#the frogs think he's just a weird looking giant frog
cody-the-cat · 1 year
I like to imagine that Fake Peppino lives with Peppino but wanders off to explore sometimes and likes mimicking all the animals he sees. Sometimes he brings frogs home. (Peppino isn't very happy about it)
And whenever Peppino makes pizza with spinach on it, Fake Peppino smiles at him (doing his version of puppy eyes) until he makes him one. Every time Peppino gives him one, he leaves for a few hours.
(He's feeding the tadpoles of the local frog family living in the river nearby. They love him :))
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petitemistletoe · 1 year
Presents of Mind
Pairing: James Potter x Reader
Warnings: smut, angst
Word Count: 5.2K+
A/N: Do wizards have grad school? What comes after Hogwarts? Also idk why but its canon to me that Sirius walks around naked
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“Why are you moping?” Harry asked you, poking your arm lightly as he sat down on the couch next to you. 
“I’m not moping.” You sighed and set your book down. 
“You are. You’ve been moping since you got that letter last night.” 
“That was my mom,” you sighed again, turning your body fully so you were facing Harry, “she’s going to the United States for Christmas to visit my brother and his wife and their new baby. It’s just going to be too crazy with the newborn so she wants me to stay with my weird Uncle Radolophus for the holidays. I told her I’d be fine here since I have about a mountain of work to finish for my advisor but she doesn’t want me to be alone.”
“Why don’t you stay with me for Christmas? This will be the first Christmas with my dad since my mom started dating Snape.” Harry had a disgusted look on his face. In Harry’s final year at Hogwarts, his parents announced they were getting divorced and his mother moved out of his house a few months later. Professor Snape had become even more insufferable as he tried to win Lily’s affection and luckily for everyone, Lily had waited until after Harry had been settled at university for his first year of a graduate program to start dating Snape. Harry had practically lost his mind and spent several weeks holed up in your shared apartment and you had to draw him out with chocolate frogs and butterbeer. 
“Are you sure? Your dad won’t mind?” 
“Nah, he’s nesting big time. He’s cooking a whole giant dinner and it’s going to be just me, Sirius, and Remus.” Harry shrugged.
“It won’t be weird? Me staying in your childhood home?” You asked, thinking about seeing Harry’s childhood bedroom. 
“No, no, my dad rented a house in Cornwall. It’s a little tradition that him and his friends have. Come on! It’ll be fun. Cornwall at Christmas with my best friend. Snow on the beach!”
“Alright. I’ll come.” You nodded.  
You and Harry had been friends since first year but you had strangely never met and had barely even seen Harry’s father. Harry’s mother had been more involved in all the school things and you supposed that’s why Lily and Severus had grown close again. It wasn’t that James was absent, quite the opposite, he was almost always at Quidditch tournaments and of course took Harry to and from Kings Cross every September but you just never seemed to catch him for more than a few moments since first year. You had heard from Hermione and Ginny, however, that apparently the man was supposed to be drop dead gorgeous. 
“I’m leaving after my exam tonight. Meet you back here at seven?” Harry asked, getting up and stuffing his textbook into his bag. As Harry got ready to leave you heard a knock at your door. You got up off the couch to answer it and let Hermione and Ron in.  They were bickering, as they usually were, and settled down in yours and Harry’s apartment like it was their own. 
“Ron thinks that a vacuum cleaner is an appropriate Christmas gift for his parents.” Hermione sighed, pouring herself a cup of coffee while Ron flopped down on the couch next to you.
“It is! Mum loves to clean and dad’ll love that its a muggle invention.” Ron said, grabbing a throw pillow of the couch and burying his face in it. 
“Your mother is a person beyond the face that she’s your mother. Why don’t you think of a gift that fits one of her interests?”
“She hasn’t got any interests!” Ron groaned and removed the pillow slightly to check his watch, “Harry let’s go! We got to be at the lecture hall in twenty minutes!” 
“I’m coming! God, you two are so lucky you’re done with exams.” Harry said, shaking his head at you and Hermione. 
“Oh Harry! Molly wanted me to ask if you’re coming to spend Christmas with the Weasleys?” Hermione said, finally taking her place next to you on the couch with her warm cup of coffee. 
“No. I’m spending it with Dad this year. Plus, Ginny isn’t even going to be there, she’ll still be touring with the Cannons.”
“You don’t want to come to your best friend’s Christmas because your girlfriend won’t be there? We were friends before you even noticed Ginny!” Ron said, mouth open in shock. 
“Ron, I’m spending Christmas with my father. You can bear Christmas with your own girlfriend and family.” 
“Ugh, my family,” Ron sighed, “do you want to come?” He asked you. 
“Spending it with Harry.” You shrugged. Harry rolled his eyes then looked at you on the couch. “We’re heading out! See you when we get back.”
You waved and then turned back to Hermione after you heard the door shut. 
“So I’m spending Christmas with Harry.” You said. 
“Oh my God. Have you seen Harry’s dad?” She asked excitedly. 
“You know I haven’t! When was the last time you saw him?” 
“I got tea with Professor Lupin a few weeks ago and Harry’s dad stopped by his flat to drop off his broom. The divorce is serving him well, let me tell you. He looks fantastic.” Hermione grinned. 
“I don’t remember the last time I saw you this excited about Ron,” you joked gently. 
“Ron and I have been together for almost five years now,” Hermione said with a bored shrug, “He gets to ogle Fleur and I get to ogle Harry’s dad. As long as we come back to each other there’s no problem.”
“Okay,” you laughed, “I get it. But isn’t this a little weird? That’s Harry’s dad. He’s our best friend.” 
“Talk to me after you see him.” 
You thought about Hermione’s words long after she left your apartment. You had a small bag packed and you were fiddling around waiting for Harry to come back. You practiced transfiguring different objects in your apartment into different animals. You figured you had to stop, however, when you transfigured your fireplace into a dragon and it took a few more seconds than you thought it would to transfigure it back. Your walls were a little soot covered but you were up on a chair trying to get the soot off the ceiling when Harry got back. 
“What are you doing?” He asked with a surprised chuckle. 
“Uh, had a little scuffle with a dragon.��� You said sheepishly. 
“Transfiguring the fireplace again?” He gave you a knowing look. 
“How was your exam?” You asked, getting off the chair and pushing it back towards the kitchen table. 
“It was alright. I’m ready to have a drink and not think about school for the next few weeks.” Harry said, setting his book bag down and grabbing his traveling bag. 
“Yeah, real smart of us to go from Hogwarts to uni to grad school without taking a breath.” You rolled your eyes and grabbed your own bag, threading your free hand into Harry’s and waiting for him to apparate.
You stumbled onto a stretch of beach with a large manor that overlooked the water. 
“So this is where we’re spending Christmas? I knew you came from money but I had no idea you were this well off. Sure you’re happy with Ginny?” You said, grabbing Harry’s cheek teasingly. 
“Shove off,” Harry rolled his eyes and led you to the front door. The manor was cute, comfy, and warm. It was more chic than the Weasley home, with newer furniture and more modern decor, but it was still homey. It smelled like warm butterbeer and cinnamon and you could hear casual conversation in the sitting room. Harry walked into the sitting room and you took in the two men who were sitting in there. One of the men was familiar to you, your old defense against the dark arts professor Remus Lupin and the other man was around the same age, with longer dark hair, a chiseled jawline and cheekbones, and a smattering of tattoos that were visible on his chest through his thin shirt. That couldn’t have been Harry’s father…could it? He was beautiful. But he didn’t really look like Harry and everyone was always telling Harry that he was the spitting image of his father.
“Hello,” you said, greeting the two men.
“Ah! There’s my favorite student.” Remus said, standing up and giving you a quick, respectful hug. 
“This is my godfather, Sirius Black.” Harry introduced you to the attractive man, Sirius, who stretched out his hand to you after giving Harry a tight hug. 
“Pleasure to meet you.” He winked at you and you fought down a blush. 
“So where’s my dad at?” Harry asked, flinging himself down on the couch and holding his arm out so you could sit down next to him. You obliged, snuggling up against Harry’s warm body and looking at the two men on the opposite couch. 
“He ran out to buy a few things you for you and your friend. He wanted to make the place feel as inviting as possible and make biscuits for the both of you.” Sirius said with an eyeroll. 
“How’s he been. You know, since it all with Mum and Snape?” Harry asked. Sirius and Remus exchanged a look before Remus shrugged his shoulders and exhaled deeply, his fingers rubbing his temples,
“It’s been hard. Have you talked to your mum recently?”
“No. Not really. She knows how I feel about her and Snape. We’ve gotten tea a few times since but she knows that I wanted to spend Christmas with Dad.” Harry said with a head shake. You felt a little awkward, like you were intruding on a private moment between Harry and his uncles, but you didn’t say anything, just stared at your hands. 
“I have no idea what she sees in old Snivellus.” Sirius rolled his eyes and earned a slap on the chest from Remus.
“Come on, you think so too,” Sirius rolled his eyes at Remus, “You hated him just as much when you were teaching as we did when we were at school.”
“Even so-” Remus started to rebut but you heard the sound of the front door shut and you were sure that James was finally home. He entered the sitting room and you had to remind yourself to breathe. He was just as gorgeous as Hermione and Ginny had described. He was tall, with dark hair and eyes and those glasses. He had an easy smile and was muscular the way that Quidditch players were but he also had a distinguished dusting of silver in his dark hair. He immediately bound to Harry and hugged him tightly, his bicep pressing up against your own on the couch. He then pulled away from Harry and focused his attention on you. 
“I’m sorry. Strangely, in the entire time you’ve been close friends with Harry we haven’t really made each other’s acquaintance. I’m James.” James wrapped you in a close hug. 
“Hi! It’s great to meet you,” you nodded, not exactly hating the feeling of his body on yours. 
“So, I thought we would have a little Shepard’s pie if that’s all right with you, love?” James asked Harry. It was clear that he doted on Harry and you thought it was very precious. You had seen the way that Lily had doted on Harry and while that was all well and good it was different from the way that James was doting and it was refreshing and beautiful. You smiled at the duo as you watched them. 
“Yeah, Dad, sounds great.” Harry grinned up at his father. James touched Harry’s cheek affectionately and got up to head back into the kitchen. Remus and Harry got up to help James and you were going to get up too but Sirius sat down on the couch next to you and grinned at you with that crocodile grin he was so good at. 
“So, darling, do you have any connection to the honorable House of Black?” Sirius asked you, his fingers tracing a shape on your arm. 
“No. I don’t believe I do.” You responded. Sirius grinned even wider.
“Perfect.” He said, showing off his white teeth. 
“Get off her, Padfoot!” James called from the kitchen. Sirius waved at James’ general direction and stretched his arms over your shoulders. 
“You wouldn’t happen to have daddy issues, do you?”
“Are you asking me that because you want to know if I’m into older men?”
“So are you?” Sirius leaned in closer to you so your nose was brushing against his. 
“I had a great relationship with my Dad. Right up until he died.”
“Oh,” Sirius’ smile dropped, “I’m sorry.”
“That’s alright,” you said, waving him off, “That’s all to say that I definitely have some daddy issues.” 
“Silver lining, then.” Sirius said, smiling. You wouldn’t have been surprised if in the following moments, Sirius was going to close the distance between you both and kiss you on the Potter’s couch but Remus walked in and threw an oven mitt at Sirius. 
“Sirius! You whore!” Remus said, feigning anger and walking over to punch Sirius in the shoulder. 
“Ow! Get off me, you’re cramping my style.” Sirius glared at Remus.
“You know what else should cramp your style? The fact that you’ve been dating me since sixth year.” Remus rolled his eyes. 
“So I’m not allowed to live?” Sirius shot back. You were laughing as you watched the match unfold and it looked like Remus was gearing up to shoot another smart remark back but Harry walked back in and said, 
“Dad says dinner is ready and for you two to kiss and make up.” Harry stretched his hand out to help you off the couch. You all took seats at the table. 
“If you wanted to watch us make out, Prongs, you should’ve just said so.” Sirius teased. James stuck his tongue out in return. You took a moment to imagine what it would be like to have that tongue all over your body. You promptly shook your head to rid yourself of the thought. 
“So darling,” James turned to look at you and fought the urge to blush, “Harry told me your last name is Siphera. Any relation to Jack Siphera?”
“Uh yes,” you nodded, pushing around a pea on your plate, “he was my father.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry. He was an excellent dueler. A strong member of the Order, you remember him don’t you?” James asked Remus and Sirius. 
“Jack was a very kind man,” Remus smiled.
“Siphera…I didn’t know that he had passed. How did he die, if you don’t mind my asking.” Sirius asked. Remus was shaking his head but Sirius didn’t seem to notice. 
“He was murdered by Bellatrix when she tried to escape Azkaban.” You responded. 
“Bellatrix? My cousin Bellatrix? Bellatrix Lestrange?” Sirius asked, dropping his fork with a clatter.
“Do you know very many other Bellatrixes?” Harry asked. You started laughing and so did Harry until the two of you were both doubled over and gasping for breath.
“Alright,” James said, looking at you two warily, “I bought a bottle of firewhisky for us all, raise your glasses.” James poured everyone a generous helping of firewhisky and then raised another bottle of dark liquor for shots. 
“To many holidays together.” Sirius grinned at you as you clinked glasses. You tipped your head back and took the drink, swallowing against the harsh burn in your throat. A small droplet escaped past the side of your glass and made its way down your chin and dropped between your breasts. You became acutely aware of the eyes that were on you. You rubbed your mouth harshly and took a large sip of firewhisky, averting your eyes to look at Harry. His cheeks were a bit pink from the shot and he shot you a large, easy smile. 
The drinking continued and the evening ended with you and Harry stumbling into a free bedroom and falling asleep. You and Harry had often slept in the same bed, it started when you were in second year and you had both stayed up late revising for potions. 
When you rose the next morning, your mouth was painfully dry and your head was pounding. You nudged Harry lightly and he groaned in response. 
“I need water.” You croaked. 
“So get water.” Harry moaned, putting his head into the pillow and trying to wrap the edges of the pillow around his ears. 
“I’m too hungover,” you shook your head. 
“Fine, open your mouth I’ll use the aguamenti spell.” Harry shoved himself up on his forearms and grabbed his wand. You opened your mouth and Harry cast the spell. Unfortunately for you both, it was with much more intensity than Harry had intended and you choked on the intense stream of water that had assaulted your throat. You and Harry began to laugh as you were both drenched in water.
“I’ll go down and make some tea,” Harry said, changing his shirt. 
“I’ll meet you down there, I’m just going to take a quick shower.” You stripped and wrapped a towel around you as you made your way to the bathroom. You let your body relax under the warm water and you thought about how Hermione and Ginny had been exactly right when it came to James. He was unbelievably gorgeous and you couldn’t stop thinking about when he hugged you, when his fingers bumped against yours as he was pouring drinks, as he brushed against you as he served dinner. It was intoxicating. There was also a detachable shower head that you grabbed and adjusted the water pressure. Once it got to a setting that was to your liking, you angled it so it was spraying a steady stream against your clit. You gasped softly at the pressure and let your head rest against the wall of the shower. You tried to imagine the old things that would get you going: the ripped quidditch players, the rugged wizards from romance novels, the occasional rockstar, but then James crossed your mind. The feeling of body against yours, how you imagined his lips felt against your neck. You imagined his cock entering you, the feeling of your body pressed against the shower wall as he pounded you from behind, his large hands on your waist, his breath hot against your neck. You came harder that you anticipated and you muffled your moans in the crook of your arm. You finished showering and changed into a fresh pair of clothes before descending the stairs. You felt your stomach churn in an unpleasant way when you smelled cooking from the kitchen. 
“Good morning,” you said, sitting down at the kitchen table and accepting a cup of tea from Harry who looked just as queasy as you felt. James looked like he had fully rested after a long night of sleep. All around him potatoes were being mashed, green beans were being washed, and a turkey was being stuffed. James himself was charming a rolling pin to roll out dough for scones. 
“Good morning! How did you sleep?” James beamed at you. 
“How is it that even now in our old age, you still have never been hungover?” Sirius groaned, walking into the kitchen completely stark naked and pouring himself a cup of coffee.
“Sirius! Cover up. There’s a lady in the house.” James rolled his eyes. 
“What you haven’t seen this before?” Sirius thrust his hips forward a little and pointed at his dick. You laughed and shook your head. 
“Can’t say it’s my first time. Though it is my first time seeing a hickey there.” You and Harry both tilted your heads to get a better view of the large purplish bruise on the side of Sirius’ cock. 
“Moony gets teethy.” Sirius shrugged, leaning against the counter and taking a long sip of his coffee. Remus walked in a few moments later and rolled his eyes at Sirius, throwing a pair of boxers at Sirius’ chest. 
“Animals, the lot of you.” James shook his head. 
“Dad, did you want to go for a round on the pitch?” Harry asked, accio-ing his broom into his left hand. 
“Ah, I wish but I have to finish cooking.” James gestured to all the food around him. 
“I can cook! Go, it’s alright.” You smiled. James gave you a grateful smile and nodded,
“I’ll only be a few minutes.” 
“Take your time,” Remus waved him off, “I’ll stay and help too.”
“Cheers Moony!” James grinned, “Pads you coming?”
“Try and stop me.” Sirius laughed. The three boys scrambled outside and you could hear the chatter between them. You laughed to yourself and began to tend to the turkey. 
“It’s sweet isn’t it,” Remus said to you, “the bond between James and his son.”
“It reminds me of me and my father. I never realized how close Harry and his dad are. I always saw his mother at school functions.” You said. 
“Lily is an amazing mother, despite some of her most questionable actions as of late.” Remus sighed, “I do hope that her and James reconcile.”
“Oh,” you felt your heart do a flip-flop, “you think they might get back together then?”
“I certainly hope so.” Remus said with a sad smile. 
“I don’t.” A new voice said. It was James. He was sweaty and panting as he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. 
“You don’t? Not even a little bit?” Remus quirked an eyebrow.
“No,” James shrugged, “I think Lily is an amazing person but after so many years together I think we both realized that we can be better friends apart. There’s no harm in that.”
“I suppose only you and her would know.” Remus had a pensive expression on his face but he didn’t say anything further on the subject. 
The rest of the day passed rather quickly, as you helped James prepare for the Christmas Eve dinner while Remus, Sirius, and Harry decorated the tree. After dinner you drank eggnog by the fire and listened to James tell stories about Harry when he was young and all the Marauders’ adventures. Sirius and Remus stumbled off to bed, thoroughly drunk with Sirius attempting to suck a dark hickey onto Remus’ neck.
“Silencing spell Pads!” James called. 
“Cheers!” Sirius called back, the door slamming shut and the unnatural silence of the spell taking hold. 
“It’s a little tradition in our household to open one gift on Christmas Eve.” James said with a smile. He handed a small wrapped gift to you and Harry. 
“Oh, James, you didn’t have to get me anything. The invitation was enough!” You felt your face burn but you weren’t sure if it was from the egg nog or the gift. 
Harry opened his gift first. It was a necklace with a silvery sword pendant.
“It’s beautiful.” Harry said, watching the way the pendant gleamed under the light of the fire. 
“It’s functional as well.” James stood up and extended a hand to Harry as well. “Hold the necklace by the pendant and flick your wrist.” 
Harry followed his father’s instructions and after the flick of his wrist the pendant expanded to a full sized sword. 
“Whoa! Is that the sword of Gryffindor?” You asked, scrambling up and examining the sword up close.
“Yes it is. It’s been in the Potter family for generations. Flick your wrist again.” James instructed. Harry did so and the sword returned back to it’s pendant size. Harry put the sword around his neck and gave his father a tight hug.
“Open mine!” You urged Harry, handing Harry your gift as well. Harry opened it and laughed. 
“Oh my God! This is great!” Harry grinned, pulling out a jumper that Mrs. Weasley had helped you knit. It was a dark red with a little design of a figure that looked like Harry whizzing by on his broom after a golden snitch. 
“Thanks! It took a lot of yelling from Mrs. Weasley and some tears but it’s done!” You beamed. 
“This is truly amazing. You’re very talented.” James was studying the jumper in adoration. 
“I’m so glad you think so because after I did it once I was able to replicate it and make some tweaks so happy Christmas James!” You handed James an identically wrapped package. Inside was a jumper but the design was a man who looked like James that disappeared and a stag stood in his place. You had remembered the stories Harry had told you of his father’s animagi status and thought it would be sweet. James wrapped you in a tight hug and grinned at you, 
“Thank you so so much.”
Harry gave James his gift and then handed you his gift to you. It was a gorgeous porcelain tea set that was enchanted so the bottom of each tea cup had a grim at the bottom, a silly callback to yours and Harry’s shared time in Divination. James had run out for a moment and then returned with a small box for you. It was a beautiful, dainty bracelet. James helped you put it on. You were absolutely speechless. 
“Thank you so much, James. It’s absolutely lovely.” You excused yourself to the bathroom where you investigated it more. It looked like real gold. Why would James give you such an expensive and intimate gift. You saw there was a little slip of paper underneath the bracelet. You pulled it out and read:
To my one true love, my Lily
That made more sense. James had given you a gift that he had intended initially for Lily. You would give it back to him after Harry went to bed. You were about to round the corner to reenter the main room when you overheard a conversation between Harry and James. 
“-Siphera is a lovely girl. Are you and her…together?” James asked. 
“No, no,” Harry responded, “She’s my best friend in the entire world. I’m glad you got to meet her.”
“I am too.”
You took that as your cue to re-enter the room and you nestled back into your spot and wrapped your hands around your cup of eggnog. 
“Alright, I’m going to ring Ginny before bed. G’night.” Harry gave you another hug before going to bed. 
“So James, while I really appreciate the bracelet I don’t think I can keep it.” You said, handing James to bracelet back. 
“Oh, you don’t like it?” James gave you a look of alarm. 
“No, it’s not that. I just saw this note and…” You handed James the note. 
“I, um, I am so sorry. I had gotten you a box of chocolates for Christmas but then I saw your gift and I panicked. I had bought that bracelet for Lily months and months ago and I needed to give you something better. You’ve been such a light in Harry’s life and honestly in these few short days I’ve loved having you here. I want you to keep the bracelet.” James looked at you with large imploring eyes and extended the bracelet back to you. 
“Oh, thank you so much. You have to know that Harry is my best friend and he’s been amazing. Especially after everything with my father. And I can see where he gets his giving spirit. Thank you again for having me for Christmas this year.” You became aware of how close you and James were on the couch. His hand was on your knee and his breath was warm against your face. He leaned in and kissed you, his hand on the back of your neck. His lips were soft and he was gentle, warm. You pulled away and looked down at the ground. 
“I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I’ve just…been lonely. But that isn’t an excuse.” James shook his head. 
“I think I’m going to go to bed. Good night.” You scrambled from the room. You reentered your room and tried to think about what had just happened. And then you thought fuck it, you deserved a little guilty pleasure now and again. And before you knew it you were knocking on James’ door, emboldened by the eggnog. 
“I’m glad you’re here. I’m so so sorry-” James started but you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him hard. He pulled you into the room and shut the door, pushing you up against the door and pulling your jumper over your head. He thread a hand in your hair and tilted your face up a little as he angled his tongue. His hand went down to the waistband of your jeans and fiddled with the button for a moment before sliding his hand down into your panties. 
“So wet for me,” he whispered into your mouth. You were going to give back a smart remark but James pushed two of his nimble fingers into your pussy. You gasped and gripped James shoulder harshly. His thumb found its way to your clit and he started on circular motions as he pumped his fingers in and out of you. His lips made their way to your neck and he was sucking hickeys on your neck that you would curse in the morning but right now all you cared about was James keeping his pace as you approached your orgasm. It hit you like a tidal wave and you were moaning into James’ mouth and begging him for something you weren’t totally sure of. 
He moved you to the large wicker bed that sat in the center of the room. You helped him out of his shirt and unbuckled his pants. You kissed down his chest, along his happy trail, and down to his cock. You took him in your mouth and he moaned lowly, 
“Oh fuck.” He moaned, holding your hair back as you tried to take him as deep as possible. You grabbed his balls lightly and released a strangled, 
“Okay! Okay, I don’t want to cum just yet.” He pulled you off of him and flipped you over so you were beneath him. He pushed himself inside you and you both moaned. 
“You’re so big,” you moaned. 
“You’re so tight,” he moaned back. He was fucking you at a relentless, unforgiving pace. One of his hands was gripping the headboard tightly and the other was alternating between your nipple and your clit. You were approaching your second orgasm of the night and with the way it was building you knew it was going to hit you even harder than the first one. James pulled out completely and slammed back into you and that was it. You orgasm hit you hard and your orgasm triggered James’. He came inside you, babbling thank yous and oh my gods. He pulled out of you and you both laid side by side, breathing heavily and fanning yourselves. 
“We can’t ever tell Harry.” You said, the icy shock of sobriety making you realize the gravity of what you had done. You had slept with your best friend’s dad. That would kill him. James was going to respond when an owl started pecking at the window. James opened the window and untied the piece of parchment wrapped around the owl’s foot. You were able to read it over your shoulder.
I made a huge mistake. Ring me in the morning?
Happy Christmas
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haikyu-mp4 · 1 month
word count; 1047 – gn!reader, a bit suggestive
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Hoshiumi Korai always wanted to be tough. To win everything. Some would call it a need to be ‘manly’ enough, but he just always had something to prove. In a weird way, it was one of the things that made you feel drawn to him while you were dating. His drive and competitive tendencies, as well as the little frown he did when he lost or got embarrassed. It was all attractive to you.
Completely unrelated, you cared a lot for your skin with a semi-intricate skincare routine every night. Korai, who you recently moved in with after being partners for a few years, would often stay in the bathroom while you did your routine, brushing his teeth for a little longer just so he could watch you and maybe throw out a question or two. Like why are there two soaps? Why are there different serums for different days? And then once a week, after you put on a face mask, he would pull you into his lap on the couch and complain about how you didn’t let him have any kisses. Instead, he settled for holding you closer and tickling your neck with kisses. Living together was pretty great.
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One day he finally gave in. You both just finished drying off after a heated shower in each other’s company, when you started putting on this week’s face mask. Korai looked at you in the mirror with a soft frown as he snaked his arms around your waist and cuddled into your neck. It had been a long week, he was so tired from this damn sport he loved so much and felt a little extra thankful today that he got to come home to you. So when you asked “You want a face mask as well?” like you always did, he let out a small sigh before giving in.
“Yes, I do.”
After the short process of getting the mask on for each of you, trading giggles with hesitant grimaces, you both sat on the couch with a timer on your phone and some movie you had watched before on the TV. You even convinced him to put on a cute frog headband to keep his hair away from his face.
While you sat with your legs across his lap and told him about one of your colleagues’ gossip, he looked at his phone and picked it up when it rang. He just glanced at the name of the caller, too into your story to check anything else. Korai hummed as you slowed down your talking to see who it was as well.
“I’ll just check what he wants,” Korai mumbled. The two of you had taken so many cute selfies with the masks on that he didn’t realise the reason he could see the two of you on his screen now was because it was a video call.
Korai seemed to choke on his breath when his screen suddenly showed Kageyama and Hinata with a small image of you and him in the corner. Wearing... face masks and headbands. The girly kind. During Korai’s shock, there was unfortunately time for the man on the other line to fumble his way to the screenshot buttons.
“Idiotyama!! Why would you video me on a Friday evening?” Korai yelled, handing the phone to you and letting his head fall back against the sofa in humiliation. There goes my whole image, he thought dramatically. He couldn’t even cover his face with his hands in shame and instead just pointed an empty stare at the ceiling.
“Me and Kageyama needed to settle something but now I can’t remember what it was. Oh, hi y/n!” the orange-haired man said cheerfully. With a sweet smile, you held a short conversation with them before hanging up. Phone on the table, you put your arms back around your boyfriend’s neck and wondered what you should say. He put his arms loosely around you and waited in silence for you to find the right words.
“I think you look very pretty.”
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Hinata and Kageyama had learnt a thing or two about teasing from their older teammates, and you bet the screenshot of you and Korai in pink face masks was sent to the Japan Olympic group chat with a nice ‘hope everyone is enjoying a relaxing weekend just like the little giant!’
Let’s just say you were struggling to hold back your laughter while you finally helped him wash the mask off after the timer went off. Korai was silent, keeping his eyes closed until you pressed a kiss to his freshly washed cheek when you were done. “Wearing a face mask isn’t embarrassing, Korai,” you told him, sneaking your hands under his shirt to warm them.
“You wouldn’t understand,” he sighed, unintentionally pouting like a little boy and tracing his hands around to squeeze your bum like stress balls. Of course, the others didn’t actually care that much if any of the guys used a face mask, it’s just so funny because it’s Korai. He always takes the bait when they tease him.
So as you two finally curled up in bed, you let him spoon you this time with his strong arms curling around you. It made him feel a bit better as you cuddled into him. The morning after was spent cosying up under the sheets and enjoying each other’s bodies before going on your routine weekend jog together. Everything seemed back to normal.
Except that your boyfriend was plotting for the best revenge against his friends.
please excuse the timeline ignorance between the Adlers and the Olympics, it's just a little bonus because I love the Adlers trio
Monday came and Korai went off to work early in the morning. He put the lunch you packed him in his bag and pecked your lips before he was out the door.
“You’re glowing, Hoshiumi.” Kageyama tried his luck early on during warm-ups.
“What am I, pregnant?” Korai spat back. Kageyama just kept smiling at his own joke.
Ushijima switched which arm he was stretching and observed Hoshiumi. “Your skin does look refreshed, maybe we should all get face masks with y/n.”
“I know it does but get your own partner, man.” He just mumbled, moving away to warm up with a ball on the other side of the court. They were so going to get it for teasing him one day.
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v1olentdelights · 11 months
You’re Gonna Go Far
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Aaron Hotchner x fem!bau!reader, BAU x fem!bau!reader
Summary: Time passes, and people change, but one thing will remain steady.
TW: nothing
a/n: I read something on tiktok that was like, "You have to let a girl name a fic after a lana or noah song(it's a canon event)." It's so funny because it's true. Here is My Noah Kahn titled fic!! Let me know what you think!! Also thank you @magic-is-beauty and @teddy-the-teddybear for reading it over! :) love you guys
After consulting with The BAU Section Chief and your Unit Chief, who also happened to be your long-time boyfriend, you decided it was your next step in your career. Even if you didn’t want to leave behind your work family, you knew they would understand.
You flopped down onto your bed, letting out an exhausted sigh. The week had been filled with meetings and tying up loose ends. Next week would be your very last week at the Quantico branch of the BAU. If the team got called into a case, you would stay behind with Penelope and work it out from there, hoping that it would end quickly so you wouldn’t miss your plane.
The familiar sound of little running footsteps made a small smile appear on your face. No matter how down or tired you felt, Jack could always make you smile. The door was flying open, and seconds later, he had pounced on you, wrapping his arms and legs around you and shoving his neck between your head and neck.
“Hey Jack. How was your day at school?”
“It was awesome, we got to take the class pet out of her terrarium.” He spewed the words out fast as he pulled his head up to look at you. “ Do you know what frogs feel like?” As you shook your head, no, he had already begun to talk again. “They feel icky, and they look kind of scary because they can’t smile. And we had to wash our hands after, really well. And for snack today, I brought those vegetable chips. Everyone thought they looked weird, but I remembered that it didn’t matter because I liked them. And-“ You put your finger to your lips, telling him to stop for a moment. The giant breath he took was almost comical.
“I’m glad you liked the chips, but please take a breath. Or you're going to get so dizzy you’ll fall over.” You both laughed, but his face turned sad.
“I just want to tell you everything because I know you’re leaving, and then I can’t tell you anything. Because dad says you are taking a plane to your new home. Which means I can’t talk. To you anymore.”
“Oh, honey.” You brought a hand up to his cheek, rubbing your thumb against his cheek in a comforting circle. “You can always talk to me. You can write me letters, and I’ll come back to visit sometimes. You can also call me sometimes. There is no need to be super sad.” Sitting up slightly, you gave him a cheek kiss. “Now, let's go find Daddy and see if he’ll buy us ice cream.”
Aaron did take you out for ice cream, but he stood back a bit… taking it in. Jack had been observing all the ice creams, even though he would pick play dough, the most sugary kind, every single time. You were crouched down next to him, looking at all of them, making comments about each of them.
“Aaron, honey, do you know what you want?” Your smile never fails to make his heart light up.
“Strawberry of course.” He chuckles before coming up beside you and paying for the cones.
You three made your way to one of the bench’s near the parlor.
“Can I try some of yours?” You asked Aaron slyly. He was about to offer you his cone, but you kissed him instead, tasting the strawberry on his lips. Jack started to make fake throw up noises.
“Stop it! You guys are icky.” He laughed before pushing on his fathers chest, attempting to put some space between you two. It was like a scene from a movie, a happy family of 3. You made sure to take a mental picture to save for a sad rainy day.
Now, your heart was beating out of its chest. You were standing in front of the monitor where the cases were presented, but you were all meeting for another reason. Aaron gave you a quick kiss for some reassurance before taking his seat at the round table.
As everyone began to file in, you could feel your heart was going wild, and your eyes began to feel heavy, as if the unshed tears weighed a ton. But when you saw Penelope walk in with he bright smile and sparkly headband, you knew you wouldn’t survive this.
“What’s going on here?” Dave asked first. Both him and Blake looked like they knew what was happening. Maybe they could tell. Penelope then jumped up from her seat.
“Oh. My. Gosh!! Am I getting another god child? I need to know, I’ll start shopping now, maybe it could be an elephant themed room or-“ But Aaron cut her off.
“No Garcia. Just take a seat, please.” You could hear the pain in his voice. Her face physically dropped before she took a seat, Derek reached out and held her hand on the table.
Why was it this hard? You knew they would support you, that they would be happy for you. You watched it happen when Emily left. It would be hard for a bit, but they would get past it, and they would persevere.
“So. A while back, I was looking at this program. I signed up for the company newspaper just to keep up with it, even sent a few emails asking about the projections for the next year and its supporters. It seems that the company also did some research on me.” You sat down in an open chair near you and ran your hands down your legs. “So they asked me to join them!”
“That’s amazing, Y/N!” Spencer exclaimed with a boyish smile on his face.
“That's not all, though, is it.” Derek stated, he had enough people leave him. He didn’t have to be a profiler to see what was coming.
“Yes, there’s more.” Here was the kicker. Taking a deep breath, you finally let it go. “It’s in Europe.” The atmosphere changed drastically. But it was hard to place what it was. “I don’t expect anyone to know what to say. But I’ve already accepted, and my ticket is bought. I am kind of regretting it now, I feel like I should stay here with you guys. You’re my fami-“
“No, you need to do this Y/L/N,” Blake said with a smile on her face. “We all understand.” It was comforting to hear it from her. She had that mother kind of aura around her.
The week progressed slowly. People milling around the bullpen, pens scratching on papers, the humming Spencer didn’t know he did, the coffee machine, all the normal sounds. It felt different. It all felt different now. You tried to commit every little thing to memory because if you were to never return, you’d want to keep this with you forever.
Your final family dinner, everyone was there, even Strauss stopped by for a bit. Henry and Michael made you a picture. It was the whole unit in Rossi’s backyard. Of course, there was an abundance of paint handprints and glitter, but that’s what made it even more special.
The sound of a utensil tapping a glass caught everyone’s attention.
“As we all know, this is our going away party for Y/N, the best in our unit. Even though we will hopefully see her all week. Tonight is about reminiscing on our past times. But it is also a time to look forward to our future. We have lost agents in the past, and we have mended our hearts. But we have never forgotten them.”
“You make it seem like I’m dying, David!” You tried to lighten the mood a tad. If he kept going on like this, you would begin to cry.
“Of course not! But we are losing you, are we not?” He chuckled a bit before continuing. “It is a once in a lifetime opportunity you have been given. And though we’ll miss you, I think we would be even more hurt if you didn’t accept” Penny stood up then, tears already filling her eyes.
“It makes me smile to know that when things get hard, you’ll be far from here. Which I know sounds bad since you have been here for all this mess for the past 8 years. But still, you are getting a chance to see some more kittens and less… gore.” She shuddered at the thought. Spencer spoke up next.
“We aren't angry at you. You’re the greatest thing we’ll have lost. But the birds will still sing, and Penelope and Derek will still keep up their banter. The bull pen will still be filled with the noises of shuffling papers and the dying coffee machine.” You let out a watery chuckle. You had tried to fix the poor thing so many times and never seemed to win, but it was still running. “Things will continue to move along. And we’ll be here waiting for you, waiting for you to come home.”
“Don’t worry, I will make sure to mention you all in my speech when I win some great award.” Bringing a hand up to wipe away your tears, you noticed how shakey they were. They always seemed to do that when you were sad. “And trust me, I will be coming back. You won’t be getting rid of me that easily!”
When you got home later that evening, you sat in the bathtub for a while with a lavender candle in hopes of riding yourself of a headache. It all felt like too much. You were leaving behind the past 8 years of your life just like that.
You hadn’t heard Aaron enter the bathroom, not even noticing him until he kneeled down next to you.
“You told me in your initial interview that you wanted to make a difference, darling. And that is what you are doing. Please don’t feel bad for leaving because you are chasing your dreams. Something not many people get the chance to do..” He pressed a kiss to your forehead, then your cheek, then the other.
“I know. But in leaving behind you guys, my family. I’m leaving behind my Jack, and my goldfish, what am I supposed to do with her?!” You whined. Obviously, you knew it was something stupid, but all the little problems seemed so much bigger.
“You know Jack is going to be okay. He is in his room making a colander of when to call you. I told him the time difference so he could figure it all out.” He kissed you gently on the lips, pulling back a bit, he continued “And you know he will be more than happy to take care of her for you. It will be another reminder of you.”
It provided a little comfort, though you know it would only last so long. Everything was running through your head, so many emotions were trying to be processed.
“Let’s get you out of the bath and into bed.”
“If you wanted me naked in bed so bad, you should have just asked Hotchner.” He simply rolled his eyes at your antics. You got dressed and bundled up underneath the comfort, falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
Today was the day you were all packed up and ready to go. What you didn’t know was the whole team had come to see you off.
As Aaron, Jack, and you made your way towards your gate, you and Jack holding hands, you recognized the gangle of people waiting near the waiting area. Penelope was the first to spot you. She began to wobble her way over to you. That was something you would miss dearly, her and her high heels.
“Oh Y/N!! I'm going to miss you so! But just know I will be out there next month! I have already got some tickets lined up!” She squished you tightly before letting you go. Derek came up to you. His smile was as bright as can be.
“One day you’ll see how proud of you we are.” Pressing a kiss to the top of your head, he pulled you in for a tight embrace. JJ covered her face with her hands. You assumed it was to try and hold her tears at bay.
“Y/N, my sister.” You could tell it came out quieter than she meant it to. “What am I going to do without you by my side? My partner in crime.” She rubbed her hand over your arm in a motherly way. Even now, she couldn’t turn off that mother instinct.
David held your head in his hands. You knew what this meant.
“Y/N, I don’t think I have ever met someone as compassionate as you, someone as smart as you, sorry Reid,” he turned to face the doctor for a moment before turning back to you. “I trust you with my life, and I would have it no other way. You are going to do great things, kid.” He pulled you in for a hug. Blake came next.
“I haven’t known you for long. But for the time I have had the pleasure of knowing you, I have found you to be extraordinary. Like everyone else has said, you will do great things.” She shook your hand firmly.
You didn’t know how you were holding it together. And then Reid stepped forward with tears in his eyes and a few having already fallen.
“I don’t want you to go,” his lower lip quivered “but I know you need to do this. And I am glad to have known you. I love you, Y/N. Don’t forget to write.” He held you tightly, as if he was afraid you would disappear when he let go. Though you suppose you were.
Little Jack, who had been standing next to you the whole time, let out a little cry.
“Y/N, do you really have to leave?” Crouching down to be at eye level with him, you could feel the tears falling down your face faster.
“Honey, I do. I’m going to help people. Remember what we talked about, though, right? You even made that schedule, and Aunt Penny made me a copy, too. I’ll hang it up on my fridge so I can see it.” He grabbed hold of you, looping his hands around your neck. You could feel his tears stain your shirt.
“Who is going to get ice cream with me? Or tuck me into bed and wish me that the bed bugs won’t bite? And dad can’t fold my shirts the way you do. He can’t play with my legos the right way, either.” He was desperate for you to stay. You knew this would be hard on him. Having lost his mother at such a young age and now losing the other mother figure in his life.
“It’s going to be hard. But you will just have to teach Daddy how to do those things. I’m sure he will learn.”
“But he’s not you.” He let out another cry, and it shattered your heart.
That was you. It was time to leave behind your life, your family. But you were starting something new and exciting. Standing up, you straightened out your shirt a bit. Looking around, you absorbed the moment, trying to memorize all their faces, taking in all the memories.
Finally, you turned to Aaron, your lover. It had been decided by the both of you that it was best to go your separate ways for now. Not necessarily forever, but just for now.
You had only seen Aaron cry a handful of times. The stone cold face, his work facade, was something you had grown used to. And so was the smiling face he reserved for you and Jack, as well as the team after hours. But this Aaron, this was something new. He grabbed your hand and pulled you close into an affectionate hug.
“If you want to go far… then you gotta go far.” He said quietly in your ear. He pressed a kiss to your lips, just a small short peck, but then came back for more. Nothing flashy or anything, just more… meaningful, filled with more emotion.
As you sat in your seat, you pulled out a picture you had kept in your wallet for the past few years. It was one of your team members at your first ever Rossi dinner party. The smile upon each of your faces was a reminder that no matter how far apart you were, no matter how many horrors you had seen, you would always have each other.
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Hello!! I just recently found your blog and I have to say I'm in LOVE- I'm a sucker for platonic yanderes and have serious X-Men brainrot, I've had the idea stuck in my head and I wanted to share!
So platonic yan Brotherhood & X-Men with Hummingbird mutant tot reader?? Flying at max speed when not held and eats exclusively fruit, constantly giggling and being mischievous- Maybe they meet the brotherhood first?? Decide toad is their favorite cause he's also got an animal mutation(& cause I love him) then meets the X-Men and thinks there funny more than anything else
Loves harmless pranks and can be bribed with sugar cubes, but is an absolute nightmare if upset, hummingbirds can fly up to 60 miles when going up and dive anywhere from 20-45 mph, imagine the damage lil reader could do flying circles around everyone!
(sending this twice cause this washing machine setting of a website likes to eat my asks)
So cute!
The Brotherhood would love toddler hummingbird mutant Reader! That's their little buzzer, okay? No one messes with then and gets away with it!
Lance is sneaking them with him to places. If they're at the park, he'll race them. If they're getting food, he tries to get them fruit juice and apple slices. If they go to a museum, he'll show then any birds they want to see in the exhibits. He doesn't mind letting them tug him along, just as long as they stay within his sight.
Toad is sneaking Reader snacks all the time. They want juice? Okay, they have apple, grape, cranberry, orange, pineapple, what's their pick? They're tired? Never fear, Todd will happily carry them around! They want to play in the rain? Haha, yes! Those two get along pretty well, especially since they're both animal mutants. Reader gets him a little frog charm, and he loves it.
Fred let's Reader and Toad perch on his shoulders when they want to see better or are tired. He cooks pie, and saves the best berry ones for Reader. Reader plays with his mother sometimes, and he in turn pets their wings. He's a gentle giant with them, and is extremely careful. He reminds the others to be careful, too.
Pietro is getting Reader to race him all the time. To the park? Beat you there! To the zoo? See you in awhile crocodile! To the X-Men to prank them? Why, just say the word, little bird, and they're there! He enables their prankster side, even going with them to keep them from getting caught. He does however try to get a child leash for them, since Reader keeps flying off to look at flowers.
Wanda let's Reader follow her around. Reader offers her some flowers they picked, and now they have her as their guardian angel. Someone once picked on Reader for their wings, and suddenly they ran off screaming- Then Wanda showed up, and took Reader to get a slushie. If Reader wants to have little cute stuffed animals, they gonwith Wanda into places that have them, but also have Gothic or punkrock stuff, too. Wanda gets Reader a little cat plush, and Reader picks out a moth plush for Wanda.
Mystique keeps an eye on Reader, and tries to adopt them. Is it thwarted? Maybe? Or maybe it works. She follows Reader and the others in different forms, even comes by as a hummingbird herself, to cheer Reader up up they're feeling down. Suddenly there's a lot of fruit and juice and sugar around the house, and while the others are suspicious, Reader is just happy to have so many sweet treats at their disposal!
Reader likely finds the X-Men funny. These are their enemies? Well, they're just freebies! Friends who are enemies! And Reader leaves flowers I weird places, ties shoelaces together, and dyes the fountain and pool water bright pink. They don't really get too out of hand with their jokes, but they will leave juice boxes as an apology sometimes. And the X-Men allow it, because Reader is sweet and cute, and haven't tried to fight them, so they're good.
Reader would have pretty, shiny feathers. Jewel tones, bright areas, soft feathers, everything beautiful about a hummingbird, they have! Their wings are fast, letting them fly backwards and up and down and all around. Reader even has small claws, but they don't do much besides help them grip branches or flowers a bit better.
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iheartpeppino · 27 days
I'm bored, so I'm just gonna write what I find most attractive or appealing about each Pizza Tower character!
Peppino Spaghetti - His superhuman strength and speed is extremely impressive, and watching him in action is immensely satisfying. Also, the fact he takes the time to save the bosses from the crumbling Pizza Tower shows he has a caring heart. I'm also very fond of how expressive Peppino is, and I'm also quite fond of his design in general; he's a middle-aged, balding overweight man yet I find him very handsome.
Gustavo - Admittedly, I find Gustavo quite handsome and even cute. I also like that he's supposed to be a Mario expy whose partner is Rick the Hamster instead of Yoshi; it's an interesting spin. It's also nice Gustavo cares enough about Peppino that he's willing to help him take on the Pizza Tower, even if it means facing giant rats. I found out not too long ago that Gustavo has a son... but he's not married? Is he divorced? WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS WOULD DIVORCE GUSTAVO!? HE'S SUCH A NICE GUY WHAT THE HECK!?
Brick - Just like all the Stupid Rats, Brick is super adorable. One look at those eyes and I'm done. He's too cute. I love him. I want a Stupid Rat plushie and I want it NOW.
Mr. Scott Stick - This bald, skinny twig of a man... is admittedly handsome in my eyes. He's a jerk who scams desperate people for money, but GOSH... I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Mr. Stick can get it. He's a cutie. Is it the suit? I dunno, maybe. That, and he's apparently a huge dork when he's not scamming people... which I find endearing, oddly.
Phil Pepperman - This pepper is an absolute unit with a big grin and striking blue eyes. I wouldn't call myself a simp, but I understand completely why some people find Pepperman attractive. Personally, I find his pseudo-intellectual personality off-putting, but he is quite good-looking for a pepper.
Vigert Ebenezer Lantte - He's an older guy with a cowboy motif and a great sense of justice and responsibility. How can you not find that attractive? Yes, I know he's a cheese slime, who cares! Don't think I haven't seen people simp over this guy and draw him as a human, either!
Theodore "The" Noise - I'm not a Noise simp by any stretch, but if there is one thing I can say that's attractive about him... it would be his youthful spirit. Yes, The Noise is a manchild, but that's not always a bad thing.
Noisette - She's a very silly little lady whom I find very cute. I appreciate that her design is just as goofy as her boyfriend's, too.
Fake Peppino - What can I say? He's a monster, and I'm a monster lover. I like that he's adorable, silly, AND super deadly! I wanna kiss the frog man, if he'll let me.
Pizzaface - I've seen people draw this mech with a big, beefy body. I get it. Pizzaface's design is appealing, why wouldn't you give him a beefy body to match how powerful he is...?
Pizzahead - HANDSOME UNHINGED SILLY-ASS PIZZA CLOWN MAKES MY MIND GO BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. The sheer autism I have for this guy is unreal. His laugh, his design, his obsession with Peppino, his weird motivations... HE'S NUTS AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.
Pillar John - Uh... I like his hat? I mostly find John intimidating due to his sheer size and that damned Meatophobia music that plays when you go near him...
Gerome - He has a neat design. I've seen some interesting fan art of him hooking up with pretty girls who are much taller than he is. Good for him, honestly.
BONUS: Maurice Spaghetti - He looks like Peppino but with more hair and facial hair... in other words, handsome. Too bad his personality is utterly abysmal!
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weenwrites · 10 months
For a request, how about a scenario with a witch human reader through a botched spell accidently turns their bot into a human with TFP Bulkhead, TFP Optimus and TFP Knockout.
✎ A/N: I only write scenarios for one character at a time, so I'll only write it for Knockout.
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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"Well?" Knockout began, his voice was much quieter now, and rather than towering over you, he was instead poking his head over your shoulder, much to your annoyance, "have you found any reversal spell?"
Ever since the cloud of smoke dissapated and allowed him to take a better look at his new human body, it was needless to say that he was anything but pleased with the results. And whether that was the way he looked, or the fact he was human, Y/N didn't know.
Neither could they ask as they frantically flipped through the hovering book in front of them, muttering curses to themselves as they combed through the entire transfiguration section only to no avail. With a defeated sigh, they pushed the book away and shook their head.
"I'm afraid not," they frowned, "but even if I did, changing you into a human took a lot out of me the first time. I don't think I could cast a spell to turn you back without the looming possibility that I'd fail."
"W-well I can't just stay like this!" He argued, motioning to his new human body. "You have to turn me back!"
"I know, I know, but until I find the spell and cast it, then you'll be stuck as a human for now."
"So what am I supposed to do now? If you don't get me back to normal by tomorrow, I can't simply take the entire day off! Megatron would have my head!"
"Well I don't know how to transfigure a human back into a giant alien robot, so I don't think you'll have any other choices but to ask."
"Surely you could reverse time or something, couldn't you?"
"No, but I could turn you into a frog next..." They mutter.
"Excuse me?"
"Nothing..." They roll their eyes, "but really, Knockout. The only thing you can do here is wait until I've figured something out."
"Fine," he scoffed.
As they turned back to their book for answers, he turned away, crossed his arms, and cringed at the weird feel of human flesh as he rubbed his own skin. As he muttered something about the feel of flesh, they briefly turned to him.
"I promise you won't be stuck like that forever..." They offer, "Give me a few hours and soon enough you'll be saying hello to your sweet red paint job again."
While they doubt that hardly eased his mind in the slightest, he only hummed and crossed his arms.
"Well... I'd hope so."
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oneatlatime · 11 months
The Blue Spirit
Before we get into the episode, a couple of thoughts that have been rattling around my brain: -Last episode was heavy. I need jokes please. -it's been a while since I've seen a hybrid animal. I thought those were going to be a running gag. -It's been a while since there has been any gorgeous background art. -The last couple of episodes have really pushed Sokka and Katara to the background. I'm missing the ensemble style episodes.
Episode time!
It's Zhao. Hi asshole. Actually this conversation is touching on something I've been wondering about:
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The fire nation has bigger fish to fry than a quarter-trained 12 year old.
If this whole episode happens at night time I'm going to really miss my CRT.
Zhao is now turbo asshole. Also there's a weird blue cat on his roof.
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Imagine having a sick day on an Appa couch. Heavenly. And where are they hiding this time? Why is there a giant tapestry?
Looks like this won't be much of a Sokka episode.
Not going to be a Katara episode either. This is a novel way of benching your side characters.
How does airbending make you go faster? I could see earthbending making you faster, just by moving your running surface, but how does Aang do it?
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I do like roadrunner shenenigannery.
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Momo doesn't understand English confirmed. Also he has green-tinted vision? Do his irises coat his pupils? That would be weird.
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Behold! A non-hydrid animal.
"It's been almost an hour and you haven't given the men an order." Ouch. Burn.
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I'm not much of a Zuko fan, but even I have to admit that this is a sucky situation in a long line of sucky situations. You have to feel for him here.
Frog popsicles. Did not see that coming. Note the lack of hybridity.
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Now he looks like those arrow guys.
Using aerial weaponry against an airbender seems really stupid. I guess they've got numbers one their side.
Is literally everybody in this world a professionally trained acrobat? Do all four nations include that in the school curriculum?
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Could the action wait until morning please? I can't see.
Zhao doubling down on the asshole behaviour. Not cool. Keeping someone barely alive in captivity for as long as possible has to be some sort of war crime. Waging a war for a century against an entire planet is probably also a war crime, so again, bigger fish. There are assholes that are entertaining to watch and fun to root for, and assholes that are just plain mean. Zhao is now firmly in the latter category.
Poor Momo is trying his best. Zhao's right about there being no one to rescue Aang this time though. Even Appa's benched by babysitting duties.
The blue cat is back. Clinging to the underside of a moving cart using just your fingernails has got to be murder on the hands.
Good lord these guards are blind. This episode is too dark for me to see anything but I still saw blue cat guy hot foot it into the compound. His mask even has white parts.
Oh god he's monologuing. Blegh. Although convenient for blue cat guy. A desire to monologue may be Zhao's most consistent character trait.
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Did the frogs do that?
The hallway-that-eats-our-guys just ate one of our guys. What should we do? How about send two more of our guys down the hallway-that-eats-our-guys? And leave only one to guard the door keeping the world's most powerful bender contained? Sounds good.
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He extinguished that guy! That gets funnier the more I think about it. All that fancy bending, years of training, and your fatal weakness is a bucket.
Exactly how many of those sword flourishes were necessary?
I like the blue cat's theme music. It's some sort of wind instrument, a bit kazoo-like, but it sounds a lot like this plastic toy trumpet I had as a kid that I'd play with whenever I was mad at my parents. I loved that thing, but it mysteriously vanished one day.
Blue cat is doing some seriously precision sword bending. Imagine if he'd missed? How do you live down cutting off the Avatar's hands and feet?
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It WAS the frogs! Caught red- um. Footed? Do frogs have hands?
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The return of One Man Army Aang.
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Blue cat is surprisingly go with the flow for having just been catapulted dozens of feet without warning. Stuck the landing too. Sort of.
I'm sure there's some fascinating fight choreography going on at the moment but I CAN'T SEE IT.
Aang can briefly function as a load-bearing helicopter. Briefly.
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So… how many of these guards are dead?
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I am a dumb! How did I NOT see that coming? I am dumb! Much dumb!
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Turns out there is one hairstyle worse than Zuko's usual.
In addition to roadrunnering, helicoptering, and ladderwalking, Aang can also carry someone taller and heavier than him at high speeds while fleeing the enemy. Is there anything airbending can't do?
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Or maybe it was the frogs. Also I just realised that Fire Nation ships are shaped like Fire Nation shoes. I bet those shoes give you bunions.
Zuko was out for a WHILE. Might want to get that head wound checked out.
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This hit unexpectedly hard. This episode's second surprisingly heavy scene. Can't they at least hug?
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Was the kazoo-trumpet diagetic all along?
"Did you make any new friends?" "No. I don't think I did." Me:
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Appa is your friend, not your toothbrush.
Final Thoughts
This was a character episode disguised as an action episode. Which I did not realise until I figured out that Blue cat man was Zuko all along.
Firebender Zuko has chihuahua energy. Blue Spirit Zuko has cat energy. Discuss.
Everyone needed a hug this episode. Including me. Except Zhao. Screw Zhao.
Zuko seems much more confident with those swords than he is with his fire. I don't mean to compare skill levels; I have no way of evaluating that. I mean he seems more sure of his movements with swords. Fire makes him shouty. Swords make him dance.
Can't really say much about Sokka and Katara this episode, although I do like that the reason they're out of commission is a direct consequence of last episode's exploits. Makes the through narrative feel more grounded if the small things as well as the large plot points have continuity/consequences.
Momo! Poor Momo. He really tried! Actually, I've been assuming, but is Momo a boy lemur?
I am utterly indifferent to the Arrow guys. Nice bit of stealthy worldbuilding, but I'll eat my hat if they ever recur.
This episode was The Storm part 2. Parallel angst threads concluding in the two mains staring contemplatively in silence after each other? Yep. Storm Part 2. This episode may have had even less humour than The Storm. I found the recurring frog jokes worked better than the Sokka and Katara are sick jokes.
I've been kind of nitpicky about this episode, but don't get me wrong, I did enjoy it. Kind of really ended on a downer though. It's also contributing to a growing suspicion of mine: would they pour all this development into Zuko, and set up a more powerful villain to take his place, if they meant for Zuko to stay the villain? The show started giving us insight into Zuko's character, and arguably a reason to pity him, at the same time as it gave us those things for Aang - The Southern Air Temple. This show has 60-some episodes. Would you humanise your villain in episode three if he was supposed to be the antagonist for the rest of the show's run? You could, but it would be a waste of writing energy. So what's going to happen? Is this war going to have three sides? I can't see Zuko fully switching sides, when his reasons for chasing Aang are so personal. Whatever Honour means in the fire nation, Zuko's only way to get it back seems to be capturing Aang. I can't think of anything Aang could give him that would be worth forever forfeiting his Honour.
I think this episode made the correct choice, in not having Zuko say anything when he wakes up in the forest with Aang. Like the end of the Southern Air Temple, and the end of (I think?) the Winter Solstice Part 2, some moments are enough - no dialogue needed. But - bear with me as I stray into fanfiction territory - wouldn't it be fascinating to hear the conversation Aang and Zuko might have had? And isn't it neat that Aang chose the conversational topic he did - not questioning why Zuko rescued him, but attempting to reach out? There was a choice made in his one-sided conversation with Zuko that I want to pick at. I can't put into words why I found that short scene so impactful. But I want to pick at it.
I'll be rewatching this episode on the CRT in my parents' basement when I can, because the brightness on my little laptop just does not go high enough. This episode was dark. Fittingly so, but still. I want to SEE.
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steam-beasts · 4 months
Scary! - short story
It was a bright and sunny at Arlesdale End. Theodore and Charles had brought the two little pups for a very special surprise.
However, the pups had to wait, so Toby's crew dropped Bruno and Tabitha off by the lake and let them play around while they went to fetch the surprise.
Now that they had open eyes, the two little babies were fascinated in everything! The grass, the water, the trees...
They rolled around in the grass and wrestled a bit until a little frog hopped out of the lake. Tabitha squealed and giggled, getting off her little brother to see it, Bruno wagged his little...tail??? As he too wanted to see the green little creature.
The frog croaked and looked up at the little tram with its doughy eyes, Tabitha stared back down and babbled with delight, ringing her little bell. Bruno giggled and cooed.
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The frog remained still, and croaked at the big face staring down at it curiously.
The bushes rustled, and suddenly, a huge shadow loomed over the two. Bruno and Tabitha didn't notice, as they were fixated on the frog. The frog in question did notice the shadow, and hopped away with instinct. Tabitha chirped with disappointment as she watched it disappear. Bruno stopped giggling and looked disappointed, his tail stopped wiggling.
Where was Mr frog going? They wondered.
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"Oh, Toby! Look at them!" A voice suddenly piped up. The pups froze, recognising the voice immediately.
"Th-They're...they're really here!" Said another voice. This one was also familiar...
It's their mama and papa! They're back!
Bruno and Tabitha squeaked happily and quickly spun around to properly see their mother and father for the first time. But instead of mama and papa being there...
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...it was two big scary beasts.
One looked like a giant version of Tabitha, but with sharp fangs, fiery yellow eyes, and big scary horns! Charles and Theodore were inside the creature's body. It must've eaten them! Bruno thought.
The other looked like Bruno, but more orange, and she had small horns with cow-like ears and blue eyes. She had weird claws on her paws.
Toby and Henrietta both smiled happily at their little pups, they were so happy to see that their eyes had opened.
"Come here, you two–" Toby tried reaching out a paw, but the pair recoiled back with high-pitched squeals and cries. Toby pulled back with a shocked look, Henrietta was the same. Tabitha and her brother backed up a bit more, shaking and squeaking in fear from the two scary monsters.
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Charles frowned, a look of realisation dawned on his face "Oh dear..." he said "I...I think they're scared of you two"
"S-Scared?" Henrietta repeated quietly, her ears flattening, tears pricking her eyes. Toby whimpered, bringing up a paw to cover his horn.
"I-I didn't think our own pups would ever...be frightened of us" He said sadly, a guilty look on his face. Maybe they should've considered how the little ones would've reacted to their appearances...
Toby and Henrietta exchanged sad and guilty glances, backing away to give the little ones space.
Charles patted his side "It's ok, ol' boy–"
"It's NOT ok!!" Toby cut him off with a low, grieving snarl "Our own kids are AFRAID of me and Henrietta!! We're just..... big scary monsters to them..." he said sadly.
"This is their first time actually seeing you two. They are surprisingly smart for babies, so I suppose this wasn't what they expected you to look like" Theodore reasoned. The old couple just let out small cries and whines, Henrietta let the tears fall out while Toby tried holding them in.
Just then, Bruno and Tabitha suddenly came crawling out of the bushes, approaching the giant beasts. They both tensed up and remained still, not wanting to scare them further. Bruno carefully approached first;
He went up to Toby's paw and poked it before quickly jumping back. Seeing as nothing happened, the brakevan chirped at the old tram, feeling less afraid. Tabitha remained hesitant, going to investigate the giant Bruno-lookalike beast.
Charles watched and cooed "It's alright...this is your mama and papa". Bruno and Tabitha's faces lit up at the familiar words, any fear they had disappeared as they instantly began nuzzling against their parents' furry arms.
With tearful eyes, Toby and Henrietta picked up their young and made little chirping noises to them, which were mimicked by the other. Toby's tail wagged, as did Henrietta's.
They were finally together again.
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legacyshenanigans · 4 months
Alright, long-winded and random, but do you guys wanna know about the wild dream I had? And I have dreams like this regularly, I don't know what that says about me, but yeah 🤣 here we go..
The dream was in segments for some reason, where I like fell into different areas randomly.
Segment 1:
I was in an office building, there was just a bunch of people in suits working on computers, but the office building was like a HUGE log cabin in the middle of a city, and I remember thinking IN my dream "this is so out of place" 🤣
Anyway, some woman wanders over to me with a giant bag filled with cutlery and she says "You have to go and set the table for lunch time" and I said in my dream "I dont work here" and she was like "It doesn't matter, just go and do it" so I took the bag and went into this room where there was the BIGGEST table I've ever seen, and I only had 10 minutes to set up all the cutlery on this table ready for the lunch hour, and for some reason one of my cousins who havnt seen for like 15 years showed up and started talking to me and I was like "Listen, I need to get this done stop talking to me" and he KEPT talking to me and in the end I lost my rag and I was like "If you're gonna stand there distracting me, atleast fucking help me!!" And then I fell through the floor into segment 2 of the dream.
Segment 2:
I was at a big house, and there was a pond in the back garden. One of my uncles wife's dad's was there (no idea why ive met him twice lmao) and he was telling me that there was way too many frogs in this pond and that it was really bothering him, because they're so loud and they're always splashing around in the water. He also told me there was a particular frog that looked really weird and it was like the leader of all the other frogs, and he told me to try and get rid of some of them, and gave me a net and a huge bag to put all the frogs in. Anyway, so there I am, scooping frogs and putting them in this bag, but they're all jumping out all over the fuckin place and it's total chaos. And then I see this "Leader" frog. It's bigger than the others, so I thought if I could get the leader in the bag and make it STAY in the bag, the others would follow, so I'm wading in the pond trying to catch this big frog, and I finally catch it and it starts fuckin snarling at me and trying to bite me, and I'm screaming for help, thrashing around, fighting this frog in this random ass pond, and then I suddenly went underwater, then popped up in segment 3 of the dream.
Segment 3:
I was sat on a sofa in a living room, and there was a little ginger dog next to me, staring at me. And then one of my uncles walked into the room and was like "are you ready to go?" And I was like "where?" And he said "We'll take the dogs for a walk" and I said "Dogs plural?" Because far as I knew there was only the one dog, the little ginger one that was next to me, and I looked back at the dog and there was now 4 of them all sat there looking at me. So we take them for a walk, and we're walking along the beach in the next town over to where I live now, and my uncle says "Had any weird dreams lately?" And I said "Yeah I'm having one right now, actually" and laughed, and my uncle looks at me confused and says "What do you mean?" And then I get confused and say "Well this is a dream, isn't it? I'm dreaming, like right now? None of this is real?" And my uncle stops and looks at me like I'm a fuckin monster or something, he looks terrified and his face started stretching out and going all fuckin weird and he starts screaming and his scream was getting louder and louder and the dogs turned to Ash like Thanos just did the snap or some shit. And the sand and sea on the beach went all black and fuzzy and then I woke up.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my talk. 🤣
If anyone is a big dream freak, lemme know what all this means? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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marclef · 7 months
⭐The Fabled CAT Longpost.⭐
well, it's finally done. over the last few months i've seen a lot of people posting their Pizza Tower OCs, and basically all of them are so freaking pretty and i wanna squeeze and love all of them. and so, here i am today, finally feeling brave enough to officially share my little Pizza friend with the world.
(first time making a post like this, hopefully it's not too cramped to read.)
cat drawings and lots of writing ahead.
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So, a bit of backstory. Some time before the events of Pizza Tower, Pizzahead did all sorts of experiments on creating new life and stuff, for example the Peppino Clones/ Fake Peppino. A brief experimentation of his involved using the brains of various deceased animals/people into new bodies, regardless of compatibility, to see if they'd still work. Eyhm was one of these, a stray cat off the streets with a spare brain put into her. She barely has any memories of her past life, besides the fact that she was definitely human... and that she was quite young. She chose her name for herself though, based on remembering only the first letter of her old name: M.
At some point, Eyhm and the rest of those "created" through this experiment managed to break out, and for a while, she's just wandering aimlessly around the outside world not knowing what to do with herself. But eventually, by some strange force she finds herself heading back to the Pizza Tower again... and that's when she meets Peppino.
Personality-wise, Eyhm's normally pretty kind and polite to those she meets, but she can get very anxious in unknown territory. Thankfully throughout the Pizza Tower, she had the likes of Peppino and Gustavo to protect her, and after the game's events Peppino ends up adopting her to stay in the pizzeria after she has nowhere else to go. So, now she spends most of her time at Peppino's, providing company and a bit of happiness to her newfound friends.
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By far though the one Eyhm gets closest to after the game's events would be Fake Peppino. They both relate pretty heavily, having been "created" in some form by Pizzahead. Back inside the tower as well, Fake Peppino noticed how much Peppino was trying to protect this cat, and so, it's only a natural Peppino thing to do then isn't it? He spends a lot of time with her, and if anyone tries to mess with his little kitty, things get messy.
She and Brick get along good too. They're both weird animals (and I definitely based her colors off of Brick's heh), plus the idea of this tiny kitten being friends with a rat much larger than her just delights me.
Eyhm also likes The Noise a lot for some reason. She thinks he looks like a bunny. Noise does not really like her back.
But yeah, after a rough start to her life, Eyhm gets to be comfy with her cool two dads, her giant rat friend, and her giant very friendly goopy frog. And this weird bunny/rat guy that shows up sometimes.
so yeah, that's about as much of the Cat as i have for now. she's half the reason i'm too afraid to share my own writing stuff but, maybe someday. hope you like my weird little cat gremlin child.
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uwabbittuwabbit · 6 months
in my head these r what miyazaki ghibli pairings map onto what motogp ships:
-rosquez are obviously howl and sophie, which i go more into depth into here. its also important that sophie and howl get into the fight about howl's hair, because sophie ultimately does go back, puts on her business face etc. i think the timeline would work out like, they get into that big argument whatever its about but marc goes back, vale tries to make up for it with the ring and beautifying marc's clothes and eventually the house in the mountains but during that time its like their relationship is completely frozen even though they're living in the same house...marc considers moving out to live with alex etc. just becomes older with his withdrawal because of the curse. And then vale moves the castle to marc's old home. sophie is also like very much obligated to her family as the oldest daughter (which is why she stays in the hat shop) which is very marc! he wants to make his people happy...Also don't tell me fuck ass bob vale DOESN'T scream young howl to you. say it to my face. u can't.
-enea/casey are san and ashitaka from princess mononoke. just imagine the "im going to cut ur throat/ur beautiful" scene with them...i dont think casey necessarily gets cured from the illness that he gets from the corrupted forest god it just becomes part of him, so its no longer killing him after the forest god's head is returned but still ails him. hes from a super far secret civilization and cant go back after being banished (kind of like how u can't fade into obscurity after rising to fame). rides an antelope looking thing and is so so noble. enea is feral and living with the wolves. hates humans. but when this stranger comes and gets shot in his name he can't help but feel something other than that hatred he has felt all of his life. chews casey's food for him and delivers it mouth to mouth when he's too weak to eat...the same mouth that spat out the poisoned blood around the mother wolf's bullet wound. etc.
-cele/bezz r sosuke and ponyo, but they also have the potential to be kiki(bezz) and tombo(cele) and sheeta(cele) and pazu(bezz)...to me cele is sosuke, the weird kid who lives in the house on a hill (alone), signals ships at night just to talk to somebody and flies maritime flags. likes to fix stuff, has a tiny little dinky car. works as a daycare science teacher taking the kids on trips to catch bugs and frogs but also helps out at the nursing home next door, fixing the wheelchairs of the residents and like taking them out for fresh air while the kids tag along. thats summer though and in the winter he helps out at the dock and on fishing boats. he would love you if you were a worm, in short. bezz's misadventures get him stuck in a jar (he could cry he's so embarrassed) but cele finds him when testing his newest like little motorized toy boat prototype he wants to show the kids and bezz IMMEDIATELY falls in love, it's crazy. you bet he licked the blood off of cele's gashed finger just like that. is absolutely INDULGING in the attention he gets when cele brings him in for Show And Tell/Storytime and explains in his pondering voice how he found bezz. gets sloshed on that forbidden magic juice right after getting plopped back home and runs on giant fucking waves as cele commutes home to impress him. all cele feels is like, mild concern like damn do i have to detour home? i would have known if there was some major meteorological event coming my way. when the curly haired stranger with an earnest smile shows up at his home and engulfs him in a hug, he meets it with the same bewilderment but because bezz feels familiar. consequentially is not very impressed or surprised about bezz being a fish loool. i was just picturing the thumbnail of this video the entire time i wrote this and that's literally their whole vibe. that's bezz in cele's tub right there. this post is getting away from me more than it already is so ill like do a quick preface of the other premises...bezz is a witch and his familiar is rubik...flies away to a big city and meets cele with his homemade flying contraptions...gets tattoed for the first time by some random artist in the woods...becomes depressed...can't fly anymore...cele is the last member of a royal family and falls from the sky after being held on an airship, with bezz as the one to catch him...bezz has always wanted adventure because his father was one of the few people to have ever seen the fabled castle in the sky...wants to take his chances with cele...cele's billowing curls and tragic eyes...all bezz wants to do is make him happy...all cele wants is to go home.
-luca/pecco as haku and chihiro from spirited away. their whole vibe is childhood friends that grew apart and then rekindled imo. when they meet in the spirit world luca introduces himself as maro and to pecco he seems familiar; you how it was on a playground when you were young and you knew everything about someone except for their name? so maro it is, and he takes pecco's hand when he cries about his roommates (pecco's in college and ended up in an abandoned places exploration group with them) being turned into pigs and is panicking about not being able to go home and is generally a mess and tells him to get up from where he's been curled up into a ball and run with him to the bathhouse where he gets a job and becomes just pecco, no francesco because his name gets taken away. life is pretty tough for pecco at first and he's very lonely while luca is away doing missions for the boss, which is most of the time. hes also very insecure and fears luca leaving him because he's not good enough. but he puts his head down and slowly earns respect from his peers. starts standing up for himself and becoming more confident, and eventually has his standout moment for completely cleansing a polluted spirit. luca (a river spirit) fell in love with pecco when he fell into him and wasn't able to swim. even though that was very much an embarrassing moment what made it worse were pecco's flailing attempts to keep his head above water, but that was what endeared him to luca. it was his stupidly stubborn will to keep his nose to the grindstone even when it filled his mouth with water and got him nowhere. that is how a river thinks, and luca could never forget pecco's lanky straggling form as he struggled up the banks of the river, wretched and alive but triumphant for doing so.
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saithebatguy · 5 days
Bat Tours and Ballybogs Pt. 2 || Alistair, Sai & Wyatt
TIMING: Recent PARTIES: @deathsplaything, @saithebatguy, @loftylockjaw LOCATION: On the edge of town SUMMARY: Wyatt comes back to his car to find Sai and Alistair hiding inside. CONTENT WARNINGS: Car accident tw, drug use tw (in the vein of frog spit)
Alistair and Sai had been trapped in the car for almost two hours, and Sai was starting to accept waiting out the giant frog wasn’t going to work. The creature had stopped pacing around the car maybe an hour earlier, but settled down in front of it, watching the two of them through the front windshield. The one time Sai went to open the car door, hoping it might be drifting off, the frog was up and after him in just a couple of seconds. Sai had slammed the door closed again, and decided against that plan. For now anyway. There was still a long time until sunrise. 
Alistair wasn’t much help. Most of what he’d said after encountering the frog was impossible for Sai to understand. It was hard to tell if it was another language mixed in with English or just an accent too thick to decipher. “Are you feeling any better?” Sai asked them. It had been a while since the two of them had attempted talking again. This would all be easier if Alistair had his wits about him, considering that they were the one who knew about this animal. Maybe there was a trick to making it go away. Or to killing it. 
Without any sort of plan, Sai started looking through the contents of the car, to see if there was anything worth finding. He didn’t have high hopes. He wasn’t even sure what he was looking for, but he didn’t have a lot of better ideas. 
He should have parked closer to the bar, he thought. Or really, he shouldn't have driven into town at all. He should have just gotten a cab, like a sensible person. If he'd done that, he'd be able to sleep in his own fucking bed, as much as he dreaded the idea. It was night three of no sleep, and he knew he couldn’t hold out any longer. At least the bed would've been more comfortable than the backseat of his car. At least Charlie might have been there to help him bounce back from the nightmares. 
He hoped he didn't fuck up his interior by raging out after a nap.
Drunk and stumbling through the dark, Wyatt pulled his keys from his pocket and clicked the unlock button on the fob a few times, following the SUV's blinking lights. But… huh? Something was briefly illuminated in the red glow of the taillights, and the lamia paused. “What.” That something let out a croak. Oh. Just a stupid frog, he thought. Big one. He hit the unlock button again. 
That frog was the size of a dog.
“What the fuck?” the lamia laughed, swaying on the spot. “Bro. Go away. You're weird.” He was distracted for a moment by a different sound, one that was coming from his car. Was that a… voice? Was there some motherfucker IN his CAR? Wyatt bristled, growing immediately annoyed and paranoid. “Hey! What are you—” He didn't get to finish his question as the huge frog sprang closer, opening it's mouth and—oh, what the fuck was that? Wyatt reeled back as something nasty hit him square in the neck, reaching a hand up to reflexively wipe it away. “Dude! Come on!”
They’d been stuck in this stranger’s car for what felt like hours. Alistair had tried to call Melody, but it went to voicemail, so she couldn’t save them. Instead, Alistair continued to hear and see things he shouldn’t have. He was grateful when the feeling started to wear off, leaving him to regret whatever he said to Sai. At least he was speaking Scots, so either way, the guy couldn’t really understand him. That was a point in the win category as far as Alistair was concerned.
Alistair sighed when Sai started rooting around in the car for something to arm himself with. “Don’t think that’s a good idea,” He muttered, leaning his head back against the headrest in the back seat. “Guy could come back and–” that’s when he heard shouting. Yep, the owner of the car, right on cue. Alistair rolled his eyes and opened the door and stumbled out, hands up in the air in sign of clear surrender. 
“We were hiding from the ballybog.” He explained as the stranger was hit. “And now you’re going to have a really fun trip. Or bad trip, depending on which way you land.” Alistair explained to the man with a tight-lipped smile. He unfolded his mobility cane and swiveled it around, deciding he was done with the whole situation. He’d find his own way back, he didn’t care anymore. 
“It’ll be fine,” Sai answered Alistair, unconcerned, as he dug through the car. Worst case scenario some human showed up, and he wasn’t exactly worried about one of those. But he did pause his searching when he could hear that Alistair’s voice sounded mostly normal again. He was about to try asking them more about the frog again, when he was interrupted by yelling outside. Well, if the car owner got mauled by the frog, it wouldn’t change their current situation much. Only then Alistair was getting out of the car.
“The frog’s still out there.” He called after Alistair, out of the door they’d opened. It seemed like they were still high after all. “I really think you should get back in the car.” Although if Alistair’s intoxicated self was really that determined to get himself killed, there was only so much Sai would do to keep them from getting eaten by the frog.
Apparently, Alistair thought this was a great time to start talking to the person who had just showed up. “If you’re going to go get killed by the frog, could you close the door at least?” Sai said, already climbing over to do it himself. Although, he considered, maybe the humans would be enough of a distraction for the frog that now might be as good a time as any for Sai to make a run for his own car. 
“From the what?” Wyatt snapped, his gaze focused on the frog. He was going to trip? What did that even mean, coming from a frog? He continued to swipe at the slime on his neck, watching the blind stranger turn heel and leave. “Fine. Fuckin’.... weirdo,” Wyatt grumbled, scurrying back as the frog hopped toward him again. “Hey! Piss off!” he shouted at it, watching as his car door was pulled shut by someone still inside. “Hey! You too! Piss off, get outta my fuckin’ car!” He went to make a break for the SUV, but the world tilted underfoot and he slumped to the ground instead. The frog hopped closer and spit again, and Wyatt lost it. 
“Okay, shitbag, let’s see how your legs taste,” he snarled, kicking off his shoes. The frog croaked (somehow menacingly) and Wyatt continued to strip. Off came the socks, then the jacket, shirt, and pants. He’d gotten pretty good at doing it quickly (for a number of reasons), and the shift began the moment his boxer-briefs hit the pavement. Lunging at the frog, who looked about as surprised as a frog can, Wyatt parted his growing gator jaws and snapped it up into them, biting down and shaking his head violently from side to side like a dog with a chew toy. Obviously, the ballybog didn’t stand much of a chance, but neither did Wyatt. The dose of hallucinogens sinking into his mucous membrane was outrageous, and it was only a few seconds of shredding the creature in his jaws before he was rising up onto his feet, stumbling around on the spot before slumping over the top of the vehicle. 
“Oh….. my god,” he groaned, taking a moment to center himself. “Bad… bad frog. Taste bad.” Claws reached for the car door, one hooking over the handle and pulling it open. “Hey. You. This is—you’re… my…” God, talking was hard. Forget it. He stuck his maw into the vehicle, still dripping ballybog juice, and made a few lazy snaps in the stranger’s general vicinity. Maybe eating would make him feel better faster.
Trying their best to walk away from the situation, Alistair knew that they couldn’t just leave the weird bat enthusiast to fend for himself, as badly as they wanted to. So as they listened to the horrendous sounds of flesh being torn apart, Alistair realized that they probably weren’t dealing with someone who was simply human. No, they heard the sound of a large jaw snapping shut, something wasn’t right. They inwardly cursed for not bringing Brutus, for being completely in the dark as to what was happening. Internal conflict still raging on, they finally knew they had to act. They thought of their visit from Mikael on the day of the solar eclipse. They thought of how disappointed in them they had been. 
Shit, they thought before turning around and throwing their head back in annoyance and frustration before taking their mobility cane and leveling it over their shoulder like a baseball bat and charged for the creature who’s car it belonged to. All in all, it was a terrible idea, really. A blind man going to bat for someone they barely knew. Still, it was better than walking away without a care in the world, which they would have done before Mikael decided to call them out on their treacherous behavior. “Oi, leave ‘im alone!” Alistair demanded from the creature before swinging as hard as they could and cracking the white cane onto their back. 
“He’s definitely high out of his mind,” Alistair called to Sai, peeking out from behind the gator’s shoulder. “Go out the other door and get out of here!” Alistair, admittedly, was terrified. They’d just attacked someone who easily tore the ballybog apart and they were blind and couldn’t just run for it. “Though if you’d take me with you I’d greatly appreciate it!” He decided as an after thought, giving an awkward little grin. 
Well, the frog problem was taken care of, Sai could see that pretty clearly out the front windshield. The thing went up pretty quickly in a spray of frog guts and parts, and disappeared down the were-alligators mouth. But that turned into a new problem, as the alligator-man flopped towards the seat Sai was sitting in and tried to take a bite out of him. Alistair’s advice very well taken, Sai scrambled out the other door. 
“Yes, getting out of here now,” he said, grabbing Alistair, and running back down the street for the second time that night. “Thanks for the assist.” With any luck they’d make it to Sai’s car this time. At least Alistair sounded mostly lucid now, even if they were making choices like running towards giant frogs and whacking alligators. And the were-alligator definitely seemed like he hadn’t been as immune to the frog as Sai. With any luck he’d fall asleep in the seat of his car and forget all about them. “Some sort of alligator man,” Sai said to them between breaths. “Any idea what might stop one of those?” Normally he wouldn’t try to clue someone into the supernatural. Better for him if humans stayed naive, at least how his thinking went, even if others in his clan couldn’t care less. But getting out this alive seemed more important than feigning normalcy. Alistair might know something about whatever that man had been that Sai didn’t. “Silver maybe?” Sai said, thinking of werewolves. Not that he had any sort of silver on him. 
The whack to his back was more surprising than anything, and Wyatt grumbled in response as he realized his dinner was disappearing out the opposite door. “You leave ‘im alone!” he whined, just repeating whatever the person with the walking stick had said, not feeling especially clever right now. Feet scrambling and claws scraping against the concrete, Wyatt started to back himself out of the car, barely able to twist himself this way and that until, finally, he popped free and crumpled to the ground. The two carjackers were getting away! Vision swimming, Wyatt picked himself up off the street, lumbering after them on two legs, then four, then two again as he couldn’t seem to decide which was faster. (Neither was fast in his current state, luckily for Sai and Alistair.) 
Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to care that he was chasing them through town—where a more lucid Wyatt would have just accepted the intrusion of his privacy and gone to sleep in his car after kicking them out as planned, a very high Wyatt was intent on doling out justice. 
Glad that Sai decided not to ditch him, Alistair ran with Sai, trusting the man to guide him without letting him trip and get eaten by ‘some sort of alligator man.’ “I hate this town sometimes,” Alistair grumbled as they ran, keen to put as much distance between the two of them and the alligator that was very clumsily chasing after them. “I don’t know what stops alligator men! I know some beasts, not all of them!” Alistair replied with wide eyes. “What do we do? He’s chasing after us!” He hissed, unsure as to where it was that Sai was dragging him. 
“We’re not… killing the alligator, he’s clearly just high and confused!” Alistair was quick to say, having half a mind to turn around and blast the man back. He was weak at other types of magic, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t do it. Luckily, he didn’t think that the alligator was close enough to warrant the use of such a spell. A spell that would undoubtedly exhaust him further than he already was after the events of the night.
“Well, I think the alligator wants to kill us,” said Sai. “So I don’t think it’s worth losing that much sleep over or anything.” Sai had killed plenty of people who weren’t trying to kill him too. He hardly had a sort of moral high horse about it, and wouldn’t mind if the were-alligator was no longer a problem. If he had any idea how to do that without getting anywhere near its teeth, that was. But it didn’t sound like they were in luck on that front, since Alistair didn’t know anything about the creature either, and wasn’t offering up any silver. 
“But I’m hoping we beat him to my car, and we can drive out of here. Then we live, and probably the alligator man lives too,” Sai told Alistair, since they apparently cared about the wellbeing of the thing trying to eat them. A glance back, and Sai could see the were-alligator stumbling along behind them. As long as the frog didn’t wear off too fast, they could probably out run him. “He’s not doing a great job of keeping up with us now, so I’m pretty sure he can’t outrun my car.” Getting his bearings again, Sai rounded the corner onto the street where he remembered parking his car, yanking Alistair along with him. “It’s just a few more blocks away, I think.”
All fours was easier going, considering the way the world tilted and shifted and swam around him. He lumbered after the pair, already having forgotten why he was in pursuit of them if he was honest with himself. But there was a reason he was chasing the strangers, and he wasn’t gonna question it when he felt half-convinced he might float off the earth itself. That wasn’t normal, right? Right. Yeah. They’d… done something. He couldn’t remember the frog anymore, only the bad taste in his mouth. They done something to him. 
The pursuit continued onto a new street and Wyatt struggled to make a tight turn, fumbling over the ground and giving an alarmed hiss as a car horn blared and headlights flashed in his eyes, reflecting reddish orange like hellish beacons in the dark. Vehicle and alligator collided, the former skidding onto the sidewalk while the former bowled through a shopfront like a wrecking ball, glass and splinters and bits of rubble exploding out onto the street. He bellowed angrily, picking himself up again and stepping on the hood of the car he’d run into to see the two people getting into a parked vehicle. The red of their taillights bathed the scene in red for only a few seconds before they were peeling away from the curb and out of the shifter’s reach. Damnit. 
He glanced down at the car beneath him, the driver of which was staring at him in utter terror. “What?!” he yowled. “What’re you fuckin’ lookin’ at?!” Confused, dizzy, and halfways convinced that this car was actually just a big, tasty moose, Wyatt leaned down and grabbed its leg (tire) in his mouth and ripped it free. The person inside screamed (that was weird, did moose eat people?) and Wyatt squinted his eyes closed. This leg didn’t taste very good. He didn’t feel very good. “Gross,” he spat the tire (leg?) back onto the ground and climbed off of the car (moose??) to instead wander back toward his own vehicle. 
The strangers had gotten away. That moose meal was still screaming. His head hurt. The sky looked purplish-green. He wanted to sleep. Ugh.
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rippleclan · 7 months
RippleClan: Moon 3
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Oilpaw thinks Fennelspot isn’t very considerate of others until he surprises her with something nice. Oilpaw has recovered by now.
[Image ID: Oilpaw and Fennelspot face each other. Text to the side of Oilpaw reads - CONDITION: SHOCK, + PLATONIC LIKE: FENNELSPOT. The following conversation between Oilpaw and Fennelspot plays out in blue boxes over their heads:
Oilpaw: “Are you… being nice to me?”
Fennelspot: “No…”
Oilpaw: “Are you secretly a nice person?”
Fennelspot. “No. Leave.”]
“You would think a tom who talks to the dead would believe us when we say we see a giant frog walking through the forest,” Oilpaw grumbled as she and Carnationkit, only a moon from her own apprenticeship, practiced their paw-drilling. Carnationkit was a natural. It only took her a few minutes to make smoke rise from her fireboard. Meanwhile, Oilpaw had been working for an hour and she might as well have tried to start the fire with her mind.
“Well, it’s a weird story,” Carnationkit said. The breeze caught the smoke and blew it in her face. Carnationkit coughed and dropped her spindle. 
“I know that, but it really scared me!” Oilpaw groaned. “He could have been a bit more considerate. Even Weedfoot needed something to calm her down! He’s such a weird cleric. I got to meet the WheatClan cleric, Bubblemoon, at the Gathering yesterday. He’s way cooler than Fennelspot. I can’t believe he used to be Fennelspot’s apprentice.”
“Fennelspot was probably a different tom when he lived in WheatClan,” Carnationkit sighed.
As though the pair had summoned a warrior of StarClan, Fennelspot emerged from the small white ship that sat against the main shipwreck, RippleClan’s medicine den. He called, “Oilpaw! Come here for a moment.” Oilpaw sighed and put down her drill.
“Wish me luck,” Oilpaw chuckled before heading to the medicine den. 
Inside, Fennelspot had his collection of herbs sitting on the broken wood and stones that gutted the white ship. Baskets, firkins, and even a few pots lined the walls with all of Fennelspot’s valuable medical mixtures. Part of Oilpaw wanted to test the effects of each mixture on herself, if Fennelspot wouldn’t kill her for it.
“Weedfoot has you practicing fire-starting, right?” Fennelspot asked. The tom fiddled with drying leaves resting in the upper crannies of the den.
“Yes…” Oilpaw said carefully, like Fennelspot was trying to bait her into a trap.
“Well,” Fennelspot gulped, “if you’re going to keep failing, you might as well practice an easier method.” He plucked something shiny from his shelf of herbs. It looked like one of the flat rocks Downstar built the oven out of, but made of crystal.
“What is this?” Oilpaw gasped.
“Glass,” Fennelspot explained. “WheatClan sometimes steals this from the humans. I got a few shards from Bubblemoon at the Gathering. If you hold it up to the sun and point the reflected light onto the wood, it should start to burn after a while.” Oilpaw ran a paw over the smooth surface of the glass.
“Are you… being nice to me?” she asked.
“No…” Fennelspot mumbled. “Just sparing you some humiliation.”
“Are you secretly a nice person?” Oilpaw chuckled.
“No,” Fennelspot whined. “Leave. I have things to do.” Oilpaw picked up the glass and trotted out of the den with her tail high in the air. Maybe Fennelspot wasn’t so bad!
(Oilpaw: 7, female, charismatic, morbidly curious)
(Fennelspot: 60, male, insecure, valuable insight, incredible runner)
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Puddlespeckle rethinks his life choices.
[Image ID: Puddlespeckle sits in the middle of the screen with + DISLIKE: WEEDFOOT underneath him]
Carnationkit was old enough to watch herself without Puddlespeckle hovering over her. She was basically a little apprentice at this point, helping with whatever camp chores Downstar and her cronies asked for. So Puddlespeckle was stuck in the elder’s den on a grotesquely pleasant early autumn day.
Puddlespeckle had a good view of the rest of camp from his nest. Fennelspot, Downstar, and Weedfoot shared tongues in the shadow of the shipwreck, muttering about something or other. StarClan, it made him sick. A SlugClan cat was his leader now. And worse, his own daughter was subordinate to her. He turned his back to the Clan.
Maybe he should have refused Weedfoot’s pleas. He could have stuck it out as a loner. Perhaps, as Weedfoot and her little Clan of traitors formed their Clan, Puddlespeckle could have returned to AshClan and begged Autumnstar for forgiveness. Sure, he was right to exile Puddlespeckle, Weedfoot hurt their Clan and he was her father. They needed to root out the wet leaves so the ashes could burn again.
It was too late now. Puddlespeckle gave his daughter another chance. Look where it left him. A useless elder in a useless Clan.
(Puddlespeckle: 129, male, strict, good hunter, good kitsitter)
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Carnationkit plucks a bird and puts the feathers in her nest.
[Image ID: Carnationkit sits in a nest covered in white pixel feathers. The text under her reads + DISLIKE: DOWNSTAR, SCRUBMASK. A text box to the left reads “Carnationkit, what happened to this bird?” A text box above Carnationkit reads “Uh… mange?”]
Carnationkit tucked the feathers along the edge of her lone nest in the nursery. Each one was long, white, and silky. She rubbed her face against the feathers and settled deep into the nest. Blurry memories of a warm belly and a gentle voice drifted to the surface when Carnationkit touched the feathers. Maybe they would bring a little life back to the empty nursery. With one wall against the jagged shipwreck and one wall formed from water-smoothed stones, the barren den trapped Carnationkit inside with nothing but that small, fluffy nest to keep her company.
“Carnationkit,” someone called, “what happened to this bird?” Downstar and Scrubmask appeared outside the den. Scrubmask carried a seagull whose pink skin peeked out from its feather-bare wings. The two older mollies locked their eyes on Carnationkit’s feathers.
“Uh…” Carnationkit gulped, covering her treasures, “mange?”
“Carnationkit, please don’t play with the prey,” Downstar sighed. “If you want feathers, let me know and I’ll pluck the bird. Bird feathers can carry disease if you aren’t careful.”
“Please don’t take them,” Carnationkit whined. “They’re really soft! The nursery gets cold at night!” Carnationkit pulled her feathers close and hid them under her chin.
“I won’t take them,” Downstar groaned, “just… please don’t play with the prey. Alright? It’s a rule in the code.” Downstar shook her head and slipped away. Scrubmask stared at Carnationkit in a way that made her fur prickle. Eventually, the quiet warrior followed Downstar back into camp.
“I just wanted some company,” Carnationkit grumbled, burrowing her nose in her feathers.
(Carnationkit: 5, female, sweet, splashes in puddles)
(Downstar: 62, female, adventurous, valuable insight, very clever)
(Scrubmask: 20, female, gloomy, good hunter, fast runner)
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sunnyskies281 · 2 months
Part 3 of the escape mission. (And the final part)
Eventually, I found a room with a mysterious blue yo-kai with 6 arms in it.
This must be her.
“Pardon the intrusion,” I say, approaching her carefully, “but are you perhaps… Kat Kraydel?”
“Oh it’s been so long since I’ve had visitors!” The giant yo-kai said. “Yes indeed I am! Would you like to play Cat’s Cradle?”
“If I do, could you in exchange do something for me?” I ask.
“I don’t see why not,” she says, smiling. “Oh it’s been so long since someone came to play with me.”
I humor the goddess, playing her game of string. It takes a few tries since I’m not quite familiar with the game, but eventually we succeed.
“That was quite fun,” Kat Kraydel says, still smiling. “Now, poor soul, what do you require my divine assistance with?”
“I came from the Inferno,” I explain. “I was wrongly executed and sent to that horrid place for a crime I committed in my living days. I wish to be free from here, to go back to my old home, and to avenge my own death.”
“Is that all?” Kat Kraydel asks, looking to the space right next to me. “Where is your companion?”
“Ed Zoff?” I ask, and he just appears next to me.
“You found her!” He says, brandishing his sword. “Alright, let’s teach this old lady a lesson!”
“She doesn’t want to hurt us!” I yell, grabbing Ed’s arm. “If you want to keep your powers I’d suggest you not try to attack a god.”
“He isn’t the companion I was thinking of,” Kat Kraydel says. “But I will help him as well.”
What did she mean by “not the companion she was thinking of”?
Did she mean…. How did she know? She said she hasn’t had visitors in quite a while…
“I wish to reunite with my partner, Nurarihyon,” I admit. “That’s the real reason I want to leave. I want revenge, that’s true, but I truly cannot bear to be without him any longer.”
“Then I will help you,” Kat Kraydel says, extending a giant hand out and picking me and Ed Zoff up. “Seals of the Inferno, Monster of the Deep, awaken from slumber, then go back to sleep.”
I hear the sounds of paper being ripped apart, what sounds like a wooden lid hit a very large wok, and then I feel wind blowing me away and out of the inferno.
And I black out for a moment.
When I come to, I’m in a strange shed. Ed Zoff is busy hacking away at the locked door with his sword, and I assist him.
Eventually, we get through, and we’ve ended up in a meadow.
It’s then I get attacked by a weird slimy punch. I turn around, and I see a Yo-Kai attacking me.
“You’ve escaped the inferno!” He yells, continuing to try and attack me. “Get back in there! I’ll report this to Lord Enma immediately!”
“Try it,” I challenge. “Try calling for him when you can’t use your abilities.”
The eye on my collar glows and an orange aura seeps from him and into me. I now have odd frog powers. This ought to be fun.
“What the-” the yo-Kai starts, confused.
“Go tell Enma I said hi,” I say, turning to leave. “And that I will take back what’s mine, no matter what.”
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romerona · 1 year
Chapter 4: The hippogriff incident.
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ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴀʏɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ꜰɪɴᴅ ʟᴏᴠᴇ, ɪᴛ ꜰɪɴᴅꜱ ʏᴏᴜ. ꜰᴏʀ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴇᴍᴇʀꜱᴏɴ, ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴅɪᴅɴ'ᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ꜰɪɴᴅ ʜᴇʀ, ɪᴛ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ꜱᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴄᴋᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀ ᴏꜰꜰ ʜᴇʀ ꜰᴇᴇᴛ… ʟɪᴛᴇʀᴀʟʟʏ.
Harry James Potter x OC
"So, this is the infamous monster book?" Asked Love as the three Ravenclaws made their way down the sloping lawns to the edge of the Forbidden Forest where Hagrid's hut was.
"Tis I, in all my monstery glory." Padma grabbed the rope-bound, fluffy-looking book and shook it as if it was the one talking, making the book growl at the sudden movement.
"Monstery is not a world, and for Merlin's sake, would you stop shaking it before you lose a hand." Emma sends her a warning look.
"Kill joy."
Padma rolled her eyes and passed the book back to Love who examined it further, the four eyes were closed as if it was resting, it had weird fangs hanging from the edges of the book, which could probably cause plenty of damage giving the opportunity, and the mouth was the biting the pages of the book, function as a lock.
"What a funny-looking book." She mumbled. Had she been clueless about the reputation of the book, Love would have to try to open it as any other book but now, it was obvious that it wouldn't work for this book.  "Any clues on how to open it?" 
"I know how to," Emma exclaimed, earning the girl's attention. "Well, given that it's a book with... living characteristics, I suspect they don't appreciate it if you just open them rudely, like any other animal, they can feel, so you need to sweeten them Into opening."
Love hums tilting her head, and looking down at the sleeping book. "Makes sense."
"It does but how do we sweeten them, Mr Wonka?" Padma said, turning to look at Emma, arms crossed.
He rolled his eyes. "How do you get a cat to purr?"
"Are you telling me I need to pet that demon book?" Padma scoffed in disbelief.
"Stroke it." Love and Emma said in unison.
Love turns to Emma quickly "Jinx."
"Shit." Emma groaned, he had only said the first two syllables of the word.
"You owe me a chocolate frog."
"Yeah, yeah," He waved his hand dismissively. "I'll buy you one once we're in Hogsmeade."
They arrived at the hut, where several other students were already there, like Lavender and Parvati who waved at them and Hagrid who was waiting for his class at the door, waiting impatiently for the rest of the class, with his dog, Fang, at his feet.
"Reckons he's going to be a good Professor?" Asked Padma, gazing at the half-giant.
"He is resourceful." Love said, nodding her head with confidence and giving her answers. "And well educated in the care of creatures, as we all know."
"Yeah, but is he going to make a great teacher, though?" Padma said, lips tightening. "It takes more than just skill to be one."
"Well, that is true but this is also his first year of teaching, so I can't give you a factual answer but I have faith he will."
"Yeah, let's give him the benefit of the doubt," Emma said, nodding his head solemnly.
Familiar laughter caught Love's attention, glancing back, she saw Draco Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy all cackling at something the bleach blonde was telling them, it was not until he pretended to pass out again did she know the reason why.
"Merlin, can't they just let it go?" Love mumbles, rolling her eyes.
Padma glanced at them too. "What is a Slytherin if not malicious?"
"I don't think they're malicious, just... they like to tease a lot." Love said, turning back her head to look at the hut.
"They bully people a lot, you mean," Emma mumbles, annoyance mixing in his tone. He had been a subject of their bullying once or twice before.
Love purses her lips, "Not all of them, Theo Nott and Blaise Zabini are one of the plenty who doesn't do that."
"That we know of, they can be sneaky as a snake, the lot of them." Padma shrugged.
"C'mon, now, get a move on!" Hagrid called as the last of the class approached interrupting their conversation. "Got a real treat for yeh today! Great lesson comin' up! Everyone here? Right, follow me!"
"Where do you think he's taking us?" Asked Love, following Hagrid.
Emma frowns, looking ahead. "I just hope it's not the forbidden forest."
"Of course, he won't take us there," Padma said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "It's forbidden for a reason, Dumbledore wouldn't let it happen."
"Well, you never know."
Thankfully, they were right, he didn't take them to the forest, after a few minutes of strolling at the edge of the trees, they found themselves outside a kind of paddock but it was empty.
"Everyone gather 'round the fence here!" he called. "That's it -- make sure yeh can see -- now, firs' thing yeh'll want ter do is open yer books --"
"How?" said the drawling voice Draco.
"Eh?" Hagrid blinked.
"How do we open our books?" Malfoy repeated. He took out his copy of The Monster Book of Monsters, which he had bound shut with a length of rope.
Love noticed that the only book not bound to anything was Emmanuel's who had it under his arm.
"Hasn' -- hasn' anyone bin able ter open their books?" said Hagrid, looking crestfallen.
Emma looked at his feet, his teeth biting into his lip, making Love frown. Emmanuel was brilliant, he could solve a riddle in a matter of seconds,  he could have the answer to a question before you even ask it, and he could recite books word for word, but his enemy was no one else but himself.
Love had come to find out over the two years she had met him that Emmanuel is not all that grumpy, he's just really shy and he's scared of what others think of him, which holds him back from doing plenty of things, like, for example, saying out loud he had been able to open the book when no one else had.
"Yeh've got ter stroke 'em," said Hagrid, as though this was the most obvious thing in the world. "Look --"
He took Hermione Granger's copy and ripped off the Spellotape that bound it. The book tried to bite, but Hagrid ran a giant forefinger down its spine, and the book shivered, and then fell open and lay quiet in his hand.
Padma leaned against Emma and whispered. "You're right after all."
"Of course I was." He whispered back, rolling his eyes.
"Oh, how silly we've all been!" Malfoy sneered, gaining the trio's attention. "We should have stroked them! Why didn't we guess!"
"I -- I thought they were funny," Hagrid said uncertainly.
"Oh, tremendously funny!" Draco huffs sarcastically. "Really witty, giving us books that try and rip our hands off!"
Love sighs, tired of Draco's behaviour and feeling guilty towards Hagrid for some reason, who was looking downcast.
"Damn Malfoy." Emmanuel rolled his eyes, holding back his sneer.
"Righ' then," said Hagrid, who seemed to have lost his thread, "so -- so yeh've got yer books an'...an'...now yeh need the Magical Creatures. Yeah. So I'll go an' get 'em. Hang on..."
He strode away from them into the forest and out of sight.
"Have you got it?" Love asks Padma, who was struggling against the book.
Padma grunts, trying to run her finger over the spine. "Yeah, it's just a pickle."
"Let me help." Love giggled as she tried her best to help the struggling girl.
Finally, they did it and the book opened up at last, leaving a panting Padma in the process.
"God, this place is going to the dogs," said Malfoy loudly, and at this point most of the class ignored him. "That oaf teaching classes, my father'll have a fit when I tell him --"
"Shut up, Malfoy," Harry Potter snapped.
"Oop, dog fight," Padma whispered, making Love nudge her ribs but hide a small amused smirk.
"Careful, Potter, there's a Dementor behind you --"
"Oooooooh!" squealed Lavender Brown interrupting about every conversation with the loud sound, pointing toward the opposite side of the paddock.
Love gasps as she watches a dozen creatures trotting towards them. They had the bodies, hind legs, and tails of horses, but the front legs, wings, and heads of what seemed to be giant eagles, with cruel, steel-coloured beaks and large, brilliantly, orange eyes. The talons on their front legs were half a foot long and deadly looking. Each of the beasts had a thick leather collar around its neck, which was attached to a long chain, and the ends of all of these were held in the vast hands of Hagrid, who came jogging into the paddock behind the creatures.
"Woah." Love mumbles, staring at the animal in awe and admiration.
"Gee up, there!" he roared, shaking the chains and urging the creatures toward the fence where the class stood. Everyone drew back slightly as Hagrid reached them and tethered the creatures to the fence.
"Hippogriffs!" Hagrid roared happily, waving a hand at them. "Beau'iful, aren' they?"
Emma did a small victory pump. "Knew it."
Yeah, the Hippogriffs were gorgeous with their gleaming coats, changing smoothly from feather to hair, each of them a different colour: stormy grey, bronze, pinkish roan, bone white, gleaming chestnut, and inky black.
"So," said Hagrid, rubbing his hands together and beaming around, "if yeh wan' ter come a bit nearer..."
Love purses her lips, there was a big part of her that told her to jump off the fence and head straight towards them but the logical part of her brain was a lot more hesitant to do so, after all, they're still wild magical animals.
She decided against it, she could learn about the creatures from the place she was.
"Now, firs' thing yeh gotta know abou' Hippogriffs is, they're proud," said Hagrid. "Easily offended, Hippogriffs are. Don't never insult one, 'cause it might be the last thing yeh do."
Simple enough.
"Yeh always wait fer the Hippogriff ter make the firs' move," Hagrid continued. "It's polite, see? Yeh walk toward him, and yeh bow, an' yeh wait. If he bows back, yeh're allowed ter touch him. If he doesn' bow, then get away from him sharpish, 'cause those talons hurt."
"Right -- who wants ter go first?"
Love felt Emma's hand on her elbow as he took a step back bringing her with him, she didn't stop him as the thought of being near the creature was slightly frightening, even more so when the Hippogriffs were tossing their fierce heads and flexing their powerful wings; they didn't seem to like being tethered like this.
"No one?" said Hagrid, with a pleading look.
"I'll do it," said Harry, making all the heads turn to him.
"Didn't you tell us your divination Professor predicted his demise?" Padma asked, gazing over to Harry.
"Yep." Love nodded in confirmation, frowning at Harry Potter, the brave fool.
Harry climbed over the paddock fence.
Emma shook his head in wordless disappointment. "Gryffindors just don't listen, do they?"
"Apparently not."
"Good man, Harry!" roared Hagrid. "Right then -- let's see how yeh get on with Buckbeak."
He untied one of the chains, pulled the grey Hippogriff away from its fellows, and slipped off its leather collar. There was a tense air around the class, most of them just waiting for something awful to happen. Love on the other hand was intrigued by the plenty of ways this could go down.
"Easy now, Harry," said Hagrid quietly yet most of the class heard him. "Yeh've got eye contact, now try not ter blink... Hippogriffs don' trust yeh if yeh blink too much..."
Harry was looking, staring at the Hippogriff, not blinking as Hagrid had instructed him, the class watches with their heart in their hand as Buckbeak had turned his great, sharp head and was staring at Harry.
"Tha's it," said Hagrid. "Tha's it, Harry... now, bow."
Harry's hesitation was tangible even from where Love was standing, but like a great Griffindor, he courageously did as he was told. He gave a short bow and then looked up.
The Hippogriff was still staring haughtily at him. It didn't move.
"Ah," said Hagrid, sounding worried. "Right -- back away, now, Harry, easy does it --"
But then, to everyone's relief and surprise, the Hippogriff bent its scaly front knees and sank into what was an unmistakable bow.
"Well done, Harry!" said Hagrid, ecstatic. "Right -- yeh can touch him! Pat his beak, go on!"
Harry moved slowly toward the Hippogriff and reached out toward it. He patted the beak several times and the Hippogriff closed its eyes lazily, as though enjoying it.
"Merlin, I thought he was going to get eaten." Padma breaths out, clapping
Emma made a face. "That would have been gruesome."
Love nodded while clapping her hands along with the rest of the class, Harry turned his head towards the class, his eyes locking with hers, she gave him a quick thumbs up with a tight awkward smile when his eyes didn't break contact, and regretting it after and cringing on the inside.
'Why did she do that?'
"Righ' then, Harry," said Hagrid, stopping the clapping. "I reckon he migh' let yeh ride him!"
"Oof," Emma mumbles, grimacing at the thought of riding a hippogriff as if it was him the one being asked to do it.
"Yeh climb up there, jus' behind the wing joint," said Hagrid, "an' mind yeh don' pull any of his feathers out, he won' like that..."
The class watched him as he put his foot on the top of Buckbeak's wing and hoisted himself onto its back. Buckbeak stood up and the class tense, all in unison.
"Go on, then!" roared Hagrid, slapping the hippogriff's hindquarters.
Without warning, twelve-foot wings flapped open on either side of Harry, he just had time to seize the Hippogriff around the neck before he was soaring upward.
The class oh's and gasps in awe as they look up at the blue sky as the Hippogriff took the boy for a ride around the paddock.
"You don't think we'll all have to do that, do you?" Emma asked, looking up at the flying creature.
Love shrugged, eyes on the large wings. "I wouldn't mind if we do."
"I'll ride with you," Padma added quickly. "No- no, I take that back. I want to ride alone."
"Fine, your loss."
The class watched as the Hippogriff descended, and steadily landed back inside the paddock.
The Gryffindors were cheering even before he had landed, urging the other houses to do the same. Love, once again, found herself clapping although a little more enthusiastic than before, the Gryffindor spirit washing over her in waves.
"Good work, Harry!" roared Hagrid, a proud smile on his face. "Okay, who else wants a go?"
"Come on." Love grabbed her friend's wrist and climbed into the paddock, excitement bubbling within her.
Hagrid untied the Hippogriffs one by one, Love's hippogriff was the bone white one, golden colour at the end of the feathers of each wing, and ever so pigmented green eyes, almost like neon.
"Be careful," Emma told her as she slowly approached the Hippogriff, everything Hagrid said was repeating like a broken record in her head.
Her eyes stared at the green ones, and never once blinking she bowed her head carefully. The Hippogriff regarded her for a moment making Love's breath stuck in her throat but then, it bent its knees to her in a bow.
Love smiled in relief, she was careful but instead of patting the beak as many were doing Love patted the side of its neck, as she did with Peggy. Soon the Hippogriff was tilting its head towards her hand, obviously wanting more and Love was more than happy to oblige.
She had been too immersed in her Hippogriff to notice Malfoy's voice, not until he had let a high-pitched scream she did, making her gasp and turn from the creature to the source of the commotion.
She watches as Hagrid wrestler Buckbeak back into his collar as he strained to get at Malfoy, who lay curled in the grass, blood blossoming over his robes.
Concern waves over her as she watches Draco struggle on the floor.
"Holy shit," Padma said as she made her way toward Love with Emma not far behind.
"I'm dying!" He yelled as the class panicked. "I'm dying, look at me! It's killed me!"
"Yer not dyin'!" said Hagrid, who had gone very white. "Someone help me -- gotta get him outta here --"
Love was quick to act, she ran to hold open the gate as Hagrid lifted Draco easily and as they passed, Love got to see a long, deep gash on his arm making her worry further as blood splattered the grass and Hagrid ran with him, up the slope toward the castle.
"What happened?" Love asked Emmanuel and Padma as they walked behind Hagrid, ignoring the Slytherins shouting about Hagrid.
"They should sack him straight away!" said Pansy Parkinson, who was in tears.
"It was Malfoy's fault!" snapped Dean Thomas. Crabbe and Goyle flexed their muscles threateningly.
"The instructions were clear, he didn't follow them, it's his fault." Anthony Goldstein, a Ravenclaw yelled at them.
"Why are you taking their side, Goldstein?" Someone asked but Love couldn't care less as she turned to her friends expectantly.
"Malfoy being Malfoy." Padma rolled her eyes, hoisting her satchel up her shoulder.
"He was saying rude things to the Hippogriff, and well, Buckbeak didn't take it lightly and rightfully so." Emma crossed his arms, "Honestly, he had it coming."
"Emmanuel." Love scowled, making him throw his arms up in defeat.
"Listen, I know you two are acquaintances for some reason, but that doesn't make it any less true." He defended himself.
Love rolled her eyes, ignoring the comment as they all climbed the stone steps into the deserted entrance hall.
"I'm going to see if he's okay!" said Pansy, and they all watched her run up the marble staircase.
The Slytherins, were still muttering about Hagrid, headed away in the direction of their dungeon common room, the Gryffindors were muttering it was Draco's fault on their way to their tower and the Ravenclaws were silently agreeing with both Houses, first it was risky to interact with such creatures but Hagrid did give them all detailed, easy instructions in how not to end up stumped over like Draco was.
"I just hope he's alright." Love mumbles once she's inside the common room.
Padma threw her arm around the girl. "I'm sure the wimp's fine, now would we start searching for wanderlust?"
Harry, Hermione and Ron were among the first to reach the Great Hall at dinnertime, hoping to see Hagrid, but he wasn't there, but someone else was.
"Harry, isn't that your father and uncle?" Asked Hermione once they sat down at the Gryffindor table.
James Potter and Sirius Black sitting on the Professor's table, on each side of Remus Lupin. Harry frowned, as he watched his dad talk amicably with Professor McGonagall, and his uncles talking with each other, wondering why they were there.
"Yeah..." he sighs and chooses to ignore them until they, inevitably, come to him.
Ron frowns in confusion. "What do you reckon they 're here for?"
"I think it's because of the dementor incident yesterday," Hermione said, glancing at Harry who rolled his eyes.
"Brilliant." He muttered sarcastically, a hand running down his face, just what he needed, and no doubt they'll hear all about Trelawney's prediction too.
The students began to flood inside the Hall, but while his peers sat next to him he heard his father make loud calls of his name, making him grimace.
"Harry!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, waving his hand like a madman. "Harry, son— Harry!"
Harry's cheeks reddened as he turned to his father with a glare, who only smiled mischievously and sent him a wink. Of course, he had done that on purpose, his father lived for embarrassing his son.
Thankfully, the feast soon began, and they all tucked in, people around them were talking about the incident at Care Of Magical Creatures.
"They wouldn't fire him, would they?" said Hermione anxiously, not touching her steak-and-kidney pudding.
"They'd better not," said Ron, who wasn't eating either.
Harry was watching the Slytherin table. A large group including Crabbe and Goyle was huddled together, deep in conversation. Harry was sure they were cooking up their own version of how Malfoy had been injured.
"Well, you can't say it wasn't an interesting first day back," said Ron gloomily.
Once the feast was done Harry tried to follow the Gryffindor students back to their common room but he was detained by his father.
"Harry, there you are," said his father, stopping him from taking a step further along the staircase. He turned to his friend with his ever warm welcoming smile. "Hermione, Ron, nice to see you again."
"You too, Mr Potter." Hermione politely smiled back whilst Ron grinned waving his hand. "Mr Potter."
"Two years and you still call me Mr Potter, it's just James," he smiled at them before motioning his head down at his son. "Would you two mind if I borrow this handsome devil for a minute?"
"Of course not," Hermione said, sending Harry a quick smile.
Ron nods. "See you in the common room, mate."
And with that, they were gone.
"What are you doing here?" Harry asks, slightly annoyed.
Sirius suddenly appeared on his other side, holding a hand to his chest theatrically. "Ouch, that's not a way to greet your favourite uncle."
"I don't see uncle moony around..."
The older man gasps and sends him an over-dramatic, betrayed look. "After everything we've done together? I'm just tossed aside like an unwanted chocolate frog card, you are a cruel godson."
Harry gave him a deadpan look, before looking between his dad and uncle. "What are you doing here?"
"We just wanted to check up on you," James admits, concerned eyes roaming his son's form. "Remus sent us a letter yesterday, about what happened on the train,"
"We were worried, Harry," Sirius told him.
Harry sighs, first Madam Pomfrey thinks he's delicate, then Malfoy and his cronies' constant teasing and now his father and uncle.
"I'm fine, there's no need for this visit." He said hotly.
Sirius purses his lips. "We just wanted to make sure."
"Again, I'm all right."
"And we know that now," James said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Which reminds me that your mum is so mad you didn't owl her, don't worry I kept her from sending a howler, but there's only so much I can do, son."
"I didn't think it was a big deal." Harry shrugged, feeling slightly guilty for worrying his mother. "Tell mum, I'm sorry."
"She knows." James smiled, letting him go. "Now go on, to bed, I'm sure you're tired."
Harry purses his lips, thinking to say that he's not a child anymore for him to send to bed but he was tired so he just nodded, giving him a quick smile, he waves at his father and uncle before beginning the climb the stairs again but just at another step–
"Oh and Harry,"
The boy turns to face his family in expectation, just as the staircase moved out of place making him stumble a little.
James and Sirius grinned at each other. "You'll see us around more often,"
"What?" He shouted as the distance between them was getting longer yet he was sure he would have still yelled regardless of the distance.
"Yeah, just a few times a week, for security things, you know." Sirius shrugged innocently with a less innocent smirk on his face.
"No," He grumbles, leaning against the railing.
"We love you too."
Once Harry finally arrived at his crowded Gryffindor common room, he sat with Hermione and Ron and told them his latest news reluctantly as they tried to do the homework Professor McGonagall had given them, Hermione thought it was a brilliant Idea, more security while Ron just nodded in agreement, he likes to have Harry's father and uncle around, as does Harry but not all the time, eventually, they all turn back to their work but all three of them kept breaking off and glancing out of the tower window.
"There's a light on in Hagrid's window," Harry said suddenly.
Ron looked at his watch.
"If we hurried, we could go down and see him. It's still quite early..."
"I don't know," Hermione said slowly, and Harry saw her glance at him.
"I'm allowed to walk across the grounds," he said pointedly. "Peter Pettigrew hasn't got past the Dementors yet, has he?"
So they put their things away and headed out of the portrait hole, glad to meet nobody on their way to the front doors, as they weren't entirely sure they were supposed to be out.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the castle, Love Emerson entered the Hospital Wing, looking for a certain bleach blonde, yet not entirely happy to see him.
"Draco, you're such daft." She announced herself, as she approach his bed, noticing the bandages on his right arm.
Draco looked up from the book he was reading, probably one that one of his friends brought for him, and scoff rolling his eyes once he saw her. "I'm on a hospital bed and that's the first thing you say to me, nice to know I'm appreciated."
"It's not like you deserve any sympathy coming from me," Love told him, eyes hardening. "As a matter of fact, I shouldn't even be here even less talking to you, as I remember you said 'I don't even know why am I speaking with you, Emeron' sounds familiar?"
Draco purses his lips, looking uncharacteristically guilty. "I didn't mean it, Crabbe and Gole were there and–"
"Right, because you being friends with a muggle-born is such a scandal." She crosses her arms, eyes cold as they stared down at Draco.
"It's complicated and you know that, " He sighs, his book long forgotten. " Regardless, I shouldn't have said that, it was just at the sprung of the moment."
Love pursed her lips, thinking back at the previous year when she was assigned to sit next to him in charms, he was a right brat at first, making comments here and there which Love just ignored or say a few herself back. After a few classes together, Love realized that his gradings in the class were not great, she didn't say anything about it though, not until Professor Flitwick commented on them, asking Love to help him just a few times after class. To tutor him.
At first, of course, both refused profoundly but the old professor told Love that he'll give her extra credit if she did and reminded Draco that all Quidditch players needed a certain level of grades in school to be on the team, so reluctantly they ended up in a secluded part of the library, – per his request– for his tutoring.
It was hard at first, as expected, but after a little, while both became somewhat of acquaintances, Love made him realize that both of them benefited from these tutoring sessions and it was not like anyone would see them and eventually they became friends which led them to share a few things with one another.
Draco's attitude changed towards her a bit when she told him she was adopted, Love was well aware of why the factor changed things for him, of his perspective of her, because her true lineage was unknown, open to be anything, even pureblood. On the other hand, Love found out that Draco Malfoy was much more than he let on, he was complicated, and he was brought up in a cold, closeminded household which unfortunately, in the muggle world that's pretty common, Love herself had received a few nasty comments for it, because of who her family is but she believes people like that are just guided in life wrongly and can change given the chance, so, she gave Draco a chance.
But of course, Rome wasn't built in a day, there was an unspoken condition for the friendship to happen. They never talked if not in private, because Draco Malfoy, the pureblooded Slytherin would be the laugh of his house if was seen interacting more than necessary with a muggle-born girl.
Love didn't think the whole blood thing was that deep, both of them are humans, bleed red, have warm blood, have the same organs, and feel things, but alas she let him be for the sake of their friendship but that doesn't mean she's going to forgive everything he does or say, there have been a few occasions where he crosses a line and she had to set him straight like she was currently doing.
"I didn't mean it, Love, really, it's just... my friends wouldn't understand." Draco moved forwards and grabbed her forearm with his good one, making her look at him
"Oh, alright." Love sighs, arms going limp to her side before taking his hand on hers. "I forgive you, but I really don't like that lot you hang with, Crabbe's aggressive."
"He just has half a brain cell, don't hold it against him,"
Love snorted, shaking her head, she sat down on the near chair, "So, how are you feeling?"
"It comes and goes, Madam Pomfrey said I could have lost my arm," Draco said, struggling to hold her bandaged arm up for her to see.
Love narrows her eyes, knowing her friend likes to add more than necessary to the stories. "Lost a limb? Draco get serious."
"I am, that... beast could've ripped it off." He sneered, eyes going cold. "All because of that bloody halfbreed–"
"Draco." Love snapped, eyes narrowing, she absolutely despised it when he spoke like that, and he knew and yet it always slipt.
He rolled his eyes, "I'm hoping he gets sacked."
"Oh, for Rowena's sake Draco, he doesn't deserve that, can't you just leave the man alone?"
"Look at me, Love," He snapped, eyes narrowing. "He's not fit to be a professor."
"We don't know that yet, but... "she sighs knowing it would be useless to talk to him at the moment when he's still hot and bothered about what happened. "Whatever, let's talk about something else, like, how were your holidays?"
"Good," He shrugged, as if it was nothing special had happened. "Went to my summer manor in France, Pansy came over repeatedly, wouldn't stop following me around, it was vexing and the worst of all, mother thinks we're getting married,"
"Ah, just imagine, Pansy Malfoy, the lady of the Malfoy Manor, how nice." Love said in a dreamy voice, hands clapping together in fake fascination.
"Stop, that'll never happen," Draco shuddered, before grabbing her hand once again. "What about you?"
"Well, my holidays were also pretty great," She said, smiling at the memories, "Went to Singapore and then visit my grandparents, it was actually refreshing to visit them for a change."
"You look different this year." He told her suddenly.
Love's smile wavered, mind subconsciously racing,  "What do you mean?"
"Just..." He looked down at their hands and shrugged. "Different."
"Why thank you, Draco." She rolled her eyes, pursing her lips."It's just probably my stress levels taking over."
"Why are you stressed about? Classes had just started bloody Ravenclaws."
"I lost my journal, and I can't find it anywhere." Love's face turns into a distressed expression.
"Well, when did you last see it?" Draco asks, sitting up slightly.
"Ugh, no don't start, I already turn my head over because of that question, I refuse to go through that again, at least not tonight."
Draco rolled his eyes, leaning back against his pillow. "Don't worry your head that much, it is just a book."
"It's not just that–"
That's when Madam Pomfrey came by, interrupting their conversation.
"Dear, visiting hours are over, you must leave for him to get some rest and recover."
"Sorry, Madam Pomfrey, I'll take my leave then." Love smiled at her politely nodding her head before turning to Draco with a small smile, "Curfew's calling,"
He squeezes her hand, smiling at her softly. "I'll see you later, alright?."
And with that, she left but not before giving Madam Pomfrey one last polite smile.
A/N: Hope to enjoy the chapter. Please, tell me if you want to get tagged.
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