#that one bitch from moana
0urloveisdahlia · 2 years
They don't exist bitch, they're imaginary.
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disney-is-mylife · 6 months
Disney Prince x Princess Couples SWAP!!!
FYI: I'm ONLY counting official Princess couples, which ends with Anna being the last one with a canon love interest. So, there's no Merida, Elsa, Moana, or Raya. The goal for this was to have Prince x Princess crossover pairings ONLY.
Snow White x Eugene
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Rapunzel is basically Modern-Day Snow White, and they have very similar Pure Hearts, the kind that can break down Eugene's walls. Snow White knows how to be firm when necessary, but her greatest strength is her unfailing kindness. Eugene would definitely reveal his deepest desires after sharing a cup of tea with Snow.
Cinderella x Adam (the Beast)
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Picture this: Cinderella chooses to stay at the Beast's castle in exchange for her family (be it her dad, who is alive some versions of the fairytale, or her step-family, because she IS selfless enough to try to help them). She no longer has to work as a slave (though knowing her, she'd still damn well would try to help out), and she would assimilate easily into an Enchanted Castle's environment, and her gentleness and kindness, with juuuuust a bit more of a feisty backbone to confront the Beast's temper, would unravel the Beast's tangled heart.
Aurora x Eric
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There are two things Phillip and Eric have in common: they both slayed the villain in an incredibly badass fashion, and they both are smitten with a mysterious voice. Eric is 1000% an homage to Prince Phillip's character, and you cannot tell me that he wouldn't fall head over heels in love with Mary Costa "Briar Rose's" gorgeous voice. (And let's be real, Aurora definitely has a Type lol)
Ariel x John Smith
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Ariel wants to see the human world. John Smith wants to explore the "New World." You do the math. Okay, in all honesty, this is lowkey my least favorite pairing 😭 but when you take away the Awkward Historical Stuff, they do still??? kinda fit???? It's one thing for Ariel to go ashore the nearest human kingdom; it's another for her to actually EXPLORE the planet, with an equal adventurer by her side. (Originally, I paired her with Aladdin, but I found an equal, if not better partner for him below ^^")
Belle x Phillip
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Here's a "Prince Charming" who takes names and kicks ass and would provide the adventure Belle wants so dearly. Also, I just want good things for Belle, so really, who wouldn't want Prince Slay-a-Dragon-Get-the-Girl Phillip???
Jasmine x Shang
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Shang likes a woman who can kick his ass, whether physically or verbally, and Jasmine 1000% fits the bill. Also, she'd whip that Internalized Misogyny out of his system faster than you can say "I'll Make a Man Out of You" lol
Pocahontas x Kristoff
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Look, they're both outdoorsy types, definitely prefer animals to people, and totally would take up rock climbing as a couple's activity. They're one of the few couples on this list that I did NOT change my mind on; they just fit, okay????
Mulan x Florian
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Idk sometimes I'm a basic bitch and just want a Malewife x Girlboss pairing bksbdvhbdvnmsdxngf
Tiana x Charming
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I just want good things for Tiana and if that means marrying a rich prince who'll step back and let her manage her own restaurant or the palace kitchens, then so be it! Again, Malewife x Girlboss 😤
Rapunzel x Aladdin
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Both are adventurous, both have confidence in their abilities despite their traumas, and Rapunzel is feisty enough for Aladdin's tastes. (Also, I have an inexplicable image of them adventuring throughout Agrabah with Punzie's hair swinging them about, Spider-Man style hdbgfjsdbhkgbsdf XD)
Anna x Naveen
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Look, Naveen has actual Game, and is NOT sinister like Hans, so he would EASILY sweep Anna off her feet, in the best way possible. But he wouldn't jump to marriage, and Elsa's Ice Queen presence would prevent him from, ah, moving things too fast lol ^^" Naveen, at the end of the day, is a supporter, not a leader, and that gives room for Anna to take the reins.
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modelbus · 2 years
Hii! Can I request a Tommy x reader (romantic) where they’re just chilling at Tommys apartment together and she jokingly hits him with a pillow and runs off and he catches her and they start play fighting just lots and lots of fluff <33 she/her pronouns or they/them if you want
I am a sucker for fluff... I used a third person POV for this one! Let me know if you like it, or which POV you prefer.
Pairing: Tommyinnit x Female!Reader (romantic)
Fluffy Fighting
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"You can edit more in the morning, please get some sleep." She begs.
Tommy, ever persistent on his editing conquest, doesn't even turn his chair around to answer. "I'll be done eventually."
"But at what cost?"
To that he doesn't reply. Although she knew Tommy loved YouTube and Twitch, this was taking it a bit far. Some of his subtitlers went on vacation so he decided to subtitle his video himself, but it was just taking forever. A whole day of editing! That meant she hadn't gotten to spend any actual time with her boyfriend despite having been invited to his apartment.
"You're going to fuck up your sleep schedule." She tries again, but to no avail.
Stubbornness was both a good and a bad trait, for this exact reason.
"I'll fix it eventually." He dismisses.
That's it. Grabbing a pillow from the bed, she stands and quietly approaches him. He doesn't spot her, so she hits him on the head with it.
Immediately, his hands stop moving on the keyboard and mouse. With a swallow, she backs up a few steps and drops the pillow. At least he's spun his chair around?
"Did you just hit me with a fucking pillow?"
The way his lips are tugging up into a grin, ruining his fake frown, betray him. See, she knows that look. It was his bad idea look, his "I'm going to drag you into my bad idea look", and in general his mischievous look. So, like any sane person would, she turns tail and runs.
Within seconds she can hear him running after her. The thing about Tommy was that he was tall with long legs, meaning she was absolutely screwed.
“Get back here, bitch!” He yells.
She raises her middle finger in his vague direction, too busy rounding the couch to actually look behind her. When she fakes left he jolts that way, and when he fakes right she jolts the other way.
To her right is a half-finished Lego set, so she grabs a Lego and chucks it at him.
"Hey!" He yells, finding it and throwing it back. "Leave my Legos out of this!" After a second of a weird stand-off, he attempts to hop the couch. It’s more of an awkwardly slow tumble, sending her into laughter.
Unfortunately for her, he recovers quickly. Noticing a second too late she barely turns around before he’s grabbing her wrist and tugging her backwards. Arms wrap around her waist once she’s in range, trapping her in his embrace.
“I am going to suffocate you.” He announces.
“Wait, please, I have a family.”
“Not anymore!”
"I have so much to live for!" She fake sobs.
"Like what, bitch?!"
A small smile grows on her face, her next words glaringly obvious.
"Well, I have this boyfriend named Tommy who I'm pretty sure would like me to live."
"Well what if he doesn't?"
"...fuck. Didn't consider that."
Finally, Tommy laughs and breaks his character.
"Guess my boyfriend won't get kisses from me anymore." She hums, slipping out of his now-relaxed hold.
"Wait." He pouts. "I do want you to live!"
"Oh, in that case..."
She turns around to face him, leaning up for a kiss. After a second she can't help herself, and mumbles against his lips, "I win."
"What?" He laughs, pulling away with a faint blush.
"You aren't editing. I win."
"You tricked me!"
"Yup. And it worked. So you have to go to bed now, because I won."
"I didn't agree to that!"
"My rules."
"This is-" A yawn cuts him off halfway through, and he doesn't attempt to finish the sentence.
"Exactly. Come on, we can fall asleep to Moana or something."
"Moana is actually so fucking good."
"I know, I know."
Before she can head back to his bedroom, he steps closer again and kisses her again. Her hands go around his neck, his around her waist, and they sway just a little.
“Fine. Let’s sleep.” He finally relents.
Now that he's given up trying to resist, it only takes a few minutes for the both of them to find their way to bed. Moana plays on his laptop, but it's almost useless as they both find themselves falling asleep within minutes, curled safely into each other.
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livstarlight · 2 years
In a future hypotetical serene all-funs-and-games time for the Wakanda-Talokan squad where they start a betting game on which disney movie would be Namor's favorite, and the answers would vary from something more obvious like "The Little Mermaid", or a more thought-through answer like "Atlantis", or why not, even "Beauty and the beast" as a joke (" BITCH PLEASE IT'S OBVIOUSLY THAT" "No it's not, Riri")
And Shuri is like "Guys no" but they are obviously not listening to her, until one day she can’t take it anymore and just outright asks him because whatever she is curious too sue her and Namor just looks at her funny and tells her with a shrug that is Moana ("Was it really in question?" "Please just shut up")
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Shiny from Moana is so Neptune coded actually, ESPECIALLY in timelines where he's ascended to their Lord in Black form, Starry (or, A'stertunus, if you want to be extra formal). And, interestingly, I think this particular song would be very interesting if it's centered around Starry singing to Hannah.
Now, the first verse seems to be mainly Starry singing about "hey look how cool and pretty I am, I'm a fucking immortal cat god and you're just mortal you fucking loser," and of course the "did your granny say listen to your heart / be who you are on the inside / I need three words to tear her argument apart / your granny LIED" is Starry mocking the things Webby might've told Hannah growing up. Y'know, classic "Webby is a stupid bitch" stuff. But, what these lines really are is the start of the Neptune/Starry and Hannah parallels, yippee!
While most of the song goes about as you'd expect, with Starry singing a cool and awesome song while bragging about how cool and awesome hy is, as Hannah just... Tries to survive, where it REALLY gets juicy is the "Far from the ones who abandoned you" bit where in the original song it's Tamatoa making fun of Maui's backstory and how weak that makes him, here that same part is recontextualized as Starry seeing a reflection of himself in Hannah and HATING IT.
Here's a lyric by lyric breakdown of the parallels so it can fully understand how GENIUS they are.
"Far from the ones who abandoned you / chasing the love of these humans who made you feel wanted."
At first glance, these lines are simply Starry mocking Hannah for their fraught relationship with both their parents, with an absent father and a neglectful, abusive mother, and how that drove them to follow Webby. However, if you know anything about Neptune's backstory, this is strikingly similar to THEIR reason for worshipping Pokey, becoming his adopted son, and in timelines where hy's ascended to his Lord in Black form as Starry, EVEN BECAME A GOD AT ALL. Neptune had a similarly fraught relationship with both his parents, where they were borderline neglectful to them, only caring enough to keep hymn fed, watered, and sheltered, leaving him constantly starved for some form of attention, affection, or a scrap of parental approval. And, just like Hannah, this drove Neptune into the waiting arms of an eldritch god, though instead of the benevolent Queen in White, Webby, it was the most uncompromising of her brothers, Pokotho, the Singular Voice himself.
"You tried to be tough / but your armor's just not hard enough."
This line, in this case, gives away Neptune/Starry's underlying feelings towards Hannah. Again, they realize how similar they are, how they were taken in by eldritch paternal figures for similar reasons, and hy HATES it. In his mind, this just means they have to work to prove hy's BETTER than Hannah somehow, that he's stronger, tougher, and they didn't get where hy was just by being Pokey's son. Acknowledging their similarities would mean acknowledging all his deep rooted issues with their parents, hymns need for approval, and shockingly low self worth, and he doesn't want to do that because that would mean (to Starry, at least), acknowledging hy's weak. So, his goading and mocking of Hannah and how they're supposedly weaker than them is, in reality, hymn grasping at straws, trying to find something that sets him apart from Hannah, makes them better and still worthwhile.
It's honestly kind of depressing, if you think of it. What with all their similarities, Neptune and Hannah might have had an opportunity to become friends once upon a time if Neptune just got a bit of therapy, but because of hymns inferiority complex and fear of not being "good enough" for Pokey, for ANYONE, it's these same similarities that drive them further apart.
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It's been like almost a full week since episode 8 came out and WOW. Just WOW.
The fight with Ares was exactly how I imagined it as a child and more. The way Percy immediately got his ass headed to him only to go full Moana perfection. Also the actor for Ares is a former WWE wrestler, so when Percy is like I wanna fight i'm like boy he will break your skull.
Alecto maybe a bitch but she's one of the cool ones and possibly in my top ten of antagonists who aren't really antagonists they just have different morals.
Did I cry when Annabeth gave Percy her necklace? Yes. They quoted the scene of her giving it to him, word for word.
Luke teaching Percy to sword fight and give him advice was so cute only to be riped to shreds at the climax, but we'll get there.
Olympus looks like something out of a video game and to be honest, I don't really like it that much because it doesn't really give me this is the land of the gods. It looks gorgeous, but not something i'd for this show. I personally prefer the one for the movie. I know sue me, but it gave more of what ancient Greece would have actually looked like. One of three things the movie did right. BUT the throne room spot on ten out of ten.
Also Zeus just chilling in his throne waiting for Percy, beautiful. The actors whole demeanor while playing Zeus is so intemanating yet ignorant. This maybe one my favorite irradiation of Zeus. But the way Poseidon protected Percy from Zeus AND surrendered to Zeus for his son, someone just one the Best godly parent of the year award. This meeting or reunion of Percy and Poseidon was too perfecto. Percy calling Poseidon dad in ANCIENT GREEK no less. Also the way how Poseidon holds him self while talking to Percy you can see the pain, fearfullness, and proudness all in the actors face. The cast in this is so good. You can also see how Poseidon just wants to scoop Percy up in a hug and protect him. Why does this show play with my heart strings.
The batrayal is prefect. With everything to Percy's realization in the way Luke looks at Annabeth when she reveals herself. This is better then using the scorpion because it adds more emotional depth and you can feel just the pain coming from Luke. Also when Percy was like we met your father and Luke just snapped. I got chills but also laughed out loud because if Lin was my father i'd have issues too.
I bawled when the trip split up at the end, all of them have grown so much. Also Annabeth going to Disney World, you know that's the photo the Percy will have in his notebook, guaranteed. Also Grover's searcher license being a flower is too adorable.
The reunion between Sally and Percy also destroyed me. It was all the emotions. As I said before this show is phenomenal and it wouldn't be anything with its cast. Where's the award for this show gods Damit.
Cronos just invading Percy's dream and Percy just going full Persassy on his dusty titan ass was perfect. Not Sally with the Dream Journal though. Also I'm probably the only one, but I forgot that Percy was Seventh grade.
The ending with Gabe becoming stone not because Sally had enough, but because of his disrespect and lack of being a decent human being was what he deserved.
In total I cried 7 times probably because I can't believe this season is over. This show is full of so much passion and you can feel it. It has some faults was piece of media adapting a popular series doesn't, but this does the books justice and it intorduces the story to a wider audience. Though a longer episode count would be much appreciated.
If this doesn't get a award I throwing hands anyways, good morrow fellow fans, hyperfixators, and all the others in between.
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meraki-yao · 3 months
Omg I don’t like the live adaptions for Disney movies across the board so I just didn’t want to watch the little mermaid and I was so worried people would think it was because of racism! I’m sure she was great in the role and I absolutely did not care that they cast a black woman in the role but I wasn’t going to watch the movie for a million other reasons! None of them having to do with Halle! (Sorry Halle!)
I... I can freaking write an essay on my opinions on live-action Disney remakes. The only one I see of any actual value, which ended up becoming one of my all-time favourite movies, is 2015 Cinderella. It wasn't a one-to-one remake of the original, the costume and cinematography actually looked like a fairy tale book. It also improved upon the flaws of the original, namely giving the Prince a clear personality and backstory, giving Ella and Kit a chance to connect before the ball, cutting down the animal bits, giving Lady Tremaine an understandable yet logical reason for her behaviour, and give Ella a stronger, clearer character as well. It might as well be a new Cinderella movie, separate from the 1950 animated one.
The rest have a lot of flaws and do not add much to the original story while actively diminishing certain messages in the original.
(Spoilers for live-action remakes of Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King and The Little Mermaid, also I went on a rant again lmao)
In Beauty and the Beast 2017, Gaston is painted more sympathetically as he actually helped Maurice, and Belle comes off as arrogant and impolite. Instead of the library being a gift from the Beast to Belle which was a monumental change in their relationship, the library was just Beast judging Belle's taste in books and showing off how well-read he is. It isn't endearing.
In Lion King 2019 (holy shit I'm mad at this one, I mentioned this before but I was such a Lion King fangirl when I was younger) they removed Be Prepared, one of the best Disney Villain songs ever, and took away the menacing factor of Scar. Scar bitch slaps Mufasa and “Long Live the King” was more or less shouted, which just takes away the horror of the sudden, quiet betrayal of the original whispered "Long Live the King" and killing Mufasa by letting go and having him fall to his death. Daylight was present throughout the entire "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" scene. Mufasa didn't appear as this almost religious, God-like figure in the clouds, it was just the clouds because of realism, and that makes the scene so much weaker because there's not a figure to visualize. The CGI was so focused on getting the anatomy right that they completely forgot how animals emote (animals can be extremely expressive) so all of them appear expressionless
In The Little Mermaid 2023, the musical numbers were arranged and filmed/edited in a way that takes away the charm of the original. For example, in "Under the Sea", during the bridge where Sebastian ticks off a list of different sea creatures performing, instead of showing said sea creatures during each line like the lyrics intend, it just shows random stuff randomly. They added an instrumental break that slowed down the song's momentum and didn't rebuild it. And why is Ariel singing Under the Sea when she's trying to leave the sea??? Also, I usually love Lin Manuel Miranda's songs, big fan of In the Heights, Hamilton, and the music of both Moana and Encanto, but the new songs he wrote for the movie didn't add anything, and actually dragged the movie in places that should have been quicker, like Scuttle butt. The reason Triton came to terms with Ariel's longing for the land and gave her legs in the end is because he saw Eric kill Ursala for Ariel, which disproved his original opinions of humans being selfish, dangerous creatures. In the remake, 1, Triton straight up died when Ursala took his trident, so he didn't see the final battle at all 2, Ariel, a mermaid who has never been on a ship's deck before, heck from the movie I don't she even saw a functioning steering wheel, somehow managed to accurately steer a ship, in the middle of a storm and a giant whirlpool, while having no legs, that's not reasonable 3, even if Triton was there to watch, Eric didn't do shit in the final battle and was basically useless, so why would Triton change his mind? The whole point of Triton's trajectory in the original was him getting over his prejudice towards humans and learning to understand Ariel's perspective. That entire arc was rushed and more or less gone in the remake. And see how none of the issues I mentioned above have to do with casting Halle? It's entirely about the storytelling and the musical arrangements
Ok I did not mean to make this so long, I got carried away lol can you tell I'm passionate about the subject
Someday I think I'll write proper Disney essays
Tagging two of my Disney friends/mutual cuz I kinda wanna hear your opinions: @pippin-katz @lfg1986-2
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misscoolisback123 · 5 months
Disney's "Wish" is one of those movies that, in 10 years from now, you're not going to see YouTube videos saying "We Were Wrong about Wish" and stuff like that. It's genuinely bad. There are movies that are bad, but they're so bad that they're good and there are movies that are bad just because they are bad. People are bitching about the animation because they wanted traditional hand drawn animation back but Disney isn't limited to just one style of animation. You can't keep relying on them to make hand drawn animated movies. There are anime studios in which the workers are being run ragged. The animation for the movie was one of the main factors of it because they tried to emulate the Spiderverse movies. Wish looks like it's in the animation process. Another factor of its was the marketing. The story, characters, and songs are terrible. I haven't seen the movie but I've watched reviews of it. The script was apparently made with chat GPT. There have been concept art sketches that have resurfaced and made their way online, detailing that Asha was supposed to have a prince. Now, I love romance in movies, but people need to understand that there have been a ton of Disney movies that don't have romance in them. The Disney princess movies were adapted from classic fairytales except for Moana. Moana was adapted from Polynesian mythology. Maui in Polynesian mythology has a wife, but they probably didn't want to go any further. Though people have been speculating that the grandmother of Moana is probably his wife. The story writers of Wish tried to reference older Disney movies, but they failed. Tangled has some references in the background of the movie from older Disney movies along with the cartoon series. But they were subtle because Tangled is it's own movie, and they worked well.
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wendytestabrat · 5 months
even MORE disney movies i’ve tortured myself with
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•lilo & stitch - i suffered l&s at the hands of my sister 47473923839 times as a kid but this movie is actually pretty good looking back on it now. and much darker than i remember it being like bruh this movie is abt a fucking autistic girl who’s parents just DIED and she’s about to get taken away from her sister too, so she befriends a fucking alien to deal with the pain.
•frozen - i’ve shat on frozen a lot in the past (you know, like a week ago) bc it’s overrated trash and has A LOT of problems but in retrospect it still is a pretty decent movie ngl. even tho the songs carry the whole thing bc the plot is so messy lol. i remember the let it go scene had my 14 year old ass SHOOK when i saw this in theaters lol. it’s one of the better disney songs and the whole reason that movie was so successful and won like 47382992 oscars, fight me bitch.
•tangled - a MASTERPIECE is prob the best disney princess movie along with aladdin.
•moana - god this movie is boring af and took me like 5 sit downs to get through. idc what anyone says this movie is overrated trash and the plot is too confusing and makes no sense like idc about all that magical-ocean-restoring-the-heart-finding-a demigod-and-taking-down-a-lava-monster-crap. a kids’ movie shouldn’t have an ADULT watching it scratching her head LOL. ya’ll only like this movie bc it’s abt a polynesian princess even tho the story sucks and idek who out there was begging for a movie abt a polynesian princess. the animation is good tho, the detail in all that water must’ve been hard to animate.
•the princess and the frog - this movie was pretty bad but the soundtrack was good and i liked tiana as a character. but yeah i don’t wanna watch an entire plot around two frogs fucking i’m good thanks.
•tangled before ever after - it was aight but the original tangled movie ends perfectly so i feel like it’s something that doesn’t need a sequel or to be continued. ESPECIALLY if mother gothel aint in it bc she’s the best part of the first movie lol.
•beauty and the beast: the enchanted christmas - total garbage. belle has a martyr complex and savior complex and she’s the kyle of the disney princesses, also gaston wasn’t in it, so i don’t recommend suffering through this, next. (the original b&b slaps tho).
•aladdin (live action version) - ok this movie was total garbage even tho it had some good parts like will smith as the genie who carried the whole thing, but the casting for all the other characters was SHIT. i’m surprised people say this is one of the better live action remakes bc if so i’m scared to watch the others if THIS is as good as it gets LOL.
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The right universe.
Summary: After Y/N's life turns upside down, she's full of grief. Somehow, one day, she manages to travel to the MCU, where she meets her favorite characters, including a certain god who seems willing to establish a friendship with her. Suddenly she's enwrapped in this new world, where everything she loved in a screen is now reality. How will she react? Will she be able to deal with the ghosts that haunt her? Or will she let them consume her? Will she be open to accept the love she is offered? Read to find out!
Read this on AO3! 
Category: F/M.
Relationships: Loki/reader.
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Vision (Marvel), Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, other minor appearances of other characters but these are the main ones, Pepper Potts, Loki (Marvel).
Additional tags: Loki/reader - Freeform, Avenger Loki (Marvel), Loki & Tony Stark Friendship, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluffyfest, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Pining a lot because we love to suffer, Domestic Avengers, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark is a parental figure, Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, Everyone is a good bro, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, y/n, After Infinity War but no one died and the purple bitch was defeated, Missions, Y/N is a universe traveller, Grief, Therapy, Protective Loki (Marvel), Loki in love.
Chapter 14: Making Steve Rogers cry.
“Okay baby, we are going to the doctor. Don't make a mess please.” Y/N told Frosty, while she was putting him in his little cage. She hated putting him there, but with the busy streets of New York, it was the easiest thing to do. “Guys, I'm leaving for the vet!” She told a few members of the team who were in the living area.
“Alright Y/N! Bye Frosty!” Sam cooed, sticking a finger into a small square in the cage, trying to pet the cat.
Getting off the bus and walking to the vet was much easier than she thought, she was scared someone would complain about the animal on the public transport but no one did. Entering the doors, someone who was leaving bumped into her.
“Oh my! I'm so sorry!” The woman said.
“No, it's okay!” Y/N told her, finally looking at her. She was gorgeous, her face reminded her of Rapunzel from Tangled.
“Hey I've seen you around. Your cat is adorable!”
“Oh thank you, did you hear that Frosty?” She said to the cat who just stared at her. “He's not very talkative.” She told her.
“Oh, don't worry, sometimes they need to warm up before relaxing around someone.” The blonde woman said. “Sarah,” she introduced herself.
“Y/N,” she shook her hand.
“Y/F/N!” The man at the desk called.
“Oh, I have to go. It was nice meeting you!” Y/N said, beginning to leave for the office where the doctor was expecting her.
“See you around!”
“Wanda, pass me the tissues,” Y/N told the redhead who seemed to be hoarding them in her lap.
“No, grab your own, I need them.”
Y/N, the twins, Nat and Peter were watching a movie, Moana. And they were crying their eyes out, except for the spy, who seemed touched, but not so much as to cry.
Cap entered the living area next to the dining room and saw a weird scene. Wanda with scrambled tissues on her lap, Nat rubbing Y/N's back and Y/N, in return, hugging Peter and Pietro in a protective manner with one on each arm and Frosty on the floor, playing with a little toy, unbothered.
“Is everything alright?”
“Shh!” They all said pointing to the movie and Steve lifted his hands in surrender.
“Sheesh! Sorry.” But they weren't listening, paying full attention to the film playing on the TV screen, again. He sighed and decided to join them, to see what all the fuss was about.
Once the movie ended, Wanda passed Steve the tissues. He understood now why they were all so entranced with the movie. It was absolutely beautiful. And emotional.
“God I love this movie!” the Scarlet Witch said.
“It's so good!” Y/N said this time. “The fact that Te Fiti became Te kā due to the trauma of her heart being stolen and Moana returning that to her, but to get closer, treating her with love and care, even before she became a beautiful green island is insanely beautiful and I love it.” Everyone nodded in agreement.
“I must say, I haven't watched many animated movies because I assumed they were for children, but this was great.” Steve said, surprised about how much he enjoyed the movie and blowing his nose due to crying.
Tony and Clint entered, talking, and paused at the state of the group in front of them.
“What the hell is happening here?” Clint asked.
“We were watching Moana.” Nat said and Clint “Oh'd” in understanding.
“Were you all crying about a children's movie?” Tony asked, his tone mocking. The redhead looked at Y/N and smirked, while she looked back at her with a questioning look. “What?” The billionaire asked, a bit scared.  
“F.R.I.D.A.Y,” Natasha said, “could you show us the footage of Tony watching Bambi for the first time?”
“Of course Miss Romanoff.” The AI cut him off and a video started playing on the screen. It was Tony in the first plane, probably being recorded by his computer's camera, crying and blowing his nose while saying “No, Bambi!”
“I thought you were joking!” Y/N told Nat, laughing.
“I told you if he refused to let you get a pet I would threaten him with this.” She said, smirking.
“Hey!” Tony said. “You would threaten me Romanoff?” He asked, feigning hurt.
“For Y/N? Without a doubt.” She said, making Y/N grin.
“See tin-man, she's on my team now. Go cry about it like you did with Bambi.” She told him smugly and he rolled his eyes.
After a while of banter, they all got hungry and decided to order pizza. When it arrived, Tony told F.R.I.D.A.Y to let everyone else know. Peter had to go home, since it was a school night, so he took a few slices in a tupperware.
Soon enough, everyone started to pour in from the door, including Loki, who approached Y/N.
“Hey Lokie Dokie,” she whispered so no one could hear and he rolled his eyes.
“Mortal,” he greeted.
They all started eating pizza and chatting with the person next to them until Tony cleared his throat.
“Tonight,” he said in his dramatic fashion, “is team-bonding night. So we are playing a game… of Truth or Dare.” A lot of complaints were heard about it being boring or a children's game, but he maintained his position and said “It's not a children's game if we play it like adults.”
“I am not taking part in this nonsense.” Loki told Y/N and started to get up, but she stopped him.
“Come on Lokes, we'll play for a bit and then we can go to the library.” He lifted his chin up, looking at her. “How does that sound huh?”
“You don't have to speak to me as if I were a child.” He said but she just looked at him, expectantly, and he sighed. “Fine.”
“Yay!” She put her fists up in celebration.
“Alright everyone, who wants to start? I don't mind starting… Okay I'll start.” Tony answered himself. “Romanoff, truth or dare?”
“Dare.” The redhead answered, taking a sip of her beer.
“I… dare you to play this entire game with one ice cube on each armpit the whole time, when it melts you have to grab another one.” Natasha simply nodded and stood up to get the ice cubes, sitting down and putting one where Tony said without even flinching.
“That was easy.”
“It was the first one,” he responded.
“Okay, I'll go!” Sam said, “Bucky, truth or dare?”
“Truth,” Bucky said, a bit nervous but still stoic.
“Is it true that you have a crush on my sister Sarah?”
“It's not a crush.”
“But do you like her?” He inquired and the super soldier just nodded shyly. “I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you.” “Yes.” He said and drank from his beer.
Steve smirked and patted him on the shoulder.
“You should go for it, Buck.”
“Hey! No one is going for anything. She's my younger sister!”
“Shut up Birdy, Sarah totally likes him too.” Tony said.
“I'll go now,” Y/N began, noticing how uncomfortable her friend was and trying to divert the attention from him. He gave her a grateful look and she shook it off. “Wanda, truth or dare?”
“Truth.” She said with her thick accent.
“Do you have a daddy kink?” Everyone laughed in disbelief and Wanda choked on her drink. “What? Didn't tin-man say to keep it “R-rated”?”
“Y-yes.” She responded, honestly. Y/N smiled triumphantly.
“Okay Wanda, thank you for being truthful.” She said mockingly, while her friend was between being completely embarrassed or laughing uncontrollably.
“Y/N,” Clint said.
“Yes Bird-brain?” He sighed in exasperation.
“Truth or dare?”
“I dare you to write a country song in less than ten minutes and then sing it for everyone.”
“Where did that come from?” Nat asked, confused and Clint just shrugged.
“We have to do something other than asking each other about kinks, I am a father.” That made Nat and a few more roll their eyes playfully.
“Alright, I accept your dare and I will retrieve to the side over there,” she pointed to the dining table close to where they were all sitting “and write the next hit.” Everyone whistled and she just laughed, shaking her head.
“Okay, while Y/N writes her hit, Loki?” Pietro said. “Truth or dare?”
Loki turned his head to look at him, surprised that they included him in the game.
“Truth.” He said, his voice smooth.
“Come on, the God of Lies chooses truth?” Romanoff said, and he looked at her expecting a look of disgust, but what he found was playfulness. She was making a joke. He shrugged.
“What can I say? I like to keep everyone on their tiptoes.”
“Alright, ask the question Flash.” Stark said.
“Who do you tolerate the most in the compound?” Loki raised his eyebrows and leaned back on the couch.
“Y/N,” he said simply.
“Hey!” Thor complained.
“Ha, Thunderboy! He likes me better than you!” Y/N said, approaching the group with a piece of paper and a pencil. “By the way, I finished.”
“In five minutes?” Clint asked, unbelieving.
“What can I say? I'm a prodigy.” She shrugged, smugly.
“Okay, let's hear it prodigy.”
Y/N walked over to the guitar next to the piano in the corner of the room and grabbed it. She sat down on the floor, in front of the team and took a deep breath before starting to play a melody and begin singing.
“War ends, war starts
The men on the battlefield wish upon a shooting star
Their wishes are untold, forbidden on the wall
Where beyond lies their enemy
Cause a soldier with no home
Is a soldier with a job
And you know he cannot find it
When all you know is war
And it ends on some accords
You have to pretend that you're happy
Click the glasses of champagne
And some whiskey on the rocks
Missing the friends who died on the battlefield
But they signed an agreement
If their life ends, they will not be holding any grudges
It's water under the bridge
A soldier who knows war
Is a soldier who cannot
Live in a house without calamity
So when the war is done
They will not come home
They'll be looking for new enemies
Cause a soldier with no home
Is a soldier with a job
And he doesn't wanna find it.”
She looked up from the guitar and saw everyone staring at her, wide eyed. Especially Cap, Sam and Bucky.
“That was insane!” Sam finally spoke. “We didn't know you were a superstar!”
“The definition of the word superstar is an extremely famous and successful performer, which I am not.” Y/N said.
“That was really great,” Clint said at the same time that Bruce said “amazing” and everyone nodded in agreement. Except Loki, who was just staring at her with something in his eyes she couldn't read.
“Thank you guys,” she said shyly and went to put the guitar back in its place before sitting down next to Loki again. “Are you okay?” She whispered to him and he nodded.
Everyone played for a while longer, until they got tired and one by one started to leave. Y/N said she was “calling it a night” and motioned for Loki to go with her. He got up and walked next to her to the elevator. Once the doors closed, he turned to her.
“You did not tell me you had an amazing voice.”
“Well, what would you have thought if I had come up to you and said Hi Loki, my name is Y/N and I have an amazing voice,” she stretched out her hand, acting the scene, and he lowered it with his own, laughing.
“So you agree?”
“With what?”
“With what I said about you having an amazing voice.” She felt her neck and face grow hot.
“U-um I… Don't hate my voice but to say it's amazing-”
“It's the truth.” He cut her off and she smiled shyly at him.
“Okay, if you say so, then I have an amazing voice.” She said, standing up straight and he let out a chuckle. God, she loved making him laugh.“Where are we going by the way?”
“I do not know, I thought we were heading to the library?” Her face lit up.
“I have a better idea.”
“Again may I ask you where we are going?” Loki said, getting another branch out of the way of his face.
“You may ask, but I will not answer you.” He sighed, exasperated. “Patience is a virtue Lokes.”
“I do not need patience, I need to know why my legs are knee deep into mud.” Y/N shook her head.
“Just a bit more. And you're so dramatic, it doesn't even reach your ankles.”
They walked a bit more into the woods and she sighed in contentment when she heard the water running.
“Ta-da!” She told him stretching her arms and hands. Behind Y/N there was a clearing, a beautiful clearing illuminated by the moonlight. There was a river splitting the spot in two and a big tree next to it. “It's beautiful isn't it?”
“For a midgardian thing it is.” She rolled her eyes and huffed.
“I come here a lot, I discovered it a few days after moving into the compound. I usually come by day, because the sun shines through those spots,” she said pointing up to where different tree branches encountered each other, “like the moon is doing right now.”
“It is quite beautiful.” He admitted.
“Yes…” She said, but she wasn't looking at the moon. “Let's sit, I brought a blanket.” She had packed a few things before leaving for the woods next to the structure. He did not understand why she needed things like blankets or flashlights, but now he did.
They both sat down, with their backs against the big tree and breathed in the smell of the forest. They stayed in a comfortable silence for a while.
“Can I ask you something?” She said and Loki nodded for her to continue. “You are my friend right?”
“I am.” He said, eyeing her, not understanding where she was going with this.
“Are you my friend because I'm here and there's no one else or because you want to?” “Where is this coming from?” He asked, frowning.
“Well, Pietro asked you who you tolerated the most in the compound and… It got me wondering...”
“Y/N, I do not tolerate you.”
“Well, thank you.”
“No,” he said, “what I meant is that I do not simply tolerate you, you are my friend and I enjoy your friendship.”
“Oh, okay.” She answered, timidly, and then added, “I enjoy your friendship too.”
They stayed quiet for a bit, again falling into a comfortable silence, the somewhat tense air from before dissipating rapidly.
“May I ask you a question too?” He inquired.
“Of course.”
“Why did you like me when you were watching those movies? From what you told me, they showed my lowest moments.” He said in a low voice, Y/N pursed her lips, thinking.
“It's not that I liked you, not just that at least. Sometimes I felt like you were a reflection, if not of myself, then of someone I saw myself in and wanted to help, to protect.”
“You wanted to protect me?”
“It's embarrassing saying this to you now but, most of the time, whenever I saw you I just thought, Man, he just needs a hug, and someone who listens to him, and perhaps a nice cup of tea.” He let out a laugh.
“A nice cup of tea?”
“Yeah,” she let out a breathy chuckle, “to chill a little bit.” She said, making both of them laugh. “But seriously,” she stopped laughing and breathed, “I saw you and I saw someone who cared so so much, but had such a heavy weight on his shoulders and on his heart, that he couldn't even begin to show how much he actually cared.”
“Do you think that some things that happened to me were not deserved?” He asked, unguarded, with his heart in his mouth.
“Of course you didn't deserve that Loki, no one does, and I'm sorry you had to endure that.”
“It is not your fault, but thank you.”
“You know, sometimes people wrong us and they don't even notice, which I have not decided yet if its better or worse.”
“Better,” he said. “They are not doing it on purpose, at least.”
“Or worse,” she added. “They don't even care enough to notice that they are hurting you.” “That is also true.” He sighed. “I am sorry, this conversation must have saddened you.”
“No, not at all. It's nice to have someone who understands.”
“It is,” he agreed.
~taglist~ @mischief2sarawr @midnights-ramblings  
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cosmicck · 2 years
yo I'm back. ----------------------
Poly headcannons of Yor, Loid, and gender neatruel reader. Might be a bit ooc but whatever.
Readers pronouns: They/them
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•Feel like Yor would be attracted to anyone no matter gender just as long as you love her more than she loves you♡
•Will protect you like she be protecting Anya, she cares a lot about you and Loid, but Loid can take care of himself so mostly you-
•Feel like you guys would go on a walk in a peacful place like by a lake or a park, and just have conversation is all.
•You'll need to stop her from drinking to much-
•Cuz last time, oh dear god last time. You ended up in the hospital because she kicked You square in the stomach.
•And gyat damn could that woman kick, jeez even I feel you guys pain.
•Ok so if you like to sleep in the middle of 3 people, I think she would be a big spoon.
•C'mon I know you wanna- ok I'll stop being weird.
•If you don't like sleeping in middle then she'll cuddle you either way, she'll fund a way like Moana.
•Has totally taken you and Anya out to places dude, like she loves to see you two's faces when you see new things.
•Not very clingy but when she is she'll let you walk around but won't let go.
•If your shorter than her(bro me😢) she'll take your waist or stomach and rest her chin on your head, will follow you around.
•And if your taller than her, then she'll wrap her arms around you, and burry her face into your shoulder, and just follow you around as her pillow.
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•Mans is probly Omni with a preference for Woman honestly.
•Pretty overprotective of you but not really, lets you be pretty free, but he will not hesitate to beat a bitch if you got hurt.
•Will take you anywhere that you want to go, will buy you whatever, and not give a shit as long as your happy.
•I mean as long as it's safe he'll get it cause it'll be unfair to anya if u get it, and she can't sooo.
•You are little spoon to him if you like it or not, wants to hold you and will.
•You sleep in middle, side, floor, don't give a shit at all.
•Ok besides cuddling he doesn't seem like a clingy guy at all really, but when he is you shall not move, like you have no choice dude, you can't move.
•If your shorter than him than he'll grab you by your waist and bring you to the couch with him.
•If your taller than him, he'll just...idk u choose I'm tired-
•He'll just hold your hand. And lead you to wherever.
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•Let me be honest the COMBIED clinginess between these two is uterlly rediculous.
•Ok let us say you have a job or something and they want you to stay with them, I mean you bout to get fired cause they will clingy to you like it's the end of the world.
•Might even call anya to help help so you can stay cause, she also hates it when you leave as her parent...🥲
•Both hide being a spy, and an assasin from you, and they do everything to keep you out if it for you yo be safe.
•When you guys are on a family date you have to bring anya.
•Why?? One, her ass will get roped into some dangerous she you don't kniw about. Two, she'll be so saaaaddd...
•So you guys might go to a childrens park and you might take Damion with you guys for a cute little like 5 thing date?? Idk🤣🤣🤣
•You are being squished between some boobs and a toned chest when cuddling like a whole SANDWHICH-
•But you should enjoy these moments with them cause of the Jobs they have❤
Sorry this is kinda short and stuff since I'm finally back and it seems lazy, but school a pain in the ass damn can't wait for breaks even tho it'll be in like a month so I can post more for my small little follower group💙
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antisocialgaycat · 11 months
I am a professional worm on a string
pull up your goddamn pants
'quotes high school musical for 20 minutes straight'
I'm actually sick can you hear my sniffling nose [pig noises]
He only ever says what's up to me but I wanted more than that. I wanted to have his hand children.
you're not allowed to shoot your shot while I'm shooting mine
fine. I accept your shot
and then I was pregnant.
aww she's in the butt crack
ooh how am I going to pick up these scissors
how do you cut the unfhsjsbdhksa cord
by the way I like your eyes. they look like frogs
mummy, daddy why do I only have one arm? That's because me and your daddy have the same DNA.
my bum bum is too beautiful, you just gotta.... Smack it
[glow sticks flying everywhere]
sup bbg bbq
unicorn fighttttt
boom boom boom I want you in my room, just me and Jeremiah
midnight Moana songalong
cherries coconut big banana
[frenzied twerking]
[humping the curtains]
on the ISLAND
don't you know SHINAYY
celebration high five. now celebration twerk
[violent air guitar]
celebration twerk 2.0
I'm the only one who took her in when she was young
let's all go to the toilet together
ruby get out of her bed
mr carrot is bald and single and ready to mingle
lemme turn on my flesh
his abs ahhhh they're not real
his hair looks likes pubes
can we cut out a picture of his face tomorrow😍🥺
just think about his abs then go to bed you bum bums
why do you find him so hot when he's crying me
I'm in the crack and you're squishing me
his hair and his pubes look so similar you wouldn't be able to tell where his head is
can someone massage my eyebrows
everyone watch out or someone might tickle your toes
I straighten my pubes every day so they look like a beautiful wig
when he was crying awww
we're 40 minutes past yEStErdAY
excuse me I'm about to fall into the abyss
he says bad bitch
don't pull my pants down!!!!
you know who also is trying to sneak into my bed? Jeremiah.
what is AI? Australian insects?? Apple incantations???
aww but his eyes
-quotes and chaos from my people
yes they are mentally fucked up
yes I still love them
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lovingladyworld · 1 year
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A distinguished magic School. The first co-ed school that takes young girls and boys from all obstacles of life and goals.Primed Servants to Princes.ladies to queens or fae.Beastman to sorcerer,And human to 'god',This College is determined to make these students shine like gold!
Staff >
Feng Wāng
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Twisted From Mushu
A young,tall handsome man, Who's the Head mage and Principal to CDC{Full name:Crane Dynasty College of Legends & Magic},All of his Ancestors Founded this place to teach young pupils to find their inner warriors or anything that comes to their minds of any walks in life,Servants to lords,Man to God,Princess to Queens/Empresses,Fae to Elemental,and so much more,he holds his family's name for years,
For Centuries,He would find any boy or girl who is misunderstood of their own being and takes them under his wings to teach them in this school with the help of his staff members and protects them with pride and dignity,and Grace.. that's what makes a good dragon
Kailani Ori
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Twisted From Moana
The botanist Teacher,She Teaches her young pupils to appreciate nature and make organic herbal potions or healing ointment,came from Queendoms of Roses,She has a herbal shop in the village,She may be stubborn but she is one hell of a sweetheart when you meet her.Her mother would always helped her as she was a little girl.When she started working in the college,she would always check on her students and staff members in care or hospitality
Kawena'ula Ka'uhane
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Twisted From Princess Kidagakash Nedakh
A History Teacher in CDC,She has an calm yet stern presence when it comes to adventuring.but she is a cheerful woman when it comes to teaching her pupils to explore the world and see the unseen,Come from a line of island royalty,she dress to impress with an compassionate heart,
Students >
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Twisted From Lonnie
A Flamboyant young teenage boy who expresses both of his masculine and feminine sides without care,He is NOT Afraid to stand up for his female classmates who are only here for "Being a mother and have to clean and bear children" he comes from the Isles of Sages with his grandparents, despite of the Chinese's society rules,he steps away and build his own rules!
He is always there to cheer them up either on a bad day or a good day it doesn't matter to him
Shà Huì
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Twisted From Lord Shen
A peahen Fae with a sassy yet confident style and mood,Some say that she's "a manipulative bitch who gets what she wants" but she's not like that at all,She knows why people talk about her behind her back but she doesn't let no one not even her own father look down upon her,she is not afraid of any insult or lies that is upon her or her friends or her, despite having an albinism condition like her mother and little sister,they still know their worth as women
Gongzhu Mei
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Twisted From General Li Shang
A young but determined young teen who always looks up to their mother as a young warrior in training,they do whatever it takes to reach the top no matter what,they do struggle with their low self esteem and self worth but with the help of their fellow classmates they will heal deeply
Akamu Shinju
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Twisted From Nani Pelekai
A smart, intelligent young woman{teen} from the Shaft Lands,Who lives with his little sister and boyfriend,He always protects his little sister from any harm done to her,after what happened to their parents,he is always checking up on her every time when his boyfriend tries to calm him down
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Twisted From Raya
A young teen child lives in a little cottage near the isles of Sages with their father,due to taking a break from being royalty and getting a lot of attention,they decided to take a break from that and they are proud of their new friends.well two of them in their homeroom,they are also autistic due it's being generic they adapted pretty quickly in this school
Nisha Balachandra
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Twisted From Katrina Van Tassel
A young Southern Belle in Everlasting Hollow, she's the youngest daughter of the wealthiest family in that village,The Balachandra Family,She is not like a spoiled and mean rich rich but a generous,smart and intelligent young girl with a big heart,when she first came to CDC,she was shy at first but immediately made friends
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chaos-event-horizon · 2 years
bro. i already think youre pretty cool, but going off about the space sounds??? heck yeah!!!!!!!! space is cool as FUCK!!! 💫
Y'all fucking know that Space Is So Cool Monologue that Markiplier goes off with??? The first time I heard that shit I CRIED. BECAUSE I FEEL THE SAME. I have that bitch MEMORIZED.
"If there was a program for volunteers to go into space-- with like 100% chance of dying of death by space-- I WOULD BE FIRST IN LINE!!! If they needed brave volunteers, OR STUPID VOLUNTEERS, I would be there so fast!"
THAT IS MY LOVE FOR THE VAST TWILIGHT BEYOND THE BORDER OF OUR FISHTANK OF AN ATMOSPHERE! I would give my life! I would sell my soul! If someone knocked on my door RIGHT NOW and offered me a chance I WOULD TAKE IT. My husband knows this and has come to accept that first and foremost my love is SPACE and every other bitch comes second! The chance to see beyond what the gods intended and witness, perhaps even EXPERIENCE, the wider universe is something I would gladly dedicate my entire being towards! Every cell in my body longs for that luscious and ever-growing sky like Moana longs for the ocean! We have named that wilderness "space" as if to define it by only some imagined emptiness but all I see is a realm of light and beauty whose one and only test is simply the distance between each new wonder! Space is, without exaggeration, my autistic huper-fixation and truly the thing I hold most dear in my heart. That Soulstone bitch from the MCU could never be retrieved by me because the universe itself is what I would have to give up! AND I COULD NEVER!
Y'all know my books I've been writing??? On my @ryan-shepard-writes account??? The science-fantasy set in the distant future on a far-off planet??? I DESIGNED THAT SYSTEM MYSELF! I dusted off my old textbooks and calculated out the star! I slaved over gravitational tragectories to figure out how deep of an angle a captured planet would have to enter the orbital field of an f-type main sequence star in order to not only support some small semblance of life, but also manage to do so without just being shot back out into the cold! FOR NOTHING MORE THAN TO CHECK MY REALISM AND THE STATISTICAL POSSIBILITY THAT SUCH A PLACE MIGHT EXIST! I am madly in love with what lies beyond our sky! AND I WOULD HAPPILY GO ON FOR DAYS!
Sadly if I keep screaming I'll probably lose followers or something. So uh. I will now go back to being a violent asshole.
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alyjojo · 1 year
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April 🌻 2023 Monthly - Scorpio
Whole of your energy: Queen of Cups
You have many bitches Scorpio 😆 Joke, joke…but really, three Queens are here, you’re the King, at least traditionally idc about actual genders, and there is a 3 and secrets connected to your Lovers, there are definitely multiple people in your life. I don’t know if they know about each other. And I don’t see any commitment or 3 Swords, so you could just be playing the field and aren’t sure who to commit to, if any of them. Queen of Cups is the whole of your energy, one of these people, and they come up as your divine match. Or another water sign. Queen of Wands is here too as someone you may not talk to much or completely trust, one of you may not be completely honest with the other one (probably about options), but you find that person very attractive. They could stalk you, or you stalk them. They may also be directly connected to this Queen of Cups too, I don’t know your situation, but it feels like you’re navigating a minefield. For some, this is a lgbt read and the King exists solely to describe “your soulmate”, with you being Queen of Cups, and them being moot 🙃 Unknown. Out there existing somewhere.
What’s going on in April:
Knight of Swords:
You’re being very clear about holding back from anything too serious. You could have abandonment issues, or you could have to leave another situation. Some of you are waiting to save up some money or pay off debts on your own before even considering taking a relationship to any level other than casual. If you’ve just left one, you want a break before getting into another. I don’t get a sense of you playing people, they’re just around. They like you. Or you like them, and some of them may not even know, you know your story.
9 Wands:
It’s very difficult to create something new right now, you’re not feeling the “magic” 🌈, you’re feeling 9 Wands 💥. PAIN. Being cautious. Feeling wounded. Building up a whole wall around your heart to protect it due to the last time you let someone into it. Spending a lot of time alone to question your life, your past, your future, everything that went wrong, every mistake you ever made. You know, that’s when all the bitches come knocking… No I will not stop. I can see you’re deeply wounded, but people want to scoop you up like “you’re mine”, at least let it go to your head a little. You can be cautious and you’re also desirable, feel good about that. You have options, and if you weren’t a stand up person demanding your alone time, you could play all sorts of Lovers games and mind games, ghosting & one night stands. But you’re not doing any of that, you’re nailing boards across your window to keep people out. Reggie shows this being for the best, you intuitively know what you’re doing is right.
8 Cups:
This is leaving behind 8 Cups with the inner knowing there’s more out there for you, 9 Cups, which clarifies this card. You’re getting real with yourself, what it it that you don’t have, maybe have *never* had, that you deeply desire and maybe always have. You want a completely fresh start with a brand new person that ticks your 9th box, whatever that is for you, your wish fulfillment. That’s when you tell yourself you’ll take the leap and try again. So these people here don’t fulfill you or what you want long term, fair enough.
Ace of Cups:
This is a brand new beginning in love, and it follows a very difficult and possibly shocking ending. Which is why you need this Hermit time to get your emotions in order. There are many questions, many sleepless nights, many weighing of decisions and reevaluations of life choices. In your meditation was Moana, who I LOVE 🥰 but I digress, it was the part where she finds the ships and bangs the drum…all mysterious like. Like that scene, you’re learning more about yourself. It may have taken pain to do that, and I hate to say you’ll be much better for it, but that seems to be where Spirit is going with this. Necessary lessons lead you necessary directions. You need dreamy manifestation time, alone, to learn yourself and build your dreams, or dream person, relationship, life.
The High Priestess:
This is you being completely silent and secretive, maybe about several options you have, not because you’re sneaky in intention exactly, but because none of them have lasting potential and they’re moot to you. But you’re nice, so you keep quiet and wait for your true soulmate to appear. If there are three options, then the one that dominates the reading is the one most on your mind, and that could be because you intuitively know they ARE the one for you. But two others gotta go. By the end of the month, you’re still waiting, either for a specific person that you know exists, or just hope they do. Royal Purple Brick shows something isn’t as scary as it looks, if they do exist and you’re being all stalkery like, silent and intense. Like Scorpios do. If you’re scared, start with “hi”. 9999 could mean something for you here, or you could see a lot of 9’s during important moments in your life, on license plates, clocks, receipts, or at whatever you do during the day. Big hugs for you Scorpio 🤗
As I was cleaning up the reading, three additional color cards fell out. Pink from Pinkton, Wolf of White Light & Geranium. You are more than you think you are, get in touch with your guides and your intuition, you’re heading for something brand new. A bigger & more authentic pot, for you to grow to new heights in. It is a positive message ❤️
Signs you may be dealing with:
Gemini, Taurus, Virgo, Aries & all water signs
Oracles: ✨
80. Go Deeper
- Expressing the deeper meanings in life, while staying attuned to childlike wonder, is at the heart of all great art.
50. Sacred Space
- Use beautiful art, music, and creativity of all kinds to put you into a sacred space.
16. Dream
- Connect to your intuitive dream world of metaphors and symbols.
12 Truth 🦅
The eagle proudly surveys its domain from such a high perch that all pertaining to this situation are revealed. The shadows hide nothing from your keen vision. Once you can remove yourself from the muck that lower vibrations keep you in, you can attain a viewpoint that enables you to see the truth of the matter. This card advises you to search for the truth of the situation, regardless of the emotions it brings up. Are you or someone connected to you unconsciously suppressing the truth? Hiding from the truth can only intensify the lesson later on.
We enter into April as:
Reggie Rust 🚫
“This path is obstructed. Re-route.”
Reggie Rust shows up because you need to reconsider your present situation. He prevented danger to the boys, and in doing so made their uncle wealthy. So remember that he is there to help you. Reggie only blocks the path, not the goal. You are at an impasse. If Reggie Rust has appeared, do not wait any longer for your situation to change. Whatever you force will reach a dead end. Things will not turn out the way you think they should. Attempting to push forward will prove futile. The wall is solid, and your will may be the only thing preventing you from surrendering. Reggie protects us from our “will”, which is not always the best for us. This is an impasse. However, there is no need to despair. Reggie serves an important purpose for us. He reminds us that our path is guided, and while we may wish to forge the road ahead on a particular route, it may be laden with poisonous flowers. Reggie serves to protect us. Be grateful he is here, for you are being protected.
What is to be learned in April:
Royal Purple Brick 🧱
“She resists what she clings to.”
The fear of stepping out, of being abused, has grown so great that you no longer need a wall of fear to prevent you from living - a simple brick will do. Which of course symbolizes that what frightens you is much smaller than you imagine. What we resist, we cannot heal. Royal Purple Brick appears when we are resisting something, and may indicate a loss of faith. This is a sign of fear holding you back in some way and preventing you from moving forward. If you are experiencing pain, holding on tighter will only worsen the situation. Fear may also indicate you’re trying to save yourself from a path that will not serve you! Are you following your true passion? Is it divinely guided?
This can also indicate presently using your energy in a self-defeating way. Use your courage to let go of control and allow Spirit to come in and heal you. The promise of Royal Purple Brick is freedom after surrender. In letting go you may feel some discomfort, but you’ll also allow healing in. The fear of something is always greater than the actual event. This time period will be a life changing experience for you. Accept mystery. Release the brick and be free.
Purple may be a lucky color 💜
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eva-sumah · 2 years
Taika Waititi
Dobva sm challenge, da pišem o Taiku Waititi, v 3000 znakih. So let the challenge begin. Where do I initially know him from? Thor Ragnarok. One of my favourite comfort movies. God I can't imagine it brez Taike, probably bi biu spet nek gray poster pa Lokijev potencial bi biu na tridesetih procentih ne pa na osemdesetih tko je v Ragnaroku, yes i still think, da še niti enkrat v mcu niso pokazali Lokijevih true powers...mogoč v 4 epizodi serije pa še tam so ludje tk »DiD hE hAvE a PoWEr StoNe oN HiM?« like bitch no hes just powerful. Pač Taika je res Lokija tk še bol funnier naredo k je ž itak v Thor: The Dark World amazing, sam this movie je tk just amazing. Da ne govorim o Korgu, man that character, a feel like je biu a lil drunk ko ga je napiso but we all love his drunk ideas haha. Ok mogoč ne tsta ideja iz Jojo Rabbit, da se otrok zabije v noge od obešene osebe pa pogleda kdo je pa je njegova mama, Taika I still hate u for that it traumatized me in I will forever unrecommend that movie to anyone who asks, yes zarad tstega enga scena..drgač je kr good film pa good humor and vse but that scene still haunts me par let poznej:)
Če bi me vprašu if I think a je Taika Waititi hot ti actually ne bi znava odgovorit, pač obstajajo slike kjer je insanelly hot pač his curly hair, pretty eyes, pretty face, attractive beard,..in pol so tam tut slike kjer zgleda...um kinda not that hot je vse kar bom rekva haha
I cannot comprehand kk fakin talented je tt moški pač tk howww I just wanna meet him, pa be his friend pa myb lover, če bi za mne pustu Rito Oro, pač wtf od kda sta ona dva sploh skop to daje ful vibe »when two worlds collide«. Par dni nazaj sm delava tiktok »slovenci s katerimi bi se počutla safe alone in a room«, ko bom naredva to za global ppl bo on one of them for sure kr daje tak cudlly loving uplifting vibe in tk mislim, da sploh ne bi mogva bt sad v njegovi bližini. Tk pa če bi slučajno bva sad bi me with his sense of humor make me smile v roku 5 sekund v roku naslednjih 5 sekund bi se pa že jokava od smeha zelo možno.
I googled him a little zdaj in im in shock. Kot prvo on ma tri otroke? I'm sorry WHAT? But like the names of them so pa še trikrat bol shocking. Našva sm dva od treh in let me name them: Matewa Kiritapu in Te Hinekāhu, um yeah sure zdaj se vsaj ne počutim več tk bad ko je mojmu bratu ime Andrej haha.
Googling him some more sm našva, da ma Oskarja (za not my fav movie of his) in I'm truly not suprised pač ne morem zadojst poudarit kk talented je in sm res happy, da I live in same lifetime as he. Talking o nagradah...človek ma Grammya? Thats so unexpected haha, pač pr Oskarju res nism bva suprised tu sem pa a lttle.
Js bom šva zdaj ko končam gledam Free Guy kr sm od dveh različnih oseb v roku več kot enga leta slišava, da je film zelo dober in zdaj če že pišem o Taiku (god js še zdaj ne vem kk naj sklanjam njegovo ime pa sm meva ž par pogovorov o tem, med njimi tudi z profesorco slovenščine but I'm still kinda lost haha). Mnda Taika igra annoying character in it sam pač he's in it thats gonna be enough.
Another google found that shocked me: človek je biu pr dveh projektih v katerih je sodelovav uncredited in to sta Doctor Strange in Moana. Pr Moani je napisu friking initial screenplay, ampak they still decided not to credit him... thats fucking rude. Pr Doctor Stangu je pa napisu pa directu mid – credists scene, pač ok sj je mid – credits scene, ampak je še zmern deu filma in I personally think, da bi si to zaslužvo bt credited for but like anyWAYS
Fun fact about him ko je mn fun je, da je directu 42 commercials...that's a lot. Med nagradam prej sm tut pozabva omenit neki kr precej kul, človek je biu nominated for 27 različnih awards pač thats again tk a lot.
To end this spis yes vlk sm razlagava o tmu k intelligent je tt človek, ampak on me ni očaru with his brain. Očaru me je z njegovim smislom za humor, z njegovimi zelo nalezljivimi good vibes, ki jih oddaja in pač his face je also zelo hot na trenutke:)
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