#the way they portray love in this movie is so beautiful i need the book
freemansgirl · 9 months
Loved the jock Amber, how about her with a nerd reader?
aww thank you, that means a lot to me! ofc, i can do jock!ambs x nerd!reader, love the brains x brawns duo we got going on here💁🏿‍♀️ pls lmk if you like this, anon ☺️
jock!amber x nerd!reader
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* when first seeing amber, you found her really attractive, even if a jock wasn’t the typical person you go for based off the rumors you hear of them or how they are portrayed in media. what started off as a small, innocent class crush turned into a very, serious crush. you always wanted to talk to her, but she was someone that had a very hard exterior to her. she could be bitchy to other classmates and always had a resting bitch face. as intimidating as she was, she found herself taking in interest in you.
* most of her teammates in the locker room would encourage amber to get with popular “hot” girls or a girl with a status to her. just the typical locker room talk but she ignored them of course. “what about that liv girl, isn’t she hot to you?” “i appreciate the suggestion but i got my eyes on someone else.”
* she always sneaks little glances at you during class, admiring how cute you look. you looked so pretty when concentrating on the class subject. she admired how smart you were too, you always had the answers to every question the teacher asked.
* she took notice of you in class when the teacher suggested a group assignment. it was the perfect opportunity for her to talk to you. amber picked you as her partner. not only were you just smart and well-spoken, but you were beautiful and kept to yourself. more things that she liked about you.
* you felt nervous because you always caught her checking you out with her rbf so the fact she picked you caught you off guard. however, amber was… surprisingly level-headed and nice, not the typical airhead, loud, and mean jock stereotype.
* the two of you exchanged numbers and always would try to make time to study after school to prepare for the group project. usually, amber would never really take time off of football practice for anyone, because she was someone who took sports seriously, but for you, she did. amber helps with grabbing whatever books you needed and would assist w the work for the group project.
* when it came to you two being group partners, amber wanted to get closer so she’d invite you over at her place.
* when she learned about your interests, she found them really cool actually. she liked hearing you ramble and get so passionate, she finds it adorable. there wasn’t any judgment whatsoever. she liked that your interests weren’t like the stereotypical, average person’s interests.
* “amber? are you there? am i boring you with my constant talking about my interests? i know they’re a bit… “nerdy” and all.” what? no. of course not, i love hearing you talk about these things.” she thinks you are the cutest nerd she has ever seen. if anything, you’re her cute nerd🤷🏿‍♀️.(she cant rlly judge you anyway considering she is a big fan for stab. shes just as much of a nerd as you.)
* when seeing you write notes for anything, she compliments your handwriting
* thinks you look cute with glasses if you wear them
* she likes to get you things related to what you like. favorite book series? already checked it out at the library. favorite movie series? buys it for movie nights at her place. video games? already installed on a console. whatever it is you like, she’ll find a way to surprise you.
* she has definitely gotten you a cute oversized onesie of a fictional character you love before, thinks you look so cute walking around her room in it.
* loves to take off and manage her time for you. if you need help w something, she is always there for you especially w studying. she also likes to go to you for any type of tutoring.
*walks you to all of your classes, hand in hand with a lot of pride in her face because she adores having you!!
* takes you home if no one can after you spend a long time studying a library or from some type of club. she doesn’t want you to walk alone hurt and unsafe.
* she likes to invite you to her football practices and to football games because she feels like seeing you support her gives her motivation to win the games.
* she always gives you one of her jackets or a hoodie of hers to provide you some sort of comfort.
* if any of her friends try to tease amber about how she has the hots for you (because usually she’s not the corny type but with you she is), she’ll lightly throw a football at them to shut them up.
* if anyone talks badly or inappropriately about you in the locker room, she’ll literally go off on them and find a way to punish them as a football captain. she’ll probably make them do hella pushups with her foot on their back or make them run around the gym a lot of times.
* sapiosexual for sureee, i think she’d get very turned on by how smart you are. i mean how can she not be in a nerd x jock dynamic?
* so unlike the stereotypical pushy, overly sexual jock, who try to make their girlfriends give it up to them… amber is actually very gentle with you. she’d never push or force herself onto you. she’s patient and willing to wait for when you’re comfortable with her.
* likes to fuck you with her jersey on, it gives her the biggest ego boost honestly. also she likes fucking you with glasses on bc you know… glasses are sexy🤭
* during study sessions at the library, if amber is in one of her horny moods, she’d try to persuade you to go the bathroom w her and just give her a quickie. or just go there for horny moods in general
* for any shy ppl reading this, amber would love if youre shy and quiet in bed. it’s just a turn on for her and it makes her wanna fuck you even more just to draw more moans from you.
* after she wins a game, fucking you is one of her favorite ways to celebrate
* if you’re trying to study or just simply doing work at a library, amber would definitely use a sex toy vibrator on you to tease you. the more she can switch the settings, the better :)
* after a long aggravating football practice of someone pissing her off, she’d had sex too to just blow her steam. it can be at the locker rooms or at her place tbh.
* gym bathroom sex happens after you watch her work out and you get sooo turned on by how she works on her muscles. “i see you checking me out, (your name). if you want something from me, do be afraid to say what it is you want.” the something meaning sex
* shower sex
* likes to probably eat you out while you’re watching like a favorite movie of yours just to tease and to make enjoying fave movie even more fun ;)
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sweaterkittensahoy · 9 months
Never having seen the 2005 Pride and Prejudice, we watched it tonight.
It appears in all my ravings of the book and the 1995 mini over the year, the following plot points missed Sean:
Who Wickham is.
That Darcy sabotaged Jane and Bingley.
That Darcy unfucks himself.
Y'all, he cried during the second proposal scene. He does not cry like I cry at movies. This is an achievement.
Many other achievements:
Having Collins having a sweet face and terrible haircut and just being LIKE that.
Collins coming up to Darcy from behind and being SO MUCH SMALLER.
Collins wanting to sit next to his wife. In his weird way, he's a dutiful husband.
That's it. They did right by my girl.
I did not know that Donald Sutherland was Mr. Bennett, and my god, he's perfect. A layered performance with kindness, compassion, sarcasm, and a little bit of asshole. Who clearly has affection for his wife. Which I argue the lack of is a weakness in the 1995 mini.
And, Mrs. Bennett in this is much more layered in her approach to everything. Still a bit crass in all the ways and shown to be very unlike her husband in many ways, but not as...flittery as the 1995 version, if that makes sense.
Look, I love the 1995 mini, but the way the Bennetts were portrayed as Mr. Bennett hating his wife and Mrs. Bennett being constantly dizzy with the womanly concerns doesn't match the tone of the book at all, imho.
Bingley is a golden retriever, as it should be.
I love they were like, "We need the most ethereally beautiful person in the world to be Jane. Someone even more strikingly beautiful than Kiera Knightly." I assume Rosamund Pike just appeared from the heavens on gossamer wings.
The dancing scenes were beautiful.
I have many, many more thoughts, but that's good for now. It is an absolutely beautiful adaptation of an absolutely immortal story, and I love it so much.
WAIT ONE MORE: Lizzie's ruffle on the collar calling back to Darcy's neckcloths when they were having moments of connection; ESPECIALLY IN THE LETTER SCENE when Lizzie finds that Lydia has run away. They're both in black. She's got the white collar ruffle. No doubt Lizzie is certain that if she'd accepted Mr. Collins, Lydia would not have been allowed to go to Brighton because she would have secured the house for her sisters through her marriage. And Darcy, fearing another young girl being tricked by Wickham, feeling a duty to fix things because he could have stopped this by just being like, "THIS DUDE'S A CREEP."
Anyway, done now. (YES THE HAND FLEX I KNOW)
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always-a-king-or-queen · 10 months
there are literally so many reasons why we don't need a third Narnia adaptation
first of all, while they might not be the most accurate, the Disney movies are actually so good and, in my opinion, still manage to capture the heart and soul of the series and what it's truly about. The characters are each perfectly portrayed; the Pevensies act like actual siblings and yet love each other dearly and would die for each other even through all the petty arguments; the music creates perfect atmosphere and emotion and never fails to make me tear up or get shivers down my spine; and the CGI is honestly just absolutely stunning.
I really do not feel like we need another adaptation by Netflix.
Especially not through Netflix.
Netflix has already been known to mess up so many shows and movies by completely changing the source material or adding in unnecessary things that completely take away from the purpose of the story. I can already see them warping Narnia into something that barely even resembles the books, that strips it of its purpose and simply makes it about a fantasy world, nothing more. I've already seen posts saying that the new movies just can't end the way the books end, that heaven must be explained away, that Susan never forgets and falls down a dark path, that the faith aspect must be taken out so as not to offend new viewers.
Here's the thing.
If you take faith out of Narnia, you remove the very heart of the series. you remove the entire purpose. Because Narnia is entirely about faith, and trust, and Someone greater than yourself who sacrifices everything to save your own traitorous soul. the Disney movies did not shy away from portraying this faith as openly as possible. if anyone was offended, I've never seen proof. I have seen many nonbelievers talk about how much they were affected by Aslan's death, which goes to show that you simply don't have to be Christian to understand what Narnia is about, and to love and enjoy it.
So if these new remakes remove the faith aspect, then what is the point? four siblings go to a magical land and save it from a witch and befriend a talking lion with nothing special about him and live there as kings and queens and return home and live happily ever after? there is no sacrifice, there is no "he's not tame, but he is good," there is no creation, there is no redemption, there is no last battle, there is no "in your world, I have another name", there is no sister straying down a dark path because she has forgotten how to hope, and then returning because her story is unfinished and the road to heaven is paved with flowers that symbolize her name.
so then, what are you left with? Aslan is just a talking lion, nothing more. the stone table never cracks, the sun never rises. "That by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there" is forgotten entirely, because why would Aslan exist in our world if he is merely a talking lion in Narnia? Aslan's country is changed to be something else, and there is nothing about how Aslan suddenly no longer looks like a lion, and how the things that happened after are more great and beautiful than can be described. Edmund's life is never threatened because of his traitorous deeds; Aslan never offers his own life in place of a guilty boy, is never killed, is never resurrected.
the very core of Narnia is removed, and what you are left with is emptiness.
sure, it might make for a good fantasy story nonetheless. you might still have sweeping views and epic music and an intriguing plotline, but something will always feel like it is missing. like there is an empty hole, desperately needing to be filled.
of course, I don't know that all of that will happen; it's just speculation at this point. But I am fairly sure that it is safe to predict these upcoming movies as such. I highly doubt the producers will want to include the faith that shapes Narnia, because according to them, having a faith aspect means less viewers since too many people would be offended.
but if only they would look at the already wonderful existing adaptations, they would know that is simply not the case.
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simplyclary · 8 months
What I Love About You: An Incomplete List of Things That I Love About Taylor Zakhar Perez
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This is going to be a mix of prose and a list, so a mix of Henry and Alex (if you know, you know). This is also gonna be a forever incomplete list because the more I get to know Taylor, the more I fall in love with him and there's always something about him that surprises me every day.
These are also purely descriptive but somehow, the words, similes and metaphors that I use in this is perfectly apt for the way I feel. So take that however you wish.
With that said, here we go...on to the long list.... (Read at your own time, please.)
His beautiful brown eyes that's the color of chocolate that transforms into whiskey when struck by daylight.
His eyelashes that's as long as Bambi's and it frames his dark eyes like the petals of a flower.
His soft yet lethal smile that never fails to make my heart flutter.
His thick dark hair filled with lush curls and somehow always looks both tousled and coiffed to perfection.
His jawline that seems to be perfectly cut that it could slice an apple. (It's mesmerizing to look at, if I feel like being honest)
His physique that could battle Tom Holland and Chris Hemsworth (I swear, someone put him in a superhero movie and I will surely be watching it!)
His deep voice that is pure music to my ears. (One of the main reasons that I rewatch The Kissing Booth 2 is to hear him sing.)
The captivating way his fingers strum the strings of a guitar (I only saw him do this in TKB 2, but still).
His adventurous and nature-loving spirit (A day with him is probably deadly for an introvert like me because he adores adventurous stuff, but hey, I would honestly do it just to spend time with him).
His passion for fashion sustainability (I love that he talks about this on his social media accounts and informs his followers about the effects of synthesized fabrics to the planet).
His fashion sense and the way he can turn even the plainest piece of clothing into a masterpiece (Like that denim blue jacket in RWRB is still one of my most favorite Alex looks).
The way he walks as if the entire world is his fashion runway (Like I swear, Taylor has a way of walking that makes you think that a sidewalk is the fashion catwalk).
The way he slays various types of jewelry (I was never attracted to men wearing jewelry before but something about the way he combines like a necklace with a couple of bracelets and rings is slaying).
His love and care for his family (He is a family-oriented person and I love that so much).
The tight bond he keeps with his friends and co-stars (Like I love how he keeps in touch with Nicholas, Joey and Maisie even after their projects).
His dedication to character work and understanding his characters (He read the RWRB book 7-8 times to fully understand Alex Claremont-Diaz, like that is DEDICATION!!).
The mere fact that he is a bookworm (Taylor is probably one of those people who can read multiple books at once while still able to remember every storyline of each book, which leaves me awestruck because I cannot do that).
His sense of humor and wit that always makes me laugh (His replies to people on social media and sometimes, his captions are filled with puns, which is hilarious to me and I always enjoy reading them. Also when he uses that filter that makes his eyes pop out, hilarious!).
When he portrayed a douche in "1Up" but I couldn't fully hate that character because of him (Like, how could I possibly hate Taylor? I have no reason to. He could portray the vilest of villains and I would still love that character).
How he manages to stay optimistic and how he always protects his peace (Optimism is what we need in today's world, folks!)
His creativity (Like have you seen his tiktoks and videos on Instagram? They slay!!)
He's a big Potterhead (Taylor's read all the books multiple times, ate the candies and sweets featured in the series. He probably has a collection of Harry Potter items at his house).
The way he just does not have any bad angles in photos (He's photogenic from every angle, to be completely honest).
His kindness and openness to fans (his fan encounters are always such a gem to see and it honestly melts my heart).
The way he doesn't let haters and rumors bother him (This is one of the secrets to success in the industry, I guess!)
He's goal-oriented and knows what he wants (I have a feeling he's selective to what projects he pursues and products he advertises because he really knows what he wants to put out in the world).
He knows his values and what he stands for (He lost followers on IG because of posting about his supply chain trips but he didn't let that stop him from continuing to post about them).
His compassionate and loving heart (I won't say more).
His determination to use his platform for good things (He's that kind of influencer and I really love that).
His love for his characters, regardless of how similar or different they are to his own personality.
How fans have no bad things to say about him (Really, ask any TZP fan and they will say no bad things about him).
So...it's kind of ironic how I ended at 31, considering that is Taylor's age but hey, we're not gonna talk about how old he looks because to be honest, he always manages to look younger than he is (I honestly thought he was 27 to 28 in RWRB).
This is the incomplete list of things I love about Taylor Zakhar Perez. Other than what is stated here, I will continue to love him for plenty more reasons, some I cannot even put into words because sometimes, he just renders me speechless.
Feel free to let me know what would you add to my list of things that I love about TZP or if you have your own list of things that you love about him because let's be honest, what's not to love about the one and only Taylor Zakhar Perez?
All my love and Buenas Noches!
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albondiguilla007 · 1 month
A short Hinny one shot cause I’ve been obsessed with @blvnk-art and the way they draw the pairing. Their Harry and Ginny are beautifully portrayed, so realistic and full of life, and with more chemistry than in the seven movies together. Go look them up, you’ll love their drawings.
“Race you to the Whomping Willow Potter”
“Your ruin Weasley”
Ginny sets off towards the stairs, dropping her bag and spilling all her books over the floor.
“Oi, what about your things!?” She barely glances at me, continuing to run like a bloody maniac, but I see a hint of a smirk before a wave of red hair hides her face. I chase after her, ignoring the protests and surprised yelps of students walking in the halls as we rush through them.
“It’s a shame you’re still the Quidditch team’s Captain! You’re bloody slow Potter!” I scoff, skipping the steps of the stairs two by two. I’d answer her, but I’m running low on energy as it is. Fuck, I do need to train more.
Her black robe billows after her, blazing long hair flying against the air coming in from the courtyard as she continues running. The startling blue sky blinds me for a few seconds, and I put a hand against my forehead to protect me against the light. The grass dances with the breeze, emerald green reflecting the rays of sun. My breath is coming in short gasps, but I don’t stop, stubbornly chasing after the sneaky little minx.
She’s ten feet away, sprinting towards the Quidditch Pitch as fast as she’s on air, laughing with mirth. I close the distance between us, five feet, three feet away until she’s at reach.
“Hah, got you” She wriggles against my arms, groaning when I just tighten them against her waist. “It was a race, not a dare to catch me you idiot” I laugh in the crook of her neck, smelling her coconut body wash and a hint of something sweet. Maybe a new perfume?
Her skin is smooth as a baby, and I unashamedly rub my nose against it. Ginny elbows my ribs and I let go with a startled yelp.
“You were enjoying that too much Potter”
The corners of her lips curl in a teasing smile, and for a moment I’m struck speechless by how beautiful she is. I’d been so blind, focusing on my best friend’s little sister to realize how fucking stunning she’d become on her own right. Brilliant, harsh and aggressively beautiful, Ginny Weasley was a force of nature.
“Well, you are my girlfriend after all” She snorts and continues walking backwards, never taking her eyes off me. She has pretty eyes, I realize, almond shaped and a beautiful shade of brown.
The sun illuminates her skin, a jumble of red freckles covering the bridge of her nose and a bit of her cheeks.
“Not if you continue being that slow no, I can’t have my boyfriend embarrass me in front of the whole school”
I smirk with malice, happy to bring her down a peg or two.
“Something you’d know about, Miss Eyes Green as Fresh Pickles Toads”
That makes her stumble, and I take the chance to close the gap between us and wrap a hand around her neck, warm with embarrassment under my fingers. Her lips are soft, and all that attitude vanishes in a second as she sighs against my lips, curling her hands around the lapels of my uniform. The low murmur of students chattering inside the castle reaches my ears, the cheerful tune of birds chirping and the rustling of leaves in the border of the Forbidden Forest.
I feel Ginny’s lips curve in a smile and I can’t help smiling back, even as we break apart and I rest my forehead against hers, breaths mingling together.
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bigswitchenergyy · 10 months
RWRB movie thoughts (SPOILER HEAVY!)
So, I watched it. Twice. And I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since.
First off, non-spoilers - I loved this movie. I loved the energy, I loved the humor, I loved the chemistry between all of the actors. Taylor and Nick in particular had phenomenal chemistry and I can't stop thinking about them and firstprince and how beautiful it all was. I miss the boys already. 😭 SPOILERS!!
I'm gonna get the (incredibly minor) gripes out of the way.
We got cornbread!! But we didn't get "cornbread knows my sins" which I was a little bummed about. But the beauty of the scene as a whole absolutely made up for it.
The lack of the emotional kiss after the fight really bugged me, because to me, that kiss is the breaking point for them both. That's the "gonna love this stubborn shithead forever" moment, and it's all of the tension and pain and heartbreak poured out into a desperate, hungry, incredibly passionate kiss. going right from "tell me to leave" to the V&A felt a little like mood whiplash, but the V&A scene is so good I can get past it pretty easily
I wish we could have had more of their emails, the phone call where Henry begins to open up about his family, and more pet names. Especially more baby, considering how much that one word affects Henry in the book.
I know why Matthew did it but fuck Miguel, I miss Rafael and Liam
Now, for my favorite quotes/moments!!
"I'd break the sound barrier for you." when i tell you i fucking screamed into a pillow and sobbed
Zahra and Amy are the absolute fucking best and were truly able to shine in a way I didn't expect, I'm so glad we got so many great scenes
"I will brexit your head from your body" I know it was in the trailer but it's SO FUCKING FUNNY
The texting scenes were done so well?? I loved hearing their voices saying the lines and I loved the way they portrayed the long distance conversations. The turkey scene in particular is fucking cinema
The closet scene was SO good. Watching Alex's entire perception of the man change in a matter of minutes is so well done, and Henry realizing that Alex's feelings about it all were completely valid & apologizing is so 10/10
jesus fuck, PARIS. OH MY GOD. The cafe scene, the one where they're taking a walk, and then their first time having sex. It's so beautiful and emotional and i just... I was breathless watching it. It's steamy but it's just beautiful and loving and the way alex and henry are just so enamored with each other absolutely destroyed me.
"You don't know what that's like." "I'm learning." SOBBING
the entire new year's eve sequence was wonderful. Henry's so happy when he's with Alex and Alex is just so happy he's there, and then that fucking SHOT?? The way they're just staring at each other across the crowded room?? C I N E M A
The first kiss was STRAIGHT OUT OF THE BOOK and it was MAGICAL
Nora is a queen and deserved more screentime but I LOVE her scenes with Alex. I think having her not be his ex in this version is a nice change too
And, of course, the motherfucking STORMING OF KENSINGTON. The boys acted their asses off and Nick in particular broke my heart so many times over
The leak. The leaaaaak. fuck.
"Hello?" "Baby." "Alex??" when i tell you i cried so hard
the piano scene 10/10
So, yeah. I loved this movie. I'm gonna be thinking about it for a long time, and I sincerely hope Matthew releases the extended cut & all of the deleted scenes and bloopers, because we NEED THEM.
I also hope that Matthew, Casey, Nick, and Taylor know how much we love this film and book. How thankful we are that these beautiful characters were not only written, but then able to come to life. I will forever be thankful for Alex Claremont-Diaz and Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor (yes, i'm using his book last name LMAO) and for their beautiful love.
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steakout-05 · 7 months
OK SO THE TRAILER FOR THE NEW GARF MOVIE CAME OUT (and of course youtube didnt tell me about it until now) AND!!! ITS SO CUTE!!!!!! so here's me yelling and screaming and fanboying about how much i love how this movie looks so far :D
ok first off, BABY GARF!!! HE IS A TINY BALL!!! LITTOL GUY!!!! :D
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he's so miniscule! so microscopic! an atom! he's tiny!!! but he's just living in a box who would abandon such a little guy :( (his dad probably. yeah he's in this movie and i hope Garfield's mum is also in here because she appeared in a classic Garfield special and she's so lovely)
after this scene we see our first look at Jon (my beloved) eating alone at an Italian restaurant, and like, this means so much to me. look at these shots:
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i'm not sure if they're in order or not but like. look at the way he watches the family! he has a look of bittersweet love and sadness in his eyes and i'm just,,, 🥺 he just wants to be a dad.... i love how Jon has always kinda been portrayed as a father figure to his pets, in classic shows and specials he calls Garf and Odie his boys, in Garfield Gets Real he calls them his kids and now here, he wants to be a father so bad i'm going to burst into tears i love this man
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the garf appears!! the littol baby has arrived!! the tiny little miniscule microscopic molecule atom of a cat has approached the window!!!
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the way Jon puts his finger to the window, the way he cuddles baby Garf with so much tender loving care and adoration..... he's so sweet i love him!! how can people hate this man?? look at him!!! look this sweet and loving father figure in the eyes and tell him you hate him. you cannot. he's too pure for this world
also i haven't mentioned this yet, but it's commonly accepted in the Garfield fandom that Garfield was born in a pizza shop and then was transferred to a pet shop where Jon then adopted Garfield in 1978, but to be honest, i didn't really like the pet shop part of that backstory. the pizza place part was great but i dunno, Jon just going to a pet shop and buying Garfield isn't as heartfelt to me. this backstory though? i LOVE. two lonely creatures meeting each other and forming a family is so adorable and sweet, especially for modern Garfield. i feel like we need less cynicism in modern Garfield and more stuff like this i love it so much,,, also this movie looks fucking beautiful holy shit
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i really like this part because like, Garfield didn't develop his bizarrely huge diet over time. dude was BORN with it. and like look at that look on Jon's face, he looks like he hasn't even finished processing what just happened yet and is just staring into the mist wondering what and how and why that happened. beautiful. also that second image is really funny to me it should have a silly ominous text post caption on it
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also this shot, i didn't notice it the first time but holy shit the look of absolute HORROR on Jon's face!! he is witnessing the TRUE extent of Garfield's powers and he is NOT ready for it man i love this shot so much
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okok so what i REALLY LOVE about this specific shot is that it reminds me of a classic Garfield strip where Jon is attempting to give Garfield a bath!! here's the strip it reminds me of:
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Jon doesn't actually wear anything but like. the fact that he has to go through so much preparation to give Garfield a bath so he doesn't claw him up in the movie, it just has to be a reference to this strip it's gotta be man i'm betting money on it. also hiii Lyman :)
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this scene is so fucking pretty!!! look at the warm colours! it feels so homely and it's exactly how i feel reading my dad's old Garfield comic books! all the warm bright colours and gentle lighting, all the freshly baked lasagna that i really wanna eat because it's so delicious looking.... how can people say that Jon doesn't feed Garfield when he is RIGHT THERE grating extra cheese for him because he knows Garfield likes extra everything in his lasagna. such a sweet adorable man :') i'd like to see ihatejonarbuckle make a good rebuttal to THIS
there's some other neat little references in this movie too, like the Stuck On You plushies made by Dakin being referenced with Garfield smacking into a car after his dad throws him out of a train,
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and a reference to the giant Garfield balloon at a Macy's Thanksgiving parade that makes me think that 'Garfield' the comic is canon in this movie, it's created by Jon (cause y'know he's supposed to be a cartoonist) and it's based off his own stories with Garfield and it is now an international phenomenon like in our world. neat!
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the question is though, does Garfield know he's a worldwide sensation or does he have absolutely no idea? it'd be funny if it was the latter option honestly cause he'd be extremely confused yet flattered as to why there's a random giant balloon dedicated to him in the city
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so the big dude on the left is Garfield's dad, but also, this reminds me of this other Garfield comic where Garfield meets his former self from 1978 and they proceed to eat all the food in the fridge together. thought that was cool :D
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(it'd be really funny if this was Garfield's dad and he was messing with Garfield by telling him they are one in the same haha)
oh yeah and here's the two of them eating everything in Jon's fridge from the movie:
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see what i mean? there's a similarity there and i think it's really funny. also Jon's probably thinking "wtf there's two of them now???" like Garfield got so fat that he just split into two cats or something lol
so! does it look like a good movie? abso-fucking-lutely yes!!! i am SO excited to go see this one! i think this is the best Garfield media we've gotten in YEARS! i love the colours and the shots, i love the slight modern redesign they gave Jon, Odie looks a little weird but he's still super fun and adorable, and while i do find it odd that the Garfield balloon looks more like Garfield than he does, i do like how expressive the characters' eyes are and it's miles better than the previous 3D Garfs we got! i really wanna see this movie and boy am i going to be RAVING about it for WEEKS this blog will be FILLED with Garfield for the next few weeks when this goes digital!! super jazzed to see it!!
and with that, here's one more comparison that i think is extremely funny:
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look-at-the-soul · 9 months
Look at the soul- Part 10 There you’ll be
Cillian Murphy x OC
Series master list
⚠️ Grief (but the comfort afterwards compensates)
🎭 Special thanks to @heidimoreton for creating the most perfect and beautiful moodboard for this part! 🥰✨ I’ve been saving this for so long, this chapter holds a very special place in my heart since it was one of the very firsts scenes I had in mind, I didn’t know how I’d get there, only this had to be part of the story… as Cillian realizes that in order to be able to enjoy something new, he needs to let go first of what’s keeping him locked.
Word count: 3,840 (without the song)
Song: There you’ll be by Faith Hill
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“Adria!” Enda shouted from behind, people walking on the street turned to look at him but he simply didn’t care. Cillian followed him in silence.
Marianne blushed as she heard him calling her by her character’s name several times until he reached her.
“On a trip to fulfill your coffee addiction?”
“Better than yours.” She pointed at the cigarette between his fingers.
“Touché.” Edna chuckled looking at Cillian, she had been getting better at keeping up with his sense of humor and sometimes she got a better comeback.
“Turn it off man, it’s bad for her lungs.” Cillian asked him politely.
“I’m curious what do you have in there?”
Marianne looked at the tote bag Enda just pointed.
“Got a few books at the café, I’m planning to start it this Friday.”
Enda looked at her with a shocked expression. “How old are you? Eighty two? Marianne this is Ireland, you’re by yourself and no one knows you here, should be going out until four in the morning, pass out… have a great time.”
“Reading a book with a glass of wine it’s more like my kind of night.” She replied shyly. “And it’s a great plan by the way.”
“Live, woman… go out and live life! That’s why you’re single.” Enda joked. “Both of you.”
“Don’t be rude mate.” Cillian tried to defend.
“Just telling the truth.” He shuddered. “Hopefully you’ll get someone thanks to the play.”
“Enda!” Marianne opened her eyes wide.
“What? Could be a good opportunity to make a casting or something for you.”
Reaching the steps of the Olympia theater, she shook her head slightly.
“Don’t listen to him, it’s a consequence of his age, he’s losing the filter.”
“Aye, you’re not getting any younger.” Enda patted Cillian on the back.
“Doesn’t matter you’ll always be older than us.” He gave Marianne a small wink.
“Go on stage now, before I start the audition right away.”
As everyone took their place, the lights tech started to make some adjustment, the cast began the rehearsal.
“Stop, stop.” Enda asked interrupting the scene going on stage. “We need the lights off just as Adria reaches the top step, all theater lights off, this light on her.” He explained and then took off his glasses, the big opening was around the corner and this was the most important part.
“Every body keep your counts right.” Heidi called over the microphone.
Marianne positioned herself close to the bar again, her eyes and ears on Enda to follow his instructions.
“Cillian on your count.”
As the cast started moving around and a bright light was focused on Adria, the screenplay writer walked towards his friend.
“Holy fuck.” Enda exhaled loudly as they both watched the scene unfold on stage.
“I know man.” Cillian crossed his arms against his chest without moving his eyes from Marianne.
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Even after weeks of rehearsals, it kept taking them by surprise once she got into character, dress and characterization included. They were both holding their breaths as she looked back, over her shoulder towards them. Her emerald eyes boring into their souls.
“Is this one of those stories they love to portray in movies right?”
Cillian looked at him confused.
“I’ve known you since you were a noisy teen, don’t try to fool me.” Enda adjusted the glasses on his nose. “You have fallen deep for her and I don’t blame you to be honest… I mean, who wouldn’t?”
Cillian’s eyes moved around the theater without locking eye contact with Enda. He remained quiet, letting the words sink in.
“It’s alright to move on, it’s been a while. You just have to make peace with you-know-who first, close the cycle they call it.” Enda squeezed his shoulder. “Go home man, think about it.”
Cillian looked back on stage, finding Marianne there turning her face around, over her shoulder. The realization feeling heavier on his shoulders.
There was no use to try to deny it now, Enda only gave his own thoughts a loud voice.
Was it a proper time to move on?
How are you supposed to do that?
Would Marianne feel the same about him?
Slowly, day by day she found a way to make him smile, she gave him back the strength and need to be on stage. To do what he loved the most and without even noticing, made herself earn a spot inside his heart.
Grieving doesn’t come with a manual, there are no instructions to know if you’re taking the long way or the short route. Words of support come and go, but the only thing that sets the pace it’s your own heart.
As a few rain drops started to wet his face, Cillian shuddered, not because it was cold, but because this would represent a major change in his life, he couldn’t even come close to measure the impact this would bring into him.
Could he take this chance after losing his wife?
Could it be Marianne the one helping him heal his heart? Did he really stand a chance with her? Even after being in his forties?
For the first time he felt self conscious about his age, he wasn’t the young lad he was once…
And besides that, moving on after a breakup or a divorce is completely different than starting all over again after being a widower. He had now developed several mannerisms over time, he had an already built in life, an ongoing list of things he could no longer tolerate, in-laws that were looking at the time were he would make the slightest mistake and last but not least, his sons… but above all of that he was just a lonely man and without an ounce of being pretentious, he thought he deserved to give love a second chance.
He wanted to be happy, to feel alive again…
Was he ready to let go of the memory of his late wife to take a chance to be happy again? Fall back in love?
He had to give Marianne credit because she lifted him up when he needed it the most, she had been there as a lifeline for him the moment he met her on that bus and ever since she had been holding a candle to light his path back to theater among other projects.
That wasn’t entirely a surprise, because deep down she had this internal light that could bright even the darkest room.
It had been a while since the last time he went there, the atmosphere suddenly felt dense, he wanted to apologize for not coming sooner, he didn’t even paid attention of anything around him on his way there.
The day he met Marianne on the bus exactly, that was the last time he had been there visiting his late wife’s urn, after that he stopped completely, something had been keeping him away.
Someone more likely.
“Hey,” his voice cracked a bit, “I’m sorry I haven’t been here lately, loads of things going on, the kids are alright growing up so fast. Andrew is even taller than me already,” he chuckled looking at his late wife’s name engraved. “Truth is I don’t have a valid excuse… I’ve been working on a play, yeah it’s a great script and it’s been a massive therapy for me, the only thing that keeps my mind off but you already know that right? There are days where I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing, losing you forced me to be around the boys completely and we didn’t had the phone line for like a week because I forgot to pay the bill once, you took care of everything… but I’m trying, for the boys, for me… for you.”
Cillian let out a heavy sigh, feeling embarrassed suddenly.
“But that’s not what I came for…” he cleared his throat.
His hand trembled when he touched the cold stone.
“One of those nights after you left, I was lying in bed unable to sleep and reality hit me hard, my mind started bombarding me with these thoughts ’is this how it’s going to be from now on?’… I know you’re not coming back, and you’ll always be the mother of my kids… but I met someone a-and I don’t know how she feels, but I wanted to let you know that I decided to give it a try… is that alright? To rebuild my personal life and have someone by my side?”
In my dreams, I'll always see you soar above the sky
In my heart, there'll always be a place for you for all my life
He could feel the wedding band around his finger burning, of course it wasn’t real, it was just a thing made by his mind, but he needed to do it. The lump in his throat growing.
I'll keep a part of you with me
And everywhere I am, there you'll be
“I promise you I’ll help the boys keep your memory alive in some way… I better go, have to make dinner for those beasts.” He added with a small chuckle.
Everyone carries grieving in different ways and to him everything is valid, or at least that’s what he wanted to think because as he stepped outside one of the classic Irish rain started to pour down as if somehow the rain came to wash over his pain, his grief and also the guilt of thinking about a brand new start with someone else.
Cillian couldn’t find a single word to describe how he felt, but the weight on his shoulders was definitely lighter this time around.
The shadow of mourning finally stopped wrapping its coat around him.
Arriving home later, he left his shoes by the steps. Walking across the corridor he was met by the familiar sounds of his sons and dog, but he stopped on his tracks as a photo of his late wife dressed in her wedding dress all those years ago stared at him from the shelves.
This was his way of saying goodbye, of letting go finally of the woman who had been his partner for the last eighteen years.
Rolling the gold wedding band between his thumb and forefinger he took a moment to rub the edge, the symbol of their marriage, their vows, the dreams they once shared.
And I always will remember all the strength you gave to me
Placing his wedding band next to the photo, he gave her one last look. “Thank you for giving me my boys.”
He was ready to open up his heart again.
“Hey Da.” Andrew, his eldest son greeted him as he walked into the kitchen.
“You’re studying, guess that’s why it’s raining.” He joked.
“Yeah, I don’t understand anything.”
Part of his abilities as an actor was learning things for the role he was portraying, but school assignments were a pain in the arse for him.
“Sorry buddy, you know I suck at this but if you need some help…”
“Are you gonna call aunt Orla? No thanks, last time she confused me more.”
Cillian couldn’t help but chuckle at his son’s statement. But he had someone else in mind.
“Do you want help or not?”
Cillian saw Andrew groan defeated, resting his head on the book. So he quickly took his phone and opened a new text message.
Heyya’ are you busy?
Hello! No, why?
I know you love numbers, interested in doing some tutoring? SOS it’s for my son. He wrote back.
Of course, come over.
And just like that she was able to brighten his day in mere minutes. Even if it was the darkest night.
“Pick up your stuff, we’re going. Benjamin! We’re going out, are you coming?” He shouted from the first floor.
“Can I drive?” Asked Andrew.
“Do you’ve a license?” As his eldest shook his head, Cillian tilted his head. “Then the answer is no.”
“No, can I go to TJ’s house? He invited me to play video games.”
Cillian nodded and passed Ben’s jumper, after waving Scout goodbye, he left his youngest at his friend’s house and drove away with Andrew to Marianne’s place.
“Who did you get?”
“Marianne, she’s part of the cast of the play but she’s really, really good with numbers.” Cillian explained.
“Cool.” Was all his son had to say.
It was a short and quick drive, Cillian pulled in front of the townhouse, the property seemed to be remodeled and held several apartments independently.
After pressing the buzz, Marianne opened the door for them.
“Hello again, this is my kid Andrew… thanks for doing this by the way.”
“Dad I’m not a kid anymore. Hi.” Andrew looked at Marianne, making her swallow a gasp by the similarities with his father.
“Hey, please come in.” She welcomed them with a smile.
Cillian mimicked Andrew. “He can’t stand when I call him that.”
Suppressing a giggle, Marianne guided them towards the small kitchen. She decided to avoid commenting the obvious that they looked so alike. “So, your Dad says you’re studying applied mathematics?”
“Yeah but so don’t understand my teacher.”
“Oh before that, we brought hamburgers for dinn-” Cillian started to explain, but quickly found himself staring at the stove. “What’s this? Smells fantastic.”
“My special chicken.” Marianne explained, she had prepared it for the traditional tacos night with the girls the following day, but judging by Cillian’s glances, she thought of changing it. “You can have some if you want.”
He wanted to say no, it would be a terrible thing to take away her food, but the smell was incredible and by now it was evident, it was mouth-watering.
“It’s fine really, there’s enough.”
“I swear they’re good, but this looks and smells delicious.” Cillian praised again. “How about we exchange?”
“It’s fine really, there’s enough.”
“You sure?” Cillian asked again, to which Marianne replied with a nod.
“Would you like some too Andrew?” She asked looking at the boy.
“Nah, the burger is fine. Thanks.”
“Your loss ‘cos this is awesome.” Cillian shuddered taking another bite.
It felt somehow strange to have Cillian and his son in her kitchen.
“Did you know Marianne's studying her master in Finance?” He raised his eyebrows, making evident his admiration. “Trinity College.”
“Oh yeah? The campus is grand.” Andrew stated.
“It is, loads of buildings, but now I’m taking a hybrid method so I’m not always there.” Marianne explained before thanking Cillian for her dinner.
“Hmmm.” Cillian was lost for words, he never imagined the explosion of flavors in his mouth. “This is perfect.”
As Andrew excused himself to use the bathroom, Cillian continue praising her cooking skills.
“How have you been feeling?” He asked studying Marianne’s face, his gaze was penetrating.
“Everything’s fine, the new inhaler works like a charm.” She replied, getting busy with the dirty dishes.
“You could try going outside for a walk put all these trees to good use.” Cillian added taking the plates from her.
“Heidi told me I’ve to go to the Blarney Stone, I’m planning to visit on Sunday.” Cillian’s fingers brushed against hers accidentally, but it was enough to make her heart skip a beat.
He noticed a small blush in her skin, or it was the kitchen light perhaps? Why was this suddenly feeling like a perfect domestic scene?
“Just avoid kissing it please.” He made a disgusted face.
“Why? I’ll loose my good luck shot.”
“Just… don’t kiss it, trust me.”
“What? The Blarney rock?” Andrew laughed. “It’s full of piss… gross.”
“Andrew.” Cillian warned with his eyes and voice tone.
“Wha? ‘S true.”
“Are you guys serious?” Marianne asked in disbelief.
But after watching them nod profusely, Andrew told her locals usually pee on the stone among other disgusting things so she decided to trust in their words. And avoid kissing the stone at all costs.
While Cillian finished with the dishes, Andrew got his book and notebook.
“Oh I remember these.” Marianne took a moment to read through the notes and exercises. “Just let me grab my glasses. At this hour I can’t see without them.”
“No offense, but you sound just like my Da.”
Marianne laughed, but Cillian moved so quickly to slap his son in the back of his head.
As Andrew hissed and rubbed the spot with his hand, Marianne waved at Cillian.
“It’s fine, after you cross your thirties you’ll start making Dad jokes without even having kids and wear glasses too.”
Cillian smirked, pleased. “That was a nice comeback, smooth.”
Andrew groaned and shook his head.
“Okay let’s start with this example, you need to find the ‘x’ value. And differentiate 3x-7.” She read the first part of the instructions.
“But I only have ‘y’.” Andrew frowned confused.
“Yeah you’ll have to find that first and then use that value to find the ‘x’.” Marianne started working on her own sheet to show him, in a few short steps she solved the problem.
Cillian chuckled from the living room where he had picked a book from Marianne’s shelves that caught his attention. Lying on the couch he watched the scene before his eyes, the domesticity at its finest and he felt so comfortable that the mere sensation from it forced to question himself if he was allowed to feel this good.
And his son was even smiling from solving the problems correctly. To him that mean everything.
Since he left the theater he hadn’t been able to stop the thoughts about Marianne and the positive impact she had brought along the way. He was constantly relying on her not only about his professional projects like the play or his production company, but on a personal level as well, she had seen him at his worst, on a negative attitude and managed to help him ground again. She had a very particular sense of humor and her face was so transparent that he could see every emotion there even when she wasn’t speaking. He also enjoyed way too much teasing her when she couldn’t get a word right.
If he could use one word about her, it was admiration, there was no other way to describe his feelings. Because seeing her on stage, transformed into this fearless character, dominating the entire theater with her presence in a foreign language when she didn’t have an acting background but she worked so hard so you wouldn’t notice that. It was something that slowly made him fall in love not only with theater again, but with her as well.
He had to admit her physical beauty attracted loads of attention, he had seen first hand the way people stared at her when they were out for a coffee or walking towards the theater, there was something about her that made you turn around or steal a glance and she didn’t seem to notice, she never seemed to be pretentious or rude to anyone. No, all the opposite she was always kind to everyone.
But could all of that transform or evolve from the daily interactions to something else? How would she feel if she knew that he was falling for her?
Endless questions had been on his mind lately, it was frustrating to not have the answers.
How could he be so sure that this was something genuine and not because they worked together?
How could he even start all over again in his personal life?
“There you go, be careful with the-,” she stopped talking as she saw Andrew answer by himself, “yes that’s correct.”
Leaning back on the chair, she looked in Cillian’s direction finding him laying on his back, on her couch as if he always belonged there. Dragging her eyes quickly from him before he could notice.
Lee’s words resonating in her mind over and over.
But looking at Andrew wasn’t much help because he looked just like his father in every possible way, the only difference was that he had short hair and less freckles and the other one was the colour of his eyes, as Andrew’s looked more like blue-grayish, but she could easily imagine this is what Cillian looked like when he was younger.
She needed to stop these feelings to grow further because they still had to hit the road with the play and by the end of the dates she would end up with a broken heart.
“How did I do?” Andrew asked pulling her away from her thoughts.
“Let’s see,” tilting her head she check over at the numbers, a soft smile appearing on her lips, “you did it!”
Offering Andrew a high five, she encouraged him to continue, helping the boy every now and then when he had questions but he did it mostly by himself.
“How’s it going?” Cillian asked joining them in the kitchen.
“I finished the work.” Andrew stood with pride oozing from him. “Thanks.”
“Thank you.” Cillian added looking into her eyes. “Really appreciate this.”
“Happy to help.” Marianne gave them a quick glance.
“I won’t see you tomorrow, will be around scouting for locations to film the video and arranging stuff.” Cillian took the keys of his car and handed them to his son.
“Oh… okay.” Marianne stammered adding a nod. Unsure of what to say.
“Can I drive?” Andrew looked at his Dad who was standing behind him, with his hands on his shoulders.
As Andrew stormed out from the flat with his belongings and the keys, Cillian hid his hands inside the pockets of his jeans.
“You saved me from a headache and him for his test.” Cillian picked on his lip nervously and forced Marianne to look in a different direction.
“You just want an excuse to keep me working.” She joked with a smile that reached her eyes.
“Of course, you don’t deserve a day off that’s why I asked for the tutoring tonight and then you appearing in the music video.” He replied in the same light tone as her.
“I was just kidding,” she assured him feeling like a fool, he probably just wanted to go home and she was trying to make small talk.
“Thanks for the budget by the way, it helped me a lot.”
She had already finished the budget for the rest of the year and managed to give him all the quotes to film the music video, she even added a small percentage for what she called the just-in-case. And the numbers looked good, the group’s manager approved it already.
Marianne nodded and added in a playful tone: “Someone has to keep your spending on track.”
“I’ll have to start thinking of the next project.” Cillian ran one of his hands through his curls.
“Enda mentioned you left the rehearsal early because you felt rubbish.” She loved using that term now. “How are you feeling?”
She asked a simple question oblivious to the real reason behind Cillian’s absence from the rehearsal. In her eyes, he found she was genuinely worried about him.
Leaning in with a smile, he kissed her cheek as goodbye. “Never been better.”
Cillian stared into her eyes for a few seconds, taking in the feeling he had been experiencing since they arrived there; for the first time he was able to see her properly without the veil of grief blurring his vision.
Part 11
🍀🇮🇪Visit Ireland: Blarney Stone, I recently read about it in a book and man, 😂 the stories I’ve heard ever since…
A/N: If you like this, remember your feedback is the best tip you can leave 🫙✨♥️🎭
Tag list: @lyarr24 @gypsy-girl-08 @cillmequick @zablife @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @kettlechips3 @heidimoreton @forbidden-forest-witch @kaitebugg03 @thenattitude @forgottenpeakywriter @onlydeadcells @babaohhhriley @lonelyweeb0044 @lovemissyhoneybee @ange-thoughts @already-broken144 @shelbydelrey @cutecurly-hair @winchestergirl22 @moral-terpitude @ironpen @elenavampire21 @lespendy @kittycatcait219 @stevie75 @esposadomd @sloanexx @shaddixlife @rangerelik @peakyscillian @woofgocows @cillianlove @imichelle-l-rigby @emmanuelle19 @sydneyyyya @cljordan-imperium @mrkdvidal1989 @flippittygibbitts @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @elk96 @shelundeadxxxx @kmc1989
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2manythoughtz · 5 months
Barbie has been deeply misunderstood?
The movie Barbie is still topic of many discussions among viewers and their different points of view. The Golden Globes have proved just why this movie was needed in the first place.
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Recently some comments have been made during The Golden Globes that have left people thinking. For those who don’t know, The Golden Globes is an annual ceremony that takes place in the US and awards movies, TV series, actors and so on based on their categories and the votes are made by approximately 300 entertainment journalists from various parts of the world. As with all ceremonies, they must have a host who most of the time is someone famous in the entertainment industry and who is meant to make the night funny and unforgettable, sadly this year was not the case.
Jo Koy, who is a famous stand-up comedian and actor, was the host of this year’s edition and some of his jokes left people speechless. While most VIPs in the audience looked somehow confused and uncomfortable as he tried to get a few laughs from everyone. Of course, hosting is not an easy task, there’s a lot of pressure on the person and I’m sure they need a lot of time to prepare their jokes. That doesn’t excuse what has been said and, while no one in the audience said anything about it, the fans at home were not so silent on the matter.
While many lines were not appreciated, such as Jo Koy’s comment about Taylor Swift that left her fans bitter about it, one in particular really struck a nerve and everyone started talking about it on social media. “Oppenheimer is based on a 721-page Pulitzer Prize-winning book about the Manhattan Project, and Barbie is on a plastic doll with big boobies.” And if that wasn’t bad enough, he then added. “I don’t want you guys to think that I’m a creep. It was kind of weird being attracted to a plastic doll, just something about your eyes, Ryan…it’s not all about you Margot.” And finally. "The key moment in Barbie is when she goes from perfect beauty to bad breath, cellulite, and flat feet. Or what casting directors call character actor!"
As you can imagine, the Barbie cast was not too enthusiastic about these comments as they looked embarrassed rather than amused. People all over social media are criticizing Jo Koy for proving the movie’s point, just because the movie is about a “doll with big boobies” doesn’t mean that it’s something he can comment about so lightly. This misogynistic behavior is exactly why Barbie was made in the first place, to show people that in a world dominated by men, women will always be looked down upon, whether they’re real or just dolls.
But what is the Barbie movie about? Whether you love it or hate it, I think everyone agrees on the fact that the Barbie movie is a way to show people, mostly young women, that it’s hard to fit in today’s society. Women have been fighting for their rights for years, trying to become men’s equals while also feeling the pressure that has been put on them to be perfect no matter what. Barbie is about a doll, yes, but the story revolves around something deeper. The way Barbie slowly realizes that being imperfect is not a bad thing, it’s just a human thing, and the way she manages to understand her feelings as she evolves from feeling perfect to slowly wondering if there’s more to life is just eye-opening.
The movie discusses many topics and, while some of them may be a bit controversial, the main topic is womanhood. What is it to be a woman, what if feels to be a woman and how women are portrayed. So joking about Barbie’s body in a sexual way and the struggles she encounters is not only sickening but also embarrassing.
Greta Gerwig, the movie’s director, remained professional on her end and when asked to comment on Jo Koy’s words, she simply said. “Well, he’s not wrong,” she continued. “She’s the first doll that was mass-produced with breasts, so he was right on. And you know, I think that so much of the project of the movie was unlikely because it is about a plastic doll. Barbie by her very construction has no character, no story, she’s there to be projected upon.”
Even so, the Barbie movie won an award for best Cinematic and Box Office Achievement.
Speaking of awards, there’s something else we must address. Another misconception that shows just how everyone has misunderstood how deep the movie’s message is. In fact, most of the movie’s soundtracks were nominated as Best Song at the Critics Choice Awards and, as everyone expected What Was I Made For by Billie Eilish to be the winner, I’m Just Ken ended up winning that title. Yet again, it’s almost laughable as this song is basically a joke about the Kens feeling misunderstood and ignored by Barbie, while What Was I Made For is a song about womanhood and the hard feelings and fears that women live with. The award went to the only song made by a man that was up against the other 2 songs made by women for the same movie.
Ryan Gosling’s reaction has become viral online as you can see him confused and unamused by this unexpected victory. Yes, I’m Just Ken maybe became more popular because of the memes but to put it above a meaningful song such as What Was I Made For felt unreal. I’m not sure which was worse, Jo Koy’s jokes or this award.
What are you thoughts? Let me know!
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firawren · 1 year
I love Persuasion 1995. It's my third favorite Austen adaptation.
But, it's not perfect, which is why I wish we had gotten the Sarah Snook/Joel Fry Persuasion to see how they did it. Sigh...
Anyway, here are the main things I wish were different in Persuasion 1995 that would have made it perfection:
Add dialogue between Anne and Wentworth after The Letter. She says literally nothing to him for the rest of the movie, which defeats one of the main themes of her shifting from passive listener to active speaker. Plus, there is so much good dialogue in the book to use post-Letter, like Anne saying she thinks she was right to listen to Lady R and Wentworth saying he will have to get used to being happier than he deserves.
Do not end the movie with them looking away from each other and not speaking to each other! I see that they're smiling and happy on the ship, great, but geez, let the final frame at least be them smiling at each other! After all these two have been through, give them more time to do 😍 at each other and speak to each other!
Get rid of Lady R's weird speech at the end about being married until she dies 🤨
Change...something about Mrs. Smith. I don't really care that they changed her story relative to Mr. Elliot, but I do mind something about the way they portrayed her. She's just...off to me.
A more beautiful, refined, cool Elizabeth Elliot
Hotter Sir Elliot
Younger Mrs. Musgrove (she has teenage daughters, she's not an old lady)
I get that the scene of Wentworth saving Anne from the annoying kid isn't really needed, but I and everyone else love it, so just put it in there anyway, please.
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IF namor x shuri does become canon, how do you think they’d be marketed? like what would their dynamic be and how would they go about it?
Woah such a great question!
I need them to be canon because if they were to come together, they would become a representation for those who have roots in both heritages. Lupita felt moved when she got to play Nakiya and speak Spanish. They're not just another enemies to loves or a beauty and the beast retelling, those parts of the trope are used but they're sooo much more bigger and if not grounded than that.
They will represent two highly strong individuals and intelligent beings coming together. Its often the trope in movies, where they write a strong woman character but never give her a romantic love interest. Because at the end of the day "she's good on her own", that narrative is so detrimental to women in general, cause even if you know your worth and value, you will still end up alone. I guess that's why even after so many years, I keep going back to the hunger games movies and books. Cause Katniss as independent as she is also has Peeta who loves her for it. So Namor and Shuri's dynamic will be similar to that.
Now the most common theme that is portrayed and is a force to reckon with is the idea of colonisation in the movie, that is repeated over and over and we see the aftermath of it. It hurt people and cultures and destroyed so many possible futures. We live in a world today that has enabled people from those cultures to have a voice of their own.
When India was invaded, the British divided it first and the conquering bit came easy. They turned the varied amount of tribes and small kingdoms against eachother. Piting them based on the fact that they are different. If you're so focused fighting on of your own for personal reasons, it's much easier for someone else to slip through. The result of that action to an afflicted community to be scared of anyone, that everyone else is going to be the same. The only way to battle that is unity. Gandhi led the movement and today is a mark in history, that when all of us come together, no force can stand against us. Namor and Shuri coming together will symbolise that, two cultures can exist together. They are not the enemy. Allies is such a strong concept throughout the movie. When we head out of the theaters, that's who we are. As a person of colour, it ties all of us together and by being united, we will start to heal.
As individual characters, it will again have an amazing impact. A lot of people identify with both of these characters. In an interview, Tenoch was talking about how Namor's humanity was built upon. That at the end, he is just a man protecting his family. He believes he's unworthy of love. So many resonate with that. Now taking that character and giving him a gruesome end is doing no good. You're not enabling a pathway for change or redemption. Namor does not need to be redeemed, yes, but giving him the opportunity to do so and watch him reevaluate what he needs to do is another beautiful journey much like how they handled the topic of grief in this movie. We can move forward if we wish it.
Shuri herself is morally grey, she has a streak of darkness and it's amazing. Women often get portrayed in all white. The main concept behind it being purity and if she were to do anything wrong, she loses everything. She's got vegence and anger, to see Namor say or in a sense validate her for her emotions was freeing. A man loving a woman in all her forms? Yeah that's what all of us want! The moment she fears she swayed deeper into the dark side, she's getting what she's asked for Namor at her feet but she's resisting from killing him. She's rethinking all of it. The message in that scene is to show them who you are, which is so beautiful. Yeah you've slipped up here and there, but it doesn't change who you are within. That again, if you wish you can get past your hurt and still reach out.
Them coming together will be marketed with such points in mind or at least I would have it like that. They're not just another MCU couple for the sake of it. They hold weight and trauma but through it also peace and love 🥹😩
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gemsofgreece · 3 days
Η ΦΟΝΙΣΣΑ (The Murderess): A film review
My cinecritic side greets you again! This time I watched The Murderess, (only!) half a year after its release. I had to watch this one because it is based on my favourite Greek book, written by Alexandros Papadiamantis, which is also one of the most acclaimed Greek stories.
I knew that the movie would be underwhelming compared to the book because there was not any chance a movie could match it. Therefore it was unsurprising that I had this watered down response to it. It is a good movie, it has several merits. If you have read the book however, you tend to focus on the drawbacks and those are very prominent.
My biggest issue was the understandable choice to make adjustments to the story, in order to fill it some more, because the original is a short story. Reasonable, yet the adjustments made were in my opinion poorly thought out for several reasons.
The cinematography is amazing. I also liked the camera work. Congratulations to Eva Nathena, very neat job. Very haunting atmosphere, great scenery chosen. We need more creative direction in Greek movies, so this was refreshing. However, I have some criticism about it too, below.
The elements of the folk culture and the architecture were beautiful and very interesting. The movie in general is stylized (in an appropiate way) and I have no problem with this at all. Nathena's first profession is actually costume designer, so her attention to detail makes total sense.
The score is imposing and appropriately used.
Karabeti has the leading role. Obviously, the acting is great. I will say that I had imagined Frankogiannou different in my mind, even less refined or, idk less agile?, but that doesn't mean her approach is not valid.
Okay this is silly but it was a long time since I read the book and that moment when Frankogiannou says to her daughter "Σα σ' ακούω, θυγατέρα", a reference to her favourite catchphrase, it brought back the memory I had forgotten and I nearly cheered!
I did not like the liberties taken in the screenplay but I LOVED Maria Protopappa as Frankogiannou's mother. This character does not exist in the book but I don't care, she was amazing. Honestly she doesn't do all that much but her presence, so DORIC so STERN so SCARY. A perfect portayal of an abusive, misogynistic mother. I don't know, she was chilling, unpopular opinion but somehow I liked her more than Karabeti. Of course I acknowledge Karabeti's part was a lot harder.
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Protopappa as Frankogiannou's mother, facing the camera.
I already praised the cinematography, right? Yes, it was good but I would appreciate it more if the story actually took place in Mani! The story however takes place in Skiathos, not Mani! Whereas the choice to film such a dark story in an ominous place like Mani seems fitting, the true challenge would be to bring it to life in a happy looking place like Skiathos, where it is supposed to have happened after all. In short, the scenery fits the story but it was also a cheap trick to avoid making the direction more challenging. If foreign followers read this, Nathena in short said "I have a very dark movie to direct so I'll shoot it in this place
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so I will avoid filming it in its original place which looks like this:"
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I mean, the scenery looked awesome but you get what I mean? Moreover, my point is that she removed a lot of the realism from the movie - the scenery looks so gloomy, the people are so pensive, it kind of creates a type of dystopia where the Murderess's tale is just another part of it and not a shocking outlier.
[this paragraph contains spoilers]Which brings me to the second point. For anyone who doesn't know, the Murderess was written in 1903 by Alexandros Papadiamantis, a man, and it is one of the very first feminist literary works quite possibly on an international level. The way the inequality against women is portrayed in the book is so... novel and unique and genius and groundbreaking for its time and even for today, that I loathed to see it getting a coating of the standard contemporary mass feminist perspective. Because on its own, it was in my opinion far more successful and piercing. There are a lot of changes made in the film. Essentially, all men are depicted as straight out monsters and the only man who was probably not a monster, the priest, is blind. Get it? As in, blind to the evilness. That level of symbolism, come on, guys. Too much. Furthermore, the movie makes the whole community of the town in some way or another complicit to what is happening. That was horrible in my opinion. Instead of showing how inequality and hardship created an outlier whose mind got in a really bad place, like Papadiamantis did, the movie just creates a whole society of horror, where most everyone is a criminal. What is this, the Lord of the Flies? Men are viewed as problematic in Papadiamantis' book as well but in a more realistic way, some being absent, some being indifferent husbands, some being lazy, some rejoicing in their gender privilege and living expecting everything from women. But in the movie ALL of them are !Spoiler! kin rapists and kin killers??????The fuck?????? Live your myth in Greece, I suppose. [SPOILER] The incident of female infant killing by poor people who had no money to raise and provide a dowry for their daughters was indeed a phenomenon in Greece and elsewhere before the abolition of this custom (as pointed out in the movie credits), maybe it still is in some countries, but I want to believe that it wasn't happening in the way that it happens in this movie. In the movie this town's people are one step away from hiring her as a professional baby killer. Like, that wasn't how it was happening or how often it was happening. They turned a documented crime of the past into a custom?! A person who was suspected to do that did not casually live amongst the rest with their family as if everything was alright. Which is why it is stupid in the film that even though most everybody has asked her help (apparently in this movie they were giving birth everyday to 58259 girls and 0.1 boys), then everyone turns against her and wants her arrested. In short, she was portrayed almost as a scapegoat and I did not like this. It's like abdicating her a lot from her guilt. She is a tragic character indeed but she is not a scapegoat. And in the book the townfolk had no idea what she was doing until it became obvious.
At least a little touch of the extremely heavy, drool-enducing Skiathian dialect Papadiamantis was known for using was greatly missed. Then again there was nothing from Skiathos in this movie whatsoever. Even the folk attire was not Skiathian. It looked like a mix of Peloponnesian and Roumeliote, totally irrelevant. It wasn't even Maniot, I think.
Too. Many. Symbolic. Scenes. It made sense to add them but I mostly enjoyed only the ones with Protopappa.
The acting of the supporting cast was subpar in my opinion. Not bad necessarily but too theatrical for my taste.
So, with all this in mind but also taking into account that someone may watch it without having read the book first, I give it a 7+/10. If you compare it to the book, it must fall to a 6+/10. My recommendation? Watch the movie if you want but read the book ASAP.
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thewolvesof1998 · 10 months
I have too many conflicting thoughts about the RWRB movie so this is just going to be a long rant about it. I love the book like I've lost count of how many times I've read it and I have a tattoo that references the book. I read it in 2020 when I needed Alex, it helped me come to terms with my sexuality and come out. So it holds a special place in my heart. When I heard about the movie I was optimistically cautious and tried not to get my hopes up or be too critical until we actually started getting content. When I first saw the trailer I was not hopeful, there were a lot of things that just weren't sitting right with me but then they kept releasing clips and photos and they slowly won me over until I was really excited for this film. I was excited to get a queer, happy romcom. I was excited for the representation and I am still after watching the film. We need films like this, that show queer happiness and love and even just sex on screen.
The film on its own (not comparing it to the book) is good, it's campy and romantic and I love it. I love some of the editing choices and how they filmed Alex and Herny's text convos and phone calls especially the turkey gate one (tho I can't believe we didn't get the cornbread line)- I wish they continued this with the emails. I love the lake scene, the Bird's Eye view, the bicep kiss and how Alex is confessing his love but all we can really focus on is the sadness on Henry's face, how he's almost greyish compared to Alex. The way he's positioned looks like a statue or a work of art. However, It's not perfect, some of the dialogue is stilted and the lighting and colouring of some of the scenes could have used tweaking but we accept mediocre straight romcoms all the time so why can't we accept this film's faults? Why do we have to hold queer media to a much higher standard? As a former film student, I couldn't help but notice that stuff but I don't think it subtracts from the film to the point that I don't like it anymore, sure I can't help thinking how I would have done a scene. I laughed a lot and I almost cried and I really think there were some beautiful moments and acting and cinematography. Overall, I really liked it, I would totally watch it again and I might even love it one day.
But, this film is not just a film and we have to look at it from the standpoint of the book. I did squeal and giggle every time we got a moment from the book or a line of dialogue and some of the book's moments were portrayed beautifully. I wasn't even mad at some of the additions to the film, Zarah's lines were great and the whole key/signet ring swap was iconic. But I don't understand why they added in cheesy dialogue when there was stuff they could have pulled from the book. And the things that were missing!?!? The emails were barely in it- they are so important to the storyline so when they weren't really there and then they were leaked it felt so out of the blue and the importance felt lost- it was literally just horny letters, like what about love confession in the form of historical love letters and the Waterloo vase and Henry's fears and Alex's list of the things he loves about Henry. AND the fact that the emails weren't even linked back to Richards wtf. June was a missing piece, her relationship with Alex and her place in their friend groups is so key to the story. Characters were butchered- Nora was great for the five minutes we got to see her and then *poof* she was gone (I also missed the burrito convo and how she figured out who leaked the emails). Pez I think said one line, what the actual fuck. Henry was a sad boy but they brushed over his depressive bouts. Bea could have been replaced with a lamp until the very end in which her one contribution was to point out the crowds (which makes me so mad that we didn't get their mother and that storyline). Bea is punk and a drug addict and it was such an important storyline. and ALEX, fuck, Alex is who I related to, ADHD, chaotic, messy bisexual. I wanted to see him get lost in his work and forget about dinner with June. I wanted him to come to terms with his sexuality on screen and tell his mum and she do the fucking PowerPoint. And actually come out to his dad - I feel like half the convo got cut cuz it kinda came out of nowhere. My tattoo references chapter 9 of RWRB specifically, it's the chapter in which Alex comes out to both his parents, I got the tattoo the year I came out to both of mine, those scenes mean a lot to me. and don't get me started on the removal of the divorce, as a child of divorce I saw myself in Alex and June and loved how they showed the parent's relationship and the unconventional family they have. why did they have to remove that?!? Aren't we past the stage of needing to only see nuclear families?! this is a queer story and we kinda lost the found family that Alex, Henry, Bea, June and Pez find and I'm sad. AND I'm so angry we didn't get kimonos and karaoke and the (hinted) thruple June, Nora and Pez. Also, why is Alex giving his speech before they've even talked to Henry or the king, it makes no sense when the king like 'We could make it fake' when Alex has been on tv saying he's in a relationship with Henry and they're in love. I'm also in two halves about the 'history huh' I think they made it work as dialogue but I still would have loved it in the emails. I've seen a lot of people say that there is chemistry between the actors who play Alex and Henry but it's not the same as the book because we get more time between the characters in the book than in the film. Yes, but also, what we see in the movie is most if not all the in-person moments with the characters what's missing is the emails, that's where we see them fall in love (or reveal in Henry's case). The emails are such a driving force and I can't believe they've been reduced down so much. I also feel like in giving us a fun, romantic film they've watered down and gotten rid of most of the harder topics to make the film more palatable (like Bea's drug addiction, divorce, even the homophobia and the politics).
I feel like the queers won with this film but I did not. I'll still watch it again and once the hurt has lessened I'll probably be able to love this film for what it is but I'll mourn the film we could have had. (though personally, I would do a mini-series so we could really sit in it.)
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ramoth13 · 2 years
A few thoughts on Galadriel's Valor, Story, and "Girl-boss" energy
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I've seen many things written about the "girl-bossification" of Galadriel, as though she 1. did not need anything extra given to her character, 2. she was diplomatically power hungry rather than vengeful, and 3. she was already Married and had her daughter by the time this show was taking place.
I'm not attempting to defend any creative choices or say why the show is "right" to portray them as they have, but I do think some things could be discussed with a bit more context and I do love some lore-diving and graceful discussions, so here goes.
To the first part (1.), she is recorded as not only engaging in the first kinslaying (she fought AGAINST Feanor, protecting the Teleri, but almost certainly killed other elves and elves aren't known for their weakness), but Tolkien himself said she was a "great warrior" in her youth. In the same vein, canonically she did initially go to Middle-earth to rule, but that is not clearly stated to be false here, merely that she is currently fueled by anger, pride, and vengeance, and rejecting the Valar's pardon which is canon for the most part (pg. 242 Unfinished Tales). Again, not defending, but I do think that this fits into established context as well as the next two points.
2. We're not given a clear reason as to why she, specifically, comes to Middle-earth in the show. There is a general reason why the elves go, yet not her. But I also realize that such logic goes both ways and I also understand that adapted stories are told by admissions AND omissions. However,
3. We know soooo little as to the intentions of the story yet. There's so much left to see, but the one thing I do think is the most important to bring up is the fact that this "character reversal" has been done before, by Peter Jackson and the character of Aragorn.
Aragorn in the books not only knows he's the king, but is downright giddy and excited to get going, reforging Narsil into Anduril before they even leave Rivendell. The rest of the trilogy is him slowly spreading his influence and making his grand "Return" Yet, in the movies it's the exact opposite. Movie Aragorn is not just reluctant, but almost hostile to the mere idea of reclaiming his throne, and slowly throughout the series he is pushed towards that reclamation of power.
In the RoP, we see Alatáriel/Artanis (Galadriel) as the daughter of a great Noldorin lord, single and alone in a quest for vengeance. Yet, we know she will become the most influential Elf in all of Middle-earth. The reason she doesn't fit that bill yet is because THAT is the story that I think they are telling. Literally the first episode is setting up the journey towards finally letting go of the sword, claiming the influential (but non-martial) power of her birthright and marrying (quite scandalously, I might add) a sindar elf that will unite the Noldorin and Sindarin Elves into a United people.
I think the story we are going to see is Alatáriel, the sword-wielding daughter of Arafinwë, become the Galadriel, Queen of the Elves of Middle-earth.
After all, when Sauron/Annatar does return and sway the Elven people, there are only two elves that find him untrustworthy and reject him (Galadriel and Elrond).... and the fact that no one listens to her has always been questionable and unexplained in the cannon narrative. If the most powerful and influential leader alive said someone seems sketchy and shouldn't be trusted, it doesn't make sense that you'd ignore those warnings off-hand, especially if she was regarded as one of the wisest elves alive.
But if it's a blood thirsty, vengeful war-leader who has spurned the commands of her king who is saying that this beautiful and gracious elf who has been kind and generous and infinitely helpful to all of her people is actually evil incarnate, perhaps she would not be given much credence and would instead be ignored. It might actually HELP explain a few things lol.
In the end, we will simply have to wait and see. But I think she's (Morfydd Clark) bringing something to Galadriel we have never seen but always known about, and that's a personal history. Just like Aragorn, I'd bet my last penny that we will see the Galadriel we all know and love, but that's the journey she is on. And I am so excited to see it happen!
But perhaps I'm like Elrond and harbour naive hope for the future, only time (or perhaps a certain Elf's magical mirror) will tell.
In any case, I wish you all well!
Na lû e-govaded 'wîn, mellon nin!
~ Ramoth13
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brownbitchshit · 10 months
Despite my disappointment towards the film, I have to give credit where it is due. Nicholas Galitzine and Taylor Zakhar Perez are the epitome of perfection as Henry and Alex.
Obviously Alex's character is all about being chaotic and passionate and TZP played it to perfection. It also helps that he is absolutely a beautiful beautiful man. If I had a crush on him from Kissing Booth, I'm goner for him here. His eyelashes alone can make people write poetry about him. Now his prettiness is obviously an advantage, especially since I don't think anyone imagined Alex to be this much beautiful and hot while reading the book simply because we were reading his POV and thus our brain was filled with HenryHenryHenry, TZP' s acting was spot on as Alex, which made the character even more amazing. I can only imagine how epic it would have been if the movie could keep the essence of the story true and how greater TZP's performance would've been.
Now the star of the movie, Nicholas Galitzine. Henry is literally my most favourite fictional man of all times and I was so sure I would never be satisfied with anyone playing him. But I ofc was wrong because Nick knocked it off the park. The pain, yearning and the vulnerability he brought to Henry is everything I dreamt and hoped for this character in this movie. Especially the lake scene was better in the movie than the book, simply because of his acting. When he was casted, I searched and watched all of his work because I was scared he wouldn’t do a good job. But this man acted the shit out of this character. If there is a reason why this movie completely didnt succumb to the cliched, cringy rom com, ruining the heart of this story, then the credit is mostly due to Nick. He portrayed Henry so well, that even when Matthew Lopez didn’t do shit to explain what kind of pressure he was under (like being forced to date girls, forced to enlist to the army, forced to find a wife, being taken advantage of older men when he was young, being absolutely broken hearted by his father's death because he was the only one who could protect him from the crown, having a mom who is alive but lost in grief, having a sister with drugs problem etc), Nick's expression decided to tell the story without giving us the contexts. This man will definitely go a long way and I am already excited about his next projects, especially for the one with Anna Hathway (I've read the book and I know Nick will kill the role).
Lastly, I loved TZP and Nick's chemistry. The intimate scenes and the chemistry were off the charts. It was simply beautiful. If I hadn't read the book, maybe I could've appreciated it as slightly better Hallmark type of movie. But since I have read the book, and I know this story had much more depth and the characters were much more nuanced and there were some major social and political issues needed addressing that is essential for the Queer communities, I cannot love this movie wholeheartedly. But I'm glad at least we got Nick and TZP as our FirstPrince.
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MOVIE SPOILERS! Dangerous spoilers under the cut
Some of my thoughts!! Not many of them are coherent yet I’ll be honest but I needed to post something so. Here we are
- not sure if Rafal’s speech about sabotaging Good by rewarding them for killing and torturing villains was in the books but I thought that was a really smart angle to take it - Rafal actually undermining Good for years made the whole vain performative Goodness of the School for Good a lot more sinister and I liked it
- Dovesso should’ve kissed. For the betterment of humanity.
- Dammit I didn’t want to like anything about Hort but “hi :)” “my heart belongs to another 😔” was really funny I did laugh
- Making the gargoyle from the book GREGOR!! That hurt me
- Love all the little hints at Tedros’s raging abandonment issues. He really did just latch on to any woman who didn’t immediately show interest in him. Him hanging around Agatha constantly AFTER she punched him in the face was very funny to me. Look at him try to function. Can’t wait to see the sequel where all that goes to shit. :)
- His line at the end also tickled me. “I NEED YOU AGATHA :(((((((“
- Him and Hester should bond over mother issues
- KIKO!! the bit where Beatrix pushed her away and she was like :( and then Dovey touched her arm and she went :D she’s so beautiful I love
- Kerry Washington understood the assignment. Unhinged Dovey for the win
- “Do I look like I give a SHIT about smiling??!?!!!” was the best line in that whole movie no contest if only one character got to swear then I am so glad it was Anemone
- Not so keen on Sophie’s nose growing bigger = Evil. there are other ways to portray stereotypical fairytale villainy that aren’t as harmful
- Hester and Beatrix had some chemistry though. Emo Beatrix was also stunning
- Lady Lesso constantly with every move solidifying my conviction that yeah I am definitely not straight
- Not sure how smart the Leonora of Gavaldon twist actually was but it made me feel smart so
- Tedros’s giggle after Agatha called him bigheaded!!!!!!!!!!
That’s all I have time for for now I am running very late anyway
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