#praying that cass sees this one
fnibbit-fanart · 1 year
Ok so @somerandomdudelmao posted a thing and it was like it came to me in a dream except I was awake and in science class
Here’s the post they made that I based this one off of
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azrielsdove · 3 months
Best Friend’s Brother: Azriel x Reader
Warnings: Smut, 18+, Kinda Mean Az?
“Are you ever going to tell him?” Cassian teased you, peering over his glass as he drank. You rolled your eyes, throwing back the rest of your own drink.
“I don’t know what you mean,” you lied, adding more liquor to your cup. Cassian laughed, shaking his head at you.
“You’re blind if you don’t notice the way he looks at you, anyway.” You stilled at his words, eyes glaring daggers into him.
“You have no idea what you’re talking about.” You wouldn’t allow yourself the naivety to imagine Azriel felt the same way you did. You had only become a part of the Inner Circle a few years ago, after you accidentally took Rhys down thinking he was a danger. He had been so impressed with you that he immediately offered you a security position and set you up to train under his General and Spymaster. Cassian and you were fast friends, but Azriel left you confused. He rarely spoke to you and passed most of the training off to Cass. Everything he did screamed that he couldn’t care less about you.
Unfortunately, you were enthralled by him.
The few times he did train you were treasured memories, the feel of his hands on your waist as he corrected your position, the way his eyes looked over your body to ensure proper hold. At one of your recent sessions he had tackled you to the ground, hips pinning yours to the sand underneath you. You had allowed him to think your lack of speech was due to shock that he had taken you down so easily, and not because you were going delirious with desire. You had taken a rather long bath after that morning.
“Oh sure, yea, why would I know the male i’ve spent 500 years with? You’re right, you must know him better than I. I apologize, O Great One, for daring to assume.” Cassian mock bowed to you, smirking at your glare. “I know a way to prove it to you.” You hated how he piqued your interest.
“Pray tell, dear friend,” you said, carefully filling your rapidly emptying glass again. You enjoyed the way the drink made your mind fuzzy, the endless thoughts of why Azriel could barely stand you numbed. Cassian leaned closer towards you, a wicked smile on his face.
“Come to training extra early tomorrow. Wear your tightest leathers, the ones from when you first got here.” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Those stick to my body like a second skin. I’ll look like a pleasure hall whore wearing them.” You didn’t appreciate the way Cassian looked at you, eyes shining proudly.
“That’s what I intend. I’d never lead you astray, would I?” He raised his hand in surrender immediately after he spoke, shaking his head. “Not about anything like this, I promise.” You knew it was a bad idea to agree to whatever plan he was making, but you found yourself nodding and hoping you weren’t going to regret this in the morning.
A low whistle met you as you walked into the training ring early the next morning. “Damn, you look even better than I imagined. If this weren’t to get the attention of my brother i’d try to convince you down to my room.” Cassian looked approvingly over you as you crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow at him.
“If your plan fails, I may as well take you up on that. Gods know it’s been too long.” You often played into Cassian’s endless flirting, a key reason as to why your friendship developed so fast. He was right, the leathers were tighter than you had expected as well. You weren’t as toned when you began training. They are already made to fight directly to your body, so pulling on ones from a size ago was almost impossible. Still, you managed to buckle them around you, admiring yourself in the mirror. The leather truly hugged your skin, enhancing your strong thighs and body. “What is your plan, by the way?” You asked, looking suspiciously at Cassian.
“I’m gonna kiss you.” Your jaw dropped at his statement as his laughter floated over the training ring. “Don’t look at me like that! Imagine it, Az comes up here and sees you like that, with me? He’s going to be so jealous I won’t be surprised if he has his way with you right here.” You felt your face heat at his vulgarity, shaking your head quickly.
“No way. No way. What if he instead thinks, oh I dunno, that we are together?” You point out, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Trust me when I tell you that he won’t.” Cassian took a step closer to you, holding out his hand. “I am not as dumb as you may think.” You sighed, reluctantly placing your hand in his and letting him lead you over to the side of the ring. You may as well attempt his plan, however ridiculous you think it is. He places a hand on your waist as he pulls you close to him, the other coming up to cup your face. “If you don’t want to, we don’t have to.”
You shook your head, your hands coming up to rest on his chest. “What do I have to lose? If it doesn’t work, at least I got to spend my morning with a handsome male,” you quipped, winking dramatically at him. You felt his laugh under your hands, the nerves of what you were about to do calming down. This was Cassian, your best friend. You could trust him.
He dipped his head down towards you, eyes locking onto yours once more to ensure you were okay with this. You pushed up on your toes and connected your lips, using the last little bit of confidence you had. Cassian’s hand slid to the back of your head, tangling itself in your hair as he angled you up into him. You couldn’t help but smile into the kiss, enjoying how he so clearly knew what he was doing. You moved your arms up to lock around his neck, arching your body into his touch. He nipped at your bottom lip and you gladly opened your mouth to him, almost forgetting why you were doing this.
Anticipation slithered up your spine and you forced your eyes to stay shut, even though you wanted to peek and see if Azriel had arrived yet. Cassian’s hand flattened across your back, pulling you tighter against him. You lost yourself in his kiss, allowing your body to relax into his hold.
Something cold and weightless tightened around your calf, pulling your attention away from Cassian as you looked down. Your heart was racing as you took in one of Azriel’s shadows, swirling anxiously around your ankles. Cass didn’t allow the little thing to distract from your plan, bringing his lips up and down the side of your neck. You tilted your head back to allow him more access, an embarrassingly needy noise slipping from your mouth when he nipped at your skin. The shadow spun faster around you, another one coming to wrap around your waist and tug you from Cassian’s grip. You stumbled backwards, nearly tripping over more shadows behind you. “Wha-“ you began, cut off by a shadow wrapping around your throat. Cassian’s eyes widened and he glanced behind you, true fear on his face. That was certainly not comforting.
An arm wrapped tightly around your waist, pulling your back flush against a strong chest. You forced your breathing to stay steady, realizing it was Azriel behind you. “Cassian,” he said slowly, “what do you think you’re doing?” His voice was quiet, but threat laced his words. Cassian paled, raising his hands in surrender.
“Now Az, let me just explain-“ You shook your head as best you could against the shadows hold, not wanting Cassian to embarrass you further. As if this could get any worse. You were going to murder him for this.
“Leave us. Now,” Azriel commanded Cassian, voice still dangerously calm. You couldn’t help but be a little worried as you watched your friend practically run out of the training area. If Cassian didn’t think he could deal with Azriel right now, what chance did you have?
The shadows disappeared from your body, but the arm around your waist only tightened. You repressed a shudder as you felt Azriel’s lips brush the tip of your ear, leaning down to whisper to you. “What kind of game do you think you’re playing?” You sucked in a breath, all confidence gone now that you were alone.
“I-I’m not playing a game,” you stuttered out, cursing Cassian in your head.
“Mhm,” Azriel said, his other hand coming to trace up and down your thigh. “You just happen to be dressed in these delightful things,” his hand slid between your legs, squeezing your inner thigh. “You show up extra early to practice, and I find you with my brother’s lips on your pretty little neck?” He ghosted his own over the same stretch of skin Cassian had kissed, a shiver running down your spine. “And to make it worse, I have to listen as you make that delicious noise for him?” He nipped your neck in the same spot as Cassian, causing you to gasp in surprise. “Hm, not quite.” His hand between your legs moved up, fingers finding you easily over the tight fabric. You bit your lip and tipped your head back as he circled your clit, the teasing pressure not nearly enough with your leathers in the way. “Look at you, already so reactive for me.” He pressed slow, hot kisses along your throat, his fingers continuing their almost perfect teasing.
“Az-“ You breathed out, arching into his touch. “It wasn’t, ah, it wasn’t real.” He chuckled darkly against your skin, his fingers pressing harder onto you.
“Oh, I know. I don’t take Cassian’s sloppy seconds.” His words were punctuated with a sharp bite under your ear, his teeth sucking in the skin there. You knew he was undoubtedly leaving a bruise, marking you as his. A rather embarrassing whimper left your lips, his fingers still punishing you over your leathers. “That’s more like it,” he groaned, biting a second spot on your neck. You have another helpless noise, enjoying the way it clearly affected him. “I’m going to make you cum, just like this. Do you understand?” He moved his fingers tight against you, playing you like an instrument he had trained for. His lips brushed against your ear again, sucking the lobe of it into his mouth. “I’m going to make you cry out my name, without ever truly touching you.” Heat rose in your cheeks at the humiliation of it. He was going to ruin you without any effort.
And you were going to let him.
You moaned his name as you felt the pleasure build in your core, pushing yourself harder against his hand. “I always knew you’d be so good for me,” he growled, a shadow angling your face towards him. You almost finished at the look in his eyes, his pupils blown wide as he worked you. “I want to look at you when you come undone for me.” You moaned again, trying desperately to lift your head up to kiss him. The shadow kept you in place, a slow smile spreading over Azriel’s face. “Not yet.” He leaned down enough that your lips were a breath away from his, but not any closer. You shook in his hold as the pleasure his fingers were bringing intensified, the teasing too much to bear.
“Azriel, please,” you gasped out, fighting against the shadow. You could feel yourself about to snap, legs quivering as you climbed that peak. He said nothing, only watching you with those stunning eyes of his as his fingers pushed you over the edge. You went rigid against him, mouth open in a silent scream as your orgasm took over. He kept working you through it, prolonging your pleasure as long as he could. He stopped when you collapsed in his arms, chest heaving as you sucked in air, trying desperately to come back down. He released you then, watching as you stumbled before turning to face him. His eyes drifted down your body, stopping on the wet spot he had made between your legs.
“I’d say you’re ready for training now.”
Here is a short little smutty piece for Azriel Baby <3. I might make this into a mini series 👀. I am still working on Pt.2 of Longing, I just hit a bit of a block and needed to get something else out!! I hope you enjoyed 🩷
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readychilledwine · 2 months
The Story of Us
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Summary - After Nyx is given a school project on his family, the Inner Circles Quad is stuck trying to explain their love life to their nephew.
Prompt Day 1 - Beginnings
Warnings - Nyx is smart and sassy, flashbacks, kind of forced mating bond, jealousy and fighting, rough patches before a happy ending, slightly implied smut
A/n - Happy @polyacotarweek
This is based on one of my friends having to explain this similar situation to her daughters. We, as a society, could do so much for eliminating stereotypes in the poly community if we openly discussed it and normalized it with kids. Her daughters have been raised in a household with a Quad and see the love their parents share as completely normal, and isn't that such a beautiful thing? To be able to freely love without judgement.
Peep the Poly+Acotarweek Masterlist here
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Nyx blinked so innocently at you. His tiny fist gripped his pencil as he mimicked your blinking, waiting for you, Azriel, Nesta, or Cassian to answer him. Rhys and Feyre stood behind him with shit eating grins, waiting for how you all would respond.
The heir stared mainly at you, his damn near mirror image,  as you looked up at your older brother Rhys and then back down to your nephew. “Auntie Y/n, I need to know! It's for school,” his little face pouted, and all eyes landed on you.
You sighed, leaning your elbows top your knees. “Well, baby, I don't know how to explain or where you want me to start.” 
Nyx huffed, looking at you like you were stupid and making Rhys further chuckle. “I know you sleep with Uncle Cassian,” the mentioned male spit out his water, praying their nephew simply meant sharing a bed and not other activities. “And Auntie Ness,” Nesta held no reaction, not even an ounce of shame. “And Uncle Azzy.” Azriel looked away, scratching his jaw line. “And last weekend when I came up to surprise you, all four of you were in one bed and Uncle Cass made me wait before I could snuggle, and daddy only makes me do that when he and mommy -"
Rhys covered Nyx's mouth, his own face flushed as Feyre's ears turned pink. “What he wants to know is how to explain the dynamic.” Since you know for our kind this is not normal, Rhys said gently into your mind. A three-way bond is rare. A 4-way bond is unheard of.
Azriel spoke softly. “We all love each other, Nyx,” he said it like it was the easiest thing to explain to a child with parents who enjoy their monogamous marriage and traditional mating bond, as if Nyx would just understand. “We all love each other so much, and we all enjoy being together. All the time.”
Nyx rolled his eyes. “I know. But how?” He waited again, brows raised and a small pout growing in his face.
Cassian smiled nodding to you. “You tell him, princess.” 
You looked at Az, the smile on his face told every single emotion he had. “A long long loooooong time ago,” Nyx giggled as you held the vowel, “Your daddy and Uncle Cass brought home this weird,” a soft watch it came from beside you, “but kind of cute Illyrian, and I had my first crush.”
The quiet male standing behind Rhys and Cassian rocked back and forth on his feet as you looked at him. He was beautiful, all be it, awkward, but still beautiful. “Sis, meet Azriel,” you waved from behind your mother's leg. “He's going to live with us.”
“Third brother!” Cassian threw his arms up, yelling and then hugging the male with scarred hands and damaged wings tightly.
“Brother!” Rhys then also went in to hug him, rambling about all the cool things they'd be doing together. Hazel eyes met yours, and plush lips mouthed, “Help me.”
You smiled softly at him, offering him a hand and pulling him away from the idiots around you two. "Do you like chocolate?" He nodded at you, a soft smile tugging at his lips before it disappeared. "Good."
“They were inseparable after that,” Cassian grumbled. His tone was filled with old aching jealousy. “Unless Azriel was training or agreed to hang out with us. He was with y/n.”
The sparkle in Nyx's eye as he looked at where you and Azriel sat, lost to all of them as the male kissed your knuckles made Cassian's heart skip. “Did they know they were mates?”
“No,” Cassian was soft now. “That happened under different circumstances.”
"I've apologized many times, Cassian." Azriel stared towards the larger male. "Will you ever actually forgive us?"
"It's not you two I still hold anger towards."
Cassian had you alone. Finally alone.
You had been courting for months now, but every date always had at least one tag along. The kiss you two were in was frantic and heated as he held you against the wall. His teeth pulled at your bottom lip, smirking as you gasped softly and gave him more access to you. His lips moved to your neck, pulling the dress you had worn out of the way.
Cassian shivered as you whispered his name. Loving how he could reduce his educated little princess to nothing more than a girl desperate for his touch. You both jumped as the door slammed shut, two arguing voices carrying through the house. “Y/n!” You sighed as Cassian's grip grew tighter. “Cass!”
Azriel walked in seconds later, eyes going wide as he stood there in shock. It took him a moment, composing himself the best he could while looking just at you. “Your father is here. He will be coming to the house any second now.”Azriel's mind was slowly becoming a storm as he walked away. Allowing you to compose yourself before your father came and demanded dinner with his son, daughter, and their tagalongs. Your mother was trapped in Velaris heavily pregnant, unable to help you all, to help him. Of all the times for a bond to snap, it had to be while your legs were wrapped around Cassian, delicate fingers threaded through his hair. 
You were downstairs, setting the table quickly. Silently grateful you had planned to cook enough for a small army to ensure there was food for Rhys and Azriel. You felt him long before he spoke. That dominating presence just sucking the life and air from the happy cabin.
“Ah, little star,” soft hands held your jaw from behind. “You smell..” His nose was in your hair as your eyes shut, sniffing it deeply to place whatever scent he had caught. “Interesting. We will discuss you degrading yourself late." A pointed look when Rhysand's way, causing your older brother to flinch internally before shielding Cassian from any attacks. "Serve dinner, y/n. We have much to discuss.”
“So grandpa made Auntie serve Uncle Az dinner? And Auntie was dating Uncle Cass?”
Rhys nodded from the spot he had now taken next to Nyx. “Yes.”
“But that meant her and Uncle Az were married now.” You all couldn't help but smile at Nyx's innocence of what had happened that night. “But that's not fair.” 
“No buddy, it wasn't,” Cassian looked at you and Azriel. “It took us a while to be friends again.”
"But again," Azriel waited until Nyx looked to him. "We love each other. So we wanted to become friends again."
“What made you two friends?”
The question caused silence to hang in the air as you suddenly moved close into Nesta, seeking her comfort to stop you from crying. Azriel took a deep breath, “We lost some people, and Uncle Cass saved Auntie Y/n.”
"Like a knight saving a princess!"
Cassian scented your blood as the warriors ran to where the reports of a disturbance came from. It mixed heavily with the scent of soil, of your mother's blood, of little Stel’s blood.
He felt a weird pulling. As if something was desperately clawing at his chest, begging him to find you, and when he did, he went silent. 
You were unconscious on the ground, wings carved from your back, bruising everywhere. He flew you to your father, growling as healers ripped you from his arms. “How did you find her before I did?” Azriel's eyes were cold, staring at him from across the room.
“She called for me.” Cassian refused to leave your side as you healed. He was the first to hold you when you woke up, the one to teach you how to walk again. As much as it had irritated Azriel, the shadowsinger felt it, too. A strained pull bringing the three of you together. Binding your lives and very souls.
“So the three of you all dated?” 
“Yeah,” Azriel leaned forward, reading Nyx carefully. “And you know how Auntie Ness got involved. Does it bother you?”
A little lip trembled. “If you all love each other, how can you love me?” 
Nesta was to him instantly. Cradling her little life line so tight. “It's different, baby. But there's so much love for you. All the love for you. We'd all do anything for you, Nyx. We all love you so so much."
You moved by him, too, kissing a small hand. "Some people have so much love to give that their hearts overflow, Nyx. Trust us, we love you as much, if not almost more, than we love each other." You kissed his palm again. "But that doesn't answer the question, baby. Does it bother you that we all are married?"
Nyx thought for a while, young eyes filled with so much hope and knowledge studying each of you. "No. It's my favorite."
Silence fell between the 4 of you that night. “Do you think he understands?” You were the first to break the quiet. “Do we need to stop until he gets it?”
“If we don't raise him with this being the norm, he will never see it as a norm,” Cassian sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. “He needs to grow up knowing it's normal for some people to love more than one person like this. Not everyone has one love of their life, y/n. Some of us get the honor of falling in love over and over again."
“I've never heard the full story.” Nesta moved next to Azriel. “Of how you three began. I have a feeling you left details out.” 
You answered plainly. “Several fights. Verbal and physical. A lot crying. A lot of sex. Rhys yelled a lot. Like. More than he ever has at you. I got locked in the Palace by father at one point."
“So what was the final decision? What made two three?”
Cassian, you, and Azriel all smiled. “The first Solstice with Rhys trapped Under the Mountain.”
You refused to leave bed. Refused to eat. You refused to so much as even think about solstice without your brother. 
It felt wrong.
Like you were playing this role of someone you were never meant to play. You stayed in his room, Azriel, Cassian, Mor, and Amren long forgotten. You had not spoken with your mates since Rhys left your head, whispering soft words of how much you mean to him, of how his greatest joy in life was being your big brother. 
You didn't even respond as the door opened and the bed dipped in two places. “We miss him too,” Cassian moved his hand to find yours under the blanket. “We tried having a snowball fight, but it just didn't feel right.”
Azriel hummed from where he had moved to lay behind you. “Not just because Rhysand is missing, but our girl wasn't there cheering us on from the sidelines.” 
“I'm sorry-”
“Do not apologize, princess.” Cassian laid next to you then, too. “If this is where you'd like to be today, we need to be good mates and be here, too.” 
Azriel's lips pressed softly on your shoulder. “We were hoping Solstice would be extra special this year. Cassian and I have talked a lot, and we both think there's enough love inside of all of us to make this work.”
Your eyes lit up instantly. “Really?”
Cassian nodded. “I loved you long before he came into the picture, and I've realized slowly how much I love him as well.”
“And I feel the same,” Azriel moved a hand to rest above yours and Cassian's. “And I know you do, starlight.” 
“So this is my solstice present? No more fighting?” 
“No more fighting,” they confirmed together.
“Rhys would be so happy. I wish he was here.”
The two males shared a look. One sparing glance. Azriel brushed soft onyx colored hair from your face. "We do too. Do you know what Rhys would have liked for Solstice?"
Cassian kissed your shoulder, finishing Azriel's thought. "You to eat something."
“And then 50 years later you came,” you smiled so softly. “And you shook everything I'd ever thought about myself.”
Nesta's face flushed. “Was I?”
“My first and last time with a female.”
“Oh,” Nesta's hands played with the hem of her dress. “When I was human, I never imagined this. The first time I saw the first of you together, I didn't know what to think.”
Cassian smiled, “We're a lot.”
“It wasn't that. I.. Deep down I wanted to be a part of it from the first dinner. It was like-”
“You found home?” Azriel ran a finger down her cheek. “You sure as fuck fought it, Ness.”
“Because it was scary. Loving so many people so deeply is terrifying.”
“And magical.” 
She looked at you, and nodded to confirm. “Beyond magical.”
“Yes. It is.”
Cassian smacked your ass slightly before standing. “Rhys said Nyx is going to say we all just live together and love each other a lot and he likes it.”
Azriel stood behind him. “Separate beds tonight or one?”
“One,” the general answered with a shrug. “We will see you two in bed.”
You both wished them goodnight as Nesta smiled softly into the fire. You leaned to her, holding those perfect manicured hands. She smiled before laughing out a soft what. “I know it's still strange for you, but it's amazing how much room we all truly have for people in our hearts, if we're brave enough to allow them in.” 
“Sometimes my heart is so full, I just worry I will wake up and it's all been a lie.”
“Never, Ness. I have you. You have me. We have them. They have us, and the beautiful thing is that love flows freely. And it always will, so long as you wish for it to.”
“I love you, y/n.”
“And I love you, Nesta. Let's go to bed and hope our nephew doesn't make us look like heathens.”
“There's no one else I'd rather be a heathen with,” soft lips met yours before resting a forehead against yours. “You were my favorite to fall in love with. You know that?”
“Really?” The oldest Archeron nodded. “Tell me our story from your eyes someday?”
“I will.”
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys
Poly Week Taglist
@amara-moonlight @toporecall @littlestw01f @prettylittlewrites @anuttellaa @nayaniasworld @123345566
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solbaby7 · 5 months
Life of the Party
pairing: azriel x reader
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warnings: typical jealousy trope, sexual themes, minors DNI, swearing, probably typos, chill boyfriend/party animal girlfriend trope
summary: A spymaster who’s restraint wears thin when his mate is invited to a costume party
“Oh wow,” Mor breathes out when you walk in the sitting room; heels clicking against the glossy floors as you made a bee-line for the bar cart. “Azriel’s letting you go?”
“No, which is why I’m rushing.” Your hands shake around the decanter; not with any real fear but your heartbeat does quicken at the reminder of the little white lie you’d told instead of the truth because you knew how it sounded. You, going to a party that you were invited to outside of the Night Court. “Tarquin said he’d meet me at the border.”
“A personal escort from the host himself?” Mor doesn’t bother hiding the implication in her tone and she lets out a low laugh, Amren joining in with a chuckle of her own at the way your eyes roll.
The whiskey Rhysand splurged on was warm going down and after three consecutive shots, the nerves were steadily beginning to subside. “He’s my friend.”
“Did your friend also provide you with that little outfit?”
You glance down at yourself at Armen’s slow drawl, a ruby nail pointing at your frame.
Maybe it was a little much.
The obsidian color of the fighting leather like material fits like second skin on the parts of you that they do cover. There are no sleeves, the neckline fairly tame; a deterrent to offset how much leg was on display. The see through material of the skirt flows tauntingly with each step, the two deep slits on both sides so high your hipbones showed along with the leather straps that curled around your thighs, equipped with two jeweled daggers. Two large swords crossed at your back, the hilts wrapped in blue ribbon; a small reminder of the shadowsinger. It was sexy; meant to make you appear as some warrior goddess—Azriel would never let you step foot out of the house like this. “It was a gift.”
Mor lets out a low whistle, eyes still taking in the details; the gold chains that held together some flimsy underwear that hid your modesty when the breeze cut through too hard. “He’s going to fucking kill you.”
One more shot and you swear you see a shadow lurking about in the corner. Armen smirks at your jumpiness, tucking silky hair behind a pierced ear. “Better hurry along, sounds like he just got home.”
Your eyes widen, heartbeat thumping quickly against your chest and you don’t care to let their laughter distract you when you dart from the room. You speed walk on the tips of your toes, trying to make as little noise as possible in the high heels as you prayed to the Mother above to just let you past the front door and then everything would be perfectly fine. Your hair tickles at your shoulders every time your head whips back to ensure you aren’t being followed and you finally feel the cool breeze of the night touch your skin when you bump into a large body.
The gasp that emits is comical, a little yelp, eyes wide and the relief doesn’t settle in even when you notice it’s just Cassian. “Whoa,” He mutters, bright eyes running across your frame and you pray that’s distraction enough for him to not question the way you slowly circle him, adjusting the position and finding a clear path the hell out of there the second he left. “Where are you going dressed like that?”
“Nowhere,” You breathe out, a shaky smile tugging at the corner of your mouth. “Have you seen Az?”
Cass smirks, taking this as you getting dressed like this for Azriel—some sexy little fantasy made reality and your shoulders immediately relax. “Went inside a couple minutes before I did. He’s probably looking for you.”
“Guess, I better hurry.” He nods, not bothering to hide the way his eyes eat at all the skin you have bared, the sultry curve of ass that peeks out the back of the skirt with each step and he barely notices you’ve gone the wrong way—leaving with a sheepish smile and a wave before you winnowed away.
It sets in when he steps inside the house, spotting Azriel turning the corner and he can’t help the words that form, even when Mor and Armen step out of the sitting room. “Az, you lucky bastard.”
The spymasters brows furrow in confusion, shadows slinking about; drifting beneath the cracks of room after room, reporting your absence back to their master. “What are you talking about?”
“That little outfit your girls got on—I’m surprised you’re even standing here right now.” Mor’s eyes widen, sharing a gaze with Armen and it doesn’t go unnoticed.
Azriel’s shoulders subtly square out, spine straightening and the way golden irises darken has the otherworldly woman chuckling to herself. The pieces click without any further information and the scowl that forms on his face is positively hellish. “Did she go to that fucking party?”
But it’s plenty answer enough.
Darkness clouds the rooms so thick it was nearly impossible to see even an inch before you and just like that it was gone and so was Azriel.
You let out a deep breath, nerves beginning to subside when you stand before Tarquin. “I didn’t think you’d come.”
His hand is warm when he guides your arm into his own, a large palm gentle rested over your own. “Got a bit delayed on the way over. Hope I didn’t miss anything too exciting.”
“No,” He murmurs, a smile growing in the corner of his mouth. “I believe the excitement just arrived.” Stark white hair contrasts against rich skin, Tarquin’s abdomen is exposed, the buttons of his shirt undone and left out of the waistband of his dress pants.
“Who exactly are you supposed to be?”
“I’m a High Lord, I’m not obligated to participate in such things.”
The cool breeze cuts through the thin material, all your exposed skin doing little to stave off the elements but the warmth radiating from the man beside you is enough to hold you over until you breach the main doors. Everyone was dressed in all types of extravagant outfits, some so revealing you wondered if it were a costume at all. “Glad to see that title hasn’t inflated your ego.”
“I’m sure it’ll be much more manageable after a drink or two.”
Two drinks quickly turned to five and then after a few more you’d shuck off to a corner to roll up the mirthroot Mor had generously slid your way a few weeks back. Golden light casts over the room in a sultry glow, music alluring and your hips are moving from side to side without being told. The smoke trickles from your mouth, smile growing as your worries began to fade. You could feel the eyes, the lusty gazes and Tarquin’s genuine joy from just watching.
You’re too caught up in the moment, mirthroot burning between two fingers when the shadowsinger arrives, his intent march abruptly stopped by the High Lord of the Summer Court. Cassian follows close by, Mor and Rhys a few paces behind and their steps abruptly halt when they see you. Perched up on a raised structure, your hips sway in sync with the music, hair flowing behind you and the blue ribbons attached to the swords flutter with each movement. “You,” Azriel all but hisses but Tarquin doesn’t so much as flinch. “—a terrible, horrible influence.”
“Relax," Tarquin drawls out, obviously somewhat affected by the few glasses of wine he'd indulged in. "-- look at her,” Az's hands clench in fists at his sides but the spymaster can’t help the way his eyes shift to you, to the costume and the color you donned; the smoke huffing from your nose like a dragon emerging from her cave for the night and Azriel forgets about what he was mad about in the first place. “She’s just having fun.”
More than having fun.
You were positively the life of the party, others beginning to gather around, watching the warrior of a woman dancing like no one else was there. Your head dips back and Azriel finds his eyes trained on the column of your neck, mouth closing as whatever response he��d originally intended to give the High Lord completely died on his tongue. Something in the way Tarquin remains trained on you has Azriel's shadows go on edge, sizing up the man baring so much skin; lean muscle on display and bright eyes are fixed on the way you move. "Watch this," He mutters, living vicariously through you and Azriel begins to question the true intentions behind the High Lords friendship with you. "It's her favorite part." Water begins to trickle down like fresh rain after weeks of sweltering heat and Azriel's heart actually swells when he hears the laugh you let out; hands raised above your hand to catch the cool drops.
It soaks through your clothes, the flimsy material of your skirt sticking to your thighs and Azriel is acutely aware of exactly how much skin you have on display and the plethora of males and females in the crowd beginning to recognize that same thing. Even Rhysand has a brow raised, head slowly tilting to the side when a particularly obscene about of ass flashes, gold chains holding underwear in place glistening under the flame light.
Azriel doesn't even need to trudge through the sea of sweaty bodies to get to you; eyes catching after turning to send a grateful smile to Tarquin and for a split second your whole body freezes. You recover quickly but you come down from the stand much quicker, body dripping and hair sticking to your neck. The closer you approach your mate, the more aware you become of the smell of the mirthroot stuck to your clothes, lacing your breath and Az doesn't seem swayed in the slightest by the sweet smile you offer him when you reach. "Nice party, right?"
Aureate irises drag down the length of your frame, catching on the parts of you made visible from the impromptu shower and Az can't help but be a little disappointed to see your makeup still in place. He'd always got a little frenzied when he saw you all messy; eyeshadow smeared and mascara dripping down your cheeks while he fucked off the sticky lipgloss that smelled like cherries. The evaluation pauses at the holsters wrapped around your thighs, jewels in shades of blue intricately welded together on the daggers peeking out the sodden skirt. "It would appear so," Shadows curl around your legs, avoiding the gift of a costume as if it were toxic waste. "I hope you enjoyed it because we are going home."
"But, I just got here."
"Yeah, Shadowsinger," Tarquin tacks on and Az's hand twitches to punch him; to wipe that smug grin off his face and to demand Rhys erase decades of memories the two of you had made before ever even meeting Azriel because no other male should be this comfortable with you. "She just got here and she hasn't even begun to make a dent in the bag of mirthroot Mor got her." The blonde in question huffs, eyes going a little wide but she doesn't seem too worried-- confident that whatever Az had planned for you was far worse than anything he could conjure up for her.
"Actually, he's right," You pull away from the High Lord with a warm smile, offering a hug and thanks for everything and Cassian hides the laugh that grows at the sight of Azriel's jaw clenched so tight; shadows just itching to slice off the hand that lingered a little too low in the dip of your back. "We should be getting home."
Az wastes no time tugging you to his side, nose grazing your temple when whispering in your ear. "When we get back take these clothes off but leave those on." Shadows twist at the fat of your thigh, around the holsters and the weapons they held. "Only those."
A smile grows, pupils blown and the way you glance up through thick lashes has his cock hardening in his pants. "Yes, sir."
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Hello! I hope all is going well for you. Firstly i wanted to say thank you so much for these wonderful fics you have been posting lately. I am so happy i somehow stumbled upon your page and now am able to read so many beautifully written stories.
I was hoping you could write a fic with azriel where him and reader have known each other for a while, but later on when elain come in the picture along her sisters, reader feels left out because azriel isn't there with reader anymore and is spending more time with elain's company and this makes reader feel neglected because she can't voice her feelings for him. Perhaps rhysand or cassian see reader slowly being left out and decide to approach her and reader lets all her feelings out, so they can talk to azriel and azriel fixes everything with the reader...they could end up being mates...upto you. Thank youu❤️❤️
Azriel x f!Reader
Warnings; angst, swearing.
Hello! Thank you for your kind words. I hope you enjoy it! I can rewrite it if you don't like it!
When you met Azriel you instantly fell in love with him, the darkness that surrounded him never bothered you and when he realized that, he opened up to you and after some years he considered you his best friend. It hurt at first and no matter how much you wanted to tell him about your feelings, you were too scared of ruining your friendship and losing him. So, you ignored the ache in your chest and prayed to the Cauldron that he would fall for you too. You never completely understood why you felt that pull to him, it was like you were hypnotized. His sharp face with those high cheekbones and the strong jawline, those full lips and hazel eyes and not to mention the body that looked like it was carved by the Mother herself to tempt the world. He was made from sin and the most dark and unholy dreams, his huge membranous wings adding to that terrifying aura around him. But what could bring everyone on their knees was his personality; If you managed to get past those adamant walls he has built around him you would be mesmerized by him, his personality is a light that pushes all his darkness away. Only a fool wouldn’t be enchanted by him, and you sure as hell aren’t a fool.
So now that the other two Archeron sisters burst into your life and the middle one showed interest in Azriel every ounce of patience you had dissolved. Azriel would wake up, find Elain, spend his day with her, have dinner with everyone and then disappear into his room. Not even a second spent on you, his alleged best friend.
You were having breakfast with Cassian and Nesta in the house of wind when Azriel walked into the dining room.
“G’morning” Cassian mumbled as he chewed.
Azriel nodded and headed to the balcony.
“Az could you come pick me up around 4, I want to go to the bookstore.” You asked with a hopeful smile.
“I don’t think so, ask Cassian or Rhys” he replied without even looking at you and flared his wings, shooting up.
You turned your gaze to your plate and blinked the tears away.
“I can take you there” Cassian’s voice was soft, and his big palm rested on top of your own.
“It’s okay, excuse me” you whispered and got up leaving the room as quickly as you could.
“He’s such an idiot” Nesta said and continued eating.
Cassian was staring at the wall across him, his hand scratching his chin as he was lost deep in thought.
“I have to go” he said suddenly and got up. Nesta only nodded.
“I’m telling you Rhys he is completely ignoring her. She looked so broken today” Cassian exclaimed and hit the desk with his hand.
Rhysand was staring at him, trying to remember the last time he had seen you and Azriel together.
“I believe you Cass, I will watch them today during dinner and if he is ignoring her, we will talk to him together.” He replied and waved a dismissive hand at him.
Cassian left the office; he passed one of the big windows and glanced outside. Azriel and Elain were standing in the garden, Elain was explaining something as she pointed to some flowers. The warlord shook his head and left; he knew that if he stayed longer, he would snap.
Everyone gathered in the dining room of the house of wind for dinner, Cassian and Rhys sharing a look and taking their seats. You entered a few minutes later and glanced around the table, your usual seat next to Azriel was taken by Elain, the only empty seat was between Cassian and Mor.   “Az, do you want to change seats with me?” Cassian asked the moment you sat. Azriel furrowed his eyebrows.
“Why?” he asked.
“Because you and y/n usually sit next to each other.” Cassian shrugged.
“Oh, no its okay” Azriel replied.
You let a shaky breath and picked your fork. Rhysand sighed and shook his head.
You didn’t know what happened during dinner, you were too busy keeping the tears back and thinking everything that was going on with Azriel. When everyone was done with their food, they moved to the living room with a bottle of wine. You tiptoed to your bedroom knowing that no one would notice and laid on your bed, letting the tears and sobs escape your body.
Cassian and Rhysand noticed though and they followed you. They stood in front of your door, their hearts breaking with every sob you let. Cassian opened the door, and they walked inside.
You felt the bed dipping.
“Az?” you asked as you turned to look.
Cassian’s expression turned from sad to angry. “That fucking idiot.” he growled.
“Y/n what’s going on?” Rhysand asked.
You were so tired of keeping all those feelings hidden, you couldn’t take it anymore, so you told them everything. How you instantly fell in love with Azriel, how you kept your feelings hidden in fear of losing him and how he broke your heart by spending all his time with Elain.
The two males frowned as you spoke.
“He is such an idiot, I told him to confess his feelings to you. He never listens” Cassian exclaimed and got up.
“Don’t worry y/n we will handle this.” Rhysand said and they both hurried off.
You were gaping at the door. Feelings? Confess? What? You were so confused that your brain felt like it would explode.
Cassian marched into the living room, grabbing Azriel by the collar of his shirt and dragging him outside. The shadowsinger didn’t fight his brother, he knew that Cassian could be a brute when he needed something. What he didn’t expect though was the angry look on Rhysand’s face when they reached the balcony. “What the fuck is going on?” Azriel shouted as he fixed his collar.
“You are a fucking idiot that’s what’s going on” Cassian growled. “Rhys?” Azriel asked ignoring the warlord.
“You’ve been ignoring y/n from the moment Elain stepped into our court. When was the last time you spent time with her?” Rhysand asked.
“I’ve been helping Elain adjust like you asked me to” Azriel exclaimed.
“Elain is fine for a while now.” Cassian said.
“She wants to hang out with me, she feels safe when I’m there” the shadowsinger explained.
“She wants to hang out with you because she likes you” Rhysand snorted. “That’s not the point of this conversation” Cassian growled. “Y/n is in her room crying her heart out right now because she is completely in love with you.”
“What?” Azriel’s eyes were wide as he turned his gaze to Rhysand. The High Lord nodded and Azriel spun around and sprinted off.
“Finally” Cassian screamed.
Your door burst open and Azriel stumbled inside, his eyes wide as he scanned your room.
“Angel please don’t cry” he breathed when he saw your face and approached you.
You couldn’t speak, you just stared at him as he knelt in front of you cupping your face.
“I’m so so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you angel. Rhys ordered me to help Elain adjust and then I kept spending time with her because I thought she needed me. I didn’t realize I was neglecting you, Cauldron I’m such an idiot.” He sighed. “Cassian said that you have feelings for me, is it true?”
You gulped and nodded.
“Even after all of this?” he asked.
“Yes” you whispered.
“Good. Because I’ve been in love with you from the moment I saw you for the first time. I feared losing you if I told you. I couldn’t believe that a sweet creature like you could love a monster like me.”
“Don’t say that! Please… you’re not a monster Az” you exclaimed.
“I kill faeries for a living”.
“You protect your court and family, and those faeries that you kill are not innocent. If someone can’t understand that then they are stupid.”
“My sweet angel….” Azriel stopped talking and furrowed his eyebrows.
“What?” you asked him. “Do you feel that too?” his hand went on his chest.
You felt it too, like a string unwrapping and then it snapped making both of you gasp and lean back.
“My sweet mate” Azriel whispered and smiled. You couldn’t believe it, your heart skipped way too many beats.
“My mate” you said, and tears filled your eyes.
“Do you forgive me?” Azriel asked.
“Yes. But you will stay away from her at least until I get used to the bond” “I will” he nodded “I love you my beautiful mate” “I love you Az” you smiled and he kissed you.
Requests are open but delayed!
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jongseongsnudes · 5 months
Dropping by to tell you how much I adored your Ni-ki's badboy trope fic. It is my favourite one to read of all time and I will definitely be coming back to read it. Just kind of sad that it's all over, manifesting 🙏🙏🙏 you write a similar one for him in the future 🙏🙏🙏🥹 Do you think you could write drabbles of somesort for it? i.e. The team begging Yn to get Ni-ki to do something for them cause he won't if they asked? That would be so cute but please ignore if you don't want to write it. Thank you for your hard work Cass 🙏🤍
awww thank youuuu 😭💖💖 i loved writing this trope for niki, i feel it fits him so well so our tsundere, badboy will be back in the future!
ill write a little something 😊💖 if anyone else has drabble ideas, send themmmmm
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“why me?”
“who else but you mrs team captain!” taki shouts at you desperately, his hands pressed together in a praying motion, “it’s a saturdayyyyy! please help us, he will only listen to you and you know that!”
you both look over to the team captain who is standing by the sidelines, arms crossed, and already watching like a hawk over his team.
it was indeed a saturday and instead of going to the movies like you had wanted to do, niki organised a team practice, saying everyone needed to get back in shape for the upcoming season. the boy really worked hard when it came to football, you as his girlfriend knew that but come on... it was 8am on a saturday. no one wants to be here at the school oval.
“half the boys have dates today! i was gonna take eunji out,” taki nudges you a little, “don’t you want to go on a date today? it’s such a nice day... getting dressed up... holding hands with your boy... hugging... kissing...”
“say no more.”
and you were off on your way, a girl on a mission. niki may be tough but you knew exactly how to crack him.
“hi nishimura,” you say nonchalantly, your eyes on your phone like you were texting someone, “how long did you say practice was again?”
“well we can’t start practice if these little kids are just standing around wasting time!” he shouts a little louder for the rest of the team to hear before turning his gaze onto you, “why?”
“oh it’s nothing. you know how i wanted to go watch that new comedy today? well since you’re so busy, i’ll just go...” you smile sweetly, as if you didn’t have an ulterior motive, “with jj who also wanted to see it! anyway have fun practising! call me when you’re done.”
you had only turned to walk away when you felt a hand at your waist, pulling your body back into another. it’s obvious who it was so you had to fight back the urge to smile.
“so that’s who you’ve been texting the whole time? jj?” niki's tone is an octave lower as he mentions that name but it’s the deep chuckle that follows that tells you he’s unpleased.
“yeah! i’m gonna go home and change into that new dress i got, remember the one you picked?”
oh you were being so mean but you weren’t going to stop now, not when he looked like he was about to explode of anger.
“are you serious?”
“hm. if i didn’t know any better, i’d say this sounds like jealousy, niki.”
and you’ve hit the spot, calling him out on his jealousy that he always, always denied. even though everyone and their mothers knew how jealous niki could really get sometimes.
“hell yeah i am!” he suddenly shouts, gaining the attention of the team and definitely surprising you with the confession, “i bought that dress for you and you want to wear that out without me? of course i am jealous!”
“then come with me nishimura,” you finally break character, chuckling at how adorable he looked while throwing a tantrum. you reach up to pinch his cheeks, making the boy’s expression go softer instantly, “come on niki, it’s a saturday, let your poor team go have fun. don’t you want to go on a date with me?”
he thinks for a moment before leaning down to kiss you, his lips now curving into a smirk as he does. oh your poor heart. niki with a smirk? its a view you’ve always, always been weak for.
“you’re so cute thinking i fell for that miss class president, i heard you talking to taki,” the boy says with his usual smug grin and pinches your cheeks, “but since you put in so much effort to act, fine lets go on a date. you seem so desperate to have me to yourself anyway.”
“wh- what! i do not! whatever! you practice then, i don’t care!”
you try to push him away but the tall boy only hugs you harder. he’s now in a laughing fit while you turn to the field to get help from his team... but no one is there... the guys having ran off the moment they heard their team captain’s words.
but hey... at least you get to go on your date.
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Love Thorns All Over This Rose
Words: 2577
Warnings: angst, talks of a miscarriage, body image, talks of difficulty staying pregnant, mention of what is technically a still-birth, depression, suicidal thoughts, self-medicating, accidental suicide attempt (this is will make sense if you read it), probably poor writing and OOC characters but whatever
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I mention Y/N goes to a church to pray, it is described more as a Christian or Catholic one (I really don't know the difference and I apologize) as she lights a candle before she prays. If you wish to skip that part, it starts with "Y/N hurried up the steps of the Cathedral." and ends with "Y/N nodded silently before turning and walking out.". I do also mention that the reader themselves aren't very religious (but grew up with it so reverted back to old practices to see if it helped)
Alfred is also dead in this (don't ask why he just is) so that's why he isn't here!
The POV here isn't really consistent. It jumps between being with the Batkids, Bruce, and Y/N's. I tried to make it flow though so hopefully that works!
 I feel like I should mention:
Bruce and Y/N's ages don't matter (I'm not in the mood to deal with that) but; Dick is 31 (and married to Kori but that's not too important), Jason is 25, Tim is 22, Damian is 15, Cass is 24, and Steph is 23
I also am not too familiar with Duke, so that is why he isn't there much. Mostly just mentioned
Anywho, enjoy
Love Z <3
7:25 AM
The kids watched as Y/N was silent as she put the plate down in front of Bruce's empty seat. They all noted how fake her smile looked as she looked up at them. "Alright, I will see you kids later!"
They all watched as she walked out of the dining room and once they knew she was out of earshot, they started talking.
"Did she eat anything?"
It was Jason, he had been the last down (well...outside of Tim) so he only saw her putting the plates down and ushering them to eat.
Dick shook his head, he had seen her the entire time she made breakfast. Fully clothed, which was unusual as she usually just made breakfast in her pajamas with her hair occasionally brushed. But not today. Today her hair was done, makeup was on, she was dressed as if she was working.
But everyone in that house knew she was still off after what happened, even though it had been 3 months since the incident.
Damian flicked at his food, "Ummi was supposed to take me to school today."
Dick smiled at Damian, "I can, Dami. Mom is just...preoccupied."
Damian hmphed and continued to play with his food. Dick was concerned for his younger brother. He knew that while he himself was close with the woman he had allowed to become his mother, Damian was so much more as she was really the only person who never got mad at him or made fun of him when he didn't understand something.
Jason abruptly stood, "Since mom isn't here, I'm just gonna go."
Dick raised a brow, "Really Jason? You're just gonna leave after--"
"Hey, we've been over this before Dick. I come because mom asks me to." He shrugged as he put his jacket on, "Plus, I'm going to follow her."
Stephanie snorted, "She'll kill you when she catches you."
"If she catches me. If."
Steph hummed, "My bets are on she will. Y/N is always on the lookout, especially after..." She faded and looked down, regret piling up inside her as she thought of what she was about to say.
"Either way, tell us what you find Jason."
He nodded to Dick's request before heading out the side door in the kitchen. Dick tapped his hand on the table for a minute before speaking; "I'm gonna go check on dad, Damian go get everything ready and I'll meet you at the entryway, alright?"
The eldest stood, placing a gentle hand on the youngest shoulder before heading to the stairs. Dick was concerned. He had never seen his mother so...shut off. Pretending like everything was alright even though everyone who saw her could tell that she was so close to jumping off of a bridge.
The closest that he had seen her to this was back when Jason died and she broke up with Bruce. But even then, she didn't avoid things that she had already planned. Even then, she stayed committed to things.
Plus, Dick knew she had no plans today. Well...no plans except for the fact that beforehand this would have been her due date. And he knew that that was most likely what had off-set her so badly.
Dick didn't even knock before opening the door to Bruce's study. He was even speaking before his father even looked up from his computer. "Have you talked to mom?"
Bruce raised a brow, "What?"
"Mom." Dick crossed his arms, "When was the last time you and her had a real conversation?"
Bruce shrugged, "I'm not sure." He looked at Dick oddly, "What are you going on about?"
Dick let out a hard sigh, "You two are married, it is your job to take care of her. Goddammit Bruce!" He threw his hands up in anger, "You know what? Nevermind, I'm not...I'm not even going to try."
He angrily turned and walked out of the room. He didn't even understand why he even thought that talking to Bruce would help. He just walked down the stairs and remembered his promise to get Damian to school. Trying to hide the anxiety he had that he didn't know what exactly his mom was doing.
9:09 AM
Jason watched Y/N walk out of the convenience store all the way in Blüdhaven. From where he was, he couldn't see what she had bought, but the moment he saw her go into the store, he had messaged Tim to watch her bank account. To watch what she was purchasing. Something felt...off as he watched her.
Jason knew that after the...accident, Y/N had been hard to reach. To talk to. He knew that she and Bruce hadn't been sleeping in the same bed since that argument he had accidently heard them having around 3 weeks after everything happened. So 4 weeks ago.
Granted...from what he had heard, it wasn't even a fight that they had had. Mostly just words being thrown at the other. Words that Jason never thought that he would hear either one say to the other. Words that he never told any of his siblings that he heard. All out of fear that one of them would panic. And while sure, he had a disdain for Tim and Damian, that didn't mean he would ever let either of them know what he had heard.
Jason wasn't sure how long he had been watching her just sit in the car before Tim finally texted him a list of what Y/N had bought in the past week. And considering Jason had seen her previous bank records for a week, it was a sure red mark with how short it was.
In the past week she's gotten a lot of sleeping pills. That's basically all that she has gotten. That plus energy and pain pills. Duke is thinking she's self-medicating again
Jason sighed as he pocketed his phone when he saw his mom driving out of the parking lot. He kept a safe distance behind her as he followed her on her drive back to Gotham.
12:15 PM
Y/N hurried up the steps of the Cathedral. Trying not to make a misstep and fall as well as trying not to draw attention to herself. She closed the umbrella over her head as she walked in. Placing it in the small holder, she brushed the front of her outfit as her heels clicked on the ground when she walked down the long hall.
Last time she was there was for her mothers funeral last year. Last time she had walked up and grabbed the larger candle to dip down and light the smaller one. Her heart pounded in her chest as she kneeled, words swimming through her head and mumbling off her lips.
She herself was never very religious, but having grown up that way, she wondered if praying like she did as a child would work. Praying that things would get better and that she would get better.
She shakily did the cross on her before standing and wiping the tears that had silently fallen away from her cheeks. She turned and started to make her way out of the church when she heard a voice call out her name:
"Mrs. Wayne! We were not expecting you here today, is everything alright?"
Y/N slowly turned to face one of the Nuns, a small, fake, smile on her face. "Oh yes, everything is alright Sister. Just came here to pray for a moment. I haven't in such a long time."
The nun nodded, "Very well, I hope the Good Lord hears your prayer and makes it happen."
Y/N nodded silently before turning and walking out. She grabbed her umbrella before opening the door and walking out. She practically ran back to her car, wanting to get in before anyone saw her out.
But Cass and Steph did. They watched her speed back to her car as they sat in the cafe across the way. Stephanie shook her head, "She never goes there. Especially not since her mothers deaths."
Cass nodded as Steph continued; "Something is seriously going on with Y/N. Maybe something else has happened that we don't know."
"She's been deteriorating for the past 4 weeks."
Steph raised a bow and inquired, "4 weeks?" Cass nodded, "Huh...weird, that's around a week after she came home from the hospital." She grabbed her phone and started typing in the groupchat that only held the kids (Damian not included):
when did Bruce disappear for a few days after Y/N came home?"
It didn't take long for Tim to respond
logs say he left 35 hours after she got home and came back 83 hours later why?
She's been slowly getting worse sense then
I overheard them arguing around 3 weeks after everything happened and I know they haven't been sleeping in the same room since then. And I'm not sure how important this is; but Tim checked her bank account and she bought different pills so me, him, and Duke think she's medicating again. Or that she's going to start again.
Cass and Steph looked at each other, concern and worry was on their faces as they read Jason's last message. Something started unnerving them as they thought of the things she could possibly do if she was going to start medicating again.
3:25 PM
Y/N looked at her body in the mirror. Her hands came to lay on her stomach. Just like she did before. Tears brimmed in her eyes as she stared at her flatter stomach. She breathed shakily as her hands fell down to her sides.
Was all she ever asked.
Why me? Why did this happen to me?
She was so confused. She had always been good. Done everything to be a good person. But yet she still had that happen to her. Was she just not meant to be a mother?
Of course...she was one. She was a mother to 4 amazing boys and 1 beautiful girl. But still...it was different. Yes, those 5 children were hers, but that one. That singular one that she had carried for nearly 7 months had meant so much to her. Especially after being told time and time again it wouldn't happen.
It wasn't even the first time it had happened. She had had miscarriages before...but that wasn't what it was this time. The kidnapping. Bruce and the kids had found her after 2 days. The emergency c-section to save the baby.
But she knew. Of course she knew. She knew it had died.
Her baby girl. She had died before she even got the chance to live.
Y/N shakily breathed as she grabbed one of the bottles from the counter. She had thought it was the pain medication. But it hadn't been.
Sleeping meds.
Ever since it happened she had hardly been able to sleep. Nightmares of what happened still plagued her mind. Bruce yelling at her still echoed in her brain. Those...twisted words he said echoed inside of her.
She had popped a few in her mouth before dry-swallowing them and getting into the bath she had started earlier. The hot water felt like it was searing her skin, but she didn't care. She wondered if maybe she did this enough, whoever was above would forgive her of her sins and let her keep a pregnancy.
She wasn't sure how long she had stayed in the water before it became difficult to keep her head above water. Her body just felt so heavy. She wondered what pain meds she had grabbed at the store. She couldn’t remember them making her feel this way before. After a few moments of struggling to keep her head up, she felt her body sink down and under the water. But even as she felt water rush into her nose and fill her lungs, she couldn't bring herself to move and get out.
She just accepted her fate.
3:30 PM
Bruce sat in his office, a bad feeling settling in his stomach. Something was telling him to check on Y/N. See if she was alright. He knew she had returned around 20 minutes ago, the security cameras had caught her walking in.
He carefully stood from his desk and walked out of his office. He walked down the oddly quiet halls of the manor. A small feeling of pain and guilt started to eat at him as he got closer to the guest room she had been staying in. He knew she was struggling. He knew that she needed him today. But he just...couldn't.
He was selfish. He knew this.
He knew he was so goddamn selfish. Caring about his own feelings rather than helping his wife. She had been the one to physically go through everything. She had been the one to bear that trauma.
He had been so incredibly selfish since she had come home from the hospital. He had even begun to wonder why she even stayed in the manor.
But as he opened the door to the guest room, unrest settled inside him as he saw she wasn't there but the bathroom door was open. It was silent. He had known his wife long enough to know she never was silent in the bathroom. She almost always had music playing.
He pushed the bedroom door further open as he walked further in. Anxiety started to reach a breaking point as he walked into the bathroom.
And time felt like it moved in slow-motion as he saw her state. Her knees bent out of the water, her head under. He saw the three bottles of pills on the counter. He saw the open one read sleep on them. He ran over to the tub, grabbing under her arms and pulling her out.
He bent down, trying to listen for a heartbeat. He felt like his own heart stopped as he heard nothing. Not even a faint thump of one. He quickly moved to her side and started CPR.
Everything still felt like it was moving slower than it was as he pushed down on her sternum. Tears gathered in his eyes as he repeatedly slammed down onto her. As he breathed into her mouth. He didn't stop. He couldn't stop.
It felt like an eternity had passed by the time he finally had gotten the CPR to work. She began to cough profusely, water spluttering everywhere. He sobbed as he heard her shallow breaths break through the air.
He heard the noise of Dick's voice breaking. "Mom?"
He looked at him, seeing both him and Damian staring at the scene in front of them. Staring as their father held their mother in his arms. As tears fell from his eyes, he pleaded for them to call 911.
It was with shaky hands that Dick did it. His words sounded choked back, he kept stuttering. Trying to say what he was supposed to but his mind was running at a million miles and and half a mile a second at the same time. Everything felt fuzzy and he had no idea what he was supposed to do. All that he knew was that he walked in on his dad doing CPR on his mom.
That was all he knew.
That was all Dick knew.
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eyeheartboobiez · 2 months
-> 𝗃𝖺𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗈𝖽𝖽 𝗑 𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗋!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
-> 𝗌𝗈𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗅 𝗆𝖾𝖽𝗂𝖺 𝖺𝗎!
-> 𝖺/𝗇: 𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖽𝖽 𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾'𝗌 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍 4!! 𝗂 𝗍𝗋𝗂𝖾𝖽 𝖺 𝖻𝗂𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝖺 𝖽𝗂𝖿𝖿𝖾𝗋𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗌𝗍𝗒𝗅𝖾 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝖾𝖼𝗈𝗇𝖽 𝗁𝖺𝗅𝖿 𝗍𝗈 𝗁𝖾𝗅𝗉 𝗆𝖾 𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝖻𝖾𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖺𝗍 𝖽𝗂𝖺𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗎𝖾 𝗅𝗆𝖺𝗈. 𝖺𝗅𝗌𝗈 𝗂 𝗄𝗇𝗈𝗐 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖼𝖺𝗌𝗌 𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗎𝗎𝗎𝗉𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗈𝖼 𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗉𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝗋𝗈𝗅𝗅 𝗐/ 𝗂𝗍 𝖺𝖻𝖾𝗀😭🙏🏿
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liked by cass.cain and 3,190,751 others
@y/nforeal: me n the bestie🤞
View all 14,176 comments
user1: “bestie” girl just tell it like it is
user2: she dropped the brother and picked up his sister instead we love to see it
user3: can someone explain this in pop culture terms?
⤷ user4: this is like if princess diana went and hooked up with hayley kiyoko after she divorced prince charles
⤷ user3: girl WHAT😭😭 (i completely get it now)
@/cass.cain: heyy mamas
⤷ @y/nforeal: hey girlie🙈
user7: this post alone single handedly set feminism forward by a good 50 years
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Y/N Y/LN and Cassandra Cain take a Friendship Test | Glamour
How well do these two friends actually know each other? Singer Y/N Y/LN and songwriter Cassandra Cain share first impressions, shower each other in complemets, and more to prove they're as thick as thieves.
Be sure to check out their latest single Kill Bill out now!
8.9M views October 8, 2022
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Tell us how you met Cassandra.
"Gosh, where do I even start?" Y/N huffed out, trying to collect her thoughts.
"I mean we always hung around the the same crowd, you know, with her making music and me in the booth all the time. Officially though, I'd say we met at the billboard music awards back in 2020."
A sentimental look plastered itself on her face as she continued, "She had won for songwriter of the year, and when I saw her at an after party later that night, I knew was that I just really wanted to congratulate her more than anything."
Grinning at the fond memory, Y/N wrapped up the thought, "So, I sought her out from across the room and basically stroked the shit outta her ego, and yeah. The rest was history."
What all can you tell us about Y/N?
"I think a better question would be what I can't tell you." Cassandra let out a short chuckle at the comment.
"No but seriously, there's just so much to like about her, y'know?" Her eyes drifted behind the camera towards the singer, a smile blossoming in her face at the action.
"For sure, if I were to tell you anything about her, I'd talk about how giving she is."
Looking back at the cameras, Cassandra said with her full chest, "She'd give anybody the whole world if she could, really."
Exercise One: Stare Into Each Other's Eyes for 2 Minutes
"I don't think I've ever stared at you for this long before." The vocalist confessed.
"All the more reason to now."
The artists giggled as they stood hand in hand, staring into the eyes of someone who understood them better than anyone else. Both felt as though they were looking into a mirror, when really it was just the eyes of a friend.
"You have really soft hands." Cass confessed, breaking the short lived silence.
"Thanks, it's the new body butter I've been using." The pair continued to stare into each other's eyes, with the songwriter casually swiping her thumbs across Y/N's hands.
Eyes gazing into the ones before them, Cassandra couldn't help but mentally curse her brother for being so stupid.
The past few weeks had been full of nothing but damage control after Jason's mishap at the club last month.
Cass had been the main one wiping away tears and distracting the singer from all her problems, whisking her away from the avalanche of pain.
For years now, she had dreamed of being in her brother's place, practically praying for his downfall. But now that she was here, she couldn't help but feel selfish.
Regardless of her feelings, Cassandra knew better than to use her brother's slip ups to her advantage.
She knew for a fact that Jason loved her. He did. How could she just swoop in and and pretend to play hero knowing that?
The entire situation was ridiculous, almost laughable even. She couldn't help but scoff at the irony of it all. Despide the artist's mental turmoil, the girl in front of her didn't seem to have a clue in the world.
“What's so funny?" Y/N accused teasingly, "I wanna laugh."
The silence was broken as Cass's chuckles continued to fill the room. Pulling herself together, she responded, "Nothing hon, nothing's funny."
"You sure? Because it looked hilarious." Jokingly, the singer continued to taunt the artist before her.
Even though Cassandra was never a woman of many words, Y/N on the other hand, always seemed to have a way of keeping the mood light.
A timer went off in the room, signaling the end of their two minutes. While Y/N was quick to break her gaze away, the other musician's eyes seemed to linger in a way that would leave most viewers speculating.
Exercise Two: Compliment Each Other
"Looks like we're back where we started," Y/N commented, "me stroking the shit out of your ego."
The remark made the Wayne double over in laughter, almost dropping the pen and notepad in her hands as she went to clutch her stomach.
"Aight now, it wasn't that funny."
As their giggles died down, a comfortable silence filled the room as Y/N and Cassandra started jotting down what they loved most about each other. After just a few minutes, both were ready to begin.
"Who wants to go first?" Asked a producer behind the camera.
Instantly, Y/N spoke up, "I'll go first, for old times sake."
"So," She stared off, "You're insanely observant, like you can literally read anybody like an open book. I love how independent and confident you are. You're very supportive, you're always listening to what I have to say. And last, but not least, I love how close you are with your family.
Once again, the grin on Cassandra's face never seemed to falter.
"Starting off, I love your smile. I admire how you put so many of your emotions into your work, and how you wear your heart on your sleeve. I love how when we first met, you took it upon yourself to learn sign language so for me."
The singer's eyes started to become glossy at the thought. Back when Cassandra was nonverbal, Y/N was more than determined to find a way to communicate with her.
Pausing before she continued, Cass took in a shaky breath, "The last thing I put on here, is that I admire your strength above all else."
"-We talking about the same Y/N here?"
A handful of soft chuckles could be heard from both Cassandra and Y/N, with the former still trying to keep her emotions in check. The statement, while so simple, seemed to be absolutely nerve wracking.
"After everything you've been through this past month, your strength and resilience are something that I really admire." A pregnant pause settled within the room, the light atmosphere dying with that last statement.
Although no words were being exchanged, a conversation was being held between the two as their eyes remained locked with each other.
The only noise that could be heard was the cameraman signaling it was time for the next segment of the video.
Exercise Three: Hug For One Minute
Before the tears could escape her eyes, Y/N quickly stepped in to her friend's arms, shielding her face from the camera. Cass was swift to embrace her, hands rubbing soft circles onto her friend's back.
The silence still remained heavy. If watchers listened closely, they could hear a faint you okay? spew from Cass's lips, leaving viewers beyond thankful for whoever was woking the boom mic.
With her head still buried in Cassandra's chest, Y/N gave a slight nod, indicating that she was fine.
One of the crew members eventually called time and the intimate moment was finished as soon as it began.
The pair caught each other's eyes and quickly broke away, once again, silently communicating the words they couldn't say.
Clearing her throat, Cassandra stepped back. Not knowing what to do with herself, she crossed her arms.
Suddenly becoming much more aware of her surroundings, she looked back towards the camera with her best award winning smile.
As if she had finally come back to reality, Y/N attempted to appear as relaxed as possible as well, silently praying that her mascara didn't run.
"So, any last words?"
To give the star a chance to find her voice, Cass spoke up, "Well, this was a great experience, and I'm glad we got the chance to come here and test our friendship."
Knowing they had to wrap up, Y/N went onto conclude the video, "Thank you so much Glamour for having us here today, and make sure to check out our new collab Kill Bill, which is out now. Bye!"
"See ya!"
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@/yn'scoochiehairs: i js know jason is tighttt rn💀
⤷ @/girlmoregirly: fr he polly punching walls n shit😭
@/gojoluvr: am i going crazy or was somebody crying towards the end??
@/cassie's_girl: i feel like im interrupting something here🧍‍♀️
@/livingrosetoy: the way cassandra kept touching y/n to comfort her plsss i can't take this anymore😭
@/jasonsmellslikeboucedatass: j*son bro keep playing w/ my girl and see what tf happen🤣🤣😐
@/igthatcuntgettingeaten: the way cass kept looking for her approval🥹
@/delulupills: everybody in the comments is talking about jason like can't we just focus on the two people who are actually in the video🤦‍♀️
⤷ @/ynstan4life: no that nigga need to die like today
@/cassandra'strophywife: i need bofa them like so bad like it's not even funny
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a/n: lesbian cass save me.. lesbian cass.... save me lesbian cassandra...
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jeannineee · 9 months
just finished your az & cass headcanons and… would you be up to doing a little drabble fic about like three examples of early-mates drama 🫣? because like… imagine it with me. i feel like there would be a little bit of spite there in the beginning (ESP. with az, considering how he acts about elain canonically) and i can totally imagine like them “accidentally” interrupting dates or one sees the other talking to you alone and just sliiiideeeeesss in lmao
Illyrian Babies
Azriel x Reader x Cassian
a/n: just a couple of little scenarios based on what it would be like in the early days of being mated to Azriel and Cassian.
Quickly proofread, sorry for errors.
“No, not like that, sweetheart,” Cassian murmured from where he stood only a couple strides away. You halted your strikes on the punching bag, turning to your mate.
“I’m doing it exactly as you told me,” you replied, wiping the sweat from your brow before bracing your hands on your hips.
“Here…” Cassian approached, placing his hands on your shoulders, turning you around to reface the punching bag. His hands slid down your waist, angling them to better your stance.
You couldn’t help but shiver at the contact, earning a chuckle from Cassian. He pressed a kiss onto the crook of your neck, behind your ear.
“We’re supposed to be training,” you breathed, instinctively leaning into his touch.
Cassian hummed, the sound sending vibrations over your skin. His hands slid even lower, toying with the waistband of your pants. “I think it can wait—“
“How is the training coming along?” Azriel asked from behind the two of you, a very smug smile on his face.
Cassian’s expression hardened, until he loosed a breath, offering you a halfhearted smile before turning to Azriel. “She’s doing fine. The same as she was when you asked an hour ago.”
Azriel stepped forward, planting a kiss on your forehead. “You hungry? Figured we could get lunch from that cafe by the Sidra that Mor told you about?”
You opened your mouth to reply, but Cassian interrupted, “We’re busy, Azriel.”
Azriel didn’t look at Cassian as he responded, “She’s been training all morning. I’m sure our lovely mate could use a break.”
Cassian snorted. “I’m sure our lovely mate can speak for herself.”
Azriel gave Cassian a flash of his teeth. Cassian returned the gesture. The sheer arrogance radiating off of the pair had you wanting to throttle them both.
You sighed, praying to the Mother for any amount of strength to help you deal with the two of them. “I am hungry, Cas. We can train more this evening?”
Cassian stared at Azriel for a few more moments, before turning to you, his previous scowl gone, his eyes now soft with adoration. “That’s fine. Go eat,” he said, pecking your lips. “I’ll see you later.”
Cassian shot another glare at Azriel before stalking off.
When you arched a brow at Azriel in silent question, the spymaster merely shrugged as he interlocked his hand with yours.
“He’s had you all morning.”
“Have you finished that book you’ve been reading? The romance one?” Azriel asked as he sipped at his coffee.
The sounds of people conversing around the cafe, and the Sidra flowing nearby filled your ears as you and Azriel ate your lunch.
You smiled at Azriel’s question. “I finished it last night. Already started a new one.”
“I’ll have to get you more books, then. That’s what, three this week?”
Azriel chuckled. “Maybe we can spend some time at the library today. I saw a few books that you might—“
“Az? Y/n? Didn’t think I’d see the two of you here.” Cassian sent a wink your way as he slid into the booth, sitting beside Azriel.
Azriel deadpanned, “What are you doing here.”
Cassian grinned. “I was hungry. Didn’t feel like cooking.”
Azriel remained unamused. “Velaris has countless other establishments you could’ve visited.”
Despite the murderous intent swimming in Azriel’s eyes, Cassian wasn’t intimidated. Though, they’ve been brothers for centuries, so you supposed that was to be expected.
Cassian accepted water from a passing waitress, before glancing between you and Azriel. “You’re right, Azriel. However, I happen to like this establishment.”
“The establishment that you knew y/n and I were having lunch at today.”
Cassian feigned innocence. “I had no idea.”
Azriel’s jaw twitched, his shadows swirling around him with anticipation. “You were two feet away from us when I asked her to lunch.”
Cassian shrugged. “Semantics.”
You cleared your throat, hoping to ease the brewing tension between your mates. “Azzie, it’s alright. We can have lunch together, and then you and I will go to the library.”
“What an excellent idea,” Cassian mused.
Azriel narrowed his eyes at Cassian for a few moments longer before turning back to you, nodding. “That’s…fine.”
The three of you ate your lunch together. Surprisingly, it went smoothly—up until the three of you decided to go on a walk along the Sidra, afterwards. It was impossible to enjoy it, what with Azriel and Cassian casually trying to assert their petty-Fae-male-dominance over the other every thirty seconds.
When they asked you for your opinion, you’d finally had enough.
“Both of you need to cut it out. I love you both. Very much—more than anything. Nothing is going to change or affect that.”
You loosed a breath, continuing, “I know that neither of you ever thought you’d find your mate, let alone that you’d have to share her. But you both—we all agreed to make it work. We can’t make it work if you’re having pissing contests when I have alone time with either of you.”
They both seemed very interested in the ground as you spoke, their broad shoulders slumped in shame.
Azriel spoke first. “I’m sorry. A lot of it is just—it’s instinct, to want you to ourselves.”
Cassian nodded in agreement. “I’m sorry, too. We’ll try to keep the pissing contests to a minimum, sweetheart.”
You smiled. “Good. That’s all I ask. Now can we go to the library?”
The pair chuckled and nodded. “I’ll fly you,” they said in unison. Fortunately, they didn’t have a showdown of sheer will and stubbornness this time, with Cassian instead saying, “Az can fly you to the House of Wind. I’ll see you this evening, to continue training.”
Cassian shared a quick kiss with you and shot off into the sky. Azriel picked you up, bridal style, before doing the same.
“When can I expect another pissing match?” You laughed as you questioned Azriel; the sound of wind rushing through your ears.
Azriel smirked. “I give it a few hours.”
“That’s generous.”
“We’ll make up for it,” Azriel murmured, mischief twinkling in his eyes. “Tonight.”
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daydreaming-nerd · 2 months
Young Love and Old Money (Cassian x Female! Reader) Part 9
Young Love and Old Money Masterlist
AN: Okay remember when I said there would be a lot more angst? Well here we are. We have arrived at angst station, everybody off the train. This part is so dramatic I really laid it on thick here. Regardless I hope you enjoy and I will try to get part 10 up ASAP!!!
Summary: She was the most beautiful woman in Prythian, sister to the High Lord of Night, and now she is the soon-to-be wife of Eris Vanserra. Despite her many titles and her aura of unattainability, Cassian can't help but fall deeply in love with the princess of the Night Court. But will it be enough to stop her impending wedding to a man who is sure to destroy her from the inside out?
Warnings: Sexism, super heavy angst, this got really dark, violence, blood, implied rape (but not described), did I mention violence?, (I'm sorry you guys.)
Word Count: 6,333
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The next morning I wake up in my own bed and I don’t move for hours. 
Thankfully, after about an hour of crying by the Sidra, Azriel found me and took me back to the House of Wind.  Apparently Cassian had sent him, which gave me a little bit  of hope. That is until I went to his door and found his room empty. According to Azriel he left for Windhaven after returning home to pack a bag.  I didn’t need to interrogate further to know that Cassian wouldn’t be back before the wedding. 
I spent the entire day before the wedding in bed, staring at the sliver of light on the floor that the curtains let into the darkened room. Everytime I close my eyes I could hear Cassian and I’s laughter, which made me unable to fall asleep. When I wasn’t reminiscing over memories of Cassian I was listening intently to the sounds of the house, hoping I would hear his heavy boots thudding back to his room. I just wanted to see him one last time. 
However, those footsteps never came, and I found myself staring at the wall until my body gave up on me, from either exhaustion or hunger and I fell asleep.
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Cassian’s pov: 
The second I landed in Windhaven I cracked open a bottle of whiskey and downed a glass praying it would allow me to sleep. Of course I was wrong. 
The entire night I saw images of y/n holding that little girl in her arms. God I had practically melted right then and there, thinking about what she would look like holding our own children. How adorable they would be with their tiny wings. 
My sleepless night had carried over with me the next day, everything and everyone putting me on edge. A young Illyrian had dropped their sword while sparring and I blew up at him. Devlon tried to argue that the females shouldn’t be training and I nearly slammed his head into a wall.
I was aggressively sharpening my swords on the edge of the sparring ring when Azriel found me, my brother simply  nodded his head towards the center as if to say “blow off some steam big fella.” I couldn’t turn him down, as he was the only one who could give me a run for my money, and today he sure did. 
“You fight like shit and you look like shit too brother,” Azriel barked after beating me again. He tossed his sword to the ground seemingly calling it quits for the day. 
“Yeah well my mate is about to marry another male in the next 12 hours so how did you expect to find me?” I gripe at him taking my seat on a weathered rock. 
“I suppose I wouldn’t know what to do in your situation either,” he admitted, taking a seat next to me. 
“Seems about right for me. Grew up a bastard and lived in the mud till you and Rhys’ sorry asses came along. Lost my mother and never even got to bury her, fought for 500 years, and then became mated to the princess, who is marrying another male.”  I scoff, shaking my head at the ridiculousness. “I’ll give the mother one thing, at least she’s consistent.”
Azriel was quiet for a moment, as if taking in what I had said before clapping a hand on my back, “The pain, it will go away Cass. It will take time, but I will be there with you every step of the way.” he assured me, and for a moment I felt a little lighter. 
“Get wasted with me tomorrow?” I ask more seriously than I should.
“You know I will,” he said, offering me a slight smile. 
I hoped that Rhys had gotten some more whiskey since the last time I raided his cabinet, because I don’t think any amount of drink could make me forget the way she looked at me the first morning we woke up together. The way she would laugh when I kissed her cheeks, the feeling of her delicate hands running soap over my wings. How she would say “you need a bath!” when I would give her a sweaty hug after training. The face she made when I distracted her from one of her romance novels by tickling her feet that rested in my lap.  
By the cauldron, I was a dead man. 
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y/n's pov:
Stepping into the Autumn Court felt like I was walking to my own execution. Instead of Eris being at the end of that aisle there would be a guillotine. I almost wished for that instead. Any comment made by Rhys about how I seemed tired I chalked up to pre-wedding nerves and thankfully he didn’t push after that. 
The entire morning had been spent poking and prodding at my skin, my hair and my eyes.  If I thought that Nuala and Cerridwen were meticulous I was sorely mistaken. The ladies of the Autumn Court didn’t mess around and if this was my life going forward (which sadly it was), cauldron boil me. 
The ladies in wait primped me up until a half an hour before I walked down the aisle. I had to literally commande them out of my suite in order to have a moment alone. I sat staring at myself in the floor length mirror. For what it was worth, I looked beautiful. I half expected the dress that was chosen for me to be  awful and gaudy, however it was elegant. The lace along the neckline mimicking the flames associated with Eris’ power. Had I been walking down the aisle to a different groom, I might venture to say that I was excited to be married. However as I stared at myself in my white wedding dress I couldn’t help but feel a tear slide down my face. 
A tentative knock reverberated through the room, nearly making me jump out of my skin. I took a deep breath and wiped away a stray tear. 
“Come in,” I said with shaky words looking at the double oak doors through the mirror before me.
The door opened slowly, whoever it was looking around the room before entering. A large figure finally popped it’s head in, eyes finding me immediately. I would know that jet black hair anywhere. 
I whirled around to meet his gaze as he shut the door, taking slow and tentative steps towards me. His eyes searched my face for any hint of anger or resentment. 
“Cass,” I breathed, as if to assure myself he was really there. 
“You look beautiful,” he smiled looking me up and down, but I could see the veiled sadness on his face. He was putting on a front, and a bad one at that.
“Thank you,” I say, taking a tentative step towards him. “How did you get in here?”
“They don’t have you that well guarded,” he chuckled, stepping closer till he stood before me. Neither of us reached for one another, unsure of where we both stood. It felt wrong not to instantly wrap my arms around him. “I don’t like where we left things,” he continued.
“Neither do I,”   
“I wanted to say that I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I yelled at you that night. I’m sorry about the things I said,” he starts again. His hands reach for mine but pull back as if afraid to touch me. “I wanted to say that I understand now. And that I think you are incredibly brave to be doing this for Velaris. I’ll never be happy that you’re marrying Eris, and I’ll always wish it was me. But I understand now, and I respect the love you have for your people, and the lengths you’re willing to go to to keep them safe. Will you forgive me?” 
I feel the stray tear pricking my eye once more, “There was never anything to forgive Cass. I was more upset with myself for giving you false hope. For going along and loving you and acting like things were going to be alright when I couldn’t guarantee it.” I sigh, casting my head down, unable to face him.
I feel his gentle calloused hand tip my chin up to meet his gaze. His eyes, that beautiful hazel, glassed over. Despite it all, despite what I put him through, there is still so much love in them, and I know I’ll never really deserve it.
“Loving you was the greatest gift I’ve ever known, and ever will know,” he smiles as if he’s remembering the short time we did have together. “I’ll be here waiting if you should ever change your mind or in case something ever happens.” 
“Cass,” I start to protest but he stops me.
“I’ve loved you for so many years y/n. There can be no one else but you. If I don’t get to have you until we are both old and gray so be it. I’ve waited this long,” he assures me cupping my cheek.  
I don’t even have words to reply to his confession. Boundaries be damned. I threw myself around him pulling him as close as possible. His arms tighten around me like he had been waiting for me to make a move. In the embrace there’s an understanding, an unsaid agreement.
I back away to see those hazel eyes once more, my own eyes raking over his body. I notice he’s not dressed in a fine suit jacket, or even his fighting leathers. Instead, he’s donning a loose fitted shirt, something completely unfit for a royal wedding. 
“You’re not staying are you?” I ask, pressing a hand to his stubbled cheek that tells me he didn’t shave this morning.
“No, I just had to see you one last time,”  he answers, taking my hand from his cheek so he could hold both of them. 
The weight of his words shoot right through me, and as I look at him, I let them sink in. I watched as a tear slid down his own cheek, it was the only time I had ever seen the general cry. 
“One last time,” I repeated, letting the words consume me. 
His eyes glanced down at my lips, a silent plea to taste them again,
“Can I?” he whispered. 
“Gods yes,” I sigh. 
A hand drifted up cupping my cheek and pulling me into a kiss. The last kiss we might ever share. I poured every ounce of love into it trying to give him something to remember me by, trying to savor every moment of it for when my days ahead were darkest. My chest heaved as if being pulled forward and then…
It was as if a piece of me was returned, one I never knew I lost. I pulled back to meet his gaze and by the way he looked at me I could tell he knew, had known. I felt like I was truly seeing him for the first time as that shimmering golden bond glowed between us.
“You’re my-” I started but I jumped at the bang sounding throughout the room. 
My eyes met the fiery auburn of Eris’ as he entered the room, at least twenty autumn court soldiers behind him. I didn’t have time to step away as he winnowed to me pulling me away from Cassian. 
“You!” he seethed at my general who was already assessing the situation. “I had my suspicions but never the proof and you fell into my trap so easily.” he boasted.  
My thoughts scrambled to what Cassian had said earlier…”They don’t have you that well guarded.”
“Restrain the bastard!” Eris ordered his grip on my arm tightening at the command. 
“No!” I screamed lurching for Cassian but Eris hauled me back to him. 
The soldiers were on him in an instant all of them falling like dominos before The Lord of Bloodshed. Cassian’s eyes blazed with a fury by the likes of which I had never seen before, he wasn’t a general protecting his princess. He was a male protecting his mate. 
Eris’ body tensed behind mine as soldier after soldier fell. In an act of desperation I felt him unsheathe the dagger at his thigh, pressing the blade to my throat. 
“Oh general,” Eris sang. 
It was enough to catch Cassian’s attention for a split second, his eyes widening as he saw the position I was in. A  rogue soldier used the small window of time to pull his dagger and stab it through Cassian’s side. 
“NO!” I screamed as Cassian hissed, his knees hitting the floor. Immediately the rest of the soldiers were on him, restraining him and binding his wings. His siphons tried to come to light but sputtered out.
“Bloodbane,” Eris smiles, lowering the dagger from my throat. “Stings like a bitch doesn’t it?” 
“Eris please, don’t do this. He’s my mate, I didn’t know until now and-” 
“I would choose your next words very carefully, pet,” he cuts me off. “Right now your ‘mate’ has been stabbed with a dagger laced in bloodbane, which means that even if your dear brother did know he was here he couldn't communicate with him. As for Rhysand, he now sits in a wedding chapel completely unaware and unarmed with a bloodbane arrow aimed for his fucking throat. And last time I checked the only asset you had was a magic cunt.” 
Cassain growled from the other side of the room at Eris’ vulgar words. My eyes flitted to where he was pulling against the restraints. 
“However, I consider myself a merciful ruler,” Eris taunted, grabbing my face to meet his stare. “I’ll give you a choice. You either walk down that aisle, be a good little wife, and pop out a couple of heirs as promised, or you call off the wedding and I’ll gut your precious general where he kneels.” 
“y/n, no!” Cassian gritted through bared teeth. 
I watched my mate struggle to break free, the bloodbane in his system beginning to take over. I looked to Eris who stared at me with hungry eyes. I tried to think of some way out of this, but Eris was right. We had fallen right into this trap, and my hands were tied.
My gaze met Cassian who could read my face like a book, “I’m sorry Cassian, but I once told you that I could never live with myself if something happened to you and I had the power to stop it.” I turn to face Eris and his shit eating grin. “If you promise not to hurt him, or my brother, I will go with you.” 
“You will submit to me fully?” Eris asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes,” I nod, my mind flashing back to when Rhys was in the same position. 
Eris steps closer to me, tilting my head up in an act of dominance, his mouth too close to mine for comfort. I could hear Cassian’s grunts as he continued to try and break free. 
“And you’ll warm my cock whenever I please?” he muses, clearly loving the control he has over me. 
“Yes,” I grit. 
He smiled triumphantly, releasing my chin as he turned to his guards, “Take him away and lock him in the dungeons.” 
“You said-”
“When you walk down that aisle and say ‘I do’ then I shall send him back to the Night Court, Jewel of Prythian. I won’t be taking any chances.” Eris growls in my face before turning to Cassian who had now been brought to his feet. “If I ever see you in my court, or anywhere near my wife again Prince of Bastards, I will make sure that she pays the price.” 
“You fucking bastard!” Cassian roars, body nearly limp from the bloodbane as he’s hauled off by the guards. 
“Wait, let me say goodbye!” I cry running to him, but I’m yanked back by my arm so roughly it nearly pops out of its socket.
“Your obedience begins now!” Eris grits but I pay him no mind thrashing about in his grasp trying to touch my mate once last time as he disappears behind the oak doors. 
“Cassian!” I scream for him, tears waterfalling over my eyes.
“y/n!” he shouts back. 
But it’s too late. The doors close with a definite slam and I’m left weeping in Eris’ grasp as I hear the sounds of Cassian struggling down the hall. 
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Cassian’s pov: 
Eris was right, the bloodbane hurt like a bitch. Even an hour later as I sat on the cold, wet floor of the Autumn Court cell, the toxin still made me feel lethargic. As if I had taken the world's strongest sleeping tonic. 
The worst part of it all was that I could hear everything. The organ playing signaling that y/n was walking down the aisle and the cheers of the people as they finally said their vows. The worst and loudest of them all were the bells. 
They rang with such clarity, and joy. The happy little melody could be heard from everyone in the Autumn Court, announcing that the Eris and y/n were finally wed.  The ringing made me double over with grief, their sound a reminder that I was the only male in Prythian who could not protect his mate. A shame greater than being a bastard, and one I would carry with me until the end of my days. 
Metal on metal screeched from somewhere in the dungeon as a light poured in. The jingling of keys and stomping of boots stopped at the door to my cell and I didn’t even bother to look up. Nothing mattered anymore anyways. 
“Come on ‘Prince of Bastards’, time for you to go back to your own court,” the guard grumbled, like hauling me home was a huge inconvenience to him. 
I rose to my feet and stepped languidly out of the door. The restraints on my wrists and wings  were removed, the skin on my wrists rubbed raw from the blue stone shackles. I was led up the stairs to where the wards ended and was immediately winnowed to the border of the Autumn and Winter Court. The cold blizzards of winter whipping around us and chilling my wings. 
“Prince Eris has asked me to remind you that you are now banished from this court. He also says that should you choose to seek out his wife once more you know what the consequences will be.” the guard relayed. 
Before I could even think about punching the asshole square in his jaw he disappeared into thin air, no doubt going back to his post in the basement of the palace.
I was left with nothing but the sound of my own thoughts, and the feelings of my own guilt as I flew home towards the House of Wind where I knew Azriel was waiting. The flight was the longest one I had ever been on, as normally I took this route with y/n in my arms.
 I had never been so happy to touch down on solid ground once more. Azriel tentatively walked out onto the balcony, two glasses of whiskey in hand. His shadows told him that something was very wrong. 
“What the hell happened?” He asked, an alarm ringing in his voice. 
The lump in my throat returns as I remember how it all went down.  “The bond snapped for her, and she changed her mind. Eris found us, said he had set the whole thing up. I was stabbed with a bloodbane dagger,” I say, lifting my arm to assess the blood leaking from my side. “He told her that if she didn’t marry him he would gut me and Rhys.” 
The next words teeter on my lips as I feel my eyes brimming with tears. It felt like pieces of me were being ripped out as I finally confessed to my failure. 
“I couldn’t save her,” I choked out, voice cracking halfway through. 
The words being uttered into the world was enough to have my  knees crashing to the ground. The impact radiating through my body to the open wound on my side that still hadn’t healed.  I was sure that Azriel had said something as I heard the glasses of whiskey clatter to the ground. But the roaring in my ears was so loud, so unbearable, that the only thing that assured me he was still there was the arm he slung around my back as he knelt next to me.  
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y/n’s pov:
The wedding was uneventful and to be honest the only part of it I remembered was when the priestess said, “If there is anyone present who can show just cause why these two may not be joined in matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.” 
The silence that had fallen upon the crowd was so deafening I nearly shuddered. I was stupid to hope that he would come charging in like some fairytale I had read as a child.  The smug look on Eris' face as the priestess continued with the nuptials made my blood go cold. 
The reception was even worse. I had spent the entire time sipping wine with a bland expression on my face. It seemed as though Eris’ new favorite word was ‘wife’ considering he found a way to use it in every sentence.  While most would think it a term of endearment I knew it was just to show his ownership.
“Prince Eris, congratulations on stealing ‘The Jewel’ from us all,” a voice said, cutting across the sea of chatter. I looked up from my lap to find the High Lord of Spring, standing before our table. 
“Thank you Tamlin, she is quite the prize,” Eris crooned, placing a kiss to the back of my hand. 
“That she is,” Tamlin nodded, his eyes raking me from head to toe. “Almost makes me regret crossing her brother, I would’ve liked to have been in the race for her hand.” 
“All in the past now,” Eris smiles, kissing the palm of my hand.  “Right wife?” 
“Right,” I nod to him before turning to Tamlin. “High Lord, where is the Cursebreaker tonight? I would’ve liked to make my acquaintance.” I ask secretly hoping that my brother might catch a glimpse of his mate tonight. 
“Feyre is,” he averts his gaze from mine as if trying to decide what to say. “She is safe at home. Busily planning for the wedding.” 
“The wedding?” I inquired further, wondering if Rhys knew.
“Yes we are to be wed soon,” Tamlin beamed with pride. “I’m sure we will see you both present?” 
“Of course Tamlin, of course,” Eris assured the High Lord of Spring. 
Surely if Feyre was getting married to Tamlin my brother knew. I hoped I would get the chance to tell him. The last thing our court, well I suppose his court now, needed was another separation of mates. 
The rest of the night passed on quite slowly. At one point I was able to feel the bond between Cassian and I. It was faint, but it was there, and I almost swore that I felt him tug on it at one point. It wasn’t until people started making their excuses to go home that Eris finally said the words I had been dreading. 
“Shall we go to bed, wife?” he mused his lips brushing the shell of my ear. 
“After I say goodbye to my brother,” I nod standing up to find Rhys, wherever he was. 
“You’ll see your brother soon enough, my pet. For now let us retire to our chambers,” he growled, grasping my arm and winnowing away to what I assumed was his room.
He watched intently from behind me as I took in my surroundings. 
The bed was large, draped in furs and crisp white sheets. Wood paneling surrounded the four walls, giving the place an ornate look. The fireplace was a glow, casting a warm light upon the room. If it had been anyone else’s room it would’ve been cozy, maybe even romantic. 
The air filled with tension as I waited for Eris to do something, or say something, as I refused to turn and meet his gaze. The only sound heard was the crackling of the fire. 
“I’ve waited for this moment for quite a long time,” Eris mused from where I knew he was leaning against the door. 
“You’ve made that abundantly clear throughout our courtship,” I say straight, unable to meet his predatory stare.  
“How should I have acted when you are so tempting? So innocent, so pure, and now so completely mine,” he purred and I could hear his feet shuffle as he pushed off the wall. “And now that you’ve promised me your submission? Well,” he chuckled. “I’m going to have a great deal of fun with you.” 
The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I knew what was coming and I knew he wouldn’t be gentle and loving like Cassian. I knew that once again my hands were tied.  
“Tell me you belong to me,” Eris uttered, taking a step closer to where I stood rigid. 
I sucked down the lump in my throat, “I belong to you,” I whispered.
“Tell me you want me to touch you,” he went on, taking another step forward, his presence looming. 
“I-I want you to touch me,” I repeated back, a tear slipping down my cheek.
Eris hummed in approval behind me. He took one, two more steps until I felt his warmth at my back. Finger tips danced up and down the backs of my arms causing my breath to lurch in fear. His breath was hot on my neck as his presence sucked out every bit of air from the room. 
“Tell me you love me,” he purred. 
My heart stopped cold. There were many things I would have to do or say to please Eris in the millennium that I would be tied to him. But these three words? He would never hear them from my lips. Maybe towards our children, but never to him. 
“You know it wouldn't be true,” I whisper, feeling the tension radiating from his body. 
His hands grip my hips like a brand, ripping my body around until I am face to face with his seething eyes. 
“Then I will make it fucking true!” he growls hauling my mouth to his. 
Eris had kissed me a thousand times before, not one of those times did I ever enjoy the experience. But this time? This had to be the worst. All of it felt so wrong.  Knowing I had a mate. Knowing he was somewhere in this world right now. It made me sick. It was rough, all teeth and tongues. He didn’t want to kiss me, he wanted to devour me.  
“Say it!” Eris demanded, breaking apart our so-called kiss.
“I will love your hounds and your mother, I may love your brothers and one day our children, but I will never love you, Eris Vanserra,” I seethed, unable to take much more. 
I expected him to growl, or curse or hit me. I expected a thorough lashing for what I had said, but he didn’t even so much as flinch. What scared me more? His mouth curled up in a smirk. 
“You forget that you are also a Vanserra now and speaking of heirs, I think it’s time I put one in you right now,” he mused and my stomach bottomed out. “What do you say ‘Jewel of Prythian’ think I can get you knocked up on the first try?” he smiled, backing me to his bed.
There were no words for the terror I felt. No handbook to prepare me for what came next. All I could do was shut down every emotion I had and do my best to become a ghost. A shell of myself. 
No matter how hard I tried, it didn’t subdue the pain. 
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Azriel’s pov: 
I thought that getting Cass drunk might help distract him from the feelings floating down the bond tonight, but boy was I fucking wrong. 
I had seen my brother lose soldiers and whole infantries. Had seen him lose his first love, the valkyrie, Tanwyn. I was there the day Rhys and y/n went under the mountain and we thought we lost them for good. 
None of that compared to the screams of agony that emanated from the male before me. 
“He’s fucking hurting her!” Cassian bemoaned, gripping the nearly empty bottle of whiskey. 
It didn’t take much to figure out that he could feel everything y/n was feeling through the bond. And at this late hour? It wasn’t hard to guess what Eris was doing to her, and Cassian had to feel every moment of it down the bond.
“Shh calm down Cass you have to try and block her out,” I pleaded with him, gripping his hand in mine. 
His eyes were glassed over, his hair tangled from him nearly ripping it out at the roots. He had been like this for well over an hour now, and I almost wished the whiskey would do its job and make him fall asleep simply so he would be unconscious. 
“I can’t Az I’ve tried,” he yells at me, nearly slumping to the side from where he sat on the floor leaning against the wall. 
Earlier Rhys had spoken into my mind and asked if everything was alright. I had lied of course, telling him everything was fine, not wanting to insert myself in my brother and the princess’ business. Now I wished I had told him to come if only for him to break into Cass’ head and make him sleep. Watching him feel everything his mate was feeling while she was being… well there weren’t words for it. 
“Breathe Cass, breathe,” I soothed, trying to get him to catch his breath long enough to breathe in and out fully. 
“I-I can’t,” he cried. “My mate.” 
His voice resonated with hopelessness and brokenness, reminiscent of the tragedies depicted in literature. This situation felt nothing short of hellish. For centuries, I longed for a mate—a bond that every fae yearned for. But witnessing how it tormented Rhysand, and observing its impact on Cassian, made me question if I truly desired a mate. In my 500 years of life, I had never seen a male stripped down to his core as profoundly as this.
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y/n’s pov:
The next morning I woke up late in the day, the atrocities of last night lasting well into the early hours of the morning. It took me a moment to get my bearings. I wasn’t in the House of Wind, I was in Eris’ room. It wasn’t Cassian’s arms around me in a possessive grasp, it was Eris’.
I slowed my heartrate down enough to assess the room around me. Behind me, Eris was fast asleep, which meant I had a few moments to collect myself before he woke. I looked around the room for a second space and found a door ajar that appeared to lead to a bathroom. I saw my opportunity and took it, carefully wiggling out of Eris’ grasp. 
My body ached all over, especially between my legs, but I pushed through until I stood from the bed. I tiptoed over to the bathroom, shutting the door as quietly as possible.  Thankfully there were two robes hung on the door. The one for Eris made up of thick cotton, and the one for me made of a cream colored silk. 
I reached for the silk robe and slipped it over my bare body, noting every large bruise and handprint that littered my skin. A problem for a later time, I told myself. 
I must’ve spent fifteen minutes in the bathroom collecting myself. Constantly repeating my new found mantra. 
I will not cry.
I will not cry.
I will not cry.
I spent so long taking deep breaths that I thought I was prepared for whatever came next. But the second I opened the door and saw Eris standing, staring down at the white sheets of the bed expectantly I knew I was sorely mistaken.
“You didn’t bleed,” Eris stated, tossing the bedsheets aside, stalking towards me. 
“What do you mean?” I replied feigning innocence like I didn’t know what he meant. 
My heart began to beat out of my chest as Eris stalked closer and closer to me. How could I have been so stupid? To overlook the one thing that meant the most to him in this entire facade.  
“Virgins are supposed to bleed the first time they are taken by a male, yet you didn’t,” he growled, stepping into my bubble as my back hit the wall. Never in my life had I felt so small.  “Which means you weren’t pure when you married me, or when you came to my bed.” 
Every nerve in my body froze over as I watched him put together the pieces. There was no telling what happened next, and the only thing I could do was beg for mercy from whatever plans Eris had for a soiled female. 
“Eris I-” 
“Did you let that Illyrian bastard deflower you?” he gritted out, a rough hand came to grip my  throat, slamming my head against the wall. 
Tears pricked my eyes. Even if I had wanted to answer, the hand on my neck wouldn’t allow me. I could only shake in terror and anticipation of what would become of me. 
“You useless, pathetic fucking whore.” he gritted, hand squeezing tighter with every insult. “Our marriage is now null and void by the traditions of my court, which means you no longer have the protection of being called my wife.” 
His hand releases my throat and I have mere seconds to suck down a breath before a harsh slap falls across my cheek, knocking the air from my lungs once again. The next thing I know I’m kneeling on the floor, clutching my face. Eris reaches out a hand to yank me up by my hair. 
“Let me show you what we do to ran through sluts in my court,” Eris spits in my face. 
His hand doesn’t relinquish its grip from my hair. Instead it begins to drag me out of the room and down the hall. My scalp is burning from the tug on my hair. He takes a back corridor reserved for servants and my bare knees bump, slice and break on the rough stone stairs leading down to wherever he’s taking me.
My hands try to find purchase on the walls around me so that I can ground myself and fight back but it’s impossible. 
“ERIS PLEASE!” I scream, but my pleas fall on deaf ears. 
We reach a basement room that drops in temperature and he finally releases me. I try to catch my breath as I watch him scribble something on a piece of paper, picking up a hammer and nail. I instantly go to cower in a corner as he walks towards me. The autumn prince pulls me out of my fetal position by my  ankles pinning me to the ground beneath his weight. 
“In case I did get you pregnant on the first try,” he seethes before I feel a sharp pain to my lower abdomen. 
I don’t look down, I can’t look down. Afraid of what I might see there when I do. My eyes roll to the back of my head as Eris grasps my arm and a cloud of darkness washes over us. 
When the shadow withdraws my bare skin is whipped and flayed by blistering cold winds. The ground beneath me is soft, but ice cold. I open my eyes long enough to see white as far as the eye can see. 
The Winter Court. 
“And just  in case you get any ideas about utilizing that so-called mating bond,” Eris speaks again before another sharp sting plunges into my side. 
White hot pain spreads from the intrusion and spreads like acid moving through my veins. I feel like the blood beneath my skin is on fire, and I almost wish it was in order to combat the blizzard around me. Only one thing could disable me like this, bloodbane. The very same used on Cassian.
“You’ve brought this upon yourself, ‘Jewel of Prythian’. I hope that bastard general was worth your life and your court. Because when Hybern comes to call it won’t be Autumn Court armies that come to your aid.” Eris says, the disgust in his voice evident. 
I can’t speak, can’t even think about anything but the agony I feel. The throb from my lower abdomen and from my side. The bite of the wind and snow on my bare skin. I can barely register the cloud of darkness as Eris winnows himself away, leaving me with nothing but a silk robe for warmth. 
I reached down with a cold hand to rip the dagger from my side. I hoped if I could stop the bloodbane from spreading that I might be able to use the bond to call Cassian. The second I discard the dagger blood stains the white snow surrounding me, and I realize my mistake. My hand grasps at the open wound, attempting to apply pressure. As I sat there, bleeding and freezing to death I thought of one thing. 
It was all for nothing.
All the pain, all the suffering. Hurting Cassian, hurting myself. It had all been for nothing. I was dying and alone, fingers and toes already losing feeling and I still had no army for my people. Cassian nowhere in sight to save my body and my soul. And I would die here knowing that it was all for nothing. 
Because time was of the essence, and no one was coming.
Part 10
Taglist: @crystalferret202 , @nickishadow139 ,  @graceshifts , @writeroutoftime , @heyyitsnat21  @stinkinstuffie , @lilah-asteria , @12358 , @fxckmiup, @daughterofthemoons-stuff, @mybestfriendmademe, @anxious-study, @bxm-1012 , @mal-adaptive-dreams ,  @sh4nn , @talesofadragon , @5onedirection5 
Been having some trouble with tagging so if you get the notif twice I'm so sorry
Permanent Taglist: @fides25, @dissociated-always
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moider-time · 1 year
The Wayne family has many different New Years Eve traditions. With all those different people and personalities clashing in one spot, it's bound to happen.
You have Dick and his tradition of walking on his hands the entire day after one time when they were little, Jason said there was no way he could do it. The only time he's right side up is when he's eating. Alfred had to implement that rule after Dick accidentally knocked the roast chicken he had been working on for days, out of his hands. To this day, Dick quotes that as the scariest moment in his entire life.
Duke is a new addition to the Wayne Clan but with him he brings the tradition of karaoke. Him and his parents used to go out to a nice restaurant and then go to a karaoke club.
He mentions that offhandedly and then on New Years Eve, there was a brand new karaoke machine in the manor. No one can deny that he killed it when singing 'No Tears Left to Cry' by Ariana Grande. However, Tim butchered 'Mary On A Cross' so badly that Steph nearly sued him on behalf of Ghost. There is also a batkids version of 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road' on Spotify.
Damian and Talia used to commemorate the new year but it was more of a 'Good job you survived the previous year, let's hope you'll survive this one' celebration. So he doesn't really have a tradition to bring to the family, but he is particularly clingy on New Years Eve.
He overheard Dick telling Cass about the Y2K bug and he doesn't believe it but to be forewarned is to be forearmed. If needing to protect his family means that he needs to be snuggled into Bruce's side, well then so be it. He's just being a dutiful son.
But Jason. Jason goes along with whatever everyone wants to do. He makes jokes. He snarks that he didn't even really want to come, it's just that he was in town with nothing better to do (seeing how he's basically glued to Bruce's hip kind of invalidates his point but no one says anything)
But every New Years Eve since his rebirth, Jason makes sure that he's sitting at his grave by the time the clock hits zero. He doesn't pray or cry or sing or anything like that, he just sits. And waits. And when the clock strikes for a new year, he places a flower at his grave and leaves.
No one knows if this is some form or mourning or repentance for what he did in the past year and asking gets them nowhere. They just know that it's something that he needs to do and they'll respect that. Alfred and Bruce will always be waiting to walk him back into the manor, with a coat and hot chocolate. And if it takes him a while to get back to himself, they're all willing to wait.
( pspspsps @bruciemilf )
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 6 months
Game over
Part I
Word count: 2600+
Warnings: some hot scenes to come so be ready, nothing obscene tho (I'd love to but can't write "porn"😬); kind of slutty Azriel, swearing
You walked down the hallway towards Cassian's room, your eyes puffed from crying for hours. You prayed to Mother to find him alone. You needed him desperately. Cassian was your best friend, knowing all your secrets, even the one about your feelings for Azriel. He was the only one who volunteered to go with two of you on missions making a wall between you, comforting you after each argument. And now he almost paid with own life for his kindness.
Instead of knocking you eavesdropped behind his door, but except of Cassian's snoring room was silent. Carefully opening the door you peeked in. Cassian was fast asleep, bandaged wings spread on the bed. He was alone. You let out sigh of relief.
Quietly you stalked to his bed and sat on the edge of mattress. Gently caressing his hand you curled to his side. You were afraid to touch him, not wanting to cause him more pain. "I'm so so sorry, Cass," you sobbed. Snoring stopped and he moved slightly.
"Oh, doll, it's you," he groaned, voice hoarse.
"I didn't want to wake you up," you tried to hide your tears.
"Don't worry. I wanted to see you anyway. I'm glad you came."
"How do you feel?"
His big hand landed on your shoulder, rubbing it soothingly. "I'm high from the Madja's medicaments," he chuckled and you did so, too. He always knew how to make you smile. "Are you okay? Rhys was quite angry when he came yesterday."
"Hmm." You still needed to talk about it, but seeing his state you couldn't bring yourself to bother him with your problems.
"Hey, doll, look at me."
"Everything is fine," you lied.
"C'mon, show me your face," he patted on your shoulder. Reluctantly you obeyed. "I can see you cried. What happened? Did he hurt you?"
"Rhys was mad, but he did nothing to me. He just scolded me.."
"And?" his brows raised.
You let out a breath avoiding his gaze. "And closed me in his office together with Azriel," you muttered.
"What?!" Cassian tried to sit up, but pain in his back and wings prevented him from doing so. Grimacing he lay down again. "Is he crazy? Why? I'll give him piece of my mind when I see him next time. What happened after that?"
"Well, he said he won't let us out until we solve our problems," you explained, tears again stinging your eyes.
"You are out so.." Cassian encouraged you to continue.
"Azriel came with an idea how to make him let us go." First tear rolled down your cheek.
Cassian rubbed root of his nose. "What that idiot did to you?" He knew you so well, you didn't have to tell a single word and he knew what's on your mind. Sometimes it was quite scary.
"He came with plan to pretend we are in love and kissed me in front of Rhysand.." you sobbed.
"Doll.." he again rubbed your shoulder. "Are you okay?"
You shook your head. "I can't.. do that.. It all returned.. and.. I can't.. It hurts.."
Cassian drew you closer, hugging you as much as he could in his state. "I'm so sorry, doll.. But.. You don't have to do it.. If you want I'll talk with him."
"If Rhysand finds out we lied, next time he might also lock us at a cell.."
Cassian's lips pulled into a thin line, but he didn't say anything else, holding you and rubbing on your back while you cried yourself to sleep.
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Azriel was wandering around the House, feeling of discomfort heavy on his chest. He didn't like the way your conversation ended up that morning and he didn't want to accept that his plan was over before he actually could act up to it. He tried to visit Y/N in her bedchamber, but she wasn't there. Everything felt off, so he sent the shadows to look for her. They guided him to Cassian's room, whispering to his ear.
Azriel didn't bother with knocking because as he was informed persons inside were fast asleep. Quiet like a cat he crept in, standing beside the bed. What he saw there made his insides twist with pain and anger.
Cassian laid in the bed with spread wings just like the other day, snoring. And there under his arm curled to his side was Y/N, their scents mixing together. He noticed their smell many times before, but he'd never witnessed it. Jealousy stabbed his heart like poisoned dagger, his teeth gritting in frustration.
Mine. Mine. Mine!
His breath quickened, brows furrowed, anger dripping from him. His fingers entwined around the Truth-teller. Shadowsinger wouldn't let anybody have what belonged to him, what he desired the most.
The shadows emerged in, blinding him and pushing him back to the door.
'Stop. Calm down. You will regret it. Brother. Family.' They hissed.
Azriel took few shuddering breaths. Okay, he wouldn't go so far. But he couldn't leave them like this either. He fixed his expression.
"Love, here you are," he shouted pretending he just came in. Both Cassian and Y/N woke up with a start.
"What the hell," Cassian groaned, pulling Y/N closer. Wide-eyed she looked up at Azriel.
"I was worried. I looked for you everywhere," Azriel continued his performance. He pulled on her arm, tearing her from the embrace, just to hold her close to his chest. She was about to say something, but he wouldn't let her and quickly kiss her on the lips. Azriel gave all his pain and jealousy into the kiss making it rough and needy. And Y/N reacted the same way as in front of Rhysand. Her knees gave out. Satisfied Azriel pulled away. He watched with delight as all kinds of emotions flashed across her face, especially enjoying the blush of her cheeks.
"What are you doing?" Cassian grunted, snapping him out of his observation.
Azriel turned to him. "Love, you haven't told him yet?"
"No need to pretend, Az. I know everything," Cassian rolled his eyes. Azriel turned back to Y/N, searching her face. So she told him? But why? What was between the two of them?
"I want to talk to you," Cassian said.
"Would you leave us alone, dove," Azriel traced her jaw with scarred finger. She inhaled sharply turning to Cassian.
"Don't worry, doll," he grinned at her. Eyeing them she backed out from the room closing the door behind. But she didn't leave. Instead she stayed behind the door listening.
Azriel smirked as Cassian narrowed eyes on him. "What kind of game are you playing?" he asked quietly, aware that Y/N hadn't left.
"Not your business."
"I swear. If you hurt her I'll beat the shit out of you."
Azriel studied his face. "You feel something to her." It wasn't question.
"What if I do? Would you let her be?"
Azriel crossed arms on his chest. "No."
"Do you hate her so much that you want to destroy her?" Azriel winced.
"I'm not planning to destroy her."
"So what do you want from her?" Cassian snapped angrily.
"Not. Your. Business," Azriel growled.
They stared at each other trying to second guess the opponent. Azriel let out a breath after a while. Brother. My brother, he reminded himself.
"I don't want to hurt her, so don't worry," he said way softer than he really felt, turning to leave. "I would really appreciate if you stay away from her," he growled leaving the room. An amused snort sounded from behind as he was closing the door.
Corners of Azriel's mouth turned up in a smile as he looked to the place where Y/N was waiting, right next to the door.
"What did you talk about?" she asked coolly.
He stepped closer cornering her. "About you," he smiled even wider, hazel eyes capturing hers.
"What about me?"
"Hmm," he purred teasingly leaning in so he could feel her breath on his lips. Having her so close soothed his jealousy for good.
She just stood there pinned to the wall under his body, her heart racing. She wouldn't run away before getting answers. Fearless little thing. He liked it and finally he didn't have to hide it. Closing eyes he nuzzled his cheek to hers, drawing a soft moan from her.
"What will you give me if I tell you?" His deep voice sensually whispered to her ear and she shivered in pleasure biting down on her lip, unable to think straight. So hot, so sweet. He wanted to devour her right there on the spot, slowly, enjoying every inch of her. It took all his determination just to stand there, not touching her.
He needed to leave otherwise he would destroy everything. "Try to stay away from Cassian and his room, dove, would you?" he cooed, delivering sweet, light kiss on her lips. Her knees wobbled.
"It would look bad if somebody notice," he said over a shoulder walking down the hall, away from temptation.
After he left, Y/N let out a breath. Without anybody holding her upright she sank to the ground, her heart pounding so hard it threatened to jump from her chest and chase after the cause of this all. Why did he have such effect on her?
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After the encounter in Cassian's room you didn't know what to think anymore. You heard just very little of their conversation and couldn't make anything out of it. Only one thing was clear: Azriel kept pretending to be in love with you without flaw whether somebody watched or no.
He kept touching you at any occasion he had. From feather like touches to passionate hugs, from his lips lightly teasing your skin to deep, needy kisses. Shadowsinger went so far that he was leaving flowers and small presents for you all around the house. It was so confusing.
In front of your friends you couldn't run nor push him away. You struggled every time he appeared close to you. Your heart ached and thrilled at the same time. You had to constantly remind yourself that he faked it. That none of that was real. However your heart didn't listen at all. It hurt so badly. Every day that passed in this manner was a torture and you tried to spend as much time in your room alone as possible.
One morning you woke up with a wing around you, dim light shining through. A strong arm was wrapped around your waist and your back was pressed against male's chest. At first you thought you fell asleep with Cassian. After all it wouldn't be the first time you slept like this.
As your brain started to work again, you stiffened. Last night you fell asleep alone in your room. The body behind you was muscular, but it was rather athletic while Cassian's body was more like a bear. Drops of cold sweat appeared on your forehead and your heart stuttered as realization hit you.
It was Azriel.
You swallowed, your heartbeat was rising with every second you stayed in this position. You didn't know what to do. You wanted to shove him away, but you also longed to stay like this in his arms for the rest of your life. You didn't dare to move.
Azriel behind you didn't move, too, seemingly asleep. However you could feel his heartbeat on your back, speed of it matching your own. And you felt it poking to the back of your thigh. Air became heavy with the smell of arousal.
The wing retracted letting morning light and fresh cold air in.
"'morning," Azriel groaned to your ear, voice still hoarse. Your panties got even wetter.
You forced yourself to retreat to the other side of bed. "What are you doing here?" you tried to sound confident and cool, but your shaky voice betrayed you.
Reclining Azriel smirked obviously satisfied with the way your body reacted to him. Your mouth went dry. He was so... Beautiful? Sexy? No word could adequately describe him.
His dark hair was messy from sleep, smirking full lips slightly parted and eyes.. Those eyes. Soft morning light turned his hazel eyes into liquid gold. Shadowsinger was in your bed looking like a god, toned chest on display. You couldn't take your eyes off of him.
"You are drooling, dove," he chuckled moving closer. His thumb ran over your lower lip teasingly. He was wearing just an underwear, his arousal still visible.
Instincts you gained over years kicked in, though you were too high. "Cover yourself," you moaned. Damnit.
Azriel leaned closer, his lips only inch from yours. "This is what you do to me. Don't you like it?" Thumb of his other hand caressed your thigh too close to your sex. You gasped, eyes going wide. Azriel's pupils blew out, gaze darkening, his scent changing once again.
You needed to cool down otherwise you could do something you would regret in the future. You tried to stand up, but Azriel stopped you.
"Beautiful," he murmured against your lips, closing the distance between you. The kiss was soft, playful at first, slowly heating up. He pulled you back down to the sheets, lightly crushing you under his body. His scarred hand grabbed your thigh and massaging it he hooked your leg around his hips.
No, your brain shouted while your heart was growing with every touch he provided. This was so wrong. You found the strength and pushed against his chest. Panting Azriel reluctantly obeyed. He gave you a questioning look.
"What's wrong, dove?"
"Stop it," a tear rolled down your cheek, followed by another soon. Tip of his fingers gently wiped it away. He was confused. "Stop it. Stop this pretending. It's too much. I can't-"
"Who said I'm pretending?" he whispered softly, studying your face with unreadable expression.
"You came with this plan to pretend in front of everyone.."
"Game is over, dove. It's actually never started. At least for me it wasn't game," Azriel sat up bringing you with him.
You were too confused. "What do you mean? What is this all about?"
Azriel hesitated. "I heard you," he breathed out, his eyes never leaving yours. His deep voice was so quiet you barely heard him. "That night at Rhys' office. You talked in your sleep. For years I couldn't tell you how I really feel, thinking you hate me. It was easier to hate you back than admit I want you. So I took advantage of the situation Rhysand got us into and decided to show you instead. I guess it wasn't the best way.."
Something in your chest warmed up and grew with every word he spoke. "It wasn't game," you repeated, trying to put your thoughts together. You replayed all events, touches and kisses of the last weeks seeing it in new light. You could literally hear wards around your heart crack. He didn't pretend it. None of that.
You searched his eyes looking for traces of lie just to find out it was truth. Your hand moved on its own accord, resting on his cheek. Azriel leaned into the touch closing his eyes for a moment.
"No pretending?"
"Not even once," he shook his head. All suppressed feelings crashed out like a wave breaking last of the walls you built around your heart. You threw yourself around his neck almost knocking him down to blankets, squeezing him as you cried. Shadowsinger groaning with effort to stay upright, hugging you back.
"Az," you sobbed.
"Yes, angel," Azriel rested his head in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.
"You are such idiot," you playfully tugged on his hair.
"I know," he chuckled. "Will you give me a chance to make it up to you?"
You snorted. "It won't be easy."
"I love challenges." With that he started nipping at your neck slowly moving up to the sensitive spot under your ear.
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shadowdaddies · 8 months
what do you think about cassian with a mate that used to get bullied before they met, And one day they’re at ritas and she sees her old bullies and she freezes up. He notices and reader explains what happened, her bullies walk up to reader and act all friendly bc of cassian, they wanna be in the army or something so they act nice but cassian beats them up instead, and takes her home UGHH THE ANGSTT AND COMFORT AND FLUFF👀🤍
Phew, I have a few angst requests in the works that I've needed some time to get in the right headspace to write. Thank you anon for sending in this ask, please enjoy Cassian being both therapist and mama bear
Cassian x Reader (angst to comfort/fluff)
Warnings: implied violence, mentions of bullying, lil bit of suggestiveness
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You were resting your head on Cassian’s shoulder, holding onto his bicep with one hand while sipping on your drink with the other. You had your eyes closed as you enjoyed the music at Rita’s, basking in the peace of the evening you were spending with Cassian. You recognized the band starting to play a song you loved, and you began singing along. As you opened your eyes to turn to Cassian who was also singing along, your heart dropped into your stomach. 
You froze, fight or flight mode taking over as you saw two familiar faces you’d prayed to the Mother you’d never see again, over by the bar. You quickly turned away, looking towards the ground as your shoulders curled inward. Cassian immediately caught on that something was wrong, gently rubbing your arm as he asked, “honey, what is going on? Are you alright?” You couldn’t help your reaction to his touch, instinctively shaking him off as the room felt like it was closing in on you. You couldn’t breathe as you started sweating, unable to lift your gaze from your shoes. You struggled to whisper to him, “I can’t be here. I need to go outside now,” before standing up and bolting out the door, Cassian following right behind you. 
Once you got outside in the fresh air, you felt like you could breathe again. Pacing back and forth, you racked your brain for what you must have done in another lifetime to deserve seeing those two males here, in a place that was supposed to be a refuge for you. Cassian watched you, wide-eyed, as he observed this side of you he had never seen before. He didn’t want to touch you without your permission after how spooked you were in Rita’s, so he cautiously whispered, “angel, is there anything I can do?”
Cassian’s uncharacteristically timid question was enough to snap you out of your thought spiral, as you couldn’t help but giggle seeing the feared Lord of Bloodshed shifting on his feet as he tried to determine the best way to support you. Your heart softened as you took in the concerned expression on his face. You held his hands in yours as you took a deep breath, and tried your best to explain what was happening. “Those two males who arrived at the bar right before we left, they bullied me for a lot of my childhood. They are the reason for so many of my insecurities, Cass, and I thought I had moved past it. But seeing them in there... It brought all of those emotions back. I haven’t gotten any better. They still have power over me and I hate it.” All of your pent-up emotions poured out of you as the tears again threatened to spill. 
Cassian took one of his hands from yours and brought it to cup your cheek. He looked into your eyes, and spoke with an unquestionable certainty, “You are beautiful. You are kind. You are loved. You are the most incredible person I have met in my life, and I can assure you that whatever problem they may have or had with you, came from their own faults and insecurities. Those males are not the type of people whose opinions we should value. Do you truly care what they think of you?”
You were taken aback by the question. You never considered if you even cared what they thought about you, and you felt the burden lift off your chest as you realized that you didn’t care. Why should you care what such hateful people think? You wouldn’t care about their opinions on anything else, so why about yourself? You shook your head as you took a deep breath. “No Cass, you’re right. I am above them.” Cassian smiled, “it’s normal to still be hurt by what they did. But you have grown, and continued to be kind, and that is how you have won.” He leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead before leaning back to look at you with a cocked eyebrow, “I can kick their asses for you, though.” You laughed, shaking your head as you took Cassian’s hand, walking home. “As much as I would love that, they’re not worth it.” 
Almost as soon as the words were out of your mouth, you heard your name being called from behind you. You froze for only a moment before regaining your composure as you turned to see your former bullies approaching you. “It’s so good to see you! How are you?” They bombarded you with questions, acting as though they didn’t make your life a living Hel for years. You squeezed Cassian’s hand, both for support and to keep him from lunging at the males. One of them looked down at your joined hands with Cassian before they turned their attention to him. You seethed with rage as they flattered Cassian, asking him about joining the army and his connections in Illyria. Of course, they were so shameless as to use you to meet Cassian.
Cassian gave them curt answers until they asked about how they could join under his command. You were shocked to see Cassian smile as he invited them to the training ring the next day for testing to enlist. You abruptly dismissed yourself from the conversation, turning to continue your way back home when Cassian caught up with you. “What are you thinking, Cass?” you practically yelled at him. “Why would you want them as soldiers?” He smirked at you. “I didn’t invite them to enlist. I invited them to test.”
Late the next morning, you made your way downstairs to the dining room to grab some breakfast, when Azriel and Cassian walked through the door. You looked at their hands to see bloodied knuckles and you chuckled, “you two have some fun sparring this morning?” Azriel gave Cassian a sidelong glance as Cass winked at you. “Not sparring. There was testing this morning, remember?” Your jaw dropped, realizing the cause for their bloodied hands. “You two fought them?!” Azriel scoffed, “I don’t think you can call it that. Neither of them landed a hit.” 
You laughed as you grabbed a rag to clean Cassian’s hands. “You shouldn’t have done that,” you attempted to scold him through your bright smile. He laughed, tucking your hair behind your ear. “I don’t think you need to worry about them bothering you anytime soon, honey.” 
You pulled him by his hand, making your way up the stairs to your bathroom. “What do you say I finish cleaning you up in the bath, General?”
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fantasy-relax · 3 months
Sweet alpha Dangerous Omega
Part 1 Part 2. Part 3
The maids hurried to finish their tasks to get as far as possible from the room where the lady of the house was with her daughters.
Two of them at least.
"How do you not know where she is?"  Alcina asked, poking her forehead, trying to control her already irritated temper. After dealing with idiots for three days, the only thing she wanted was to listen to dear Bela playing the piano while she drank a glass of wine accompanied by a piece of meat from the prey that her talented Cassandra had hunted specifically for her with her sweet Daniela telling her everything she had done in her absence.
Not this.
"She went out hunting, she was insufferable you know how she gets when her heat season is around the corner, mother." Bela responded with frustration and concern. She was the eldest and had to keep an eye on her sisters. "I thought she would be back before nightfall, I was so busy reviewing the papers about the vineyard that I didn't notice that she hadn't arrived yet."
"I was in the library, I didn't hear her leave or arrive" Daniela knew that her sister could take care of herself but the temperature dropped a lot from morning to afternoon yesterday and Cass tended to lose track of time when she went out hunting.
Both Bela and she tried to call her through the swarm but they got no response, the middle daughter must have been out of range, at least that's what they wanted to think because the other option was too painful to take into account.
(The pain that the cold caused them was horrible, the helplessness and panic of not being able to move, the tiny screams of agony that her swarm felt as they were frozen only to fall into pieces fly by fly, it was inconceivable torture)
"I have already called my uncles and aunt but she is not with them, we planned to go out to look for her , the weather is warmer today" Bela already had her winter clothes on as did Daniela who was also carrying a backpack with Cassandra's clothes, a blanket and a bottle of blood.
Alcina sighed looking at her daughters, she could easily notice the guilt on Bela's face and the anxiety on Daniela's.  Calming her own worry, she arranged the scarves and hoods that Donna had made for them.
"Let's bring your sister back, then she will be grounded for the rest of her immortal life."
Daniela ran as fast as possible, the weather could be warmer but it was still cold enough to hurt her, screaming as loud as possible through their connection she continued looking for the slightest sign of her sister.
While exploring the forest she noticed the corpse of a varcolac covered in wounds and an ax in the neck, lying next to a tree was Cassandra's Sickle along with a couple of her flies;  looking around she noticed more of them.
*I have a trail!*
*Follow it, I'll tell mom and we'll catch up with you*
Praying to God for the well-being of her sister, the redhead followed the path of dead flies as she went further, little by little her hope increased until she could feel the connection, she was alive, Cassandra was alive!
Seeing a cabin in the distance she continued moving forward calling for her sister.
*Are you okay? Cass answer!*
There was no response but she could feel a warmth in her chest indicating that her sister was not only safe but very happy.
Opening the door with more force than she had planned, her eyes witnessed a surprising image, her sadistic older sister sitting on a woman's lap with her arms around the mortal's neck in an intimate embrace.
When her mind finished processing the image she noticed the smell that filled the entire place, Cassandra had started her heat early and for the first time she was sharing it with an alpha and a woman not least.
This was just like the story of one of her books.
A growl brought her out of her thoughts; it seemed that Cass's partner was not happy to be interrupted.  Pushing the brunette off of her lap, the mortal crouched down on her haunches, baring her teeth in warning.
Looking at your naked and scarred body completely, Daniela had to accept that her sister had good taste. Looking at your crotch, she also admired the confidence she had to deal with such a "large" prey.
"Stop ogling her, Dani! And you! Control yourself, she is my sister!"  She rolled her eyes, she forgot how terrible Cass was at sharing.
The scream brought you out of your trance, shaking your head you adjusted your pants and grabbed your jacket to cover yourself.  This was your chance.
"I'm going to get suppressants, I'll be right back!"
Running without even putting on your shoes you dodged the intruder who moved out of your way with her hands raised.
"I don't touch anything "
In a hurry you didn't notice the angry growl that the brunette had let out.
Or the symbol that her sister's cloak carried.
"What are you doing here Daniela?!" The brunette complained in annoyance while covering herself with the blanket.
"Looking for my stupid big sister! You almost worried us to death Cass!" The redhead responded exasperatedly.
"As you can see I'm perfectly fine, now go, I'll be back later"
"No way, the temperature is dropping again and this place barely protects you from the cold." Trying to make her point, the youngest gently knocks on the wall, leaving a gap larger than she expected." See! It's falling apart!
The imposing voice of her mother calling her by her full name made her situation clear.
She was in trouble.
Her mother couldn't enter the cabin even while bending over, so she settled for scolding her from outside while Daniela hands her a bottle of blood and her clothes for the cold.
"Do you have any idea what I've been through? You're grounded for life, no hunting, no playing with the maids, no..."
Cassandra could only listen as her freedoms were taken away, while she knew that her mother would not really punish her for life, at least she would keep her word for two months.
"Have I been clear?!"
She nodded resignedly as she dressed.
Bela had entered and frowned as she smelled the particular aroma that filled the cabin.
"Really, Cass? We're worried about you and you were having sex so calmly."
"Having what?!" It seems her mother finally realized what her daughter had been doing.
"My stupid heat came early because a stupid alpha decided that she had right to interfere" Now that she thought about it, her omega was very calm, dissatisfied but a lot calmer than she had been in years.
"Is she a woman and an alpha?"
"Yes! Bela, you should have seen them. Cass was hugging her so sensually while the human grabbed her passionately by the waist."
"Dani shut up!"
"And where is she?"
"She already have took what she wanted all alphas are the same, man or woman only think with their head between their legs"
"Well, Supposedly she ran out to look for suppressants"
"I should stay to cut her into pieces for taking advantage of my little girl, however the temperature is dropping we have to go back to the castle"
"Now Cassandra, don't play more with my patience" her mother said sternly, leading the way.
"Come on Cass, the Lycans are going to be after you soon" the blonde emphasized, letting Daniela go out first and staying behind the brunette.
Swallowing the shame of having to be escorted by her sisters, she headed home, ignoring her omega's complaints about how they were abandoning her alpha without any message.
When her punishment is over, that peasant human will only become her pet, nothing more than that.
She didn't need an alpha or a mate.
Her omega could whine as long as she wanted , she wasn't going to change her mind.
When you arrived with the duke you realized a serious problem.
You forgot the money
"Duke, can you give me some heat suppressants? I'll be back in a moment to pay you, I promise." You were one step away from kneeling.
The duke looked at you with curiosity and then for a moment with surprise, laughing he answered you.
"Here, don't worry about the payment, you can come back later."
"Thank you, I will pay it soon"
You took the medicine and hurried back. When you arrived you noticed the hole in the wall and worried you entered.
There was no one.
Your scent and that of the stranger you saved was all you could smell, there were no signs of fear or aggression. Irritation yes but nothing that seemed violent.
She had simply left with her sister, her parents and her family should have come too.
She left.
Why wasn't she going to leave?
You approached your bed, to the pathetic excuse for a nest that the poor omega had made with your almost non-existent belongings.
You walked towards the pot of food you had made with the meat of the deer you had hunted, it had almost no spices and only a couple of vegetables.
You looked around your small, decrepit and pathetic home.
You knelt on top of your bed where the girl had left her clothes, they were of good quality, soft and resistant.
Why would she stay with you?
Why would she choose you as a mate?
Why were you so stupid to hope?
Without adrenaline to boost you the fatigue and overexertion finally hit you. Not caring about the open door, the dampness of the bed or your bleeding feet you lay down holding her blouse close to your face.
You didn't realize the moment you fell asleep.
Or the tears that fell silently from your eyes.
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rowaelinsdaughter · 8 months
𝕴 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖊 (𝕮𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖆𝖓 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗)
First post (well, second post. i also have the feysands wedding, but that is not what i want to write. or yes, anyway), as i was saying, first post of the account, and im SUPER EXCITED. i want to dedicate this first post to @danikamariewrites , she is the nicest person ive ever talked to, and she has helped me with this. so this is for her and for everyone who loves Cass, like me.
WARNINGS: mentions of blood and death, angst with a happy ending.
In another life…
You were dying. It was the only thing he could think about. His couple. His soulmate, his entire life, was fading in front of him and there was nothing he could do about it.
The war was over. A war that had lasted 100 years, generation after generation fighting for a free country, but at what cost? How many lives had to be sacrificed to have that freedom?... and you were the last of it.
You were the greatest warrior the world had ever seen. Known throughout the world for your exploits. Ballads were sung in your honor and stories were told by the bonfire. But you were dying. And Cassian knew that he shouldn't have left you alone, he knew that he should have been by your side.
He was the one who found you with a sword stuck in your belly, he was the one who took you to the camp and now he would be the one who would see you die.
You opened your eyes and next to you was Cassian with his head bowed, you heard a murmur coming from his lips and just by the position you knew that he was praying and they could only mean two things: either you were dying or you were going to recover.
Cassian noticed your gaze and raised his head. You were dying then. They say that the eyes are the reflection of the soul and Cassian's soul was dying.
“Cassian…” a thin voice left your lips.
A tear ran down his cheek and you felt his hand caressing your cheek, but you almost didn't feel anything anymore, you were so weak that you couldn't grab his hands, feel them for the last time between yours.
You looked away and scanned the room. You see your sisters, your friends and your most faithful companions. Tears ran down everyone's cheeks, the smell of salt filled the room, and the bond between you and Cassian was fading. You looked back at Cassian, and with your last strength you made him a promise:
“Cassian… I promise you that we will meet again in another life… I promise you that I will not stop looking for you… I will travel through the sky and sea to find you… I will fight until my last breath… and if in that life I have not found you yet… I will look for you in the following…"
You closed your eyes and with your last breath you murmured: “I love you…”
And with that last I love you, Cassian burst into tears.
On a street in Velaris…
You left the store with two more daggers for your collection. Your family never understood your love for daggers, they said that daggers were not for women. And every night, you dreamed of the same thing: you were running through a green meadow, you were laughing, and it was a happy laugh. And then you heard it. A humorous laugh, full of happiness and when you turned to see his face, you woke up. And some nights you dreamed that you were fighting. Surrounded by faceless people and back to back with someone tall and muscular. And his voice... was serious, like the laughter of the dream of the meadow. And when you wanted to see your companion's face, you woke up.
You sighed, starting to walk towards the bridge, thinking about the times you tried to see his face, but it was an impossible mission.
You were halfway across the bridge when you suddenly felt a chill that ran down your entire spine. And then you heard it. That laugh. The one you had been listening to for so many centuries, night after night, dream after dream trying to see his face. Discover if his laugh was as beautiful as his face.
With your heart racing you decided to turn around... You saw it. And he was the most beautiful man you had ever seen in your life. Illyrian. You recognized him by his wings. Long hair collected in a bun that left the features of her face visible.
Cassian noticed your gaze and turned, as soon as his eyes met yours, the distant memory of a room flooded your mind and there he was. Holding your hand on your deathbed, tears flooded his cheeks, softening his face. The echo of a promise of eternal love. And the mating bond began to shine like a star in the sky.
From one moment to the next, you both started running and merged into a hug full of love and longing. Your feet touched the ground and his hands ran down your body until they reached your cheeks. His thumbs caressed your cheekbones so tenderly that you began to cry. Cassian rested his forehead against yours. His voice sounded full of love and emotion when he said:
“You're here” he kissed your forehead. “You are here, with me” he kissed your nose and cheeks. “You don't know how long I've been waiting for you, how long I've longed to feel you in my arms again.”
“Yes Cassian, I'm here” you moved closer to his mouth, and when there were only a few centimeters left between your lips. “And I won't leave again.”
After decades, centuries. After waiting entire lifetimes trying to find each other, you sealed your lips, this time promising not to separate again.
𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒅 ©𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒂𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒅𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒓. 𝒅𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒚 / 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌. 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒚 𝒎𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆.
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spookyysinsanity · 6 months
dating dean winchester headcanons (fem!reader)
cw: mention of branding and kissing
at first, he'll probably be slow to the whole gentlemanly thing. he didn't grow up with it, and let's face it, dean's honestly a bit of a douche! but it's ok because he loves you and he'll get the hang of it.
he has a HUGE soft spot for you. sam used to dog on him about it, but he appreciates it. he's glad dean is able to really let his guard down with someone.
he'll look for any excuse to let you wear his jacket or flannel when you're together, especially in public. he likes the idea of people knowing you're his. (he would probs be into branding.....not that i'm complaining!)
definitely makes you mixtapes or cds if he has the time. reference to the whole house rules driver picks the music thing. he loves loves loves physical music so he def buys you cds, cassettes, records, all of it when you move into the bunker.
loves to kiss your body. not necessarily in a 'i wanna get laid' way, but in a 'i love you and i want you to know it' kinda way. like if he's driving and holding your hand, he'll kiss your knuckles, or constant kisses on your cheek/forehead. he loves coming up behind you and kissing your neck or your shoulders if your clothes allow it.
he is a thigh guy. try and convince me otherwise.
doesn't ever know what kind of flowers to buy you. he will stand in the flower aisle for an hour just staring and contemplating. or it's the complete opposite and he knows which ones as soon as he sees them.
tries to bake you a bday cake one year and prays to cass for help.
cass blips to a bakery and steals a cake.
i will def make more of these they're so fun! please reblog if you like it!
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