#which as their favorite substitute teacher you know what? I might as well be to them
catboydan · 4 months
yesterday the 7th graders were calling themselves alphas and sigmas etc (one of the current phrases they love like Fortnite and skibidi toilet) and they asked me ms. catboydan are you a sigma? And I thought about it and said no, I’ve ascended beyond the need to confine myself to labels like alpha and sigma and they said, ok, what does that make you then?
and my linguist-ass brain thought ok. I said I’ve ascended beyond the system so what’s a prefix that means above? And that’s how I ended up calling myself a super-sigma on accident
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panharmonium · 3 years
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this is legitimately one of my top five favorite kakashi scenes.
i love seeing kakashi break the rules in the name of doing the right thing, and this scene especially is particularly satisfying to me, because his moment of defiance here is, to my mind, long overdue.  
one of my eternal frustrations in early naruto is how the leaf village administration gives kakashi the job of caring for a group of super high-needs children and then continually makes that job as difficult for him as possible.  they task him with being solely responsible for the development and well-being of three twelve year-olds - a group that includes naruto (a walking disaster with a god’s power trapped inside his body) and sasuke (a genocide survivor fixated on killing his own brother), BOTH of whom are being hunted by different groups of supercriminals - and then the village keeps getting in kakashi’s way or dropping the ball or actively ordering him to prioritize other things.  
so much of what goes wrong with the kids in this period is the result of other people interfering with kakashi’s work or being negligent or endangering the kids/putting kakashi in impossible positions.  team 7’s first big mission sets the tone for everything that comes after, with someone else’s lie putting kakashi in a situation where he has to single-handedly protect not just the client who deceived him, but the three children who were supposed to be the clients’ other protectors.  and after that, the list just multiplies:
ten anbu operatives can’t manage to protect sasuke’s hospital room from orochimaru’s minions, so kakashi has to do it himself and then whisk sasuke out of the village for a month, leaving naruto in the hands of a substitute and sakura with her parents
genma orders sasuke to chase after gaara when the chunin exams blow up, saying “you’re at chunin level already,” which forces kakashi to immediately dispatch more kids to bring him back, because “ffs NO i do NOT want him out there doing that why the fuck would you tell him to do that?!” 
aoba runs his mouth off about itachi when sasuke is standing RIGHT THERE, instantly undoing all the work kakashi just did to prevent itachi and sasuke from coming anywhere near each other (and thus sending sasuke to that disastrous first encounter, the outcome of which ultimately leads to sasuke’s defection)
jiraiya decides he should let sasuke try to fight itachi himself, “out of respect for the boy’s feelings,” leading to sasuke ending up in a tsukuyomi coma
tsunade orders kakashi to drop his teaching work and leave the village on a mission even though a) he’s just gotten out of his own torture-induced coma and b) sasuke is having a crisis that kakashi is trying to manage
and then when kakashi gets back from that mission and finds out that surprise, all of this meddling has led to a disaster, tsunade tries to order him away AGAIN
but this time - he just says no.
he walks right out of her office.  he turns his back on her.  and there is NOTHING i love more than seeing kakashi embody the philosophy that he’s chosen to adopt as his guiding light: those who break the rules are scum.  but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.
it’s not that he doesn’t understand where tsunade is coming from here.  but he knows she’s wrong.  she’s making her decisions based solely on concerns about the Leaf Village being in a tight spot - feeling like they can’t turn down missions because they’ll appear weak and thus become vulnerable to attack when they’re already operating at half strength.  she sends a group of twelve year-olds to bring sasuke back because supposedly the village can’t spare anyone else, “even if it means letting the sharingan fall into orochimaru’s hands” - but like.  it’s not the sharingan.  it’s a child.  sasuke isn’t just a repository for his hereditary jutsu; he’s not a pair of eyes to be passed around from one wielder to the next.  he’s a human child.  
tsunade doesn’t know sasuke.  she’s new to the situation and doesn’t know enough about it to understand how serious it is.  i don’t even think she was still in the village when the uchiha massacre occurred; the timeline makes it sound like she left long before that.  she doesn’t really understand who sasuke is or how much trouble he’s in - she makes her decision because she feels like her first priority has to be the well-being of the Leaf as a whole, not the individual people who comprise it.  kakashi, though, who a) lives his life by a very different philosophy and b) does understand sasuke’s situation, would not have dealt with the issue like this, and if the village had let him do his job from the beginning, things wouldn’t have gotten to this point in the first place.
kakashi is horrified that tsunade sent a bunch of twelve year-olds out to fight orochimaru’s ninja, and i think he’s also probably angry and/or frustrated about having been ordered out of the village in the first place.  he was dealing with the situation before tsunade sent him away.  he interrupted the fight between sasuke and naruto even though he himself had literally just gotten out of the hospital, and then he continued addressing the issue with sasuke privately (unlike jiraiya’s non-attempt to address it with naruto, when he said he was going to give naruto a talking-to but actually flaked out).  kakashi knew sasuke was struggling, and he was doing all the things a teacher is supposed to do to address it, but then he was ordered away, and even though it was just for two days, it was enough time for everything to go to hell.
if people would just let him do his job - if the administration would let him focus on the task they themselves assigned to him - things would be different.  but everybody wants him to do everything.  they want him to be everywhere.  they want him to protect the nine-tails jinchuriki (who is also kakashi’s dead teacher’s son), and train the last surviving uchiha (which is a task only kakashi and his sharingan can perform), and give equal attention to a third kid, for good measure, and they want him to do it without stepping away from any of his other burdens, all while other people around him constantly frustrate the progress he makes.
so this time, when tsunade tries to send him away, he refuses.  he disobeys her orders and walks out of the room.  he doesn’t care about the rules or what he’s “legally” obligated to do.  he knows what the RIGHT thing to do is, and so he rejects his new mission in favor of rescuing the kids.
i love these moments.  i love when we’re shown so clearly the person kakashi has chosen to be - someone who does what’s right, not just what he’s told.  he made an active choice many years ago to adopt that philosophy, and he’s been living by those new rules ever since.  he's wiser now than he was when he was a child - sometimes you have to break ranks to do the right thing.  sometimes you have to buck the system, even if it means you might face severe personal consequences.
he had one of two choices: either save the mission or his comrades.  of course, according to the law of the village, you cannot abandon a mission.  but to save the life of his comrades, he put the mission on hold.
kakashi may have spent a good chunk of his childhood trying to reject everything the subject of that story stood for, but none of his attempts to harden his heart ever stuck.  he is, in the end, his father’s son.
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thechangeling · 3 years
But you like her better: Part 2
Sorry it's been a minute! I hope you like it.
Cw: Some brief ableism, mentions of internalized biphobia, and self injurious stimming.
It was raining when 16 year old María Machado Sotomayor first met Kit Herondale.
Marí had always loved the sound of the rain. It was peaceful and rhythmic, creating a nice tingly feeling in her skull running straight down her spine. It also good for the plants. Which meant that Marí arrived (on time for once) at her favorite class in a pretty good mood.
Marine biology was their one of their three special interests, the other two being lacrosse and Base guitar. So Bio was usually pretty fun for them. However this time was different.
Her mood was instantly dampened when she walked into class and saw someone new sitting in her usually seat. A blond, short and white kid who looked far too pretty for his own good. A new kid most likely.
A new kid who didn't realize that Marí always sat by the window every single day. It was their spot. Still Marí was determined not to overreact. They marched over to the new kid  and approached him with their best masking smile.
Remember eye contact. She told herself. Keep your tone light and breezy but not too lifeless. Smile. Appear friendly and non threatening. Try not to sweat. Try not to scream.
"Hi excuse me," Marí began in a sickly sweet tone. "That's actually my seat! Sorry!"
The boy instantly looked embarrassed and apologetic. "Oh I'm sorry!" He blushed. "I didn't realize there was assigned seating." He had an American accent, California maybe?
Wonderful. A white American boy. Just what they needed.
Marí chewed their lip and fought the urge to rock or tap. "There isn't actually," they admitted. "I just usually sit there. So can you please move?"
Now the new kid looked a little offended. A cold look settled over his face. "Well why should I?" He bristled. "This seat isn't really yours. It's not like it has your name on it."
Marí rolled her eyes in frustration. "I tried that already but then I got in trouble."
He stared at them curiously for a moment. Marí took the opportunity to break eye contact finally and scuff their heel against the floor. They were wearing the new black suede chunky heels with the gem stones that Marí had gotten when they went thrifting with their friends.
"María!" The harsh voice of her teacher snapped her back into reality. Everyone had arrived and taken their seats while she was arguing with the American and now everyone was staring at her. "Could you please explain why you are not seated young lady?" She snapped in her extra pretentious sounding posh English accent.
The one that said, "I'm better than you."
Marí tried not to growl at being called a young lady. They weren't feeling particularly female today. Not that Marí was going to bother explaining that to some old British hag.
"He won't get out of my seat!" Marí protested. Instantly laughter broke out around the classroom. Cruel mocking laughter that made Marí feel like her skin was crawling.
"It's ok!" The new kid cried out, practically jumping out of Marí's seat. "I'll move! I'll go sit over here." He grabbed his bag and moved to the back of the room as quickly as possible.
Marí smiled in spite of themself. His random act of kindness was surprising, but they were grateful. They took their seat near the window and sighed in relief.
Marí would always look back on that day with fondness no matter what. It may not have seemed like much to him, but it meant the world to her. After Bio class she had asked Kit to come eat with her and her friends. They had made their introductions and the rest was history.
They became close friends very quickly, bonding over movies and music. They sent each other playlists of their favorite songs and songs that reminded them of each other. Marí made Kit a queer playlist with songs by queer artists and told Kit that they were bisexual and a demigirl. They hadn't even told their friends that last part yet at that point.
Marí also told Kit that they liked to use she/they pronouns, but so far was only using them online. Kit asked Marí a lot of questions then confessed to Marí that he was also bisexual but he was still kinda getting used to it.
"I grew up in a shitty situation," Kit had told them. "I guess I still have a lot of shame."
Marí didn't hold it against him. She bought him queer literature and resources for queer history including "Bisexuality and Queer Theory" and her printed copy of the article published in the 90s called "The Bisexual Manifesto." She gave him advice on websites and people to follow online.
They also just talked. Talked about life and their experiences. Their feelings and their relationships with their sexualities. Bonding with another queer person was always special but spending time with Kit always made Marí feel so...light.
Despite how close they were getting, Marí didn't always want to touch him. They were touch averse in most cases unless they were very comfortable with someone. Sometimes it just depended on the day. On the days where Marí found they could not hug Kit they had invented their own way to show affection.
They would place a hand over their hearts and tap it, as if to say "I care about you" or "I love you." Sometimes Kit would say "tap my heart" as a substitute for actually doing it.
He introduced her to his close friend Janessa, the wayward vampire who was incredibly hot and kind of made Marí all nervous and tounge twisty at first. But as they got to know her, Marí realized that she was also incredibly kind, passionate and clearly cared at great deal about Kit. Janessa was a gamer who had named herself after a video game character. She drank cups of warm blood in novelty mugs with giant swirly sparkly straws and was pretty good at making people laugh.
Janessa, or Nessie as Kit had affectionately nicknamed her, was flirtatious and charismatic, but also brutal and deadly in a fight. She was full of surprises. And maybe, just maybe Marì was a little bit into that.
However as much as Marí didn't want to admit it, they were also were starting to realize that they were way more into someone else. Someone with perfect golden curls that Marí wanted to curl their fingers into.
Eventually Kit came out to Marí as genderfluid and requested that she use alternating he/they pronouns for them. They both made the decision to collectively tell their friends their pronouns. Marí, Kit and Nessie sat around her gorgeous leather couch and talked for hours about gender, identity and transness. Kit pointed put that they may never be able to fully explain their gender to the other two, just like Kit might have a hard time fully understanding Janessa's relationship with gender, or Marí's because everyone was different.
"It's personal Nessie," he had said. "Everyone has their own unique perspective on gender and every trans person has their own complicated feelings about gender and what their own gender identity means to them, and those feelings might not completely match up with another trans person's. But that's ok. You don't have to understand the other person but you do have to respect them."
Janessa's understanding of gender came from being a trans women. It was about a strict  binary with clear lines and rules. Rules that Kit was starting to make a habit of fingerpainting all over and Marí could tell that it was stressing her out.
And Marí had no idea where the hell they fit in these rules. They had stopped playing the game.
But those two loved each other more than anything, and Marí knew they could work anything out. And sure enough approximately seven hours and four margaritas later (only two for Marí,) they had come to an understanding.
She kissed Kit for the first time a month into the new year.
They had been trying on clothes in Marí's room and Kit was wearing one of their old dresses that Marí thought they looked amazing in, but Kit wanted to give it away. It was dark navy blue and sparkly with spaghetti straps, coming to about mid thigh. There were cut outs on the sides, filled in with black sheer fabric, and it had a low v cut at the neckline which was also filled in with black sheer.
Kit had been infodumping about one of the Marvel movies again, Marí couldn't remember which one, and she had kept getting distracted by his tan smooth skin peaking through the sheer fabric and fullness of Kit's moving lips. He smiled excitedly and Marí had stepped forward and kissed him.
Their first thought was that Kit tasted like chocolate. Their second was that they should have done this months ago.
Kit had melted into the kiss, smiling slightly against her mouth and pulling her closer. They kissed her feverishly, sliding their tounge inside Marí's mouth and moaning when she deepened the kiss eagerly. They moved against each other with almost lazy, comfortable precision, kissing each other for what could have been hours or days or maybe only seconds.
Marí couldn't have said.
When Kit finally broke the kiss and pulled away from Marí, his eyes were practically gleaming with joy and love. And that was when they knew.
I love him.
I love him.
Ty's words ran in her ears. Repeating over and over again, maddenly bouncing around inside of her skull until she was forced to utter out loud,
"I love him".
They whispered it under their breath but Marí could tell that both Alyssa and Ty had heard them. It was so quiet you could probably hear a pin drop.
But of course. Of course he does. It was obvious. This whole time Marí had noticed there was something wrong with Ty. Just like there was something wrong with Kit. The way they stared after each other when they thought the other one wasn't looking. The loving and worshipful glances mixed with the bitter glares.
Marí had already known that Kit was in love with Ty of course. But the way they had told the story made it seem like they were positive that Ty couldn't be in love with them.
But then again maybe that made sense. Given Kit's history and who he was. But then Marí couldn't help but think of Ty and how confused he must have been. God it was a giant mess.
Speaking of...
The room was still silent. Marí found that she couldn't read Ty's expression as he stared back at her flatly. But his body was shaking, his fingers fluttered at his sides. She wanted to soothe him.
They stepped forward carefully. "I'm not mad at you," Marí assured him. "I was hoping we could talk?"
Ty's left eye twitched. "We are talking," he pointed out. Alyssa snorted.
"Ty, they mean about the proverbial bomb you just dropped a few seconds ago," Alyssa said with a laugh.  Marí smirked to themself slightly.
It wasn't really a bomb. More like a flare.
She really needed to talk to Ty. The only problem was Alyssa had an annoying tendency to never leave his side. It wasn't like she had a problem with the girl. Of course not. But her presence meant that Marí hadn't had the opportunity to talk to Ty one on one.
They cleared their throat. "Alyssa could you please give Ty and I some space to talk?" They asked. Marí hoped they didn't sound too rude. Alyssa looked to Ty and he nodded slightly, signaling that he was ok with her leaving.
That was so strange to Marí. Their relationship. The way Alyssa, a werewolf who hated shadowhunters even more then Marí did, essentially took orders from him and clearly trusted him more than anyone else. But perhaps she wasn't one to judge.
After all, she loved Kit.
Alyssa left the room with a pat on Ty's back and a quick, "call if you need me." Marí shifted their weight back and forth as they rocked slightly from side to side as they waited for Ty to speak.
He stared back at her silently, most likely doing the same. Marí blew out a loud breath and forced herself to stay still, crossing her arms.
"Are you going to say something or should I?" Ty asked expectantly. Marí bit their lip and shrugged.
"I'm still thinking of what I wanna say," she admitted.
Ty smiled at her softly. "So am I."
There we go. Cracks in the armour.
"I'm sorry," Ty whispered suddenly. "I never meant to-"
"You don't have to apologize!" Marí blurted out. Whoops they had interrupted him. "Oh shit sorry you were still talking!" They reached for their hair nervously and realized that they were wearing that Morticia wig for their costume.
Great. Marí moved on to chewing on her knuckles.
"It's ok," Ty reassured her. "I don't really know where I was going with that sentence. And you shouldn't do that." He pointed to her hand.
Marí scoffed, "yeah well you shouldn't dig your nails into your palms." He glared at them and they laughed.
"Not so fun playing a game of Mirror Image is it?" They teased. Ty didn't respond, just stared at Marí solemnly.
"You know I really admire you," he said, aiming his gaze close enough to hers to create the illusion of eye contact. "I always have. I never wanted to hurt or upset you."
Marí wished for a brief moment that they could touch him and then shrugged the impulse off. "I know love," they cooed. "Me too."
Without really understanding why, she pressed her hand to her chest directly above her heart and tapped, just like how she did with Kit. Ty studied Marí for a moment and then followed suite.
Marí in spite of themself, actually felt bad for him. They could clearly see the toll the last three years had taken on him, specifically the last few weeks. Maybe his family couldn't see it, and they definitely knew that Kit couldn't, but Marí could.
Marí of all people could see past the mask because they knew what masking looked like. It wasn't just about appearing normal, whatever that word meant. It was about hiding your feelings. Taking that heart you wore on your sleeve and locking it up tight. But everytime Marí looked at Ty, they could see it. And it was bleeding.
Ripped and bloody and broken, just like her own and yet they both still had the sheer audacity to keep breathing. Marí was proud of them both.
"You need to talk to him," Marí prompted. "You both need to be honest with each other."
Ty furrowed his brow. "Honest? About what? He doesn't feel the same way." He had gone back to flicking his fingers as he stared at her, looking puzzled.
Bloody hell between the two of them, Kit and Ty were giving Marí the mother of all headaches.
They took a deep breath. "Yes they do Ty," Marí tried not to sound exasperated. "Kit is in love with you, believe me. They told me."
It hurt Marí's heart to have to say it, but it was true and Ty deserved to know the truth. And they knew deep down that Kit wouldn't really be happy, he wouldn't be Kit until he had Ty. And Marí had to make their peace with that.
Ty looked understandably confused. He ran a frantic hand through his hair. "But why are you telling me this? Why are you helping me?" He asked. "Don't you love them?"
She fought the urge to cry as tears gathered in her eyes. She found herself digging her nails into her palms despite chastising Ty for doing it a few minutes ago.
"I'm telling you all of this because I love them" she cried desperately. "Because Kit cries out your name in his sleep Ty! Because everytime he sees you, he stares at you like you are the moon the sun and the stars! Because everytime you speak they hang onto absolutely every word, and when you laugh-" Marí cut herself off.
They squeezed their eyes shut and took deep long breaths. Ty said nothing. Marí opened their eyes to see Ty staring at them in dismay. He looked like he was trying to think of what to say to help.
Marí shook their head. "I know Kit loves me. And they probably always will. We were close friends even before we started dating." Marí groaned and shook out their entire body this time, jumping up and down a few times as well to get rid of the tension. If Ty thought this was weird he didn't comment on it.
Marí wiped her eyes carefully trying not to smudge her mascara. "But you Ty?" His eyes refocused on her again at the sound of his name. Marí chuckled humourlessly. "Fucking hell, he is in love with you. And right now he is thinking that you hate him and I know it's tearing him up inside."
Ty stared at Marí hopelessly, looking overwhelmed and exhausted. "So what do I do then? What am I supposed to say?"
Marí shrugged. "I can't help you with that I'm sorry. It has to come from you." Ty looked even more panicked.
They gave him what they hoped was an encouraging smile. "Don't be scared Ty," they murmered. "It's Kit remember. They're not scary. You have nothing to worry about."
Ty didn't answer her. He had wrapped his arms around his body, squeezing tightly. "Marí do you remember those dead moon jellyfish we buried on the beach?" He asked.
She was a little confused as to why he was bringing this up now. "Yeah? Why?"
"That's what I feel like right now," Ty admitted. "Like I've washed up on the beach and now I'm just waiting for someone to come along and step on me."
Marí's heart sank. "Oh Ty," they breathed. "I promise that won't happen with Kit. I can't make any promises for anyone else, but I do know that Kit has absolutely no intention of hurting you again love."
Ty looked pensive. Marí could only hope that Ty would make the decision to trust them.
With a sudden jolt Marí remembered the party.
"Hey we still have the Halloween party to go to," she said, shaking Ty out of his stupor. "Do you still wanna go?"
To their surprise, Ty nodded. "Sure. I think Alyssa might kill me if I back out now."
Marí snorted. Alyssa Reyes could be pretty terrifying at times.
With surprise Marí found that their spirts were lighter having cleared the air with Ty and with the prospect of a party being renewed.
She smiled. "All right then let's head out!" Marí smoothed down the long black wig over her shoulders and quickly smoothed out the long skirt of her black slinky dress before turning and exiting the training room.
She knew that she would have to talk to Kit at some point and that conversation would be brutal. But at least they could have one last night together.
It's better this way. Marí told themself as they walked back towards the main living room where everyone was gathered.  At least now Kit can be happy.
It's for the best.
It has to be.
So I'm actually planning on writing a part 3 from Kit's pov because the drama isn't over yet! 😏
Tag list: lmk if you wanna be added/removed.
@playwithravenclaw @lavender-scented-rat @jazzkaurtheglorious @waterlillies   @nott-the-best @stxr-thxif @magnus-the-fabulous-entp-bane @foxglove-airmid @littlx-songbxrd @clarys-heosphoros @queenlilith43 @arangiajoan @hardlymatters @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood @tired-vin @phoenix-and-dragon @the-blackdale @adoravel-fenomeno @the-wckd-powers
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jjuzoir · 3 years
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Random Kageyama Tobio HCS
Word Count: 1851
Warnings: just... me being in love with a m*n other than masumi 😔 also! these are my headcanons as in,,, what i personally i think he’d be like ‼️ also me projecting my ideal man into him (as if he wasn’t it already 😋)
A/N: i... i love tobio so much it’s literally unreal... i couldn’t wait for a request (i’m still working on the remaining 4 too lolol) so take me projecting my love for tobio >:(
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— Kageyama normally wears loose fitting clothes or athletic-style clothing. His favorite go to outfits tends to be a loose tee, some loose pants with an obnoxious Nike logo he swears are super cool but look like two garbage bags sewed together, and running shoes. Throw a hoodie in there for colder weather, even then he still manages to look good.
— He takes very good care of his hair, like freaky good care, because of Miwa. Once she enrolled in cosmetology school and she saw Kageyama use the same baby shampoo from when they were kids she freaked out (if she’d been any later he’d start using 3-in-1) and chewed his ear off about hair care. His hair is super shiny and there’s literally no freeze, he uses nice smelling shampoo and conditioner too. Ugh, I love him.
— He has a very sensitive nose but it gets clogged easily so he doesn’t notice much unless it miraculously unclogs itself and he’s complaining about everything.
— “Eh! Hinata, why’d you smell like a fucking axe bottle?!” “Why does no one say anything about Tsukishima smelling like strawberries?” “Yamaguchi smells like... milk.” “Hah?! Sugawara smells bad-?!”
— He says he’s a picky eater to appear cool but as long as you don’t say what’s in the food he’ll down it. He’ll say he doesn’t like carrots but if you give him a salad with carrots he might even say “it’s the best salad he’s ever had”.
— He’s a hot sleeper, and not in the “oh he’s sexy” type of way. I’m talking, he’ll sweat buckets if he sleeps with anything other than a flimsy white t-shirt and his underwear.
— Might be me projecting my love for bunny teeth but he has bunny teeth, his front teeth are a bit bigger than average (not to the point it’s super noticeable but it’s still something Miwa teased him about), his aunties probably squeezed his cheeks and called him “baby bunny” when he was younger.
— He doesn’t go to sleep later than 9PM, he thinks if he does it’ll ruin his schedule (which it will) and fuck up his body - he’s seen Miwa screw up hers after she pulled a bunch of all nighters in her third year in high school and has been afraid since.
— The type to forget people were coming over and come out of his room shirtless asking for his clean underwear.
— His sister forced him to let her cut and style his hair which led to many questionable hairstyles. Tsukishima is genuinely so grateful to Miwa, especially when she was first starting - he’s got some pictures of Tobio with the shortest most embarrassing bangs ever saved in his phone in a file for blackmail if the need for it ever presented itself.
— Likes pissing people off on purpose sometimes, during one of the training camps he probably walked into the bath with socks on and was made fun of but out of spite he just… never took them off. Said he’d done it on purpose and all too. Tanaka cried out of fear for like a hot minute when he saw him standing under the shower with Iron Man socks on.
— He’s so petty too, if you make fun of him for messing up he’ll remember until you embarrass yourself to make fun of you. And when I say he remembers, I mean it - he can’t for his life remember when to use make and do in english but he remembers when Hinata made fun of him for wearing different socks back on their first year and yes he will bring it up on their second year when he did the same thing what are you going to do about it?
— Probably got scouted for a modeling agency once and began running away because he thought they were trying to kidnap him.
— If he had Tiktok… he would’ve gone viral after posting a video of him practicing, he posted for a while for fun and to flex on people that he was hot but then he saw a comment saying they wanted to drink his milk under a video of him drinking milk and he deleted his account, he can’t buy from that brand for a while.
— He’s got a video of a gorilla walking in two legs saved on his phone for when he’s feeling down and watches it whenever he’s not going well. People think he’s texting his S/O but no, he’s just watching a gorilla walk like minecraft Steve.
— He can’t pose for pictures to save his life, his default pose is an NPC stance with his arms stiffly hanging down and his eyes wide in surprise, don’t ask him to smile or else he will look like a serial killer.
— He’s got a bit of baby fat on his cheeks that won’t disappear no matter what. It’s become a pre-game ritual to pinch his cheeks. He’s also got dimples you can really only see when he smiles naturally but he doesn’t know and he’d get shy if he knew and try covering his face so don’t tell him, that’s a fact he told me so himself.
— Cannot dance to save his life. He’s so long (?) his limb control is non-existent, it appears in game and vanishes when he steps out of the court. He really just bounces on his heels and moves his arms like a t-rex, don’t ask more of him.
— Buys his clothes one size bigger just in case and Miwa teases him saying he’ll need them when he gets old and fat.
— Gets asked out often but always rejects, then has the audacity to complain he’s never dated anyone like he hasn’t turned down half of the school's population.
— Can’t sing. He’s got a nice speaking voice but ask him to sing and he’s out of tone, out of sync, out of breath, and out of the room in 5 seconds.
— Sugawara joked about having him singing as his alarm clock and Kageyama actually believed him, probably sent him a new recording as a gift after he annoyed him during practice.
— Surprisingly funny when he wants to but most jokes fly over people’s heads since he seems so serious most of the time, it annoys him to no end. Yachi still struggles differentiating when he is and isn’t joking because his tone literally doesn’t change at all and she doesn’t want to offend him.
— When he was younger he liked to collect rocks, not even the pretty ones he’d pick the most average, raggedy rocks off the ground and clean them up and tuck them to bed because he saw Miwa play with her barbies like that. Still owns his first rock, he named it “Johnson” after Dwayne Johnson, aka the rock (he’s had to explain it so many times he’s exhausted).
— Accidentally drank expired milk once and didn’t notice until his stomach began hurting and he thought he became lactose intolerant and he was inconsolable for days until he realized it had expired like a month ago - he went on a milk shopping spree and the milk sales that week saw a 20% rise from the last few months.
— Tobio had bad handwriting until he was in Junior High because his teachers couldn’t understand him and had him practice calligraphy, his handwriting is now one of the prettiest ones in the team and he’s the official inker of the VBC posters (as designated by Goddess Yachi Hitoka herself).
— His biggest fear for a long time was getting eaten by piranhas because he saw it happen so often in cartoon shows he genuinely thought it was going to be a bigger deal than it turned out to be but for like a solid 6 years of his life he avoided suspicions puddles just in case.
— Kageyama has a habit of rolling and unrolling his sleeves when he’s deep in thought, it soon made way to a habit of checking his wrist watch (he absolutely has a wrist watch, you cannot change my mind on that) but not actually reading it.
— His nails are very pretty, like most setters, he takes very good care of them. They’re filed down to a perfect length and he puts oils and creams, his hands in general are so nice. He takes a lot of pride in them, you know his cuticles are pushed back and trimmed and he could absolutely be a hand model. Kags’ hands are calloused, he’s a volleyball player of course they are, but it’s not to the extent of Ushijima or Daichi’s hands.
— Talking about hands, it’s probably one of his favorite features on people. He loves holding hands with his S/O and tracing the wrinkles in their palm, being able to interlock fingers with them and feel the bumps in them.
— Mumbles to himself when in thought too! Very nonsensical if you’re not informed on what he’s thinking about, if he’s thinking about you he’ll mumble your name or something like “pretty eyes”.
— Has a very healthy diet, like extremely healthy and thought out. He won’t eat anything too sugary or that could throw off his body, but he does have cheat days (which are rare but exist). He also doesn’t drink much soda or alcohol (once he’s of age).
— Things like smoking are a big no, he takes so much care of his body he wouldn’t even touch a cigarette or be near a smoking area, lowkey paranoid of ingesting the smoke too.
— When he’s older I can see him having a dog and a cat, the dog would be a big dog; if they stood on two paws it’d be the same height as you, he’d name or something like Tobias and think he was super clever and funny, the cat would probably a small cat he’d name Milk (it probably would be a black cat too but he does not care).
— Probably tried baby formula because he heard it was a substitute for breast milk. No further comments on this.
— I feel like he doesn’t listen to music, but if he had to choose something he’d pick instrumental music - not orchestral music or anything like that - but more of a chill, no deep meaning just guitar and piano track. I could see him listening to Shego Sekito or Joe Hisashi on occasion, he might even listen to some 2000’s pop if he wants something to pump him up during training (he works out to Brittney Spears’ “Womanizer”).
— A cuddle-bug when he’s sleepy, he’ll throw himself across his S/O and not move at all, he just wants to stay there and not move ever again (or at least until he’s not feeling like passing out). He’ll like to wrap himself around them and cuddle their neck, he’ll attach himself to their arm like it’s a lifeline.
— In other words, Kageyama Tobio… b-boyfriend material.
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Enji’s Gratitiude {Endeavor | Enji Todoroki}
Anonymous: Hi, I was wondering if you'd be fine with doing an Endeavor x Male Reader where the reader is already engaged to Enji, but not many people know? Shouto is cool with him and greets him when he comes to be a guest teacher/sub for Class 1-A. I'm bad at explaining lol.
Hi everyone! I’m so sorry that it’s been over an entire MONTH since I last posted. I’ve been struggling finding motivation to write and with my classes starting online I have less free time which sucks ass.
So here’s one of my requests I feel like I deviated from the original idea?? Idk but anyways
I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Endeavor x Male reader
Words: 2.1k (2,112 )
Warning(s): None
Requests: 3/5 slots
(Y/H/N)= Your hero name
Ever since the incident at Camino, it was normal to see a different teacher during All Mights Foundational Hero Studies class. But the class never had the same substitute twice.
Mostly because the teachers were active pro heroes that had to do their jobs.
You were one of these substitutes today.
You were walking down the hallway to the teachers’ lounge after kissing Enji goodbye at the gate said man has been working late for a while now it was.. concerning, to say the least.
You were thinking of ways to help Enji when you spotted Shouto walking to class.
You rushed over to him and slung your arm around his shoulder.
“Hey, kiddo!”
He stiffened before relaxing when he realized it was you.
“Hello, (Y/N) good morning.”
You rolled your eyes ‘Always so serious’
“How’s life been treating you lately?”
You hugged him closer to you as you pulled him along the hallway.
“I’ve needed help with homework lately and my b-friend Midoriya has been helping me.”
A splash of pink appeared on his cheeks.
“So I guess other than that it’s been fine. How about you?”
You noticed his slip up but didn’t comment on it. He’ll tell you about it when he’s ready.
“It’s been fine but your father has been hounding me about being ‘more professional’ in his agency.”
“I don’t want to act all buddy-buddy with some stuck up interns.”
You sighed.
“But I guess it’s still kind of my job.”
You saw the teachers’ lounge coming up ahead so you pulled away from Shouto.
“This is my stop you should get going to class.”
Shouto nodded as he waved goodbye.
Walking through the door you were immediately wrapped up in cloth.
“You’re late.”
You looked up to meet a pair of tired eyes staring back at you.
“Sorry about that Shouta, I got held up on the way here.”
He sighed as he unraveled the cloth and handed you a folder.
“Here’s your lesson plan and I also assume you memorized the student roster?”
You nodded and grabbed the folder but couldn’t take it from his grasp.
“Dude I can’t study the lesson if you don’t give it to me.”
“I forgot to mention something.”
You looked at him expectantly.
“The bell rings in 5 minutes.”
You paused processing what he said.
“If you run you could probably make it in time.”
you cursed and immediately bolted out of the room.
Present Mic leaned over to Aizawa.
“Wait, class doesn’t start for another 20 minutes.”
A grin spread on Aizawa’s face.
“I know.”
You had just made it to the door when you felt your phone vibrate. Pulling it out revealed that you received a message from Enji telling you to pick up some stuff from the market before heading home. But what caught your eye was the time.
15 minutes left until the bell.
You groaned and bumped your head on the door. You had to meet the students anyway and you were already there so you might as well do it now.
Stepping into the room all of the talking ceased and the students’ eyes were on you.
“Hello, I’m (Y/H/N) I’m going to be your Foundational Hero Studies substitute for this week. If any of you have any questions for me don’t hesitate to ask I won’t bite… Much.”
Several students shouted their questions at once.
“Woah! Calm down you guys one at a time please!”
But it seemed that your plea fell on deaf ears.
Iida jumped from his seat to the front of the class arms up frantically chopping the air.
“Everyone settle down the teacher is trying to gain your attention!”
That did the trick now they’re back to looking at you.
“Thank you, Iida.”
He nodded and went back to his seat.
“Now you can ask me a few questions but please raise your hands first and I’ll choose one of you.”
The class was quiet for a moment before several hands were raised.
You pointed towards the blonde with a black lightning bolt printed in his hair.
“Where are you from?”
“Tokyo, it’s really nice there.”
A girl with pink skin and horns jumped up.
“What do you like to do for a hobby?”
“I like to cook, spicy pork dumplings are my favorite.”
Shouto raised his hand, what could he possibly want to know?
You pointed to him.
“Can you make cold soba for dinner tonight?”
You hummed.
“You got it, oh and also, your dad asked me to pick up some stuff from the store on the way home do you want to come?”
He nodded.
The rest of the class was in confused silence.
“Wait, are you.. dating his dad?!”
Kaminari yelled.
“No actually, he’s my husband.”
The class erupted into shouting.
“How long have you and Todoroki’s dad been married!?”
You thought for a moment.
“Our 1 year anniversary was about a month ago.”
Everyone looked at Shouto and he nodded.
And once again the class began shouting.
You sighed, this was going to be a long week.
You groaned as you pushed the front door to your home closed it with your foot, slipping off your shoes at the door and walking into the kitchen placing the groceries on the counter.
You went into your room and slipped off your hero suit replacing it with comfortable baggy clothes.
Shouto had changed his mind about going shopping to stay after school with Midoriya so you had gone shopping alone. He promised to be there by the time dinner was ready and nighttime patrol was more troublesome than usual.
“I can handle dinner.”
Hearing Fuyumi’s voice caused you to turn and face her.
“Are you sure?”
She nodded
“Dad’s in his office.”
You thanked her and walked past her.
Knocking on the office door you waited until you heard a gruff “Come in.” Before quietly sliding the door open.
You were met with Enji slumped over his desk writing away on what must be reports from his hero agency.
You simply watched him from the doorway before walking up behind him and wrapping your arms gently around his neck placing a soft kiss on the base of his skull.
He stopped his writing to sigh and lean into your touch.
Enji pulled away to spin his chair around.
Now that you were able to see his face he had dark circles beginning to form underneath his eyes. He had always worked hard but now that All Might has officially retired and he is now the number 1 hero he’s been pushing himself even harder so he can fill the space All Might left.
You placed a hand on his cheek, caressing the scar that marked the left side of his face. He leaned into your hand placing his hands your waist gently pulling you onto his lap.
Leaning forward you pressed soft kisses on his scar slowly moving lower kissing the corner of his mouth before pressing a deep gentle kiss on his lips.
Enji sighed through his nose as he pulled you closer.
You pulled away from the kiss and placed your hands on his shoulders.
“You should take a break, Fuyumi and I will make dinner and Shouto will be here in a while.”
You were about to stand up when he pulled you closer burying his face into your chest breaths uneven and hands shaky.
“Just, a few more moments.. please?”
You didn’t answer, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and holding him tight.
He may have been a brave, strong hero. But even he needed comfort.
You hugged him until his breathing came out slow and even and his hold around your waist loosened.
“Thank you, (Y/N)”
He looked up at you and you met his gaze.
You smiled and patted his cheek.
“I’m always here if you need me, now.”
You pulled away from him.
“I need to help Fuyumi with dinner. Go rest I’ll come get you when we’re done.”
Enji watched your form retreated through the door and sighed.
He stood up and made his way to yours and his shared room and laid down sinking into the soft mattress.
His gaze drifted to a framed picture resting on the nightstand.
You had smirked with your middle finger up while Enji simply glared at the camera.
That was the first real picture you had taken together that wasn’t an awkward angled photo taken by the paparazzi.
‘I don’t deserve him.’
He thought to himself.
He closed his eyes, allowing himself to drift off to sleep.
You had just finished dinner when you decided to check on Enji.
He was out like a light on the bed.
You smiled and sat next to him on the edge of the bed.
You ran your fingers through his hair massaging as you went.
You wished he didn’t push himself so hard but he was a stubborn man but then again you were just as stubborn when you’re passionate about something you care about.
And right now, you just want to help Enji as much as you could.
You stared as his features before gently shaking him awake.
He groaned and peeled his eyes open.
“Dinner’s ready, Shouto and Fuyumi are waiting for us at the table.”
He nodded and moved to stand up.
The two of you made your way to the dining table Where Shouto and Fuyumi were quietly chatting and sat down.
You immediately joined them in conversation while Enji quietly began eating.
Having dinner alone with his children always lead to silence and a tense atmosphere but with you there, you bridged the gap between them allowing them to connect. Even just a little.
No one mentioned it but they were all grateful.
You were the reason their relationship has been improving slowly but surely.
The only one who has been reluctant to repair the relationship had been Natsuo.
But you made it clear that he didn’t have to forgive his father if he didn’t want to. You merely encouraged him to be civil and recognize the change Enji had gone through.
And when he inevitably started crying from frustration and anger. You held him even when he began sobbing out loud saying how much he hated him.
You simply told him that’s fine and it’s his choice to do what he wanted.
Since then you and Natsuo talked over the phone sometimes and when he visits he sits near you or his siblings.
It seemed that you were a missing piece in the Todoroki family.
Dinner went smoothly, Enji even had a few decent moments with Shouto and Fuyumi before conversation died down and dinner was finished and everyone cleaned up and went to their rooms.
Enji slipped out of his shirt as soon as the door closed while you plopped down in the middle of the bed.
You held out your arms beckoning him.
He quietly slid into the bed lying on his stomach and placing his head on your chest.
The two of you sat in silence with nothing but the sound of breathing and your heartbeat in Enji’s ear.
“Thank you.”
You simply smiled and asked:
“For what?”
He thought for a moment.
“For being here and helping me even though I don’t deserve it.”
Enji turned his head to face you.
“You make me want to be a better person I had made such a terrible mistake and I wouldn’t blame you if you had decided to turn the other way. But you stayed and you push me to become a better person every day. And for that I’m grateful.”
You were at a loss for words.
The most emotionally vulnerable he’s been was when he confessed his deeds to you.
But right now he was being so earnest and looking at you with so much love in his eyes, It was a bit overwhelming.
You felt tears prickle in your eyes but you wiped them and hugged Enji closer to your chest.
You were glad to have made a positive change in his life.
“I’ll always be here for you.”
You laid your head back and felt Enji resume placing his head on your chest.
The two of you laid there basking in each others’ warmth.
It was when you were on the verge of unconsciousness when you heard Enji speak.
“I love you so much.”
It was just a whisper obviously not meant to be heard by you. But it melted your heart nonetheless.
“I love you too, Enji.”
The two of you fell asleep, content, and at peace, knowing the two of you meant the world to each other.
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haptronym · 3 years
Hello! Your fic was truly a joy to read, I'm eager to see where you'll bring it next! To satiate my hunger for good content in the meantime, I'd love to hear your recommendations (if you have any) for fics with good All Might characterization, or in general your favorite fics from the fandom. Thank you and have a good day!
Thank you so much; it means a lot that you'd take the time to let me know you liked it. I'm rather new to the fandom so I feel like I've barely scratched the surface of all the fanfiction out there and am not really the best person to ask this question. Here are a few I really like that aren't just "what shows up first when sorted by kudos":
Identity Hijinks:
Learning to Trust - All Might isn't sure about whether to teach at U.A. so he decides to scope out the school in secret using his true form. This goes about as well as you would expect. A+ heartwarming content.
Mr. Yagi - All Might's secretary plays substitute teacher for Heroics class, everyone gets some surprising and lovely lessons.
All Might for a day and Undercover All Might - Body swap shenanigans with some of the most delightful characterization I've seen in a long time.
Misc Real Good AM Content:
Soul of a Hero - Lovely Toshinko fic in which Inko gets involved with Izuku’s “secret” training right off the bat.
God of Destruction - Really nice All Might & Shigaraki centric oneshot.
When the Wind Blows - Fantastically written AU with more pain & bittersweet Dadmight than your tear ducts will be able to handle.
If other people have recommendations or would like to plug their fics in the reblogs, please go for it. I am always looking for new things to read.
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sunseteyes · 3 years
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“kita kita” — i see you
ㅤㅤ ↪︎ STARRING: café bartender/teacher!shinsuke kita; student!gn!reader
ㅤㅤ ↪︎ THEMES: mutual pining, fluff, angst, very very slow burn
ㅤㅤ ↪︎ WORD COUNT: 4.5k words
ㅤㅤ ↪︎ SYNOPSIS: shinsuke found a stability in you, but will he be stable enough to insert himself in your life?
ㅤㅤ ↪︎ INTERMISSION: the meaning of “kita kita” is “i see you” in english and this is a part two of “mahal kita” — i love you. it’s your choice if you’d like to read that first, but i do suggest you should because it’s the reader’s point of view in this fic. after finishing this, i thought i shouldn’t make a part three to leave it as an open ending but if you want me to write i can always satisfy our kita shinsuke needs😌 anyway, have fun reading!! no need for tissues but be prepared to have your heart broken slowly :)))
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shinsuke was used to having constant changes in his life, but it didn’t mean that he was pleased about all of them. he knew that change is inevitable, but to experience so much at such a short time, it makes him want to question fate itself, whether he just had bad luck all along.
“everything happens for a reason, shin.” says his grandmother one time when he was little, to which he could still remember up to this very day. he understood, he always has, since he knew the elderly have much better things to say than a child like him. and yet, he couldn’t seem to find a logic to that very phrase. how can something as simple as a bug flying to your face have a reason? why does everyone need a reason for everything?
he grew up asking those questions to himself, but never to other people. he simply observed them, minding his own business, making sure sure he does well in whatever he does.
that’s until he met you.
“may i ask for your order, please.”
shinsuke was the first to look at the other’s face, his eyes boring onto the way yours looked up to the menu, as if you were still choosing what you wanted to order, but you said nothing further, and it seems that you came alone at the same time.
“what could you suggest?” and then your gaze was suddenly on him. instantly, there was a glimmer that showed in your look, as if you had just washed your face and felt refreshed afterwards.
shinsuke thought you were beautiful.
“uh-” he pauses, not really used to a customer asking him that kind of question. although, since you were indeed a customer, he decided there was nothing wrong with suggesting to you something he thought you’d fit well with.
“a chocolate-chip frappe. if you don’t like it, you can tell me so i can suggest another one.”
you didn’t even contemplate it and merely shook your head no, offering a gentle smile whilst telling it was alright.
“oh! and uhm maybe size venti, please?” you say as you glance down, probably grabbing a bill to pay your order. though it was also a possibility that you didn’t like having to make contact with other people much, just like him. there were customers like that, apparently.
ever since, shinsuke had always seen you at the same time of the day, and that kind of change became a constant that he unconsciously expects daily, ordering the same drink, only changing it when he suggests something else. well, that’s until the moment you opened the glassed doors of the cafe, with someone.
“the usual choco-chip frappe, please.” a smile playing by your lips, just like you would any other time, but it was obvious that you were very much comfortable with the person you were with. then, you turn to your company, asking him, “how about you, tobio? are you buying?”
shinsuke watches, something that he think was the only thing he could do as you talked to the other man named tobio. he wasn’t eavesdropping, he’s merely observing the way you two converse. may it have been because of his mere curiosity or not, he wasn't; he tries to keep calling himself out when he thinks that you might have caught him staring, and he first thought that you had indeed done so. that day, you still waved goodbye to him when you went out with tobio, and that’s only when he was certain that he was safe, but from what? why was he acting and thinking weird?
and he couldn’t talk about it to his grandmother openly. there was an unknown nagging feeling inside of him that tells him he shouldn’t. yet, he was proven guilty the moment his grandmother noticed him, no matter how hard he tried to pretend that his mind wasn’t as messy as it usually was, that he was the same as usual.
“is something the matter, shin?”
shinsuke talked to his grandmother about how he felt throughout the day, what had occurred, and what was occurring. the words that came out of her chapped lips bore itself in his mind that he still couldn’t forget it to this very day.
“you must really like them, for you to feel that way.”
like? shinsuke could admit that you stood out above any other customer he had encountered throughout the days of his job as a cafe bartender. he might have liked you as a person, but he was not that dense to not think of his grandmother’s words to be different than that idea.
shinsuke wanted to talk to you, he liked talking to you. and yet, the only times he could were when you come up to him to say your order and when he tells you of a new special or additional to the menu, which doesn’t even happen often, most probably every month or any special event such as new years, valentines, and so on. for short, he doesn’t even speak to you that often.
so how in the world will he like you in the way that his grandmother implied? maybe he was just daydreaming and she didn't mean it that way?
he awoke from his own thoughts, the very figure of the subject of them standing in front of him, with the bar separating the two of you. he has you on arm’s length, and almost in an instant, his mind turned blank.
which is very unusual.
“do you mind if i could order a cinnamon bun for take out? i feel like i’ve been craving a lot today so i’m going to eat one on the way home.”
he still listened to you, he did, but his eyes were dropped to the sides of your face; your cheekbones porturded in a cutest way possible, and shinsuke had to tear himself away to punch in your order, packing the best pastry that was on display and before you could even hand in your payment, shinsuke spoke.
“it’s on me.” and do believe him if he ever said that he was also surprised himself.”think of it as a thank you for being a regular here.” it was a good thing that he didn’t seem to show much emotion and held on his straight face. shinsuke had never expected to ever hear himself like he would in this very situation. what was that word again? flirting? a friend of his said he was bad at it, and he was relieved that that fact helped him this time.
“oh, really?’ the smile wasn’t on your face anymore, but you didn’t look disappointed or uncomfortable. instead, shinsuke thinks you even looked flustered. “u-uh-are you sure? i don’t think it’s right for me to-”
“it’s alright,” he says, “if you’re uncomfortable with it, like i said, think of it as a way of thanking you for always coming here, or a prize, take it as you may.”
the pondering crosses your face for a long time, at least for him. he watches as you bite your lip in uncertainty and hesitantly pull your hand back to your sides, keeping the money back in your purse.
when you shyly hold up your hands again to take the drink, a ghost of a smile crosses his face when your fingers touch, even for just a second or two.
and that’s when he realized, the moment you slowly walked towards the door, offering a shy but cute smile before doing so, that maybe, you liked him too.
shisuke knew not to expect what he gives, and it eventually became the same for you, but unlike other people, he found it difficult when it came to you.
still, life goes on.
“kita! i found a new job for you!”
when he heard reon, his friend said that shinsuke's heart skipped a beat. his reaction was far from what he would expect way before when he was so desperate to find a job other than the current one. for months, he had been trying to, but why was he hesitating now? it’s not like he’d rather work as a bartender than the job that he had studied for. why now?
“where is it?” he inquired, unfocused and almost uninterested.
“remember the school that i just got in to substitute the counsellor? one of the professors backed out and i instantly referred you to the position! plus, it’s your favorite subject too, isn’t that nice? it’s like it’s fated for you.”
if anyone else was listening to the call, they would either see or comment about how unresponsive shinsuke was, yet at the same time, anyone who knows him already expects this side of him. unbeknownst to them, he was feeling the same thing as others perceive it to be.
“yeah,” he says, trying to not think of the nagging thoughts that much, persuading himself in his mind why such an opportunity should not be taken for granted.
“i’ll come by later, do you think it’s alright?” he says, making his way towards his room and grabbing a jacket to wear for the day, making sure that he looks appropriate enough to go to the university. after all, the school that reon is currently at is a private institution and even if it wasn’t it is disrespectful of shinsuke to not fix himself before presenting or introducing himself to see the premises and his co-workers, just to see the surroundings and all of that, basically inspecting if he’d be comfortable going to work there.
and guess who he found the moment he was done being toured by reon himself, on his way towards the faculty where he was supposed to see the teacher who he’d replace.
when he saw you, you had bumped into someone and then you just… froze, as if you had seen a ghost; pale, unresponsive, a look of shock and horror in your face, and a lost look in your eyes that he had never seen before. . and when he came over to check on you, he kept calling, but you didn’t answer, merely keeping your eyes on an area far away, as if your mind had separated from your body--or maybe it was your soul, but he knew that would be impossible. you had just bumped into someone, it’s not as if you had suffered from a fatal injury, did you?
that moment and day bothered him, much to the point that he failed to realize that it was the very first time you two had a proper conversation that was out of his work, and not related to it. however, shinsuke was not dumb. he eventually got to realize everything when he struck another one the next day you came to the cafe, on a weekend at most.
“you’re here.” he says, which was then followed with, “how have you been?”
the sight of your smiling face greets him once again, but he could tell just by the bags under your eyes, and the slight tension on your expression that what anyone else could see outside is far more different than the feelings that you’re probably feeling inside.
“i’ve been great, i slept a lot too.” so obviously, he saw the lie in your words, but he didn’t speak of it.
which is very unusual.
“can i order the same thing please? i’ll be staying here the whole day so can you also add a cheesecake, perhaps?”
cheesecakes, another rare thing for you to order. actually, it’s not really that rare, for you do order it every once in a while. yet one thing that shinsuke knows is that a sign of your ordering cheesecakes is not a good sign.
because whenever you do that, it means that you’re stressed.
quizzes, midterm exams, final exams, thesis projects, shinsuke knew that whenever the word cheesecake comes out of your lips, it meant that there’s something that you needed to do, and in order for you to distract yourself even for just a tiny bit, you don’t order a cinnamon bun. you order something sweeter, but not that sweet, one that is fluffier and easy to bite, no need for even a knife to cut it down to pieces.
of course, he knew.
“are you taking an exam?” he inquires, his curiosity banging out of the window that it’s difficult for even a cool-headed person like shinsuke to handle.
“oh, yeah, i will.” you answered, knitted brows and somehow a small, unsure smile, your eyes dropped down, as if you were trying to hide them from him. “i’m taking an entrance exam for a new school.”
that moment, shinsuke knew it was all too late--he was too late.
“an entrance exam?” he questions, appalled, “are you… going somewhere?
“yes,” you answered, “me and my brother are going to where my mother is.”
“is it far?” shinsuke should stop, he knew that he should. this is a personal matter, what does he have to do with your decisions in life?
“hmm, quite.” you say, twiddling your fingers, “uh, i’m going to go to the table now.”
the curve on your lips were still the same, even if you seemed to have tried to widen them for a tinge, as if it would assure him of something that you clearly had no idea of--something that shinsuke still haven’t told you about.
“i love you”
when you said those words to him yesterday, he didn’t believe it. practically, you have never known him; how could you love him by just merely being a regular customer of his?
he didn’t ask you again, and he thought this kind of sudden change would be something he’ll just go through.
and he thought wrong.
“shinsuke-san?” like before, he felt that familiar tingling at the tips of his fingers the moment he heard you call his name and when he was able to see your face. however, it all loses by its own when you still showed the same kind of expression you had last time; a melancholy look that he thought never fitted on your face, and he was actually willing to do anything to help you lose that kind of expression, but he knows his capabilities are not on par with your situation especially when he doesn’t know much about it. what he didn’t expect, is that he will sooner do, and that soon was today.
“do you mind if i could treat you to a drink? uhm- what flavor would you like?”
“no, it’s alright-”
“i insist,” you say, determination swimming in the intensity in the irides of your eyes, and it made it difficult for shinsuke to deny you further.
“okay, but why?” he questions, and he saw how your eyes changed in almost a n instant, as if realizing what you had gotten yourself into only now.
you avoided his gaze, but you were able to speak up after a couple of seconds of contemplation, “i want to talk to you, if that’s alright, that is.”
usually, shinsuke doesn’t accept anyone who tries to get him alone. of course, there will be customers who would notice him and try to get his attention, but he immediately turns them down. it doesn’t even matter if they're regular or not, but it will only get difficult on both sides if he drags on to it a little bit longer. for him, he believes that even if the truth is harsh, he’d rather do or say it than lie or hide something.
with you, it’s different. everything’s different.
and he thinks he knows why.
“okay, sure.” he replies, sounding rather unbothered, which he is, in a way, but it’s not as if he didn’t care about it, he just knew what he wanted to answer.
your reaction, though, despite shinsuke not seeing it directly since he was preparing himself to get off of his shift and he'd consider this as the last order he’ll take--well there was a smile that threatened to plaaster itself on his lips, but he was able to hide it, thankfully. if he wasn’t able to, you may have found it weird.
and why is he thinking of what you would think again?
“i have to change from my uniform, do you mind waiting for me?”
“oh, sure, no problem. i’ll just wait for you outside.” you say, then taking the beverages that you ordered for the two of you and proceeded to do what you said. shinsuke watches before he instantly does the same, not before asking permission to his boss, who is also a friend of his. after all, he only planned working for a short time and apparently his friend has a newly-built cafe that needed a couple of workers.
“osamu, do you mind if i go early? there are not many customers anyway, i will just be around if you need me.” he states, earning the attention of the boy, who didn’t seem appalled, but it might have been with the way he is not also a showy type of person, much like shinsuke himself.
“fine by me, i can cover for you.” osamu says, “did anything come up?”
shinsuke wasn’t used to leaving job early, for he doesn’t have anything to do afterwards other than look after his grandmother. thus, he wasn’t even surprised that osamu was asking him a question like that.
“nothing, i’ll just be talking to someone.” shinsuke says, removing his apron and stepping towards his locker to sooner change into casual clothes. unexpectedly, osamu follows him, leaning to one of the lockers, crossing his arms there.
“is it the regular that likes you?”
shinsuke turns to the other, sending him a look, “they don’t,”
osamu scoffs, “now that you’re resigning here, i doubt that they will come to the cafe after you’re gone.”
“i doubt that too,” shinsuke says, “they’re going to go far away before i can even resign.”
the other doesn’t reply, but it was obvious that he was watching shinsuke’s expression like a hawk, trying to see any unusuality that might stand out.
eventually, he had left osamu inside the cafe and went to where you were, sitting by the cafe’s patio, sipping on your usual choco-chip frappe, your eyes focused on the road, watching the car in a sense of peace that shinsuke finds himself with whenever he also stares at nature, thinking of nothing but how beautiful the world could be.
shinsuke didn’t want to disturb that calmness, and he even tried silently pulling the chair from your same table, but you immediately pulled yourself from your trance and turned his way.
“you’re here,” you smiled, “you look good on casual clothes, “shinsuke-san.”
shinsuke, as someone who usually didn’t mind compliments, furrows his brows, looking down before replying with “thank you, you didn’t have to.”
now that he was beside you, shinsuke found himself lost with what he was about to say. he usually knows these things in an instant, his mind aligned with his mind and each and every muscle of his body, but unfortunately for him, with how much he wanted to bring up, the connection was in tangles.
until you spoke up.
“thank you for accepting my offer, i’m sure you found it weird to have a customer treat you to a drink in exchange of talking to you. though i’m also sure that others have tried it too, did they?”
“there were customers who tried,” shinsuke replies in an instant, his brain starting to work its mechanisms once again, connecting its gears as fast as a lightning bolt. “-but i never really accepted their offers. this is the first time that i accepted this kind of offer.” he answered truthfully, clearly recalling the circumstances of the past few months, confirming his statement to himself.
“oh-” you were silent for awhile, merely looking at him with a distinct expression that he cannot fathom whether you were observing him or you were just thinking of something to say back. “-then why did you accept mine?”
shinsuke paused, but he recovered almost immediately. “i don’t know,” he says, shrugging his shoulders, “-it’s alright when it’s you.”
again, you had this look that he cannot describe; eyes narrowed by a tiny bit, lips shut tight and pressed together, not moving by the slightest, and even to the point that he thinks you’re not breathing.
“why? is there something wrong?”
“do you remember what i told you the day you went to our school, shinsuke-san?” instead of answering his question, you responded with one more, not giving him the satisfaction of knowing why you were giving such a look. although, that thought was eventually removed from his mind when his memory bank brings him back to the scene that you were referring to, your voice echoing on the back of his head towards his attention, reminded of the words that you proclaimed to him bravely that day.
“i do,” he says, “you told me you love me.”
love; such a foreign word in shinsuke’s tongue, one word he rarely says, except for his grandmother, the only person aside from his parents that he was comfortable saying those three words freely, not that he had ever tried it to anyone else aside from his family. his love life is not something that he had ever put priority on due to the fact that it was not that important for him right now. don’t get him wrong, he still wanted to marry someone when he was ready and when he found them, but for now, he was putting that to the sides to build up their financial stability, and he was beginning to save up for his future as well, just from his extra savings that was not allotted to anything important.
love had never come to mind, until lately, when you came and said those words to him, as if lighting a spark inside of him, as if reminding his mind of the word “love,” and how it can be used for other people as well, not just to his blood relatives. he loved his friends, but he never told them, he found there was no need for it. when you told it to him, his heart reacted faster than his mind, thumping like a crazy highschooler crushing on someone that he had never been when he was that age. the more he thought about it though, he convinced himself that it was a mere admiration, one that didn’t cross the line of the “love” that couples say to each other, or when someone is professing their feelings to another that they bore those feelings on.
despite it all, he wasn’t convinced of that idea himself.
“do you?” shinsuke was curious, he had always been curious if what he thought was right, or if he wasn’t he was curious if you really loved him in a way that made you see him as a person, and not just of an outside appearance that he never bothered throughout his years. though he was also curious as to how? how could you love him like that when you never really talked to him a lot, saw him a lot, and even heard him a lot? how was it possible for someone like you to harbour feelings for someone like him; a mere cafe bartender you were a regular customer of?
“i do,” you say, gazing at him with a certain calmness in your face, before then turning away, towards the same road you had been watching earlier, the gentle wind along with the fresh air passing by your forms.
and after an intake of air, you spoke again.
“when we first met, you saw me.” your eyes were glanced over at one of the people that were crossing the road, watching them as if you were trying to mentally protect them as they were in the process of doing what they were doing. you had no idea what you were saying, and was letting out what you needed to say, and apparently, this is the topic that your mind wanted to talk about. you never have talked like this to anyone, and for you to act like this with someone you barely were a friend of. how you do it is something you’ll think about after this situation.
for now, you’re going with the flow of the words that slips out of your lips.
whether you’d regret it or not depends on the future and the future alone.
“i know this might be a little silly, but remember when i asked you what flavor you’d like to suggest? i was new to the cafe so i asked that question. i never expected to like the flavor, but i eventually did. although, that’s not really what made me a regular in the cafe.”
you met his eyes then, giving him the most genuine look you could muster. “i saw how you treated one of the elderly customers and you guided them through even if it almost took you more than usual. i even doubt you were annoyed even if you didn’t show much emotion, shinsuke-san.”
“by that reason, i saw you were a good person, through and through, and i commend you for that, you know?”
you chuckled, almost to yourself, “you kind of reminded me of my brother. he was a very kind person who always prioritized me and my parents above everyone, even as to giving up his dream job here to work and do something else to another place.”
shinsuke listened. he listened intently, not because he thought he should, but this was the answer he was looking for, yearning for.
so it must be the reason why his heart was pounding like this, then.
was that reason enough? will it suffice?
“so thank you, shinsuke-san, for being an inspiration. i’ll always love you, no matter how little i know of that phrase and you yourself.’
that conversation with you stuck to his head for as long as he could remember. days passed by and weeks did, even until he got the job that ojiro referred him to, everything passed by like a blur without you in it.
he thought the answer he had been waiting for was answerable when you finally talked to him, thinking they must have lied there in between your words and sentences, but they weren’t.
“what? you mean (y/n) sugawara? their brother is the same teacher who resigned for the same position you got, shin.”
how naive of him to think that way--to think that only you had this feeling named “love” towards the other. because now, he could only suffer from the consequences of not being able to see those feelings that he himself harboured--the same kind that you had for him.
“i love you too,” he should have said that very day you confessed.
but it was all too late.
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kitkat1003 · 3 years
On the issue of Mortality
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MK chose to be mortal, to be vulnerable, for the time being, and Monkey King is fine with that.
On the surface, at least.  Now he has a successor, one that he likes, and he’s vulnerable????
Yeah, he’s never going to sleep easy again.
(Or, 11 chapters through season 1 about Monkey King, and anxiety his successor gives him.  Who knew being a dad teacher would be so hard?)
Chapter 1: Picking a successor
(Or “Look, I’m gonna come clean.  Um...I’ve been kinda watching you”)
When Sun Wukong—the Monkey King—decides he needs a successor, it isn’t an easy decision.  For one, he refuses to admit why.  Because that would mean confronting it all and he doesn’t want to.  
He needs a successor because he wants one.  Who doesn’t want to retire?  It’s not like he’s spent hundreds of thousands of years in technical retirement, waiting for the Demon Bull King to return.  No, he’s been...super busy.  Yeah.  Turning Flower Fruit Mountain into a paradise has totally taken him…forever, and, like, he’s got lots of stuff to do.  He watches TV, once humans get electricity figured out.  Gets a computer too, once those things start popping up.  He gets a lawyer or two, yknow, keeping up with the times.
He’s...super busy.  He definitely deserves a retirement.
So all that’s left is find a successor.  Easy, right?
He actually starts looking when he hears whispers that the Demon Bull family is starting to get close to figuring out how to lift his staff.  So about a hundred years before Demon Bull King actually escapes.
He finds a few kids he thinks might work, but nothing happens, anyway, so there’s no point in interrupting their boring normal lives for nothing.  Besides, he doesn’t really see any of them with the spark of...something that he wants in his successor in any of them
He watches them grow.  Child to teen to adult, he watches, and then he leaves before they get too old because he doesn’t want to see the headstones.
He doesn’t understand why they have to be human.  Why they have to be mortal.  Why they have to be able to die.
Why he has to watch them die.
Years and years pass.  He gets lax, when looking for a successor.  Lax when it comes to keeping an eye on the Demon Bull family.
He does, on occasion, watch the town where his staff is.  It’s a pretty populace place, always buzzing with some sort of activity, which is both fun and boring.
One night, he watches a kid—no older than 13, he thinks, since he’s gotten used to watching humans grow and can gauge it pretty well—sprint down the street in the rain, wearing nothing but a ratty old hoodie, a shirt, shorts, torn up shoes, and a headband so dirty that even he can’t discern the original color.
There are three other figures chasing him, and he ducks into an alley as they sprint past.  Monkey King watches as the kid settles down, sitting in the alley, and pulling something out from beneath his hoodie.
A puppy.
“Hey there, little guy,” the kid’s voice is soft, and he scritches the tiny pup behind the ears.  “Sorry I couldn’t get your siblings, but they’d already been thrown in the lake—” the look on the kid’s face is nothing short of heartbreaking. 
Monkey King has plans for the group of thugs he saw earlier, if that’s what they were doing. Humans. 
“But hey, managed to save you, huh?  I’ll bring you to a shelter in the morning.  Someone will take you home and you’ll get loved to death.” Monkey King rolls his eyes at the saccharine display, but he wonders.
There isn’t a lot of crime in this city, with its advancements.  What’s a kid doing outside this late at night?
“I’d take you home with me, but mine’s more of a hovel than a place to live.  You can still see it, though!  C’mon,” the kid gets up, stumbling a little, and Monkey King notices that he’s favoring one leg, that the elbow of one of the sleeve’s of his hoodie is wet.
He follows.
The kid’s house is literally a shack made of a metal sheet wedged between an alley wall.  There’s a ‘bench’ that’s a slab of rock placed on top of more rocks, where a well loved sketchbook sits.
The kid sits on the bench, setting the puppy down beside him as he flips open his sketchbook.
“I’m gonna draw you, so I don’t forget, kay?” He pats the pup on the head, and then, using the smallest, most worn down pencil Monkey King has ever seen, he slowly carves out the puppy’s features, getting the soft tones of fur.  He keeps squinting, but Monkey King thinks that’s because all he has is the light of the lamppost for his vision.
This kid...is pretty darn good.
Monkey King watches for way longer than he would like to admit, and then watches as the kid pulls out a very worn blanket-substitute, curling around the puppy beneath it.
He frowns, but isn’t sure what to do about it.
So he leaves, and makes sure those thugs learn a thing or two about treating animals with respect.
This kid just keeps popping up in Monkey King’s peripherals.
He likes to people watch, and the kid will just appear from nowhere.  He’ll be running down the street, hanging out with this girl who looks about 3 economic classes above him. They’ll go to the arcade and play for hours, and she’ll pay for practically everything.
He decides he likes her, if she’s nice enough to do that for the kid.  Plus, he feels a familiar energy coming off of her, something he trusts.
They typically end their day at a noodle shop.  Pigsy’s?  The kid always pays there, with coins of various sizes.  The girl, when the kid isn’t looking, will slip the cook some more money.  They get steaming hot bowls of ramen, harass the cook, and eventually get half chased out, laughing all the while.
“You know you can stay with me, right?” The girl says, one day, when Monkey King is people watching (read: eavesdropping on their conversation.  It’s like his new favorite TV show, at this point).  Kid rolls his eyes.
“Mei, c’mon, your relationship with your folks is as strained as mine!  I wouldn’t want you to end up like me.  Besides, I’m fine!” he insists with the grin Monkey King has grown accustomed to seeing on Kid’s face.  
The information Monkey King gains from those two sentences is certainly something, and he ponders on Mei, the girl who spends her days as far away from home as possible.
Mei frowns.
“You still won’t show me where you’re staying.  Or explain why your clothes are all torn up!” She pokes him in the chest, and the Kid shrugs.
“Cause you wouldn’t like either of those things!  I can take care of myself!  Promise.” He rocks back and forth on his feet, all smiles.
Mei fixes him with a glare, before she sighs, relenting. “Fine.  But, if you won’t take my hospitality, you get my undying loyalty and free stuff!” She whips out a brand new red winter coat.  
Kid takes it slowly.
“It’s getting colder out!” She explains.  “And red just isn’t my color, you know?”
Kid slowly pulls the jacket against his chest, like he doesn’t know what to do with it, and then he smiles.  This one is smaller.  Less performative.  Monkey King didn’t realize that he’d been watching the kid to be able to tell the difference, but it’s not too hard to see.  Kid uses big smiles like a cloak, to hide what’s underneath.  The smaller ones-those are like the slivers of sunlight shooting out from an eclipse.  Wukong finds he prefers the smaller ones.
Kid wraps his arm around Mei’s shoulders.
“Thanks, Mei.”
The days get colder, and Kid is still in that shack.  Monkey King finds out that Kid doesn’t steal for money.  Instead, he does little odd jobs for short change, and then looks for coins people have dropped.  Apparently, the city’s wealth has made people more loose with their change.
Mei drags him to warm places as often as she can, but apparently this time of year she has a lot of responsibilities, or “social events,” as she calls them, so she can’t be around as much.
Kid doesn’t seem to mind, shivering through the nights, curling himself as tight as possible with that jacket and shitty blanket, and Monkey King doesn’t know why he even cares, but...
He’s not cruel.  It isn’t pleasant to watch a kid suffer.
And then, Kid gets sick.  Like, delirious, fever sick, and he’s not getting better.
And Monkey King has told himself, a million times, that he would let Kid figure his own life out, but he ends up picking Kid up anyway, depositing him at the ever familiar noodle shop.
The cook drags the boy inside, and Monkey King doesn’t see Kid on the streets after that.
Kid starts working at the noodle shop, apparently, and he lives above the shop.  Slowly, he accrues random objects.  Sketchbooks, games, figurines, Monkey King comics?  He watches the show near religiously, and Monkey King is both flattered and weirded out.
A super fan, huh?  Okay then.
And when he isn’t working, or watching “Monkey King: The Animated Series,” or reading Monkey King comics, he’s begging the resident bookworm, Tang, for stories, which he then sketches out.
Monkey King actually goes through the sketchbook once, when Kid’s asleep.  Yup, Kid’s really, really good at this.  Monkey King actually thinks about stealing a drawing, but that would be both very obvious and also stupid.
So he lets it go.  He ought to look for his successor, anyway.  He hears the Demon Bull family is getting close.
He leaves Kid to his life and moves on to his own.
He can’t find a successor.  Somehow.  It’s like every person in this city (and it would have to be in this city, because you need to be close to the staff in some regard if you want to have a connection with it.  Being born near it, living near it-makes it easy for the energy, the chi, to find you) doesn’t want anything to do with hero business.  The kids he considers are too small, the adults too...boring.
And he’s getting pretty frustrated here, because he thinks he might just have to fight the Demon Bull King all over again, which, ugh.
And then, it clicks.
He’s watching Kid drive around town, delivering orders, and somehow the kid steers towards the construction site.  Toward the staff.
Of course.
God, it was literally staring him in the face.  He feels kind of dumb, now that it hits him, but whatever.  Not like anyone’s around to tease him about it.
He watches Kid waltz towards danger, music in his headphones too loud to notice the literal demon family, until Kid opens his eyes and sees the whole demon army there, and hoo boy, is this comical.
Monkey King wonders if they’ll succeed this time, in lifting his staff.  They certainly seem confident.  He’s kind of curious, kind of bored.  The whole ‘take our rightful place as rulers of this world’ schtick is super annoying, and Red Son’s voice is grating.
The light show is pretty nice, though, and then.
Demon Bull King’s a lot smaller than he remembers, but his voice is the same, as is his attitude.  Monkey King can feel Kid shaking and takes a quick sweep of the area.  Seems his successor is right above Red Son.
He smirks to himself, not that anyone can see considering he’s a bird right now.  
This is going to be hilarious.
When Kid touches the staff, Monkey King isn’t prepared for the feeling he gets.
It’s like he’s been the single Sun in an endless galaxy, surrounded by darkness, when suddenly another star appears from nowhere, throwing him into orbit with it.  The galaxy shifts, the light doubles, the darkness recedes.
Monkey King’s own center, his sun, feels red hot, warm, and tempered by years of life, with a spark of yellow and white in its center.  Kid’s is bright, brilliant golden yellow, more white than any color, bursting with energy.
That energy gets put to work pretty quickly, as the Kid fumbles his way out of the demon’s den, and Monkey King soars after him, watching the escape with a smile.
He doesn’t properly meet Kid until he gets shot all the way to Flower Fruit mountain.  After Kid escapes Red Son, he panickedly tells his friends what’s going on and tries to get there on his own.
Well, all the way is a bit much.  Maybe Monkey King had to catch Kid and fly him there, because Kid was looking half dead and Monkey King was a little worried, but that’s beside the point.  He leaves Kid on the shore, and follows him when Kid gets up.
He isn’t expecting the frustration, when he can’t be found, but he supposes that’s his cue.
Getting stepped on is unpleasant.  Guess Kid doesn’t like bugs.
God, the look on Kid’s face, when it hits him that Monkey King’s been watching him!  If he could frame a memory, that would be it.  Hoo, boy, is that going to be replaying in his head for a while.  Kid seems more bewildered than anything else, and the idea of being Monkey King’s successor doesn’t sit well with him.
Which, Monkey King doesn’t get that.  Who wouldn’t want to be taught by him?
But maybe he overestimates the kid’s spunk, his confidence, because waving off his worries doesn’t spur him on; rather, it seems to deflate him.
Ugh.  Why is being a teacher difficult?  It’s not like his teacher had a hard time with him, right?
Distantly, he thinks he can hear his master shouting at him.  He hops off his cloud, says just the right thing to get Kid pumped up, and watches him race off.
He considers just sitting back and not watching, but then, that wouldn’t be any fun, would it?
He isn’t actually sure what having a successor means, really.  How much their powers, their lives, would mirror his own.  A part of him was terrified by the prospect—could he even be known as anything special, if he was no longer one of a kind?
But there’s also something quite exciting about this.  The idea that your life is being rewritten, the story unfinished and yet also repeating itself.  The Demon Bull King is on the loose, with his army and family, trying to take over the world.
And only one person can stop him.  The Monkey King.
Kid’s powers are volatile.  He can feel them flare up from time to time, wildly flickering out of control.  A lack of self confidence, that might be causing it.  A part of him is annoyed by that, a part of him is relieved.  Far better to have to teach someone to believe in themselves than teach them humility.  He’s pretty sure he hasn’t learned that latter lesson all the way yet.
Kid vanishes into the Demon Bull King’s chest, where the staff lies, and for a moment, the new sun vanishes.  Monkey King feels the cold rush of space in its absence, and feels panic, even though he’s only known this warmth for a few hours.
But then, it bursts back into existence, as a familiar stone drops from the Demon Bull King’s chest, cracking open, and, well, it’s history being written the same way over and over again, isn’t it?
Kid has a flair for silliness, childish maneuvers.  He likes to have fun, and that’s the best part of the powers they share.  To be invincible, to have fun while saving the day. 
It’s a repeat, until, well, it isn’t.
The blow Kid takes makes Monkey King wince.  The body becoming invulnerable takes time.  It doesn’t just immediately show up.  Every second, Kid’s body is absorbing and meshing with the powers thrust upon it, but that doesn’t mean getting hit a mile by a guy twenty times your size doesn’t still hurt, at this point.
But Monkey King knows this is what has to happen.  Because heroes aren’t heroes if they never feel pain, never get hit.
Heroes, he thinks, as Kid tears himself from the wall he’s embedded in, as Kid stands, eyes ablaze, are heroes when they get hit and they get back up.
And Kid sure as hell does.
“I’m the Monkey Kid!” He shouts, like a battle cry, like a challenge, and Monkey King smirks.  Monkey Kid, huh?  It suits him.  And then, Kid slams the staff on the ground, and the world shifts.
A part of him is kind of jealous.  How come he never got a mech?!  Has that been a thing this entire time?  Another part is in awe of this Kid’s creativity, ability, at such a young age.
And seeing DBK get trounced again certainly keeps the jealous part of him quiet.
Kid’s got a nice group of friends.  Reminds him of his journey days, him and a rag tag group of idiots going around wreaking havoc and learning moral lessons at the end of it.  He’s glad Kid isn’t alone or on the streets anymore.  A strong foundation leads to a stronger ability to grow.
Well, he’d better get some sort of training regimen ready.  Or, at least, start thinking of some things to do to train this kid.  He’s sure at some point Kid is going to bug him for a lesson or two.
Somehow, the thought doesn’t bother him as much as he thinks it should.
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heloflor · 3 years
About MML season 2
So after rambling about one season 2 episode, I now want to rant a bit. So here’s a list of reasons why I find season 2 weaker than season 1. Obviously, this post is mostly me complaining about some stuff so, if you don’t want to hear about it, don’t read.
Note that this is a personal opinion and you have every right to disagree with it. Also, the points given aren’t sorted in any particular order of importance.
For those who don’t want to read the post (because you don’t have time/aren’t really interested/ can’t stay focused for too long etc) or if you only want to see certain points, here’s a list of what I will discuss here :
- Murphy’s Law seems weakened
- Dakota and Cavendish are like looney toons characters and more time is spent on them getting hurt rather than on their interactions with each other, which makes their plot boring
- Compared to most Dwampyverse couples, Zack and Melissa have no development
- Doofenshmirtz is annoying but does have his few moments
- A few jokes take too much time; in particular, “Cavendish Unleashed” makes me straight-up angry because of that
- They wanted to make a plot for Zack but it goes nowhere
- other smaller things like the lack of time spent on the school characters
Now, onto the longer version (very long post ahead) :
1. Less Murphy’s law
So in season 1, Murphy’s law was a main focus for the story, in the sense that it was pretty strong. Most episodes had stuff blowing up or getting destroyed. And often, you end up thinking that people got hurt by such mess. Take episodes like “Worked Day”, “Family Vacation”, “Murphy’s Lard”, “The Little Engine that Couldn’t” or “Milo's Halloween Scream-a-Torium”, to cite some of the most extreme cases. And yes, not every episode is like that, and some are even pretty chill when it comes to Murphy’s law like “The Race” or “The Substitute”.  Also, Murphy’s law was conveniently turned off except when convenient for the story in major episodes like “Missing Milo” and “Fungus Among Us”. But overall, you really had that impression that Milo’s life was chaotic and explosive and hard to live by.
In season 2, there definitely were episodes in which Murphy’s law was strong, like for example “Freefall”, the ending of “Teacher’s Feature” and any episode with the aliens, in particular the last three episodes of the season. But for the most part, Murphy’s law mostly felt like an inconvenience rather than an actual problem. For example, you have “Walker, Runner, Screamer” in which like one problem happens or “Disco Do-Over” in which Milo very easily solves his parents’ problem. It also doesn’t help that both episodes have at least one character make a big deal out of Murphy’s law.
But aside from that, there are also episodes in which Murphy’s law doesn’t even seem to really happen. Like in “Lady Krillers”, “Spy Little Sister” (I’d argue that the lightbulb accident would have happened regardless of Milo’s presence) or even “Cake ‘splosion” in which Murphy’s law is there but overall it feels more like Milo overcoming the show’s obstacles.
So yeah, Murphy’s law is still present but at the same time it doesn’t feel as strong as the first season. And while it does give more time for Milo and co to have some character development I guess, overall it just feels kind of off. And now that I think about it, this lack of a mess in the A plot in a show that’s meant to be chaotic might be the root for my next complain.
2. Dakota and Cavendish are too cartoony
 So in season 1, the B plot was my absolute favorite thing in the show. I couldn’t and still can’t get enough of these two idiots and how they play off of each other. But in season 2…let’s just say that I barely watch their plot during the first half of the season, and the reason is simple : Cavendish and Dakota are a joke in this first half. Their plot is all about them trying to get something and stupidly get hurt by it, and it just feels boring.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not against these two getting hurt. After all, they failed basically all their missions in season 1 and looked dumb while doing so. But the thing is : 1. In season 1, it was mostly because of Murphy’s law so it wasn’t always their fault and 2. The main thing about them in season 1 was their interactions. The most interesting thing about them has always been how they act with each other, at least in my opinion. Heck, my favorite B plot (not episode but B plot) is from “Abducting Murphy’s Law”, an episode in which all Dakota and Cavendish do is talk to each other in different places. It’s just two guys talking, and yet I absolutely love this plot.
So yeah, you don’t need to make Dakota and Cavendish be incompetent idiots for them to be great, you just need to make them interact with each other. That’s also why, out of all their “collecting trash” plots, my favorite is in “Lady Krillers”, because I love the first half with Cavendish complaining while Dakota is being baby while listening to music + their dumb argument over moving the bag and then Cavendish getting scared and Dakota immediately getting protective. This is fun ! This is cute ! This is very dumb and I like every second of it !
On the same note, I can’t stand the B plot of “Disco Do-Over”. The idea isn’t bad and the old lady is a great one-of character, but overall the plot is just urgh for me. The only thing I like is when Cavendish says that Drusselstein sounds made up (I guess Professor Time never wrote an autobiography) and Dakota starts listing made-up words, only to end up smiling at Cav while saying his name slowly in a borderline flirty way, as if he enjoyed every syllable of it. But thing is, I consider that, when shipping is the only thing I care about in an episode/plot, it means that it’s bad. And “Walker, Runner, Screamer” is in the same vein. I can’t stand the plot.
There are actually two things about these plots that I thing really pisses me off (the fact that these plots don’t have much of the duo playing off of each other doesn’t really pisses me of, it just makes the plot boring) :
First of, it makes Dakota seems completely incompetent. Yes I know he wasn’t a first-class agent and even in season 1 he wasn’t that athletic or anything but there was still the feeling that he knew what he was doing. He always managed to steal from Brick and Savannah or know where the duo was, he was able to save Cavendish hundreds of times and finally who knows what the Mississippi purchase was. So while he wasn’t the best, there was some competence. But in season 2, it’s more or less gone.
And for my second pet peeve : Cavendish’s mortality. In season 1, it was established that Cav had a hard time staying alive and could die from tons of different ways, including falling from great heights or getting sent through a wall by a horse. And while we do see him survive a giant rolling rock in “Murphy’s Lard”, Dakota still makes a comment asking if Cav is alive.
But is season 2, it seems like they completely forgot about this part of his character. The worse has to be in “Loot at This Ship” in which he somehow survives when messing with the ship. But earlier in the season, there’s also “Lady Krillers” in which he survives a bull attack three times ! Though, what really pisses me off with that isn’t just the fact that he survives for the sake of comedy; it’s Dakota. In this episode, Dakota has no problem just running away and letting Cavendish get attacked by the bull ! And it’s the same thing in “Disco Do-Over”. When Cav tries to sneak into the garden and gets attacked, Dakota just panics and runs away ! I swear the first time I saw this I was like “Excuse me ?!”. Because you’re telling me that Vinnie “sacrificing himself over and over again with no regrets for Cavendish” Dakota is now ditching Cav in situations he finds dangerous in order to save himself ???
I’m sorry but it pisses me off. It might just be me overreacting but seeing two characters whose main strength in the story was their banter now interacting less and getting hurt more, with one of them going against everything he did in the first season; this just angers me. And so when I watch season 2, I tend to skip most parts of the B plot (which makes me watch like 1 min of episode for “Lady Krillers” because the A plot is very meh. “Disco Do-Over” has an adorable A plot tho).
And last note about these plots, I didn’t mention “Field of Screams” and “Managing Murphy’s law” because I tend to forget about the first one that I find pretty meh (the entire episode, not just the B plot) and the second one has a B plot based on cringy humor and I’m not really into it, though I do really like hearing Jeremy getting more and more tired of Dakota and the hug at the end is such a cute and underrated Dakavendish moment. Also Dakota makes a dad joke near the beginning and I absolutely adore that.
I also didn’t mention “Freefall” because it’s fine. Dakota is being Dakota (and I adore this dork), we start to see Cav get genuinely angry about his job which sets the root for the second half of the season, there’s one scene in which the two are clearly very bored and for some reason it makes me laugh, and the action scene is fine (also damn Cavendish knows how to fly a plane !). But I find “Freefall” to be a good episode in general so yeah.
3. Zack and Melissa
 First thing first : I have nothing against the ship itself. I’m not a big shipper when it comes to child/teens characters but I completely understand why people ship them, and I agree that they have personalities that mix well together. And honestly, this point is probably my most minor complain.
That being said, I do believe that their relationship has basically no development. Or at least, if you compare them to other couples in the Dwampyverse. Because thing is, Dwampy tend to have pretty high standards when it comes to couples. I mean, if we look at every canon couple + a few fanon (aka “here’s my need to infodump about random stuff nobody cares about”. This part will be in italics so, if you want to skip it, you can see where it ends) :
- Phineas and Isabella : since the first episode, we see that Isabella is attracted to Phineas. And throughout the entire show, these two are always willing to help the other, with Isabella always wishing to help in any way she can with the project of the day and Phineas always wanting to make the best projects when it comes to Isabella (just look at how he gets upset in her birthday episode when the finale doesn’t go according to plan). So yeah, they’re two kids in love with a very sweet friendship that you know will evolve into a relationship once they get older and understand relationships better.
- Ferb and Vanessa : Ignoring “Act your Age”, this is the usual trope of a young kid falling in love with an older person. And just like with Phina/bella, it’s made clear that Ferb likes Vanessa and is willing to do anything for her.
- Candace and Jeremy : Same kind of relationships. Candace is clearly head-over-heels for him, Jeremy often gives her presents since the beginning of the show and overall is always patient and understanding to her. It’s very sweet and it’s satisfying to see them get together and know that they will stay that way.
- Linda and Lawrence : While we don’t see much of them, it’s made clear when they’re together that they genuinely love each other. Same for their respective parents.
- Vanessa and Monty : A very organic relationship. It’s two teens who find each other attractive and, after randomly finding each other in the same place, decide to talk and learn more about each other, eventually deciding to start dating. It’s pretty sweet.
- Sara and Neal : These two are just fucking adorable ! They’re two awkward nerds in love and the episode when they get together really plays onto this and it’s the most adorable thing. And while we don’t see much of them, at the beginning of “Love Toboggan”, it’s made clear that the two have seen each other enough for their respective families to know that they like each other.
- Amanda and Milo : Another duo of cuties. The idea of a relationship between them is hinted very early, in “Smooth Opera-tor” in which we see that Milo likes her. And throughout the show, we see them getting closer as Amanda learns to accept Murphy’s law and becomes a genuine friend to Milo. We also see that Milo really likes her and is always willing to help her in any way he can.
- Brigette and Martin : Probably the most underrated characters of the show. I simply adore these two ! They’re just really wholesome people, especially Brigette. She knew full well what she was getting into when she decided to marry into the Murphy family and it’s clear that she doesn’t have a single regret. Like the Flynn-Fletcher parents, they aren’t around that much but when they do you can tell they love each other.
And for some fanon ships :
- Buford and Baljeet : Basically an enemy to friends to lover trope. They start off as bully and nerd but, the more time they spend with Phineas and co, the more Buford shows off his sensitive side and learns more to respect Baljeet’s boundaries while Baljeet learns to stand up for himself. And by the end of the show, the two are genuinely close. Heck, even in “Act Your Age”, despite the canon ships, there’s one scene in which the guys tell Phineas that “guys don’t talk about their feelings”. After they say that, there’s an awkward silence and at the end of it you can see Buford and Baljeet look at each other before looking away with a sad expression, as if they did have feelings for each other but never talked about it because of the “boys don’t talk feelings” thing (which, in real life, is complete bullshit. Let men be emotive, dammit !). But yeah, these two have a friendship that grows over the show and is sometimes teased as if something else was going on there.
- Heinz and Perry : Fun fact : when I became an adult and started getting back into the show, I couldn’t help but laugh as I started to ship it because this is such a crackship on paper ! Also, everything related to Peter the Panda, especially “Time Out” and “Lost in Danville” is fucking hilarious because of how ridiculous it is. I love the Dwampyverse ! (and I just realized that I didn’t talk about the humans/objects canon couples but given that only one person can evolve in these relationships…yeah)
But looking at the show and the books, yeah, these two are like two people thrown into an arranged marriage and having to figure everything out. Even if they start off as enemies, they eventually get accustomed to each other, to the point of being each other’s most important person. We really feel it in season 4. In a lot of ways, these two are a lot like Buford and Baljeet (which a lot of people had already pointed out).
- Candace and Vanessa : This one is mostly based on how much Candace admires Vanessa in “Night of the Living Pharmacist” and honestly, it’s pretty alright. I can definitely see why people ship it as there’s definitely some material there and there with Candace trying to impress Vanessa and look cool in front of her.
- Cavendish and Dakota : Act like an old married couple 24/7 ; often have physical contact and never react to it, showing that it’s normal to them and that they’re very comfortable with each other, almost to the point of having no notion of personal space when it comes to each other ; call each other “partners” most of the time ; have known each other for at least 10 years given Cavendish’s change in appearance from “First Impressions” to ‘now’ ; have to share a room most of the time due to their work ; are compared to Perry and Heinz, aka Dan’s favorite fan ship (or at least it seems to be) ; would die for each other and are willing to do anything to keep their relationship going, including stopping a “break up” (Dakota’s words). What else is there to say ?
  So looking at all these relationships, including the fanon ones, it’s pretty clear that Dan and Swampy like to give out tons of shipping material. But Zack and Melissa ? They act like friends for most of the show. In season 1, the only episode that’s really shippy is “The Math Book” with how they play off of each other.
The saddest part with this relationship for the shippers is that in the PnF crossover, we start to get hints that they might be a couple, only for them to keep the exact same dynamic as season one up until the very last episode of season 2 in which suddenly they act like a couple most of the time. And before you point out “Escape”, it’s probably just me but the way Melissa tells Milo to hurry because “It starts to seem like a date”, followed by Zack saying “You wish” in such a neutral tone gives off the impression that they don’t want it to be a date. So yeah, by the end of the day, it feels like they only got together because 1. Disney likes straight people and 2. They’re the hero’s best friends.
Seriously, on youtube, there’s a video that’s a Zalis//sa compilation, and not only is the video only 6 minutes long, but most of these moments could come off as two friends acting like two friends. And for the video length : reminder that there’s a Milan//da video from the same person that’s 17 minutes long, Amanda being a character that appears like ten times less than Zack and Melissa; and there are also two Daka//vendish videos, both 10 minutes long each, and they barely cover like 1/3 of the episodes the duo show up in. Seriously, a fanon ship has a hundred more shipping material than a canon ship ! Honestly, Zalis//sa shippers were robbed.
I think the only other ship that has that little development (and by that I mean way less development) among major characters is the one between Baljeet and Ginger. Honestly for this ship : Ginger shows that she’s interested and it’s taken as a joke in season 1; in the bees episode, Ginger listens to Baljeet and, while Baljeet is happy that she’s listening, he’s mostly happy that someone is listening, regardless of who it is. Then we see them dance a few times in the background, including in a Halloween episode in which Buford and Baljeet were sharing a costume and, as Baljeet and Ginger start to dance, we have a shot of Buford not looking happy about this. And yet somehow they became a canon couple.
With this forced ship, I tend to accuse Disney being homophobic and refusing Buford and Baljeet to be both single at the end of the show (seriously Disney seems to be so homophobic that they allowed couples between humans and objects but refused any gay couple. At least they seem to have started to be more accepting with recent shows from what I’ve seen).
4. Heinz Doofenshmirtz
So I know it’s been talked about but it’s still a major point in this season so I have to talk about it. So : in Phineas and Ferb, Heinz is a motivated inventor who was able to make inators that worked, though his poor planning and some of his ideas often got the best of him. But overall, he was just a nice guy with a certain genius and who was trying to cope with his childhood trauma in the only ways he knew. He’s also one of the best fathers in all of animation, especially given how much baggage he has, but that’s not the topic here.
Then, when Dwampy made “The O.W.C.A. Files”, they decided to change Heinz’s personality. Suddenly, he was a complete klutz who’s can’t do anything right and just pisses people off. And when they made MML, they kept this personality trait. It also doesn’t help that quite a lot of focus is put on him, which renders him even more annoying. I won’t develop much on his flaws because, again, others already did before. Instead, since so many people already talked about what was wrong with Doof in this show, I actually want to talk about the good moments that Heinz has in MML.
So, to cite a few : First off, the PnF crossover. Yes he does mess up his time machine with orange juice but that’s like his only mistake. Overall, he’s seen to be a great inventor who quickly understands the Pistachions’ weakness after spilling juice on a plant and immediately creates a plan around it. And speaking of which, I also really like how, when he meets the group at the beginning and is told to be a hero, he asks “What do you base your assumption on ?” (not a direct quote), which really shows that yes, he’s a scientist who thinks like one.
The moments where he butts head with Cavendish are also pretty good, especially with how what he says is only the truth : he’s not Professor Time, he’s just some random inventor, and Cavendish feeling so much deception is his own fault for idolizing someone. Thinking about it, it might actually be the only moments in the show in which he’s seen as more mature than another major character.
And overall, he’s just his PnF self in this episode. Like, there’s also how he talks to Diogee and, later, when Milo puts some pressure on him by reminding him of the stakes, he goes “I’m going to go back to talk to the dog”.
As for some other good appearances : “Spy Little Sister” has Heinz show up for a very little and it really works with making him a lot like how he was in PnF (honestly the lightbulb accident seems like something he’ll do in PnF. Heck, in the first part of the episode, he reminds me of how he is in “Doof 101”, episode in which the problems are caused by the annoying bugs and not him).
“Disco Do-Over” does a clever use of the “I am a superstar” video, though Heinz is a bit obnoxious in this episode.
The season 2 finale has Heinz once again act like a scientist when he asks the Octalian about shape-shifting.
Finally, I really like the friendship between him and Dakota. The two are definitely bad for each other and that’s what makes their interactions interesting. Though, I would have loved to see some time spent on pointing out the fact that Dakota grew up seeing Heinz as a hero. And on that same note, I would have loved to see a bit more of Cavendish interacting with Heinz, especially after Heinz and Dakota became “friends” (the last episodes give off the feeling that now that they made up with their respective partner, they aren’t going to hang out with each other).
So yeah, Heinz does have his moments in which he works pretty well. But most of these moments are in episodes in which he’s a minor character. When the show starts to focus more on him, he’s just annoying and immature, which is really sad given how great he was in PnF.
5. The humor
 Now it’s time to get the claws out. Seriously, this part was meant to be short but I can tell from what my brain has in mind that I’m going to give a long rant. To be honest this wasn’t even really supposed to be a big thing to point out, like I could’ve put this at the end with the other “minor complains”. But one thing pisses me off so it’s now its own part.
So to make things clear first : when I talk about the humor, I’m talking about one kind of joke that the show has done since season 1 but that feels off in season 2. I’m talking about the jokes that go on for a while, sometimes too long; especially too long in season 2.
I think a good example of a long joke made right is in “Party of Peril”, when we have to watch Elliot get attacked by a duck for like 50 seconds. It’s a joke that probably goes on for too long but let’s be honest it’s hilarious, along with creating the recurring joke of ducks hating Elliot.
In season 2, they kept trying to make these kinds of jokes there and there; but for some reason it doesn’t really work. I have two examples : the first one is in “Teacher’s Feature” in which we spend 20 seconds on Scott dancing in a cringy way while the kids comment on it. And I swear as I’m writing that I’m considering checking the length because it feels like 40 seconds, not 20, and that’s the problem. Watching the scene, they could have easily cut out 5 seconds of him dancing with music to go directly to the part where there’s no music but he keeps going. Seriously. They definitely could have made this joke shorter.
But the worst to me, the absolute worst, is in “Cavendish Unleashed”. OOOH BOY the fucking waste they did there.
So in this episode, there’s a joke that plays out 3 times, two times the same way and a third time with a slight difference. The joke is about people wanting to sign a paper to destroy then protect the forest, only to get crushed by the alien and being unable to use their hand. To put it simply, this joke is boring. It doesn’t even feel like a joke ! It’s just 15 then another 15 and then a whole 20 seconds (more or less) wasted on this shit. And I swear I also want to go check the length because I remember that when I first saw the episode, the third joke felt like it went on for two minutes. It’s not fun, it’s just boring.
But what’s the problem with that ? Simple : the ending of the episode. At the end of the episode, Cavendish talks with the main trio, learns that Milo was the abductee and then tells the teens to leave. And they just leave, asking no questions whatsoever. Like hello ???? Cavendish has been missing for days, maybe weeks ??? Dakota is desperate to find him ??? Haven’t Dakota told the kids that Cavendish was missing ??? Hadn’t they noticed during “Cast Party” and even before or after that Dakota wasn’t with Cavendish anymore ??? WHY IS NOBODY ASKING QUESTIONS ???? Why didn’t the kids go like “Oh yeah, we saw Cavendish today” to Dakota ??? Why waiting DAYS before telling him ??? Hell, in “Escape”, he talks about finding Cavendish like the kids knew ! So what the hell was that all about ?!
Seriously. Would it have been too hard to remove that dumb recurring joke and instead have an angsty scene in which Milo points out that Cavendish is considered missing, only for Cav to feel bad about it, making us feel for him, and then tell the kids that he’s doing what he believes is for the best and then ask them to keep it a secret from Dakota ? How come the only time we see Cav feel bad about leaving is in a fan animation ?
This seriously pisses me off. The whole arc about Cavendish going rogue could have been one of my favorites. We could’ve seen him struggle to live, think about what he’s doing and why, feel homesick or missing Dakota and the others. Hell, he’s been stuck alone and conscious in an ice cube for who knows how long, so why did he never take the time to reflect during that time ? And yes he was conscious. When he gets trapped, his eyes move and when he’s saved, he’s able to protect his face the very moment the ice break, showing that he was well-aware of Dakota breaking the cube.
But no. Instead, this arc spends like 30% of its screen time on Cavendish doing a Candace-like joke about trying to show the ship and 70% of the screen-time on Dakota sulking. And in the last episode, there’s a scene in which Cav complains about Octalia, only to be remembered that he can save the planet; and then he goes on a rant about how he’s going to be the hero of Octalia, showing that he didn’t learn a fucking thing from his arc.
This pisses me off. This really pisses me off. No wonder I wrote like 5 oneshots around that arc. I need to get that “Cavendish is struggling” angst juice one way or another.
And speaking of bad arcs…
6. Zack’s plot
 So in the first episode of the season (not counting the crossover), the characters talk about how Zack is a coward who tries to get over his fears. Ok so first question : since when is Zack considered a coward ? I mean, he’s very cautious when it comes to Murphy’s law, yes, but being cautious is not the same as being a coward. Besides, Murphy’s law is dangerous. And for most of the episodes, his reactions are the same as Melissa and Milo, when Milo gets scared. As for his fear of fish, anyone can have these kinds of irrational fears. Also there’s the Halloween episode in which it’s made clear that he doesn’t have much fears aside from the fear of dying from the unpredictable, hence his usual resentment with Murphy’s law.
It’s also worth mentioning that MML follows the trope of having a group with two guys and one girl; with one guy being the main character, the girl being the smart one and the second guy being the coward or the forgettable one in certain shows. I think this might be one of the reasons why there’s this idea that Zack is a coward.
But aside from the fact that, in my personal opinion, this plot comes out of nowhere, there’s also the problem that we barely see it at all. I mean, in “Snow Way out”, it’s put into the story. Then they completely forget about it and Zack goes back to act chill and cautious until “Freefall” whose entire plot revolves around Zack being fearful (again, rightfully fearful given the situation). Then it’s dropped again until “The Mid-Afternoon Snack Club” with the idea that Zack feels overshadowed by Milo (which, honestly, sounds like a more interesting arc than the whole fear thing). And finally, it’s dropped yet again until the very last episode in which they keep insisting that he has no fear anymore.
Seriously, am I the only one seeing this ? Or am I just bad at noticing the character growth ?
7. Smaller pet peeves
 So that last point is a list of small things that bother me in this season but that I don’t see myself write 10 paragraphs about :
- Most of the supporting cast needed more screentime. Seriously, characters like Neal and Veronica basically don’t exist this season, Sara also has a much more minor role, Bradley desperately needs some kind of character arc, most of the school characters and staff are also pretty absent (we miss you Drako !), Brick and Savannah only appear twice, once being a cameo in front of a pistachio cart,  and I’m sure there’s more that I forgot.
- A very personal opinion so it’s not really a pet peeve but time travel was much more interesting than aliens, though the plots were pretty similar with the people involved trying to get to Milo, only for Murphy’s law to occur and ruin their plan. Also, while I really like the captain/leader, the two guys sent to capture Milo are your usual comedic duo, like the two small devils in Disney’s Hercules (I don’t know their name in English, I only know that they’re named “Peur” and “Panique” in French).
And fun fact, “Spy Little Sister” is probably my favorite episode of the season, and while watching it, I really had a feeling of “god I missed that” when time-travel occurred. Though, I’ll admit, the aliens plot does a much better job using Murphy’s law, not only with the aliens failing constantly because of it but also especially in the finale with each character having their own backpack to “fight against it”.
- Bob Block. There was some potential with that character (*cough* villain *cough*). Though, I won’t develop here because I already did at the beginning of another post.
- The episode “Game Night” is weird to me. Like, it’s not a bad episode, on the contrary it’s a great one, but at the same time I find myself not liking it. I think the main problem is that it should’ve been a season 1 episode due to the whole thing with the deadly vortex and how Cavendish and Dakota somehow knew what it was. Also I feel like there’s a waste of characters. I mean, we get the Murphy parents, Neal and Cav and Dakota and yet it feels like the episode is mostly focused on the main trio + Sara. Also Veronica was robbed. They could have easily removed the whole vortex thing, hence removing Cavendish and Dakota from the story, and have Veronica with the group instead. Look I love the two time-travelling idiots but other characters deserve some spotlight too.
Besides, thinking about it, it’s a bit sad that Cavendish and Dakota don’t really interact with the others when they’re on screen. There’s like 5 people in the room and yet we either see them talk to each other or to the group in general (though to be honest this disconnect between characters even when they’re in the same room is also in the crossover and the season 2 finale).
So yeah, this episode is weird. It has tons of elements that should make me love it (the Murphy parents; Neal; Melissa being Melissa; Dakota being Dakota; some Daka//vendish, including a 3 seconds argument that has some of the biggest “old married couple” energy we’ve seen in this show; Milo and Sara being overly dramatic babies; the Veronica cameo). And yet, I somehow can’t find myself really liking it. It’s weird.
  So, overall, it was still a pretty good and solid season. Most episodes were pretty fun and enjoyable. But they were still a lot of small issues that, in my opinion, makes season 1 much better; and when I decide to watch random moments of the show or watch full episodes, I tend to mostly pick in that first season.
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davidfarland · 3 years
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For the last couple of articles I’ve been talking about how to make your story come alive by appealing to the reader’s senses, by “showing, not telling.” I pointed out that the human body has several different ways of sensing and reacting to the world. We’re not like cameras that just record sight and sound, we experience the world through sight, sound, kinaesthetic senses, touch, taste, smell—and we also are constantly influenced by our thoughts and emotions. If you don’t appeal to all of these, your writing will suffer. Your reader won’t become fully involved in your story and will recognize that you’re missing something.
So we need to appeal to the reader’s senses, but not all appeals are equally strong. I pointed out that sometimes they’re so weak that they can’t possibly work at all. For example, when I say “a crowd stood on the platform,” the reader has so little information that he can’t see the crowd. Yes, the reader might picture a crowd, but is it the crowd that the writer envisioned? Probably not. Depending upon the area and time that you’re writing about, crowds can be quite different. Maybe the platform is for slaves being displayed for sale in a Roman market, or a speaker’s platform during the Russian revolution, or maybe it’s teens at a rock concert. The reader is forced to read on after such a statement in order to get more information in order to just figure out what to imagine. So that statement is a non-appeal.
But there are also some very weak appeals. Here’s one: “It was raining.” The author has told us that it was raining, but he has not appealed to any of the senses—sight, sound, smell, touch, emotion. So the reader might imagine rain, but what kind of rain? Is it a light drizzle, a warm mist that barely moistens the skin, like something felt on a foggy day in China? Or is it a cold downpour where raindrops seem to bounce off wet cement? We as readers aren’t sure what to imagine, so perhaps we think of our standard version of a normal rain.
But the truth is, the reader’s eye passes over that. I was editing a story a couple of weeks ago, and after a long discussion with another man, the protagonist stepped out into the rain. I thought, “Wait, was it raining when he stepped in?” Well, I had to go back four pages to the setup, where I did in fact see that “It was raining.” But I didn’t know how hard, didn’t have an appeal made to any of the senses. Did the protagonist get out of his carriage with an umbrella, or was his top hat enough protection. Had it gotten worse while he was inside, or better?
So what are some better ways to make the rain real?
One way is to appeal to the senses, to define it further. One of my old writing teachers, the poet Leslie Norris, used to say that “When it rains in your story, the reader should get wet.” So you can begin by adding qualifiers.
Let’s just say that you add something like “cold,” “warm,” “soft,” or “hard.” In front of rain. You’ve just invited the reader to feel the rain. But you could also appeal to sound, “A warm rain pattered on the bamboo roof.” Or you could add an appeal to sight, “He saw the rain advancing from the west, a gray curtain sweeping down.” You could appeal to the sense of smell, “He smelled the rain an hour before it hit, the moisture almost cloying at the back of his throat.” You can add touch to the senses, “The cold rain pelted his forehead, and quickly soaked through his buckskin coat.”
Of course, if you really want to “create” the rain, make it real in the reader’s imagination, you appeal to all of the senses. You might even add in some thoughts and emotions. “Calvin smelled the rain an hour before it hit, the moisture almost cloying at the back of his throat. A wind kicked up dust on the prairie, as he chopped wood for the morning, and he heard distant thunder herald the coming storm. He glanced to the west and saw a gray curtain sweeping toward the ranch. Fear struck. I’d better get that mare shut up into the barn. She was about to give birth to her first colt, and she was already skittish. The storm would likely make her want to run.”
I might then have him run to the barn to close the door and have the rain strike, cold and wet and hard. In fact, one way to strengthen your appeal is to use strong metaphors, so I might describe how it “rained down on the roof, falling like buckshot.”
In short, by appealing to all of the senses, I can make the rain “real” to the reader.
In fact, I’m doing it quite consciously. I know that my reader is probably sitting in an easy chair somewhere, while the television drones in the background. He/she feels no rain. But as I appeal to the senses—smell, sight, sound, touch (hot, cold, wet, dry, soft, hard) emotion and thought, I’m actually inviting the reader to substitute these sensory inputs for what they’re actually feeling.
The result is that as a writer, I can take over the reader’s imagination, lead them through an event so completely that they forget that they’re reading and instead become involved in a shared dream.
By doing so, I’m using principles of hypnosis on the reader—which happen to be the same principles behind good storytelling.
So give it a try. Here’s a non-appeal: “There was a crowd on the platform.” Now, use body and motion, sound, sight, touch, smell, thoughts, and emotions to write a scene about a crowd. You can imagine any scenario you like—a tourist fighting his way through vendors in a foreign marketplace, demonstrators at a political rally, fans mobbing a favorite band. Just remember, the details will make it real, and you have to tell it from a character’s point of view. Have fun!
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MDZS/CQL Fic Rec List
A fic rec list for mdzs/cql focusing on wangxian and zhuiling, because it’s criminal how many good fics aren’t on any rec lists right now!
My first time making a fic rec list, so be gentle please. If any of the authors would like me to remove their fics, just let me know!
All fics are completed.
Lan Zhan/Wei Ying (Wangxian)
Something Yet to Learn by Glitterbombshell
Synopsis: Wei Wuxian is asked (under duress) to babysit a class of tiny Lan cultivators for just a few minutes. A few minutes turns into an hour, turns into two hours, turns into an impromptu literal field trip and now there's an entire class that is weeks ahead of their curriculum, their most junior disciples have apparently imprinted on Wei Wuxian like baby birds, and Lan Qiren has no one to blame but himself.
蓝色生死恋; a blue love (to live and to die for) byyiqie
Synopsis: Wei Wuxian separates his life, without noticing, into three chapters. Some days, they’re hard to look at, hard to read, harder to know he wrote all of them himself. Some of the words are in blood.
asymptotic by chinxe
Synopsis: The members of the Lan Clan have never been particularly well-known for their good judgement when it comes to matters of the heart.
Which is why it should come as a surprise to no one when Lan Wangji falls in love with an actual ghost.
Linger in the Sun by etymologyplayground
Synopsis:  Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji find themselves cursed, unable to see or hear each other. They figure things out anyway.
Comments: casefic (or in this fandom’s case, nighthuntfic)
seldom all they seem by Fahye
Synopsis: or, one hundred and thirty-three principles of the Gusu Lan, pertaining to the state of marriage
He bows to Wei Wuxian, sword in hand, sleeves falling properly. Wei Wuxian bows in return, and the sect leaders begin the opening courtesies, and for all of ten minutes Lan Wangji is under the impression that he is betrothed to a boy who is perfectly normal and acceptable apart from an unfortunate tendency to fidget with his clothes.
That impression does not last.
Comments: Arranged marriage AU
concessions to love by besanii
Synopsis: Conceding to love is not admitting defeat.
(In which there is an arranged marriage with at least one unwilling party. At first.)
Comments: Another very good arranged marriage AU
A Match Made In Heaven by Ariana
Synopsis:  After getting fed up once and for all with Wei Wuxian getting into trouble, Madam Yu decides it’s time to call in the matchmaker.
Comments: Can you tell that I love the arranged marriage trope? Yeah, it’s probably obvious HAHA
Perfectly Arranged by mondengel
Synopsis: Three nights before his wedding to an omega from Yunmeng, Lan Wangji meets Wei Yuandao.
Comments: One last arranged marriage AU, this time round with mistaken identity thrown in!
Accidents Will Happen by mrsronweasley
Synopsis:  Wei Wuxian finds himself in a whole new situation.
Comments: Canon post-series mpreg
Desiderium by seredemia
Synopsis: After the war is over, the imperial realm can finally breathe a sigh of relief. While there is much celebration to be had, the price of war claims the life of their emperor, thus throwing the realm into uncertainty. Prince Lan Wangji must now watch as his older brother inherits the throne, bearing the weight of the legacy their father left behind.
That, however, is the least of his worries. As the lands gather in celebration, Prince Lan Wangji is reunited with a man he has not seen in thirteen years. Wei Wuxian's smile is as captivating as ever; and with each day that passes, the prince struggles more and more to stay away from him.
Comments: Ancient china au.
The Absolutely True Story of the Yiling Patriarch: A Manifesto in Many Parts by aubreyli
Synopsis:  In which the junior disciples (namely, Lan Jingyi, Ouyang Zizhen, and a reluctant Lan Sizhui) turn to RPF in an attempt to rehabilitate Wei Wuxian's reputation so that he and Hanguang-jun can get together and get married and live happily ever after. It's... surprisingly effective.
Concerning Rabbits by pomme (manta)
Synopsis:  In which Lan Wangji navigates life, family, grief, friendship, and love through the years—with rabbits.
Sleeping in Paradise by daiki
Synopsis:  (prompt: AU where Demonic Cultivation shattered Wei Wuxian's soul before Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli's deaths and he went into a death-like state. Since nobody's ever done demonic arts before, nobody's sure if Wei Wuxian is alive or dead so they preserve his body and watch over him.)
Operation Old Men by Chiharu
Synopsis: An ill-fated parent teacher conference reunites Jin Ling's wayward uncle with Sizhui's father. AKA: A matchmaking disaster as told by Jin Ling, Sizhui, and Jingyi.
And they were roommates... by harriet_vane
Synopsis:  A fic based lightly on a reddit post— "I (21f) have a crush on my roommate (20f). I can't figure out if she actually likes me back or not or is just being friendly. She cooks for me and knows all my favorite foods, and brings me lunch. She buys me anything I want, and her family all joke about our wedding. I once fell asleep on her lap and when I woke up she was stroking my hair and I almost had a stroke. I can't figure out if she's flirting with me or not. Help!"
Blink by Menuridae
Synopsis: Mo Xuanyu's family has set him up on a blind date with a rich young master after learning he is gay. However, he already has plans for that night. Instead of going on the date himself, Mo Xuanyu enlists Wei Wuxian to go as a substitute. Wei Wuxian must act like his best friend for the night before kindly turning down Mo Xuanyu's date.
Only, Wei Wuxian finds out that turning down Mo Xuanyu's date is possibly the hardest thing he has had to do in a long time.
from me to you by Ceta
Synopsis:  Or; Three-time Golden Globe recipient Wei WuXian and seven-time Grammy award recipient Lan WangJi’s love story through the eyes of the internet.
Fair Play by threerings
Synopsis: “Do you ever want to try out my role?” He propped himself up on one elbow and looked at his husband. Sweat still glistened across his bare chest from their recent exertions and Lan Wangji’s expression was soft and open.
“Hm.” The sound wasn’t either a negative or a positive.
“What does that mean?” Wei Wuxian asked. “Have you thought about it?”
“Wei Ying wants that?” Lan Wangji met his gaze, his eyebrows raised.
“Hmm.” Now it was his turn to hum noncommittally. “It’s not that I don’t enjoy this. Obviously, I do.” His smile twisted into a bit of a smirk as he gestured between their naked bodies. He could still feel the imprint of his husband’s strong hands on his hips, on his right thigh. Still feel where he’d pounded him until he begged for mercy. “But it feels so good...I might like to make you feel that good, too.”
Sun on Stone by Gotcocomilk
Synopsis: It was almost five. It was almost time for the guards to emerge, for careful cultivators to clamber up the walls and wear fine white robes into the sunshine.
It was time for the Cloud Recesses to awaken, and they were in full view of where those eyes would show.
Wei Wuxian had never felt hotter.
Comments: public sex, exhibitionism
24 Hours by tailor31415
Synopsis: Lan WangJi is always so attentive towards Wei WuXian, giving him what he needs before he even realizes he needs it. This time, Wei WuXian wants to give something back.
Comments: Part 1 of Can't Have WangXian Without Kink, an excellent kinky series.
Everything I Hold Dear by sealdog
Synopsis: For Lan Wangji's birthday, Wei Wuxian figures out how to make a duplicate of himself. Every day shenanigans ensue.
Comments: Threesome PWP with two Wei Wuxians and Lan Wangji.
Jin Ling/Lan Sizhui (Zhuiling)
Just the sight of you (is getting the best out of me) by Ibijau
Synopsis: Jin Ling wants all that Lan Sizhui will let him have, even when he knows it's needy of him. When they're caught having sex, Jin Ling loses the boy he loves and realises he'll have to fight to get him back.
Comments: Jin Ling’s efforts to get Sizhui back are so sweet. A treat to read.
A Civil Combpaign by Ariaste
Synopsis: “And,” said one of the pompous ministers, “there’s the matter of a marriage to consider as well!” 
Jin Ling, who at the beginning of that sentence had expected to slam into the very last wall of his patience and lose his temper entirely, paused. “A what?”
Thing was… it wasn’t such a bad idea.
Comments: Jin Ling decides that Lan Sizhui would make the perfect spouse. The first fic that turned me onto mdzs, highly recommended. Funny and touching. Also recommended is it’s equally good sequel below.
Besieged by Ariaste
Synopsis: “Mn,” says Lan Zhan out of the blue one night. He has been playing guqin on the other side of the room without speaking for two hours, and Wei Wuxian has been noodling with some new ideas for talismans for nearly as long--one of those easy, quiet evenings of companionable silence, until Lan Zhan has thrown this enormous tantrum out of nowhere.
(A companion fic to "A Civil Combpaign". Read that one first.)
Comments: Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian’s POV of the matchmaking shenanigans that took place in A Civil Combpaign,
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sif-the-tsunami · 4 years
Ropes and Roses part six
Summary: Elizabeth Rosehill is a talented dance instructor and a force of nature that beguiles her famous student. Events in her life, however, have led her to search for more creative ways for her to keep herself afloat. What will she do to keep her dreams secure and what will it mean for her blossoming relationship. This is a very adult story about two people who are moderately terrible at adulting.
Warning: adult language, situations, arguing, less smut, more angst. If something in here needs a more descriptive warning I will gladly update it
Pairing: Henry and OFC (am I doing this right?)
Word count: 2K
A/N: If you read it and like it, it would mean a lot to me if you could say something nice! I have a lot of feelings this week that I’m trying to work through.
Henry woke up the next morning before Elizabeth. She was face down, her monstrous cat was curled up in a ball, snuggled up under her arm, gently purring. Alistair stared at him with his large green eyes for a few moments, fluffy tail flicking. The cat seemed to find him amusing at least. Looking around he saw a delicate crystal sun catcher dangling in the corner of her window. Tiny rainbows danced across the walls and ceiling as the sun rose. The woman in bed with him moaned slightly and moved herself on to her back. She opened her eyes briefly, smiled at him, then went back to sleep. Henry took a moment to watch her resting, peacefully exposed to his gaze. He rolled off from the bed from the other side. As the man left the bed, the cat seemed to relax more now that he was the only one in bed with his favorite human.
Henry did his morning ritual, and then started walking around her apartment while he waited for his lover to wake up. What was supposed to be her living room had book shelves on most of the walls that were crammed with different kinds of literature. She had one blank wall, but even on that one had a computer desk with two monitors, cat ear gaming head phones, and a keyboard that glowed different combinations of the rainbow while her computer was asleep. Taking a peek back at her room, Elizabeth was still asleep, he wiggled her mouse to see what kinds of games were on her desktop but her home screen was password protected. In a corner, there was a chaise lounge in a deep green velvet and a side table. No dining table or chairs, she probably ate at her computer, he thought.
Her kitchen was almost bare. One little table had a cat food bowl, the pantry had some basic staples but nothing that screamed out she hosted guests frequently. He found her coffee, and proceeded to brew a pot for them. He looked in the fridge for other breakfast foods, but he didn’t find much. He heard the thundering paws of Alistair come running to his feeding spot. The little predator noticed the light bouncing off of his watch.
“Oh, you like that, huh?” He watch as the cat chased the reflection. The two played together with the bright light, chuckling at the cats antics.
“You know, I could get used to finding you naked in my kitchen, Mr Cavill.” Her voice made him jump. “I’m sorry, I thought you heard me coming.”
She was standing in the door way wearing a loose fitting sweater. The sleep in her hair caused it to curl in every direction. The cat batted at her hand for some affection which she gave to him. He couldn’t stop staring at her again. This was the Liz he had been hoping to see, well rested and looking content with the world. She played with her kitty using the sleeve of her sweater. She asked him how he was doing after she caught him looking.
“Yeah, everything is fine. Just appreciating the view.” He said walking up to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, reaching down to kiss her. “It’s Sunday, right? Do you want to go have brunch, I know of a couple places we can take Kal, sit on the patio.”
“Yeah, that sounds really nice.” She said between kisses.
“Go get dressed, we’ll have something delicious.” She came back when Henry was starting his second cup of coffee wearing a delicate pink dress with a light weight navy blue sweater. Her hair pulled back with some of her little curls falling down in the back. Henry had gotten into the clothes he had wore the night before and they made their way to his place. Kal had nearly tackled him when they had gotten there. Henry hurriedly cleaned up and dressed himself while Elizabeth sat on the couch to cuddle with Kal. He listened to her baby talk his dog. He was two seconds away from telling her they should just stay in and spend the rest of their time together for the day in bed. He wanted to learn every spot that made her gasp in delight.
When they finally made their way to the restaurant he had decided to put all of his cards on the table. He told her that he didn’t want to play games or hard to get. He wanted to get to know her and spend as much time as possible with her before he would have to go somewhere else to film on location. This would be the start of a fairly regular schedule they would stick to for the next two months. Thursday night he would take her out, they would spend time until it was time for her to get ready for her classes on Friday, Saturday he might watch her at the club or meet her afterwards, then Sunday they would have breakfast and part ways for a couple days to focus on work.
Soon the real world starting calling Henry back to it. They would call every night and, when they could, sneak in a few days away with each other. On one of their reunions, they hid away from their regular lives in a romantic cabin. He loved taking her to little hide a ways when he could. They would usually spend the entire time in bed with each other, nothing between them but their desires. He had looked forward to this all week and planned on making one of their favorite dinners that night to surprise her. However, when Elizabeth got out of the car, he could tell that she hadn’t been having a great day. The only thing she wanted from him right away was to be held and he willingly supplied her with affection. What started a hug turned into him carrying the woman he adored into the bedroom they would be sharing. She melted against him, but he couldn’t help but feel like there was something she was just not saying.
“Penny for your thoughts?” he asked after they had laid in companionable silence for a while.
“It’s nothing, I’m just pissed off about a conversation I had this morning with management. And one of my dance teachers tore he ACL so now we have to cancel all of her classes or I have to find a substitute teacher. I’m not sure which is better yet. If I have to teach it, that’s less time with you for the next six months.”
“I’m sorry, that does sound frustrating, but I’m not going anywhere. I can wait, your students need you. What was going on with the other problem?”
“Just some stuff with the Fox Catcher. I evidently am not drawing in the audience like I used to. They want me to do something different.”
“What kind of things are they suggesting?”
“They usually suggest two girls, which I’m fine with. Those nights always sell out, we might be able to market it as the subs are competing or whatever. But one of the owners came up with a completely idiotic idea. They want me to start dominating guys at least once a week.”
“No, out of the question.” He sat strait up. “I don’t care if you have to have sex with your girls on stage to get more asses in chairs, I’m not okay with you doing any of that with another guy.”
“What?” She was quite taken back by him.
“I’m dead serious, Elizabeth.”
“Henry, this is still just being thrown around right now.”
“And I’m telling you not to.” He pulled back further.
“But I can have sex with another woman? I don’t plan on fucking anyone else outside of this conversation, my dude. What kind of person do you take me for? And I really don’t appreciate you telling me that domming a dude is worse than having sex with someone who isn’t you. There is a reason I don’t go around doing either with just anyone.”
“You clearly get off on being a Dominatrix when you work with your girls, I have noticed a distinct difference in how you fuck me on the nights after your shows.” He cut her off. Fuck, Henry, what were you thinking. Her expression dropped. He rubbed his face, trying to think of anything he could say to fix it.
“Where is this coming from?” She asked, moving away from him on the bed, pulling her shoes back on. “You know what, no. I’m going for a walk so I don’t say something I regret.”
“Just say it!” He snapped, trying to get up to follow her.
“No, you need to calm down first. I will not be yelled at over something this fucking stupid. I haven’t even...”
“Damnit, Elizabeth! I..”
She hissed at him before he could finish his sentence with a level vitriol that he didn’t know she had in her. “I said no! I’m already having a bad day and this is why I didn’t want to talk about it tonight. Now I am going for a walk and you will sit down and think about how you want this conversation to go when I come back. We will talk like adults, you will not insult me again. Do you understand?”
Henry sat down again, completely taken aback, and nodded at her.  “Yes. Of course.”
“Yes, what?” Her eyes were looking glassy. He had accidently flipped her Domme switch, and he knew she didn’t enjoy using it outside of the club, but more importantly, he had know by now that she hated crying in front of anyone, especially him.
“Yes, Elizabeth, we will talk like adults, and I will not insult you again.” He tried to say it as evenly as he could.
“Thank you, now I’m going for a walk to calm down. Because, again, I don’t think either of us wanted this. I’ll be back.”
An hour later, he heard her coming through the front door.  She didn’t have the rage in her eyes like she did when she left which was a huge relief to him.
“Hey,” she said softly.
“Hey,” he waved at her from the kitchen. He came up to her slowly and held her hands in his. They were so cold. “I’m sorry. I overreacted.”
“So did I, I didn’t make it any easier on you.” She squeezed his hands. “I’m sorry.”
“I made dinner, if you’re hungry.” She nodded and he made her a plate of carbonara. She thanked him and they ate their dinner in silence.
“I think I know now what was making me so upset about the idea of you dominating another man. And I promise, I won’t yell this time.” He said after he had cleared their places.
“I thought about it while you were out and I think I’m just worried that you will find someone who is into it, and you guys will, I don’t know, I’m going to sound like such a bastard saying this. I’m worried that you would leave me for someone who is more into that lifestyle than I am. I’m falling so hard for you, but you have this part of yourself that I’m not allowed into yet.”
“I hadn’t even considered that being part of the problem. When I go back, I will tell management that me performing with a man will not happen.” She reached her hand out to him and he held it. “I’m falling for you too. It’s not that you aren’t allowed to be apart of that side of me, I hadn’t seen any indication that you might want to. Is that something you want to try?”
“I don’t know yet.” Henry replied, running his thumb across the back of her hand. “But what I do know is that I have you for two more days before you head back to town, and I want to take you back to that very comfortable bed, and hold you against me until we fall asleep.”
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adulttrio-imagines · 4 years
High School au headcanons?
I once did a Harry Potter Au here too
- He’s not as openly problematic as you might believe
- For the most part he just skips classes, and comes and goes as he pleases
- He doesn’t have any friends, and spends most of his time alone wondering around the school building or picking fights with others
- His homework is sloppy when he does turn it in, but it passes as barely acceptable so teachers have to let it go
- He skirts around dress code rules too, like your midriff shouldn’t be showing, but it is now also a pink ball, so he’s let off the hook (much to the frustration of all the teachers)
- He does start fights, but has shown such an intense streak of violence that people now just avoid him
- He does cause his fair share of chaos too, but he’s so sneaky and good at covering his tracks that nothing ever gets traced back to him (everyone knows it’s him)
- He lives for setting up uncomfortable situations, and can plan them from weeks in advance
- Will shamelessly flirt with teachers, is rumored to have hooked up with the newest substitute at least once every few months
- Chrollo is one of those students who is very intelligent and could do extremely well academically, but just doesn’t bother as he doesn’t see the point behind it
- He is clearly very smart, and it frustrates his teachers to no end that he won’t push himself more
- His favorite class is English literature, and his writings borders on making you cry from how thought provoking it is, or losing you with how convoluted it gets
- He tries to stay out of the spotlight as much as he can, so no matter how many times his teachers push for him to enter state wide writing competitions, he always refuses
- Despite this, he will correct a teacher and openly criticize their teaching methods if he feels it is especially horrible
- He’s a serial dater, and is always dating a different girl every other week, not because he is fond of the relationship, but often for his own gain, which can range from money, prestige or even just as a form of cover
- He’s could be popular, but he gained the reputation of being the handsome but weird kid who hides in the back of the school with his friends
- Secretly runs the school’s underground black market, no one suspects him since he’s so charming
- He hangs around the library frequently and knows every librarian there on a first name basis, which makes it easier for him to sneak things out
- Unintentional source of the problems
- It’s not that he acts out or starts problems, he just gets wrap up in everything and his personality exacerbates the issue
- His family has been a long time donor to the school, so the teachers fear him a little, especially when he threatens to report lackluster performances back to his parents
- Otherwise, he usually keeps his head down and does well in school
- He works really hard since he is not as naturally talented as one might think, but somehow manages to effortlessly pull it off (what he does is never enough, no matter how well he does)
- When he first entered high school, he was a oddly dressed child with eyes too big for his frame and got bullied for it, that is before his bullies started disappearing and now everyone knows to leave him alone
- He still dresses very strangely, his hair is definitely not part of the dress code, and brings the strangest food from home, though people now know better than to question him
- Will take everything at face value, often the butt of Hisoka’s pranks, they are the others only friend
- And of course he’s always used as Hisoka’s cover, and no one dares to challenge his testimony
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shinidamachu · 4 years
Neighbor Crush (The Thread)
Summary: modern AU, anyone? This was heavily inspired by a twitter thread I read a while ago, about a guy who developed a major crush on his neighbor’s voice and, with his roommate’s help, managed to ask him out.
Word Count: 2.015  Genre: fluff  Fandom: InuYasha  Pairing: Inukag  Format: oneshot  AO3 Link: 🌹  Fanfic.Net Link: 🌹
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“I’m home!”
The abrupt sound of Miroku throwing his keys and briefcase at the table made InuYasha jump on his sit. It was a rare thing to do, taking him by surprise that way.
Unfortunately, Miroku knew so.
“You’re eavesdropping her again, aren’t you?”
It was hard to say what pissed InuYasha off the most: that Miroku had startled him, that he got caught in the act or the infuriating smugness in the bastard’s tone.
“Mind ya business.”
Ignoring his temper, Miroku went to their refrigerator and returned with a loosened tie and a couple of beers. He handed one to InuYasha and sat beside him on the couch.
“Come on, this is getting ridiculous. You have been obsessing over this girl for what? Three weeks, now? Just go downstairs, knock on her door and ask her out.”
Miroku took a long sip of his Heineken, as if rewarding himself for giving the world’s greatest advice. InuYasha wished he would choke on it.
“I’m not knocking on her door and asking her out, dipshit! We have no idea what the girl looks like!”
“Then do us both a favor and go find out!”
To be totally honest, her appearance was what mattered the least about this girl, although he couldn’t deny his curiosity.
Her voice.
It was her voice that started it all.
For two years he had been sharing this little apartment with Miroku and for two years it had been easy for them to ignore each resident of the building without a second thought. InuYasha was in no way a social guy and even though Miroku had a weak spot for the ladies, he had vowed not to get involved with a neighbor, ever.
“Location, location, location.” InuYasha remembered Miroku explaining once. “It’s simultaneously the best pro and the worst con. I’d rather not risk it, it could get pretty ugly.”
Knowing his tendency to hit and run, it was probably the smartest call.
And life went on as usual.
Until InuYasha heard her voice.
It was exceptionally loud. That was the very first thing he noticed. The second thing was that he incredibly didn’t mind at all. There was a sincerity tone to it that was ever present. Almost as if physically unable to lie. Sweet. Gentle. Smooth. But not in a generic way. He could download it into his GPS and drive forever. Her laughter had over him the same effect of sunbeams reaching out the untouched ground of a frozen forest and when she talks too low, something primal and urgent wakes inside him, letting him dying to know what his name would sound like between her whispers.
Then it became less about how and more about what she talked.
Her name was Kagome. She was in her twenties and had just graduated from pedagogy school. Three weeks ago, she had moved in with the girl who lived precisely in the apartment below theirs to save money as she adapted to the new job of substitute teacher. She had a cat named Buyo, couldn’t swear for the life of her, sang a lot, a bit clumsy, definitely a half full kind of person... Single, as far as he could tell.
Kagome had the most hilarious stories, most of them starring her little brother, her grandpa or her friends. He was especially fond of the ones in which she tried to be nice and it ended up blowing on her face spectacularly. Her heart was too big for her own good.
On the floor below, the girl in question left what InuYasha assumed was her kitchen and walked to the living room, turning the TV on. Even now, when the current conversation was supposed to be his focus, he found himself painfully aware of her moviments.
Miroku didn’t have to know any of that.
“That’s insane.”
“Why? How is that insane?”
“Hi, I’m InuYasha, your upstairs neighbor. You don’t know me, but I’ve been listening to everything you say or sing in your apartment since the day you moved in. Often on purpose, like a creepy person. Anyway, wanna have dinner sometime?”
“Lose the ‘creepy’ part and you’ll be fine.”
“Drop it, it ain’t happening.”
“Well, at least you recognize your obsession. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recover.”
“You’re my problem,” he mumbled.
“Wrong, my friend. I’m the solution. You just gotta listen to me.”
“Yeah, don’t count on it.” Miroku laughed. “So how was work?”
“You’re changing the subject.”
“Damn straight I am.”
They made small talk and drank for a while, then Miroku pulled out his phone to check his notifications and InuYasha searched Netflix for an action movie they haven’t seen yet. The girl was binge-watching a sitcom. A good one, judging by the way her laughter reached his ears every now and then.
He smiled.
In moments like these, it was crazy tempting to walk down the stairs and go for it, but InuYasha wouldn’t dare. He was perfectly fine just hearing her life from a safe distance so they couldn’t hurt each other, because this is what love inevitably leads to — and that was assuming she wouldn’t reject his advances, in the first place.
Might as well save them both some pain.
“So what do you say? Shall we eat ramen for the third time in a row or order some pizza? InuYasha?”
But he wasn’t listening. In the apartment below, a door opened. Her roommate, Sango, had arrived.
“Hey!” Replied Kagome. “I hope you’re hungry, ‘cause I just made lasagna.”
“And I hope you’re thirsty, ‘cause I just bought Tequila.”
“Tough day, huh?”
“Tough week.”
“You bet.”
The girls turned the blender on.
The balcony was their favorite spot to chat. It was also where the acoustic sounded better. To the point even human ears could catch the words.
One look at InuYasha and Miroku realized what it meant.
“Is she going to the balcony?” He asked, but didn’t wait for an answer.
InuYasha ran, intercepting Miroku just in time. One hand securely covering his friend’s mouth, the other holding him still. They were now in their own balcony.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
There was an attempt to speak, but it came off muttered. Even so, InuYasha refused to budge his hand. Until Miroku licked it. “Ugh!”
“What does it look like?” He questioned while InuYasha compulsively wiped his hand on his jeans. “I’m being your wingman.”
“I don’t need a wingman and will you shut up, already?” His whispered, angry. Miroku was ready to deliver a cunning comeback when the blender stopped and the girls stepped into the balcony.
“So I had to break up with Kuranosuke today.”
“Break up? I thought you guys were friends with benefits or whatever.”
“YES! WE WERE! THANK YOU! Now could you please be a lamb and go tell him that? Maybe I didn’t make myself clear the first four hundred times! Oh, stop laughing!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Go on.”
“It was a nightmare! The whole week he kept sending flowers and Valentine’s Day cards to the precinct. It’s not even february!”
“I’m surprised you didn’t get him arrested.”
“Believe me, I was this close. It’s hard enough getting their respect, you know? Being a female cop and all. He wasn’t helping.”
“I know. But hey! Someday you’ll find the guy for you. Someone who’ll understand how much your job means. I’m serious! You will!”
“Nope. That’s it for me. I’m done with men.”
“Funny, I’m in the opposite vibe.”
“Really? Now that’s interesting.”
“It’s just… I haven’t dated anyone since Koga.”
“Damn, you’re right! I haven’t realized it.”
“You know what? You should set me up with someone.”
Miroku playfully punched InuYasha’s shoulder, getting his attention. “That’s your chance,” he mouthed. The half demon shook his head.
“Hmmm… Wouldn’t Ayumi, Yuka and What’s-Her-Name be a better option for that? I’m usually cuffing most guys I meet.”
“Eri. And no way! They would just set me up with Hojo.”
“Right! And why won’t you date him, again?”
“Because he’s my friend!”
“He is cute.”
“A cute friend.”
“He likes you.”
“Not my fault.”
“Fine. I’ll d—”
Mortified, InuYasha watched Miroku make a fool of himself. Like in a movie, his body seemed to forget how to react.
“Hi!” Greeted Sango. “I’m sorry. Were we being too loud? We’ll keep it down.”
“No, it’s okay, the walls are really thin. Listen… I have this friend. And he’s really into your friend’s voice. I was wondering if she would be interest in going on a date with him.”
“What?” Kagome let out a shaken giggle.
“Is this for real?”
“Yes! I gotta go, but check his Instagram out. It’s @InuYashaTaisho.”
Apparently very pleased with himself, Miroku walked inside.
“You’re a dead man!”
“What do you think?” Kagome asked, while InuYasha chased Miroku around the apartment.
“It can’t hurt to give a look,” Answered Sango.
“Five years from now, when the two of you get married, you’ll be thanking me for this.” Miroku dodged the pillow InuYasha threw on his direction.
“Don’t ya worry. Imma make sure to write this on your tombstone.”
“Wha—Wow! This is him? What are you gonna do?”
InuYasha threw another pillow. Miroku caught it in the air. He was cornered on the wall and nothing could save him now.
Bzzt! Bzzzt!
Impertinently, his phone choose that exact minute to vibrate. InuYasha fished it off his back pocket and the notification took his breath away.
Kagome Higurashi started following you.
“Is that her?”
InuYasha ignored him. The only important thing was the dark haired beauty smiling brightly on his screen. Her eyes were big and warm, framed by extremely long black lashes. She had adorable bangs and sharped cheeks. The perfect shape of her lips rivaled those from a greek statue and they seemed to be painted in a natural shade of pink in almost every picture. Except when they were burning red.
He couldn’t have put a better face to the voice if he tried.
Scrolling down her feed, InuYasha continued to connect the features he didn’t know with the names he did. Sango. Her mom. Sota. Buyo. Her grandfather.
“Let me see!” Miroku ran to his side and hang on his shoulder like a parrot, whistling in approval as InuYasha went on. “Woah, wait, wait, wait! Who is that?”
“That’s Sango, the girl you just embarrassed me and yourself in front of.” He followed Kagome back.
“I think I’m in love.”
InuYasha glared at him.
“Don’t even think about it.”
“He followed me back!”
“Oh, it’s going down!” Sango laughed.
“Watch me.” Defied Miroku.
“What the fuck happened to the ‘not dating neighbors’ rule?”
“If four years of law school taught me something was that every rule has its exceptions. In this case, the exception is the absurd level of hotness of said neighbor.”
“On a second thought, go ahead and date her. It’s about time someone put you in jail.”
Miroku smirked.
“Should I say hello?”
“Definitely!” Encouraged Sango. “Don’t schedule anything until I check him for bad precedents, though.”
“You’re such a cop.”
Bzzt! Bzzzt!
Hi! I’m sorry about my friend. He thinks ‘boundaries’ is an indie band.
She chuckled.
“Don’t you have a pizza to order?” InuYasha faced him, eyebrows raised. Miroku narrowed his eyes and left.
“This isn’t over.”
That’s okay. So... you’re a dog demon. I’m assuming this is how you can hear us down here?
Actually I’m half demon, which means I’m only half responsible for invading your privacy. The other half is on you for being so damn loud.
Excuse me?! I thought you liked my loud personality! Wasn’t that the whole point?
To be fair, what I liked was your killer cover of Livin’ On A Prayer.
OH MY GOD! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU HEARD THAT! Okay. This isn’t fair. You’ve been listening to my voice since I moved in, but I have no idea what yours sound like.
The next text he sent her was his phone number.
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A/N: it’s been a while, yes? Tell me if you guys enjoyed this one. Fluff is not really my thing. Let me know if I can interest you in a Part II of them dating and send me sugestions of where they could go, if you want to. If I liked them better than the ideas I have in mind, I might end up writing it (is not a priority, though).
Also, I want to dedicate this piece to @xfangheartx​. Thank you for always being a sweetheart.
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asterekmess · 4 years
S3A - E7
So, I’m starting this episode right after finishing the last one, and I’m still kinda riled up from that bullshit. Let’s get to pissing me off and breaking my heart then. Blood/gore mention warnings for this episode.
Exercise your eyes! Read More!
Let’s just jump right in:
Starting right off with forcing myself into putting the tag in. Scott literally just listened to his mother say that giving this woman something to lessen the pain of her injuries could complicate things and make it harder to treat her. This is like an important medical thing. While yes, it’s really upsetting that she would need to keep being in pain, she needs to be able to identify and explain what exactly she’s feeling to the doctor who is going to be arrive really soon (though I have no idea why the nurses aren’t able to get these people set up. That’s what they did with me? I didn’t see a doctor for like an hour, but they didn’t make me sit in the fucking waiting room before dealing with the blood.) Her pain level will have a direct effect on how quickly she’s seen. This moment is meant to show Scott being soft-hearted, but with the doctor only ten minutes away, he could literally be making this woman’s life a whole lot worse by taking away her pain right now. There is a reason why after I was given pain killers for my surgery I wasn’t allowed to be near any heavy objects. Her pain is keeping her from irritating her wound. She could fuck herself up if she stops responding to the signals her body is trying to send her. This is not the right way to make Scott look kind. He looks like an idiot who doesn’t even listen to his nurse mom.
WHo the FUCK would keep driving with a bunch of bugs in the car? She’s not even on the interstate! PULL OVER IDIOT.
I’m actually agreeing with Scott on this one. I have no idea how medically accurate what melissa just did was, but it look pretty damn cool.
WHat the hell is this conversation? First off, Ethan, you made VERY clear in the last episode that you want to bite Danny even after he said no. Even if that was the possession talking, it was based on what YOU wanted. Danny’s not safe with you. Second, what is this bullshit about knowing Lydia is the important one? Important to Stiles and ALlison maybe. Scott literally never talks to Lydia. THIRD how exactly did you guys come up with that idea when you went after them on the FIRST DAY? You sniff him on them? cus’ if so your noses are damaged.
what...what is with this ghost car shit? She was in the middle of the city, more than ten minutes away from the hospital and behind the traffic caused by the ten car pileup. How did the car drive itself ALL THE WAY here?
Ethan. you’re an alpha. you have night vision. You shouldn’t need to ask what the fucking MOTH in the middle of the driver’s seat is.
HI NOAH! I’ll be honest. I missed you. You’re a really good actor and you just make me feel all safe. WHich is weird bc I hate father figures and I hate cops. Linden Ashby is just too good, I guess.
It’s so frustrating watching Deucalion walk around with humans pretending to be blind. Because he is. He is Pretending to be blind. He’s already proved like a dozen times that he can see just fine when he turns on the Alpha eyes. Which doesn’t make SENSE because Deaton said his iris’ were permanently damaged. He doesn’t have two different sets of eyes! And it sucks, bc they put in these little things that it would’ve been awesome to see if they included an actual blind person properly. The casual use of the cane, taking someone’s elbow and the trust that implies, and even this. Having (that looks like ethan’s coat) Ethan explain what’s in front of Deucalion, describing the scene to him.
Also, Cora, you look amazing, can you please be my friend and can I hug you? I love your shirt.
I HATE THIS BITCH. Fuck you Julia.
uhh....why is an English teacher filling in for a chemistry/geometry teacher? That’s not how substitutes work. Making a joke out of it doesn’t make it make any more sense. SHe shouldn’t be doing that, especially if Harris has been missing for a while.
So your office can keep werewolves out, but not darach? Okay, let me go full conspiracy theorist here. we only know Deaton saw the moths because we see it. He just tells Scott that he’s going to be taken. This is a story that Scott is telling, so he couldn’t know that deaton saw the moths unless deaton told him. Julia is currently teaching a class. Are you seriously saying she doesn’t need to be involved at all in order to do these kidnappings? She can just put them on a timer and let the autmoatic spellwork do the job for her? OR Is deaton lying about being taken, and this is just a test he came up with to force Scott’s “True Alpha”ness to the surface? JUlia clearly had other plans for her sacrifice. I don’t think Deaton was a ‘distraction’ to keep Scott from finding the actual sacrifice. I think it was Deaton using the situation to his advantage.
why does deaton have a canine acupressure chart on his wall? I’ve never seen a vet’s office have that. Does he do alternative medicine for dogs??
BOYD. ISAAC. MY BOYS. I can’t tell you how much I love this. It’s so sneaky and annoying and so pack-ish I just love it so much.
I swear, like ninety percent of what the ‘adults’ in this show say is ‘go back to school.’ ‘shouldn’t you be in school’ yadda yadda. Like, they want so badly to write the teens as though they never have to go to class, so they just make them constantly skip and ignore that these are fucking teenagers who would never be able to get out of school that easily, and they handwave it with someone occasionally going ‘hmm, weird that they aren’t in school’ and then just ignoring it? Truancy is like a THING that you can get in major trouble for. At least Boyd and Isaac called in sick. You know how you could have avoided all this class bullshit? PUT THE FUCKING SEASON DURING THE SUMMERTIME DUMBASSES.
It just hurts seeing Stiles beg for Scott not to make him tell his dad, and then turn right around and admit that it’s not okay for him to let other people suffer just because it scares him that he might lose his only parent. Like, he walks into that sacrifice with eyes wide fucking open and it hurts.
I’m not talking about these dumb sex scenes anymore. I’m so tired of them.
OKay, can we talk about the fire alarm thing though? It sounds like a jokey kind of thing with Aiden teasing Lydia about wanting to leave during the fire alarm but... Remember how Lydia was haunted by Peter’s burnt corpse? How she can hear the cries of the dead, and how she went wandering into the crumbling remains of the Hale house? There’s every chance that Lydia remembers the fire through Peter’s eyes. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was forever freaked by fire alarms.
Man, Cora and Lydia, together? The sass involved? If I didn’t ship Allydia so hard, I’d totally ship Cora and Lydia.
ONce again, I wanna point out that AIDEN IS A MURDERER. Literally all it would take is someone Explaining to Lydia that he is serial killer and she’d never touch him again.
Cora and Stiles together? I’m loving it. I just, wanna point out that when Scott showed up Cora couldn’t have given less of a shit. But here....Cora doesn’t remotely question Stiles’ authority here. She immediately goes along with it and when he tells her to let go of Cora she does. Even though she has no real reason to. When she asks about the spirit board, it’s a legit question and she doesn’t argue or make fun.
PLus there’s the whole ‘Well do you know any spirits” which straight up just confirms for me that ghosts and shit are real in this universe. I trust the Hales as lore sources and Cora’s matter-of-fact tone is good enough for me.
jesus christ i wanna get deucalion and Peter in a room together and watch them just...monologue random facts and trivia at each other endlessly. “Lacrosse was originally played by Native Americans.” “Do you know what a metronome is?” Guys. come on.
Exasperated Stiles is literally my favorite Stiles. “We’re trying to save lives here for the love of god” “YOU”RE SOMETHING, OKay? JUST put out your Hand” It’s so fucking good.
Someone EXPLAIN TO ME how Scott learned to do fucking gymnastics. WHEN DID HE LEARN THIS? I hate this bullshit “I’m a werewolf, so I can do anything” shit. Especially since it’s LITERALLY just Scott they let do it. Everyone else has to actually do the work to learn it.
So...how exactly does Deucalion know where Deaton is? This literally just supports my theory that Deaton set the whole thing up.
ALSO, since I already have the tag I feel no shame in pointing out that Scott didn’t even HESITATE when he learned Derek was going to die. He immediately asked about Deaton. Yeah yeah, Deaton is a father figure to him, but if that’s an acceptable excuse for Scott to use now, then it should count as an acceptable one when it’s STILES” FATHER BEING THREATENED (but I digress, we’re not there yet.)
How did I never notice that Lydia’s Left handed?
andd.....how did Lydia know that? How did Scott know that? What did Deucalion say that even remotely hints at Danny? Scott doesn’t know about Danny’s paper...what?
Fuck yeah, vengeful Boyd. I dig it.
uh....why couldn’t allison just stand next to Scott in the closet. you know, like she did while he was getting in? Also, why was Allison hiding with him anyway? It’s HER HOUSE and HER BEDROOM.
um....okay, i know that we all like the sterek fics where they have to hide in the closet and one of them pops a boner...but I’mma be real, it’s a lot more uncomfortable when I know she broke up with Scott and they’ve been in there for like ten seconds. Plus there’s the whole knowing that she DEFINITELY has enough room to move away and so does he. *shrug*
Side note: Allison where the fuck do you get these clothes? THey’re both awesome and...kinda weird? Did you buy that dress in france?
okay, i’ll admit it, i do actually kinda like the camera angle through the map, with the blacklight lighting up the symbols (though the symbols flash on and off a little too fast). It’s kinda cool.
uh, how would taking the picture help? You don’t have the blacklight over it? None of the markings are visible anymore
why does Chris keep walking in and out? AND WHY DIDN”T ALLISON DO THAT THE FIRST TIME?
Stiles in plaid and Converse? Yes. Yes. please. That’s so my aesthetic I’m so fucking jealous. He looks COMFY.
This whole interaction is just so fucking weird XD
But like, why would Stiles know to go through Danny’s stuff instead of just asking him why he might’ve been targeted??
HOW WOULD THEY KNOW TO CUT THE POWER? THIS DOESN’T MAKE SENSE. Why does the ALpha pack keep showing up with way more information than they should have? It’s so annoying! It’s one thing if Morrell is feeding them information, but she wouldn’t have KNOWN about this! This was a good plan and there’s NO REASON the Alphas should’ve known what Boyd, Isaac, and Derek were doing! What the fuck?
....god i love Derek’s red eyes.
....god i hate that I know where this is going.
....god i wish he’d just let them tear her apart.
I know that it’s meant to be setting up the cora/stiles thing, but I love that she doesn’t hesitate to touch him, and that when she stops him it’s with a very quiet “stop.” She’s really gentle with him, which is just fucking nice. Werewolves taking care to be gentle with Stiles is like...nice.
Since when did Scott know about the plan with Boyd and Isaac? Since when did Stiles know? Is Boyd seriously texting Cora while Derek and Kali are fighting, or did he text her as soon as the power was cut?
is this the first time we see a werewolf bounce off the mountain ash? I mean, I think so, but we also see Peter in S1 try to get past some. There’s no glowing when he comes into contact with the shield. It’s the same with Isaac and Erica in s2. I mean...I guess they’re just trying to upgrade the ash stuff? I gotta say though, I kinda prefered when there were no special effects. It seemed cooler when literally the only thing making it work was belief and having this totally invisible barrier that Peter couldn’t cross. It was cool.
....i think i’m procrastinating seeing the end of this fight. I’m gonna fucking cry.
Why...why does Isaac turn and yell ‘wait’ to Boyd when he was the one running forward to Julia? I am confusion.
Dude, if Alphas could break through mountain ash barriers then Talia Hale WOULDN”T HAVE DIED. THE HALE PACK WOULDn’T HAVE DIED.
I wanna point out here, that this fight between Derek and Kali makes sense for once. Him losing makes sense. We know that the Alphas are much older than they look, or at least Kali, Deucalion and Ennis were. Aiden and Ethan don’t show up in that flashback. ANyway, Kali’s probably in her thirties or forties. SHe’s much older than Derek and she’s been fighting for a lot longer, not to mention fighting to kill.
Seriously, someone get my boy a quarterstaff to knock her feet away.
I really really don’t understand this stuff. Why is it whenever people (I mean Derek, because it’s literally always Derek) get forced to use their werewolf claws/teeth (because again I cannot believe this is happening more than once) he for some reason can’t just...shift back? Retract his claws and fangs? Derek has amazing control, he should totally have been able to do it. With the venom it made sense, he was paralyzed. But now??
What exactly was the fucking point of having Scott break the mountain ash barrier, just to have the sheriff show up and shoot Deaton down? That was literally useless.
also, Noah is an amazing shot. Hot damn.
ALSO. LIterally all this info about true alphas is being whispered to Scott when he’s all alone? How the fuck am i supposed to trust that deaton even ever said that shit to Scott? He could totally be lying about it.
WHAT KIND OF TOTAL BULLSHIT BACKWARDS ASS PLOTLINE IS THIS? After half the season being about Deucalion attacking Derek and trying to get him into the pack, suddenly “Deucalion isn’t after Derek, he’s after you” WHAT? THat’s the STUPIDEST LAZIEST SHIT I’VE EVER SEEN.
Final Thoughts: No. No, no, no no, no, and no. The ‘plotline’ of this episode is literally like fifteen things that have nothing to do with each other.
Admittedly, there were a few nice moments. Cora, Lydia, and Stiles was an awesome trio. Boyd, Isaac, and Derek was an awesome trio. The sheriff? Amazing. Melissa? A fucking hero. Danny, a genius saint.
All in all, I’m going to tear this episode to shreds in order to rewrite it. Get fucked, Davis.
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languagebraindump · 4 years
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Mona Baker’s 5 levels of equivalence
Once again, no fancy theories or sophisticated vocabulary. Let’s get down to business. Mona Baker, the author of “In Other Words,” has explained the concept of “equivalence” in a way that might help us, language learners, understand how our target languages work.  
What’s equivalence in translation?
Simply put, it means "the best translation of a word/phrase/concept." A concept expressed in your native language is expressed by a concept in your target language so, they evoke the same emotions, mental pictures, and adhere to cultural standards. 
Simple example: 
A car – big, small, red, 4 wheels, a windshield, Toyota, etc. 
Samochód – the features I stated above apply to samochód as well. 
They’re equivalents. 
Difficult example: 
Święcenie koszyczka (a Polish thing. We do it for Easter.) = Basket Blessing 
“What the hell is Basket Blessing?” That’s what non-Polish people usually ask me when they learn about our Easter traditions.  
Święcenie koszyczka has special connotations in Poland. It’s a Catholic tradition that people like. There are some preparations for it like decorating boiled eggs, etc. 
Basket Blessing is a literal translation. The target audience is usually confused and doesn’t feel anything while reading this phrase, no sentiment, no mental pictures, nothing. Just a fun fact. It’s not the best equivalent, but you can’t go with anything else because there’s no other way to translate it. You can replace it with a local custom (you’ll get people sentimental), but you’ll change facts. Is it a good choice? I don’t know. It depends on what you want to achieve. 
Fun Fact 
Equivalence is not about word-for-word translation (just like in a dictionary). It’s possible to achieve equivalence, but you need to remember that there are so many people in the world and each of them creates different mental pictures when they hear a word. They feel different emotions, and that alone makes achieving the perfect, the ultimate equivalence impossible. That’s why linguists and translators have been studying equivalence for a while now. They keep working and looking for the answer to “How can we achieve the best equivalence?” 
To the point! 
Mona Baker talks about 5 different levels of equivalence: 
Equivalence at word level and above word level (2 levels) – we’re trying to translate words only or phrases, collocations, idioms, etc.
You might not be able to translate a word because you’re dealing with:
Culture-specific concepts which are expressed through one word only.
There is no such thing/action in your target language/culture.
Your native language is more specific, and the word you want to translate refers to one thing only.  Your target language, on the other hand, refers to many things, and it uses one word for a lot of objects. (skówka na długopis, zakrętka, zatyczka = a cap).
Differences in physical or interpersonal perspective (words such as come/go, take/bring, arrive/depart).
Different connotations (some words are neutral in your native language, but some are very emotive in your target language).
Affixes (prefixes and suffixes). English "–ish" (greenish) is applicable to many words. It’s almost impossible to render it into Polish. 
Some words can be translated (have equivalents), but they’re not used as often as they are in the target culture/language. 
How can I deal with that?
Use more general words, less expressive words.
You can always describe the thing, provide an explanation (translation by illustration).
You can omit that word if it isn’t necessary and won’t cause any problems with understanding.
Borrow the word and provide its explanation.
Cultural substitution (instead of święcenie koszyczka use a custom common for your target language’s culture).
Grammatical equivalence – differences in grammatical constructions (they might be difficult to translate as well). Catford’s translation shifts overlap with Mona Baker’s grammatical equivalence. 
Number (plural/singular)
Person (I, You, He, She, It)
Tense and aspect (perfective and imperfective)
Voice (active/passive)
Textual equivalence – differences in text organization and structuring (word order, cohesion, word choice, paragraphs, etc.)
It’s most visible in languages such as Japanese, where the topic and the subject are two different concepts. 
In Polish, the word order is very flexible unlike in English. The Japanese always finish their sentences with verbs. 
Some languages prefer nominal structures. In Polish, we like to use verbal structures. (jakie anime planuje się stworzyć = upcoming anime releases) 
Pragmatic equivalence – how it is that we understand more than it is actually said.
Implied information – you know, all those little things that tell us that our speaker meant something completely different or meant to insult us in a non-straight-forward manner using culturally specific words and concepts. (Forrest Gump is a good example of such implied information. You need to be familiar with US history and culture to fully enjoy the movie).
So, how this knowledge can help you?
1. It will help you ask better questions in class. 2. Understanding how your native language works will speed up your learning process tremendously. 3. If comparing languages is your favorite language learning method, Catford’s and Mona Baker's translation theries can give an idea where to start and what to notice. 4. If you’re a teacher, it can help you explain some grammatical phenomena. 5. If you help others learn your native language, you’ll be able to explain grammatical issues, or at least give examples. 6. You’ll speed up your translation abilities.  
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