#yea. hello it's me i was wondering if after all th
Chifuyu x valhalla spy reader part 1 [ this one is fluffy and angst and is a bit of a slow burn also I know this is and will be cut up into parts probably three or more parts maybe idk but enjoy]
"What's taking him so long?" Chifuyu wondered as he patiently swung on the swing set looking around for takemichi specifically but ended up instead meeting eyes with a pretty girl with (h/c) hair and beautiful (e/c) eyes that were almost hypnotic in a way.
"Hello, are you waiting for someone?"You asked in a low but calm voice carefully sitting next to the blonde as he blushed furiously.
"Y-yea a friend" He said as he paused lost in your eyes as you gave a small giggle " I see" after you gave your short answer it was quiet for a moment which wasn't gonna make any progress happen if you wanted information from him so you broke the silence by introducing yourself.
" oh silly me I forgot to give you my name. My name is (y/n) it's nice to meet you" He looked at you with a soft smile " I'm chifuyu. Chifuyu Matsuno"
" so who's this friend your meeting?" You asked with cute curious tone in your voice as chifuyu averted his gaze from you as he then mumbled "he's from school..." you stare at him for a bit before asking "what's his name?" He looked up at you " takemichi" your eyes widened at the name.
Jackpot you thought as you decided to continue talking to him and maybe spend more time with him to get more information from him. You lay your hand ontop of his as you give him a cute smile "how close are you to this takemichi?" He looked at you with a puzzled look wondering why you would want to know that. " well he's a really good friend of mine and means well.
Even if it means getting hurt he always puts people first" you watched chifuyus mannerisms and how he describes takemichi he has so much aspirations and admiration about him you can tell he kinda looks up to him in a way.
Cute you thought as you then noticed the huge blush on his face as he kept looking at you. You also happened to notice the way his hands shook while your hands were ontop of his.
This was too easy you thought as you then gave his hand a squeeze and brought your face close to his. He paused mid sentence as he froze not knowing what to do as he waited patiently.
"Hey if you don't mind how about we hang out tomorrow?" You asked as you watched chifuyu perk up at your words. " Yea! I mean y-yea sure" you giggle as you give him a kiss on the cheek " here's my number text me when your ready" you said getting up off the swing and skipping off leaving a flustered chifuyu behind.
The next day you got ready for your date and put on a pretty dress with your hair in a bun as you then get a text from chifuyu saying he's ready and that's he's waiting at a Cafe nearby.
He sent you the location as You then open your draw to reveal a small knife just in case the date or plan goes wrong always gotta be a step ahead you said to yourself as You slipped the weapon in your purse hiding it as you made your way to the door heading to the Cafe.
Once you get there you see chifuyu and blush as the cutie stood there at the table with roses in his hands "h-hey (y/n) wow you look beautiful"he said as you giggle in embarrassment "thanks you look good too" His blush only got worse as he then shakily gave you the roses "for you" He said as he puts the roses up to your face as you then grab th e roses from his hands and promptly giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you they're gorgeous" He smiled brightly at you as he then grabbed your hand "come on". You both sat at a booth and immediately started talking as you then learn more and more about chifuyu. Mostly about his friends, family, and how he likes pets specifically cats.
You tried to remind yourself to not get attached you knew how this would end if he found out what your were really doing all this for. You knew how high of a stake it would be if you got to close to him.
You knew you would love him with every fiber of your being yet you still do this to yourself. You still make the situation difficult all because you found this one boy interesting and he so happened to be apart of toman but not only that but a friend of the person your targeting.
You were hoping that day you were at the park that maybe just maybe takemichi would be there so you could get this job over with but instead it was him. You knew he was friends with him already due to some outside sources who were scoping them out but you never knew that chifuyu would be this great.
You tried telling yourself I don't care about him, u don't care what happens to him, all that matters it's the job and that I get it done. But in the end every time he talks you get a throwing feeling in your chest and your stomach begins to feel like butterflies. You begin to question yourself.
Do I like him?
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
With Me
Nestor Oceteva x Reader
Request by Anon:  I absolutely loved the new Nestor fics!! Can i request “(She/he/they) don’t belong with (her/him/them)!” “Than who do(es) (she/he/they) belong with?” “…..with me.” with him????
Warnings: light angst (with a happy ending), language, Nestor being ~jealous and protective~
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: Sorry my blog has been kinda dead lately. Been struggling with some work stuff and it’s given me a bit of writer’s block. I’m hoping to get back to it. Just know that if you sent me a request I am totally planning on writing for it, it just might not happen quickly. And I’m hoping to update my multi-chaps soon as well. Thanks for all your patience. Enjoy this lil Nestor one-shot! xo
General Mayans/Nestor Taglist: @mayans-sauce @thesandbeneathmytoes @paintballkid711 @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @queenbeered @sillygoose6969 @sesamepancakes @yourwonkywriter @chibsytelford @gemini0410 @multiyfandomgirl40 @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @garbinge @amandinesblogofstuff​ @bucky-iss-bae​ @the-radical-venus​
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You were sitting on the barstool next to Nestor’s, both of you commiserating over how exhausting your weeks had been. Work was very different for the two of you, obviously, but you were both drained nonetheless.
The bar you went to was a quiet one. It was mostly business men and women doing the same thing the two of you were—blowing off steam after a long week. People didn’t pay the two of you much mind, which suited you just fine. You and Nestor had a habit of getting lost in your own little bubble anyway.
You were about to jump into your next work story when your phone started going off in your pocket. You glanced over at Nestor as if to ask if it was alright to answer. He nodded and you lifted the phone to your ear.
“Hello?” you paused, smiling, “Hey, baby. Nothing, I’m at the bar with Nestor. Do you wanna st—” you stopped, expression falling, “Oh, okay. No, I get it. I’ll talk to you later. Yea, you too. Bye.”
You hung up with a heavy sigh. Nestor sat silently for a moment before asking, “All good?”
You nodded, rolling your eyes, “Yea. Cancelled again.”
Even though he knew the answer, he still asked, “Dante?”
“Mhm,” you shook your head slightly, wondering why you were still at all surprised.
Nestor bit back the snide comments swirling around in his brain. He had never been a fan of Dante, and he let you know that. Nestor wasn’t ever rude to him, but they weren’t friends either. You knew that it didn’t help that your boyfriend was intimidated by Nestor, even if he never admitted it.
“That mean you have time for another drink?” he tried to lighten the mood.
You laughed, “Means I have time for a few more,” you immediately flagged down the bartender to order another round for both of you.
A few quickly turned into…more than that for you. Nestor tried to get you to slow down but he knew that it was a losing battle at that point. The best he could do for you was to take your keys, so he did. He knew that after an already shitty week, this was the final straw, but he still hated to see you so drained and frustrated and still trying to pretend that you were alright.
“Fuck him,” you blurted out as Nestor helped you stumble-walk to his car.
He chuckled, “I know.”
He let you rant the whole drive to your apartment about how fed up you were with your boyfriend. He wondered if you’d remember it all in the morning and finally, maybe, break up with him. Nestor knew he was biased, but you deserved better. He told you that constantly, but you always waved him off, saying it wasn’t that bad.
“Your relationship should be better than just not bad, Y/N,” trying to talk sense to you in the state that you were in was futile, but he still had to try.
“You’re so sweet, Nestor,” you cooed tiredly from the passenger seat.
He didn’t respond, not wanting to feed into words you wouldn’t remember in the morning. He glanced over at you a couple minutes later and saw that you’d fallen asleep. There was no stopping the smile that spread across his face at the sight of you.
Before he knew it, he was parking in front of your apartment building. As much as he didn’t want to wake you, he knew he had to. He got out and walked over to your side of the car, nudging you awake. You groaned in protest, but allowed him to help you out of the vehicle.
He was thankful that you only lived on the second floor of your building. With a sigh, he knocked on the door. He’d already let your roommate know that he was bringing you home. She opened the door, clearly exhausted and bundled up in her bathrobe.
“Sorry,” he offered up as he crossed the threshold into the apartment.
She shook her head, “Don’t be. Thanks for getting her home safely.”
He helped you to your room, gently lowering you onto the bed. You had no desire to change into pajamas and it wasn’t a battle that Nestor was going to pick. He pulled the blanket up over you, letting out a quiet sigh as he lightly rested his hand on your shoulder for a moment.
Not wanting to linger for too long, he turned and walked back towards your bedroom door. He heard you mumble out a quiet thank you, and he smiled to himself as he shut the door behind him.
Your roommate was still in the living room, an expectant look on her face, “Can I ask what happened to her?”
Nestor sighed and shrugged, “Shit with Dante.”
She shook her head, “Of course.”
“They have a lot of issues lately?”
She shot him a curious look, “No more than usual, I guess. Why?”
“He’s a waste of her fucking time.”
She bit back a laugh, knowing that Nestor was extra protective of you. She had a pretty good idea of why, too, “No, really, tell me how you really feel,” she smiled.
“Come on, you see it too, right? He doesn’t deserve her. She doesn’t belong with him.”
She fought back the urge to smile, “Who does she belong with, then?”
“With me,” the words came out before he could stop them. His eyes went wide, instantly realizing what he had said. Before he could try to take it back, though, she held up her hand to stop him.
“You ever gonna say anything to her about that?”
He shook his head, “What’s the point?”
She shrugged, “You might be more convincing than you think. That’s all.”
He pressed his lips into a thin line, “Mhm,” he sighed, “Anyway. Sorry for barging in so late.”
She chuckled, “Don’t worry about it.”
“I can take her to get her car tomorrow.”
She nodded, “Sounds good. Have a good night.”
“You too,” he walked out of the apartment, shutting the door quietly behind him.
He was mentally kicking himself the whole drive home. Why he wasn’t able to catch himself before he said anything was beyond him—he was usually better than that. He just hoped that your roommate wouldn’t say anything to you about it.
You woke up the next morning with a groan, and a throbbing sensation in your head. You had a vague set of memories from the night before, but it was hard to think about it through the hangover. You slowly forced yourself to sit upright, gently rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You checked your phone and saw that you had multiple missed texts from your boyfriend, and that was when it all really came rushing back. You let out a heavy sigh, making the conscious choice to ignore him for the time being. You weren’t done being upset with him.
You slowly made your way to the kitchen for coffee and aspirin. You heard your roommate chuckling from the living room and shook your head, “Don’t.”
She laughed, “What are you talking about? I didn’t say anything.”
You sighed as you poured coffee into your mug, “You don’t have to. I already know what you’re going to say.”
“Oh? And what’s that?”
You threw back a few aspirin before turning to look at your friend, “You’re going to say that he is more stress than he’s worth, and that I should’ve left him about ten cancelled dates ago.”
She nodded, “And the number will keep getting higher the longer you put it off.”
You shook your head slightly, “I know it’s shitty, Julia. I’m not an idiot.”
“I never said that you were. But you know that if the roles were reversed you would be telling me the same thing.”
You let out a dry laugh, “Since when do I ever take my own advice?”
“Maybe you should start,” she paused for a moment, “Nestor said he’d take you to go get your car, by the way.”
“Fuck,” you groaned, “My car. Didn’t even think about that.”
She shrugged, “Call him. I’m sure he’d be more than happy to come and whisk you away.”
You chuckled as you got your phone out to text him, “You make it sound so extravagant.”
“He’s a good guy, you know,” she sipped on her coffee.
You looked over at her, “Don’t.”
“What? I’m just…stating a fact.”
You took another swig of your coffee and walked away without another word on the matter, desperate to take a shower and put some more comfortable clothes on. You couldn’t remember the last time you fell asleep in your work clothes like that.
By the time you were done showering and getting ready, Nestor was already outside your apartment building. You said goodbye to your roommate, trying to make it was quick as possible before she could say anything else. On a couple other occasions, before Dante, she had made comments about you and Nestor. She laid off of it once you got a boyfriend, though, so you were wondering what made her pick the habit back up again.
You collapsed into the passenger seat of Nestor’s car with a sigh. He looked over at you, smiling, “Looks like you had a rough one last night.”
“Thank you so much for bringing me home. I’m so sorry.”
He shook his head, “Don’t be. Glad I could help,” he paused, “You talk to him at all?”
You sighed, “No. I don’t even want to at this point. He’s just gonna apologize and say it won’t happen again. But it will.”
“Why are you wasting your time with him, then?” he kept his tone fairly neutral considering how much the situation bothered him.
You shrugged, “Sometimes I’m not even sure, honestly. Sunk cost, maybe? I don’t know. Breakups are always so messy.”
“I can deliver the message for you,” there was a lightness to his tone but you knew that he definitely would.
“Ha, that would be a sight for sure,” you laughed, shaking your head.
The rest of the ride passed with silence between the two of you, the only noise coming from the music playing quietly from the car radio. Every now and then you’d look over at Nestor, thinking about what your roommate had said. With concentrated effort you were able to push the thoughts from your mind.
“I’m just saying,” he said out of nowhere as he pulled into the parking lot of the bar, “you deserve someone who, at minimum, fucking shows up for you.”
You smiled at him, “I appreciate it, Nestor,” you unbuckled and stepped out of the car, walking around to his side as he got out, “And I appreciate you always looking out for me. I’ve got it handled, though.”
He stood in front of you as you leaned back against the side of his car, toying idly with the keys in between your fingers. There was a small smirk on his face as he took in the sight of you, still thinking you looked beautiful hungover in your sweats, fresh out of the shower.
He shrugged, “I know I can’t tell you what to do. But you deserve more than being disappointed all the time,” he sighed, “You know I think Dante’s an asshole. But I’d be willing to look past that if he was at least good to you, but he’s not. You talk about sunk cost but why keep wasting your fucking time if he’s not even making you happy?”
You couldn’t meet his eyes, “Because it’s better than being alone.”
“He’s still making you feel that way anyway, though!”
“I know!” you snapped. You took an unsteady breath, knowing that this blowout was a long time coming. You just wished that it didn’t have to happen right in that moment, “You’re right, okay? And yea I know better than to just be with someone for the sake of being with someone but…I don’t fucking know, Nes,” you shook your head, “Sometimes I just think that it’s easier this way. I know what to expect, even if the expectations aren’t exactly good. Leaving and having to tear down all those walls again with someone new? That’s fucking exhausting and I don’t want to keep doing that over and over again.”
“So you’re just gonna stay with him and be miserable forever?”
“Forever,” you scoffed, “C’mon, don’t be dramatic.”
“Well that’s the alternative, right? You either leave him, or you stay with him forever.”
“Why is this such a fucking issue for you all of a sudden?”
“Because you were on the brink of a fucking bender last night because of him. I hate that someone out there is making you feel that way when they’re supposed to be the one making you happy.”
“It’s not your job to worry about me and keep me in check,” your eyes were glued to the tips of your shoes.
“Yea, it is,” he stepped in, gently cupping your face in his hands, forcing you to look at him, “because I care about you.”
A wave of heat washed over your entire body and you couldn’t force yourself to move, or talk. All you could do was look into his eyes and try not to let your knees buckle underneath you. You and Nestor had hugged and touched a million times but not like this, never like this. He made you feel small and safe all at once.
“I just want you to be happy,” his voice was soft.
“I know,” you finally forced the words out, barely audible.
He traced his thumb across your cheek, “I could make you so happy, Y/N.”
You didn’t know why you felt like you were about to cry, but you did. You tried to take a deep breath to calm your nerves as you rested your hands over his. You closed your eyes and leaned into his touch, “I know.”
“Will you let me do that?”
“You know I’m right. You said it yourself,” he let out a soft chuckle as his hands slid down so they were resting on your shoulders.
You smiled up at him, realizing how close he had gotten, closing what little distance was between the two of you and nearly pinning you against the side of the car. You ran your hands over your face, a smirk fighting its way onto your face despite the myriad of emotions coursing through you, “You’re not gonna let this go, huh?”
He smiled, shaking his head, “No.”
You laughed, but your expression quickly sobered as you looked him in the eye, “I can’t lose you, Nestor.”
“You won’t,” there was no hesitation in his response, “I promise. You just, you gotta give me a chance.” You took a deep breath, leaning forward so your forehead rested against his chest. You shut your eyes, reveling in the way his arms instantly wrapped around you. He gave you a light squeeze, “You deserve to be happy.”
You pulled back from him just enough so that you could look at his face. He had one of the softest smiles you’d ever seen, and you couldn’t help but to smile in return when you saw it. You rested your hands on his chest, “We’re really gonna do this?”
“Only if you want to.”
You nodded, “I do.”
He smiled, “Then yea, we’re really doing this,” he pulled you tight against his chest with a laugh, “Can I break the news to Dante?”
You laughed, shaking your head, “Absolutely not. I get to do that part.”
He let out an exaggerated sigh, “Fine. I guess that’s fair.”
The two of you stood there like that for a few moments, processing the weight of everything that had just happened. You could feel the steady beat of his heart through his shirt, and despite the chaos of the situation that you were in, you found yourself feeling calm, reassured.
“Thank you,” you finally broke the silence, “for, you know, for not giving up on me.”
He squeezed you tight for a moment, “I’ve got you, always.”
It was refreshing to be able to believe what you were being told. You let out a sigh of relief, knowing that he meant it, knowing that your days of questioning things and being filled with disappointment and uncertainty were over. He felt like a breath of fresh air, like you were coming home after being away for far too long.
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pokefanclaire · 3 years
Secret Santa
Hello everyone! I’m no writer but I decided to have a crack at a fan fiction for a ship I absolutely adore. Alfendi Layton x Lucy Baker. Also I don’t own any rights to the game, or characters its purely my weird thoughts.
This fan fiction has mutual pining and teasing but is pretty tame. I’m not entirely sure how to describe this!
Secret Santa
‘Th’ Prof always uses the mug I gifted him for secret Santa. It’s a normal enough looking mug with “World’s greatest detective” printed in black ink and the inside is decorated with a flurry of magnifying glasses facing every which way. I watched him unwrap my gift for ‘im from under the Scotland yard Christmas tree about a month ago and he ‘asnt used another mug from the break room since’ Lucy thought proudly as she eyed the space allocated for making hot drinks.
“Good morning dear Lucy”
Lucy jumped in surprise of his sudden arrival and twirled to see a tired looking Alfendi sporting disheveled placid burgundy hair and 3 day old stubble across his chin.
“slept ‘ere again prof?”
“.. You know you have to fill that with water Baker?”
He gestured to the empty kettle Lucy was absent mindedly staring at. Alfendi laughed light heartedly at his assistants morning forgetfulness.
Lucy stepped aside as Alfendi began to make tea in his favourite mug. He had clearly slept in the mystery room last night she thought, yet his disheveled, unkept appearance did nothing to calm the flutters in her stomach or the increased pounding of her heart against her ribcage from his arrival to the break room.
Noticing the heat rising in her cheeks from his close proximity she snapped her attention toward the fridge to fetch a lemon slice to add to his earl grey tea Placid enjoyed each morning.
The coolness of the fridge gave her cheeks much needed relief, and Lucy gave out an audible sigh of relief.
“’ere ya are Prof”
Lucy beamed turning around. She felt a solid mass suddenly press against her entirety realising the Prof was standing right behind her.
“Sorr’ Prof”
she said stumbling back a step.
“It was entirely my fault I apologise dear Lucy. Are you okay?”
Smiling shyly placid prof tugged at the back of his neck nervously.
“It were nowt Prof, why’d you sleep at the mystery room anyways?” smiling at the nervousness she now felt. “was there some new case?”
“Not at all Lucy, I just didn’t want to get behind on paperwork. And besides my favourite mug is here at Scotland Yard. I really like it, and what it stands for”
Lucy stared at her mentor.
“I think I know who my secret Santa was”
“well you should” Smiled Lucy “been the worlds greatest detective and all that. Piece of cake for a great mind like yours”
Alfendi drank from his mug maintaining piercing eye contact with his dear Lucy.
“...And my dearest assistant, did you happen to find out the identity of your secret Santa?”
“nah Prof’ It was a crazy difficult puzzle with no instructions but it looks lik’ sum kinda box. I spent all Christmas day tryin’ to solve it. My ma and dad had a go too, and my neighbour tried but nowt”
“I wonder who would send you such a thing dear Lucy”
Lucy felt her cheeks burn from his relentless stare. She couldn't remember the last time Alfendi blinked…
“was ‘t you? Prof’”
Of course Lucy had her suspicions with him been the son of the famous Hershal Layton. A Puzzle sounded fitting. But she was a detective constable and all of Scotland Yard would of known that she would find a puzzle an entertaining gift.. Had Alfendi been staring at her this whole time? She watched his sweet amber eyes flicker to a darker, more dangerous shade of yellow.
Alfendi grinned sipping from his mug trying to guess her train of thoughts.
“You know, I’m quite good with puzzles my dear Baker. Can I possibly be of some help to you?”
Before Lucy could answer Alfendi had crossed the room to her. She had just enough time to groan as Potty Prof’s eyes met with hers. From his slightly crouched position he leant over her shoulder and whispered into her ear.
“because I am… the world greatest detective aren’t I Baker?”
“morning folks!” Dustin called glancing over at Lucy and Alfendi with a raised eyebrow “Not interrupting summat am I?”
Alfendi grinned at Dustin, his unkempt messy hair bright crimson.
“You ‘kay Lucy Love?” Dustin smiled, eyebrow still raised questioningly in Lucy’s direction.
Lucy was inches away from the grinning Potty Alfendi’s face, his unshaven dishevelled look making the break room vanish from her vision as heat rose to her cheeks. She took an inward breath, wanting to answer Dustin quickly before suspicion took hold and everyone at Scotland Yard would soon be making fun of her obvious crush on her mentor.
“um yea Dusti’ ta”
she finally managed with an altogether strange look on her face. Alfendi smelt of stale cigarettes, coffee and old books, an intresting and all together appealing combination rushing her senses.
“I’m just fine” Lucy added. Convincing herself this time.
“are you Baker? Because you look a little distracted by something, or someone perhaps?” he teased.
“then see ya Lucy love, have a good’n” Dustin stifled a laugh as he exited the break room noisily jangling his keys. “young love!” he added from half way down the corridor.
Lucy’s cheeks were hot, She could only imagine how uncomfortable she looked to Alfendi as he continued to intimidate her at her eye level.
“Baker, come with me”
He turned on his heels without looking back toward the break room certain Lucy would follow. Lucy hesitated for a split moment, deep in her own thoughts before racing to catch up with her handsome mentor. Out in the corridor, she looked left and right for Alfendi assuming he had gone to the mystery room she skipped up the corridor after him. The door to the mystery room was wide open, with no apparent inhabitant in there she knocked on the door.
“Hello? Prof? Are you here?”
her calls were met with silence but she observed on Alfendi’s desk was the still warm mug of tea, steam escaping the rim. He had to be here, She felt herself falter as she leaned inside the room knowing that it was most likely Potty Prof inside, Lucy felt the familiar heat rising to her cheeks at the thought of her Potty prof, the original Alfendi Layton. Fearless.
Lucy scanned the corridor once more before deciding to search the suspiciously silent Mystery room.
Hands quickly covered her eyes as the door slammed shut behind her, heated breath brushed against the nape of her neck.
“care to guess which of your dear mentors is here with you?” Whispered Potty..
“Th’ original of course”
Silence fell once more.
“what did you call me just now” twisting to be sure he saw her lips move as she spoke. “not po…did you say original?”
“aye, I mean ya were ‘ere first wernt you? What woul you like me to call ya?”
Dazed Alfendi stared still covering Lucy’s eyes.
“...and Lucy, you aren’t scared are you? Of me I mean. Us”
He moved a hand to the side, brushing through Lucy’s golden hair. She groaned as the familiar scent of the prof fogged her consciousness for the second time that morning. ‘Get it together Lucy, he’s your boss! and this sort of thing isn’t allowed.. besides he’s just teasing. He never goes through with it, jus’ leaves me hanging. He’s all talk, that Potty’ She managed to comfort herself with her thoughts for a moment before allowing one eye to gently flutter open. He stared silently as heat rushed to her cheek turning her a shade of crimson familiar to Potty.
Alfendi gently traced the outline of her cheek with his outstretched fingers casually moving his face closer to hers before lightly brushing his thumb back and forth over her bottom lip.
“what would happen if I.. We just…..gave in Lucy?.”
Lucy stared at him in disbelief, convinced he was teasing as always she roared with hysterical laughter causing her to lose her balance and tumble forward into Alfendi.
“If I knew it was so easy to get you onto my lap Baker, I would of trapped you in the mystery room months ago”
Lucy’s eyes met with his, smiling broadly.
“I know you Prof, its all teasin’ an nowt else”
“one day I wont be able to stop myself Baker?”
Lucy was left feeling confused at the look on the now placid Prof’s face. Well placid Prof isn’t one for teasing, she thought about the living nightmare her life would become if both potty and placid decided to tease her. Shaking the thought from her head she tried to stand steadying herself on the sofa, offering both hands to the Prof she helped him regain his balance.
“Sorry abou’ falling onto you there Prof! I didn’t mean ta”
Alfendi didn’t reply, instead he stared down silently.
“wa is it?”
Her gaze fell on what had taken the Profs attention. Lucy was still holding Alfendi’s hands after helping him up.
“sorr’ Prof!”
Lucy let go of his hands instantly, retracting her arms from his direction.
“….Lu… Lucy… can you do me a favour please?”
Still looking down at his now empty hands.
“o’course Prof, anything”
Beamed Lucy, hoping by now he would of finally stopped teasing for the day.
“Can you try, to be less… perfect in my presence during work hours. I’ve found it very distracting of late” Alfendi didn’t bring his eyes to meet hers, but Lucy giggled at Pottys latest tease.
Alfendi’s hair was a placid, pale wine colour. He looked up with dull amber eyes.
“I mean it Lucy.”
A silence fell between them.
“tea prof?, how ‘bout I make us a brew! Earl grey with a lemon slice kay? Or would the othe’ trouble maker like a coffee?”
Alfendi laughed sheepishly as Lucy skipped from the mystery room toward the Scotland yard break room.
“Tea would be perfect my love”
morning turned to afternoon, and then dusk as 18:00 flashed on Lucy’s wrist watch.
“I’m ‘eading home now Prof, would you like to ride together?”
Alfendi hadn’t heard the question, or ignored his assistants declaration that she intended to leave.
“Is the mysterious puzzle in your backpack Lucy or at home?”
“s’in me backpack, I like it a whole bunch and who knows when i’ll figure it out eh?”
“May I see it Lucy? If you would kindly accept the help of your mentor”
“Sure Prof, I would love you to ‘elp me get a little further with solving the puzzle. Can I grab you some food from the take out place ‘round th’ corner” Understanding Alfendi will tackle her puzzle for a few hours at least.
“May I suggest something similar? I need to return to my apartment building this evening to take care of some household chores, and shave as i’m sure you’ve noticed I failed to remember to bring my razor with me into to work these past few days”
Alfendi ran a hand through his newly emerging beard with a disgusted curl tugging at the edge of his lips.
“we could grab some take away, and we can cycle to my apartment and I can help you with your puzzle while I take care of my chores”
“I uh.. I like it the stubbl’ I mean Prof.it suits ya somthin wicked”
Alfendi looked over at Lucy his hand frozen in the rough patch of hair now inhabiting his cheek.
“Can you confirm please, the newly emerged stubble you like?” Alfendi raised an eyebrow at Lucy.
“wel’ I guess yea.  stubbl’ or ‘least yours”
Lucy stared for a moment before realising she hadn't answered Prof’s next question.
“oh an’ take out at your place would be grand”
Alfendi didn't say a word until they reached the take out place near Scotland yard.
“what do you fancy Lucy? I mean from the take-out menu of course”
He grinned from ear to ear.
“’ello Potty, wondered if you were joining us this evening”
“Do you fancy something Italian Baker?”
“This is a chines’ restaurant silly”
He leaned into Lucy’s scarf sending his warm breath over her ear.
“I’m the something Italian silly”
“no, I don’t fancy any dam’ Italian”
“yes you do Baker”
Alfendi blew warm air over her ear and felt the gooseflesh wash over her exposed skin.
“yes you do.” he repeated.
The pair stood in silence: Alfendi grinning at her blush, Lucy pretending to be very interested in the Chinese food menu.
“now are you ready to order from the Chinese menu?”
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Crying and Cuddling- Sirius Black X Reader
Word count: 1,7k
request: Hello, can I request a Sirius Black with the prompts 10, 27 and 44. Ending in fluff, but full of angst. Thank you! 💚
prompts: 10. “I cant do this anymore”
27. “(Y/N), why does your ex have a black eye”
44. “Don't go, stay with me.”
warnings: angsty but a happy ending? Some guy being an asshole
a/n:sorry about the repost!
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Sundays where usually spent with you and Sirius cuddled up on the gryffindor couch, sometimes watching James and Remus play wizard chess, or watching peter trying (and failing) to flirt with some 5th years. But today, something had been plaguing your mind. What were you and Sirius? Because you assumed you guys where unofficially official. He never dated anyone else but he had never asked you to be his girlfriend. It had been going on like this for the better part of a year. You'd met in 2nd year and yo instantly became best friends, and since then it just kinda grew. You knew he wasn't one for commitment, given his reputation, but he wasn't like that anymore. He had changed, He had changed for you. But was that enough? It always buried doubt in your head, im not his girlfriend because he doesn't want me enough. Of course that's untrue, but you couldn't help but think. You slowly looked up at him, eyes closed, a peaceful look on his face, you pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, he smiles.
“what's up love?” He had that cute sleepy voice.
“what are we Sirius?” you questioned, big doe eyes looking up at him.
He didn't really have a response, he had never really thought of it, so he said the first thing that came to his mind.
“Were friends, were this” He gestured to the two of you cuddled up.
Those words lit a fire inside of you, Just friends. Honestly. You abruptly shifted off of him and sat up,
“i cant do THIS anymore Sirius”
“what do you mean doll?” You absolutely hated the fact that he couldn't catch on.
“I cant do this, be us anymore, I need more than this, I need to be yours” He just stared at you, not really having a response,
“would you want us to be us?” You question. He just blanked, he didn't really know what he wanted. That was a lie. He knew he wanted you, wholly and fully to be yours and you to be his but he had to keep you at arms length. You couldn't get hurt because of him, it would destroy him. But his silence was enough for you. You got up and turned to walk, he mumbled a small ‘wait’, his heart speaking before his mind could.
“No, Sirius, come find me once you've decided if im good enough or not” You spat. You sprung out of the common room, past the portrait hole, and began wondering around the halls, it was an hour before curfew so you wouldn't get into that much trouble. Sirius sat staring after you looking dumbfounded.
“Padfoot, mate, what the fuck was that?” James chimed in.
“i have absolutely no idea prongs” He huffed and lay his head against the arm of the chair, what was he gonna do.
It felt a though you where wondering the corridor for hours, but you needed it. Maybe you overreacted on Sirius, Maybe he did want to be with you but he hadn't figured out how to ask. No, if he really wanted to be with you, He would've come looking. You leaned against the wall in some random corridor you'd wandered off to, slowly sliding down it, putting your head in your hands. You heard quite footsteps, quickly approaching. Hoping that on the off chance Sirius had decided to come find you, you lifted your head up. Of course it wasn't him. It was some 6th year ass hat from slytherin. When he noticed you where crying, you expected him to make fun of you, but no, he just sat next to you and asked if you where okay.
“Ive seen better days I suppose” You laughed sadly.
“Well I have something that could cheer you up” He said, a glint of mischief in his eye, oh no this couldn't be good.
“and that is?” You questioned. Then within an instant he had his lips on yours. What the fuck. “woah woah Justin man what are you doing?” You pushed him off you in seconds.
“Well word got round you and Sirius are done, so ya know I figured, why not take a chance with you?” he sneered.
“what? Where did you hear that?” You where so utterly confused it had only been, what? An hour or two since your fight. Word travels fast I suppose.
“Some perky gryffindor chick said she was gonna try it on with im since you guys broke up, so I figured the same” He said cockily.
“You cant exactly break up if your not together” You mumbled.
“So what do you say doll? “You cringed at the nickname, it only felt right when Sirius said it to you. You saddened at the thought.
“ah, I appreciate the offer but no thanks” You chuckled nervously. He came closer and backed you up against the wall.
“Come on baby girl, what are you afraid of?” Ugh he practically made your skin crawl.
“i-i said no” You tried to stand your ground but it wasn't working very well.
“Aww come on” He said making a grab for your ass.
“(Y/N)?” Lily’s voice rang through the empty corridor, you rushed over to her, pushing Justin out of the way,
“Oh thank god lils” You gasped breathlessly.
“You alright? Im just on the way back to the common room from prefect rounds, You wanna walk back with me?” Oh praise the lord for Lily Evans.
“yea, yeah lets go” She mumbled a quick bye to Justin, and the rest of the walk to the common room was an uncomfortable silence.
As you where approaching the portrait hole, she spoke. “So you and Sirius are over then?” God you did not want to talk to this after what just happened, you just wanted a shower and your bed.
“please not today lils” You pleaded.
“Fine, ill leave it.” A silence. “He loves you though, you know? He just has a hard time expressing it”
“i beg to differ sometimes” You two walked through the portrait hole, still a bit shaken up from that ass hole Justin, You sat on the couch.
“You alright? What was that guy doing” And that's all it took, those few simple words and you broke down crying, practically word vomiting everything that had happened in those few minutes. You where so caught up in crying and telling lily you filed to realise Sirius was halfway down the stairs, listening intently, fisted balled up. After you and Lily finished talking, he dashed back up stairs, fists white and face, angry. He was going to get that little shit tomorrow for touching his girl. His girl.
The next morning was a bit of a haze, tears blurred your puffy eyes, from all the crying last, because of that ass hole Justin and your potential breakup with Sirius, maybe he didn't want you after all. But, of course, what you didn't see was, at that very moment, Sirius was walking over to the slytherin dungeons, about to knock the living daylights out of Justin. And trust me e did. He got a little beat up in the process but he was willing to take anything for his girl, even a cruciatus curse.
You and Lily had been sat in the great hall for breakfast for about half an hour, you where mostly just pushing your food around the plate and brooding but still. Lily piped up next to you when she heard the great hall doors open, but you didn't bother.
“(Y/N)” You turned your head to her. “ why does your ex have a black eye?” You gave her a questioning look and turned to look towards the great hall door, There you saw Sirius, eye red and bruised, walking over to the marauders who where a few seats down, giving him sympathetic smiles and smirks.
“I don't know but im about to find out” You got up and walked down to where the marauders were, grabbing Sirius by the back of his leather jacket and dragging him down the hall, hearing a chorus of whistles and ‘go Sirius's. You kept a hold of him all the way to the gryffindor common room.
“Whats with the black eye, did you get in a fight?” You asked, tenderly stroking his cheekbone.
“Its nothing honestly” He whispered. You did not believe him for a second.
“right, well if your not gonna tell me, ill leave” You turned until you heard a small ‘wait’ echoing his words from the previous days. You turned back to him. “i-i punched Justin O'Donnell for what he did to you” You where utterly astounded. You honestly didn't know what to say.
“well, I hope your proud of yourself” Why in the world did you say that. You turned to walk away.
“Dont go, stay with me” he whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek “im sorry, I forever want to be with you but I didn't know how to ask you” He stared at the ground.
“I think you just did” You smiled. He lifted his head and broke out in a wide grin.
“is that a yes?” His eyes wide and hopeful.
“ of course you idiot” You jumped and hugged him, legs wrapped round his waist. And you kissed. Just like any other day, but this was full of passion and meaning. As you guy2s broke away, you stared into each others eyes.
“fancy a cuddle?” He said with a classic smirk. You rolled your eyes.
“Always” you smiled.
As the remaining marauders (+lily) returned to the common room after the feast, they caught sight of the lovebirds, cuddled up together on the common room couch, led Zeppelin quietly playing in the background.
“Match made in heaven” Remus cited.
“Should we wake them” Lily asked to no one in particular.
James wrapped his arm around her shoulder “Nah, let em’ sleep for today” They all headed up the stairs to retrieve their books for next lesson.
Sirius whispered a quite “Thank you”.
“No problem, mate” James chuckled.
“I love you” He whispered quietly in your ear.
“AWW! Thanks babe!” James shouted.
“Not you” Sirius grumbled, hearing the rest of the marauders laugh before drifting back into peace.
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Empires on the Horizon XI
Jason is a CEO: Part XI
Here’s my masterlist for the next part and my other stuff
This chapter is hella long. Please enjoy!
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everything flashes
so fast passed your eyes
you cannot quite make out
the difference
cameras, lightning, and
“Drew my darling,” Jason smiled through the phone, “I am beyond elated you’re getting married but how am I supposed to find a suit for your wedding if my favourite suit shop is closed?”
Her sweet laugh floated through his speaker, “Maybe we have a surprise for you Mr. Grace.”
“You didn’t?” He gasped, “Tell me you didn’t!”
A lyrical voice further away from the phone yelled, “Oh yes we did Jason Grace and you’re gonna accept it! You do so much for us it’s only right we get to pay you back.”
He knew when not to argue so he muttered a disbelieving thank you and hung up with the reassurance that the suit would arrive within the next day or two. He flopped down on the couch in his office and pulled his laptop towards him. An unfinished email flashed on his screen, but his mind was occupied with other things. Things that involved very unrelated work thoughts. Zoe had been at his place for a week and although they both usually craved their own spaces living with her had been bliss, and exciting, and delightful.
His phone vibrated from wherever he chucked it.
Zoe: Watcha doing?
Jason: I should be working.
Zoe: What do you mean should be?
Jason: Have certain morning activities reeling through my mind
*Zoe is calling*
He barked out a laugh, answering the call and stopped laughing at the words she whispered.
“HAZE!” He yelled, rushing out of the office, “I’m going home. I’ll see you at the wedding.”
“Okay Boss. Say hello to Zo for me.”
He was already in the elevator and wondering how seconds could feel like forever. He caught his reflection in the silvery walls and wanted to laugh. Cheeks pink with excitement and eyes glittering with mischief. He felt like a kid again, like living.
When he finally arrived at home Zoe was lying on the bed. He was about to jump on top of her and smother her in kisses, but he noticed her soft breathing and unusually still body. Tiptoeing around the room he smiled when he saw her face. Fast asleep. He pieced together that she must have taken her meds, since it was just after lunch. Brushing a kiss over her forehead he disappeared into the bathroom to change into sweats and then gently lowered himself next to her. If he was going to be here, he might as well do some work.
A surprisingly productive hour later he finally decided to screw the work thing and just have a nap alongside his girlfriend. Chucking his laptop aside he scooted down in the bed and wrapped an arm around her. She groaned softly, grabbing his fingers and then settled back down. He couldn’t help the giggle that escaped him, but his amusement was short lived.
“No dad,” Zoe mumbled, “Don’t make me ma– don’t make me do it. Please.”
“Zo?” He peered over her shoulder to see her eyes still shut.
“Dad, stop I don’t want to do this!” She was yelling now, scratching at his arm.
“ZO!” He tried.
“Please dad just let me– PLEASE!” Her cheeks were damp and the anguish in her voice made his heart race.
“Zoe, baby please!” He shook her shoulders. “Stella, ZOE!”
She got up with a gasp. Jason stumbled out of bed and raced to get water.
“Here,” He offered her the shaking cup.
“Th– thank you.”
“Were you having a nightmare?”
“Yea,” She winced, “They– they don’t happen very often but sometimes when I’m extremely emotional they bombard me.”
“Are you okay? Do you need something?”
“I’m good, I think.” She took a deep breath, “Just hold me for a little while?”
He simply held out his arms for her to crawl into them. When they settled into the bed again, his back against the headboard and her between his legs, he kissed her gently.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not particularly, do you?”
“I just have one question and you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to.”
A small nod was the only answer.
“What does your dad want you to do?”
Her sharp inhale made his chest tighten but he looked into her brown eyes.
“It’s a deal we made. Neither of us were willing to compromise on our plans so he struck a deal with me.”
“Okay.” He mumbled and then grazed his lips over her shoulder and let his head rest in the crook of her head.
“That’s it? No more questions?”
“I said I’d only ask one.”
“But you don’t want to know what the deal was?” He could hear the surprise in her voice.
“I want to know what you’re willing to tell me. We’ve only been dating for half a year. We have countless hours to learn each other’s secrets.”
“You are amazing in so many beautiful ways.” She sighed, pulling him towards her.
He laughed into their kiss and let the smile play at his lips for… everything after that. When they went to sleep that night, her lean frame tucked into him he thanked the stars blinking through the chiffon curtains. Thanked them for bringing her to him, for letting her light be the one that guides him, letting her spark be the one that ignites him, thanked them for letting her come down from her home in the cosmos to help him rise. And he’s almost certain the stars blink back in acknowledgment, just before sleep drags him under.
“You ready baby?” He called from his closet as he straightens his tie.
She echoed from the bathroom, “Yea I think so, let me just put on my earrings.”
“If we leave now, we should get there by quarter to,” He mumbled to himself.
“We’re not going to be late, worrier.” A voice teased him.
He turned around and stumbled back, falling on his ottoman with a thump.
“Wow.” He mumbled, “You look…” There were no words in any language to describe how she looked. He tried anyway, “You look godly.”
Her dress was silk the colour of burnt orange and the way it looked on her reminded him of sunsets. He was sure the greatest artists in history could never imagine something so beautiful. He was positive the word ethereal was invented in her honour.
“Amor meus amplior quam verba est.” He whispered; eyes still wide with adoration. He didn’t want to blink and risk losing her to the skies.
“What does that mean?” Her voice was equally soft.
“My love is more than words.”
She jumped into his arms and held him close enough that their hearts became one beat.
“Thank you.” She said into his collar, “And you look gorgeous.”
He pulled her back to stare at her, unable to look at anything else. “If we ever get married, please will you wear this colour to our reception.”
She smiled, and it was dazzling, “Let’s go my Thyella.”
So they did, and if you asked anyone who saw them, they would have told you that couple looked like royalty. Like the Queen and her King. Him, in a suit of the deepest blue, with the same burnt orange silk lining the lapels and cuffs of his jacket. And her, in her dress made of sunstones, eyes that rivalled the galaxy. The sky and its stars.
They arrived at the wedding venue sometime later, the garden already buzzing with activity.
“Hello Miss Arellano,” He hugged his lawyer.
“Jason! How are you?”
“Better than brownies.”
“That’s almost an impossibility.” Percy Jackson saddled up to the group with his usual mischief-maker’s smile.
“Zoe, darling.” The women embraced. “How are you feeling?”
“Less like I got stabbed which is nice.”
Percy snorted, “Glad to hear it Miss Nightshade. You really gave us a scare there.”
“Tell me about it.” Jason put a hand over his heart.
She shoved at his shoulder, “Where is the rest of this trouble-finder crew?”
“I see Haze and Frank now,” Reyna waved to a couple in the distance.
“And Leo and Annabeth should be here soon. Valdez had an emergency at the varsity. I do not know what constitutes as an emergency and I do not plan on asking.” He added.
Hazel’s golden smile graced them, “Hello you lot, you all look like you just stepped out of the pages of a magazine.”
“We are the hottest group, aren’t we?” His lawyer smirked.
“You can say that again!” Annabeth Chase laughed.
They all made small talk for a few minutes, making sure Zoe was okay and catching up on everything they had missed in the month since the club. A bell tinkled further down the garden and the guests started making their way to their seats.
“Guess it’s time to see the happy trio.” He smiled.
“How long have you known them?” Zoe asked as they sat down.
“Charlie I’ve known since college and ‘Lena and Drew since he’s introduced them. Which was about six years ago now?”
“Wow, long-time friends.”
“Spend enough 3am study sessions with people and you learn to bond for life.” He grinned.
The music started playing as their conversation gave way to anticipation and everyone turned to the aisle.
We can leave the Christmas lights up till January
This is our place we make the rules
And there’s a dazzling haze
A mysterious way about you dear
Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years
The gentle notes wafted through the rose scented air and clung to their skin, letting it be the glow that caught the light. The groom walked out. He looked beautiful. Dark skin golden under the sun and a smile to rival the full moon. He waved at everyone, as Charlie would do. Always a friend. When he got to the front, they all spotted the look of exhilaration in his brown eyes.
“They’re coming,” Zoe whispered.
And then two ladies walked slowly down the grassy path. Silena in a pale pink satin dress and a flower crown resting on her head and Drew in a matching lavender number, a small tiara perched on her black hair.
All Jason could do was nod as he watched his friends walk towards each other. Watched them burst with happiness right before his eyes. His mind flashed back to the early days when he and Charles used to sit in the library crying over stress and loneliness. Finding solace only in their own comforting words. And he couldn’t help but shed a few tears as the trio reached each other and began forever.
The ceremony was over before he could blink and there was a flurry of activity as everyone took pictures with the brides and groom. He managed to talk to them briefly, spreading congratulations and general joy.
“Jase,” Silena pulled him aside, “The suit looks wonderful.”
“Thank you, my friend,” He hugged her, long and hard. “And you, all of you, look stunning.”
“It’s been a long time coming,” Her smile was gentle, but the tears in her eyes held every emotion she couldn’t display.
“Is everything set up at the field?”
“Everything is perfect,” Charles winked, catching up to them.
“What did you plan, Dannasan?” Drew raised a perfect brow.
“Nothing that needs your worrying, o angelhos mou.”
Jason laughed as the newlyweds narrowed their eyes at each other. “I’ll see you guys at the reception.”
They thanked him once more and said their last goodbyes before shuffling off to the next round of pictures. He found the rest of his people standing near the car park, waiting for him.
Zoe’s face lit up as she spotted him, “You ready?”
“Yea,” He hugged her to him, “Want to head home first or?”
“Percy and Reyna were going to Reedpipes to chill till six, you want to go with them?”
“Everyone else?”
“We’re going back to the varsity because Leo still needs to sort out the lab.” Annabeth looked at him with an ‘I’ll explain later look’.
“And you Frank, Hazel?”
“We aren’t coming to the reception. I have to visit gran before Hazel and I head out tomorrow for our weekend trip.”
“Well alright then, guess we’re going to Reedpipes.”
The group dispersed with hugs and kisses and promises to meet up again soon. Zoe hugged them tightly, and his throat tightened at the comfortableness she had found in them.
Jason put a hand behind the front seat, checking behind him before reversing onto the road and making his way to their favourite café.
“That was such a beautiful wedding.” His girlfriend sighed.
“There’s just something about weddings isn’t there?” He hummed, “Makes you want to get down on one knee and propose?”
She laughed, winking at him, “Don’t get any ideas, you don’t know all my secrets remember.”
“Can’t imagine any of them stopping me.” He kissed her knuckles, adoration flowing like never-ending fountains.
Something passed over her face, pain or contemplation he didn’t know. And he was about to ask when she squeezed his thigh and smirked at him. All thoughts were forgotten.
They arrived at Reedpipes before Reyna and Percy and decided to head inside to grab a table. Zoe asked if they’d get weird looks for looking so dressed up in a coffee shop but laughed and said, “Welcome to the city!”
As always, his conversations with Grover Underwood left him reeling.
“Well don’t you look like royalty Grace.” The barista’s brown eyes sparkled, “And this must be the woman who keeps the sun in your soul.”
Zoe blushed and muttered a hello.
“Grover,” Amusement played across his features, “How are you?”
“Lovely thank you. What can I get you today?”
“Surprise me.” He shrugged.
Grover looked at him, eyes widening ever so slightly. “You’re letting me choose?”
“Sure, why not?”
“Mr Grace,” The man looked about ready to bowl over. “I feel you should introduce me to your lady friend immediately because in the eight years you’ve come here you have never ordered anything but a chai, americano, or a cappuccino, and now you want me to choose?”
He giggled at the surprise coating the air, “Grover this is Zoe Nightshade. She’s my girlfriend.”
“Ma’am,” Grover reaches over to shake her hand earnestly, “I have never seen him be anything but a creature of habit in all the years I’ve known him. Please marry him.”
Jason cut in, “Oh I plan to.”
His girlfriend laughed, short and mischievous, “Nice to meet you Grover.”
“What can I get for you?”
“I’ll have a black coffee and a toasted cheese sandwich please.”
They eventually found their way to a table, and just in time because almost as soon as they sat down Percy and Reyna walked in.
“Hello again, how absolutely gorgeous was that wedding?” Reyna sighed contentedly.
“So beautiful!”
“Gods Perc,” She turned to her boyfriend, “If we ever get married, I want that purple colour Drew was wearing to be the theme.”
“Can we do a blue as well?” Percy smiled at her softly.
“What kind of blue?”
“A blue like…” He looked around, eyebrows furrowing as he scanned the room. “Blue like…” He caught Jason’s eyes and trailed off. They stared at each other and something in his chest sparked. Percy blinked and the world came back into focus.
“Blue like the sky.”
“Yes!” She squealed, “Your colours Zo?”
“Jason wants me to wear this colour to the reception.” She motioned to her dress.
“Oh gods yes,” Reyna gave an approving nod, “That with white or cream would be so beautiful.”
Their coffees got set down and they spent the remainder of the time chatting casually, fully, happily. Jason felt like a summer breeze, like the soft winds dancing with the willow tree, like wonder. His life was so beautifully different from the one he had last year this time and he marvelled over the workings of the universe. How did he get so lucky?
The hours passed by in a gentle rush and soon they were all piling back into cars and heading to the field where the reception would be held. The field was one of great importance to him. When he discovered it some years ago, after a particularly bad fight with Luke, he had instantly fallen in love with it. There was something so grounding about the open air and the soft grass and the flowers that grew wild. He had stayed there for hours whenever he needed to be alone, when he needed to look up at the sky and remember no matter how much his life changes, he will always be able to look up a the same sun, moon and stars. He will be able to watch the trees grow and the flowers bloom and remember life is only as complicated as you make it. The day he found a “Development Site” board cutting off the entrance to the park he had panicked so hard he needed his inhaler for the first time in ten years. And then he had promptly called up the company demolishing the area and bought it from them at a disgustingly high price. Some things though were worth it. And what was the point of making money if he couldn’t use it to protect that which cannot protect itself. He named it the Fields of Prosperina and opened it to the public under the condition they would do no harm and leave nothing but footprints behind. He also had a team of people who helped maintain the small facilities and make sure nothing was getting destroyed. Under city regulations, officials had to come in twice a year, once in summer and once in winter, to make sure none of the native species were becoming endangered within the area.
They drove into the gravelled parking and he couldn’t help the gasp that escaped him. The space was like something from a fairy tale. Lanterns hung from trees casting a warm yellow glow over the world. Flowers weaved around every chair and over the fairy lights hanging above them. Zoe’s awe was audible as she trailed her hands over the tinkling charms at the entrance and the bright petals laid out on the table. He spotted the huge wooden structure with a screen and a projector attached to it. Gods Charlie, he thought, you really outdid yourself this time. It’s a dream.
The newlyweds came out to applauds and hollering and the party began. Speeches were sweet and tearful and full of jokes; and the dinner was sublime. He moaned with every bite of the chocolate brownie and didn’t feel weird because every single person at their table did the same thing. Finally it was time for the first dance and three glowing people walked into the cleared space, illuminated with the glimmer of moonlight and the soft flickering of the lanterns.
Ballerina girl You are so lovely With you standing there I'm so aware Of how much I care for you
The song washed over the crowd as the three came together, arms wrapped around waists, and started swaying softly. As one they moved across the floor, as one they laughed and cried, and put their heads together. As one they danced.
“Why this song?” Zoe’s voice was nothing but air against his skin.
“Drew and Silena were dancers in varsity. That’s how Charlie met them. He saw a show of theirs and fell in love.”
“Do they still dance?”
“Not that I know of, but I think they want to open a ballet school at some point.”
“They’re angelic.”
Ballerina girl You are so lovely I can see in you My dreams come true Don't you ever go away Ballerina Girl...
The song faded away and Drew grabbed the mic with a brilliant smile on her face, “LETS PARTY!”
The crowd got up with a loud cheer and poured onto the floor. He grabbed his girlfriend’s hand and they raced to the center, their friends not far behind. The night was young, and the colours were golden and time was nothing but a way to count how many times you can smile in a second.
Many songs and a break to grab some water later Charlie requested the music to stop for a little. “Hello everyone. Seeing your beautiful faces makes me extremely emotional and if I was wearing my eyeliner, I’d be cursing you all for making it smudge. Thank the gods my mascara is waterproof.”
They all laughed, and harder when his wives made a funny face beside him.
“Today may be the happiest day of my life but I know tomorrow will be even happier because I cannot imagine life being anything else with these two by my side for forever.” He kissed them both, love overflowing from his eyes.
“And to commemorate the joy and never-ending brightness they’ve brought into our lives I’ve compiled a little video with the help of you guys. Thank you for making this day so special. I know even when I am old and greying it will play in my mind like a dream. To mis corazones, I will always love you enough to keep the fire in your souls. This is for you.”
The video started with their smiling faces and as memory after memory reeled across the screen the tears flowed in abundance. Little messages from people popped up on as the pictures flashed. A video of Drew and Silena laughing at a picnic they all went on four years ago in this very field played on screen. The trio held each other tighter and whispered something that ended on a sob of gratefulness. Zoe wiped Jason’s cheeks, kissing him softly.
“Someday Zo,” He mumbled, leaning into her. The music started up again and he wrapped his arm around her waist as the video faded into the background, as everything faded away.
Fatal, this attraction, yeah we might just end up crashin' But I'm ready if it happens with you Meet me out in Cali when I'm far away from family And I need someone to hold onto
She hugged him tighter, the music seeping into their lungs. He could feel her heartbeat against his own, like twin drums, rapid, racing. He hummed along, let his lips skim over her skin. Life was faraway but the stars swayed under his hands and the night sky glittered with luxury.
We could burn and crash We could take a chance Holdin' nothin' back Like it's our last dance
Zoe clung to him like her life depended on it. Maybe it did. There was a flash of light and a faded thank you. The photographer was already on to the next couple, but they were immortalised in that memory card.
“Jase,” She whispered.
He pulled back slightly so he was staring into her, “What’s wrong my stella?”
“I-“ She breathed, “I have to tell you something.”
“Are you alright?” She looked so scared, sad. “Do you want to leave?”
“My dad came to visit me while I was in hospital.”
“Oh gods Zo,” He pulled her to him, “Are you okay? He didn’t say anything did he?”
“Our deal is up,” Her body was shaking with sobs, “I have to go home.”
“No!” His lungs collapsed, “No, what? No.”
“I asked for more time, but he said no.” Her eyes fractured.
“Why can’t you stay here why do you have to go? Is that the deal you made?” This wasn’t happening. This wasn’t real. He can’t do this.
“I was supposed to start a practice of my own,” She choked, “Something that would make him money. That was the only way I could move out of the house.”
“But can’t you just start one now? I’ll give you capital if that’s what you need? We can go get registered tomorrow.”
She shook her head vigorously, gasping on her words, “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.”
“Stella,” He can’t feel his legs, “Please there has to be another. We have to find a way for you to stay.”
She shook her head, “I can’t stay because–“ Her cry shattered his fractured soul, “I can’t stay because I’m marrying someone else.”
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𖡼.𖤣𖥧 Admirer 𖡼.𖤣𖥧
Summary: Patton gives each of the sides, including Thomas a Valentines gift to show his appreciation for each and every one of them! 
Warning: Wholesome-ness, Remus being Remus, every character just being themselves, blood and gore, happy boy Thomas, good vibes, slight cursing.
Characters: All! (Remus, Thomas, Janus, Roman, Logan, Patton, and Virgil.)
Word Count: 1847
Ship/ Pairing: Thomas + Logan + Virgil + Patton + Janus + Roman + Remus (DRLAMPT) (Platonic)
AU: Sanders Sides (Normal)
I hope you enjoy this (late) Valentine’s Special!!! (,,> ᎑ <,,)
✧ʚ .·:*¨༺♡༻¨*:·. ɞ✧
“Good morning Thomas!” Patton rose up, with his hands folded behind his back, hiding something from Thomas’ line of sight. “Oh, hey Pat, you look cheery today.” Thomas smiled at the side, wearing a graphic t-shirt of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s beautifully written and preformed, Hamiltion. 
“How couldn’t I be? Today is such a sweet and fantastic day!” He giggled, smile wide and bright. Thomas tilted his head to one side in confusion. “What’s so special about today?” 
“Aww, you haven’t forgotten already, have you?” Thomas thought for a moment, realization hitting him. “Oh! Valentines day.” His face lit up and then dulled as he fully took in the information. “Why so gloomy, kiddo?” 
Thomas let out a sigh, looking down at the ground. “Another year without a date...” He ruffled through his brown hair, feeling his heart sink. “Well, this year is gonna be different!” Patton bubbled. “How?” His eyes darted up to meet Patton’s gaze. “Ta-da!” He pulled a bag from behind him decorated in hearts and ribbons, colored pink, white, and red. 
Thomas focused on the bag, unsure of how this colorful bag could fix the rain cloud that poured over his mood. 
“Hello, my color-coded companions! What a perfect day to look so dashing~” Roman rose up, adjusting his emblems. “Princey!” Patton announced. “You always look good!” He told Thomas’ fanciful side. 
“You got me a gift!? How sweet!” Roman practically had stars in his eyes as he looked at the bag in Patton’s hands. “It’s actually for everyone, Ro!” 
“Logan! Virgil!” Patton called, summoning the other sides. Logan rose with a Shakespearean classic in his hand. Roman gasped loudly. “Romeo and Juliet! You’re finally reading it!” 
“Well, I took your argument stating why I should consume such literature into consideration. Mainly due to your incessant request. I figured the sooner I read it, the sooner you wouldn’t bother me about it.” Logan responded, without looking up from his book. 
Virgil appeared soon after, with headphones in his ears. “The gang is all here!” Patton giggled. Virgil took one side of his earbuds out of his ears and looked around him. “Why was I called? I was in the middle of something.”
“Like what? Listening to your, rock and roll, contemplating all the ways Thomas could embarrass himself by trying to ask someone out?” Roman retorted.
“For your information, Princey, I was listening to a compilation of Disney classic love songs, not that you would care.” 
“Before you two go on with your cute banter---” Patton started. “I wouldn’t call it cute.” Virgil muttered. “I got you guy’s a little something!” Patton held up the bag for everyone to see. 
“I thought instead of focusing on what we don’t have, I thought we could spread a little love and focus on what we do have, each other!” Opening the bag he began to pull out various items. “For you Roman!” He handed the side a box wrapped in pink wrapping paper covered in sparkly hearts. 
“Oooo~!” He tore away the paper and opened the box to find a heart themed painted mirror. “So you never forget how beautiful you are, Roman!” 
“This....is...AMAZING PATTON!” Roman ran over and wrapped his arms around the side, pulling him in for a warm hug. “Exactly what I needed.” He walked back over to his side of the room, admiring himself in the mirror, smiling at the little hand painted decorations on the reflective surface.
“Logan,” Patton turned to the side. Logan closed his book and looked up, making eye contact with his good friend. “Here!” 
Logan grabbed the present which was a thick DVD case with a shiny red bow on top. “A copy of all four seasons of Mark Gatiss’ Sherlock! I hope you like it, Lo.” Logan’s eyes widened and a smile crept onto his face as he stared into the gift. His smile dropped as he realized they were all staring at him. “This is...” He looked up at Patton and cleared his throat, trying to maintain composure. “This is satisfactory.”
“Virgil!” Patton turned to the rather anxious side, who jumped at the mere mention of his name, not expecting it due to the loud music blaring in his ears. Patton handed him a five inch purple Squishmallow. Virgil’s eyes lit up as he took the adorable plushie in his hand. “You got me Brenda the Butterfly.” Virgil said in disbelief. “I thought you could use a cuddle-buddy if you got lonely.”
“Squishy....” Virgil mumbled as he held the stuffed toy close to him. “And Thomas!” Patton looked toward Thomas who had a huge smile on his face. Patton handed Thomas a pink colored book which read in multi-colored words on the front: “Sanders Sides famILY”
Thomas opened the book gently, his eyes fixated on the various pictures of each side as well as hand written notes and drawings on the various colorful pages. “Patton....this is wonderful.” Thomas gushed. “I’m so glad everyone likes what I got! I figured we needed something to cheer us up.”
Everyone in the room was mesmerized with their gifts. Everyone except....the dark sides. “Hey uh, kiddo!” He looked to Thomas who was enveloped in his book. “Yea?” 
“I’ll be right back! Don’t have too much fun without me!” Patton gave a little smile and sunk into the floor, traveling to the darkest part of Thomas’ mind.
“Good morning Dee!!!” Remus announced as he walked up to Janus who was reading something. “I got you a lil’ something.” He snickered. “If it’s another one of your dead animals, I don’t want it.” Janus said coldly. 
“Not at all! I’m giving you something live today!” The scaley side looked up at Remus, whose eyes were filled with mischief. A knife appeared in Remus’ hand and with two hands he jabbed the metal object in his chest and began to slowly drag down to the middle of his torso as blood squirted out of the opened wound. Janus stared at the intestines that wriggled inside Remus’ body and held back a gag. Without looking away, Remus dug one of his hands under his rip and yanked out his beating heart, still attached to the rest of his system. “See? I’m finally giving you my heart, Dee~” He threw his head back and let out a maniacal laugh.
“I said, I didn’t want anything dead.” Janus set down his book. Remus reared his head back in front of Janus. “It’s obviously still beating.” The veins on the fist-sized organ were prominent. “Wow, exactly what I wanted.” His voice was heavy with sarcasm. 
“Uhm....hello...” Both heads turned to see a rather shy Patton standing in the room with them. His hands shook as he held onto his bag tighter. “Well, look who it is~!” Remus licked his lips. “Is that...a real heart?” Patton couldn’t look away from the blood covered thing in the demented side’s hand. 
“Ignore him, he’s barely house trained.” Janus stood up and walked over to the nervous boy. “My question is,” he started, peering over Patton. “Why are you here?” he emphasized his words. “I uh---I....” Get it together, Pat! He told himself. “I got s-something for you!” He hid his face, holding out the bag. 
Janus and Remus looked at each other with confusion. “....why?” Remus asked, his expression twisted with questions. Patton looked up and swallowed the lump in his throat. “It’s Valentines day....! And I thought I could get everyone a little something...”
“Everyone...including us?” Janus looked at Patton’s face and then to the bag. He grabbed the bag as gently as possible and opened it. His eyes widened as he pulled out a yellow sweater with multiple sleeves. “I thought you might want to keep warm since Logan told me snakes can get cold in the Winter.” Patton explained, trying to place how Janus was feeling.
“Oooo!!! What’d ya get for me, glasses?” Remus pushed his heart back in his chest, the wound closing up like a zipper. Patton pulled out a tray of assorted candies in the shape of different body parts, both human and animal.
“Wow! This gives me a great idea!” Remus snatched the tray and ran into his room.
“Uh...thanksss...” Janus blushed. “I didn’t think anyone else thought of us like that.” Patton gave a little happy sigh. “Happy Valentines day, Janus.” 
At the end of the day, Patton returned to his nostalgic dream-land of a room and noticed the door to his bedroom was open. As he walked in he noticed gifts piled in the center of the room.
He pulled out LED lights with a note on it that read, “I thought this would be an adequate addition to your room.” ~Logan Sanders. His hand writing was as neat as can be, not a mark out of place.
Next was a bouquet of red roses and a box of assorted chocolates. Patton smiled to himself, Roman...
He knew the one to follow was Virgil’s present right away. It was a hand stitched stuffed animal of a cute frog with a little sky blue bow tie. Patton also knew it was from Virgil since there was a little letter with the list of love based Disney songs he was listening to earlier in the side’s messy and dark handwriting.
Lastly, there was the Polaroid from Thomas of all five of them that they took earlier that day with everyone’s initials on the bottom as the words, “To our favorite dad, We love you Patton!” Tears started to swell in his eyes at all the love he had from his dear friends. 
As he stood up and went to close his bedroom door, he noticed a plain cardboard box that had randomly appeared in the doorway. He picked it up, closed the door, and walked over to his bed, setting it down gently
He unfolded it and his eyes widened. The first thing his eyes landed on was a bloody Ziplock bag with Remus’ heart in it. Attacked to the clear bag is a letter that read, “Here, have this, I got exstra anywayz!” ~Remus. There was smudges of what looked like pen ink, chocolate, and dried blood on the note.
Next was a letter that could only be from Janus. “Thanks for the gifts, it was really nice of you. (No this isn’t sarcasm) Also ignore Remus’ spelling, bitch barely passed Kindergarten.” ~Lord of the Lies.
There was another Ziplock bag with a dissected frog with it’s limbs and other body parts scattered inside of it. There was a final note attached to it, “I didn’t know what to get you so Remus got you another gift. It’s called, Sort The Frog. You essentially have to put the frog back together and when you do, you win a prize. Have fun with that. (This is sarcasm)” ~Janus Sanders.
Even though their gifts were exactly what Patton expected when it came to the dark sides, he still smiled. Today was truly a wonderful Valentines day.
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Hey guys! So I wanted to write a new dream Fic since I never really have written one yet so this is my first. I really wanted to write one because I wanted to include the characters for the series since we didn’t actually get to see them in the short and since we didn’t really get a scene where cass apologized to Varian I decided to include it so here it is. I also want to thank @lanceloth for helping me with some ideas I added to my story I hope you like it and let me know what you think?
Rapunzels Wedding
Rapunzel’s Long awaited day had finally arrived she was finally going to get married. Rapunzel was so exited she honestly thought she never would have even gotten this far when she lived in the Tower. She always thought that she would have been stuck in that tower forever and never get to have a adventure. But all that changed when she met Eugene and fell in love with him.
“Hello your highness, I see your already up, are you exited for the big day?” Faith asked Rapunzel.
“Hey Faith, yes I am REALLY EXITED!, Eugene and I have been together for a while now and we have had so many adventures together we even defeating Zhan Tiri together with the help of our friends of course, but now I am ready to be queen and rule this kingdom when the time comes.” Rapunzel replied.
Faith smiled, “I’m glad Princess you’ll make a great queen”. Faith stated.
Rapunzel smiled, Faith was very shy and she didn’t like to talk much not like cass did. Faith finished getting Rapunzel ready for the wedding when an unexpected friend showed up. Cassandra opens the door and walks in.
“Hey Raps!” Cassandra said. Rapunzel turned around and a huge smile came on her face.
“Cass!” Rapunzel shouted running to give Cassandra a hug. “What are you doing here?, I thought you were on an adventure and you couldn’t come” Rapunzel said hugging her tighter.
Cassandra smiled and returned the hug, “come on you didn’t think I’d miss your wedding day, Eugene and I do have our differences but I still wouldn’t miss your special day” Cassandra smiled pulling away from the hug.
Rapunzel smiled, “Do you want to help me finish getting ready like old times?” Rapunzel Asked Cassandra.
“Sure why not” Cassandra said with a smile. Faith left and while Cassandra was getting Rapunzel ready Eugene was in his room getting ready for the wedding.
“Lance I can’t believe it, After asking and asking Rapunzel finally said yes, i can’t wait to live the rest of my life with her” Eugene stated to Lance who was helping him put his suit on.
“I know who knew a lucky guy like you could have gotten a girl as pretty and Royal as Rapunzel, I mean you were an orphan, and most of your life you were a thief stealing and your big dream was to live on an island all alone with money” Lance said.
Eugene looked at Lance with a I can’t believe you just went there look, “Ok you are right I honestly didn’t think I ever settle down with someone, but I didn’t know I was a prince either” Eugene stated.
“Yeah look what you did to stalyan, you left her at the alter and you know what happened” Lance said remembering that day they kidnapped them and he almost died. Eugene remembered that day too it was probably the hardest thing he ever had to do to Rapunzel. He could just remember the face she made when he closed the door on Rapunzel, he didn’t do it intentionally but he had no choice to save Lance.
Lance looked at Eugene, “Hey, don’t be getting emotional on me” Lance said.
“That was all in the past buddy, today is the day you have been waiting for all your life, you deserve to be happy Eugene” Lance said putting his hand on Eugenes shoulder.
Eugene smiled, “Thanks Lance, I know we don’t really talk about our emotions but your the best friend I could ask for thanks buddy “ Eugene told Lance with a smile.
“Alright, let’s finish getting you ready” Lance said with a smile while fixing Eugenes Jacket.
Meanwhile back in Rapunzel’s room, Cassandra finished fixing Rapunzel’s dress, “Wow Raps, you look beautiful!” Cassandra told Rapunzel.
“Aww thanks Cass” Rapunzel answered with a smile.
Cassandra put the vail on Rapunzel’s hair and she was finished. Rapunzel turned to look into the mirror and see herself. “Wow, Thank you Cass for helping me and coming all this way to see me get married” Rapunzel said giving Cass a hug. Cassandra smiled and returned the hug.
“Cass can you do me a favor? Can you go find Varian and ask him if he’s ready he is done helping Max and Pascal they are going to hand us the rings.” Rapunzel asked Cass.
“Sure Raps, I’ll be back before the wedding starts” Cassandra answered heading to the door to leave.
Varian was in his lab getting ready for the wedding since Eugene has asked him and Lance to be his best man, Varian felt honored he never got invited to a wedding before and he certainly never thought he be someone’s best man but he was happy that his two best friends were finally getting married after everything that happened they deserved to be happy.
Varian heard a knock at the door, “I’m coming” he shouted. Varian opened the door and to his surprise it was Cassandra, he wasn’t expecting to see her at the wedding since she was on her adventure.
“Oh Hey Cass, what a surprise I thought you couldn’t make it to the wedding?” Varian asked sheepishly.
“Hey Varian, uhh Raps wanted me to ask you if you were done getting ready and if you finished helping Max and Pascal with the rings?” Cass asked trying to not make eye contact. Varian gave a small smile,
“Oh.. yeah they are ready their just waiting for me to finish getting ready.” Varian said sheepishly. There was an awkward silence for awhile, Cassandra felt uneasy with Varian because of what she did to him when she was bad, she didn’t know if varian actually forgave her for what she put him through kidnapping, Drugged him, pushing him off a cliff, but most of all controlling his dad, he had already suffered with him loosing his dad and she just had made it worst for him.
Varian felt a bit odd being around Cassandra he was still trying to get over what she did to him. she never really apologized to him for what she did and what she caused him to go through she just got up and left. No Jail time or community service, it just didn’t seem fair that he was tossed in Jail for his crime and Cass wasn’t. Varian liked Cass and he knew she changed for the better now but he still had some kind of resentment towards her.
Cassandra saw Varian and she knew what she did to him was wrong and that she needed to make amends because Varian at once did think of her as his friend.
“Varian, I’m really sorry for everything I did and put you through, I know I never really fully apologized to you and it wasn’t right and I don’t know what I can do to make it up to you?, I’m really sorry Varian for everything” Cassandra said with her head down and a sad tone in her voice.
Varian didn’t know what to say, he knew Cass wasn’t a person who liked to share or show her feelings, but he understood what she went through because he went down that path of darkness too and if Rapunzel was able to forgive him and trust him again and give him a second chance after everything he did he should do the same.
“Cass, it did hurt me what you did to Corona and to me, and I tried reaching out to you but you refused to Listen..but I understand because I went down that path of darkness myself and it blinds you and makes you into a monster...but just as Rapunzel forgave me and gave me a second chance then I should do the same.” Varian said with a half smile.
“Cass I forgive you, I forgive you for everything and I hope we can learn to trust each other and be friends again”Varian told her giving her a smile. Cassandra looked at Varian and gave him a smile.
“Th...Thank you Varian, I promise I am going to try my best do whatever i can to make it up to you” Cassandra said putting her hand on his shoulder. Varian gazed at Cassandra and gave her a smile.
“Thank you Cass, It’s great to have you back” Varian said giving her a hug. Cassandra smiled and Returned the hug.
Varian pulled away from the hug, “well I have to finish getting ready I’ll see you at the wedding?” Varian asked Cassandra.
“Yea I’ll see you at the wedding” Cassandra answered.
Varian waved goodbye to Cassandra and finished getting himself ready. The wedding was about to begin all the guest were arriving and getting to their seats Eugene was already at the alter with Lance and Varian beside him waiting for Rapunzel to walk down the isle. The doors opened and the wedding march started playing the king was walking Rapunzel down the isle Eugene couldn’t take his eyes of his Fiancé she was beautiful she was wearing a beautiful white dress with a long lace design vail. He still couldn’t believe that the day he had been waiting for finally arrived after asking and asking Rapunzel finally said yes.
King Fredric kissed his daughter on the cheek and handed her over to Eugene. The priest started saying
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company of witnesses to join together this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony��. Max and pascal were waiting close to the bride and groom to hand them the rings when they asked for them. But a flower flew into Max nose and he could stop himself from sneezing.
The sneezed made the pillow go up and down tossing the rings up and rolling them outside. Max and Pascals face went pale luckily no one was paying attention to what just happened. Max and Pascal immediately ran after the rings to try and catch them, Varian saw them leave in a hurry and wondered what happened because they were going to ask for the rings soon, Varian sneaked our of his place and went out the back to try and catch Max. Luckily Max saw Varian and ran up to him while Pascal was still trying to catch the rings.
“Max what are you guys doing?, They are doing to ask for the rings soon....Max where are the rings?” Varian asked with concern.
Max snorted trying to tell him what happened and Varian understood. “A flower flew up your nose and made you sneezed causing the rings to fall and roll away? Varian asked Max to confirm that’s what happened. Max shook his head yes.
“Well let’s go find them and get them back quickly before they notice that we are gone” Varian said staying to run after the rings.
They ran throughout the entire market trying to get the rings, Max was running after Eugenes ring but he didn’t see the wheel cart in front of him and she stepped on it causing him to fall inside and make the cart move. He manage to catch the ring with his mouth when the cart was on the move, but he didn’t see the frying pan signs and he couldn’t control the cart and he got hit with 4 signs he was passed out. When the frying pans were hitting Max the person releasing the lanterns thought the bell rang and let the tarp go to let the lanterns fly. Pascal saw one of the rings get caught on one of the lanterns they were going to release after the wedding bell rang, pascal looked at Varian.
“Ok Pascal, do you think you can climb up there and get it?” Varian asked.
Pascal saluted Varian with his hand and started to climb. he saw the tarp fall and the lanterns started to fly away. Pascal managed to get to the lantern with the ring before it flew away and tried to grab it but a strong wind blew the lantern making the ring fall. Varian ran after it trying to catch it before it fell.
“I got it, I got it” Varian shouted reaching his hands to catch the ring, but he wasn’t watching where he was going and bumped into a fruit cart full of blueberries. He fell into the cart face first getting his black suit all stained with blueberries. “Gah! this is never coming off, and my dad is going to kill me” Varian stated to himself lifting himself up from the cart and dusting off any remaining blueberries.
“I’m so sorry I will pay for the damage as soon as i get the rings” Varian told the merchant still running after Rapunzel’s ring.
Max had finally woken up the cart was still rolling he opened his lips to see if he still had the ring and he did he was happy. Max looked around to see where he was and to try to stop the cart, when he saw Rapunzel’s ring rolling on the ground, Pascal managed to land the lantern he was on and he started to run after the ring again. Varian continued to run after Max and Pascal he was trying to avoid as many obstacles as he could. He Spotted Max and Pascal he ran as fast as he could to catch up. Pascal had managed to catch Rapunzel’s ring and max pulled him into the cart they smiled at each other as they saw that both rings were safe.
Varian spotted a cliff, the road was about to end, “*gasp* guys look out!” Varian shouted to Max and Pascal.
Max and Pascal looked forward and saw a dead end they looked at each other and a scared look came on their faces. Varian kept running and was thinking to himself how he was going to stop that cart.
“Ugh, if only I had brought my Alchemy balls I could stop the cart,.... Wait I do have one” Varian said breathlessly from all his running. He pulled a ball full of blue liquid, he tossed it at the cart, the ball exploded, the smoke finally cleared and some kind of blue hoop had stopped the cart just in the nick of time but the cart was going so fast that when it stopped it tossed Max and Pascal into the sky.
“No..No..No.. that wasn’t supposed to happen it shouldn’t have tossed them out...it was just supposed to stop the cart” Varian said with anger and worry. What if they don’t land somewhere safe, what if they die from the fall no one can survive a fall from that height, it would have been his fault that Max and Pascal were gone and Rapunzel and Eugene wouldn’t have any rings and the wedding would be ruined and everyone would hate him again. Varian looked up and saw that they managed to fall in a tar factory.
“ohh.. that’s not good” Varian shockingly said. He started to run towards the tar factory, when he arrived Max and Pascal were covered in black tar. “Oh guys.... I am so sorry...I...I didn’t mean for this to happen” Varian told them with sadness in his voice.
Max and Pascal looked at each other and smiled, Max nudged Varian telling him to look at them, Max opened his lips and Pascal opened his hand and they put the rings in Varian’s hands.
“*gasp*, you still have the rings!” Varian said with excitement. “Oh no... the wedding must almost be over we better leave now” Varian stated.
“I’m sorry about the tar incident can you forgive me?” Varian asked Max and Pascal. They smiled and gave him another nudge telling him they forgave him.
“Thanks guys” Varian said with a smile. They made their way back to the castle running as fast as they could, they managed to make it at the exact moment the priest was done.
“May I have the rings” the priest said.
Rapunzel and Eugene turned around and were absolutely in shock at what they saw, Max and Pascal were mostly covered in tar, and Varian was standing right next to them and his suit covered in blue stains and his hair was all messed up and dirty from when he was running. Nobody knew what to think or what happened, Eugene grabbed his ring and put it on Rapunzel’s finger, and Rapunzel grabbed Eugene ring and placed it on his finger, they looked at each other.
“You May kiss the bride” the priest said.
Eugene and Rapunzel kissed and everyone started shouting and clapping congratulating the newly weds. Eugene and Rapunzel made their way to the out of the church to the castle where they would finished celebrating their wedding. Varian smiled he was so happy they were able to get the rings back and that the wedding wasn’t ruined. Cassandra and Lance came over to Varian.
“What happened to you?” Cassandra asked
“Yeah why are you all dirty?” Lance asked
“Hehe... it’s a long story” Varian said sheepishly putting his hand behind his head.
“Well we have till the party is over, here let’s go get you cleaned up before you dad sees you” Cassandra said with a smile
“Hehe ok thanks Cass” Varian answered with a smile.
Lance took Max and Pascal to try and get them cleaned up as well before the party started he didn’t know how he was going to take off the tar but he’d finds a way. Cassandra managed to get some of the blueberries stains out and she fixed his hair, Lance found a natural remedy Exavior gave him to get rid of the tar without pulling the skin, Lance rubbed olive oil around the tar and waited 15mins and he gently pulled the tar off. They made their way to the party, everyone was dancing and singing and having a great time, Varian told Lance and Cassandra what happened.
“Wow, all this happened and no one even noticed” Cassandra answered
“Well that was kinda the point heheh” Varian said sheepishly.
Varian spent time with Cassandra and Lance, Cassandra told Varian and Lance what she had done during her adventure and what she encountered, Varian and Lance told some jokes to Cass who didn’t really laugh much but they sure did try to make her.
The party was a hit all the people of Corona were happy and Rapunzel and Eugene were happy to finally be Married. It was time for Cassandra to leave she went up to Rapunzel and Eugene.
“Raps, I am so happy for you, I still think you like have gotten married to someone else but...” Cassandra said with a smile looking at Eugene.
“Haha.. very funny Cass” Eugene teased.
“Haha, I’m kidding Eugene, I know you would do anything for Rapunzel” Cassandra said with a smile
“I’m so proud of you both” Cassandra said pulling them into a hug.
“Thanks for not giving up on me” Cassandra whispered to them. Rapunzel and Eugene Retuned the hug with a smile.
Cassandra went over to Varian, she wanted to leave right this time, “Varian it was great seeing you agin and I’m glad that we made up, I know it wasn’t easy for you to forgive me but I hope we can learn to trust each other again and be friends” Cassandra said with a smile.
“Thanks Cass, and we are friends” Varian said with a smile. Varian pulled Cass into a hug, Cass smiles and returned the hug. Cassandra waved goodbye and left.
Not long after that Lance went home with the girls, they congratulated the newly weds and went back to their tree house. Varian was ready to go home himself it was a long day, but he wanted to stay to see Rapunzel and Eugene leave for their honeymoon. The party was over, Rapunzel and Eugene walked out down the stairs to get to their horses that were already there waiting for them, Varian came up to them before they hopped on their horses.
“I just wanted to say thanks... to both of you for everything you’ve done for me, especially you Rapunzel for pardoning me and not giving up on me...and Eugene thanks for being like a father to me, for Letting me be apart of your team and being there when I need you” Varian said with a half smile. “I’ll miss you guys” Varian said with a smile.
Rapunzel and Eugene looked at Varian and pulled him into a hug, “we love you Varian, we couldn’t have saved Corona without you” Rapunzel said with a comforting tone.
“Yeah bud, we love you, and it wouldn’t be Team Awesome without you, well miss you Varian, try not to get hurt while working your inventions ” Eugene said with a smile hugging him tighter.
Varian smiled, “hehe thanks.... I promise I’ll be careful” Varian said with a smile. “I love you guys too” Varian said returning an even tighter hug. Varian pulled away for the hug and waved one last time before heading home.
They waved goodbye to their family and friends, Varian waved one last time before they got on their horses, “you ready sunshine?” Eugene asked Rapunzel. “Ready” Rapunzel answered.
“I love you Eugene” Rapunzel said with a smile
“I love you too Sunshine” Eugene answered.
They kissed each other on the lips and Ran off into the sunset. They lived Happily Ever After!
The End
I hope you enjoyed reading this? I’m sorry of it ran long, I had more ideas and i actually looked up on how to get rid of tar so part of this story is true lol I had a few other ideas so I added them so it kinda just came out like this😶 this was also my first time making a New Dream Fic so it’s not that great. Anyways let me know what you think? I’d love to hear your feedback it’s what keeps me going 💕 thanks for baring with me and reading this till the end💕
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katsukikitten · 5 years
Irritated 2
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A chorus of bangs ring out on the cold metal door echoing in the small space of your hotel room. At first you jump, your nerves frayed as memories flood the forefront of your thoughts. That is until you take a deep breath knowing full well who is impatient enough to beat on a woman's hotel door. Irritation paints your features as you finish touching up your makeup in the bathroom mirror.
"Oi!" The culprit calls out, his voice pulling you out of your ritual head space causing a vein to pop up in your forehead.
"I'm coming!! Damn." You shout back slamming the tube of mascara onto the vanity top giving yourself a once over in your hero suit. It's a body con black suit, nothing fancy, no modifications. A zipper in the front that can stop at your navel. But you never unzipped it past the beginning of your cleavage. It was just a suit fit for summer that is breathable and wicks sweat. You twist this way and that as you over look your body thinking only of the comments made about it.
Did you look too thicc in your suit? Were you leading males on just because a tight suit benefited easier movements?
Hell no you weren't leading anyone on. You blow a kiss to your reflection before flipping your French braid behind your shoulder stalking out of the room with a card and a tube of chap stick angrily.
You open the door just as Katuski was about to bang on it. He either cannot or does not, stop his fist from following through the motion and it lands harshly on your shoulder, his gauntlet rattles from the force.
If only it put you out of your misery.
You look at Katsuki with the most annoyed face you can muster, shoving his arm away as Deku stands behind him offering a sheepish smile and small wave.
"Uh hello Y/N." He all but squeaks. His hero suit, now all black, is snug over his chest and stomach, his mask pulled off of his face resting on at the top of his sternum while his cowl lies unused on his back.
"Hello." You say dryly looking at both of their costumes. Deku doesn't seem to have pockets or at least pockets large enough to hold your items as well. Leaving you to glare at the man in front of you. His uniform all black for stealth, having long lost the little orange and black flair that comes off of his mask. His muscle tank is snug as well, hugging every line of his muscles leading to a set of almost lose black pants tucked into his combat boots. He still has his utility belt of mass destruction and his knee pads for cracking teeth with.
You grimace as the gods have decided your fate on who you will have to stick more closely too. You sigh audibly thinking for a fraction of a second that maybe his pockets are bigger but you know they are not.
You hold out your chapstick, a must as you would rather die than not have your beeswax chapstick, your card, and your phone to an exasperated ash blonde.
"The hell is this?" He snarls and your eyes narrow to slits as you pick his left pocket to shove your items in knowing full well he keeps his phone in his right.
"OI!" A blush so faint dusts his cheeks but you mistake it for rising blood pressure as you smooth your hands over your hips.
Where pockets should fucking be but honestly they would fuck up the aesthetic.
"No pockets." You shrug shoving past him as you guide the way, "So you're stuck with me."
Izuku shares a look with Bakugou before he shrugs his shoulders falling in step behind you as scarlet watches your fading back.
The crowd outside erupts as the three of you make your way into the convention center, a building that dwarfs the block. You wave and smile, stopping here and there to sign somethings for many female fans.
And the occasional male that looks decent.
Izuku takes the time to sign a few items for fans too and even begins fangirling with one over a limited edition All Might magazine the fan wanted to share with him as Bakugou sticks closely to you.
Offering a grimace to many of his squealing fans but it does nothing but encourage them more.
"Please take a selfie with me!!" One screams loud enough that it catches his attention. He smirks when he sees the grenade gauntlet tattoos she has on her forearms and snatches her phone. He sets it to selfie mood but is smart enough to be at least a foot away. He offers his deadliest smirk, throwing up three fingers getting mostly himself and the tattooed fan in the picture. He returns to phone to her hand and she freezes before exploding into a fangirl scream.
Sometimes he loved to make women scream.
"Please have my babies Ground Zero Sama!!!" She yells and for whatever reason he is not bothered by her. So he throws a rare bone to her.
"Maybe one day." His voice comes out gruff and majority of the crowd by him SWOONS. Panties SOAKED for sure.
You roll your eyes but cannot fight back the smile that paints your lips or the butterflies in your stomach from his interaction.
The excitement is infectious.
"Tejina over here over here!" A male shouts and you grab the pen and sign a tasteful magazine photo of you, avoiding everyone who has screenshot pictures of your Instagram printed out.
"Gosh I love you so much! My sister has a similar quirk and thought it was lame until she saw you!" He beams as he watches you make the pen dance across the inked page.
"I'm glad I can help. No quirk is lame. Make sure she knows that too." You offer a genuine smile and suddenly the fan feels different about you. His respect amplifies as he stands frozen. You try to move to the next screaming fan who happens to be another male, you're trying your best to be fair despite your past track record.
"Tejina, this is what the meet and greet is for." The security guard places his arm between you and the fan.
"This is what the meet and greet is for. They will keep you here all day." He says sternly as he guides you toward the doors.
"She is always such a bitch don't you think?!" The now jaded fan shouts. You start as if jabbed after hearing the comment and some of them yell in agreement but they are drowned out by the excitement for Bakugou and Izuku.
At least you drowned out to all but you.
And a hot head who walks behind you, baring his teeth at the fan who snaps his mouth shut after seeing the death glare.
The colors of the convention quickly lift your spirits as you see memorabilia and paraphernalia of heroes current and past. Fans pause at various stations all dressed as various heroes. All Might of course being the biggest and first life sized cardboard cut out that you see.
Izuku shoves his phone into your hands as he shouts.
"Oooo take a picture of me with it!"
Your laughter rings out while Katsuki rolls his eyes.
"Dont you have tea with him like every other day?" You ask but pull up the camera for him, "Move closer."
"Yea you useless Deku you see the real thing all the time."
"But you guys know..." He trails off and you make a gesture with your finger for him to smile. He drops his sad thought and beams as the camera.
And not with his weird imitation smile he so badly wanted to use. No he used his true smile, the one he wears so well to save people with.
Slowly becoming the hope of the nation but people enjoy a badass hero equally as much. Speaking of him.
"Hey he was your sensei too right? Get in there...Kaachan." You tease with the nickname and he glares daggers. Flushed cheeks from rising blood pressure.
"I'll kill you." He says but makes no effort to keep his steel toed combat boots planted as he walks towards the cut out. Izuku keeps the same pose and smile as Bakugou crosses his arms, standing a little ways away from the cut out like a brooding teenager would his father in a forced picture. You snap it happy and yet not just content with it.
"Get closer and smile!" You whine as incoming fans begin to form a line, "Others are waiting!"
He looks your way to see five or six people waiting before he gets closer. He looks up towards the cut out and feels something familiar burning in his stomach. Awe, respect, and sheer arrogant determination to outshine him one day. He faces the camera with the smile and you capture it perfectly.
The smile does something to you but you push it down as you quickly send the pictures to yourself slipping Izuku back his phone as you spy something that catches your eye.
"I need it!" Is all you say as you drag the boys before either can look at the photos properly. They find themselves in front of a soft pink booth with a wide eyed artist who seems to be struggling to speak as you look over the work.
The same artist who drew fan art of you with Midnight, and you with your cat posting it to her Instagram account. Not daring to tag you but some other fan had and you couldn't thank them enough.
"Ah here it is!" You hold up the prints of your favorite drawings in cool and warm colored pastels. You make a gimme motion to Bakugou. It takes him a moment before he rolls his eyes fishing for your card from that he since placed in his own wallet for fear of losing it.
"Ah Tejina. Please you do not have to p...pay me." The artist finally croaks out and you whirl on the sweet little bean faster than she can blink.
"Are you not an artist?"
"I...uh I am."
"And are you not charging anyone else?"
"Oh no I am charging them."
"Then you're charging me. I want one of everything. I love your work." Her eyes water as she looks up at you.
"Are you...are you sure. Some of it has..." Her eyes trail to the hot head beside you and you smile.
"Yes I'm sure. Somehow you've even made *him* seem tasteful." You smile and she hesitantly takes your card before placing items into a large black backpack that has a dreamy, almost sleepy looking Bakugou in soft blues staring up at the viewer. She passes you the bag and you wonder how she could capture a side of a person that you're sure no one has ever seen. Something about the image causes a stir in your stomach. You chalk it up to nerves as you make eye contact.
"Th..thank you." She stammers and you smile so brightly.
"No thank you. I adore your work." You give a small bow before giving your bag and your card back to Bakugou who glares at you furiously.
Yet he slides the backpack onto his broad shoulders as he slips your bank card back between his own. He rolls his eyes as Izuku now leads your little party to a group of cosplayers.
"They're us!" He shouts excitedly, fussing over the cosplayers.
"No shit, Deku." The real and fake Bakugou snarl in unison before the real one smiles cocky at the imitation. The fake glares at him, internally fangirling before adding harshly.
"The fuck you lookin at?" The real one cracks a smile as he steps closer, noting not only his assholeish attitude but the attention to detail of his suit.
"Heh." He cracks before crossing his arms, "I'll allow you to parade around as the best. But remember a copy is just a copy."
You go to repramand him but find yourself curiouser as the male fan blushes, fighting to keep his glare as if he was paid the best compliment. The two Izuku's gush politely to one another before you and your fake share photos of your cats.
*"Attention: The cosplay contest will be starting in building B in five minutes."*
"Fuck we're late!" Fake Bakugou exclaims grabbing the wrist of Tejina, "Come on babe."
Katsuki's eyes widen as he watches your and his own carbon copy rush toward the other building both blushing and yelling in excitement about meeting their heroes.
"Good luck!" You call out before they totally fade away. The three of you aimlessly wandering through the buildings. Buying things here and there, Izuku being the worst. Who has a large almigh book bag stuffed to the brim of items. You let your eyes rove over stations buying fan art here and there. Something of Azaiwa holding the fattest cat you've ever seen to even art of every day heroes you've interacted with solely for the purpose that their art makes them seem so normal.
Doing normal everyday things, the simplicity of attempting to capture their vulnerable sides you know they must posses but what you and the artist have never seen.
Izuku fangirls with another All Might collector Bakugou growls to no one in particular as he grows impatient with his rival. You quickly lose interest in the comversation and something catches. You squint unsure as to what the stand is selling until you actually see it causing you to burst out laughing.
Hard enough for tears to well in your eyes.
"I'm dying!" You exlaim, gasping for breath as Bakugou says what the fuck about four times.
"I'll show you." You wheeze grabbing onto his hand to guide him through the crowd. He feels stunned by your touch, his cheeks heat for some stupid fucking reason again as he looks at you. He's frustrated, irritated even but he is thankful that most of the fans believe you three to be cosplayers.
"This." You hold out the body pillow to him to show him a panting version of himself in a torn shirt and looking needy with heavily blushed cheeks. Large hand in hair while the other trails down his own abs.
"No." He says in horror as you can't help but bust out laughing again.
"Oh fuck I might just have to buy one. This Bakugou seems sweet." You can barely finish your sentence as you attempt to reach for his wallet to get your card but he takes a step back. Mortified before a malice laced smile pants his lips, you swallow thickly.
"Yea well this Y/N seems more submissive than the real one." He cocks an eyebrow as he produces an even more needy version of yourself with your hero suit unzipped to your pierced navel, the sides trying to fall away to reveal your breast. The expression they have of you is a few faces away from ahegao. You're panting, one hand behind your head while the other hovers over the space between your legs.
"Hmm must be accurate since they got the belly button ring." Scarlet eyes trail your torso and stop at the tiny bump that shows through indicating the truth about the pillow. You did have a belly button ring but you had to REALLY be looking to see it.
Your face burns as you stare at the pillow while his comment now haunts you, embarrassment rips up your throat.
"OOOOKAY!" You try to snatch the pillow but Bakugou takes delight in your discomfort as you did him. He plans to use this pillow to torture you further. It would be more than worth the embarrassment of owning it.
"I'll take this please." He states as he reaches for his wallet.
"Like hell!!" But he holds it high in his hands and you have to press against the pillow and Bakugou to attempt to reach it. You take in a sharp a breath to yell but it sticks in your throat as you smell something almost hypnotic.
Like deep spices and burnt sugar. You blink furiously as he side steps you to hand the vendor cash
"What about you little lady?" The older man asks in a gravely voice. Bakugou attempts to answer for him but snatch his wallet and spy your card quickly.
"Yes please." You pass him your card, fending off Bakugou as you wrap up your transaction.
"All yours." He offers you both a creepy smile as he lingers on you, "Enjoy."
You visibly shutter and you squeeze the Bakugou pillow closer to you before mirroring the real one's body language. He holds the pillow mockingly as if it were his date.
"Y/N I think we should move onto the next booth." He teases as he walks with pillow in hand and you match his stride never falling behind him.
It becomes quickly apparent that the two of you were venturing into the very NSFW 18+ section of the convention as the hero art become more and more lewd. Yourself, Momo, Midnight and many other heroines were lining the laws as banners. You all mostly undressed if not naked with stars or hearts over your goods.
"Is that her?" A vendor whispers and you catch his green eyes. He holds eye contact not daring to look away.
Bakugou's face sours harshly at the art works, the vendors comment going unnoticed by him and he turns to you. When he sees you looking down with that solemn expression on your face something causes his gut to twist.
"Oi." He nudges you, "Look."
He points out the most embarrassing thing there, himself. Full on ahegao face with the likes of Kirishima and even Deku.
It earns a small smile until you see yourself depicted on your own sheet next to the odd combinations of his own.
"We never speak of this part of the con again?" He asks placing his hand on the small of your back as his guides you and yalls pillows to the safer more PG rated version of the con.
You still feel those green eyes boring into your back but you don't want to let it bother you. You tell yourself its nothing.
"Why, you don't want people to know you actually make that face?" The jab is half hearted he can tell but he pretends to be flustered over it. You laugh when you see his angry face and how his lips curl over sharp teeth.
"I'm hungry let's gooooo!!!" You whine, this time pressing further towards the food court, "Text Izuku-kun we won't have much time to eat!"
"Yea they might run out of food too if you're eating." He teases pulling his phone from his pocket as you stick your tongue out at him, your nose honest to God guiding you towards food stands. But before Bakugou can finish his text a familiar voice rings out.
"Bakugou! Y/N!" Izuku sounds happy and deep as it nears closer before it changes an octave, "Oh my Kami! Do you know what's on the back of those?!
Izuku blushes furiously as a security guard stands impatiently next to him. The two of you blanche having never thought about the fact that most body pillows like this had two sides. You both flip yours at the same time and DIE laughing. Both of you depicted in lewd positions and faces. Clothes more torn than before almost revealing too much on either of you.
"Oh man this side is better." You wipe away a tear, "I'm bringing this to the interview."
"You will not!" Katsuki exclaims, his laughter dying quickly.
"Actually this nice gentleman was sent by Yami to pick up our things and take them to the room." Your eyes follow Izuku's hand to see it pointing to a little wagon. You set your pillow in there nicely as Bakugou come closer setting his own blackmail pillow and your book bag of items into the cart.
"Thank you!" The three of you bow as he grunts wheeling away towards the hotel.
You three walk past a few straggling booths before starting to get into the food area as you do so you spot a tumbler cup with a cute cat being held by Aizawa. Both the cat and Aizawa look bored, irritated at the viewer and MOOD in written in caps beneath.
"Suki my card!" You half shout digging into his right pocket with his wallet.
"Oi you need a purse." He growls but makes no move to stop you as you rush with your card away from them barely in sight.
"This please!" You say holding out the cup and placing it for them to ring up. They pass you back your card while they gently wrap the cup up in paper. As you wait the hairs on the back of your neck stand straight up just before you feel a hand ghost over the small of your back, hip and even cupping the cheek of your ass. You turn to see green eyes and suddenly you feel unsettled.
"Watch your fucking hands." You seethe with a shaking whisper of a voice as you quickly flee back to the boys.
"Where's the cup you needed so badly?" Bakugou asks angrily wondering why you're empty handed after making such a big fuss. You place the card into his open palm unable to look him in the eye right now.
You feel like a coward, you need just a moment to yourself so you can collect your composure and spot the bathroom.
"Oh let me use the bathroom right quick I'll be right back." You say as you cross the busy convention traffic to the restrooms. Thankfully few women are in there allowing you to take a moment to breathe. You splash your face a few times with cold water before watching it drip off of your reflection. You stare yourself in the eyes and purse your lips. Snatching paper towels to dry your face figuring you've been in there long enough. You toss them into the trash as you exit the restroom.
"Oh sor... " But the apology dies in your throat when you see the same green eyes again. You squeeze your hand shut to keep your power from flinging him into the opposite wall.
"Ah excuse me." You say tightly as the anger begins to seep back into your bones calling on your power. Your heart pounds as half moons begin to eclipse red in your palm. He does not move and he is close enough you can feel his stale cigarette breath fanning your face before you feel a light pressure on your stomach.
His fingers just barely brushing agaisnt your belly button ring, you watch his eyes gleam with ecstasy as he fingered the ring. You see red, about to explode before you're brought back to earth with a memory.
*"I'll fucking sue you for damages and ruin your career if you don't at least give me one of your worn, dirty suits. Look at me?! I'm bleeding and my arm is broken."*
*"Who will they believe?! An established man in this community or a recluse upcoming desperate heroine."*
You bite the inside of your lip until you taste copper. You swallow your pride, your anger and choke on them as you struggle to speak around the lump in your throat.
"People are expecting me. You have me confused." You manage to slip past him and fight the urge to run. That always makes it look worse to the crowd. As if you're guilty and it would do everything for the green eyed male. As that would give way to his instinct to chase.
Relief floods you when you spy Bakugou, you latch onto his bare muscled arm seemingly nonchalant all the while bitching about how hungry you are. His skin and agitated voice have never been more soothing.
He looks down at you and doesn't miss your odd behavior. Sure you've been touching him here and there but you've never held onto him like this. Maybe Deku, but never him.
And you may think that you are hiding it well and maybe you are to everyone else. But not him. He sees the soft, almost unnoticeable glow to your eyes that hints you have or want to use your powers. It's a telltale sign only he's picked up on from battles and one v ones with you. No one else can ever seem to notice and he doesn't miss you glancing over your shoulder as you would on a mission if you were bait or suspected being followed.
No...something was definitely wrong with you and the fact that you wouldn't even think to share it with him or hell at least Deku, had ire BURNING in his stomach and hands. He flexes his arm confirming that you're keeping your hand tense and squeezing into his bicep for reasons unknown but it was answer enough for him. He resists the urge to give your suspicion away by glancing over his shoulder although it may be for the best that he didnt. Because Bakugou knew that if he did whoever he found your eyes land on...well let's just say they wouldn't make it through the weekend.
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smutandfluffohmy · 4 years
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“Hey everyone!” You smiled into the camera wondering why you were doing this.
“Hi!” Felix smiled and waved at the camera.
“Hello guys.” Peter said at the camera. It felt weird being on the other side of the camera but the slow declining views your friends were getting snapped you out of it. “We’re being held here against our will.” Peter said as Felix rolled up his sleeves nodding his head, looking at the baking supplies on the table. 
“We’re going to make holiday cookies!” You beamed at the camera.
“I’m Jewish you don’t need me for this.” Peter said attempting to leave not wanting to be around Felix ‘I burn everything I make’ E-Boy.
“No I have Hanukkah cookie decorations!” You said as Felix dragged Peter back into frame.
“I’ll decorate the cookies!” Felix said leaning back into a back counter.
“No! You’ll make Christmas ones and Peter will make Hanukkah ones!” You said pushing Felix off the counter.
“What are you going to do?” Felix asks as he complied and looked at the ingredients in the table in front of him.
“I’ll eat them and read stuff while you bake.” You said and sit on top of the counter with your legs swinging beneath you. Sighing the boys look at the recipes in front of him and you open up a tab with a few fan fictions ready to read them.
“Okay this one is about PumpkinBat. Anddd from context clues I think it’s about Felix and I.” You said tugging your leg underneath you.
“Let me see.” Felix said leaning backwards to try and look at your phone. Showing him your phone screen he tried wiping off the egg that covered his hands to scroll through the page.
“Y/N it literally says who it’s about in the title.” Felix said poking the screen.
“Context clues my ass.” Peter laughed as he continued making his cookies.
“Language!” You said as you shooed Felix away and back to his cookies. Clearing your throat you started reading. “Okay let’s start! ‘Felix looked into Y/N eyes adoringly as the mornings first rays went through the window. He softly kissed her, wishing he could stay in this moment forever. Th-”
“First of all. I don’t know if you guys know this but the three of us live together and we see each other in the morning and Y/n has dried drool on her face every single morning.” Felix said poking flour covered fingers at the camera. Peter laughed loudly as he continued making his cookies.
“I do not! I look amazing in the morning!” You said laughing as the boys continued with their respected cookies. Timed passed and you finished reading the fic between Felix and you.
“This one is between Peter and I! Uu it’s a flower shop AU Io-” You started saying smiling at the camera.
“What’s our ship name?” Peter asked you as he stole some frosting to eat from Felix then promptly getting swatted at with a small spoon.
“Ermmm just Peter X Y/n.” You said looking at the tags trying to find any, Peter scrunched his nose. “You guys need to come up with a good ship name.” He said pointing at the camera with the spoon the was holding. Rolling your eyes you continued reading through the fic.
“And that is all!” You smiled tugging your leg underneath you waiting for the boys to say their goodbyes.
“Wait. You said you had one with the three of us.” Peter said confused speaking before he could think. “Yea you told us you kept getting tagged in one.” Felix said as he bit down on now of his burnt cookies.
“You don’t want to hear it trust me.” You said through laughter 
“Woooowww rude.”
“Trust me you don’t want to hear it.” You said again trying to avoid eye contact, feeling your face get red.
“I can’t believe the false advertisement.” Peter said with a coy smile leaning against the counter besides him. They kept poking at you to read it and when you refused they went to look for their phones.
You could hear doors opening and stuff being pushed down on to the floor ass they yelled from different parts of the house asking you to call their phones. After many pillows being thrown on the floor and grunting they finally decided to just take your phone.
“I can’t believe you lied to us like this.” Felix said reaching for your phone as you try to hide your phone under your leg.
“Fine fine whatever I’ll read it” You said throwing your hands up in defeat reaching for your phone and unlocking it trying your best to hide behind it. “I kept getting tagged in this one on twitter by Pumkinbat and ummm it’s about the three of us.”
“Living together?”
“Existing together?”
“No ummm it’s a smut about the three of us...” You said turning brighter red, when those words fell out of your mouth your two friends turned a light shade of pink. You read some of the sentences you had highlighted and by the end the three of you looked everywhere but at each other.
“Why would you read us that!” Felix said poking at his burnt Christmas tree shaped cookies.
“You could’ve read literally anything else.” Peter said meticulously putting on candy ornaments on his cookies.
“You guys forced me to! This was against my will” You said pointing at them with your phone. “It was borderline a hostage thing!” You said throwing a hand towel at Peter’s head, that missed him and hit him on his back. Awkward minutes melted away as the three of you started playfully bickering.
“Happy holidays!” The three of you yelled smiling into the camera as Peter tried playfully feeding you a dreidel cookie.
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Part 4: Dreidel & burnt Christmas cookies
Social media au: in which Peter & Felix are popular Internet personalities and you’re their behind the scene person. You have a crush on one of your friends and keeping the secret with fan accounts shipping you guys together isn’t making anything easier.
A/N: Happy Holidays! This one is a bit different but I hope you guys like it! (I just finished my semester so I’m just vining rn)
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emilyutonium · 4 years
Dads in Charge
A Preview of the first part of my short story! ;) It’s about the boys having to take care of all their superpowered children while their wives are on vacation. It can by read on Wattpad, Archiveofourown.org and fanfiction.net under the username 3mi1y02. Enjoy!
The green puff bounced on top of her uniformly colored suitcase, struggling to fit all of her clothes as her husband laughed, laying on the bed beside her. She glared playfully, "Don't laugh, fucker. Help me."
"Shouldn't this have been done days ago?" He questioned, lazily getting up to help push the dark-toned tops and bottoms into the case. "Plus don't you think they would fit if you, I don't know, actually folded them?"
Buttercup gave him a weird glance before muttering, "Ew, extra work." to which he gave a polite chuckle.
She pursed her lips, "And yes but we're not gonna let Leader girl know that or she'll have my head. Besides I forget things when I don't pack last minute and I would have an even bigger problem with my other sister if I forgot our matching Powerpuff swimsuits."
"Mmm, wifey in a bikini?" Butch shut his eyes dreamingly, opening them again in a manner that resembled a pleading dog. "Please make sure I can get a picture of that beautiful sight before anyone else can?"
"You wish." She chuckled, not exactly denying her husband of that pleasure herself but reminding him of her younger sister. "Bubbles will have taken enough selfies and posted them before I can say 'Wait lemme pick up my privacy first'. That girl takes blogging to a new level." Buttercup finally giving up trying to zip the suitcase up all the way before she broke it, opted to just tell Blossom that she needed a bigger suitcase.
"Shame. Just another reason why your amazing hubby should be coming with you." Butch sighed, pulling her by the waist to stand between his legs on the edge of the bed. "Y'know we'd have a lot of good old fashioned fun down there."
"The whole point of the trip is to be just with the girls, Butch." She teased, knowing full well she wouldn't mind bringing him with her to a relaxing private island. It could've been like their actual honeymoon.
"I know but you could stash me in your suitcase like a-"
"Butch, my suitcase can barely fit the few clothes I even wanna bring. What makes you think I could fit you too- Bear? Hold on a minute." The 25-year-old mother turned towards the open doorway, where their son stood frozen. His back turned away from his parents as he tried to sneak past.
The 5-year-old turned slowly, grinning wide and facing his mother, said, "Yes, momma?" in the sweetest most innocent voice he could muster.
"What do you have in your hand?" Buttercup challenged, assuming an authoritarian stance that she had learned from Blossom. Legs spread. Hands on hips. Face stern.
"Ooo, you in trouble now baby Bear." Butch snickered at his son from behind Buttercup to which she reminded herself to punch him for later.
"What? Nothing momma..." The little boy lied before seeing his mother's disbelief stricken face. "Just this knife." He pulled a small needle-pointed knife from behind him.
"What is your obsession with knives lately? Give it." He obeyed. "Now go play with regular kid things like a damn baseball or something."
"Yes momma..." He muttered, hanging his head.
"That's my boy!" Butch called after his son as the door to the room closed.
"Where'd he even get this?" Buttercup's voice rang through the wood as Bear walked down the hallway, concentrating his hands together before a small dagger formed in his hands. He smiled and ran down the steps passing his red-haired uncle and aunt in the kitchen.
"Bear! No playing with knives, we need them and you could break something!" Blossom hollered.
"Ok Auntie red!" He responded, not even attempting to pretend as if he would listen and Blossom sighed. She loved her little nieces and nephews, she really did, but cripes did they ever listen? It only worried her how the boys would survive with all 6 of them by themselves.
"Ugh anyway, The twin's blankets?"
"Check." Brick noted, allowing Bailey, his 3-month-old, to grab at his beard. His super strength hadn't kicked in yet so Brick didn't mind. But it was possible that he probably wouldn't ever mind.
"How about Bailey's pacifier?" She asked, attempting to pace around the kitchen island while her 4-year-old son Bernard held her leg, following her everywhere she went. "Oh Bern honey, Mommy's not going anywhere. You can go play." The little boy shook his head and his mother sighed in defeat. She couldn't imagine what he'd do when she actually did have to leave for this vacation.
"He's got it right here." Brick said holding the baby out in front of him for his wife to see the cherry tinted pacifier between his lips. She smiled as Bailey giggled seeing his mother and kissed his forehead.
"Ok...packs of diapers?" Blossom quizzed, looking over the list in her hand.
"How many? BC told me little Butterfly still hasn't gotten a hand of potty training so you'd need extras just in case." Blossom pointed out. "I'd hate to be all the way in Bora Bora when you all run out of diapers and face an accident of some sort-"
"Which is why I had Boomer go out and get 4 more packs. Something I can get him to do again if we do run out." Brick countered, knowing how anxious and worried his wife could get and was getting.
"Great, but what about-"
"Bloss, we'll be fine I promise you. We're all adults, parents even. 3 grown adults in charge while you three are gone. you don't have anything to be worried about, seriously." Brick reasoned, admiring Bailey as he attempted to eat his old man's sausage fingers.
"Yea but with 6 kids Brick? And you know Butch and Boomer can sometimes slip into man-children every now and then. I don't want you to have to be in charge of all 8 of them!"
"Ok, You got me there, babe. Last week I walked in on Boomer laying on Bubbles like he was her second child. Didn't even know where poor Bambi was." The red-eyed ruff cackled lazily. "But still, I'm here to keep them in check. I mean I've been doing it for what? 25 years now? You know I can handle it. Don't worry."
"I know, I just..." She trailed off, pulling Bailey's curls away from his chubby face. "I don't want anything to go wrong while I'm not- I mean.." She stopped looking down at Bern, who was watching her closely with his thumb firmly in his mouth. "I mean while I'm here cause I won't be going anywhere."
Brick rolled his crimson eyes as Boomer walked into the large kitchen, opening up the fridge for an off brand soda, "Hey little buddy, why don't you go watch some tv with your cousins in the playroom? Bambi told me Frozen 2 is really good, maybe even better than the first movie." The little boy shook his head silently, holding on to Blossom's pant leg tightly.
"Aw, why not? It'll be fun besides you can't stick by your mom forever."
"Nooo, mommy nah going anywhere." Bern spoke softly but firmly as if he knew for certain his mother would actually stay by him forever. Poor boy.
"It's ok Boom, we stopped trying." Brick sighed, Bailey now taking a liking to the tattoos that lined his skin.
"Well, it's gonna be really hard for us to calm him down after you lea- OW!" He yelped and rubbed an already fading burn mark on his arm. "I mean...right. You're not leaving to go anywhere. I don't know what I was thinking."
Blossom rolled her eyes, "C'mon Bern honey let's go recount the boxes of snacks that Brielle isn't allowed to eat." She strolled out of the kitchen and towards the garage, Bern holding her hand tightly as they passed his blue-eyed Aunt.
"Why hello, Bernie." He waved bashfully. "Bloss, do you have all your bags ready? I caught Buttercup upstairs trying to finish packing."
"Of course she was but yes, they're in the car. Ready as soon as I can find a way to get away from this one." She whispered the last part at a decimal that only Bubbles could hear and she nodded.
"Ah, gotcha. Well, good luck!" She giggled, lightly floating into the kitchen area.
"Thanks, I'll need it."
"Hello boys, are you two ready to take on all the kids at once?" Bubbles grinned excitedly, no doubt the whole idea of this trip had been her planning.
"Of course we are suger. We're all experienced caretakers with wonderful daddy skills. I mean look at Daddy red over there with his 3rd child. He's practically a baby expert." Boomer boasted, jabbing his thumb towards Brick who was starting to pick up a not so pleasant smell from his son.
"We'll be fine, childproofed the whole house and got all the rooms basically set up. Now if you'll excuse me, this baby expert needs to change this one's diaper before it spills out onto his arm." Daddy red stood up, holding Bailey's bottom away from his canine nose as he flew upstairs.
"I just can't wait to get there, I've never been to Bora bora y' know?" The blonde sighed, setting herself onto the counter next to Boomer as she daydreamed.
"You have no idea how jealous I am of you right now angel. A relaxing island getaway sounds like so much more fun than taking care of 6 children with my brothers."
"Aw don't worry Boomie. I'm sure you all will have lots of fun. In fact, I think I'm the jealous one here."
"You? How? You'll be soaking up the sun with a tall drink and a handsome waiter named Alejandro serving your every need." He joked with a hint of jealousy in his tone towards the handsome make-believe waiter.
"But I'll be away from you. And Bambi." Bubbles added, shifting her gaze to the living room, where the TV was blasting while no one watched. "I mean she's only a year old I'm allowed to feel a little separation anxiety right? Like I feel like I always miss her even when I'm in the same area as her."
"Angel, you're allowed to feel any way you want. And I get you. I guess you're right. I'd hate to be away from not only you but Lady adorable as well. But that's the point of the whole trip, isn't it? To get away from everything?"
The blue puff nodded, thinking to herself, "Well before I do that then, I think I need one more hug or else the sadness of being away from her will be too much to bear."
"I'm sure that must be some kind of motherly bond type thing, no?"
"Probably. I just hope she isn't too upset when I'm gone. I read online that babies have no concept of time so when they see that their mother or father isn't around they don't know if they are coming back. Do you think Bambi would believe that? That I wouldn't be coming back for her? Oh Boomie, I don't want her to believe that I would ever leave her." Boomer saw that her eyes were starting to tear up and hoped that she, like Bern, wouldn't cry when the time came for the girls to leave.
"Angel- Bubbles of course not-" He tried to wrap his arms around her before she jumped down from the counter, determination glinted in her eyes. Or maybe that was the tears, Boomer couldn't tell anymore.
"Where is she?"
"Wheres's Bambi? I need to spend as much time as possible with her and make her understand that her mother isn't going to abandon her."
"Uh um I think she's in the playroom?" Boomer muttered, realizing it had been a while since he'd actually seen his child.
Bubbles' blue eyes abruptly flickered from determination to fear. "What do you mean you think she's in the playroom?"
"I mean the last time I checked on her, she was in there chewing on one of Brielle's toys."
"Oh Blossom, bless her heart, she tries but we have no idea where Brielle could've been with those things! Bambi! Honey! I'm coming for you! Your mothers coming baby!" She took off towards the steps, Boomer barely being able to follow as he dodged an angry 3-year-old.
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starting-now · 4 years
Three’s A Crowd (Barry x Reader x Sally)
This is a Christmas present for the AMAZING @fangirl-imagines​! Thank you for being so supportive, kind, and wonderful, and for always being willing to rant about Bill Hader with me. You’re a great friend and I hope you enjoy the fic! Merry Christmas!💕
(gif by @deadlightcircus​)
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Word Count: 2033
Warnings: none
You stood up on your tiptoes, reaching as far as you could to hang the last shimmering ornament on the perfect branch. You pulled your hand back and broke out into a wide grin at the perfection that was you Christmas tree. Took you long enough as it was already Christmas Eve.
“How’s it look? Finally perfect?” Sally asked, walking in from the kitchen, nervously wringing her hands. You could tell she was nervous about her performance in a few hours. You knew she’d do amazing; she always does.
“Finally perfect! Where’s Barry? He has to plug it in!” you said dramatically, strolling over to Sally and giving her a peck on the cheek. You heard Barry chuckle at your excitement as he entered the room. He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you and Sally, resting his chin on top of your head.
“Why me?” he asked jokingly.
“Because it’s tradition!” you asserted with a smile.
“Can something really be a tradition if we’ve never done it before?” Sally questioned, but you just intertwined your fingers with hers and chuckled at her comment.
Barry crouched and grabbed the plug that snaked off the base of the tree. He looked up at you and Sally expectantly.
“Now it is.” he said as he plugged it into the socket on the wall.
The lit up tree took your breath away. The soft white lights shimmered off your ornaments and beads perfectly, sending glimmers of red and green across the evergreen leaves. It turned out just the way you wanted, filling the whole apartment with a sense of holiday cheer, and pulling together all the other Christmas decor perfectly. You smiled and Sally squeezed your hand, turning your attention towards her. The anxiety had melted off her face for a moment as she revelled in your happiness. Barry stood back and shoved his hands in his pockets before you pulled him over to you and linked your arm in his.
“It looks amazing, babe.” Sally said, her soft pink lips pulled into a sweet smile,her eyes still fixed on you. Barry nodded in agreement.
“Thank you! Are you guys ready for the performance?” you asked excitedly. You had seen Barry and Sally act before, but you were the most excited about this production. You loved watching them perform and you LOVED Christmas, so seeing your two favorite people performing A Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve was basically a dream come true. Barry looked at Sally and nodded hesitantly only after seeing that she had nodded.
“You guys are gonna do great.You should probably get going though right? I’ll see you there.” you assured, stealing a kiss from each of them as they grabbed their bags and headed out the door.
Eventually, it was time for you to leave for Sally and Barry’s performance. You drove to the theater and got out of your car, adjusting your Christmas sweater and heading into the theater from the brisk LA night.
The lobby was decorated with wreaths and lights, no doubt Natalie’s personal touch as stage manager. You paid for your ticket and made your way into the theater. The stage was set like Scrooge’s office, and you smiled in excitement as you took your seat. You flipped through the program, reading about the production and shoving it into your bag to save.
The lights went down and to your delight, Sally was the first one to walk on stage. She was dressed in a particularly fetching suit type costume, complete with a top hat. She was portraying Charles Dickens, the narrator of the tale. You couldn’t take your eyes off of her as she walked across the stage, setting the scene for the story.
You thoroughly enjoyed the performance, but spent most of the time waiting for Sally as the narrator or Barry as Bob Cratchit.  They both did just as amazing as you predicted. Sally was incredibly talented and kept the audience engaged even when Nick’s Ghost of Christmas Present went storming off the stage after flubbing his last line. And you could tell how much Barry had improved. You couldn’t help but mouth alone to his lines as you remembered practicing with him. You could still tell he was nervous, but he was more confident and put some real emotion into his lines.
Soon enough, the show was over and the cast came out on stage to take their bows. You and the rest of the audience stood up and clapped. You put a hand over your mouth and cheered loudly, catching Barry and Sally’s attention earning a wide smile from them both. The lights lit them up wonderfully, especially their smiled which you loved so much. You took a mental snapshot of them up there and made an effort to remember it.
Gene walked out on stage as the applause died down, and even he was in a cheerier mood than usual.
“Hello everyone. I hope you enjoyed our production of Gene Cousineau’s ‘A Christmas Carol’. Please have a lovely holiday and remember, we have our limited edition Holiday Cousineau for sale in the lobby. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.” he said dramatically. You giggled to yourself. Sometimes Barry and Sally’s stories made you doubt Gene’s existence but then here he was in front of you, just as eccentric and strange as they described.
The audience began filtering out as you waited patiently for Sally and Barry. When you saw them come out from behind the curtain you jumped from your seat and walked towards them, enveloping Barry and then Sally in a tight hug.
“Amazing show you guys! I’m so proud of you.” you said. Sally thanked you while Barry blushed, smiling and shoving his hands into his pockets.
You pulled two bouquets out of your bag, one of pink roses and one of baby’s breath. The pink roses went to Sally, her favorite flower in her favorite color, and she took them from you with a kind smile, pressing the sweet petals to her nose. The baby’s breath went the Barry. He hadn’t told you his favorite flower but you’d caught him admiring these in the store one day. He blushed and glanced up at you and back at the flowers before he grasped them shyly, mumbling a quiet thank you.
“So Natalie is throwing a cast party if you wanna come with us? We were really just gonna stop by I mean it’s totally fine if you don’t so don’t feel like you have to-“ Sally started but you interrupted her.
“I’d love to come! Natalie always throws good parties.” you said and she stopped her rambling, smiling warmly. You intertwined your fingers with both of theirs and left the theater to head towards Natalie’s.
When you arrived, you grabbed two presents out of your trunk and headed towards the brightly lit house. Natalies decorations almost gave yours a run for their money. Almost.
You were inside fixing yourself a drink and chatting with Sasha when you felt two slender arms snake around your waist.
“I forgot to tell you at the theater you look adorable tonight.” Sally said, earning a smile from you.  You leaned back enough to peck her on the cheek before spinning around and handing her a drink.
“Same to you, Mr. Dickens.” you joked, causing Sally to roll her eyes playfully as she took a sip from her cup.
“Where’s Barry?” you asked and Sally pointed across the room where Barry was hanging up his coat. You caught his eye and he gave you an awkward but happy wave as he crossed the room towards you. He was wearing a knit sweater that he must have put on in the car, as you didnt remember seeing it earlier. It was white and blue with red detailing and it really brought out his eyes. You met him halfway and wrapped him in a tight hug, pressing your cheek into the soft fabric.
“Hey, (Y/N)! Uh, long time no see?” he joked and you giggled in response.
“I love the sweater!” you commented, pulling back from the hug rubbing your hand up his sleeve.
“Oh, thanks! The guys in the Christmas movies you like are always wearing sweaters like this so I was kind of...inspired.” he admitted, fidgeting with the hem of it as he spoke.
You practically had heart eyes at that sentence. You couldn’t even bring yourself to say anything as you  leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips. He was surprised at first but quickly melted into your touch, bringing his hand up to cup your cheek. When you broke apart you couldn’t help but smile.
“You are the most adorable person in the world.” you said, making Barry blush furiously.
“Did someone call me?” Sally joked, coming up from behind you and wrapping an arm around your waist.
“No but now that you’re both here I actually have something for you! Maybe we could get a little privacy?” you suggested, gesturing towards the dining room where there weren’t any guests currently.
They followed you in, the sound of Christmas music and chatter from the next room dampened by the distance and walls of the dining room. You dug through your bag and pulled out two small boxes, handing one to Barry and one to Sally.
“Oh, um I thought we were doing gifts tomorrow?” Barry asked, hesitantly taking the box from your hands.
“Yea, I didn’t bring any of yours.” Sally said, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.  
“No don’t worry about it! Another ‘tradition’ is that we open one present on Christmas Eve, and I’ve been dying to give these to you anyway.” you assured, nodding at them in encouragement to open the gift.
Sally opened hers methodically, starting at the seam and slowly unfolding the paper. Barry on the other hand ripped at whatever corner was easiest, a satisfied smile gracing his face at the ripping noise it made. They both opened their boxes and Sally put a hand over her mouth.
Inside was a thin leather bracelet, a light tan for Sally, and a deep brown for Barry. They were engraved with all three of your initials, and on the inner band it said  ‘Two is company, three is a crowd. Here’s to being a crowd.’ It was an old inside joke from when the three of you first got together, but it seemed to mean so much more now.
Sally looked up at you with a surprised smile. You held up you arm in response, which was graced with a matching bracelet in a medium brown leather. She closed the distance between you, hugging you and pressing a sweet kiss to your lips.
“Thank you so much. I love it.” she said, punctuated by another kiss.
You glanced over at Barry, who was still staring into the box. You furrowed you brow.
“Barry? Is everything okay? Do you like it?” you asked, concern lacing your voice. You ducked your head to catch his eye and he looked up at you.
“...Like it? It’s...it’s rad.” he said, his voice breaking slightly but a smile spreading across his face.
You rushed to his side, wrapping your arms around him. He held you tightly, then leaned back, his hands resting on your arms.
“I’ve just...I’ve never had...I mean, this…” he fumbled, not being able to find the right words and settling on pulling you into his arms again instead. You laughed breathlessly and held him tight, pressing a kiss to his lips when he finally moved back slightly.
You held your hand out and Barry placed the bracelet  in your palm, holding out his wrist. You fastened the bracelet and turned towards Sally to do the same.
“I love you both so much. Merry Christmas.” you said.
“We love you too.”  Barry said, intertwining his fingers with yours.
“We sure do. Merry Christmas.” Sally chimed in, doing the same with your other hand.
So your little crowd headed back into the party.
And you all wondered what you did to deserve each other.
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onepdumpsterfire · 4 years
Disclaimer: These stories are based ‘loosely’ on the game Obey me shall we date. The major stuff will be the same, but here and there the story will be changed or embellished. It is just an AU and I do not own the game the characters, from both One Piece or Obey Me, nor do I own One Piece in general. It would be cool though…
Warning: The characters will mostly be ooc and for the most part will not have the same background as in the anime/manga. The reader’s age will be above consent; the exact number is up to you.
Sanji’s Pact
Various Characters X Reader
You were lying awake in bed. Sanji had gone to sleep first saying that it was bad for the skin to stay up late. He advised you to do the same, but being in a strange place made you uneasy and unable to sleep. You texted Kid to see if he was still up. He was already used to the late nights when he was invested in another project of his. Back and forth you went, talking about nothing in particular. Until Ace spoke up from his side of the room. “If you’re gonna stay up at least put your phone on silent.”
“Sorry, Ace. Didn’t mean to disturb you” He hummed in approval as he got out of bed and got into yours. “I can’t sleep either anyway. Who’re you texting?” A brazen move on his part. He had you flustered in bed. Embarrassed by the closeness he was presenting. “K-kid.” He made a small sound going back to his bed to retrieve his phone.
ACE: heard you were up. Can’t sleep?
Kid: yea, nothing new
ACE: wanna play a prank on sabo?
KID: hell yea
Y/N: but what would we do?
KID: let’s get a picture of his sleeping face. I bet that could go for a lot of money
ACE: we’ve tried before, but he always catches us.
Y/N: you did?
ACE: yea b4 with Sanji. He wanted a picture because none of us. or well anyone has seen him asleep before
Y/N: that’s hard to believe
KID: it’s true. Last time we tried he hung us upside down for a whole week!
ACE: but this time he won’t expect it because of the retreat…
ACE: I’m in. Wby Y/N?
Y/N: sounds like a bad idea
Y/N: I’m in 👍
KID: great let’s meet by his room in 10
ACE: 👌
Y/N: K
You and Ace left the room as quietly as you could, and made your way to where Sabo’s room should be. Luckily this area of the palace was one of the first you toured before getting deeper into the historical parts of this place. Before you were sucked into the labyrinth.
“What took so long? I said ten minutes.” Kid crossed his arm. He can be impatient at times. “Sorry. We were trying not to wake Sanji, but he kept moving in his sleep.” you both walked up to Kid ready to put your necks on the line. If Sabo found out about what you were doing he’d have a fit. “Let’s just go in,” said Ace from behind you, “be quiet.” He reached for the knob, turning it slowly then pushing on the door. It looked so meticulous it was almost laughable. All three of you stepped into the dark room, closing the door behind you. You could have thought you all went blind if it wasn’t for the frail light the weak moon gave off. It didn’t show anything in the room, it was just a pale glow in the dark of the ink surrounding it. “Where’s the bed? How are we gonna get the picture if there’s no light?” Kid whispered to you. Like hell you know. You were just wondering the same thing. “Kid, stop breathing down my neck.” Ace shoved you to the side to get away from the other male. “I’m not.” There was another hot gust of wind that passed between the three of you. There was no way it was Kid this time. There was something big behind you. Its eyes glowed red, much higher than you thought this room could hold. It must be bigger than the ones they lent you guys for the night. It menacing stare followed every move you made. He could see you in the swallowing darkness of the room. This wasn’t good. You had to get out. “GO BACK!” Ace shouted, racing to the door himself.
“What was that?” you blinked letting your eyes adjust to your new sight. “I think it was Chopper, Sabo’s pet and one of the monsters that guard the nine circles.”
“What was he doing in there?”
“Like I would know.”
“Where are we…?” The walls were familiar… Were you back in the labyrinth? “Sabo must have charmed the door, we’re underground again.” There was a rustling from behind you. “Does that mean we’re back with…Nola…” Already knowing what was behind you, all three of you ran. You needed to buy yourself time to think of a plan. What can you do? Nami! She lent you some of her power. “Stop! I know what to do. Nami lent me some of her power earlier, I can summon the one she has a pact with. Sanji will charm the snake and we’ll get out.” turning the corner you let the serpent rush by in a close call. You had little time to call on the demon before Nola circled around you and killed all of you. “Sanji, come to me….please.”
“Real convincing.”
“You try summoning someone when you never had powers in your life.”
“Don’t you remember how Nami did it.”
“He was already with us then!”
In a burst of smoke, he appeared. Stopping Ace and you from continuing to argue. “Who summons me this late at night? You better have a good excuse- Oh hello, sweet-cheeks. I thought you were my master. How’d you summ-”
“No time! Charm the snake!” You needed to say the spell Nami had chanted before to create a link between the both of you, but you didn’t think you would need it so you didn’t bother to remember it. “I don’t know the spell Nami used, just transform!” You yelled at Sanji, hoping that by some miracle you could actually get it to work. “Do you actually think th-” A burst of power interrupted Ace’s rant. It had a more overpowering feeling to it. The power you pulled of him was stronger than what Nami was able to take out. Sanji moaned, reveling in the power you gave him. He hasn’t felt so much power in such a long time. “Baby doll, we’re having fun after this,” Sanji stated before flying off to find the serpent’s head. “Like hell you are.” Kid pulled you into himself, not wanting Sanji to get his grubby hands on you. “Protective of your master, are we?” Ace’s teasing tone set off Kid. Yelling that it was nothing like that and that he would never have feelings for a weak human, much less one who held a pact with him. Has he had bad encounters with other people that have pacts with him?
Sanji came back, Nola following close by. He scooped you up, giving you a ride tot he top of Nola. “Come on, we don’t have all night!” Kid was furious. How dare he touch you. It was just the pact he had with you that made him act this way. He wasn’t jealous nor did he care for how you seemed to blush when Sanji placed you between his legs to ‘make sure you didn’t fall off’. Kid was just cranky because his plan didn’t go as planned and he couldn’t make bank on a picture of his brother sleeping. That’s all!
Back in your room, Kid refused to leave. He wasn’t gonna leave you alone with that guy! He was already giving you bedroom eyes! “Y/n look into my eyes.” He ordered and you obliged. Why would you do that, you dumb-ass. “Y/N, don’t!”
Nothing happened… Was something supposed to happen? “That’s strange. Once you looked into my eyes you should have fallen under my spell. “ Sanji scooted closer in your bed, Lips barely touching your ear, “All mine. Let’s try again.” Was that really his plan? “Get off my bed. Let me sleep.” Ace threw a pillow at you two from his bed. “Shut up I’m trying to sleep. I was chased by a snake twice today!”
“Newsflash, everyone did.” Kid crawled onto your bed from the other side, effectively trapping you from each side. “I’m not leaving if you’re gonna be staying in the same room as him.” Sanji awed at his brother’s cuteness, “I wanted our first time to be by ourselves, but how can I resist such an adorable display!” Sanji cooed at Kid while a blush blossomed on his face, “Shut up! We’re not doing anything like that!”
“Maybe not, but I do want something to come out of tonight,” He gently grabbed your face, turning you to look at him. His hands were warm on your skin, fitting so nicely on the curve of your jaw. Eyes locking with yours, complete seriousness befalling his lustrous gaze. It was intimate. “I want you to make a pact with me.” 
“O-okay…” Sanji chuckled at your tongue-tied speech. Who could blame you, though. You hadn’t expected this. You’d jumped through botched hoops to make pacts with the other brothers. Most of the time it wasn’t the best circumstances that made them want to do it either. You’d plundered in their affairs and reaped more than you’ve sowed. for him to just asked you, it was miraculous. “I-i don’t know what to say. T-thank you.”
Kid huffed at your keenness to make the pact. Wrapping a protective arm around your waist he pulled you down to lay next to him. He didn’t like that you kept making pacts with his brothers, but he couldn’t stop you. He wasn’t your - well anything, other than a demon you made a pact with. It was common for witches to have many pacts with different demons, though it bothered him nonetheless. Probably just as much as having Sanji settled down with the both of you, burying his head underneath your chin. It’ll be a long night, at least for him. He had to keep Sanji’s grubby hands off of you after all.
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akemiozawa · 4 years
Big Sister
This’ll be a 3 part story, and of course inspired by @sintheyokai and her scenario of Vil’s niece, Ebony.
Trina, you have a call!
Trina snatches her phone off her desk and held it to her ear, while tugging on her other boot.
“Trina here!” She chirped.
“Hi Trina!” A bright voice sounded.
The brunette’s eyes widened. “Aunt Momokase?!”
“Yes! How’re you doing?”
The girl stood, awestruck, before stammering out,
“I-I’m fine. And you?” She tucked some hair behind her ear.
“Well...” Momo sighed before continuing, “I’m in a bit of a pickle right now. I’ve got a giant sushi order that needs to be taken care of for a cocktail party this weekend. And my usual babysitter got sick with the flu. So...would it be too much to ask of you to watch the kids for me this weekend?”
Trina’s surprise grew, then her lips set into a smile.
“No! It’s no trouble at all!” And she wasn’t lying. She loved her little cousins more than anything!
“Oh, thanks so much!” Her aunt was relieved.
“So, when would be a good day to start watching them?”
“Uh...about that, I’m actually waiting in the main hall with the Headmaster at this moment....”
And cue the sound of a record scratching.
“Oh...” Trina trailed off, completely caught off guard. She whipped her head to the clock on her desk. It wasn’t that late for a Friday afternoon. All her classes were finished and she had plenty of time before the dinner bell.
“Hold on, Mo! I’ll be right there!” She declared and clicked off her phone before her aunt could respond.
Ortho knocked on the dark blue door, and stepped back waiting for an answer. Not five seconds have passed before Trina’s face appears in the open doorway.
“Oh, hey, Ortho!” She smiled.
“Hi Trina! I just got a notice from the Headmaster, he needs to see you!” The younger Shroud brother informed.
“Don’t worry, I’m on my way!” She smirked and ran through the dark halls, not looking back.
By the time she got to the front doors, she had a light row of sweat along her forehead. But through her ragged breathing, she could clearly see her aunt speaking with Crowley with two small bodies clutching close to her legs.
“Auntie!” She waved and sped over.
The young woman with medium-long black hair with blue highlights and green eyes, with a delicate face turned towards her voice and smiled. But as she opened her mouth to speak, the two smaller bodies ran in the opposite direction towards Trina, simultaneously crying,
“Big Sis!!!”
Trina knelt down just in time as the two children were enveloped in her arms. She cradled them close to her as she smiled gently.
She drew back to look at the two.
“Hello Breelyn! Hi Brayden!”
The two in question looked up at her: one had bright green eyes, matching Aunt Mo’s, and mid-back length brown hair in gently curled waves. The other had electric blue eyes, mirroring Trina’s, and noticeable combed down black hair. But both had matching beige skin and wide smiles.
“We missed you!” The blue-eyed boy exclaimed.
“When will you come home?” The brunette girl whined.
Trina smiles with sympathy, “I’m sorry, little ones. I’ve still time here until I can come back. But I promise, I’d never forget you two!” She lightly pinched their cheeks before hugging them again.
Aunt Mo, who was watching the heartfelt exchange with a smile, laughs delicately. “It’s so good to see you, Trinity.”
“Hi, Aunt Mo.” She smiled back. After Trina left for Night Raven, her aunt called her to congratulate her on the news. Even before NRC, Momokase was the only person Trina had trusted with everything. Well, most things. After being accepted, they maintained contact with each other despite the borders of Night Raven.
“While you were on your way, I was speaking with the Headmaster. I’ve told him how Bree and Brad looked up to you and wanted to follow in your footsteps.”
“Yes, if these two are extraordinary as you claim, Ms. Mikazuchi, I’d be glad to take them in when they’re of age.” Headmaster Crowley stood on Mo’s right, smiling in agreement.
Trina knew the whole story: Mo’s husband, Trina’s uncle, got called in for a job halfway across the country a year and a half ago, and wouldn’t be back for quite a while. But video called the family when he had the chance. During this time, Trina decide to step in her uncle’s place and help Mo around the house. It was a hassle: juggling her academics and houselife, against her father’s wishes, but Trina loved her aunt. During the time spent, Trina became a regular face around Mo’s house, the twins made it a regular habit to call her “Big Sister” due to their attachment towards her as an older figure they’ll never have. They loved watching her build gadgets from their age, and still do. After learning about Trina’s new abilities during a get together, it was around the time as well when they, too, developed their own magical attributes. While Bree was growing in Ambient Energy Manipulation and Force Field Generation, Brad had a knack for Quantum Artillery and Digital Weaponry. Both of which had amazed Mo and Trina.
“I’d bet they’d be wonderful!” Trina giggled. After getting back up, with the twins now glued to her, Mo handed her two kid sized suitcases.
“Okay, I’ve packed them some extra clothes, bathroom appliances and a first aid kit, books and things if they ever get bored, snacks, drinks, and some little things they’ve been working on.” Trina nodded in understandment.
“Bye you two!” She cradled the two children in her arms, giving them raspberries as they giggled. “Take care of each other and Trina!”
“Yes, mom.” They said in sync. After another exchanged goodbye, aunt Mo was jogging out the door, while the two twins cling to Trina’s outstretched hands as the three walked back to Ignihyde.
It was around 6:30 in the evening when it was time to eat. In the common room, which was fairly empty, save for a few students dotted here and there, Trina heated up the twin’s favorite food: Noodle burgers, and popped in a DVD of Big Chibi 6 cartoons for the twins to watch on the big tv. Meanwhile, Trina sat at the couch while fidgeting with her a few of her Scan Jammers, which had busted a few weeks back. That was the last time she’d let the Diasomnia first years use them. Just as she put her nose pliers down,
“Sis! We’re done!” Bree sounded. Trina looked up to see the twins with their plates and cups empty on the coffee table’s end.
“Okay, go ahead and put the dishes away, wash up and we’ll get started on our video games!” Trina instructed. Silently nodding, the two grabbed them and ran off to the small kitchen.
As Trina gathered her tools, she felt someone watching her. Smiling, she turned to see Idia walking into the common room.
“Oh! Uh...hello, Trina...” the dorm leader waved anxiously, a small smile present.
“Hey, Idia. Another leader meeting?” She walked over to him.
“Y-Yea.” He answered shortly. “Wh-what are you doing out here? You’re...normally in your room at this time...”
Before Trina could answer,
And cue the twins running in and koala-hugging his long-ass legs while he gasps in surprise, while trying not to fall on his back.
He looks up at Trina in confusion, who mouths to him “That’s why” as her answer. Smiling, she says, “Okay, you two. Give him some room before he passes out.” And like nice, the two scurry to their Sister.
The third year looks in confusion at the Trio. “Idia, say hello to Brayden-” the boy at her left waves. “-and Breelyn.” The girl at her right smiles sweetly. “They’re my aunt Mo’s kids. I’m watching ‘em for the weekend. Bree, Brad, Idia Shroud. He’s in charge of Ignihyde. And he and his little brother, Ortho, are close friends of mine.” At the mention of his brother’s name, Ortho comes walking in.
“Oh! Hi Big Brother! Hi Trina! And hey Bree; Brad!” The lil bot waves. The twins wave back with equal enthusiasm.
“They...th-hey know m-me?” Idia stuttered one disbelief. Trina nods.
“After I moved into Night Raven, I’ve talked with my aunt and told her about you and the others. And let’s just say, you, and the other leads, got some pretty big fans.” At that, the twins scurried to Idia and started spewing one question after another. They were talking too fast for the third year to keep up.
“What kind of things did you invent?”
“Do you really use the River of Styx as your personal swimming pool?”
“How mad do you have to be for your hair to turn red?!”
“I heard some students in Octavinelle use your head as a barbecue grill, and for roasting marshmallows!”
Trina tried to hide her grin behind her hand, as did Ortho, but Idia looked close to fainting at that question.
“Okay, you two! That’s enough!” Trina laughed. She motioned for Ortho to take Idia to his room. The younger Shroud nodded and gently took his brother’s hand.
“Cmon, big brother! Let’s get you settled from the meeting.” In a daze, Idia didn’t bother responding and followed silently.
As soon as the two were out of sight, Trina smirked at the kids down at her.
“Who’s up for some Mario Kart?”
The headcanons belong to @twistedwonderlandimagines and a brief cameo of @oiseaunoir11 b/c Idia and Al are so cute! pt. 2 is coming soon.
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Sleep Trauma
Ship: Stenbrough TW: Sleep DIsorder, Panic Attacks Summary: Bill has trouble sleeping after IT happened and during a sleepover, the losers find out and the only thing that helps him sleep is cuddling with Stan
Bill hadn't slept in weeks after IT happened. It wasn't even because he shot his brother in the head or because he almost died. It was all because Stan almost died because of him. He couldn't sleep at night thinking that his best friend and crush had almost died. His dreams got worse every night. It started with just hearing him yelling in pain but then it turned into watching it all over again. Now it was watching him die and scream in pain well screeching "YOU KILLED ME YOU BASTARD!"
Not wanting to deal with it he didn't sleep. He stayed up drawing and writing. But the dreams didn't stay away for his drawings soon became the same as what he saw. Though he tried to hide how tired he was it didn't go past Eddie and Mike. "Bro you look like a zombie," Mike said one day. "D-didn't get good s-sleep.," he said. "Well, I'm inviting y'all to my house tonight!" Mike said. "Yea I-I'll go. N-nothing to do anyway." Bill said. Everyone else agreed and set up the time to be at the farm.
That night Bill brought a flashlight but Mike's grandfather told him to go to bed. Scared of what he would dream he looked over to the sleeping Stan who slept peacefully and reminded himself that he was alright. Closing his eyes he let sleep wash over him. Tossing and turning the familiar laugh of that godforsaken clown came in the dark only then to show Stan on the floor struggling to get away from the thing that ate at his face. Slowly moving away from the boy Stan sat up looking at Bill, his eyes gone a cursed unnatural smile on his face as he slowly walked over to Bill.
"I didn't want to come, Bill. But now that I did are you happy? Is this what you wanted?! You wanted me to die and you KILLED ME! YOU HAPPY BILLY BOY?! YOU BASTARD!" He yelled shaking, blood dripping from his mouth. Bill wanted to move but he couldn't he could feel his body go stiff. This had never happened before? Why was he no longer in the sewer? Why could he see all the losers sleeping but then also hear the screaming Stan who yelled at him? His breathing going faster he wanted to scream but his throat closed and he couldn't move any part of his body. Tears falling down his face Stan slowly stalked towards him. "Wanna know how it feels? I'll show you!" He screamed reaching for Bill who then was shook awake by Richie all the losers sitting around him looking concerned. "Wh-what? S-Stan I-I! D-dead!" He tried to form the words but couldn't.
"Bill calm down Stans fine he's right here," Beverly said. Stan inched over to Bill and put an arm around the shaking boy who flinched away. Stan hesitated to come close but slowly reached out and stroked Bills shoulder. Bill slowly crawled closer to the touch and was now in Stan's arms. "It's alright Bill. I promise I'll stay right here by you," he whispered sending chills down the smaller boys back.
That night Bill slept peacefully for once and when he woke up he was cuddled up to a smiling Stan who was still sleeping. "Morning Billy," he mumbled bringing his hand to his hair and running it through the messy brown locks. Bill blushed and hid his face in Stan's chest. "M-morning Stan." he stumbled. "Welp time to get to work you guys can stay if you want," Mike said getting a nod from everyone in the room.
~two weeks later school~
Bill had trouble sleeping again. He needed Stan next to him otherwise he had the same dream. The teachers started to notice the sleep-deprived Bill but no one talked about it. No one talked about it until it went too far. Bill was too tired to eat and was getting thinner. Stan was worried about the younger boy but said nothing. Walking in the halls Richie was the first to notice the drowsy Bill. "Hey man you okay?" he asked causing the others to look at Bill who just nodded as he swayed side to side. "I'm alr-" before he could finish he passed out and fell into Stan's arms. "BILL!" he shouted carrying him down the street to a bench in the shade.
After about 5 minutes Bill woke up confused. "God William! Are you alright?!" Stan asked holding Bill in his arms. "Y-yeah. Wh-what happened?" he asked looking at all the concerned Losers. "You passed out. Bill, why aren't you sleeping?" Eddie asked sitting next to him. "I c-can't. A-after IT h-happened I-I k-keep h-having these d-dreams. S-Stan d-d-died a-and I k-know it w-was all m-my fault a-and the s-s-screaming in pain." Bill sobbed in Stan's shoulder.  "Shh, it's alright Bill. It wasn't your fault." Stan hushed rubbing Bills back. "Try and sleep tonight then. I'm sure it's fine now that you've told us about it." Ben said. Bill nodded and went home.
That night Bill tossed and turned the same dream starting. Before he heard the scream of terror and pain he felt safe and warm. He saw Stan but he was smiling and birdwatching. Confused he watched as the boy looked up at the sky full of beautiful birds. Bluebirds, goldfinch, robin, cardinal, and more. The bright excited smile on the boys face, Bill couldn't help but smile and sit next to the boy. "Hey, Billy!" he said waving at him than pointing to the sky. "Look at this, would you? It's beautiful," he said sounding at peace. "So many different kinds but they all fly around free," he said sighing closing his eyes as though embracing the warm breeze. "Stan I don't want to see you unhappy," Bill said kneeling next to Stan who just smiled at him. "How could I be unhappy when I'm with you?" he asked laughing.
Slowly waking up the sun shined through his window blinding him. Turning on his side he almost screamed but someone covered his mouth. "Don't scream! I'm going to remove my hand and you can't scream okay?" he said. Bill nodded as the hand left his mouth. "What the hell are you doing in my house, Stan?!" he whispered as Stan laid back down and rested. "You couldn't sleep yes? Well, the last time you got good sleep I was with you. I snuck out and well- I slept with you." he said closing his eyes. "You can't just sneak into someone's house at night! What about your parents?" Bill asked. "They're gone. Vacation I think." Stan said now sitting up in Bill's bed.
"W-why d-did y-you-" Bill couldn't finish before Stan had his lips against his. "You need to shut up sometimes Denbrough," Stan whispered. For the next month, Stan snuck into Bills room and slept with him. Bill only complained a few times because he was concerned for the boy but nothing ever happened. Nothing ever happened until Bill couldn't help but make his dreams come true.
"Can you not cover my eyes well we're walking it makes me think I'm going to fall off a cliff," Stan said. "W-well I-I th-thought y-you'd like this p-place," Bill said looking to the sky that was filled with birds of all kinds. Letting Stan open his eyes he looked around and smiled his mouth open and tears in his eyes. "I-I don't know what to say. This is beautiful." he managed to say in his wonder. "I love you, Stanely Uris," Bill said no stutter in his words. Stan smiled and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. "I love you too William Denbrough."
~15 years later~
Bill woke up and smiled at the still sleeping Stan. Kissing his forehead he slowly got out of bed and went to get changed. Looking at his phone he sighed. "Hello?"
Stan slowly got out of bed and walked into the kitchen getting four plates ready. "Hey love who was that?" he asked watching Bill walk into the room putting his phone away. "Just Karl. He needs me to come in today so I can see if Jaeden's stuttering enough and if Wyatt needs to change his attitude. Jack tried to drown Finn again." Bill sighed grabbing his jacket. "Have a good day honey," Stan said kissing his husband, laughing and handing him some food. "Love you, Stan. I'm picking up Sadie and Georgie after school today." Bill reminded before heading out the door.
"Dad! Where'd Pa go?" Sadie asked running to the table her little brother behind her. "He went off to work. He's coming back to pick you up after school though." Stan smiled kissing his daughter on the head. "Morning Georgie." he smiled at the boy who sat down, hair a mess. "Morning Dadda." he yawned rubbing his eyes. "Alright get ready for school your dad will be picking you up," Stan said after the kids finished eating. "Do you think Pa will take up to see Uncle Richie and Aunt Eddie," Georgie asked. Stan laughed and hugged his son. "Maybe. You need to ask. Have a good day Georgie. Sadie, make sure your brother gets to class." he said hugging his children.
Taking out his phone he smiled at the text.
Bill: I can't understand how someone as energetic as Jack is playing Eddie. He's a great kid but holy shit
Stan: Speaking of Eddie, our son Georgie wants to see him today after school.
Bill: Lucky for him Richie and Eddie are coming by to talk with Jack and Finn. This will either be hilarious or it will be terrifying.
Stan: Love you, Billy
Bill: I'm so glad Mike invited us to his house that night
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haiky-u-lously · 4 years
Telemarketer Love--part 2
Once Again!
Reader/Bokuto Koutaru
A/N: Reader is a telemarketer for a company legit called Volleyball Monthly. Except Volleyball monthly exists as a sub-division of a different volleyball apparel company. On your 10th birthday, somewhere on your body, there is a permanent etching of the first sentences your soulmate says to you. Please enjoy this two part story as a present for @twirlergirl1206 as an apology for a lack of reciprocation during an event I planned and poorly executed. I hope you can enjoy this little story and again, I apologize luv. As always, likes/questions/comments/suggestions are always welcome and appreciated (:
 Find part 1 there! It is necessary in order to understand part 2!!
(read part 1 first you crazy people!!!)
Chapter 2-But so are you.
 “Well, that was rude.” You said more to yourself than anything else.
 Unfortunately, your coworker mistook it as a comment sent their way. “Sorry? What was that (Y/N)?”
 “Oh nothing new. Just still getting used to people hanging up mid-first sentence is all.” You explained.
 “Yea, it takes a while. But, you’ve been doing great so far this week. I wouldn’t worry to much about it. Besides this is only a part time gig for you right? Aren’t you also doing that radio gig downtown? How’s that going?” They asked.
 You appreciate this coworker, even if they were a bit intrusive sometimes, so you decided to indulge a bit and answer their questions honestly. “Yea, it is a part time position for me, but I’m not sure, still guessed I should take it seriously like you all do, right? But yea, no that gig is great. The station actually just decided to let me do a late night show over the holiday as extra practice in reaching different types of audiences. I’m really looking forward to it.”
 The pair of you discussed some more with relative ease, before the new list of numbers to call was emailed out. You had appreciate the way this company ran its telemarketing when you received calls as a customer and were happy to be able to follow the bosses guides in making your own.
 Each hour a random list of 15 phone numbers was sent out to everyone in the office and you then had an hour to call each one before a new list would be sent out. You liked this because if callers dropped you like the one you had last just now, then you didn’t have to get rejected forty-something times in a row, but had a time to calm down before interacting with a different customer. And since customers are only supposed to be called if they clicked the box that they wanted to be contacted by the sales’ reps, it was even less likely that people would so rudely hang up like the one who had just flat out refused you.
 Dialing the first number on the new list, you felt a relaxing smile cross your features. You knew for a fact that the customer on the other end of the phone could not see you, but it just always seemed to feel right to you.
 “Dear customer, hello. I am calling on behalf of Volleyball Monthly Magazine. We noticed that you have purchased some items online through our mother company Volleyball is Life. As per your request, we are calling to see if you are interested in joining in our magazine subscription, or to further our customer/retailer relationship and give us any feedback on the products you recently purchased.”
 Every call for the rest of the evening went smoothly. You only had one other customer interrupt your spiel, and they just asked if you could call back in a couple weeks as they were dealing with some personal issues. Which of course you were more than sympathetic towards. Made a quick note about the situation on the contact’s file and finished your work for the evening.
 You had just finished your last call of the shift, and were preparing to make a quick exit to go work on some personal projects back home when your coworker leaned over the separator with a weird expression across their face.
 “(Y/N), I have a guy on the phone here who says he has to talk to the person who had called him last. The file says that was you. Umm” They drag on before putting their hand over the speaker part of the landline telephone, “You didn’t turn this into one of those types of calling centers…did you?”
 You rolled your eyes at their suggestive comment and very plainly said, “Wow, get your mind out of the gutter. No, I didn’t. Who would ask to speak to a specific telemarketer anyway? That’s why we never give our names.”
 “Ah. Good point there. Hang on.” They disappeared behind their cubical for a minute.
 Sitting back in your chair, you wondered what the caller could have wanted. You knew none of your calls the past few days had ended poorly on the customers end, and you hadn’t left any callers’ questions unanswered.
 When your coworker screamed and jumped away from their desk, flinging the corded phone towards the table, your interest was even more peaked.
 Giving them the side-eye, you rolled your chair over to reach their phone and picked it up, “Hello, sir. I am the person who called you last. Did I leave a question of yours unanswered?”
 “I love you. Marry me!” The excited voice practically screamed into your ear. Not a split second later the words of your soulmate, the dark scripted tattoo that had appeared as soon as your physical age reached double digits, the words started to full like they were burning beneath your clothes.
 “Well. This is definitely a surprise. Why is my soulmate exclaiming this when we haven’t even officially met?” You snarking-ly countered.
 The voice laughed what sounded like a head thrown back, ear splitting grin inducing cackle. They sobered up quickly though, and very seriously commented, “I apologize for hanging up on you earlier. I swear it will not ever be a common occurrence, soulmate.”
 Now, it was your turn to laugh out loud. As you calmed yourself to mere giggles, you looked into the caller’s folder your coworker had still pulled up on their desktop. “Hmm, it says hear your name is Bokuto Koutarou. You played volleyball all through middle school and high school and were a nationally ranked hitter. Wow! Congratulations sir. That’s quite an accomplishment. You traveled around a bit after graduating high school and are now playing for a different team, though you still take it super seriously because every month you buy from one of our sister companies. Huh. Who would’ve guessed that my semi-new job would teach me so much, let-alone introduce me to my own soulmate.”
 Your coworker stood behind you, a sweet smile on their face. They shook their hand and reached around you to grab their keys, making a quick exit and leaving you to continue talking to your newly found other half.
 “Well, now hey hey hey. That isn’t too fair. You already know so much about me and I don’t even get a name?” They voice seemingly pouted.
 Smiling into the phone you realized you were already falling for the male on the other end of the phone, “(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N).” You supplied, ready to answer any questions this cavity causing voice may ask you.
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writteriguess · 5 years
Escape You | Part Two
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Chapter Two:
The Mall Rats
Steve Harrington x reader
summary: Steve asks you a simple favor, and it’s nothing like you’ve ever imagined.
warnings: cursing, mention of sex
notes: finally we get some Steve in this chapter. Let’s get this series rollin! And thanks so much for the nice feedback 💖
“So, it was a rat?” Sarah’s eyebrows were practically raised to her hairline. “Yes, Yes! And then it just exploded, into like, like a red mush” you paused, shivering, “it was disgusting”
Your face then brightens up again, remembering something else, “Also, another thing!” You raised a finger in the air. Sarah nodded her head, urging you on. This was just sheer comedy to her now. “When I woke up...it was gone” your voice was low.
Sarah pauses for a long time. “Were you daydreaming again?” Your eyebrows furrowed, “What no,” Sarah cut you off, “It’s either that or you’re on drugs” You shook your head rapidly. “I think you’re on drugs” Sarah said, convinced.
You rolled your eyes. “No, No. I saw it with my own eyes” you tapped your temple wildly with your pointer finger. It was then you realized that your hand was grabbed on Sarah’s shoulder roughly. Her eyes were wide, and she seemed to look at you in fright. You jolted your hand away. Were you going crazy?
“Okay. . .” Sarah drawed out awkwardly. You rub a hand across your face and sigh.
Two girl teenagers enter the store. Sarah basically sighs in relief. Anything to get her out of this situation. “I’m gonna actually go do my job. Be ready at the counter” She then walked off. You scoffed, walking to the counter. You looked over at Scoops Ahoy.
You saw Robin, another one of the workers at the ice cream parlor, attending Erica Sinclair at the counter. You only knew Erica because you used to babysit her when you were still in high school. Ya know, a little more cash went a long way. You always thought she was hilarious, she had a lot of personality for her age.
However, in Robins cause, you didn’t really know her deal. After weeks of observing, she was pretty normal. Every once and awhile you saw her take out this whiteboard with two sides titled, You Rule and You Suck. The one side, You Suck, had seven tally’s on it. You always wondered what that board was for.
Something struck your eye again. Steve Harrington, came from the back of Scoops. He seemed in a rush, he took off his hat, rubbed his hands through his hair, and then put the hat back on. He exited the ice cream parlor, heading straight to your store . . . to you.
Your eyes widened, your heart hammered against your chest. No, it can’t be. Maybe he would turn, go another way, into another store. But he didn’t. Your mind raced with possibilities. What could he want? What would he say? What would you say?
Could he want to buy something? You mentally shook her head. No, idiot, this was a Woman’s clothing store.
Before you had time to think of something else, there he was, standing before you. His hand slammed hard against the counter. You jolted slightly.
“Hi” he breathed out. Your eyebrows furrowed. That was it? You expected something more dramatic. But it was nothing, just a simple greeting. Was he trying to start conversation with you? “Hi?” You answered back. You didn’t mean for it to come out as a question, but it did. What the hell did he want?
“Do, do you remember me?” He pointed to himself, still panting wildly. You were confused, why was he panting so loud? Scoops Ahoy was literally like a few feet away. When you didn’t answer, Steve spoke up again. “I’m Steve. We went to the same high school together. We had the same Chemistry class.”
Of course you remembered him. The weird thing was, that he remembered you. You were a nobody in high school. You hung out with a small crowd, until most of your friends decided to ditch you, and your closest and best friend moved to New York. After that you had no one, and you basically hung out with no one. Maybe that was why you were so observant. It seemed that everyone else’s lives were somehow more interesting then yours.
“Yea...” you answered with a nod. You still didn’t understand. Why was he here, asking you these random questions about high school. You hated talking about high school, let alone talk about it with Steve fucking Harrington.
“Great! Great!” He laughed, breathlessly. It was a cute sound, and you held back the urge to smile. “Uhh,” He trails off. His face is twisted in concentration. His elbows rested on the table, and he smacked his palms against his forehead a few times. “You’re name, You’re name. Goddamn it, what’s your name?” He mumbled under his breath.
Considering you two were inches apart you heard him. “(Y/N)” you spoke your name aloud. Steve jolts up, slamming his hand on the counter again. He points to you, “(Y/N)! Yes! Yes!”
Your eyes widen. Was he always so energetic? In high school he just seemed like your chill, hot popular kid. He didn’t get the nickname King Steve for nothing. You held back the urge to smile again. God he was adorable.
He then relaxes, leaning his elbows on the counter comfortably. “(Y/N)” he repeats your name again. It sounded nice coming from his mouth. He scoffs, “Yea I knew that”
You snickered, smiking brightly. You couldn’t help it. Steve, noticing your smile, smiles back. “Do you still speak Russian?” The question came out so nonchalantly, that you thought about asking him to repeat himself.
Yes, you spoke Russian, but not fluently. It was a hard language to learn, considering they had a whole different alphabet. But one of your close friends (who had moved to New York) spoke fluent Russian. Her parents were immigrants, and often spoke the language in their home. She has tried to teach you but you only had the patience to learn the alphabet. After that you stopped, it was stressful. But you could understand some of it.
“Yea. How, how did you know I could speak Russian?” You were generally curious. No one really knew expect your friend and maybe your Mom. And no one else really cared to ask.
“One day in Chem, there was a new exchange student. He was a new immigrant, and only knew Russian. You willingly sat next to him, and translated everything for him.”
You smiled at him. You had remembered that day. To be honest, you felt bad for the new kid. He didn’t have friends or know anybody, and on top of that couldn’t speak English! You had to do something. For the rest of the class you just translated things for him and made sure he understood the lesson. You didn’t know Steve was paying attention.
“It was really inspirational actually” he smiled. You blushed madly, taking a strand of hair and pushing it behind your hair bashfully. You were never complimented, let alone by anyone like Steve.
“What do you want, Harrington?” You said through smiled teeth. “Just a simple favor. I need you to help translate Russian for me and my friend”
“Translate?” You asked. Steve nodded, “Yea, ya know? Like a recording in Russian will play and all you need to do is tell us what it says” Steve then shrugged. You tilted your head to the side. The task was simple. Beyond simple. “Can you do that?” Steve asked.
You nodded frantically, “Yea. I, I can”
Steve jumped again, eyes wide, like he was suprised you had said yes. “Great! That’s great” He motions you to move, “C’mon, let’s go!”
Your eyes widen, “Like right now?” Steve nods frantically, the motion for you to move dramatically increasing. “Ok” you quickly moved from around the counter, following after him.
He grabs you by the arm, giving you little pep in your step. Your eyes widen. Usually with things like this you would pull your arm away, but, it felt nice.
Whilst leaving the store, Sarah turns, looking to you in utter confusion. It did look weird, Steve Harrington was literally dragging you out of the store. God, she probably thought you two were off to have sex or something.
She smirks, and gives you two thumbs up. You roll your eyes before flashing her the finger.
Once in Scoops, Steve rushed to the back, his shoulder pushing open the swinging door. When you enter, Robin stood, along with a young teenage boy at a table. On the table, was a recorder and a forgien translater novel. The recording played, a man speaking Russian.
“Steve! What the hell!” The boy shouted, frantically turning off the recording. Steve finally let go of your arm before puffing out an aggravated sigh. “What?” He asks simply.
“She’s a stranger! Why would you bring a stranger in here? Don’t you wanna be American heroes?!” The kid spoke quickly, a slight lisp escaping through every sentence.
“She’s not a stranger, okay? She’s here to help” Steve then turns to you, “This is Dustin” he points to the young teenager, who let out a mumbled, “hello”.
“And this is my coworker, Robin” he points to Robin, who is leaning against the wall, arms crossed. She smiles at you, giving a wave. “This is (y/n)” he points back to you. You wave at them.
Dustin is quick to speak up, leaning closer to you from his seat, like he’s judging you. “So how is she gonna help us?”
“I can understand Russian” you said. Dustin suddenly perks up. “Holy shit, really?” he asks.
Steve nods, “Told you she can help” he snickers out. “Well what are you waiting for? Play the tape, dingus” Robin said to Dustin. She then leans over and attempts to play it, but Dustin stops her hand.
“Wait!” He looks back to you, “If she’s gonna help us, she needs to know what she’s getting herself into”
Your eyebrows furrow. You didn’t want to cause trouble, all you thought you were doing was translating some words. You look to Steve.
He sighs, “Ok, fine. Tell her”
Dustin begins to tell his story, “So last night, I was trying to contact my girlfriend Suzie through a radio I made. However, when I was trying to contact her, I interrupted a secret Russian communication”
“Now,” He points to you, “That’s when you come into play. All you need to do is translate this for us”
Steve steps forward, looking to you, “You in?”
You look to each of them, Steve, Robin, then Dustin. You thought about it for a minute. What was the harm in helping them? Maybe after, you’d all become True Americans Heroes, and you would be noticed by people other then your best friend and your mom.
You smirked, turning to look at Steve, “I’m in”
You sat at the table, replaying the Russian tape over and over again. It wasn’t that it was difficult, it was because it didn’t make any damn sense.
You frantically looked to the alphabet words written on the white board on the wall. The sentence translated, “The week is long”
Dustin burst through the door, “You got anything yet?” You sighed. You had forced everyone out the room, you didn’t work well under pressure. “Yea actually. We got our first sentence.”
Steve and Robin quickly poked there heads in through the sliding glass doors to your side. “Really?” Steve asked. Robin was ecstatic, smiling brightly, “What is it!?” She asked excitedly.
“The week is long” You stated back in a Russian accent. Steve and Dustin’s faces fell in disappointment. “Well, that’s very exciting” Dustin stated sarcasticly, running an unamused hand over his face.
“Relax dingus’s. It’s only the first sentence. Maybe by the end of the day, whatever (y/n) translates out will make sense” Robin covered for you. You smiled to her, greatfully. No one has ever stuck up for you like that.
“We’ll leave you alone so you can get back to work” Steve said. Your face scrunched up and you nodded. The three of them left quickly.
A few hours later, Steve, Robin, and Dustin looked infront of the white board, reading out what you had translated. “The week is long. The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west” They all spoke in unison.
“I mean, it just can’t be right” Steve stated as he closed up Scoops Ahoy. “It’s right” you said with a shrug from behind him.
The four of you started walking down the closed mall. It was strange seeing the mall empty. Good thing it was always Sarah who had to close up, you hated being alone at this hour.
“Honestly I think it’s great news” Dustin said. You looked at him suprised, this was the first time he looked on the bright side of things all day. “How is this great news!” Steve jogged up to the three of you, he scoffed, “I mean, so much for being American hero’s. It’s total nonsense.”
Steve was right. The sentence didn’t make any sense. And if it was a code, how would they be able to figure it out?
“It’s not nonsense” Dustin objected. “It’s too specific. It’s obviously a code” You nodded, what else would it be?
“What do you mean a code?” Steve asked from next to you. “Like a secret spy code” You shrugged, “There evil Russian’s right? You don’t know what there planning”
Steve scoffed again, “That’s a total stretch” Robin spoke up, “I don’t know, is it?” Steve looked to her in disbelief. “You’re buying into this?” He pointed at her with raised eyebrows. “Listen, just for kicks, let’s entertain the possibility that it is a secret Russian transmission. What’d you think they were gonna say, “Fire the warhead at noon?”
You snickered at her comment. “Exactly” Dustin agreed. Robin continued, “And (y/n)’s translation is correct” You nodded along with her, “I know that for sure” you stated confidentially.Steve smiled at you.
“The silver cat feeds. Why would anyone talk like that unless they’re trying to mask the meaning of their message” Robin said with a convincing shrug. “Exactly” Dustin said again. “Why would anyone mask the true meaning of their message unless the message was somehow sensitive!” Robin made another point. You glanced at her and smiled, she was insanely smart.
“Exactly” Dustin said for the third time, looking directly at Steve this time. Steve rolled his eyes, mimicking Dustin by pursing his lips and mouthing the word ‘exactly.’ You giggled. “So I guess that confirms your suspicion” Robin glances to you and Dustin.
“Evil Russians” You and Dustin say together in a ‘duh’ tone. Robin chuckles, “I can’t believe I’m about to agree with them, but, yeah, totally evil Russians.”
“So how do we crack it?” Dustin looks to you this time, a hopeful glimmer overcoming his freatures. You shrug, “I’ll translate the rest tomorrow and hopefully a better pattern emerges” you state simply.
“A pattern. Right, like maybe “silver cat” is a meeting place?” Dustin offers. Robin cuts in, “Or a person?” Dustin points to her, “Or a weapon”. You shake your head and sigh, “It could be anything”
“It’s probably gonna take a super genius to crack it, but...” Robin trails off looking behind her. You and Dustin do the same. You’re eyebrows furrow. “Where’s Steve?” You ask.
Steve stood by the Indiana Flyer horse ride, frantically digging out coins from his pocket. Some fall to the floor, making a clattering noise. “Steve? What are you doing?” Robin calls out. He finally looks over to the three of you, counting the coins in his palm. “Uh, it’s a quarter. I need...Do you have a quarter?”
The three of you walk over to him. You fish in your back pocket, before retrieving a quarter. You give it to Steve and your fingers touch. “Thank you” he mumbles. “Sure you’re tall enough for that ride?” Robin jokes, nudging your side. You chuckle slightly.
Steve kneels down to the floor, quickly putting the coins inside the rides slot collecter. You, Robin and Dustin watch anxiously. What the hell was he doing?
The all to famous Daisy Bell jingle begins to play from the ride and the small horse starts to rock forward then backward. “You need help getting up, little Stevie?” Robin then joked again. “Shhh” He scowls back at her, clearing knowing something the three of you didn’t.
You and Dustin look at each other and begin to chuckle. Steve shushes you again, “Would you three just shut up and listen?”
So you did. The Daisy Bell jingle continued. You didn’t understand, why was he making you listen to this? What was the point. Suddenly you come to the realization that the Daisy Bell jingle was heard from the recording you’ve been trying to translate for the past few hours. “Holy shit” you said in shock.
Dustin must of recognized too, because he wore the same shocked expression on his face. He looked at you then back to the rocking horse. “The music.” He pointed at the horse before whipping around his backpack and opening one of the pockets. “The music!”
He retrieved the recorder and pressed play. The man spoke Russian for a second before the same Daisy Bell jingle emerged from the tape. The same jingle that was playing infront of them. You and Steve exchanged a look. What could this mean?
“I don’t understand?” Robin said with a shake of her head. “It’s the exact same song from the recording” you stated breathlessly looking from the recorder to the rocking horse. “Maybe they have horses like this in Russia” Robin persuaded. You shook your head.
“Indiana Flyer? I don’t...” Steve trailed off, shaking his head. “I don’t think so. This code, it... didn’t come from Russia”. You saw his expression change, like he realized something horrific. He turned to the three of you, “It came from here”
The four of you exchanged scared looks before looking back to the white rocking horse, the Daisy Bell jingle playing in the background.
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