’t make sense. what could you do to improve yourself? how could you become more likable like the new girl? you were the problem right? it wasn’t their fault they dropped you, no it was yours. you were the problem, you were the problem, you were the pro-
“is this swing taken?” you looked to the source of the voice, not expecting to see a gray-haired male that seemed to be the same age as you. “oh no it’s not sorry,” the male nodded at your response and sat himself down on the swing beside you. he looked straight ahead, pushing off on the ground and gently starting to swing back and forth. you watched as he didn’t pick up much speed, just slowly and rhythmically going back and forth.
you looked over the male, taking in his handsome and very familiar features. you felt like you’ve seen him around before yet you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. so when you noticed the maroon sports jacket he was wearing it finally clicked. “you go to inarizaki high as well? i feel like i’ve seen you walking around the halls before,” the male glanced over at you and simply nodded. “yeah i do. you’re in my friend’s class i’m pretty sure. i’m miya osamu, what’s your name?”
the conversation after that flowed slowly and steadily, you exchanged names and talked about his friend, suna, who was in your class, and about how he played volleyball for the school. it was casual and very calming in a sense, something that felt a bit out of place after crying your eyes just before this. osamu was surprised you didn’t know him as one of the miya twins, but it was refreshing, to say the least. “so what are you doing out here?” osamu’s question caused you to sigh, you didn’t want to suddenly dump your feelings onto some cute guy you just met. “i just wanted some fresh air that's all,” you watched as the male’s eyes squinted at you, clearly questioning your answer. but it wasn’t a lie, you did want to get some fresh air because your bedroom reeked of your sadness but you didn’t think it was necessary to include that part.
“any reason for wanting fresh air? i don’t mean to be rude but it looks like you’ve been crying. do...you want to talk about it?” you unconsciously started to nervously play with your fingers, you weren’t sure if you wanted to tell him much. what if you would scare him away just like all your prior friends? but also, at this point, you didn’t have much to lose. so, you did something you never thought you’d ever do. you poured your feelings out to some cute guy you just met, on the swings of all places.
osamu nodded slowly as you explained the situation of you moving and how you found new friends only to be replaced and dumped not too long after. you even shared your doubtful feelings of not being enough and thinking you were the problem. “well there’s always going to be someone out there who's just better.” the blunt comment made you deadpan at the gray-haired male, so this was how he comforted people? but before you could interject he continued, “that’s sadly just the reality of life. i know from personal experience, but—“ he paused for a moment, his mind flickering to his more preferred twin brother “—it’s not your fault. no matter how much you want to blame yourself it’s not your fault. it’s theirs for being jerks.”
your eyes bore into the ground as you processed his words. you knew he was right, but you still had a hard time accepting that you weren’t the problem. surely something could’ve been different if only you were different. “you shouldn't have to change yourself to be more liked by others, it’ll just end up as a complicated mess anyways. i’m sure you can easily find better friends,” osamu intervened, trying to stop your mumbling about being different. he didn’t know why he asked, or why he wanted to help you, but he didn’t mind the small bit of attachment he had no formed with you. if anything he couldn’t help but somewhat relate to your problem.
while it was never voiced out loud, osamu knew that atsumu was the preferred twin. it made sense to him, he was the more charismatic and somehow the more handsome one. even though they had the same face. even though atsumu insisted they were equals he always felt like the second-best in most things. but, there was always one thing he knew he was better at than his brother, and friends that he knew valued them both the same. “hey osamu,” you started, fidgeting with your hands again as you felt the male’s gaze on you, “thank you for talking to me. i feel better about it.”
osamu smiled just slightly, he was glad to hear that you were at least doing better. though he could still see you were a little down, he had an idea to fix that. he hopped off from the swing and walked behind you. the gray-haired male looked at you quickly, silently asking for permission to which you allowed with a nod. he gently pushed you on the swing, pushing harder with each time you swung back to him so that you’d swing higher and higher. the sensation of swinging back and forth brought a smile to your face, there was just something about it that could always bring a smile to your face.
the male stepped to the side to let you swing, glad to see you finally looking happy. he ended up swinging beside you, he wanted in on the fun as well. the two of you swung for a good while but had to stop because swinging and conversing was surprisingly difficult. you guys talked about the upcoming holidays and about where each of you lived since you had to both live somewhat near to each other. he even shared his insecurities about his brother, since you began to apologize for drumming your problems onto him. but then you guys got to the topic of food, and osamu talked about all the food he loves and how he wants to make so many dishes. you thought it was admirable to see him so passionate about it, and it was cute to see him ramble off. but sadly the two of you had to head back to your separate homes since it was getting late.
osamu walked you back to your house, finding out that you only lived a few houses down from his. you stopped outside of your house, asking to exchange contact information so you could stay in touch. after that, you parted ways so that you could go inside and osamu could go home. that day was terrible, there was no way to sugarcoat it. you had lost a group of friends all at once, but in return, you had made one that you knew you were going to be close to. but maybe one that could even progress to something further. you shook your head at the silly thought, trying not to get too caught up in the sudden thought. your life wasn’t a shoujo manga, no way. but maybe, just maybe, it would start to turn into one.
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flowerwrites06 · 3 years
jeweled sea I — kth
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Plot: A princess without a kingdom ends up in a pirate ship 
Pairing(s): Pirate!Taehyung x Princess!OC (Name: Angel) 
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series
Word Count: 5k+
Genre: Pirates/Fantasy | Fluff/Angst/Smut 
Tags & Warnings: drinking, mentions of trading people, explicit smut (in the next part), tiny bit of angst. 
Authors Note: another requested repost and one of my personal favourites! 
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Endless horizons across the blue sea where all Taehyung could notice were the tiny islands perched in the midst of endless water and all he could taste were the salty winds. A whole year passed and every memory involved being on his favourite ship going who knows where. Their bellies full, pockets thick with gold but their bodies grew tired of the constant journeys. Which is why every year, pirate crews travelled to a remote island open to only them. Lawless, dirty, loud and full of scoundrels. But it was as home as it could be for the likes of them.
Taehyung stood at the quarter deck, eyes squinting a little in the sunny light beaming down on them, hot but a refreshing mixture with the coolness from the ocean. “How long till we reach the Severed Tail?” He asked his first mate, Namjoon who was manning the steer for the time being.
“We’ll be passing some secure waters.” Namjoon stared up at the sky for a moment. “It’ll take about a couple more days until we can reach there without any fights.”
The captain let out a deep sigh, looking over at his crew. It took no expert to realize that each member moved slower than before. Travelling for so long even for active souls like theirs took a toll on their energy and health at some point. “Alright. They’re strong. They can take a couple more days.” He patted Namjoons’ shoulder.
Walking over the deck side, he rested on his palms against the rough wood. A few cracks around the corners and he spotted a few barnacles growing on the sides but nothing that couldn’t be fixed. As the ship passed a small island, Taehyung could notice a grey cloud smoke exuding from a land hours from them.
“Must’ve been a terrible fire.” Namjoon spoke also noticing the thick smoke.
“I didn’t know fires could be seen from this far away.” Taehyungs’ brows furrowed, attempting to make out any kind of familiarity of the place but he never explored any corners past the Mermaids’ passage. Like Namjoon said, the waters were always full of security. Except this passage strictly belonged to the Pirate Guild so they kept their distance when they needed to. “Looks like a whole city burned down.”
His first mate hummed in response, focusing back in front of him again before smoothly turning right to keep following the passage. Pirates a couple of decades prior to them taking their own sails, created markers in the water made from the crushed scales of already deceased mermaids. It shimmered green in the daylight and glowed pink in the night. The trick was that only pirates with the Ocean Engraving on their hand could see it to ensure maximum security for their island sanctuary.
At the thought, Taehyung absentmindedly brushed over his. A simple mark of a fin given to only trusted captains and first mates.
“Captain!” One of the crew members, Jimin, called out to jolt his attention back. “There’s a person in the water!”
Taehyung glanced at Jimin for a second before his eyes caught something just near his ship. A figure adorned in white clothing stuck to their wet skin, floating away on a piece of dark wood. “Stop the ship.” He waved the order to Namjoon before rushing down to the main deck.
Holding onto one of the ropes, the captain climbed down the ladder off the side of the ship. Carefully he placed a foot on the piece of wood trying to pull it towards him. The sea decided to be calm today which made the ordeal a whole lot easier. Taehyung grabbed onto the figures’ arm noticing her long hair matted to her face. He picked the form up so he could at least wrap his arm tightly around her waist.
Throbbing ache on his arm, he gripped onto the handles of the ladder tightly attempting to climb with the extra while the crew members tried to pull them from the rope. Once at the top Taehyung pushed the figure up before him and Jimin immediately grabbed onto her so the weight could be lifted.
Once the figure was in the ship, Taehyung easily jumped in himself. The entire crew seemed to crowd around the unconscious figure while Jimin had his ear on her chest.
“She’s still breathing.” The corner of his lips curled up before he placed one hand over the other in the middle of the womans’ chest.
After a few pumps, the figure convulsed in a fit of coughs, water sputtering out of the mouth before heaving in a breath. Body inflating and deflating from her breathing, reddened eyes flickered up. At the very sight of the crew, she jumped back almost hitting her head against the deck.
“It’s alright, it’s okay.” Jimin raised his hands. “You’re safe now.”
“Sa—” The woman hardly looked convinced as the crew members continued closing in on her. Her arms immediately wrapped around her shivering body. “Where—where am I?”
“You’re on board the Serpent.” Taehyung answered, hands placed on his hips as he examined the form. “And it seems we caught ourselves a little mermaid.” A few of the crew members chortled except Jimin nor the woman didn’t look impressed. Noticing their reactions, Taehyung immediately faced the other men. “Alright, all of you back to work!” He growled and almost instantly everyone moved back to their positions.
Jimin glanced at the captain apprehensively before helping the woman get up. “What’s your name?” He muttered.
“Angel.” The woman breathed out.
“Well, Angel—welcome board.” Taehyung smiled giving her a little bow. “You can be in the captains’ cabin so none of these idiots try something funny.” He gestured to the closed door just under the quarter deck behind him.
Angel stared at the pirate before nodding until Jimin led her towards the door so she could fully regain herself.
“You know, I heard somewhere it’s incredibly lucky to find a woman lost at sea!” Namjoon spoke up, leaning against the railing of the quarter deck.
Taehyung looked over his shoulder to his first mate. “Is it now?”
“Apparently it means you’re going to be offered something by royalty.”
“I’ve been offered a lot of things by royalty. Haven’t been good things.” The captain chuckled, glancing over at the closed door of his cabin. “Let’s move out!
Stomach swayed along with the back and forth of the large ship. It didn’t help that Angel opted to sit near the windows, watching how the majestic waves engulfed the bottom for a moment almost mimicking memories of her drowning. Then it flowed back to show her the horizon again. The sky still stood clear and bright as ever. Clothes began to dry uncomfortably against her parched skin, hair clumped together while a thick blanket wrapped around her chilled body.
The pirate Jimin expressed the utmost kindness by giving her some warmth while he rushed off to look for some new clothes for her to wear. Angel should have been grateful for being rescued but her chest still cramped. Constant explosions still booming in her ears, children screaming for their mothers, her own parents telling her to run as fast as she could to save herself.
Everything she ever knew. Gone.
Angel pulled out of her thoughts when the door of the cabin creaked open. Getting away from the window, she stood in the center expecting Jimin. Instead she saw a tanned male padded into the room with something in his hand.
Taehyung slowed his actions down as he saw the woman watching him. Door closed, he turned to face her, plump lips pursed. “Bit tricky to find clean clothes but Jimin managed to grab some of his from his trunk.” He handed the pile to Angel. “It might be a little big.”
“It’s okay.” Angel muttered, accepting the neatly organized pile with everything she needed from a soft shirt to some comfortable pants. “Thank you.”
“It wouldn’t be nice of me to let you drown.” Taehyung stated like it was obvious. “Is there a place I can drop you off? A house?”
Her heart sank at the mention of a house as she hugged the clothes to her chest. “My house was attacked.” Voice resorted to a meek tone.
“Oh.” He remembered the thick smoke radiating from the island. “How did it happen?”
As the woman took a breath to speak, she quickly stopped to mull over her words. They did help her from getting lost away at sea but pirates were never pegged as the most trustworthy of groups. “I lived in a small kingdom. There was an army marching in while I was sleeping so my—my parents told me to run away to save myself.” Her heart pounded a little but it technically wasn’t a complete lie.
Taehyung nodded, the severity of the smoke making a whole lot more sense. If it weren’t for their break, broken kingdoms were the first place to go. Vulnerable and ripe for the taking while the politicians argued for their power and the citizens were too worried about a revolution. “Do you have any relatives?”
Angel shook her head. None of her relatives would take her in after the territories was divided into separate kingdoms. She would be an unnecessary hassle probably married off the second she stepped foot into the palace. “I don’t know.”
“Right.” Taehyung averted his gaze in thought. “Well no reason to strand you back into sea. You can be a part of the crew.” He could already imagine the wandering gazes of his loyal but wild crew at the new member but it wouldn’t be too hard to put them in their place.
“Are you sure?”
He shrugged nonchalantly. “It’s no trouble. Besides my first mate says finding a woman at sea is good luck.” Taehyung smirked.
Angel couldn’t help but smile in return. She shrugged off the thick blanket, feeling a rush of chilly air cloud around her already shivering body.
Taehyung flicked off the naughty piece of hair flying over his red bandana. From the corner of his eye, he noticed how wonderfully transparent the white fabric was especially after being ruined in the sea. If he focused a little, the oil lamp light from the cabin could illuminate her curves. He watched her shrug off the thin robe leaving her a short sleeved dress. But then she stopped forcing his breath to catch in his throat.
Gaze flickered up to Taehyung who still had a close eye on her almost without blinking. “Uhm—I need to—change.” Angel murmured purposely unable to meet his curious orbs.
Taehyung quizzically looked over at the woman, glancing at the pile of clothes and her. Eventually his expression softened into one of realization, lips parting. “Oh—right…” He chuckled nervously. “I’ll leave you to it.” Backing away to the door, he curled the knob and created enough gap for him to slither through. “And uh—you can sleep here.” He gestured to the bed.
Truth be told, the woman was a little taken aback by the hospitality. Though she reminded herself to stay vigilant for her own protection, she still adorned a smile. “Thank you…captain.”
Taehyung hummed with a smile before closing the door and leaving her to her privacy.
Outside of the cabin, the moonlight cast down a silvery hue meshed with deep black blue creating a ghostly atmosphere to his beloved ship. As Taehyung turned around he immediately saw Jimin with a concerned expression. “She’s fine.” He reassured. “Go get some rest.”
Still the other male stood, plump lips parted and twitching as if desperate to ask more questions. “Where is she going to sleep?”
“In the cabin.”
“Where are you going to sleep?”
“Apparently not in the cabin with the way you’re staring at me.” Taehyung tilted his head.
Jimin pressed his lips together, trying to avert his gaze even though it was mostly forced. He knew the captain was a good man with strong principles. Subtle but they were present if one looked hard enough through the mischievious exterior. That didn’t mean he still didn’t worry for the womans’ safety.
The captain then sighed noticing Jimins’ apprehension. “You can keep an eye on the door if you’d like.”
Eyes immediately lit up at Taehyung’s words, forcing down a wider grin and breath of relief. “Thank you, captain.”
“Yeah, yeah…” He waved it off walking to the side to the stairs leading to the quarter deck. “Been doing everyone favors today.”
Finally her lungs could expand and take in the wide fresh air without having to gasp for water after hours of constant thirst. It was hot. New clothes stuck to Angels’ dampened skin except it was lot more pleasant than yesterday. Hat on her head made the sun less harsh on her eyes while she scrubbed away at the deck railings. Admittedly, the woman didn’t get flustered often. She was always trained not to be, in fact as it never looked elegant.
Though the burning gaze of each of the crew members almost piercing through her backside created a slight hint of discomfort.
For a while, Angel was able to ignore it and continue doing the tiny chore Taehyung set out during the morning. Except then the gazes turned to interactions. Or if one could call it that.
One of the members with an eye-patch and missing front teeth padded towards her, pretending that they were fixing ropes before awkwardly leaning on the deck. “Hats look nice on you.” He chuckled.
Angel gave a polite smile continuing on with the scrubbing. “Thank you.”
“I like hats. You know, my mum makes hats.” He breathed out.
“That’s very nice.” She grinned down at her working hand.
“I like your pants too.” His eye widened staring down at the womans’ bottoms.
Angel nodded in acknowledgement. “They belong to Jimin.”
“They look better on you.” He let out a small laugh. “It brings out the…” Hands raised make a gesture down her back. “…globe shape.”
“Man, I don’t pay you to let your one eye wander.” Taehyung announced a loud enough voice for the entire ship to momentarily stop what they were doing. “Get back to work.”
Angel couldn’t control the grin stretching out her lips watching how wide eyed the crew member had gotten from being called out. She watched him bow quickly and walk away to his original post. Though she could still feel a body padding closer to her until something brushed against her shoulder.
“Maybe you should come to the quarter deck.” The captains’ voice rung in her ears a lot closer than she expected.
Turning to meet his gaze, Angel nodded following up the stairs towards the quarter deck. A gust of cold wind flowed against her clothes and skin bringing the most refreshing wave of alertness. One of the advantages of being at sea is that no matter how hot the day is, the water bodes cool breeze. As opposed to standing on still land and almost dying in her corset due to lack of blood circulation.
“Have you been at sea before?” Taehyung broke through her calm silence. Though he absentmindedly watched the way her lips curled up at the feeling of the breeze.
“Few times.” Angel spoke in an almost dream-like tone. “My father owned a couple of ships and used to sail them out to look at whales.”
“Just look at them?” His brows furrowed.
“Mhm—he never liked hunting. Especially water creatures because my mother was always against it.” She had the strongest urge to hold her hands out and truly feel the wind brush across her entire body but she kept control.
“Ocean creatures are not one to harm without care.” Taehyung spoke almost in a solemn tone. So many pirates grew too confident, pretending they ruled the seas because they sailed a top it. They were always brutally reminded that the true Kings and Queens lay deep beneath the recesses of the ocean ready to teach anyone who had the gall to disrespect them.
Angel hummed in amusement. “That’s what my mother used to say.” Her mothers’ voice replayed in her head as she spoke, coaxing a small twinge in her chest. How she smiled through her tears before sending her off. How she saw her usually lively and bright body laying limp in a pool of blood.
“Hey…” Taehyung murmured under his breath, seeing the way her body deflated and eyes twitched. He reached out to touch her arm gently. It was difficult to realize from the way the woman held herself that she just came out of a traumatic experience. Losing one’s home forcefully and having nowhere to go. “Have you ever driven a ship?”
She looked over at the captain with a puzzled expression before shaking her head. “Why do you ask?”
Taehyung glanced behind him at Jimin who had been manning the wheel for the morning. “Come here.” He softly wrapped his fingers around her forearm, leading her towards the other male. “Take a break, Park.” He patted Jimins’ shoulder.
Jimin hummed in response giving a friendly smile to Angel before walking over to the deck to keep himself busy.
Angel eyed the captain curiously as he carefully pulled to stand in front of the wheel. “Are you sure about this?” She chuckled lightly.
“It’s not that hard.” He smiled, standing behind her. Taehyung could still smell tiny remnants of salt in the womans’ hair. “Our destination is only straight ahead.”
“You mean that trail?” She gestured in front of the ship. Two shimmery green lines to create a path in the ocean and disappearing a little into the horizon.
His stomach jumped hearing her mention the passage, turning his head to face her but the womans’ expression was casual. “You can see the trail?”
Angel looked back at him, a little confused. “Yeah—it’s the green path, isn’t it?”
“Yeah—yeah it is.” Taehyung didn’t know whether to smile in joy or peer further into her expression in suspicion. How would she see it? There was no mark at the back of her hands. Maybe it was somewhere else. Shaking himself out of a momentary daze, he focused back in front of him. “Yes, just follow the trail.”
Wrapping her hands around the wheel, Angel felt a heaviness to move against the smooth waves of the ocean. Thankfully the green passage was quite straight without any intense turns otherwise this would have been embarrassing encounter. A few moments passed before she saw his tanned hand rest over hers when a bend in the path came about.
“Try to move along with the waves while you steer.” Taehyung instructed in a soft voice with their lack of distance.
She could feel his hot breath cascade down her hair making it utterly difficult to concentrate on his instructions. But Angel heard enough to smoothly steer to the right following the bend of the shimmery green trail, looking magical under the shining sun. The ship almost peacefully moved like it was meant to welcome a straighter path as a stronger cold wind brushed her hair across her face.
Before Angel could fix it, Taehyung reached out and gently brushed the tresses away from her vision before lining it behind her again. The length went right down flowing to her lower back. He undid a small red cloth wrapped around his wrist before placing it behind her hair and tying a gentle knot to keep most of her hair pulled back.
Angel hummed, smiling while keeping her gaze on the passage. “Thank you.”
Taehyung smirked in response. He glanced over at the trail again to check if everything was in order before his eyes trailed down her long hair, unintentionally pausing just below the ends. “The pants do suit you.” He muttered before padding over to the side of the quarter deck.
Angel couldn’t help but let out the soft chuckle under her breath. Not the kind of pirate captain she expected. Though she’d happily tolerate this one over the others.
Another night fell and the Serpents’ crew finally saw the flickering lights of land civilization closing in on them. Angel stood at the deck, already hearing the loud laughter and cheering along with glass shattering mixed with the amazingly strong stench of rum. Even the crew members murmured amongst each other in excitement.
The ship docked with ease and a board immediately dropped for the crew to almost run out and greet still land again. She watched them already mingling in with the women dressed in frills, laughing in excited shrieks as they were grabbed by the hips. Eyes flickered over to the men singing in slurred voice near the docks, some sneaking under womens’ skirts but they only giggled before chugging from a bottle.
Every moment Angel caught, her feet planted harder onto the surface of the ship. Stomach twisting a little as she saw a few of the drunkards look her way and whisper to each other like mischievous bullies.
“We don’t have to go.” Jimins’ comforting voice rung in her ears. “I’ll stay with you here.”
Angel looked over at the male, grateful that he would sacrifice his time to rest on land for her. Except before she could protest Taehyung chipped in.
“Nonsense. You’re both going to enjoy the finest atmosphere of the Severed Tail.” Taehyung slapped Jimins’ shoulder playfully before flickering his gaze to Angel. “You’ll be by my side the whole time, little mermaid.” He held out his arm for her. “Come on.” He tilted his head towards the noisy dock.
Apprehension crawled down her spine, giving another glance towards the group of men who were murmuring but they seemed to disappear somewhere else. Angel let out a sigh and hooked her arm with his.
“That’s a good girl.” Taehyung muttered. “You’ll have a good time, I promise.”
The two had very different definitions of a good time. Considering hers did not involve this much noise and alcohol. Arm in arm, they walked through the thief infested streets of the Severed Tail, buildings ragged with obscene drawings, people exuding the most putrid of scents and eyes progressively fixating on her. It’s as if they could smell an outsider entering their place of lawless paradise.
She gripped onto Taehyungs’ shirt tightly, worried that someone might pull her away from him and the man would be too excited to notice. Angel saw the way he watched this place. Eyes lighting up in glee, a faint smile gracing his lips only getting wider as they approached an establishment. A tavern.
“Crown Jewel.” Taehyung muttered more to himself than anyone else as the most of the crew seemed to squeeze through the door. “Best rum known to man.”
Angel merely hummed in response unable to focus on anything with all the distractions creating havoc around them. Although at this point, it didn’t seem like they were creating havoc more so relishing in it like a walk in the neighborhood.
Walking into the tavern was no different. Except this time she heard more glass clinking and shattering, women dressed in just a thin cloth as a makeshift dress pulling a few men to an area behind the bar. Taehyung led her followed by the rest of the crew towards the private corner, as if emptied just for them.
The pair sat next to each other while the entire crew slumped on a few of the vacant chairs. In only minutes, a few girls came up and served them their goblets filled to the brim with a strong smelling liquid. The table kept shaking causing the liquid to fall over the cup. Angel rested her hands on her lap.
Almost immediately everyone went to drinking except for her. Taehyung chugged down his first glass like it was water and he had been suffering from thirst for days.
Looking around the crew, Namjoon took more careful but generous sips while Jimin took one sip and placed it back on the table.
She tucked her hair behind her ear, staring down at her hands. Now more than ever Angel wished she was just curled up in a bed and reading a book in peace rather than here. Perhaps it was a pretentious side of her. The people in the establishment looked happy, cheering and laughing along despite their antics looking utterly despicable.
Though the Serpents’ crew weren’t completely that way. Most of them were drinking and chatting along normally at the tables, Jimin was just as quiet as she was. Taehyung accepted another drink. She noticed around two empty goblets already with one full at the brim still.
“Drink something, mermaid.” Taehyung spoke, a slight slur developing in his tone. He pushed a goblet full of bronze liquid toward her side.
Angel gently pushed it away before shaking her head. “I’d like to be clear headed. Thank you.”
“This is not the place for clear heads.” He joked but left the goblet where it stood without bothering her further.
“Not the place for decency either.” Her eyes darted over to the men whistling her way, making inappropriate gestures. Angel shifted uncomfortably where she sat.
“Pay no mind to them, love.” He did not spare a glance at the scoundrels at the table a few feet in front of them. “They do those things from afar because they’re afraid.”
“Would you prefer them to come closer?”
Taehyung eyed the woman, only now noticing how she played with her shaking fingers and unsure of where to look. Severed Tail was not a place for delicate hearts and soft stomachs. It may be a safe haven for pirates but that meant not having laws in the first place to ensure that safety. Which meant who live within the law could not be granted that same safety.
“I’m going back to the ship.” Angel murmured, standing up from the chair and walking away from the group.
“Angel—” He saw Jimin from the corner of his eye trying to get up but not wanting to disrupt the relaxing atmosphere around them.
She tried to rush out of the tavern and to the safety of the ship as quickly as she could. But before even reaching the door, someone bumped against her shoulder causing her to stumble back. “Careful.” Angel murmured under her breath. No intention of the person hearing them but apparently she bumped into some kind of bloodhound.
The figure turned to meet her gaze. His clothed chest still glimmering with badges of all kinds but his face reddened and eyes bloodshot from the excessive alcohol. “You—”
“Sorry?” Angels’ brow furrowed as the male raised his pointer finger at her.
“I know you.” He padded closer to the woman until all her nostrils could catch was his rum infused breath. “You’re…your face.” He hiccupped. Then his eyes widened. “Your Highness.”
Her heart dropped to a pit, attempting to take a step but the man kept towering over her.
“You’re alive.”
“Leave me alone.” Angel turned on her heel to walk off but her arm was grabbed roughly to pull her back. Just as she looked back to protest, his grip clipped off her. Her line of vision now blocked with another figures’ back.
“The lady told you something, mate.” The captains’ deep voice vibrated through the rowdy air. In seconds, the tavern faded into a silence almost matching that for a royal banquet with a couple of people muttering to one another.
Now all eyes were on them and Angel wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and hope she magically transported back to the ship. “Taehyung, it’s fine. Don’t cause trouble.”
“I’m not the one who caused trouble.” Taehyung eyes’ pieced into the other male.
Angel held onto his arm gently, walking closer to him until her nose almost touched his shoulder. “Please don’t.” She whispered. “They’re staring, I just want to go back to the ship.”
Taehyung kept his deathly gaze on the officer who tried to his make believe pride while being unable to stand straight. “You’re lucky she’s nice.”
The officer scoffed.
Reluctantly the captain backed away and let the drunkard stumble to the side. He turned on his heel to face her now. Their distance had been closed off so much that Taehyung had to lower his head significantly to meet her eyes again. “I’ll come with you. I think it’s we take our supply to the ship.” He looked behind him and the crew members excitedly got up to walk to the bartender.
“I thought you liked it here.” Angel attempted to take a step back but something seemed to stop her from moving a muscle.
“I like what they sell.” Taehyung shrugged, glancing over at the bar. “We could take it anywhere.”
“Oh captain!” One of the barely dressed girls squealed their way, standing near the bars. “Are you taking us with you too?! Like old times?!” The entire group surrounding her giggled so loud it could surpass the chortles of the men in the corner behind her.
Angel raised a brow gazing over at Taehyung who stammered a little. “You like what they sell.”
“Not tonight, girls.” He chuckled nervously, clearing his throat. Taehyung leaned in closer to mutter near her ear. “They’re for the crew.”
“Right.” Angel rolled her eyes. She turned on her heel to finally walk out of the tavern while Taehyungs’ men carried heavy barrels of that poison on their backs.
Despite not drinking a single drop of rum, Angel felt a headache slowly pounding through her skull. When she reached the captains’ cabin the woman opted to grab one of the books on the right shelves. Mostly history but it was enough. Sitting down on the bed with the wall rested on her back, her legs hung over the side a little before she curled them in.
It was difficult with men whistling, laughing and singing consistently but at some point the girl had been able to tune them out. Fully focused on the books’ contents as she read about the daring adventures of a pirate queen. Aside from the constant drinking and playing around with prostitutes, the life of a pirate was an accelerating one. The travels, the action, the adventure and the freedom beyond the horizon. It was everything a princess barely had.
She trained to defend herself but always living inside the walls of the palace. She went to sailing trips with her father but only in their territory. They were always left to observe the horizon rather than go beyond it. Here, on this ship, the world seemed to be endless. Vast with so many islands no one had even explored yet.
The burst of the door opening broke Angel out of her daze, head shooting up to see Taehyung laughing like an idiot. Adorable but still an idiot. As soon as the male caught eyes with her however he stopped quickly looking behind him with a pointer finger pressed to his lips, shushing the crew loudly.
Door closed gently, Taehyung padded closer and stumbled to sit next to her. “What’re you reading?” He rasped.
Rum infested her personal space causing her to wince lightly. “It’s a history book about a pirate queen…couple decades before.”
“Ah—Meifeng. One of the first members of the Pirate Guild.” He slurred through all his words but at least they were intelligible. “Lucky enough to meet her—week before she passed away.”
“What was she like?” The book obviously spoke of one side of the queen. Meeting her in person must have a different effect.
“Withered.” Taehyung chuckled. “Rum and crime for twenty years takes a toll on you.”
“I can imagine.” Angels’ eyes flicked up and down his form.
“Excuse me but I’ll have you know—” He hiccupped before raising a pointer finger at the woman. “I’m known to–the most handsome pirateinthesevenseas…”
Angel hummed, smirking down at the book despite losing where she was. While she focused back on the writing, Taehyung quietened down significantly. Though the girl expected with all that alcohol he must have passed out. After a few minutes, she felt something tickle against her temple. Glancing to the side she saw Taehyung brushing the hair away from her face. Despite the pleased tingle in her belly at his touch, she still had no intention of getting pulled in when his mind was literally drowning in poison. “Stop it.” She murmured shifting away from him a little.
Lips parted, Taehyung noticed how she immediately closed herself at his sudden touch. “I’m sorry.” He whispered. “Are you scared of me?”
“Am I concerned being next to a drunken man who can physically overpower me?” She met his gaze. “What do you think?”
The captain nodded in acknowledgement. A ship full of drunken men didn’t exactly scream safety for women. Relaxing back against the wall, he let out a deep sigh. “If it’s worth anything, I’d prefer to see you like and enjoy what I do to you.”
Angel scoffed in amusement. “You say that like it’s actually going to happen.”
“Is it not?” Taehyung raised a brow, leaning in closer. “Two young people sitting alone…no one to bother us…one bed…sitting so close together.” His nose nudged against her shoulder.
Angel let out a huff, trying to push herself off the bed as Taehyung chuckled.
“I’m joking, love. You are beautiful though.”
“I’m flattered.”
“Beautiful and intelligent.” He tapped on the book. “Almost like a princess.”
It was a vague statement but it still caused a jolt in Angels’ heart. She couldn’t hold off the information for too long. Especially since it didn’t seem like she was going to leave the ship anytime soon. “Taehyung, there’s something I need to tell you.”
Taehyung hummed, signaling for her to go on as he laid on his side. “What is it?”
“My home…is a kingdom—it’s called Owuhan.”
The captain laughed lazily shifting on the bed. “So you are a princess.”
“Yes—” Angel closed the book. “My father was betrayed and someone tried to take over the throne. They asked me to run to the docks where a canoe was while they took care of the problem but—” She absentmindedly scratched at the surface of the book, a burning behind her eyes. “I sailed out alone and the canoe caught a storm—and then you—” When she turned to face the male, his eyes were completely closed.
Light snored vibrated through his nose and his lips parted, a part of bandana covering one of his eyes.
The woman sighed, standing up and placing the book on the table. She turned to the male and reached out to pull off his boots from his feet causing a whine to pass Taehyungs’ lips. Placing them on the side, Angel moved to gently take off the bandana so his head wasn’t restricted. Grabbing the thin blanket from the end of the bed, she pulled it over his body and tucked it just over his shoulders. “Stupid, drunken pirate.” Angel spoke with a grin tugging at her lips.
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barnesbabee · 4 years
Peekaboo || P.S
Summary: Someone’s always looking...
Pairing: Park Seonghwa x Reader
Words: Waaaay too many
Genre: Smut, Angst
⚠ drugs, alcohol, violence, fighting, yandere!Seonghwa, degradation kink ⚠
A/N: I do not condone violence neither do I romanticize it, I just wanted to do a yandere concept like shown in anime, that being said, Enjoy 💖
P.S: I deleted this one before because tumblr was messing up with the tags and few people were able to read this one apparently... 
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ᴘᴇᴇᴋᴀʙᴏᴏ! ᴏᴘᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴇʏᴇꜱ, ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ'ꜱ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ...
[18th February, 2019]
 You couldn't tell, of course, but you constantly had a pair of eyes glued to the back of your head. A pair of hungry, lusting, shimmering eyes. You didn't know him, but he knew every detail and every inch of your body and personality.
 He knew your favourite songs, your favourite ice cream flavour, the type of clothes you preferred, and what kind of places you'd go to when you weren't having classes at your university.
  He'd first seen you when you arrived late to a class. The male remembered it like it had been just recently, and not almost months past. It was the very first day, and you were late. You came in the classroom, huffing and puffing from all the running, cheeks red from the embarrassment and messy hair.
  He remembered how he had his head buried in his arms, his grey hoodie and his black, long bangs covering his sleepy eyes, and how he immediately woke up and rose his head up to look at the owner of the beautiful voice that had just apologized for being late.
 Seonghwa thought you looked fucking adorable, and he swore to himself that he would be the one to make your face flush like that, to make you breathe heavily and to grip your hair so hard that it'd get tangled and messy just like that.
  But of course you didn't know him. He was proficient in watching, watching close enough to be able to watch you, to be able to understand everything you said, sometimes even close enough to smell your perfume, but still adequately far so you wouldn't notice his presence. The man was afraid that if caught him he wouldn’t be able to observe you anymore!
  He couldn't bring himself to talk to you... What would he say? He wasn't worthy of you... He liked to just watch you. But he had to admit, the way other men went up to you, the way they held your waist and tried to make you theirs, it made Seonghwa's jaw clench. It made his jaw clench and his blood boil. How dare they touch you like that!? You belonged to him, you just weren't aware of it.
  [24th March, 2019]
"Mr. Park, would you face the board instead of facing Miss Y/N during the whole class for once?"
 All heads turned to look at him, including yours. You looked at him with a small, curious smile, and your eyes met. His head detached from the hand supporting it, and his eyes widened. You thought the deep blush on his fair skin was adorable, and you giggled at his little nervous stutter.
 "I-I'm sorry, I'll f-focus now Sir..."
  Seonghwa lowered his head a little, so his bangs covered his face as much as possible.
  Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! That shouldn't happen! That couldn't happen! What now!? You had noticed him, certainly, you'd see him staring at your unbelievable beauty, since you now knew of his existence.
  As class went on, Seonghwa struggled not to stare at you, afraid you'd be looking at him and you'd make eye contact once more. His leg bounced nervously, and for the first time, he counted the seconds until he was out of the classroom he shared with you.
  As soon as the teacher declared class was over, Seonghwa jumped from his seat as if he were a spring and swung his backpack over his shoulder. He pulled down his hood, trying to cover as much of his face as possible, in hopes that you wouldn't want to discuss what had happened.
 "Hey!" Seonghwa heard your voice call.
 He knew it was your voice, because it was his favourite voice to hear.
 Seonghwa pretended he didn't know you were calling him and kept on walking, but as he knew, you didn't quit easily. You jogged up to him and grabbed his wrist.
  He turned around violently to look down at you. He couldn't believe you had just touched him, he couldn't believe how insanely small you felt and looked compared to him.
  "You're Seonghwa, right?"
 The way his name fell from your lips was unbelievably ethereal. Seonghwa loved the way you spoke his name, and he now knew he didn't want to stop hearing it.
  "Yes, and you're Y/N." Seonghwa replied, wide-eyed and awkward.
  He was shocked you knew of him, he was shocked you knew his name, and he honestly didn't expect this scenario to happen (not any time soon at least).
  He'd imagined many things, how you looked underneath him, how you looked only in your underwear, how your pretty face twisted in pleasure as he fucked you... But never the first hello.
  You giggled at his panicked expression and reddening cheeks.
 "I am... I wanted to ask, do you usually stare at girls during class or do you have something you want to tell me?" You asked, curious if he had some sort of crush or interest in you.
 "No, I usually don’t, but you're the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen."
  [6th June, 2019]
 You didn't know if it was the beer, or the tequila, or the joint in your hand, but you felt particularly brave as you laid on the grass with your friend, looking up at the starry sky. The weather was perfect. Not a cloud was visible and the only thing you could hear were the crickets in the distance.
  You placed the joint between your lips and took a hit, before passing it to the male beside you.
 "You know Hwa, I think I like you..."
 Seonghwa had changed. He had molded himself into the perfect man for you, in hopes you'd become his.
 His hoodies became leather jackets, his cartoon t-shirts became white v-necks, his joggers became tight jeans and his long fringe turned into a middle-parted undercut.
  All of these changes seemed to have worked in the end.
 You had never asked anything of him, but he knew what you wanted, so he changed, willingly. The only part of himself he hadn't changed was his dominant personality, the sense of ownership he felt over you, not only because he couldn't change that, but because he knew based on the past experiences you had told him that you liked a rough man.
  Seonghwa turned his head to look at you and smirked.
  He took one last hit of the joint before getting on top of you.
  One of his hands stood beside your head, holding him up while the other held your chin. You looked each other into your bloodshot eyes. His head moved down, until your noses were brushing against each other.
[30th of June, 2019]
It didn't take long for you and Seonghwa to have your first time. You had a very sexual nature, and so did he. Seonghwa loved to tease you, he loved to squeeze your ass in public and whisper dirty nothings in your ear while you were with your friends.
 You couldn't wait for the day he fulfilled his filthy promises and fucked the life out of you.
  It happened randomly, when you stopped by his place one night, to drop some documents you were asked to deliver to him.
  He opened the door, not knowing who it was, and was caught off guard by seeing your pretty figure waiting for him.
  Seonghwa was wearing nothing but a pair of grey joggers that settled low on his hips, exposing his perfectly defined v-line.
  He had a small tattoo on his lower hip, a quote written in thick black letters, that read 'all or nothing'. You had always adored that piece of work, and you thought it matched him perfectly.
  As soon as you saw his figure, your words got caught in your throat, and you couldn't peel your eyes off of the male's exposed skin, and the way his muscles flexed every time he moved.
  Seonghwa leaned against the doorframe and hooked the hem of his sweater pants on his thumb. You followed his finger's movements religiously, as he teasingly pulled them down a little, to expose his naked hip, and almost giving you a glance of his cock. He had no underwear on. You didn't know what to do with that information, but you loved it.
  "Baby girl if you keep looking at me like that I might cum..." He whispered in your ear.
  You bit your lip and looked him in the eye. You placed your hands on his chest and pushed him inside your apartment lightly.
  "Might as well do it inside me, right?”
  Seonghwa hissed at your words and his hands cupped your ass, giving it a harsh squeeze.
  "You'll be the death of me, beautiful..." Seonghwa told you, before closing the door and pushing you against it.
  You didn't care about the papers anymore. You dropped them and laced your arms around your boyfriend's neck, waiting for him to close the faint gap between your lips.
  He teased you for a second, ghosting his lips over yours instead of kissing you, but when you rolled your hips against his, causing your crotch to come in contact with his semi-hard dick, he gave in. Deep down, you knew that it didn't matter how dominant he was, you had him around your finger.
  His rough yet passionate kisses were no stranger to you, and you loved the way his tongue felt against yours as he explored every corner of your mouth.
  Seonghwa gripped your ass tighter and pulled you closer. You kept your hips' movement, feeling your boyfriend's cock get harder by the second.
  He pulled away from the kiss and pushed you harder against the wall. You could feel all of his body's curves press against your own. One of Seonghwa's hand left your ass and his fingers gripped your throat.
   "I've been waiting for this for too long, I'm not holding back tonight, I'll destroy you." He said, through gritted teeth.
  You pushed him back slightly. He allowed you to do so, curious as to what you'd do next.
 Seonghwa watched as you began to strip. First, your t-shirt, and then your jeans, that you unbuttoned and pulled down painfully slow. Your clothes pooled around your feet and you looked at Seonghwa's lusty eyes.
 "I'm all yours." You told him.
 There was a second of silence, as Seonghwa didn't quite know what to do. He didn't know if he should take it easy, if he should just rip your garments off and take your right there or if he should punish you as hard as possible. It was your first time, however, and he decided he shouldn't be too harsh.
  Seonghwa slung you over his shoulder and slapped your ass.
  "You drive me crazy doll."
  You giggled as he threw you on the bed facing up.
  "I know."
  Your boyfriend chuckled at your cuteness and attached your lips once more. He played with your lower lip as he undid your bra and threw it somewhere in the room. Seonghwa cupped one of your breasts and played with your hard bud.
  "Is there any part of your body that isn't absolutely perfect?" He asked, before taking your other nipple in his mouth, sucking harshly and biting lightly from time to time.
  When you felt his other hand separate your folds, you whimpered. Your legs spread wider and you immediately gripped his dark hair. He played with your wet cunt like it was his personal sex toy.
  Seonghwa's fingers teased at your entrance for a second, before entering you. His pace was slow, purposely trying to tease you and make you beg. Your loud moans made him smirk.
  "So fucking needy for me... Tell me what you want?"
  You arched your back and bucked your hips, trying to get some more friction.
  "Fuck I want you to take those fingers out and fill me with your cock!" You moaned.
  You were desperate, you needed to feel him. You had been teased so many times, you'd imagined him fucking you so many times already, and now that he was there, half-naked fingering you, you couldn't take it anymore. You had to feel him.
 Seonghwa stripped from his pants and placed himself between your legs, spreading them a little wider in the process. He took no time to enter you. As soon as he found your entrance he thrust into you and started moving at a reasonable pace, so you could get used to the feeling.
  He fit inside you like he belonged there, like you two had been made for each other. You loved the way he filled you and he loved how tight you were around his cock.
  "Oh my God, you feel so good Hwa..."
  The praise falling from your pretty lips was Seonghwa's kryptonite, and like his little tattoo said, he had no mid-term. His slow thrusts became violent, fast, and shamelessly pleasurable from one second to the other.
  Your brain went to putty, and at that precise moment all there was in the world for you was your boyfriend's cock ramming into you.
  He slapped your ass harshly thrice, making sure his hand would be marked.
  "Who owns you, pretty baby? Tell me who owns this pussy." Seonghwa growled as he gripped your thighs.
   He slapped the side of your thigh.
  "S-speak up doll."
  You moaned his name loudly at how good he was making you feel.
  "You own me Seonghwa! I'm yours!"
  His pace quickened, as if it was possible, and he took one of your nipples between his fingers.
   "That's right, you're my little cumslut."
   You looked at him through hooded eyes. His fringe was stuck to his forehead and he had such a lustful and ruthless expression on his face... You swore you could cum with that alone.
   "Hwa... I'm gonna cum..." You managed to squeal, between your exasperated breaths.
   "Do it, I wanna feel you around me, baby."
   His hand closed around your throat one last time, knowing how much you loved it. Immediately you reached your climax. You gripped onto his biceps and arched your back, as your vision went blank for a second, absolutely blinded by pleasure.
   Upon seeing how fucked out you looked, how absolutely beautiful you were when you came, how pretty your agape mouth was as it spewed dirty praises, he was thrown over the edge and came buried deep in you, filling you with his thick, warm cum.
   Seonghwa removed himself from you and plopped on the beg beside you. He threw his arm over your stomach and nibbled on your neck.
  You giggled at his neediness.
  "Are you not tired?" You asked, amused at his actions.
  Seonghwa caressed the spot that would later become a pretty shade of purple.
  "I am..."
  "Then what was that for?".
  Seonghwa looked at you for a second before replying.
  "So that everyone knows you have an owner."
[15th July, 2019]
  Seonghwa's tight grip on your wrist was not released until you entered his apartment. He slammed the door shut and turned to face you, his face as stern as ever.
    "Who the fuck was that guy!?" He asked, like a madman, staring at you like his eyeballs would pop out of his sockets at any time.
   The sight before you was incredulous, what had gotten into him!?
   "Seonghwa, he's my friend."
  "Oh yeah!? And do all of your friends want to fuck you!?"
   You furrowed your eyebrows, confused and quite clearly not understanding where all that commotion was coming from.
    "Seonghwa, we hugged. Wooyoung does not want to fuck me, we hugged and he said I looked good because we haven't seen each other in almost two years, stop overreacting! You sound insane!"
   Your boyfriend gripped your upper arm and pulled you closer. His stare burned on you, his eyes had lost their glisten and were now pitch dark, fuming with rage and jealousy.
   For the first, dreadful time, you were scared of him.
  "You think I'm insane!? Hm!? You think I'm insane 'cause I don't want my baby fucking around with other guys!?"
   "Hwa, I love you, and only you, okay? I'm not fucking Wooyoung I'm yours, alright?"
   Your voice became quieter as you spoke, hoping he would calm down, but his grip never loosened.
   "How do I know that!? How do I know you're not being a whore behind my back!? I had never heard of this Wooyoung guy and suddenly he's your 'friend'!? How many other 'friends' do you have!?"
   You couldn't belive the words that fell from his lips... Those lips that you loved so much, how could they insult you and accuse you in such a heartless way.
   You were visibly taken aback, and tears brimmed in the corners of your eyes.
   You pushed him away harshly, not caring about anything at that point.
  "What the fuck is wrong with you? How can you even say that! I'm friends with whoever I want to be friends with Seonghwa, you don't get to decide it!"
   You waved your arms around like crazy, trying to make sense of the situation, and the tears you tried to suppress fell down your cheeks.
  Seonghwa pressed you against the wall and grabbed your jaw.
 "You don't fucking get to do whatever you want cause you're mine! No one else can have you, you belong to me!" He yelled in your face.
 You were sure every neighbour of his had heard you two already.
  "I belonged to you! Past, Seonghwa! I've had enough of this bullshit, I don't want a controlling piece of shit boyfriend!"
  You shoved him away from you and made your way towards the door.
  "You can't leave me!" He yelled.
 Without looking at him you grabbed the door's gilded handle and turned it.
 "Watch me." You told him, voice as steady and as strong as ever.
 "Please, you can’t leave me."
  His shaky, insecure voice made you freeze in place. Your hand stopped turning, your eyes widened and you stopped being able to think for a second.
 His behaviour shift was like night and day...
 You turned around, to find Seonghwa standing limply, with a lifeless expression and tears in his eyes as he watched the love of his life leave.
 He was sobbing.
 Your brain was a mix of emotions, this man was completely different from the rough asshole that had confronted you not ten seconds ago. That day he showed you two sides of him you had no idea existed. Two parallels, that seemed almost impossible to be within the same person.
 Once San saw you standing there, giving him a small chance of redemption, he stood up, slowly as if he was afraid to chase you away, and stepped towards you.
 He cupped your face and examined the unreadable mix of sentiment running through you.
 "Baby I'm sorry, I love you so much I just don't want another guy to steal you away..." He told you softly, with his deep, angelic voice.
 You sniffed and wiped away a cheeky tear.
 "But Seonghwa, I've told you you're the only one for me..."
 Seonghwa hugged you softly, and you hugged back as he exhaled in relief.
"I know, but I want you for myself only... But its okay, it won't happen again, right?"
 You were a little unsure, but when his grip grew tighter out of his stress, desperation and fear of you leaving, you immediately replied.
 "It won't ever happen baby."
 Seonghwa hummed happily.
 Maybe it wasn't the best choice, but at least you knew, that as long as you were with him, you'd be safe. Safe from him.
 "You're all mine..."
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gaangadventures · 4 years
Hi! I’ve just found your blog and will you marry me?!? AANG CONTENT?!?? ! I saw the requests open and if you’re still open for them could I request a Zuko x reader? Zukos been awed by readers sheer power over and over cus he’s a sucker for strong women. And when he joins the gaang he is soo smitten with the reader and every one sees it but the oblivious reader. And he enventually asks for everyone’s help but during the ember island play she finds out cause they over dramatize his big crush?
Awww! We should probably meet before getting married lol  Sorry for taking so long with the request, life has been kicking my butt. Here you go! c: 
As a former citizen of a small village in the Earth Kingdom, you always longed for adventure and there weren’t many ways to leave your family farm. Or at least not without having to take something from them, and you had refused to. You knew they had little enough already.
But it was different one day, after meeting the avatar himself and his friends. As an earthbender, you weren’t sure where you could go but you wanted to go everywhere. And if you could beat up some Fire Nation soldiers, then you would be having the time of your life.
You had gone into the market for some feed for the lone ostrich horse, and a few of the Fire Nation soldiers had caught wind of the avatar. You were sure that he could actually take them down himself, but you weren’t exactly going to test that theory, and you trapped them in pillars of earth before helping the group out of the market and towards your family farm.
That was how you had met them anyway, and you had asked to join them that day. You hadn’t exactly expected them to say yes either, but they had, and you were overjoyed. So were they, but you assumed that Katara was more or less just glad to not be the only girl there.
Shortly after you joined however, the adventure you always wanted seemed to be a bit much at times.
First, there was the general that actively tried to get Aang into the avatar state and had put all of you in danger for it. Then there were the nomads that you had wanted to leave in the tunnels, you couldn’t believe how carefree they could be in the middle of a war. Even after all that your group had done to get into Omashu, you all found out that the Fire Nation had overtaken it and that Aang had to find an earthbending teacher himself. You offered, but you still had much to learn for it yourself.
And your least favorite place happened to be the swamp. Everyone there had visions of some person they already met and lost or in Aang’s case, were going to meet. You however, had a vision of your family. You had left them, and who knows if you would see them again, but you kept reminding yourself that it was okay, and they understood why you did.
The next place was some odd avatar-hating village, and Aang got arrested. But it was okay, because the day had ended with him out of prison, you beating up some soldiers, and some weird dough-like thing that you immediately spat out after tasting.
 In another Earth Kingdom town, your group had gone to an underground earthbending tournament which you had a blast watching. You had wanted to participate as well, but ended up following the rest of them as they looked for the Blind Bandit. The day went well, considering Aang had managed to get an earthbending teacher and so had you, despite her parents originally saying no. You had assumed that her parents never changed her mind like she said, having done the same thing with your own.
After Toph had joined, there was a strange metal contraption constantly following them by way of Appa’s fur trail. It had turned out to be the Fire Nation princess herself, and her two nonbending but still dangerous friends. You had helped Sokka and Katara with the other two that you had yet to learn the names of, while Aang was dealing with the last one. There was a fight because of course there was, you were starting to wonder just how many more fights you would have to go through in this. That was not to say you didn’t like to fight. You excelled at it.
That had also been the first time you had actually met the Prince Zuko that had literally followed them around the nations, and the first thing you wanted to know was where his ponytail had gone. Sokka had made sure to tell you all about it, but had left out the fact that he could actually be considered attractive, not that you would say that part out loud, and especially not when he was your enemy as well.
You had definitely been thrown for a loop when Azula had shot Iroh with lightning, only for Zuko to refuse help from any of you, even though Katara would have been the only one able to actually help.
Your second least favorite place was the desert, even though you thought the library had been amazing, apart from Wan Shi Tong getting upset that you guys had actually only come to learn how to defeat the Fire Nation. But Appa had gone missing, and you were absolutely convinced none of that was Toph’s fault. Another part of the desert that you didn’t like much were the buzzard wasps, but at least you had begun learning how to bend sand, which was definitely odd.
On your way to Ba Sing Se, they ended up meeting a few old friends of theirs, the Kyoshi Warriors and you had been quick to introduce yourself as well. Mostly since you had grown up hearing about them, and how amazing they would be, you really aspired to be more like them. 
Of course, the ticket lady wouldn’t let any of you get onto the ferry without passports, and Toph had managed to get all of you, only for the group to go the other route to Ba Sing Se when a pregnant lady and her husband had mentioned that their things were stolen. The Serpent’s Pass, you thought was aptly named when going through it. The serpent was terrifying, and you severely hoped that you wouldn’t have to go that way again. 
But at least you had made it through before Ying had her baby, which you thought was surprising considering she was quite far along. She asked you if you wanted to hold her, and you declined, having held more babies in your life than you probably would have liked, not to mention you hadn’t particularly wanted to hold any more. At least for now.
The new family had separated from you and your own group when you finally reached Ba Sing Se, only to find out that the Fire Nation trio was back again and they were trying to take down the wall with another metal thing. You had been helping Toph and Katara bend the awful rock and water combination and successfully kept a few of them back that way.
Ba Sing Se was a horrible city in your opinion, the Dai Li only being a part of it, but you were having a big issue with how the poor had less opportunities and the like.
You were partially glad when you left with the group, but heavily concerned for the avatar you’d come to think of as a younger brother. He had been shot with lightning and actually died, it was a miracle when Katara had healed him.
The weeks passing seemed to grow longer and longer, and nobody said it but everyone could tell that there was a lot of concern and worry for Aang when he hadn’t woke up. You spent your days learning how to bend metal like Toph, and it had taken you a while to even start.
Once he was awake however, you had to leave the boats you’d grown somewhat accustomed to and wait for the solar eclipse to grow nearer.
Unfortunately where you had to wait happened to be in the Fire Nation itself, and you hadn’t exactly wanted for more red in your wardrobe but it couldn’t be helped.
The next month or so, you weren’t sure how long it actually had been and couldn’t be bothered to remember, Katara had helped a coast village with its sick by posing as a river spirit and had even blown up a Fire Nation factory with Aang and finally scared the soldiers away from the town by continuing the ruse. Sokka had acquired a master of his own and made his own sword out of a piece of rock that fell from the sky. Toph had been scamming people in town, occasionally with your help but you ended up stopping when you thought that it would be too obvious. Katara had ended up finding another Southern Water Tribe bender, but unfortunately due to decades of being in prison had gone mad and had been kidnapping innocent people and trapping them under a mountain.
Hama had actually terrified you more than anything else had, but you couldn’t help but pity her at first. Your empathy had been shut off when you saw how Katara had to bloodbend her that night, and how upset she was.
The day of the invasion had been off to a good start, but it had been cut short when everyone learned that the Fire Nation already knew of the solar eclipse and had planned for it.
All of you had regrouped, apart from the adults that had gotten arrested for being a part of the invasion, and had gone to the Western Air Temple. Having never gone to any of the air temples yourself, you had quite a bit of fun exploring this one.
When the prince himself appeared and offered to be Aang’s firebending teacher, you wanted to throw a rock in his face and probably would’ve, had anyone else started a fight. It had been his choice to join his sister in Ba Sing Se, and now he wanted to join the group that he’d been chasing this entire time? Needless to say, you held a grudge against him, and you wouldn’t hesitate to earthbend him to the edge of the cliff if he tried anything.
The next day however, Toph returned with burned feet and Zuko had come back yet again. After his apologies, Aang had accepted him as his firebending teacher shortly after that.
It seemed like everyone but the ones that could earthbend had gone on a field trip with him, oddly enough, when Aang and Zuko had gone to learn real firebending, then it was Sokka and Zuko apparently breaking Hakoda and Suki out of prison but they also brought back a prisoner named Chit Sang too. Then it was Katara’s turn, and she went with him to confront the man who killed her mother. Thankfully, she hadn’t killed him.
Instead of camping out, Zuko had offered up a new place to sleep at, and it was a house that apparently no one goes anymore. You were a little weirded out at the thought of it, and Katara thought so too.
“Doesn’t it seem weird that we’re living in the Fire Lord’s own house?
“I told you, my father hasn’t come here since our family was actually happy. And that was a long time ago. It’s the last place anyone would think to look for us.”
“True, but still weird.” You piped up, doing your own stretches as the two firebenders had finished with their training.
“You guys are not gonna believe this. There’s a play about us.” Sokka said, walking out onto the courtyard with Suki, holding a rolled up poster, looking awfully smug.
“We were just in town, and we found this poster.” Suki continued, while Sokka rolled out the poster and held it up so all of you could see it.
“What? How is that possible?”
“Listen to this.” Sokka started, before beginning to read off the poster itself. “The boy in the iceberg is a new production from acclaimed playwright Puan Tin who scoured the globe, gathering information on the avatar from the icy South Pole to the heart of Ba Sing Se. His sources include singing nomads, pirates, prisoners of war, and a surprisingly knowledgeable merchant of cabbage.”
“Brought to you by the critically acclaimed Ember Island players.” Suki finished, before Zuko began to groan.
“Ugh. My mother used to take us to see them. They butchered “Love Amongst the Dragons” every year.”
“Sokka, do you really think it’s a good idea for us to attend a play about ourselves?”
“Come on, a day at the theater? This is the kind of wacky, time-wasting nonsense I;ve been missing.” And with that answer, you all headed out to the theater to see whatever play this would end up being.
Upon arriving, you all settled down into the seats, Katara sitting next to Toph and you sitting next to her, much to Aang’s disappointment, you were sure. You expected Aang to just sit down next to you, but no, Zuko had.
“Why are we sitting in the nosebleed section? My feet can’t see a thing from up here.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll tell your feet what’s happening.” Katara answered to Toph, while your gaze was awaiting on the curtains.
They opened to show what was supposed to Katara and Sokka on a boat in the sea, back in the South Pole you assumed. You almost laughed at Sokka’s excitement to notice the two when he grabbed his sister’s shoulder and pointed from each other back and forth.
“Sokka, my only brother.” The fake Katara let out a sigh, dramatically gesturing to the painted “ice glaciers” on her side. “We constantly roam these icy south pole seas, and yet, never do we find anything fulfilling.”
“All I want is a full feeling in my stomach. I’m starving.” ‘Sokka’ responded, making the real Katara and Sokka give each other a look as the audience burst into laughter.
“Is food the only thing that’s on your mind?”
“Well, I’m trying to get it out of my mind and in my mouth. I’m starving.”
“Is that all that guy says?” You grimaced, starting to dread when your character showed up.
“This is pathetic. My jokes are way funnier than this.” Sokka exclaimed, while Toph laughed at him.
“I think he’s got you pegged.” With that, the rest of you turned back to the play.
“Every day, the world awaits a beacon to guide us, yet none appears. Still, we cannot give up hope, for hope is all we have and we must never relinquish it, even. . . Even to our dying breath.” Fake Katara began to sob, and you drew in a breath through your teeth when Katara crossed her arms.
“Well, that’s just silly. I don’t sound like that.”
“You have your moments.” You admitted, but even you would agree that this was an exaggeration for sure.
“Oh man, this writer’s a genius.” At least Toph was having fun.
“It appears to be someone frozen in ice, perhaps for 100 years.” ‘Katara’ said, when a light shone down onto a floating iceberg.
“But who? Who is the boy in the iceberg?” Fake Sokka asked, the two climbing up the iceberg.
“Waterbend, hi-ya!” Fake Katara cried out, drawing her hand down as if to actually crack the ‘iceberg’ herself, only for it to break and reveal fake Aang, whose actor was a girl apparently.
“Who are you, frozen boy?
“I’m the avatar, silly, here to spread joy and fun.” ‘Aang’ giggled, and you looked to the avatar himself, only to see him frowning deeply.
“Wait, is that a woman playing me?” He asked, right as a fake Appa showed up and went around the iceberg in a circle while fake Katara gasped.
“An airbender. My heart is so full of hope that it’s making me tear-bend.” She began to fake sob, falling to her knees and grabbing onto fake Aang’s leg. 
“My stomach is so empty that it’s making me tear-bend.” Fake Sokka cried out, falling to his knees as well and grabbing onto ‘Aang’s’ other leg. “I need meat.” With that, you really couldn’t help but laugh, even when both Katara and Sokka were beginning to glare at you.
“But wait! Is that a platter of meaty dumplings?” The actress for Aang mentioned, pointing up at nothing in particular.
“Ooh, where, where?” ‘Sokka’ quickly asked, only for ‘Aang’ to start laughing.
“Did I mention that I’m an incurable prankster?”
“I don’t do that. That’s not what i’m like. And I’m not a woman.”
“Oh they nailed you, Twinkletoes.” Toph joked, laughing at the play as she basically had been this entire time.
A new boat showed up on the stage, this time carrying Zuko and his uncle.
“Prince Zuko, you must try this cake.” ‘Iroh’ offered, while fake Zuko was looking out at sea with a telescope.
“I don’t have time to stuff my face. I must capture the avatar to regain my honor.”
“Well, while you do that, maybe I’ll capture another slice.” Fake Iroh said, before literally shoving the cake into his face and eating.
“You sicken me.” ‘Zuko’ said, with a disgusted look on his face, and you let out a laugh.
“They make me look totally stiff and humorless.”
“Actually, I think that actor’s pretty spot-on.” Katara joked, and Zuko had been quick to turn to her.
“How could you say that?
“Let’s forget about the avatar and get massages.” 
“How could you say that?” Fake Zuko cried out at Iroh’s suggestion, only for you to laugh when you saw the look on Zuko’s face.
The scene panned out to show Aang the actress at the Southern Air Temple, with a tail sticking out of the fake bushes.
“Hey, look! I think I found something.” Fake Aang kept digging into the bushes, only to come back out with a fake puppet of Momo on his shoulder and a fake arm hanging from his side. “A flying rabbit-monkey! I think I’ll name him Momo.” He laughed, before moving the puppet so it would look like it was talking.
“Hi, everybody. I love you.” At the sight of it, both you and Aang let out a low groan. Momo did not deserve this slander.
With another scene, it showed a Kyoshi Warrior, which you assumed was supposed to be Suki before ‘Sokka’ came out, dressed in the same Kyoshi Warrior ensemble.
“Does this dress make my butt look fat?” He said, making the real Suki laugh, as you turned to look at the couple.
“So nobody told me you were a Kyoshi Warrior? I do have a question though. Did you look as good as Suki does?” You couldn’t help but tease him, although this was definitely bringing up some topics that you had missed out on.
The scene changed yet again, but this time was showing what was supposed to be King Bumi. Was he really that buff?
“Riddles and challenges must you face if you are ever to leave this place.” It showed fake Aang pushing a boulder, fake Sokka running from a gorilla rabbit, and fake Katara groaning as she was trapped in crystals.
It cut to a different part of the play, showing a pirate boat and pirates began to surround the trio. The pirates continued to fight each other as the trio actually got out quite safely.
“Why did you have to steal that waterbending scroll?” Fake Sokka asked as they crept away from the pirates.
“It just gave me so much hope.” Fake Katara answered, sobbing yet again.
“I really hope my character isn’t as bad.” You added, wearing a grimace, since you knew Katara didn’t cry nearly as many times as this one made her out to be like.
“The avatar is mine!” Fake Zuko cried out, while fake Aang was chained to a wall with soldiers surrounding him. “Wait, who’s coming?” He pointed to a different part of the stage where a person with a large blue demon-like mask held dao swords.
“I am the blue spirit, the scourge of the Fire Nation, here to save the avatar.” He exclaimed, before the soldiers began to drop to the ground dramatically and he somehow defeated fake Zuko as well as simultaneously untying fake Aang.
“My hero.” ‘Aang’ said, before leaving the stage with the blue spirit.
The scene changed, and it showed a sobbing ‘Katara’ with a fake Jet, hanging from a rope.
“Don’t cry, baby. Jet will wipe out that nasty town for you.” 
“Oh, Jet. You’re so bad.” Toph laughed, while Katara tried to hide her face, and you just lightly patted her shoulder with a slight look of pity.
“Look! It’s the Great Divide. The biggest canyon in the Earth Kingdom.” Aang mentioned, standing atop fake Appa.
“Eh, let’s keep flying.” Fake Sokka shrugged, while you only leaned back into your seat.
“Don’t go, Yue. You’re the only woman who’s ever taken my mind off of food.” The two actors dramatically kiss, before fake Sokka turns away with a gag. “Wait, did you have pickled fish for dinner?”
“Goodbye, Sokka. I have important moon duties to take care of. And yes, I did have pickled fish.” Fake Yue said, going up into the sky with the moon.
“You never told me you made out with the moon spirit.” Suki chuckled, and you glanced at the couple to see tears in Sokka’s eyes as he shushed her.
“Shh, I’m trying to watch.” Turning back to look at the stage, you saw the actress for Aang in a fish spirit costume, crushing fake fire Nation ships.
“The avatar is back to save the day! Yay!” He said, kicking and stomping on the rest of the fake ships before falling onto the floor as the curtains closed.
“So far, this intermission is the best part of the play.” Zuko mentioned when all of you sat on the steps outside of the theater.
“Apparently, the playwright thinks I’m an idiot who tells bad jokes about meat all the time.” Sokka angrily shoved jerky into his mouth, as Suki teased him.
“Yeah, you tell bad jokes about plenty of other topics.”
“I know!”
“At least the Sokka actor kind of looks like you. That woman playing the avatar doesn’t resemble at all.” Aang lamented, putting his hands over his head, as Toph shrugged.
“I don’t know. You are more in touch with your feminine side than most guys.” With that, Aang groaned and Katara interrupted when he stood up.
“Relax, Aang. They’re not accurate portrayals. It’s not like I’m a preachy crybaby who can’t resist giving over-emotional speeches about hope all the time.” Everyone had clearly been looking at her but nobody said a word, until she asked. “What?”
“Yeah, that’s not you at all.” Aang backed her up, sitting back down and rubbing the back of his neck.
“Listen, friends. It’s obvious that the playwright did his research. I know it must hurt, but what you’re seeing up there on that stage is the truth.” Toph offered, and you tilted your head.
“Not quite I don’t think, this is definitely exaggerated.”
As the group went back into the theater, the scene was apparently when you had met the group, seeing as it looked like your hometown.
“Well, here we are in the Earth Kingdom.” 
“I’d better have a look around to see if I can find an earthbending teacher.”
“Hey, is that the avatar? Get him!” A Fire Nation soldier exclaimed, pointing at fake Aang, when fake you appeared on the stage.
“No, don’t take him! I need to leave this town and abandon my family forever!” ‘You’ cried out, fake earthbending the soldiers out before running with the group. “I don’t want to live on this farm anymore! I want to beat up people!”
You grimaced at their portrayal of you, but at least the actress looked somewhat like you, even if the personality was quite a bit off.
“That’s not. . Quite true.” You added, seeing fake you leave with the rest of them. 
The scene was changed into another Earth Kingdom town, and you assumed this was where Toph showed up.
“Well, here we are in the Earth Kingdom again. So we can find an actual earthbending teacher.” Fake Katara repeated, the four of them standing next to a suspiciously large rock.
“This must be where I come in.” Toph whispered as fake Aang ‘flew’ around the audience with a rope.
“I flew all over town, but I couldn’t find a single earthbending master.”
“Here it comes.” Toph said, leaning forward in her seat.
“You can’t find an earthbending master in the sky. You have to look underground.” Fake Toph was apparently a very large and buff man, throwing the fake rock off stage. Which only caused everyone but Toph to start laughing, yourself included.
“Who are you?” Fake Aang asked, as fake Toph spat away from him, before proudly pointing to himself before beginning to flex his arms.
“My name’s Toph, because it sounds like tough, and that’s just what I am.”
“Wait a minute. I sound like a guy. A really buff guy.” Toph said, already starting to smile when Katara turned to her.
“Well Toph, what you hear up there is the truth. It hurts, doesn’t it?”
“Are you kidding me? I wouldn’t have cast it any other way. At least it’s not a flying bald lady.” Toph answered, making Aang frown as you bit back a snicker.
“So you’re blind?” ‘Aang’ asked, waving his hand in front of ‘Toph’.
“I can see you doing that. I see everything that you see, except I don’t see like you do. I release a sonic wave from my mouth.” Fake Toph explained before beginning to scream, causing everyone in the audience to flinch, apart from the actual Toph of course, who only grinned. “There. I got a pretty good look at you.”
The scene changed to show Iroh and Zuko who apparently had long hair now.
“Zuko, it’s time we had a talk about your hair. It’s gone too far.”
“Maybe it’s best if we split up.” Fake Zuko dramatically flipped his long hair as the two actors walked off the stage, only for everyone to come back with fake Azula as well.
“Azula, my sister, what are you doing here?”
“You caught me. Wait, what’s that? I think it’s your honor.” She said, pointing up and everyone in the cast looked away from her as she slipped away.
“She escaped. But how?” Fake Katara asked, and it switched to show Azula and Aang at the wall of Ba Sing Se with the drill.
“If she continues drilling, this wall will come down for sure.” Fake Aang said, throwing a fake rock at her.
“Yes, continue drilling. The city of Ba Sing Se can hide no longer.” Fake Azula said as ‘Aang’ continued throwing rocks, but it never showed how it ended as the scene changed to show a mind-controlled Jet.
“No, Jet, what did they do to you? Fake Aang cried out, dodging as fake Jet swung out with his hooks.
“Must serve Earth King. Must destroy!” He exclaimed as a fake rock fell onto him, before curling up underneath it so his body wouldn’t be showing.
“Did Jet just die?” Zuko asked, as Sokka answered, gesturing with his hands.
“You know, it was really unclear.” 
“I have to admit, Prince Zuko, I really find you attractive.” Fake Katara said, now seemingly in the crystal caves of Ba Sing Se as fake you was looking for a way out, hardly paying any attention to the two.
“You don’t have to make fun of me.” The actor said, turning away and then turning back when fake Katara sat down onto the same rock as him.
“But I mean it. I’ve had eyes for you since the day you first captured me.” With that, you noticed the real Zuko and Katara briefly glance at each other with mildly disgusted looks as Aang frowned at the stage.
“Wait. I thought you were the avatar’s girl. And besides I’m in love with someone else.” Fake Zuko then said, beginning to walk away and very obviously looked towards fake you. ‘Katara’ laughed, before starting to say.
“The avatar? Why, he’s like a little brother to me. I certainly don’t think of him in a romantic way. Besides, how could he ever find out about this?” She hugged him, and you looked at the stage in confusion.
“There’s no way you two would do that.” You said, knowing for a fact that Katara was crushing on Aang, and she had already divulged that he kissed her the day of the invasion. “But what I don’t get is why the actor looks at me when he says he’s in love with someone else. What’s up with that?” You questioned, only to get radio silence from everyone there. You shrugged, figuring that you would weasel the answer out of someone later.
“Oh, you’re getting up? Can you get me some fire flakes?” Sokka asked Aang when he walked out of the theater after that debacle. “Oh, and fire gummies.”
“Well, my brother, what’s it going to be? Your nation or a life of treachery?” Fake Azula said, only for fake Zuko to contemplate things.
“Choose treachery. It’s more fun.” Fake Iroh said, drinking some tea as ‘Zuko’ walked over to him and paused.
“No way!” ‘Azula’ yelled before he pushed ‘Iroh’ over onto the ground and headed towards his sister’s side.
“I hate you, Uncle. You smell, and I hate you for all time!” As he left the stage with ‘Azula’, the Earth Kingdom flag fell onto the actor for Iroh.
“You didn’t really say that, did you?” Katara asked, and you frowned when Zuko answered.
“I might as well have.”
The next scene was Ty Lee and Mai taking over Ba Sing Se, only for Aang to appear out from behind the throne.
“Avatar state, yip-yip!” Fake Aang proceeded to be brought up from the stage by a rope as fake Azula appeared.
“Not if my lightning can help it.” A ribbon was thrown at the fake avatar who pretended to be electrocuted and fell to the floor. “The avatar is no more.” At that, the whole audience seemed to cheer, apart from your group.
You stretched during the intermission, thankful to be out of the seat.
“It seems like every time there’s a big battle, you guys barely make it out alive. I mean, you guys lose a lot.” Suki mentioned, only for her boyfriend to quickly respond.
“You’re one to talk, Suki, didn’t Azula take you captive? That’s right, she did.”
“Are you trying to get on my bad side?”
“I’m just saying.”
“Does anyone know where Aang is?” Katara interrupted the couple, and you hoped that the two might finally talk about how they feel.
“He left to get me fire gummies like ten minutes ago, and I’m still waiting.” Sokka complained, only for his sister to turn away from him.
“I’m gonna check outside.” She said, walking out of the theater, as a child dressed up as Aang pretended to fly around.
“Suki, what are the chances you can get me backstage? I got some jokes I want to give to the actor me.”
“I’m an elite warrior who’s trained for many years in the art of stealth. I think I could get you backstage.” And the two walk off, leaving you with Zuko and Toph.
“Well, I think I’m going to go check out how bad Sokka’s jokes are. Maybe you can tell her now.” Toph suggested, before following Suki and Sokka.
“Wait-” But you had cut Zuko off before he could continue.
“Tell me what?” Would someone finally tell you about why fake Zuko looked at you when he said he was in love with someone else?
“I-uh.. The actor wasn’t entirely wrong.” He partially confessed, only leaving you with more questions.
“Wrong about which part?” You simply couldn’t understand any bit of it.
“I’ve kind of been in love with you for a while.” He quickly answered, glancing at you to see your reaction before looking away.
“Wait what-” You said, only momentarily confused before shaking your head. You didn’t exactly understand why, and that’s exactly what you said. “Why? I don’t get it. There’s nothing special or anything about me.”
“You are far from ordinary, Y/N. You’re so strong and-”
“So what you’re telling me, you’re attracted to strong women?” You teased, oddly satisfied upon seeing the light pink of his cheeks as he groaned before letting out a sigh.
“Yeah.” He admitted, before continuing. “I even asked everyone for help with this.”
“Wait, is that why you had told me I was pretty the other day? And why I found flowers in front of my door the next morning?”
“Well, I thought you were hot when we first met, so we’re even.” You shrugged, looking at him from the corner of your eye.
“Do you still think that?”
“What do you think?” You answered his question with a question, leaning closer to him until your faces were merely inches apart. “Y’know, I started training to get my mind off you.”
Just as your lips were almost touching, you had closed your eyes only to quickly open them and pull away when you heard a wolf-whistle.
“It’s about time!”
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tokoyamisstuff · 4 years
Betrothed Ch. 9 - Illumi Zoldyck x Reader
Epilogue: Beauty and the Beast
Summary: Leaving the Zoldyck estate to search for your husband, what will await you once you find him?
Warnings: Angst, Violence.
Words: ~2500
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Story Masterlist
A/N: The plot is connected to the “Phantom Rogue” movie. In case you haven’t watched it yet (no spoilers don’t worry): The antagonist of the movie uses Nen to create puppets taking after real persons, which even possess their personaliy and memories.
All I ever wanted All I ever needed Is here in my arms Words are very Unnecessary They can only do harm
Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence
People tend to say you should be careful what you wish for. Apparently they were right.
At least it worked...somehow.
The last thing you knew was that you had sneaked into Alluka’s cell, wanting to free her just as much as you wanted to find Illumi. Of course her parents weren’t really fond of the idea, so you waited for an opportune moment and asked for Nanika to appear before the family could realize and act against it.
Your wish was pure and without any ill intend - so there would be no consequences.
“Please: Bring me to Illumi. I need to save him!”
So she did as she was told.
You found yourself having been teleported to an unknown place, at bright day even though it was night at the Zoldyck estate. That means you’d be at least on the other side of the world, gladly far enough away for them to quickly try and retrieve Alluka.
All you could make up in between miles of nature was an old building, almost like a chapel.
And in front of it stood Illumi.
“These eyes are strange” he thought out aloud, taking in his environment. “Everything looks so bright.”
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“Illu-nii-!” You put a finger in front of Alluka’s lips, signalizing her to stay quiet. Gladly you had appeared in somewhat of an hiding, so no one had noticed you up until now.
Something was off. That thing was surely not Illumi - even if it painfully appeared so.
“Gon!” a blonde girl shoutet in visible distress, “Hang in there! Gon!”
And then it dawned to you: A Nen ability.
Cloning? But why and how? It should be impossible to make such a perfect image of another person, which even seems to think and act on it’s own.
“Give gon his eyes back!” Killua demanded, but got shut down by the clone through a proper kick in his guts. “I can’t do that, Kill.”
You were too late to stop the poor Killua from running away, instead of chasing him deciding to follow the spitting image of your husband - but he had detected you earlier than you anticipated.
“Weird...” he spoke with the voice you had missed so much, staring at you with an empty glare. “You don’t look different.”
A surprised “Huh?” was all you managed to get out at his weird assumption, defendingly standing in front of Alluka.
“Those eyes make everything shine so bright. But you look just as always” the clone statet, almost as if amazed by your sheer appearance.
“You’ve always shined to me, Y/N.”
And like that, he was gone.
There wasn’t much time to think about it, since the screams of that unfamiliar girl got you down to earth again.
“Please, Gon!” she encouraged him as he tried to leave after she wrapped a bandage around his empty eyeholes. “Don’t-”
But he was already gone, chasing Killua to god knows where.
“What the hell...” you mumbled, still holding Alluka firmly in your arms.
Now the girl, which appeared like a puppet as well given a second look, turned to both of you. “Just...who are you? And where did you came from?”
“Long story.” Your answer was short, not wanting to tell anyone about Alluka’s powers. “But I’m a friend of those children. And...I need to find the man from earlier.”
“That was just one of Omokage’s puppets” she explained, pointing towards the direction Gon and Killua ran off to. “I can explain anything on the way. But we need to find them!”
It was already night when you found those two, because even with your superhuman speed you still had a child to take care off.
Seemingly, the two had resolved whatever internal trouble they were having, and much to your surprise Leorio and Kurapika had joined them as well.
“You guys...”
“Y/N?!” All of them went into a defensive position, ready to fight you in case you were a puppet as well. You weren’t mad, though. It was the only plausible reason for them to have magically appeared in here.
“Killu-nii!” Alluka cheered, approaching her brother as fast as her small legs could carry her. You wanted to prevent a reunion like that, but well...
Of course the boy broke out in tears as he remembered his sister he was forced to forget about all those years, the weight of his guilt crushing down on him once again. “I’m so sorry, Alluka...I think I was still under Illu-nii’s influence.”
Your lip began to tremble at his words, having to bite it so they wouldn’t notice that you were about to cry.
“Y/N? Is everything alright?” Damn. Of course they noticed the shift in your aura.
“Come to think of it...” Gon said, unusual sharp intellect considering his usual, blunt nature. “How come you accompany Killua’s sister? Doesn’t that mean you would’ve broken in Kurokoo mountain and fight all the Zoldycks for it?”
“Wait a second!” Good for Killua that he regains his cool so fast after having been emotional, but you wish it weren’t like that. “Isn’t that my great-grandmother’s ring? Did you stole it?!”
“Wha- no! Of course not!”
That wasn’t his greatest concern: Did you know about Alluka’s powers, and wanted to have them for yourself? Was that the reason? But how could you ever just invade the Zoldyck property and take what’s theirs without dying at their hands?
None of it made sense, no matter how much he racket his brain around the matter.
“Illu-nii gave it to Y/N for their wedding! Isn’t that cute?”
Everyone’s breath hitched at Alluka’s innocent words, and you could feel even those whose eyes were stolen widen in shock.
Before you could even defend yourself, Killua had tackled you down before sharpening his fingernails and pressing them against your neck, drawing blood.
“Why...?” Kurapika spoke the word that went through everyone’s minds, followed by Killua’s disappointed whisper “Traitor....”
“Because I love Illumi. That’s all.”
The boy then grabbed your shirt, shaking you as if to wake you up from a deep trance. “Love? LOVE?!? You know my brother, damn it!”
“Yeah!” Leorio joined the scolding. “You know very well what he forced Killua to do all those years, and that he tried to kill Gon!”
“I know very well what he’s capable of.” Against all resistance by your friends, you still remained calm and cheerful. “But he’s my husband, and I’ll fight for him until my dying breath.”
You’ve never seen Killua so furious and hurt in your life, and you could understand him:
The man responsible for all of his pain - and someone he considered a friend to fall in love with and defend him.
“Don’t give me that bullshit...” he growled as he let go off of you, tears of anger collecting in the rim of his eyes. “He obviously turned Y/N into a needleman!”
The only one to remain silent was Gon, knowing that he shouldn’t intervene until Killua was done having his rage.
Since the truth was simple, yet hard to accept for someone who had suffered under Illumi’s influence for that long.
“Don’t bully Y/N!” Alluka suddenly  blurted out, softly punching her brother’s back.
Killua then refrained from interrogating you any further, turning around to hug his sister once again. You knew the anger he let out was not just against you or your husband, but also out of wdisappointment in himself.
“I’m so sorry, Alluka...I should’ve saved you. Instead, I tried to leave my past behind and also left you alone!”
Alluka was a smart girl, at least emotionally - her mind worked different than the other Zoldycks. She gently put her hand on her brother’s hair, consoling him even though she never really understood how severe the situation at hand was:
“It’s okay! I was’t alone!” she cheered, smiling all innocent from one ear to another. “Big brother Illumi played with me all the time, together with Y/N! We had such fun!”
You smiled gently at the naive girl, knowing everyone would believe her to speak the truth. Picking her up and on your shoulders as she always wanted you to do, you waited for everyone to just process her statement.
“Alluka has spent almost every day at home with us” you proudly declared, as if you were actually her parent. “He’s a bit reserved, of course, but he loves her very much!”
“...that’s so fucked up” Leorio declared as he thought back to the creepy Gittarackur.
Killua was at loss for words, only managing to get out a consensual nod at Leorio.
“Hey!” you snickered mischievously, rumpling up his hair. “I’m your sister in law now. A little more respect!”
“Anyway” Kurapika interrupted, “Where’s Pretz?”
Seems like changing the topic was easier for the group than to keep thinking about that almost impossible constellation.
“She’s a puppet” Gon revealed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, just for you to confirm his thesis.
“And you let Illumi steal your eyes just to follow the nen connected to them?” Giving him a head-butt, you added. “Still the idiot.”
That wasn’t fully true: Those kids sure grew since the last time you’ve met them at the Hunter Exam.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the situation, feeling like a stone was falling off your chest just by being with them.
“I’m glad to meet you again. I’ve missed you so much, guys!”
Leorio had volunteered to take care of Alluka, so she wouldn’t get dragged into the fight, while the others of you headed for Okogame’s hideout.
It was a giant church, so old that it was on the verge of breaking down. 
Fitting place for a showdown, you thought.
“You don’t understand the beauty of my art!” was Okogame’s answer as Kurapika demanded for him to set his dead friend free.
“See?” he yelled dramatically as he revealed his puppets. “Pairo’s beauty together with Kurapika’s passionate eyes.”
To be honest, that wouldn’t revoke a reaction inside of you as your mind was always wandering off.
But then, he revealed his other creation.
“And Illumi’s madness, together with Gon’s pure eyes.”
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“Still the damsel in distress, I see.” God, even his voice was just like him. “I thought I’ve teached you better than that, Y/N.”
“Here he comes” Gon stated the obviously, but you had something to tell Killua.
"This isn’t completely him” you whispered as the puppet slowly approached you. “I can sense it: He isn’t nearly as strong as the real deal. And do you know what? He’s influenced by our memories of Illumi. They shape this puppet. That’s why he’s so scary to you, do you understand? That’s just how you depicture your brother.”
Killua knew what you really wanted to say: As you were now, you could easily end this - but Killua needed to defeat his fears himself.
The puppet came to a halt in front of his younger brother.
“Emotions are obsolete.” Ironically, it seemed that the puppet couldn’t avert his gaze from you, only making you crave your husband more. “Don’t value any of those pathetic commitments.”
“T-That’s wrong.” You were so proud of Killua, because even though he was almost frozen in place out of fear he was able to talk back to his brother. “I made friends, and it’s a great feeling.”
“You’re being silly, Kill” he declared as he pointed at you. “Do you see Y/N over there? I tried it myself. And guess what: They betrayed me. Ran away from me, scared. And now I’m all alone again.
Ouch. Even the puppet was hurt by your actions back then.
“But killing is something we can always do. It gives us power, makes us feel alive. Fear is the only reliable way of controling someone. We don’t need friends. We can manipulate people. Otherwise they will only hurt and betray you. So if they disobey: Kill them.”
“S-Shut up!” both you and Killua shoutet in unison.
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“Kill me, then” he whispered into Killua’s ear, “Come on. Prove that I’m wrong.”
So that’s the monster Killua saw in Illumi all those years...
“Lumi...” you couldn’t help but sob, “I didn’t want to let you down...”
“Don’t interfere” the puppet spoke, throwing several needles at you at once. “I don’t have any business with you anymore. This is a family matter.”
“I like the outfit!” you laughed it off, avoiding the needles as if it was nothing. “Feels just like sparring back then!”
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“You’ve always been too careless, Y/N. Because I had a soft spot for you. But I’m not going easy on you now - my order is to leave none of you alive.
A few needles pinned you to the wall, making you realize you weren’t fully concentrated.
You didn’t want to fight your husband, even though that’s not really him, so you were unknowingly holding back.
“We knew it would eventually end that way” the puppet spoke, the dark void in his eyes reminding you of the Illumi you got to know before your marriage. “Even though I’m almost sad about it.”
Your head fell in defeat, too hurt to see the love of your life suffering for so long. May as well let him hurt you a bit, to punish yourself and feel what he felt.
“I’m so sorry, Lumi.” Your answer and lack of struggle actually made him taken aback for a second, until the mission that Okogame’s nen imprinted on the puppet forced him to continue.
“Hey!” Killua yelled as he kicked another set of needles out of his hand, “We are your enemies! You said it yourself!”
Of course they had their own intentions: Getting back Kurapika’s eyes, save Pretz, overcome the trauma Illumi had put on Killua...
But you were thankful that your friends tried to avoid you having to end Illumi’s life, even if only in a metaphorical sense.
The real fight didn’t even take a whole minute, with Gon and Killua only taking a few hits until they pierced the puppet’s heart with unified strenght.
Immediately, you rushed to his side, caughting the stiff body before it hit the ground.
“Why do you stay with me, Y/N...?”
You grabbed his hand, feeling honest compassion for the artifical being as you cried out “Because you’re being loved. By me, and Alluka and even Killua! I’ll find the real you, and save you no matter what!”
“I see...” The puppet robotically touched your cheek, movements not really different from the real Illumi at the beginning from your relationship. “Maybe I was wrong about trust after all.”
A small smile played on his face as your lips hesistantly touched, while you simultaneously pressed a knife inside of him to end it all.
“Rest now” you said what Illumi had always told you when you were upset. Okogame’s curse couldn’t force his will onto the puppet now that he wasn’t able to get up ever again.
And Illumi collected the last bit of strenght as his body slowly dissolved into nen.
At least in the end he wasn’t alone - until death does you part.
“I guess dying through your hands doesn’t feel all that bad.”
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wing-ed-thing · 4 years
Cliché (shy!Reader x Might Guy, Part III)
Notes: OOOOOoooh boy. You know, I’m usually really insecure about my writing but I actually had a lot of fun writing this chapter. Probably my favorite. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading as I did writing. Links to part I and II are on the Masterlist pinned at the top of my blog. Unfortunately, Tumblr won’t let this post show up in the tags if I link them here. Lots of love!
Warning for foul language and some sexual innuendo.
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It was a small step, but that small step began your blossoming bond with Might Guy. The both of you became almost inseparable. You didn’t know what it was exactly about him, but whenever he was near, you just felt at ease. Wherever you went, Guy accompanied you. Whenever Guy went to train, you were there if not to just spectate. It was apparent to the whole village that you were a good match, yet the two of you stayed near oblivious. Day by day, you grew bolder. You spoke more, laughed more, and for once it felt like you had a seat at the table in your own life. He balanced you as you balanced him.
“You can slow down sometimes, you know,” you would tell him, “Life isn’t a race, it’s meant to be savored.” He took your advice. At times where he normally would have been training for the umpteenth time, you would spot him taking his team out to dinner. When he normally would have run 500 laps around the village, he walked with you as the both of you chatted. You were still soft-spoken and Guy was still outgoing, but you had grown together. You thought you’d never see the day that Might Guy would become the closest person to you, but here it was. Even if you stayed friends, you would be happy.
It was the end of the training day. Your team was splayed out among members of Team Guy. All six children panted, catching their breath on the dirted training ground. Guy worked them hard today. You, well, you reminded everyone that water existed while you tended to the inevitable scrapes and bruises. You were always told that you had too much of a gentle hand when it came to training up Genin, but with Guy’s tough love attitude, both of your teams seemed to be benefiting from your mixed style.
“Alright Team, be sure to thank Guy-Sensei.” You announced as they gathered their kunai from around the field. They gave a tired yet resounding thanks to your colleague. Guy stood across the grounds and gave a thumbs up. One of your students came up to you.
“Do we always have to train with Team Guy?” she complained in a hushed tone. Your other students turned to face you, nodding in agreement. You gave a quiet laugh.
“And here I thought you liked spending time with Team Guy.” The kunoichi in training sighed. The two other boys stood beside her now, directly in front of you.
“We like Team Guy but Guy-Sensei always goes overboard!” one of your boys protested earnestly.
“Yeah,” the other pouted. “Just because you like having boring talks with Guy-Sensei doesn’t mean we should have to do all these crazy routines, (Y/N)-Sensei.” You blinked in shock for a moment before the shock turned into annoyance. Why these little-!
“I’m sorry.” You crossed your arms, a smile on your lips. Your brow twitched. “Do you want to run another 500 laps? Because that’s what I’m hearing right now.”
Your smile made your team uneasy. They passively felt your increasingly negative energy. Creepy. That was the end of those questions. They trudged back home as you trailed behind and walked with Guy.
“What did they want?” Guy asked, lightly bumping your shoulder with his.
“Your team!” he chuckled jovially. “It looked like they wanted to talk to ya.” Your students had begun to branch off at this point as they headed home. Guy continued to walk with you.
“Oh.” Your student’s words echoed through your head. Just because you like having boring talks with Guy-Sensei doesn’t mean we should have to do all these crazy routines, (Y/N)-Sensei. You kept your features light despite inwardly cursing those brats you loved so much. “Nothing! You know Genin. Complaining!”
You looked at Guy whose aura was as positive as ever. You really were smiling more, weren’t you? The both of you continued. In the distance, you saw two figures waving over to the pair of you.
“(Y/N), Guy, you’re just in time!” Kotetsu declared loosely. “Genma and them just got back from a mission!”
“We’re all getting drinks, the whole gang! You gotta come along,” Izumo chimed, “When’s the last time we were all in the village together?”
You did miss your friends and it had indeed been a long time. However, you didn’t know if the bar was the scene for you. Guy had already made up his mind.
“Aw yeah! I can’t wait to see everyone!” The two shinobi before you quite obviously pregamed before running into you, but Guy’s enthusiastic energy still matched theirs. You stood by, watching as the three hyped each other up for the night to come. You inched back.
“Um,” You started in a small voice, “I’ll see everyone later.” Despite their slight inebriation, Kotetsu and Izumo heard that.
“No! C’mon (Y/N)-chan, you gotta come!”
“Yeah you gotta come! We’re on missions tomorrow, and Kurenai and Asuma are being sent out the day after us! When’s the next time we’ll all be together?”
“When’s the next time we’ll be together, (Y/N)?”
Guy cleared his throat, putting a large hand on the shoulders of both men.
“Don’t pressure the lady. She doesn’t have to do anything she doesn’t want to.” You could’ve melted right there. What a dream for introverts! However, you were trying to be bolder, to step out of your comfort zone every once in a while.
“No,” you peeped, “It’s okay, let’s go. I’m sure it’ll be… fun!” Guy gave you a look as if to ask if you were sure. You nodded.
Kotetsu and Izumo led you to the bar where the others were already seated. They migrated to the bar where Kakashi sat with Asuma and Kurenai. Anko seemed to have claimed a circular booth so both you and Guy slid down at one of the ends. Shizune and Ebisu greeted you as Genma called for another round for the table.
The bar was busy but not enough for you to mind. In fact, the more you drank, the less you minded about most things in general. Despite your earlier hesitation, you were starting to really enjoy the company. Listening to your fellow Jounin tell stories, your posture relaxed.  You had one leg slung over Shizune’s thigh as you leaned back against Guy, his arm coming up to rest on the top of the booth behind your shoulders.
“And this dude really fell! Like ‘BOOM’ flat on his face!” Genma narrated animatedly, slamming his open palm against the table. The glasses on the table jiggled. “When I picked him up I asked him, ‘Are you sure you have a bounty? Because you’re the easiest catch I’ve ever hooked!’” The booth was in hysterics. Even the ever-stoic Ebisu couldn’t hold back upon hearing his ex-teammate’s story. Tears welled up in your eyes from laughter as you felt the deep rumble of Guy behind you. You sat up.
“Excuse me!” You exclaimed, waving the short distance from your booth to the group at the bar. “Would someone please do me the favor of getting me another sake?” Your words slurred towards the end. Anko snorted.
“Well fuck, I didn’t think we’d be getting (Y/N) shitfaced tonight!” She cackled.
“I am not drunk!” You defended, accepting your third sake from Kakashi who leaned against the side of the booth with an amused look. “But I may be a little tipsy.” The table howled as Genma reached over to ruffle your hair.
Guy leaned down to whisper to you. His fingers came over yours, delicately taking the glass from your hands. “Maybe you should lay off the drinks right now.” He breathed in your ear. He set your sake down by the one he had been nursing all night. You turned to face him, your leg slipping off of Shizune’s. You leaned more into his shoulder. Guy tensed.
“Maito-Kun…” You whined. Guy was taken aback. Maito-Kun. That was new. He took in your features: the pout on your lips, your large eyes framed by silky strands of hair, the fact that you were slowly trying to reach for your sake cup. He moved it to the end of the table. His attention was drawn again to your lips as they moved. Guy had never paid particular attention to your lips before… wait, as they moved? Guy shook himself out of his thoughts as he realized you were speaking. Now wasn’t the time.
“What did you say?”
“I said I was fine, really. Please don’t worry about me.” You smiled up at him. Before he could answer, Izumo’s voice boomed from the bar.
“Guy! Kakashi!” He called, “Come do a shot with me and Asuma!” Guy hesitated.
“Go!” you encouraged, lightly prodding him with your elbow. He stood up, Kakashi giving him a pat on the back as they walked towards the bar.
“So,” Kotetsu started, sliding into the other end of the circular booth.  You retrieved your drink from where Guy placed it. “How long has that been going on for?” You waited for someone to respond, but no one did. You looked up and all eyes were on you.
“Who, me?” You inquired, taking a sip. Anko puffed.
“Yeah, you.” She took a swig from her drink. “You’re the one who Guy’s been feeling up all night.” You almost choked on your drink.
“What? No, no he hasn’t been-”
“‘Cause you’ve had a thing for him forever, haven’t you?” Kotetsu questioned. Your heart sank. How did he know? “I gotta hand it to you, (Y/N), I don’t think anyone thought you had it in you.” He shrugged. You didn’t think anyone knew about your crush on Guy. You looked over to Kurenai. There’s no way she told anyone right? Your eyes drifted to the man in question. Did he also know?
“Yeah,” Anko barked, “It was always so cringy watching you try to talk to him.” You tensed, the pit in your chest growing larger and more painful the more she spoke. Every word felt like a punch in the stomach.
“It was painful to watch,” Ebisu added. “Especially back in the academy.”
Anko continued, “But we’re all happy for you that you pulled it off, (Y/N). I wasn’t sure how much more I could take! You know, all the stuttering.”
It felt like there was a knot in your throat. You cleared it. Your cheeks had begun to burn from more than just the alcohol. You batted back the tears that began to gather in your waterline. They weren’t from laughing this time.
“Actually, Guy and I are just friends.” You corrected, hoping that you could end the discussion there. That sentence alone barely made it out. You prayed for this conversation to end. You murmured, “Always have been…”
“Heh, I’m sure.” Genma leaned forward to rest his arms on the table. He gave you a wink. “So what? Are you just thirsty for his, uh, Green Beast, huh (Y/N)-chan?”
“Genma!” snapped Shizune. “Stop being gross.”
At this point, you regretted coming. You felt crushed, like you could burst at any moment. All your energy went into maintaining a straight face. You would not be the one to cry in front of your friends at the bar. It was a silly promise to yourself that held your last shred of dignity. Luckily, the topic of conversation quickly changed. You suspected that Kotetsu and Shizune picked up on your discomfort while Anko and Genma were too out of it to notice the bluntness of their words. You have never felt such embarrassment. You wanted to leave. Guy stayed at the bar. It made you relieved, despite a small part of you wanting him to come back. Despite time passing, you couldn’t help but continue to feel dejected.
You couldn’t hold out for long. As you started to sober up, you whispered to Shizune that you were leaving. She gave you a nod and an apologetic look. You only planned on talking to Kurenai and Guy before you left. As you were getting up from the booth, that’s when you heard it.
“C’mon Guy, what about that one over there?” Izumo was gesturing towards a woman near the other part of the bar. You had to admit, she was beautiful. Much more beautiful than you thought you were. “You should go talk to her! Guy, when’s the last time you got, you know, some action?”
You didn’t want to hear the rest of that conversation. It all became too much for you. You weren’t sure if you were overwhelmed. Maybe it was the fact that you didn’t really want to come in the first place. Perhaps it was just the alcohol, but you felt wetness on your cheeks and you quickly made your escape.
You stood outside under the moonlight, surrounded by cool air. You began to shed silent tears, your hands covering your face. You wished you could’ve at least walked home first, but your legs felt locked, as if they would collapse if you tried more than just standing. How did everyone know about your secret? Were you that obvious? Was Guy just playing with you? Your face burned. You thought about the conversation between Guy and Izumo. You had no right to be upset about what Guy decided to do with his own life. He didn’t owe you a relationship of any kind. You knew that, but it wasn’t Guy you were upset with. It wasn’t Genma or Anko or Kotetsu or Izumo. It was- someone called your name. You turned your head slightly. It was Kurenai.
“I just-” you tried to wipe the tears from your face, but they only kept flowing- “You didn’t tell anyone, did you?”
“Tell anyone what?” She came to stand in front of you.
“About my crush on Guy-San.” You felt like a Genin, like a child all over again getting upset about something as dumb as a boy. Shame coursed through your body.
“No, I didn’t.” Kurenai reassured you softly as she pulled you into an embrace.
“I know you didn’t,” You cried into her shoulder. “I’m sorry, I just feel so pathetic.” Your friend patted your head slightly.
“You’re not pathetic, (Y/N).”
“I just-” A sob wracked your body- “I feel like everyone thinks so! Why am I like this, Kurenai?” You shook violently. “I just, I just feel… horrible right now. I’m sorry, Kurenai.”
“Shh… don’t be sorry. You have nothing to be sorry about. You know how Genma gets when he’s had too many. And everyone knows Anko is a mean drunk.” Your friend whispered.
You let out another sob, “She is a mean drunk!”
Kurenai smiled at you. “Yeah, she is. Let’s get you home. We can talk more when we get you home.” And that’s where you went.
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celestialbarnes · 4 years
third times a charm
pairing: donna troy x reader
summary: donna chickens out when telling the reader about her feelings twice and she's not gonna let it happen a third
a/n: i’m starting a little series from the ‘100 ways to say i love you’ list. send me a number(s) + a titans character if you wanna! also, TW: alcohol mention. 
this is 37.”can i kiss you? + 90.”you can tell me anything.” + 100.”i love you.”
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gif credit: @blancasevangelista​
The first time Donna tried confessing, she was drunk out of her mind. She’d just gotten back from Themyscira and it had been a bad trip. Apparently some people found the usually hidden island and launched an attack on the Amazon women. Donna had lost friends and was coping the only way she knew how to - with alcohol.
She was in mourning so nobody thought it was strange that she was drunk at two in the afternoon and just let her be. Except for you, of course. You loved the infamous Wonder Girl so it was only normal for you to be concerned about her.
You found Donna in her bedroom, she was sitting up on her bed with a beer bottle in her hand and about a dozen empty ones scattered on her nightstand and floor. “Donna?”
The girl whipped her head to the door at the sound of your voice. “Y/N,” She blew air from her lips as she patted the empty spot in front of her. “C’mere, sit with me. Have a drink.” She motioned to the half empty six pack beside her.
You sat down, declining the fresh beers and opted to take the one she loosely held in her grasp. “Hey,” She whined as she reached, but missed and ended up flinging her body onto yours. You grunted at the sudden force on you as she clumsily sat up and straddled you. “It’s not nice to take somebody's drink.” She pouted.
Softly smiling at her, you sat up with her still in your lap. Your hand was splayed across the small of her back, preventing her from falling. “Sorry, D. But do you think you should stop drinking now? Maybe get something to eat then-” You were cut off by her words.
“Can I kiss you?” The soft and pouty was she was looking at you made your heart skip a beat, but there was no way you’d be able to kiss her while she was in this state.
“Not now, okay? You're drunk and it doesn't feel right.” You explained while gently pushing her off your lap and back to her original spot on her bed. The sad puppy dog eyes she was giving you made you chuckle as you cleared off her bed. “How about you wait right here while I bring you up some food?.”
Donna was still pouting, but nodded at your suggestion. It took you less than ten minutes to get back up to her room, but she had already curled herself up in the sheets and fallen asleep. You quietly placed two pills and a water bottle on her nightstand before making your way out.
It was a bad mission. Dick, Hank and Donna had gotten badly hurt so it fell on you and Dawn to finish up the bad guys who were attacking and get your teammates back to the tower safely. It took longer than you thought, but you two got it done.
Once at the tower, everybody dispersed to their own rooms. Dawn taking Hank to theirs, him attached to her side as he limped. Dick hissed and groaned as he held onto his side where he was stabbed. You knew better than to ask if he wanted help, it was always a no. You looked over at Donna who leaned on the kitchen counter, head resting on her crossed arms. Donna’s injuries weren't quite physical, more mental and emotional. She was mad at herself, that was clear.
“Donna..” You softly called, making her look up at you. “It wasn't your fault, I promise. You don't have eyes in the back of your head, you couldn't have seen him run at me.” 
She scoffed and shook her head, “But I was the closest to you! I-I could have done something and instead you got thrown into a wall and I know you seem fine now, but what if you weren't? I could never forgive myself if something happened to you, Y/N, it would-” She cut herself off abruptly, sighing instead. She was deep in thought, opting to stare at the marble countertop instead of you.
“It would what, Donna? Talk to me, you can tell me anything.” You pushed, reaching out to grab her hand.
Her eyes moved to your hands before meeting your gaze. “I uh forgot I needed to talk to Dick.” She pulled away, eyes cast downward and moved out of the kitchen. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Are you sure I look okay?” You tugged on the black mini dress Dawn had shoved you in. You were sure you’d give everybody a view if you bent down in this thing.
Dawn playfully slapped your hands away before moving to mess with your hair. “You look hot, Y/N. Your date is going to be blown away.” She smiled at you, clearly proud of her work. She had picked your outfit and done your hair and makeup, which you were thankful for. If it were up to you, you wouldn't be going on this date with Hank’s old college buddy. Dawn had decided it was time for you to get out into the dating world again, even though you were perfectly fine crushing on the Amazon woman who slept down the hall from you.
You sighed as you watched Dawn pick up the heels she chose for you. “Ready?”
“Do they have to be that high?”
The blonde opened her mouth, just to be cut off my Donna peeking her head into your bedroom. “Can I um talk to Y/N for a minute?”
Donna nodded, handing you the shoes before walking out. “I’ll be back to see you put those on!”
Immediately dropping the shoes on the floor, you sat on the bed and motioned for Donna to do the same. She’d been standing silently in the middle of the room, fiddling with her fingers. “Donna?”
She looked up, eyebrows raised, “Hm? Oh! I've been trying to talk myself into having this conversation for weeks, months even and I just can't find the words so I'm just going to go for it, okay?” She took a breath between sentences, but it wasn't enough for you to get a word in so you stayed silent, listening to her speak and begin to pace in front of you. “I know you have a date tonight, you look so gorgeous, by the way. But I just, I’ve had these feelings for you for so long and I know this is horrible timing and I'm so sorry, but I need you to know how I feel. Y/N, you’re the most amazing, strong, brave, person I know and it was just impossible for me not to fall for you and I love you.”
Donna stood in front of you at this point and you couldn't help but smile at her as she said the last few words with her eyes closed. “I don't know how long I've been waiting for you to say those words.”
Her eyes snapped open to find you two face to face. “What? You knew?”
“Not at first, Dick dropped a few hints a couple times and that really opened my eyes, but I knew you’d eventually tell me yourself and that's what I really wanted. I love you too, by the way.” You reached down to intertwine your hands.
The smile on Donna’s face was the cutest thing you’d ever seen. She slowly cupped your cheek with her free hand and brought her lips to yours. You weren't going to be cliche and say you felt sparks, but there was something there for sure.
You two pulled away at the sound of a voice, Dawn’s to be exact. “Finally!” Donna put an arm protectively around you as you turned to face Dawn who was shouting down the hall, “Hank! You gotta make a call!” She gave you two a wink before shutting the door.
Donna let out a laugh as you shook your head. “Looks like I'm all yours tonight.” You smiled at the girl whose loving gaze turned into something else.
“Good, lets start the night by getting you out of this dress,” She collided your lips once more and guided your bodies to the bed.
You’d wait forever for Donna Troy, but you were son glad you didn't have to. 
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jamilelucato · 4 years
took you a while [G.W.]
Pairing: George Weasley x reader;
Summary: Reader has fancied Fred for a while now but after almost losing George, she catches herself rethinking her options.
A/N: just something I had in mind for a while.
Words: 4.572
Hogwarts Masterlist
Once you had heard the news about Harry's transportation to the Burrow — and who was involved in it —, you felt like there was no point in staying in your apartment anymore.
You left the building you were calling home for no longer than a year and Apparated as close as you could to the Weasley's residence.
You had to walk a to get closer, because of all the protective spells around it and had to answer a couple of questions to Bill Weasley — who waited for you outside the house. After Bill was sure you were you, you were welcomed in by Fred Weasley.
"Fred!" you exclaimed, hugging him tight, not able to hold your emotions. You heard about the stressful situation it had just occurred the night before — Ginny sent a letter not saying if they all had survived, but how they came to bring Harry safe. "Oh, Merlin, I thought something went wrong!"
Fred pulled you out of the embrace and avoided your eyes, looking nervous. "Well, George..."
Your eyes widened. "George? What happened to George?" your voice became louder, and you ran towards the stairs, noticing George coming down from it.
"Oh, Georgie!" your arms raced to his neck, and for a minute you forgot that you were perhaps too heavy to jump at George, but it all didn't matter, you were worried and wanted to be sure he was okay. You slowly pulled away, relieved to listen to him breathing and feeling his hands holding you close as well. "Fred was like 'Well, George...' and I just thought..." you weren't able to say it. "I thought I had lost you."
He looked down at your gaze and smiled slightly, heartfelt to see that you were worried about him. Your hands downed to his cheeks, and he let a soft "ouch" out.
"What is it??" you asked, worried, finally noticing his ear that was, well, missing. "Oh, Merlin, Georgie..."
He avoided your concerned look and moved his head away from you hands, not letting you take a good look at the place where his ear was supposed to be.
"Does it hurt?"
"Not much anymore," he said. You both walked away from the stairs, going to take a seat in the living room. "Mom tried her best, it cannot get fixed, but it doesn't hurt too much anymore."
Fred followed you two, leaving you to sit in the middle of them in the small couch. They were kind enough to not sit with spread legs.
"I told you, boys..."
" —That we shouldn't do it?" interrupted Fred, finishing your sentence. "What you wanted? For us to abandon Harry?"
"What? No, that is not..." you were a bit offended Fred thought so low of you.
"It was the minimum we could do to help him," George commented.
"I know, I know..." you sighed. "It was greatly brave of you," you exchanged looks with the twins.
The boys said nothing, and you're glad. There was nothing to be said, anyway. You knew how much Harry Potter meant for the Weasleys, and you were sure the twins would've done the same if it was for you. It was just that, for a moment, you thought you had lost them — one or both, it wouldn't matter. You loved the two of them very, very much.
"You should've asked me to come along," you said, after that long silence, "I could've helped."
"I'm sure you could," Fred said.
"But we didn't want you to get hurt," continued George.
"Then you two understand how I felt, huh," they giggled at it, a laugh without sound.
You and the twins have been friends since the first year at Hogwarts. Of course, being from the same house and year, friendship was easier to keep. They were always a laugh guaranteed, and you were their "mom-replacement" since all you did was remind them that things were dangerous and to do homework.
They left school before graduating, but they assured you that when you wanted, your job would be available at their shop. It wasn't a surprise when you appeared at their flat just up the store, your hands filled with luggage and an embarrassing smile in your face.
"Is that job still available?"
You rented a flat for yourself in a building just two minutes away from theirs, and that was the real bust of your friendship. They took you everywhere — parties, reunions with suppliers — and, with no time, you ended up a member of the Order of the Phoenix. It was funny, you thought, after all, you already were a member of the Dumbledore's Army, back in school.
"I've made your bed at Ginny's room, dear," Molly Weasley walked in, to see you and her boys laughing.
"She can't stay with us?" Fred asked, and you elbowed him. It was already very kind of his mom to let you stay.
"Would she want to be vulnerably exposed while sleeping in the same room with you two?" Molly retorted, holding her waist. "Would you, dear?"
"Never," you replied, smiling.
The boys pretended to be angry, but soon enough, the three of you were all having fun again.
"We're going down to the village, wanna come?" George asked when you had just got downstairs.
"Sure," you smiled, hiding your wand in your boots.
"Ron and Harry won't come?" you asked, noticing that only you and the twins had left the house.
"Mom's put them in house duty," Fred answered.
"Wouldn't want to ruin that, would we?" George and Fred chuckled, and you rolled your eyes at that sibling drama.
"So, how was Diagon Alley before we left?" Fred asked, walking next to your left. George was at your right.
Sometimes, being an only child had its privileges.
Sure, not much now that you were an orphan, but it was nice back when your parents were alive.
You looked at the older twin. Oh, Merlin, they had grown gorgeous. You fancied Fred since the second year, but now it seemed to be way more justified. Although their behaviours were childlike, the twins were now beautiful man and the years playing Quidditch did them well, leaving strong arms behind.
George was as gorgeous as his twin — after all, they're identical — but it was Fred that you tended to pay more attention. It had never crossed that, of course. And it never would. You'd never be brave enough to tell him about your crush, especially, because there were times you even doubted you fancied him.
If he wasn't staring at your eyes like he was right now, you could let the crush slip away...
"Things are quiet there," you finally answered, noticing the boys were waiting. "Some shops are closing, of course, but... We expected that."
"Don't worry," Fred said, seeing your eyes slipped troubled thoughts out. "Our shop is doing fine."
"We're far from closing," George added. "Unless..."
None of you said the name, the one responsible for closing most of the places back at the Alley.
"Who you left responsible for the shop?"
"Anne and Carter," answered George, opening the door form the grocery store for you.
While they walked in, you pressed your lips together, an attempt to hold your thoughts. Anne and Carter were sometimes really irresponsible, but it was not your shop for you to make the decisions. Besides, you were their employee, and, right now, you weren't working. It was not your position to say something.
"I know what you're thinking," George started.
"But they'll handle," Fred finished.
You rolled your eyes; your hands, tied. If the twins trusted the dimwitted, then there was nothing you could do.
"Look at the cashier," Fred said, elbowing his twins. He was not asking you to look, but it was automatic. A beautiful blond girl was the cashier of the store, and she seemed happy to see the twins, casting a shinny smile at them.
Just what you needed...
Fred kept staring, but George took just one look and dropped it. The younger twin got the things his mom had asked for them to buy. You were helping, but your eyes were much more focused on Fred.
"I think I'll ask her number," he said.
"For what? You don't have a phone," you pointed out in a rather harsh tone.
George seemed oblivious to your conversation.
"But that's what muggles do, isn't it?"
"Yeah," you replied, knowing a lot about muggles relationships, not because you were ever with a muggle but because you were a muggle-born. "But you won't call her, so what's the point?"
"To have fun, of course!" he smiled, but you didn't reciprocate.
Fred walked away towards the cashier, and you were left to roll your eyes. George was just behind you, and he caught the products you held.
"Let me carry this for you. I think we've got everything."
You smiled, happy with his assistance. The two of you walked closer to Fred now — he was still talking to the blondie.
It took you a while to stay abreast the conversation. When you thought you had understood, Fred turned to his brother.
The girl said the price of the products and George gave her the muggle money, with a shy smile.
"It's your number she wants, brother," Fred said, sulking. He needed only to cross his arms, and the picture of a disappointed kid was ready.
George's cheeks were redder than you had ever seen, he gulped staring at the smiley blondie, but said nothing, and left at a fast speed.
"Why didn't you... talk to her?" Fred asked once they had left muggle's earshot.
"I had no interest in the girl."
Their conversation was entertaining for you, so you slowed down to listen. Fred and George were rambling because they had all the bags — they gladly didn't let you carry any, and you were no one to complain.
"You wanted me to take her number without wanting?" George asked.
Fred looked away from his twin, unsure of what to say next.
"I don't understand you," he said.
"I just didn't think she was that pretty, okay?" George seemed disturbed with Fred, who fastly noticed it.
Fred decided not to mention the blondie cashier ever again.
You were left wondering. If George didn't find that girl attractive, he probably doesn't even think you are okay. Not that it would matter. Unless he mentioned it to Fred, well, it wouldn't matter either; Fred already doesn't find you attractive.
"Oh, you are back!" Ginny rushed to you at the door.
"Did we take too long?" you asked, knowing how worried the house could've been if that was the case.
"No, it's just that I needed you," Ginny clarified, holding your hand and taking you upstairs. You looked at the twins, but none of them was looking back — guess it was going to be just the girls then.
"What is it?" you sat down at Ginny's bed.
"Potter," she simply said.
"Potter? Harry Potter? What has he done?" you wondered out loud, a bit worried, You and Harry weren't that close, but if he was hurt, and he is the Chosen One...
"He's here," Ginny said, "and I'm not freaking out, okay, I decided to be mature about it—"
"Smart of you," you commented.
"—but he keeps casting looks at me and," she sighed loudly, her desperation visible and audible, "oh, y/N, it's so hard to pretend!"
You tell me about it, Ginny! But that was not what you said.
"Oh, Ginny... But you know better."
"I do, and I won't do a thing," she said, staring at your eyes, "but it's his birthday soon..."
"Fine, fine! I'll do as he asks — I'll stay away," she said, looking rather tired.
"You know he's doing it for your best," you stated.
"I do," she pouted, "but I miss his touch."
"I'm sure you do," you replied. It was hard listening to those kinds of complaints coming from Ginny, she was still a kid at your memories, but at that moment she looked more of an adult then you had ever. "Now, can we go back downstairs?"
"Fleur is there," she frowned. Ginny was more accepting of the French girl now, so she stopped with the horrible nickname, but she wasn't that much used to Fleur to be around her all the time.
"I'll be with you," you got up form the bed.
"You won't ditch me for George, will you?"
"Not even for Fred," and Ginny seemed happier after that.
Even Fred and George, that, in other times wouldn't have missed the opportunities to joke around, were more reasonable, although still very funny.
Days at the Burrow were as pleasant as they could have been, given the circumstances. You had been there in better days, sure, but it was brighter than you could have imagined. You believed it was because of the upcoming marriage — the family was so worried to organize everything in time that there wasn't much time to be sad about the losses.
The twins were now throwing jokes about ears at everyone that endured them for more than two minutes and only stopped doing it around you because every time they mention George's conditions, you rushed closer to him to see if it was getting better — he had no more pain, but George was still, as he liked to call, "holey."
The wedding was finally there, but you weren't sure if you were relieved or worried. It was now left for the Weasleys to worry about other things, and after the wedding, the war would be more real than it was at that moment.
Hermione helped with your hair — she said she had the perfect spell — and it was Molly Weasley that helped you with your dress. You were neither the bride nor the bridesmaid, but there was still urgency for you to be ready, as you were supposed to help the twins with the guests.
Make-up was up to yourself, and you proved to be quite good at it, at least, Ginny and Hermione were glad about what you did to their faces. You weren't quite sure how you felt about your face though, perhaps you had used too much black, but it was too late to change anything, so you hurried to meet the boys.
"I'm here, what am I needed for?" you asked.
Ron, Harry (in disguise as a random red-haired boy), Fred and George were staring at you like for the first time.
"Please don't say I was ugly before this," you gesticulated to the dress.
"Not at all," George said, smiling.
"You look wicked, y/N," Fred said, messing with the dress, feeling the fabric. It was a red, velvet, long dress; one of the last things you had bought at the Diagon Alley.
You faked slapping Fred's arm when a second compliment reached your ears.
"You look smashing," George said, dodging your eyes, and you avoided him as well, feeling your cheeks turning red as your dress. You wondered why Fred's compliment didn't cause you the same reaction.
"Fine, boys," you shook your head, hoping to stop blushing. "Let's get started, shall we?" you looked over the horizon and noticed that wizards and witches were starting to show up.
"I'll get the French," Fred smirked, and Ron looked a little bothered by it. You couldn't deny you were too, particularly when you noticed "the French" were a bunch of pretty girls, probably classmates of Fleur.
Harry and Ron disappeared with some old wizards and left you and George to help next families. Being so close to George and alone was making you nervous and you couldn't understand why.
Okay, maybe it was because you weren't the one very well dressed up. George was astonishing in his robes, probably bought with the money the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes was making, because it looked more expansive than the ones Ron and Mr Weasley were wearing.
But it was not just it: he smelled nice too. Some new perfume, you thought, since you had never sniffed him so fragrant.
"What are you doing?" he asked — he caught you red-handed. Your head was tilted towards his neck because you tried to sniff what was his new smell.
You gulped. There was no need to lie to George, you were friends, and he wasn't the one you fancied, right?
"New perfume?" you asked, putting your head straight.
He stared back at you, moving his head to face you. He was surprised by your question; he had not seen that coming at all.
"Yeah," he answered. "Decide to buy a more expensive one now that I can."
"It's a good one," you said, offering him an empathetic smile.
His cheeks turned red at the same time as yours. Merlin, what was wrong with you lately?
Not wanting for that awkward silence to last any longer, at the sight of the next family, you hushed to meet them and direct them towards their places.
After everyone had arrived, you sat down next to Fred and Lee Jordan, who seemed extremely happy to meet you at the wedding.
"I stopped at your flat — mom was worried about you being all alone; it's dark times," he informed you with a smile.
"Molly and Ginny demanded my presence at the Burrow," you said, shrugging.
"How nice of the Weasley to not even think about me," he pretended to be disappointed, but George, who was sitting at his other side, pushed him slightly.
"Don't be a tosser— you have your own family to be with," George said.
"Y/N is not your family and she’s here," Lee pointed out. You knew he didn't mean to remind you of the tragic loss of your parents just at the beginning of last year — said to be one of the first muggle attacks Voldemort's followers did — but it was involuntary.
"Who said that?" George looked outraged.
"Y/N, not family? Are you insane? She's a Weasley," Fred smiled, making you laugh and the stress of the memory of your parents disappeared.
"Well, she'll have to marry one of you for that to be true," Lee remarked, bursting into laughter with Fred.
You and George grinned, but you were embarrassed. Was it necessary, Lee? You wanted to ask.
The ceremony was beautiful. You rushed to Bill and Fleur to hug and congratulate them, with the twins and Lee just behind you.
That was when the party officially started. The dance floor was free to anyone who dared to show some moves — and there were quite a few people brave enough — and there were waiters everywhere, offering drinks and appetizers.
Fred and George seemed starving because they almost got the waiter closer to your table all to themselves. Lee was telling you everything about his new job — he didn't like it very much, but it was a place to start, and he was glad for it. You couldn't complain much with your bosses around, you joked.
"Let's dance, come on!" Lee caught your hand.
"Oh, Lee, are you sure?"
"Come on!!" he kept shouting until you got up. The twins seemed to not even noticed, distracted with their drinks and their foods.
Since you had no escape, you decided to enjoy. It was a joyful song, so you and Lee didn't need to be so close — it was more of bumping butts and elbows.
Fred found his away around the two of you, probably having got tired of eating. He tried to dance, but it looked horrible, so you and Lee burst into laughter.
Something caught Fred's attention, though, and it was not your giggling.
"I'm gonna talk to her," he said, and you followed his gaze.
"The blond one?" you asked, noticing he tended for that hair colour.
"Nope," he said, tilting his head towards the beautiful black woman next to the blonde one. "And if that one doesn't want me, then sure, the blondie."
You rolled your eyes, not believing what you were listening.
"Go for it, cowboy," you commented, grimacing.
"Do I smell good?" he asked, offering you his neck. You took a sniff. Funny, you thought, it’s not as good as George.
"Sure," you said. You wondered why you preferred one's perfume over the other. You generally picked Fred over George.
He smiled down at you and walked away, not caring to leave you —saying the least— frustrated. You pretended it was nothing, scared Lee would pick something, but the boy was distracted by another French witch.
You marched back at your table, meeting George, who immediately picked there was something wrong. He looked around and found his brother too close to a witch, and he knew. Of course, he knew, he always knew.
"Don't worry, he'll back here faster then you think."
"What?" you pretended not to mind, but it was useless around George, you soon noticed. "I think he'll take his time," you sighed, glancing at Fred for the last time. You took one of the champagne glasses that were on the table, not caring to who it belonged.
"With a girl like that? I would give Fred five minutes to finish."
Your choking happened quickly, making you almost spit out all the champagne you had just drank.
George burst out laughing at your reaction, and you can't help it and do the same.
"Merlin, George, he is your brother!"
"And I was still generous. I believe Fred won't last even four," you kept on laughing — you could barely breathe.
"Please, don't ever say something like that again or my mind will try to picture it," you said when your laugh died.
"All this time and what made you laugh for real was a joke about how long can my brother last," George pointed out, smirking, "if I had known earlier..."
"Don't be ridiculous!" you said, but your attempt of being angry failed as you sounded happier than ever.
And sure enough, it hadn't been even that long since Fred left you on the dance floor and he was now sitting on the chair next to you.
"Was it more than five minutes?" George asked, and you knew he said it for you to crack up laughing, but you tried to hold yourself. Fred noticed something was off but said nothing.
"She said no," Fred sighed.
"What about the blondie?" you asked, looking at him.
"Got a no from her too," he said, making you and George giggle. "Fine, fine, laugh all you want, but I tried. What about you two? Last time I heard you guys had kissed someone, we were at school."
You got embarrassed and self-conscious, but George was quick to reply to the comment. "Getting a 'no' does not mean you got kissed."
Fred rolled his eyes but didn't mention that whole situation again. He was wondering what was happening to his brother lately. Fred knew George fancied y/N, but Fred thought it was becoming a more serious matter now since George didn't even bother to look at other girls. Fred needed to do something to help his twin, but he had no idea of what.
You seemed oblivious to George's attempts to get you attention, which Fred thought was insanely dumb of you — he thought his brother had proved available for you so many times now, that the case might be that you just weren't interested and you didn't want to hurt George's feelings.
The party kept agitated. You were happy to see Ron and Hermione dancing — it was nice to see they were finally opening their eyes to each other. However, looking at them also made you wonder if you shouldn't be doing something too.
The twins were distracted, talking about something they were planning that could be good for pranks and the war, so you thought it was the perfect time to take a good look at them.
First, Fred. The first to speak and first to stand, Fred seemed to be afraid of nothing — but he was also a pool of bad decisions since he lacked planning. He was also very moody.
Then there was George. Caring and sensitive George, who always waited for you — in school, when you took your time to gather your books, and at the shop if it was your day to stay until it was close. George who seemed to wait for you to speak first, so then he could take a stand — it didn't mean he agreed with you, but he always took your opinion to account.
He seemed to have noticed you were looking at him because his eyes met yours and he smiled, leaving you flushed.
You started to remember why you were paying more attention to him — when you started paying more attention. It was when you set foot at the Burrow just some days ago, and Fred made you think George was dead. For just a second, you felt like you had died too — the idea of having to see his body lifeless scared you a lot — and ever since you knew he had survived, you caught yourself gazing at him distractedly, just to be sure he was still alive.
You were about to ask him to dance with you — maybe do something about all these changes there. You needed to talk to him. It wasn't to propose — it probably wasn't 'love'; not yet — but it was something. However, you didn't get the chance.
"The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming," said a Patronus that crashed into the wedding. It seemed to belong to someone important because everything went fuzzy.
Screams all around, people Disapparating — the spell around the Burrow were off. You had lost the twins, and you had no idea how — they were sitting next to you just a minute ago.
You looked around, nervous. Part of you wanted to be one more of the people screaming. Death Eaters had finally arrived.
A hand reached yours, and you almost screamed.
"Come, y/N, we need to get out of here!" George screamed so you could be able to hear him. You hand reached your wand and the other hand you let George hold.
You two ran around — he said something about making sure Fred and Ginny were okay.
"George," you shouted, trying to get near to his hand. "I don't want you to get hurt, let's get out of hear."
"Not before I know..." he seemed scared to say, "not before I know I haven't lost Fred."
He had just finished talking when you two saw Fred holding Ginny close and Apparating with her.
You noticed George's hand was holding yours a little bit more relaxed.
"Okay, now we can get out."
He looked down at you, his wand casting a spell against a mascaraed Death Eater.
"You are the one."
Your words seemed to have made the time stop around you two. George squeezed your hand harder.
"Took you a while," he smirked while your cheeks turned red. "I'd like very much to kiss you right now, but I don't wanna risk losing you."
"I guess we can do it later," you agreed, preparing to disappear in the air.
"You're not escaping me again," and you both Disapparating.
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poliel · 3 years
Surprise Egg 4/13: Congrats
Filbo had just gotten the fire going in the pit for the evening when he glanced up to see Buddy wondering into town. Always happy to see them, he straightened to smile at them as they approached.
“Hey Buddy, how’s it going?”
“Filbo!” Their eyes sparkled with excitement, a wonderful sight after how exhausted they’d been lately. “You’ll neverguess what just happened.”
“You found out where Liz is?” Filbo almost didn’t dare hope for such a thing but if anyone could find her it was Buddy so… maybe.
“Oh uh… no, not yet. I will soon though, I promise.” Yeah, definitely too much to hope for. “But I did find something very cool. Or more like it found me. I’ll show you.” They walked over and sat down on the log bench by the fire.
Filbo sat next to them, close enough that he could see their camera’s screen as they lifted it from where it hung around their neck. It booted back up in seconds, allowing them to navigate to their recently taken photos.
“What is that?” Just a photo of it made Filbo’s fur prickle with unease. It was some kind of bugsnax? But grumpus shaped. And it might’ve just been the angle the photo was taken from but it looked big too.
Buddy flipped back through more, including ones that showed it did indeed have large googly looking eyes like bugsnax. “I’ve decided to call it Snaxsquatch because it’s like Grumpsquatch but a bugsnax. I also got a recording of what it sounds like. Wanna hear?”
Not really but Buddy was clearly very excited about this for some reason and it was nice seeing them happy so… “I guess.”
With a far too excited grin, they switched their camera back off and pulled out their tape recorder. After rewinding it a bit, the pressed play.
“Hello. Can you understand me?” There was a brief pause filled with the sound of Buddy’s camera snapping a few photos before their recorded voice continued. “I’m a journalist and I’m here to do a story on bugsnax. If you can understand me, I’d like a…”
A wet growl interrupted them, making Filbo flinch. Knowing something that could growl like that was on the island somewhere was the opposite of a cool find. And… and that thing had been right near Buddy, close enough that they’d talked to it. Did their bravery know no bounds?
Apparently so as their recorded voice continued without hesitation and full of even more excitement. “Growling works. How about a long growl for ‘no’ and short a one for ‘yes’?”
A short growl answered Buddy followed by an unidentifiable sound. Which was were Buddy stopped the recording. “That’s where it sank into the ground. And when I looked there wasn’t any trace of it, not even a hole for it to have sunk into. So I have no idea where it went or is now. But cool, right? I’m sure it’s the thing Beffica and Gramble saw that night when the spooky message appeared on the town sign, meaning it wasn’t aliens after all.”
“Uh… I don’t know about cool but it’s certainly scary. How much of a threat to Snaxburg do you think it might be?”
“Not at all. It’s friendly.” For how scary it looked and sounded, their nonchalant confidence was surprising even for them.
“How do you know?”
They slipped their recorder back into their back pack’s side pocket as they answered. “I was that close to it because it was dragging me back to town after I passed out in the Sizzling Sands. It even pulled down Shelda’s lean-to to transport me on.”
“Whoa, what? You passed out! Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just…” They trailed off as a look of dawning realization came over their face. “Huh? I’m not sure how I forgot about that but uh…” They looked around for a couple seconds before turning back to look at him again. “I gotta talk to you in private.” All excitement was gone from their voice now, replaced by a chilling seriousness.
“About what?” What could be more important than the fact they’d apparently passed out in the middle of a hot desert and had to be dragged back by a monster? And why didn’t they seem to care?
“Just… something, okay? Now let’s…” They cut off as they stood up, teetering for a moment before he shot up to steady them. They leaned on him slightly as they lifted a paw to press to their forehead. It only lasted a few seconds but it was long enough to almost give Filbo a heart attack.
“Oof, that was… ugh,” they said as they pushed off him to stand under their own weight again. Before Filbo could ask him if they were okay though…
“Whoa Bestie, you okay?” Beffica said as she wondered into the campfire circle.
“Yeah. Don’t worry about me.” They lifted a paw in a weak dismissive gesture towards her.
“You should probably go lie down.” Unsure of what else he could do, Filbo stood ready to steady them again if they needed it. Oh, if only Eggabell were here.
It hadn’t been a commotion really but Cromdo had stepped closer too, looking maybe kind of worried. At that moment, Chandlo wondered in with a “What’s going on? Why’s everyone here look so worried?”
Buddy frowned at him before speaking. “I need to talk to Filbo about something.” They took Filbo’s paw and started leading him back towards the hut the two of them now shared.
As soon as they were in the hut with the door closed, Buddy pulled off their back pack and lowered it to the floor with a grateful sounding sigh. They then unzipped it and took out their camera’s case, placing that on the table before carefully pulling their camera off over their head and into it. They put that back safely in their pack before zipping it up once more. It was a familiar routine of theirs, one that Filbo had seen many times since Buddy had moved in but they did it with much more exaggerated care this time as if they were so exhausted, they could barely move.
“You okay?” Filbo asked as they finally turned to look at him. They’d been acting clearly unwell for a while now but this was different and worse. … If only Eggabell were here, she’d know how to fix it.
They looked at him in silent thought, one paw on the table as they leaned slightly onto it. After several seconds of this they pushed off and walked over to him still standing by the door and… hugged him. They pressed into him with a slight, exhausted sounding purr. “I missed you.”
He hugged them back of course, though he couldn’t quite muster up a purr himself right now. “Uh… I missed you too but… you weren’t gone that long.” They even still been here this morning when Filbo woke up, something that was honestly pretty rare with how busy they were.
“I know. But something happened and… it made me miss you.” That was strange but… okay.
Unsure what to say to that, Filbo just held them for however long they wanted to be held for. Which wasn’t long as they soon gave him one more tight squeeze before pulling back.
They stepped all the way back before speaking. “I finally found out why I’ve been so unwell lately. It’s kind of obvious now that I really think about it.”
“What is it?” And how seriouswas it?
“Um…” They looked away, lifting a paw to nervously rub the back of their neck. “You remember a few months ago when I was in heat and you helped me. And then you asked if I had any contraceptives and I didn’t but told you it would probably be fine anyway because having a hard time conceiving runs in my family? Well turns out it wasn’t fine after all. Whoops.”
“Wait! You mean you’re…” He cut off, unable to say it quite yet because how could they actually be carrying his egg? Yeah sure, it made sense given the whole heat thing and but still. That wasn’t at all news he was prepared for or had ever given any thought to possibly one day receiving or having to give to someone else. Kids were fine and all but never once had the thought occurred to him that he might someday have one of his own.
“I was pregnant but then uh… I laid the egg which is how I found out about it. I passed out afterwards. And that’s when the Snaxsquatch brought me back here.” They reached into their pouch where they’d taken to carrying Sprout. What they pulled out though was undoubtedly a grumpus egg. The faded splotches of colour on it were burnt orange and light blue, confirming its parentage. They tried to hand to Filbo.
He flinched, pulling his paws in close to this chest. “Why are you giving it to me?” Given his track record he should be the last one handling something as important and delicate as an egg.
“Just… because. I need sleep. You can tell the others about it while I take a nap. Or I guess you could keep it a secret for now if you want to. But regardless, we’ll talk about what we’re going to do about it after I get some rest, okay? So just take it for now.” They pushed it towards him again.
He wanted to refuse but… they were clearly beyond exhausted and utterly unwell. The fact that they’d just given birth to the egg not long ago certainly explained why. They’d done it all alone out in the middle of the hot desert too, how awful and scary must that have been? And yet they didn’t complain, they never did about anything. So… trying not to grimace too hard, he accepted it from their paws.
“Thanks.” Then, without further word, they turned and walked over to the bed and collapsed face first onto it. Probably not even five seconds later they were snoring softly.
Never the most dexterous of grumpuses, Filbo’s paws were even more clumsy than usual due to being like strawberries. So very carefully, before he could drop the egg or some potential disaster could befall him and it, he put it into his own pouch. Unlike some he preferred not to carry things in there but… it was meant for carrying eggs and the grumplings that hatched out of them so this was how it should be. … Still felt weird though.
Shaking it off, he went over to the bed to check on Buddy. … Yep, they were out like a light and they certainly deserved and needed the rest. So… with a deep breath he turned and left the hut.
As he walked back towards the campfire, he tried not think about tripping and crushing the egg in his pouch. Would that even crush it though? Eggs were supposed to be pretty sturdy, right? But how sturdy? This was his first time seeing one up close in real life so he had no idea. … And it was his! Oh gosh, he wasn’t ready for this. How was he supposed to…
He flinched and looked up at Beffica. She was still standing by the campfire with an air of having been waiting for him to return. Chandlo was with her and Cromdo had perked up from his stand again.
“What’s wrong with Buddy?” she continued. … She was concerned, it was written in her face and in her tone.
“Come on dawg, out with it,” Chandlo said before the silence could stretch for long. “What’s wrong with them? They going to be okay?”
“Oh uh… they’re sleeping. I think they’re going to be okay… well as okay as they can be… maybe. I don’t know.” Ugh, he was doing an awful job at putting anyone at ease but he was worried about Buddy and the egg that had quite literally seemed to have come out of nowhere and… it made it hard to think. He took a couple deep breaths and put on not a smile but a hopefully less freaked out expression because panicking about it wasn’t going to make it better. “The reason they’re so exhausted is because they uh… gave birth to an egg earlier today.”
That was met with surprised silence for several seconds before Chandlo broke it. “You mean they’ve been carrying an egg this whole time? Why didn’t you guys tell anyone?”
“We didn’t know.”
Beffica scoffed. “I thought at least one of you would have some kind of birth control and be smart enough to use it.”
“Well… we didn’t have any and it was kind of… urgent and they’d thought it’d be fine. And we’ve been careful sincethen.” Getting pregnant outside of heat was rare but not impossible so they’d done their best to avoid risking it as much as they could whenever they made love but apparently it hadn’t mattered anyway. “So we had no idea.”
She sighed and shook her head. “Well, let’s see the egg then I guess. Since I assume you have it now, right? Because what else would you be carrying in your pouch?”
Filbo wasn’t sure he wanted to take it out for fear of dropping it but… With a sigh, he reached into his pouch and pulled it out. Beffica snapped a photo of it as Chandlo stepped closer to look at it too.
“It’s a bit small and the colours are faded,” Cromdo said, making Filbo jump a little. He’d approached unnoticed and now stood on the other side of the log bench so he could get a good view of the egg. “That means it was born sooner than it should’ve been. Which with the way Buddy’s been running around, doesn’t surprise me. I’d say get it checked out by a doctor but we don’t got one anymore. So instead, just make sure to keep it as warm as possible. Like if you’re gonna have it outside of your pouch for more than five minutes put it in heated cradle, assuming you can find a way to make one that’s safe. Otherwise make sure someone’s carrying it around all the time, okay? And don’t let Buddy take it up the mountain or whatever.”
“What do you know about taking care of an egg?” Beffica asked pretty much exactly what Filbo was thinking but with far more scorn than was necessary.
“I just know, okay? It ain’t none of your business.” He turned back to look at Filbo again. “And don’t shake the egg neither or drop or anything else rough, got it?”
Under his stern gaze, Filbo carefully put the egg back into his pouch. “Got it. Thanks for the advice.” He’d take any from anyone who was willing to give it.
“You could maybe ask Floofty to examine it,” Chandlo said. “They’re real smart and know a lot about biology stuff even though they’re not a doctor. So they might be able to tell you if it’s okay or not.”
“All right.” It certainly couldn’t hurt.
The three of the followed as he started for the research tent. He’d really rather not ask Floofty for any kind of favor but… they were the only one here who might be able to examine the egg with any degree of accuracy. If only Eggabell were here. … Yeah, ifonly, and if only wishing for her return could actually bring her back to town. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Shaking off the bitterness of that thought as he stepped into Floofty’s part of the research tent, Filbo put on his best attempt at a pleasant expression. “Hey Floofty.”
Still leaning over the table and whatever they were working on they didn’t even turn their head to look at him as they answered. “Greetings.” Indifference was better than disdain but… still uncomfortable.
“We need your help with something,” Beffica cut in as she strode over and put a paw on Floofty’s desk, rattling it a little.
They looked up at her with an annoyed sigh. “What is it?”
“An egg,” Chandlo said. “It’s looking a bit unwell so I thought we could bring it to you and you could look it over, make sure it’s okay and stuff.”
“Ooh, an egg you say?” Triffany was suddenly in on the conversation too as she stepped over into this part of the tent. “Whose is it?”
“Buddy’s and Filbo’s,” Cromdo replied. “Apparently Buddy’s been pregnant this whole time and didn’t know. Unsurprisinglywith the way they’ve been running around it was born early so we need someone to check and see if the grumpling’s still alive inside it or not.”
Triffany grimaced. “Oh dear, yeah with the way they’ve been running around and stuff… I do hope they’re okay. Both Buddy and the grumpling.”
“Well, Buddy’s getting some much-needed rest right now,” Filbo said as he pulled the egg out again. “So Floofty do you think you could…” He held the egg towards them.
“I suppose with the use of Eggabell’s equipment I should at least be able to determine if the grumpling’s alive inside or not. Exactly how healthy it is, I’m not sure I’ll be able to tell, but something’s better than nothing.” They took from him. “Now someone go get me Eggabell’s medical bag.”
“I’ll do it,” Filbo volunteered, immediately turning to run over to Liz and Eggabell’s hut. He needed the distraction and to be moving and since he was keeping the place clean for their eventual return, he knew exactly where the medical bag was.
Standing around while Floofty examined the egg with Eggabell’s limited equipment was nerve-wracking. Was Filbo actually going to have to figure out how to be parent or was this was one big scary false alarm. … Part of him hoped for the latter. … He flinched internally. How could he even think that? Grumplings dying unhatched was always tragic and not something that should be hoped for. So no he didn’t hope that that had happened but… but… he wasn’t ready to be a parent!
Despite his inner turmoil he kept his expression as positive as he could. The one thing he was good at other than messing up was maintaining a positive energy. Like a good leader should. … Except for the fact that no one here respected him as a leader. Which he couldn’t blame them for given everything. But his chances to ever gain that respect from them or anyone else were severally hampered by the fact that he now had an egg and eventually a grumpling to take care unless… He wasn’t hoping for that though.
How did one even care for a grumpling after it hatched? They were mostly just carried around in their parents’ pouches, right? Until they were… whatever age where that wasn’t a thing anymore. What age even was that? And what happened then?
“Congratulations Filbo,” Floofty said as they picked up the egg and turned away from their desk to approach him. “Despite Buddy’s negligence for their own wellbeing, the egg and grumpling inside seem mostly fine as far as I can determine, certainly alive if nothing else. Which admittedly I’m not a doctor nor a proper expert on fetal development but I am fairly confident in my assessment nonetheless.”
As they handed him the egg, he put on a smile. “Thanks.” He slipped it into his pouch.
“You’re welcome. Now take Eggabell’s stuff back to her cabin and shoo, I have work to get back to.” They turned their back and went back to their desk.
Filbo quickly grabbed the medical bag and was out of there.
“Congrats,” Beffica said as she fell in step with him. She even sounded kind of sincere for once.
“Uh… thanks.”
“Yes, congrats,” Triffany added. “I’m sure you and Buddy will be great parents. I almost can’t wait to have a little one running the place. I’m going to go tell Wamby.” And she was off.
“Yeah, congrats dawg,” Chandlo came up on his other side. “What you going to name them?”
Oh no, they were going to have to come up with a name too? How? “Uh… I don’t know. I’m sure Buddy will think of something, I’m really bad with names.”
Before much more than even an hour had passed since he’d even got the news himself, everyone in town had approached Filbo to congratulate him on the egg. Gramble also offered to watch the egg and/or the grumpling if he and Buddy ever needed or wanted a break for a bit. Filbo was tempted to hand him the egg to watch right then and there but… just thanked him with a smile instead. If any of them even suspected how much he was freaking out below the surface, they didn’t say anything.
But when Buddy woke up and they talked about it some more, surely everything would be okay, right? Buddy would know how to handle the situation and thus they’d ease Filbo’s fears and… stuff. So everything was going to be fine.
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