#sass watches anime
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How do they get more married by each fucking episode, oh my god
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douwatahima · 11 months
the thing for me about free! is i genuinely think the first two seasons are really good. hell season one is one of my favourite anime seasons of all time! but then kyoani just decided...to keep going. and like, yeah, the prequel movie was pretty good, but it added all of these new characters that then had to be added in to all future projects (because everyone is someone's fave and you can sell more merch if they're all present at all times). so now we're at a point where every time there's something new in the free! universe there's all these disconnected scenes of the boys doing shenanigans or reacting to shit in different combinations so everyone's always doing something and it leads to shows/movies that don't have good plot progression because there's just too many spinning plates!
HOWEVER, i am 100% part of the problem because i saw rin matsuoka one sunny day in 2013 and immediately gave over my life to him. so whenever there's a new free! project i will inevitably end up looking it up like a disgruntled middle aged mom who has to get up at 5am to watch her son's swim meet. yes, i have coffee but no, it doesn't help and i would, in fact, rather be anywhere else but here, but hey maybe my special little angel baby will win his match and i can take him out for ice cream afterwards.
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Given how utterly stoic and immovable botw link is, I imagine totk will go much the same way in terms of his animation and idles. But wouldn't it be the funniest thing if, in a single cutscene, they just went all in for no reason.
Link just stands there like you'd expect for all of two seconds before his eyes refocus and he flips his hair over his shoulder and sighs. Pulls out his slate and start fiddling with it in the middle of a plot important conversation. Plucks an apple from nowhere and just goes to town. Twirls his hair around his long talons and sticks his tongue out behind someone's back.
Just something completely out of character for no given reason.
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msfcatlover · 1 year
Thinking back to that one post about how every batkid needs to pick a persona they get to swear in. I would like to expand it.
Dick swears all the time, but he does it in other languages. He picks a language for each persona to swear in and sticks to it. He did still do his whole “Aw, fiddlesticks!” routine as Robin, mainly just to watch everyone’s faces when he did it. (But everyone remembers the time Robin’s leg was broken and he just screamed “FUCK!” so loud that the entire battlefield turned around in shock.)
Jason knew that thanks to classism, people would assume he swore even if he didn’t. So like, why bother restraining it any more than he absolutely had to? As Robin, he didn’t swear even when he really wanted to, though sometimes he slipped up when caught off-guard or when chatting with someone who knows him in both identities. (On one very memorable occasion, Robin got so mad he actually shoved his fist into his own mouth to muffle the screaming rant of obscenity he needed to express.)
(As the Red Hood, Jason doesn’t really give a fuck, but he still falls back into his old habit of cleaning up his language when in costume. It’s very funny to hear him say something like, “Well, golly! You’ve gotta be shitting me.”)
Tim Drake is a proper young man who doesn’t swear, even when he’s hurt (he has totally stolen that biting-my-fist move from Jason.) Robin swears like a fuckin’ sailor all day every day, to the point where not a single goddamn hero in the entire caped community that has ever worked even adjacent to him has not heard, “Ask me if I fucking give a shit,” muttered under Robin’s breath directly into the com line when someone tries to correct him on something. He will switch languages to insult you in the one you best understand, too. His friends have a running bet about how many of those languages Robin actually speaks, versus how many he just learned how to cuss people out in (when asked, Robin just smirks and says, “How fucking many do you [always a swear from a different language, usually one they haven’t heard before] think?”)
Damian mostly sticks with old-timey faux-Shakespearean insults, mainly because it’s very funny when adults can’t figure out what to punish him for when he sasses them. As Robin, Damian likes using animals in place of swears, and just telling people to go fuck themselves—it keeps them on their toes.
Steph does not fuckin’ care.
Duke canonically swears both in & out of costume, and I love that for him.
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itsswritten · 1 month
berry stained lips
Pairing: Technically in this world it's fairy reader x Azriel. But this is a little drabble exploring her friendship with Nessian (platonic)
Word Count: 388 (it's just a baby)
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Wings Universe
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Mor was the first one you had befriended in the IC, but it was Cassian, who made you feel at ease the quickest.
There was something about how unabashedly loud and how he was unapologetically himself, that had you easing out of your shyness. Bit by bit, he had peeled the layers of you away, coaxing you from your shell.
And now, you and Cassian were as thick as thieves. 
As a fairy, there were certain things you were always equipped with. Fairy dust, a shiny trinket like a gem or a pearl and of course something sweet. You often carried berries to feed the birds or animals that always gravitated to you. But as soon as Cassian discovered your stash, you became his own personal snack dispenser.
That glutton. You couldn't escape him and his hungry belly.
He would corner you in the house, palm open expecting his little treat. You would merely roll your eyes, muttering something under your breath before reluctantly dropping a few berries in his hand. And although you would act reluctant, you could never hide the playful smile Cassian always managed to get you to reveal.
It wasn’t until Nesta had caught his shit-eating grin, rimmed with a purple stain from the blackberries, that she caught on. But she didn’t have the heart to call it out. Often smirking to herself as she watched her mate, attempt, but not very discreetly ask you for snacks in one of Rhys’ meetings.
She thought it was endearing, how you would giggle when Cassian would get excited on what the day’s sweet treats would bring. How he would place the berries on the tips of his fingers, like little hats. Then suck them off one by one with an exaggerated popping noise that would always elicit a giggle from you.
You and Cassian were sweet, absolutely tooth rotting. Warm enough to melt Nesta’s cold heart. 
It made her love Cassian more, and find room in her heart for you too. Another friend. 
Although, and she frequently  told you this… she  didn’t enjoy the aftermath of your sweet treats. Oftentimes having to nurse her mate from a stomach ache from indulging in too much sugar. 
“I won’t give him anymore,” you had promised her.
Only to find you both the next day with berry stained lips.
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a/n: I just thought this was cute and just felt like they probably have a really sweet friendship <3
Forever tags: @lilah-asteria @illyrianbitch @marscardigan @amberlynn98 @milswrites @daily-dose-of-sass @sleepylunarwolf
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enwoso · 7 days
BIG ADVENTURE! — alessia russo x child!reader
full of fluff and cutest☺️ probably much needed after that game x
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navigation -> grumpy universe masterlist
the group of twenty-three english players were half way through their embark on their adventure down under to begin their preparations for the women's world cup however they had a twenty fourth player in the form of a four year old little girl - which was you.
the england girls had loved having your little infectious personality around camp so far and were looking forwards to watching you cheer them on throughout the tournament.
"lovie, c'mon!" alessia held out her hand for you to hold onto as you had been running around the lounge waiting to go down into the terminal to board the plane. alessia more than happy to let you run around hoping you would get rid of as much energy as possible before the flight.
keeping you entertained for the past few hours since landing in dubai for the short lay over— alessia had simply been silently dreading the second half of the long flight to sydney.
"mummy! is that the plane we go on?" you asked, holding tightly onto your mums hand as you backpack hung low on your back. you pointing out the window to the sight of the planes sat on the tarmac outside.
"that's right! we should be on that one" alessia bent down to match your height pointing to said plane that the team was waiting to be allowed to board.
"it's a big plane isn't it!" alessia smiled as your face was covered with a big grin as a small wow came from you.
a burst of energy coming from you as you dropped your mum's hand along with your backpack, running in the direction of where georgia and a few of the other girls were, excited to show them the planes which were outside.
"gee! look, look- the planes! over there!" you rushed out tapping the midfielder repeatedly on the leg interrupting the older girls' conversation with keira.
"woah- slow down tiny!" georgia laughed picking you up as you took a little breathe, "okay now what were you saying?" georgia asked, her eyebrows raising slightly.
"look! mummy says that we go on them planes!" you point over to the wide window, at the planes which were stood on the other side of the window. excitement flowing through you with a wide grin still on your face.
"i know! isn't that cool!" georgia smiled at your excitement as keira poured, "are you excited tiny?" keira asked as you nodded quickly.
"YES! mummy said we can see koalas and k-ka-kanroos!" you said focusing on trying to say the last word which you could say properly, your eyebrows knitting together with concentration.
"yep them!"
a gasp then coming from keira, "are you not excited to see your mummy play football?" you smile dropping a little in confusion.
"duh, mummy packed my football tops and boots!" you smiled cheekily with a hint of sass in your tone making the two midfielders burst out laughing as your eyebrows furrowed a little wondering what was so funny.
"i'll hold you to that!"
"me too!"
the original plan for flying to australia was that you flew over with alessia's parents and brothers a few weeks later when the team had gotten settled — alessia originally thinking it would make it more smoother for the transition from one side of the world to the other.
however, as days went on alessia and the departure date loomed closer the blonde realised how much she didn't want to be away from her tiny terror for that length of time. instead changing the plan last minute, and getting your suitcase packed.
"lovie?" you heard your mum call out but where still in conversation with georgia and keira about the animals in australia and how you definitely didn't want to bump into any eight legged creatures.
"tiny, i think your mum wants you" keira tapped you on the shoulder pointing in the direction of where alessia was stood your backpack in one hand as her big pink bag hung from her shoulder.
sliding down georgia's side you yelled a quick bye as you ran off back towards your mum, "there you are! where you been!"
"talking with georgia and keira bout animals!" you beamed as alessia hummed in amusement as she crouched down to your height, zipping your little jacket back up as well as putting it back on your shoulders as it had slouched down.
"have you got esme?” alessia asked standing back up as you looked around, twirling around in a circle for your elephant teddy. your comfort teddy which you’d had since you were little however naming the teddy when you got a little older.
“um, oh she’s here!” you mumbled in a hurry to get the teddy from the table lifting the toy up in the air as if it were a trophy as alessia smiled, holding her hand out for you to grab as boarding had started.
walking along the tunnel to the plane, the chatter of the other lionesses filling up the small area. you looking around soaking in the whole thing it being a big adventure to you as a smile had not once left your little face.
“smile lovie!” your mummy nudged you out of your own little word as she pointed to the team of lionesses photographers holding there big cameras. you giving a small and shy smile as well as a wave before jumping the big small gap onto the plane.
“hello!” you waved to the flight attendants who were stood welcoming everyone onto the aircraft, the two flight attendants giving a big smile and wave matching your own little bubble of energy.
walking down the isle, saying a little hi to the lionesses who were already in their seats as alessia guided you both to your seats. “y/n, we are here” your mummy called out as you had walked a few seats ahead of her.
climbing into your seat, which was closest to the window as you watched the men on the ground load the bags and suitcases onto the bottom of the plane. alessia on the other hand began to sort through everything she would need in order to get through the twelve hour flight to sydney airport.
“boo!” you cheered as you jumped up at the back of your seat, scaring the person who was sitting behind you. millie jumping slightly as a bright smile appeared on her face as she looked up from her phone to see your head poking over the back of the seat with a cheeky look on your face.
“hello cheeky!” millie smiled sticking her tongue out as you returned the smile while also sticking your own tongue out back at the blonde. “who sitting there?” you asked pointing to the seat next to her — taking note of the face she wasn’t with her usual right hand, rachel daly.
“rach of course!” mille said as your face grew confused, “she’s down there with the important people asking boring questions!” millie pointed down towards the front of the plane hoping you now understood, exaggerating the word boring as she said it.
your confused look slowly rising, “oh!”
the long journey had begun and alessia was quite surprised as how well you were actually behaving, as she had definitely planned for worse. but the blonde had also been quickly reminded herself that there was still a lot of time to go — the flight only being 6 hours in, so there was most definitely time.
you were sat snuggled in your blanket with esme your elephant, watching a series of children programmes in the tv that was in the back of the seat. your pink princess head phones which sat proudly on top of your head, a small smile appearing on your face every so often when something funny happened on the screen.
most of the girls were asleep after being urged to sleep now by the team managers as it was in line with the time zone change that would happen. alessia had gotten around two hours of sleep, before you had woken her up tapping her in the arm as you’d dropped esme under the seat in front of you and your small arms were unable to reach it.
“mummy” you whispered, tapping your mum on the arm once again as she was half asleep, alessia mumbling for you to carry on.
“i go find someone to colour with?” you asked a small pout appearing on your face as you were sat with your colouring pens and books hugged up to your chest after you’d found them in your backpack.
“yes, but-“ you were quick to slide right off your seat at the response however your mum stopped you from running out into the isle with her foot. “but, lovie please don’t wake up any of the girls if they are asleep, okay?” alessia had a stern look on her face as you nodded.
“okay!” you beamed, alessia kissing your forehead before letting you walk off down the aircraft your colouring supplies bundled in your arms.
walking along the isle carefully not to drop anything, as you finally found one of the girls who wasn’t asleep — ella!
“auntie el” you tapped the midfielder who was watching a show on her ipad, headphones in totally unaware of her surroundings. a smile appearing on the brunettes face as she turning to see you poking her arm.
“hi tiny! what’s wrong?” ella whispered lifting you onto her lap while also being careful not to wake the sleeping georgia stanway beside her.
“need someone to colour with me” you smiled sweetly while holding up your colouring supplies proudly, hoping that ella would sit and colour with you as there was not many other girls who were awake.
ella’s heart melting at the sight, “well what are my options then” the midflieder asked pointing to the books in your hand. you setting out the three options on the little table.
“princess one, animal or random one!” you pointed to each book as ella sat deep in though assessing her options.
“oo tough choice — which are you going first?” ella asked, over exaggerating her thinking face as you pointed to the one you were doing — the book filled with random colouring pages.
once ella had chosen her colouring book, the two of you made small talk filling ella in on all the things you had done on the first flight and this flight. ella’s smile big as she listened to you as you sat concentrated hard trying not to colour over the lines.
you held up your picture in front of ella, the picture being of twenty-four people all frawn with there own little personalities and a small name scribbled underneath them.
“whose all them people?" ella asked, as you sighed beginning her explanation. talking through each drawing.
“there's mummy with number twenty-three, chloe, mary-“ you listed off each player of the england team having drawn them with an england kit on making sure to put the number at which they played
"and then there's you with a number ten and me with number twenty four!" you sat proudly with with ella as she looked at the picture closely a loud laugh coming from the brunette.
“tiny, don’t let your mum see you’ve given her brown hair!”
“my yellow pen ran out” you pouted.
“tooney shut up!” georgia groaned as she began to wake up from all the noise ella was making, you looking between ella and georgia hushed giggled coming from the two of you.
georgia rubbing her eyes before opening them, as you jumped into georgia’s chest, “hi gee!”
“oh hi tiny — what you doing here!”
“me and ella been drawin’ look!” you smiled holding up your picture in front of the girl who smiled sleepily, humming along as you gave the same explanation as you did to ella a few moments earlier.
“how’s my little artist!” you heard your mums voice as you turned around a smile on your face, the plane had began to liven a bit up as most of the girls were now awake.
“look!” you handed your drawing to your mum who looked over it with a smile.
“which ones me?” alessia asked as she looked up from the picture, as you pointed to which one was her. the blondes eyebrows furrowed slightly. “i don’t have brown hair!”
“my yellow pen ran out” you pouted hoping it wasn’t going to upset your mummy too much. “ohh that’s okay — it’s adorable!” she beamed as your pout turned to a big grin.
alessia stood with talking to both ella and georgia for some time as you sat on ella’s knee doodling away on a sheet of paper, the time ticking away before it was time for food.
“right come on little one, let’s get you something to eat!” alessia picked up the other two colouring books off the floor tapping you on the head.
“me eat here” you mumbled carrying on your doodles, alessia shaking her head as a frown began on your face.
“you can come back once you’ve eaten!” your mum compromised as you slowly nodded slipping down from ella’s lap, alessia picking up your colouring supplies as you said a quick bye to ella and georgia before being walked back up the aircraft to your seat.
the rest of the flight went quite smoothly for alessia, you sat eating for best part of half an hour, eating slowly as you watched the tv again.
then once by the time you got bored of that, you sat playing a little game with your mum which she had packed but you soon began to yawn it being a while since you’d had a sleep.
“which film?” alessia asked you as you were snuggled into her arms a blanket laid over you, as you pointed over to a disney film.
you watched majority of the film your finger twirling the end of your hair around it, before you fell asleep. you body going limp as you breathing slowed right down.
and that’s how you spent the last hour and half of the flight, not even waking when the plane hit the ground. however alessia then had the trouble of carrying you off the flight along with your backpack and her bag.
"tiny! we're here!" ella and georgia yelled together from behind alessia as you were being carried in alessia's arms unable to see that you were asleep.
alessia sending the pair a death stare, before swotting them on the shoulder as she shushed them. the pair making an oh sound as they quickly apologised moving up the line of lionesses as the group walked through the arrivals part of the airport.
it was both a blessing and a curse that you had fallen asleep when you did. a blessing because it meant that you would start on the australian time zone it being around eight at night when the plane had landed but a curse as it meant alessia had to carry you.
your big adventure down under was just beginning.
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liked by keirawalsh and 738,246 others
alessia tiny on tour starts now! 🐨🌏🇦🇺🩵
comments —
ellatoone coolest one in the team!
1h         451 likes reply
-> stanwaygeorgia you said i was cool!
-> ellatoone yeh but tiny is coolER
lucybronze our little explorer🥹
1h         230 likes reply
maryearps can’t wait to see her face when she see the kangaroo
1h         107 likes reply
-> alessia betting on the chance of her crying and being scared of them icl
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peachesofteal · 4 months
Part two the Sassy Series but can be read as a standalone.
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Simon Riley/female reader 3.5k words - AO3 Warnings-tags: 18+ Angst, PTSD, canon typical violence, bombs, blood and injury. Smut, oral sex - fem receiving, praise kink, creampie. Unplanned pregnancy. Everyone is bad at feelings. He's like a bomb. Note: This was never posted to Tumblr, so in honor of the series and to complete the masterlist I decided to clean it up a bit and bring it over here.
The truck is a silent tomb.
Rigid, hard lines of muscle hold themselves still without quiver, eyes darting from the road to the floor, hands to feet. No one speaks. Soap’s fingers tap restlessly on his leg, and occasionally, he peeks around before refocusing his vision on something in the distance, something you’re not even sure exists.
The only one really looking at anyone, is Ghost. He’s staring daggers at you in the rearview mirror, fire blazing in his irises, heat so intense it forces your head down towards your knees. Even Gaz looks away from you now, occasionally nudging his thigh against your own, but keeping his gaze fixed out the window.
You’re fucked.
Simon explodes as soon as you’re all unloaded inside the gates. He detonates like a bomb, raw fury rippling through the air, impact radius large enough that it sends nearly everyone else scurrying. “Sass.” Your call sign is rough on his lips. He motions for you to step away, forcing you out from where you’re lurking close to Soap, rage, and something else, something secret, simmering beneath the surface, something you barely glean a glimpse of when he towers over you.
“Ghost. Listen-“ you hiss, fingers flying to push his hulking body away, anger boiling in your blood. He scoffs, like you’re so easily dismissed. Like you’re a child.
“You’re losin’ it Sass. I don’t know, and I don’t care how you used to operate, but we don’t pull shit like that in the 141.”
“Fuck you, Sim-“
“Don’t use my name right now.” The paint around his eyes is cracked, revealing small swaths of skin, the crinkle of crow’s feet. “You had no idea what you were doing out there!” He yells, and you snap backwards instinctively. “You were operating blind, like a fuckin’ idiot. Cap, and everyone else, seems to think you’re a world class operator but today all I saw was stupidity. Are you stupid, Sass?” His raised voice has captured Soap’s attention, who drifts closer and closer to where the two of stand. “I asked you a question.” Ghost snaps, and you want to melt into the ground.
“No.” you whisper. It’s too much. This is too much. 
“Then why would you do something like that?” He snarls, and you shy away. You’ve never seen him like this. You’ve seen him ruthless, cold blooded, laser focused on target. You’ve watched him shove a pistol in another man’s eye socket and pull the trigger, torture someone, and in the same breath, turn around and save a child from a burning building.
But you’ve never seen this. Gunpowder and rage. Metal and carnage.
You’re about to ask him what the hell his problem is when Soap steps between you both, hand out towards Ghost like he’s trying to gentle a scared animal.
“Take it easy, LT.” You use the distraction to make your escape before he can see the tears that are trying slip down your face.
Don’t cry. Don’t fucking cry. 
“D’ye wan’ talk about it?” Soap sits with a thud next you, soft blue eyes shining in the setting sun.
“I think you got the gist.”
“LT can be kind of intense, but don’t take it personally.”
Don’t take it personally. 
Don’t take it personally that last week he was shoving his cock down your throat, telling you how good you were. 
Don’t take it personally that last week, when you woke up sweating and shaking, he pressed his face to yours with a whisper. “Just a nightmare Sass, I’ve got you.”
Don’t take it personally, that five, six months ago in Belize, he was screaming in a field medic’s face, promising to hurt them if you died. 
Don’t take it personally. 
“I don’t want to talk about it.” He shrugs, slapping you on the back playfully.
“Get some sleep, lass.” Across the gap between two tents, Price and Ghost stand with their arms crossed, murmured words drifting on the wind.
Price glances at you. His mouth moves. Ghost nods, and then leaves.
A day passes, then another.
Then a week, then two.
Ghost- Simon, vanishes from your life. Evacuates whenever he sees you coming. At first, you tried to run him down, tried to corner him, get him to talk to you, but he’s too smart, applying his tactical prowess to his new mission: avoiding you at all costs.
One day, you catch sight of his retreating back around a corner and sprint after him, calling his name, not his call sign.
He ignores you.
He’s not Simon anymore, at least not to you. He’s Ghost.
You give up. You have enough sense to know when you’re not wanted.
“Sassafrass!” Johnny gleefully calls out as you duck into the ten for the briefing. Ghost tenses like he’s just stepped on a landmine, but you roll your eyes. Dickhead. You position yourself as far away from him as possible, just to the right of Soap, out of view.
He doesn’t even look at you anymore, anyway. Not like it matters. 
“It’s an easy extraction, get in, grab the target, get out. Don’t over complicate it.” You nod your understanding, and Price gives you a smile. “Sassy, you and Soap will tackle the southeast side of the building from the back door. Gaz and Ghost will come through north. We’ll meet in the middle.” Again, you nod, and Soap grins at you like a goofy faced teenager. “Alright. Let’s load up.” You shimmy your backpack high above your hips and roll your shoulders, partially listening to your partner’s excited, halfcocked thesis on entry tactics.
It's the behavior that catches your attention. The guy looks nervous, skin gleaming with the sickly sheen of anxious sweat, tense and poised, like he’s waiting for something.
You’ve seen it before. Too many times.
“Soap.” You whisper. Your tone is dead serious, and he turns with a question in his eye.
“What’s got ye spooked?” Your gaze flicks over to the guy you’ve flagged. You shake your head, just as your target is swinging his backpack around and unzipping the top pouch.
You try to warn Soap.
You press your comm and try to tell the 141.
You manage to do neither before the world explodes.
Your eyes open to pandemonium. People are screaming. Kids are crying. You can hardly see, debris and smoke from the explosion making your eyes water and practically blotting out the sun.
There’s blood on your face.
Everyone is scattered. The screaming echoes around you, mirroring the screaming in your mind.
Where are you? 
Your comm’s been knocked loose. Your gun is gone.
Your body is not your own. It’s acting on instinct. Fight. Flight. Push. Pull.
It shoves everything down. Everything your brain can’t compartmentalize right now gets locked away in a dark place. You can feel it all, later.
Right now, you have to survive.
“What the bloody hell was that?” Soap yells over the noise, snapping you out of autopilot. He’s somewhere behind you, sense of relief making you dizzy when you turn and see him crouched next to a large chunk of concrete. Thank fuck.
“Johnny? Shit.”
“Yeah. Shite. What was that?”
“A bomb.” You say, dryly. He gives you a dirt look.
“We’ve gotta split, lass.” The ground has a unique dirt pattern to it. The grains are all a different size, different shades of reds, greys, brown. Where are you? They work together, forming a chaotic design, one blanket of earth, dust and dirt swirling together and- where are you, where are you, where- “Sassy!” Soap’s face careens into your point of view. It looks distorted. You jerk backwards, the quick movement making your head spin. “You okay?”
“Where are we?” The words stick to the roof of your mouth. He gives you an odd look.
“Hey, Sassy. You alright?”
“I’m good. Yeah. All good.” A pause. A deep breath. A denial. “You got comms?”
Johnny is bleeding. You didn’t notice right away, but the crimson stain spreads under his shirt near his hip, and your panic returns, ice slowly spreading through your veins, threatening to freeze you where you stand.
“You’re hurt.” You pat his shoulder, and he nods.
“We’ve got to find the others. Or the truck.”
You can’t find the god damn truck. You have no comms. No guns, only your combat knife and two grenades between the two of you, and Soap is actively bleeding.
It looks bad.
It feels even worse.
“Maybe we should just sit tight.” He grunts, and you startle.
“Yeah. Yeah, Johnny. Let’s just sit here, in the middle of active territory, with no comms, no guns, in the middle of the street. When you’re fucking bleeding out from your gut.” You snap. Confusion flickers across his face. You never snap at him. Gaz? Maybe. Ghost, yeah. Even Price sometimes. But never Johnny. “Sorry. Sorry, Soap. My head is still spinning from the blast.”
“It’s alright, lass.” His voice is calm, smooth. You can feel him watching you from the corner of your eye before he straightens, head turning the other direction. “There’s a hostel, a few clicks down the road. Want to give it a go? They probably have a phone.” You look at him, and then down the length of your own body, tallying and subtracting, plus or minus the odds.
Fuck it. 
It’s not very far, but it feels like a full days’ walk. Your head is still buzzing, proximity to the blast too close, too much, too familiar. It’s scrambled your brain, and you find yourself trying to focus on the back of Soap’s head, breathing through your nose. One foot in front of the other.
Somewhere, a block or two away, a car backfires.
Your muscles flex, and you flatten against the side of the building. Soap is talking to you, but you’re immobile, and you can’t hear him. Breathe in. Breathe out.
Something kickstarts in the back of your brain and your feet move. You give him a nod.
The woman behind the desk is terrified of you. Her eyes go round when you approach, gesturing to the phone, and she hands it over immediately, nervously looking between you and Soap, who’s slumped over in a plastic chair, bleeding.
You dial the number you know by heart without pause.
Soap is leaning against you when the truck roars around the corner, dust fogging the air beneath its wheels. He’s doing alright, your rudimentary medical skills coming in clutch when you decided to pack his wound as you waited, and the woman at the desk kindly gave you some towels for pressure. You flag them down, Price white knuckled behind the wheel, familiar skull mask in the seat next to him.
Your heart sinks.
He’s going to kill you.
When he jumps from the passenger seat, he looks anything but angry. His eyes are frantic behind the mask, wide and darting from you to Soap, pulling him from your side into his as you get closer.
“Johnny.” He says gruffly, and Soap cracks a smile.
“S’all good, Sassafrass patched me up.” He groans, and Ghost loads him into the backseat, sliding in beside him as you take the spot up front.
You’re numb. Price is asking you questions, and you’re answering as best you can, surprised when he seems satisfied after the play the play. He even says you’ve done well, the praise from your captain warming a little spot in your cold body. You nod robotically, shallow smile on your face, and check on Soap in the rear-view mirror, relieved that he’s got good color in his cheeks, still breathing.
You catch Ghost’s eyes in the reflection. They burn into you from behind the mask, pulling you apart to see inside. He doesn’t blink, and you turn away, uneasy.
You stumble away from everyone after you give Johnny a pat on the head. He’s still smiling, and squeezes your hand affectionately, medical team carting him away to receive actual care.
He’s fine. We got here in time. 
You’re staring at the blood in the sink when someone tries the door handle. After it doesn’t budge, a heavy fist thumps against the thin plywood.
“Someone’s in here.” You croak. The fist bangs again, and you sigh, swinging it open to tell whoever it is to go away.
Except, it’s Ghost standing on the other side.
“Fuck off.” The bewildered words come easily, and his eyes narrow. He shoulders through the door, slamming it shut, large hands gripping onto your shoulders and then tugging you into chest, heavy arms pressing you so tight into him that you’re having trouble breathing.
Your heart flips over.
He holds you, in silence, for a moment that feels like a decade. The balaclava scuffs along the top of your head, and he steps back, still clutching you by the arms, looking you up and down.
“Where are you hurt?” He shifts, thumb stroking a tender spot above your temple where you have a scratch, pulling the wet cloth in your grip free and dabbing it to the side of your head gently. 
“N-no. I’m not. Just Soap. I’m fine.”
“Good. That’s… that’s good.” You stare like he’s grown two heads.
“Ghost.” You’re cautious, unsure. Confused. You don’t know what’s happening, why he’s standing in the bathroom, caressing your face, helping you clean up. He holds the cloth under the tap, bringing it back up to your cheek. “Ghost.” You try again. Nothing. Finally, you try; “Simon.”
His hand stops moving. He’s as still as marble in the bathroom, lungs frozen in his chest.
He’s looking into your eyes with a long, dizzying gaze that has your own stunned wide, unable to blink, unable to look away.
Until he lunges for you.
He snatches you by the waist, dragging you out the bathroom and hoisting you over his shoulder. You yelp. “Simon, what the fu-“
“Hush.” He swats your ass like you’re a petulant child, beelining for your tent.
Sometime in the night, when the base is somewhat quiet and the lamp light has dimmed, he folds you in half on the threadbare mattress, pressing your legs back towards your ear, eyes trained on where your cunt flutters for him, clenching around nothing as you wriggle and try to press your thighs together for friction.
“None of that. Be good.” He admonishes.
“Simon. Please.” You’re not too proud to beg in this moment, that’s what nearly dying will do to you. You need him.
He sinks to his knees, still framed between your legs, and rolls the bottom of the balaclava to his nose.
It’s the first time you’ve ever really seen the skin on his face in such a large amount. No paint. No skull. No black cloth. Just his jaw, broad and sharp. His lips, full and wet, flash of tongue darting out from behind his teeth, mouth hot against your pussy, thumbs spreading you open to have his fill.
“There she is.” He murmurs, lips on your clit like a lover’s kiss. His tongue seeks your swollen nub under its hood, and it’s so much, warmth of your body, his face, all of it melting into your skin. Your heel pushes against the mattress as you rock your hips up into his mouth and he chuckles, a hand pressing down on your lower belly. “You taste good, Sass.” You clench, twitching, getting close, orgasm barreling through your nerves, body moving in tandem with each swipe of his tongue, muscles seizing-
He pulls away, hand wiping his face and rocking backwards on his knees.
“What the fuck?” You screech, propping yourself up on your elbows. He’s loosening his belt, and you can’t resist reaching, wrapping your fingers around the throbbing length of his cock. He snatches your hand away, holding you by your wrist and bending you back down, laying his weight on top of you and pushing inside your cunt with a single thrust. It’s been months, yet your body yields to him immediately, aching burn fizzling out as your walls flutter and you whine.
“My girl.” He moans, fucking into you like a man starved. “My good girl.” You stutter out a response, some jumbled nonsense that sounds like his name, sounds like Simon. “My sweet girl, takin’ my cock like you were made for it.” He rears back, pulling your leg to his shoulder, foot dangling next to his ear.
“Fuck, Simon. Don’t- don’t stop please-“ His thumb continues in a circle on your clit, pleasure shooting through your muscles.
“Are you going to come?” you nod furiously, eyes clenched shut. “Look at me.” He bears down on you, gripping your face, and you find his usual guarded gaze nowhere, nothing between the two of you, just two raw currents slamming against one another they’re sparking. You can’t look away.
He thumbs your clits hard, giving you more as he thrusts, rising crescendo forcing insane noises from your mouth, sounds you don’t even recognize, gasping as your orgasm rolls over you like you’ve been hit by a truck. You tighten around him like a vice, and he swears, burying himself deep, walls pulsing around him, pulling his orgasm into you with ease.
You both slips into uneasy sleep, his body wrapped around yours so tight it almost hurts. Your dreams are broken, shattered fragments of bombs from past and present; voices screaming, friends pleading. You scream, pain and fear scratching under your skull, an attack, and bombardment you didn’t see coming. He holds you, soothes you, kisses you, still tense, coiled, ready to spring if need be.
“I got you, Sass. I’m here.” His voice is soft in the dark, fingers smoothing the sweat dampened skin of your face. “I’ve got you.”
Two days later, he rips the rug right out from under your feet.
“What the FUCK is this?” you brandish the stack of papers in your hands at Simon, who sits calmly in the corner of the tent. He doesn’t look at you, doesn’t acknowledge your shrieking, your voice reaching frantic pitches of incredulity.
“Can’t have you here.” He says simply, like that’s all the explanation that’s needed. You’re vibrating, rattling with fury, with fear.
“You reported an intimate relationship with Price, to get rid of me?” His eyes narrow behind the mask, but he doesn’t deny you. “Oh my fucking god, Simon.” You laugh, and it’s sour, spoiled. Rotten, like the sickness that’s turning your stomach. This has to be a joke.
“I can’t have you here.” He repeats himself like a broken record, before he’s on his feet and heading for the exit.
“Simon!” You hiss at his retreat, but it’s far too late. It’s too late for all of this. He’s already gone.
He doesn’t come to say goodbye. Johnny shuffles out to the airfield to give you a hug, Gaz and Price with him. Betrayal burns the back of your eyelids as you shake hands with your captain, and he gives you a knowing look. A sad look.
When the helicopter banks over the tents, you see the black spot of someone standing outside, face turned up to the sky, and you stare at the white and black skull until it disappears from view completely.
You’re restless.
Your house is a skeleton, the walls of the rooms empty, silence so loud you swear you can feel it reverberating in the floors. You were technically on leave, but available for transfer, even though you hadn’t put in for anything, and hadn’t put any feelers out for private sector either. There was something glitching in your brain. Something serious after that last explosion. The whispers of self-doubt echo in your mind. You were off after that bomb, there’s no denying it.
You’ve tried to cleanse yourself of it. Of him. Of everything. You stand under the spray of the shower and scrub your skin until it hurts, letting the bathroom become so thick with steam it’s hard to see. It’s the only thing that relaxes you. It’s the only place that feels quiet.
It’s three weeks later when you start to get sick. At first, you think it’s a bug and expect it to pass. You have a hard time keeping anything down, your stomach sending food and water right back up your throat, forcing you to sip electrolytes throughout the day to keep from crashing.
When four days of the same turn into five, and then six, and then a week, you start to get nervous. You start to do the math.
That’s how you end up in the drugstore, staring at the selection of pregnancy tests. Just to rule it out. You tell yourself. There is no way you’re pregnant. You were good with your pills. You rarely ever missed one. Better safe than sorry.
The test glares at you, fully aware of much an affront it is.
“This can’t be happening.” You whisper to yourself in the mirror. “This isn’t right.” Fear ricochets up your spine.
Fuck. Simon. 
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jasminedragonart · 7 months
Reasons why the Batman the animated series is the best batman media to date and trumps any and all recent comics:
It's where Harley Quinn was birthed into existence
Batman and Robin have an amazing father son relationship
The rogues are honestly so well done here it's amazing. Like, if you want to see something traumatizing you watch this universe stuff. The Joker Jr from Batman beyond? Amazing (yes they're included in this)
Batman actually solves crimes and tries to give it to the police not just take matters into his own hands. He does often say 'it's up to Gordon now,' showing he knows where his jusristiction lies. He knows where to hand it off in order for these people to actually be arrested.
It focuses on helping people.
Piggybacking off that more than once does Bruce go and visit harvey. He helps the rogues when a warden is abusing his power. he stops a maniacal doctor from abusing his patients. He wants to help Harley when shes out of Arkham
It shows character growth from both heros and villains. One of the most heartbreaking things is watching Harvy or Nygma admit they're not ready to be out yet. I love seeing that the villains themselves know when they need help.
Joker is possibly the best one there is in this universe. Mark Hamil really brought it to the table.
The art style is amazing
We get new and different villains. Like the actress who thought she was ugly.
The ventriloquist. I feel like we've forgotten about him.
Nuanced villains. Ivy. Selina. Victor Freis.
Amazing origin stories for some
Dick finding his parents killer
Alfred's sass.
I dont know. Theres so much more and it honestly is one of the best batman media's out there. Its what made me like batman. It's what Batman should be and I hate the direction modern comic writers have taken him.
Even JLA was amazing. The animated verse is the best verse.
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welldonebeca · 4 months
Glitter and Goo (II)
Summary: When you have to go on a mission to a different planet together, Bucky is hit by a mating ritual flower, and some feelings you two have been hiding come up. AKA: It’s a sex pollen fic with a side of breeding kink. WC: 1.8k words Warnings: Romantic tension. Fluff. Dirty talking. Sex promises.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and I promise you won’t regret it.
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You fixed yourself dinner, lemonade forgotten, barely processing the taste of the food as you watched the way in front of you.
Space was beautiful. It was so strange to see those stars so clearly.
Yet, it was so scary sometimes.
You got something ready for Bucky too, saving it for when he'd wake up, putting some music on before moving off to work on the research of the element already.
It was maybe two or three hours later that the sound of a phone call got your attention.
"FRIDAY, pick up," you asked.
The sound stopped for a moment, and you took your gloves off.
"Doctor Sparkles," Tony greeted. "Got time to talk?"
You scoffed at the silly nickname.
"What's up?"
"That sparkly thing you sent over," he told you. "Thor said it's pollen."
You rolled your eyes.
"No shit, Sherlock," you shifted to the other side, where you'd been working on the pollen. "I gave it a look under the microscope, but I'm not exactly good at alien biology."
It just looked sparkly. Sparkly pollen, that was it.
"Anything on the goo?" you asked him. "It dried really fast, I didn't have time to take a second sample to look into it myself."
Maybe you could cut some of the fabric of Bucky's clothes. Even if it had dried, it could have left something there.
"We got someone smart looking into the one too," he told you. "Are they from the same plant?"
"Yep," you crossed your arms. "A flower exploded on Bucky. He got really grumpy about it."
There was silence on the other side.
"It exploded?" Tony asked. "Like... what?"
You rolled your eyes.
"Like a flower explosion, Tony," you told him. "What else can it mean?"
More silence.
"I gotta check something," he decided. "Are you going anywhere?"
"Yeah, I was thinking about visiting Pluto," you sassed back. "I heard it is really pretty this time of the year."
A sound caught your attention for a moment, and you looked in the direction of the dorm.
Had Bucky woken up.
"It's not worth it," Tony told you. "I'll be back in a minute."
He hung up, leaving you to scoff. It wasn't like you had anything else to do, anyway.
"Ma'am?" FRIDAY called. "Agent Barnes is behaving strangely."
That made you stiffen up.
"Define strangely?"
The damn pollen.
You pulled up a tranquillizer from the side of your table.
If it had made him violent, it was best not to even get close to him.
"He has broken his bed, ma'am," the system told you. "And... I believe he's trying to copulate with your pillow."
He was...
"What?" you shouted back. "What do you mean, he's trying-"
But another call came through again.
"It's Tony, ma'am," it told you.
You grunted, covering your face with a hand.
"Pick it up," you cocked the tranquilliser. "Tony, tell me you have good news, because I think I have a problem."
"I do," he told you. "And it isn't venomous."
You sighed. Good, at least that.
"The flower that Bucky might have encountered is part of the mating rituals of-"
"Quick answer," you interrupted him, worry already filling you. "I don't have time for the sociology lesson."
He snorted a bit.
"It's a sex flower," he told you. "It makes you horny for your mate and facilitate reproduction of a highly infertile-"
You blinked, shocked.
"Wait, it's a sex pollen?" you asked. "Tony, this isn't funny!"
Where had he gotten that explanation from? Someone's fanfiction story?!
But he laughed on the other side.
"Except that it is!" he corrected you. "It enhances romantic and sexual attraction towards one's mate-"
Was he talking about animals?
"It is actually highly sought after by some Asgardians struggling with their fertility," Thor spoke on the other side. "It quickens up the production of eggs and sperm to ensure reproduction."
You had to pinch yourself to react, still shocked.
What the fuck?
"And how does that affect humans?" you asked.
You were met by a bit of a hum.
"We don't have many answers on that," Tony answered at last. "But probably the same as Asgardians?"
"If so, there's nothing to worry about," Thor assured you, not sounding worried at all. "It only hits those who are actively around their partners."
You glanced back at the dorm. Well, that didn't sound very right.
"Partners?" you asked. "Like boyfriends and girlfriends? Wives, husbands, spouses...?"
He confirmed with a hum.
"Yeah. People who we have strong romantic and sexual feelings for, a bit more than just passion," he told you. "Bucky will be just fine."
"Ma'am," FRIDAY called. "Agent Barnes has dented the wall with a punch. I believe the door can only resist another five of those before breaking, unless you activate quarantine mode."
That didn't seem to go over Tony.
"Wait, what?" he asked. "Why is he punching the ship?"
You stood up quickly.
"I gotta go check on him," you decided. "Thor, is there a chance he... might..."
Hurt you.
His voice was tainted with worry when he answered.
"Violence is unlikely," he told you. "Unless you try to keep someone away from their mate."
You exhaled slowly, trying to calm your racing heart.
Holy shit.
"Okay," you spoke slowly. "I'll call you back if I need anything else."
"Wait, what?" Tony gasped back. "Where are you going?"
But you pressed the screen near your station, hanging up.
You could hear grunts when you walked near the dorm and jumped in shock when you heard Bucky's fist against the door again.
"James!" you shouted. "What are you doing?"
He stopped.
"Y/N?" Bucky called suddenly, half whimpering. "Where are you?"
You neared the closed door.
"How are you feeling?" you asked, instead. "Are you alright?"
He knocked on the door, a little weaker.
"Please," Bucky begged. "I need you."
You swallowed down, eyeing the door, worried.
Was he going mad with lust?
"Please," he cried.
Heat pooled in your belly, a soft smell making your face warm.
Was that him?
He smelt so good.
"Please?" Bucky insisted.
You stopped your tranquilliser slowly, walking near the door, but when you tried to open it, it was locked.
"FRIDAY," you called. "Open the door."
There was a moment of hesitance.
"Are you sure, doctor?" the system asked. "It's still possible to put Agent Barnes in quarantine. It's only 36 hours until we arrive back home."
You shook your head. No, you wouldn't leave him alone.
"Open the door," you commanded once more. "Don't ask me again."
The sound of the locks moving was loud, and you opened the door slowly when you found it unlocked.
James didn't move when you stepped inside, just far enough from the door that you walked in easily.
His face was so flushed, and he was drenched in sweat.
You reached for him slowly, touching him gently on his cheeks, and he exhaled, looking at you with pleading eyes.
"Where were you?" Bucky panted, sounding so sweet and yet so needy, his hands moving to cover yours. "Where had you gone?"
It broke your heard to hear him like that, so lost. You had left alone!
He watched you with his bright blue eyes so soft, and it was as if he hadn't been slamming the door moments ago.
"I'm sorry," you caressed his skin. "I was making dinner. Aren't you hungry?"
Bucky shook his head, hand moving down slowly, touching your body gently. First your waist, wrapping his arm around you so slowly that you knew you could step away and stop him any time you wanted.
He put his head in your neck, sniffing you, nuzzling into you as if you were the most precious thing he didn't want to let go.
You shivered when you felt him sniffing you, pressing close to you, his body hot.
His big hand travelled down a bit, near your hip.
"Hungry," he mumbled into your neck, licking your skin.
Bucky's fingers searched around your jumpsuit on your back, tugging on your jacket and your utility belt.
"Smell good," he whimpered. "Can smell you..."
You sighed out.
"Smell me?" you squirmed.
You could smell him good. It was so good.
"Smell you wet," Bucky hissed, unhooking your belt and throwing it away. “Smell your skin… wanna bury my head in your tits, find your sweet smell in them.”
You gasped, surprised.
"Bucky! Something could break!"
He tugged on your vest, lips travelling up and down your neck, and if he was that insistent there, you couldn't help imagining what he'd do if he put himself between your legs.
"Want to break you," he took his hands to your belly and pulling on the clasps of your best, nearly breaking them. "Make you mine. No one else will have you."
He wasn't speaking any tense.
Bucky threw it away, grabbing the front zip of your suit and tearing it.
Did he know how hard it was to get a jumpsuit that fit your tits? They were too fucking big for most of them, you had to get a bigger size and adjust the rest of your body!
Still, you couldn’t complain as his big hand pushed into your clothes, grabbing your chest, squeezing your breast over your bra.
"No one else can have you," Bucky babbled. "You're mine."
Bucky took your clothes off so quickly you barely saw it, and he picked you up, laying you on the bed.
For a moment, you thought he would take you just like that, but he took off his clothes before moving and kneeling in front of the bed, looking at your face with such a soft pleading look on his face.
"Please?" he whispered. "Can I have you? Please?"
You swallowed down, leaning onto your elbows.
His mattress was practically on the floor, the legs broken, and it would be so easy for him to just crawl to you.
"Want to give you my babies," Bucky pleaded with you. "Want to be yours, please."
You swallowed down, breathing in deep. Oh, how good he smelt. You had to fight yourself not to bury your face into his neck and sniff him.
The flower... it had to do with mating rituals, wasn't it?
"What are you going to do?" you asked him.
Bucky swallowed down.
"I want to make you feel good," he promised. "I'll treasure you, I'll never let you go."
You pressed your thighs together, a bit warm between them.
His fingers clenched by his sides.
"I'll fill you up," Bucky promised. "You're so empty, aren't you? I'll give you everything!"
You swallowed down again, feeling your pussy clenching at the idea.
His babies. He was going to give you his babies, right?
Your eyes travelled down his body to his cock, and it was so hard. There was so much precum.
Oh, he was going to fill you up, right?! Give you his cum!
Bucky was going to breed you.
You nodded, sitting up.
"Please," you tried to grab his hand. "Please, Bucky."
“Glitter and Goo” was first posted on my Patreon on April 2023. To read it now, subscribe to my page, it’s just $2 a month and I post 6x a week.
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​ @amythyststorm33​​ @shaelyn102 @yknott81​​ ​​@maximofftrash​​ @kgbrenner​​ @thefridgeismybestie @magpiegirl80​ @mogaruke ​ @shadowhunter7​​ @musicalcoffeebean @megasimpleplan4ever​​ @deemoriarty​​ @05spn18​​ @malindacath @kdcollinsauthor​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​ @widowsfics @frozenhuntress67​​ @averyrogers83​​ @notyourtypicalrose @nerdypinupcrystal @giruvega Marvel forever tags: @its-daydreamer23​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112 @tayrae515imagines @indecisiondecisions? @afanofmanystuffs​​? @patzammit​​? @thevanishedillusion? @widowsfics​​? @alexisshoto ​​ @dreams-of-feysand ​@dragonqueen0606 @izbelross @isabelle-faith
Glitter and Goo: @art2emily
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marshmallowdarling · 4 months
Hi! I love reading your story's, can I request a yandere Hannibal x fem reader please?😊💕
It’s not surprising that Hannibal plays the long game but Hannibal also makes the game. 
It was easy for him to set up the game, almost laughably easy. He was a renowned therapist who helps police on cases, strong, smart, made a name for himself- a good name. Your parents didn’t even have a chance to have doubts when he came to ask for your hand in marriage. If anything your parents were elated, over the moon that you, the black sheep of the family, had the eye of a man like Hannibal. They practically threw poor little you to into his hands. 
One thing Hannibal likes is politeness, manners, and no matter when or how Hannibal had meet you he was struck with the need to understand you, figure you out and not in his usual killing urge type of way. After a few months or even years of following you around he finally realises what it is, love. 
Does he really think its love? Not really, its something deeper, more sinister than love. He would rip apart anyone that would try to hurt you, he wants to keep you safe with such feral intensity it’s not sane. But he himself can’t even breathe at the thought of hurting you himself either so he chalks it up with a simple word. Love. 
He should have seen it coming, really he should’ve since he had been watching and ‘protecting’ you for so long, but he’s still struck shocked when you fight back your holy matrimony with such pettiness and sass. You couldn’t stop your parents from practically forcing you to agree to marry him, getting dressed up in a dress you didn’t really care about, everything too grand and nothing like what the little girl in you envisioned. So, in retaliation you tried everything to get him to re-think his decision, anything to get him to divorce you, even if it meant being a sassy brat. Turning your nose up at his delicious food just to piss him off, doing little things you knew he hated just to push his buttons.
It’s cute, he thinks, really cute that you think being a brat would stop his heart from yearning for you so much his physically body aches being away from you. But you aren’t a brat, are you? Your just pretending because your sick of your parents stupid pressuring expectations, hating how they dictated every little thing in your life and now your ‘life’ partner. 
Every time you push and shove and take bits and pieces of his sanity it just fuels his obsession for you, every time he feels himself get frustrated or irritated it just makes him more head over heels over you. Staring at you with hearts practically in his eyes as you make his blood boil, he takes everything in stride. With a polite smile on his lips and insanity in his heart eyes. 
But he does feel bad, really he does, he feels bad that you have terrible no good rotten parents who are ready throw you to the wolves once they get their greed filled, or bad enough for a man who feels no remorse or guilt. Maybe its pity, he thinks, like how one looks at a wounded animal. But he could never see you at a level as an animal, no matter how adorably cute you are. Maybe a goddess then, a fallen goddess, he worships you as if you’re a goddess anyways, taking your sass and anger as some sort of twisted love from a holier being. 
He can’t help the feeling of amusement that bubbles up when he see’s you try to be a brat, but the manners engraved into your very soul peek out, like your body and mind are fighting on your decision to pretend to be mean when your really such a sweet nice darling. 
The little ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ that come out when you demand something from him or the sweet little ‘no thank you’ that you give him when you pretend to glare at him with faux hatred in your eyes, because you didn’t really hate him. How could you? He was unbelievably sweet and attentive, picking up on the little things you didn’t even know about yourself until he picks up on it. He was the best husband anyone could ask for, in and out, even if he could be a little serious, cold and calculative at times. Hannibal shields you from everyone, including your parents, shutting them down so quickly and efficiently when they start their bullshit of bringing you down it seems natural. 
And one day your fake anger towards him slips, your tipsy on alcohol and his love, its all consuming but it feels oddly soothing, like cool balm on an open wound. You stumble and almost trip, but his arms are already there to catch you, ready to do anything to keep you safe and without thinking you lean up and press a soft, albeit clumsy, kiss on his lips. 
Something in Hannibal snaps. The kiss, as quick and fleeting as it was felt like heaven. Like he was reborn, like for once in his life he could finally breathe.
You gave this dirty, blood-stained sinner a slice of heaven and now he’s your most devoted worshiper at your alter. For better, or for worse. 
Hannibal has you pressed in a mean mating press, one of your legs thrown over his broad shoulders. The thin handmade anklet he got you for your wedding present, dainty and small, designed from start to finish by him with a little ‘H’ dangling on it chimes in his ear and makes his head spin. 
“I- god- I love you so much.” He groans out, sweat clinging to his brow as his messy blonde hair sticks to his skin. “Goddess." He murmurs into your skin, pressing his lips against your ankle, kissing all the way up to the side of your knee as he saours the way your skin feels on his lips. Pulling back he licks your sweat that smeared on his lips and he smirks. 
 His pupils are wide and blown as he gazes down at you with so much love and tenderness it hurts. Sweat clung to his muscular frame as he threw his head back, groaning so low you feel it in your tummy.
Your in worse shape than him, yourpractically writhing under him, not able to escape the torturous pleasure as he puts all his weight down onto you. As sweaty if not more than him, twisting and bucking and shaking, hair messed and sprawled out on the bed beneath you, eye brows knitted. Your breath being selfishly stolen by him as he takes and takes, gasps the only thing able to leaven you as well as broken keens and whimpers. You had long stopped trying to muffle your embarrassingly lewd noises, he had practically growled at you to let them out, not letting you hide anything from him. 
Sparks zing up your spine as he hits deep and a wail leaves you, your hand coming to push at his lower stomach, nails scratching over his muscles. Hannibal moans and his eyes roll at the feeling, quickly snatching your hand he slams it softly next to your head. His fingers entwining with his as he locks them together. 
Long deep slow strokes makes your brain melt out of your ears, brain gone all fuzzy as you get addicted to him and his touch. 
“Take it sweetheart, I know you can.” His breath hitches as he forces your thighs open wider to accommodate him, he looms over your more and the change of position makes you cry out. “Let me worship you my goddess, your mine, all mine.”  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Woo wee thats finally done! I hope my first proper attempt at smut was ok I think there was another ask for Hannibal but it was H/C's, I'LL GET TO YOU MY LOVELY I PROMISE 😭 Im trying to get back into writing but its hard, im sorry but I will get to you all. Some might be before others just because some things kick start my writing process 🥺 But please keep sending requests I love the ideas and support even if it takes me a bit to get to them. Hope you enjoy lovelies.
~Mwah ♡
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They’re so married
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 7 months
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Pairing : Dad!Seo Changbin x F!Reader TW : children ; reader is pregnant but it's not really important in this ; Changbin being an absolute sweetheart ; it's still fluffy ; Word Count : 1.4k Request : nope!
His cellphone vibrated against the desk as he worked with Chan on a new song for the upcoming album, your cute, yet slightly cringy contact name in bold at the top of the screen. “Answer it, it might be important.” Chan said when he was Changbins hand twitching towards the device. 
With Chans affirmation, he quickly answered the call and slipped out of the little studio, standing in the hallway trying not to panic. It was unlike you to call when he was working, not unless it was an emergency. “Hey sweetie, everything okay?” He said, his voice laced with a slight panic. 
There was reason for his panic, although you thought it was quite silly, but with his son being in kindergarten and you being close to your due date with his daughter, he was always on edge when he was away from home, even if he was only a couple blocks away at the studio. “Everything is fine. I just got a call from the school though…” 
A call from the school is never good, but your voice sounded all too calm for it to be an actual emergency, at least medically. “Well what’s wrong? Is he in trouble?” It was the immediate next thought that he had, but he couldn’t imagine what Changmin could have done to get in such a situation. His son was perfect, a sweetheart just like him and kind to everyone. There was no way in hell he could have done anything wrong. 
“No, he isn’t in trouble at all. I actually think he deserves a whole day out with you, treats and maybe a little gift.” You said, a hint of sass seasoning your words just enough for Changbin to slightly understand that he was the one who had done something wrong. The only problem was that he couldn’t quite think of what that could be. 
“Did… something happen? Am I missing something?” Changbin said, a little more quiet now as he tried to think hard on what it was that he possibly could have done. He made sure to pack Changmins lunch and give him his goodbye hug and kiss when he dropped him off at school that morning. He couldn’t possibly be missing anything else. 
You sighed loudly, another sign that he was the one who had messed up. Luckily, you weren’t the type of wife that beat around the bush for long and you got straight to the point, although in this case, it made Changbin feel worse. “It was parent day up at the school. Everyone brought in their fathers, and MinMin was so excited for you to come up there. He told his friends all about you, how you’re a famous rapper and everything and… you forgot about him. He was crying, that’s why the school called. I had to talk to him for an hour to try to console him and tell him you didn’t forget.” 
Parent day… right… how could he have forgotten? He promised Changmin that morning that he’d be there. “Shit… baby I’m so sorry… Is he okay? Fuck. I’ll be right up there, I promise. I’ll take him out for ice cream after school and I’ll get him that new toy he was asking for.” He was already in the process of grabbing his things, holding his phone between his shoulder and his ear as he wrote a little note to Chan letting him know he had to go up to the school. “I’m on my way up now. I’m so so sorry. Am I a bad father?” 
The sigh that escaped you was much softer now through the phone as he ran to his car, almost tripping over his own feet in the process. “No, Binnie. You’ve just got a lot going on. Don’t drive too fast, I’ll call the school and let them know you’re coming so they can tell MinMin.” 
That night, Changbin sat on the edge of Changmins bed, watching as his son clinged onto the new stuffed animal that Changbin had bought for him after school, his sons eyes drooping lower and lower, but never closing completely. “You didn’t have to come…” The boy said, his fingers brushing through the still soft fur of the stuffed lion. 
“Yes I did, I made a promise.” Changbin explained, grabbing the tail of the toy and waving it back and forth. “I can’t break a promise, not unless I really can’t do it.” He continued, letting out a yawn and silently hoping that his son would mimic the motion and drift off to sleep. 
“But what if… I made a promise to my friends that I could do like… a bajillion push uppies like you do on the bar… But I can’t do it?” His son's wide boba like eyes looked up at him finally and Changbin was conflicted on whether he should laugh or feel bad for his boy who made such a silly promise. Having children was a journey that never failed to astound him and humor him every single day. 
“Well… I can’t do a bajillion push uppies either, not all at the same time though.” Changbin laughed softly, the sound coming through his nose. “That was a silly promise to make though, why would you promise that?” He inquired, grabbing his son's hand and tapping along his fingers. 
“They say that if you are my real dad, that I should be strong like you…” The reasoning was more upsetting than Changbin expected, and without a word, he scooped his son up onto his lap and squeezed him into the tightest hug he could muster. “Shouldn’t I be strong though…? Just like you?” Changmin asked once Changbins arms slightly loosened, leaning back to tilt his head up to look at his father questioningly. 
“It took me a really long time to get this strong… If you were as strong as me already… I’d actually be a little worried.” Changbin tried to joke lightly, although his mind was still reeling, wondering whether he should be upset or pissed off that children at the school were questioning whether he was MinMins real father. “But you know what makes you extra strong?” He quizzed, and Changmins eyes widened with wonder, waiting for Changbin to give him the answer. “Getting a lot of good sleep. That’s how you build strong bones and strong muscles… and an even stronger mind.” 
He sat with his son a little longer, rubbing his back and singing softly to him until he was sure that the boy was in a deep sleep before tiptoeing out of the bedroom, making sure not to step on any of the creaky floorboards on the way to the door. “You’re the best dad, you know that, right?” You whispered from just outside the door, your voice coming through the dark causing him to jump and you brought your hand to your mouth to muffle your laughter. 
“It’s not funny… those kids don’t think I’m his dad… Why?” Changbin sulked over to the couch and you padded quietly along behind him, dropping down onto the cushion beside him and curling up against his side. “That’s just crazy… Do you think their parents are making them say stuff like that? He promised to do like… a bajillion push uppies… He can’t do that…” He continued rambling, but you quickly silenced him with a kiss, one hand cupping his cheek as the other held you up just enough to look at him. 
“Kids never remember their promises… Just like he didn’t remember that he promised to help me clean his room this weekend. Don’t get so worked up over it.” You cooed softly, your thumb brushing over his cheek soothingly. “I think you need some sleep… We all do. Come to bed with me.” He nodded slowly, getting up first to help you off the couch and leading you to the bedroom. 
“Do you think I’ll be a good dad for her too though?” He asked as he pulled the blankets back on your side of the bed, waiting for you to lay down before brushing his fingers along your swollen stomach. “I don’t want to let any of them down…” 
“Binnie…” You murmured his name, placing your hand on top of his and giving it a light squeeze. “I don’t think you’re able to be anything but a good father to both of them. Our babies are so lucky… You really need to stop worrying. Get some rest, cuddle me… Anything… Just, stop thinking so bad about yourself. MinMin loves you, I love you, and she’s going to love you just as much.” 
“Promise?” He whispered, sounding and looking almost childlike, and you bit your bottom lip to keep from giggling at just how cute he looked right now. 
“I promise…” 
Perm. Taglist : @whatudowhennooneseesyou @duchesskaren @mytherapisttoldmenotto @lovesunshinefelix @moon0fthenight @kurolils @maruskz @hello-2-u-from-me @mrswolfiechan @bunnychangbin @his-angell @if-spearb @yomomma104 @lanatheawesome @facelesswrittes @grannyindehouse @cutie-wooyo @felixmainacc @syuuji @jiisungllvr @yukichan67 @randomwimp @silentreadersthings @cutiespaghetti @furiousheartpoetry @its-hannjisung @lixpixstix @felixluvr915 @wordsofkpop @kayleigh-28 @szkstay @spnwinchestersd @fleatree @yehsehneeah @vampcharxter @iloveksmohsomuch @lvlnijiro @neteyamsmate4life
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batfleshh · 9 months
Ok this is weird but what abt a ghost with a werewolf reader who’s a brat and he tames them,,,🧎‍♂️
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Ghost X M!Reader
Warnings: Werewolf reader, hints of (?) brat taming, restraints, bottom reader, yall some dirty bastards, reader is called ‘pup’ like once so sorry if some of y’all ain’t into that
Wanting Ghost was like a hunger, a starvation that could only be fed with his attention. Being needy for him throughout your cycles, the animal inside you awakening and demanding any form of attention from him. When you first joined the task force, you were quiet, shut off, just like he seemed to be.
But when he saw you one night, running around, wild and free, growling and yapping at everything, he took an interest in you. When he saw you the next day, tired and worn out from “sleeping” all night, he just stared at you, barely snapping out of his stare when you gave him a slightly uncomfortable look.
When you both began to talk and grow closer, you told him about everything (without knowing he already knew), and that strengthened your relationship further. After a few months of dating, he got used to your way of living, the previously unknown lifestyle of yours becoming almost like routine.
Simon was aware of your upcoming transition soon, memorizing the timing of them for as long as you’ve been together. On this particular night, you seemed to be more bratty the day before, the attitude slowly bleeding into the next day. You gave him sass, gave him half assed answers to his questions, and were overall being a little shit. He wanted to ask you why you were acting that way, but he wasn’t about to give in to your ways. He would just stare at you, the smallest hint of disappointment settled in his eyes.
So, when your transformation finally rolled around, he made quick work of getting you tied down. Bound to the bed. You tossed and turned, struggling against the restraints as growls of desperation left you. Ghost watched with cold eyes, waiting for you to stop your struggling.
After a few minutes, you finally stop, chest heaving for air as you stared at him with annoyance. That didn’t last long though, because he didn’t waste time shedding off his clothes, tossing his shirt elsewhere in the room and unbuckling his belt. You stared at him with curiosity, watching his every move and not taking your eyes off of his hands. He began to get you ready for his cock, moving between your open legs and grabbing at your waist.
“Gonna take my cock like a good pup, yea?,” he asked teasingly, pushing himself into you as you whimper. Simon hated brats, but he would fix you up to be his good boy again, and all he needed was this night.
~ ★
quick a/n: I’m sorry if this is kinda short and lowkey sucks, I really didn’t know how to write this topic, but I’m still open to writing stuff like this in the future!! I may even rewrite it later on.
Again, sorry if this isn’t what ya hope for <3
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kayesfanfics · 8 months
The Forgemasters x Dracula’s Daughter
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A/N: So this is like if Dracula had a vampire daughter that was twins with Adrian, but she was on her fathers side about humans
Tries so hard to stop simping, he doesn’t want to piss his master off and have him think he took advantage of your or something. He’s a bit more secretive and isolated, wanting to not socialize as much as he could avoid it and spend time with the undead, rather. But you wanted to get to know these humans your father trusted so much, so after visiting Isaac, you came to find Hector working in his quarters, a pile of dead humans in one corner while undead animals scurried about the room. A cat with half its muscles showing rubbed up against your leg and meowed up at you, earning Hectors attention. He was shy and tried not to look you in the eye, but he answered your questions and allowed you to watch him work
NO YOU SMILING AT HIM AND DRACULA GETS SUSPICIOUS IMMEDIATELY. He raises an eyebrow at you and you’re all “What? You picked a cute human general” “Y/N, don’t even think about it.” And you just laugh at him as he groans like the grumpy old man he is. You definitely like to flirt with Hector in front of him to make him blush 10x harder, and also annoy your father at the same time, which was always a bonus for you (you’re the only one who can get away with it-)
You liked to help Hector with all his pets, playing with Cezar and petting the cat, and letting the bird land on your arm to chirp and squawk at you. He always asks if they’re bothering you, and they never do, you enjoy keeping them all company while their owner works. Sometimes you’ll wander outside of the castle at night and find a dead or half dead animal on the ground, and you rush it to Hector asking if he could save it. You liked animals better than humans just like he did, animals would let you pet them and love them, human would point swords to your throat and calls you vile names
Isaac is arguably Dracula’s favorite of his court, so you probably got curious as to what was so special about this human in particular. So one day you wandered down to his quarters, hearing the screeches of night creatures behind recently brought to life by him. You stood in the door way to watch him, and when he noticed you, asked if he could help you with anything. You asked if you could just watch him do his work, curious about it, and he nodded before getting back to work
HE CALLS YOU MISTRESS Y/N, and gives you the same respect he gives Dracula. You ask him to just simply call you Y/N, and he bows his head before saying just your name as you requested
He doesn’t smile often in the show at all, but he can’t help but smile for you. Sometimes you ask to see his smile and he grants you that wish, sometimes your presence just brings a small smile on your face while he works. Even in front of the rest of the court, he’ll smile if you yell at Godbrand or sass back at Carmilla, and Hector just raises an eyebrow at him cause since when does Isaac know how to smile?
If you ever get into a fight with your father about what direction to go with this war and he overhears or witnessed it, he will talk down his master before following you to wherever you were storming off to. He allows you to rant to him, and you only stop when you hear a quiet chuckle
“Oh, you think this is funny?”
“It is amusing.” He smiles, before setting a hand on your shoulder. “I like seeing you passionate about things, is all.”
He has a hard time saying he loves you, the last time he said it he was beat harshly for it. You say it often, enough for the both of you, and you understand why he doesn’t repeat it. But when he does for the first time, neither of you realize it at first, but you stare at each other when you do. He doesn’t know how you will react, but when you smile and hug him, he relaxes into your gentle touch and reciprocates it
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sadistic-kiss · 21 days
Masked Menace (GhostFace!Sukuna x Reader)
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You get a call from a random stranger that leads to your demise…
For your anniversary you and Sukuna play out the popular scream scene and live out you wildest slasher fantasy. (In a safe space)
GhostFace!Sukuna x Reader
Anime: JJK Universe: AU Pairing: Ghostface!SukunaxReader
Rating: Explicit
Genre: Smuttt 
Kink: CNC, Knifeplay, slight blood play (licking a wound), Mask kink, Strength kink, Choking, Dacryphilia, Degradation
*ingredients given by( AKA Commision by): Starlightaqua ~
Chef Note: It's a bit rough mentally but milk + cookies and a warm blanket is given at the end. (Angsty but not gege <3)
You lay on your king-size bed, lazily kicking your feet back and forth while watching TV. Ouija origins of evil, playing right before your very eyes.
 “Oh-“ You gasp at the jump scare, nearly flinching out of your skin. You weren’t afraid but it did give you chills watching it alone in your big house at night- where was your silly husband? He should have already been home. You pause the movie bouncing off your bed while you snatch your cell phone. Sticking your feet into your fuzzy pink bunny slippers you padded out of the room and downstairs, texting on your phone.
Me: Hey where are you? 
❤️Beloved❤️: I’m wrapping things up
Your lips twist as you pout. Maybe you can send him a little motivation. You pose for your picture taking a quick snap of your frilly pink nightgown
Me: Get here soon ~
❤️Beloved❤️: MOMMY?! SORRY! MOMMY?!!!? SORRY! 
You let out a boisterous laugh as you set your phone on the counter. Humming to yourself you open your cabinets, bouncing your hip as you look for a snack. “…Tell me what you want what you really really want~ imma tell ya want I want what I-“
Your eyes drift to your phone as it plays your ringtone. Reaching for your device you looked at the screen, eyebrows furrowed.
“Who… the fuck…” You toss your hair answering the phone. “Hello?” 
-“Hello?” A deep velvety voice speaks into your ear.
Your eyes widen at the sexy tone- catching you off guard but for a split second, quickly you screw your head back. You are married! 
“Hi, who is this?”
-“Who is this?” 
You release a snort, “You called me.”
-“Wait…” The deep voice pauses, “…What number is this?” 
You shake your head with a playful tone, “Dude are you high?”
-“I don’t know…” The man chuckles, “…Maybe.”
“Well~.” You say with a little sass. “I think you have the wrong number sir.”
-“Mm, do I?”
“Don’t worry, it happens. Take care.” You pull the phone away from your ear and hang up. ‘His voice was so hot.’ You let out a little laugh as you put your phone down and return to your earlier adventures. As soon as you took one step your phone rang again. You sigh as you see…
Picking up the phone you answer it with a drawled out, “Hellllo?”
-“I’m sorry sweetheart, I guess I dialed the wrong number…”
You roll your eyes putting your hand on your hip. “Sooo~ why did you dial it again?”
-“I just… wanted to apologize.”
“Okay, well I forgive you bye now-“
-“Wait wait-“ The man spoke almost urgently making you pause your thumb on the end call. “-Don’t hang up…”
You try not to smile too much, this guy just had this tone that had your heart stutter. You should hang up. You have a husband after all, but you were curious why he was trying to talk to you. So you humor yourself a little, and ask…
-“I want to talk to you for a second… you gotta cute voice.” Just by the play of his tone, you could tell he was smirking. 
You bite your lip but shake your head, looking at the Diamond ring that caught the light. “They have numbers for that, sorry I have to go now.” You quickly hang up not allowing him to sway you with his tempting voice. You let out a deep sigh, staring at your phone. You expected it to ring again but it didn’t. 
“Well, that’s that.” You whisper to yourself. 
You decide to have popcorn for your movie snack. Getting the box out you grab a pack and toss the empty container in the trash. Opening the microwave you stick the snack inside and shut it, hitting the popcorn button it buzzed to life. 
Dancing your nails on the counter you wait, looking at nothing in particular as you space out. 
You flinch from the unexpected noise breaking your peaceful silence. “Gaaaaah.” You stomp to your phone, and what do you know? It’s unknown again! You skip hello and go straight to. “What?”
The man hisses like he has been hurt, or he was smoking something. 
-“Why don’t you want to talk to me, sweetheart?” He exhales letting you know it was the latter. 
You cross your arms leaning against your counter. “Who is this?” 
-“You tell me your name… and I’ll tell you mine.”
You let out a sharp laugh, “Ha! Not gonna happen.”
There’s a little pause as the man smokes whatever it is he’s puffing on. Within that time your microwave beeps and you pop it open grabbing the buttery bag. Ugh, it’s not even fully done. You frown shaking the bag as you toss it back in and slam the door. Pushing the popcorn button two times for option two.
-“Whacha makin'?”
“Popcorn.” You say pushing start. 
-“Popcorn?” He almost sounded surprised. 
-“I only eat popcorn at the movies.”
“Well… I’m watching a movie now.”
-“Really? Whatcha watching Barbie?”
“Haha because I’m a girl?” 
He snickers as you follow suit with a little bite of your lip walking around your kitchen. Why you were even entertaining this, you don’t even know but for some reason, you may not mind talking to this man. It’s not like you would do anything with him. He’s some random guy probably from a whole different state. Besides, you’re just talking, there’s no harm in that.
-“So? What are you watching?”
 “Ouija the origin of evil, with the little girls.”
-“Huh, a scary movie?”
“Yup, I like scary movies.” You lean on your counter eyeing the expensive knives your husband loves to buy. 
-“They don’t scare you?”
-“Ooo… a big girl. What’s your favorite scary movie?”
“Favorite? Hmm…” You hum playing with the biggest knife. “I liked… Split, i know it's not technically a scary movie but it was a cool thriller. James McAvoy killed that role."
-“Ah the guy with the multiple personalities?”
“Yeah, that one…what’s yours?”
-“Mm~ Guess.”
“Uuuum~.” You lick your lips, squinting your eyes as you try to imagine what a guy like this would like. You pop up excitedly shoving the knife back in place, “Strangers!” 
-“Ah~ I see what you did there.”
You chuckle a bit hearing his pleased tone at your little joke. “Hey that movie was kind of freaky, especially that part where it’s like ‘why are you doing this to us ’ and they say-“
-“Because you were home.”
“YES! Aaah! That’s sooo creepy!”
-“Haha yeah I like that movie it was scary…”
“Yeah, the first one but the rest weren’t as great.” You move around your house swaying as you walk, a playful bounce in your step. Gosh, it was like you were back in high school talking to your crush on the phone. There’s something about his voice that keeps you hooked. 
-"My favorite scary movie is Jeepers Creepers."
"Nooo~" You laugh playfully. "I love that movie too!"
-"Yeah? Sing the tune for me."
"Jeepers~ Creepers~"
-"Where'd ya get those sneakers~"
The two of you duet together as you do a little sway, and once it ends you giggle. "Ah~ I love a good horror movie with spooky tunes."
-"Yeeeah me too. Love that burnt fucker with the knives tune too."
You bite your nail playfulling, dragging it over your lip as you think about what you are doing. The girlie butterflies and everything were fine but... you should end this call, your husband will be home any second now. You opened your lips to say your goodbyes but then he asked-
-“Soooo does an Angel like you got a boyfriend?”
You pause mouth falling open, Angel!? Like you? This man was giving you butterflies without even trying! You let out a girlish giggle, “Whyy~ do you want to ask me out on a date or somethin’?” You pick up some mail busying yourself while talking on the phone. 
-“What if I do…?”
You separate what’s yours, fanning yourself with the magazines. “What if I do?”
-“Do you?”
Technically- you weren’t lying. You had a husband. 
-“Good…good…hey, you never did tell me your name…I would really like to know it.”
You toss the mail into their respectable baskets, as you flirt with Mr. Unknown. “Why do you want to know my name?”
-“Because I want to know who I’m checking out.”
Your eyes blink quickly, and your stomach drops. Did he just- “Wh-what did you say?” Your head swivels around quickly. 
-“I… want to know whose sweet voice this is.”
You feel a cold chill run up your spine as you start walking around locking your doors and windows. “Stop it! Th-that’s not what you said!”
-“What do you think I said?”
You gulp hard peeking out of your window, searching for anyone that shouldn’t be there. All you see are dark woods and grassy land that stretches for miles. 
You pull your curtains closed shaking your head, you don’t like this anymore. This just turned extra creepy. “I-I gotta go.”
-“What? I thought we were going to go out?”
“No, thank you.”
-“Wait-! don’t you dare hang up on me-“
You were already in motion hanging up the phone as you walked swiftly down your hall checking every corner with panicky orbs. 
The sudden noise makes your chest tight, and seeing UNKNOWN on your screen constricts it even more. Someone has to be playing a joke on you! That’s the only logical thing here, right?
You answer the phone, “Who is this!”
-“I told you not to hang up on me.” The man sounded almost irritated with you but you didn’t care.
“This isn’t funny anymore! I don’t know who is pranking me but I’m over this!”
-“What? No no~ this isn’t a prank sweetheart, I just want to talk to you.”
“Well, I don’t want to talk to you!” You quickly
hang up marching to the kitchen. 
*Ring Ring*
You grit your teeth picking up the phone, “LISTEN ASSHOLE-“
You had frozen in fear listening to his sadistic words. Chest rising and falling quickly as you began to freak out. 
He shouted at you again making you flinch. Quickly you uttered a “Yes-“ your voice cracking at the end of it.
- “Yeah…much better.” The unknown man chuckled.
You had to fight back tears as you spoke, “Is…Is this some kind of sick joke…”
-“No… think of it more like a game. Can you handle playing a game with me…pinky?”
You gasped running out into your hall as you duck down low, the only safe place where there was no way anyone could see you. Crawling to your window you peeked out with searching eyes. 
-“Can you see me?”
You swallow harshly, trying to catch your frantic breathing, “You better leave me alone or I’m calling the police!”
-He clicks his tongue, “See you live in the middle of bum fuck nowhere ill be done with you waaaay before they could get here.”
You slide down the side of your wall, holding a shakey hand to your lips, “Wh-what do you want!”
-“To fuck your stupid little brains out.” 
You gasped at the vulgarity pulling the phone away from you as you hung up, tears streaming down your cheeks as you held your knees to your chest trying your best not to panic. 
You scream throwing yourself away from the door, crawling down your hall as you quickly get up and clutch your phone to your chest. “Who’s there!” Your voice quivers in terror, but no one answers. “WHO’S THERE!” You shake your head looking at your phone. “I’M CALLING THE POLICE!” 
“AH!” You scream fumbling your phone as you quickly answer it. “WHAT!”
-“You should never say ‘whose there’ don’t you watch scary movies- it’s a damn death wish. Your dumbass might as well come out and investigate a straaange noise or something.”
You suck in a heavy breath slowly backing away from your front door. “Look… you had your f-fun now!"
-"Are you crying? You trying to flirt with me or something? That shit turns me on."
" Y-you better leave me alone right now or else!" Your voice was trembling as much as your body was. 
-“Ooor else what?” He taunts. 
“O-or else my husband will be-be here any minute now and he will be pissed!”
-“Aw~ I thought you didn’t have a boyfriend?”  
“I have a husband, not a boyfriend! -hiccup- he will be here so you-you BETTER leave!”
-“Suure~ sure…”
You shook your head not liking his condescending tone, “I-I swear! You-hiccup- better be gone! My husband is a fighter and-hiccup- he’s the fucking strongest!”
-“The strongest? Would he beat me in a match~?”
-“Oooh~ I’m really shaking in my boots now…” 
You hold your chest with a flat hand, the pain becoming too unbearable. Your words were causing no fear to this cocky bastard, but still you double down. “HE WOULD WIN HE WOULD WIN- SO… s-so-hiccup- you better just leave…!”
-“His name wouldn’t happen to be…Gojo Satoru…would it?”
You inhaled sharply, “H-how do you…how do you know his name…?”
-“Turn on the patio lights…”
You didn’t know what you expected to see and you hoped to the high heavens it wasn’t your husband. And if it was, you hoped that he and his friends would be out there and yell surprise- telling you it was all a prank. Gojo loved pranks. This one was a terrible- terrible- one but you’d forgive him because you’d be so happy that this wasn’t real. You would be relieved. So so-relieved. 
Your shakey hand raises as you walk toward the back sliding doors. Flicking the light on. As soon as you did it illuminated Gojo tied to a chair with blood on his head and tape on his mouth. His blue eyes widen in fear when they meet your own. 
“HM!” His screams were muffled as he tried to wiggle out of the restraints. 
“SATORU!” You cried as you quickly opened the door, but a masked figure came out of nowhere and slammed it shut. 
You seized in shock- face to face with a morphed ghost mask. The man wore an all-black outfit. Tight black t-shirt, black combat pants, black combat boots, and black tactical gloves to finish the look. His muscles were huge- bulging out of his shirt with black tattoos on his arms. Just the sight of him both frightened and compelled you at the same time.
The tip of a very sharp knife tapped the glass shaking you out of whatever spell you were locked in. 
"Hey! Pay attention, sweetheart, I almost lost you there."
"What do you want!" You scream at him.
He shook his head in disbelief. 
"I just told you, what are you deaf? We're going to have a little fun alright? Now turn off the lights and get back on the phone."
Your eyes dart behind him to your beaten-up husband, "Don't hurt hi-"
You let out a soft whine as you slide toward the light, fingers shaking as you flick it off. You could no longer see Gojo and the man disappeared into the darkness. Shakily raising the phone to your ear you stare into the abyss of darkness. 
-"Now...as I was saying. Let's make things... interesting. I want to play a game. Some scary movie trivia. If you guess right your husband lives, guess wrong, and... well he dies. Simple right? The first question... I just quoted a movie, what movie is it from?"
You were so zapped, the mental exhaustion taking a toll on you. You heard the man speak but his words lagged in your mind, having a hard time processing everything. Yet you knew he was toying with you, putting Gojo's life in your hands. You sniffled with a painful expression. "I-I don't w-want t-to please-"
-"Aww~ Come on sweetheart you can do it~. I just gave you an easy one. 'I want to play a game'... what movie is that from."
You rub at your eyes, they itched from all your crying, "Uh...It's...it's saw..."
-"Ding ding~ You got it! See that wasn't so hard..."
You felt slight relief but then he said-
-"Last question."
"Noooo!" You groaned in despair, the game was still not over and you didn't think this sick bastard was going to play fair.
-"Alright, who's the killer in Split?"
You jolted up, "Kevin Wendell Crumb! His name is Kevin Wendell Crumb!" 
-"EEEEEH- Wrong!"
"Wait what! Yes! That was his actual name! It's Kevin I've seen the movie a thousand times!"
-"Then you should know the true killer is the beast one of the many split personalities inside Kevin! Say goodbye to your husband!"
He fucking tricked you! 
"NO!" You slapped the light on but you were too late. Gojo had a knife sticking in his stomach as he steadily choked on blood gasping for air. "NOOOOO!" You screamed hitting the glass in frustration.
-"Alright next question."
-"Tch- suit yourself-"
You screamed as the man crashed into the window like a freight train. Within a flash, you were running, gunning it up your steps. You bust into your room with a gasp throwing yourself on the floor as you slide under your bed. You slapped a hand over your mouth as you heard the heavy boots drum up your steps and plant in your hallway.
 "Oh~" The man drawls, "If you wanted to play hide and seek why didn't you say so? I like this game too..."
 You quickly hang up your phone realizing you are still on the line with the stranger. With your hand suffocating your mouth- trying to trap any sounds from escaping, you shakily unlock your phone.
The man's boots thudded into the room, your eyes widened as you watched them prowl across the floor like a hunting lion. He stopped abruptly, a pair of your pink panties on the floor. "You really like pink doll face." He bent down to pick them up, knees bent as he crouched. You scooted a bit over just in case he looked this way. You heard him inhale deeply- was he smelling your underwear? He let out a pleased sigh, standing up to his full length. "One... two i'm coming for- you!" He kicked in your closet door open the wood cracking loudly with a loud bang.
You quickly began to scroll for your friend's number, she was the closest to you and she and her husband were hunters. Your fingers could barely function as you began to text her. Your nails get in the way or make a loud tapping noise when it thuds on the screen. You grit your teeth wanting to rip them off.
 "Three four you better lock the- door!"
You jolted as he kicked open your bathroom door. Splinters hitting the floor.
*Best Bitch Ever*
Me: Helo helo
Me:Help help
Me:someine is trying to kill me
She had your location, she knew where you were.
"Five six grab your crucifix!"
He was in your bathroom now tearing down your shower curtain. Slowly you started inching toward the door. You froze when he came back into the room singing.
"Seven eight you better stay awake!" he threw off your many pillows, stuffed toys, and blankets. The bed squeaked due to his weight.
You paused in fear, there was only one more spot for him to check. You were practically on the other side of the bed opposite of him. You were getting ready to roll out and run like hell
"Nine ten never sleep...-"
*Ding* Best Bitch Ever Notification!
You froze in horror not realizing your phone was not in silent mode. Everything went still. You didn't dare breathe.
Within the next second, his Ghostface popped down next to you, "There you are ya little bitch!"
A terrifying scream scratched your throat as you crawled to the other side. A gloved hand gripped your ankle as he dragged you out from underneath the bed.
"Never hide under the bad! Another horror 101!" He growled as you screamed kicking your feet wild as your bunny flippers fly off. "Fuck-" He tripped over the pillows, his grip letting up just enough for you to wiggle free and jump up. 
You ran out of the room nearly hitting the wall. Tumbling forward you made a sharp turn to jog down the stairs but in your haste, you tripped on your feet and tumbled the rest of the way. One moment you were fine and the next moment flashed before your eyes and then you were groaning laid out on your back at the bottom of the steps. Your vision was hazy as you rolled your head to look at the dark figure standing at the top of the steps.
His head slowly clocked to the side as he clicked his tongue while tapping his knife against his pants. "Tsk Tsk tsk- carelessly falling down the steps too? My sweet angel, now you're just begging for it." The man began to descend. The sound of his boots dropping heavy with each step had your heart picking up.
A low groan left your lips, your mind trying to come back together as your blurry vision adjusted. Your body aching but begging you to get up. Your double vision adjusted and you were able to slowly get up on your elbows and start to crawl back. "N-no... please-" You beg as he got closer. Your adrenaline rose as you started moving a bit quicker, but not fast enough.
 He was upon you, feet planted on both sides of your frame as you whimpered looking up at this monster of a man. Trembling as you shed more tears begging him over and over again, "Please please please..."
"Aw~" He coos. "Now I know you are flirting with me." He adjusts his hard-on as he lets out a twisted moan. "What would your husband think? Oh wait-"
"Noooohooo ah-!" You cry using your last bit of strength to quickly scurry backward but the man is upon you, dropping his weight on you so he can pin you down.
You scream and thrash and kick and slap and punch and do all you can but the man is an absolute unit. Your fighting doing absolutely nothing to him, but tiring yourself out. 
The man stabs the wood floor right next to your face making you scream in terror. He grabbed your flailing arms and pinned you down by your wrist making you twist and turn, trying to wiggle out. He sat on your hips, your legs kicking wildly behind him. The knife taunting you, right by your very face. You could see your reflection in it as you cried in defeat, settling down. The man was much too strong for you to even do anything. He was sitting on you without breaking a sweat. Watching you with sick fascination. You couldn't see his eyes, but you could feel it.
"Ya done?" The man chuckled above you.
You say nothing as you pant heavily, staring at the very weapon that just may end your life.
"I asked you a question. Don't you know it's rude to ignore people?"
You gulp down the need to point out the pure hypocrisy of his words. Slowly you nod your head.
"Good." He gives you a light squeeze to your wrist as a warning to his next words, "Now stay still..." He drifts off yanking the knife out of the floor.
You shook your head resuming your fighting, "No no please don't kill me!"
He grabs you by the neck and presses the flat end of the knife against your collarbone. Your head hikes up, afraid to be cut. The message was loud and clear, but he repeated it for you just for clarification.
 "Stay. Still."
You blink up at the black sockets of his mask, hoping he could see your pleading gaze. Hoping it would pull on his heartstrings and he'd show you mercy, but deep down you felt it only truly turned him on more.
He leaned his head as he followed his blade. Guiding it smoothly over your skin. He teased you like a lover would, slipping the tip underneath the thin straps of your skimpy pink gown. 
He jerked his hand-
The sudden movement made you flinch. Your chest quivers as he moves to the other strap to repeat the same movement, but this time you hissed as your flesh stings. A red beading line appears right above your tit.
"Oops..." He breathes, not a hint of remorse in his voice. He leans down, pulling his mask up a bit as he licks at your breast.
"Nh-" You watched his tongue collect the blood greedily. You could see hints of tattoos on his face but then he pulled back adjusting his mask back in place. 
He shifts lifting up as he drags the knife up your thigh. You whimper when you feel it pass by your panties and up further underneath your dress. You suck in your stomach squeezing your eyes shut in fear. The knife glides up in between your breasts, and then he flips it, yanking back as he cuts off your bra and dress. 
You let out a cry as you become exposed. You quickly cover yourself, as the man slides the knife into your panties. He cuts your thigh in the process making you whine.
"Sorry~ Looks like I did it again. Your blood is...soo~ beautiful." He groans swiping his knife through your panties like butter.
You received another cut on your other thigh. "AH-" That one stung. 
You heard a deep growl, as he watched the blood spill a bit. Quickly he pulls back and tosses up your legs by your thighs. With the knife tight in his grip he bends down to again lick at your leg like a dog. He moaned as he switched to your other thigh sucking on the flesh.
You had to hold in a moan, he was so close to your most intimate spot. You could see a bit more of his masculine chin, and something compelled you to reach down and snatch his mask off. You pulled back with a gasp as he looked up at you with red lustful eyes, licking his bloody lips. You couldn't believe how unbelievably handsome he was. Tattoos lined his jawline and even peaked out from his neck. He also had a weird tattoo on his forehead. Pinkish black hair spiked up with an undershave. The devil shouldn't be this beautiful.
 He flashes you a devilish smirk. "Now who told you to do that?" He questions slipping his mask away from you with delicate aggression. "Imma have to punish you for that..." He lifts his knife and licks it. He sounds animalistic- lost in the bloodlust. Excitement sparkles in his eyes as he presses the knife on your stomach, ready to cut.
"Y-You know it's- it's-it's my birthday..." You sniffle weakly.
His head leaned with a questioning cock to it, eyebrows raising. "Is it now?"
You nod slowly, "Mhm..."
"Well? Why didn't you say so sweetheart?" He chuckled sliding the knife in its placeholder around his thigh.
Hope struck you to the core, "A-are you going to let me go?"
He threw his head back in a mocking chuckle, biting the ends of the mask with his teeth as he pulled it back over his head and with one hand. Then he nodded his head. "Sure~... after I fuck your brains out."
You are fueled with frustration and terror as you begin to fight again. He laughs at your futile attempts. You kick off him, flipping over as you quickly try to get up on your feet but he climbs on your back, pushing you down on the ground. You whine and squirm, as he fishes out his cock. You felt him press into your surprisingly wet cunt. Your screams morph into a low moan as he has no trouble bullying his way into you.
"Fuck- are you always this wet angel?" He moans deeply into your ear as he rolls his hips. "Or is it just for me?" 
"Stop?" He questions as he does nothing of the sort. "Why would I stop when your pussy is begging for it? don't you hear it?"
You could hear exactly what he was referring to. You were so wet his dick was squelching inside of you, making lewd noises as he thrust in and out.
But you shook your head, "No no! I-It hurts! It hurts!" You were babbling about nonsense too dizzy on his cock to say anything else. 
He already proved his point but he wanted to nail this shit into the coffin. He grabbed your neck from behind, choking you as he pulled you up on your hands. He moved his phone in front of your face, the video recording your very wanton face.
"Look at yourself angel." He chuckled as he bounced you back and forth on his cock. Face maske pressed to your side with his gloved hand around your neck like a choker. "Now you tell me- if this looks like a bitch in pain?"
You looked at yourself with teary eyes, watching this masked man fuck you from behind. Tits swaying as your back arches for more. "N-ah~" You couldn't even speak your words of denial, your mind becoming hazy with it all. Your legs tremble as you feel your body flutter in euphoric flurries.
"Su-" Your vision spots for a split second. Your moans being choked out of you.
"Oh fuck-" The man growled letting you go. You gasped for air as he sat his phone against the wall so you could still watch yourself. Watch as he grabs your hips and abuses your pussy. 
"Fuck-fuck-" He curses as you wail in pleasure, orgasming overcoming you. "That's right bitch-cum on my cock-" 
Your eyes rolled as you came with a shout. The man went into a sort of frenzy. Bucking wildly as he chased his high. 
"Please ah-no! Don't cum in me! Take it out!" You scream in horror.
He let out a loud moan, flinching as he did exactly what you said not to do.
"Nooooh~" You whine feeling his cock twitch inside of you, filling you up with his seed. You drop your sweaty forehead to the ground, panting.
The man went soft inside you, yet he didn't pull out. Keeping you plugged up with his cum. You felt him shift forward, his knife coming around to sit on your neck as you gasped pitifully. "Why-why me?"
He chuckled in your ear, "Because... you were home..."
You whined, squeezing your eyes shut as you slowly raised your hands into a triangle shape. "Domain expansion: Safespace~"
Right after you said that both of you laughed.
"Did you like that?" Sukuna pulled off his mask as you looked back at him with loving eyes. 
"I~ Set it up for you, what else were you going to say?"
"Don't be sassy with me."
You giggle as he pulled back, sharing a sweet kiss followed by multiple pecks. Then he was pulling out of you, tucking himself away. Helping you up. "How do you feel?"
"I'm fine." You smile as he bends down to scoop you up in one arm.
"I didn't cut you too bad? You used our soft safeword." He questions you earnestly, walking you into the kitchen as he sets you down on the marble counter.
Yes- It's my birthday- was your 'soft' safeword. It was used in a way to not completely take you guys out of role play but to shift whatever was going on. At that moment you were nervous about getting cut more. "I know~ How much you want to carve your name into me Sukuna." You look at him with a playful glint in your eye.
He chuckles, "If you aren't ready for it it's fine baby, I just want to make sure you are okay. I don't want to push you to something you aren't ready for. I mean, I got three cuts off before you called it." He speaks while grabbing the first aid kit and tending to your wounds. 
You twist your lips feeling as though you failed him by using your soft safeword. Guilt tickles your stomach.
"Aye." Sukun taps your chin with two fingers, "What's with the face? That's one more cut from last time?"
You shrug. "I guess... i just feel like i ruined it... ya know?"
He grabs your face between his hands, so you can't look away, "I can do without the cutting, it doesn't matter. I enjoyed this entire night baby. Did you?"
You give him a little laugh, "I mean could you not tell by how wet I was?"
He nodded his head with a sly lick of his lips, "Yeah, you were hella wet. I heard you almost said my name."
"I know! You should've given me your name so I could have said it! Ugh!"
Sukuna gives you an evil laugh knowing just how much you love to say his name during sex. "Thought it be fun if I were nameless." He gives you a quick peck going back to your cuts.
You roll your eyes with a huff, "So mean to me~Also! For the record that fall downstairs was not planned!"
"I know I was waiting for you to say the safeword so I went a bit slower."
"I know~ Thank you~." You throw your arms around his neck as he slots between your legs. "I love you so much~"
"I love you too... happy anniversary."
He circles his arms around you as he leans in to kiss you deeply. 
There was a loud bang separating the two of you.
Soon Shoko ran in holding a shotgun toward the two of you, "GET AWAY FROM HER YOU SICK-"
"Domain expansion safe space."
"Oh." Shoko stands up straight laying her gun on her shoulder. 
The three of you chuckle as Shoko looks around the house, "Damn Sukuna you fucked this place up."
"He busted through the window!" 
Sukuna nods his head, "I always wanted to do that- but I'll fix everything-"
Getou came running in on the other side of the kitchen, "GET AWAY FROM HER-"
"Domain expansion safe space!"
"Oh- you couldn't have texted us before we got here?"
"We like just finished!" Sukuna took off his shirt so you could pull it over your nude body.
Getou sighs dejectedly, "Man I really wanted to shoot you this time."
Sukuna rolls his eyes, "Maybe next time."
The couple wished you guys a happy anniversary one last time before they said their goodbyes, and departed.
Crawling into bed together, you snuggled up next to Sukuna with a satisfied hum, "Just for the record I did know that the beast was the killer in the movie." You pop your lips making your husband chuckle. 
"Sure you did~"
"You know that's my favorite movie-"
"HELLO~ what's the safeword again?! my arms are killing me and I have to piss!"
Both of you pause as you hear a voice from outside.
"Did we leave Gojo tied up?"
"Eh~ Let's leave him out there till the morning."
You heard a sound click as the sprinklers turned on followed by a pitiful scream.
You sigh as you pick up your phone, "I'll call Shoko."
*Commissions - https://ko-fi.com/sadistickiss/commissions *
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Just A Kiss
Joining the congrats train for @withacapitalp, happy birthday Liam! You're not escaping the frog theme and cursed Steve, not on my watch.
"Look man, I don't really care if you're actually a prince, a model or a lying hobo, the answer is still no."
The frog looked at him with so much sass Eddie actually considered caving in, but...nah. It was disgusting. Even though it looked kind of cute with that weird pattern on its head that looked like a really fluffy mane of hair, light brown eyes and slight pout. "Like it's going to kill you, man," it croaked out and Eddie took another drag from his cigarette. Talking frogs. Yep, just another normal day in Hawkins.
"Look, even if I wanted to, which I don't - zoofilia isn't cool under any pretense, just for your info - I'm pretty sure I'm just high as a kite. You're a frog, which duh, you probably know that, but...uh. I don't want to wake up in the morning with the unsettling knowledge that I smooched some poor non-consenting animal and all I got from that was some rash on my mouth. Hey, can animals even consent? That's...no, you can't." One more drag of his cigarette. Maybe two. Make it another cigarette, shit. He didn't think that one joint was so strong.
The frog rolled his eyes again. "I'm not telling you to go and such face with a dolphin or something. Plus animals don't give consent because they a) can't talk, b) aren't cursed human beings. Like yours truly."
Eddie bit the filter in a futile attempt to sober up. Didn't help. "So you've said. Cursed human. Sorry if I don't believe you, froggy."
"It's Steve."
Eddie snorted out the smoke through his nose. "Steve. A frog named Steve."
There it was, that adorable eye roll again. "It's a temporary frog, otherwise full-time human Steve." It even tried to put its...paws? No, not paws, frogs don't have paws, legs? Front legs? Cute legs. Those, on its...hips? Eddie didn't know enough about frog anatomy but hell. It was adorable.
He giggled, brushing back his hair. "Sure, full-time human Steve. Is this a part-time job, then? A hobby?"
"A fucking curse, that's what it is." The frog almost growled, except it ended the annoyed tone with an unintentional ribbit. "Shit. Have you ever had hiccups? This - ribbit - oh god fuck why - ribbit - is worse."
Eddie just shook his head, wondering if he'd remember this trip the next day. He hoped so. "You'd think it would be natural to you." When the frog - sorry, Steve - just stared, he corrected himself. "For a frog, I mean. Which you're obviously not, except now you are-"
"Which part of a it-was-a-curse-from-an-old-hag-my-dad-pissed-off-a-few-decades-ago don't you understand? Ribbit, god make it stop-"
"Pretty much everything that wasn't a ribbit, pal," grinned Eddie and lit another cigarette. But it was a bit too quiet and when he turned to part-time-frog Steve, he wondered if maybe the trip was finally going away, if he'd just been chilling with an innocent frog for which his nerdy brain made a full page of lore, except- "What?" he asked the frog who was eyeing his smokes.
The frog groaned and tried to rub its still-not-sure-if-leg-or-paw over its forehead. "Look, if you're not willing to put me out of my misery either by - ribbit fuck this - stepping on me or giving me an absolutely consensual kiss, at least give me a cigarette. After the day I've had, I really need it."
"Uhhhh..." Eddie thought for a moment. Was it animal cruelty if he lit up a cigarette and put it next to a frog? The frog didn't have to smoke it, right? And he had no way of verifying if the frog was a minor. In...frog years or whatever.
The frog narrowed its eyes at him. "A kiss or a cigarette, dude. Choose now."
"Geez, so demanding for such a little guy," grumbled Eddie but obliged, lit another cigarette and handed it to the frog...the frog who grabbed it with both palms and took a long drag from it, closing its eyes.
"I really, really needed this," it muttered. Eddie wondered it being a frog would help him save on the smokes. It looked like its lungs were fairly small, one cigarette would last him for ages, but how would he buy them? So many questions...questions interrupted by Steve blowing a tiny puff of smoke from its - his? - mouth and looking at Eddie. "Don't you have better things to do than smoke with a temporary frog on a Friday evening?"
Eddie rolled his eyes. "I liked you better when all you could say was ribbit. But actually no, I'm waiting for a few of my friends."
And wow, could that frog smirk. "Can't wait to meet them."
Eddie was still pretty convinced that kissing a frog was off the table. But when a familiar pizza van parked next to him, Jonathan and Argyle jumping out, he found himself reconsidering. Just a little. Because it would have saved him from the following conversation.
"How are you doing, my man?" smiled Argyle and pulled Eddie into a hug, cracking his spine in the process. Argyle's bear hugs tended to do that.
Jonathan just stood there, staring. "Is that frog smoking a cigarette?"
The world slowed down and Eddie was just about to explain that the weed was a bit too strong this time and he might have hallucinated that the frog was talking to him, but then it blew another cloud of smoke from its tiny mouth and glared at Jonathan. "You've got a problem with that?" it asked in a dangerous croak.
"Oh yeah," offered Eddie weakly, "guys, this is Steve. Steve, this is Jonathan and Argyle."
And Argyle, bless his perpetually stoned heart, just walked towards Steve and shook his front leg/paw/hand/whatever. "Cool, nice to meet you, dude! Hey, do you just smoke cigarettes or are you in for some Purple Palm Tree Delight?"
Full time Steve or whatever just gave a pleased ribbit. "I thought you'd never ask."
And that's how Eddie, Jonathan and Argyle ended up stoned out of their minds...along with a frog. The nights were warm and they ended up napping next to each other in a patch of grass next to the Lover's Lake, setting tiny stoned Steve to the side to make sure no one crushed him in their sleep. And Eddie, in his blissed out state of mind, really didn't look forward to the next morning. Froggy Steve was fun. He liked Steve. He didn't look forward to the moment he'd have to accept that Steve was just a shared hallucination between the three of them.
Except in the morning, he got woken up by someone cuddling him. And that wasn't unusual, Argyle was a cuddler, except he was wrapped around Jonathan like a very dependent octopus. Maybe it was the blanket. Yes, definitely, the blanket must have fallen off him and crumpled behind his back and-
And the blanket snored.
Flipping around, he found himself face to face with an absolutely gorgeous young man. The bitchy slope of his eyebrow, furrowed in sleep, the numerous moles...Eddie's breath hitched.
Before he realized what was happening, his eyes opened and the lazy smile he gave Eddie made him want to jump in the lake and swim to the other side and back. Just to cool down a little bit. "Morning, Eddie," he yawned and Eddie recognized that voice. With or without the ribbit.
"...Steve?" he tried, and the smile just widened. "Oh god, this is going to sound so weird, but I was really convinced that you were a frog when I met you yesterday."
Steve just stretched those biteable arms above his head and groaned, closing his eyes again. Only then did Eddie notice he was wearing his spare clothes, a bit too tight and mismatched, but it was all he had in the van. "I was a frog, man. Is your memory usually this bad?"
Eddie's mouth hung open. Oh okay. That explained everything. Except it fucking didn't. "Uhhhh...no. I mean. I remembered you being a frog so it's a good thing, no?" Squinting at Steve, he slowly added, "how come you're not a frog anymore?" It sounded stupid, even to him.
But Steve just rolled his eyes with clear affection. "It's what I told you when I met you. A kiss."
"Did I kiss a frog? I mean, you?!" he blurted out before he could catch himself, unsure which one of those two things shocked him more.
One more disapproving head shake. "Shit memory, told you. Nah, it was Argyle. We were high, I mentioned the curse thing and Argyle just said "anything for my bro" and kissed me. I turned back and you...uh. Kind of freaked out because I didn't have any clothes on, so you raced back to your van to get me something. Then we smoked a bit more and went to sleep."
"Oh." Maybe the weed really was stronger than usual because Eddie's mouth had no filter that morning, even more so than usual. "Is it weird that I'm kind of jealous of him?"
Steve opened one eye and smirked at him. "What, you dream of kissing frogs often?"
Eddie hit his shoulder and laughed, mindful of the sleeping pair next to him. "Nope, but sure will dream of kissing you, pretty boy. Unless that would turn you back. Would it?"
There were hands on his hips pulling him down, back to the inviting grass and towards Steve's warm body. "Only one way to find out," he grinned.
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