#three wise warriors
misterth3m · 6 months
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So I came upon the realization that the Three Wise Warriors (my OCs) would fit so well in a cross-over episode with the turtles, and uh
It's the silliest thing, but I love it
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mistermcdestiny · 1 month
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floofyboi57 · 1 year
I feel like talking about a comfort warriors AU of mine so here y’all go-
The Barn Three AU
In this AU, Squirrelflight and Leafpool decide to head back to the old territory, specifically Ravenpaw and Barley’s barn. They’re closer with their barn uncles in this so they knew they could go to them-
Anyways, they get to the barn and tell Ravenpaw their problem, Leafpool is pregnant and they don’t know what they’re going to do. Raven tells them they can stay in the barn til the kits are born, and they’ll think of something til then.
Barley and Raven are- very on the fence on what they should do. They go back and fourth with each other and Squilf and Leaf about what to do up until the three are born.
When cleaning up the kits Barley suggests he and Raven take them in. There was some hesitance, but ultimately it was decided that Ravenpaw and Barley would adopt the kits.
The three are still named Holly, Lion, and Jay- just their prefixes though. No -kit at the end
Leaf and Squilf return home and now the three have two awesome barn dads!
Holly is still a stickler for the rules, though it’s more what Raven and Barley tell them (as a kit she absolutely told on her brothers to their dads)
Lion is a big dumb Himbo who loves to help around the farm, even if the chickens freak him out
And Jay! Still our resident grump, though his siblings and dads know he’s capable even without his sight. He fought a barn owl once and won.
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vickorydickorydock · 6 months
The Ravenpaw as Scourge aus are awesome but hear me out: Tallstar as Scourge au.
I can see this going two ways:
One, Talltail decides to stay with Jake. He makes an effort to live Jake’s lifestyle, but he really isn’t built to be a kittypet. He loves Jake, but when he can’t handle being in the house or around Twolegs anymore, he spends a lot of time exploring and getting used to Twolegplace. He ends up meeting the strays and alley cats that live there, and he’s appalled by the way they’re forced to live.
Some cats band together, and some cats control territories like Jay and her crew, but it’s mostly every cat for themself. The old and sick don’t have anyone to turn to, and there are constant fights over scraps. Talltail left to get away from Clan life, but he ends up introducing clan ideas. He makes allies, then friends, and starts to (accidentally) build his own clan where cats look out for each other. Cats look up to him, and life for the strays of Twolegplace becomes a lot less short and miserable.
He takes Tiny under his wing when the time comes, and wrecks Tigerstar’s shit when he comes sniffing around. Talltail and Jake live happily to ripe old age.
Two, the much darker option. Talltail does kill Sparrow, but it doesn’t fix anything. He still feels angry and lost, only now he’s alienated the visitors and Jake, and feels he cannot go back to his clan. He spends several seasons just wandering alone, struggling to survive, until eventually he winds up back in Twolegplace near the clans.
He’s a trained fighter, with a skill-set that makes him a fierce enemy, and he quickly gains a reputation. He acts as a vigilante almost, hunting down despicable cats and doling out his own brand of justice to those who "deserve it," because he hates seeing cats like Sparrow get away with things. He's like a vigilante avenger turned scary urban legend. This eventually goes much the way of Scourge’s path, with Talltail gathering a following and killing any cat who gets in his way, except he believes he's doing what is right.
Tigerstar, not knowing they’re led by a former clan cat, recruits the fearsome Bloodclan to help him take over the forest by telling Talltail (going by Scourge?) that the other clans are evil and need exterminating. Talltail seems to agree, but Tigerstar doesn't realize he's playing with fire. When Tigerstar's crimes are revealed, Talltail brutally murders him.
Windclan (and the rest of the forest tbh) is in for a shock when Barkface recognizes Talltail.
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its-not-a-pen · 1 year
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birgittesilverbae · 1 year
Avatrice: pro athlete in the sport of your choosing
When Beatrice crosses the finish line and punches the air, her next movement is to glance back over her shoulder. There's no green bib coming down the hill, just red and yellow crossing two-three in her wake. They embrace, turn towards her, but she only has eyes for the final jump.
The fourth skier never arrives.
She unclips one ski, kickslides her way towards the holding area at the side of the field. “Mary!” she bellows, giving up and unclipping her other ski, leaving it and her poles in her wake as she thunders across in unwieldly boots.
When Mary looks over to her, her face is pale.
“Where–” Mary opens her arms to Beatrice, but Beatrice stumbles to a halt when she catches sight of the screen just over Mary's shoulder.
“She went down,” Mary says, closing the distance between them and turning Beatrice's face away from the screens. “She went down, and she didn’t get back up.”
Beatrice doesn’t remember the medal ceremony, wouldn’t have believed it happened without the gold around her neck. It’s a blur of tears instead, of Mary shutting down interview requests and hustling her to a waiting IOC vehicle.
And then she’s sitting in the back of a minivan with a weight around her neck almost as heavy as the stone in her gut.
It doesn’t feel real.
She’s an Olympic champion wedged into the back of a van, and Ava's not beside her, not sharing in the glory.
She slowly comes out of the fog to Mary loosening her ski boots and shunting them around into the trunk. Beatrice tries to tie her duck boots, but the laces keep going in and out of focus. Mary removes her hands gently, wraps her fingers around a thermos instead and tightens the laces herself.
send me a three-sentence fic prompt to willfully abuse
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
I can't even begin to wrap my mind around the fact that they intentionally made Claude OOC. Like why, under any circumstance, would any developer or writer want to do that to their game? How would that in any way shape or form benefit the game to do that? Can they not hear themselves? Even fanfiction writers get flack for writing characters OOC but then you turn to THE SOURCE and they come out and say that they intentionally wrote a character wrong for the lolz?
The full context of that can be found here (near the end), but to sum it up: they basically did it to showcase what the characters would be like without Byleth/Garreg Mach. In essence, it’s them saying that “they only look out of character, but that’s just because it’s a different environment! they’re totally the same!” To quote them:
"In this game, because of the Officer’s Academy was suspended soon, the students have been taken away the time to bond with allies and the opportunity to understand each other across different houses. That fact had impact on how a lot of the students form their personalities, and thus changed the content of support conversations. If you feel “Huh? I don’t remember this character having this kind of personality…” at some point, that’s exactly the difference caused by the situation of this game."
Which... kind of speaks to their mindset regarding the characters of 3H, and I don't mean to say that in a good way. They basically see some characters COUGHCLAUDECOUGH as having such weak and malleable foundations and personalities that they would completely and utterly change the second the devs' favorite child/monastery is taken out of the picture. They even say it themselves - they MEANT to change the characters' characters, because in their mind (at least, if we take this as being their genuine intention) these characters would genuinely be nothing like they are in 3H were it not for specifically and only Byleth/Garreg Mach.
So, for example: Claude. His curiosity which brought him over to Fodlan in the first place? Byleth and Garreg Mach. His want to know the truth about his surroundings and to broaden his perspective regarding the world around him, which were also partly why he came to Fodlan? Byleth and Garreg Mach. His unwillingness to work with Edelgard, even when Byleth sides with her on CF and thus tacitly approves of her actions and even with Claude distrusting the Church and even with Claude supposedly being an amoral opportunist who sides with whoever looks like the winner? Byleth and Garreg Mach. Hopes and its creators say that without Byleth and Garreg Mach Claude would have never had the traits that he is shown to have before he ever met Byleth or set foot in Garreg Mach. Or are otherwise completely unaffected by Byleth or Garreg Mach. 
To say nothing of the fact that that quote I took from the interview is directly contradicted by... Hopes. By the characters constantly whinin' and cryin' and shiddin' and snottin' about having to fight their classmates - so much for them not bonding with those from different houses, because they literally never act like it. Hell, the one time I can think of where that ever happens is during a specific interaction in SB, on its bad end where Claude betrays the Empire. If you have Ignatz fight Claude, he’ll go on about their time as “fellow Golden Deer” and asks Claude why he’s doing this, to which Claude kinda reasonably responds “Were Golden Deer. Now you’re just another one of Count Gloucester’s lousy knights.” Which, you know, makes sense that Claude’s response is so “cold” considering that Claude has known Ignatz in this timeline as a “fellow Golden Deer” for, like a month? Max? A time in which they literally can’t even have supports with each other even on GW, so they were literally disallowed to grow close to each other in any way during that time? But Claude is portrayed as the asshole in the situation because he did not value his time with the Golden Deer in Garreg Mach. Y’know, that thing in this game that the devs are insisting 
It’s such a blatant case of wanting their cake and eating it too. They wanna say that these personality changes happened because “No Byleth, no Garreg Mach,” meanwhile the characters are unrelenting in their boo-hoo’s about fighting people trying to kill them because they were around said people in Garreg Mach for A MONTH MAX. These personality changes are because they’re just so much worse without Byleth around to guide them or their experiences in Garreg Mach, meanwhile Claude is the only main character (and one of the few characters period) to have his character have such a drastic change be as negative as it is - Dimitri and Edelgard are inarguably better off without Byleth, as Dimitri has a support system that’s actually allowed to interact with him in a meaningful way and Edelgard is described by the devs of Hopes to be happy in this game with everything going well for her (essentially, “We didn’t wanna step on 3H’s toes, also fuck CF in its entirety lol SB is way better for Edelgard”). But “No Byleth/Garreg Mach” is supposed to be a bad thing, but only for specifically Claude evidently, despite him being the most independent from Byleth character wise of the three lords. 
And. Like. A bit of a tangent but. You don’t really want your audience to feel that a character’s personality has ever changed, per se. You more want them to feel as though it’s gone through development in some way, not that it’s outright different unless something extreme happened to them. Like, extreme extreme. Take Dimitri, in 3H: he goes from polite if snarky and dry-humored to becoming far more prone to violence and being very distant from others between pre-timeskip and post-timeskip. But 1) that’s something that’s directly a result of his experiences throughout the story, and can be seen as something that is building up to what it becomes as one goes through the story - it’s not just springed on the player out of nowhere, it makes sense as to why Dimitri is acting differently from Point A to Point B. And 2) in both moments in his character arc, he never hurts innocents, he still recognizes people like Dedue as being deeply important to him, he rarely genuinely forces people to do what he wants more than he does nothing to stop others from following his reckless and dangerous tendencies, he’s actually still compassionate to some degree (noted here to still retain some empathy) - these core things stay the same, even if the character is acting radically different. And because of that, you can understand how he can recover, because he never lost those core traits that made him good. 
Very different from Claude in Hopes, who loses many of the things that make him redeemable despite his faults - his avoiding violence unless necessary, his curiosity, his drive for the truth, a lot of his compassion, his intellect, etc. - in favor of Something Different (aka him acting like Edelgard). Some of those traits (namely his curiosity and drive for the truth) are just never to be seen at any point in Hopes, and other traits (namely his intellect) are discarded whenever the plot needs them to be gone more than there’s a genuine attempt to develop them out of him. Claude really encompasses that difference between “this character developed into being different because of the events of the story and how they affect them” and “this character was changed into being different because them needed to Be Different Than Before.” And because he doesn’t retain those good traits that made him redeemable, his actions come across as far more damning - he has nothing within his character that could reasonably lift him from the rock bottom his actions sink him to, unlike 3H!Dimitri. It’s sad when Dimitri is unable to recover in non-AM routes, because we know that he still has it in him to become better; it’s annoying and off-putting when Clyde is able to walk off what he does in GW/SB (the latter only potentially, to be clear), because there’s nothing that shows he can better himself from what he’s done. 
And, like. You can tell that these writers kind of had no idea what the hell they were doing when making Hopes? Because they say that things are “unsatisfactory” so that 3H wouldn’t be stepped on, meanwhile they do shit like what I mentioned earlier with Edelgard where she’s literally happier in SB than she ever was on CF (with her happiness being something the devs literally said they intended to do). Claude’s tale is supposed to be heartwarming, as his character is torn to shreds and he does things that completely go against everything he’s ever stood for. The war’s not supposed to ever be concluded in Hopes, meanwhile Dimitri literally does end the war on AG’s good end (even with how much Hopes tries to gaslight the player into believing otherwise - sorry game, there’s literally no one else to fight so yes the war is in fact over). Like fuckin’ hell if you told me that each sentence in this game was written by a different person I wouldn’t immediately disbelieve you with how completely nonsensical the story is to the supposed intention of the devs, it’s just so fuckin’ bad
#ask#anon#Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes spoilers#Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes spoilers#focusing on Claude yet again because he remains the character The Most Fucked by this game characterization wise#truly he's a masterclass of:#''just because you changed something doesn't mean something would actually come of that change''#Hopes!Claude and 3H!Claude are literally two entirely different characters. straight up#Hopes!Claude would have sided with Edelgard on CF and would have killed Rhea.#Because in 3H Hopes!Claude would have ACTUAL FOUNDATIONS in his hatred of Rhea. so his want to kill her wouldn't budge at all#(''actual foundations'' = the things that make Rhea a red herring in WC. She'd be doing things that actually warrant suspicion)#He'd never tell Dimitri where Rhea was being held because he'd think Rhea being disposed of would've ''freed'' Dimitri.#*in AM#and he's not curious so he wouldn't give a shit about finding out her truths. truths which he also wouldn't give a shit about#so even on VW he'd never stop trying to kill Rhea because HE WOULD NOT CARE ABOUT WHAT SHE'D HAVE TO SAY ABOUT ANYTHING#He'd give a passing glance to Byleth's secrets just like he gave a passing glance to Shez's#Incurious Clyde would never try to find out the truth of what happened to Byleth or of their powers - y'know THE POINT OF VW#I don't blame renisfan for phrasing it the way they did even tho they've apologized for how they did#because it just kinda strips down the real meat of the issue: they meant to write Claude as being OOC#They knew that the way they wrote him doesn't fit his character so they hide behind the No Byleth/Garreg Mach excuse#which FUCKING. IS ACTUALLY THE DAMN CASE FOR MOST OF THE CHARACTERS.#I can completely believe that 3H!Dimitri would act like Hopes!Dimitri where it not for what he went through in Garreg Mach!#these two versions of him are completely in line with each other because Dimitri's core character hasn't been tampered with at all#which just is not the case with Claude#and that problem oozes throughout the game because for most of the time Claude - A MAIN CHARACTER - is on screen he's acting wildly OOC#sorry if i went all over the place but maaaaaan this is just rattlin' my bones lmao#clyde discourse
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hrokkall · 2 years
Hello, I come with the WC AU ask like you wanted 👁👄👁
So I did mention it on Discord, but if two of the three uberbot cats were to mentor Sparkstar and Hollyheart back when they were apprentices, who do you think would mentor who?
Because personally I can see Clearfog as Hollypaw's mentor and Flashmuzzle as Sparkpaw's mentor
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That works! Honestly what I was thinking too.
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iturbide · 2 years
Scarlet Blaze is mostly the same as CF, just with Edelgard acting a bit smarter and a bit more aware of her own actions. Oh, and an Adrestia-Leicester alliance (although whether or not it holds up to the end depends on if you can recruit Byleth in Chapter 10, which is an option in every route).
You know what, I'm actually willing to roll with that. Edelgard being smarter and more aware of her actions and their consequences actually does sound like something I could get behind, since it never sat right to me that she claimed she did everything for her people but then fed them through the meat grinder to serve her war (also the lack of consequences for conquering two independent nations, but that's neither here nor there).
also what's this about recruiting Byleth now
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southfarthing · 1 year
crazy that elrond is just walking around in his garden with his hobbit friend reading books and eating dinner or something and then you remember he's. the great grandson of THEEE LUTHIEN. the luthien of legend!!! and then the great grandson of TURGON! literal KING OF GONDOLIN. and then you calm down a bit and then immediately stop again because now you've remembered that if we go back another generation we've reached THINGOL and FINGOLFIN – the merging of elwë and finwë's folk. you know, the OGs?? he could (theoretically) be king of both the sindar (and all the teleri tbh) and the noldor......... that's like 2/3 of the big three groups of elves? he's one of the only living descendants of the high kings of the past, and not in a ridiculously distant way like aragorn is. he... he could be the king of the whole world honestly. and he isn't. he doesn't want to be.......he wants to be the lord of a haven where people can rest and heal and grow and learn and talk and love.......he chooses peace and serenity and safety over glory. he's his ancestors but actually successful. he's the sun. he's beautiful. he's as strong as a warrior. he's as wise as a wizard. he's as kind as summer. he's the bestest boy in the whole world. I'm eating my hat
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misterth3m · 2 months
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An illustration I made months ago. The Shogun (villain behind them) has his old design here, new design is a WIP.
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camille-lachenille · 2 months
I was thinking about how, in fanfictions and in the fandom in general, Elrond is often depicted as a pure Noldorin lord, if not a die hard Fëanorian. And while I do enjoy Fëanorian!Elrond, the more I think about it the more I am convinced Elrond is not the fëanorian one of the twins. Elros is. Elros who adopted seven eight pointed stars as the heraldic device of his whole dynasty, a symbol still used 6000 years after his death. Elros who had Quenya be the official language of Númenor. Elros who decided to leave Arda for an unknown fate after his death; not Everlasting Darkness but not the rebirth in the bliss of Valinor either. He choose to go to a place Elves aren’t supposed to go, just like Fëanor and his sons went back to Beleriand. Elros, the mortal man, who decided to forge his own path in the world.
And I am not saying Elrond didn’t, because Eru knows how much strength, patience and stubbornness Elrond must have to become who he is in LotR. But when I first re-read LotR after reading the Silm, he did not strike me as Fëanorian at all (except for the no oath swearing rule that seems to apply in Rvendell). In fact, Elrond, and all three of his children, are defined by being half-Elven. Elrond is so much at the same time they had to creat a whole new category for him. He is described as kind as summer in The Hobbit, but also old and wise, and his friendly banter with Bilbo in FotR show he is also merry and full of humour. Elrond is both Elf and Man despite his immortality, and this is made quite clear in the text.
But. If I had to link him to an Elven clan, I’d say Elrond is more Sinda than Noldor, and even that is up to debate. Rivendell, this enchanting valley hidden from evil thanks to his power, is like a kinder version of Doriath. Yet, the name of Last Homely House and Elrond’s boundless hospitality make me think of Sirion: Rivendell is a place where lost souls can find s home, where multiple cultures live along each other in friendship and peace.
In FotR, Elrond introduces himself as the son of Eärendil and Elwing, claiming both his lineages instead of giving only his father’s name as is tradition amongst the Elves. It may be a political move, or it may be a genuine wish to claim his duality, his otherness, or even both at the same time. But from what is shown of Elrond in LotR, he seems to lean heavily in the symbols and heritage from the Sindar side of his family, rather than the Noldor one. I already gave the comparison with Doriath, but it seems history repeats itself as Arwen, said to be Lúthien reborn, chooses a mortal life. Yet Elrond doesn’t make the same mistake as Thingol by locking his daughter in a tower and sending her suitor to a deathly quest. Yes, he asks Aragorn to first reclaim the throne of Gondor before marrying Arwen, but this isn’t a whim on his part or an impossible challenge. Aragorn becoming king means that Middle-Earth is free from the shadow if Sauron and Arwen will live in peace and happiness. Which sounds like a reasonable wish for a parent to me.
Anyways, I went on a tangent, what strikes me with Elrond is his multiple identity. Elrond certainly has habits or traits coming from his upbringing amongst the Fëanorians, and he loved Maglor despite everything. The fact he is a skilled Minstrel shows he did learn and cultivate skills taught by a Fëanorion, that he is not rejecting them. There is a passage at the end of RotK, in the Grey Havens chapter, where Elrond is described carrying a silver harp. Is this a last relic from Maglor? Possible.
But while Elros choose the path of mortality and showed clear Noldorin influences in the kingdom he built, Elrond is happy in his undefined zone he lives in. He is an Elf, he is a Man, he is Sinda and Noldo and heir to half a dozen lost cultures and two crowns. He is the warrior and the healer, the only one of his kind in Middle-Earth. And that is why I will never tire of this character and I love so much fanworks depicting him as nuanced and multiple yet always recognisable as Elrond.
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dotster001 · 6 months
For Tuna; General End
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three
Choose another ending
A/N: as always, add your votes for the next end here. Also, this end is going to be...familiar at first, but that's just what happens when you jump dimensions.
"So, the end has arrived."
Grim pushed his lens-less glasses down his nose and stared at Silver and Lilia, both of whom were sitting on the other side of a desk.
"I'll be honest, neither of you two is the richest here. That title belongs to Malleus and Leona, respectively. But Malleus will prioritize his country over me, I mean Y/N, and Leona, well let's face it, it's only a matter of time before he disgraces himself and is off the kingdom's payroll."
Grim waved around a sheet of paper.
"Which puts both of you in third place. Oddly enough, your finance situation is nearly identical. So it comes down to who I think would be a better dad. I know this will come as a shock to you both, but Y/N isn't actually my henchhuman. They're my parent."
Lilia gasped in mock shock as Silver just stared.
Grim sighed heavily, leaning back in his seat. “An anonymous source has told me that Lilia is the type of dad to leave his son's alone in the woods to fend for themselves. So Silver, congratulations, I guess.”
Lilia jumped out of his seat, excitedly hugging Silver.
“My boy! Congratulations! We shall have a splendid wedding!”
“Father,” Silver said sternly, gently pushing Lilia away. “We don't have to do this anymore.”
Lilia quirked an eyebrow in confusion, as Grim just stared.
“I know I'll always be your little boy to you, but I'm not a child anymore. You don't have to always put me first.”
Lilia stiffened, but attempted to cover it up with a smile.
“I know, but-”
“Y/N and I don't love each other. Our relationship is purely platonic,” Silver said firmly. “I never wanted to do this, especially knowing how in love with them you are, but now that I've beaten you at something, I can tell you to man up, and confess your feelings.”
Lilia 's jaw dropped. Silver felt the urge to retreat, but stood his ground. He couldn't let his father live with regret. So he played one more card.
“It would be a nice way to complete our family. Y/N would be the perfect step parent for me. I just know it.”
Lilia 's expression softened. “Silver…”
“A true warrior doesn't hesitate in battle! Go!” Silver said with uncharacteristic firmness, making Lilia actually jump and begin to run to the door, before stopping himself with a laugh.
“I've raised the perfect little general,” he giggled.
“Go!” Silver shouted. And Lilia went.
“What the heck was that?” Grim shouted at Silver.
“I'm your big brother now, that's what that was,” Silver grinned, with a mischievous look that could have only come from his father.
There was a knock on the front door. Grim was out for the night, promising there would be no bill. So you were just enjoying a quiet night in. You had no doubt that if you opened that door right now, it would be someone who would cause chaos. Probably Ace. Definitely Ace.
One of the ghosts moved to open the door, but you pressed a finger to your lips. He gave a quiet snicker and a nod, and went back upstairs, ignoring the knock.
The knock stopped after a moment, and the room was silent again.
“Who are you hiding from?” A voice whispered right next to your ear, and you screamed.
You grabbed a pillow to defend yourself, and jumped off the couch, turning to face your attacker. Lilia was doing the equivalent of laying on his stomach, and kicking his legs up, except in midair. He was giggling excitedly, and you gave him a nasty glare.
“What the hell, Lilia!” You screamed. “How did you get in?”
He just giggled again, ignoring the question.
“I heard you were all alone tonight. I didn't want you to be lonely,” he hummed.
“I- I'm not lonely!” You shouted. “I have half a mind to kick you out!”
“You won't.”
“I most certainly will.”
“You won't.”
“And why, oh wise Lilia, won't I kick you out of my house?”
He grinned, and floated closer to you.
“Because you, radiant Y/N, are absolutely mad for me.”
You choked on your own spit, your face instantly growing hot.
“Egh ugh, nuh uh!”
“How eloquent!” He burst into laughter. “But a falsehood, I am certain.”
He slipped even closer to you. You took one step back, but after that froze. He gently wrapped his arms around your neck, looking into your eyes, his own burning passionately.
“Urgh, nuh uh,” you whispered.
“Nuh uh?” He smiled slyly.
“Nuh uh,” you said half heartedly.
“Hm,” he hummed. “Then prove it. Kiss me.”
You choked on your spit again.
“If you can kiss me, and then tell me you really don't love me, I'll believe you and never bring it up again.”
You couldn't do that. You absolutely couldn't kiss him. Because when he was proved right, you'd definitely want to punch the smug smile off his face.
“Time's up!” He shouted, before pressing his lips to yours. 
You hated how good he was at kissing. Even if you didn't love him, you wouldn't have been able to think straight after this, and would accidentally send him the wrong message. But you did love him, which meant you didn't want to stop kissing him.
But Lilia knew that. And he liked to play with his prey. He pulled away, licking his lips as he grinned.
“Well? Still ‘nuh uh’?”
“Nuh uh,” you whispered.
“Mhm. That's what I thought. Anything you want to say?”
You yanked him back in, threading your fingers through his hair, and kissing him as hard as you could. You could feel the vibrations of his triumphant giggle. 
You pulled your pillow holding arm slowly back to hit him, but he quickly separated, gently twisting your arm behind your back, and forcing you to drop the pillow. He giggled and pressed his mouth to your neck.
“I see we'll never get bored together,” he whispered. “You're absolutely amazing.”
“Ha ha,” you said snarkily. He grazed his canines against your neck, and you froze. You knew some of your classmates said he was a vampire but…
"You just smell so delicious," he purred.
“Kidding! Let's make out some more,” before you could glare at him again, and say something snarky, he yanked you to the couch and started kissing you again.
You could get back at him tomorrow. 
He was way too good at kissing.
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @stygianoir @leonia0 @lleoll @eccedentesiast-sapphic @supertmntgirl @cxsmicdustdreams @aethermostbeloved @krystalkiller25 @asmallbean3 @theneurodivergentdummy @candlewitch-cryptic @smilingfox22-blog @phantomgaming1920 @the-dumber-scaramouche @noidonothavetimeforthis @bontensbabygirl @xxoomiii @somany-fandoms-solittle-time @bre99 @stupidsimp @sus0daddy @a-small-tyrant @imlost-sendhelp @mizukiblogs @itslucieen @nico707 @red-viewe @fucthisshitimout @kazumify @busycloudy @ny0000mw00m
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vivid-ink · 7 months
'The Love Shack' Epilogue - Silwey's Reaction
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Relationship: Neteyam(23) x fem!Omatikaya reader(21) Series warnings: 18+ MDNI Word count: 1,563
Read the entire completed series in my masterlist HERE
Author's Note: Because so many of you asked - here is a little epilogue drabble with Silwey's reaction to the news of Neteyam & Neyomi's betrothal. 😁 It's short and simple entertainment with a little bit of fluff at the end. I hope ya'll find this satisfying, enjoy!
Neteyam watched as the last of the wagons, laden with their kills, was carted off to the clan’s cooks and butchers. The hunters had triumphed again today and the butchers would be kept busy for the next day skinning, carving and preserving the meat from their very successful hunt. As with most jobs that his hunter-warrior profession demanded, success often brought with it tired and aching muscles at the day’s end, as well as skin caked in the natural grime of sweat and dirt.
Rolling his neck and stretching it from side to side, he heard the vertebrae in his neck give a few satisfying pops. His skin felt clammy and itchy from the drying mud in places and he couldn’t wait to settle into the hot spring with you later for some rest and relaxation. He caught sight of you warming down with your hunting platoon off to his left in the near distance. Your stance was confident and you effortlessly commanded the attention of your platoon while you debriefed them for the day. He smiled to himself. You were so beautiful and so capable. It made him proud to have you at his side.
As your commanding officer, he outranked you and you reported to him in all things work during the day, but at night, he was completely at your mercy. There was nothing he wouldn’t do to have your body against his, over him, under him and around him. It had been a blissful week since the night you’d confronted each other and admitted your faults, since you’d made love to each other and pledged yourselves as each other’s intendeds. The news was still formally under wraps, but the tsahìk would be making a formal announcement and performing a blessing on you both on the clan’s next day of rest, which was in two days.
Betrothal aside, you’d both agreed that things would not change work-wise. There would be no biases and there would be no public displays of affection; work was work. Given the good amount of ‘practise’ you’d both had in the last three moons in the lead up to the present, pretending there was nothing going on and ignoring the personal turmoil you’d both been stubbornly suffering, keeping things professional was a piece of cake.
A few of the men from Neteyam’s platoon yauped in farewell, waving at him as they departed for the day. One of them, Entu, called out as they passed, “It’s good to have you back, bro! The olo’eyktan really made us work for our meals the other day!”
Neteyam’s deep laugh rang out and he fixed the young warrior with a mocking grin, “Are you saying I’m too soft on all of you?”
“No, but you’re more reasonable. At least I can still feel my legs today!”
“Good work today, boys! Kìyevame (see you again soon)!” Neteyam called in return, stooping to scoop his woven satchel from the foot of the rock he’d left it against. He slung the satchel across his shoulders and spied a pair of slender feet and legs approaching him in his peripheral vision. They strolled into view as he straightened up and he was greeted by a lovely face, just not the one he expected.
“I’m glad you’re back too.” Silwey’s voice was sweet as it usually was when she wanted to endear herself to him. She flashed him an alluring smile and cocked her head to the side, peering up at him through playful eyes.
“Why? Your legs less sore today too, are they?” Neteyam remarked, adjusting the strap of his satchel across his front.
Silwey’s chuckle bubbled melodiously up her throat and her expression turned frisky, “Not sore, no. My legs are good today, good enough that they’d be keen to take a ride later if you catch my meaning.”
Oh, her meaning was clear.
The insinuation of the sensual ride she had in mind was made even more unambiguous when she reached out with a bold hand to curl her fingers into the top edge of his cummerbund to pull him closer.
Neteyam stopped her with a gentle hand around her wrist, “Look, this needs to stop-”
“I was disappointed when you didn’t come back to me the other night after your family emergency.” Silwey interrupted, stepping up to him and eyeing him coquettishly, “And then when you didn’t show up for patrol the next day, I was worried.”
“Worried for my wellbeing?” Neteyam pursed his lips, his patience beginning to wear thin as Silwey ran her other hand up the smooth muscle of one his pectorals despite his earlier attempt at a rebuff.
“Mm yes, and also worried that I wouldn’t get another taste of you.” Silwey said in a sultry purr and she swiped a daring finger against his chest before lifting it to her mouth to suck it clean.
Neteyam grasped both of her hands and removed them from his person, not unkindly but firmly enough to get his point across, “Please stop. Look, you’re a beautiful woman and I enjoyed your company, but I’m spoken for now and this behaviour needs to stop. Anything more after this and you’ll be breaking the bounds of propriety.”
Silwey retreated in surprise, pulling her hands from his hold, “Spoken for? You’re betrothed?”
She gave a caustic laugh then, still reeling from her shock, “That’s a surprise, considering you were perfectly willing just last week to spend your time in my company before your brother abruptly called you away.”
Neteyam scratched the back of his head uncomfortably, trying to find a way to explain the situation without too much detail, “It’s a fairly recent development, but entirely genuine. The tsahìk will make an announcement in two days. I’d appreciate your confidentiality around the matter in the meantime.”
“Oh now Neteyam, you can’t just leave it at that.” Silwey wheedled, her irritation bleeding into her tone despite her attempt to come off as casual, “Who is this lucky woman?”
Before Neteyam could respond with another dismissive excuse, the sound of a gently cleared throat came from behind him and he turned his head to find you standing there. Meeting your eyes, he grinned warmly at you. Speak of the devil.
“Sorry Neteyam, a word?” You interposed, shooting a half-hearted smile of apology at the other woman.
Silwey was less than welcoming of your interjection. Her plump lips tightened sternly and she huffed at you, “You know, these interruptions of yours are becoming a rather untimely habit. I was having an important discussion with Neteyam.”
In truth you’d overheard the bit of their conversation prior to your interruption, but you feigned innocence nonetheless, “Oh, sorry. Was it about today’s hunt?”
Silwey’s initial expression was one of annoyance that you were nosy enough to pry, but then her countenance turned cunning and she graced Neteyam with a sly look before declaring, “No, actually. Neteyam has just shared with me his happy news of being recently betrothed. He was just about to tell me who she is.” She sneered at him, clearly thinking she was being clever for having outed his secret, “Come on, tell us. I’m sure Neyomi would like to know too.”
Ordinarily, Neteyam would have growled out a warning at Silwey’s nerve, but he simply smirked at her today.
Reaching out to lace the fingers of one of his hands with yours, Neteyam pulled you to his side and planted a lingering kiss to your temple, before responding to Silwey, “Well, since you asked, you’re looking at her.”
Silwey’s eyes darted between Neteyam and you, her large golden eyes widening a fraction as realisation set in. Her mouth popped open next and she sucked in a stunned breath, sputtering, “O-Oh! Ah, congratulations t-to you b-both. Have a good evening, I’ll see you around.”
You had to press your lips together hard to keep yourself from laughing. Silwey’s retreat was clumsy and her embarrassment was apparent. It was the most inelegant you’d ever seen her, considering she was normally incredibly self-assured.
“Guess our secret’s out.” You remarked to Neteyam, “You know, she’s not going to keep it to herself.”
“I don’t think there’s any point.” Neteyam observed.
Silwey had withdrawn hastily to a small group of warrior women who appeared to have been watching on with equally wide eyes at the entire exchange. They were muttering amongst themselves now, Silwey in the middle, with raised eyebrows and gesturing hands.
“Shall we give them a bit of a show?” You suggested puckishly, looking up at Neteyam who was already leaning down towards you.
“First, you make me commit sacrilege under my parents’ roof and now you’re breaking clan protocol before the tsahìk’s announcement.” Neteyam’s warm lips moulded to yours and you instinctively looped an arm about his neck to draw yourself closure. His tongue swept against yours and you opened your mouth to allow him to deepen the kiss, completely uncaring of your public audience. He separated from you with a sucking pop, “I wonder if my family realises how much of a rule-breaker you are.”
“Your mother broke all the rules. She became a warrior, abandoned her duty to be tsahìk and mated your father.”
Neteyam chortled at your quick quip, his quiet laughter rumbling against your lips, “And it appears I am my father’s son, with the same taste for rule-breaking warrior women.”
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cult-of-a-buttercup · 4 months
Headcanons for each Bishop + a brief introduction to each of the mini bosses and witnesses!
Before their injuries, Shamura was known for being patient and powerful amongst other beings. Yet, they weren’t unapproachable: they loved answering any questions their followers and siblings could have, both to spread their wisdom and to show their own greatness. They were very caring as a sibling, usually scheduling visits to each bishop in the little free time they had. Though, they would come off as arrogant or patronizing, treating those around them as…well, stupid.
After Narinder’s betrayal, they isolated themselves completely. They often ignore their followers, and those who are too persistent are given a warning or simply become food for the more beast-like spiders in Silk Cradle. They suffer from depressive episodes and lash out at random followers for minor mistakes, earning a reputation of a merciless ruler after the imprisonment of the One who Waits. Despite this, everyone still respects them greatly- or pity them. The true reason why they’re constantly upset is because of their own loneliness. Even if they gathered all three of their younger siblings, it would simply not be the same. Narinder was the one they loved most, after all.
Shamura prefers robes and dresses before pants: fitting their stinger inside a pair is terribly awkward if not impossible.
Their favorite colors are gold and black: elegant and simple.
Sometimes they train with their soldiers to test their strength- more often than not they get carried away and exhaust them.
They spend most of their free time in their library, reading and writing documents of the Old Faith if their injuries allow them to.
Their injuries make them have terrible migraines and headaches: thanks to the crown, most of their memories are intact.
It made their powers of reading the future work less and be less precise as well.
Their favorite way of executing heretics is decapitation. They like to do it themselves, but they have too many things to attend to.
Focalor (they/them): Picked for their nimble feet amongst the caverns.
Originally a village hunter before being picked as a high priest.
They are rather quiet, and prefer to spend time with younger spiders or on their own. Shamura appreciates it and often comes to them when they need information on the wildlife. They were noticed when Shamura visited a hunting village and they had managed to bring the most amount of prey.
Vephar (she/it): Picked for her ability to identify poisons
Originally a healer before being picked as a high priestess.
She is a bit more chatty than her companions, and likes to catch up with fellow followers. She tends to Shamura’s wounds when they allow her to, changing their bandages and cleaning away the ichor. It was noticed when one of Shamura’s healers was bitten by a poisonous creature and was the first to recognize the symptoms.
Mauras (he/them): Picked for his prowess in fight pits
Originally a warrior of Shamura’s army before being picked as a high priest.
He’s rather rude and enjoys poking fun at his companions almost as much as he enjoys training and sharpening both his own and Shamura’s weapons. While doing this, the two of them sometimes talk about battle techniques and about the cult’s army. Shamura noticed him when holding an annual fight pit, with about ten warriors fighting each other, where he emerged victorious.
Allocer (she/he/them/it): Shamura’s Witness.
Originally a silk farmer before being assigned as a Witness.
Allocer witnessed Shamura’s transformation into a divine god. She was granted a life of service to them as a personal request.
Allocer is more reserved and wise, much like the god he serves. If they aren’t right by Shamura, she might be tending to the needs of their followers. Since their injuries, it tries to keep everything in order for them. Shamura noticed her when they were first traveling the land as a young god and caught their attention when showing a good amount of knowledge of the caves and villages.
Before his injuries, Kallamar was known for treating himself like the king of kings. Living lavishly and vainly, the squid only accepted the best of the best and adorned himself with the finest of jewels: his high priests and witness were gifted what he wouldn’t take. As for his followers, they were also treated highly, often having quite luxurious amenities when compared to the rest of the Old Faith.
After Narinder’s betrayal, he became a paranoiac. He only trusts his high priests, and often thinks his followers are plotting against him when he can’t make out what they’re saying, and if a follower can’t answer the questions he makes (or he simply dislikes the answer), they will be used as a testing subject for new sicknesses and parasites. Deeply insecure because of his now ruined looks, he gloats and decorates himself more than ever, often taking everything rather than just the best. Because of this the amount of luxury his followers recieved has decreased, but not enough to be dethroned as the “better cult.” He has cut off most ties with his siblings, fearing they could be plotting something against him next.
Kallamar keeps anything that is remotely shiny- even unworthy gifts from followers. His collection is locked behind his treasury, and only his witness is allowed in there.
Favorite colors are cian, gold and black: they combine with him!
Spends a lot of time in healing bays, playing hard to get with followers who need healing. After a couple of praises and gifts he becomes more than willing to help.
His injuries don’t let him hear very clearly what others are saying, and sometimes make him have auditory hallucinations. His crown manages to soothe this, partially.
Though he uses experimentation as a way of punishment and execution, his official favorite way is drowning and/or suffocation (underwater and on land, depending of the species)
Saleos (he/him): Picked for his quickness in battle
Originally a farmer before being picked as a high priest.
He’s rather stubborn and straightforward with the people around him. Can be usually found patrolling the edges of the cult or checking prisoners are in the pillaries. Kallamar often asks him to bring followers to question, and first caught his attention when he caught a thief stealing from his crops.
Haborym (he/them): Picked for his magic abilities
Originally a potion maker before being picked as a high priest.
Rather quiet and a bookworm, Haborym can be found making new spells or training younger soldiers when he isn’t stuck in a book. The new spells are perfected for Kallamar to use, both in fights and experiments. He first caught the bishop’s attention when brewing a potion to make all of his army more resistant to magic.
Baalzebub (it/them): Picked for his remarkable aim
Originally a soldier before he was picked as a high priest.
A serious and hard working priest. It’s usually practicing its spells or patrolling with Saleos when Kallamar isn’t asking them to bring followers and to kill those who refuse to answer to him, right there and then. They caught his attention in a shooting practice.
Astaroth (he/it): Kallamar’s Witness
Originally a sailor before being assigned as a Witness.
Astaroth witnessed Kallamar’s transformation into a divine god. He was assigned a dutiful life of service by Shamura.
Astaroth is rather adventurous and vain, though its wishes for new things have begun to fade as they take the lead on ruling Kallamar’s army. Since his injuries, he keeps them updated on what’s happening among followers to help with his paranoia. Kallamar noticed him at first in his first sermon and as a merchant.
Before his imprisonment, Narinder ruled his small portion of lands under the rules of the Old Faith boringly. His hunger for more showed in every aspect of his ruling, often wishing for things he could not do without having to extend his grasp upon life, death and land, therefore breaking the rules. His lands were significantly smaller to the ones of his siblings, for Shamura feared he’d become too greedy if they showed him he could have more- this had the opposite effect, of course. When Narinder started his own faith, which never got an official name during its short duration, he was able to rule as he truly wished: his most loyal followers were promised immortality, and those who didn’t wish to die yet were able to give offerings in exchange for a longer life for themselves or their families. His lands were going to expand over oceans and over mountains, over the stars if he could reach them. Of course, all of this was cut short when Narinder was imprisoned and turned into his prophesied form: The One who Waits.
He kept part of his promises as best he could: all of his followers were granted a place in the heavens, as a way to thank them for sticking through despite being clearly at a loss. Those who converted back to the Old Faith after his imprisonment were severely punished for their betrayal and sent to purgatory. Narinder at first tried to see the positive side: he wouldn’t have to give another sermon in his life and he could do as he pleased as long as his chains didn’t pull too hard on his poor fur. This mentality worked for about a century before his hunger for more- this time revenge- kicked in again. Slowly, he lost himself in that, forgetting many things as he awaited a single lamb…
Despite his cold nature, he really enjoyed sunbathing.
His favorite colors were white, black and red. Then just black and red, after being imprisoned in the very white afterlife for many centuries.
Used to spend most of his time in cemeteries, overseeing spirits who weren’t ready to move on or who just didn’t know they died yet.
The shackles he was forced to wear have spikes inside, to not only keep him restrained but also punish him.
He never had a favorite way of execution: whatever killed the heretic quicker so he could do as he pleased in purgatory worked.
Yiaster (she/her): Picked for her keen eyes
Originally a librarian before she was picked as a high priestess.
A simple minded and honest priestess. She was able to read people very well, often being more logical than her fellow followers. She was usually reading through scrolls to help Narinder with his workload, and even helped him make important decisions. Some notes she had made along some old scrolls were what allowed her to be noticed by Narinder in the first place.
She was actually the first to see something was wrong when Narinder’s siblings came to imprison him, and was killed while trying to protect him. Now, she has a place in the heavens next to his other priests and priestesses.
Orbatia (he/him): Picked for his passionate heart
Originally a preacher of Shamura before he was assigned a new position upon Narinder’s cult.
A compromised and emotional ever since he was a young follower, Orbatia was assigned a new place as a priest by Shamura when they noticed Narinder could use a hand in taking care of his cult. His ability to preach sermons among his fellow followers was remarkable, and Shamura hoped that this would also inspire their younger brother to see the beauty of the Old Faith and its rules. It didn’t quite do the trick.
Orbatia was never fully committed to Narinder, as a result he dismissed Yaiste’s warnings about his siblings when Narinder was about to be killed and fled when faced with a fight. He converted back to the Old Faith upon Narinder’s imprisonment, and his soul remains somewhere in purgatory.
Repiuc (she/him): Picked for her wisdom in death
Originally a mortician before being picked as a high priest.
A morbid and mischievous priestess, Repiuc sorted corpses among the cult and documented the particular reasons for their demise. He was able to tell quite well, and had the most workload when Narinder was busy doing something else. He caught Narinder's attention when the bishop noticed part of his job was already done with some corpses- with the same skill he had, too.
At the time of Narinder’s imprisonment, she was killed while working with a stab to her chest- with his last breath he yelled and made everyone notice the reality of the situation. She, like Narinder’s other followers, rests in heaven.
Aixiloas (they/it): Narinder’s Witness
Originally a follower of Shamura before being assigned as a Witness.
Aixiloas witnessed Narinder’s transformation into a divine god. They requested to be assigned as his witness and were granted a life of service.
They were quite easy-going, checking on the different smaller needs of Narinder’s followers so they could relax around the land. They were first noticed slacking off during a sermon from Shamura- though the spider was offended, Narinder found it somewhat funny.
The day of Narinder’s imprisonment, they fought fiercely against three of the other witnesses, and almost came victorious if the bishops hadn’t intervened.  They hold a special place in heaven, and used to check on Narinder while in the afterlife before he became obsessed with revenge.
Before her injuries, Heket ruled over Anura with an iron fist, for feast had to be earned through hard work. She didn’t like luxuries such as fine clothes and jewelry, and would give hers to Kallamar to wear her usual robes- which were covered in mud from crusading and tending to incredible amounts of crops. She liked doing things herself, often believing that if someone else did it for her it wouldn’t be right. Her followers were the most hard-working and the best cooks among the Old Faith- Heket was proud of this and often boasted about it.
After Narinder’s betrayal, her grip on her followers only tightened. Those who didn’t do things right at the first try were executed on the spot. Those who dared say something about how she did things were simply eaten. If you’re in her way, she’ll simply walk over you and possibly kill you anyways. She became rather cruel, often laughing at the faces of those she killed unnecessarily before continuing to go about her day, enraged. Her anger and resentment shows through her actions and way of being, and she refuses to admit it since it’d mean admitting she’s weak from still holding a grudge towards her heretical brother. She tries to spend time with Leshy, but he doesn’t seem interested in seeing her.
When she’s alone or bored, she catches flies with her tongue. Sometimes followers get in the way of a fly, but she doesn’t seem to care much about eating them along with the insect.
If you ask her, she won’t say she has a favorite color- but she likes warm tones and gold to match with her clothes and land.
Due to her injuries, she can’t croak anymore. Before that, she’d croak when she was caught off guard or when being really happy. She found it embarrassing.
Her injuries also affected her speech, which is why she uses her crown to communicate without using her voice.
Her favorite way of executing heretics is making them starve- either tied to a tree or hanging from the branches. Of course, that is if she isn’t hungry.
Gusion (he/him): Picked for his knowledge in herbs
Originally a cook before being picked as a high priest.
A rather reserved and anxious priest, Gusion tends to the kitchens of Heket’s army. Heket trusts him enough to let him oversee her cooking to strengthen all of her followers, and sometimes even listens to his advice when making new recipes. He first caught her attention when he perfectly sorted about ten different types of mushrooms after a missionary.
Eligos (she/them): Picked for their unique abilities
Originally a follower before being picked as a high priestess.
A  proud and easygoing being, Eligos was born with a set of wings. They allowed her to do a lot of things quicker and better than other followers, from collecting harvests to fighting. As such, Heket sends them to oversee the cult. She first caught the bishop's attention when effortlessly dodging her tongue.
Zepar (she/her): Picked for her knowledge in battle
Originally a soldier of Shamura’s land before being picked as a high priestess.
A stern and non-talkative ex-soldier, Zepar was raised in Silk Cradle before being transported to Anura as a request from both Shamura and Heket. She is the head of Anura’s army, and first caught Heket’s attention when the bishop was visiting Silk Cradle during a sparring practice.
Bathin (she/it): Heket’s Witness
Originally a farmer before being assigned as a Witness.
Bathin witnessed Heket’s transformation into a divine goddess. She was assigned a life of service by Narinder.
Being a common farmer, she had always worshiped Heket after it noticed the young bishop’s powers amongst its land’s harvest- when she was picked as a witness, she was more than glad to oblige. She oversees the cult’s farmers, and is also in charge of handling information given to her by the priest and priestesses.
Before his injuries, Leshy ruled over Darkwood with the help of Narinder and Heket. Being the bishop of chaos, his lands were overall messy, filled with both heretics and eager followers alike. His ruling was lacking in rules, but had plenty of rewards for those who followed his doctrines thoroughly- and those who followed his doctrines were usually the ones who executed others who refused to listen, along with heretics. Due to this, a lot of the time he found himself closer to his followers when compared to any of his siblings- which was frowned upon in the Old Faith.
After Narinder’s betrayal, Leshy’s ruling became even more chaotic. Without the help of Narinder, and not wanting to receive help from Heket because of how angry she always is, he was basically left alone to do whatever he wanted as long as it didn’t break the Old Faith’s doctrines. His cult lacks many things, such as an army, different temples to worship him, or a central village around his temple- but it is also the cult with the most followers, being lousy in rules and having plenty of space for anyone willing to settle down between many chaotic cultists. The closeness between him and his more chaotic followers remains, even stronger since some of them wish to bring revenge to their beloved bishop.
More often than not, he’s underground digging tunnels around the land. It allows him to somewhat check what his followers are up to, and sometimes even listen to gossip.
His favorite colors are brown and green. They remind him of his lands and of himself.
Due to his injuries, he can’t see without his crown. This, however, sharpened his hearing quite a lot.
His favorite way of executing is letting whoever he’s going to kill run through the forests of his lands while chasing them- whether he or his followers get them is part of the fun.
Amdusias (he/him): Picked for his eagerness when serving
Originally a follower before being picked as a high priest.
Being a novice addition to Leshy’s priests and priestesses, he is open to learn from the other priests and priestesses while trying his best. He first caught the bishop’s attention when he noticed how often Amdusias was tending to things of the temple, which led to Leshy giving him a place as a priest.
Valefar (she/it): Picked for her insight of the cult’s needs
Originally a follower before being picked as a high priestess.
Hard working and organized, Valefar had always kept a close eye on who her fellow followers killed, where they planted their crops and, sometimes, when they worshiped Leshy. Due to this, once she caught Leshy’s attention with her knowledge of his own lands, he trusted her with the management of the cult.
Barbatos (they/them): Picked for their brutality in battle
Originally an executor before being picked as a high priest.
A boisterous and crude creature, Barbatos enjoys punishing heretics and bringing down villages- they do so with incredible expertise and skill, leaving almost no one alive when they set their eyes on a particular place. Leshy sees in them a fire for Chaos that can’t be dissipated, and first noticed them when executing lambs.
Agares (she/them/it): Leshy’s Witness
Originally a follower of Heket before being assigned as a Witness.
Agares witnessed Leshy’s transformation into a divine god- She pleaded to Heket to become his witness, and she allowed it.
Being a follower in charge of serving Heket while she traveled between lands, when they first saw the chaos of Leshy’s lands they were incredibly drawn closer when comparing it to Anura’s strict doctrines. Now she makes sure Leshy doesn’t get too bored, mainly by bringing heretics for him to kill.
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