#why yes this is indeed the bi flag
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exo-meme-ories · 2 years
a fanartist of 3 of my fictives’ source did a “what items would be in [the characters]’s room?” sort of thing and we all kinda reacted to them. Notable quotables include:
“Mmmm yes stabby stab”
“Does no one in this fandom know my freaking shoe size???”
“I love the multiple suggestions of “kill list.” That is true. That is canon.”
“Why is no one mentioning the portrait of the time I dyed my hair bi flag colors??” (I inform her that that never canonically happened in the books, and the author never mentioned her sexuality) “[Author] has no clue who I am.”
(The suggestion is “a large amount of [the boyfriend of one of my fictives]’s stolen coats”) My fictive, wearing one of said coats: “Not my fault I’m hot in appearance and cold in body.” Her best friend: “And cold in personality.”
“Just because I’m queen does not mean I’m able to afford a fursuit. We are old, people. Furries don’t exist yet.”
“Uwu you’re invalidating me” (in response to the one above; I have no clue whether or not she was joking)
“I’m so glad that the fandom recognizes that I have a 28-step beauty routine just for me to get stuck in the body of a mentally ill teen who couldn’t care less.”
“I have a garden in my garden not in my freaking room.”
“My boyfriend is a potato and I am wearing a tailbone.”
“Shout out to my blue hair ribbon for confirming that my boyfriend is indeed useless around women.”
(One of the suggestions was just “[boyfriend of one of my fictives]”) “He’d like that, but I enjoy being sane.”
- cat anon (sorry that was long lol)
all of these are GOLD
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vaspider · 2 years
you know what’s an interesting (and upsetting) observation I’ve made re: the whole “transandrophobia is just co-opting transfem terms”? I’ve seen similar shit happen in the past in almost the exact same way. Achillean was coined as a masc version of sapphic (obvs there’s more nuance to it but that’s a general gist of it) and masc folks were accused of appropriating fem terms. A gay man specific flag separate from the rainbow flag was made because some people wanted that, and it was immediately shot down because it was [checks notes] “just a recoloured lesbian flag”.
Like. It’s so insidious. It happens every single time queer masc people/men try to make something for ourselves. We’re always accused of appropriation, of stealing, of co-opting, things from fem people/women. We’re not allowed to have anything, and it’s so fucking tiring.
So honestly I think it's more "lesbians have been told by TERFs that they are So Threatened by everyone else and must Defend Themselves", which is part of their little radicalization script for lesbians, than it is specifically about men or trans men in particular. The same kind of things are said about bi women, about aces, about... lots of things.
The radfem/GC/TERF view on womanhood is so rooted and indeed steeped in the concept that womanhood is pain and suffering that they end up centering that pain and making it foundational to their worldview. That idea that womanhood is pain is so important that anything which decenters "woman" -- a sort of nebulous Ur-Woman who represents all women but somehow always seems to have the needs and desires of a Western white cis woman -- as the Most Suffering is an active threat to their entire existence. This includes concepts like intersectionality, because then they'd have to acknowledge that, say, Black women or disabled women or Black disabled women might have different needs or desires.
But, like, it also means that they have to keep selling how Under Attack they are to others as a declaration of self and of purpose, and that reinforcing that Under Attack status becomes a bonding activity for the in-group to participate in to delineate themselves from others. It's exactly the same thing you see with Evangelicals, where there's this constant refrain of "we are being persecuted." (The difference between the two groups being that - in the US anyway - women are institutionally disadvantaged and Evangelicals absolutely are not.) That is a part of the group identity, so it's necessary to repeat and reinforce. "Lesbians are the most attacked part of the community, especially from within the community" becomes a mantra as an outgrowth from "womanhood is a burden, everyone has it out for us, womanhood is a prison, women are only ever safe with other women."
Anyway. I'm very stoned and have been thinking about this particular topic for a very very long time, but I think that like... a lot of our intracommunity bullshit could be unwound if we were more aware of the fact that we are a community so under siege that we're consistently and constantly flinching, and that white women in the US have a Problem with summoning this concept of "woman" which is not just affected by oppression but defined by it. It's such a completely self-defeating definition for self-labeled feminists. Like... if womanhood is fully and totally suffering, what the fuck is left if you achieve your aims? If you end gendered oppression and suffering and your gender is defined by that, then what have you got left?
And all of this is of course not to deny that like -- in a lot of ways and for a long time, gay men have driven the agenda of the LGBTQ community. Part of why the acronym changed from GL to GLB to LGB to LGBT was part of a deliberate and much-discussed attempt to decenter (white cis) gay men, who had been sort of... centered by dint of being white cis men. Like, yes, that's real, and when we're talking about whose actual concerns are being addressed, that matters. For example, when you're talking about how trans folx were talked into letting marriage equality "go first" and let trans rights "wait their turn" bc "people aren't ready yet" and so the legislative needs of cis gays who have to worry about inheritance go first and we're left to trail behind, yeah, that's a time to talk about how intracommunity shit was often prioritized around gay men. Vexillology, especially when we're talking about a bunch of flags which generally have 3 or 6 horizontal stripes, is some bizarre, penny-ante nonsense which only serves as a means of saying "look how they attack and steal from us" and honestly ugh shut up.
It's exhausting, and it's fucking up our attempts at living less shitty lives. I wish people would knock it the fuck off.
Transmascs do get a big bucket of bullshit, we do, but I don't think the Achillean & flag thing was about transmascs, I think it was about the whole "oh no we're so put upon, look how persecuted" nonsense, and for that we can blame white womanhood.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
I might have misunderstood and in that case I’m sorry but..how does jm or jk liking feminine stuff regarding their appearance or interests or else have anything to do with gender? I guess it’s probably me watching all those debates (I’ve seen this discussed on twitter multiples times) from a non-westerner and old-school lesbian perspective if I may say but this western genderqueer thing doesn’t make very much sense to me. You can be a guy and like so-called feminine stuff, or like to play with both masculinity and femininity. It doesn’t you any less of a guy, doesn’t make you a woman or an in-between, it just makes you an androgynous guy or a fem guy and there’s nothing wrong with that. Same goes the other way around. I’m quite masculine in my appearance, also always like more "guy stuff", it doesn’t make me any less of a women. I’m sorry I just don’t get this bigender label. Watching this from afar it seems like what it mean or look like to be a man or woman is becoming very restricted again and you have to fit this and this criteria or else you re queer something ( I know this is also very much debated in the lgbt community nowadays but I just hate that word, it was used as an insult and I personally don’t want to associate myself with it). Now I do think jm and jk gender nonconformity is an indication of them possibly being gay/pi (there’s a link between gender non-conformity and homosexuality/bisexuality) but that tattoo was probably more used an an indication of bisexuality in my humble opinion(I have a bi friend who actually have that sign tattooed, some ppl use it for bisexuality indeed). Sorry if I was a rude or anything (English not being my first language also) but I just see all those new labels in the western lgbt world and it just confuses the hell of me cause it seems sometimes pretty regressive, I just wanted to share my perspective.
Hi anon, Thank you for sharing your perspective with us. As a cis bi/pan woman of a certain age, I feel what you're saying - pretty keenly, actually. Because sometimes I just sit here like "I DO NOT GET WHAT THESE KIDS ARE TALKING ABOUT".
Still here? Cool. It's not that we didn't HAVE a whole ass Kinsey scale but it only goes 1-6. Straight. Heteroflexible or Will Experiment At Parties. Bi. Homoflexible or Gay For Play. Gay. Supergay. That's ... what we had, in the day. I'm actually a 2.5 probably. And for years we did, we used numbers if we were smart enough to read the whole damn thing. And gender identity was like, you're cis or you're trans. That was it. And yes. "Queer" was a pejorative. A slur. A word we saw spray-painted on underpasses and sometimes school lockers. "Gay" implied pederasty, practically, but "queer" would get your ass beat in public and not an adult would stop it. And with the advent of the HIV Plague, to which I lost every damn one of the drag queens who raised me, we got even more hate. Girls less than guys, I think, but the history is not a pretty one. You know this. We of Gen X and older are all too aware. For those who have seen "Paris Is Burning" that was kinda my life for awhile, add intensive ballet. And most of those people are dead. What we have now, in the West particularly, is a smorgasbord of options. Literally if we can dream it up someone else already has and there's probably a flag. Like, it makes me feel old and out of touch. I don't even know how to call myself half the time. Am I bi? Pan? Sapiosexual? Demisexual because I don't put out on the first date? There are TOO MANY OPTIONS FOR MY SMALL ASS. I NEED A BETTER ASS TO HANDLE MY DECISIONS. And I see why too many options and too many classifications might almost feel regressive. Like, cis men are not always traditionally masculine beefy guys who like auto racing and American football. Many cis men like pretty things too. Most drag queens are cis men, actually. But femme guys are often seen, now, as other-gendered and not just other-oriented, because that's AN OPTION NOW. And the opposite is true. My cis lesbian BFF looks and acts like a guy. I have had people tell me she seems trans to them. SHE ISN'T. G-Money loves being a woman. She also loves auto racing and weightlifting and American football and her mohawk, let her live, right? Even I really waited for her to come out as trans or at least NB and IT AIN'T HAPPENED YET. She's 47.
I understand the issue of people feeling triggered by the Q word. I do. I get it. And I respect your choice not to use it or have it used at you - if I knew your user name I'd make a note :) And I get how just seeing it feels weird and wrong. I'm getting more used to it, it doesn't bother me as much as it did a few years ago. We used to call it genderfuck and honestly that makes as much sense. Now, to the guys (we're gonna go ahead and call them guys): my reasoning for thinking Jimin might be bigender is because he has all but told us that gender is a fluid construct for him. Yes, he identifies publicly as male, but even in interviews has openly said he feels more comfortable with the feminine parts of his personality in the last few years. That doesn't mean he isn't a man. And he may well be coding bisexuality - the issue there is that he so rarely has even appeared to show any interest in women, and he has openly coded for both sexes as gender (Illecebra and Arcanus). As to Jungkook, I think he's a gay cis male who also likes to feel pretty sometimes. Hell, he and Jimin both could easily fit that descriptor. And that's basically what they've said in public if you leave Filter out of it. But to be fair, these are men who have yet to come out. We forget that sometimes. THEY HAVE NOT COME OUT. Either of them. As far as we can prove they are cis straight men who like to sleep together and stay up all night and go on dates and give each other hickeys and kiss each other and hold hands and have inside jokes about "you are me I am you" and "we don't know what we do but we do stuff" and and and. I mean okay, we're not blind and my Korean source is telling me they are pretty damn open, just nobody talks about it, in Korea. But we have to remember that until they SAY something we can't PROVE anything. I mean until the sex tape leaks. ANYWAY I have blabbered on long enough, but thank you for your words and the transparency you had to share them with me.
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I physically hate one Taylor Swift for the end of the reputation prologue
Disclaimer: I won't be using queer in here because I don't know if all of my followers are comfortable with the word and I also don't want this to sound confrontational
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When you've got taylor herself saying shit like "but the truth is that we only know the version of them that they have chosen to show us" and "There will be slideshows of photos backing up each incorrect theory" you can't be mad at fans for thinking she may not me straight. She's quite literally planting seeds of doubt so that we start to speculate that all of her discography isn't just about men. Specifically with this quote you can't really blame us for thinking rep isn't completely about joe when we have herself say our/the medias thoeries are incorrect you can't blame us for looking elsewhere. Let me be very clear yes Taylor has only ever presented herself as straight but if we're going off what she said about only seeing the version of you that you want people to see it's not crazy to say maybe she doesnt want us to her physically being affectionate with a girl publically yet.
That's not to say however that she isn't ready to show us through her music or other actions.
Let's start this journey with the way she didn't gender who was taking off the dress in Dress. She wrote it such a way that she would be singing about herself taking off a dress or that her partner is. Dancing With Our Hands Tied being a closed anthem still exists. There's also the fact she dedicated delicate every night on tour to an lgbt icon and bathed herself in rainbows/different pride flags in one way or another for that entire Rep/Lover era . Examples?
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Now let's move on to visual representation. A lot of her queer fans have adopted The Archer as a lgbt anthem and i feel like we need to talk about something more than we do. If Taylor herself isn't out yet what's the best way to communicate that The Archer is indeed supposed to be an lgbt anthem? It would be to have an openly gay person represent it in a music video which she did. Hayley is quite literally the visual version of The Archer.
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Before anybody says it I'm aware she has that quote about being able to defend communities I'm not a part of. My question to the ones who bring this up all the time is why. Wouldn't it be easier to just actually listen to lgbt fans when they tell you that they've all said something like this before they came out? A great example of this is one of the podcast hosts for one of my fave podcasts did a pride episode before they were out and called themselves an ally multiple times throughout it. Which is basically what Taylor did with that qoute. At this point it isn't just us wanting Taylor to be gay it's genuinely that there's a pattern in the way people who aren't out speak about the community.
Now we have her talking about pride going so far as to say "let's show our pride by demanding that, on a national level, our laws truly treat all of our citizens equally". Not only that but also wearing a bracelet the colours of the bi pride flag that also says proud on it. all of which if I'm not mistaken happened during pride month.
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There's also that time she wrote a song all about how her life would be different as a man and woke up next to a presumably naked woman in the music video. Only to also them go and get high fives from rainbow hands directly after the aforementioned scene.
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Here's the thing I said when I started this that she isn't ready to show us by physically kissing a girl but after everything I've said can you honestly say she's not trying everything but kissing or holding hands with a girl in public to tell us?
She's literally asking us to question what we're seeing in the reputation prologue and become smarter more skeptical consumers of her brand. She's even asking is to question her because she said what she did in the rep prologue but then said rep was about her angel of a boyfriend knowing full well that's the only person that the media would think it's about,
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basilhearsanoise · 3 years
pleaseee elaborate on your homophobic sam take. it’s very compelling. i always thought sam’s early plotline with the demon blood was a queer allegory, but your explanation for his attitude towards dean’s bisexuality makes a lot of sense now that i think about it
there are So Many Layers i probably won't even be able to get them all down but here's some major ones. from the get-go, sam is The Opposite of dean on so many issues, and essentially throughout the show they flip. this is most notably demonstrated by the fact that sam starts out as a Devout Christian (or at least we are to assume that he is christian given his approach to prayer, god, angels, etc) and by the end of the show sam is completely and utterly devoid of faith. whereas dean is like If There's A God In Heaven, What's He Waiting For? - Elton John.mp3 in the beginning of the show, and by the end he's like "i have faith in humanity, in spirituality, in CASTIEL, in MY SON JACK," by the end. but this is just one of the MANY issues they flip back and forth on, or just slowly and surely change their perspectives to be more like the way the other brother started.
1. should we tell people there are monsters? dean says "we can't tell anyone they exist the whole world will panic" vs. sam says "they have a RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT'S OUT THERE"
but also. are all monsters evil? dean says "yes, they kill innocent people and they killed my mother and destroyed my life, they ALL deserve to die" but sam says "SOME of them must be good....it's not THEIR FAULT they're disgusting, evil and eat people uwu"
monsters/cryptids/spirits/folklore etc have virtually always been, in some way shape or form, a queer allegory themselves. the shapeshifter arc spoke to me as a trans person on a deep personal level. dracula was essentially racist propaganda. so if we take this allegory to supernatural, and say, "acceptance of monsters = acceptance of queerness" dean's hatred of them is a hatred of himself, his own inner monster, his own internalized homophobia - in addition to the fact that because he IS a queer man who has been VICTIM to REAL VIOLENT homophobia before, it would make sense that he is #antifa #acab #kill all the nazis forever #don't waste time trying to make monsters good when you could save good people from them instead. which is like. a reasonable response to have to a group of people that systematically try to kill you. but that also makes sam's "oh pity the monster dean, don't kill it, FORGIVE, JUST GIVE THEM A CHANCE TO ~ REPENT ~ THEIR SINS" ....like, even in later seasons he is saying stuff like this, and while it's true that dean SHOULD forgive some of the monsters that sam says this about, it still reads to me as two major red flags of 1. forgive your abusers to be the better person and 2. "hate the sin, not the sinner" rhetoric. sam doesn't actually give a shit about any of these monsters he gives a shit about keeping his own ideological purity. he sounds like scary youth pastors i had as a child.
this is further demonstrated by the fact that as dean becomes more accepting of his sexuality as the show goes on, he becomes more accepting of monsters. that's benny's ENTIRE EXISTENCE AS A CHARACTER: "i accept this vampire because he is honorable, and manly, and looks really fuckin cute in suspenders." that's also why sam hates benny so much even though he's the one who's been like "but monsters can be good T__T" this whole time. what the fuck other reason would he have to hate benny so much?
this is also CLEARLY the ENTIRE subtext of the Demon Dean arc - Sam FLIPS OUT about him going off with crowley because he could FORGIVE one little crush on an angel, because of the fact that he's an angel, and also because dean wasn't "shoving his unholy lifestyle down everyone's throats" but demon dean is....loudly, angrily, gay. demon dean is a manifestation of all the gayness that dean has suppressed his whole life and now he's "too indecent" for sam. this is FURTHER demonstrated by the fact that crowley literally yells at dean to "pick a side" after demon dean sides with the slighted wife in a demon deal instead of the cheating husband, literally because of the fact that the husband says "men are just supposed to sleep around" and dean gets so mad about this sexism that he kills him.
this is dean not only rejecting sexism more than sam literally ever actually does in the show (everything he says about it reads to me as idle posturing Fake Woke Shit whereas dean is a sleazebag, but he's an Equal Opportunity sleazebag) but also his rejection of being pigeonholed as gay when he is, indeed, bisexual. crowley represents the biphobia that gay people enact on bi people, sam represents the homophobia that straight people enact on all queer people.
this brings me to the next part of sam's Not Niceness - he's like, actually 100% more misogynistic than dean is. i know i'm Not A Woman but like i am trans, queer, and not dumb. sam is a fucking sadist serial killer man who treats women like garbage the SECOND they are no longer useful to him, this is most clearly demonstrated when he doesn't have a "soul" but it existed in him basically from the get-go, he is painted as the "more emotionally mature one" but that reading became so inaccurate the show literally started making fun of his character for thinking that sappy fake shit could pass as sincere care for another human being. dean actually talks to women like they're people with feelings. he routinely identifies with the victims and is paralleled against them, especially if they are victims of childhood sexual assault. sam does not talk to women unless they serve some kind of purpose to his goals and is much more routinely depicted weirdly enjoying killing enemies that are women. sometimes not even for plot reasons, it's just weird shots that nobody thought to red flag because this show is. A MESS.
anyway. another example is the one that i mentioned in the post about the confederate soldier, the fact that sam is fucking racist and dean is at least, within the narrative, less racist.
ANYWAY, THERE'S STILL MORE I COULD TALK ABOUT BUT I'LL LEAVE IT AT THIS: sam is constantly telling dean that he's not being sensitive or poltically correct but every single time it comes off sounding like a straight person telling an actual gay person how not to be homophobic. like, please, sammy, touch grass. dean says: touch grass, kill nazis.
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littlesugarwords · 3 years
can i request the ericson kids celebrating pride?? :)
this is so adorable!!!! yes yes yes I love this :’) ima make this in a MODERN AU BABY
It was the first time any of them were experiencing pride.
They were finally out,
And comfortable,
And in a space that was safe.
A space that wasn’t Ericson.
Not anymore.
“Why all the rainbows?”
“Because its a symbol,” Clementine explained,
Adjusting the rainbow bucket hat on his head so she could better see his eyes.
“Of what?”
“Of equality.” Violet said from the corner.
She adjusted her lesbian cape and flipped around,
Breaking her cheeky smile at the group.
“Thoughts? Are the stickers too much?”
‘Girls are hot’ was tacked with stickers under her cheeks.
“Nah, I think it’s subtle.” Mitch said.
He was helping Aasim with his trans bandana,
Securing around the back of his head.
Mitch was wearing one of Aasim’s hats.
Trans Pride’ was scrawled across the front in blue, pink, and white,
Matching his shirt, shorts, and socks.
He was there to support Aasim most of all.
And Aasim was trying not to cry the whole time.
“Okay okay okay!” Ruby squealed, darting into the room,
Pink, yellow, and blue tye-dye galore.
Shirt, socks, shirts, hair ties,
Even down to the rainbow sneakers and overalls.
Her pan flag fluttered behind her, secured around her neck.
“How do I look? Do you think I’d fit in with the crowd?”
The group blinked back at her.
“That’s one way to put it.” Marlon said, smirking in the corner.
He was wearing a simple gay flag shirt and a baseball hat.
The peak had a small rainbow on it.
Clementine smiled, adjusting her bi-pride merch;
Jean overalls, a bi-flag heart shirt, and ribbons tied through her hair.
“Do you need help with anything Louis?” She called.
He trotted into the room, smirking.
He wore blue, pink, and purple tye-dyed shorts, a plain white shirt,
And a face full of gay pride stickers.
“What do you think?”
Clementine smirked and giggled.
“It took me, like, half an hour.”
“How?” Ruby scoffed,
Her brows, raised and her arms, extended.
Louis pouted and looked away.
“They weren’t very sticky.” He finally mumbled.
“I want face stickers!” Willy cried,
Jumping up from his spot between AJ and Tenn.
Tenn was adorned in pan-pride merch,
(As he was assisted by Ruby),
And Willy was wearing jean overalls, splattered with rainbow paint and queer patches.
(Mitch and Clementine had helped him stitch them on).
Brody, off in the corner, smiled softly to herself,
Her pan-pride heart soaring.
As she rolled into the room, she drew closer to Aasim,
Borrowing a trans pins and stickers to adorn her jacket and face with.
And finally, she snagged a rainbow necklace Marlon,
Smirking as she draped it over her neck.
“What do you think?” She asked with a hearty smile.
And Marlon smiled,
Brushing hair behind one of her ears.
“I think they suit you.”
The two smiled at each other, warmth and trust filling the space between them.
“Snacks are ready!” Omar called,
Trotting into the room with a full kitchen tray of assorted cookies.
Flags, sayings, hearts, and stars,
All decorated to the nines with queer pride.
Omar beamed, all of his clothing filled with hand-done patches, beads, and stickers.
“Let’s snack up and hit the road!”
Clementine smiled and beamed,
Taking AJ’s hand to get treats and overlooking her family.
Her new family.
Her found family.
Where they all finally felt accepted and open.
Celebrate, they would indeed.
For their acceptance and freedom.
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 💌☕️♡
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nochiquinn · 3 years
campaign 3 episode 1: 🎶 make new friends but keep the old 🎶
oh this music is INTENSE, I dig it
gilmore!! gilmore and husband!!
aw, the hanglider from the tal'dorei campaign guide
aw sam broke the streak
that sam/travis/marisha table makes me feel fear
the new layout means I can't put my notepad on the side of the yt screen like usual, how dare you make me redo my whole window layout
oh right he's tall
liam and laura are back together and that makes me happy
taliesin's bi flag skull shirt
campaign 3 reminder to not be part of the twitch chat
you know why california is separate
"put your package in here" travis
[v i b r a t e s]
matt: everyone but laura and marisha leave laura and marisha: [gay fear]
lmao mala and I both said the same thing at the same time
marisha IS her own goth gf
I love them both
oh the full art is EXTREMELY final fantsy, I'm into it
I love laudna's ratbird, I hope it comes to life and is a familiar
ahhh, academia
getting southern milo thatch vibes and I'm into it
telepathy??? imogen telepathist????
kunthea is my head is just kikimora from the owl house
imogen not good at telepathy yet
cool I hate her
I love this gothic 30s movie star murder queen
matt: beech nut necklace me: is violently yanked into recettear
"I AM fun scary!" "laudna, you're scary scary"
"people are thrown here to be forgotten"
the ART
wake up babe new gender dropped
chronic injury genasi barbarian!!
if any of you give him shit for a nonbinary non-human I'll eat your shoes
"they're very friendly" "I hate it"
oh no I identify with fcg
"it rhymes so I'm in!"
this is the coolest shit I've ever heard in my life
logging in to pick up your dailies
I just want to point out this is STILL extremely final fantasy, don't fuck it up travis and ashley
I love them
"I really wanna eat that...but ashton really likes money"
"copper's not really money"
I love them so gd much
"travis changed his name to robbie!"
is liam still playing orym? I can't see his dice to check
is this why they didn't level up in exu, for campaign 3 reasons
he IS!!
"I think they crash"
"that is indeed how walking works"
tummy flutters
f e a r n e
suddenly I realize why I would die for parker in leverage
dad council convenes
"you're really tall" "you're really small" that's just math
the mood lighting is both very cool and much easier on my eyes
mala: evil be our guest
their archenemy for this campaign really is a table
this feel like the best initiative they've ever had??
also travis where r u
love matt's nails btw
"that's a sign, you're gonna die today"
"the rug is more dextrous than I am??"
turn into a WHAT
"what do all my things do?!" you had eight episodes sir
"I'm a sword expert not a table expert" dammit jim
aw, travis wasn't here to react to the rage
gravity? gravity barbarian???
someone did the knife meme, I heard them
oh no it's armstrong
mala: what if he's a wizard setting this up so he can "save" people
"strong boy :D"
given that these are apparently dorian's stomping grounds, what's gonna happen that he leaves the party
"never gets old" "we'll see!"
"critical role endorses knife fucking!"
"shiny day to you!" "you too!" these two are going to be amazing together
"don't fuckin laugh" then don't do that
"the first three rows have ponchos"
"bless you small creature!!"
laudna's a pinterest upcycle witch
I'm gonna laugh every time he pulls that thing out. idc how many episodes this is, every time
"it looks like something out of borderlands" I thought the same thing when fgc's art popped up so valid
I love this cripplepunk nonbinary bastard
HA I knew pickpocketing was going to be involved with these two meeting
oh do I get to watch the lovm intro every ep bc I'm down for that
I want the vex dress but there's not a chance in hell it fits over my shoulders AND hips
"definitely not....here"
does taliesin have a new snitch bc jesus
travis just giggling himself to death in the corner
in this moment I am matthew mercer
"did you say 'send help'?" yes
the whole table just quietly losing it while the scene goes on
oh no, with liam playing his exu character SAM is the sadboy
laudna and fgc bond over being pinterest upcyclers
getting into What Measure Is A Non-Human right away huh
from where now
okay I know from exu that orym knows what a whitestone is
"I fell asleep" finally travis has an in-universe reason to zone out
fgc as ashton's assistance bot
I know it's a wookie life debt whatever thing but imagine
robbie got so excited he lost his hat
imogen feels so comfy to me
no talk me me anger
travis is me around 10 am every day
just realized there are stars out the fake window
"we've done pretty well with stupid so far" pour one out for dariax
will KEYLETH have a problem with a detour? do we know the same keyleth??
"anyway here's wonderwall"
kk slider when you put the song title in wrong
I love fearne
travis being excited about the axeflute
matt be nice he's a baby
hot cross buns
I need to know how to play this game
"does your robot poop"
a bit of bullshittery
"maybe you should have your parents write you a letter" my new Extremely Unlikely Crack Theory is that laudna is a de rolo child
ashton doesn't know what straight is
fearne and ashton are going to leave with half the building
was that a young frankenstein joke
the monitor I'm watching on is very warm-toned and this is SUPER red now lmao
eshteross: shit-talks bertrand taliesin: 8D
youtube I am here because you don't freeze like twitch, stop hanging
"this campaign is about silver foxes only" "I'm here for it"
"furniture and old people, the fantasy everyone wants"
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frogtanii · 3 years
Wind anon on “xxvi. A gift, truly”. I am excited for this one because I already sent in art that day but I haven’t written out a reaction yet.
Let me just get right into it :D!!
“Kyoutani and Yahaba were the best companions for the job” we appreciate a king who loves his friends for how they are—wind anon furiously hand claps.
“He didn’t have to think about why Meiko seemed to be so keen with his best friend and not him. He didn’t have to remember the countless times he cried himself to sleep because he just wasn’t good enough, why wasn’t he ever good enough?” Wind anon throwing a blanket and a plushie in his direction because he deserves them and Meiko should sleep in the dumpster where she belongs—she is so... (wind anon furiously clicking her pen). Also, the insecurity !! One day, once Meiko is kicked out, wind anon and the rest of the crew can do a thing like those “melting all the lipsticks until they are a single color” type of thing with all her makeup. Vindication hmph.
“The answer is always more glitter”. Indeed. That is why we will mix glitter into Meiko’s shampoo and stuff. I bet Atsumu actually has a stash of glitter somewhere for his pranks, Tooru and YN can do some careless glitter tossing. Not as if there will be any harm...
Meiko’s appearance is a hot mess, but isn’t her entire existence a hot mess? (Wind anon has snark haha)
I mean, but going into detail, why would you do red lipstick with the hot pink dress? Match them, surely you would have some semblance of range in makeup shades and hues as a make up youtuber. And why the too short dress, please Meiko, I am so impressed at how you managed to get the guys to value you so much when all I see is how cheap you look. (I swear my words are getting meaner as we go on and yet I cannot stop them). And Meiko, if Tooru can see your makeup flaking, then you should’ve been able to as well. Have standards for your products and your own appearance Meiko aaaaaa.
Also, Meiko in six inch stilettos? She’s 5’7...plus the six... 6’1? She’s 6’1?? fr0ggy, hold me I’m scared. Imagine trying to mind your own business as an introvert in a darkish corner and then this 6’1 gal with tacky extensions, flaky makeup, bright red lips and a hot pink dress with uneven fishnets walks in your general direction. Please, it sounds like a nightmare. Get her away from me.
And then we see Meiko judging Tooru’s usage of glitter. Wind anon gives the eyebrow raise of judgement. I mean, first off, he didn’t judge your appearance by giving a critique to you. He didn’t ask for a critique. Go keep your comments to yourself. Also, “you’re not gonna get girls that way”? Aha, Meiko, you wish you could get the number of people from both genders that Tooru can get. Meiko, the way you are rn the only ones you’ll be able to attract will be sleazebags.
Yes Oikawa, go and grab that lipgloss to spite her! I can trust your taste. Probably something a bit of an orangey or pink. Orange if wanting to contrast the rest of the blues and turquoise’s of the rest of the look. Or something subtly pink to seem a bit more natural like that. And we support all the people in the LGBTQA+ community. Right now imagining Oikawa with a bi-flag inspired hair clip and stuff. He would make it work.
Meiko saying “I said no offense” when she didn’t say no offense is the pinnacle of my exasperation for her. You were being offense. I wonder if that is considered a micro aggression? Her words “like, I love the LGBT or whatever but you look like super gay”. It’s...hm, I would get face paint on every one of my fingers to smear her face with rainbow. Also, me being distracted imagining YN with eye makeup. Like with the jewels at the corner of eyes idea. Heart going doki-doki.
Also, Kyoutani. We appreciate him very very very much. And Meiko crying after being told to “[fudge] off” by Kyoutani is a good image. You mentioned in a reply to an ask that the house only existed for 2 months before YN joined. I’m impressed Meiko managed to get the guys all strung up in that time.
Also, “Yahaba wants to dance with you”. Wind anon being happ with that line. I love love love friendship and stuff and romance is good and all but sometimes you just gotta think about the platonic interactions.
Okay, ending this reaction—on to the next one!
KSSJSJ OMG these reactions are v cute omg i like ur anger it is v wholesome some how??? && yes meiko in stilettos is,,, horrifying to say the least :|
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cowboyx2 · 3 years
my take on the cm characters sexual orientations and their journey :’)
Jennifer Jareau:
i view her as bisexual, an icon if you will.. no no but really, i do! with all the scenes with laggy taine i really think she likes him, they have chemistry and if i MUST admit they’re pretty cute together. obviously i also think she has MAJOR chemistry with emily, all the looks, smiles, subtle touches, hand holding under the table, it just makes sense for them to have feelings for one another!
JJ grew up in a small town (in PA i think??) with only what i can assume is a conservative family.
after rosalyn died her parents started fighting more and she sort of slipped away into that background. with all that at home middle school was TOUGH!!
she was always told only boys and girls kiss, not girls and girls or boys and boys and that was final. she didn’t really understand why but she wasn’t one to challenge authority
it wasn’t until the end of 7th grade that she realized she was “different”. one of her friends from school, jessica (yes i’m naming her, leave me alone) had invited her to her house for a sleepover.
after they had hung out for awhile they started to gossip like any 13 year old girls. jessica was worried that she wouldn’t be a good kisser and if she wasn’t then she couldn’t ask out brad. so like any logical reasoning they (jessica did..) decided they HAD to practice
they both agreed it was awkward and weird but jj couldn’t stop thinking abt it even after jessica was long asleep
she spent the entirety of 8th grade trying to forget what had happened. if she kept busy than she couldn’t think abt it..
jj’s high school years were much “better” then middle school. she had a new found popularity with being on the varsity soccer team and being a pretty blonde. with popularity came boys and cute one at that
she liked them and they liked her so why should she worry about that cute girl in her chem class? it wasn’t that she didn’t like the guys because she most definitely did, it was that they were certain girls in her school that she just REALLY wanted to be friends with. yeah, just friends
even if she got distracted by laura’s cute skirt and updo she also was happily with one of the football guys. if really like him then she couldn’t of had feelings for a girl, right??
then and now:
once jj had joined the bau she had figured out that she does indeed like girls AND guys. though she did NOT know there was a word for it
she ended up learning a lot from elle an out queer women. (fyi i hc elle as queer aro) besides elle being her gay mentor jj also had a very big crush on her
elle taught her all about the label bisexual among many that she explained, that’s when it all just clicked. jj had her first queer friend and a label she can use for herself!! all of elle’s advice and information did not stop jj’s little crush
they hooked up like twice
after greenaway left it was difficult, she didn’t have anyone to talk to abt her sexuality or questions. until spencer ended up accidentally coming out to jj, it was very awkward but it smoothed over once jj let him that she was bi. then penelope joined in on the fun with her just running into the bau with a pan flag in her hands
the 3 of them grew closer together, talking about crushes and whatnot. spencer and pen couldn’t answer every single question she had but for the most part they could answer the pressing ones
when emily joined the team it was an immediate wake up call. she new she liked elle a lot but this was different, once she saw her she could not get her out of her head. they hadn’t even spoke yet there was jennifer john jareau absently daydreaming abt women she barely knew
once they met it was set in stone, she HAD to marry this women, and she would’ve right there and then. but of course “jj, you can’t just ask for her hand in marriage! you don’t even know what her favorite color is” right yeah make her fall in love then get married
the more and more they hung out the more she tried to push the idea to the back of her head.
then she met will and he was nice, sweet, and cute, it only made sense to go out. and boy was she glad she did, he was nothing less than a gentleman
my canon now, bitch:
all good things have to end though, years into their relationship with 2 adorable munchkins em kisses her. yes she knew she’s gay but the kiss was a SURPRISE to say the least. before she knew it she was having a long talk with will and emily.
after that it was a rush, she moved in with emily a year after the split with will. the kids love her and she’s an openly happy bi women. jj not even once regretted will he made her happy, they were so so so happy, she was in love but love dosent always last forever.
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freddieslater · 3 years
Ginny Weasley and Landon Kirby!!
So this is nearly like a month late! And I am so sorry for that!! I got very distracted, wrote half of this, then left it for like two weeks, so you have my sincerest apologies! But I hope you enjoy this!! ❤️
Ginny Weasley:
• Headcanon for their sexuality — Oh, she has the biggest bi energy out here. She probably figured it out really casually as well, like, she realized she had a bit of a crush on Tonks and was like, "Oh.”
• Have they come out? If so, how — She came out to Bill first, because she remembers him telling her about the boy he fancied when he was in fourth year, and she trusts he’ll be kind, so she waits until he’s visiting and slips it into conversation when they’re alone in the garden. Then she casually tells Luna while they’re reading a book that mentions this queer witch from centuries ago. Then comes the rest of her family, little by little. When it came to the media finding out after the war had settled however, now, that was a far more dramatic and hilarious story; the rumours flew around faster than her supposed secret lovers from her team! She definitely played them up and let people speculate for months, finding the whole thing downright ridiculous but at least entertaining.
• How their friends/family took their coming out:
Bill is as supportive as she expected. He smiles this knowing smile and hugs her, then they’re back to de-gnoming. “I’m happy you trust me.”
Ron is the second sibling she tells, because even though he can be a bit dense, she listened to him gush for hours about Krum, Harry, and his favourite Chudley Cannons player. He stares for a minute like he doesn’t quite know what she means, then he’s making her promise not to date any of the Gryffindor girls in his year because “Dean was one thing, alright, but if you and Lavender—“
George blinked for one second of surprise when she casually mentioned that she was thinking of asking Katie on a date to Hogsmeade, and if he thought she’d say yes, then he shrugged and told her she has a good chance. When she caught his eye, he shot her a soft smile. “If any of my other teammates catch your eye, let me know and I’ll see if they’re interested.”
Arthur was so understanding and supportive that she cried. They were talking, and she couldn’t keep it in anymore, and she just told him. He nodded, shifted closer in his chair as she rambled a bit to try and explain what she meant. When she wouldn’t look at him, he gently took her hand, and she lifted her eyes to meet his and he was smiling. She just started crying and he hugged her until she calmed down. “Thank you for telling me. I’m happy that you’re being who you are, and I will always love you for that.”
Fred grinned like it’s the best thing he’s heard all year when she told him about her date with Katie. He congratulated her, hooking an arm around her shoulders, and proceeded to ask many questions — mostly about her date. “Mum’s gonna accuse the two of us trying to end our lineage.”
She gave Fred and George full permission to tell Percy, because she honestly wasn’t sure about doing it herself. They do it in some really obvious but attempting to be subtle way, when Ginny isn’t there. He doesn’t react then, but he comes to find her later in her room, and he sits down with her. He tells her that it doesn’t matter to him, and he’s sorry that she didn’t think she could tell him. She assures him she was just nervous and he understands. “I will always protect you. Even when you don’t need me.”
Charlie was delighted. She told him in a letter because she wasn’t sure when she’d see him but what he wrote back was nothing but love and support, and he actually came out to her at the same time, and promised to talk properly in person next time he visits. “If you need someone to talk to in the mean time, I’d recommend Tonks, she’s brilliant.”
Molly was the one she was most scared to tell. That’s why she waited so long before finally telling her while they were getting dinner ready. She stared at her back, waiting for her to respond while she dried a plate to set it on the table. When her mum turned to face her, she was wearing a small smile, and said, “Okay,” then handed her another plate and continued with the dishes. Ginny didn’t know what to make of it. Dinner was quiet. It wasn’t mentioned again, and Ginny decided that her mum tolerating her future relationships like she tolerates Bill’s marriage and Charlie’s lack of one was probably the best she was going to get.
As for her friends; she told Luna over a discussion about a queer witch from centuries ago, and Luna had smiled, chin in her hand, and said she was happy to have a friend who shared how she felt. Harry had sat in silence for a moment long enough for her to worry, then quietly asked, “If you’re allowed to feel like that in the wizarding world, does that mean... guys are allowed to feel that way about about other guys?” And she had indeed gone to Tonks once or twice, who was as delighted as Charlie, practically bouncing, and promised to be like a big sister if she needed her for anything.
• Do they go to pride? If so, with whom? — Ginny discovers that Pride is a thing through Tonks, who excitedly tells her everything about it at an Order meeting. She asks if Tonks will take her, which is the height of honour to her. Ginny casually mentions it to Fred and George in the passing, and they ask to tag-along. Bill trusts Tonks, but he still comes along. Just in case; those four out in the Muggle world is a recipe for disaster. She manages to convince Harry to join, too, so of course Ron’s there, and Luna was already planning to go with her dad anyway so they meet up.
• Do they show their colours? (Flag-wise) — After coming out to everyone she cares about, Ginny is happily confident in letting everyone else know. She wears the bi colours to Pride, and she got a few badges there courtesy of George that she has pinned somewhere on her outfits nearly all of the time around Hogwarts.
And now Landon Kirby!
• Headcanon for their sexuality — I just get very strong ace vibes? And possibly bi. It just makes Sense to me.
• Have they come out? If so, how — He told Rafael before anyone else. Just sorta blurted it out to him in their room after many, many days of overthinking how he’d say it. Telling Hope and Josie was then easier, as they were preparing one of their movie nights.
• How their friends/family took their coming out:
Rafael was the most supportive person in Landon’s life about everything, so this was no different. He picked up on Landon’s anxiety while telling him and approached his response with great comfort, assuring him that it changed nothing, he loves him unconditionally, and he would be right there by his side to stand up to anyone who said one word about it. His response actually made it easier for Landon to be more confident in accepting who he is.
Hope reacted in a similar way. She saw how nervous he was and told him that it didn’t make her feel any differently about him. He was a little more worried about telling her he was ace, but she smiled and hugged him, promised that they would never do anything he didn’t want to and she was okay with that.
Telling Josie didn’t feel as daunting; after all, he knew how open she was about her own sexuality, so easing it into a conversation made him less anxious about how she’d react. Sure enough, she gave him a soft, knowing smile behind the wide eyes, and they were joking about it within two minutes.
Lizzie was downright delighted. She claimed that she picked up on the “vibes” from him right from the beginning but couldn’t be sure, so she was just waiting to see if he ever said anything. He of course rolled his eyes at that, but he was grinning as she plunged into a seemingly endless well of questions — mostly about if they had the same taste in people, because they have Hope in common, so she wanted to see if it stretched to her two-week crush on Jed, or her infatuation with Sebastian. They got into a whole debate over Star Wars characters.
Kaleb honestly thought that Landon was already out, so that was more of a surprise to him. He swears hands-down that they had flirted a couple times, so he just assumed! It was a funny moment.
MG was bright smiles and literally just a ball of supportive sunshine. But actually, while talking about it, Landon kinda helped MG realize that he may not be too straight either. It was a nice, very insightful conversation that helped both of them.
Wade could not be happier. He had already come out to Landon a few months before during a D&D game— something that had given Landon a little push — and he’s so glad that Landon trusts him and sees him as someone important enough to share this part of him with. He, of course, also told him while they were playing D&D; he slipped it into his character’s story.
• Do they go to Pride? If so, with whom — Landon doesn’t really know what Pride actually is until he joins the Salvatore School, and after he comes out, Josie gives him a better idea. Mystic Falls hosts Pride every year (it’s a new tradition, really, but the town’s trying to pretend it’s always been so progressive), and so she invites him along. He’s unsure since crowds aren’t really his thing, but Lizzie is insistent (she admits she just wants to see if she can find the love of her life and maybe someone for him if he’s willing), and Hope says she’s going too, and after Wade, Kaleb, and MG invite him as well, it’s hard to say no.
He goes with them all and actually… it’s pretty cool. It’s the most colourful he’s ever seen the town, that’s for sure. And it’s fun!
• Do they show their colours? (Flag-wise) — He’s proud to be himself, obviously, but at the same time, he’s still more comfortable with keeping it quiet from anyone outside of his close friends, so he doesn’t tend to display either of his flags colours too often. He does make an exception for the second time he goes to Pride, though.
So, this was long. I don’t know whether to apologize for that for or not but again, I hope you enjoy some of these headcanons! I had the most fun with the reactions from the rest of the Weasley’s!
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tracies-tales · 4 years
Splish Splash (We Weren’t Taking a Bath)
“Well you’re looking awfully damn cozy,” Arin said as he strut out onto the pavement surrounding the glistening pool.
Dan was sprawled out on a reclined lounge chair, his feet overhanging the edge. He had sunglasses on, and his hair looked like a curly pillow splayed out in a halo around his head. He cracked a grin and said, “I am indeed a happy man,” without looking up. 
Arin couldn’t tell if his eyes were even open, even as he stepped in the way of Dan’s sun. “Dude, do you even need to tan?” he asked. 
Dan giggled, “I actually think I might have accidentally started to flag down some planes to land here with my skin beaming a white glow into the sky. Besides, it’s toasty.” He gave a little wiggle, as if that emphasized his point. 
Arin laughed at the mental image. He gave Dan’s hair a ruffle as he said, “I hope they have those inflatable slide emergency exit things on their aircrafts.”
“What? Why?” Dan asked with a light chuckle and a grin, peering up at Arin over the rim of his glasses.
“Because then we get free waterslides for the pool, duh,” Arin said, sitting on the chair next to him.
Dan snorted, “Oh, you’re right. I’m sure they’re detachable. That makes them an extra safe safety feature.”
“Uh yeah,” Arin scoffed, “then they can just be used as extra floatation devices!”
“You’re so right,” Dan said, bowing his head. “I defer to your superior knowledge of planes and their safety features.”
“Cool, because I’m definitely gonna need you to get in this pool with me.”
Dan blinked, raising a brow, “You’re not even wearing swim trunks.”
“That’s what you think,” Arin retorted before he started to wrestle his pants down, revealing he most certainly had flamingo-print swim trunks under his shorts.
Dan lost it again, laughing as he half-rolled onto his side. He asked, “Why didn’t you just wear the trunks out on their own?”
“That defeats the purpose of the reveal, man!” Arin said, taking off his shirt. Dan would be lying if he said his eyes didn’t linger on Arin’s chest; he’d trimmed down a bit, leaving enough pudge to be adorable while still looking toned.
“Okay, you got me there,” Dan admitted, tone turning somber, “but now we’re in a pickle.”
“I love talking about your pickles,” Arin said, wiggling his brow.
“I know you do,” Dan found himself giggling again. It was hard to stop when Arin was around. “But now I’m not wearing my swim shorts.”
“Do you like, really need them though?” Arin asked. “It’s just a saltwater pool; it’s not gonna stain anything.”
“I prefer to not feel my shirt sop-sticking to my skin, yes,” Dan said.
“Okay, so take the shirt off, what’s the problem?” Arin said, giving Dan an expectant look.
Dan waved a hand to shoo Arin off as he sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the chair, putting on a light English accent as he said, “I’ll just come back down in my bathers like a normal man.”
Arin smiled in triumph, leaning forward to place a chaste kiss to Dan’s lips before he stood with him. Dan felt a tingle race up his spine, as he did every time the two shared such moments of intimacy, no matter how simple. He didn’t quite register that Arin had turned to walk alongside him, putting Dan between himself and the pool’s edge. 
“So you don’t have anything in your pockets right?” Arin asked casually.
Dan slowed and pat at his pockets, saying, “Uh, I think I’ve got my phone-”
“No you don’t,” Arin chirped, shortly before wrapping his arms around Dan’s shoulders and shoving.
Dan yelped, “Arin nO-!” as he stumbled, barely able to shut his eyes on time as he collided with the water. He broke the surface with a grin in spite of himself, saying, “You son of a bi-” before Arin was swamping him under the wave of a cannonball. 
As soon as Arin poked his head up, the pair were laughing, wiping water out of their eyes. Dan swiped a hand over his head to get some hair out of his face, catching Arin staring. He smirked and drifted closer, asking, “You like making me wet, huh?”
Arin swallowed as a blush crept into his cheeks, though the smile never left. “That was the entire plan, yes,” he said.
“Well, it worked,” Dan purred, before he grabbed Arin’s shoulders and dunked him under the water again. He laughed as a few bubbles of surprise spluttered to the surface, letting the other go to ensure no harm was actually done. 
Arin surfaced and snorted water out of his nose, saying, “That was totally cheating,” as he flushed.
Dan said, “You started it!” as he gave Arin a flick of water with his hand.
“It’s not my fault you look amazing when you’re wet,” Arin retorted.
Dan giggled again, wrapping his arms around Arin’s shoulders, “So do you.” He gave Arin a kiss, saltier this time from the pool water. When he pulled back, he brushed some hair out of Arin’s face, then said, “But seriously, you’d better be fucking right about me not having my phone on hand.”
“It’s on the chair, I swiped it when I kissed you. Classic Hanson switcharoo,” Arin winked.
“Foiled again,” Dan grinned, relaxing once he knew his phone was safe. “Now, how about you help me out of this shirt?”
Arin’s blush returned twofold. “Aye aye, captain.”
This fic was inspired by my first photoset to make over 1k notes! matter of fact i think it’s my only post to make over 1k notes but hey i think that’s a valid reason to celebrate with a lil fluff
ps i am still basically always taking requests for shorts regardless of my absence of posting often anymore, so feel free to hit me up and i’ll hook you up
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sansxfuckyou · 3 years
trans classic x protective trans fell
(lets see how well this goes)
classic had only just recently transitioned over to female, people still mistook her gender because she still wore the usual outfit, only difference would be the female ecto she had so people could differ the genders. of course it didnt make a difference considering his brother was kind of against the idea of classic transferring, and kicked her out of the house with only the clothes she was wearing. so like any normal person they go to a friend for support, but even frisk didnt seem all that keen on the idea, even thought their nonbinary, their argument turned into a massive fight over trans rights. so with no where left to turn he went to live with alphys who gladly took him in. classic already knew about the AU's and that one of them could accept her, but she was to scared to take that risk in life.
"so your brothers transphobic?" alphys asked having sans nod shakily as she cried "its okay, you can stay with me until they come around," alphys said as she got up "want some ramen?" "yes..." sans said through a cry as she got up "go wait upstairs for me, i'll be up their in a few minutes," alphys said as sans got on the escalator "dont hurt yourself!" "i know!" sans yelled from the second floor as she hopped onto the bed after unfolding it "if they ever accept me..." classic thought with a sigh as she looked at the roof of the lab that had lgbtq+ stars painted on by her and alphy, they made it a point to get the glow in the dark paint. "hey sans! soups ready," alphys said as she handed sans a cup of ramen which she slowly ate "you feeling good?" "you ok if i go check in my other versions of myself?" sans asked as she side glanced "of course you can," alphys said with a smile "but, just to let you know undynes coming over tonight." "undyne..." sans said in a tone that was low and murderous that scared the shit out of flowey and chara.
"i know that she doesnt exactly support trans people, but i can try and get you a new supporter," alphys said as sans opened up a portal and walked up to it after brushing off her skirt "bye!" "see you later alphys, be back in the next few days." sans said as she walked into the portal and ended up at the bad sanses castle. "hope that i can talk to killer today." she thought as she knocked on the door having fell answer it "great to see you again classic," fell said as he hugged classic tightly noticing something felt off "somethings different... i just dont know what though..." fell took a step back and looked at classic "so you went through with it then! im proud of you!" fell exclaimed as he gave classic a high five. "do you think i could stay with you guys for the next few nights..." classic asked with a sigh as she looked to the ground "what happened? who hurt you?" fell asked "no one hurt me, i promise," classic said as she rubbed the back of her neck "its just that undynes going to be with alphys for a bit." "why is that a problem?" fell asked as he walked inside with classic.
"i moved in with alphys." classic said "still dont see the problem." fell said "and shes the only one that supports me, no one else does," classic said as she started to tear up a bit "not even my brother, frisk or toriel! they all hate me because im trans!" "now that, is a problem." fell said as he wrapped an arm around classic to comfort her "im sure that nightmare wont mind if you stay with us," fell said "do you want to share rooms with me or someone else?" "y-you..." classic said through slight sobs as she was led to fells room, not caring about the looks people gave her. "just wait for me ok? i'll be back in a few." fell said as he left classic to invade the room, not a wise choice "is that a... bisexual flag? and a trans flag?" classic questioned as she inspected the flags finding that, even though they where a smaller replica, they where indeed the trans and bi flags "why would he need those?" classic thought as she put the flags in her hoodie pocket and sat on fells bed wrapping herself in a red blanket that was coated with fells scent to calm herself.
"im back! and you can stay until undyne leaves, the boss says he'll take you in as his own if you want to stay," fell said as he walked back into his room to find classic half asleep on his bed "your so cute..." "you are to my trans friend..." classic muttered catching fell off guard "how did you find out!? only killer and nightmare knows! i mean killer did help me through dysmorphia... but still!" fell exclaimed having classic pull the two flags from her pocket "do a better job hiding your flags, i only spent two minutes snooping and i found them." classic said. "cats out of the bag then," fell said as he picked up classic "i love you as more than a friend." "same here..." classic said with a yawn as she wrapped her arms around fells neck making fell purr slightly as his face turned red "your cute when your flustered..." classic said as she started to purr "your just cute in general," fell said with a smile as he put classic back on his bed "can i have a kiss?" "yes." classic said as her face turned sky blue as fell gave him a soft kiss.
the two walked down the halls making their way to nightmares office to explain why classic had to stay in greater detail "come in." nightmare said as fell opened the door and walked in with classic catching nightmare off guard with the new looks "so why do you want to speak with me?" nightmare asked as the two others took a seat "i already told you that classic needs a place to stay," fell said having nightmare nod "but you want more details dont you?" "i do prefer knowing why we have a visitor, so please explain." nightmare said noticing the tension in the room increase instantly. "well if you cant already tell im trans, and theirs always at least one who doesnt agree with it." classic said as a tear started to come to her eye and fell comforted her along with nightmare, even though he fed off of negativity he didnt always enjoy it whenever someone was sad in front of him, he had gone through something similar to this before so he really preached for classic and understood.
"for me it was everyone, except for alphys, mad mew mew, napstablook and mettaton. they all support me, but alphys and undyne are dating, so i always leave whenever undyne stays the night because shes transphobic and hates me, which is why im here now," classic said through sobs having fell and nightmare hug her tighter in comfort "why cant they just except me for who i am? why?!" "their, their its ok, i understand..." nightmare murmured to comfort classic who was still a sobbing mess on the floor getting the shit hugged out of her by fell and nightmare. "h-how do you understand?" classic asked through sobs as she rubbed her eyes "i was genderfluid a long time back, they didnt exactly agree with it so im just a guy now," nightmare said as he got flashbacks and held onto classic tighter "no one will ever shame you or hurt you because your trans when im around, i promise." "same with me." fell said as he got up and picked up classic.
"go say hi to the rest of the gang, its best if they know about your new identity." nightmare said as he sat back down at his desk after wiping his eyes and pulling out some paper work "good point, we'll go do that right now, we'll pass on the offer." fell said as he walked out and put down classic after closing the door "i dont need you carrying me everywhere i go," classic said with a huff as she straightened her skirt "lets go find horror." "why horror?" fell asked "didnt he just start dating dust like last week?" classic asked "they did just get together," fell said with light chuckle "just like me and you..." its not official!" classic said as she crossed her arms and made her way down the hall with fell until they found dust and horror who where sitting on a beanbag, horror with one arm wrapped around dust. "hey guys." classic said waking the two who looked at her "like the new look, it really compliments your eye-sockets." dust said having horror nod in agreement with the statement.
"you dont think its wrong for me to be female now?" classic questioned, in shock at how calm they where "why would it be a problem? every single member of our group is lgbtq+, or a former member," horror said "where happy that you went through with it, we where wondering how long it would take." "you could tell?" classic questioned "you are the single most lgbtq+ thing the team has ever seen, and weve seen a lot of things." horror said as he shuddered at the memories "you should go see error, he might need some reassurance about how your doing with the constant magic drain." dust said "he actually cares about me?" "course he does, he cares about all of us," horror said "one time when nightmare was almost dead error broke into tears because of it." horror said before fell and classic left to find error.
they walked down the halls until they made it to errors room and opened the door having error look over and leap at classic almost in tears "i was worried about you," error said almost in tears as he held onto classic "i couldnt feel your magic signature, and i thought you had died! dont scare me like that again!" "i promise to tell you next time." classic said as error backed away "have you figured out who you are yet?" "no, not yet. but im sure im asexual." errror said as he wiped away one of his tears and looked over at fell "dont ever hurt classic or else your dealing with me." error warned having fell nod in agreement to the threat "i understand sir." fell said as he waved his in retreat "aside from that," error said "have you been binding to much fell? your magic signature has been decreased lately." "maybe..." fell said quietly "we talked about this! we can talk some more later," error said with a sigh "go talk with killer or cross." "ok." fell said before leaving with classic.
they found cross sitting on couch with killer beside him, also in a skirt "hey guys," classic said grabbing their attention seeing as how they paused their game "great to see you again." "you did it! i thought you wouldnt have the guts to come out to your family and friends!" killer exclaimed happily as he ran over to classic with cross following behind "nice skirt." classic said "thanks! i just got it, me and lust went out shopping so my closet could be more diverse for when i dont feel masculine!" killer said with a smile "also... me and cross started dating!" "yep." cross said "im aro." cross said in a bland voice "cool." fell said as he wrapped an arm around classics shoulder "where also dating." "dont believe a single word that comes out of his mouth." classic said with a sigh earning a chuckle from killer "just like cross." killer said having cross turn purple "we gotta go now." fell said before leaving with classic.
"wanna go get some sleep?" fell asked as he picked up classic who turned an unmistakable shade of blue as she purred softly "i'll take that as a yes." fell said as he pushed open his door with his foot and walked in, closing it again afterwards and placing classic down on the bed "comfy," classic purred as she got under the blanket followed by fell. "take off your binder first." "no." fell said "take off your damn binder before i make you." classic said in a low tone having fell get up and take off his binder "happy?" "yes, its important you stay safe, your an important member of the team." classic said as she was hugged by fell from behind "goodnight." "see you in the morning." classic said as she purred rather loudly at the comfort, fell joining in on the purring after a few minutes "you never purr." "only when im happy." fell said as he nuzzled his head in between classics neck and shoulder "love you fell." classic said as she drifted off to sleep "love you to classic." fell said as he drifted to sleep with classic in arms.
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WOW!!! Warning: there are some SERIOUSLY AWFUL HATERS out here on Tumblr!!! \(°o°)/
Okay, I don’t exactly know how to put this, but I’m gonna try anyway.
What I’m gonna talk about, happened yesterday, but I was kind of in a SHOCK because of it, so I totally didn’t know what to say... But I DO know that I’m INCREDIBLY DISAPPOINTED and also VERY MAD! Someone TOTALLY insulted me PERSONALLY and even told lies about me as well! It's completely unjustified. That much I know for sure. This person is so hateful, that even though I’m no hater, it’s kinda contagious and I feel like hating that person back. Especially after what all that already happened before the person did what he/she did. What a filthy TRAITOR!
So this person makes fan art and I was a great fan of it. I even had drawings of that person on my laptop lock screen and background. I knew they all were on his/her Tumblr page, but I had no account yet, so I couldn’t like the posts or something else. Eventually, after seeing more interesting stuff on Tumblr, I decided to create an account for myself. One of the first things I did, was following this person, liking a lot of his/her fan art and I wrote many kind comments in which I let him/her know how much I loved the art. I also sent some private messages to this person to tell him/her these things personally (and it were long messages, not just some short sentence like “I like your art”) and that I’d love to see more of the characters he/she drew. He/she replied with a “thank you” and said he/she would indeed make more and I said that I couldn’t wait.
Then (and this was yesterday) I looked at the list of the ones I follow and noticed there was one less. I went to our chat and from there I tried to go to his/her page, but I couldn’t manage to do that (which was because the person blocked me, apparently). I just looked up the page in the search bar and there I saw the message... IT WAS AWFUL. Not only the message itself, but also (and especially) the TAGS. This person was literally talking about ME and didn’t care a thing about letting me know that. It was absolutely disgusting to read it all and I was all like: “WHAAAAAAAAAAT?????!!!!!!!!!!” This person HATES and SCOLDS me, because (he/she said) I don’t support the lgbt+ community. Because I’m homophobic. The person said I’m not being oppressed for being straight... Like, WOT?!
Let me start off by saying this: YES, I don’t support the lgbt+ community, because that’s MY choice and MY opinion. I’m thinking for myself and nobody’s gonna tell me what I must think of anything! Exactly THAT is what annoys me the most! They all want to impose their opinions to me, with violence if it has to. They can’t even respect my opinion, but they expect me to agree with and support THEIRS??? Besides, almost the entire world is already supporting it all. Gay pride here, trans pride there. Those flags are everywhere! They’ve even got a WHOLE MONTH of lgbt+ pride now! Countless people praise and glorify - if not, worship - them and they’re gonna talk about oppression??? Come on, man! If it was all to have the same rights as straight people, to be equally treated as them, it would’ve been lgbt+ NORMAL, not PRIDE.
But that’s another story. What I’m REALLY ANGRY about, is THIS:
I LITERALLY have written on my page that I’m NOT homophobic or something alike. LITERALLY! And I’m not! In fact, I know quite a few gay people and I never got into a fight with them because of it. I may not agree with you on several things, but if you wanna be gay, go ahead! That’s not my problem. You do what you do, but let me do what I wanna do as well. And don’t go bothering me, telling me I have to find this normal and that normal... However, now even THAT isn’t enough anymore! I must support it or some people will hate me, apparently! Anyway, does this person really think I’m BLIND or something? Or PLAIN STUPID maybe??? Well, guess what... I’M NOT. I already had SEEN posts of this person about lgbt+ pride. Did I scold him/her? No. Did I talked bad words about him/her behind his/her back? No. Did I sent private messages to him/her in which I expressed my hateful feelings??? NO!!! But what I DID do, was following this person, liking his/her content and saying many nice things about his/her art. And then you go talking about me like THAT? I 100% don’t get it. Like, seriously, WHAT THE???!!!
Of course, after reading the (very personal) message, I immediately changed my laptop’s lock screen and background. How I wish I could delete this person’s page from my internet...
I thought it would perhaps happen in the future. The far future. But it seems it’s already reality today: you can’t say you’re straight anymore! Because that’s THE ONLY THING I did. My username: not-gae-cuz-i-like-straight-wae. Do I say I hate homos? (Yes, here we go again.) No! My profile picture/the name I use for my drawings: straight weh/straight wayzzz. Do I say I hate homos? Again, no! The title: this blog is not geh. Do I say I hate homos? Once again... No! The banner: hetero pride. Do I say I hate homos??? NOOOOO!
You know, I actually COULD feel oppressed for being straight now, because this person basically discriminated me for merely saying it! (By the way, there was someone else like that and he/she started to spam long texts and pictures in our private chat, saying he/she was streaming it to Discord. I’m pretty sure that isn’t even allowed! Eventually, I had to block that fool.) I’ve seen so many usernames that included “gay”, “lesbian”, “bi”, “trans”, etcetera, but when I include “straight” in my username, I’ve committed a terrible sin, according to some people! These things are seriously happening, but I still can’t believe it...
Someone choosing to be gay may be none of my business, but I also never said a hard word about it. Just that I DON’T support it unlike almost everyone else these days. And why would you give a darn crap about what I think, huh??? There are MILLIONS of people to back you up!!! Often, I only need to turn my head to see another lgbt+ supporter. I can’t even watch TV anymore without flags turning up on the sides of the soccer field or sometimes even in the stands! So what the FRICK are you whining about??? (Maybe I’m talking to you specifically, maybe I’m not, but I’m pretty sure you’ll know if I do.)
At first, I was shocked by the message and I gotta be honest, I was really SAD too. It came so unexpected and definitely not on the right day (my birthday, I’ll have you know... no joke, I couldn’t even celebrate it due to my school tests, but then I was taking a break after some studying and I do had to see THAT message). I suppose it hurt me more than it should have. But well, the longer I think about it, the more happy I am you showed your true self. The HORRIBLE and RUDE person you are. The truth is one of the most important things in life and I’m glad to have found it out once again. The last thing I want to say, is that I’m not hateful towards those you claim I am hateful to, but now, I DO despise YOU.
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rebelcap · 4 years
We are not just friends — part 9
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a person of color, she's brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.  
Warnings: drinking, smoking, drug use (weed), assault, Chris being Steve Rogers, commitment issues, my girl Sofia kinda messy, lots of fucking (eventually) 
This is slow burn at its best, at least emotionally. 
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“ It's not fancy, isn't it?” Sofia asked going through her suitcase in the middle of the bed, hoping to find something to wear.
“ Nah, it's casual. Like a get-together—” Chris answered her thought the phone, they were Facetiming as they both get ready.
“Alright, what about… this and this?” She said holding up a red mini skirt with a red crop top. “I feel like matching.”
“Love it, red suits you. “ Chris answered and Sofía wiggle on the bed and began undressing, not caring for modesty as Chris looked at her.
“Enjoying the show? creep. “ She laughed as Chris rubbed her beard watching her get undressed, she wasn't being sexy or anything close, Chris just find her fucking hot all the time.
“Sure, don't mind me.” Chris answered her smiling. “want me to pick you up?”
“No honey, it's okay. I'll Uber the rest so you can't have to drive back and forth.’
‘I really don't mind, Sof.’
‘I know, but you know how I am with getting ready. I don't want you running late and shit. It's fine, you go ahead and I'll text you when I'm there.”
‘You sure?”
‘Yes, dumbass. You go ahead I'll text you. “ She said kissing the screen making Chris laugh.
“Alright, I'll be going then. call me. “
They hung up and Chris go ahead and grabbed his things and went ahead to his friend's birthday.
And Sofia took her time and arrived forty-five minutes later cause she can.
Chris was already waiting for her outside, having a sly smoke and playing with his phone on the side of the building, high-end building on LA.
Sofia called him out and shake her head when she saw the cigarette on his hand and Chris put it out.
“Sorry, I know you hate it. “
“It's bad for you. “
“I know—You're pretty,” Chris observed her, she was wearing what she shows him earlier, looked much better on her, red was definitely her color.
“Do I? I feel a little silly. I nervous—I don't know.” She nervously laughed shrugging as Chris pulled her in for a quick kiss. “I don't know anyone.”
“Neither do I, really. I know some of them.” Chris told her and she hummed. “I'm a little anxious.”
Sofia smiled and kissed him again, he wrapped his arms around her waist and fight the urge to grab her ass.
“We should go in.” He said letting her go and she agreed, rearranging her skirt and walked in with Chris.
The party wasn't what she was expecting, you know like a get together a few beers and friends hanging out but no, it was a full-blown party with a lot of people.
She didn't say anything as Chris greet people and introduced them to her, it was a little taxing but she did it anyway because it's Chris.
“Dude, so many people.”
“Yes, I thought it wasn't like this.” He looked at her with an apologetic look.
“It's fine, you do your thing and I'll mingle with that bar over there.” She told him with a smile and almost pushed him towards his friends.
“You sure?”
“Yes, go.” Sofía pushed him again and Chris leans over and plants a quick kiss on the top of her head.
“You're the best, it will be just for a little bit. I'll be back.” He kissed her again and disappear on the crowd and she looked forward to the bar, maybe getting a little bit tipsy will loosen her up but the crowd here was way different to what she and Mandy hung out back at home.
She felt pretentious wearing matching top and skirt, she couldn't imagine what she would feel wearing a thousand-dollar dress like the bunch of girls over there.
She grabbed a beer and isolated herself to a corner, where she could observe the party—witch was absolutely cool with her, what she wasn't expecting was seeing Chris's ex-girlfriend chatting with some girls and pointing out exactly where he was.
“Oh boy.” She mumbles drinking her beer and looked at her walk through until she reached him and he acted amicable with her, hugs and cheeks being kissed.
At that moment she decided to get fucked up and dance if he was going to be with his ex might as well she find something to do at this stupid party. Sofia quickly drank her beer and head back to the bar to do a few shots, clearly catching the attention of a few guys hovering over there.
“Hey,” One of them says, he had a kind smile and was attractive enough.
“Hi.” She said back, smiling too.
They chatted for a bit, his name was Tom, he's a publicist and single.
“You came here with someone?” Tom asked as she sips her drink, the second one.
“Mm-hm, with my friend.” She vaguely said, not wanting to hint that it was Chris.
“Oh, do I know her?” He asked, trying to find out who and assumed it was a girl.
“It's a he and probably you do.” Sofía quickly answers and without thinking looked back at where he was before and his back was facing her while he talked to his ex's ear. Sofia couldn't help but sigh deeply and drank the rest of the drink. “Can I have another one?” She flagged the bartender and he quickly began making her another.
“You work on the industry?” He asked taking a sip of his own drink and Sofia realized that he really didn't like this dude anymore, she didn't want to talk about work of the industry.
“Not really—”
“You should, you've got this young Salma Hayek thing going on.” He said moving his hands and Sofia raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, we're both Latinas.”
“Really? where you from?”
“Yeap, Argentina,” Sofía answered back and quickly looked back at Chris and he kept talking with his ex, now drinks in hand and he had that pink on his cheeks and moving his hands.
man, am I jealous? She thought for a second but quickly shake her head and looked at Tom, trying to find out if she could possibly, at least, make out.
But he was a little off-putting and Sofia started thinking that he was recruiting or some shit—witch she wasn't interested at all. Leave that to the talented people, she wasn't that.
“—You know, I could introduce you to our manager. We're looking for someone with your profile, there's a lot of new—”
“I'm going to stop you there because I've got no interest in having a manager or working on the industry.” She said that with a mocking tone. “I'm good at my normal job.”
Tom actually scoffed at her then shake his head, “Then what are you doing at a party like this? are you an escort?”
Sofia was the one to scoff now and give Chris another look, and his ex had her arm around his waist they were going to make out anytime soon. Now she really wanted to get the fuck out of here.
“I came with a friend, whatever. Bye,” She waves him off and turned her back at him, not bothering to see if he walked away or not.
She pulled her phone and furiously text Mandy.
Christofer, it's all cozy with his fucking ex and people here are treating me like I am a fucking escort.
“I'm a fucking idiot.” She mutters to herself after she press sends, totally regretting that because she knows how she exaggerates things.
Baby, leave that party. Go to the hotel and we'll talk.
Sofia stare at the screen and decided that Mandy's idea wasn't bad, at all. She wasn't going to wait around as Chris fuck the girl—and she did felt bad like it wasn't enough for him. She looked one more time and indeed, they were absolutely making out.
“Yeah, fuck this.”
“I can't do this anymore,” Chris push her away and shake his head."I came here with someone, I can't be doing this. She's important to me,"
She scoffed, "Yet, you are here making out with me. Why then? " She asked and tried to resume the kissing.
"No, I can't—I shouldn't be here," He turned around and drank the rest of his beer praying that Sofia didn't see that.
Of course, she wasn't picking up, Chris began to panic actual panic as he quickly typed.
Where are you? can't find you.
Sof, are you okay?
Please call me.
Sofía was walking as she looked at the screen and scoffed, the hotel wasn't that far and she feels like walking trying to clear off her mind. For a moment there she had those awful flashbacks with Tiffany, she used to do the same shit, worst of all she allowed it. She knew that this was nothing, that they weren't absolutely nothing besides friends but if this is how he was gonna behave as friends.
"I'm walking to the hotel," She spoke softly at the phone, it was Mandy.
"What happened?" She asked and Sofia told her the whole thing. "Well fuck, he's calling me,"
"Yeah I should probably let him know that I'm heading to the hotel before he called the police," Sofia said softly and sighed. "Tiffany used to pull this shit—
"He's not Tifanny, "
"Yeah, I'll talk to you back at the hotel. I'm going to text him and buy booze." Sofia said and tell their goodbyes and hung up.
Chris was calling again and Sofia picked up.
"I'm fine, I'm going to the hotel."
"Jesus Christ, Sofia. I was freaking out,"
"Yeah, sure," She laughs bitterly. "Whatever, I'm going to sleep. I'll text your assistant the details for the contract and photoshoot. You still wanna do that?, or I call the whole thing off? no pressure."
"You saw, don't you?"
"Whole fucking party saw that kiss, dude." She said softly, "It's okay, but I don't wanna be in the middle of nothing. I thought you had figured it out and moved on,"
"I did fuck. I'm sorry Sof—"
"Did you? you were just fucking kissing her."
"It took me by surprised, I told her I was with you that—come on, can we talk about it?"
"We are,"
"In-person, Sof."
"I'm tired Chris, I'm kinda drunk and I'm about to enter the hotel lobby." She said softly. "Are you in for tomorrow?"
"Yeah, I'll be there," Chris answered defeated. "I'm sorry Sofia."
"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." She hung up.
He fucked up.
Thanks everyone! ❤️
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zmediaoutlet · 4 years
Do you think Dean would have any kinks he would be too embarrassed to share with Sam?
uh fam idk if you can hear this from here but let me try:
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like, FUCKIN YES. So much yes. Beyond yes.
–that being said, obviously this depends on how you characterize your Dean-who-is-sleeping-with-Sam. (I assume that’s the context of this, and it’s not, like, actual Show Canon!Dean who’s just chatting away with Sam about his kinks. That dude would also probably not share some of his real kinks, but would make up silly shit specifically to torture his little brother.)
A wincest-possible Dean can be spun a bunch of different ways, clearly, and a lot of it depends on if you alter their background a little, or what you think Dean’s sexuality is (straight with an exception? fully bi? various flag-bearing options?), and how they get together, and when they get together, and when the conversation about kinks is happening. A defiantly mostly-queer toppy Dean who prostituted himself as a teenager who finally kissed Sam in s2 and thinks John’s opinion can go fuck itself–that guy is going to have a different conversation about it than a shamefaced “am I really bi? oh no?” 29 year old Dean who’s about to go to hell and can’t quite look Sam in the eye. It all depends.
Now, the way I prefer to write it, most of the time–I really, really like a Dean who struggles to look the full weight of his want in the face. Granted, I adore–ADORE–established-relationship married!chesters, and I love hedonist!Dean, and I love him being kind of… certain of Sam, in a way that maybe wasn’t possible when they were younger. Still, though: my understanding of Dean’s canon self folded into a wincest-possible Dean leaves a lot of room for… shame, basically, and the shame is where I think there’s a lot of interesting work to do.
As I mentioned recently, Sam and Dean are really very, very, very normal. Dean’s got a pretty meat-and-potatoes way of looking at the world, 90% of the time, and so I don’t necessarily want that to be totally removed even if he does take little brother d on the reg. (If the character’s wholly altered just because of buttsex, then why would I want to write or read about him? I still want him to feel like Dean, as much as possible.) So, what does a guy like Dean like? We get a lot of random info, and a lot of stuff he fantasizes about (hentai!! what a dingus), but when we actually see him have sex it is… boring, normal people sex. So the things he would think are kinky–they’re not necessarily that far out there. Getting tied up and panties, and maybe a little light domination, that’s like !! gosh!! alarm bells!! so kinky!! Those I think he wouldn’t have much trouble sharing with Sam, although it’s easy to extrapolate how it could be a major issue (and indeed I wrote like 60k on the subject).
The things I think would be really, really hard for that Dean to share? Again, it depends, but the things that come to mind first are the things that are… mentally and emotionally revealing. Like, what if he really wished Sam would dom the fuck out of him, but the reason isn’t because toppy Sam is sexy but because he has this inchoate wordless desire to fall so deep into subspace that he can’t think about how shitty he is? What if he craved praise? You can’t say that to your little brother–please tell me I’m worth something. What if he wanted something sharp and terrible that’d make Sam hurt to give it–what if he wanted the softest, gentlest domesticity, which they’ll never be able to have? It’s that stuff. He’d have no issue grinning at Sam and saying, “hey, let’s pretend you’re the robber and you’re tying me up and ravishing me.” That’s a shrug, that’s just for the lulz. It’s the stuff that means something that’s scary.
But oh man, when they get there.
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