#until then I’ll drink my coffe
anisas-nonsense · 2 years
Miss Laufey
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adventuringblind · 2 months
Awwww im sorry :(
Life sucks most of the time (unfortunately) sometimes and a lot of ppl deal with it better than us.
Regarding the angst fics: GIMME. I’ll be the LAST person complaining cause it actually makes me feel something other than indifference and numb.
And max??? Your Ghoul max especially??? I WILL EAT THAT SHIT UP. GIMME. (On your own time and writing speed ofc).
If it ain’t obvious I’ll read pretty much anything you write. I’m a sucker for your ao3, I’m rereading one fic or another daily atp.
Also cause I always see you and 🦡 talking about energy drinks (monster) I’ll add my little quirks about caffeine in general cause I keep being told I’m weird for it and need some kind of opinion from ppl who don’t know anything about me:
I have said for YEARS that I don’t want to try energy drinks because I have an addictive personality. I damn well knew that I’d be addicted to the caffeine “high” or sleep (depending on how my adhd took it).
Until February when my friend but redbull in a separate cup and had me try it. Summary is I liked it and immediately wanted to cry when she told me cause damnit I’ve been avoiding it!!!!
So now I have EXTREMELY strict rules about my redbull consumption (it’s the only source of caffeine other than Coca Cola I actually enjoy the taste of (no I don’t like coffee)). And refuse to try anything else because one is bad enough.
Sorry this is so long but your always asking for ppl to talk… so I just did (whoops)
- 🦒
Okay yes… I am aching for human interaction. The interaction I’ve had with friends recently is not the greatest but in my defense! I’m still religious and so are they and we all have different values. As in - tumblr is like my side hoe that nobody knows about. I’m also bisexual which isn’t the most values thing in Christianity and so I get some weird looks when I rant about pretty woman. I CANT HELP IT THO WHY ARE YOU ALL SO GOOD LOOKING IT’S NOT FAIRRRRR. Same goes for a lot of other shit. Drinking and sex and smoking and sex and - the list goes on for days. IDK man just Lemme liveeee. Also trying to explain to people why you won’t go back t church is a pain. Like - idk? You watched my dad abuse my mom for YEARS, didn’t say anything and gossiped instead about how we were the ones not following him as the head of the household, the proceeded to hail him a hero because he stayed with my mom after she dealt with a fucking predator? Not thanks! I’d prefer never to speak to y’all again!
(Sorry for the random trauma dump lol)
That all being said, the interaction I’ve had is limited to my fiancé and my beta reader who is overseas in the UK. My fiancé has friends and goes out with them and I sit watching movies with my parents while getting trashed. My sister is there too. I love her dearly. But she’s 17 and dual enrolled to graduate with her associates degree in a couple of months so she’s busy T_T
Basically - I’m alone with my thoughts majority of the time and it’s not a fun place to be.
I’m considering making this specific Ghouls Max fic into a mini series because there is so much shit here. Plus, background Landoscar and Charlos have me FERAL. The plot is actually a lot like my Ao3 fic in some ways but not? Like themes are similar ig. I fell in love though and might make a series of one shots that follow Max and Reader post the events of that fic 👀 (which I will have for you EVENTUALLY)
Redbull isn't my favorite unless it's sugar-free (don't ask why because I find it IRONIC). I feel you with the caffeine thing and finding it hard to pace. I don't have a crazy reaction to caffeine and usually get by with a monster in the morning. Coffee tastes gross unless it's one of those places that have their own coffee beans and stuff. Which - okay - I'm from Washington state, and we have SO MANY COFFE PLACES HERE. I have three that are a 20-minute walk from my house. Also, Starbucks sucks.
Saw your ask right after this by the way and laughed because I'm blind and the emojis looked similar, so I didn't even realize at first!
I'm glad to see me and 🏍 are spreading our propaganda 😂
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evanstanhoney · 4 years
Preview of Alessia and Shawn’s synastry chart:
If Shawn’s sign is water or air, and is a particular water sign like I expect...him and Alessia 👌🏾😘
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earlgreydream · 2 years
𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐬. || 𝐥𝐚𝐰𝐲𝐞𝐫!𝐤𝐲𝐥𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 @little-diable — 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐮 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞
𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
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Three years ago, your husband picked up a case that had changed the trajectory of his career, and your relationship. Nights were no longer spent dancing in bars, but instead leaning over documents under the lamplight, sipping at cold coffee that had been left sitting on the desk.
Hundreds and hundreds of hours were poured into the case, some nights, Kylo never coming to bed. Instead of begging for him, you picked up the documents, helping him search for any evidence that would aid his case.
“Get some sleep, honey.”
“Not without you. We’ll find something, you’re going to win, Kylo.”
Some days, he wondered why he’d ever said yes. The gavel bang rattled his bones, and he began to feel cold under the judges’ glare. The case wore on him, grinding his sanity and excitement down until it was nearly non existent.
But he did it anyway, because it was his job, but more importantly, because he did the right thing. And the right thing was to help his clients, even when it was brutal, and dread filled every day. He wanted to help people, but it drained and exhausted him so that some nights, he would sob himself to sleep in your arms. 
“Why isn’t it working? Why aren’t they understanding that people are being hurt?”
“Kylo, I’m coming with you.”
He turned, watching you slip into a nice dress, your fingers struggling with the back zipper. 
“There is no reason for you to come. The jury could take weeks to deliberate. Just because the hearings are done, doesn’t mean we’ll get a verdict,” Kylo said gently, laying his hands over your forearms. 
“Whether there’s a verdict or not, I still want to be there for you. I’ll take a book, I have the day off. Don’t worry, just let me be there for you,” you insisted, reaching up and tenderly touching his face.
He nodded silently, turning you back around. His hands carefully zipped your dress up between your shoulder blades. Kylo smoothed his palms over your shoulders, gently squeezing you and pressing a kiss to the back of your head. 
“You’re nervous,” you spoke, less of a question, more of a statement. 
“I don’t want to see three years of work, blood, sweat, and tears collapse into nothing.”
“You’re going to win this case. I know you don’t believe that, but I do.”
Kylo exhaled, pulling you into a hug, his anxiety settled by the feeling of you in his arms, the way you perfectly wrapped around his torso, your cheek resting against his chest. 
“Thank you for believing in me.”
“Sit down,” you commanded, pulling out the vanity stool.
He obeyed, lowering down in front of you, no longer towering over your shorter frame. You grabbed his tie from the vanity top, straddling his lap as you wrapped it around his neck. He watched you, completely quiet as you skillfully tied his tie, laying it flat against his chest. His words pulled at your heart, and you met him in a kiss, trying to soothe his anxieties.
“We have to go.”
You nodded, standing off of him, fixing your skirt before slipping on flats and following him out to the car. The doors of the Tesla lifted like wings, allowing you to step into the passenger side, watching out the window as Kylo sped to the courthouse. 
“I need to prep my client. Can you wait in the hall?”
“Of course. Go do your work,” you assured him, kissing Kylo before he vanished into the courtroom. 
You took a seat on a bench outside the doors, opening your novel and getting sucked into a fantasy world while you waited for Kylo to come out. After a few hours, you checked your watch, knowing he would be out in a few minutes. Footsteps echoed on the marble floors as you crossed the hall, walking to the coffee cart to get drinks for you and your husband, knowing he would appreciate it. 
“A caramel latte and a black coffee, please. A pinch of sugar in it,” you asked the barista, leaning against the wall as you waited. 
“Your husband is that lawyer, right? The district attorney?”
“Yes,” you nodded. 
“I hear he’s gonna win. Just from the courthouse gossip. Everyone talks over their coffee. Good luck, Mrs. Ren.”
You said nothing, taking the cups of coffee and going back to wait for Kylo. It was pointless to speculate, fearing your heart couldn’t handle the damage of getting your hopes up only to be let down by Kylo losing the case. The doors of the courtroom swung open, the tall, dreamy man coming out first. 
“I got this for you.”
He sipped the coffee before leaning down and pressing a kiss to your mouth, tasting like espresso. You parted your lips, letting him kiss you a little deeper, despite your public setting. You ached to be with him in private, your body buzzing just from his hand on your back. 
“How does it feel?”
“I don’t know. They may send us home. We’ll wait on the jury for a bit. Closing statements have finished. Mine was good, I think,” he spoke quickly, his mind clearly reeling over every detail, making himself anxious.
You laid your hand over his racing heart, your fingers pushing beneath is blazer. His arm wrapped around your lower back, holding your body to his as he searched for some comfort within you. He breathed in the scent of your shampoo, calming down as the familiarity of you surrounded him, grounding the anxious lawyer.
“Thank you for being so supportive and wonderful,” he murmured into your hair.
“I would do anything for you,” you answered honestly, acting as if you hadn’t spent years of late nights and anxious mornings with Kylo.
“Mister Ren, you’re needed back in the courtroom.”
“It’s only been a half hour,” Kylo argued with the lawyer.
“The jury reached a verdict.”
“That’s impossible.”
“Go, Kylo. I’ll be here when you come out,” you urged, pushing your astonished husband back to the courtroom, while the lawyer sent to summon him granted you a meek thanks.
You agonized over what was happening on the other side of the closed doors, pacing back and forth. Kylo’s voice was muffled through the thick wood, so much that you were unable to decipher his tone. 
Kylo couldn’t believe they’d won, It seemed impossible that the jury had decided so quickly, it meant that he had made his case airtight, presenting evidence far beyond any sort of reasonable doubt. The client was in tears beside him, and his head was ringing with the realization that his hard work, and yours, had paid off.
Kylo was one of the last people to file out of the courtroom, busy tying loose ends with the client and congratulating him on his freedom. Meanwhile, you were pushing on your toes, trying to see his dark head of hair peeking high above the others. It was unclear what the verdict was in all the noise, and you rocked back and forth on your heels as you waited for Kylo to return. 
“We won. We did it,” he breathed, sweeping you up in his arms. 
You squeezed him tightly, all the tension leaving your body as the good news reached your ears. Excitement flooded the emptying hall, Kylo grinning into your neck like a madman. 
“I’m so proud of you.”
Fire danced in your veins as he kissed you, thrilled by the verdict, and thrilled by your loving support. You kissed him back, giggling as he smiled against your lips, your handsome husband making your heart race.
“There’s a party, Ren. Back at the firm,” someone interrupted your affection.
“Go on without me. I’m going to celebrate at home with my wife,” he answered, giving you a gentle squeeze.
Arousal spread through your stomach at Kylo’s suggestive tone, knowing exactly how he meant to celebrate. The oblivious coworker wandered off, while you were pulled to the car like a high schooler.
As soon as the doors sealed closed, Kylo was leaning over the middle console, his mouth on yours, tongue tasting of black coffee. You kept leaning in as he pulled away, not ever wanting him to stop kissing you. 
“I’ve got to get us home, then we can really celebrate,” Kylo’s hand gently pushed your shoulder down.
As much as you would’ve ridden him in the car, in the courthouse parking lot, you let him drive you home, squirming in the passenger seat. His gaze darted over to you as you shifted your weight, recognizing the need in your expression. 
“Does daddy being good at his job turn you on, sweetheart?” Kylo smirked, reaching over and dropping a hand between your open thighs.
He gently rubbed over your cotton panties, feeling how soaked you were. You were always ready for Kylo, aroused by the lightest touches. 
“Yes daddy, you’re the best at what you do,” you whined, appealing to his praise kink as you rocked your hips against his hand, your panties slick against his fingers as you gushed with arousal. He pulled the fabric aside and rubbed tiny circles over your clit, delighting in your little gasps, your nails digging into his forearm.
“Dirty girl,” he smirked, pulling away suddenly and getting out of the car.
You followed him to the elevator that took you up to your penthouse, forcing yourself not to fuck him right there in the tiny metal space. Kylo’s footsteps were loud on the marble floors as he crossed the space, heading back to the bedroom, already pulling his suit apart.
You did the same, unzipping your dress as you walked and tossing it along with his discarded blazer. His eyes scanned over you, never used to the sight of you naked, still starstruck after so many years of worshipping your body. You were practically pulsing with desire, your steps light as you followed Kylo to the bed, squealing as he shoved you onto the mattress, roughhousing you lightly. He was aware of your preference for his rough side, aroused by a bit of manhandling and bruises left on your skin in the morning.
Kylo prowled over your body, his tongue trailing along your warm skin, sending shudders down your spine. His hair was soft under your fingers, your hands pulling roughly, until his teeth gently sank into your skin, leaving a reminder of his presence. 
“Fuck me, daddy,” you begged, bucking your hips up, grinding your soaked cunt against his cock, watching Kylo’s dark eyes roll back in his skull. He resisted the urge to slam into you right then and there, ignoring your needs to satisfy a carnal pleasure burning through him.
Kylo’s strong hands flipped you onto your stomach, jerking your hips up so he could fuck you from behind, your face pressed into the mattress. He watched your back arch, your dripping cunt peeking out from between the thighs he wished to bury himself between. You shamelessly put all of yourself on display for him, showing Kylo the most priceless parts of your body, your moans gracing his ears as he groped you.
“Fuck, look at you,” he swore, struggling to maintain his composure.
His mouth locked with yours, Kylo swallowing your loud whines as he finally sank into you. Your walls struggled to stretch around his cock as he fucked into you all at once, his hips meeting yours in a lewd motion.
“Kylo!” You cried, breaking the kiss and dropping back down as his hard thrusts sped up.
He gripped your hips as you writhed, pulling on the sheets and screaming his name loud enough for the neighbors to hear. Every thrust sent a burst of pleasure through your nerves, the tip of his cock bumping your cervix.
“You’re a fucking dream,” he hissed, his jaw tight as he pulled your back up to his chest, a huge hand squeezing your throat.
Your thighs trembled as Kylo continued to pound into you, lost in the waves of his own pleasure and the high from winning his case. Your hair tumbled down over his shoulder, his mouth leaving kisses along your jaw.
He smirked at the squeal that ripped through your lips as his free hand dropped to toy with your clit, fingers parting your soaked folds and teasing the swollen nerves until you were shaking.
“I’m—” you couldn’t form the words quick enough to warn him as your cunt spasmed around his cock. All of the pressure between your hips released, a shudder wracking your body as your orgasm shattered through you.
You collapsed against him, your body supported in his strong arms as he finished, orgasming inside you and filling you impossibly deeper, his come mixing with yours in a lewd mess that smeared between your thighs. Euphoria left your mind cloudy, your fingers wrapping around Kylo’s thick bicep as his grip loosened on your throat, allowing in all the oxygen he’d been controlling.
His panting breaths were deep and heavy, mixing with the melody of yours to fill the now-quiet suite. He apologized at your soft cry as he eased out of you, his eyes rolling back as he got a glimpse of your wrecked sex. Kylo turned you over so you were gazing up at him, your back on the cool sheets beneath you.
“Hi,” you breathed softly, your voice still dreamy.
Kylo grinned, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your lips, bumping your cheek with his nose. The tender action earned a small giggle, his heart warming at your sweetness.
“Hi gorgeous.”
You hummed, pulling him down into your arms so you could run your fingers through his damp locks. He half heartedly mumbled something about a shower, his face buried in your chest, a position he could’ve spent eternity in.
“In a minute,” you mumbled, pulling his head up and catching him in another deep, sensual kiss.
You couldn’t get enough of Kylo, never satiated and always needing more of the powerful orgasms and affection he showed you. You were so irrevocably in love with him, and he with you, not even the longest and darkest nights could break the two of you apart.
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m4tthewmurd0ck · 2 years
𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧 ~ 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐱 (𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞) 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫!
【 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 】 (below the cut)
word count: 2.3k
ALSO! i’m doing a little celebration for hitting 200 followers, please click *HERE* to check it out and send in a request for matt / bucky / steve / peter / loki or any other characters that i write for!!
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YOU WERE BEGINNING TO WORRY ABOUT MATT AND FOGGY. They ended up pushing dinner to another night after taking on a new case. Foggy let it slip that the case actually came from Brett, and you were surprised that the bribe worked. But that wasn’t what was worrying you.
Of course, neither of them was allowed to discuss details about their new client, for obvious reasons. But you sensed that they were on opposing sides when it came to the situation. And it wasn’t long until your suspicions were confirmed.
It was getting late the next night as you let yourself into the new building for Nelson and Murdock. Foggy had text you that they were gonna be there pretty late, so you offered to bring them dinner. Matt had started to say that you didn’t have to go out of your way to do that for them, but Foggy was quick to cut him off, mentioning that he was pretty sure he was about to die of starvation.
Matt had given you a key to their offices when they made extra copies, because you had already ended up bringing over a bunch of papers you needed to print out for them. About an hour before you did that, the boys had been given a free used printer. They didn’t bother to check if the ink cartridge inside was empty… and surprise, it was.
“Come on!” When you heard your brother yelling, you quietly walked into the room.
“Which one of us said that ‘I believe the innocent includes everyone not yet convicted of a crime’? I’ll give you a hint, it sure as hell wasn’t me. We should already be reading about it in the papers. There’s something not right about this case. I can feel it.”
“Alright I’m just gonna say this once, and we can move on. You don’t necessarily show the best judgement when women are involved, Matt.”
“How would I even know if she’s a beautiful woman?”
“I don’t know. It’s kinda spooky, actually. But it’s like you aren’t even aware that you’re doing it. Like with my sister you flirt with her and you’ve told me—”
“Aaaand I’m here!” You walked into the room, setting the bags of food on one of the desks.
Matt immediately stood up, smiling as he pulled you in for a hug. “Hey, thanks for doing this.”
“You guys alright?” You looked between them, sensing obvious tension. “I just wanted to come by and drop off food, I’m gonna take what I got for myself and head back to my apartment,” you grabbed the container with your order in it, deciding it would be best to just eat later so they could get back to work.
“Thanks for the coff— oh, hi.”
You glanced up as a young blonde woman exited the break room, clutching a cup of coffee as if her life depended on it.
“You could’ve said someone else was here, I would’ve brought extra food!” You whisper-yelled, slapping Foggy on the back of the head. You immediately walked over to the woman, holding out a hand. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you,” you introduced yourself.
“Karen,” the woman looks at you and smiles nervously as she shakes your hand.
“Do you like chicken? I wasn’t sure what else to grab, so,” you hold out the container that was meant to be your dinner. You suspected if Karen knew the food wasn’t actually for her, she might refuse it.
“O-oh, umm, yeah, thanks.”
You smile again, hoping a warm meal might bring at least a little bit of comfort to the poor woman. “I will let you guys get back to it. It was nice meeting you Karen.”
As she sees you slip your purse over your shoulder, Karen freezes. “When we met for drinks…” she whispers.
“Pardon?” You turn back around to face her.
“At… at the club. When we met for drinks. Sorry I didn’t mean to… seeing your purse made me remember but there was a woman at the club, near us at the bar. She had the same purse but in a different color. It was when we were having a drink that I started to feel funny…”
“Apologies Miss Page,” Foggy steps in. “Although she is my sister, I have to stress again that you don’t discuss any details of the case unless it’s with myself or Mr. Murdock here.”
Karen looks down at her coffee, “r-right, sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you try to reassure her. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll just get going now.”
You say goodbye to everyone again, then start to head out of the building.
“Here I’ll walk you out,” Matt stands up, holding his arm out. Once you both are outside, he turns to face you, “sorry about your dinner”.
“It’s fine, really, I’ll grab something again on the way home. I just feel bad because Foggy didn’t mention you guys had a client here. I really would’ve gotten more.”
“Must’ve just slipped his mind.”
“Anyway you should get back inside right? Nelson and Murdock’s first client! I hope the case goes well. Call me if you guys need me to print some more papers okay?” You can’t help but laugh.
Matt soaks in these few moments of peace with you. He has a feeling that once he goes back inside and they really dig in to this case, there won’t be any quiet for a while. “I will, I promise.”
The 2 of you stand outside talking for a few more minutes, until your Uber pulls up. The driver apologizes, saying she took a wrong turn and had to go all the way around the block.
After hugging goodnight and giving you a kiss on the cheek, Matt waits until he hears the car driving off down the street before he goes back inside.
Little did any of you know, but Karen was right. There were people watching her. Keeping close tabs on everything. And now seeing you exit the building, unaware that you were a stranger to Karen, you were now being watched too.
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A couple of hours later, you end up getting a call from Matt. As soon as he heard your voice, he asked how quickly you’d be able to get to his apartment, and if you could bring extra pajamas and other clothes. You were confused, but agreed to head over as soon as possible. As soon as you said yes, Matt tells you he’ll call an Uber and let you know when it’s outside your building.
When you open the door to Matt’s apartment, you understand why you were asked to bring the clothes.
“Hi, you’re Foggy’s sister right?” Karen repeats your name, and is relieved to see another familiar face.
“Y-yeah, it’s nice to see you again Karen.”
“Can I speak to you for a moment?” Matt motions for you to follow him to his room.
“What’s going on?” You whisper once Karen is no longer in hearing range.
Matt paces back and forth, running a hand through his hair. “I— I panicked. I don’t want to drag you in to all of this and… damn it. The basic facts are that Foggy said it would be bad for her to be home alone tonight so I said she could stay with me until we figure something out.”
You wait for further explanation. After a minute of silence, you realize that Matt doesn’t have any. “O…okay. Couldn’t either of you just gone with her to grab clothes from her place?”
“I… I don’t know, yeah, probably. She seems nervous though, and won’t talk to me about anything.”
“But isn’t this breaking some attorney-client thing? Am I even allowed to talk about—”
“No not about the case,” Matt is quick to shake his head. “I’d never ask that of you, and I couldn’t anyway. I just mean I don’t want to make her uncomfortable…”
You finally understand, “ahh, such a gentleman Matty,” you give him a pat on the shoulder, not noticing how he blushes just slightly from that nickname. “You can go shower or do whatever. I’ll get her settled.”
“You’re a lifesaver. I owe you one.”
As you exit Matt’s room while he heads to the bathroom, you find Karen sitting on the couch, quietly eating the food she’d been given back at the office. “This is probably a really stupid question. Feel free to tell me if it is, but how are you doing?”
Karen finishes up her food and sets the container down, turning to sit on the couch so that she’s facing you. “Honestly, a lot better now. I mean obviously there’s still a lot going on but I’m just glad I won’t be sleeping in a cell or stuck in an interrogation room tonight. And thank you for the food, I don’t know if I said that earlier.”
“You’ve got a lot going on,” you smile in understanding. “Oh! Before I forget Matt said he’ll give you his bed and he’ll take the couch. I should go get sheets and blankets for him before he’s out of the shower.”
“I can’t put him out of his bedroom like that, I’ll be jus fine on the couch, really.”
“I think he—”
“No, please. He’s already doing a lot by letting me stay here. Will you be here too? Tonight, and in the morning?” In her mind, Karen was crossing her fingers, hoping that your answer was yes. Matt had been nothing but polite and hadn’t done anything to worry her, but the thought of having another woman nearby was something of a comfort to her. She’d been dealing with a lot of men lately.
“I… umm, I can. Yeah it won’t be a problem.”
“Sorry I’m asking a lot of you I just…”
You get up and come back with the bag of clothes that you’d brought. “No, you’re not. I get it. I’ll be here, and you can change into something in here if you’d like, shower once Matt’s done and get out of the wet clothes.”
“I hadn’t even thought about that yet, thank you,” Karen gratefully accepted the bag, pulling out an oversized t-shirt, shorts, and brand new underwear. You’re suddenly grateful you just went shopping.
“You ladies doing alright?” Matt walks out of the bathroom and heads to the kitchen, opening the fridge.
“We’re good,” Karen nodded. “Umm, can I take that shower now?”
You show Karen where the bathroom is, also grabbing her a towel and washcloth. Once the door shuts and you hear the shower running, you join Matt in the kitchen. “She won’t take your bed and force you to the couch. And before you ask, I tried. And I sort of panicked too. She asked if I’d be here tonight and in the morning and she was looking at me and I just said yes so—”
Matt lets out a soft chuckle. “Hey, it’s fine I promise. You’re doing me a huge favor, actually. But you’re not sleeping on the floor.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his response. “Imagine Foggy’s reaction if he found out we were sharing a bed. Oh, I do have to run back to my apartment though, I showered but didn’t think I’d be staying over so I changed out of my pajamas when you asked me to come over.”
Matt heads into his bedroom, calling you after a moment. When you enter the room, he hands you some of his clothes and turns around, joking that he promises not to look. You quickly remove your jeans and shirt, slipping into the oversized shirt that Matt had given you. The sweatpants were a little big even with the string pulled as tight as it would go, but they were comfortable.
Hearing Karen leave the bathroom, you walk out and ask if there’s anything else she wants or needs.
“No, thank you. Both of you, seriously. I’m actually kind of tired.”
“Of course you must be exhausted. Oh I forgot to get the extra blankets and pillows. I’ll be right back,” you walk over to the small closet that housed any extra items Matt might need, returning with a pillow, thick blanket, and sheet to lay over the couch.
Once everything was set up, you and Matt retreated to his room to let Karen get some much needed rest.
Matt scratches the back of his head, “if it’ll make you more comfortable I can take the floor—”
You stand about a foot in front of him, crossing your arms. “You are not taking the floor when I’m the one who sort of invited myself to sleep over. Your bed is plenty big enough, and we’re both grownups. Promise I’ll be on my best behavior.”
Less than 10 minutes later, you were fast asleep. As Matt lay next to you, he found comfort in listening to your heartbeat. And he thought back to what Foggy said earlier.
You don’t necessarily show the best judgement when women are involved, Matt.
How would I even know if she’s a beautiful woman?
As he thought about you sleeping peacefully next to him, he realized that question as a response… was a lie. He knew you were beautiful. He could tell from the moment you met and he first heard your voice. In fact, he’d be willing to bet that if he could see, you’d be the most beautiful woman he ever looked at.
Of course he was always worried about you and cared what you thought. But when you said you’d be fine, and when he listened to the sound of your clothes slipping off, added to the fact that he knew you were wearing his clothes, he came to another realization. That night, it wasn’t your thoughts that he was worried about.
Later that night he waits until you’ve been asleep for at least an hour, before quietly slipping out.
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softbobamilktae · 3 years
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Operation: Get Hobi a Girlfriend
Pairing: Idol!Hobi x OC
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: lmao definitely not practically shirtless Hobi
Summary: Hobi had a run-in with a girl in the hallway before their performance. He makes it his goal to find her again.
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“. . .and then I just saw him sitting there! Talking to her!” Jimin exclaimed.
“Yoongi? Talking to someone? Talking to a girl? No way,” Tae laughed.
“Who’s this girl?” Hobi asked, shutting his eyes as his makeup artist dusted some eyeshadow onto his eyelids.
“Um. . .” Jimin snapped his fingers. “What was her name? Rosa. . .something. I dunno. She was the one who did the outfits for the charity show.”
“Oh!!! That girl?”
Everyone turned to stare at Jungkook.
“What?” Tae asked.
“Yoongi might have mentioned her once. Rosaelia Sanchez, right?”
“Yeah! That was her name!” Jimin exclaimed.
“Well, if he’s seeing her, he’ll tell us eventually, right?” Hobi asked.
“Unlike Namjoon, who kept the fact that he and Ese had gotten back together from us for fourteen months?” Tae chuckled. “Yeah, no.”
“What are we talking about?” Yoongi asked as he entered the room.
“How amazing this tea is,” Tae replied, taking a sip of Jimin’s drink.
“Tae that’s coff. . .ee.” Jimin informed him a moment too late.
Tae cringed. “Yes, I have taste buds.”
Yoongi raised an eyebrow.
“Cheers,” Tae muttered, still cringing.
Hobi was headed down the hallway the next evening with a cup of coffee in hand as he stared at his phone. He turned the corner and walked straight into someone.
“Oh. . .my. . .goodness. I am so sorry.”
Hobi glanced down at the person who was speaking. She was staring squarely at his chest, eyes wide in her head. He stared at her bent head for a few moments before glancing down at his shirt. The white tulle had been completely soaked through with coffee, leaving not much to the imagination.
“It’s not a big deal,” he replied hurriedly.
“B-but isn’t that your outfit for the performance?”
He shrugged. “I’m sure the stylists can come up with something else.”
The girl continued to gape at him until her phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket and answered it.
“Oh! No, I’m here! I’ll be there in a few minutes.” She hung up and bowed to Hobi. “I have to go. Again, I’m so sorry about the coffee.”
Hobi watched as she tripped down the hallway and rounded another corner. He’d never seen her before, and she looked rather young. There was no way she worked here, was there? He shrugged it off and headed to find his stylist. They needed to fix his outfit ASAP.
That evening, once their performance had been finished, Hobi decided to ask around to see if anyone knew who the girl was.
“Well, what did she look like? Specifically?” Jin asked.
“Um. . .she had straight black hair that went down a bit past her shoulders.” Hobi tapped his chin. “And she was wearing a beige cardigan today.”
“Doesn’t ring a bell.”
“How old did she look?” Jimin asked.
“Maybe. . .mid twenties?”
Jimin took a bite of dinner and chewed it for a while before responding. “Yeah I think most of the women here are in their thirties or older.”
Hobi groaned.
“Ok, but what kind of personality did she have?” Namjoon asked.
“I. . .I don’t know? We exchanged like three sentences!”
Namjoon shrugged. “Can’t help you then, man.” He patted Hobi’s shoulder. “Good luck!”
“What color were her eyes?” Tae asked.
“There’s no way that would help you find her.”
“But do you know what color her eyes were? Describe them to me.”
“Ok. . .um. They were a dark brown and they had tiny specks of gold and light brown.”
“Mono lids? Thick eyelashes?”
Hobi squinted. “How did you know?”
“Im Yuna. Twenty-seven. Audio mixer Im Yeonghwa’s daughter. She’s probably still with her mom in the booth.”
“What. . . ?”
Tae shrugged and stabbed his chopsticks into the mountain of noodles on his plate. “Hurry up and tell me if I was right.” He waved Hobi out of the break room.
Hobi jogged down the hall. There was no way Tae was right. He opened the door to the studio, finding their team packing up the equipment they’d brought. There she was. The girl in the beige cardigan was standing there holding a bouquet of flowers.
“Im Yuna?”
She looked up at him, startling a bit that someone knew her name.
“Can we talk outside?”
Yuna set the flowers down, her hands shaking a bit. Was she in trouble? She followed him outside. Once the door was shut, she opened her mouth.
“I’m really sorry about earlier-”
“Oh, don’t worry about that! It was fine! My stylist had a back-up outfit for me. We have wardrobe malfunctions a lot, so we have to have things on hand to replace the outfits.”
“Why did you come to find me then? And. . .how did you know my name?“ she asked sheepishly.
“Um, Tae knew who you were. I asked around. I just thought we could talk a bit? Maybe we could go out for coffee sometime?”
She looked him up and down. “I don’t need a dating scandal on my plate. Sorry.”
Hobi’s face fell. “That’s ok. I understand.” He held his hand out to her. “It was nice meeting you.”
She smiled and shook his hand. “You as well.”
Tae frowned. “Well, that’s no fun. I understand why she wouldn’t want that, but that sucks, Hyung.”
“You’re telling me!”
Tae grinned. “I’m still surprised I was right, though.”
“I can’t believe you were bluffing that whole time.”
Tae shrugged. “It sounded like her eyes.”
“Ok, why are we all in here expect for Hobi?” Yoongi asked.
Tae grinned. “Because we’re commencing Operation: Get Hobi a Girlfriend.”
Everyone watched as Tae unrolled a piece of paper with a bunch of illegible writing on it. The group was silent for a few seconds.
“Ok, but first can we talk about Yoongi’s definitely girlfriend?” Jimin asked.
Yoongi glared at him.
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Read part two here
This is part of the Dad!BTS series that can be found here
A/N: so yeah I’m doing another two parter 💁🏻‍♀️ don’t hate me pls
It would be greatly appreciated if you reblogged the story if you liked it!
Taglist: @jiminie-and-his-pinky-finger @jinnie-forthe-winnie
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let-me-luve-you · 3 years
Just a Bite
Tom Holland x Sister
Summary: Tom notices his little sister not eating. He gets really concerned and decides to talk to her.
Warnings: Eating disorder, stressed, overwhelmed, brotherly love, hard love
A/N: I am basing this off of my experience. I’m sorry if any of you feel this isn’t a true disorder, but I as one who lives it, know it is. I didn’t see it as a problem until I started telling other people about my eating habits and they looked at me in shock and would then tell me what I was doing was wrong. 
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Being the youngest Holland meant that you had all of the attention or none of the attention. There wasn’t much in between. With Tom’s new movie coming out with Harry as an assistant director, Sam’s restaurant opening, and Paddy’s first movie being filmed, there wasn’t much attention on you at the moment. You weren’t complaining about the lack of attention either. You loved your family, but sometimes they were a bit over protective.
Lately, you have been struggling in school. As a 14 year old, you were taking classes the 18 year olds were taking. The school thought it would be best for you since you were blowing through the other work. With the new, harder work, it meant that you were spending a lot of time doing homework. You’re friends weren’t on speaking terms with you because they were mad at you for taking upper level classes.
Today, Tom was staying at the house to keep you company while your parents were with Paddy on set. Harry and Sam decided that since this was their first day off in a while, they would go into the city. Tom had noticed you staying home more and more. He also noted that you weren’t eating much. He’d been eating at your parents house since he’s been home because he was renovating his kitchen. Every time dinner was ready, you wouldn’t come down. Nikki would take a plate to you, but he started to notice you throwing it away and returning the plate.
He was concerned for you. He wanted to know if you were okay. He just didn’t know how to go about talking to you about it. Today he decided to cook all your favorites. And by cook, he means getting takeout. Tom knew he couldn’t cook. Last time he did, even Tessa spit it out.
After picking up the food, he went back in the house and set it all up on the counter. He walked upstairs to your room and knocked.
“Hey Y/N.” Tom asked through the door. He didn’t hear a response so he knocked again. “Y/N, you awake?” When Tom got no response once again, he gently cracked the door open to see you sitting at your desk with headphones in. He walked over to you and gently tapped you on the shoulder. You jumped and looked up at him. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you. I knocked and you didn’t answer.”
“Sorry. I like to listen to music when I do homework.” You said.
“All good. Are you at a stopping point?” He asked as he pointed towards the homework.
“Yeah. I’m just doing some math. Was looking at the next problem when you tapped me on the shoulder.” You said.
“Will you come down and join me for dinner? I feel like I’ve barely seen you since I’ve been home.” He said.
“I’m not really hungry right now.” You said going to put your headphones in. He grabbed your wrist to stop you.
“Well then use this as a break. Come sit with me while I eat.” He said.
“I can't, I have to finish this.” You said. He shook his head and pulled you away from the desk.
“Nope. You’re coming with me. You skipped lunch and I know you didn’t eat last night. So you are going to come down and eat.” Tom said, physically dragging you towards the kitchen.
“I’m not hungry though.” You said.
“I don’t care.” He pushed you into a chair. He grabbed the fork and shoved it into your hand. “Eat.”
You sighed and looked down. It was all your favorites, but you didn’t have an appetite. You knew you needed to eat. It’s been two days since the last time you did, but you just couldn’t. You pushed your food around on the plate as Tom watched. He sighed.
“What’s up with you?” He asked softly.
“What do you mean?” You asked.
“You are always doing homework. You’re not eating. You don’t go out and socialize with your friends anymore. I just want to make sure you’re okay. That you are staying healthy physically and mentally.” Tom said as he walked around the counter to hug you. “You can talk to me. I won’t judge you.”
“I’m just stressed. I have too much to do. I… I know I need to eat, but nothing sounds good, so I just don’t.” You finally said.
“Okay. What are you stressing about? School? If it’s school, I can try and help or I can just sit with you why you do it in case you just need to talk through the problem without me commenting.” He said, pulling away from the hug to look at you.
“It’s just a lot. I feel like I’m behind on the work and can’t get ahead. My friends quit talking to me because I’m in these upper level classes. Just not enough time in the day. And when I do get free time, all I want to do is sleep. I’m too exhausted to eat. Like the thought of chewing sounds like too much work.” You said looking at your plate.
“I’m sorry about your friends, but if they dropped you because you are in upper level classes, they aren’t your real friends. I know it sucks now, but you’ll be glad they aren’t around you in the future. As for the classes and feeling behind, I’m home for the next two months. I’ll come over and help you. We will get you on a normal, stress-free schedule. We don’t want this to become a worse eating disorder, so we will work on that as well.” Tom said before he kissed your head. “I don’t want to see you struggle. I don’t want to see you stressed.”
“I’m sorry.” You said pushing more of your food around.
“Don’t be. You can’t help this. Let’s take the night off from school work and most of tomorrow. We can have a movie night tonight, sleep in and then go to lunch tomorrow, and then work on some of your homework. Sound good?” Tom asked.
You looked at Tom for a second thinking about it before you nodded. “Yeah. That sounds good. Can we watch movies at your house? You have a comfier couch and bigger TV.”
“Yeah. We can pack a night bag. You can bring your homework too and we can work at my house tomorrow since I’ll be home alone. It’ll be too loud here.” Tom said. “But first, I need you to eat some of your dinner for me. You can take your time and you don’t have to eat all of it, but you gotta eat something.” He said pushing your plate a little closer to you. He walked around the counter and pulled a glass out of the cabinet. He filled it with water and pushed it towards you as well. “And drink this too.”
You looked at him and saw he was serious. You really weren’t hungry so you put a little on your fork and ate it. Tom smiled at you and then turned back to his own plate.
“Thank you for caring. I’m sorry if I’ve worried you.” You said quietly.
“I’ll always care for you. You always care for me. Anytime I’m working on a movie or on a press tour, you always call to make sure I’m eating, drinking water, and getting plenty of sleep. And you always call after seeing an interview and seeing how tired I am. You are always looking out for me, but sometimes I think you forget someone is looking out for you. I don’t want you to think I’m mean for making you eat when you don’t feel like it or for making you stop working on your homework. I just want the best for you all around.” He said softly.
“Thank you.” You said standing up and walking around the counter to hug him. “I love you.”
“Love you too.” He gave you a kiss on your head. “Now eat some more and we can go watch Killers.” You laughed and walked back to your plate.
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seeyounexttime · 3 years
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Blank Page Brigade Spotlight: Assistants (1/5)
At the end of volumes of Black Clover is space for the "Blank Page Brigade." This particular "brigade" is composed of the assistants (you know, those who help with art) and others from the Black Clover manga team, lead by "Captain Tabata."
In Volume 1, Tabata gives a little description of his 6 assistants at the time. In subsequent volumes there's a question that everyone answers. Assistants also include a drawing with their answers. I've compiled the answers and drawings from all published volumes (1-29), and grouped them together. 
1. Hayato GOTŌ - "Enthusiasm and a dirty mind hide deep within him. A craftsman who experienced great pain in the past."
has been present for the whole thing, from volumes 1-29..!
*update lads, Gotou was not present for vol.30 the streak has ended D’:
girly mag grimoire though
love the third eye taking care of their eyes mini-series Gotou has going on
I accept Valtos drawing on those lines as canon
regarding the comment in vol.10: the previous volume had a change of comics editor (this is different from the editor, but idk what they do) and in the next volume there's three new assistants (i'll cover them in later parts)
the gel salamander and black bulls base keychain is so cute~!
so Papico (coffe flavor) ice cream comes in the shape of soda bottles
vol.20 food item pics: cocoa deep-fried bread
does anyone know what's being cooked in the vol.21 drawing?
vol.24 snacks pictures!: choco pies, kara mucho chips, country ma'am cookies
2. Genya HORI - "A perfectly serene spirit raised in Hokkaido. The only guy my age on the team."
frog-san Hori was present from vol.1-9
anyone have an idea what ESC on the grimoire might be?
you know, I wouldn't be surprised if these pages are the last ones worked on; I imagine that cleaning up the pages of the story have priority... the vol.3 drawing in the English publication was accidentally labeled with Mizuno's name, when it should've been Hori's
3. Asahi SAKANO - "A pure and innocent weirdo raised in Hokkaido. Says weird things."
was present from vol.1-9
according to MAL (the kanji are the same) it seems Sakano has been working on some manga: "Guardian of the Witch" (3 volumes) in 2020, and recently in 2021 the "Maid no Rin-san" one-shot
Sakano's fairy-like self-doodle has the island of Hokkaido as the head! took me a minute to notice
holy crap that vol.4 drawing of Yami :O
Rhya in the vol.7 drawing: "No liquor until you're 20" (drinking age is 20 in Japan)
"Letter of Challenge" from Magna in the vol.8 drawing. Luck is shaking, and I see a bit of drool and a nosebleed ohoho 👀
Klaus in the vol.9 "You can do it, Asta! Also, give me page time!" gosh he's even wearing a "I ❤ Asta" shirt - but where did he get those blades??
Assistants Part 2 is: here
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keilemlucent · 4 years
lavender latte: i
(T (for now!))
hawks | takami keigo x reader
chapter 2   ||   chapter 3 ||  chapter 4
word count: ~3k
You serve Hawks a lavender, oat milk latte. Not only is he hooked on your drinks, but he's also hooked on you as well.
a fluffy multi-chaptered piece i’ll release when i’m feeling it :’^) enjoy y’all. coffee shop au hell
You and Keigo met each other on the coldest, snowiest day of the year.
The temperature was near glacial. The air stung and bit like hell, wind kicking and spitting powdery snow as it fell in sheets from the grey sky.
The weather, horribly, prevented two of your coworkers from working the morning shift at the tea shop. Half of the trains were shut down across the city in addition to power outages. But, your cheap ass owner forced you to open. Alone. In a blizzard.
You were fairly certain that you wouldn’t be getting many customers.
Opening at the tea shop on a normal day was a hellish amount of work. As you unlocked the door and walked into your humble establishment of employment, you grimaced at the thought of all of the work you were to do.
After disrobing from your thick winter jacket, scarf, and mittens and throwing on your apron, it was time to begin. You made yourself a simple, oat milk latte and then started to get to work setting up for the day. 
It was hardly dawn. 
  Keigo was on early morning patrol. It wasn’t his favorite shift, oh, hardly, but he did enjoy watching the sunrise. And, while his wings were powerful, the snowstorm did force him to fly much lower in the grey haze of the day than he normally would. Stepping out of his apartment around just before 5:30 AM, Keigo almost moaned in anguish at the cold. He was infinitely glad he had worn a thermal bodysuit under his uniform.
His quirk afforded him much in terms of battle prowess, in addition to a few avian mutations. Most notably at that moment was his difficulty conserving heat. As Keigo stood on his balcony, frowning at the can of coffee in his hand, he made the prompt decision to fly to his area of patrol and grab a hot drink. The thought of downing something cold made his stomach turn.
Gracefully, Keigo turned and flew, letting himself be carried across town. The area he was patrolling was relatively quiet, mostly small businesses and lower-middle-class apartments. As he touched down, shivering and sleepy, he padded through the empty streets with his wings folded to his back.
  The wind was wild, wiping between buildings, making snowdrifts that blocked some of the doors of shops nearby. Part of you cursed, shaking your head. You desperately wanted to be warm, curled in bed with your cats, and watching cartoons.
You set up the shop, moving chairs and turning on machines. Though you were a tea shop, you sold more coffee than any sort. On a normal, fully-staffed day, you’d be in the back, crafting tea blends. But, that day was, in fact, a very abnormal day and it was about to get weirder.
  Keigo meandered around the streets, strangely at genuine ease. There were no civilians and very few stores open allowing him to walk freely, albeit coldly. Part of him wondered if he would even find a coffee shop.
But lo and behold, he did. 
Keigo opened the door, a cute bell ringing. The shop was themed warmly with yellow-toned wood counters and furnishings. There was a smattering of local art on the walls and jewel-toned accents. All in all, it was a cozy reprieve from the icy nature of outside. Keigo relished the heat.
It seemed only one person was working, you. 
  When you heard the bell sounding at the entrance of a customer, you piped up from behind the counter, “Just one sec!”
A kind laugh, “Take your time.”
You were struggling to reach a tea blend. It was high on the many shelves behind the counter. You clamored on top of the counter, rising on your knees to try and reach it. Your hands stretched to grip it with an arch of your back. You grinned in victory as you managed to grab it. You pulled back, miscalculating in your pride—
And then you were losing balance.
And then you were falling.
(How fucking cliche).
You would’ve hit the floor if it wasn’t for some unknown force, pushing you back onto the counter, steadying you. The sensation, new, perked you up, causing you to let out a high noise of surprise. You turned, your eyes going wide.
Several beautiful, scarlet feathers caught your fall.
Your eyes flickered up to your patron savior.
  Number two hero, Hawks, smiling at you and giving you a bit of cheshire grin, stifling a laugh.
You slowly descended from the counter, turning to face him at the register, “Well, I really have to say thank you. I nearly ate shit there.”
“All in a day's work,” Hawks winked at you. You beamed easily. Local heroes came and drank at the shop fairly regularly, but never anyone particularly famous, let alone the top ten. Never the incredibly stunning, wind-whipped bachelor hero that was Hawks.
“What can I get for you today?” You asked, going for a notepad.
Hawks eyes scanned the menu behind you. He hummed, pretty, amber eyes settling back on you, “Surprise me.”
Your eyes widened, but you nodded. You couldn’t stop smiling.
“Alright, let me ask a few questions, just to make your drink the best it can.” You told him. “First off, hot or iced?”
“Oh, definitely hot,” Hawks almost wiggled a feathered eyebrow at you and you couldn’t help rolling your eyes. 
“Okay, how much caffeine? Any allergies?” You asked, scribbling an idea down on the notepad. “Milk preference?”
“As much as you can legally supply me with, no preferred milk, and no allergies. Though, I do like things sweet,” Hawks was removing his gloves as he spoke. “Go crazy, give me the best thing you got, angel. Something that gives me the warm and fuzzies.”
Oh, that was a move. 
Hawks was notoriously (in the media) shamelessly flirtatious with fans and other heroes. It was always painted as something that was in good fun, never sexual, and just part of his brand. This was just common knowledge, but god you never expected it to be directed at you with a cute pet name.
  “On it,” You smiled back at him, face hot. You smoothed yourself down before beginning to craft his drink. 
It wasn’t often that you worked the front counter, and there was a good reason for it. Most of the time, you got too into making drinks, customizing them frivolously (often due to your quirk). Though you were skilled, it took a lot of time that people didn’t have for a coffee run.
But, on the day of a momentous snowstorm, you and Hawks had all the time in the world.
  Keigo was a bit stunned by you.  
You were cute, one. 
You were wearing a soft-looking turtleneck sweater, and high-waisted, wide-leg pants. They were fashionable but obviously aged. But it worked. A cute, embroidered apron was tied over you snuggly around your waist. It was adorned with buttons and pins, brightly colored.
 You spoke so frankly to him. You didn’t gawk at him for even a second, even when his feathers propped you up from falling. You blushed at his pet name but didn’t seem any more fazed than a bit of embarrassment. He liked it. It felt normal.
Keigo rested his hands on the counter, watching you flit about behind the counter. 
“I gotta ask, why are you open in this blizzard??” Keigo tilted his head as your gaze flickered to him. You were still smiling, just a bit, even hard at work. 
  You snorted, “Cheap boss who won’t close, and my coworkers are stranded without the trains running. I live close by and work hourly, so I might as well come in, ya’ know?”
Hawks laughed, something warm and full, so juxtaposed to the storm of flurries outside. 
It was odd, talking to the number two fucking hero so casually, but it felt good. There was a sense of awe and idleness, but it dimmed. There were no flashy heroics, just one person wanting a drink and the other making it.
Your quirk activated on its own as you stared at the syrups. Your quirk’s tell was so small and normal, no one ever caught it. A heavy dilation of the eyes was not something most people were tuned into. Yet there you were, submerged in sensation. Touch, sight, smell, taste, even sound, all blending together. They elicited something deeper in you, creating something abstract you could make tangible.
To make a feeling into a physical reality was a gift, but it came with drawbacks of course.
You poured a few syrups into the bottom of the cup, carefully selecting them.
“I can’t imagine how cold it is up in the sky,” You mused to yourself just before steaming some oat milk. 
“Oh, you have no idea, ” Hawks lamented to you with a groan. “I feel like I’m gonna lose a few toes whenever I work in this weather.”
“Just toes? I’d be worried about a whole foot,” You grinned back at him as you poured more things into the cup, stirring every few moments. 
The feeling in your mind was so tangible to you, and you could perfectly translate it to reality. Something warm, to beat away the frost of the world beyond the tea shop. 
You sprinkled the top with a few dashes of cinnamon, setting it on the counter in front of him. 
  Keigo looked down at the drink you made him, raising an eyebrow. He went to take a sip, but you stopped him, “I’d give that a few minutes if you don’t want to burn your tongue, tailfeathers.”
  Hawks nearly fucking squawked as he set down the drink, giving you a look of false anger, “ Tailfeathers? That’s not a kind name to call me. I don’t even have those.”
Keigo huffed, pouting at you. 
  “You call me, a stranger barista, angel, I call you tailfeathers. Easy trade.” You shrugged at him, tapping into the register system. “I’m not charging you until you try it.”
“Don’t tell me you’re going to upcharge if I don’t like it?” Hawks continued to pout, jokingly so, pulling out a wad of bills that was undoubtedly much more than any drink would cost. 
Your eyes widened, leaving you sputtering, “Oh, never— it’s on the house if it bangs as much as I think it will.”
Hawks laughed, out loud, bending back a bit. You watched his pretty red wings shudder and reflect the warm light of the coffee house. Keigo collected himself, over-dramatically straightening himself. 
You watched with anticipation as he took his sip.
  Keigo was a man of poor taste. Sure, dropping an unholy amount of money on frivolities was one of his small pleasures, after so much of the ascetic bullshit that the Commission put him through, it only seemed fair. But, caffeine was a necessity with his fucked up schedule and he’d be damned waiting in a line or making it at home. Canned coffee was saccharine and speedy and that’s all he fucking wanted. 
But, when the first drops of that stupid oat milk latte hit his tongue, Keigo was beyond enamored. 
Yeah, he wanted coffee to feel warm in this storm, but he didn’t expect to feel warm. With just one gulp, he could feel the heat, like the flames of a steady hearth, drift around his body. 
He brought the cup down from his lips, looking at you with awe. 
You had the smuggest grin spread across your face, arms crossed over your chest.
“Thoughts?” God, you were so cheeky. He loved it. You were so subtly bold.
“This,” Keigo took another greedy swig, wiping his mouth on the back of his ungloved hand, “is the best coffee I’ve ever had in my damn life.”
Your smile just got wider. 
“Glad I could meet your tastes, tailfeathers. No charge,” You gave him a cheeky little wink. You swore you saw his face get redder, but you dismissed it a moment later.
“Oh no, nu-uh,” Keigo pushed the bills towards you. “Take it as a tip then. Seriously. How did you make this?”
You stared down at the bills and Hawks’s hand. His hands weren’t particularly large, but they were scarred plenty. Veins and bone were accented by the dryness of his skin. 
You looked back up at him, still not taking the money, “Can you keep a secret? It’s a big one, especially considering you’re a hero.”
Hawks tilted his head, “If you say you used your quirk to mess with this drink, I don’t know if I’m legally able to keep it a secret.”
“Nah, nah. I didn’t ‘mess with your drink’,” You shook your head, nodding down to it. “Do you know what synesthesia is?”
(He did, surely. But he just wanted to listen to you talk more.)
“Enlighten me?” Hawks ask, stooping to rest his elbows on the counter, chin cradled in his hands.
  For being a man who could kill you in a split second, Hawks was remarkably cute. You understood his sex appeal long before he entered the shop. His hair looked unnaturally fluffy, wind-ruffled, and honey blonde. His eyes had a few cute bird-like markings ringing the sweet, amber irises. He had a delicate but defined jaw. 
He raised a sculpted, feathered eyebrow at you. 
(He’d caught you staring).
You cleared your throat, laughing it off easily (though you were mentally kicking yourself), “Synesthesia, broadly, is like senses overlapping in your brain. Like... The common example is seeing colors when you hear a month of the year.”
“Now, what does this have to do with my lovely drink?” Hawks batted his eyelashes at you. You could tell he was definitely flirting with you, but you brushed it off the best you could. 
He’s a hot guy you made coffee for. Happens all the time. 
“Well, you had me a little bit, I did use my quirk, but it doesn’t mess with your drink physically at all. Not even close,” You laugh. “My quirk allows me to conceptualize abstract ideas into tangible ideas.”
“That really makes it sound like you used your quirk to make my drink,” Keigo watched your eyes dilate as he spoke.
You blinked, and they went back to normal.
“No, no. It’s like for your drink,” Both of your eyes looked towards the steaming cup. “I took your request for ‘warm and fuzzies’ to heart.”
Keigo blinked at you. 
Your pupils expanded again, “I figured ‘ you know, this guy has to fly around in the cold all day, right? Probably is freezing and far away from home ’— and there was my inspiration.
“I used my quirk to conceptualize... the idea of being warm and safe into a tangible concept. A nice, easy coffee drink. Four shots of espresso, oat milk, homemade lavender honey syrup, two of my own, specially made tea extracts, and a bit of cinnamon for good measure.”
Hawks blinked at you, “Your quirk gives you the... blueprints, to turn ideas, literal feelings, into reality and these blueprints just work?” 
You nodded and shrugged, “Most of the time. The less I’m focused on it, the more likely it is that the feeling won’t be able to manifest. I just get more exact with my construction with the fewer stimuli.”
“Drawback?” Hawks quirked an eyebrow, already having a good idea as to it.
You gestured lazily to the empty coffee shop, “I get overstimulated easily, quirk activated or not. Makes a lot of shit hard, but I like my quirk. I mean, it’s nothing like having a crazy strong pair of wings, but it services me well.”
“Did you really ‘manifest’ ‘warm and fuzzies’ into a drink, or did you make it a bit deeper than that?” Keigo sipped again, relishing how it warmed him all over once more. The taste that was dancing over his palette seemed a little more complex than what they were saying. 
“To be frank and to have a bit of an ego, yeah, I went for my go-to feeling when making drinks for myself,” You averted your eyes from him. “A good drink should feel like you’re getting hugged from the inside out, you know? Comforted. It’s hard enough to get that tangibly without a quirk. I just try to help where I can.”
  Keigo blinked at you.
You had turned suddenly, shy, eyes anxiously darting and a hand tugging at the sleeve of your sweater. A cute flush was spreading over your cheekbones when you finally looked at him again, “Kinda corny, right?”
Despite the fact that Keigo’s heart was fucking pounding, he shook his head, voice steady and sure, “Nah, I think it’s cool. You’re doing a lot more than just making coffee for folks.”
Your face got even redder as you rubbed the back of your head,
“I usually work in the back, so I don’t tend to make a lot of coffee for people. I make the tea blends that we sell. I don’t always use my quirk, but sometimes I do.”
Keigo watched you nervously pull at your apron, giving him an oddly desperate deadpan, “Please don’t turn me in.”
That made Keigo bust out laughing again. 
You couldn’t help but stare at him in shock, and then join him. You covered your mouth at first, but finally, just let yourself laugh with him. All it seemed like that there was in the world was you, Keigo, the lavender latte, and the snowdrifts outside.
  Hawks’s pager beeped, almost instantly pulling him from his laughing fit. He glanced at it, giving a dull grimace, “Duty calls, it seems.”
“You’d think villains would take snow days?” You told him as he re-gloved his hands. 
“It would really make my job easier,” He chuckled. Hawks pushed the forgotten money on the counter. “That’s all for you, ya hear me? Keep it or I will actually turn you in.”
Oh, you were feeling bold. 
Before Hawks could pull his hand away, you placed your own on his, stopping his movement.
“Only,” You somehow, one-handed, managed to pull a bit of receipt paper from its machine. Still one-handed you grabbed a pen and scribbled onto the paper. You pushed it towards Keigo. “If you take this very conveniently small piece of paper that totally doesn’t have my name and number on it. Just in case you’d like another lavender latte like that.”
  Oh, Keigo was floored.
He had rapid fucking fans. They were feral. He’d had fans drop their entire life stories on him, gush to him, stalk him— one time, a fan dropped to their knees and licked his boots. And he’d certainly received many phone numbers in his day, so many, but never like this. 
This felt a little different.
“Well, I was gonna say, I might need some contact to know when you work next. Just so I can grab one of your lovely drinks,” Hawks winked at you, all smitten.  He walked backwards towards the door, still meeting your eyes
“Feel free to.” You were just as starry-eyed as he was. “I have a lot to show you!”
And with that, Hawks whisked himself out of the door, fast as ever.
And you both simmered, full of intangible feelings. 
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fangirlovestuff · 3 years
A Perfect Tree - Jake Jensen x reader
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a/n - hey lovely people!! sorry this is soooo incredibly late, this is for @donutloverxo​, @stargazingfangirl18​ and @navybrat817​‘s Hoelidays challenge and it’s new years eve... (happy new years btw!!) i hope you still enjoy this fluffy one, i’m really glad i got to write something for jake because i love him:)
Summary: You meet Jake when he comes into the coffe shop you work in to get himself a drink, and you’re immediately curious.
Prompts: Coffee Shop AU & Decorating the Christmas tree
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: a few curse words, maybe implied age gap but reader is in her early twenties and jake is in his late twenties, so not that extreme
You were a student, so working afternoons at a coffee shop was the most reasonable way to make the money you desperately needed to get you through college. Right now, it was a hot spring day, so there weren't any people in the shop, which gave you a great opportunity to have a little unplanned break to stare at your phone and turn your brain off for a few moments, something you rarely had time to do.
However, after a few minutes the bell above the door rang, announcing the arrival of a customer. You sighed internally, mourning your short-lived break before lifting your eyes to greet the customer.
All of your dismay faded once you got a good look at him, and only one thought remained – fuck. He's so cute.
His broad frame was making his way towards the counter, and he was looking at his phone as well, not lifting his eyes until he got just in front of you, and of fucking course he had the most stunning blue eyes you had ever seen. You swallowed heavily.
"Hello, what can I help you with?" you said in your best customer-service voice, letting out an internal sigh of relief that you didn't fumble over your words.
"Um, I'd like…" he said, his eyes scanning the menu he picked up from the counter, "an espresso please. Long." He lifted his eyes from the menu and maybe it was just you, but you thought you saw his eyes scan your face for a brief second. He smiled at you expectantly.
"Uh, sure thing. That'll be… five thirty. Anything else?"
"No, just the coffee," he smiled again.
"Alright. And your name please sir?"
"Okay then Jake," you smiled and lifted your eyes up to meet his gaze after you were done typing away the order, "you can just grab a seat, I'll call on you when it's ready."
"Perfect," he nodded, before sitting down at one of the further tables.
Once sat down, you could release the breath you didn't know you were holding. Get a grip, you thought at yourself before moving to make his order. But you couldn't resist sneaking a peek at Jake from the corner of your eye every few moments.
He was hunched slightly over the table, typing away on a laptop he somehow already managed to turn on. His gaze was focused, concentrated, which allowed you all the gaping time you wished. You noticed the way his taut muscles stretched with every movement of his arms, his tight t-shirt looking like it was about to rip apart. You noticed the way he licked his lips in concentration, the motion seemingly automatic. You noticed his brows furrowing as his eyes scan-
Shit, you nearly spilled his coffee!
You hastily righted the cup and came to the counter to hand it to him.
"A long espresso for Jake?" you called out with a slight smile.
His head shot up and he got up to get his coffee and pay. As he passed you the money, his hand grazed against yours. It was warm, and you thought he left it in place just a bit longer than he needed to, but maybe that was just wishful thinking.
"Thank you," he said, a sincere smile on his face. You just nodded at him, and before you could think of anything of value to say he was already walking back to his table, sitting down and sipping his hot coffee with caution.
He sat there for a little bit longer, typing on his computer and drinking. You thought he looked a little worn out, tired, but you were probably just projecting. You huffed out a breath and went back to work.
When he left, he just nodded your way with a smile and you nodded back, giving him a small wave as he left. Oh god, a wave? Really? God, you're pathetic.
That was the first time you met Jake. As time went by, he would often come into the coffee shop to work, or at least that's what he seemed to be doing on the computer. Sometimes he came in looking extra tired, and a few times even with a bandage or a scratch, but you never asked his why. After all, that was never your business.
You learned more things about him, in short conversations over the counter as he waited for his drink. You learned his last name was Jensen. He told you he was a technician, but something about the glint in his eye as he said that told you that wasn't probably the entire truth. Nevertheless, you never asked, not wanting to be rude or cross any boundaries.
Jake had the tendency to disappear sometimes. There were weeks he'd come in nearly every day, and then two weeks went but when he didn't show up at all. It raised your suspicion, but obviously you didn't do anything about it. Hell, you didn’t even know what you were suspecting him in.
One day, he came to the coffee shop earlier than he usually did, at an hour he was the only one in the shop besides… well, you.
He ordered his usual and sat down at his table. You turned your back on him to clean up the machine behind you when you heard him call your name.
"Is there a problem?" you asked, confused.
He got up and walked towards you, holding something in his hand.
"I'm afraid I have to return this napkin," he handed it to you with a smile.
You frowned, "What's wrong wi- oh," you smiled upon unfolding it. He wrote down his phone number, with a little 'xo' at the end. "Oh, now I see what's wrong with it. I'll go get you a new one," you said.
You grabbed a napkin and scribbled your number down on it. "Is this one better?" you asked with a smile, handing it to him.
"Much better," he smiled, his hand purposely hanging onto yours for longer than necessary when grabbing it. "Thank you," he winked and turned to leave.
You and Jake have been dating for almost a year now, and this was the first Christmas you were spending together.
"No, Jake- gimmie that!" you laughed as he kept the sparkling orbs high above his head and out of your reach.
"Not until you apologize," he tutted with a smile.
You rolled your eyes and sighed. "Fine. I'm sorry I called you a grinch," you drew out. "I only did it because you were being one. Now can we please decorate the tree already?" you pouted.
"I wasn't being a grinch!" he insisted.
"See? That's exactly what a grinch would say!" you laughed, "You can't just turn off my Christmas music when I'm mid-jam session!"
"That's not called being a grinch, that's called being considerate of our neighbors," he smirked, but gave you the ornament he was holding anyways. You stuck your tongue out as you took it from his hands, hanging it on your Christmas tree.
Suddenly you smirked and started singing as loudly as you were before, "All I want for Christmas i-" but before you could hit the high note, Jake simply picked you up over his shoulder and started carrying you away.
"No wait," you said in between fits of laughter, "I'll stop I promise, just let me decorate the tree!"
"Alright," Jake chuckled and put you down. "But no more singing! You don't want to get on the naughty list," he smirked.
"Who said I didn't?" you smirked right back, and before he could reply you were already walking back towards the tree. Jake joined you and you both decorated in silence together, his getting to all the high places.
After a while, all that was missing was the star, and you walked back to enjoy your handiwork. "I think we did a pretty good job," you told Jake, who was getting the star out and handed it to you. With a smile, he gestured and you hopped on his back, wrapping your legs around his unfairly slim torso as you carefully put it on top of the tree.
"Perfect!" you exclaimed, bouncing up and down as he put you down again.
"Almost," Jake replied with a grin. "I have a surprise for you. Um… here, put these on," he gave you his glasses and you put them on, immediately blinking harshly.
"Jake, you are so blind!" you yelled as you rubbed your eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, I just didn't want you to see the gift!" he yelled back excitedly.
"You could've just told me to close my eyes!" you giggled, as you did that anyways. Glasses with the wrong prescription were a nightmare.
"Well, I see you're doing it anyways," he said, his voice closer than you expected, as you felt him reach out and take the glasses off on your face. "Open your eyes."
You opened them, blinking a few times before registering what he was holding – a little coffee cup ornament, that said 'I love you' on the side. You pounced on Jake and pulled him into a bone crushing hug, whispering "I love you too, dork," into his neck as he held you.
When you backed away, you could see his face was stretched into a grin. "I take it you like it?"
"I love it," you pecked his lips sweetly before taking it from him and hanging it on the tree.
You stepped away, your back leaning against Jake's chest as he leaned his head on your shoulder. "Merry Christmas, sweetheart."
"Merry Christmas," you answered back with a smile, tilting your head back to meet his lips in a gentle kiss.
hope you liked it!! sorry it was so late, it’s been a rough month (and year lol). heppy new years, i hope you have a safe and wonderful new year!<3
Taglist:  @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​  @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal @harrystylesholland @jazbot2000 @anobscurename @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @peggycarter-steverogers @evansphnx12
if you wanna join / be removed from a taglist, comment/message me! much love <3
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oshbluepacific · 3 years
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Type: Angst/Fluff
Character: Park Chanyeol x Reader
Words Counted: 3k+
questions and request are available / masterlist
You don’t know why you were built like this. Socially, you aren’t active. You don’t like meeting new people. You don’t like being in a social events or even being in the crowd. You don’t like going to the mall because most of the people who goes there are the people who actually have friends to hang out with or work colleague to meet up with. You don’t start the conversation—you don’t like getting into a conversation with people. You avoid going to parties or even joining a club. You would much rather spend time at home, in your room, reading your favourite novel while listening to music and spend time with yourself.
On the other hand,
Park Chanyeol was the complete opposite of you.
He was everyone’s favorite person. The go-to call. The social butterfly, the most popular kid on campus. He could bring a room to life with his presence and personality with a snap of a finger. He could easily get along with people—new people—so fast. He loves to make people smile and laugh, maybe that’s one of the reason why people love him and all the girls would go head over heels for him.
           But out of all the girls has been trying to get to him, all the text messages, all of those confessions, all of those bouquet of flowers and chocolates he received on the daily. He never really lay his attentions to any of it and he choose to date you.
           The first time you actually talked to Chanyeol was because he needed your help with a class he was failing.
“Hey, (Y/N), right?” He asked, walking closer to your locker.
           “Yeah, is something wrong?” You asked him, feeling yoru cheeks getting red as your heart races a marathon.
           “Oh, nothing is wrong… Sorry if I startled you or anything.” He said, sounding cautious.
           “N-no, it’s fine, I guess you just took my by surprise.” You laughed off, and he just gave you a warm smile.
           “So, I’m failing Mr. Sun’s class pretty bad, and I know you’re the ace in the class, so, I was wondering if you could tutor me for a bit, just for like a couple of days until I get it all straight up.” He said.
           You were surprised by his favor and you couldn’t give him an immediate answer, but he knew that he was giving you too much pressure.
           “I’m sorry, if this came so sudden to you, you don’t have to give me the answer today, I’ll let you think about it—or don’t, if you already made up your mind on answering no, is totally fine too.” He said cooly.
           “I’ll do it…” You answered him.          
           “Really?” He asked you, and you nodded your head.
           “I don’t want to see other people fail, so I can hand you some of my notes, and if you have any questions about anything, you can just text me.” You told him. And you can see that light on his face as his smile grew.
           “Really? Woah, that’s great thank you!”
From there, you both exchange phone numbers and he began texting you back on forth until there was a day where he didn’t get anything from your notes or even through your explanation. So you both decided to meet up somewhere.
           You remembered that you were wearing a pair of black pants with a gray knitted cardigan over your white t-shirt. You remembered the sky was grey as if it was going to rain that day. You remembered how happy Chanyeol was to see you. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a black hoodie over his beige coat. You never really pay attention to him, but you found him very attractive that day.
           He slowly try his best to keep you comfortable in the conversation as you both walked the street. Buying coffee on the way, visiting various of places until you both actually got to the place where he had plan on taking you.
           He took you to his favorite place which was also your favorite place; the library. Both of you eventually got to know each other really well during this meeting, and you taught him all the things he had been missing out on, and he was so happy that you’re having a good time with him. When it was time to go home, he insisted on walking you back to your place because it was getting dark and he was worried about you, so you gave in.
”I really had a great time with you Chanyeol, thank you.” You smiled at him.
           “Don’t mention it, I should be the one that thank you.” He winked and you felt your cheeks getting red as you giggled.
           “We should do this again sometimes!” He said, and he saw how surprised you were but you smiled at him.
           “That would be nice.” You told him.
After 4 to 5 more “dates” with Chanyeol, he finally asked you to be his girlfriend. You thought about it long and hard before saying yes to him. You can’t even imagine yourself, someone like Park Chanyeol dating a girl like you. A guy who loves social activity, dating somone who avoids and dread them.
The first first two months of your relationship was rocky, because most of the time you were doubting him, and you were just so insecure about yourself that you thought to yourself, you don’t even deserve to be with Chanyeol. He reminded you that he loves you on the daily, he always make time for you, when people—mostly girls—try to drag you down, he would always make you look the other way, and kept reminding you that they’re just jealous, until eventually you don’t care about what other people say about you or about your relationship with Chanyeol anymore.
He the rock in your life. The living, breathing constant thing, that knows you inside and out.
“Hey, I was wondering…” He said suddenly, shifting his position.
           You were planning on going out to see a movie, but it suddenly rained as you got to Chanyeol’s place, so he decided to stay in and enjoy Netflix instead.
           And you couldn’t complain there.  
           “What?” You asked, turning your attention to his face.
           “So my best friend just opened his new coffee shop in town, I want to go there with you, and you know… Maybe introduce you to my friends.” He said.
           You stared at him for a brief moment before you could draw your eyes back to the TV screen.
           “It’s a small place, so there not going to be a lot of people.” He added in.
           “What if people sees us? I mean, what if someone talks bad about us?” You asked him.
           “Then let them talk, and I know deep down you don’t believe any of the things people say about us… correct?” You nodded your head.                        “Good.” He smiled, kissing your temples. “You’re going to love the place—and the coffee too!” He said excitedly. You can’t help but to smile over his excitement, when really you were pushing all of your anxiety away.
“Are you ready?” Chanyeol asked, as he could feel your presence coming out of you room. He was stunned to see you in a pair of black tight jeans and long sleeves turtleneck. Your hair tied into a bun and keeping your make-up to the lightest.  
“I can’t find my jacket, I think I left it at your place the last time—“ “Stop talking right now, because I want to come near you and I want to hug you.” He said, wrapping his arms around you.      
“What…?” You asked confusedly, looking up to him.
“You look beautiful today.” He smiled warmly, and you could feel your smile grew from ear to ear, he leaned down pressing his lips to yours as you wrap your arms around your neck.  
“Thank you…” You thanks him as his lips parted from you.
He pulled away from the hug before taking off his jacket off and putting it on you.  
“Wear mine.” He told you. “You still look beautiful in it.”
Even though his jacket were always too big for you, but you always find them comfortable to wear.
“Okay, now that we got that out of the way…” He clapped his hands together before walking towards the door.
           “Shall we?”
You couldn’t help but to admire the little place. It was small, yet felt warm. The smell of fresh coffee, the sizzle of the steamers and just the sound of distant and small chattering in the room didn’t make you feel bothered at all.
           “Park Chanyeol! I’m glad you could make it!” A tall man wearing  brown apron approached from the bar.
           “Oh Sehun! Of course I came!” Chanyon said happily before they exchange handshakes.
           “Oh right—Sehun, this is my girlfriend (Y/N)!” Chanyeol introduced you as he put his arm around you.  
           You lift your hand, giving Sehun a small, shy smile.
           “Ah… So this is the (Y/N) I’ve heard so much about, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Sehun smiled warmly to you, bowing his head slightly.  
           “Go pick a seat, drinks on me today, what are you having?” He asked.
           “I’ll have Americano.” Chanyeol answered him.
           “For you?” Sehun asked you.
           “I’ll just have a vanilla latte.” You answered him.
           “Right on.” Sehun then went back to the bar before both of you could choose an empty seat next to the window.
           “So… how are you liking the place?” Chanyeol asked as he took a seat.
           “This place is nice, I love it here.” You told him truthfully, and Chanyon was just so happy to hear it.      
           “Glad to hear that.” He smiled.
Minutes later, Sehun came with two drinks on his hand but his apron was off.
           “Ice Americano for Chanyeol, and Iced Vanilla Latte for (Y/N).” He placed the drinks one by one before you thanked him.
           “Mind if I sit with you guys?” He asked.
           Chanyeol nodded your head but he looked to you as you were nodding your head.          
           “No, please join us.” You smiled at Sehun before he could pull up a nearby chair.  
           “So, (Y/N), how are you liking the place?” Sehun asked.
           You sipped on your coffee before you could answer his question. Putting  the glass down.
           “Oh, I love it here—I just told Chanyeol about it, I might come over again if I need some refreshing.” You told him, before taking another sip of your coffee. “And the coffe’s great! What made you want to open your own coffee shop?” You asked him.
You could see the bright smile on Sehun’s face before he excitedly explained.
           Chanyeol listened to Sehun’s story, but his eyes were always distracted by you. He couldn’t help but to feel proud of you and super happy that you can comfortable talk with Sehun. Sehun is one of his closest friend, and so it means a lot for Chanyeol that you’re comfortable with someone he’s close with. He watched you laughed and smiled at something Sehun told you. As you were listening to Sehun, you caught Chanyeol staring at you and you turn your attention to him.
           “Yeol, what are you looking at?” You asked him.
           Chanyeol snapped out of his own thoughts and shook his head. “No, it’s nothing.” He smield at you, and you smiled back before turning your attention back to Sehun.
           “It’s the typical Chanyeol, always dazing in his own mind.” Sehun commented and you just giggled.
           “Okay, I’ll let you both be, I should probably get back to the bar… they need my help I guess…” Sehun said, looking over his shoulder towards the bar.  
           “Okay.” Chanyeol smiled.
           “Okay, if you guys need anything, I’ll be over there—and (Y/N), it was really great talking to you!” Sehun smiled before trotting back towards the bar.
           You turn your eyes towards Chanyeol who’s already smiling ear to ear, looking at you.
           “What?” You asked him.
           “Sehun is one of my closest friend, and seeing you getting along with him, being comfortable here, and of course Sehun being warm towards you and being… Sehun obviously, it just made me really happy.” He said.
           You gave him a small smiled, before reaching your hand for his. He took yoru hand before binging it up, kissing yoru knuckles.
           “I need to go to the bathroom, you good?” He asked, and you respond by nodding your head.  
           “Okay, I’ll be back in a jiff.” He said, leaving the table.
           You looked out the window where you could see the sky was getting grey and you could see people walking by, pulling their jackets tighter. Judging by the looks of the woman’s hair, the wind must be blowing hard outside.
           “(Y/N)?” You heard a woman’s voice.
           You turned your head to see your classmates. A group of girls. And the one that called your name is the one you’ve always try to avoid whenever you’re hanging out.  
           “Can’t believe that you’re actually here, what are you doing here?” She asked, taking a seat where Chanyeol was sitting before the other girls sat down as well. You could feel yoru heart racing, and your palms getting sweaty. You turn your eyes to the bar, and you could see Sheun had his hands full on the bar.
           “You’re here alone?” She asked raising her eyebrow. You shook your head.
           “I’m here with Chanyeol.” You answered her, letting out a heavy breath.
Where is he??You asked, yoru eyes moving to every corner of the room, searching for Chanyeol.
           “I’m still wondering why Chanyeol would want to go out with you, when really—he could have me as a girlfriend.” She said, but you just stayed silent. Holding off every inch of your anxiety.
           You could feel your eyes burning, your breathing started to get heavy.
           “What does he see in you anyway.” She asked, leaning her face closer to you.
           “You’re weird, you don’t socially fit, you’re not as popular as I am.”
           “Have you ever thought that maybe Chanyeol is with you because he’s just using you for his grades? He never truly loves you? do you think he loves you??? you’re kidding right, if you actually believe that he loves you—“
           “JUST STOP!” You suddenly shouted, and before you could say anything else, you suddenly found yourself getting hard to breathe, the room was spinning, and you could feel your heart was just racing like nothing before.
           “Stop… stop, stop, stop!” You repeated, and before you could even break, you could feel familiar pair of arms wrapped around you. You looked up and you could see Chanyeol glaring at the woman’s direction.
           “Come on (Y/N), let’s get ouot of here.”
           You forced your wiggly legs to get up. You stumbled, your way out but Chanyeol caught you.  Everything was a blur, all you could hear was your own heavy breathing, eyes to the ground, focusing on your steps to you won’t trip. You heard Sehun asking something, but you couldn’t make up any words.  
           Chanyeol brought you to his car, getting to the backseat with him.
           “(Y/N), baby, hey, hey focus on me.” You could hear Chanyeol’s voice.  
           “I can’t Yeol, it’s get—it’s getting hard to breathe…” You gasped for air, shutting your eyes, your hands gripping on his shoulder.
           “Baby, hey, hey, look at me… look at me.” He said, cupping your face with his hands.
           Youoepedn yoru eyes, looking at his eyes and you could feel your breathing starts to get stable, your heart slowing.
           “Breathe… inhale…” He inhaled his breath together with you. “Exhale…”
           Chanyeol repeated the steps three times before you could feel yourself getting calm and relaxed.
           “That’s it… Come here…” He pulled you into his embrace and you reflexively wrapped your arms around his stomach.
           “I’m sorry.” You sniffled.
           “Don’t, don’t be sorry… None of us saw them coming, everything was doing great until they came along.” He said.
           “Everytime I see her, I just got a panic attack because—she said that you’re dating me because of your grades, she said that you don’t love me, she said that I don’t deserve you and that i—“
           “Shhh…. Don’t—stop, please, you don’t believe in all of that do you?” Chanyeol asked. Lifting your face up.
           “I mean... I’m a freak Yeol, I don’t fit in the social life, I don’t fit with your crowd—“
           “You’re progressing… Baby, I saw the way you talked with Sehun, and that’s something!” Chanyeol said proudly.
           “I never want to push you to change your social behavior overnight, and I never expected you to do so, for you, it takes time and adjustments.”
           “And to see you having conversations with Sehun, slowly being comfortable in public, that’s a progress I want to see! I’m proud of you!” He said hying the situation, and you chuckled.
           “I want you to change for you, I don’t want you to change for me.” He finally said.  
           “I love you okay? I hope you don’t believe anything—any words that came out of their mouth.” He added and you nod you head, trying to process everything he said to you.
           He kissed the top of your head before he could move down to your nose then you leaned in to press your lips against his. Moving rhythmically, full of love and passion.
           “Thank you Yeol…” You thanked him, and he smiled.
           “Thank you for giving me the chance to be with you.” He smiled.
You heard chatters outside the car, and your attention turns to the coffee shop. You and Chanyeol saw the girls walking out, looking disappointed with Sehun behind them, shaking his head talking about something you can’t hear. Your classmate—the main girl looked so disappointed before he could walk away from the place. Sehun’s eyes caught yours, and he waved his hand to come over.
           “I think Sehun just kicked them out, do you want to go back?”
           You pulled a long breath before exhaling as you pulled away from Chanyeol’s embrace.
           “As long as nobody destrying my vibe again, let’s go!” You told him and Chanyeol smiled, looking at your excitement.
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lazyunknownhideout · 3 years
My light || Billy Russo x OC ch-1
new chapter is up on -- > lazy-ass-bitxh-blog also on my wattpad -> Rose_Davidson
Rose Wilson, an artist doing well in her profession, going out to party, traveling, living her best life. Although she gotta admit being best friends to the CEO of a multimillion military company had much of a hand in her blooming success.  
Billy and Rose have been friends for three years. After Billy returned from his first tour of Afghanistan, he found a new neighbor. A quiet girl showed up to his doorstep with a shepherd's pie, claiming it to be an introductory gift. And the next day the same girl showed up asking him to help fix her plumbing. After a few help with her plumbing and light fixing and car fixing, they seemed to have formed a nice bond. Soon Billy found himself going up to her place every weekend with a pizza and spend an evening watching movies and talking about the week, for that few hours Billy seemed to forget most about the horrors he faces at the front daily. He found a confidant in her and began sharing as much as he could about his experience in Afghanistan without breaching confidentiality. Even though Billy Russo was a ladies' man, always good to talk his way into their beds and their arms, she seemed to be the one you would like to sit and have a nice cup of coffee and talk all about your day.
On the day Billy had to go back to Afghanistan he told her all about his childhood, opening up all about the abuse the tortures. He figured if he died at the front he would know there was someone who knew all about him, and hopefully still thought good about him, and rose did just that.
"Well Billy, what would you like as your coming home meal?" Rose asked as he was packing up all his bags.
Billy looked at her and smiled, "If I do come back, I will have one of your pies"
"You will come back Billy, you're a stubborn man" Billy chuckled at her words.
"Well I hope I do, until then stay safe and happy okay rose?"
"Yep" She hugged him tight and smiled looking at him.
Anvil, Billy's company has been thriving, getting a lot of clients of high profile always kept the business going smoothly, however, a small inconvenience had popped up. Homeland security agent Madani seemed to have caught a sniff of operation Cerberus and going public about it would destroy all he has worked for. So Billy did what he does best, chatted her up, and made her trust him.
He just came home after having a drink with Madani, satisfied with the progress he had made, taking all the information out of her would be easy. As he went in to take a shower his phone ranged, it was Rose.
"Hey Billy, where were you? Your phone was switched off"
"Yea I was out confidential work, everything alright?"
"It's Saturday Bill, you didn't come for our pizza night" Her voice sounded sad.
"Shit sorry, It completely went out of my mind, I could come over now order something" He stepped out of the bathroom and started looking for a change of clothes.
"Hey it's alright, you must be tired, we'll just do it next week"
"You sure its alright?" He didn't want to upset the one person he cared about.
"Yea yea, its alright, I'll see you later kay?"
"Yeah see you"
The next morning Billy found her drying a piece of her canvas on her balcony as he was returning from his morning run. Deciding to apologize for last night he walked up to her door.
As she opened the door Billy couldn't control his laugh when he saw the state she was in, clothes splattered with paint all over, face half covered in red paint, and a pencil behind her ear.
"Well stop laughing and come in" Rose rolled her eyes at his reaction.
Billy walked, "Did you run out of canvases to paint on and decided to paint yourself?"
"Shut up Russo" She shook her head unable to hide a smile creeping onto her face.
"So as I missed out on last night, I was thinking maybe go for a cup of coffee and breakfast"
"Sure lemme wash up all these paints then"
"Right give me a call when you are done, I'll be at my place"
Billy walked up to the counter, "An espresso and a caramel latte and two bacon with eggs"
"Well you know my preference Russo" He smiled at her, ordering exactly what she had in mind.
"What can I say, I'm pretty observant and I know you well" She smiled at him and sat down. As the order cane real soon they started eating. Rose was debating  whether or not to ask him about last night, deciding to just go for it she did
"Hey, so what was the work that kept you busy even on a saturday night"Billy looked up from his cup, "It was a meeting with an informant " He lied effortlessly,  although technically it was a 'meeting' she called him upto meet, and as he was trying to pry out information from her it did make madani an informant.
Rose nodded her head, "And how was your week Billy, saw you returning pretty late last few nights"
Billy smirked at her,"Have you been stalking me Rose, I must say Im a bit flattered"
Rose laughed at his reaction,"I can just see your ego inflate up Russo, that car of yours is hard to miss when it pulls up in the driveway, so I guess you can say I stalked your pretty car"
Billy's smirk never faltered,"just the pretty car not the very pretty man inside it?" Rose smiled at him, it was hard to imagine this man sitting infront of her, laughing and making jokes was a person with 300 confirm kills at the upfront and had a whole organisation of henchmen at his fingertips.
"Just finish your coffee Billy" Billy chuckled at her, and sipped his coffe, "How about you how was your week" "Non monumental"
They talked about their week and all other things while having their breakfast. It seemed easy for them to talk to each other, it was effortless Billy never had to  worry that she might judge him based on his work that he did, she always seemed to understand him. The only other person that he was this open with was Frank  but it has been 2years since he died, even though he missed him, it was comforting knowing Rose was here for him.
She never questioned too much about his work, some times when he returns home wounded up, he goes and visits her after cleaning himself up and one cup of coffee with her seems to ease the pain.
Rose had never met someone like Billy before, he had practically everything at his fingertips,  just one call away, she knew people feared Billy, she knew his service in the marines he had killed so many people, enemies, she knew everything he was capable of, but whenever she was with him, she just saw this man, someone who jokes around brings pizza for her, makes coffee sometimes and even goes shopping with her and patiently waits for her to try out many many clothes, and also provides some very constructive advice on fashion.
They walked back to their place and went on with the daily chores.
Back at Anvil things were getting quite busy with new recruiters coming in, Billy had to go in for orientation almost every day, a fresh batch of young men and women, eager to get recruited.
There was also the case of Madani, the sooner he gets to get all the information out of her the better, so far he had taken her out drinking and slept with her almost three days in a row and found out very little.
As the weekend approached Billy had the one thing he looked forward to after a rough week. It was Saturday evening, people at Anvil, finished their work for the day and were headed back. Billy thought to go grab the pizza and go straight to her place. As he was gathering up his stuff, his phone rang Dinah's name popped up.
He picked up the cellphone and answered with a gruff tired voice, "Dinah"
"Well, Mr.Russo you sound tired"
"Yea long day" Billy went on and locked his office, heading out.
"Why don't you come over then Billy, vent some of that tension out" She said in the best sultry voice she could manage.
Billy smirked, "Careful there agent Madani, this might just become a regular thing"
She chuckled, "Why do you have plans tonight?"
Billy took a moment before answering her, maybe if he called Rose she would understand, it was just pizza and movie, it wasn't like they were dating. And he couldn't miss any chance that he can get to search Madani's house.
"No, no I'm free I'm coming over, hope you are ready for me"
"Why don't you come soon and find out" She hung up.
Billy dialed Rose's number, hoping she wouldn't mind missing out tonight. She picked up after three rings.
"Hey Billy, everything alright?"
"Yea, listen um, something came up, so I won't be back like late tonight."
"Oh," She was upset it was evident in her voice.
"I'm sorry Rose" He said softly. "How about coffee like last week?"
"Yea don't worry Billy, it's alright. Job is important"
A tinge of guilt washed over Billy. He did still hesitate a bit but still, went on to Dinah's place.
Rose looked over at the clock, 35mins since she ordered her pizza, "Well I should be getting it for free now then", she decided to watch a movie herself, after all, it wasn't Billy's fault that urgent work came over.
The doorbell rang and she went over to collect her pizza.
"That will be 8 dollars, ma'am"
"Shouldn't it be free, you are over 30min"
"No ma'am sorry, we don't have that policy"
"Alright then" She went in to get her purse, as she came back out she was shocked to see the pizza guy holding out a gun, pointing at her.
"Don't dare to scream or move, I won't hesitate to shoot"
Rose was frozen in place, too shocked to comprehend what was even happening. The man came up tied her hands behind her back, all while pointing the gun at her throat.
"What do you want!"
"Shut up girl! You are leverage for Billy Russo. Now don't make a single noise while I take you downstairs. One scream and the bullet goes straight in."
"If I'm to be leverage then I wouldn't be much use dead would  I?" Rose regretted it as soon as those words came out of her mouth.
The guy gave her a deadly stare and put gauged her mouth shut and shoot a bullet at her hand. Her scream was muffled by the gauge covering her mouth, she struggled to free her hands but the knot was too tight, the man dragged her to the door and pulled her up.
"Now don't cause a fuss and come quietly or the next bullet goes through the leg. Rose didn't dare to struggle against the guy, he was a foot taller than her, and manhandled her like she weighed nothing. He dragged her out and shoved her into the car. There were two more men inside the car, she tried to take a closer look at their faces when suddenly a hand came in and put a cloth over her face, and then she blacked out.
chapter 2
A.N: Hey there guys!! hope you like this start, its just the first chapter so not much BillyxRose in here except a build-up of their relation, but there will be action in the next chapter so brace yourselves!
And also: review! review! review!
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dubersbutt · 3 years
can there be a second part of pld and the cheating girl? if not totally understand! i love your writing
TW: cheating
Lol I may or may not have gotten carried away this one
The Drabble in question can be found here 
You let yourself slump against the steering wheel once you pulled into the parking lot. You just got off the phone with your boyfriend after fighting about something stupid. You’ve been dating for a year now, and lately you just couldn’t stop fighting. Every little thing he did upset you, and vice versa.
You made yourself take five minutes to collect yourself before you get out of the car to go to work. When you walk into your physio office you set your bag down and start to get into your routine of spraying and wiping down the table before the boys start rolling in. You’re working on three of the boys today before their game. 
The first two come through with no issues and their normal routines. But you sighed when it came time for the third. Pierre-Luc Dubois - tall, muscular, and the reason for your current relationship problems. A few weeks ago one of your friends had come over for a girls night. A few glasses of wine later, your tipsy brain had let it slip that you found him very attractive. Unbeknownst to you, Sam was listening from your shared bedroom. From that moment, until the you stumbled up to the room, he had convinced himself that you were cheating on him - apparently not liking that your job consisted of having your hands on half naked men all day. He confronted you the next day. It took you awhile to convince him that it wasn’t true, but he eventually believed you. However, it still came up once in a while. 
This morning he made a side comment about keeping your hands to yourself and you may or may not have lost it on him. You spent the whole drive thinking about how you were going to break up with Sam once you got home after the game. You ran through different scenarios in your head while you worked on Boone Jenner; would he take it well? Would he scream? Then you thought about who would gain custody of your puppy. 
“Hey, (Y/N),” Pl says when he walks in.
“Hi Pl,” you respond, “Take your shirt off and sit on the bed,” you say as you turn and see he has already done so. 
He grins at you and you roll your eyes, “Hockey players, you’re all nudists.” 
“You don’t enjoy the view?” He says as he stretches on the exam bed. You have to tear your eyes away from the pale expanse of skin after you’ve been looking for probably a little too long. 
You roll your eyes again to play it off before you start working on his shoulders. You are a professional, you’re used to the feel of taunt muscles under your hands but Pierre is just so damn good looking you let your mind wander. You think about what it would be like to run your hands under his body in a different circumstance, one where you could lean down, kiss the exposed skin of his throat, run your nails down his abs. 
“You alright, (Y/N),” he asks, “Your grip is a little tighter than usual.” 
“Sorry,” you apologize hastily, pulling your arms back quickly, “Just a lot of stuff on my mind.”
“It’s alright,” he says, “Anything you need to talk about.” 
When you give him a look he flashes a smile at you, “C’mon, we’re friends, aren’t we.” 
“I think I’m contractually obligated to say no.”
“I won’t tell anyone,” he grins, and his stupid smile wears you down.
“It’s nothing, just men really suck sometimes,” you say before you realize your talking to a man, “sorry.”
“Nah, I get it. I just got of the phone with my sister and she just gave me the ‘all men are trash’ speech.” 
You laugh and change the subject before finishing Pl’s session. 
Since you have to be there for the game you go for lunch with some of your colleagues instead of going home. You knew that Sam got the afternoon off today, and you were planning on spending time with him this morning, but now you have no desire to see his face.
By the time the game rolls around you do your pregame checks and ensure everyone is ready to go. Once puck drops you can relax, your job is done until the end. 
The jackets win 5-3 and you join the boys for a quick celly in the lockers before you need to get back to your office and prep for the boys post-game checkups. Cam is first, wanting to check his shoulder quickly before going to his family. When the next person arrives you’re surprised.
“Pl, Were you scheduled with me?”
“No,” he says. He’s panting a bit, like he ran here, “Boone’s on his way, but I just wanted to let you know that I’m here for you.” 
You just cock your head at him in confusion.
He walks closer to you, getting closer. You know you should back away, create space between the two of you, but you don’t want to. You let him get closer until hes inches away from you, let him hold your hands in his. 
“I mean,” he leans close enough for you to feel his breath on your face, “I’m here if you ever want to...talk.” 
You think he’s going to lean in all the way and kiss you. Do the one thing you’ve thought about since you first saw him, but he pulls away when he’s centimetres away from your lips.  He starts walking to the door, and you’re calling out to him before you can stop yourself.
“Pierre,” you call, “I’m parked in the employee parking garage, by the lamppost.  Meet me by my car, I’ll be 20 minutes, 30 tops.” 
He gives you a small smile and a nod before he leaves. You lean against the desk to take some deep breathes to control yourself. Sam was basically your ex at this point. Spending the night with Pierre wasn’t cheating if you were going to break up with him right after, right? All these thoughts keep running through your head until you hear Boone knock at the door. 
When you get out to the parking lot Pl is inside of his car, now pulled next to yours. He drove a spacious SUV - which might have been odd considering he was single with no kids, but perfect for your plans. When he sees you he steps out of the car. 
As soon as you get near him you fist his jacket and pull him down to kiss you. He’s taken aback at first, but kisses you back with the same passion, pushing you back against his car. You reach behind you, fumbling until you can feel the door handle, and falling inside. His car is, thankfully, warm and the backseat provides enough space for your plans.
Once Pl is settled underneath you, you lean down to kiss him again, gripping the short hairs on the back of his neck. 
“Fuck,” he grunts when you grind down on his lap, “You’re so fucking hot. I’ve wanted to do this since I’ve met you.” 
He leans up, kissing your neck. He trails down and unbuttons your dress shirt on his way down. You grind down on his thigh again you stop him.
“Take off your pants,” you command, “I’ve been horny for hours, I just want your dick.” 
He laughs but undoes his belt, but faulters when he starts on his zipper, “Fuck, do you have a condom?” 
You pull one from your jacket pocket, “I swiped one from the supply closet.”
“Those are in there?” He asks as he takes the packet from you.
“I dont buy the supplies, I just use them.” 
He gets the condom on and holds your hips while you lower yourself on. You let a deep breath as he bottoms out.
“Fuuuck,” you moan, “Your dick is so big, you’re going to have to give me a minute.” 
“Take all the time you need,” he murmurs as he kisses your neck. He notices the way you moan when he kisses behind your ear so he does it again, scraping his teeth against it. His fingers rub along your hips as you star to rock back and forth. 
You clench around him and he has to dig his nais into his palm to get a grip on reality again. He thrusts up to meet your hips, taking control back and setting the pace. He sets a quick pace, both of you too wound to take your time. Your hand comes down to brace yourself on the seat next to him. Your hair falls in your face, he reaches up to move it so he can lean up to kiss you. 
He reaches between you to circle your clit. You moan, the sound muffled by his kiss. 
“Pierre,” you moan as you feel that familiar pressure building up, “Don’t stop, please.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it baby,” he says.
A few thrusts later you’re cumming with a scream, biting down on Pl’s shoulder to muffle the noise. You fall limp against him, letting fuck you until he follows. You stay in the backseat, breathing heavy, lying against Pierre as you try to collect yourselves. 
“You know,” Pierre says as after a few moments, “I thought you were just going to invite me for drinks.”
You laugh as you pull away from him, giving him a quick peck, “So was this as good as drinks?”
“Way, way better,” he says leaning up to kiss you again. 
You make out for a few more minutes before you decide leaving is absolutely mandatory. You put his number in your phone before you finally get on the road to your apartment. 
On the drive there you start to feel guilty. Sam never treated you wrong before, was always a god boyfriend - minus the last month. But you decided it was poetic; he thought you were cheating on him with pl but you only did because he was an ass. 
When you get home he’s sleeping on the couch with your puppy in his arms, the TV playing quietly in the background. There’s some take out containers on the coffe table in front of him.
You grab the remote from under him, walking him up.
“Hey,” he says quietly when he recognizes you, “you’re home late.”
“Yeah, Boone’s hip took more time than anticipated,” you lie smoothly, “And I swear I kept my hands to myself.”
He presses his mouth into a thin line, “Fuck, I’m sorry about that.”
You roll your eyes as you move to pet your puppy but he catches your hand and looks at you with remorse, “I mean it. I don’t know what’s gotten into me these past few weeks. I’m so so sorry. When you didn’t show up for lunch today I realized I’ve been such a stupid jerk.”
“Yeah, you have been,” you say, fully intending to tell him off but something stops you when you look a him. 
“No I mean it, I’m sorry,” he says as he grabs your hand, “I really hope you can forgive me. I was stupid and jealous and I was acting way out of line.” 
You have to take a deep breath.
“Let’s put it past us, okay? let’s just move on. I know you’d never cheat on me, and I’d never cheat on you.”
His face lights up, “Really?”
You nod your head, “I’m willing to give this another shot if you are.”
You bite your lip nervously as he pulls you in for a hug. He pulls you on top of his lap to give you a kiss and your muscles start to feel heavy with guilt. He starts to deepen the kiss but you have to pull away. 
“Sam, baby, I’d love to but I’m really tired. I’ve had an extremely long day.”
He nods his head standing up and pulling you with him, “Of course, let’s go to bed.” 
You plug your phone into the charger when you notice you have one message notification. 
Pierre: Tonight was fun, but let me take you on a date so we can do it again 
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lachimolala0713 · 3 years
Unforeseen || Chapter I
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Summary | I have always loved my boyfriend Jimin. He is the light and love of my life. We are happy and in love for 9 years. Until one day his best friend, Taehyung, confessed his affection to me and it struck the unforeseen circumstances in our lives.
Type / Genre  |  Angst, Drama, Fluff, and a little bit of smut
Characters | Jimin x reader | Taehyung x reader (ft. BTS)
Author’s Note | I want to thank my co-ARMY and great friend Pied Piper for encouraging me to write my first story. To the future readers of this story, I hope you’ll enjoy this one. Thank you!
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I dreamt of seeing a couple. They were walking together happily while holding hands, smiling at each other. As I took a closer look at them, the woman was me and I expected the man to be the love of my life, Jimin, but as I got to see the man’s face it’s not him and I woke up.
“That was weird?” I said to myself.  My heart was beating so fast I can hear and feel it in my head.
As I continue to breathe slowly I felt someone’s arm wrapped around my waist and I looked to my side and it was Jimin. He’s sleeping so peacefully that I envy him in my situation right now. I checked my phone on the bedside table and it’s 3:00 o’clock in the morning. “Shit!” I cursed to myself. I heard Jimin groan beside me, I must’ve woke him up. “Hey.” he said in his raspy voice, “Hey.” I said calmly, “Why are up so early? Did you had a bad dream?” he asked while his eyes are squinting and I can’t help but to give him an endearing smile because of his cuteness. “Yeah, I had.” I said, “Don’t worry, I’m here. Try to get back to sleep now.” he said sweetly. I fixed the blanket and snuggled myself into his hold. “I’ll hold you tight until you wake up in the morning.” he said.
He kissed the top of my head and held me tight until I my eyes are getting me back to my slumber.
A warm smile welcomed me in the morning as I opened my eyes. “Good morning, love!” he said happily. His warm smile relaxes me and always gives me an assurance and security. “Good morning.” I said and giving him a warm smile as well. Jimin got closer to me and planted sweet kisses all over my face and I burst into giggles. Before I knew it, his hands are tickling my sides, he hold my wrists and now he’s on top of me, pinning me down. We just stared at each other’s eyes, I can feel his heartbeat pounding so fast, “I always love hearing your laugh and those soft giggles of yours.” he said, and I felt my heart flutter and my cheeks went hot. He leaned closer to my ear, “It’s music to my ears, princess.” he whispered. I can’t help but feel the heat running through my body whenever he calls me that, he knows my weakness and I can’t blame him. We’ve been together for 9 years and he knows my body very well. I bit my lip, “You know I hate it when you do that.” he said and he suddenly attacked me with his undeniably strong, seductive and wet kiss. “You know it drives me crazy.” he whispered through his kisses, he leaned on to my ear and let out his tongue to my earlobe, making me giggle even more. It’s an intoxicating feeling. He let go my wrists and I wrapped my hands on the back of his neck, his hands travelled on my sides, his wet kisses are travel from my jawline and to my neck as I tilted my head giving him access, “Fuck! I love you princess.” he whispered, “I love you more.” I breathed. He suddenly grabbed my breasts, holding and kneading them really hard, making me moan, “Fuck!” I hissed. “Fuck, I want to get inside you right now.” he said. He quickly removed my shorts and underwear without any hesitation, I quickly got up and removed his boxer brief and his thick cock is so hard wet with his pre-cum, he removed his shirt and he suddenly pushed me onto the mattress and I can feel he’s anxious to get inside me. He pressed himself on top of me and now we’re chest to chest, and while he’s holding his length he slowly went in. Both our moans were synchronized like poetry. “Shit Y/N, you’re so fucking tight.” and he slowly keeping up his pace and I can’t help but close my eyes with the wave of electricity he’s giving me, “You were made for me, Y/N.” he breathed. “Oh fuck, Jimin!” I moaned as he increased his pace, he held my wrists tightly above my head, he smoothly glide his tongue from my nipples, up to my chest and to my neck, he stayed there, sucking my skin, leaving hickeys. He moved his index finger to my clit, making hard circular motion and it increased my libido even more. I moaned, crying for his name like holding onto it for my dear life. “Jimin...” I moaned, “Say my name.” he commanded, “Jimin...fuck!” he continued his pace, fucking me just how he wanted and the sensation is driving me crazy like I’m holding for my dear life, “I’m close...ah!” I screamed, “Don’t come yet.” he grunted and fuck it feels so good, he feels so good, the way he’s pounding me like there’s no tomorrow is such a pleasurable sensation. “Please, Jimin! It’s too much!” I cried, "Not yet!" he grunted, he increased his speed, going in and out inside me, he quickly looked at me and he bit my lip, "Ah!" I yelped, "Please Jimin, I want to come please!" I begged, he moaned as he continue his pace, “Come for me, Y/N!” he commanded, and I screamed as my orgasm sends me a sensational feeling. “I’m coming, Y/N!” Jimin grunted, he suddenly kissed me and moaned inside my mouth as I felt his warm juices filled inside me, I squirmed because of the pleasurable feeling. It’s tingling yet it feels so fucking good. 
He looked me in the eye and planted a soft kiss on my lips and it still feels like our first kiss. His soft and pillowy lips gives me butterflies whenever it connects to mine. “Let’s take a shower and get ready for work.” he said, “No second round, okay?” I asked, because I can’t be late for work. “How about I make you come again with just a finger?” he teased, “No!” I laughed, I get out of the bed and went to the shower room while Jimin is behind me, “You know your best friend hates tardy people. Even I’m a supervisor, I still have to go to work early.” I said, “Yeah but Taehyung knows me.” he pouted, and his lips looked so scrumptious and succulent that I want to bite it but I can’t. I have to go to work. “Not an excuse and even you as a CEO, you can’t be late either.” I said, and he just continued pouting and sending puppy eyes at me.
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I parked my car and went inside the building. As I go towards the elevator, my phone keeps vibrating in my bag and I checked it and received tons of text messages from Jimin.
[Mochii ♡]: Text me when you arrived at the office, jagiya. I want to know you’re safe.
[Mochii ♡]: Your baby mochi misses you!
[Mochii ♡]: Meetings are so boring, jagiya. 
Since the elevator is still on the 40th floor, I have enough time to send him back a message.
[Y/N]: Aw, poor you. I just arrived at the building, waiting for the elevator.
Someone stand close behind me and I flinched when I heard a deep baritone voice, “Hey there, Y/N. Good morning.” I turned around to look at the guy and it’s Taehyung. “Good morning, Taehyung!” I said brightly. 
Taehyung is Jimin’s best friend. They were together from kindergarten to college, until they went to their separate ways to start their career but they were still connected. Jimin followed his passion in arts and media and is now a CEO of Persona & Beyond Agency, an advertising company that handles high end brands in the country and some across the globe. While Taehyung chose business as he took his father’s footsteps, setting aside his passion for photography and using it as a hobby instead. 
I met Taehyung when Jimin introduced me to him as his girlfriend a year after they graduated from college and we became close to each other. After I graduated with a degree of Business Administration I applied several jobs and I landed to Kim Enterprise and I didn't know Taehyung will be my boss. It was unexpected. Jimin was okay with it as we both agreed that if we worked together in the same company it might affect our work.
Taehyung's smile was diminished when his eyes looked at my neck and it made me conscious, "Please cover that hickey. It's inappropriate especially you're in the office building and right in front of your boss." he said, and I gasped and covered it with my hand, "I'm sorry. It won't happen again." I said nervously. The ding sound of the elevator came in and Taehyung just walked past me to get inside the elevator and I followed since we're going on the same floor. When the elevator door was closed I quickly checked my bag and luckily there's a scarf I can use to wrap around my neck. Good thing it matched my outfit today. Damn it, I'm going to kill Jimin for this.
We arrived at the 40th floor, the interior of this building is very luxurious and premium. White painted walls with huge glass windows to see the skyline, floors that are made from porcelain tiles and even the chairs in the lobby of this floor is beautiful and spacious. I stepped out of the elevator and walked to my office then Taehyung walked past behind me, "Y/N in my office. Now." he said sternly. "Yes." I said, I throw my things on the couch inside my office and quickly followed Taehyung. I suddenly got scared because he was never that bossy around me before. Yes, we're close but when it comes to work he sets that aside and I understand that. Even I'm a supervisor I'm still under his command.
I'm in front of office and his secretary gesture me to go inside. I knocked on his door, "Come in." he said, and I pushed one door of his two doorway and every time I'm here in his office I became conscious because it's so spacious that I felt like I'm the center of attraction. He's in his chair and holding a cup of coffee while reading his paperworks. "Good morning, Taehyung. May I know why you called me?" I said calmly. He placed the paperworks he's reading on his desk and looked at me while drinking his coffee, I'm really nervous now. What does he want? After taking a sip of his coffee he put it down, "How are the employees under your supervision?" he asked with his eyes just staring at me, "Um..." I stuttered, I took a quick breath, "They're great actually. They managed to follow the instruction and tasks given to them." I said, "Mmm." he reacted, "I want you to take them overtime -" "but why?" I interrupted, "- and you also." he continued. "What?" I asked, "The team I'm handling are doing great, why double their shift?", I debated, "So you're questioning my order?" he asked, and his tone is different, I'm hearing Big Boss Taehyung and it's irritating me. God, why is this guy is Jimin's best friend? "Okay." I said plainly, I gave up. "Is there anything else you need from me?" I asked professionally. I don't want to show him that I'm really pissed. He just stared at me for 10 seconds, he moved his index finger to his lips, "None. You can go." he said, finally! I left his office and went to mine. I sat down on my chair and looked at the view. It relaxed me a little bit, it's a good thing I have this end to end glass window in my office. I opened my laptop and sent an email to notify my team that they need to do double shift today and I sent Jimin a text message, he might be waiting for me to come home early at home.
[Y/N]: Hi love. I'll be home late tonight. I have to do double shift with my team. Don't wait for me. Go home and get some rest okay?
Living in with Jimin made me feel safe. He's always looking after me like we're married. When he finally bought a 2 storey and huge house he didn't hesitated to ask me to come and live with him. He almost cried asking me that question that it brought me to tears of happiness because I love him very much. I trust him with my whole life ever since. My phone vibrated and I saw Jimin's pet name.
[Mochii ♡]: Jagiya, you're working too hard again. I can stay at the office and wait until you finish your shift. I'll pick you up later. I'll have Mr. Choi pick up your car and drive it to our home.
The way he mentioned our home melted my heart out. Good thing it's weekend tomorrow so I guess it's okay to stay late at work.
[Y/N]: Thank you love. You're the sweetest! I'll wait for you later. I love you.
[Mochii ♡]: Anything for my jagiya. It's not safe for you to drive late at night. I'll never forgive myself if something happens to you.
[Mochii ♡]: Laters, love. I have a meeting again. I'll pick you up later, okay? I love you too!
I smiled while reading his replies. His words just gives me warmth and it became my source of strength when I'm down and exhausted at work. Working at Kim Enterprises for 5 years burned me out so much. High expectations every day needed to set a bar and it's dragging me down sometimes. I haven't filed any vacation leave ever since I started here. I feel sorry for Jimin that we hadn't spent much time when we started working.
Maybe I should file a one week vacation leave, I think I deserve that.
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It’s 9 o’clock in the evening and here I am scrolling on a website, checking what engagement ring I should get for Y/N. Looking for the right ring for 3 months is stressful and nervous. She’s beautiful, kind, simple, sweet, and caring that even she doesn’t like luxury things she’s like a precious jewel to me every time I look at her.
A knock came to the door of my office, “Come in.” I said, the door opened and Jungkook’s head popped in, “Oh, hey Jungkook!” I greeted, Jungkook is my hardworking and most reliable executive assistant I ever had and one of my trusted friends. “Hey. You’re staying late?” he asked, “Yeah. I’m just waiting for Y/N to finish her work then I’ll pick her up.” I said while looking at the damn screen and going back and forth on each selection of rings. Jungkook walked towards my desk, “Well that’s sweet.” he sat down on the couch and looked at me with a smirk, “What?” I asked, “So when will you pop the question?” he said, my eyes widened in his sudden question, “What are you talking about?” I couldn’t hide my surprised reaction, Jungkook pointed his lips on the glass window behind me, “I can see your laptop screen on the glass window.” he laughed. “Aish!” I hissed, “What are you doing here?” I asked while looking at him with my brows furrowed, trying to change the subject. “I just want to inform you that your Monday and Tuesday schedule is free. Two clients wants to reschedule their meetings on Wednesday.” he said, “And what is the reason?” I asked, looking back to my laptop and continued scrolling. “Nothing serious, don’t worry. It’s just that both brand managers had to attend a seminar for advertising for 2 consecutive days.” he said, I paused scrolling and sighed, I turned around to look at the cityscape, “Maybe I can use those days to spend time with Y/N.” I smiled. 
“I can block your schedule for that.” he said, I turned around to face him and just by hearing what he said I can’t help but feel exhilarated with the thought of spending more time with Y/N. “I think that would be great, thank you, Jungkook.” I smiled warmly, “Awesome. I’ll work on it now and head off.” he got off the couch, fixed his tie and I looked at my watch and it’s almost 10 o’clock in the evening, “I should go now. I have to pick up Y/N at work.” I said, I closed my laptop and put it in my shoulder bag, “You should go home now too, Jungkook. You can work on it at home so you can get some rest afterwards.” he nodded and we head out from my office, “Sure. Thank you. Have a safe drive.” he said, “You too.” I said and left the building.
I walked towards my black Porsche in the carpark and went inside. I started the engine and drive the car on the road to Y/N’s office.
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9 years ago
“Taehyung, I want you to meet Y/N. My girlfriend.” Jimin happily introduced her to me. She was breathtaking, how her long eyelashes flutter, how her eyes squint as she smiled at me. “Hello, Taehyung!” she reached out her hand to me and I just stared at her beauty. “Tae! Are you okay?” Jimin asked and I flinched, I cleared my throat and reached for her hand, “Hey, Y/N. Nice to meet you.” I said, and damn her hand is so soft, I just want to hold it forever.  I chuckled, “I know she’s beautiful, Tae.” Jimin said proudly, he wrapped his arms on her shoulders. I suddenly felt a pang in my heart while looking at how the two of them stared at each other and it confused me how I wish I was the one holding her close. How I wish I was the one who can make her giggle like that.
From that moment I realized I fell in love at first sight with my best friend’s girl.
I noticed Y/N hasn’t come out of her office since our conversation. I think I made it too personal but after I saw that hickey on her neck it made me furious. It hurts that I’m not the one touching and holding her. I don’t know how much longer I can hold my feelings towards her. I tried everything to get rid of her in my mind but she’s still stuck in my head and in my heart. 
God I hope she’s not mad at me. I went to my pantry to make some coffee, good thing I know how much she likes her coffee - not too bitter. After making it I went to the front door of her office but since my hands are full, I knocked using my foot. “Come in.” she said, but I can’t open the door so I knocked again, “I already said come in.” she said, and I heard her foot steps getting closer to the door, she opened the door hastily and she stared at me trying to grasp why I was knocking several times, “Oh...” she reacted, “Sorry. My hands were full.” I grinned while holding up the two cups of coffee. “Can you join me for coffee?” I asked, handing her over her drink while wearing my boxy smile, she took the cup, “Sure. Come in.” she said, she stepped aside to let me enter her office.
"Please sit down." she gestured to the couch, I sat down and took a few sip of my coffee. She went to her desk and I can she busy or pissed at me.
It was an awkward silence and all I can hear is her typing from her laptop. "Hey..." I said, trying to break this silence. She didn't respond. Shit. "I'm sorry about this morning." I said, and she finally looked at me. I can see her eyes are tired and I hate myself that I was the caused of it. "I just had a rough morning." I lied, "I'm really sorry, Y/N." she took a breath and drank her coffee. "It's okay." she said, and I can feel she's not angry. She's exhausted.
As I try to come up with words to say to her, the door opened and it was Jimin. "Jagi!" he greeted happily and he was surprised to see me in her office, "Oh, Taehyung! Good to see you!" he went inside, "Hey, Jimin! Great to see you too." I said happily, "Are you guys having a meeting?" Jimin asked, "No, Taehyung just asked me for a coffee break." Y/N said weakly, and I can't hide my pain just by hearing how her voice sounded. Is she sick? 
"Hey, are you okay?" Jimin worried, He went to her side and touched her forehead, "You're burning." he said. My eyes widened with what I just heard. Oh my god. I overworked her. This is my fault. "Probably the air conditioner's temperature is too low." she smiled weakly to him, I looked at the clock and it's already past her overtime, I get off the couch, fixed my tie and cleared my throat, "You should go home now and get some rest." she stared at me blankly, "It's already past your overtime work." I tried my best to smile at her. I don't want to show her how worried I am to her. "Thank you, Taehyung. I'll tell my team to go home too." she said, "No it's okay. I'll be the one to tell them. Besides, Jimin is getting worried about you." she nodded and started to fix her things. "Thank you, Taehyung." Jimin said, "You're welcome. Y/N is a wonderful woman Jimin. You're very lucky to have her." a pang in my chest struck my heart with the words I just said. Jimin smiled "I know. That’s why I’m always looking after her.”
Y/N finally finished packing her things, "We'll be going now, Taehyung. If you have free time tomorrow maybe you can come over to our house. Just to relax and catch up." Jimin offered, "Thank you and I would love to. I'll check my schedule tomorrow if I can squeeze it in." I said, "You've been working too hard too, Tae." he frowned. He's right, since I started running the company, socializing was never one of my list of doings.
I just nodded and smiled to my best friend. "Enjoy your weekend." I said. "Bye Taehyung." Y/N said, I bid them farewell and they left. Leaving me alone in her office and I just stood here. I felt my heart aching, after seeing how Jimin held her close, how he touch her and how lucky he is to have her.
I wish I was the lucky man to have her instead of Jimin.
Will I ever have the chance to tell her how I feel? Does she also feel the same way to me? Will she leave Jimin for me?
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Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to share your thoughts. I would love to read them.
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m4tthewmurd0ck · 2 years
burn ~ matt murdock x oc (chapter 3)
word count: 2.1k
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     CASSIE WAS BEGINNING TO WORRY ABOUT MATT AND FOGGY. They ended up pushing dinner to another night after taking on a case. Foggy let it slip that the case came from Brett, and Cassie was half surprised that the bribe had worked. That wasn't the part that worried her though.
Of course, neither man was allowed to discuss details about their new client, for obvious reasons. But Cassie sensed that they were on opposing sides when it came to the situation. And it wasn't too long until her suspicions were confirmed. 
It was getting late the next night as she let herself into the new building for Nelson and Murdock. Foggy had text her that they were gonna be at there pretty late, so she offered to bring them dinner. 
Matt had given Cassie a key when they made extra copies because once already she ended up bringing over a bunch of papers she printed out for them. About an hour before, they'd been given a free used printer and hadn't bothered to check if the ink cartridge inside was empty... well it was.
"Come on!" When Cassie heard her brother yell, she quietly walked towards them.
"Which one of us said that 'I believe the innocent includes everyone not yet convicted of a crime'? I'll give you a hint... it sure as hell wasn't me. I don't think she did it. This is a good arrest Foggy. We should already be reading about it in the papers. There's something not right about this case. I can feel it."
"Alright I'm just gonna say this once, and we can move on. You don't necessarily show the best judgement when women are involved, Matt."
"How would I even know if she's a beautiful woman?"
"I don't know. It's kinda spooky, actually. But it's like you aren't even aware that you're doing it. Like with my sister you flirt with her and you've told me—"
"Aaaand I'm here!" Cassie walked into the room, setting the bags of food on one of the desks.
Matt immediately stood up, smiling as he accepted the drink from her. "Hey, Cassie."
"You guys alright?" She looked between the two men, sensing obvious tension. "I just wanted to come by and drop off food, I'm gonna head back to my apartment now," she bent down to grab the takeout container that had her order in it, deciding it would be best to just eat at home so they could get back to work.
"Thanks for the coff— oh, hi." 
Cassie glanced up as a young blonde woman exited what she assumed was their break room, clutching a cup of coffee as if her life depended on it.
"You could've said someone else was here, I would've brought extra food!" Cassie whisper-yelled. She immediately walked over to the woman, holding out a hand. "Hi, I'm Cassie."
"Karen," the woman looks at Cassie nervously, smiling as she shakes her hand.
"Do you like chicken? I wasn't sure what else to grab, so," Cassie holds out the container that was meant to be her dinner. She suspected if Karen knew the food wasn't actually for her, she might refuse it. 
"O-oh, umm, yeah. Thanks."
"Okay well I will let you guys get back to it. It was nice meeting you Karen," Cassie smiles, hoping that a warm meal might bring at least a little bit of comfort to the poor woman. 
As she sees Cassie slip her purse over her shoulder, Karen freezes. "When we met for drinks..." she whispers.
"Pardon?" Cassie turns back around to face her.
"At... at the club. When we met for drinks. Sorry I didn't mean to... seeing your purse made me remember but there was a woman at the club, near us at the bar. She had the same purse but in a different color. It was when we were having a drink that I started to feel funny..."
"Apologies Miss Page," Foggy stepped in. "Although Cassie is my sister, I have to stress again that you don't discuss any details of the case unless it's with myself or Mr. Murdock over here."
"R-right. Sorry," she looked down at her coffee.
"It's okay," Cassie smiled. "Don't worry about it. I'll just get going now."
"Here I'll walk you out," Matt stood up again, holding his arm out. 
"Sorry about your dinner," he says once they've stepped outside.
"It's fine, really. I'll grab something again on the way home. I just feel bad because Foggy didn't mention you guys had a client here, I would've gotten more."
"Must've just slipped his mind."
"Anyway you should get back inside right? Nelson and Murdock's first client! I hope the case goes well. Call me if you guys need me to print some more papers okay?" Cassie laughs.
Matt soaks in these few moments of peace with her. He has a feeling that once he goes back inside and they really dig in to this case, there won't be any quiet for a while.
"I will, promise." 
The two talk outside for a couple more minutes, until Cassie's Uber pulls up. Her driver apologizes, saying she'd taken a wrong turn and had to go around the block.
After hugging goodnight, Matt waits until he hears the car driving off down the street, before he goes back inside. 
Little did any of them know, that Karen was right. There were people watching her, keeping close tabs on everything. And now seeing Cassie exit the building, unaware unaware she was a stranger to Karen, she was being watched too.
A couple of hours later, she ended up getting a call from Matt. As soon as he heard her voice, he asked how quickly she could get to his apartment, and if she could bring extra pajamas and other clothes. When she agrees, he says he'll arrange an Uber.
When she opens the door to Matt's apartment, Cassie understands why she was asked to bring the clothes.
"Hi, Cassie right?" Karen is relieved to see another familiar friendly face.
"Y-yeah, it's nice to see you again Karen." 
"Cassie can I speak to you for a moment?" Matt motions for him to follow her to his room.
"What's going on?" Cassie whispers.
"I— I panicked. I don't want to drag you into all of this but the basic facts... dangerous people are after her. And she tried to leave and go home but Foggy wouldn't let her. So I panicked, said she could stay with me tonight until we figured something else out."
Cassie waits for further explanation, realizing after a minute of silence that Matt doesn't have any. "O...okay. But why did you call me here?"
"I... I don't know. She seems nervous, she won't talk to me about anything."
"But isn't this breaking some attorney-client thing? Am I even allowed to talk to her about—"
"No not about the case," Matt shakes his head. "I'd never ask that of you. I just mean I don't want to make her uncomfortable."
"Ahh, such a gentleman," Cassie gives Matt a pat on the shoulder. "You can go shower, or do whatever. I'll get her settled."
"You're a lifesaver. I owe you one."
Cassie exits Matt's room, finding Karen sitting on the couch, quietly eating the food she'd been given back at the office.
"This is probably a really stupid question and feel free to tell me if it is, but how are you doing?"
Karen finishes up her food and sets the container down, turning to sit on the couch so that she's facing Cassie. "Honestly, a lot better now. I mean obviously there's still a lot going on but I'm just glad I won't be sleeping in a cell or stuck in an interrogation room tonight. And thank you for the food, I don't know if I said that earlier."
"You've got a lot going on," Cassie smiles, understanding. "Oh! Before I forget Matt said he'll give you his bed and he'll take the couch. I should go get sheets and blankets for him before he's out of the shower."
"I can't put him out of his bedroom like that, I'll be just fine on the couch, really."
"I think he—"
"No, please. He's already doing a lot by letting me stay here. Will you be here, too? Tonight, and in the morning?" In her mind, Karen crossed her fingers, hoping Cassie's answer was yes. Matt had been nothing but polite and hadn't done anything to worry her, but the thought of having another woman in the apartment was something of a comfort to her. She'd been dealing with a lot of men lately.
"I... umm, I can. Yeah it won't be a problem."
"Sorry I'm asking a lot of you, I just..."
"No, no, you're not. I get it. I'll be here." Cassie got up and sat back down with the bag of clothes that she'd brought. "You can change into something in here if you'd like, get out of the wet clothes."
"I hadn't even thought about that yet, thank you," Karen accepted the bag gratefully, pulling out a pair of shorts and oversized t-shirt.
"You ladies doing alright?" Matt walked into the kitchen. 
"We're good," Karen nodded. "Umm, can I change into these?" She held up the clothes.
After Cassie showed her where the bathroom was, with Matt adding that she could shower too if she wanted, she joined him in the kitchen.
"She won't take your bed and force you to the couch," Cassie spoke up. "And before you ask, I tried. And I sort of panicked too. She asked if I'd be here tonight and in the morning and she was looking at me and I just said yes so—"
"Hey," Matt chuckled. "It's fine. You're doing me a huge favor, actually. But you're not sleeping on the floor."
Cassie couldn't help but laugh. "Imagine Foggy's reaction if he found out we were sharing a bed. Oh I do have to run back to my apartment though, I showered but I didn't think I'd be staying over, but changed out of my pajamas when you asked me to come over."
"Wait, here," Matt walked into his room, returning a moment later with some of his clothes. 
Cassie quickly removed her jeans and shirt, changing into the shirt that Matt had given her. As he often joked, she didn't need to worry about him trying to get a look at anything.
Hearing Karen exit the bathroom, Cassie asks if there's anything else she wanted or needed. 
"No, thank you, both of you. I'm actually kind of tired."
"Of course you must be exhausted. Oh I forgot to get the extra blankets and pillow. Be right back," Cassie walked over to the small closet that housed any extra items Matt might need, returning with a pillow, thick blanket and a sheet to lay over the couch.
Once everything was set up, Cassie and Matt retreated to his room to let Karen get some much needed rest.
"I can take the floor—"
Cassie stood about a foot in front of Matt, crossing her arms. "You are not taking the floor when I'm the one who sort of invited myself to stay over. Your bed is plenty big enough, and we're both grownups. I'll be fine."
Less than ten minutes later, Cassie was fast asleep. As Matt lay there, he found comfort in listening to her heartbeat. 
He thought back to what Foggy said earlier. 
You don't necessarily show the best judgement when women are involved, Matt.
How would I even know if she's a beautiful woman?
And as he thought about the woman sleeping peacefully next to him, he realized that question was a lie. He knew that Cassie was beautiful. He could tell the moment they met, when he first heard her voice. In fact he'd be willing to bet that if he could see, she'd be the most beautiful woman he ever looked at.
Of course he always worried about her, and cared what she thought. But when she said I'll be fine, and when he listened to the sound of her slipping her clothes off and putting her shirt on, he came to another realization. That night, it wasn't her thoughts that he was worried about.
Later that night, he waits until she has been asleep for at least an hour, before quietly slipping out.
The following morning, a phone conversation takes place in a car.
"What about the girl? Should I make the appropriate arrangements for her, along with the others?"
"No. Everything she knows is already in the papers. Her lawyers though, Nelson and Murdock."
"Ambulance chasers. They're clean."
“Start a file. They may be of use to us. And the other woman? The one that was seen leaving their office?”
"Cassiopeia Nelson. Sister of one of the lawyers. It doesn't look like she's involved either."
"Get a file on her too."
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samcrobae · 4 years
A lot on my Plate, 2
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Gif credit to the original creators! Let me know if I should do a part 3.
A/N: this hasn’t been proof read but if you haven’t read part one, find that here:
“Y/N who the fuck is this?” Manny now approached you from behind, his hand coming up to push the door open further.
Angel, now standing very confidently brings a hand to his chest, “Angel. I was just coming to see if Y/N was ready for our date”. Manny’s eyes flash back to you, glaring daggers at Angel.
“Dulce, why aren’t you ready yet? I told you I would be picking you up at 6. I mean I live right next door, it don’t take me long to get here.” He emphasized that part, before chuckling to himself then looked back over at Manny, “you know how our girl can be.. stubborn as ever huh.” Manny popped his jaw then turned to pick Sebastian up and grabbed his bag, before looking you up and down, then looked back at Angel, “nah homie she ain’t our girl.” And he quickly descended down your stairs.
Angel pushed past the threshold and entered your apartment. “What’s up his ass? Anyway get dressed you’re coming to the clubhouse to chill.” He plopped himself down on the couch, “wear anything other than leggings please.”
“Angel I told you I’m not going. I don’t want to and you can’t just show up here like that. Look I have-"
“A lot on your plate, I know. Just get out of the house for a little while and if you hate it you won’t have to hang out with us ever again, alright? I want you to let loose for a little.”
You rolled your eyes and nodded in agreement, turning toward your bedroom. He was right you did need to get out for a few, but you didn’t really know the rest of the guys that well. Anytime you asked about them Angel always gave you the same reply , “nah dulce we’re just a couple of mechanics and motorcycle enthusiasts”, whatever that meant. You threw on some jeans and a crop top then ran a curling iron through your hair, tousling it a bit before walking back out into the living room.
“You see!! You look incredible dulce, come on.”
Drinks were pouring and you were feeling good, Angel had a hold on you all night, never letting you out of his sight, and even the other men were surprised to see he brought someone to a party. Not just anyone. You.
You finished your beer and offered to grab another round and walked toward the bar. Bishop and Angel were sat at a table.
“So what’s that about son?” Motioning to you, “big deal getting involved with her, she has a son, Angel. She seems like a good girl. She know who you are?”
Angel put a cigarette between his lips and lit it, slowly exhaling before answering. “Not really. Hasn’t come up. I care about her. I like her a lot Bish. I’ll tell her... when the time is right.”
BIshop gave Angel two pats on the shoulder before leaving the table to start a game of pool. That’s when you heard it—the sound of screeching tires on the pavement and shots ringing out and into the clubhouse, everything after that a blur that seemed to happen in slow motion. All you remembered was Angel calling your name and tackling you to the ground, then dragging you behind the bar. The shots continued to ring out for what felt like an eternity but was really only a minute before they stopped and the tires screeched once more.
Angel had laid himself on top of you, the both of you breathless and hearts racing as you tried to calm yourself. “Dulce...” he slowly moved himself to look you over, moving your hair and shirt to make sure you were okay, before helping you sit up. Your backs pressed against the bar, still panting as you looked over at him. “Motorcycle enthusiasts......noted.” He looked at you with an apologetic look in his eyes but before he could speak he was cut off by the sound of glass crunching.
“Everyone alright ?!” Bishop called out into the open as everyone started to slowly get up, maneuvering around broken beer bottles and shattered windows, checking on each other. “Bish..” Angel walked over to Bishop but Bishop held his hand up, “I know, get her outta here.”
The drive home was silent up until you made your way to your front door.
“Y/N... talk to me.”
You shook your head in defeat, “Angel what the fuck was that!!! Oh we’re just guys who like motorcycles dulce, don’t worry dulce, come hang out with us... and Angel I don’t need you to be a fucking hero! Throwing yourself on top of me like that! You could have gotten shot. Killed....even! Are you fucking insane?!”
Angel stood before you, leaned against the stair railing, hands in his pockets, head hung low. “I wanted to tell you, I was going to tell you.. this is why I didn’t... you’re too good for this..”
“For what?”
“For All of it Y/N. Everything that happened tonight, the people I know, too good for me. And I know you are—and I don’t want to feel this way but fuck...it’s like the first thing I do when I wake up is think of you. What you’re doing that day, how’s your morning been, learning how you like your eggs and coffe so I can bring you food, learning everything about you. I don’t want to fucking like you but I do. From the moment I saw you step into the yard, I had to have you. In anyway I can. And I can’t have you be mine, because of who I am, so I am okay with us being friends and inviting you out with me, but I can’t even have that now because if something happened to you on my fuckin watch I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself”.
You stood in silence and stared back at him. “Okay. So. Tell me.”
His head shot up and looked at you, “what?”
You unlocked your door and stepped inside, moving the door further allowing him space to come in. “Tell me everything.”
The two of you sat at your kitchen table and you listened intently for 3 hours as he told you everything. The rebels, the cartel, Adelita, about his mom, EZ, his dad. When he was finished he sat silently, trying to read your expression but it was no use as your power face was strong.
After about 5 minutes he slowly stood, and stepped out of your kitchen and began walking towards the door. “I know it was a lot-" he began, putting his kutte back over his shoulders, “but I’ll be home if you wanna talk about it.” He reached for his phone when you called his name. He turned to face you when you caught him off guard and crashed your lips into his.
You didn’t know where your emotions were at and you hadn’t even began to process what he had told you, and you weren’t sure what you were doing.. Maybe it was the danger that followed him, or the way he smiled at you when he said your name, or maybe it was his scent— musk and leather with a dash of kush, or maybe- just maybe-it was because the man before you threw you to the ground just hours before to shield you from bullets that rang out around you, but you were turned on.
His hands came up to cup your face and you ran your tongue along his bottom lip before taking it between your teeth and tugging, which earned you a slight moan from him. You pushed his kutte down his shoulders and he spun you so that you were pinned between him and your front door, his mouth leaving wet kisses down your neck. When he reached your collar bone he stopped to look at you, lips swollen, out of breath with a look of urgency in your eyes.
“You sure?”
You were more than sure, it had been forever since you had any physical contact with the opposite sex and Angel was gorgeous. You bit your bottom lip and nodded your head yes.
“Yeah just not against the door, bedrooms over there.”
You led Angel to your room and before you could step inside his hands were around your waist, turning you to face him. He placed gentle kisses on your lips this time, slowly backing you into the bed and laid you down when your legs hit the edge. He hovered over you causing you to lay backwards on your bed and he began his assault on your neck, leaving his mark on your skin and finally sliding your shirt over your head. His kisses continued and your breathing picked up as he kissed your padded tummy just above your button on your jeans.
Before you knew it, your jeans and panties were off and Angels face was between your thighs, biting and sucking on your most sensitive parts and you felt euphoria in ways you never knew possible.it was almost as if he been here with you hundreds of times before, tears stinging your eyes as you cried out his name.
When he slid inside you, you had to catch your breath as bright colors danced behind your eyes. The sounds of his skin slapping against yours with every thrust and your moans were the only sounds in the room.
When you were done, you laid there, wrapped in each other’s arms, your fingers tracing the lines of his tattoos as his breathing evened out and you both fell into a deep sleep.
You woke to the sound of your phone ringing. Looking at the clock, you groaned out and saw it was 8:15AM. You had missed 3 calls and 2 texts from Manny.
“Y/N what the fuck I been calling you all morning , I got called in last minute to work . I’m outside, I have to drop Sebastian off with you.”
Fuck. You looked to your left, Angel was fast asleep, he probably wouldn’t notice if you slipped out of bed.. you slowly crept out of your room and threw on your robe and head to the front door. You unlocked it and let manny inside to set Sebastian down when you heard the toilet flush. You jumped at the sound and turned toward the bathroom door.
“It’s a little early to have company Y/N... oh shit well aint this cozy.. ain’t he your neighbor mama?”
Angel flashes Manny a cocky grin, “Angel”.
Angel places a kiss on the top of your head. “Ima go make some coffee.”
@ifoundmyhappythought @starrynite7114 @everyhowlmarksthedead @angelreyesgirl @gemini0410 @sadeyesgf @sesamepancakes @wrcn9fvlcver @dazzledamazon
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