#tw: for self hate
eclipsewarrior101 · 10 months
SO…new Welcome Home Au
Broken Home
( Warning mention of death, alcohol use, depression, suicidal thoughts. Cult stuff and dark themes)
So. Set in a world where the puppets are real and live in the human world. The Welcome Home crew are seperated and have gone on separate paths after Wally’s death. You see Wally and Frank had a huge fight after a misunderstanding and Wally disappeared then a week later was pronounced dead. Only his shirt was found with bl00d.
Julie blames Frank and after a huge fight between everyone on who’s fault it was and choosing sides they all go seperate ways. While everyone tries to be civil Julie still blames Frank and it causes Frank to go down a rabbit hole of alcohol and depression. He can barely work and has ptsd.
10 years later a mysterious letter brings them all together to solve their friends murder…but..what if it’s not a murder.
Julie became a waitress. She’s still chipper but bitter.
Sally works as a teacher. She loves kids
Barnaby works as a comedian at the bar Julie works.
Poppy is a cook for a nice diner
Howdy works as a clerk at a store.
Frank works at a big museum but is an alcoholic and has become very depressed.
Eddie still is a mailman but has to take care of Frank who has so much self hate.
If you have any questions or comments please ask away my inbox is open. You can also DM me on discord.
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starlightseraph · 5 months
house md will always be remebered as the most insane thing ever broadcast because of how unabashedly feral everyone involved was.
a short collection of things that happen on the show, just off the top of my head, not even scratching the surface:
- house shoots a random dead body in the morgue and then sticks him in an mri machine, which pulls the bullet out of the dead guy’s head and destroys the machine, costing the hospital millions
- foreman gets bitten by a person with rabies
- chase kills an african dictator
- cameron steals drugs from a patient after possibly getting hiv from said patient
- house induces a migraine and then takes a drug made by his arch nemesis (who he’s been stalking for 25 years) to get the drug taken off the market. he then takes lsd (in the hospital, in the middle of a case) to cure the migraine.
- chase goes into anaphylaxis after doing body shots
- house stops an elevator so he can perform a cavity (vaginal) search on a teenage heart transplant patient who’s in cardiorespiratory arrest
- they give a neurosurgeon mushrooms to cure his food poisoning, then they stick him in an operating room. the neurosurgeon strips in front of a health board assessor.
- kutner dies for gay marriage
- house sets an autopsy room on fire while trying to juggle flaming bottles
- house gets recruited by the cia
- taub gets held at gun point after diagnosing a stripper with skin cancer
- in almost every single episode, the team breaks into multiple houses
- house fakes terminal brain cancer so he can get drugs implanted directly into the pleasure centre of his brain
- house cons us immigration to get his fake wife a green card. he also uses his fake wife’s ukrainian food truck to spy on people
- house tries to get wilson, his closet case boybestfriend, into bed every few episodes. every other sentence out of house’s mouth is about wanting to rail wilson.
- taub has a kid with his ex-wife, after they divorce, at the same time he has a kid with his 25 yo side piece. the kids’ names are sophie and sophia.
- house and wilson have a bet on who can hide a chicken in the hospital the longest without anyone finding out
- house tries to kill himself like 6 times and always fails (insulin shock, overdoses, electrocution, jumping off a building, cutting, etc)
- house fakes his death to get out of a prison sentence after violating his parole so he can live out his bi love story with his gay best friend who has 5 months to live
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injuredsoullessfrog · 6 months
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morgancvts · 7 months
My problem is me. I can’t socialize for shit. All i do is self sabotage. There is something wrong with me that no one can fix.
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cid1060-3 · 8 months
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vixensofdeath · 8 months
the urge to die and become nothing becomes stronger every day
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shuaaflower · 9 months
I‘m a burden for everyone. I’m even a burden to myself.
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llsadgirl · 7 months
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-from Pinterest
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styrostuff · 2 months
okay you know what
1,000 notes and i’m gonna make an active attempt at getting clean and trying to figure out how to learn to enjoy life.
i don’t mean this in an attention seeking way! well kind of. i think i would be a bit more incentivized to recover if i had a couple hundred eyes on me instead of just my friends and family.
i’m tired of being sick. i’ll still use this account to vent but i wanna prove to myself that someday i’ll be more than my addiction and mental illness
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i’m at a day right now, which is a very big milestone for me. i hope i can continue to make strides towards somewhere better.
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1m-dy1ng-l0lz · 5 months
I k1ll myself in my head about 15 times a day, why can't at least one of them be real?
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steeviesvent · 11 months
I’m tired of wishing I was dead.
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fucklife101 · 1 year
I don’t know how many “just make it through today”s I’ve got left.
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leonorasthings · 3 months
Sh, masturbate, or sleep? That’s what’s really about…..
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insignificantfailure · 8 months
Why the fuck am I the way I am
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cid1060-3 · 8 months
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injuredsoullessfrog · 6 months
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