#fake peppino loves frogs
cody-the-cat · 1 year
I like to imagine that Fake Peppino lives with Peppino but wanders off to explore sometimes and likes mimicking all the animals he sees. Sometimes he brings frogs home. (Peppino isn't very happy about it)
And whenever Peppino makes pizza with spinach on it, Fake Peppino smiles at him (doing his version of puppy eyes) until he makes him one. Every time Peppino gives him one, he leaves for a few hours.
(He's feeding the tadpoles of the local frog family living in the river nearby. They love him :))
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marclef · 8 months
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quick, slightly cleaned sketches of me trying to figure out how the heck i want my Peppino Clones to look. but ehhhh they look nice so i'm posting them.
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wattice · 6 months
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Funky guy !
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iheartpeppino · 22 days
I found out recently that when you fight Fake Peppino, he doesn't actually attack until you hit him first. He just gets close to you without hurting you at first. But as soon as you make the first strike, he starts attacking back in self-defense.
Dude is literally a creature who's curious about you until you decide to hurt him. Why would you do that!?
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Right. Now be friendly. Try and give it a head pat.
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" I'll do ya one better, come' ere ya big lovable lug! "
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" Don't do it! "
" I mean it! "
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" Please don't. "
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" You are so lucky you're so dad-gum cute!!! I'd be so mad at you right now!!!! Did you really have to cover me in spoiled marinara??? You can take your head off you know!! I've seen you do it before!!! "
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juliatv · 2 months
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ate cherry jam and was happy
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clownpepperoni · 1 year
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fp splooting tho,,,,,,,,,,
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bluetheartblog · 1 year
why the heck do some people give vigilante pizza tower such thicc, plump juicy ass thighs
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nanakami · 1 year
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She's such a silly frog. Had to draw Doppia in a froggy hat and hoodless jacket.
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mango-mage · 1 year
There need to be way more mimic characters that go the uncanny valley route rather than the darker counterpart route
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ratcate · 1 year
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we need coders for the FAKE PEPPINO MOD!! If you code and love the frog lad, contact us at [email protected] !
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marclef · 5 months
kinda wish more people draw pizzahead & fake pep together like as a creator/creation duo. idk if it’s 100% canon that pizzahead made fake pep but it just seems like a fun concept
i just want to see them being silly lol
i do love seeing everyone's takes on Fake and Pizzahead together hehe, it's always either:
a. Silly Goopy Creature with his loving supportive father
or b. Goop Creature traumatized by his own creation, probably would tear Pizzahead to shreds out of revenge
as for me, well, i've got my own headcanons/take on their relationship.......... let's just say Fake might not be too happy about seeing Pizzahead any time soon. it'd probably take a bit to explain exactly WHY, but i won't bother you with that unless you really want to hear it.... hehehe....
but i DO still love seeing some nice interactions between the two! maybe just because i like seeing some Goofy Goober content to go alongside the occasional Ungodly Horrifying Monstrosity 😊
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look at this boy and tell me he's not allowed to be Silly.
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kairokust · 10 months
I love fake Peppino trying to be a frog!! He’s so cute. I wanna ask if I can squish his goopy baby face?
I don’t wanna hurt him though, just a lil squeeze for the baby. Love your art btw ❤️❤️
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You absolutely can :D A little squeeze for a frog boi
And thank you sm!! Glad you like my doodles :D
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manicplank · 2 months
What if the s/o is…
*clears throat*…in the mood? 👀
(Don’t have to answer if you don’t want to-)
SUGGESTIVE WARNING (it's pretty sfw tho)
Peppino: He's not quite in the same mood, but... he would enjoy some snuggles. He snuggles with his s/o until he's zonked out on top of them, totally hogging the bed.
Gustavo: He chuckles. He supposes if there's time, they could do something quickly. It's a little late, buuuut... He gives them a wink and a smile. 👀
Mr. Stick: He turns beet red. He stutters on his words and gets completely flustered. His s/o sees how nervous he is and reassures that they don't have to do anything. (He's too nervous.)
Pepperman: He calmly explains his asexuality. He also doesn't have... well... anything down there. His s/o is more than understanding.
The Vigilante: He lets out a jolly laugh and explains that he's asexual. He pats his s/o on the arm and says, "That doesn't mean I don't love ya."
The Noise: He chuckles and smiles mischievously. Clothes fly off, and giggling can be heard behind the closed door. 👀
Noisette: She becomes very giggly and giddy. She closes the door and rushes over to Noise. Giggling and laughter can be heard from their room... 👀
Fake Peppino: Please do not flippity floppity floo the frog.
Pizzahead: He gets giggly and silly. He keeps busting out laughing. It takes a minute before they can get into it because he can't stop giggling. 👀
Pillar John: He explains he's a bit uncomfortable since he's ace. His s/o apologizes. They end up having intimate conversations about life and its meanings.
Gerome: He shrugs and says he's ace. His s/o apologizes, but he says there's no need as they didn't know. They end up snuggling and watching a movie instead (and he falls asleep halfway through).
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pizzatowerconfessions · 2 months
Since the confessions here have been kinda downers as of late I'm gonna confess something uplifting:
I love, love, love LOVE the "fake Peppino becomes real Peppino's brother and he's the best eldrich frog brother ever" headcanon. I mean, I've always loved it - it's such a sweet idea but since the reveal of Peppino's brother Maurice I have a whole new love for it because Maurice is... an absolute asshole. He does not vibe with me, I don't care if you headcanon him to be "nicer on the inside", "yes he's mean but he'll still protect his brother" or whatever. The relationship that Maurice has with his brother is not healthy, and I feel like his constant bullying really messed up Peppino both mentally and physically.
Not me overanalyzing the funny pizza game haha wheee
I like the diverse interpretations of fake Peppino in general. As far as I know, there is minimal official lore and we don't see much of his personality outside of what we see in the games so sky's the limit with interpretations. He can be a monstrous velociraptor horror, innocent frog creature, or funny slime man it's all cool and valid to me. However you interpret him I will always love him being Peppino's sweet and supportive brother because I like to think he would fill the gap in Peppino's heart that always wanted a sibling that didn't make him feel like an utter failure every minute of his life.
Not me overanalyzing the funny pizza game part 2 electric boogaloo
Fake Peppino should yeet Maurice into the depths of hell lol
Additionally, anyone who makes fan-made Spaghetti family members who love and support Peppino... I love you so much (platonically). Give Peppino the familial love and support he needs, this dude deserves all the best <3
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iheartpeppino · 23 days
I'm bored, so I'm just gonna write what I find most attractive or appealing about each Pizza Tower character!
Peppino Spaghetti - His superhuman strength and speed is extremely impressive, and watching him in action is immensely satisfying. Also, the fact he takes the time to save the bosses from the crumbling Pizza Tower shows he has a caring heart. I'm also very fond of how expressive Peppino is, and I'm also quite fond of his design in general; he's a middle-aged, balding overweight man yet I find him very handsome.
Gustavo - Admittedly, I find Gustavo quite handsome and even cute. I also like that he's supposed to be a Mario expy whose partner is Rick the Hamster instead of Yoshi; it's an interesting spin. It's also nice Gustavo cares enough about Peppino that he's willing to help him take on the Pizza Tower, even if it means facing giant rats. I found out not too long ago that Gustavo has a son... but he's not married? Is he divorced? WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS WOULD DIVORCE GUSTAVO!? HE'S SUCH A NICE GUY WHAT THE HECK!?
Brick - Just like all the Stupid Rats, Brick is super adorable. One look at those eyes and I'm done. He's too cute. I love him. I want a Stupid Rat plushie and I want it NOW.
Mr. Scott Stick - This bald, skinny twig of a man... is admittedly handsome in my eyes. He's a jerk who scams desperate people for money, but GOSH... I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Mr. Stick can get it. He's a cutie. Is it the suit? I dunno, maybe. That, and he's apparently a huge dork when he's not scamming people... which I find endearing, oddly.
Phil Pepperman - This pepper is an absolute unit with a big grin and striking blue eyes. I wouldn't call myself a simp, but I understand completely why some people find Pepperman attractive. Personally, I find his pseudo-intellectual personality off-putting, but he is quite good-looking for a pepper.
Vigert Ebenezer Lantte - He's an older guy with a cowboy motif and a great sense of justice and responsibility. How can you not find that attractive? Yes, I know he's a cheese slime, who cares! Don't think I haven't seen people simp over this guy and draw him as a human, either!
Theodore "The" Noise - I'm not a Noise simp by any stretch, but if there is one thing I can say that's attractive about him... it would be his youthful spirit. Yes, The Noise is a manchild, but that's not always a bad thing.
Noisette - She's a very silly little lady whom I find very cute. I appreciate that her design is just as goofy as her boyfriend's, too.
Fake Peppino - What can I say? He's a monster, and I'm a monster lover. I like that he's adorable, silly, AND super deadly! I wanna kiss the frog man, if he'll let me.
Pizzaface - I've seen people draw this mech with a big, beefy body. I get it. Pizzaface's design is appealing, why wouldn't you give him a beefy body to match how powerful he is...?
Pizzahead - HANDSOME UNHINGED SILLY-ASS PIZZA CLOWN MAKES MY MIND GO BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. The sheer autism I have for this guy is unreal. His laugh, his design, his obsession with Peppino, his weird motivations... HE'S NUTS AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.
Pillar John - Uh... I like his hat? I mostly find John intimidating due to his sheer size and that damned Meatophobia music that plays when you go near him...
Gerome - He has a neat design. I've seen some interesting fan art of him hooking up with pretty girls who are much taller than he is. Good for him, honestly.
BONUS: Maurice Spaghetti - He looks like Peppino but with more hair and facial hair... in other words, handsome. Too bad his personality is utterly abysmal!
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