#trial by firing squad
brighteuphony · 27 days
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I love Chiyo- and I kind of headcanon her as a Witch of the Woods (Sands???) archetype- a bitter old woman who has sacrificed too much, experienced and committed more atrocities than anyone can imagine, and who knows the truth about what lies in the hearts of men to live among the villages anymore.
In my AU she's got a pretty dark backstory. Back in time when Villages were just getting established, women weren't allowed to be shinobi in the same capacity as men. There was too much warring and death among the clans to risk women, so they were only ever allowed to serve as spies or medics. (Chiyo started off as a medic).
And like any military/fascist dictatorship, serving the state was more important than anything else- so women who were kunoichi were given missions to steal and return with powerful bloodlines. Even before villages, this was a common fear among clans (which is why so many of them have protective measures and inbreed/arrange matches very carefully).
Chiyo was one such woman, who took a X-rated mission in her youth because she was told it would 'serve her nation'. There was a powerful bloodline whose Kekkei Genkai could harden sand to something akin to Steel- something Suna very desperately wanted.
Chiyo succeeded in her mission, but despite the veneer of 'serving your nation', when she returned, she was considered, in her words, "Just another whore."
Then when her son didn't manifest the bloodline- it was worse, but Chiyo was happy because that meant her son was HERS. (This is when she met Enji, and he saved her son's life at great cost- so Chiyo owes him a blood/life debt.)
Then the war came, and they needed women to fight so now serving the nation meant something different, and Chiyo became a full fledged 'shinobi' and turned her healing towards poison and death- especially when she had to fight the Salamander.
Then she sealed Gaara and that was the atrocity straw that broke the camel's back and she dipped out Suna and retired to an oasis. She's still a healer, but adamantly refuses to serve shinobi.
Once again, thank you so much for these asks and all the support for this AU?
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destroyerofnations92 · 5 months
You can find a teaser of chapter two of a dragon's wroth on AO3 if you follow the link above. The full stories can be found on my Patreon, so if you like what you read and perhaps you'd like to read more (full) stories set in the wondrous World of Westeros, then take a visit. For only $10+VAT, you get early access to all my stories months in advance to other fanfiction websites, including AO3. For those interested there is a one-week free trial, so you get to dip your toes in before committing.
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grugzone · 1 year
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stardust-kenobi · 27 days
moonlight & heartbeats
Hunter x Fem!Reader
Summary: A year after being rescued by Hunter from near-death on Tantiss, your peaceful life on Pabu is plagued with rampant nightmares. Hunter, now your close friend, senses your distress one night and comes to check on you.
Word count: ~5.5k
Warnings/tags: SMUT (piv sex, fingering, oral, dirty talk), hurt/comfort, mutual pining, mentioned violence, friends to lovers trope, Hunter cheesily senses reader’s heartbeat, the usual “use of his abilities” smut tropes, sorry not sorry<3
A/N - this has maybe more backstory than necessary but I decided my porn would have SOME plot this time. Enjoy <3
Read on AO3
Partially requested by @yunggoblin. Hunter uses his hearing more than his scent here but still goes along with your prompt :)
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The rain poured relentlessly from the darkened sky. Your clothes now weighed heavy upon your beaten figure. The metal beneath your knees felt more unforgiving by the second. The trooper behind you, a clone trooper, held you by your shoulder, keeping you firmly in place.
Your trembling body barely had the strength to sit upright as you painfully craned your neck upward to the steel blaster barrel now level with your forehead. Just moments before, you were sheltering from the attack on the base inside Hemlock’s ship that you were repairing. A mechanic. You were just a mechanic. They’d accused you of treason, and there was no right to a fair trial if they’d thought you betrayed your mighty employer.
"The Empire thanks you for your service" The well-dressed Imperial officer spoke blankly as his finger hovered over the trigger. You’d never even seen him before, and somehow he held the right to take your life.
Your heart sat uncomfortably in your throat as your eyes squeezed shut in anticipation of the final breath you'd ever take.
Just as the blaster fired, your vision went hazy, and your eyes flashed open.
You found yourself sitting upright in your bed, panting frantically as a bead of sweat dripped down your temple. You grasped at your chest like it would help you breathe better, but you knew it was useless. It was only the third time this week you'd had the same nightmare, or at least, some variation of it. Usually in your nightmare, you were in the rain, as it truly happened. Other times you found yourself elsewhere on Tantiss base. Regardless, the dream always ended with a blaster at your head, reliving what you thought was going to be your final moments.
That is, if you had not been rescued by Clone Force 99. Had it not been for Hunter stealthily jumping into action. He didn't know you, not at the time. He saw a woman seconds away from execution and didn't think twice. You wonder, though, why he saved a woman in imperial dressings. What about you made him see you differently among every other imperial he and his squad killed without hesitation that day on Tantiss?
You were a mechanic for the Empire, and barely one at that. You were in training at the time of your near-execution. Somehow, your skills working on speeders on your outer-rim home world caught the attention of an Imperial Admiral during their invasion of your planet. You didn't have much choice, but you tried to make the best of it.
A few weeks into your job, you were accused of tampering with the safety of Admiral Tarkin's ship. It wasn't true, but your word meant nothing once you were accused. Truthfully, you never signed up for what the Empire had planned for you anyway.
Almost a year had passed since that day, but it never seemed to get any easier. The warm and happily endless days in your new home on Pabu were an oasis compared to your days serving the Empire. Unfortunately, though, even in a paradise of unbothered territory, the Empire still held you in its grasp with these unrelenting nightmares.
Your head rested heavily in your palms as you leaned over the side of the bed. Your roommate was thankfully gone for the night, so you were confident that no one heard your panting and muffled pleas for mercy in your sleep.
The beating of your heart began to pump the breaks ever so slowly. Looking around your home, you felt comfort in knowing you were safe. It always took you a few moments to let it sink in:
It wasn’t real.
The Empire cannot hurt you.
You are safe.
Your attempted solitude was abruptly halted by a sudden knock at the door. You rubbed your face to gather your composure before walking to the door and cracking it open.
Hunter’s face, illuminated by the glow of the moonlight, came into view. Your heart skipped a beat. His presence was always welcomed, but no matter how close you were to Hunter, he always gave the gentlest butterflies.
“Hunter, wh-” You began, your voice rough from sleep.
“Are you alright, sweetheart?” He spoke gently, his eyes heavy with worry. He cared so deeply for you.
You couldn’t bring yourself to answer that question verbally. Pulling the door open, you gestured for him to come inside.
He entered, hesitantly. His eyes not so subtly traveled the length of your body, barely covered by the silk nightgown you wore. His jaw clenched as he made himself look away.
“Sorry, I’ll cover up” You said frantically, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. Scrambling to find a tunic, he politely interrupted you.
“No, please” He begged. There was a hint of desire in his tone that you chose to dismiss, “I mean, it’s your home. Don’t worry about me”. His eyes still wandered. Hunter couldn’t peel his eyes away from your exposed skin. At least not completely before finally finding your gaze and holding it.
Setting down the tunic, you crossed your arms, nodding in agreement.
“I’ve…been better. Just a…bad dream is all” You struggled with your words, answering his initial question.
“I, um, sensed that you were…distressed” He started, nervously, “Sorry, It’s not by choice. But I couldn’t ignore it”.
It was no surprise that he could tell. The villa you were housed in was side by side with Hunter and Crosshair’s villa, with Hunter’s bunk being on just the other side of the thin walls of your own room. It wasn’t a lot of space, but it was graciously gifted to you by the Pabu government, and you were grateful.
But although it wasn’t surprising, you were startled by the idea that he could sense your nerves and heartbeat through the wall.
What else could he sense? What could he hear?
“What were you doing awake? It’s the middle of the night” You countered, shaking your head subtly, wearing a soft smile in admiration of his concern and derailing from the topic only slightly.
He sighed and sat himself on your bunk, “Was having some bad dreams myself” he confessed, his elbows resting on his thighs. You followed suit, sitting on your bunk next to him.
You nodded and let the silence between you fill the small space for a moment. It wasn't awkward. It never was with him.
“It’s been a year. I just…I can’t shake how real it feels. Every single time I have this dream -- it’s like I’m right back on Tantiss, staring up through the barrel of a blaster. But…in my dream— my nightmare—you never come to save me” You breathe out, almost choking on the last part.
Hunter’s brows furrow with concern and pain. He thought it over for a few seconds, reliving that moment when he saved your life, shooting the officer dead where he stood as well as the troopers surrounding you. His face twisted in sorrow once more before he spoke again.
“I see Tech” He began, his voice broken, “Every time I close my eyes to sleep. Over and over again, I see him die”
“Oh, Hunter” your voice cracks with his name falling off your lips. Your heart broke for him, for the others. You never had the pleasure of knowing Tech, but from the endless stories the others in the squad had to share, you knew he was extraordinary.
Hunter's eyes remained on the ground for a moment before looking over to meet your gaze. He reached out and rested his hand upon your knee. You were ashamed to admit that the gentlest of his touch was electrifying to you.
“I know what it’s like” He consoled you, “it’s terrible”.
You nodded and stared into him, communicating more in your expression than what your words could provide.
“That trauma — it’s a part of me now”
“It is. But it does not define you” Hunter countered, “That’s what I tell Omega. Shes a tough kid but…she’s haunted by the Empire, too”
You thought of her and smiled. Over the past year, you'd grown close to all of them and were so happy to have them in your life.
Hunter always tended to you back when you were trying to adjust to life on the island. He used check on you several times a day, just to see if you were okay. He still does occasionally, but he’s given you more space as time has passed. He was a good and caring friend.
A Friend.
You chuckled to yourself at the thought of that word. It wasn’t even a week after you met him that you’d fallen head over heels for him. He blissfully plagued your every waking thought. Often you’d worry that he noticed your fixation on him, and were weary of his possible rejection. Other times, you’d hoped he noticed and would do something about it.
There were lingering glances, brushes against one another in a hallway, kind and flattering words exchanged…but you’d both been too afraid to act on it. You accepted that it may never be anything more than that, but it wasn’t without disappointment. Everyone around you, the other guys specifically, all noticed the tension between you two, but it never affected your friendship.
“Can I ask you a question?” You broke the silence, seemingly curious in your tone.
“Anything” Hunter quickly responded.
“Is this the first time you’ve sensed that I was… distressed in the middle of the night?”
Slowly, he sat up straight, “Yes…and no” He answered, hesitantly. You swallowed hard in anticipation of what you already assumed.
You tilted your head at him inquisitively.
“It's your heart rate. But I uh...I don’t think it’s always nightmares" He trailed off, cautious of what he was insinuating. Your heart sunk to your belly. Surely he didn't mean that he could sense when you pleasured yourself?
"What do you mean, Hunter?” You pried, hoping to get him to bring it up first.
“I shouldn't have said anything. I was just worried about you and wanted to check in" He hurried through his explanation, standing to his feet and walking toward the door to look out your window.
Your cheeks burned red with both excitement and embarrassment.
"Sometimes it's the best way to get to sleep" You indirectly admitted, shrugging your shoulders and letting a playful smile sneak upon your face, “Don’t you do it, too?” You casually suggested.
His eyes snapped back to where you sat on your bed.
Touching yourself was the best way to relax. Truthfully, you were starving for Hunter’s touch instead, and you had been yearning for him all this time. It was always him that you thought of when your curious fingers traveled in between your legs.
Hunter swallowed hard, feeling the delicate tension in the air.
“Well, of course I do, I-“ he stumbled over his words.
“Hunter, it’s okay. We don’t have to talk about it” You reassured him, cutting him off before he felt any more flustered.
You approached him at the window, feeling so dangerously close as you placed your hand on his arm.
“Thank you for checking on me. I’m okay” You offered a gentle and reassuring smile.
“I want to protect you, cyar’ika. You mean a lot to me and I…sometimes I don’t know how to help”
Hearing endearing terms in Mando’a always melted your heart.
“Just having you around is enough protection for me”
“I’m on the other side of the wall if you ever need me. You know that”
“I know” You nodded, but couldn’t seem to break your attention away from his face. The tattooed side, something you’d always adored, was lit once again by the brightened moon. Stars, he was so beautiful.
It was a mutual exchange of a longing expression between you two. Hunter’s eyes searched your gaze for any hesitation as you both leaned into each other. Your body pressed firm against him as your hands rested on the back of his neck. In the quiet of your room, it was you who could hear your own heartbeat now.
His lips landed blissfully upon yours, sending a radiating current through your body. You sucked in a sharp breath, overcome with the feeling of this sudden intimate contact. You kissed him back delicately, letting your mouth become barely familiar with his after so much longing for this exact feeling. You pulled away only slightly, seeing if he had any urge to stop. You looked up at him, searching for any sense of regret but found none. Hunter’s eyes were hungry for you...so much more of you.
“Y/N…” he started, his voice low and desperate.
You ached for him. Maker…you had ached for him for so terribly long. His lips on any part of your body were near close enough to send you into a frenzy. As your lips returned to his, Hunter’s arms found themselves wrapped around your barely clothed waist, pulling you closer to him, and deepening the kiss.
Your fingers found the hem of his shirt ready to remove it, eager to continue this further. To your puzzling surprise, he stopped you.
“Oh, I-“ You began, flustered and confused.
“Mesh’la” he groaned.
“I’m sorry”
“No, don’t be. I just…I can’t” He strained through his words, shutting his eyes for a moment, finding it difficult to reject you but forcing himself to do so.
As you stood there confused, he looked at you with a wordless apology on his face.
“Goodnight, Y/N. I'm right here if you need me” He concluded, gently planting a kiss on your forehead before seeing himself out.
Emptiness consumed you as you stood alone in your villa. Had you done something wrong? Surely not, it was clear he wanted you too, but something stopped him.
With such worry on your mind, you laid awake for a while before your fatigue finally took you over, sending you into a deep sleep.
“Have a nice day!” You called out to your last customer of the day. You loved your job working in the marketplace in the city square. It was a peaceful and rewarding existence.
Throughout the day, memories of the night before played like a broken holoscan in your mind. You could still feel his lips against yours, devouring you. It was hard not to smile as you reminisced about the feeling, but your smile would quickly fade as you remembered how it ended.
The sun casted an amber glow over the sea, letting you know the day was near over. The entire day had passed without seeing Hunter, which made you anxious. You wanted to see him. To talk to him. To apologize for trying to go too far.
As you processed these thoughts, you felt a presence approach your booth.
“Oh, hi!” You said surprised.
“Hi” He began, his smile warm, “can we talk?”
“Sure. I’m just closing up for the day”, You grinned back to him.
“I’ll be at our spot by the cove” He said, pointing toward the side of the island where your secret spot was. Only you, the guys, and Omega really knew about it.
You nodded before hurrying to finish closing your shop. Never had you packed that quickly before.
You arrived on the shore, in the hidden cove on the beach to find Hunter sitting alone on the boulder.
“Hey stranger” You said, approaching him.
“Hey, you” He smiled. Maybe with anyone else, this would be awkward. But with Hunter, somehow it wasn’t.
“Everything okay?” You questioned.
“I wanted to apologize about last night” He started, not making eye contact at first, but finding your eyes shortly after.
“It’s okay, Hunter, really. I understand” You responded, not entirely sure what you were understanding. Truthfully, you still weren’t sure why he stopped you last night.
“I don’t think you do, sweetheart”
You sat next to him on the boulder, leaving a bit of space between you two, contrary to how close you’d found yourself the night before.
“I had to stop myself” He continued.
“I care about you” He sighed.
“I know you do, Hunter. I don’t see why that made you want to stop what we had started” You countered, growing flustered, shifting your hips slightly.
“Because no matter how hard it is for me to resist you, I cannot take advantage of you like that”
“Wha— you’re not taking advantage of me, Hunter” You subtly scoffed in disbelief.
“I want you. Make no mistake about that” He said confidently yet softly, sending a tingling feeling through your veins.
“I want you too. I think about you…a lot” You began, letting your tone lead his mind toward the deeper meaning of your words.
Hunter looked over to you and raised his eyebrows in curiosity.
“I don’t want to mess up what we have” He admitted, disappointingly, “you mean too much to me”
You wanted to fight it. You wanted him. But he made a fair point. Was it worth running the risk of ruining your friendship?
You nodded, offering no further comment on the situation. It made your heart ache terribly, but you couldn’t risk losing him due to your mutual desires.
“I’m lucky to have you, Hunter” You said, scooting closer to him before leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Me too, sweetheart. Me too” He concurred.
The sunset on Pabu had never felt so bittersweet. As its warmth and glow made a gradual exit, you felt any chance of something more with Hunter disappearing with it. You sat and talked with him for another hour, chatting about the weather and how his job on the island was going, and you were just grateful for his presence, even if you’d never feel his lips upon yours again.
Returning home some time later, you noticed your roommate had left you a transmission.
“Sorry, still off-world, be back tomorrow!”
You felt relieved. Having privacy was rare but welcomed and appreciated.
The steaming shower in your refresher washed the day away from your body. You didn’t bother to put on your clothes, as you preferred to sleep naked anyway. As you sunk into your bed, you feared this would be another night of endless tossing and turning.
To make matters worse, you couldn’t stop feeling Hunter’s lips on yours. Over and over again, you kept feeling the tingling sensation that came over you as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You were already wet just thinking about it, but as you rubbed your legs tightly together, you provided a friction that lit a fire in your lower belly.
He’d know if I masturbated, you thought. He’d sense it.
“Fuck it” You whispered to yourself.
Your fingertips found their place where they always did, right atop your sensitive bud. Rhythmically, you rubbed delicate circles around your clit, just beginning to tend to your aching needs. You whimpered softly. So softly that even you barely heard it.
What you were doing was going to drive him crazy. You knew that. The walls were thin, and he’d already told you that he’d sensed something in your heartbeat other than your nightmares before. But you’d be dammed if you’ll be left unsatisfied after the tease you’d felt last night.
You rocked your hips upwards into your own touch, biting your lip to suppress noises any louder than a heavy breath, especially with what you knew now. Visions of Hunter came to you as you fantasized. You pictured his fingers touching you like this, his body on top of yours.
Slowly, you felt your climax creeping toward you, inching closer like a looming threat. As you covered your mouth to keep yourself quiet, your orgasm was suddenly ripped away from you at the sound of a knock on your door.
You froze.
“Y/N” Hunter’s voice rang quietly from the other side.
Quickly, you pulled the covers to shield your naked body.
“Come in” you boldly called out. Sure, your door definitely should have been locked, but, you never worried for your safety here.
Hunter opened the door with caution. His eyes met yours immediately. As he closed it behind him, he leaned against the door as he took in the sight of you.
“Not a nightmare this time, was it?” He slyly suggested.
“No” you breathed, your heart now certainly beating in your throat.
He walked to your bed, slowly, “Tell me, mesh’la, all those times you’ve pleasured yourself, did you think I couldn’t hear those pretty little noises you make when you come?”
You stared at him, eyes heavy with intense lust and hint of blissful shame. There was a primal desire in his expression and demeanor, something you’d not seen but only a hint of last night, but it was undeniable tonight.
“Every time you touch yourself, I know” He whispered, “And you know what else? Every time you touch yourself, I can’t help but touch myself, too” He admitted, hovering above your bed, looking down to your delicately covered body. You melted at the image of him masturbating and getting off on the idea of you pleasuring yourself too.
“Hunter” you breathed.
“Use your words, sweetheart. Tell me what you want” He begged you. Hunter needed you to give him the green light he desperately needed.
“Please, fuck me” You begged shamelessly, “I can’t take it anymore. I need you”
Within the same second that the words left your lips, he was in bed above you, your lips tangled within his. He kissed you passionately, his tongue slipping into yours, exploring you further. You moaned at the satisfaction of his raw desire, picking right back up from where you left off. One hand held him up while the other ran through your hair. As you stayed covered beneath him, you reached up to grab his face and pull him into you and the kiss deepened between you.
The presence of his body above you pulled the blanket down, revealing your bare breasts. Hunter pulled away from your lips to look down at the sight. He growled lowly in approval and pent up urge to see you like this.
“Cyare” he whimpered, releasing his hand from your face down to cup your breast. He then redirected his attention to your stiffened nipples, taking one into his mouth, causing a gentle cry to fall from your lips.
With his mouth still upon your breast, he pulled the blanket completely off your body, tossing it to the floor, exposing your skin to the chilled air.
Maker, he was eager…so incredibly eager to see you fully bare beneath him. Every inch of your skin on display. Something he’d only dreamed of. Something that fueled every fantasy he had while he stroked his cock mere inches from you on the other side of the wall. And here you were, right beneath him, laid out pretty, just for him.
“You are so beautiful, sweetheart” He praised you, leaning back to fully take in the view. Swiftly, he removed his shirt, revealing the chiseled, beautifully scarred body beneath it. You stared in awe at his physique, your heart skipping a beat.
"Spread your legs for me, baby", He instructed. You obeyed, opening your legs to provide him better access to where you desperately ached for him the most. The moonlight gleaming through your window was enough to offer you both the light you needed. As Hunter caught sight of your pussy, already slick with desire for him, his face turned in pure adoration.
"Touch me, please, Hunter" You begged, feeling as though you could do nothing but beg him in this state of arousal. You were his. All his.
FIngertips trailed softly up your thigh before reaching the wetness between your legs. Hunter whimpered as he felt you.
"Oh sweetheart, is this all for me?" He asked, beginning to rub your clit gently while he whispered into your ear. Chills erupted down your body.
"It's for you. It's always for you" You responded breathlessly, letting your words flow in between your cries of pleasure. Hunter applied more pressure before inserting two fingers inside of you. While he does this, he watches you, enamored with the way your face twists in pleasure, all from his hands. Not yours this time — his.
With a curl of his fingers and a steady pace, Hunter fucks you with his fingers. His thumb remains at your clit, stimulating you beyond what you're used to. No one had paid this much attention to your body before.
His lips returned to yours, stifling a moan that escaped you as you felt your orgasm quickly approaching.
"I'm so c-close" You choked on your words muttered against his supple lips. The bundled coil in your lower abdomen threatened to burst at any second.
"I can feel you tightening around me. Come on my fingers, mesh'la" He encouraged you.
Hearing Hunter talk to you like this, after so long of being just friends, was exhilarating. His words alone were enough to push you over the edge, but the way he worked his hands to pleasure you was so good. Too good.
Your climax unraveled, washing over you gracefully, starting at your core and radiating like a fire throughout your entire body. Profanities flew from your lips as you instinctively rolled your hips against his palm.
"That's it, princess, right there" He coaxed you gently, unrelenting in the curling of his fingers, fucking you steadily through your orgasm, "good girl".
As you came down from the pure euphoria with stars dancing in your eyes, Hunter was careful to pull his fingers out of you slowly. Holding your gaze, he brought his fingers to his mouth, tasting you and savoring it like a last meal.
You leaned up, propping yourself on your elbows. Hunter stood, quickly pulling the hem of his pants down before removing them completely. You audibly gasped at his size when his cock came into view. Hunter was smirking as your eyes travelled back up to his gaze.
As he stood beside your bed, you got on your hands and knees and put your mouth level with his length. Hunter melted when your tongue licked up the side of his cock. His eyes fell closed when you took him into your mouth completely, or at least, as much as you could. You started to suck him off, using your tongue to guide your motions.
You peered up at him, watching his face twist in ecstasy as you bobbed your head back and forth. With a swirling of your tongue on his tip, you felt his hips twitch subtly.
“Fuck, Y/N. Just like that. Suck my cock” He growled through his pleasure, using a tone you’d usually only heard when he gave orders. This was an order you’d follow any day without question, “That’s my girl”, he praised through his clenched jaw.
His hand rested on your head, gently guiding you in your motions. The sound of his soft little whimpers that quickly turned into deeper groans made your cunt ache for him even more. You clenched your walls around nothing, pitifully empty and needing to be filled. As you moved your hand to your clit to relieve the ache, he reached down your back and plunged two fingers into your pussy from behind. You cried out, sending vibrations over his cock as you tried to still focus on his pleasure.
He pumped his fingers at a faster pace than before, sending you into a overstimulated frenzy and you couldn’t take it anymore. You pulled your mouth from him, desperately catching your breath and crying out his name.
“Fuck, Hunter, don’t stop” You begged him, but instead he disobeyed your request, removing his fingers completely.
Without struggle or hesitation, Hunter lifted you and placed you on your back on the bed. He positioned himself in between your trembling legs. He kissed you passionately once more while lining his cock at your entrance.
The whole world fell silent for you as your bodies seemingly fused together. You’d dreamed of this moment, this intimacy with Hunter, for so long. To have him inside of you was the most erotic experience you’d ever had. He bottomed out slowly, both of your mouths agape, overwhelmed by the pleasure and the connection you felt in that moment.
There was only a slight tinge of discomfort as he filled you completely. You winced only a little, before it was replaced by pure pleasure.
“Mesh’la” he moaned deeply, “You..ugh…you take me so well” he praised you through his expressions of pleasure.
“Feels so good, Hunter” you whine, staring deep into eyes, seducing him further.
“Do you know how long I’ve wanted to feel you like this?” He whispered against your ear before moving his lips down to your neck, kissing softly at your skin while he thrust deeper and faster.
You choked on your moans as his change in pace overwhelmed you. The room was filled with your whimpers, along with the irresistible sound of Hunter’s rough and deep moans.
“Such a good girl, letting me fuck you like this” Hunter’s praises lit a fire within you, and he could tell, encouraging him more.
You lifted your knees, pressing them against his chest, allowing him to slide inside of you at an even better angle. You cried out, overstimulated and overfilled in the most amazing way. The thin walls were no match for how good you made each other feel, but you cared very little about who heard you.
The year long pent up tension between you two was unraveling beautifully as he fucked you like he was making up for all that lost time.
With one hard thrust, he stopped, holding his cock fully sheathed in your cunt, “Gonna come on my cock, princess? Make those pretty little sounds for me?” He teased, grinding his hips hard against your thighs. Held inside you like this, he brushed against your most sensitive spot, driving you crazy.
You were drunk off him, drunk off his words, drunk off his body. You could barely form a response, but offered him a nod as you felt your next release building quickly inside of you. Maybe he just loved to tease you endlessly, because he then pulled out of you, making you whine pitifully at the sudden loss of his cock and your orgasm.
He was firm yet gentle with your body as he flipped you over flat on your stomach. Similar to how he reacted to your breasts, he growled at the sight of your ass, grabbing a handful to admire as he ran his other hand down your back.
He leaned down, his cock resting on your ass, and he moved your hair from your face, pulling you into a passionate kiss as he sunk himself into your pussy from behind. You moaned against his lips, so satisfied with being filled again.
He continued his pace from before, fucking you with raw desire to claim you. Hips slapped firm against the skin of your ass as Hunter grabbed your waist for even better leverage.
“Hunter!”, You cried out, “right there…right there…I’m gonna come”
Never would he dare to stop now. The sounds he emitted grew louder and more inconsistent, and you could tell he was close too.
The fire that burned inside you erupted into the a burst of absolute ecstasy. It took over every fiber of your being as your vision went hazy. A slew of profanities flew from your lips while your body convulsed, your cunt pulsing around his cock as you came harder than you ever had felt before.
“Yessss, good fucking girl, come for me just like that” He cursed, grinding and pounded hard to chase his own release as well. You tightened your walls for him, pushing him closer, even though you never wanted this to end.
You were breathless beneath him, still taking his cock like you were made for it.
“Come inside me, Hunter. Please” You pleaded. It seems your words sent him over his limit, because as the words left your mouth, his hips faltered and his breath grew shaky. Hunter filled you, coming deep inside you, marking you like he wished he’d done a long time ago.
Together you caught your breath slowly. Hunter was careful to remove himself gently, knowing that you’d be sensitive, as was he. You winced as the last inch of him left you. Exhaustion overtook your body as you lay there, floating on a high like no other.
Hunter laid down next you, your bodies pressed closely together on the small bed. You turned to your side, looking up at him in pure adoration.
“Y/N…” Hunter broke the silence that was only filled with panting as you both tried to catch your breath, “you are…so perfect”
“So are you” You smiled at him.
“I’m never letting you go. That’s a promise” He assured you. The words brought you comfort, and you truly believed him.
It wasn’t but shortly after that you both drifted into a deep sleep, holding each other close while your minds rested. The sleep was peaceful and uninterrupted, as neither of you had nightmares that night.
A/N: Please comment/reblog if you enjoyed. Feedback is always welcome and appreciated!❤️
Thank you for reading 😊
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matan4il · 5 months
Daily update post:
A terrorist in the PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad) has admitted in his interrogation that they practiced for the Oct 7 massacre on Iranian soil. This is important to remember, that it wasn't just Hamas that committed the vicious attack on Israelis during that day, that the Islamist regime in Iran's involvement was crucial to what happened, and that Gaza was NEVER "an open air prison" as the anti-Israel crowd claimed. The above link has the vid quoted here.
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Yesterday, Golani infantry's division 36 has left a section in northern Gaza, as a part of lowering the intensity of the fighting there. A short while later, no less than 50 rockets were fired from exactly that area into southern Israel. Yoram Bitan's shop in the southern town of Netivot took a direct hit from a rocket while he and his son were still inside (pic is from this vid, where the start also shows the barrages of rockets over Netivot). They're both thankfully okay, the building absorbed most of the impact.
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Just this morning, at least 25 more rockets were fired from that area of Gaza into Israel, before IDF soldiers managed to find and destroy some of the rocket launchers that were used in these attacks (see pic with just one barrage of intercepted rockets over Israel on the horizon, Hebrew source). If Israel can't lower the intensity of the fighting, that's absolutely also because of Hamas' continued choices. Israeli civilians from the south are currently protesting against the possibility that Israel will stop the war before the complete removal of the threat of rockets being fired from Gaza.
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The IDF has confirmed yesterday that it has eliminated more than 150 Hezbollah squads since the start of the war.
I got to watch an interview with Shirley (not necessarily her real name), who was a prison guard where Palestinian terrorists were held. She was sexually harassed by a terrorist called Muhammad Atallah for 2 years. Towards the end of her service at this prison, he told her that her life is being threatened by Amjad Awad, a Palestinian terrorist, who murdered the Fogel family when he was 18 years old, together with his relative, 17 years old Hakim Awad. These are 35 years old Ruti, 36 years old Udi, 11 years old Yoav, 4 years old Elad and 3 months (!) old Hadas in Mar 2011. Amjad and Hakim were actually on their way out of the house, when they heard baby Hadas crying in her crib, returned and murdered her (Hebrew source).
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You can hopefully understand why Shirley was terrified when she heard Awad wanted to kill her, and Atallah claimed he could keep her safe, using this to try and rape her in a spot between two gates in the prison where there are no cameras. She fought back and saved herself. Atallah, who is imprisoned for attempted murder and murder as part of his terrorist activity, was put on trial back in 2022 for sexual harassment of Shirley and attempted rape, as well as for raping another female prison guard.
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But in the interview I listened to yesterday, Shirley talked about how horrified she is over the possibility that Awad and Atallah might be freed in a hostage deal, where Hamas will demand terrorists with "blood on their hands" be released.
Last night, the IDF presented the findings of an investigation into the cause of death of 3 hostages, whose bodies were retrieved from Gaza. The autopsy determined that they were NOT killed by direct IDF or terrorists fire, but the bodies are in such a state, that it's impossible to determine what did kill them.
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These are Michal and her husband Alex Lubnov.
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Alex worked as a bartender at the Nova music festival on Oct 7. He was kidnapped to Gaza. Michal is seven months pregnant. This week, she visited the site from which Alex was kidnapped for the first time. She's waiting for her husband to be freed, and be with her at the delivery room.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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notebookqueenofnarnia · 4 months
Okay Demigods
now that Season 2 has been confirmed (!!!!!!!!!!) I am here to make my official appeal that you ALL read the books. and yes...i mean ALL the books. Because here is what you are missing if you don't:
(mostly spoiler free. mostly vibes and chaotic no context)
Percy's INCREDIBLE sarcasm
Lots of chaotic Mr. D moments
Percy's unending absolute obliviousness when it comes to: his own abilities/powers, his own feelings towards a certain daughter of Athena, and EVERYONE'S feelings towards him
the full list of Percy's felonies (it's longer than you think!)
how much Percy thinks about Annabeth, especially in the third book
The Hunters of Artemis (everyone's like 'which godly parent would you have?' but im like ??? who cares??? I'm running off with the girls to immortal to hunt men i mean monsters)
soooooooooo much Sally Jackson is the Best Mom (to everyone who walks through her door) content
Rachel. Elizabeth. Dare. (this is how the audiobook says her name every single time)
Paul Blofis
Sally Jackson, author
Poseidon: Blowfish?
If you don't read these books you are missing out on some of the coolest female characters Rick has created: PIPER (an iconic), HAZEL (unintentionally hilarious), REYNA (beautiful character arc), and ANNABETH's point of view will have you loving her on a whole other level, trust me
All The Ladies Love Leo
the audiobooks are INSANE. It felt like a full cast read the book, but no. it was just one insanely talented narrator.
Personally, I spent a lot of time reading the OG 5 wondering about how Roman mythology plays into Percy's world. Uncle Rick answered my questions and answered them SO WELL
Hazel the horse girl
Frank the horsebirddolphinman
Frank, gentle himbo, my beloved son
Forced Proximity for 7 teenagers and one chaotically violent satyr (that's Coach Hedge)
Eros/Cupid being one the most genius things Rick's ever written
Percy's hate of Ares transcending god magic
(also his love of Annabeth, but that's like obvious)
weird barely gnome things
this one giant whose name is definitely not pronounced like female anatomy
everyone thinking Percy and Annabeth are constantly getting up to the hanky panky
a statue made me cry
Gay Grumpy/Sunshine (or should that be Death/Sunshine) origins!!
Apollo, vain himbo of godly proportions is forced to live as Lester Papadopoulos
Percy: why
a very chaotic twelve year old daughter of Demeter
she commands Apollo around
plant magic
terrible great haikus at the start of every chapter
Sally Jackson being the best mom to everyone who comes to her door
magic shoes
a sassy magic prophetic arrow that talks in Shakespearean English
so much gay grumpydeath/sunshine content
also yes sunshine's dad is Apollo
Apollo sings
Grover! Piper! Reyna! Hazel! All the friends! Everyone
Jason! (also im sorry)
what if there were some trees who were an elite squad of warriors who also answer to the chaotic twelve year old
gay moms of the midwest
in the last book, chiron takes the campers on a 'field trip' to help take down the big baddie and he shows up dressed as a warrior soccer mom with granola bars, water bottles, and extra swords attached to his fanny pack
a different chaotic twelve year old while fighting to the death in a building that's on fire: "CAN WE GO ON FIELD TRIPS EVERY WEEK?"
okay im not going to spoil it but in the last book there is also this extremely horrifyingly violent moment that Uncle Rick somehow turns into one of the most hilarious things i've ever read
Piper in the epilogue
more insanely funny percy first person narration
Grover, Percy, Annabeth reunite ("the gang is back together!" "The three musketeers!" "Shrek, Fiona, and Donkey!" "Excuse me?")
have you met the god of himbos? (Percy has)
for Season one. you can totally see how Uncle Rick worked on the script and chalice together
if you liked Annabeth shoving Percy into the water....this one is for you
Percy, supreme god of snakes
the cutest cutest cutest cutest Percabeth content you will ever read
hippie gods (yes more than one)
Percy is literally obsessed with Annabeth
Annabeth already being the Jackson daughter in law
Sally Jackson and Paul and
For the record: You CAN read Chalice of the Gods without reading the other series, but please please please read all these books. The audiobooks are phenomenal.
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fellthemarvelous · 6 months
Aziraphale's talk with the Metatron
Another unhinged meta post for the Aziraphale Defense Squad. I will continue to defend him hardcore until fandom starts recognizing him as his own person and not a prop for Crowley's character. Welcome to my opinion on the Final Fifteen!!
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Hell came to Earth.
Aziraphale blew up his halo while surrounded by Hell.
Aziraphale declared a war on Hell at the exact moment Crowley was in Heaven uncovering Heaven's secrets.
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There was a door to Heaven opened through the bookshop and who knows what in the Discorporated Demon the guy at the other end of that door was getting.
Enough to get The Metatron's attention and for him to witness Aziraphale declare war on Hell while his demon boyfriend breaks into Heaven's top secret files and learns that Heaven is holding their rebellious angels hostage.
He doesn't give Aziraphale a chance to say no to Heaven, and Aziraphale is pissed off about it.
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Aziraphale DID NOT SAY YES EITHER. It is so very important that people understand this. The Metatron did not give Aziraphale a choice. Aziraphale had to choose the best way to handle a hopeless situation.
I think Aziraphale is waiting for Crowley to get the hint.
Crowley broke into Heaven. He broke into Heaven. He uncovered secrets. Saraqael showed him the trial. He knows the truth.
Aziraphale almost started a war to protect Gabriel.
The Metatron had to intercept that last transmission because Crowley and Aziraphale are powerful enough to shield Earth from both sides.
Remember that during the Bullet Catch scene, Aziraphale asked a group of soldiers to raise their hands if they had experience using firearms. Crowley is the only one who did not raise his hand because he had never fired a gun before.
Now we get to the present, and The Metatron is basically telling Aziraphale that Crowley is not only a threat but there is evidence of the fact that they have been working together for 6,000 years and that he prevented Crowley's arrest by Hell in 1941.
As far as The Metatron is concerned, Aziraphale just committed an act of treason because it helped Crowley get out of Heaven safely with highly classified information.
He didn't know Crowley was in Heaven. Crowley never came back and it made him fear the worst, but then he's showing up with Heaven right after and that only makes it a bigger problem.
Aziraphale chose to keep the peace instead of allowing one side or the other to arrest Gabriel and Beelzebub. He let the former Supreme Archangel and former Grand Duke of Hell escape from their duties. He gave them a choice. They were never supposed to know those choices existed in the first place.
The way that The Metatron said "so predictable" when Nina told him that no one ever asked for Death. The invisible choice. The name of the coffee shop is used as a threat against Aziraphale.
Aziraphale's choice in this situation involved how he chose to present it to Crowley.
Crowley was asking to get his flat back after Shax made the plan to go back to Hell. He was already planning to take Aziraphale to the Ritz to celebrate by getting really drunk. He was fine.
Nina and Maggie's last minute interception got him all hyped up to finally make a love confession.
But please FOR THE LOVE OF GOD can we please try to remember that AZIRAPHALE NEVER SAID YES EITHER.
He seems to be turning himself in and trying to protect Crowley, and only realizes at the end that the Metatron plans to use him against humanity.
Crowley and Aziraphale were not having the same conversation. They were not having the same conversation. They were not having the same conversation.
Aziraphale is terrified. Look at the nervous smile and the way he is so confused as to why Crowley is mad at him. He's trying to tell Crowley he needs helps because he's in trouble.
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He said he didn't want to go back to Heaven. He made this clear when he was speaking to Crowley.
He knows the things he is saying are contradictory to what he's learned, and he's needing Crowley to pick up on that. He's trying to tell Crowley that he can't protect him from Hell this time anymore than Crowley can protect him from Heaven because The Metatron knows they've been working together for 6,000 years and are now in a position to reveal Heaven's institutional problem.
Stop getting mad at Aziraphale for not saying no and start asking yourself why some of you refuse to acknowledge the fact that Aziraphale did not say yes to the Metatron either.
Especially knowing that Crowley did not say "yes" or "no" to Hell's offer in The Arrival either.
This isn't an angel who is happy to go back to Heaven. This is an angel begging his best friend to help him because he doesn't have a choice, and not understanding that Crowley thinks Aziraphale is rejecting him and Aziraphale is telling him he no longer has a choice.
He no longer has a choice and now Crowley is upset with him and he's still trying to figure out what just happened.
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Aziraphale is going to get up there and cause some trouble though.
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prodigaldaughteralice · 4 months
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So, I was tipped off a while ago by a post that’s probably still in my queue (I have a long reblog queue u_u;; ) that a few words were changed in the US edition of Monstrous Regiment. As it’s my favourite Discworld book, and I’d only ever read the US edition, I tracked down a second-hand UK first edition online and had a re-read as soon as it came, with my battered old US edition next to me so I could check when anything pinged me as ‘off’. Here’s what I found, not counting minor UK->US spelling changes like turning “girlie” into “girly”.
(There may be more that I missed, I didn’t have both copies open the whole time, but I’m pretty familiar with this book. As my sister teased me about when I mentioned I’d done this comparison, I did have it in my bed for several years as a teenager so I could reread it whenever my insomnia was hitting particularly hard.)
Spoilers from here on out, of course.
The first two are just kind of pointless? Changing “coprolite” to “coprolith”, which is just a less common word for the exact same thing, and changing “riff-riff-raff” to “riffraff” feels like they forgot Jackrum was playing drunk in that scene. Whatever. These don’t bother me.
There are a few UK->US type changes in the next one (“wooly vest” to “woolen undershirt”) which similarly feel pointless to me, but what really gets my goat is the last word. “The man’s bare chests,” plural, being changed to “the man’s bare chest”. Because that’s foreshadowing, but it’s not a giveaway, because on a heavier (cis) guy they do hang separate. It’s a nice little touch, and they took it out.
The next one is the one I’d been tipped off to, and it’s the change I’m the most annoyed about. “Turned her chair to the fire/around him the kitchen worked” -> “turned her chair to the fire/around her the kitchen worked.” I’m sure whatever editor changed it didn’t do so with any kind of malice or agenda, they just weren’t paying enough attention and thought they were fixing a continuity mistake, but it’s just such beautiful writing that they removed.
Because they’ve just had this incredible, delicate, vulnerable conversation about the girl Jackrum left behind him, and that that girl was him, and that he has a son out in Scratz and he doesn’t know what to do now that he’s leaving the army. Polly cries. And it’s Polly who suggests that he really can remain Jack Jackrum, he can go back to his son in medals and braid and be his father, and Jack gets to really settle in to the idea that he can be happy that way. Both those pronouns being “her” doesn’t feel wrong, necessarily; I always read it as Polly processing. But the switch between the two sentences is so beautiful. It’s a gentle closing of the conversation, it’s that girl being fully put behind him, and Sergeant Major Jack Jackrum (retired) getting to go on with his life.
The last one is just… odd. Inexplicable, and it’s the hardest to explain as just an editorial accident. They added a word that specifies something that was not previously specified. “One of them was Maladicta, in full uniform” becomes “one of them was Maladicta, in full female uniform.” I was thinking about it on this reread, and Mal is the only member of the squad who wasn’t publically outed at the Keep. Mal wasn’t involved in the actual raid— too busy gibbering and sucking on a sack of coffee beans— and at the trial Mal kind of stood in the back vibrating from caffeine overdose. Even Jackrum said “with vampires, who cares”. Only Polly knows about Maladicta.
And what that means is that Mal is the only member of the squad who could reasonably remain presenting as male in the army. Polly encourages a couple of young recruits in the very end that it’s their choice to enlist as men or as women, with Mal right beside her, and I think the original ambiguity there is really lovely— it doesn’t matter if Mal has an ‘a’ on the end at the moment, because Mal is there to help Polly fuck shit up, and that’s what matters. By adding the specificity, they just… took away a really nice bit of subtext, a really nice effect.
So yeah, I’m ticked off as a queer person about the (minor) subversion of the book’s general gender fuckery, but I’m almost more ticked off as a writer. Pratchett was so talented, and we talk about it a lot on a large scale of themes and motifs and characters, but he was also just so fantastic on a sentence to sentence level. This is craft! This is really beautiful, delicate writing, elegantly put together and perfected, and some US editors just. Took out some of it. And it’s still an incredible book! As I mentioned, I had it in my bed for years as a teenager so I could reread it over and over, it means a ton to me, it’s my favourite of his work and I love his work! But it hurts to see these little places where it was originally even better.
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deepouterspacecandy · 1 month
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I intended to write a short drabble about Abby being immune to Cordyceps, but alas, it morphed into approximately 5k words right before my very eyes. How does this happen? Anyway. I appreciate your presence, taking the time to read these fragments of my mind. Thank you for being here. I hope you enjoy. This is a darker, more angsty, gore-filled journey and, as always, it’s intended for 18+ audiences only. Violence and sexual themes.
A man on a mission, Dr. Jerry Anderson devoted himself to eradicating the plague that wreaked havoc on the world.
Developing a vaccine against Cordyceps consumed his life.
In their quest for answers, people would come from all corners of the globe, hoping to be included in his trial. Despite undergoing countless procedures and surgeries in a desperate pursuit of a cure, most patients tragically succumbed to the treatments themselves or to their initial infections. As the years passed and resources became scarce, his experiments progressively lost their footing.
Mere weeks before his untimely demise, Dr. Anderson conducted his last trial on a patient. The experiment unfolded in a way he never anticipated.
After receiving the injection, the patient, without previous exposure to the virus, experienced a perplexing mutation, developing far more than immunity to the perils of infection.
She possessed the ability to communicate with it and maneuver through it, like a ghost.
“You wanted to see me.”
Isaac extends his arm, signaling for you to have a seat at his desk. He swirls a decanter filled with a rich, dark liquid before pouring it between two sturdy glasses.
With a jarring crack against the maple surface, Isaac sets one glass before you.
“I don’t drink,” you say.
As you bring the potion to your nose, the pungent smell of the liquor assaults your senses, and you search for a compliment to give out of courtesy. Hoping to dissuade him from making further gestures of rapport, you decide against it.
“Is this an issue I need to be aware of?” he asks. “I have no patience for drunks.”
Leaning back in his chair, he peers at you intently over his glass.
“No, sir.”
Given the stories you’ve heard about his inebriated escapades, it’s quite ironic to hear such a statement from him.
You feel the uncomfortable burn of his glare, a demand for you to elaborate. Clearing your throat, you offer him a hesitant explanation.
“I prefer to keep my head straight. It’s important in my line of work,” you say.
Unimpressed by your reasoning, he leans forward and flicks your glass, producing a sharp sound that resonates through your chest.
“Do you smell smoke?” he asks.
“No,” you say. “But I’d really rather not—”
Silencing you with a raised hand, he swiftly cuts you off.
“Good. I don’t recall setting a fire. Have a drink,” he orders. “We have matters of discretion to discuss.”
As usual, his matters of discretion connect you to his hidden mercenary, a soldier you have treated multiple times throughout the years unbeknownst to your comrades. She’s Isaac’s most lethal weapon, a secret you wish you didn’t have to protect. What he is doing with her feels cruel, using her impenetrable body for brutal warfare and then leaving her isolated with her injuries, all while she waits for the next assignment.
It takes weeks for the roiling feeling in your gut to subside after meeting with her.
“When do you plan on ending this?” you ask.
Maybe the booze is taking effect, emboldening you beyond your usual self. It’s impossible to bite your tongue, the torment of watching this unfold gnawing at you.
“Excuse me?” he drawls.
“Sir, she’s alone out there. It’s not right,” you say, reluctantly downing the last remnants of the glass before pushing it across the desk. “There are factors you need to consider. Mental decline, her physical limitations. If you’d consider bringing her in, she’d make a promising squad leader.”
Trying to reason with him about her basic human needs will be futile, so as with every other matter, it’s more effective to approach the situation from a tactical standpoint. His perception of human beings as living entities is questionable as is.
“Do not underestimate her faculties,” Isaac says. “She’s built differently. This is the purpose she serves to keep her people safe, and she does it willingly.”
“I hear what you’re saying, but sir, if you’d just give me a minute.”
“Do I need to find someone else to handle this case?” he asks.
It’s a loaded question, a double barrel to your temple. The act of assigning someone else to handle her case doesn’t entitle you to be included in the mission rotation again.
Only you hold the key to the secret of her existence, and it will die with you.
“When do I ship out?” you ask.
“Tonight,” he mutters.
He turns his back to you, and you can hear the faint sound of liquid pouring into his glass. When he dismisses you by consuming it alone, you see yourself out.
The journey to the prison is a tumultuous one.
The absence of infected is a relief, but the spray-painted rattle snakes garnishing the buildings and the maze of explosives on the roadways dangle ominously in your face. With Bear, your devoted canine companion, you make it as far as the gas station before a spike strip shreds the front tires of your Humvee. The sunken road, slicked by rain and oil, causes the vehicle to lose traction completely, sliding sideways into the long-abandoned propane tank sitting at the edge of the freeway.
Warmth spills through your eyebrows, prompting you to reach up and touch your forehead to locate the source. Your fingers, stained bright red, begin to tremble as you observe Bear—his ears flattened with every dark hair along his spine raised in alarm.  
It’s a matter of seconds before a pair of violent hands tear you from the vehicle and toss you into the dirt, jarring rock granules forcing your eyes shut. You blink them away until all you see is a mangled police visor staring down at you, its surface speckled with dried blood, a menacing baton swinging an inch from your nose. Though the mask muffles the voice behind it, there’s a barbed, frigid edge to his tone.
Bear lunges out of the cab, seizing the enemy by his throat and forcing him to the ground. It grants you enough time to scramble to your feet, only to be met with the disturbing view of an infected hoard stumbling toward you from the hillside, chains dragging behind some of them.
Your vision becomes increasingly blurry as nausea ferments in your stomach, twisting you inside out. You pilfer the rifle off your attacker, as a group of his mates emerge from the shadows. You lean against the Humvee, examining the firearm before chambering the only bullet attached to the limp body at your boots.
“Fuck ‘em up,” you command.
Bear is a missile, darting through the rubble, his target set everywhere at once. Next to Isaac’s best kept secret, your dog is a diabolical killing machine.
“Shoot that fucking dog!”
Your eyes narrow in on the enemy poised to strike Bear, and you steady your aim. The roar of your scream lingers in your ears as you fire the only round you’ve got. An aggressive swarm of infected are moving toward the chaos in a cluster of rot and tangled limbs and you’re frozen. A horrific slaughter, surpassing any level of violence you’ve encountered, breaks out in a flash.
The infected shred your attackers apart, ribbons of flesh and shattered bone coating the pavement. The moment you call out for Bear, the sudden noise turns a dozen vacant, pustule eyes on you.  
With no weapons at your disposal, you frantically scramble onto the roof of the Humvee, scanning the surroundings for an escape route. A sea of infected pool together like a rancid colony of ants.
Some say that the pain from a Clicker attack is unlike anything else. Perhaps it’s their blind, frenzied hunger that makes them so vicious.
You’re on the brink of discovering it firsthand when the decaying corpse, with its outstretched arms and gnarled fingers, halts mid-motion.
The infected stop in their tracks one by one, haunted marionettes with abruptly yanked strings. Save for the sound of your own blood pumping in your ears, the silence becomes deafening. Their bodies writhe in an eerie synchronicity as you try not to breathe.  
In rare form, you squeeze your eyes shut to escape the fear. The sudden weight of a hand on your shoulder causes you to swing violently in its direction, your fist caught by a solid, calloused palm. Your piercing scream permeates the silence before you instinctively clamp your hands over your mouth.
Despite your shock, the lifeless figures remain unaffected, and you squint to make sense of it.
“I don’t understand,” you say.
Through tangled locks of greasy hair, celestial blue eyes stare expectantly. Her intense gaze rakes over you, a familiar pearl-white streak marring only one iris. It’s been a while, but her angular face is a sight you remember well.
“They can’t hurt me?” you ask.
“They can,” she explains, reaching up to examine the gash on your forehead. “But they won’t.”
“Bear,” you blurt.
Using her thumb and forefinger, she turns your chin until you spot your dog at the edge of the hoard. You can feel his confusion as his tail wags anxiously, ready for your next command. The simple act of turning your head sends a tsunami of vertigo crashing over you.
Out of nowhere, your mind becomes a jumbled mess, making it a challenge to string coherent thoughts together. She senses your trepidation, and her hands immediately find your hips, offering stability as you falter.
“I’m dizzy. I need to get down,” you stammer.
Her grip tightens and you try to focus on the sharp sting of her fingertips digging into your skin. The world tilts, the infected shuffling and groaning as they slowly snap out of their trance.
 “Breathe,” she says. “Stay with me.”
Darkness cloaks your vision before you can summon the energy to respond.
As you blink awake, the biting cold hits you first. The source of the unwelcome breeze draws your attention, as the chilly gusts sneak into the room through a slit in the concrete. It’s meant to be a window, but it falls miserably short of the mark.
You’ve spent countless nights inside this prison, mending the wounds of Isaac’s soldier in the dim, flickering light. It’s the first time you’ve landed yourself in her bed.
The blanket, enveloping you like a cocoon, is unpleasantly musty, and you peel it away. Rising from the rigid steel slab, the room spins, deterring you from getting on your feet. Your body feels heavy and sore, a relentless ache pulsating behind your eyes. You give it another shot and stumble to your feet, using the walls as a crutch until you regain your balance.
Bear sleeps peacefully at the foot of the bed, his gentle snores filling the room. It’s intriguing how he finds more peace in the prison than in his own home, but he certainly deserves some rest.
The clank of iron plates echoes down the corridor, and you follow the sound. Your bare feet recoil against the chilly ground, and you’re left pondering when exactly you misplaced your boots. The hiss of heavy breathing and the occasional strenuous grunt accompanies your journey from one cell to the next, guiding you down the hallway toward the sound.
You peek around the corner and wild blonde hair appears in your line of sight.
Chances are, she already senses your presence, but you give a gentle warning that you’re approaching just in case.
“How long have I been out?” you ask.
Performing dips on a rusted bench, she maintains her focus, her back turned to you. Muscles flex and bulge with each repetition and you notice she’s adopted fresh scars across her ravaged back since your previous visit. Without a word, she powers through her reps and smoothly transitions into her next set.
It took several visits before she would give you anything more than a frosty response. Despite the feeling of regression, it’s possible she just needs time to adjust.
“I noticed you grabbed my bag,” you say, idly fidgeting with your hands as you linger in the doorway. “Thank you for that—for all of it, really. I’m supposed to be the one taking care of you.”
Her body stiffens into a plank, losing momentum in her push-ups. Beads of sweat roll down her face and drip to the ground, her solid body trembling. She takes a deep breath before releasing it in a huff, continuing her routine without pause.
“Have you eaten? I packed some spices I think you’ll like.”
With a frustrated growl, she shakes her head, trying to dispel the irritation. Your instincts tell you to leave her alone to finish her workout, but for some odd reason, you find yourself unable to hold back the torrent of words.
“I thought it’d be cool to start a garden here. Herbs are nice to cook with, you know? Some for healing, too. There’s a decent spot in the yard for it.”
“What’s next—rose bushes?” she mutters.
“Roses can be great for tinctures,” you explain. “It’s a learning curve, but you get great sunlight for them.”
She props herself up on her elbows mid-push-up and lets out a choppy breath. When she raises her eyes to meet yours, anger fills them to the brim, and the hostility is scalding.  
“I want Isaac to stop sending you.”
The pain of the unexpected dagger is far more intense than you could have ever imagined. You often wish that Isaac hadn’t implicated you in his secret, but you’ve grown to care for this wounded soul.
“You might as well take me out back, then,” you chuckle humourlessly. “Because that’s a death sentence.”
“Give me five minutes,” she sneers. “I’ll see what I can do.”
“Look, I didn’t ask for this,” you say, a kernel of truth wrapped up in a rather emotional reaction to her painful barb. “I’m his soldier, too.”
Springing up from the ground, she snatches her shirt off a nearby chair and pushes past you. Before she slips the tattered garment over her head, you catch a glimpse of a deep, jagged laceration at the base of her neck.
While you make a mental note of it, you ultimately decide against bringing it up.
Rather than hounding her when she clearly wants to be alone, you decide to hunt for that old claw bathtub, desperate for a soak and maybe a good cry.
This tomb scatters beauty, but you easily find its seeds.
The copper tub catches the flickering candlelight, and the gleam is otherworldly against the lonely shadows. The moment you step into the hot water, you can feel your skin buzzing with gentle licks of heat and your tired muscles begin to surrender to the relaxation it brings.
You can recall the day she dragged this old bathtub into the prison, the legs of it squeaking across the concrete floor as if the claws belonged to a corporeal animal. Showers alone proved ineffective in hastening her healing process and cleansing her wounds and, surprisingly, despite her initial uncertainty, she took your advice.
The candles differ from the ones you previously left behind, so you assume she still makes use of the hollow luxury when the mood strikes.
Submerging your head, you study the muffled sounds brought about by the density of the water. Everything is disparate beneath the surface, the low-pitched hoots of an owl muted and distant.
“I made food.”
“Jesus Christ!” you choke, body thrashing and creating a chaotic spray of water in every direction.
Your actions soak the woman standing beside the tub and, when she averts her gaze, droplets of water slip from her dirt-slicked lashes.  
“Knocking helps!” you say, bracing your arms on the copper ridges.
“Count the doors in here—I’ll wait!”
Her sarcastic wit catches you off guard, and you feel your cheeks sting as confused gaiety tugs at them.
“What’s that face for?” she snaps.
It’s difficult to discern whether she’s asking a genuine question or if she’s in a defensive stance, so you wager it’s a blend of both.
“You’re funny,” you say. “When you’re not being a jerk.”
This time, when her eyes meet yours, the fury dissipates. There’s something soft and temperate where you’ve only ever witnessed the bane of unforgiving steel.
The pads of her fingers are a deep pink hue, and it dawns on you that the porcelain bowl must be extremely hot. You gesture to the side table disguised as a wooden stump and she sets the dish down.
“Can I have a look at that?” you ask, reaching for her hands.
The tub and clever positioning shroud your naked body, but the rest is all about her and her sudden ardent manners. With her face turned away, she offers you her palms first.
“It’s nothing. I’m fine,” she says.
While inspecting the burn and its surrounding wounds, you notice her shoulders dropping.
“You can sit, if you want,” you say.
Upon surveying the area, you’re aware that the number of chairs matches the number of doors, prompting an apologetic chuckle. A tiny smile teases her mouth as she crouches at your side instead.
“You need to run this under cold water, okay? And I should dress these cuts, so they don’t get infected.”
“What about you?” she asks. “I tried to clean it out, but it’s ugly.”
She moves to touch the gash on your forehead, and her quick movements startle you. When you flinch, her hand lingers in the air until she decides to rework her pace, taking a more languid approach.
“It’s been forever since someone called me ugly,” you jest.
“Missed opportunity,” she mumbles, biting her bottom lip to keep her grin at bay.
“You haven’t polished off that honey I brought yet, right?”
Her expression resembles a guilt-ridden thief caught in the act, and you struggle to suppress a burst of laughter.
“I should’ve known better. Maybe you need a hive instead of a garden,” you say.
She snorts at your suggestion before grabbing the cloth hanging on the tub and dunking it into the water. Instinctively, her weathered hands shape the fabric to dab gently at your injury. The surface is bruise-tender and the pain throbs outward in torturous sparks. She cups your jaw with her other hand to keep you from squirming.
“What if I’m allergic to bee stings? Because that’s a death sentence,” she mimics.
“I’ll try not to throw you in then,” you say. “No promises.”
A wide, earnest grin spreads across her tough features, and you forget how to breathe for a spell. She’s filthy and in desperate need of a hairbrush, but she’s still prettier than anyone you’ve met.
“What’s your name?” you ask.
Isaac never refers to her as anything other than his mercenary, and every time you had considered asking her in the past, your better judgement advised against it. Her preference for anonymity is clear, but you have so many unanswered questions.
In a smooth motion, she glides the cool cloth across the bridge of your nose.
“Do you really want to know?” she asks.
Seeking a moment of connection, you grasp her wrist, pausing her ministrations. Her gaze meets yours with a sense of urgency and she doesn’t break eye contact.
Water trickles from your hands, twirling along her wrist and cascading down her forearm. She fights to keep her eyes open, a raspy hum building at the back of her throat until goosebumps skate across your skin.
“I really want to know,” you say.
Her nod is slow and deliberate, contemplating the price she will have to pay for her decision.
“Once you see me,” she warns, and it’s uncertain whether she’s cautioning you or herself. “There’s no going back.”
“I can live with that,” you whisper.
Just when it looks like she’s ready to share, her body tenses up and you can almost touch the impenetrable barrier rising between you.
“Your stew is getting cold,” she says. “I’ll grab you a towel.”
Away from the stadium lights, midnight is a mesmerizing weave of glistening diamonds spilled across an indigo sky. The sight of the Milky Way reminds you of her. That blemish etched along her iris—a celestial river carving through blue canvas.
You curl up on a bedroll in the tall grass and listen to the melodious ensemble of crickets and frogs, yearning for extra time in the countryside. There’s a sense of security here, with no sign of danger for miles. The tall and formidable walls back home do little to drown out the blood-curdling cries of the infected. Their presence is always looming, close enough to unsettle you, but never close enough to harm. It’s enough to disrupt your sleep, their ruined faces bleeding into your nightmares.
The once spirited and untamed landscape of home now only grows the carefully cultivated visions that Isaac orchestrates, depriving both his plants and his people of freedom.
Prior to Isaac recruiting you for his mission, you contemplated abandoning your ties to the WLF. You didn’t want to spend another moment on this planet living in a perpetual state of war, never knowing when you’d catch a stray arrow.
The peaceful ambiance of birdsong in the early morning tempers the harsh world for you. It’s a reminder that amidst famine and devastation, there must be more.
“You’re not sleeping inside tonight?”
Bear’s collar jingles, bringing you a sense of comfort as the dog keenly explores the prison yard before heading back indoors to nap. Your pup instantly feels at ease with the mysterious woman from the middle of nowhere, and you have no trouble comprehending why.
“I am,” you say. “I just wanted to see the stars first.”
“You don’t see much of that where you’re from?” she asks.
When you pat the ground, she sits cross-legged next to you like an old friend.
“Not really. It’s too bright in the city,” you explain. “I’m going to need to stitch that up—don’t think I haven’t noticed.”
While shooting you a disapproving look, she absentmindedly traces the cut near her collarbone before leaning back on her rugged arms. She tilts her head to study the cloudless sky, and it draws your attention to the neat braid resting at the nape of her neck.
A fresh and woody scent emanates from her, with a subtle hint of pine carried to you by the wind.
“I’ve always wondered why there are no infected here,” you say. “You keep them away when I’m around, don’t you?”
You know it’s her, the one responsible for it all, but you’re still in the dark about her methods. The extent of its impact on her remains elusive to you, but you’ve witnessed her increasing exhaustion. Her strength and abilities set her apart, but they also have the power to decimate her reserves.
“They’re closer than you think,” she says.
“If I get up right now and walk out those gates, am I in danger?” you ask.
“Yes,” she says, a look of agony flashing across her features. “But not for the reasons you think. I can’t—it’s people I can’t control.”
“I wasn’t imagining things, then?”
Her teeth grind in apprehension, as she plucks blades of grass from the ground to build a small mound above the laces of her leather boots. You let the gears turn, patiently waiting for her to come to her own conclusions. The struggle lies in wanting her to confide in you, wanting to divide the burdens that shackle her.    
“I’m here,” you say. “Whenever you’re ready to talk.”
“What if I can’t?”
“I’ll still listen,” you say.
When she turns her head to face you, fragile threads of trust blur her stern demeanour, a courageous step taken in silence. She lumbers from the ground until she finds her feet.
“Where are you going?” you chuckle lightly. “You need rest.”
Brushing the dirt off her pants, she makes her way to the perimeter fence, beckoning you to follow.
Left untended, the field beyond it is a forgotten acreage of towering weeds, sun-stretched wildflowers wilting beneath the somber moon. The ringing chorus of quick, guttural frog croaks fades as a Runner emerges clumsily from the treeline.
Your heart skips as her rough fingers intertwine with your own, a bolt of sweet lightning cleaving through your chest. You can feel the strength in her grip as she guides your joined hands to the chain-link. She squeezes, pressing the tips of your fingers around the galvanized wire.
You’re left bewildered, staring at her, before she gestures towards the field with a subtle tilt of her chin. The writhing, infected body creeps nearer and your heart pounds. With every graceless step the creature makes, nervous vibrations fuse between your ribs. It stumbles, festering limbs lunging forward, and it takes every ounce of self control to keep from screaming.
The warm body at your side inches closer to ease your erratic breathing. Her composure is remarkable, as if she has performed this action countless times, a mastery of the dead—a striking juxtaposition to your tight, hard swallow resonating through the lonesome field.
Behind the disease-ridden shell, the faint traces of a woman’s features start to emerge as the battered body reaches the other side of the fence. The infected woman is so close to you that you can see the intricate network of veins in her eyes, and the red, inflamed rims of her eyelids where her eyelashes once were. Every muscle in your body freezes, not daring to twitch or even let out a breath.
The septic woman pushes her forehead to the fence, head tilting at an unnatural angle, seeming to study every detail of your face. The putrid odour hits your nostrils with such force that it’s impossible not to recoil. As terror grips you, it spreads like wildfire.
“How?” you rasp, your voice so faint, it’s barely a whisper. “Why isn’t she attacking me—doesn’t she want to?”
“It’s all she wants.”
Your attention falls to the soldier whom Isaac has bound you to restore, and you notice she is rapidly losing strength, her skin growing paler as the life force ebbs away.
“Okay, that’s enough. Make it stop,” you order, panic rising as her nose trickles a thin stream of red. “You know what? Fuck it!”
Without hesitation, you reach for the knife holstered on her thigh, sliding the sharp blade through the fence, until the spindly body collapses to meld with the soil.
Your hands move with care as you suture the wound above her collarbone, the heat of her breath fanning your face. Positioned behind her is a mural she painted, featuring a serene beach and a shipwrecked boat nestled against the coastline. Decorated with kelp and dappled with rust, the sailboat’s intricate detailing is striking.
“I’ve never been to the beach,” you say.
Her blue eyes, wide with curiosity, lock onto yours, and a huff of quiet laughter escapes her parted lips.
“What’s so funny?” you ask.
“I’ve never been, either,” she admits.
You take a step back to observe her, noticing the lines etched on her face that tell stories of resilience. There is a captivating depth that makes you long to delve further.
“Well, you had me fooled,” you say, reaching for the scissors on the surgical tray. “You’re a talented painter—I’m sorry I hadn’t noticed sooner.”
With a dismissive shrug, she makes it seem like transforming a gloomy prison into a magnificent cathedral of art is a piece of cake. Her artwork is so impressive that you would never guess she has spent little time at the beach.
“Nah, it wasn’t here last time,” she says, adjusting her stance and widening the space between her thighs to provide you with more room to work. “I thought I’d try something new. We’ll see if it sticks.”
You lean in closer, gently tending to the cuts and scrapes that have gathered along her shoulders and neck. Her skin, adorned with freckles, is a beautiful mosaic of its own. Some strands of her braid have unraveled, perhaps because of a lack of practice, but the untidiness complements her.
“I’ve always wanted to learn to braid hair,” you say, pondering for a moment if, for her, it’s a self-taught skill or something guided by someone more experienced. Her mother maybe. “It suits you.”
Her nose wrinkles skeptically as she lifts her hand from her lap, her fingers carefully tucking your hair behind your ear.
“Why aren’t you afraid of me?” she asks.
Given the antics outside, it’s a valid question. You can’t think of a scenario that sent chills down your spine quite like that one. But with her by your side, you felt an unspoken sense of protection. She nudges you with her knee, her eyes narrowing in anticipation of a response.
“I think I am,” you confess, pulling the steel cart to the other side of her brawny frame to better access the supplies you need.
“And yet, you stay,” she asserts. “I guess you don’t have much of a choice.”
“I always have a choice.”
While you meticulously inspect her newest scars, cleansing the wounds that besiege them, she takes hold of your hand, motioning for you to stop.
“Abigail,” she says, worrying her bottom lip. “My name—if you still want it.”
In an instant, your inquisitiveness peaks, keen to uncover both her origin and the path that led her to this place. All in good time, you suppose.
“Abigail,” you say, appreciating how smoothly it rolls off your tongue. “That’s a really pretty name.”
You watch in awe as a blush creeps up her cheeks, giving her a rosy glow.
“Thanks,” she murmurs. “It doesn’t feel like it belongs to me anymore.”
“Maybe we can change that,” you whisper.
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kaasiand · 11 months
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my joke pikmin ideas
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MASSIVE impact damage when thrown at an enemy, similar to rock pikmin but better
heavier than rock pikmin, so their max throwing distance is greatly reduced to balance their higher damage
when a bunch are thrown together, they will - if next to a ledge: form brickmin stairs, that you can climb with the rest of your squad - if not next to a ledge: form a brickmin wall that enemies can't move past, until they knock it over
has no arms! carrying power ZERO
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basically just reskinned white pikmin
enemies that eat them will get high
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fuck you
you can now bring the pikmin 1 experience wherever you go
immediately explodes and dies when hitting a surface too hard after being thrown (what counts as too hard? find out through trial and error)
fuck you
can be eaten emperor bulblax-style
will not explode if wet (being swallowed by an enemy does not count as being wet) (they can still drown btw)
immediately explodes and dies when set on fire, crushed or electrocuted
fuck you
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brighteuphony · 3 months
I love your AU so much 💔
And I see that Sakura’s reunion with her old friends is going to be very emotional 🥹
One last question and I promise for the time being I won’t bother you with my questions anymore and will patiently wait for next posts
Is Sakura going to be a healer in your AU, too? I always felt that it suits her perfectly and she was truly a genius when it came to it. I love her as a healer, but I realise that here her circumstances are very different and it wouldn’t be surprising at all if she chose a totally different path with abilities
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There's absolutely no bother! I'm so happy there are people who are into this AU as much as I enjoy making it!
And Sakura is absolutely still a healer in this AU, but she trains under a very different medic-nin...one who owes Enji a blood-debt and agreed to allow Sakura to prove her worth.
Except there's no fish this time, only a rudimentary demonstration and a trial-by-firing squad, where Chiyo is giving her instructions and if Sakura fails, the patient dies.
And if the patient dies, so does Sakura's chances of learning anything from Chiyo.
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oh-three · 3 months
There's the Teth trailer shot.
Ahhh, Mr. Assassin's looking a bit worse for wear.
Ayyy, escape route!
Lmaooo, Rex relying on Echo for backup, as if our guy's not booked on getting Gregor. Really does have a full schedule, doesn't he?
Glad to see that Wolffe's still in there. And being his usual self.
Ooh, the assassin's got no comms.
LMAO, the assassin just fucking jumped down there, like, "hey, I'm not letting you finish what I was told to do."
Rex, your flashlight 😭
They're gonna get shot down, aren't they.
"Don't worry, she only bites half of the time." 🤣
Yepppppp, and there's that. Saw that one coming. No way it was that easy.
Me trying to decide if it's Rex or the Batch that has a habit of crashing, or whether it's just them being together:
Wolffe really does hate the assassin right about now. Which, fair, he's literally doing things the exact opposite of them. That would be annoying for anybody.
"You're as bad as Hunter." / "Oh, I'm much worse." LMAO. Cross is in full dad mode and fully aware of it, and now he's turned it into a whole thing. I love him. These boys can't not compete about anything.
Howzer reluctantly admitting that this Crosshair is different from the Crosshair that he blames for getting his squad killed. 👏
"The operative's gone rogue." Saw that coming, too. I want to say it's further confirmation toward it being Tech, but that voice was definitely a modulated reg's.
Wolffe, your team sucks.
Nemeccccc 😭
"I'll draw his fire. Get to the rendezvous." Brainwashed sniper vs malfunctioning sniper 😬
Oh, thank god, he survived that. We're still short a couple of Cross trailer shots.
Howzer saving Cross from going over the second waterfall and actually drowning (holy fuck, a drowning attempt in Star Wars) despite his reservations toward him. 😭
"Wolffe?" / "Rex?" Ayyy, mutual shock.
Wolffe just putting his blasters away and going, "I thought you were dead." 😭
"As your brother, I'm asking you to do the right thing." 😭
Ayyy, Wolffe telling the men to stand down because he can see the truth in Rex's words, and he can't keep going forward without at least looking into it.
"But, sir, they're traitors." / "Perhaps. But they're clones. We owe them that." The way they all just accept to respect their fellow clones despite the sides of the newfound war they're in 😭
"Rex, you can't win this fight. The Empire is too strong." 😭
Dark-toned Omega theme.
Fuckkk, I want to watch another episode. Is it next week yet.
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spider-mand · 1 year
I love that one of Deadpool's first acts as a Certified Good Guy™, a member of the shiny new Avengers Unity Squad, is a jailbreak.
Hawkeye's facing trial for killing [spoiler], so Deadpool breaks in with a getaway boat, and an envelope full of cash and forged identity documents to get him out of the country. Of course Hawkeye rejects the offer, but I love this exchange.
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It's just... very Deadpool. A bizarre but sincere attempt to help and cheer up his friend.
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I love that Wade's little semi-disturbing speech gets a laugh, that Clint genuinely seems cheered up by Wade's visit, that Clint understands Wade a little better now that he's also faced a "kill one to save many" crisis he couldn't find another way out of.
Basically I just forgot how much I like seeing these dumpster fire humans being bros and now I really want another Hawkeye/Deadpool teamup comic.
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matan4il · 4 months
Daily update post:
Another independent Palestinian terrorist attack happened today, wounding two Palestinians who happened to drive by the terrorists, who intended to shoot at Israeli soldiers. The IDF neutralized them, while one soldier's life was saved thanks to his gear (I found the report on the shooting terrorist attack in both Hebrew and English, I only found the info on the two wounded Palestinians in Hebrew).
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During the International Court of Justice's decision regarding provisional measures against Israel, only the majority opinion was read out loud. The minority opinion was published separately. The short of it is that the judge from Uganda found that South Africa didn't have a right to make this case at all, and therefore decided against every single provisional measure SA asked for, while the Israeli judge had the same conclusion, and a few words to add, as a child survivor of the Holocaust. He wrote, among other things, "Genocide is not just a word to me" (a sentiment that should be shared by everyone, not just survivors of genocide, IMO) and that essentially, the ICJ became a stage to put Able on trial for having been murdered by Cain, or in Barak's words, by focusing on Israel instead of on Hamas, South Africa "wrongly sought to impute the crime of Cain to Abel."
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This footage aired a few days ago, but since I couldn't find it anywhere in English, I ended up editing it out of an article in Hebrew. What you can see here are two things... First, you'll see the Israeli Air Force following a Hamas squad, where the terrorists are carrying RPGs and going into a building. The IAF then strikes from the air that building, and what really stands out is the secondary explosions after the initial hit, indicating that the building was full of explosives. Second, you'll see Gazans evacuating to safety. As they do, they chant against Hamas. But what really got to me is how they're moving slowly next to Israeli tanks. If they were scared that the Israeli army would shoot at them indiscrimintaely as part of some attempted genocide, they would be rushing it out of there, and likely they wouldn't have even stepped anywhere near the tanks. They can walk slowly next to the IDF, because they're sure that the Israeli soldiers are NOT going to fire at them.
In the last couple of days, we've had repeated reports of Israelis being injured by Hezbollah fire into northern Israel (after civilian communities were continuously targeted, and people got killed by this Iran-funded terrorist group), and that IDF units which have concluded their fighting in Gaza, are now starting to train for a possible war in the north. Let's hope it won't come to that, but the only thing that might stop that option is a diplomatic agreement leading to Hezbollah leaving Israel's border, and there are no signs of those efforts succeeding for the time being.
The final warning before a subponea that the House committee investigating antisemitism had to issue Harvard, because the university hasn't produced the documents it was asked to, sure does make it sound like Haravard has nothing to hide...
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Today, 4 months and a day after the Hamas massacre, they started removing the ruins of houses in kibbutz Be'eri, where over 100 members of the small, agricultural community had been slaughtered on Oct 7. This is a first step in re-building the kibbutz.
And this is one of the kibbutz members, Meni Goddard.
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In continuation of yesterday's info on the number of Israelis already murdered by Hamas, and their bodies held hostage, today it was confirmed that Meni was murdered on Oct 7, and his body was kidnapped to Gaza. It was already known that his wife Ayelet was also murdered during the massacre. Kibbutz Be'eri currently has 11 members who are known to have been kidnapped to Gaza, of which 6 are bodies held hostage, depriving the dead of their right for decent burial, and their families and community of closure. May his memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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tomirida · 1 year
Today is May 31, remembrance day for victims of repressions and acarcılıq, the famines of 1920-1921 and 1931-1933. The former saw a million Qazaqs perish, and the latter between 1.3 to 1.5 million. By 1939, Qazaqs had lost more than a quarter of their population in a decade.
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Moreover, Qazaqstan had lost most of its intelligentsia due to political repressions. A short list under the link.
• Äliyhan Bökeyhan (1866-1937) — leader of the Alac Party and editor of the Qazaq newspaper, which ran from 1913 until 1918. He stood for an independent and democratic Qazaq state. In 1917, he was elected president of the newly-formed Alac Autonomy, but the republic was crushed in 1920 by the Bolsheviks. In 1937 he was arrested and executed in Moscow.
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Bökeyhan in 1935 and 1937.
• Ahmet Baytursınulı (1872-1937) — linguist and author of the reformed Arabic alphabet called töte jazıw, which adapted the writing system to be more accessible and accounting for the Qazaq language's unique features. He is also responsible for coining new terms for Qazaq grammar and literature. In 1937 he was accused of being an "enemy of the people" and was shot by a firing squad.
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A. Baytursınulı in 1913.
Mirjaqıp Dulatulı (1885-1935) — poet and writer, author of the poem Oyan, Qazaq! (Wake up, Qazaq!) and the first Qazaq novel Baqıtsız Jamal (Unhappy Jamal), which brings to light the sad fate of women in patriarchal Qazaq society. The lines of Oyan, Qazaq! go thus:
Open your eyes; wake up, Qazaq; raise your head,
Don't waste your years in the darkness.
When the land is lost, faith corrupted, and the situation's getting worse,
My dear, there's no time to rest.
Oyan, Qazaq! has become a slogan for a free Qazaqstan in modern times.
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M. Dulatulı in 1916.
In 1928 he was accused of "Qazaq nationalism" and was arrested. He spent two years in Butyrka prison, then was transferred to Solovki prison camp. He died in Sosnovka in 1935.
Turar Rısqulov (1894-1938) — chairman of the Central Electoral Committee of the Turkestan ASSR, founder of the "Bukhara" society, and participant in the 1916 Central Asian revolt. He supported the agency of indigenous Turkic peoples, viewing revolution along national lines as a fight against colonial exploitation and settler violence. He was charged with Pan-Turkism and was executed in 1938.
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Portrait of T. Rısqulov.
İliyas Jansügirov (1894-1938) — poet, writer, and translator. He's the author of the famous poem Qulager about the death of Aqın-Seri's beloved horse; he also translated countless works of Pushkin, Gorky, Mayakovsky, Hugo, Heine, and other foreign classics. He was executed without trial in 1938.
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İ. Jansügirov, presumably in the 1920s.
There were many more bright people who were imprisoned and executed by the Soviet regime, such as writers Mağjan Jumabay, Säken Seyfullin, Beyimbet Maylin; doctor Sanjar Asfendiyarov, linguists Qudaybergen Jubanov, Teljan Conanov, Näzir Törequlov.
The forced settlement of nomads led to Qazaqs being ripped away from their traditional life and culture, the mass repressions of the intelligentsia silenced people's voices. This day is as important as ever in light of the situation in Qazaqstan, where the government still imprisons journalists and activists; where the 200+ people killed during Bloody January and their families still haven't seen justice; and where, in the world, Russia denies Qazaqstan's history and territorial integrity, and still dreams of rebuilding the Russian Empire.
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dumbkiri · 7 months
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴏ: ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀɪᴀʟ
[Name] is put on trial for abandonment and conflict of interests. She retells her story of what happened in Shiganshina. Her bravery wasn't unnoticed. Every person in that courtroom recognized her for her strength besides her accuser.
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“I know this could be difficult,” Zachary’s old voice spoke out to the courtroom, but he was directing his attention to the woman standing alone with her enemies to her right and her comrades to her left. “But I need you to tell me what happened that day. Why are you being tried for this error that could have been made by anyone?” 
[Name] blinked and nodded her head to tell her side of the story. The shackles on her hands clanged together when she straightened up. Taking a deep breath, she began, “I was meeting up with Commander Pixis of the Garrison to talk about extra defenses along the walls. I had proposed the idea to my own commander and he thought I should relay it to Commander Pixis as soon as I could. That day I was pardoned from the expedition and allowed to see my family.”
A flash of Carla, Eren and Mikasa’s face appeared in her memory. The memory of yesterday’s early morning where everything was fine. 
“My kid siblings are very fond of the Scouts and we bid our farewells to them. Captain Levi and Squad Leader Hanji can testify to that,” She added shortly then continued, “After that, I took them home and helped my mom prepare supper. I lost track of time and my comrade, Valery O’Hara, came to my house and reminded me of my meeting.”
“[Name], your father is preparing for something and I don’t know what it is.” Carla stopped undressing the goose at the counter and she set her feathered hands down with a gloom look on her face. “He’s always gone and-”
The young female shook her head and continued to wash the dishes in the sink, “Mom, you know I can’t say anything. I promised Father that I would keep you guys safe from his secrets and our world. You saw what I am and you can trust me to save you guys no matter what.” 
[Name] dried her hands off and she grabbed her mom by the shoulders, “When Father is gone, I will be here. You call out to me whenever you need help, send a letter, say my name a million times, anything and I will listen to your call.” Her [e.color] eyes had a flicker of [f.color] shine in them before disappearing and Carla breathed out a small ‘okay’. 
“Do you know who could be at the door?” Carla questioned wiping her hands onto her apron and [Name] groaned. 
“I may have forgotten an important meeting with Commander Pixis. I have to go, but don’t forget my words.” [Name] hurriedly pressed a kiss on Carla’s cheek and dashed to the front door greeting her comrade, Valery O’Hara. “Yep, Val, I know! Thanks for coming by to get me!”
Carla shook her head with a small smile on her face watching her step-daughter jump onto her horse and riding away with urgency. “That girl is always running late.”
“When I made it to Wall Maria, I was greeted by some Garrison soldiers joking about my lateness to the meeting. Before I could dismount my horse there was a strike of lightning that appeared behind the group and I. It shook the ground and left us all stunned in a stupor. But when we turned around, we questioned the large hand placed on top of the wall. Some soldiers questioned the possibility of a titan that huge and some were still stunned in silence.” 
[Name] kept her eyes connected with Zachary’s and said with a detached tone as if she didn’t want to remember the events of Shiganshina. “In a matter of seconds, Shiganshina began to fall. The titan that loomed over our walls looked down at us and kicked a massive hole at the entrance. Titans were filtering in and rubble from the wall flew in all kinds of directions. Fire was catching onto buildings and the innocent. 
“Immediately, I went into action and demanded extra gear and gas tanks to kill those titans. I wasn’t going to stay stuck in my fear. People were going to die and I had to move-”
“You mean your family was in danger, that was all you thought about,” Captain Woerman cruelly said with a sneer on his long face. 
[Name] rightfully ignored him and said, “I was granted gear and I charged back towards Shiganshina to help every citizen escape.”
“Welcome back, Miss ‘Tardiness’,” A Garrison soldier snickered and stopped [Name]’s horse from going into Wall Maria. Reaper huffed at the soldier and pulled his head away with disdain for the man. 
“Sorry, James, but Reaper doesn’t like anyone touching him,” [Name] laughed and gently petted the black horse to settle him down. 
James cocked an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest, a teasing smile on his face, “Yeah, sure. I thought I saw Reaper being all soft with a certain captain in your regimen before. Reaper is also fond of that captain’s female horse.”
“What can I say? Reaper has exceptions and-”
An intense sound resonated within the Wall of Shiganshina and it shook [Name] to her core knowing what exactly makes that kind of sound. Her body slowly turned to the sound and she was startled by the large muscle hand on top of the wall.  
‘No, no, no! Why is the Colossal Titan here!” [Name] shouted mentally disturbed by the sight of a Warrior by her home. It peered over the wall and another loud sound of the entrance being kicked in almost knocked her off of Reaper. There was no time to question or hesitate any longer. The screams of citizens terrified her more than the Colossal Titan did. 
“James, you gotta give me gear to fight!”
“R-right, follow me!” James hopped onto his own horse and he took off to a refill station. Reaper kept up with James and it only took them a few minutes to get to the station. Once there, they jumped off their horses and [Name] was given ODM gear to go help the evacuation. The gear was strapped on nicely and quickly [Name] ran back to Shiganshina. She hooked her wires onto some buildings and it didn’t take her long to scale up the wall. 
Fire had spread among Shiganshina and [Name] jumped off the wall to start killing titans. She knew the Garrison would only rely on their cannons and defenses instead of their gear and swords. Any sane person would resort to weapons that allowed long distance. But a real soldier would engage into close combat to ensure the kill. 
“I focused my killings at the entrance to stop more from coming in. Very few of the Garrison soldiers were actually using their ODM gear to engage with the titans and they continued to fire cannons at citizens and titans with their fear stricken minds. 
“The titan pile I formed at the entrance only allowed a few to crawl through so I flew to help the citizens that were dealing with titans that came in a lot earlier and faster. I was all over the city of Shiganshina killing every titan that was near me. I killed 27 titans by myself, that’s more than every Garrison soldier that was present that day. I mean no disrespect to the regimen or the soldiers, but to hold me accountable for abandonment is unfair to me.” 
“You left us to fend off that abnormal titan that broke a hole into Wall Maria!” Captain Woermann shouted with another absurd interruption. “You had the strength to kill 27 titans alone, I believe she also had the strength to take down that titan too! But she abandoned her post to save her own family, it’s a conflict of interest I tell you all!”
Zachary looked back at [Name] and asked her, “What happened to your family, Ms. Jaeger?”
[Name] thought back to the scene where she almost lost her whole family in one day. She fought back the tears that were welling in her eyes and she cleared her throat, “I had finished killing off a titan that cornered a woman into an alley and stopped on a roof to examine the state of Shiganshina. 
“Titans were still roaming and my old friend along with a new Garrison soldier were fighting alongside each other to get rid of some. I was going to aid them, but that’s when I heard my family crying out to me.” She swallowed the lump in her throat and she looked down at the floor. “I thought the screaming citizens terrified me more than anything, but if you had heard your family crying out your name, it would bring pain to your heart. I knew what I was doing and I traveled as fast as I could to my family. I didn’t notice it earlier, but a huge piece of rubble had landed on my home and my mother was the only one present inside of it.
“When I arrived, I saw my siblings desperately trying to lift off a large piece of rubble from our mother. To see my younger siblings cry and fail at this action broke my heart.”
“And that’s 27,” [Name] said out of breath landing roughly onto a rooftop. She looked around her surroundings and saw James along with the new recruit fighting together. The two of them looked like they had it covered, but [Name] couldn’t afford to lose her only allies in this battle. The young woman stepped towards them, yet she stopped herself when she heard unsynchronized cries that yelled out her name. 
“[Name], where are you!”
“[Name], help mom!”
Her body froze upon hearing her family from the direction of their house. She looked at James and the girl fighting, but she couldn’t bring herself to help them. Her family needed her and she promised her mom she would be there for them when their father was absent. [Name] switched out her blades and zipped over to her house and what she saw was utterly painful. 
“[Name]!” Carla called out to the soldier and reached her right hand out for help. While Mikasa and Eren looked behind them with tears in their eyes and a glimpse of hope. [Name] ran to her family and kneeled down in front of her mom. It wasn’t possible to lift this off her and her legs must be incredibly injured. 
“Mom! Why isn’t there-” [Name] stopped herself short and looked at her kid siblings. Their hands had splinters and cuts on them. Then she looked back at her mom, “I’m going to get you out, I just need some time!”
She knew what that sound was and she peeked over the rubble to see a titan she thought she’d never see again. ‘This word is too cruel!’ She thought and focused back on trying to lift the slab of wood on her mom. 
“[Name], that titan is getting closer! You have to kill it!” Eren shouted at his older sister and she shook her head, ‘no’. 
“Eren, I ran out of gas traveling here! I can’t kill it, right now we need to get mom out of here!” She grunted out and the wood slab was slowly lifting off of Carla’s back. Her hands gripped tightly onto the wood and she pushed herself so she could lift it higher. But the splinters were so painful. 
“Hurry and crawl out!” [Name] shouted gritting her teeth together and her eyes shut firmly. Before Carla could drag herself out the rumble of the floor shook [Name]’s exhausted legs and the wood slab fell back onto Carla. [Name] huffed out and went back to regain her position. 
“Just get your siblings out of here,” Carla said with tears pooling in her eyes.
[Name] pulled out the obvious splitters and looked down at her mom, “Not a chance! We’re getting you out of here! Eren, Mikasa, when I lift this up pull mom out as fast as you can, got it?”
Both of the kids nodded their heads and [Name] placed her bloody hands on the slab again.
“I was prepared to save my mom and kid siblings at any cost. Unfortunately, I ran out of gas to kill that titan so I used up all my strength to lift the wood slab off my mom. I failed the first time and when I tried again, a Garrison soldier arrived on scene to help us out. His name was Hannes and he knew my family. I asked for his help, but his confidence led him to believe that he could take down the smiling titan.”
“Did he kill the titan, Ms. Jaeger?” Zachary asked, curiosity filling his eyes. 
[Name] shook her head and balled up her hands into fists. Anger fueled her choice of words to describe that Garrison soldier, “He was a coward. He ran up to that titan and a few seconds later he ran back carrying my brother and sister in his arms. He left my mom and I confused and when I shouted back to him he didn’t say a word. He left us alone and he didn’t even bother to switch out his gas tanks with me.”
“Alright, you guys ready?” 
[Name] asked her siblings and she saw Hannes come running back with a gloom look across his face. He swiftly carried Mikasa in one arm and Eren in the other. Hannes then bolted away from the two humans and titan without a word. “Hey! What the hell are you doing! Come back here!” [Name] angrily shouted and watched the coward run away. 
“You damn bastard, give me your gas tanks! I can kill the titan! Hannes! You piece of shit!” [Name] shouted profanities at the man and she looked back at her mom who looked up at her with no hope in her eyes. She pulled a dagger from her boot and looked down at her palm. She inched the blade closer to her hand and when she was about to draw blood, Carla stopped her. 
“Just…run away. [Name], please. They can’t lose you too.”
[Name] looked back at Carla and shook her head, “Mom, I know you don’t want to be left behind. I’m not going to-”
“Just leave me! You have to be with them!” Her golden eyes pierced through [Name]’s tough exterior and she caved in. Quietly, [Name] put her dagger away and stood up. She walked backwards and turned away from her crying mom. “You protect them, okay? You do everything in your power to save them! Don’t forget that, young lady!”
[Name] heard the titan, her true mother, move the rubble off of Carla’s body. She tuned out Carla’s grunts of pain and didn’t dare turn around. Her eyes were set on Eren who watched the whole thing happen. Then [Name] ran after her siblings putting her fingers to her lips, she let out a loud whistle to call Reaper to her. She kept doing it in short and long waves so he could track her down and it only took the animal three minutes to find her running out of breath. 
[Name] hopped on him and charged the horse over to where Hannes was at with her siblings. She stopped in front of him and demanded he hand them to her. The man reluctantly let them go and where her siblings sat were reversed from earlier today. Eren sat in front with him facing her. His hands were holding tightly onto her shirt as he pressed his face into her chest. 
She could feel his tears run down like a river and she rubbed his back gently with her left arm. Then Hannes put Mikasa behind her. The little girl wrapped her arms around [Name]’s abdomen and rested the left side of her face onto her back. [Name] turned to the side and wrapped her right arm around Mikasa’s back to give her comfort as well. 
“[Name], I will like to apologize for-”
“Save it for someone else, coward.” [Name] glared down at Hannes with bright [f.color] eyes. Hannes looked up at her with fear and intrigued by the change of the color in her eyes. Before she left, [Name] looked down at him and said, “I could have saved her if you had handed over your gas tanks.”
“My mom ended up losing her life.” [Name] spoke softly with a tremble in her voice. She continued looking at the ground trying to get rid of the memories of her mother figures. Her mother, Dina Fritz, was still roaming around as a titan. She made her way to Shiganshina and ate her step-mother. 
“I send my condolences out to you and your family, Ms. Jaeger. Your story is backed up by witnesses and even the soldier who cost your mother’s life admitted to his cowardice. The Garrison soldier also stated that he was drinking that day on patrol, he will be dealt with the punishment fit for him. So here is my verdict,” Zachary called for her to look up at him and she did with anxiety. 
The military could be a harsh place, she knew that. But she hoped that the Premier would give her rest. She needed to be with her siblings. She needed to find her father. [Name] had many things to do and she couldn’t rot in a cell that would hinder her plans. 
“The charges against you will be dismissed. I have plenty of witness statements that said it would have been impossible for you to kill the second abnormal titan that opened up Wall Maria. This abnormal titan had armor all over its body that not even the cannons could penetrate. Ms. Jaeger, you saved as many people as you could and again, I am sorry your mother wasn’t one of them. But you cannot hold blame against yourself either. Some people aren’t meant to fight titans and some are extraordinary fighters like you.”
“Thank you,” [Name] gratefully addressed Zachary and relaxed her shoulders. 
“Uncuff her,” He commanded and a MP walked over to her taking her shackles off her wrists. She rubbed the sore spots and before she could say something to Zachary, he held his hand up with a gentle smile on his face. She rarely saw him looking like that considering his normal attitude. “Bring them in, this hearing is dismissed.” 
The doors to the courtroom opened up and [Name] turned around to see her siblings run at her with tears in their eyes. She opened up her arms and they tackled her into a big hug. Eren was the first to say, “We thought they were going to take you away!” [Name] shook her head and pressed a kiss against his forehead, “No one is taking me away. I’m going to stay by your side from now on.” 
The Garrison and Military Police left the room with the exception of her branch. She lifted Mikasa in her right arm and held Eren’s right hand in her left. Then she turned around to see her extended family giving her a warm welcome. Erwin stepped up and nodded his head, “It didn’t take long for us to gather multiple witness accounts on your behalf. What you did that day was extraordinary.”
Hanji jumped up and pointed at Levi who stood next to Erwin in the bunch, “He means that it didn’t take long for Levi to start threatening people to write down statements.” 
“I didn’t threaten anyone, titan lover,” Levi grunted and he looked away from [Name] and the rest while he stood his ground. Okay, maybe he did threaten Hannes and some of the Garrison soldiers that were hesitant to write down their statements. Was he going to tell [Name] that? No way in Hell.
On the other hand, [Name] couldn’t help, but smile at Levi’s lack of eye contact and instead brought her attention to the whole group, “Thank you all for this. I’m not sure what I would’ve done if-” She felt Eren’s hand clench her own tighter and the boy was staring at the floor with an intense gaze. “Anyways, I’m glad you all came to my defense. My family and I appreciate it, right Eren? Mikasa?” 
Mikasa nodded her head and Eren mumbled a small “thanks “ to which Hanji squealed with excitement. “Ah! He reminds me of you when you get all flustered. Say, Eren, are you embarrassed right now? Does standing in front of your idols make you all giddy?” 
Eren looked back at Hanji and shouted with the biggest blush on his face, “No! You're not my idol! [Name] is a-and…maybe…” Eren’s eyes drifted over to Levi who crossed his arms over his chest with his neutral expression plastered on his face. “-just [Name]!”
“Eren, your ears are turning red,” Mikasa pointed out and the boy looked at her with betrayal etched onto his face. 
[Name] wanted to tease her brother as well, “Uh-oh, are you lying to squad leader Hanji, Eren? Your ears only turn red when you’re lying.” 
Eren let go of her hand and slapped his hands over his ears, shaking his head, “I’m not lying! It’s just…it’s hot in this mucky room and you know what? Let’s just leave already!” He tugged on her hand hard and she couldn’t help herself by laughing some more. She was grateful that she was still able to pull this front on. To keep her mask from breaking. 
Yet everything was falling into place. The loss of her second mother, her missing father, her trial and getting back her siblings. The invasion by the warriors, the war that was coming. The plan her father gave her was going to start rolling. 
And there was nothing she could do to stop it. 
“[Name], is everything okay?” 
“Huh?” She looked up at her comrades and saw their worried faces. She shook her head and waved her hand with a weak smile, “Ah, don’t worry about me. The stress is finally being released, you know?” Oh, they all knew what she meant. They had their own regrets and dwelled in their mistakes and the deaths that were caused by them. 
“Eren and Mikasa, I hope you don’t mind, but you’re going to have to live in my house in Trost.” 
“That’s okay, but what about Armin and his grandfather?” Eren asked, looking up at her with a penetrating stare. [Name] didn’t know what to say to her brother. She didn’t have room for those two unless she made the kids bunk up with one another. She also had to turn her office into a room for Armin’s grandfather. It wouldn’t be too much work. 
“I will make sure to look for them and offer them to live with us.” 
This made Eren wrap his arms around her waist and mutter a thanks into her side. [Name] hugged him back with her free arm and looked back at her comrades, “Shall we go now? After being locked in a stuffy cell, I’m dying for a few drinks and some decent food.” 
“Oh we should go to that pub near your house then! I love their cheesy bread!” Hanji exclaimed and began to lead the group out of the courtroom. She was left alone with her siblings and she gently set Mikasa down on the floor. She looked at them as they stared back at her. 
“Look,” [Name] softly began speaking, “I’m sorry you guys had to see all that terror. I’m sorry for not being there when you needed me. I’m sorry I couldn’t save mom from that titan. I should have done better. I could have done better. Will you both forgive me for my mistakes and lack of strength?”
Mikasa looked at Eren and the boy was doing his best to hold his tears in. He looked at his older sister and sniffed, “It wasn’t your fault. It’s all mine.” [Name] was confused and she asked Eren to clarify what he meant. 
“I brought up that Eren wanted to join the Scouts.” Mikasa said quietly that [Name] almost didn’t catch it. The black haired girl held a lot of guilt in her dark eyes. 
“So mom and I got into a huge fight and I left without saying goodbye. Then when the titan showed up, we ran back to our house and she was stuck. We couldn’t do anything! We’re the ones that didn’t have the strength! We’re the weak ones, not you!”
[Name] heard the sorrow in Eren’s voice, but the tone of anger was outshining it. She pulled her siblings in a tight hug and rubbed her hands up and down their backs. “Don’t think like that.” She said firmly, “You both are just children. I am an adult and I shouldn’t have let you deal with that burden. So put it on me. When you need to talk or a shoulder to cry on, you let me know. Lay it all on me.” [Name] reaffirmed.
She could feel their small bodies cry on her sturdy one. A few minutes passed and their sobs became sniffles. [Name] slowly let them go and watched them wipe their eyes and snotty noses with the sleeves of their cardigans. 
“Can we go get some of that cheesy bread Hanji talked about?” Eren asked with the corners of his eyes red with irritation. 
[Name] nodded her head with a grin, “Of course, Eren. I’ll make sure you both get enough of it.” She stood up and took both their hands in her confident grip. [Name] had to step it up as a guardian. The shank attached to the inside of her boot was snug, a result of plan B. 
She was glad that Zachary let her go or else this courtroom would have fell down in her transformation. [Name] and her siblings were greeted outside by the Scouts who waited for their moment to end. The carriages were all set to go and Hanji insisted that she ride with the kids while [Name] talked to Erwin and Levi. 
She watched her siblings follow Hanji into their designated carriage. Then she looked at Erwin who was staring straight into her soul. Again with his curious gaze, she walked into the carriage and scooted over for Levi to join her side. 
[Name] took a deep breath in and when the carriage started moving, she retold the story again to her commanding officer. 
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