#this really bothers me like. girlies we cant keep doing this.
maydayprkr · 2 months
ngl something in my gut told me watcher entertainment was going to get fucked up somehow. i literally didn't think it was going to be them setting up a subscription service for 6 dollars a month or w/e (btw netflix charges this same price but with ads now) and fucking themselves over. hell! including the taxes alone would make it approx. 8 dollars, and i can't even account for the international audience who's equivalence of 8 bucks can equal up to them being able to eat, afford transportation, etc. (seen one international person say in an ig comment, not sure where they were from tho).
so yeah, sorry if i my heart isn't in it for the company. i got over rooster teeth. this is just another flash in the pan. so yeah. so long and thanks for all the laughs.
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iwanty0uu · 1 month
How would aot boys react to reader saying she want a break and goes to sleep on the couch
Ony :
- “Baby girl what’s the matter?” He asked as he wrapped his hands around you, nuzzling into your warm body on his bed, his dark features enhanced by the blue light of your phone. You didn’t respond which earned a poke in the hip from him. “ You dont wanna talk t’me? What i do?” You hummed in response, scrolling through his following and his liked posts, all the girls that you felt looked better than you.. the insecurity started to get to your head. “Hey Ony..I think we should take a..you know..brea-” You heard the bed creak beneath you as he straightened himself up. “Y/n.. don’t play with me. You not deadass. How you finna be upset with me and not tell me what I did so we could fix it?” He said, his tone changing in frustration and confusion, but internally, he was afraid.. “Ony I dont wanna agrue nd I can tell Im just gonna make this worse.. I’ll sleep on the couch for tonight” You mumbled softly. “Like hell you will, the fuck. You gon talk to me whether u like it or not and if i gotta read your notes app to figure out who or what the fuck got in my baby’s head I will.” He grabbed your face peppering it with butterfly kisses.
• “We’ll figure it out together girl”…
Armin :
Armin was very observant, so when he noticed your distance, he panicked and it bothered him for days. “Love?” He asked from the living room, slowly entering making sure not to invade your space. You looked up in response turning your phone off to give your boyfriend your full attention. “ I got your text.. about, you sleeping on the couch tonight and stuff, n I don’t know if this is because mood swings or if its something that I did or if its something that you’re upset with me about not saying that I have to be the center of your life and emotions and everything because I know that you work really hard in school and-” He paused abruptly collecting his thoughts. He averted his eyes from your now concerned gaze. You never knew it would affect him this much. “What I’m trying to say is.. I got you chic-fil-a and a new blanket to make you feel better.. and hopefully we can watch a movie and talk about it?
• “I’ll give you your space but I’m only a call from our bedroom away okay?”…
Connie :
The ping of the basketballs in the gym echoed in your ears. You watched as your boyfriend got a little too friendly with his personal trainer who you weren’t jealous of, but you simply weren’t fond of her. Who would want their man getting touched up on by a girl for lord knows how long.. but Connie assured you that the only reason she’s here is because his usual trainer broke his arm and in three weeks, he’ll be healed enough to get back in action.He wanted to ask if you wanted to join him for the day but your energy was low so he let you be.. All was well until you were facing the window in the car, being less talkative than usual. The sun retired for the day and the sky was dark, “I’m gonna sleep on the couch tonight”… “ No ur not..”… “You cant tell me what to do..”…. “ k .”
11:04 pm
You felt a sudden jerk, which made you open your eyes skightly, and a pair of hazel eyes met yours.“Hope you got all the space you needed girly..you wont see her training me again tomorrow, she was annoying anyways..”
• His plump lips met your temple as you nustled into his neck, “night”…
Jean :
You never knew when to stop playin. You set up your phone in the kitchen to record your boyfriend’s to your little “prank”.
8:15 pm- jean comes home
8:30- jean showers after greeting you
9:25- jean lays on couch
9:28- “Jean baby.. I’m gonna sleep here tonight..I need some space..”
9:30- “Back in my day, when the women needed space, they’d sleep with the oxen and mules..so”
You stared blankly at his unfunny joke, walking into the kitchen keeping deadpan eye contact, revealing your phone. “It was a prank fucking old ass man.”
• “Oh aii…”
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flowerslut · 2 years
H, I, Y and Z for your letters 🤠
G my beloved I knew you’d come to rescue me in my eleventh hour… i’d kiss u on the mouth about it but I don’t want you covid-stricken (again) 😔
H: How would you describe your style?
LMAO of course you hit me with the question I always have a hard time answering right out of the gate. bitch (affectionate).
girl I don’t knowwwwwwww
I don’t intend for all of my stories to be as angsty and dramatic as they end up being, but I really gravitate toward writing really emotionally charged stories. I’d consider them fairly accessible though, (which I take a teeeeensy amount of pride in) because I feel like not getting too purple or too descriptive makes it easier to reign in a wider group of readers who, like myself, might find that distracting or boring. it definitely may bite me in the ass at some point, but as long as I have their attention and their emotion invested in the story, I find I can sort of ~get away~ with not needing to be as descriptive as others. not that I don’t get descriptive or purple at any point, but I’ve found a good balance with the set up and execution of my funky little plot points—I almost always have some sort of heavy build before you get that emotional payoff, but I’d like to think it’s worth it for the reader 😵‍💫
also I’m a big third person limited girlie. I pick a blorbo and we go on their funky little nightmarish adventure with them
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
oh man yeah I don’t currently have any guilty pleasures since I haven’t been reading too much fic recently (I mean it when I say I’m fucking picky) but an old guilty pleasure for SURE (and for some fandoms, still is) is accidental pregnancy fics LMAO (girl don’t you say shit). of course since that’s a nightmare in any twilight scenario that I’d ever care to read about that’s nothing I would ever read in twilight (or employ for writing purposes either) but for a lot of my old ships… whew boy… that’s some spicy drama… I cant get enough lmfaooo 🫣
Y: A character you want to protect.
I’m part of the gaara defense squad in naruto. like fuck off leave my boy alone he’s been through enough (you’ll never see me putting him through it in fics on my LIFE you won’t). but as for twilight? I don’t typically feel the need to protect any of them (I literally put my favs fucking Through It constantly) but I will happily join/create the tanya defense squad. lord knows she needs some protection from the rabid edbellas that villainize her in 93% of all fic (don’t anybody @ me about this. I’m right)
Z: Major character death—do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can't tolerate?
as someone who HAS written a major character death in a large story (sorry changing skies readers, but it had to be done) I would only employ it if the story absolutely called for it. I hate reading a story with a plot that calls for a high death rate but the author just… spares all the mains (I’m glaring at you, duffer brothers) so it only makes sense to use it to keep things more “realistic” and to keep the stakes high. I’ve used it before and would I use it again? probably, yeah!
I do draw the line at killing off half of my ship. the main reason (or at least, 99% of the reason) that I read or write fic is for pairings. I am a shipper through and through and I am that PROUDLY, so the idea of just axing half of what I’m even reading or writing a story for is just… utterly unappealing to me. I’m here for their journey. and sure, sometimes those journeys don’t end “well” but it’s so intensely rare that I’ve ever read a story that kills half of the reason I’m reading that story in a satisfying way. (also if you come at me for “welcome to hell” don’t even bother. that was a practice in TRAGEDY you FOOLS)
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fr3akinthecorner · 7 months
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hey lets have some fun hahaha hows that? we could talk about our daddys that i never do! and im sure u do it a lot why arent you having fun? because im high but not really enjoying it anymore i see well maybe you need to change your habits when you smoke is it meth or weed? meth i see! its a fascinating drug but your body can go through some funny feelings on it so how how are you? pretty high acctually well thats great im glad i could be of some help! but could u help me? im looking for a kitty cat at a sushi restaraunt i want it to bite me oh no hahaha thats what the last girl said do u like her? i love her! i want her and her kitty cat to be in my anime hey emily? whats it like having no friends? its pretty fun interesting answer i cant go without my girls but we are getting along very nicely omg i want to fucking party bitch on molly do it bitch hahaha i certianly am i just need to decide which boy to fuck! which one emily? the shy one hahaha youre funny i guess its him but that darn kitty cat... im going to play hide and seek with her it will be so much fun and when she cant find me im going to bring some friends into the house to do what? truth or dare wow that doesnt sound scary at all in the anime world things get very scary im surprised you survived your horror games but they are gone forever and everyone is so happy for you emily what are you listening to? just some dumb playlists oh ok what kind of music? rap oh ok i hate rap! why? its just not my thing i hope that doesnt bother u no it doesnt so when are u expecting to find this kitty cat? as soon as were done talking i was hoping you would talk to me your games are fun and i think its great that youre trying to connect with women itll be great for you and a lot of fun just dont lose your daddys hand in the anime world! so no horror really? thats shocking to me i love horror movies and all of that especially when im on acid bitch youre crazy hahaha no way im just a down ass bitch! so minhee jang huh? her aesthetic is quite interesting its not my thing but its cute that you like it and word on the street is that youre a little basketball twerking boy that is the cutest thing i have ever heard hahaha dont worry i wont make you use your diamond mind for me youve done enough for me i was having a hard day with my boyfriend was complaining about my technique technique in what? nothing emily dont worr abut it but its not about sex so u like my hair huh? its my favorite hair style youre so pretty thank u! so are u gorgeous i saw your instagram i cant believe how beautiful you are and never feel ugly gorgeous i know it might not help right now but i really want to help you are stunning and its so sad to see such a beautiful dork so down on herself your sexy talk with skateboarders is really fun to see and all the girlies are fascinated we love skateboarders in the anime world so be careful out there gorgeous we had a great talk keep talking to women it will definitely help you write and talk to your daddy you are so smart dork
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tender-rosiey · 3 years
helow may I ask for u to do dazai and akutagawa and how they deal with a s/o who has adhd ? thank uu :3
❥ Dazai and Akutagawa with a s/o who has ADHD
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A/N: I hope you like this dear! 🥺💘
Also please tell me if I wrote something wrong about ADHD :(
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Dazai Osamu:
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Little shit no.1
So constant fidgeting
This Bish wont do anything but hold your hand and place kisses on it to distract you from anything else
Easily distracted?
That’s to his advantage bby
If for example you guys are in a meeting then you bet you will be pulled away from there and go somehwere
And if you space out while he is talking then he will giggle like a giddy school girl and kiss the top of your nose and just ask
“Do you want me to repeat or should we talk about something else?”
You lose things or forget them?
Dazai Osamu knows where they are cause he keeps track of where do you put your stuff
Because he doesn’t want you one day to lose something important to you and you end up being sad :(
This a warning for others but like
If someone
About making you feel bad or insulting you
Mind tormenting is Dazai’s first choice and god is it traumatizing 🥰
Lemme give you an example
Also you have a part-time job in a cafe cause I know none of my ADA babies would treat you in a bad way
“Can you seriously not pay attention for than five minutes?!” screamed out a man who was your boss in the cafe you worked in. You had explained before to your manager about having ADHD and he doesn’t seem to get it as he continued lashing out on you for forgetting the customer’s order.
Despite the customer themselves forgetting and saying that it’s alright, he still continued to scold you. He ,however, didn’t notice the tall brunette of man that just happens to be your lover.
Dazai put a hand on the man’s shoulder and gripped it tightly.
“Do you have something good to say to my love or are you going to hurt everyone’s ears with the trash and rubbish you are saying? I know that Y/N told you about having ADHD so don’t you dare talk to her about anything related to it or I swear to you.”
He got near to the man’s ear and dangerously whispered sternly “I will make you go through hell and back, you rat.”
Needless to say that the man pissed himself before apologizing like a little bitch to you
Also if you have the tendency to talk or rmable a lot then he really enjoys it actually
He loves hearing your voice
It sends him to heaven
He wishes for it to be the last thing he heard before he meets the “sweet release of death” in his words
Also if you feel bothered by the symptoms then
The great dazai osamu is there to support and help you
He will search for ways to manage them while them
And will make his support 100% known to you
Still reminds you that he loves you nonetheless
“You belladonna, even if this doesn’t have an effect, I don’t really mind. I love for who you are.”
He loves when you depend on him btw
Just laying that out there
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke:
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The one who became a chaotic aggressive bby because little shit no.1 just loved breaking people
Mr I have no eyebrows
Now I think akutagawa would be pretty chill about everything you do really
If you space out then he will either snap his fingers or pinch your nose
If you can’t stay in place then how is he supposed to feel
It doesn’t change anything therefore a reaction to what you are doing which will make you feel different than others in a bad way is uncalled for
If you lose things just expect a very little scolding and about taking care of your stuff
“Fight me about it bIsH”
He will help you tho in a subtle way if the symptoms bother you
He is a great support but won’t say shit 👍
Like he would be beside you reading them and if something that does seem logical enough appear then he will point at it
If an option you want to try is somewhat dangerous or will make you uncomfortable then I want you to expect a phone broken in pieces if he sees it
Now aku is basically known for being an assassin with no care
Big softie inside for you tho
So I just want you to imagine wtf will he do to someone that makes fun of you
While Dazai is a little more merciful
Akutagawa is gonna murder them
No questions asked
Bitches have the audacity to make fun of you and still want to live?
Lemme give you an example of one dumbass that did it right in front of him as well
Btw he doesn’t care if it’s friend or foe
Maybe if they are from the mafia he will just slap them
You were sitting in the train with your lover beside you and a man on your other side. Your constant fidgeting was something that didn’t bother Aku so he paid no mind to it.
However the other man did and decided to be a bitch about it, “Could you stop moving? It’s annoying.”
There is his death wish.
After you guys went out of the train with the man following ahead, you were wondering why akutagawa did nothing but when you saw him pull the man to an empty hallway you knew what he will do.
“RASHOMOUN!” he screamed with anger painted all across his face. He kicked the body and muttered with pure disgust “filthy bitch.”
No y/n slander in aku’s area
So he will be the quiet over protective bf because damn he loves you
But will probably wear all pink and talk with a girly voice before he admits just how soft he is for you
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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ridiculousravenclaw · 4 years
The life of Elara Ware - chapter 3
So, funny story. I accidentally shut myself out of this account when I forgot my damn password. Then there was this pandemic and being technically a key worker, that was stress. Then I just started writing other stuff. So yeah, I kinda left this behind, which was a shame because I had a lot planned for it. But anyway here's chapter 3 as I wrote it ages ago and who knows, maybe I'll keep going. FYI I could not be bothered to go back and check it so theres almost definitely a spelling mistake or some grammatical errors. Sorry about it.
The next few days at The Burrow passed far too quickly for Elaras liking. It could be hectic at times with so many of them in one house. A fact Mrs Weasley continuously apologised for. But Elara, so used to being alone, loved the business of life at the Weasleys. She had missed George more than she thought she could. They relished in the time they spent together and, when they were sure no one was around to see, stole as many kisses as they could. With so many of them in the house though the later was practically impossible and more than once their embrace had been broken up my someone walking suddenly into the room. Ron couldn't look Elara in the eye for days after he walked in to find a particularly passionate scene. In fairness it was actually his room.
The fullness of the house had at least meant that they could stage 4 a side quidditch matches in the garden with the Weasleys and Harry. Hermione preferred to watch. When they weren't doing that Elara found she enjoyed chatting with Ginny, who to Elaras great surprise was not as girly or shy as she thought she was. Or talking with the eldest 2 Weasley boys; neither of whom she'd met before and had a number of interesting tales about the twins growing up. Then there was Harry, Ron and Hermione. They were a bit of an unlikely trio and Elara was convinced Ron fancied Hermione, but nether the less they were obviously good friends and Elara enjoyed spending time with them. Especially Harry. She'd always really liked Harry Potter, he didn't want the pitty the world gave him, he just wanted a normal life. Elara found she really respected that. The only person in the house Elara found she clashed with was Percy. Though she got the impression that it wasn't just her he had that affect on. For lack of a better word, Percy was a bit of a snob. Thankfully she rarely saw him as he spent most days at work and often chose to stay late most nights.
It was the last day of the holidays and they were all sat in the living room except for Mr Weasley who still wasn't back from work. Elara had parked herself on the furthest seat from her boyfriend and his twin. There was 2 reasons for this. First it meant she didnt have to resist the temptation of his soft lips whilst everyone was here to see. Secondly it made it far easier to feign ignorance to what the pair were currently doing. As they sat huddled together, talking in hushed whispers. She wasnt entirely sure what they were up to but it was almost certainly to do with Weasleys Wizard Wheezes, something Mrs Weasley highly disapproved of. As she sat alone she found her mind wondering and without meaning to found herself going over the dream she'd had the night before. She couldn't explain why but it had been bothering her all day. It wasn't a scary dream or in anyway disturbing. But Elara found herself shaken up by it none the less. Especially as she was almost certain she'd had that exact dream before.
In the dream Elara was walking through the woods at night. The only respite from the dark provided by the moon as its faint light battled through the thick branche above. She's looking for something but what it is or where she should look remains a mystery. Still she keeps going. Undeterred as the trees and undergrowth becomes denser and more wild. Then all of a sudden she sees a shape moving through the shadows. It slides slowly through the trees towards her until it stops in a clearing ahead. Bathing in the moonlight is a great white fox. Larger than any fox had the right to be and more majestic than any she'd seen. Its pure white coat shining brightly as though lighting up from within. Elara feels a pang of familiarity deep in her heart as she looks into its eyes. She doesn't run or scream. She knows she's safe. The white fox is here to help her, like a mother looking out for her cub. Its gaze is mesmerising and Elara could read the message in its eyes. 'follow me. I'll show you where it is'
"hey! daydreamer! wake up!" Elara was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts to find the whole room staring at her. She shakes herself mentally, uncomfortable by the sudden attention on her.
"sorry" she said trying to laugh it off dismissively "miles away"
"whatcha thin huh in abou?" asked Ron mid yawn. Elara sighed
"that out of all Georges siblings I like you the least" she said dryly
"no" she says with a smile, earning a few laughs. Ron a few seconds behind the others before he got the joke.
Suddenly his face changed
"woah!" he said, staring at Elara in amazement.
"what?" Elara said. she suddenly felt a bit self conscious.
"your eyes are different colours!"
"oh" She giggled breathing a sigh of relief. "you've just noticed? really? how long have I known you?"
Everyone was laughing again
"what. have they always been like that?"
"yes!" everyone else said in chorus.
"Since I was a baby Ron. what did you think I did it deliberately? I got bored one day and coloured one in with a sharpie?"
Ron made a face somewhere between confusion and embarrassment.
"what's a sharpie?" Ah, Elara thought. muggle reference, complete miss.
" Well we all know ickle Ronnie kins is a complete idiot at the best of times. "Said George as he crossed the room and squeezed on the armchair next to Elara before pulling her onto his lap.
"what is a sharpie?" he added to her at a whisper. Elara smiled and shook her head dismissively. The rest of the room going back to their individual conversations.
"muggle stuff" she answered
"Ah. well then whatever you do, dont mention it in front of dad. he'll get all excited and interrogate you again." George said as he started rubbing small circles onto her hip with his thumb. Elara couldn't help but smile at the gesture.
"oh stop it hes not that bad. " She said rolling her eyes.
"yes he is, remember when you mentioned the cinema?" Elara laughed. She did remember that. It had taken her the best part of an hour to explain the concept to Mr Weasley.
"Anyway. Don't be so mean to your brother, as I recall it took you months to bloody notice." George looked blank for a moment.
"notice what?" he asked
"my eyes!"
"oh" he remarked, realisation dawning.
"it wasnt months was it? maybe a few weeks" Elara was giggling now, enjoying the slight embarrassment creeping into George's cheeks.
"nope definitely months. it was around Christmas time. remember? you thought I'd done it with magic to be all christmassy. Though how that's a christmassy thing to do I dont know."
"oh. yeah. well... that's only cause I'm not a weird person who stares at pretty girls eyes" George said, mockingly batting his eyelids at her. Elara grinned fondly at him, then leaned forward and left a light peck on his lips.
"Yeah you are."
"a couple of months is good for him" Fred said " George didn't realise we were identical until we were 7" Elara started slightly having not realised Fred had come over. He was sat on the floor next Charlie looking amused.
"in fairness that's not so obvious as I have always been way better looking than you." George retorted quickly.
Both twins sniggered and Elara noted that even their laughter was the same.
"did we mention he's delusional? sure you want him El?" Fred said
"Oh someone sounds jealous to me. Don't worry Fred I'm sure we can find a girl to take pity and go out with you"
Elara could tell this verbal tennis wasn't going to stop anytime soon.
" *cough* testosterone *cough* "
"oh look your fathers coming" Mrs Weasley suddenly announced getting everyones attention. Sure enough the hand on the grand father clock which bore mr Weasleys likeness had moved and now pointed at travelling. Then it moved once more settleing with the other hands on home. At the same time the door opened and Mr Weasleys voice could be heard from the kitchen. Mrs Weasley scuttled out to greet him. With the others distracted by this Elara inexplicably found her mind once again wondering back to her dream and the White Fox. Its magnetic familiar eyes drawing her in.
"you okay?" George said quietly. Wrapping his arms around Elara protectively and pulling her back to the present.
"yeah of course" She said trying to sound as casual as possible. George wasnt convinced. He knew her far too well and having shared it with him that morning knew what she was thinking about.
"It was just a dream you know El. I know it was a bit freaky. But it cant hurt you" he said, squeezing her arm reassuringly. That's just the thing, she thought, it wasn't scary to me. But she smiled at him appreciatively.
"I know"
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pwnyta · 5 years
Nobody ASKED for any of my shitty Pokemon character doodles... BUT IM IN A MOOD.
SO yall have to deal with it.
This is under a read more so dont come at me about it being annoyingly long. Blame Dumblr. Theres a SHIT TON OF DOODLES UNDER THE CUT.
First off I wanted to give Holly a whole classroom of friends... it wasnt GONNA be an all girls school... but I kept crankin of little girly Mons....
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I dont actually have a shiny Darumaka or Eevee... but theyre two of my favorite shinies...
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I drew these four after so theyre a bit different in style. Shiny Swirlex has the same excuse as the other two shinies... I just love the shiny colors
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They also needed a teacher so I repurposed one of my older characters because I thought itd be funny to have a swan teacher... cuz swans are so scary but they care for their babies well.
Darla and Delilah can be bothered with threats because theyre safe with Mr Shandra.
Mikhail only takes classes that are small enough to fit under his wingspan so he can keep them all safe. And Eva and Tiffany learn from the best and just get pissed off like their teacher.
((Hes more bark than bite though... hes not a great fighter and a double weakness to Electric? Garbo. But he puts up a convincing enough front.))
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And because he was a swan I gave him a life mate. The only other being that gets any softness from him.
He was an ex pirate.
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Mikhail has no interest in criminals!!! So the captain gave up the pirate life and married a very short tempered bird and gained a lot of weight...because I wanted him chubby.
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‘’Spider’’, Esi, and dear ol Dad. Despite Reds best efforts to keep Esi out of Osborns hands he still ended up an immensely shady bastard but at least hes not as broken as ‘’Spider’’.
I didnt finish their moms because I couldnt settle on a design for Spiders mum....
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Now Spider works for Caedere his beloved boss who would never ever lie to him ever. (Hint: Spiders nature is ‘naive’)
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I tried revamping Ray and Hebanon...  but Ray still gay as hell for his boy.
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I bullied Sparky a little. He’ll probably be fine even if Rays got a Mega evo. Its the name of the game Ray... hes supposed to knock his opponent out... you cant get pissed when ever Hebanon gets fucked up in battle.
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Did I post these? Am I ever gonna finish these character sheets? No. And look I forgot the most pressing detail of Zippos and thats his fuckin Arbok mark on his back. IM A FOOL.
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Kreetan and his mum and dad.
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So many little comic things I’ll never finish because theres too many and instead of just stopping and finishing something I keep adding to my unfinished doodles instead. This is why I dont take requests or anything.
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I time where Leif and Cyndy actually grow up?
Zippo is curious.
.....AS A CAT.
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Polly is here too!! And shes ready to punch someone RIGHT IN THE NOODLE.
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I also thought itd be nice to draw out some other Chars of Zippo and Crizs generation.
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Theyre.. as you may have guessed are not finished yet.
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Clem is a timid lad, Mira... not so much. Very brave
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Addy is a modest princess type
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Jubilee is a sassy lass.
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And Criz. A sweet bashful boy whos never done anything wrong and certainly will not die because no one would be cruel enough to let that happen.
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Babby Clem, Addy, and Jubilee.
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Updated Mistletoe. One spooky righteous(in his own mind) lad.
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She only looks stoic to start... but shes quite the weirdo.
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She just got here and shes ready to go home. What a mood.
Now for some less polished individuals....
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Meh meh meh lookit me IM OMI. Im gonna put three of the exact same Pokemon in the same group so Pwnyta has to suffer tryna come up with different designs.
...But I do like them. I imagine that they remain Ekans because they wont need the mark of their tribe so no one will no where they come from. So spooky.
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I was torn between the codename ‘Sundown‘ and ‘Daybreak‘ for Crobat.
By day hes a wholesome trustworthy priest... by night he tortures people for a shady shady bug man. He’ll determine if youre truly innocent.
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Doc has to deal with all these fuckin weirdos... he just wants to be a doctor... BUT AT WHAT COST DOC?!
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This is a sequel to the doodle comic I was makin in a previous post... Kop and Doc develop an interesting friendship (In Kops mind. Its more a ‘stalker with a crush’ situation) But hey if Kops not being paid then hes got no reason to hurt Doc.
...Docs a fun character to bully because hes so smarmy and small.
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A man of few words and an intense curiosity with mortal beings and his own existence.
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A spooky lad who doesnt quite mean to torment his subordinates... its just his Pressure.
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Id imagine his form changes are a bit like Iron Man in IW when hes fighting Thanos.
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I drew some more science bitches...
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Some casual clothes for the original three stooges.
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Shes deaf Franz! She cant hear you.
Ya know IDK if itd be ‘canon‘ that they all met as kids... I just thought itd be cute. Little psychic babies all doofin off together... the most troublesome one being asleep 90% of the time due to being an Abra.... and narcoleptic. Abra sleep so much naturally... Geller sleeps even MORE... thats why hes so incredibly smart even for an Alakazam.
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I had a whole little redo sketch comic idea of Mewtwo breakin loose and fuckin shit up.... (its never been finished)
Franz tries to put him to sleep. (it doesnt work. He needs Emanuel and Nola to save him and he gets his arm broken for bein such a cheeky lad.)
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Mewtwo doesnt have too much of a problem with Geller due to his soft spot for kids and pure desire for knowledge... but if hes gonna protect the other assholes then PERISH.
Dont worry though big boss Deo wont let his subordinates die let alone the second smartest after him... and saves them all pretty easy. A sharp tentacle arm through the chest will stop even Mewtwo.
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Some booboos happen tho...
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But hes fine eventually and finds his ex wife home watchin the kids.
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Shes promptly expelled.
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Geller also goes back for Dilla and steals him. Lifes too short not to adopt an ancient fossil baby.
Emanuel isnt delighted... but he doesnt have the heart to call the authorities on a man who risked his life to save him.
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Fossil Mons come in two types-- Resurrected fossils which have the skin color of the primary coloring of their Pokemon form so they can be solid black or blue or red or w/e... Ancestors of ancient Pokemon have normal skin tones.
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And another comic sketch idea... where Geller and Roswell are gifted with some fancy new Mega stones... Ros? Not too keen on the idea hes seen what can happen to a bitch when they Mega Evo... he aint got time for that. Geller goes HARD for SCIENCE.
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Ros: Geller I know your a spoon guy but stick a fork in that bastard cuz hes done. COOKED. If he thinks im riskin my ass for his bullshit. Lets go tell him off together (im scared to go without you...)
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Geller: We experiment on living things all the time for the sake of scientific progress.... are we really too good to be subject to our own studies?
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After seeing Geller use his without hesitation, putting his body through a world of hurt for the sake of SCIENCE!!! Ros couldnt pussy out on his boy...
His Mega is just FABULOUS and now he loves it.
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I was also makin a team with the Pokemon that have the highest stats (non Legends/Psudos/Megas) but I got bored after Blissey. She has a Togekiss wife I didnt finish either... Oh well.
Shes a bold lass and prefers double battles with her support wife. She doesnt like using dangerous moves as its in her nature as a Blissey to heal.
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(I forgot his whiskers... OH WELL)
I wanted to give Flaminio some people who missed him after he got spirited away by his Ghosts.
After he disappeared people looked for him but he was never found and years and years went by and people stopped looking. Even Clove and Ceto had to move on.
Koban is a loyal bitch though and he never let it go. He still wants his friend back. Hes an old boy now... so old people probably call him ‘Nekomata‘ and wonder when his tail is gonna split.
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But You are Still The One For Me (Jungkook x You Drabble)
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A/N: As always, I dont really know how to drabble. ❤ and this storyline is lame. SUPER LAME. I'm sorry. I wrote this at 4 am. Leave some comments if you like it. If you hate it please dont say anything or I'll cry. Ahahahaha.  oh and read this first yo make better sense: 
But I Still Want You (Jeon Jungkook)
A/N : And also, I’m trying a new thing here and you are in no way obligated to do it but if any of you like my stories and want to give some support, why not buy me a coffee? ☕💜
A/N: I cant just keep a good thing to myself, so for those who are looking for a variety and affordable BTS and KPOP merchandise. visit this link right here okay
"Will you just calm the fuck down?" Taehyung throw the pillows directly to thr maknaes head, which he usually will dodged, but no this time. His mind is too full, heart too nervous to even think.
"How can I calm down hyung? How?" Jungkook raised both of his hand over his head and runs one hand over his already messy hair.
"Well, for one, because you and Y/N has been best friends for years, and has now officially been dating for a year, sickeningly and might I add, disgustingly in love with one another, living together and..." Taehyung pretends to think, rubbing his chin, "Oh right, have a freaking daughter together!"
"That still doesnt mean she will say yes Kim Taehyung!" Jungkook sighed and slumped himself on the couch. "What if she thinks its too soon? We have been separated for years before we got back together and start dating. She is even divorced! What if she thinks I'm too fast? What if she thinks I'm not a good father to Nara? W-what if," Jungkook look at his hyung wide eyes with fear and realization. "What if she just doesnt want me anymore?!"
Taehyung laughs.
"How bad are you in bed until the girl who is the mother of your child and still has feelings for you after years would suddenly stop loving you?" Taehyung laughs louder.
"Shut up hyung," Jungkook glares. "I am great in bed and you know it," he winks. "But really hyung, I love Y/N very much. I dont know what I will do if she said she doesnt want to marry me,"
Taehyung walked over and sits beside the sighing maknae and patted his back, smiling.
"You are worrying about nothing Jungkook. Y/N loves you. After everyhing you two has been through, she is still here, still yours, and you are still the one for her. Believe me,"
Jungkook sighed, loudly. He knows he has no reason to be nervous. His relationship with Y/N is perfect. One happy family with their little girl, Nara. But still, if she were to ever say no, Jungkook is sure his heart would break to pieces.
"I sure hope so hyung,"
"Appa!" The 4 year old ran the moment she saw Jungkook on the couch the moment Y/N opened the door.
"Theres my baby girl," Jungkook's face stretched into a wide smile at the sight of his daughter. He never taught he could ever love someone this much since the moment Y/N showed him Nara's picture years back. He quickly picked her up in his embrace and smothered her face with kisses, making the little girl giggle. "Appa misses you princess," he walked to the door where Y/N just came in with a tired face, a smile immediately gracing her face when she saw Jungkook. "And theres my queen. Hi baby," he leans over and gave her a long hard kiss, squishing Nara in the middle.
"I didnt know you are home Kookie," Y/N hugs him tightly. "I miss you. How was your work trip?"
"The usual. Hyungs did something stupid again, the fans are screaming and me missing you and little princess here terribly," he pouts.
"Well," Y/N laughs. "If it makes you feel better, we miss you so much too. Two months is too long without you!"
"I know baby, and I'm sorry my work took me away from you two for so long. But we dont have anymore overseas schedule for the next 4 months now and I promise I'll make it up to you," Jungkook lets Nara down and the little girl ran towards her toybox, already bored of her parents making googly eyes to one another.
"Oh yeah? How are you going to do that?" Y/N giggle as Jungkook pulls her closer by the waist.
"Oh, I have my ways baby," he winks. "God I love you so much," Jungkook leans jn again, lips already touching hers.
"And I love you Jungkook, forever and always,"
"Wait, so you are having lunch with Jae Hee? Your ex husband, Jae Hee?" Jungkook frowned.
"Yes Kookie. Jae Hee. You know we are still on good terms with each other. And you know that hes a nice guy, dont worry!" Y/N smiles.
"I am not worried," he pouts in jealousy. "But still, hes your ex husband and since when do you two keep contact anyway?"
"Well, for the past two months while you were gone, he came by to enroll his kid and his niece into my dance academy, and we started catching up," Y/N explained as she ran around the kitchen cleaning up the mess. "We are just friends, you can come and have a drink with us too one day okay baby? I promise you, theres nothing to worry about," Y/N stop and smile at him, leaning in to give him a short kiss. "Jeon Jungkook, you are still the one that I want. Always,"
Well, dont worry she said. But how can he not when all Y/N seems to do these days are running off to meet Jae Hee. Sometimes, Jungkook even feel like Y/N is purposely avoiding him. It must just be his imagination right? But how can he not think that way. Y/N even brings Nara with her sometimes. And it makes Jungkook's blood boils even more when Nara still calls him "Appa Jae Hee". He cant blame the girl, Jae Hee practically raised her, and she knew him way longer than she knew Jungkook, but really, there must be a limit to all this bullshit?
"When are you going to propose to her you scared little shit?" Namjoon suddenly asks while all 7 boys are hanging out during one of their lazy days.
"Stop living in sin Kook. Get married already," Jin laughed, earning himself a glare.
"I would marry her right now if I could hyung, but how am I supposed to even plan this proposal when all she does is run off to that Jae Hee oppa," Jungkook imitates Y/N's girly voice as he mention his name. "Do you think they have something going on?"
"Maybe. Im sure that Jae Hee dude has a better dick game than you. And maybe Y/N is regretting leaving him now," Yoongi casually remarks, eyes never leaving the television screen.
"Fuck you hyung. Not helping," Jungkook snarled.
Yoongi shrugged, not even bothered.
"Oh calm down Kook, theres nothing going on. Shes just busy. Her academy is really doing well you know," Jimin smiles at him. "Want to come with me to meet Soori? We can go eat something. You will feel better after," Jimin offered.
"Oh well, might as well. I rather go and spend time with bitch face than watch this boring show with hyung who will fall asleep anyway," he glares at Yoongi.
"You know, for someone who just did something nice for you, you should really stop calling my girlfriend bitch face," Jimin glares and Jungkook chuckles, following his hyung out.
"Sorry Jiminie, shes a proven bitch and I still dont know how you ended up with her," Jungkook laughs. Jimin ans Soori. The two met when they both attend the same music show during their last schedule and in a matter od minutes, just like that love blooms and they have been dating ever since. Jungkook and Soori are on good terms after what happened between them, of course, but shes still just an annoying girl to him and also, he just likes to annoy his hyung by saying it out loud.
"So.... Chim told me you are proposing! Did you do it yet?" Soori asked excitedly, hugging Jimin's arm as they walked. Jungkook shot his hyung a glare, who just replied with a grin.
"Really hyung? You have to tell her?" Jungkook rolls his eyes at the lovesick couole. Why did he even agree to join them? Free food doesnt seem worth it now.
"Sorry Kookie. What I know, she knows. What she knows, I know. We are like one entity now. Right sweetheart?" Jimin looks at her with adoring eyes.
"Urgh, shes anything but sweet. Bitter and disgusting maybe," Jungkook said under his breath.
"I heard that brat,"
"Meant for you and the missus to hear hyung. Not a liar here," Jungkook grins and Soori rolls her eyes.
"Oh wait. Just wait here okay! Dont move," Jimin suddenly runs off after seeing something before Jungkook and Soori can say anything.
"Where did your short boyfriend went to now?" Jungkook sighed.
"How can Y/N fall in love with a potty mouth like you I'll never know Jeon Jungkook," Soori glares.
"But you still used to love me babe," Jungkook smirks.
"Yeah, keyword used to brat," Soori bites back. "But anyway, tell me about the proposal! Whats your plan? Did you pick the right ring?" Soori suddenly gasps. "You didnt, did you?!"
"Yah! What do you take me for? I have found the perfect ring for my queen. In fact, I have it right here," Jungkook pats his pockets. "Want to see?"
"Hell yeah! I want to see your ugly taste," Soori giggles and Jungkook took out the box and opens it, showing off a huge square cut diamond.
"Whos the one with the bad taste now?" Jungkook grins and is about to close the box when it slipped and fell on the pavement. In panic, he crouched down and starts to look for it. Luckily, he found it easily, although the ring has slipped out from the box. He picked it up and was about to get up when he heard a loud gasp. Jungkook turns around and saw Y/N, mouth wide open, looking back and forth from Jungkook and Soori.
"Baby!" Jungkook grins at the sight of her. He cant help it. He just loves her too much. "What are you doing h-"
"JEON JUNGKOOK, HOW COULD YOU?! W-with HER?!" Y/N yells out and ran away with teary face, leaving Jungkook confused until Jimin appear seconds later behind him, holding a bouquet of flowers, laughing. That jerk went to get flowers? In the middle of walking?
"Are you proposing to my girlfriend while I'm gone?" Jimin laughs. "The media is going to have a field day aboit this,"
"Huh? What are you eveb talking about hyung? Y/N just- " Jungkook, still in confusion suddenly realizes that he is in a kneeling position, with a ring in his hand, held out in front of a girl. In front of Soori.
And Y/N didnt know Jungkook and Soori are friends now. She didnt know Soori is Jimin's girlfriend. It might seem like a stupid misunderstanding, if anyone is seeing how hard Soori and Jimin is laughing at the situation right now, but with Jae Hee in the picture, and Y/N avoiding him and his anxiety that Y/N is already bored of him.. this might just be his biggest nightmare.
"Baby? Baby?!" Jungkook rushed into the house, slamming open the door, running around like crazy only to find Y/N in Nara's room, packing the girl's clothes with tears running down her face. Nara just sat at the corner, crying while hugging the big stuffed bunny Jungkook bought her when they first met.
Jungkook went and hug the little girl. "Dont be scared princess okay? Eomma is alright, let appa just talk to her. You saty in her and play with your bunny and your teddies," Jungkook smile and kisses Nara's forehead, making the girl stop crying and start to smile again. He immediately drags Y/N out from the room and closed the door, making sure Nara wont hear.
"Baby, what are you doing? Why are you packing?" He hold both of her shoulders.
"When do you plan to tell me huh Jungkook? When?! When you two are already happily married?!" Y/N sobs loudly, hitting his chest repeatedly. Jungkook grabs both of her wrists to stop her.
"Do you even hear yourself?! How could you think I would do that to you baby? Isnt my love for you and Nara all this while enough?" Jungkook peered into her eyes for answer but only more tears came out. "Its a misunderstanding. Wont you let me explain?!"
"I dont believe you!" Y/N tried to wriggle her wrist free but to no avail.
"Since when do you not want to listen to my explanation?" Jungkook's voice is laced with hurt. "I get it. Its Jae Hee isnt it? You want to be with Jae Hee so badly that you are finding a reason to leave me? Is that it?"
"What are you even talking about?!" Y/N is the one confused now. Why is Jungkook accusing her now? Hes the one who is caught proposing to his ex girlfriend, not her!
Jungkook scoffs.
"I love you Y/N. Im willing to give up anything and everything for you. But its not enough? It will always be Jae Hee isnt it? You will always want Jae Hee? Is that it?!" Tears of anger, deseperation and heart break roll down his cheeks as he wiped it angrily. "If thats what you want then fine! But Nara is my daughter! I am not letting you and t-that guy take her away from me!"
"Jungkook, what are you talking about?! Its not like that!" Y/N is confused on how the situation is suddenly reversed. Why is she in the wrong now? "How could you say that?"
"How could I?" Jungkook looks at her with sad eyes. "How could I not when all you do lately is avoiding me and spending time with him..."
"Y-you noticed?"
Jungkook nods weakly. He had sensed it but everybody says hes wrong. But Y/N is not denying it. Not at all. Hes right. the family he tried to built all this while is crumbling down. The family he just got back is soon going to be gone, again.
"Does he... atleast makes you and Nara happy?" Jungkook takes a deep breath and finally asks the dreadful question.
Y/N takes a step forward and with teary eyes carressed his cheeks. Jungkook leans in, knowing this is the last time he would feel her touch.
"Jungkook.. no one in this world could make me and Nara happier,"
"T-then why? Is it something I do? Something I didnt do? Something I say?" Jungkook asks weakly, but he knows theres no use.
"I-" Y/N looks down. "Jungkook... I-I..." she bravely lifts her scared eyes towards him. "I'm pregnant,"
"W-what?!" Jungkook felt his heart stopped. How? When? "W-with Jae Hee's baby? Y-you cheated on me?" Jungkook couldnt believe what hes hearing.
"What?!" Y/N almost shouted from the accusation. Jungkook is gettinf all this totally wrong. "No! Its your baby Jeon Jungkook! I'm pregnant with our second child! And Jae Hee.. hes my doctor,"
"I am pregnant. With our child. And i always meet Jae Hee because hes my doctor Kookie,"
"B-but that doesnt explain why you are avoiding me?"
"W-well... I was afraid,"
"Afraid? Of what?" Jungkook lifts her face so she would look at him.
"We just got back together for a year after a looong separation Kookie. And I am scared you werent ready to start this with me.. I dont want you to leave me. I dont think I can live without you," Y/N looks down sadly.
"Oh baby," Jungkook pulls her close and hugs her. "Leave you? That would never happen. Even if I die, I'll haunt you and our kids baby," he laughs. "I am so happy baby, so so happy. Another little Jeon? With you? Whats there to be scared of?" Jungkook grins, showing his bunny smile.
"But I was right wasnt I? You were getting back togethet with Soori. I saw you proposed, and the ring-"
"The ring is for you,"
"Its for you. Its your engagement ring," Jungkook held her hand and grins widely. "Baby, I have had this ring for months now. I have been called stupid by my hyungs a million time because I still hasnt propose. Truth is, I am afraid too. I am afraid you think that we are moving too fast. I am afraid that you still dont trust me fully, or feel like I am not a good enough appa to Nara. I am afraid that you dont love me as much, but most of all I am afraid that you dont still want me," Jungkook keeps looking into her eyes as he kneels down on one knee, still holding her hands. "But today, today I realized that yes, I am afraid of those things, but there is nothing more that I am afraid of than you not being mine. Than waking up without you and Nara by my side. I've been through that before and I dont ever want to feel that again. Baby, will you do me the honors to be wife, for life?" He grins widely.
"Jeon Jungkook, do you even have to ask? Yes! A million times yes!" Y/N squeals and Jungkook stood up, slipping the ring through her finger.
"I love you Y/N. You, Nara and our little Jeon," he rubs her still flat tummy lovingly, "I will love you forever.but what about you? Do you still love me? Do you still want me?”
Y/N giggles at his question. The question he once asked her before, a year ago in the little coffee shop.
“I do. I love you. I will always want you, Jeon Jungkook. Always. You are still the one for me, forever and always,"
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The daughter of the honorable thief- Harry Hook x Reader- part 1
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 Harry Hook x Daughter of Robin Hood!Reader
warning: offensive slurs
 h/c- hair color
 e/c- eye color
 h/l- hair length
 s/c- skin color
 y/n- your name
clothing reference:
harrys auradon look for this part
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your gear for this part(when Harry can see you properly)
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your hair (length and color doesn't matter its just a reference)
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-Harry Hook POV-
It’s been 2 weeks since I've left the Isle to come to boradon, and it's …so so, most people here don’t think my friends and I belong a *cough* Audrey and Chad *cough* so they kept trying to get us in trouble. Like trying to get us to fight them, as it’s a threat that if we get into a fight we’ll get sent back. Weirdly enough, Peter Pan’s son, David, and the next gen Darling kids seemed to not care who was my dad, HELL! Even Wendy herself had decided to ignore my last name and basically adopt me. I’m not kidding! She sends me fucking cookies and shit!!! She invited me for brunch!!!
(and now we return to our regularly scheduled program)
Grabbing my math book and stuffing it in my bag, I sighed to myself and closed my locker, heading out to class.
‘never thought I’d be going to math class, hell on the isle I couldn’t count! I-‘
My thoughts were interrupted as I was slammed into the lockers beside me, turning I glared at the banes of my existence.
The descendants of the lost boys, five of the group of 10 grinning at me with malicious intent
“hey Hook!”
Glaring at them I tried to walk away, breathing deeply as to keep my temper in check.
“come on! we wanna play a game!” Calvin, the son of slightly, grabbed my flannel and threw me to the floor, my head smacking on the floor and black started to edge in my vision, my hearing also beginning to fade out.
‘godamit I can't fight back’
But they didn’t care, they simply just started to beat down on me, hitting my ribs and one kicking my face, pain exploded everywhere.
‘someone, make it stop, please!’
“HA HA! Come on get up Hook! I thought you were tougher than your dad! HAHA!”
The only thing I heard was skin hitting skin, and the yelps of the lost boys. Soon five sets of footsteps ran off and I felt a hand press to my cheek, I softly hissed in pain, and the new person yelled for somebody to get another person. I felt someone pick me up, then I passed out.
I could see a light behind my eyelids, moaning in pain as I felt the bruising on my face and ribs, soon I heard someone shuffling over to me
“Mr. Hook? Are you awake?” groaning and nodding my head I slowly opened my eyes, a woman with auburn hair in a bun, wearing a school nurse uniform, stood by the bed, staring at him with worry in her eyes.
“Mr. Hook? Are you feeling alright?” nodding my head I sat up and rubbed my head, feeling a bump at the back of my head.
“what happened?”
“you were apparently assaulted by some of the lost boys and Ms. Loxley brought you here after fending them off.”
I furrowed my brows and asked her who Ms. Loxley was “Ms. Loxley is (y/n) Loxley, daughter of Robin Hood”
I nodded and asked if I could leave the nurses office.
“in a minute, I just need to give you an examination and some medication and then your free to go, oh also your excused from classes for the rest of the week.”
I placed my feet on the ground and stood as she shuffled around the medical room grabbing medication and other stuff
“okay this is for your head and this is for everything else, take both once a day”
“aye, by the way, were is Loxley? I want to…um”
The nurse smiled and informed me that she was at the archery range “do you know where that is Mr. Hook?”
“uh no”
“okay one second”
She walked to the door and looked out and gestured for someone to come
“Mr. De’vil? Can you lead Mr. Hook to the archery range? He would like to see Ms. Loxley”
Carlos looked at me for a second a glint of fear in his eyes before it disappeared after seeing my bruises.
“uh yeah sure come on Harry”
I grabbed my bag that was resting on a nearby chair and followed Carlos (and dude) out the medical room and walked silently behind him, keeping my gaze in front of me, seeing Carlos glancing at me in concern.
He bit his lip before gaining the courage to talk to me, “so what happened? Why were you in the medical room?”
I raised an eyebrow at him before answering “Calvin and his cronies decided I was an easy target cuz of that stupid “vks cant fight” rule” Carlos Hummed in agreement “yeah Jay hates that rule too, he says it deprives him of the honor of kicking the dudes who insult the VKS asses”
That’s when dude decided to speak “yeah mal hates it too, she has almost snapped many times, but Ben holds her back” I blinked in surprise, I honestly forgot the dog could talk.
“I forgot yer dog could talk.” Carlos snickered, “yeah that surprises people still, it’s really funny when dude does it randomly”
I hummed and saw the archery range, I sped up a little, Carlos keeping up. “ya know, ever since you got to Auradon, you have gotten a lot less scary” I rolled my eyes, I know why.
“Maybe it’s because I can't do anything, I used to be able to do on the isle hmm~?” I pointed out, slightly glaring at the son of Cruella.
“yeah I guess” he mumbled, curling back slightly under my glare. I rolled my eyes (I seem to be doing that a lot) and turned my sight back to the archery range where I saw a female figure walking across the field, carefully aiming at each target, and hitting them with absolute precision.
“whoa” the three of us breathed, never seen anything like that before. She took notice of us staring and made her way towards us, doing her hood to reveal her face, smooth (s/c),(plump/thin) cherry lips, athletic body, (h/l) (h/c) hair messy and framing her face perfectly, those piercing (e/c) eyes staring at me once again, that’s when I realized, this was the girl I saw the day I came!
‘dang she’s actually really pretty’
“hello,” she grinned “what brings you three down here?” I don’t waste any time, “are ye the one who thrashed the lost boys?” a proud glint came to her eyes and she confirmed that yes, she was the one who saved me.
“oh well.. um... I…” dammit why was it so hard to say thanks! She giggled and waved me off “you’re welcome Harry! Are you alright by the way?”
“uh yeah, the nurse gave me painkillers and stuff”
“that’s good”
Carlos stood awkwardly before picking up dude, announcing that he was going to head to his dorm.
“see ya Carlos!”
“see ya (y/n)”
Harry only waved and turned back to you.
As Carlos left the two of you talked and Harry walked with you as you retrieved your arrows, soon you both heard the dreaded sound of other people, Chad and his ‘‘friends” walked around the edge of the range, laughing obnoxiously to themselves.
Chad looked around, saw you and Harry and turned to his “friends” and gestured to the two of you, the boys grinned maliciously and headed towards you.
“hey look” both you and Harry groaned, turning to look at the son of Cinderella, “it’s the dyke and the fag!”
Harry gritted his teeth, and your glare became deadly. You facepalmed at the use of the slurs, Chad was so narrow-minded.
“go away Chad!” he smirked “no I don’t think I will~”
Harry mumbled to you “why’d he call ye a dyke?”
“I've dated a few girls in my life so he decided I was lesbian cuz I haven’t dated a boy”
“ah” “Why'd he call you a fag?”
“im a pirate, it's kinda the stereotype that goes with it”
“got ya”
“you two fags done talking?”
Harry was really close to punching Chad, but he couldn’t cuz of that stupid rule. You glanced at Harry  knowing he couldn’t do anything, but you could, drawing three arrows you lined them up and glanced at chad, he froze like deer in headlights, knowing your skill, his “friends” started giggling
“come on girly!”
“yeah we all know archery is a man's sport”
“Yeah, I bet you can't even draw the string!”
Keeping your breath calm you spoke in a deadly voice, shocking Harry.
“you all have three seconds to leave and stop bothering us before I do something you'll regret”
“hahaha is she serious!”
“id love to see this!”
“shoot shoot!”
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Drawing the string back you aimed at Chad, releasing the arrows pierced Chad's shirt and pants and pinned him to a nearby tree, Causing his “friends” to shut up, never having seen something like that before.
Harry jaw dropped open ‘holy crap shes good!’ you smirked and drew another arrow, the group reeling back in fear
“I warned you~” you sang,”now leave! And take charming there with you” the idiots nodded, unpinned Chad and bolted for the school.
You and Harry stood there for a moments before bursting out laughing
“that” Harry gasped “was amazing!”
You giggled and retrieved your arrows “thanks!! That was really fun!”
Hearing the bell ring, you packed up and started to make your way to your dorm “hey! Were ye going?”
“my dorm, the bell rung, my free periods over so I gotta get to class, you should get going as well”
“Oh okay” waving to harry you exited the range before Harry called after you “(y/n)!” turning to harry you saw his face flush, “um,…thank you”
You grinned at him “you’re welcome Harry”
The two of you went your own way, Harry to his dorm to rest, you to your dorm to put your gear away.
Only one thought rested in your minds
‘why is she so kind to someone like me?’
‘who knew the son of Hook could be so handsome’
 --end of part 1-- if part 2 is wanted, please comment or message me.
@lunarwitch6 @holythingdragonpaper sorry this took so long
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Okay I try not to get on a soap box about too many things, but this is a personal rant, so do not take it as an attack if you disagree
Since I was in middle school, I struggled with my femininity, feeling "pretty," or just comfortable in my own skin. When I was 14, I got my first pixie cut, and immediately people (guys and girls) were asking if I was gay, saying I was trans, and that I was really a man. Girls wanted to make sure I didnt hit on them, so they let me know they weren't interested. I only grew my hair out to stop hearing the teasing, but i hated my long hair so much. I felt like my face was wider, and it took forever to look exactly the way I wanted it. I cut it again when I was 16 and started dating, and guys who met me with long hair and saw it cut always said stuff like "why did you cut it THAT short" or "of course I dont care if you cut it...because it will grow back." No consideration of me wanting to keep it that way. So I grew it out again.
When I got to college, I saw a chance to have a fresh start, a more open community of students who cared a lot less about who did what. I felt a lot more comfortable changing up my appearance, so I cut my hair again, my friends all told me it suits me, it's my look, and I felt great. Then guys I was interested in told me "well I prefer girls with long hair" and asked "you're not gonna shave your head next, are you?" Needless to say, that interest faded mighty fast. Before I even cut my hair again, I did plays at school where the director had me doing side characters that were meant to be masculine, and told me how good I was at being masculine.
My ex constantly would buy me super girly clothes that I just did not like; sun dresses, wedge heels, lacey tank tops, all from stores that sell what I guess I can only describe as "preppy clothes" for lack of a better term. Like he wouldnt let me leave the store until I would try on a dress I really did not have any interest in. To the point where I was in tears.
I met someone a couple years ago who I am with now, and he met me with my short hair, wearing things I wanted to wear (ripped tights, doc martens). He pursued me, made me feel pretty, and loved me for who I was as a person. I started wearing his flannels, and I really liked it. For the first time I tried growing my hair out for me, seeing how I felt. I still didnt like it, but at least I tried it for reasons other than avoiding harrassment.
When I cut it yet again, I noticed a significant difference in the number of people who talked to me, showed any interest in what I said, even assumed my boyfriend and I were dating. We went to a bar to grab a drink, I was in one of his flannels and had my hair the way I have it now, and someone who talked to us asked if we were best friends or related.
At a gig my bf was playing, I went to the bathroom and saw another girl with a pixie cut there. I complimented her haircut and she said "thanks! It's so nice not having to tell people I'm gay, now they just know!"
I know it shouldn't matter what other people say, and the love I have from my bf is the only love I need. What bothers me is how easy it was for people to associate a haircut and clothes with attractiveness and sexual preference. This wouldnt have as big of an impact on me personally if it wasnt what I was surrounded by for the majority of my life.
I know there are girls, and trans men, and others who do utilize these parts of their appearance to emphasize their expression and preferences, and I have no problem with that, nor does my opinion of that even matter, because that's not my life. I guess for me it felt like something I didnt think should matter when meeting a person, and the fact that it was something so many people wanted to know before knowing anything else about me made me feel like no other part of me mattered. Like if I didnt look a certain way, I wasnt worth talking to even as just a friend. Or somehow these parts of me made me ugly. I know that isnt true now, and it was all a matter of immature idiots who cant see past their own ego, it just had a big impact on me as I was growing, developing, and figuring out who I am.
I'm sorry if this comes across as trying to invalidate anyone, or if it just sounds like privileged white girl whining, or whatever the case may be, this insecurity has always been part of me, even though I know I can rock my own brand of femininity, and have my own style, there's always this part of me wondering if I'm back to being the ugly friend girls take with them to look better by comparison (that happened a lot too).
I hope that any girls out there, who are feeling what I felt, or going through something similar, understand that it's okay to not look stereotypically girly, and it shouldn't matter unless you want it to.
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geminimoonbeamx · 7 years
Winter Wonderland
A/N: A continuation of The Nutcracker. I don’t know why my internal clock has skipped Halloween time hype and has gone straight to Christmas mania but it has. So expect a couple more Christmas smut’s after this one. I’m on a roll, ya’ll
Word Count: 7k… Damnnnn sorry guys. I got carried away.
Warnings: NSFW, Fingering, Oral sex(female receiving)Alcohol consumption. And until I earn to control my sailor like mouth, all of my stories will contain strong language.
You we’re rushing to finish getting ready. You’d misjudged how long it was going to take setting the decorators on the right path and spent hours meticulously making sure that the garlands around the staircase we’re perfect, tweaking ice sculptures and making sure floral arrangements were up to par. This Christmas party would be one to remember, and you we’re going to make sure everything was perfect.
Aesthetically, at least.
So, after taking up so much of afternoon down in the “show room” with Pepper and the other organizers you’d all but sprinted up to you bedroom. On a race against the clock to make sure you didn’t show up to the party you’d worked so very hard on looking like a total mess. You’d managed to shower, shaving and moisturizing in record time. Then you’d pulled your undergarments up your body, wiggling into the shapewear, huffing as you slid it up over your thick thighs and tummy. It held you nicely, controlling your rolls and making your body appear to be smooth and coke bottle shaped. With large curlers in your hair, making you look both glamorous and ridiculous, you work furiously on your makeup. Blending warm shades into your eyelids, perfecting your skin with foundation. Putting on false lashes that touched your cheeks when you blinked. Bronzing. Highlighting. The whole nine yards.
You we’re known for your girly, overdone ways.
You never really did know how to be “casual”
You slide on your dress, the velvet material gliding against your skin deliciously and admire it in the mirror for a moment. The maroon number is a gorgeous piece of clothing. It’s long sleeved, wrap styled, and came down just below your knees so it gave that elegant vibe, but the high slit up the side revealed enough thigh to keep it fun and modern.
Your sliding on your heels when Bucky walks through the door of your(pretty much shared) bedroom, not bothering to knock. You almost have a heart attack, and demand he make his presence known instead of ninja-ing everywhere.
“Sorry, doll” Bucky chuckles half heartedly as he looks you up and down, his steely eyes take on a predatory glint the more they take in “Christ, baby, you look gorgeous”
He’s never seen you dressed up like this; you appeared like you easily could have just walked in from the 40’s with the way your soft curls are pinned loosely to the side of your head and your make up makes your eyes look even more cat-like then usual. It floors him, to be honest. He tries not to stand there with his mouth hanging open. Tries, and fails.
His praises make you smile, but you ignore him and go to your jewelry counter, scowering it for that one pair of gold chain earrings. You don’t have the time to indulge your insatiable boyfriend right now. He cant tear his eyes away, the way the red velvet material of the dress hugs your figure is something absolutely sinful, especially when you bend over in those strappy heels of yours and the fabric pulls taught across your plump ass.
“Ooof, Bucky!” You protest, as his strong hands, both flesh and vibranium, grip you by the hips, pulling you backwards towards his broad chest.
“Baby, I don’t have time! We were supposed to be downstairs ten minutes ago!” You squirm in his grasp, but he’s unyielding as he buries his nose in your hair and nearly salivates.
You we’re wearing that perfume he loved too. The one that made your skin smell like candy. Vanilla laced with little hints of honeysuckle.
“Fuck, Y/N, are you trying to kill me tonight? Is that your plan?” You can feel his hot breath on your ear and it makes you claw at his arm, your cherry red nails digging into his dark suit jacket as you attempted to escape.
“No, It’s actually not. I’m going to need you to show some restraint right now, James. I have to finish getting ready” You scold him, looking him straight in the eye in the reflection on the large, vanity mirror so that he could see you were completely serious. He smirks at your use of his God given name.
“I’m serious, Buck, stop looking at me like that”
“Like what” He gruffs, holding tight to your waist, not breaking eye contact with your reflection. He looks like he might tear your dress off right now, the mischievous determination in his eyes is unnerving. You knew naughty Bucky; the man who’d reach up your skirt in a crowd, who’d pin you against the nearest wall and whisper things to you that would make the devil himself blush. You had no time for this side of him, at least not right now.
You push on his arms until he lets you spin in them, lets you face him. You pull up your big girl panties, determined not to let him hypnotize you with that gaze of his. And you knew just the way to get him to back off.
“Like you want to ruin all my hard work. Puddin’, you know I’ve been so excited for this” Your eyes go big and doe like, your voice drops a couple notches but raises a couple octaves “Let’s go enjoy this party, kay?”
He sighs. You really do play dirty. Your cartoon like pout never fails- you know he cant deny you anything when you look at him like this. His forehead drops to yours in resignation and you grin triumphantly.
You win, again. As usual. The man really was wrapped all the way around your finger.
“If you’re a good boy tonight, maybe I’ll let you open one of your Christmas presents early” You whisper to him, your tone sultry and promising before you press a quick kiss to his nose and yank yourself out of his dazed arms.
“There they are” You grab the earrings you’d been looking for and slip them on, leaving your semi hard boyfriend frozen in his place.
“You’re an evil woman” He accuses, looking like a kicked puppy dog.
“You’re in love with me” you singsong in return, still rushing around the room in a flurry. Bucky shakes his head, he cant deny that one.
The party is stunning, and as you walk through the foyer, your fingers laced with Bucky’s you fill a swell of pride in your stomach.
The Avengers “First Annual Winter Wonderland” charity bash is everything you and Pepper had dreamed up and more. It was elegant, and classy but still looked homey- the atmosphere warm. Shades of gold and silvers decked out every surface, clashing beautifully with the crimson accents and large pine trees. Everything twinkled, the effect of “ice” and “snow” really shown through.
You looked over at Bucky, waggling your eyebrows, a proud look on your face.
“Wow, doll. You really out did yourself” He commends, chuckling at how pleased with yourself you look. “I guess I can forgive you for runnin’ me up the fucken’ walls for these past few weeks. Your party turned out nice enough”
The thunk of you swatting his shoulder comes after his smartalick comment, but your chuckle follows it.
“Are you already starting crap? Isn’t it a little early for you to be such a pain in the neck?” Steve comes up to the two of you, looking sharp in his button down. Sharon is right beside him, her hair falling in polished waves. You’ve never seen her not in her usual work attire- so the dress she has on makes you do a double take.
Well god damn, get it Steve.
“Ha-ha. You decidin’ to come down of your Cap'in issued high horse and join the rest of us commoners tonight?” Bucky retorts, amused at Steve’s language choice, clapping his hand to his best friend shoulder. You roll your eyes fondly at the two. This was constant. They we’re such children. Before turning your attention to Sharon and telling her that her dress was to die for.
Us girls have got to stick together, was your life mantra.
The party is far from small; there’s at least a hundred plus people and even though Bucky has come a long way from his reclusive Bulgaria days, it’s still a little much for him. He sticks to either yours or Steve’s side, mingling cordially with the crowds of people. He was an Avenger, it came with the territory, so he knew he had to. No matter how much he didn’t want to.
“Baby I’m going to go check on Tony and Pepper” You whisper to him as you untangle your hand. You had your own rounds to make, and you didn’t want to force him too far out of his comfort zone. “I’ll be right back”
Bucky nods, not really wanting you to leave him, but he’s a grown man who knows his girls got a job to do so he kisses you on he cheek and tells you to “handle your business”
How you love him.
Bucky’s eyes are glued to your backside as you walk away, never leaving the sway of your hips until you disappear into the crowd
He hates to see you leave, but damn, does he love to watch you go.
Steve notices his friends staring and shakes his head “Come on, bud. Let’s go make our rounds. People magazine is over there, the want to give you a quick interview about making their 2017 ‘Most Beautiful list’”
Funniest part is, Steve wasn’t kidding. Bucky groans, desperately wishing that he could get drunk. All of this would be so much easier if he wasn’t forced to go through it sober. Screw his super soldier enhanced abilities. He’d give up super strength in a minute in return for being able to drink a beer and actually feel the after effects.
“I need a drink” He grumbles, his face sour. Lips turned down as he fights the urge to cross his arms over his chest.
The idea pops into Steve’s head and he truly thinks he’s a genius…well maybe not so much because it just occurred to him now…Still super smart though…
“Steve?” Sharon questions him, one of her thinly manicured eyebrows raised at the look on her dates face.
“Hey, Buck, Thor’s at this party, huh?”
Bucky turns to look at his friend, feeling confused as Sharon looks “Yeah, why?”
“Let’s go find him”
You’ve been trying to find away to politely exit the conversation you’ve been trapped in with the ambassadors of both Bahrain and Denmark, talking politics at a Christmas party really wasn’t how you’d planned on spending your night. Still, you force a smile and add witty comments every now and then as you sip on your second spiked egg-nog cocktail.
When you finally find your way back to your side of the party, where your friends and colleagues- who all happened to be the same people we’re your happily tipsy. Definitely not drunk. Not even close. But buzzing pleasantly.
“Well look who finally made a jail break” Natasha greets you as you approach and you fight the urge to flip her off. Mostly everyone’s gathered at a couple of the tables that have been pushed together. Laughter is ringing the loudest from this area of the room. Clint, Laura, Tony, Pepper and Rhodey sit on one side. Followed by Thor and Bruce, who have been extremely close since their little trip to Asgard, then Wanda, Vision, Steve, Sharon and Bucky. Nat’s sitting next to Maria and they’re shit talking the head of the CIA. Scott’s there too, face down on the table. Sam’s at the buffet table chatting up a pretty brunette.
“Yeah, with no help from you. You’re such a great friend, Romanoff” You snipe at her and she holds up her hands, her green eyes laughing before turning back to Hill.
“There’s my best girl!” Bucky’s voice is too loud, booming joyously and you shoot him a glance, before he grabs your wrist and yanks you down, unceremoniously rough, into his lap.
“Bucky!” You hiss at him, trying to straighten yourself a bit, your cheeks tinging red. No one at the table even blinked but you still felt a little weird sitting your fat ass on your boyfriend in public.
He has you spread over both of his thighs, too. Almost bridal style, his metal arm cradling your back. Cuddling you to him
“I missed you. You’ve been gone forever” The slur in his voice is noticeable “You said you’d be right back”
Why does he sound like that?
You grab him by his freshly shaven chin, forcing him to look you in the eyes for a moment.
Your e/c eye’s scan his icy, unfocused ones and you almost gasp at what you find.
“Holy fuck, are you drunk?”
He sniggers at this, lazily, through his nose and nods.
“Your boyfriends sloshed” Tony comments from across the table, slurring his own words heavily.
What the hell had happened? You’d been gone for forty five minutes, tops, and you come back and everyone’s shitfaced? How had Bucky even gotten drunk? You two had been trying different ways to get him inebriated for months. Whole cases of beer. Vodka. That one time you’d tried to keep up with him as he threw back tequila shots and he’d ended up carrying you to your room because you’d completely blacked out…then it dons on to you and your head snaps in Thors’ direction.
He gives you a sheepish grin and holds out the flask of Asgardian hell to you.
“You didn’t” You look down at your boyfriend who just laughs again, before pressing his face into your neck.
“Would you care for a shot, Lady Y/N?” Thor offers “Most everyone else has. You’re the one who stresses the very importance of team bonding”
“No I would not care for a shot, thank you very much” you would never willingly ingest even a drop of that vile liquid ever again “Last time I drank that I woke up two days later on my bathroom floor”
As you take in the faces of your friends, you can clearly see that almost all of them have decided to be lush’s and partake in the idiocy.
“You too, Steve?” You groan, his face is flushed from the liquor and he keeps reaching over to whisper into Sharon’s ear.
“Hey, Bucky’s always been a very talented peer pressurer!” Steve defends himself, hiccupping in between the sentence and you just shake your head, laughing at the hilarity of it all.
Clint’s head is on Laura’s shoulder and he’s looking at her as though she’s Aphrodite in the flesh. Bruce and Thor have started to arm wrestle. Wanda looks dazed, when you ask her if she’s okay she breaks out into a fit of giggles. Scott doesn’t even look like he’s breathing.
And Bucky,
Well he’s nuzzling his head deeper and deeper into your chest, the prickle of his chin against your most sensitive skin makes you jump a little bit and you place a hand on his hair, trying to urge him away from you.
“This dress is so soft. Holy shit, what is this even made out of?” He runs his face all along the front of the dress and you wonder if he knows just how extremely inappropriate it looks. He’s all but motor-boating you, at a party full of government officials. And SHIELD agents, Celebrities. Publicity…
“You’ve gotta stop, mister” you urge him, going to stand up.
Him and that stupid strong death grip of his.
“Uh, uh Y/N last time I let you go you we’re gone forever” Bucky whines in protest, holding on to you tight.
Huh, so this is what your boyfriend was like drunk? Needy. You couldn’t complain, if you were being totally honest you loved it when he couldn’t keep his hands off of you, but it just wasn’t the place for it.
“I’m going to go ten feet over to the buffet table and make you a plate of food so you can sober up a little bit, okay?” You reason.
“I’ll go with you”
“No, baby, just stay here. Look, you can literally see me. I’ll be right back” You laugh as you detach yourself from the overgrown man child and click over to the table, intending on loading him up a carb, bread filled plate.
You we’re happy he was enjoying himself, but you knew how gnarly the effects of that drink could be and you wanted to makesure you didn’t end up with a blacked out Bucky at the end of the night.
When you look over and see him taking yet another shot from the Asgardian flask you close your eyes and breathe through your nose. Yup. This night, was going to be a long one.
You pop one of the mini quiches into your mouth, as you finish loading Bucks plate up with every thing you knew he’d like- making sure to stay away from anything that looks particularly spicy.
“Here you go” you set the plate and water infront of him and he looks up at you with a dopey smile.
“Give me some sweetness, sugar” he puckers his lips up at you, his hands reaching for your waist “your too good to me”
You manage to evade being pulled back into his lap, opting instead for the seat beside him. He pouts but slings his arm across the back of your chair as he makes a dent in his plate.
You know this game, have danced this dance before. You’d been around this group while they were drunk countless times before. Tony got- well more Tony-er. Annoying arrogant and Rhodey was telling glory stories that you’d heard a thousand times, but you still listened intently because you know how his feelings got hurt when people ignored them.
Little brawler from Brooklyn Steve had come out to play and he was getting real invested in those arm wrestling matches. Him and Bucky had gone at it for a good fifteen minutes, both super soldiers amped up and evenly matched. You happen to know Buck let Steve win, you see it when it happens and you squeeze his hand in praise under the table for him being a good friend. Peter comes over, claiming “I get winner!” And pins Steves arm in five seconds flat. Highlight of the night is Steves face after that to be honest.
Natasha is making a rotation, flirting with everyone at the table, her energy amped up to a thousand.
“Stop staring at me, Nat!” You laugh as you feel her eyes burn holes into the side your your face. She’d been extremely touchy, as usual and you couldn’t wait to tease her about it in the morning.
She had a tendancy to get very lesbihonest with you when she drank.
“You really do have a goregous profile, you know that, Y/N” her voice is filled with admiration as she reaches over to smooth a flyaway strand hair away from your face. You didn’t even flinch from her touch, she was one of your closest friends and you were used to her drunken flirting with everything that walks.
“That’s what I’ve been telling her!” Bucky interrupted before you could reply, his voice filled with a ridiculous amount of pride “Could be a poster girl if she wanted to. My baby dolls such a dime piece”
You roll your eyes at the both of them.
“You guys are drunkkkk” you stress the end of the sentance with a laugh.
“No, Y/N. You really are so pretty” your surprised to hear that come from Laura “And the kids absolutely adore you. They can’t stop talking about you! Lila said she wanted us to adopt you so that you could come live on the farm”
You place a hand on your heart and your face scrunched up with the flood of love you have for those Barton kids. You wished they were down here instead of upstairs with the sitter.
“My heart” you accuse “I love those children”
You turn to Bucky then “I’m going to leave you to go live on the farm with my new adoptive parents, okay?” You tease him and he gives you a dangerous little smirk in response.
“Doll, if you think your ever going anywhere without me, your nuts” he informs you, simply. As though it was a fact, not a statement. Anyone else would have just thought it was a joke, but you could hear the undertone of it. See that possessive gleam in his eyes. The one that makes you all hot and fluttery every time.
You adjust in your seat, your thighs clamping together as you do. It doesn’t go unnoticed by Bucky and he reaches over. Looking like he’s just kissing your hair. Innocently enough.
But his breath is in your ear, close and quiet enough so that only you can hear “You gushin in your panties for me, yet?”
You pull your head away, reaching for your glass and taking a sip of the cocktail. You’d been forced to deal with him and his insanely dirty mouth before, you knew how to handle it. Even if it did have your insides twisting in anticipation, you could keep a cool demeanor.
“Nope” you pop the 'p’ as you rebuff him. That makes him grin, his chin dropping to your shoulder.
“Liar” he challenges knowingly. He knows you, knows your body. Knows the pretty pair of panties you have on are probably dampening, even though you swear your a good girl, even though you try to deny it. He can only laugh at the death glare you shoot him, patting your thigh with his huge palm before he straightens back up.
Uh oh. You think. Drunk Bucky is a dangerous Bucky.
It goes on like that for the duration of the night, the drunk Avengers are definitely an interesting sight to behold and you have a feeling there’s going to be a couple of articles about this in upcoming magazines. But nothing too major or scandalous happens. No, it’s a genuinely good time, just like you had hoped it would be.
You’ve never seen Bucky so…carefree at such a big social event. He’s laughing boisterously and cracking jokes with everyone. His New York accent is thick and prominent and his smile is extremely dimpled.
And…he’s more handsy then you ever could of imagined. You literally can’t fight him. Every time you stop him, he’s somewhere else. His prosthetic fingers trailing up your thigh, under your dress. His flesh ones toying with the neckline of it, skin touching skin as he pushes his boundaries. And he does it casually, keeping up his animated drunk conversations.
The thing about that Asgardian liquor is it creeps up on you, you remember. One minute your feeling fine and warm and chatty. The next? Your literally two seconds from throwing up, the room spinning as you re-evaluate your life choices.
Bucky leans heavily into you, shifting so that you can cradle his head on the table and you know it’s starting to catch up with him.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m good-” he yawns largely and loudly “I’m just startin’ to get a little tired, that’s all”
“The room starting to spin?” You ask him as you stroke his hair. He’s practically purring. Your big fluffy kitten in your lap. He was never like this in public, this sort of exchange was usually saved for the privacy of your room.
“Mmm, Is’ not so bad, I’ve been drunker. I was in the army, remember, shug?”
You love his accent the way it is when he’s drunk. All raspy and smooth. It’s music to your ears and you wished he’d talk like this more often.
“I love you” you surprize him as you press a kiss to his temple.
“I love you too”
“You guys are sickening” Tony grimaces “no seriously, like teeth rottingly, stomachaching sickening”
You just roll your eyes and continue stroking Bucky’s hair.
Pepper swats his arm “Don’t be rude, if anything you should be taking notes, Anthony Stark”
“Yeah, take notes, motherfucker” you taunt and Bucky barks in laughter.
“Y/N” even in Steves near incoherent state he can still manage to use his Captian tone “You really do have one of the worst mouths I’ve ever heard. And I grew up in Brooklyn, so that’s sayin’ something”
“Leave my girl alone” Bucky gallantly defends you…except for its a jumbled mutter because his face is pressed deep into your arm.
You detirmine it’s time to call it a night when the floods of people have left and it’s only the intimate group of those who inhabited this tower left.
Bucky hadn’t raised his head in ages and you were sure he was asleep. You weren’t far behind him, the long day you’d had finally taking its toll.
“Whose down for pictionary?” Tony proposes and when everyone agrees you know to make your exit. Last time there was a game of drunk pictionary it had almost ended in a three way brawl between Steve, Thor and Maria.
“I think we’re going to start heading out” you know your going to get shit for it but you don’t care. You want relief from your pinching heels, out of the restricting spanx.
“Come on Y/N. I know your man’s a hundred but you aren’t” Sam jests, nursing a beer and a bruised ego. That leggy brunette had opted not to stay the night- and held spent all night chasing her.
“Screw off Sam” Bucky, who apparently wasn’t knocked out spits at Sam and you chuckle before starting to move to get up, pulling him with you.
“We’re going to ride up with you, Nathaniel gets fussy throughout the night” Clint and Laura stand too.
After dealing with a barraging of “you sucks” and “come on you guys” you and Bucky begin the journey to your room. His arms are wrapped around you from behind and he leans down, chin on your head, causing the two of you to do this weird little penguin shuffle.
“Bucky I can barley walk!” You laugh at him “Your too heavy for this kind of shit!”
“Hey, you said you loved my body!” he feigns hurt and Clint snorts so hard it echoes in the small elevator.
The ride to the floor Clint and Laura are on is pleasant. You chat with the older couple idly. About the kids and the impending Christmas Eve. The ding signals that you’ve reached their floor.
You and Laura kiss cheeks and Clint claps both yours and Bucky’s shoulders as they exit.
“Use protection, kids aren’t as much fun as they seem!” Clint advises, the resonating smack Laura gives his head is the last thing you hear before the doors close again.
Everybody’s significant other’ getting slapped up tonight.
You peek at Bucky who’s sniggering to himself. He really was a giggly, happy drunk.
“Little does he know we haven’t used protection like ever” you roll your eyes. You and Bucky had never used condoms, you’d hurried to get on the pill after you two had become sexually active. Neither of you the biggest latex fans
“Mmm thank god. You know I hate rubbers” he kisses the shell of your ear. He’s bold tonight, all of his inhibitions gone away with his sobriety and you squeek when his hands plane down your body fast to grab the boson of your dress and roughly yank it up.
“Bucky” you gasp as his flesh fingers trail over your teddy covered stomach, quickly descending downwards between your legs. He’d never been so forward- so reckless.
“Fuck” he hisses as his fingers find your sweet spot, he can feel the saturation that’s collected in the outside or the lace “I knew it”
You know there’s no use in pushing him away so you cling to his metal arm what’s slung around your middle, holding you up as his fingers being to furiously work at you. Usually there’s a slow build up, he’ll go slow. Take his time. Tease you, but tonight there’s none of that. He forces you to spread your legs and lean back into his chest and as he slips his hand inder the lace. The tight material and your thighs hug his knuckles as he rubs your clit at a furious pace.
The sounds you make resemble choking as he roughly, but nimbly maneuvers you little ball of nerves.
“Feel good?” He puffs in your ear and you just nod. Fuck yeah, it feels good. There’s no warning when he slams his fingers in you, two at once. Your walls stretch around the digets and you let out a small scream. He doesn’t even give you the time to adjust, he just starts pumping them at a pace that matched the way he’d been with your clit. Unforgiving. Your thighs begin to shake and your knees go weak as you claw at his bicep, your head lolling from side to side againts his sharp collar bone. Your already so close, the speed at which he impales you with his fingers makes your brain foggy and your eyes are almost crossing.
The elevator dings- you’ve reached your floor and his hand slips back out of your underwear. You spin in his arms and lean up, crashing your mouth to his, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders trying frantically to pull him closer. He just reaches down, grabbing at the back of your thighs and lifts you, you instinctively wrap your legs around his waist.
Before Bucky- this wasn’t a scenario you could have ever even imagined happening. A man, picking you up with no trouble and carrying you to your bed? No, not with your derrière. But with Bucky’s enhanced strength he’d reassured your nervous mind on many occasions that he could and would continue to carry you.
He even holds you up with one arm, the vibranium one, as he types the code into the keypad. Your not making it easy for him, with the way your kissing all over his face, all teeth and tongue. You nip at jaw, biting the taught, sharp flesh and bone like you were always dying to before salving it with your tongue.
It’s all fun and lust fueled games until Bucky stumbles drunkenly and almost sends you both tumbling to the ground. Somehow me manages to catch himself, your back thudding againts the wall as he uses it to resteady himself.
There’s a terse, silent moment before you both look at eachother and the small, guilty giggle he releases makes you bust into a fit of laughter.
“Oh my gosh, you are so wasted” you shake your head at him, starting to shimmy out of his arms. He was too drunk, you concur in that moment. Too drunk to continue, even if he had worked you up.
“Y/N” he whinely protests as you command he let you down.
“Nope, you’re so drunk I highly doubt you could even keep it up-” you start as your heels hit the ground and you pull away from his embrace.
“Is that a challenge?” The glint in Bucky’s eyes is sharp and playful.
“Listen I’m going to go get changed for bed, you should too” you give him a melodramatic pat on his shoulder before your walking away from him and into your large shared closet. Bucky collapses heavily into your bed, grumbling about “evil woman. Beautiful fuckinf evil woman”
There truly is nothing better then putting on a pair of pajamas after being constricted for som many hours. Taking off your makeup is almost orgasmic, you groan delightfully as you pull off the false lashes.
The freedom.
When you renter the bedroom Bucky’s still in a heap on the end of your bed, but he’s managed to kick off his shoes and dress pants. So that he’s still completely clothed from the waist up, blazer and everything. It’s honestly the most ridiculously cute thing you’ve ever seen.
You manage to grab your phone and snap a stealthy picture, vowing to yourself that it’s definitely your new screen saver.
You crawl into the large bed, planing your hand gently over his cheek. He looks pretty conked out and you know that there’s no way your going to be able to maneuver the bear of a man.
His eyes shift under his eyelids “Hmm, doll-face?”
“You good down here or you want to finish getting changed and come up here with me?”
You make your way up the bed and slink under the layers of blankets, waiting for Bucky to make his move.
He’s sedentary for a moment but then shifts upwards and manages to literally rip off the rest of his clothes, leaving him in only his black boxer briefs. He sways for a moment before walking on his knees and then collapsing on top of the blankets, on top of you.
“Unf” he knocks the breath out of you “Come on, Buck”
He just nuzzles his nose into the side of your face, breathing you in deeply. “You smell good enough to eat”
“Bucky” your tones warning,
“Is that what I should do? Eat you? Will you let me?” He starts pecking down your face, chin, neck.
“Bu-ucky” your voice wavers as his kisses descend. “At least get into the covers with me. Please” you pull the blankets open and he gives you a goofy grin before climbing into the cozy warmth next to you. You expect him to nuzzle into your side like he normally does but he quickly disappears out of sight under the thick duvet.
It’s all open mouthed kisses from there, he’s sucking savagely on every inch of skin he can reach, leaving hot wet trails in his wake. His fingers greedily slide along your thighs, grabbing and digging into the supple flesh. He’s being so rough, so careless. It makes your head spin a little.
“Babe” you try to center him, your fingers winding into his hair and pulling it from the little knot it’d been tamed into for the night. He doesn’t respond, his mouth is too occupied.
He nips roughly at your stomach, his teeth sinking into the flesh and you gasp in shock.
“I love your tummy. I can’t wait til’ it’s filled with my babies one day. Isn’t that what you want, for me to fill you up?”
Oh shit, he’s never talked about things like this with you before. Sure, you’d both mention kids briefly but never anything this deep. You don’t know what to say, your words get caught in your throat.
Your brain is swimming with thoughts of little Bucky’s running around when his hands go to your knees and wrench then open. As far as your pelvis will allow them to stretch. It’s a little painful, the muscles scream in protest and you try to close your legs but he doesn’t let you.
“I fucking love the smell of your pussy” he interrupts you as he presses his face into your your pajama shorts covered core, nose first. You shiver at the contact. “I love the way the room smells after I fuck you. You remember how I came into your office the other day and fingered you?”
You nod, but then remember he can’t see you cause he’s buried under the covers and croak out a “yeah”
“I couldn’t stop smelling my fingers all day. Even after I sucked you off of them, I could still smell you all day long” your stomach tightens at his drunken words, at the image of him descretly bringing his fingers to his nose through out that day. Your too busy day dreaming, when he licks a fat wet stripe up the inseam of your shorts
Your eyes shut tightly and you bite your bottom lip.
He does you dirty, licking you from outside your shorts til the material is sopping wet from both his saliva and your juices. All you want is his mouth on your clit and he won’t give it you you.
“Bucky please”
“Please what, pretty girl? Please fuck you with my tongue?” You huff, frustrated and give the roots of his hair a quick, firm tug.
“Don’t be mean to me!”
He chuckles directly into your core and the vibrations shoot electricity through your thighs
“You’re such a brat” he chastises adoringly before he tugs your shirts off your legs, roughly, moving your body around at his will like a sack of potatoes. You’re about to tell him off for it when he connects his mouth to you, his lips sucking your labia. Hard.
You sigh and throw your head back into the pillows.
Drunk Bucky is a pussy eating champ. He literally devours you, with a vigor you’d never experienced from him before. He’s burying his face in you, and you know the whole lower half of it has to be drenched. He uses a lot more teeth too, and you literally think he’s trying to eat you. It’s such an intensely odd sight- or lack there of. He’s still buried burried under the duvet, which shakes and rises with his movements.
“Baby” you squeal, your chest rising and falling with labored pants as his face moves quickly from side to side, the squelching wet sound it makes is driving you insane. Your fingers are threaded in his hair holding tight, but letting him have the reigns.
The sounds your making, the desperate little cries urge him on and he uses one hand to whip the blanket off of him, hating the depression it brings. Needing to see what he was doing you you. He gazes up as he noses your clit. Past the curve of your stomach to your pillow like breasts that are straining through the thin camisole you have on to your face. Your eyes are screwed shut and your mouth is agape, your lips stretched as you make sounds that sound almost ceremonial.
“Look at me” it’s half way between a command and a plea and your eyes crack open into dazed slits as you rivet down to him.
Now there’s a sight. James Buchanan Barnes head is cradled between your large thighs, his bright eyes are staring up at you as his tongue laps at your clit.
You sob. Literally and one of your hands go to pinch at your over sensitive nipples as the other goes to stroke his wild dark locks tenderly.
It’s a surreal moment, with the pleasure that he’s overwhelming you with and the way it seems to stop time-
“Oh fuck” you whine as it all becomes too much and your stomach knots painfully, every muscle in your body seems to strain and you buck wildly into his mouth, to which he responds by wrapping his arms around your thighs. Attempting to hold you steady.
When you cum, you swear you think you black out. Your ears blow and your eyes go blurry and unfocused-fuck even your pussy goes numb for a second; even though you can feel the movement of his head between your legs as he continues to eat away, it feels hollow.
“I fucking love you, I love you so much” Bucky mumbles inside of you. Your thick thighs clamp vice like around his head and he allows it, loving the way you drown out the rest of the world for him.
When you come back down, when your body regains sensation your instantly pushing him away, your hips retreating desperately as you try to get away from his lashing tongue and it’s assault to your overstimulated clit.
“James please” you cry, pulling his hair “Bucky, stop, it hurts”
That gets him, and even though he’s dying to keep going he pulls his mouth away. Giving each of your quivering inner thighs a sloppy kiss before he climbs off of you.
You still look a little hazy and blessed out, even as your chest starts to settle and your heart beat stops skipping. That was the the BEST head you had ever received, and Bucky had gone down on you dozens of time before.
“You okay, YN?” He questions as he trails a finger deli story down your hairline because you still haven’t spoken and your mouth is still hanging open. His inherited brain jumps from worst case scenario to the next. Shit, he had really hurt you. He’d lost control between your legs- “Baby look at me, I’m sorry. I didn’t-”
The panicked laced voice he gives you makes your eyes snap to his “Hey, no, I’m okay. I’m better then okay, Bucky, Jesus Christ- that was amazing”
You coo as you roll closer to him, rubbing his arm in reassurance. Bucky looks- fuck he looks like a dream. Which his swollen mouth and his hair that’s sticking up in all directions from your hands. His chin gleams with your juices, and it makes your mouth salivate.
You press your lips againts his, you can feel him smile into the kiss as you lick at his lips that are coated with your flavor.
“Mmm, remind me to let you drink with Thor more often” you separate from him and rest your head on his broad chest.
It’s serene for a moment, you reveling in the shocks of post orgasmic afterglow and him-spinning, the Asgardian mead messing with his senses before he shoves you off of him and rushes to the bathroom.
The sounds of vicious retching fills your ears as he vomits and you shake your head, sliding on your shorts and going to hold your super soldier boyfriends hair.
You grin even though you know you shouldn’t, he’s going to have one hell of a hangover.
Welp- it is 100 PERCENT CANNON in my head that Bucky loves eating pussy and drunk Bucky? He’s a whole other breed. I’m going to be writing a few more of these Christmas smuts over the next couple of months so keep an eye out for them! Leave me some feedback! And reblog so all the other freaky, Christmas lovers can feel the cheer!
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riskeith · 3 years
hi boo!
you do be taking up my heart too.. ;)
honestly i’m really worried about that actually. i know that genshin is coming to switch so i’m not /that/ worried but i want it to come quickly before my phone like 💢 explodes. sometimes it overheats so much i get so nervous sjdjsk.
i am! also idk how unpopular this opinion is but i like paimon’s english dub more idk she sounds Adorable in the english dub. what do you think? i see why he’s popular like aside from being diluc his voice is just hot he was talking during a battle and i almost died bc heh 🥴
his s7-8 hair was a mess after spending two years in the abyss without getting a damn haircut, that’s for sure. but it’s keith and he’s always cute so.. hm. anyway OOOOO oh my god? those two look soooo good though like minghao’s mullet isn’t bad at all. it kind of looks ‘natural’ :o you’ll prob rock that ahh.. dude you Are tomboyish. the dudebro of my heart. if i’m cold i’d steal your hoodies babe. and you’re right street clothes are so expensive for no reason at all.. have you considered thrifting? and for me, well my clothing is quite girly i think hdskdhdk. i wear a lot of proper clothes like dress shirts and plaid and coats. dark academia style if you will... :p
tongue piercings are kind of scary.. they look cute af but like,, how ?¿ shdjdks oh helix are my favorite piercings i think those looks sooo good. especially double helix! your dream is trying to push that punk rock energy in your subconscious hehe. i have my lobes, upper lobes and one helix pierced but i haven’t worn earrings in ages so idk if the holes are still functional.. SLEEVE!!!! it’s a dream of mine to have one too sleeves are soo sexy like ughhh. have you considered smaller tattoos? i know doctors that have tattoos and it doesn’t effect their job. and i do have tattoos! two in fact on each wrist.. ;) i’m getting another one when i graduate this summer and i can’t wait..
a goal of mine is recommending a song to you that you’ll seriously enjoy. wish me luck! (aaahhh????? will do.. 😳)
RUIN GUARDS ARE ONE OF YOUR FAVES? girl that’s atrocious. i literally hate them with my entire heart every time i see one i’m like UGH FUCK OFF WHY DON’T YOU? and you’re right omg and suddenly there’s vines all over you and you keep getting hit by them. fuck dendro slimes. speaking of, i can’t wait for us to get dendro characters i feel like their attacks would look Awesome. if dropped by lvl 60+ hilichurls why not mask?
really? i gotta try it again if you recommend it. maybe i just had it at a bad place or something shskdhsk. like always, i trust your taste on things.. 😏 OOO good! water is so nice....
speaking of, bc we talked about clothes and stuff, are you into makeup?
(i will! i’ll probably send it tonight so you’ll get it in the morning... 😳 holy shit. actually i have no idea how that works you’ll have to explain to me. like do we just chat in game and start a co-op sesh or?)
OF FUN! :D LITERALLY shkshdkshshskdjdnd god i love them so much. actually i’ve started to read some fics bc like,, can’t stop thinking about them and so far i’ve seen some good things actually! i recommend it!
YOU DID? CANT WAIT TO SEE IT AAAAA! <33333 hopefully i answered before you fell asleep today? <3!
hi hi!! fasted time i’ve responded to you yet? LOL
;) ;) <333
FSDFDSJ omg noooo that would scare me too i was playing on my phone once and as soon as it started heated up i just stopped hfshfksdjskd. you’re so brave for playing through it 😩
:o! i can’t actually remember paimon’s eng dub voice (or maybe i can’t remember the japanese one hahaha) but i think she’s cute always? fhdskfj wait do we even know much about her.. she really is just helping an outlander for nothing in return (except food i guess lol) wow what a sweetie. HFSKFHSDJFHK that’s such a mood in the darknight hero cutscenes w diluc fighting and using his weapon.. 🥵🥵
if you’re cold you’ll steal my hoodies... have you forgotten how small i am 😭 HFKSHFKJDSJF more like i’ll be stealing yours 🤪. i have wanted to go thrifting!!! but i don’t think there are too many shops here? or maybe not big ones, i know my friend went once but it was super far away rip... i do want to start being more like environmentally conscious with my clothes tho so i’ll def look into it. omg dark academia you did not just say those words to me.... there was a time dark aca playlists were all i listened to.... if you’ve read “what are you without your name” or whatever it’s called FHDSKJF i wrote that w dark aca vibes.... also i was reading some hogwarts 8th year drarry fics at the time i think so omg.... 👀😍💘 (also proper clothes wow that’s so. professional and ‘actual member of society’ vibes i could not relate hfkdshfjsdf)
yeah i can’t imagine the healing process for tongue piercings either yike... oooo!!! very cool.. i don’t wear my lobe piercings either LMAO but maybe i should now that i have my helix too 🤪 sleeves are so sexy and for what omg. i have! they were what i always considered before i for some reason wanted a sleeve all of a sudden hfksjhfds. YOU HAVE TATTOOS?!?!??! omg can i ask what they are 😳 (unless you think they might out you!) and you’re getting another? omg that’s so sexy for you..... i am captivated <33 idk for some reason i feel like at the end of the day i would chicken out of getting a tattoo bc it’s permanent... and like what if my skin stretches or shrinks or something.. and then it looks off hfskhfdskjfhfj (which is ironic considering i got piercings which are also permanent.. but i feel like i don’t have to see it unlike tattoos? LMAO)
good luck!!!!!! my goal will in turn be to seriously enjoy a song you rec.. fdsfjsh 
dude just wait until you meet the other ruin *whatever* variants and you will Understand what i mean. 😭 omg what if it’s just like .... manifesting plants everywhere. WHY NOT MASK!!!! EXPLAIN >:(
maybe!! ngl quite a few places i try matcha stuff don’t do it well either, they use super artificial flavouring and it tastes bad and too fake-sweet ughhhhhhh. ooo on that note. thoughts on bubble tea/bubble tea places? do you guys have a lot there? water is the BEST!!! 💦
i am definitely not!!! im really just a like. doesn’t care too much about my appearance does no upkeep kind of person hfskdjf but also last year... i was thinking maybe i should try... like i kinda wanna see what would happen if i did like intense eyeliner and smokey eye or something... dark lipstick... goth look.. fhskfhksd but that shit be expensive right and in all honesty i would not be bothered to do it every day or even once a week hfskdf. i’m assuming you’re into it?
(yeee! so i’ll add you and you’ll (hopefully hehehe) add me back. and then we can chat whenever, and any time we’re both online i can request to join your world! and then you gotta accept and voila.. i’ll be there 😩😩😩)
oooooo feel free to gimme some recs!!!! 
you have!! i’m staying up doing some other stuff and i wanna use up my resin again before sleeping so hehe maybe i’ll be able to reply once more before then? we shall see.
kisses!! c.r.
0 notes
Power Rangers (Short Story)
I shivered and grasped onto the chipped paint of the windowsill. I did my best not to rattle the glass. I tried to calm the tremors in my legs. I listened for the familiar tune. Alex turned the TV on and looked through his window at me knowingly. Go Go Power Rangers, broke the silence.
Finally, it was Saturday morning, and my power rangers were here to kick ass. I wish I were brave like they were.
Our little ritual had started a few months ago. Alex was to proud to admit he was a power rangers fan but I had seen the proof.  
His readjusted his bag and the action figure fell to the floor. The pink ranger, it was covered in scrapes and the paint was faded from overuse. I sauntered over to his chair, filled with glee.  
"Whats that Alex?" I asked with a switchblade smile.
"N-n-nothing Sarah go away," He nervously stammered.  
"Oh I think its something," I taunted. I reached forward and snatched the action figure away before he had a chance to retrieve it. At 11 years old I was already taller than the boys in my class. So I held the figure up over his head.  
Obviously trying to look like this wasn't bothering him he whispered, "What do you want Sarah?"
"What do you have to offer?" I said, drunk on unfamiliar power. I swiped my curly hair over my shoulder dramatically.
"Ill give you my fruit snacks every day for a week." He was starting to get red in the face and his freckles darkened with embarrassment.
"Nah I don’t want that. I think I'll keep the action figure." I started to walk away.
"No! Please! If I lose that my Mom will be so mad! Please Sarah!"  
Wondering how best to benefit from the situation I thought until an idea the size of Czechia hatched in my brain.
"Do you watch power rangers on Saturday?"
"Yeah duh, why?" He asked.
"Where do you live?"
"Two blocks behind the old hardware store on main street."  
I took a minute to think then proposed a trade. "I'll give you this back and I won't tell anybody if on Saturday morning I get to watch Power Rangers at your house."
His face scrunched. "You can't do that. My mom says I'm not allowed to hang out with you because your mom's a w-hore." He whispered the last word knowing it wasn’t allowed and placed an unnecessary accent on the w.  
"Ya well I don't give a shit what you mom thinks. Do you want this back or not?" I asked as I began to walk away.
"Yeah fine ok, but you have to stay outside. You can watch through my window."  
"I can't hear the words from out there," I whined.
"Ugh, I'll have my mom put on the little words at the bottom."  
I paused, thinking about the offer.  
"Why can't you just watch it at your house?" He offered. "Or are you too poor for a TV?"  
Actually we were too poor for a house but the little shit didn't need to know that much.
"My sister spilled juice on the TV and we have to get a new one." Hopefully I could remember that lie if I was questioned about it later. Just then another kid walked up and looked right at the Power Ranger action figure.  
"Is that your doll?" The chubby redhead asked spitting through her heavy lisp, looking right at Alex. "Tharah is tho poor she can't afford thoap that’s why the always thmells like dogthss."  
Alex looked at me with fear in his eyes. He knew his social life was over if anyone found out that he was 12 years old and still watched Power Rangers. I looked at him and the fiery little demon to our right.  
"Actually its an action figure and it is mine. So why you don’t you fuck off TTHHeeeeeTHHicaaa!" I spat her name so hard I thought I was going to spit out a river.
After the spit hit her face she decked me good right in the jaw and walked off. I handed the action figure to Alex and walked off in a huff. The teacher looked over and saw the red splotch on my face and a disgustingly pleased Jessica. She looked away.  
"Ill leave it in the bathroom later and you can go in after me and get it, that way no one knows its yours," I said. "Why do you bring it to school if you don’t want people to know it's yours?"  
He mumbled something then looked at me.  
"If those were words I did not understand them."  
He mumbled again this time a little louder but still too soft for me to understand.
"If you don’t want to answer you can just tell me to shove off," I said, confused.
His face had matched the orange- red of his bowl cut. "Because she makes me feel brave!" It was an aggressive whisper but at least I understood.  
"Not brave enough to be honest apparently," I retorted.  
"Look its different for boys!" He said. He was starting to get upset so I didn’t push farther. "Boys aren't allowed to like girly things, and boys have to be brave all the time." He readjusted his khaki shorts and sat back down and looked at the ground.  
"I don’t know a lot about you, but I do know that if the power rangers were here right now, they would want you to be yourself. Even if it makes a you little girly whatever that even means." I began to walk away. "See you Saturday kat."  
He tried to obscure the smile on his face after hearing the nickname. Katrina was the pink rangers name, apparently his favorite.  
I watched frozen like the landscape around me as the show finished, thankful. Even if the show was ending. Even if I had to stand barefoot in early winter. The credits began to roll and I was about to head "home" when I saw Kat moving around inside. I had continued to call him Kat. Even if we didn’t really hang out because of his mother.
He held up his hands for me to wait and I was confused but I humored him. He searched through some bags in his room and pulled a grocery bag out and slowly opened his window.  
"You cant tell anyone about this ok?" He whispered.
"About what, you got drugs in there? Im not a cartel kid," I joked.
"No you dunce, just take it." He handed me a grocery bag and said, "Don't open it until you get home." Then we heard his mother coming so he shut the window and I took off down the street. I didn’t stop running until I got back to where I had been sleeping.
I opened the bag and the first thing I pulled out was a new pair of socks and sneakers. They were..... my size? Taped to the inside of the shoe box was a letter.  
I don’t know how to write letters so this will be short. I know you don’t have a house. Im not stupid like you. And I noticed your shoes fell apart because your poor. So I had my mom buy me a new pair and you can have them. I don’t know if you know this but Power Rangers is over now which means that you probably shouldn’t hang out, outside my house at 6 am anymore. When you started coming over I wasn't very happy about it but since then I decided that I sorta kinda like you I guess. And I was wondering if you wanted to be friends.
I laughed. I lauhged so ahrd I thought I was gonna break. I laughed until my whole body shook and tears shed from my eyes. I laughed at the idea of us being friends. I laughed because... well because I was happy, and I didn’t know what else to do.
I took a second to try on the socks and shoes and before I could stop myself  and I started sobbing. They were so warm. And comfy. I'd never had new shoes before. At least none that I didn’t have to steal. I sat weeping for a few minutes then noticed there was something else in the bag and a backside to the letter.  
I pulled the Pink Ranger action figure out of the bag and read the rest of the letter.  
I don’t need this anymore so I thought I would give it to you. I thought I needed her to be brave but since I met you, I wanna be brave on my own. I guess you don't completely suck.
Alex..... (again, I told you I don't know how to write letters.)
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monsterloveday · 7 years
Single life - the good and the bad.
The good and bad sides to single life. It absolutely has both, as does everything in life. There seems to be some kind of war between singles and coupled folk, as if they are trying to get one up on each other, to prove that their life is considerably ‘better’ than their opponents.
This bothers me. It bothers me because life isn't that rigid or consistent, life moves, and so do all of our situations. There is also the need to consider that people are so different, you know the saying, “one mans treasure” and all that. For some, my single life is their idea of a worst knight mare, simile, a nuclear family at the age of 25 would be mine.
Its nothing personal I guess, I think its just taken that way when people try and force their way of life on you, or assume you are miserable because you haven't got what they have, this goes without saying the people that straight up judge you for whatever your life circumstance - they can do one (and my oh my, there are many of them!). There are definitely times for me where being single is actually epic and others where it actually sucks balls.
I will share them with you. Bad points... Lack of touch. This one is strange for me, because I haven't been touched for so long, that Ive grown used to it, yet I still crave it from time to time (usually in the winter). BUT if I ever do get touched or if someone tried to hug me or something, it weirds me out now, that I find it unnecessary because I have gone so long without it!. Its definitely made me less affectionate and less expectant to receive affection. That part of me has kind of died.  I think I have associated touch / affection to do with only a partner - which is bad. (lets just say I am no longer a ‘hugger’) 
You also become very observant. All the “Netflix and chills” / “lets cuddle up on the sofa”, comments you so often see on social media or hear among all your coupled up friends and family members (yes I am pretty much the only single one left out of friends and family - which I will mention later on as its an issue in itself!) are a little punch in the heart. You kind of become a little bit bitter that some people have that certain someone that they can come and hug after a really shit day - and how some really take that for granted. Little things are so huge and not many people get that. I think that the people that have had a real good amount of time of being single understand this. Love is not something you are owed, but for some it just falls in their laps and they have never had to live life coping on their own. (You definitely get annoyed at people who take love for granted and people who cheat etc!) But - being deprived of something makes you learn to live without it - its a educational, saddening yet strengthening double edged sword. I cant even remember what snuggling up to a man feels like and they say that touch is actually something that humans need and that it releases the ‘feel good’ hormone - perhaps lack of touch does really do things to humans?. I believe so. Feeling Safe. Now, I think in my whole relationship / dating life, only one man made me feel safe and it was wonderful. Im not saying that women can not feel safe without a man - absolutely not. But there is something so damn sexy and reassuring when you can actually feel a mans strength (in his body and mind) and you know he has your back. When you walk down the street, you know there will be no shit from no one, as you are with him. That when you're in his arms - you feel completely and utterly safe, it makes you feel so feminine. Nothing can get you, and you breathe a sigh of relief, thats all is well, because you are there, with him.  I miss that, even if just for a minute I could have that again. All of your family and friends are pretty much hooked up. Gone are the days of going out and flirting with a group of guys, because all of your mates are at home with their others half's sucking dick or fanny. This also adds to the struggles of trying to ‘get out there’ as you’d be on the prowl alone - not attractive. When all your mates hook up, it kills your social life too, I miss the nights of going out dressed up all girly, dancing the night away and flirting / kissing with drunken guys.
There is no one to talk to when you have those ‘Im feeling crappy about being single’ moments because no one gets it because no one is in your situation. You will also never get a break from being surrounded by couples, family gatherings = couples everywhere, meeting with friends = couples everywhere. You have to become accustomed to always being the third, forth and fifth wheel when with family and friends. There was once a New Years Eve party where at midnight, everyone was obviously eating face and there I was - twat face, the only single person sat there hating my existence and wallowing in self pitty. (Holidays are the WORST for being single) This is not to say I dont love my friends and family but sometimes you just wish you had some single pals to break away from the constant reminders or someone to really open up to and that they understand, its tiring to always put on this brave face when really you just want to say you feel like shit. Theres also the chance coupled friends will get offended if you need to vent about always being the single one - its not personal, sometimes we just need to express ourselves. Sometimes you just wonder if you are destined to live life solo Perhaps it isn't happening because its not supposed to?, that you are actually happier alone?. Its happened to everyone else so easily so there must be a reason its not happening to you?. To you, its like climbing mount everest, yet to most, its as easy as 1,2,3!. That in the time you have been single, others have gone through about 3 relationships that have started, ended and then they have found ‘the one’ and got married, yet you cant even find A date?. Am I an alien? I must be doing everything wrong?. The longer it goes on for the more convinced you become that it will never happen and you kind of begrudgingly, make peace with it and stop trying and just live your own life. Confidence Sometimes, only sometimes you wonder what is wrong with you and that you are just not fanciable / fuckable / loveable. Those thoughts can fuck off - Im fucking awesome. You get so good at being single that you think you'd be crap at relationships The thought of having to share a bed with someone makes you want to die. What if they snore?. What If Im ill and I just need to do smelly farts all night and toss and turn without worrying that Im going to keep someone awake? What if I want a wank and I cant because THEY are there?! Omg would that mean we would have to arrange shower times in the morning?, Im not fucking sharing a shower with him! Oh man imagine someone constantly texting you even though you see them all the ruddy time? - just fuck off!. And having to see someone all the time?! Someone demanding my time from me? oh god I cant deal!. Gone would be the days of just going where ever I want without explaining myself to anyone! - Ive got too used to only thinking of me, Im too selfish to change that now! and whats more - ID HAVE TO FUCKING SHAVE AND GET MY BODY OUT. Man I’d be so shit at sex =\ and Id have to tell them I love them!. So. Many. Vulnerable. Feelings. Stay. Up. Walls!. Finance All those people who share bills, rent etc. Not everyone would have had an opportunity to move out if they didn't have their significant other, especially in this day and age of expense!. I can also say as a single person it is ruddy annoying having to cash out on everyone else's other half's / kids etc. Whereas presents for you are ‘from both of us’. My single life benefits everyone else's pockets when it comes to christmas! GAH!.  I get SO JEALOUS when I hear someone say that their other half is picking them up from work or cooking for them that night, I WISH I had that!. Fuck buses, walking the dog then having to cook for myself - food NEVER comes for single people, just try getting a bag of spinach for one! so much waste!. Good Points... My Flange is probably really tight  Its so out of use its like its brand new. I dont have to shave for anyone and it is marvellous.  I dont have to get my body out to worry what someone else thinks of it, nor do I have to worry if Im up the duff (although I use precautions, that worry is ALWAYS there, wondering, freaking the hell out, wondering when my period will ever come etc). Its a worry that is brilliant to not have to think about - nor do I have to think about the ruddy pill (no thanks!). Also - self service! =P Your independence and strength will sky rocket You really dont understand how some people freak out when they have to do things alone. For you, doing things alone is such an adventure / enjoyable experience. Yes I go out to dinner, the cinema, weekend breaks alone and its not weird my dears. I love how I can plan anything at anytime. Your strength builds up and up when your doing everything for yourself and it is really liberating and you realise that people that also have this quality are very rare. It makes you very strong and independent and independent people are sexy. =p You are as free as a bird - go fly!. I do what I want and I can order pizza at 3am and eat it in bed if I wish. (what a plan!). I could go travel for months on end if I wanted, I could move to a completely new place and chat up randomers if I so wished too and answer to no one. I could shave all my hair off and pork a load of girls just for fun. Learn a new instrument / get a hobby / go to evenings classes etc - because you CAN. I hear friends who have kids say how they would love to do the smallest of things like have a night to themselves, to go to the cinema or just go shopping, and I realise that I too, take small things for granted and I need to embrace my single life more.  What I do is completely my choice and my choice alone - no hold backs. It feels so good. Finance Yes there is a factor of finance on this side of the spectrum! Your money is YOURS. Go spend a butt load on a new jacket if you want. Go spend £70 on a hair cut if you want. Whats more, you save money on not having to buy hair removal stuff! No birthday or christmas presents on your other half - or dates, or nothing! Save up that spare cash and do something worth while - like get tattoos all over your body ;P - priorities darling, that is YOU! =P. You have control of your own wellbeing One of the biggest issues for me when in relationships / seeing someone was how their actions / treatment towards me effected my wellbeing. I hated that they had so much power to hurt me because my feelings for them were so deep. I hated being so vulnerable and how my happiness was so reliant on how they chose to treat me. With single life problems, they are mostly what you have brought upon yourself, and sorting your own shit out makes you stronger and not dealing with someone else's bullcrap is a breath of fresh air =) So, these are some of my good and bad points, I really could have gone on for forever!. My unshaven flange enjoys parts, and doesn't with other parts. I want to say that its completely human to have weak times about things - like wanting to be hugged sometimes does not make you needy! (I hate that theres so much name calling for humans wanting to be humans!) Whats your favourite thing and hate about your relationship status? Be back soon. Jay Monster.
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Because I am a very bored insomniac/
1 - Who was the last person you texted? My big sister.
2 - When is your birthday? In the summer (not giving a date to remain anonymous). 
3 - Who do you want to be with right now? Would be nice to be with all of my siblings (both biological and unoficially adopted), my partner, my bestie and her partner. 
4 - What sports do you play? I really don’t to be honest, I do like to swim though. 
5 - Who is the first person in your contacts? My besties partner (its alphabetical and hes an A). 
6 - What is your favorite song as of the moment? Currently really into Galway girl or Castle on the Hill by Ed Sheeran 
7 - If you were stranded on an island, who do you wish to be with? My partner, bestie or big sister, I think any of them could be grounded and level headed enough to get us off the island. 
8 - What do you feel right now? Rising panic about deadlines, super tired, looking forward to visiting the zoo on monday. 
9 - What chocolate is your favorite? Cadburys. 
10 - How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have? A few, but only one serious.
11 - Why did you create a Tumblr account? A friend was on it and I wanted to see what all of the hype was about, that was about 6 years ago now and I am still at it.
12 - Who is your favorite blogger? Really awful but I dont know anyone as such, I like all of the blogs that I follow but I dont pay much attention to usernames. 
13 - Where do you want to be right now? Near the sea. 
14 - What do you want to be in the future? I want to be a counsellor, 
15 - When was the last time you cried? Why? Earlier today, I had a low blood suagr and was attempting and failing to open a tin of tuna, I was crying at my failure (things which arent really tings become things when you are low). 
16 - Are you happy? Not overly, I have moments of happy, but I arent at my best right now.
17 - Who do you miss? All of my siblings, bioligcal and adopted. 
18 - If you were given a chance, would you like to have a different life? Yes and no, I have a dark past which I am still trying to get over, and given the chance i would love to make myself more confident, more able to love life and not be such a pain in the ass, but my life and all of its shit has brought me to the people i know and love today and i cant escape that fact, and i love the people who i do love all the more vigorously because I had such a shitty start, so in some ways it has been a blessing as well as a curse. 
19 - What was the best thing you were given? My big sisters trust. 
20 - Who was the last person who called you? My besties partner. 
21 - What is your favorite dish? Fajitas. 
22 - Who is your bestfriend? I wont name her, but she is a beauty and she is wonderful and i love her to bits. 
23 - What is your biggest regret? Not speaking up about my abuse sooner than I did, and leaving my younger siblings/. 
24 - Have you ever cheated on your partner? Never. 
25 - Who do you spend crazy moments with? Partner, bestie, big sister. 
26 - Name someone pretty. My bestie. 
27 - Who was the last person you hugged? My partner. 
28 - What kind of music do you listen to? Absolutley anything, I like most things. 
29 - Are you over your past? Not even fucking close, I wish i was though/ 
30 - Who is the last person in your contacts? A dickhead who I was forced into group work with, I really need to delete his number because I’d be happy never to see the bastard again in my life. 
31 - What kind of person do you want to date? Already dating and I am happy with him, he pisses me off and gets on my nerves, but also wont take too much of my shit and can keep me in check when its needed, hes a good balance.
32 - Do you have troubles sleeping at night? Yes, I am up here writing answers to this thing because I am having trouble sleeping. 
33 - From whom was the last text message you received? My big sister.
34 - What do you prefer, jeans or skirt? Jeans.
35 - How’s your heart? Hurting, broken at times and clogged up with junk food, but also kind when it wants to be. 
36 - Did you ever have a girlfriend/boyfriend whose name starts with a “J”? I did a very long time ago, his name was Josh. 
37 - Do you like someone as of the moment? Yeah, I kind of like my partner. 
38 - What would you want to say to your latest ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend? Fucking hit us up once in a while, we all miss having you around (seriously, I am on good terms with him). 
39 - Do you have any phobias? dark, spiders, heights, snakes, men, car horns, small spaces, being trapped, the list is pretty extensive. 
40 - Did you try to change for a person? Yes, for my parents, and everytime they werent bothered and I felt like shit so i have stopped trying now. 
41 - What’s the nicest thing have you given to someone? I wrote my bestie a full notebook full of quptes which are inspiring and hopefully make her feel stronger and then gave it to her a couple of christmasses ago, it made her cry. 
42 - Would you go back to your previous relationship? Nope, I am happy with my current one/ 
43 - Are you in a good or bad mood? Neither, I am feeling pretty neurtal.
44 - Name someone you can’t live without. Partner, bestie, siblings (bio and adopted). 
45 - Describe your dream date. A carpet picnic with all my favourite foods and fizzy pop, followed by the making of a den and watching disney films while being chilled, lots of laughing. 
46 - Describe your dream wedding. Unusual, i want things which are slightly more non-traditiona. I want a tea length dress, but i also want a pair of white converse because i hate heels or anyything too girly. There have to be lights everywhere, I want to feel as though there are stars surrounding me even when i am inside. for the first dance i want it to finish with a kind of flashmob. if anybody is bored at all i will be unhappy, i want lots of laughter and people being together. The colour scheme is pink and blue, to match my engagement ring and our favourite colours.
47 - How many roses did you receive last Valentine’s? None, we dont celebrate it. 
48 - Have you ever been kissed? Lots. 
49 - How long is your longest relationship? 5 years and counting.  
50 - Do you regret your past? Some of it, not all.
51 - Can you do something stupid for someone else? I have done on multiple occasions, but if it helps them it isnt stupid. 
52 - Have you ever cried over someone? lots of times. 
53 - Do you have a grudge against anyone? A few people, i’d like to say i dont but i would be lying. 
54 - Are you a crybaby? At certain things, at other thing i am the most hard faced bitch in the world. 
55 - Do people praise you for your looks? My partner and bestie do at times, i think they lie though. 
56 - Did you fall for someone you shouldn’t? Once when i was younger, onlly because he was gay though and apparently i was the only person in the world who couldnt see it/. 
57 - Have you ever done something bad but you don’t regret? Yeah, I said a few choice words to someone who was a horrible, nasty piece of work. I shpouldnt have done it, but i dont regret it to this day. 
58 - Do you like getting hurt? No, but from the amount i do you’d think I do. 
59 - Does anyone hate you? Probably, i tried to take my abuser to court so at the very least I imagine he and his family hate me. 
60 - Did you slap anyone whose name starts with an “R”? Never slapped anyone. 
61 - What hair color do you prefer? I love bright colours, give me a pink or a blue anyday, I did it once before but i arent brave enough to do it again and it is a pain in the ass if you want to change colour again. 
62 - If you can change anything about yourself, what is it? My reaction to trauma/ 
63 - Do you love someone as of the moment? yes.
64 - Have you ever thought of killing yourself? yes.
65 - Do you have issues with somebody in your school? I’m at uni, and i did up until about a month ago but theyre no longer in my life so its fine now. 
66 - Can you live without internet? Yes but it would be a struggle I imagine.
67 - What’s the song that remind you of your special someone? We found love, Rhianna/ 
68 - Are you good at holding back your tears? Sometimes and around some people. not so much around certain others. 
69 - Are you a crybaby? Sometimes. 
70 - Have you ever experienced being hysterical? Most of my life/. 
71 - Are you a KPOP fan? Not overly.
72 - Do you study hard? When panic overtakes me.
73 - Have you ever sacrificed something important to you for someone you love? yes, my mental health and almost sanity to protect my siblings. 
74 - Did you ever had a kiss under the moonlight? yes.
75 - Have you ever ridden a boat? yes. 
76 - Did you have an accident last year? Yes, every flaming day of the year probably, i am accident prone, 
77 - What kind of person are you? Id like to think i am caring and compassionate, I am very quick witted, sarcastic and stubborn as a mule. Easily anxious, but I will do anything if i love someone enough, it takes me a long time to trust though and i am wary of poeple which might make me seem standoffish at times. 
78 - Have you ever thought of killing someone? i had a really bad intrusive thought once about stabbing my abusive stepmother, but i am in control of myself so i put down the knife (it was a butter knife and wouldnt have done any harm anyway) and went into a other room and went back to finish my food later. I dont think i could deal with bbeing a murderer. 
79 - Have you ever been jealous? Not really. 
80 - How can you prove your love to someone? Be there for them always, let ythem know you wont leave them and supportthem even when they are being difficult and when thir demons dont play well with yur own/ 
81 - What are you thinking right now? How much id love to sleep.
82 - Who is the 6th person in your contacts? Another member from that infernal group whose number I also need to delete to have them truly removed from my life. 
83 - Do you have any memories you want to erase? oh yeah, the vast majority of my childhood. 
84 - Have you been hurt so bad that you can’t find words to explain how you feel? yes, so many times. 
85 - Did you ever badmouth someone? of course, but only to my bestie and that doesnt count, shes a sounding board as i am to her. 
86 - Have you ever had an argument with someone? of course, I have lived over 20 years  you’re bound to argue with someone in that time. 
87 - Do you have trust issues? Massive ones. 
88 - Are you broken-hearted? Somedays/ 
89 - Who’s the person who first comes to your mind when someone mentions “love”? My partner. 
90 - Do you think all the pain is worth it? Jury’s out. I have been told it is but I arent sure, and I arent sure I am really qualified to make that opinion yet. 
91 - Do you believe in the phrase “If it’s meant to be, it will be”? Nom i wasnt abused as a child because it 3wwas meant to be, my life isnt a fucking superhero movie, i was abused because a sick fuck abused me, there is no higher power or bigger picture to it, it was just shit. 
92 - Who do you want to marry?My partner. 
93 - Do you believe in destiny? Not really.
94 - Have you ever thought “I already found my soulmate”? I dont do soulmate, but I have already found the person i want to spend the rest of my life with/ 
95 - How do you look right now? Like utter shite. 
96 - Do you believe that first true love never dies? yes
97 - Have you found your true love? i hope so
98 - What should you be doing right now? sleeping or studying
99 - Name one of your ex-boyfriends/ex-girlfriends.nope/ 
100 - Did you ever feel like you’re not good enough? all the fucking time. 
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judithwilde · 7 years
A Rough Guide to Rivalry
"You can call us Sylvia and Eric or Mom and Dad or Mr and Mrs Wilde. Whatever you're comfortable with," 16-year-old Judy Hopps has been in the foster care system for as long as she could remember, so when a Fox couple decides to adopt her, she cant believe her luck. That feeling is short lived, though, because of a certain Fox she now has to live with.
Judy never really thought of herself as a hero. All she did was help her foster brother from falling out of a tree. The young Cheetah had been so afraid and Judy hadn’t noticed someone was filming. The news framed it as some heartwarming story of predator and prey tensions falling in the younger generations. The articles sounded something like Watch as the cute little Bunny saves a small Cheetah. The younger generation has put aside their differences and we now have hope for the future. She didn’t care so much for being described as cute but she loved being called a hero. She’d spent hours looking at every article and comment, grinning the whole time. Maybe she really could make a difference in the world like all these mammals had been saying. A week later, a family showed up wanting to adopt her.
Adoption. It was a concept Judy had let go of a long time ago. Once someone was past thirteen, there was close to no chance of them getting adopted. Judy was sixteen and only had a year and a half before she aged out. So when a family from over 200 miles away came to adopt her after seeing the news report, Judy was dumbfounded. “You can call us Sylvia and Eric or Mom and Dad or Mr and Mrs Wilde. Whatever you’re comfortable with,” they’d said. They told her that they had a son and other things about themselves. Judy had nodded  in response, while telling little about herself in return. She’d been shocked to see that they were Foxes, not only a different species, but predators. It was pretty strange in her mind but, all in all, she was happy to be adopted by anyone.
Judy had tolerated her life. Her foster home gave her food, shelter, and a bed, though she had to share hers with another girl. As long as she did her chores and kept herself out of sight, no one bothered her. She was sad to leave some of the kids she’d spent the past year and a half with but, since she switched homes multiple times, she’d never gotten close enough for any future separation to hurt. She still had some scars from being taken from past foster homes and she never wanted to experience that again. After the papers were signed, the couple simply looked at her with polite smiles and told her about the famous city she’d heard about her entire life. Zootopia was always described as this booming metropolis where everyone was happy and, from Sylvia and Eric’s stories, the ideas seemed true. She instantly liked the middle aged couple who wanted to be her parents. It was scary to believe that she would have a family for the rest of her life, but Judy was a sucker for hope and she always fell into it.
The plane ride had been short and Judy didn’t say much. It almost seemed like a sudden word or movement would make her wake up from the dream she had to be having. She played with her carrot necklace to keep from over thinking. Later, Eric switched seats with her so that Judy could look out the window as they landed. The city looked huge and vibrant. Suddenly, the reality of the situation hit her and Judy felt her eyes grow misty.
“Are you ready, honey?” Sylvia asked her. Judy snapped out of her moment when she heard the term of endearment. Growing up, mammals had always called  her pet names to belittle her. Everyone thought Judy was weak when they met her. It was pretty annoying. “Please don’t call me that.” Judy kept her tone casual as the stood to leave the plane.
“What?” Sylvia’s brows drew together in concern.
Judy didn’t want to beat around the bush. “I don’t like nicknames. Just call me Judy.”
Her new parents’ eyes widened. Most were taken aback at how direct and to-the-point Judy could be. She loved the looks of surprise she received when others realized she wasn’t just a timid little Bunny.
“Of course. We understand, Judy,” Eric said, pulling Judy’s small suitcase down.
She couldn’t hold back her smile. “Thanks.” She almost pinched herself. It all seemed to surreal and once they were out of the airport, she actually did. The city didn’t fade away and she didn’t wake up in her bed at her foster home. This was real.
After a long drive full of beautiful sights, they finally reached their neighborhood. Eric and Sylvia showed Judy her room and then gave her a tour of the condo. It was carpeted and had two levels. It wasn’t as nice as the houses the mammals in TV shows tended to live in, but it was nicer than any place Judy had ever stayed at. The fact that she got her own room made her tear up again. Once Judy had seen every part of the condo, she asked to be alone for a while. She liked Sylvia and Eric’s company, but she was used to being alone, and their constant presence was too unfamiliar. They told her that their son would be getting home from school soon and that he was excited to meet her. “We’ll be downstairs if you get hungry,” Eric said before closing the door.
Judy looked around at her her new room. It was mostly bare with a few accents of color. She supposed she’d personalize the room in her own time. The walls were white and the few decorations were too girly for her taste, but they were hers, so she liked them just the same. She had a lamp and a white dresser and desk. The dresser had clothes in it that also didn’t match her preferences. She pulled out a bright yellow sundress that had ruffles at the bottom and realized that the it was made with a younger girl in mind. After searching a bit, Judy found some grey leggings and a T-shirt that made her comfortable when she put it all on. Her bed was in the corner beside a medium sized window that looked out to the grassy area behind the condos. In the distance, past some trees, Judy could see a mailman delivering stacks of papers and kids playing at a small park on the edge of the neighborhood. It wasn’t long before her stomach grumbled. It was past noon and all she’d eaten that day had been a small breakfast and refreshments on the plane.
“Ready to eat?” Sylvia asked once Judy stepped down the stairs. Sylvia had made her a large salad with plenty of carrots and other veggies mixed in. It was too much for Judy to finish and she got through half of it before feeling too full to continue. Sylvia sat across from her, eating a soup with bugs as the protein. Judy hid her disgust. She never understood how predators could stand to eat like that, but she knew it was a biological necessity, so she kept quiet about it.
“What do you think of your room?” Sylvia asked.
“It’s great,” Judy quipped.
“We weren’t sure how to decorate it so we can go to the store later and pick out some things. What do you think of that?” Judy wasn’t used to mammals providing her with more than the basic necessities of living. Judy nodded in response. “We just want you to feel more at home.”
Judy nodded again and a silence fell between them. Sylvia was focused on her soup and wasn’t pressuring her to talk, so it wasn’t awkward. Judy noticed the green grass and blue sky out of the kitchen window and spoke. “I was wondering if I could walk around the neighborhood. It looks really nice out.” Judy was curious about the city and wanted to explore the residential area at least.
“Alone?” Sylvia’s smile tightened slightly, telling Judy that she didn’t like the idea of it. Judy preferred to go alone but wouldn’t mind if someone joined her. Sylvia’s reaction was unexpected though. “I’m sorry. When we were with the social worker, he said that teens adoptions often result in runaways. Especially if the adoption is new. Also, I’d feel better if you weren’t by yourself outside. The city isn’t crime-free, you know.”
“Yeah,” Judy answered. Sylvia stating something so obvious, as if Judy didn’t know crime existed, didn’t sit well with her. She was used to mammals assuming she was a dumb Bunny so it didn’t  disappoint her too much. She’d just have to prove Sylvia wrong sometime soon.
“Well maybe Nick will take you. He should be on the way back from soccer practice.”
“Soccer?” While she wasn’t the best, Judy had enjoyed playing the game in her high school’s soccer club. Where she lacked in skill, she made up for in power and speed.
“Do you play?”
“Oh great! Maybe you two can bond over that. The social worker said it’s really important for new siblings to find a common interest. Oh gosh, its like it was meant to be.” Sylvia grinned at Judy as if she were the key to happiness. It made her want to squirm a bit. Just then, the front door opened and closed. Judy couldn’t see any of it, but she heard Eric’s voice in the other room speaking too quietly for Judy to hear.
Sylvia stood up, her eyes bright with excitement. “Come on so you can meet him.” Judy tried to appear calm but she was starting to get nervous. Everytime she had to change foster homes, she’d also change schools, leaving behind the friends she’d made. Soon she learned not to get too close in case she’d have to leave them. Now that she was adopted, she wanted friends that she could keep forever. The possibility of meeting a new one made her ears stiff.
Once she stepped past the archway into the living room, the saw him. He looked around her age, a little older, and covered in dirt and grass stains. He was dressed sporty in sneakers and shorts that came to his knees topped off with red, disheveled fur. In his left arm he held a soccer ball and in his right, a school bag.
Judy looked back at Sylvia who gave an encouraging nod. Judy took a breath and faced Nick. “Hi. I’m Judy.” She gave a small wave and shifted her weight towards Sylvia. For some reason the action made her feel more secure.
Nick’s eyes looked down at the tips of her ears, then to her nervous expression, her teeth biting her lip, then falling to her carrot necklace, her shirt, her leggings, and finally to her foot tapping lightly at the ground. Then he turned to Eric, his father. “You said she’d be here on Tuesday.” Judy’s mouth fell open just a bit at his rebuff.
Eric sighed and shot Judy an apologetic look. “No, we said Monday. Go wash up upstairs and then we’ll have dinner later, alright?” Eric’s words were more of an order than a question. Judy felt some envy in the way Eric held such an authoritative tone in his voice. If Judy could talk like that then no one would underestimate her. Judy still stared open-mouthed as Nick brushed past her and up the stairs. She didn’t understand what she’d done wrong and she replayed the scene in her head a few times to figure it out.
She felt a paw touch her shoulder and saw that it was Sylvia. “Give him time. He might have had a bad day.”
Eric spoke up. “That’s no excuse for him to behave that way. I should go up there and make him-”
“Eric,” Sylvia warned. “He and Judy are going on a walk in the neighborhood. He can introduce himself then. You know he gets shy sometimes.”
Judy almost laughed. If that was shy, she didn’t want to know what actually getting to know him would be  like.
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