#soul awakening
ivemanifest · 1 month
If you want to overcome a limiting belief, know that it all starts from acknowledging & accepting that things MUST change and YOU are responsible for that change within.
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mindbodysoulhealing44 · 8 months
~* Soul Connections *~
Soul Connections are felt beyond words and the physical.
It is a deep recognition of a timeless energy, that has now reunited within a beautiful earthly presence.
What was once believed to be known,
And must be seen with the eyes,
And touched with the hands,
Is now all a mystery...
As my Soul recognises the familiarity within yours,
Beyond labels and beyond words.
It is a feeling.
It is an inner knowing.
It is an energy that cannot be dictated by the minds.
It's a sense of finally coming back Home.
Of finally feeling whole again.
- Jenny Mach
Mind Body Soul Healing
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thexlostxprince · 4 months
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turiyatitta · 5 months
The Paradox of Unconditional Love
From Relative to Ultimate SelfIn the pursuit of understanding love, especially unconditional love, we encounter a profound dichotomy between our relative self and our ultimate self. This journey from dualistic thinking to a non-dualistic state of being offered a rich terrain for philosophical exploration.#### Relative Self: The Duality of Love and JudgmentThe relative self operates in a world of…
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soulsuccessunleashed · 8 months
Top 5 Ways to Communicate With Your Guardian Angels
Have you felt like someone is looking over you and guiding you throughout your life? You might have guardian angels at your side ensuring your protection, comfort, and support. They shower their divine guidance throughout your whole life and guide you at every step.
Meanwhile, you may hear about various spiritual guides but guardian angels are solely assigned to every individual. That’s what makes them worth connecting with! In this article, we will give you a walkthrough of communicating with your guardian angels using 5 effective ways. 
Let’s start with figuring out how you can find your guardian angels and see what comes around! 
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Who are Guardian Angels and How to Figure out Yours?
Guardian angels are spiritual beings who consistently communicate with God and intercede on our behalf. Besides this, they dedicate themselves to protecting our souls and helping us avoid sins and spiritual dangers. 
If you’re looking to find your guardian angel, you can enroll yourself in many practices. The most effective way is to meditate, communicate with them and ask for their names. Also, you can request the angels to send you a sign of identification. 
In case the above practices didn’t work for you, write a letter to the desired angel using a holistic format telling your condition and ask for their help. Guardian angels are always there to protect and guide you! 
5 Easy Ways to Connect With Your Guardian Angels
Attend the intense physical sensations
First and foremost, the primary way to communicate with guardian angels is to pay attention to physical sensations felt out of the blue. It could be a goose bump or a brush of breeze making you sense the love and support. 
Notice the unique sounds
Making you hear some unique sounds is a way for angels to calm your soul. If you notice a buzz in your ear or any uncertain sound, it could be a sign that guardian angels want to communicate with you. These sounds generally stay for a while although you must visit a doctor for a medical issue if you experience buzzing for hours. 
Pay attention to unexpectedly beautiful smells
In a room full of certain fragrances, you might experience an unexpectedly lovely smell that you have never experienced before. It’s believed that a guardian angel may have dropped the beautiful fragrance to freshen up your day. 
Admire the sweet nectar in your mouth
As discussed earlier, meditation is one of the best ways to communicate with your guardian angels. You may experience a sweet nectar in your mouth heightening your energetic vibration. That sweetness and vibration open an easy path to connect with your angels. 
Envision angles with your third-eye chakra
Third-eye chakra, inner eye, or mind’s eye can see the things that are beyond your vision. If you’re also one of those people who struggle to see angels with open eyes, try out your mind’s eye. Relax yourself instead of trying harder and accept whatever comes your way. It will help you envision guardian angels and communicate with them. 
The Bottom Line
In conclusion, fostering a connection with your guardian angels offers a profound source of guidance, protection, and support throughout your life's journey. Through these practices, you can tap into their presence and wisdom, enabling a deeper connection. 
Connecting with your guardian angels can bring comfort and inspiration to your existence. Embrace these methods and embrace the enriching bond with your celestial guardians, knowing they are always there to guide and uplift you.
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connectingwithsoul · 2 years
The Twin Flame connection shows and mirrors to everyone around what Unconditional Love feels like.
Christina Lopes
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readersmagnet · 2 months
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Venture on a transformative journey with 32 fundamental verses presented in the short commentaries book by Russell Marlett. This captivating book invites you to delve into hidden truths and discover profound insights that will guide you on your own personal voyage.
Learn more about his works: https://www.russellmarletbooks.com/book/
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Heart activation, cleansing & purifying soul at Pura Tirta Empul 🙏🏼💚🌺 #calming #releasing #bali
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celestialdaddieee · 5 months
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Becoming Celestial
You have sown stars in my heart which are now bursting forth and galaxies bloom now inside me.
Brought to my zenith when you’re uneclipsed, constellations within me break free.
Nebula breath pours out of my lungs while inside my chest they orbit.
Meteors strike and rattle my ribs for the cosmos within me won’t fit.
~ Megan Alms ~
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ascendedunicorn · 5 months
Sometimes you can have others around you that don't understand your vision but they aren't supposed to..it's your mission. You are the #GoldenChild that isn't afraid to do something different.
Sometimes you can have others around you that don't understand your vision but they aren't supposed to..it's your mission. You are the Golden Child that isn't afraid to do something different.
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ivemanifest · 10 days
Welcome in your deepest love and you'll experience a life filled with peace, wholeness & love.
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mindbodysoulhealing44 · 7 months
~* Awake *~
The sounds of silence,
Of hollow echoes.
The empty rooms,
Of air and space.
Your face is vacant like an open passage,
As feelings of despair
Of the lost child in transit.
Life crashes in and rolls out the waves,
You must ride it they say,
For you are safe.
It hits and its crashes,
Til it gets you Awake,
Awake to where you are today.
Where have you been? You thought you once knew.
The unknown is all that is left to know.
Trust and faith are bridges to thee,
For your Life must Wake you,
For you to flee.
You pack her up and ready to go,
To return to the stars,
To where all hearts lead.
You Wake up now,
It's was never too late,
For life and destiny always awaits.
Your inner child gets out to play,
To finally see the break of day.
You see dear one,
Your sorrows knew,
That you have kept this child through.
To set your child free from within,
Is the key to your sanctuary,
And here it all begins...
- Jenny Mach
Mind Body Soul Healing
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528hz Soul Awakening: Powerful DNA Repair Meditation for Spiritual Trans...
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Instant Insight: Understanding and Strengthening Your Claircognizant Abilities
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claircognizance stands out as a fascinating and often misunderstood gift. Derived from the French words "clair," meaning clear, and "cognizance," meaning awareness or knowledge, claircognizance refers to the intuitive ability to acquire knowledge instantly without the use of traditional senses or logical reasoning. Often likened to a sudden "knowing" or gut feeling, claircognizance is a potent tool for navigating life's complexities and unlocking deeper insights. In this blog, we'll explore what claircognizance is, how it manifests, and practical ways to enhance and embrace this unique psychic ability.
Unraveling Claircognizance
Claircognizance operates beyond the realms of the five traditional senses. Unlike clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), or clairsentience (clear feeling), claircognizance bypasses sensory input altogether, delivering information directly to the mind. This intuitive flash can manifest as sudden realizations, profound insights, or an inexplicable sense of certainty.
One of the defining characteristics of claircognizance is the rapid and unbidden nature of its insights. Individuals may find themselves spontaneously grasping complex concepts, understanding the motivations of others, or anticipating future events with uncanny accuracy. While these revelations may seem random or disconnected, they often prove instrumental in guiding decision-making and fostering personal growth.
Recognizing the Signs
Identifying claircognizant experiences can be challenging, especially for those who are unfamiliar with their intuitive abilities. However, certain signs and sensations may indicate the presence of claircognizance:
Sudden Knowing: You experience moments of absolute certainty or insight without logical explanation.
Information Downloads: You find yourself effortlessly understanding complex subjects or receiving vast amounts of information in a short period.
Intuitive Decision-Making: Your instincts consistently lead you to favorable outcomes, even when logic suggests otherwise.
Predictive Awareness: You possess an intuitive foresight that allows you to anticipate future events or trends.
By paying attention to these subtle cues, individuals can begin to recognize and embrace their claircognizant abilities.
Strengthening Your Claircognizance
Like any skill, claircognizance can be honed and developed with practice. By cultivating a receptive mindset and engaging in specific techniques, individuals can enhance their intuitive capabilities:
Meditation: Regular meditation helps quiet the mind, allowing intuitive insights to rise to the surface. Practice mindfulness and deep breathing to create a conducive environment for claircognizant experiences.
Trust Your Instincts: Learn to differentiate between intuition and fear-based thoughts. Trust your gut feelings and honor the wisdom they impart, even if they defy logic.
Journaling: Keep a journal to record intuitive flashes, synchronicities, and moments of sudden knowing. Reflecting on these experiences can provide valuable insights into patterns and recurring themes.
Seek Confirmation: Act on your intuitive insights and observe the outcomes. Over time, you'll develop confidence in your claircognizant abilities as you witness their accuracy and relevance.
Connect with Nature: Spend time in natural settings to attune yourself to the subtle energies of the universe. Nature has a way of heightening intuition and fostering a deeper connection to the world around us.
Practice Discernment: Not all thoughts or insights originate from a place of intuition. Learn to discern between genuine intuitive guidance and the chatter of the ego or external influences.
Embracing Your Gift
Embracing claircognizance is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. By acknowledging and nurturing this innate ability, individuals can tap into a vast reservoir of wisdom and guidance that transcends the limitations of the rational mind.
However, it's essential to approach claircognizance with humility and an open heart. As with any psychic ability, it's not about proving oneself superior or seeking validation from others but rather about serving humanity and aligning with the greater good.
Moreover, integrating claircognizance into daily life can bring about profound transformations on both a personal and collective level. By harnessing intuitive insights to navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and cultivate deeper connections with others, individuals can contribute to the co-creation of a more harmonious and enlightened world.
Claircognizance offers a direct pathway to higher wisdom and understanding, bypassing the limitations of the rational mind to access profound insights and guidance. By recognizing the signs of claircognizance, honing intuitive skills, and embracing the journey of self-discovery, individuals can unlock the full potential of this extraordinary gift.
As we continue to explore the depths of our intuitive abilities, may we cultivate a sense of reverence for the mysteries of the universe and a deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things. Through the practice of claircognizance, may we illuminate the path ahead with clarity, wisdom, and love.
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connectingwithsoul · 1 year
No matter what happens, the soul is always drawn to the right person.
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readersmagnet · 3 months
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Commentaries on the Book of Wisdom by Russell Marlett
Dive into the essence of daily inspiration with "Commentaries on the Book of Wisdom" by Russell Marlett. Follow a disillusioned seeker as he accidentally discovers 32 verses in a Guatemalan jungle hut. Marlett's commentaries seamlessly blend these verses into everyday life, providing a simple guide for motivation and inspiration.
Embrace timeless wisdom for everyday living. Grab a copy at www.russellmarletbooks.com.
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