#watcher bootlickers dont interact
maydayprkr · 1 month
ngl something in my gut told me watcher entertainment was going to get fucked up somehow. i literally didn't think it was going to be them setting up a subscription service for 6 dollars a month or w/e (btw netflix charges this same price but with ads now) and fucking themselves over. hell! including the taxes alone would make it approx. 8 dollars, and i can't even account for the international audience who's equivalence of 8 bucks can equal up to them being able to eat, afford transportation, etc. (seen one international person say in an ig comment, not sure where they were from tho).
so yeah, sorry if i my heart isn't in it for the company. i got over rooster teeth. this is just another flash in the pan. so yeah. so long and thanks for all the laughs.
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