#rena cinematic universe
atomic-rena · 1 month
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Saw someone else be brave and post an oc comic so I'm gonna post mine too. If you want context send an ask or something I'm so tired. Sorry it's not all cropped and nice looking U_U
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tack-tick · 1 year
@atomic-rena reblog this you have many followers
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a-non-ymouswriter · 2 years
Hello Halo Friend! It's been a while since I've seen ya', but I hope you've been well. Best Friend's been in the muck for a while, but she's gotten out of it recently, and we're gonna do training and planning and stuff!
Anywho, if ya' wanna chat or somthing in person, I bet contacting Best Friend or Mischief Friend would work!
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slut-for-literature · 3 years
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Lord from the rena cinematic universe (chat) tiny ram Shea has different ways of showing affection… Licking and nomming various friends and, for those who’s hair got chomped, hacking up hairballs violently.
@amphibiouscretin was the latest victim
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"I'm not one of you. But as long as you're here, you're safe."
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fuforthought · 5 years
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Heidi and Renae Moneymaker, both stunt doubles for a number of MCU actresses, showing off their Captain Marvel boxing gloves.
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IOTA Reviews: Rocketear
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The Rocketeer is a 1991 Disney movie set in 1930's America where a test pilot gets a jetpack and uses it to fight Nazis and— Wait, what? “Rocketear”? Oh, damn it!
Let's get into the eleventh (chronologically the seventeenth) episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fourth season: Rocketear.
We start off with Carapace and Cat Noir struggling to hold back some T-Rexes brought back to life by a scientist Jurassic Park style. Seriously, they reference the movie in the same scene.
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Why wasn't this the plot of the episode again?
After managing to tame the dinosaurs with a whistle of all things, Ladybug notices something's wrong with Nino after he gives the Turtle Miraculous back to her. Apparently, he's wondering why Rena Rouge (who he knows is Alya) wasn't recruited with him today. Ladybug tells him that he was the only help she needed today. In reality, it's because Alya has adjusted to her new role of supporting Ladybug behind the scenes in her new form, Rena Furtive.
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And I'm not a fan of the new form. I get the camo, but it doesn't really help her blend in when her suit is bright blue. I think it's based off the arctic fox, but that animal is able to camouflage itself because it's fur matches the snowy environment. I'm sure a bright blue jumpsuit won't stand out when she tries to blend in at all. Also, the fact that Alya can just change her hero form gives even less excuses as to why Ladybug's new form is only when she uses her Lucky Charm.
Alya is struggling to keep this a secret from Nino because they don't have a lot of secrets in their relationship. Marinette says she can kind of get it because she had to keep her identity a secret from her friend and has to keep keeping her identity a secret from everyone else. Basically, she's telling Alya to suck it up because this is what being a superhero is.
So the next time she sees Nino, Alya tells him she's no longer Rena Rouge, but not about Rena Furtive, which troubles her. The very next scene shows Alya showing Marinette pictures she took of her new costume and asking her which version looks better.
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You could always try reviewing Akuma fights. I heard there's one blog that does it when they're not criticizing the famous director Thomas Astruc on social media.
Yeah, in case you can't tell, Alya was only able to rent her brain for a few episodes because she really doesn't seem as understanding about being a superhero as she was in earlier episodes. In episodes like “Optigami” and “Sentibubbler”, we saw Alya use more strategy and show discretion as Rena Rouge, seemingly taking her job more seriously, but then this episode just had to go and piss it all away. I also love how the first time the animators made Alya's skin the same when she's transformed is in a single frame for a joke.
Alya thankfully deletes the picture, but Nino overhears her talking about struggling to find more content for the Ladyblog, and decides to go to the movies with her to help take her mind off things. Nino, in turn, proceeds to give the same reaction to the in-universe Ladybug movie that Astruc gives to the PV.
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Apparently, that movie's already getting a sequel and it has a teaser. So was the sequel animated at the same time as the original like Back to the Future Part II and Back to the Future Part III?
Nino gets pissed the next movie in the Ladybug Cinematic Universe will feature Rena Rouge and not Carapace... even though Rena Rouge debuted first. The teaser then shows Rena Rouge falling for Cat Noir (yet another creative liberty taken by the writers or something Astruc's self-insert threw in himself), and takes it like it's the real thing. Dude, the first movie said Ladybug was afraid of cats, and the director yelled at the person it was based on for judging it. He clearly has a hard time distinguishing fiction from reality.
Alya leaves Nino early so she can go on patrol, but Nino sees Cat Noir heading out as well. He then watches a video on the Ladyblog where Alya praises Cat Noir which is totally not Astruc projecting or anything.
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I don't know what your definition of a prince is, Alya, and I honestly don't want to know.
So Nino takes this as evidence that Alya is in love with Cat Noir and decides to tell Adrien, who naturally laughs him off. And just before you think we have an episode where Adrien plays the straight man, Adrien decides to visit Alya because he's afraid he accidentally charmed Alya.
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Yes, because Cat Noir is so charming, girls are just fighting over him, aren't they?
We then cut to a black and white film noir monologue by Nino (dressed like a detective with a fake mustache), who decides to spy on Alya. When Cat Noir asks Alya if she is attracted to him, she naturally laughs him off, though Cat Noir is thankfully a good sport about it, even giving her a hug to apologize. Unfortunately, Nino took this the wrong way.
The next day at school, Nino takes Adrien into his “office” (it's really an excuse to reuse the boiler room setpiece), and shows him the picture of the hug. Adrien says that Alya would never fall for Cat Noir because she's always dedicated to finding out the truth and telling her boyfriend everything. What's Nino's retort?
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Okay, several problems with this bit. First of all, why would Nino even tell Adrien any of this? What would it accomplish? Why not say all this to Alya while confronting her about her alleged unfaithfulness? Second, Ladybug didn't give Nino and Alya their Miraculous at the same time until it was an absolute emergency. She outright said in “Hero's Day” that she didn't have time to recruit Nino and Alya separately.
Ladybug: I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. I know I'm revealing your secret identities but I don't have time to find a good excuse to give them to you separately. Rena Rouge and Carapace, I need you both!
Nino and Alya kept their identities secret from each other until then, with Alya even keeping the fact she knew who Carapace was a secret as well. Nino didn't find out because “they don't hide anything from each other” (which I plan to talk about later).
Other than that, I actually liked Adrien in this scene. It was really investing to see him try to justify the whole secret identities rule while Nino blatantly said there was an exception. This is the kind of stuff I wanted to see when it came to Adrien doubting Ladybug, not him destroying things in his anger.
While Nino rants about how Cat Noir “stole” Alya from him, Shadowmoth sends an Akuma his way, turning him into Rocketear.
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And the design he has is just boring. It's just a blue jumpsuit with some black spots that look like teardrops, a teardrop-shaped head and a visor. I think the reason this season's been relying more on past Akumas and using more Sentimonsters is because DQ is terrible at character designs. I mean, compare this suit with Aigraon from Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger (his Power Rangers counterpart is Wrench from Dino Charge).
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The design does so much more with the teardrop motif, giving him a perpetually miserable face with tear lines going all over his body. Add that to a more diverse color scheme, and you have a much more visually stunning design. And this was created in real life, not rendered on a computer. I'm not sure if this is a budget thing or a laziness thing, but if it's the former, you really need to do better, animators.
The powers are meh, giving Nino the ability to fling explosive tears at enemies. It's a clever idea, and it makes sense he gets a power that parallels Cat Noir's, but I think maybe it would have been more interesting if he couldn't control the tears at all. Like, imagine if he was constantly crying like Blue Diamond, and with every tear he shed, Rocketeer could send it at whoever he felt was causing him misery, mainly Cat Noir, all while serving as a metaphor for people who blame others for their own personal issues. Better yet, make him look like the detective outfit Nino wore for the second act. It would have made him more unpredictable instead of making his tears generic projectile weapons.
Marinette and Alya see the fight and transform into Ladybug and Rena Furtive respectively, the former summoning her Lucky Charm, a projector. Is it just me, or has this been happening with Ladybug a lot recently?
Back to Rocketear, we get a good moment where Cat Noir intentionally lets the Akuma hit him so he can get a chance to resolve things diplomatically. See, this is a moment where Cat Noir's self-sacrificing nature feels heroic and not selfish like when he does it without Ladybug's permission to spite her. Unfortunately, it doesn't really go anywhere as Ladybug shows up and plays the recording Nino took (Alya found his phone earlier), while Rena Furtive uses her Mirage to give the audio to what actually happened that night.
Rena transforms back into Alya and embraces Rocketear, who apologizes to her for his behavior. And then he just... rejects Shadowmoth's power while looking like it wasn't that much effort.
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At least when Chloe and Alya did it, we saw them struggling for a little longer. I guess maybe it's because Nino is motivated by his love for Alya, but I think it should have been fleshed out more. So Ladybug purifies the Akuma, gives Nino a Magical Charm, and Cat Noir is still unsure about his feelings for Ladybug at the moment, though they still pound it.
Back in his room, Adrien ponders why Alya and Nino get to know their identities while he and Ladybug can't, but Plagg points out it's because she's the Guardian. It's brief, but I do like seeing Adrien start to doubt Ladybug's judgment, and it looks like it'll foreshadow future episodes. This is a problem I've had since “Hero's Day”, and I'm glad the writers are finally acknowledging this double standard. I just hope they don't end up blaming Marinette for whatever happens later on.
Marinette, of course, apologizes for what happened between Alya and Nino, and I have to say... yeah, no. It's obviously Nino's fault here.
Nino really pushed personal boundaries in this episode, much like Marinette's friends in “Gang of Secrets”. Yes, honesty is a valuable trait, but sometimes, people have secrets they want to keep to themselves. Nino's idea of “not hiding anything from each other” is somewhat controlling, like he's demanding Alya tell him everything whether she wants to or not. The fact that he immediately assumed Alya was cheating on him without giving her freedom to make her own choices doesn't make him look good. Let's be honest, a more realistic outcome would be Alya choosing to break things off with Nino or at least lecture him about how she can do what she wants and keep the secrets she wants. But instead...
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And that's how the episode ends.
Okay, Marinette just said she trusted Alya to make the right decision, but I highly doubt she meant this. Marinette strictly said Alya had to keep Rena Furtive a secret, and now she's telling Nino this despite the risk? The whole reason Marinette and Luka broke up was because Marinette had to keep her secrets from Luka, but now it's okay for Alya to be completely honest? How is this not a double standard?
This episode was just dull, and there’s not even much I can really say about it.. There were a handful of standout moments, and the stuff with Adrien was somewhat compelling, but Nino's behavior was just insufferable and dragged the episode down. The Akuma fight was weak, only lasting about four minutes at most, and while the Lucky Charm was more creative this time, the plot was just frustrating. It's really one of the weaker episodes this season.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to watch the better Rocketeer.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 2 years
Miraculous Endgame
Miraculous Endgame by SunYiJie
Right after the Snap, Ladybug and co are reeling from the loss of Rena and Chat. What else can they do but help the remaining Avengers try to fix what's broken - 5 years earlier?
Inspired by Kryal's What the Cat Dragged In.
Infinity War/Miraculous Ladybug crossover
Words: 1622, Chapters: 1/8, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Max Kanté, Lê Chiến Kim, Nino Lahiffe, Luka Couffaine, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Tony Stark
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Max Kanté/Lê Chiến Kim, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Luka Couffaine & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Juleka Couffaine & Luka Couffaine, Natasha Romanov | Black Widow & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Endgame AU, Lila Rossi Is Hawk Moth, but its not really a big deal rn, Temporary Character Death, Character Death, POV Multiple, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Natasha and Marinette already know each other, Secrets Revealed, Secret Identity, First Meetings, Fix-It, Fix-It of Sorts
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36410887
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Miraculous, intertextuality and why referencing other works all the time isn’t necessarily a great idea
TL;DR: Miraculous loves itself some pop culture references, they’re in the show all the time for you to enjoy, especially if you’re a big nerd.
Only, making a list of references and trying to replicate what other works did before yours doesn’t make your show good by association, and when it comes to Miraculous, these references seldom do these original works justice. Instead, it makes comparing these other works with Miraculous really easy, and the comparison is rarely flattering.
Miraculous would be a much better show if it tried to be its own thing, a few scenes are just that and they are great. It’d be a wonderful show were they not so few and far between.
Miraculous is made by nerds, as is the case with most cartoons. The show itself lets you know that right away. It’s a pastiche of magical girl anime and Silver Age comics, it uses a lot of their visual languages, and references its other inspirations a lot, for instance:
The name of its fictional locations, (Françoise Dupont is a regular kid with a masked detective alter ego named Fantomette, Marinette’s address is a reference to a French illustrator who often drew a talking ladybird)
The way its characters look (Master Fu is both Mr Miyagi from the Karate Kid and Muten Roshi from Dragon Ball, when akumatised, Mme Couffaine becomes basically Captain Harlock and her houseboat becomes the Arcadia) 
Sometimes entire scenes are references to other works (Aurore’s akumatisation is straight out of Utena’s Dark Rose Saga, “Gorizilla” has a King Kong pastiche). 
You could fill an entire Wiki with all the references in Miraculous if you wanted to. If you paid me well, I’d do it myself.
Wearing your inspirations on your sleeves is a double-edged sword, really.
On the one hand, you showcase the things that inspired your creative process, a way to say, “hey, that show/film/book exists within a landscape, it’s the heir to such and such work”. You acknowledge that you owe a lot to your predecessors, you acknowledge that there’s no such thing as a 100% original thing. That’s a great act of humility. 
And intertextuality conveys meaning, too! Let’s take a very mainstream example. When you notice that ha! The pod-racing scene in Phantom Menace comes from the 1959 movie Ben-Hur for instance, you get the sense that you understand the cinematic masterpiece that is Episode 1 a bit more. It tells you that your movie about space wizards owes a lot to other genres, and that it transposes these genres to another setting, space! “It’s Ben-Hur, in that that slave kid is pod-racing for his freedom, but I gave it my own spin,” George Lucas tells you. “Look, the funny Gungan stepped into that space cow’s poop! Haha, sure hope I’ll sell lots of toys and buy myself some death sticks!”
You feel really smart when you get a reference, too! “Hey, that’s a Dezaki effect right there!” “Wow, is that a robot from Castle in the Sky in Age of Ultron?” Likewise, if you don’t recognise the work being referred to, you might get curious about it! References send back to other things and your knowledge of these things and when you get it, it feels nice. Lots of people discovered Utena thanks to Steven Universe and that’s really cool, and these references add to the meaning of the cartoon! Folks who casually got into RWBY but didn’t know Soul Eater and Cowboy Bebop heard about those shows and many others while discussing RWBY and I’m sure lots of them got into anime thanks to RWBY!
On the other hand, by being so open about your sources of inspiration, you expose yourself to criticism, especially in the case of your work being compared with what inspired it: it might be seen as derivative, or even worse, unable to do these previous pieces of media justice by only retaining and replicating their most superficial elements without a great understanding of what made them work, gratuitous fanservice for nerds.
And I’m not quite sure where Miraculous stands. Oftentimes, it feels more like a Spider-Man/Kamen Rider crossover with bits of outdated shoujo manga and superficial wuxia sprinkled in there than a show at least trying to be its own thing.
And the problem is, Sailor Moon is better at being Sailor Moon than Miraculous could ever be, as it uses its visual language better, and it has a tiny thing called “the main character having a group of friends who aren’t props and a plot you can follow” that is the very reason why people liked the manga and anime in the first place. Miraculous only retains the very superficial aspects of the manga/anime and of the genre. Marinette still trips over a cat in the opening. Because that’s how it happens in Sailor Moon. Her characterisation as a civilian screams “Usagi Tsukino but more stressed out”.
Spider-Man is better at splash pages than Miraculous because ML’s CGI is pretty meh when it’s not in motion, these weird filter effects don’t look great, that only works when you’re Into the Spiderverse and have comic-book aesthetics. Queen Wasp has a whole sequence that is just that scene in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2 only this time Queen Bee sabotaged a metro on purpose to stop it. It’s not an awful scene, it carries its point across rather well (Chloé is a selfish nerd who thinks she can be like these comic book characters but truly isn’t fit to be a hero) but the original did it better, it was more impressive, there was more tension to that original scene, some really interesting camera and foley work that made you feel the weight of that train. It didn’t feel cheap the way that scene in “Queen Wasp” did.
Utena’s Black Rose Saga explores the psyche of some of its secondary characters the audience is already familiar with, with problems we could already identify within them. It offers an examination of the storyworld from another point of view, and helps build it further. There’s always a proper buildup before these characters have a mental breakdown in an moody elevator with a butterfly pinned on the wall that turns back into a chrysalis, because the characters are going through a kind of regression that makes them easier to manipulate and turn into “villains” while acting out their true desires in a twisted way. “Stormy Weather” has most of that, an elevator with dramatic lighting, a butterfly and a mental breakdown, but the character is all new to us so it’s just not that impactful. Often, that one secondary character who’ll get transformed has had spoken lines, yes, but that’s only minutes before they get akumatised.
“Kinda the same but a bit worse and missing some of the key aspects of what made the original thing so good” isn’t much of a tribute, is it?
In an earlier post, I stated that Animaestro was basically “I have watched a lot of animated shows and I know how to mimic them, the episode”. It told us nothing about animation as a medium except that it’s cool sometimes and that you get to imitate other people who are much better at the things they do than you are. 
It’s not a clever metacommentary, it’s just “me likey moving pictures”. Good for you, I guess… Did you really need an entire episode to make that point?
And then you’ve got all the bad outdated shoujo tropes with characters falling on top of each other, aggressive flirting (harassment, really) from Adrien portrayed as really sweet and romantic because it’s just like in the shoujo manga (which one?) you see… And that’s just not great, is it?
Miraculous is a much better cartoon when it doesn’t try (and fail) to emulate other shows and movies and comic books and manga. The only thing it tells us about these works is that That Guy and co really like them and that copy-pasting them is the best way they’ve found to show their love. Imitation and flattery and all of that I guess.
“Look, it’s like in that scene in the anime! Did you like the anime? It sure was a good anime, and if our show makes you think about it, then it’s also good, right?”
No, you guys, I’m sorry but no. If making references was all it took to be good, then gaming webcomics would be regarded as masterpieces. 
Very often, the show seems interested in being anything but itself. And it’s a shame, because there are lots of ideas the show kind of brings up but never quite touches. Marinette is interested in fashion design? That’s great, show us more of that! Make it an important part of her character, and by the same occasion, make her creations look not-laughable. Miraculous could be the first cartoon to explore what it’s like to be a biracial kid with a Chinese parent in France (would that work with a crew of almost strictly middle-aged white men is another question to which the answer is a resounding “no”). The show is set in Paris? Cool, how about exploring the city outside of its landmarks every tourist and their mom already knows?
Inexplicably, in the middle of an episode when you expect it the least, you get brilliant bits of directing that aren’t references to other works. Alya becoming Rena Rouge and her first steps as a superhero? Brilliant, really immersive, loved it, not a reference. The sad car scene in Puppeteer 2? It’s really really good, not a reference either. All the unexplored lore? It seemed really promising and having more of it would help us understand things a bit more!
People don’t just like your show because it reminds them of another show. Why watch it if you can watch that original work in the first place?
Trying to make a superficial mashup of all things you think are great in other works is not the way to do these works justice, nor is it the way to make your show interesting, let alone good. 
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araniaart · 4 years
Chapters: 33/44 Fandom: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Peggy Carter, Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Alexander Pierce, Vasily Karpov, Clint Barton, Brock Rumlow Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Occult, Demons, demon!Bucky, Succubus!Bucky, Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Past Rape Mention, Past Rape/Non-con, Rape Recovery, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Not Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie) Compliant, Switching, Hurt/Comfort, Minor Bucky Barnes/Original Minor Character(s), Male lubrication, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Body Horror, Canon-Typical Violence, Pheromones, Creature Fic, Body Dysphoria, Recovery, Internalized Homophobia, Transformative Works Welcome, Suicidal Thoughts Series: Part 3 of Falling's Just Another Way to Fly Summary:
Seventy years after Hydra molded Bucky Barnes into The Winter Soldier, their demon slave, he manages to escape the chains of their binding. However, even free from them, it is a hard climb out of the pit that has been dropped into - reclaiming his identity, his memories, and coming to terms with the monster that he has become.
But he doesn't have to do it alone.
Chapter 33 is up!!
Feeling cabin fever?  So is Bucky in this chapter.   This chapter also includes three STUNNING pieces of artwork by Dorkbait, JB, and Rena!
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jazzymarie1006 · 6 years
3 of my favorite girls!
Connie Maheswaran.
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Alya Cesaire/Rena Rouge.
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April O'Neil.
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BROTP Headcanons:
Sleepovers whenever they can (The Gems and Turtles keeping watch).
All would talk about their countless adventures with their friends (The Gems, Turtles, Miraculous Squad).
They would often go on their own adventures.
Alya would encounter Connie & April as Rena Rouge (Much to their surprise/delight) & they would train together.
Connie and April would find out Alya's secret & would keep it as that.
Connie & Alya giving April a cake whenever she gets fired from a job, which they all share.
Connie and April watching Lion and Mayhem play.
Alya and April switching glasses before laughing and switching back.
Connie & April dressing up as Rena Rouge for Halloween much to Alya's delight.
These girls going on their own adventures with April being the "wild card".
Friendship with Michelle "MJ" Jones & Shuri Headcanons.
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All the girls (Connie, Alya, April, & Shuri) protesting with MJ.
All the girls being amazed by Shuri's lab and inventions.
Alya, MJ, & Shuri talking about Ladybug, Chat Noir, Spiderman, & Black Panther.
Shuri making hero outfits and weapons for the girls.
Connie and MJ teasing eachother about their crushes on Steven and Peter.
Alya & Shuri talking about their older protective/embarrassing siblings Nora & T'Challa.
April noticing the Turtles spying on her and the others. The other girls also catch on as well.
April telling the girls about the turtles (without mentioning that they're turtles).
Connie, Alya, MJ, & Shuri later find out about the turtles (compared to their crazy lives, Ninja Turtles are surprisingly normal).
@ladybugrodriguez @apritello4everfanboy
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atomic-rena · 5 months
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rip hartman
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tack-tick · 11 months
@atomic-rena Pls reblog this I want people to vote
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a-non-ymouswriter · 2 years
Hey sorry about your house but I would like to assure you that Gyarados2021 had nothing to do with it
Also please don’t harbor fugitives. It probably won’t end well for ya
this is so fucking old, this has been sitting in my inbox for like, months. dear fuck.
yeah we all know who did it dw bout it.
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godfrey-industries · 4 years
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“I keep seeing people talk about how great the Marvel Cinematic Universe is but I stopped watching after that Ultron Avengers movie. Was I really missing out on something?”
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“Well they didn’t break records for nothing. But then again you’re so out of touch with the times that sometimes it sounds like you’ve never seen a movie in your life.”
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“You thought Rocky was a geological survey film.”
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“Did you tell Rena that I’ve never seen any of the Rocky movies?”
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“Grandpa knows that you haven’t watched Rocky.”
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“I do find it rather odd that you haven’t watched any of the Rocky films considering your main fighting style consists of boxing and all.”
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“But then again...you thought Citizen Kane was a Voter’s Special.”
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“You also thought Debbie Does Dallas was a por-”
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“No wait it is a porno.”
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“....Did I hire you all just so you can insult me?”
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 5 years
Agents Of H.Y.D.R.A
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SjjSyW
by ashavalentine
WARNING: READER DISCRETION ADVISED Contains: (Sometimes) Graphic depictions of Violence and Sexual Acts, LGBTQA+ Content, Mentions/Acts of Torture and Abuse, Mentions of Self-Harm, and Other Sensitive Topics. ----- NOTE: This is based in the MCU. Many Avengers will appear, as well as Venom and Deadpool. I in no way own any of the Marvel characters mentioned/portrayed. ----- Angelica Lynn Walters never thought she'd forget her best friend's name. Yet she also never thought that she would be brainwashed and abused in a hospital. She supposes things could be worse. Things get worse.
Words: 2431, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Angelica Lynn Walters, Lillian Eva King, Bailey Reid Jacobs, Tabitha Renae Ardoin, Viviana Amour Richardson, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, Thor (Marvel), Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Phil Coulson, Loki (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Scott Lang, Pepper Potts, Jasper Sitwell, Hope Van Dyne, Peter Parker, James Rhodes, Stephen Strange, Wade Wilson, Happy Hogan, Eddie Brock
Additional Tags: villians, Villians to Anti-Heroes, Fluff and Angst, Hydra (Marvel), Original Characters - Freeform, Marvel Cinematic Universe AU, Brainwashing, Torture, Sensory Deprivation, Sleep Deprivation, Experiments, Muzzles, Malnourishment, Mutate and Mutant Powers, Emotional Baggage, domestic abuse, Sexual Abuse, emotional detachment, Painful Realizations, The Avengers Are Good Bros, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SjjSyW
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