#there is also a female master of questionable teacher ability
ginsoakedgirl80 · 1 year
My completely uneducated guess regarding Wanru's Journey after the first 6 episodes.
We have a choppy chop chop drama that was shot in 2021 off the shelves here because The Blood of Youth was a hit and people want more of the leads (why we got Wulin Heroes) and IQIYI had this. And it is a romp.
Knowing nothing about the source material my completely uneducated guess on this drama is that it is the censored story about a novelist transmigrating into her own story while also forgetting her own lore in the process and hooking up with the leads.
A) FL first thinks she is the villain and later that she has a guest appearance. Translation issue or a hint at a deleted beginning of the drama when she transmigrates?
B) FL is writing novels about the two MLs when we meet her (and before she met them) in Jianghu. The MLs are sworn brothers and the sons of two big martial arts clans. It is never said explicitly that she is writing danmei could just be regular wuxia but yeah, she is probably writing danmei
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C) Apart from writing novels about them, FL is drawing art of the two ML to be copied and also sold. Like she drew them watching the fireworks together at ML's birthday party. The fireworks 2ML organized. (and FL watched them watching and went aaw)
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D) The sworn brothers have lovely bro dates at ~their secret place. Or not so secret because FL stumbles upon them and enjoys the scene.
E) yes there is sparring on a boat.
F) ML is annoyed/jealous when FL goes to hang out with her fiance 2ML. Not because he is into her (yet) but because he wants 2ML all to himself.
All subtext of course!! (well apart from the illustrations and novels, mwahaha)
FL is a hoot, ML hilariously faints out of rage at one point, 2ML is only goody two shoes on the surface, so yes, this is a romp and if you're into wuxia and don't mind choppiness, give it a shot. Oh and city lord from Tiger and Rose is ML's mother and can kick your ass.
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redgoldsparks · 5 months
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December 2023 Reading and Reviews by Maia Kobabe
I post my reviews throughout the month on Storygraph and Goodreads, and do roundups here and on patreon. Reviews below the cut.
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon 
Despite how much promise there is in the premise of this novel I was ultimately fairly disappointed by it. I'll start with the positives: it's set in a diverse and creative fantasy world with multiple different countries and cultures. It has several queer characters, including one of the four POV characters. It has dragons, even though I think they were severely under-utilized. It is also far too long, and astonishingly, nearly every scene in the book felt rushed. I think it actually had too much plot; if I had been editing this book I would have suggested the author cut one of the POV characters and use the freed-up space to flesh out the queer love story, which was the emotional heart of the book. This book is marketed as adult fantasy, yet whenever a character is in serious danger they are nearly always rescued by a talking animal with super-speed abilities. Choices like this book made the book read younger than I expected. It also suffered, perhaps unfairly, due to the fact I read a book with a much smarter and more interesting use of dragons, human/dragon cultural tensions, and dragon politics earlier this year: Seraphina by Rachel Hartman, which I would recommend over Priory any day of the week.
Red Paint: The Ancestral Autobiography of a Coast Salish Punk by Sasha taqʷšəblu LaPointe
Sasha taqwšəblu LaPointe is a Coast Salish poet and punk who digs deep into the lineage of women in her family searching for connection, strength, and healing. While writing a Master's thesis, LaPointe opened the door to memories of a childhood sexual assault, precarious runaway teen years, and the intergenerational trauma that affected all of her family after the colonization of the Pacific Northwest. The memories that surfaced shattered her life. The path to picking up the pieces was slow, and involved traditional healing ceremonies, friendship, writing, music, and multiple journeys to places where her female ancestors once lived. I found this book very quick and easy to read despite the often heavy subject matter (it also includes a divorce and a miscarriage). Some passages are quite beautiful, but the author was an emotional mess for most of the time period she recounts and behaved in some questionable ways towards many of those around her. It ends on a hopeful note, and I would recommend it, especially to people with connections to the PNW area, while keeping the content warnings in mind.
Golden Fool by Robin Hobb read by Nick Taylor 
I hardly even know how to talk about this book because I loved it so much. It's a rich, nuanced, painfully human follow up to the earlier Farseer trilogy. I am amazed at how deftly Hobb wove the narratives of her characters across three decades of their lives and counting. There's Fitz, the royal bastard and reluctant assassin, who we first met at age six. Now in his mid-thirties, he is finally exploring his magical talents, teaching, learning, and taking more and more misfit young people under his wing. There's Chade, who we first met at a mysterious and wise teacher- now he's a royal advisor, and his hunger for power and influence might yet take him down a very dark path. There's Kettricken, who as a teenage princess was engaged to a stranger, now grown into a powerful queen bent on changing her kingdom for the better. There's the Fool, whose multiple identities are threatening to collapse as more and more of his prophesies come true. And Burrich, Fitz's adopted father figure, who in his anger and grief disowns a son who reminds him too much of his past. All of these characters feel so deeply rooted in their own histories, traumas, choices; I care so deeply about their lives and see so clearly how the twists of fate led them to where they are now. This is seriously one of the best fantasy series I have ever read, and I highly recommend anyone who loves long form fantasy to go back and pick up book one, Assassin's Apprentice.
The Well by Jacob Wyatt and Choo
Lizzy lives with her grandfather on one of many small islands in an world plagued by mist and monsters. Her mother, father, and grandmother all died fighting against the leviathan that used to threaten the seas between the islands; Lizzy has heard the stories, but never knew any of them. Her daily concerns are with goats, the market where she sells their cheese and milk, and her crush on a girl who works the island ferry. Magic doesn't regularly touch her life, except when she foolishly steals three coins from a wishing well, and is then tasked with completing the three wishes that are bound to them. This story has much the feel of a fairy tale with it's orphaned protagonist, three wishes, three tasks, and characters who are often more archetype than fleshed out people. But it manages a sweetly emotional ending and simple but lively and effective illustrations.
The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen by KJ Charles read by Martyn Swain
Set in England during the reign of King George the third, this historical romance delivered a satisfying amount of plot along with the spice. Gareth is the son of a Baronet, but grew up with none of the privilege of that position having been send away from home after the death of his mother during his childhood. He works as a law clerk in London with few connections, no friends, and nothing much to recommend him. He seeks companionship at a tavern that turns a blind eye on the illicit sexual activities of men in the upper rooms. There he meets Kent, a working class man from Romney Marsh, with whom Gareth sparks an intense and intimate connection. Then it falls apart. Gareth is sacked from his job. He fights with Kent. His father dies unexpectedly, and Gareth is summoned to a manor house he hasn't seen in years to take on the responsibilities of a title, including the care of a teenage half-sister and his father's mistress. And by chance, the house Gareth inherits is in Romney Marsh, home of many waterways, pastures, smugglers, and also Kent, his former lover. I enjoyed the dynamic between the two romantic leads, and the crime plot which entangled both of them. If you are interested in R-rated M/M romance with action adventure and danger, I'd definitely recommend this series and also KJ Charles' Will Darling series.
Subtle Blood by KJ Charles read by read by Cornell Collins
A very satisfying installment in the Will Darling adventures! If this is the final book, I am happy with where it's left the characters, but it does also leave the door open for more. If you enjoy spicy M/M romance with a hefty side of action/adventure, this is a great series. It kept me company through a week of holiday cleaning, cooking, and baking, and I think it's my favorite yet from the series.
Death Strikes: The Emperor of Atlantis by Dave Maass & Patrick Lay
This comic is grim, funny, gory, and darkly poetic. It's impossible to read it without an awareness of the history of the script, which is based on a suppressed opera written in 1943 two prisoners at the Terezín concentration camp in Czechoslovakia. The authors did not live to see their play performed. Maass and Lay have done an impressive job transferring a story meant for the stage into a comic. The stars of the show are the characters of Life and Death who narrative and frame the story of a paranoid dictator in the fictional nation of Atlantis and his reign of terror against his own citizens.
The Cliff by Manon Debaye
This was beautifully illustrated but too sad and violent for me to enjoy reading. It's the story of a dysfunctional middle school friendship between two unhappy girls who make a suicide pact. This story will really hit for some readers but it wasn't for me.
Walkaway by Cory Doctorow 
I really enjoyed this book, even thought I think it's more interesting as a collection of ideas than as a novel. The characters in the first third felt somewhat flat, and the dialog is often delivered in hefty paragraphs with minimal dialog tags. But the story picks up in the second half and by the end I was reading it daily in big chunks. The concepts this book explores are what really shine, especially the idea of walking away from capitalist society and living in self-sustaining communities without formal governments or laws. This novel contains some future technology which we don't currently have today including 3D printers which can print food, clothing, and building pieces for vehicles and housing and also internet interfaces implanted into people's bodies which allow them global network access from anywhere almost all the time. The nation state of Canada also seems to have fallen before the start of this novel, as most of the characters end up walking away from the US into northern Canada to find these alternate communities. I liked seeing Doctorow play out the clash between on faction wanting to run a group house as a meritocracy versus another group committed to allowing all members to work as much or little as they want to or can, for example. The book does not shy away from showing the violent crack down of the existing governments on these alternate communities. There are major character deaths. But the other big theme of the book is exploring the digital scanning and uploading of human consciousnesses to the web allowed people to walk away from death.
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
Several years ago, I taught an upper-level extension course in a suburban high school. The students were mostly high school teachers, required by their school district to earn periodic graduate credit as a condition of continuing employment. None of the students was very young: Most were in their forties and fifties. Women outnumbered men by about two to one. The women, who tended on the average to be somewhat better students than the men, displayed far less confidence in their ability to master the material. I found this surprising, since the female teachers, authorities in their own classrooms, did the same work as the male teachers, had comparable seniority, similar educational credentials, and, I assume, pay equity. The school in which both men and women taught had an excellent reputation. There is nothing unique about the classroom I am about to describe: I have observed in other classrooms what I observed there. I select this particular class as an example because male and female students were mature and well-matched professionally and because their relationships seemed to be free of the sexual tensions and courtship games that sometimes complicate the relationships of younger men and women.
Though women were in the majority, they were noticeably quieter in class discussion than the men. The men engaged freely in classroom exchanges and seemed quite confident—in view of the quality of some of their remarks, over-confident. Women who did enter discussion spoke what linguists call "women's language": Their speech was marked by hesitations and false starts; they tended to introduce their comments with self-denigrating expressions (“You may think that this is a stupid question, but . . . “); they often used a questioning intonation which in effect turned a simple declarative sentence into a request for help or for affirmation from without; they used "lag" questions which had the same effect (“Camus's theme in The Myth of Sisyphus is the absurdity of human existence, isn't it?”) and excessive qualifiers (“Isn't it true that sometimes, maybe . . . “). This style of speaking, whatever its substance, communicates to listeners the speaker's lack of confidence in what she is saying, and this in turn damages her credibility.
In addition to their style of speech, I was struck by the way many female students behaved as they handed me their papers. They would offer heartfelt apologies and copious expressions of regret for the poor quality of their work—work which turned out, most of the time, to be quite good. While apologizing, a student would often press the edges of her manuscript together so as to make it literally smaller, holding the paper uncertainly somewhere in the air as if unsure whether she wanted to relinquish it at all. Typically, she would deliver the apology with head bowed, chest hollowed, and shoulders hunched slightly forward. The male students would stride over to the desk and put down their papers without comment.
Now every female student did not behave in this way all of the time. Nor is this all that the women communicated. To the casual observer, the atmosphere in the classroom was both relaxed and stimulating: Both men and women took an evident interest in the material and managed a lively exchange of ideas. But, like an organ-point that sounded faintly but persistently all term, something else was detectable too: It became clear to me that many women students were ashamed of their written work and ashamed to express their ideas in a straightforward and open manner. Indeed, it would not be unusual for a student just to say, "I'm really ashamed of this paper," while handing it to me. I have no doubt that these utterances were accurate reports of feeling. At the same time, I suspect that they were rituals of self-shaming undertaken in order to bear more easily a shaming they anticipated from me: An ordeal is often easier to endure if we can choose its time and place. These apologies served also to underscore the students' desire to do well in the course, hence, to get into my good books and, by arousing pity in me for such evident emotional distress, to soften my judgment of their work. Behind a facade of friendliness and informality, two very different dramas of relationship to the teacher were being enacted: The men regarded me as a rival or as an upstart who needed to prove herself; the women, as potentially a very punitive figure who needed to be placated and manipulated.
-Sandra Lee Bartky, Femininity and Domination: Studies in the Phenomenology of Oppression
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yakool-foolio · 9 months
So does Yakou get dragged into the other detectives (mainly Yuma’s) missions for chapter 1, 2, and 3, or does he stick by Yuma’s side the whole time as like part of his overprotective nature (since chapter 0 possibly with what Yuma went through?) and both end up involved at the same time?
(Does that mean we get to see Yakou dressed as a female with Desuhiko and Yuma?) This is not to sound dirty, I’m just genuinely curious.
Also, how does Yakou learn about Yuma’s Forte, and eventually learn he could also get the powers as well by Yuma’s Coalescence? Does he see it for himself, or does he learn about his Forte from Yuma’s profile documents?
Regarding how Yakou gets involved in investigations, it's safe to say it's a mix of both. He tries to not stick his nose in serious business even though Shinigami loves to drag him along by the chain. They'll catch wind of an ongoing investigation and the death god will be in a rush to get to the scene. Meanwhile, Yakou will be clutching onto a lamppost for dear life as he's invisibly yanked around, earning many strange looks from passersby. Here's the ways Yakou finds himself working alongside Yuma and the other detectives for chapters 1-3:
Chapter 1 - Goes pretty much the same as how Yuma ends up at the clocktower, hesitantly accepting the young boy's request. The main difference is Yakou's first encounter with Seth. Yakou manages to hide away as Seth rudely awakens the knocked out peacekeepers, but overhears the high-ranking officer threatening to destroy the agency with the evident disturbance caused by the detectives. Yakou is sent into a panic as he hurries after Seth and the soldiers. He manages to catch up just in time as Yuma is forced out of the agency. Seth does his usual flower threat and Yakou teams up with Yuma and Halara to find the real culprit before the sub goes bye-bye.
(This is a good spot to mention that information on Yuma's Coalescence was listed on the profiles Yakou received. Yuma made his ability to share in other Fortes known during his training, the WDO being quick on the trigger to document it. While Yuma's ability to pass the Forte to a secondary source was unknown, Yuma noticed hints of that extension of his power during team exercises at the WDO. While working in close quarters with multiple detectives, he took note of how some colleagues would complain of a strong supernatural presence in the air that gave off certain emotions and energies mirroring those nearby. If someone used their Forte, the air grew thicker and seemed to be faintly colored to match the detective. Yuma never truly tested this power until the moment arises with Halara and Yakou.)
Chapter 2 - While Yakou and Yuma are out running errands together, Yakou notices someone stalking them. Parental instincts kicking in, he guides Yuma away from the potential threat. As they're followed to a dead end, Yakou barrages the stalker with questions, but shuts himself up when he realizes the one tailing them isn't a peacekeeper like he presumed. Kurumi fangirls from spotting two Master Detectives in the open, but Yakou corrects her in that there's only one Master Detective. She tells them of Aiko's murder and requests for them to solve it with the enticing reward of information on the Ultimate Secret. Yuma and Shinigami resort to puppy eyes so Yakou surrenders and accepts the mission. Learning that the scene of the crime is located at an all-girl's school, Yakou has no choice but to enlist the assistance of Desuhiko. For their disguises, Desuhiko and Yuma are dressed as feminine versions of themselves while Yakou is given the teacher's identity (the same one Desuhiko used in-game).
Chapter 3 - Yakou washes up on shore after the agency explodes, left alone as his detectives are scattered about the entire city out of sight. Running out of places to look for the missing detectives, he travels over to Dohya District, hoping to find one of them there. Before he can get too far, he catches the attention of the Resistance members. Shachi recognizes him, remembering one of his former coworkers from another line of research fondly spoke of him. Yakou's wife. Shachi offers a job for the chief to help the Resistance out with placing cameras around the city. With no where else to go and his past gnawing at his ankles, he takes on the job. The only reason he keeps going is the possibility of finding one of his detectives along the way. Sure enough, during his escapades, he comes across both Yuma and Fubuki at a café in Ginma District. Shinigami pokes fun at how Yakou's eyes are like leaky faucets during the heartfelt reunion. Unbeknownst acts of terrorism ensues, ya know the drill.
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Lindy Hop - And to Think I'd Been Nervous - Strictly NRC Dancing
Author Notes: I'm not gonna lie. I struggled with this fic. But, in my defense, Cater is hard to write and the lindy hop is a nightmare to research. So far as I can tell, the Lindy Hop is, in some ways, an amalgamation of Swing dances with some hyper-specific dance moves. If you know anything about this dance, I would love to hear it and I hope apologize if I got anything wrong. Cater is Cater. The dance in this fic was loosely inspired by Melissa Rycroft and Tony Dovaloni’s Lindy Hop from Dancing with the Stars Season 8. Just like the rest of this AU/series the reader is female for this fic. I hope you enjoy!
If you would like to read more this AU/series, the fics can be found here: Strictly NRC Dancing AU Master-List.
Type: Dance AU/ female reader/ fluff/ you can probably take this one as platonic or romantic as you prefer
Word Count: 1038
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The thing with the lindy hop was that, as the follower, I didn’t stay on the ground very long at all. 
While there were time frames where I would be dancing around alongside my lead, there were also lengthy periods where I was flipped around, on, and over my partner’s entire body. Which was fine, so long as you trusted your partner.
Which was why I couldn’t help but feel a teensy bit hesitant when I was informed that one of my many partners for this class’s performances was going to be Cater.
 In some ways, I was thrilled. I had no doubts that dancing with Cater would be a blast. Add that to doing the lindy hop, which was already an energetic, fun-filled dance, and it was bound to be a giggle-filled performance. My only concern was Cater’s ability to flip me around, though….
It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Cater; it was more that I was worried about his ability to pick me up, flip me around, and then sit me back down multiple times throughout a single performance without either of us ever slipping and potentially hurting both of us.
I had yet to dance with the exuberant ginger, which left me beyond antsy when it came time for choreography practice. Cater, on the other hand, was excited and ready to go from the very second he stepped in the room.
“Prefect! Are ya ready to go, my little bud?” He’d already clasped my hands in his own, his green eyes bright with irrepressible sparkles.
I bobbed my head, finding myself relaxing in the presence of the laid-back junior. At my agreement, he grinned. Bobbing his head at Crewel  as a silent signal for the teacher to start the music. 
Cater released my hands and took several paces back as the trumpets began to blast out the bouncy tune he’d chosen. 
We only stayed separate for a few beats before he bent at the waist, flipping his hand in a come-on motion that had me trotting forward, fully prepared to follow his lead, wherever it took me, since at the very least I knew Cater would never let me get hurt.
It turned out to take me over his back, to the ground, and then back up in front of him. 
We proceeded to improvise our entire dance, which, to my surprise, ended up being approved by Crewel as our choreography for our performance.
“I’m glad you included the swing-out. Lots of people forget that. But let me ask you this, pups: do you both think you can remember all that?” Crewel glanced between the two of us, obviously approving of what we’d just done but still suspicious of whether or not we could remember all of those motions. 
Cater glanced my way, his gaze questioning, and I shrugged slightly before nodding. With my approval, the third-year grinned at me before looking back towards our instructor with a small, almost playful, shrug that mimicked my earlier motions, “More or less.”
Crewel nodded, not looking terribly surprised, as he wrote something down on his paper that would serve as a schedule for our judges, “Alright then, do your best come performance time.”
And that was how I ended up on the dance floor with Cater. All but slinging myself into his grip and letting him use the momentum to flip me around all over the place.
One second I’d be in front of him, and the next I’d be rolling over his back before I was guided back around to his front  where we’d perform a swing out and progress from there. 
True to form, Cater kept me grinning the whole time. Even when we met in the middle to dance a few steps hand in hand or even enter the briefest of closed holds, I was laughing.
What made the entire experience even better was that we weren’t the only ones enjoying ourselves. After only a few seconds into the dance, we already had that crowd around us clapping along as various Heartslabyul students cheered and called out random words of encouragement.
Unlike Trey, though, Cater didn’t get embarrassed. Instead, the young man seemed to thrive in the spotlight. But, even as the ginger was playing up his motions for the sake of the crowd, his attention never left me.
His gleeful green eyes were locked with mine almost the entire dance. The only time we didn’t have eye contact was when such a thing was impossible due a motion involving a flip, spin, or exhilarating combination of the two.
The judges even got in on the fun, with Crowley and Vargas both beep-bopping along and clapping in time to the tune as we whirled past their table.
By the end of the performance, we were both out of breath and laughing. But we had enjoyed ourselves far more than I had prepared myself for, even knowing that I was going to be dancing with Cater. 
To be honest, as we turned to head over and receive his grade, I was almost sad. There was no doubt in my mind that none of my other partners would be quite as much fun as Cater had been. 
And to think I’d been nervous about lindy-hopping with him.
Cater had certainly proved me wrong.
Sam was still clapping as we walked over to the table, still hand in hand and beaming despite our heavy breathing.
“I think it’s easy to say that you passed Cater. That was one of the best and most enjoyable lindy hops I’ve seen in this entire class.”
Cater shrugged, laughing a little at the shopkeeper’s flattery before he managed to catch his breath enough to respond, “Well, what’s a lindy hop without a little fun and improvisation?”
He wrapped an arm around me, giving me a quick half-hug before we separated. It had only been a few seconds, though, before he’d turned, calling after me, “I’ll be cheering you on for the rest of your performances, Y/n! Oh, and I’ll film them and tag you when I post them to Magicam!” 
I laughed, half-amused by his determination to keep posting these dances on his beloved Magicam, even as I waved him off.
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I have another question: Have you read the demon slayer manga by any chance? If so, how far into it are you? like have you eat all of the chapters already? Cause I got the idea where even after MC is sent back to their original world, the boys are still able to check up on how MC is doing through the mirror from the opening ceremony. That way when MC eventually participates in the final fight against Muzan they get the chance to truly see MC in action which brings me to my actual question (Assuming you've read everything to avoid spoilers) how would they react to the severity of MCs injuries against Muzan or even some of the upper moons? Based on their personalities who do you think would be cheering for MC, begging them to live another day so they can have a chance to meet again since they're absolutely working on a way with Crowley to bring them back. Since this is the battle against the big boss,it means demon slayers won't be necessary and it'll be fine for MC to live the rest of their days in peace at NRC or in the world of NRC right? on the other hand, who do you think would instead be hoping that MC will stay down and receive medical treatment, let the other slayers handle the rest of the battle because they're already so badly injured they really shouldn't push themselves any further and they can't bear to see their friend hurt so badly (Considering what happens to a majority of the cast, if MC is a pillar, Ooooooh boy.)
I also found an absolutely amazing demon slayer video that's fan made but I don't want to risk spoiling anything cause it's way later on in the series, hence why I asked earlier.
So I just read some of the manga (not in order cause being orderly and me do not mix)
Decided to detail the fights more cause they can all be summed up to “worried as heck” with varying degrees
The upper moon fights that MC likely participate in are the Hantengu fight and Douma or Kokushibo (I will cover both) before Muzan
Being a successor of a Hashira, if they were the flame pillar or the sound pillar’s tsugoku it’s likely they might even join the hashira if deemed skilled enough and since they joined in overblot fights, their skills definitely weren’t slacking so it’s likely they have
During the Hantengu fight they join Mitsuri in fighting Hantengu’s strongest clone so the others can go for the main body but since Mitsuri was the one to jump in and get the attack to the face and recalls her past, only she awakens the demon slayer mark
Douma has a past of pissing people off and ruining families and if they were Shinobu’s tsugoku alongside Kanao then they know full well what she plans to do and Adeuce and the others really wish they could go and comfort MC as the grief on their face at the idea of their master dying is clear
If MC is a girl and joins Shinobu in the fight, they might wind up getting eaten by Douma alongside Shinobu if they fight well enough and Kanao doesn’t make it in time, in this scenario Lilia and several other Diasomnia members have to calm Malleus down as his anger at watching his friend die while being helpless is clear as the others grieve
Luckily in this scenario, if the mirror keeps on to at least see Shinobu’s plan through then they get to see Douma’s defeat by his own gluttony with Kanao and Inosuke dealing the finishing blow
If they end up not being eaten or just don’t catch Douma’s interest (either by not being a female, them being saved by Kanao in the fight or other possible reasons), Grim really wishes he could join and melt all the ice created by Douma as his blood demon art starts to freeze them as they throw their own swords alongside Inosuke (or help in some other way) to assist Kanao in finishing the blow against Douma and ending him once and for all
Azul, Jade, Jamil, Leona, Lilia, Malleus, Riddle, Rook, Vil and the teachers have to applaud Shinobu for her suicidal yet extremely effective plan, they likely would not defeated Douma without her and hope she rests in peace (ngl her death broke my heart lol)
If they ended up fighting Kokushibo, they’re all pretty shocked to see the regenerative abilities of a demon both from Kokushibo and Genya, they had heard about it from MC but seeing the extent of how far it can go in this fight amazes them
The Kokushibo fight seems allergic to letting people under the age of 18 survive (Muichiro death was sad but Genya death animated may actually emotionally break me) so it’s very possible that they die in the fight as after all Kokushibo is the strongest demon moon that probably spits on Upper moon 6’s 22 pillars killed so it’s very unlikely that they could ever leave this fight unscathed or with their life
Jack has to help Adeuce and Grim who are breaking down as they watch their friend who they were hanging out with the other day like normal teenagers would, give their life to defeat the demon who has killed hundreds of people
The older members of the cast like the teachers, Malleus and Lilia all have moments of silence for the young lives slain by the man who was obsessed with being the strongest samurai
In the Muzan fight (if they make it there alive), since they’re stronger than many other members, the lower ranked demon slayers give their lives to protect them a gruesome sight that characters like Kalim have to cover their eyes to all the death and gore in the mirror
MC like Tanjiro and the hashira get poisoned by Muzan’s blood and all of them think it’s the end until Tamayo’s cat comes in and saves them, avid dog lovers like Crewel have to give props to the cat for saving their lives
It’s possible that at the memory of the twst cast waiting for them to win and the family they’ve lost yo Muzan, MC gets their demon slayer mark to help them in the fight against Muzan, luckily if they are aware of the demon slayer mark’s deadly condition from Kokushibo, the more experienced magicians and potions experts like Crewel, Vil, etc. believe that if MC gets through the fight they could create a way to prevent the demon slayer mark from ending their life at the young age of 25 something that brings hope to all of them
Of course optimistic thoughts like that can also be crushed at the end of the fight after Muzan disintegrates under the sun once and for all since they could’ve received fatal injuries in the fight until dawn and die with the kakushi trying to save them, while the others plead for them to be sent back to their world so they can receive immediate treatment and are reminded of the fact that they likely won’t make it and are forced to just let them die surrounded by their comrades
If they manage to survive the fight against Muzan (likely having one of their senses permanently ruined, having a lot of permanent scars on their body or even missing a limb or two) and are ready to just retire for the rest of their life and they receive a message from the twst cast are always welcome to have them back if they want to retire in their world
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duggardata · 3 years
Anna and Mary Maxwell Might Be Attending [Bible] College.  (Wow!)
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Recently, an eagle–eyed Anon spotted the 2 Youngest Maxwell Girls, Anna (28) and Mary (25), in the absolute last place you'd ever expect—a college campus.  It's all on Facebook... Anna and Mary appear in a photo posted by Appalachian Bible College to its official Facebook Page, along with caption: "The first day of classes. That's something to smile about!"  (Permalink.)
Why Are We So Surprised By This?
Ordinarily, two young women attending college wouldn't be at all shocking, but the Maxwells are not ordinary.  Anna and Mary's Parents, Steve + Teri Maxwell, are openly anti–college.  Steve thinks that state–run education, including higher education, is "a godless, promiscuity–promoting, humanistic environment," and that it traps young people in debt.  He is wary even of Christian colleges, since he believes they cause children to rebel.  He’s proud of his sons' lack of higher education, and praised them for "avoid[ing] the influence and cost of college." Teri is, sadly, just as opposed to college—especially for women.  Back in 1999, she wrote an article speculating that college may undermine a woman's ability to be a good and godly wife.  Her article laments—
"As far as our daughters go, I wonder how many of us developed independent spirits during our college or working days. Has this made it more difficult for us to submit to our husbands in the meek and quiet way we would like?"
Finally...  Anna and Mary's views on this topic seemed to be aligned with their parents, until now. According to Steve + Teri, all of the Maxwell Daughters had planned to be Stay–at–Home–Daughters until marriage.  (See Also.)  (And all 3 Daughters seemed to be doing so, since none had moved out.)  What is more, in 2010, Anna described college as "silly," and said that she thought attending would expose her to unsavory influences, and possibly hold her back from her ultimate goal of "be[ing] a stay–at–home wife and mother."
So, yeah...  This is quite a surprise!  And, while neither Steve + Teri, nor Anna or Mary, has actually confirmed that they’re enrolled at Appalachian Bible College, their appearance on the Facebook Page is definitely suspicious!
Tell Me About Appalachian Bible College.
TL;DR   If you just want to know how conservative and restrictive Appalachian Bible College is, skip down to “Student Life.”
Appalachian Bible College (ABC) is a tiny (~250 Students), insular bible college, located on 150 Acres in rural Mount Hope, West Virginia.  (The Maxwell Family hails from Leavenworth, Kansas, which >800 Miles Away.)  It self–describes as a “non–denominational and fundamental” institution, primarily associated with “Baptist and Bible churches.”  Unlike many so–called “bible colleges,” ABC is nationally and regionally accredited.  (Hurray!)
A lot, lot more information...  After the jump.
ABC requires prospective students to submit an application; transcripts from high school or home school; ACT, SAT, or CLT test scores; and two reference letters, one from a pastor and one from another mentor, e.g., teacher or youth group leader.  A high school diploma or GED is required, unless the student is homeschooled.  In that case, a detailed homeschool transcript is needed, and standardized test scores are “especially important.”
As part of the application, prospective students must attest that they agree w/ the college’s Doctrinal Statement.
ABC offers four degree programs—Bible Certificate (1 Year), Associate of Arts (A.A.) (2 Years), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) (4 Years), and Master of Arts (M.A.).  In addition, it runs an online program for degree–seeking or non–degree seeking students.  (But, Anna and Mary were spotted on–campus, so they don’t seem to be in the online program!)  Anna and Mary haven’t gone to college, so they almost certainly aren’t in the Master’s program.  Let’s just look at the rest...
(Sidenote—Before we go on, just want to point out...  All ABC graduates must, in addition to completing academic requirements, show that they are members of a church and that they possess good Christian character.  If they don’t, they won’t give their diploma!) 
Bible Certificate—ABC describes the one–year program as an “opportunit[y] for you to dig into Scripture and build your life on its unchanging truths.”  The program has two tracks—Bible + General Education and Bible + Ministry.  As the names suggest, both tracks’ core curriculum is the Bible and Bible study.  Both also require three courses in ministry—Foundations of Ministry, Biblical Theology of Missions, and Personal Evangelism & Discipleship.  Where they differ is is what else they require...
For the Bible + General Education Certificate, students must also take four ��core’ classes—English Composition, Speech, Physical Education, Music, and “Success Seminar”—plus, an elective of their choice.  (This curriculum also mirrors the first–year curriculum of ABC’s A.A. and B.A. Degree Programs, so students can easily continue their studies, should they decide to do so.)
For Bible + Ministry, ‘core’ classes are waived in favor of extra theology.  Students take Principles of Biblical Interpretation, along with classes on Systematic Theology (2 Classes), the New Testament (Survey Class + 2 Classes), and the Old Testament (Survey Class + 2 Classes).
Associate’s Degree (A.A.)—ABC also offers a 2–Year A.A. Degree in Bible + Theology.  (That’s the only major offered.)  For this degree, the curriculum is a 50/50 split between General Education and Bible + Theology courses, plus a few ministry classes and electives.  All students take the following courses—
General Education   English Composition (2 Classes), Speech, Physical Education, Music, Biblical Worldview, and Ethical Issues in Ministry
Bible + Theology   Principles of Biblical Interpretation, Survey of the Old Testament, Survey of the New Testament, Matthew to Acts, Genesis to Deuteronomy, Paul’s Letters (2 Classes), and Doctrine (2 Classes)
Ministry   Theology of Missions, Foundations of Ministry, Evangelism & Discipleship, and Homiletics I (Males) / Bible Teaching (Females)  
Additionally, students must take a history class, a science or sociology class, and an elective.
Bachelor’s Degree (B.A.)—Finally, ABC offers a 4–Year B.A. Dual Degree in Bible + Theology and in Ministry.  Each student completes General Education classes.  Beyond that, each student is also a “double major.”  Everyone’s first major is Bible + Theology and everyone’s second major is ministry–focused—but, not everyone has the exact same Ministry Major.  (More on that in a bit...)  As far as curriculum, students must complete the General Education, Bible + Theology, and Ministry courses required for the Associate’s Degree, plus the following additional core classes—
General Education   Health, Psychology, Sociology, Finance, 2 History Classes (History of Western Civilization and American Church History), and 1 Science Class (Earth Science or Biology)
Bible + Theology   Joshua to Esther, Hebrews to Revelation, Isaiah to Malachi, Job to Song of Soloman, Doctrine (2 Additional Classes), and Bible Capstone 
Ministry   World Religion and Cults, and Homiletics II (Men) / Women’s Ministry (Women)
Finally, students must also pick a Ministry Major and complete its mandatory coursework.  At ABC, there are seven ministry majors to pick from—some of which have concentrations.  Here’s the list of Ministry Majors, with additional concentrations or sub–specialties listed in parentheses—
Biblical Counseling  (Youth & Family or Women’s Ministries)
Camping Ministry 
Elementary Education
Missions  (Biblical Languages, Foreign Language / Spanish, International Studies, Nursing, or Teaching English)
Music  (Pedagogy, Performance, or Worship)
Pastoral Ministry  (Biblical Languages or Youth & Family Pastoring)
The Pastor Ministry Major seems to be limited to male students.
Click the links to check out the coursework each Ministry Major requires.
Student Life—
So, yeah...  ABC is not a progressive place.  At all.  They’re upfront about it, though, which is nice.  Their Student Handbook is online, available for all to read.  Here are some highlights...  (All italics are mine, not in original.)
Discipline / Consequences—Students who break the rules face discipline in the form of “a verbal or written Carefrontation, a fine, a work assignment, a temporary room or dorm confinement, a social [or] ... campus restriction,” or “some other determination.”  Egregious offenses may result in the student being “suspended ... , asked to withdraw from the college, or dismissed.”
Dress Code—There’s a detailed Dress Code, with different different activities requiring different standards of dress.  Perhaps surprisingly, pants are allowed for female students for all but the fanciest standard of dress.  (For that, they’ll have to wear skirts or dresses.)  Here are a few of the rules...
“Earrings may be worn by females only,” and “all other body piercing is prohibited.”
ABC students are prohibited from getting new tattoos.  If a student has an old tattoo, they may be required to cover it at all times if the Dean of Students deems it “offensive.” 
Prohibited Activities—ABC says that, “in order to remain above reproach,” students are prohibited from the following “questionable activities”...
Consuming “alcohol as a beverage,” tobacco in any form (including e–cigarettes), or drugs for non–medicinal purposes.  (Penalty for violating this rule is dismissal.)
Serving alcohol to others, even if done in the course of a student’s off–campus employment.
Gossiping, or engaging in “other forms of impure speech.”
Listening to, viewing, or reading “unwholesome” media or literature, or accessing websites “that do not promote godliness.”  (See Prohibited Media and Prohibited Music.)
Attending “commercial movie theaters.”
Prohibited Media—Per the ABC Student Handbook, ABC students shall not consume “any media (including social media) that features vulgar or obscene language, sexual innuendo, nudity, immodest clothing, or ... a blatantly non–Christian message.”  Additionally, students may not—  
Watch movies rated PG–13, R, X, or NC–17, or shows rated TV–MA.
Play video games or use apps rated A, M, or RP.
... and, they’re strongly cautioned to avoid media that promotes “unbiblical definitions of love”; endorses “witchcraft or the occult”; mocks “law or law enforcement”; denigrates “marriage and the traditional family”; or contains “excessive violence.”  Students are urged not to consume media made by people—e.g., actors, producers, directors—“known for their stand against Christian values.”
Prohibited Music—Students are banned from listening to music “that includes God–dishonoring language, anti–biblical messages ... , a prominent resurfacing beat, pulsating and driving or dance rhythms, or sensual overtones in the music itself or in the performance.”  They’re specifically cautioned to avoid...
Rock—Because the “lyrics may be unacceptable” and “[t]he beat of the music may become the most prominent element.”
Country—Because the “lyrics may be unacceptable” and the underlying “music may be connected to a heavy rock beat.”
Folk—As “[e]xistentialism, humanism, or hedonism may be propagated through the lyrics.”
Jazz—Since syncopation may be “extensive[ly] use[d],” and “a sensual performance style may be employed.”
Contemporary Christian—Since “a sensual performance style may be employed,” “a beat may be overly prominent,” and the “lyrics may be theologically incorrect or existential in their emphasis.”
“The Bible restricts sexual activity to marriage between a man and a woman.  Thus, fornication, adultery, incest, sexual abuse of a minor, homosexuality, indecent exposure, sexual harassment, and other such activities are forbidden.” 
“[N]o display of affection through physical contact (including holding hands) on the part of non–married couples, on or off campus.”
Dating students are forbidden from sitting together in class or chapel.
No male–female pair, dating or not, may be alone together in anyone’s home or residence, on– or off–campus.
No male–female pair, dating or not, may socialize off–campus without a chaperone, unless they’ve been at ABC for at least 4 Semesters.
Divorced students “shall not be permitted to date other ... students.”
According to ABC’s Student Handbook, all these rules apply to all students, at all times, on– or off–campus.
All in all, it’s great if Anna and Mary are attending college, even if it’s a super–duper conservative one, like ABC clearly is.  The fact that they’ve possibly left home and are out there, living on their own...  Crazy to even think about, given Steve’s apparent iron grip on his household.  It can only be good from them to venture out on their own, even if it’s just to a slightly less stifling place.
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JJK Woman Appreciation Post II! ⚠️ Spoilers (duh)⚠️
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Shoko Ieiri:
I’m torn between simping for her and begging her to adopt me.
Shoko Ieiri, the ultimate third wheel. She was in the same year as Gojo and Geto, and the three of them became fast friends. Of course, though, Gojo and Geto became even faster friends. The three of them are legit parallels to Nobara/Fushiguro/Itadori in terms of their friendship. She and Utahime also have a good friendship as seen in one of my favorite manga panels. Shoko is extremely special because she can used Reversed Cursed Techniue which allows her to heal people, and based on Volume 0, may be able to REGROW MISSING LIMBS?!
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She’s extremely valuable to the story because of this ability and during the Shibuya Incident Arc, Principal Yaga expresses this importance. She is situated away from everything because if the enemy knew where she was, they would kill her first.
Shoko prefers alcohol over sweets, and stopped smoking for five years before starting again during the Shibuya Incident Arc. Because... yea I’d do the same. She is pretty serious and focuses on getting the job done. She is pretty laid back and chill, and presents a blasé attitude. In high school, she always avoided conflict and after seeing Geto after he, you know k!lled a bunch of people, she mocks him almost. I hope we get to see more of her and her character and that maybe the whole thing of her avoiding conflict gets overcomes. Her and Utahime will be the only adult mentors left in the series really, and I want to see how she would react in that role.
Utahime Lori:
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Yes I do personally Headcanon these two as girlfriends. I honestly love Utahime because of the fact that she’s like the mother hen of a bunch of juvenile children who project their issues on other people.
When first introduced, she’s pretty calm and reserved. She stops the rival school from their battle of petty insults and gets easily irritated... when Gojo came. She has good intuition and when Gojo asks her to investigate the spy at Kyoto, she reminds him that she could be the spy before being insulted for being ‘weak’. We don’t know her cursed technique but obviously it must be pretty strong if she is the opposing teacher to Gojo. And speaking of the annoying idea of weak and strong in the Jujutsu world, Utahime also has a scar on her face. We don’t know where she got it from but she has it.
Momo talks about how a scar on a woman is a disadvantage for a female Jujutsu Sorcerer. I personally think that her lectur might have been influenced by seeing her teacher be put at a disadvantage due to this. We still don’t know too much about her, sadly, but she shows herself to be an entertaining character. Her attempt an a inspirational speech at the begining of the sister school exchange event displays her to be rather awkward when it comes to being comforting. However, it’s been established that the Kyoto school is like a family and that probably wouldn’t be possible without Utahime. Her caring nature is on display when she notices Miwa passed out in a dangerous zone.
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Same thing with Shoko, I’m torn between simping and begging for adoption. Gosh I want Utahime and Shoko to be my moms dkekekek.
The fact that she loves Karaoke and wants Shoko to quit smoking 😭😳💙
Mei Mei
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First thing first: her relationship with her brother will always make me uncomfortable-
Mei Mei is a grade one sorcerer who is on the side of money. Mood. I honestly don’t know her character that well, but she is really chill and has good inuition. She notices Maki’s strength and quickly realizes that Fake!Geto is.. well fake.
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Okay but her cursed technique?? Allowing herself to control or share senses with animals, specifically crows is so cool and so convienet. Like during the Kyoto event, her skill was very useful and same thing during the Shibuya Incident Arc.
Although I don’t remember much about her character, I do know that she is very chill and laid back, but can be caring in her own special way. Well, by caring I mean complimenting Itadori on his skill, which is something that she didn’t have to do but did.
This reminded me that I need to reread the manga, and not just Gojo’s past arc because I miss Riko Amanai and I’m working on a nice post about Star Plasma Vessel Sus stuff, but Mei Mei is also just like... hot 😳.
Yuki Tsukumo:
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She’s so cool, but so suspicious. A lot of people have pointed out that she was insturmental in Geto’s decline by introducing the idea of a world without jujutsu to him. Her Aethstic is cool with the motorcycle and the “what kind of woman is your type” question. I love how she is really cheerful but at the same time badass, two traits I feel like aren’t more commonly coexistent within female characters.
In the last or second to last chapter, she exposed herself to be rather... funny? Like funny in the fact that she’s kind of clueless half the time? Like the facial expressions she makes and how when things goes more downhill than she thought they would, she started to freak out a little.
I do think she is really interesting in the fact that she actively researches way to make the world a better place and protect people from curses in the best way possible. But... she’s still so suspicious.
Fun fact: her surname has the Kanji for 99... she got 99 problems-
Riko Amanai:
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Missing you 😭
She’s probably one of my favorite characters. She was just a teenager who was lonely and for some reason kept on surviving while others didn’t. She was okay with giving up herself to... basically be the vessel, the puppet, to a powerful entity who’s been alive for over a 1000 years. It’s really bittersweet because the way I saw it, she was okay with being the vessel because of the fact that she believed that because she was the vessel, she had to be lonely in her life leading up to the Merge.
Riko has no cursed technique but was responsible for the Jujutsu world as Master Tengen’s vessel. She was spunky, cheerful, and... confused. Riko thought she had everything figured out but after forming close connections with Geto and Gojo and realizing how important Kuro was to her, she realized that she wanted to make more memories and not lose everything.
I’ll talk more about her in my Star Plasma Vessel post 😉.
Tsumiki Fushiguro:
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Omg another one of my favorites because I love characters who are low key plot tools.
Tsumiki is Megumi’s older step sister who took on a very maternal role in his life. Megumi is very protective over her while at the same time very annoyed at what he believed was the hypocrisy of ‘good people’. Tsumiki is shown to be kind, caring, and well... just your normal teenage girl. She threw milk at Megumi after scolding him for getting into another fight. She just wants to see her little bro get the best life he could possibly get.
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Tsumiki only did the test of courage because she ‘was worried’ and I feel like that just says so much about her character. And now? Well now she’s a vessel for some unknown vengeful spirit. And... do all vessels just get their hair pulled back??
And That’s all for now folks! Thanks for reading!
I didn’t edit this at all oh well, some times the first draft is all we have the energy to do-
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four-loose-screws · 3 years
FE8 Novelization Translation: Book 2 - Front Cover & Other Introductory Pages
Yup, you read that right! It’s time for book 2 already!
And here’s the big announcement - I recalculated the number of parts I’m going to split the chapters into, so I don’t have to take a break in-between books 1 and 2! Some chapters have more scene breaks than others, so it was an easy thing to do without compromising pacing at all.
Let’s get started!!
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Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Book 2
Written by TAKASE Mie
Illustrated by SUZUKI Rika
Published by Square Enix
(inside flap)
TAKASE Mie was born on July 31st in Tokyo. She graduated from Waseda University. Her recent hobby is the cello, which she was inspired to start learning after watching a certain sailing movie. Though she has dreams of one day being able to play Bach’s cello suites, she still has a hard time with even basic scales.
Cover and Obi Design: atelier THiRD
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Princess Eirika vowed to rebuild her home country of Renais, gained the help of their ally nation Frelia, and started to fight back. As her army marches, she crosses paths with all sorts of people, and grows her group of allies. Finally, they make it to Renvall Castle, a critical strategic location for the Grado Army, and attack it. During the battle, she succeeds in reuniting with her elder twin brother Ephraim, who disappeared on the front lines. However, after having only a moment to confirm each other’s safety, Ephraim states that he will march to Grado Castle. Eirika volunteers to travel to the Theocracy of Rausten to support him, but then...
(inside flap)
SUZUKI Rika currently lives in Yokohama. She is a freelance illustrator who has contributed to titles such as the Monster Collection TCG (published by Fujimi Shobo) and Angels of Dawn (written by KAYATA Sunako and published by Chuokoron-Shinsha, Inc.). She also created the manga Tableau Gate - Volumes 1 & 2 (published by Kadokawa Shoten).
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Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Book 1
Written by TAKASE Mie
Illustrated by SUZUKI Rika
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Table of Contents
Chapter 11: Caer Pelyn                                                                                           
Chapter 12: The Wyvern Rider’s Wrath
Chapter 13: The Desert Palace
Chapter 14: Reunion
Chapter 15: The Day the Empire Fell
Chapter 16: Repatriation
Chapter 17: The Demon King’s Shadow
Chapter 18: Encroaching Trap
Chapter 19: Night in Rausten
Chapter 20: The Lord of the Darkling Woods
Chapter 21: The Continent’s Wrath
Character Introductions    
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The Princess of Renais. She is kind, and does not like war itself, but still dedicated herself to the current war without hesitation to retake her country, a goal entrusted to her by her father, the king.
The king of the Kingdom of Renais. In his youth, he was renowned for his military prowess, and he is adored by his people as an honest statesman.
Though he is the youngest of all Renais’ generals, his loyalty and superb skills in both combat and discernment make him the ideal image of a knight.
He may have just only become a full-fledged knight, but he has a very serious and earnest personality, and is skilled in combat as well, ensuring him a promising future.
A general of the Grado Empire also known as the Moonstone. He was discharged from the army for the crime of massacring ordinary citizens for fun. However...
A devoted knight of Frelia with a long history as a fearless soldier. He is a man of few words, but his power is known throughout the entire Frelian Army.
The princess of the Kingdom of Frelia. In contrast to her friendly personality that is beloved by all of her retainers and servants, she also has military experience, and is an active member of the pegasus knight unit.
The king of the Kingdom of Frelia. His resourcefulness is unparalleled, and has earned him the title “The Wise King.” He is a long time friend of Fado’s and spares no effort in aiding Eirika and her allies.
An outstanding knight, even among the prided Frelian pegasus knights. She is very serious, but kind.
A priest. Within his calm appearance lies a very intelligent mind. He can not only heal with staves, but is also knowledgeable in medicine.
A mage general of Grado, also known as the Fluorspar. One of the empire’s three generals. She has vowed her undying loyalty to Emperor Vigarde.
A boy living in Ide Village in Renais. He is saved by Eirika and her allies when his home is attacked by bandits.
Ross’ father. A former troop commander in the Renais’ army known for his dauntless courage. When his wife passed away, he retired from the army to raise his son.
A girl born in Lark Village in Renais. Her home was burned down by bandits. She cries easily, but undoubtedly inherited her grandfather’s famous skills with a bow.
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Neimi’s childhood friend. They were the only two to survive the bandit attack on their hometown. He has sticky fingers, but is kind to Neimi.
He meets Eirika and the others while carrying out the orders given to him by his monastery to purge the lands of monsters. He has a deep love of learning and is a devoted monk.
Artur’s childhood friend. Though it is true that she is an exceptionally skilled mage, the words and actions she chooses as a result of her confidence in that fact are a bit detached from reality.
A young woman with a strong sense of justice on a continuing journey to take out the monsters roaming the lands. She actually appears to be of noble standing based upon the way her companions talk to and act around her.
A warrior traveling with L’Arachel. He cannot hide the fact that he is her loyal retainer, though perhaps it is more accurate to say that he is not really trying. He’s not one to sweat the small stuff.
He is actually a master thief, and just under contract with L’Arachel, but all she does is drag him around everywhere.
A cleric being pursued by the Grado Army because she was deemed a traitor. She asks to travel with Eirika so she can spread the word to other nations about the strange things occurring within the empire. 
A skilled mercenary who loves to gamble above all else. He becomes Eirika’s ally after losing a bet with Natasha.
The prince of Renais and Eirika’s older twin brother. He is blessed with a strong sense of justice and decisiveness. He also excels in spearmanship, and his skills are highly respected by the cavalier unit.
A loyal retainer who has served Ephraim ever since he joined the cavalier unit. An exceptional knight who’s skilled in serving as a guard.
Like Kyle, he serves Ephraim as both a guard and close confidant. He and Kyle have been rivals since they were young. He is also Franz’s older brother.
The commanding officer of the Renais cavalier unit. He is a devoted cavalier who has served the royal family for years, and that King Fado trusts deeply, however...
The prince of The Kingdom of Frelia. He always has a strong sense of duty towards his role as a member of the royal family. He is extremely confident in himself, and has the strength and abilities to back it up.
A girl who is neither human nor monster, but a member of the dragon tribe. She leaves The Darkling Woods to tell the humans about the abnormalities occurring across the continent.
A girl who became a soldier because of her respect for General Duessel. However, she feels lost when she learns that he opposes the war.
The brave leader of a band of mercenaries. He joins Eirika’s army because Prince Innes hired him as his guard.
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A dancer whose bewitching dances attract the soldiers around her and heighten their morale. Once she joined Gerik’s Mercenaries, she became an indispensable member of the group.
A female mercenary is rare enough, but her beauty and skills make her even more of a diamond in the rough. She is registered in the guild as a member of the same mercenary group as Gerik.
Tethys’ little brother. He aspires to become a mage, and convinced a renowned sage to become his teacher. He is at the age where he cannot help but want to be treated as his own person.
The sage of Caer Pelyn, and the only person of this age to associate with those of the dragon tribe. His abilities are very widely known. He is also Ewan’s teacher.
A general of the Grado Empire who is also known as the Sunstone. One of the empire’s three generals. He also questions the current war…
A dragon knight of Grado. Glen’s younger brother. He trusts and respects his brother completely, but after a certain event happens, he leaves the Grado Army.
The prince of the Grado Empire. He has been a friend of Eirika and Ephraim’s for many  years. His research into dark magic has made him even more knowledgeable in magic than the palace mages.
The beautiful queen of the Kingdom of Jehanna, known as “The Queen of White Dunes.” She has gained the overwhelming support of the people for her accomplishments in running the country since her husband’s passing.
A general of the Grado Empire with the title “Obsidian.” One of the Three Imperial Generals. Though he has been accused of being a traitor, he is working together with Ephraim to warn the emperor of the error of his ways.
A palace mage of the Grado Empire who studied dark magic alongside Lyon. He is one of the few people who knows the reason why the emperor, once known for his virtue, changed so drastically.
A general of Grado known as the “Tiger Eye.” He started out as a mere mercenary, and rose up to his current position, but he is an ambitious person who wishes to rise even higher.
The emperor of the Grado Empire. He is beloved for his virtuous ways, including opening up the national treasury to the people in times of disaster. However, ever since that fateful day, his personality has changed completely, and he began the invasion all of the countries across the continent of Magvel...
The commander of Frelia’s third unit of pegasus knights. She is Vanessa’s elder sister by blood, but Tana also looks up to her like an elder sister.
The Pontifex who rules over the Theocracy of Rausten. Known for being highly educated and devoted to his beliefs, he is worshiped by the deeply devoted people as the representative of the gods.
A mage general of the Grado Empire known as the “Blood Beryl.” Ever since he learned the reason for the emperor’s change, he has served the emperor to support his dark ambitions.
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Re-imagine Snape
Someone recently went through pretty much every Snape-positive meta, sometimes with my own additions, that I reblogged (thank you, sweet person!), and for one, wow! I hadn't realised I had so much of it floating on my blog. For another, rereading one of the posts brought something to the forefront that I was too emotional at the time to formulate.
I sometimes struggle to with understanding criticism of media, when the critical voices come from people with a very different lived experience from my own. I am a cis white female who lives in a country with socialised healthcare, I am fully aware that I am insulated by privilege and accept that there are certain things, that I will never fully understand. Doesn't mean I shouldn't at least try. There is an exercise that I found useful, even though it falls back on the use of... very narrow stereotypes.
When 50 Shades of Grey suddenly went mainstream, I found the best way to explain why I disliked the franchise, despite it's fanfic origins, was to substitute the names of the protagonists with arabic sounding ones. Anastacia and whatshisname Mr. Grey became Aisha and Yusuf. And suddenly the fact that the male protagonist demands authority over what the female one wears, eats, where she lives, what she buys, who she socialises with and what she talks about, all outside of their sex play, stops sounding edgy and kinky, and starts looking a whole lot like abuse. Because we are conditioned to recognise abuse only when applied to certain groups, when viewed through certain lens, and it was easier to identify what my exact problem with 50 Shades was, only when I fully leaned into the stereotypes, eliminating my blind spot.
Now, reimagine Severus Snape as a black boy/man. He grew up poor and disadvantaged, in a town/part of town where most people had similar struggles. His home was abusive and neglectful, and he is socially awkward, whether as a result of the neglect or because it is something inherent to him, it doesn't matter. Despite having gained access to an elite school and showing talent, it is clear that his upbringing makes him an outcast. He is discriminated against and is further sidelined, subtly and overtly, by other students, by teachers and by the Headmaster. He is sorted into a House where the majority of racists are sorted into. He is denied access to networking opportunities by Professor Slughorn, despite his show of aptitude. He is constantly and viciously bullied by boys from very rich, very privileged families (I know, that only Sirius and James are from Ancient and Noble Families, but they are also the main driving forces behind the abuse at school; Peter and Remus were at best characterised as hangers-on), and his teachers ignore it; to the point that when his life is endangered the Headmaster outright refuses to even publicly aknowledge any wrongdoing by the responsible parties. He has no recourse against bullying, because he is much more in danger of being expelled himself if he retaliates in kind than to receive justice if he follows the acceptable course of action; and we don't really know how much bullying or peer pressure of participation he was under from his own housemates.
He will have very quickly realised, that even if he manages to finish the school he will have a very hard time to be compensated fairly for his work, despite his talents; because people will look down on him either because of his class background, or his race or his lack of social graces. And his only friend, a white girl, despite sharing the disadvantage of class and race (in the sense that she is also not a pureblood, since blood purism was used as a metaphor for racial inequality), she had a very different experience than him. One - she didn't grow up in an abusive household, two - because her family wasn't quite as poor as his, since, you know, her dad didn't drink away all their income; and three - she was planted into a much more socially flexible environment to make connections, aka the Gryffindor house.
Hell, even the way that some parts of HP fandom insist on hypersexualising the relationship of two prepubescent children is consistent with the portrayal of black boys in media. Because a thirty year old white man is a considered a child, but an 11 year old black boy is seen as a man. And if he is a man, the only thing he could want from this innocent white girl must be sexual in nature. Thus all the accusations of a 9-yr-old Severus stalking Lily somehow making sense.
And while I am not going as far as to equate the Death Eaters to Black Panthers, I do remember that the latter were often vilified as violent thugs and armed gang members, when what they actually wanted was to create a unified, defensible front, to be able to provide a safe, nurturing environment for their weakest members. Circling the wagons, if you want. If the Death Eaters weren't comprised of bigoted purebloods with more ambition and money than ability, but of muggleborns and muggle-raised halfbloods who would seek to increase their bargaining power in the Wizengamot and with potential employers, how quickly would they be labeled terrorists, intent on destroying the traditional pureblood ways? They wouldn't even have to kill a single pureblood.
What if they vowed to never accept less payment for services than what is fair, to never accept abysmal working conditions (except maybe to gain the mastery and then adios, motherfucker) and contracts with immoral stipulations; to invest in each others entrepreneural ideas instead of finding investors from pure blood families; at best accepting loans from Gringotts, because if anyone understands unfair treatment, it is goblins? What if they wielded their combined buying power among their own businesses and charging purebloods horrendously; what if they only apprenticed the children of their own circle, especially if the halfblood master of the field was the exceptionally gifted one and thus much more sought after among purebloods? Their social and financial power would be significant enough for a potential Minister of Magic to invest into courting their voting bloc, and for the Guilds to consider representing their interests. They wouldn't have any power on the Wizengamot, not at the beginning, but not every pureblood family was aligned with blood purists, though it is a big question, whether they wouldn't ally themselves with their former enemies once they perceive the ‘unpure’ as a threat. But if they would at least gain one pureblood family as a dissenting voice in the Wizengamot, as an avatar to promote more egalitarian laws... and then reinforce their message by applying the financial pressure... it is not unreasonable that at least some changes will be made. If this sort of power is what Severus imagined to gain from joining the Death Eaters... I can't actually fault him for that.
But I went off on a tangent. The point is, that Snape is one of the few characters who genuinely regretted his actions, but was still perceived as a criminal and a convicted felon, who only escaped imprisonment because an old white privileged man still had something to gain from pressuring him into a life of service and danger. The way his character arc is handled is also reminiscent of the discussions of the school-to-prison pipeline and incarceration rates in the US. And when he died, he died an ignominous death that no one but Harry Potter even valued. No one else would ever see him as a hero. No one else named their child after him, not even Draco, in whose protection Snape was so invested. He stayed a footnote in history, his contributions to the war effort forgotten or attributed to the man that manipulated him; the man who was lauded a hero and managed to finagle a  state funeral while Snape bled out on a dirty floor in an abandoned shack and no one knows where his body is, still vilified as a Dumbledore’s murderer and Voldemort’s bootlicker.
What I am saying, is seeing Severus Snape as conceptually a black man changes a lot in how i perceive his character, despite not changing even one word of canon.
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kanaima · 3 years
I thought I was done with this but apparently I have more to say
I was incredibly hurted with what they done with Kanan comics, that's pretty much obvious, but the thing I guess hurted more was the way they treated Depa Billaba character.
They had their male protagonist to tell her to "stop hiding" so her role as a general meant nothing, as Caleb Master, as his teacher, as a friend and a leader to her men, it meant nothing there.
Depa character was so wholesome because she went through a terrible defeat, she lost so badly against Grievous and lost almost every single one of her men. Then she was in coma, then she wake up and almost everyone dubed about her, about her abilities, about her role as a Jedi and as a General.
But Caleb Dume belived in her, he went personaly to her quarters to ask her how the war had been for her and how she was dealing with the whole situation. He, even before becoming his Padawan, trusted her. He admired her, he saw everything in her that was great and he was so happy when she choose him as his Padawan.
Caleb was connected to her, he feels like he knew her even before they meet each other for the first time. That's why their bond is so deep and meaningful.
(That’s why they’re are so often portayed as mother-son in fanon)
And her men did too, and they were there to support her. Grey even said to her that it hasn't been her fault, he made it clear that "they failed her once, they were not going to fail her again.”
(I ship them so much send help)
When she was questioned in Kaller, her men stoop up for her. Not, in a single moment, they told her to stop hiding, they didn't question her role as their general, they accepted her back.
Also, my point is (because this heartfull crying has a point, mind you) almost every single character Depa interacted with in the comic was male, and not for a second it feel like she has been treated down or ridiculized.
Her troopers, her Padawan, even her enemies, none of them was there to make her look like a weak character. Even fucking Fenn Rau who is fucking mandalorian and Concord Dawn protector was respectfull to her for fucks sake.
(How many times Star Wars has portrayed, treated a poc woman, in such a way?)
That's how you write a good, supportive relationship between a male and a female character. You don't have to tear them down, or make them look less competent, or just use them as background plot.
And I find it so, so, so stupid I'm still this mad over a cartoon, over Star Wars, but i've been in fandoms since I was like 12 yo, and this piece of sci-fi comic was the first one to inspire me enough to create actual content about it. Posts, metas, headcanons, that comic really inspired me a lot.
Also, none of those were easy for me to create. I wish I could create even more content about them, to really express how much these characters mean to me. I actually can't because english isn't my first language (I’m native spanish speaker from actual South America, btw) and it take me a lot of time to came out with post or stories which made sense and do not have more typos than words.
But I did, I tried because I see those characters and notice a lot of potential in them, in their relationship and how much they illustrate what true friendship, companionship and respect is like.
I would be lying if I say I stoped loving this comic and being deeply into the SW fandom, but man, it did bummed me all the way down to the Marianas Trench. Also, I would be lying a lot if I said I’m not afraid what they will change next, which of my favs will be the next in take the bullet.
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kenkamishiro · 3 years
Jack Jeanne Playthrough Part 3 (April 5)
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1 month later. April 5th in the VN. Kisa is at Univeil and excited she passed the entrance exam. She runs into her childhood friend Yonaga who's also been accepted. He's shocked that Kisa is attending too, but before she can explain Suzu joins them, introduces one each other.
Quartz's theme is "transparency" where many inexperienced performers who haven't specialized yet tend to go.
Onyx = Jacks whose forte is in dance.
Rhodonite = Jeannes who specialize in song.
Amber is where talented and unique students gather.
Suzu theorizes Kisa would be in Rhodonite because of her appearance, himself in Onyx because his physical abilities make him more suitable for dancing than singing or acting. Yonaga would like to be in Quartz.
Yonaga: Quartz...would be nice.
Suzu: I get what you mean!
Yonaga: Huh?
Suzu: Tbh I enrolled in Univeil cause I really admire Tachibana Tsuki, the legendary Jackace of Quartz!
Kisa: ...!
Suzu: That's why I wanna be in the same class as Tachibana Tsuki...come to think of it, your last names are the same.
Kisa: (If people find out I'm related to Tsuki-nii, it might make it even easier for them to discover my identity...! But it might be better than lying poorly...)
Kisa: It's true. It's the same (nonchalantly)
Yonaga: ......
Suzu: Maybe you guys are distant relatives!
Kisa: *nervous laughter*
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Yonaga cuts in and says they should go check which class they're in. Kisa thanks Yonaga for the save. Their year is the 78th class of Univeil. All 3 are in Quartz.
Kisa gets called to the headmaster's office.
Chuuza congratulates her and informs her about her admission. The only ones who know that Kisa is a girl is him, Quartz's homeroom teacher Enishi Rokurou, and now Yonaga, Kisa's childhood friend. Chuuza is surprised that someone who knew about Kisa enrolled in the school.
But if anyone else finds out that she's a girl, expulsion. But since a lot of students are feminine, she won't have to go out of her way to act and dress like a boy. He reminds her to build trust with the rest of the students, and aim to become a lead and aim for the top.
Kisa arrives to Quartz's homeroom late.
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??: Yes, yes, come right in.
Kisa: (The teacher...? But he's in a student uniform.)
??: You were called in quite loudly during the school announcements. Did you run into any issues on the first day? Theft, robbery, manslaughter, extortion, coercion, or a bank robbery, perhaps...?
(Please watch the clip of this scene. Can you tell he and Furuta share the same VA? 😄)
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Fumi: No one like that would be in our school, Kuro.
??: But wouldn't be great to have such a plucky 1st year around, Fuumin! All the world's a stage!
Fumi: And, if the cops came?
??: I concede! Law is what keeps society together.
Kai: ...you two are bothering the 1st years.
Kisa finds a seat by Suzu and Yonaga.
Neji Kokuto (3rd year, 76th class of Univeil) welcomes the 1st year students to Univeil and Quartz. Class leader-slash-scriptwriter-slash-director-slash...all kinds of other things! He provides an info-dump about Univeil for us.
5 performances in total: Rookie, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Univeil Exhibitions. The Rookie Exhibition is where the 1st years take the lead roles, which is going to be held May 30th. Today is April 5th, so less than 2 months remain. Most viewers will watch over them warmly,  but others will be more strict, like journal reporters, critics and avid Univeil fans. Neji will write a script to allow even novices like them to shine on stage. Casting will be announced mid-April. Upper years are also participating and support the 1st years.
Neji: If you have any questions, all you need is to ask. I'm sure all our seniors here will be more than happy to help you.
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??: What, no way.
Neji: With some exceptions of course! Mwahaha. Mikki's a 2nd year now, you can be a little nice to your juniors, hm?
??: ...
Kisa notes he looks cute like a doll. Shirota Mitsuki, noted for his singing. He catches Kisa staring at him, and she apologizes.
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Neji asks if anyone has any questions. You're given 3 options: 1) How casting is determined, 2) Type of training to be done, 3) No questions.
Casting is based on Neji's subjective judgment. Everything from how they're doing in lessons, campus life, the way they walk, talk, physique, voice, facial expressions. Essentially based on his intuition, which he uses to find gemstones in the rough.
Training I'll explain later, there's gameplay related to it.
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Neji finishes his spiel and passes it on to Quartz's homeroom teacher, Enishi. Pretty low energy. Lessons start tomorrow. Class is dismissed.
Suzu meets Kisa outside the Quartz dorms and asks if she's ready to introduce herself to the other students. He notes it's hard to find people since Univeil is so large. They chat for a bit, Suzu asks Kisa to call him by his first name, so Suzu-kun it is.
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Inside Yonaga's dorm. He's finished unpacking, though he's still yet to put away his books (on theatre). He asks how Kisa got into Univeil, and she explains what happened. Yonaga says he'll help Kisa to make sure she stays at Univeil. He's glad that Kisa is here with him.
Yonaga: Kisa-chan, about Tsuki-kun...
Kisa: I can't get in touch with Tsuki-nii, but I'm sure he's doing fine wherever he is. 
Yonaga: I see. Yeah, I'm sure he is.
(Isn't that sketchy? Maybe he turned into that weasel with the moon on its belly lol)
Kisa begins her search for the Quartz students. At the Univeil courtyard, Kisa hears Mitsuki singing.
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"Within this chest of mine I dance, the rhythm of possibilities"
Kisa: (I'd heard he was lauded for his singing, but he really has a beautiful voice...the lyrics paint the scene in my head.)
Mitsuki: ...could you not stare at me like that? It's uncomfortable.
Kisa: Oh, I'm sorry!
Mitsuki: Oh, you again. The 1st year who came in late.
Kisa: Yes. My name is Tachibana Kisa. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Mitsuki: Huh...you've got a face like a girl.
Kisa: Eh? Y-yes, I suppose so.
Mitsuki: A high-pitch voice. A delicate figure. And a Jeanne at that. At least be aware of your own features.
Kisa: I-I'm sorry.
He sighs and introduces himself. 2nd year, 77th class of Univeil. A Jeanne and a tresor (songstress/diva) of Quartz. VA is Kajiwara Gakuto (Asta). Kisa compliments him on his singing.
Mitsuki: So you were eavesdropping.
Kisa: I-I'm sorry.
Mitsuki: Well, not like I care either way. Later.
Kisa: He left...I guess he doesn't really like interacting with people. But his voice really was beautiful.
(If I had to describe Mitsuki's tone, it would be similar to Kenma, but a bit more antisocial lol)
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Kisa finds Kai in the forest, seemingly concentrating on something. She decides to come back later, but Kai notices her.
Kai: ...? Quartz's 1st year?
Kisa: Yes! I'm Tachibana Kisa.
Kai: I see, you're...
Kisa: Yes!
(awkward silence between the two)
Kai: Mutsumi Kai, 76th class of Univeil. I'm a 3rd year.
Kisa: So I should call you Mutsumi-senpai!
Kai: Kai is fine. You can call me that around other people too.
Kisa: But...
Kai: ...
Kisa: ...(agrees)
Kai: ...
Kisa: T-then, I'll call you Kai-san!
Kai: Okay.
Kisa notes Kai is the Jackace of Quartz. And since Tsuki was also the Jackace, that means he must be talented too.
Kai: I'm a vessel meant to garnish the Aljeanne. Nothing more, nothing less.
Kisa is confused by his statement. Convo ends.
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Kisa runs into Neji next in the hallways. He enters a room then promptly comes back out.
Neji: Welcome!
Kisa: Ah!
Neji: What're you doing in a place like this?
Kisa: I'm going around introducing myself to everyone in Quartz.
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Neji invites her into his workroom where he writes his scripts and plans his staging. But he also performs on stage, any male or female role, from a shining prince/princess to old grannies/gramps.
He's currently working on the script for Quartz, but he won't reveal it just yet. Kisa asks if the other class leaders write the scripts like he does, but Neji is a special case, who screenwrites, directs and performs.
Neji: Once you get carried away, you can't see what's going on around you. What we do has no end to it. Acting, dancing, singing, they're fields that you can pursue for a lifetime. You could reach the stars, or merely end up as a master of none. No matter how much time,  it will never be enough. It's a terrifying world out there. That's why it's so engrossing. The stage is a colossal device. The Jacks and Jeannes make up the gears, and I am the craftsman who pieces them together. Let's create a fantastic stage together, Tachibana-kun!
Neji must continue writing, and wishes Kisa the best for the Rookie Exhibition. (Neji definitely talks the most out of the main cast lol. And fast too, talks a mile a minute and tone varies hugely)
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Kisa finds Fumi standing languidly in the middle of the dance room, taking deep breaths before beginning to dance. A Japanese-style dance where his movements are gentle, beautiful and brilliant. He comments on Kisa staring intently at him, just like during the entrance exam.
Kisa is surprised that Fumi remembered, despite the number of applicants.
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Fumi: I remember you and the red-haired guy well cause you two danced so terribly.
Kisa: Oh...
Fumi: I'm just kidding. Though the red-haired guy really did suck.
Kisa introduces herself, and Fumi pauses at hearing the name Tachibana. 3rd year Takashina Sarafumi, 76th class of Univeil, but he prefers being called Fumi, no senpai honorific attached. Kisa ends up calling him Fumi-san.
Fumi: Let's have fun, Kisa. (leaves)
Kisa: It's overwhelming seeing him up close. So that's the power of an Aljeanne.
Kisa goes to her room excited for her new life at Univeil and retires for the night for her 1st day of classes tomorrow.
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dyns33 · 3 years
Two minds, five bodies
The Rook AU!
Focus on Langdon, their four bodies and how they work. 
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From birth, people who knew about Langdon's 'particularity' often asked them questions about it. When it was misplaced curiosity, assholes looking at them like they were weird beasts or trying to experiment on them to determine their full abilities, Langdon didn't like it. When it was only to understand them better, they found it charming. It was very rare. Some adults in Glengrove, who really wanted to help them, and some students who tried to be their friends. Langdon then answered their questions, but never said everything. Except to (Y/N). Their adorable (Y/N), who looked at them with her sparkling eyes, hesitating to ask her questions, thinking it would upset them.
           "I don't want you to think I'm criticizing or pitying you."
           "I know." Michael replied, kissing her on the forehead. "Ask away."
           "How does it feel ? I mean, having four bodies ? Because... You see ? I'm trying to imagine but... When two people talk to me at the same time, I have a hard time concentrating and listening to everything they say. So having four bodies, in different places, who see, hear, feel, do different things at the same time... It's not difficult sometimes ? I know, you compartmentalize, but how ? If a body is injured, what happens for the others ? They are also suffering ? When we are together, all your bodies react to what we are doing so... Sorry, maybe this is a little private."
           "Not at all. I understand that you are curious." Xavier purred, taking her hand. "It's hard to explain to someone who wasn't born like that. I don't really know how to make you understand. Let's see... Even with a body, you are able to do several things at the same time with some training. And you don't necessarily focus on every part of your body to get there, it's natural. It's the same for me. I don't really always think about I'm doing with all my bodies. I'm just doing it. But sometimes I have to be careful, to be more in one than in the others. Sometimes I'm in all of them fully. Easy."
It wasn't as easy as Langdon said it was. Of course, they had specified that it would take practice, but they hadn't been able to fully master all of their bodies before their ten-year-old. Not all of the teachers at Glengrove were nice then. If Langdon didn't compartmentalize, they were punished for saying or doing the same thing at the same time with their bodies. The punishments didn't seem harsh to an outside eye, but to them it was torture. The separate bedrooms. It wasn't like when Jimmy had to sleep in the girls' dorm and Michael, Duncan and Xavier in the boys'. They knew where their female body was, she wasn't alone, the other bodies were together, and that was how they got to meet (Y/N), so that was a good thing. No, with the punishment of the separate bedrooms, the four bodies were locked in a different room, without a window, unable to know where they were, where the others were, and even though they were all safe, this forced isolation made them suffer, as if they were dismembered. Doctors could not understand that this disturbs them so much, when everything was alright when their bodies were sent to the four corners of the world. But it was still different. Langdon knew where they were, in what country, why, how, and when they would be able to go home. Distance was not a problem. Separation either. It was still them. But those momentary amputations during their childhood had been a real trauma.
           "You know, you don't have to compartmentalize with me." whispered (Y/N) into Jimmy's ear before resting her head on her shoulder.
           "People are afraid when I say something with more than one mouth."
           "Not me. I don't care. I find it even cute and a little sexy."
           "Really ?" they said with all their bodies.
           "Yes, like that ! But if you prefer compartmentalizing, that's fine with me too. What's best ?"
There really wasn't a 'best' for Langdon. They were used to compartmentalize now, it was more practical, for their work, but also for their life in general. When Duncan answered the phone, Michael was cooking, Xavier was finishing reading a book, and Jimmy was outside, doing shopping. Unbeatable time saving. They didn't feel less complete doing different things than when they were doing the same thing. But there were times when it was a joy to do the same. With (Y/N) for example. Langdon could use one body, any body, to be with her and they were happy. But compartmentalizing when they were kissing or making love was a bit more complicated. And (Y/N) loved it when all of their bodies were around her, Langdon knew that and they were with her whenever possible, so she had their undivided attention. Absolutely their full attention.
           "Another question... if you don't mind."
           "Shoot." Duncan replied, smiling.
           "At the office, I heard Madison say that you can be rested by making only one of your bodies sleep. Is that true ?"
           "More or less."
           "Can you develop ?"
           "It is possible. I have already done it. One body sleeps, the others continue their missions. But it is still necessary that the following night, it is another body which sleeps. If a body does not sleep for more than three nights, it gets tired, becomes more complicated to control, is less effective and in the long term it could die."
           "What ?!"
           "Yes. Four bodies, four times the need. My mind is rested, because I technically slept, but the lack of sleep will still end up affecting a body after a while. The same for everything else. I have to feed all my bodies, I have four stomachs. I have to hydrate, wash, maintain them all. That's why I have four paychecks at the end of the month."
           "You what ?!" cried (Y/N), jumping on the bed. "Four payschecks ?!"
           "I almost support a whole family of my own, darling, I need more money to do all of this."
           "I never thought about it... You have to pay for everything in quadruple, it's terrible ! It must be very expensive !"
           "I'm managing. The Checquy pays well."
           "Tell me something else ! Please ! Is it weird when one body is sleeping and the others aren't ?"
Ah, how to explain that. Langdon had trouble finding the right words, as even they were confused the first time around. They were sleeping, and at the same time they were not sleeping. There and not there. All and nothing. Over time, it was like when an arm or a leg was numb. It was not pleasant, but they knew their body was still there and that it would wake up soon. There had been a time when Langdon had been really scared. An accident while training at Glengrove.
Michael had almost died falling off a cliff and as the doctors tried to save him their other three bodies waited in the hallway. A nurse had come to see them with a sad expression to tell them that she did not know if their brother would wake up. She hadn't understood how Langdon worked. She didn't tell three poor children that one of their siblings might die. She was telling one scared child that they were going to die. That a part of them was going to die. Could Langdon have lived with just three bodies ? Without a doubt. Even two, or just one, since everyone did very well with only one. It would have been like the disabled, who could still live and be happy. But the disabled often had the means to compensate, with wheelchairs, prostheses, perseverance. If Langdon lost a body, it would be forever. Nothing would ever replace it. On the outside they would look totally valid, but there would always be something missing.
After this event, Langdon paid close attention to all of their bodies, knowing that their missions were dangerous. And one of their biggest secret fears was that their bodies wouldn't die at the same time. So they would die four times. Even though they had the ability to 'abandon' a body, to prevent an enemy from torturing them or reading their minds, Langdon didn't like doing this, so they would suffer all of these endings, one by one.
           "Oh Langdon..." sighed (Y/N) as she hugged Michael. "Don't think about it. Everything will be fine."
           "I do everything for that."
           "If you don't have to have a body awake, I want you to sleep with me ! Every night ! With all your bodies !"
           "I am going to crush you."
           "I don't care ! I... I'm only reassured when you're fully there."
           "And I'm only happy when you're around." they said, kissing her.
Even though they didn't control her, didn't see with her eyes, didn't hear what she heard, (Y/N) had become like their fifth body, and when they were apart Langdon needed to call her at least once a day to find out where she was and if she was okay. It was worse than the separate bedrooms because they had no idea if she was okay. So, even when it wasn't necessary, there was always one of their bodies left at the office, not too far from her. As soon as they saw her, Langdon was relieved. She was there, smiling and beautiful. And even though she had never experienced what they did, (Y/N) seemed to feel the same, always asking them where the others were, and taking the time to contact all of their bodies before sleeping.
           "I'm right here." Xavier sneered, stroking her back, as she hung up after talking to Jimmy, and about to call Duncan.
           "I know. And you told me there was no problem. I trust you, but I want to hear them… Sorry, I know it's dumb."
           "Don't apologize, that's not dumb, that's adorable."
After she had checked that Michael was okay, she lay down in Xavier's arms again telling them that she loved them and she fell asleep peacefully. Langon never told her, but when only one of their bodies shared her bed, it wasn't that body that was sleeping. They stayed awake all night to look at her. They couldn't sleep completely until they were all together.
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chancelloramidala · 3 years
Across The Stars In A Galaxy Far Far Away ★ Star Wars & Marvel Crossover AU
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Despite her Jedi training, Ahsoka couldn’t help but be have a child-like excitement of their surroundings. She sat in the window seat beside Anakin and pressed her face against the glass, staring at the big flashy lights and people they passed. From what she saw, Manhattan looked like a smaller version of Coruscant, and lacked the many, MANY, skyscrapers, flying speeders in the air, and alien species walking around. In fact, Ahsoka could only see the human species on the streets and in the cars they passed. Were there no other alien species on Earth? Was she the only alien species here?
Padmé, who was on the other side of Anakin, grinned at Ahsoka’s visible enthusiasm and constant pointing at something new she didn’t recognize but thought it resembled something back home. She nodded along to the teenage Torguta’s animated hand movements and tried to answer as many questions as she could. But the Senator, once Queen, was equally as curious about this planet they were on as Padawan, but dimmed down a couple of notches.
Anakin on the other hand, didn’t like any of this. He was one to throw original plans out the window and improvise, but this was a completely different territory for the Jedi Knight. Hell, this was a completely different part of the galaxy that didn’t know anything about the Jedi or the Force.
Obi-Wan, who was sitting in the front seat with the chair slightly reclined backwards (not that Ahsoka was complaining), could sense his former student’s anxiety about their new environment. Their bond never diminished as time passed, but fortified and became a constant in their lives. He turned his head to look at Anakin and gave him a small smile, sending him soothing waves of warmth through their bond and then closed his eyes for a moment.
Rex was stuck in the back with Artoo, and even if the SUV was roomy, he did not like the tight space. It was different, nothing like a speeder or ship he’s been in. Even Artoo was quietly grumbling about how much he hated this stupid speeder because with each turn and stop, Rex had to outstretch his arm(s) to make sure the astromech droid didn’t topple over and hit Anakin in the back of his head.
Their driver, Clint, stared at the strange bunch. Now when he was expecting a couple of aliens that had kidnapped Peter, he was expecting something along the lines of the Chitauri that he faced all those years ago. But these aliens, weren’t anything like them. Most of them were human, the teenage girl though, she was definitely an alien, for she had orange skin, white face markings and something that resembled horns? She also didn’t have any hair, which wasn’t an issue for the man, but it was different than what he was used to seeing.
But then again, after joining S.H.I.E.L.D. and becoming an Avenger, normal wasn’t in Clint’s vocabulary anymore.
After they finally reached the garage of the Tower, Clint parked the SUV and lead everyone to the elevator, including the beeping robot, which somewhat resembled a rolling trash can, that he forgot they had.
“They have turbolifts here, Master,” the orange skinned humanoid female commented as the elevator started to move. “Fascinating,” she mumbled under her breath.
“It’s slower,” the shaggy-haired human male said with a small smirk.
Clint chuckled softly, “Don’t let Stark hear you say that, he’s already an insufferable bastard as is.”
“I take it this Stark person made this turbolift?” Padmé inquired.
“Yup,” Clint popped the ‘p’, “and the entire building along with a lot of other technological gizmos. He’s the one in the metal suit from earlier that wanted to blast your asses on the spot,”
“Comforting,” Anakin said dryly.
Then, the doors to the turbolift or also known as elevators, opened revealing a red and gold skinned being. Vision smiled amicably at the newest arrivals and stepped aside to let them through. “Welcome, my name is The Vision or just Vision. I’m a synthetic android made from vibranium that was once an A.I for Mr, Stark. He also told me to lead you to the medical labs to be checked up on and to provide you with clothes to change into.”
“Thank you, Vision.” Padmé smiled back at the man and decided to walk beside him, introducing herself and the rest of her group to him.
Anakin then took Obi-Wan off of Rex’s hands, allowing his former teacher lean against him as they followed after Vision and Padmé down the long corridor. When they finally arrived at the doors to the lab, Vision input something into the panel before the doors slide open. There was a man in a purple shirt with his back to the rest of them, staring at a holographic screen and rubbing his chin anxiously.
“Dr. Banner, may I introduce our guests?” Vision told the man, causing him to turn around with blatant surprise.
“Vision, hey,” the Doctor nodded his head and curiously glanced at the group behind him.
“This is Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Captain Rex, Ahsoka Tano, and their astromech droid, R2-D2,” Vision carefully gestured to each and every being clearly making sure that each brief description Padmé gave him correlated correctly.
“Nice to meet all of you, my name is Bruce Banner,” he raised his hand slightly to wave. “I’ll be doing some basic scans and check-ups on all of you, Tony guessed all of your sizes and has some clothes stacked on the bench over there,” he pointed to said bench, “that you can change into. There’s an bathroom connected through that door,” again, pointing to where said door was.
“I’ll go first,” Ahsoka stepped forward with a bright and eager smile.
Bruce eyed the young Torguta with a great amount of curiosity before nodding firmly and gesturing to the table he’d be examining her on. “Thank you, and you’re... Ahsoka, correct?”
“You’re right, doc!”
An hour or so later, everyone had changed out of their clothes and into Earthly outfits. Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Rex were given gray, black, and blue sweatpants along with white, green, and gray t-shirts. Ahsoka and Padmé wore black leggings paired with red and blue tees. They’d also been given black sneakers and socks which were surprisingly comfortable.
Obi-Wan, despite his initial injuries, was given a thorough check up by Dr. Banner. His chest was wrapped and he was given some pills for the pain. Everyone else had a clean bill of health, and vaccinations just in case.their space bodies couldn’t handle whatever illnesses Earth had to offer.
Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padmé were then tasked with trying to explain their situation to the Avengers (which Anakin was absolutely floored to learn that was their actual team name.) Ahsoka and Rex lingered in the background, keeping to themselves and talking to each other about how weird this all was.
An eccentric billionaire who used all of his high-technology to make the world a better place. A super soldier that was frozen alive for 70 years with a heart of gold. Two assassins with a deep history with one another. Super-powered twins, one was weird, the other was fast. A Doctor that turned into an alternate person which was green and severely muscular when angered. A former assassin that was brainwashed to be a human weapon... and many other team members that they haven’t met because they weren’t on site according to Vision.
“Sorry if I find it hard to believe... any of that.” Tony blinked after Obi-Wan and Padmé spoke about the Clone Wars that had recently ended in their galaxy. “And sorry, that you two and the kid are... um... space wizards?”
“Some find that the Jedi are sorcerers with our magic-like abilities through the Force,” Obi-Wan nodded patiently.
“What about this War you had? You said it was caused by the secession of star systems from your government, the Republic to the Confederacy and for the War, the Clone Troopers were created for the Republic to be used for battle... but there was another alternative plot beneath it all?” Steve asked, particularly eager about the war they had fought.
“Yes, the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, Sheev Palaptine, was actually a Sith Lord who orchestrated the entire War. He wanted the Republic to crumble along with the Jedi Order so he could restore the Sith Empire... and...” Padmé carefully glanced over at Anakin who was now staring at his hands, gripping them tightly.
Padmé frowned softly and then reached forward and put her hand over his, giving it a small, reassuring squeeze.
“Palpatine... Darth Sideous was grooming me for years and nearly seduced me into the dark side of the Force to become his new apprentice...” Anakin announced in a soft voice as he tried to steady himself from lashing out or leaving the room.
“He had chips put in Rex and all of the clones that when activated, would massacre any and all the Jedi they served.” Obi-Wan added, quick to take attention away from Anakin, knowing all-to-well that the revelations of Palpatine’s true nature was a hard pill for his former student to swallow.
The room went silent for a moment, allowing the information they were receiving to float in the air. It was clear that this group had been through hell and back again for the three years that the Clone Wars raged on.
Steve looked at each and every person, taking note of what kind of role they played. Padmé was a senator, the former Queen of her planet Naboo, who didn’t agree with the War from the start. Obi-Wan and Anakin were generals who watched hundreds of soldiers die under their command for a worthless war. Rex was one of those soldiers who didn’t know where his place was without the War and had survived it but not without a few battle scars. And Ahsoka, she was only a child when the War started, now a growing young woman who not only shouldn’t have never stepped foot on a battlefield, but never had a real childhood.
"I still don’t understand how you got here though. I know space is huge, but out of all the planets to land on, you really chose Earth, huh? And New York nontheless!” Tony chuckled lightly, doing his best to make light of the situation.
“It’s possible that during our escape, we got sucked into a wormhole.” Obi-Wan suggested. “There’s been no records of anyone travelling through one before.”
“Yup, now you’ve lost me,” Clint blinked blankly before getting up to walk into the kitchen. “Anyone want some beers? Don’t answer that, because everyone is getting one. We’ve deserved it.”
“Like I said before, there are Separatist sympathizers that want us dead. They hit our hyperspace drive right when Ani put in the coordinates while we were escaping the skirmish and... here we are.”
Clint then returned from the kitchen, handing out beer bottles to everyone before stopping in front of Ahsoka and eyeing her warily. “How old are you anyway?”
“Galactic Standard would have me at 17,” Ahsoka replied as she eyed the beer bottle in his arms. “It’s the legal age to drink in most of the galaxy,”
“Ah, sorry little lady, but the legal drinking age here is 21,” Clint patted the space between her montrals ever-so carefully in a playful manner before continuing to pass out drinks.
Ahsoka scrunched her face together in annoyance and turned her head in the direction of Anakin. “What a bunch of bantha-poodoo! Master, you’ve seen me drink before! Tell the sleemo,”
“Sorry Snips, but if their legal age is different here then...” Anakin shrugged his shoulders to indicate that the situation was simply out of his hands before popping open the top of the beer bottle and taking a sip.
Rex laughed loudly and slapped his hand over his mouth to stifle it. He’s seen his fair share of the Torguta drinking, many times he had to drag her back to base over his shoulder because she was a bit of a lightweight. And if he was going to be honest, this was the peek of entertainment.
The teen crossed her arms over her chest and huffed as she watched him drink. “This sucks, Skyguy.”
“Ah, I’ll have to decline from drinking.” Obi-Wan gestured to his chest. “I’m on medication and I don’t know how well that would mix with alcohol.”
“I can make some tea instead, I don’t drink anyway,” Wanda waved her hand as strings of red floated from her fingertips and towards the kitchen, where the stove turned on and a tea kettle started to bottle.
“Splendid,” Obi-Wan nodded his head in her direction, thankful that they at least had tea here. “Might want to make some for Ahsoka here, she looks like she needs a calming tea.”
Ahsoka stuck her tongue out at the older man in a childish manner. “Oh you think you’re so funny, Master.”
Whilst everyone was busy conversing and sharing stories, Padmé would discreetly pass her beer to Ahsoka, knowing that a few sips couldn’t hurt. The teenage girl was more than happy that the Senator was giving into her whims. Plus, the two have had their fair share of nights spent sharing a bottle of Alderaanian wine towards the end of the War.
Though, this act didn’t go unnoticed by everyone. Tony thought it was funny when he first noticed the exchange, recalling how his first few drinks were at home with Jarvis. He didn’t say anything, just smirked behind his bottle and went on with their night.
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deputy-videogamer · 4 years
Gemini |Part 2|
Pairing: Geralt x Reader, Yennefer x Reader, Geralt x Reader x Yennefer
Summary: The White Wolf has come, but so has a certain lavender eyed witch. Both has gotten word about the poor princess that has 'lost her mind and out for blood'. But there is more that meets the eye
Part 1 Part 3
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"So what's this contract about again?" Jaskier asked Geralt for the- actually Geralt lost count on how many times Jaskier had asked about the contract.
"For the last time Jaskier, this contract is about a cursed princess that needs to be slay." Geralt hissed out of annoyance.
"Why do you need to slay her? Is she cursed?" Ciri asked. She has been traveling with Geralt throughout his journey ever since they finally met in the forest.
"Something like that. The girl was borned with powers, but as she grew her powers made her lose her mind." He briefly explained to the duo.
“Then the king wants you to release her daughter from the curse then?” Geralt didn’t respond. The king requested the opposite for Geralt; he wanted her to kill his daughter.
“Something like that. Let's just go, we're almost there.”
It wasn’t long before the trio had reached the king’s castle. Waiting for them was the king’s mage who waited for his arrival.
“Geralt of Rivia, We've been expecting you." The old man greeted the trio. "Please, come this way."
The three had followed the old man through the castle. It was only then Geralt took notice of the painting that was hung. 
"I'm guessing that's the queen and her daughter." The mage froze in his steps. Geralt had taken note on how he was hesitant when he mentioned the queen and the former princess.
The mage turned towards him and gave him a tight smile. "You aren't a wrong witcher. Lovely isn't she?" The mage was referring to the queen in hopes to avoid talking about the princess.
"Oh yes lovely indeed. Shame that she married a king I would've loved to meet." Jaskier flirted, not caring that the royal mage was with them.
"Their marriage was one way anyway. The queen died after giving birth to her daughter. May her soul rest and find someone better than the king." This was what Geralt was surprised at.
"You seem to hate the king." Once again the mage froze up when he realized his mistake. The mage tried to think of a way to answer him, but the sounds of heels clicking against the wooden floors had interrupted him.
Looking at the direction where the sound of heels were clicking at. All three pairs of eyes looked up to see who was heading towards them, only two out of the three pairs had already known who she was.
Geralt couldn't believe his eyes when he saw a familiar raven hair female.
"Yennefer." The words almost sounded unfamiliar to him.
How long has it been since he last saw her familiar purple eyes, the sweet smell of gooseberries and lilacs. The guilt and memories of them on the hill had flashed through his eyes.
He now wishes that he could have punched his past self for saying those things to her for she wasn't wrong when she stated that he had lost her. 
The pair of lavender eyes met his golden cat like eyes. It was then the air around had suddenly felt suffocating and time had stopped all around him.
“Hello, Geralt.” Her sickly sweet voice almost made him feel sick. 
“Is this the Yennefer you mention?” Ciri innocent eyes gazed on the raven beauty. In return Yennefer looked at the small princess with shock; she then had a sharp gazed on why a child was with him, in return he gave her a look that he explained to her later about Ciri. 
“I thought you needed a Witcher?” Geralt turned his attention back at the mage.
“Yes, but when due to the former princess…..um..condition there could be a chance that she could attack you. So I requested the help of Yennefer.” The mage answered.
“He’s not wrong. I assume Lucius has already informed you about the job right?” Yennefer looked at the mage or Lucius.
“I was about to get there.” Lucius cleared his throat and briefly explained about the situation.
Apparently, when the princess had turned 12, she started to lose control of her magic. The mages tried their best to help her regain control of her powers, which had worsened her case leading to her magic to take control over her mind. She had killed the people in the case including her own father if it was for Lucius stopping her rampage, her father’s guard tried to seize her, but she had ran into the forest for refuge.
“Has anyone entered the forest?” Geralt questions Lucius. There was something about that story that didn’t make sense to him. From the story to Lucius' tone about the voice it all sounded all too suspicious.
“Many mages including myself have tried to enter the forest, all of them have either ended up dead or seriously injured. We believe that she has support from the creatures in the forest.”
“Is that even possible?” Ciri’s innocent eyes stared at Geralt where he let out a simple ‘yes’ to his daughter.
“If you have any more questions that will be answered later, I have already let the king wait enough. I’ll let you bard and your…..” Lucius looked down at Ciri. “Daughter to their rooms once we reach his studies. Come.” 
Unaware that a crow had overheard their conversation, while its blood red eyes had stalked their every movement. Before soaring its way out of the widow’s ledge then disappearing back into the forest. The raven gilded down on a branch-like hand, the silent monster stared down at his black feather minion as it silently cawed to his master. The creature didn’t say anything, the only gesture it had made was stroking his minions body before the creature had left to return spying on the Witcher’s group. 
The forest creature had watched the raven fly away, then walk towards the center of the forest. During his little journey he encounters a few nymphs, everytime he encounters a new nymph he silently grunts about what his crow has seen in the castle. Their facial expressions had turned grm, each one knew a witcher was very serious, but teaming up with one of the most powerful sorceresses had made things much worse. Some of the nymphs had disappeared to warn other woodling creatures about the upcoming trouble while others had started to prepare attacks. 
It wasn’t long that the creature had reached his destination. In one of the trees there was a little treehouse that was built within the branches of the great plant. The creature could hear a small humming coming inside the structure. The woodling creature had summoned one of his ravens to grab the attention of the person inside. A head had popped up as (e/c) eyes were peeking down on him.
“Oh! Hello there, Aspen.” You used a rope to get down to greet your strange creature friend. Unlike your godling and nymph friends, your skull head friend had no ability to talk. How he communicated was by drawing pictures in the dirt. 
“So what brings you here?” Aspen had used his branch fingers to start drawing in the dirt.
His twing finger had drawn five people, one had long hair wearing a dress, another had long hair but he had a sword strapped on his back. The third one was a bard since he had a lyre on his back, the fourth one you immediately knew was Lucius one of your many teacher you had taught you to control your powers when you were younger, he was also one of the few who didn’t create the potion that stole your powers The last figure was strange, unlike the other people this one was more childlike. It made you wonder who would bring a child with them?
 “These people are with Lucius?” You guessed at his drawing, Aspen then drew a crown next to the group of people. “Oh, my father had requested more help to kill me right?” His skull head nodded.
“Do you know them by any chance?” He then drew the woman and the long hair man only this time, the woman had sparks surrounding her while the man had drawn his sword out as there was a beast in front of him. 
“The long hair woman is a sorceress and the man is a slayer of some sort or more precisely the Witcher right ?” Aspen nodded again. “Why bring a bard and a child though? Nevermind that it seems like my father is desperate to kill at this point if he is bringing a slayer and sorceress.” You growled at the last part.
Aspen turned his skull head to you. Your eyes had started to become red signifying that your other personality is coming out.
“If that crown bastard thinks that he can just kill me because he now has a slayer and a mage on his side. He is dead wrong. I have killed many hunters who have tried to kill me all have ended up dead. “ You walked towards a tree that was filled with multiple daggers embedded in the bark with a carving of your father on it.
“Well...let those two come here if they dare. Besides~ it’s been a while since I had visitors in my forest. I think I know exactly where I place their bodies~”  You threw the knife straight dead center into your father’s head.
 “Thanks for the information Aspen, now that I know of my lovely visitors I should prepare a welcoming gift for them.” You were about to climb back up into your home when you turned back to your friend. “Before I leave...how did my friends react to it?”
Aspen slides his thin twig finger across his neck. “I see...hmm protective as always.” Your eyes reverted back to your original eye color.
“Thanks for visiting Aspen, next time you visit I’ll make you some fruit pie.” Aspen watched as you climbed back to your home as Aspen started to leave. Unaware that he had made it to the edge of the forest where it reached the edge of the kingdom. He noticed that there were a few farmers trending their live stocks, as much as he wanted to attack and devour the flesh off their bones, he knew how much you loved your people even after your banishment. He summoned a flock of crows around him as he pointed to the nearest farmer.
He won’t actually kill them, but if he wanted to make sure that the Witcher and the sorceress doesn’t go after you he had to make some kind of reuss to let them focus on him instead of you. He watched as the crows had attacked the poor farmer before another one had come to his aid, he then ordered the flock to attack another farmer in the area.
He only hopes that this will be enough to attract the duo. And if that doesn’t work, there are more woodling creatures who will risk their lives to protect the ‘mad princess’.
If you want to be tag for up coming chapter or previews let me know.
@whitewolfandthefox​ @dreaming-about-starfleet​ @seanh-boredom​
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littleeyesofpallas · 3 years
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I think in my hurry to get through the one core rant without getting distracted, I didn't actually outline the Hero's Journey's whole proposed psych model in the first place. I don't want to get too into each of the 17 steps, but the idea of the process it reflects is this:
A boy on the cusp of adulthood must leave the comfort of parental protection/provision, whether he wants to or not. He must seek out the "magic" of an older mentor who has seen and mastered the unknown, and through that mentor they learn an entry level skill that will allow them to navigate the world of adults; but this is not "mastery" and it is not "understanding" it is only the bare bones functionality of mimicry. Understanding comes later. This happens, often, while still in the comfort of the "home" realm, where the dangers of the unknown aren't in play yet. Then they leave for real and confront the shock of an unfamiliar world, of autonomy, and responsibility; for the first time in their life, if something goes wrong, no one is there to help them.
Campbell himself posits this next step can go a few different ways. His standard format suggests the Belly of the Whale, the descent into the darkness of not knowing happens at the threshold itself, comes first. That upon confronting the unfamiliar new reality of adulthood the immediate reaction is to be overwhelmed, and only after addressing that immense pressure and aimlessness does the boy get to proceed out into the world at large with the understanding that out here, he can actually die.
But the alternative to this is that the boy goes from the crossing of the threshold directly into the Road of Trials, putting at his his magic aide's skills to use, and learning new ones, until that momentum of that growth and learning plateaus, and then THAT is the moment in which the hero is consumed unto the Belly of the Whale, not when he first confronts a reality that is beyond him, but when he first realizes that it's beyond him; when the arrogance and ignorance of youth gives way to humility. Here he has been facing danger and challenge but only now does he confront the inevitability of death; he cannot keep conquering the unknown forever.
I prefer the Belly-second format, because unlike the Belly-first form's processing of the idea that he can die, this is the fact that he will die; and then what legacy does he leave behind? And this directly motivates his shifting attention toward...
The Goddess Reconciliation is my problematic fav of this whole thing... Campbell and Jung believed deeply in this old fashioned notion of Anima and Animus, that there was some nearly mystical bioessentiallist quality of explicitly segregated Male and Female psyche, and a lot of that doesn't scan great these days. BUT! Of note is that their fixation on this duality came largely out of the idea that the two, being innately separate and at odds, needed to be balanced for a healthy mind to exist. In the psychospiritual spiritual approach to myth this means the Goddess is in fact a man's inner feminine aspect that need to be appeased and made peace with. And that's actually pretty cool, weird inner-cosmological premise to that aside.
But in regards to the myth as guidance, this is also the step in the journey that I just call Respect Women. Because that's what's being taught. This is the moment that the young boy/young man, until recently high on his own power and accomplishments, and his ongoing conquest of the unknown is confronted by a woman of great power. She resides in a realm above him, and for the first time in his quest he cannot conquer his way through this. He MUST speak with, negotiate, and empathize with this woman and her needs in order to win her favor and approval, and sometimes very literally hand in marriage.
This power she holds over him is often pretty literally the ability to have children, tying back into the newfound need to secure legacy that I mentioned in Belly of the Whale. But it can also be inheritance of fortune, positions of power and rulership, etc... in the realms of mythological and fairytale narratives. But it also reflects the internal idea of the joining of Anima and Animus, in that this marriage in one way or another, material or not, must bring him peace of mind.
Then there's the Woman as Temptress phase, which is woefully underused. Granted it can come across as a bit sexist and cliche in many narratives, and it's easy to see how that doesn't feel "essential" to most Hero Journeys, but I think this is incredibly important. Again, I prefer the Belly-second model in which the hero's conquests naturally lead to arrogance (he's on a winning streak, and he is still just a kid doing all this for the first time; he's never known defeat, so how does he even know when to slow his roll?) and this is a repeat of that; he's learned to please one woman, why not use his tried and true method of learning new skills and putting them to use to please more women? And so his loyalty to his Goddess must be tested in order to teach him moving forward.
This is the trope about Prince Charming being a playboy because his only trait is seducing women, not being good to them --see: Utena's Touga, or Into The Wood's Prince brothers. This is where a man learns not to be a fuckboi.
And then the confrontation with The Father. The legendary big Vader moment. But it's not always a violent confrontation, and it's not always innately negative; at times it can even be a somber affair. A boy must learn to stop idolizing his father, and make peace with the truth that his father is just a man, full of flaws like any other. And by reconciling his father as infallible patriarch and the hero's own process of growth, a boy must learn that to succeed in life he must be more than his father is/was. And this tends to become a violent or literal physical conflict when the father in question is both still alive, and the very literal authority that must be overcome in the name of progress. The patriarch has established a system of order that he sees as preserving the safety and security of the world of the known, and he will protect that system even as it begins to fall apart. And as a man, not longer a boy, but a peer to his father the hero has to show the father that he is no longer the unquestioned arbiter and effectively take his place.
In this the boy becomes man, hero attains some kind of enlightenment, sees some deep truth to the world and now knows with some clarity what is best for the world. An arrogant assertion to be sure, but internal to the journey at hand it makes enough sense... Because with this understanding the Hero also discovers or distills the mysteries of this wild realm of the unknown into The Ultimate Boon: a tool or a symbol of the skills learned, that can be replicated or utilized even without the hero's personal level of understanding. And this thing must be delivered back to the mundane so that the next generation of children can use it to expand their realm of the known further into what had before been unknown; each subsequent generation of hero expanding the collective knowledge and understanding of the community as a whole.
And Hero must also often learn selflessness. This kind of comes into play more often when there isn't the innate establishment of a desire to foster a legacy that will out last him. In this case the Hero needs to be talked into going home, because the alternative is that he continues to dwell in this state of perfection. But if he lives out his life like this, he will die as just a singular man rather than the Hero of a people. This in turn motivate the Rescue in which someone has to break into his little bubble of personal accomplishment to bring him back. Yet again his ego must be tested, and he must be humbled.
And then he goes back home, he's a Master of Two Worlds, the known and unknown alike, and he delivers The Boon to the common people so their lives can be made better by it. He earns the Freedom to Live and melds back into a mundane civilian life, as a productive member of his society, as a father, and eventually as a new hero's Magical Aide and old wizened mentor.
Shit.. I let this get away from me and shifted my whole rhetoric halfway in... >:/ My point wasn't to outline the mythic structure but the psychological one. So let me try to just summarize briefly now:
A boy needs to leave the comfort of home. He has to learn many new skills, starting with being taught by a teacher. He has to learn his limitations, finality and fatality. To secure a legacy he seeks a wife; to get a wife he must respect women; to keep a wife he must not be a fukboi. He must be a better father than his was. He must learn to want to give back to his community, and then return with knowledge and/or resources to better said community. He assumes a mundane life, he has kids who will grow up as he did; he'll be their father to overcome, and their mentor to learn from in time.
↑This is the Hero's Journey that Campbell became so fixated on, and that George Lucas maybe kind of oversold and muddled with film savvy, but that the original Star Wars still managed to embody and launch into the public consciousness. This is the Hero's Journey I wish more people would talk about and engage with, rather than the color-by-numbers nonsense that it's been reduced to.
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