#yet when i wasn't being overprotected i was just... alone
slippery-minghus · 2 years
that comic about the monster lady not being monster enough for the support group got me thinking, and i think i have the answer to my shrink's homework for me this week. after i was sick last week, we spent the sesh talking about my pathological independence (my term not theirs) and how not only do i never ask for help, i don't know what help i would need.
we managed to narrow it down to pinpoint the conditions i would ask for help in, and what i would ask, and basically i would have to be at a breaking point combined with not knowing what to do. the only kind of help i would ask for is to be taught how to cope on my own/solve the issue on my own. to be given the tools, not have someone else do the work. i never want people to solve my problems (or even offer me comfort while i solve them myself)
which actually leads me to something i didn't expect. i often see a lot of my reactions to my mother in my neuroses/traumas like this, but i think the icing on this one is actually from my dad. my dad, who never taught me how to do anything, and would berate me for not being able to do it on my own. it sounds so obvious now, but i'm not surprised it didn't click. i understand now why the memory of getting my first bank card has been rattling around in my head this week. because it was such a blunt example of him refusing to teach me, to give me the tools to figure things out on my own, then humiliating me (literally in public) for not understanding. i remember nearly crying in that bank. because no one would explain to me how atm cards worked—not that i would have been in any sort of position to learn prior to that— and therefore i couldn't be trusted to be mature enough to handle the responsibility. i had to beg him to let me have that much.
and then i think to the start of the pandemic, when i was 26 not 17, and how he took the reins from the back seat to control getting me enrolled in unemployment payments. he guilted me for not being able to do it on my own, saying how he wouldn't always be there to do these things for me. i didn't have the guts to stand up to him, but i know i spent a lot of time talking to my therapist about how all he really needed to do was teach me.
i'm sure a lot of my independence comes from my mom. her paradoxically neglectful helicoptering created the perfect storm for that. nothing could be done on my own, and i could never be trusted to be able to learn (because i was so delicate and infantile), but i was also always left alone in my most vulnerable moments. and then dad would come home and blame me for scraping by alone instead of innately knowing how to thrive.
my parents wanted a child they only had to parent and raise when it was convenient, when it made them feel good, when it made other people like them. the rest of the time it was up to me to maintain the image. the rest of the time it was up to me to figure things out on my own. that i did a damn good job raising myself goes without saying, but it's left me not knowing how not to know what to do. and i don't know how to ask for help about that.
#the bit about signing up for unemployment too pings that very delicate spot about my dad being relatively well off#but using every cent to abuse#i know these days it's kinda shameful to have been raised middle class so it's hard to talk about but financial abuse is my dad's favorite#it's why he sent me a $150 gift card for xmas like it was nothing#because if he never allowed me to learn actual independence he could keep me financially dependent#and afford to do so at that#and thinking about how with my mom it was impossible for her to not see me as an overgrown infant#she would cut meat for me until i was like 12. and every steak fry was cut in half so i wouldn't choke like i did when i was 3#i couldn't choose my own clothes for the day until i was 12#and i fought tooth and nail to prove i knew how to take care of myself#i took pride in being 10 and knowing how to run a house (cook clean laundry etc)#my trademark reason for disliking things was that 'it was for babies'#yet when i wasn't being overprotected i was just... alone#i wasn't allowed outside so i sat and played videogames#i wasn't allowed to go places with friends so i sat alone at home#always always alone. unsupervised but always with the helicopter right around the corner ready to keep me in line#and then on the rare occasion i spent time with my dad he would guilt me for things my mom would make me do#mom wouldn't let me go on a walk without a water bottle and inhaler and dad would humiliate me for taking them#there was no way to win#abuse#personal#*sigh* i'm so glad i got out. so glad that shit is over and only in my nightmares#(and hoo boy is it in my nightmares)
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mrsbarnesblog · 25 days
just a friend
masterlist ko-fi ao3
requests are open
summary: your best friend gets jealous when he sees you talking to some random guy at his party
words count: 3k
warnings: +18❗️smut, swearing, p in v sex, protected sex, friends to lovers, possessive but softie Rafe, dirty talk, pet names
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You were standing near the kitchen island, far away from everybody else, sipping on your drink and observing Rafe. The loud music busted through the speakers, there were too many unknown faces and for the hundredth time wished you had stayed at home. 
Rafe was sitting on the couch in the middle of the room with Kelse, Topper, a few other guys, and, most importantly, some random girl. She was way too touchy for your liking and it honestly seemed like she was ready to get into his pants in front of everyone. 
Rafe didn't pay much attention, though, even while she was rubbing his pants-covered thigh and saying something in his ear. No, Rafe was too interested in the conversation with his friend, but it didn't stop that nasty and overwhelming feeling of jealousy bubbling in your stomach.
You and Rafe have been friends for almost three years, but it didn't seem like it. While you had neved crossed the invisible line, unknowningly for each other you both admitted to yourself that whatever was going on in between you two was not a regular friendship. Friends shouldn't sleep in each other's beds. Friends should spend that much time together alone. Friends shouldn't be jealous every single time someone talks to their friend. And friends shouldn't be in love. 
Yet, here you were. 
You were staring at this scene for at least fifteen minutes and it drove you fucking insane. Especially the fact that Rafe had never let any man even talk to you, not to mention be all up in your face. It was so unfair that he had double standards for you and that he probably didn't even realize your feelings for him. 
Rafe was just too overprotective and possessive and you had to admit the ugly truth to yourself that it wasn't because he was in love with you. 
You finished your drink, wincing at the taste of alcohol, and straightened, looking across the room full of people. There were too many guys; you spotted the one that looked kind of attractive and moved in his direction. You were done with Rafe’s bullshit. If he could have girls all over himself, so could you. 
“Hey.” You tapped on the guy’s shoulder to grab his attention. He became flirty way too quickly, stepping closer to you and giving his best smirk, yet your eyes were still drifting back to Rafe. 
You saw the exact moment when your best friend noticed your current company. You and Ed were chatting for no more than five minutes, and while he was talking about it being his plans for the night, you saw Rafe getting up from the couch with a frown on his face. He quickly crossed the room, not bothering to check on the girl who was trying to get his attention over the loud music, or say even say something to his friends. 
“What are you doing here?” His brows furrowed even more, his eyes going up and down the guy near you. 
“I’m talking, Rafe. Go back to your company.” You rolled your eyes, looking back at Ed. “So what were you saying? Your frie—” 
“You’re coming with me, Y/N.” Before you could even say anything, you were dragged away to the second floor, where no one could bother you. “What the fuck was that, huh? I told you like a million fucking times to not talk to the guys at these damn parties; they're goin’ to hurt you.” Rafe freed your hand, pacing in front of you and running his own hand through his hair. He was visibly annoyed and pissed, and with the way he was acting, you wanted to push his buttons even more.
"You are my friend, Rafe, and you have no fucking right to tell me who I can and cannot speak to or go out with!" You shouted back, not even in the slightest fear of the flames in his eyes, when his head snapped back towards you. 
"Whether you like it or not, Y/N, I am not going to let any fuckers with bad intentions get near you."  
"Apparently, they are the only ones who are interested in me. You seem to be always busy with all the girls who are ready to climb you.” You laughed even though it hurt you to say it out loud. “I'm sick of your double standards, Rafe. You think I want to look at you with some random girls? You think it’s okay to scare guys away from me and then casually let everyone be all over you?” 
“What the fuck does that mean? You know I am not dating anyone. They can do whatever they want because I have no plans with any of them." He rolled his eyes, already irritated that he was actually fighting with you for the first time. But there was no going back and you both felt it. The constant tension and secret feelings were overflowing and they had to find a way out. “You’re acting like a child, swear to god, babe.”
“Because you're giving me mixed signals and confusing me!” You stepped closer, pointing a finger at his chest. 
“You know the reason why I do this.” Rafe grabbed your wrist, slightly pulling you closer. Your eyes locked on each other, and your faces were so close that you could smell liquor his his breath. You felt the way your stomach dropped when Rafe’s eyes quickly felt to your lips, yet you were still filled with anger. 
"No, I don't! You’re giving me hope on something, you’re being affectionate with me, we’re spending all our time together, but then you just step back as if it was nothing! Just stop playing with my feelings and tell the fucking tr—-“ Before you could even finish your sentence, your body got pushed back and pressed in between the wall and Rafe’s body. His grip on your face was firm yet gentle enough to not hurt you when he brought you closer to him and finally kissed you.
You both moaned into the kiss as if you were surprised and content that it had finally happened. Rafe’s lips moved quickly, easily dominating over you, as he swiped his tongue over your bottom lip, asking for permission to slip in. 
“I’m just a friend, huh? You’re driving me fucking insane. You’re mine, don’t you understand it?” He mumbled against your mouth, sliding one hand down your body and at the same time pushing his legs in between your thighs. He just simply wanted to pin you against the wall, but the way his thigh pressed into your pulsing core made you both hiss. “Do you really think I would let anyone kiss you? Touch you? I’m selfish, Y/N, and I don’t like to share anything or anyone.” You felt as if you were high or drunk with the way your body reacted to Rafe’s touches, trying to concentrate on his words but actually only wishing his lips to get back on yours. 
“You let them touch you. That girl was all over you today, and you did nothing to prevent it.” You breathed into his lips, feeling a lazy smirk stretching across his own. Rafe leaned in again, pressing a few quick, wet kisses to your mouth and wrapping one hand harder around your body.
“She was fucking annoying and I tried to get her off of me. I don’t need any of them. My eyes have always been on you. I swear.” Rafe’s hands tugged on your dress, sliding it higher to have more access to your body. “Holy shit, Y/N. I don't know how I was able to be friends with you for so long. I want you so bad.” 
You moaned, your head falling back against the wall, when Rafe’s lips slid down the side of your neck, leaving soft bites and reddish marks. Your own hands reached under his t-shirt, touching his firm abs and scratching his tanned skin until he moaned into your mouth. 
“I was scared to make a move. To scare you away. But you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I cannot pretend to be only your friend." His hands were sliding up and down your thighs, bringing you closer and not pulling his face away from your neck. Your scent has always driven him insane and he couldn’t have enough of you. “Do you feel it? Do you feel how hard you make me, Y/N?” His hands tugged your hips closer, until his bulge was firmly pressing into your leg.  
“Rafe…” You whined, your hips moving on his thigh, which was still pressed in between your legs. The feeling of your underwear getting wetter by the second made you wonder if Rafe could feel it through his pants. “Y-you know that everyone thinks that we’re sleeping together, right?”
“I think we shouldn’t disappoint them, hm?” You felt a smile spreading across his lips and you giggled back at him. Your hands are now tagging the annoying piece of fabric that hid his body from you, not even caring about people that might go to the second floor of Cameron’s house and catch you.
You managed to drag the t-shirt off of Rafe, your mouth instantly getting watery with the image in front of you. Sure, you saw Rafe shirtless countless times at the beach, but knowing that you could shamelessly do whatever you wanted made your whole body tingle. 
“Fuck that.” Before you even knew it, Rafe’s hands easily lifted you up, making your legs automatically wrap around his body. His lips met yours again, and he started blindly moving towards his bedroom. 
Your body bounced on the way-too-soft and way-too-expensive mattress of his king-size bed as he threw you there and went to lock the door. Rafe followed you shortly after, too desperate to keep touching you. His hands slid up your bare thighs, going past the strings of your panties, pushing your dress until it was gathered around your waist. 
“Can I take it off?” He looked at you, his eyes surprisingly soft and completely different from what you'd expected. You just simply nodded, lifting your hands in the air, until the only real item of clothing was taken off you and thrown somewhere in the room. 
Rafe’s eyes took every inch of your exposed skin, his hands gently sliding down your sides. You were only dressed in a simple black set, but for Rafe, it was the sexiest thing in the world. 
He wanted you for so long. Just looking from afar, he was trying to restrict himself from getting closer to you because he had always thought that you deserved someone better. But at the same time, who could treat you better than him? Only Rafe knew everything that you liked and needed, and he was willing to give it to you. 
“You’re so pretty, for fuck’s sake. I’ll be careful with you.” Rafe's body covered yours, his soft lips kissing your neck and going all the way down to your belly, making you gasp. You buried your hands in his hair, moving it away from his face. “I’ll take care of you. I promise I won’t fuck this up.” He looked up at you with his baby blues, and your whole body got covered in goosebumps from the look in his eyes. 
“Please, Rafe.” You whispered, taking his face into your hands and dragging him back on top of you. You two could not stop moaning as your hands began to explore each other's bodies and your lips met once more in a passionate kiss. “I want you.”
“Baby… Can’t even imagine what you’re doing to me.” He groaned against your mouth. The position that you were currently in, with Rafe comfortably in between your slightly spread legs, made his pants-covered erection perfectly press into your dump panties. “Need to be inside of you or else you’ll make me cum in my pants.” 
It became a mess of tugging on each other's clothes while trying to have as much skin-to-skin contact as possible. When you were both naked, Rafe slowed down, holding your face with one firm hand. “Is it really what you want to do? ‘Cause I won’t go back to pretending to be friends anymore.”  
“Just fuck me already, Cameron.” You whispered, not breaking intense eye contact. 
“As you wish, sweetheart.” With these words, Rafe pulled back to reach the nightstand and take a condon. He carelessly threw it near your exposed body and took a few seconds to finally admire your naked form. 
You were basically inviting him to do whatever he wanted with your slightly spread legs, which let him see how wet you already were. That pleading look on your face didn’t help the situation either, making Rafe want to fuck you dumb until his name was the only thing on your mind. 
He looked you up and down a few times before leaning forward, pressing your legs closer to your chest. Rafe’s calloused hands reached to your sensitive breasts, touching nipples with his thumbs, until your eyes rolled back into your head. 
“Are you ready for me, or do you want me to eat you out first, hm?” His soft breath on the side of your neck sent shievers down your body. As much as you wanted to feel his lips on you, it felt like you could not think straight without his dick stretching you out, so you helplessly shook your head. 
“Next time, please. I need you now.” 
He gave you a sly smile and, in a single motion, ripped off the foil, rolled a condom over his throbbing cock, and placed himself at your entrance. You squirmed at the feeling of his tip going up and down your wet slit, gathering your juices and stimulating your sensitive clit. 
“Fuck, so you’re soakin’ my sheets, baby.” He smirked, looking down at your pussy and teasing you more, until a moan of his name escaped from your mouth. “Keep your legs here, okay? ‘N I’ll take care of you.” 
When you felt Rafe's cock slide into you, your eyes flattered before closing completely. It was big. It was bigger than you had ever had before, but it seemed like your body quickly adjusted to him as soon as he bottomed out. With one hand near your head to hold himself up and the other one on your leg, he slowly started moving in and out. 
“Rafe!” You squeaked, digging your nails into your thighs and trying to control yourself.
“Sh-h, ‘s okay. Knew this pussy was made for me, babe.” He moaned through gritted teeth, gradually increasing the speed of his thrusts. Soon, the sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, along with muffled moans and Rafe’s praises. His bed was making a noise with every movement, and if you hadn't been too lost in the pleasure, you would’ve thought about other people hearing you. Rafe could not take his gaze away from your face—the way you tried to control yourself but soon lost it when his cock touched that sensitive spot inside of you. Your glossy eyes, hot skin and puffy lips made him go feral, fucking you harder into the matress of his bed.
“That’s right, scream my name. Made ya go dumb for my cock, huh?” He watched in awe at the way you were going insane under him; your release was visibly getting closer with every thrust. You moan even louder, feeling a tight knot form in your lower stomach, and the feeling gradually increased when the base of his cock brushed over your clit. “Squeezin’ me so tight. My good girl... fuck, baby. That’s right, cum for me. I’ve got you.” 
Rafe grabbed both of your hands, showing you to put them around his neck. It made your legs fall from the previous position and you weakly put them around his waist. Rafe finally lowered his face closer to you, catching your lips in a wet and sloppy kiss, still pounding into you roughly and steadily. 
“I-I can’t, Rafe, please!”
You particularly breathe the same air, moan into each other’s mouths, hooded eyes locked on when the orgasm washes over you almost simultaneously. Without even realizing it, you dragged your nails down Rafe’s sweaty back, leaving red marks that he will proudly show off tomorrow. His hips slowly pushed into you while you were still pulsating around his cock, enjoying your own release. Just the feeling of your pussy milking him could’ve made him cum again. 
“Rafe…” You whisper, your eyes now closed and your head feeling all fuzzy and warm. Rafe slowly slipped out of you, walking away to throw out a condom. You whined at the empty feeling and the coldness that the lack of his touch had brought. 
“‘M right here, baby. You did amazing.” As he came back on top of you, now wearing boxers, he placed kisses on the heated skin of your neck, his hand sliding down your side to soothe the aching muscles of your legs. “My pretty girl... Gosh, now I’m not letting you go. Like ever.” 
You giggle, draping your arms over his shoulders and playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. “So all I had to do was talk to some random guy for you to get all angry and kiss me?” 
“Don’t remind me of that. I just realised that I might actually lose you.” Rafe whispered the last part, nuzzling into your neck and wrapping his arms around your waist until there was no space left between your naked bodies. 
“You won’t lose me, I promise.” You hugged him back, enjoying the comfortable silence that fell into the room, until you both fell asleep in each other's arms. 
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taintedbenevolence · 7 months
m i n o r s d o n o t i n t e r a c t !
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        •,¸,.·' '·.,¸,••,¸,.·' '·.,¸,••,¸,.·' '·.,¸,••,¸,.·' '·.,¸,••,¸,.·' '·.,¸,••,¸,.·' '·.,¸,• You should've known better than to blindly follow an order to enter Wriothesley's office that day.
Your morning had started off rather normal, with the exception of Sigewinne visiting you to leave you a letter written by none other than the Duke. At first, you thought it was just a notice for you, one related to business matters, or one about ordeals within the Fortress.
The letter resulted to be nothing at all what you expected it to be.
It was merely a note. "Please pass by my quarters when you have time today. Preferably during evening hours. I'd like to have a chat with you." That was it. Nothing more, nothing less. Simple, direct, and straight to the point. Just like the man himself.
The little Melusine who handed you the letter wore a bright yet small smile on her face as she stood up straight. "It seems you've caught the eye of His Grace," she says, almost teasingly, though you shook your head. "I wouldn't go as far as to say I've caught the attention of someone like him," you reply with a wry smile, though a part of you silently wishes it were otherwise.
But you had caught his eye, and from far early on too. The Lord of the Fortress of Meropide rarely traveled to the surface. It wasn't every once in a million years, naturally, but, it wasn't a common sight. Most cases, he was there strictly on business and other important matters rather than on vacation.
That, however, changed the moment he saw you. You were breathtaking, and better yet, you were not intimidated by his presence alone. Most people would keep their distance, look away, unable to meet his gaze, and lack the ability to keep their composure around him. But you?
You were perfectly fine being near him, wearing small smiles that gave him absolute butterflies, as much as he hated to admit. You were honest and though maybe partly reserved, still willing to share a proper chat when he approached you. He liked that. Sigewinne noticed.
And he wasn't sure whether he liked the little Melusine nosing around whenever he met you, because for all he knew, she could start getting ideas, and that... wouldn't have been ideal, put it lightly.
Nevertheless, it's easy to say that his visits to the surface became more frequent. He made your acquaintance and quickly enough became friends with you. It was smooth riding so far, and he was finding that the situation was going well for him.
Occasionally, the two of you would talk over a cup of tea and you'd chat about how things had been in your lives, whether maybe you'd lost a pendant you liked, or how there was a coffee you tried somewhere that was rather bitter, or how he had less work than usual, so he decided to spare some time to relax on the surface.
It was fine.
That is until he found out you had fallen in love the past days. But oh no, you were not in love with him. You were in love with someone else. That was the issue. So he began to inquire. How did this person act? How did you meet them? Do you think they'd make a great partner?
Simple questions just to see what was your view of them. 
Don't get him wrong — he's glad that you've found someone you love. He's just upset that the person you've fallen for isn't him. So he then decides to find the person for whom you fell for. It doesn't take long for him to find them, and it's not much effort to convince them that he's only visiting on behalf of business matters.
He returns every so often back to the surface to  meet with you and to keep eyes on your interest, making sure there are no "unwanted" advances between the two of you, and when he's at the Fortress, he simply has to hope that nothing occurs. Having someone work for this type of thing would be rather inefficient and would raise unnecessary suspicions.
Sure, people don't really need to understand what the Duke's motives are, but that doesn't refrain them from filing a report to the Chief Justice about unusual behavior. The two are acquainted, after all, and Neuvillette is more than adept at reading the behavior of humans.
So with that in mind, he decided it was best to do things himself. After all, if you want a job done right, you have to do it yourself. One day, whilst you conversed with Wriothesley, you spoke of how you planned to finally confess. He was immediately interested, and he, of course, listened, even if deep in his mind the person whom you treasured was a pool of blood.
If your confession proved to be successful, he'd have to find a way to slowly seed problems into the relationship. He isn't fond of what he'd have to do, but unfortunately enough, the small feeling of jealousy that has wrapped itself around his heart is eating away at him. 
He'd find the little details that bring you and your significant other apart and slowly begin to rip those traits up to the surface. He'd at times advise you that there were things you should watch out for, given this would be your first time in a relationship (or he'd assume so), and most likely, he'll find a way to tear down the relationship bit by bit and make it seem like it wasn't even his fault. It will appear as if it was just that you were mistaken, that this relationship wouldn't really work out.
That being said, if your confession resulted in a rejection, he'd comfort you. He knows how much it'd hurt having your feelings being rejected like that, and he especially doesn't want you crying for someone else who isn't deserving of causing your sorrow. He wouldn't want you tearing up to the one who had the audacity of even making you cry. He'd probably be mad at the person, but not enough to walk back at them and talk to them about it, as much as he'd wish to rip them into two. He exercises self-control, and somehow manages to control himself.
Depending how the person reacted to your confession, would Wriothesley's anger be gauged. Unfortunately enough for you, and much to Wriothesley's pleasure, you were rejected. Now, don't get him wrong; he wants you to have a successful relationship, but he also doesn't want you being with someone that doesn't deserve you.
So the moment that you come to him, your expression more solemn and down than usual, he already knows what's happened. He invites you over to the Fortress inside to cheer you up and for a change in atmosphere. While taking you to a place meant for imprisonment isn't exactly one's definition of "fun," you were rather curious to see what was the place this man called home.
To your surprise, it was well kept, and didn't look like it was rotting as you thought it would be. He also showed you around his quarters, to let you know where he'd be, and of course he introduced you to Sigewinne, who was more than happy to meet you.
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[| "Y/N, this is Sigewinne, our head nurse."[| "Oh, is this the person you've been rambling on about lately, Your Grace?"[| "... Sigewinne."
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You could've sworn that you saw a small smirk on the Melusine's face because she knew that His Grace was head over heels for you. Of course, you didn't know that, but... she did. You were later on dismissed, and for the next weeks, you stayed at the Fortress, given you met several new people in there and wished to get to know them better.
Wriothesley being the busy man he is, doesn't always have time to get out of his quarters, but god, with you around he can't help but give a few more rounds to the Fortress just to watch you as you go about your day. How he remembers your smiles, when you mentioned to some your hobbies, your interests, and so on so forth...
His gaze often falls on your small frame and his mind will wander to how perfectly it will fit against his larger figure when he's deep inside of you and—
Wriothesley thinks this is wrong. He thinks this is twisted in more ways than one, but he can't bring himself to stop it. He's helpless to the thought of you running your hands through the soft tufts of his hair whilst he holds you to himself, the way your lips would feel when matches them with his own, or how beautiful you'd sound when he inserts his digits into you as you struggle to not moan out his name.
He hates that he can't feel you. It's driving him mad.
Sometimes he's filling in and signing the mountain of paperwork he has on his desk and his mind trails off to you, and archons it's not even a minute before he has to stand up and drink some tea to clear his head. On some occasions, he'll feel so utterly pent up that there's nothing left for him to do than to lock his doors and let his hand soothe his frustrations and urges while he wishes his hand were your own or your mouth instead.
His mind is clouded with thoughts he wouldn't speak of in front of the rest and a part of him feels guilty about feeling in such a way towards you, yet he knows he wouldn't have it any other way. He's completely enthralled by you and obsessed by the thought of being able to claim you as his own.
It grows to the point that every day he sees you becomes unbearable. He can't stand how your sweet voice falls on those who don't deserve to hear it, how you smile at the prisoners whenever you get to speak with them and help them out during their shifts, how your hands sometimes barely brush together when you walk amidst crowds and he swears that a single touch of yours is enough to make him want to pick you up right then and there and fuck you raw away from prying eyes.
He is desperate. And he needs you.
So he decides that today is that day. After a few days of spending time with Sigewinne in order to mix in certain herbs with tea, he ends up with a particularly sweet tea. He reserves it for you. He's pacing in his office before he sits down in a relaxed manner, waiting for you to enter.
And the moment he hears the gentle knocking on his door accompanied by your voice asking for permission to enter, he can already feel his heart hammering. Allowing you to enter, you close the doors behind you, and for a man who's obsessed in every sense of the word, he's certainly composed.
He gestures for you to take a seat, to which you comply, and then he goes off to get the tea. After all, what better way to host a small meeting like this than to talk over a cup of tea? You're able to take in its sweet aroma and taste, and to say you liked it may have been an understatement.
"So how have you been finding the Fortress?" he muses, one leg crossed comfortably over the other. You only smile softly as you respond, taking a quick sip of your tea before answering. "Certainly different than what I expected it to be, but it seems to be managed well."
His Grace only smiles in return, and he then clicks tongue. "Say, have you enjoyed your stay here?" he asks, taking a sip as he waits. "It's been great. While some have a sharp tongue, there are a couple of people who have been good company, even if most of the time I'm around Sigewinne," you answer.
"Speaking of, where has she been?" you state, because now that you thought about it, you hadn't seen the little Melusine around the Fortress recently. Wriothesley just blinks as he then slightly mouths an 'oh.' "She's been off gathering herbs for medicine and treatment," he replies, before finishing the rest of the tea in his cup.
You hum in understanding as you stay still, having finished your own cup as well. "I see. Anyways, thank you for the tea," you reply in gratitude. The Duke only nods, as he remains there, seemingly observing you for any changes.
The two of you keep conversing, but throughout the conversation, you start to take note of something. You feel a little... moist. Perhaps you were exerting yourself too much recently?.. No, that couldn't be it — you felt as if you were getting warm all of a sudden. You couldn't exactly place your finger on what the sensation was.
Additionally, you couldn't exactly shake off the feeling no matter how hard you tried to focus on the man in front of you, and as time passed, you began to lose focus on the conversation you held with Wriothesley and your attention shifted to yourself, your gaze falling in between your thighs, the space feeling rather wet, for a lack of better words, the only thing in your mind being how unusually much you wished to be—
Wriothesley's voice snapped you back to the present as you felt blood rush to your face. No, that wasn't right, why were you feeling like this...? This was wrong... The man in front of you could only pretend for so long that he didn't know what was happening, but he wasn't in a far too different situation. The seemingly faint bulge in his pants grew ever slightly, and he was already starting to feel a little trapped and tight in his coat. He knew that you were starting to receive the effects already, so it was only a matter of time.
"Are you feeling well?" He murmurs, placing a hand on your shoulder before giving it a light squeeze, and you can swear that for a split moment you almost shiver. "... I.. it's.. sorry," you manage to murmur as you sigh quietly as you shook your head. "Is it just me, or.. is it getting rather hot in here..?"
Oh, how he wants to laugh.
You almost feel stupid having asked something of the like, and Wriothesley's barely holding himself together as he breathes quietly and calmly. He's on the verge of taking you right here and then, but he decides against it just to see what you'll do. "I feel it too," he replies relaxed, and your eyes seem to slightly light up. "Oh, so it's not just me..? That's at least a bit reassuring..."
He's so fucking desperate. Can't you tell?
And then he asks the magical question. "Why do you think I asked you to come in here?"
You blink, thinking through the question, before answering, a bit perplexed. "Because you wanted to talk...?" you reply. The man chuckles softly, though he shakes his head. "More than that, there was... something else." Confusion begins to run through your mind as you try to inquire as to what he means but before you can say another word, he picks you up, and carries you away as if you were nothing but a feather.
He locks the door to his office, and he walks up the stairs with you in his arms. "Wriothesley, what're you doing?—" you can barely say, your face pressed up against his clothed chest, but he silences you as he lays you flat on his desk.
His firm hands are quick to undo your clothing in your lower body, as he he carefully but easily slides off your undergarments. You can only feel the heat rush through you as your heart pounds. "Wriothesley, what are you—"
And your voice leaves you as you feel him spread apart your legs with his cold fingers, a bitter chill running through your spine as his tongue only starts to tease you by dampening furthermore your already wet folds. You can only bite your tongue to hold in a moan, though it proves futile when he begins to work on your clit, teasing and tracing faint circles with his tongue, causing a few whines to escape your mouth.
You can't tell whether to feel pleasured or scared. Wriothesley gives you no time to think.
He makes no effort to stop whilst you can only grasp and tug his hair, while you nervously and shakily run your hands down his smooth, black locks that glisten beneath the amber lights of his office. It doesn't take much longer for him to reach your entrance, and you clasp your mouth with your hand as you inevitably moan involuntarily. You feel your eyes practically roll back as you try to maintain your gaze focused on the raven-haired male, feeling the wet muscle continuously slipping in and out of your tightened entrance and you're certainly grateful the walls of his office are soundproof.
"Wriothesley, I can't— f-fuck!"
You can't help but squirm, your heart racing as your chest heaves up and down. Your vision is somewhat hazed, your attempts to shift comfortably failing as a new wave of pleasure surges through you as your entrance and clit are endlessly teased and caressed, a pressure building up inside you.
He's eating you out, and you're not even exactly sure if your mind would agree that you enjoy it, but your body sure as hell is, because your senses are getting stimulated beyond possibility. Your breathing is definitely evident and no longer quiet, and you can barely muffle how vocal you're growing until at a moment, you feel him retract at last.
Yet before you're able to question it, he repositions himself above you, and he's pinning your wrists above your head, his knees at either side of you as his imposing figure looms over your body, casting a slight shadow on you. "You sure are — hah — quite loud," he whispers with a teasing smirk edging on his face, his tone of voice growing a bit rasped as he reaches for an item that dangles on his hips — one you're quite familiar with.
And before you know it he's clipped them onto you and bound your wrists to his desk above your head, not allowing you to move them, their silver hue glister, glimmering in the dark shadows. "You're fucking mine," he snarls before he kisses you on the lips with fervor, almost as if he might just devour you on the spot if you don't do anything about it.
He's rough and passionate, not giving you a chance to breathe. The sudden ferocity and intensity in his act is more than enough to leave you breathless whilst you try to get used to it, to which he responds with a low growl. It's as if he's been starved for ages and his hunger is to never be sated. He bites down softly on your lower lip, effectively causing you to part your lips, giving him a chance to slide his tongue within.
The rush it gave you was almost feverish, even if it was wrong at its core. He tastes sweet, you think, as your tongues mingle together, the sweetness flooding your palates. Your train of thought was interrupted once more when he finally separated, and you breathed heavily. He was catching his breath, his mouth slightly hung open, giving you a view of the sharp canines he possesses. A small, barely noticeable trail of saliva connected your lips to his own, and he stared down at you, licking his lips to rid the saliva before his gaze landed on your neck. His hands, even with wraps and binds, were cold to the touch as he caressed your soft skin.
You're still catching your breath, blood rushing to your face when you feel him bite into your flesh, a quiet cry akin to a whine leaving you, only fueling his desire. He quietly growls, and he almost seems feral as he licks over the wound, moving quickly to other uncovered areas in your neck as he litters kisses around it. He bites hard and deep, sucking on the skin just enough to leave a couple of hickeys on you.
"You're all mine."
No words are required to be exchanged as he pauses, just leaning back. Seeing your taken-aback expression, he just chuckles softly, his icy gaze combined with the ever earnest smirk he wears already enough to keep you still beneath his iron grip. "I could just eat you up and you'd beg for more, wouldn't you, huh?" He states, his voice sounding like music to your ears.
"Bet you'd want me to fuck you dumb too."
He tugs on his tie, letting it fall loose untied with ease as his coat soon follows, allowing you to gain an exposed view of his scarred body. There's nothing more you'd like than to run your hands through his chest but the handcuffs don't allow you to move your arms in the slightest. He's depriving you of one pleasure, and he relishes in that.
"My eyes are up here, sweetheart."
And god does he love it when you try to avert your gaze in embarrassment, knowing that your eyes had solely been focused on his body. He takes his hand and tilts your chin so you're forced to meet his gaze, and he delights in the way you shudder at his mere touch — he has you at the mercy of his fingertips, he'd bet.
You're being driven mad, something he enjoys — he's no sadist, but he definitely likes seeing you having to put up with the building pressure and urges he held back on this entire time. He decides to toy furthermore with you, as he slowly begins to unclasp the belt around his waist as his pants come off loose.
You know what the man wants.
It doesn't take much time for the rest to come off, and it's very clear to you where this is going. The back of your mind is screaming at you to run, to move, anything, but your body just lies and stays still without making a sound. His hips are pressed into yours, and he has zero hesitation as he begins to slide himself inside you, positioning himself as you whimper, tears beginning to prick at the corners of your eyes as you feel your walls stretching to accommodate to the sudden, large length that was pushed inside of you. It's too much for you, but he hushes you, caressing your face softly and wiping your tears.
"You're going to take all of it in for me, aren't you? Hah, so fuckin' tight..."
It hurts, and his gentle caresses are a sharp contrast to how he continuously pushes inside you until he finally reaches that place that would make you scream out in pleasure. And he knows it. He's impatient, and won't waste another second, and in just a few more seconds, he's already ramming his hips against yours, bulging cock sliding in and out at a pace you can no longer register.
"God — you're so good for me — no one else is allowed to see you like this, understood?"
The both of you are lost in lust, and your heart hammers in you whilst fear and pleasure courses right through your veins. You get the feeling he's not just pleasuring you — he's marking you, through and through, making sure that by the time you're walking out, people will only perceive his scent on you wherever you go. He wants you and you alone. 
Anyone who wishes to debate his posture is more than welcome to have a word with him in the ring.
You're barely able to choke out his name as he fucks you senseless, giving you no space to plead or speak at all, for that matter. The only noise you get out are your helpless moans as you shudder from each thrust. He's feral, hungry and starved for your love, and he wants to consume every bit of it.
"Wriothesley — fuck — I-"
If it weren't for the fact he's fucking you to oblivion on his desk, he'd probably find it amusing how helpless you've become in the span of a few minutes. He loves it. Your eyes are half-lidded and brimming with tears, your moans resounding through the entirety of his office, to which thankfully, there is no one else within except the two of you. You might've not registered it but you're sure he's already torn through all the clothes covering your chest too, leaving you now entirely exposed and vulnerable to his touch.
You start to feel the building pressure you had before, and your breathing is labored, heavy. You don't think you can take this for much longer, your folds wet and walls tightening around his cock. You really weren't sure how in hell you were going to fit all of it in, but you seemed to be taking it rather well.
Your synchronized moans and his groans paired together combine, slowing into a perfectioned, rhythmic catharsis as you finally reach your climax, your fluids coating him and staining the firm material beneath you, to which you can't help but wonder how exactly does he plan to clean.
Yet as you finally release, he still doesn't stop. He's not stopping, not yet, not when he's finally got you fucked over and whimpering, helplessly begging him to cum inside of you. All of your senses and inhibitions have been tossed aside, leaving you a forlorn, flustered mess. He craves you, he might just devour you, he's unable to contain himself.
"You look so adorable when you beg, yeah? So wet and tight for me, 'M just gonna have to keep going for you..."
He is relentless. By the time he cums, you're already left breathless, voice broken and unable to say a thing other than a quiet whine. He's breathing heavily, letting his seed settle within you as his residual flows leak through your thighs, painting you as his own.
"Hah... that look in your eyes.. you wanna be rewarded, don't you? 'M just gonna have to stuff you full, hm?"
He nuzzles his head in your neck, letting the soft tufts of his hair caress your skin softly. He's still inside you, his cum still leaking through your thighs and out of your worn-out, throbbing pussy. Slowly, he slides out of you, earning a faint, muffled hum akin to that of a moan as you catch your breath. "Wrio..." you mumble out, and he presses a light kiss to your neck, right on a mark he left by earlier.
"'M gonna fill you up and make you cum 'till you can't think..." he murmured, one of his hands soothingly caressing your neck as he runs his hand through your back, his other, free hand reaching down towards your wet folds, his fingertips tracing lazy circles on your clit as he teases you gently, causing a few moans and whimpers to escape you. "'M gonna breed you.. make you all mine, darlin'."
He inserts two of his digits inside you fervently, fingering you, keeping you wet and tight as you squirm from his touch. He pulls in and out, unending and denying your pleads to stop. "P-please, Wrio — fuck — I can't-" He ignores your cries. Instead, he presses kisses across your jawline until meeting your lips, keeping you encased, trapped in a passionate kiss whilst being pleasured to no end.
"You can take it. Easy there, love."
You only respond with a whine as you feel yourself slowly reach your climax again, fluids seeping through your body and covering his digits, that slowly pull out with a wet sound. Your mouth is slightly hung open, your face with faint tints of red hidden by your disheveled hair, your body numb and almost limp.
The black-haired man simply held you tight, holding you close, never letting go, his voice whispering to you sweet nothings. His grip was tight, and unbeknownst to you, tears slowly smeared, falling across your face. You felt filthy. You felt violated. Anything but loved. And you knew more than ever, that from this day forth, you'd only ever be his.
His to love. His to hold.
For a night and forevermore, you were solely his to behold.
•,¸,.·' '·.,¸,••,¸,.·' '·.,¸,••,¸,.·' '·.,¸,••,¸,.·' '·.,¸,••,¸,.·' '·.,¸,••,¸,.·' '·.,¸,•
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A/N - I am utterly in love with this man. This prompt was also meant for yesterday bc Halloween n all, but I didn't make it- so- here you are- a little belated but still here! Same applies to the Imbibitor Lunae prompt that is soon to come! Love you all, remember to stay safe.
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yeollie-plz · 6 months
Turtle Dove
Day 2 of Pedromas! | Masterlist
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dbf! Joel Miller x Innocent! F! Reader
Synopsis: Being raised in the outbreak there wasn't much room for sexual exploration, until Joel came around.
Genre: smut
Warnings: 18+ smut, loss of virginity, p in v sex, age gap (reader is mid twenties, Joel is 50 something), kissing, oral f! and m! receiving, daddy kink, reader is innocent but also not so innocent, fingering, unprotected sex
Gif credits to owners!
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You were young when the outbreak happened, so you missed out on a lot of milestones. No awkward middle school phase. No prom. No normal teenager relationships.
Sure, there were always boys your age, but they never wanted more than just sex. You knew it was a bit cliché but you wanted your first time to be special. No reason an outbreak should stop your romantic fantasies.
Now you were in your mid twenties and you had yet to even kiss someone. Its not like you were really trying, but it was still a little disappointing. Not to mention your dad was a bit overprotective. You wanted that knight in shining armor to just come in and sweep you off your feet.
Well, that knight did show up. But instead of being in shining armor, he was your dad's best friend, Joel. He was much older than you but that didn't stop you fantasizing about him. Its not like it was ever going to ever happen anyways.
That was until you were pushed into a bathroom by Joel at a party one night. His lips were pushed onto yours. He was like a starving man when he kissed you. It was like he had been waiting for this for a while.
"Can't take the way you look at me anymore. Need to teach you a lesson." He mutters into your mouth, massaging your breast in his hands.
You whimper out his name, as he trails his hands down to your thighs. He hikes your dress up.
"Let me take care of you baby, just need you to be quiet for me. Can you do that?" You nod enthusiastically.
Then he gets down on his knees and eats you out until you are writhing mess under his firm grasp.
That was a week ago and you haven't stopped thinking about it since. And Joel hasn't stopped eye fucking since. One week ago and you hadn't even had your first kiss. Now you were sneaking around stealing glances and kisses with your dad's best friend. He trusted him and now he was all but fucking his little girl.
One night your dad comes to you, telling you that he is leaving for a few days. Without a second thought, he decides to have Joel watch over you in the time being, not suspecting anything to be going. But you smile knowingly. Excited at the prospect of spending alone time with Joel.
The night your dad leaves, you put on your best lingerie, which isn't the best since you are in an apocalypse after all! But it will do, really your main draw will be letting Joel fully have you. Isn't it all guy's fantasy to take a girl's virginity? Well, you're hoping its Joel's fantasy at least.
You find Joel in the living room, reading some book. You silently walk over and grab the book from his hand, closing it you place it onto the table next to you. He cocks his head at you, eyes taking in your half naked form.
"Baby, what are you doing?" He asks in amusement, knowing damn well what you are doing.
"Joel, we are alone. I thought that maybe daddy could help me with something." You had found out one day when the two of you had snuck away into a closet, that Joel enjoyed being called daddy. So, you were now using it to your advantage.
His eyes darken, "What do you need daddy to help with, baby girl?"
"I feel funny down here," you let your fingers tease you swollen clit, "I need daddy to make it feel better."
He grabs your wrist, pulling it away from your panties. He stands, now towering over you, he takes your hand and places it on his crotch so you can feel him already hardening.
"Do you think you can help daddy too?" Letting go of your wrist he now reaches behind your neck. His fingers run up the back of your head, brushing through your hair, before he pushes you down onto your knees.
"I want to help daddy." You confirm after you are sure you are balanced on your knees.
"Good girl, why don't you help daddy out of his pants then?" Fingers start at the buckle of his belt, undoing it quickly and pulling it from his belt loops. Then you start with the button, slowly pulling it and the zipper apart. That's when Joel grabs your head again. He uses his other hand to grab his cock out from his underwear.
"Put it in your mouth before I do it for you." He tugs your head forward, urging you to take his dick. You oblige, running your tongue down the underside of his member before wrapping your lips around it. The hand that is in your hair guides your head into a steady pace. Not too far to choke you but enough that he feels good.
This continues for a few minutes, before he can't take it anymore. Either the pace needed to change or he needed to be inside of you. But he wasn't sure you were ready for that. So he slowly pulled you off of him. You look up at him in confusion. Doe eyes making him almost finish right then and there.
"What exactly do you want daddy to do for you?"
"I want all of you, daddy." Shit, apparently you were ready for that.
"Stand up." He orders, you do. "I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me what you want."
Your eyes lock onto his, "I want you inside of me. I want daddy to take care of me." A flicker of mischief flashes behind your eyes, Joel catches it.
He grabs your waist and throws you over his shoulder. Joel carries you down the hall and into your room. Throwing you onto the bed he hovers over you, smirking at you before going down between your legs.
A finger makes contact lightly with the rapidly soaking material of your underwear. He teases you lightly before slipping his finger into the waistband, pulling them down your legs. Now feeling your full wetness, he lets a finger slip pass your entrance. He pumps in and out of you slowly, causing you to wriggle under his grasp.
He lowers his head down and gives a light lick to your clit before pulling back to gauge your reaction. Eyes closed, back arched, your face is already contorting in extreme pleasure.
Deciding that he can't wait any longer, Joel pulls his finger out of you, gaining a whimper from you. He sits up and pulls his shirt up over his head.
"Baby, I need you to look at me." You do. "I'm gonna put my dick inside you now so I need you to look at me." A nod.
Slowly he presses the tip of his dick to your entrance, easing it in just a bit. He feels you clench in anticipation, pushing him out. Your hand reaches up to grab his hip in shock. He takes your hand in his.
"Relax, baby, let it happen. Let daddy take care of you." At his words, you breathe out trying to relax yourself. It works and he pushes fully inside of you.
Your hand grips his, hard. He waits to let you adjust to the stretch. Your hand starts to loosen, he takes this as a sign to pull slowly out of you. You whine at the movement.
"Are you, okay?" He questions after your sound.
You nod, "Yeah, it was just a bit painful at first."
"Do you want me to stop?" The hand in yours squeezes slightly to keep your attention on his. The other one strokes your hip, the callouses on his fingers send a shiver through your spine.
You shake your head, "No, please, I want this."
He nods, "The pain will fade in a minute." A peck to your lips.
His pace is slow as he thrusts back into you, head tossing back at the feeling of your walls wrapping around him. As he pulls out again, he lets out a groan.
"Fuck, so tight around me." He thrusts fully into you while he speaks. You moan as he bottoms out.
He keeps the rhythm slow and steady, letting you get used to and start to enjoy the new feeling. On instinct your hips buck you to meet his. Then all of a sudden he stops. He drops your hand and grabs your hips tight, keeping you still.
“Hold still or I won’t be able to hold back.” He says through gritted teeth, while concentrating on holding back his orgasm.
His breathing slows again before he speaks, “Sorry baby, but I’m not as young as I used to be.” His fingers tap your hips as he starts to move again. His thrusts continue to be slow, but now they seem a bit more careful.
"Daddy, please, I want to see you cum because of me." You admit, trying to show that you didn't mind if he couldn't hold it off for much longer. He grunts at your words.
"Fuck, you can't say those things to me. You're too good to me, baby doll." His pace now quickens with the memory of your words swimming around in his head.
He gets sloppier as he gets quicker, now seeming to be chasing that peak. Joel reaches down between your thighs and rubs your clit.
"Want you to cum with me, baby. Do you think you can do that for daddy?" You nod in response.
He works your clit in circles, quickly getting you to your own peak. Just as your orgasm is about to wash over you, his hips stutter a bit. He recovers quickly and works your clit faster. You clench onto his cock.
A few more thrusts before you are to your edge again, your walls clench onto him again. One more circle on your clit and you are thrown over the edge, spasming around his member. You writhe with the intense feeling of your orgasm.
The intensity of your orgasm seems to also throw him over the edge as he quickly pulls out of you. Working his cock in a fast motion, before cumming all over your stomach and tits. He groans while working himself through his high.
Joel slumps onto the bed next to you, wrapping his arms around you, and pulling you into him. His warmth radiates around you, letting sleep overcome you quickly. Just as your breaths even out, Joel places a kiss onto the crown of your head.
"Goodnight, my little dove."
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@britlord @kittenlittle24 @godlypresley
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demonicbaby666 · 8 months
You’re Mine
One shot | Marvel Masterlist | Masterlists
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Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader
Genre: Smut
Words: 1.5k+ 
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, jealousy, fingering, daddy kink, asphyxiation, sort of public sex being that people are on the other side of a door...
Summary: Natasha has always had a thing for you being hers and only hers. It's one of the things you love about her. However, it's impossibly hard not to rile her up because of her tendency to get overprotective and possessive. This time, you may have pushed her too far. So much so that she takes matters into her own hands with a lot more urgency than what you're used to.
A/n: my finger slipped and turned my laptop's whore mode on xxx
Emerald eyes were glued to the hand on your thigh. Of course, Maria hadn't meant to stir the pot when she'd harmlessly laid her hand down. Someone had made a joke, and after a series of light slaps, her hand just settled. It wasn't uncomfortable initially, but as Natasha's eyes continued to bore into you, it certainly was.
The next thing to do was to simply move Maria's hand away. Yet, there was something so satisfying about Nat's flushed face, reddening from anger, and her auburn hair that seemed to burn brighter similarly that - you didn't care to admit it - made your stomach tense in the best of ways. Was it a good idea to egg her on? Of course not. That didn't stop you from leaning into the casual contact from Maria. The lonely hand on your knee was soon joined by yours.
If Natasha wasn't pissed off before, she sure as hell was now, and you couldn't blame her. It would have been too much for anyone to handle, what with the exaggerated laughs, nudges, and non-existent space between you and Maria. You served up a platter of green and practically spoon-feed envy straight into Nat's mouth, which was now clenched together.
"A word outside," Nat said, suddenly standing above you. The veins in her neck were strained and pulsing; her nostrils flared as heaved breaths racked through her whole body. The tight-fitted shirt she wore rose and fell plain as day, and from this sight alone, you realised you may have pushed too far.
Not waiting for a response, Natasha grabbed your wrist, pulling you up and out of the room - ignoring the following sets of eyes.
Once you were away from said prying eyes, the older woman had you backed against the wall in an instant, eyes of fury scorching through you.
"You think I'd let that slide?" She seethed, wrapping her fingers around your throat, "Do I need to remind you that you're mine?"
The tight, possessive coiling of her fingers burned down your chest and ignited a fire between your legs. Nat had never been shy about where she stood on you getting comfortable with others. Even mentioning previous relationships would have repercussions. Often, these were reminders of how said relationships lacked vital things only Natasha could give you, i.e., the ability to walk the next day.
"No," you squeaked.
"It's obvious I do," Nat growled, sliding a hand between your bodies and roughly palming your breast.
The beginnings of a moan caught in your throat as the auburnette squeezed her fingers tighter around your neck. In some ways, you knew it would boil down to this, though you expected the display of dominance and ownership to come later in the night, when everyone was fast asleep, and no sound made would penetrate the alert ears that filled the room the other side of the wall.
You tried pleading with her, "Nat, they'll hear."
"Let them," she said, her lips inching closer to your ear, "It seems they also need a reminder of who you belong to."
"Nat," you attempted again before you were cut off by the sharp feel of her teeth biting the flesh under your ear.
With her hand still firmly holding you against the wall, airways fighting to get oxygen in, she lowered her hand down your ribcage and cupped your clothes cunt. Adrenaline coursed through your veins, knowing what was to come. It would have been easy for you to say stop or to have pushed Nat away entirely, but excitement was bubbling under the surface, and a large part of you wanted this. To be owned. To be claimed. To be reminded of what happens when you forget your place.
"You want daddy's fingers, don't you?" She muttered into your ear, her tone low, her voice raspy.
"Yes," you shamelessly breathed out.
In one quick move, your body was flipped, face pressed against the wall and hands on either side of your face. One of Natasha's hands held your hip in place, the other slithered between the wall and your stomach, slowly moving south. Deft fingers trailed a line up your thigh, reaching the waistband of your panties and wasted no time delving into the sticky mess she'd created.
"Did having Maria's hands all over you do this?" Nat asked, the disdain in her voice evident.
Having her so close to where you needed, yet refusing to appease your growing desire, had you shaking your head and wriggling your hips, trying to position your clit over her stubborn fingers. However, Natasha was unrelenting and moved her hand away entirely, resting on your jaw and yanking it back so you could face her.
"Tell me who your cunt belongs to," she demanded.
Behind the anger and lust that donned her eyes, once light sage, the shade of dark juniper, you saw a hollowness that encircled and sought to wreak havoc on the one certainty she held sacred - you. Of course, you had always made it clear that you were hers and she was yours, but despite her tough bravado, sometimes she also needed to be reminded. After all, the avenger was only human.
"You," your voice crackled in your throat, desperately trying to remain quiet yet sure in your words when all you wanted was to be mercilessly fucked against the wall, "you, you and only you."
"Good girl." she pecked the underside of your jaw. A smirk lined her smooth, balmed lips as she did so.
You could have cried with joy when Natasha released you and trailed her finger back down to your underwear. Instead, you settled for a soft moan of gratitude when you felt the pressure radiate off your body and the beginnings of lazy circles drawn over your clit.
Despite the urgency that flooded through you and the precarious place where your body was being taken, Nat showed no signs of being in a rush. The languish exploration of a place she knew all too well was still being undergone after gruelling minutes. A complaint had touched the tip of your tongue so many times, and as if the older woman knew when it was coming, she'd give you the tiniest taste of relief and settle back into the depth of endless torture.
It was too much. A lump was caught in your throat, your bottom lip was sore from the firm bite of your teeth, and your body fought to keep itself upright and steady while simultaneously trying to remain docile.
"Please, daddy," you begged, rucking your hips for the hundredth time, "Fuck me."
Immediately, you sensed the change in Nat's stature. She stood taller and closed the space between your bodies, pressing her chest firmly to your back and pushing you further into the wall. The cold paint was welcome against your flushed cheek and cut your gasp off short.
This newfound calm would only last a millisecond before two fingers penetrated the junction between your legs, and a fire set ablaze every living cell in your body.
There was no need to move anymore because the expeditious pace and vigour of Natasha's talented fingers left you sated - in addition to clouding your conscious mind. The only task necessary to focus on, thanks to the body and hand holding you in place against the wall, was breathing.
"Say it again," she ordered.
The moment her thumb made contact with your throbbing clit, a bolt of lightning plummeted through your spine and forced your neck to snap back with a silent whimper. Thankfully, the avenger's quick reflexes came to her aid. She moved her head in time for the back of your head to crash down on her shoulder. The thudded contact would have been painful had it not been for your senses being somewhat preoccupied with the brain-numbing ecstasy that was reaching its peak.
"Fuck me, daddy!"
Careful to make sure the force of her body would be enough to keep you upright, the auburnette wound her arm around your body and placed her hand firmly around your neck. Everything around you faded and ceased to exist; the floor beneath your feet was gone, and you were floating on cotton clouds. You dragged your nails down the wall in an effort to grasp onto something tangible. Instead, the mix of the dulled scratching sounds and emptiness in your palms left you increasingly consumed by the ethereal feeling of pure, unadulterated pleasure.
"I'm going to come, daddy," you cried out, surely extracting a snigger from someone on the other side of the wall, "Please keep going."
"You're mine," Natasha uttered into your ear, squeezing the sides of your throat harder. She ran her thumb faster over your clit, curved her fingers at the end of each thrust, and within the next few seconds, the stars in your visions illuminated a blacked-out night sky.
When you regained the ability to see again, you spun around and crashed your lips to Nat's. It took her by surprise, though quickly enough, she reciprocated and poured every ounce of love she had into the kiss.
"I'm yours," you whispered softly against her lips, "and only yours."
Taglist: @ssa-sapphic @red1culous @7thavenger @five-bi-five-mind @kenyakimble34 @12fluffybunny12 @asensitivecookie @maxinehufflepuffprincess @whosprentiss @asolitaryrose3 @lesbi-hinest-here @imlike-so-gaydude @taylorswiftsboyfriend @asphodelvamp @tmlwattpad19 @jareguiromanoff @lilfartbox1 | click here to be added to my taglist
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 year
Pairing: Single Dad!Alonso x Nanny!Reader
Rating: PG-17
Words: 3.3K
Warnings: Age gap, single parents, reader is pregnant, history of one night stand, alonso doesn’t know, reader being shamed by elders, insecurities, Fernando as a dad is fucking golden, overprotective!Fernando, Angst, Fluff, etc.
Requested: Yes/No
Request: Please do one with Alonso where he tell the reader he want’s kids & also some age drifference
A/N: I kinda changed this request a lot but I hope you love it, just needed more plot and ran with it 🩷 also credit to @pg10version for helping me through my writers block
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Listen....you didn't mean to sleep with your boss. All you needed was to be the nanny to his little girl Alejandra, not warm her father's bed. You knew people talked when they saw you out and about with them. Pointing and staring, but saying anything to your boss's face. Who would? 
He was one of the pride and joys of Spain. A two-time World Champion. They talked due to the age difference and how you were probably warming his bed every night. They were right. But had no right to talk about you that way. You hadn't even told him yet. Falling pregnant was not in the plan, yet you are, sunbathing by the pool while Alejandra naps. Pushing your sunglasses down, you check the baby monitor and see Alejandra sprawled across the bed, her bunny stuffy beside her. 
You bought her that stuffy when you first met. Her mother wasn't in the picture, having left them when she was young. It's been 5 years since you were hired, and you and the toddler grew close; her father was pleased with the relationship you two formed. 
Speaking of her father, your phone chimes, alerting you to the central gate opening to the driveway. An emerald green Aston Martin rolls up. Turning your phone down, you close your eyes, soaking in the sun. A deep rumble of a growl has you turning your head toward the sound. Next to you lay your favorite companion. A gorgeous black and tan Spanish Mastiff named Hades. 
Your boss didn't like leaving his two girls home alone, so he bought the dog as a puppy, training it to be a guard dog. Hades was loyal to you, Alejandra, and her father. Though he was gone for a while, it took Hades half a day to relax around the stranger. Hades jump up, his growl getting more profound as he stands in front of your lounger. 
About 4 months ago, Hades refused to leave your side, even snapping his jaws at your boss when he got too close. It was 3 months later you found out you were pregnant. Hades was protecting you, having known before anyone else. 
"Hades, down." A soft tone has the dog lying down but still in front of you as you move, grabbing the tan lotion to touch on some areas. Untying your top, you let it fall and rub lotion everywhere so you don't burn. "Bunny, I'm home." A voice causes your head to whip to the monitor, sighing when you see Alejandra's father. 
He slowly leaves the room, letting you relax as you lay back down, rubbing the lotion over your small bump. It wasn't crazily noticeable. It was tiny as you hadn't popped yet like most people said they did, so it was easy for you to lie and say it was bloating. 
Hades barks, letting you know that someone stepped outside. You don't worry, though, knowing damn well who it is, has Hades bark turns to a playful one. "Trying to tease me, cariño?" You open your eyes gently, letting them adjust to the sunlight. 
Before you, a silhouette of your boss as you smile shyly at Fernando Alonso. "Not teasing, don't want tan lines." You mumble, closing your eyes again; Fernando lifts your feet up as he sits at the end of the lounger, placing them on his lap. 
"Hm, I was in town today. Isabel says she hasn't seen you with Alejandra in a while." You moan when the pad of Fernando's thumbs digs into your feet. "All those old bats do is point and whisper." You grumble, a hand protectively covering your bump, but Fernando thinks it's you resting your hand on your stomach. "Cariño, ignore them. Who cares what they say." He sighs, rubbing his forehead. 
You sit up fast, ripping off your sunglasses as you glare at the older man. "I care what they say. I care when they point at Allie and whisper how her nanny is a dirty money hungry whore. I care when they point at my stomach and say, "Yes, she is a whore, fucking the dad." I refuse to go down to town when all they do is speak fucking trash. Especially about Alejandra." Fernando stares at you.  
His gaze is dark and hungry as he watches the woman before him turn protective over their tiny family.....god she was gorgeous. 
You whimper into the kiss but pull away, groaning when Fernando traps your bottom lip in his teeth, sucking on it. "Nando, stop." He pulls away, always priding himself on control. He always stopped when you said so. "Did I hurt you?" Worry replaces that fire as he looks over you. 
"I'm fine, but.....really," You bite your lip, unsure how to voice your thoughts. "Mi cielo," He grabs your chin, forcing you to make eye contact. "You know you can tell me anything. Need, feel, want, tell me it all." He whispers, switching his position to straddle the lounger and tugging you between his legs. "What am I to you? Alejandra's nanny? Something young and fun to screw?" You ask, hiding your face in his chest. Breathing in the soft touch of woodsy scotch and orange. 
It's your favorite scent. You loved wearing Fernando's clothes and sleeping in his bed. It comforted you in a way you love and hate. "Y/n," Fernando sighs, heartbreaking at the thought of you keeping this all bent up inside. "We're whatever you want us to be. I want you to stay here and raise Alejandra together." He grumbles, fingers tracing patterns on your sunkissed skin. 
"No labels? Just us?" You ask, getting a nod from Fernando. You lean back, thinking of kissing him, but stop hearing a soft voice calling for you. "Mama." It's a slight whimper that's got grabbing your cover, tying it, and bolting to Alejandra's voice. Standing, Hades jumps up, runs over to his toys, and returns with his favorite tennis ball. "I bought you to protect you, big softy." Fernando groans, grabbing the ball and throwing it into the pool. Hades barks and rushes the pool going after his ball. Fernando laughs at the giant dog, acting like a puppy. 
He repeats this a couple times, his attention pulled when he hears the sweet voice of his baby girl. "Papa! Estás en casa!" (You're home) Alejandra giggles. You sit the girl down as she almost falls out of your hold, wiggling around so much. "Estoy en casa, dulce ángel." (I'm home, sweet angel) 
Fernando crouches down, losing his balance, when Alejandra runs full force into her father's chest, her sweet giggles mixed with his deep ones. You stand by the door and watch the scene, touching your belly, unable to wait for the day when you can watch both your children in his arms. 
"Mama, come play!" Alejandra giggles, reaching out for you. Smiling, you run over and scoop her out, her giggles filling the air. "Alejandra, go show your Papa what you learned at swim lessons yesterday." You praise the little girl running to the pool, Fernando behind her, scared she'll get hurt. 
Moving, you grab your top and quickly throw it back on and then your cover as you turn, watching her dunk her face in the water, her little pink floaties holding her up. She comes back up smiling with her little teeth, proud that she dips her face in the water without screaming. Fernando stands in the pool. His skin is slick and glowing in the sun, his tattoo flexing when he moves. 
"Mi pequeño pez! Look at you! I'm so proud of you." (my little fish)His hands wrap around her tiny body, pulling her into his chest and kissing her face. You watch the two enjoy the moment. Sitting on the pool's edge, you dip your feet in the water. "Mama! Can I have ice cream?" Lifting your sunglasses up, you feel tiny hands on your ankles. Legs around her, you lift her out of the water, her messy curls sticking all over her. 
"Of course, darling, ask Ms. Basque for some baby." Fernando comes up behind and lifts her out of the water, watching her little legs run into the house. "Come in the water." Fernando mummers, hooking your legs on his shoulder. Squirming slightly, you try to control the dirty thoughts running their course. 
"What are you thinking, my little tease?" He hums, moving farther up your legs before resting very close to where you can feel your heartbeat. "Stop. Alejandra will be back soon." You smack his forehead, yet he doesn't flinch, only smirks. "Little tease, better be careful with those thoughts. I can see them in your eyes." Mummering the last part, he leans in, breathing, quicking. You close your eyes, ready to let him, only for Alejandra to run out with Ms. Basque behind. 
"Fuck." You shove Fernando away and stand, catching little Alejandra as she holds his ice cream sandwich. "Mama, what was Papa doing?" Fernando glares at the little girl, but it contains no anger as you walk away from the Spaniard. "Nothing, my Pescado; Papa is just goofing around." You glare at the older man as he leaves the pool drying off while Ms. Basque whispers something. 
"Ella es muy joven para ti. Actuar como una puta." (She's to young for you. Acting like a whore) You cover Alejandra's ears as you walk past Ms. Basque. It was no secret that the older woman didn't like you as she had been with the family long before Fernando and his ex divorced and had Alejandra. 
You only stay short to hear what Fernando says, going to the kitchen as Alejandra eats her ice cream and talking about her upcoming swim lessons in cute broken words. "Mama, hungry." She whines from her high chair. "I know, little fish, but I'm sure what your Papa wants to do for dinner." Head buried in the fridge, you don't hear Fernando's feet pad into the kitchen. 
"How about we go out, hm? To that sweet little restaurant that you love so much." Standing up fast, you bang your head, letting out curses in your mother tongue, a sound of distress leaving the little girl's mouth, a large hand cradling your head. "Little tease? Are you okay?" Fernando worries over you, smiling; you nod. 
"Are you sure going to town is smart?" Closing the fridge and putting some distance between you two, hating it, though. Ever since you became pregnant, your body craved Fernando's in every possible way. Not telling him was killing you. Yet people like Ms. Basque were proving your doubts right. "Of course, Alejandra is hungry, and I figured we could go out and enjoy ourselves. Especially since you haven't been in town for a while." Fernando smiles, kissing your cheek and grabbing Alejandra. 
"Come on, my little fish, let's get you dressed, then Mama can do your hair." He whispers, kissing her cheek. You head to your bedroom and browse your clothes, trying to pick something where it doesn't shape your little bump. 
You pick a dress, it's a pretty soft white sundress with little flowers stitched on it, it's a flowy thing that doesn't hug your body so it was perfect. You match it with gold jewelry that isn't bulky, just light, and adds the perfect touch. Some black flats, and you're ready to go check on Fernando and Alejandra. 
"Papa? Ms.Basque says not to call Mama, Mama? Why?" You stop, not pushing open the door like you were going to, but Alejandra's sweet voice has you stopping. "Ignore her, my little fish; you can call Mama that if you want." Fernando sighs, pulling up her little white pants. "She says, Mama, not Mama." She whispers, thumb stuffed in her mouth. 
"Alejandra, stop. She's your mother." He softens his voice, having never snapped at his baby before. "Then why don't you sleep in the same bed? I thought Mama and Papa sleep together?" Alejandra asks, hitting that stage where she questions everything. "Alejandra, stop asking. What goes on between Mama and me is between us. Now, let's get Mama to do your hair as you like." He groans. You liked to tease him that whenever he got off the floor and complained, it was because he was getting old. 
"Alejandra? Nando?" You ask, pushing the door open; two pairs of the same eyes stare at you. "Mama! We match!" The little girl smiles, pointing at your dress and her dress shirt. It's black with little flowers, and her white pants and little velcro flats make you smile. "Now, Papa needs to match with us." She giggles. Fernando shakes his head and brushes past you, subtly grabbing your ass. 
Blushing, you shake your head when you hear his laughter down the hall. Sitting down, you pull Alejandra into your lap and do her hair. Combing it out tangles, you take care of her curls and let them dry out, pulling the top half of her hair up and tying it. Leaving the bottom half down, she loved her hair like this. 
Finished, you carry downstairs to where Fernando stands in nice dress pants, shoes, and a white shirt with a flower itched into his collar, making you smile that he matched subtly. "Ready, my loves?" He asks, swinging his SVU car keys on his finger. 
"Papa, flower!" Alejandra leans in your arms, touching the flower on Fernando's collar; the older man smiles and kisses her little hand. She giggles, feeling the scruff of his chin tickle her. "You should grow it out a little bit." Fingers brushing his chin, he smiles and leans into your touch. "Maybe." He teases, opening the back door to the SVU. 
He watches you buckle his daughter in the car, both of you laughing as you strap her in. His hand finds the lower portion of your back, leading you around the back of the vehicle, stopping you when you hit the blind spot. 
"What?" You ask, thinking something is wrong, but he smiles and kisses you gently. When he pulls back, you're smiling, rolling your bottom lip between your teeth your eyes flutter open. "What was that for?" His ears strained to hear the faint whisper of your voice. "Nothing just wanted to kiss my little tease." He mummers, moving your baby hairs out of your face. 
He walks you around the car, opens your door, and helps you get into the car, making sure you're secured. Closes the door smiles to himself, and walks to the driver's side. Jumping in, he starts the car. The ride is filled with ISpy and silly games like that with Alejandra, who occasionally whines about how hungry she is. 
Pulling up to the restaurant, he parks and rushes to your side to help you, then gets Alejandra. "Papa, carry!" Holding her arms up, Fernando chuckles and picks her up while holding your hand, strolling to the front door. "Welcome, Mr. Alonso." Someone says, leading you to your table. 
Looking around, it's a gorgeous place, open aired with plants and fairy lights everywhere. Music was playing from a live band, but it wasn't overpowering, just enough you could still talk. Sitting at your table, you ensure Alejandra is settled before taking your place next to Fernando. 
He smirks and places an arm around your waist, pulling you close; you hold your breath, hoping he doesn't touch your bump, which he doesn't, his fingers staying on your hip, rubbing calm circles. 
"I forgot to tell you," He whispers, making you shiver at his breath, tickling your ear. "How fucking gorgeous you look." You blush, a string of giggles leaving your mouth. Fernando doesn't stop there, whispering soft things in your ear, making you laugh and giggle. 
You look up, giggles clamped down when you see a group of older ladies staring at you. A few of them were the ones that made the comments about you and Alejandra. You see one of them whisper in another's ear, and without thinking, you shove Fernando away, putting some distance between you two. 
Alejandra colors paying no mind to the world around her or the dark look on her father's face. "Mi Amor? Is something wrong?" He whispers, grabbing your wrist and yanking you back into his side. "Mr. Alonso, no." You say, getting the older ladies to look up hearing you call Fernando that. 
"Mr. Alonso? What? Y/n, what is going on with yo-" He stops, his eyes catching seeing the older ladies staring and whispering to each other. He sits up straight, looking at you and then at them, waving the waiter over. "Please pack out food. We're taking it to go." You whip your head towards Fernando as to why he is doing this. 
"Mi Amor, take Alejandra to the car and wait for me, yes?" He asks, not caring as he leans in, kissing you. You stand, gather Alejandra in your arms, and walk to the car, Fernando's figure heading towards the older ladies. 
"So? Are your lives so fucking boring you must drag my life into your daily conversation?" Fernando asks, startling the women, but they bristle at his choice of language. "Fernando dear, we've known you since you were young. That girl is just using you." Fernando feels a whole new rage. 
"She is not using me. If anything, I'm the one taking advantage of her. Don't ever, and I mean it, talk about my girlfriend or child ever again. She's not a whore and is a better person than you old bag of bones." Fernando turns on his heels and storms out of the restaurant. 
Throwing the door open, he slams it, Alejandra whimpering, which has you turn around and comfort her. "We're going home." That is all he says as he starts the car and whips it out of the parking and back home. You stare at his grip on the steering wheel, having never seen him this angry. 
Pulling into the driveway, you don't wait for him to park when you're already out of the car and walking to grab Alejandra. "Mi Amor.." Fernando exits the car and reaches for you, but you avoid his touch; Alejandra holds close to your chest. "Go calm down, Fernando; I won't let you be this angry around us." You back away and head into the house, breezing past Ms. Basque. 
"Mama, read me a story?" Her tiny voice laced with sleep. "I will, baby, but let's bathe you first." Kissing her cheek, heading to her bedroom. Fernando paces, thinking everything over, but when he sees how long it's been, he decides to look for you. 
He goes to Alejandra's room down the hall, stopping at the door when he hears your voice reading a story. Poking his head in, he watches as Alejandra nods off, your voice getting softer and softer. "Goodnight, my little fish. I love you." You slide away from her hug, settling her down. 
He moves back from the door as you tiptoe out of the door and turn, closing the door. "I love you." You yelp in shock, hands covering your mouth. "What?" You choke out, trying to calm your heartbeat.
"I love you. I don't care what those elders say or what anyone else says. You're Alejandra's mother, and I want us to have children together. God baby, the thought of you being the future mother of our children, us having a future together. It makes me so goddamn happy." Fernando whispers, resting his forehead on yours. 
Smiling, you grab his larger hand and place it on your little bump, watching Fernando's eyes go through so many emotions. "Really?" He asks, swallowing back tears. "Yeah." You whimper, your free hand twirling in his hair. 
He laughs and picks you up, spinning you around, putting you back down on your feet, and muffling your cries with a kiss. "I love you. God, I love you so much." He whimpers as he hugs you. 
Fernando can't help but picture a little boy with your eyes and his curls running around, playing Alejandra, maybe even learning how to cart. After a year or two, another one with your hair and nose bit his personality, who is stubborn and perhaps the youngest but outspoken and overprotective. He couldn't wait for this future. 
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phoward89 · 3 months
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Based on this ask
Platonic!Brother!Coriolanus Snow x Sister!Reader
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Coriolanus was always overprotective when it came to you, his baby sister. Maybe it was because you barely survived your birth, the birth that killed your mother, or maybe it was because he was the ‘man’ of the house. But whatever the reason, he was an overprotective big brother.
It was cute when you were little kids, but by time you became a teenager and he was a young adult, well, it wasn't cute anymore. It was straight up annoying.
You're in your last year at the Academy and you feel so suffocated. You had nobody, but your older brother. Your cousin, Tigris, after a falling out with Coriolanus, moved out years ago. And Grandma'am, poor Grandma’am, was in a memory center due to her ailing condition.
It hurts, having nobody, but Coriolanus to interact with.
Hell, you didn't even have a boyfriend. But that was because nobody in their right mind at the Academy was brave enough to approach you considering who your brother was.
Head Gamemaker Coriolanus Snow.
Senator Coriolanus Snow.
Aspiring Presidential Hopeful Coriolanus Snow.
A dangerous man.
Coriolanus Snow.
You're sure you're going to die a virgin and all alone, all because your brother’s so over protective of you.
Since you don't have a father, he feels the need to be your father figure. Be the man of the house. Yada yada yada.
So, one day when you came home from the Academy sulking and dragging your satchel alone the floor, Coryo took it up on himself and an overprotective brother to find out why you were upset.
He needed to know who to kill for hurting your feelings.
“What happened today at the Academy to have you sulking like a black rain cloud’s hanging over your head.” Coriolanus asked from his sitting chair while watching some political network on the tv.
“An announcement for a gala.” You sighed, going over to a side table to set your bag down.
“Why should that make you upset? The Academy holds galas every few months for upper classmen. I myself used to go to them.”
Yea, you remember how he'd run around the house like a chicken with its head cut off looking for whatever Tigris made for him to wear. He had to have his gala outfits look amazing even if they were made from black market fabrics Tigris did the unthinkable for. Your brother always had to dress to impress at galas since he used them to network.
Hell, he still networks at galas, balls, and events. It's just on a different level now.
“It's not the gala that's got me upset." You told him as you made your way over to the sitting chairs. Sitting down next to him, you explained, "It's the fact that I'm going to be the only girl without a date for it that's got me upset.”
“You don't need a date to attend the gala, dear.” Coriolanus reminded you, his eyes glued to the political talk show host on the TV screen. Hmm...they must be talking about the upcoming election.
“But-” you began, only for your brother to cut you off with, “No buts, young lady.” Giving you a stern look, he receited the same speech he always gave when the subject of dating came up. “You’re not ready to date yet. The boys your age will only corrupt you and we can't have you being corrupted; dragging the Snow name through the mud.”
His remark made you wonder how many nice girls he corrupted since he was so certain that you'd be corrupted.
“I'll make you a suitable match when you're of age.” Coriolanus told you before turning the volume up on the TV when the program host mentioned his name and polling numbers.
Oh, you just couldn't wait to see who he'd set you up with. Considering he's such a cold man, you doubt it'd be anyone you'd get along with. You doubt that what he views as a good match for you is what you'd view as a good match.
You're polar opposites.
Truth be told, you barely tolerate your older brother these days. He never laughs or smiles, he's just obsessed with power and politics.
And money.
“Maybe you could find me a date for the gala? Somebody suitable to take me?” You suggested as a desperate attempt for him to let you go to the gala with a boy your age.
“Yea, I'll find you a date.” Coriolanus nodded, his attention more so on the TV then on you. Guess his political ambitions mean more to him than you do at the moment.
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When your Coriolanus said he'd find you somebody suitable to take you to the gala, you never thought that he was talking about himself. But here you were, dressed in something suitable for a nun, since Coriolanus is strict about you showing too much skin, wearing short skirts, etc. Of course, you're stuck being chaperoned by your overprotective older brother.
Why would he let you have a real date for the gala?
He's too obsessed with you to let you out of his site. Now more than ever you hate how overprotective the presidential hopeful is with you.
You could feel everyone staring at you. God, you felt so weird being stuck on your brother's arm.
“Who’s that?” Coriolanus asked, pointing to a raven haired girl in a wine red dress, that was sipping on a flute of posca, while talking to a one of the cutest boys at the Academy.
“That's General Prometheus Byzantine's step-daughter. Her names Juniper, but she goes by June.” You answered, hoping that he wasn't asking because he was interested in her.
She's your classmate for Christ's sake!
“She's 18?” Coriolanus asked, tipping you off that he was, indeed, interested in her.
“Yes, she's 18.” You confirmed with a nod.
Coriolanus nodded, only to tell you, “Go hang by the wall and don't talk to anyone. I'm going to introduce myself to Miss Byzantine.”
You shook your head, watching your brother take off to go flirt with one of your classmates. You didn't think it was fair that he could do whatever he wanted, but you had to toe the line.
It was complete and utter bullshit.
You didn't care about his political ambitions or riches, you just wanted a normal life.
Sometimes you wish that he never got that early discharge from President Ravenstill. You were free when he was a peacekeeper in 12. Now you're shackled and chained to him. You're at his mercy because he's so obsessed with protecting you.
At least for that summer he was away in District 12 you were able to have friends. Now, you had nobody, but yourself.
Knowing you didn't have much of a choice, you went over to the wall and blended into it. Watching your brother charm the raven haired girl in your math, history, and literature classes.
Maybe him charming General Byzantine’s step-daughter was a blessing in disguise. Maybe if Coriolanus is too busy trying to woo and court somebody, he won't be able to be an overprotective big brother anymore.
And maybe, just maybe, that was just wishful thinking on your part.
Ever since General Crassus Snow died, Coriolanus took it upon himself to be the man of the house. To protect you.
And over time that mission became his number one obsession.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001, @purriteen, @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst, @whipwhoops, @bxtchopolis , @readingthingsonhere,@savagenctzen, @ryswritingrecord , @erikasurfer , @tulips2715 , @universal-s1ut , @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans , @sudek4l , @wearemadeofstardust0 , @mashiromochi, @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 , @shari-berri , @aoi-targaryen , @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch, @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons, @qoopeeya, @mfnqueen1 , @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
Ugh, Panther I don't know what exact time you'll be getting this ask but as if now it is not the 2nd in my time zone. But I don't have any time tomorrow so I hope its okay to send something earlier. If not, please feel free to ignore!
I just need *sucks in breath and clenched fist* Yandere Gojo from JJK with the prompts 14. , 34. and possibly 35.
with someone who has sorcerer powers but has grown outside of the jujutsu society? They fight because they genuinely wanna help people and Gojo introduced them to the school to be a teacher too - in hopes to get another strong ally but uh oh he got obsessed. Like, he does not want to lose you like he lost Geto and maybe you'll grow to understand him too. so imo the prompts work well. Can either be platonic or romantic I think he can be both!
Thank you!
Sure, friend! I hope this is to your taste :) I really hope he isn't too OOC or anything. There was no plot structure here 😮‍💨... I just followed the direction my mind guided me.
He's a subtle yandere here Ig.
Yandere! Satoru Gojo Prompts 14, 34, 35
"It's too dangerous in the world. You need me, you should know that!"
"No one else understands me except you!"
"Don't push me away, dear... I only want to be closer to you!"
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Fear of attachment/loss, Trauma implied, Clingy behavior, Overprotective behavior, Controlling behavior, Soft yandere, Threats near the end, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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It had been a long while since Gojo had found someone he could relate to in some way. The companionship wasn't quite what Gojo had with Geto long before... but it was close. You were strong... yet so isolated from the rest.
A familiar feeling to him.
Gojo could tell you were a strong Sorcerer when you entered the school for a job. As expected... Gojo wanted to test you to see if you were right for the job. By the end of your examination... you were approved.
Leaving Gojo curious and excited.
In Gojo's eyes, strong allies were important in the field. It's what he strives to find and teach. Strength has always been important to protect the weak.
Gojo at first hated how interested he was in you. Yet you were so mysterious... according to you, you never went to Jujutsu High to learn your craft. Which leaves Gojo baffled on your strength.
You aren't stronger than him, far from it, but you are certainly strong and full of potential. During your job, Gojo often checked in with you. Many students never really saw Gojo away from you for long.
He was always playful and laid-back with you. Safe to say you both get along well as teachers. Perhaps even too well...
Gojo realizes he's too attached when the worry starts to settle deep within him.
The bond you share reminds him a lot of Geto. Too much, actually. Such a thought makes him pained.
Gojo's concern grows, even as he offers to train you. You're a teacher skilled in your craft. Gojo really shouldn't be worried.
But... are you handling the new environment well? You seemed like you lived an isolated lifestyle. Does the city bother you?
Gojo despises the worries he has. All leftover emotions from when he was a teen. He... just can't help himself, however.
You always care so much for others. As a teacher and Jujutsu Sorcerer, you end up sacrificing whatever you can to see students and friends safe. It's honorable...
But Gojo doesn't wish to lose another he's close to... not when he finally feels he has someone who gets him.
Such behavior makes Gojo stick around more often. To the point you even begin to wish he left you alone. Despite being a strong Sorcerer similar to him, Gojo also seemed to treat you like you couldn't defend yourself.
You didn't respect him babying you... it was an insult to your skills.
"Don't push me away, dear... I only want to be closer to you!" Gojo whines, a frown on his face as you sit in your empty classroom. You snort, amused that he acts like a child while treating you like one. You have no idea what's gotten into your friend and ally as of late.
"Satoru, I don't wish to speak with you." You state in a stern tone.
"Why?" Gojo replies, walking over to lean on your desk. He's as casual as ever it seems.
"You've been awfully... suffocating." You admit bluntly. "I am an adult who can handle themselves."
"... not in this world." Gojo sighs, gaze never once leaving yours behind his glasses. He notices your unamused look and straightens his posture.
"It's too dangerous in the world. You need me, you should know that." Gojo frowns. "The city has way more curses running around than where you came from."
"I can handle them." You retort.
"And if you can't?" Gojo responds, staring you down. Something about his staring unnerves you. You're silent, Gojo oddly going back to smiling after you stop arguing.
"I'm the strongest, you should really just let me take care of things for you. It would be much... safer." Gojo's tone is oddly relieved and gleeful.
"... Satoru... you can't be there for me all the time." You try to reason.
"Says who?" Gojo frowns. "No one else understands me except you! Am I just supposed to sit back and lose you?"
His words and lack of composure surprise you. Gojo's quick to fix his sudden outburst, however, sitting beside you and holding your hand. It's an action of comfort...
But you can tell there's a pained expression in his usually playful eyes.
"... just listen to me, okay?" Gojo whispers, looking back at you as his grip tightens. "You'll be safe if you just... keep me close."
"Satoru-" You try to speak, but Gojo covers your mouth.
"I don't care how strong you are... I'm stronger. If you don't let me protect you..."
Gojo's grin turns... unsettling. A twisted show of teeth that makes it look like he'll snap. You swore he even chuckled. Your heart beats faster when he leans closer.
"I may just have to keep you all to myself no matter the cost... that way you'd be safe and I can't lose you. How's that sound?"
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serxinns · 4 months
Could you do a yandere class 1A where reader is Aizawa’s kid?
Teachers Kid
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(yan! Class 1a and platonic Yan aizawa x Aizawas kid reader
Tw: Mentions of abuse, Neglect and cheating
Aizawa was very overprotective of you as a kid Ever since your mom neglecteded you, cheated on him, and left the both of you with another scumbag, he remembered the way you reached your little toddler hands towards her while the snake cling to the scum's arm while they both giggled leaving while she said her final goodbyes it wasn't any Genuine he can hear how eager she was to leave this family the door shutted and you started crying calling out to the snake to come back with ur little grabby arms his heart stung he promised to protect you and to make you don't gotta deal with it again but 1st he had to take care of that woman...
•You lived with your dad your mom wasn't present in your life your dad told you that she did something really bad and now she's getting "Punished" Aizawa homeschooled you through elementary school to middle school it was fun at 1st but you felt a little sad when other kids played with their friends brought back cool stuff like toys and candy while you were stuck in the house either training with him with or without your quirk
•at a young age you dreamed of being a hero like your father and go to UA to be just like him as much as Aizawa loved to look up to you he could never let you be a hero but always shut the topic down with a strict warning you kept pressuring him trying to convince him, bribe him anything you even did the puppy eyes he secretly loves so much but he stood his ground and said no his final answer
•Aizawa was teaching his boring lesson to the class when he heard his ringtone but it wasn't his usual ringtone "Dad pumpkin spit a hairball in your shoe" he quickly turned his phone off flushed red in embarrassment he slowly turned to see the class in shock and some of them giggling a bit "YOU HAVE A CHILD?!"
• the classrooms were in chaos they were now fixated on their teacher's kid they were all asking questions about ur description, Quirk, Personality everything they wanted to know everything about you, Aizawa quickly quieted them down "Everyone needs to quiet down! Yes that's is my kid they're the same age as you all and is are HAPPLIY homeschooled that's it now let's continue " the class tried to answer more questions but Aizawa shut it down completely which made the class groan while Aizawa looked annoyed in the outside in the inside he was panicking, his class all discovered about you and they seem eager
•Even after school they all couldn't stop thinking about you whenever someone mentioned you in their heart. started to race and started to blush they haven't even met you yet so why do they feel this way... They gather around starting to wonder what are you
•while Aizawa was driving home he was just panicking even more his class found out about you he thought he was hiding. you so well why did he have to slip up he didn't want to put you in public high school it was just too dangerous especially if villains are now spawning up more commonly and he thought of something something he didn't like but it was his only choice
•"Y/N!, Kid we need to talk" you walked downstairs to see that your father was looking really serious like this was gonna be a long talk you gulped mentally "yea Dad also did you get my voicemail?" "That's the one we're talking about," your father said his eyes narrowing at you "But another thing since villains these days are commonly targeting heroes these days and I was worried about what would happen to you when you're home alone so I decided to nezu about enrolling you to Ua High-" just when you said that you jumped in his arms hugging him so tight "YES YES THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU" Aizawa may be defeated and nervous but seeing you bleamed up like you used to as a kid made him think you'll be fine "Alright then you start tomorrow im sure my class will love you"
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onlyyourhallucination · 10 months
I love your fics. They get me want to grab the popcorn and enjoy it like a well done movie/show. Anyhow, your requests? For the 200 followers? Is it still open? If so! I got a plot idea for you. Okay, imagine this. Reader [female], is a trailblazer on the Astral Express. One of the badass members ofc. They got chemistry building up with Dan Heng and/or pinning hard for each other. BUT, somehow the reader is sent way back to the past... To the before the Sedition of Imbibitor of Lunae / when the High-Cloud Quintet wasn't disbanded. Reader , while trying to hide their origins and where they came from, tries to blend in. They can't change the past but dragged into the High-Cloud group. They also try to hard to distance themselves from Dan Feng, who is somehow attached/attracted to reader. Like he tries to confess... But reader is like trying to let him down gently. Eventually, the reader the reader sent back to the future. They get together finally with Dan Heng. You can add/change whatever you want to this request. Just make it happy ending. If you want to clear things up, jut message me. Thanks!
Past, Present, Love
Pairing : Imbibitor Lunae [ Dan heng ] x Reader
A/n : I am quite not sure if the Danheng you requested is already in his IL form yet, so I'll.. Just write it when he is already in his IL form.
Also thank you for your support! 🩵
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Him constantly worrying over small things that happened to you, whenever you got hurt he'll scold you, gently for being reckless.
Him always going with you wherever you go, as long as you're safe and okay, he said.
Everyone know how obvious he is when it comes to his feelings, him doing something outside what he usually do just for you
Him going outside his boundaries for you, so that you can, pay attention to him.
Protective over you. Perhaps, a little bit overprotective for you who haven't even start dating yet.
What are you doing? Why are you not confessing yet?
Have I mention how he is easily flustered around you? For whatever that you do to make him feel embarrassed.
His face may not show it, but the shaky sigh and his tail that sways and hit the floor ever so slightly from the frustration and embarrassment.
Him constantly clearing his throat for no absolute reason is a sign for you that he is beyond flustered.
It was just one of the casual day, sitting on the high class, and fancy red couch in the express while playing with your phone.
Dan heng is in the archives, doing his thing. Like usual, you're getting bored, so you asked for himeko's permission to go visit xianzhou, she raised an eyebrow at the request, but eventually lets you. She was about to ask if she should call for Danheng to company you, because, aeons, he will despise the idea of you going out alone.
But you rejected the offer and wanted to go alone, she was a bit skeptical, but then oblige to your wishes. And so you left the express, alone.
To xianzhou you went, walking around, eventually ended up at scalegorge waterscape, the place where Danheng split the ocean into half. You remember that scene like the back of your hand, he looks majestic when he did so.
You were walking towards the statue, the most appealing to you, slowly approaching it looking up at it.
Dan Feng, huh.
You thought to yourself, your hand slowly reaching out to the statue, but before you could touch it, a bright light suddenly comes out of nowhere, making you instinctively covering your eyes.
Ringing in your ears lasted for a few second, after the ringing is out, you slowly shook your head and open your eyes. Blinking multiple times as you tried to register what just happened,
"I, never seen you around before" a familiar voice rings into your ear, you turned to see a familiar figure. You can't deny that, it's, Danheng. But, something's not right.
The familiar figure stared down at you, rising a brow confusedly at you. You both ended up staring in silence for a good minute, "Can you talk?" He cuts off the silence as he approached you. "Yeah, definitely. Uh, sorry for staring." You apologized, you frowned upon the way he talks.
He talks like he doesn't know you, well is it not obvious from how he said that he never see you before. And the next second another family face appeared, blade? With white hair, you are now getting even more confused.
Until you see Jingyuan that's, rather young.
You're sent to the past, well shit, you cursed under your breath. You definitely have to find a way to go back. To your timeline.
But the day after your encounter with Dan, Feng. He had always been, around you more than you expected him to be.
The more you tried to avoid him, the more times you'll see him around. Him constantly being close to you, and helped you with his gentle touch and healing whenever you got hurt.
"Becareful next time" , "Try not to be reckless, think before taking action" , "Why do I care? Hm, I do not know, It's an instinct I believe."
You don't know what to feel, and everything does not go according to your plan when he dropped subtle hints of him taking interest in you.
"Is there anything you like to do?" , "I bought this for you," .."oh, you, don't want it? ... it's okay."
Aeons, you pray that he stopped doing that, numerous times you tried to reject him. But the way he looked dejected made you feel guilty, the way his eyes lowered in disappointment when you rejected his offers, presents even, so you, accepted a few. Just to ease the guilt, but you know very well that it's useless for him to give things to you.
You can't bring them back to your timeline, you stared down at the simple present he gave you, it's a pair of earrings.
You remember how his face lightens up when you accepted his present, you sighed softly at the memory. You gently graze your finger tips at the esrrings, now you miss him.
Him who? Dan heng. The man that you know, that you love. You wonder if he will look for you, you don't know how long it has been ever since you got sent back to the past.
You accidentally got involved into the high cloud group, it was not the intention to get involved but dan feng. That man is quite stubborn that he unconsciously dragged you into the group.
You silently prayed every night for you to open your eyes not in the room you're currently in, but back to the express or back to the scalegorge waterscape.
. . .
And you did.
Thanks to that same ear ringing, followed with the light that shines bright out of nowhere.
You opened your eyes once again, and instead of staring at the ceiling of the unfamiliar room. You're greeted with the smell of the sea, also open skies.
You slowly rised from the ground, you look next to you, the statue standing tall and soon after you heard footsteps from the distance. The step quickens as you tried to look who's coming over, but before you could process what happened, you're engulfed into someone's arms.
You can feel the person's heart beating so fast, when you registered who the person is, you immediately wrapped your arms around the figure.
Danheng, he' shaking. Trembling in fear? Worry? "Dan h-" "Please. Don't do that again." He cuts you off, he sounded so desperate, his hug tightens around you.
He buried his face at the crook of your neck, his breathing slows down, matching yours. His arms slowly loosen as he took a step back, his teal eyes staring at yours.
He clenched his teeth as he looked away, "Dan heng.." he moved his eyes back towards you. "... I'm sorry" you whispered, his eyes widen slightly. He opened his mouth, but then he closed it again. He then frowned, before he looked at you once more.
Slowly leaning close to you, you instinctively leaned closer too, "I like you" you whispered before both of your lips collided.
The kiss is soft, and gentle. But it feels like he stole your breath away when he pulled away, "..I, kept.. going around, and around" he said in a whisper. "I thought.." he stopped half way as he pull you closer into him by the waist, "... Don't leave without me" he said as he buried his face at the crook of your neck once more.
"I won't, I promise.."
. . .
You were just taking off your coat until you heard something fell out, you frowned and looked down to see a small box that's, rather. Familiar.
"oh my god.." you slowly reached out to it, you hesitantly opened it. And it reveals, the earrings Dan Feng gave you. Your fingers grazed along the lines of the earrings, and the next second you felt a pair of arms around your waist.
"What is that?" A familiar voice appeared right next to your ear, "..A pair of earrings" you replied. You can feel him frowning, "It's not from anyone, don't worry. I, ... bought it because it's, ..pretty." you explained. He hummed softly as he kissed your neck, "..It looks exquisite indeed." He agreed.
You silently thanking aeons for him not asking any further, you slowly turned around and wrapped your arms around him. Kissing his cheeks, you let out a chuckle.
"Nothing, I like you Danheng. I love you."
"... I love you too."
©onlyyourhallucinations ; do not copy/translate
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A/n : I, hope you like this! Thank you for requesting! Reblogs are always appreciated! 🩵
( 1/5 )
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tinfairies · 2 years
Well first of all I hope you are having a good day/night and secondly what do you think of yandere's reaction Aegon* Aemond* Daemon* (separated) let's pretend that his wife (reader) noticed his unhealthy tendencies and decided escape from them to another kingdom and they search for her a year passes and they finally find her and see that she has a baby with white hair and violet eyes (obviously her son) because she ran away when she was pregnant. sorry if this is too long :( but i wanted to make it as understandable as possible :) i love your writing it's fantastic. take care of yourself.
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When you first married Aemond, you had just thought he was an overprotective husband. You didn't mind, you thought it was endearing how devoted he was to you.
Soon as the months went by, you noticed your freedoms being taken. You could no longer go to the gardens alone, or the library. It came to the point where you couldn't even see Helaena without permission.
You knew you had to get out.
When Aemond was called for a political meeting in Oldtown, you knew it was your time to strike.
Late at night, after he had been gone for hours, halfway to Oldtown you assumed. You opened the windows to your room. Looking down at the ground below.
You swallowed hard, and began climbing down the trellis. Your feet hit the ground, you were nearly free.
You pulled your hood over your head, and made your way out of the Keep, through King's Landing, and onto a boat bound for Pentos.
Aemond received a letter from a raven the next morning. His wife was nowhere to be found. He immediately made his way back to the Keep.
He practically turned the city on its head looking for her. Thousands of people were questioned, and yet no one had an answer for him.
Soon news of an actress that had just given birth to a strange child floated across the sea.
Aemond was never one for gossip, but when he heard the child had silver hair and violet eyes, he immediately boarded a boat.
Tearing through Pentos he had finally found you. Living in a caravan with carnies, actors and fortune tellers.
He was pissed, but he melted as soon as he saw the baby. Aemond dropped to his knees before you.
"Please my love. Come back to me."
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Aegon was a difficult husband, he tried to care but it was hard for him. He was always spending nights in brothels and other women's beds.
He never changed his lifestyle after marriage. But you were expected to be a doting wife.
He had eyes on you at all times, sure you had everything you could ever want. Except a door. He kept you in his chambers at all hours of the day, guards placed in front of the door.
He would take you out when he wanted to flaunt you, but then put you back in your cage when he was done.
You had come up with a plan to gain your freedom. Subtly asking for different herbs throughout the week.
You slowly made a tea that would put someone to sleep. You knocked on the door, and the guard opened it. He looked at you curiously.
"The maid brought two cups of tea but Aegon is not here. Would you want the extra cup?"
The guard kindly accepted. Minutes later you heard the clatter of armor in the hall.
Wrapped in a cloak you stepped into the hallway. You carefully made your way out of the castle, and fled north.
You found a home in Winterfell as a maid. It wasn't as luxurious as the Red Keep. But you could breath.
Nearly a year later, you bore a son. Silver hair and purple eyes, just like his father.
The other servants at Winterfell whispered rumors and they circled their way back to King's Landing.
The queen had gone missing a year before, and now a maid has given birth to a child that resembles a Targaryen.
Aegon sent nearly a whole army to retrieve this maid with the odd child. The lords of Winterfell handed you over easily, not wanting conflict.
You were soon brought to the steps of the Iron Throne, clutching your son to your chest.
"Who are you to keep me from my heir?"
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Daemon was always possesive, even before marriage. He was always by your side. You didn't mind, you loved the attention the handsome man gave you.
But now, months into the marriage, it was tiring. You wanted time to yourself, to walk around Dragonstone without Daemon or his guards.
You had always heard of the three feral dragons that lived near the castle. All three were mean, vicious beasts.
But maybe they could be your escape.
One night, you had managed to sneak out of your and Daemon's bed. You pattered quietly through the halls, careful to not be seen.
Making your way to the forest behind the castle. You were on edge, the dragons could be anywhere in this great wood.
Luckily for you, as you traversed through the trees, Sheepstealer spotted you. The great dragon placed itself in front of you threateningly.
It took everything within you to not scream.
The dragon studied you, and moved closer. He sniffed your belly and made a purring sound. The dragon then leaned down, in a submissive way.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you got closer the feral dragon. He grumbles when you touched him, but didn't move.
You slowly climbed on top of his back. The dragon shifted, never having had a rider.
"Take me away from here."
Sheepstealer obeyed, the dragon flew you to Dorne. You manged to find a shack in a small village, trading shelter for work.
You expected the dragon to leave you, but Sheepstealer stayed by your side. The people of the village were absolutely terrified, but the creature never ate anything but sheep. He could stay they supposed.
Daemon searched high and low for you all across Westeros and even into Essos, it did not slip his mind that he had not seen Sheepstealer stalking the woods after your disappearance.
Soon rumors of a lady with a dragon, and a Targaryen son made their way across the Sea of Dorne.
Daemon immediately knew, of course that's how you were able to mount Sheepstealer.
He made his way to Dorne, tracking down from city to village. He soon found you, sitting at the edge of a creek. Sheepstealer was curled around your body as you nursed your son.
The dragon growled as he saw Daemon approach. Your husband immediately knelt before you.
"My love, please come home to me."
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countryclubkook · 1 year
Him or Me
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x fem!Thornton!Reader
Warnings: language, topper being a slight asshole, small mention of parent death and absent parent, not proof read so potential grammatical errors, slightly ooc/fanon Rafe I think that’s all but please let me know if there’s anymore I should add
Summary: when Topper finds out his best friend Rafe is secretly dating his sister behind his back, all hell breaks loose. Will they be able fix their relationship? Or will the betrayal be too much to recover from?
A/N: This is the first story i’ve written in months so i’m still a little rusty. I wanted to get something out though to get back into the groove of things. Italicized means flashback, this also is meant to take place in season 1 after Sarah and John B are together so I hope you all enjoy🤍 I left the ending of this slightly open for a potential part two if people want it/I decide to write one (Topper is 19 and reader is 18 for the sake of this story, Rafe is his canon age in the show)
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“You know I’ll take care of you right?” he spoke with such certainty. How could you not believe him?
It was never supposed to be this way, you and your brother's best friend being together, but when he gave you those bedroom eyes and whispered those sweet nothings in your ear how could you resist? The both of you kept it a secret from Topper as long as you could knowing his overprotective nature when it came to you. He had found out when he saw the two of you kissing at the country club, that was a bad night for the three of you.
“My fucking sister dude? Are you kidding me? You could have any girl on this island but you go after my sister?” the vein on his neck popping out as he screamed at Rafe. Neither of you had expected him to be home, let alone for him to be waiting in the living room for you two to come back. As soon as Rafe stepped into the door he was thrown against the wall by his neck, a very angry Topper staring at him with pure hatred.
“Topper stop, let him go. Please.” you pleaded with him but it was no use, his grip stayed the same and he acted as if you weren't there. They were in their own world at that moment.
“Fucking relax man, I chose her for a reason. I love her, and you're not going to stop me from seeing her. So if you're going to hit me and tell me to stay away from her, do it so we can get this over with.” he was visibly annoyed by this as his tone confirmed it. Sure they were friends, but you meant more to Rafe than anyone else so your big brother trying to prevent your relationship was simply just an inconvenience that had no real effect at all.
The two men stared at each other for a moment, nostrils flaring and veins so visible you were getting concerned about their health. It wasn't until Topper let go of Rafe with a small scoff that you felt you could breathe again. You've never felt more shitty in your whole life than you did when Topper looked at you with such betrayal and hurt. He just shook his head and stormed out of the house, the front door slamming behind him.
“Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't know he would be here” you say as you rush over to him and examine his neck that was now red (and would inevitably bruise) from the grip Topper had on it. He watched as you examined him with such worry and such a gentle touch that it reminded him yet again why he was with you, that you were worth whatever argument ensued because you showed him love nobody else would.
“Baby, I'll be fine. I'm more worried about you being okay than my neck.” grabbing the sides of your face and forcing you to look at him. Your eyes were glossy with tears and your breathing slightly uneven. Your relationship with Topper was different than the one Rafe had with his sisters, it had always just been the two of you since you were growing up. Your dad had died when you were babies and your mom was a piece of shit who was never around so that left the two of you to protect and raise each other. Hurting him felt like the biggest stab in the chest and you felt terrible.
“I-” your sobs overpowered your voice before you could finish as you broke down in your lover's arms. His shushed comfort helped bring you some peace but not nearly enough to stop the feeling in your chest from growing. He had moved you over to the couch and held you in his lap until your cries eventually stopped and your breathing remained calm.
“Baby?” he asked quietly in case you had fallen asleep. When he got no response, he gently laid you on the couch and covered you with a blanket before kissing your cheek and heading out to find your brother. Rafe was probably the last person he wanted to see but he would try to talk to him for you.
That “talk” didn't go very well. You didn't know what was said, all you know is that Topper came home bloodied and bruised and didn't say a word to you. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together when you saw Rafes bruised knuckles the next day and his excuse was that he “wanted to try boxing without his gloves”. But a few weeks had passed since then and you thought it would be fine, you and Top would go back to normal and eventually he and Rafe would reconcile like nothing ever happened. If only it was that easy.
Topper had grown increasingly hostile toward you when he decided to acknowledge your existence. His responses were always short and snappy like you were the most horrible person to be speaking with. You knew the only way of fixing this was breaking up with Rafe but there was no way in hell you were doing that so you instead just tried to give him space when you could. But one day he decided that ignoring each other wasn't enough, he needed you to know your options.
‘We need to talk’ one text that always has the ability to make your heart race. You stare at it for 10 minutes trying to figure out the right response before you type back a simple ‘Okay’, his next text telling you he’d meet you at the house in ten minutes. You felt like throwing up and your anxiety was through the roof. You knew what he wanted to talk about, that's what made you nervous. It felt like hours had passed when you finally heard the front door open and heavy footsteps approach the kitchen. Your heartbeat had become very quick when he came into your peripheral vision.
“Hi” a simple word used to greet people now had a more hostile meaning behind it. You finally looked up to see him but he was already looking at you. He still had that same look in his eyes he had that day. Betrayal, disgust, anger, every emotion you had hoped you'd never see him have towards you.
“Hi” your voice much smaller as you tried to avoid his hard gaze. An awkward silence passed for a few moments before he finally spoke again. There was clearly no small talk to be made so it was now or never.
“I'm giving you two options, and I never thought I'd have to say this to you of all people but I guess you really can't trust everyone. I understand you think you love Rafe and that he loves you, but you don't know him like me. Rafe Cameron doesn't ever love someone, he uses them to his advantage until he no longer needs them around and then he leaves them in the dirt. I'm not staying around to watch that happen to you so it's him or me.” his voice was stern, there was no hesitation in his words. He meant every last thing he had just told you.
You stared at him for a moment trying to process what you just heard, did he really just give you an ultimatum? You half expected him to laugh and tell you he was just fucking with you, that he was still upset you hadn't told him but as long as you were happy so was he, but that moment never came. Instead, he continued to stare at you with a pierced gaze waiting for your response.
“Are you serious right now Top?” you chuckled in disbelief. There was no way this was happening right now.
“As serious as a heart attack” no hint of amusement in his voice. Your emotion quickly changed from guilt to anger as his words finally registered.
“You have no right to do that. None. Rafe and I do love each other, we don't think that. You don't know our relationship and this was exactly why we didn't want you finding out. I'm not a baby anymore Topper. I'm a big girl and I can make my own decisions about things, including who I date. If that backfires that's on me and I learn from it. You don't get to decide that for me.” your face had turned red and you felt hot. How dare he make you choose between them.
“Y/N you don't understand okay? I know how he works, I've seen it happen. He's only going to hurt you when-” he tried to argue but you cut him off.
“No. You don't understand. He treats me better than anyone else ever has, he makes me feel loved. You don't know anything about love, that's why your girlfriend cheated on you with a fucking pogue.” his face fell at the comment. You knew it was harsh and uncalled for but you were too upset to care.
“Fuck you Y/N. I'm giving you one last chance to make the right choice” you knew he meant that.
“Fine. You want me to choose so badly? I choose him, I'll always choose him.” your breathing was heavy as you yelled at him. There was no taking it back now so you could only hope it didn't end badly for you.
“Okay” he scoffed “just don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart. You mean nothing to me anymore” he spoke with such disgust that it took everything in you not to cry.
“I won't. He's never going to do that to me” you spoke to him with the same voice he had spoken to you. The two of you staring at each other with anger and a look of disbelief that this had happened to you. Topper gave one last shake of his head before going up the stairs to what you thought was his room. It wasn't until you heard a loud thud a few minutes later that you realized he was in yours.
One by one, bags and boxes of your things came flying down the stairs. Topper was standing at the top with his arms crossed and a satisfied look on his face.
“You want to be with him so bad you can go stay with him. I don't want a lying whore living with me.” his words hurt you more than would ever admit but you swallowed your tears and began packing your car with your things, getting in and starting the car to drive to Rafes once the last thing was thrown in.
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He hadn't expected to see your text but all he could do was worry when you’d told him you were on your way to him. The only thing comforting him was pacing around the room and thinking of all the ways he could try and help you. He heard your call pull up and almost broke the door getting to you and his heart shattered when he saw you. Tears streamed down your face, eyes red and puffy, you looked destroyed.
As soon as you were in his arms you broke down, the both of you falling to the ground as your sobs echoed in the warm air. The familiar smell of Rafe's cologne made you feel safe, a feeling you hadn't fully felt since Rafe and Topper's fight. It felt like you were finally home and could relax, the war was over and you could just live again.
“Shh baby it's okay, you're safe now. I've got you” he said as he rested his head on top of yours and wrapped his arms around you tightly. There wasn't much that could be said to help you feel better about the situation but knowing you weren't alone did help to make you feel good. Topper was just jealous he didn't have this type of love with Sarah.
You'd finally calmed down enough to unload your things into Rafe's room. Ward adored you so letting you stay with them was absolutely no issue which you were so thankful for.
Hours had passed and your tears had long stopped. You had taken a nice long shower and now you were in bed with Rafe, it felt natural to you. He gave you a small nudge to get your attention and your eyes met his. He had a slight smirk on his face.
“What? Do I have something on my face” your eyes widening slightly worried you had forgotten to wipe some makeup off your face.
“No no it's not that, it's just… I could get used to this you know? It feels right” his voice was much softer now.
“It does, doesn't it? Maybe this whole situation isn't so bad after all” it was very bad, but maybe you could convince yourself otherwise if you said it enough.
Rafe could see you thinking about the situation again despite what you'd just said so he grabbed your face to hold it in place. His eyes never leaving yours for a second.
“You know I'll take care of you right?” and you had no doubt he would, fuck Topper. You just needed Rafe. He would never betray you like Topper, he would never hurt you the way your brother did. He loved you.
“I know” you smiled sweetly at him before giving him a soft kiss, both of you enjoying the moment of peace before pulling away to turn the lights off. Sleep slowly engulfing you as you relaxed into the others touch. This is how it was meant to be.
If only you knew exactly what getting involved with Rafe Cameron would turn into.
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lov3m3darling · 1 year
Obsessed!Wally Darling x Reader HC's
Heyy so this is my first post! I am extremely hyperfixated on Welcome Home right now and wanted to share some headcannons I have about yandere Wally as your SO. Reader is GN.
!!!TW: Obsessive and overprotective behaviors, jealousy, general yandere themes!!!
-Wally likes to paint all of his friends, but he usually gives them the paintings as gifts. He hasn't worked up the courage to give you yours yet, so Home is full of paintings of you. Wally worried for a while that this would make him look like some kind of obsessed creep, but he's grown fond of this decor with time, and the closer he gets to you. So he's keeping them for himself so he can admire your beauty all the time. Meanwhile, you begin to wonder why everyone is getting paintings except for you. Does Wally think you aren't good enough to paint or something? And why doesn't he ever invite you into his house…? You've spoken to Home but can't recall ever coming inside.
-He's pretty good at roller skating! He has his own striped skates, and the roller rink is usually where he likes to take you for dates. If you aren't good at skating, he holds your hands and helps you. If you aren't able to skate, he buys you plenty of snacks and finds you a comfy place to sit where you can watch him. He'll definitely show off for you! Always glancing over to see if you're watching and make sure you're having a good time. He'll take you home or somewhere quiet the moment you get bored or overwhelmed.
-Wally doesn't sleep, but he's more than happy to read or sing you to sleep and hold you the whole time. He's right there to kiss away nightmares and assure you that he would never…EVER…let anything hurt you. You're too sleepy to notice his pupils growing as he says this.
-He is absolutely the jealous type! He doesn't mind when you talk to your friends or need some alone time, but too much of this makes him antsy and agitated. And having too much fun with others upsets him just as much. You should be smiling at HIM like that! Giggling at HIS jokes! UGH! Of course, he doesn't let it show. He'll just come over and politely excuse both of you with his usual calm demeanor and steal you away. You don't tend to mind too much. You like being alone with him.
-He LOVES listening to you talk. He could sit and listen forever, gazing at you with those half-lidded eyes full of adoration. He hangs onto every word. Sometimes you ramble and worry you're annoying him, but when you trail off and apologize, he assures you he's still interested and asks you to continue. Your voice and the way your gorgeous eyes light up when you talk about your interests is just the most!
-Wally is VERY overprotective of you. Maybe even a little too much. If you trip over an object and get hurt, said object will mysteriously break into bits right after. Wally doesn't let you see his eyes for a moment before he helps you up and tends to your scrapes and bruises. You've never made the connection. But that rock sure will regret being in your path!
I hope this wasn't too ooc or anything, I've never written anything about Welcome Home. I have to admit I've fallen for the rizz of that little yellow bastard man...so...maybe a fic next?? If anyone is into this?? Might also draw him idk yet.
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halsteadlover · 1 year
My Blessings
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*Gif not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader.
• Requested by anon: Just sending you a request about Jay seeing your bump for the first time.
• Warnings: none, just tones of fluff.
• Word count: 1752.
• A/N: so I’m trying to update as much as I can now, I hope you’ll like this and please share, comment, reblog e like if you want, it’d mean a lot ❤️ love you all and thank you for your support.
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Pregnancy sickness was no joke.
Since you found out you were pregnant, toilet and bed had become your best friends, if you weren't in bed you were throwing up and if you weren't throwing up you were in bed resting.
You were warned the first few months would be tough but not so tiring you couldn't even do the housework or even work.
Not that you had any other choice though. Jay wouldn’'t let you touch anything even if you wanted to.
In fact, since you told him you were going to have a baby, he became super protective of you, he wouldn't let you do anything, not even cook. Not that you minded, you never told him but you loved madly that protective side of him and you felt so lucky, because you knew your baby couldn't have a better father.
You couldn't wait to see them together, to see the love of your life become a father which was one of the things he wanted most. Since the good news had arrived, you immediately noticed a change in him.
Besides the overprotectiveness, he had gotten incredibly sweeter—which you didn't even think possible since he'd always been the sweetest, most thoughtful man you'd ever met—he was much more present. He was just happier.
You couldn't believe how a little bean could make him so content, happy, joyful. He was always so smiling, his beautiful green eyes sparkled so much that they alone could light up an entire galaxy. He was so beautiful it hurt, and with each passing day you loved him more and more, which you didn't even think possible.
He always tried to give you everything he could, he was always there for you, asking if you wanted some water, if you wanted something to eat, when you were throwing up he never left you alone, not even for a second, he was next to you holding your hair and he’d stroke your back, and how angry he’d get if you threw up in the middle of the night and didn't wake him up.
Every night before going to sleep he’d caress your non-existing baby bump, talking and whispering sweet things to the bean in you womb. He usually talked about his day, how much he already loved him/her and couldn't wait to hold him or her in his arms.
He had already started buying a huge amount of toys, cradles, strollers, even though the baby was several months away and how much you enjoyed seeing him built the cradle with that joy printed on his face which made him even more irresistible.
The more you looked at him, the more you didn't know what you had done to deserve such a beautiful person by your side, how could’ve you been lucky enough to give your child the best father that any person could even think of having.
That baby wasn't even fully formed yet and already had Jay wrapped around his finger.
“It'a okay baby I'm here, everything will be alright,” Jay kept whispering comforting words to you as he held your hair with one hand and stroked your back with the other as you threw up. What better way to start the day than having your face down the toilet?
God you hated this, you couldn't wait for this phase of constant vomiting and endless exhaustion to end. It was a nightmare.
“I'm so sorry my love. I wish I could take this from you.”
You shook your head slightly. “It's not your fault,” you muttered initially “Actually yes, it's mostly your fault.”
He laughed. “I'll take all the blame.”
You stood up and feeling dizzy, you leaned on Jay, who put his arm around your hips, holding you tightly to keep you from falling.
“Baby are you alright? Do you need to lay down?” he asked, his voice worried. It broke his heart to see you sick and so weak and, above all, not being able to do anything to help you.
“No, no, I just want to brush my teeth now,” you replied “Baby you will be late for work.”
“There's no way in hell I'll leave you right now, forget it, I'll be late I don't care, Voight will understand.”
“No baby he won't,” you chuckled, knowing your boss well.
“Like I said, I don't care about anything or anyone but you, you are my priority and I want to take care of you baby,” he retorted before leaving a kiss on the top of your head and from the tone of his voice you understood there was no room for you to argue.
After brushing your teeth, Jay went into the kitchen to make you something to eat for breakfast, and while you were changing into a shirt (obviously Jay's), you noticed something that made your heart leap with joy.
Your belly was finally starting to show.
It must’ve been the pregnancy hormones, but you started crying with happiness. It was an indescribable feeling seeing your baby growing inside of you. You didn't tear your eyes away from the mirror even for a second as your hands continued to caress your baby bump, the shirt lifted.
You stood in profile, facing the mirror and God, you would never have believed that just seeing your belly grow could give you such an indescribable emotion. When had it happened? When did it grow so much? Did it just grow overnight?
You were so distracted by looking at your belly in the mirror you didn't even notice Jay had run into your bedroom, worried stiff.
“Baby what the hell? Why you didn’t answer me? You scared the shit out of me, I thought you passed out or something.”
If you weren't so up in the clouds, you would’ve teased him about his overblown concern and the way he always thought the worst.
You turned to him. “Baby look!” you exclaimed, cheering like a little girl in a candy store.
Jay's gaze dropped to your belly and his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as he too noticed your growing baby bump. His mouth dropped open in amazement and at the same time a huge smile formed on his face.
“Oh my god…” he sighed, not expecting to tear up at the sight of your belly growing. How could he not be moved though? His baby was in there growing, his child.
“God baby you're so fucking gorgeous,” he said before pulling you into a warm hug. He kissed you like if his life depended on it, his hands on your face. “I love you so, so, much I can't even explain it.”
“Jay….” you whispered, feeling him sniffle. You broke away from his embrace for a moment, noticing how he looked down and immediately tried to wipe away his tears. “Oh baby….”
He shook his head, but you placed your hands on his face and lifted his head, forcing him to look at you. With your thumbs, you wiped away his tears even though in the meantime you were the one who was crying.
“Don't cry please you're gonna make me cry too.”
He giggled through his tears, hugging you again before pulling away and showering you with kisses.
“I'm sorry baby I just… I just feel so lucky, so blessed to have you,” he said, then looked down at your still uncovered baby bump, “You both are my miracles. I honestly don’t what I did to deserve both of you.”
His hand began to caress your belly his eyes used on jt as you looked at him, your eyes scanning every inch of his face. Seeing him so happy filled your heart with so much joy you were almost afraid it was all just a beautiful dream.
“The mother of my children… Man, how did I get so lucky?” he marveled, but he seemed more talking to himself than you. It was as if he was trying to convince himself about what he had done in his life to deserve such happiness, but he really didn't know how to answer. Before you could say anything, he leaned in front of you, lowering himself to your belly.
He started planting kisses all over your belly, as his hands continued to caress you. Just the sight of this brought tears to his eyes and you had put a hand in front of your mouth to avoid bursting into tears like a fountain.
“Hi baby it's your dad again,” he whispered after giving a kiss on your baby bump, addressing the little bean inside you. “Hurry up and get out of here buddy, I really can’t wait to hold you… And also because I don't like seeing mommy feel so sick, I know it's not your fault but I just want her to always feel good,” he sniffed again and by then you had lost every ounce of self-control and became a total mess, “I love her so much baby and you can't understand how lucky you are to have a mom like her, and how lucky I am to have someone so wonderful and fantastic like her by my side, to spend the rest of my life with… And I love you madly too little bean, I haven't even seen you yet and you've already made me fall madly in love with you and if only you could look at me…” he chuckled “I'm a mess right now and I only saw the baby bump… I can’t even imagine what will happen when you’ll be here…”
As your hand stroked through his hair, your face was still streaked with tears and when Jay looked up at you and noticed you were crying, he stood up and placed his hands on your cheeks before wiping away your tears.
“I'm just…These damned hormones…” You let out a sob and you both laughed.
“Sorry love I didn't mean to make you cry,” he said, giving you kisses and kissing your tears away. It wasn't new to see you with tears in your eyes every time Jay spoke to the baby, so he had gotten used to it a bit even if it wasn't easy anyway, he hated that even a single tear wet your face.
“How about we go do some shopping for our baby?” Jay asked, giggling when he saw how your eyes lit up and how you stopped crying as soon as you heard the word shopping.
God what I’d do without you.
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Tag list: @burgstead, @bebataylor84, @ares-kelani-wayne, @lxna-mikaelsxn, @sande5098, @smoothdogsgirl, @withakindheartx, @jess2013, @maddu-oliveira, @lovemesomepietro, @onechicagodrawings, @jinxfan18, @xeleni-nurse, @ready-hit-it, @rainroo2, @tinfoilhat2719, @hehurst23, @upsteadlovingheart, @secondaryjob, @nevaehstreater18, @mrspeacem1nusone, @sophiatellerrhodes, @dedlund82, @kellykidd, @rippl3s, @stephanie708, @annahargrove, @smutl0ver, @kuroe-san, @caroldanverwife, @cbaby, @nosy09, @luvreading67, @danielmarie, @saiyuo12, @alexxavicry, @nachodaze, @waywardhunter95, @fighterkimburgess, @ephemeral314, @mads-weasley, @itskellysev, @lovemedlife, @atarmychick007, @amazedbyitall, @glodessa, @xeleni-dutchnurse, @ossypooh, @itriedtoexplain, @randomwriter1021, @resanoona, @averyhotchner, @ellavanderberg, @mrshalsteadxx, @junevoidzombie, @nocturnalherb16, @croissantthief, @jayhalsteadsbadge, @youngblood199456, @dreamss-wavess, @halsteadloversworld, @halstead-severide-fan, @laaaauuraaaaa, @firerusher
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Buy me a coffee? ☕️
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luvxiem · 1 year
ngl this is my first time asking in this app
can i request luca with 25 ‘ *this* is the guy? ‘ im starving for some overprotective luca 🥹
knight in cotton armor
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[ INFO ]
✧ word count: 1.2k
✧ pairing: luca kaneshiro x gn!reader
✧ genre: fluff
✧ summary: a simple craving for ice cream turned into an eventful night when you're stuck with people with malicious intentions.
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how you found yourself in a situation like this, you weren't quite sure.
it wasn't too late into the night—only barely past ten—yet the dim streetlights did nothing to help quell your nerves and give you the courage to finally leave your car. you've been sitting low in the driver's seat for almost fifteen minutes now, eyeing the group of drunkards loitering in front of the 7/11 you parked outside. feeling a subtle vibration coming from your hand, you checked your phone to see a message from luca.
'are you still in the car???' [10:07]
'yes ToT' [10:07] 'these dudes wont leave.. wtf do i do. i just wanted ice cream 🗿🗿' [10:08]
with a sigh, you dropped your hand back into your lap and let your head fall back with a small thud against the seat. 'whatever,' you thought. 'it's not like i'll get murdered.' with that you grabbed your keys and pushed open the door, already noting the turn of heads out of the corner of your peripheral. a low whistle filled the stagnant night air as four sets of eyes followed you into the store, a small chime signaling your arrival.
you made a beeline to the back of the store where they kept their ice cream, determined not to stay here any longer than you have to. unfortunately, the universe decided that tonight you were the one it wanted to pick on.
"hey cutie." sighing, you schooled your expression into one that didn't clearly show your discomfort and looked over your shoulder, giving the stranger a small smile and a 'hello.' a quick glance around showed that this one was all alone, most likely egged on by his equally drunk friends outside to follow you inside and harass you.
and you would think that turning your back on the stranger to look for your ice cream was a clear signal that you weren't interested in any further conversation yet it seems this dude couldn't get the hint. a tap on your shoulder prompted you to turn around again, this time a bit more visibly annoyed.
"can i help you?" the man gave you a rather (in your humble opinion) sleazy smile, tucking his hands into this stained hoodie pocket and licking his lips briefly before subjecting you to his inane thoughts.
"yeah, actually," he grinned, reaching up to wipe his nose before holding his phone out expectantly. you raised your eyebrow in contempt. "could i get'cho number?"
"i have a boyfriend, sorry," you replied, turning back to continue searching for your ice cream when a rough grip on your shoulder spun you around forcefully, shoving you into the clear doors lining the shelves. where was the clerk?!
the feeling of hot, moist breath that smelt distinctly of cheap vodka hit your nose and made your face scrunch up reflexively in disgust, your hands coming up to try and push your assailant away.
"he doesn't have to kno-WOAH!" suddenly you were freed from behind held against the cold coolers, shivering from both the chill and the lingering grossness of being touched by a stranger like that.
"hey, the fuck is your problem?!" he scowled, rubbing his neck where he was forcefully pulled away.
"seriously? this is the guy?" looking up, you're met with blonde hair and broad shoulders, the tiniest sliver of a tattoo peeking out from underneath the grey henley your boyfriend wore. his arms crossed rather menacingly over his chest, toned biceps in clear view with the way his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. across from him, the drunkard is now visibly agitated, however when he tried to approach, luca grabbed the front of his hoodie and lifted him clear off the ground. agitation quickly turned into nervousness as the guy lifted his hands in surrender.
"woah—chill dude; i-i wasn't gonna try anything, i swear," he stutters, scrambling to his feet when luca drops him rather unceremoniously to the floor, cursing under his breath as he fled the store. luca immediately spins on his heel, turning to face you with clear worry on his face. frantic hands turn you this way and that before settling on your cheeks as he rubs his nose against yours.
"are you okay?! no, of course you're not—jesus christ, what the hell! why didn't you just come over to my place if you wanted ice cream?" he moaned, pulling you into his chest in a tight hug. you could hear his racing heartbeat under your ear and you can't help but laugh at the situation. luca was so angry and intimidating not even a minute ago and now he's returned to the cute, cuddly golden retriever you fell in love with.
"baby, i'm fine," you grinned, pulling his arms off of you so you could give him a quick kiss. luca is still frowning when you pull away, however, and you could tell he was still upset with the situation. honestly, you were still shaken up about it too, so you decided to kill two birds with one stone and link your arms with his, staying as close as possible to ease both your nerves.
"c'mon, i still haven't gotten my ice cream," you say, opening one of the glass doors to grab a pint of salted caramel from the freezer. luca unlinks your arms to throw his over your shoulder instead, rubbing the bare skin of your arm with his thumb in an attempt to comfort both you and him (skin to skin contact always seemed to help).
"i still think you should've just come over to my place," he whined, watching the door as you paid with a tap of your phone against the reader. you pat his chest and hum in response, shooting a quick thank you to the cashier before you both exited the store.
"babe, all you have is cookies and cream."
"what—what's wrong with cookies and cream?!"
"i don't like it!"
you laugh as luca fumbles for an answer, mock offense on his face at your distaste for his favorite flavor. the night air felt a bit warmer than before, the comforting breeze easing your nerves. you look around for luca's motorcycle but the parking lot is empty except for your car and one that presumably belongs to the poor college kid inside working the night shift.
"hey—how'd you get here?" you ask confusedly. luca shrugs.
"i ran." you pause, turning to face him fully with disbelief clearly written on your face.
"you live like, five miles away from here."
"and?" you throw your hands up in defeat. of course your boyfriend ran five miles to come save you—he probably left the house the minute you first texted him about being too scared to leave your car. no wonder he asked which 7/11 you were at.
"you wanna come over to mine?" you sigh, watching luca immediately beam at the prospect of being able to sleep over despite having already hung out with you earlier that day.
you unlock your car and slide into the driver's seat as luca slips into the passenger side, placing your ice cream in between his feet.
"can we get back to the important thing here?" he asks as you pull out of the parking lot.
"which is?"
"why you don't like cookies and cream which is clearly the superior flavor-"
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[ WRITTEN 230601 ]
500 follower event prompt list
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lover-222 · 10 months
Shut Up and Love Me (Pablo Gavi)
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"NO PABLO! it's done i'm sick and tired of you. you're always a jealous mess and always trying to control me. i can't help it if men look my way. i've told you many fucking times i love you and only you. i don't know why you can't believe me!!" y/n yelled, tears streamed down her face.
"look gavi it's done it's fucking over. grow the fuck up, talk to me when you're done being a jealous overprotective asshole" she told him and got out of his car.
at the barça vs atlético madrid game
the game was just 1 month after y/n and gavi's breakup. she was a mess, her eyes were puffy and hair was all over the place. she had been living in one of gavi's hoodies and a pair of sweatpants. although she decided to support the team and she wasn't going to let gavi have the satisfaction.
she was a strong woman, there are plenty of men who could treat her better than he did. another reason was pedri. he truly was like an older brother to her, she wanted to go support him. although he had also gone to her house to basically drag her to go and to motivate her.
"vamos hermana, tú ni le hagas caso al t��o. vas a venir por mi y para verme jugar" pedri smiled at her while moving her arms. (c'mon sister, don't even pay attention to him, you're going to come for me and watch me play)
"pedri i don't even have a jersey that doesn't have his name on the back" she rolled her eyes.
"i came prepared don't worry look at this" he smiled at her as he pulled out a barça jersey with pedri's name and number. he played around and moved his hands as he showed her the jersey.
"pedrito what am i going to do without you" she laughed and grabbed it from from his hands.
"probably rot in this room alone" pedri laughed.
"cállate tonto" she laughed and went to get ready. (shut up dumbass)
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"okay i'm ready pedrooooo!!!!" she yelled.
"i'm right here literally no need to yell y/n" he said playfully annoyed.
surprisingly y/n got ready on perfect timing since pedri had to be at camp nou like an hour before the game. on the ride there they listened to y/n's playlist which was filled with reggueton music. pedri liked to see her jam out and finally smile. after what happened with gavi, he felt like she lost herself.
best part by daniel caesar started playing. y/n's laugh died down and her smiled dropped. the clouds started to block the sun a bit, and it started to to drizzle outside.
"you got to be fucking kidding me" she sighed.
"what's wrong?" pedri looked at her.
"this is our song, fuck i hate him but at the same time i miss him so much" y/n said as her eyes got teary eyed.
'where you go i follow, no matter how far'
"are you sure? i really don't want you to leave just for me y/n" gavi said worried.
"mi amor i'll go to the end of the world with you" she replied.
she left mexico and moved to barcelona for him because she loved him. it took time for her to adjust to spain but it worked out somehow.
"not homesick yet mi vida?" the brown eyed boy asked.
"a little bit but you're my home pablo, i just need you by my side and i'll be perfectly fine. you make me feel at ease. all my worries go away when i'm with you" y/n looked up at him, he looked amazing in the golden sunlight.
*flashback over*
"i know he was the reason you moved here but you on your own accomplished many things. you finished university here and got a modeling job, your also making your own clothes" pedri cheered you up.
"yeah i just miss him, but you're right i'm a fucking badass without him" she smiled.
they pulled up to camp nou, they parked the car and went in. the stadium was starting to fill.
"bueno te veo después del partido nena ya sabes dónde ir" pedri said.(you know where to go, i'll see you after the game)
"si, suerte predrito anota muchos goles por mi" she laughed.
(yes, good luck pedrito score many goals for me)
pedri left and she went to the seats that were designated for the wives and family members of the team. there was a particular seat she sat in when she would come see gavi. although that seat was already taken, she was beautiful; she had short blonde hair and her make-up was flawless.
y/n sat down 3 seats away from her. as soon as she sat down the other girl notice her. her piercing green eyes looked into y/n brown eyes. they exchanged a friendly hi and hello.
once the game started y/n started cheering for pedri every time he had the ball or got near to scoring a goal. although something caugh her off guard when gavi scored a goal.
"eso mi amor !!!!!" the blonde girl yelled.
that's when she notice the blonde girl's jersey... 'gavi 6'.
gavi's pov
i knew i fucked up, messed up so bad. i got carried away with my overprotection. i need to learn how to control my anger and jealousy. i knew i fucked up, after the breakup i lost myself. i partied every chance i got, and over worked myself.
while clubbing, i met laura; she was there to somewhat relieve my pain. we started hooking up, drinking together, as well as going out. the thing was that i didn't love her as much as i loved y/n, i don't think i ever will love someone as her.
i really did want to get back with y/n but i dug a hole too deep with laura. now we're dating? but i know i'm using her as a rebound.
during the match i scored the first goal. i ran with my team to celebrate my goal and looked at the crowd. my eyes gazed through the designated area where the family members were. the spot where y/n always sat in was used by laura.
my smile left, she wasn't there. she was sitting down on her phone. not even paying attention to my goal. i want her back desperately bad.
he could see that joao felix got her attention. her gaze was strong and alluring. she looked at him as he fixed his sweaty hair and drank water during half time.
that's what sparked his jealousy once again. joao felix had the ball and i ran up to him as fast as i could and pushed him down. maybe i should control my anger issues? or not.
the game ended 3-1, gavi and pedri scored goals. they finally let the wife's and family come down to the field. gavi was a sweaty mess, it could've been because of the game or the jealousy that made his blood boil. pedri saw y/n coming down and approaching him.
"hermanitoo!! you did so good pedri that goal was majestic bro" she laughed then him.
"i know right!! i was kind of nervous for today's game though, i think it was because of your guys' breakup. although good thing it didn't affect my relationship with him in the field" pedri smiled.
"aye pero me presentas al joao no? se cae de bueno el tio ese " y/n playfully told pedri as she wiggled her eyebrows and looked at joao who was behind pedri.
 (introduce me to joao he's so hot)
"bueno vamos loca, ey pero si viste como te mataba con la mirada gavi cuando mirabas al otro tio?" he asked her.
 (okay fine crazy, he could've killed you with the way he was looking at you)
"siiii pero me hice la tonta y no vi a gavi, bueno ya presentame con joao andale pedriii. se me cupido porfa!!" y/n tugged on pedri's shoulder.
(yess, but i ignored him, cmon introduce me to joao cmon pedri. be my cupid please)
he laughed and ruffled her hair, although he did agree. pedri came up to joao felix and introduced y/n to him. y/n thought he was attractive, he did as well. he loved her smile and laugh. pedri left, joao and y/n were still talking and it seemed like they really did hit it off. although y/n felt someone staring at her. she noticed his figure standing by, his eyebrows were furrowed and a disgusted look was evident.
"he hates me doesn't he?" joao asked her and she shook her head.
"it's just because you're talking to me, he's the ex-boyfriend at the moment"
"aaaa makes more sense, it looks like he's still very into you. are ya'll gonna get back together?"
y/n sighed and looked at gavi, who was now trying to look interested in whatever laura was saying.
"maybe i don't know yet"
"well i'm here if you want to hang out or something as friends...until you make up your mind" he smiled at her.
they exchanged numbers and y/n left with pedri to dinner since he invited her. after dinner, pedri brought her back to her house. she took of her boots, skirt and pedri's jersey. she changed into some black biker shorts and a spain jersey. she proceeded to do her night time routine, taking of her makeup, washing her face, as well as taking off the clips in her hair.
*ding* text message
nene <3 : we need to talk.
y/n: pablo not now
nene <3 : too late i'm outside your house, please y/n just 5 minutes please mi amor
y/n: don't call me that pablo. i'm coming.
y/n looked at the messages, she looked at his contact name. nene, she didn't even change his contact name. she wanted to go outside and run into his arms, she wanted to hug him so tight that he'd run out of air. she missed him so dearly it was unreal. but no she had to be strong. there he was leaning on his car, he opened the door for her. she rolled her eyes but got in.
"go you have five minutes" she looked ahead, not even looking at him. if she did she would definitely tear down her walls.
"I know that i'm a jealous jerk y/n and i feel ashamed of it. all i wanted to do was to protect you, but i know that with my jealousy i overreacted and got ahead of things. i am truly sorry, you have no idea how much i regret having that argument with you. i miss you y/n, every night, every morning, every single day; i miss you. i know that i'm not worthy of your love, and if you don't want to take me back it's ok with me. you deserve someone way better than me, and who will treat you better" gavi said with tears in his eyes.
"what about laura?" she said.
"i broke up with her after the game, i was honest with her. she's someone i met while we were broken up. but i just want you y/n nobody else" he said
she finally got the courage to look him in the eyes. god she missed his chocolate brown eyes, they were puffy and red from crying. she looked at him and his beautiful complexion.
"promise?" she asked him with a smile.
"i promise, i'm done being a being a jealous overprotective asshole as you said" he laughed.
"c'mon let's go inside and cuddle" she said then gave him a desperate kiss.
"me gusta tu camisa" he laughed, she was wearing the jersey he wore in the world cup.
(i like your shirt)
she smiled at him "callate tonto, mejor dame un besito".
 (shut up dumbass and give me a kiss)
they spent their night cuddling and y/n making gavi do a face mask. gavi missed her like crazy, he held her tight and very close to his chest. her scent was sweet, he missed kissing her neck and playing with her hair. y/n traced small shapes on his naked chest, he always slept without a shirt; due to him getting hot when he sleeps. she loved his hands, so firm yet delicate at times. she played with his rings, and looked up at him. he was peaceful, his brown wavy hair fluffed up and swooped to the side, his eyes gleamed.
"le mandamos una foto a pedri???" she asked him and he nodded.
(should we send pedri a picture?)
text messages
y/n: mira quien regresoooo (look who's back)
Tumblr media
hermanito: esoooo mis padres!!!!! (my parents !!!)
they both smiled and laughed at pedri, both of them were glad that they fixed their problem. she knew it would have been awkward if they had broken up indefinitely. they didn't want to put pedri in the middle. the couple slept peacefully in eachothers arms and finally got a good rest. both intoxicated with love and their scents.
─── ・。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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