#rex ct 7567
zoeykallus · 2 years
Rex – In Love And War 12 - Moving On
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The journey in the Marauder is a little tense. Away from Rex and Hunter facing off tense, Tech has some other troubling news to share.
What Happened Before:
In Love And War
Part 2 -Noises In The Dark
Part 3 - Sinful Dreams
Part 4 - Mesh'la
Part 5 - Old Friends
Part 6 - Unspoken Things
Part 7 - Lies And Other Things About Love
Part 8 - Guilt And Forgiveness
Part 9 – Love At First Sight
Part 10 – Mine At Last
Part 11 - Unpleasant Surprises
Part 12 - Moving On
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Rex was anything but happy about traveling in the Marauder. At least not under the given circumstances. His brow furrowed critically, he looked again and again at Hunter, who again and again looked critically at you.
The tension was palpable and the silence in the room much too loud. For a while, you concentrated on the low hum of the hyperdrive, blanking out your surroundings. Until Wrecker's loud snoring interrupted the silence.
You thought about what Hunter had said, you were still surprised that he thought you had broken his heart. Things between you had drifted, at one point you had hardly seen each other because of your work, you hadn't been close for months. Hunter hadn't contacted you and hadn't responded to your last two messages, so you felt he had no right to blame you. Finally, Order 66 came, and you hadn't thought about him for a while.
You were with Rex now, you were in love with him, and you weren't going to let him take that away from you. And you weren't willing to let Hunter make you feel guilty.
Echo, sitting across from you, smiled tentatively at you as you looked up. You returned the smile softly and asked, "How are you, Echo?"
"Pretty good. We're still alive, we've got jobs, and I've still got my squad. Order 66 was a shock, but I feel like I got off relatively unscathed."
You nodded with a sigh.
"You were on the cruiser with the 501st, you were transporting Maul, weren't you?" he asked.
You didn't remember it with any pleasure, but you couldn't blame him for being curious.
"That's right"
"Did any others make it?" he wanted to know.
Rex stirred beside you and said, "Not to our knowledge. Other than Y/N, myself, and Maul, no one has escaped the cruiser alive"
Echo raised his eyebrows and asked, "Maul is still alive?"
You nodded and avoided his gaze, you weren't going to tell him you released him because you and Rex needed a distraction to escape from the cruiser.
"He let you live?"
Rex said, "Our brothers tried to kill us, we were all in the same boat."
Echo blinked, then finally said, "I see."
"Where are we even going?" you wanted to know.
Hunter answered you, "Ord Mantell, for now. From there you can move on to wherever you want. The main thing is to get away from Batuu. The Empire has gotten wind that many refugees are retreating or stopping over there. They want to build up an outpost there to put a stop to it".
"You know all this from the radio transmissions Tech intercepted?" asked Rex.
Hunter nodded.
"A happy coincidence."
Tech, who had just come out of the cockpit, cleared his throat and said with his finger raised, "It was no coincidence. I was specifically looking for radio transmissions from the Empire."
Hunter rolled his eyes, finally nodded and said with a small smile, "Okay, it wasn't a coincidence. Tech has been purposefully intercepting these radio transmissions for a while now, without my knowledge."
You looked at Tech and asked, "Picked up any more interesting info?"
Tech nodded and sat down next to Echo, across from you in his bunk.
"One or two things," he said, pleased to share his knowledge, "Some of it I have yet to decipher, but some I already know. For example, that a new prototype T-Fighter is being worked on, the station to be built on Batuu and the planning of a station on the moon Endor. There are also new troopers to be trained, special commandos, they call them Inquisitors, Force-sensitive individuals who are supposed to track down surviving Jedi, among other things."
This was incredibly sinister news that Tech was revealing.
"That doesn't sound good at all," you said worriedly, "Force users working for the Empire are a straight-up nightmare"
Rex beside you gently grasped your hand.
"We'll deal with that, we won't let it get us down that easily".
Crosshair growled, "That's easy to say, but now imagine someone with Skywalker's abilities on the Empire's side"
Rex gulped.
"I'd rather not"
Echo played around with his scomp link, nervous and lost in thought, his gaze crossed Rex's, and he finally said, "The Jedi were a strange bunch sometimes, but I kind of miss them"
Rex sighed softly and nodded, "Me too brother, I miss our Commander"
"Ahsoka?" asked Echo.
"Yes. As far as I know, she's still alive, probably. But I'm not sure. She wasn't with the other Jedi when Order 66 went down. Ahsoka was with the Mandalorians, with Bo Katan to be exact," Rex explained.
Echo said, "That's good, so the chances of her being alive aren't bad at all."
You nodded and smiled encouragingly at Rex, "Ahsoka isn't so easy to get down. She's gone toe-to-toe with Maul, after all, and he's killed seasoned Jedi Masters. Skywalker trained her very well, if anyone can survive, it's her."
Rex smiled and nodded as well, he knew Ahsoka was capable and strong.
Tech stood up and walked back to the cockpit, saying as he walked, "We'll be exiting hyperspace in orbit around Ord Mantell any moment now"
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"So this is where you live now?" you asked Hunter.
He looked at you, shook his head and said, "No not really. We live in the Marauder, this is just a stopover"
"And your employer," Cid murmured.
Hunter rolled his eyes but finally said, "Let me introduce you. This is Cid, Cid this is an old...friend"
" Friend, huh? Interesting to see someone in your midst who isn't a clone."
You raise your eyebrows and ask, "Old?"
Hunter shrugs and smirks.
"You're older than me."
Cid grumbles, "Everyone is older than you, clone."
He rolls his eyes and is about to introduce Rex when Cid says, "Never mind, I don't need to know names. Here is the payment for your last mission, the customer was satisfied"
Hunter accepts the small case.
"What kind of work are you doing here?" you want to know.
"Various things," Hunter says evasively.
Echo says bluntly, "You could call it mercenary work."
Hunter adds, "We do what we can and must to survive."
You raise your hands placatingly, "No blame from me, I was just curious"
Tech joined in and said, "I found a shuttle you could use to leave Ord Mantell shortly and move on"
Rex said, " Probably for the best. The more of us in a bunch the more likely we are to stand out and maybe attract unwanted attention"
Hunter and Tech escorted you to the shuttle, Hunter handed Rex and you some contact information and said, "Just in case you guys ever get into trouble"
"Thanks," you and Rex said almost simultaneously.
Hunter sighed and said, "I'm sorry for the way I acted. I had no right."
"It's forgotten," you said with a grin.
Tech stayed quietly in the background and nodded goodbye to you.
Hunter called after you, "Rex! Watch out for her, she has a knack for getting into trouble."
Rex smiled and replied, "I will."
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@tech-deck @rexandechosandwich
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duck-that-draws · 11 months
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They're so sibling coded, Rex is definitely that one mom friend to have snacks on him
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ewokmurderbear · 2 months
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rex we love him
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iszapizza · 7 months
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clone wars but its a dating sim...
original trilogy dating sim!
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headcanonthings · 16 days
Sith!Obi-Wan, holding a detonator: I’ll give you thirty minutes to say your goodbyes before I blow you to smithereens Cody: Can I get a different kind of blow? Fox: *turns and stares at him* Cody: … I said that out loud- Fox: YOU SAID THAT OUT LOUD Rex, to Sith!Obi-Wan: You can skip the countdown, just kill us
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mandojedi7567 · 4 months
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Sooo… this is why I went quiet again for a little while. An ungodly amount of hours went into this, but worth every minute of it! My Captain Rex tribute piece! Will post time lapse also! 😊
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pacificwaternymph · 5 months
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Bad Batch enjoyers right now.
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sokadraws · 7 months
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works that worth posting again (since im not shadow banned now (finally!!) I'll probably post some pics again jst to be sure)
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idontgetanysleep · 11 months
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First round of CT/CC wallpapers
rex, cody, wolffe, howzer, gregor
i have a few more of this series in process, but PLEASE message me if i haven’t done a clone you would like :)
like and reblog to save a graphic designers life! <3
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mooonjin · 1 year
rexs face when fives was ranting in a desperate tone about the chips
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nukebag · 6 months
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hira492 · 2 months
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Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum
I’m still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal
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hootydoot · 1 month
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iszapizza · 11 months
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so i finished clone wars and in my sadness I made this
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headcanonthings · 15 days
Cody:Listen up! Before you head out on leave, the General and I have a safety brief.
Obi-Wan, looking at Anakin: Do not add to the population.
Cody, looking at Ahsoka and Rex: Do not subtract from the population
Obi-Wan, to the rest of the troops: Stay out of the hospitals, the newspapers, and jail.
Cody: If you do end up in jail,
Obi-Wan and Cody with vicious smiles: establish dominance quickly.
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bon-sides-sw · 3 months
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Younger Days before Uni
You need to read @babygirlbridger 's Jangobi fic (E) too to see how Obi got into that situation :3
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