#today at least i did get some things done--returned stuff to a store and got my flu shot and covid booster
i feel like life right now is me trying to juggle approximately 127 different things, and none of them are life-or-death but they’re all equally important to me, so those 127 things are like simultaneous balls in the air that i am holding up while the adderall shortage makes it harder to remember what they are let alone keep from dropping them, and at this point even my to-do lists have lists which got so out of control that i stopped even keeping lists but also i’m so tired every day that i’m lucky if i get a single thing done and if i don’t set alarms then i depression-sleep for fourteen hours because oh yeah my adderall was also the only thing that helped my bipolar meds work all the way so i’m crying and thinking about everything that makes me sad 24/7 while i try to keep juggling
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holymollygraham · 3 months
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"Graham’s head felt stuffed and stupid. He swam in the pool at his hotel until he was rubber-legged, and came out of the water thinking of two things at once—a Tanqueray martini and the taste of Molly’s mouth.
He made the martini himself in a plastic glass and telephoned Molly.
“Hello, hotshot.”
“Hey, baby! Where are you?”
“In this damned hotel in Atlanta.”
“Doing some good?”
“None you’d notice. I’m lonesome.”
“Me too.”
“Me too.”
“Tell me about yourself.”
“Well, I had a run-in with Mrs. Holper today. She wanted to return a dress with a huge big whiskey stain on the seat. I mean, obviously she had worn it to the Jaycee thing.”
“And what did you say?”
“I told her I didn’t sell it to her like that.”
“And what did she say?”
“She said she never had any trouble returning dresses before, which was one reason she shopped at my place rather than some others that she knew about.”
“And then what did you say?”
“Oh, I said I was upset because Will talks like a jack-ass on the phone.”
“I see.”
“Willy’s fine. He’s covering some turtle eggs the dogs dug up. Tell me what you’re doing.”
“Reading reports. Eating junk food.”
“Thinking a good bit, I expect.”
“Can I help you?”
“I just don’t have a lock on anything, Molly. There’s not enough information. Well, there’s a lot of information, but I haven’t done enough with it.”
“Will you be in Atlanta for a while? I’m not bugging you about coming home, I just wonder.”
“I don’t know. I’ll be here a few more days at least. I miss you.”
“Want to talk about fucking?”
“I don’t think I could stand it. I think maybe we better not do that.”
“Do what?”
“Talk about fucking.”
“Okay. You don’t mind if I think about it, though?”
“Absolutely not.”
“We’ve got a new dog.”
“Oh hell.”
“Looks like a cross between a basset hound and a Pekingese.”
“He’s got big balls.”
“Never mind about his balls.”
“They almost drag the ground. He has to retract them when he runs.”
“He can’t do that.”
“Yes he can. You don’t know.”
“Yes I do know.”
“Can you retract yours?”
“I thought we were coming to that.”
“If you must know, I retracted them once.”
“When was that?”
“In my youth. I had to clear a barbed-wire fence in a hurry.”
“I was carrying this watermelon that I had not cultivated.”
“You were fleeing? From whom?”
“A swineherd of my acquaintance. Alerted by his dogs, he burst from his dwelling in his BVD’s, waving a fowling piece. Fortunately, he tripped over a butter-bean trellis and gave me a running start.”
“Did he shoot at you?”
“I thought so at the time, yes. But the reports I heard might have issued from my behind. I’ve never been entirely clear on that.”
“Did you clear the fence?”
“A criminal mind, even at that age.”
“I don’t have a criminal mind.”
“Of course you don’t. I’m thinking about painting the kitchen. What color do you like? Will? What color do you like? Are you there?”
“Yeah, uh, yellow. Let’s paint it yellow.”
“Yellow is a bad color for me. I’ll look green at breakfast.”
“Blue, then.”
“Blue is cold.”
“Well goddammit, paint it baby-shit tan for all I care. . . . No, look, I’ll probably be home before long and we’ll go to the paint store and get some chips and stuff, okay? And maybe some new handles and that.”
“Let’s do, let’s get some handles. I don’t know why I’m talking about this stuff. Look, I love you and I miss you and you’re doing the right thing. It’s costing you too, I know that. I’m here and I’ll be here whenever you come home, or I’ll meet you anywhere, anytime. That’s what.”
“Dear Molly. Dear Molly. Go to bed now.”
“All right.”
“Good night.”
Graham lay with his hands behind his head and conjured dinners with Molly. Stone crab and Sancerre, the salt breeze mixed with the wine.But it was his curse to pick at conversations, and he began to do it now. He had snapped at her after a harmless remark about his “criminal mind.” Stupid.
Graham found Molly’s interest in him largely inexplicable."
~ Red Dragon by Thomas Harris, Chapter 5
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Okay I'm still having fun with Lyle's POV in Two Sidekicks Walk Into a Villain Bar, so that's on the agenda again today and here's the first bit of my next installment:
First night the Kid hit the streets again in his new costume, he neatly turned the Top upside down, spun Golden Glider headfirst into a stop sign, then swiped one of Captain Cold’s guns and iced the man from the knees down. So of course, as soon as the speedster returned the uncut diamonds they’d been attempting to steal back to the jewelry store, Piper and Trickster nabbed him for a celebratory drink.
“I’m pretty sure this breaks the villain code of ethics, or something,” Kid laughed as the two of them pulled him into Lyle’s bar, grinning and unconcerned to be abruptly surrounded by crooks.
“Who cares, you’re back and better than ever!” Trickster cackled all the way up to the counter, and slapped down a trio of hundred dollar bills. Of Monopoly money.
The Kid rolled his eyes and put down some real cash, enough to cover drinks for all three of them. “Glider’s definitely going to care, when she gets over her headache.”
“She’ll groan and grumble along with her brother, and then tell you to at least take her out with something a little classier next time,” Piper snorted, sitting down so he and Trickster bracketed the Kid. “But more importantly - that was a neat move, with Top, where’d you pick it up?”
The blinding grin that took up residence on Kid’s face told Lyle exactly who he was about to mention even before he opened his mouth. “Something my girlfriend showed me a few days ago. She has gotten so much more badass while I was gone.”
Lyle set down a root beer, a cherry cola, and an orange soda in front of the three boys. “You two adjusting alright?”
“Pretty well, yeah. Getting the death certificate overturned and some other legal stuff straightened out has been way easier, since she’s done it before.” Kid took a sip of his root beer like that was a perfectly ordinary statement to make. Hell, for all Lyle knew, maybe it was with superheroes.
“Surprised you didn’t come back to a, ‘my girl dated and married and had a kid with someone else’ situation,” Piper said with a huff. “Isn’t that usually how it goes in the movies?”
The Kid winced. “Well...”
Trickster gasped dramatically, almost spilling his cola as he leaned into the speedster’s face. “Did she?!”
“No marriage, no kid, but- Red Arrow let me know she’d been dating another guy, first one since I, well, disappeared, but she broke things off with him the day after I got back.”
Piper let out a low whistle, and Trickster splayed both hands against his chest. “Awww, it’s true love! I demand you two invite me to the wedding, and I wanna see all the little Arrow-Flash babies!”
Kid snorted, his cheeks turning pink. “Just for that, I might just drop Flash’s twins on you one of these days.”
The new Kid had mentioned them, a few times, little boy and girl already running around with their daddy’s superspeed. Lyle braced an arm against the counter and leveled his best glare. “Not in my bar, you’re not.”
All three boys burst out laughing.
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pbandjesse · 5 months
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Today was surprisingly cold and rainy. It is nice that it actually felt seasonal and not confusingly, and concerningly, warm. And despite it being so cold and wet I had a nice day and mostly was toasty inside.
I slept alright last night. Falling asleep was a little easier. And I slept pretty well. I woke up right before my alarm.
I got dressed and felt pretty good. I did not like my hair today. It feels very flat. I miss having curls. I don't know where to go anymore because the place I had gone before has raised their prices so much I can't afford it. But I'm not sure how to find a hairdresser. I am just trying to grow my hair out right now but the flatness makes me feel a little self conscious.
James was having breakfast and packed me a little lunch. They would drive me to camp today so they could go take our car for an oil change.
It was a nice drive. I was surprised how cold it was, it wasn't raining yet though. I wore my big puffy coat that I love so much. I was very cozy.
James took us up to the art building to drop some stuff off. It was to cold in there to put things away, but at least it's up there for later.
James drove me down to the office. Came inside for a few minutes. Promised me they would be safe. And then said goodbye.
It started to rain not long after they left. But I was safely inside. I had lots to do.
But the office was messy. So I focused on putting things away and organizing. I found a green fanny pack and remembered Jorge had said he wanted that color and we never get it anymore. So I messaged him to make sure I wasn't remembering wrong but I was correct and he seemed very happy about it. We chatted for a bit and I encouraged him to be specialty staff next summer. He said that sounds scary but would consider it.
There was lot of focus on next summer today. Once everyone else, sans Elizabeth, came in there was lots of talk about returning staff surveys and schedules and programs.
So after I sorted some books for the different villages, I started working on tackling the schedule.
This ended up being way harder then I anticipated. Like I knew it would be hard but it ended up being all I worked on for the rest of the day. I didn't even finish! It ended up being really tough.
But it was fun. Having a project that was so intense. I am most of the way through this first draft but man. Juggling overnight and day camp is rough!! Like if it was one or the other it would be fine but man. But enough hours in the day for sure.
First I tried doing all the overnight. But then it didn't work with day camp. So since their day is shorter I switched to focusing on them and that went a lot better. A lot more streamlined.
James would let me know that the oil change, tire rotation, filter change, and new wiper blades, took less then an hour. Amazing. So they went home to read and do some stuff at the house. And would head to get me after stopping at the grocery store for a few things we weren't able to get for Thanksgiving. And then headed to me.
I would work up until they came to get me. I would stop for a little lunch. I discovered I only really like yellow peppers. Alexi had me try and orange one, since I hated the red one I brought, and I was just not into it. Good to know about myself.
When James got there I finished up in a good spot so tomorrow, while I'm working at home, I will have a good spot to jump into. And then we were off.
I was very surprised how cold it was. And how hard it was raining. It didn't seem to be raining that hard when I was inside. We got to the car and headed home. Slowly. Because the rain and heavy in the highway.
I started not feeling amazing while we were driving home. The grey made me feel tired, and I had had no protein today. So I was a little woozy.
When we got back here James made us popcorn. And the snack helped while we waited for pasta dinner to be done.
But I just spent the evening on the couch. I changed into a big sweater. And got cozy with sweetp.
After dinner I would eventually get up to vacuum up some more snails. But I was mostly just chilling and watching videos. Eventually James came and laid in bed with me to watch videos and laugh and cuddle for a while. It has been a sleepy evening and it's just been nice.
I took a shower but decided I would wash my hair tomorrow. I am going to work at home. I hope to make more work on this schedule and then Alexi asked me to start designing a holiday card and think up a patch design to give to the couples that frt married at camp. So cute. I'm excited to get to do more design stuff.
I hope you all sleep well tonight and have a cozy day tomorrow. I love you all. Goodnight!!
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orlissa · 2 years
For therapeutic purposes, here is the full story of the person who owes me a buttload of money.
So, her name is Imola--she is an old family friend, my mom used to work for her mom, doing embroidery and stuff, when I was a kid. I’ve known her for ever. She is about 15 years older than me, married with two kids, a seamstress by profession.
The fall of 2016 she got this idea that she wanted to buy a small, already operating store selling vintage home decor, but she didn’t have enough money for it. At the time I was doing my MA, my parents were still supporting me, and was doing translation on the side, so I had some savings--and so Imola had this idea to borrow from me. To this day I stand by my word that mom my pressured into it, although she says otherwise. Anyway, I did end up lending Imola 1.3 million forint, which would be about $3600 today, but like during the first two years of my phd, aka the first time I had a steady monthy income, I got 140.000 forint (~$390), and that was enough to live on. We even wrote a contract, signed by a notary public, which was Imola’s idea, and she even paid for it. As per the contract, she was to pay me back my money by February 28, 2017 in one sum, with no interest (but if she didn’t pay on time, she’d have to pay a 10% interest, which part I completely forgot about until last year, but which also means that by now the full sum she is to pay back to me is nearly 2 million forint).
She didn’t pay by the deadline, and I didn’t force it, partially because “she is a family friend, she has been helping us [my parents] out a lot” and partially because, as a seamstress, she would help me out with cosplay stuff (although she would half-ass it to a point that some of the stuff she made for me could be worn only once, with no chance of repearing it). One of the things she made was a skirt for a steampunk corset I bought. That steampunk outfit was my dream for years. This will be important.
Some time later, I want to say 2018-2019, but I don’t actually remember, she asked to borrow the whole steampunk outfit and my other, green corset (which was part of my Enchantress cosplay, which included a miniskirt made of chiffon and satin ribbons) so she could display it in her shop window. She said that in exchance she’d make a similar skirt for the green corset as well. I did lend her these outfits, I even saw the steampunk one in her store window.
At some point after this, she silently sold the store. She still didn’t pay me back, nor did she give back my dresses. At this point I was heavily pressuring her into doing both, reminding her of her debt and my stuff, but she remained dismissive, showing a kind of “I’ll do it when I do it, don’t worry about it” attitude.
Come October 2020, when finally, after months of begging, she got around to bringin back my steampunk dress (only that one; I still haven’t seen my green corset). I was excited, because I was having a little Samhain get together with my friends (all complying with covid restrictions), and I wanted to wear that. Only I couldn’t: the boning of the corset was in channels made from faux leather, and while the dress was at Imola’s/on display, the faux leather ripped, and the boning was poking out in several places. It was unwearable. I cried for two hours. That was the last straw. I talked with Imola about it, she “apologized” and said she’d repair it (the only way to repair it is to change all the boning channels on it, which I doubt she did). She took it away some weeks later. That was 1,5 years ago. She still hasn’t returned it.
Done with her bullshit, I made an ultimatum the next year: either she starts paying her debt in installments starting in March (as the end of February was the 4th anniversary of her original deadline), or I’m taking this to court. The original agreement then was she had to pay at least 50.000 forint (~$140) a month (once again: her full debt is nearly 2 million by now), and if she misses two months in a row, I’m taking this to court. Which led to her paying basically every other month.
January this year I told her this won’t do, we’re changing the terms: she is to pay every month by the 25th, and if she misses that, I’m taking this to court. She said okay. She basically never pays by the 25th. She missed the March payment, paid it in early April. Had to remind her two or three times that she needs to pay the April amount in April as well. And now she is saying she can’t pay in May. With the current pace, she’ll ba paying me for at least 3-4 more years. And let’s not talk about my ruined dress and my emotional distress. I’m... I’m done.
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windalchemist001 · 6 months
Today was one of the days were all the staff got together and had meeting compared notes and graded papers. And here i was also being forced to be here, because unlike the housewardens who can come in but can't stay, i as the perfect im forced to stay.
Sighing I was going over Crowley's paperwork because of course I have too, in between that I was also helping grade papers and than also had to go get people drinks and stuff. Well not really that last part when Crowley was gone. When here yeah.
Honestly how their hasn't been a riot against the jerk who knows. And at least I've sort of got on the good side of a lot of the teachers, so that was nice.
Speaking of teachers, one of them came to me and asked how the calander was. I paused from the paperwork and moved to pull put the plainer and quickly flip to this month and hummed.
After a moment I told them that in two weeks Crowley was going to be on vacation and that this week and next week he'll be taking three day weekends so he could get ready for it.
I could hear train and crewel getting upset for me. Though they weren't the only one. And honestly i was truly greatful for them, because sometimes I don't think I would have made it with all the weight on my shoulders, and sure it took a total brake down and being bought back by a bunch of RSA students plus their head mage (i will never out live the shame) to show that I was doing to much.
But still, I blame that fake nice neige for thinking ita ok to be a wired creep, since the guy set me off when he couldn't just leave me alone.
Shaking away the thought I moved to grab a new paper though this was not a grading paper but rather one if the ones I have to read and stamp for the headmaster, since he's got me handling all the boring paperwork while he gets to do the fun stuff, which is why I never get to know about events because he handles that at the least, but it makes me feel stupid when people talk about stuff an I got no idea as to what is going on.
Another sigh and I heard someone call my name and noticed Sam. I rose a brow only to notice he was bring food, guess that makes sense since this was bound to be dinner for most. Reaching out I took the drink and food with a polite thank you
Which was returned. Same was a bit of a live saver since he's always had a lot of odd oddities ans he did help me start valentine here. (Mostly so I can do something for trey and Horton)
I open the food and was glad that it looked like some good food. Honestly this might be the closest to food that is like home. Not to say the food here inside good and I've had good food while here just its all like other nations and when there is something from my home area its more of a northern style or the generic style of style you would get from any old store.
Taking a deep breath and quietly ate, glad that grim was at ramshackle doing his own thing since he hadn't felt like coming today, ans I also think he wasn't to worried about today so I guess that's good.
Sighint again I quietly ate and being mindful of the food did paperwork.
Others were also doing the same while Sam was trying to promote more stuff that wasn't on the original food plain and sure everyone knew what he was doing but still bought more cause again this was a lot of peoples dinner.
Sighing I stamp a few papers with Crowley's signature. Honestly why do I have to do all this? I glanced up and what if maybe I could have a hint to what's going on but just pray for the best and went back to it, cause while the teachers were willing to help, I still had to do all the work, and sulking about it won't get it done. But hey at least if careful I can get a few parties that jerk bird won't be allowed to go to. So petty revenge is better than nothing. So with that thought in mind I went to work... well inbetween bits of good food anyway.
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I could do a scenario where reader loves to mess with megumi's hair, but suddenly she stops because she thinks she's bothering him.
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The first time you notice how soft his hair is was when you were returning to school after a long mission.
You were riding in a car with the entire first-year gang. Nobara sat in the front seat next to Ijichi while you were placed in the back between Yuji and Megumi. The ride back was a long one. After an exhausting day of exorcising curses, you were all tired. Nobara and Yuji ended up falling asleep minutes into the ride, leaving Megumi to watch the sights passing through the window and you shyly trying to make conversation with him.
It's hard considering the strong crush you have on your fellow classmate. He was intelligent, kinder than he really let on, and fairly mature (at least compared to the people you’re usually around). His good looks were the cherry on top of the entire package. Everyone knew Megumi was a pretty boy and often teased him about it. He had fair skin, long, thick eyelashes, and your favorite being his dark hair. It looked so soft whenever your teacher would pat his head, flattening out the black tresses and ruffling them, much to Megumi’s chagrin. But you really wished you could feel as well.
You were the type of person to show your fondness for others through touch. Some people liked it, and some didn’t. For example, Yuji normally had no problem with you touching him, even welcomed it. You weren’t brave enough to ask someone like Megumi for the same sort of relationship, so you kept your hand to yourself when it came to him. At least until Megumi fell asleep, leaning against the car door for support. It’s then you saw your chance and carefully reached to touch one of the longer spikes.
The little black point wavered at your poking, lightly curling around your index finger as you swirled it around. You giggled to yourself about it. It’s thicker and fluffier than you imagined and also incredibly soft, proving Kugisaki’s theory about a ton of hairspray wrong.
Suddenly, a bump in the road cut your touching short, and you quickly jumped away when Megumi’s eyes began to flutter open.
Suspicious, he asked, “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” you said calmly despite your heart thumping under his gaze, but he dropped his interrogation as you all pulled into the school’s parking lot.
That was three months ago.
Now, the two of you were dating, and you saw that as permission to continue your physical intimacy with your more introverted boyfriend.
“Good morning, guys,” you greet your classmates and teacher with a wave, saving your happier actions for Megumi as your hand immediately goes towards his head to ruffle his hair. You pull your hand away but not before letting your fingers clasp your favorite cowlick. Giving a gentle tug, you let it bounce back into place with a smile.
Megumi groans softly, his mouth pursed into a slight frown as he goes to fix his hair back into its normal disarray.
Gojo claps, bringing your attention towards him. “Well now that everyone’s here, let’s go shopping.”
With that, the five of you head to the shopping district despite the heat bearing down on the city. You spend about an hour walking around before deciding to take a break so Nobara and Gojo can catch their breath in the shade while you return some clothes you bought a few weeks earlier across the street. Megumi and Yuji go to buy all five of you drinks, but it isn’t long before you hear Yuji yelling from outside the store.
“Sensei! Kugisaki! Fushiguro is getting hit on! We have to protect (L/Name)’s relationship!”
Before you could even stop them, they’re already up and running in Fushiguro’s direction. Sighing, you grab your card from the store owner and run to catch up with your group.
When you arrive, Kugisaki and Itadori are already clinging to him and ranting something about being in love with him before Gojo saunters up in his best casual wear to challenge them. You have to stifle back a laugh as he goes on about music practice and homewrecking before the event ends with Megumi smacking Yuji in the head as Nobara and Gojo stalk off, defeated.
Hearing your laughter, Yuji cowers behind you with tearful chibi eyes. “Do you see that, (Name)? Fushiguro is so mean. I was only trying to help him and that's the treatment I get .”
“You didn’t help at all. You were nothing short of embarrassing.”
You giggle at the two before reaching out to your silently fuming boyfriend. “No need to be so grumpy, Megumi-kun, or did Gojo give you too much violin homework,” you sing out teasingly, earning a growl about how it isn’t funny as you playfully scramble his hairstyle.
“And that! Will you stop with that?” Megumi demands and forcefully shoves your hand away. “It’s so annoying. You don’t see me petting you all day like some damn pet.”
“Oh,” you say, stepping back from him in your shock. This is the first time Megumi has brought up how you chose to dote on him. Yes, he’d quietly grumble about it from time to time like most things, but he never yelled at you about how you chose to display your affection. You guess you never really realized how much it truly bothered him. Biting back the hurt in your voice, you apologize. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
Megumi grunts softly in response, and Yuji decides it’s probably best to ask Gojo to take you all home for today.
It isn’t long after that Megumi begins to notice your interactions with him starting to change. He apologized for yelling at you soon after the event, but you were still much less touchy with him even after accepting his apology.
Normally, you’d grab onto his hand without so much as asking or surprise him with kisses on his cheek. Now, you only hold his pinky from time to time and only if he asks. You also stop your go-to of rubbing his head when you’d greet him or playing with the ends of his hair when you were bored.
Megumi thought maybe something was bothering you, but then he noticed how you’d still laugh and joke around with Yuji and Nobara, your hand gripping onto their shoulder when they’d tell an extra funny joke or affectionately patting them on the back. That wasn’t the worst though. The worst was when you’d absentmindedly sweep Yuji’s hair back into place when it got messy from training. The jealousy it sparked in Megumi was the last straw that makes him decide to ask you what was wrong.
You’re surprised when he tugs on your sleeve, interrupting your conversation with Itadori and Kugisaki. “Hey, can we talk?”
“Sure,” you say, nodding off to Itadori and Kugisaki before following Megumi to the waterspouts outside. You both sat together on the brick square surrounding the structure. It’s a few quiet seconds of you staring at Megumi as he folds his hands in front of him and lazily taps his foot. Dark blue eyes stare at you before dropping back to the ground.
“Are you still mad at me for yelling at you the other week?”
You shake your head. “I told you it’s fine. I’m not mad at you about that.”
“Then, it’s something else,” he decides, and he desperately tries to rack his brain for what else he could have possibly done wrong, “I’m sure I didn’t forget your birthday or anything. Do you not like me anymore or something?”
Gasping, you deny his claim, “Of course I like you, why would you think I don’t?”
“Because you’re not so friendly with me anymore like the way you are with the others, so either you’re upset with me, or you don’t have the same feelings for me as you do with them.”
“It’s neither of those things. With Yuji and Nobara, they’re both sociable people, but you aren’t like them. You don’t like all that kind of stuff, and I don’t want to annoy you by doing things you don’t like.”
Megumi scowls at your confession, sighing because he remembers exactly why you must be talking like this so suddenly. He specifically called your touches annoying, and he inwardly curses at himself for it. “You’re wrong. It’s not that I don’t like it…” he begins unsurely then pauses.
“Then, what?”
Megumi groans softly, an embarrassed heat starting to build in his cheeks as he quietly croaks out, “Feels good.”
“What’s that?” you ask, scooting closer so you can hear him better.
Megumi blushes lightly and cranks his head to look away from your cutely confused blinking. “It feels good when you do it,” he repeats robotically.
“When I do what?”
“When you play with my hair,” he hesitantly explains in more detail, “When Gojo does it, it’s aggravating, but I don't mind so much with you.”
Hesitantly, you ask, “So is it okay if I do it now?”
Megumi nods. “If you want.”
Cautiously, you lift your hand, pulling back in doubt a few times before ultimately sliding your fingers through his hair and rubbing. Megumi groans softly at your touch, and you realize that all those rushed noises of aggravation were actually him moaning from how light and comforting your touch was. You move your hand forward and backward some more, massaging his head until his head starts nodding and his eyes flutter a bit.
You giggle at him. “Are you falling asleep? You’re such a kid.”
“This is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you.”
You laugh louder as he scoffs to hide his embarrassment.
“In that case, you can sleepover with me tonight, and we can do this if you want,” you offer sweetly, and Megumi glances at you, thinking it over. As your smile grows and your hand hits that sweet spot right at the nape of his neck, he couldn’t deny that he liked the idea of falling asleep with you playing with his hair.
“I’d like that.”
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souichioneshots · 3 years
Souichi x Farmer!Reader
Souichi goes to visit one of his oldest farmer friends for some straw. In return, he makes her a voodoo doll and things get a litttlleee steamy
ahaha idk lol
Souichi heavily breathed through his mouth as he continued to walk down the treeless path. The summer sun shining down on him was making him sweat bullets, and having a large leather satchel cling to his body was starting to make him feel sick.
“Why does she have to live so far away…” Souichi mumbled to himself as he wiped the sweat off his forehead.
Passing a couple more rice fields, a large Japanese-style cottage finally came into view. It was surrounded by a couple of mango trees and 2 PVC greenhouses. He could see from the outside that they were once again filled completely with strawberries and tomatoes.
As he approached the house, he realized that all of the cars were gone. He thought for a second that he came all this way for nothing, but then he heard a familiar voice echoing in the distance.
“Kuro! Way to me! Shiro! Lie down! Hairo! Lie down!!” Souichi quickly made his way to the back of the house, where the voice was coming from.
As he pushed past a large bush, he finally saw you. You had been herding a large trip of white-tan goats and your 3 dogs, Kuro, Shiro, and Hairo were also doing their best to keep the goats in place.
“Y/N!” Souichi called out from a distance, getting your attention.
“Hmm? Souichi!!” You turned around and called back, jumping slightly in the air.
Souichi laughed as the goats also turned in his direction and let out a little “meh” sound as a greeting.
“Give me a second. I’ll be done in a bit.”
Souichi watched from under the shade of a tree as you continued to order your dogs to do their job.
You and Souichi had been friends for as long as he could remember. It was actually his grandmother who introduced him to you when he was younger. She used to get straw and other ritualistic material from your family when she practiced magick, and now he was getting stuff from you as well.
Today, he had come for his usual satchel fill of straw, and anything else you would give him as a gift. You loved to give him gifts. From fresh rice, to mangos, and even white strawberries.
Everyone in the town knew your family used magick because there was no way mangos nor white strawberries could grow in the weather conditions this part of Japan had to offer.
“Sorry for the wait!” You held onto your straw hat as you ran up to the boy. “We actually built a new barn last week for the straw. It’s this way.”
Getting up from his spot, Souichi walked with you to a small open barn located on the other side of your house.
“Woah…” Souichi looked up in awe at the massive amount of straw you had stored up this season.
“Pretty impressive, right? It’s the largest haul we’ve had in years. Praise Ninigi.” Turning towards the sun, you bowed once. Souichi quickly turned with you and did the same.
You laughed a bit at his sudden action. You knew that without his grandmother around, he wasn’t sure how to act in these types of situations. So, he mostly just copied you.
Putting your hand out, you gestured for Souichi to give you his satchel.
"Do you need me to tie them up or can I just stuff it in here?" You asked as you walked over to a large pile of loose straw.
"Just like that is fine." Souichi replied.
Picking up a handful of straw, you neatly placed it inside. When it was finally full enough, you closed it up and handed it back to the boy.
Although it was a lot, it still felt surprisingly light. Hopefully, it won't go to waste this time.
Sitting on a large straw stack, you took off your hat. You shook your head side to side as your long hair flowed from inside the hat and down onto the straw you were sitting on. You had been growing your hair out since kindergarten. Never cutting it once. Just the sheer length of it made you look like a goddess yourself. Although it was a big distraction when you worked, you planned on using your ‘virgin uncut hair’ in future rituals. At least, that’s what you told Souichi.
Patting the empty space next to you, you asked Souichi to sit next down.
“Ma actually took away the voodoo doll you made me last time you came over… Think you can you make me a new one…” You said in a sad voice as you looked at the boy.
“Again?” Souichi replied, sighing loudly.
Although your family practiced black magick in order to keep the farming business alive, you were strictly forbidden from practicing curses and other types of voodoo until you turned ○○. In the meanwhile, your mother forced you to tend to the farm and learn how to be a proper worker. That’s why whenever Souichi came over, in exchange for whatever he wanted, he would teach you anything he knew about black magick in secret.
Currently, you were learning how to make straw voodoo dolls.
You didn’t really have anyone in particular that you wanted or needed to curse, but you wanted to be prepared just in case anything happened in the future.
You smiled widely as the raven-haired boy took out a pair of pruning shears and red string from the front pocket of his satchel.
Grabbing a couple handfuls of straw, you placed them on your lap for him to freely use.
“Don’t look at me like that. You’re making it by yourself this time.” He sternly said.
“Eh~? But I’m tired from doing chores all morning…I’ll give ya a kilogram of rice if you make this one for me~” Souichi just shook his head no. He would need a better incentive if you wanted him to do this for you again.
“Hmmm…Aha! I’ll give you a whole box of fresh white strawberries as well!” Souichi smiled as you offered him exactly what he wanted. There was a reason your family sold their strawberries for over 20,000 yen a box. Getting them for free from you was one of the best parts of coming over.
“Fine. But this is the last time. And pay attention this time.” Humming happily, you handed him a handful of straw.
“First, make a circle with your thumb and index finger. Then place enough straw to fill it completely. When you get the right amount, you use some string to… Uhh... Hold this.”
Handing you the bundle of straw, he used the shears to cut a couple pieces of string to use.
“…Hold it up straight up…Yeah, like that. You tie up the top end around here. Next, you repeat this with another section of straw. When you finish that, you slide one section into the middle of the other. Then you just tie it up here, and here. Lastly, you part it in the middle for the leg sections… And then you tie up those ends and…Done!”
You let out a small whine as your mind failed to keep up with Souichi's speedy motions and vague explanation. You wanted to ask him to do it again, this time much slower, but you knew he would just go at the same speed again.
Cutting the extra pieces of straw that stuck out from the ends of the voodoo doll, he made it look presentable.
“So, what do you think? Pretty good, right?” Souichi proudly said as he handed it to you.
“Yeah! I think it might even be better than the one you made me last time!" You replied as you examined the doll in awe. "So, all I need in order to curse someone is their picture?” The straw crunched in your fingers as you opened up the chest section a bit.
“You can also use their hair, and at times when your hatred towards them is at its peak, you can just write down their name on a piece of paper, stuff it in the middle there, and it’ll work.”
You hummed in amusement as the boy once again explained to you the way straw voodoo dolls worked.
“Hair, huh…” You said to yourself in a voice so quiet not even Souichi could hear.
Moving closer to him, you spoke in a loving voice. “I never did thank you for the last doll you made me, did I?” Putting the doll down on the empty space next to you, you moved to place a quick kiss on the boy’s cheek. “Thank you.”
“Ah! Hehe…I-It was no problem… I can make you more anytime you want really…” Souichi turned his face away from you, trying to hide the blush that had grown on his cheeks.
You were always the affectionate type.
“Then, I should probably thank you in advance~” Bringing your hand to his face, you turned him towards you. Souichi’s body burned with embarrassment as you placed multiple kisses on his cheek again.
“You know, you can also thank me for always giving you so much straw~” You teased as you tapped your own cheek, hinting for him to give you a small kiss back.
Closing his eyes, Souichi moved to plant a kiss on your cheek. However, you also moved back to face him as well.
Souichi’s eyes shot open as you pressed your lips against his.
The remaining straw on your legs fell to the ground as you moved to straddle the blushing boy.
You were perhaps a bit too affectionate really.
But Souichi wasn’t complaining.
Souichi’s eyes fluttered closed as he melted into your kiss. Your hands caressed his face as you quickly deepened the kiss.
Souichi playfully bit your bottom lip as you tried to pull back for air, forcing you to return back to him. He liked to experiment with different ways of teasing you every time you spontaneously kissed him like this.
Slowly, your hands ran through his hair, making it messier than it was before.
"Ow!" Souichi pushed you back and yelled in pain as you suddenly pulled his hair.
Moving to sit up, you gloated.
“Haha! Now that I have your hair, you have to follow everything I say or I’ll curse you to death!” You laughed as you help up a single strand of dark hair. You were expecting Souichi to try to get it back from you, but he didn’t.
Looking back at you with an equally victorious smile, he moved his hands in front of you, showing off the contents it held.
“That makes two of us~ Kekekeke~”
Your smile dropped and your eyes widened in shock as you saw the shears in one hand and a large amount of your hair in another.
Bringing your hands up to your head, you felt the difference in hair length on each side.
“How could you…” Tears ran down your cheeks, making Souichi stop his cackling.
“I hate you!!” Pushing yourself off the boy, you got onto your feet and started to run towards your house. “I’m telling Baphomet!!”
The goats in the barn loudly cried as you mentioned the name of the deity your family religiously worshiped.
“Crap! No!! Y/N!!” Jumping off the straw-stack, Souichi threw your hair and the shears onto the ground.
“Wait!! I’m sorry!!” Souichi exclaimed as he chased after you.
Just before he could grab ahold of you, you ran into the house. You were so upset that you didn’t even bother to take off your shoes.
Souichi slipped on the grass as he tried to stop himself from going any further. He knew he couldn’t enter your house without your given permission.
Souichi felt his mind go into a panic as he saw you approach the large altar in your living room.
The goats in the barn cried even louder and banged their horns against the wooden walls as you pointed towards the boy outside your house.
Just before he could run away for safety, your three dogs surrounded him. Souichi let out a high-pitched cry of fear as the dogs barked and growled, forcing him to stay in place.
He made a big mistake messing with the daughter of the Baphomet worshiping family.
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lonslibrary · 3 years
3 moments between the crow couples during their time at hogwarts
1. an unknown part of wylan and jesper’s somewhat disastrous amortentia story comes moments after jesper pulled wylan in for a kiss by his tie, causing the rest of their classmates to erupt in cheers and applause so loud that professor snape’s “boys! in the hall, now!” went unheard. minutes later, when they had actually been led out of the classroom to wait for their punishment, wylan finally worked up the courage to meet jesper’s eyes, his face almost as red as his hair. jesper’s grin was radiant. “so. butterbeer and my cologne, huh?”
it took all of wylan’s nerve to not sink into the ground where he stood. “i didn’t know today’s lesson was on amortentia,” he muttered, feeling himself flush again.
it took all of jesper’s will not to kiss the younger again right there where he stood with the way the redhead was looking up at him from beneath his long lashes.
“well, what about you?” wylan demanded, rolling his eyes. “let me guess. cards, pumpkin juice, and galleons?”
“no, actually.” jesper replied, spinning his wand in his hand. “i smell grass. gunpowder. and...”
he took a step closer to wylan who stood still, holding his breath. “...and?” the third year asked quietly.
“exploding elixir.”
wylan’s mind shut down.
“the entire room was filled with the same smell from that day we singed snape’s hair,” jesper snorted. “of all things, we had to mess up the potion that smelled like burnt-”
it was wylan who pulled jesper down this time, reaching up on his tippy toes to meet jesper’s soft lips, the ones that had captivated him from the moment he had walked into the potions classroom and saw his new lab partner for the first time.
“fahey, van eck!” snape burst into the hallway. “does it seem possible to keep your hands off of each other?”
“sorry, prof.” jesper winked, eyes still trained on wylan’s mouth. “guess you can say we’ve got...chemistry.”
wylan couldn’t even bring himself to care about detention.
2. nina stifled a laugh, trying to keep a straight face as she watched matthias scan the inside of zonko’s joke shop. she had just gotten matthias to admit that he enjoyed a drink as sweet as butterbeer, hours earlier at the three broomsticks. “you look like you’re inside the shrieking shack, not a joke shop.” nina snickered at the way matthias perked up.
“whatever the shrieking shack is, i think that there’d be more dignity in such a place than...this.” matthias dropped a dungbomb he had picked up like it had personally offended his grandmother.  
“why?” nina giggled. she shook the box in her hand. “not a fan of ton-tongue toffees?”
matthias made a face that looked like he was more than just not a fan. “if it’s anything like those jelly beans you fed me on the train, then no.”
that only made nina laugh harder. “i swear you picked the worst ones! you should’ve seen your face when you tried the rotten egg flavor.”
matthias cracked a smile, relaxing a little amongst the colorful store and his girlfriend’s laughter. he picked up another product, a pink bottle corked at the top. “what does this one do?”
nina lowered her voice, gesturing for matthias to come closer, as if letting him in on a secret. “that one’s a love potion. one drop of it in someone’s drink and they’re yours,” she whispered. “they’ll think about you all day.”
matthias jerked away, putting the bottle back on the shelf. “you can’t be serious. love can’t be made like that!” he sputtered.
“i don’t know, durmstrang,” nina teased. “what if i bought one and slipped some in your pumpkin juice tomorrow at breakfast?”
matthias only crossed his arms, continuing to grimace. “well, that wouldn’t work at all.”
“why not? zonko’s is pretty reliable when it comes to their products.” she said pointedly, looking at the extendable ears on sale.
“because i’m already in love with you.” matthias stated simply.
nina froze, turning to her boyfriend. during her time dating matthias, the hufflepuff had proven to be narrow minded and straightforward as a broom doing any and every thing. it was moments like these she was reminded that this included during his expressions of affection, and nina couldn’t love him more for it.
“i’m in love with you, too.” she declared, slipping her hand into her boyfriend’s. she had always liked...brooms. “now, come on. i want to see if we can get kaz to fall for a trick wand.”
3. all inej had wanted was a quiet place to study that wasn’t the library. she liked to practice with her wand for transfiguration, and magic wasn’t allowed in the library. she had been wandering the school for an empty classroom or quiet corner when the room of requirement had appeared at the end of a hallway, exactly moments before she was about to give up and return to the gryffindor common room. she was only half surprised when she opened the door and saw kaz, but like always, kaz hadn’t seemed surprised at all when she entered. he sat on top of a desk with his cane leaned against it, wand out, in the middle of a silent spell. inej let her eyes trail over his robe perched on a chair, his gloves off and set aside in a rare moment, and his uniform sleeves pulled up to his elbows.
“first time here?” kaz asked, not looking up from the book in his lap. his rough voice echoed slightly in the large room as inej scanned her surroundings. the room was empty besides a couple of desks and chairs in one corner, a cluttered pile of objects in another, and a big wardrobe that looked ages old. a fireplace on the wall kept the room warm, and a small chandelier hung above inej’s head.
“guess i didn’t require much until now.” inej shrugged, pulling a desk and chair of her own towards the center of the room. “you?”
kaz closed his book, finally looking up at inej. “i come and go when i want.”
inej wanted to know more about what had revealed the room to kaz in the first place, but she redirected the question away from kaz himself, knowing it was unlikely he would answer. “get anything out of it?” with kaz, it was all about gain.
kaz drummed his fingers on his desk. inej tried not to stare. “some crying first years with who miss their mums. i think i’ve witnessed a bit of every couple in the school’s snogging.” he pulled out a handful of extendable ears from his robe pocket. “snape’s planning something. don’t know the details yet, but something big.”
inej nodded. part of her expected kaz to leave, speak with his silence as he tended to do, but he continued to sit and look at inej, book in lap. inej knew him well enough to recognize that while it wasn’t exactly an invitation, kaz wasn’t saying no to a conversation. she could’ve started with a less risky question about snape’s plans, or asked for the names of the couples in their year, just to know, but inej was curious about other things.
“and how did you find this place, kaz?”
“the de kappel painting.” he said casually. “i needed a place to hide it.”
inej froze, taken aback by kaz’s answer. or more accurately, his willingness to answer. “so it’s true?” she questioned, hoping her voice didn’t give away her surprise. “the gringotts vault rumor.” she had half believed them to begin with, knowing kaz’s abilities but never his motives. still, kaz had never confirmed it with anyone as far as she had known.
“true enough.” kaz reopened his book, attention back on the page. inej inwardly sighed. the satisfaction of knowing kaz trusted her enough to confirm the gringotts rumor didn’t last long. figures kaz wouldn’t want to talk much about himself.
“but that’s a story for next time.” kaz flipped a page, the slightest start of a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
next time, inej turned over in her head. she tried not to smile as she opened her own book. she could work with next time.
author’s note (pls read!) this is my first time on tumblr so idk how to use it too well but i’m overwhelmed by all the nice responses so thank you all so, so much. i see everything!! idk if there’s like poll mechanisms and stuff on tumblr (argh help) but i wanted to gauge what everyone would like next—im deciding between six of crows x pjo or shadow and bone x harry potter, so comment below what you’d like to see first (: i’d also love to hear abt any personal requests so my dms (is that what they’re called here?) are open for suggestions. no promises, but lmk if there’s something you want to read. feel free to get as niche as you want, respectfully! ok ik this is super long god bless your soul if u actually read the entire thing but finally, i just wanted to introduce myself—i’m lynn, this is my library and i dabble in most fandoms! my goal is to get at least one piece of writing out every month, so if you’d like to read what i write, follow along! OK im finally done, i swear. thank you again for the tremendous support. unbelievable. happy reading!
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 13) - Whiskey & Cookie Cake
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Summary: After returning from his parents, the reader and Jensen have a very special impromptu date. The following day, they make things official and the reader shares an important part of her past with Jensen...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Word Count: 6,000ish
Warnings: language, flangst
A/N: It’s not my fault if anything in this part makes you cry. Nope, none. Or if you want whiskey and cookie cake ;) Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
“I appreciate you two coming shopping with me,” said Alan as he stared at the flour section of the grocery store, Jensen off in the deli section getting some fresh meat for the grill. “Would you mind getting two bags for me?”
“No problem,” you said, bending down to get some. You sat them in the cart and walked down the aisle with him as he tossed in some yeast. “Are you gonna make your own hamburger rolls?”
“No, Jensen’ll get some from the bakery. My wife likes to make bread and send the kids home with a fresh loaf or two whenever they visit.”
“By kids you mean Jensen,” you said with a smile.
“Well, the other two are close by. They still get it. He liked it a lot after the accident. Couldn’t keep much down the first two weeks aside from bread and rolls,” he said.
“Why’s that?”
“Something about trauma, grief and a major leg surgery not being a good combo the doctor told us,” he said as Jensen came up the aisle with his own cart. 
“Hamburgers. Hotdogs. Oh and steaks for me and Y/N,” he said, smiling at his dad.
“You really gonna milk last night for all it’s worth, aren’t ya,” he said. 
“Relax. It’s salmon,” said Jensen with a smirk, his dad groaning. “So yes. You’re gonna eat your fish and stay away from the red meat today and maybe we can start letting last night go.”
“You’re blackmailing me.”
“Blackmailing you would be saying you’re gonna start taking your cholesterol medication everyday,” said Jensen. His dad opened his mouth and Jensen crossed his arms. “Dad. You’re old. Take the medicine. Please.”
“Old. I run three miles every morning. Three,” he said.
“Daddy. Take your medicine.”
“What else do you want?” he sighed. Jensen smirked and walked down the aisle, pointing to the left. “No.”
“One time offer. We will never discuss last night ever again if and only if, you get me what is owed to me.”
“This is a grocery store?” you asked, Jensen chuckling. He ran back to grab your hand, pulling you away towards the bakery. 
“Boom,” he said, showing off a massive, massive cookie about the size of two sheet cakes.
“Jensen that’s like two hundred dollars,” you said.
“Eighth birthday. I remember being promised a particular cake from this particular store for my birthday if I got a A’s on every single one of my spelling tests all second grade long and guess who kept up his end of the deal,” said Jensen, crossing his arms.
“Spell optometry,” you said. 
“O, p, t, o, m, i-”
“Etry,” you said, his dad walking over. 
“Well I think I’ll buy the cake for the one that can spell after all,” he said. Jensen’s jaw dropped and he pouted. “Should you tell him or should I?”
“Jensen that cake behind you says Happy Birthday JJ.” He spun around and looked at the cake, cocking his head. “The one next to it says For Mrs. Rodeux’s best speller. Better late than never.”
“Oh. You...got me a cake,” he said.
“I called them first thing to get the second one done. You think I don’t know you kid?” chuckled his dad. Jensen looked at you and narrowed his eyes. “You don’t have to share it. It can go home with you.”
“Yes!” he said, doing a fist pump.
“Yeah, figured that’d win you over,” said his dad with a big smile.
“He really likes cookie cake huh,” you said.
“Just don’t let him eat too much at once or he gets sick.”
“I will do my best.”
Later That Evening
“Where’d Daddy go?” asked Zeppelin as you watched him take a bath back home in Austin. You were starting to get him comfortable with at least somewhat washing himself but for the most part he was still too interested in playing.
“I think he went to the bathroom downstairs,” you said, glancing at the clock on the wall. “You want to get in some warm jammies and have a bedtime story?”
“Not particularly,” he said. You got off the bench and squatted down next to the tub, ruffling his damp hair. 
“How about we dry you off at least,” you said as you felt the water, a little cooler than you would have liked. “Come on. Time for jammies and bed.” 
“No thank you,” he said. 
“Hm. Well that sucks considering...well, you know…” you said. He turned his attention away from his boat and stared up at you. “Don’t you know?”
“No. What?” he asked as he got to his feet.
“You don’t know?” you said, his head shaking. “You gotta dry off and get in your pajamas then so we can go see.”
“See what Y/N?” he asked, climbing out of the tub with your help and picking up his towel. You helped him dry off and handed him his shirt and a pair of pull ups. “Y/N…”
“It’s in your room,” you said, never seeing him change faster as you drained the tub. He ran out the second his shorts were on and down the hall to his room, opening the door. He looked up at you and you nodded to his bed. He climbed on top and and you went over to his bookshelf, picking up the stuffed animal. “You know Wolf Wolfington?”
“Yeah,” he said, kneeling up in bed.
“You know how he’s your favorite?” you said, walking over with the animal behind your back. He nodded and you smiled, pulling the toy out. “I thought you might like him.”
“Wolfington!” he said, giving the stuffed thing a squeeze. “This is awesome!”
“I talked to Wolfington you see and he really wants you to get a bedtime story,” you said. “A really quick one even.”
“Okay,” he said, climbing under the covers with his new toy and his favorite blanket. Ten minutes later he was passed out and you put his book back on the shelf, hitting his light off and nightlight on. You skirted out of the room and shut the door. After cleaning up the bathroom, you wandered downstairs and found Jensen on the back balcony. 
“Hey,” you said as you opened the back door. You slid it shut behind you, Jensen looking out over the yard. “Feel alright?”
“Mhm,” he hummed. You stood beside him, Jensen shifting behind you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. He rested his chin on your shoulder and you smiled.
“S’nice night,” you said.
“Yeah,” he said quietly. You took his hand and turned back towards inside. 
“Meet me on the trampoline in five,” you said. He smirked and headed down the stairs while you gathered up a few items. He was bouncing up and down by the time you got out there, a bottle of whiskey in one hand and a container in the other.
“Well this looks promising,” he said, plopping down on his bottom. You set the items down and stepped inside, sliding the container over to him. He popped off the lid and grinned. “You cut up my cookie cake for me.”
“Only if you share,” you said. You cracked the peel off the bottle and took a swig, mouth burning but the taste was good. You handed it to him and took out a piece of cake for yourself, Jensen smirking as he threw back a good two shots. He shook himself out and put the cap back on, taking a big bite of his cake and moaning. He lay back with his head in your lap, smiling up at you. 
“I’m gonna keep you,” he said, smirking and taking another bite.
“I’ll make you a deal. You catch me, you can keep me,” you said, leaning down and pecking a kiss to his nose. He wrapped his arms over his head and around your waist, leaving his cookie on his chest. “No silly. You’re supposed to wait until I’m ready.”
“Oh, my mistake, miss,” he said, popping the last of his piece in his mouth. You took a few more of yours and wiped off your hands, Jensen sitting up just in time to tackle you back on the net, making you both along with the bottle and container bounce. “You’re not very good at this.”
“You don’t play fair,” you said, Jensen smirking before he plopped down on top of you. “Jensen.”
“See that’s twice I’ve caught you. I think you should honestly give up now and accept your fate with me forever.”
“Oh no! The cookie cake!” you said. He sat up and spun around, giving you a chance to crawl out from under him and over to the other side of the trampoline. “Sucker.”
“That you’re just gonna have to pay for,” he said. He jumped and bounced over to you, missing you as you rolled away. You giggled and went to stand but he was already right there and picking you up. “What to do with a troublemaker like you?”
“Drink, eat way too much dessert and look at the stars?” you asked.
“Cuddling is non-negotiable,” he said. 
“I suppose I can live with that,” you sighed dramatically. He grinned and started to bounce lightly, your arms going around him. “Don’t drop me.”
“Never,” he said, jumping up high with you, your arms squeezing him tight. He laughed and did it again before setting you down. He held up a finger and jogged back to the house, ducking inside and returning with a blanket. He handed it to you and you laid it out on the trampoline, Jensen laying back beside you.
“Just so we’re clear,” you said, taking a sip from the bottle while he got out another piece of cake and trading with you, “I totally let you catch me.”
“Gonna play it that way are we?” he chuckled. 
“Yup,” you said, Jensen turning and resting his head back on your stomach. You played with his hair, his eyes closing briefly while he chewed. He stared up at the dark sky, humming to himself. “I can tell you’re better than this morning.”
“Yeah. I know this chick. She has a knack for making everything better,” he said. You ran your fingers through his strands, taking a deep breath. “Did you know I make music on occasion?”
“The guy with guitars and records and music stuff all over his house? No, never,” you laughed. He reached a hand up and ruffled your head. 
“I’m serious, like I’ve recorded in a studio. I have an album,” he said.
“Really?” you asked. “You’ve never told me that.”
“I lost the mood for it a while back. It might be coming back,” he said. He was quiet and you twirled a piece of his hair, Jensen smiling and nuzzling back against you.
“Where’d you go during kiddos bath?” you asked.
“Mom had it handled,” he said. You took a bite of your cookie and felt him pull your hand in his hair down to his chest. “Was that okay?”
“Yeah,” you said quietly. You finished off your cookie and he reached into the container for another. “Plane.”
“Where?” he asked.
“Kinda to the left,” you said.
“I think I missed it.” You felt his gaze on you and you turned your head, green eyes looking back. “They get two moms is all. It’s no big deal.”
“They don’t have to call me that,” you said.
“I know.” He went back to looking at the sky, a few stars out in the clear night. “You know I heard from this chick, same one as before and all, that adoptive moms are kinda the shit.”
You sat up and his head wound up in your lap. 
“You want that?” you asked.
“Eventually, yeah. After the wedding and everything,” he said. “Speaking of which, and I know a lot of women have their vision and all that but I was thinking maybe you’d be interested in something smaller? You don’t strike me as the let’s have a huge thing kind of person.”
“You want me to adopt the kids?” you asked again. He nodded and sat up, moving an arm around your back.
“If you don’t want to, that’s okay,” he said, your head shaking. “What is it?”
“I don’t...want to overstep and…” you said. He smiled and reached into his pocket, pulling out a piece of paper.
“We have permission from the beyond it turns out,” he said. He held it out to you and you swallowed. “She wrote me a letter a few years back after the twins were born. I found it in my desk drawer last fall. I finally read it after we got home tonight.”
“Jensen, I can’t. This isn’t for me.”
“Well if you don’t read it, I’m gonna tell you what it says anyways.” 
“This is yours,” you said, pushing the paper back towards his chest. “She was talking to you. This was meant for you and only you.”
“Actually you’re wrong,” he said, putting it in your hand. “Some of the letter was for me but this page? This page I haven’t read because it’s not addressed to me. It’s for you and I need you to read it because this is the last of her voice I ever get from her for a really long time so I need you to read it and tell me what it says.”
You shut your eyes and took a deep breath before unfolding the sheet.
To The Next One,
I hope there is a next one. Like seriously. I’m telling you upfront that I was the one that did the asking out, not him. He’s shy and I swear Jensen if you’re reading this I’m kicking your ass the second I see you again.
“She’s funny,” you said, biting your bottom lip.
So. Next person he falls in love with. Here’s the deal. I got some contingencies for you and him getting together. Technically I have no say. Technically I can guilt trip from beyond the grave though so, you know, I win. But if you are the person he loves, tell him that you love him. He bottles shit up and shoves it down. He pretends he’s fine and he’ll take on the weight of the goddamn world with a smile cause he’s good like that. But he hurts and you’ve probably seen him cry as much as I have at this point. You can only be that good and kind and loving when you got a lot of love jammed in there.
So I imagine he was pretty fucked up after I bit the big one. Probably put on a brave face and powered through. But you know that. Do me a favor and put that boy in his place. Tell him to go cry or watch The Notebook. He says he hates it but it’s what he watches when he needs to cry. You know what else? Encourage that shit more. He’s getting there, really he is. He is the least toxic man on the planet. But you know, try to help him diffuse or something? I used to give him lavender bubble bath and he was all, no way and then next thing I know, he’s taking his bubble bath on a stressful day. Pay attention to that stuff I guess is what I’m saying.
Another thing. Presuming he’s not the most handsome geriatic man there could be when you’re reading this, have a fucking kid with him. Have two if you want, or more. Adopt the three that we made. Or adopt if you can’t. It’s fun and he is so good with a baby. He was walking around with Arrow earlier cooing at her and that’s the most adorable shit I’ve ever seen in my life and you deserve to see it too.
He’s special. Normally I’d never agree to sharing him but if you’re the person he gave this letter to, I’ll make an exception for you like I’m sure you had to make an exception for me. Make him happy and the kids. Let them make you happy. Maybe in another life we can catch up over a drink, figure out how to share there too.
And just between us, don’t stop acting like kids in love for the first time. He won’t and you shouldn’t either.
See you around The Next One.
P.S. His blue henley is the softest thing on earth. He hides it in his gray suitcase. Steal it or I swear we can’t be friends.
“Y/N?” asked Jesen as you folded up the paper. You smiled and put it in your pocket. “What’d it say?”
“I don’t think it was meant for your eyes,” you said, planting your hands behind you and leaning back. “But she’d like us to do everything we’d like. Also found out a few things I’m gonna have to keep a secret.”
“Oh really?” he said, smirking at you. “Like what?”
“I think that’s between us girls,” you said, laying back on the trampoline. “We are going to share you though so I think you’ll like that.”
“You’re really not gonna tell me?” he chuckled. “After all that?”
“She loves you a lot. I mean a lot Jensen. Pretty much it’s her asking me to take care of you guys and some little ways to do that,” you said. He nodded and lay back, smiling to himself. “Do you-”
“No. If I change my mind I’ll just ask to see it,” he said. 
“Why’d you finally read the letter she had today of all days?”
“I was ready, after my parents and how you acted. I’m not letting her go or moving on so much as...I want my first girl to love my second girl and I’m pretty sure you two would care about each other, for me and the kids sakes.”
“Well I gotta love her. I happen to know the location of a certain...shirt I’m supposed to steal,” you said. He turned his head and his jaw dropped.
“She told you about the blue henley! No, it’s so soft!”
“I was instructed to steal it so I’m afraid I must make this sacrifice for Dee. It’s really the only respectable thing to do.”
“You two are somehow still managing to gang up on me,” he said with a laugh. “Oh my God. I don’t know if I can handle an afterlife with the both of you.”
“Yeah but threesomes on the reg,” you said. He let out a deep laugh, running a hand over his face while you giggled. “Sorry. That was so inappropriate.”
“No, no that’s Dee for ya. She would be more than down,” he chuckled. “Yeah, she’d like you a lot.”
“We both have excellent taste in men,” you said, reaching for the container of cookie. There was one piece left and you held it out, Jensen leaning up to take a bite.
“That’s not the whole thing right?”
“Jensen it was the size of a sheet cake. This is like, a fifth of that,” you said.
“Good cause as you can see, I have no cutoff when it comes to this stuff.” He took another bite and you put the rest in your mouth, his eyes narrowing. He pecked a kiss to your lips and pulled you to lay back with him. “I have a fun idea for tomorrow while the kids are at school and daycare.”
“Lay in bed naked and drink coffee?”
“That is an excellent idea we will be touching upon Tuesday morning. However, it seems to me that my fiance is missing something,” he said, lacing his fingers with your left hand. 
“You want to go pick out an engagement ring?”
“Hm, I think you’ll just have to trust me on this one,” he said. 
“Okey dokie.” You turned onto your side and curled up beside him. The air was warm and comfortable, Jensen stretching out. “Love you.”
“Love you too, honey.”
You woke up to the sound of birds, Jensen groaning beside you. The air felt different and opening your eyes told you exactly why.
“Howdy neighbors,” said Jared. You bolted up and turned on your bottom, Jared chuckling while Jensen grunted again. He pulled you down to lay and Jared laughed. “Stopped by to get the keys to your jet skis when I saw those three inside eating cereal out of the box and watching cartoons.”
“See? They can fend for themselves,” mumbled Jensen. He sat up and brought you with him before rubbing his eyes. Jared walked over to the entrance of the trampoline and smirked. “Shut up.”
“What’d you two crazy kids get up to last night?” he asked.
“Nothing,” said Jensen. 
“There is a half drunk liquor bottle and you both smell like whiskey and chocolate.”
“It was cookie cake,” you said. “I think we accidentally fell asleep out here.”
“The trampoline don’t make a half bed mattress,” said Jensen. You crawled out of the entrance, Jared holding the bottle and empty container when you handed them off to him. Jensen followed after as you stretched out. “What time is it?”
“A little after eight,” he said. 
“Shit. JJ’s late for school,” he said, Jared shaking his head. “Ah, thank you.”
“Gen took her and the boys. I dropped the twins off at daycare after I came out here and made sure you were both alive,” he said.
“I thought something poked my back,” you said.
“I figured I’d let you guys sleep,” he said. “You want to hit up the water with us? Double date while the kids are at school?”
“We have plans,” said Jensen with a soft smile. “But dinner here later?”
“What are we having? Cause you know we got our tradition for last week of school,” said Jared with a grin.
“You guys handle the sides, we’ll handle the meat,” said Jensen. Jared smirked and you shook your head. “You’re a child.”
“You handle that meat real good,” said Jared, Jensen whacking his arm.
“Be careful with the skis. Wear your life jacket doofus,” he said.
“Yes mom,” said Jared as he handed you back the bottle and container. “Six thirty ish?”
“Sounds good. Oh and if Gen is in the mood to make extra queso…” said Jensen, Jared rolling his eyes. “Thank you Jared.”
“Yeah, yeah. You guys finish up your thing early you know where to find us,” he said. He headed back up the yard as you and Jensen ducked inside. 
“I am going to shower,” you said. Jensen grinned and grabbed your free hand. “Do...do you want to shower too?”
“We would save a lot of time if we did it together,” he said. 
“I like the way you think Ackles.”
“I am so confused,” you said an hour later, sat on the hood of Baby with a blindfold on. “You know normally you would do the blindfold and then give the ring, not the other way around.”
“Eh, quiet with your back sass. I have a surprise for you that requires some preparation,” he said. 
“Oh you know prep work is very important,” you laughed.
“Jared’s a bad influence on you.”
“You’re a bad influence on me,” you said. “So to recap, after we showered and got dressed in what I should say is a particularly flattering romper-”
“I like the red one but you had to go with the blue, didn’t you,” he chuckled.
“The red one is so tight on my ass it’s not even funny.”
“We have different definitions of problems with clothing,” he laughed. 
“Well, this light blue one is strapless.”
“I know. I find that very, very appealing.”
“Anyways, my randy fiance hits me out of nowhere with a ring he’s had in the closet apparently and then he kidnaps me away to his muscle car, throws a blindfold on me and after approximately twenty one minutes of driving, mainly highway, we park and he has abandoned me like a damsel to fend for myself in the summer heat.”
“You trying to win an Oscar over there?” he chuckled.
“I’d settle for an Emmy.”
“Oh yeah. Everybody can get one of those,” he laughed. “You can calm yourself little lady. I am almost done and frankly your timing estimation is scarily accurate.”
“Well I know how far the brewery is from the house so not that impressive,” you said.
“We’re not at the brewery,” he said.
“We are literally at the brewery. I heard someone shout your name.”
“Technically we’re on the land next to it, smarty pants. Two more seconds,” he said.You leaned your head back, enjoying the breeze and smell of fresh pizza. 
“Hey Jensen. What’s this dinner tradition thing with the Padaleckis?”
“Oh we started it a few years back. This is the kids last week of school. Since tomorrow and wednesday are half days, we kinda always get together as like an end of school celebration that Monday night. We’ll go out this weekend with them but we do a home cooked meal, normally a tex-mex blend sort of thing for this. I got a guy we can get some marinated brisket from on the way home. We’ll put her in the grill on low and she’ll be good to go.”
“You ever have a sandwich with brisket, coleslaw and jalapenos? It is so, so good.”
“I’m gonna have to try that out tonight,” he said, his hands on your arms. “For now though, please remove your blindfold, madam.”
You undid the bow in the back and pulled it off. A small table was set up with a two candles on top, a box of pizza at the end and a six pack beside it.
“You really do know the way to my heart,” you said. You laughed and he walked you over to it, pulling out your folding chair. “I thought I smelled pizza.”
“I know you like the one we sell quite a bit,” he said, taking a seat next to you. “I actually...don’t laugh but this was kinda my idea of how I actually wanted to propose. It’s private but simple. You’ve never been the fanfare type. I thought you would have liked it.”
“You could always ask again.”
“Wanna marry me?”
“Yup,” you said. He wiped off his brow and and you gently smacked his arm. “I do like it. Just us. It’s really peaceful here.”
“I’ve always thought so. Our own little slice of country,” he said.
“I never told you, did I,” you said, smiling to yourself. “I grew up on the outskirts of Austin, about ten minutes down the road.”
“That’s all farm country out there,” he said. You shrugged and he chuckled. “You grew up on a farm?”
“My mom owned acreage from her parents, their parents before them. She left it to me. I haven’t been in over a year. A local farmer makes sure the house is in order but we got fields and a house and barn. I never sold it in case I needed a place between nanny jobs.”
“Would you show me sometime?” he asked.
“Yeah. We can go after our lunch date. Promise.”
“What do you think?” you asked when you walked up the front path to the house nearly an hour later. 
“This is gorgeous out here. It’s so quiet,” he said as he looked around at the small hills and trees, the swaying long grass in the breeze. “We should keep this.”
“You said you kept it for a place to stay between jobs. I think we should definitely keep it though, for us. It’s like a different world almost but it’s within driving distance of home.”
“I haven’t lived here since I was sixteen,” you said, tucking your hair behind your ear. “But...I think you’re right. Mom would want us to keep it. I really did love it here. It’d be great too for when your family is in town. We only have the one guest room but this is a much shorter drive for like your siblings families and they don’t need a hotel or anything.”
“That’s a great idea. I know they’d visit more often if they had the space for the kids and some grown up space even,” he said. You picked up a rock by the steps and grabbed the key, undoing the front door. It smelled only a bit musty as you stepped inside. You left the door open, leaving the screen one shut to air it out as Jensen turned his head. “This place is huge. Your mom got it from family?”
“Her parents died when she was in college. Only child. There’s five good sized bedrooms,” you said. “That was the dining room which honestly we only used for holidays. Stairs, hallway to the back. Left is the family room.”
He started to wander and you followed after, showing him the kitchen before taking him up.
“This was my room,” you said as you opened a door. It was fairly empty aside from a bare bed and a few boxes. He thumbed over the doorframe, catching each notch in the wood.
“Hit your growth spurt around twelve?” he asked. You nodded and he smiled. “I was so short.”
“Not short anymore,” you said while he walked around.
“Do you have any pictures of your mom? The downstairs looked a little bare.”
“Yeah,” you said. You showed him down to the master, opening up a box on the bed. “That’s where they all are.”
“Would it be alright if we took these home with us?”
“Yeah,” you said quietly, taking a seat. He sat beside you and you took out an album, Jensen smiling at the first page. “Don’t laugh.”
“That is the ugliest dress I’ve ever seen.”
“I didn’t have much say in the matter,” you said. “That’s from the day I got adopted.”
“You were adorable, even if it looks like you’re wearing a drape,” he chuckled. He turned the page and cocked his head. “Is this your mom?”
“She’s so happy,” he said. “I bet that was one of the best days ever for her.”
“I agree,” you said, Jensen flipping some more before stopping at one. “What is it?”
“Where’s this from?” he asked.
“I think Miami. We went there on vacation one year with Ray. I was nine I want to say,” you said. 
“Was it March?”
“Yeah, how’d you know?”
“Dee went on her spring break to Miami one year in college,” he said. He pointed at a couple of girls that were in the background behind where your set up was, one of them looking very familiar. 
“That looks just like-”
“I know. Might not be her. Odds are-”
“How many Danneel’s have you ever met with their name on their bag,” you said, pointing at the purse.
“Oh my God. She was such a little preppy nerd,” he chuckled. “I bet she did that cause of her friends.”
“You can have that if you want.”
“I think we can share it,” he said. He turned through the pages and finished with the album, picking out another. You let him look and ask questions for a while before he’d gone through most of the box. He carried it downstairs with him and packed it away in the backseat before you brought him around to the back of the house.
“Come here,” you said. You dragged him over to the tree with the wide swing, space enough for the both of you to sit. “I used to stay out here all day sometimes. Day of the funeral I must have sat here for hours and hours.”
“Not a bad place to grieve. It’s pretty.”
“It was the last time I sat on this swing. I said I’d never feel at home here again,” you said. “Ray and I got an apartment closer to town, moved the next week.”
“How do you feel now?” You smiled and leaned back.
“Now...home is people, not a place. I want to share this with you, the kids. Our family. I was so unhappy as a child and this place changed that for me cause of my mom and even Ray. It’s a good place again for me. Home is somewhere else now but it feels warm here again, not sad and cold.”
“Thanks for taking me out here today,” he said.
“Maybe we can even do that camping trip in one of the fields. You gotta see the stars out here, way more than at the house.”
“Camping with indoor plumbing only steps away. Best of both worlds,” he said. “Do you own anything else big? We never really talked about that kind of stuff I suppose.”
“Actually I own the Dallas Cowboys. I didn’t want to intimidate you,” you said. He rolled his eyes while you bumped his arm and giggled. 
“Okay wise guy.” He threw his arm over your shoulders and you expected a noogie but only got a kiss on the head. “You’re lucky I know how long you spent on your hair this morning or else you’d be so screwed right now.”
“Losing your edge, Ackles.” He didn’t hesitate that time to put you in a headlock and you managed to ruffle his some before he gave in with a laugh. You could feel a few strands out of place but he stood and undid your hair tie, moving behind you and scooping it all up. He hummed and put it back in a messy bun for you, smiling as you leaned back to catch him fixing his hair. “I don’t have much else besides this place, my car and a savings account.”
“You know, speaking of your car...I’m gonna have to be an asshole about something,” he said.
“Oh? What’s that?” you said as you stood. You walked in front of him and he rested his hands on your hips.
“I’m going to have to insist on a new one.”
“Ah, come on. It’s my first car. I got if for my sixteenth birthday,” you said.
“That car is almost as old as you are. I know you don’t have to drive it as much lately since we take mine but please can we get something from the current decade? Pretty please?” he asked, jutting out his lip. 
“Are you worried?” you asked. He nodded and you smiled. “I will look at something newer, I promise.”
“Thank you,” he said, checking his watch. “Want to go get that meat, get started on it?”
“Oh I bet you want to handle that meat,” you said. He gave his bitch face and walked away as you laughed.
“Your crude humor is very immature,” he said as you caught up with him. “I don’t go for that kind of low brow thing.”
“I watched you make a dick out of a banana and two oranges at the grocery store yesterday.”
“Touche,” he said.
“You’re silly,” you said, wrapping an arm around his waist. “But I like that.”
“Me too, sweetheart,” he said, kissing your temple. “Anything besides the brisket you want to pick up? Chicken? Burgers?”
“Hm, I’ve never made my world famous chicken thighs for you yet. I gotta grill ‘em but the secret is you heat them up in the oven again with this marinade sauce. I got a raise out of it once actually.”
“First off, the face you can grill is extremely attractive. Second, how’d you manage a raise?” he asked, stopping by Baby.
“I made them for the couple I was working for at the time. She took credit of course but they had a fancy dinner party with her boss and she got named partner at her firm for it so she gave me a raise for helping out.”
“Well now that you’ve hyped these things up to here we gotta have some for sure,” he said. “Why don’t we head out to the store. We only got about an hour before we need to grab the twins from daycare.”
“After you babe.”
A/N: Read Part 14 here!
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curlynerd · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Cas! Word Count: 3K Rating: T Summary: Appalled that Cas has never had a birthday party before, Jack drags Dean into his schemes to plan a surprise party for him. Dean finally works up the courage to tell Cas how he feels. Notes: love confessions, first kiss, lots of fluff, and lots of Cas' family showing up much they care
Also read on AO3!
"You've never celebrated Cas' birthday?!" Jack exclaimed by way of greeting at -- Dean groaned and rolled over to check the time. -- 6:47 in the morning.
"Jack..." Dean sighed, dragging his hand down his face and sitting up in bed. "We've been over this. You promised not to come barging in here until at least 8:30."
"Huh?" Jack titled his head at Dean before his gaze trailed over to the bedside clock. "Oh. Sorry. I forgot to check the time."
"All those God powers and you can't even conjure up a watch?" Dean grumbled as he threw the sheets off his legs and planted his feet on the floor. "Now what were you saying about Cas?"
"His birthday!" Jack's expression was too damn excitable for this early in the morning. "I was telling him about how we celebrated my birthday after Mrs. Butters left, and I asked him about his birthday, and he said he'd never celebrated one before!"
Dean frowned at Jack. This was what he was woken up for? "Kid, I don't think he has one. The dude's older than calendars."
Jack was undaunted. "Yeah, but he was born, right? Even angels are born."
Okay, it was way too early for existential questions. He needed coffee. Dean grunted his acknowledgment and dragged himself to his feet. "Did Cas say when his birthday was?"
"Well, no." Jack furrowed his brow for just a second before his face lit up in enthusiasm. "Why don't we celebrate today?"
Dean stared at Jack. Jack's eyes were wide and sincere and full of love, just like his dad's. And, apparently, just as effective. "Alright..." Dean said with a defeated sigh. Who was he to deny the kid a chance to make his dad happy? "Whacha wanna do for his birthday?"
Jack beamed. "A surprise party! With cake!"
"Yeah, I figured as much." Dean scrubbed at his hair and wiped the last of the sleep out of his eyes as he shuffled his feet into his slippers. "Coffee first, though. Then the store."
"What kind of cake should we make?" Jack asked an hour later, as he and Dean pondered every box mix the grocery store had to offer.
“Hmm…” Dean eyeballed the box of funfetti mix. Jack would probably like that one best. It had sprinkles baked in. Dean kind of wanted a classic chocolate cake. And Cas, well. He wouldn’t care. He’d probably take two bites at most, just to appease Jack.
“This one.” Dean’s eyes twinkled with mischief as he reached for a box and held it out for Jack.
“Angel food cake?” Jack read.
Dean nodded, his grin widening at his little joke. “Yeah! It’s special. Angels love it, ya know.”
Jack tilted his head at Dean, then the box, before a smile bloomed across his face. “You gave me angel food cake once. I really liked it! Is that why you got it for me?”
Dean thought back to that drive, and his little snack cakes morality test. “Yup. That was definitely why.” He snatched the box from Jack’s hand and tossed it into the cart before he could ask more questions. “Let’s wrap this up before Cas wonders why we’ve been gone so long.”
If Cas was ignorant of Jack’s birthday plans before, he wasn’t for long. Neither Dean nor Jack thought to do much to conceal the contents of their shopping bags when they returned home. Or figure out a way to keep Cas from wandering the bunker. So when he stumbled upon the two of them hauling bags toward the kitchen, both Dean and Jack traded suspicious glances.
“Dean and I will be in the kitchen for awhile,” Jack said seriously, cutting straight to the chase. “Do not come in there though!”
“Oh?” Cas’ gaze flickered down to their bags. A package of birthday hats stuck out of the opening of one. A canister of rainbow sprinkles was nestled at the top of another. His mouth twitched as his eyes softened with warmth. When they met Dean’s eyes, Dean’s stomach did a flip. Cas’ eyes grew even warmer.
‘He loves you,’ Dean’s thoughts helpfully supplied at the worst possible moment, ensuring Dean’s face burned with a fierce blush right as Cas looked his most adoring. Dean hastily averted his gaze.
Cas hadn’t been back from the Empty for long, only a couple of weeks really. But it felt like an eternity.
Because Dean hadn’t told him yet. He hadn’t looked him in the eyes and said ‘I love you too.’ Hadn’t dragged him in by the lapels of his stupid trenchcoat and kissed him senseless. Hadn’t held him close and promised him that he could have Dean, all of him, for as long as he wanted to keep him.
The moment had never been right. There were always people around. Jack. Sam. So many of their friends, eager to see them and celebrate their victory over Chuck and their newfound freedom. Things were only now starting to quiet down, and still Dean hadn’t worked up the courage to tell him.
“It’s for a surprise,” Jack continued, pulling Dean from his thoughts. “Er, not a surprise! We’re not planning any surprises!” Dean barely controlled his eyeroll. The kid really needed to work on his lying. “It’s something you can’t know about until later. So don’t even think about peeking!”
Cas and Dean traded knowing looks. Dean shrugged a little. “I wouldn’t dream of it,” Cas assured Jack.
Jack brightened. “Great! Come on, Dean. Let’s go!” He practically skipped toward the kitchen, radiating enthusiasm with every step. Dean sighed and followed after him, already anticipating the huge mess at the end of all this. At least it was just box mix. That was easy enough to handle.
As it turned out, even box mix wasn’t foolproof.
“Is it supposed to look like that?” Jack asked in concern. He poked at the misshapen mess of their cake.
“Probably not.” Dean shrugged. It was a disaster zone, is what it was. Apparently angel food cake required a special pan. It looked similar enough to a bundt pan, though, so Dean thought it was an okay substitute. Clearly not. Or maybe they overmixed it? Was that why it sunk into this lumpy, craggy mess and then fell apart when they tried to shake it out of the pan?
“But ya know, homemade cake never looks as fancy as the stuff you get at the store, but it tastes just as good.” He slapped Jack on the back. “Put some frosting on this thing, maybe some decorations, and we’re golden.”
And so they set to work. Jack clearly had a vision of what he wanted, pulling supplies from the pantry to add to the disaster cake. He insisted on covering it in a thick layer of chocolate frosting, even though Dean tried to tell him angel food cake didn’t usually need it. It was vital to what he was creating. A full hour passed, and somehow the thing looked even worse than when it first flopped out of the pan.
“Cas is gonna love it,” Dean said anyway, because he knew it was true. Jack beamed with pride.
“At what point am I no longer banned from the kitchen?” Almost as if on cue, Cas’ voice called out from down the hallway. “Am I allowed to walk past it? I’d like to go into the library.”
“You can come in!” Jack yelled back, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet with excitement.
Dean looked around at the decoration-less kitchen, the party hats and the balloons still in their packaging. “Wait, hold on--” he began, but it was too late.
“SURPRISE!” Jack shouted as Cas rounded the corner. “Happy birthday, Cas!”
“A surprise for me?” Cas didn’t even seem to notice that the only things in the kitchen were a weird brown blob of cake and a massive mess. He was smiling from ear to ear at Jack with that special, endeared smile parents reserved just for their children. “But I told you I didn’t have a birthday,” Cas said. Which he and Jack had talked about literally hours ago. Before Jack raced off to talk with Dean and plan an impromptu trip to the store before baking all morning.
Yeah. Cas definitely knew what Jack was planning today.
“Well, Jack decided today was your birthday. So, happy birthday.” Dean shrugged a little in a ‘Kids. What can ya do?’ sort of way.
Cas’ expression softened. “Today is a perfect day for a birthday.”
“We made a cake!” Jack bounded over to Cas and practically dragged him to the kitchen counter. “Do you like it?”
“It is…” Cas frowned and knit his eyebrows together at the monstrosity before him. “An inside-out hedgehog?”
“It’s a Sarlacc Pit!” Jack exclaimed while Dean clutched at the table, doubled-over with laughter. Jack pointed out the pretzel rods jutting out around the misshapen, lumpy hole in the center of the sunken cake. They’d done their best to make the chocolate frosting around it look like smooth sand, but of course it was way too brown. And bits of warm cake kept breaking off while they iced it. “That’s its teeth, and that’s the sand. It’s a Star Wars cake!”
“Oh, of course it is!” Cas said generously. He patted Jack’s shoulder. “It’s wonderful, Jack. And Dean.” He nodded at Dean, who was still trying to catch his breath.
“Yeah we’ve got ourselves the next Cake Boss over here. If the God thing doesn’t work out.” Dean’s voice rippled with laughter. He snatched up the bag of party hats and ripped it open. Cas looked exceedingly tolerant as Dean snapped one on his head with an impish grin. “So birthday boy, whacha wanna do on your special day?”
“Oh I know!” Jack exclaimed. His enthusiasm was infectious. “First we’ve gotta…”
The day wound up being more about Jack than Cas. Or rather, Jack doing all the things he loved to do with Cas. There was a Star Wars movie marathon. There was cake. There were more board games than Dean had played in a lifetime. Dean had a sneaking suspicion Cas let Jack win most of them.
But Cas had smiled almost non-stop the entire day, probably more than Dean had seen the entire thirteen years since he’d met him. And yeah, Dean knew why. What was better to do on his birthday than spend time with his kid?
By the end of the day, even Cas was looking a little tired. Dean was absolutely exhausted. He was half-tempted to drag himself to bed early, but when Jack finally retired to his own room to give Dean and Cas some time together, there wasn’t any hesitation about settling down in his favorite armchair, Cas beside him, with two glasses of Dean’s favorite whiskey to share.
The drink was warming through his limbs, but the light in Cas’ eyes was warmer. He looked content, if not a little overwhelmed by all the love his little family had shown him today. Dean leaned back in his chair and let the peacefulness of the moment wash over him.
“You know, it’s serendipitous Jack chose today for my birthday.” Cas smiled down at his glass.
Dean cracked a sleepy eye open. “Yeah? Why?”
“Well, today is the anniversary of the day I raised you from perdition.”
Dean stared at Cas. Cas eyes twinkled with nostalgia. “Really?” Cas nodded, and Dean laughed. “Well then I suppose it’s really my re-birthday.”
Cas chuckled. “I’ll remind Jack to bake two cakes next year.” They fell into easy silence, nursing their drinks as they reflected on the years.
“It really is a good birth date,” Cas said awhile later. “I may have been alive for eons before then, but the day I met you was when I changed...That was when I really started living.”
Dean’s heart leapt into his throat, Cas’ love confession ringing in his ears. “Didn’t I stab you?” he joked weakly, deflecting the spiraling nerves that bubbled up in his chest.
Cas laughed. “Yes. Yes, you did. I didn’t realize it at the time, but even then you were making me feel. Mostly confusion,” he added with a wry twist of his lips. “I saved you from eternal damnation, and you repaid me by stabbing me in the chest!” Despite his amusement, Cas’ eyes were overflowing with warmth and affection. Dean could almost read the thoughts going on behind them. ‘I fell a little bit in love with you right then.’
“What can I say? I have that effect on people.” ‘Now,’ his thoughts urged. ‘Tell him now!’ “I dunno what I’d have done without you,” Dean mused around a sip of whiskey. A little more liquid courage. A little more and he could do this.
“Another angel would have been sent. You would have been pulled from Hell anyway.”
“Not what I meant, Cas,” Dean said, rolling his eyes. “All of it. All the crap we’ve been through. All the crap Chuck put us through. Put me through.” He watched the way the warm lamplight reflected off his drink. “I...I’m glad I had a best friend through it all. You know?”
“Yes,” Cas said, but there was a twinge of sadness in his voice that made Dean look up. He was smiling softly, but the longing in his eyes was impossible to miss.
Dean sighed. His gut churned with fear and guilt and yearning. He knew Cas loved him. And he knew he loved Cas. Hell, he’d known that for a helluva lot longer than he’d known of Cas’ feelings. He just needed one little push to make him confront those feelings head-on.
“Ya know, I think I have one more present for you.” Dean set his glass down with heavy meaning. He nodded to himself and stood up, his jaw set firm, his eyes determined.
“You do?” Cas started to ask. “What--” And before he could finish his sentence, Dean crawled into the chair with him, his knees straddling Cas’ hips, bracing himself against the backrest with one hand. Cas’ eyes went huge. “Dean?” His voice trembled.
Dean was pretty sure he looked even more nervous, but he’d be damned if he owned up to it. “Hey birthday boy,” he hummed, forcing a flirtatious smile despite the anxiety pounding in his chest. He was going to kiss Cas. God how he wanted to kiss Cas.
But instead of looking delighted Cas looked...hurt. “Dean, you don’t have to do this for me.”
Dean’s heart went cold. “For you? You don’t think I want this?”
“No,” Cas said simply. Honestly. His bright blue eyes were so close now, but the heartache in them was almost painful to look at.
Dean swallowed thickly. “Well then you’re dumber than you look,” he teased, forcing bravado he did not feel. Dean leaned in until his forehead rested against Cas’. He could feel Cas’ warm breath across his lips. “Cas, if I could pick anyone in the whole damn world to be with, it’d be my best friend. You know that, right?” Cas licked his lips. Dean yearned to tilt his head down and catch them with his own. “But I thought you didn’t...Couldn’t...Well, I thought love wasn’t something angels did.”
“But I told you, Dean. When the Empty came, I told you--”
“Yeah I know. But you know how I drag my ass for important stuff.” That finally elicited a tiny puff of laughter from Cas. Dean smiled. “Come on, man. Cut me some slack. Lemme use this as an excuse to nut up and kiss you.”
As it turned out, Dean didn’t need to, because Cas surged up and pressed their lips together.
Dean gasped into the kiss as his hand resettled itself on Cas’ shoulder. Cas’ glass clattered as he hastily set it on the table in order to hold Dean’s waist with both hands. Cas kissed like he was starving for it, voracious and desperate, licking his way into Dean’s mouth without preamble and moaning deeply into the heat he found there.
Dean gave as good as he got, letting over a decade of longing finally escape through the hot, greedy press of their lips together, through the long trailing kisses along Cas’ jaw while Cas dragged his hands down Dean’s back and up underneath his shirt.
“We should...do this in my room…” Dean whispered in Cas’ ear as his teeth nipped at the sensitive area. Cas nodded and, without warning, stood up with Dean still wrapped around him. Dean startled and reflexively jerked his feet down toward the floor, though he realized with delight that Cas could almost certainly carry him the entire way if he wanted. Later. He’d test that out later. For now Dean grabbed Cas by the tie with a lecherous twinkle in his eye and hauled him in the direction of his bedroom. Soon to be their bedroom, if Dean had anything to say about it.
Much, much later, when they were tangled together beneath the sheets with Dean’s head nestled on Cas’ chest, Dean realized that Cas had been wrong. Because his happiest moment wasn’t when the Empty took him away. It wasn’t in just saying how he felt.
Because it was in loving, yes, but it was also in being loved.
Because when Dean peeked up at Cas’ face, he was radiating so much happiness Dean’s heart ached from it. Today was the happiest he’d ever been. And perhaps tomorrow, if Dean had anything to say about it, tomorrow he’d be even happier.
Cas’ eyes were full of love as he carded his fingers through Dean’s hair. “I know I don’t have any others to compare this against, but today was a very good birthday.”
“Good.” Dean pressed a sleepy kiss to Cas’ skin as his eyes drifted closed. “You deserve it.”
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forever-rogue · 3 years
request: some christmassy idea where marcus moreno brings presents he bought for missy to the shop to get wrapped up bc he cant wrap for shit. And he wants to flirt with reader whos the one whos gonna wrap the presents but for the love of the above he cant. hes stuttering and hes flustered and its cute. And reader is like okay mister "i can use the force", heres my number, call me so we can shedule a date. And hes so shocked about it 😄😭😭😭 thank u patricia! 🌟
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I see it's time to write for Mr. Moreno? Excellent 😌 Enjoy!
Marcus Moreno x Fem!Reader; no warnings
Pedro Characters Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he reluctantly returned to the store, the bag of presents in his hand a sign of defeat. How hard it could possibly have been to wrap a few presents? Apparently too hard for someone like Marcus Moreno. It wasn’t that he hadn’t tried, oh no, he’d spent several hours the previous evening after Missy had gone to bed attempting to wrap the clothes and other oddly shaped boxes perfectly. But instead of success, all he gained was frustration. 
Instead of another vain attempt at the wrapping, he gave up and threw everything back into the bag and made his mind that he would go back to the small department store and ask...beg if you required it, for you to wrap the gifts. 
He might have been able to save the world on several occasions, but apparently his talents ended at Christmas gift wrapping. Well, he huffed to himself as he pulled open the door, the soft twinkling of bells meeting his ears, everyone had a limit. His just happened to be a little more pathetic than others. 
Super Hero, he reminded himself with each step, he was a fudgin’ super hero for fuck’s sake. But alas, when it came to more domestic things, such as cooking, and wrapping apparently, he was far from super. He was working on it though - spending time each day to make sure he was learning - doing enough - to be the father Missy needed. For her, and himself. Things weren’t always easy, but they were always getting better. 
Although tired from a long day at the office, throwing swords around, as Missy had dubbed it, his face instantly lit up when he spied you behind the counter, an almost bored expression on your face. The last of the Christmas rush was almost over, which meant business had slowed down, which was both a blessing and a curse at the same time. Marcus would have been a liar if he said he didn’t have an ulterior motive for coming back; sure - he wanted the presents wrapped, but let’s be honest, the man was smitten with you. Any excuse to come back and chat with you, even if it was just five minutes was good enough for him. 
He’d known you, casually, for a few years now. You had been Missy’s teacher at school last year, and he knew that you worked the summers and holidays at your parent’s store to give them a hand with the rushes. Sometimes, being the sneaky Heroic he was, he’d made up excuses in the past to come into your classroom to spend a few minutes here and there talking to you. It was hard to believe that anyone could make him nervous, to make his heart flutter and beat like a nervous schoolboy, but there you were. Managing to do it every time. 
But he’d never act on it. No, no, no. That would be downright outrageous. After all, why on earth would you be interested in Marcus Moreno? He couldn’t even wrap a present.
Almost as if you sensed his presence, you looked up from the counter you were organized and offered him a dazzling smile, accompanied by a small wave. He was positive his heart stopped at the sight as he had to remind himself to breath. After a quick inhale and exhale, he marched over to you, ready to be firm, and hell, maybe today he’d finally ask if you wanted to get dinner sometime. Why not, after all? But then he took a good look at your eyes, those soft eyes and that gentle smile and he came undone.
“Hi Marcus,” you beamed at him as he did his best to give you a normal smile in response, “what a pleasure to see a friendly face. How are you?”
“Hi,” he managed to choke out as he calmed himself. How did you have this effect on him? He was a grown man, a man with plenty of experience in dating and love, and yet this one he couldn’t seem to nail down, “I’m fine  - you know what, why lie? I’m tired and I can’t wrap presents for shit. I hate to ask, but could you help me out? I’ve seen you do it for other people and I’m afraid if I try again, it’ll be worse than the first time. It’s been awful - oh my God, I’m so rude. I’m rambling - you look pretty - nice - how are you?”
“Marcus,” you giggled at him, watching as a nervous tinge of pink flushed his cheeks. You put your hand on his, effectively getting him to calm down and shut up, “slow down. It’s okay - I’ve got you covered. I assume work is busy?”
“That’s one way to put it,” he was instantly relieved as you took the presents from and grabbed some wrapping paper to display to him. He nodded at your choice and watching in awe as you made quick work of grabbing the first present and getting to work, “I was about ready to just leave him in the bag and give them to Missy like that.”
“Ahh, it’s not a big deal,” you shot him a quick wink, “it’s easy once you get the hang of it. But then again, I’ve been helping my parents with this stuff for years. Maybe sometime I’ll show you how.”
“You’re a lifesaver,” he exhaled as he leaned against the counter and tried to pay it cool. His heart was thumping in his chest so rapidly, he was sure you were able to hear it as well. If you noticed anything out of place, you didn’t show it, “I’ll pay you - whatever you want.”
“Marcus,” you waved him off, “there’s no need. Besides, what are friends for?”
“Friends,” he almost choked on the word as he grinned at the delicate look of concentration on your face. Your brow was furrowed, your tongue peeking out from between your lips as you made sure to get all the measurements just right, “how’s everything been? It’s been a while…”
“I know,” you agreed as you started some ribbon to start curling it, “I miss you coming into my classroom all the time, I miss Missy - it’s not quite the same without the Morenos.”
How much could hint at it before he finally got the bait? You’d harbored a crush on the man for years now, even before you became Missy's teacher. He was a Heroic after all - handsome, funny, smart, and kind. Who wouldn't fall in love with him? You'd hinted at your feelings a number of times and you thought he reciprocated a few times, but you could never be quite sure. And neither of you ever seemed to make a move. You'd come close a few times, but somehow just hadn't...quite gotten there.
“I miss it too,” he agreed quietly, turning his attention to his hands, “Missy doesn’t like her teacher as much this year.”
“That’s because I’m pretty cool,” you teased gently, “you look nice too, by the way. The all black thing - pretty sexy.”
Marcus was sure his heart stopped at your words; you couldn’t seriously have said what he thought you said. Right? Right. He looked at you with wide eyes as you refused to look up from what you were doing in case you had completely overstepped any remaining boundaries. 
“I, umm…” he paused for a moment, chuckling at his own nerves as he moved to stand in front of you, “I’m shit at this. But I, umm...I like you.”
“Marcus,” you stopped what you were doing and set the scissors down to meet his soft brown eyes. He had a small smile on his face, nervous as he watched your expression to try and get a read on the situation. Honestly? He’d rather have taken down another horde of aliens than wait for your response, “it’s about time you said something. I was beginning to think you never would.”
“Oh,” he let a nervous chuckle as your words set in, “oh. Oh?”
“I like you too, Marcus,” you admitted as a warmth flushed over you, “I just...I didn’t know how to say it. I was…”
“Nervous,” you both blurted out at the same time as you both laughed. At least you were on the same page. 
“I haven’t done this in a long time,” he confessed as you nodded in understanding, “I feel like an old fool more than anything...but I’d like to take you out. On a date. A real date. Like you know not just...this, and I’m sorry if this is awkward. Missy’s been telling me to ask you forever and I just feel like -”
“Marcus,” you grinned at him as you reached up and held up a finger to his lips, “you’re rambling again, silly. I’d love to. I’d love to go out with you.”
“Seriously?” his eyebrows raised in surprise as you just nodded. Needless to say, he was not expecting this - any of it. 
“Seriously,” you confirmed, “come on, Mr. Force Hands, give me your phone and I’ll give you my number.”
“Okay,” he looked at you with nothing but soft hope in his eyes as he fished out his phone from his pocket and handed it to you. You let your hand brush over his as you took it and quickly saved your number for him, “I...yeah. I’m looking forward to it.”
“Me too,” you agreed, “but don’t actually forget to text me.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he breathed out easily, “besides, I owe Missy twenty bucks now and she’ll never forget it. We made a bet - she said I’ve never get the nerve to ask.”
“What a pleasant surprise,” you grinned at him, “now come on. Come around the counter and I’ll show you how to wrap properly.”
Marcus shuffled around the counter and you pointed to the spot you had previously occupied. Moving behind him, you paused for a moment before reaching around him to put your hands over his and help guide him. He swallowed thickly at your tender touch, trying to keep himself composed. 
“Now,” you said softly, “do it like this.”
It was definitely not what Marcus had expected to come out of this evening - but he was so glad it did. Finally. 
Maybe not being able to wrap presents wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
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faeri-meadow · 3 years
Out with the old, in with the cold (Philza x reader x Technoblade) (part 2)
I'm glad people enjoyed the first part! Here's part two! Now this isn’t going to 100% follow the lore or the mechanics of minecraft, think of it as Minecraft AU with some real life mechanics and some extra enchantments! Sorry if that makes no sense, I kinda just went with what felt right! Enjoy!
TW: Two mentions of death, that’s all!
My dreamless sleep was interrupted by the feeling of someone lightly shaking me, "Time to get up mate, Techno's getting ready and I've made breakfast." I slowly opened my eyes, attempting to blink away the sleep that clouded my vision, I was greeted by the sight of Philza standing close to the couch, his face near mine. He was staring at my face, and I was doing the same in return until he gave me a warm smile "C'mon, I've got some more clothes for you to wear, yours are still wet. I tried to dry your shoes to the best of my ability, but you may need to borrow an old pair of mine and maybe Techno can show you where the leather smith is in the village." He patted a spot on my legs making me look down on the couch to see a small stack of neatly folded clothing, "Ok, and I can wear my shoes, you've already done so much for me." I sat up as Philza backed up giving me room to stretch. I started to get off of the couch, lifting the blankets and letting my feet touch the slightly cold wooden floor. "Your shoes aren't meant for this weather, ours are. I would feel a lot better if you wore one of mine, though you may need to wear a few pairs of socks to make them fit." He extended a hand for me to take, which I did, and pulled me up off of the couch, "I'll find the smallest pair I can and then get you a plate ready, you can go to change in the bathroom." I gave him a nod and picked up the small stack of clothes and made my way to the bathroom I was shown yesterday.
A few moments later and I was wearing another green sweater, though this one was slightly thicker, and long black pants that I rolled up at the legs because they were too long. I opened the bathroom door to see Techno getting ready to knock, eyes wide, "Oh, uh, I thought you may need some things, so, here you go." He dumped some items into my arms and closed the door, leaving me confused and slightly flustered. I went through what he gave me and found a bar of soap, a wash cloth, toothpaste and a toothbrush, as well as a hair brush. I got to work on my routine, starting with washing my face and ending with brushing my hair. Once I was finished I dried off the toothbrush and gathered the items Techno gave me as well as the clothes Philza gave me the night before and left the bathroom. I could smell eggs and bacon as soon as I opened the door, making me walk a little faster to the kitchen, surprising Techno and Philza. "Oh, hey mate! You can set all that on the couch and come eat, after you can try on these shoes." I nodded and turned to the living room, quickly setting the clothes and stuff on the couch and rushed into the kitchen, sitting down in the same spot I sat in the previous night. Breakfast was just as quiet as dinner was, and once again Philza took my plate and cleaned it off and then set several pairs of socks at my feet along with some slightly large leather boots. " We made sure to enchant a lot of our items when we first got here, I'm pretty sure all of our outerwear have water resistance." I smiled and said a small thanks as I got to work putting on sock after sock, glad that they weren't all the same size, giving my feet some freedom. Once I had a whopping six pairs of socks on, I could finally wear the shoes without my feet sliding around too much. I stood up from the chair I was sitting on and walked around a bit, making sure the shoes actually fit. When I was happy with how they felt, I went into the living room seeing both Techno and Philza speaking in front of the front door, my heavy footsteps making them turn their attention to me. Techno looked at me through the holes in his mask, "There you are, we were just talkin about you. Question, what are you hoping to find at the village?" I stopped moving for a moment, "Oh, umm, I'm not sure. Maybe a place to stay so I can gather materials again? I don't have anything to really trade with so I guess I'll just offer to work around the village so I'm out of your hair." I gave a shrug and headed to the door as the duo looked at eachother, a sigh coming from Techno causing me to turn around to see his slightly annoyed face and Philza's very happy grin, "I suppose... You can stay here for a bit... But don't get comfortable, you were willing to work at the village, so now you get to help out here." Looking in between the two I couldn't help the slightly confused expression that took over my face, " Wait, quick question, why are you so trusting of me? You don't know anything about me." They both looked at me surprised, and seemed to be thinking about my question, but Techno seemed to get an answer quicker, "Because if need be, we can kill you without a second thought. As you've said, you don't have anything, and I highly doubt you can take on the both of us. If you're ready to go then we should be leaving, I've got other things I want to do today." All I could do was nod as we both started out the door, however Philza stopped us, "Wait! I don't want you catching a cold!" He came up in front of me and threw something over my shoulders and clipped it in the front. I look at my shoulders to see a long black cloak that nearly touched the ground, while I was distracted I felt the hood being pulled up, "Good idea Phil, I'm pretty sure we both would be too busy to take care of you." I nodded to the both of them, my cheeks turning a slight pink as Techno and I turned around and waved at Philza, saying our goodbyes.
Techno'a POV: (bet ya didn't see that coming muahaha!)
I lead (Y/N) to the stables where I kept Carl, "We don't have another horse, so you're gonna have to ride with me." I didn't really give them time to respond as I saddled up Carl and then jumped on, holding out my hand for them to take. They seemed hesitant and were a little too slow for my liking so I grabbed their arm and pulled them onto Carl, sitting them right in front of myself. "You act as if you've never ridden a horse before." I all but huffed out. In return I got a side glare, "Maybe I haven't Blade, I never needed to. I never left my house, and if I did happen to, wherever I was going was in walking distance." I let out a chuckle at the tone they used and ushered Carl to start moving. The village wasn't too far, and I've walked there plenty of times, but when I have plans for trading, it's best to have Carl. I could feel how stiff (Y/N) was on in front of me, probably due to her lack of experience in riding horses but decided not to say anything and just continued on. 
Eventually we reached the village, people already out and about despite the frigid weather. Once I reached a fence post I jumped off of Carl and grabbed (Y/N) from their waist and took them off of the horse as well, tying a lead to both Carl and the fence. “Alright, here are a few emeralds, go grab whatever you need and meet me back here around noon.” They grabbed the emeralds and muttered a thank you, heading further into the village. I let out a sigh and looked at the sky to see I had about two hours before noon hit, and with that thought I headed into the village as well.
~Time skip~
As soon as the sun was in the middle of the sky I was back at Carl’s location, lugging some bags onto his back. It was only moments later when I heard heavy foot fall, “Did I make you wait? Sorry if I did, I had to get some measurements taken.” I turned around expecting to see dozens of articles of clothing only to be surprised when I saw a small bag in (Y/N)’s hands, “What were ya getting measured for?” They laughed at my confused expression and opened the bag, ushering me to see the inside, “It’s enchanted, it has a lot more space then you think. Oh, that reminds me!” They reached into the bag and pulled out two things, one being a handful of the emeralds I gave her and the other being a golden necklace with a small crown sitting at the end. “Here is what was left, and I wanted to get you and Phil something as a thank you! I know they were your emeralds, so you kinda bought it, but I plan on paying you back, every single emerald.” I gently took the necklace into my hands, confused as what to say, “Erm, thank you, you didn’t have to get us anything.” they simply shook their head and gave me a smile, “Lets head on back! It seems like you got a lot of stuff and I don’t want Carl to have to carry it for longer then he needs to.” I couldn’t help but try and read their expression, to see if there was any motive behind the act of kindness, but saw none. I gave them a nod and untied Carl, jumping on and grabbing their arm as I had before, and then we were off.
(Y/N)’s POV:
The village was nice, the people being very sweet when asking about where I came from. When I went into the jewelry store to find something for Techno and Philza I was asked what I was looking for, and when mentioning the two men who had allowed me to stay, the shop keeper directed me to gold for Techno and onyx for Philza, and to make everything better, I got a discount from the shop keeper, the reasoning being “They have already done so much for us, it’s the least I can do.” I was pulled out of my thoughts by two large hands grabbing my waist and picking me up off of Carl, “I tried calling your name but you weren’t respondin, you go on inside, I’ll put Carl away.” I nodded at Techno and hurriedly ran inside, warmth greeting me as soon as I opened the door. I started calling out Philza’s name while stuffing my hands inside the bag feeling around for his gift, smiling when my fingers wrapped around the cool stone. “In here mate!” I followed his voice down a ladder and into what looked like a smithing room, “Hey! How was the trip to the village? Find anything good?” I gave a nod while looking around the room, there were anvils, smithing tables, blast furnaces, and what looked like a cauldron full of different metals. “Mate? You alright?” I turned my attention to Philza who was now standing in front of me, the metal he was working on still red hot behind him, “Oh, yeah, I’ve just never really seen or used most of these things!” This caused Phil to furrow his brow, “You mean you’ve never used a smithing table? Or a blast furnace? Surley you’ve had to of used an anvil at least!” I let out a laugh and shook my head, “I guess compared to you guys I never really had much to begin with, I’ve used a furnace before, just not a blast furnace. I don’t really know what a smithing table is for, and I think I’ve used an anvil once or twice, mainly to stamp names into name tags.” Phil’s eyes were wide, “You’ve never had netherite? A smithing table is used only for netherite, it’s a material from the nether, the strongest material in fact!” I stared at his bewildered face for a moment before replying, “I’ve never been to the nether, I never really was an adventurer I suppose, I had everything I needed at home.” This only seemed to confuse the winged man more before he took a deep breath, released it, and then looked a lot calmer, “Well I suppose Tech and I will have to change that at some point! So what did you need me for?” He turned around and made his way back to the metal that was a little darker then before, and proceeded to dunk the metal into the furnace, turning it bright red once again. “Oh, I got you something while we were out, as a thank you of sorts!” I held out a silver chain, at the end sat a black feather made of onyx. The light from the fire seemed to dance across the shiny stone catching his gaze, “Oh mate, you really didn’t have to.” But none the less he slowly grabbed the necklace from my hands, eyes never leaving the detailed feather, “I did though, without you guys I would be dead. I practically owe you both my life.” His eyes left the feather only to catch my own gaze, “You don’t owe us anything, neither of us could just leave you out there.” He grabbed one of my hands with his free one, “I love it, it’s beautiful.” I gave him a light smile as I tried to pull my hand away, but instead of letting me go, Phil pulled me in for a hug, “Seriously (Y/N), please don’t feel like you owe us anything.” He held onto me for a bit longer before letting me go, a blush slowly spreading across his cheeks, “Sorry, I didn’t mea-” I cut him off by going in for another hug, “Don’t be, I needed that.” Once again his arms wrapped around my back, his head laid on top of my own.
“Ahem.” A throat being cleared scared us both as we quickly split apart, seeing Techno at the bottom of the ladder with a slight smirk, “Oh, I’m so sorry, did I interrupt something?” I could feel the heat rushing to my face and I rushed out an answer, “N-no, I was just giving him his gift, a-and he gave me a hug in return!” I couldn’t help the slight stutter, but that seemed to make Techno’s smirk widen, “Oh? I kinda feel bad now, all I said was a thank you.” He started moving towards me and within a few steps was right in front of me, “Guess I’ll have to make it up to you.” Before I could question what he meant, his arms wrapped around my back as he lifted me into the air, giving me a bone crushing hug, “Tech-no, can’t breath-” He held onto me for a bit longer, a slight chuckle making his chest vibrate before setting me onto the ground, “Okay, okay, now it’s time for you to help out (Y/N), Phil, you look busy down here so I’ll just take them with me to feed the animals and collect some crops, sound good?” Hearing no response I glanced at Philza who was giving a slight glare to Techno, but soon realized I was looking and dropped it, mumbling out a quick sounds good and going back to molding the metal in front of him into whatever he was turning it into. With his response, Techno and I headed back up the latter and outside to care for the crops and animals.
Philza’s POV: (Hehehehehe)
Once I heard the door upstairs shut I put down the hammer I was using on the rod of iron, and instead turned my attention to the necklace given to me by (Y/N). It hurt for some reason to hear that they felt they owed us, it made me think about what they may have gone through in the SMP to feel that way. A small part of me was happy when they hugged me back, I was worried I had stepped too far. However when Techno showed up that feeling was replaced with slight jealousy. I pushed away those thoughts away and instead focused on the previous part of our conversation. The fact that they never had a netherite weapon confused me as they had once lived in the SMP, and the citizens were noctorious for their netherite weapons and armor. I made a self note to speak to Techno about a possible trip to the nether, which he shouldn’t be too opposed to, but then thought about (Y/N). Neither of us know them well enough to know if they can fight which means we would need to keep an eye on them. Not only that but a lot of materials went into the creation of L’Manhole, so before a nether trip, a mining trip is needed. We could always ask them to stay back, but then they would think they owe us more, either way they need something to defend themselves if we were to leave. My eyes glanced down at the slightly cooled iron sitting on the anvil, and just like that I went back to work, this time with a plan.
~Time skip~
(Y/N)’s POV:
All of the animals seemed very happy to have their food for the day, and I was carrying a basket full of potatoes, carrots, wheat, and some beetroot. Techno was in charge of the meat collecting, and he seemed to be done as well as he approached me with a similar basket, though his was covered with a kind of tarp. We both nodded towards each other and walked towards the house, the sun starting to set, the figure of Philza was standing on the porch of the cabin, “Looks like we won’t need food for a while huh?” His icy blue eyes studied the baskets before he stepped towards the door and opened it for us. I stomped off my feet before I entered the house and made a bee-line for the kitchen, setting down the basket with a huff, Techno not too far behind me. “Oh, before we start putting things away and such, I wanna give you something (Y/N).” I looked at him confused when he went into the living room, coming back with something wrapped in a blanket, “Here ya go mate!” I unwrapped the blanket and saw a shiny iron sword, with my name scratched onto the base. I grabbed the handle of the blade, switching it from hand to hand, amazed at how light it felt, “Philza, I don’t know what to say. I don’t even know how to use a sword!” This caused both Philza and Techno to laugh, “Remember this morning when you asked us why we trusted you? And I said that we could kill you if we wanted?” Techno stared at me, a smug grin on his face, “I think we could teach you a thing or two about sword fighting. They don’t call us the Angel of Death and the Blood God for no reason.” I tilted my head slightly, “Angel of Death? Blood God? Sorry if this sounds rude, but I’ve never heard those names before.” For some reason the room went quiet, Techno and Philza looking at eachother, seemingly having a conversation, “That’s a story for another day Mate, how about we get ready for dinner?” I agreed quite quickly and rushed to the bathroom, grabbing out some of the clothes I bought from the village which consisted of sweat pants, wool leggings, some nicer long pants of various colors, a few sweaters, sweatshirts and jackets as well as (Whatever scent you want) scented shampoo and conditioner. I crossed my fingers and looked around the bathroom for some sort of closet or cabinets and saw a chest in the corner. I opened the chest and found towels, quickly taking one out and running myself a bath. I was quick to wash off any sweat that accumulated over the day and washed my hair. Once leaving the bath and emptying the water, I dried myself off and put on a pair of black wool leggings and a light pink sweatshirt as well as a pair of fuzzy socks and left the bathroom. I went into the living room, put down the clothes and the bags and ran to the kitchen where Philza and Techno were both cooking. “Hey, nice choice of clothes eh Techno?” Techno’s eyes lazily moved from the meat he was cutting up towards my form, as soon as he sees me though his cheeks go pink, “HEH?” Philza and I both started cracking up before I was ushered over to help make dinner. Within fifteen minutes the air was filed with a delicious smell of veggies and meat, the stew that we all worked on finally finished. Dinner was eaten quickly, however this time I grabbed the dishes and went to the sink. “You guys can head upstairs and go to bed, thanks for taking me out today Techno, and for the sword Philza!” Warm smiles bloomed onto both of their faces as they came over and each gave me a hug from behind before they headed for the stairs, simultaneously saying no problem, followed by a string of ‘Jinx you owe me a soda’. Once dishes were washed and lanterns were blown out I made my way once again to the couch, fire still burning keeping the air around me warm. I laid down on the couch and wrapped myself in the blankets, with a full stomach and a clean body, sleep came quick. 
AN- Once again, thank you for reading, and I’m sorry for any mistakes!
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House Arrest [Loki X Reader] Chapter 2
Summary: You are Clint’s 'little' sister and actually a trained Shield agent. But you gave that up a few years ago and became a Chef, because you wanted a normal live. Then one day Natasha shows up at your door and takes you to the Avenger Tower for a while for security reasons.
Tags: Reader is an former Shield Agent, chef!reader, Reader Barton, 2012 Avenger vibes, everything is still alright, Slice of Life, Avengers Family, Loki has a good heart, still the god of mischief, Slow Burn, mention of food and cooking
Read it on AO3
Chapter 2: Not the new kitchen help
You can now call a cozy apartment with two rooms and a nice bathroom your own. You have stored your things in the bedroom and are now looking around the tower. The living rooms seem to be spread over several levels. Either there are really a lot of people living here or they tried to keep a little space to avoid stepping on each other's toes all the time. Living and working together can be quite a challenge for some people. The floors above consist - judging by the signs - of labs and various development rooms. Most of it is probably technical stuff, but some of the doors also have concerning warnings, and you don't want to spend your first day trying to figure out if they're genuine.
You find the outdoor platform with the big A and see, then it’s connected to some sort of party or lounge room. There are several couch sets and a rather nicely equipped bar. Overall, everything is very spacious and you're sure you can walk around here for a few days without anyone noticing your presence. At least once, you think you've lost your bearings for a moment, but then you find your way back to the elevators. On the other hand, there was surprisingly little going on up here.
All floors below the living area seem to be offices, at least the names of the elevator buttons suggest that. You don't feel like visiting them right now, because the exploration tour has left you pretty hungry. The last meal was also your breakfast this morning and now it's almost afternoon. So you look for the room that interests you the most anyway. And you find it near the lounge: a wonderfully large kitchen with fantastic equipment. You explore it with interest and notice that it‘s visibly little used. Among the people and other beings here, there seems to be no one enjoying cooking. Saving the world probably takes up enough of their time. As you open the refrigerator, a voice suddenly comes from somewhere, startling you briefly at first. "Good afternoon, Miss Barton. If you have any requests regarding the food or ingredients, please let me know." You look around, but can't see anyone. "My name is JARVIS," the voice explains. "I am an A.I. and I am available to assist you." "Uh-huh...hello," you merely reply, processing this information. Jarvis, meanwhile, continues talking. "Welcome to the Tower. The other Avenger members have been notified of your arrival in a memo." "Okay, thanks." It‘s a bit weird talking to a room, but apparently modern technology has already reached the next level here. Hearing nothing more, you start inspecting the contents of the refrigerator. The result is quite sobering. "It's all just fast foods," you grumble. "Would you like to suggest changes in the selection?", Jarvis asks. "Yes! Please and thank you." "You're welcome to make a shopping list, and I'll have everything ordered." Why not? Regardless of whether a computer can really do it, you nod. "Okay." "A personal tablet will be calibrated for you. You can pick it up from Mr. Banner."
A few minutes later you find yourself in the labs on the upper floors. The sterile lit hallway reminds you much more of Shield than the lower floors. You turn a corner and have to go down some stairs that lead you into a large room. Here, tables are jumbled with various types of modern computers and equipment. Further back is a robotic arm soldering a hard drive all by itself with a quiet whir. It’s a dream for any technology enthusiast. From one corner, you hear typing and beeping, followed by quiet murmurs. That's where you turn, looking at the whiteboards on the wall along the way, where complicated calculations and drawings could be seen. Then suddenly, right in front of you, a hologram appears in the air and you stop, rooted to the spot. "Oops!" "Oh, sorry." A head pops up from behind a nearby screen and you recognize Bruce Banner. His face is always shown on the news whenever there's been a shot of Hulk. But now you're more interested in the hologram as you take a closer look. It shows a nebulous, pulsating entity. "What is that?" you ask the scientist. "We got some cosmic stones. This was in one of them." "It's moving. Is it alive?" "Living would be an exaggeration, but there is energy present. My name is Dr. Banner, by the way." He reduzes the size the hologram so it's out of your way. "Barton, nice to meet you." "Clint's sister, I read the file. He never mentioned you though." "I didn't want any attention, but didn't quite work out, I guess." Bruce smiles sympathetically and reaches for a cup of tea, which, judging by his expression after the first sip, seems to be cold. You ask for the tablet you came for, and Bruce looks around searchingly. There are a few of them in the room, but the display of one lights up, drawing your attention. You see your name displayed and simply conclude that it's the right one. Briefly you say thank and goodbye, before you go back to your room and start making a shopping list. Please fresh ingredients and please deliver today.
Afterwards, you browse around a bit. The tablet, like every electronic device in the house, seems connected to the main computer and to Jarvis. You pull up a few files on your new housemates and read them curiously. At least the parts that are publicly available. You also take the opportunity to look for your own name. Because even though you know that your records were officially destroyed when you left, you know that no data is ever really gone. So you're almost surprised when you find only a few sentences about yourself and not even a photo. Mainly it was about your and Clint's entry into Shield at a young age as orphans. You had received a pretty good education, which may have also kept you from going off the rails. Besides hand-to-hand combat and firearms training, your specialty was handling knives, while your brother took up bows and arrows. For foreign missions, you had also had to learn various languages and had chosen the widely spoken Spanish and Russian. But you didn't work for Shield for a long time, instead opting out of your career early on. It just wasn't the life you wanted to lead. So you changed cities and mingled with the civilian population. And before you knew it, your talent with a knife led you into a traditional apprenticeship as a chef. You enjoyed this work more than having to fight to death, and you even expanded your knowledge and skills during a year abroad in France. But there is very little of all this in your records.
You set the tablet aside and stretch out on your new bed. Normally, you would be in full swing at work right now. A glance at the clock reveals that it's already early evening. Rush hour in most of the restaurants. But here? Without a task or a plan, there's not much you can do. On the other hand, a little vacation wouldn't hurt you.
At some point, the tablet gave a soft ping and when you checked, it was a notification that the refrigerator and all the pantries had been restocked. By now you are very hungry and you heard nothing about a joint dinner time, so you decide to cook yourself something. Out of sheer habit and to avoid getting your clothes dirty, you put on a chef's jacket and apron you brought from home and go into the kitchen. There's a radio in one corner that you turn on. Jarvis really did get everything you had asked for. It was a dream come true. Now in a much better mood, you grab a pan and get to work. From the freezer, you pull out a fish, which you gut and fill with fresh herbs. It goes into the pan first. Then it's the turn of the potatoes, which are peeled, boiled and rolled in rosemary.
You're so absorbed in your work - you've just poked a knife into the boiling potatoes to see if they're already done - that you don't notice a visitor, who had entered the kitchen at some point, until he makes himself known. "I'll have the course menu and a white wine to go with it." Somewhat confused, you look up as you hear the man's voice and see Tony Stark standing at the sideboard across from you. He notices your look and returns it with a smile. "I didn't realize we hired a new kitchen help." You frown and take a sharpening rod in your free hand to sharpen your knife while not taking your eyes off Tony. "Oh, I'm not a new kitchen help," you clarify. "I'm a chef." "Excuse me. Then would the chef please serve me the course menu and a white wine?" The trillionaire indicates a polite bow, but you merely turn to the stove and take the potatoes off it. You then retrieve a plate from the cupboard. "Jarvis", you direct your voice to the computer, hoping it’s still listening. "Would you please explain to Mr. Stark that I'm not here to cook for him and that he'll have to order his course menu, if he really wants one, from the Chinese place next door?" "Mr. Stark, I'm supposed to-." "I heard her, Jarvis," Tony interrupts the A.I., eyeing you a little more closely now. "That does make me wonder what you're doing here, Miss...? Aside from the fact that there's no Chinese working next door." "Then you should make one move in there," you replay amused. As you do, you wipe your fingers on the cloth you've hung on the apron at your hip and prep your dish. Just as Tony is about to say something clever, the door opens and another person walks in. You recognize Thor at first glance. "What's that delicious smell in the air?", he asks, looking around curiously. You smile and point to the stove. "I was just cooking. There's still some left for you to take." With that, you want to go to your room, but Tony stops you. "Oh, he gets something, but I don't?", he complains. You shrug your shoulders. "He didn't want a whole menu." With that, you disappear through the door and go back to your living quarters. There you quickly change into something comfy and make yourself comfortable on the couch, where you watch an episode of your favorite show while you eat. A little company would be nice, but you don't feel like meeting more people you don't know yet. And you don't feel like searching for Natasha in this huge complex. So you’re fine with being by your own right own.
After dinner, you continue watching the show, but eventually you realize you're getting tired. It really had been an eventful and long day. So you quickly take your dirty dishes back to the kitchen. But just as you're closing the dishwasher, Tony comes back in and leans against the frame with his arms crossed. "So… you‘re a Barton." Apparently he had spent a few minutes of his precious time gathering information about you and then waited for you to reappear. "Surprised there's another one?" you ask with a smirk. He takes that as a sign that you're not holding a grudge against him. He pushes himself off the door frame and comes closer, now leaning his arms on the kitchen island. "Nothing about Legolas surprises me anymore. Met his wife and kids the other day. Nice family. Are you guys a whole circus?" "Not anymore." You shrug. "So, what’s your deal?", he wants to know. "You left Shield in your early twenties. What's normal life like out there? No one waiting for you to come home?" You turn on the dishwasher and grab a water bottle from the supply. "Life is nice. Often stressful, but I have to worry a lot less about getting killed." You don't answer Tony's last question. It's really none of his business. "That is when you're not being yanked out of that life and brought into the house of superheroes", you add. "You'll get used to it. Both that we're super and that we're heroes. I promise." You laugh at his words. Tony seems to be a real egocentric, but also a humorous person. "Well, let's see", you reply, "Now if the welcome speech is over, I'd like to go to bed." "I won't keep anyone away from their beauty sleep. Good night." You wish him the same, then head back to your room, where you make yourself comfortable on the large bed. The strange surroundings were unfamiliar, but not you don't feel uncomfortable and so you soon fall asleep.
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headheartbellarke · 3 years
Paper Rings | OWEN JOYNER
Requested by anon: “Owen request? A series of events that leads Owen to finally working up the courage to propose to his girlfriend?” PAIRING(s): Owen Joyner x fem!reader WARNING(s): some language, mentions of abuse, panic attack, anxiety, and fluff haha WORDS: 3.7k SUMMARY: Five times Owen almost asks his girlfriend to marry him, and one time he actually does.
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    Charlie looks around, feeling out of place amongst the big mirrors, bright lights, and the sparkling diamonds. When his best friend, Owen, told him that he wanted a ‘guys night’ (he’s still unsure as to why he wants to have one: they live together, it’s guys’ night every night – he was expecting bars, or clubs, or fancy restaurants; things they don’t get to do every night, because of work. But he definitely wasn’t expecting to be dragged into a jewellery store.
  “O, buddy, what are we doing here?”
  Owen shushes him, walking ahead to a counter. A woman with kind eyes greets him. “Mr. Joyner!”
  He smiles, familiarity pooling in his eyes.
  Charlie frowns. He didn’t expect Owen to be into jewellery – sure, he buys stuff for his sister and mother, but he always takes them with him.
  He thinks of Y/N, Owen’s girlfriend of about five years – there’s a possibility that he may be buying something for her, but it’s highly unlikely. Y/N has been pretty vocal about the fact that she hates diamonds, and who’s to blame her, really? Her father used to buy her mother a diamond necklace after every time he hit her or when he came home smelling of another woman’s perfume.
  Charlie exclaims, “Owen! I’m gonna die if you don’t tell me what’s going on!”
   “I know, I know.” He shushes him, again, and Charlie feels like a child, even though he’s older than the blonde boy. Owen turns to the woman in front of him, Miranda, as her name tag reads, and says, “I hope it’s ready.”
  She nods, excitedly. “Yes! I have it right here with me.”
  She disappears beneath the counter, and Charlie expects her to return with a big box, like a magician’s apprentice. But, instead, she emerges with a small, tiny box and he wonders –
  As realization dawns upon him, he feels a rush of euphoria. “Oh my god, are you –”
  Owen nods, his face aglow with anticipation, hope and adoration. “I – I walked into this store a couple of weeks ago, after I decided that I wanted to marry her, I mean, I’ve known it for a while, you know? I can’t see myself being with anyone but her for the rest of my life, and I want a family with her. She’s my soulmate, dude. And I – I think it’s the right time, too. She’s got that amazing job, and my career’s going great, so, yeah. I wanna marry her.”
  Charlie sniffs, feeling tears at the back of his eyes. “Bro.”
  His friend grins. “Bro.”
  Charlie pulls him into a hug, but Owen pushes him away, and they swat each other’s hands for a second before Owen whisper shouts, “Do you wanna see the ring or not?!”
  Charlie’s eyes widen and he nods. They turn to the woman in front of them, and she points to the box placed on the counter before them. “If you’re ready.”
  Owen nods, and Charlie feels amazed at the determination clouding his irises. He opens the box, and the Canadian boy gasps.
  Inside sits a simple platinum ring. Except at the middle, there’s a diamond shaped like a star. It’s so beautifully built, every edge looking like they’re fit to cut steel. And the entire ring – it’s so simple, yet beautiful, and Charlie knows why he picked it.  
  It’s a mirror of the way Owen sees Y/N – something gorgeous, something priceless, something elegant, yet something so simple to him, and something that will always makes sense, no matter what.
    Owen inhales, staring at his reflection in the full body length mirror in front of him. He’s going to do it today – he is going to ask his best friend, his soulmate and the love of his life to marry him. He has planned it all – even Charlie went out with the rest of the cast tonight to give the twenty-three-year-olds some privacy. (Charlie, Y/N, and Owen live together in Vancouver, at least while shooting the fourth season of Julie and The Phantoms, so, as one can guess, it’s really difficult to get a moment alone – but since the both of them love Charlie so fucking much, they don’t really mind.)
  He straightens his tie and hears soft footsteps in the hallway outside his room. Y/N’s head pokes in, her face lit up like Christmas lights.
   “Don’t you look sharp!” She says, while walking up to him and wrapping her arms around his torso. Owen smiles, catching her eyes in the reflection. “Are the bad puns ever going to stop?”
  She gasps, dramatically, and exclaims, “You don’t gotta be so mean about it!”
  He shakes his head, and feels love swell in his chest for the woman behind him. “I love you so much, you know that, right?”
  A mischievous glint appears in her eyes. “I could use a reminder.”
  Owen grins, turning backwards and cups her face in his hands, about to kiss her, when a voice stops him.
  “I think I just broke the coffee machine!”
  Y/N’s eyes widen, and she yells, “You did what?!”
  Owen’s brows furrow. “Is that –”
  She casts him an apologetic glance. “Zoe, yeah. I forgot to tell you, but Cece had to go out last minute, so I offered to watch her for the evening!”
  Usually, Owen loves kids, especially Y/N’s cousins like Zoe, but right now, he feels like jumping off a cliff. She seems to sense that as she runs her hands down his arms, and says, “I’m sorry! I know you said that tonight was gonna be just us, but you love Zoe, don’t you? And it’s gonna be fun, I promise!”
  It’s not. Owen had booked a table at Y/N’s favorite restaurant in Vancouver, and he would have proposed midway through the dinner, when the musicians there would start to play ‘Love Story’ by Taylor Swift, and when they got to the bridge, he would have dropped to a knee.
  Ignoring the weight in his chest, he plasters a smile on his face. “Yeah. Yeah. I’m sorry, I just – it’s been a while since we’ve been alone, you know? With work and all. But I’m sure it’s gonna be great with Zoe, too!”
  She nods. “Thank you. We can go out alone next week when Charlie has that photoshoot with Madi!”
  He nods. “Absolutely.”
  The little black box stays hidden in the pocket of the beige coat in his closet that he never wears.
    As Y/N smiles at him, Owen thinks that this is it. This is the moment he’s gonna ask her to marry him.
  As the light from the fire illuminates her face, he thinks about how perfect this weekend has been. After long days, and even longer nights of filming, they finally got a weekend off, and Charlie immediately booked a cabin in North Vancouver.
  And there’s no one better at planning trips than Charlie.
  Along with Owen, Y/N, and Charlie; Madison, Jadah, Jeremy and his wife, Carolynn, Savannah, Sacha, and Tori are here, too, everyone basking in the peace. Throughout the weekend, they’ve done anything and everything they can do in snow – from skiing, to making snow angels, and finally, as the shades of evening rolled on the last day of their trip, they are tired.
  After dinner, everyone wordlessly returned to their rooms, and Owen knows that they’re all fast asleep, right now – except Y/N, who is still as bubbly as champagne.
  When they returned to their room, Y/N quickly lit the fire – because no matter if it’s snowing or if it’s fifty degrees outside – she is always freezing.
  It’s the opposite in Owen’s case, though – he’s always warm, and that’s why Y/N wasted no time to settle in his lap.
  Owen quickly pats his pocket to check if the ring’s still there. It is, and it’s been there for the whole weekend. He’s been searching for opportunities, but they were always either with someone, or it wasn’t a good time.
  “O?” She asks, her voice soft.
  “Hmm?” He replies, threading his fingers through her hair.
  Her eyes brighten up, putting the fire in front of them to shame. “I’ve just had an idea.”
  “Later. First, I have something to ask you.” He says, his hand reaching into his pocket again.
  She smiles. “I know what you’re gonna ask.”
  Owen’s surprised. “You do?”
  She nods excitedly. “Yeah. Charlie told me!”
  He must have had a horrified look on his face because her eyes widen quickly. “Oh, he didn’t want to, believe me! But, now that I know, tell me, when are you gonna do it?”
  Owen stammers, suddenly feeling breathless in this room. The anxiety starts to pool in his stomach, along with an anger, directed towards Charlie. “I – I – I can’t believe he told you this…”
  She shrugs. “You know that he can’t hide anything from me. He’s like the brother I never asked for. Anyway, so he was showing me some of the designs, and I love you, but I don’t think you can handle a tooth piercing.”
  Owen’s brows furrow. “What?”
  “Like, totally no offence, but you passed out when the dentist came to do a routine check up on your teeth. I don’t wanna imagine what would happen if you got them pierced.”
  “What are talking about?!”
  “Charlie and your matching piercings, dummy! What else would I be talking about?” She looks at him as if he’s grown a third head.
  Owen’s lips part. “We are not getting matching piercings – I wasn’t gonna ask you that!”
  “Oh!” Her eyes widen. “What were you gonna ask, then?”
  He gulps, thinking to himself – this is it. This is it. This is it.
  “Do you wanna go home for New Year’s?”
  He mentally curses when that question comes out of his mouth, and even with Y/N’s bright smile, he starts to feel queasy inside, knowing that he still isn’t confident enough to actually ask her.
    Owen wipes his sweaty palms on his jeans and stands up. “Y/N, I have to tell you something.”
  She nods, her eyes sweeping across the mostly empty LA beach. He brought her here today to finally ask her to marry him – his past attempts have been nothing short of disastrous.
  As he opens his mouth, he feels a pang in his heart, and his mind starts to race. All kinds of thoughts race through his mind, like – what if she says no? what if she hates him for ruining what they have? What if Champagne Problems by Taylor Swift becomes his most relatable song? What if she –
  Y/N stands up, and her hand finds that of Owen’s, a reassurance, and he knows that she can sense his anxiety. She doesn’t ask him to talk about it – she knows that he will, eventually, when he’s ready. For now, she shows him that she’s here for him, and somehow that is enough.
  As she brushes his hair, his mind starts to calm down, his erratic breathing slowing down and involuntarily matching the pace of her breathing. She whispers, softly, “You’re okay. You’re safe. Everything is okay. You’re okay. I love you. I love you –”
  She keeps repeating that, until it’s like a mantra in Owen’s head, turning the racing thoughts to mere background noise.
  He opens his eyes, and looks into hers, and finally feels calm. He exhales. “That… uh....”
  She nods, comfort flooding through her eyes. “I know, baby. But it’s okay. You’re safe now.”
  He shakes his head, taking his hand in hers. “I – I – I think that maybe you and I should, uh, get – um, matching tattoos. Yeah. That’s what I wanted to ask you.” He lies.
  She nods enthusiastically. “Yes! Of course. You don’t even have to ask – we’ve always talked about it, and I think that now is the perfect time! Do you wanna –”
  As Y/N talks about designs, he thinks that he’s a fucking coward.
    As Owen laughs, he feels confident, for once. He knows that tonight he’ll be able to ask her to marry him, especially in front of all his family – he loves his family, and so does Y/N and vice versa. He remembers the first time he brought her home three months after they’d started dating. He remembers feeling absolutely euphoric about the fact that she fit right in with his family. That was also the day that she had told him, for the first time, that she loves him.
  He looks around the table, and watches Y/N talk animatedly to his mother. His parents think of her as their own daughter, especially after finding out about her rocky relationship with her father. Y/N’s mother sits next to Owen, and he loves how carefree she looks – her ex-husband, really, was an asshole.
  He takes the little box out of his pocket, and his cousin, Elias, gasps. “Is that an engagement ring?” He whispers, his face scrunching as if the sentence left a bad taste in his mouth.
  Owen nods. “Yes. Elias, I would appreciate it if you kept it down.”
  His cousin raises his hands. “Always, homie.”
  He rolls his eyes. “Right.”
  Elias looks around. “Hey, do you think that it’s a good idea to propose now?”
  “What do you mean?” Owen’s brows furrow.
  “I mean people do it in private for a reason. What if she says no and then you get embarrassed in front of your entire family and hers? It’s sympathetic looks for the rest of your life, bro. And your parents wouldn’t be able to talk to her, nor to her mom, ‘cause it’d be, ya know, friggin’ embarrassing. Everyone’s probably gonna hate you.”
  Owen’s eyes widen, and he toys with the truth in his cousin’s words. Elias shrugs, and takes a sip of his water. “But it’s up to you, dude.”
  Slowly, Owen slides the ring back into his pocket.
    Owen looks around, checking if any distractions could be in this room. None. How could it, though? He’s standing in an empty classroom, in the middle of winter break. Nobody in their right minds would be here.
  Well, that would mean that Owen’s not in his right mind. To be really, really, really honest – he is kind of losing it. He has been trying to propose to Y/N for the past month, but every time – every god damn time, something comes up and ruins everything.
  So, he decided to break into his middle school. Well, ‘break into’ isn’t the right phrase – he asked the guard to give him the keys for the night, and even thanked him with a hundred dollar note. Unlike his girlfriend, he’s incapable of breaking rules.
  The guard thought that it was very romantic of him, but really, he’s just tired and wants to get married already. He taps his foot anxiously, and finally hears the door opening, signalling Y/N’s arrival.
  God, she looks absolutely adorable. Her nose is crimson from the cold, and she is bundled under what seems to be ten layers of clothing. She huffs, grinning when she notices him.
  “Are we here to make out? Because your house was much more comfortable and so, so warm.”
  Owen shakes his head. “Nope.”
  “Well, are you gonna murder me, O? Because, well, it’s certainly the perfect location.”
  “I have to tell you something.” He says, taking a step toward her. He looks around and sees that there is nothing that could possibly ruin this moment, and smiles brightly, preparing himself. Y/N’s eyes gleam with anticipation, as she nods for him to continue.
  “Y/N, I still remember the day that I met you. I remember the way you smiled at me even though I had spilled black coffee all over you and ruined your very pretty, white dress.”
  She laughs. “I was really mad at first, yeah. But the cutest boy in all of Oklahoma was in front of me, and well, you know that I was a goner.”
  He smiles fondly. “And the beautifulest girl in the world was in front of me.”
  “That’s not a word.”
  “I know. And then you laughed at my dumb jokes, and even agreed to go on a date with me.”
  “To compensate for that absolutely gorgeous dress.” She clarifies, a teasing smile on her face.
  He grins sheepishly. “And then somehow, somewhere we fell in love, and somehow, you became my other half, and somehow, I can’t imagine a world without you. I don’t want to. You are my best friend, and you are the one person around whom I can be completely myself and face no judgements.”
  “No, I do judge you. You’re a little questionable.”
  “And what would I do without your wicked sense of humour?”
  “Honestly? You’d be lost without me. I mean, you forget to even put your socks in the washing machine.”
  “You’re not supposed to wash them. They go on your feet. Obviously.”
  “That is disgusting, and you know it.”
  He laughs. “I wanna be with you for the rest of my life, and I… I… I want a family with you, you know? I know that we’ve never talked about this, and I don’t know how you would feel about one, but still, if you’re up for it, I’m too. But, if you don’t, that’s okay, too. More than okay.”
  For a moment, an unrecognizable expression crosses her face, and he wonders if he’s hurt her. But then the biggest smile blooms on her face.
  “We should have talked about this. But I would like a family with you, too. I mean, I’ve never really wanted one, and you know why. But, after seeing you and your family, I realized that a part of me does want it. I do want to have the home that I never got to have with you and I wanna do better. I know that you’ll be an amazing dad, and I wanna raise my kid the way that kids should be raised. And I want it with no one else but you.”
  Owen feels as if he’s on cloud nine, and he stares at her for a moment, wondering how lucky he is to find a girl like her. He says, “Y/N, I –”
  Before he can ask her the question, though, her ringtone cuts through the silence of the empty classroom. She whispers an apology and takes her phone out from her jeans pocket.
  She accepts the call and speaks into the phone. “Hey, Luka, what’s up? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. Luka, slow down.”
  She exchanges a panicked look with Owen.
  Speaking of Owen, he’s losing it. Absolutely. He was so close. And for the first time, he had both confidence and hope. And something had to happen. He starts to feel annoyed at Luka, his sister, and then immediately feels bad about it, but then starts to feel annoyed again.
  “Oh no, you did what? Do you need me to come?”
  At Y/N’s last sentence, Owen bursts out. “Oh, for fuck’s sake!”
  Y/N raises her brows at him. He feels anger replacing all his emotions, anger towards the world, it’s timings, and mostly, towards himself.
  Sensing his rage, Y/N gives him a weird look. “What is wrong with you?” She whispers.
  “Everything. Everything is wrong!” He whispers back.
  He starts to feel breathless, and the familiar sensation of a panic attack starts to overcome him. He looks around, trying to focus on something, anything, when he spots the door.
  He looks at his girlfriend, and says, “I love you, but I’m gonna lose it.” With that, he walks by her, and out the doors, while she yells after him.
    It’s been twenty minutes since he last talked to Y/N, and he has lost all hope. He’s now sitting on a park bench a couple of minutes away from the school, and he is listing all the reasons why his life is absolutely shit.
  “Hey, you okay?”
  Owen looks up, and notices Y/N walking up to the bench, with a concerned look in her eyes.
  “I – I just… I’ve been trying to ask you something, Y/N, for the past month. And every time I try to do it, I’m either interrupted, or I’m not confident enough. And, today, there were no distractions, and I was finally feeling confident and hopeful and then my sister decides to ruin it – is she okay, by the way?”
  She nods and sits down beside him. “Yeah, she misplaced her dress for tonight.”
  He grits his teeth in annoyance. He loves her, but his sister has the worst timing.
  Y/N rests a hand on his, an odd look taking over her features. “You should know by now that the answer will always, and obviously be a yes.”
  Owen sharply turns towards her. “What?”
  A brilliant smile makes its way onto her face. “You are gonna propose, aren’t you?”
  A gasp involuntarily escapes him. “How’d you know?”
  “Well, you just said some pretty nice things about me. Also, I can see the outline of the ring box, and you keep checking your pocket for it every two minutes, even if you don’t realize it. You’re literally doing it right now.”
  In his defence, he wasn’t, or rather, isn’t consciously doing it. He slowly retracts his hand from his pocket and gives her a sheepish smile.
  She stands up. “Really, O, are you gonna do it or not –”
  “Yep, yep, yep.” He clears his throat and stands in front of her and drops to a knee. He takes the ring out, and flips open the box, and as the diamond’s reflected light dances across her face, Y/N gasps.
  “Oh my god, that’s gorgeous!”
  He grins. “I have great taste.”
  She smiles teasingly. “I know, baby.”
  “Will you ma–”
  “Yes! Yes, yes, yes!”
  “You didn’t even let me finish!”
  “Someone would’ve probably interrupted you and I couldn’t take the chance of you losing your shit again.”
  “You do have a point.”
  “I always do.”
  He slides the ring onto her finger, and she kneels in front of him to match their heights. She wraps her arms around his neck, and he wraps his around her waist, both desperate to be closer, closer, closer.
  “I love you so much.” He whispers into her hair, and she kisses his shoulder.
  “I love you. Forever.”
  She untangles herself from him, and as she kisses him, Owen realizes that he had no reason to be worried at all.
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reblogs are always appreciated!! <3
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ratmonky · 3 years
Noxious Silence
Word Count: 5.5K
Warnings: non-con, hypnotism, somnophilia, alcohol, obsession
AO3 Link
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The two of you met when you started as a first-year along with Maki, Panda, and Yuuta.
You instantly became friends with each and every one of them but Inumaki remained as a stranger. Although you liked him more than a friend should and wanted to be close to him, he acted cold towards you for a reason you never managed to understand until one day when you all became seniors.
A simple rule of the dorms, two of the seniors buy the necessities for everyone once they all run out.
It was a rule older than you. This wouldn’t be the first time you had lost at rock paper scissors against Maki and were tasked with the duty but it was the first time you were paired up with Inumaki.
Unlike any other times you went out to buy the necessities, your trip to the large store with Inumaki went uneventful.
After the two of you bought everything everyone needed and returned to the dorms, he offered help to you carry your stuff to your room.
Nice gesture, kind and quite unexpected since he usually kept his distance when it came to you.
Nonetheless, it made you blush because your crush had stepped inside your room. Perhaps, you could tell Maki about it after dinner, albeit how much she hated listening to you talk about Inumaki, she kind of enjoyed seeing the way your eyes sparkled as you talked about him.
Finally done putting away the stuff you had bought, you turned around to find Inumaki crouched in front of your laundry basket, with one hand he was holding one of your panties up to his face, his shoulders moved as he inhaled your scent deeply.
Your cheeks flushed and mouth gaped in shock, “Hey-”
“Take off your clothes.”
Limbs turned into stone first. Then your body moved on its own against your will.
He locked your door.
“Get on your knees.”
No matter how confused and scared you felt, you were at his mercy. Even when he unbuckled his belt, you hoped he would abruptly stop and laugh. This had to be a joke, right? But you knew Inumaki wouldn’t go this far for a joke and pull his cock out in front of you.
“Suck it.”
Days after that day until graduation was hell. If others noticed your change of mood or behavior, they thought of it as the stress of having to get your license to become a professional sorcerer.
Why was he doing this?
Was he doing it to anyone else?
No, you would have noticed if he was. You knew he wasn’t. You hoped he wasn’t.
You couldn’t tell others about anything, even if you wanted to.
“Don’t tell anyone about things we do in your room.”
Thankfully, you never saw him again after graduation and you drowned yourself in work to forget about everything.
At least that was the plan.
"You’re up early today," Nobara said and took a moment to take a sip from her coffee. “I didn’t think you’d call me this early to help you with the shop.”
“I couldn’t sleep.” You had thought she wouldn’t think much of it. Maybe not. Nobara could easily tell when something was wrong. At least when it came to your well-being.
“Did you pull an all-nighter?” she asked, raising a brow.
You nodded.
But she was smarter than that. She pouted before asking a more specific question, “Were you out working late again?”
Caught in your ‘not really a lie’, you smiled at your friend and gave her an apologizing look. “Yeah.”
“Maybe you should go out and meet new people instead of exorcising curses in the middle of the night,” she suggested and smiled back at you.
“I don’t like going out alone.” Putting away a bouquet of roses, you noticed the time. Your delivery would be here soon.
“Well, you’re going out to exorcise curses all by yourself,” she pointed out and crossed her arms over her chest. “Surely, you can go to a club or a bar to meet new people.” Letting out a sigh, she took another sip from her coffee. “So whaddya say to going to a bar tomorrow?” A large smile tugged at her lips. “Together,” she added but after she didn’t get the reaction she wanted from you, Nobara insisted. “Come ooon! It’ll be fun!”
“Okay! Okay!” you laughed loudly, agreeing to go out with her.
“It’s decided we’re going out tomorrow!” she clapped her hands and then pointed a finger at you, “You have to dress up though, maybe you’ll meet some cute guys there!”
You were about to protest but you knew you needed it. You needed the closure of another person. You desperately needed to socialize with new people and stop working overtime. So you gave in.
“The delivery will be here soon. Can you throw the trash out?” you pointed to the back of your shop.
Nobara left her coffee cup on the counter to walk around the cash register so she could grab and tie the trash bag before dragging it to the back of the shop.
You took her absence as an opportunity to go to the bathroom but as soon as you started got out you heard her yelling for you from the back.
“The delivery truck is at the back!”
You shouted back an ‘I’m coming’ and walked to the back of the shop to greet the delivery man, signing the documents about you receiving the packages.
“Let’s get to work.” you cracked your fingers before lifting two small packages, “We have to put the ones with yellow stickers on top in the storage room.” You pointed at the yellow stickered boxes with your foot. “The rest has to be behind the counter so I can put all of them to the glasshouse and fix them into displays after lunch.”
Your simple explanation was all she needed, she bent down to lift one of the yellow stickered boxes and easily carried the two packages inside.
Wanting to match up with her, you put down the small packages you were holding and instead tried lifting one of the boxes but you could barely lift it up to your ankles. You huffed and tried again.
When Nobara came back to grab another box, she saw you walking over to the other packages that were supposed to go behind the counter, you easily lifted one of them. You stacked three of the boxes on top of each other and walked past Nobara to get inside.
“You’ve got this!” she cheered mockingly and patted your back lightly to avoid making you fall.
You grunted in response, “I can’t even lift the boxes from the ground.” You walked to the front room to do nothing but watch as your friend carried the boxes inside alone.
Once Nobara was finally done carrying all the boxes inside the storage room she glared at you for making her do all the work.
Noticing her glare you winked at her, “You know you love me!”
You were watching the ceiling, as usual. The television was turned on for distraction from the world itself. you didn’t like how quiet it could get during the night. The television mostly functioned as white noise for you to meditate as you laid in your tiny floor-bed. Not even a futon.
The small apartment didn’t have any furniture other than your so-called bed and a small couch. The television was a present from Nobara’s girlfriend but there was nothing else in the apartment other than the coffee machine in the kitchen.
Although you didn’t have any furniture or a real bed, you didn’t mind it.
Living an absolute minimal life was fine as long as you had a job and friends you treasured, yes, it was fine.
Having only a few friends, you had never shown your weak side to them since there were certain thoughts rather than emotions you could never let out. It was simply for the sake of being safe, your friends didn’t need the negative thought you had within yourself in their lives. You didn’t want to disappoint anyone with your inner thoughts.
Finally managing to stop daydreaming, you got up from your bed to put on a dress before fixing your hair. Everything you had on could be considered too much effort for going to a bar but Nobara had told you to dress up nicely. She always liked you dressing up whenever you went out together, simply for the fun of it.
Unbeknownst to you, it was because she wanted you to take your time doing some self care.
It was going to be fun tonight, at least you hoped so.
“The food here is greasy,” you commented when Nobara said she wanted to get something to eat as you opened the door for her to walk inside the bar.
“Yeah,” she agreed. “Just like how you like your man.” She laughed at her own joke as you vaguely noticed a familiar group of people and a panda sitting on a table.
“I thought it was going to be just us tonight,” you mumbled, hand going to clutch your bag nervously.
“The more the merrier,” Nobara said, putting a hand on your back to lead you towards the people you went to school with. “Plus, you never come to our reunions. It was the perfect excuse!”
“You came!” Yuuji jumped up from his seat when he noticed you and Nobara walking towards the table he was sitting at. His cheeks tinted pink and his neck red. You could see that he was holding a non-alcoholic beverage.
“Of course, I did,” you replied, putting your bag down before waving at the large group, your eyes landed on Inumaki but you quickly averted your gaze.
Everyone was here, just as Nobara probably planned. Yuuji’s arms wrapped around you tightly, he was mumbling about how much he missed you, and so on. Quickly, he led you to the group, forcing you to sit between him and Megumi.
“You look different!” Yuuji said, turning to Megumi. “Right?”
“It’s been a while since she graduated, of course, she looks different,” Nobara responded and then pointed a finger at you threateningly. “You have to come to the reunions at Maki’s place more often! We always get together to drink and all!”
“You make me do those every week,” Maki scoffed. “Not everyone can keep up with your over-the-top parties.”
Pouting, Nobara turned to Maki with her usual puppy eyes. “I thought you liked my parties.”
“I do,” she paused. “When people show up to them.”
Yuuji laughed and you covered your mouth to stifle yours.
“How ya been?” Yuuji asked, he sounded genuinely curious.
You sighed and your lips curled up into a smile. “Busy. I work under a professional sorcerer even though I have my own license. I do extra work at night alone and do extra work at my flower shop.”
“Sounds tough and way too busy.” He took a sip from his own drink. “I’ve been working with Gojo since graduation so I know how it feels.”
Jokingly, you patted on his back. “I’ll pray for you.”
Inumaki watched the two of you talk with half-lidded eyes, hiding his frown behind his own drink.
“What are you gonna order?” Nobara asked, only then you realized everyone had their own food or drink on the table. Grabbing the menu she was holding out to you, you swiftly glanced at it before deciding to order a cocktail. “I think I’ll just drink tonight, something fruity would be nice.”
“Oh, I’m gonna order a hamburger and a coke.” She got up from her seat and turned to the others to ask if they wanted anything. Nope, she turned around her heels, “I’ll go order for both of us from the bar, the waitress seems busy.”
You followed Nobara’s stare and found yourself looking at the waitress who was scrolling on her phone by the corner.
“Maybe, they don’t serve tables after a certain hour,” you said. The last thing you wanted was Nobara complaining to the owner of the pub.
“She’s right,” Maki agreed.
“Yeah... maybe.” Nobara squinted her eyes at the waitress and walked to the counter on the other side.
“So, anyone special in your life?” Maki asked, smiling behind her drink.
Inumaki put his drink down the table with a little too much force, it made a thud noise, nothing too loud. Nonetheless, it made you jump in your seat.
Stay calm. You would be safe with this many people around.
You shook your head rapidly, “N-no.”
“Really?” Yuuji raised a brow, “I thought you weren’t coming to Kugisaki’s parties because you were with your boyfriend. I heard one in every three women has a boyfriend. Since those two are single you must have someone, right?”
Ah, right… None of the boys knew about those two. There even was a rumor going around about Nobara liking Yuuji. Haha... You caught Maki looking a little uncomfortable but none of you said anything. You didn’t have anything to say anyway.
“She seems uncomfortable,” Megumi informed. “Stop bickering about it.”
Thanks to Megumi’s warning, Yuuji backed off and you offered him a smile in appreciation.
The night hadn’t even started and you had already begun to regret going out but you changed your mind after Nobara came back to the table with your drink.
By the time you were drinking your second drink, you started to think that this could be the best night of your life. You had missed these guys.
“Can l have everyone’s attention?” Nobara stood up from her seat, Maki hit her own forehead in embarrassment. A couple of heads turned to look in your direction since she was being a little too loud.
The atmosphere and people who came here were usually quiet after all. You didn’t know why you had come here over all the places you could have gone to but then you remembered how bad the nightlife here in the city was during winter. It was either this quiet pub, the sophisticated cafe, or that one place you and Nobara both had sworn to never go ever again.
Once every head turned to her she smiled and continued. “Thanks for everyone coming here tonight.” Panda started cheering, she shushed him and spoke once again. “I’m very glad to have you all here and-” she started sobbing, “I’m so happy we’re here altogether even though we’re missing some people and-” She choked up on her words.
Maki got up from her seat with a sigh and hugged the girl, trying to get her to sit down before she embarrassed herself more. She regretted letting her taste her cocktail. Yet, Nobara stood up and spoke again. “This is for (name)!”
Following her lead, everyone lifted whatever drink they were holding and held a toast for you.
Everyone kept chatting and drinking. Soonly you lost track of time and began to doze off a bit. You could barely keep your eyes open. You stared down at your drink, listening to your friends’ chatter was kind of soothing. Out of a sudden, you felt something drop. You felt feverish and held on to the nearest person you could cling to. You were clinging onto Megumi, who jolted in surprise.
“Are you feeling okay?” he asked.
Shaking your head, you covered your mouth with your hand.
“Uh oh! We have a puker!” Nobara laughed and hiccuped.
As Megumi made a move to help you towards the bathroom, Inumaki appeared behind you.
“Takana,” he said, nodding in Megumi’s direction and grabbing you by your arm. Following him, you hastily walked towards the bathroom, Maki was watching the two of you closely, before she could follow you to the bathroom Panda grabbed her wrist.
“She’ll be fine.” He gave her a genuine smile and Maki returned to the table where Yuuji had arrived with more drinks. She sipped her cocktail and decidedly carded her fingers through her girlfriend’s hair who was trying to get over her hiccups.
Inumaki opened the stall and let you down. You started puking while sobbing. He brushed your hair back to your nape and lifted it so that you could empty your stomach in relief. He was rubbing your back to help you.
A groan left your lips before you retched grossly, you could feel something was very wrong, you lifted yourself up from the toilet seat.
You flinched, you had forgotten who was in here with you. He was holding out paper towels for you to wipe your mouth. Quickly taking the paper towels from him and wiping your mouth clean, you nodded slowly.
“T-thank you.” Stuttering, you tried to get up but stumbled backward. “Can you help me to get back to Nobara?” you asked when he helped you get up.
You tried to stand up straight, you were trembling, your legs were like jelly. You could feel the feverish heat from drinking too much spreading through your body. You had to go home, or somewhere far away from Inumaki.
Pushing him away, you walked towards the door until suddenly collapsing to the floor when your head sharply spun. Your legs weren’t capable of holding you up, especially right now when you were this drunk.
Inumaki helped you up, he was holding you in between his arms, your back pressed against his chest. “Please, I… I wanna go home…” You felt him press his nose into your hair, taking a long whiff and press himself against you.
Yelping, you squirmed, moving away from him.
He gave a sigh in annoyance. He never liked it when you struggled too much, you knew that.
It was as if the world was moving in slow motion, he opened his mouth to say something and you helplessly stood there, unable to do anything but cover your ears, hoping you wouldn’t hear it.
“Are you sure?” Maki slurred, silently cursing herself for drinking.
“Inumaki always used to hang out with her, I think he can take care of her,” Panda said. “What’s her address?”
All the heads turned to the now asleep Nobara. Maki cursed herself once again for letting her girlfriend drink.
“Well, she can stay at his place, right?” Yuuji asked, trying to fix the skirt of your dress so you wouldn’t flash anyone while Inumaki carried you on his back. “He has a guest room, it’s very big too!”
Megumi nodded approvingly, “Yeah, he does. I’d stayed there before. I think it’d be fine if she slept there for tonight.”
Maki had to take a moment to decide. Her place was going to be full tonight, she already had a drunk girlfriend she needed to carry back home aside from the other two idiots who were going to crash at her place. Ugh, if only Nobara hadn’t promised to let Yuuji and Megumi borrow their guest room, or if only she hadn’t let Nobara taste her drink, she could have taken you with them.
“O-okay,” she relented. “Make sure she drinks a lot of water throughout the night and call her a tab in the morning, if she can’t pay I’ll pay for her later so lend her money.”
Inumaki nodded and took a step forward to walk past the group’s table. Everyone told him to be careful and have a goodnight, he simply bowed his head before he exited the bar.
Once outside, he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Thankfully, the walk to his place was short.
When Panda told him that they were going to meet up in a bar to surprise you for a reunion, Inumaki had no choice but tag along.
He knew you had been avoiding him, he wasn’t that dumb but each time he went to Nobara’s reunion parties at Maki’s place, he hoped you would be there. Yet you were nowhere to be found, nobody but Nobara knew your address. It was as if you wanted to disappear from everyone’s lives but Inumaki could never forget anything about you.
No one could easily forget their first love after all. Although he had heard people say first love never lasts, it simply wasn’t true. Because no matter if it was the first or the last, true love never died.
Inumaki knew he would take his last breath thinking about you and he wished you would do the same. However, with the way you were acting, it was easy to tell you were confused about who your true love was.
So, he gave you time. You would come back to him once you realized how nobody could love you as much as he did.
He also liked to believe he was forgiving when it came to you if it was about you needing space and that you had a believable reason to push him away. Nevertheless, seeing you at the bar in that dress you probably wore to impress some nobody and let both Megumi and Yuuji touch you like that… It made him angry. Jealous.
Nobody touched what was his.
Taking off your dress and underwear, he looked at you with admiration. Just as he guessed, your naked body looked the best. It had been an awful long time since he had seen you.
An airy gasp left his lips while he placed a hand on your naked chest, trailing his fingers down, down, and down until he could run a finger across your slit.
Despite being asleep, you were wet.
He held his finger up to his face to stare at the small bead of clear fluid that ran down the digit, not wanting to let it go to waste, he licked it.
Luscious as always.
His cock was painfully hard against the rough fabric of his jeans but he had time. Unlike any other times at the dorms, tonight both of you had full privacy to do whatever you wanted without anyone interrupting your precious intimate moments.
Inumaki crawled between your legs on his bed and took a skillful lick against your pussy. A smile crept on his face when your body reacted. Using his thumbs, he spread your folds to expose your bare pussy to his hungry eyes. He watched small bits of your juices connecting your folds together split and break apart before he slurped them to savor your taste.
He flicked his tongue on your clit repeatedly to see if it would wake you up but your legs moved slightly, nothing else.
Taking a shaky breath from excitement, he pressed his tongue flat on your clit before drawing tight circles on the sensitive nub. This time, he heard you exhale sharply along with a hum.
Gently, he took your clit in his mouth, letting his teeth graze over the nub faintly before swirling his tongue around it. He added two digits into the mix, curling them just the way that made you buck your hips. When you responded as he thought you would, he started scissoring his fingers in and out of you and continued flicking his tongue on the sensitive nub.
Soon enough, your breathing got uneven and you jolted awake. He slurped all of your juices that gushed out of your slick heat, no matter how confused you were the sensations of him sucking and licking your cunt made you instinctively grab a chunk of his hair as you arched your back involuntarily.
He pulled himself back from you, eyes hazy with lust, reddened lips were swollen and glistening from leftovers of your juices.
You blinked a couple of times. Looking around to understand where exactly you were and the framed pictures of you and your classmates were enough to let you know if the familiar smell that belonged to him wasn’t. A laugh escaped you, it was too absurd and pathetic. The shame you felt wouldn’t go away if you tried covering your naked body so you covered your eyes with your forearm instead, sobbing softly.
Your sobbing became louder when you felt the bed sink, indicating him crawling on top of you. He wrapped a hand around your wrist to pull your arm away from your face but you kept your eyes closed, refusing to look at him.
His hot breath ghosted over your face, his free hand caressed your cheek gently and placed his thumb on your lower lip. He cupped your cheeks and squeezed them until your lips puckered.
You felt him press his lips onto yours, he squeezed harder, prying your mouth open to worm his tongue inside of your mouth. The taste of your own juices and his saliva mixing together in your mouth was too much. Squirming, you turned your head to the side abruptly to prevent him from kissing you.
“Is it because I’m weak?” you forced a chuckle, your voice broke out to a sob. “Is it because others could overpower you unlike me?”
For the first time tonight, you met his gaze. He shook his head slowly disappointedly as if the things you asked were nonsense.
“Why then?”
He left your question unanswered and leaned down to your face, pausing when your lips were barely touching. “Kiss me,” he whispered as the two of you were breathing on each other.
Your lips parted, allowing him to suck your bottom lip into his mouth before moving his tongue inside to massage your tongue. You were complying thanks to his order, rolling your tongues over each other and kissing him back as hungrily as he kissed you.
Inumaki broke the kiss, watching the glossy strand of saliva connecting your lips together slowly thin and split apart as he tried unbuckling his belt using one hand.
The sound of his belt buckle rattling and the tugging of a zipper made you look at him, watching his every movement as he tugged down his jeans, his rock-hard cock moved under the damp spot on his boxers while he tried getting rid of the jeans.
Next was his shirt, he reached with two hands behind his head, grabbing the shirt from the back of his neck, and yanked it off over his head in a swift motion.
It made you blush despite the situation, the way he moved was as if the two of you were intimate lovers.
Silence in the room caught his attention, his eyes landed on you after he threw his shirt towards a laundry pile. You were laying on your back, blushing while looking at him.
“Sujiko,” he breathed, sounding astonished and enjoying this vulnerable side of you that you were showing him. He had missed you, there was no reason to hold back anymore.
Inumaki hooked his thumbs under the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down, letting his cock bounce free as the pressure of the fabric disappeared.
Once naked, he moved between your legs, closing the distance between your hips agonizingly slowly.
He drooled over his cock, covering it generously in his slick saliva, and wrapped a hand around the base to give his throbbing erection a slow pump as he continued watching you. Noticing your eyes on his hand wrapped around his cock, following it as he slid it along his length, he pulled back the thin layer of skin to show you the pink tip glistening with precum.
Your mouth gaped, watching his fist twist as it moved closer towards the tip of his cock.
Decidedly, he tapped the tip of his cock on your clit and dragged it along your folds to coat it with your juices.
“It looks bigger than I remember.” You were more surprised than he was, what you said was something that slipped, unbidden. Just thinking out loud. It wasn’t even supposed to spur him on but Inumaki shoved his entire length inside of you. “W-wait-”
Both of you moaned for different reasons.
He swallowed hard, his vision almost fading to black because of the gummy flesh of your insides pulsating around his cock. Balancing himself on his arms and only taking a quick moment to catch his breath, he pulled out before frantically pushing his cock back in.
“Don’t move,” you pleaded, “It hurts.” You grabbed him by the shoulders, digging your nails into his skin as the girth of his cock stretched your walls to take the shape of it. His size was overwhelming and unbearable, you hadn’t had sex in too long, meaning that your fingers were tiny compared to his cock.
As you tried moving away from him by digging your heels onto the bed and pushing yourself up, Inumaki wrapped his arms around your waist before pulling you closer to himself with his cock buried deep inside you.
“Don’t run away from me,” he whispered, his voice husky and breathless. He needed to drink his cough syrup right now if he didn’t want his throat to bleed. But having a sore throat was a small price to pay if it meant he could let you know about his feelings. “Put your arms around me, hold me tight.”
Your heels that were digging onto the sheets went limp upon his words. Hands that were trying to push him on his shoulders suddenly wrapped around his neck, desperately pulling him closer.
“Let go of me,” you hissed but his lips crashing against yours shut you up. He tasted of blood, his tongue was smothered by that coppery taste. You didn’t get to grimace as he surged his hips forward, rather forcing a moan out of you to snake his tongue down your throat.
You felt dizzy from his pace, a scream of pleasure left your lips, causing him to break the kiss. He buried his face into the crook of your neck, grunting, still continuing his beastly pace and licking the sensitive skin of your neck.
“Toge,” you moaned, trying to get him to slow down but hearing you say his name sparked something within him. It had been so long since he had heard you call him by his first name.
His hips moved at a frenzied pace, he was humping you frantically like a rabid animal in heat. He was desperate, anyone could tell. Since he had his arms around your waist, you had nowhere to run, he pounded in your slick heat rapidly, putting his entire weight behind each thrust to reach deep inside you. The tip of his cock kissed your cervix every single time he slammed his hips against yours and his balls slapped against your ass.
“Be mine,” he begged, his voice deep yet faint and almost scratchy. “Be mine, be mine, be mine, be mine-”
This time, you kissed him, catching him off guard and stopping his babbling. None of you knew if it was his cursed speech that did it or if you did it with your own will. Even so, your lips sloppily moved against each other as his pace slackened a little but not quite.
Your legs wrapped around his hips when he started angling his hips to stroke the gummy flesh of your insides with each thrust as he kissed you. Kind of romantic if anything.
Sickeningly, your walls clenched around his cock at the thought. Your hand moved between your bodies and rested on your clit to draw tight circles on the nub. Your gummy insides pulsated around him. His hips started moving staggeringly, he was losing his rhythm because of you.
Inumaki slammed his forward and withdrew himself from the kiss, a spring was coiling tightly in his guts as he stared at you dreamily. He wanted to cum looking at you.
A wave of pleasure abruptly washed over you like a lightning strike when you felt his cock throb inside you. Completely dissolving into pleasure, you moved your hand on your clit faster.
As your orgasm was shaking to your core, Inumaki was lost in his world, chasing after his own release but thanks to your pussy palpitating from your high, he didn’t have to keep going.
His cock throbbed and he buried his cock deep inside your cunt one last time until the warm bursts of his thick seed could flood your womb, making your tummy feel pleasantly toasty.
Time slowed, yet he continued fucking his cum into you, he wasn’t done indulging in your heat.
At least, that was until he heard you mewl out his name.
He was brought back to the present, his cock still pressed snugly inside of you as he listened to what you had to say.
“Please let me move on,” you begged, voice breaking. Your eyes were glossy with tears but you tried holding them back. “I knew from the beginning that you were just playing with me but… no matter how painful it was, I was glad to be embraced by you.”
Inumaki smiled, his hand went to caress your cheek, his thumb drew a gentle circle on the soft skin and he shook his head.
You leaned into his touch, “Why me?”
He mouthed something that made your tears spill down. Wiping your tears, he pressed a kiss on your lips, promising you to never let you go without saying anything.
In the end, silence spoke louder than words.
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