#that build did become pretty strong down the line but starting out it was ROUGH
the-punforgiven · 9 months
Still thinking back to when I made my Flagellant DarkestDungeon cosplay build in Dark Souls 3, I had a friend drop me everything I needed right outta the gate bc I didn't wanna wait until endgame to have the full build, and turns out the unupgraded Rose of Ariandel is not very strong, to the point of the first time we got invaded the invader literally just stopped fighting me, dropped me 99 embers, and left
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haunting-venus · 4 months
wolf in sheep's clothing ↳ jake sully x fem!omatikaya!reader
content warnings | smut ( minors dni ), predator / prey play ( but pretty mild ), oral ( m ), masturbation ( f ), dirty talk, praise, knife play if you squint, facial, accidental stimulation
word count: 3587
notes | here i am for day four of romancing pandora: predator / prey ! first time writing for the man who got me into this fandom and who doesn't love some 2009! jake. these just keep getting longer, its a blessing and a curse
na'vi dictionary | ikran — banshee ; mawey — be calm ; pa'li — direhorse ; tewng — loincloth
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Jake’s breath came out in shallow pants, calves burning with exertion as he carried himself as quickly and quietly as he could through the dense foliage of the forest. It was nearing eclipse, the shine of the sun becoming dimmer through the canopies of the massive trees, the more obscured fauna already beginning to glow lightly with bioluminescent colors.
He was a bit embarrassed of how winded he was, taking a pause to put his hands above his head and inhale deep breaths. He did his best to keep in shape after his discharge, but there was only so much cardio you could do while you were planted in a wheelchair.
Luckily, his avatar was quick to build stamina, the lean body adapted to the harsh climate and terrain of the Forest Na’vi. The pads of his feet were rough and strong, thighs tight with muscle to plant himself firmly while climbing trees, lats and biceps sturdy and taut in preparation to swing across vines or scale mountainsides. It was new, weird, and ultimately awesome.
Still, all his physiological adaptations of his new form (his body, he reminded himself, this was his body now) did little to ease the burn in his chest. He’d been running for a while now, ducking down and between trees and vines in ways that his mind remembered but his body was still slowly readapting to.
It was a simple exercise, really. A test to make sure he had adapted to moving and hunting like a Na’vi rather than a Sky Person. He’d become better—learning to quiet his steps, hear the sounds of nature and the wind that could carry his scent and sound, and he was at least trying to feel the energy of the world around. Still, you had wanted to be sure before you brought him on an official hunt, to prevent him from embarrassing both you and him.
You’d begun right after lunch, riding Jake out on your ikran to the far reaches of the forest, miles from Hometree. He’d gotten a head start of about thirty minutes and directions to the general location of Hometree before you’d sent him away with a pat on the back and a knowing smirk.
The task had two rules—1) make it back to Hometree before the eclipse set fully for the night, and 2) don’t get caught.
He’s beginning to recognize the landscape surrounding Hometree, bark marked with knife symbols and stray arrows that preceded the training grounds. He couldn’t be far now.
He knew firsthand how many predators lie in the forest, and they all seemed hell-bent on getting a chunk of his tasty blue flesh, so he wasn’t eager to see one of them again. Then again, there was little in the forest that set his nerves on end more than you.
Your relationship was strange, dancing between the line of ‘absolutely hating each other’ and ‘begrudging friends due to circumstance’. It seemed like you teeteered between them each day depending on your mood or how shitty he was doing in his training.
You’d taken up the mantle of helping Jake with extra training whenever Neytiri was pulled away for her duties as tsakarem, something that was becoming more and more common with the steady invasion of the Sky Demons. You were a strong hunter, more patient than Neytiri was but also twice as demanding. You knew what you wanted done and how, and knew exactly how to get it, even if it meant keeping Jake awake all night practicing his bow stance. 
There were times you looked at Jake like he was the scum that stuck to the bottom of your shoe (well, if you wore shoes), like he had single-handedly arrived to make your life difficult. Then, there were the other times. The times when you let your gaze soften as you taught him the words of your people—words like love, and hope and friendship that felt like more than just words when they passed your lips so sweetly.  The times when your grip tightens on the bulge of his muscles to adjust his stance, or when your eyes linger a little too long on the exposed skin of his stomach.
It was in those times he felt his mind wander somewhere beyond the defined boundaries of your relationship, to slip into something a little softer, a little hotter. It was starting to become a problem, how ingrained your moods and touches were into the etches of his being, how he was becoming more and more certain that you wanted him just as bad.
Fuck, he could be imagining it, probably was imagining it, but it didn’t matter when you wouldn’t get out of his damn head. You were steady, and tough and so fucking sexy it made his head spin.
He couldn’t help the wandering thoughts as he trailed through the forest, body and mind exhausted from the hours he’d spent watching his every step, craning his head to every sound. His ears twitched up and out, picking up on the low hum of insects and scuffles of small game across the forest floor. He’d been antsy for a while now, the skin rising on the back of his neck and blood thumping through his veins. It felt like he was being watched, that strange dread of being small and targeted creeping up his spine.
The tackle takes him by surprise, the full weight of your body emerging from a low-hanging branch to throw him off balance. He’s a lot bigger than you, stronger too, but this was your terrain and you were definitely in control. He stumbles over vines and rocks as he tumbles back, the impact of the hard ground knocking the breath from his already exhausted lungs.
You’re able to roll off him with grace, readjusting your stance to crouch lowly over him with a mild hiss. Your knife is at his throat before he even has a chance to get his bearings.
“Dead.” Your hot breath hisses over his ear, the cool edge of your knife pressing lightly to his carotid artery.
The blood pounding in his head quickly rushes elsewhere when he’s finally able to take note of your positions. Your face is close enough he can feel your lightly heaving breaths next to his ear, your tail flicking mildly against his thigh as you hold your barely covered sex just above his own. It’s dumb and wrong and he can’t believe he is sporting a halfie right now because what the hell happened to him in life that this gets him hot?
Your gaze softens as he struggles to catch his breath, relaxing your crouch position into a sit on the area just above his loincloth, making him huff. He hopes to whatever god there is on Pandora that you take his flushed cheeks and heavy breathing as anger at being caught and not the mind-bending arousal that was flooding his system.
“You did well, Jake. Most children don’t get nearly this far on their first trial.” You lean back on his lap, knife still dangling from one hand. You clearly don’t seem too bothered with the proximity of your ass to his cock, giving him a teasing look as you praise him. He knew the Na’vi were more open with their sexuality, more casual with touching and feeling than humans but this had to be raising some kind of flags for you.
“Yeah, well, maybe if I had a better teacher…” His voice sounds strained to his own ears, desperate to move the conversation to something, anything, to distract him and get that damn sexy look off your face, like you’ve just won a prize.
Your grin is wide and teasing, easily brushing off his jab. You let your sharp-edged blade trace precariously against the skin of his stomach, voice thick in accented English. “Oh, don’t be a sore sport, Jake. I’m being nice, even though your footsteps are like thunder.”
"Oh, come on. It wasn’t that bad.” He huffed, leaning a hand behind his head to catch his breath and avoid your piercing gaze.
“Oh, it was. You were moving around like a baby pa’li, just stomp, stomp, stomp.” Your giggles were relentless as you teased him, thumping your feet and tail in loud smacks to drive home your point.
Jake usually would have found it childish, just pushing you off himself and brushing off his shame. Except, your hips swayed dangerously low to the tent in his loincloth with each of your stomping movements, eventually brushing against his sensitive skin and causing heat to shoot through his stomach and up his spine.
“Fuck, don’t move, darling.” His voice was heavier than he meant it to be, his hands instinctively grasping your hips to stop you from moving any further.
Your eyes trail from the flush high on his cheeks to the twitching of his ears, a slow realization coming over your face. Your eyes dilate, tail twitching behind you as you purposefully push your hips back against the growing bulge of his cock. He lets out a groan, fingers tightening against the curve of your hips as he forces his own to stay still.
“I did this to you?” Your expression is unreadable, eyes darting over his face in question.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Jake rubs a hand over his eyes, obviously embarrassed. You tackled him, got on his lap and put a damn knife to his neck, and he popped a boner like a goddamn teenager. Grace is gonna murder him when she finds out this is what gets him finally kicked out of the village. “You just looked so pretty, and my adrenaline was going. It-it’s really natural-”
“Mawey, Jake, it is ok.” You grasp one of his hands, your fingers soft but insistent as you lead him to the dip between your legs. He looks up with questioning eyes, waiting for your permission, before dipping his fingers underneath the soft fabric. He bites his lip as he lets his fingers explore the valleys of your pussy, coming away hot and slick from your arousal. 
Your eyes are still focused only on his face, moving your hips idly against his exploring touch as your breath quickens. “It is the same for me. I want you, Jake, all of you, if you will have me.”
He sits up at the waist, letting the fingers from his free hand trace along the edges of your hips and the base of your tail, relishing in the shivers you let out against his chest. He thinks for a moment he must have hit his head too hard since there was no way this strong warrior, this beautiful being so far from anything he had ever known, was offering herself to him.
Except he can feel every breath that huffs from your chest, each twitch of your thighs against his hip, each tremor that wracks your frame when his fingers roll your clit. It makes any rational thought in his head sweep away, pushing his forehead to yours to breathe in this moment.
“Yes, I want you, of course I want you.”
You reached a hand to his face and he could smell the hot musk of your arousal so strongly it made his hips twitch. He leaned his face into your hand, feeling the soft touch of your fingers before pushing his lips to yours impatiently. You sunk into his embrace as he pulled you close, chests brushing one another as you explored the feel of each other for the first time.
Your tongue slipped between your teeth, teasing the edge of Jake’s lips as you opened yourself up to him, letting the sensations of his fingers dipping into your cunt roll over you.
You’d had a few lovers before, fleeting encounters in the night throughout your life, but none had lit your skin aflame like Jake. He was different and a little forbidden, a strong man who threw himself wholeheartedly into the ways of your people and, fuck, you wanted him like no one before. 
His hand trails up the length of your ribs, feeling each dip and curve of your figure as your body moves into him. You let out a shaky gasp that borders on a moan when he grips your tit, thumb moving teasingly along the stiff bud of your nipple. You’re trying so hard to keep yourself together, to be the one in control, but can feel yourself crumbling at each press of his fingers against your hot flesh.
Jake groans against your lips, keeping his thumb rubbing against your tit. “Fuck, I love that sound. Let me hear it again, sweet girl.”
“Me first.” You trail your fingers under the hem of his tewng,pulling the fabric down with a tug to the strings. Jake can see the focus of your eyes, almost grounding yourself like you’re trying to regain some sort of control over your body.
Jake’s touch made you feel like you were falling, an exhilarating and nerve-wracking loss of control that had you shaking. You let your fingers slip over the head of his cock, already wet with precum and decorated with little tanhì on the lavender skin. Jake grunts as you let your fingers slide repeatedly over the wet slit, the confident look from earlier returning to your features as you drink in the sounds he makes with each pass of your hand.
“Oh, come on, darling, let me make you feel good. I was just getting started.” His grin is wicked sharp, as dangerous and enticing as he is, his alien fingers rubbing firmly over your clit to prove his point.
“Come now, I successfully got my prey. Shouldn’t I get to reap a hunter’s reward?” Your lips are swollen as you pant the words into his mouth, moving both your hands to twist around the length of his cock. He hardly muffles a moan at the overwhelming stimulation, brows furrowed in pleasure as you let a grin sneak over your lips.
And fuck that shouldn’t make heat run through him like it does, setting his ears aflame as his hips twitch unwittingly into your grasp. Your prey. He certainly felt like it with the coy way your fingers grasped around his cock, each muscle in his body plying to the sweet friction of your touch.
He lets himself relax back against the dirt and moss of the ground, feeling a pang of need go through him at the look in your eyes as you run your fingers along him, imprinting yourself onto him, declaring him as your bounty in the depths of the woods. “God, darling, you look so pretty, wanna feel your lips on my cock so bad.”
“Being quiet was never your strength, was it?” You tease, flicking your tongue out to run along the bumps on his shaft. They glowed lightly in the dim evening, pulsing a bit as he leaked precum onto your tongue with hitched breath.
“Yeah, well, we all have our flaws.” 
You hum against the shaft of his cock, vibrations making his thighs tense under you. “Not a flaw, let me hear how good I make you feel.”
With that, you wrap your lips around the darker tip of his cock, letting your mouth fall over the tip and running your tongue along the sensitive underside of his head. Jake leans up on his elbows to get a good look, pushing stray strands of hair from your face to admire how your lips stretch around him.
Your eyes are glassy as you take what you want from him desperately, tongue playing on each edge of his cock you can reach to see what has him keening into your touch. His cock is wide enough to stretch your lips, a bit of drool edging from the corner of your mouth.
His tail flicks frantically behind him, restless against the dirt ground before coiling itself around the top of your thigh. He struggles to keep his hips still, near panting as you ease your lips down his cock, taking a little more each time your head bobs. Your throat spasms a bit as you get halfway down his length, muscles tightening around his cock as you breathe heavily through your nose.
He lets out a startled grunt, brows pinched in pleasure as he looks down at you with half-lidded eyes. “Oh, shit, just like that, darling, doing so good.”
You look almost proud as you gaze up at him from between his legs, leaving one hand at the base of his cock to stroke what you can’t fit in your mouth. He vaguely notices your other hand moving between your legs.
“Fuck, are you touching yourself? All wet just from sucking my cock? Fuck, I bet it’s so pretty, all stretched out around your little fingers.”
The moan you let out reverberates up his cock and into his spine, making his fingers clench in your hair. He can hear the wet slide of your fingers now, rolling inside yourself at the same pace your mouth is falling down his cock. He wishes he could see better, the way your cunt stretches around your own touch, how you stroke yourself in the ways that make you feel the best, he wants to learn it all and ingrain it in his memory forever.
“Fuck, I wanna feel you moan on my cock when you cum, don’t stop-”
He groans as your fingers increase their pace between your legs, your body swaying with each of your thrusts into yourself, pushing your mouth back onto his cock with each movement. He can feel his resolve running thin, mouth lulling open in panting breaths as he lightly moves his hips to chase the movement of your tongue.
You breathe heavily through your nose as the pace of his hips increase, restless against the ground as you suckle hard at the head of his cock. Your moans are incessant now, high and vibrating against the sensitive skin of his tip as you ride your own high. Your eyes are glassy with tears, tightening your grip on his cock as he feels you tremble against him.
He’s still getting used to the whole idea of this Eywa thing, but fuck, the way you look on your knees has to be some kind of divine omen if he’s ever seen one.
He can barely see your body from here, the peaks of your breasts barely poking from the decorative weaving of your top, but the feeling of your hard nipples brushing against his thighs as you move against him has him reeling. He can’t help every little thought he’s had of you in that moment surface—of his cock between your tits, teasing the hard nubs until you're shaking under him, of the look on your face as you ride him relentlessly for your own pleasure, of your eyes rolling as he fucks his cum back into you.
He can feel his self-control slipping, hips inching up into your throat and causing it to spasm around him. You let him move his hips against you, looking up with teary eyes as you run short on breath. After a few strokes, you pull off his cock, panting and shaking with need.
“Jake, Jake, I-yes, yes” your grip on his cock is messy and wet, slick with his own precum and your saliva. His hips jump at the rawness of your voice, breathy and wanting just for him. It’s been a while since he’s been in the game but fuck, he knows you’re close, whining and grinding against your own fingers as you struggle to keep your hand on rhythm.
“Oh fuck, that’s it, come for me baby, I’m almost there-”
He can feel the moment you fall apart on your own fingers, breath catching as you still yourself at the head of his cock, suckling hard as your eyes squeeze shut in ecstasy. You end up easing yourself off to pant into the meat of his thigh, chest panting and fingers quivering as they work his cock. 
“Cum, Jake, let me have it.” Your lips ghost over his length as you move both hands to grip tight around his cock, twisting your fingers at the base as you rub at the sensitive spot below his head. The grunt he lets out is near animalistic, hips pushing desperately up into your slick grip as he chases the edge of release.
The vibration of your voice and the haze of pleasure in your eyes has him hurtling over the edge, stars painting the blackness behind his eyes. Thick strands of cum paint your cheeks and lips, streaks of pearly white on your beautiful blue-skinned complexion.
A sense of pride and possessiveness swells in him at the sight, like he was the one who got to claim you now, covered in his scent and his seed so everyone would know just what happened in the woods. The idea of you flaunting around, a strong and capable warrior, reeking of the alien intruder as you went about his duties had the dimming heat in his loins flaring as he came down from his high.
He pants as aftershocks thrum through his muscles, exhaustion seeping into his bones as you cradle up beside him. He can vaguely feel a contented purr coming from you, tickling his ribs as he pulls you close to put his nose in your hair. “Next time, I’m the one doing the tracking.”
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tags: @eywaite @tallulah477 @neteyamsoare @torukmaktoskxawng
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gallys-wife · 3 years
Hun if you could do like nsfw hcs like what their like in bed and/or what their kinks are that would be great✨also you're amazing✨✨✨✨✨
What The Maze Runner Characters are Like In Bed
First and foremost: No, You're amazing!! Secondly, I did just a sort of broad "What they're like in bed" one but I will also do their kinks, in a seperate post. Just to keep this from becoming too long because I do so many characters.
Warning: Sexual references, sexual themes, no explicit smut
Definitely cares about your pleasure above his own and always takes care of you first before himself. Eats you out like a champ.
Is slow and thorough and would worship your body, specifically anything you’ve admitted to being insecure about/he’s noticed you’re insecure about.
He is incredibly enthusiastic about every aspect of your sex life. He is always ready to try new things, and eager to figure out what you like best.
When he’s feeling playful he’s a little cheesy and uses dirty pick up lines to let you know he’s in the mood, but when he’s feeling more serious or you guys haven’t had the opportunity to do anything in a while he’ll full on start teasing you in public like brushing his fingers up your thigh or against your ass.
Ben is a hopeless romantic and would love the stereotype of having your first time being special with rose petals and silk sheets and candles, but obviously in the glade that’s not really feasible so let’s just close our eyes and pretend.
Gets embarrassed very easily when thinking about anything outside the box and will blush like a sinner in church. Eager to try anything you want to but gets kind of nervous the more adventurous they get. Refuses to try anything that could hurt you and it takes a lot of convincing for him to try anything like choking.
Very kinky. Like the queen of kinks. And 100% a switch but dom leaning, if that makes sense. Very adventurous and always trying new things.
Doesn’t have many boundaries, and keeping it to the bedroom is a conservative idea to her. Will tease you in public, like full on getting you off with her hand under the table, or pulling you around the corner of a building to make out with you.
Very gentle and loves to take his time. Not really that vocal, and any sounds you make will make him blush but he loves them. He uses the noises you make to let him know what you like best.
Has to build up a lot of courage to let you know he’s interested but the more he does it the easier it is for him and he slowly becomes more and more shameless about it.
Frypan has a very high sex drive. Any time you’re interested, he’s interested and he can last for a surprising amount of time.
Makes jokes during sex, but only in the begining when things are still a little playful. After that he gets a little more serious and then he’s down to business, doing his best to make sure you both get thoroughly satisfied.
Always makes sure you guys don’t have anything planned after sex because you will be too tired to do anything.
Sort of intense and serious in the moment but that just means he’s passionate. Very passionate.
He has a lot of stamina but not like ‘multiple rounds’ stamina, instead ‘one round lasts over an hour’ stamina. This is because he’s a builder and is in pretty good shape.
Because he’s so strong he has a habit of manhandling you whenever he wants something. Picking you up and laying you on the bed, positioning you far too easily right in the middle of sex so he can get a better angle, holding your hips down while he eats you out so you’re not squirming so much.
100% A top all the time. Full fem!dom style, but in a different way then Brenda. Brenda gives me ‘latex suit and heels to step on you with’ dom whereas Harriet gives me ‘holding you by your hair while she pegs your ass doggy style’ vibes.
Will pointingly leave marks on you to let other people know you belong to her.
She’s also shameless about sex and will make innuendos in front of anyone.
This is surprisingly good with his hands, and that’s really all he needs to get you off, tease you, or absolutely drive you mad.
He loves to see you riding him, not only because he’s a switch leaning towards a bottom and loves to see you on top of him and completely in control while he’s fucking you but also because he loves that he gets to see very inch of you.
Hate to say this but his pleasure is definitely more important to him than yours is though I don’t think he realizes that.
Amazing with his mouth, though. That man is very very talented with his mouth, his confidence had to come from somewhere.
Very confident in bed and this comes out by him being very dominant. He is always in control and not in a conscious way but in the ‘I want to do this so I’m going to do this and you’re not gonna stop me’ way.
A very thoughtful lover. Will spend hours upon hours just figuring out what you love best/where all your sweet spots are.
Will use these sweetspots against you to get you to do things he says outside of sex. He also uses them to tease you in public/get you horny.
Loves a vocal lover. Those are his favorite, every sound you make is like music to his ears and he will make it a little challenge with himself to see how loud he can get you. But on the same side of the coin he loves when you have to try and be quiet cause it just accentuates how much he affects you, watching you choke down moans and whimpers.
She’s sort of scientific about it, not to be stereotypical but she definitely read some sort of medical book first to figure out all of the erogenous zones.
Likes to mark you up but in a subtle way, like under your clothes and out of sight, just for her to see as a reminder of your guys’ past times together.
Will ride your face while praising you. It just makes sense.
His favorite time to have sex is early in the morning, when you guys are both still half awake and it’s all lazy and slow and you guys just take your time and appreciate it.
As we know he loves to do crazy shit without thinking of the consequences, so he most definitely is adventurous in bed. The second he discovered bondage, ofr yourself or for him, he fell in love. That is definitely his biggest kink.
Very sweet and caring lover. Takes care of you thoroughly before taking care of herself, but isn’t completely selfless because the second you’re satisfied she is taking what she wants.
Teases you verbally the entire time, and despite being a sweet and caring lover she is absolutely into degrading her partner. She also loves to tease you in public, leaning over to whisper in your ear what she wants to do to you/have done to her later.
Loves foreplay. He could make out with you and grope like teenagers for hours before sex, he literally never gets tired of it.
So good with his mouth. Like surprisingly good with his mouth. Takes you apart in moments good with his mouth.
Very rough during actual sex and he feels sort of bad about it at first and tries to be gentler, especially if you bruise easily, but the minute you give him the go ahead it’s like unleashing an entirely new person.
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fightxxmexxshiggy · 3 years
Don't fear the reaper
You love to go urban exploring and you make contact with a sexy supernatural being. I wrote this during KINKtober
Kirishima x female reader
Word count: 3420
Walking through abandoned buildings wasn't the safest hobby but it was definitely the most interesting one. You loved seeing all the graffiti, art and equipment from a bygone era. Sometimes you went with groups when the buildings seemed more dangerous but today you went alone. As you made your way through the abandoned factory for today's exploration you noticed all the dusty work stations, they were so eerie the way they were still set up like a worker had walked away for a break and just never returned. You were honestly tempted to film the place but seeing as you were doing this on a saturday and Halloween no less you decided not to push your luck. Walking carefully you avoided the broken glass and some more crumbling areas in the concrete floors. This space was so wide open it made you curious as to what had been made here in the factories prime.
As you headed towards the stairs that would take you to the second floor you heard a thump and a voice shout "fucking rats." From above you. Slowly you took the stairs one at a time and called out asking if anyone was there. After a bit of shuffling the voice spoke again." If you're a cop no one is here if you're an urban explorer I'm totally here and would love some company." Laughing you stepped onto the second floor landing coming face to face with a redheaded man with surprisingly sharp teeth. Smiling at you he came forward with a hand out for a handshake. Shaking his hand you noticed how large his hands were and how strong his grip was. Letting go you introduced yourself feeling a bit awkward now that you could see the face that went along with the voice. With a wide smile he crossed his arms over his toned chest, pulling his shirt taunt over the muscles. You really needed to get layed if a rando you just met on an exploring trip was getting you hot and bothered. You were so caught up in your own thoughts you almost didn't hear him introduce himself.
"The names Eijiro Kirishima and it's nice to meet a fellow explorer." You smiled at him before looking away to take in your new surroundings. The second floor was a bit dark and seemed even more dusty than the first if that was possible. Walking further into the area you saw a wooden plank laying in the middle of the mostly clear walkway. As you looked at it Kirishima chuckled and rubbed a hand on the back of his neck. "That plank was my fault. I was walking further in to explore some more and a rat jumped out at me." Laughing you told him you had heard his comments on the rat earlier from downstairs. It was quite interesting to see such a large man blush like a child at being caught cursing. Quickly Kirishima bent down and picked up the plank to place it back against the wall.
Damn the man had an amazing ass and those arms were so cut you were definitely sure your pussy had just clenched a little. This was bad, this poor man was just being friendly and here you were imagining what it would be like to have his forearm around your throat while he did dirty things to your body. Clearing your throat you asked if he'd like to join for the rest of the second floor exploration. "I'd love that pebble. I usually wander around alone but I'd never say no to having company as cute as you." Blushing you looked away as you started to walk with him going deeper into the dusty space. To your left there were tons of planks and glass panes leaning against the wall and to the right were mostly boxes stacked against the railings. You assumed this must have been office space for the owners and admins of the factory. As you walked a little ahead trying to see what was by the farthest walls you heard the floorboards groaning under your weight before they completely went out from under you.
You were lucky and grabbed a part of the floor that hadn't caved in as you fell. You yelled for help and saw Kirishima walk closer to where you were hanging. His face looked conflicted as he made no move to help or even to give you any reassurance. You realized he wasn't scared to fall in but you couldn't tell why he wouldn't help. Sighing defeatedly Kirishima walked over without an ounce of fear and crouched down to make eye contact with you. "I don't know what to do with you pebble, my job is to guide your soul to the afterlife but I really like you. You're so sweet and shy, much too good to be restarted just because the plan says so." What was he talking about? His job was to guide your soul? Why was he talking like he knew you? You just met him 30 minutes ago. Had you just become friends with a nut job who planned to watch you die?
"Ah I can see that you're confused, I mean I would be too." standing up to his full high he towered over you as you continued to stare up at him with a mix of confusion and fear. He placed back and forth for a moment before turning to you and smiling that big sharp toothed grin that moments before would have made your tummy do a little flip. If hanging half out of a hole in an abandoned building wasn't enough what happened next shocked you so much you almost lost your grip. Kirishima slowly began to lift off from the floor just floating in mid air. With wide eyes you stared in shock, wondering if maybe you had gone a little crazy while hoping he might help you so that you didn't fall to your death. "Well I know what I'm about to tell you is a bit unbelievable so I decided to show you that I'm not joking before I explain. I happen to be a reaper and today was supposed to be the day you die. But like I said I really don't know what to do with you seeing as I don't want someone as manly and fearless as you to just be gone and reincarnated as someone else."
As if to further prove his status as a reaper the man before you started to change. His hoodie and shorts, which were pretty standard for building walks, melted away into a pair of black military style pants and boots along with a fitted black tank top that hugged his chest and back muscles in a way that should definitely be illegal. His arms were covered in a few black band tattoos that circled his wrists and biceps. What was the most astonishing was that his spiky red hair grew long, long to the point that the ends floated around his hips. His still smiling face was covered with a half skull mask leaving his mouth still exposed. "Hey pebble do you want to live as who you are now even if that meant some things about you would change or do you want to die and have me guide you to the next realm? I'll do whatever makes you happier even if it's not what I'd like to see." His eyes shone with sincerity through his mask and his smile seemed a bit forced. You could tell that even though he wasn't human like you he still felt the same emotions that you did. From everything he had said and shown you you could tell he held affection towards you. Enough so that he was willing to go against what was probably as natural as breathing for a reaper. Looking up at him still floating above you a smile broke over your face. You told him you wanted to stay as yourself whatever the changes might be.
Kirishima grinned at you somehow managing to look sweet and scary all at once. Wasting no time he floated over you and grabbed you by the back of your shirt with one hand. Instead of pulling you back to the second level he drifted the two of you through the hole and down to the concrete floors below. Letting go of the back of your shirt he held out his hand to you still trying to give you some control over the situation. As you took his hand he gave it a grateful squeeze before moving to sit with you on a dust covered bench. "Listen pebble I want to be honest with you. The only way for you to stay yourself is if you became my anchor. An anchor is kind of like a reaper's chosen soulmate and we only get a chance to have one every 1000 years of service." This day was getting stranger and stranger by the fucking minute. You could live but you would need to become this man's soulmate, basically his wife. Looking at him again you could say you wouldn't enjoy the physical parts of such a relationship. Honestly Kirishima had no business being this sexy. Well if this kind of thing was gonna happen to you Halloween was no better day for it to happen on. Squeezing his hand you agreed even though you knew he had more to explain.
"If you're sure then I'll take us to my home so that we can link our souls without turning into dust bunnies." The world around you faded out and changed into a huge bedroom that was painted black and red with posters of an old superhero movie lining them. There was workout equipment everywhere you looked, well that at least told you that his muscles were all from hard work and not just random spooky reaper magic. With no small bit of embarrassment you sat on his bed and rubbed your fingers across the covers looking anywhere but him. Taking you straight into his bedroom instead of a living room or something told you exactly what you had been guessing at. Linking souls was definitely going to require sexual contact. "Pebble look at me." Looking up you took him in once again almost drooling over his now shirtless chest as he loosened his belt giving you a tantalizing look at his black happy trail. He walked up to you and held your cheeks in his hands. He searched your eyes for a few moments and when he saw no fear or rejection lowered his head to give you a kiss. This kiss was slow and gentle but full of so much heat you were sure every nerve in your body was on fire. Kirishima's tongue licked across yours as he savored the taste of his soon to be anchor. Not wanting to just sit there and take it you put your all into the kiss licking his teeth, nibbling on his lips, and even sucking on his tongue the same way you wished to suck on another part of his body. Kirishima broke the kiss panting heavily as he let his hands caress down your neck until they reached the collar of the t-shirt you wore. With barely a flick of his fingers your shirt was torn down the middle, your bra sharing its fate. He pushed the shredded material down your shoulders letting it fall to the bed.
"I'm going to be as gentle as I can for you pebble but I have very limited control over myself at the moment. Your so fucking beautiful I swear my supervisor gave me your case cause he knew I'd fall for you." Crawling over you he straddled your waist and began to kiss and bite down your neck stopping only when he reached your breast. Pushing both your breasts together he kissed every inch of them worshiping the heavy mounds. With no warning he sucked both of your nipples into his mouth, bathing them with his tongue before biting them. After every bite he flicked his tongue against the hardened peaks earned himself little whines and moans of appreciation. Once he felt that he could no longer hold himself in check with just adoring your nipples, Kirishima slid down off the bed to crouch in front of you for the second time that day. Slipping his fingers under the waistband of your panties and shorts he tugged them down and over your boots leaving you in only your favorite necklace and your socks and boots. His blood was fire in his veins as he took in the sight of you. Your pussy was so beautifully slick with your juices that it would have been blasphemous for him not to take a taste. Grabbing your thighs he used them to pull your ass to the edge of the bed where he drove in with no hesitation. Licking and sucking the lips of your pussy before using his tongue to separate them. Each swipe of his tongue drove you higher and closer to orgasm. He suckled your clit grazing it with those sharp teeth. The hint of danger from having such vicious looking teeth on something so sensitive threw you over the edge. The pleasure made you so mindlessly happy that you screamed out "eijiro." Like it was a prayer.
At the sound of his first name on your lips all rational thought was lost to kiri. He stood shoving his pants down just enough to free his throbbing cock before he pulled you so only your shoulders and head remained on the bed. With you folded over the way he wanted Kiri slammed his cock into your tight little hole. He was only able to fit about half of his massive girth inside before he had to pull back out leaving only the head inside. This move was the best he could do to get the right momentum to start his powerful digging thrusts. Each thrust was hard and determined, meant to help him reach his goal. And reach his goal is what he did, Kiri bottomed out inside of you after 5 thrusts. His cock head kissed your cervix on the last thrust pulling a choked sob from your throat. Being folded into such a position only made the stretching of your pussy feel that much more overwhelming. Kiri set up a hard measured pace,his only focus on getting his seed into your womb to link the two of you together. Grunting and growling he told you everything he planned. "Fuck pebble your so damn tight and wet. I need to get my cum inside your womb otherwise I might go insane. No one told me linking to your anchor would make me feel like this. I wanna destroy anyone who would ever think to take you from me." You whined desperately every time his cock head battered against the entrance to your womb. It was too much and not enough at the same time. Reaching up you tried to rub your clit only for kiri to grab your wrist and hold it in a firm grip. He was almost passed the point of words but managed a beastly sounding "not without me." Before he increased his pace and shifted his hips making sure every thrust hammered your gspot. Kiri leaning over you to rail your little hole was already a sight to see but the way his hair hung down and tickled against your skin made every nerve ending you had buzz with electricity. A few strands had started to cling to his face due to the sweat pouring off of him and you had to swallow to keep from drooling. This man was made for it seemed, he was everything you had ever fantasized about on those lonely treks through the newest abandoned explore. The sounds of your sex echoed through the room, wet sucking noises, the slap of skin on skin and the sounds only two people in a haze pleasure could make. As he got closer kiri started to slap three fingers on his free hand against your clit. The rhythm of the slaps matched his cocks thrusts so perfectly it caused your pussy to let out a constant stream of squirt. At his final thrust he locked his knees prepared for what was to come. Kiri's cum shot from his slit hosing against your cervix as the base of his cock swelled locking inside you. His cum was so hot and he hadn't stopped tapping your clit. All this combined with the swelling of his cock threw you over the edge, an orgasm ripping through your body so hard your eyes rolled back in your head. Once you had gone limp kiri pulled you up into his arms before turning and sitting on the bed, still locked inside you.
"You are my anchor now the other part of me that will light my way even in the darkest hour." Laying down kiri relaxed, one large hand stroking your back as your breathing began to even out. Just as you were about to drift off you felt shocks and tingling race up and down your arms. Leaning up you looked down at your arms and found you had developed the same tattoos that kiri had on his arms. When you questioned him on it he smiled happily before caressing each mark. "These are proof that our link is true and blessed by the fate in charge of reaper unions." Your heart did a little flip as you took in his love filled expression. By now Kiri's knot had gone down so you pulled yourself up and off of his semi hard cock. He protested wishing to sleep buried inside you but quieted down when you spun around and put your pussy over his face. Leaning down you took his cock in hand and began to lick all the cum and pussy juice from it. Following your lead kiri pulled your hips down and swiped his tongue through the combination of your fluids and his. Once you had his cock cleaned you started to tease him, digging your tongue into his slit. His hips bucked and his leisurely pace on your pussy became wild as he slurped and sucked away. Feeling mischievous you continued you playing with his slit but began to rub that sensitive spot just under the head of his cock.
That is where you went wrong or in this case very right. Kiri's switch was flipped as he lifted you clear in the air by your hips. He threw you into the middle of the room but instead of hitting the floor you stayed suspended in the air. He was using his powers on you! With his magic kiri floated you to sit on his cock no other part of him touching you but the cock pressed at your entrance. "Pretty pebble do your bolder a favor and count for me. I want to see just how much of me is claiming this pussy." You couldn't deny him since keeping silent only made him tease you gently with his tip. Frustrated and wet you began to count each inch. At six you really started to feel the stretching of your inner muscles on this heavy cock. At nine inches you had a little drool running down the corner of your mouth. At twelve inches your pussy was continuously dribbling squirt down Kiri's cock and balls. At fourteen you came whining his name, begging him to fuck you properly and end this delicious torture. All he did was laugh and slowly thrust inside of you keeping you well pleasured but unsatisfied. "It's ok pebble we have all the time in the world now. We're going to take this slow all night long." His last words were said on a beastly growl as he placed one hand on your throat and squeezed enough to make your pussy squeeze his cock in return. This whole Halloween had been nuts so an all night fuck fest with your new supernatural soulmate was just the cherry on top. Sobbing you reached back and grabbed hold of a lock of his hair looking for any part of him to touch that could ground you. His thrusts got harder as you pulled. Well you knew how to get him to fuck you harder. You couldn't wait to learn more tonight and for the rest of your eternity together.
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nellynee · 3 years
The makings of greatness, or why, as a ride or die Treasure Planet stan, I’m glad there’s no Treasure Plant 2
You ever see somethings that makes you unreasonably angry? Yes I understand exactly what I’m saying, and how that indicates that my emotions and opinions on this are exactly that. Opinions. There’s a good chance I have some objective truths mixed in, but that does not make my opinions based on those truths truth. If you disagree or have different tastes or opinions or interpretations, cool, let me know! maybe you’ll change my mind. That being said.
The plot synopsis for the Treasure Planet sequel makes me angry. Not like, actively so, just annoyed enough to be in a bad mood. And now you guys all have to be in one as well. Why?
Reason 1, and probably least important: Disney sequel syndrome.
Ok so Disney sequels aren’t inherently bad. I’ll stan the Aladdin sequels to my grave, who knew Cinderella could world build, obligatory Rescuers Down Under (the first one was better) blah blah blah.
But there is an inherit problem with sequels in general, and that usually has to do with cast and crew. An original piece of fiction has to grab the audience yes, but there’s also freedom in that. Media touches people in different way. The worldbuilding can mean more to some than others. Some are in it for the animation, or the character developments, or relationships. What connects with one person won’t connect with another. The problem with sequels is that different people who worked out the original material might and usually do not work on the new. And those new people are already working on that new material with their own personal lenses and experiences and interpretations coloring the old. The reason sequels (and remakes, and big budget presentations of other materials like books into movies) tend to bomb hard is because you are essentially being forced to accept someone’s fanfiction into the canon material. Usually, there’s a pretty strong correlation between more successful franchises/extension material, works staying true to the core material, original crew working on the material, and the enjoyment of the audience.
And sources say very few of the original crew remained. Some yes, but mostly voice cast. Even worse, TP2 was a DisneyToon production, not even a mainline feature. Now I’m not saying the new people weren’t talented, or passionate about the project, or were lacking in experience. It doesn’t really matter if any of those things are true or not. It’s the warping of their personal lenses I don’t trust. Fanfic I can disregard, meta I can disregard. This would have been canon.
And reading the Artbook makes is abundantly clear that the parts that touched me personally would have been missing. The very core of Treasure Planet for me was the relationship between Jim and Silver (and their exquisite animation budget). However you choose to interpret that relationship, you can not deny that Treasure Planet is a powerfully emotionally romantic movie. It’s quiet moments and emotional resonance shaped my views of intimacy with a sharp and fine touch. Silver and Jim’s bond is as undeniable and powerful as it is compelling and awe inspiring to witness unfold.
And a lot of that is owed not only to  the voice acting of Joseph Gorden-Levitt (Jim) and Brian Murray (Silver), But to animators Glen Keane and John Ripa, who were the head animators of Silver and Jim respectively. Not only did Gorden-Levitt and Brian Murray deliver stunning performances, but made sure to work together and jointly play off each other in ways most voice actors don’t have the opportunity to do. And the Masters Keane and Ripa took an already stellar and carefully crafted vocal rapport and took it one step further. I highly recommend the Artbook as a good read, both Keane and Ripa talk about the journey of discovering who Jim and Silver were with delight, acting out entire scenes together using their own body language to build the characters together, using the same animation reals to animate, tag teaming in and out of the program rather than do it separately, becoming so attuned with their characters attitudes and mannerisms that you can tell they poured entire pieces of themselves into Jim and Silver.
I’m not saying the Sequel would have been inherently bad because it’s a sequel, or because a new crew worked on it, but I am saying I wouldn’t trust it with a ten foot pole.
Reason 2: Thanks I hate it (I’m saying it’s inherently bad because the plot is bad and I hate it)
I’m sorry for the length, but for you to really understand just how bad this is, I actually have to pick through every single line and tell you why it fails critically at some junctures and where it would be so simple to fix. For those of you who were unaware that there was a sequel in the works at some point, I’m pulling these quotes pretty much wholesale from the AnimateVeiws article Buried Treasure: The ill-fated voyage to Treasure Planet 2, specifically the interview with Jun Falkenstein who was set to direct the now canceled sequel. Spoiler warning, I guess?
So, from the begining
“The sequel was to pick up where the first film left off, with Jim Hawkins going to the Royal Interstellar Academy. At the Academy, he is a hotshot “natural,” but he doesn’t follow the rules very well.” - Strong start but then dropped the finish. I think the interstellar academy would be a very compelling starting point. I see no fault in it at least, it’s a good opportunity to world build. Clemence and Musket like to make a point that Jim was crafted to connect with the emotionally wounded and distant youth in a age of divorce, so showing what happens when that youth hikes up their britches and gets to work can extend on that theme aaaaaaand you dropped it. Dropped that strong start. Yes, Jim was more than a bit of a bite back rebel in the film, but that was a reactionary response to the bad place he started in. Jim was abandoned, and tied his self worth into that abandonment. His kickback against society was a reaction stemming from an inability to see his personal worth and any sort of future he could craft from it. He outgrew this, his very character development was about this in the film. His character arc was about realizing his inherent worth, embracing a sense of confidence and learning what he could do. Even disregarding that, bonus material outside of the film shows that Jim has a very strong sense of respect for Captain Amelia, her military career, and the hard work she put into it, and he’s there on her recommendation. Why would he act out in this? He is a natural yes, but the film shows he’s incredibly sharp and intelligent, if unlearned, and more than ready to learn given opportunity.
“Hence, he gets off to a shaky start – especially with his classmate Kate, who is very smart and has a type A personality. Kate’s father is Admiral Blake, the Commander of the Navy. Jim and Kate vie for top of the class but have very different skills.” - So building off this to fix the problem before. I guess the dynamic they are going for is something like “the kind of a jerk hotshit hotshot who’s got it all figured out and the straight laced rule fallowing stick in the ass rival”? I’m not apposed to to a rivalry, but lets tweak this, given how “hot shot natural jerk” isn’t really where Jim settles at the end of the film. Jim is a natural talent, who excels under tutelage, but more importantly, he has practical experience. While the time period spent on the RLS Legacy is not defined, they do sail to a deep and unexplored part of the galaxy, probably well outside of regular settlements, so no small distance, though Jim is young enough that a very long period of time would be noted in physical growth. Given comparisons to classic nautical sailing of the source time, months, perhaps up to a year? That’s a long time to spend, learning the rough and tumble basics, tying knots, experiencing food and water rations, extreme temperatures, playing with the rigging and mechanical aspects of the boat. Jim knows what it’s like to actually sail. Meanwhile, this is the Royal Academy, who probably takes in upper class second born children and pumps out military accolades for well learned mathematicians and strategists. Jim doesn’t fit in because he can visualize, he can think outside of the box, he can weld a damn engine to a hunk of shrapnel and ignite it freefalling against a metal hellscape and outrace a boat in a high adrenaline situation. He adapts where the other’s frantically look through their notes for the answer. Worse yet, he’s poor and not classically educated. Make it a class issue. In this aspect I do like Kate. Being the Daughter of the Commander of the Navy, she probably has a very technical and far more expansive understanding of navel ships, particularly the running of them. In this way Jim and Kate are perfect foils. Jim representing the poor, instinctually and practically knowledgeable crew, and Kate the upper-class, technically knowledgeable command, a dichotomy representing the haves and have nots in their skills, experiences, an class.
I don’t want to post a picture and break the post, but I do love Kate’s design. I do recommend looking up the article and checking it out. that being said, being a feline species, they messed up not spelling it Cate.
“Captain Amelia is dean of the Academy, which has a brand-new vessel: the Centurion.” - I… why, why is Amelia the dean? Additional material shows that Amelia broke ties with the military because she didn’t like their rule stickling ways and red tape. Why would she want a red tape position? She helped with a war and then bailed first opportunity to become a freelance captain so she could fallow her own rules. Even if you don’t know any of that additional material, you do know that she is a freelance captain. Why is she dean? what happened to the old one? Are they dead? Did DisneyToon kill them? Did Disneytoon kill the old dean?
“Designed by Doctor Doppler, the Centurion is the fastest ship in the galaxy.” - HE’S NOT THAT KIND OF DOCTOR!
“B.E.N. is its pilot”. - NO
In all seriousness all three of those statements show a serious problem, in that none of those characters are in fact those things. Amelia I’ve already explained. But Doppler was a debatably youngish bachelor with too much money who was fascinated by astronomy specifically and who suffered from ennui. And BEN was a navigational unit, so maybe it makes sense for him to be a pilot, but why is a robot who was functioning under a galaxy feared pirate for who knows how long given any kind of agency over a brand new incredibly important ship? These decisions were probably made to incorporate as much of the old cast as possible, to not exclude fan faves. But any decision that makes BEN a prominent part of the plot and thus gets more screen time is a BAD one.
“The pirate Ironbeard desires to commandeer the Centurion. This ruthless villain is relatively all iron – almost nothing of whom he originally was, inside and out, is left.” - On the one hand, I have a weird feeling that this would somehow violate the 30-70 rule. Buuuuut on the other hand, the Artbook does describe the decision making process of what and how was mechanical on Silver (my favorite tidbit was the wheel on his head representing his constant thinking and assessing) and states that that they in a way represent the pieces of humanity he gave up looking for Flint’s Trove. Extending that to a pirate who has given up everything could be a powerful thematic tool if used right (or intentionally)
“He leads a group of pirates to hijack the Centurion while Jim and Kate are aboard.” - ok, yeah, I’ll buy that. If they are butting heads constantly, I could see them sneaking off to the new piece of hardware to one up each other on who knows their stuff, or maybe bond over wanting to learn about the said new tech and being frustrated with restrictions.
“The Navy can’t catch the Centurion, due to the vessel’s speed and armor.”- sure
“Jim and Kate escape the Centurion. Jim decides he needs a pirate to help catch pirates. They find his old buddy Long John Silver in the Lagoon Nebula, where he is running a smuggling ring. “ - So what Jim just goes “I know just the pirate to help us” and then finds him? That journey of itself deserves it’s own movie, anything less is a disappointment. Alternative. Jim and Kate escape onto a particularly lawless planet. Jim has some tricks to keep them safe and fed, maybe he even excels in ways he’s been straight up stop gapped at the academy. Maybe his knowhow is appreciated by others who society also rejects. But Kate is a frustrating fish out of water, getting offended and worked up over things that are big deals to an average citizen but not criminals and pirates. But such reactions are putting them in danger and she needs to get perspective fast. It’s plausible maybe that Silver tracks them down through interesting rumors, but more than that, let it be fate. Neither having any idea the other is there till the second they see each other. Bonus points if Jim and Kate get in a bind and Silver is the leader of the harassers. Better yet lets add some thematic mirroring not only to the scene where Silver saved Jim from Scroop, but directly contrast it to the scene where Silver doubled back and down against the notion of caring for Jim when called out before the mutiny. *kisses finger* Touching and hilarious.
“ Silver agrees to help when he hears about the Centurion. “ -  Silver agrees to help when he hears about the Centurion without Jim even having to ask. Storywise, lets make some kind of deal over how Jim, an upstanding enrollee of the academy, apparently is chummy with a pirate. Tension doesn’t just have to be external, and Kate is the daughter of the Commander of the Army. Maybe she’s recognized and this gets them in trouble. Maybe Kate has issues with her identity outside of her father’s career and need to learn a lesson about being outside of a rigid social structure?
“Jim and Kate receive a tracking signal from B.E.N. – who is currently hostage aboard the Centurion – and follow via Silver’s creaky vessel. They discover the Centurion docked near the Botany Bay Prison Asteroid. “ - While being the fastest ship yet is a good excuse for wanting it to get stolen, my suspension of disbelief breaks a little at any ship, let alone a creaky little pirate vessel, catching up to the fastest ship yet, or the tracking signal being the only way to track it to a guarded prison. Seeing as how I’ve written BEN out of this scenario lets fix it. After the events of the movie, the Royal Military swoops in after to confiscate the debris of Treasure Planet. For those in the know, canon lore states that the Planet was a giant computer, and it and the map were the byproducts of an ancient and advanced civilization. Studying the debris led to the Centurion, notable not for it’s speed, but for it’s stealth. It can cloak itself. Which is why no-one can find it. Meanwhile Silver lets it slip that he snagged the map from it’s pedestal as they escaped the planet as a souvenir. (handwave why the portal was still open with a “the whole thing was exploding, the computer froze). The map is able to track the remnants of said planet, aka the Centurion, meaning Silver has the only means of tracking the cloaked ship
“Ironbeard is using the Centurion to disable Botany Bay’s security systems. Jim, Kate and Silver sneak aboard the Centurion, where Silver reveals to Jim that he wants to take the Centurion for himself. He asks Jim to join him.“ YES. YES YES YES YES YES YES! Understanding that  Jim’s decision to not go with Silver in the first movie is key here. He rejected Silver’s offer the first time because Silver had shown him he had intrinsic value, and Jim finally felt that the natural gifts he had were worth cultivating, that he did have the chance to explore who he could be on his own terms. Jim was comfortable being on his own, because he felt capable. Now, Jim and Silver bring out the best in each other, and the time apart has done them harm. Jim’s strings of social rejections are starting to fell like a glass ceiling he can’t overcome, and is finding more and more comfort in being a big fish in a pirates small pond, and the emotions of of being wanted that come with Silver is a powerful drug. But it’s a one way ticket away from any opportunities he could work towards, not to mention his barely repaired relationship with his mother. Meanwhile Silver has been slowly slipping back into the colder, more selfish self he was, a necessity for his lifestyle, and doesn’t want to loose his connection to Jim and what Jim brings out in him, but is still far enough gone to make the offer and try for the boat anyways, even if he knows it’s not what’s best. It’s an emotionally compelling decision. You want them to say yes, you know they shouldn’t
“Kate overhears this and is horrified, especially since the two have, of course, started falling for each other during the adventure.” - Hate. this I hate. Leaving shipping to they way side, what’s that “of course”? why do they have to fall for each other? Why the Disneytoon sequel love interest? I have a feeling her characterization would come at the cost of it. Why can’t they be rivals? why can’t they develop a mutual respect outside of attraction? Why can’t they both learn an individualized lesson about finding their own place in the world outside of social constraints as foils without macking? I hate this concept. Kate overhears, and is horrified, because Silver is a Pirate which is actually in universe get yourself hanged offense, and Jim is considering this, and they are going to steal a VERY IMPORTANT BOAT and and leave her stranded in a dagerous prison, and are making an objectively morally bad decision.
“Ironbeard discovers the intruders, charging into a fight in which Silver is injured. Meanwhile, the other pirates throw down ladders to the prison below, allowing swarms of elated prisoners to climb up into the ship. Silver, Jim, and Kate exit the Centurion amidst all the confusion. However, Ironbeard shoots down Silver’s ship. They plummet to the prison asteroid below, crash-landing” - cool. Drama. But for my purposes, lets tweak it so Silver isn’t injured yet. But I really want to emphasize that this attack does not interrupt before Jim can react to Silver’s offer. Even something as tentative as “I’m not sure” has consequences. None of this “misunderstanding” BS.
“ Kate is angry at Jim and storms off. “- again, make it clear that Jim showed a real chance of agreeing to steal the ship. if she’s angry before he had a chance to answer that’s contrivance for drama’s sake. Give her a reason to be mad
“ Jim is about to blow her off as well when Silver tells him to give her a chance. He reveals a part of his past through a flashback, when a young (non-cyborg) Silver screwed up a relationship with the love of his life – a decision which directly led to his life of piracy. “ - nope. nope nope nope . I’m gonna put a big old * here because this is reason number 3 why I hate this potential movie, and I will get to that believe me, but here’s me, putting a pin in it. That being said, have Silver selfishly try to double down on getting Jim to join him in a three way argument instead. This is the conflict of the film. Kate, who was learning to grow outside of the strict restrictions of her life and do her own work, make her own way, is being rejected. She is as morally repulsed as she is hurt that she wasn’t included, and hates herself for that hurt as well. Jim is torn between the freedom of what he could be after the academy paired with the strict social constructs around it, and the freedom of a life “full of himself and no ties to anyone” but running from the law and the two friends they represent. Silver is the aggressor here. He likes Kate, he does, but he loves Jim and only has one place in his heart, and has spent his life being selfish. There’s already a crew on board, and Iron beard is hooked into the Centurion. With having the only other means to navigate, they take down ironbeard, the rest will surely fall in line. This is paydirt. A fantastic ship, a bloodthirsty crew, and Jim.
“Silver has a very dangerous cargo with him that he had been trying to smuggle and sell for a fortune, which has the power of a neutron bomb. Jim, Kate and Silver reconcile and work together to fix Silver’s ship and prevent the Centurion, filled with the most evil pirates in the galaxy, from going on an insane robbing-and-killing spree. At the last second, Silver reluctantly gives up his “retirement fund” in order to destroy the Centurion, with Ironbeard and all the pirates on board.” - this entire section needs rewritten. That’s a mcguffin Silver put it away. I have retconned the mcguffin to be the old map, so that is now moot. Now to not blow up the ship. Afterall, Silver and Jim have both already overcome what Treasure Planet represented with it’s destruction. Rather, B plot
If we are that desperate to have past characters in, let’s have Amelia and Delbert back home. When the Centurion is captured, Amelia immediately volunteers to fallow, feeling responsible for Jim and secretly pining for some adventure. Delbert feels the same, and he to a bit of an adrenaline junkie after the events of the first movie, but they have the children to think about and only one can leave. Delbert is the one chosen to help by the navy officials searching for the Centurion. While Amelia bickers with the Admiral Blake over his pragmatic but emotionally distant decisions over the situation of his missing daughter, Delbert is an astronomer, and is blah blah blah science meta, fallow the flashing  and bending lights around the cloaked ship to find it. As in Delbert is helpful. Amelia in a reflation to Admiral Blake, is torn between her family and commandeering her own ship to help. Blake is frustratingly headstrong in his decisions, and the script makes it seem like that emotional distance is disinterests, but reveals to the audience that it incorporates a great deal of suppression of his anxieties and worries over his daughter, and trust in her abilities, though he has issues expressing this pride to Kate herself. Amelia, Delbert and fam make what is probably a poor decision in commandeering a ship and leaving on their own to track the Centurion, the navy hot on their heels.
Back to A plot, the navy is approaching. Jim has to make a decision. He is the only one who knows how to unmask the ship using the old ones tech without training, as it’s based off the map. While Kate and Silver are distracting iron beard, he has to either steal the ship and sail off, or uncloak it for the navy. Iron beard is taken down, but not without Silver getting injured. Jim decides that Silver’s life is worth more than anything, and after agreeing with Kate that she’ll commandeer a doctor and wont let Silver die, uncloaks the ship. The Centurion is retaken in a blaze of naval glory that is the action climax. The pirates fight back up are over run. Maybe Kate gets taken hostage as the Admirals daughter, as an opportunity for a resolution with her arc as Blake’s distant daughter, though obviously said resolution comes at her showing her abilities in taking care of herself and the practical skills she has learned.
“Silver again parts from Jim and Kate, telling them to take care of each other. A few years later, Jim and Kate graduate with honors, while a proud Silver secretly watches from the shadows, smiling” - Boooooo. Kate and her dad make up, and she challenges him that she’s going to one day Captain the Centurion, with him understanding that she needs less a mentor and more an emotional support while she works her way up the ranks. She invites Jim to be her first mate, to which Jim accepts as a navigator, (a thing I’ve pointed out to be his real strength in another post). But to Silver, who has been “pardoned” for his part in retaking the Centurion, the movie hinting that he to would be on the eventual crew there I fixed it fic to come I s2g.
yeah there’s a lot of good there, but it’s so easy to fix the bad it’s frustrating. which brings me to
Reason 3: that little pin
“ Jim is about to blow her off as well when Silver tells him to give her a chance. He reveals a part of his past through a flashback, when a young (non-cyborg) Silver screwed up a relationship with the love of his life – a decision which directly led to his life of piracy. “
Nope nope nope I’ll tell you why.
First of all, sources like the artbook say that Jim is so Important to Silver because he’s the first person Silver has ever let become important. he’s specifically stated to have no family, never married, no children. And that’s something he cultivated actively. His life of piracy, his metal limbs, his loneliness and moral failings were all gleefully accumulated for one reason and one reason only
Treasure Planet.
Treasure Planet was the great love of Silver’s life. It was a lifelong obsession. It destroyed his body, took his youth, his opportunities and nearly his life. He broke Jim’s heart over it.
And he let it go. For Jim.
And Jim understood this
This is the crux of treasure planet’s very themes. This is where Jim found self worth. Another person finally looked at him and said “you matter, you matter more than anything. I like being around you and I choose you first.” and it made Jim realize he’s someone worth choosing.
The treasure was EVERYTHING to Silver, and Silver let it go, for Jim.
That one line there, attributing the start of Silver’s fall to a girl? that actively retcons the entire theme of the previous movie. IT rewrite the emotional linchpin of Silver’s sacrifice of the gold. And actually fuck that. right into the ground. I do not accept. I do not pass go. I refuse. Fuck you non existent movie. That makes me mad. every single time. Hate I shall never let go.
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btsxmalereaders · 3 years
Grow Up
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Male Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 981
🎵 Grow up
[You’re doing enough, you’re doing just fine. I know you and you’re trying your best right now. That’s all you need]
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As you finish drinking your 3rd cup of coffee of the day, a small wave of tiredness menaces to hit your body again. The dark circles under your eyes already gave away that these days haven't been good for you, and the way you moved and nearly slept on every spot you decide to take a break was enough for everyone to know that you were probably going through a rough time.
Truth is, balancing your part-time work and studies while being on finals was a complete nightmare. Your study sessions started to become more frequent and longer, and the only time you could actually spend in home were only dedicated to take showers while your boyfriend was working, and sleeping at late hours of the night, and just a few hours because you had to leave early to the university.
Your sleeping schedule was a mess and your body felt sore all the time. Your diet also started to be bad, which made you feel even more tired and weak. And for the cherry on top, you barely got time to spend with Chris; of course he did understand it since he was the most comprehensive person you've ever met, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. The only thing you've been wanting for a long while was to spend at least one day with him, to talk and maybe fall asleep between his arms.
As the clock strikes 3 p.m you collect your books and stand up, walking out of the library and deciding it was time to take a break and grab something to eat. Normally, you would eat whatever was on the menu on the cafeteria, but now you were in the mood for also taking a walk and clear your head for the first time this week.
When you're walking in the hallways of the building, your phone buzzes and a smile on your face appears almost immediately. Even though you haven't seen him these past days, Chris always made sure to leave you sweet and encouraging messages to go through your day, but this time you're surprised to see that he is asking you to drop by your shared apartment.
You quickly reply that you're on your way there, your mood changing drastically and your heart beating uncontrollably. You're almost running to the apartment once the bus stops to drop you in front of the street where your building is, and even take the stairs instead of the elevator to get there quickly.
Your legs are sore when you're at the door, but you think it is worth it when you see your boyfriend with the biggest smile and opening his arms to welcome you with the warmest hug. It is almost as if your worries vanishes when you're in between his arms, in his tight embrace, holding every piece of you and letting you breathe. To relax and melt in his soft touch.
"How is my baby boy doing?" He sweetly whispers to your ear, knowing you love that cheesy nickname.
His strong and captivating smell along with whatever is being cooked in the kitchen makes you feel happier.
"Good, now that I am finally hugging you." You answer and separate a bit to give him a kiss on his lips. He leaves many more on your cheeks and forehead before helping with your backpack and taking off your coat, making yourself comfortable and taking off your shoes before entering the living room.
"I made you your favorite," He says with the same big smile and marking those dimples you'd die for. "So go get a shower to relax, put on comfortable clothes and come back here to eat, what do you think?"
Without you even noticing, some tears start flooding your eyes and running down your cheeks, alarming Chan and make him feel worried.
"What's wrong? Did something happen?" He asks, concerned, leaving caresses to your back and neck, trying to calm you down.
"I am just really tired." You murmur against his neck, drying your tears on his hoodie and pulling him closer to you, wanting more comfort.
He understands it, letting you vent and relax as he keeps caressing and leaving more kisses.
"You have had pretty bad tough days, haven't you? My poor baby," He mutters and separates a little bit once you stop whimpering, erasing every trace of tears on your face and softly smiling at you. "You are so strong and admirable, you're really giving all of you. You're doing well."
You two keep hugging for a while until you decide to do what he told you and clean your face. For the rest of the day, Chan makes sure you're happy and comfortable, talking about how his days have been and making lighthearted jokes that genuinely make you laugh; and he swears he couldn't be any more in love with you, with the way you open up at him, the way you cover your face when he comes up with cheesy pickup lines and the way you let yourself be vulnerable for him to take care of you.
He already called your boss to let her know you couldn't go to work today, and it's not like you could protest about it, you weren't in the mood for it anyway. Instead, you put on your pajamas even if it's barely five p.m and cuddle with Chan on your bed, letting him hold you close and profess his love for you with sweet whispered words to your ear, making you feel butterflies in your stomach.
As you both expected, you fall asleep pretty quickly, and Chan takes a few minutes to admire every single detail of you, feeling truthfully happy and in love; that warm feeling settling on his chest and making him realize how much you mean to him, that there's nothing he wouldn't do for you.
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Dewey Decimal System
Max Cady x Reader in the library, no plot, just smut
Dedicating this little work to @droogiesanddiscourse who just today found out she's graduating with honors!!! I'm so proud of you bb!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
TW: smut, public sex, explicit/raunchy dialogue, Max Cady in general?
Word Count: 2.2k
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“My baby’s so smart, knowing how to find any book in the library,” your boyfriend, Max, coos quietly to you as you saunter through the aisles and aisles of books, softly leading him with his hand in yours. “You know I didn’t learn to read until my stay in the big house, but I never did learn numbers all that well. I’m glad my little princess can navigate this, uh, what do you call it? Dew something?’
“The Dewey Decimal System!” you whisper in a giggle.
“The Dewey Decimal System...” he tried the words out on his tongue, “Well, I’m glad you can lead me in the right direction, angel.”
“Oop, right here!!” you point up at a tall shelf. Max’s body crashes into yours, nearly landing you both on the floor, as you stopped so suddenly.
“Goodness gracious, girlie, you must be excited to do some reading, huh?” his voice rumbles lowly next to your ear. His muscular arms wrap tightly around your midsection, pressing your backside against him. You can feel his arousal stirring already; he really has no qualms about doing nasty things to you, any time, anywhere. “Oh, baby, I’m already thinking about you reading to me... Hearing that sweet little voice say such naughty things, those pretty little lips forming unholy syllables...” And in true Max Cady fashion, his fingertips are already teasing at the edge of your skirt, threatening for his rough palms to attack your delicate thighs.
You feel a single finger creep up to your hip, teasing at the waistband of your panties, “I hope you aren’t particularly fond of these, ‘cuz they’re coming off now, honey.” And with that, his other hand quickly follows the first one up your skirt and before you could even protest, the man is on his knees and the lacy underwear around your ankles. He helps you out of them as is you were a toddler, getting them over your shoes.
He quickly snatches a book from the bottom shelf and flips it open to a random page before stuffing your panties in it and shoving it back on the shelf. “Max!!!” you whisper-yell.
“What?” he plays dumb, standing back up to press himself into your backside again. “You don’t want someone findin’ your panties? Knowin’ what we did in here? Mmm, well I wanna spread the word about you, baby... Besides, they can use it as a bookmark.” His hands grip your hipbones and he gives you a sloppy kiss on your neck, making a loud slurping noise.
“Max! Shhh!!”
“You’re so cute, all worried about getting caught. You think we’ll get in trouble if someone sees us, or god forbid if someone hears us in this quiet place?”
“Maaaaxxx...” you whine.
“Mm, yeah? You like that idea? Someone hearing the way I turn you into a whore for me? You don’t sound as innocent as you look once I get you goin’.” His hand slides around to your sex, teasing you roughly through the smooth fabric of your skirt, and when you let out a little whimper, it only proves his point.
"Alright, princess, why don't you grab us that book we're looking for?" Following his question, Max's strong arms easily hoist you off the ground, lifting you up, up, up to reach that top shelf and pull down one of Max's favorite books: 𝘛𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘤 𝘰𝘧 𝘊𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘳. Oh, and don't think that he missed the opportunity to peak under that skirt...
• • •
As you and Max relax in two adjacent armchairs that he scooted close together, you recite prose from your boyfriend's favorite author. Just a few pages in, you're already at one of his favorite parts. You can read the sheer excitement on Max's face when he says, "Alright, darlin', you better speak up for this next part, you know how much I like the dirty bits."
You look around, making sure no one is nearby, and you start, "'At night when I look at Boris' goatee lying on the pillow I get hysterical.'"
"Louder," Max tilts his head forward, looking at you from under his brow bone.
You raise your voice only slightly, "'O Tania, where now is that warm cunt of yours, those fat, heavy garters, those soft, bulging thighs?'"
"I can't hear you..." he chimes devilishly.
"'There is a bone in my prick six inches long...'"
"And what's he gonna do with it?" Like he doesn't already know.
"'I will ream out every wrinkle in your cunt, Tania, big with seed,'" you look around again, checking for any poor passersby, "'I will send you home to your Sylvester with an ache in your belly and your womb turned inside out.'"
Max let's out a low whistle, "That Henry Miller suuuure knew what he was talking about, huh?" He leans forwards and rather directly slides his hand under your skirt, thumb quickly parting your lips to find that special little bundle of nerves.
You gasp loudly, and Max continues, "Yeah? You want me to turn your womb inside out like he did to Tania? Make that little cunt smooth with my big cock?" His voice is just loud enough that it still sounds intimate but anyone walking by could easily hear.
In an attempt to quiet your moans, you press on reading, "’Your Sylvester! Yes, he knows how to build a fire-‘"
"’But I know how to inflame a cunt!’" Max finishes your sentence for you before pulling you up out of your chair and into his lap, where his fingers quickly find their place between your thighs as if it is the most natural thing in the world to him. "Keep reading, princess," he whispers softly in your ear.
You become aware of his hard length pressing into your thigh, as you read the line, "’I shoot hot bolts into you, Tania, I make your ovaries incandescent.’”
Max lets out a deep moan that rumbles your eardrums and presses some kisses to your cheek and jawline.
“‘Your Sylvester is a little jealous now? He feels something, does he? He feels the remnants of my big prick. I have set the shores a little wider. I have ironed out the wrinkles,’” Max starts to rut against you in his lap. His hands take a firm grip on your hips and slide you back and forth against the erection trapped in his pants. You keep going, “‘After me you can take on stallions, bulls, rams, drakes, St. Bernards. You can stuff toads, bats, lizards up your rectum. You can shit arpeggios if you like, or string a zither across your navel.’”
His moans become quite noisy and his hands search for your flesh; one hand slipping under the edge of your shirt to feel the soft skin of your tummy, the other getting an anchor hold on your hair and giving it a rough tug. You inhale sharply wincing at the pain. You can tell Max is getting needy for you; it would never cease to fascinate you how some little girl (anyone is small next to his towering muscular frame) could have so much control over him.
“‘I am fucking you, Tania, so that you'll stay fucked. And if you are afraid of being fucked publicly I will fuck you privately-‘“
“Damn, that sounds like a good idea,” Max grunts out and unzips his pants, “I sure hope you aren’t afraid of being fucked publicly.”
His next few actions only take a few seconds, and before you can even realize it, you’ve been hoisted up and swiftly dropped down onto your boyfriend’s thick cock. You somehow let out a gasp and a squeal at the same time, and Max claps his hand over your mouth. The only other sound is the thud of the book hitting the floor and closing. Where Max wanted you to speak up before, now it’s time for the quiet game...
“How’s that feel? Daddy’s big cock stretching out those tight walls, huh?” Clearly, it’s a rhetorical question since his hand stays clasped over your mouth. It’s Max’s turn to tease you with his words. “You always take me so well, my little princess. You think if anyone walked by they would know that you’re filled to the brim with my prick? You’ve been trained well, baby girl, you can take me and no one knows I’m inside you, but I know how turned on you are, I felt how wet you were when I was touching you. You wanted this, and I bet everyone knows how much you wanted it, I bet that librarian in the next room knows you have your pussy stuffed right now.”
In all honestly, this guy Ryan had just started working at the library; he had hoped it would be more a bit more relaxing than his job at the local drive-in movie theatre. But Ryan recognized you and Max when you came in, and he really, REALLY doesn’t want another awkward interaction with your boyfriend, so he’s gonna leave you to do whatever you want in the back room of the library...
His hand still covers your mouth as you lean your head back onto his shoulder, looking at him out the corner of your eye. His other arm braces your hips, keeping you flush to him so you can feel every time his member twitches. “You feel me, princess? Feel that ‘bone in my prick’ and how bad I want you?”
You nod your head as much as his grip will allow, eyes never leaving his.
“If I can be frank, sweetheart, Daddy’s never been good at this whole cockwarming thing like you are. It always leaves me wanting more, and you know Daddy can’t resist having more of you... Whaddaya say we play horsey instead? I’ll bounce you on my lap like the dumb little baby doll you are, just like your old man did for you when you were a kid."
You let out an excited little whimper, and Max moves his hands to your hips. "Now I can't keep a hand on your mouth anymore. Think you can keep quiet for me?"
You nod your head excitedly and whisper as quietly as you can, "Yes, sir, Daddy. Can I have a kiss?"
"Aww, of course you can, angel," his lips meet yours in a wet, unrefined fashion, giving you the rough kind of kiss you need. Max also takes this moment to start bouncing you in his lap, just like horsey. With your lips pressed to his, it muffles any sounds that escape the two of you.
His thrusts are small and quick, but actually really satisfying at this angle. The girth of him presses against that special spot inside you. That combined with the thrill of possibly getting caught already has that feeling creeping up in your belly. Your nails dig into his hips looking for something to ground you as you find ecstasy in your orgasm.
But your climax isn't gonna stop Max from what he's doing. He continues to bounce you on his lap, whispering, "Mmm, finished so soon? You must like bouncing on my cock. Bouncy, bouncy..."
You bite your lip, still riding out your orgasm as he continually slams into your g-spot. When a drawn out little whine hums out of you, Max shushes you with a "Shhhh, shhh, baby. You're doing so good, such a good girl for Daddy. Just a little longer, I'm so close, princess."
With your brows furrowed and eyes closed tight, you brave yourself on the arms of the chair. You feel two calloused fingertips at your bottom lip, and you open your mouth, taking them in.
"There that'll keep you quiet for this next part," Max warns before absolutely plowing his hips up into you as fast as he can. His other hand maintains such a firm grip on your side, you think he'll probably leave bruises.
Max chokes back a deep grunt and pulls you down into his lap to spill his seed inside you. You feel his length jolting and that warm gooey liquid. You both sit there catching your breath, and Max wraps his arms around you in a loving embrace.
He gets you to look at him, placing another dirty kiss to your mouth. Then he pulls you off of him, stand up, places you back down on the chair, and gets his pants zipped up.
"Um. Max?" you whisper, a little tense.
"What is it, little darlin'?" He gets on his knees in front of you, placing his big hands on your thighs.
"Uhhh... I think there's gonna be a little mess on this chair," you get right next to his ear and oh so quietly tell him, "it's, uh, leaking."
"Aww, are you worried about leaving some of my cum on the chair?" he places a hand on your chin, "That was the point, baby. The librarian can handle it." Max gives you a wink before taking you by the hand and leading you out of the library.
Poor Ryan.... Scarred again by Max and his girl, and now he has to clean up after them.
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jinmukangwrites · 3 years
Whumptober2021 - October 4th - Taken Hostage | Pushed
Gift fic to @fidothefinch <3
Fandom: Nightwing, Batman - All Media Types
Warnings: Near death experience, hostage situations, implies Bruce as a shitty dad but I don't go into detail on it.
If there’s anything in the world that Dick hates more than being restrained, it’s being held hostage. Especially if he’s being held hostage as a threat against Bruce or Batman. One thing they don’t tell you in the foster system is that if you’re adopted by a rich and famous to the Kardashian level man, is that you’re often the target of criminals who think snatching a kid on their way home from school is a surefire way to make a million bucks. It’s no better in the vigilante business either, because often any hero in Gotham is only seen as a stepping stool to getting to Batman.
Honestly, at this point Dick’s used to it. It doesn’t mean he enjoys it, though. Not so much because of the initial kidnapping part, but because he’s worked hard to become his own person, his own man with his own life. He moved to Blüdhaven to be anything other than the son of Bruce Wayne; to be his own hero that villains learn to fear. And then the second he sets foot back in Gotham, for whatever reason, suddenly it’s all about the reclusive eldest Wayne child returning home! Suddenly, when villains see him at night, it isn’t “Oh shit, it’s Nightwing!”, it’s “Shit, it’s a Sidekick! Where’s the Bat?!”
Anyway, long story short, Dick came back to Gotham for one weekend to visit family, and now he’s dressed as Nightwing, standing on a roof with duct-tape keeping his wrists together behind his back and a knife to his throat belonging to a shady businessman who’s finally caught the attention of Gotham’s heroes.
And it’s sorta pathetic how Dick ended up in this situation. It wasn’t like this was going to be a particularly difficult mission. Just sneak into the building, grab the evidence he needed to get this bastard behind bars, and then get out. Unfortunately, someone tipped the man off without Bruce knowing about it. When he went into the main office, he was met with a very strong guard hiding behind the doors, and after a hefty blow to the head and a few concerning minutes of blacking out, Dick opened his eyes—thankfully still masked—to find himself kneeling on the rough cement of a skyscraper’s roof, completely stripped of any of his useful tools. He has a small knife in one of his gauntlets, but it’s not exactly in an easy to reach position. It would take time to grab at it, and that’s not counting the high probability he’ll be spotted by Jerome McCoy--Gotham’s latest shady businessman--or any of his goons.
Besides, Tim is already up here listening to their demands to get Batman up here or Dick dies. It shouldn’t be long before Bruce gets here and kicks his ass. That’s not even accounting for the facts that Jason, Steph, Duke, Dami, and Cass are all in town.
These idiots have no clue how close they are with dealing with close to every single bat if something bad happens to Dick tonight.
And everything was going fine until Tim suddenly stopped mid sentence in reminding McCoy that Batman was on his way and brought his hand to his communicator in his ear. When Tim paled ever so slightly, Dick knew something had gone exactly NOT according to plan.
“What is it?!” McCoy demands, pressing the knife against Dick’s neck with worrying pressure. Dick leans his head back slightly to lessen the risk of his neck being cut and meets Tim in the eyes through their masks.
Tim swallows. “Batman is being held up-”
Dick resists sighing in both disappointment and lack-of-surprise as McCoy practically explodes.
“Only for a few hours,” Tim rushes to explain. He’s lifted his hands in a placid manner and softened his voice, which can’t be good. “He’s… met an unexpected complication along the way that he cannot ignore. Please, just tell me what you want, and I can take my partner and be out of-”
“I don’t have a few hours,” McCoy practically screeches. “Either Batman makes it his priority to get here, or Nightwing gets it!” to make a point, McCoy lifts the knife from Dick’s neck and waves it in front of him. Dick slides his eyes over to the other goons on the roof; there’s only a few. Maybe… if Dick plays his cards right… “That was the deal!”
“I understand-”
“Tell Batman to get here now, or Nightwing’s blood is on his hands!”
“He’s busy- I can’t just-”
Dick slams his body back, pointing his elbow the furthest he can with the way his arms are bound and jamming it into McCoy’s stomach. McCoy lets out a startled, breathless gasp as Dick uses his surprise to escape from his grasp and jump to his feet.
“’Wing!” Tim yells at the same time McCoy wheezes “Get that fucker!”
Dick has just a second to notice Tim’s shock at Dick’s sudden attack before Dick’s having to defend himself with his hands literally tied behind his back. Sorry, kid, Dick thinks, ducking around a pair of beefy arms, but we’re out of options.
It was going well until it wasn’t. Tim was even about to step in. However, while waking up from his lovely whack to the head, Dick failed to assess just where he was on the roof.
All it took was for the back of his heel to tough nothing but air for his heart to jump to his throat. Instinctively, he tried to wave his arms to catch his balance, but was quickly reminded of his predicament when the tape tugged against his wrists. For a moment, pure panic filled his entire body, here, wobbling backwards off the edge of a roof dozens of stories above the ground. He could feel his heart pound, hands shake, breath catch, hair rustle in the wind, but he couldn’t do a thing to stop himself from falling backwards. He’s pretty sure he hears Tim scream his codename, but he’s not totally focused on anything other than his pending doom right now-
A heavy hand wraps around his upper-bicep, stopping his almost-promised journey to pancake town. Everything is silent on the roof for a solid moment, as Dick practically hangs over the ledge of the roof with his feet just barely still on solid ground, a goon holding him juuuuuust enough to make sure he doesn’t fall. Tim looks even paler than before, looking like he really did watch Dick go over the edge. McCoy looks a constipating mixture of smug and outraged while the other goons stand nearby like useless props.
Then, McCoy speaks with anger as heavy and level as stone. “Tell Batman I want him here in ten minutes.”
Tim meets Dick’s eyes, and Dick sees everything that he needs to. Whatever is holding Bruce up, it’s more important than Dick, and Tim knows it’s useless to even try.
“Please,” Tim says, voice wobbly. He’s a detective. He knows what’s about to happen. “Just give us more time-”
McCoy snaps a finger, and that’s that.
The hand on his arm pushes Dick away and opens it’s grasp. It doesn’t matter anymore that Dick had his feet on the roof, because the rest of his body is falling.
Dick’s completely off the roof in a blink of an eye and he’s falling.
The air is rushing past his ears and through his hair, so loud he can barely think. That’s if he’s thinking at all, as story after story passes him by. He’s falling, and for the first time in a long time, he’s afraid of falling, because this time there’s nothing he can do to stop it. He doesn’t have any tools… he doesn’t even have his hands, nor enough time to even try and get his hands free. He’s falling, rushing to the ground. He can already see in vivid detail what his body will look like when it hits the pavement.
He’s falling. He’s standing at the top of a beam, watching his mama and papa fall. He’s falling. He’s screaming as the sound of their bodies landing and snapping reaches his ears. He’s falling and he’s going to die in the most Grayson way possible.
He’s going to die the same way his parents did, a way that he’s worked hard to not be afraid of ever since he first moved in with Bruce, but was always secretly terrified.
He closes his eyes. He doesn’t want to watch. He’s afraid, and Tim will watch from above and blame himself and he never wanted any of his siblings to blame themselves for his death like how he blamed himself for his parent’s for decades and-
And the wind is knocked out of him, but not from his body slamming on the ground. A strong arm wraps painfully around his stomach, and suddenly the world turns sideways and his eyes shoot open in shock.
“Fuck,” Jason grunts, holding Dick with one arm and the other wrapped tightly in a grappling line. “Fucking hell.”
And Dick… doesn’t know what to do. He feels muted, like a YouTube video playing at 144p and buffering still. The adrenaline is pumping so loudly through his entire body that the fact that Jason’s caught him doesn’t register until Jason’s landing roughly on the ground and lowering Dick to the asphalt.
“Started heading over the second that bastard said he wasn’t coming,” Jason explains. Dick nods numbly, his eyes locked on the oil covered road below him, his mind still trying to process. “Said he ran into some bastard working for Two-Face holding some rich family hostage. Said we could handle it. I can’t believe I got here just in time. Fucking fuck-face fucker.”
There’s a splash of two feet landing on the permanently puddled street beside them, and Dick can hardly contain his flinching at the sound, but thankfully Jason doesn’t notice. He just stands up and faces where Tim has landed quite suddenly from where he must have grappled down from the roof. Dick continues to look at the ground, wringing his knitting together in front of him. He… hasn’t noticed Jason undid the bindings.
“What happened to McCoy?” Jason demands, and Tim takes a gasping breath and shakes his head.
“They ran into the building while I… jumped after N.”
Jason growls, taking a step forward but Tim stops him. “Orphan said she’ll handle it, she sounded pissed.”
Jason backs off, but anger still curls in his stomach like an old friend. His fists clench to his side. “Once I see B, I’m gonna punch his teeth up to his brain.”
And it must be proof of how shaken Tim is, because he doesn’t argue.
Then, like a pin hitting tile, a small sound catches Jason’s ears. He looks down to where Dick is still sitting in the grime of Gotham’s street. His heart sinks to his gut.
“N?” he asks, and Dick doesn’t respond. “Nightwing, you’re… crying.”
That directs Tim’s attention down where tears are certainly streaming down Dick’s cheeks from under his mask. His lips are wobbling, and the second Jason kneels down to put his hand on Dick’s shoulder, a wounded sound escapes his lips.
“Dick?” Jason asks, his voice sounding shocked and unsure.
Dick looks up at Tim, looking one breath of the wind from falling apart. “You jumped after me?” His voice is small and brittle. When Tim nods slowly, Dick whimpers, dropping his head into his hands and letting out a sob. “You almost watched me die,” is all he says before he finally breaks down into mournful cries.
Jason looks up from where Dick’s now shaking and gasping into his hands and meets Tim’s eyes. Neither of them… has ever seen Dick get like this before. It feels wrong, like something in the world has shattered and can never be replaced.
“Lets… get him home,” Jason says, breaking the silence.
“Yeah,” is all Tim can smartly bring to his lips while Jason scoops Dick into his arms and stands up.
Dick’s so out of it with his sobbing that he hardly reacts, just curls against Jason and continues to cry.
“You know,” Jason says quietly, “the scariest way to die, for me, is to overdose.”
And Tim understands.
“I… see.”
Jason nods, swallowing hard. “Yeah. So let’s just call it a night, get him some Alfred cookies, and just… let him take this at his own pace, okay?”
Tim nods, knowing that after years of Dick always going out of his way to help them with their trauma, their issues, and never asking for anything in return… it’s now their turn to return the favor. Dick looks so much smaller than Tim swears he’s ever seen him, curled up in Jason’s arms, trembling and sobbing. He silently promises to himself that he will do whatever it takes to make sure Dick gets through this, just like what he’d do for them, always. And Tim’s positive the rest of Dick’s siblings will do the same.
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Hiii I hope you are having a good day I’m kinda new to tumblr so Idk where to request and ask stuff but yeah can you write something where Victor (MLQC) has like a very weak child I just want some domestic stuff 🥲
Of course dear! I apologize for being so late. I hope this was what you were looking for, I'm not too proud of this in all honesty. ^^'
Notes - The name Hao is Chinese and means 'perfect' or 'well'. I thought it'd fit well! Hao is around 6, making him a kindergartener.
Warnings; Bullying.
Word Count - 1980
Our little boy Hao was a product made from me and Victor’s love. When we decided we wanted a child on our first anniversary of marriage, we tried nonstop until the single line turned to two lines. I remember how happy Victor was when I told him the news. He held me tight against his chest and whispered how much he loves me.
Hao, our son, quite literally lives up to the meaning of his name. He is perfect in every way. He has my eyes and nose, and the rest of his features take after Victor’s. Hao is always so kind to others and is as intelligent as his father.
I’m still half asleep, clinging close to my husband still. His arm around my waist hugs me possessively to his body. I can feel his fingers running gently in my hair. Victor has always been extra cuddly on the weekends, Especially on Saturdays, when no one has to get up early. Hao is never picky about getting up early, but he likes to get extra sleep when he can.
I snuggle closer to Victor. Morning cuddles are always my favorite. Victor is always slightly disheveled, much more different from his everyday look. He kisses my forehead softly. I’m nearly asleep again when I feel Victor’s weight shift. A small body crawls in between us.
Hao takes Victor’s spot for his snuggles. Victor huffs and holds us both to him. I can imagine the small pout taking place on his face. I chuckle and hold my son close to me. “Mommy! Time to get up!” He says, burying his face into your neck. “I’m up, I’m up.” I say, giving Hao a kiss on his forehead. Victor’s baritone voice pipes up, “Are you hungry?” Hao nods vigorously. “I still wanna cuddle mommy though, give me a few minutes.” I pat his inky hair, giggling at Victor’s disgruntled face. “Are you excited for school tomorrow? It’s your first day!”
Hao nods with a starry look in his eyes. “I’m so excited to start!” Victor chuckles. “Don’t be late like your mother.” I huff and pout. “It was ONE minute Victor…” Victor smirks. “One minute and fifteen seconds.” I try to banter, but he’s already getting out of bed to make breakfast. Hao and I get up as well and make a beeline to the dining room.
We spend our Sunday lazing around, making sure Hao’s bag is all ready for tomorrow, and relaxing on the couch. After tucking Hao in around mid even, Victor and I head to bed as well.
The next morning, I gently wake up Hao and tell him to get ready while Victor makes breakfast. I hop in the shower for a quick wash and get ready myself. We all meet in the dining room and eat our food in peace. A thought crosses my mind as we walk out the door and I panic. “Victor, we didn't pack him a lun-” He squeezes my hand. “Dummy, I packed one for all of us. Don’t worry.” I sigh and walk to check Hao’s seatbelt before we drive to drop him off.
We follow Hao to his classroom and meet his teacher. After a few pleasantries, Victor and I take off for work. He drops me off at my building before heading off to LFG.
I walk to Hao’s school to pick him up since filming ended early today. I wait on the bench in the school’s exit and keep an eye out for him. He’s talking to a group of boys by the gate, so I decide to let them finish talking. He must’ve made new friends already.
Hao walks over to me a few minutes later with a solemn look on his face. “Hey, honey. Are you okay? You look upset.” I say placing my hand on the top of his head. “It was fine. I’m just tired.” I notice my son’s voice is a bit softer and donning a tone of sadness. “Little Hao, are you sure? You sound upset.” He shakes my hand off and holds it with his tinier one. “Yes, I’m sure. Can we go home? I want to take a nap.” I can feel my maternal instincts screaming at me to prod on, but I end the conversation there.
Around late afternoon, Victor comes home. Hao doesn’t greet him like he usually does when he sees him. He says hello and goes back to his room. I find it odd for someone his age to act like this. “Victor,” I sigh. Victor holds me to his chest. “Is Hao okay?” He asks. I shake my head no. “I was just about to say, I don’t think he had a good day at school. He’s been like this all day.” I melt as Victor strokes my hair. “We’ll keep an eye on him tomorrow after school. I’ll make him pudding tonight, maybe he’ll feel better after eating that.” I nod in agreement. Despite all our years being married, Victor never stopped caring about me or Hao. Even if his love was still a little rough on the edges, his actions always show it.
During dinner, Hao is still quiet. We try asking him questions about his day, but only receive half hearted responses. Then I noticed some bruises on his arms. “Hao, did you get hurt at school today?” I say putting my hand over his. He nods yes, “I fell at the playground today. It’s fine.” Victor and I share a concerned look. “Is someone bothering you at school?” Victor asks gently. “No!” The three of us are startled by Hao’s sudden outburst. “No daddy, no one is bothering me at school.” Victor doesn’t seem convinced, but he lets it go for now.
Victor brings out the pudding after putting our dishes in the dishwasher. Hao refuses, saying that he’s still full from dinner and asks to be excused. I nod yes, placing both of our puddings in the fridge, not feeling happy enough to eat it myself.
This seems to go on for a few more days. Hao’s little bursts of anger, the sadness in his eyes, distancing himself from me and Victor. Victor decides to arrange a meeting with the school’s faculty to see what could be causing this.
On the day of the meeting, Victor’s hand is on the small of my back, comforting me softly. It’s dismissal time, so there’s a myriad of students exiting the building. Despite all the noise and chatter, I hear a familiar yelp. Victor seems to hear it too seeing as how we both move to the direction of the noise.
There we see it. A boy perhaps in the same grade as Hao or maybe one above hitting our son in a secluded area. I shout out to him and he looks over our way, seeming to be just as relieved to see us. I kneel down and hold his shaking body to mine. The other boy tries to find a way to escape, but a glare from Victor stops them dead in their tracks. I leaned to whisper in Hao’s ear, “I know you’re scared, but I need you to go get your teacher. Can you do that for me?” He wipes his tears while nodding and heads off. I grab Victor’s hand and look up at him. I can see the scowl on his face, nearly red with rage.
In the office with the boys and Hao, we wait to talk to the principal. Hao sits on Victor’s lap, giving his arms a small examination for any more bruises. I hold onto Hao’s hand, occasionally giving a small squeeze to reassure him.
The minute the mother of the other child is here along with the principal, Victor stands Hao near me and bolts up.
We walk into the office, Hao now relaxing on my lap. Victor is to my right and the other family is next to him. I have to fight back my tears of anger and guilt as Hao clings as tight as his small body can to me. “Did you have any idea that this was going on? My son has been bullied for days since the beginning of school. You can see the purple marks on his arms.” Victor says, nearly sounding feral. “It’s the beginning of the year, it's been so stressful for all of our teacher’s to notice-” Victor cuts the principal off. “I don’t want to hear any excuses. I don’t care if it’s the beginning of the year. I’m pretty sure it’s easy to notice signs of a bully.”
The child’s mother spoke up, “They’re just boys being boys. You and your son are overreacting.” I roll my eyes and bite my lip. “Excuse me, but if that was the answer Hao wouldn’t be coming home depressed and angry.” I hear her scoff. “Tell her Jin, you were just playing, weren’t you?” Jin sneers, “Yeah, it was just playing. You’re whining for nothing.” A gasp escapes my lips.
Hao grips onto my shirt. “It wasn’t playing! I didn’t like it, I was getting hurt..” I cradle his head to my chest and press a kiss on a tuft of hair. Victor’s knuckles are white from his grip on the chair’s arm. His voice is venomous, “It’s very clear to me that this school isn’t right for Hao. If you didn’t notice this, then what else haven’t you noticed? We’ll be transferring schools immediately.”
Hao’s lip quivers hearing his father’s voice like that. The principal tries to reason, but to no avail. Victor has already made up his mind. “I will also be pulling my funding from this school. I see no benefits from it.” Now the principal is having a full blown fit. Our family headed out of the school and on our way home.
At home, Hao eats his pudding while sniffling as Victor and I sit on opposite sides of him. I have a small ice pack for when he wants to put them on his welts. “Hao, why didn’t you tell us about this?” My voice sounded like a plea. He puts his spoon down and his head droops. “I thought I could be strong like daddy and take care of it myself, but it seems like I can’t even do that…” I look up to see Victor’s reaction. His eyes are wide and his mouth slightly agape.
Victor places a hand on Hao’s back. “Hao, you don’t need to be like me.” Hao tears up, “Yes I do! You’re always so brave and strong! I wanna be like you so I can take care of mommy more.” A small hiccup leaves his mouth.
“Hao, you don’t need to be like me. I never started out this strong and brave, it takes some time to become like this. Your mommy helped me gain courage.” He says with confidence. “Daddy, do you promise?” Victor nods, drawing Hao into a tight hug. “I promise. And no matter what, I’ll be proud of you.”
I wake up on a Sunday morning to a cold bed. I get up and walk up to the window, seeing Hao and Victor walking back from their jog around the block. We decided as a family we would walk together after dinners. Victor and Hao made an agreement to go on runs together on the weekend. I giggle and sneak a picture of my two boys, setting it as my wallpaper and send it to Victor.
I walk downstairs just as they walk through the door. Hao’s eyes light up and he rushes to hug me. “Little Hao, are you excited for school tomorrow?” He wiggles in my arms delightfully. “Yes, yes! I like this new school a lot more!” Victor smiles and squeezes us both in a tight hug, leaving a kiss on my forehead.
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jolynej · 3 years
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I’m Not in Love
Summary: You and Prosciutto, both determined to keep things casual, are sent out on a mission to eliminate a target, but something goes wrong and you end up hurt, forcing Prosciutto to come to terms with his feelings
A/N: I started this weeks ago, but have been so busy that I haven’t had time to properly finish it until now! I’m a very slow writer, and I struggle with creating longer fics that exceed 1k words, so this was a huge labor of love! I hope that y’all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Warnings: heavily implied nsft, violence, guns, minor character death, blood, Prosciutto being a bit of an asshole, fainting
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You both told each other when you made this arrangement that it was strictly physical and that you were only doing this out of convenience and carnal desire. Sure, he’s very attractive, and you’d be lying if you hadn’t thought about lingering in bed and pretending that you’re still asleep if only to savor his body heat and the weight of his arm across your torso for a few more minutes. But you couldn’t possibly cross that line.
The lives that both you led didn’t allow for the luxury of developing and maintaining romantic — or any, really — relationships that were outside of your work. You’d lost friends and family members to the steady passage of time and lack of communication. It came with the territory of the job, and though you’d tried to justify your drifting relationships by assuring yourself that it was done to protect those you used to hold close, you knew that was just an excuse you told yourself so that you could sleep at night.
The initial adjustment to your new job was tough in that aspect, but Prosciutto, aside from being your mentor, slowly became a comfort and a confidant for your bouts of anxiety and late night regrets of leaving your old life behind. You’d joined him outside at night on the balcony of the hideout plenty of times. He would self-soothe with cigarettes, exhaling out his demons in the shape of a puff of smoke whilst he listened to you reminisce on your happier, less bloody days.
“It’s a damn shame you’re so good at you job,” he’d told you one particular night, when the orange and white city lights below cast a bright glow over his sharp features; yet simultaneously, it accentuated the dark circles under his eyes, and the shadows beneath those jagged angles of his cheekbones and jawline made him look far older than he was. Prosciutto looked beautiful as he did horrible.
You just shook your head and smirked, inquiring, “Is that supposed to be a compliment?”
“Kid, there were many different paths that you could’ve picked from,” He stops briefly to take a drag of his cigarette. “But this is what you opted for.” The blond flicked his cigarette and snuffed it with the toe of his oxfords, answering with, “All I’m saying is that you had your whole life ahead of you, and instead of getting a normal, decent job, you decided that this was worth the Louboutins and those diamond earrings of yours.”
“It’s good that it ended up working out for you.”
His compliments were usually pretty backhanded, but you could tell that this wasn’t just because of his usual condescending behavior. He seemed almost... sad and guilty, but then again, it could just be from the shadows on his face exaggerating his features.
“I’m glad you’re damn good at your job, too,” you remarked, leaning against the railing, savoring in the feeling of the warm, summer night wind caressing your face.
Soon, you found the touch against your cheeks was replaced by his calloused fingers and then his lips, giving birth to a routine that would continue every-so-often: you’d join him outside at night and would wake up in bed next to him in a tangle of limbs and satin sheets.
Maybe it was only natural that you and him would end up growing closer and more intimate.
This little arrangement between the two of you continues, and with each time you bare yourself to him, you struggle with your developing feelings. After you had slept together that first night — before you had a real chance to give yourself a proper chance to evaluate your own feelings — he assured you that the prior night’s events had meant nothing to him, that it was a mistake. He apologized, confessing that the rendezvous had stemmed from a place of pent up arousal and convenience and that it wouldn’t happen again.
That’s what he’d said the second, and third, time too. But by the fourth time, you’d both decided to become ‘coworkers with benefits’ as you’d so eloquently put it. It’s purely out of physical need and mutual trust and nothing else. There’s no time for romance.
The following spring, you were sent out together to a job on the coast, and were given a shared room at a hotel near the warehouse where your target was supposedly going to be tonight. The assignment had worked in your favor, you’d both arrive mid-morning, have time to scout out the location, go back to the room for a quick fuck, then proceed to the location, clean up, and spend the night between the sheets until you both passed out from sheer exhaustion.
“The target should be on location this evening,” he informs you casually as he’s sliding on his trousers, as if he hadn’t just fucked you into the mattress. He gives his watch a quick glance before speaking again. “Which gives us approximately an hour before we need to head out.”
You nod, reaching for your clothes — his hand stops you, grasping your wrist. “Let me clean you up first,” he says, briefly locking eyes with you, before averting his gaze just as quickly. “If you’re going out you should at least be comfortable.”
While Prosciutto walks off to the bathroom to retrieve a glass of water and a washcloth, you look down at your naked body. Your combined releases dribble down your thighs, and you’re suddenly hyperaware of the sticky, wet sensation on your lower body.
He’s back approximately a minute later, the glass is set upon the nightstand, and he’s kneeling, still shirtless, at your feet with the wet washcloth in hand. He cleans you up in relative silence, and the intimacy and vulnerability in this situation is not lost on either of you. It hangs around like a heavy fog that both of you desperately try to ignore, hoping that it’ll dissipate.
Under different circumstances, you’d love to be able to cradle his chin in your hand and confess every single romantic thought that you’d ever held for him, and in turn, he’d press tender kisses up your thighs, and trade the rag for his tongue, cleaning you up with a few slow licks. Instead, you give him a curt, ‘thank you’ and get dressed.
Your little trysts were littered with subtle, more domestic moments like this one where you wanted to push the boundary between what is and isn’t appropriate when you’re in a friends-with-benefits situation with your coworker. Even without the romance that you so desperately craved, there was still a strong sense of intimacy and familiarity with each ‘Was I too rough?’ or ‘You can sleep in here tonight’ that could only stem from a certain level of trust and comfort.
The rest of the time leading up to your assignment was spent going over your plan of attack and working out any loose ends or confusion on either side, and as he spoke, you couldn’t help but allow your eyes to travel down to his plush lips and the exposed patch of skin from his half-buttoned blouse that, when he shifted at a certain angle, allowed for you to catch a glimpse of a dark red bruise where your lips had been.
You were passing the threshold, the imaginary line. You’d stepped on it, gotten it stuck to your feet, and try as you may to deny its presence and scrub it clean from your skin — you could scrub it raw, until you bled — it wasn’t something you could erase.
As he’s stepping out of the hotel room, you glance back to ask him if he’s ready, but you’re caught off guard by the buttons of his shirt. They’re all closed completely save for a lone button rendering the bruise no longer visible. Inquisitively, the blond quirks up an eyebrow, silently asking if there’s a problem.
“I’m just ready to get this over with,” you sigh, matching your stride with his as you both exit the hotel and journey to the warehouse.
The target doesn’t show as planned, much to your and Prosciutto's dismay and annoyance. You had both searched the large building and its surroundings as thoroughly as possible but still the target hasn’t made an appearance. There aren’t even any hidden clues as to where he’s run off to. As pissed as you both felt in that moment — you were cursing to yourself and your partner was leaning against a metal structure with a cigarette in the corner of his mouth — Risotto was going to be absolutely furious.
Unlike most contracts where you were paid after the deed or half before and half after, the client had paid a hefty sum up front and with a dark leer he was insistent that the job be completed as soon as possible. Something deep within you knew that he would not be the type of man whose bad side you’d like to be on.
Defeated and angry, you both decided to bite the bullet and head back to the hotel to inform your superior of the unfortunate situation. Just outside of the hotel, Prosciutto glances over at a payphone on the street corner.
“Go on inside and shower and eat, kid, I’ll talk to Risotto.”
“Are you sure? We can speak to him together, or I can just sp—“ He cut you off with a hand patting your cheek, gently thumbing your skin. He was stressed and so were you.
“Don’t make me change my mind,” he manages a tiny half-smile. “I’ve got it.”
Yeah, you are stressed as all hell, but at least you didn’t have to be at the receiving end of Risotto’s wrath — for tonight anyway. Thinking about Prosciutto opting to do so in your stead and acting out of concern for you sends a cacophony of butterflies fluttering around in your stomach. He has always looked out for you ever since you’d joined, but this was something more than just him looking out for a junior member of his team. There was no way that he’d touch Formaggio or even Pesci like that, with such a pure tenderness that leaves your skin tingling from where his fingers were.
Making your way up the stairs to your shared room, the sensation of butterflies immediately flees from your stomach and instead, an eerie, insidious feeling begins to tiptoe up your spine, and you get the sense that something is very, very wrong.
One of the hall lights has gone out, and the other is flickering in random spasms as it emits a faint buzz. With each step towards your door, the broken light fixture seems to dim and buzz louder until it makes one final loud screech and dies completely the moment that you touch the door handle, and as soon as your fingers gripped the metal handle, an overpowering jolt of electricity fizzles throughout your entire body, sending you doubling over in pain, desperately croaking out for your stand as you fall to the dingy carpet.
The world around you seemed to morph into blackness and little snippets of sounds — you weren’t sure if you were still awake or if you’d lost consciousness — but you clung onto what you could decipher to the best of your ability. Static, the plodding footfall of someone running on carpet with urgency, the unmistakable click of a gun, a heavy thud, then silence.
You crane your head and espy a familiar pair of oxfords, and with a sigh of relief you feel your eyes grow heavy.
You come-to in the backseat of a car, and if it weren’t for the intensity of the events before you passed out, you would’ve happily shut your eyes to the steady thrum of the car speeding down the road. A bubble of panic rises up your throat, throwing your senses in overdrive as you carefully assess your surroundings. You find that a suit jacket has been draped over you like a makeshift blanket, and the familiar scent of cologne, tobacco, and cigarette-smoke is an instant relief.
Looking up, you find Prosciutto is in the driver’s seat of the car with a plain, white tank top in the place of his button-up. The bones of his knuckles are prominent due to the strain and force of his grip on the steering wheel, and they’re dotted with specks of red that extend up to his forearms.
There’s an evident scowl on his lips, which are scabbed and bloody from worrying teeth marks and not from — what you can safely assume given the sound you’d heard earlier — a gunshot to the man that had been in your hotel room.
“The target was dealt with,” he says upon seeing you awake, and he disguises it with a cough, but his entire face softens with a relieved sigh. The visible tension in his bulging veins on his forearms eases along with the death-grip that he has on the steering wheel; Prosciutto settles one hand on his thigh, splaying his fingers out on the fabric of his trousers, feeling for something in his pocket — cigarettes most likely. He’s still antsy and tense, alternating between his hands on the wheel to search his other pocket.
You have a myriad of questions wreaking havoc on your brain, which is still a bit fuzzy from the electricity and has brought on a dull headache. With the blazer clenched tightly to your chest, you fiddle around until you find a pack of his smokes and pull them out, holding them in the air with a dopey, lopsided grin that says ‘lookee here!’. It earns a playful eye roll and a smirk from Prosciutto who brings his hand back to take them from you.
When you offer the box up, your fingers brush, and you swear that he leaves his hand extended towards you a moment longer than necessary. The sensation sends a full-body chill through your veins.
“Put the coat on, kid, I don’t want you freezing up and getting sick in the car.” He’s staring straight out at the road, but you know the sentiment is there, beneath the layer of sweat and blood there’s worry. “Go back to sleep,” he orders in that gravelly, stern but caring tone of his that he uses on you when he gives you orders, and only you. In a way, it’s not that much different from how he talks in bed, and the familiarity has you warm all over. God, you’re in love with this man.
“I’ll wake you up in about an or two, capisce?”
You’re awoken by Prosciutto opening the door of the backseat and calling your name. You can barely see him, he’s almost a dark, looming figure in the night. The sky in the countryside is worlds away from the city skyline that you’re accustomed to. Behind him, there’s a sea of twinkling stars, and the bright crescent moon hangs proudly behind his head like a half-halo, and he appears to you like a fallen angel, still clinging on desperately to something good and holy that someone like him does not deserve. In his right hand, he holds a shovel, and his arms and face and tank top are caked in the weight of his sins, blood and dirt and sweat; you surmise that the closer you get to him, the less the moon resembles a halo and moreso a pair of horns. Again, the night is playing tricks on you.
“I’ve buried the remains,” he explains. “I decided it would be easiest to just take care of it myself until we can get you checked out. We don’t know the full extent of the damage that you’ve received or what effects that my stand could have on you in this state.” It’s a poor excuse, and you both know it, but it’s easier for him to lie to you when his facial expressions are harder to see.
Still, you don’t know if it’s from the adrenaline in your blood, your feelings for him, or some leftover electricity that’s done something to your brain, but you decide to call him out.
Sitting upright, you say, “I still could’ve helped, Prosci, otherwise there would be no point for me to come on this mission with you. You’ve done more than enough to help me, and I… I really appreciate everything that you’ve done to help me, but I have to work to earn my share of the payment!
“I can’t just lie back and let you treat me like some doll or damsel in distress!” You spout, wadding up his blazer and tossing it at him. He catches it with a growl, and the shovel clatters to the ground with a resounding clang.
He’s crawling across the backseat, hovering over you like a mangy beast; truthfully, you don’t think that you’ve ever seen him look so unhinged and disheveled. His scent bears no resemblance to the comforting aroma of his suit-jacket, and instead, he emits a pungent odor of grime and sweat, evident by the damp, dirty stray pieces of hair that encircle his face and the thin layer of earth that stains his skin with splotches of gray and brown. He looks like he can hurt you, and for a second you make the mistake of thinking that he will.
“Kid, you need to listen to me! I—“ he huffs, but upon seeing your face up close, all scared and doe-like, he kisses you. It’s emotional and hurried and needy and far unlike any previous kiss that you’d shared. It’s not spurred on by wanting or lust but by love and a great fear of loss.
“I love you,” he whispers like a gasp when he pulls apart from you. “I love you,” he says once more, softer, sweeter. “I love you.”
In his eyes, you can see every word that he leaves unsaid, his confession of how afraid he was that he’d never see you again, how he panicked and saw red and shot the man on sight, how he carried you to the car with a metaphorical knife stabbing at his heart, and how he almost cried from relief when he saw you open your eyes.
“I love you, too,” you say back, smiling, kissing him again with that same passion as before.
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bookishofalder · 3 years
Pretty Girl - Two
Summary: In which Flip struggles with his feelings for the reader, and his emotions hit the breaking point when she is threatened. 
Warnings: Swearing, suggestion of slur (not written), masturbation, violence, angry Flip, sexism. WC- 3,030
A/N- I rewrote this chapter a few times to get it just right, I really wanted to convey the struggle Flip is having. Feedback is appreciated! 
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It was late October, the chill in the air crisp as the apple cider (Y/N) had brewed and brought in to the station, using a hot plate to keep it warm. It filled the whole building with the scent, which was a pleasant upgrade from the usual mix of cigarette smoke and body odour and leather. She had even commissioned the local elementary school to draw autumn-themed pictures for decoration. As a way to boost morale and community engagement, she proudly displayed them in the lobby for everyone to admire when they came to and from the station.
Flip had teased her when he found her one morning, standing on a chair to tape the photos up. Now slightly taller than him, she turned with care and playfully glared down at him.
“One more word, detective, and I’ll be assigning you to take over the job,” she threatened, then added, “I should have done that in the first place, actually. You don’t even need the chair.”  
He laughed loudly, “Apologies, I know it’s not your fault you’re so-“
“Seriously, don’t finish that sentence, Flip!” She giggled, her hand reaching out and ruffling his hair. Before Flip could react fully to the sensation of it, she was shooing him away and chastising him for distracting her. She grinned as he retreated, his hands in the air in surrender.
However, he had spent the rest of that day replaying the feel of her hand on his head.
Although neither of them had discussed it, it had become a routine for Flip to give (Y/N) rides to and from work regularly. They both enjoyed each other's company, their friendship solidifying, and it wasn’t like he had to go out of his way. To thank him, (Y/N) insisted on bringing him breakfast. Fried egg sandwiches and a hot dark roast coffee were handed to him every morning. Along with her endearing ability to make him smile, Flip was more than satisfied with the arrangement.  
If their colleagues at the CSPD noticed the closeness developing between Flip and (Y/N), none remarked on it initially to either of them. Secretly, many of the detectives who knew Flip were beyond grateful for the friendship, as it brought out a side of him that they would all agree, if asked, was more tolerable and likeable to his usual angry demeanour.
It wasn’t until a young rookie officer had spotted them arrive one morning a few weeks after Flip had started driving in with (Y/N), that the rest of the station came to learn the relationship was more important to him than he let on. His rare show of emotions the indication that alerted them.    
The rookie had met up with Flip in the bullpen, loudly inquiring as to whether he was banging the hot new secretary, a cocky grin on his face, expecting perhaps a joking reply, or scandalous gossip.
For most of the detectives in the room that knew Flip, a collective intake of their breath and exchange of weary glances took place. They had watched apprehensively as he had turned to Caruthers, a glare that defined to term, ‘if looks could kill’ marring his handsome features. Flip then knocked the coffee out of Caruthers's hands and jabbed him in the chest as he had shouted. The rookie had nearly pissed himself, apologizing profusely before running off. Flip had then glared around the room, daring anyone else to suggest such a thing, but no one was stupid enough, and those who Flip worked closely with were better men than the likes of Caruthers.
As Flip had taken his seat, his blood boiling at the inappropriate question, he considered the reason for his over the top reaction. (Y/N) had brought a lot of happiness into his life, filling a void he hadn’t taken the time to recognize had grown over the last few years. Loneliness, the acceptance of retaining his bachelor status permanently. And the realization, when she would casually touch him, that he was touch starved. He was already comfortable with, and protective of, their friendship. The last thing he wanted at that moment was for her to overhear Caruthers suggestion, should it cause a rift between them.  
And, if he was honest with himself, he recognized that his feelings for her were...complicated. If he were to see a reaction in her at the suggestion they were sleeping together, he was not sure what that could do to them. The idea that Flip could lose (Y/N) terrified him.
So he actively worked to push his feelings down, preferring the safety of friendship. The safety of routine and the expected.
Today, Flip and Jimmy returned from a successful arrest on a perp they’d been following for weeks. They had managed to nail him while he was completing a small drug shipment from his mother’s garage. The whole arrest took them only just over an hour, and it was clean-the suspect, upon seeing the two detectives, surrendered.
When they arrived back at the station, Flip lingered outside to finish his smoke, feeling pretty satisfied with how the arrest went down and looking forward to sharing the success with (Y/N). He never told her anything classified, however in her position she was privy to a lot of sensitive information. She knew the details of most of the cases the detectives worked on.
He found it effortless to share the good days straight away, enjoying the way her features lit up at his words. Regardless of what she was working on, she would give him her full attention. The bad days she coaxed out of Flip with care during the drive to her home, always ready to comfort him or offer words of encouragement.
“Did you have a rough day, detective?” She had asked him one afternoon as they walked to his truck. He had been silent when approaching her at the end of the day, giving her a brief nod as she joined his pace and they hurried out of the station.
Flip had glanced down at her, unable to keep the frown off of his face. She merely tilted her head, her eyes soft as she waited patiently for him to speak, to say whatever he needed to. He had taken a deep breath before relenting.
“Just, usual bullshit from the Chief, about a case I worked just before you joined us.” He wasn’t able to elaborate, the entire case classified. Even files had been destroyed to keep it under wraps. Which was part of the reason he was so annoyed-he felt they could have accomplished more if they’d remained undercover longer. The Chief wholly disagreed.
Part of Flip had wondered if she would tease him, or tell him off for whining; a reaction that would have been entirely unsurprising from any of his fellow detectives. “Flip, do me a favour, tough man?” She had asked instead, leaning slightly against the side of his truck and gazing up at him.
“What’s that, darling?”
(Y/N) smiled, “When you walk through those doors at the end of the day,” She gestured at the main entrance, “You leave all the bullshit behind, don’t take it home with you anymore.”
He returned her smile, shrugging, “What if it’s too much to leave behind?” He hadn’t meant for the words to come out so quietly. (Y/N) stepped closer to him, their bodies inches apart, and Flip found himself unable to tear his gaze away from her (y/e/c) eyes.
“Then let me help you carry it, at least.” She had replied, voice equally as soft.
After a pause, she had patted his arm gently before moving to climb into the truck.  
“Flip,” He glanced up, pulled from his thoughts, to see Jimmy standing at the main station doors. His expression was unusually annoyed. Flip tossed his smoke, stomping it out.
“What is it?”
Jimmy shook his head, “You ain’t gonna like this.” And he pulled open the door. The sounds of a man shouting were the first thing to reach Flip’s ears, and he followed Jimmy inside, curious.
The shouting man had his finger angrily pointed at (Y/N), who was standing behind the counter. His yells echoed off the walls, a jarring contrast to the warmth and professionalism the station usually exuded. (Y/N) was positioned somewhat defensively in front of Donna-who Flip only noticed as he was approaching-her jaw set and mouth in a thin line. His eyes assessed her quickly, taking in her crossed arms and narrowed eyes, while he moved toward the scene with fast steps.
“I don’t give a god damn that he’s a police detective, I’m telling you no-” As the man uttered a slur, Flip’s frown morphed into a glare. He made his way down the hall unnoticed by everyone, all attention on the man. He hated when men cursed and uttered slurs in front of ladies. He especially hated that it was being directed at (Y/N). “-is going to be arresting my son, no sir, now you get that damn-“
“Sir, I’m not going to tell you again, your son was arrested, lawfully by a respected Detective of this station. Now lower your voice and I would be happy to take you to see your son and meet the detective.” Flip had never seen her angry-or even annoyed-but at that moment her eyes were narrowed, lips twisted in distaste as if the irritation tasted sour on her tongue. He did not like seeing (Y/N) upset, nor treated so poorly.
Her reasonable words served to merely enrage the large man further, his face reddening as he stepped closer to the counter. Flip, still unnoticed, moved to step in and lead the man away, his intention simply to diffuse the situation. However, there was a pressure building in his chest; the next few moments seemed to slow down in his red hazed vision, his willpower strong enough to remain professional, his hand reaching out to touch the man's shoulder-
Only the fucker pointed, his dirty hand inches from (Y/N)’s face, and rudely snarled, “Shut up bitch, and get me a white detective to talk to before I-“
The pressure hit a breaking point.
Flip instead seized that hand and twisted it behind the asshole’s back. A growl ripped from his chest as he used his free hand to grab the back of the man's neck and force him down, bending him over the counter. A wave of gratification swept through Flip when the man grunted in pain and surprise, his face pressed to the countertop.
“You were looking for a white Detective, I hear?” He snarled, his grip too tight for the man to struggle against. Flip was much too angry, a fact that his rational mind was concerning over-he had been fine moments before. Movement out of the corner of his eye had Flip glancing up, his eyes meeting (Y/N)’s over the desk. “You alright, darling?” His voice considerably softer as he surveyed her, concerned.
She nodded, her eyes holding his gaze steadily. “Just fine, Detective.” (Y/N) quickly assured him. Flip thought he saw something pass through her gaze, but before he could read it, it was gone. Something about that look had the thundering rage inside of him fading, which was for the best. He loosened his grip, slightly, resisting the urge to cause further harm.
Adrenaline coursed through Flip’s body, eyes never breaking away from hers. She seemed to draw him in, the look alone calming him further.
“Alright, sir, you’re coming with me, we’re going to have a little chat on how we conduct ourselves around ladies.” Jimmy stepped up, smirking, and cuffed the man. Flip looked away from (Y/N), and watched his partner and a uniformed officer lead the man away.
Flip momentarily considered following, but thought better of it. He drew a steadying breath of air, his anger dissolving as quickly as it had come on.
“Oh Donna, are you okay?”
Flip turned at the sound of (Y/N)‘s voice. Donna was visibly upset, her gentle nature affected. (Y/N), it seemed, was much less shaken. She wrapped her arms around Donna and gave her a comforting hug.
“I’m being silly, really,” Donna gulped, wiping at her eyes, “I’ve seen it all, at my age, you know. I just really worried he was going to hop the counter!”
(Y/N) patted her back, “I did too, but we’re alright, thanks to Detective Zimmerman. Why don’t you head home early?”
Flip agreed, ignoring the swell of pride at her words, “You don’t need to be worrying about us, Donna, you go ahead home and tell Carl I defended your honour on his behalf.” Flip joked, causing his matronly friend to give a shaky laugh and wipe away her tears. (Y/N) gave him a grateful look.
Flip stuck around while Donna gathered her things and bid them farewell, never taking his eyes off of (Y/N). She had walked over to the benches that lined the wall, taking a seat and letting her head fall back against the brick. Waving happily as Donna walked out, her smile dropped when she was out of sight.
She heaved a big sigh, watching as Flip joined her. His arm pressed against hers, neither of them adjusting their positions to move away. He said nothing, knowing she would speak when she was ready. They sat in silence for a few minutes, staring across at the silly pictures the kids had drawn.
“I’m sorry you had to deal with that, Flip,” (Y/N) finally said, shaking her head sadly. Flip stared down at her a moment, raising his brow.
“There is nothing for you to be apologizing for, darling.”
“I-I know, I suppose I just...” She trailed off, glancing away. When she didn’t look like she would finish her thought, he decided to joke and change the subject, though he filed her reaction away in the part of his mind he reserved for her failings at caring for herself. It ultimately served to provide him with excuses to care for her in his own ways, as a friend would.
A friend, only.
“You want me to go in there and rough him up a bit?” Flip wished he was fully kidding, but part of him would have been happy to go and knock the asshole around if she’d asked him to.
Instead, she laughed at his words, an arguably much better result. He smiled at the melody of her voice “Flip, thanks for shutting him up.” She glanced up at him from beneath her lashes, an almost coy expression appearing.  
Giving no real thought behind the action, simply following his instincts, Flip reached out and gently tucked some loose strands of (y/h/c) hair behind her ear. His hand lingered there a moment, before dropping abruptly, “Of course.” His voice came out in a rumble, “No one will ever speak to you like that around me, darling.”
She had watched him with her wide, beautiful eyes as he’d spoken, barely moving when he’d touched her hair. She was regarding him now with affection; he could see it clearly.
“My best friend, the protector.” She teased, breaking the frisson that had built between them, much to his relief.
Flip smirked down at her, though his heart was beating tirelessly in his chest and his mind was reeling. She patted his leg before standing, thanking him again. He watched her walk back to the reception desk, his expression unreadable. While he was fairly sure he could return to his desk, Flip decided to go outside for another smoke. chastising himself for the direction his thoughts had moved; from the intensity of his anger to the guilt of imagining filthy scenarios with his best friend.
When she had teased him, it was the first time the term had been used. And he found himself torn, feeling both touched at the sentiment, yet disappointed at its platonic connotation.
Flip returned home that evening in an overwhelmed state of mind, after a quiet car ride with (Y/N). She had thanked him again before hurrying inside her home. He wanted to stop her, to ask about the look on her face earlier.
He wanted to ask her why the first word that came to mind to describe it was hungry.  
Bristling, he sought release immediately, not bothering to undress beyond kicking off his boats and lowering his jeans to his thighs. He stood in his bedroom panting, one hand on his dresser to keep him steady, as he fisted his already hard length. He was desperate, sensitive from weeks of pent up sexual frustration he had pointedly ignored.
A guttural moan ripped from his chest as Flip finally allowed the thoughts of (Y/N) to the forefront of his mind; thoughts of her glowing skin, soft to his touch, her body quivering as he explored head to toe, kissing every inch. His hand moved quickly, the tension building within him swiftly. It only took a few more pumps as he imagined his name on her lips in ecstasy, pleading for him not to stop...
With a cry, he came-the wave of pleasure pulsing through his body as his cum spurted, coating his hand and dripping to the floor. "Fuck!" His head tilted back.
His legs trembled, perspiration coating his skin; he crashed from his high and quickly sat on the edge of his bed, gasping for air. After only a few moments of relief, the guilt seeped back into the front of Flip’s mind.
He sighed, “Flip, you’re a piece of garbage.” He muttered to himself, eyes closing in disgust. He fell back, now laying on his bed, chewing his lip as he considered everything that had happened. His mind was now much clearer.
And there was simply no denying, the expression on (Y/N)'s face had not been of fear or concern. It had been of arousal. Flip wasn't sure of how he would react if he ever saw that look cross her face again, and so he fretted at the best way to move forward.
Would telling her how he felt, and risking their friendship, be the right move? Or was Flip too selfish, too cowardly, to admit his feelings?
Flip didn't sleep a wink.
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muchadoaboutbucky · 3 years
Make Some Noise | oneshot
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PAIRING: Bucky Barnes x Reader
WARNINGS: cute-goofy-rough smut
NOTE: Written for Amanda A for their $10 membership on my Patreon. The prompt is in bold. Do not save/repost my work without my consent. This work is 18+ only.
⭒ become a patron for just $3 ⭒
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> Babe? [11:26 PM]
> You still up? I can’t sleep. [12:06 AM]
> I’m coming over. [1:28 AM]
The steady rap-rap-rap of metal on glass echoes through the small, quiet space of your bedroom. You jerk awake, reaching under your pillow for the knife you keep there. A shaft of moonlight pierces through your curtains, and through bleary eyes, you manage to make out the tall, hulking figure semi-crouched on your fire escape just three feet away.
You set the knife on the nightstand and push the covers back, crawling across the mattress to reach up and pull back the little latch on the back of your window. A chilly breeze washes through the room, and you shiver, peering up through the darkness into the face of a grinning, windswept-looking Bucky Barnes.
“Bucky?” You blink several times as he leans down. “It’s two in the morning, what are you doing here?”
He shifts his weight, hands tucked in his pockets. “Couldn’t sleep. Figured I’d pay my girl a little visit.”
“How did you—?”
“A lot of roof-hopping.” He smirks proudly. “Faster than using the streets and I’m pretty sure the police would be all over a hooded figure doing forty in the middle of the street, jumping over cars…”
You giggle. “You didn’t hurt yourself?”
“Well, not really. Almost took a satellite off the corner of an apartment complex two blocks away.” He rests his elbows on the windowsill. “Are you gonna invite me in or leave me to literally chill out here? It’s cold.”
You shift back, and he heaves himself through the open window, nimbly sliding through to land effortlessly on your bed. “Can’t sleep?” you ask, closing your window and turning the latch.
“Nope.” He sighs heavily and drops his small backpack to the floor. “Couldn’t get you out of my head.”
“And sending a text was off the table, apparently?”
“I sent you three, you didn’t answer.” He gestures to your phone on the nightstand and shrugs his light jacket off. “It’s just been a while since we saw each other.”
You sigh when he pulls you close and presses a kiss to your cheek. “I thought we were taking this slow. We’re not at the move-in-together stage.”
“Yeah, but it doesn’t stop me missin’ you.” He buries his face in the crook of your neck and tugs you into his lap. “I really wish you’d come live at the tower.”
“What’s wrong you coming to live here?”
“It’s small.”
“But it’s cute. And we wouldn’t have to put up with sneaking around other people.” You let your knees slide on either side of his hips, and when he starts a line of kisses down the side of your neck and wraps an arm around his waist to pull you even closer, you feel the hard press of his barely-concealed erection.
“Did you come all the way from Park Avenue to have sex at two in the morning?”
He chuckles. “Well, I wanted to see you more than anything. Can’t help what happens after that.”
You smile when his kisses find the corner of your mouth. “It’s been a few weeks, hasn’t it?”
He hums eagerly. “Yeah…”
You giggle when his hands squeeze your sides and squirm away. “I’m gonna use mouthwash, get your clothes off.”
Bucky grins, eagerly wrenching his belt open as you slide off the bed and beeline for the small bathroom down the hall. You quickly rinse with blue spearmint and splash cold water on your face before stripping your nightshirt over your head and tossing your panties into the small hamper by the door. By the time you get back to the bedroom, Bucky’s waiting for you, gripping himself tightly in one hand.
“Hey there.” You giggle when he pulls you onto the bed and rolls to lie on top of you. His cock presses against your inner thigh, and you spread your legs to accommodate him as he presses his lips to yours.
“Hi.” He kisses you deep, moaning against your mouth as he rocks his hips. “So, how’re we doin’ this?”
“You’re really asking that?”
He chuckles and nips under your jaw. “Thought I’d find out if you’re up to getting another noise complaint from the neighbors tomorrow.”
You sigh, letting him kiss down the column of your throat, between your breasts. “I won’t hear them complain if I’m having lunch at Rubirosa’s…”
Bucky grins, nuzzling the soft swell of your breast. “Is this your way of asking for a lunch date?”
“Is crawling up your girlfriend’s fire escape and crawling through her window a way of asking for sex?”
He grumbles and props himself over you. “You talk so much.”
Before you can reply, he reaches down and lines himself up with your entrance. You give to him easily, stretching and opening until he’s seated deep with his hips pressed snugly against your ass. He’s heavy on top of you, and you relish in the hard press of his hipbones on your inner thighs—he always leaves a couple of bruises behind.
“There,” he breathes, gently rocking his hips from side to side. “Now, less talking, more sex, huh?”
You hum, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to keep him close. He draws back, the long, thick slide of his cock causing ripples of heat to flow through your belly, and you let out a soft huff when he thrusts back in.
“Fuck,” you whisper, “you’re strong, baby.”
He hums, tonge swiping along your lower lip as he grinds in and holds himself deep. “Too much?”
You moan when he lowers his head to suck a nipple into his mouth. “Not enough, baby, keep going.”
Bucky plants both forearms on either side of your body, cages you in underneath him, and shoves forward with a growl that makes your pussy squeeze receptively around him. When your heels press against the backs of his thighs, he speeds up, panting loudly against the side of your neck.
“You're so tight,” he grunts, “goddamn, baby…”
You whimper when he changes the beat of his thrusts, using the bounce of your mattress to drop his hips against yours. The frame of your bed squeaks, the muffled thuds of your bodies hitting the mattress building a steady rhythm that has you whimpering and moaning in Bucky’s ear.
Suddenly, you burst out laughing, and Bucky stops, lifting his head to stare at you in confusion.
“What?” He gives a small smile, like he doesn’t know whether to be amused or offended at your reaction. “Baby—?”
“You just—” you stop to take a breath and gaze up at him. “The bed, it… it sounds like the Pixar opening.”
Bucky furrows his brow in confusion. “The what opening?”
“I’ll show you later.” You pull him into a deep, warm kiss. “Come on, I promise I’ll shut up.”
Bucky lets out a long, deep sigh and plants his hands firmly on the mattress. Your giggle trails off into a moan as he picks up his pace, roughly shoving his hips into yours over until the bed frame rattles back and forth. He matches the sound with his own, a rough growl that echoes through the room as his hips slap against your ass over and over. 
“Shit—” you gasp when he finds your sweet spot and ruts against it hard enough for you to grow wetter and tighter on his cock, “there, Bucky, harder—”
Bucky doesn’t hesitate. He spreads his knees for balance and closes his eyes, lips parting as he focuses every ounce of his being on getting you as worked up as possible. Your nails scrape down his sides, over his hips, and he lets out a desperate groan when your palms slap down on his ass, nails digging in to urge him on.
When you let out a loud, dry-sounding cry of pleasure, he stops, catching his breath as he looks down at you. 
“Why’d you stop?” you ask, reaching up to push his hair out of his face. 
“You were holding your breath.” He leans down to kiss you. “And I’d love it if you kept breathing instead of getting lightheaded.”
You hum against his lips and run your hands over his chest. “If I breathe will you keep doin’ what you were just doin’?”
He grins and flicks his hair out of his face, clenching metal fingers in the pillow beside your head. “You close?”
“I will be if you just—”
Bucky slams into you with a thrust so deep and intense that you lose your breath again. He waits for you to suck in another lungful of oxygen before continuing, plowing into you over and over again until you’re practically crying. Your hands claw and grip at the sheets, holding on for what feels like dear life as Bucky fucks you both closer and closer to the edge.
You cum together, shuddering and pulsing and writhing as Bucky spills into you so hard and deep that you can feel the heat of it in your belly. He works you through the waves of your own climax with firm, determined grinds that make your toes curl.
“Fuck me,” you sigh when he falls away, slumping over to lie beside you. “My downstairs neighbor’s gonna be pissed.”
“I don’t care.” Bucky watches you turn onto your side, thighs pressed tightly together. 
“You’re not the one who has to deal with an angry conspiracy theorist on a weekly basis.”
He chuckles. “Again, one more reason for you to move into the tower. No conspiracy theorists there.”
“I like my little apartment.” You press a soft kiss to his lips and let him pull your weary, tender body close. “I’d like it more if you could scare the crazy neighbors off too.”
Bucky chuckles. “We’ll talk about movin’ in tomorrow, over pizza. How’s that sound?”
You grin and nuzzle into his cheek. “I think that sounds amazing.”
The sudden sound emanating from the backpack on the floor makes you jump, and you furrow your brow.
“Is that your text tone?”
Bucky grumbles, crawling over you to rummage in the front pocket and pull his phone out—you can’t help but notice the crack in the almost-new screen. “It’s just Steve, he wants to know where I went. Thought I turned it on silent.”
“Well, it could have gone off while we were having sex,” you reply, sitting up and watching him type a quick reply. “I need a shower, and you do too if I’m gonna let you sleep in my bed.”
Bucky grins, eagerly standing to follow you. “Right behind you, doll. Lead the way.”
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MARVEL TAGS: @beefcakebarnes​ @breezy1415 @cosicas-cuquis @daughterofthenight117​ @emoryhemsworth​ @mariekoukie6661​ @musesforart​ @starsandasteroids​ @nacho-bucky​ @bucky-the-thigh-slayer​
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baku-writes · 3 years
Hawks x reader where ( if you know hawks backstory ) where there childhood friends and they grew up in the commission together then a villian broke out and tried to attack hawks but the reader saves him and gets injured instead fluff ending angst to fluff? :)
Sure thing, I'll give it a try!! It's my first time writing angst so please let me know what you guys think!💞
I'm going to try and make the reader as gender neutral as possible (which will be my first time writing that too) so lets see how this goes.
I must protect you... promise.
Hawks x gn!reader
Angst to fluff
TW: injury, gore, thoughts around death (tell me if there is any more I need to add), HAWKS BACKSTORY SPOILERS
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Summary: you and hawks grew up together with the training of the hero commission, however distanced once you two finally become the pro heroes you always dreamed of being. However, as Hawks faces a villain and his possible end, the two of you unite once again.
You always admired Keigo for his strength, talent, intelligence and overall ideologies. Both of you saw the flaws in hero society that were swept under the rug whilst everyone fixated on Allmight. But now Allmoght was gone, the seams in hero society had started to tear as villains found new ways to exploit the past of heroes.
Both of you had grew up in Kyushu, Fukuoka and then taken on by the hero commission for your quirks. Your quirk allowed you move through shadows and use shadows to constrict villains movements. It wasn't a very flashy quirk but it did the job of taking down villains perfectly. And due to this, the hero commission saw you as a perfect asset to raise into a new era of pro heroes, peo heroes with immense training since the ages as young as 5.
And that is how you met Keigo. Also took in the the corrupt hero commission, he would help you train and grow to form a strong bond with him. You two would always help the other out or comfort the other if the 'trainers' were too rough. You two promised to help each other not matter what... to save each other. No matter the cost.
And that is how you ended up here....
Fuck, you weren't going to make it in time...
Fire was surrounding Hawks and you weren't going to make it in time....
Fire licked and singed his crimson feathers, turning them to nothing but ash and dust. This villain had been fighting for almost an hour now, shooting out whips of fire which he would thrash against Keigo's back.
You were so close to them. All it would take is two more rooftops to jump and then you could save Hawks, your friend. You can't fail him. You have to save him.
5 year old you crouched in the staff closet, careful not to topple any object as you didn't want to make a noise. You failed the test..... you needed to pass that quirk test so you wouldn't have to face the hero commission's punishment.
With each heavy footstep that passed the door your anxiety increased, your mind wandered to the other tests you failed.... and the beatings you got because of it. And then you'd mind wandered to Keigo, how he would also get punished for your failures because "you two were a team". If you failed yourself, you failed Keigo. You would never become a hero at this rate... never.
The door opened....
Finally, you jumped down. Using your quirk, you wrapped a shadow around Keigo's torso and threw him to the side. As a replacement you put your body in the villains line of attack. This time his attack was different though. Sharper. Hotter. Faster.
Subconsciously, you turned to face the villain only to be met with his twisted face of pleasure. His raised arm (holding a blue flamed whip) came down with one swift swoop.
The whip tore through your lower stomach, burning the surrounding skin of the deep cut.
It took a second for the pain to set in, your sense of time slowing down and bodies reactions almost freezing as searing hot burns began to ripple across your body.
"H/N!!" Hawks scrambled to his feet and mustered the strength the move. Using the last of his feathers, he entrapped the villain and knocked him unconscious as the villain attempted to revel in your pain.
Quickly, he scrambled to your body. He recognised one of teh rescue pro heroes a couple buildings away from the scene, along with some medics who were waiting on standby.
Applying pressure to your would (or at least trying too) his blood soaked glove pressed into your abdomen.
"K-keigo." Your voice was above a mere whisper. Each breath felt weaker than the last, the once stinging pain slowly becoming numb as you felt your brain succumb to the possibly fatal injuries.
You were going to die. And he knew it too. Tears welled in his eyes as he grabbed your hand with one of his blood soaked gloves.
"Fuck, Y/N. It's going to be okay. You're going to be okay. The medics are here right now an-"
"Keigo.... I'm sorry." Guilt welled up inside you. You wish you could fix hero society, stitch the seams back together and ignore the pain you two went through. You wish you could go back in time and save Keigo from that place, save him from the beatings you deserved.
"I don't think I'm going to make it. But please know this wasn't your fault."
His stare pierced your heart as his cool demeanor started to change into anger and mourning.
"Fix hero society."
Slowly, your mind slipped into unconsciousness. The blood loss was too much for your body to handle. Eyes flickering closed and your breathing becoming shallower.
"Y/N, fuck, please wake up. MEDIC! HURRY UP, PLEASE!"
The door opened....
Fear shook your body as you slowly lifted your head up. What if it's your 'trainer'? What is going to happen to you? Will they be angrier because you hid from them? Should you apologise? Should you keep quiet? What will their punishment be? Have they got Keigo?
Finally, you looked up at the figure looking over you. Instead of the trainer, there stood Keigo. His eyes curious as he gripped onto his Endeavour figurine with one small hand. His wings twitches gently as he analyzed your state fir a minute.
The silence seemed stretch for what felt like hours, until he held his other empty hand out to you. A bright smile adorned his usually neutral face. He was trying to comfort you even though he is going to get punished because of you...
"It'll be okay Y/N. We can protect each other, right? That's why we are a team."
Slowly, you woke up. Bright white lights flooded your vision causing you to squint. You tensed, preparing to feel agonising pain within your abdomen.... but no pain stabbed you.
Carefully, you sat up, noticing the medical equipment surrounding you and the needles in your arm providing you with fluids. You pulled up the hospital gown noticing there was no blood but just a bandage. It must of been healed by a medic.
You looked around the room.... only to notice a slightly bandaged Keigo sat sleeping in the corner. He must of been exhausted. His wings weren't completely healed either, still having clumps of feathers missing.
You smiled lazily, the only time he ever got to relax was in his sleep. Little did you know that as you looked down Keigo finally began to wake, almost as of his instinct told him to.
"Morning Y/N."
"Oh.... morning Keigo."
Silence flooded the room.
"Well, how are your wings? You looked pretty burnt up.." Trying to make conversation will never work with Keigo. You knew he was going to lecture you, you could see it in his golden eyes.
"What the hell were you thinking, Y/N? Getting yourself hurt as a replacement for me. Do you know how close you were to dying? Do you fucking know how worried I was?" His tone picking up with each question. His pent up anger, stress and worry began seeping through the seams.
"I'm sorry Keigo. I-"
"I promised to fucking protect you, Y/N! We are a team. You don't just sacrifice yourself for me! We work together through it! Why didn't you travel through a fucking shadow or something? HUH? I nearly had that guy and then you tried to get yourself KILLED. Did you even THINK about what would happen? What that would do to me?!"
Once again....silence.
"I also promised to protect you. You know you couldn't take that guy down, you didn't have any distractions. Yes I should of thought about it but that was the only option.... I also promised to protect you.... I'm sorry but that's what i did. I tried protect you. But I guess I failed again.... I'm so sorry Keigo. " Tears welled in your eyes and began to purr down your face.
"I thought that you are more valuable to hero society than me.... you're stronger and smarter... better quirk too. I thought that if I d-died you would get to live another day and s-save people."
Sobs wracked through your body and Keigo stilled. His frustrations quickly dwindled away...
Did you really think that way?
Fuck, you failed him again. You thought since your training days that you had getting stronger. Smarter. But no, you were wrong. Everything was wrong. You couldn't even protect your best friend, and the man you loved. And you were to weak to even confess anything to him.
"Y/N, please listen to me." He got up and walked towards your bed, sitting down at the edge. Lifting a bandaged hand Keigo stroked through your hair. " I'm thankful you saved me. And yes, you did protect me. Don't belittle yourself. But please don't think that running towards death will help. We NEED you in hero society, you have saved so many people. Remember when we were being trained? You saved me then, you gave me someone to talk to and someone to befriend."
Slowly you lifted your head and to look into his eyes as he sighed.
"Please don't go running towards death again.... I want to spend more time with you and I want to be a team with you. A real team this time."
He looked into your eyes.
"Y/N, I think I'm trying to say.... can I take you out some time?"
Ohmygod. You stared at him wide eyed. At first he thought you were going to reject him, his body language turning nervous. That was until an almost smug smirk mixed with genuine happiness adorned your face.
"I would love to" you giggled a little bit. "Once I'm out of the hospital ofcourse."
God even on your death bed you couldn't be serious.
A smile spread across Keigos usually neutral face.
AAAAAAA. I hope this is good enough!!! It was my first time writing angst so I didn't really know how I should do it, but I hope it turned out okay and I hope this is what you wanted! <33
Anyways, thankyou so much for requesting and the support. For the past day the messages I have been getting are so kind! At first my anxiety was exceptionally bad when I posted "Fountain", but the support has made me feel a lot more comfortable! 💞💞
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parvulous-writings · 3 years
Long time, no see // Mark Renton X Reader
Request: hello it could be a request about Mark renton where they were together, but they split up bc addition luwgo meet again in t2 happy ending​
Requested by:  @awesomemikaus
Summary: Mark Renton returns to Edinburgh after 20 years, with more than just catching up with the old group on his mind. 
Warnings: Drug (heroin) addictions. Strong language. Angst.
Words: 2.26K 
Notes: I think Ewan characters are slowly starting to become my brand. Not complaining, just observing.  As usual, ask/submit box is open! 
Key; Y/N - your name Y/L/N - your last name Y/H - your honourific (Mr, Ms, Mx, Dr, etc.)  (Thought this might be helpful for those who use the interactive fics extension) 
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Not my gif
You and Mark had had a rather... Rocky relationship.  This was not exactly surprising, given both of your situations. Mark was stuck in a rut with his addiction, and you were starting to be dragged down into that ditch with him from how much you were trying to help him. This had happened time and time again, and by that point you had reached your limit. 
You had stuck by him through thick and thin for as long as you could, for as long as your heart would allow, but after a while you simply could not any more. So, you had broken up with him. It was gut wrenching, heart shattering to see his face fall when you told him you were leaving you, but you didn’t have to see it for long. He quickly shut you out- which if anything was worse. You wanted to speak with him, to talk him through why you had decided to leave in more depth, but he just ignored you. You got used to it after a while, not seeing him anymore, and occasionally talking to Spud- the only one of Mark’s friends you had really gotten on with to any degree. 
About two weeks after you had gone your separate ways, Spud told you Mark had run off, leaving everything in Edinburgh behind.  “Good for him.” You muttered in reply, shaking your head slowly. Spud left you alone for the rest of the day after that, and it wasn’t long until you hardly spoke to him either; Mark, Simon, Daniel and Tommy soon becoming nostalgic memories, reminders of your earlier, more reckless years. 
Twenty years on, your life has changed, for the better in most areas. You’d moved uptown after getting a steady job- originally just as a cashier, but you’d worked your way up to managing one of the supermarkets. You no longer had to live down in the rougher areas of Edinburgh, and for that you were very glad. You had considered moving out of Edinburgh altogether, but there was something holding you back. A feeling of, well, home. Rough streets aside, you feel like there was nothing more familiar to you than Edinburgh now, and you’d learnt to live with the more undesirable side of everything. It’s just how things were. Occasionally you’d catch a glimpse of Spud, or Sick boy, and though you’d never speak to them now, they’d get you remembering. Memories of times long now passed would crop up in your mind, making you wonder “What if?” What if you hadn’t left Mark? Would he still be in Edinburgh? What if you had helped him through his addictions? Where would you both be now?  But the question that often seemed to stalk your mind late at night was; what if Mark came back?
More often than not you pushed this thought away, not wanting to dwell on anything to do with Renton. His time in your life was over, you’d tell yourself, he’d run off to wherever, and there was not much chance of him coming back. Least of all coming back and seeing you. This was what you told yourself whenever your mind brought it up. It had been twenty years since you last saw him, why on earth would he come back? 
These sorts of questions were pushed to the side during the day, when you were at work. Your days were usually the same, same old paperwork and phone calls, with a few instances where you had to step out to help your staff deal with a customer. However, this particular day wanted to take things in a slightly different direction.  The first thing to be different was your assistant opening your door- which did not happen unless you asked for a coffee. Which you had not. You looked up from your papers, looking over at the young man, who cleared his throat. “(Y/H) (Y/L/N), someone wants to see you.” He gestured with his head out of the door. You sighed gently in response.  “I’ll be out on the floor in a second, Stu. Tell them to hold on.” You replied, starting to temporarily wrap up your work, and Stu shook his head a little bit. “No, no, I mean they’re back here...” He gestured over his shoulder with his thumb, and you started to frown in confusion. Your store wasn’t due for an inspection till several months down the line, and there wasn’t exactly any big news or concerns bobbing about right now. “Huh?” You voiced your bafflement. “Who is it?” You asked him, to which he promptly shrugged.  “Dunno. Said he knew you donkey’s years back...” He told you bluntly, and you shook your head.  “Tell him to go away, I have work to do. If he really wants to see me, and he does know me, then he can wait around. I’m not going to get in trouble for something as stupid as that. You know what my luck is like, Stu.” You begin to return to your work even as you speak. Stu nodded, and began to close the door.  “Right you are.” He confirmed, leaving you to your papers for the rest of the work day. 
The rest of said work day went by rather quickly, with you too absorbed in your work to even give a thought to the random person who had asked for you earlier. It had quite slipped your mind as you packed up your things, leaving the building into the cool evening air.Stu hadn’t mentioned the person either, so they must have left, giving you no reason to stick around. Thankfully it wasn’t too dark just yet, but a few streetlights here and there had already flickered to life, casting a strong orange light onto the things beneath them.
There was nothing special about this walk home, it was the same as any other. Drab, uneventful, quiet besides the hum of car engines as they passed you by.  As you approached your home, you fumbled with your keys- the cold was enough to numb the tips of your fingers somewhat now. You had partially got through unlocking your door, when a voice made you look over you shoulder.  “(Y/N),” It was a man, around his mid-forties it seemed, with short, almost mousy brown hair, bright and vibrant blue eyes. You knew those eyes, too well.  Those were Mark Renton’s eyes. 
“Mark?” You ask, disbelieving the sight before you. You turn away from your door, your keys pressing against the palm of your hand. “Mark, what are you doing here?” You asked him, moving forward until you were about six feet away from him. “How did you even find out where I live?”  “I... I didn’t.” Mark admitted quietly. “I kind of followed you in my car.”  “Followed me in your car?” You echoed, still in disbelief, and partly in shock now too. You hadn’t noticed him following you- you probably should have done, but you didn’t. This got you thinking, and you decided to voice these thoughts aloud. “Hang on... Does that mean that was you asking for me at work?” You asked, blinking over at him as he nodded gently.  “Yeah... I know it probably wasn’t the best time to call for you, but I needed to see you, and Daniel- er- Spud, told me where you worked... Or at least where he last knew you worked.” He rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke. You just stared at him for a moment, your mind working double time to try and process everything he had just said.  Renton was back. He’d asked Spud where you were. He’d gone exactly where Spud would have told him. He couldn’t get to you, and thus had followed you home. He said he needed to see you. 
“Mark. You’ve been gone for twenty years. What on earth could you need to see me for?” You asked, folding your arms over your chest. “Why come back now?”  Mark sighed quietly, looking down at his feet for a moment as he took a slow breath. “I had a heart attack.” He tells you, bluntly. There’s no other way for him to say it, and there’s no point in sugar-coating it. “I’ve got a stent there now... Should last a few years, apparently..” He continued, putting his hands into his pockets. “It put a lot of things into perspective for me.. Made me want to come back here, for a little bit of nostalgia, I suppose.” He nodded slowly at his own words, confirming them to himself. You’re still stunned to silence for a moment longer.  “What.. What did it put into perspective?” You ask curiously, clearing your throat quietly mid-sentence. 
“That I was stupid fucker in my twenties.” Mark joked quietly, trying to lighten the mood, though he didn’t smile all that much.  “Are you talking about the addiction to heroin?” You asked, clearly unamused, and he nods slowly.  “Yeah.. Among a couple of other things.” He sighs gently, and at your questioning look, he continues to clarify. “I... I was thinking about us,(Y/N). I was thinking about what we had back then, and how stupidly I threw it away for a drug that almost killed me.”
You don’t know what you were initially expecting him to say, but it was certainly not that. Your shock clearly showed on your face, because you saw Mark’s expression shift slightly- mainly in his eyes- to worry. He was worried he’d overstepped something too quickly when he spoke his mind. He starts to speak again, “Look... I know it’s a little bit out of nowhere, but.. Could I come in? We can talk about it a little more...”He offered a warm smile to you, and to be honest you were starting to feel the cold chill in the air a little more now. You nodded, gesturing for him to follow. 
“Alright... But you’re going to have to ignore the mess. I wasn’t really expecting visitors.” You mumbled, turning around to unlock and open your front door.  “Don’t worry... I’m pretty sure that it’ll be much better than what we had twenty years back.” He joked in reply, giving you a little bit of a smile. You rolled your eyes, and dumped your keys on a small door-side table with a loud clink. “ “You want a cup of tea, or something?” You asked, being a polite host. He shook his head in reply.  “No, thank you. I’m alright.” He gave you a smile, “I’d prefer it if we just... Talked.” He told you, as you led him through to your small-yet-homey living room. 
You took a seat on the sofa, and he sat at the other end. He looked at you briefly, before averting his gaze to your coffee table. “So, you probably have some questions...”  “Yeah, no shit, Renton. You’ve been gone for twenty bloody years, didn’t hear a word from you, then suddenly, you’re back in Edinburgh, wanting to make amends.” You sighed quietly. “So,what gives? Yeah, you said about the heart attack, but was that really the entire reason of why the hell you followed me home in your car?” You asked, leaning back in your seat as you folded your arms over your chest. Mark seemed to think this over for a moment.  “Well, okay, maybe it’s not the only reason,” He admitted, finally moving his gaze to meet yours again. You gave him a look, prompting him to continue, and so he did. “I... I missed you. For twenty years, I’ve missed you. I wanted to take you with me when I left, but I couldn’t. I had to leave before the boys woke up, and you said you didn’t want to see me again. Which, I mean, rightly so, a lot of less than desirable things happened to the pair of us back then.” He was starting to ramble, his nerves starting to show and get the better of him. Whilst your were tired from your long day of work, so weren’t in the mood to deal with something too emotional. 
“What’s your point, Mark?” You asked with a gentle sigh,trying to seem at least a little bit empathetic towards him.  “My point is,” Mark echoed, “I miss you still. I want to apologise. And I want to ask for a second chance.”  The third point of his caught you slightly off guard. Another chance? After what happened last time? You weren’t so sure, and that indecisiveness clearly showed on your face, as Mark rushed to continue. “It doesn’t have to anything major at the minute. Just like... A coffee, or something, so we can get to know each other again.” He provided a simple plan, which did seem very enticing. Unable to say no because of the happy memories you could recall of him- few as they may or may not have been- you started to nod.  “Alright... I think a coffee sometime would be nice.” You started to smile a little bit, and Mark began to do the same. You sat in silence for a few moments, starting to lapse back into subtle behaviours the pair of you had when you were younger. You broke the silence after a little bit, “Would you like to stay the night?” 
Mark smiled, starting to nod a little bit. There was the (Y/N) he remembered. “I would very much like to, yes.” He told you. You nodded, your smile returning. 
“Mark?” “Yes, (Y/N)?” “I don’t know if any of the boys told you this, but... Welcome home, Rent-boy.” 
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xmr-deity · 4 years
Better Days
Pairing: Endeavor X Hero!Male!Reader
Words: 2,260
Universe: Boku No Hero Academia
Requested by: @imhonestlyjusttryingtovibe ​
Warnings: Lots of smut and spicy times
(H/N) = Hero Name
(Y/N) = Your Name
A/N: I just put a playlist on for this one and kinda went ham, so.. enjoy!
You’d had better days, that was for sure. You never regretted becoming a hero, but there were times where you couldn’t help but feel that guilt- that illogical guilt of wishing you could’ve done more. Logically you knew you’d done all you could, but you remembered vividly- way too vividly- watching the hope drain from those people’s eyes as you were pummeled by that overpowered villain. 
It’d been a hostage situation with a villain who had the incredibly disturbing quirk of manipulating people’s dead bodies. Fighting rotting corpses is something you hoped you never had to do again in your life. 
But, at the moment when you felt you were about to die, a blaze of fire exploded over the animated corpses, turning them to nothing but ash. It was a short fight after that- turns out fire was definitely the villain’s weakness.
You’d been hauled out of there by some other hero as they got the surviving hostages out, and now you sat in the back of an ambulance. A healing hero had given you treatment and you were doing much, much better now. Physically, anyway.
Finally Endeavor walked out of the still slightly on fire building, a bit of his costume ripped, revealing red chest hair. You internally sighed. He was too attractive for his own good. You, in your post battle-adrenaline crash-exhaustion haze just sat there, staring for what felt like hours. In reality, it was maybe a minute or two, before Endeavor turned to look and caught you staring. You perked up a bit as he started walking towards you- you didn’t expect that.
“(H/N).” He said in his deep, smooth voice. 
“Endeavor.” You responded, cracking a bit of a smile as he approached.
“I apologize I wasn’t able to get there sooner. I had to deal with their purposeful distractions.” He said, and you shook your head.
“It’s fine, I understand I’m just.. glad you got there at all..” you added, looking down at your feet hanging above the dark pavement, “if you didn’t I.. definitely would have died. It’s bad enough that I already failed.”
A change flickered across Endeavor’s usually stern expression.
“You didn’t fail.” He responded, and you looked up at him, eyes widening a bit.
“What is the job of a hero? To protect people. You did just that- all those hostages came out without a scratch.” He said, and walked closer, putting a hand on your shoulder with a gentleness you didn’t expect from him. 
“You did well.”
“I- I did..?” You weren’t expecting any of that. Endeavor nodded.
“But- but I mean.. I’m nothing compared to you- you’re powerful, and-and strong, and super hot-“ you quickly cut yourself off, tensing up. Endeavor raised a brow.
“You mean.. other than literally..?” He asked after an almost uncomfortably long moment. You nodded sheepishly, looking down at the ground between your feet. Your heart was already pounding hard, but it kicked into overdrive when you felt warm fingers tilt your chin up to find Endeavor smirking down at you. 
“How are you feeling.. injury-wise..?” He asked, gently placing a hand on your thigh.
“I’m.. I’m doing pretty good, a..actually..” you managed to respond, and Endeavor’s smile grew.
“Good.. then let’s take this somewhere else, hm?” 
You nodded quickly, knowing exactly where this was going and oh boy were you on board. The flame’s along Endeavor’s body died down as he picked you up, guiding your legs to wrap around his waist, and your arms to wrap around his neck. You tried to hide your face in case someone was watching, but Endeavor didn’t seem to care.
He brought you to his car- something expensive and nice you were sure, but you couldn’t pay much attention to it at the moment. He sat down in the back seat with you still on his lap, signaling to his driver to go, and then the little window between you and him closed and the car started to move. 
“When we do these things.. I want you to call me Enji.” He whispered into your ear, making you shiver. You nodded, trying to ignore the blush that spread across your cheeks and to the tips of your ears. But Enji noticed, and responded by gently nibbling your earlobe, then kissing down your neck.
You squirmed a bit in his lap as he pulled your hero costume down a bit, sucking a hickey into your collarbone. 
“En-Enji- ha-ah-!” You stuttered, your breath hitching as one of his hands cupped your crotch. 
He was handling you surprisingly gently, his strong arm wrapping around you, pressing into your back, pulling you close as he pulled your hero costume even further down. His hand spread out on your upper back, pushing just enough to make your chest protrude as he wrapped his lips around one of your nipples. Simultaneously, his hand on your crotch pushed just a tad harder, making you stutter. 
You pushed your hips into his touch, and managed to feel the hardness besides his hand. You whined softly, hands clutching at Enji’s hero costume.
“Sto.. ah-stop teas..ing..” you managed, and a shiver ran up your spine as Enji let out a deep chuckle.
Enji finally detached himself from your nipple, looking up at you with the slightest smirk.
“Hm.. but you’re just too cute not to tease..” he responded, his voice husky now. Part of you thought he must’ve activated his quirk because you were sure you were about to melt.
Suddenly, the car rolled to a stop, and Enji pulled his hand away making you wriggle on his lap, and the flame hero grinned slightly. Then, to your alarm, he opened the door to the car, and you hurriedly tried to pull your hero costume as he picked you up again.
“En-Enji wait-“ you momentarily panicked- you could tell you weren’t at his house and you automatically assumed you were out in public, and if someone saw you two you would never hear the end of it from the press. But as you both got out you saw you were in a tiny parking lot underground, heading for a surprisingly fancy looking elevator. 
Enji still held you, even as he pressed the elevator button and stepped inside. It clearly wasn’t meant for many people, and you realized there was a little table with snacks on it nearby. Snacks. Fancy little crackers. What kind of place was this???
Soon that was the last thing on your mind as Enji pushed you up against the wall of the elevator after the doors closed, his hand squeezing your ass as he kissed you. You hummed into it, returning it with passion. A soft groan was pulled from you as his hips gently rolled against yours, both of your hard ons pressing against each other’s through the spandex of your hero costumes. 
He hoisted you up a little more and pushed his hard on against your ass this time, making you shudder. He pulled away from the kiss, rocking a little harder.
“Hhh-oh- fuhhck..” you shivered, already able to tell how damn big he was. He moved to kiss and nibble at the side of your neck, continuing to rock his hips.
Finally the elevator door opened and Endeavor moved you both out of there without hesitation. You walked straight into a huge hotel room- no hallway or door or anything. You realized this was more like a penthouse rather than a hotel room.
You didn’t have time to think about that for long, as before you knew it you were getting tossed onto a huge, plush bed. Glinting light caught your eye and you turned your head to look and found the reason the elevator ride had taken so long. You were so high up- city lights twinkled and danced amongst the dark out the window. 
You felt rough lips gently kiss your jaw, getting your attention, and you looked back at Enji who was hovering above you.
“Beautiful, isn’t it? The peace and quiet of a busy city..” He said softly, glancing out the window.
“But I have other beautiful things I want to focus on at the moment..” he added, slowly sliding down your body, taking your hero suit with him.
Before you knew it you were naked, with Enji gently kissing along your thighs.
“Ohhhnnn.. Enji.. please..” you whined, gently tangling your fingers into his hair. He glanced up at you before gently kissing the warm skin that connected your crotch and your thighs. 
Then he went lower, one hand resting on your thigh and the other wrapping around your dick. Then you felt his tongue swirling around the rim of your entrance, making your back arch slightly.
His hand moved slowly as he licked into you, carefully working you open. 
“En-Enji.. fa..faster.. more..” you panted, your thighs trembling, the achingly slow pace driving you crazy.
“Hmm.. what do you say..?”
“Please- please, fuck..” you added quickly, letting go of his hair.
“Good boy,” he rumbled, sitting up. Finally he shed his own hero costume, reaching into the side table drawer quickly and grabbing a condom and lube. Part of you wanted to sit up and help him put on the condom, but you were already shaking so much and Enji was quick about it anyways.
He coated himself in lube, then rubbed the rest around your rim and briefly inserted his fingers, stretching you some more for good measure. 
“You ready for this?” He asked, his breathing heavy. You nodded quickly.
“Yes- yes, yes, please-“
Finally he hovered above you, balancing with one hand as he used the other to line up, pushing inside slowly, letting you get used to his girth- because he was BIG- and boy did you feel it.
He paused halfway, kissing your collarbone as you calmed your breathing, but you were not a quitter. 
“K-Keep.. keep going.” You panted, reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck. Enji gave a nod, and pushed all the way in.
“Aahhah.. ahh ohh fuck.. you’re.. huge..” you moaned, and Enji gave a soft chuckle, but you could hear the strain in it. You took another moment to get used to the incredibly full feeling before you nodded, trying to get your voice to work again.
“M-..move.. you can.. you can move..” 
Enji looked into your eyes for a moment before he pulled back slowly, sparks of pleasure shooting through you at the slow drag against your prostate. Then suddenly, his hips snapped forward, pounding back into you.
“Hah- oh fuck..!” You moaned in surprise. Enji seemed to try and reign it back, pulling back again and thrusting in slower this time.
“You.. okay..?” He managed, his voice gravely, his hips still moving.
“Ye-ye-yes,” you gasped, “keep.. keep going.” 
With that Enji snapped, grabbing your hands and pushing them above your head onto the mattress, his hips pistoning into you suddenly, making you cry out in pleasure again. 
He slammed into you, the bed rocking and the headboard thunking against the wall. Thank god you were pretty sure there were no other rooms up here.
Eventually he let go of your hands, leaning back and grabbing your legs, spreading them apart even more and pushing them up to your chest as he pounded into you, hardly breaking a sweat, his hips moving almost inhumanly fast. 
“Nnghh.. (Y/N)..” he grunted, slowing every now and then to rock deep into you right into your prostate. Tears welled up in your eyes at the sensation, and you didn’t even notice the drops rolling down your cheeks. You were getting so, so close.
Enji gripped your member, starting to stroke quickly as he rocked deep into you.
“Ah-ah- Ah- oh fuckfuckfuck- Enji I’m- I’m gonna- oh fuck..!” You tried to warn, but Enji only went harder and deeper, squeezing you tighter. 
“Agh-ah- ahng..!” You felt your climax stretch out impossibly long before it crashed into you.
“Enj-nhgh!!!” Your back arched and you gripped the sheets, convulsing as he pushed into your prostate as hard as he could. 
He kept stroking your member gently for a while and kept his hips moving, watching as you came all over his hand and your stomach and chest. 
You laid there for a while, feeling like you were laying in a cloud made of cotton, your mind a hazy blur as he slowed to a stop. He gently kissed your jaw, reveling in how you twitched every now and then.
“C-c.. cum.. cum in me..” you managed after a moment, your body trembling. Enji didn’t have to be told twice, and he pulled back, gripping your hips and starting to slam into you again. You didn’t expect to be so sensitive still, the sensations slamming into you, leaving you a babbling mess. Enji went faster and faster, gripping your hips tight enough to leave bruises. 
It wasn’t too much longer before his hips stuttered, his muscles flexing and relaxing spastically as he came inside you. 
“(Y/N)-Hnn-!” His hips kept moving, eventually slowing to a stop, and you two there stayed like that, panting.
Finally he pulled out, watching his release gush out of you. He was kind enough to clean up your shivering body for you while you tried to regain feeling in your legs, eventually climbing into the bed with you.
You curled up against his warm chest, your heartbeat finally calming down. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, and you listened to the sound of each other’s soft breathing as you drifted off to sleep.
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lovestrucked-again · 4 years
Fond | J.Jaehyun
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NCT m.list Summary: Just heavy smut with your professor..
Genre: smuT Pairing: Professor X female reader Word count: 2.2k
Warning: SMUT, non-consent sex, fingering, oral sex, explicit content, unprotected sex, yandere like personality, 18+ 
NOT OKAY IN REAL LIFE, please avoid this if you’re uncomfortable.  _______
You pack your things as fast as you can, ready with the plan to rush out of the building as quickly as possible. You were late to the gathering your friends had planned earlier in the week. Being the last one out, you collide with your professor at the door, mumbling out an incoherent string of apologies.
“What’s the rush?” He asks.
“I’m running late to a gathering with some friends.” You explain, picking up your books from the floor.
“I can give you a lift if you’d like.” He offers, motioning to the luxury sedan parked in view.
“Oh no, it’s alright.” You smile, blushing at the offer.
“Let me, it’s my fault your late.” He pushes.
You decide to accept it, “Thank you.” You were feeling bad about being late but the possibility of spending some time with the new professor excited you.
As he drives, you chat about the college, the other professors, his previous college and all your current classes. The topic of dating is thrown around briefly before he smoothly changes the topic. He was charming, making you laugh instantly, giggling at the little comments. Jaehyun was young for a professor and he was a popular choice within the females. Your eyes skimmed over his long, lean figure as you conversed, occasionally glancing a little too low. A significant bulge was visible. Damn
You think back to your current actions, noticing your left hand playing with your hair, your right hand placed along the lines of your exposed thigh in a skirt. Omg I’m flirting with him right now.
A few minutes later and Jaehyun pulls up to the curb at the café where your meeting your friends. It was almost noon so most of the tables were full, your friends standing around an outdoor table. Jaehyun pulls up closer to them and you wave at them smiling. Your friends look over in awe, pointing towards you, but they don't wave.
“Ahh the windows heavily tinted so I don't think they’ll see you.” Jaehyun tells you. “It’s also soundproof.” He comments, smirking very slightly at the mention.
“I see, thanks for the ride professor.” You smile innocently at him, pausing with your hand against the door handle. Is he going to give me a sign he’s interested? But he just smiles at you in silence.
You nod your head in curt and turn around to open the door, but it doesn't budge. Jaehyun reaches across you towards the handle but instead of opening the door, he pushes your seat down, causing you to fall back in surprise.
“Wh-what,” Before your able to react, he jumps across the seats and leans on top of you, pinning you down.
You struggle against his weight pressing against you, his strong grip bringing your wrists above your head, leaving you powerless. After a few moments of intense fighting, you were exhausted and defeated. With cool efficiency, Jaehyun loosens his tie, bringing it over his head and using it as a strap to tie your hands to the headrest. He quickly unbuttons your blouse in a matter of seconds before unclipping your bra and letting it hang.
Moving his fingers lower, he begins to tenderly fondle your breasts, gently kneading your left nipple between his two fingers. The effect it has on you is immediate, a loud gasp of shock followed by a stifled moan coming out of your mouth.
“You like that, don't you baby?” He whispers, his breath hot against your ear.
He runs his free hand up and down your body, caressing the curves of your hip and stroking your other breast. He pulls down your skirt easily and you help him involuntarily. His touch is calm and confident and as much as you hated what was happening, you were becoming aware of the warmth and wetness growing between your legs. You continue moaning and Jaehyun chuckles, leaning forward to kiss you.  
You begin to panic again, but you’re not afraid of him, your afraid of the pleasure he was offering you. You push against his body though it’s useless. He doesn't budge, instead he moves down, trailing kisses against your collar, down to your breast. He kisses and licks around the edges, careful to avoid your sensitive area and your body arches, pushing your breast closer to his lips.
“Desperate aren’t we?” He laughs, flicking a tongue over your nipple. His right hand slides possessively around your waist, holding you still, while his left hand moves down. Almost like its tiptoeing downward between your hips and towards the hood of your clit. Just as his finger tip brushes, he pulls back, causing a mewl sound to escape from you while you attempt to squeeze your legs together for some friction.
“That’s professor to you.” He growls, pinching at your nipple with more pressure than before. You scream at the sudden pain and the corner of your eyes prick with tears. “Do you understand?”
“Yes pro-professor,” you whimper.
“Good,” He hums in content.
Through the window, you see one of your friends picking up their phone and making a call. You can hear the vibration of your phone in your bag on the floor starting to ring. You try to kick into the bag, hoping to hit the answer key on your phone so you can shout to your friend. However, Jaehyun realises what you’re doing and pins your legs up to your chest. While the phone rings, he takes advantage of the improved access to your pussy, sliding his fingers into you with ease and targeting your spot.
Your moans come out in continuous sounds, unable to hide the involuntary pump of your hips rising as he presses into your rough spot against your insides. As you feel yourself building up, he releases you, letting your legs go free as you sit there panting. The phone has stopped vibrating and you look outside to see your friends have called the waiter over and are now ordering, oblivious to the fact you were right there, being fucked by your professor.
Jaehyun took the time to unzip his pants, pulling them down and letting free his cock.
“Fuck.” The voice breaks you out of your trance and you can’t help but look to see what was going on. As his pants cleared his hips, his cock received more freedom, standing straight out. The long thick shaft with bulging veins, the purple head swollen with pre-cum falling out in drops to be dragged against your hips.
He doesn't do anything, only moving over, kissing all the bits of exposed flesh on your legs, avoiding the soft curls between your thighs.
“Ugh-,” The moans you were releasing only encourages him, taking it along with the reactions of your body. When he reaches the softest area of your flesh, he nibbles lightly, kissing his way around your outer lips as you force back the screams of frustrations. When your finally able to feel his breath against your pussy, you can tell, his own breath is laboured.
“So beautiful.” He purrs, you can feel the tension in his hands as he spreads apart your legs, gazing at the flesh inside. And as your breath hitches, thinking about if you’re really willing to just beg him to hurry up and fuck you, he speaks. “Sorry baby,” and then you feel his face buried against you.
He was no longer gentle, no longer teasing you. He was ravaging out everything he could find. This time, there was no point stifling behind your emotions, and so you scream. Jaehyun flattens his tongue against your clit, lapping up at everything as you push your body down towards him. He sucks against your clit, nibbling at it with his teeth before tracing the inside of your pussy with his tongue. And then suddenly his thrusting his tongue inside, wrapping a firm hand against your hips to stop you from writhing so violently.
Your unable to notice his hand leaving your hips but the second a finger slides firmly inside of you, you cry out. Jaehyun pulls his mouth away, replacing it with his fingers as he watches your expression, amused and in love.
“Come for me Y/N. I want to feel you explode around my fingers.” He whispers as your eyes squeeze shut and another finger slides in, curling around.
You moan louder as he starts thrusting harder, adding a third finger when he hears your breathing fasten. His eyes are focused between the movie of your facial expressions and the slopping scene of wetness coating his hands. As your climax builds, he speeds up, pushing his fingers as far as he can inside you.
“Oh-oh my god,” You cry out, your pussy tightening around his fingers as your writhing on top of his hand. Jaehyun uses his free hand to stroke himself, watching your mouth gape open as he continues for several minutes, forcing you to climax for what feels like forever.
“Baby, my body is crying to be inside of you, will you let me?” He murmurs, bringing the coated fingers out of your pussy to cup your face in his direction. Your eyes flick open for the first time in forever and you want to look down at the mess but he holds your jaw still. “Baby?” He asks again, almost whimpering.
“Y-yes,” You nod, understanding instantly. This was the one thing he wouldn't do without your consent. Jaehyun would give you pleasure but he would take none for himself if you resisted even a little.
“You’re so pretty.” He murmurs, leaning his forehead against yours for a minute. Finally, he adjusts himself, positioning his head against your lips, gently brushing up and down against them. He dips just the tip of the head in and pulls it back out. “What a mess you made.”
Finally, when he can’t take another second, he plunges himself into you, his cock burying deep inside of you. You let out a cry of pleasure before your lost in blankness. Jaehyun had held himself back for so long but after waiting for so long, his control was gone. He pounded his cock into your pussy so hard that it almost did hurt, but the slight pain only enhanced the pleasure as he filled you over again and again.
Every time he hit the hilt you cried out and pulled against the bonds, desperate to wrap your hands into his hair. His strokes became more firm, more forceful and faster. The force was enough to rock the car from side to side. You were aware he was building up and the swelling inside your pussy reminded you of it. The car was filled with the sounds of your moans and swearing echoing against each other each time he entered in you.
With a final thrust deep inside, he came. You felt his cock pulse up and release inside, your screams blending together with steady electric jolts of pleasure. Your own body hits another orgasm, body going limp, blood rushing to your head as your vision blurs. As your orgasm subsides, you realise the people outside must’ve realised the rocking car and figured out what was happening.
You look over to your group of friends and indeed, they were pointing towards you, laughing. The feeling of shame washes over you as your orgasm passes and Jaehyun’s full body weight lays against you, his cock still buried inside. You were slathered in sweat when he finally pulls out, a sudden emptiness taking its place.
You look down at yourself, noticing how your stomach muscles and legs continue to quiver and twitch uncontrollably. Your clit was swollen and a deep dark red colour was present. Your pussy was leaking a flow of cum onto the seat that was already drenched from earlier.
“You did well baby.” Jaehyun places a gentle kiss against your lips before shifting back to the driver’s seat and doing up his pants. You follow after, reaching for your skirt and blouse thrown to the back seat. He watches you with a smile. “Baby, I’ll give you two options. You can stay in the car and come back to my place or you can get out the car now in front of your friends.”
Your hand instinctively shoots to the handle of the door but you hover there for a few seconds, still shaking from the lingering effects of the orgasm. You look down at your appearance, your outfit sticking to your sweat-soaked body, face flushed from so many orgasms, and cum visibly running down your thighs. You rejected the idea of accusing the popular professor knowing it would just be public and humiliating. You drop your hand back into your lap and Jaehyun puts the car into Drive, pulling away from the curb. ___
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