#thinking about angels just being Guys. just really lame guys
vermilionsun · 20 hours
If you are still open for requests..how about Ais and Kuras (or pick which one) with a child/children?
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Of course!! Don’t hesitate to send in more if ya want <3
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Father figure of the year
✩ Pretty chill in general
He's the type of dad who will let you have a good time but also make sure you're staying safe.
✩ Always there to lend an ear or offer advice… or constructive criticism—
You can always count on him to give you straightforward and honest advice, even if it's not what you want to hear. Even though he may not always agree with your choices, you know that his intentions are always good and that he genuinely cares about your well-being. Ais may not show his emotions openly, but his love and support for his child would be unwavering.
✩ Seems to know exactly what to say in any situation.
Whether you need help with a problem or just want someone to talk to, he is always there for you (with judgment /j)
✩ Don't even bother to lie to him.
He can see right through any facade and will always know when you're not being completely honest. His ability to detect deception is uncanny, but it also makes him a trustworthy confidant. Besides, what even did you do that made you think the consequences would be that bad? (Or even exist?) Partying? Smoking? Drinking? Drugs? Sex?
✩ “Lame. When I was your age I was way worse—”
✩ CRAZY parent lore.
And he mentions it so casually every time. Like, he's seen (and done) it all before. Nothing seems to faze him in the slightest.
✩ He's the kind of guy who would drop everything to help his kid, no questions asked.
✩ On the other hand, if we're talking about babies…
He might be a bit (completely) clueless when it comes to diaper changing, feeding schedules, or soothing a crying infant. However, his willingness to learn and his dedication to being the best parent he can be are admirable qualities.
✩ He's the type of person who will spend hours researching the best parenting techniques and tips.
✩ He gets the hang of it pretty quick.
✩ He is incredibly patient to the point where it becomes a bit scary. 
From reading bedtime stories to playing endless games of peek-a-boo, a cheerleader, a rock, a shoulder to cry on—he's all in when it comes to being a parent. 
✩ If anyone dares to think about touching his child, they'll never see the light of day again.
24/7 confusion
✞ This begs the question of whether the child would be half-angel.
Let's assume so, because it becomes ten times funnier.
✞ Absolutely  b e w i l d e r e d  in the beginning.
✞ “...Why does it cry so much?”
Another question that often arises is, "Is there something wrong with it that I can't see?" He's just… confused. He doesn't really understand babies. Kuras is used to living a fast-paced, independent lifestyle, so the idea of being responsible for a helpless infant is overwhelming for him.
✞ Incredibly good once he figures it out.
Despite his initial confusion and overwhelming feelings, Kuras quickly adapts. Kuras is always on call to help with midnight feedings and diaper changes, making sure the baby is well taken care of around the clock.
✞ “Uh… honey? The baby is floating.”
Cue Kuras calmly walking into the room and safely guiding the baby back to the ground with a knowing smile. It becomes a common occurrence in the household. 
✞ Eventually takes on the role of mentor, teaching the child how to control their powers and use them for good.
✞ Slightly strict
Believes in setting boundaries and enforcing rules to ensure the well-being and safety of his children. He considers discipline an important aspect of parenthood, as it helps instill good behavior and values in his kids. He may come off as harsh at times, but it all stems from a place of love and protection. Kuras wants his children to grow up knowing right from wrong and understanding the importance of structure in their lives.
✞ Comfort
He listens without judgment, allowing his children to express themselves freely. Kuras encourages open communication and fosters a strong bond based on trust and respect.
✞ Don't even bother to lie to him part 2
If you try to sneak out, he'll be waiting for you at the door, arms crossed and a stern expression on his face. You can try to pull one over on him, but chances are, he'll see right through it. It's better to just be honest and upfront with him, because he always seems to know what's going on.
✞ Consequences
Although Kuras seems disappointed at times, he knows that it is all part of the process of growing up and learning from mistakes. He understands that his children need to make their own choices and face the consequences of those choices in order to become independent and responsible adults. Kuras tries to offer guidance and support, but ultimately allows his children to take ownership of their decisions and experiences.
✞ Always puts his children's needs above his own.
✞ Being the doctor he is and a parent can be a challenging juggling act. Kuras, however, manages to balance both roles with grace and dedication.
✞ T r i p l e t s
✞ If anyone dares to harm their child, he will stop at nothing to protect them. Fuck repentance and forgiveness; Kuras will seek justice with a vengeance that knows no bounds.
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butchdykekondraki · 6 months
angel who's just really into the beach boys. angel who keeps making custom clothes for themself of just the beach boys merch. angel who keeps requesting to listen to kokomo and laughing when someone inevitably groans and goes "again?? really??"
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bizbat · 4 months
your jason todd hcs are sooooo good omg!!! do you have any hcs specifically for when he has a crush on the reader, like how he might act, specifically if the reader is oblivious and really doesn’t think that she’s his type / thinks he’s joking if he says anything flirty?
When They're In Love - Jason Todd (Crush Edition)
🕸️Spiderverse Masterlist🕸️
🐼JJK Masterlist🐼
~ Fem terms + Pet names used for reader.
~ You can find part one of these hcs here, and part two here.
~ You can find more of my works here.
~ These can be read as a sort of part three/prequel kinda.
~Fic at the end.
~ Tw for : Blood, Knives, Needles, Vomit. (All slight)
~Thank you for asking! Hope you enjoy, sorry this took so long :(
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You would never know that Jason has a crush on you.
For the most part, he wont talk to you any differently than he will anyone else.
Maybe he won't jokingly insult you, or be super sarcastic around you, but I think that's kind of as far as he'd go.
Unless you're a close friend or family member, you'd probably have no clue he had a crush based on the way he talks to you.
But the little actions and things he does for you are so obvious.
He's the type to hold open doors for you, all the while staring other people dead in the eye as it shuts in their face.
He somehow always just "randomly" has your favorite snack on hand, or a whole collection of books by your favorite author.
I think he'd be touchy, unless he knows you don't like being touched.
If you like or don't mind it, he'd have his arm constantly thrown over your shoulder, always be leaning against you, always resting a hand on your hip.
If you're shorter than him, he does that super annoying thing where he rests his elbow on your head.
He is so lame omg.
But bc he's kinda like this with everyone, no one would fault you for not understanding his hints.
He's like the opposite though.
You said hi to him this morning? You must be in love with him.
You smiled at him today instead of Dick? He's already planning the wedding.
What's that? You said he smells nice? Have his babies. (If you can/want to)
Our delusional king.
He doesn't think you don't get his flirting.
He'd think you're fully aware and are flirting back.
Again, our delusional king.
You probably won't get it until something really serious happens and he comes to you instead of Bruce or Roy.
He'd probably try to get into things you're interested in.
Listens to all your favorite songs, reads your favorite books, etc.
And he's not subtle about it bc he is in fact, a loser.
He'll recommend a song by your favorite artist and then be like "idk why but this just reminded me of you lol"
LOSER. Can you guys tell i'm a big believer in the "jason todd is secretly a massive loser" agenda? Cuz I am. :|
And then he listens when you go on rambles about how great the things you like are and how much they mean to you.
I said he'll do things just to hear you talk about them, and I think he'd do that when he has a crush on you too.
He just loves your voice and likes hearing you talk.
He smiles at you so softly when he thinks you aren't looking.
You could be bumming out and he'll look at you with heart eyes like yeah, future spouse right there.
I don't think he'd be a big user of social media, but if you were, he'd get a whole account just to like and comment of your pictures.
user94820860038466 commented: You look very pretty in this picture.
Comments like an old man bc he has very little understanding of the internet.
He'd probably help you take pictures and fight with other people in your comment section if they're too down bad or creepy.
He doesn't strike me as the jealous type bc once again, he's so delusional he pretty much already thinks you're dating.
Nicknames nicknames nicknames.
Calls you so, so many nicknames.
Angel, doll, sweetheart, maybe even babe.
He constantly talks about you when you aren't there.
Lian and Roy know so much about you before they even meet you.
He'd do anything for you.
The store is actually about a mile in the other direction, but yeah he can get you your favorite drink.
He does not like that food at all and the owner of the store despises him, but he will not return to you empty handed best believe.
He was actually going to wear that hoodie today, but it looks so much better on you you should keep it!
~ Drabble Starts Here. ~
It's just like every other night in Gotham City. It's cold, and wet, and it smells like smoke and garbage that's been left out in the sun.
The only barrier between you and the chilled, musty air outside is a single sheet of glass; the fire escape window of your fifth floor apartment. It's comforting. The glass is, of course, bulletproof, and the seal around the sill is tight, so no gases ever manage seep in. It pays to have a decent landlord, especially in Gotham.
It's funny, but you really never think about that window. You mostly keep it shut and locked, except in the summer, when you can smell your neighbor in the building next door cooking all types of delicious aromatic dishes, or when it's just too hot and you decide the risk of heatstroke is greater than the risk of airborne psychosis. It never occurs to you just how well it keeps you safe, just how well it keeps things out.
It occurs to Jason, though. In fact, it's the only thing on his mind as he's gripping his side, frantically trying to prevent too much blood from seeping out of his body.
He'll probably chastise himself later for not being more gentle or respectful, but he's lost too much blood to be thinking straight. With his free hand, he bangs on your window, praying that you're A) at home, and B) not listening to music. He's not too worried about the first one, he knows you never leave your lights on when you're away, but the second one, he's not too sure about.
He bangs, and bangs, and bangs on the glass, a loud, thunk thunk thunk thunk thunk that immediately rouses your from your sleep. You jump up from your spot on the couch, an open book falling from your lap as you dart into your room to grab the knife Jay gave you for protection, before returning to your living room, keeping your back to the wall.
You hold the blade in front of you, nervously gripping the hilt as you listen to the banging, making sure to stay just out of sight as you cautiously creep closer and closer to the noise. It isn't until the banging dies down that you finally get close enough to see the cause.
You gasp at the sight, dropping the knife and trying to tug the window open, before mentally yelling at yourself to unlock it. You drag the weakened behemoth of a man into your apartment, carefully placing his upper body on the floor in front of your window and removing his helmet. Your hand moves to his side, firmly pressing down on his wound, as you stare at him, mouth agape and eyes flooding with concern.
He laughs, a dry chuckle that just sounds like it hurts. "What took ya' doll?" You wanna smack him, but you can do that when he's not bleeding all over your hardwood floors. You tell him to wait, as if he could go anywhere in the state he's in, before rushing to grab the emergency kit he forced you to keep.
"Let-ngh- let me do it." He groans as he attempts to sit up, trying and failing to pull the tweezers from your hand. He doesn't even have the strength to sit back up when you gently push him back down. You clean his wound, all while he holds back winces and groans. You don't hold back, focusing on cutting and cleaning and stitching and wrapping, berating Jason for coming to you of all people.
"What d'ya mean? Of course I'd come to you?" Jason manages between harsh breaths. "Who else would I go to?" He seems genuinely confused, you're his girlfriend, you always come to him when you need help. Why wouldn't he come to you?
"Oh, I don't know, Jason, maybe Bruce, or Roy, or literally anyone else with training to handle this kind of thing!?" It comes out mean, but through his pain he can tell it's coming from a place of true care. You're worried. One of the strongest, most skilled people you know is bleeding out on your floor and you're panicking. Of course you are, you've never had to sew someone up, or dig a bullet out of someone, or try to hold down bile from the heavy smell of blood.
Your hands are shaking like crazy. This isn't a slight graze you can put a bandaid over and seal with a kiss, this is a life threatening wound on someone you care about, and all they've been doing since they came to you is make stupid fucking jokes and try to take things from your hands.
Jason can tell it's getting to you.
It should be the other way around, what with him bleeding out in your living room, but he quiets down, gripping your wrist with his non-blood covered hand. "Hey," He gently strokes your skin with his thumb, repeating himself when you don't move your eyes from his wound. "Hey, look at me Y/n." It's just stern enough to make you obey, without sounding like he's mad at you. "It'll be okay. I'm in good hands." Jason smiles at you, tired and reassuring. It calms your nerves just enough for you to finish sewing his wound shut.
You sit back when you're done, taking in your work once you wrap his stomach with gauze. Jason turns just enough to catch a glimpse, smiling up at you with his stupid, charming smirk. "Not bad, doll. Told ya you had it covered." He lays back, smiling up at you as he lays his head on his arm, the one on his non-injured side. Though he doesn't seem to bothered by the end of it all, you can't say the same.
He takes in your features, your tired, glossy eyes and your pouting lips. It makes his smile drop. You look away, your sad eyes not meeting his own. "I . . . what? What's wrong Y/n?" Jason winces, moving to rest on his elbows to get a better look at your face. "Was it the blood? Or the- was it the window? I'm sorry about that, by the way." You shake your head no at all of his suggestions, taking a breath before turning back to face him.
He can feel his heart hurt at the sight of unshed tears in your eyes. "I . . . I was scared Jay." He pushes himself all the way up when you take your lip into your mouth. He ignores the pain shooting through his side when he pulls you into his arms. "Hey, hey, hey, scared of what? I'm okay. You did good." Those tears finally spill when your arms wrap around his waist, loose as to not further irritate his wound.
"You could've died Jay, a-and I wouldn't be able to-to help you! I can't help you!" You sob into his shoulder. He holds you tightly, pressing his lips to your head as he rubs your back. "Please, please don't cry. I'm okay now, you helped me. I'm all better now." He rocks you both gently, trying to console you. "Sides, if I was gonna die, I'd be happy if it was with my girl."
You freeze in his arms, and he knows he said something wrong. He just doesn't know what. His brain moves a mile a minute as he tries to figure out what it was before you get even more upset. Though, his brain completely shuts down when you stare up at him with those cute, confused eyes. The tears have slowed down, and he's at least thankful for that. "Your . . . girl?" Now he's confused too. "What-what do you mean by that?"
He has to do a double take. "What do you mean? You're my girl, like . . . girlfriend, you know?" Every second that passes only confuses the two of you more. "I'm your girlfriend?" "Ar-aren't you?" You blink at him. Were you? Are you? "Am I?" Somewhere there was cognitive dissonance, Jason just doesn't know for who. "Yeah, we're dating, I thought?" Though, he doesn't feel so confident about that now.
"Oh," You feel your ears grow warm, for the second time now your eyes don't meet his own. "I . . . I didn't know that." You wish you could hide right now, but he's still got his arms wrapped around you. "I mean, unless you don't want to, then-then I'm sorry-" Jason feels maybe even more embarrassed than you as he finally drops his arms, grabbing his helmet and moving to crawl back out the window he came in through. His bullet wound is completely forgotten by now.
He stops when you grip his jacket, shyly staring at the floor as you speak. "No! I w-want to." Your eyes darty up to his, before losing confidence and dropping back to the floor. "I want to be your girlfriend," It comes out a whisper, and when he's silent for a beat too long you worry he's suddenly changed his mind.
"Good. Great. Yeah." He drops back to the floor, sitting cross legged beside you. Internally, he's doing backflips in his mind. "Cool." Later on, he'll ask more questions, but for now, he's satisfied. "Yeah." You shyly play with your clothes, twiddling your thumbs as you sit in silence. You feel like a little girl who just admitted to her crush that she likes him. "Are you-" "I didn't-" You interrupt each other, both of you gesturing for the other to continue. It's a bit of a fight, but Jason makes you go first.
"I was gonna ask if you were hungry. I have some, um, pretzels and stuff. If you want." Jason nods. He follows you into your kitchen, where the two of you quietly and contently eat the iron rich foods you looked up. "What were you going to say, by the way?"
Jason looks up from his plate, the haphazardly prepared meal helping him feel better, though his heart feels pretty good right now anyways. "I didn't know that you didn't know. I thought," he laughs nervously. "I thought, we were dating this whole time." He laughs again when you shake your head. "I didn't know! I thought . . . I don't know, that I wasn't your type, or something."
That's probably the most surprising thing he's heard you say today. Okay it's not, but it's the thing that most catches him off guard.
"Of course you are! You're so sweet, and cute, and nice, and pretty, and you smell really good, and you're funny, and I like your voice, and the way you d-do things . . . and . . . other stuff." Jason stops himself before he can ramble for hours about every single things he loves about you. You wouldn't mind if he did, though. You hide your pleased expression with your hand.
"Me too." It's quiet, but no longer shy. "I like all that "stuff" about you too."
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fawnprincessblog · 2 months
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𝒜𝓃𝓰𝓮𝓁'𝓈 𝒹𝓮𝓋𝓮𝓁𝓸𝓅𝓂𝓮𝓃𝓉 𝒹𝒾𝒶𝓇𝓎.
(part 1: 'the praise and some coffee') type: slow burn, fluff (tom kaulitz 2015 × fem reader)
includes : teacher × student, childish annoying immature school girl who's name is Angel (you), teacher tom, wannabe teacher's pet, age gap. tom is 25, angel is 17. plot : angel, a young, childish and innocent honour student was shunned by her schoolmates due to her being a teacher's pet, but none of that mattered whenever she ran into her favorite teacher, Tom, that she so deeply admired, who she swears on her life she will serve until the day she dies. despite being favourited by many other teachers, tom does not favour her due to her clingy behaviour. she may be smart but her hormones play a huge part in her schooling life as well.
bambi's note! : hello sweeties :3 i don't really wanna explain much but i think you guys will be sick of hearing the same lame excuse to why i disappear quite frequently. writer block makes me want to suicide sometimes, i've been trying my hardest to write, this took me months to finally put tgt. crazy that it's short too. i have drafts from last year in my docs. im also an art student, so it makes it hard to tackle both things rn. anyway, have fun reading part one of 'Angel's development diary ' :3
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“Everyone now turn to page 74,” Tom instructs, his voice sharp and echoing across the classroom. The whole room was silent, only he could be heard. Nobody would disrespect a man like him, for he was rather strict, and serious, his only intention being to get his point across and educate his students. That’s what the majority saw in him. 
Well, except for one person. That was Angel. The honour student of her class.
Angel saw what other people did not care about. Despite being the very sophisticated and refined teacher everyone knew, to her he was so much more. Tom was a young, 25 year-old Maths teacher. She admired that strong body structure of his, and the way his face features all fit together. The way his hair was always worn in a messy bun, a few strands poking out the front, had just added to his good looks. He wasn’t over-dressed, like those wannabe scientists-looking teachers in her physics classes; he was rather usually seen in t-shirts. On special occasions, she got to see him in a suit. 
He wasn’t the kind to play around. He expected all his students to pass his class with flying colours, not one left behind. In fact, all teachers wished the same. In such a popular and very high-class school, of course every single student had to be well-behaved and supremely knowledgeable.
The school Angel went to was one with a high standard of academic and extracurricular achievements. It has a strong emphasis on academics and often has a highly selective acceptance rate, which makes it difficult to get in. She was quite lucky. The campus has beautiful architecture, state-of-the-art facilities, and ample resources for students' academic and personal development. The faculty members are very well-educated and experienced in their respective fields, and the school often has a high student-teacher ratio. The students are often from wealthy families with a strong academic focus, and the school often boasts a high graduation rate. 
Coming from such a school that was great and had put Angel’s reputation in great hands meant no mistakes were to be made at all. She had to maintain her good grades. And one thing is for sure: she couldn’t possibly keep having dirty thoughts about her teacher. 
“Hey, you,” Tom called out, snapping his fingers twice. “Angel?” 
She snapped out of her trance almost immediately, a little startled by his tone. “Oh—yes?” she responds, heat evidently rising in her cheeks the moment he had called out her name. Oh, when he said her name, it only served to heighten her arousal. His voice was so strong and firm, it made her squirm in her seat like a damn worm. All those dirty thoughts wouldn’t go away. 
“Are you gonna pay attention? Or is daydreaming the only thing you like to do?” Tom asked, folding his muscular arms across his chest, staring right into her soul. He had this scary glare that usually put most students in fear, but to her, it was attractive. His dominant demeanour when teaching a lesson made her imagine all these horrendous things, like how he was in bed. 
“N-No—! Um, I was listening,” Angel responds, clearing her throat. She shifted a little in her seat, tugging at the hem of her red plaid skirt. She was wet. So uncomfortably wet and aroused, she would’ve probably left a stain on the chair if she had gotten up.
“I hope so,” Tom grunted, turning back to the chalkboard to continue writing those endless amounts of Math sums. It was overwhelming to look at; all of the numbers bunched together, the dusty residue of the chalk making it even worse. It was a lot to take in, however that was just how it was. 
His teaching continued, his voice loud and clear. Angel diligently started writing down her notes, trying to keep up with his pace. Being such a good student, she had become fond of his teachings, and she was expected to have one of the highest marks among the rest, even if everyone else was already good. 
An honour student. That’s what she was. Supposedly, she was the teacher’s pet. 
She did well, joined every possible club and involved herself in every school event, making sure she was obtaining high merit points that boosted her reputation in her school. Angel was simply a good little girl that most teachers did like, but the other students, and for some reason, Tom, did not like her. They found her exasperating. 
The bell rings. Class is over, and Tom is preparing a stack of worksheets to hand out to the class on the way out. “Alright class, tomorrow I wanna see all your worksheets full of numbers. All correct and no mistakes. I believe I’ve taught you all enough on this topic, so I expect perfect answers,” he announces. “You can pack up and leave now.” 
“Sir!” Angel calls out, rising from her seat abruptly, making everyone else pause from their packing up. Majority rolled their eyes. “You forgot to take attendance. Usually you take attendance every morning before class but since you forgot the checklist you said you would—”
“Right, right, okay,” Tom interrupts, an exasperated sigh followed right after. Clearly, he was pissed. Angel was quite aware that he disliked her try-hard behaviour, in fact, she was aware everyone did. Of course as an honour student she was made to please the teachers with good grades and behaviour, but the other students knew clearly she acted the most clingy around Tom. She saw past his strict demeanour and she acted like a child around him. Always trying to point out the simplest things, always reminding him about his meetings, always trying to get him his coffee, always trying to help him out at any damn chance she got— Angel was desperate and needy for his love. She was willing to make him love her. She wanted to be his favourite student. 
He notwithstanding, saw her as a confounded girl who was beating a dead horse. A try-hard, annoying, clingy little bitch that stuck to him like a damn tick. It irritated him when she acted like his little servant. 
But Angel liked it. She didn’t care. 
“Since you wanna help so much, get the checklist for me,” Tom tells her rather bluntly, clicking a pen in his hand as he speaks. Angel’s ears perk up at his request. “What? Really?” she asks, eyes full of joy. That annoying excited voice—it made his ears bleed.
“Go get it, it's in my office,” Tom says. “And hurry. Your classmates wanna leave class.” 
“Consider it done, sir!” she enthused, immediately dashing towards the door and running straight to his office. Like a little slave, she did everything for him.
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Recess time. One of the times where Angel would bother her favourite teacher the most. Even if she was trying to be helpful, she usually came off as a nuisance. He was an earnest and disciplined man, always keeping up with his set schedule. During break he’d grab coffee in the teacher’s lounge, discuss some things with his colleagues, or he’d take the coffee straight to his office so he can finish up paperwork. However he wasn’t the only one who kept to his schedule…
“Hi sir,” she greeted excitedly, grinning like an idiot. She blocked him, not allowing him to continue walking through the school hallway, which was empty since everyone else was at the cafeteria. “Where will you be taking yourself to today? Do you need help with anything?
He lets out a breath, trying his hardest to not let her irritate him right now. Angel being around him was something he couldn’t possibly avoid. It was an everyday thing now. “No,” he said simply. He then looked around. “Do I look like I need help?” His tone was dripping with sarcasm. Angel could tell, but she couldn’t be bothered. 
“You may not be holding anything that I could help you carry, but there’s other things I can help with,” Angel says. “Like, your coffee. Do you want me to get your coffee?” She was just so damn innocent  acting like a maid trying to please him with every chance she got. She really acted like life was all unicorns and rainbows, like she had not a single issue in the world.
“For the last time, I can get it myself. You’ve been asking this everyday now,” Tom sighs. “Shouldn’t you be eating? It’s recess. Go eat.”
“I already have,” Angel replies with that annoying giggle right after, making him clench his jaw. She was insufferable. That giggle was ingrained into his mind. He could recognise it from a mile away. 
“Okay, good. Now if you don’t mind, you can just mov—”
“One sachet of the coffee mix, two teaspoons of sugar and some milk to top it off,” she interrupted, making him raise an eyebrow. “You use the blue mug. Always the blue mug,” she added.
“You know my coffee?” he asked, a little disturbed by her knowledge on how he liked his coffee. His eyes narrowed to slits, peering at her.
“Yep,” she replies, as if it were the most normal thing in the world. To him, she was a complete stalker at this point. “You have about 12 minutes to go to the teacher’s lounge and get your coffee, and return back to your office to finish marking off the recent test you gave us before you have to rush to the meeting you have with Mr.Harrison about the new changes we’re making to the school’s mural art.” 
“What?” he said, almost wanting to laugh in disbelief. That was way too many words for him to comprehend. “You know my schedule?” 
“Well I memorised it,” she shrugged. “Tuesday’s and Fridays you stay in your office during break. All the other days you’re eating at the teacher’s lounge.
What the hell, he thought, looking at her with the most perplexed look he’s ever plastered onto his perfect face. “What are you doing, stalking me? My schedule is printed on paper and left in the drawer of my desk—”
“It’s also printed in my mind,” she joked, pointing a finger to her temple. 
He looks at her, bewildered. Completely uneasy. He didn’t like this. He knew she always had this weird thing for him, but he didn’t think she was this peculiar, knowing his schedule and all. Tom was taken aback by her behaviour, but he remained unruffled for now. It wasn’t too surprising, since she had been doing this for a while; asking him if she could get his coffee, but he had always declined. In the past, she had been randomly reminding him about his meetings, or anything he planned to do on that day, which he also found annoying, but today she really surprised him, wording out his entire plan for today.  
He cleared his throat. “Well, I know my own schedule, I don’t need you to tell me,” he says.
“I know. You’re very smart. But, I figured you’d like help,” she says, grinning. 
He had to get rid of her. This damn pest of a student. “I don’t. Not right now. So, If you don’t mind, Angel, please move aside so I can go.” He tries to walk past her, but she stubbornly blocks him again. 
“C’mon, I’m sure you need someone to get your coffee,” Angel insisted, looking at him with those set of pathetic eyes, ones that he insanely hated to look at. She was small, pretty, and sweet, but she was tiring. He didn’t like her. “Angel…” he sighed, wanting to snap at her, but he held back; he may be strict, but there was no reason to be shouting at a student who just wanted to help so badly, right? “...Fine. Get my coffee, bring it to my office. Now.” he finally relented, looking down at her rather annoyed that he had forced himself to give in. Oh, she really had her ways. 
“Yes, sir!” Angel exclaims, smiling widely, and she dashed off, disappearing immediately. Tom folded his arms, watching the pesky little girl run off to get his coffee like a slave. She obeyed him so much, wanting to do anything just for his attention. He chuckled a little, he couldn’t help himself.
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“One coffee,” she says, placing the blue ceramic mug onto his desk slowly, as if she were a waitress. Tom had been busy on his computer, going over some emails while waiting. She had returned rather quickly. Tom flashed her a faint smile, and he took the cup, taking a small sip. She had got it right. It tasted exactly like how he wanted. 
Wait for the praise, wait for the praise, Angel thought in her mind, eagerly looking at him for a positive reaction with big, innocent eyes. 
“It’s exactly how I like it, Angel,” Tom finally says, looking up at her. He noticed her small hands fidgeting with the hem of her school skirt. “Good job,” he finally praised, his voice low and soothing. 
Angel’s cheeks immediately flushed pink. Everytime he gave her praise, her arousal hit her like a brick. She couldn’t contain herself. She could already feel herself soaking her panties. “N-No problem, sir…” Angel says, her lips slowly curling into a nervous grin. She squeezed her thighs together a little, trying to contain herself. 
“You may go now,” he says. 
“Y-Yes,” she nods, bowing a little as a sign of respect. She then left.
Tom did not know the effect he had on this girl. If only he could ease that ache.
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starbabyg · 1 year
pleaseeeeeee jack and trevor share her
Picture Perfect pt. 3 | Jack Hughes x reader x Trevor Zegras
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part one and part two right hereeee
warnings; smut duh, the words cock and other funky words that make me squirm, jealous Jack , also a bit shitty writing lol
Trevor couldn’t get you off his mind ever since that day. It’s all he could think of, the way your pussy gripped around Jack’s dick. The sound of your angelic moans. It was sick the way all of his thoughts were revolving around you. Trevor couldn’t even face Jack any more. He had been avoiding him at all costs, too scared he’d blurt out how he needed to fuck you to get you out of his head.
You walked out of your room and into the living room, seeing Jack playing a video game with his feet up on the coffee table. “Hey, isn’t it guy’s night shouldn’t you be at the lake house?”
“Yeah, but Trev said he couldn’t make it again. I think he’s doing that shit on purpose cause Cole told me he saw him the other day,” Jack responded, not looking up at you. He had a rough demeanor about it, but inside Jack was just a bit hurt that it seemed like his best friend was avoiding him.
“Is he mad at you or something?” You made your way to the kitchen island, grabbing a mandarin and peeling it to snack on.
“Can’t be, I didn’t do shit to him. And I mean it this time.”
“Well when was the last time you even saw him?”
“That one weekend he came over and watched us fuck. Told me he’d call me to chill afterwards, never did,” he shrugged.
“You don’t think he was weirded out by the situation? Like at least a little bit? I mean he did watch us have sex,” you concluded.
Jack recollected the event, he knew Trevor was nervous about it but he didn’t think that he would be weirded out by it, “I don’t fucken know, I thought we were close enough for that. We’ve joked about it before, banging groupies together— all before I met you of course.”
“Mmhmm,” you nodded. “Still, it was a hypothetical situation. And I’m your girlfriend, Jack. Not a groupie you’re never going to see again. It adds a certain nuance to the situation don’t you think?”
Your words made Jack think deeply, and one thing about Jack is he hates getting deep in his thoughts. He furrowed his brows, what you said confusing him just a bit. “Yeah I guess that’s true. But whatever, I’m just gonna confront him and ask him why he’s being like this.” Jack got up from his spot, putting his slides on and grabbing his keys. If Trevor was going to avoid him the only thing he could do was be right there where he had no choice but to see Jack.
“Stupid Trevor avoiding me like a weirdo. Making me drive to his house cause he wants to be lame. Funky ass missing guys night again,” Jack grumbled the whole drive to Trevor’s place.
When Jack arrived to Trevor’s place he was less upset and more hurt by the fact his best friend hadn’t responded to his texts or calls. That it had really got to the point where he had to actually drive to his house to see him face to face. Nevertheless he knocked, picking his posture up and preparing himself for the confrontation.
“Yo–” Trevor opened the door with a smile on his face, which faded with the sight of a less than happy Jack on the other side of the door. “Oh, what’s up Jack,” he now monotonously greeted.
“What’s up? That’s all you gotta say bro?” Jack started off, his hurt feelings getting to him, “You’ve been flaking on me. Not answering my calls or texts. Just straight up dodging me. What’s up with you?” At that moment he sounded like a heartbroken girlfriend, but at that moment he was.
Trevor was taken a back just a bit, but fully understood where Jack was coming from. “It’s just that I um, I’ve just been—“ he stuttered and stammered, not being able to form a cohesive sentence.
“You’ve what? Whatever it is, it just sucks you’re not able to communicate it with me. Being as we’re like best friends and all,” Jack spoke vulnerably, something he had taken up from you.
Trevor sighed, the words resonating with him. He realized he just had to face the problem head on, and tell Jack what was going on in his head. “Listen,” Trevor looked down, not being able to look Jack in the eyes, “It’s hard for me to tell you this. I never in a million years thought I’d be in this situation. Ever. Like ever. It makes me sick just thinking about it. But, watching you fuck y/n was a huge mistake.”
“Was it too much for you? She told me you probably thought I was weird, god I’m embarrassed—“
Trevor cut him off, “No, no. It’s not that. Like at all. It’s just that you were right about everything you said. About y/n,” Trev took a deep breath to muster up courage and to finish, “So right to the point that I can’t get her out of my head. Just seeing the way she fucked you and shit. It’s been stuck on my mind. I’ve never seen no one fuck like that ever in my life. And you know how many girls I’ve fucked.”
Jack didn’t know how to react or respond. Yeah, he was proud of you because he knew you were the top of the top, cream of the crop. But also, his best friend was lusting after you, his girlfriend.
“So you gotta crush on y/n?”
“I don’t know if you can say crush, she’s a great girl and all but I know you two are meant for each other. It’s just, she has that sexual prowess. If anything it’s like a fuck crush.”
“A fuck crush,” Jack raised an eyebrow, trying to comprehend what Trevor just said. The entire situation was difficult for him to comprehend.
“Yeah. Not to objectify her or anything. But she just looked so fucking amazing fucking you.”
Jack pursed his lips, “So if I let you fuck her can you stop being weird?”
“Wait, what did you just say?” Trevor had to double take, cause after everything, he knows Jack didn’t say what he just said.
“If I let you fuck her, can you stop being weird,” Jack drew out his words.
“No way. I’m not going to fuck your girlfriend and no way you’re actually going to let me fuck her just like that.”
“If it’ll make you get over whatever the hell a fuck crush is, then yeah. Get her out of your system so we can be cool again. I don’t wanna lose my best friend over some petty shit like this, cmon Trev.”
“Jack, listen to what you’re saying. Are you really going to let me fuck your girlfriend.”
“I’m not all too keen about you taking her all by yourself. Not no cuck shit. But remember when we always talked about tag teaming a girl?”
“Yeah, I kinda remember,” he recalled all the conversations from when they both first got into the league, bragging about all the pussy they were gonna get.
“Well, how about a threesome with my girlfriend,” Jack proposed, “God it makes me sick just thinking about it. But if there’s anyone I would have a threesome with it’d be you.”
“Jesus Jack, you’ve put me in a sick situation. A sick sick situation. I wanna say yes but I wanna say no.”
“Like I said, if this is what it takes for shit to go back to normal I’m all for it,” Jack sighed.
“You sure that you’re sure?”
“As sure as I can be, In this moment. I might come to regret it but you know my dumb ass just lives in the moment,” shaking his head, Jack tried to push all negative thoughts away.
Trevor contemplated, because the first time he said yes to one of Jack’s asinine ideas he got put in this situation. But still, he just couldn’t get you out of his mind. His body was feening to feel yours against his. To feel you ride him the way you rode Jack. It was driving him borderline insane. The whole situation was a catch 22 for him.
“Are you sure y/n even wants this? I mean look at the position we put her in,” classic Trevor, always worried about you where Jack had always been mindless.
“You saw the way she was about to go down on you. Seems like we’re all consenting in this situation.” He recalled the way you so easily crawled over to Trevor without a second thought, about to take him inside your mouth just as you would with him. It sparked a tinge of jealousy in him, but at the same time also turned him on seeing you from another point of view.
“I just don’t want this to make shit even more weird than it already is. I know how much you love her and you know how much I love you.”
“Yeah, I know. That’s why I trust both of you to even do any of this shit. We’ve been best friends since like forever, and to be honest I’ve never been in love with someone as much as I’m in love with y/n. And I’m the one who put us all in this place, being the show off I am. Can’t bitch out now.”
“Jack, if this goes south I’m literally gonna kill myself. I’m already dead inside from shame and embarrassment,” Trev spoke with his eyes squeezed shut. It was still difficult for him to look Jack in his eyes.
“Jesus Zegras, don’t be so morbid.”
So right then and there Jack and Trevor set a day for the threesome. With Trevor freaking out the whole time, and Jack trying to calm him down, you were clueless to the whole ordeal.
It was a Friday evening, Jack running errands and you taking the day off from the hectic week. You laid in the king sized bed the two of you shared, only in one of Jack’s oversized graphic tee shirts and a pair of lace panties that you so loved to adorn.
“Hey princess,” you felt Jack’s hand run up your bare leg. Your eyes fluttered open, still adjusting to your surroundings. Everything was always hazy when you first woke up.
“Hi my love,” you sleepily smiled at him. You turned so you were no longer on your side, but leaning your back against the headboard. Still blinking to adjust, you could now make out another person in the room.
“How was your little nap? You still look sleepy my little love bug,” Jack smiled at you. He loved how you looked when you first woke up, always with a look of clueless confusion, brows upturned and bottom lip stuck out just a bit.
“It was fine, hadda nice dream. Probably coulda slept through the whole night I was so comfortable,” you rubbed your eye and stretched as you finally started to actually wake up.
“Yeah? I got someone here who wants to see you though,” he told you, his thumb still rubbing that spot on your leg.
“Huh? Who?” You turned, seeing Trevor stand idly by the door, “Oh hey Trevor, long time no see. How you been?” You softly smiled up at him.
“Hey y/n,” he timidly waved. Seeing you in person sucked every ounce of courage that was inside of him. If he was nervous before, now he was a complete wreck. He tried to mask it by mustering up a half smile.
“Trevor’s been feeling some type of way,” Jack started.
“Hm? What d’ya mean?” You questioned confused.
Jack looked towards him, not being able to tell you himself, from lack of words to say it or refusal, no one knows.
“Jack, I can’t say it,” Trev shook his head. Between you and Jack, it was just too much to be put on the spot and confess how you had him feeling.
Jack stood up, “Well, I’m gonna get a drink. I’ll be right back. Give you some space.” This wasn’t just for Trevor to finally relay how he feels about you. Jack himself just couldn’t stand to be in the room while it happened. He knew what was about to go down, yet his possessive instincts kicked in. He had to at least be a little tipsy before consciously going through with another one of his crazy ideas.
“Are you like, grossed out by me or something? That I could actually go through with fucking Jack in front of you? Do you look at me differently now?”
“Yes, I look at you differently.”
“Oh,” was all you could say.
“But not in that way. Y/n, I just can’t seem to get you out of my head. Ever since I saw you fuck Jack, I just can’t. I’ve had this sick craving, I needed to feel what Jack felt. It makes me sick that I can’t feel you bounce on my cock, that I can’t just flip you over and fuck you how Jack did. I just can’t stand not being able to experience you like that,” finally all the words spilled from his brain and out for you to hear. “And I know I shouldn’t feel this way because you’re my best friends girlfriend, that’s why I’ve been avoiding Jack. Because of you. Because I can’t have you the way I want to. The way I need to.”
“Trevor, I–”
“It’s fine y/n. You don’t have to try and let me down easy. Jack wanted to bring me here to get you out of my system but this is another insane idea I just can’t go through with and put you through.” Trevor turned hastily to get out of there as quickly as possible.
You shot up as fast as you could and grabbed Trev by his arm, pulling him back into the room. “No Trevor, I was gonna say I can help you get over me. Guys always get over it once they get what they want right?” You softly chuckled.
Trevor sighed, “Y/n I don’t want you to think of it like that. I really like you, you’re perfect for Jack. I– just don’t know where this sudden infatuation came from.”
“I know Trev, it doesn’t have to be that way. Let’s just get this over with and forget it all happened mm?” You tilted your head, your hand that grabbed him now making its way up his tricep. The way Trevor talked about this situation, how he viewed you now, sparked something tantalizing inside of you.
“W-what about Jack?”
“Well we’ll just have to get his blessing, right?” You pulled Trevor out of the room, to where Jack was seated on the kitchen island, beer in hand. “Jacky baby, is it alright if I get to play with Trev tonight? That is what you brought him over for right?”
Jack took a deep gulp, he hated the words that came out of your mouth but he loved the sultry way that you spoke him, he couldn’t stop himself from breathlessly staring and nodding. Just like Trevor, he too was trapped under your siren spell. You could never do anything without Jack, so you gripped him by his wrist and yanked him up from his solitude. You’d need the space of the big California king bed for the three of you.
“I think it’s only fair that Trevor gets to undress me,” grabbing his hands, you set them at the hem of the large tee shirt you wore. There really wasn’t much for him to strip your body off. Trevor’s breath hitched, this really was the moment, he’s finally getting what he wanted. Slowly he lifted the shirt up, your arms raised. Jack sat there with anticipation, palming himself through his sweatpants. So this is what it looks like to the neighbors huh. He was loving this point of view, seeing you in another light.
Now just standing in your bra, panties, and knee high socks, Trevor’s brain had flipped a switch. It’s as if his brain went feral, urging him to grab your supple breasts. He cupped them, feeling the fullness of them in his palms, squeezing them, the flesh filling in the gaps between his fingers.
“Screw this bra, it needs to go now,” he mumbled under his breath. Trevor reached around to your backside, feeling for the hooks. Trevor fumbled with it, trying to use one hand to unhook it was proving difficult. Jack saw this, and he himself started to get impatient.
“You’re taking too long, let me do it,” he smacked his lips together, slightly shoving Trevor out of the way. Swiftly, with one hand Jack had unlatched your bra, with the straps falling off your dainty shoulders. Jack smirked at Trevor, who only looked back with his mouth agape. “Perfect titties.”
“Mhmm,” Trevor agreed with Jack, bending down and taking one in his mouth. Trevor started sucking it softly, the feather like sensation causing you to gasp. Seeing that Trevor could get that kind of reaction out of you made Jack grow a tinge jealous. Although it was all turning him on, he was feeling that bit possessive feeling over you. Jack planted himself onto your other boob, suctioning to it with pressure.
“Oh my god,” you moaned as Jack gently rolled your nipple in between his teeth. The slight pain mixed with the intense pleasure sent shocks through your body. Where Jack was going rough, Trevor went soft. With the slightest touch of his tongue he flicked it in all the right places around your areola. Starting with the bottom, swinging around the top, then making a full circle around the whole nipple. The two differing pressures started to make your vision hazy, your legs starting to buckle and give out. Sensing this, and knowing your body, Jack went behind you, now supporting your weight as your naked body pressed against him. Jack moved your hair to one side out of the way and pressed kisses from the nape of your neck upwards. One hand held your waist, the other gripping the bare flesh of your boob, rolling the nipple between his index and middle finger.
Seeing Jack supporting the upper portion of your body, Trevor kneeled down, planting a kiss to your clit as he placed himself in between your legs, putting both knees on his shoulders and hoisting you up. With your body now in the air, lifted up by the two boys, Trevor began to lap his tongue on your pussy, licking up your labia and up to the crown of your clit. You squirmed, your legs locking around his neck. The feather like kitten licks so slight and so gentle, although it wasn’t a lot of pressure it stimulated your bundle of nerves in all the right ways. With Trev’s hands on your backside he started to grip and grab at the flesh of your bottom before taking his right hand to insert two fingers inside your vulva. He curled his fingers down, caving into the floor of your silky walls.
All Jack could hear was the slurps of Trevor’s mouth and the squelching sound of your pussy, and quite frankly he was becoming a bit bratty that he didn’t get to be in any of the action. Jack pulled your body back, the two of you falling on the bed before he elevated your body to fit right between his legs, your back reclining on his chest. Jack padded his fingers along your stomach just before going to touch your lower lips. The temperature change from Trevor’s warm mouth to Jack’s cold fingers contrasting greatly. Starting off at a normal pace but quickly picking it up, Jack was determined to make you feel better than Trevor could.
“C’mon princess, I know you feel it, let it out,” he smirked. Knowing last time Trevor didn’t truly get the full Y/n experience. Trevor just quizzically looked, what the hell did Jack mean? Anyways, Trevor was focused on you, watching how your body reacted to the brash touch. Your toes curling up, your legs twitching. Trevor made his way up your legs, planting kisses from the tops of your feet all the way up to your thighs.
At this time Jack had both hands playing with your princess parts, his dominant hand gliding in and out of you as his other toyed with your clit. With all of this touch you were getting overstimulated, and fully well knew what Jack meant from that statement. You felt the buildup in your lower stomach, and it was getting to the point where you couldn’t contain yourself.
“Oh my fuck, I’m gonna– I’m gonna,” you breathlessly tried to get out before you squirted, Jack pulling his fingers out at the right time as you ejaculated juices that covered the bed sheets, and subsequently got a bit on Trevor as well.
“No fucking way, did you just-,” Trevor gaped in awe. Throughout his multitude of bodies he had never once met a girl who could squirt, only seeing it in videos.
“Mmhmm, just gotta play with her in all the right ways and she’s your own little waterfall,” Jack smugly boasted, proud of himself that at least he was the only one who could get you like that.
You turned around, now on your knees as you kissed Jack intensely, “I think baby deserves a treat for himself now huh,” you lowered yourself down his body, peppering kisses as you made your way to his dick. Swirling your tongue around the tip and head, you then took his full member in your mouth and started to bob up and down.
Your ass stuck out in the air vulnerably, Trevor smacked it, surely leaving a hand print, before diving in and eating it from the back. This took you by surprise, making you lurch forward and causing you to take more of Jack in your mouth.
“I think she needs to be stuffed from both ends, huh Jack,” Trevor grunted, now wanting—no, needing– to bury himself deep inside your walls. Too preoccupied with getting deepthroated, Jack just nodded and groaned out what sounded like a grumble of a yes.
Trevor pulled down his shorts, his dick now throbbing from how hard it had been this whole time. He rubbed the head from the fore and aft of your vagina before easily sliding it in.
“Is’so slick and wet. Just slid right in,” Trevor softly murmured, starting off with slow measured strokes. His hand laid on your ass as he watched his dick glide in and out of you. In this moment he was awestruck, he finally was able to feel what he was only able to daydream about. He relished in the moment, knowing this would be his only chance to feel your insides.
Wanting more pressure, you backed yourself up against his cock, your plump ass bouncing as you rocked forward and backwards. Every time you moved up, your throat taking more of Jack’s dick. Trevor bit his lip, he loved the way you took initiative, but in the moment he was much more hungrier for more friction. Trevor grabbed your hips, ramming his cock in you as deep as he could. You squealed, surprised at the tempo Trevor had now started to go. Your ass was now clapping loudly against his front side. He then grabbed you by your neck, pulling you up so your back was pressed against him and your head tilted in the crook of his neck.
Trevor’s hands roamed all over your body, a squeeze to your tit, soft touches on your belly, all before his hands made their way down to your punani. He played with your folds, just embracing the slick wetness you were secreting.
“Oh my god, oh my god,” your eyes were rolling back, hands gripped to Trevor’s arms. Jack glared at the two of you, he felt like Trevor was being pretty selfish by not sharing you.
“It’s my turn,” Jack snarled, roughly pulling you down, Trevor slipping right out of you. Jack spread your legs out, aligned himself with you, and jammed himself inside. All regards were out there window, he had to make you feel just as good as Trevor did, maybe even better.
A few strokes in he brought your legs together, straightening them up and having them rest on him, making you feel tighter for him. Jack rhythmically pounded you, on arm securing your legs to its position rested on his chest, his other hand holding you by your waist. Trevor stood over you, stroking himself as he watched you scream in pleasure.
“Hey pretty girl, stroke this for me why don’t you,” Trevor lowered his bottom half to you, letting you grab his member. You pulled him closer to you, rubbing his cock as you started to lick his under shaft and balls. Trevor’s head fell back, a nice deep grunt leaving his mouth. To you it was simple things, but to him he had never had a girl do these kind of things to him. “Fuuuuuuck y/n that feels amazing.”
At that point Trev needed to feel the inside of your whatever, almost to the point of climaxing. Your mouth, your pussy, hell if he could fuck your bellybutton he would.
“Bend her over the bed, I gotta feel her I’m bouta finish,” his breaths were hitched. Jack listened, knowing after this was over he’d finally get you all to himself again and this would all be behind you three. Never have to share you again as greedy as he is.
Jack stuck your taut ass out, your elbows rested on the edge of the bed as he pushed you faced down. He smacked your ass, leaving his imprint before looking at Trevor, “Go for it brother.”
Trevor positioned himself behind you, jiggling your ass a bit before inserting himself inside you once again. Jack got in front, about to face fuck you into oblivion. With his hands planted to your hips, Trevor began to snap himself into you, a nice pace so he can ride this dream out as long as he physically could. You looked back at him, mouth agape moaning as you started to fuck him back, grinding yourself against him.
Jack didn’t appreciate himself being left out, and grabbed your face just a biiiit too forcefully, opening your jaw and jamming himself inside your moist mouth. He held your hair back, one hand under your chin as he shoved as much of himself between your lips as you can take. You started to gag, and with this your walls tightening as well. With your walls tightening with every time you choked, Trevor got closer and closer to his orgasm.
“Oh shit– I’m gonna fucken,” Trevor couldn’t even finish his statement before he swiftly pulled himself out of you and finished right on your ass. “Fuck.” Trevor looked at the mess he made on your backside, he spent all that time backed up that it coated most of your ass, dripping down the sides. Jack himself was close as well, having restrained himself not wanting to finish before Trevor, and only took a few more strokes inside your mouth before he warned you.
“Get ready baby I’m gonna cum,” he brushed your hair a bit, relief in his voice. Soon you felt his warm seed coat the inside of your mouth, with you sucking his tip to drain him. Jack pulled himself out of you, your mouth closing with a ‘pop’ as you licked your lips. You swallowed, cause Jack did not train a spitter, and opened your mouth to show Jack you swallowed every drop. “That’s my good girl.” He smiled with approval.
Trevor got himself dressed as Jack got a baby wipe to clean you up. “Well, that settles it. Y/n thank you for the great fuck, Hughes, I’m never being nosy again, see you at the lake house this weekend?” Trevor laughed, dapping Jack up.
“Of course bro, I knew this would fix you being weird. Back to normal, and I know no more crazy ass ideas from me either,” Jack brought him in for a hug.
“Yeah, for real. Imma get goin tho, practice tomorrow and let you two love birds sit in that after sex bliss, see y’all,” he pointed to you both, before exiting out of the room.
“Bye Trev!” You shouted tiredly, worn out. He waved back at you one last time before he was finally out of Jack and yours sight.
Trevor closed your front door, making sure to lock it behind him. He rested his back on the door, letting out a big sigh. That had sealed it, and had turned out just how he expected it to. Fucking you had only made his crush worse, and now he had to hide it for the rest of his life.
“What the hell am I going to do now?”
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moonsvillain · 2 months
hotwings au where hawks is a fallen angel who happens to crash-land in dabi's backyard on his way down.
hawks' wings are from his status as an angel rather than a separate quirk
i'd like to imagine that quirks aren't really a thing that they're up to date on, as well as being pretty behind in, like, everything else
imagine hawks going into this with an ariel-like disposition
anyway this kicks off with hawks crashing into dabi's backyard in the middle of the night
dabi, who's obviously awake, gets up to go investigate what the fuck that was (naturally assumes someone's here to kill him, as any normal, not-paranoid-at-all person would think)
hawks is very upset (landed on his wing wrong and maybe broke it, which, like, "OWWW...." this guy has never felt pain before and now he's human, which is cool conceptually but why do humans feel pain?? are they like this all the time?? who would do this to them??)
which leads to dabi finding hawk in a pile of limbs armed with a broken wing tangled in the clothes lines that he never bothered to take down after he finally saved up enough for a washer-dryer unit
at this point in time, dabi hasn't been scouted by the league yet, but he's not struggling to survive. he's found a small townhouse to reside in, one story, one bedroom, and a small backyard
(the backyard was an important detail to him—sometimes dabi needs to just. bask in the sun. feel warm when he can)
hawks sees dabi and assumes that he must be someone from hell, and it was some sort of cosmic fate that brought the two together
(hawks has always been the hero-type, even as an angel. he doesn't want to defeat people, rather, he wants to help them.
(hawks is just terribly naive, which impedes this goal of his by a lot)
dabi drags hawks inside once he's figured out that he isn't with the hero commission after threatening to burn the rest of his feathers off (which, the fire isn't helping hawks' case against him)
hawks can't really just say he's an angel, mostly because he gets the feeling that saying as much to someone like dabi would go very sideways
so he spins a story about being kicked out of his home and having nowhere to go and no family to take him in even if they wanted
which, it's not really stretching the truth at all. that is what happened. he just omitted a few details
dabi is stabbed by a violent wave of sympathy that he tries to suppress at first, until remembering that he'd have done anything to have support from someone like dabi is now back when he had been scared, alone, confused and hurt
and even though hawks is cheerful enough, dabi can see the mask he's wearing—he's hiding something. something that hurts
so dabi nods, accepts this answer, and offers hawks the couch for the night, which hawks gladly accepts (and ignores the way his eyes get wet)
the next day both wake up, remember the night before, realize it wasn't a dream and think, fuck
dabi's gotten himself saddled with a roommate—cuz even if he wanted to ignore him, it's too late now, he spent the whole night turning the situation over in his mind and kicking him out would make dabi's already fragile emotional stability skew out of control
and its finally settling into hawks' head that he's been kicked out and he doesn't know where he's going or if he'll ever get the chance to go back even if he wanted to and he's doomed to spend the rest of his life wandering the earth looking for acceptance that will never last
tldr both are having mild panic attacks
dabi finally tries to address the situation by like, asking what hawks plans on doing or if he knows anyone that could help him out
which gets dabi a look so pathetic he immediately regrets asking
("fuckkk he's so sad and lame. what am i supposed to do. it's like staring at a miserable puppy with a bag full of treats in your pocket and pretending you don't know they're there.")
dabi grits out an offer:
stay here and figure out a way to pay rent, and dabi will do his best to fix up hawks' wing so he can fly again but also so it doesn't cost a million dollars to pay for the treatment in the first place
(dabi's plans consist of roaming the underground to find a doctor that could help the both of them out and threatening them—dabi's been putting off finding one for himself after his skin grafts start looking nastier than they should and this is the push he needs to get to it)
hawks, oblivious to this, agrees pretty readily
dabi nods
a moment of silence. then:
"is your real name dabi, or—"
"i'm not hearing this from you, hawks."
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t0ta11y-n0t-cup1d · 9 months
!!!!! hi !!! :) can u maybe write rise leo & donnie hcs (separate pls) with a reader who's super affectionate and just loves tf out of them.!!! like!!! reader is head over heels!!!
also i hate that u were self conscious while writing totally platonic ;( it was so great, i rly like the way u wrote it!!!🥹 made me feel all warm n' fuzzy n' shit
꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡ (seperate) don + leo hcs w a supez affectionate reader!!! (physical touch, gift-giving, words of affirmation)
req ;; yes/no
g/n reader!! they/them prns
warnings ;; swearing, kinda ooc??
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leo ;;
- so leo is naturally ALL over people he loves (think climbing all over raph, draping himself over mikey + donnie, etc)
- it'd be really accurate to say he's the same way with you!
- whenever you're in the lair, or just around the turtles/leo, you are going to be snatched up and there is nothing you can do about it!
- standing up? okay, leo's just gonna wrap his arms round your waist and lean his head on your shoulder.
- sitting down? either you're sitting in his lap or he's sitting in yours— or, he sits on the floor beside you so that he can lean his head on your thighs (i love doing that)
- laying in bed? CUDDLE TIME!
- that's all just to say that leo himself is very physically affectionate ;; if he got the chance he'd hold onto you and never let go
- with leo's self-esteem problems, i think it really helps to have a partner who's super affectionate!
- leo's the kinda guy to have doubts/ be like 'why are you even with me? i'm so lame and my brothers/literally anyone is so much better than me'
- so to have someone who time and time again shows how much they love him and proves that they only have eyes for him?
- it actually really helps! of course, those thoughts do come back sometimes, but it's nothing that a few kisses and a cuddle session can't fix!
- not to mention how you're always, always willing to tell him own much you love him!! because you do, you love him very much and will do anything to get those bad thoughts out of his head
- if he ever feels bad about himself or something he did, he always comes to you to get some comfort bc you comfort him in the best way
- like i wrote in Totally Platonic, leo's prone to subconsciously wagging his tail, making chittering/churring sounds at you, even fluttering his fingers around your cheeks bc red-eared slider DNA go brrr
- something that i think leo would be self-conscious of is money and ish, bc its not like he can really get much?? with the whole turtle situation
- but you, of course, being the angel you are, constantly reassures him that you don't need materialistic things for him to prove his love! you just want him, not anything else
- he sobs on the spot
- leo's the type of guy to fall HARD, so to know you're the same way? to know that you're as crazy about him as he is about you?
- he swoons, and wonders what he might've done to deserve such a wonderful partner.
- (literally save the world twice but who's counting?)
donnie ;;
- everybody, EVERYBODY KNOWS that donnie ain't a very touch-oriented guy, so at the start of the relationship, he'd deffo be overwhelmed by all the love and might ask you to tone it down (not in a mean way)
- once he gets comfortable tho he's all up for affection and cuddles :))
- you do ruin his bad-boy image tho. how is this man supposed to be dark and mysterious when your sweet self is out here making him absolutely melt???
- donnie typically shows his love through gifts and words!!!
- alike leo, he could spend HOURS singing your praise and just saying everything he loves about you (he's actually made a list organized by his most favourite qualities alphabetically.)
- i personally think that for donnie, being a middle child, he didn't get too much attention and we know for a FACT that he yearns for praise and love
- so you KNOW he's going feral if you so much as say 'wow, that's cool!' to one of his inventions
- donnie, while a little overwhelmed by all the love you show him, is really happy to have it
- don can get really stressed when doing his experiments/making his inventions, so it helps to have you around!!
- comes to you for cuddles and to rant when stuff doesn't go his way or an experiment fails
- DEFFO appreciates how affectionate and lovey-dovey you are.
- (also like leo) he can get down in the dumps and insecure bc he believes that his tech is the only 'useful' thing about himself
- so to hear you constantly being like "ahhh my bf!!! my wonderful talented smart funny bf!!!! my love my light of my life!!! i love you i love you i love you :DD" to him really brought up his spirits
- how could they not?? you're just too cute and so sweet!!
- it also helps if he feels kinda insecure in public!! people trying to flirt w you? you don't even notice because you're too busy looking at donnie.
- donnie totes makes you gifts and stuff (little robot to help you out w chores, maybe one to remind you every day how much he loves you :])
- unlike leonardo however, don prefers to keep pda to a minimum;; he likes having certain things to himself and in private
- that doesn't mean that he don't love it tho!!! he just prefers that some stuff stays behind walls
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A/N ;; SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!! but thank you so much for the request :DD im so eepy jssbbfjs,,,, anyway MEOWSSSS can't wait to work on more fics :]] they might come (even) slower tho bc im starting classes again (AGHHHHHHH)
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Tied Together - John Wick X Female Reader
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Title: Tied Together
John Wick X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Dog/Boy (John's Pitbull), and Freckles the Dalmatian (OC)
Requested by Anon!
WC: 1,594
Warnings: embarrassment, nervousness, slight 101 Dalmatians movie reference/meet cute, John being John, awkwardness, slight angst, and fluff
The sun was shining brightly down upon you and your dog, Freckles. He was a Dalmatian, with five prominent spots on his nose and around his eyes, with black ears, and the usual black spots that dotted his short white coat. He was a beautiful, angelic animal... When he wanted to be. He was always running off on his own to do things like play in the park, or run through the woods in search of birds, squirrels, or any other small prey animals. But that was just how dogs acted, and you loved Freckles. He was your best friend. 
The park was nice, calm, and with very few kids running around; playing games, or having picnics with their families. It was just perfect weather for a walk. You weren't really paying attention, but with a sharp tug of the leash, you looked up abruptly. Freckles was bouncing or hopping back and forth, looking up at you with wide bright eyes, seemingly excited about something. You frowned slightly, tilting your head.
"Freckles... Honey... What is it?" You asked your hyper dog. "Is it a squirrel?" His tail wagged wildly and he let out another yip of excitement. And before you knew it, Freckles bolted. You almost fell forward, stumbling to not fall as Freckles pulled you along behind him. This dog was certainly more intelligent than most. You knew he wanted something, and you almost regretted putting him on the leash. You looked up, eyes widening when your dog went barreling into someone. 
Freckles jumped up on a man, his dirty paws landing on the man's suit pants, making you cringe. The man turned, looking down at the tail-wagging, tongue-hanging-out dog. The man's black hair fell like dark curtains, framing his face almost too perfectly. Your heart stopped at the sight of his brown eyes, so deep, you couldn't imagine ever looking away. His lips were pulled into a tight frown as if angry; however, his eyes told you differently. They held an emotion you had never seen before. A kind of sadness that made you yourself worry. You swallowed nervously, giving the man an awkward smile as you quickly apologized. "I'm sorry. Freckles doesn't usually do this." 
The man looked back down at your dog, who hopped off his legs and began to sniff his Pitbull. "Freckles?" He asked, his voice deep and mysterious, making you wonder what his morning voice would sound like.
You nodded sheepishly. "Yeah... Uh... He's got spots, like freckles... So I sort of got inspiration from that?" You spoke, your sentence becoming more of a question the more you spoke. 
The man before you then turned down to look at the dogs, watching them play with each other. It was silent for a long time, an awkward tension in the air as you watched your dog, subtly glancing at the man beside you. He still hadn’t said anything, which made you feel even more nervous. His overall presence beside you made you nervous. You couldn't get over how handsome the man was. He was definitely more attractive than any guy you’d ever met. You shook your head lightly. That thought was ridiculous and inappropriate. You were only meeting the man for the first time, and already thinking about that?
"So..." You began, instantly cringing at yourself, "What's your dog's name?" You asked, and the man beside you said nothing for a while, making you want to crawl up inside a hole and die, but you let out a breath when he finally spoke.
"... Boy. His name is Boy." He answered, his voice softening and sounding more relaxed now.
Your jaw dropped slightly. "... Oh." You responded lamely, and you could've kicked yourself. "Boy… That's a good name for him…" You added quietly, looking back down at Freckles and Boy playing. You couldn't help smiling slightly.
He chuckled softly. "Yes, I suppose it is." Then he smiled slightly, before turning slightly towards you, his hand out. "My name is John."
Your eyes widened slightly as you took his hand, shaking it gently, feeling your cheeks heat up slightly. "Uh... Y/N. Nice to meet you." You stuttered, feeling more embarrassed with every passing second that passed by. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears and felt sick to your stomach. You were so stupid... So unbelievably stupid. You should've been able to hold a normal conversation with him, and yet here you were trying to make small talk. "So, uh... Where'd you get Boy?"
John glanced at you before looking back at the two playing dogs, "A kennel." He answered simply, and you looked at him with a surprised expression.
"Really? That is so sweet. Rescuing dogs is such a noble and heroic thing. I didn't get the chance for Freckles. My parents gifted him to me." You replied with a soft giggle, causing John to glance back at you. You cleared your throat before speaking again, "Sorry. Uh, I'm not really good at socializing." You said quickly, your cheeks growing warmer with embarrassment.
"No apologies needed," He murmured, "Socializing isn't really part of my expertise either." He added, causing you to blink in surprise.
"Oh... Well..." You trailed off. Why did you suddenly feel the need to fill the silence? Why did you want to speak to him further? You tried to think of what to say. "Well, it's nice to meet another introvert like me." You inwardly cringed again, realizing how stupid that sounded.
John gave you a look, and you thought you almost saw another smile before a small yip brought your eyes to your dog. You bit your lip briefly before you looked up at John once more, "Uh, I might as well go. I have to make lunch soon, and Freckles must be tired from all the playing." You chuckled, as Freckled pranced over to you. "It was nice meeting you, John." You looked down at Boy. “And you too, Boy.” The pitbull barked happily.
John nodded, offering you a small smile, "You too."
As you turned to walk away, Freckles walked with you for a while before he barked up at you, suddenly turning and running back to John and Boy. You watched in horror as Freckles ran up to John and Boy, your rambunctious dog then launched you into John's back. Slightly startling the man as he turned around, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you blushed madly. You tried to pull away, apologizing profusely but you couldn't move your legs. Looking down, you watched as Freckles chased Dog around you and John, ultimately tying the two of you together with the leash. 
"Freckles! Stop!" You shouted both yours and John's bodies pressed together uncomfortably as you tried to stop your dog. Looking up at John, you continued to apologize. "I'm sorry about him, he's usually very well-behaved."
John shook his head, his hands wrapped almost protectively around your biceps, "It's alright, please don't apologize."
"Well, I can't help but be sorry." You spoke, almost defeated. "I feel so embarrassed." You mumbled softly, feeling your cheeks grow hot as you stared up at the man, who smiled slightly at you, his hand loosening its grip on your arm.
"Please, don't worry." He spoke, "It was an accident."
"I know." You sighed, "Here, we should try and get out of this." You mentioned before you and John began to successfully untangle yourselves from the leash. 
Hands on your hips, you glared down at Freckles, who looked up at you with wide puppy dog eyes. "Oh, you're in big trouble, mister." You scolded him gently, in a slight baby voice. "No treat tonight." At your words, Freckles whined, before seemingly huffing and sitting down. "Oh, don't give me that attitude, young man." You chastised sternly, and Freckles pouted up at you. "Don't give me that look! Don't you dare pout at me either!" John looked at you with a warm smile, clearly amused. His smile left once you turned to look up at him. "I'm sorry about him again, there has to be something I can do to make it up to you." You offered.
John quickly shook his head, "No, it's alright. I understand."
You took your turn to shake your head, "No, please. I must do something to make this up to you. I won't be able to sleep at night if I don't." You practically pleaded. John stared at you, frowning slightly, the gears turning in his head as you continued, "Please, let me take you to this sweet diner I know. I'll pay for lunch."
John paused for a moment, his brows furrowing in thought as he slowly shook his head, as if not wanting to accept. "You don't have to do that."
"But I want to." You insisted.
John continued to stare at you, his eyes raking over your features, analyzing everything he could; from your hair to your eyes, to your lips. His own lips parted, but no words came out. Could John open his heart again? Could he let his cold heart thaw? Could John let someone back into his heart? He opened his mouth a few times, an "Alright." Finally fell out. You smiled widely.
"Really?" You asked excitedly.
"Sure." He repeated himself, his hands finding a place in his pants pockets. "So, where is this diner?"
You grabbed Freckles's leash as you and John began to walk out of the park, Freckles and Boy fooling around as they followed. "Well, it's just up the street! It's super nice, has the best milkshakes, and is pet friendly..."
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gemini-sensei · 4 days
omfg i’m squealing at your response to shy goth larusso in a bikini!! your writing is so delicious, i totally haven’t stalked your page the last few days <3
when the boys come back, they all look visibly flustered, their hair being disheveled and faces flushed. they see reader in the pool, as she finally gained the confidence to get in with sam and the girls. she’s splashing around and dancing with the loud music some kid put on the speaker. her laugh was music to the boys ears, not used to hearing it from the quiet girl. they swore she was an angel, all of them wishing she was laughing at their joke, dancing with them instead of whatever meathead was next to sam.
but her happiness soon depleted as soon as she saw kyler show up with his goons. she started to feel worried, knowing kyler would laugh at her bikini or make some tasteless jokes. she tells sam she has a headache and is gonna go lay down. reader grabs her things in a hurry, trying to avoid stares of her stomach and ass.
she runs into the cool, large house and darts to her room. she figures a shower will help her calm down, but the image of her rubenesque body in the mirror makes her tear up. she could never get the attention of the trio of boys currently drinking by the edge of the pool. of course she had a crush on them too; demetri’s nerdiness and sarcasm made her smile, hawk’s flashy style and bad boy attitude made her swoon, and robby’s handsome face and wittiness made her weak in the knees.
she finishes her shower and puts on a baggy shirt and shorts and sits on her bed. just then she hears a knock on the door. to her surprise, it was just the boys she was thinking about.
After she leaves the party, the trio knows that it's not because of a headache. It's because of Kyler and his gang of losers who were not invited to the pool party. They aren't shy to confront him about it either, knowing Sam wouldn't like him to be there either. Kyler wants to fight over it but Hawk reminds him that they're outnumbered anyway, so they should just tuck tail and leave while they can with their dignity intact. After a while, they're walking out saying that the party is lame anyway and no one else has to worry about them.
However, for Robby, Hawk, and Demetri, the party isn't as fun without Reader there. So they opt to go check on her. With all the loud music and everyone enjoying themselves, no one really notices them disappearing into the house again. This time, they make their way upstairs to Reader's room to check on her. Robby is the one to knock on her door.
When she opened it, she's shocked to find the trio there, as if she'd somehow managed to summon them with her thoughts. She's a little startled by their presence at her door and looked down, trying to make her the heat in her cheeks go away. "What are you guys doing here...?"
"We wanted to check on you," Robby tells her. His voice is soft and assuring.
Hawk adds, "We made Kyler and his dumb friends leave. No one wanted them here anyway, so if you want, you can come back downstairs."
"I don't really want to..." she tells them, still unable to look at them. She can't believe her crushes are standing at the door of her bedroom.
Demetri nods. "That's okay. You don't have to if you don't want to."
"Yeah," Robby agrees. "Like I said, we just wanted to make sure you're okay."
"I'm fine..." she tells them, but really her mind is making her worry over what they thought of her in that bikini. She can't imagine it was anything nice, but she feels a little more comfortable in her baggy shirt, though not really her shorts. They show off her thick thighs and how they press together when she stands or sits. She tries to pull her shirt down to cover them, hoping the guys won't notice.
But they do notice. In fact, they've been stealing looks at her legs the whole time they've been standing there. They can't help it. She smells fresh like flowery body wash and shampoo, her pretty thighs on display. Demetri's heart is pounding as he thinks about squeezing them and watching the fat spill from between his fingers. All Hawk can think about are her tits under her shirt, which he can tell she's wearing without a bra because her nipples are hard under it. And Robby is wishing he could uncover her belly from hiding under that baggy shirt because she's beautiful.
"Well, uh, we weren't really planning on going back to the party," Hawk admits, earning him a hard nudged from Demetri behind him.
"Oh really?" she asks softly, finally looking up at him. She wears a cute pout that all of them have to hold back from reacting to because she's so fucking cute. She's so naturally gorgeous, they almost can't stand it. "Why?"
Robby shrugs. "We're all kind of tired of it."
"Low social batteries, if you will," Demetri adds.
She nods. "I understand."
Admittedly, it's a little awkward, but Hawk doesn't like any silence sit in the air for long.
"We could watch a movie or something," he suggests.
"I think Anthony's using the TV downstairs as a coverup to spy on girls outside... but we could use mine..." Reader shyly says and opens her door a little more, inviting them inside.
None of them had really gotten in the pool despite it being a pool party. Only Hawk had jumped in once to splash a bunch of people, but that was a while ago, so he was mostly dry. So, to say less, they weren't tracking water into her room when they walked inside. Nevertheless, Hawk does have a towel and uses it to protect her floor when he sits down.
They don't want to invite themselves to sit on her bed, even though it's a nice big bed that they could all sit on. They set up a movie and only after getting cozy on her bed does she shyly ask if they're comfortable on the floor, then offers the spots around her for them to come sit. They don't hesitate.
She's between Hawk and Robby while Demetri is on his stomach at the end of the bed. It's a dream come true for her, and she thinks that if she's dreaming then she never wants to wake up again. It's heaven just to be so close to them.
Nothing happens until a little ways into the movie. Hawk, bold as he is, of course, put his hand on Reader's thigh. It isn't long after that Robby puts his arm around her shoulders. The dream continues and she's sure she's going to wake up at any moment to Sam wanting her to put on a bikini and go to her pool party. But she doesn't wake up and realizes she's really in the middle of all this. She can't imagine what they do next.
As Hawk slides his hand along her thigh, he whispers in her ear, "Is this okay?"
She nods, too excited for words. She doesn't even know what to say, too scared that if she speaks, she'll somehow ruin it.
His hand pushes between her thighs and she slightly moves them apart, allowing him room to slot his hand there and squeeze her thigh. She lets out a squeak of surprise, unprepared for that. He chuckles in her ear as Robby holds in his laugh. The noise alerts Demetri to the goings on behind him and he shifts so he can watch them, forgetting about the movie.
Next, Robby slips his hand up her shirt and puts it on her waist. He asks, "Is this okay?"
She nods again and he smirks at her, letting his hand slide up her body until he's cupping her naked tit in his hand and gently fondling it. She bites her lip and holds back a soft moan, to which Demetri finally speaks up.
"We wanna hear you, beautiful," he tells her.
She's so flustered by the nickname and their attention. She lets go of her lip and lets out a noise that embarrasses her. She can only turn her head and hide her face in Hawk's neck, unsure if she even sounds nice to them. She doesn't think so, but Hawk pulls away from her and makes her look up at him as he toys with her thighs and the waistband of her shorts.
"Don't be embarrassed, gorgeous," he tells her. "Like he said, we want to hear you. All your sexy little noises."
Robby only nods in agreement as he continues to play with her tit.
She's practically falling apart in their hands under Demetri's eye. She doesn't know what to do or say but she likes their attention. These simple little touches are more than she could have ever wished for, so she's more than satisfied with them. She has no idea what she's in for...
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ananke-xiii · 2 months
Another dream, always mine (and yes it's still spn s13 related because i have a bone to pick with dabb over that season specifically)
So here it goes. (Part 1)
Spn s13 but kelly doesn't die, cas doesn't die, crowley doesn't die. Lucifer dies for *reasons* but mary, dean and sam are stuck in the AU.
It's still spn so we just have to have mirrors and parallels, okay? Like, this show doesn't care about continuity but damn! They will stick to mirrors and parallels like it's a religion and so we do too.
The thing is that the AU is not the lame-ass AU Dabb or whoever came up with, it's at least an attempt at being an interesting place. So basically the AU is as boring and dumb as our earth, nothing has really changed, people are still trapped in the rat race that capitalism is (see, we have a little bit of critique here too, there is no escape from the capitalist-fascist-heteronormative narrative or isn't it?), the frigging white picket fences are still everywhere like a fucking nightmare BUT! This is an earth without monsters, angels, demons, nothing goes bump in the night but depression, paranoia and suicidal thoughts (now these are the real monsters) and YET this is THE chance for our heroes, this is the promised land, no past, only freedom, the american dream is theirs to grab (but don't worry this place hides a secret, this is still spn everything must be queer, you'll see). Sam, dean and mary are kinda lost cause, surprise surprise! It turns out that's not the things you want that you can't have but that you didn't know what you wanted so how could you have it in the first place? Mary is restless, this was supposed to be her dream, she died for it and now she doesn't want it and she goes through another deep existential crisis (and, really, we all just get mary because seriously? any character named mary who's also a mother has too much fucking weight on her shoulder, just let the woman be). Sam is kinda okay with it, he once again refuses to get in touch with his emotions and flees from them like the plague: they're gonna make it work, they will find a way (i want to convey ross from friends vibes when he's like *in a squeaky voice* i'm fine! Here, that's sam in the AU). The guy lives in his delusion, this is his chance at being normal (and oh boy is he wrong, you'll see). Dean feels just bad, he's supposed to feel happy with his mother and his brother/son (the weird implications of this situation will be explored) but he keeps thinking about that little house by the sea (or was it a lake?) that cas bought as fucking jimmy novak and how the angel spent months there with kelly playing daddy and how the fucking angel played him and dean just went along and repaired his stupid truck as if to thank him for breaking his heart but also, also, dean will never admit it to anyone ever but deep down he knows, he knows, that that was his place, his angel, his chance (we will also have an explorations into the complex theme of mpreg with the due "Junior" references we all deserve and insights into dean's maternal insticts).
Now back to earth.
Kelly gives birth to a baby jack, cas lives with them to protect them from the angels and demons that will sure come for a visit (but once again he will end up being a total agent of chaos, you'll see), the angel is a bit of a mess, though, and his obsession with saving dean winchester is finally making kelly feel quite concerned with her life choices, maybe trusting this guy was a little bit insane, was he always this deranged? (We'll soon see why she thinks that, she might have a point). Meanwhile crowley goes back to hell and we once again have a cheap game of thrones situation (because why not? i can't come up with infinite original ideas to fix this plot, okay? Also this is still spn, i can condone SOME cheap storylines on the side, and anyway mark sheppard makes anything work so we're good) where his varys-like smart brain cells will put him on the throne again (who's this asmodeus guy anyway, prince of hell or not, fuck him, he will not stick around here for a second season while dagon died like after 2 episodes she was in, not gonna happened in my narrative). But, you see, the demon has his own issues, and goes visiting kelly and the angel because why not? He likes kelly she seems interesting enough for a person who birthed satan's son, escaped from a fucking angel of the lord, was kidnapped by a goddamn prince of hell, managed to baby trap said angel of the lord, stole the frigging impala and escaped that menace that the winchesters are. She then proceeded to give birth knowing she might have died. She is something. Something a bit unhinged maybe but crowley digs her, okay? He still also has varys-like smart brain cells so he needs to visit to make sure that baby lucifer is, like, not plotting to take over hell or whatever newborn babies half-made from cosmic entities do these days. Also, also, watching castiel putting baby jack to sleep with those big strong angel gym-bro arms did something to him, his daddy fetish and his mommy issues raised their head and something else too, and he foolishly promises to keep jack safe from hellish attacks and indulges castiel in his winchester obsession. What? He misses the brothers too, those handsome, tall, cruel white boys (we are reminded that, visually, the whole cas/kelly/jack situation is quite similar to the weird crowley/dean/amara thing of s11, mirrors and parallels need to keep happening people, this is spn, we gott have 'em). Castiel is living his tragic destiny yet again, he's seen the AU, has been there, technically knows that dean, sam and mary are safe but he just has to see it for himself, right? Like he has to make sure, it's not like dean not being there is eating him from the inside, it's not like he starts feeling the pang of guilt over the huge betrayal he's forced onto dean,leaving him left behind again and again and playing him that way, no. He copes by sitting in his stupid truck that dean had repaired listening to that damn tape (every time he does that we have a close-up of kelly watching the pathetic scene from her window and sighing as if in "fuck, FUCK, my life"). And oh, yes he also starts researching about archangel resurrection because i may or may not bring back my girls, aka raphael and uriel but this is for part 2, you'll see.
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royalvelvette · 2 months
and love will bring us freedom
Read on Ao3 (or reread part 1 on tumblr)
Rating: M
Characters: Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Alastor, Mammon, Fizzarolli, Niffty, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Husk, Cherri Bomb Mentioned: Glitz, Glam, Loona, Vortex, Lucifer Morningstar, Sir Pentious
Warnings: Canon Typical Language, Minor Violence (not on purpose), Mammon's Canon Treatment of Fizzarolli, Not Beta Read or Edited
Word Count: 2222
The robo-fizz advertisements passed in something of a blur. Charlie distracted herself by explaining more about the pageant itself – anything to not pay attention to the way Mammon was currently talking about how you could fuck the Fizzbots. Vaggie’s hand was a familiar weight on her knee, keeping her from growling at the tv or accidentally hitting Cherri with a too-emphatic gesture.
“-so they show off some clown skills first – stuff like juggling and balloon animals, y’know? And then there’ll be an intermission for us when the in person meet and greet is happening, then there’s some more... general performing. Singing, dancing, acting – really anything-”
Vaggie squeezed her thigh, and Charlie took a breath. “It’s cool,” she finishes lamely. “Fizz always does a big musical number, you’ll love it.”
Angel tilted his head up to look at her. “You sure you ain’t just sayin’ that ‘cause you like singin’ and dancin’?”
“Watch it,” Vaggie snapped.
“It’s okay,” Charlie said. “I mean, Fizz has won the last ten years running, so it isn’t just me, but you’re probably... not wrong that I’m biased.”
Alastor half-tuned out the conversation happening beside him. He was watching the picture show intently – more specifically, he was watching the Mammon and Fizzarolli now on screen. The distasteful advertisements were almost at an end, for certain, as these two iterations seemed more recent.
“There’s a Fizzy for every occasion!” Mammon shouted, gesturing widely. “All thanks to my old brand, Fizzy!”
Fizzarolli was dragged against Mammon’s side. He covered his discomfort remarkably well, but the subtle wince – something Alastor was intimately familiar with, whenever somebody touched him – belied his true feelings. His antlers were beginning to hurt.
“That’s me, folks!” Fizzarolli said, better at keeping the discomfort from his voice than his body. “And the Fizzies’ll keep coming, unless you think you can beat me-
“At Mammon’s Annual Clown Pageant!” Mammon cut in at the same time as Fizzarolli.
Alastor lifted his lip. Perhaps now, it wasn’t quite so shocking for Charlie to be unable to hide her dislike of Mammon. Alastor had no idea who Fizzarolli was, until this day, and yet... something about Mammon’s treatment of the jester set every nerve on edge. The manhandling, especially.
Niffty began to wiggle on her perch beside his head when the prices finally faded from the screen, overtaken what was presumably a live broadcast directly from the Greed ring. Mammon, of course, was front and centre. How... distasteful.
Niffty knew she was going to be in trouble later, swinging her legs and rocking so close to Alastor – it was just so hard to sit still when there was such a delectable bad boy right in front of her! An actual bad boy, too, one even Miss Charlie didn’t like! One who wasn’t secretly lame, like the snake guy or Lucifer, either!
(Lucifer being so... like that had been the only unpleasant discovery ever since he moved in. He was the king of hell! He should have been the ultimate bad boy! Instead, he was even lamer than Pentious had been. Almost as pathetic as that stupid TV head guy who used to follow Alastor around like a puppy, urgh, saved only by the fact he was leagues more powerful.)
Though... Mammon did violate one of the rules Alastor had given her, when he first brought her to the hotel. Upsetting Charlie was a no-no, no matter how many funny colours she turned or how spiky Vaggie got. It was really the only new rule she had gotten, so it had to be extra important. Did that mean Mammon was off limits?
Niffty pouted, legs stilling. Of course, the only real bad boy in the entire place, and he was somewhere Niffty couldn’t even go and not someone Alastor would approve of. Ugh.
One thing Mammon had always been good at, for as long as Charlie had known him, was showmanship. He’d used it to great effect when she was young, enchanting her with simple magic tricks and silly songs and dances, announcing everything with so much aplomb that Charlie had been practically begging to eat all the vegetables on her plate at family dinners.
That very same showmanship was on full display as Mammon introduced the contestants for this years pageant. The first four, even with Mammon hyping them up (he always did this, always, like any of them actually had a shot against Fizz – none of them did and he knew it, because he was the one who trained Fizz) passed her by quickly – though she did hear Cherri snort when Pierrot was introduced.
It was the duo, introduced just before Fizzarolli, that made Charlie nervous. There was a sort of... easy confidence to them, and they definitely had the whole ‘please step on me’ vibe down – that would definitely get them past the first few rounds with pretty high scores, and that’s if they didn’t perform well. If they were any good at clowning – or even just performing in general – there was a pretty high chance they’d make it to the finale with Fizz.
(Part of Charlie hoped that they did – the further they got in the competition, the longer Charlie could oogle – possessors were just always so pretty – but part of Charlie hoped they didn’t, with the way Fizz was constantly looking at them out of the corner of his eye.)
Angel winced when Charlie’s cousin fumbled the juggling act. As a performer himself, there was nothing worse than fucking up on the very first take. Even though he was the only one to mess up the first trick, he still shot up to second place – just behind the pair of sisters up on the wire, while the imp in full clown getup was given the boot. Brand recognition did a lot, something else Angel was intimately familiar with.
(He couldn’t help but wonder if Fizzarolli dealt with the same sorts of creepy-ass fans, despite being in a different sort of gig. He did work at some sort of sex club for the sin of lust, so... probably.
Was it weird, to relate to someone he didn’t even know existed until today? It was probably weird.)
Fizzarolli recovered nicely in the second act, at least. And his balloon figure – Mammon, presumably – was impressive. Angel could twist himself into all sorts of fun shapes, but balloons? Fuck no. That shit would pop on him so fast. Sucks that it didn’t give Fizzarolli the lead, especially because the sisters just added to his instead of making their own fucking thing, though at least it was tied up.
Charlie frowned as the curtains opened for the final performances. It hadn’t been Fizz first, like she was expecting, like it had been for the last ten years – instead Glitz and Glam took the stage. It made Charlie... nervous. Mammon always did Fizz’s act first, always showed off his biggest asset when he did anything – something was wrong.
She let go off Vaggie’s hand to get her phone out of her pocket, shooting off a quick text to Uncle Oz. She would text Fizz himself, but if he was prepping for his show – she wouldn’t distract him. Not when something was already wrong. She tried to settle herself, taking Vaggie’s hand back and watching the sisters perform.
They were good. Like, good enough to be actual competition. The song was catchy, and they definitely knew how to work their attractiveness to their advantage. She gripped Vaggie’s hand tighter. Fizz wouldn’t lost – couldn’t lose, this was his thing – but actually fighting for the win... shit, he was probably having a panic attack. All Charlie could do, though, separated by several rings as they were, was hope that Oz was with him, somehow.
Then something exploded into blue smoke behind Mammon – who had been stammering as Fizz failed to appear – and Charlie settled. Ozzie was there. Fizz would be okay.
Charlie’s nails – not quite her claws, not yet – were painfully sharp where they dug into Vaggie’s thigh. She was leaning forward, eyes fixed on the television – the same position she had been in ever since Fizz had come onto the stage. Admittedly, Vaggie was more concerned with keeping Charlie from leaning forward enough to faceplant off the couch than paying attention to what, exactly, Fizz was singing about as he bounced and swung around, but even she noticed the finale.
“-Mammon you sad sack of shit, fuck youuu-ouuu-ouuu, you bitch! Yeah!”
Vaggie jumped as Angel started clapping with all three sets of arms. Cherri whooped loudly, and even Husk was smiling – wider than she had ever seen. It almost distracted her from the pain as Charlie’s claws sliced her skin when Charlie leapt to her feet.
It did not, however, distract from the way Charlie’s tail was whipping nervously behind her as she watched the screen.
“Babe,” Vaggie started.
“Mammon’s not going to take that well,” Charlie said.
“What’s he gonna do?” Cherri asked, cackling. “The crowd loved it!”
Charlie’s stomach twisted the longer Fizz talked. She knew what was coming even before Fizz finished his farewell speech – and she knew, more than anything, that Mammon would flip. At least he would have replacement talent ready to go, with Glitz and Glam – and the sisters were good! But Fizz had been his brand for ten, nearly eleven years. There was no universe Mammon would take him quitting well.
(Pride burned hot in her chest despite her unease. Fizz was finally quitting. Mammon’s prime moneymaker was leaving. Good, something in her purred. Let his cruelty burn his empire to ash.)
And then, the grand finale – not the one Mammon had been hoping for – came. Fizzarolli looked up, directly at Mammon (yes, that same voice hissed, yes) and said,
“I quit!”
“Yes!” she whisper-shouted, punching the air, even as she kept her eyes fixed on the screen, even as every nerve-ending in her body practically sang with be careful Fizz.
It only got louder as Mammon jabbed his staff at Fizz. Her horns were out and she was growling at the TV – someone was saying something behind her, but she was too furious-anxious-furious to pay attention to the words. Fizz’s words were tinny and faint through Mammon’s microphone, but there was no mistaking the second ‘I quit’ or what came after.
Then the mic exploded and green smoke filled the arena.
Vaggie was moving even before Charlie screamed. Her wings were flared, protecting Cherri, Husk, and Angel from the blast of heat that shot out from her girlfriend – Alastor had managed to bring up one of his shadows to cover him and Niffty.
“Jesus Christ!” Husk shouted. “Why is she hulking out?!”
Vaggie didn’t answer, couldn’t answer – the air itself was pressing down on her, forcing her down-down-down to her knees as Charlie grew, snarling and growling at the television.
“Babe-” she gasped. “Charlie-”
Charlie whipped around to face her, nearly taking her head off with her tail. Her eyes were bright and gleaming red, redder than Vaggie had ever seen, but clear. She looked at Vaggie silently for one beat-two-
Then Charlie started to shrink back down. Her horns remained, as did her tail, but she returned to a more normal size and the pressure she had been emanating receded, allowing Vaggie’s lungs to expand fully. She coughed once, weakly.
Charlie rushed to her side immediately. “Ohmysatan, I’m so fucking sorry-” she babbled, holding Vaggie’s face in her hands. “Are you okay?! I didn’t hurt you, did I? Is everyone okay?”
Vaggie’s answer was cut off by Asmodeus appearing on screen.
The shame was going to eat her alive, Charlie knew, but her self-recrimination was derailed when she heard her uncle shout,
“What? That I love him? Well, I do!”
The rest of the confrontation passed in a blur after those words. Her horns and tail receded slowly – Ozzie would protect Fizz. Ozzie could handle Mammon. Fizz was safe, he was loved, he was free. She let go of Vaggie’s face to wrap her arms around her shoulders instead, burying her face in her girlfriend’s neck as all of her nervous energy and anger drained away. It was over.
Fizz was free.
She stayed like that, holding Vaggie, trying not to cry, until her phone rang. She was pretty sure someone had been trying to get her attention before then – or at least, the others had been moving around them, dispersing (thank fuck, she hadn’t hurt them, she hadn’t wrecked everything) but it was only the ringtone she had set for Bee that snapped her out of it.
Charlie let go of Vaggie, answering on autopilot. “Hello?”
Bee squealed. “Charlie!!! Babe, did you see- did you see?” she shouted, flying around her chandelier.
“I saw!” Charlie said, strained.
“We need to celebrate!” Bee said. “You should come down-”
Charlie laughed. “I can’t, I can’t, remember? I got the hotel now-”
“Then I’ll come up! Ooh, ooh! I’ll bring Tex and Loona – you’ll love her, she’s great! - and you should ring Oz- I can meet your friends! Oooh, this is going to be great!”
Charlie laughed again, the earlier strain gone from her voice as she responded, “Give me like, an hour tops to get things ready, okay?”
“Okay!! See you then!!”
Bee hung up, immediately dialing Loona. “Hey, hey, you remember me talking about Charlie...”
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rubendiasthoughts · 10 months
Hello besties! I have something I want to share with you, hope you enjoy! Thank you to the person who suggested writing this ❤ Sending love 💕
Ruben with a reader who likes things neat and tidy:
- Okay so first of all I think it would be a great match, because that's also exactly how I see Ruben. I think he likes when things have it's own place and everything is in order. I don't know, but there is for sure something about him that gives off this vibe of just such a responsible, grown man (but not in a bad way lol).
-I feel like the longer the two of you are a couple, and especially after you move in together, the more you would learn about each other's habits and all of that. And I genuinely believe Ruben would always try his best to respect your patterns and routine, but he would also be so grateful that you do the same for him. He's definitely not the kind of guy who would just leave his hair all over the sink after shaving. Maybe if he knows how important it is for you to always put back your shoes when you get back home instead of just leave them in a mess, he would do the same to his after coming back home - he would always put them back on the little shelf you have next to the door. So in general, I think you two would have this mutual understanding when it comes to keeping the house clean.
- And maybe, when he knows you have been super tired lately and just need some rest, he would want to make sure the house is extra clean, so that you could just relax and rest once you get back home. I feel like he would even light some nicely smelling candles for you.
- But on a daily basis, I think you two would always share chores pretty evenly. Maybe sometimes you would even have these deep clean days and it would just be the two of you going around the house, some good music playing in the background as you are tidying.
- I imagine that the two of you would usually wash the dishes together after having dinner - one of you washing them, the other drying them off. Maybe you would have a habit of cleaning the kitchen as he's cooking - so that whenever he is done with something you are wiping the counter, throwing away garbage or washing a used bowl and putting it back to its place. And I feel like Ruben would really like that and whenever you do something like that he just smiles at you and says "thank you baby".
-And I feel like there is nothing he would love more than being able to come back to a clean house after a long day of training and just spend time with his girl. So I feel like he would really appreciate the times when you make sure that he can come to a nicely cleaned house. But he would for sure never make you feel like it's only your responsibility to keep things neat. But you know, when you want to do something nice like that for him he would definitely enjoy it. And maybe if you do his laundry from him when he comes back from training he's like "you didn't have to do that sweet girl" and you would kiss his cheek and say "I know I didn't have to, I just wanted to do something for you" and he would just be smiling as he thanks you.
-I think that even on the days that he leaves for training in hurry, he tries his best not to leave a mess behind him. But sometimes when you see that he is struggling and probably is going to be late you would be the nicest girlfriend ever and say "leave it baby, I got it". He would smile and say " thank you angel" as he presses his lips to your forhead and then he's immediately grabbing his keys and going out the door.
- If he knew that there is this one chore you really hate doing he definitely wouldn't mind doing it for you. Maybe you just complain to him about it one time when the two of you are just casually talking and he's like "don't worry about it baby, I'll take care of it tomorrow".
- If you are anything like me and love to shop for stuff like cleaning products and little organizers and home decorations and stuff (I know, it's kind of lame) he would take you to the store and let you get anything you want. And you are asking for his opinion, maybe like "you think this candle would look good on the coffee table?" and he's just like "sure, baby" and he takes it from you and puts it in the cart. And if you had trouble choosing between two laundry detergents he would so help you chose the better smelling one. He's just the perfect boyfriend.
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Hey idk if there’s some master post about mbts but if there is may I please ask where and if not could I perhaps humbly request a description because it sounds cool as FUCK
omg yayy okay so there's not a masterpost as of now (though there is a google doc in the works that will probably be. very big) BUT i will try to give a brief rundown. underneath a readmore 👍
MARY BELL TOWNSHIP: more like mary bell CLOWNSHIT ha ha. heavy surveillance like everywhere (including in peoples homes. how fun). it's also got some like radiation stuff going on. all the residents are a lil radiation poisoned But it's mostly fine. also the town moves and i dont know why.
VANNIE OVERTURE: based on suburbia overture. the mayor who is a vampire. major control freak. sucks shit. like most of the reason mary bell is the way it is. permasmile swag. has killed before. hates when people are weird freaks and is actively passive aggressive if not outright aggressive.
TRIP LETWO: based on 2econd 2ight 2eer. world's silliestguy contrarian and infamous public nuisance. deeply tortured individual but shes dealing with it i guess. physically cant leave mary bell township. he has too much goddamn lore
LYDIE LAPLACE: based on laplace's angel. so lame. just deeply lame. killed a guy and got kicked out of office building heaven (laplace's inc. id give this its own section but it doesnt really matter all that much). i dont ever think about it unfortunately im sorry women.
MINA BYRD: based on i/me/myself. very sweet very nice. ladybugpilled socialanxietycel. doesnt have a whole lot going on but she is nice im glad shes there. im gonna have a significant relationships section of this but im saying that shes roommates with lia here bc its not really significant otherwise
WALTER LEE: based on ...well, better than the alternative. worlds first cis father to be a butch lesbian. probably a girl but she doesnt know that. weird nostalgia issues so bad his wife left him.
DOTTY LEE: ten years old. strange little girl but i dont really think about it a lot. not much else to say about her really.
LIA CRATES: based on outliars and hyppocrates. her name is pronounced like lie-uh cray-tees not lee-ah crayts. i have to clear this up because i realized most people were wrong LMAO. a little mean but not so much when you get to know her.
WARREN LEARY: based on blackboxwarrior. actually the worst therapist you will EVER meet. isnt even licensed. you book a session with her and she only talks about herself the entire time. constantly referencing a dark and contradictory past.
MARSHA TILLIS: based on marsha, thankk you for the dialectics. slightly better therapist! still not that good. has the spirit of an old man despite being in his 40s. will begin to psychoanalyze your behavior upon the first thirty seconds of knowing you.
NORMAN LEE: based on love, me normally. guy trying really really hard to be a regular guy. has a loooot of problems that stem from this. hugest people pleaser the world has ever known. a little bit offputting. has hair symbolism :-)
MORTIMER: based on memento mori. doesn't have a last name. worlds silliest grim reaper death thing. works in the death division for laplace's inc. lived a pretty normal life. then it died :-(. more here
FERN O'DYNAMIC: based on thermodynamic lawyer. hates his bitch wife (who is a praying mantis for. unknown reasons? will elaborate). just has a lot of anger inside him and doesnt know how to deal with it so he takes it out on other people. he kind of sucks but he's a neat character.
MIRANDA WRIGHT: the person being sung about in thermodynamic lawyer. bug wife (i can blame anything on radiation). she wasnt always a bug she just kinda did that idk. there's not much about her but she's an etymologist.
COTARD LETWO: based on cotard's solution. she has so many problems oh my gooood. deeply lonely person. fascinated with the macabre. its like coping mechanism that makes you worse. im insane about her writing a basic description is so difficult fkdjsfhsjd
RAMONA MCLAREN: based on red moon + hand me my shovel (though the latter was included later on bc it fit her). worlds most intelligent and stupid single celled organism. patheticswag. absolutely batshit insane. attempting to solve the end of the world.
KUIPER SUNSHINE: based on dr sunshine is dead. uh. i dont really know much about her to be honest SORRY... its really silly though + haver of prophetic dreams that she is NOT transparent about. fucks with people a lot just for funsies
COLIN THESIER: based on cover this song. girl who used to be in a band but got kicked out bc of friend drama. survivor of a toxic codependent queer friendship. trying to be a better person bc she used to suck pretty bad unfortunately. a bit more here
theres like a couple more characters but none of them are really important enough to give their own sections. debbie letwo is trip and cotards mom, laplace is the head of laplace's inc, maude is walter's ex wife who left him (heres the scoop on that).
VANNIE/NORMAN: norman has been pretending to be a normal dude this whole time + vannie totally fell for it. normans stuck in this friendship bc hes too much of a people pleaser to break it off even though vannie actively drains him emotionally. also he feels validated by vannie thinking hes normal. its so awful im so insane about their dynamic
VANNIE/TRIP: THEY HAAAATE EACH OTHER. their entire core beliefs are at odds (guy who thinks everyone should do their best to conform vs. guy who loves being a weird freak and doing fuck all). their dynamic is honestly pretty simple in comparison but theyre so petty and stupid its insane. if you put them alone in the same room one of them isnt coming out
TRIP/NORMAN: theyre gay together. there's a weird lore thing about the way relationships are handled in mary bell but long story short theres paperwork that has to be filled out if you want to be registered for one and trip thinks its really funny for xem and norman to constantly break up so they'll have to fill out the paperwork because it fucks with vannie. theyre also kind of awful and tragic
WALTER/DOTTY: that is a father and his daughter. walters trying his best and hes doing well but nothing would have been better than just moving out of mary bell township to raise his child.
WALTER/NORMAN: they’re brothers 👍 not much else to say there but they’re cool
WALTER/MAUDE: already linked a more in-depth explanation of their deal but ill summarize it here. maude thought living in mary bell township was really bad for a child (and it is) but since walter has issues about idealizing his childhood he was like "whaaat well i was raised here and im fine" and they fought about it and once it became clear walter wasnt changing his mind maude figured shed just spare herself from all of it. so she left 💯
WARREN/MARSHA: what if the two worst therapists ever were queerplatonic and violated hipaa together. also what if one of them [marsha] was helping the other [warren] because they're on the run from the law. would that be crazy or what
FERN/MIRANDA: actually awful. they really want to divorce but trip and norman keep clogging up the paperwork so theyre on a waiting list forever. their relationship was really good at one point but its not anymore :-( more info here
NORMAN/FERN: fern haaates norman because of the previously mentioned paperwork debacle but normans ass cant deal with the thought of anyone disliking him so hes just been really trying to get on his good side to no avail. also theyre coworkers so its more relevant
MORTIMER/TRIP: man how do i even summarize this one. due to lore reasons that you can read about in the link provided in trips session they have a super weird dynamic present day. or at least on trips end, mortimer is just super friendly to them and it wigs her out.
TRIP/COTARD: OUGUIGHJ. AOAUYFGDSFHSJ. tragic sibliiings. man i dont even know if i can go into this. go here and here if you want to learn more about them. jesus
COTARD/COLIN: frienndsss :-] classic extrovert forcing themselves into introverts life trope a little bit. they play music together and its great. mina's also in their little group but the two of them are closer
KUIPER/RAMONA: have been described by my friend as being "nonromantic freak4freak" and this is true. theyre working together on the end of the world stuff. they also rope cotard into it but thats lore i havent talked much about yet. go here and here for more info about them.
that might??????? be it?????? if there's more ill update it but thats the general basics i think. thank you for being interested and hopefully reading i greatly appreciate it :-)
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pieroulette · 2 years
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oneshot. wc. 795.
a/n: another jungwon oneshot bcs I'm simping alot for this boy. sumimasen 🗿 btw it doesn't mean anything in the end. It's just the outfit made yn really interesting for him so if u think otherwise then that's ur fault 😭😂
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'I’ve loved cosplay my entire life, it has been my passion since I was a child and I would never give up on it as long as I live..'
'And.. I’ve never shown anyone, no.. No one on the face of this earth has ever seen me cosplaying and I’d rather die if any of my friends knew about it.. That’s why I’ve always made sure if I ever wore one, no one and by that I mean no one from my school would ever find me in it. But.. but..' Your vision grew blurry as tears started to well up in your eyes..
You pressed your lips shut, a lame attempt trying to cover yourself with your arms from this boy standing a bit farther from you, his eyes fixated on you.
Why? Why of all people, why him? Why is he here!? The class president!?
Your entire life, you were always having an inevitable competition with Jungwon. That guy who you never manage to have a good relationship with no matter how you try. Everyone knew him as the kind and caring student but he never acted the same to you, making you feel as if his angelic persona was fake. But you still tried, however every single time you tried to strike up a conversation, he would just ignore you even going to the extent of calling you an attention-seeker. Since then, you start to dislike him alot and thus begin your never-ending battle with Yang Jungwon. The entire school had always known about you both, often creating a petty deal of who’s going to take the first place every single time.
“You-..” He opened his mouth, tilting his head as he seems to have a hard time taking in what he’s seeing right now; you are wearing a maid outfit with a cat tail hanging on your back matching with the one on your head, and that lace chokers with bells around your neck.
“Yang Jungwon! Where are you!” you snapped your head to the direction from where the voice came from.
You knew who that voice belonged to. Yang Jungwon’s sister, the chatterbox of the school who always has a time to make fun of people no matter who they are. Being the friendly, elegant and poise girl you are, you were free from her so-called ‘words of death’ and you both even became friends. Just a simple friend, that is. But now you’re doomed to death once she sees you.
“Well, well. What do we got here?" a low chuckle escaped from his mouth as he looked at you up and down. From the distance, you can hear his sister approaching. Why did this even happen in the first place? You’re in a festival, a festival for people who cosplay! Why are they even both here in the first place!? It’s impossible that they would even like cosplay when they were the first ones who expressed hatred and disgust over it!
Looking around desperately trying to think of what to do, where to escape, and especially with this freaking class president in front of you. Sensing your anxiety, he walks closer to you making you walk backwards.
“Don’t stress yourself too much.” he softly says, which was a complete difference from that shit-eating grin on his face right now.
“Don’t you ever tell anyone about this!” You blurted out without much thought, well, desperate situations calls for desperate measures.
Another low chuckle escaped from his mouth, making him look down to his feet in a split moment.
“I think we both clearly know you’re not in the place to bargain..” he leans in, his face just a few inches away from yours, “Kitten.”
“Okay, fuck.” You gritted, “What’s your deal? Last time I checked you don’t even wanna say hello to me.”
“Glad you got it fast, just what I had expected from you.” he smiled. “And you’re right, it doesn’t really bother me.. To even say hello to you.” His words gradually became whisper in the end, making you unable to hear it. You tilted your head in confusion but you have no time for this as his sister was now approaching, her voice signals you that she’s gonna appear anytime now.
“Until I saw you in this..” his fingers stroke the material of your dress.
“Fuck, just what do you want Yang Jungwon!?” You whisper-yelled, and in a split moment he puts both his hands on both your sides, caging you between his body.
His lips slowly curving into a smirk as his cat-like eyes lazily gaze at you, and his fingers lifted your chin up. “Did you lose your owner?.."
"—Cuz I was wondering if I can have this kitten all for myself?”
“You hear me,” his face looks amused by your outburst, “I want you, kitten.”
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© sweetpieceofnightmarez, 2022. 10. 3
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carolmunson · 2 years
video killed the radio star (rockstar!eddie)
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rockstar!eddie and you, his wife that he literally is so horny for all the time are caught up in a sex tape scandal. this is so stupid and dumb and lame and silly but i had a lot of fun writing it. i love how in love he is with his lil’ wife, it makes me wanna DIE.  inspired by this anon: rockstar!eddie and actress!readers sex tape being leaked and the whole thing is just eddie being a simp for her and giving her praise after praise plus most of the movie is just him eating her out and doing the helicopter with his dick
warnings: 18+, female anatomy mention, oral (f receiving), mention of oral (m receiving), drug use, drinking, consensual filming of sex acts, consensual drunk/high sex between a married couple, mild daddy kink if you squint, mentions of restraints, etc. 
For you, it had been a mortifying ordeal. For Eddie, damage control was his middle name. Both of your PR teams begging him to come up with something slick and charming on a press circuit to help lessen the blow. They didn’t want you talking about it, too clean of a record to even be asked about it. The most dangerous thing about you was that you married a metal guitar legend with a bad reputation. His good little angel compared to his bad boy persona.  It was the Leno interview that softened the blow.  “So Ed, we gotta talk about it.”
“Talk about what, Jay? What ever do you mean?” The audience laughs, his charming and knowing smile flashes to the crowd.
“The tape, c’mon, Ed! I haven’t seen it, but I can bet there are people at home that have seen it. And you know something, I hear the ladies are going wild over it!”  “And shouldn’t that tell you something Jay? All these ladies in a tizzy cause their man can’t satisfy them. Guys talking about what a pussy I am for telling my girl how much I love her. Can’t a man love his wife?” he turns his attention to the audience, “Can’t a man love his wife?”  The audience cheers.  “You know, I could be embarrassed, and my baby? She’s mortified. But she’s got nothin’ to be embarrassed about. She doesn’t even do anything! She’s innocent!”  “And how’re you feeling about it?”  “I think, it was a private moment, and someone took advantage of that. But on the bright side, it ends before any of these horny assholes can see what my wife can do in bed. No one’s thinking about how they can handle her but me. I’m sleeping like a baby.”  You both sat on the couch in your living room at the Malibu house the next week. You both knew what was on the tape, but you hadn’t watched it – deciding that now that things had died down in the press a little bit, it would sting less. The tape warped to start, fading in from static snow, to lines running across the screen – pulling the picture left and right with each glide down the picture. Another fade to static, then – 
“Okay, okay, it’s recording,” you heard, and just the image of Eddie’s collar bone and his chain dangling in front of him filled the screen. You watched him as he stepped back until his full body was in frame, he gave the lens a thumbs up. You could see yourself, sitting back on your heels on the mattress – completely naked. At first, you’re mortified – so many people in America are seeing this, have seen it, still might see it. The legal battle of getting the tapes destroyed has been raging for weeks. Deep down, you know it’s never really going to be gone, but at least –  “Baby, it’s not that bad, I think this is the only time we see you like this,” Eddie mumbles, kissing the bare skin of your shoulder, “Let’s just keep watching.” 
“Of course you wanna keep watching,” you said, rolling your eyes, “We were there, honey, why do we need to watch it?”  The Eddie on screen started talking, “Hey -hic!- future Eddie, here with our smokin’ hot wife on our honeymoon. Consider this a gift or something, I don’t fuckin’ know, we’re so fucked up right now.” 
“That’s why,” your real Eddie said, pointing at himself on the screen, “We were a little loose that day, baby, c’mon.” 
“I hate this,” you pouted, pausing the video with the remote. The VCR whirred and the edges of the screen pulled. You admired him in the frame, his skin covered in tattoos, his hair messy over his shoulders, his body defined but still somehow soft in his posture.  “We can stop,” he said, putting his hand over yours on the remote.  You sighed, considering it, “No, no, it’s like ripping the band aid off, let’s just…I don’t know, let’s just get it over with.”  Eddie grinned, taking the remote out of your hand and clicking play. You watched the image spring to life again while video Eddie grabbed a half empty bottle of Jack Daniel’s off the side table and took a swig.  “And for the lady,” he said, reaching for a bottle of Dom Pérignon off screen and shaking it up to open at the end of the bed. 
“Baby, don’t waste it! That was a gift,” you laughed while the champagne sprayed over you, still so careful in your tipsy haze. He passed the bottle to you, kneeling on the bed. He let his tongue slide from the side of your breast to your neck, collecting drips of champagne off your skin.  “We can always get more,” he mumbled into your neck, “Lemme clean up my mess first.”  You saw yourself take gulps from the bottle, leaning over to place it next to his bottle of Jack. You both fumbled around each other a little awkwardly until he had his hands on your waist. You watch him run his mouth from your belly button up between your breasts in fat stripes with his tongue, you mewling at every nip he gave at the end.  “Fuck baby, you’re so fuckin’ pretty,” he breathed, “Let daddy tie you up so he can worship you.”  “Oh,” you pouted, “You want me to keep my hands to myself?” 
“Jesus fuck,” he slurred, “No, don’t keep your hands to yourself. Wanna feel you all over me.” You pulled him into a kiss, tangling your hands in his hair while he eased you down on the mattress. Just the side of your body visible, angled away from the camera enough that your arm obscured your breasts.  Eddie got up and walked out of frame, coming back while slapping a little baggie onto his palm, pouring it out on a neat line down your sternum to the top of your belly button. He snorted from the top down, gliding his tongue back up to swipe up whatever coke he left behind, letting his tongue flick at a nipple before reaching back to your mouth. You squealed into his kiss, wrapping your legs around his waist, his nylon black boxer briefs grinding mercilessly against you.  “God, you’re so hot…” Eddie whispered under his breath next to you on the couch.   “Are you like – are you getting off to this?” you asked, a scoff escaping you.  “I’m sorry? Am I getting off to this? I’m watching a home video of me fucking my hot wife. Do you think I’m not rock fucking hard right now?” he asked, gesturing at the television while the film him left a trail of kisses down your body, “This is like…this is PEAK porn, babe. This is my ideal porn.” 
“I don’t even go down on you in it,” you said, adjusting on the couch so your head was on his lap. You could feel his erection in his jeans.  “I don’t need a video of you sucking my cock, sweet thing,” he said with a smirk, “I got that tattooed on the inside of my eyelids.” His eyes were still glued to the screen while one of his hands smoothed over your hair. ‘Oh, baby, yes, oooh! Unh! That feels so good,’ your voice leaked out of the TV speakers. 
Eddie eyes rolled into the back of his head and he bit his fist at the sound, “That is what makes it ideal. Those little sounds you make? Ugh, fuck. Now that’s music.”  You blushed and turned your head back to the screen, Ed’s bitten fist now splayed over your thigh.  On the screen, Eddie had your legs apart, bent at the knees, his mouth lingering over your puffy lips while looking up at you.  “Please more,” you whined at him, putting your hand on the top of his head, “I need it."
“You’ve been so patient all day for it, haven’t you, baby?” he asked, grazing his fingertips up and down your inner thigh.  “Yes, so patient,” you whined, grinding your hips into the mattress in slow circles.  “You’re so perfect,” he said, kissing where his fingers traced, “My pretty girl.” 
He traveled down, painstakingly slow while your fingers gripped his hair, “Gonna worship this pussy the way you deserve.”  He made slow, deliberate swipes of his tongue, lapping up salty sweetness while he kept your lips open with his fingers. His nose brushing your clit while he kept full attention to your other aching spots between your legs. He liked to get deep into it, practically swimming in your slickness before he made any moves that would send you over the edge.  Hearing the squelches and sounds through the TV made you involuntarily clench, your thighs squeezing together. You remembered how good he made you feel that night through your drunken haze. He always made you feel good, but the high of the wedding, the romance of the honeymoon – it was all that and more.   “Oooh, yes, Eddie right there!” you moaned out, leaning up on your elbows and forearms on the mattress in your honeymoon suite. Eddie was latched onto your clit, sucking diligently while his fingertips teased your entrance.  “Love when you say my name, princess,” he said gruffly against your thigh, taking a breath before diving back in.  “Eddie, Ed–oh! Oh god, yes, yes,” your voice was choking out of you while two fingers slid into you with ease, his tongue still lapping and fluttering at your clit while you clenched around him.  “So wet for me, such a pretty fucking pussy,” he muttered, reaching his other hand up to graze one of his thumbs over your nipples, pinching after every few strokes. While it wasn’t always your first source of stimulation, he always knew you liked it right before you were about to finish.  “You’re doing so good, sweet thing,” he cooed while his fingers picked up the pace, your head lolling back trying to get a handle on your moans so anyone else on the floor wouldn’t hear.  “That feels so good, huh?” he mocked while you whimpered at his fingers curling upwards into you. Your hips jolted at the feeling, bucking and writhing while he kept hitting the same spot over and over.  “So good, baby,” you huffed, your eyes brimming with tears while ecstasy rose in your chest.   “You ready for me?” he asked. You nodded feverishly at him while he slipped his fingers out of you. He sat up and put his wet fingers to your mouth where you sucked your slickness off obediently, a moment to bring you back down with him to prepare for the next round.  “You’re so pretty like that,” he said, taking his fingers out and kissing you wetly on the mouth, “My beautiful baby, you’re so pretty.”  You blushed at the praise, in the video, and on the couch with your real life husband. 
“Lemme get a condom hold on,” he said, a little laugh coming out of his mouth from his chest. You laid down with your back to the camera while Eddie hopped out of frame, you could hear bottles clinking and plastic being shuffled in the background. 
“That fat fuckin’ ass…” Eddie mumbled to himself on the couch, “Fuck.”  On the screen, only half of Eddie appears in the background – his dick now on full display.  “Babe, babe look,” his laugh infectious. He shook his hips until his erection swung in a full circle around itself. He laughed again, your back shook in the frame, your little giggles echoing through the speakers in your living room.  “Look how fast I can make it go,” his voice was love drunk. He sped up the pace of his hips as his cock whirled around, balls slapping against his thighs as he did it.  “You’re so stupid,” you laughed from the bed. He bent down into the frame, a hand softly caressing your shoulder, leaning in to kiss you.  “You make me so stupid. I love you so much,” he smiled. He got back up, walking closer to the camera, Trojan in hand, and tripped. The image on the screen whirled, showing the ceiling and the back of the room before the camera fell with a hard ‘CLUNK!’ on the ground.  A quiet, ‘Oh shit!’ was heard, before the static snow flashed and fluttered to a steady stream on the screen.  “See, I told you baby, not so bad,” Eddie said on the couch, his palm sliding up and down your thigh. “Just me telling you what a pretty girl you are.”  You didn’t respond for a second.  “You okay?” he asked, his brow gently furrowing in concern, “We’ll get it sorted out, sweet thing, I promise.” 
“I’m okay, I just–” your legs parted slightly, your face reddened, “I kind of wanted to see what happened next.” 
Eddie grinned, getting up from the couch. He hoisted you up over his shoulder, bending you at the hips, smacking your ass hard over your tennis skirt to hear you yelp. He started walking you up the stairs to your bedroom, a dirty little look on his face while you kicked your legs.  “Can we film this, too?” Eddie asked, “It could be fun. Like an anniversary present.” 
“Absolutely not.” 
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themonotonysyndrome · 4 months
Sorry for the length of this, but you got me thinking! I feel like I should have started keeping an eye out on Erik not planning a lot of major plot points when he introduced Xavier right before the games, gave us no time to get to know him, then killed him and had characters (even Freelancer) react in a way like they were bffs with him like what in the Star Trek redshirt was that? But Inversion was so good otherwise to me that I ignored that.
I feel like I really should have taken more notice when Milo recovered from his Inversion injury after two videos (but Erik had personal reasons for that so I went sure). Then, after all this lore talk of how much bloodlust new vampires have and how much they struggle, we didn't see any of that with Lovely, but we were still not to far off from Inversion so I ignored it again lol.
There's some personal preference stuff where I get confused at his lack of consistent framing when it comes to consent where Alexis is the bitch and is more or less a villain (with little nuance so far in canon) for ignoring Sam's consent. But Cutie (with how Erik says they and Geordi aren't broken up) is framed as being able to work towards forgiveness despite years of ignoring Geordi's consent even after he cried about it to them.
I'm on the fence about his 'I intended Imperium season 2 to be the end' because I don't think it's the worst place to stop, but I do think that there's some more story to tell and if the views were a lot better then he probably wouldn't have stopped (only guessing here)?
I think what made me finally stop and wonder 'does he plan?' was how Quinn's capture (after all that build up) happened off-screen and only had Darlin' punch him while he was tied up. I thought the Summit was fine in a very Clue way, but watching the Vega video today had me go '...oh okay' which I don't mind deaths, but that shouldn't be a reaction to that lol.
I feel like I want to give one more of his big plotlines a chance and hope he's planned that one, but idk. The guy capable of making Inversion has to be able to do something even sort of to that level again hopefully??
Don't apologise, Anon! I love reading your thoughts.
Xavier was the beginning. Yes, I was also emotionally devastated; it added stakes to the Inversion, but a part of me always wondered if killing off a character was the only way Erik could add impact to the Inversion? Because no matter how good the angst is, if you introduce a character, make them have ties with one of the main cast and later kill them just to add depth to the main cast, it feels very cheap.
Maybe this is me being salty, but making Milo unable to Shift for at least a few more videos before his Core is healed enough would've been better. The anxiety of not knowing if he became truly magicless and the trauma that would bring would be a better alternative to Xavier's death. I feel like Erik is so damn afraid to do anything bad to his cash cows nowadays. That aftermath from the Summit? The talk that David had with Angel or whatever? That was honest to go foreplay. Yes, the Shaw Pack was affected by William's plan; they saw a murder happening right in front of them, boo hoo... boo hoo. The Summit is absolutely nothing when compared to the Inversion, where hello? Actual and thousands of deaths occurred!?
That thing with Lovely, and how well and quickly did they transition into the Vampiric lifestyle? Lame. Boring. Where's the struggle? Oh right, the fandom scared Erik badly enough to scrap Bright Eyes.
Also, I get that Erik's movie is Clue, and he was trying to do the same for the Summit, but it just turned into, 'Great idea, bad execution' kind of video. Meh.
That Alexis and Cutie parallels... I never noticed that before, Anon! Huh! You have a good eye when it comes to details. Listen, I love Alexis. I love Cutie. I love deeply flawed characters, and I also love deeply flawed characters that either own up to it or revel in their shittiness. I just want Cutie and Geordi to break up already so Cutie can find someone on their level, and Geordi can find someone with enough patience to deal with him and his baggage. Though both of them need to work on their own stuff first, tbh. Cutie is not blameless, and neither is Geordi.
Will we get an Imperium Season 2, though, Anon? I already don't have faith in Erik's story writing so I'm not looking forward to he'll fucked up another series.
Ah! So Quinn's Ending was your tipping point, Anon. I hate Sam and Darling but even I believe they deserve better. Though I giggled when Darling beat up a tied-up Quinn as a way to get their revenge. Oooo, so badass! What a strong Listener! You feel empowered at that moment, Anon? I feel like I was ridiculed after everything, IMO.
Vega's death was a slap in the face to me because of the utter disrespect. You built this character up to be ancient, manipulative, powerful, only for him to moan and die? Wow! I wondered if he actually hated Vega! This might be a gambit, and Vega might be faking his death, or this is some part of his plan, but I don't care anymore. At least give him a proper end, ya know? Again, same with Quinn's situation. I FEEL RIDICULOUS FOR EVER INVESTED IN THE SERIES.
I'm not morbidly curious to see how he's gonna fuck up Project Meridian. I don't doubt that Erik can create a new series that starts off fantastically, only for it to end like a wet fart. Let's hope Inversion isn't his one-hit-wonder, eh?
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