#uni blab
what is ian’s reputation in his uni?
Won't know exactly until I write it since I go with whatever feels right, but I'm thinking he attends incognito. Wears a hat and mask and keeps to himself. Fights are triggered by eye contact/his full face, so covering it works for the most part. In that vein, he's probably viewed as a mysterious hottie or something since he doesn't interact with anyone, and most people are too intimidated to approach. No one pegs him as Mad Dog bc his face is not well known! Those who have seen it keep it to themselves or are unable to properly describe it lmao And due to his reputation on the streets, no one would assume he would go to school like a normal person.
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vogelmeister · 9 months
i hate car centric infrastructure but most of all i hate how people have been conditioned to think its the only way
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hirookouji · 1 year
u can tell a lot abt a person by finding out their headcanons of kuroo n daishou's relationships in middle school, high school, n college
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spacialrift · 2 years
all i can say is thank GOD my dsmp fixation wore off after 2 years straight right before i have to go back to college, i think i would die
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tiramis-hoon · 1 year
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uniiico · 1 year
okay so my cyberpunk 2077 hyperfixation is back in full swing and it really is about the yearning for something better, it really is about banging your head against the wall knowing in the scheme of things it’s never going to get better but you can take joy in the small victories and the friends you make along the way, and it absolutely is about enemies to friends to star-crossed lovers and the devastation that brings
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Pairing:  Uni! Nerd! Steve x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: you’re the new girl at school, and the more steve rogers sees you, the more his crush grows. after a few weeks of texting, a date is set. but he doesn't hook up on the first date, because that's not being a gentleman. right? 
Warnings: SMUT, pure filth, praise kink, slight degradation, daddy kink, spanking, cum play, dry humping, dirty talk, manhandling, petnames, swearing, biting/ marking, size kink, but lots of fluff :))
“maybe i would like you better if you took off your clothes, im not playing with you baby- i think that you should give it a go. she said, maybe i would like you better if you took off your clothes... i wanna see and stop thinking if youre too shy, then let me know”- if youre too shy (let me know), the 1975
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“She's so beautiful Buck. You’ll just love her.” Steve insisted, baby blues all wide and excited, cheeks tinted pink as he ran his hands through his blonde locks, tugging on the strands a bit harder than he’d normally- the butterflies plaguing his muscles. 
He had never felt so in love, and he hadn't even talked to you in person yet. It was a sickness, the love drunk that had occurred, no amount of Advil or water the cure to the hangover. 
Bucky was sick of him. He was sure of it. 
He had blabbed about you for weeks now, seeming to go in a daze as he’d ramble on. Mhmm. Well, just talk to her after class Steve! 
He’d just shake his head. He couldn't just do that! How could he? You were so alluring, a siren calling him out from sea. Steve just couldn't… the courage he had always had seeming to come to a halt. It was abrupt, a deer in headlights as he watched you walk into the lecture hall. 
The new girl. Full of spunk and energy, a bright smile on your face as you looked around the room, meeting his eye. He offered you a small smile, a little wave before you found your place near the front. 
You matched his energy well. So well, he was scared you weren't even real. Her name is Y/N. You want her number or something? His friend Natasha had asked him earlier that month, nudging his shoulder to gather his attention again. Sorry. Yes, please. He was too busy daydreaming about you again, gaze drifting off to the endless rows of books in the old library. 
Steve had been anxious to send the text, his endless pacing back and forth enough to drive Bucky straight up the wall. He had never seen the man so nervous. Especially over a girl. 
Should I do it? What do I say? Is this weird? Shut the fuck up already and send something Rogers you're driving me insane. He had replied, smacking a pillow over his head to tune Steve out. He gathered his wits about him, taking a deep breath before he hit send.
 hey, it’s steve, from tuesdays class. not sure if you remember me, but i’m the blonde who waved lol. i got your number from a friend, hope thats okay:) 
There. He had done it! Now was the waiting. But it didn’t last long, as his phone buzzed in his pocket only a few minutes later. 
hey you! yes yes, i remember. i’m Y/N <3 
I know, he wanted to say. Instead, he acted dumb. Dumb and sweet was the way to your heart he found out later, all the sweet messages and daily photos of each other's day blossomed into something more than just classmates. 
But he still hadn't talked to you in person yet. And he knew you were too shy to say anything first- so it was just a waiting game. Finally, all these days later- he had asked you on a date. 
Nothing major. Nothing fancy. Just coffee, and a walk around the villa. Simple and fun, Bucky had reassured, thankful his best friend had finally made the move. He was blind if he thought you weren't into him. Blind and stupid. 
Bucky walked with him now, bundling his jacket tighter around himself as the slight breeze ruffled his hair. It was a cool evening, but not freezing- a perfect happy medium for the season. 
“I’m sure she is. Since you never seem to shut up about her.” Bucky teased, resulting in a smack across the arm from Steve. 
“I’m serious man. I’m just so anxious about this. What if she actually like.. hates me or something?”
 “Impossible. And if anything goes wrong, I’m just three blocks away.” Bucky shrugged, as Steve’s phone buzzed.
five mins away :)
“She’s almost here.” he sighed, starting to fidget with his rings as Bucky dropped him off at the cafe's doors. He had never felt this tense before a date, which he knew meant he really, really liked you. The countless times he had stalked your social media and hours of sleep he lost due to waiting to hear back from you had proved that. 
So what could possibly go wrong? 
 “Well get a table, talk about the weather- and it’ll be all good from there.”
“And so I told him no, because like what? That's not just something you do at a gas station?” you laughed, making Steve nearly choke on his coffee. You were so happy to be sitting with the man you had been swooning over for weeks now, heart fluttering the second the two of you locked eyes in the lecture hall. 
He was dreamy, gush-worthy standards. And now here he was, so many days later- sitting in front of you with a cup of coffee in hand. You had examined his choice of drink very carefully, knowing that could reflect on many things. Just as many other little things did, like if he slept with socks on or if he only picked the m&ms out of trail mix. 
Steve had a safe, solid choice- two creams and one sugar. Dark roast. You knew he was a good one.
 “I’m sure. Jesus people are crazy.” he snorted, swirling the little wooden stir stick around in his coffee as he admired you. You felt yourself start to fold in on itself the longer he gazed at you, stare so deep and meaningful you were scared you'd start giggling and kicking your feet right there. 
You wouldn't be surprised if you did. Steve had that effect on you, always making you swoon from across the class, each text he sent making you smile. He had a heart next to his contact name, for god's sake. But there was no way in hell you'd tell him that. At least not on the first date. 
You weren't even sure if he liked you back- as sometimes flirting flew straight over your head. You were funny like that sometimes. But tonight had seemed to have gone well, at least in your mind. The two of you had been talking for hours, getting little pastries and new drinks to try throughout the evening. It was dark out now, the moon high in the sky, shining down on the little vintage cafe with its dozens of tealights and oil lamps. 
You sipped your drink, still hot on the tongue as you met his stare. He smiled. That goddamn, cheeky smile that kept you up at night. One that screamed danger, and mischief and everything you wanted. A thrill, an adventure. Something fun- something your small town refused to offer. 
“Whatta thinking about?” he asked, breaking the easy silence that lingered over the pair of you like a veil. Like you were in your own little bubble, where no one could touch you. 
“Just you. And how you're different.” His eyebrow quirked up. “How so?” 
“ Well you haven't asked me to take off my clothes. Or made any sexual comments. Or said ‘maybe I would like you better if you took off your clothes’, so I like you.” you said, taking another sip of coffee to let those words digest. 
He just smiled, shaking his head slowly. “Well of course not. I mean, not that you aren't beautiful and so fucking hot and I mean-” 
You laughed. 
“Okay, you know what I’m getting at. But what I’m trying to say is that I’m a gentleman. And I would never ask that of you if you didn’t want it.” A sly grin tugged at your lips, legs crossing under the table as you squeezed your thighs together. 
“What if I want it?”
“I don’t normally do this on the first date ya know.” Steve murmured against your neck, breath hot as he kissed down your neck, grip tightening around your thighs as he hosted you up against the wall. 
It had been a few hours later, some odd hour in the night after the coffee and the little walk down the side streets, popping into old bookstores and antique stores where he watched you marvel over little things like signed paperbacks and old purses his great grandma probably had. He was infatuated with you. 
Somehow his hand had ended up intertwined with yours, your arm bumping his as he walked you back to your place. Do you… maybe wanna come inside? You had asked, little doe eyes wide, voice as soft as silk. How could he say no? He never said no to you. 
Now here he was, dry humping you in your entranceway, barely two steps in the door before your lips had met his. You were drawn to him like a magnet, falling under his spell as your neck rolled back against the plaster, letting him have more access.
 “No? Wanting to keep up your gentlemanly acts? Promise I won't tell.” you teased, breath hitching as he traced your collarbone with his nose, finally sinking his teeth into the soft skin. Your hips rolled against his lower abs, desperate for any friction you could get. 
“Pinky promise?” he breathed, causing a moan to escape your parted lips as he squeezed your skin, licking the teeth marks as he dipped his mouth even lower. 
“P-pinky.” you stuttered. It was getting harder and harder to think clearly, movements blurring as if he was switching the lenses on your eyesight. Hands were on your ass, in his hair, tugging on those beautiful long strands to then wrap around his neck. 
Teeth clashed with tongue as he devoured you whole, and you felt as if you were on a carnival ride as he spun you over to your bedroom. You prayed he didn’t notice the piles of old, dog-eared books that were piled against the wall so high they were on the verge of toppling over, or your cluttered nightstand with so many candles and jewelry it had no other purpose. Steve didn’t seem to mind the mess, solely focused on how your breath sounded when it was uneven and when you were flustered, the giggles that emerged when he tossed you down on the sheets like a sack of potatoes. 
You liked being manhandled by him. You liked how he had wasted no time throwing you up against the wall, taking charge in such a respectful, yet sexy manner. This had only happened in your late-night thoughts, little flirty texts that you had sent when you got the courage past eleven pm nothing compared to this. You had always wondered what he would be like in bed, ever since you stepped foot in that classroom. It didn’t disappoint in the slightest. 
“God you're so- so fucking hot. You know how many times I've thought of this? Hearing your little noises when I make you feel good?” You whined. He groaned, tugging off your pants. 
“Yeah. Yeah, fuck like that baby. You’re such a good girl for me aren't you?” 
There it was. That was the money shot. Something in your demeanor shifted, eyes wide as you nodded frantically. Yes. Yes, you were and he knew it. “Please Steve just-”
 “Just what angel face? Hmm? Fuck you?” he antagonized you, as if he was talking to a mere child.
“Please. Please fuck.” The words had barely left your lips before he grabbed your hips, flipping you over so you were presented to him, ass in the air, face deep in the sheets. Your shirt had yet to come off, but you had a feeling it was going to meet your bottoms on the hardwood, the two of you too desperate to both with the flimsy article of clothing.
 “God you're so easy to manhandle. You like that huh? Being tossed around like a slut?” 
“Mhmmm god yes..” you moaned, letting out a quick yelp as he smacked your ass lightly, your hands curling into tight little fists as you gripped the blankets. You could feel the breath get trapped in your lungs as he kissed the skin he had just slightly marked, lips like a cooling serum to the heat in your belly. 
“Breathe angel. Just breathe for me yea? You tell me when it’s too much.” 
“What, don’t wanna get too freaky on the first date?” you chriped out, making him laugh. 
“Something like that.”
 “I like this, ya know. I like you. And I don’t feel shy around you, like I have with other people. You’re good to me, Steve.” 
He smiled softly, chest blooming with warmth at your reassuring words. He was so happy. All he wanted was for you to  feel comfortable around him, to feel wanted. Because he wanted you. Oh, gods did he ever want you.
 “Good.” was the only warning he gave you before he hit home, sliding into you gently. “Fuck. Fuck fuck you feel so fucking good.” was all he could moan, head tossed back in pleasure as you squeezed around him, adjusting to his size. 
He was big. Like extremely big.  All you could do was whimper, praying to every god that was out there that you could take him. 
“S’big Stevie. M’all full.” you squeaked, a rough growl escaping from his lips at your words. “Yea baby? I’m just so much bigger than you- aren't I? Filling you up to the brim, like a little hole for me to use.” 
He brushed your g-spot as his hips began to snap, cock drilling into you so fast you swore you saw stars. All you could do was hold onto the bed, allowing your body to fall limp, going slack as he used you. 
“You're so good. Such a good, good princess.” he praised, large hand pressed down slightly on your back as you arched, moans muffling into the sheets. You prayed your neighbors weren't home, or else you knew you'd get the dirty looks and silent treatment tomorrow.
 Totally worth it, you thought with a dazed-out smile, listening to the sounds of the bed drilling against the wall, springs squeaking in time with his groans, the squelching wet noises of your juices coating his cock. 
“M’not gonna last.” you whimpered softly. “S’okay baby. Be a good girl and cum f’me okay poppet?” 
You nodded, rumpled sheets bunching tighter between your closed fists as you squeezed him so tight it was suffocating, your clit pulsing a steady rhythm as you came with a cry. 
“Atta girl. Milking me dry baby, you really needed that didn’t you?”
 “Y-yea Daddy..” 
Heat rose to your cheeks. The name had rolled off your tongue before you could stop it, the filter that normally was placed over your words now gone in your dazed-out state. What if you fucked up? That wasn't supposed to come out. 
“F-fuck. Daddy huh? I should've known you’d like that shit. Not as much as me though baby.” he growled, grabbing your hips harshly, his thrusts becoming harder, quicker, more erratic. 
“Daddy’s making you feel so good hm?”
 “So good Daddy. Want you to fuck me alll the timee.” you giggled softly, whining as you felt him slip out of your abused hole.
 “Shhh poppet. I didn’t bring any condoms with me and we aren't risking it on the first date.” he shushed you, spilling his seed onto your lower back, stilling your wiggling movements as you begged. 
You felt the warm, white liquid ooze against your skin, dribbling down your ass as you wiggled it. The pad of Steve's fingers made you jump, the soft, gentle touch adding even more to the post-orgasm haze.
 “I-I have some in my drawer for next time.” He trailed his fingers against the delicate skin, smearing the cum down your thighs, giving you a quick little smack. 
“Good to know sweetheart.” he smiled, watching as you slowly turned to face him, doe eyes wide, lips parted slightly.
 “So when’s the next date?”
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starrgaziinggg · 1 year
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You finally meet the man your friends Felix and Hyunjin have been blabbing about for the past couple months, and he's a royal pain in the ass.
Lee Minho is a legacy at your university. He received an honorary award when he graduated, got a position as a dancer in a company a week after receiving his diploma...and was renowned as the schools famous ice-cold fuckboy.
After coming back from a three month tour, you're introduced to him through your uni friends...and your life does a 180. It's hard enough to pass classes whilst also trying to navigate your failing relationship...but the added tension that comes with the dance prodigy you seem to be spending more and more time with?
Some would say it's too much to handle.
|Non idol AU|university AU|friends to lovers|
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part eight
Everybody knows January is always the slowest month of the year. The year end always passes by in a blur, the days seemingly non existent until new year hits and suddenly it's as though time has slowed down. The days stretch, and January is a long, cold, gruelling month.
That's exactly how your January went. You'd stayed with your family over Christmas and new year, letting the boys invite of spending new year with them be turned down. They understood that you hadn't seen your family since the start of the semester, and wanted to spend as much time as possible with your parents and grandmother until you had to return back to Seoul for the start of the semester.
The only good parts about the start of second semester was that you enjoyed your class rotation, one of your end of school year exams was a group project that ran throughout the course of the whole semester so you got to pair up with Hyunjin and Felix, and you ended up passing all your exams with flying colours.
Of course you, Hyunjin and Felix had gone out to celebrate, bringing the rest of the boys, who had also passed their exams (even Changbin, which was miraculous since he barely attended his classes and did next to no revision) and Chan tagged along too. The only one who wasn't there was Minho, for obvious reasons.
You hadn't spoken to him at all since he'd left. He hadn't made any effort to reach out to you, so you reciprocated the action. It wasn't as though you had much to talk about over the phone, anyway. You'd said what you needed to say when you'd seen him last, and that was that.
After the events of last semester, your life almost started to feel boring, monotonous. It was the same schedule daily; go to classes with Hyun and Lix, come back to the dorms and either watch tv with Seungmin or wait for him to get back from baseball practice and make him spend time with you then.
He knew you were bummed about the whole situation, and although he'd refrained from saying, 'I told you so', you could tell he wanted to knock some sense into you. He'd said from the start that your friends with benefits situation with Minho wasn't good for you, since he could see your feelings for him a mile off. He knew you too well, you'd decided.
Despite this, he'd been a great friend to you after your return to your dorm the first week of January. He played mario kart with you whenever you asked, still cooked you most of your meals, and let you vent about how much you missed Minho. He was probably sick of hearing it, but he never showed.
Hyunjin, although you'd seen him multiple times since you'd been back home, had been kind of distant with you. He hadn't really been his usual clingy, excitable self, though you had no idea why. You didn't blame him for the misunderstanding because you knew how rumours spread - one piece of stray information gets misconstrued and ends up a whole different thing entirely.
You hadn't spoken to him about it much, other than just explaining that he was wrong about the whole thing, and you were starting to think he was more upset about the whole situation than you initially thought. It was due to this that when Hyunjin messaged you, a message very similar to the one you'd received that had started this whole thing, you'd agreed to meet him at the coffee shop for a chat.
The early January air seemed impossibly colder than that of December, so you were pleased to escape the freezing chill of the outdoors as the bell chimed in the coffee shop, signalling your arrival. The best part about the coffee shop you spent most of your time in was that it was less than a five minute walk away from your dorm - and, obviously, that Jeongin worked there. He gives you a wave and a smile from behind the counter, before letting his eyes dash to an obviously stressed Hyunjin sitting in the booth, and back to you.
You shrug at him, unable to do much more, as you walk up to your booth and place a hand on Hyunjin's shoulder to notify him of your presence, since he was sitting in the chair facing away from the door. He practically jolts out his skin when he feels your presence, standing up awkwardly. He moves to hug you without thinking twice, and you'd be lying if you said you hadn't missed his embrace, and him acting fine with you in general.
It's strange for a second as you slide into the booth silently, waiting for Hyunjin to start speaking. After he doesn't make a move to start, fiddling with his fingers instead, you go to talk - just as he begins to speak, which make you both laugh nervously.
"You go," you say, mostly because you weren't actually sure what you were going to say to him in the first place. He takes a deep breath before he begins talking.
"I'm sorry, I'm just getting this massive wave of deja vu and it's making me all wonky," he whines, and paired with the puppy dog look he has on his face, you can't help but to chuckle at him.
"I know, me too," you say honestly. "But whatever you need to tell me, it's alright."
He uses your encourage words and takes them in his stride, pushing on with what he wanted to tell you. "I don't know if you know, but Minho hasn't talked to me since he left. Well, until yesterday."
You did not know this. You had thought Minho's radio silence was reserved only for you; subject to your terms of his leaving for two months.
"Had he been talking to the other guys?" You ask, and he nods, frowning. He pulls the strings of his puffer jacket.
"Yeah, so I figured he was annoyed at me for telling you, you know," he says, tilting his head. You knew. "But he called me last night, saying that Seungmin forced him to call me and sort things out."
You nod this time, knowing Seungmin hated it when his friends fought and although he always put up a demeanour as though he couldn't care less, he was always the one to try and make his friends make up after an argument.
"He was practically screaming down the phone at first, and I understood why after he explained everything to me."
You tilt your head. "Explained what?"
"About how he's practically in love with you," he says instantly, widening his eyes afterwords and covering his mouth with his hands. "Fuck, he specifically told me not to tell you that. See, this is why I keep messing things up so much!"
"It's fine, Hyun," you say sincerely. "I won't say anything. Did he actually tell you that?"
Hyunjin nods slowly. "Yeah, those exact words, amidst some shouting about how I'm a terrible friend."
You can tell he's genuinely upset about whatever Minho had told him, so you go to hold his hand, choosing to focus on comforting your friend over focusing on the revelation. He squeezes yours as soon as you make contact.
"He didn't mean that, Hyunjin. He was just angry," you say, knowing that Minho would regret everything he said to Hyunjin as soon as he'd calmed down. "You're not a terrible friend, you just got things wrong."
"I guess," Hyunjin replies, deflated. "But I still have a lot of apologies to make, and I wanted to do them in person, starting with you. Since Minho isn't back for another three weeks, obviously."
He sighs, looking at your intertwined hands before talking again. "I'm so, so sorry for not being supportive of you and Minho. He was right - he's supposed to be one of my closest, longest friends, and I had absolutely no faith in him. Even after he told me that he felt different about you right at the start, I didn't believe him."
You screw your face up at him, and he almost bangs his head off the table. "Oh my fucking god, I need to shut up, seriously."
"What do you mean he told you right at the start he felt differently about me?"
"I wasn't supposed to tell you that. Jesus, I'm turning into Felix telling all these secrets."
"Hyunjin," you say warningly, and he throws his hands up in the air in defence.
"Okay, okay. You remember that night, when we went clubbing after you and Doha broke up, and me and Minho talked pretty much the whole time we were having drinks in your dorm?" You nod your head in response. "It was then. He basically said he thought there was something special about you, and if anything was ever going to happen between you both he didn't want it to just be some meaningless fling."
You have to force your jaw to stay in place at Hyunjin's revelation. This kind of changed everything, since you knew now how serious Minho was about actually being with you. He'd known it from the start, even going as far as to tell Hyunjin about it.
"But please, please forget I told you that - this is all, fuck, I just need to shut up," Hyunjin rushes out. "Anyway, I just wanted to say how sorry I am about...well, everything. I was horrible to you about your ex, and even though he was a dickhead, I should have been nicer about the whole thing. And then, when you started seeing Minho and I was so judgmental about that too..."
He trails off, and when you look at him properly you realise he's tearing up. He looks down at his lap, sniffling, and your heart genuinely breaks in two. Without a second thought, you stand up and move to his side of the table, wrapping your arms around him. You weren't much of a hugger, but you knew when your friends needed comforting.
Hyunjin responds instantly, letting you hug him and wrapping his arms around your waist. "God, I don't even know why I'm crying."
"It's okay, Hyun," you chuckle, starting to feel emotional yourself. You hated seeing your friends upset (every time Felix so much as drunk cried, your heart shattered), so seeing Hyunjin cry because he felt bad about how he'd treated you was awful.
When you finally pull away from him, he wipes his eyes with his jacket sleeve, running both hands through his long blonde hair as if to sort himself out.
"Jesus, this is not how I wanted this conversation to go," he laughs slightly, revealing his dimples as he shakes his head. "But we're okay, right?"
"Of course we're okay!" You say in disbelief. You'd never had someone care so much about your friendship as to be this worried about it before. As much as you hated seeing Hyun so emotional, it was almost heartwarming to know how much he truly cared for you. "You didn't do anything you did out of spite, you only did it cause you were looking out for me."
He hums, nodding, giving you a lopsided smile. "I think one of the reasons I'm so protective over you is because you're an only child, too. We never had siblings to look out for us, we just had to figure things out for ourselves, and sometimes I feel like you're the little sister I never had. Especially with boys."
He adds the last part in a comedic tone, but it doesn't stop your eyes brimming. You know exactly what he means, and it pulls at your heartstrings. Just before your about to get all sentimental, though, Jeongin dumps his apron on the table and places an extra fancy hot chocolate in front of you, sliding into the booth next to you.
"So, I'm on my break - are you two done with your soppy lovey moment?" He says cheekily, so you roll your eyes at him and give his shoulder a nudge.
"Yes, we're done idiot," Hyunjin replies, distaste in his tone. "Why does she get a free drink and I don't?"
"Because I like her more than I like you," Jeongin says plainly, shrugging. "Now, tell me more about this secret birthday party I'm not supposed to know about."
You spend the next couple hours drinking hot chocolate (you swore Jeongin made the best in the world) and trying to avoid the topic of Jeongin's secret birthday party, which actually was very real and apparently not very secret. You'd all been planning it for months, since he was turning twenty one - a special birthday. All of you had done your best not to tell Jeongin about what was going on, but once Felix knew, he couldn't keep his mouth shut, and Jeongin caught on pretty quickly.
You'd just returned from the shops one night a week later, out to buy your joint present with Seungmin for Jeongin (a pair of shoes you knew he had his eyes on), when you were faced with someone you honestly did not expect to ever talk to again.
As you pushed open the main door of your dorm, balancing a shopping bag, a shoe box and a birthday banner in one hand and your keys in the other, you called out for Seungmin to come and help you carry your things inside. You'd realised something was up when he emerged looking distressed, giving you a worried look.
"What?" Is all you said, an eyebrow raised as he took the shopping bag from you and you headed through to your room to dump all the things you'd bought for Jeongin's party.
"Um," Seungmin started nervously, moving in your way to block your bedroom door. "Firstly, I tried my best to stop her and secondly, please don't scream at me. Or kill me."
You're utterly confused until you push your bedroom door open and Sooyun is sitting on your bed, on her phone. She looks up at you. Your eyes widen as you slowly turn to Seungmin.
"You're a dead man," you say quietly, dumping everything you were holding on the floor and turning to throttle him. He ducks out of your reach.
"Please don't!" Sooyun speaks up, the sound of her voice more than jarring. "It's not his fault, I demanded he let me in. Literally."
"I never though I'd say this," Seungmin says with a shaky voice, holding your wrists in his hands. "But she's right, I really did try to keep her out but she's scrappy!"
You turn to look at Sooyun, who gives you a nervous smile. "I am pretty scrappy."
With a huff, you turn on your heel to face Seungmin. "If were not done talking in five minutes, I've probably murdered her, and you will need to help me bury the body."
"Fair enough," Seungmin breaths out, saluting you as he slowly backs away. You turn to Sooyun.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"I'm doing good, how are you?" Sooyun starts, rolling her eyes sarcastically and clasping her hands. "I'm loving this warm welcome."
"Get out," is all you reply with, pointing towards your door. She huffs, softening up physically.
"Okay, okay, sorry," she rushes, sighing. "You know I use humour as a coping mechanism."
You don't even say anything, just wait for her to continue with whatever it is she's come here to say. You'd honestly be more than content with never speaking to her again but, alas - life seemed to have other plans.
"I'm sorry," she says, and you can tell she's being sincere. You used to know her inside and out, after all. You move to sit on your bed, the opposite end to Sooyun. "I genuinely, really am. I never intended for you to find out the way you did, and I honestly never intended to go behind your back, either."
"But you did do both of those things," you say, surprisingly calmly.
"I did yes, but in my defence I did try to tell you before you found out," she reasons, and you roll your eyes. "You were brushing me off the whole week before you walked in on me and Doha. I tried to make plans with you so many times to tell you, and you ditched me every time."
"I ditched you because I'd just found out Doha was cheating on me!" You shout, remembering you're in a communal living situation and attempting to lower your voice. "I wanted to figure things out myself. I was planning on dumping Doha and coming to tell you, but that didn't happen."
Sooyun huffs, looking up at the ceiling, and when you take a peek at her you watch tears well up in the corner of her eyes.
"I know," she says softly, surprising you. "I know I'm the worst friend ever, and I don't want to excuse my actions at all. I shouldn't have gone behind your back, and I shouldn't have lied to you about it and - I just..."
She stops, taking a deep breath. "I just want you to know that I am sorry for what I did to you, and I will always be sorry. It's the worst thing I've ever done."
"So why did you do it?"
She waits for a second before speaking again, turning to look at you properly. "I never intended to love him, not at all. He was you're boyfriend, but I'd always kind of had a crush on him. I just put it to the back burner for your sake -"
You scoff. "How kind of you."
She actually chuckles at your interruption, shaking her head before continuing. "But then in summer, we bumped into each other in that coffee shop near my place in Busan, and got to talking. I tried so, so hard to ignore my feelings but when he started reciprocating them...I just couldn't help myself. I know it's terrible, and I don't want or expect you to ever forgive me for what I did."
"So what's the point in telling me all this?" You ask, genuinely wondering why she felt the need to explain herself after all these months.
"I actually wanted to talk to you about you, and then in turn I knew I should at least try and apologise," she says, and you tilt your head. "When I saw you at the Christmas markets, you know, at the skating rink, I realised how much I'd missed you."
"What's that got to do with what you want to tell me?"
"You've been looking miserable around campus recently," she points out, and you know she's right. "You looked ecstatic that day at the ice rink with Minho."
"You know him?"
"Everyone knows Lee Minho, babe," she chuckles. "Well done, by the way."
You shrug, feeling kind of proud.
"But you've not been together recently, and I figured that might have something to do with the fact you've had a face like a slapped ass of recent," she tilts her head questioningly. "And as much as you hate me now, we once told each other everything, and it pains me to see you so upset."
Oh, what the hell. You hated her, sure, but you could use a girls perspective on your current situation. You didn't need to make amends with her and you certainly didn't like her by any means.
"He's working away for two months," you start to explain the basics, not wanting to spare huge details of your life to the girl who stabbed you in the back. "And we left things on a bit of a limbo note. I'm fine, it's just...weird."
You notice the way her eyes light up as you speak to her, not expecting you to open up. "Well, if it's any consolation, you looked really cute together. You were smiling at him in a way I don't think I've ever seen you smile, or be as comfortable as you were with Doha. And I'm not just saying that due to the circumstances."
You can't help but let out a laugh. The whole situation was beyond you at this point, and you had much bigger issues you wanted to deal with. At least this was a step towards all that mental improvement you'd told Minho you'd achieve before he came home.
"This doesn't mean I forgive you," you point out with a straight face, and Sooyun holds her hands up.
"Don't expect you too," she counters. "As long as you take in my apology, and sort out your shit with your man, that's good enough for me."
"Excellent. Now get out," you say, but you're smiling slightly as you say it, and she gives you a small smile back as she stands up. When she opens your door, Seungmin is standing cautiously on the other side.
"Oh thank god," he breaths out, placing a hand on his heart. "I was about to get the gloves and shovel out."
Sooyun chuckles, manoeuvring past Seungmin to stand in your hallway. "I wouldn't have been surprised if you had to. It's what I deserve."
Seungmin turns to you with a raised eyebrow and you shrug in response. "Bye, Sooyun."
"Bye guys," is all she says, turning on her heel and seeing herself out of your dorm. Seungmin comes to join you, creating a dip in your bed as he takes a seat.
"So," he starts, getting himself comfortable and turning to face you slowly. "What did the she devil want?"
"Surprisingly, all she wanted was to apologise and tell me she thinks I've looked miserable since Minho left," you answer, rolling your eyes at the nickname that's clearly stuck around after all these months.
"Hm," Seungmin says audibly, a curious look to his face. You'd noticed Seungmin was strangely good at reading people, always paying more attention than most. "She's not wrong, to be fair. But that's all? I thought you guys would be screaming at each other, honestly."
You chuckle, shrugging your shoulders. "Same, seriously. I'm shocked at how civil our conversation was - she literally just apologised and explained how she'd had a crush on Doha for a while or whatever, and wanted to tell me she was seeing him the weekend I found out and broke up with him, so she didn't get the chance."
"Interesting," Seungmin raises his eyebrows. "While it was decent of her to apologise, she's still a snake. And, why does she think she can tell you shit about you're own life as if she has any say in it anymore?"
"Who fucking knows," you groan, leaning against the wall beside your bed, turning your head to look over at Seungmin. "I'm over it. I can be civil."
"She doesn't deserve civil," he points out.
"That's true, but I'm not wasting anymore energy over it. I have other issues to deal with," you say with a sigh. Seungmin tilts his head at you.
"You're finally maturing!" He gleams, grinning at you and showing off his braces. You roll your eyes playfully, knowing that he's kind of right. "You're a better woman than me."
When all you do is raise an eyebrow, he laughs and shakes his head. "You know what I mean. Anyway, how are you doing? You know, with the whole Minho situation."
"I dunno," you respond lazily. "I kind of realised I missed him when I started rereading our texts when I couldn't sleep, and now I just want him to come home."
"That's the last stage - acceptance."
"He's not died, Seungmin," your quick to cut in with a laugh.
"No, but it's the same principle. At least you can finally admit you like him more than as just a sneaky link," Seungmin points out, rearranging his position on your bed.
"It wasn't a very sneaky link," you shake your head laughing. "But yeah, I like him. He's not given me any reason to not. I feel like I was just trying to downplay my feelings for him because I didn't want to admit to myself I liked him as much as I do."
"I get it," Seungmin says after humming. "It's scary to get intense feelings for someone so quick after your relationships ended."
"Yeah," you nod, agreeing with him. Seungmin never failed to help you figure out your emotions. "God, if Minho could hear this conversation he'd be gloating."
"Oh, he so would be," Seungmin laughs, rolling his eyes and the thought of his friend. "On a less deep note, did you get the shoes for Jeongin?"
"Yup," you say, heaving yourself up off your bed to grab the box with Jeongin's shoes in it. You open the lid off the box to show Seungmin, tilting it.
"They are hideous."
You role your eyes as you close the lid of the box again. "Shut up, he's been wanting them for ages. For some reason Jeongin can pull off clothes that would make anyone else look like a clown."
"True," Seungmin nods. "Also, have you heard about our new plan regarding Jeongin's birthday party?"
"No?" You question. Jeongin's 21st was proving to be one of the most complicated events you'd ever helped set up in your life. The boys were going all out on the celebrations, which is what you thought Jeongin deserved for putting up with their idiocy.
"We're now no longer informing Felix of any of the plans. He's out. He's a little blabbermouth and cannot be trusted."
You laugh, giving Seungmin a thumbs up. "I'm so on board with that. The amount of times I've had to cover his mouth or change the subject because he keeps 'forgetting' Jeongin's not supposed to know about his surprise party."
"He's an idiot," Seungmin chuckles, standing up from off of your bed and clasping his hands. "I think it's dinner time. Chicken wraps?"
You nod, grinning. "You speak to my soul."
Jeongin's surprise birthday party arrived faster than you'd expected, the days seeming to be a blur of decorations, organising, studying and sleeping. What was meant to be a small get together at Hyunjin and Felix's dorm turned into a full blown party at Changbin and Chan's apartment in the city centre. You weren't aware of just how many friends Jeongin had outside the guys, but he was apparently a very popular guy.
It was a whole ordeal, having to go as far as miss your last lecture on Friday afternoon to help set up. By the time you, Chan, Changbin and Seungmin were set to finish, their apartment would be transformed from a gym bro torture chamber to party central.
You'd all spared no expense with the decorations; streamers, fairy lights, tinsel, and to top it all off - a banner that read, 'happy brthday Jeongin!". Yes, Hyunjin had been in charge of the banner, and yes - he'd misspelled it.
The operation began at 5pm on the dot. Jisung's role was to assist Jeongin in getting to the party location - a process that was made ten times harder from Jisung's idea to stop Jeongin from finding out he's actually headed to his birthday party. He'd gone as far as to create a group chat excluding Jeongin (and Felix, who knew nothing) and propose his 4 step plan.
Step One: The Study Date.
Him and Jeongin had arranged a study date together on Friday after their lectures last week, leaving Jeongin unsuspecting.
Step Two: The Phone Call.
Changbin phones Jisung in a panic about how he was in the bathroom, accidentally slipped out the shower and hurt himself and the lock has broke, leaving him stranded as Chan was out. This is credible, since the dodgy bathroom lock in Chan and Changbin's apartment is infamous (due to many an awkward on-the-toilet encounter), and Changbin is quite clumsy.
Step Three: The Formation.
Jisung ropes Jeongin into going to rescue Changbin with him. Shouldn't be too hard, since Jeongin likes spending time with his friends and will have nothing better to do. Plus, he'd get a kick out of seeing Changbin trapped and in pain. Meanwhile, everyone is also on their way to the party, or already there.
Step Four: The Party.
Everyone hides and does the whole, classic, 'surprise!' scenario, Jeongin is surprised, everyone parties and life is good.
It was actually a pretty decent plan, and everyone was up for seeing it through. That's how you ended up teetering on the edge of a ladder, trying to pin the banner up.
"A little more to the left," Seungmin says, standing back so he can get a comprehensive view of the misspelled banner. You move the banner accordingly. "Hm, maybe down a bit."
You move the banner again, trying to be careful and not fall to your death.
"No, that's too far, more up," Seungmin nags again.
"Oh my god, it's going here - end of," you say exasperatedly, pinning it in place and climbing down the ladder. It looks fine, so you leave it in place and take the ladders away.
"That's the kitchen area finished," Chan announces, walking over to you and Seungmin, dusting his hands off on his trousers. "Hyunjin is such an idiot."
You laugh, nodding your head. "His excuse was that he was half asleep when he painted it."
"If we get Jeongin drunk really quickly he'll probably not notice," Seungmin points out. "Where's Changbin?"
"Here!" The man in question shouts from his room, wandering out with his phone in hand. "Fifteen minutes until the seed is planted. This place looks good!"
"Thanks," you say with a grin, knowing you'd orchestrated the decoration process. "I should probably go get changed - people should be showing up soon, right?"
"Yup," Chan answers. "I told people to show up at around seven, which is in ten minutes, so get your skates on."
"Hold on," Seungmin speaks up, a confused look on his face. "If people are coming in ten, who's getting Jeongin's cake?"
Everyone falls silent, looking towards each other. Changbin shrugs his shoulders, while you roll your eyes.
"Nobody picked up Jeongin's cake?" You groan, knowing that something was bound to go wrong after everything had been going so smoothly. You'd messaged the group chat to say the cake was due to be picked up at some point today, after ordering it online, but it had clearly gone forgotten. You'd get it if you could have, but the cake shop you'd ordered from had to be driven to, and you didn't have a car.
"Do we have time to get it before people start showing up?" Changbin asks.
"Dunno, isn't the bakery a ten minute drive from here? That's a twenty minute trip, not to mention actually getting the cake, and Jeongin and Jisung are only a five minute drive away. As soon as Changbin calls them, they'll be turning up," Chan responds, looking towards you with raised eyebrows.
"Could you drive there, Chan?" Seungmin asks, but he shakes his head.
"Changbin and I had a couple beers this afternoon," he responds, shutting down Seungmin's question. "I feel okay but I'd definitely be over the limit if I got stopped."
"Why don't you drive, Min?" You ask your dorm mate, but Changbin laughs before he gets a chance to respond.
"Seungmin? He hasn't even passed his written test, let alone the actual test," he scoffs.
You turn to Seungmin with a blank stare. "You haven't got a drivers license?"
"Shut up."
You turn on your heel to Chan. "Would you let me drive your car?"
"Sure, if you treat her with respect."
"I'll go, then," you say, because realistically it's the only option. You'd absolutely hate to miss Jeongin's suprise entrance, but you'd hate it if one of the boys missed it even more. Plus, his cake was super expensive and the plan was to bring it out for him straight away. "Where's your keys?"
Chan walks through to the kitchen area wordlessly, grabbing his car keys and chucking them towards you.
"If she comes back with a scratch -"
"You'll kill me, I know," you chuckle, giving the boys a wave and heading towards the door. "Text me when people start showing up."
"Will do. Drive safe," Seungmin answers, as you leave the apartment and hurry down the stairs. It was going to be a mission to get to the cake shop, pick up the cake and get back to the apartment before Jeongin and Jisung arrived, so you had to move quickly.
Chan's car was fairly easy to drive, which was useful since you hadn't driven much since you'd moved to the city for university. It wasn't long until you reached the cake shop. They handed over the cake after you'd checked it to make sure it was the right one, and you basically scrambled to get back in the car and put the foot down.
You'd set your maps up on your phone to find your way back to the apartment when you got the message that Changbin had called Jisung and set the plan in motion, as Jisung had been texting Changbin to say Jeongin was getting antsy in the library, which was a nightmare. Since Jisung and Jeongin were much closer to the apartment than you were, you could only hope Jisung's stalling would buy you some time.
You wouldn't call yourself a particularly fast driver, but in this instance the speed limits were useless to you. Luckily, the amount of times Minho had driven in this area like a maniac and bragged about never getting ticketed had paid off, as you knew there were no speed cameras around. Usain Bolt would have been your only rival as you parked up, grabbing the keys, your phone and the cake box as you bolted up the stairs of Chan and Changbin's apartment building.
Your efforts seemed futile, though, as you slid into the hallway outside their apartment door and saw Jeongin and Jisung standing right outside the door. There was a only a split second where Jeongin turned round upon your arrival, a confused look over his features, before the door burst open and Jeongin's friends shouted, 'surprise!'.
Although you should have been more startled by the array of people screaming in front of you, or disappointed that you'd missed being on the other side of the door for the surprise, the real reason your jaw dropped and you stood stock still was because of one particular person straight in your eye line.
Minho stood, his face only just visible behind Jisung's, amongst your friends. You felt like you were hallucinating until you were snapped back to reality.
"Oh my god?" Jeongin grins, looking between all of his friends. "How could I not have figured this out!"
"Because you weren't blessed with brains," you heard Seungmin say cheekily, earning him a scowl from the birthday boy.
"Shut up. Is it bad I'm kind of disappointed I didn't get to see Changbin in a state?"
Everyone laughs at this, and you follow as the two boys in front of you are ushered into the apartment. It takes Jeongin all but two seconds to notice Minho, and his reaction makes you think he wasn't aware of his grand return either.
"Minho hyung!" He squeals, even going as far as to give the older man a hug. "I thought you weren't able to be back in time for my birthday?"
"Change of plans," Minho says with a smile, reciprocating Jeongin's hug. "Happy birthday, kid."
The front door closes behind you, and you turn to see Jisung winking at you.
"Did you know about this?" You whisper to him, and you watch him shrug as he takes the cake box out of your hands.
"Might have done. Go say hi," he replies with a genuine smile. You roll your eyes, unable to resist smiling back at him as you turn around - and Minho is standing right there. It almost feels like a dream.
There's a moment where he just looks at you, a small smile playing at his lips, until he pulls you into him and wraps his arms around your shoulders. You just let him take you in his embrace, and if you had to describe how it felt - you'd say it felt like home.
Your reunion was, of course, interrupted as Chan strolls towards you both.
"Okay, lovebirds, there's enough time to get reacquainted later," he grins at you both. You pull apart, thankful that Jeongin's party guests had started to mingle amongst themselves and hadn't witnessed your sappy moment. "How's my baby?"
"Your cars fine," you respond, chucking his car keys in the air, which he catches. "Only scratched her a couple times."
Chan just shakes his head at you, walking away to hang up his car keys. Just as you think you've got a minute to be able to talk to Minho, your arm is swiftly pulled away and Felix drags you into him for a hug.
"Hello, my favourite girl," he grins, wiggling you about. "How's your day been since I last saw you a couple hours ago?"
You laugh, shaking your head at Felix's eternally happy nature. "It's been stressful. I actually still need to get changed, so if I could perhaps get a second -"
"BIRTHDAY SHOTS!" You hear Changbin scream from the kitchen area, and take it as your queue to dip. You silently slide away and grab your bag, heading into Chan's bedroom to get changed. He'd given you permission earlier in the afternoon to change in his room, so you start pulling your clothes out of your bag.
Before you get the chance to change, you hear a gentle knock at the door. Sighing, you shout through that they can come in.
"Sorry to interrupt," Minho says quietly, sliding through the door as if to not reveal his disappearance from the party. "I saw you come in here, and I wanted to say hi properly."
"Hi," you all but giggle, moving closer to him out of instinct. "Is it cringe if I say I've missed you?"
"Super cringe," he answers, coming closer to you still. "But I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss you too."
You hum, letting him come even closer and bringing your hand in his. He gives it a squeeze as you rest your head against his chest momentarily.
"You didn't talk to me while you were away," you mumble. You knew why he'd given you the radio silence, but it didn't hurt any less.
"I know," he sighs back, bringing his free hand up to place it in your hair. "I just wanted to give you space. I was so busy, too."
"No, I get it," you interrupt, pulling away slightly to look at him properly. "I just...I dunno, I thought I'd have a lot more time to plan what I'd say to you when you came home."
Minho chuckles, shaking his head slightly. "Well, we've got plenty of time to catch up later. If I don't give Felix about an hour of my time tonight he will kill me."
"I don't doubt it," you smile. "That boy has missed you more than I can say."
Minho can't help but smile, and you can tell how much he has missed his friends. He steps back from you slightly and nods towards your bag on Chan's bed.
"I'll leave you to it. Find me later on though, yeah? We've got a lot to talk about," Minho says, taking a few steps backwards and smiling at you before leaving.
You take a minute to yourself before getting changed, smiling inwardly at the thought of seeing Minho again, of him being back home. You'd waited for this day for almost two months and now it was here - you were more ecstatic than you thought you'd be.
Once changed, you leave Chan's bedroom to find the party in full swing already. You recognise some people, such as Jeongin's friends from work and some people on his course, but you decide to head in the direction of the birthday boy himself. You find him downing shots with Hyunjin, who gives you a grin as you walk towards him.
"Hey," he says, passing you a shot on instinct. You down it with a grimace, placing the empty glass on the table beside you. "You look less crap than you did a half hour ago."
"What a lovely compliment," you sneer, turning to the younger boy to your left. "Happy birthday Jeongin - the big twenty one."
"Don't remind me. I'm as old as you guys now," he laughs, already going to pour another round of shots. "Your decorations are great - I'm so glad they left if to you. If it was any of the boys, Hyunjin's dodgy birthday banner would be the only form of decoration."
"Hey!" Hyunjin shouts as you chuckle.
"You noticed that, did you?" You ask Jeongin, who shrugs with a grin.
"Of course I did, it's literally the centrepiece," he says, turning his attention to Hyunjin. "Really? Who forgets the 'I' in birthday?"
"Okay, okay, now that you're my age doesn't mean you get a pass to be a cheeky shit," Hyunjin counters. "The day you can outdrink me is the day you can make fun of me all you want."
Jeongin takes that as his queue to pass out the shots he has poured, so you take it and clink your glass against his and Hyunjin's before downing it. Hyunjin must have noticed what you had at that moment, Minho sitting next to Felix on the sofa, as he nudges your shoulder.
"Did you talk to him yet?" He asks.
"Yeah, a bit. Did you know he was coming home early?"
Hyunjin shakes his head, and when you look to Jeongin he shakes his too.
"No idea. It was a nice birthday surprise, except Felix won't leave him alone now," Jeongin laughs. "I'm using my birthday boy status to demand a chat."
Jeongin peels off, heading towards Minho and Felix, which leaves you and Hyunjin.
"Don't worry about it," Hyunjin says in a calm tone, obviously sensing you were nervous about how to navigate Minho being home. "Enjoy yourself tonight. I've got no doubts that Minho will be occupied all night, since everyone's missed him almost as much as you have, but you'll have plenty time after the party to talk. Or not talk, up to you."
You nudge his shoulder at his suggestive tone, but laugh all the same. "I know, I guess I'm still shocked he's even here. Have you talked to him yet?"
"Nope," Hyunjin shakes his head. "He arrived only a minute after Felix and I did, and then not even five minutes later Jeongin turned up. I'll catch him at some point tonight."
You hum in response, giving your friend a small smile. "You shouldn't worry either," you say, knowing your emotional friend is probably shitting it for his conversation with Minho after everything that happened. "It will be fine between you two."
"Yeah, I know. I just hope he knows how sorry I am."
You roll your eyes at Hyunjin, unable to help yourself. "Come on you big softie, you know what Minho's like. He probably already doesn't care."
Hyunjin's face lights up at this, as if you've reminded him how much Minho actually loves him, and that he won't let one stupid incident bother him too much.
"You're right," Hyunjin nods, pulling a hand through his messy blonde hair.
You shrug your shoulders in response. "I always am. Now, want to pour us some drinks? Plus, isn't that girl you were seeing a couple months ago, the one on Jeongin's course, here? Maybe you could apologise for ditching her at the library that one time."
Hyunjin laughs, shaking his head. "Yeah, that might be a good idea," he says, looking in the direction of that girl and her friends, until Seungmin starts walking towards you both. "Want a drink, Seungmo?"
"Was just about to ask for one," Seungmin responds, giving Hyunjin a thumbs up when he picks up the bottle of liquor Seungmin wanted. "Plus, I wanted to tell you both to stop moping in the corner. Jeongin's adamant on setting up beer pong, and I need to win this time. He's never stopped rubbing the New Years game in my face."
"What happened on new years?" You ask, the two boys having clearly forgotten you weren't there.
"Only the greatest showdown in history," Hyunjin responds with a grin, handing you and Seungmin the drinks he poured for you both. "It was Jeongin, Changbin and Felix vs me, Seungmin and Changbin with Jisung as ref. It was the most intense game, and Jeongin ended up winning at the last second."
"With some dirty tactics," Seungmin huffs sulkily, turning his attention to you. "Anyway, I'm replacing Changbin with you on my team, because he lost for us last time, so come on."
The beer pong game you get roped into ends up lasting hours, since Jeongin continuously disappears to either talk to his party guests or down the never ending cycle of drinks being given to him. Due to this, Seungmin's team ends up winning, even after Hyunjin's position is switched out to one of Jeongin's work colleagues, since Hyunjin's attempt to apologise to that girl he left in the library actually works.
When people start heading home after a couple hours, you notice him leave with that same girl, a cheeky grin plastering his face. You shake your head at him in response as you continue your clean up mission. Everyone had gotten very drunk very quickly, which had led to Chan and Changbin's apartment getting all but trashed.
Hyunjin's birthday banner was ripped in half, both sides dangling off the wall, though Jeongin had said it looked better like that, since you couldn't see the spelling mistake well. The birthday boy in question was crashed on the couch, the alcohol clearly overcoming him. Felix was right there with him, though that was the opposite of a surprise. You'd think with how often that boy drank he'd began to build a tolerance, but alas.
That left you, Seungmin, Chan, Changbin, Jisung and Minho, each one of you doing your bit to help make the apartment look as presentable as a bunch of drunk people could. You were placing all the red cups into a trash bag, when you felt someone tap your shoulder. Turning, you see Minho behind you, handsome as ever.
"Hey," he says with a smile. "Seungmin and Jisung are planning to crash here tonight, but I was wondering if you wanted a lift home? I haven't been drinking."
You can't help but inwardly smile, not only at the prospect of getting to spend time with Minho, but also at being able to sleep in your own bed and not on the sweat infested gym bro couch.
"Yeah, that would be great," you agree. "When do you want to go?"
"Now, please. I can only spend small doses of time in this apartment. It's the embodiment of revolting," Minho shudders, taking the bin bag from you and tying it up, walking towards the front door with you in tow to place it with the others.
"Oh come on," you counter. "It's not that bad."
"If you opened that fridge, all you'd see is chicken, beer, and protein shakes. This is a terrifying place."
You laugh, turning to find Seungmin and say goodbye. You spot him on his phone, chilling on the sofa beside a sleeping Jeongin who not only had a bunch of random objects stacked on top of him, but had 'dick' written on his forehead.
Walking over, he catches your attention and gives you his signature salute. You return it with a smile. "Use protection," he says lowly to you, an eyebrow raised.
"Shut your mouth," you smile sweetly back, grabbing the dorm keys he chucks at you and turning on your heel. Minho waves bye at his friends quietly, not wanting to wake up the two sleeping beauties.
"Cars parked just outside," he informs you as you both walk down the stairs. "Sorry I couldn't spend much time with you tonight, it was like every time one conversation ended, another one began straight away, and I was in an endless loop of talking about the same thing."
"It must get annoying," you say, walking out the front door of the apartment building as Minho holds the door open for you. "I bet you end up having the same conversation again and again every time you come home from touring."
"Mhm," Minho says, using his car keys to open the door before you both climb in. It feels strange, being back in Minho's car as if he hadn't been gone. "But I won't have to do it anymore."
You turn to him, visibly confused. His eyes widen, and he shakes his head. "Shit. Guess the cats out the bag."
"You're not touring anymore?"
"It was meant to be more of a grand reveal," he sighs with a smile, whilst you practically squeal. It didn't help that you were drunk, being told news as exciting as this.
"So, how - what are you doing now?" You ask, trying to get a grasp of what was happening. Minho starts the car and pulls away, heading in the direction of your dorm.
"You know how I was telling you about possibly getting a permanent position here in Seoul?," he asks, which you nod at. "Well, when I was touring a position opened up, and I applied for it straight away. I was offered the position two days ago, and the transfer was instantaneous. I got the first flight home I could."
You felt like you were dreaming, which wasn't helped from the alcohol in your system. "So you get to stay here, all the time?"
"Yup. I work for a venue owned by my company, which means I'll only ever be dancing there. No need to leave anymore," he smiles, keeping his eyes on the road. "The pay rate isn't as good, but since I'll be working more than when I was touring, I end up making more money in the long run."
You sigh contemptibly, grinning like a madman without even meaning to. It's not long until Minho is pulling up outside your dorm building.
"Are you coming in?" You ask, which he nods at.
"Yeah, if that's what you want," he smiles, getting out of his car. You do the same, closing the door behind you and using your keys to open the main door. Once you reach your bedroom, you can't help but to rush into Minho's arms. He chuckles at you, knowing the alcohol is definitely fuelling your emotions.
It doesn't stop him from holding you tightly against him, placing his head on top of yours.
"I lied before," you mumble. Minho raises an eyebrow, waiting for you to continue. "I didn't just miss you. I wished you'd come home every day. Life wasn't the same without you in it."
Minho doesn't say anything straight away, and at first you think he's going to turn around and say he doesn't like you, he doesn't want to be with you - until you pull away from him slightly and realise he's tearing up.
"What's wrong?" You say instantly, going on your tip toes to catch the tears in the corners of his eyes before they fall.
"Being away from you - it was way harder than I thought it was going to be. There was so many times I wanted to call you just to hear your voice, but I wanted to give you the space you needed. And then when Hyunjin called me, I just got so angry about the whole situation, and I took it out on him which I shouldn't have. I still need to apologise to him for that," he chuckles. "But it made me realise how much I genuinely cared for you, how much I missed you."
You look between his eyes as he talks, taking everything in.
"Why don't we sit down," Minho smiles, nodding towards your bed. "I've got so much I want tot tell you."
"Me too," you agree, sitting on your bed and making yourself comfortable. "You go first."
"No, you," he counters, his usual demanding self. "I want to hear about what you've been up to."
You shake your head but oblige nonetheless. "Well, I did good in all my exams, and I haven't had anymore shit from my lecturers. I haven't really done much, other than spend time with the guys and study."
Minho nods as he listens. "I knew you'd ace those exams, I didn't doubt it."
You smile. "You helped a lot, though. Oh - I almost forgot, the other week Sooyun came to see me."
"The she witch?" Minho says, shocked. "What the hell did she want?"
"She basically told me she's sorry blah blah and that she said I've looked miserable since you left."
Minho's features soften at this, and on instinct his hand goes towards yours. He takes it in his absentmindedly, and you had to admit, you missed the way his skin felt against yours. Warm and safe.
"You...you were miserable whilst I was away?" He asks sincerely.
"Not miserable, just not as happy," you say. "You've been a big part in my life the end of last year, and when you left, it was like a little bit of my happiness did too."
Minho tilts his head, studying you. "I felt the exact same way. It was fucking weird - I thought I'd be fine and I'd be home in a couple months and we'd see each other, but I just couldn't stop thinking about you."
"Hyunjin said you said you love me," you blurt out all of a sudden, and you watch as the tips of Minho's ears turn bright red. You smile at his reaction.
"Hyunjin is an idiot. But he's not wrong."
The smile is completely wiped from your face, hearing him say that out loud.
"You love me?" You say cautiously, not quite believing it was real.
"I don't know much about love," Minho sighs, a small smile on his face. "My parents...they weren't loving to me. Hell, I don't think they even love each other. But, if someone asked me what I think it is - I would say it was this. You. My feelings for you are as close to romantic love as I ever thought I was capable of having."
Shell shocked wouldn't even begin to describe your feelings. You can't help but feel tears brim at the corners of your eyes, just like Minho's had done moments before. He chuckles at your reaction.
"I've never had a serious girlfriend, and I don't know if I'll be any good at being a boyfriend, but if you feel the way I feel, I want to try with you. You are stubborn, naive, and such a brat," he starts, and you scowl at him. He laughs in return before continuing. "But you are also the kindest, most talented, and beautiful person I have ever met. I knew you were special the moment we met, and I'd be an idiot to ever let you go."
"You're just as stubborn as me," you say, stubbornly focusing on that part of Minho's speech. He laughs openly at you, shaking his head with adoration.
"I am, but you love me for it anyway," he says cheekily.
"I do."
"Say it," Minho says instantly, staring you down. "Say you love me."
"What do I get in return?"
Minho scoffs. "You get to love me? What's better than that?"
"A paracetamol and a glass of water," you say, the effects of the alcohol already starting to kick into your system. Minho laughs at you, shaking his head.
"Okay, doll. If you say you love me, I'll nurse your hangover," he says honestly, hands up.
"Even tomorrow? You'll stay the night?" You ask, putting on your best puppy dog eyes.
Minho nods, holding his pinky out. "I promise. Now say you love me."
You look properly into his eyes, sincerity taking over. "Are you ready for my cringe speech?"
He laughs, nodding, so you continue.
"Being cheated on sucks. It's shit to put all your effort into somebody just for them to stomp on it. You were there for me throughout a really crap period of time. You were my friend, and then you were something more, and as much as you were a distraction to what had happened, you also became my rock. My shoulder to lean on - and I really don't know what I would have done without you during those months. You showed me what it felt to be genuinely liked again, sparked my happiness and passion and everything else, and I am so thankful for your dumb existence," you say, trying to keep your confession semi lighthearted. Minho smiles.
You take a deep breath, looking up at Minho. "I love you, Minho. I feel like I didn't know what proper love was until I met you. Nobody has ever treated me like you do, and I have never felt such intense feelings for anyone, ever. I love you, and I'm so glad you feel the same way."
Minho shakes his head fondly, a smile threatening to crack over his features.
"God, who turned us into such sappy people?" He asks, looking back at you.
"Who knows," you laugh, trying your hardest not to cry from all the emotions you were feeling.
"So, what do you think about being my girlfriend?," Minho asks, immediately talking again afterwards. "If you don't want to make things official too quickly that's okay, I mean we have only been on one date and -"
"I would love to be your girlfriend, Minho," you reply seriously. He stops rambling and smiles.
You laugh at him. "Really, really. Your first act as my boyfriend can be to get me some damn paracetamol, my head is pounding."
Minho chuckles as he shakes his head, standing up off the bed. "Is this my life now? Servitude to your highness?"
"Hey! You signed up for this," you laugh, watching as Minho walks out your door to head to your kitchen, knowing exactly where you keep the medication.
You smile in at at yourself, thinking back to the first time you met Minho at that bar, thinking back to how enamoured you were with him and how easily he became such an important part of your life.
It hadn't been easy to get to where you were now, going from nothing but acquaintances, to friends with benefits, to nothing at all - but you'd do it over again in a heartbeat, to be able to call Minho your boyfriend.
"Here you go, love," he says when he returns, placing a glass in your hand and the pills in the other, smiling down at you with adoration.
Yeah, you'd do it all over again.
Maybe friends with benefits works out after all.
sorry about the wait, yet again. I hope this heals all your broken hearts!! feedback is always appreciated, and a massive thankyou to everyone who’s ever interacted with this story <333
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@miamyre @skzgallll @kgllmre @tangerminie @nepytune @jeyelleohe @dis-baku-bitch @judeduartewannabe @endzii23 @mitchinggoni @vixensss @odhnlzl101 @yoonguurt @trashieforchannie @xcookiemonsteer @kingsoowolves@woahsehun @laylasbunbunny @sahazzy @hyukastuffies @multifandomtrash-dree @sherlockholmes08 @iam2out @jisungxident @amnmich @raspbinniecreme @fairygemss @linoots @galaxleeknow @ninashellhole @casualwombatcheesecake @kpopwh0r3 @fixation-dump @mal-lunar-28 @vidkqb @foreverdreamingofyou20 @zerefdragn33l @i8rsie @strayluvr @multinci @cutiespghetti @identityincrisissoulinhell @yoontaethings @lomllino @biribarabiribbaem @downbadreading
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allysunny · 8 months
yay, so happy to hear that you have your requests open now!
may i please request a miguel x f!reader fic in which the reader is a queen and miguel is her personal knight. they’re madly in love but must keep their forbidden relationship under wraps because of obvious class differences and reader’s marriage to the king. to make matters worse, reader finds out that she’s carrying miguel’s child 🫣
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Royal Secret | Knight Miguel O'Hara x Queen Fem!Reader
Words: 7.5k
Warnings: Infidelity (reader is having an affair), unexpected pregnancy, misogynistic husband and remarks, some angst, some feels, Miguel is absolutely whipped for you. Do tell if I forgot anything!
A/N: Hello!!! Gosh, it's been a while since I've written anything! I've missed this so much :) So, I was really excited when I got this request, because I myself am a huge fan of Royal AUs, especially those with knights, hehehe. It also felt like a huge responsibility because omg a request like this is a serious thing.
I'm not sure I like how it turned out - I've been writing a lot for uni, and it took me a while to get into the writing mindset, but once I got it, I just kept going. I'm not entirely sure I'm satisfied with it - I kept worrying and worrying that it wasn't good enough. But I hope that you will like it and that it will live up to your expectations! :)
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Council meetings were boring. This you knew and stressed to mainly anyone in your inner circle.
Mostly because your husband the King would not allow a single peep from you. In his eyes, your opinion was as worthless as a commoner’s.
No, even worse. A commoner, should he be a man, would probably be allowed more insight on any royal matters than you. All your husband wanted from you during these council meetings was your silent presence. For him, having you sit pretty and quiet by his side was a sign of strength. A sign that your marriage was successful, that you were a Queen loyal to her King, that you’d be always beside him.
For you, it meant you’d lose an entire morning (and sometimes half of an afternoon) listening to your husband as he blabbed away on topics such as economics and politics.
You scoffed whenever one of his suggestions were met with the approving nods and cheers of other noblemen and councillors. What they did not know, was that every day before retiring to your chambers, you would discuss with him the topics mentioned during these meetings and give him your own two cents on the matter, away from prying eyes. He’d laugh at you and claim you too pretty to form a coherent thought (although to him, it was always amusing to see you try), telling you to leave the important conversations for the big, strong men.
In his council chambers, he would steal your input, and gain the admiration of everyone around him. It wasn’t exactly rewarding, but at least you were helping your kingdom, even if indirectly. Even if you did not get any recognition from it. Even if your husband’s councillors thought of you only as a pretty face and nothing else.
It was all for the good of the kingdom.
The good of the kingdom was your priority, now and always.
“I thank you, gentlemen, for your presence today.” Your husband’s voice boomed through the room, and he stood up, the rest of the council following right after. You could count those who truly cared about the wellbeing and prosperity of Arakhneva with your fingers. Most of them were here solely for the status or perks of being close to the King. Never mind them – no matter how much you advised your husband to keep those conniving opportunists away, but as always, he refused to listen.
“This meeting is over. You are dismissed.” Having said this, the men curtsied at him, acknowledged you with a solemn nod, and made their way towards the exit. Once they were all gone, you stood up, doing the best you could to hide the way you were stretching. Those four hours spent sitting alongside him left your body sore. Unable to slouch, doze off, or look anything short of perfect.
“The meeting seems to have gone according to plan.” Your husband said, not sparing you a single look.
“Indeed, it has.” You didn’t particularly look forward to small talk with this man. Although you two shared the same name and similar titles, you had no affection for him whatsoever. In fact, as often as you could, you made up excuses not to share a bed with him. Sometimes you were sick. For more than half of the month, you had “lady troubles” (it’s not like your doctors know any better. And it’s not like you ever allowed them to look at you. They had only your word to act upon). Sometimes you were lucky and managed to tire him out before it was nighttime, and he felt too exhausted to even propose such a thing. But to everyone else, you were avidly trying to conceive an heir for the kingdom. Avidly.
“I am to go hunting this afternoon with the Royal Council. It is stag season, and William believes we can intercept a particularly big herd if we leave in just about two hours.” Of course. Lord William, your husband’s closest advisor and confidante, would be a part of this. Not that you minded. Thanks to William and all he did to keep your husband occupied; you had more time for yourself than you could possibly want.
“Last time you promised you would not kill the young ones,” you told him, smoothing your dress. Lilac lace and white tule, it was one of the pieces you were most fond of. You thought perhaps wearing it would make you feel better, but so far, you had no such luck. You still felt miserable.
“Did I?” He asked, checking his appearance in the mirror. Of course, your husband, ever the vain man. He was good-looking, that’s for sure. Tall, with a piercing gaze, always dressed in the finest of cloths, walking with the confidence of one hundred kings. But it didn’t do any good if he was a despicable human being.
“You did.” You walked towards him, holding your hands tightly. “Please, don’t do it. Let them live – it’s not like they can feed you, they’re just babies.”
“Your emotions will be your downfall, woman.” He said, not once taking his eyes off his reflection. “Do not expect me to dine with you – we are to return late.”
Having said this, he left the room.
You glanced at yourself in the mirror. The golden jewelled crown was heavy on your head, and you felt tired. You loved your kingdom, you truly did. But sacrificing your life to marry a man you have no affection for was taking a toll on you.
Sighing, you walked through the walls of the Arakhnevian castle. A beautiful construction, really, with tall towers and plenty of windows that allowed for the most beautiful view in the country. The inside of the castle was just as beautiful. Your husband demanded only the best, so it was covered in expensive carpets and gleaming chandeliers, filled with only the best furniture and adornments. And while it was stunning and filled to the brim with every kind of things, it still felt empty.
You opened the door to your chambers and quickly asked your maids for some space. You wanted some peace and quiet, not to deal with anyone, not to be Queen of Arakhneva, to simply be you, with no responsibilities.
After a few moments of resting by your divan, you heard a knock on the door.
“I wish to be alone.” You said it loud enough for the other person to hear, but that didn’t stop them from opening it just a tiny bit and replying. 
“Is everything alright, Your Majesty?”
You smiled instantly upon hearing that voice – his voice.
The voice of the man that held your heart in his hands, the voice of the only man you truly loved, the one who made you smile and made you feel loved and cherished and adored, the one who treated you like you truly mattered.
Sir Miguel O’Hara.
He’d been assigned as your knight when you married your husband, many days ago.
His job was to protect you, make sure you were safe and sound. And while being a Queen was a hard job, being a lonely Queen was even worse. You had ladies in waiting as would be expected – but they all seemed rather fake. Just like your husband’s advisors, these women were merely here for the power and the status. None of them cared about you or your life. Nevertheless, they praised you. Your wardrobe. Your gardens. Your decorating skills. All you did was marvellous to them. This is, of course, if they got anything in return from it.
The only true friendships you’d ever found in the castle was Lady Gwen, a rather young but extremely intelligent and mature lady who’d warmed up to you and proven to be the greatest companion you could ever ask for. She was the only one who knew about your secret affair and kept that secret with her life.
Yes, she was quite younger than you. Some at court would dare to call her a child whenever you were absent. More than once had you needed to berate all of them for trying to put her down. Your castle was no place for petty gossip, especially when the focus of it was a hardworking girl who’d never done anything wrong.
Her father was a wealthy Duke, and he’d sent his only daughter into the Royal Castle, in hopes of making a noble, marriageable lady out of her. You’d hijacked his plans and were making sure young Lady Gwen was simply enjoying her life as a carefree royal. Heavens knew she’d need to.
The creaking of your voice brought you back from your thoughts.
“Your Majesty?” Sir Miguel asked, voice low. Ever the gentleman, he did not dare peek inside, in fear of trespassing your boundaries and privacy. He needn’t be afraid – he’d stolen your heart long ago. There was no such thing as privacy; at least not when it came to him.
You looked in the direction of the door, breath quickening. It had been a few days since you’d last seen Miguel. He’d been too busy. Being the kingdom’s most prestigious knight had both its perks and downsides. Being dragged away on missions was one of them.
Many often wondered why Sir Miguel was your personal knight. He was tall and strong, with broad shoulders and an even broader back, with eyes so deep you found it hard not to get lost in them, with courage and nerves of steel. Why would such a man be kept in the castle, when he could be out there protecting his kingdom?
In truth, he was.
Your life used to be very different. Your husband used to love you. Used to. Shortly after your wedding, he assigned the kingdom’s best knight to guard you. In his opinion, no expense was too big to keep you safe. So, Sir Miguel was taken out of the battlefield, and placed by your bed chamber’s door.
(Later you found out your husband’s kindness was an elaborate ruse to wed you. You were heartbroken, having fallen for a man that held no respect or desire for you.)
It was awkward at first. You did not know Miguel, and yet he was tasked with taking you everywhere, ensuring that you were alright, standing by your side 24/7. But soon you found him to be an amazing companion and your biggest confidante. You’d tell him about everything. Your childhood, your life in court, your marriage. As soon as the first signs of indifference from your husband started to show, you were next to Miguel, asking him for help and advice.
You’d cry in his arms, telling him how your husband ignored you, choosing to tend to administrational matters instead of you, and how lonely you felt.
To say Miguel was pissed was an understatement.
In his eyes, you were the most gracious woman that had ever walked the planet, the closest thing there had ever been to an angel. Your husband was a foolish man if he couldn’t realise the treasure he held.
So, he made sure to prove to you just how precious you were.
It started out with simple gestures.
One time, during a stroll in the gardens, you tripped on a loose rock. For the rest of the day, Miguel asked you to hold on to his arm, and you did so, happy to be close to him.
When you were sick, Miguel would rush to you, spending the day by your bedside, feeding you spoonful after spoonful of soup, and aiding you while you drank warm tea. He’d read to you until you were sound asleep and placed a soft palm on your forehead to check your temperature.
Soon, you found yourself drawn to him more and more.
The attraction wasn’t merely physical – he was a handsome man, yes, and plenty of Lords and Dukes had tried to pair him off with their daughters – but emotional. Miguel understood you, as you understood him. You were the only person he’d ever talked to about his childhood and life. You were the only one who knew his deepest, darkest secrets.
So, it wasn’t a surprise that one cold December right, right after your husband had abandoned you for a special Christmas hunt, you found yourself in Miguel’s arms, kissing him senseless. The fact that your husband had chosen something else over you on a very special night just reassured you of your choice. Your husband did not love you. Sir Miguel, on the other hand, did. Very much.
He touched you as if you were made of glass, pressing feather-like kisses on your cheeks and the column of your neck, whispering gentle promises of everlasting love and affection. He held you close when it snowed, pressing your warm body against his, as he ran his fingers up and down your back, marvelling at the softness of your skin. When you turned to ask him what was on his mind, his breath was stolen.
Curious moonlight was bathing you in a soft glow, making you appear even more ethereal.
Miguel hugged you tight and promised to love you forever. You returned his promise.
It was hard keeping your affair a secret. You loved him deeply and always wanted him by your side. But you’d made a promise before God, to love and cherish your husband. Many times you prayed for forgiveness, as the man that appeared in your dreams and rested in between your sheets was not your King. You had to keep everything under wraps. Miguel was a knight and stood much lower than you in the social hierarchy – a hierarchy you hated. To you, he stood at the very top, as the holder of your heart and love.
“Did anyone see you come in?” You asked in a low voice, looking behind your lover.
He shook his head but decided to check once more. One could not be too careful, and he’d rather face the wraths of hell than to have you be the centre of a scandal. Miguel loved you far too much for that. Sure, he adored you and worshipped you more than anything. All he wanted was to sing ballads in your honour, scream from the top of the highest mountains that he was yours, let everyone know his heart belonged to you. But if he had to love you in secret, so be it.
“May I?” He asked, walking in, and closing the door behind him after you gave him permission. As soon as the door was closed, he rushed to your side, wrapping you in a tight embrace. “My Queen…” He whispered against your hair, hands caressing the small of your back to comfort you.
You said nothing, preferring to simply remain in his arms. No one knew this, but that’s where you felt safer, more at ease. You buried your face in his chest, inhaling his scent. Miguel smelled of forest and firewood, and nothing felt more at home than his embrace.
He understood of course and did not say anything. He tightened his hold around you, swiftly picking you up in his arms and making his way towards your divan. He sat down and adjusted so you could rest comfortably against his chest. He wouldn’t pressure you nor push you. You’d talk whenever you wanted to.
After a few moments of listening to his heartbeat, you looked up, tracing the lines of his face, his strong jawline and chin, and the soft plushiness of his lips.
“I missed you.” You said, craning your head up to place a chaste kiss on his cheek. “The meeting today was dreadful. I hate it whenever he drags me along. I’m just an accessory to him. Nothing more.”
Miguel’s gaze darkened. He hated your husband. The way he treated you was unspeakable – if you were his wife, Miguel would cherish you more than anything. He already did, although with no such title. But you knew it. You knew how he felt for you, and that was enough.
“He’s blind. You know it.” Miguel replied, tracing gentle patterns on your back. “He is blind and a fool. If he were anything but, he wouldn’t treat you like a decoration. He doesn’t deserve you. Cielos, my love, if I could, I’d – “
“You’d nothing.” You silenced him with a kiss. “There is nothing you can do. He is my husband. And he is the King. I may not care for him, but he still holds our lives in the palm of his hand. One wrong move and something could happen to you. I will not have that.”
He furrowed his brow. By God, he looked so attractive. Especially like this, all confused. You liked to see him like this. Your Miguel looked far too sure and confident all the time. It was nice to have the upper hand occasionally.
“But you are miserable. How can I live with the knowledge that my beloved is miserable?” He brushed his lips across your forehead.
“I could never be miserable with you by my side. It is you that makes me happy. It is you I love. As long as I have you, I need nothing else.”
Miguel smiled and leaned towards you, dark locks of hair falling on his forehead. He kissed you softly and his hands slowly shifted to your hips. A silent request.
“He won’t be here until late. The council is going on a hunt. He told me so.” You said breathlessly, looking up into that fiery gaze of his. You dropped your hands into his chest and felt your cheeks getting warmer as his hands slowly travelled down your back and into your hips.
“Is that so?” He toyed with the ribbons in your dress, smiling when they came undone. “You look breathtaking. You know I love this dress, don’t you?” You nodded, too entranced by him to form a coherent sentence, “Lilacs would cry in shame of being compared to you, the prettiest flower of them all.”
“Well, since that fool of a man won’t be here for a while…” Miguel got up, holding you tightly against his chest. His chestplate was cold, but you knew his body to be scalding hot once it pressed against yours. He carefully placed you down on your bed, stepping backwards so he could remove his armour and place his sword on the divan. “How about we make the most of that time? I’d like to show you just how much I love and cherish you.”
You smiled and nodded.
“I’d like that very much.”
Once his armour was on the ground, he made his way next to you, bringing your lips together in a dizzying kiss. You smiled against his lips and ran a hand through his hair. No matter what, your knight in shining armour would always make you feel better.
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Describing this last couple of weeks as you being “sick” hardly does it any justice.
In fact, you’d been through hell lately.
You would feel sick at the most abnormal of times. More than once did you have to excuse yourself from those dreadful meetings to rush to the nearest chamber pot to empty the contents of your stomach. Most of the food that was served to you in the morning and at night had you covering your nose and begging for some fresh air.
Just the mere action of strolling along the gardens had you exhausted, and you had to sit down often, fanning yourself. Your ladies in waiting were worried (or at least did a very good job of pretending so), asking you every five seconds if you were alright, and keeping you hydrated with refreshments such as fresh lemonade or warm tea.
Never in a million years would you suspect what was happening.
In your head, it wouldn’t be possible to get pregnant. You’d laid with your husband perhaps a dozen times when your marriage begun – you were in love and committed, and it felt natural. The kingdom needed an heir. But as time went on and he started neglecting you, you neglected your heir-bearing duties.
That’s why such an idea was so farfetched.
“Pregnancy” connoted the emergence of an heir, and expectation that bore no relevance to your present circumstances.
(That’s not to say you did not know how a pregnancy worked. You did. It was just that, in the labyrinth of royal protocol and expectations, such a turn had long been entwined with the prospect of securing an heir. It completely slipped your mind that the handsome knight who woke up next to you most mornings could be the cause of such a thing.)
Your husband had noticed it too. But he was far too detached to investigate it, and simply avoided you once you turned green with the smell of lunch.
“Make sure not to get any of the carpets dirty. They were awfully expensive.” He’d speak. Yes, you knew. You acquired them.
For a while, you decided to ignore it. You went about your normal day, completing each of your tasks – no matter how unimportant they seemed. Overseeing the gardens, checking in with the castle’s staff and assuring all was in order, organising and overviewing supplies and food for the next few months. You sat in the library and busied yourself with some books, and visited the kitchens in order to supervise the lunch that was being served to every servant and knight.
Miguel had abandoned you for the day – he was supervising the training of the younger knights, teaching them the way of the profession. You didn’t want him to be inside of the castle all the time, it would do him good to go outside and train the younger squires.
When you made your way towards the training grounds to ensure all was well with the trainees, you were rewarded with the glorious sight of your beloved, standing in the middle of a makeshift arena, sword in hand. He’d foregone a shirt, and your heart leaped at the way he fought knight after knight, proving once more to be the most talented of them all.
When the rest of the knights spotted their Queen, they stood straighter, taller, and bowed before you. Miguel looked at you and a smile graced his lips. His beautiful Queen had come to see him.
Although you’d tried not to make a scene or draw any suspicion towards you, you couldn’t help but walk down the stairs and approach the training men.
“Your Majesty.” They curtsied once more before you, placing a hand on top of their hearts.
“To what do we owe such honour?” Miguel asked, a teasing smile playing on his lips.
He looked so handsome, droplets of water clinging to his hair, beads of sweat falling down his tan skin, the soft rise and fall of his chest, signalling he was out of breath.
“Sir O’Hara, may I have a word with you? The king has sent a message to you.”
It was a lousy lie, but you needed to get your hands on him.
He signalled to someone to keep the training going, grabbed a nearby rag (possibly a makeshift towel), and gestured towards the path ahead.
“After you, Your Majesty.”
You smiled and led him to a secluded area of the training grounds, a small backroom, really, where the two of you could be alone. You looked around once, twice, and a third time before reassuring yourself that you two were alone, and then turned to kiss him.
Miguel understood immediately. He held you softly as not to crumple your dress and get you all sweaty – you had a secret to keep – but kissed you with the desperation of a man who hadn’t seen his beloved in a whole eternity.
His lips moved along yours tenderly, sending shivers down your spine, and his hand was quick to cup your cheek. He tried pushing away for some air, but you followed him and placed one last kiss on his lips.
“Is everything alright?” He asked you, thumb caressing your cheek.
“Not really. Today’s been terribly boring, and I think I must be coming down with something.” You confessed with a sigh. Miguel placed his lips to your forehead and hummed.
“You don’t seem to have a fever. But if you’re ill, perhaps you shouldn’t be here. It’s rather chilly outside, and you brought no shawl to protect you from the cold.” His tone was firm but caring – truthfully, all he wanted, was to keep you safe. “You should go back inside.”
“Do you wish to see mee off that quickly, Sir O’Hara?” You teased, putting on a faux betrayed look on your face. “I thought I was the woman of your heart.”
“And you are,” he punctuated his statement with a kiss to your lips, tongue pushing past yours to explore your mouth, the way he knew made your breath quicken and cheeks warm. “But I would hate for my beloved to get ill. Especially when I could’ve avoided it. Besides, I’m sure he wouldn’t like it if you were sick. He’d find a way to blame it all on you and accuse you of not being a worthy wife.” These last words were spit with a venom solely reserved for your husband.
But you knew he was right. It would do you no good to get sick.
 You nodded and kissed his jaw tenderly.
“You should get back to your training.”
Like he always did, Miguel dropped down on one knee, bringing your hands to his lips and kissing your knuckles softly, looking up at you with a look of pure adoration.
“My Queen,” he mumbled, before walking away.
You had to remain hidden for a few moments, so you could catch your breath and steady your heart before turning around and returning to the castle.
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You were making your third round around the castle, trying to abstain from the terrible fatigue and mood swings that had haunted you throughout the day, when a shy maid approached you in the hall, curtsying before you.
“Your Majesty,” she said, her eyes fixated on her feet, “His Majesty the King has asked to see you… He is in the council room and says it is important.”
It had to be. Rarely did your husband talk to the servants. He usually asked his council to carry on his tasks for him, arguing that speaking to a servant would lower his status as a man. What a foolish thing to think, especially when his workers nearly broke their backs to keep him happy and satisfied, cooking his meals, keeping him warm and safe.
What an ungrateful man.
You thanked the maid and walked towards the council room, where your husband was sitting at the head of a table, studying maps of his lands.
“Good, you were quick.” He said, not even daring to look up from the pieces of paper.
“You called for me.”
“Yes, I did.” Your husband finally spared you a glance. He looked at your figure, his eyes trailing the top of your head and observing your whole body. You could not make out what he was thinking, and to be frank, you didn’t want to. So, you stood there, awaiting further instructions. “I have just been informed the Thidorian King will be travelling to Arakhneva late this month. He will be bringing his wife and staying for a couple of weeks. This could be the chance to form a powerful alliance with a strong kingdom.”
You nodded as you took his information in. The Thidorian king was strong and prosperous, and while it wasn’t as prestigious nor as rich as Arakhneva, it was still noble. Forming an alliance with them was sure to be advantageous for both kingdoms.
“I am entrusting you with all preparations for their arrival. You must see that they are comfortable at all times. A feast shall be organized in their honour – I want no expense spared. Do you understand me, woman?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, my king. I shall see that all goes smoothly. Is there anything else you wanted to discuss?” You asked, eager to get away from that abominable room.
Your husband remained silent for a few seconds. Then, he placed both of his hands on top of the table and looked at you with a different kind of look. An earnest look, one you hadn’t seen in him in a long, long time.
“The Thidorian Queen is expecting a child.” His voice was almost emotionless, but you could make out the single hint of vulnerability in it. He was your husband, after all. You knew him. “It would be a shame if a smaller kingdom produced an heir to the throne first. It is your duty to bear an heir to Arakhneva, do not forget. I will visit you tonight. That is all.”
He dismissed you with a wave of a hand, and you all but fled the room.
The hearty lunch you’d eaten earlier threatened to come out – you almost ran to your chambers, locking yourself inside.
Once you were sure you were alone, you puked inside a chamber pot, tears spilling from your eyes.
It was bad enough to be married to a man that felt nothing for you, but having to actually lay with him and betray the love of your life… You emptied your stomach once again, and sat on the floor, layers of silk spreading on the floor as you sat down and hugged your knees close to your chest.
There was no way you could refuse him.
Your husband was prideful – a smaller kingdom having an heir before him would destroy his ego. That night when he came to your room, you would have to lay bare before him, and let him touch you.
You sighed.
How would you tell Miguel? He knew you had to keep your marriage up, for appearances, for politics, for, well, everything. He knew you did not love your husband. But he hated it whenever he came to you at night. No one hated it more than you did, but Miguel was a close second.
You closed your eyes and tried to get a few moments of rest.
What a tiresome day it’d been.
How exhausted you’d been lately. It’s not like you did much. Sure, you had a horse and went out frequently into the woods to get some fresh air. You enjoyed gardening, and more than once had tried to learn how to fight with a sword (an activity that ended up with you and Miguel with your limbs entwined, in the horse stable.)
Shaking your head, you got up. You called for a maid and asked her to prepare a bath, since you wanted to change into some cleaner clothes. Perhaps it would help you relax.
Within a few minutes, a tub filled with lukewarm water was placed in your chambers, and you ordered everyone to leave. You needed some time to think.
It was interesting to think how your life had turned out.
As a child, you often dreamed of true love.
Now, you had that same true love you’d always desired, but not for the one you exchanged vows with. In fact, you loathed that same man, repulsed his words, and despised his touch. Being his Queen was a sacrifice you did solely for your kingdom. And what a big sacrifice it was.
You had to talk to Miguel before dinnertime. You needed to explain to him what was to happen and hear from his lips that he loved you and all would be well.
But once you leaned over to fetch your towel, a strange realisation hit you.
Your water was crystal clear.
The water you’d used to clean yourself was crystal clear.
What day was it?
You pressed your towel against your legs, furrowing your eyebrows.
You were supposed to bleed. Why weren’t you bleeding?
In fact, you were supposed to have bled a while ago.
How long had it been since your last monthly course?
You started to panic.
It could be some sort of mistake. You’d heard from other women that issues such as stress or even diet could affect a woman’s courses.
You quickly got out of the tub, wrapping yourself in your towel, trying to wrap your mind around everything.
You hadn’t bled.
In your head, you ran every possible option.
It surely wasn’t normal; you were taught a woman should bleed once a month once she became a lady.
The only reason it didn’t happen was…
The whole world seemed to be spinning.
But you hadn’t laid with your husband. It was impossible, there was no way.
You puked whatever was rest of your lunch and breathing became hard.
You did the math in your head, recalling all the times you’d been with Miguel.
And no matter how much you did not want to believe it, it made sense.
All of it made sense. The odd mood swings, the fatigue, the nausea; you’d looked in the mirror and noticed your breasts had gotten more tender. It all added up.
And you had no idea how to deal with it.
You got dressed haphazardly, foregoing a corset and half of the layers necessary to look presentable, and called for one of your ladies – but not any lady.
“You asked to see me, Your Majesty?” Lady Gwen asked, opening your door ever so slightly. Once she took you in, her expression changed to one of confusion. “My Queen – is everything alright?” She asked.
“Gwendolyn, I need you to get Sir O’Hara. Right now.” Your tone was urgent, and she was quick to understand. She curtsied and left the room while you paced around, heart beating loudly in your chest.
What were you to do?
What would Miguel think?
What were you to do? You hadn’t shared a bed with your husband in a very long time. It would be impossible to convince him the… to convince him it was his.
It felt like you had been waiting for an eternity. You heard the familiar knock that was characteristic of Miguel, and turned your back on him, too afraid to face him yet.
He locked the door behind him and approached you carefully.
“My love,” he started, shaking his head. To have a Lady in waiting (a young one, at that) pulling him from training was odd enough as it was, and so he couldn’t help but think something was amiss when you turned away from him. “Is everything alright?”
You tried to steady your breath. How were you going to say this out loud? What if Miguel got angry? What would you do about it? How were you going to fix this?
“Miguel, I…” Your attempt at steadying your breath failed, and instead you started to hyperventilate, tears falling down your face. The frightened expression on your face worried Miguel, and all it took was two strides across your room for him to pull you to his chest.
“It’s alright, mi amor. Shhh. Breathe with me. Here,” he took your hand in his and placed it on top of his heart. The steadiness of his heartbeat relaxed you, and you found yourself breathing slower as he coaxed you. “In… And out… There… You’re doing wonderfully… That’s right, just breathe…”
You breathed in and out for a few more seconds before Miguel asked if you were better. You nodded and looked up at him, trying to gather some courage for what you were about to say.
“Miguel…” You felt the tears prickle the corner of your eyes again but fought against them. You had to be strong. “Miguel…”
He listened attentively, trying not to show how worried he was. What could possibly be so wrong that you’d look so shaken up?
“Miguel, I… I haven’t bled this month…”
He looked confused. How could that be a problem? Did it mean you were ill? Is that why you were so tired earlier? Did it affect you like that?
Seeing the confusion written across his face, you chuckled nervously.
“Miguel, it means… I haven’t bled – and I’ve been so tired and moody, and God, I cannot stand the smell of anything that I’m supposed to eat… I might…” You couldn’t bring yourself to finish your sentence, far too scared to say it out loud. If you said it, it’d become real.
That’s when it hit him.
He froze, staring at you with raised eyebrows. He took you all in, as if it was a foreign thing, if you’d suddenly grown an extra limb.
“Miguel? Please say something?” You said, your voice breaking mid-sentence. “I need you by my side…”
Miguel shook his head slightly, and you could see his eyes had turned teary.
Slowly, he regained his speech.
“You… You’re with child?”
There. He said it. Child.
You were with child.
You were expecting his child.
You nodded, worried about his reaction. What did that mean? Was he happy? Was he worried? Was he angry with you?
“My love, that’s…” Miguel chuckled – a hearty and true chuckled that reverberated across the room. He caught you in his arms and spun you around, placing kisses all over your face. “I love you. I adore you. I worship you, my Queen, my love. The love of my life. You’re giving me a child. You’re bearing my child.” He rambled on like a maniac, holding your hands tightly and kissing them repeatedly.
For a while, you forgot about your predicament.
You saw yourself cradling a small baby in your arms, Miguel wrapping his arms around the both of you. You watched as he took your child to the gardens, watching as he chased butterflies. You saw Miguel sing your child to sleep and kiss your forehead while you nursed him. Or her. You saw yourselves as a happy family, far from the responsibilities of a royal life.
It all seemed so close. So real.
Your illusion was shattered once Miguel let go of your hands.
“You’re carrying my child.” His voice was sombre, dark. It carried none of the happiness of just a few moments ago. “Mierda.” He ran his hands through his fingers, eyes widening in realisation.
Miguel let go of you and paced around the room, trying to calm himself down. He did a much better job than you, taking in deep breaths and walking in circles. He looked at you, took you in once again. That’s right. You said you’d been feeling sick. And tired. It all made perfect sense. You were pregnant with his child – you were pregnant with a child from a man who was not your husband.
“Mi reina, I… I’m so sorry.” He said, walking towards you.
You lifted your hand, stopping him.
“You are not going to apologize.”
“But I – “
“I love you, Miguel.” You said, taking his hand in yours again. “I love you.”
Miguel nodded and hugged you once again, kissing the top of your head slightly.
“What are we going to do?” He asked, rubbing your back comfortingly. “Does anyone know?”
“No,” you shook your head, “No one. I… I figured out today. I have been getting ready in the morning by myself. I wish to be alone, so I do not ask the ladies for help. No one knows.”
He nodded once again and pulled away from him, rubbing his jaw in thought. You decided to break the news now; it was as good a time as any.
“He wants to come to me tonight.” You said, sounding stronger than you felt.
Miguel looked at you, a mix of anger and surprise in his face.
“He told me the Thidorian throne is expecting an heir. Of course, his pride is stronger, and God forbid he is falling behind. He told me he’s coming to my chambers tonight.”
You saw Miguel tense at your words, his jaw ticking. You knew he disliked your husband. So did you. But you also saw the glimmer in his eyes – just like you, Miguel was very intelligent. His mind was running the same possibility yours was.
You saw him nodding emphatically, staring at the floor.
“He will come to you.” He repeated and kept nodding. “Yes. He will come to you. It can work… But…” Miguel turned to you, frowning. “You… You will have to share a bed with him.”
This was your biggest worry. What if Miguel was just like your husband, too prideful to give up what was his?
“It’s the only way, Miguel.” You hugged your torso and tried to carry on speaking without wavering. “I… I must engage in… marital relations.” You nearly puked at the words. “It’s the only way. I will lie with him. I must.”
“You must hide the pregnancy.” Miguel continued, looking at you. He appeared to be focused, deep in thought. “Dismiss your maids for as long as you can and call the physician in a few weeks. Are you feeling too ill? Can you pretend for a few more weeks?” This line was spoken differently. Of course, he would always sound sweet and attentive when it came to you and your well-being. That’s just who Miguel was.
“I think so. There was a chill outside today, perhaps I can pretend to have caught a common cold. It would allow me a few days of bed rest.”
Miguel sighed.
“Do you think… Do you think he will believe it?”
You scoffed.
“The King is far too prideful not to. Once he finds out, he will be too happy to even think about anything else. His priorities will lie with bragging about his heir to every kingdom. He thinks too highly of himself to consider me sharing the bed with someone else.”
“Only the bed?” Miguel quirked an eyebrow, finding it in himself to tease you slightly.
“And my heart.” You ran a hand through his jaw, committing it to memory. “I am sorry.”
He frowned.
“Your child…” You dropped your hand, but he was quick to catch it in between his. You’d said it. You’d said the word – child. “He’ll think it’s his… Your own child…” The tears that threatened to spill did so, and he wiped them away one by one as your words sunk in.
“He will know. We well let him know.” He murmured, kissing your cheeks delicately. “Or she. Nothing will ever take our family away from us. Even if we have to hide it for a while.”
You sniffled, covering his hands with yours.
“And when he’s born? What if he bears no resemblance to him?”
Miguel chewed the inside of his cheek. That’d be a problem. Miguel looked nothing like the King. His hair was far too curly, his skin tanner, his gaze harder, his shoulders broader and his figure bigger. It would be a hard thing to convince the King the child was his. It would be even harder to convince him of the same thing regarding a teenager or a young adult.
He shook his head, undeterred.
“We’ll just have to pray it looks like you then,” he caressed your face, “And we will look in the portrait room. Perhaps we can assume his resemblance comes from his grandfather, or great-grandfather. It would put his mind at rest, to know his family tree is strong. I will think of something. I promise. Alright?”
You mumbled a soft “yes” and sought out his lips with your own. Right now, you just wanted to hold him close. You were frightened and nervous, and it seemed as if the world was spinning. You needed your rock, the love of your life, by your side.
“Mi amor, this is my promise to you. I will always take care of you. Always.” His hand dropped to your stomach, to where your child probably lay. “I’ll always take care of our family.”
In that little moment, nothing else mattered.
The fact your whole marriage could crumble this night meant nothing to you.
You were certain you could do this.
You would share a bed with your husband and make him believe the child was his. You would give him the heir he so desperately wanted.
But your heart would always belong to Miguel. With him, you could love without fears or barriers. He would be always present in his child’s life. You knew that, even having to hide his identity, Miguel would be the greatest father the world had ever seen. He was already doing such a wonderful job.
You looked up and kissed the love of your life, attempting to pour all your heart and emotions into a simple kiss.
“I love you,” you said.
Miguel smiled against your lips.
“I love you too, my Queen.”
You could do this.
As long as you had your knight in shining armour, you could get through anything in the world.
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A/N: That's it! I really hope you guys liked it! I missed writing so much, and this was such a fun request! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go study for a test I have no information about, hahaha!
Have a great day everyone!!! <3
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ughtyrell · 2 months
Model Oliver Quick
Dying at the idea of part time model Oliver. Was scouted when he was a teen from someone who said he had potential. Did a few shoots but never went anywhere with it seriously because he had to study and focus on getting a scholarship. Once at Oxford though Ollie realizes he needs an income to help him along, because while the scholarship takes care of the bulk of it, he still needs some money for other things. So he gets back into contact with the person who helped him get jobs before. He tells them clearly though he wasn't looking for a career. He just wants to do some shoots when in his free time while going to uni. He knows he probably doesn't have the proper looks and attitude to have a career anyway. (Something the person denies but agrees to help him do this part time.) Ahhh the ideas I have in my brain. He doesn't ditch his nerdy/stiff style when he's not working but he does indulge in buying higher quality clothes because he likes the feel of the material alright? He has some really nice, stylish clothes because sometimes he would be gifted/paid with them because he's basically a newbie. He just doesn't wear them often if at all because he feels like an imposter in them, or just awkward about standing out. It's fine when it's for a shoot because then, he's just being a good worker and making sure he earns his paycheck. Obviously he tells no one because he doesn't have anyone to tell and even if he did, it'd feel weird to say it or bring it up. It's not like he's a professional or anything. He eventually meets Felix and doesn't tell him. He does say he has a job that he goes to sometimes because he needs the money. Ollie tries to stay vague about it? "Oh it's a...manual job." "My job doesn't have set hours, I get called in or told when something comes up for me to do." Farleigh hates how Oliver dresses but can't help but notice how it isn't cheap clothing like he expected. It irks him because if he can afford clothing like that, why can't he at least buy something that looks good? Random bits and moments that won't leave my brain. -Felix accidentally finds out about Oliver's nicer wardrobe because he's nosy and doesn't understand other peoples privacy. "Mate don't you have anything other than these old man clothes? You have to have something!" Opens Oliver's wardrobe and quickly starts looking around before Oliver can say or do anything. -Once again, Felix doesn't understand that Oliver doesn't tell people about these things for his own reasons and Immediately blabs about his findings to Farleigh and everyone. "Ollie actually has such nice clothes! Fit and stylish enough to be for models even! LOL!" -Oliver having to explain they are his work clothes because he needs to look proper and doesn't feel comfortable wearing them as everyday clothes. -Maybe Farleigh forces his way into Oliver's room to have a look at these so-called model worthy clothes because he doesn't believe Felix. Gets even more mad at Oliver because, wtf?, this little weirdo does have clothes that look good, why doesn't he wear them?! -If Oliver goes to Saltburn, because his plans were to work as many modelling gigs in the summer as he could during the summer, he gets found out and exposed by Venetia or Elspeth. Not immediately, either because Elspeth is charmed by his looks and says he seems familiar but can't quite place it? Or because Venetia wants to wait for a perfect moment to say something. Maybe double check her magazines before bringing it up. asdfghjkl, if anyone knows any fics with this idea or makes one, please, tell me!
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fairlyang · 5 months
Loser 🏹
w/c: 2.4K
pairing: loser!katebishop x f!reader
tags: 18+ smut. kate growing feels towards you, gay panic, slight jealousy, pervy, kate masturbates, you hear her
Loser!katie who happened to be your college roommate because you didn't have any friends at your uni to dorm with. You found out that she usually kept to herself, but when you would strike up some kind of conversation she was a bit awkward.
Soon though with newfound confidence she'd grow some balls and start talking to you!
Eventually getting closer and able to have conversations without there being awkward silences.
And then came the stage where she literally wouldn't stop talking. Ever. She finally grew closer to you and felt comfortable sharing stories, her hobbies, and would buy you food.
Loser!katie who would blab on about her favorite superhero but left out the parts where she works with him and only makes it seem like a role model type of fascination or a fangirl for some actor type of thing.
She also loved telling you about her archery and fencing, but she'd go on longer little rants when you specifically would ask her about them given she filled up your shared room with a handful of medals and trophies.
You'd listen intently which soon made her grow flustered for some reason but you didn't notice. You'd been friends for a good three months since having decent convos back in mid September but it became more in Kate's mind.
Loser!katie who had grown to have a fascination with you. Just like she had opened up, you had as well and she swore she could hear your sweet soft voice for the rest of her life if she could.
She already knew she liked girls but never did she think she'd end up in a predicament like this. Having to live with a girl who you now have a crush on.
She'd stare at all your features while you ranted to her about your day or classes. She admired the way your eyes would sparkle or the way your lips would curl into a wide smile when you were happy.
Every time you'd smile at her, she'd feel her face turn red. Her brain would act as if those pretty smiles are just for her but in reality maybe you were just really happy that day.
Loser!katie who happens to be quite a clumsy girl which was shocking because of the sports she does, definitely wouldn't wanna trip while carrying a bow and arrows.
She once accidentally tripped over a pair of her converse she left out on the floor but to her luck and also disgrace, you had caught her.
Her heart was racing so fast and it felt as if the world was moving in slow motion.
"You gotta be more careful Katie!" You exclaimed and carefully brought her body up to which Kate just gulped and gave you a small nod.
Loser!katie who soon noticed you were starting to go out with guys and would mentally (and almost physically) slap herself for thinking you'd like girls.
That was until she saw you making out with a girl at a frat party you had invited her to.
She instantly grew jealous and annoyed. Jealous because she had grown to like you a lot, more than a friend and annoyed because she didn't even know you liked girls.
Who would've known she had a chance this whole time?
So she got to drinking to distract herself. To keep her mind occupied from the jealousy that was filling her every thought.
Had she known you also like girls maybe she would've asked you out. But that was a huge maybe given Kate would practically be blushing and try to not hold eye contact with you at every conversation nowadays.
Loser!katie who left the party early after taking a handful of shots and nearly fell while unlocking your dorm room.
She went to her bed and climbed on top of it before scrolling through instagram to distract herself even further.
Well that didn't work out for her given you had posted something and curiosity killed the cat, she's nosy so of course she opened it.
She was first met with a fit check, you were wearing a tight maroon bodycon dress and she always tried to calm her horny thoughts from appearing but the tequila from tonight did not help her.
Her eyes immediately went to your cleavage. Your tits were sat perfectly, and that bra was doing them justice.
Loser!katie who couldn't help the arousal that was building just by staring at one picture. She laid back into her bed and spread her legs, hands slowly making their way down as her eyes did on your body.
The dress hugged your curves to perfection and as she was holding the screen to that picture she realized you had posted more. After that was a boomerang of you in the bathroom mirror with your tits pressed together.
Talk about impeccable timing.
She bit her lip and quickly took off her pants and threw them on the floor. She then slipped her hand under her boxers and instantly was met with her slick engulfing her fingers.
Loser!katie who let out whimpers as she lightly rubbed her clit into slow circles, imagining its your fingers over hers.
Her hips bucked up and she's never felt so needy and desperate in her life.
Has she reached a new low in this crush?
Was this too much?
Loser!katie who felt like such a perv touching herself to what you've posted just a few hours ago.
She felt very pervy but that wasn't enough to stop her fingers from going faster.
And it definitely wasn't stopping her from letting your name slip out along with moans.
And it didn't stop her from lifting her left thumb up to see what else you've posted. The next was a video of you posing with some friends.
She skipped that.
The next was a picture with some guys.
Skipped immediately.
But the next made her gasp and then whimper.
It was one big picture of you both at the party that Kate somehow forgot you wanted to take. But also had three other smaller pictures surrounding the bigger one.
The bigger one happened to be one where Kate's arm was wrapped around your waist and your hand was gently on her stomach.
Loser!katie who couldn't help but grin that you included her or better yet post multiple pictures together.
It made her heart beat and she just felt so happy.
Just like how happy you were when you saw she had a shirt that was the exact color as your dress.
You didn't even have to convince her to wear it.
She put it on in a heartbeat.
Loser!katie who was now teasing her entrance as she skipped to the next video to see it was you grinding against the girl she saw you kissing.
She groaned, putting her phone to the side, and closed her eyes, leaning her head against the pillow as more jealousy filled her body.
How badly she regretted not asking you to dance at least.
How badly she wishes that was her in that girl's position.
She'd hold you well and maybe even have touched you, sliding her hand down your back as you grind against her crotch.
Kate slips her fingers inside and keeps her eyes closed. She so desperately wanted to cum thinking of you.
Thinking of you grinding against her while her hands were up and down your body.
You'd look so pretty in front of her, throwing your ass back into her.
How bad she'd want to smack it and then fight the urge to drop down to her knees to eat you out.
She was practically salivating and her mouth was running dry.
She started to fuck herself faster thinking of being between your thighs.
Those thick thighs she always seemed to admire.
The ones she so desperately wanted to be in-between.
Loser!katie who was now fucking herself harder that the only sound besides pure silence in the room were her moans and her sopping cunt.
She tried her hardest to keep her voice down but with her imaginative mind, it somehow believed that you were truly the one that was fingering her.
The poor needy moans she was letting out were only growing louder as her mind played games with her.
She was thinking of you between her thighs fingering her and sucking on her clit while she looked down and held eye contact.
It felt so real.
She brought her left hand down and slipped it under her boxers before quickly rubbing her clit because she could tell she was close.
She wanted to cum for you.
"Please- please please-" she whimpered and added a third finger making her whine as well as squirm.
But she took it all and continued her previous pace.
She was imagining you calling her a good girl while pulling away from her clit. Murmuring sweet praises for her while you fucked her like she deserved.
The whimpers slipped out of her mouth creating a sweet melody that surely you would've enjoyed.
And surprisingly were.
Pervy!reader who was on the other side of the door listening.
It was hard not to.
You'd only heard the desperate pleads of "please" and couldn't help but lean your ear against the door because it would be a missed opportunity to do so.
Having a fine roommate? Sure.
Befriending that fine roommate? Love it.
So now it was simply catching your fine ass friend masturbating and you couldn't deny how good she sounded.
Her moans were angelic and you pressed your thighs together while listening.
Meanwhile loser!katie was so close to the edge, feeling her orgasm coming in when she decides to moan your name again.
She lets out a cry before her whole body started to shake and finally she let it take over, hitting her like a tidal wave and a poor needy mess.
She whimpers out your name and lays further into her pillow, slowing down her pace and moving her fingers off her clit.
Her chest was heaving and her thighs were still shaking. She let the horny thoughts take over once and she ends up with a full body shaking orgasm.
She tried to calm down and slowly opened her eyes then softly slipped her fingers out. She whimpered and took both hands out of her boxers before taking her dress shirt off.
She sat up and grabbed a tee shirt she had left on her little coffee table before slipping it on because she didn't wear a bra.
She then got up and quickly went to the bathroom, washing her hands then went back to her bed.
She went under her blanket and laid her head down before shifting and laying down on her side and throwing her left arm over her body pillow, pulling it close.
She went to sleep soon after that and once you couldn't hear any noise you sneakily went in.
Your face was warm and you were left speechless that she was moaning out your name.
Was she thinking of you?
Is that why she left early?
You walked into the room and walked towards her bed, practically tiptoeing because you didn't want to accidentally wake her up.
You pulled her blanket over and covered her so she wouldn't get cold. You then quickly changed and wondered if your friendship would soon change because of tonight's events.
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photmath · 1 year
Reine - Chapter 8
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Chapter 8: Wrist Kisses
Summary: Your twin brother was getting ready to travel the world and what better way to send him off than a week-long get together with him and your friends in a remote town outside Lyon, France.
Pairing: Kylian Mbappe x Reader
Word Count: 12.0k (I got carried away)
Warnings: SMUT (18+), cursing, slight angst, brief heartbreak, weddings, bittersweet, last chapter :(
A/N: Happy New Year!! This is the last chapter, it has been an honor writing this story for you all. What started off as a silly idea that I blabbed to my best friend with that quickly became acknowledged by others. I’m so glad that you have enjoyed, shared, and liked this story. I hope you guys enjoy reading the last chapter and I look forward to writing out more smaller drabbles of Kylian and Reine. <3 
Note: There is an image of the dress the reader wears but it doesn’t represent the intended skin color, hair, etc of her.
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Kylian had called you later that day, his voice thrilled but withholding.
“I promise it’s nothing to worry about,” he said. “I don’t want you struggling to sleep. I’ll tell you when I land in person—okay, I have to go, bye! I love you!”
Before you could respond, he hung up the phone and you just let out a laugh out of bewilderment. The phone call hadn’t even been a minute long and the fact that your heart didn’t squeeze in anxiousness, made you feel happy.
The drive back to Paris had gone fast and peaceful. Theo drove the first three hours and then you switched with him for the last two hours. The two of you talked about school and his first destination spots, including the one he was most excited about. A part of you felt jealous that he was going to be traveling while you’d be stuck in uni, but you had one more year before you’d be taking on the world.
Instead of going back to your apartment, you decided to head home, where Theo and your mom lived. You usually spent most of the break with her, even if the apartment you shared with Lili and Ana was thirty minutes away.
Theo and you were gathering your bags out of his car and the other supplies he had brought when you heard the front door open. Your mother met you halfway, engulfing you in a hug, “Oh, mon bébé, it’s so good to see you!”
“I saw you a week ago, Mamam,” you laugh in her embrace, wanting to return the hug but your hands are full. You kiss her cheek instead.
“I know, but I always miss you when you are away,” she says.
You smile at her, reminding yourself to visit her more often now that Theo would be gone. You had stayed close to home when deciding uni, not wanting to leave your mother alone, but somehow the distance still felt far for her.
She lets you go and you hoist your suitcase up the stairs to your childhood bedroom. The walls were painted maroon, a color that you were glad you chose instead of the vibrant teal blue that Ana wanted you to get. Your twin-sized bed tucked against the wall because you always craved for more floor space.
You set the suitcase down, running your hands against the white bed sheets. You hadn’t come up to the room often, wanting to memorialize the person you were in high school and younger years of school. The room in your apartment was the current you, but this, this was your building ground.
Pictures of you and the group thumb-tacked against the wall. Pictures of you and your father. You move a picture of you and Theo, knowing that the person being covered with another picture was Kylian. Kylian looked into the camera with a shy smile, Theo’s arms draped around the both of you. You had to be around fourteen during this time.
Your eyes go to another picture. One in which you are all older and in high school, Kylian’s presence is still covered. This picture was of everyone, including Ana’s ex-girlfriend. You slide the picture more to show Kylian. He looked exhausted but what caught your attention was who Kylian was looking at. You. You had been standing next to Lili and Kylian seemed to be focused on you, his hands in his pockets as his eyes looked fondly at you.
You feel yourself smiling to yourself as you pinch the image between your fingers.
You unzip your suitcase and carefully dig for Kylian’s daisies and vase. You had taped the dandelion against the vase so that it stayed preserved. You pull out the daisies and tie them together with a rubber band, hanging them upside down on your wall for the moment. You wanted to keep them and knew that preserving them was a delicate process. You close your suitcase and tuck it away.
There’s a knock on the door that interrupts you, you turn slowly towards it, Theo stands at the door with an envelope in his hand. He smiles softly, “Hey.”
He flaps the envelope in his hand, wrapping his fingers around it, “Um, Papa wrote you a letter before you went to Mexico. You were supposed to open it when you got back before school started…when he’d be away on his business trip, but it got lost.”
A business trip to Madrid that he’d never make.
You furrow your eyebrows and your heart suddenly feels tight, “A letter?”
Theo nods, “Yeah. I was supposed to give it to you but you know…I misplaced it and I thought I lost it for years. I found it the other day when I was packing my bags. I didn’t want to give it to you on the trip, thinking it’d be too heavy, so here.”
He walks towards you sheepishly and hands you the envelope. It felt dusty and the corners of it seemed to have been bent, one torn off. You look up at him and he gives you another reassuring smile. “Did you get one?”
“I did, years ago,” he chuckles. “I still have it.”
You turn the envelope in your hands. It had still been sealed shut so no one else had read it. You are slightly shocked as you look at your dad’s handwriting. Reine. It had been so long since you had last seen the way he would write your name. The ‘R’ swooping around the rest of the letters, to dot the ‘i.’ The capital “N” he would write instead of a lowercase one.
Theo gives you a kiss on your forehead and then closes your door, leaving you in your own silence.
You sit on your bed and take a deep breath. All you had wanted when you were younger was more time to express your appreciation for all that your father had done for you and Theo. Him somehow getting the last word in, made you feel nauseous but warm.
You rip the top flap of the envelope open, hesitating to slip the piece of paper out. This would be the last bit you would have of him and you wanted to dwell on it for a moment.
You set the envelope aside and unfold the letter, tears already brimming your eyes as you look at the date. It was written two days before he got into his car accident. You take a deep breath before you read the first lines:
Ma petite Reine, you have grown so fast in front of me and this was your first big trip. The first time out of the country! I can’t wait for you to continue exploring the world and hear about everything that you saw in Mexico. Mexico being the first country is a little shocker, why couldn’t you go to Spain? Why must you go across the sea?
You chuckle at his words and wipe away a few tears.
Anyway, I’m glad you’ve gotten out there. I want you to. You deserve it. I see the way you stay up hours studying and learning material. You are going to do so good in school and I want you to follow your passion. Right now, it seems to be chemistry, and if it’s chemistry, go for it, ma Reine. Even if you’re the only one doing it. If it changes, chase that one too.
But don’t chase a boy.
You cover your mouth to let out another laugh. Your father had heard too many conversations of your crushes growing up.
Kylian seems to have grown a crush on you, which is not something I like to hear from a raging hormonal fifteen year old boy. He told me one day while we were out putting together the shed, but I’ve seen it brewing long before.
Your eyebrows furrow at his comments about Kylian. Your father and Kylian had a nice relationship, that you can recall. Theo, Laurent, Kylian, and Kylian’s little brother, Ethan, would tag along with your dad on trips to do mundane tasks—like to the hardware store, or to play football down the street.
But when he talked to Kylian about this crush, you can’t recall when, if any, shift in mood happened. The shed, however, had been finished almost six months before your father passed away, so it had been a while. Months before Kylian’s taunting started.
He wanted my permission to ask you on a date to the movies. And I nearly knocked him down the ladder.
You grin through tears. Your father had always been protective of you, especially when you started getting into liking boys. The idea of you coming of age to have a crush on boys nearly gave him a heart attack.
I see the way you and Kylian hang out. He is a sweet kid, Reine, but don’t abandon your dreams for him. He wants to go big and make it into the league—and he will. I know it. But, Reine, don’t give up on your dreams to follow him. You first, always.
However, you’ll be proud to know that I suggested he ask you to a picnic instead. I know you hate the idea of movies as a first date, and if by the time you read this letter, he hasn’t asked you out, pretend you didn’t know. He’s been working up the courage.
I’m only giving you permission because he seems nervous—not because I told him I’d pull out all his teeth one by one if I found out he hurt you.
You smirk at his words. He had known you for sure, and god did you miss him.
I kind of pity him. He doesn’t seem to know how to express his thoughts correctly, and despite me trying to correct him, I think it will take time. So give him a chance. I like him and he’s respectful, but he needs a little more guidance, so don’t be upset with him if he seems unsure about something. Be patient and talk it out, he’ll listen. I would hate for you to stop being friends on something he screwed up with if this doesn’t work out.
If only you knew, Papa.
I’m not saying you should go on this date with him, I highly discourage it if anything, but if there is one guy I would want you to end up with, it’s Kylian. He’ll protect you when I no longer can and the way he looks at you—it makes me want to slap him for looking at my daughter that way—but it’s also everything a father would want for their daughter.
I want you to be happy, nevertheless, so don’t beat yourself up if you don’t like him back or he is too immature for you. Time will only tell.
Okay, enough about him, I’m not sure why I decided to go on a tangent about him. I think it’s because I started dating your mother at this age. I know that you’re starting to think about boyfriends and what not, but I want you to be happy, regardless if you’re with someone or not. Be happy with yourself first. The right person will come along when it’s time. I promise.
I’m beyond proud of the woman you are becoming. Swear on it, me and your mom are the proudest parents of all of France. I want you to keep on traveling, but if it’s something that you don’t enjoy as much as your brother does, don’t do it. That goes for anything. Don’t waste your time on things you dislike.
The group of friends you have are amazing, I don’t want you to lose them. I want to see them grow up and see who they become. You and Theo created a good group and I’m so glad you have them, ma petite Reine. Your future traveling buddies.
Oh and one more thing, good luck for the next school year. This one will get a little tougher, but not as tough as the next one. You got it. You’re prepared. You may get more busy with studying for these different classes, but make time to spend time with your friends—and us, your parents and brother.
Call me when you get back from Mexico, I should already be in Madrid.
Gros bisous, Papa
You fold the letter back up and stifle the sob that escapes your mouth. You knew it was going to be heartfelt and long based on the sheer length of it but this was beyond. He had written the letter as if you had more time together. You never got to tell him about your trip to Mexico, let alone the falling out with Kylian.
You couldn’t even imagine if you had read this during the time you were supposed to. How awfully everything would have been different. How you would know about Kylian’s crush, but him never acting on it and instead acting out.
God, that probably would have been so much worse. Your mind drags on thinking about the what if’s and you shake your head, trying to get rid of them.
You were a bit upset that the entirety of the letter had been about Kylian and the idea of you starting to date. You wanted more of him—something about his travels, something that happened at work, or something that he built in the garage. So many letters that he had written to you in the past were stuffed in the bottom drawer of your dresser, their corners sticking out.
Your father hadn’t been thinking his last letter would be about a boy, so you appreciate it wholeheartedly either way. These words would have served you so much better as a teenager, but even now as an adult, they help you understand him and Kylian. Especially the parts of Kylian he knew before he passed away. He liked him a lot.
There’s a knock on your door and you know it’s Theo by the way his knocks rattle against it. You sink down to the edge of your bed and sob into your knees. Theo’s arms are around you fast, encasing you.
He holds you as your body continues to shake. Going back to uni in a couple of weeks was going to be a lot more difficult, but you were healing.
Theo wraps his hand around your head, pulling you closer to him, “He’s proud of you, Reine.”
“I know,” you croak, your sobs go quiet. Soft giggles escape your mouth before you can stop yourself. You fling the letter in front of him and he lets out a snort.
“And here I thought you were sad.”
You wipe your tears, picking up your head. You muster up a sad smile, “I am. I miss him so much. He wanted me to call him when I came back from Mexico.”
Theo frowns, his hand clutching yours, “I’m sorry I lost the letter.”
“It’s okay,” you say, sniffling. It was true. “I think I would be a completely different person had I read this after I returned.”
“You think so?”
You nod, “Definitely.”
Theo’s thumb brushes up against your cheek, wiping away the last bits of your tears, “He told me to watch out for you—although you probably wouldn’t need it.”
You laugh and lean your head onto him, “He was such an amazing father.”
Theo nods, “He was. Taught me everything I need to know to be just like him.”
“I wish he was still here.”
“You and I both,” he sighs.
Memories of your father flash through your mind, but they’re brief, quick flashes. Him tucking you into bed. Him singing you ‘happy birthday’ with a single cupcake and a candle lit. Him teaching Theo how to drive while you sat in the back seat. And his overall patience when he taught you new things. He had built you a bookshelf, showing and explaining each tool, each measurement, each screw and nail. He showed you how to use each tool and you felt so powerful holding that knowledge, having curated a little wooden  house the next day.
You stare at the now painted and sanded down house in the corner of your desk. Then, it suddenly dawned on you. You rip out of Theo’s arm and he stares at you with panicked, curious eyes as you throw open your suitcase. You grab your clothes and move them, searching for Kylian’s mug. You grab it and stare at it in awe.
It was the exact replica of the house you had created years ago on your desk.
The black strokes matched the edges you painted in black. And the vibrant red roof is the exact same. The crooked window is tilted nearly the same angle and the door is the same: a crescent moon shape as the window and its doorknob on the right side.
“Holy shit,” you whisper. You felt so incredibly slow for not recognizing the house earlier. Your mind was wrapped around too many things to have noticed.
Theo is still blatantly confused on the floor as you bring the mug to the house. You stutter, “Kylian’s a fucking wizard.”
The two of you hear the doorbell go off and you almost want to laugh at the coincidence. Every neuron in your brain telling you who that was before you even have to take a guess. You put the mug down and fold the letter, tucking it back into the envelope and laying it against your desk.
Theo stands up, following closely behind you.
You can already make out Kylian’s frame through the stained glass window of the front door. You open it and Kylian immediately erupts into laughter as rain starts pouring down behind him. He holds a bouquet of yellow daffodils in his hand, tied together with a string. You shake your head grinning as you pull him into a hug. He picks you up a bit as he squeezes you tighter, making sure the flowers don’t get ruined.
“You have the face,” he says. “Spill it.”
You take in his piney smell and the smell of the rain already sinking into his hoodie. You can feel Kylian unclasp one of his arms around you to greet Theo. Then, you hear the door shut and you pull away from him.
He kisses your forehead, “I’m happy to see you too.”
“I’m so in love with you,” you admit and he furrows his eyebrows.
“Hmm,” his eyes squint as he flicks your forehead, “I think you might have carbon monoxide poisoning.”
You can’t help but burst into a smile and he snickers, leaning down to give you a soft but eager kiss. A hand of his sneaks to your neck and he notices your eyes are still brimmed red when he pulls back, “Have you been crying?"
You nod, “I read a letter from my dad.”
His eyebrows raise, “A letter? Oh, that’s sweet.”
“It was sad, but I’m okay.”
He leans his head against yours gingerly before standing up, “Okay. C’mon, let's go inside before we both get sick out here. The wind is picking up.”
You nod, grabbing for the flowers from his hand as you open the door for him. Your mom stands on the other side of the door, clapping her hands, “Kylian! I am so happy to see you again.”
Kylian pulls your mom into a hug, a grin spreading across his face, “It’s good to see you again, it’s been what—a year?” Kylian sends you a look as you tilt your head confused. He saw her a year ago? He winks at you as you walk further into the house, going towards the kitchen to grab you and Kylian a water bottle.
He laughs at something your mom says and you can’t help but to feel your heart warm.
“Go,” you hear your mom say. “Food will be ready in about an hour.”
“Oh, that’s great,” Kylian replies.
You open the fridge and feel Kylian’s presence as he beams at you. The tan coat he had been wearing now under his arm, leaving him in his hoodie. You give him the other water bottle and close the door, leading him upstairs to your bedroom.
As the two of you pass Theo’s bedroom, he yells, “No funny business!”
You and Kylian laugh as you enter your bedroom. You set the daffodils on your desk momentarily.
“Wow,” Kylian says in awe. He spins around as his eyes scan your room, “I haven’t been in here in years.”
“Glad to know you didn’t snoop around when you came over.”
He grins, “Never.” He sits down on your bed and bounces, “Tiny little bed.”
You laugh, “Shush.”
He holds out his arms for you, beckoning you over. You go towards him and he pulls you into a hug, kissing you repeatedly on your neck.
“I’m surprised you haven’t torn apart this room wondering what the meeting was about.”
You giggle, “You’d be surprised to know that my world doesn’t stop turning because you had a meeting.”
He raises his eyebrows, “Really?”
He pushes himself against the wall, his legs dangling off the bed. You lay in between his thighs and cross your legs so that you don't slip off the bed. His hands wrap around your stomach as he leans his head down into your neck, his breathing fanning against your skin.
You rub your hands against his calves, squeezing them through his black trousers, “What was the meeting about?”
“I’m getting put on loan.”
Instead of your heart clenching, you just feel relaxed. He hadn’t even told you where but you knew wherever he went, the two of you would be fine.
He kisses your neck, “To PSG.”
This, however, makes you freeze. You whip your head towards him, “What?”
He breaks out into a smile, the crinkles in his eyes deepening, “I’m coming home, mon amour.”
“No way.”
He nods, “Yes. I’m glad no one told you and you didn’t go searching it up online.”
You let the scream of excitement that bubbles in your throat come out and he winces and then chuckles. You reach up to kiss him on his dimple, “That makes me so much happier.”
“Me too,” he sighs. “Yesterday, when I called you, I was at the airport waiting for my flight here. I went to tell my mom about making the French team and then after that excitement died down, I told her about moving to PSG and she started crying.” He laughs and you just stare at him in silent awe. “I thought I gave her a heart attack.”
You laugh, pinching yourself that this was real.
“But anyway, I’m already looking at apartments. Right now, I’m at home with my mom,” he says, his hand toying with the material of your shirt. “I drove here without the GPS.”
He had remembered the route on how to get to your house from his and that made you let out an endearing smile, “Aww.”
“Okay, okay, enough about me.” You watch as he leans his head against the wall, his eyes glancing at the pictures of when you were kids. His hands leave your shirt as he traces the edges of them and then he laughs, “God, Reine, you were so blind.”
He’s staring at the picture of him looking at you fondly and your cheeks heat up. You close your eyes as he laughs.
“That little house you drew on your mug,” you start.
You feel him turn his neck and look towards your desk instinctively. You can feel the dip of his stomach as he laughs, “I see you figured that out.”
“How did you remember the house?”
His hands clutch your waist, “Because Reine, you were so proud of it when you showed it to me. You wouldn’t stop talking about it. I was ready to critique the window, but then I saw the carved out moon and I knew that there was no way I could top that.” You feel him shrug, “I don’t know, I thought it was really impressive. It stayed on my mind for a while.”
You snort, “Ahh, so you were jealous?”
You laugh, “That is sweet.”
“I did think it was marvelous Reine.” He kisses your temple. “I missed your art.”
You smile at his words. Despite him being impressed with your work, you were more captivated at his memory. How he remembered the details of the house was touching. He hadn’t seen the house in years, but he remembered the window being angled to the left.
He hums, “Although, you forgot one.”
“Forgot what?”
He pats your thighs and you sit up. He slides out from you and walks towards your window, kneeling down at the curtain. You lean forward to get a better view of what he was doing. He turns the curtain around and there taped up against the inside of it is a plastic daffodil.
Your jaw drops, “No way. How long has that been there?”
He peels the daffodil from the curtain and twirls it in his finger, holding it out towards you, “I put it here when we were fourteen. After I got you that bouquet for Valentine’s Day. Although I had hoped you found this years ago.”
You cover your mouth with your hands in just pure awe, “We could’ve had the greatest love story as kids.”
He chuckles, “We still can, hopefully I don’t ruin this one, too.”
You swat at his shoulder, “Kyks!”
“I’m kidding.”
“Are there any more surprises I should beware of?”
He shakes his head, “Nope.”
You take the daffodil from his hands reluctantly and you notice the collection of dust it had started to collect. Your eyes go to the yellow dandelion taped against his blue-green stained vase. You squint. You don’t really remember Kylian being obsessed with flowers as kids but maybe he had picked up on it now. “Kylian.”
He climbs to his spot behind you, “Hmm?”
“Did you get a dandelion and daffodil confused?”
You can feel his chest shake before you hear his laugh, “I did.”
The two of you share a small laugh.
“They are both yellow,” he explains. “I thought they were the same thing but then I realized one of them was a weed—and you weren’t going to tell me?”
“You were so happy about it I didn’t want to ruin your moment.”
He shakes his head, “And then the daisies, I saw them so I stuck with the flowers that started with a ‘d.’ My next one to find is a dahlia—but I hear those are difficult to find in the winter.”
His sudden knowledge about flowers made your insides feel gooey. You peck his chiseled jaw and he leans his head down into your lips.
“I’m serious, I’m getting you that dahlia,” he murmurs before he kisses you again. His hand grabs a hold of your outstretched neck and his entire hand being gently planted on your neck makes you shiver. His entire palm spanned across your neck and tips of his fingertips reached the nape of your neck.
He pulls back with a shaky breath, and a small moan escapes your mouth. He smirks as his eyes look back at your door. A mischievous grin spreads on his face but he shakes his head. The two actions are a juxtaposition.
He lets out a trembling sigh, “I think we’d break your bed, Reine.”
“Only one way to find out.”
His eyes scan yours, his grin widening, “Perhaps.”
You slip out from his grip and are quick to straddle his thighs. You let out a huff at the sudden stretch of your thighs. His hands slip underneath your shirt and he roams the small of your back, connecting his lips on yours. Your hands are already cradling his head as you sink your hips lower into his.
He lets out a small grunt, pressing his hands tighter against your back. You can already feel his bulge against his pants and he groans at the growing tightness.
Before your hands can reach down to touch him, there’s a knock on the door that startles the both of you. You swing off of him as he slowly brings his knees up to hide his boner. He lets out a pained sigh.
“Reine!” Your mother calls out on the other end of the door.
“Yes, Mama?” You call back, trying to sound calm.
“Food is ready.”
“Okay! We’ll be down there soon,” you say. You listen for her footsteps to walk away and then you and Kylian let out heavy breaths.
He groans, “Is this what highschool would’ve been like if we were together?”
You shake your head, trying to hide the embarrassment from almost getting caught, “Unfortunately.”
He pinches at his pants and sighs. His breathing is heavy as you watch his stomach rise and fall, “I love you.”
A smile tugs at your lips as you get up, “I love you.” You lean over to kiss him but he turns away so your lips land on his cheek.
“No, no, you’re going to excite him more,” he protests, pushing you away.
Your face twists in disgust but you laugh anyway, “I’m sorry about that.”
“It’s okay.”
He eyes you and you try to not let his trailing eyes make you more flustered but they do. You look away and toss his coat at him, “Vamos.”
“Mamam,” you groan, calling out for your mother. Why she decided to wait until the final minute to buy a dress for the wedding, was beyond you. You put the dress she disapproved of back onto the rack, waiting for her to try on the other dress.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket as you take a seat in one of the chairs in the waiting area, you see Kylian’s face on the screen. His contact picture being the picture you took of him at the waterfall: Kyki.
“Hey,” you smile to yourself as you answer. You hear him shuffle around on the other end.
“Oh wow, hi,” he sounds breathless and you furrow your eyebrows but remain content. “I didn’t expect you to answer.”
“Why is that?”
“Thought you’d be prancing around with Ana,” he teases.
You let out a small laugh, “Cute. What’s up?”
He blows out a raspberry, “So I got a new car.”
“Mmm,” you mumble, closing your eyes and momentarily imagining the luxury to suddenly buy a new car.
“Anyway.” You can hear the sound of a car door closing, the wind blowing into the phone. “I wanted to steal you for coffee and a book.”
“That sounds refreshing, mon amour, but unfortunately I’m stuck at the mall with my mom buying her a dress for the wedding.”
You can hear the lace of confusion in his voice, “Right now?”
He kisses his teeth, “I’d expect nothing less.”
You grin, “Maybe I can squeeze out of here in an hour.”
“Yes, do that,” Kylian encourages and then he chuckles into the phone, “or I could persuade her.”
“Don’t you dare.”
“Anything for you, but okay, I’ll text you in an hour, kisses, ma chérie,” you hear him making kissing noises on the phone and you cringe while shaking your head, “I love you.”
“I love you,” you laugh, hanging up the phone.
Your mom comes out of the fitting room with a light pink colored dress on, “I love this one.”
You give her a small smile, “It looks lovely.”
And it does. Your mind shifts to your father, he always loved her in pink.
She stares at herself in the mirror with a fond smile on her face and you blink away your tears. She was most likely thinking the same thing.
She changes out of the dress and you pay for it at the register. Any other day you would have flinched at the price but not today, you wanted her to feel and look special at the wedding too. Ana’s mom, Guadalupe, and your mom had become close friends through the friendship of you and Ana.
You drive back to the house in content silence. As you pull into your driveway, you see Kylian and Theo on the front lawn. Theo was slouched in a lawn chair while Kylian had found the hammock in storage and tied it up between the trees.
A smile spreads across his lips as he sees you step out.
“Mes chéris!” he yells. He carefully rolls out of the hammock and saunters towards you, taking your face into his hands and giving you a kiss on your cheek. He then goes around the car to help your mother out of the car. She gives him the dress to hold and he lets out a hoot. “This is really nice!”
“Merci, Kylian,” your mother says. Theo grabs the dress from Kylian and accompanies her inside. Kylian grins at you from the other side of the car. You hadn’t even closed the door yet and at this point, there was no point of doing so.
You motion to get inside and he ducks down, getting inside.
“Don’t kill me now, Reine,” he says as he puts his seat belt on.
“Oh shut up,” you shush. He snickers, leaning over to kiss you. “I thought you said you bought a new car, where is it?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“For who?”
You furrow your eyebrows, “I don’t want a new car. I appreciate this old Honda.” You tap on your steering wheel and he chuckles.
“I want you to see it when I pick you up for the wedding,” he says, leaning against the headrest. His hand finds your thigh, strumming his fingers along it.
“Is it nice?” you look at him curiously. The black long sleeve shirt hugging his shoulders made him look extremely nice that you do a double take as you turn the car on.
He nods, “I think you’d like it.”
“I don’t need fancy cars to woo me, Ky,” you say, still not having backed out of the driveway.
“I know,” he winks.
You roll your eyes while letting out a laugh, “Just making sure.”
You finally put the car in reverse and back out, driving to an old cafe that you and the group had spent some study sessions at. Kylian had shown up a couple of times to it so you weren’t sure if he was going to remember it.
It wasn’t that very far so you arrive quickly and you glance at Kylian to see if he’s remembered the cafe. The surrounding stores had changed but not this quaint one.
He gives you a knowing smile, “You’re sweet.”
You let out a laugh as you park the car, “I think Sylvie will be the happiest to see you. She’s like your number one fan.”
Sylvie was the owner of the cafe and barista who was well in her late sixties. She had watched you and the group grow up here.
“Ahh, Sylvie,” he whispers. “You’d be surprised to know I have visited her.”
“God, and that photo of you on the wall,” you roll your eyes. “I would hate seeing it.”
He lets out a loud laugh, “You could never escape me, I love it.”
He steps out and meets you on the other side, holding your hand as you walk in. The same bell that you had heard for years jingles as you enter and Sylvie turns towards it.
Her face lights up immediately, “Oh! Reine.” She clasps her hands as she walks around the counter to stand in front of you. She pulls you into a hug and you smile in her embrace. She squeezes you and sways before she pulls back. “And Kylian, come here.”
He chuckles as he bends down to hug down, “It’s good to see you.”
“My heart is absolutely exploding at the sight of you two,” she beams. She watches Kylian pull you in closer to him. “Aww, Kylian, you finally got the girl.”
“I did,” he says proudly, kissing your head.
Your heart swoons and you have to blink away your tears for the second time of the day. You thought you would be bringing Kylian to Sylvie, but instead it seemed it was the other way around.
“I’ll bring you your drinks out quickly. Go sit,” she ushers.
Kylian leads you to a tiny table in the corner and takes a seat in front of you. The ghost of a smile has yet to leave his lips.
“Where’s your book?” he asks.
“Where’s yours?”
“Touché,” he smirks.
You debate on telling him what the letter said. He hadn’t asked about it and you knew he wasn’t going to, he was too respectful to even think about it. You think about how telling him what your father said would change anything. Did Kylian know what he thought of him? You didn’t know.
Sylvie comes by and sets two hot lattes on the table and the two of you thank her and she walks away.
Maybe he did deserve to know.
“The letter my dad wrote…it was written to me a few days before he passed away,” you start. Your eyes skim up to his and his soften. You play with the handle of the mug. “He wrote about you.”
There’s a small crease in his eyebrows as he brings his mug to his lips, taking a sip, “Really?”
You clear your throat, “I was supposed to read it before school started but I never got the chance. Anyway, he said you were a sweet kid, that you were respectful and he liked you a lot.”
Kylian leans back in his seat, a slight smile tugging on his lips, and a blush? Were his cheeks really turning slightly pink or were you imagining it? His eyes dart to his mug.
“But you lacked guidance,” you say, your voice light.
He chuckles, “Guidance?”
You nod, “That you don’t know how to express your thoughts correctly.”
He raises his eyebrows, his jaw dropping, “I mean he wasn’t wrong.”
“Never that,” you say and the two of you share a laugh. His knees underneath the table bump into yours but he doesn’t move them away. “You told him you had a crush on me.”
He nearly chokes on his spit and shakes his head, “No, no, he ripped it out of me.”
You throw your head back in laughter, somehow, this had sounded very likely.
“Theo had been talking about this girl and then your dad just straight up put me on the spot like, ‘Hey, stop looking at my daughter that way.’ I was so embarrassed,” he laughs. “But then yeah, I told him.” He says it so casually, like this wouldn’t have changed a decent part of your life had you known when you were fifteen.
You toss a plastic covered straw towards him and he chortles. You titter, “You were never going to tell me anything.”
He rubs his eyes with his hands, shying away, “You know why.”
“My dad also said he’d pull out your teeth one by one if you’d ever hurt me, he’s probably rolling in his grave right now.”
He laughs, “Ahh yes, I remember him telling me that.”
“You probably would’ve killed him yourself had he found out what you’ve done,” you joke and he shakes his head.
His hands reach for yours, kissing the inside of each wrist, “And I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up, ma belle.”
His words warm your body up as his lips linger on your wrist. Your father had been right about him after all.
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Ana had told the group to arrive at the wedding a bit earlier than the rest of the guests, so that you all could take photos. So here you were, patting down your navy dress to make sure it hadn’t been wrinkled from sitting down. After fixing Theo’s tie, you go back upstairs to your bedroom, zipping up your suitcase.
The venue of the wedding was a hotel, Ana’s step-dad having rented the entire place for the next couple of days. It was where you and Kylian were going to stay for the night, as well as the rest of the group and any other wedding guests that wanted to.
Kylian was now on his way to pick you up while Theo would be leaving soon to get Lili.
You pack the little wooden house in your bag and put the flowers safely in a bag to bring back to your apartment. You smile at the fake daffodil that had now been cleaned, tucking it into your suitcase.
“Do you have space for this?” a voice says from the door and you turn to look at Kylian, having recognized it. He holds a yellow dahlia that had been stored in a resin-filled cube.
You grin, your eyes skimming to his all navy suit. His dark shirt and tie contrast so well that you immediately sneak your hands inside his suit, kissing him. He smiles as his hand wraps around your waist.
“You look lovely.”
“Thank you, you look dashing,” you kiss his dimple as you pull back, looking down at the dahlia.
“There weren’t any dahlias in store,” he frowns. “But I was able to find this.”
You take it in your hands. Your cheeks ache from smiling, “You keep giving me gifts when I have yet to get you anything, mon beau.” He slips his hands into his pockets as you place the flower into your suitcase, next to his vase.
“Your presence is enough, it always is.” His eyes have a delicate stare as he looks at you, his lips curving up, “Let's go to the wedding.”
You zip up your suitcase and he grabs it, carrying it downstairs. Your mom was already gone so you made sure to lock the door behind you, tucking the key under the lawn chair.
As you get up, you see Kylian’s new car, a shiny black Porsche. You didn’t know much about cars but you could spot a Porsche from a mile away. You raise your eyebrows, “Oh okay, that’s nice.”
He wears a smug look and you almost want to take the compliment back. “I told you’d like it.”
“It has a sparkle.”
His face immediately cringes, “Don’t say sparkle.”
You eye the car as he opens the trunk, setting the suitcase in. You tease, “A certain kind of glimmer.”
“Shh,” he groans, closing the trunk and walking towards the passenger side. He gives your cheek a kiss as he opens the door for you. “Ma Reine.”
“Thank you,” you say. Your eyes land on the watch he wears and for some reason, it looks attractive. That little accessory makes you eye him as he walks around the side of the car. As he gets near his door, you take note of the black-leathered interior of the car. It still had that brand new car smell and the leather swarmed your nose.
You take a deep breath. Maybe you could get used to this.
His hand brushes your thigh and gives it a gentle squeeze. Your hand lands on top of his and he starts driving to the venue.
The drive is a bit long with traffic but Kylian drives safe, never swerving into lanes in a haste. And then as he pulls into the venue, he parks the car with such ease that you purse your lips from making a snide comment. How you wished you could easily park like that. And this car is new? Pssht.
He kisses your hand, “Wait here.” He exits and comes around, opening the door and holding out his hand for you. You fix his tie as you step out and you see Laurent’s brown curls bouncing behind Kylian. Oh god.
“Kyki!” Laurent yells, pressing down on Kylian’s shoulders. Kylian lets out a grimace but then smiles, pulling Laurent into a hug. Simone struts confidently with her heels towards the two of you.
“Oh my, you look so good,” she says, immediately stealing you from Kylian. She wears a bright yellow dress that contrasts eloquently against her dark skin. Laurent has a black tuxedo on with a matching yellow tie and you smile.
“Thank you, you look breathtaking, Simone,” you gush. The two of you exchange kisses and then Laurent pulls you into a hug. He seems overly excited and giddy that you wish for a moment you had some of his energy.
“Did you guys just get here?” Kylian asks. His hand finds yours as you four walk towards the large building.
Laurent nods, “Yeah. Ana said to meet her on the third floor.”
“I thought it was the second?” you chime.
Laurent shakes his head, “She just changed it—said the second was where the bride was going to be instead.”
You nod your head. On the opposite side of the entrance, the Eiffel Tower stood. The sun wouldn’t set for another two and a half hours by the time the ceremony started, so the view would be the perfect picture-worthy frame.
Lili and Theo are at the entrance, matching in pink.
You all ride up the elevator taking a group photo with the mirror and Kylian’s arm is wrapped across your waist protectively. Laurent gushes loudly that causes Kylian to give him a smack. You all look disheveled coming out of the elevator as Ana stands there.
She grins, “Ahh!”
You all rush her into a group hug, careful not to get her emerald green dress messed up.
“Okay, okay, come on, follow me for pictures,” she says. She takes us through the foyer of the third floor and your eyes scan the building. Her family being able to rent out the entire hotel had amazed you. The room you and Kylian were supposed to stay in was somewhere on this floor.
Kylian lets out a small whistle, “This place is fucking magnificant.”
You laugh, “Right.” The light scones had gentle incandescent lights that Kylian’s pupils dilated, making him look handsome. The architecture of the wall never let up; every inch of the wall—from the floor to the ceiling, and the start to finish of the hallways—there were patterned designs carved into them.
Ana leads you all to two doors of a garden. You can already see three photographers setting up their lights and cameras. Your face warms from the view behind the photographers. Carefully picked out colorful flowers line the garden into this makeshift Garden of Eden.
“Wow,” Kylian awes.
Ana immediately instructs you all where to stand and which photographer to go with. She only had a small window and needed to make the most of it. You and Kylian pose for photos alone, and then you both join the rest of the group.
You sneak glances of Kylian from time to time, his smile was lighting up the entire room and you felt so lighthearted staring at it.
You all quickly finish with the photos, fanning yourself from the lights, Kylian walks towards you with a smirk, his hands behind your back.
“You better not have stolen a flower,” you joke and his smirk immediately widens.
“Damn,” he brings his hands towards you and in his fingers is a yellow daffodil.
“Kylian!” you scold, knowing the florist had probably spent hours perfecting this area.
He chuckles, “Here, I’ll put it in my pocket instead.” He puts the flower into his suit pocket and lets the head of it stick out.
You kiss him nonetheless, “I love it.”
The wedding ceremony had gone beautifully. During their exchanging of vows, their words shared to each other seemed to get to you. You felt emotional listening to them but held on to your tears. Kylian’s hand squeezed yours tightly throughout them and when they were finished, he kissed your knuckles.
Now, at the wedding reception, the two of you were separated. You were making your rounds greeting Ana’s family members and Kylian got caught up with other guests. A few of them had recognized him and had been chatting with him for a while. Him being the guy he is, he stayed indulging in conversation, staying interested.
“How do you feel?” you ask Ana as you hand her a drink. She thanks you, throwing it back and you chuckle. There wasn’t even alcohol in it.
“I’m glad there have been no hiccups,” she says. She sounds relieved and you smile, happy for your best friend.
You lean your head down to her shoulder, “You did so well, my love.”
“Thank you, never tell my mother.”
You chuckle, “Never.”
“How are you?”
“I’m good.”
“Anything new to know?” She raises her eyebrows.
You shrug, “I read a letter my dad wrote that was written a couple of days before he passed away.”
“Yeah,” you let out a breathy sigh. “It was all about Kylian.”
She lets out a laugh, “You’re kidding.”
“I wish I was,�� you laugh with her. “He noticed that he had a crush on me and basically said to be careful but to give him a chance. It was sweet. He had a lot of good words to say about Kyks, and he wrote about how proud of me he was too.”
“I wish there was more of me though, if I’m being honest.”
“Of course you do,” she sneers. “Wait, so he had noticed? But wasn’t Kylian starting to act like a total prick around that time?”
You shake your head, “No, this would’ve been a couple of months before. I don’t think my father had noticed at the very end. But you know what my dad said about him? That he doesn’t know how to express his thoughts correctly.”
Her jaw drops but then she closes it, “I mean, he wasn’t entirely wrong.”
“I know,” you groan, “but he immediately defended him. How rude!”
She shakes her head, “Kylian was super shy as a kid and yeah, I remember that, he struggled with expressing his emotions and everything.”
“I wonder what changed.”
“Money and therapy.”
You snort, “Jesus, Ana.”
“I’m kidding,” she says. “Do not tell him I said that, but maybe when he realized his mistake: losing the girl he always wanted because he couldn’t express himself right.”
You want to roll your eyes at her sweet words but it was most likely true. Plus, the hint of shyness in Kylian still followed him around it seemed. He just knew how to deal with it better.
The song changes to a slower one and you watch as the couples on the dancefloor come together, slowing their dancing. Ana lets out a grunt, “I’ll be at the bar ordering something heavy.”
You chuckle as your eyes instinctively search for Kylian. His eyes are already on yours and the light flickers around him and you smile. This was a textbook out-of-a-movie scene. He wraps up his conversation with those people and saunters towards you, a growing grin sweeping his face. You make your way to him and he holds out his hand for you.
His hands wrap around the small back of your waist and he leans his head down close to your ear as the two of you sway slowly to the music. He intakes a deep breath and you reflexively pull back from the ticklish feeling. He leans closer and pecks your neck.
“Goosebumps, cute,” his voice is hoarse. You bite your teeth. You knew what he was up to.
You pinch the skin of his neck softly and he grins. “Stop that.”
“I can’t help it, you look beautiful tonight,” he says. His lips stray by your temple and linger there for a moment.
You pick up your head and eye his lips, they’re slowly turning into a childish smile and you stifle a grin. He’s plotting something and it isn’t going to be subtle.
His head dips down to your neck, kissing the back of your ear before whispering, “Want to get out of here?”
“And go where?” you eyed him suspiciously.
You feel one of his hands release from you and he shuffles his hand into his pocket, jangling a key in front of you. Classic. The hotel room key. He has the biggest smile on your face and you scowl, “Kylian.”
“They won’t notice we’re gone.”
Your thoughts bounce back and forth. The dance floor was pretty crowded and the next song was fading into a faster one. You had already shared your congratulations to Ana’s mom and her husband. Your mother had spoken and danced with you.
You briefly scan the room for the others; Lili and Theo were chatting now at a table, Ana seemed to be flirting with the bartender, and Simone and Laurent were nowhere to be seen. Had they had the same idea?
Who are you kidding, of course they did.
You bite your lip looking back at Kylian who raises his eyebrows. One of his hands takes yours and gives your wrist a kiss. God, he needed to stop doing that.
Your face flushes, “Go.”
He lets out a small, victorious laugh, pulling you closer to him and leads you out of the crowded dance floor. He opens the door of the ballroom and lets you walk through first. He leads you to the elevator, “For a moment I thought you were going to bail.”
“I was,” you admit. “I didn’t want to leave Ana alone.”
“She is going to be in bed with that bartender and you know it,” he snickers.
You nod, “I know, that’s why I came.”
He smiles. The elevator doors open and the two of you walk in. He walks closer to you, leaning his forehead against you, “If you don’t want to come, mon amour, don’t force yourself to.”
You wrap your hands around his neck, giving him a soft kiss, “I want to.”
“Are you sure?”
He kisses your lips back with a bit more need and his hand sneaks through the slit of your dress. His fingertips trace the side of your thigh and you let out a gasp. The delicate feeling of his fingertips make your breath hitch.
The elevator dings before his fingers can travel further and he bites your lip teasingly as he pulls away from the kiss. He sends you a wink, before directing you to your bedroom.
Your cheeks are on fire and your legs are already starting to feel shaky. This was a different side of Kylian and you were enjoying it. He seemed confident and sure of himself around you now. Although there had still been the tinge of shyness in him, it was charming. You had to squint to notice it.
He opens the hotel room and swings the door open, letting you walk through. Your mouth drops in disbelief. There’s a trail of yellow and pink flower petals towards the bed and laying there aren’t red roses, they’re yellow dahlias. The window has the perfect view of the Eiffel Tower, its yellow lights already dancing through the unlit room.
“Oh my god,” you mutter. The sound of the door closing brings your attention back to Kylian. He looks proud. “You have to stop doing nice things for me.”
He bends down to peck your nose as he empties his pockets on the small dresser, “After I tormented your youth for years? Never.”
You want to let out a snort in response but you also want to cry. He must’ve gone through hurdles trying to find these dahlias, they weren’t in season at all. And you knew they were real because of the strong scent that they lingered through the room.
Everything that he had been doing this past week was for you and you have to clamp your mouth to stop the sob that wants to escape. He was too perfect.
Everything a father wants for their daughter.
Kylian made it so easy for you to fall in love with him. All those years of silence and regret, he had been making it up in a span of eleven days and was doing it flawlessly. You could tell he wasn’t doing it out of pity or guilt; that he was doing it out of authentic love.
You feel him press his body against your back and his arms wrap around your body. He kisses your shoulder tenderly, “I love you.”
You turn around and press your lips against his. He sucks on your bottom lip unhurriedly while his thumb swipes the tears from your cheek. Your hand wraps around the lapel of his jacket and the other around his neck.
He lets out a contentful sigh as the two of you pull back to catch your breath. He leans his forehead against yours, neither of you breaking eye contact. The glare of the Eiffel Tower shines on his frame.
You let out a sheepish smile, pulling him from his tie, as you walk backwards until the back of your calf brushes up against the bed. His hands are on you before you can sit down. His hands roam your bare thigh and give the back of it a pinch.
“Ouch,” you squirm. His lips go to your neck and leave lazy kisses. Your fingers are already fumbling to undo his tie and he’s chuckling. The sound sends shivers down your back making your fingers tremble.
Finally, you undo the knot and you pull the tie off with haste. Your hands are already slipping to take off his jacket. You manage to fold it in half and toss it towards the corner of the bed.
“Reine,” he murmurs.
“What?” You ask.
His hand sneaks to your hip and his fingers slip through the band of your lace underwear, “Thank you for not wrinkling that jacket.”
You laugh, “It looks expensive.”
“Mhm,” he mumbles. He looks down, his hand now having hitched up the slit and you gasp.
“You tore it!” you push him away gently and he wears a smug grin as he pulls your underwear from your legs. You had felt his hands fumbling around your underwear but you weren’t sure how he got to the other leg. You cringe, “That was a weird feeling.”
He chuckles as he dangles the torn white lace in his finger, “I’m sorry.”
“You better be.”
“I’ll buy you more,” he says. He drops it to the ground and he goes back to kissing your lips. His passion seeping off his lips as he pulls you closer to him. His hands stay on your back, lost in a trance of just kissing you at this moment.
You notice his frozen hands after a couple of seconds and pull back, “You okay?”
His eyes flutter open at you as he catches his breath, “Can I show you?”
“Show me what?”
“How much I love you?”
You give him a tender smile, and this time it’s you bringing his wrist to your lips, “Of course.”
His hand goes to your jaw as he pulls you in for another urgent kiss. Your hands start undoing his shirt and you pull it from his pants. He lets out a moan as you find his belt buckle.
You ghost your knuckles against his bulge and he groans, pressing his hips deeper into your fingers. You smirk and his lips go down to your exposed chest. His hand sneaks inside of the slit of your dress and palms your bare ass. He’s already pulling down the zipper of your dress.
Your fingers undo his button and zipper and you palm him through his boxers. His tip has already leaked precum as you press your thumb against the fabric.
He seethes as he drags the dress down. The moment you remove your hands from him so that the dress can come off, he’s pushing you back onto the bed. He wears a cocky face and you shake your head. He was supposed to be showing you his love but you desperately wanted to return it too.
His eyes roam your body as he unstraps your heels and your cheeks heat up. He was taking his time and you were already sitting up partially. He pulls his pants down but leaves his boxers on.
“Tease,” you mutter.
He chuckles and kisses your ankle. His hands wrap around your knee as he leans towards you, kissing your collar bone. His lips then wrap around your nipple and you fall back onto the bed. His vibrating chuckle makes you hitch your knee up, falling right between his thighs. Your hands immediately tug at the hem of his boxers and he groans, biting down on your nipple.
You let out a moan. His hand toys with your other nipple and then he trails it down to your thighs. You squeeze it once it makes contact with the inner of your thigh. His subtle touch sends jolts to your clit and you shift to get some contact from him but he isn’t giving it. Your fingernails dig into his back and he releases your nipple. He leaves kisses as he sinks down in front of you.
His eyes hitch up towards yours as he kisses your clit. His look and feel alone are enough to get your hips to snap up. His tongue makes contact with your wet clit and he swirls it slowly around. You throw your head back onto the bed, fists clutching the bedsheets and swiping at the dahlias.
“Kylian,” you moan. His arms wrap around your thighs, keeping them pried open despite you wanting to clamp them around his head. He loops his hand around and presses down on your pelvis. You let out a breathless moan. His thumb makes contact with your clit and rubs circles. His tongue travels down and enters your cunt. You squirm underneath him but he’s quick to hold you down. His strong arms not even working up a sweat. His nose presses up against your sensitive clit and the feel of it was riveting.
His fingers enter you, a wet squelching noise emits as he thrusts them in and out at a slow pace. You roll your hips against him, wanting more contact.
“Stop that,” he scolds, the vibrations of his moan only makes you want to do it more and he chuckles at your defiance.
The pace of his tongue on your clit picks up and you whimper wanting to hold your orgasm for a little longer. But once his fingers curl inside you, you’re a moaning mess. Your legs shake as you feel the tightening of your muscles.
“I’m here,” he taunts. The warmth of his mouth tortures you and your legs start shaking. He lets you squeeze his head with your thighs and welcomes your orgasm.
You moan as your come trickles down you while he gets up and kisses your lips. Your mind is still fuzzy from him, so he takes his time planting kisses on your shoulders and neck as you come down. Your hands lazily stroke his back and he chuckles.
Your hands slip down to his boxers, pushing them down. He helps you take them off and spreads your legs with his. Your pelvis meets his bare thigh and you let out a small whimper.
Your thighs are still twitching from your previous orgasm, but he doesn’t seem to be in any rush as he places more tender kisses on your face. His hand cradles your head while the other props himself up.
“You look so beautiful,” he mutters.
“I love you,” you breathe, your voice sounds exhausted and he laughs.
His cock brushes against your thigh and he groans. You can feel the halt in his kisses as it happens and you smirk. He may have been putting on a magnificent performance of being dominant right now, but he still had a major weakness when it came to you and accidental touches.
Your hand brushes up against his shaft and his hips immediately buckle down, you tease, “Sorry.”
His head falls into your neck as your fingertips ghost his shaft. It twitches as you wrap your hand around the head. He lets out a shaky breath.
His lips attack the skin near your ear and the sound of his faltering breath makes your breath hitch. Your fingers wrap around him and stroke him slowly. His sounds make you close your eyes and raise your hips against his thigh.
You spread his precum around his tip and draw your hand down the rest of his shaft. You give him a gentle squeeze as you reach his base and he whines in your ear.
He winces at the sound of his name, “Yes, ma chérie?” His voice is strangled as it leaves his lips.
He looks at you and you release his cock. You push his shoulder and he rolls off of you, letting you go between his knees. The look of bewilderment spreads on his face as he lets out a curse.
You grab a hold of him and stroke him. Your hands sink down to the end of his shaft and you bend down to take his tip in your mouth. He lets out a groan as your tongue circles around his tip.
“Reine,” he mewls.
The veins on the side of him are practically bulging out, you sink your mouth deeper down him and he shudders. You bobble your head on him a few more times before your tongue stops at his tip. The taste of him only entices you more to slowly swirl your tongue around him teasingly.
“Reinita,” he calls out. His voice is starting to get frantic and you know he’s close. He sits up and his hand clutches around the side of your neck. You maintain eye contact with him and watch as his face contorts. His thighs clench and he shakes his head, “Please.”
You give his tip a kiss and then kiss him. You lay down beside him and he breathes heavily as he hovers you.
“That was cute.”
He shakes his head, “Was torture.”
He trembles as his tip bumps into your pelvis.
“Are you okay?” he asks, his eyes searching for yours. You can tell he is still strained as he awaits his release.
You nod, “Yes, my love.” Your hand swoops around his back and the other on his cheek.
He kisses your wrist and then slowly aligns himself in front of you. You take a deep breath as he enters into your already still-somewhat clenched cunt. He groans in your ear at the resistance.
“Reine,” he whispers. His hand tugs at the arm on his back and he intertwines his fingers with yours, pressing them into the bed.
He slowly thrusts long and deep strokes. He kisses your shoulder and you keep your lips brushed up against his neck, peppering kisses occasionally. The two of you share a moan as he sinks deeper. He was starting to pick up his pace but still going at it sensually. He rolled his hips and the movement made you both shudder. He hadn’t done that before and wanted to try it out.
His eyes look at you in amusement and you grin at his cuteness. You kiss his lips and he smiles within it.
“Look,” he points at the window and the Eiffel Tower’s lights start to twinkle. He kisses your cheek as your head is still turned towards the window and you chuckle.
This was too beautiful.
His thrusts start to shorten and you know he’s about to pick up pace. Your hands both wrap around his shoulders as he props himself up. Both of your moans get muffled through passionate kisses.
You’re starting to reach your second orgasm and he kisses your neck to let you ride it out. His eyes stay on yours and they are full of praise and love. Your walls tighten around him and it causes him to have irregular thrusts.
You moan as your pelvis clenches, letting go of your next orgasm.
He’s right behind you—his hips wobbling as he releases shaky grunts in your ear. His last thrusts are disarrayed as he releases inside of you. He gives you a chaste kiss on your cheek.
He drops his weight on the side of you, breathing heavily but not as much as you. You curse him internally for having the stamina. His leg lays loosely on your thigh and his head beside yours.
You cuddle towards him, your leg wrapping around him and he pulls you closer.
He presses his lips to your forehead, “If I had just asked you out on that picnic.”
Your hand caresses his bicep and you prop up, facing him. He looks up at you, puckering his lips for a kiss. You kiss him and then brush your hand against his cheek, “I don’t want us to keep on tormenting ourselves on what could have been—or if we had just done something differently, anymore.”
He nods, “Okay, let’s not.”
“And I mean that. I know I think about the past at times, but I don’t want you thinking that way anymore,” you say. “I forgive you, Kylian. For everything that happened or didn’t happen.”
His eyes falter and his dimple deepens as he presses his lips together, “I don’t want you thinking that way either, mon amour.” His thumb brushes against your cheek, dipping down to the corner of your lips.
“I know, I’m trying.”
He snickers, “I’m trying too.” He pulls you down for a kiss and you kiss him, collapsing back down on him.
Your mind briefly flashes to when you were thirteen. The first time you met Kylian. His eyes and ears were too big for his body. The boyish grin he wore when he rolled the ball towards you with his hands, still somewhat unsure of how well you played or didn’t.
“I’m Kylian.”
“I’m Reine.”
His eyes had perked up at that, “Really?”
You giggle, “It’s a nickname.”
“That’s so cool.”
And then as puberty began to hit him. The way some of his words would be deeper than others and the rasp he would have. It always made you two burst into fits of laughter because they came with no warning. His height suddenly shot up within a year and he would always use your head as an armrest. You’d push him away and his lanky figure would go squirming.
“I heard Kylian has a new crush!” Theo would tease and Kylian would cringe.
“No way, Theo,” Kylian would respond, his face looking sick. “Girls are stupid—except you, Reine, you’re kind of cool.”
Kylian stirs from beside you, causing you to snap out of your old memories. His arms wrap protectively around your back, “What occupies your every waking mind?”
You look down and see his thoughtful eyes waiting for you to respond. You know you could respond with the most outlandish thing you wanted, or the most insignificant thought, and Kylian would indulge you either way. Immediately laugh or ask another question, wanting to hear what you have to say even if it isn’t important.
You had once grieved the idea of your father never being able to have met the person you would spend the rest of your life with, but hadn’t even realized that he had already met him. Had already given him his blessing.
Maybe Kylian finally ended up with the girl of his dreams—ending the personal guilt that he reluctantly carried on his shoulders for the past six years—but you ended up with the person you searched for the least, and ended up loving every piece of him. Perhaps you should have paid a bit more attention to him. To the quiet one. The most observant one.
Your lips tug up into a smile as you toss a dahlia towards his face, “You owe me a picnic.”
Taglist: @lovejessejay @cosmicmoonie @titti-maja @cepolar @venus2eros @idgasb @youcantseem3 @releasingtheinnerho3 @pierre-gasssllyy  @hannahzmllr @layla409 @maddisss @karotland @tudefy @bloommart @heli991113 @itshoneybae02 @lariss26​ @flawlessdiamond1​
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cartierdreamx · 1 year
Hacked into you - 2 (AU)
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Hi!!! OMG, I am so sorry for the long wait for part 2, I just started uni and I’ve been so caught up with that, with my other works of writing and just life in general, slightly sorry for the teasing in this chapter (I’m not hehe) but I really do hope you enjoy, this isn’t my best work but I needed to get this chapter done with some progress. Anyways, I hope you enjoy <333 Also, I might start taking requests for Jenna and Jenna’s characters to keep me occupied with writing somethings in between writing these chapters, if anyone is interested.  
Pairings: jenna ortega x fem! Reader
Warnings: swearing, slightly suggestive??? (it’s a whole lot of flirting hehe)
*I plan to write smut in this story and it does have some dark themes like violence involved, the game itself was rated MA15+ where I am from (might be different depending which country you are in) so my fic will be 18+ because I am involving more adult themes, if you do choose to proceed, please keep that in mind*
The Alcohol Talking - 2 
She smirks at me, I want to say something but the lights, the noises and everyone’s eyes on me has me in a standstill. SHE has me in a standstill.
The cheers boosted and fuelled my adrenaline, not only does the crowd raise my heartrate but there was something else, I could feel my blood heating up my internals, the redness caressing my skin. I can’t quite pinpoint the source, that was until she came to talk to me. The crowd disperses into sections of the beach, some drinking, some dancing, and some off in the water for a swim. Me? I stayed on the sand behind people to admire the view, the beauty of the scenes. We were right beside the golden gate bridge, the bridge is magnificent, that paired with the illuminating skyline of the city, it was breath taking.
“Like the view?” Jenna says
“Hm? Oh- yes, sorry, it’s beautiful.” The view wasn’t the only thing that was beautiful, Jenna, Jenna’s beauty spoke a thousand words to me. The only thing that was left of her identity was her beauty.
“Don’t be sorry love, I’m Jenna” She smiles.
“It’s very nice to meet you ma’am”.
“Ma’am?” She giggles, “you act as if I’m 40 with kids and a 9 to 5”
I smile and huff back at her “it’s a habit of mine, I should knock it, but I love it too much”.
She laughs at me, “I get that, I love giving thumbs up to everyone, any moment I get, I can. So, do you drink?”
“Yes ma’am, socially most of the time, but occasionally if I feel like it I’ll drink at home.”
“I get that and I’m the same, here take this” she hands me a sweet vodka based drink.
“Thank you, kind lady” I take a sip, and my tastebuds welcome the sweetness, because it is vodka there is a hint of a bitter taste, but its bearable.
Jenna and I talk more but honestly, I can’t focus much on her words, how can I? Her beauty spoke louder than her voice, it was as if heaven’s angels crafted her themselves.
“You know, the city lights sparkle nice in your eyes y/n”
She giggles. “well you’ve been staring at me for so long all I can see are reflections in your eyes”
Shit. With the constant drinks in my hand, it didn’t cross my mind that I’ve barely spoken words, I was content just letting her blab on about anything.
“Speechless, aren’t you y/n? yeah figures, I have that effect”
Is she flirting with me? Or is it the alcohol talking? Either way, I can feel my blood rising, making me heat up even more, but I know my cheeks are red too.
“Woahhh okay Jenna, bold of you to assume I’m speechless over you, could just be the alcohol talking”
“Yeah? Well, your cheeks says otherwise”
Fuck. She was right, she does have me speechless, but I can’t let her know that. With the constant joyous screaming and loud music around and the soft waves crashing onto the sand, I needed something to focus on, and that something was her. Granted, even if we were in a calmer environment I’d still be focused on her. In a room full of art, I’d still be focused on her.
“It’s the a-a-alcohol” Seriously? y/n stuttering, stuttering in front of Jenna?
“Stuttering? Wow, I really do have you speechless” She steps closer to me.
I couldn’t say another word, even if I wanted to, my throat was blocked, almost as if she has me under her trance.
“Do I make you nervous, y/n” She takes a step even closer to me, so close now I can feel her body heat, everything about her, everything about me, well I mean yeah, she’s stuck with me this entire night, might just be cause I’m fresh meat, I’d like to think it’s because she wanted to get close to me though.
I let out a gasp.
One more step towards me and now our bodies were practically touching, she places her hand on my waist.
We both take a step back, sit down on the sand and start laughing.
“Fuckkkkkkkk, hahahahaha”
“You know Jenna, if you wanted to kiss me you could’ve just said that”
“Who said I did?”
“Everything you just did”.
“Okay, but, like you just said, just the a-a-alcohol talking” she says mocking me.
“Oh, shut up!”
“Mhmhm maybe, but you like it”.
I did, it made me giggle on the inside, but it made my heart burn even more, not the heartburn, but heart burn. Maybe it’s wrong, maybe it is just the alcohol talking, but everyone second that goes by and she’s still here with me, the feelings grow stronger.
“Did you wanna get some food?”
“Yes please, I haven’t eaten anything all day”.
“And you drank alcohol, that’s a recipe for disaster”.
“Tell me about it, my head is spinning, but the mission made me nervous”.
“That’s fair, but honestly, you were in the second we saw you for the first time, you’re the missing piece we need, the breath of fresh air���.
“That’s sweet of you to say, but let’s get going or else I will start eating this sand”.
“Bahaha okay lil lady, let’s go”.
“Little? Jenna you’re shorter and smaller than me”.
We both get up slowly, making sure not to fall, or fall on top of each other. The party is still going on, not surprising though, I’ve heard these Dedsec initiation parties go on for hours, until the sun peaks the horizon, if you asked me I’d say it’s about 3am, it’s scenic and peaceful, tranquillity is what I feel when looking out to the city skyline, sonder. Jenna and I both agree that we need something greasy to satisfy our drunken hunger, though by now the alcohol has faded away and we’re both just tired and hungry.
“Come on, I’ll call the uber.”
As soon as I turn around to follow her, a man dashes into me and knocks me off my feet.
“Fuck! Dude, watch it”. I yell.
I look to see who it is, and my stomach drops when my eyes focus on the face. Dusan Nemec. Dusan. Fucking. Nemec.
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bunkernine · 6 months
PLEASE speak abt the parents Beryl Tristan and Esperanza 🙏 🙏 🙏
Ok outside of firmly believing that those parents HAVE to be legacies (esperanza ESPECIALLY or at least she saw thru the mist) I'm just gonna blab about an AU that makes me laugh. The way I spent 30 mins writing this instead of my finals...
Quick run down: the three of them were friends, tristan and beryl as childhood friends actually, and then they accidentally kill a man (monster)
Grew up poor in a small town, "trailer trash", extremely critical alcoholic mother. Dad left when she was a kid. Had an older brother who left as soon as he could and never calls
Enjoyed watching movies and tv to imagine a better life she can live in
Nerdy as hell in school, wore the biggest glasses in the world. Had a huge crush on tristan for YEARS, especially when he got hot in high school, but liked him before too
Has the sight, can see thru the mist and it scares the shit out of her. Part of why Rosa thinks Leo is fucking devilspawn cuz Esperanza thought she was seeing demons. She moved around a lot growing up because of that fear, but also Hazel's curse
Kinda a rebellious punk, wildchild younger sibling. Her and Rosa are CONSTANTLY fighting
She moves into Tristan and Beryl's town in high school, after her mom died.
There's a satyr and demigod in her class. She doesnt think too much of it. Her teacher is weird....
Kinda geeky, has 5 siblings but never talks about them too much. Was always a very sweet and quiet kid. Childhood friends with beryl, also poor too
Super into Ezperanza because she's different. Even when she's weird and mumbling about being chased she's still sooo cool compared to the town they're in.
Okay so now that they're in high school... I think this would be the early 80s 🙂 they essentially are together in a rag tag group, lost trio style, until they see a demigod getting attacked. Tristan hits the monster with his car. The 3 of them are HORRIFIED because they killed a man, but Esperanza keeps talking about monsters and explains it. The demigod's satyr is fucking young Hedge 💀 he's shit at his job so he just tells them about demigods and stuff.
Beryl is slowly ENAMORED by this. Starts drinking from this event but she is DELIGHTED by the idea of a new better world out there. Ezperanza feels like SHIT! She thinks this is all her fault and she's cursed. Tristan is going CRAZY, racked with grief. He is not doing well at ALL!!!!
Anyway they go to college with this in California together, mostly out of being closer but also fear of this secret (dead body) weighing on them. A few more monster and minor god encounters. Eventually, Hedge has to mist-wipe Tristan's memories because hes going crazy, which causes Hedge's issue with the Council of satyr elders or whatever. Idk its in the books lol. But this causes them all to separate and go their separate ways when Tristan can't remember the other two.
Beryl drops out of college, and gets scouted as she is waitressing. Has her big break, goes onto TV and gets famous. She begins to forget some of the little things about how much the demigod world is HORRIBLE. Once, she meets up with Esperanza and they stumble into a minor god, which makes her remember how much she wants to be in that world. She meets Zeus at a party :) and thinks he's charming and powerful, just different. It reminds her of the monster experience. She fucks that man obviously. Desire for something different to her shit life. She is CRAZY!!! 🩷
Esperanza goes to New Rome Uni because i luv that place idk if they allow mortals but she will!!!!! Because she goes to that fake school, no mortals really take her degree seriously which is why it was harder for her to get a job. Never taken seriously. She heads back to Texas eventually. She know he's Hepaestus when he approaches her at a library, doesn't like the idea of getting involved with that god stuff. Still falls in love. When her great grandfather falls ill (Sammy) she demands hepaestus to stay with her. He doesn't obviously, but he promises to come back, if not for her than for Leo. He has to. He doesn't.
Tristan doesn't go to college, he just works at like, fucking Hollister or Abercrombie because he's hot now. He meets Aphrodite a few times but she's busy and he doesnt give in. Eventually they meet at the beach surfing and she's like "I've been trying to get your attention for a while now"... She doesn't tell him she's a goddess but Tristan kinda has a familiar feeling. He's forgotten what it was but she just feels different. When piper grows up, aphrodite sends little gifts to "her favorite heartthrob" and he just gives it to Piper.
Anyway it was just putting little seeds together + being crazy. Beryl and Esperanza sometimes still talked. They met once when they were pregnant and talked about their kids playing together. Esperanza, seeing theu the mist, had an idea that Beryl was fucking a god, but its not like she has high standing either. Beryl and Tristan bumped into each other with their acting careers, but Tristan doesnt really remember Beryl the way he should. Esperanza and Tristan have some kind of twisted relationship I fear of will they, wont they with Beryls jealousy 🙄 such it is. Naturally the same with Beryl and Esperanza 🙏
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y’know not to jump onto the string of posts that i’ve been seeing about “please learn small talk for the love of god”….. but i think the memes around “all i want is deep talks and REAL conversations. none of this shallow shit anymore. i have to talk about space and existence and everything when i first meet someone” really do rot your brain.
because during my time in UG uni (2015-2018) i was very much on my high horse about needing deep conversations. but following that line of thinking is mostly why i made next to no friends at uni. i was so obsessed with the idea of needing “deep, meaningful and insightful” or whatever the fuck the memes said convos, that i really struggled to build small talk skills about “inane shit” (as per memes) like the weather, sport, the daily mundane hum-drum of life. and also work (but we all know i never worked during uni so this bit doesn’t count for me). i forgot how to ask people what their fave shows were, what their fave music was. hell, even what their fave flavour of coffee was or whatever. y’know, besides all the lame getting to know you ice breaker games at the beginning of each semester…. that tried and always kinda failed at trying to get everyone to build common ground and be friends, i really never asked these types of questions to anyone during undergrad. so obvs, in turn, no one/barely anyone asked them of me outside of icebreaker games. so, it was very isolating and lonely, to say the least.
but when it came to it, i never actually wanted the deep conversations, really. my degree was deep enough, being english and philosophy. so much so, that i didn’t even want to explain things to people (like the symptoms of my stomach tumour- ie constant bouts of nausea and extreme tiredness) which is exactly one (1) of the many, many things that put me off dating for the entirety of uni. i just wanted empty conversations, to keep my mind off of my assignments and the sheer amount of course content that i was trying to avoid for them. i wanted time to stop. to freeze. to slow the fuck down. and god. i just wanted someone to talk to. but lo & behold, fucking dumb ass early 20s me also didn’t want to talk to anyone bc “the conversation isn’t quality and deep”; all because of the amount of time i spent on This Here Hellsite (affectionate)™️ reblogging those bs memes and also liking them on fb. but what fucking early 20something year old actually knows what Quality Conversation™️ is anyway???? lmao. sure asf not me back then. and i’m sure asf not many other early 20somethings would know, either.
but now that i’m finally in a job, i see the importance of small talk. i see how it helps build routine and build connections slowly, but surely. i’m still building friendships at work. but god. it’s so much easier to blab about the shows you’re watching, what you did on the weekend, your fave wine/s, the good places to eat in the city or whatever the fuck else small stuff that you talk about at work.
because holy fuck. if someone had come up to me on my first day in march this year, demanding that “oh hey! we have to talk about quantum physics and the essence of being a solid state of non-celestial being and how that effects the very existence of humanity in the world” or some other weird sounding deep shit, i would have ran straight out of the office. like no joke: what the fuck is up with todd??? because we sure as fuck aren’t in a quantum physics lecture or a philosophy of science or physics lecture that would begin that debate. bc bro. simmer the fuck down and tell me if you like to surf or not. good fucking god. we’ll get to those convos on lunch break, eventually. but not when i barely fucking know you. sweet baby lord jesus.
like don’t get me wrong. yes. we need to have deep conversations with people. but you’re never going to get them if you totally block out and dismiss ALL small talk as “pointless, inane and useless” or “vapid and empty” as opposed to putting “deep conversations about time and the universe and how people meet in the cosmos (not counting vision boards)” on a pedestal…. and trying to paint yourself as a pretentious pseudo-intellectual (i guess) douchebag who only wants to talk about that stuff. because like i said earlier, no one wants to talk about the state of the human race or whatever the fuck the first time they meet someone, really.
(although asking political beliefs and stuff is probs a good idea but that’s a whole other post).
basically my point is: for anyone who is Terminally Online™️ and a Humble Meme Farmer™️ like myself and has had the Internet Brain Rot Worms™️ infiltrate their brain with the “fuck small talk! i have to have deep conversations the moment i meet you!” bullshit….. please try to break free from them. practice small talk in the mirror. practice in the shower or the bath. practice it while you drive yourself around (if you have your licence/a car). practice it in the dark of night in a seance of small talk demons. idek whatever your style is.
just. learn to build small and simple connections with other people with easy things like “what’s your fave colour?” or “what’s your dogs name??” et al. ad infinitum. because for crying out loud. when you really think about it, that’s what all those OG tumblr askbox question posts were all about. small talk. but it’s easier obvs with only a keyboard in front of you, and an imaginary audience. but it’s obvs different in person, where you can’t delete words and screwups. but who the fuck cares???
just get the fuck away from your laptop and actually talk to people in the real world. not just your fellow terminally online meme farmer mutuals on various social media sites. because then you’ll realise that small talk, albeit it being a bit of a pain sometimes, ain’t all that bad….. even for a socially awkward ambivert/introvert infp (like myself- see i’m still ~quirky ✌🏻✨~)…. and is kinda inevitably essential to building stable friendships/relationships…… instead of believing that being deep and meaningful and trying to force The Big Deep 🧐🌊🔮👽🤯™️ on everyone, all the time, is the only way to have good conversations.
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vminizzle · 1 year
SERIES || My destiny
Chapter 4 : back to normal?
pairing : taehyung x f.reader
genre : angst?
warnings : none :) mention of : bruises?
words count : 1.3k
A/N :hi hi guys i hope you doing well. Here’s the 4th part of this series. I’m trying to post 2 parts today! REMINDER : POOR ENGLISH.
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"you sure you ready to go back?" Yoongi asked hesitantly as you nod confidently.
"i mean, if you're not ready it's totally fine, don't rush yourself. If you don't f-"
"Yoongi." you whined pulling on his arm.
"i've been telling you that I'm fine and ready to go back to uni. It's been a week now.. i won't be alone! I have Momo-"
"and that's what worry me the most.” he joked making you punched him on his shoulder.
“fuck! it hurts idiot!" you laughed before continuing on trying to persuade your brother.
"I was saying.. ah yea I'm not alone, and i'm fine don't worry."
Yoongi finally sighed defeated.
“fine. but! if you feel bad at any moment let me know and I'll come pick you up, huh?"
"i can go back home alone Yoongi." you whined "i'm not a kid anymore.”
"i know you're not a kid, y/n, but i want you to be safe." he said seriously.
"I won't be able to bear it if something happen to you again.. you're my sister, my family. You mean a lot to me.” he looked into your eyes.
"ew you're so soft." you pinched his cheek.
“ugh i was sure you'd make fun of me but i don't give a fuck. I mean it." he said frustrated making you laughed loudly.
"you mean a lot to me too. you're my brother and you're all i have. I love you. thank you for everything." you hugged him tightly making him smile softly.
"ok enough, take off your dirty hands off of me." he pushed you away making you glared at him.
"bye see you later idiot." you waved at Yoongi. This one was sat on the couch with his laptop as you grabbed your bag.
“don't want me to drop you off?" he put his laptop on the coffee table before looking at you.
"don't worry, Momo is waiting outside."
"ok, be careful then. and don't forget, text me if you need anything." you nodded as he watched you leave the house.
⋆⁺₊⋆ * ⋆⁺₊⋆
"i'm so happy you're back, we missed you so much." Sana hugged you tightly as you entered the amphitheater.
You sat with your friends at the back of the room as usual waiting for the professor to arrive.
Groups of students were blabbing loudly, others were sitting alone just waiting for the course to start, and some were resting their heads on the table reading to fall asleep again.
You noticed the professor entering the room, so you grabbed your notebook.
"did i miss a lot of stuff last week?" you asked Momo as she shook her head no.
“I'll e-mail you my notes tonight, don't worry. You can look on my papers for now if you want.” you smiled thanking her.
"good morning everyone!" the professor greeted as the students greeted back.
You listened to your course until you felt your phone vibrate into your back pocket.
yoongi : you good?
y/n : yes yes don't worry.
yoongi : i'm not worried.
y/n : bitch!
yoongi : anyway, i'm eating with my friends tonight.
y/n : ok.
yoongi : i just wanted to tell you, they're coming over.
y/n : home??
yoongi : yea. is it okay for you?
y/n : yea dw
yoongi : i'll tell them not to bother you don't worry.
y/n : i'll stay in my bedroom.
yoongi : u don't have to. stay where you want, it's your house too.
You smiled at his message.
y/n : ty.
yoongi : no prob see u later loser.
y/n : see u later idiot.
⋆⁺₊⋆ * ⋆⁺₊⋆
"how was your day?" Yoongi jumped on you as soon as you entered the house.
"fine." you mumbled into his embrace. "yours?"
"fine too." he replied.
“my friends are coming soon." he informed making you nod.
“i'm gonna take a shower." you told him before going upstairs.
"y/n!" Yoongi shouted out your name.
You jumped out of your bed as you went downstairs gulping as you noticed the little group of guys sitting in the living room.
You’ve already seen them a few times but you didn’t know them really well. Yoongi never introduced you to them, even after all these years.
You approached where your brother was sitting.
"hi." you shyly said to the boys.
"Hi!" the cutest boy stood up from his seat rushing to you, bowing as he took your hand in his surprising you.
"I'm Jimin, Park Jimin." he introduced himself kissing the back of your hand softly.
"nice to meet you Jimin. I'm-"
"y/n! I know, Yoongi told me about you." he smiled widely. He was just so adorable.
"yaaa! enough, let go of my sister's hand.” he slapped Jimin's hand away, making the boys chuckled.
He was a really overprotective brother so he’s always been hesitant of introducing you to his friends. Not that he didn’t trust them or anything, but he felt like he had to keep you away.
Yoongi sighed before finally introducing you to his friends briefly.
"Jimin, Hoseok and Jungkook."
You bowed to them with a little smile.
"we eating pizza, come eat. This one’s for you."
Yoongi said making room for you to seat next to him, but you shook your head, taking the smaller box.
“I'll eat in my bedroom, i need to download some documents Momo sent to me.”
Yoongi just hummed.
"eat well." he watched as you walked to the stairs.
"eat well, Miss y/n.” Jimin said smiling to you making you smiled back.
Yoongi slapped the back of his head making the poor boy whined.
"enjoy your evening." you smiled to the boys.
Jungkook avoided eye contact as you looked toward him.
was he shy? you shrugged it off, going to your room.
Sitting on your bed, you smiled as you think about that "Park Jimin guy".
He was really something. He seemed really nice.
Hoseok seemed nice too even if he didn't talk much but his smile was enough to show his kindness.
But that Jungkook was really mysterious.. he seemed to be the youngest between them.
"oh no.." you stopped eating.
"did Yoongi tell them about what happened to you?" tears started forming into your eyes.
"he was probably embarrassed because of me.” you thought, a tear sliding down your cheek.
⋆⁺₊⋆ * ⋆⁺₊⋆
"your sister is so cute." Jimin said before taking a bite of the pizza's slice.
Yoongi glared at him drinking his soda.
“what? i didn't say anything bad. just as cute as her brother." he teased making Yoongi throw his sandal on the boy, this one avoiding it successfully.
"i feel bad." he suddenly said making the boys look at him confused.
"i've noticed the bruises on her thighs..and arms." he sighed.
"why are you even looking at my sister's thighs?" Yoongi stared at Jimin.
"sorry.. it was just.. the bruises were so dark. It seemed painful." he lowered his head down.
Yoongi sighed as he looked at how his friend felt genuinely sad.
"she said she's fine." Yoongi whispered.
⋆⁺₊⋆ * ⋆⁺₊⋆
"oh no, now I'm sure..he saw the bruises." you gasped as you looked at your body, more tears escaping from your eyes.
"he probably was embarrassed to look at me." you muttered wiping your tears away.
You decided to not think about it much as you finished eating and study the notes Momo sent you before sleeping to forget everything.
⋆⁺₊⋆ * ⋆⁺₊⋆
"wait a minute guys." Yoongi stood up making his friends looked at him curiously.
“I'm gonna check on her." he said making them nod.
"tell her i said good night" Jimin said softly making Yoongi roll his eyes.
"yea yea whatever.”
Yoongi knocked on your door.
"y/n? it's me. can I come in?" he asked waiting for you to answer.
He noticed that the light was off so he pushed the door a little more open and peeked inside the room.
He saw you, sleeping peacefully as he approached you.
He picked up the pizza's box and drink from the floor before kissing your cheek. “sleep well sis."
Walking out the room, he stopped midway.
"Jimin said good night." he whispered smiling.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
TAGLIST : @shescharlie @heyjiminnie @starstruckfangirls @bxcndd @0funsite0 @boredban @kungsoonie @bluekim2130
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