#you all deserve love and respect and I hope you get that from your system someday
reimeichan · 2 months
Hey, you know that persecutor alter you got there? The one you keep from fronting usually because you're afraid they're gonna do something awful and hurt you or hurt someone you love or anything else you just don't want to happen?
Can you do me a favor and get them some ice cream for me please? Or if you're allergic or lactose intolerant or just hate ice cream, any other treat you think they may like? Or if they don't like anything maybe share a favorite food with them? Or a favorite toy? Just. Show them there's some nice things out there in the world, too. That it's not all hurt and trauma out there. And that you care about them or even just respect their right to exist.
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meara-eldestofthemall · 7 months
Gee, thanks DC! You Just Turned Bruce Into An Irredeemable Ass.
So, at the end of Gotham War Bruce has officially lost everything. Alfred is still dead, Selina is "presumed dead" and Bruce is both financially and morally broke. Why, you may ask, is Bruce so much worse off this time? Let me count the ways.
He preformed a psychic lobotomy on Jason
The "it's for your own good" excuse only makes the mental rape undertaken by Jason's own father that much more heinous.
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Just when you think Bruce can't sink any lower he does. When Dick recognizes that Bruce has lost it, he attempts to use a failsafe disconnect that Bruce himself built into the system. How does Nightwing get thanked for that? Well that brings us to number two on the list.
Batman attacks up his eldest son for doing what he's supposed to do when Batman has gone rouge.
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Bruce beats him up because nothing proves you are in control of your sanity like hitting your children. While Dick is holding back, Bruce does no such thing. He hits Nightwing hard enough to send him flying. It could have gotten even worse if Tim hadn't shown up.
Tim arrives and attempts to talk some sense into Batman.
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Tim tries to talk Bruce down. It doesn't go well. When Robin is trying to help, as he always does, Batman uses the attempt to reason with him to put the smack down on his son. Bruce could have killed Tim but apparently feels no remorse or guilt.
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If there was any teeny tiny little doubt that Bruce will not win the Father of The Year award in 2023 it died a horrible screaming death when Batman abandons his children to potential arrest. Yes, he left a batarang for Dick and Tim but any glimer of possible hope associated with that action was instantly extinguished by Damian's reaction to Batman's callous betrayal.
Bruce abandons Damian.
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Look at Dami; he's devastated. Since he came into Bruce's life, Damian has struggled with feelings that he can never earn his father's love and respect. Well, that negative self-image was reinforced in way that may never be repairable. Bruce just utterly destroyed a 13 year old child because of his inability to feel any kind of empathy.
And how does this all end? The best part is that Bruce takes all of his parental responsibilities and dumps them onto Dick.
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Thank you Chip Zdarsky and Trini Howard. You've taken Batman from being an edgy anti-hero and made him into a callous monster. Part of me hopes that Bruce never comes back because he doesn't deserve his family.
The only positive aspect in this convoluted mess is that Damian and Tim will be far better off with Dick than with Bruce. Yes, Tim is mostly independent but he still needs guidance (particularly since Tim's first instinct is to try and save Bruce). Damian is essentially Dick's son emotionally anyway so this might help to sustain the positive character growth we've seen in him as of late.
The point of this rant is to wonder what on earth DC thinks they're doing. This story arc has been pure character destruction as far as Bruce is concerned. It's bad storytelling too; rushed, frenetic and massively disappointing.
Hasn't the popularity of Good Dad Bruce in Wayne Family Adventures proved that fans are tired of Bruce being a dark depressed and brooding edge lord? We all accept that Batman is a character with deeeeep issues who is in desperate need of therapy. I, however, draw the line at Bruce being an abusive a**hole.
In years to come when fans wonder when Batman jumped the shark, this is the plot line they'll point to.
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a messy review of TTPD
okay i need to preface this that i have the credentials to be able to speak my mind on her. i've been a fan since 2006. i've been a fan since i was 11 so don't get your panties in a bunch.
i think this album is messy. the production is the only thing i can really praise about it. the lead up to it and now the full release has just been so unbelievably messy. i'm going to make a continue reading for the people who still have yet to listen where i won't spoil it for you. PS. i do get mean in this. so if you're not wanting to hear critiques and criticism and taking that in, please scroll.
EDIT: this was pre-anthology release. so this is just based on the original 16 song release.
i am fully aware she is allowed to go through the grieving process of her breakup with joe. i respect that whole heartedly. i completely understand having someone in your life for such a big chunk and for them to be gone and feeling lost and alone and angry. what i don't like at all is essentially telling us in this album that she couldn't handle joe having severe depression. obviously i don't know everything that went down but it seems as though he didn't want to get married until he felt mentally better. and as someone who is also in the same boat as him, i also wouldn't want to fully commit to marriage until i felt like i could give them 100%. and if that's his biggest crime, being too depressed, then that's a her problem. being depressed is not all "haha relatable".
now onto... that man... i did not expect 90% of this album to be about him. i've only hated two people in my life. one being a family member of mine. the other, him (i will not be saying his name because he does not deserve it). the way she spent so much of this album talking about how she will defend him with her life. girl i am begging you to get up off the ground. it felt like a backstab from her in "but daddy, i love him" where she's basically saying fuck everyone for ruining a relationship i wanted. the reason no one wanted her with him is because he's a racist, misogynistic, homophobic asshole. i am aware he supports queer rights but it seems like he only cares about queer rights and the safety of queer people when it involves white queer people (ie. what happened in dubai and malaysia). i'm almost confident she cheated on joe with him while her and joe were still together. i'm sorry to taylor that i care about BIPOC and queer people's rights than making a racist white man happy.
joe truly got the short end of the stick here. he has been treated so horribly this past year by swifties who made up rumors about him just to make taylor seem like the good guy and the only thing this album told me was she was the villain in all of this. i hope joe has a good support system around him and i hope he's able to get any mental health help he needs. i do also think that taylor desperately needs a therapist as well. she is very adament about not having one and just using her mom and her friends but she needs an outside source to really listen and give her advice that isn't "yes man"-ing her all day long.
anyways, like i said at the beginning of this post, i enjoyed the production. my favorite songs were fortnight and who's afraid of little old me. it's gonna take time for me to enjoy this album outside of its messiness. i did enjoy midnights btw. so it's definitely not the sound i don't like it's just everything surrounding it.
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fili-urzudel · 1 year
Dating Bofur Headcanons
This may be a bit unusual, but I'm inaugurating my blog with a Bofur post because he does not get anywhere near the love and appreciation he deserves. Also, I have a lot of headcanons for a lot of characters. I'm not running out for a while.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, inebriation
Word Count: 0.7k
- You first meet when the party has stopped in a town along the way near the beginning of their journey
- They're in the pub, making the worst sort of ruckus but at least their food and ale will make a pretty piece of coin for the barkeep
- He's... a little intoxicated when you get to know each other
- But that's really just because he's been (very obviously) staring at you since you walked in
- You think it's a bit strange that a dwarf is showing such obvious interest in you, but you'll go with it
- Unlike many other men who have shown interest, he keeps a respectful distance, no touching
- He's just attempting to flirt with you and flushing when you flirt back
- "You're quite funny," you giggle, oblivious to the way his companions stare at the interaction with confused awe. "Emil, some more pints for me and my friend here," you call to the bartender, settling a hand on his shoulder.
- You hardly even noticed that you brushed past the end of his braid
- When you look back at him, he seems to have temporarily frozen
- "You alright?"
- He gives you a tight grin and nods before laughing nervously. "Aye, just... may have had too many pints already," he excuses.
- "Ah, is there any such thing?" You joke.
- He chills out again pretty quickly (you know, with the central nervous system depression and all)
- As Thorin is rounding them all up to go find someplace to sleep, he decides he wants to leave you something to remember him by
- He pulls a mostly-finished whittled doll from some pocket in his coat, you weren't watching close enough to see exactly where it came from
- "Here," he says, nearly slurring, pressing the doll into your palm. "It's a gift for you."
- You raise your eyebrows with a smile, studying the doll from every angle. he was quite talented, actually
- "Thank you, Bofur," you say, leaning down to kiss him on the cheek
- Mans goes RED
- You think he stutters out a good evening before he's dragged off by Bombur and Bifur
- He tags along with Bilbo on his way back to the Shire
- When Gloin asks why, he has one simple answer
- "Well, my friend, I believe I made a long-term deposit of my own," Bofur replies, briefly removing his hat to smooth his hair.
- He knows, he knows it's a long shot
- You're a human and you might not even remember him
- But there's something about that night, the way you kissed his cheek, that he just can't shake
- And he wants to get as far away from the place where his king died as he can
- He just so happens to see you entering your house as he comes into town, your hair conveniently worn in just the same style as when you first met
- He wanders around for a few hours, not wanting to bother you when you've only just returned home or seem too eager
- When you open your door for whomever is knocking, you have to look down to realize that someone is actually there.
- "Good day, las--my lady," the strange dwarf says, hat pressed to his chest.
- "Good... day?" You greet. "I'm sorry, have I met you?"
- His face falls for a moment before he seems to have an idea
- He secures his hat back on his head, smiling up at you hopefully
- "Bofur!" You cry, surprised and delighted.
- "At your service, my lady," he bows briefly
- "Whatever are you doing here?"
- "I still have your figurine," you proclaim proudly, showing him in. "I hope you don't mind too terribly, but I made her some clothes..."
- You get to talking and, well, your town has always needed a toymaker
- So he sets up shop right next to your business; you're close enough to some mountains, at least
- You two become sort of local legend, in the "they're the strangest bunch we've had around for a long while" kind of way
- Not that either of you mind
- You love your eventual husband that's quite a bit shorter than you
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brujahinaskirt · 1 month
30 kcd2 trailer reveal little things / reactions:
Loving the increased Istvan / Henry parallelism
Loving the return of the red PTSD nightmares and so pleased WH isn't watering the game down, keeping up the trauma narrative realism, etc. I expected no less but still delighted by it. I love games that allow characters (esp male characters) to feel things, genuinely, and writing that treats the emotional invitation of its own storytelling with respect.
Good lord, the symbolism returns--as it must in a proper medieval game--but I shan't look too deep yet.
SKALITZ FLASHBACKS. HENRY'S PARENTS' WEDDING PREQUEL CONTENT? W H A T. I never thought we would get to go back; I am so thrilled to learn more about that time. I would have gladly gobbled up a Martin prequel. TELL ME HER FUCKING NAME, WARHORSE, YOU BASTARDS.
where is radzig
Mystery possible new love interest option? Or did Lady Stephanie visit the face sculptor?
And Theresa... where?
Mother of god, the forests and animals look incredible. I'm going insane. Let me pet things please.
How many times can Hans eat royal shit and live in one livestream? Let's find out. One, two, three...
The crime and punishment mechanics are definitely more complex at a glance. This is a good thing but I wonder how much was cutscene flavor and how much will really have an affect on the gameplay/reputation/etc.
I'm extremely afraid for Hans's survival. Not because of his constant trailer beefing (and he really took every opportunity to wipe out) but because of that shot with him doing the big dramatic eagle wing spread on horseback. You can't just do that and not expect to be punished by the narrative, bro.
is that pebbles? MUTT IS BACK please be pebbles
Henry's new hair is awful and I will be changing it two seconds in.
In general, Henry looks way more mature/stressed. Hard to say if there was a timeskip and Henry is now actually more mature or if the increased graphics allow him to look more like his voice actor, who is older than Henry. Either way I will be content. Will not catch me changing my son's precious face!!!
Istvan is pure fire, holy shit, cannot wait for this performance. Erik looks like a soggy newspaper. What happened king?
radzig? hello? anyone hear from this guy? typical for him to ghost
Theresa's gonna be in it though, right? They wouldn't do us like that right?
Really excited to see them taking a page from RDR2 and incorporating a temperament-based reply system for non-dialogue initiating NPCs. I really look forward to all the added sandbox immersion enhancements from the first game, and I hope women are incorporated in a broader work spectrum for better historical accuracy.
Is Hans going to teach Henry how to swim for real, as in a gameplay-altering swim mechanic, or is the topless on the riverbank scene just throwing a meaty bone to the hansry shippers (i am gnawing, i am growling when you try to take it away before i choke myself with it)
I love hearing devs and actors talk intelligently about the writing and character development arcs. Obviously they thought about it deeply in KCD1, but it's nice to see devs of an "action" game treating its narrative seriously, as artwork. Regardless of how the fandom idiots interact with it.
Hans singing a facetious little ballad for Henry (presuming it makes it into the game and isn't just trailer fodder) regenerated my cells. He DID promise in KCD1 (if you lose the tourney after agreeing to be his champion) that one day people would sing ballads in Henry's honor. Probably he did not intend for them to include the word "fuck" at the time.
This is going to be the grown up bromance we deserved in kcd1. Honestly it's so validating to see the second game recentering on that relationship and deliberately using it as the primary storytelling vehicle. KCD1 was pretty imbalanced in favor of Hans content, but it would have been better served by the game storyline fully leaning into the importance of that relationship, rather than trying to juggle it as a side-arc with several other arcs (and thereby creating an imbalance). KCD2 looks like it's built around the backbone of Henry and Hans's friendship and how it has profoundly changed them both/propelled their arcs in somewhat different directions.
On that point, Henry seems to have completely adopted Rattay colors now, but it's possible that's due to him operating as Hans's page (squire?) where we left them in KCD1. WHERE IS RADZIG
Calling Henry an orphan is a LITTLE generous given he was a whole ass adult man when his parents were killed, don't you think.
Calling Henry a lover is VERY VERY GENEROUS
I'm hyped.
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sorrowfulrosebud · 18 days
Oh boy jokes on you, saying "give me Shoji asks" summons me from the void! How about werewolf or puppy boy head canons? Like he's had a hard life, and reader is just good and gentle to him? Calls him a handsome boy?
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🜸 First and foremost, Shoji is definitely a big dog breed. I’m thinking like Tibetan Mastiff. Big, beefy boy with the fluffiest ears and MASSIVE tail.
🜸 I think reader would most likely have adopted Shoji in a hybrid adoption shelter. He had a very neglectful past; his mother passing not long after birthing him, being thrown from house to house. Some people were really mean and beat him, giving the poor puppyboynasty scars on his mouth 🥺🥺
🜸 He handed himself in to the shelter. He couldn’t afford to live on the streets since he needed a bed and food. Poor puppy just wanted a proper chance at a family 🥺
🜸 Many families pulled faces at the thought of keeping Shoji. He was so so big, and given his background they all thought he’d be too rough with the kids.
🜸 You end up wandering into the adoption agency, looking for a more mature hybrid to take home. You were brought in front of the MASSIVE hybrid who looked far too cramped for his pen :(
🜸 His eyes shone a little at the idea of being seen. You knelt in front of him, offering him a smile before seeing the muzzle.
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The attendant at the agency led you through the heavy metal door amidst all of the noisy yapping of other hybrids. He knocked on Shoji’s door to get his attention.
Shoji’s fluffy ears pricked up. A meeting? Someone wanted to see him?! Quiet hope flooded his system. He hoped that this person would be lovely, and love him like he deserved.
You step back a little to give Shoji his space as he opens the door. The hybrid’s head bumped noisily against the door as you winced in sympathy. A small whine left his lips as he rubbed his sore ears, before shutting up and looking at you.
Your eyes widened a little bit at the sight of the bulky muzzle. You couldn’t recall a history of biting or aggression. Putting that aside, you smiled softly at the tall puppyboy. Shoji’s tail wagged slowly, bending down so he was sat on his knees in front of you. Again, your eyes widened at his practised submission.
You got to your knees too, leaving a respectful amount of space between the two of you.
“Hello, sweet boy. My, aren’t you so pretty,” you cooed softly, offering a hand for Shoji to sniff if he should so want. Onyx eyes widened.
He was…pretty?!
His head found itself slowly dropping, until it made contact with your hand. Your fingers worked a gentle rhythm near the base of his ears, hearing the womp of his tail behind him. You giggle softly, much to Shoji’s delight. Your head turns to the attendant.
“Can we get the paperwork started, please? I’d love to take Shoji home today if possible.”
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🜸 You’d asked about the muzzle, your heart melting when the attendant said that he only took it off to eat. He said that Mezo was frightened of people seeing his face and being scared of him.
🜸 He also gave you his history. Mezo did NOT do well with abandonment. He was a very anxious hybrid, often bending over backwards for other hybrids so they would like him, much to no avail.
🜸 You took Mezo home that day.
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The thick door of your home opened slowly, allowing Mezo to sniff around. His tail hadn’t stopped wagging since you clipped the generic brand collar around his neck. The leash hung loosely in your hand, making Mezo a little anxious but didn’t dampen his new mood.
You undid your shoes, placing them neatly on the rack. A hearty sigh left your lips as you faced your new puppyboy.
“Well my sweet boy, I’m super hungry. Would you like some lunch?” You offered him gently.
Mezo’s mind blanked out at the nickname.
He was…sweet?
��Mezo?” You asked him softly. Black eyes snapped back to you as he stood awkwardly in the hall. Is it too soon to ask for cuddles? You smiled at him softly.
“Here, come in the living room. You’re free to explore anywhere you like,” you explained happily, leaving to go to the kitchen. A quiet whine makes you turn your head around to the shaky puppyboy. Your heart melted at the sight of his teary eyes.
“Oh no, sweet pup don’t cry! I know new places can be scary,” you walk to him, slowly placing your hands in his snow white locks.
His tail wagged as his hands struggled to stay by his sides. You caught on immediately.
“Would you like to cuddle, my good boy?” You ask him softly. Mezo nodded wildly, following you to the couch. He kneels in front of you, wrapping his arms around you as he rests his face against your tummy. The muzzle rides uncomfortably into your tummy as you wince.
“Mezo? You know you can take the muzzle off. I know you don’t have a problem with biting or aggression.”
Mezo physically tenses beneath you.
“I know of your background. I know your poor face has been scarred. But please know,” you lift his teary face with your hands.
“I’m never going to give you up. You don’t need to keep the muzzle on whenever we’re in the same room. I understand if you want to keep your face covered until you feel comfortable, but I have some bandanas and masks. They’d be so much better for your poor skin,” you offered, kissing Mezo’s forehead gently.
Poor Mezo’s brain was melting. So much praise and choice was too much.
“M-mask please,” he mumbled shyly. You smiled at the sound of his gruff voice.
“Of course, sweet boy.”
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itsnothingofinterest · 10 months
Been meaning to discuss this for a while; time to talk about how Toga’s still afraid of heroes and thinks they’d kill her even after her battle/girl talk with Uraraka, and ramble about all the ways I think that’s still a problem & why Uraraka will still need to address that in the future if she ever wants to actually save Toga. (Which I think it’s safe to say she hasn’t done yet, what with Toga dying ‘n all.)
Because yeah, for as much as Uraraka’s done for her in these last few chapters, Toga’s opinions of heroes as a whole is still less than nuclear waste. She still thinks the other heroes will kill her or lock her up for life. Y’know, half her character motive. And with how loosey goosey the heroes have been playing with their morals since Jin’s death, we don’t have much reason to think she’s wrong. Heck for as much as she thinks she’s different, Toga still thinks Uraraka was gonna lock her up and just give her blood in jail and we never really got a reason to think she’s wrong about that either, besides just assuming Uraraka wouldn’t do that anyway.
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“Eliminating the freaks from the world” that’s what Toga thinks a ‘plain ol hero’ would do at this moment. (Or “Kill the deviant” if you prefer the slightly more upfront fan translations.)
And Toga cites this frightened opinion of heroes is a contributing factor to trying to off herself, in addition to wanting to save Ochako. It makes sense after all, if her only fates are death or life in Tartarus 2.0 then even if she’s given up fighting for her life and is ready to die; why flip that coin? And while I don’t want to take away from Toga’s love motivating her sacrifice to save Uraraka; this fear gets no such pass for motivating Toga to remove all of her blood. Even if I don’t expect the death to stick; if this issue nearly robs Uraraka of saving Toga, then someone should probably address it in the text at some point.
On that note, is this not proof that Toga hasn’t been saved if the heroes she’s been afraid of since middle school are still executioners to fear in her eyes? And the way that like 99.9% of the heroes over at UA were trying to kill Tomura just proves her right. So I think this one’s a systemic issue where the heroes need to change, instead of an internal issue Toga needs to get talked through. Because look, I know some readers I don’t much respect will say Toga deserves whatever’s coming to her; but if a teenage girl is killing herself so heroes can’t catch her, there’s an extent to which we’ve got to acknowledged those heroes having an image problem.
Man, stuff like this is why I keep hoping for a My Hero part 2. You obviously can’t resolve this kind of story line with Toga dead and being right to kill herself because that’s a messed up note to end on; but I’m sorry, you also can’t have her wake up in a villain hospital to see some hero tell her “What, of course you’re alive, why would you think we would kill you? By the way we still think we were right to kill your friend, we’re not sorry about it, and we’ll do it again the next time we face a threat with a quirk we deem too strong”. There’s no quick and easy resolution to half of Toga’s entire character motive, even less than there is for Dabi’s suicidal ideation; but that’s just where we’re left with this plot thread as it stands.
Also if I may go on a tangent unrelated to Toga just to get some more stuff off my chest:
Man remember when it was publicly unthinkable for heroes to kill people, to the point that the closest Ending could find to such a hero was the guy who killed a Nomu zombie? I mean I know the HC had heroes assassinate people but at least that was discrete because it was expected heroes shouldn’t kill and was probably even illigal. It didn’t have public/hero support that gave the impression heroes killing people will become more common. How come every aspect of hero society looks like it’ll stagnate or get worse with this arc? I mean we’ve got the corruption, the heteromorphobia, the war crimes, the treatment of those labelled villains, all on top of this murder stuff. Is this not all embarrassing for the heroes who’re supposed to be symbols of hope and goodness? What is going on with these hero society plot points these past few arcs?
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Do you think you would be open to a universe Donnie x reader where y/n is afab nb and misgendered a lot so he just kinda comforts him.
No stress feel free to ignore if you dont wanna,
Led your wish is my command!! I did Bayverse Donnie since I felt like he was the best fit and I have yet to write for him! I hope that's fine!!
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Summary: Reader is misgendered all day by their 'friends', so they go to their boyfriend for some comfort.
Warnings: Toxic ass 'friends', swearing, and misgendering.
Requested: Yep!
NB Reader!!
You grumbled to yourself as you made your way through the New York sewer system.
You had a really shitty day, and you just really needed to see your boyfriend.
Work had been a pain in the ass this morning, then after that, your so called 'friends' had been complete bitches and refused to use your chosen pronouns.
All day they refered to you as "She" or "Her", and even went so far as to get upset at you when you asked them to stop.
You wandered through the entrance of the Lair, sending a half-hearted wave to Mikey, who was skating around the space.
You walked into the Lab, knocking on the wall to alert Donnie of your presence. The purple masked turtle turned to face you with a smile. One that quickly faded when he saw how upset you looked.
"Hey, Honey, what's wrong?" Donnie moved over to you, pulling you into an embrace as you buried your head in his plastron.
"Bad day." you muttered, wrapping your arms around him as best you could.
"Well, do you wanna talk about it?"
"Yes please."
With a nod, Donnie pulled you over his chair. He sat down with you in his lap, his head resting atop your while he played with your hands.
You sighed, then began to explain the awful day you had. From your asshole boss, to your horrible friends and their constant misgendering.
Donnie wrapped an arm around your waist as an attempt to comfort you before he spoke, "I'm sorry you had to deal with that all day, Honey. (Name), I know it's not my place to choose your friends, but I really don't think you should call those people friends." He stopped playing with your hand in favor of wrapping his other arm around you, then continued, "The definition of a friend is someone who cares for and respects you, today they showed that they do neither. I won't tell you what to do, but, Honey, I don't thinks it's a good idea to stay around these people..."
You sighed and leaned back into him, "You're right. I-I don't think I can let it go this time, they've done it before, but usually stopped when I asked them too. I guess they just got tired of humoring me."
Donnie grabbed your chin, moving your gaze upward to look at him, "(Name), it's not about humoring you, it's about respecting you as a person and your identity, and I really hope you start to see that."
You smiled slightly, kissing him on the cheek, "What did I do to deserve you?"
Donnie smiled back, "Right back at you, (Name)."
"I love you, Donnie."
"Love you too, (Nickname)."
There you go! I hope this is to your liking, and I'm sorry it took so long!! 💕💕
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
i can't sleep because my sexuality in relationship to my gender has been bothering me.
im transmasc, but genderfluid. not just boy/girl genderfluidity, it's all over the place. and i feel like i identify with being a gay man sometimes, and i also go through periods of feeling like a masculine lesbian.
i know how controversial this is and it breaks my heart because i can't figure out what to do. i know my identity should be for me, but i don't want to make people uncomfortable if i come off as a boy who's a lesbian sometimes.
also i feel intense imposter syndrome over this when i switch around. but it undeniably makes me feel like myself when i say I'm a transmasc genderfluid bi lesbian, which makes me feel good of course. i just wish i could stop feeling bad about it
is any of this normal and is there any other genderfluid ppl with complicated relationships to their sexuality? i feel alone here i guess
love your blog btw makes me happy and validated when i read what you and your followers have to say to people 💖
hello! thanks for stopping by!
i think it can be very easy to work ourselves up and over think things when it comes to how people will receive us in queer spaces- online queer spaces have been needlessly hostile over the past few years, mostly due to the relative anonymity and virtually zero consequences for being harmful and rude. it's okay to get scared sometimes
it may seem 'contradictory' or 'controversial' but it isn't that uncommon to go from identifying as a gay man to identifying as a masculine lesbian! genderfluidity means your genders can be. whatever. there's no set rules, and it's okay if your attraction changes when your gender does. mine does, as well. abrosexual and abroromantic may suit you
you don't have to pass any tests or anything like that to be successfully seen as genderfluid, it's okay if you change to be whatever, whenever. i always identify as a butch lesbian & a femme gay bear, all the time, no matter how I feel or who is fronting in my system. while some cishets may not get it, most queer people i explain this to say "oh yeah, i totally caught that vibe"
it can be scary to have "Strange" identities, but the meaning of "queer" is literally "weird" and having a weird identity falls right in line with the community. you're allowed to be a transmasculine lesbian, and you are even allowed to be a male/boy lesbian- there is no actual cosmic rule stating that lesbians cannot be men, partially men, or be genderfluid and be men sometimes
regardless of how others perceive you, you know who you are. you are the arbiter of your lived experience, and while someone misinterpreting you can be painful and inconvenient, it shouldn't define your experience. if people don't understand, keep going til you find the ones who do, and the ones who try to. even if people don't "Get" your gender, there are a lot of folks who will respect it, anyways, and you deserve that
hope that helps and makes sense. take care of yourself, good luck out there. there are no rules when it comes to be genderfluid. genderfluid people are encouraged to fuck with gender, rules, roles, presentation, etc. and it's only natural that a genderfluid person will have identities that "conflict" when approached through a non-queer lens. identities don't have to "make sense", they are mostly comprised of feelings !
good luck out there! feel free to stop by again
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gayshrug · 6 months
(belated) pit babe ep 3 thoughts
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holy fuck
- i once more have to empathise how fucking hot daddy's tony's assistant is. sorry for being disloyal, babe, but that man......
- still couldn't care less about the vlog squad, soz. i suppose they're serving a purpose by being way's PIs but a bad thing (the vlog squad) + a worse thing (way) is still an annoyance 😭 happy to be proven wrong in the future though.
- way being like "let me drive/ take you home" is so unserious like girl you've been drinking too
- i love how everybody and their cousin twice removed clowned on babe for having that 4321 door code, only for the show to make it clear that he changes it daily. he IS careless when it comes to charlie, nobody can dispute that, but he doesn't only think with his pussy (all the time).
- if tony weren't so abhorrently evil, i'd probably be simping for him. yeah he exploited all those kids but that charm when he smiles 🧍🏼‍♂️
- jeff/alan is gonna hit me hard, i can already tell. their chemistry is off the charts and the whole "i need my space" vs "i'm gonna weasle my way into your space" thing..... yeah
- TELEKINESIS????????!???????????? 👁️👄👁️
- i need charlie's actor to give me better line delivery like. he's SO cute but right now, i can't tell whether it's Charlie Wanting To Stay Distanced or the actor just not being on the same level as pavel
- that being said, their chemistry is incredible. those first kisses were SO tender. their body language!!!!! their smiles and the little pecks! thank you! that's so much more impactful than if it had happened in the middle of a sex scene. like, babe thought about that and made a conscious decision. (probably a bad one for the time being but.) 💌💌💌
- so thankful the Neck Stuff is still being catered to. ep1's throat mauling changed me as a person but i'm fine with little kisses as long as that part of babe's body is still being served. and it is. so. 💯
- pavel....... i once again tip my hat to you. he gives it his all in every single scene. (i fully take back whatever i might have said re: wanting the drama etc. btw like... babe is my heart and soul. that's my fucking baby. knowing he's gonna get hurt/ betrayed is terrible. i ride for him and him only.)
- alan seems like such a good guy. i don't trust anyone here but he gives off the most genuine vibes. there hasn't been one moment where i've doubted his intentions (so far). kim is on that same wavelength as well. yeah, he's playing for the opposing team, but he wants to stick to his morals and earn his success. (i need winner to croak btw. or get the unwarranted superiority complex fucked out of his system.)
- jeff running into the [car parts thing] after the little head kiss PLEASE he was so shaken up. if this were twins the series, he would've cupped his crotch for emphasis
- "from now on, our team doesn't have to stress about money anymore" and there's crisps with a fork, 15 chicken nuggets and some pickles on the table. ALAN. BABY. could you have maybe made this celebratory party look a bit more appealing 😭
- get those fucking product placements, widely adored omegaverse show.
- 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 the chemistry. yeah. i love me a good bit of explicit tonguing or whatever but the way they show the growing intimacy......... perfection. and yeah, i'm hurting.
- babe breaks my heart. he wants nothing more than to be loved and to be shown that the doctrines tony tried to instill in him are wrong. he deserves honesty. i hope charlie confides in babe and shows him just that - and soon. it's all already starting to crumble but i don't believe charlie and jeff have bad intentions at the core of it.
(- babe trying to be upfront with charlie is another reason why i love him so much. he knows he's probably gonna get lied to in response but he at least tries to clear things up. because he respects and appreciates charlie. and wants to, for once, believe in the best in people. he's a good egg. yeah, the "charlie ❤️" made me feel terrible.)
- i hate that i can't tell what charlie's concern is aimed at, babe's condition/ withdrawal or himself starting to lose access. i assume it's both, of course, but....
- watching the race itself made me feel sick. all those insecurities taking over. like i said, babe is my #1 priority and losing under those circumstances, with the emotional turmoil and lack of "concentrating" + whatever the fuck winner might've done to sabotage the race + the pressure of a wealthy sponsor on his shoulders....... i kept pausing tbh. like, i knew it was coming but 🧍🏼‍♂️🧍🏼‍♂️🧍🏼‍♂️🧍🏼‍♂️🧍🏼‍♂️
- i was fuming but winner stumbling like that after a tiny shove made me giggle. and kim standing off to the side, Knowing, was the cherry on top.
- THAT PREVIEW........ FUUUUUUCK. waybabe history. tonybabe confrontation. winner being a little bitch again and getting scolded by kim (hot). charliebabe olive branch and drama. ANOTHER ANXIETY-INDUCING RACE. it pains me that i always have to catch up so late because of my jobs atm but i can't fucking wait.
- tl;dr i'm still thoroughly enjoying the show and yeah, i block every single person who's being obnoxiously negative in the tag. 😇 it's legit a good show. bite me.
until next time
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I was wondering if there were discussions/norms/etiquette in the plural community surrounding system origins of various beliefs. I've noticed when learning that some system/alter origins relate to religious/spiritual/metaphysical beliefs. Some of those are not in line with my own beliefs. So I was just wondering how people tend to come together in light of such things. Especially since this is an area that has potential to turn hurtful. I don't think it has to be hurtful. I think love and respect between people is possible even while maintaining different beliefs. But this is just the kind of stuff I think about whenever I see that some people are cruel in dismissing certain types of origins.
Hi! This is a really good question - thank you for asking! We’re not a religious system, and we haven’t had much confusion or struggles when it comes to respecting the beliefs of other systems, but we see how it could be potentially troubling for some!
To us, we feel similarly about systems with different spiritual beliefs as we do about singlets with different spiritual beliefs. And that is: we may not understand your (general you) spirituality, we may not believe in the higher powers that you believe in, but that doesn’t mean we are incapable of showing you and your spirituality the respect and acceptance you deserve. You don’t have to be spiritual or religious in order to respect others with different religious faiths or backgrounds. If someone says they experience plurality or spirituality in some way, it’s not our job to argue with or critique them!
People get to choose how they label and define their own experiences. So, if a Christian system says their headmates are angels or saints or something along those lines, we will believe them and treat them as such, even if we ourselves are not Christian and don’t even have faith in Christian beliefs.
For us, plural solidarity means showing kindness and respect to all sorts of systems, even those with beliefs that conflict with our own. And as a system, we even have some conflicting beliefs amongst our alters! It really is possible to uplift, support, and respect systems with many different beliefs without compromising your own faith or values.
When it comes to norms/etiquete, we do believe our ideas may generally fall in line with the majority of the inclusive plural community. Although we are just one system and we don’t speak for the whole community, so we can’t say for sure!
And as far as discussions go, system discourse can be found in the “#syscourse” tag. Honestly it can be rare to see genuine, thoughtful, productive discussions happening in that tag, but that is the right place for those conversations.
We’d like to invite any systems who have thoughts on this to please share! We are a community full of diverse individuals with a wide range of beliefs. How do you show respect and solidarity to systems with beliefs that differ from your own? If you respond, please remember that this space will always be welcoming to systems of all origins, so respect and thoughtfulness is appreciated!
Anon, we hope this helps answer your question, at least a little bit. Plurality, like spirituality, is not a monolith! And it is possible to be polite, welcoming, and accepting to all sorts of systems, even if their beliefs don’t align with your own. We hope this response is at least somewhat coherent and beneficial for you! Thanks for reaching out!
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multifandomgrabage · 2 years
Random and non cohesive HB thoughts, particularly season 2:
I don’t condone or support Stella’s actions, but I am very disappointed in how she is written. Im fine with her being a villain, and I’ll even let a lack of a backstory slide! My main issues with Stella are:
A) Being 1 dimensional. Please, give her traits outside of “bitch” and “angry at Stolas”. The majority of the fan base already is (somehow) in support of Stolitz, you don’t need another prop to keep your ship going. (subpoint to a): Also, not a fan of the “wife finds out that her husband is queer” trope, but whatever, she is a villain. Its pretty fucking basic though.
B) Her lines. My fucking gosh, her lines are so fucking flat and weightless. You’d think that something an abuser says would stick and sound intimidating, but no. We get “I LiKe ToRmEnTiNg YoU”. For fucks sake, what was that?! As someone who grew up with an abusive mother, I can confidently say that no one will say that. Its like they didnt respect their ADULT audience enough to figure things out and felt they had to have a giant ass neon sign screaming
Clearly the show is meant for adult audiences. We don’t need to be told what is and isn’t abuse. Why not do a little something called “show vs tell”? Some alright examples they have previously done are the portraits usually having just Stolas and Octavia, or a pissed Stella. Or seeing how she threw a fucking imp butler across the room.
I got a bit off topic, but here are some ways id probably write her:
A narcissist. To the outside world, she is friendly Stella, who just likes to party and smile. She has a perfect family, and everyone loves her. But under the surface, in order to feel superior she puts Stolas down constantly, through verbal abuse and perhaps some physical. Her love for Octavia is conditional, she is only pleased as long as everyone is doing everything to her command. All this possibly stems from an inferiority complex that she desperately covers through a high ego, false confidence and making sure others feel lesser to her.
Some possible lines?:
“You are nothing without me. You think you can make it on your own without me? You cant even take care of Octavia, what makes you think you can handle yourself”
“You would choose a lowly imp over me? I guess I shouldn’t have expected more from someone as low as you”
“You don’t even deserve to have me, consider yourself lucky that I am willing to stay”
“You look so damn stupid like that, singing in your self pity. Had you stuck with me, you wouldn’t have been in that position.” That or someone else mentioned Blitzo and Stella being childhood friends, her being arranged with Stolas, and then having the cheating incident
whoever had that idea is a genius.
C: Why is her design so damn good? I love fancy pigeons and they made her a fancy pigeon. (this isn’t a complaint but a thought)
Moving on from Stella, lets get to S2 E2…
I was so excited to have an episode where it wasn’t the Stolitz shipping show. I got my hopes too high. The one positive thing Ill say is that I enjoyed the adoption flashback. Maybe I read too much into it but it feels kind of like a commentary in how shitty the adoption system is, especially to teenagers. Any kid really, as they’re treated like literal dogs, and then kicked out on the street.
Back to me complaining about shit:
For one, why did we spend so much fucking tome in that stupid ass sitcom? If Stolas is such a caring dad, shouldn’t he just leave and look for Octavia? So much character growth could have happened in that time.
I know that Loona didn’t just tell Octavia to just deal with her dad neglecting her just because “he’s trying”. Its HIS responsibility as a parent to take care of his kid, and Octavia has every right to be upset st him and her circumstances. Her parents have been unstable, but after a divorce, even more so. Her dad has straight up ignored her, in favor of arguing with Stella. She did nothing wrong and has nothing to apologize for. I got so excited when Stolas started to apologize, but then Octavia apologized.
Did I mention that there was 4 minutes of Octavia and Loona together at most? Despite the thumbnail? Yeah, that blowed.
Honestly the only reason I keep up anymore is because of the animation and the weak dying hope that it’ll get better.
thats all ig, please don’t be rude in the comments. You can disagree but keep it civil. Going to bed now, bye
EDIT: So Imma randomly add a brainbarf of thoughts here too, because I do not feel like organizing shit. My brain's thoughts just expand everywhere, so bare with me.
Another reason why Stella's abuse doesn't really land is because Stolas just... doesn't seem afraid of her at all? For someone who claims to love tormenting someone, she sure is doing a shitty job at it. The way that Stolas would just have the balls (or cloaca ig) to keep going out using Blitz, worry free despite his wife doesn't give the vibes of "Victim of Domestic violence, verbal and physical abuse" to me.
To continue on why her abuse doesn't land, it has to do with the nature of this show and how it portrays stuff. It gets very confusing. Loona assaulting Blitz, Blitz and Asmodeus (on separate occasions) touching Moxie's groin area (without consent) and Multiple characters using slurs against Moxie is supposedly "funny".
Personally I don't find it humorous, but I do get somewhat jaded and desensitized to stuff like that happening. Not to say that it's acceptable behavior, but you do kind of get used to it and take it a little less seriously in the context. In S1E2 Stella is seen screaming and throwing shit around. This *can* be seen as portrayal of abuse, but given that many characters do similar shit it can also be seen as another unfunny attempt at humor.
Fast forward to season 2, if you've lasted that long you should expect some edgy shit like that to be written in a way that tries to excuse it. But all of a sudden, we get "Actually, abuse is bad. Feel bad for Stolas because he is abused by his wife. Yeah, we constantly make our characters do abusive things too, but it's funny when they do it, just ignore it and feel bad for Sad Gay Owl Man."
What? The fuck? Is the deal with powers, especially human disguises? Initially I thought that maybe only Succubi and Incubi, as well has hellhounds had the power because some hellborns are more powerful than others. How would that work if Hellhounds are below Imps in the hierarchy though? By that logic, shouldn't Imps also get that power? So that idea doesn't work. I don't fucking know why or how any of this works. Theres no storybuilding or explanation for it. For something that appears so often, I think there should be. The purpose of a human disguise is to blend in among the human world, so I can see Succubi/Incubi having that power because I'd assume they're some of the only demons allowed to go to the human world. I wouldn't know why a hellhound would come to Earth, but I guess they just have the power too?
Speaking of rules about demons on Earth that weren't explained!
Stolas is able to summon himself in some big scary owl demon form without his book ANYWHERE near him in "Truth Seekers". Yet in S2E2 he can only conjure up a poorly designed human form because now his powers are attached to the book? HUH?! Where is the consistency?
Also, given that IMP is big enough to get a commercial, how have they not gotten in trouble for breaking what I assume is one of hell's only rules? We know that they aren't supposed to be there, and yet this seems to have no consequence? Having them have to try and fly below the radar in hell would raise stakes a lot more imo.
But whatever, fuck the rules, because there are none!
Unrelated rambles, but still kind of relevant and similar? I just don't want to make a separate post.
I don't like Andrealphus' design. It's way too bright and saturated and honestly has my eyes strain a lot, despite not being red. I kinda wanna redesign him. Also I feel like he's gonna be yet another gay stereotype, which is always fun to have /s.
Lucifer's design is underwhelming. Not necessarly because the design is bad on its own, but because of two things:
A) Too many characters look like that. We have too many skinny white Tumblr Sexyman Twinks. We have too many characters with that copy paste smile. Too many characters in suits. He just doesn't stand out. This leads me to my next point.
B) His design doesn't say "Lucifer, King and Ruler of Hell, Fallen Angel". It says "Generic Vivziepop Snarky Guy with a quirky interest". BEFORE SOME OF YALL START SAYING "B-but ackshually he pwobably haz a more dwemwonic fowm 🤓", respectfully, no. I feel that the leader of hell should have a default design that commands some kind of respect out of fear, it doesn't have to be crazy, but it should be intimidating, and stand out. What kind of king just blends into a crowd of his own people? Especially in a fantasy? This is fiction, and there is no reason to hold back and not try something new. In fact, 90% of the characters being skinny could actually be used as an advantage, because then you could just make Lucifer's bodyshape different from the default and he'd already stand out much more.
Fuck it, two redesigns coming up. When I'm done I'll link them here.
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problematicfactive · 6 months
Hey, I've seen all the hate y'all are getting. As a system ourself, we don't have any problematic fictives or factives, but still respect systems who have them and alters that ARE them.
There is NO reason you should disrespect a PERSON because of their source or who they are based on being problematic. To us it's like punishing a person for their parents or something, it's stupid. These alters struggle because of the toxic community some people make in spaces that are SUPPOSED TO BE SAFE! We don't believe that anybody deserves so much hate for just.. existing.
And to the people who run this blog. We apologize for the way this community has treated you. It's unbelieveable. We hope you guys are safe, and doing well. Take care of yourselves, remember that you are important, you deserve love and respect.
I like the comparison to judging an introject for their source and judging a kid for their parents. That's how it feels sometimes. So many people get so mad over a name. Like how they would over a family name.
People will blame you all around talking about how you need to separate from your source and then only list connections that don't matter. My name, my looks, my sexuality, those aren't the things that we should be worried about. We should care about the things that made the real guy a bad person. You want to be mad at him, be mad at him for hurting people. For taking lives. Now recognize that I don't do these things. In the ways that matter, I'm not connected. I'm separated. And sometimes people don't get that.
In both of those cases, a person seems to be so hated for their name. For something someone they're related to did. I will admit there's a difference. I know that I'm only insert person *because* he did those bad things, but that doesnt mean I condone those bad things. I'm not glad they happened. I'm not here to traumatize victims families further. I just want to do my job and be treated as a person. NPC and I are doing better, thank you so much for sending in an ask and for your support. Positivity means a lot in times like these
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egginfroggin · 6 days
For the character ask game, for Emmet, 5, 6, 12, 25? no pressure on answering all of them!!
Thank you for writing, your aus are amazing and fun!! Hope you have a good day (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
(With regards to this ask game)
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I'm going to be entirely honest, I don't really have one, though I've been thinking about a few in particular lately:
"Reform," by QueenPB on Youtube, mostly due to how the fandom tends to portray him as masking more heavily than Ingo, and I interpret the song as being about hiding or replacing things perceived as negative in order to gain some sort of societal acceptance
"きみでないのなら" ("kimi denai no nara" [?]), by itoki hana, due to the general vibes of it; it's a very haunting song that seems to be about missing someone sorely, wishing desperately to see them again
"Patchwork Staccato," by Toa, for literally no reason other than I find the thought of Emmet saying "I really wish you'd just stop existing" is hysterical. Also I want to see him do the lil dance
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Fantastic question, I'm going to say that he keeps a bird, I keep a bird, therefore we are bound by birds and suffer annual broodiness and screeching from our respective birds
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
That he loses his voice when he gets stressed. It was worse when he was little, but it's rarely much of an issue as an adult.
Also, with regards to aus that have a magic system, I tend to see him as being more inclined towards physical manners of fighting, and magic for offense, rather than support and healing.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
First impression? A funky, slightly intimidating lil guy with fantastic design. Curious bean.
Current impression? Fixation for almost two years, I love him and want to see his heart shatter and his body break, but also he deserves nice things. He's an interesting bean, and it's been fun to figure out how to write him.
Aah, thank you so much! And thank you for all your reblogs and tags and comments, I truly appreciate every single one! You've been incredibly sweet and encouraging! <3
Thank you for the ask, and I hope you have an amazing day!
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Ok @chocoarts , I'm ready to go on a ramble! Thanks so much for answering my request! I hope my ramble does your art justice!
So! Steve and Robin are destined to work together, no matter how they meet or what they do. I know that most folks on the internet think that Robin wouldn't be great with little kids, while Steve would be the master. However! I personally like the idea that they're /both/ great with kids! I'm not usually one for no-Upside-down aus, but I can't really think of another way that this would work, so.
I'll bet that Steve and Robin met while volunteering at the Hawkins Daycare center. They bond over a love of kids and hatred for the people in charge. Y'see, Hawkins kinda reminds me of the area I grew up in a little bit, and something that's happened, both in my community and the town where my mom works, is that daycares and pre-schools start out as genuine nonprofits, existing for the sake of the community. But over time, they become super exclusive, expensive, and mildly corrupt. I imagine that if Hawkins had a daycare center, that's what would happen.
*oh, by the way, I have nothing against day care centers or all you folks who run them in a general sense. I know how difficult it is to take care of little kids to an extent, and I respect you all for what you do. It's just the ones in my community that I know of that are like that.*
So Steve and Robin see this and decide, hey, Steve's parents may be assholes, but they haven't cut him off yet, so why don't they use that money to open their own daycare center? They would call it Bat-man and Robin's Junior Bat-cave, because Steve plays baseball in this au. Also because of this meme:
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By the way, they decided to add hyphens to the DC related parts of the name to escape a potential lawsuit. That's my logic, and I'm sticking to it. Cool? Cool.
So Steve and Robin open their daycare, and they keep their fees as inexpensive as they possibly can without it being detrimental to the business. One of their first customers is a single mom by the name of Claudia Henderson.
It takes a minute for Dustin to warm up to Steve and Robin, because even as a 3-year-old, people give him a hard time about his disease, cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD), which he worked really hard to learn how to pronounce.
Steve and Robin don't treat him any differently. The only acknowledgement they make of his CCD is when they have to follow his daily medical needs, which I assume exist, but I have no idea what they'd be. When this sinks in, he warms right up to them. His favorite thing to do is play spies with the toy walkie-talkie set that Steve got especially for him. He gets bad dreams sometimes about his dad leaving, but Steve is always right there when he wakes up with a sci-fi picture book or Star Wars stuffies to help him feel better.
The next kid to show up is Max Mayfield. She's a sassy little thing. And in this au, N*il dies in a car crash or something, and Billy's mom gets custody of Billy, because he deserves good things, dammit, but Susan doesn't have the money to move her and Max back to Cali. The Junior Batcave is affordable for her. It takes Max a hot second to warm up to Steve, because of N*il, but Robin helps her feel safe, and Steve never pushes her boundaries. That is what gets her to warm up to him. Max likes playing spies with Dustin, but her favorite thing to do is use cardboard as ramps and play with those tiny skateboard toys.
Jane Eleanor "El" Hopper shows up after Hopper adopts her and gets her out of the foster system. She's pretty quiet and timid, but she's got good judgement for a 3-year-old. She warms up to Steve and Robin pretty quick. She calls them Auntie Robin and Mom-Steve. She likes any kind of game, as long as she's with her best friend Max. But her favorite thing to do at daycare is play with Steve's hair. One day, she brings all sorts of clips and ribbons from home. El gets a little sad, because Robin gently tells her, "if it touches your hair, you don't share." Steve immediately goes out to the store to get some new hair supplies, and then El just goes ham on his hair. When she's done, she says that "Mom-Steve is the prettiest ever!" Hearts melt, and there are tears.
When Will shows up, his family is fresh out of a divorce, so he's really quiet and sensitive. He knows that he's welcome to play with Dustin, Max, and El, but he's just too shy. Luckily for him, Mike starts attending at around the same time. They bond over Star Wars with Dustin. And Will just has the best ideas for games if make-believe! When Will leads, Max and El get to be the knights, and Mike is the one who needs saving. Will gets attached to Steve and Robin when they agree to play the dragon and the queen respectively, and help him practice reading when he's not up to playing. Eventually, Will spends so much time reading with Steve that Mike gets jealous, which I think would explain the ankle-biter moment in chocoarts's picture.
Mike is a bit of a jealous kiddo, because baby Holly gets all of Mom and Nancy's attention, and Dad isn't home too often cause of work. That's why, if any of his friends start spending more time with Steve than him, his ankle-biting tendencies surface. Oh, Will would rather read a story with Steve than play knights and castles with Mike? CHOMP! Even so, Steve and Robin both give Mike plenty of attention, so he warms up to them. He copies El, calling Steve Mom-Steve. He also starts calling Robin Auntie Birdie.
Last, but certainly not least, the Sinclair siblings. In this au, I think Lucas and Erica would either be twins, or the age gap would just be a year instead of 4, as it seems to be in canon (Lucas seeming to be a 15-year-old freshman when Erica is 11). Lucas likes playing catch a little more than the other boys, and Steve is always happy to play with him. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Y'see, I just had the thought that when the Sinclairs tried sending Lucas and Erica to Hawkins Daycare, the two were surrounded by white children who didn't know anything other than the racist bullshit their parents said around them. The employees weren't much better. When the Sinclairs reached out to the Junior Bat-cave, on the other hand, Steve and Robin were perfectly respectful, and made sure the other kids knew to be respectful to Lucas and Erica, too. Anywho, as the two adjust, Steve loves to see how Lucas is just the best big brother. He knows that Erica is still a bit too small for catch, so he rolls his favorite ball around with her, instead. Also, Erica likes dogs in this au, so Steve helps Lucas draw and/or color in pictures of dogs and puppies. Robin is always happy to play with Erica, too. In fact, all the girls love finding all the dog stuffies in the daycare to play dog school, Erica's favorite game.
Alright! That's all I've got for this ramble. If anyone wants to take these ideas and just roll with them, feel free to do so. I hope my ramble did chocoarts's drawing justice!
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femmefatalevibe · 9 months
So I have a question and I'd like to ask for advice. I am 23 and I absolutely hate my mother. She basically knew that my dad was deadbeat and she was telling me about it the other day yet she still managed to be with him. On my way to finishing my bachlors degree and I actually think of entirely dropping her out of my life. It's a tough decision but she has abused me a lot. Mostly mentally and there's no respect between us, only mild tolerance. I know my decision is radical, but any advice on how I can move on and not think about her once I'm out of this house? I'm fully aware its a tough decision, but I can't do it anymore.
Good for you! Personally, I believe it's more radical to perpetually keep someone toxic in your life purely because they made a decision to bring you into this world. It was her job to create a stable, loving, and healthy relationship with you from birth until now – not the other way around. Please read Adult Child of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson if you haven't already. This book is incredibly validating <3
Honestly, you're going to think about her a lot in the beginning. The grieving process of mourning a living parent who just couldn't be there for you is real. However, the best advice I can give when dealing with this type of situation is:
Validate and allow yourself to feel your feelings. Understand that all the harm and emotional abuse done to you is real
Lean on your support system (trusted friends, loved ones, a therapist)
Acknowledge the potential relationship missed out on in life because of the abuse. While it is ultimately your mother's fault, you have the right to acknowledge a relationship that was unfairly stolen from you from the get-go
Geninuely consider what makes you happy and what you can pursue in life to make you happy without any fear of judgment from your family (or anyone else, really). Create a vision board and then a game plan. Take a small step. Repeat every day to help you step into this new chapter of your life
Find ways to nourish your inner child daily/weekly. Be the mother to yourself you never had. Make yourself a nice cup of tea every evening, draw a relaxing bath, brush your hair slowly, and/or cook a nice dinner most nights of the week. You deserve to feel taken care of – even if it's only you present
Once you pull away/cut or limit contact, don't fall into the trap when she starts to play nice and tries to make amends. She's still the same person she's been for 23 years, so, as difficult as it is to internalize, understand that she won't change no matter what you say or how you behave. If she hasn't taken accountability for over two decades, this pattern won't be broken and reconfigured due to your deciding to take a step back. The moment you let your guard down and allow her to re-enter your life, the cycle will repeat. Don't get sucked in
Best of luck! Hope this helps xx
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