sadistic-kiss · 14 days
Masked Menace (GhostFace!Sukuna x Reader)
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You get a call from a random stranger that leads to your demise…
For your anniversary you and Sukuna play out the popular scream scene and live out you wildest slasher fantasy. (In a safe space)
GhostFace!Sukuna x Reader
Anime: JJK Universe: AU Pairing: Ghostface!SukunaxReader
Rating: Explicit
Genre: Smuttt 
Kink: CNC, Knifeplay, slight blood play (licking a wound), Mask kink, Strength kink, Choking, Dacryphilia, Degradation
*ingredients given by( AKA Commision by): Starlightaqua ~
Chef Note: It's a bit rough mentally but milk + cookies and a warm blanket is given at the end. (Angsty but not gege <3)
You lay on your king-size bed, lazily kicking your feet back and forth while watching TV. Ouija origins of evil, playing right before your very eyes.
 “Oh-“ You gasp at the jump scare, nearly flinching out of your skin. You weren’t afraid but it did give you chills watching it alone in your big house at night- where was your silly husband? He should have already been home. You pause the movie bouncing off your bed while you snatch your cell phone. Sticking your feet into your fuzzy pink bunny slippers you padded out of the room and downstairs, texting on your phone.
Me: Hey where are you? 
❤️Beloved❤️: I’m wrapping things up
Your lips twist as you pout. Maybe you can send him a little motivation. You pose for your picture taking a quick snap of your frilly pink nightgown
Me: Get here soon ~
❤️Beloved❤️: MOMMY?! SORRY! MOMMY?!!!? SORRY! 
You let out a boisterous laugh as you set your phone on the counter. Humming to yourself you open your cabinets, bouncing your hip as you look for a snack. “…Tell me what you want what you really really want~ imma tell ya want I want what I-“
Your eyes drift to your phone as it plays your ringtone. Reaching for your device you looked at the screen, eyebrows furrowed.
“Who… the fuck…” You toss your hair answering the phone. “Hello?” 
-“Hello?” A deep velvety voice speaks into your ear.
Your eyes widen at the sexy tone- catching you off guard but for a split second, quickly you screw your head back. You are married! 
“Hi, who is this?”
-“Who is this?” 
You release a snort, “You called me.”
-“Wait…” The deep voice pauses, “…What number is this?” 
You shake your head with a playful tone, “Dude are you high?”
-“I don’t know…” The man chuckles, “…Maybe.”
“Well~.” You say with a little sass. “I think you have the wrong number sir.”
-“Mm, do I?”
“Don’t worry, it happens. Take care.” You pull the phone away from your ear and hang up. ‘His voice was so hot.’ You let out a little laugh as you put your phone down and return to your earlier adventures. As soon as you took one step your phone rang again. You sigh as you see…
Picking up the phone you answer it with a drawled out, “Hellllo?”
-“I’m sorry sweetheart, I guess I dialed the wrong number…”
You roll your eyes putting your hand on your hip. “Sooo~ why did you dial it again?”
-“I just… wanted to apologize.”
“Okay, well I forgive you bye now-“
-“Wait wait-“ The man spoke almost urgently making you pause your thumb on the end call. “-Don’t hang up…”
You try not to smile too much, this guy just had this tone that had your heart stutter. You should hang up. You have a husband after all, but you were curious why he was trying to talk to you. So you humor yourself a little, and ask…
-“I want to talk to you for a second… you gotta cute voice.” Just by the play of his tone, you could tell he was smirking. 
You bite your lip but shake your head, looking at the Diamond ring that caught the light. “They have numbers for that, sorry I have to go now.” You quickly hang up not allowing him to sway you with his tempting voice. You let out a deep sigh, staring at your phone. You expected it to ring again but it didn’t. 
“Well, that’s that.” You whisper to yourself. 
You decide to have popcorn for your movie snack. Getting the box out you grab a pack and toss the empty container in the trash. Opening the microwave you stick the snack inside and shut it, hitting the popcorn button it buzzed to life. 
Dancing your nails on the counter you wait, looking at nothing in particular as you space out. 
You flinch from the unexpected noise breaking your peaceful silence. “Gaaaaah.” You stomp to your phone, and what do you know? It’s unknown again! You skip hello and go straight to. “What?”
The man hisses like he has been hurt, or he was smoking something. 
-“Why don’t you want to talk to me, sweetheart?” He exhales letting you know it was the latter. 
You cross your arms leaning against your counter. “Who is this?” 
-“You tell me your name… and I’ll tell you mine.”
You let out a sharp laugh, “Ha! Not gonna happen.”
There’s a little pause as the man smokes whatever it is he’s puffing on. Within that time your microwave beeps and you pop it open grabbing the buttery bag. Ugh, it’s not even fully done. You frown shaking the bag as you toss it back in and slam the door. Pushing the popcorn button two times for option two.
-“Whacha makin'?”
“Popcorn.” You say pushing start. 
-“Popcorn?” He almost sounded surprised. 
-“I only eat popcorn at the movies.”
“Well… I’m watching a movie now.”
-“Really? Whatcha watching Barbie?”
“Haha because I’m a girl?” 
He snickers as you follow suit with a little bite of your lip walking around your kitchen. Why you were even entertaining this, you don’t even know but for some reason, you may not mind talking to this man. It’s not like you would do anything with him. He’s some random guy probably from a whole different state. Besides, you’re just talking, there’s no harm in that.
-“So? What are you watching?”
 “Ouija the origin of evil, with the little girls.”
-“Huh, a scary movie?”
“Yup, I like scary movies.” You lean on your counter eyeing the expensive knives your husband loves to buy. 
-“They don’t scare you?”
-“Ooo… a big girl. What’s your favorite scary movie?”
“Favorite? Hmm…” You hum playing with the biggest knife. “I liked… Split, i know it's not technically a scary movie but it was a cool thriller. James McAvoy killed that role."
-“Ah the guy with the multiple personalities?”
“Yeah, that one…what’s yours?”
-“Mm~ Guess.”
“Uuuum~.” You lick your lips, squinting your eyes as you try to imagine what a guy like this would like. You pop up excitedly shoving the knife back in place, “Strangers!” 
-“Ah~ I see what you did there.”
You chuckle a bit hearing his pleased tone at your little joke. “Hey that movie was kind of freaky, especially that part where it’s like ‘why are you doing this to us ’ and they say-“
-“Because you were home.”
“YES! Aaah! That’s sooo creepy!”
-“Haha yeah I like that movie it was scary…”
“Yeah, the first one but the rest weren’t as great.” You move around your house swaying as you walk, a playful bounce in your step. Gosh, it was like you were back in high school talking to your crush on the phone. There’s something about his voice that keeps you hooked. 
-"My favorite scary movie is Jeepers Creepers."
"Nooo~" You laugh playfully. "I love that movie too!"
-"Yeah? Sing the tune for me."
"Jeepers~ Creepers~"
-"Where'd ya get those sneakers~"
The two of you duet together as you do a little sway, and once it ends you giggle. "Ah~ I love a good horror movie with spooky tunes."
-"Yeeeah me too. Love that burnt fucker with the knives tune too."
You bite your nail playfulling, dragging it over your lip as you think about what you are doing. The girlie butterflies and everything were fine but... you should end this call, your husband will be home any second now. You opened your lips to say your goodbyes but then he asked-
-“Soooo does an Angel like you got a boyfriend?”
You pause mouth falling open, Angel!? Like you? This man was giving you butterflies without even trying! You let out a girlish giggle, “Whyy~ do you want to ask me out on a date or somethin’?” You pick up some mail busying yourself while talking on the phone. 
-“What if I do…?”
You separate what’s yours, fanning yourself with the magazines. “What if I do?”
-“Do you?”
Technically- you weren’t lying. You had a husband. 
-“Good…good…hey, you never did tell me your name…I would really like to know it.”
You toss the mail into their respectable baskets, as you flirt with Mr. Unknown. “Why do you want to know my name?”
-“Because I want to know who I’m checking out.”
Your eyes blink quickly, and your stomach drops. Did he just- “Wh-what did you say?” Your head swivels around quickly. 
-“I… want to know whose sweet voice this is.”
You feel a cold chill run up your spine as you start walking around locking your doors and windows. “Stop it! Th-that’s not what you said!”
-“What do you think I said?”
You gulp hard peeking out of your window, searching for anyone that shouldn’t be there. All you see are dark woods and grassy land that stretches for miles. 
You pull your curtains closed shaking your head, you don’t like this anymore. This just turned extra creepy. “I-I gotta go.”
-“What? I thought we were going to go out?”
“No, thank you.”
-“Wait-! don’t you dare hang up on me-“
You were already in motion hanging up the phone as you walked swiftly down your hall checking every corner with panicky orbs. 
The sudden noise makes your chest tight, and seeing UNKNOWN on your screen constricts it even more. Someone has to be playing a joke on you! That’s the only logical thing here, right?
You answer the phone, “Who is this!”
-“I told you not to hang up on me.” The man sounded almost irritated with you but you didn’t care.
“This isn’t funny anymore! I don’t know who is pranking me but I’m over this!”
-“What? No no~ this isn’t a prank sweetheart, I just want to talk to you.”
“Well, I don’t want to talk to you!” You quickly
hang up marching to the kitchen. 
*Ring Ring*
You grit your teeth picking up the phone, “LISTEN ASSHOLE-“
You had frozen in fear listening to his sadistic words. Chest rising and falling quickly as you began to freak out. 
He shouted at you again making you flinch. Quickly you uttered a “Yes-“ your voice cracking at the end of it.
- “Yeah…much better.” The unknown man chuckled.
You had to fight back tears as you spoke, “Is…Is this some kind of sick joke…”
-“No… think of it more like a game. Can you handle playing a game with me…pinky?”
You gasped running out into your hall as you duck down low, the only safe place where there was no way anyone could see you. Crawling to your window you peeked out with searching eyes. 
-“Can you see me?”
You swallow harshly, trying to catch your frantic breathing, “You better leave me alone or I’m calling the police!”
-He clicks his tongue, “See you live in the middle of bum fuck nowhere ill be done with you waaaay before they could get here.”
You slide down the side of your wall, holding a shakey hand to your lips, “Wh-what do you want!”
-“To fuck your stupid little brains out.” 
You gasped at the vulgarity pulling the phone away from you as you hung up, tears streaming down your cheeks as you held your knees to your chest trying your best not to panic. 
You scream throwing yourself away from the door, crawling down your hall as you quickly get up and clutch your phone to your chest. “Who’s there!” Your voice quivers in terror, but no one answers. “WHO’S THERE!” You shake your head looking at your phone. “I’M CALLING THE POLICE!” 
“AH!” You scream fumbling your phone as you quickly answer it. “WHAT!”
-“You should never say ‘whose there’ don’t you watch scary movies- it’s a damn death wish. Your dumbass might as well come out and investigate a straaange noise or something.”
You suck in a heavy breath slowly backing away from your front door. “Look… you had your f-fun now!"
-"Are you crying? You trying to flirt with me or something? That shit turns me on."
" Y-you better leave me alone right now or else!" Your voice was trembling as much as your body was. 
-“Ooor else what?” He taunts. 
“O-or else my husband will be-be here any minute now and he will be pissed!”
-“Aw~ I thought you didn’t have a boyfriend?”  
“I have a husband, not a boyfriend! -hiccup- he will be here so you-you BETTER leave!”
-“Suure~ sure…”
You shook your head not liking his condescending tone, “I-I swear! You-hiccup- better be gone! My husband is a fighter and-hiccup- he’s the fucking strongest!”
-“The strongest? Would he beat me in a match~?”
-“Oooh~ I’m really shaking in my boots now…” 
You hold your chest with a flat hand, the pain becoming too unbearable. Your words were causing no fear to this cocky bastard, but still you double down. “HE WOULD WIN HE WOULD WIN- SO… s-so-hiccup- you better just leave…!”
-“His name wouldn’t happen to be…Gojo Satoru…would it?”
You inhaled sharply, “H-how do you…how do you know his name…?”
-“Turn on the patio lights…”
You didn’t know what you expected to see and you hoped to the high heavens it wasn’t your husband. And if it was, you hoped that he and his friends would be out there and yell surprise- telling you it was all a prank. Gojo loved pranks. This one was a terrible- terrible- one but you’d forgive him because you’d be so happy that this wasn’t real. You would be relieved. So so-relieved. 
Your shakey hand raises as you walk toward the back sliding doors. Flicking the light on. As soon as you did it illuminated Gojo tied to a chair with blood on his head and tape on his mouth. His blue eyes widen in fear when they meet your own. 
“HM!” His screams were muffled as he tried to wiggle out of the restraints. 
“SATORU!” You cried as you quickly opened the door, but a masked figure came out of nowhere and slammed it shut. 
You seized in shock- face to face with a morphed ghost mask. The man wore an all-black outfit. Tight black t-shirt, black combat pants, black combat boots, and black tactical gloves to finish the look. His muscles were huge- bulging out of his shirt with black tattoos on his arms. Just the sight of him both frightened and compelled you at the same time.
The tip of a very sharp knife tapped the glass shaking you out of whatever spell you were locked in. 
"Hey! Pay attention, sweetheart, I almost lost you there."
"What do you want!" You scream at him.
He shook his head in disbelief. 
"I just told you, what are you deaf? We're going to have a little fun alright? Now turn off the lights and get back on the phone."
Your eyes dart behind him to your beaten-up husband, "Don't hurt hi-"
You let out a soft whine as you slide toward the light, fingers shaking as you flick it off. You could no longer see Gojo and the man disappeared into the darkness. Shakily raising the phone to your ear you stare into the abyss of darkness. 
-"Now...as I was saying. Let's make things... interesting. I want to play a game. Some scary movie trivia. If you guess right your husband lives, guess wrong, and... well he dies. Simple right? The first question... I just quoted a movie, what movie is it from?"
You were so zapped, the mental exhaustion taking a toll on you. You heard the man speak but his words lagged in your mind, having a hard time processing everything. Yet you knew he was toying with you, putting Gojo's life in your hands. You sniffled with a painful expression. "I-I don't w-want t-to please-"
-"Aww~ Come on sweetheart you can do it~. I just gave you an easy one. 'I want to play a game'... what movie is that from."
You rub at your eyes, they itched from all your crying, "Uh...It's...it's saw..."
-"Ding ding~ You got it! See that wasn't so hard..."
You felt slight relief but then he said-
-"Last question."
"Noooo!" You groaned in despair, the game was still not over and you didn't think this sick bastard was going to play fair.
-"Alright, who's the killer in Split?"
You jolted up, "Kevin Wendell Crumb! His name is Kevin Wendell Crumb!" 
-"EEEEEH- Wrong!"
"Wait what! Yes! That was his actual name! It's Kevin I've seen the movie a thousand times!"
-"Then you should know the true killer is the beast one of the many split personalities inside Kevin! Say goodbye to your husband!"
He fucking tricked you! 
"NO!" You slapped the light on but you were too late. Gojo had a knife sticking in his stomach as he steadily choked on blood gasping for air. "NOOOOO!" You screamed hitting the glass in frustration.
-"Alright next question."
-"Tch- suit yourself-"
You screamed as the man crashed into the window like a freight train. Within a flash, you were running, gunning it up your steps. You bust into your room with a gasp throwing yourself on the floor as you slide under your bed. You slapped a hand over your mouth as you heard the heavy boots drum up your steps and plant in your hallway.
 "Oh~" The man drawls, "If you wanted to play hide and seek why didn't you say so? I like this game too..."
 You quickly hang up your phone realizing you are still on the line with the stranger. With your hand suffocating your mouth- trying to trap any sounds from escaping, you shakily unlock your phone.
The man's boots thudded into the room, your eyes widened as you watched them prowl across the floor like a hunting lion. He stopped abruptly, a pair of your pink panties on the floor. "You really like pink doll face." He bent down to pick them up, knees bent as he crouched. You scooted a bit over just in case he looked this way. You heard him inhale deeply- was he smelling your underwear? He let out a pleased sigh, standing up to his full length. "One... two i'm coming for- you!" He kicked in your closet door open the wood cracking loudly with a loud bang.
You quickly began to scroll for your friend's number, she was the closest to you and she and her husband were hunters. Your fingers could barely function as you began to text her. Your nails get in the way or make a loud tapping noise when it thuds on the screen. You grit your teeth wanting to rip them off.
 "Three four you better lock the- door!"
You jolted as he kicked open your bathroom door. Splinters hitting the floor.
*Best Bitch Ever*
Me: Helo helo
Me:Help help
Me:someine is trying to kill me
She had your location, she knew where you were.
"Five six grab your crucifix!"
He was in your bathroom now tearing down your shower curtain. Slowly you started inching toward the door. You froze when he came back into the room singing.
"Seven eight you better stay awake!" he threw off your many pillows, stuffed toys, and blankets. The bed squeaked due to his weight.
You paused in fear, there was only one more spot for him to check. You were practically on the other side of the bed opposite of him. You were getting ready to roll out and run like hell
"Nine ten never sleep...-"
*Ding* Best Bitch Ever Notification!
You froze in horror not realizing your phone was not in silent mode. Everything went still. You didn't dare breathe.
Within the next second, his Ghostface popped down next to you, "There you are ya little bitch!"
A terrifying scream scratched your throat as you crawled to the other side. A gloved hand gripped your ankle as he dragged you out from underneath the bed.
"Never hide under the bad! Another horror 101!" He growled as you screamed kicking your feet wild as your bunny flippers fly off. "Fuck-" He tripped over the pillows, his grip letting up just enough for you to wiggle free and jump up. 
You ran out of the room nearly hitting the wall. Tumbling forward you made a sharp turn to jog down the stairs but in your haste, you tripped on your feet and tumbled the rest of the way. One moment you were fine and the next moment flashed before your eyes and then you were groaning laid out on your back at the bottom of the steps. Your vision was hazy as you rolled your head to look at the dark figure standing at the top of the steps.
His head slowly clocked to the side as he clicked his tongue while tapping his knife against his pants. "Tsk Tsk tsk- carelessly falling down the steps too? My sweet angel, now you're just begging for it." The man began to descend. The sound of his boots dropping heavy with each step had your heart picking up.
A low groan left your lips, your mind trying to come back together as your blurry vision adjusted. Your body aching but begging you to get up. Your double vision adjusted and you were able to slowly get up on your elbows and start to crawl back. "N-no... please-" You beg as he got closer. Your adrenaline rose as you started moving a bit quicker, but not fast enough.
 He was upon you, feet planted on both sides of your frame as you whimpered looking up at this monster of a man. Trembling as you shed more tears begging him over and over again, "Please please please..."
"Aw~" He coos. "Now I know you are flirting with me." He adjusts his hard-on as he lets out a twisted moan. "What would your husband think? Oh wait-"
"Noooohooo ah-!" You cry using your last bit of strength to quickly scurry backward but the man is upon you, dropping his weight on you so he can pin you down.
You scream and thrash and kick and slap and punch and do all you can but the man is an absolute unit. Your fighting doing absolutely nothing to him, but tiring yourself out. 
The man stabs the wood floor right next to your face making you scream in terror. He grabbed your flailing arms and pinned you down by your wrist making you twist and turn, trying to wiggle out. He sat on your hips, your legs kicking wildly behind him. The knife taunting you, right by your very face. You could see your reflection in it as you cried in defeat, settling down. The man was much too strong for you to even do anything. He was sitting on you without breaking a sweat. Watching you with sick fascination. You couldn't see his eyes, but you could feel it.
"Ya done?" The man chuckled above you.
You say nothing as you pant heavily, staring at the very weapon that just may end your life.
"I asked you a question. Don't you know it's rude to ignore people?"
You gulp down the need to point out the pure hypocrisy of his words. Slowly you nod your head.
"Good." He gives you a light squeeze to your wrist as a warning to his next words, "Now stay still..." He drifts off yanking the knife out of the floor.
You shook your head resuming your fighting, "No no please don't kill me!"
He grabs you by the neck and presses the flat end of the knife against your collarbone. Your head hikes up, afraid to be cut. The message was loud and clear, but he repeated it for you just for clarification.
 "Stay. Still."
You blink up at the black sockets of his mask, hoping he could see your pleading gaze. Hoping it would pull on his heartstrings and he'd show you mercy, but deep down you felt it only truly turned him on more.
He leaned his head as he followed his blade. Guiding it smoothly over your skin. He teased you like a lover would, slipping the tip underneath the thin straps of your skimpy pink gown. 
He jerked his hand-
The sudden movement made you flinch. Your chest quivers as he moves to the other strap to repeat the same movement, but this time you hissed as your flesh stings. A red beading line appears right above your tit.
"Oops..." He breathes, not a hint of remorse in his voice. He leans down, pulling his mask up a bit as he licks at your breast.
"Nh-" You watched his tongue collect the blood greedily. You could see hints of tattoos on his face but then he pulled back adjusting his mask back in place. 
He shifts lifting up as he drags the knife up your thigh. You whimper when you feel it pass by your panties and up further underneath your dress. You suck in your stomach squeezing your eyes shut in fear. The knife glides up in between your breasts, and then he flips it, yanking back as he cuts off your bra and dress. 
You let out a cry as you become exposed. You quickly cover yourself, as the man slides the knife into your panties. He cuts your thigh in the process making you whine.
"Sorry~ Looks like I did it again. Your blood is...soo~ beautiful." He groans swiping his knife through your panties like butter.
You received another cut on your other thigh. "AH-" That one stung. 
You heard a deep growl, as he watched the blood spill a bit. Quickly he pulls back and tosses up your legs by your thighs. With the knife tight in his grip he bends down to again lick at your leg like a dog. He moaned as he switched to your other thigh sucking on the flesh.
You had to hold in a moan, he was so close to your most intimate spot. You could see a bit more of his masculine chin, and something compelled you to reach down and snatch his mask off. You pulled back with a gasp as he looked up at you with red lustful eyes, licking his bloody lips. You couldn't believe how unbelievably handsome he was. Tattoos lined his jawline and even peaked out from his neck. He also had a weird tattoo on his forehead. Pinkish black hair spiked up with an undershave. The devil shouldn't be this beautiful.
 He flashes you a devilish smirk. "Now who told you to do that?" He questions slipping his mask away from you with delicate aggression. "Imma have to punish you for that..." He lifts his knife and licks it. He sounds animalistic- lost in the bloodlust. Excitement sparkles in his eyes as he presses the knife on your stomach, ready to cut.
"Y-You know it's- it's-it's my birthday..." You sniffle weakly.
His head leaned with a questioning cock to it, eyebrows raising. "Is it now?"
You nod slowly, "Mhm..."
"Well? Why didn't you say so sweetheart?" He chuckled sliding the knife in its placeholder around his thigh.
Hope struck you to the core, "A-are you going to let me go?"
He threw his head back in a mocking chuckle, biting the ends of the mask with his teeth as he pulled it back over his head and with one hand. Then he nodded his head. "Sure~... after I fuck your brains out."
You are fueled with frustration and terror as you begin to fight again. He laughs at your futile attempts. You kick off him, flipping over as you quickly try to get up on your feet but he climbs on your back, pushing you down on the ground. You whine and squirm, as he fishes out his cock. You felt him press into your surprisingly wet cunt. Your screams morph into a low moan as he has no trouble bullying his way into you.
"Fuck- are you always this wet angel?" He moans deeply into your ear as he rolls his hips. "Or is it just for me?" 
"Stop?" He questions as he does nothing of the sort. "Why would I stop when your pussy is begging for it? don't you hear it?"
You could hear exactly what he was referring to. You were so wet his dick was squelching inside of you, making lewd noises as he thrust in and out.
But you shook your head, "No no! I-It hurts! It hurts!" You were babbling about nonsense too dizzy on his cock to say anything else. 
He already proved his point but he wanted to nail this shit into the coffin. He grabbed your neck from behind, choking you as he pulled you up on your hands. He moved his phone in front of your face, the video recording your very wanton face.
"Look at yourself angel." He chuckled as he bounced you back and forth on his cock. Face maske pressed to your side with his gloved hand around your neck like a choker. "Now you tell me- if this looks like a bitch in pain?"
You looked at yourself with teary eyes, watching this masked man fuck you from behind. Tits swaying as your back arches for more. "N-ah~" You couldn't even speak your words of denial, your mind becoming hazy with it all. Your legs tremble as you feel your body flutter in euphoric flurries.
"Su-" Your vision spots for a split second. Your moans being choked out of you.
"Oh fuck-" The man growled letting you go. You gasped for air as he sat his phone against the wall so you could still watch yourself. Watch as he grabs your hips and abuses your pussy. 
"Fuck-fuck-" He curses as you wail in pleasure, orgasming overcoming you. "That's right bitch-cum on my cock-" 
Your eyes rolled as you came with a shout. The man went into a sort of frenzy. Bucking wildly as he chased his high. 
"Please ah-no! Don't cum in me! Take it out!" You scream in horror.
He let out a loud moan, flinching as he did exactly what you said not to do.
"Nooooh~" You whine feeling his cock twitch inside of you, filling you up with his seed. You drop your sweaty forehead to the ground, panting.
The man went soft inside you, yet he didn't pull out. Keeping you plugged up with his cum. You felt him shift forward, his knife coming around to sit on your neck as you gasped pitifully. "Why-why me?"
He chuckled in your ear, "Because... you were home..."
You whined, squeezing your eyes shut as you slowly raised your hands into a triangle shape. "Domain expansion: Safespace~"
Right after you said that both of you laughed.
"Did you like that?" Sukuna pulled off his mask as you looked back at him with loving eyes. 
"I~ Set it up for you, what else were you going to say?"
"Don't be sassy with me."
You giggle as he pulled back, sharing a sweet kiss followed by multiple pecks. Then he was pulling out of you, tucking himself away. Helping you up. "How do you feel?"
"I'm fine." You smile as he bends down to scoop you up in one arm.
"I didn't cut you too bad? You used our soft safeword." He questions you earnestly, walking you into the kitchen as he sets you down on the marble counter.
Yes- It's my birthday- was your 'soft' safeword. It was used in a way to not completely take you guys out of role play but to shift whatever was going on. At that moment you were nervous about getting cut more. "I know~ How much you want to carve your name into me Sukuna." You look at him with a playful glint in your eye.
He chuckles, "If you aren't ready for it it's fine baby, I just want to make sure you are okay. I don't want to push you to something you aren't ready for. I mean, I got three cuts off before you called it." He speaks while grabbing the first aid kit and tending to your wounds. 
You twist your lips feeling as though you failed him by using your soft safeword. Guilt tickles your stomach.
"Aye." Sukun taps your chin with two fingers, "What's with the face? That's one more cut from last time?"
You shrug. "I guess... i just feel like i ruined it... ya know?"
He grabs your face between his hands, so you can't look away, "I can do without the cutting, it doesn't matter. I enjoyed this entire night baby. Did you?"
You give him a little laugh, "I mean could you not tell by how wet I was?"
He nodded his head with a sly lick of his lips, "Yeah, you were hella wet. I heard you almost said my name."
"I know! You should've given me your name so I could have said it! Ugh!"
Sukuna gives you an evil laugh knowing just how much you love to say his name during sex. "Thought it be fun if I were nameless." He gives you a quick peck going back to your cuts.
You roll your eyes with a huff, "So mean to me~Also! For the record that fall downstairs was not planned!"
"I know I was waiting for you to say the safeword so I went a bit slower."
"I know~ Thank you~." You throw your arms around his neck as he slots between your legs. "I love you so much~"
"I love you too... happy anniversary."
He circles his arms around you as he leans in to kiss you deeply. 
There was a loud bang separating the two of you.
Soon Shoko ran in holding a shotgun toward the two of you, "GET AWAY FROM HER YOU SICK-"
"Domain expansion safe space."
"Oh." Shoko stands up straight laying her gun on her shoulder. 
The three of you chuckle as Shoko looks around the house, "Damn Sukuna you fucked this place up."
"He busted through the window!" 
Sukuna nods his head, "I always wanted to do that- but I'll fix everything-"
Getou came running in on the other side of the kitchen, "GET AWAY FROM HER-"
"Domain expansion safe space!"
"Oh- you couldn't have texted us before we got here?"
"We like just finished!" Sukuna took off his shirt so you could pull it over your nude body.
Getou sighs dejectedly, "Man I really wanted to shoot you this time."
Sukuna rolls his eyes, "Maybe next time."
The couple wished you guys a happy anniversary one last time before they said their goodbyes, and departed.
Crawling into bed together, you snuggled up next to Sukuna with a satisfied hum, "Just for the record I did know that the beast was the killer in the movie." You pop your lips making your husband chuckle. 
"Sure you did~"
"You know that's my favorite movie-"
"HELLO~ what's the safeword again?! my arms are killing me and I have to piss!"
Both of you pause as you hear a voice from outside.
"Did we leave Gojo tied up?"
"Eh~ Let's leave him out there till the morning."
You heard a sound click as the sprinklers turned on followed by a pitiful scream.
You sigh as you pick up your phone, "I'll call Shoko."
*Commissions - https://ko-fi.com/sadistickiss/commissions *
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mandzipop · 3 months
Chapters: 48/48 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Jon Snow/Sansa Stark Characters: Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Ned Stark, Catelyn Tully Stark, Bran Stark, Robb Stark, Rickon Stark, Tyrion Lannister,  Petyr Baelish, Varys (A Song of Ice and Fire),  Benjen Stark, Barristan Selmy Additional Tags: jonsa, Angst, Eventual Smut, Love, R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents, Past Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, Oral Sex, Cunnilingus, Blow Jobs, Vaginal Sex, Smut, Romance Series: Part 1 of Daggers to the Heart Summary:
The army of the dead have arrived at Winterfell. The Three-Eyed-Raven gives the Stark sisters and Jon a special dragonglass dagger. To stop them joining the Night King's army, they must use the dagger if they are about to die. What he didn't tell them, was that it would take them all back to their youngers selves. Can they change the inevitable?
Warning, the background is show canon. Yes Jon is in love with Dany at the beginning, however this is a Jonsa story, so please be paitient.
This is part 1 of a series, written in the order of the books (hence the naming part).
Daggers to the Heart Pt 1, A Game of Thrones Daggers to the Heart Pt 2, Clash of Kings (expected to be released 27/01/2024)
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gingerlegacy07 · 5 months
Yule Ball outfits
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These are the Yule ball outfits for Sebastian and Theia in my explicit smutty oneshot I wrote as a birthday gift for my friend <3
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daisyunchained · 3 years
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Interesting read. Love Caryl so much!
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ladyrhi · 4 years
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(Another!) Title Reveal Coming Soon...
As Stars Through Our Souls by LadyRhi
Chapter XII: ???
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sadistic-kiss · 10 days
House of Alpha Chapter 26: The Mark of Uncertainty
Jujutsu Kaisen Omegaverse
Omega!Reader x Alpha!Sukuna x Alpha!Toji x Alpha!Nanami x Alpha!Suguru x Alpha!Satoru
Summary : Waking up in a world that was not your own was problematic enough. Being the villainess was another. However, the possessive alphas might take the cake.
"Toji~" You said his name with a needy tone. Your words contradicted the sweet noises you were making. "You-can't-"
"I can-" He spoke while licking and kissing whatever he could get his lips on. Your lips, your neck your chest, he was greedy. His throat scratched with a growl. "...You're my princess, and I won't let anything stop me from touching you."
He rocked into your sore ass with his hard cock, making you hiss and groan. His nails scratched your chest as he dragged your dress over your breast. His other hand grabbed your face so he could have your lips once again. This time his tongue met your own. You moan deeply rocking back into him as he dry humped you.
He palmed your breast, pinching your nipple until it was perky. You gasp, snatching your face away from him, you pushed on his chest with your closed fist. "Toji- What if it's something ah- bad-ah~." You release a whine, his tongue dancing upon your neck. When his teeth scratched against your skin you clenched your thighs tightly, your slick making them damp.
"Fuck you smell good..." He groaned reaching down to snake his fingers in between your thighs. He completely ignored what you said! He cupped your sex, really driving his hard-on into you.
"Toji- oh fuck-" Your face dropped into your pillow, and you released a loud groan, his thick fingers pressing against your clothed cunt. You squeezed your legs tight, grabbing him with your non-curse hand, trying to stop him from going any further. "Toji-don't-it could be deadly!"
The man released a growl and flipped you upon your back. He was upon your breast, pressing them together so he could pluck at the both of them with his mouth. You gasp, unable to catch your breath amid pleasure.
He popped on your nipples, speaking between each smack, "I-Pop-Don't- Pop- Care." The way he glared at you as he stuck his tongue out and circled it around your nipple made you feel like you had done him wrong in some way. He looked at you with a defiant glint in his eyes. Something about it made you whine delightfully.
It reminded you of all your other stupid alphas who didn't care if they got hurt to just touch you.
Fiendish animals!
It was both sexy and downright reckless- a double-edged sword that you had no control over.
"W-What if you die?" You whispered.
He chuckled hotly, his breath fanning upon your stomach as he traveled lower. "Then I die."
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igpitn · 5 years
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Alone Together; If Vanya has to die in this empty wasteland, at least she’s going to die with Five.
Vanya knows, without a shadow of a doubt, if she had come here without Five, she’d be dead within the week. On the contrary, if Five had come without her, he would have made it work. Five is a soldier. He knows how to survive. He has the will to live.
She is just ordinary.
It is stupid to let insecurities come bubbling up at a time like this, when there is no Dad to whittle her down, no siblings to compare herself to. They are dead, dead and gone, and those feelings should die along with them. But they persist, pricking at the back of her mind until her shoulders slump with it.
“I’m sorry,” she says while they’re looking through the department store for better clothes. Five finds them more appropriate shoes for trekking long distances and thick jackets to protect them from the filthy haze they walk through. He looks up at her with furrowed brows and the back of Vanya’s throat feels stings with unshed tears. “If - If I wasn’t here, you would - “
“If you weren’t here,” Five cuts in sharply, eyes smoldering. “I would go insane. Do you really think I would prefer to be here alone?”
They’re both quiet for a moment. Five shoves the jacket he’s found for her into her arms. Vanya takes it, blinking wetly. “Believe me Vanya,” Five says, much more gently than before. “I wouldn’t dare lie about this. I’m glad you’re here.”
She buries her face in the jacket to hide her tears.
♫ track list: alone together ( i don't know where i'm going, but i don't think i'm coming home) wasteland baby (all the fear and the fire, of the end of the world. happens each time a boy falls in love with a girl) apocalypse (sharing all your secrets with each other since you were kids)
#important tags: #canondivergence #apocalypse #angst #fallinginlove #explicitsexualcontent
for day 1 of fiveya week! @fivevanya 
read on ao3
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sadistic-kiss · 3 months
House of Alphas Summary: Waking up in a world that was not your own was problematic enough. Being the villainess was another. However, the possessive alphas might take the cake.
Angsty but I ain’t Gege~
Warning: Smut with plot
*A quick taste of chapter 13* 👩‍🍳
“Answer the question…” Nanami clasped his hands on the table, “Did you lie? To your alphas?”
You lied about quite a lot but you guess this lie took the cake. You pressed your lips together as you nodded your head.
“Words.” Toji barked from across the table.
“Yes! I’m sorry… I lied…I…” won’t do it again? Please, there was so much you couldn’t tell them. Like how you were from another fucking world. So instead of making false promises, you just apologized again. “I’m so so sorry…”
Nanami took a deep breath, leaning against his hand as he took in your pitiful expression. His eyes then cut to Toji as if discussing something in secret. They did that a lot. Had secret conversations with their eyes. You hated that you didn’t understand what was being communicated.
Toji shifted forward resting his arms on the table. “Lying to your alphas is very naughty. Do you know what happens to naughty omegas?”
~Oops, our alphas are displeased with our lie 🫣~
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sadistic-kiss · 4 days
House of Alpha Chapter 28: Dirty Decret
~Omega!Reader x Alpha!Sukuna xAlpha!Toji x Alpha!Nanami x Alpha!Gojo x Alpha!Getou
“S-Satoru-ah~.” You fought back a moan gripping your covers. Laid out on your stomach, Gojo pushed his fingers in and out of your pussy while his tongue collected whatever essence of you he could get.
“Yes, my dear?” He spoke in between licking you like an ice cream cone.
“Y-you already made me cum- we gotta get ready to go!”
Gojo pulled back with messy lips, “Well why the hell do you have to taste so sweet?” He reached for the first plug, a clear toy that had five round notches on it from small to big, at the end there was a circular bling.
“Why do you make it sound like it’s my fAh~.” Your words drowned out into a moan as he pushed the toy into your ass. The first notches slipped in with ease while the last two had you tensing. “Gah-gojo!”
“Breathe sweetheart.” He cooed as he slid his other hand to your clit. With his slicked fingers he rubbed you in small circles. Making you lift your hips so he could tease you more.
He chuckled as he pushed the rest of the notches in, “There ya go…”
It sat snug inside of you, but that wasn’t the last of it. You could barely get used to the feeling before the next plug was pushed inside your pussy. The second one pushed on the other toy causing you to shiver in pleasure, twisting your hips as you rubbed yourself on Gojo's hand.
The alpha moaned with you when you came as if your pleasure was his pleasure, and maybe it was. With the extra slick, you were able to take the rest, and once it sat inside you, a sigh left your lips. It felt weird to have two things inside you at the same time. Every little flinch had them pressing into your sensitive spots. If you didn't get it together you were going to be cumming with every step! You did your best to not clench around the toys, but it was so hard not to. How the hell did anyone get things done like this?!
Gojo rubbed your back, making you turn to look at him. A huge grin on his face, “How do you feel?”
“Full.” You grumbled making him laugh.
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sadistic-kiss · 25 days
House of Alpha Chapter 24: Sour
Omegaverse: Omega!Reader x Alpha!Sukuna x Alpha!Toji x Alpha!Nanami x Alpha!Suguru x Alpha!Saroru
"Sweet dreams Nanami." You whispered as you left the room. Closing the door softly you make your way to the stairs. Wondering if you can catch Getou leaving his meeting. You sniffed for his scent, hiking your dress up as you powered walked down the hall. You were going to give him a piece of your-
“Good evening Master Ryoumen and Fushiguro~.” The servants called.
Your eyes widen as you freeze. No no no no no. You pedaled backward quickly.
“Sir, We have recently-”
“Not now I'm busy!” You heard Sukuna running up the stairs as the servants called to him but it was clear he had one thing in mind. You weren't trying to be conceded but you were 99.99% sure it was...
And, you weren't ready! You used all your energy for Nanami and you weren't properly stretched in your ass! If Sukuna gets to you, you were going to be so fucked! Twisting around you started running down the hall. You had to get to your room before he saw you!
“AYE!” You heard Sukuna shout down the hall. You took a frightened glance back seeing Sukuna crouch down with a menacing growl, “YOU THINK YOU CAN RUN FROM ME?”
That was all you needed to start screaming while putting the pedal to metal. “I'M NOT READY!”
You cut the corner so fast you nearly slid into the wall. “SHADOWSTEP!” you dashed forward in a shadow of mist clearing the rest of the hall. You nearly jumped down the flight of steps tumbling forward as you ran. “Scuse me!” you dodged some of the servants as you ran.
“Prime omega are you alright?!”
“Go stop Sukuna for me!” you yelled over your shoulder but you knew It didn't matter how many twists and turns you take he will always know where you are with that damn orb following you!
You ran past Getou not even realizing he was there, but within a split second you pivoted and grabbed his shoulders, “Suguru!”
“Darling? What's the rush?” he grinned at you.
“You! You were supposed to teach me how to see the orb!”
Getou clicked his tongue, “Ah yes~” He looked up as if in thought, “To see…. The orb~.”
“I'm sorry I'm sorry~ my memory is quite fuzzy. Let me check my spell book.”
The two of you looked out the window where Sukuna flew into the bushes- the maniac JUMPED OUT THE WINDOW?!
You gasped in surprise and horror as Sukuna stood up shaking his head from leaves “OMEGA!”
“Oh dear~ it looks like you have bigger problems~.” The alpha chuckles mischievously.
“Eek!” you started running for your room again.
“I thought you wanted to know the spell~!” Getou called playfully.
“FUCK YOU!” You yelled back.
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@karleequinn : Either you been in my resteraunt too long and just knew what the chef was cooking or you hacked into my computer because you guest this while it was in my draft 😂😂😂🖤🖤🖤🖤
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sadistic-kiss · 7 days
House of Alphas
Jujutsu Kaisen Omegaverse
Summary: Waking up in a world that was not your own was problematic enough. Being the villainess was another. However, the possessive alphas might take the cake.
Omega!Reader x Alpha!Sukuna x Alpha!Toji x Alpha!Satoru x Alpha!Nanami x Alpha!Suguru
~Sneak Peak Chapter 27: Witch~
You pout as Sukuna walks away from the conference room and then places you upright on your feet.
“Go get ready to leave, we have a long journey ahead of us.”
“Please,” you pleaded putting your hand upon his chest. “…use some herbs to heal Toji’s wounds…”
“He doesn’t want that, let him handle this his way.”
You release a huff, glaring at him, “Did you have to hit him so hard? I bet you liked it.”
Sukuna growled as he stepped forward, you quickly took a step back but he snatched you and threw you against the wall.
You looked up at him with a defiant expression.
“You aren’t going to put this shit on me omega. If you’d stretch your pussy in the first place, we wouldn’t be in this situation. Now would we.”
Ouch- that hurt. You blinked a few times trying to stop your eyes from stinging, “I know…s-so I should be the one that gets punished…not Toji.”
Sukuna chuckled looking you up and down as he got closer to your face, “You sure do love to protect him. Is daddy your favorite alpha?”
You rolled your eyes in exaggeration, “I-“
Sukuna grabbed you around your neck giving you a light squeeze, “Roll your eyes again and see what happens.”
You stared at him, a moment of silence as you thought about the warning in his tone.
“What will happen?” You question playing with fire.
Do it-
Don’t do it-
Do it!
Sukuna grinned, “You wanna find out?”
Your heart was racing, and a part of you might just want to. A bratty voice saying ‘yes I do’.
The stare-down was broken as Gojo slammed the wall right next to you with a pout. “She owes me buddy and Nanami said I had to wait since we have to get ready to leave so if I can’t get my dick wet you can’t either!”
👩‍🍳 Read More 👩‍🍳
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sadistic-kiss · 4 months
House of Alphas Chapter 9 is now posted on my Patreon! Get it now or wait for the release on Sunday February 18 🖤
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sadistic-kiss · 23 hours
House of Alphas Chapter 29: River of Sharks
Omega!Reader x Alpha!Sukuna x Alpha!Toji x Alpha!Getou x Alpha!Gojo
"He's just taking you to the bathroom, I mean it's not like you have one alpha. Here, let me take you." Sukuna reached for you with an open palm. You glanced at it then Gojo.
Sukuna clicked his tongue, "Unless... there's something else that you want only Gojo to care of."
"Yes,” Getou teased, “What are you doing with our precious darling all alone in the woods naughty boy?"
Gojo looked at them as if they had gone crazy, "Huuuh~ I don't know what you are talking about!”
Way to sound convincing Gojo!
Toji popped out of the water causing droplets to rain down on you all. He held a small wiggling fish in his teeth. It had beautiful red scales. Pulling it out by its tail he smirked, "Look what I got."
"A ruby fish ooo~." Gojo cooed.
"Good fuckin catch." Sukuna looked quite impressed.
The ruby fish was the hardest to catch but it sold for a nice profit. This behemoth of a man caught that shit with his fangs.
"Wonderful catch da- alpha." You beamed at him.
His gaze shifted to you as he gave you a soft expression, "Thanks, baby girl...uh..." He put a hand to his nose, "W-wow your scent..."
AH FUCK- Toji had the best senses of the game due to his lack of curse energy. He couldn't use magic but he didn't fuckin need it. He was already a god amongst men.
"What does she smell like?" Getou questioned getting closer.
"Like she wants a cock."
"Sukuna! That- is n-not it at all-r-right Gojo?" You looked toward the alpha that was supposed to get you out of the water!
"Uh~ Yeah totes. You guys are just smelling me, you know how I am, always ready to go.”
"You want a cock?"
"Only if it's Raven's."
"Stick your face in her neck smartass." Sukuna taunted. "Go ahead, why don't you tell us how it smells.”
“I don't-”
"With pleasure~!" Gojo stuck his face into your neck and took a deep breath as you mewled softly. "S-see?" He raised his head but then went back in for more, nuzzling your neck. "She doesn't- hmmm." He licked you once and then again and again…
(Reader does not have a penis gojo was just being a smart ass lol)
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mandzipop · 4 months
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