#thought • my insecurities are hurtin' me.
steviehcllis · 9 months
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johnathanandrewcade · 18 days
Hi! I was wondering if you could write a Johnny Cade x reader fanfic where the reader is shy, and they go to the lot and are happy just being with each other!
( sorry this has taken a long time to post, and I know this isn’t what you were exactly looking for but I hope you like it)
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Warnings: Cursing, mentions of abuse, mentions of self harm
summery: Johnny comforts you, Johnny confesses his love to you.
I have been cutting myself for ages. The only one who knows about this is Johnny, he’s the only one I feel like I can trust with this sort of thing. Yeah I know I have the other gang members but I have more of a connection with Johnny.
I didn’t feel satisfied not now, not ever, when I cut myself. I put down my knife and cleaned up then I cleaned off the knife and put it up. I couldn’t take this anymore I looked in the mirror and all I saw was an ugly tear stained face. And of course the scars and bruises had to come with it. I know what you may be thinking and you partly correct most of them are from cutting myself, but most of them are from my parents always beaten on me. They’re always doing that and they always yell at me like I’m some dog.
apparently I wasn’t paying attention or just to deep in thought that I didn’t notice someone came in, because next thing I know someone’s arms were wrapped around my waist. I jumped a bit but looked up in the mirror it was Johnny. Good thing I had everything cleaned up before he got here because he hates it when I cut myself.
“ hey, came through your window of course, what—-“ he cut himself off when he seen my tear stained face. “ hey beautiful have you been crying “ he asked me.
Johnny turned me around to face him and hugged me placing his chin on my neck and gently rubbed my back, and I sighed feeling relaxed in Johnnys arms. Johnny has always called me beautiful because he knows that I’m insecure about myself I never really thought about him calling me beautiful to much. I nodded my head.
“ okay let’s go to the lot and we can relax there I don’t want your parents hurtin ya “ he said.
we both climbed out my window, and on our way there I felt Johnnys hand brush against mine, then he gently grabbed it and intertwined our fingers, I saw a smile on his face like he wanted this to happen, I blushed and looked down at our hands.
“ sorry I hope your okay with this “ he said gently squeezing my hand.
“ it’s okay to me “ I said to him.
as soon as we got to the lot we both sat down and Johnny pulled me onto his lap, I rested my head on his chest and cuddled up to him. A few minutes later I guess my sleeve to my shirt rolled up because suddenly Johnny grabbed my wrist and there was a hint of sadness and anger in his eyes.
“ Y/N….. have you been cutting your self again? Don’t even think about lying to me “ he said there was hurt in his voice and he looked like he was about to cry.
I looked down ashamed of myself, I didn’t realize had bad this would hurt him.
“ y-yes I’m sorry…” I stuttered.
I’ve never seen Johnny this upset with me. He looked me straight in the eyes.
“ Y/N you don’t understand! I love you and I can’t bare seeing you hurt! Hurting your self or someone hurting you is like there hurting me as well! I hate it when you cut up your beautiful skin, your skin isn’t paper you shouldn’t be cutting it” he said.
I flinched Johnny had never once yelled at me, tears then ran down my cheek, I felt ashamed then because suddenly there was guilt in Johnnys eyes.
“ Y/N…I’m sorry. But please stop doing this to your self I love you and you mean the whole world to me” he said.
“ you…you love me?” I asked him.
a small smile formed on his lips.” Yes I love you, you’re perfect in my eyes” he said. “ please promise me to stop cutting your beautiful skin, or at least try to come to me when you have the urge to cut your self. I want to be the guy you come to when ever your hurting or anything “ he said.
“ okay I promise Johnny” I said truthfully I didn’t want him to hurt just because I was hurting.
he smiled, then he looked into my eyes then his eyes trailed down to my lips .
“ please, can I kiss you? I wanna show you how much I love you “ he whispered.
“ yes” I whispered back.
“ close your eyes love “ he told me.
I closed my eyes, and I felt his hand on my cheek, then I felt his lips press against mine, I kissed him back and I felt sparks. We kissed passionately. I felt truely loved my Johnny, I guess I always have because he has always been there for me even at my hardest times. After a few minutes of the kiss we pulled away.
“ I love you Y/N L/N” he whispered.
“ I love you to Johnny Cade” I said.
never in my life have I ever felt this alive till I met Johnny Cade.
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louisisalarrie · 17 days
They way he’s called it ‘for every question why’ makes it seem like it’s about the fan and they’re his because ngl
yeah I think you can interpret this saying multiple ways. it’s definitely about the fans and his solo career, but also I think it could be related to Harry. These lyrics are so damn powerful, and so I’ll let you in on my own little theory:
I think “for every question why” it could be interpreted as why the hell am I doing this? Why am I dealing with being closeted and stunting and the pain and heartache im going through?why do I bother fighting?
And “you were my because” is im doing this because of you, im doing this because every time I wanna give up on it all you’re right here with me, I don’t think I could get through this without you, im doing this for you, for us
Also “nothing makes you hurt like hurtin’ who you love” could be interpreted as even though im doing this for you, for us, it hurts me so bad to be stunting and hiding my love for you because im hurting you every time I have to do this
On top of that, “I watched them all come fallin down’ I watched them all come fallin’ down for you” Is pretty self explanatory in the way that I’ll only let that person in, and I keep my boundaries and walls up all the time because of my insecurities and I have had to since the beginning of 1d to protect myself
Then “so this one is a thank you, for what you did to me, why is it that thank yous are so often bittersweet?” could be thank you for sticking by me and coming into my life even though because of our love I’ve had to deal with so much shit from the people who don’t understand is
The “I just hope I seee you one day and you say to me, Oh oh…” is a tricky one, but I think could be interpreted as I hope one day you get why I did what I did, and you understand that I did this all to protect you no matter how hard and frustrating it is/was
Then “Nothing wakes you up like waking up alone” would be I miss you so much, we’re so far apart on tour and the forces that be are keeping us away from each other and I hate not waking up next to you, it makes me feel like it was all a dream sometimes
So yeah. There’s my very very basic song analysis on Walls, not even including the first verse lol but yeah. There’s a lot of depth to this song, it’s very good writing and I LOVE that lyric with my whole heart. Like… might get it tattooed kind of love.
Anyway, this song can also be interpreted to the breakup of 1d and his fans now too and I can also clearly see that. I’m not saying that it’s specifically about Harry and Harry only, but that’s just my take on it if we were to look at it that way. Songs are very personal and everyone will take lyrics differently from their own experiences and feelings so pls don’t fight me if you don’t agree with this hahahah, just adding a bit of larry thoughts to it
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bookshelf-dust · 2 years
Would you consider writing a fluff piece where the reader needs to get braces and is scared and afterwards super insecure and gets comforted by Eddie?
nothing could make you ugly.
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eddie munson x gn!reader
word count: 1,083
warnings: swearing, mentions of mouth pain and a cut, reader is insecure and upset by their braces
a/n: hi lovely!! thank you for your request. as someone who had a hellish experience with braces, i know it sucks ass and i’m happy to provide you with some comfort! i tried to draw from some of my own experiences, so i hope this turned out like you hoped. enjoy!! <33
He told you it’d be fine. You knew it would be. He’d practically drilled those words into your head.
I’m going to be okay. I’m going to be okay.
But either way, standing in the orthodontist’s office, the cheap reception countertop cold under your clutching fingertips, you were panicking.
Terrified. Terrified because it was going to hurt, because you’d have to change your habits, because you’d have to be more careful. Because of how you’d look. Because they’d be front and center and they’d be there for…for who knows how long.
You watched the receptionist walk away with your clipboard, heard her say to have a seat and wait to be called, felt the cool leather under your legs.
But there was that voice in your head. Eddie’s voice.
“You’re going to be so okay. This is just a blip. This is something that is going to happen to you, and it’s going to be okay. It’s a part of life. You’re going to deal with it and get through it. You will get through it. And I’ll be here, I fucking swear it.”
He’d taken your hands then, even set his cigarette down to look at you, brown eyes boring into yours.
And you heard his voice the entire time you were there. When they called you back, when they told you each step of the process: the cleaning, the glue, the wire, the aftercare. In the car on the way home when you started to cry because you were so sore.
You hadn’t looked at them in the mirror for as long as you could afford, but when the wire on your top row of teeth started to make a gash in your cheek, you had to.
One look, and you hated them. You thought it completely changed your face, your demeanor. Thought they were ugly.
A big swath of metal in your mouth, all because your teeth couldn’t have just cooperated with you.
You ran a finger over your front teeth, skin catching gently on the grooves of each bracket. Your eyes started to fill with tears, and you’d never felt more insecure. More uncomfortable.
“Eddie, I think you should just stay home.” You wiped your hand across your forehead. “I don’t feel good, and I’ll just be a bother.”
Really, you did want to see him. You just didn’t want him to see you.
Leaning against the counter in the trailer, Eddie readjusted the phone against his shoulder, making a shuffling noise that you could hear. He knew something was wrong. You had this tone of voice that made you sound fragile. He hated it.
No way was he gonna leave you alone when you’d been so scared before, when you hadn’t even had the braces, but the idea of them left you shaking.
“Hon, that sounds like all the more reason for me to come over. I’ll be there in fifteen.”
And he was. Eddie let himself in, and you heard him before you saw him: the jingling of his wallet chain, his heavy footsteps, the scratch of leather and denim. He found you on the couch, hands reaching for yours to pull you up from your reclined position so that he could hug you properly.
“Hi, sweetheart. You hurtin’?” You nodded at him and he took you in his arms, careful of placing your cheek against his shoulder like he normally would.
You watched as Eddie kicked off his shoes, shrugged out of his jacket. “How come you won’t look at me?” He asked, his back to you still.
The question took you by surprise. Nothing got by Eddie. He’d noticed the second he laid eyes on you that something was wrong. You looked at his neck when he hugged you, his shoes when he walked around the living room.
“Uh. I-I am looking at you.” He walked back to you, curls bouncing with the sharp movements.
Eddie shook his head. “You’re not. Tell me what’s the matter.” No answer. “Has it got to do with the braces?”
That was enough. You practically flinched at the mention of them and your eyes glazed over with unshed tears.
“I look so fucking ugly, Eddie.” He hated the way you said his name. Like he was a thread that you were desperately clinging too, hoping it wouldn’t snap under your grasp.
He couldn’t really see them, only glimpses when you spoke, but he knew nothing in this world could make you ugly. Eddie thought you were the most precious thing in the universe. He loved you more than he did his guitar, though he’d never tell her that.
“They’re just so icky. Th-this wad of metal and they take up space and I just look so…so…I don’t know. Shit, I hate them. I can’t even look in the mirror.”
Eddie reached out, his thumb a featherlight touch over your cheek. His brows pinched together, worry shadowing his boyish features.
“You don’t look ugly. You’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Nothing could make you ugly. I don’t wanna hear you say that again, you understand me?”
It wasn’t often that Eddie spoke to you like this, that he spoke so earnestly. “I know they suck a fat one, I know they do. But you can handle it. This is just a part of life. And I know it’s hard right now, but they won’t be here forever. And when they’re off your teeth will be better than mine.”
That made you grin, and Eddie’s eyes lit up. “You don’t have to let me see them just yet, but I guarantee you look just as good as you always do. And I’ll be here the whole time.”
He rubbed your forearm up and down, calloused fingers scratching in that familiar way that you liked. He couldn’t hide a smug smile when he noticed the goosebumps following his touch.
You did show him, though. Later when you had to replace the wax, you smiled for him, and he looked appraisingly at the braces adorning your teeth, making sure to ask plenty of questions.
“You look gorgeous. Always have, always will. These are just an accessory, if you will.” You smacked him on the arm and he clutched himself as if having been fatally wounded.
“Best we don’t go through any metal detectors soon though, hon.”
Another smack to his other arm, but he kissed your forehead anyways, and your cheeks as soon as they weren’t so tender.
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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acefms · 1 year
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001. seventeen going under / sam fender
see i spent my teens enraged, spiralin' in silence, and i armed myself with a grin ‘cause i was always the fuckin' joker buried in their humour.
002. mourning / post malone
don’t want to sober up, the sun is killing my buzz that's why they call it mourning. thought i was strong enough, threw my bottle at the sky, said, "god that's a warning"
003. good riddance / green day
time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go, so make the best of this test and don't ask why— it's not a question, but a lesson learned in time. it’s something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. i hope you had the time of your life.
004. I wanna get better / bleachers
i didn't know i was lonely 'til i saw your face. i wanna get better— better, better, better. i wanna get better.
005. hard times / paramore
(hard times) gonna make you wonder why you even try, gonna take you down and laugh when you cry. and I still don’t even know how I survive (hard times).
006. my own worst enemy / lit
please tell me why my car is in the front yard and i’m sleeping with my clothes on? it’s no surprise to me, i am my own worst enemy ‘cause every now and then, i kick the living shit out of me.
007. leave before you love me / jonas brothers
dancing on the edge ‘bout to take it too far, it’s messing with my head how i mess with your heart, if you wake up in your bed, alone in the dark, i’m sorry, gotta leave before you love me.
008. when then party’s over / billie eilish
don’t you know too much already? i’ll only hurt you if you let me. call me friend but keep me closer (call me back) and I'll call you when the party's over. quiet when i’m comin' home and i’m on my own. and could lie, say i like it like that, i like it like that.
009. 3am / halsey
think i took it way too far, and I'm stumblin' drunk, getting in a car. my insecurities are hurtin' me, someone please come and flirt with me. I really need a mirror that'll come along and tell me that I'm fine… i do it every time. I keep on hanging on the line, ignoring every warning sign, come on and make me feel alright again.
010. float / the neighbourhood
life can only mean hardly anything, all I’ll ever be is partly settled in. they show you how to swim then they throw you in the deep end. I've been learning since, but it doesn't mean I'll float.
011. are you bored yet? / wallows
'cause we could stay at home and watch the sunset, but I can't help from asking are you bored yet? and if you're feeling lonely you should tell me before this ends up as another memory. will you tell the truth so I don't have to lie?
012. matilda / harry styles
you can throw a party full of everyone you know and not invite your family ‘cause they never showed you love. you don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up.
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slepyicarus · 2 years
Mc!Monday Prompt #4
I am late lol The challenge is by the amazing @obeythedemons (very nice dude and his streams are fun, i recommend)
Prompt: MC accidentally drinks a truth potion around everyone. Seeing the opportunity, Asmodeus asks MC what they think about each and everyone one of them. What does MC say? Tags: Bad english, established relationships, refrence of insecurities, fears, lesson 16 & earlier lessons incidents
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Quite talking is heard outside of the room while Icarus waits with Luke as well as Solomon to be allowed inside the counsil room. “What is taking them so looong! Don’t they just have to interogate the demon that hurt you to get his side, Ru?”, Luke whinned annoyed. Weak to his upset little brother Icarus petted his head with his now bandaged hand “No, my bright angel. They have to get him to confess to hurting me so they can punish him properly. Just have a little more patience. I promise that I will talk to Brother, Lord Lucifer and his Highness that i would be allowed to stay with you three at purgatory if you are truly a bit more patienced. ‘kay?” Smiling Luke nodded and hugged the half-demon. Solomon chuckled “You truly have him wrapped around your finger, huh?” Before either of the hugging boys could answer the door opened giving the view open to the scene that happened. Seeing the blood Icarus quickly covered Lukes eyes with his tail. A few guards from the castle escorted the offender away. “One moment please. “, Barbatos requested while using magic to clean everything away, “Please come in now. “ Luke not slow to respond ran to Simeon and started to talk and scold his guardian for excluding the three of them. Slowly following him Icarus mumbled “ I mean he’s not wrong..im the victim and they are my witnesses..” Solomon put an arm around him and smiled “ I think they excluded you two to spare you the view of torture. “ “And you?” “To watch over you two.” Icarus frowned. He knew he and Luke are looked at as if they are too innocent for the realms. Hell he himself looked at Luke like this too but he is only half demon! Icarus still is a full human adult. Pouting Icarus left Solomons side and went to the food filled serving cart that just stood around. Well, aint that suspicious..oh well. Smells like it was made by Brother and I’m hungry as hell, Icarus thought, taking a jam filled cookie and untouched tea cup. Quickly taking his usual seat near the 7th born he watched the normal chaos taking place while snacking on the cookie and tea. Well until Asmodeus shriecked making Icarus drop both the tea as well as the half eaten cookie. Groaning Icarus frowned at Asmodeus. But before he could even start complaining Beel asked concerned “Rus..did you take that cookie and tea from the cart over there?” Raising a brow he nodded. Faster then he could question Beel about it Mammon was already there and taking his face to roughly rotate it fro one side to the other inspecting him “Ya feelin alrigh? Nothin feelin wierd or hurtin?”, the greed demon questioned the lilanette. “Ow, Mams! Soft hands! My jaw still hurts from the other dude’s left hook! And no, I’m feeling fine except annoyed because im feeling like im being treated like a damn kid!”, Icarus complained truthfully. Quickly feeling confused Icarus stared at his first pacted man. “..What was in the tea and or cookie, Mammon.” “A truth potion. We used it on your attacker to get him to confess. It was Simeons Idea.”, Lucifer answered calmly before asking softer, “Do you truly feel alright?” Again nodding Icarus started feeling a bit light headed. Being under a Truth potion with his brother and the prince in the room would have been fine, but with the brothers and solomon? “Im gonna excuse myself-”, the half-demon tried to escape. But Asmodeus was already behind him pushin him back down onto his chair. “Now now Darling. Why don’t we use this situation to you’re advantage~! You always struggling to voice your feelings, so why don’t you use this to tell us what you feel about us?” Unsure about it he just looked pitifully up to the pretty devilgram influencer. Asmo sighed smiling, petting Icarus’ cheek and made him an offer “Don’t worry, if you are starting to feel overwhelmed i will personally esort you home and help you relax and recharge, yes?” Nodding Icarus took a big breath and held Asmos hand for support “Alright..so..should i just go in order?” Lucifer: -Lord Lucifer, Master of the House of Lamentation, and safe place - Strict but for a reason -Icarus understands that Lucifer is strict to protect his family and spare them the despair of losing another family member. He admires it that Lucifer puts his brother first, even if it worries him at the same time -soft and loving when needed -Icarus is happy knowing Lucifer and being able to say he is close to him -still scares icarus when ever he shifts to his demon form from annoyance/anger Mammon: -Mams, the kindest demon and first man, one of the secret favs under his pacts -big comfort person and best hugger in the house - Mammon is loved by icarus a lot. He sees under all that bravo mammon puts on is a patient, loving and kind person. he may not like Mammons scams but still will always help him and smile while doing so. Icarus is glad that Mammon was his first Pact, his first man and first friend in teh devildom - lovable tsun boy -Hopes to never get on Mammons bad side and remain his best friend for all of their long lives Levi: -Levia, Hot Admiral, cute otaku, besto friendo and another of the secret favs - very good campany and another comfort person - Icarus trust Levi almost the most to keep him safe and grounded or distracted if he needs it. If Mammon is Icarus Sword, Levi would be his shield. Hes glad that Levi let him in his bubble - cutest Otaku to hot admiral that makes Icarus swoon - tight Tail hugs are 1000000000/10 -overwhelms Icarus with too much information sometimes or his expectations that he catches everything Satan: -Tantan, Anger issues buddy and amazing tutor -cat lover buddy no. 1 - best person to go to when he has something he wants to try or make with levi -Satan is Icarus go to person when ever he needs a second opinion or just to vent ideas and maybe figure them out. He loves reading with him and just han out in general -amazing teacher and convo partner -often overwhelms Icarus with his detective fanatic side Asmo: -Asmo, best gossip partner, expert shade thrower and no. 1 advice giver in social/romantic/sexual convos -Most trusted when it comes to icarus insecurities -Tho they had a rough start because of Icarus being wierded out by asmos immediate affectinate and up-close interactions, now he will almost exclusively talk about his most inner fears, worries and insecruities with asmo. -is viewed as a close person -scares Icarus whenever he gets angry/ pressures him to open up Beel: -Beel, best food advicer and inspector -Safe person when scared, can hide/shield icarus the best -At first Icarus was scared of beel, mostly because he was so big in comparison to the short half-demon but also because he looked uncomftable with the shorter -became one of icarus fav napping spots because he makes icarus feel protected and warm -the buzzing of his wings startles icarus Belphie: -belph, cute boy to holy hell in 0.2 secs -lover -icarus hated hiding that he meet belphie in the dreamscape from the others to free him and learning, had a hard time re-learning to trust him and loving him again after the incident -beloved of the lord of stars icarus and blessed by them -still has nightmares of the incident, making icarus avoid touching belphie sometimes while excusing it by itchy sensitive skin
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blacst4r · 3 months
𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐝?
𝙘𝙖𝙨𝙩. jey uso x black reader
𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮. you and jey aren't on speaking terms, and he aims to fix that
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Jucey J💙🖤
answer yo phone
why u still ignoring me huh?
stop declining my calls and pick up
i'm sorry damn
"She childish as hell" Jey shook his head as his numerous attempts to reach you failed. You weren't trying to talk to him in any capacity after the heated argument that took place. Though it did happen last night. In typical petty fashion, maybe a tad bit over-dramatic, you stayed in your feelings the entire day over it. Not even wanting to look at his face, which motivated you to leave out early in the morning, absent from home ever since. Just to add catty insult to injury, you subbed him on your socials.
"Why women always do that?" he grumbled, not understanding the logic of alluding to personal relationship issues to random folks on social media. These people love to speculate and gossip, no need to give them any ammunition.
Jucey J💙🖤
You can't talk to me but you can sub me?
I told you bout that, stop playin wit me
shit aint cute
you gotta step through dis door at some point
and imma get you
have yo ass cripple
Meanwhile you rolled your eyes at every incoming text, wanting so badly to curse him out, with fingers inching to rapidly type out the longest paragraph known to man.
"Girl just talk to that man and stop being petty" your bestie Shawna encouraged, as you and some others ate dinner in a restaurant. Whenever you fell out with Jey you immediately ran into the arms of your girls to clear your mind, and receive unsolicited advice in the process.
"Nah I'm good" you dismissed the thought, taking a sip from your drink as she sucked her teeth.
"So you just gon run away every time yall go at it?" she asked in disbelief as you shot her a glare.
"Maybe? It's better than arguing cause I can't get shit through his big ass head" you casually shrugged.
Kiara chimed in sarcastically from across the table, "hmm, sounds familiar" a snicker from the girls followed as you huffed dramatically.
"Sis you really be holdin' grudges tho, I feel like you be doin' this on purpose to get dicked down later" Shawna noted, making your eyes roll in response.
"Yea I'm making him do & say stupid shit to piss me off, just so we can fuck like animals after, I'mma stop telling yall stuff" you muttered smartly, over this accountability session.
"Please do" Yara joked with a chuckle.
Shawna squinted her eyes, "bitch you literally got mad because he gave a fan his shirt."
"And?! he aint have to do that, giving fan service to these hoes is not apart of his job description" you got defensive. "Plus he does other shit, like being mad flirty with bitches."
"That boy ain leaving you tho y/n, you gotta stop being insecure and trust him" she advised.
"I doooo" you quickly retorted with a whine as your phone continuously dinged, signaling a barrage of incoming texts.
"Bet that's him now aint it?" Shawna questioned with pursed lips. You ignored her and checked your phone to see it was in fact Jey messaging some more.
Jucey J💙🖤
ion like you not speakin to me fr, shit hurtin me
bout to go lookin for yo ass
Finally deciding to give him a reply, you typed out one and sent it, satisfying his ache for the moment.
out with my girls eating, stop whining
When he inquired where you told him not to worry about it, his response being alr bet. You kissed your teeth at the vague response, placing your phone down on the table and reengaging in the new conversation.
You and the other ladies were coming out the restaurant when you spotted Jey, leaning against his car with arms crossed, and a mug plastered across his face.
"Ooooh" Shawna quietly instigated as yall got closer, "hey Jey!" the girls chirped simultaneously as he gave a head nod, still honed in on you. All of them then dispersed to their respective rides as you stood in front of your man with features softened into a pout.
"Don't give me dat look" Jey said firmly as he pushed off the vehicle and stepped up to your shorter frame. "Where all that mouth at now?" the depth of his voice possessed a bass that had you shriveling up before him. "Huh?" he snarled through tight lips, "talk dat shit now y/n, you betta speak up cause you ain' gon have no vocal chords later."
Your heart spiked at the threat, for certain he was gonna wear you out till you couldn't formulate words from a sore throat. Hell that seemed like a good time to you.
With lips barely parted, you spoke in a hushed tone under his intimidating presence, "how you find me here?"
"Ain no snitch" he replied simply. Had to be one of the girls, they rooted hard for your relationship when you sometimes didn't.
"Get in" he made a nod towards the passenger side where you started, feeling a sharp smack to the ass making you flinch. As the both of you got in and settled, he started up the truck and pulled off. The ride home was silent, with tension that swallowed up the space you shared. He occasionally stole glances at you as he drove, getting under your skin as you wished he would keep his eyes on the road.
"What?!" you snapped with mean mug he returned even harsher.
"What the hell wrong witchu huh?" he asked bitterly.
"You Jey, your actions is what the hells wrong with me."
"What you don't trust me? You think I'mma cheat on you? Tell me" he urged as you starred out the window, reluctant to answer.
"Then you do dat shit, close up on me, ignore my texts and my calls, act like I'm not yo man—"
Your head snapped towards him, raising your voice, "you act like I'm not your girl!!"
"Cause I interact wit fans?? Be forreal, my mama and you the only women that matter in my life, on me. I'm not throwin' dat away for no groupies" he spoke wholeheartedly as you registered his words. You believed him a thousand percent, with a heavy sigh, "well can you at least acknowledge my feelings?"
"I can baby, can you express em better?" he asked, pulling into the driveway and parking.
"I can" you nod.
"And no more of dat social media shit either, people too nosy as it is" he added on while unbuckling his seat-belt, and as did you, "ok daddy."
He scoffed, shaking his head at the delicateness of your voice, a lil too late for that. "Tryna be nice now, I'mma still tear dat ass up, c'mon."
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lonelylyricists · 2 years
Why am I so insecure about myself, about my body, about my health?
And please, don't even get me started on my acne
My worries just come at me
My insecurities wanna attack me
I'm guessing they don't want me being any type of happy
Run away from all my flaws, but then they always seem to catch me
They have me, they fucking grab me
And throw me into a mindset of misery, I'm blinded
Of all the beauty that I'll never see in myself
I try to hide it, then I'm reminded
That I'll never be okay with all these thoughts in my head
And I'm trying really hard to get this off of my chest
When it comes to me, I always have to settle for less
And I ain't never gonna fit in with the mo'fucking rest
I'm a mess and I'm really stressin', for what?
When I look into the mirror, my mind tells me that I ain't make the cut
And that I'm never enough
Like, why my demons gotta make this shit tough?
I can't toughen up, and the love, I just fuck it up
And I'm done 'cause I've had enough
And I suck and I'm out of luck
And I'm hugging my pillow 'til I cry out all of my reasons
See a new flaw every day, they wanna change like the seasons
You will never get to see the pain through all of my lesions
Because I've never had the help to pick up all of my pieces
Why is it every time I see myself my confidence decreases?
I wanna be done breathing, I'm heated, I'm fucking leaving, damn, uh (yeah)
My insecurities, they always seem to worry me
My insecurities, they always seem to bury me
My insecurities, they always seem to worry me
They always take control of me and they just take my soul from me
My insecurities, they always seem to worry me
My insecurities, they always seem to bury me
My insecurities, they always take control of me
They always take control of me, they hurtin' me they holdin' me
I think my arms too skinny and I should really work out
And then I cruise the city and I don't wanna go out
I reroute to the woods where people aren't so loud
It's empty, never a crowd and I just stare at the clouds
And lay down until the sun drowns into the ground
I hear the sound of the voices in my head
Telling me to go to bed, there isn't much for you ahead, damn
Why am I so insecure?
I'm always feeling like nobody ever puts me first
I feel like it's a curse, my feelings are the worst
It really fucking hurts, just put me in a hearse
I wish that people understood the way I live, it doesn't work like that
Even when I fight back and never win in despite I lack
The strength because I'm light like that
My mind attacks and eats my soul with one bite, damn
0 notes
mypoisonedvine · 3 years
I love your sleepovers! Could you do ⭐ (“This hurts? Imagine your girl flirting with other men", she/her pronouns and aftercare for both of them 🥺) with soft!dark!Lee if you’re up to it? I just love when chubby sheriff daddy Lee is lil’ jealous and insecure but still pretty dom😭 Thank you!! :)
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“Sheriff, please,” you whimpered, but you made no physical effort to resist as he threw you over his knee and tossed your skirt up.  “I-- I don’t want it.”
“Shoulda thought about that before you started actin’ like that,” he explained coldly.
“Like what?!” you defended, your backtalk earning you a hard smack to your bum that made you lurch forward and wince.  “O-one,” you counted obediently.
“Like you wanted him to fuck you,” he answered with a little sneer making his lip twitch, hitting you again even harder.  
“Two,” you continued, “I swear, Sheriff, I don’t-- three!” you yelped, your head falling down as wet tears left a patch on his trousers.
“Cryin’ already?” he mocked.
“It hurts!” you justified with a whine.
“Ya think this hurts?  Try watchin’ your girl flirt with other men,” he growled, giving you three more in a row as you cried out.
“I’m sorry!” you sobbed.  “Lee, I promise, I don’t want nothin’ to do with any of ‘em.  Just want you.”
“Then why were you makin’ googly eyes at ‘im, huh?” he interrogated, pinching your sore bottom just to make it hurt that much worse.  “Is it cause he’s thinner than me, drives a nicer car, huh?  What is it?”
“Nothing!  I don’t love him, I love you!” you pleaded, and he grabbed you quickly to pull you up into his lap.
“Really?” he breathed, staring into your eyes.  “You do?”
“Lee, of course,” you sighed, “I didn’t... mean to tell you like that...”
“Oh, I’m awful,” he pouted, pulling you into a tight hug.  “I’m the worst piece of shit alive.  Makin’ you say you love me like that, treatin’ my best girl this way... you should hate me, sweetheart.”
“No, Lee, I really do love you,” you assured.  “More than anything.”
“l love you too, sweetheart,” he whispered as he kissed your forehead, rocking you gently in his arms.  “So, so much.  I just... get in my head sometimes, thinkin’ a girl like you shouldn’t be with me.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t, but I want to,” you smiled shyly, kissing his cheek.  He grabbed your face and turned it into a deep and needy kiss, his hands grabbing you tighter.  You winced when he grabbed your ass and he pulled back.  
“Still hurtin’, honey?” 
You nodded a little.  
“Aw, sweetheart,” he cooed, “your Sheriff’s gonna make it all better...”
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leewritesstuff · 3 years
Lose You To Love Me |Tom Holland x Reader
Paring: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Losing someone hurts, but knowing that things get better, feels fine. You were dating Tom but feels as if you guys were slowly drifting away
Song: Lose You To Love Me
This is my first Tom Holland works, it's a little rusty since I haven't written something that isn't anime for a while.
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You promised the world and I fell for it I put you first and you adored it Set fires to my forest And you let it burn Sang off-key in my chorus 'Cause it wasn't yours
Having an on-and-off relationship was difficult. Especially when the relationship was a secret. You wanted to come out and be public but Tom didn't. The excuses were 'They will attack you' or 'I'm just not ready' but to see him posing for pictures with other models and celebrities made you feel as if you were a secret as if he was a shame.
Moving from the kitchen to sit in the living room couches, you played with his hair, feeling his soft curls between your fingers.
"Tom do you think we could go to that new cafe that opens up down the straight? I hear that they sell amazing cupca-" Without looking up from his phone, he replies with "I would love to but I don't want anyone spotting us" "Well that's fine if they do, don't you think it's time that they know?" "I just want us to keep some stuff to ourselves, ya know?" Letting out a sigh, you leaned your body off of his, grabbed the remote to turn on the tv.
I saw the signs and I ignored it Rose-colored glasses all distorted Set fire to my purpose And I let it burn You got off on the hurtin' When it wasn't yours, yeah
"Who the fuck is her huh?! Is that why you can't hang out? Or why you're always so late? You never have time to spend with me, heck you don't even say sorry for missing out on our planned dates!" "For fucking sake Y/N! Not everything is about you! I told you I was running late because I was at a party for work! You of all people are supposed to know that!" "I wouldn't be feeling this way if people weren't taking pictures of you and that model! Friends don't act that way! You don't see me acting that way with Harrison!"
"I swear it's like you're my fucking mother. I'm a grown-ass man, I can do whatever the hell I want! Stop bitching every fucking time!"
You looked at him in shock, still trying to register the words he used on you. Some fans have been speculating that you and Tom were dating but that was quickly debunked when a few pictures of Tom and another model were 'rumored' to be dating.
At first the rumors didn't bother you. It was for an upcoming movie, but after a while of countless photos of them together, it started to make you feel a type of way, jealously, insecure.
You didn't exactly notice that your relationship was falling apart, only feeling the distance. You nodded your head at him, "Alright"
He watched you, anger from the fight filling up his veins. He was tired of having the same fight with you every time a picture of him and a girl gets posted.
He walked over to you and grabbed your hands, holding them tightly, "Look, I'm not cheating okay? You know how the paps get when they see something like a good story. I love you, and only you okay? You just have to trust me"
You leaned into his touch, hugging him back. Still not feeling secure but decides to ignore it.
He never did say sorry to those planned dates.
We'd always go into it blindly I needed to lose you to find me This dancing was killing me softly I needed to hate you to love me, yeah
After the incident that happens two weeks ago, nothing was the same. The relationship started getting more toxic, one of you would be yelling at the other or mentally abusing eachotherTom started coming home late and was spending more time outside than with you. He wasn't even home for your anniversary, instead, he chose to go to a pub. You tried to get Harrison to speak to him, but he would always come back at you, yelling at you for dragging his friend into his.
So you decided to go to the pub he was in.
You called up your best friend and got yourself ready. You didn't expect the pub to be so filled, but then again clubbing was never really your thing. Music blazing, the smell of alcohol in the air. bodies rolling on each other. Your friend asks you if you were fine then heads straight to the dance floor.
You head to the bar and asked the bartender for a drink. After receiving your drink you sat on one of the stools and drink it, looking around to see if your boyfriend was around.
Finishing the drink and not seeing him, you were starting to feel bad for doubting him, getting ready to leave, you got up but when you do, you saw someone who looks like Tom grinding into a blonde girl.Confusion written on your face. You walk up closer to get a good look, surprised, shock, and anger running through your veins.
You watched as he grinds his hips into her, feeling her up with his hands. It made you sick. Disgusted. What made you feel even sicker was when he turned her around and held a full make-out session with her. Feeling the tears flow from your eyes, you left and tried to find your friend.
You explained to her what happen and even in her drunken state, she tried to comfort you, you both left and head home.
So much for being the only one.
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to hate you to love me, yeah
For days you felt like shit, for days you ignored his calls, for days you hated him.
You couldn't stand seeing his face, seeing how he was trying to pretend as if ntohing ever happened. It hurt you to know that he was playing his pretend role as if he was acting about how he feels about you. He tried calling but his calls were always ignored.
Tom felt as if you were slowly slipping away from him. He didn't know what he had done wrong. He thought everything was going well. He tried calling one more time, then gave up, deciding to give you your space.
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to lose you to love me
Saying hello was always easy but saying goodbye was the hardest thing to do.Trying to shove all your clothes into the suitcase, shoving his hands off so your shoulder. You watch him, feeling no emotions, just blank. Empty. Nothing.
"I never thought, you of all people would cheat on me." "What do you mean? I never-" "Oh don't lie Thomas, I saw you, a few weeks ago when you were at the club. , If our relationship wasn't good why couldn't you have said anything? I spent days, weeks trying to get you to talk to me but no. I'm not even surprised, I mean they say actors lie about their true feelings, I guess I missed the warnings huh?"
Tom watched you in shock, not expecting you to call him out on that. He didn't plan for this to happen, it was supposed to be a one-time thing but the thrill and excitement he got made him feel something. He didn't mean to hurt you, but he did. And that was something that he could never take back.
"I'm sorry.." You let out a laugh, this whole situation was funny, "Now you're sorry, for what? For missing out on dates? Coming home late? Ignoring me? Oh wait is it because you got caught cheating on me with some bimbo right?"
"Don't call her that!"
"Ha, you even protect her... I thought you were different, but I guess I was wrong"
And now the chapter is closed and done To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah
Months passed, four to be exact and you have been doing better after moving out of Tom's you were able to afford an apartment for yourself which you then rented out half to your friend. You got promoted from your job and now you're working for more money.
Standing in line, to order your favorite cup of drink, someone bounced into you, knocking their drink on you.
"Watch it you asshole!" "Y/N?"
You look up and notice Tom standing in front of you, holding two cups of coffee.
"Hey, how have you been?" "I've been good, have a few acting roles coming up for a new movie. How about you? I remember you were working for a fashion store"
"I became manager, the pay is nice. If I keep it up they might move me to another firm that pays higher"
He nodded his head at you, feeling a bit proud of you," Well I'm in town for a bit, I won't be leaving until next month"
"Nice" Que the awkwardness
"Hey look, I'm sorry for how things turned out, I didn't mean for it to happen. I was kind of hoping that we could probably talk like we used to, or go to dinner or-"
"Look, Tom, no hard feelings but I'm over that. I have a life now, you started this and you can't make me forget all the pain that you caused me. I'm over that, I'm done crying and you should too."
He nodded his head, trying to hide the disappointment he's feeling, he tried to put on a smile to play it off but you know better, "Well I hope to see you again"
Grabbing your cup of coffee from the cashier, you paid her and face time. You said something which made his smile dropped as he watched you walk out.
"And now it's goodbye, it's goodbye for us"
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plaidbooks · 3 years
Cabin Life - Insecurities
A/N: This is just a short scene with some insecurities on reader's part. Takes place 6 months after Ginny is born.
Tags: implied smut, body insecurities
Words: 826
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @permanentlydizzy @ben-c-group-therapy @infiniteoddball @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867 @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @alwaysachorusgirl @glimmerglittergirl @joanofarkansass @caracalwithchips @beardsanddetectives @objection-argumentative @reading--mermaid @averyhotchner @mrsrafaelbarba @detective-giggles @crowleysqueenofhell @dreamlover31
It had been a long, fulfilling day, and you were ready for bed. But you were caught in front of your full-length mirror, eyes scanning your body. It was just starting to get warm again, and you were in sleep shorts and one of Sonny’s oversized shirts; they were always more comfortable than your sleeping gowns. The soft, worn fabric and the smell of him surrounding you.
Sonny was in the room next to the one you shared. Even with his voice low, you could hear him, and a small smile crept across your lips. Every night, he’d read Ginny to sleep, even though you knew she didn’t understand the words; she was only six months old. But the slow, deep timber of his voice lulled her to sleep faster than any other method you both tried, and he loved it just as much as she did.
Slowly, your hands traveled to the hem of the shirt, and you lifted it, examining your belly. You still had some baby weight on you, the stretch marks visible in the soft glow from your nightstand lamp. You knew having a baby was going to change your body, but you still felt your stomach drop. Sonny loved you—and you loved him dearly—but he hadn’t touched you since you were eight months along, and you were starting to think he maybe didn’t find you attractive anymore.
“Admirin’ a masterpiece?” a voice came from the doorjamb. You had been so enraptured in your insecurities that you didn’t hear Sonny approach. He was smirking at you, leaning against the jamb with his arms crossed, eyes lit up in amusement.
Gently, you pulled the shirt back down before heading to bed. You averted your eyes; you knew he’d be able to read you like an open book whether he saw your face or not, but you couldn’t look at that smile anymore. You sat on the edge of the bed, back facing him.
The smile faded from his face and his brow furrowed. “Hey, what’s wrong, doll?” He followed you to bed, sitting down next to you. He didn’t touch you, waiting to see if you wanted him to or not.
You stared at your hands in your lap. “It’s just…you haven’t—do you think I’m still attractive?” you whispered, your voice small.
If you were looking at him, you would’ve seen his face fall. “Of course, I do. You’re a goddess of beauty that miraculously decided to spend a lifetime with me.”
“Then why haven’t we…? Ever since Ginny was born, we haven’t been intimate, Sonny. You haven’t touched me in months.” You closed your eyes, a tear trailing down your cheek.
He stood then, quickly moving in front of you before kneeling down. He tried to catch your eye, ducking his head past your hair. “Hey, look at me. I’m sorry; I shoulda been worshippin’ ya every moment of every day, tha way it should be. I was just…afraid of hurtin’ ya. Ya pushed a full human outta ya only a few months ago!”
“I’m sorry; I shouldn’t be making you feel guilty for this. It’s just insecurities and—”
“Doll,” Sonny breathed, taking your hands in his, “Mrs. Carisi…I love ya. I love ya so much. I am guilty of not showin’ ya how much I love ya. Let me make it up to ya.”
You smiled despite yourself at your title; it made you smile every time he called you that. “Well, okay then, Mr. Carisi.”
He grinned back at you, raising himself up to kiss you tenderly. As he stood, he gently pushed your back onto the bed, his body coming to settle on top of yours.
“Neva again am I going ta let ya question my attraction ta ya, my love fer ya. Ya my one and only, doll,” he murmured against your lips, sneaking kisses every few words.
You giggled up at him. “I can’t be your one and only anymore, Sonny. Did you forget your daughter sleeping in the next room?”
“Neva; she’s right up there with ya.” He dragged his lips to your chin, your jaw, your neck.
You hummed in content as his hands explored you. His hands went up and under your shirt, his long, warm fingers rubbing your belly and hips.
“This body is mine ta please, and I plan on pleasin’ ya whenever ya want it,” Sonny whispered into your ear, and a shiver went down your spine, goosebumps erupting.
“How about now? Ginny’s sleeping; we have a good two hours before she wakes.”
There was a low rumbling in his chest at the thought. “Two hours ta have my way with ya, then a break while ya feed her, then anotha two hours.” His nose tickled your throat before he sucked a mark into your skin there.
“Please, Sonny, yes,” you gasped.
That was all he needed before he was ripping his shirt off over his head.
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taiyakiiwrites · 3 years
— angsttober day #6: ghoul
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pairing(s): sero hanta x gn!reader
wc: 0.7k+ words
summary: a single party is sometimes all it takes to topple a happy relationship.
content: SO MUCH NON COMMUNICATION, unfortunate talk about sero being unpopular and used (my past simp is HURTIN), reader is bad at confronting their feelings im so sorry 💀✋
notes: not much to say today, tho i need more fun ideas to write about :/// i can only find so many spoopy words ;-; but i am gettin by!! anyways, hope you enjoy ✨✨
⇉ requests are open!! || main masterlist || angsttober masterlist || rules
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“babe, it was just a party! please! talk to me!”
you sat down with your back against your bedroom door. even as you were crying your eyes out on the floor and wanted to get as far away from him as possible, you unconsciously found a way to be as close to sero as you could with the door between you.
it was, technically, only a party—a lighthearted halloween celebration at some rented out building. mina set it up, for god’s sake (sure, she liked to gossip every now and then, but it was usually so lighthearted. plus, she’d never play a part in something like this). that fact didn’t make you feel any better.
“i just don’t understand why in the world you don’t stop hanging out with those kind of people!” you retorted, sniffling.
the comforting tone of his voice grew confused. “what do you mean ‘those kind of people’?” he repeated.
you sighed. was he really going to make you say it out loud? “you know…!” there was silence. you had to continue: “those other people from classes C and D. they smother you with compliments and hang out with you every second.” the anger that was bubbling up inside you from the party was now truly spilling over. seeing them breath down his neck and give him such obviously fake appreciation? your blood boiled. it took you a lot more self control than you’d admit to keep your voice level. “it’s so obvious that they only want to get to close to you because—” you stopped yourself, slapping your mouth shut and your eyes wide.
“… what?” sero pried. he didn’t acknowledge it, but an uncomfortable prickling sensation started to climb up his back, his hands pressed against the door…
another sigh left your lips. your words started to painfully clog up the inside of your throat, but a few made it out. “they… they just want the clout of knowing people in 1A!” you exclaimed. “and you’re the—” you stopped yourself again. did you really just almost say ‘easiest?’ oh god, your heart sank.
even worse, it clicked for sero too.
you couldn’t even hear his breathing anymore. you almost thought he left, until “… huh,” he muttered. you squeezed your eyelids shut in agony. a pathetic laugh was heard from the other side of the door. “yeah… yeah, that makes sense now.” a shaky breath left his lips.
his insecurity of not being seen was one of the main things he’s even opened up to you about. it was unfortunately obvious—“so painfully average” he would say. you knew how much it meant to him. and when he did get attention… it was just the wrong type. maybe he was blind to it, maybe he subconsciously avoided the idea. you were happy for him for the two seconds you didn’t know what crowd he was hanging out with, and it hit you far too soon.
either way, you knew deep down that the way you handled things was not pretty.
“why didn’t you say anything…?” he asked.
you had no answer for him. what was even the correct answer in this situation? hearing your lack of response, it was sero’s turn to sigh.
“sometimes…” he started. “it just feels like i’m talking to no one anymore. i like talking to you, y/n. but now… i guess i really am in a relationship with—” another pathetic laugh—“with a ghoul.”
that stung. you looked over to the stupid ghost costume you wore to that very party, tossed aside and now laying down on the floor. it was a funny, poorly made costume: just a sheet and two cut out holes—you and sero had to come up with matching costumes last minute. you remembered the rush of finding the materials, creating the outfits, running around and laughing.
it seemed that, even with everything, there was an instinct rooted in sero to take any chance he could get to make you laugh. this only made your chest tighten in the worst way.
did he think you were jealous? did he still believe that the people he was hanging out were good and you just wanted him to be an outcast again? to have him to yourself? oh, no. oh, no.
you just didn’t want him to get the wrong idea. you cared about him—you cared about him so much. you wanted him to be happy and you just had to stop it before things got worse for him, oh god—
before you could figure out how to say anything, sero spoke up again. apparently, your lack of response sent yet another misinterpreted message. damn it. “i’ll see you in the morning.”
your head hung low as the footsteps outside your room grew farther and farther away.
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tulsa-trash · 3 years
Can you do dating bob Sheldon headcanons please? 😊 (u can include nsfw if u want)
Dating Bob Sheldon Headcanons
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WARNING(S): NSFW content, swearing, mentions of alcohol abuse+physical abuse
Note: I wrote Bob Sheldon Headcanons that kind of relate to this, if you haven’t read it I would just for a little more context. You can find it here.
The most popular couple in town oh my.
If you’re someone who doesn’t like a lot of attention or having your name in practically the entire teen population’s mouths, you’re in for quite a ride.
A lot of girls at school, mainly socs, are so envious of the fact that you’re with him. The gossip and rumors are endless, it can tend to be pretty overwhelming. The talk of your high school peers can sometimes get to you and cause problems with your relationship. If you confront Bob about it he’ll always deny and sweet talk you until you’re reassured enough.
“Is it true you were makin’ out with Cherry Valance under the bleachers? ‘Cuz that’s what everyone’s been tellin’ me.”
“Who? Doll you know I only have eyes for you.”
He’s a smooth b*stard I’m not gonna lie.
He’s also a really good liar watch out sis.
The first time he met you was at a homecoming dance. He confidently strolled over to you and told you how gorgeous you looked in your dress before asking you to dance with him. You couldn’t refuse, he was just too damn charming. He gave you a ride home and walked you to your front steps, he placed a sweet kiss on your cheek before he left. You were hooked right then and there. 
Def the type to help carry your books and/or bag for you in school. He always walks you to class and eats lunch with you. 
Never lets you pay for anything when you go out anywhere together, he absolutely refuses no matter how much you insist. 
Always has a hand on you. He likes to have a hand on the small of your back mostly. He can easily pull you towards him, plus he can slide down and grab some a*s if he really wants to. 
He’s a huge flirt, he’ll shower you in compliments and praise constantly. 
“You’re absolutely breathtaking, darling.”
Bob is lowkey insecure as hell, if you praise him he’ll quickly be putty in your hands.
“You look handsome today, hun.”
“I do?” 
Lots and lots of dates. The both of you go out together all the time. Every now and then you’ll go on double dates with Randy and Marcia.
Your family loves him to death. They know him and his family have such a fine reputation. Whenever he goes over your house he behaves like the perfect gentlemen, they adore the way he carries himself.
He rarely talks about his family and his home life. If you persist it only leads to him snapping at you... so you just chalked it up as a sensitive topic.
“I just don’t see why you can’t tell me more about your family, you know everything there is to know about me--”
“Well you don’t have to know every single little detail about me and my life so just leave it alone.” He would growl. 
You’ve only met his parents once when they invited you over for dinner at his house. Bob was very hesitant, but you were so excited to finally meet them he couldn’t say no to you. 
The dinner was very tense, and awkward to say the least. Mrs. Sheldon was more talkative than Mr. Sheldon, his daddy seemed pretty grumpy. 
Very possessive and is indeed the jealous type. Guy friends are a big no, if a boy so much as looks at you a certain way he will make a scene.
The first time you had s*x was in the backseat of his car one night after attending a house party together. You had already been going steady for a few months, and he had been dying to see you naked ever since he seen how that homecoming dress hugged your curves perfectly.
It wasn’t until he was hovering over your trembling, bare body did he realize just how hungry and selfish he was acting. He yanked off your clothes pretty quickly, his hands roamed everywhere, his kisses were rough and sloppy; after months of waiting he finally had all of you for himself and he couldn’t help but get carried away.
He could see how nervous you were when his blue orbs met your own, his touches became softer and the pace slowed down. Right before he entered you he made sure you were ready. 
“Are you nervous?”
“A little.” You admitted, your cheeks growing even more red than they already were.
He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before trailing the back of his hand down the side of your cheek to your collarbone. “Don’t be, beautiful. I’ll take care of you.” 
The beginning of your relationship is mainly all sunshine and rainbows, because he’s on his best behavior. As more time goes by Bob becomes more careless.
After being with him for a while he becomes more reckless with his drinking around you. You and him end up getting into a lot of fights because of the way he acts when he’s drunk... it frightens you. 
“You’re drinkin’ too much, Bob. It’s scarin’ me.”
“Ah, you don’t know nothin’. Quite bein’ a nag.” He’d slur. 
“You’re the one bein’ a buzzkill! Gettin’ obliterated and startin’ fights ain’t fun, Robert!” 
“You wouldn’t know fun if it slapped you in the face, woman.”
You’ve gotten close to breaking up on a few occasions due to catching him flirting with other girls. Whenever you mention leaving him, Bob instantly becomes hysterical and horrified. He can’t lose the one good thing he has going for him.
“I can’t keep doin’ this with you, Bob.” 
“Yes you can! I’ll do better-- I’ll be better for you, I promise.” He’d swear up and down desperately. “Just... please don’t leave, alright? I love you. You’re my everythin’.”
One day as you watched him change in your bedroom, you noticed multiple bruises and lacerations on his torso. At first you thought it was just from him getting into a fight. But it was then you noticed that there was a huge variety of old and new scars, along with cigar burns on his shoulder blades. You questioned him about it and he refused to speak on the topic.
“Babe...” You scanned his back with a concerned gaze. “Who is hurtin’ you like this?”
He tugged his polo over his head roughly, “Nobody. It’s all old.”
It took you a moment to put two and two together, but when you finally did you felt sick to your stomach. It had all made sense now, why he never wanted you over his house and why he never talked about his parents. 
That night you held him in your arms while he sobbed and wailed. He didn’t have to say a word, you knew. The poor boy was an absolute mess, he was broken. By god you just wanted to fix him.
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Number 2 on the angst/fluff prompt list
2. “I’m worried about you.”
CW: Disordered eating
Scotland, sometime in the 70’s
“Hiya, love.” Paul said as he entered the kitchen. He’d just come back from the shops, grabbing a few groceries; he enjoyed the simple tasks such as shopping and even, to some extent, cleaning, because it balanced out well with the chaos of navigating celebrity life.
“Hiya.” John returned, scarcely looking up from his book, of which he read sitting at their kitchen table. As Paul walked past him, he stopped in his tracks to plant his hands around his partners shoulders, hugging him, and giving him a tender kiss on his temple. John in return cupped Pauls hands with his own, giving them an affectionate squeeze. They had built a small life for themselves in recent years - it was nice.
After setting his bags of shopping down on their kitchen table, Paul motioned towards the TV that sat in the corner of their kitchen. He switched it on, not so much to watch it, more so just for the ambient sound. Some sort of cricket game was on, neither of them cared.
“Anything happen whilst I was out?” Paul asked casually.
“Not much. Cyn’ rang - she wants to know if we can take Jules for the week next week, cause he’ll be on half term, y’know-like.”
Unloading the bags, Paul replied, “Course we
can; he can stay here anytime!”
“Yeah, well, thats what I told her.”
Opening the cupboards and noticing little, perhaps even none, of the food had been touched, Paul muttered softly, “Have you eaten today?”
Not batting an eye from his book, John responded, “Not yet - no.”
“Oh.” He hoped that this didn’t mean what he thought it meant, and so he insisted, “Well ill make you something.”
“‘M fine Paul…” he grumbled back disdainfully.
“But you didn’t eat much for breakfast either; ye must be starving-“
“‘M fine, alright,” He growled with a little more intent. “just let me be, will ye?”
“I only want you to eat, love; I worry about you when ye don’t.”
“Ill eat later.” John replied coldly.
“But thats still not a lot; ye have to eat more then one meal, y’know.”
“I am Paul - just drop it, alright?” And with that, he closed his book, and abandoned Paul in the kitchen.
After a few minutes of contemplation, Paul followed John over to where he was sat at the sofa, placing himself down beside John. John payed him little attention, still staring intently, at the television, and so Paul took the others hands into his own, and stated bluntly, “John, im worried about you.”
“Paul…” he groaned, but Paul wouldn’t allow him to dismiss him like that, and so he interjected. 
“No, listen, im worried yer stressing about yer weight again; and I dont want you to do this to yourself again.”
“Im fine, Paul.”
But he ignored Johns protests, continuing, “Are ye stressing about that TV interview yer doin’ in a few days time? Cause we can cancel it if you are - id rather cancel it then have you hurtin’ yerself over it.”
“Don’t worry about it Paul - ill be fine.”
“I want you to be happy though, not fine.”
“Paul. ‘M okay, im just not hungry today, alright?”
“Alright…” Paul whined defeatedly, realising he was not going to get through to John at this hour. “But you know ill love you regardless of how you look. You know that right?”
“Yeah, I know that.” John said acceptingly, but he didn’t sound convinced.
He never knew what to do with John when he would get like this: self-conscious, and insecure about his weight. John would never really talk to him about it, other then the occasional comment when he was a little tipsy - but even then, John would change the subject before Paul had the chance to enquire too deeply into what he was saying.
But he could see the ways his other half would look at himself in the mirror, and he see the glances he’d give his food when he felt he’d eaten too much that day. He wished he could help, but he didn’t understand. He made sure to shower John with love and affection, always reminding him of how handsome he still thought he was - even in their old(-ish) age - and some would even say he coddled and cared for John too much! But still, it appeared to make little difference to Johns confidence.
Later that night, as Paul was on the phone to George, and John was in the shower, he complained, “D’you know, I just dunno what to do with him when he gets like this.”
Sternly, George said in response, “Ive told ye before Paul, ye coddle him too much. Ye gotta face the facts - you cant help him, he needs sort of therapy-like.”
“I know, I know. But he’s convinced he’s fine - he thinks he’s mellowed out, y’know, with old age.”
“Old age? Yer only in yer thirties. ‘Sides, he hasn’t ‘mellowed out’, the problems still there, he’s just a little less…” he struggled to find a kind word to describe him, eventually he came across, “y’know, a little less emotional. Little less enraged-like.”
“Yeah, I suppose yer right. I guess ill talk to him about it tonight - but I don’t think he’ll go for it.”
“Give it a go, he’ll come around sometime.”
“Yeah…” Paul sighed. “Listen, ill let ye go now - give you a ring sometime tomorrow. Give my love to Olivia, will ye?”
“Yeah, alright. Bye.”
Sometimes a girls gotta write herself a comfort ED fic instead of actually dealing with her FUCKING problems
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solohux · 3 years
Lottie!! Please #43 Clydeland omega Clyde and Alpha Stensland?? 💕
43-: "I will only claim you as my omega if you love me.”
In the eight months that they’ve been together, Clyde has gone into heat three times. It’s almost unheard of for an omega to be in heat so frequently without being on heat-boosting medication for fertility, certainly unprecedented in someone who’s in a relationship with a loving and caring alpha but no one is more confused than Stensland.
The sex is good, of course—Clyde is breathtakingly gorgeous in every way possible—and part of him hates himself for questioning it but there’s just a nagging feeling in the pit of Stensland’s stomach that’s telling him that this is somehow his fault; most things tend to be just that.
Isn’t he good enough? His knot may not be the most impressive thing but he’s a firm believer of quality, not quantity, and Clyde has never complained about it. Stensland paces nervously in the living room; what if Clyde’s frequent heats are his fault? His every insecurity bubbles to the surface like an overflowing cooking pot until he swears that he can feel a nervous sweat coming on, making him fan his face with excessive gestures of his hands.
If only he were a better alpha. Maybe the heats are nature’s way of telling him what everyone else is thinking, that Clyde is too good for him. There are dozens and dozens of alphas in Boone County that would kiss the ground that Clyde walks on—despite the omega being oblivious to his own beauty—but he chose Stensland out of all of them, and he’s failed him.
The front door opens slowly and Stensland hears the familiar sound of Clyde’s boots being kicked off underneath the stairs. The alpha’s heart hammers in his chest, rushing out of the living room to find the omega in the hallway.
“What did the doctor say?” Stensland says, fussing at Clyde’s side like a desperate puppy. “Clyde? Baby?”
But the omega seems to be in a bit of a daze, his dark eyes staring at the floor as he makes his way through his little house to the couch, flopping down on it so hard that it almost tips over. Stensland can’t bear to see Clyde so distressed that his eyes look blank.
“Clyde,” Stensland says, sitting down gingerly beside the big omega. “Are you sick?”
“No. I’m not sick.”
Relief floods Stensland’s veins but he can’t settle yet, scanning the omega’s body for any clues as to what his diagnosis is.
“Did the doctor know what’s wrong with your heats?”
Clyde blinks, sighing. “Not the doctor. But one of them specialists spoke to me. Lucky she was there.”
With there being very few omegas in the entire state, there isn’t much demand for omega-specialist doctors to hang around here but there must have been cause enough for one to be at the doctor’s surgery upon Clyde’s appointment this afternoon. Lucky, indeed.
“And? What did she say?”
Clyde looks up, somehow manging to look like a lost pup instead of the thick-chested, broad-shouldered omega that he’s admired for.
“It’s you,” Clyde says. “Us.”
Fuck. Stensland groans exaggeratedly, wanting to punch himself in the face but refrains.
“I knew it,” he shakes his head. “I fucking knew it. I’ll pack my bags right now and get out of your hair, Clyde. I knew I was no good for you. You deserve so much better than what I’m givin’ you. I’m sorry. Shit. I’m only hurtin’ you by staying around when what you really need is a real alpha who’s—”
“Stens!” Clyde takes hold of the alpha’s trembling hands, giving them a bit of a tug to bring him back to reality. “You didn’t even let me finish.”
“Oh. I thought I’d save you the time of dumping me and I’d just dump myself.”
To Stensland’s surprise, Clyde smiles. “It’s not like that. It’s tha’ opposite, actually.”
“The…opposite? What?”
The omega leans in, stealing a kiss from Stensland before nuzzling his cheek, “The specialist said that this is a rare thing that only happens in true mates. I’m havin’ so many heats because you’re my true mate and you haven’t claimed me. It’s my body’s way of sayin’ that we gotta bond because we were meant to be here, together.”
Stensland stares with wide eyes; literally the opposite of what he thought was going on is actually happening, that the omega is so in need of him that his body is putting him through heat after heat after heat to beckon Stensland’s mark upon his neck. The alpha has fought putting his mark on Clyde, biting his own lip to prevent himself from marking such beautiful, pale skin.
“I don’t want to put my mark on you if you don’t want it, Clyde,” Stensland says dejectedly. “I will only claim you as my omega if you love me.”
“And what makes you think I don’t?”
Stensland shrugs, feeling Clyde’s grip on his hands tighten, “We haven’t said that yet.”
“I didn’t think we had to,” Clyde admits, pouting. “We’ve been through so much together and I feel so safe with you. And I kinda say I love you every day without sayin’ it.”
Stensland freezes, thinking. The good morning kisses and the goodnight hugs, the ‘I’ll stay with you’ in the middle of the night when Stensland has nightmares, all of the breakfasts and dinners made for him when he’s been too stressed to cook, the nuzzles and purrs that are only made when an omega is truly content with an alpha.
“Shit,” the alpha curses, realisation hitting him like a punch to the gut. All this time, Clyde—the quiet omega—has been saying I love you in his actions.
“But I’ll say it for you, darlin’,” Clyde says, shuffling as close as he can get to Stensland and moving in for another kiss. “As many times as you need to hear it, kay? I love you. I love you. Stensland. And I want your claim on me.”
That night, Clyde goes into heat again but he comes out of this one with a pretty claim mark on his neck and a strong bond in his heart. Stensland didn’t think it were possible to feel happier than he did when Clyde accepted his courtship but as he lies with his big omega in his arms and nothing but the sound of his sleepy breaths filling his ears, he feels like he could fly.
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Lonely Heart - A. Irwin
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Original story by sarcastically-defensive17
There had been a few girls before her, but none amounted to the same value he held for her.
He was convinced that Y/N was the woman he was meant to find. The unique heartbeat to perfectly match his own and the reason he has a smile on his face on even the darkest of days.
She truly was one of a kind, and he was the one in possession of her limited edition heart.
As if she were the earth, and he was her only inhabitant. He adored her for everything she was. He would go to the ends of the universe to make her day, and to see her smile up at him.
Your type of mind, so hard to find. Native of mine, you're just my kind.
But neither of them could figure out what it is that was pushing them away.
Ashton knew he was deep in love with Y/N. He could barely breathe without her filling his lungs and he didn’t want to come back up for air.
She could have him on his knees in seconds, and she knew it.
She didn’t know if she could label the intense feeling she felt for the man. She knew she needed him in her life, but she couldn’t be sure if it was love. The word that scared her more than anything.
Down on my knees, I'll always follow. I promise you until the end of time.
He had already given his all to her, and promised to be there for her until she wanted him no longer, but he also knew that she was the key to the locked door containing his happiness. But also the key to his Pandora’s box.
She didn’t know the power she held over the man, which made it so much harder when she left him.
Their relationship had been on a downward spiral for weeks, and the arguments became more frequent.
They weren’t as happy as they wanted to be. They were plastering smiles on their faces and they could both see it.
The days got harder, as if they were in a burning room, suffocating while they carried on with normal life.
They were suffocating underneath the weight of one another, but they needed the heart of the other.
Our house on fire, we're burnin'. We dance inside, you're hurtin'
He woke one morning to find Y/N gone and her stuff missing.
She had run out of reasons to keep trying, and he broke down at the sight of the woman he loved detached from his world.
If you leave me in the mornin', I'll have such a, such a lonely heart.
Her explanation was brief. She believed she was doing it for him, for she knew they were not working and that he deserved better, but she knew the truth was that she was scared of causing loneliness in his life.
He could be happier with somebody else.
The lock to his Pandora’s box opened with her departure, and the loneliness captured his heart with a ferocity he hadn’t felt in a long time.
She couldn’t find another reason to stay with him, and now his heart was in tatters.
If you can't find another reason to stay, then I know I'm gonna always have a lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely heart.
She had spent months away from him, praying that she made the right decision for him. Until she bought their album when it was released.
She had always adored the music they all made, and she was a sucker for Ashton’s voice and the way he played the drums.
But one song in particular stood out, specifically because she was with Ash when he started writing it.
She remembered the lines about a unique mind, and how down on his knees he would always follow.
It was meant to be a love song. Not a ballad of heartbreak.
Ashton knew that she would hear the song.
He couldn’t bear to be without her. The days since she had left we’re darker than normal.
He felt loveless, as if he had nobody else because he didn’t have her. She managed to make him smile on the worst days and bring light through the dark.
He truly loved her, and the song was the last chance to tell her just how much he needs her.
He was lonely without her, despite the fact that she left him so he wouldn’t be in that state.
He didn’t fight her when she left. For a while he thought it may have been him that caused her to leave, and that it would break her more to stay, until he read the letter she left him.
He was too scared to read it for the first two weeks, by then he had already written and recorded the song.
He went ahead with it. It was his last chance.
Your precious heart, can't watch it break. So I close my eyes while you walk away.
She rushed out the door with a speed she hadn’t felt since she ran laps in high school and fumbled with her car keys.
The lyrics were playing through her mind, her fingers tapping anxiously on the steering wheel as she drove more recklessly than she had before.
She needed to see him.
She needed to apologise and tell him how wrong she was.
Can I have a second chance?
Can I have another dance?
Can I start another life with you?
She threw everything away. She ruined them. She let her own insecurities overwhelm her and she broke his heart.
It was all there in Luke’s voice. Ashton’s words pleading for her to reconsider them.
No matter where she went, she knew she would be lonely without him.
The time away had proven that.
She knew love was a dangerous game, but her foot pressed on the pedal and she was heading towards his house within minutes.
When I wake up in a haze and I haven't slept in days you're a thousand miles away. Such a lonely heart.
He thought of what it would be like on tour. He had gone on a trip to the other side of the state and that was too much.
Knowing that she was so far away from him. That she could be with anybody. That he lost her.
It killed him.
He stayed in the area with the hope that she’d change her mind.
His door opened and he sighed. The wind had a tendency to blow it open when it was not locked.
He rounded the corner to close the opening but halted at the sight of Y/N standing with her chest heaving and her hands shaking.
Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she appeared frozen on the spot.
He didn’t expect to ever see her again. He expected his song to be an empty offering.
“I love you, Ashton.” Words rolled off her tongue after a minute. “I love you and I shouldn’t have left you. I’m so sorry I left you. It’s so lonely without you. I’m so sorry.”
She broke down with enough time for him to step towards her and wrap her in his arms.
He needed an explanation for her departure, but for the time being he simply wanted to let out the words he had been longing to say for a while.
“I love you too, Y/N. It’ll be okay.”
He smoothed her hair down as she sobbed softly into his shoulder.
If you can't find another reason to stay then I know I'm gonna always have a lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely heart.
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