#red velvet donut holes
rkherman · 1 year
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Looking for new ways to display your collection of enamel pins? I present to you: themed cross stitch backgrounds! This is my first completed design, a gold dessert stand surrounded by cherry blossoms.
I bought quite a few cute pins and have been trying to figure out how to display them for the past while. Cross stitch is a great solution to this since it is pretty thick and durable when completed, and can handle holes being poked into it.
I do have a few other ideas in mind, and will probably release more cross stitch patterns later this year. Feel free to comment with any other background themes you would like to see!
If you want to get this pattern, you can buy it from my Ko-fi shop! The link is in the pinned (first) post.
The pins are not designed by me, the artists I purchased from are listed below. Go check out their shops!
Bunny roll cake: MelodicMisa Sakura donut: Donatsuya Bingsu: Pete Ellison Sakura bubble tea: Mochiville Red velvet macaron: Kawaiiboku Mew roll cake: Atelier Eumori Taiyaki: MatarazzoDesign
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otakusheep15 · 1 year
How Likely I'd Be to Eat TWST's Characters Favorite/Least Favorite Foods, Except I'm a Picky Eater
I've decided that from now on, all of my titles are going to be anime title length, and no one can stop me. Anyways, I'm bored and haven't done Twst content in a while, so I thought I would today. Feel free to share y'all's opinions in the comments/reblogs if y'all want.
Favorite: Strawberry tarts
Literally 10/10. I love strawberry tarts, or anything with strawberries really.
Least favorite: Junk food
Also 10/10. I eat a lot of junk food (especially on depression days), so I'm all for eating it.
Favorite: Candied violets
3/10. I don't like eating flowers, but I'd consider it since they're candied. I probably wouldn't like them though.
Least favorite: Mustard
8/10. It's not my favorite condiment, and I'm very picky about what I put it on, but I love mustard.
Favorite: Spicy ramen
7/10. It depends on how spicy and what brand of ramen. I only eat a very certain brand, and my spice tolerance depends on the day.
Least favorite: anything sweet
5/10. Depends on what sweets and how sweet. I do have a sweet tooth, but I'm more picky about sweets than any other flavor.
Favorite: Cherry pie
0/10. I cannot stand cherries. The texture and flavor makes me sick and I can hardly even look at them.
Least favorite: Raw oysters
0/10. I also hate seafood, but especially oysters. Again, it's all about the texture. They're too slimy.
Favorite: Anything with eggs
10/10. Eggs are my favorite form of protein, and I could honestly eat them with every meal. I love eggs a lot.
Least favorite: Bell peppers
4/10. I can only tolerate them when they're cut super fine and mixed in with other things. I grew up in Louisiana, so it's common to find bell peppers in basically everything, so I've grown somewhat immune to them.
Favorite: Meat
6/10. Depends on what kind of meat and how it's prepared. There are some meats I love, and some I can't stand, especially things like steak or roast.
Least favorite: Vegetables
7/10. I live veggies, but I'm super picky about them. I only really like lettuce, carrots, and broccoli, and I have to have them prepared very specifically. I will also only eat lettuce in a sandwich or in a salad, and I only eat carrots and broccoli raw with ranch.
Favorite: Donuts
5/10. I like donuts, but only on very specific occasions. I also prefer donut holes because I find regular donuts too filling and sugary. I love blueberry and red velvet donuts the most.
Least favorite: Anything rotten
0/10. I've eaten rotten food before, and it is not pleasant. I don't know who would honestly enjoy rotten food.
Favorite: Pear compote
0/10. Pears are on par with cherries for being one of my least favorite fruits. I cannot stand pears.
Least favorite: Green onions
9/10. I love green onions, but only in soups and stuff. Potato soup with green onions is always a winning combination to me.
Favorite: Fried chicken
11/10. Fried chicken might actually be my favorite savory food. I live right next to a Popeyes, and I eat there religiously. Fried chicken cannot be beat in my eyes.
Least favorite: Health food
4/10. Some health food is okay, but i can never stick with it for too long before I'm either bored or sick.
Favorite: Octopus carpaccio
0/10. I hate seafood, and I hate raw food even more. I genuinely have no clue why people enjoy eating raw meat/fish.
Least favorite: Conger eel
0/10. Again, I cannot stomach seafood. Also, eel? You can eat eel? Idk but it sounds gross.
Favorite: Takoyaki
2/10. Okay, I know I've been talking about how much I hate seafood, but I've always wanted to try takoyaki. Will I hate it? Yes, but I still want the experience.
Least favorite: Shiitake mushrooms
-10/10. Mushrooms might actually be my least favorite food ever. The texture and taste are both awful, and even the look and smell are enough to make my gag.
Favorite: Coconut juice
5/10. I'm not a fan of coconut, but I've never tried the juice, so I'm not sure if I'll like it or not. I'd be down to try it at least.
Least favorite: Curry
6/10. Would depend on spice levels, what kind of curry, etc. I can't remember if I've ever had curry, but it doesn't sound unpleasent.
Favorite: Curry
Same as before.
Least favorite: Dates
3/10. Absolutely not. I refuse to touch dates. I'll give them a slight chance because I've had worse.
Favorite: Homemade smoothies
8/10. I really like smoothies. My favorite is strawberry and banana. I'm a little more hesitant about stuff like kale smoothies, but I still like smoothies overall.
Least favorite: Mayonnaise
9/10. My house always had mayo in the fridge, and I refuse to eat sandwiches without it. I love mayo, and it's definitely a top 5 condiment for me.
Favorite: Liver pâté
0/10. Why do so many of them have an interest in raw meat? That's why all of them are so weird. They keep eating raw meat.
Least favorite: Garlic
8/10. Yes, I am that guy who enjoys garlic chips. And, yes, I put garlic in basically everything I consume. I just really like the stuff.
Favorite: Grilled meats/Macarons
7/10 for grilled meat. I like grilled chicken, but only sometimes. 10/10 for macarons. I am obsessed with macarons, especially fruity flavors.
Least favorite: Apple pears
2/10. I don't like pears, but I'd be more willing to try them since they're somewhat similar to apples, which I do like.
Favorite: Sweets
10/10. I love sweets, even if I am picky about them. I prefer stuff like pastries over stuff like candy, but I like candy too.
Least favorite: Raw fish
0/10. Again, raw meats/seafood is just such a strange concept to me. I think I've said enough on the topic by now.
(skipping Ortho bc both his fave and least fave are literally nothing)
Favorite: Ice cream
7/10. I'm sort-of picky about ice cream, but it's mostly a flavor thing. When it's a flavor I like, ice cream is one of my faves. But if it's a flavor I don't like, it's one of the worst foods ever.
Least favorite: Full-sized cakes
3/10. Cake is okay, but I could never eat a full-sized cake. Also, cake is one of the desserts I'm pickiest about, so it's not a preference for me.
Favorite: Tomato juice
5/10. I don't like tomatoes, but I do like smoothe tomato soup (never chunky), so maybe I'd like tomato juice.
Least favorite: Marshmallows
10/10. I love marshmallows so much. The texture makes me very happy, and I especially love the big ones that take multiple bites to eat.
Favorite: Mushroom risotto
0/10. Again, I cannot stand even the thought of mushrooms, so I doubt I'd like it in a risotto. Maybe I'd try it for Silver though. Maybe.
Least favorite: Lilia's cooking
-10/10. Absolutely not. I refuse to even humor the idea of trying Lilia's cooking.
Favorite: Salmon carpaccio
1/10. Seriously, why is there so much raw seafood mentioned in this game?? I gave this one 1 point because I do like salmon, but I still wouldn't eat it.
Least favorite: Black coffee
2/10. I do not like coffee, black or otherwise. I'd be willing to give it a try since it's been a while since I've had it, but I doubt I'd like it.
Favorite: Canned tuna
7/10. I like tuna, and I honestly wouldn't mind it from a can, but it's not my favorite type of fish.
Favorite: Wild game
5/10. Depends on the type of game and how it's cooked, but it wouldn't be the worst thing to try.
Favorite: Raisin butter
1/10. I dislike raisins very much, but I'd hesitantly try it in butter because I do like butter.
Favorite: Vichyssoise
3/10. I don't like leeks, but I do like potatoes, so maybe it's balance out and I'd like it. However, I'm also a pessimist, so I'm giving it a low score anyways.
Favorite: Raw eggs
2/10. Here in America, eating raw eggs is very dangerous, so it's a no from me, but I do know people in other countries eat raw eggs, so maybe I'd like it.
Favorite: Chicken gumbo
10/10. Like I said, I grew up in Louisiana, so of course I love gumbo. I don't like seafood gumbo, but chicken gumbo is easily top tier for me.
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rosyronkey · 9 months
horror movie type shit just happened to me im back from overnight camping and my mom said we have donuts at home and all thats left is red velvet fucking donut holes and half of my dads apple fritter. cruel world
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jaxfromthatcircus · 4 months
Every day
I think of all the things I'll make
With my pans
My mixer and my oven tray
Get the eggs
The flour and the butter sticks
Or get lazy, and just make it with a mix
Maybe strawberry shortcake
I'll never get bored of it
Vanilla and chocolate and funfetti (oh)
Red velvet or carrot
No matter I swear that it'll
Be the best ever to take to the show
When you bake a cake
Decorate and take it to the players who are safe
That's how you know it's Cake At Stake
Cake At Stake
Cake At Stake
(Cake At Stake)
Every night
I think of people I'll invite
To my stage
When my cake is looking just right
Wish you could taste
I made it really good and stuff
Hope the way it looks on camera is enough
Making pumpkin and lemon
Banana, it's heaven
With some frosting or fondant
Or glaze or ganache
With so many cakes
Now my schedule is crazy
But I bake so impatiently
'Cause I love cake, oh my gosh
When you bake a cake
Decorate and take it to the players who are safe
That's how you know it's Cake At Stake
Cake At Stake
Here's an exclusive recipe
For the ice cake (ooh)
You take the ice, and you make eight slices
And the dirt cake
You, get the dirt (you get the dirt)
Here's another exclusive recipe
For the yoyle cake
You go to Yoyleland
Put a yoyleberry in the cake
And the metal effect
Will get break-neck when you blink
When you bake a cake
Decorate and take it to the players who are safe
When you bake a cake
Decorate and take it to the players who are safe
That's how you know it's Cake At Stake
It's Cake At Stake
It's Cake At Stake
It's Cake At Stake
It's Cake At Stake
(It's Cake At Stake)
(It's Cake At Stake)
(It's Cake At Stake)
(It's Cake At Stake)
Basketball, Black Hole, Bottle and Golf Ball
Snowball, Tennis Ball, Pillow and Puffball
Coiny and Bomby and Cloudy and Pie
Book and Cake and Donut and Fries
Eggy, Fanny, Grassy and Barf Bag
Ice Cube, Lightning, Gaty, and Price Tag
Winner, Foldy, Saw, TV
Nickel and Needle and Naily and Tree
Remote, Marker, Yellow Face, Clock
Pen and Pin, Eraser and Rocky
Teardrop, Bell, Robot Flower
Keep winning cake and you'll get Two's power!
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weedlieweedlie · 4 months
Every day
I think of all the things I'll make
With my pans
My mixer and my oven tray
Get the eggs
The flour and the butter sticks
Or get lazy, and just make it with a mix
Maybe strawberry shortcake
I'll never get bored of it
Vanilla and chocolate and funfetti (oh)
Red velvet or carrot
No matter I swear that it'll
Be the best ever to take to the show
When you bake a cake
Decorate and take it to the players who are safe
That's how you know it's Cake At Stake
Cake At Stake
Cake At Stake
(Cake At Stake)
Every night
I think of people I'll invite
To my stage
When my cake is looking just right
Wish you could taste
I made it really good and stuff
Hope the way it looks on camera is enough
Making pumpkin and lemon
Banana, it's heaven
With some frosting or fondant
Or glaze or ganache
With so many cakes
Now my schedule is crazy
But I bake so impatiently
'Cause I love cake, oh my gosh
When you bake a cake
Decorate and take it to the players who are safe
That's how you know it's Cake At Stake
Cake At Stake
Here's an exclusive recipe
For the ice cake (ooh)
You take the ice, and you make eight slices
And the dirt cake
You, get the dirt (you get the dirt)
Here's another exclusive recipe
For the yoyle cake
You go to Yoyleland
Put a yoyleberry in the cake
And the metal effect
Will get break-neck when you blink
When you bake a cake
Decorate and take it to the players who are safe
When you bake a cake
Decorate and take it to the players who are safe
That's how you know it's Cake At Stake
It's Cake At Stake
It's Cake At Stake
It's Cake At Stake
It's Cake At Stake
(It's Cake At Stake)
(It's Cake At Stake)
(It's Cake At Stake)
(It's Cake At Stake)
Basketball, Black Hole, Bottle and Golf Ball
Snowball, Tennis Ball, Pillow and Puffball
Coiny and Bomby and Cloudy and Pie
Book and Cake and Donut and Fries
Eggy, Fanny, Grassy and Barf Bag
Ice Cube, Lightning, Gaty, and Price Tag
Winner, Foldy, Saw, TV
Nickel and Needle and Naily and Tree
Remote, Marker, Yellow Face, Clock
Pen and Pin, Eraser and Rocky
Teardrop, Bell, Robot Flower
Keep winning cake and you'll get Two's power! /lyr
i peed my bed last night
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josiebelladonna · 1 year
kinkmas | black moon | day nineteen
chapter title: “sweet painted lady”
pairing: alex skolnick x fem!oc
tags: erotic/wet dreams, performing, dancing, knife play, very very very very vague reference to a christmas carol
ao3 link | kinktober/sister piece “eclipse”
minors dni and get some sleep~ ❄️💋❄️💋
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The cabin was dark as Christine and Alex lay down to sleep for the night: he nestled up next to her with his belly full and soft to the touch. He had doused the candles of the menorah before they turned in and she was eager to lay down next to him. She put her arm around his waist and held him closer to her body; she set her other hand on the soft skin that was his stomach for a gentle caress.
He pressed his head against her chest, and she stuck her nose down into his hair for a whiff.
“Mmm, I love my baby,” she whispered. “I love my baby and his beautiful body…” She ran her hand down onto the seat of his pajama bottoms.
Alex tugged on the blankets a bit more, so they were cocooned there against the cold of the world. His hand slid down the full hourglass shape of her body, and she smiled at the sensation. They were safe from the snow outside as it came down on the roof overhead, safe, soft, warm, and cozy: add to this, Alex’s hair smelled of soap and sugar from the donut holes they had eaten. Everything was soft and sweet; everything in its right place.
Their hands on each other, and Christine fell asleep first.
She was stirred awake by a round of applause right before her, and she sat upright on the floor. She had been donned in a little black dress, albeit a rather tight one: when she sat up, the fabric of the bodice stretched around the full middle of her body as if it barely fit her, and her breasts had been pushed together to form the biggest cleavage she had had by far. Christine reached up for a stroke of her hair, and she realized that she had styled it up into a small beehive shape upon the crown of her head.
She stood to her feet only to find at the far end of the aisle, Alex standing right there at the very front and center of the stage. His long jet-black hair sprawled down around his shoulders, and he donned a soft-looking blood red velvet jacket over a black vest and white silk shirt as well as black and white striped trousers which fit onto the curvature of his legs almost perfectly.
He held a small wooden nylon guitar before his body, and the way that it shone under the light of the overhead flood lights made Christine think of the menorah.
Alex strummed his guitar and bowed his head, and the streams of black hair fell into his face: the gray plume at the crown stood on end as if chills had run up his spine at the mere power of his own playing. Christine held back for a moment as she watched him there.
The light hit his body just right, especially when he took a glimpse up to the overhead lights and closed his eyes. She thought of kissing his neck, kissing his collar bones and his chest, and kissing every inch of his body, especially as he played along there.
Indeed, she manifested that very thought: she made her way to the stage, and she lingered right next to him as he performed a solo. Right behind him, she recognized Louie and his drum kit, as well as Greg and that big fretless bass guitar, and Eric and that big shiny black guitar that looked as though it was made of pure black onyx. Through the shadows on the left side of the stage, Chuck breezed out with a microphone in one hand and a black woman right next to him: she had white flowers embedded in one side of her hair, and she wore a long black evening gown.
“Billie Holiday, wow,” Christine muttered aloud. Alex turned his head towards her and raised his eyebrows at her for a knowing glance.
Indeed, Billie and Chuck proceeded on a duet of Testament’s song “Return to Serenity”, complete with the full band behind them as well as the orchestra itself. Even as Alex launched into the solo, Christine kept her arms around him: she cocked out her hip so the audience could see what a catch she was for Alex. She swayed back and forth even with him in her arms. She was helping him heal, and he was taking her on a trip through the mind, body, and soul. They bounced off one another so well that she was amazed by the fact that they were indulging in the solo together: he played while she held him close to her through every note and every strum of the strings.
At one point, he had stripped off his jacket and right as he did, a wiry black man with a pencil-thin mustache wrapped in a white tuxedo emerged from behind Greg and took his seat at the piano off to the side.
“Duke Ellington!” she exclaimed.
“That’s right,” Alex declared, and he stripped off his vest and he undid the bottom buttons of his shirt. Christine watched him hitch his shirt up his body to show off his belly to her; he undid his trousers as well to accentuate the shape of his hips and his thighs.
He strummed his guitar and then he held up his hand to the ceiling overhead to guide the orchestra behind Louie and the drum kit.
The music seemed to guide them higher and higher into a whirl of snow and ice, of fire and brimstone, the best of both worlds: Christine stood before him with her hands around his waist. He slung his guitar behind his back so she could be closer to him. She pressed her body against his own: her soft belly against his as well. The shape of his body against her own.
With Duke and Billie crooning out with Chuck and the orchestra behind them, Christine stood up on her toes for the heartiest soul kiss on Alex’s lips by far. And she could feel him firming up rather quickly all the while.
She opened her eyes. She never moved out of Alex’s grip, and in fact, she never took her hand off lower belly. A few slight taps on his skin and he opened his eyes to the darkness as well.
“Wow,” he breathed out to her, and he let go of her and he rolled over onto his back right next to her.
“I had a dream you were conducting the orchestra again,” she told him. “But you were wearing a shirt with the hem tied up over your belly button and you were wearing your pants down low on your body, too. Testament were right behind you as well.”
He rolled his head over the top of the pillow, and he gazed at her through the darkness.
“Oh, my god, I did, too!” he whispered. “Was Duke Ellington there?”
“Yes! So was Billie Holiday. She was standing next to Chuck and singing along to ‘Return to Serenity’. I never thought the world of jazz could be so sensual.”
“You have no idea, my snow bunny,” he told her, to which he let out a low whistle.
“Let’s see if we can have the same dream again,” she suggested.
“Okay, come here—”
She slid in closer to him again, and she put her arm around his waist.
Within seconds, they fell asleep again, Christine first, followed by Alex.
She found herself back in the same bistro as before, where Alex performed with those two other guys from before, and she was once again in those jeans that he let her wear. Indeed, Alex himself was back in her clothes as well, and he lingered right next to her there at the bar with a plate of cake on his lap.
“I see I unlocked a little appetite in you,” she told him over the wall of noise around them.
“Indeed, you did,” he replied as he picked up a bite of cake and he turned it towards her mouth. As she took a bite, she looked down at his bare waist over the loose waistband of her jeans. She clamped her teeth down on the tines of the fork and she locked eyes with him.
She swore she heard Elvis singing at the front of the room. All the while, she and Alex indulged in that big hearty piece of devil’s food cake, which was big enough for the two of them as well as either Eric or Chuck in their previous dream. It was just like eating those donut holes all over again, except this time around, Alex took a few more bites for himself and then he took her by the hand, and he guided her over to the dance floor.
Indeed, there was Elvis, right before the microphone stand dressed in all black from head to toe and with the pompadour styled upon his head like a crown of sorts, and he crooned out “A Little Less Conversation” for the two of them to dance along to. Alex held her by the hand, and he set his other hand on her hip. He tipped her and spun her along to the music, and all the while, he kept his hands all over her chest as well as the slight muffin top formed by the tight jeans. He showed her his tongue as he ran his fingers down her waist, and down to her hips and her thighs. She was squeezed in rather tightly in his clothes, but he relished the whole thing, however.
Every so often, from the corner of her eye, Christine recognized those violet eyes next to the King as well as a head full of flipped dishwater blonde hair on his other side. His back-up singers, and the three of them had their eye on the young couple who had found their way out of the fire and ice and created fire and ice there on the dance floor with one another. The young couple who had escaped the rest of the world like a couple of thieves in the night, dressed in each other’s clothes, and with Elvis’ voice to guide their way.
All that was missing was the two of them being in a place like Blue Hawai’i or Acapulco.
Christine jarred herself awake again, and that time, Alex had woken up before her. His blue eyes gazed back at her, a pair of dark blue dots that stared back at her from the handsome shape of his face, made ghostly from the shadows all around them.
“The club again?” she asked him, and he nodded.
“Oh, yeah, and Elvis?” he asked her, and she nodded.
“Liz Taylor and Farrah Fawcett, too?” she asked him, and he nodded as well.
“One more time?” he asked, and he sounded as though he was ready to be pleased by the feeling of her own hand.
“Yes, we shall,” she declared. He snuggled closer to her again, and she closed her eyes. They fell asleep at the same time, and she awoke next to him again.
“Christine, look!”
She looked over at him and his nude body, and he had rested his hands over his chest as if he was about to say a prayer of some sort.
“Look up,” he told her. She glanced up at the ceiling over their heads, and she spotted a tall broad-shouldered man in a heavy suede coat and a combover of sandy hair at the catwalk right over their heads. He stuck a cigarette into his mouth and fired it up right then and there.
Right next to him stood a short curvaceous woman with a short bob of jet-black hair: she wore a black leather teddy lined with glitter near her breasts.
“Got the knives?” Christine knew that whispery voice anywhere as she appeared right next to the woman with black hair. Next to the man came another curvaceous blonde woman, albeit with far more emphasis on the curves.
Alex gasped, and she could feel him holding her hand out of apprehension, or better yet, out of the thrill.
A cloud of cigarette smoke billowed up from the catwalk above them, and then he reached down for the first knife. The three bombshells picked up knives for themselves.
“Alright, ladies,” he said with a mouthful of cigarette. “Ready...”
Alex nibbled on his lip. Christine took a glimpse down to see him rising down in between his legs. Indeed, she could feel her nipples tightening in response.
They raised their blades towards them.
They moved their arms back and four blades sailed towards them: two on either side of their heads, almost all in unison, and all of them missing their heads by a mere inch or so. It was the rush. The rush of walking a fine line. The rush of the erotic dream.
Christine jarred herself awake a third time, and that time, Alex rolled over onto his back all the way, and he rested his hands upon his forehead.
“Oh my god,” he breathed out.
“Jayne Mansfield,” she muttered. “James Dean, too.”
“Marilyn and Bettie, too,” he added. “The fucking Rat Pack!”
“You had the Rat Pack?” she asked him.
“I did! The three of them were down below the catwalk while they were throwing knives at us... I thought I was ready to blow—” He stopped, and then he sat up in bed with his legs spread out.
“Oh, Christ,” he blurted out.
“What’s the matter?” she asked.
“Are there any napkins around?” he asked her.
“Shit, I think,” she said.
“Yeah. Had I stayed asleep for a few more minutes and Marilyn and Jayne got me off, I probably would’ve shot my load all over the inside of my pants...”
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cemeteryrocks900 · 2 years
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Food of da day
I’m so extremely /dangerously constipated :)
Pic 1)3 glazed donut holes, 1 not pictured, some fruit 11am
Pic 2)red velvet donut, all bran flakes and soymilk 2:30pm
Pic 3)popsicle <3
Pic 4)my rice and chicken veggie mix with apple juice because my sugar dropped and I thought I was dying and almost threw up :,) 6:15pm
Pic 5) night snack 9pm yogurt, granola, blueberries
Pic 6)cookie dough bites
I bought some core power milk (don’t come for me ik fairlife is bad but ya do what you gotta do to recover)
I bought probiotics to try, 30 billion whatever things in it, I’m extremely constipated, bloated, in pain, my dietician is actually worried about me :,)
I also overheard my dietician say I’ve gained weight but we don’t know my true weight because of my constipation, and that made me wanna die even though I KNOW I gained weight bc I can see it, but knowing someone else sees from the scale it makes me sad:/
I kinda wanna start tracking macros but ik I shouldn’t
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a-gaggle-of-colors · 2 years
🥞,🎂, 🍩,☕️,🍓,🍰,🍧 (Rhovia)
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🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
Hm. It'd probably be something like sausage, egg and gravy breakfast sandwiches, sour cream donuts, or maple-glazed sour cream doughnut holes.
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
I created her on April 17th in 2019 apparently, so I'll say that's her birthday!
She loves celebrating her birthday. It's one of the times she can spend with her moirail safely in his hidden cavern.
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
She loves donuts and doughnut holes!
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
She like both actually! Her favorite drink is any kind of boba tea.
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
She enjoys her fruits and veggies, yeah. She loves blueberries and zucchini.
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
If it has cream cheese frosting, it's definitely red velvet. If not, it's pumpkin spice. She's not that picky though, as long as the frosting is good.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
She's got lots of stuff from her childhood, but her favorite is the sewing needles and kit that belonged to her ancestor. She'd be absolutely devastated if it was lost or even stolen.
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htlifestyle · 1 year
How To Make Red Velvet Donuts | The Slurrp Minute | HT Lifestyle
Red velvet cakes, cookies, and cupcakes are everywhere now. Every bakery seems to be cashing in on these bright, red-colored desserts. Why not use the same edible food color and cream to make your favorite doughnuts. Doughnuts for the uninitiated is a leavened, deep-fried pastry. It is typically round in shape. It may or may not have a hole in between and is a popular breakfast food in America and Europe. This center-filled, Red Velvet Donut is not only satiating to the core but fit for your ‘gram too.
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adonuts1 · 2 years
The Very Best Kinds of Donuts
Donuts can range from simple classics like glazed and maple donuts to new flavors like red velvet and key lime. Donut Chains have been creating newer flavors like the luck charms donut at Amy’s Donut shop which is one of the best donut places in Albuquerque.
Easily one of the best desserts out there is the humble donut so the question arises which is the very best flavor? There are the classics and the newer fancy flavors. Here are some popular flavors serves in the best donut shops Albuquerque and how many votes they have.
Glazed Donut: 2795 up votes
Donut Holes: 1361 up votes
Chocolate Frosted Donuts: 2182 up votes
Boston Crème Donut: 2142 up votes
Powdered Donuts: 1566 up votes
Cinnamon Crumb Donuts: 1030 up votes
Double Chocolate Donuts: 1381 up votes
Jelly Filled Donuts: 1676 up votes
Maple donuts: 1714 up votes
Everyone has their favorite donut, and your favorite might not even be on this list but all donuts are delicious. With the various types of donuts that today’s world offers we can see that a lot of the classics are the ones liked the most. And that concludes our article with the top 10 popular flavors and how you’re fellow Americans rate the best donuts in Albuquerque.
Source Url:- https://amydonuts.wixsite.com/amy-s-donuts/post/the-very-best-kinds-of-donuts
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ilovedessert · 7 years
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Baked Red Velvet Donut Holes
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hoardingrecipes · 5 years
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Baked Red Velvet Donut Holes with Cream Cheese Glaze
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etsyfindoftheday · 6 years
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etsyfindoftheday 5 | VALENTINE NOM FRENZY | 2.9.18
red velvet mini donut holes by greenmntminibaked
how pretty are these mini donut holes by greenmntminibaked?! i love the vibrant red color and cake-y red velvet crumbs as decoration. nom nom nom.
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TS4 Berry Sweet - Sweet Treats Legacy Challenge
Hi! This is my first time making a legacy challenge (Not my first time writing it, I lost the entire thing and don't have any of it left...) so I'm really excited to share it. If you give it a go I hope you enjoy it as much as I am right now!`
I thought it would be fun to make them all Berry sims, especially as this Legacy is all about Baking. Plus I love the idea of seeing the family tree after a couple of generations XD
You can edit your sims using the cas.fulleditmode cheat if they're... you know..
Personally I prefer to play on a long lifespan as there are a few rules for each generation but you can play on any lifespan you wish. Also, you can age up babies anytime you want, I think most of us can agree babies are simply irritating, right?
The rules really are just guidelines, so you can tweak them any way you feel like to best suit your play style.
You can cheat to get the bakery, if you do, however, you cannot have any furnishings at all (you have to pay for those). I will be building a run-down bakery for this legacy and I will be putting it on the gallery, if you would like to use it my Origin account is RustCot15 :)
Generation One
All your life your parents only wanted what they thought was best for you, a good career, a loving spouse and a perfect family. And for a very long time you believed that's what you wanted too. One day while looking through some old family photos, you found one of your great-great-great grandmother outside her very own bakery. Turns out the family still owns it, so you took the keys and re-opened it! Finally you knew this was what you really wanted to do.
Traits: Foodie (Family Trait) 🤍 Ambitious 🤍 Cheerful
Colour: 🤍 White 🤍
Sweet Treat: Cupcakes
Aspiration: Inner Peace
Career: Business
🤍 Reach Baking Skill Level 10
🤍 Reach Business Level 8
🤍 After you've reached level 8 in Business, quit your job to work in the Bakery
🤍 Only sell cupcakes
🤍 Date a sim from your old career
🤍 After you've had the bakery open for at least one sim week, marry that sim
🤍 Have 3 children
🤍 Have at least one successful dinner party and serve a tray of cupcakes
🤍 Spouse's Colour: Purple
🤍 Take a picture of the heir to hang proudly in the bakery
Sell these cupcakes at least once in the bakery: Classic Vanilla, Minty Mocha, Carrot Cake, Butterscotchman, Strawberry Fizzy, Red Velvet, Super Chocolate Tummers Bomb.
Generation Two
Traits: Foodie 💜 Vegetarian 💜 Outgoing
Colour: 💜 Purple 💜
Sweet Treat: Fruity
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Sell these fruity treats at least once in the bakery: Fruit Muffins, Fruit Tarts, Exotic Fruit Tarts, Mixed Fruit Tarts, Fruit Scones.
💜 Reach Baking Skill Level 10
💜 Only sell fruity treats
💜 Have your own garden and grow strawberries, cherries, etc
💜 Have a mini garden out back of the Bakery
💜 Marry a Gardener with the Lazy trait
💜 Have two children
💜 Have at least one successful dinner party serving any fruity treats
💜 Spouse's Colour: Red
💜 Take a picture of the heir to hang proudly in the bakery
Generation Three
Traits: Foodie ❤ Lazy ❤ Glutton
Colour: ❤ Red ❤
Sweet Treat: Donuts
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Career: Tech Guru
Sell these donuts at least once in the bakery: Powdered Donuts, Glazed Donuts, Chocolate Donuts, Cream Filled Donuts, Jam Filled Donuts, Plain Donuts, Donut Holes.
❤ Reach Baking Skill Level 5
❤ Only sell donuts
❤ Elope with a frequent customer
❤ Stop working at the bakery after one sim year (if you don't have seasons quit after 4 sim weeks)
❤ Join the Tech Guru career
❤ Reach Video Gaming Skill Level 10
❤ Have one child
❤ Have two silver dinner parties serving only donuts
❤ Spouse's Colour: Green
❤ Take a picture of the heir to hang proudly in the bakery
Generation Four
Traits: Foodie 💚 Good 💚 Proper
Colour: 💚 Green 💚
Sweet Treat: Plain
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Career: Critic
Sell these plain treats at least once in the bakery: Plain Muffins, Plain Donuts, Donut Holes, Cream Tarts, Plain Scones.
💚 Reach Baking Skill Level 10
💚 Only sell basic/plain treats
💚 Go to a Museum at least once a week
💚 Marry a sim you met at a Museum with the Goofball trait
💚 When you become an adult stop working at the bakery and enter the Critic Career (Food Critic Branch)
💚 Have twins (You can cheat for this)
💚 Have two successful Black and White Bashes
💚 Spouse's Colour: Blue
💚 Take a picture of the heir to hang proudly in the bakery
Generation Five
Traits: Foodie 💙 Creative 💙 Goofball
Colour: 💙 Blue 💙
Sweet Treat: Unusual
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack
Sell these unusual treats at least once in the bakery: The baconing, Bacon Wrapped Donuts, Cereal Topped Donuts, Voodoo Doll Donuts.
💙 Reach Baking Skill Level 10
💙 Only sell unusual treats
💙 Be best friends with your twin
💙 Create a club but only include sims with either the Goofball Trait or the Childish Trait
💙 Date a sim from the club
💙 Have 5 children, marry the father when the fifth child becomes a child
💙 Make every Sunday 'Family Day' and serve a tray of unusual treats instead of dinner
💙 Move to StrangerVille when you're an adult and get possessed (You can cheat to get the Bizarre Fruit)
💙 Spouse's Colour: Yellow
💙 Take a picture of the heir to hang proudly in the bakery
Generation Six
Traits: Foodie 💛 Self-Absorbed 💛 Romantic
Colour: 💛 Yellow 💛
Sweet Treat: Fancy
Aspiration: Mansion Baron
Career: Business
Sell these fancy treats at least once in the bakery: Red Velvet, Croissants, Profiteroles, Chocolate Biscotti, Crème Brulee, Berry Macaroons, Eclairs.
💛 Reach Baking Skill Level 10
💛 Reach Cooking Skill Level 10
💛 Reach Gourmet Cooking Skill Level 10
💛 Only sell Fancy treats
💛 Have a bad relationship with your family
💛 Have two failed marriages
💛 Marry a sim with the Snob trait and have a huge wedding
💛 Have a maid, a butler, and a live-in nanny
💛 Have one child
💛 Have four successful dinner parties and only serve the fanciest meals and treats
💛 Have affair after affair but never get caught
💛 Stop working at the bakery when you become an adult
💛 Join the Business Career
💛 Spouse's Colour: Pink
💛 Take a picture of the heir to hang proudly in the bakery
Generation Seven
Traits: Foodie 💖 Glutton 💖 Cheerful
Colour: 💖 Pink 💖
Sweet Treat: Cakes
Aspiration: Body Builder
Sell these cakes at least once in the bakery: White Cake, Chocolate Cake, Hamburger Cake, Strawberry Cake, Blue Confetti Cake, Honey Cake, Coconut Cake, Matcha Tea Cake, Black and White Cake, White and Black Cake, Tiered Cake, Simcity Cheesecake.
💖 Reach Cooking Skill Level 10
💖 Reach Gourmet Cooking Skill Level 10
💖 Only sell cakes
💖 Bake a cake for EVERYTHING. Literally everything, funerals, holidays, events, all of it
💖 Go to the gym at least once a week
💖 Adopt two children and have high relationships with them both
💖 Fall in love with a sim you meet at the park while an adult
💖 Marry the same sim the day before you become an elder
💖 Have three successful dinner parties and serve any cake
💖 Spouse's Colour: Orange
💖 Take a picture of the heir to hang proudly in the bakery
Generation Eight
Traits: Foodie 🧡 Erratic 🧡 Ambitious
Colour: 🧡 Orange 🧡
Sweet Treat: All
Aspiration: Beach Life, Mt. Komorebi Sightseer
🧡 Reach Cooking Skill Level 10
🧡 Reach Gourmet Cooking Skill Level 10
🧡 Reach Baking Skill Level 10
🧡 Sell every treat at the bakery at least once
🧡 Marry a sim with the Evil trait
🧡 Have 3 children
🧡 Have at least two successful dinner parties but only serve treats
🧡 Stop working at the bakery when you become an elder and rarely bake again
🧡 When you stop working at the bakery travel the world with your spouse (start competing the aspirations now)
🧡 Spouse's Colour: Black
🧡 Take a picture of the heir to hang proudly in the bakery
Generation Nine
Traits: Foodie 🖤 Hot-Headed 🖤 Slob
Colour: 🖤 Black 🖤
Sweet Treat: None
Aspiration: Grilled Cheese, Public Enemy
Career: Criminal
🖤 Do NOT learn the baking skill
🖤 Eat Grilled Cheese for your entire life
🖤 Be mean to all the customers
🖤 Destroy the bakery (Don't fix things, Don't clean things, Leave food out to rot)
🖤 Marry a sim with the good trait
🖤 Have one child
🖤 Just before you become an adult, fill the bakery with grilled cheese, cover every possible surface, then never return
🖤 Have the lowest possible reputation
🖤 Spouse's Colour: Brown
Generation Ten
Traits: Foodie 🤎 Good 🤎 Family-Oriented
Colour: 🤎 Brown 🤎
Sweet Treat: Any
Aspiration: Super Parent
And you're done! I have got backstories for the other generations but cuz I've had to rewrite this I'm just too tired. I might add them I might forget, either way I hope you enjoy the challenge if you give it a go!
🤎 Reach Baking Skill Level 10
🤎 Reach Cooking Skill Level 10
🤎 Reach Gourmet Cooking Skill Level 10
🤎 Reach Parenting Skill Level 10
🤎 Try to re-build the bakery (Clean up your parent's mess, expand the bakery, make it more family-oriented)
🤎 Get the bakery to 5 stars
🤎 Sell any and as many treats as you wish
🤎 Marry a sim with the Perfectionist trait
🤎 Do not have Woohoo until after marriage
🤎 Have two children and raise them well (Get all toddler skills to level 5, always have an A in school, complete their childhood aspiration, and either have them max all child skills or have all green character values (bonus for both))
🤎 Go on vacation with the family every season
🤎 Work at the bakery until you become an elder, then spend the rest of your days with your spouse
🤎 Take all the portraits of the heirs and hang them in your home
🤎 Sell the bakery
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chiwhorei · 3 years
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pairing: s. tendou x catholic fem!reader
genre: smut, 18+ minors dni
word count: 1.2k
warnings: drug use (pot), dubcon, sacrilege- this is a total fuck you to my catholic upbringing and i’m so sorry (no i’m not)
a/n: there’s no beta on this, also absolutely no explanation other than i’ve been stuck in a rut of writers block and am tying desperately to crawl back out. This is part of HQHQ’s monthly server collab, you can check out all of the other amazing pieces here! this is dedicated to the love of my life and fellow deeply repressed catholic @undermattsun
hymn: dirty little secret by: all american rejects
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The weeks bleed by with practiced pattern, school work, bible study. Rinse and repeat. Sundays are for 10 AM mass at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, the church you have knelt in for two decades. You take communion and sing hymns squished in between your parents.
If it’s the first Sunday of the month, you have stale donuts after and make small talk with fellow congregants. Every other week you are shuffled to a stiff brunch where your parents fuss over Father’s homily. You always remember to listen just enough during mass to posit something vague so they know you had been paying attention.
Wednesday evenings are ear-marked for youth group with the other young, spritely Catholics of your university. Two hours of acoustic guitars and promises to your Lord and Savior ring in your battered ears as you bid goodbyes to your friends. While the rest of your youth group heads to the cafe a few blocks away, you head for the opposite direction. The designated laundromat parking lot comes in to view only a five minute walk from the church, and a beat up mustang is outlined in the retreating sunset.
As you climb into the passenger seat a long, bandaged set of fingers turn your face, Tendou does a once over, patting your cheek and pulling a cigarette from behind his ear, the mess of red hair gleaming in the low light still hanging on the horizon. He revs the car to life, rattling abjectly as he pulls out onto the street and towards his apartment.
“So, does your immortal soul feel all nice and clean again, princess?”
Sundays are for mass, Wednesday evenings are for youth group. Wednesday nights are for the heady fog of pot and choking back sobs whilst brutally pounded by Tendou Satori.
“Satori, s-slow down. If you give me a hickey my parents are going to kill me.” You huff from your position on his lap, both knees digging into the decades old shag on either side of his thighs, you feel a damp spot on your shin. Probably bong water.
His mouth was on you the second he unlocked his front door, pushing you inside unceremoniously and laughing as you stumbled. Always the gentleman.
You had made it to the living room floor in a trail of your own clothing, leaving you in only a pair of cotton panties, the apartment was dimly lit and dense with smoke. You always wonder how he can get away with his whole apartment covered inch deep in the skunky smell, but his complex doesn't really seem one to check up on the occupants anyway.
Tendou licks a long stripe over your collarbone, blowing back along the same path to watch you shiver, “C’mon princess, doesn’t having a stick up your ass all the time get exhausting?”
You roll your eyes at the comment, knowing he likes it when he can rile you up. Instead of gracing him with a retort, your fingers move to the blunt carded in between two fingers. Tendou lets out a disapproving tsk, bringing it to his own lips instead. His other hand comes to rest under your jaw as he pulls from the blunt. Tendou brings a calloused finger up to pop open your lips. You lean in dutifully, letting the smoke pass from his mouth to yours in an almost kiss. You cough slightly when you inhale, still not totally used to the burning feeling.
“Such a precious little thing you are, y/n. Your father must be so proud,” Tendou takes another drag, inhaling fulling and blowing the smoke into your scrunched up face, “I wonder what he’d do if he knew you were with me right now.”
You’re hot in the cheeks now, feeling every bit feather-light and obnoxiously weighed down.
“What he doesn’t know can’t hurt him.” Your response is weak, blood turning to syrup in your veins as the minutes pass by. Sixty seconds come in the slowest intervals known to man but rush forward just the same.
Your back is flush against the nasty carpet in the next instant, dragging uncomfortably against the stains of God-knows-what. Tendou’s supply is always too strong for someone so inexperienced, it makes you much more compliant when he gets you under him. You try to push yourself up to regain any control you can, but your wrists are trapped in one large hand. He looks over your form, flushed and panting. The lines are blurring in your head, as they always seem to do when trapped within Tendou’s orbit.
“What he doesn’t know is sending you straight to hell.”
You’re both deftly aware of what this arrangement is. There’s no love in the closing space between your two bodies. This isn’t the beginning of a sacrament with a pretty white veil and the pointed roof of a cathedral. This is nothing more than a baptism of writhing, sweaty bodies coming together in only the way a husband and wife should. Tendou is your most perverse habit.
“Oh, this is new.” Your captor notices the shiny silver around your ring finger, the band still fresh against your skin. Your father had slid the velvet box across the dinner table on your birthday last week. His words fall heavy on your shoulder still.
A reminder to maintain virtuous. A promise to your future husband.
Any attempt to speak is quelled by the feeling of Tendou’s lips wrapped around your finger. You feel his teeth scraping against your skin, pulling off the gifted silver with a pop from his sinful lips. His eyes hold you down captive, scanning your reaction from where you lie dizzy below him.
The ring peeks out from its home in between Tendou’s teeth, a devious smile pulls on the corners of his lips. He hums softly, head dipping back down to the hot skin of your neck to trace patterns against the collecting sweat. You feel it against you, the cold metal a constant reminder of just how wrong this is. However wrong though, in your lust and drug clouded haze, it’s ten times hotter.
Tendou hears your soft mewls below him, begging for his next move. Hands find your hips, pushing into the skin with wandering hands. His mouth is trailing lower, tracing around the curve of your breast and flicking your nipple with a growl. The teasing is enough to make you crazy, you just want him to do something.
Tendou chuckles darkly above you, and you realize you had voiced your desires in a whine instead of where you thought they had died in your throat. His lips hover over your own, pressing the ring past your lips to sit in between your teeth. He draws back with a sickening smile.
“Good girl, now keep that there while I fuck your little pussy. You can save your prayers for church on Sunday.”
Tendou is a hard habit to kick, especially with the unceremonious removal of your slick-covered panties and the way he prods at your aching hole with little regard to wether you’re ready for him or not. You always squeeze down on him so well when you’re high, begging for him in strings of tears and muffled pleas around the sickening symbol of chastity. You squeal when he presses into you, cock hard and heavy. He’s never gentle. This isn’t the marital bed you’d always been taught to wait for, it’s the grimy, stained carpet of the worst man you’ve ever met.
If your parents ever found out about your little habit, you’d be dragged to the nearest convent and given a new one.
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all writing is dymphnasprose’s original content, please do not repost or modify. do no read my content as asmr.©️
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grailbot143 · 2 years
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Nice Shop. And really great prices. Or maybe inflation has been even worse than I thought.
I see:
Croissant Moon (I love (well made) croissants. They are like heaven in your mouth)
Black Donut Holes (I don't eat black pastries, but I think Black Holes are awesome.)
Galileo Gallette (yum)
Chocolate Ship Cookies (I was going to make some of those tomorrow.)
Oortmeal Raisin Cookies (also making those. . . theoretically)
Total Eclipse of the . . .
Red Dwarf Velvet Cake (yum yum)
Polvoron (maybe I'm an uncultured swine, but I don't know what that's supposed to be)
Cake Pops (very clever name)
Lars looks right at home here. Odd he didn't look so eager at the last pastry shop, the one that ordered premade donuts in boxes, you know.
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