#please just finish creating an assignment when you say you’re gonna do it
mtjester · 1 year
I’m tired of my coworkers not finishing the work they promised and leaving the team scrambling to create curriculum last minute I’m tired of doing the brunt of the work for three different courses when my coworkers are only teaching the one course I’m tired of my coworkers using the work I created and the data I compiled on their gradwork that’ll justify an increase in their pay when I get no pay increases for my own work I’m tired of the workload I’m tired of the hypocrisy I’m tired of the lack of compensation I’m tired of the burnout of education
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ludibriadormonoteista · 5 months
*Jaune is seen playing on a laptop alone in his dorm room*
Jaune: Oh, c’mon, Neptune! That was an 80% shot you just missed!
*Pyrrha suddenly enters the room after finishing her morning workout*
Pyrrha: Hello, Jaune. Were you talking to Neptune just now?
Jaune: Oh, not really. I wasn’t actually talking to him. It’s just a game I’m playing.
Pyrrha: A game? Which one is it this time?
Jaune: You’re gonna love this one. The name is Xcom 2. It’s a turn-based strategy game where you play as the Commander of an entire resistance group against an Alien coalition that has taken over the planet.
Pyrrha: Sounds… Really cool? *Not really into games*
Jaune: You can check it out if you want.
*Pyrrha shrugs, climbing onto the bed next to her leader. At that moment, Jaune selects one of his units, a female soldier with a minigun, and fires a barrage against an enemy trooper*
Jaune: Pretty awesome, huh?
Pyrrha: Yeah, pretty… Wait, that soldier with the beret and sunglasses looks familiar.
Jaune: Oh yeah, that’s Coco. I made her into the game.
Pyrrha: You made her?
Jaune: The game comes with a character pool in which you can create your own custom soldiers. It’s a very nifty feature.
Pyrrha: I see… How much time did you spend on that, exactly?
Jaune: A whole awful lot. I’ll show you in just a sec.
*A mission and a result screen later, Jaune gives Pyrrha a tour of his base*
Jaune: So this is the Avenger. A stolen alien ship and the perfect hiding spot for our base. And these *Click* are my soldiers!
*Pyrrha’s eyes widen as she sees the names of each character Jaune has made*
Pyrrha: Awnn~ These are all of our friends! Jaune, this is so cute!
Jaune: Heheh yeah, I mean... *Clears throat* Like I said, pretty cool. They all have different classes and specialties too. Like Nora here. *Click* She’s a heavy-gunner just like Coco, but she’s mainly built for demolitions. In short, she has a lot of grenades.
Jaune: I also assigned Ren and Ruby as Sharpshooters. Only difference being that Ruby is the dedicated long-ranged sniper while Ren is the gunslinger.
Jaune: Blake on the other hand is a Ranger solely built for stealth, making her perfect for scouting ahead and striking when the aliens least expect.
Jaune: As for Weiss, I gave her the role of Specialist. She ensures all of our soldiers are alive on the field while providing technical support with some objectives.
Pyrrha: Awn, she even has a cute drone following her. As does Yang…?
Jaune: Yeah, I sorta forgot to assign Yang a specific class, so the game randomly promoted her into a Specialist too. She technically has the same role as Weiss, but I mostly use her to shock enemies. Also, overwatch spam. Those are pretty powerful.
Pyrrha: *Snorts* As long as it stays true to her character.
Jaune: OH! Before I forget. *Click* Say hi to you!
*Pyrrha watched mesmerized at the screen as Jaune showed her a seamlessly flawless recreation of her in-game. From her hairstyle, to her armor, even the exact same tiara*
Pyrrha: Wow… How did you…
Jaune: I stumbled upon a Pyrrha Nikos character pack not long ago. You’d be surprise what the modding community can cook up from time to time. Though now that I think about it, I guess it’s kinda creepy seeing something like that from your perspective…
Pyrrha: No, NO! I loved it! For realsies! I, uh… What does she, eh, I do?
Jaune: Well, unlike other classes, yours here is actually a “Hero” class. In this case, a Templar. Someone who can run headfirst into combat with nothing but a pair of blades and come out unscratched. Kinda like, eh… You.
Pyrrha: /// /// Jaune…
Jaune: And I do mean unscratched. You haven’t taken damage the entire campaign. The RNGods must be pleased with you.
Pyrrha: *Pretending to have understood that* Wow, Jaune. This is so- *Blinks* Wait… Where is your character?
Jaune: My… Character?
Pyrrha: Yeah, your- Oh, I get it. Since you play as the Commander, that means you must be him, right?
Jaune: Oh, not at all. I actually made a character after myself in-game too.
Pyrrha: Really? Well, where is he?
Jaune: *Winces* How do I tell you this… He died at Gatecrasher. You know, the very first mission of the campaign.
Pyrrha: …What?
Jaune: It was a really dumb move of mine. I left him out of cover, and he got zapped by a Sectoid.
Pyrrha: …
Jaune: It kinda sucks to lose a soldier that early on in the campaign, but it’s nothing to worry about. And he was still a recruit, so nothing of value was really lost-
Pyrrha: Restart it.
Jaune: Huh? Restart what? The previous mission?
Pyrrha: The campaign. Restart it.
Jaune: What? Pyrrha, I’m already 5 hours in, I can’t just-
Pyrrha: RIGHT! *Snatches Laptop* NOW!
Jaune: H-HEY! *Struggles to get it back* DON’T TOUCH MY SAVE FILE!
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popcornforone · 11 months
Pike & Prejudice
A Marcus Pike Fan Fic
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My summer vibes are going well, it’s now time for Marcus Pike to have a bit of a vibe with you. Marcus is just such a romantic isn’t he, he deserves so much better. So when I randomly thought of the initial scenario in my head I knew I had to write it & find the right Pedro character for it. I just didn’t expect it to go for more than just a few paragraphs. Once again I’ve built relationships, that’s clearly my strong point, im starting to notice that now.
Synopsis: Marcus lovingly mocks all of your romance books when you decide to buy a place together, however it’s a few months later when his own romantic moment that he wants to create, leads to something’s that aren’t discussed in some of those classics.
Word count: 4100
Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18! PIV sex, shower sex, established long term relationship, teasing, pleasuring, swearing. Most of this is fluffy & romantic until we get to that one part of the fic.
Thanks as always for the read peoples, it’s all ways appreciated, please drop me any feedback at all.
Today is finally the day, you’re moving in together. You brought this place a while ago but you have had to wait for your last assignment to end so you can move states before you moved to the new offices. He’s already been in a for a few weeks & you’ve been to see him to consummate your decision to finally take the plunge & live together. He’s been good while he’s lived there on his own, he’s decorated the main bedroom & lounge, you have helped when you could, any excuse to go & see him. Living away has had its struggles but today is the day it actually becomes a reality.
“You only lived in 1 room how the hell do you have so many boxes?” Marcus asks as he carrys in another box to dump in the spare room for sorting. “Just because I lived with room mates, doesn’t mean I don’t have lots of stuff” you reply as you carry in your house plants, & put them on the sideboard in the hall straight away. Marcus pulls a face “well they aren’t going to live there, not enough natural light” “are you saying I’m gonna kill my house plants?” You accusingly reply. Marcus shrugs with a giggle & you hug him & give him a tender kiss. “I’m so happy we’re finally doing this Marcus . It feels like it’s taken forever” your noses rub sweetly against each other. “You’ve got to take it slow, if it’s right for life” he replies, his lips finding yours again, the sweetest kisses in the world come from this man’s mouth.
You’d brought most of your clothes over during the week, but most of what is yours has been dumped in the guest bedroom for you to sort out when you got here. Marcus has been slowly sorting his things out, but he wanted to make sure your new place together is a mix of both of you, not just something you’ve added too. Most of his stuff is in the dinning room which he’s not yet eaten in. “So I was thinking,” you start as you finish eating your sandwich. “That we make the lounge look good first. You’ve already painted it & the floor is down & the sofa & tv are up, but why don’t we build that book case? We have lots of books just sat in boxes, duplicates we can store but we should combine our collections together. Show people we have passion for literature as well as each other” the smile on his face when you mention reading or books, means you know you’ve cracked him. It’s something he’s wanted to do for the last few weeks, but he didn’t want to do this without your input. “You’ve read my mind baby, I’ve waited so long to get my books out. Let’s build that bookcase after lunch. I mean how hard can it be?” He laughs as he gulps his juice.
Turns out very hard “where’s screw F?” He starts to flap as he builds while you read the instructions. “I handed it to you literally 20seconds ago” you reply rolling your eyes, mockingly tutting. “Maybe this is why it takes couples so long to move in together, as they argue about building furniture” he scoffs. You’ve just noticed where the screw is & aren’t saying a word as you read the next two stages of instructions. “Well you said you wanted to build it with my input so…” “are you being sarcy?” He rolls his eyes & glances at you “no…” you smirk, you know what’s coming. Marcus crawls across the floor to you, pinning you down & starts blowing raspberries on your ticklish neck. “Ahhh baby, I’m sorry, ahhh” you giggle & scream & he chuckles away too, before he stops & you both calm down as your eyes meet. The lock is intense, & the way his lips feel as he embraces yours is one you will never tire of. So deep & connected. It’s only as he comes up for air, ready to go for another kiss, that he catches out of the corner of his eye where screw F is & a smile falls across his face, as your hands stroke each others cheek before bookcase building resumes.
You both are impressed that you built that bookcase & didn’t attempt to kill each other, that’s a good start to life together, but now comes the interesting part. Your 7 boxes of books between you put by the entrance of the lounge. “So should we decide on an order for putting them in first, or go through the boxes & then see what we have & then decide” Marcus asks. “Well I think Biography’s should go separate to everything else, they aren’t fiction, but other than that, I don’t mind. Maybe we should unpack each others books?” You smile as you grab the first box of his. “Oooh absolutely I like that idea, we then each know what are going to be duplicates” & Marcus grabs your first box. You start looking through his box, making 4 piles. Paper backs, hardbacks, biography’s & duplicates. “Well I didn’t have you down for reading this?” You hold up his copy of Britney Spears biography. “Oooh baby baby” Marcus starts singing baby one more time, & you laugh when he does the high note of “still believe”. “I think you just upset the neighbours cat, that was so high” you laugh, continuing onto his second box.
“Well you know I can’t sing, after we met at that karaoke night 2 years ago, & yet you’ve still stuck around.” He smiles as he puts to the side your copies of 50shades rolling his eyes at them, he knew he’d find them eventually in those boxes. “I think the porn star martinis had a lot to do with how that night turned out” you smile”& look at us now, going through boxes & wondering why you have 2 copies of Ready Player One?” He asks doing a double table, making sure he hadn’t lost his mind. “I had a copy & then I won the other at a quiz night I went to, but the one I won is a 2nd edition so that’s for selling one day, when it’s worth a bit” “fair enough.” Marcus replies still looking through your books.
“How many romance novels do you have?” He asks on the final box he’s undoing. “Not that many” your interrupted by him”how many is many? Cos so far I’m up to 12?” “12?!” You’re shocked “seriously?!” He beacons you over & he shows you a pile in the floor. “I had no idea” you look at them “well some of these are classics though, which everyone’s reads. Never let me go, Emma, Little Women. I don’t think they count they are just…” “13!” He waves the next book in your face as he interrupts “Pride & Prejudice” “ahhh Mr Darcy” you giggle & he playfully hits you with the book. “I mean no book collections should be without this, bet you’ve got the film too?” He asks raising an eyebrow. “With Firth & Macfadden” you smile & kiss his cheek. “Can’t believe everyone got hot under the collar about Firth getting out of that lake all dripping” you say as a throw away comment. “Marcus smiles at you. “Okay I see your point with all the classics that true, but it’s still a lot” he smiles as he gets the last 3 books out of the box, the last one over all being Gone Girl. “Now this… this is a book…” he smiles. “Don’t worry” you say as you rub his shoulders, resting your head into his neck, “I won’t go all Amy on you” you cackle. “But I might use that line if we ever get to our 5th anniversary baby” he says winking. You’ve read the book countless times & it makes you both laugh & blush. “Well I look forward to that day Marcus” his head turns to face yours & your kiss is soft & tentative, safe in you both being exactly where you want to be in life.
Months pass & summer arrives. You’re both so happy living together. Work does get in the way, but you both knew this would be the case with him being an fbi agent. But you always try to make Sundays your couples day & this Sunday is a rather glorious Sunday, perfect for a walk by the lake after a bit of lunch before heading back home to a dinner you will cook together, & then settling down to watch more of the Peaky Blinders Marathon you are doing.
As you sit in the cafe by the lake eating your sandwiches , after a lovely walk taking photos, Marcus says something very spontaneous which isn’t like him at all. “We should rent one of those boats after lunch & row on the lake” he’s even shocked the words have come out of his mouth. You look at him perplexed. “Are you okay? Have you been swapped with another Marcus Pike?” You ask, prodding him to make sure he’s real. “Didn’t you ever as a kid want to go on one of those boats?” He asks as he sips his coffee “yea but I was 5 or 6 not 30” you chuckle as you steal one of his crisps “well now we’re adults, we live together, no parents to say it’s a waste of money & not worth the time” Marcus is making a very good point & you can see the excitement in his eyes to do this. “Fuck it, why not” you say “you right let’s do it after lunch” His smile is mischievous at your comments & he caresses your hand across the table.
“$25 for 45mins on the lake” the boatman asks & Marcus pays & he helps to get you comfortably in the boat. They have lockers & you have left most of your stuff in there. You’ve got your camera to take pictures of the boat ride & that’s about it. Marcus insists on rowing, so you can be treated like the queen you are. He slowly starts to row out into the lake & you start taking photos. “I’m getting some really good ones here Marcus, I can’t wait to show you some of these later.” “Whatever you take is always so beautiful my love, I always love your nature photos, so calming & peaceful.” He says slowly rowing further around the lake. He insisted on putting on canvas one of your sunset photos from a few years ago, so people see it when they enter your house. “How are your arms baby?” You ask after about 10minutes. “I’m happy to row too…” “no no no…” he chuckles “this is all for you, trust me” he smiles & you go past a beautiful willow tree before he stops the boat in the middle of the lake & starts to shimmy across towards you tentatively.
Your heart is racing, only a moment like this in the middle of the lake in the sunshine, as he wears his favourite white shirt & jeans as he slowly stands up, with his eyes full of desire, can only mean one thing. He’s going to ask you to marry him. You’re trying to just stay calm about this but your mind is racing, already thinking of venues, flower girls, first dances. You glance up at him as he steadies himself & starts to speak.
“My love, Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure.” He pauses “or maybe I’m remembering it wrong…” he’s quoting all your romance books, declaring his love for all to see. Your eyes are filling with tears as he recites them all. You are a little too overwhelmed & he can see this, & so he bends a little to come & hold your hand, to finally you hope ask that questions, that you both know will be answered with i do.
Then the next minute is a blur, but not for the reason you expect. Another boat isn’t looking where it’s rowing & it crashes into yours, just at the point where Marcus lifts his leg to take a step. Neither of you can react, it just happens. He loses his balance as the boat rocks & as you go to grab him to steady him you make the boat move even more, & he tumbles into the lake. “Ahhhh Marcus” you screech. The people on the other boat realising what they have done. Up he come spluttering for air, drenched to the bone, while the other boat rows around to help him back into your boat & keep it steady.
You camera is still in your hand & you start taking photos of the incident, & then you stop. He pulls himself out of the water. The crisp white shirt is now see-through, & completely stuck to him. Every muscle well defined & on display & you just gawp. You know Marcus has a good body but it looks too good here, you’re jealous that others are seeing what delights you most evening before bed. He gets over the initial shock of going into the water & sits back down on the boat with the people on the other boat still apologising profusely. He tells them he’s okay & shouldn’t have been standing up in the first place. He then sees your eyes dilated in desire lusting over him unable to speak, jaw almost on the floor looking at your man. “Well you can call me Mr Darcey now if you want” he smirks which brings you back to reality. You laugh “are you okay baby?” You ask, there’s a blanket under the bench you are sitting on & you hand it to him to dry off. “Well when I’m home, warm & dry I will be” he smiles “it’s cold in there despite being so warm today” “it is a natural lake baby,” your little giggle always makes him melt a little. Those big brown eyes always fall more in love with you when you do that. “Let me row us back to the boat house” you grab both the ores & carefully navigate your way back to the boat house. He may not have asked you to marry him, but this will be a story you both tell for many years to come.
You’ve never seen Marcus move so quickly when you get home. He’s up those stairs & changing out of his clothes running the hot water for him. You’re busy getting some things out ready for dinner tonight when you receive a message asking you to join him. You’re never turning that offer down, so you go upstairs taking your clothes off as you go.
In his wet clothes he looked good coming out of the lake, but seeing him from behind washing his long naked body, as the steam starts to form, you bite your bottom lip. An arse so peachy, perfect for squeezing, always being admired by your wondering eyes. Watching the lather from the soap drip down his back as he rolls his head around. “I can tell you’re biting your bottom lip my love.” He mumbles, not even turning “maybe it’s time we shared those lips” it’s a much deeper & seductive tone, & you don’t deny him. You walk around in front of him & grab his wash puff & caress it over his chest. “My big strong leading man had a bit of an adventure today, didn’t he?” You say as he sighs as you get covered by the cascading water too & you rub circles around his chest. “I’m always on an adventure with you baby” he echos back. He takes the washer from you, putting in on the side shelf as he towers over you leaning in to claim your lips at last. Your naked body trembling with anticipation.
He slowly pulls you into him so he’s against the cold tiles of the shower, your lips hungrily chasing after each other. His hands on top of your arse tracing over those round cheeks, while you have one hand in his hair as your faces merge, & the other trailing down from his chest, slowly edging near his happy trail, to then eventually start stroking his length. When your hand makes contact his eyes shut & he gasps. “I’m not sure this happens in any of your romance books my love,” you go to protest before he continues “you can’t call Christian Grey romance” “yea your right” you reply before you start kissing his chest, chasing all those water droplets that are covering & flowing from his body. Watching him pant expectant for more that this seduction.
He slowly turns you so you are now against the tiles & spreads your legs a little. You’ve had shower sex with Marcus before, but not since you brought your own home together. He knows the best way to enjoy this & he is making sure you are ready. He leisurely strokes his length which you had been teasing with your own hand. “Real romance storys leave out the naughty bits” he says eyes twinkling at you through the steam. “Then I’m very glad we aren’t in one, because I would be livid if I wasn’t satisfied with a happy ending” you gaze upon him as his head comes down to take your lips again. Your hand joins his on his penis & once he has done with an initial tease, your moan is deep as he enters your core in a couple of slow motions. Making sure you’re okay to start, then checking he’s alright & then seeing how deep He can go, as drags along your walls.
“Fuck Marcus…” you pant out. He always feels so much bigger when he has you like this “fuck yesss” your hand grips into his shoulder as he starts to make regular movement. Marcus doesn’t say to much during sex ever, he likes to hear you whimper & moan. You don’t put it on but when you do you make sure it’s sound sexy. His eyes, lips & hand say what his words don’t. Feeling all the man that he is as he attends to every need your body gives aways. A hand stroke here, a quick dance around your nipples, grappling you thighs, he reads your body so well & it shows. “Ooh my love, you’re so tight tonight.” The words come out softly as he sucks on your neck, his moves getting faster, you feel him even deeper insider you.
“Please baby please” his hand is on your clit, making each gasp & pant longer. Your body’s rhythm now matching, as you feel like he’s pushing you into the tiles & through the wall into the guest bedroom. He’s delicate & also powerful when he needs to be, but it’s exactly what you need. He makes sure that your body responds to each touch, & he can see it react each time. He can also feel the way he drags in & out of you, filling your cunt with his penis. Making sure that you will remember this sensation & moment for a little while. The heat is steaming off you both, making the actual hot shower feel cold. The passion you have to make sure each other feel good, is unrivalled, & it’s growing every single time the two of you make love. “Marcus, make me yours” you’re going high pitched as you look up at the ceiling. The mist isn’t the only thing blurring your vision as you start to lose control & can feel your orgasm approaching.
Each thrust pushing the air out of your body, makes your moans louder. His pace is getting fast but it’s not blistering. It’s methodical & he is enjoying every second, feeling your body go numb & he hears you beg for more. He burys his head in the crook of your neck, rocking into you nibbling at it. He then slowly rests his mouth next to your ear & whispers “you’re ready baby, let go” it’s deep & seductive much like the eyes that you know are looking deeply into your soul. As your core gives in & you gush & soak his cock deep inside you, the moan you make can probably be heard by the entire street. “Just like that, good girl” he returns his head to your neck for more indulgance & pushes fully into you, thrusting his hardest. Making sure he coats you with his essence. He is silent as he cums, but you can feel he has as warmth embraces your cunt. “Fuccckkkk” you moan. Your can also see his shoulders relax & his movements slow, now he has experienced his favourite pleasure. “Marcus, my Marcus” you pant desperate for air, as you return from your high back to the reality of the shower, water & mist & the man you adore. You don’t need a proposal to know this man loves you. It’s the look in his eyes as you finally lock them with yours again that tells you all you need to know. He is yours, you are his, you don’t need any other validations other than the come down kisses you are about to have.
Cleaned & dried off after your exploits in the shower together, Marcus & you put on your jammies & start cooking dinner together. A slight kiss her, a bum grab there. Harmless usual Sunday late afternoon flirting. Something that’s so you two. It’s cheesy but it always makes you blush & feel all unnecessary & always keeps the spark alive in your relationship. Once you’ve eaten, you sit on the sofa ready to watch the next part of Peaky Blinders, however you’re shocked when the menu screen for Gone Girl appears, but you don’t complain, it’s one of your favourite movies & books of all time. You smile as Marcus wraps the blanket around the two of you & you start watching the thriller movie.
About 5mins in he pauses it after the line about the 5th anniversary, remembering what you’d both talked about months ago, when putting the books on the shelf. “I can’t remember if that line is just made up for the film or if it is in the book?” He whispers. “Go check my love.” & he gestures at the copy that’s on the side table which is used with a few other duplicates you have to show off to people. You scoot across the sofa & remove the fake sunflowers propped on top of it & life of Pi & flick towards that page, when something shiny lands in your lap. There it is, the engagement ring you thought might not come.
Tears well in your eyes as you turn around to see Marcus on his knee off the sofa. “This may not have been the way I planned to do this today, but I think this makes it more us” he says his hands now in your palms intertwined. “& I also don’t think that quote about fucking her & then slapping his cock on her saying that some wood for you would have been the most romantic way to declare my intentions while standing on that boat” this makes you smile & laugh even more, brushing your eyes of water. “But what do you say to getting that far my love? Will you be my wife? Will you let me be your leading romantic man, faults & all?” He pleads. You nod silently as his own tears fall & he places the simple small diamond on your ring finger. “Forever baby, I’ll say yes forever” you hold his face before you make out. Lips entranced, devouring each other desperate to never break this moment. “I don’t need any romance novels ever again. I have you, the most romantic hero any woman could ever ask for” he tucks your hair behind your ear before he delivers another cherished kiss to your lips & then knuckles. “My perfect fiancé” he says as he wraps you in his arms & he puts the film back on. You both now know that love doesn’t need to be picture perfect like the books or films, it’s just got to be right for the both of you.
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werewolf-w1tch · 2 years
i’ve been sitting on this shit for like two weeks since starting rottmnt and watching the movie before realizing there was a whole other season i accidentally skipped so it’s time to combine the hyperfixations
this is probably gonna have to be at least a couple more posts cause i a.) haven’t finished rottmnt (so hush hush please and thank) and b.) i haven’t reached a solid conclusion for all the characters. these are just my opinions and i’m just another loser on the internet but you’re getting my opinion anyway
on that note...
what TMA entity i think each member of the rottmnt cast would serve/vibe with!
(spoilers for ROTTMNT and TMA obv)
just for those unaware, there are 15 TMA fear entities. they are the embodiment of the fears of humanity and were created as humanity learned to fear shit, as one does. they aren’t really physical things, more ideas that influence the “real” world.
starting off with a banger
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ms. o’neil!
ngl, april was one i really wanted to hit hard but wasn’t sure where to start. while i do love her as a character, she isn’t quite my favorite, so initially i didn’t give her much thought. entities like the dark, corruption, flesh, buried, vast, end, desolation, extinction, web, lonely, spiral, and stranger were out the door pretty much immediately; none of them really fit her character (corruption maybe just a tiny bit cause of her interactions with mutants but like. that’s pretty much it). 
personally, i was leaning towards an eye-marked/avatar april with a hint of slaughter and a dash of the hunt. april is someone who very obviously LOVES learning given how often her schooling/assignments come up in the show and how often she geeks out over science stuff with donnie. the hunt mostly comes from her determination to get to the bottom of things regardless of the outcome. i threw the slaughter in there too bc i feel like april really wants to get into a fight with someone(s) at all times. 
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(tiny boy. tiny. sobs loudly over him)
raph is one i didn’t want to go the obvious route for, but he kinda speaks for himself imo. he is very family-driven and cares deeply about his brothers; he serves as the leader (until leo takes his place anyway) and the powerhouse of the team and is very set on using his size and strength to protect his family. 
raph is a corruption avatar with a pretty sizable helping of slaughter (most of if not all of the mutants are gonna be corruption avatars or corruption aligned but it probably won’t be the only thing for all of them). savage raph was honestly a big influence on the slaughter, but i also headcanon that baby raph had issues with his temper and had to learn to reign himself in cause he was built bigger and tougher than his brothers. he doesn’t let himself rage out often, but it’s fucking terrifying when he does. 
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(holds gently)
gotta love mikey!! he is so web aligned. i wasn’t sure about him for a while but then it hit me like a freight train. web. web 1000%. MAYBE a lil spiral if you wanna get a bit spicy. oh and he’s eye-touched.
in all seriousness, i fucking adore mikey (he’s not my fave either but still). his creativity and positive energy bring a whole kind of lively to the team and his family. he’s fun and upbeat and holy shit who was gonna tell me he’s 13 in the show. on top of all that, mikey is defo smarter than he seems, which fuels my web opinion. he has DEFINITELY used his youngest sibling status and his adorable face to manipulate anyone and everyone he has ever met to get what he wants. maybe not intentionally, but he’s done it. the spiral is honestly the closest thing i could think of that could relate to his ties to his mystic power. his eye ties come from the fact that he probably hears everything and everyone cause they assume he either doesn’t understand or he doesn’t really care. he does. he can and will use anything you say in a court of law. be scared. 
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splinter was an interesting one to think about. i wanted to take his history into account while also keeping in mind the kind of person he is in the show and how he interacts with the people around him. 
splinter is also a very family-oriented man after he picks up the tots, but i feel like he goes through major personality changes after his time in the battle nexus and his transformation. we can see hints of lou jitsu in splints every now and then, but it is painfully obvious that lou jitsu is gone and he’s not coming back. with that being said, i wanted to split splinter into two different avatars: lou jitsu and splinter (mostly cause i’m interested in exploring both of them). 
lou jitsu is a slaughter avatar that is eye marked with sprinkled in lonely (cause what actor as popular as he was has many real connections. esp when he’s trapped with big mama). i feel like despite being blinded by stardom, lou jitsu was still a very smart tactician who could handle himself very well in a fight (hc that leo gets his quick battle analyses from splints/lou). 
splinter is a lonely avatar with a healthy helping of corruption. splinter is less lonely in that he doesn’t have people around him and more that the toll that having his life falling apart in the span of like 10 minutes and being harshly cut off from everyone and everything he’s ever known is SO apparent. that kind of extreme isolation leaves its scars. i think that despite having his family around him, splinter still misses the people he used to know, even if he wasn’t as close with them as he thought. he misses the normalcy sometimes, even if he would never go back and lose his sons. 
fuck it im splitting this into multiple posts. expect more bullshit in the future!
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rezzyromance · 3 years
Could I request Heisenberg with a female s/o who's negatively pent up from anxiety and depression and feeling like they're not good enough for Karl but they always put on a brave face to not look weak? They just want to make him happy and proud maybe maybe when they're either fucking or just working, maybe he says an offhand comment that hits home, idk being called useless is a good one to feel like being stabbed. They love him but they've been hiding all their mental struggles and bottling it up be a use they always focused on him first? Mental health feels neglected rn and could use the hurt/comfort if you're okay with this! Up to you if you want to add smut or not, with or without is great
Of course, baby. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the story. (CW: Hurt/Comfort, mentions of anxiety and depression. Sexual scenarios: Fingering, face riding, praising, general NSFW)
Living with Karl is a task that can be mentally taxing on anyone. For you, this wasn't an exception. There was no doubt in your mind that you loved him, but that dragged along a few issues with it. You loved him so much, that you constantly felt an unbearable pressure that pushed you to attempt to impress him out of fear that he may view you as inferior to him. Karl is without a doubt strong, insanely intelligent, passionate, and all around tremendously powerful. Often times you wondered why he even keeps you around.
You had grown very close with him over time. He never put a real title on your relationship, but you both knew that he loved you. He loved you enough to let you help out on his work. He assigned little tasks for you to do such as organizing his blueprints, creating blueprints, and organizing his tools. Each time you did something, he would reward you with praise. Sometimes the praise would be heart to heart while other times it may be skin to skin. While the praise he provided felt rewarding, you began to worry what may happen if your work wasn't good enough. What if you weren't good enough? What if he stopped finding you useful or attractive? These troubling thoughts had been torturing you recently. But, you kept it all bottled up, worried that he may view you as weak if he knew you were so afraid of failure. Whenever you would work on something, you would sit there for hours on end. Nothing could stop you until you were finished. You did this as a way to imitate Karl and his tireless work. Though, Karl does have powers that help keep his body from shutting down the way yours does. That didn't stop you from constantly pushing yourself overboard, though.
A knot grew larger and larger in your throat as you attempted to sketch out a new blueprint, slouching while sitting on your bed. He had asked you to work on it that morning and it was nearly midnight now. The lines were uneven, your hand writing was messy, and it was easy to see where you had erased and redrawn a lot of little details all over the paper. A single tear fell from your eye and onto the paper, causing a wet spot where the ink began to smear. You ignore your body and minds cry for help by quickly wiping your eyes and acting as if it didn't happen. Your hands were shaking as you applied more details, not being close to finish. Your eyes were twitching, fed up with staring down so harshly at the paper for so long. Suddenly, the door to the room opens.
You jump and face the door, realizing how cramped your neck was from your poor posture. Karl entered the room, obviously tired from a long days work. His eyes looked heavy and he was running his hands through his hair. "Still working on that blueprint, buttercup?", he asks as he walks towards you. You look back at the paper and realize how low quality it was, along with unfinished. You quickly hold the paper to your chest, attempting to block it from him. 'Um it's almost finished I swear! I just n-need to add a few more little details.", you assure him. He holds his hand out. "Let me see.", he raises an eyebrow and begins to wiggle his fingers. You attempt to swallow the knot in your throat as you shakily hand it over.
Your hands clutch each other tightly, digging what's left of your bitten nails into your skin. His eyes scan each inch of the paper and his eyebrows begin to furrow. "What.. is this?", he looks over to you. "What?", you're voice is shaky and cracking, but you attempt to cover it up by clearing your throat. "(Y/N)... you've been in here all day and THIS is all you could do? What have you been doing all day?", his voice began to grow into a semi-shout. It felt like thunder as it shook your body. You take a deep breath, attempting to toughen up to his words. "I really did try! I did exactly what you told me an-" he cuts you off before you can finish. "Really? You did exactly as I told you?! You said you could have this done by tonight and i trusted your judgement. But (Y/N) this shit is useless!"
He continues to fuss, but it was all silent to you. All you could hear was the echo of his voice saying that word. "Useless." The one thing you feared of becoming. The one thing you feared of creating. Your balled fists begin to shake. Your lip begins to quiver and your eyes grow cloudy.
"I'M SORRY!", you cry out before looking down at the floor, failing to control your tears as they fell to the floor. Suddenly, your eyes began to flood. Your stomach and heart felt like they were twisting and turning with guilt. He froze, unsure of how to handle this sudden outburst. "Was I too harsh?", he thought. "I'VE TRIED SO HARD TO BE GOOD ENOUGH. GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU! I'VE TRIED TO PERFECT YOUR WORK. I'VE TRIED TO LOOK MY BEST EVERY DAY! FOR YOU! I'VE DONE EVERYTHING YOU'VE TOLD ME TO!", your whole body shakes as you break down. "I never told you that you had to do any of that! What the hell have you been pushing yourself so hard for?", his tone was still stern, but he wasn't angry. He was very concerned, but had no idea how to express it. "I WANTED TO MAKE YOU PROUD!", you continue to cry.
The room was silent other than your quiet sobbing. He didn't know what to say. He had no clue that you had put so much pressure on yourself to impress him. He had no idea on why it mattered so much to you. And in that moment, something in him began to ache. He remembered being like that once. So dead set on making others proud of him no matter what it took. He had no clue what to say due to no one ever being there for him in his time of struggle, so instead he goes for a more physical approach.
He grabs you by the arm and pulls you to his body, holding you close. You bury your face in his chest to try and muffle your cries. He runs his hand through your hair, still confused as to why you pushed yourself so hard for him. "I just..", you sniffle. "I just wanted to be good enough.. for you...", you say as you try to stop crying. He lifted you up, carrying you bridal style to the bed. He crawled up and sat his back against a pillow, continuing to hold you close as you buried your face in his neck.
"Look at me.", he held your chin in between his thumb and pointer finger and waited for you to face him. You sniffle and pull your head up to meet him eye to eye. There was a new look in his eyes. Something unfamiliar to the both of you. Tenderness. "You are good enough. And I am so proud of you. Everyday you make me proud. Every time I look at you I'm proud.", he begins to wipe the tears from your face, struggling to find the right words to say. "Look. You don't need to overwork yourself. The fact that you stick around with me to begin with is enough for me." A small smile begins to grow on your face. The sight warms him and helps reassure him that he didn't say anything dumb.
Once you've seemed to calm down, he pulls you in for a kiss. It was warmer than usual. Softer than usual. And Karl isn't a man known for being soft or gentle. But this kiss was far from rough, but just as passionate. It was reassuring and safe. He pulls away and smiles at the sight of your now blushing face. "There's my pretty girl. Now, if you feel like it... since we're already on the bed.. I think I know a thing or two you can do if you still wanna feel useful.", he offers with a sly grin. You giggle and begin to straddle his lap. "Sounds good to me." you say as his hands start to wander around your hips.
"But, we're gonna be doing something different.", he says as his eyes scan every inch of your body. "What's that?", you go to unbuckle his belt but he grabs your wrist before you can continue. "Tonight's all about you. I wanna make you feel good.", he says. During every sexual situation you've had, you had focused on pleasing him first, not thinking about yourself and your own wants and desires. You don't object, so he moves his hands back to your hips and pulls you off of his body, effortlessly tossing you onto your back on the bed.
He then pins himself above you, towering over you. Your heart races at the new experience and your face glows more and more pink. His eyes meet yours and the sight alone is enough to start making your panties grow wet. He lowers his face down to your neck where he begins to place little kisses. Chills run through your body like ocean waves and you let out a quiet gasp as a kiss turns into a nibble. A hickey begins to form and he lets go, moving his mouth to your ear. "I want you to tell me what you want, buttercup." he whispers in your ear as one of his hands begins to wander across your body. It starts up near your breast where he fondles it gently, earning a lip bite from you. Then, he goes lower to your stomach where he scratches lightly at your skin. You squirm beneath his hand. He smiles and begins to kiss you once more before going even further, slipping his hands into your pants and cupping your vagina through your soaking panties. You gasp while your lips are still connected and he gently tugs on your bottom lip with his teeth, pleased at the reaction he's gotten from you.
"Is this what you want?", he slips two of his fingers into your panties and finds your clit, rubbing it slowly. "Mhm", you whine and press yourself into him. "Goodgirl.", he moves from where he was and makes his way down to your pants. He unbottons them and begins to pull them off. He throws the pants across the room and crawls back towards you on the bed. He removes your shirt and your bra underneath, throwing them in the same direction of the pants. He lowers his head down to one of your hard nipples and wraps his mouth around it, caressing it with his tongue. This causes you to moan quietly and grip the sheets beneath you. Your nipple was already so tender, so the feeling of his tongue was powerful enough to make you squirm. He lowers his hand back into your panties, rubbing your clit with his thumb. Your knees bend inward, trapping his hand between your legs. He chuckles with your nipple gently between his teeth. "Looks like you like this, huh?" You moan in response.
It didn't take long for you to feel a climax building inside you, coming closer and closer to exploding with each touch he inflicted onto your throbbing clit. Moans of all volumes filled the room as you got closer and closer. Then, right when you were about to cum, he stops. You groan in disappointment and look over at him. "I was just warming you up.", he smirks and lays on his back. "Come here.", he commands and pats on his chest, signaling for you to sit there. You do as he says and sit upon his chest. The second you sit down, His strong hands grip onto your hips and he begins to pull your body towards his face. He places you on top of his mouth. The next thing you know, your soaked pussy is being attacked by his tongue. You can't help but let a moan slip out between your lips as he closes is eyes, fully focused on bringing you maximum pleasure. He places each hand on each thigh, gripping them slightly all while his tongue swirls around your clit. You use one hand to grip the headboard of the bed and the other one to grip his hair, tangling your fingers in the grey strands. You grip harder as he sucks on your clit, causing you to throw your head back in pleasure. He let loose a few muffled moans and groans, causing vibrations on your pulsing clit. "Oh fuck Karl!", you feel your body weight sink lower and lower as you melt into the pleasure of his tongue. You begin to grind your hips back and forth, riding out your orgasm. He doesn't mind at all and begins to work harder to finally push you to your limit. With a loud moan, you cum into his mouth.
As you catch your breath and shake on top of him, he grabs you once again and pushes you over onto the bed. His beard was shiny around his lips due to a mixture of your sweat and cum. He looks down at your flustered and flushed face, pleased with what he'd done. You noticed a large bulge protruding from his pants. "I want you.", you pant as you reach over, massaging the hard lump. He responds by stripping, too breathless to verbally respond. Once he's fully naked, he makes his way onto the bed. You take him by the shoulder and pull his face into yours, initiating a passionate make out session. Your tongues caressing one another as you both toss and turn, ending up with you straddling him.
You rub his already throbbing dick, preparing for its entry. It was quite large and veiny. The hair that led from his lower stomach to his pubic area glistened with precum. You position yourself and begin to sit on his dick, letting it slowly fit inside you. Your extra wetness helped lube it. Once it was completely in, Karl groaned, grabbing your ass in his calloused hands. "Fuck.. you're so good.", he encourages. You begin to slowly rise and fall, letting your pussy stretch to comfortably fit his girth. You both moaned quietly. Once you feel comfortable, you wrap your arms around his neck and begin to bounce on it, feeling each thick vein add texture. 'What a good girl..." Every time you made your way back down, you could feel the tip of his dick reach your special spot, making your knees feel weak. As overwhelming as it felt, you couldn't stop. You continued to bounce up and down on his dick as his fingers grip your ass for dear life. "You're doing so good.", he praises you and you thank him by clashing your lips together, sharing sloppy kisses as you both moan with each up and down motion. "Such a good girl.", he begins to squeeze your breast, causing you to squeal and pick up the pace. It felt amazing, but your legs grew weaker and weaker with each motion, and he could tell. You were panting as you fucked yourself senseless on his dick.
"Wait a sec.", he gently pats your ass to get you to stop. You stop and rest your sweaty forehead to his, legs shaking beneath you. You didn't want to stop, but you weren't sure how much longer you could continue. Your legs felt like they were on fire. 'Let me help you.", his hands glide up to your waist where he clutches your sides and begins to bounce you up and down, continuing the motion you could no longer do yourself. You kiss him and whine into his lips as he slams your body up and down, grunting harder each time. "Such a pretty girl.." he pants. "Riding my cock so good..", he begins to slam his hips into you, reaching a point inside you that he's never reached before. You throw your head back and moan, tears of pleasure and bliss begin to form in your eyes. You're both exhausted and so close to finishing. You're whole body felt like it was numb and on fire at the same time as your climax creeped closer and closer.
And with a few more strong pumps into you, you both cum. He lets loose of your sides and wraps his arms around your back, drenching in sweat. You collapse on top of him, unable to move any of your body. Karl places a few more sloppy kisses across your face, his facial hair tickling your skin. "Don't you ever.. ever believe you're not good enough. Got it?", he pressures. You're too exhausted to form words, so you simply nod your head, laying down on his chest. His heart beat was rapid but soothing. Soon enough, it lulled you to sleep. He soon followed, keeping his arms wrapped tight around you the entire time.
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smutsonian · 3 years
Hello love 😺 umm can u pls please please write dark!steve x reader, where he bully and verbally harrases the reader but somehow kind of love her but just treat her bad and degrade her but when someone else tryna make her fun of her then he shows who she belongs to kinda stuff (pls if u gonna write pls make it so it so dark🥺🥺)...... Feel free to ignore tho cause i'm sorry this seems so long 😬😬🧡
2/2 Hey it's me again 👋👋😬who just send u a request of a long one shot of dark steve rogers x reader where he bullys her but i just forget to tell u that can u pls make that a Highschool AU pls , i really forget to tell u 😬😬
steve rogers x reader
summary: Steve bullies you after you rejected him and he soon regrets it.
warnings: dark, non-con, violence, bullying, blood, self hatred, insecurities, psychological trauma, they are of age, please don’t read if you’re not comfortable with any of these. Not proofread.
word count: 1.7k
a/n: just wanted to post something so this may or may not suck
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Steve wasn’t always a bully.
It’ll probably be because you hurt his ego.
Maybe he asked you out one time but you were new in school and wary of people so you politely declined his offer.
For Steve, he saw that as you humiliating him in front of the school. The new girl just rejected the Steve Rogers. 
Steve would be like ‘who do you think you are?’ and the cheeky flirty guy he was before becomes someone else.
He started spitting insults here and there, never missing a day to make you feel weird about yourself. 
The soft and beautiful blue eyes from before turned dark and hostile towards you.
Sweet words turned harsh.
Flaws that you didn’t see before started surfacing.
Suddenly your hair is too messy and all over the place. Your skin is too dead and it makes you look creepy. Your eyes are too dull and sad that you don’t seem friendly anymore. Your nose is weird, and so on. The list never ended and you started to change from the person you are before.
Steve made sure to make you feel the way you made him feel.
You suddenly became closed off and did everything to be unnoticed. It’s better to be a nobody than be the center of everyone’s torment.
Steve is a popular guy and it didn’t take long for everyone to follow his lead.
You’re just trying to finish your last year and finally leave the hell you created for yourself but Steve swore to make your life a living hell.
“If it isn’t my favorite dead girl!” Steve’s voice booms through the hallway, the chatters immediately stopped to witness the popular guy, and now, the loser of the whole school interact.
“Got somewhere else to be?” His voice was sweet as well as his eyes but you know, everyone knows that his intentions are far from being sweet.
“What? Your tongue isn’t working anymore? Bet it rot with your dead body and now everything is decaying with you, is that it?” He raised an eyebrow at you, waiting for his friends to back him up which they did. Steve smirked as the hallway started being filled with thunderous laughter and they’re all directed at you.
You did nothing but bite your lip in hopes of stopping yourself from crying in front of everyone. You can’t afford another round of teasing.
You fake a laugh before turning away from him and started heading to your last class.
Steve hated the way your eyes looked at his with nothing but sadness.
Your sadness wasn’t even directed at him but at yourself.
He just wanted to make you feel the way you made him feel so you can understand that the both of you belong to each other.
You’re fucking perfect and Steve is far from that. He might be the most popular guy in school but you were way out of his league so he had to bring you down just a little bit.
But it got out of hand.
He had no idea how to stop what he started but then something happened.
He was just on his way out of detention, the hallways are now empty, everyone has already gone home and Steve was used to that. What he wasn’t used to is the sound of whimpering. More importantly, it’s the sound of you whimpering.
He wasted no time and ran towards the direction of your voice and as he turned the corner, his blood turned red hot in seconds. He’s seeing nothing but red at the sight in front of him.
Mrs. Roberts asked you to come to her office before going home to discuss something and you didn’t know whether to cry because of sadness or cry because someone actually cares for you.
Mrs. Roberts shared her worries with you because your once impressive grades started pummeling down to the point where it can cause problems with your chances of graduating.
Mrs. Roberts gave you special assignments to do so you can pass her subject and you thanked her for that. You even hugged her so tightly and dwelled on the affection for too long which worried her.
“Is there something wrong, dear?” She asked, eyes glossing over yours with worry.
You decided against telling her and just shook your head at her. “Do you think I’m failing my other subjects? What if I don’t graduate in time?”
Mrs. Roberts was quick to calm you down, telling you how the meeting with the teachers went and even joked about you purposely failing only her subject which you laughed at.
You left her office with a smile, chuckling at the memories of her jokes when you suddenly felt an impact on your left side and then your right side when you hit the lockers with a loud bang, making you whimper in pain.
“The fuck are you laughing at, dead girl?” An unfamiliar voice says above you.
You look up to see a boy a year younger than you but before you could reply, his foot started meeting your abdomen, your sides, or whatever part of you that he could kick. At some point, he was able to kick your face which made your ears ring in pain so you decided to shield your head with your arms to block his kicks.
“I don’t know why Steve never did this before but I am doing it for him. He’ll be so proud of me! I can take over his place after he graduates.”
You didn’t even realize that you weren’t receiving his kicks anymore but the sound of kicks can still be heard.
You peak out of your arms to see the young boy’s body across from you on the floor, receiving hits from a large man above him.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, punk?!” Steve’s voice growls in anger and you didn’t know if you were thankful that you weren’t on the receiving end of his growl but it still terrified you.
“M-making you proud! I’m doing the thing you can’t seem to do!” The younger boy spits out red liquid before scrambling away after Steve pulls him up by his collar.
“If I fucking see you touch her again, you’ll never be able to see a day again, you understand?” Steve pushes the boy away before looking back at you, all the anger on his face turns into something softer.
He scrambles towards you, kneeling before you and helping you so gently until your leaning on the lockers, heaving at the pain that the boy caused you.
Steve continued to stare at you, eyes observing you before his hands gently prodded your face.
“You’re bleeding…” He murmurs before pulling out a cloth and dabbing it softly on the wound, apologizing when you flinched at his touch which surprised you.
“W-what are you doing?” Your voice trembles and Steve only sighed in response, shaking his head in disappointment.
“Why did you have to reject me?” He asked, carefully putting a band-aid over the scar and kissing it so gently with his pink lips. You stared at him in shock and confusion.
“Wh-What the f-fuck?!” You try to push him off but he only gripped both of your wrists with one hand while the other caress your face.
“We would’ve been so happy together. You would’ve had a great experience but you always manage to put yourself in danger… Why didn’t you just let me in?” The hand on your face goes to the back of your neck and your struggles were no use when he easily pulled you into a kiss, his tongue easily forcing itself into your mouth and coating and mixing your saliva with his.
“I should’ve not given up but you… you hurt me, ya know?” He pulls away before admiring your face.
“I lied though. You’ve always been so beautiful. I just wanted you to give me a chance but then you started avoiding me more.” His jaw clenches before his grip on your wrists tighten.
His other hand goes under your shirt before fondling your breasts through your bra. He leans in towards your neck before sniffing and moaning as he continues to massage your breasts while his hips started to grind against yours in need.
He growls against your neck as his grind started to get violently fast.
“Ahh fuck!” His hips stopped before he’s shaking against your body.
Your eyes widened at him as you looked down at the front of his pants which now had a stain on the crotch area.
“D-did you just—”
“See what you do to me?” He laughs before kissing your lips once more, the hand on your breasts trailing down before he forces it down your pants and under your panties to feel your core with his big hands.
His fingers make a quick swipe up your slit making you shiver at the feeling of him on your sensitive area.
“And I see what I do to you…” He inserts one finger, groaning at the way your walls are tightening around just one finger.
Steve swore he could cum again at the thought of his cock entering your very tight pussy.
“We didn’t start strong but we have all the time in the world now…” He places a kiss wet on your lips, continuing his assault on your core while his thumb finds its way to your clit.
Steve enjoys the way your hips jolted at the feeling and he smiled.
“I will help you graduate with honors and then after that,” he pulls back from the kiss before smiling at you.
“We’ll start over. I’m never leaving you again. I’m never going to give up on you. We’ll finally have what we both deserved.” He feels your walls fluttering around his one finger so he added another, thumb flicking your nub harder, forcing you to release.
“Mmm!” You bit your bottom lip as an orgasm was forced out of you, pleasure showering you as your eyes shut tightly.
“So fucking beautiful…” Steve pulls his hand out of your jeans before quickly placing his fingers inside his mouth to taste you.
“So fucking delicious as well.” He helps you up carefully before guiding you out of the school and into his car.
“I’ll drive you to school and from school from now on. There won’t be a time when I’m not watching over you. I’ll protect you from now on. I’m going to right every wrong thing I did to you, baby…” He leans down to kiss your lips then your head before fixing your seatbelt for you and starting the car.
“Everything will be better now.”
a/n: been trying to write but it’s just not working rn but im trying to come thru hehe
General: @readermia @unlikelygalaxygiver @xoxabs88xox @anncutamarica @chaoticfiretaconerd @i-love-superhero @caffiend-queen @coconutqueen21 @jtargaryen18 @jennmurawski13 @mushyjellybeans @ninjabucky @evnscvll @buckstaybucky @donutloverxo @rebloggingeverything @adriannajackson @la-cey @awaywithtime @gotnofucks @empath-bunny @belovedcherry @littlegasps
Anything Chris: @patzammit @princess-evans-addict @shadowcatsworld @notyourtypicalrose @onetwo3000 @bluemusickid @heyiamthatbitch @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @slytherinandoutasgard
Chris and seb: @harrysthiccthighss
Marvel: @jemzeraion
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wanderinginksplot · 3 years
Hi! Coul you do a Hunter x Jedi FemReader fluff. Myybe They are reunited after a long time and they hang out in secret.
Hey! It took a few days, but here’s where this prompt took me:
Hunter + Jedi F!Reader + Fluff
“Watch the far side - it’s tipping!”
“We need another few troopers over here to help balance it!”
“It’s too heavy!”
“Stop, men,” you ordered, your calm voice cutting through the clamor with ease. “Let me get it.”
Lifting the heavy crate with the Force was simple, one of the first things you had learned to do in the Temple. From there, transporting it to the correct section of the hangar wasn’t any more difficult, and you accomplished the task with ease.
“Still showing off, General?” a rough voice asked from just behind your ear.
You turned around, already smiling at the familiar face. “Sergeant Hunter,” you greeted. “I had no idea you were on-planet.”
He shrugged, the movement flowing with grace that would have made even a Jedi jealous. “We picked up a new member for the Batch. We needed to have him cleared on Coruscant before we could risk taking him into action.”
“And?” you asked, already thinking about how you could help. Force-healing wasn’t your strong suit, but you could pull a few strings to get the right padawan to the GAR headquarters. If Hunter needed something, you would do everything in your power to get it for him. He had saved your life often enough to deserve that dedication from you.
“And he’ll be fine,” Hunter reassured you. Gesturing to the flurry of men working to unload your gunships - each one painted with a flattering caricature of your profile with a lightsaber held out in front of you - he asked, “How did the mission go?”
You shrugged. “It went as well as can be expected, I suppose.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means- Well, it…” you sighed. “This war never seems to have a true victory. There are always losses, and those sacrifices don’t always make sense given what little is accomplished in return.”
Hunter raised an eyebrow. “That’s what we’re made for. Sacrificing.”
You hated hearing that, no matter how often it had been repeated by the Kaminoans, the GAR, and the Jedi Council. These men weren’t a product and their lives weren’t something they should expect to lose simply because they had been created rather than born. They had names and personalities, painted their armor with patterns in your favorite color, and some troopers even asked for permission to use your handprint in their designs. Hunter’s casual defense of what you saw as the fatal flaw of the Jedi Order made your stomach lurch and your spirits drop.
“So they keep telling me,” you agreed, mustering a smile for Hunter. “It was a pleasure seeing you, Sergeant. It has been far too long.”
"Wait," Hunter called and you paused in turning away. "What did I say?"
His earnest question only served to make you feel worse. "Nothing, Hunter. The problem seems to be with me. I just need some time away from the war, the loss."
Hunter's eyes cut a neat contrast against the darkness of his tattoo. "I can't help much, but how about some time spent with an old friend?"
"I have to go make my report to the Council," you hedged.
"After that, then," Hunter suggested. "I'm not gonna twist your arm about it, but you're the one who said it's been too long since we saw each other."
You gave a small smile at that. "That's true. Meet me at Dex's Diner tonight?"
"Comm me when you're leaving the Temple," Hunter instructed, giving a respectful nod as the two of you parted. 
As soon as you had finished with your report and washed the grime of a long mission from your skin, you contacted Hunter and started your journey to Dex’s Diner. The small restaurant had been a Coruscant staple for years, but it had recently seen a huge surge in business. Not only did Dex make fantastic food, but he served meals to anyone who wanted to buy them. The Besalisk had a firm open-door policy, especially where clone troopers were concerned. Off-duty clone troopers were a common sight in the diner, laughing and mingling with Coruscanti civilians.
Hunter was already inside, having secured a booth tucked away in the corner. While clone troopers were far from rare at Dex’s Diner, Jedi were seen less often, especially since the war had begun.
Still, you slid into the booth across from Hunter and gave your usual order to the serving droid. Surreptitiously, you input your credit information as well, paying for the entire meal before it had the chance to deliver a total.
“What is that smile?” Hunter asked, offering one of his own.
“Nothing,” you said, waving off his question. “So, what have you and Clone Force 99 been up to since I saw you last?”
Hunter blew out a breath. “It’s been - what? A year since we saw you?”
“Yes, nearly that,” you agreed, trying to keep the edge of sadness from your voice. Early in the war, you had been on a series of missions with the Bad Batch and had planned to keep working with them, but a member of the Jedi Council had sensed your attachment when you returned planetside. You had been reassigned and ordered to cut ties with the enhanced troopers before the attachment grew stronger.
You had reluctantly done as you were told, but saying goodbye to Clone Force 99 had been difficult. In retrospect, that was likely a good sign that you were indeed getting attached to these troopers. However, that hadn’t stopped you from meeting Hunter today, the first time you had ran into him since following that order. It was with a surge of guilt that you realized you had taken care not to let any other occupants of the Temple see you leave. You hadn’t wanted them to ask where you were going…
“Hey,” Hunter said sharply, drawing your attention back to him. “Where did you go?”
“Nowhere in particular,” you excused yourself. “I’m sorry, I missed what you said.”
“I didn’t say anything,” Hunter told you. “I just sat here and watched you get lost in your own head. Stay out of there. After all, I don’t get to see you every day.”
“Fair enough,” you conceded. “How have things been going for you out there?”
Hunter shrugged. “Pretty well. We haven’t found another Jedi who works with us as well as you did, but the few we’ve been assigned to have been competent.”
From Hunter, that was high praise indeed. “And who have you been assigned to?”
“Well…” he mused, “We did a few missions with General Unduli and you know we usually work with Commander Cody and General Kenobi. We did just finish a mission with General Skywalker, though.”
“And how did that go?” you asked, smiling at the thought of the GAR’s most unorthodox squad working with the Jedi Order’s most unorthodox Knight.
Hunter rolled his eyes dramatically and launched into the story of rescuing one of Skywalker’s troopers who had been captured by the Separatists. It was horrifying to think of one of the Republic’s soldiers in enemy captivity for so long, but Hunter nearly had your sides splitting when he talked about Captain Rex brawling with Crosshair, Tech leaping onto the back of some winged creature, and Wrecker demolishing an entire Separatist fleet.
“I bet Wrecker was thrilled!” you said to the last point, still laughing.
“He was, of course,” Hunter agreed, sending a soft smile your way. “He’ll forever be looking for ways to top that mission, so I guess I have Skywalker to thank for that.”
“Oh, I needed this,” you sighed, wiping a tear from the corner of your eye.
“Want to talk about it?” Hunter asked. “I get the feeling you haven’t been happy about much lately.”
“Oh-” you stammered, his insight stunning you for a moment. “I don’t know if there’s any particular reason…” 
“If you had to think of one, then,” Hunter suggested. 
You blew out a thoughtful breath, trying to gather a year’s worth of abstract thoughts and quickly stifled smiles into a cohesive summary. “It’s… hm. It doesn’t feel… right, to laugh and joke when soldiers like you and your brothers are working so hard and so seriously to win battles. It seems- seems almost like ignoring their sacrifices. People are dying every moment, and being happy feels… frivolous, somehow?”
“You aren’t sacrificing people, if it makes you feel any better,” Hunter told you consolingly. “Just clones.”
You had stood from the table before you knew what had happened. Hunter stared up at you in surprise, a rare expression from a man whose senses allowed him to predict behaviors so well. 
“I don’t think this meeting was a good idea,” you told him bluntly. “I’ll see you later.”
“Wait-” Hunter started, trying to rise from the table, but he was interrupted by the arrival of the serving droid. The droid, oblivious to things such as tense silences, began busily unloading its tray of food onto the table, its position trapping Hunter in his seat.
You watched in silence as the table was set to the precise specifications that the droid had been programmed to deliver. Hunter, avoiding your gaze, fiddled with his silverware, ruining the droid's perfect symmetry with only a touch.
When the droid had finished and rolled away, Hunter looked up at you, confusion and guilt mingling on his face. He gestured to your plate. "Please?"
You eased back into the seat after a moment of thought. Hunter couldn't know why you were upset if you didn't give him the benefit of an explanation.
To give yourself a moment of thought, you unfolded your napkin and spread it across your lap. When you were done, you made direct and unblinking eye contact with Hunter. "It hurts me when you talk about the troopers like their lives have less meaning. Like they deserve nothing more than death to achieve a goal."
"That's what we were told all our lives," Hunter countered carefully. "At least the regs were told they could die in sacrifice for the Republic. We were told that we deserved to die because we were different."
The disgust and self-loathing in Hunter's last word made you reach out and cover his hand with yours. You made no effort to influence him - you respected him far too much for that - but you tried to convey your sympathy with a touch.
"And now you know that isn't true in the slightest," you reminded him. "I can't change a moment of your past, but we can all impact our shared present to create the future we deserve."
Hunter's warm fingers flexed under yours as he flipped his hand over to weave your fingers together. 
"That's why you're the Jedi we keep asking to be assigned to," he said with a fond smile. "You don't see us for what we can do for you, for the Republic. You just see us."
You raised your eyebrows at that, your heart feeling lighter than it had since the early days of the war. "As if the Bad Batch could be tied to a single Jedi…"
"For you?" Hunter pretended to think about it. "I think we could give it a try."
With a shared smile, the two of you turned your attention to the food you had ordered. Neither of you commented on your hands, still intertwined on the table between you.
A/N - I originally had a different ending in mind, but I liked this one too much to change it. I’ll leave it up to you to decide what happens when Hunter realizes that you’ve already paid for your food! 
Thanks for the request, @dreamingofclones! I hope you enjoyed!
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jeontaehui · 3 years
Are there any chaotic Taehui moments during hot sauce promotions?
1. someone pls save her
🌶️ NCT DREAM has the hottest striking skills I Hot Sauce Bowling
haechan has been keeping his laughter all to himself since the past minute, causing jeno to become curious as to what he was laughing about. 
“no, just look at noona,” haechan whispers to the latter, their eyes subtly giving short glances to taehee as they stood on their side, “she’s so quiet.”  
as if mark had read his mind, the dreamies hear the familiar laugh of their leader and turn their heads to him, “taehee, calm down! your eyes are literally shaking right now.” 
the boys chuckle at the nervous grin that appears on her lips, her meek voice trying to brush them off, “no, guys, it’s fine. it’s fine!” 
“she’s convincing herself,” jisung comments with a giggle, “noona, i’ll make yours!” 
“okay,” she replies, the worry in her tone causing mark to let out one more laugh. “do you want me to eat yours?” he asks, standing up, and as if she had a sudden change in demeanor taehee waves him off with her hand. “i’m not a baby,” she tells him. 
“jiji noona,” jisung calls, catching the attention of the elder. he raises two of his fingers, letting taehee know that she was about to choose between two options. she groans. 
“option 1, i’ll pick the least spicy sauce but place a ton of drops,” the snort that comes out of haechan and renjun shows that they like his idea, “or option two, i’ll get the spiciest one and place just a few.” 
“wouldn’t that be the same thing though?” she wonders, finally standing up and scanning the various bottles of hot sauce scattered on the table. jisung shakes his head (cutely, if i may add), “okay, then i’ll go with option 1.”
taehee proceeds to watch jisung get to work, obviously dreading the fact that she was the last to eat among their team. 
“but even if jisung places just a tiny drop,” haechan explains to the camera, “taehee noona’s gonna cry.” 
shouts of protest begin to come from the said girl, but he continues, “like her spice tolerance is really really really really really low.” 
“... 5, 6, 7, 8,” jisung finishes, looking proud at what he had accomplished before handing it over to a nervous taehee. as if to tease her further, mark reaches for the box of tissues on the table and places it in front of her. “these are for your tears,” he jokes. 
a few moments tick by and taehee brings the plate up to her nose, “oh the smell— it’s burning.” chenle laughs, commenting on how his noona was so cute. 
they wait in anticipation as taehee grabs the soft taco and sniffs it again, and it seems that all the walls she had built up until now collapse. 
“AGHHH,” taehee suddenly groans, jeno and mark bursting into laughter once more. “WHAT DO I DO?! I CAN’T EVEN HANDLE THE LESS SPICY SAMYANG RAMEN!!! MARK!!!” she exclaims, brows furrowing in panic as she held tightly onto mark’s arm with her free hand.
“we won’t judge you if you cry, noona,” renjun chuckles. “well, you’re doing a really great job at it so far,” she retaliates.
quickly taking a bite, taehee places the plate down and chews on her food silently, serious eyes looking straight at the camera. “how is it?” mark prompts, but taehee doesn’t answer.
it takes exactly ten seconds of silence until her eyes are filled to the brim with tears, and it worsens all the more as she swallows the food in her mouth, leaving a scorching hot feeling on her tongue down to her throat.
the boys erupt into laughter once more, chenle screaming out on how adorable she was being right now, and she gulps down on nothing to soothe the pain in her mouth.
before taehee can even move to get herself a glass of milk, mark is already handing one in front of her, his, “here you go,” graced with a chuckle.
she downs the contents of the glass quickly, sighing in relief as the spiciness that lingered in her mouth starts to go away.
as if her almost crying in front of the camera wasn’t enough, taehee stumbles back as her head spins, and she would’ve fallen on her bum if mark didn’t hold her up by the waist.
haechan smiles at her endearingly but it comes off as a teasing one, “wah.. are you okay? do you need to sit down?”
taehee just looks up the ceiling and stays unmoving, her eyelids fluttering shut, “the world is spinning so i have decided to not move until it stops.”
2. bless jaemin and taehee 
SUB)역대급헤각장!🔥눈떠보니 좋아하는 SM아이돌이 내앞에 있다면!!?? (feat.NCT DREAM) If My fave IDOLS are watching me..?
“you close your hand first,” taehee tells jaemin after having failed two attempts of their assigned challenge, “and then like da da da...” but jaemin couldn’t hear the beats properly since the rest of dream were also practicing on the sidelines, wanting to do the challenge too. 
taehee plasters an annoyed smile on her face as she rolled her eyes, but jaemin was the first to snap, “BE QUIET!”
“STAY STILL!” taehee adds (much like this) as she raises her hands up in the air, the gesture making everyone in the room laugh. 
3. idk how to explain this but i cant get it out of my head
시즈니이2관왕 (210528)
“‘taehee unnie, please cover your abs so you won’t get cold’,” renjun reads with a polite tone, to which jisung laughs at.
“summer is coming though?” haechan wonders from his seat, “do you want to see mine instead?”
while the others shake their heads against his suggestion, taehee clicks her tongue and raises her brows at him challengingly. “don’t say that,” she tells him, “they’re (the fan) mine.”
“okay okay,” haechan chuckles, and the threatening glare that was on taehee’s face is quickly replaced with a bright smile after hearing his response.
“czennies, i’ll work harder so you can see them more in the future too!” she exclaims, raising her fist up in the air before exaggerating a giggle, “ahihi.”
“what the heck is ‘ahihi’?” jeno snorts, “this noona, really.”
4. i sometimes wonder what goes on in her mind
REACTION to '맛 (Hot Sauce)' with Pinkfong REDREX | NCT DREAM Reaction
"WOAHH!” the sight of the red dinosaur mascot that was walking towards them makes the members’ eyes light up in surprise. “it’s a dinosaur!” haechan shouts, his voice going a pitch higher like a child seeing these extinct creatures in the museum for the first time.
meanwhile, mark, jisung, and taehee poke at its fake teeth in interest, fingers prodding at each tooth that were too dull to be sharp. “its teeth hurt me,” mark winces as he delivers his joke. 
it wasn’t long before taehee’s curiosity got the best of her as she opened the t-rex’s mouth big and wide, her sudden movements causing the rest of dream to erupt in laughter. “noona, what are you doing?” chenle asks with a fond smile. 
taehee pulls away from the mascot, laughing after seeing the surprised eyes of the staff wearing it. “he got so surprised,” taehee chuckles with a grin, before proceeding to imitate what she saw to the camera — eyes as big as saucers and a gasp slipping past her lips.
5. our clumsy baby pls be careful
7 (210413)
“what kind of dog will be created?”
“how far are we taking this?”
“the marriage...”
as the rest continue to explain haechan and daegal’s supposed marriage to jaemin, taehee scoots closer to jisung, who was on the floor, to read the comments the fans were sending. 
“what the,” she mutters, amusement in her tone after reading a comment someone had said about buttholes and teeth and dentists. not noticing that she was right by his ear, jisung jolts in surprise at hearing her voice and the phone, that was also taehee’s, falls from his hands and onto the floor beside him. 
taehee went to pick it up quickly — too quickly, in fact, that she hit her nose on the marble table quite harshly as she bent down to reach the object. 
“OH!” all heads turn to their corner when jisung shouts, taehee recoiling in pain as she held her nose. “why?” mark asks in concern, “what happened?”
while jisung explains through held laughter the situation taehee was in, the female member slowly leans into the couch and meets the eyes of a concerned renjun. 
“can i see?” he asks, and taehee carefully removes her hands just an inch away from her nose bridge that she was pressing against in hopes of relieving the pain. “is it bleeding?”
after noting that her nose was fine and that only a very tiny bruise was starting to form on her bridge, renjun decides to answer, “no, but your nose is starting to look like rudolph.” 
the two-tone haired boy proceeds to sing the infamous christmas song, much to the amusement of haechan and jeno, and taehee slaps his shoulder in retaliation. “stop being annoying!” she groans, causing renjun to release a hearty laugh off his chest, hand comeing down to pat on the top of taehee’s head. “it’s okay, baby,” he coos.
“do you want to get some ice for it?” mark speaks up again, worried gaze still looking over her. taehee removes her fingers from her face again and makes eye contact with him, “do you want to kiss it better instead?”
though it sounded more than a threat than an actual attempt at flirting, jeno sighs, “and she’s back.”
6. clumsy baby pt. 2 (ft. chenle)
[Un Cut] Take #1|‘맛 (Hot Sauce)’ Jacket Behind the Scene
after seeing mark throw a chip in the air and successfully catching it in his mouth, jaemin turns to taehee who sat beside him on the carpet floor. “can you do that?” he asks, and taehee shakes her head no. “if i do it, i might choke,” yet she’s already grabbing a chip from the yellow bag the latter is currently holding, “watch.”
the food does in fact get stuck in her throat, but only for a short while until she’s coughing it out. “are you crazy?!” jaemin shouts, the amused grin he was wearing contrasting to his scolding tone. taehee could only give him a smile back as she chewed, a mischievous glint present in her eyes. 
at the same time, chenle watches the two with a bemused expression, before turning to the camera and sighing. “you know those people in school who are like, good in tests and get high grades or something?” he asks, “but then they’re super dumb when it comes to things outside of school?”
chenle laughs, “that’s taehee noona.”
“she’s good at dancing, surfing, skateboarding — all the things that require balance,” he explains, “but she’s the clumsiest person i know, as in the clumsiest.”
“it’s alright,” chenle shrugs innocently, “it’s cute.”
7. u can literally hear ‘all i did was try my best this the kinda thanks i get’ #SMFreeTaehee 
💚시즈니 Fㅏ워🏆💚ㅣ맛 (Hot Sauce) 음악방송 대기실 비하인드 #3
“tmi?” jeno repeats before facing jaemin, “tmi.”
“the tmi for today is,” the other starts, eyes wandering around the room until they finally settle on a certain member, “there’s an album that i’ve been listening to ever since it came out, and i’m not even the one playing it.”
a confused hum sounds out of jeno at his member’s statement, his brows furrowing together as he tries to make sense of what jaemin had just said, so when the latter tries to imitate the familiar intro of olivia rodrigo’s ‘brutal’, he finally nods in understanding and agrees with him.
“ahhh,” jeno smiles, looking at the camera, “that’s right, i’ve been hearing it too.”
“this person,” jaemin continues, “plays the music so loud. they don’t use the speakers so it’s not that concerning—“
“that concerning?”
“—to others except when you’re next to them. they play the whole album so loudly in their airpods! then you go like, ‘huh? what?’ and when you look at them, they just have this look on and you go, ‘wow, they’re really going through it’,” he finishes. while he was describing the person’s expression as they listened to their music, jaemin’s mouth forms into a slight frown and his eyes go blank, jeno doing his own version after.
the video cuts to a zoom in on taehee, eyes fixed on one of the white fluorescent lights of their waiting room and mouth pressed into a thin line as she had her airpods on. “look at her right now,” jaemin mumbles from behind camera.
“she’s contemplating her life decisions,” jeno chuckles, “‘what am i doing?’, ‘why am i here?’, ‘who am i?’”
8. miss seeing baekhyun and taehee together :(
💚시즈니 Fㅏ워🏆💚ㅣ맛 (Hot Sauce) 음악방송 대기실 비하인드 #3
haechan summons the rest of the members by playing baekhyun’s ‘bambi’, not knowing that taehee had too much of her sugar intake for the day and currently felt stoked for their stage more than ever.
“BAMBI BAM..BI ~~ !!!!” taehee sings loudly, quickly popping into frame before moonwalking to the side.
“what’s with you today?” mark asks, bemused at the current state of his best friend. “taehee— ah, you can’t do that here,” the smile on his face quickly fades as he puts on a serious expression, his tone reminding taehee of the time haechan was told to do a dance he thought was sexy until the members tried to stop him.
that didn’t hinder her though from going all out on busting the choreography to the second verse, even exaggerating them before renjun and mark had to push her out of the waiting room.
“do you bet she’s still dancing outside?” renjun asks, brushing his hands off after closing the door, and he bursts out laughing after hearing the rest of the members agree with his question.
they open the door literally 15 minutes later to reveal taehee, both hands full as she waited patiently on her phone. “where did you get that?” mark chuckles, referring to the grape flavored juice can on her left.
“the vending machine,” taehee shrugs.
“did you dance all the way there?”
mark’s eyes seem to look at her with endearment, “really?”
“mhmm.... i sang too.”
9. i think we all have an idea of what she’s singing here
[Un Cut] Take #2|‘고래 (Dive Into You) + Rainbow (책갈피) +Diggity’ Track Video Behind the Scene
before filming the choreography parts of the track video for ‘diggity’, the members wait for the director’s cue to start as they all engage themselves in their own conversations — haechan asking jisung for a hug, jeno and mark talking about anything under the sun, and chenle and renjun singing the lyrics to the songs in their album.
meanwhile, jaemin studies taehee with an unreadable expression, the latter dancing idly to the current song stuck in her head at the time.
“she made some plans with my mmm tonight. she not with him tonight. she not with jim tonight,” and it almost seems like taehee had no absolute clue of the words that flew out of her mouth, like she was in some sort of trance, “she in the gym tonight.”
“workout in that nana,” she pretends to throw something in the air, and reading her mind, jaemin simultaneously ‘hits the woah’ with her as they both shout, “AYEE!”
10. dude didnt even hesitate
7DREAM return! 7+맛=Show #우정의_A컷Z컷 #우정월드컵
“alright! the next one is for taehee .... would you rather keep your friendship ring and miss a chance to meet taylor swift or lose it and get a chance to collab with taylor sw—”
jeno and jaemin were the only ones laughing as the rest of the dreamies looked at her in disbelief. haechan’s hand even comes up to rub the back of his neck as if his blood pressure was going up, yet the proud grin that was on taehee’s lips does not falter.
“don’t you have to think about this first?” mark tells her, pulling her raised arm by the elbow until it was placed by her side.
“she didn’t even hesitate,” renjun gasps, “noona!”
“a ring is a ring—“
“it’s a symbol of our friendship!” haechan argues, meeting eyes with her.
the host begins to laugh at the ruckus taehee’s answer had caused, and the female idol retaliated, “mark and jisung have lost their rings a couple of times but why are you only reacting like this to me?!”
“you answered right away!” the brown haired vocalist says right back before his lips turn into a little pout.
“okay, okay,” taehee nods turning back to their host, “can you please ask the question again?”
even the group of staff behind the camera burst out laughing, “again?”
mark pushes taehee’s shoulder playfully as he shook with uncontrollable laughter, her polite expression remaining on her features as she waited patiently for the emcee to repeat the question.
“taehee-ssi, would you rather keep your friendship ring and miss a chance to meet taylor swift or lose it and get a chance to collab with taylor swift?”
“mmm,” taehee pretends to ponder, her brows furrowing together as she juts out her bottom lip into a pout, “a collaboration with my favorite artist seems like a once in a lifetime experience....”
“but, haechan’s right, the ring is a symbol of our friendship, which i value so much,” taehee says into the mic, some of the dreamies’ chuckles fading in the background. “we’ve been through a lot together — we’ve been happy and sad and all sorts of things together, and seeing how close we are now, i could say that this,” she gestures to all of them, “would stand the test of time.”
“ohhh,” the boys hum, nodding impressed at her answer. “not only a lifetime but would stand the test of time,” the emcee emphasizes.
“so i will pick option b.”
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lesbian-lilo · 3 years
Mission Mishaps - Wanda x fem!reader
This is my first ever commission for @g-cordelia! Thank you so much for your support and I hope you enjoy!
You awoke to the harsh shrill of your alarm clock, groaning before rolling out of the warm embrace of your wife to turn it off. Your hopes that it wouldn’t wake her ruined as she mumbled a soft “good morning”, pulling you back into her arms. You turned to face her, heart skipping a beat as you gazed at your wife. After being married for 3 years and together for 5 some people would expect waking up next to her wouldn’t be the same. But every time you woke up with her next to you, you were blown away. Wanda had an ethereal glow cast by the morning sun shining through the crack in the curtains. She was lying on her side, her growing baby bump pressing into your own stomach. Her hair was slightly covering her face, eyes half lidded as she stared at you with nothing but love in her eyes. Wanda was always soft in the mornings, something she reserved for you and your child.
You press a soft kiss to her lips whispering a “good morning my angel” before sliding down the bed to be eye level with Wanda’s belly. “And good morning to you too little one” you say, before leaving a kiss on her stomach. “How are you so perfect?” You glance up at these words, Wanda beaming at you before beckoning you up so she can kiss you again.
An abrupt knock sounds at the door and Natasha’s voice can be heard on the other side. “Wanda, y/n, open up!”. You share a glance at Wanda before you climb out of bed and open the door, inviting Nat in before closing the door behind her. Nat moves to stand beside your bed and exchanges greetings with Wanda as you sit back down next to your wife. Natasha looks between you both with a sigh before focusing her attention on you. “Y/n I know you’ve stepped back from missions since Wanda’s been pregnant, but Fury just told me we are needed on an urgent mission. I’m not sure what it is, he says we will be briefed on the Quinjet. I tried to get him to assign someone else but apparently there is no one else for the job”. Nat gives you a sad look as she finishes speaking. She knows how difficult it was for both yourself and Wanda when you decided to stop going on missions. But you both agreed you couldn’t compromise your wellbeing or the life you were creating. Wanda reached for your hand, slowly running her thumb up and down your palm. “When do we have to go?”. “In about 30 minutes. I’ll go suit up so you both can talk. Y/n see you at the Quinjet”.  After saying goodbye to Natasha, you turned to face Wanda, who had a solemn expression on her face. “Promise me you’ll be safe”. “I promise” you whispered before capturing her lips in a kiss. Placing a hand on Wanda’s stomach, you leant down. “That’s a promise to you too little one”. After many kisses and promises you’d return safe, you left to shut up and meet Nat at the Quinjet.
Walking onto the Quinjet, you moved to sit next to Nat in the co-pilot seat, as Fury began briefing you both on the mission. Although you had mostly given up missions for the foreseeable future, a decision you were more than happy with, you couldn’t deny the rush of adrenaline and excitement that came with starting one. After Fury left, so did you, sparing one last glance at the Avengers compound before flying off to your destination.
The mission was relatively simple. You and Nat were to infiltrate a Hydra base and get information needed for the other Avengers who were on a separate mission. They couldn’t complete their mission until you had found the information needed.
After landing the Quinjet in a clearing close to the base, you and Natasha began the short walk to the edge of the forest that surrounded the Hydra base. This was your first mission since Wanda became pregnant, something you were extremely aware of. You couldn’t help but to play with your wedding ring attached to the chain around your neck. Normally you would wear it on your finger, but you didn’t want to risk losing it.  
“Okay. There’s a ladder off to the left-hand side. I’m going to use that to climb to the roof and then enter through one of the vents. You circle around to the back, there should be a door that’s relatively unguarded. I’ll take out the guards on the roof so you don’t need to worry about that”. You nodded along with Nat’s plan while you mentally psyched yourself up for this mission, reminding yourself that the sooner it’s completed the sooner you can get home to Wanda.
You and Natasha both went your separate ways, you circle around to the back of the base while Nat began to climb the ladder. You stayed near the edge of the forest, waiting for the signal that would tell you the guards had been taken care of and you could enter through the door. After about 10 minutes of waiting, you see Natasha give you the signal before disappearing into a vent. You quickly but quietly make your way to the door, using a key card Nat had thrown down from one of the guards you scan yourself into the building before pocketing it. With guns drawn you sneak down the hallway, making sure to check every corner and doorway. The base was eerily quiet, almost too quiet. You shrugged it off however, not wanting to distract yourself from the mission.
You made your way to the surveillance room, taking out any Hydra agents you happened to come across. After scanning yourself into the room and taking care of the agents present, you began to look through the computers for the necessary information. “Hey Nat, where are you?” After you heard no reply on the comms and due to you jamming the surveillance cameras before you entered, you didn’t have a clue where she was. However, you knew Natasha was an incredible spy and could hold her own. You needed to get the information. You decided you would search the base after sending off the information to Shield if you hadn’t gotten in contact with her via the comms.
After gathering the necessary intel and sending it through to Shield, you began your search of the Hydra base. After turning a few corners, you began to hear the faint sound of fighting, alerting you to Natasha’s location. After running down multiple hallways you finally rounded the corner Natasha was in. There were about 10 Hydra agents all circling Natasha, who was managing to hold the off. You ran up to her and began to help, taking out Hydra agents left and right until you were the only ones standing. “Did you get the intel?” “I did” you replied. “Let’s get you home to Wanda”. You began to make your way back down the hallway, this time with Natasha by your side. As you were stepping over one of the Hydra agents, you failed to realise they were still slightly conscious. All of a sudden you felt a burning sensation on your lower stomach, followed by the sound of a single gunshot echoing through the hallway. You looked down to see a knife lodged into your lower abdomen, and a Hydra agent with a fresh bullet wound in his head courtesy of Natasha, you had moved to your side in an instant. Black dots began to appear on your vision as Natasha helped you back into the Quinjet, immediately laying you down on the stretcher before grabbing the first aid kit from underneath. “Nat” you managed to choke out, blood dribbling from your mouth. “You’re gonna be ok y/n”. “No Nat listen”, you tried again. You could feel yourself beginning to lose consciousness, but you had to tell her something before you did. “Please don’t tell Wanda. Not until I get better”. With that, your vision went blank, and you passed out.
You regained consciousness two days lying in a hospital bed with your wife asleep on a cot next to you. You looked around the room to see Natasha sitting in a chair on the other side of your bed reading a bit. You went to speak but immediately started coughing, alerting Natasha that you had woken up. She immediately got you a cup of water, helping you drink it before sitting back down. “How long has she been here?” You asked, motioning to your wife who still asleep. Natasha sighed, “When we got back, and you were rushed to the hospital ward. I couldn’t keep it from her y/n, especially when you’ve been out for two days”. Wanda began to stir then, your eyes immediately going to her. Nat quietly left the room, wanting to give you both some time together.
When Wanda woke up, she immediately burst into tears. With the stiches in your stomach, you couldn’t move as fast as you would like, however you eventually sat beside her, Wanda immediately throwing her arms around you and burying her face into her neck. It was only then that the reality of what could’ve been set in for you. There was a chance you wouldn’t be the one holding Wanda right now, it instead being Natasha while the mourned your passing. You began to tear up at the thought and held onto Wanda tighter as you whispered you were sorry. After sitting in each other’s embrace for a while, you both eventually parted. Wanda looked deep into your eyes, “My love, why did you ask Nat not to tell me you were hurt?” Straight away you felt guilty. It’s not that you wanted to keep it from her, you never keep anything from her. You just didn’t want her to worry, or to stress either her or the baby out. Wanda immediately realised this; she can read minds after all. Instead of responding however, she brought you into a passionate kiss, one filled with love and hope and desperation. It was in that moment you decided that it didn’t matter if the entire world was ending, you were not leaving Wanda’s side.
Four weeks later….
You woke up soft kisses along your spine and the soft giggles of your wife as you groaned and rolled over. You were still sore but had thankfully gotten your stitches taken out and were healing well. You kissed Wanda good morning before moving down to do the same to her baby bump, whispering a good morning to your child as well. Wanda giggled before sliding down the bed and placing a gentle kiss on the scar that had formed on your stomach. Ever since you had gotten your stitches out, Wanda had kissed your scar almost as much as you kissed her baby bump. It started as a joke however it soon evolved into a loving gesture from the most beautiful woman to grace the Earth. You pulled Wanda to lay on top of you, her head resting in the crook of your neck as you turned on the TV to some random cooking channel. You sighed in content, your hand caressing her baby bump. You truly were the luckiest woman in the world.
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
Based Off Of This Ask
And This One
A/N: Just wanted to do something soft sweet and spicy🥺...I and just about everyone else definitely use some of this. Enjoy🙃
You were completely over it all. It was only the first half of the semester and you were already feeling like you weren’t going to make it and just crumble under the pressure. You were drowning in assignments and on top of that, you weren’t getting enough sleep or time to recover from pulling so many all-nighters to get said assignments done. To make matters worse, you hadn’t had any real time with Harry in almost two weeks. If you had to choose what was worse, between your school mess and little time with Harry, you’d choose the latter. A good cuddle, Harry’s soothing words, and anything else he had up his sleeve would be the perfect remedy to this storm of stress. You were hoping that you could get some of that before you made it to the verge of collapse and breakdown. But by the looks of it, you were right at that point and Harry was going to have to build you back up. 
You’d finally finished your last assignment for the day and you were so out of it. You had a headache, you were hungry, you were tired, and you were stressed. Nothing good could possibly come from that. While Harry was downstairs cooking dinner for you both, you were upstairs sitting up in the bed putting the final touches onto your assignment before finally hitting the submit button. And once you did, you couldn’t stop yourself from crumbling. You waste no time closing your laptop, pushing it from in front of you, and burying your face in the pillows. You wrap your arms tightly around the soft pillows and you just relax your body and mind. Even though it was supposed to be a good experience to let the stress melt away, you couldn’t stop the tears from bubbling up in your eyes. Your chest was heavy and you were right where you didn’t want to be. You were crumbling. You couldn’t take any more. Your mind and body were beyond overloaded and this was the only way to have some type of peace. Your body shook as you continuously sobbed into the pillows. Since you kept your grip on the pillows tight, you couldn’t hear Harry come up the stairs and into the bedroom.
When he came up, he wanted to let you know that dinner was ready and that you guys could relax and maybe watch a movie since you’d been extremely busy in the weeks leading up to now. But when he came into the room to find you sobbing on the bed, he realized that you were going to need a lot more than dinner and a movie. Harry is quick to come over to the bed and move your laptop onto the bedside table before crawling up next to you. This is what Harry hated the most. He was absolutely gutted to see you sobbing in bed. What he hated even more was why you were crying. You cared so much and worked so hard when it came to school and you were always putting your best foot forward. So to see you become a complete wreck from your school work was incredibly disheartening. 
Now instead of immediately jumping in and asking you what was wrong, Harry just laid there with you. He kept his hand moving up and down your back and just let you get it all out. Whenever he was in a situation like this, you always let him get it out before moving on to making him feel better. And it always worked. Once you’ve let out the heavy tears, leaving the little ones that were hanging back, you finally let go of the pillows and lifted your head to turn towards Harry. 
“Baby!” He coos worriedly , looking into your reddened eyes and tear stained cheeks. 
“It’s too much.” You mumble to him, feeling a fresh set of tears bubbling up. 
“I know baby, but it’ll get better. I can promise you that.” He reassures, bringing his hand up to your warm cheek. 
“I don’t know Harry, it’s only the first semester and I’m already drowning.” You whisper back pessimistically.
“You’ll get through it sweetheart, I promise. And I’ll help you out, maybe write an essay or two.” He continues with a smile, trying to lighten up the mood a little. 
“Thanks babe. But I don’t think you’d make it through the first five pages of one essay, let alone two.” You chuckle, already feeling a little lighter.
“I think I could make it through one of them. I mean, I do write songs after all.” He replies smartly. 
“I would try and come up with a good comeback for there being no correlation between song writing and essay writing but my brain would literally explode.” You reply quickly with a sarcastic and wide smile. 
“I’m not gonna say that I’m wrong, but I’m not gonna say you’re right either.” He replies. 
“I know.” You reply, softly smiling at him.
“I love you though.” He whispers sweetly. 
“I love you too.” You reply with a wide smile.
“Wanna take a bath to relax baby?” He asks with a pout, bringing his hands down to squeeze your shoulder.
“Mhm.” You mumble back to him. 
“Y’want everything you like in there?” Harry asks, moving away from you to get off of the bed. 
“Yes please.” You sigh happily as Harry makes his way to the bathroom to get everything ready for you. 
And after almost 20 minuets of fumbling around in the bathroom, Harry fills up the bathtub with the perfectly warm water along with your favorite salts, bubble bath, and oils that you kept in the basket you’d designated for your baths. He even lights the candles you kept with everything else. Once everything is set up and perfect, Harry rushes back into the bedroom to whisk you into the mini oasis that he created for you in the bathroom. 
“Now let’s get these off and and get you in there.” He huffs, sitting you back down on the floor before bringing his hands over to remove your clothes. He quickly helps you out of your clothes, leaving you naked in front of him. He then helps you into the bathtub and allows you to get comfortable. 
“Are you gonna get in with me?” You ask, looking up to him for a response. 
“Y’want me to?”
“Pretty please?” You pout up to him. And with that, Harry proceeds to remove all of his clothes as well so that he can join you. When he makes it to his sweats, he quickly pushes them down his legs leaving him completely naked in front of you. And you couldn’t help but bring your eyes up to the area between his legs, causing a little smile to spread across your face. 
“Can’t help it, y’too pretty.” He explains, before stepping into the tub behind you. He then sinks down into the water and wraps his arms around your body, pulling you back towards him.
“Could you maybe- y’know…” You whisper timidly back to him. From your tone alone, Harry could already sense what you were getting at. 
“Want me t’fill you up baby?” He mumbles into your ear, unwrapping his arms from around your middle and bringing it down to your lower stomach. “Want me in here?” He continues. 
“Mhm.” You softly mumble back in response. 
“Use your words doll.” He pushes on a little, wanting to hear from your mouth. 
“Want you inside.” You whisper.
“That’s a good girl, now turn around f’me.” He instructs, loosening his hold on you so that you could turn around. Once you do you bring yourself back up to his lap, kneeling on both sides of him with your hands on his shoulders. Keeping one arm around your waist, Harry brings the other down to line himself up with your entrance. He then begins to slowly guide you down onto him, and as you do, both you and Harry sink your teeth into your lower lips and let out a string of small moans. This was the closest you two had been in good little while. Plus you liked the feeling of him filling you up. “Feelin’ better sweets?” Harry asks once you’ve taken all of him inside. 
“Nice and relaxed.” You hum in response, lowering your head into the crook of his neck and relaxing your body in his lap.
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svenotes · 3 years
drabble #1
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❝ the one where your one night stand turns out to be your boss ❞
[ PAIRING ] : jeon jungkook x reader | bff!hoseok x reader
[ GENRE ] : office au (not the tv show lol) + crack, smut (mentioned)
[ WORD COUNT ] : 1.7k
[ WARNINGS ] : mentions of sex, a lot of banter, jungkook only appears for like two seconds so this is more best friend!hoseok and oc bickering 
[ AUTHOR’S NOTE ] : i’m trying to get back into writing, so here’s some funny banter w plot
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drabbles | masterlist | wattpad cross post | ao3 cross post
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“Besides, when have—!”
Hoseok frowns, eyes narrowing on you. “You don’t even know what I’m going to say.”
Going through your mental checklist, you neatly place the documents in your hands on your boss’s desk. Today has been a hectic day at the office. It was a miracle that you even managed to finish everything by the end of your shift. On days where you can barely tell the difference between left and right, you found yourself clocking extra hours. You suppose you have Hoseok to thank for that. By some grace of God, he was assigned on the same project as you and as annoying as your friend could be, he also knew when to keep things professional.
He’s already set to leave for the day, waiting for you to finish up. Since the days are getting shorter, he’s made the habit of walking you to your car after work. He stares at you with a dubious look in his eyes, and you hold it for a moment before you walk towards your cubicle to pick up your keys.
“I know you,” you start, grabbing your purse and keys. “I know what you’re going to say because I know you.”
Hoseok scoffs at that, crossing his arms over his chest. A part of you hopes he stops his questioning and drops the topic altogether. However, you know Hoseok. Dropping a subject isn’t his specialty, even if the world demands that he should.
As you try to leave your office, Hoseok blocks your path. “Y/N.”
You keep a straight face. “Hoseok.”
“I am your best friend—!”
He ignores you and continues, “And I love you—!”
“Also debatable,” you murmur.
“—which is why I cannot for the life me understand why you would keep secrets about your sex life from me.”
He catches the attention of a few of your co-workers. You brush them off with a smile, wishing them good-night before you pull Hoseok inside an empty office by his loosened tie. He lets out a choked cough as you drag him in and shut the door behind him, keeping your conversation away from prying ears.
“Are you trying to kill me?” Hoseok hisses, rubbing his neck. “I just want some details about the new guy you’re screwing. How’d you meet? How long has this been going on? Why was I never informed you were dating someone?”
You close your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose. “For the millionth time, I am not dating anyone. And there’s nothing to know—!”
“You’re lying! Again!” He points a finger in your face. “You left the bar with someone on the night of Ellie’s birthday and you’ve been secretive ever since.” He narrows his eyes. “Who are you hiding?”
You swat his fingers away, brows furrowed. “I’m an open book. I have nothing to hide.”
“Bullshit. You're as open as Yoongi.”
“How is Yoongi?” You ask, not-so-subtly deflecting. “It's been a while since I’ve seen him. You need to stop keeping him all to yourself. I miss my ex-roommate.”
Hoseok and you have known each other for as long as you’ve been working for the company. He sat in the cubicle beside yours and over time you became good friends. Yoongi, your roommate at the time, stopped by the office to drop off some lunch and met Hoseok before you could introduce them.
At first, the two despised each other, their personalities crashing — Hoseok too bright, and carefree and Yoongi more mellow and conserved. However, things began to shift between them over time and now Hoseok walks around with a ring in his jacket pocket at all times.
Hoseok’s cheeks dust pink. “I haven't proposed yet if that's what you're wondering.”
“Just let me know who’s best man I’m going to be,” you laugh.
“None of ours, ‘cause I’m going to ban you from the wedding—!”
Your eyes widen, appalled. “Why—!”
“Who are you dating?”
Your mouth clasps shut, glaring at him. “No one.”
It’s not a lie, Jungkook and you are not dating. Your relationship with him was far from romantic. However, Hoseok doesn’t know that and you’re not sure how you're supposed to tell him. Especially when it seems as though your past is trying to relive itself in the form of another man. You worked hard to move on from when you fell in love with your co-worker — you’ve worked so hard to put the past behind you and keep your professional life separate from your personal. Yet, it’s as if all of that hangs by a thread, threatening to slip through your fingers because history is trying to repeat itself.
How were you supposed to know your kind-of one-night stand was the youngest heir of Jeon Enterprises? You wouldn’t have dared to take a bite of the forbidden fruit if you knew.
A headache forms at the very thought of Hoseok’s lecture once you explain to him you unintentionally fucked your boss. It’s why you’ve been avoiding him and deflecting his questions throughout the day. You sigh, meeting his eyes.
What Hoseok doesn’t know cannot hurt him, right?
His eyes narrow on you, mouth opening for a rebuttal, but the knock on the door silences him. Your attention turns towards the door and you forget to breathe at the sight of the man at the door.
Jungkook's eyes immediately find yours, a small smile tugging on his lips. He looks sweet — innocent, even. Nothing like the man who feasts on you like fine cuisine. Your breath gets caught in your throat when you vividly remember the sinful things he can do with those lips — that mouth. You push the thoughts to the side, mirroring his smile despite the rapid pace of your heartbeat.
“Mr. Jeon,” Hoseok speaks first, clearing his throat.
Jungkook's eyes widen a fraction as he finds Hoseok standing a few feet from you, mirroring the shocked expression you wore moments ago. As if he didn’t even notice Hoseok’s presence.
“Please, call me Jungkook,” he starts, sheepishly, running a hand through his hair. “There’s no need for formalities.”
Hoseok simply nods. “Right. Jungkook.”
“I — uh,” you clear your throat, ignoring the heat that rises to your cheeks as Hoseok's scrutinizing gaze flickers between the two of you. “Did you need anything?”
“Ah,” Jungkook’s eyes flicker towards Hoseok. “Nothing in particular. I was going around trying to get to know the team better. You just seemed preoccupied earlier and I didn’t want to disturb you, so I thought I’d catch you now.”
“Oh,” you say, stupidly.
“We were was just about to head home,” Hoseok adds, glancing between the two of you. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
"I see,” Jungkook hums and his lips curl into a frown momentarily. “It was nice meeting you today. I look forward to working with you both.”
You hold his gaze for a moment before you respond, “Yea, likewise.”
“Me too,” Hoseok deadpans.
Swallowing, you ignore the look Hoseok sends you. It’s clear, he knows; he's put the pieces together. You will the heat in the apples of your cheeks to dissipate as you keep your composure.
“Goodnight.” Jungkook nods at Hoseok before returning his attention to you. “I’ll see you later.”
As he leaves, his gaze lingers on you for a second too long before he walks away. You let out a breath of air you didn’t realize you were holding, hand resting against your thundering heart. Hoseok waits for the door to shut and for Jungkook to round the corner before—!
“I’m not going to lie,” he begins, leaning against the desk, “that was painful to watch.”
“Shut up.”
“You’re fucking him.” It wasn't a question.
“We slept together a few times,” you sigh, pressing your fingers against your temple. “He said he worked at his father’s company, but I didn’t know his father was CEO of Jeon Enterprises. It didn’t even piece together that he was the Jungkook our team manager was talking about until I saw him this morning.”
He lets your words sink in, humming as he studies you. “He was totally gonna ask to fuck you tonight.”
“Shut up.” You throw your keys at him, but he catches it with ease. “We’re… supposed to meet tonight.”
He raises a brow. “To fuck?”
You’re supposed to meet tonight for a date, but Hoseok already knows too much. Telling him you decided to humour Jungkook for a date will only worsen your headache. Mainly because Hoseok will tell you the only reason you’re humouring him is since you like him.
Only two weeks have passed since you first met and look at the mess it’s already created. What should’ve been strictly a fuck-buddy relationship has turned for the worst.
“You probably shouldn’t.”
“I know.” You slouch, defeated as you lean against the desk beside him. “I know.”
“Wow — wait.” Hoseok’s shock turns into a frown. “You bailed on me Sunday night for mediocre dick, didn’t you?”
“Not mediocre dick,” you sigh, reminiscing the last time you went over. Although, it doesn’t last for long — “Ow! Hoseok, what the fuck?”
“That's for bailing on me,” he snorts before flicking your forehead again. “And that was for telling me his dick game is good.”
You roll your eyes, scoffing, but that doesn’t stop the rush of memories from last weekend. Limbs entangled between sheets, hands grazing every inch of your bodies and lips twined with yours. Your body still remembers the comfort of his warmth as he brought you to euphoria over and over again. A mere memory makes your knees weak.
Your phone buzzes in your hands and you suppress your groan.
[ 6:14 pm ] jungkook (dude w the nice dick): you still coming over?
You don’t realize Hoseok leans over to read your text until —!
Flicking his forehead, you ignore Jungkook’s message. “Come on, let’s go.”
“Alright,” he says, following after you. He keeps quiet until you’ve both entered the elevator, away from other’s prying ears. “Are you going to visit him tonight?”
“I don’t know.”
Your thoughts are torn between right and wrong — your career and pleasure. Meeting him tonight and ending things would be the right decision, but you’re not entirely sure you would be able to avoid his advances if you tried.
You’re screwed.
It’s been long since you crossed the Gates of Eden and sunken your teeth into the divine fruit, and now you’re addicted to the taste.
You are so incredibly screwed.
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all rights reserved © 2021 svenotes
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jackie5656 · 3 years
We Promise
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A/N: Heyyy. Are we shocked I have another way-too-old for me obsession with yet another fictional character? No. Are we shocked he’s a blonde? Absolutely. Anyways, I’m having a maze runner marathon after not having watched it for years and well, here we are.
Warnings: Probably cursing bc it’s me. Nothing else really.
The chatter amongst the other gladers in the cafeteria is a bit overwhelming, still not being fully accustomed to the new atmosphere. It’s still hard to believe there’s a new world to become accustomed to anyway, seeing as all you’ve ever known was the green fields surrounded by cold concrete. Beside you, Newt raises his brows to silently question if you’re okay, not having to speak to you to know your mind is buzzing  uncontrollably. You give him a small smile when he squeezes your hand  underneath the table, the two of you giving your full attention back to the pair in front of you. Mihno and Thomas sit down beside Newt as they continue on about their own experience. 
“There was this big loud explosion, and these guys came out of nowhere. Started shooting up the place.”
“It was intense.” His buddy adds beside him as you all continue to focus on their story intently. The calloused hand holding yours runs it’s thumb across your knuckles. Newt’s had a habit of always having to have somewhat of a hold on you, and with all that’s going on your’re thankful for his comforting touch. 
“They pulled us out the maze and brought us here.”
“And what about the rest? The other people you were with in the maze...What happened to them?” You add abruptly, curious as why only two of the boys from the same maze sit before you. 
“I don’t know. I guess...WCKD still has ‘em.” He shrugs solemnly as he speaks and your stomach drops at the thought of the other boys you left behind in the glade. You blink hard to push away the image of little chuck laying lifeless on the chilling grounds of the facility...Alone and stiff amongst the broken glass.
“How long you guys been here?” Newt follows up, taking his hand from yours to cross his arms on the table. No doubt unsettled by the information like the rest of you.
“Not long, just a day or two. That kid over there, he’s been here the longest. Almost a week.” You turn your attention to the scrawny, hooded boy across the cafeteria curiously.
“His maze was nothing but girls.”
“Some guys have all the luck.”
“Tell me about it.” You murmur without thinking, chuckling softly when the group laughs. Winston attempts to chuck a fry at you before Newt catches it. Tossing it accurately at his head as you smile cheekily, shrugging when Frypan teasingly nudges your shoulder. It feels good to have the mood lighten up a bit considering the past couple days. Still, an instinctive type of uncertainty lingers in the air around you. 
“Good evening gentlemen, ladies.” Janson’s accented announcement ceases the ongoing conversations around you. Taking your attention away from the unsettling feeling for just a few moments
The heavy door of the quaint dorm groans as it’s opened, Frypan leading the group into the room. Bunk beds align the walls in rows, and you watch amusedly as the boys argue over top bunks. 
“I could get used to this.” Winston pronounces, shuffling deeper into the mattress as he speaks.
“Yeah, not bad.” Newt comments, surveying the room contentedly.
“Alright, I’ll escort you to the girl’s dorm.” The broad-chested guard declares as he attempts to lead you out of the room. You back away from his advance as you shake your head in protest. Mihno’s the first to jump down from his bunk beside you, and you don’t hesitate to latch onto his forearm as the man tries to grab your shoulder.
“Whoa, whoa wait a minute. Why is she not staying with us?” Newt protests in a panic, hurriedly making his way to step between you and the guard. The rest of the boys have crowded around too, various shouts of defiance make the burly man increasingly aggravated as he reaches for you again.
“Can’t I stay with them? We’re from the same maze!” You exclaim incredulously, face contorting in pain when Newt pulls the man away from his harsh grip on your wrist, opting to place his own there instead. 
“Boys and girls are not permitted to dorm together, now let’s go!” His booming voice has the rest of you even more riled up instantly, Frypan and Thomas attempting to push the bastard out of the doorway in a chorus of shouts. 
“What’s going on? Break it up!” Janson and a couple of other guards rush over to separate the fight. The rest of you settling down when he spreads his arms out to create more space between all of you. 
“Everyone just calm down, now what seems to be the issue here?”
“You can’t separate us! She stays here.” Newt is the first to say anything, breathing heavy from the altercation as Janson looks to you with narrowed eyes. 
“Girls have a separate dorm just down that corridor, I’m sure you’ll be just fi-”
“That’s bullshit! She was one of the first to be placed in the maze and now you’re gonna separate us?” Mihno exclaims passionately beside you.
“I promise I won’t be any trouble. Please, just don’t take me away from them.”
“We promise we won’t be any trouble.” Newt corrects, shooting a pointed look to Thomas who nods knowingly in agreement. 
Janson studies each of you before sighing. Scratching the side of his head whilst giving a curt nod. “Alright, fine. But I don’t want to hear of another incident from this group or you go to your assigned dorm. Understood?” He’s shaking his head as all of you nod eagerly, quite obviously reluctant to comply with the request.
“Are you two together?” He motions to you and Newt, taking into account the death grip the boy has on your arm as you continue nodding. 
“Yes, but-”
“No sharing bunks. And get to bed, now.” He finishes sternly, one of his men slamming the door shut before you can reply. 
A conjoined breath of relief comes from all of you, and you let out a small gasp when newt tackles you into an embrace.
“Are you alright?” He mutters worriedly into your hair, kissing the side of your head when you nod. 
“Y/n, your arm. Minho announces softly, concern lacing his tone as Newt pulls away from you. Hands lifting your arm to inspect it. Your eyes widen when you're met with redness, skin already beginning to bruise from the assault to it. 
“Bloody hell, did I do that?” Newt inquires, softly rubbing the abused skin with a deep frown. 
“No, no it was mostly him. Your death grip didn’t help either though.” You add teasingly, laugh faltering when his frown deepens as he caresses the skin. “Hey, I’m kidding. Thank you, all of you guys.I’m surprised you didn’t let him take me.” You offer a grateful expression to the rest of the boys as they being to settle in their beds. 
“Oh, I considered it.” Frypan a counters playfully. Grinning when you stick your tongue out to him. 
Newt sighs in front of you, still studying your arm as the rest of the boys fall into a different conversation so you can talk to him without an audience. 
“Hey, I said I’m fine. You could never hurt me.” You place your hand on his cheek, placing a peck on the corner of his mouth to reassure him. Heart lighting up when the action brings a bashful smirk to his lips. The taller boy takes hold of your hand to kiss your palm, the action sending tingles down your arm as if it’s the first time he’s done it. 
“Slinthead better get what’s coming to him.”
“He will, now let’s get to bed.” 
You let out an exasperated sigh as you stare up at the ceiling above. Jealous of the rest of the guys who sleep soundly around you. Newt, having totally followed the ground rules Janson gave the both of you, snores softly on top of you. You run your fingers through the blonde strands atop his head to pass time, careful not to move too much in your restless state. 
“Y/n, are you awake?” Thomas whispers softly from the bunk beneath you as you nod, realizing he can’t actually see you. 
“Yeah. Can’t sleep either huh? There’s a shuffling sound before you see his head pop up from his new position on the bunk’s ladder. 
“I can’t stop thinking.” 
“About Teresa? Didn’t they say she was getting some more tests? You inquire quietly, wary of waking Newt or the others. 
“Do you really believe that?”
“Well, what else would they be doing.” Thomas doesn’t respond right away, eyes dancing around the room before looking back to you.
“You’re not the least bit unsettled by this place?” 
“Of course I am. It all seems a bit...Too good to be true.” 
“Exactly, but I don’t think he others would understand.” 
“Maybe. But Thomas, this is the most Newt has ever slept in years. Usually, he’d be pacing the room debating on what supplies to ask for next and taking inventory. Or Minho would be mapping the maze over and over in his head, Frypan thinking about a meal that won’t make us wish we had more than the limitations of the glade. This isn’t home Thomas, not at all. But we’re sleeping in warm beds, with a good meal in our stomachs. It’s been a while” You chuckle sadly at the end of your rant, studying the brunette as he nods thoughtfully. Eyebrows raising in question when his lips curl into a small smirk. 
“I guess you’ve never seen Newt drool before. Must be fully out of it for once.” Thomas motions his head to said boy, the two of you laughing softly as you observe him. 
“Exactly. As much as this place feels a bit off, it’s great to see him finally relax. He’s always carried so much weight on his shoulders Thomas.” You note sadly.
“I know, I wonder if-” He’s interrupted when a distant rattling sounds throughout the room.
“What the hell?” You sit up on your forearms when a soft creaking sound following the rattling comes from below. Thomas and you exchange a worried glance before someone calls out. 
“Psst. Hey, down here” You’re not sure if you’ve imagined the voice as the whispers stop as soon as they’re spoken. Thomas jumps down from the ladder, confirming he’s heard it too.
“C’mon follow me.” There’s rumbling again, as if someone has tunrd around in the lower vents and begun crawling away. 
“Thomas, who the shuck was that?” Your heart is racing, but the look in Thomas’ eyes when he pops back into view slightly reassures you. 
“It’s that kid from the cafeteria, he says he wants to show me something.”
“What kid?”
“The one from the all girls maze.”
“You’re not gonna go, right?”
“Y/n, you agreed something was off about this place. He’s been here the longest, he’s gotta know something we don’t.” 
“Alright, fine. I’ll cover for you. Be careful.” 
“Thanks, I’ll be right back.” Thomas disappears from view once more, and you run your hand over your face as the sounds of them going through the vents fades. Hopefully, the two of you are just paranoid. Realistically though, with all you guys have been through, whatever Thomas finds will confirm your suspicions. Letting out a deep breath, you close your eyes. Hoping to get some rest before he returns.
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bobohu4eva · 3 years
Pink Lace - Chapter 6
Characters: Baekhyun x Reader (feat. EXO members)
Genre: College AU, stripper AU, fluff, smut, slow burn
Summary: Baekhyun, a philosophy professor with mysterious wealth, got himself completely fucked over a girl who can’t let him into her life.
Word count: 4.3k
Warnings: sex work, mentions of sexual assault, adult themes/situations, eventual smut
Tag list: @smolbeanmika @leave-me-in-the-summertime @totallynerdstuff @bbhmystar @nana-banana @kimyhappy @thegreatandi @geniusloey @deligxt @baekswifey @bbhyun506 @lovebuginlove @bellamendoza @baekyeonoreo @bobohumyonlyboo
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You didn’t sleep. It just wasn’t possible, not when your mind was still going 500 miles per hour replaying every little detail of your time together in Baekhyun’s office. The way he sucked on the sensitive skin on the side of your neck, how you felt him dig into your hip as he’d sandwiched you between himself and the wall. Your entire stomach felt like it might leave your body if you didn’t get a hold of yourself. What end it would come out of, you had yet to decide on. 
The night dragged on and on and eventually you gave up, knowing it wasn’t going to happen. Sleep was not an option when your brain felt like it was running a marathon with you powerless to stop it. The thought just would not stop. Your own hormone filled brain had you by the balls.
Eventually you dragged your groggy self into the shower in an attempt to wake back up. The second you felt the hot water pour over your skin, you felt some of the tension in your muscles dissipate. It was like you could finally breathe deeply again, the heat forcing your body to relax, at least physically.
 By the time you were out of the shower it was around 5:00am. When you stepped out and began to dry yourself off you noticed the trail of dark purple marks going all the way from your neck down to your collarbones. Damn genetics for making you bruise so easily. You internally cursed yourself for letting him leave marks on you at all, but of course that had been the last thing on your mind in the moment. Mia would immediately have something to say when she saw them too, and you were not ready to recant the events of the night prior out loud to her. 
Seeing as it was already the early morning you decided it would be best to just get ready and get out of the house so you wouldn’t have to face her yet. You did your usual routine, and decided that after all the stress you’d been through in the last several hours, you’d treat yourself to breakfast at your favorite bakery. It was a quaint little place only a few blocks away that had amazing croissants and coffee and you figured it would at least temporarily help block out the crippling thoughts of his teeth grazing against the skin of your neck. Why the fuck did it have to feel that good?? 
You didn’t bother trying to cover the marks. It was far too warm still to wear anything like a turtleneck and you knew they were too dark for concealer to work. Damn his beautiful lips for creating something so visible yet so blasphemous.
After finishing your usual morning routine, you headed to the café and ordered your favorite. 
Croissant in hand, you were flipping through a book, sitting and enjoying your coffee when you heard your name, and looked up to see a familiar man, tall and slightly dorky looking, gazing down at you. 
“Yeah that's me, Chanyeol, right?” You asked.
“Yeah...” He stared down at you with an unreadable look on his face, and you wondered if he would force you to talk to him. You had only met Chanyeol once before, the first night he brought Baekhyun to your work. “Can I sit down?” 
“Uh... I guess. How do you know my name?” 
In all honesty you really did not want him to sit down with you. Of course he would want to talk about Baekhyun. You’d have rather poured your hot coffee down your pants than talked to him in that moment. This was exactly what you’d come here to avoid but the universe just had not been on your side lately. 
“Baekhyun told me. I’m glad I ran into you, I’ve never seen you here before, I always get my coffee here in the morning.”
“Well I’m usually not much of a morning person.” You replied, eyes on your coffee as you raised the mug to your lips, hoping it would magically invigorate you with the energy to have this conversation. It didn’t. 
“I actually need to talk to you about him.”
You immediately groaned in frustration. “Does this have to happen right now? I’m trying to have a relaxing morning and I’d really rather not talk about him right now.” You looked at him with a face that more or less said ‘please for the love of god just leave me alone’ but unfortunately for you he was quite determined, so he sat down across from you anyway. This stranger was really about to ruin your desperate attempt at a peaceful morning. 
“Just.. please be careful with him.” He started. “He’s the best person I know and he’s been through a lot recently. I don’t know what your intentions are with him but he likes you a lot and I don’t want to see him get hurt even more than he already has been.” 
You sighed. You could see where he was coming from. Anyone would be worried about their friend if they were in his situation. He probably thought you still only wanted Baekhyun’s money, that you were just the stripper who hit the jackpot with a guy who’s rich and nice. It was a realistic thing to be worried about. Customers like him were definitely the most profitable and girls would string them along all the time knowing how attached they were and take their money anyway. The more they thought they actually had a chance, the more they were generally willing to spend, too.  
“If you think I’m just using him for his money, I’m really not. I don’t know how much he’s told you, but last time he paid me I even tried to give it back.”
“Yeah he told me about that, so I figured you weren’t all bad, but still. And he talks to me about you a lot. It almost makes me regret bringing him to the club in the first place. If you end up screwing him over I’ll feel like it’s my fault too you know. That’s why I knew I had to say something when I saw you.” 
“You’re a good friend. But you really don’t need to be worried.” 
He raised an eyebrow, obviously not convinced. “Does he know you’re seeing other people?” 
You gave him a puzzled look, but quickly understood when his eyes drifted down to the marks decorating the skin of your neck. You knew he was only asking to protect his friend, but the accusing look on his face irked you anyway. Blood was already rushing to your cheeks at the thought of having to tell him where they’d really come from. 
“I, um, I’m actually not seeing other people...” You crossed your arms over your chest, slumping down into your seat in a subconscious effort to hide. By now you knew you were probably red all over, easily giving you away. The feeling of dread made its way back into your stomach, and your croissant didn’t even seem appealing to you anymore. “You haven’t talked to him since last night have you?” 
 His eyes went so wide you worried for a moment that they might pop right out of his skull and roll across the table and into your lap. 
“Did he..?” You nodded slowly, desperately trying to avoid giving him any of the thrilling details. “You guys slept together? You didn’t just come from his place did you? You didn’t just leave? I swear to god if you-”
“No!” You quickly clarified. “We didn’t sleep together, and I never went to his house, we just, um..” Your guts felt like they were about to end up on the table again, but Chanyeol was still looking at you expectantly. “I needed help with an assignment so I went to his office last night... we kissed, but that’s all.” 
“Quite some kiss it seems...” He said staring at the path of blue and purple that went all the way from below your ear to the hem of your shirt. And oh how he was right. It really had been something. Never in your life had a kiss affected you as much as Baekhyun’s had. Of course it had been much much more than just one little kiss, but there was no way you were going to say any more. The feeling of your stomach desperately trying to escape your body was too strong and you liked this café too much to get kicked out for vomiting all over the booth. 
“I thought more was gonna happen but he kind of threw me out of his office before we could, you know...” 
“He threw you out?” 
“Yeah, like grabbed my arm, dragged me into the hallway, and slammed the door behind him.” 
“Jesus what a dumbass.” You heard him whisper. “Do you like him the same way he likes you though?” You hesitated for a moment, but nodded again, and immediately noticed how his face lit up. “You know I really thought you were just going with it for the money. I’m glad you actually care about him as a person.” 
 “I mean I’ve known him a while now, how could I not...” You found yourself staring down at your hands as you fidgeted nervously, avoiding eye contact with the man in front of you. “Even if he wasn’t my professor now, he’s still just a good guy. I’ve never had a customer like him before. As dumb as it is, I’d be stupid not to like him, he makes it too easy.”
At that point Chanyeol was smiling widely back at you. “He’s an amazing guy, and he’s crazy about you. You won’t regret it.” A smile plastered itself onto your face as well, satisfied with his comment. “You know at first when me and the other guys found out he was coming back to see you every weekend we gave him so much shit.” 
You laughed, because you could imagine it perfectly. It honestly was quite stupid of him to get involved with a stripper of all people. You saw how many times guys would try to start something real with you or the other girls at your work only to leave with a broken heart and empty pockets, but that was just a part of your job. When you were first starting out you’d feel bad for them sometimes, but eventually you got used to it. These men weren’t exactly the pinnacle of society anyway, you told yourself. It didn’t help that those guys were always willing to spend more money too. They were really just screwing themselves over. It’s silly to expect anything real from a woman whose job it is to take money in exchange for temporary affection. Technically Baekhyun was also just another one of those stupid men who got themselves in too deep with someone completely unattainable, only now you actually liked him too.
“He is an idiot for that, for sure, but I’m just as much of an idiot for liking him back so I guess he won.” You laughed together, and you were beginning to feel much more at ease with him and with the conversation, thank heavens. 
“Thanks for letting me sit down, you really have no idea how much of a relief this is.” You rolled your eyes, you hadn’t allowed him to do anything, he’d just done it anyway. “I was so worried I got him into something that would hurt him even more. Women tend to really fuck him over.” 
His last statement puzzled you. Was he talking about Baekhyun’s ex? Sure what she did was awful, but had things really ended that badly? From the brief talk you’d had with him about her he didn’t seem to be that affected anymore but that was only one conversation. 
“Can I ask what the deal is with his ex?” Chanyeol leaned back, crossing his arms. His brows were furrowed, looking agitated by your question. “Sorry if that’s too far but I feel like that’s kind of important and I know almost nothing about her.” 
“She’s fucking bitch is all you need to know.” He scoffed. “They were together for 4 years and the whole time she treated him like a doormat. I never liked her. But it’s not really my place to talk.” 
“Oh... Sorry for asking, It’s just I found some pictures on Facebook when I looked him up. They looked really happy, she’s really pretty too.” You felt slightly embarrassed at your own words, but the curiosity was killing you. 
“Sure she looks nice but she’s a goddamn demon on the inside and they definitely weren’t happy, although she loved to make it look like they were so their families would keep being supportive. He deserves someone who actually gives a shit about him as a person, and not just what he can offer them. He cares about the people around him too much sometimes. Even when she’d treat him like shit he’d make excuses for her, saying she was dealing with things too, or some other bullshit.” 
Your heart ached. “Was he really upset when she left?”
You heard him let out a disappointed sigh, and knew the answer was yes. “Of course he knew she was only trying to use him for his money at that point, he’s not stupid, but when you’ve spent years of your life trying to make something work it still sucks when it ends. His parents really liked her too, they would get onto him all the time about why he hadn’t married her yet or given them grandkids. Thank god he didn’t. I think that’s what made it really sting when she left though. She didn’t just betray him she betrayed them too.” 
“What a bitch...” You were in disbelief that anyone could treat someone as wonderful as him so cruelly. The idea of him having possibly married her made you feel sick all over again.
“Yeah, she’s pretty much a megacunt. Thank god you seem to have a conscience.” He joked.
“I’m not gonna hurt him if I can help it. He’s so sweet I don’t think I’d ever forgive myself if I did.” 
“Well I’m glad to hear it.” He gave you a deep-dimpled smile and you laughed. “I’ll leave you alone now, I have work to get to, but thank you again for talking to me.”
“No problem.” You smiled back. “Hopefully you like me better than her already.” You joked. 
“That doesn’t take much” he laughed “but yes, definitely.” He got up and waved you goodbye, leaving you to enjoy the rest of your breakfast. 
In the end you were glad you’d run into him. You hadn’t given much thought to what Baekhyun’s friends might think about you, but it was a relief that the person closest to him didn’t just think you were using him for his money anymore. Obviously everything about your relationship with Baekhyun looked terrible on paper, and being able to explain your intentions made it feel like there was weight lifted off your chest that you hadn’t even known was there. 
Baekhyun woke up to his phone blowing up with messages from Chanyeol. Unlike you, he’d slept like a baby once the excitement of the evening had worn off a bit. 
Chanyeol: (7:23am) Just got done talking to your new gf, you seemed to have a fun night. About time you finally made a move on her.   
Chanyeol: (7:46am) You better call me when you wake up and tell me what the hell went down though. 
Chanyeol: (8:37am) Dude you��re killing me 
Baekhyun groaned when he read the messages, mind immediately thinking about all the embarrassing things Chanyeol could’ve possibly told you. Of course he talked to his best friend about you all the time, but you didn’t need to know that. His hands felt clammy as he began typing out a response
Baekhyun: (9:04am) What the hell did you guys talk about??? 
Chanyeol: (9:06am) She didn’t need to say much, you made things pretty clear with the way you attacked her neck, that shit looked intense. Good for you bro. 
Baekhyun quickly dialed his friend’s number, and not even one ring in he picked up. 
“What the fuck?” Baekhyun started, a bit too loud for how early it still was. “Why were you talking to her? What did you say to her? I swear to god if you told her some dumb shit I’m gonna-” 
“Relax! You know I’m a good wingman! I ran into her at the café and just wanted to make sure she wasn’t still leading you on for the money or anything so we talked for a little while. But she seems to genuinely care about you, I think she likes you a lot actually.” 
Baekhyun felt his heart skip a beat at his friend’s statement. Of course he figured you liked him after what had happened in his office, especially since you’d said it to him directly, but the fact that you had discussed your feelings for him with his best friend made it feel even better. He still thought that maybe you’d regret it in the morning, or it was just hormones that led you to act the way you did.
“What did she say?” 
“Well at first I thought she’d let someone else mark her up like that so I called her out, but then she told me what happened in your office last night. Well, sort of.” 
“Sort of?” 
“She didn’t seem to really want to talk about it in detail so I didn’t make her, but any girl would have to be crazy about a guy to him them maul their neck like that. I thought y’all had gotten into some weird BDSM shit at first. And why the fuck did you kick the poor girl out of your office? Are you dumb? You were totally about to get some.” 
“Because we were in my office.” 
“So? That’s pretty hot if you ask me.” 
“I just... I like her too much to end up fucking on the desk in my office like some sort of horny animal. I need to do it right, she deserves that much.” 
“That’s up to you, but man you must have some serious self control. She’s really hot.” 
“Watch it buddy.” Baekhyun said, trying to sound as threatening as one can over the phone. “What else did she tell you?”
“That was pretty much it about last night, she did ask about Jisoo though. I’m telling you she’s into you if she wants to know about your ex.” 
Even just the mention of her was enough to sour Baekhyun’s good mood. 
“What did you tell her about her?” 
“That I think she’s a massive bitch, obviously. And that you deserve better than that.”
Baekhyun stayed silent. He knew Chanyeol was right of course, she wasn’t a good person and he was better off now without her in his life but the way he talked about her still bothered him. 
“You don’t have to call her a bitch every time she comes up, I know she’s far from perfect but she’s still a person you know.” 
“Why are you even defending her? She fucked you up. And you actually seem to have found a girl who isn’t going to step all over you this time. So don’t ruin it.” 
“I’m not going to. Or at least I’m gonna try my best. I like this girl a lot.” 
“I know, you never shut the hell up about her. And she likes you enough to be stressing about your ex, so relax. She’s into you.” 
A small smile pulled at Baekhyun’s lips. After all this time, you really did like him. How fucking cool was that? The hottest girl at the strip club, who he’d fallen head over heels for like some dumb kid, was into him for real now. 
“Thanks bro, I needed to hear that.” 
“I know, I’m the best. So when are you asking her out?” 
Baekhyun felt stupid for not having considered that yet. Technically he was still just your professor/customer with benefits, but that definitely wasn’t the title he wanted to keep forever. 
“Shit I don’t know... Where do I even take her? What do I do? I haven’t had to do this in years.” 
“She’s a college student, I’m sure a nice dinner would impress her enough. You just have to do better than those greasy kids she goes to school with.” Chanyeol suggested casually, but Baekhyun wasn’t having it. 
“I want to do something special, not just some lame dinner. I’m sure she’s had plenty of college boys take her out to expensive restaurants with daddy’s money before. I have to do better than that.”  He was pacing now, trying to think of what the hell people even did for first dates aside from get food or see a movie. 
“Do something different then, drive her out into the country and prepare a nice picnic or something and watch the sunset together, girls love romantic shit like that.” 
“First I have to ask her out though, maybe I should bring some chocolate and flowers too. I want it to be perfect. And for her to say yes.”
“I know you’ll do great, don’t worry about it too much, she already likes you anyway. She’s gonna say yes. Just don’t say anything weird and she’ll totally fall in love with you.”
“I hope you’re right.” 
“I’m always right.”
It was getting later and later in the morning and Baekhyun needed to actually start getting work done, so he ended the call there. 
He had come up with some ideas for the date throughout the day, but they would all require quite some planning. He was going to do whatever he could to make sure you were thoroughly swept off your feet, he wouldn’t accept anything less than that. 
First though, he had to make sure you’d agree to go at all. 
The rest of your Thursday was spent more or less successfully getting Baekhyun off your mind with various school work and other mundane tasks. You’d stayed on campus, still avoiding Mia but eventually your classes were over and you needed to get back home. You knew you’d have to face her eventually anyway and at least now you’d had enough time to chill out about it a little.
Unfortunately for you Mia was in the living room when you entered the apartment, and within seconds her eyes traveled to your neck and she squealed with delight. 
“Sorry to disappoint.” You responded, cringing and taking your shoes before going to sit with her on the couch. 
“But something happened! Tell me everything!!”    
So you did. Right down to his dick stabbing you through his pants and how he kicked you out of his office. Unlike Chanyeol, you knew she wouldn’t leave you alone until she knew everything, and in great detail, so you didn’t hold back. 
You felt all the emotions from the previous night rushed back to you as you got into the intricacies of the kiss itself. This was exactly what you knew would happen, and why you’d been avoiding it. The whole time Mia just stared and nodded, seemingly fascinated by your thrilling tale. You were thankful she hadn’t made fun of you at all for how flustered you were getting while talking about it. 
When you were finally done retelling everything, she didn’t speak. Instead she pulled you into a tight hug. 
“You like him a lot, I can tell. And he has a lot of respect for you if he had enough self control to make you leave before more could happen. I think he could be really great for you.” She pulled back to look at you, keeping both hands on your shoulders. “And I’ve never heard you talk about a guy like that before.” 
“I don’t think I’ve ever liked someone the way I like him. He’s not some college boy, he’s a real man. It just feels different. Much more... real.” 
“Do you want something real with him? More than just a fling?” You nodded. “Do you think he’ll ask you out on a real date?” 
“I hope so.” 
“I hope so too. I’m sure he’ll come up with something amazing for you guys.” She smiled, lightly punching your shoulder in excitement. 
You felt elated to finally have gotten everything off your chest. Talking about it really hadn’t been that bad, if anything it only strengthened how you felt for him.
“I’m really lucky, aren’t I?” You asked, letting yourself fall backwards to lay across the couch. 
“Duh. You found a super cute, nice, and rich guy who thinks you’re the greatest thing since sliced bread. Any girl would envy you.” Her eyes went wide, and you could practically see the lightbulb manifest itself and flicker on over her head. “He has hot friends right?” 
You laughed, amused by her usual boy craziness. “Yeah, he has some pretty cute friends but I don’t really know any of them, give me some time and I’ll report back to you if any of them are available.” 
For some reason, you didn’t tell her about your conversation with Chanyeol. Maybe it was what he’d said about Baekhyun’s ex that was still hanging in the back of your mind, but it didn’t seem like something you needed to bring up to her now anyways. 
“Well, please do let me know.” She responded, grinning, getting up from the couch and making her way into the kitchen. 
“Aye aye captain.” You shot a thumbs up at her from the couch, giggling. 
She ended up cooking dinner for the both of you, and you spent the rest of the evening collectively fantasizing about what sort of extravagant outing he’d take you on once he asked you on an official date. 
You couldn’t wait.  
Next Chapter
A/N: Just wanna say I love Jisoo and used her name purely to convey the characters appearance! She in no way represents the real Jisoo who is obviously a wonderful girl :)  also if the spacing is weird on mobile I blame the fact that I wrote this on my laptop 🥴 sorry
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zippityzap · 3 years
Sonic Tarot Card Project: explanations for character picks
Recently I completed a summer-long project where I created Sonic themed versions of the tarot major acana. I put a lot of research and thought into what characters to assign to which cards, and I wanted to explain my rationale behind each one! (Everything’s under the read more cut because this is a very long post!)
To start off, let me explain why I did this project in the first place. This summer I watched Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure for the first time, and in Part 3, Stardust Crusaders, the majority of the stand abilities are named after the tarot major arcana. Thanks to cultural osmosis I vaguely knew the meanings of a few of the cards and I realised that one of the characters suited his assigned card pretty well. I was curious if this matched anyone else and so once I finished watching that part, I did research on tarot and found that yeah, a lot of them do match! That got me interested in tarot and since I like combining things I’m interested in, I decided to make Sonic versions of the cards.
I do want to note that while Jojo did inspire this project in a lot of ways, I tried not to let my character picks be influenced by Stardust Crusader characters, although there did end up being some picks that did coincidentally happen to match nicely anyway. Also, I’m not gonna lie, ever since picking these card choices I’ve been highly tempted to draw Sonic as Polnareff.
Anyway, on to my explanations for character choices!
0: The Fool (Charmy Bee)
The Fool represents innocence, spontaneity and recklessness. I believe Charmy’s happy and carefree nature, along with the simple fact that he’s essentially just a little kid who likes to have fun makes him a great fit for this card
1: The Magician (Infinite)
The Magician represents creation and strength, but also manipulation and narcissism, a good match for Infinite and the powers of the phantom ruby. (I was also very pleased to notice that the traditional art for the card has an infinity symbol- everything lined up very well!)
The Rider Waite version of the card also depicts a sword, a wand, a cup and a pentacle; the suits of the minor arcana. I have attempted to depict these with various objects from the Sonic series, namely Infinite’s sword from the IDW Forces prequel comic, the sceptre of darkness from '06, a chaos emerald, and a ring respectively.
2: The High Priestess (Princess Elise)
The High Priestess represents secrets, repression, and the unknown, which I believe fits with Elise’s initial desire to control her emotions and her sadness. (Admittedly this is one of the looser character/card connections for this project, but my two other picks for this card I felt were better suited to different cards)
3: The Empress (Vanilla the Rabbit)
The Empress represents nurturing, fertility and childbirth, all traits that I believe make this card a good pick for a kind, caring mother like Vanilla
4: The Emperor (Dr Eggman)
A card fitting for the leader of the Eggman Empire! The Emperor represents authority, power, and tyranny, all traits Dr Robotnik desires, if not possesses in many continuities.
5: The Hierophant (Espio the Chameleon)
The Hierophant represents wisdom and tradition, and in both upright and reversed forms it has large connections to the concept of social conformity. Perhaps I’m drawing more from the various comic versions of Espio, but he comes across to me as someone who is hyper-aware about how he presents himself.
Fun fact: a hierophant is essentially another word for a religious leader, although I’ve never seen it used outside the context of tarot. I assume the religious connection is the reason why in the OST of the Jojo part 3 anime, Kakyoin’s theme is called Noble Pope.
6: The Lovers (Amy Rose)
The Lovers represents love, communication, and passion; and Amy is certainly a character who wears her heart on her sleeve! She’s a good example of a character who I feel fits a number of different cards, however there are no other characters who suited The Lovers quite as much as her.
7: The Chariot (Sonic the Hedgehog)
The Chariot represents journeys, wanderlust as well as the ambition and willpower to achieve your goals, which I believe is the perfect match for Sonic’s adventurous and heroic spirit. This was one of the first cards I decided on and it’s probably the one I’d defend my interpretation of the most.
If you’re wondering why there’s dark and hero chao in the artwork too, it’s because the original card art depicts the titular chariot being pulled by black and white sphinxes, and this is my way of calling back to that.
8: Strength (Maria Robotnik)
This card pick might seem unusual at first if you take the word ‘strength’ at face value, however considering the original card art depicts a maiden peacefully taming a lion, perhaps the Strength card represents inner strength, courage and determination rather than physical strength. These are traits that I believe Maria possesses.
9: The Hermit (Knuckles the Echidna)
The Hermit signifies awareness and independence but when reversed can mean isolation and resignation, traits that parallel well with Knuckles and his duty to be the protector of the Master Emerald
10: The Wheel of Fortune (Big the Cat)
The Wheel of Fortune represents fate, karma and luck! This is admittedly a bit of a cheeky dig at myself since I’m awful at the Big fishing levels in SA1 and mostly got through them through luck. But that’s not to say the card doesn’t apply to Big himself! His frequent cameos do have a bit of a fate/destiny vibe to them and in IDW Big is lucky enough to manage to avoid the metal virus for quite a long time.
11: Justice (Vector the Crocodile)
The meaning of the Justice cards is… pretty much what it says on the tin: fairness and clarity. Of course the Team Chaotix detective agency represents this as a whole, but that trait especially shines through with Vector himself. He may be a little money oriented, but doing what is morally right always takes priority.
12: The Hanged Man (Shadow the Hedgehog)
The thing about Shadow is that he’s a fairly complex character which means there are a number of cards in the Major Arcana that match him well, but I knew early on when tackling this project that I wanted to assign Shadow to The Hanged Man. This card represents change, release and sacrifice, which all align well with the character arc that Shadow goes through during the course of SA2 and beyond.
13: Death (Tikal the Echidna and Chaos)
Despite the morbid name of the card, (and the admittedly macabre scene I’ve depicted) the Death card is not an inherently negative card to draw. Yes, it can mean endings and grief, but it can also mean letting go and new beginnings. The story that Tikal and Chaos go through in SA1, their anguish and how they later find peace, is something that I think pairs well with this particular card.
Fun fact: this is the only card in this project that has two significant characters on it rather than just one. I felt I needed both of them to be on the card in order to fully represent its meaning
14: Temperance (Blaze the Cat)
The Temperance card signifies balance, harmony and patience, which matches Blaze’s very poised and graceful demeanour. Admittedly I had a little bit of trouble deciding on a card for Blaze since the High Priestess and the Hierophant are also good matches for her.
15: The Devil (Rouge the Bat)
The Devil card represents temptation, seduction, and materialism and well… look, Rouge is one of my favourite Sonic characters, I’d be one of the first people to tell you that there’s a lot more to her than what initially appears, she is so much more complex than just sex appeal and a gemstone obsession. However, I felt there was no other character that matched the traits of this specific card better than Rouge, and so my choice was decided by that.
16: The Tower (E-123 Omega)
The Tower card represents a number of things; disruption, disasters, sudden changes etc, however the trait that made me believe that Omega would be the best selection for the card was violence.
17: The Star (Miles ‘Tails’ Prower)
Tails’ character arcs normally centre around him gaining independence and self-confidence and learning to believe in himself. He is also largely characterised by his unyielding faith and trust in Sonic. These traits are the reason why I believe The Star card represents him well, as it symbolises hope and faith.
18: The Moon (Shade the Echidna)
The Moon card symbolises mysteries and the unknown, and when Shade is first introduced in Chronicles, she and the rest of the Nocturnus Clan are certainly presented as mysterious. The Moon can also represent misconception, which fits well with how Shade was initially unaware of the true nature of Ix’s plans.
19: The Sun (Cream the Rabbit)
The Sun, when drawn in an upright position, has a lot of positive meanings! Freedom, fun, happiness, good luck etc. Cream’s cheerful and optimistic disposition makes her a good match for this card
20: Judgement (E-102 Gamma)
The Judgement card symbolises liberation, awakening, redemption and second chances, all of which I believe represent Gamma and his character arc in SA1 well
21: The World (Metal Sonic)
In the upright position, The World card symbolises triumph, completion, strength and happiness while in reversed position can mean failure, anxiety, lack of self-confidence etc. I had both positioning of the card in mind when connecting it to Metal Sonic; he is devoted to the tasks given to him and is self-assured in his belief that he is the true/superior ‘sonic’ yet he repeatedly finds himself at the hands of failure. But he doesn’t let previous failures hold him back, thus starting the cycle anew. (Another connection to the World card as it also symbolises cycles)
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everything-person · 3 years
Then Came You
A/N: This is my contribution to @cshistfic Historical Fic Event. This is my first time diving deep, just submerging myself into research to make sure I got my time period correct and I had a blast. Sometime I had too much fun and thankfully I had @spartanguard to push me off my high horse. Thank you @shireness-says for making this event and running it. Hopefully my entree is worthy enough. This fic is based in the 70’s and is inspired by Disney Pixar’s Cars. This may have up to 3 parts.
Summary: Rookie of the Year race car driver Killian Jones finds himself lost in a forgotten Storybrooke on his way to the finale race of the season. His world and perspective on what he wants gets turned upside down in the small town.
Where the fuck am I?
was Killian Jones, famous race car driver, first thought as he woke up. Well, first thought after he got over the throbbing pain in his skull. He sat up to see he was laying in a cot. Taking in his immediate surroundings, he realized he was behind bars. His head fell into his hands.
How did I get here?
He recalled being at Pocono in the Piston Cup series finale. He was named Rookie of the Year and was set up to be the first one to win. His only real competition was Ernest “the King'' Triton, Atlantica’s golden boy, who was planning on this being his last season, and Edward Teach, the King's tail biter. They weren’t expecting Killian to come out of nowhere and take the season by storm.
He was set to win it all, ahead by half a lap, checkered flag insight when a tire blew. He struggled but was able to keep control of his car. He could feel his competitors gaining on him as he lost speed. Such events caused a three-way tie, set to be settled in a week in Daytona.
He remembered the interviews asking about him driving without a crew chief; he always had an issue taking orders. The King came walking up to him.
“My man, you are one bad racer. You got more talent in that famous smile of yours than half these dudes got in their whole body but you’re stupid. Let me give you the lowdown: this ain’t a one-man show, young blood. You need to wise up, get yourself a good crew chief and a good team. You ain’t gonna win unless you got stellar people behind you doing their jobs so you can keep being the slammin’ driver you are.”
He thanked him for the advice before they were made to get on stage for the press. That's when Edward Teach decided to try to psyche him out.
“Listen space cadet, that was some fab drifting today. By me. He he he. First one at Daytona gets Atlantica all to themselves. Catch my drift?”
Then he went looking for his team, only to find out from Smee, his truck driver, that he had to make a personal appearance over at his sponsor's tent—Arendelle Chocolates, run by sisters Elsa and Anna Arendelle, most famous for the Apollo Bar.
“A taste that’s out of this world!”
He desperately wanted to get away from his sponsor. He didn’t care for sweets and frankly found most disgusting. He entered the tent to find the other reason he didn’t care for his current sponsor: children all running around with their grubby hands. The sight made him squirm, but Smee reminded him they gave him his big break and it was in his contract. With those inspiring words, he put on a smile, made his way to his sponsor sisters, said a few words that had the tent roaring in cheers before he said goodbye.
“Killian, that was stellar! We are so proud to call you our driver!”
“And we are looking forward to another fab year!”
“Don’t drive like my sister!”
“Yeah, don't drive like my sister!”
He and his crew got on the road not long after that. His crew were in the truck along with his car while he drove just behind them. While his crew pulled off to get some rest, he kept going to be the first at Daytona. But he kept nodding off and got lost.
He remembered pulling out his map to try and find out where he was. He tried to keep his car steady while trying to make out what his map said by moonlight, when he heard sirens. Looking up, he saw the lights of a town. Before he could think about pulling over the sirens were accompanied with sounds of loud popping. He assumed it was the officer firing at him. He tried to dodge the bullets but soon lost control of his car. He ran into quite a few things before gaining control again, only to get caught on something. He gunned it to get free, only to have his car spin out once he was. The last thing he remembered was something crashing into his driver side door effectively stopping his spin out and causing his head to slam into his window; then everything went black.
Groaning, he picked up his head taking another look around. He was on a cot, in a holding cell, in a dusty office. He was taking in the desks and filing cabinets, looking for signs of life, when he heard a voice.
“Well hi,” came an excited, high-pitched voice.
His head snapped back to one of the desks to see a boy he missed sitting just behind it.
“I was wondering when you were gonna wake up.”
Killians faced scrunched up, “What's going on? Why am I here?”
The boy laughed, “Like you don’t know. For being a spaz last night.”
“What's your name, lad?”
“Henry. What's your name?”
“You don’t know my name?” Killian asked, taken aback by the question.
“No; why should I know your name?”
“I’m Killian Jones.” He waited for the moptop boy to put the pieces together
“Killian Jones!” Henry shot up out of his seat as he exclaimed the name before falling back down. “Yeah, not ringing a bell.”
Killian furrowed his eyebrows, “Where am I?”
“Where are you? You’re in Storybrooke, the most rockin’ town on the Potomac River.”
Killian sighed, dropping his head, bringing his hand up rubbing at his forehead. “Great. Just great.”
“Well if you like this place, you should see the rest of the town.”
Killian picked up his head, looking at the brown-eyed boy and spied just behind him the keys to his cage. Focusing back on the boy, he smiled and stood up from his spot on the cot.
“You know, that's a brilliant idea. I’d love to see the rest of your town. If you just let me out of here, we could go cruisin’ the town.” Killian finished his thought as he came leaning against the bars.
“Golly! Really?” Henry sat up straighter with a bright smile that slowly turned into a smirk, “You think you can psyche me out. I’m ten, not stupid.”
“Henry!” a new voice shouted out.
In walked a man sporting a perm and mustache wearing a star at his hip.
“What have you been told about being in here with criminals?”
Henry sighed, “Not without supervision. But he was sleeping.”
The man crossed his arms, letting out a huff, “Well now he’s awake. Want to help me escort him to court?”
The next thing Killian knew, he was in chains and being placed in the back of a cop car. After a short ride, he was hauled out and guided into Town Hall where he was met with shouting and very angry townspeople. He was placed in a chair.
“Oi mate,” Killian looked up at the sheriff, “I gotta skitty. How long is this gonna take?”
The sheriff, Robin read his name tag, crossed his arms, “Do you have a lawyer?”
Killian scoffed, “Aye, but he's probably in Hawaii right now.”
“If the defendant doesn’t have representation, the court will assign one to him.” Robin turned to the crowd behind him bringing his fingers to his lips, letting out a shrieking whistle. “Anyone want to be his lawyer?”
The room went silent.
“I’ll do it,” a familiar voice broke the silence.
Killian turned to see the boy from before trotting up to the gate. Robin quirked an eyebrow at him.
“What? It's not hard.”
“Hmm, alright,” Robin agreed, letting the boy take the seat next to Killian.
Killian looked between the two before landing his gaze on the sheriff.
“Are you serious?”
“Well, our normal defense is at the vet after you clipped his dog last night,” Robin informed him before speaking to the room, “All rise! Honorable Judge Nolan presiding.”
Everyone stood as the sound of a door opening and closing was heard. Heavy footsteps rang out in the silence.
“I want to know who is responsible for wrecking my town. I want his ass on a silver platter. I’m gonna put him in jail until he rots. No, until the jail rots on top of him then I’ll put him in another jail and wait until that one rots. I—”
The man's rants came to a halt as he laid his eyes on the accused. “Get him out of here, sheriff. I want him out of my courtroom and out of my town. Case dismissed; charges dropped.”
Killian let out a breathy laugh, “Woah. You were a better lawyer than I thought, youngblood.”
“Sorry I’m late, Your Honor.”
Killian turned to see a stunning blonde woman come strutting in.
“Bloody hell,” Killian whispered under his breath. He thought the sheriff must’ve found his agent's number and gave him a call. This must be who they sent from his attorney’s office.
As she was walking by, Killian spoke up, “Hello, love. Thank you for coming but we are all set. He’s dropped the charges.”
She stopped and turned to him, her eyes darting to the boy next to him. “What?”
“Aye, we got off lucky. Now all we have to do is speed on down to Florida.”
“I get that a lot. I create feelings in people they themselves don't understand.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Right. Well I’m gonna go talk to the judge.”
“Whatever you gotta do, love. Do be careful though. These cats are a bit feral.”
She pursed her lips, nodding before turning her attention to the smiling child next to him, “Hi, Henry.”
Killian looked at the boy before looking back at the blonde, who had turned to the crowd behind him.
“Morning everyone,” she called out, receiving greetings in response. She turned, eyeing Killian as she did, before she walked up to the judges stand who was intensely looking at his papers.
“David, you're looking well. Your sideburns are—”
“Forget it, Emma. I already dismissed the case,” he said, not looking up at her.
“He endangered most of the town and destroyed half of it. You can’t just let him go.”
“We are better off with him gone.”
Emma huffed, “Alright; you asked for it.”
Emma turned and addressed the room, “I move for an appeal. Robin, if you will help me escort the accused to the Mayor.”
Robin assisted Killian out of the chair. They followed the woman down the hall and up the stairs. Killian would protest but the walk was giving him a great view of the blonde’s ass.
As they came to a door labeled Mayor, Robin leaned over and whispered to Killian, “May the mayor have mercy on your soul.”
Before Killian could question or even look at the man he was being ushered into a black and white room.
“Ms. Swan, why are you barging into my office?” A woman sitting behind the desk in the middle of the office asked, not bothering to look up at the intruders.
“Judge Nolan ruled to dismiss the charges against our drunk driver—”
“I wasn’t drunk,” Killian interrupted.
“And I moved for an appeal. I thought the sooner the better,” Emma continued.
The woman finally looked up to see Emma standing in front of her desk before her eyes darted to Sheriff Robin, and Judge Nolan standing just behind her with Killian standing in between them.
“What are the charges?”
“Reckless driving, reckless endangerment, trespassing, vandalism, and destruction of property.”
“Why did you dismiss the case?” The woman directed the question to Judge Nolan.
He stepped forward standing next to Emma. “Madame Mayor, what happened last night was a terrible occurrence but I believe the longer this man stays, the more trouble will come.”
“Based on what?”
“I know the kind of man he is. I can see it in his eyes. He’s the last thing this town needs.”
“We let this guy walk, it sends a message to every delinquent in town that you can do whatever you want. The town needs to be fixed—they need this,” Emma stated.
“I think the sheriff's station’s reputation will precede this incident. We are fine without him,” Judge Nolan responds.
The mayor turned to Emma. “What do you suggest the sentence should be if I agree to your appeal?”
“Make an example of him. Give him community service, make him fix everything he can that he broke. Whatever he can’t, fine him for; by the looks of his clothes, he can afford it.”
The mayor sat back looking between the man and woman in front of her.
“Sheriff,” she called, “What say you? Should I let this man go to avoid further disturbance, or have him fix the town?”
“Well, I think the town needs renovation more than it needs to avoid trouble. In fact, I think we could benefit from some,” Robin eloquently answered.
The mayor nodded, standing from her seat, “I’m inclined to agree. The accused is sentenced to community service until everything that was damaged from last night's events is fixed and a fine of six hundred dollars for reckless driving and endangerment.”
Killian’s eyebrows nearly shot off his forehead. He went from walking away scot-free to becoming this town’s new handyman along with being fined six hundred dollars.
The mayor took her seat once again stating, “You are all dismissed.”
Emma turned around with a satisfied smile plastered on her face. “Looks like Florida is gonna have to wait.”
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markberries · 4 years
o h  b a b y┊draco malfoy
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anon requested: do you think you can write this? 6thYear!Draco FWB with fem reader (really rough smut to take out his stress and frustrations) and she ends up getting pregnant from a broken condom but tries to hide the pregnancy until it can’t be hidden anymore/Voldemort somehow finds out and uses her to his leverage so Draco does his task? it doesn’t have to be a happy ending. if you don’t want to write this, it’s okay. thank you.
info: war was upon the students of hogwarts. getting pregnant wasn’t the plan.
warnings: SMUT, slight dirty talk, death
genre: smut, angst, fem!reader
word count: 1700+
a/n: LMAO on my wip page i put fluff.... sorry guys but no fluff here. semi edited,, ALSO I JUST REALIZED THIS ISNT FWB :((( IM SO SORRY
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your hand tightens around the plastic in your hand, there’s a slight audible gasp that escaped the grasp of your lips, quiet enough for no one to notice, but loud enough for you to hear. you bite your lip, a surge of anxiety pumping through your veins, a skip of a heartbeat making you tap your foot. the two lines that formed in front of your eyes nearly had you shaking, but the worst part is you knew who the culprit was, and you knew how it happened.
you should have known that the moment you hadn’t gotten your period, that something must have happened. he used a condom that day, didn’t he? did i take birth control?
you and draco had been together for over a year, but you would be lying if you said that you hadn’t noticed his change in behavior. the silence that would fill the air, tension thick enough to slice with a knife. he always seemed like he was in thought, an empty gaze within his eyes.
two weeks ago, he was noticeably frustrated and agitated, so you didn’t question when he dragged you to a nearby supply closet, palming him through his pants.
he shut the door, quietly groaning into your left ear. his hands held the flesh of your ass, you could feel his warm breath on your skin, sending goosebumps all over. his mouth lightly brushed your ear, whispering an, “i need you.”
he took his thumb, slowly swiping it across your bottom lip. you parted your lips teasingly, letting his thumb enter your mouth as you lightly sucked on the fingertip. you could see the tent in his pants becoming tighter, the wetness building between your legs as you clenched your thighs together to hide your arousal, exciting thoughts running through both of your minds.
“we don’t have time for this, my love,” he whispered to you, lightly slapping your bottom. “i want you to turn around.”
a sudden feeling of confidence ran through your body, dragging your fingertips across his clothed chest. “oh yeah? why should i listen to you?”
draco decides to play along with your teasing, walking towards you as you walked backwards, your back pressing on the cool wall behind you. draco smirks, shamelessly looking at you up and down. he places his leg in between your thighs, his knee pressing against your clothed heat.
“you’re going to do exactly what i tell you to do princess, or else,” he says seductively, “now unbutton your shirt.”
the excitement running through your body made you bite your lip in anticipation, slowly unbuttoning your white dress shirt, draco watching your fingers play with the black buttons.
“hurry up princess,” he said sternly, nearly growling into your ear. his hand gripped at your thigh, and you let out a slight chuckle. 
“i don’t really feel like it, i think i’ll take my time.”
draco clearly wasn’t happy with your answer, roughly grabbing your waist to turn you around, now your chest was touching the wall, your two hands pressed against it. draco, still holding your waist, whispered in your ear, “since you decided to be a brat today, i’m gonna fuck you like one. alright? do we have any problems?”
you whimpered in response, breathing heavily as you heard the unzipping of his pants. he tugged open the foil of a condom, rolling it onto his length. he raised your skirt, pushing your panties aside. he lined up with your entrance, and with no warning, he slammed into you. you cried out, screwing your eyes shut.
“oh fuck,” he groaned in relief, aggressively pounding into you as you continued to moan his name loudly.
“hm? what do you have to say now?” draco grunted as he continuously fucked you from behind. you and draco have gotten rough before, but not like this, it was different. you liked it.
draco repeatedly hit the same spot in your body, pleasure rushing throughout your system. he would pull out to your entrance, then slam back in, the sound and smell of sex filling the small room.
“it feels so good,” you moaned, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. a recognizable feeling began to build up in your stomach, draco’s thrusts becoming sloppy but still pleasurable.
“i’m gonna come,” you whimpered, your vision becoming fuzzy.
“beg for it, princess.”
you were panting, sweat drenching your clothes, “please draco, f-fuck. i want to come so bad — please!”
“then come, princess.”
and with that, you let go, your body shaking while draco thrusted one last time, before finishing off as well.
the memory of that rough day in the closet was still freshly etched in your mind, and it remained there as you stared at the positive pregnancy test. your hand covered your mouth, tears welling up in your eyes. this couldn’t be happening.
you needed to tell draco, he had a right to know. you were still going to decide for yourself if you wanted to keep it or not, and you were leaning on the idea of raising the child. it didn’t matter if draco wanted it or not.
the first thing that draco wished, was that he had told you about his hidden identity. when draco heard the news, he wasn’t sure if he should be happy or not. he loved the idea of having a family with you, he didn’t expect to have one so early, but he genuinely wanted to create a future with you — just not under these circumstances.
the dark mark on his arm haunted him, the voice of voldemort’s appearing in draco’s recurring nightmares, and his ghastly tasks assigned to him never failed to make him shiver. so raising a child during this dark and twisted era, scared him.
a hundred things ran through his mind, asking himself if he would be a good father, whether or not his child would hate him because he was a bad person, and the secret he hid from you about being a deatheater.
“that’s amazing, y/n,” he smiled at you, and you let out a sigh of relief. you ran into his arms, burying your head in his chest as you let out a small cry.
“i thought you would leave me,” you said quietly, muffled by his clothing, but still audible. he smiled, brushing your hair as he held you in a warm embrace.
“i would never leave you,” he said softly, smiling down at your figure. you looked up at him, your eyes watery and shining like crystals, happy tears running down your face. you were draco’s soft spot, the one person who draco would rather die with than live without, and the thought of losing you made draco’s heart hurt.
he wiped the tears off of your face, planting a kiss on your forehead. for the first time in awhile, he felt calm, the warmth of you surrounding him, your soothing presence making him feel like this moment would last forever, and he wished it did, for he would have preferred to stay with you in that circumstance for the rest of his life.
the second thing draco wished, was that he had never been brought into this type of life. draco swore he nearly cried when bellatrix, voldemort’s fanatically loyal servant, ordered him to kill dumbledore. he almost said no, when thinking of you. the only thing that had stopped him, was the mention of your name. he froze in his tracks, trembling.
“you’re in love with another pureblood, aren’t you? what was her name — y/n?”
a cackle left bellatrix’s chapped lips while she played around with her wand. she sat comfortably in draco’s home, an evil smile from ear to ear. “she bears a child, doesn’t she?”
draco was left speechless, his lower lip quivering in horror. “how do you know that?”
he barely heard the sound of his mother questioning him, only thinking of what might possibly go wrong in this situation.
“it’s not about how i know, it’s about what i can do,” bellatrix said, standing up from the chair. “so it settles it then, you kill dumbledore, or i kill y/n and your child.”
draco forgot how to breathe. his brain scattered with possibilities of anything bad happening to you, how you would sound when you were being tortured, the pleading cries you would scream out while draco could only watch. he had to do it. he had to kill dumbledore.
but how could he? he would have to bear this weight on his shoulders, be seen as a murderer to you and his child. what would you think of him? would you think of him as a monster? even so, how would he protect you if he were to refuse the proposal of voldemort?
he was overwhelmed with thoughts, no hope left in his body. he couldn’t do it, he was too scared. he knew he was too much of a coward, and his inability to tell you about his dark mark proved it.
the third thing draco wished, was that he could’ve started a family with you. he imagined you with a bright smile on your face, placing breakfast on the table while your baby babbled random noises in their high chair. you would kiss him goodbye as he left for work, and he would never lose that feeling of happiness you gave him; but as he heard the terrified screams and shrieks that emitted from you, he knew that it would not be happening.
he simply had refused to kill dumbledore, creating a plan to escape with you, to run away and live a secret life, but that was too good to be true, as he watched your shivering body. you weren’t dead, just badly hurt. voldemort was laughing in amusement, watching you writhe in pain while tears ran down draco’s pale face.
“stop it! you monster!” draco bawled, his mother and bellatrix holding him back.
“did i not say that she would die? how dare you disrespect me?” voldemort shouted in response. the pain was too much for you to handle, and you dropped to the floor, still alive, but almost gone. draco should have told you, he knew he should have said something about the dangers that were ahead of you. he knew that he was in the wrong, and what he was about to do wasn’t going to fix everything, but it was the least he could have done.
so when draco ran in front of your body, as voldemort yelled out the curse that would send you to death, draco had received the curse instead of you, and the final thing he wished was that he had told you how much he loved you.
so when you began to crawl towards draco’s lifeless body, your own soul beginning to leave yours, you kissed him.
and both of you lay there, with your unborn baby, never knowing what could have been.
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