#person who went hard and did the extra stuff while eagerly waiting
alwcys-with-you · 5 years
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About Sora
Archetype — The Innocent Child - Naive but a breath of new life and fresh ideas.
Birthday — 2/10/1999. 20 years old.
Zodiac Sign — Aquarius
Enneagram — Type 2 - The Helper, second place was Type 9 - the Peacemaker
Temperament — Sanguine
Hogwarts House — Huffledor
Moral Alignment — Lawful Good
Primary Vice — Childish, Reckless
Primary Virtue — Selfless
Element — Fire
Mother — Hamasaki Kumiko
Father — Hamasaki Tetsuya
Mother’s Occupation — Foreteller
Father’s Occupation — Teacher
Family Finances — Middle Class
Birth Order — Only Child
Brothers —  None
Sisters — None
Other Close Family — An aunt on his dad’s side, uncle on his mother’s side, and four cousins.
Best Friend — Riku and Kairi
Other Friends — tbd
Enemies — Xehanort, dark mages
Pets — None yet
Home Life During Childhood — It was quiet and peaceful. He trained hard to become a battle mage, but otherwise had a very mellow life and went out to an island with his friends to hang out for so much time. He loved running around with his friends and coming home for dinner with his parents and discussing battle magic with his mother.
Town or City Name(s) — Nara
What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — a bit of a chaos zone, clothes thrown here and there. Had a couple posters up of distant places he wanted to visit, and a haphazardly arranged bookshelf with books on battle magic, fictional adventure stories and stuff like that. He also had maps on his walls, different parts of the world and places marked that he wanted to see.
Any Sports or Clubs — Keyblade Dueling, Sword fighting, Surf Club
Favorite Toy or Game — Pokemon
Schooling — Vulpus Academy
Favorite Subject — Battle Magic, English
Popular or Loner — Popular
Important Experiences or Events — When Kairi moved into town, when Sora was able to get his first battle magic weapon (his keyblade), competing with Riku on the island
Nationality — Japanese
Culture — Japanese/Magick culture
Religion and beliefs — Shinto
Physical Appearance
Face Claim —  Inoo Kei 
Complexion — Light skinned
Hair Colour — Brown
Eye Colour — Brown
Height — 5′ 8″
Build — Slender
Tattoos — None
Piercings — None
Common Hairstyle — Disheveled short hair
Clothing Style — haphazard, whatever he had in his closet thrown on
Mannerisms — clasping his hands behind his head as he’s walking, tapping his fingers 
Usual Expression — Smile
Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Not big things, but he gets colds relatively easily
Physical Ailments — None
Neurological Conditions — None
Allergies —  Peanuts
Grooming Habits — Showers once every day, rushes through combing his hair, and rushes through teeth brushing twice a day.
Sleeping Habits — Passes out rather easily every night between 10 pm and midnight. He sprawls across his bed on his stomach.
Eating Habits — Digging into it without a thought to neatness or pacing. He feels like he’s always hungry and acts like it.
Exercise Habits —  Practices every day to keep his battle magic skills up. Also he likes to dance from time to time.
Emotional Stability — Stable
Body Temperature — Normal
Sociability — Very social
Addictions — None
Drug Use — No
Alcohol Use — Sometimes
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — Rushing into situations, Speaking with mouth full, Eating too fast, day dreaming
Good Habits — Stays positive, Defends anyone who gets into trouble
Best Characteristic — Optimistic
Worst Characteristic — Reckless, Childish
Worst Memory — When his island was first attacked and Sora had to watch the darkness spread over the place and corrupt everything it touched. It was the beginning of the end there, and what would pull Sora into this world instead.
Best Memory — Meeting Riku and Kairi individually were big memories for him. Also the day he received his keyblade.
Proud of — how far he’s come with his magic skills.
Embarrassed by — how far behind he feels compared to Riku.
Driving Style — He doesn’t drive.
Strong Points — Brave, Selfless, Optimistic
Temperament — Sanguine
Attitude — Positive
Weakness — Reckless, Childish, losing a friend
Fears — To never make it back home. To never find his friends.
Phobias — Autophobia (fear of being alone), Achluophobia (fear of darkness)
Secrets — He doesn’t really have many. He’s a very open book.
Regrets — not being quick enough and stopping the man who destroyed his island.
Feels Vulnerable When — his magic inadequacies are pointed out. He’s still learning and he knows it, but when someone throws him off balance with it he doesn’t quite know what to do with himself.
Pet Peeves — people interrupting when someone speaks, when people sneeze or cough without covering their mouths.
Conflicts — Transported to another dimension and fused with another person.
Motivation — to be able to return home and find his friends.
Short Term Goals and Hopes — To figure out where he is and what’s going on
Long Term Goals and Hopes — To find a way back to his friends and home
Sexuality — Optimistically Pansexual
Exercise Routine  — Daily workout of some form of fight training and then occasional dancing
Day or Night Person — Day
Introvert or Extrovert — Extrovert
Optimist or Pessimist — Optimist
Likes and Styles:
Music — ABBA, Cheap Trick, Ayumi Hamasaki, The Beatles, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra
Books — Fantasy books. He likes stuff like Lord of the Rings that sort of thing.
Magazines — He doesn’t really read magazines.
Foods — Any. He really will eat anything.
Drinks — Sweet ones. Soda he likes a lot and it hypes him up.
Animals — Dogs. He also has a weird love of giraffes.
Sports — He likes climbing
Social Issues — Any that are geared to help other people live a better life. Pro-magick, pro-environment, pro-choice, etc.
Favorite Saying — My friends are my power
Color — Blue
Clothing — he’ll honestly wear anything. He’s not the most fashion conscious.
Jewelry — He wears some necklaces, like one that is given to battle mages that’s part of becoming a member of G.O.L.D.
Games — Mario Kart, Pokemon
Websites — Twitter and Instagram
TV Shows — Ainori, Boys over Flowers, Pokemon, The Office
Movies — Spirited Away, Bohemian Rhapsody, Jurassic Park, Weathering with You, Kingdom, Gintama
Greatest Want — to become a true Wielder of Battle Magic
Greatest Need — to find his friends
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — it’s a small apartment
Household furnishings — none yet, he needs money first oop.
Favorite Possession — His Keyblade
Most Cherished Possession — this star shaped fruit art that Kairi gave him
Neighborhood — Southern Isles
Town or City Name — Swynlake
Details of Town or City — a small town in the UK.
Married Before — No
Significant Other Before — None
Children — none, he’s still a child ok.
Relationship with Family — Good
Car — None
Career — Apprentice Battle Mage
Dream Career — Foreteller for G.O.L.D.
Dream Life — To continue to protect people with his magic and be able to travel while also finding someone he cares about.
Love Life — Nonexistent right now
Talents or Skills — is talking fast a skill? Lol he can also do handstands and fight good.
Intelligence Level — Average
Finances — Poor
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — None, he was at the Academy
Past Lovers — One ex, it was clumsy and Sora was honestly not really aware they were dating when they dumped him.
Biggest Mistakes — Not catching on to the motive of the guy destroying the island fast enough. 
Biggest Achievements — Becoming an apprentice battle mage.
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bao | myg | 2
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: Min Yoongi is always late to start work. He’s late in starting a lot of things. Like telling you he loves you.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; mentions of parental injury/surgery; SO MUCH fluff; non-idol!AU; (slightly more) jealous deliveryboy!Yoongi x hardworking chef!reader ft. bao fiend, next-door neighbor, model!Taehyung who can’t cook to save his life lol
"What's wrong?" Kim Taehyung asked as he bit into his bao. He asked for an extra sweet bun for his manager today. "Is it your dad?" he added, concern laced on his voice. 
"No, not really. He has a checkup tomorrow." You gnawed on your lip as he excitedly chomped into his saucy beef bun. "Hopefully he's recovering well." You rubbed your forehead. Day by day, you could see Yoongi’s black eye healing, but you couldn’t help but worry about him. He had promised not to punch anyone heedlessly, but you doubted he meant it. "Don't get injured, Taehyung."
Taehyung raised his eyebrows. "Why would I get injured?"
"I don't know, but don't. I don't need any more stress," you chuckled dryly, not really amused but unsure exactly how you were feeling. 
Taehyung tilted his head. 
"Are you lonely?"
You raised your head. "Huh?"
"Have you seen your parents in person?"
You blinked. "Well, no. I have to prep, clean, and do errands on my off day. But I video call them often."
Taehyung shrugged. "You used to work at the counter and talk to people all day. Now you're only in the kitchen and the only human beings you see consistently are the delivery guy and I, right? They're all short interactions too." His brown eyes softened, almost parental. "It must be lonely."
You exhaled, feeling the invisible weight of the days’ past. "Maybe..."
Taehyung smiled. "Tell you what. I got a short day this week, so I'll stop by and help out. Just for fun!" He grinned wider now as you paled a bit at the thought. "You don't even have to pay me. I can do stuff!"
"Like what?" you laughed. "You can't cook, Taehyung."
He paused, realizing that was true. "I can clean!"
"You want to clean all day?"
"... I can eat!"
"Min Yoongi, Kim Taehyung."
Taehyung stuck his flour-covered hand out. "Hello! It's nice to meet you."
Yoongi blinked at his hand and gave him a small nod instead. Taehyung seemed to realize it was dirty and wiped his hands on a spare towel before eagerly grabbing Yoongi's hand and shaking it furiously. "I heard you're really dependable, hyung!"
Yoongi raised an eyebrow as his entire body shook with the force of Taehyung's handshake. He turned to your chuckling form rolling dough out into a circle. 
"That's the biggest lie you've ever told."
You smiled as you filled the dough circle with spicy pork. "Not true. You are dependable. Dependably late every morning."
You failed to notice Yoongi's apologetic frown, but Taehyung didn't. The younger man tilted his head, observing Yoongi’s dark eyes watching your hands. You pinched the bun into a neat twist before setting it on the tray.
"Taehyung, that's not a circle," you chided playfully, pointing to the, well, blob on Taehyung's side of the counter. 
Taehyung let go of Yoongi's hand. "I tried!" he whined childishly. "It's hard..."
Yoongi washed his hands clean as you wiped your hands on your apron. "Let me make lunch real quick while there's a break in orders and you two are here." You bumped into Yoongi as you headed to the sink, his wet hands colliding with your chest. 
"Ack, sorry, sorry," Yoongi mumbled, sounding flustered, but you laughed, brushing the water off.
"And that's why I wear my dad's jacket," you mused, referring to the white chef's coat you wore under the apron and over your clothes. 
You washed your hands at the sink, staring at the wide sleeves, remembering the call from earlier. Your father was recovering, but it would still be some time before he could work again and maybe not to his full capacity. Your father had protested, saying he felt fine. He was never one to complain about pain, but you knew he must have been hurting for years. If only he had gotten it checked out sooner. You sighed inwardly, but there was nothing you could do about it now. At the moment, you had to feed the two overgrown kids in your kitchen. 
"Wow, hyung, you're good!"
You turned around to see Yoongi rolling Taehyung's dough into a circle, tongue resting on the side of his lips, getting a bit of flour onto his leather sleeves. 
You walked up behind him to see. Taehyung's dough was heavily over-kneaded, so the circle wasn't great but it was still a circle all the same. You smiled as Yoongi backed up, holding the wooden rolling pin awkwardly. 
"My brother's a chef," he mumbled. "And I've... seen you do it hundreds of times."
You picked up the dough circle and placed it in your palm, cradling it in your hand as you filled it with spicy pork. 
"Is it really spicy?" Taehyung asked worriedly.
You shook your head. "No, you should be fine. I remember you don't like your food too spicy." You pinched the top, twisting it prettily as you held it out to them. Taehyung looked it with sparkly eyes while Yoongi seemed embarrassed, eyes shifting awkwardly from the bun to the counter.
"It took three people to make this," you said with a laugh. “Hopefully it tastes good.”
You cut it in half evenly a few hours later, almost closing time. You held out one half to Taehyung and one half to Yoongi, whose cheeks were flushed from running around outside. He had worked hard all day, and you even had clients calling, complimenting on his speed and efficiency. Taehyung, well, Taehyung had been great company, although not particularly useful. A fun change from your usual lonesome day. 
Steam rose from the meat and white dough, soft and pliable.
The bun warmed your hands and their faces warmed your heart.
“What about you?” Taehyung said, taking one of the halves from you.
You grinned. “Nah, I’ll pass. I don’t want to get poisoned.”
Taehyung narrowed his eyes. “Hey! You made the dough. All I did was roll it into a circle.”
“Actually, I rolled it into a circle,” Yoongi pointed out.
Taehyung fluffed his cheeks. “I rolled it into an almost circle.”
You recalled the shape of the blob with a scrutinous and amused frown. “Yeah, I don’t know about that.”
“It’s good.”
You turned your head to see Yoongi chewing. The half-bun was still in your fingers, a bite taken out of it. Had he… eaten it from your hand? You stared at him, but he wasn’t looking at you. His long fingers reached out and gripped the half, fingertips brushing against yours. He was still chewing, nodding thoughtfully.
“Not too spicy either.”
Your hand was still in the air. You quickly put it down and turned your attention to Taehyung, who took a huge bite.
“Ah! Hot!”
You laughed, fanning the space around his mouth. “Of course, it is. I just steamed it.”
Taehyung’s jaw wiggled as he tried to blow the steam off his tongue, panicked noises coming from his throat as you grabbed a water bottle and opened it for him so he could cool it off with a gulp of cool liquid.
“Ah, what am I going to do with you, Taehyung…”
You counted out Yoongi’s pay from the day’s total, calculating quickly. This was the easiest part of the day for you. Math came to you naturally. Cooking was much harder, at least when it came to cooking even half as good as your father.
“Do you like Taehyung?”
You had sent Taehyung home with bags full of buns to give to his parents. He had left with a skip in his step and a huge boxy grin, thanking you repeatedly and almost dropping everything. You had to yell at him to be careful at least three times.
“Of course, Taehyung’s my friend,” you chuckled. “He can be a bit all over the place though.”
“I meant in a more than friends kind of way.”
You stopped and looked up from you calculator. Yoongi was leaning over the counter, one arm perched on it, black leather jacket open and revealing his black-and-white patterned dress shirt. You noticed the first couple buttons were undone. Silver chains hung around his neck, decorating his collarbones. His long fingers tapped on the wood, silver rings glinting against his pale skin.
“Taehyung?” You shrugged. “Not really. Never thought of him that way.”
Yoongi gave you a long, discerning look. His dark brown eyes searched yours, hooded by his black bangs. It was making you uncomfortable. Suddenly, you could feel the flecks of flour on your cheeks, the scent of oil and cooked meat hanging from your clothes and hair. You went back to the calculations, busying yourself with bookkeeping.
This silence was weird. Usually, Yoongi was wordlessly waiting for you to finish so he could leave, but for some reason today it felt bizarre. You furrowed your brow as you recorded the day’s sales and Yoongi’s pay, subtracting it from the total.
“That’s good, because I like you in a more than friends kind of way.”
You placed Yoongi’s pay in an envelope and held it out to him. “Here you go. I added a little bonus for helping me babysit Taehyung today.”
Your gaze locked with Yoongi’s.
Then his words really hit you.
You blinked at him and his completely neutral expression. He wasn’t taking the envelope. Instead, he tilted his head, stare penetrating through your soul. Your heartbeat was suddenly in your ears. It felt like your face was right next to the stove, flushed from the fire.
“W… what?”
Yoongi nodded as if this was the expected result. “I figured I should tell you before Taehyung attempts to run off with you.”
You blinked rapidly, the heat increasing on your face. “W… what are you talking about?” you nervously laughed, placing the envelope in the counter and sliding it to him. You shook your head, trying to dissipate the heat. “You’ve gone too far with your jokes.”
Yoongi placed a hand on the envelope.
Then he lifted himself up and over the counter, launching his entire body over it.
You started, pinning yourself back into the wall, eyes widening as his black, thick-soled boots hit the tile floor. He was wearing black jeans again, the ones with a rip on the right knee. He lifted his head, making eye contact with you once again.
“It’s not a joke.”
He looked over to the recordkeeping book and closed it for you. Took the wad of cash that was the day’s sales and tied it in a rubber band, the same way you did it every night. Placed your pen where you placed it every night, next to the pen cup and not actually in it. You watched him, somewhat fascinated that he remembered all these details despite you never thinking about your habits as you did them, either in mid-conversation with him or simply worn out from the day.
Yoongi placed the cash on the recordkeeping book and turned back to face you.
“I’m serious.”
You remembered the moments that you brushed off so easily before. Yoongi’s body hitting yours when you grabbed his cap, the way he felt pushed up against you, breath on your neck. His fingertips touching yours, making you flinch involuntarily. Him eating from your hand earlier that day. The weird silence just now when he asked you if you liked Taehyung.
Your eyes shifted uneasily.
“Well… what I supposed to say?” you asked quietly.
For a long moment, Yoongi didn’t respond. Then he smiled, the smile not quite reaching his eyes.
He turned around.
But before he could walk off, before Yoongi could leave and come back in the morning, late as usual, you grabbed his leather jacket and yanked him back, spinning him back around. His lips parted, startled at your sudden movement, and you pressed your lips to his. His eyes widened.
So did yours.
The scent of leather and pine hit your nose. His lips felt soft. He tasted a little like the spicy pork you fed him earlier. It was a nearly a week after the black eye incident and it was barely noticeable anymore, with only small hints of bruising on his pale skin. He healed fast. You quickly drew back and grabbed the envelope, shoving it at him and pushing past, stunned that you did such a thing, hurriedly running to the kitchen. Or would have, if Yoongi’s arm didn’t block your exit, making you jerk back and hit him in the chest.
Now both your hands were on his black and white dress shirt, holding his pay against him.
You couldn’t look Yoongi in in the face. It was too awkward. You just stared at his neck, at the glittering silver necklaces.
“I have eyes, you know.”
You swallowed, grabbing his hand and placing it on the envelope. His fingers wrapped around yours. His other hand came up, tracing the buttons of his dress shirt. You flinched, jerking your head up as your free hand covered the one on his button placket. His silver rings felt cool against your hot palm.
“What are you doing?”
Yoongi cocked his head. You never realized how raspy and sexy his voice was until now. ‘Well, you didn’t want to look at my face, so I figured I would give you something else to look at.”
Your eyes darted from his hand to his face, flabbergasted.
“Don’t… play around,” you muttered, frowning.
Yoongi leaned down.
“I’m not.”
And now he kissed you, closing his eyes and pressing his lips against yours, sweetly but firmly, inhaling. You tried to break away, words tumbling from your lips.
“I’ve been working all day; I reek of grease,” you sputtered, but Yoongi grabbed your head and kissed you again, pressing your body against his, dusting flour onto the black leather, your body shuddering at the closeness, falling into his arms. Lips so soft they felt like pillows, not something you expected from lazy, late Yoongi.
“You smell nice,” he chuckled against your lips. “I love food. I especially love all the food you make.”
He kissed you between his words, light, feathery kisses that made you breathless.
“I should have told you every day,” Yoongi murmured. “Thank you for always packing everything so well and making my job so easy. Thank you for always making food for me and giving me the extras. Thank you for not firing me.”
You laughed a little against his lips. “You would have been fired a long time ago if you worked anywhere else.”
He kissed your forehead, a long, delicate one, far too beautiful to not be romantic. You felt your heartbeat slow to a crawl.
“I don’t want to work anywhere else,” he mumbled, so low you could barely hear him even though you were this close. “I want to stay by your side forever.”
What was this? Your hands tensed under his and he tightened his grip around your fingers.
“A little sudden for simply getting free food from your job,” you teased.
Yoongi lifted his face from your forehead, removing your hands from his chest. He turned them around, palms up, pressing his thumbs into them. Smiled down at you.
“It’s not free,” he said softly. “These hands work hard every day.”
Yoongi looked deep into your eyes.
“I never think the food you give me is free, because I see how much effort it takes to make them as delicious as they are.”
Your vision felt a little blurry for some reason.
“You should bring some to your parents. Your father would be proud of you.”
And for some reason, those words meant more to you than anything in the world.
“Is this vegetarian?” Yoongi asked curiously as he chewed.
He frowned a little. “I don’t like vegetables.”
You raised an eyebrow. “What are you, five?”
His eyes narrowed. “I was going to say, but I like this.”
You felt your ears burn. “Oh.”
Yoongi smirked, leaning over to kiss you, smelling like leather, silver rings glimmering in the kitchen lights.
3. smut.
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
💖 first time reader click here 💖
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A little bit of plot, but mostly ironstrange x reader filthy porn. Bukkake stuff. Stephen finally opening up a lil bit, I mean... I've slept through a 1/3 of a hospital and lemme tell you, doctors are kinky bastards. On the same note, there's definitely going to be a chapter where all three men are involved after the plot shit is resolved.
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There was something big brewing. I had a hunch... which was more like a strong sense of doom... hanging over me and the rest of the world. Peter also had noticed the sudden spike in anxiety, quoting the sudden disappearance of many low-tier mutants from the streets. Usually, Peter dealt with at least a few enhanced enemies during his patrols but the closer it got to Christmas, the less enhanced bothered with small-time crimes, the more intense the buzzing of his Spidey sense became.
Now that my immediate lack of income wasn't a problem anymore, I set business onto that damn mercenary. I was no spy, I was no SHIELD operative but... I could be very clever.
First things first, I had to make sure I would stay alive no matter what. A subdermal tracker was a good guarantee of security and I spent many hours making one - having to keep it a secret was incredibly hard, I hated lying to my loves and I hated avoiding Wanda even more - I was constantly on the edge around the telepath, hyperfocused on keeping up the pretense of normalcy.
I wouldn't be me if I couldn't successfully pull off a whole ass façade. Unfortunately, the continued failures of the people searching left and right for the mercenary only fueled my strength for the inevitable fuck-fest that I would have to create in order to make sure my people get the peace they fucking deserve. The web of lies grew in size every damn day.
Subdermal tracker, an implant that reports directly to Friday upon activation. It hurt like a bitch - I had cut myself open, an inch wide gash on the inside of my forearm - and put it in without any anesthesia in my own bathroom, not even thinking twice before making up a lie that I had been careless in the lab and hurt myself.
An antidote to common tranquilizers, creating it gave me a headache the size of Moscow but I'd been successful; Tony assembled the whole team when he found it out, offering me a ridiculous amount of money for the formula. It was weird. SHIELD was interested, too, and I had to witness Tony and Coulson argue. Apparently, the agency wanted to recruit me and Tony was adamantly against it, totally forgetting the promise Natasha had given me. In the end, the spy and Coulson shared a quiet conversation and the man left, respectfully complimenting my skills.
I sold the formula to Stark Industries, unable to get rid of the weirdness of the situation. I had to shake hands with my own boyfriend and his ex-girlfriend... In a business setting. What. Just what. Bucky and Stephen couldn't stop laughing at the face I made all throughout that day - and Clint even went as far as to bake me a gag cake, a cartooney handshake drawn in frosting on top of it. I hit him with a spatula, Loki smiled in his direction for the first time in, like, ever. It was a trip and Tony had way too much fun with the incident.
Perhaps, turning myself into a cyborg stew wasn't the best plan that was possible to think up in a few weeks' time but I've never claimed to be exceptionally intelligent; if anything, I've always considered myself to be a moderately educated idiot. It is common knowledge that there are two halves of a whole idiot: my second half was on his way from California, having had received my very detailed e-mail about the whole cursed box fiasco and the consequences that followed. I could barely contain my excitement at the prospect of seeing uncle Eddie and his symbiote again.
Tony wasn't even half as excited; if anything, he bordered on outright hostile, bickering, and sassing everybody left and right. It could have been the situation at hand finally getting on his last nerves. It could have been his jealousy, the same that appeared every time I paid extra attention to someone that wasn't him, Bruce or Stephen. Either way, Bruce was sighing all the time now and Stephen's remarks began to fill with poison once again.
Just like the good old times, I guess. I was forced to pull a Me over and over, interrupting their petty arguments with increasingly absurd remarks. I felt like everybody was laughing at me these days, which ended in only one way it could have...
"Brat," Stephen's patience was paper-thin and, being forcefully distracted from yelling at Tony, he directed his angst at the nearest person - me. "I oughta put you over my knee. I swear to Cosmos..."
"Blah, blah, blah. Don't you ever get tired of listening to yourself talk?" I raised my eyebrows, tone deceptively calm. "You're talking too much for someone who can't even..." I didn't get to finish my sentence, suddenly finding my mouth firmly glued shut. It was magic - the sensation was pulling, but not unpleasant. Reminded me of a ball gag Tony had used on me in the early days of our relationship.
"Now, Dumbledore, hold your horses..." Tony interjected looking none-too-happy. The engineer placed a warning arm on the sorcerer's bicep, their little spat seemingly forgotten.
"What, Tony? She's been nothing but a mouthy urchin the past few days, I can't stand it anymore," They shared a meaningful look; no matter how much Tony wanted to argue, he knew Stephen was right. What he didn't know was that there probably have been a magic versus science altercation... Or worse. Humiliation was a small price to pay for some (relative) peace.
I did what I do best. I annoyed them further, throwing up a juicy middle finger to the two men and turned around with a huff, mind set on finding Loki to undo the mute ban Stephen gave me. Needless to say, I didn't make it very far.
In mere seconds, I was sandwiched between the two men, Stephen's finger delicately holding my chin to force me to look into his eyes. Tony was holding onto my shoulders from behind me - I could feel the tension, my engineer was almost buzzing with it. I was pretty sure my eyes were laughing anyway because Stephen's frown slowly transformed into a coy smirk once his stormy blues focused on my face.
"Brat," He repeated once again. "She's doing this on purpose."
"I can't say I'm surprised," Tony's breath tickled the nape of my neck. "That does sound like our little Princess," Apparently, it took all of a 0.1 second for Tony to switch from annoyed to horny. Men, they were so easy to play. "Baby, if you wanted our attention you could have just said so," He chastised me, hands sliding down to my waist.
I hummed, and then aggressively hummed some more until Stephen removed the magical gag. "Not like you'd notice it, being occupied with tearing each other's hair out," I pouted.
The sorcerer briefly averted his eyes, leaning down to softly kiss my pout. It was very unlikely I'd get an actual apology but a kiss I won't be complaining about either. "So, your best tactic was to annoy us even more? How does that work out for you?"
I pulled on the tied fabric around his waist, bringing him closer to me. "Pretty good, if I'm being honest. You're exactly where I wanted you to be," Carelessly, I began untying the layers of silks and cotton I had become intimately familiar with over the course of the past few weeks. Most of the time Steph wore his wizard garbs and while figuring out how to undo them was a trip at first, I had gotten him desperate enough a few times, for him to show me a few tips and tricks for easier access.
Tony snorted somewhere behind me. "You just want us for our bodies," His hands wormed their way under my shirt, brushing the underside of my breasts. Bra? Hardly know her. "Our beautiful, sexy bodies." Yes Tony, very humble.
"When will you learn, people?" I asked rhetorically, simultaneously leaning into both Tony's and Stephen's touch. "Why fight each other when you could be fucking me into oblivion instead?"
Stephen snorted, still not completely used to the at times crude things that left my (and occasionally Tony's) mouth. I had a hunch the sorcerer was holding back somewhat - for whatever reason - and I was eagerly waiting for him to get comfortable enough to reveal that special part of himself. Whatever it was, I just knew it was delicious and sinful and-
"Do you really think I will be giving you what you want after your little... Stunt?" Steph went balls out; his voice dropped and the intensity of his stare left me breathless. The hand that was stroking my face wrapped around my throat as he had some sort of a silent conversation with Tony.
"Yeah," I emphasized the word with an inaudible 'duh' behind it but obediently trotted along as Stephen backed up towards the couch, leading me by the throat like a pet on a leash. I was steadily going into 'no thoughts, head empty' territory.
"I like it when you get all bossy," Tony remarked casually but he was close enough for me to hear the strain in his voice. Every time we fucked, Tony eagerly gave up the control to Stephen. I definitely saw the appeal. Stephen Strange demanded authority effortlessly, his stern but fair attitude simply demanded to kneel.
That's just what I did. As soon as Stephen made himself comfortable on the Italian leather couch, I dropped to my knees, looking up at the man with big round eyes. Just like Tony and Bruce, Stephen had his own weaknesses when it came to moi and I wasn't ashamed to exploit them. Steph's stroked my hair, carding careful fingers through it, slowly unbuttoning his pants with his other hand.
"If you insist on being mouthy, I have a better task for you," He husked, pulling me closer towards him. I called it his doctor voice. Honestly, I don't have a clue how his surgical team could be around him with their pants on back in the day... The man was a snack on a silver platter.
Steph's erection sprang free. I didn't hesitate to wrap my hand around it, stroking the underside of his glans just like he liked it, looking to the side where Tony landed on the couch next to Stephen, a curious look on his face. Yeah, Tony liked to watch. Me and Stephen or me and Bruce... Me and Stephen and Bruce? That's an idea for later.
"Don't mind little old me," Tony smirked his trademark Stark mischief, getting comfortable, ditching his oil-stained shirt and unbuttoning his pants to lazily palm himself through his boxers. "Carry on," The smirk only grew when Tony noticed both me and Steph eyeing him with amusement.
I hid my grin, nodding my head, before wrapping my lips around the tip of Stephen's cock, relaxing my throat to prepare for the intrusion. Sweet and salty, the slit on his cockhead was mercilessly teased by the tip of my tongue.
Stephen murmured encouragements under his breath as I began to bob up and down, him controlling the pace with a hand in my hair, just the right balance between cruel and gentle. The sorcerer was always too good to me, bringing me to the point of overstimulation and instantly soothing the ache afterward; "Fuck, darling, your mouth feels like heaven," He groaned as I snuck a look upwards to see his lips parted and a steady flush crawling up his neck.
"She knows how to work a man, doesn't she?" Tony's lust had him panting, hips moving into his own hand. He leaned closer to Stephen, brushing my hair behind my ear with a tender hand. "Merlin needs to share," Tony began pulling me in his direction. I reluctantly let go of Stephen's cock, keeping up the pace with my hand as I scooted closer to Tony to be able to mouth at his stiff erection.
Watching me suck cock always got Tony hard enough to pound nails with. I couldn't blame him, I knew what I could do and did well; by the time I made my way down his thick flesh, drool was dripping down my chin and the make-up around my eyes was surely smeared by tears. My engineer was much less gentle than Steph, pounding my face without reservations.
"I know you can take it, baby girl, fuck," My face was held in his strong grip, thumbs digging into my jaw. "Such a good girl," The two words went straight down to my pussy and I had to squirm and clench my thighs together, whining at the lack of friction.
The air was pierced by a low moan - Stephen was fisting his erection almost desperately now, almost as desperately as I was humping the air, whining like a bitch in heat at the taste of Tony's cock in my mouth. I knew neither of the men would last long, not with all that pent up tension running through their minds and bodies.
"Fuck, come here, baby girl," The engineer yanked me off his cock, gripping the base of it so forcefully his knuckles turned white. I was all but dragged into the space between them; still kneeling, barely seeing with snot and tears smeared all over my face, I couldn't hold in the broken moan as the realization set in.
"Keep your eyes open!" Steph instructed furiously, scooting to tower over me. Tony followed in his steps as I obediently lifted my eyes to their cocks and then their faces; nearly identical furrowed brow expressions stared back at me, lips moist and eyes wide. Both men stroked themselves with renewed vigor.
I hummed softly before sticking out my tongue; their reaction didn't let me wait long. Strings of pearly white cum landed in my hair, on my face; I felt the warmth on my skin and tasted their salt and musk on the tip of my tongue, reflexively swallowing each and every drop that landed in my mouth, savoring it just like I savored the sinful groans that left their mouths.
"Fuck, you're so good to us," Tony panted, gracelessly falling backward onto the couch.
Stephen, however, didn't hurry to catch his breath, giving me a thoughtful look. His fingers shook more than ever but he paid no mind to the discomfort, gathering the cum dripping down my face with two fingers and offering it to me, holding them up to my lips as I gently cleaned them off. And he did it again, and again, until Tony gave a weak moan of recognition, throwing an arm under his head.
"Be polite, Princess," Stephen's voice hadn't lost the lust in it just yet.
"Thank you, sir," I mumbled, utterly captivated by the way he was looking at me. Stormy blues radiated a strong sense of intensity, devotion perhaps, that I wasn't ready for.
Stephen smiled at me, almost coyly, before kneeling right next to me and bringing me over the edge with a few sharp, clever movements of his hand. I held onto his shoulders for dear life, barely noticing Tony's reaction - if there was one - my other lover seemed to be as surprised as I was, choosing to hang back and observe the unusual situation.
I had a feeling that whatever it was, it would make another appearance during our playtime. It wasn't just sex, it wasn't making love - it was... Something. I loved every second of it.
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@another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit ​ @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby @romeo-the-cactus @jelly-fishy-babie @mikariell95 @gladiosamicitias @toomanyrobins @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming
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nctsjiho · 3 years
Will You Be My Friend?
warnings: none
❀ Jiho had a hard time finding friends outside of her company (2015)
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The classroom slowly started filling with chatter that got gradually louder as the end of the last period was nearing. The teacher did everything not to show his mild annoyance at the children who stopped paying attention to him, but he also remembered that it was indeed a Friday and he wanted to go home just as much as the children that sat in front of him.
Jiho’s focus was still on the teacher as she jotted down extra information about their assignment due for next week. History was probably one of her least favourite subjects, but teacher Kim made it more than bearable. He found ways to keep things entertaining and even though his assignments were a lot of work, there was always a creative part to it. This time they were free to choose whatever medium they wanted to use to present a certain historical moment. Jiho hadn’t made her mind up yet on how she was going to present her moment, but she was kind of excited to be working on it for the next few days.
Once the bell rang, indicating that the last class of the day was over, all the kids jumped up on their feet ready to run out of class. Jiho who was following the class diligently until the bell signal started putting her stuff away calmly. She didn’t notice the pair of footsteps coming closer until she heard a chuckle. It didn’t sound like an amused chuckle though.
“Aren’t you training to become an idol?” Jiho looked up to see a bigger guy standing next to her desk with crossed arms. She locked eyes with him for a few seconds before letting out a hum confirming his statement and then continued putting her notebook in her bag. “Wow~ The nerve of this girl.” Jiho didn’t have to look up to know those words came from one of her classmates that stood next to the boy that spoke earlier. “Just because you are a pretty foreigner girl doesn’t mean you will become an idol. It takes actual talent you know?” Her voice was laced with pure annoyance. Jiho looked up to the girl and nodded. “Hmm. I know.” She kept it short and with her bag completely packed, Jiho stood up. The smaller girl scoffed at Jiho and looked at her friend. “All she does is study the whole day, this nerd doesn’t even have any friends and yet here she is acting like she’s everything.” Jiho rolled her eyes at the comment and made her way out of the room, but the girl halted Jiho by grabbing her wrist.
“Why are you here even? Don’t trainees usually study at SOPA? Are you actually even a trainee?” Jiho’s classmate kept firing questions at her not giving any time to answer. Not that Jiho was planning to answer anyway. The boy started laughing turning to his small friend. “You’re probably right Eunjae, with the way she’s always paying attention to class and has her nose buried in her books, I think this girl is way more likely to become a scientist nerd than an idol.” The weak insult had Jiho trying to hold back a laugh. The small girl scoffed as she heard the giggle leave Jiho’s lips. “What?! What’s so funny huh?” “Nothing. I have to get going though, thanks for the little chat.” Jiho smiled before pulling her arm free of Eunjae’s grip and leaving the room. She heard the 2 bullies yell out to her but she ignored it. “Doctor Jiho? Being a scientist? Doesn’t sound too bad right?” Jiho laughed to herself.
For some reason Jiho’s dorm was a bit further from SM than most of the other trainees’. She lived with two very nice girls. One was in her mid twenties and the other girl was 3 years older than her, being 17 (Jiho is 14 international age at this point in time). The oldest was an SM employee and the 17 year old was another trainee. She got along well with them, but they were always busy so she didn’t get to see them too often.
Because she lived a bit further away from the company, Jiho had decided to find a dance studio closer to her dorm so she could practise their on week days after school or whenever she couldn’t go - or is to lazy to go - to SM. So on her way back from school she went to check out the dance studio she saw online. With her headphones playing some of her current favourite songs she made her way to her destination. A few minutes in she felt her phone buzz.
From Doyoung oppa
“Are you finished with school? Will you be heading to the company now?”
To Doyoung oppa
“I’m going somewhere first. It might be too late to come over afterwards.”
“But I’ll be there tomorrow.”
From Doyoung oppa
“Okay, be careful and go home before it get’s dark outside. C U tomorrow.”
Jiho smiled at the message and then pocketed her phone, picking up the pace to reach the dance studio faster.
The dance studio was bigger than Jiho imagined it to be. That was her first thought when she entered it. Of course she was using it alone, so size didn’t really matter in the first place but having a bigger room that could easily fit a small group of dancers all for herself was a plus point. Jiho threw her bag to the side and twirled around in the middle of the room until she heard someone push against the door. “Oh- I’m sorry, I didn’t know anyone was using this room.” The girl said. Completely flustered at the sudden appearance Jiho bowed and apologised. “No I’m sorry. I was just checking out the room. I messaged the owner and asked if I could use the studio after school every once in a while...” The two girls stared at each other for a second before they both spoke up at the same time. “Wow~ You’re really pretty.” Their eyes widened and after a few seconds they both start laughing hysterically.
After finally catching their breaths both girls sat up from where they fell to the ground laughing just a minute ago. The were sitting just a meter apart and Jiho held out her hand. “My name is Jiho.” The girl smiled and took her hand, shaking it firmly. “I’m Ryujin. It’s nice to meet you.” “It’s nice to meet you too.” The girls talked for a bit and Ryujin invited her to dance with her.
They bonded over dancing to some kpop group songs and a lot of their other interests. “Hey Jiho?” Jiho’s head swiftly turned to the girl - who she learned was one year younger than her. “You’re really good at dancing. Are you perhaps an idol trainee?” Jiho gasped, shocked by the question. “Oh, yeah I am. I actually kept wondering if you are a trainee too. You’re a really great dancer as well.” Ryujin nodded her head excitedly and began to share how she got in to JYP after attending a GOT7 concert. Jiho shared her own story which Ryujin was so amazed by.
It was about 2 hours later that the girls decided to call it a night. It was already getting darker and it would be a good idea for both of them to head home. The girls waved their goodbye’s to the owner of the studio who was cleaning up the reception area and then they left the building. Jiho was only a  5 minute walk away from her dorm while Ryujin had to take a bus so Jiho offered to wait for the bus with her.
“I had a lot of fun today.” Ryujin beamed and Jiho nodded. “Actually Ryujin-” “Everything alright?” Ryujin’s tone sounded a bit concerned but Jiho gave her a quick laugh to assure her she was alright. “Yes, I just- See I don’t have many friends outside of school. Well I don’t have any friends at school at all and in my company I’m only friends with one other girl trainee and some of the boys as well. But I would love it if you’d become my friend... You know, so that I have more friends that are girls.” Ryujin smiled brightly at the cute confession. She pulled Jiho into a side hug. “Of course! Here save my phone number so we can hang out and dance more often.” The girl both eagerly grabbed their phones, happy that they found a new friend.
Jiho always had many friends when she lived in France. She was never the type to be shy around people, but for some reason when she moved to Korea things were drastically different. The girls she trained, even though they were friendly to her face, weren’t actually her friends. They were all training to be the best female trainee of the month, it was some kind of competition and even though Jiho tried not to be bothered it was a bit sad that the girls couldn’t seem to push their competitiveness aside to become actual friends. The only girl trainee she was friends with was her roommate. As for the boys, she seemed to get along with them better. It may have been because she had gotten to know and befriend Doyoung so early on, but she had already gotten closer to a few more of the boys in her company because of her outgoing nature.
In school most of the kids either looked at Jiho funny because she was a foreigner or because she wasn’t a very feminine girl. Doyoung had called it jealousy, but Jiho didn’t think their was anything to be jealous about over her. She stopped paying any mind to it though because she still had friends outside of school and she only came to school to study anyway. Well that’s what she made herself believe to not become to sad over the lack of friends. But now she had met Ryujin. A girl she genuinely clicked with so well. Their personalities matching almost perfectly, just being different enough to not get bored with each other but similar enough to not clash. She was so excited to tell her roommates about it when she got home and tell Doyoung that she “had found a replacement for him” already on the next day. That clearly being a joke because no one could ever replace Doyoung who had almost become like a brother to her already.
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writersrealmbts · 3 years
Christmas: LIVE (for charity)
Description: You’re a middle-of-the-road youtuber, not super famous, but not unfamous. Golden Closet and V are much more famous, and they’ve agreed to meet up and do a charity live-stream with you! 
“For the Christmas requests would you be able to do a Youtuber au? Where like Tae or Kookie do a charity stream with Y/n? Sorry it came so late it 😭😭”
Warnings: Fluff and stuff
Posted: 12/22/2020
Tags: taekook x reader
2,159 words
A/N: For anonny, here’s your request! Hope you like it! and it didn’t come late!
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You kept working on your streaming setup, preparing for your guests for the charity stream. You figured more people were coming for them than you, since you weren’t as big as them on YouTube.
First was V, from Tiger Vante: real name of Kim Taehyung. He did gaming streams with your other guest, and published music now and then that he had quite the following for. Thoughtful videos and compilations of photos, and videos of projects he worked on. He even had a fashion line and made videos about other fashion things, like his fashion through the week. Other fashions, reviewing music and such, as well as doing projects using antique equipment. He was doing a photo study with different old cameras as he was able to, and he posted a lot of inspirational videos.
Your second guest was Jungkook from Golden Closet productions. He did a lot of gaming, was technically a professional gamer, and he also did music and video production. He did everything: art, singing, dancing, gaming, photography, video production--and he was constantly experimenting with new things. But his gaming was the big ticket.
You were a smaller YouTube channel. You had a few covers, and you did a parody song a year or so ago that garnered some attention. You did reactions, and you did some gaming streams, though not as many as your guests. You did a lot of chill games, with other games interspersed. You also did some makeup stuff, mostly stage makeup stuff that you carried over from college. Cooking. You did cooking streams, and sometimes you failed, other times you were successful. But cooking streams were some of your favorites.
You’d started doing the videos as a sort of...accountability. Your therapist recommended it to help you feel like you were doing more, because despite working eight hour workdays five days a week, you still struggled feeling like you were getting anything done and you sometimes lost track of days. It had helped, you were able to keep better track of things and you’d tried new things because of it. And somehow your fanbase had grown to let you cut your hours at your office job and relax a little more.
But today’s stream was to raise money for kids in the hospital, which was why you had V and Jungkook coming. The three of you would be doing various activities together and doing challenges to raise more money.
You arranged the snacks as well as you could, and then put on your elf hat. You’d already raised two hundred dollars just by wearing an elf costume for the stream.
You stood up and smiled. “Hello! Nice to meet you, I’m y/n.”
“I’m Taehyung when I’m offscreen, I’d be happy if you called me that. Offscreen anyway. Thanks for inviting me today! Oh, this is Jungkook!” V introduced the other gamer.
Jungkook sort of dipped his head, looking awkward.
You smiled at both of them. “Nice to meet both of you. Thanks for agreeing to do this with me. I know you probably have better things to do.”
“No way, this is for charity!”
“It’s a good cause,” Jungkook added, sort of looking at you strangely.
“Oh, the outfit. Someone donated 200 dollars if I would wear an elf costume for the stream. My choice for the costume, look okay?” You asked, reaching up to adjust the hat.
“It’s super cute,” Taehyung gushed, then looked over at the setup. “Ooh! Nice! That looks great! Can I set up over there?”
“Go ahead, do you need help bringing in equipment?”
Jungkook shook his head. “Our hyungs are here to help us set up and carry things. We’ll be ready to go in no time.”
“Great, I’ll just stand out of the way.” You backed up and they signalled their group to bring in their equipment.
Between the seven boys, all of the equipment was set up in no time and the three of you were settling down for the stream.
They wished you three a good stream and then scattered.
The three of you sat down, syncing and getting your own set ups going.
“So, we’re going to start, give it five minutes, and then we’ll start playing that game you suggested over chat?” You asked, making sure you had that linked and setting things up so that you wouldn’t have to worry about anything once you were actually streaming.
“Yeah, sounds good. That camera is filming all of us, and then we have our individual ones, right?” Jungkook nodded to the carefully mounted and angled camera.
You nodded, handing cords to both of them for the camera connection. “Took me a while to figure this set up out. Here.”
Taehyung eagerly took it and plugged it into his computer and then let you quickly set it up.
Jungkook had it set up before you finished with Tae.
“Alright, it’s almost time. Ready?”
“Yeah, so...who’s starting things?” Taehyung asked, looking at you.
“My idea, so I can open it if you prefer,” You offered, checking how you looked on camera and then sighing. You couldn’t do much about it now.
“Ok, now, do you have any extra fun holiday stuff?” Taehyung asked, flicking the bell on your hat.
“A santa hat and reindeer antlers headband, and various other more girly things for me to alternate with throughout the stream.” You gestured to a bag and got everything ready. “Set the stream to start on the hour?”
Jungkook nodded then grabbed the santa hat. “Solidarity.”
Taehyung happily put on the antlers headband. “So cute! Okay, now it feels even more festive. How long did it take you to make the background?”
“Oh, I spent a couple hours, no biggie. I did something similar last year for my christmas stream. I just spiced it up a bit this year. One minute.”
They pushed their chairs closer to yours, all three streams using the camera that got all three of you.
You watched the timer tick down, hoping that it was successful and that you raised a lot of money for the charity.
The first fifteen minutes were nothing too special, it was interesting playing with other people while they were in the room and Jungkook kept mumbling thanks for donations in between decimating you and Tae, and Taehyung had a constant conversation going--partially with you--while he played.
You gave everyone a brief update since you hadn’t streamed in a couple days and people were asking about your puppy. “He’s fine. He’ll be home soon.”
“What happened to your puppy?” Jungkook asked, not missing a beat and decimating you in the meantime.
“Nothing serious, he got hurt while we were walking in the woods. They removed his dewclaw on the one leg and stitched him up. He’s already almost ready to come home. I’ll have him home for Christmas. Thank you for your donation, bluegrey613!”
Jungkook glanced over. “Hey, we probably have some requests right now. Since you’re dead can you check the chats?”
“Sure. Let’s see...they want V to do aegyo.”
Taehyung quickly did some, just barely escaping death.
“We don’t have mistletoe, sorry, guys,” You told Jungkook’s chat. “Besides, I kind of doubt they’d want to--”
“Who needs mistletoe?” Taehyung asked, pausing the game.
Next thing you knew donation signals were popping up on all three screens as the boys planted kisses on either of your cheeks.
You stared at the screen, blinking rapidly and trying to recover as both of them went back to their game like nothing had happened.
You swallowed hard and tried to focus on the requests that were flying up your screen. “Um...thank you...agustD for donating...after that request. Um...hopeworld requests that we...all do cutesy poses? He’s offering 50.”
“Make it 100 and it’s a deal,” Taehyung responded, finally getting annihilated.
You scanned the comments, waiting for a response from the same and making faces as requested. “Ooh, while we’re waiting they want to know how we met. Tae, you should tell them that saga.”
“If they’re going to make us do something cutesy, then they better be offering more than a hundred,” Jungkook grumbled.
“So...we started talking online, played a couple of games together recently--offstream so that we could discuss the fundraiser, I think we all have some clips from that game that we’re compiling and that will be posted later,” Taehyung started explaining, checking you and Jungkook for affirmation. “Then we actually met in person today! That’s about it! It’s not much of a story, but it’s a good start, don’t you think?”
You exchanged a curious look with Jungkook after witnessing the wink Taehyung threw the camera. “Snack time?”
Jungkook nodded. “Before he calls himself a snack.”
Your nose scrunched up before you could stop it.
Taehyung laughed, booping your nose. “Not me. But she definitely is.”
You shook your head. “No snacks for you.”
“Hey, hopeworld agreed to 100. Pose,” Jungkook intervened as Taehyung started to fake pout.
All three of you managed to do some cutesy pose and hold it for a couple of seconds until the donation alert popped up with many names.
“Ah...okay...that was popular,” Taehyung said, looking a little stunned as more notifications rolled in.
“Blame Jungkook, he avoids it usually so it’s rare,” You informed him, smirked at Jungkook.
He shrugged. “If I didn’t hold back the world would fall to my cuteness.”
You snorted and turned back to the comments. “RM is requesting that you guys...and I lost it. Whoops.”
“Ooh, here’s one from JinJinJara, he wants us to make couple-y poses--like exaggerated couple pictures!” Taehyung chuckled. “Lets do it!”
“I don’t need to relive prom, thanks, I was fine missing it the first time,” you joked.
“It’s for charity,” Taehyung pouted.
You groaned and then complied.
Not that you were complaining internally about two hunky guys taking mock couple-photos. There was something nice about being held by someone stronger.
The rest of the stream passed by pretty quickly, doing requests from the boys channels since only four people were requesting on your stream--the same five. It was hard not to feel like it was out of pity, the longer the stream went the viewer count on yours went down, and went up on theirs. You double checked your stream but it was fine.
But it was for charity. You didn’t mind being less popular as long as you raised enough money to do some good.
“We should do this next year, and more often! Ooh, could we do a New Years stream?” Taehyung enthused toward the end. You guys had reached your goal while playing another game, and were trying to casually close the stream.
“We…can discuss it…later. Anyway, thank you everyone who was watching and who donated. The donation links for all three of our channels will be open until the 26th! Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas from Santa’s workshop!” Taehyung added brightly. “Remember to have all grandmas avoid reindeer crossing sites!”
“And be nice to the elves! They’re doing their best,” Jungkook added, cracking a smile as he flicked your hat.
You rolled your eyes and waved to the camera, then all three of you ended your streams.
“Man. That was intense,” Jungkook murmured.
“So, my five requesters, they’re the friends waiting outside, aren’t they?” You guessed, having done the math.
“What? No. Of course not.”
“Why would you think that?” Jungkook asked.
“Because you guys jumped at every request they gave, usually egging them on for more money, but you were more reserved with every other request given to us. That usually indicates a personal relationship.” You leaned back in your chair, taking off the hat and smoothing your hair.
Taehyung shrugged. “They were going to donate anyway. They just wanted to get their money’s worth. They were technically on all of our streams, but you’re better at reading comments and playing the game so requests on your channel got through better.”
You rolled your eyes. “Boys.”
“We did really well,” Jungkook said softly. “We make a good team. We just need to improve your playing on a couple games.”
You smiled. “Maybe. Alright. So, as far as new years goes, I’ve got a few games we can play while being in different places if that would work better. But also do it at a different time than when people would normally be partying because otherwise it would be a bust.”
“Sounds good. Want to go grab some food with us? My treat?” Jungkook offered, smiling at you.
You pause, but then nod. “Sure. That sounds great. We can come back after to get your stuff if you like.”
“Sounds like a magical plan to me!” Taehyung grinned at you and then kissed your cheek again. “You really should have put some mistletoe in here. That would have made it extra festive. I’ll go tell hyungs the plan.”
You definitely weren’t blushing.
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everybodyscupoftea · 4 years
anyone can cook
rafe cameron x reader
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words: 3729
warnings: usual cursing, mentions of drugs 
synopsis: college au, four times you cook for rafe and one time he cooks for you
Growing up, your mom taught you the importance of food. For most of your childhood, you loved cooking with her. Learning family recipes, and spending time in the kitchen with her instead of doing homework was thrilling to you. As you aged, you started to resent it, feeling like your mother was perpetuating the harmful stereotype that women are meant to be in the kitchen.
And then you left school early and came home to see the shit your dad was putting your mom through and was forced to immediately take that hard pill to swallow. Perspective was a bitch. Your mom didn’t cook to please your dad, she cooked to keep him happy enough for you to be fooled. It was heartbreaking.
You decided then that you’d not take any time cooking with your mom for granted. She loved you and she wanted you to be happier than her. For her, you could certainly fucking try. It was all going great until the storm that knocked out power, rendered the kitchen useless, and drove your dad’s patience level to its breaking point.
He’d never been that angry before, at least not in front of you. You weren’t sure what to do as he lashed out at your mom and then you, without warning and in the end, without apology. Normally if you were upset, your mom would make cookies with you, letting you use cookie cutters and dirty unnecessary dishes. That time though, you had to figure it out alone.
When you got to college, your parents helped pay rent for your first apartment. It had a good kitchen with lots of room, and your mom bought you a ton of kitchen tools, pots and pans, and other cooking necessities as a graduation gift. Her and your dad helped you move in, and that night, with shaky hands, she held your face in her hands. Tears in her eyes she whispered, “Promise me you won’t stop cooking.”
You couldn’t stop your own tears as you gulped and nodded a little frantically, “Of course not, Mama.”
Rafe lived a very different life. His real mother wasn’t in the picture and his step mother didn’t really want kids, so his experience with cooking was very limited compared to yours. Coincidentally that’s how the two of you met, outside your apartment building at 11:48 p.m. while the fire department sorted out the disaster that was his dinner attempt.
You knew it was his fault because he was very carefully trying to make himself look small. The only reason you knew what had gone wrong was you overheard the fireman talking to the landlord saying it was just a small kitchen fire in 227 and wouldn’t be too much to fix.
It was really out of character, but you walked over to where he was sitting on the curb and sat down next to him, “227?”
His head turned toward you sharply, “Figured me out, huh?”
“You were trying a little too hard to look inconspicuous.”
He shrugged, “Didn’t want a bunch of angry neighbors.”
Which you understood, so you nudged his shoulder with yours, “Well, I’m not angry and I know, but I’m not so sure I’d risk it with her,” you pointed at a lady who seemed to be ranting into the phone.
The boy followed your point and winced, “Yeah maybe not. Cooking clearly isn’t for me.”
“What were you making?”
“Kraft mac and cheese.”
You let out a loud laugh, assuming it was a joke. But then he didn’t meet your eyes or laugh along and you quickly stopped laughing, “Wait actually?”
With a shrug, he answered, “No one really taught me how to cook.”
And here you had a choice. Years and years of stored up cooking knowledge, endless recipes memorized, and a fantastic kitchen begging to be used by more than one person made the choice obvious.
“Well then take this as my standing dinner invitation whenever you want. I’ll give you my number and you can let me know when you’re hungry.”
“So, you’re gonna what, teach me how to cook.”
“Well, we can start small. I’ll cook for you first.”
The first time Rafe texted you was on a night you actually had a fridge full of leftovers, but the boy who lived alone with sad eyes deserved better than leftovers. Rafe knocked on the door a few minutes later and he was dressed similarly to the first time you’d seen him, in sweats and a hoodie, and his hands were folded nervously in front of him.
You let him in, and he followed you to the kitchen, “So what’s on the menu for tonight?” he asked.
“Chicken pot pie,” you told him over your shoulder. You’d turned the oven on to preheat and had the potatoes and carrots chopped already. He stood behind you, peering over your shoulder.
Before you could continue, he cut in, “Is there something I can do?”
You thought for a minute, “You can control the music. My phone is synced up to the bluetooth speaker and I have Spotify pulled up, so have at it.”
Rafe nodded and sat down as you put the veggies into a pot and added water to start boiling them. You quickly went into your cooking zone as Rafe sat quietly queuing up songs. They were from your chill playlist and you appreciated that he was sticking to your playlists, humming along every so often.
By the time you pulled the chicken and veggie mixture from the heat, Rafe was leaning forward in his seat, and he looked excited to see what you’d do next. Reaching down, you pulled out a glass pie tin and looked over at him, “After I press the crust down, will you help me pour the mixture in?”
Rafe nodded eagerly and you made quick work of the pie crust, motioning him to come around the counter. He looked hesitant for the first time since you’d started cooking, and you tried to smile reassuringly. Returning the smile, he moved closer, “What do you want me to do.”
You held out the potholders, “If you pour, I’ll scoop.”
He picked the pot up and slowly poured the mixture into the tin and you quickly scooped the stuff that didn’t pour. Rafe set the pot down and you held the second crust out to him to press on top. He mimicked your actions from earlier carefully, and you couldn’t help but smile. You showed him how to press the edges down with a fork and he did so, slowly. Covering the edges, you let Rafe put it in the oven and then led him to the living room to start a movie while the two of you waited for it to finish.
The pot pie was a family recipe, and when Rafe tried it, the look on his face made it worth him seeing the secret ingredients your mom added to jazz it up. It felt good seeing someone enjoying your cooking again.
You weren’t entirely sure the relationship Rafe had with his family, but on fried catfish night, Rafe showed up at your doorstep unexpectedly. Fortunately, you had a few extra, so you invited him in for dinner. It wasn’t exactly what he was gunning for when he showed up, but he’d never say no to your cooking.
While you battered and seasoned the fish, he vented about his dad.
“I just don’t understand how a 4.0 isn’t fucking good enough. He’ll never give me any credit as long as Sarah does well in school and plays volleyball, I just want to be good enough.”
His words pulled at your heartstrings, and you found yourself tearing up on his behalf. You paused the music that had been softly playing in the background, “Fuck your dad, you deserve better.”
Rafe laughed drily, “I’ve done some dumb shit, this is my karma. I just don’t like it.”
“I fail to see any mistakes bad enough to warrant a parent totally disregarding their child like that. Did you kill someone or something?”
He shook his head, chuckling, “No, I didn’t kill anyone. But I had a drug problem in high school. I’m clean now, but it was me attempting to get my dad’s attention and it all spiraled out of control. Clearly it didn’t work out the way I wanted it to because my dad just kicked me out.”
You were horrified, “He kicked you out?!”
“Yeah, I went from couch to couch for a while until checking myself into rehab so I could get clean. I was tired of being dependent on something and really I wanted to prove my dad wrong.”
“God, Rafe, I’m so sorry.”
He shrugged and you started heating the oil up to start frying. There was an extended pause before he softly continued, “He didn’t let me move back in, even when I showed up clean. News of everything had gotten around town and he didn’t want me to further disgrace the family name.”
Brushing a tear off your cheek, you caught his eye, “Karma will come for your dad someday. You deserve only good things, Rafe.”
With a faint smile, he tapped his fingers on the cabinet, almost nervously, “Maybe one day I’ll be able to see it that way, but for now, I just don’t.”
“I’ll keep telling you until you believe it,” you promised fiercely. And you really meant it.
You finished frying the fish, silence between the two of you. It was no longer heavy and it wasn’t as awkward as the first time, you were proud of the progress. Rafe grabbed plates from the cabinet and at your instruction, the coleslaw you had already made and stored in the fridge.
Courtesy kicked in, and you let Rafe make his plate first. You figured he deserved to feel first choice for once. He almost looked like he wanted to argue, but you weren’t about to back down, so he filled his plate and sat back at the bar, patiently waiting for you to sit down before eating.
You fixed your plate and sat down next to him before squeezing his shoulder, “Thanks for keeping me company tonight.”
Rafe laughed, “Thanks for letting me rant.”
“Fuck,” you muttered under your breath and your laptop confirmed what you feared, your last bio exam had gone very poorly. It was just one test, but you weren’t used to seeing such a low grade, and you had to try really hard not to cry. Everything in you wanted to go lay down for days and forget about the rest of your classes, but the logical part of your brain texted Rafe to invite him for dinner.
He showed up not even five minutes later, and you decided breakfast sounded like the most comforting thing. You didn’t want to come across as too needy, so you didn’t mention the bad grade and tried to cover how you were actually feeling.
Unfortunately, the music you had playing gave it away. Rafe took one look at your face and the slight slump in your shoulders, and immediately wrapped you into a hug. You squeezed your eyes shut, fighting the tears, and he held you tighter.
“What happened, bud?”
“It’s nothing,” you tried to deflect, “fucked up on a bio test. We still have a few more, but it’s not a great start.”
“Which bio?”
Rafe thought for a few seconds, “I know a guy who has taken that, want me to see if I can get his notes?”
“That would be great actually.”
He smiled, “Good, now why don’t we get some happier music and get to cooking.”
And you could do that. Rafe changed to a playlist he’d made and sent to you a few weeks ago called Good Vibes for Cooking Nights and you couldn’t argue, they were good songs. A Wallows song started playing and you fell into a rhythm of pouring batter and flipping pancakes, feeling immensely better than when Rafe had first showed up.
You were thankful for him, this boy who had totally changed your life in the four months he’d known you. Four months of baring your hearts to each other in your own little ways. Rafe showing up to your apartment looking casual, not at all how he looked normally during the day. You letting him control the music and watch you cook, something so personal and special to you. It was new for the both of you.
Rafe heated up syrup while you quickly buttered the pancakes and washed some fruit for toppings. For the first time, you made your plate and sat down first. Rafe sat down next to you a few minutes later, plate heaped high with pancakes and raspberries.
After a few minutes of eating, the music being the only noise in the kitchen, Rafe turned to you, “You’re so intelligent and I don’t want you to let this one test discourage you. I know you’ll bounce back.”
“I studied so hard,” you told him, almost whispering, “I knew this was going to be hard, but I have no prior experience to fall back on, and it’s killing me.”
“But you’ll learn. Now you know how exams are structured, and you can adjust your studying habits. Next test will go great, I promise.”
You couldn’t stop it, it had been building between the two of you for months, and in your extra emotional state, you acted more rashly than normal. Setting your fork down, you turned to him and grabbed the front of his shirt. Rafe was startled, but turned to face you, not prepared for you to kiss him.
He froze and you almost regretted it, loosening your grip on his shirt, about to pull away embarrassed when he started kissing you back. Rafe tasted like syrup and raspberries, an addicting combination. Unfortunately, you eventually had to pull away to breathe, and Rafe pressed a soft kiss to your forehead while you caught your breath.
He picked his fork back up and smiled widely at you, “So that was nice.”
You blushed, “Yeah, um, sorry.”
“I’m not,” he stole a strawberry off your plate, “I didn’t want to make a move and make you uncomfortable if I was reading this whole thing wrong.”
“You, um, you weren’t reading it wrong.”
“I see that.”
Your blush deepened as he smiled wider at you. You shrugged, “So, what now?”
“Well, hopefully, now you’ll let me take you out and see where we go from there.”
“I’d like that.”
You weren’t sure if it was an out of sight, out of mind situation, but your parents planned a couple’s trip for Christmas, and you weren’t invited. Which would make this the first time in your entire life you wouldn’t spend Christmas with your family. You had mixed feelings. On one hand, you were hurt at the blatant disregard of you and your feelings, but on the other hand it gave you the chance to spend your first holiday alone with Rafe.
The two of you were eating hummus and doing homework when you decided to bring it up. He was on the floor, and you were on the couch, so you nudged his shoulder with your foot to get his attention, “How do you feel about spending Christmas together?”
He looked back at you with a wide smile, “I feel like it would be the best Christmas I’ve ever had.”
You grabbed a blank sheet of paper and handed it down to him, “Write down specific foods you want.”
“What do you normally eat on Christmas?” he asked, not taking the paper.
With a shrug, you pulled the paper back, “I don’t know, we normally do gumbo and cornbread and German chocolate cake.”
Rafe grabbed your ankle, shaking your leg a few times, “Let’s do that.”
“You don’t want to add anything?” you asked, hesitant.
He bit the inside of his cheek, clearly thinking, “Maybe we could do a baked mac and cheese. We had those a lot growing up before Mom left.”
“Find me the recipe and I’ll make it for you, bub.”
With a wide smile, Rafe grabbed your hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it, “You’re the best.”
When Christmas finally rolled around, you woke up early to start cooking. Your mom suggested a Dutch oven, something you didn’t already own, and to buy file powder instead of trying the cornstarch method. She also told you to make the cake a day earlier so you wouldn’t have to worry about it with the rest of the food.
You worked with Christmas music playing softly in the background, focusing on making sure the flour and oil combination didn’t burn before adding the veggies. The recipe wasn’t hard, but it did require a lot of stirring and paying attention and exact timing.
By the time it was ready to start simmering for about 30 minutes, you had started boiling the pasta for the mac and cheese. That recipe was simple, and you’d been playing with the cheese topping in your own time to make the flavor blend better with the gumbo, and you were pretty sure you’d figured it out.
With practiced ease, you finished it and poured it over the pasta before setting it to bake. By then, it was time to finish the gumbo, make the cornbread, and get dressed.
Rafe showed up just as you finished getting dressed and the cornbread timer was going off. He had a key and let himself in, and you knew he could handle taking the cornbread out.
“Babe, I’m here,” he called out as he shut the timer off.
“Coming,” you yelled back, smoothing your sweater down.
By the time you finally made it to the kitchen Rafe had set all of the food on the counter and he was leaned next to it in his own sweater and jeans. He held his arms out for a hug, and you walked into them happily.
“Merry Christmas, babe,” he told you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You hummed and reached up to kiss him.
“Merry Christmas,” you told him, pulling away.
“Food looks good,” he complimented, reaching for the bowls and plates he’d gotten out.
You looked over the spread and smiled proudly, “It does, doesn’t it?”
“You want to eat on the couch and watch the Jim Carrey Grinch?”
Nodding enthusiastically, you grabbed a plate, “Fuck yes.”
The two of you settled on the couch, a gingerbread scented candle burning in the background. Rafe started the movie and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, plate in his lap. You leaned into him and let out a long breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding in. This Christmas, while out of the ordinary, was your favorite one yet.
+ One:
You got home after work, exhausted. Your apartment was dark and cold and it made you want to curl up into a ball and cry. Work had been so time consuming over the past month you’d barely seen Rafe and you missed him. But if you got the promotion your boss had been hinting at, you’d get more manageable hours and higher pay, so you were grinding it out until then.
Dropping your bag by the door, you kicked off your shoes before slowly walking to the couch. Before you could sit down, there was a knock at the door. You considered ignoring it, but it persisted, so you walked slowly back to answer.
Rafe was standing there, giant grin on his face, with a steaming pot of something which explained why he didn’t use his key. It was very surreal and you blinked a few times in confusion before letting him in. He walked past you to the kitchen and set the dish down before digging through your drawer for the matches to light your favorite candle on the counter.
“Go get changed,” he urged, “I’ll get plates set up.”
Your phone rang as you were changing into shorts and you grabbed it out of the discarded pants pocket. When you saw your boss’s name, your heart rate doubled and you answered shakily. The phone call was brief, and the gist was that you’d gotten the promotion and the next day off.
Energy immediately filled your body and you ran to the kitchen where Rafe was scooping out what looked like mac and cheese onto plates.
He looked up, startled, “What’s up?”
“I got it!”
“The promotion?” he asked, eagerly.
You nodded, beaming, and jumped into his arms when he opened them. Rafe spun you around a few times and kissed you hard. Slowly setting you back down to your feet, he deepened the kiss, your hands winding into his hair.
Rafe pulled away first, pressing soft kisses to both of your cheeks and your forehead before standing up fully. You let go of his hair and took the hand he offered to you. Leading you to the couch, he sat down and motioned for you to do the same.
“Is this mac and cheese?” you asked, poking at the food with the fork he’d brought you.
“It is. I went on snapchat earlier and realized that it’s an anniversary of sorts. I wanted to make you dinner for once since I know you’ve had a long week.”
A faint blush rose on his cheeks and he cleared his throat, “Um, yeah, a year since we met.”
You laughed loudly, “When you set your fucking kitchen on fire making mac and cheese?”
“A year ago, today. And with your cooking help, I can now make mac and cheese without setting the kitchen on fire.”
Poking at it again, you looked up at him, almost fearing the answer, “This isn’t Kraft right?”
“Of course not,” he scoffed, “I called your mom to get her recipe.”
Biting your lip to hold back the onslaught of emotions, you took in a shaky breath, “Right. Okay. Um, I love you, Bub. And this is genuinely the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
Rafe kissed your temple before lifting your chin to make you look him in the eye, “I love you too, and as crazy as it sounds, I’m glad I set my kitchen on fire.”
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shozaii · 4 years
Hello! May I ask of a hc of shinsou,Todoroki,and Kirishima having a quirkless s/o whose determined to become a hero so they team up with hatsume to create an iron man suit replica they can use in battle? (They are basically Ironman but since they can’t call themselves iron man cause reasons they just call themselves Iron Maiden, don’t ask how she got into UA she has her ways lol) Thxs!
(a/n): hello anon! i’m so sorry this took a while as i had some other stuff to do argh. but i hope this one is worth it because iron man is my favorite hehe. and i also received your other ask! enjoy!
requests are still open!!💜
iron maiden.
warnings: none!
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so, so supportive of you.
when he found out you were quirkless, it didn’t matter to him! all that he was happy about was you wanting to pursue your dreams regardless of anything coming your way.
“heroes don’t always need a quirk! in fact, i think you’re even more manlier than me,” he wiped away tears of joy.
precious, i swear.
“thank you, kiri. i won’t let you down!”
“babe! you’ve never! you’re definitely not gonna let the whole world down either!”
he recommended you to check in with mei hatsume, the literal brains of technology. he remembered you keeping a lot of spare parts of your failed attempts, so he told you to bring them along to her.
“a creation of new babies? god, it’s probably going to be my 1000th one!”
let’s be honest, she has more.
eijirou makes sure you get some rest, because he knows the amount of times you’ve stayed up late.
he visits you sometimes 🥺
so the both of you finally came out with something so cool even mei couldn’t believe her eyes.
“a nanotech suit! one touch and you’re all good to go!”
you were in TEARS
sooner or later, you had your hero name! and it was called iron maiden. sounds majestic. he’s gonna love it
you needed eijirou to see this, but perhaps it shall be a surprise. but you did tell him your hero name. it interested him even more, because he knows you’ve been working on a lot of suits before consulting mei about it.
“i’m so proud of you, cupcake! you have to show me,” you could hear him pout through the phone.
“the time will come, eiji. you would love it!”
so it was, during an intense battle drill. it was finally time for you to shine brighter than ever.
as mei mentioned, you placed it on your chest, bracing for the impact.
eijirou was shook. what were you doing during this serious time? you did tell him about a surprise, but it wasn’t you appearing at this kind of time, right?
and so it came. the suit began to wrap around your body, fitting you in nicely. under 10 seconds, you were ready.
his mouth was open wide.
so this was the surprise, he smiled widely.
you took off, with rocket like feet attached to the soles of your newly built armor. your hands were your extra guide, balancing you off ground.
with a blast, you flew as fast as you could, bringing strong winds along with you. everyone watched carefully as you easily put off so many obstacles coming your way.
he was following you, wanting to observe more of your latest device.
it was delightful. training with sufficient information at the screens in front of your eyes, reminding you of incoming dangers. the iron was also lightweight; so that running would be easier.
you and eiji even teamed up! how sweet🥰
and from the inside, you saw your boyfriend. he had this adorable toothy grin, literal heart eyes on you.
“we would love to see more of that, iron maiden!” he screamed from down below.
“you got it, red riot!” you replied, reminding yourself to give him a big fat hug once this was over.
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you were worried about what shinsou was going to say.
yes, he knew that you were quirkless. but he saw so many qualities in you that literally changed his life for the better.
no way in heck was he gonna listen to any bs about you! you were his!
“come on, kitten. i would have to hear it someday. i’m sure it’s not gonna hurt.”
“i’m thinking of making a suit.”
“ah. you did tell me about those before. what’s your plan?”
“i’m going to try and rebuild it again. this time, with a consultant! i just wanted your opinion, hitoshi; and i don’t know if-“
“does this plan make you happy?”
you nodded slowly.
“go on. do what you gotta do. if it makes you happy, i’m happy.”
he proceeds to embrace you, feeling so proud of your decision. i headcanon him being your number one fan💜
so there you were, working alongside with mei. a lots of twists and turns were found in your previous suits, and you were glad some parts came to good use in the new one.
“you’re gonna love this, y/n! make sure to give it all you got with our baby!” she said with pride.
he gives you calls and asks about the process🥺
he hangs out with you during your breaks
after weeks of ups and downs, it was completed.
you placed the little casing in your pocket. training was coming up soon and you wanted to give it your all. mei wished you good luck, and you left.
it was intense training, and it involved a few classes. including your boyfriend’s. so it was finally time to show it to him!
“hey, you done?” shinsou tapped on your shoulder, looking at you. “where is it?”
“you’ll see!” you said, smiling innocently. but deep down inside you were screaming with joy.
the battle began. everyone rushed out from the starting line, and the two of you followed behing the flock.
you pulled the little metal casing out from your pocket. this was your time.
fixing in on your chest, you clicked on the middle of the nano suit; as it began to assemble right in front of hitoshi’s eyes.
his eyes were wide open. he watched as the armor covered your body from head to toe. the color red was a majestic finish to the armor.
boy, was he prOUD
he was just there, looking at you- the armor. his s/o did it! for so many months were they sad due to all their failures, and finally, they’ve done it.
the face of the armor opened, allowing you to see his face at a better angle.
“you surprise me everytime,” he smiled.
the both of you continued training immediately after, with him continuously admiring your hard work. from the blasters to the attacks from your armor. the speed. balancing off ground. priceless moments he would love to cherish.
honestly he’s just boyfriend goals argh😭
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now if i were to be clear, these three boys are the most supportive towards their s/o. very. so here we have another cinnamon roll.
shoto is the person who shows love regardless of boundaries. moreover, you being quirkless was no sort of boundary he has ever imagined.
“after all, you’re human, aren’t you?”
that would’ve brought you to tears. being quirkless in this society was hard. but to shoto? that didn’t matter.
you’ve made it to ua, and he was proud of you for all your achievements. from new creations to development.
he has seen most of your suits. he also asks you a few questions.
so one day, knowing that he was good with listening and advice, you went to him to tell him about working alongside with mei hatsume.
“oh. she’s helped us upgrade most of our costumes. she’s really helpful, if you ask me.”
“so... what do you think about the idea?”
“y/n, i know you very well. this passion of yours makes you very happy. in fact, this idea sounds amazing. i’ll support you, always.”
“thank you, sho,” you hugged him.
“good luck, my love. let me know if you need anything.”
a few weeks passed and you were working miracles with mei. shoto and you came up with a hero name - iron maiden. knowing how you’ve always used iron to build new inventions.
he constantly texts you, telling you to take breaks if you stayed up late.
3am phone calls😤❤️
“so would this color do?” mei asked you, pointing at the matte red finish. “this baby would stand out with glory!” there were literal stars in her eyes.
“i love it!”
she gave you directions for the invention, of course. you two were like this inseparable duo, so i would say your conversations with each other were wholesome🥰
and finally, after so much of blood, sweat and tears,,, it was complete! the armor that you have thought of in your head finally came to life, within your hands!
shoto was very happy when he heard of your success. you also told him that it was a huge surprise. he waited patiently because he didn’t want to spoil the effect
“of course, love. i’ll be waiting.”
and he did, until training started.
like mentioned in the earlier headcanons, it was a joint session. this meant a lot of the students would try developing their quirks; in different stations.
you were of course heading to the ‘battlefield’ station.
there, you saw shoto. he has already begun training. so when he saw you he stopped, waiting for you to show what you’ve got.
you held out the little metal casing to him. his head tilted.
but when he saw it forming into an armor.....
....you guessed it. imagine that proud lil’ smile on his face😭❤️❤️
as the lightweight iron reached the last few parts, you asked him, “how is it?” eagerly.
he ran towards you.
“you’re gonna show all of them what you got.”
i guarantee you, your heart was bleeding confetti. i’ve mentioned it many times but his eyes tell stories.
this time, it was of how proud he was to see you achieve your biggest dream- becoming a hero.
i hope you liked it anon!! apologies for the delay and i hope this was a good read🥺❤️
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quicksilversquared · 4 years
A Very Jagged Take-Down Ch 3: The Last Lie
Marinette knows Jagged Stone, everyone knows that. She’s his favorite niece, never mind the fact that they aren’t actually related. And Jagged Stone is really famous, the exact kind of person that Lila loves claiming connections to.
That was never going to end the way Lila wanted it to.
(a collection of one-shots)
links in the reblog
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Marinette had spent the past month getting everything absolutely perfect for Penny's birthday gift for Jagged Stone.
Shiny aluminum dragon scale beads shimmered and caught the light from between more muted scale-textured fabric on the slim-cut jacket. Uneven netting made the illusion of yet more scales, each texture carefully placed to make sure that it wouldn't impede Jagged Stone's guitar or piano playing. Marinette had gotten the idea from the Game of Thrones wardrobe and added her own spin, and she couldn't deny that both it and the pants that she had made- with the same fabric scaling texture wrapping around in uneven patches and lines- were absolute works of art.
(There had been so many hours spent frustrated as she worked at the texture, trying to get it to come out right, and then the actual pieces had taken ages, but- well, it was all worth it, both for her portfolio and for the check that she had gotten to cover the commission from Penny,)
And now- in only a couple of hours- Jagged Stone would have his birthday party and get to open his presents. The party wasn't in Paris- Jagged Stone's tour had him enjoying lovely summer weather in New Zealand while Paris shivered under a layer of snow and ice- and so obviously Marinette couldn't attend, but Penny had promised to send a video of Jagged Stone's reaction to his presents.
(Marinette was so glad that she- or rather, Penny- had paid for express shipping. Even with it, the package had only managed to arrive the day before, which was cutting it far closer than Marinette had wanted.)
"Are you going to make a piece for yourself that uses some of the dragon scale mail stuff?" Tikki wanted to know as Marinette anxiously waited for the text from Penny. "Or that texture? It turned out really cool."
"I think I'm going to give my fingers a break first," Marinette admitted with a laugh. "There was so much hand sewing on those pieces, my fingertips are pricked to bits. And it took up so much time- I haven't gone on any outings with my friends in forever, because I was trying to get that done. So I want to hang out with them a few times first, before everyone decides that I'm just flaking completely out on them, and then- yeah, I want to come up with some design to play around with."
"They wouldn't think that you're a flake if you hadn't decided to keep the commission and your gift for Jagged Stone a secret," Tikki pointed out. "I can understand why you wouldn't show anyone pieces in progress, so that the design wouldn't get leaked, but you could have told them that you had a commission for Jagged Stone, at least."
"And then everyone would be bugging me wanting to see it. No thanks." Marinette had considered it at first- after all, it would be a reminder to their class that she did know Jagged Stone, thank-you-very-much, and maybe if she said that one of Lila's stories about Jagged was a lie, people should actually consider listening- but then the cons had sunk in.
The pestering. The attempts to steal ("borrow") her sketchbook in hopes of getting a glimpse of the design. The snooping around her room- which would be a big problem now that she was also hiding the Miracle Box- to try to get a sneak peek at the piece. If she was especially unlucky, Lila or Chloe stealing or destroying her sketchbook out of jealousy.
It would be easy enough to admit to the commission after Jagged Stone had already gotten his present. That way, there would be no chances of sabotage. Then she could admit the reason why she hadn't been hanging out all month, everyone would stop complaining about her absence, and things would go back to normal.
(She had told Chat Noir, after her partner had dropped by her balcony while she was working on the texturing for the fabric scales, but he had been sworn to secrecy in return for a few pain au chocolat. Hopefully the rest of Paris never found out how incredibly easy he was to bribe.)
It was hard to do her homework with so much anticipation swirling around her gut, but Marinette forced herself through it. After all, as a superhero, she didn't exactly have time to spend just sitting around not getting her homework done, and there had been some projects that had been pushed aside towards the end of her present-sewing spree that Marinette had to get caught up on.
At least she had practice with shoving aside everything else in her life to focus on homework. Marinette had had to play catch-up after akuma attacks a few too many times for her to not know how to do that.
Two hours later, her email beeped with a new message. Marinette shoved aside her Chemistry practice problems at once, reaching for her computer mouse and opening the email from Penny.
Jagged LOVES his pants and jacket! the message read. They're absolutely gorgeous! He's gone to change into them right away because he just couldn't wait to wear them, so don't be surprised if you see a picture or two floating around on the Internet before long! Thank you so much for all of your hard work- I knew it was a fantastic idea to commission you!
Marinette had to laugh as she clicked on the video link and it started to play. That was so very Jagged, to be too excited about his new outfit to be able to wait.
Onscreen, Jagged Stone was opening a few presents, probably from his family and staff considering that they had been brought along on tour and weren't just waiting for Jagged Stone at his home studio. Marinette could tell the moment that Jagged spotted her present to him, because he lunged across the remainder of the pile to pounce on it at once. The wrapping paper- courtesy of Penny, because it was just more convenient to ship without extra packaging- went flying at once, the box was opened, and Jagged Stone crowed in delight as he pulled out the pants. A hand- Penney's by the look of it- slid another present to Jagged before he could run off and change into the pants. He opened that one eagerly, too- Marinette could just hear Penny over the music of the party telling him that she had commissioned her- and positively rocketed out of his seat with glee at the sight of the jacket.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Jagged Stone exclaimed, He waved the pants and jacket at the camera. "I'm gonna go change! These are too amazing to not be wearing this very instant!"
Marinette laughed again as the video cut off. She closed the window, only to spot a new email from Penny, with a series of photos. Jagged Stone was wearing his new outfit, posing in it with the world's largest grin on his face.
She could breathe a sigh of relief, at least- everything fit just like it was supposed to. The jacket sat correctly, and the pants were a perfect fit, slim-cut but with enough room for him to move around and rock out. With one more grin, Marinette emailed Penny back, asking her to wish Jagged a happy birthday from her. With the email sent, Marinette could only beam up at the ceiling.
Mission complete. She could breathe easier now, knowing for sure that Jagged loved the pieces she made for him.
She couldn't wait to tell Alya.
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  "I can't believe you know the designer that did all of the Game of Thrones costumes, Lila! That's so cool!"
"Oh, what now," Marinette grumbled as she recognized Alya's voice. Couldn't she go one morning without hearing another new lie from Lila? Just once? "And why is she trying to claim a connection to a costume designer? I'm the only one that would be really interested in something like that."
Tikki was frowning as she peered out of Marinette's purse. "Marinette, she mentioned Game of Thrones. Isn't that the TV show where you got the idea for the dragon-scale patterning from?"
Marinette's stomach dropped. In a heartbeat, she knew exactly what Lila must be trying to claim. How dare she try to take credit for getting Jagged the jacket and pants that Marinette had spent hours slaving over, stealing Marinette's accomplishment away-
-but wait. There was no way that would stand. Maybe the paparazzi and the world had gotten a glimpse of Jagged Stone's birthday gift outfit already, but he probably hadn't felt like answering press questions on his birthday. If she knew Jagged Stone like she thought she did, he would no doubt gush to the press where, exactly, he had gotten the pieces, and who had made them, probably within the next day.
Marinette grinned. Lila had picked the wrong lie to tell for sure this time.
"Marinette, guess what?" Alya exclaimed as soon as Marinette stepped through the door to the classroom. Just as Marinette had suspected, everyone was clustered around Lila at the front of the room. Even Adrien, for once, but he seemed far more interested in the pictures that were being shown than he was in Lila's story. "Guess who Lila knows? She knows this really amazing costume designer who did a whole bunch of the Game of Thrones costumes, and she commissioned this really awesome jacket and pants combo from that designer for Jagged Stone for his birthday!"
"He clearly loves it if he ran off to change into it before the end of the party," Rose gushed. She beamed at Lila. "That was a really great idea for a gift, Lila!"
"Yes, well, it was a bit pricey even with my connections, since of course I wouldn't ask my friend to work for free, but since he and I are friends, I wanted to get a nice gift for him," Lila told them. "And since he has Fang, well- crocodile scales and dragon scales are pretty similar, right?"
Alya nudged Marinette. "Isn't it cool that she knows such a fantastic designer?" The implied be nice, maybe she can introduce you hung heavy in the air. "That jacket- it's incredible. I bet she has a lot of tricks and tips about design and sewing!"
Lila nodded, her hair bouncing. "Yeah, she's super talented! And I was lucky enough to actually get to help her with the jacket when she came through Paris a couple weeks back! I didn't do a lot, of course, because I didn't have the time, but it was super cool to see how the scales were made." Her eyes slid sideways to Marinette, a silent challenge that she was so sure that Marinette wouldn't take. "If you wanted, Marinette, I could maybe teach you some of the things that she taught me."
…yeah, okay, Marinette was not going to stand here and pretend to play nice with Lila, not even for the few hours it would no doubt take for Jagged Stone to tell the press who, exactly, had made the pants and jacket for him. Not when Lila was actively claiming credit like this, claiming that she had made part of the outfit when it was all Marinette's work.
Whelp. Time for her to step off of the high road and for the gloves to come off.
"That would be so nice, Lila," Marinette crooned, keeping her eyes on Lila's surprised face. Then her eyes narrowed. "Except for the fact that it's all complete bullshit."
There were gasps at that, and Marinette could feel Alya's hand tighten around her arm in a silent reprimand. Lila gasped, pressing a hand to her chest as though deeply offended. "Marinette! I was just trying to be nice, and this is how you-"
"Oh, save me the sob story." Marinette's eyes slid around the group and caught on Max and Markov, who was out and clearly listening. A conversation from a couple weeks back tickled at the back of her mind, and Marinette went for it. "Markov, you record video of things you see to review later, right?"
"I do!" Markov chirped, clearly pleased that she remembered. "And I usually retain the footage for one to five hours, depending on how common or uncommon a social interaction was."
"Can you retain the story Lila just told for a bit longer?" Marinette asked, ignoring how Alya's hold was getting tighter and tighter. "For a day, maybe."
"Of course!"
"Marinette," Alya hissed through gritted teeth. "Cut it out, Lila is trying to be-"
"After all, Jagged Stone is never quiet about the gifts that he likes or about giving credit where credit is due," Marinette continued, brushing Alya's hand off of her arm without sparing it a glance. "So I'm sure he'll tell the press about who actually gave him those gifts within twenty-four hours. So I'd like to have the footage of right now to make sure that your story doesn't magically change between now and then."
Lila blanched, then pasted her usual expression back on before anyone else could notice. "Actually, I asked him to keep it on the down-low right away- after all, I didn't want people flooding my other friend with requests, because she's starting work on wardrobe for a new movie soon. Besides, I don't need any public thank-yous. I know that he likes my gift, and that's enough."
Marinette didn't even bother hiding her eye roll that time. "Sure. And I'm the Queen of France." Brushing past the group, she headed over to her desk, ignoring the stares of her classmates.
She couldn't be surprised about that, really. After all, while Marinette had called out Lila's lies on a fairly regular basis before, it had always been more of a one-off comment, not- well, not her clearly calling Lila a baldfaced liar.
"That is not okay, Marinette," Alya hissed as she passed Marinette's seat. Apparently she was headed up to sit with Lila instead for the day. "I know you don't like Lila, but-"
"I'll accept 'sorry I didn't listen to you, Marinette' apologies in the form of fabric store gift cards once you realize that I'm right," Marinette told her instead of listening to Alya's scolding again. Alya scoffed.
"Well, when Lila is proved right you can apologize to her for not listening and to us for having to deal with this nonsense by taking us all out to lunch!" Alya shot back. "Lila loves this little seafood place a couple blocks away. I'm feeling hungry for their salmon bake already!"
"Don't hold your breath for it," Marinette muttered, but Alya had already flounced off, clearly entirely convinced that she was right.
Well. Marinette had more or less been kidding about the gift cards- after all, her allowance plus the money that she got from babysitting and commissions meant that Marinette wasn't exactly scrounging for money to buy the materials that she wanted for her projects- but if Alya was going to counter her joking suggestion with a completely serious response, then Marinette would gladly welcome a little extra fabric money.
Marinette turned back to the front, ignoring the looks that she was getting from the others around the room. Oddly enough, Chloe and Sabrina weren't sneering at her- in fact, they seemed to be hunched over Sabrina's tablet, which had the pictures of Jagged Stone pulled up on it. Chloe was tracing part of the picture, saying something quietly to Sabrina, and Marinette had to wonder what they were talking about. It wasn't as though the jacket was Chloe's style at all, so why were they finding it so interesting?
And then Marinette's gaze slid further around, and she practically had a heart attack when she saw Adrien turned around to face her, his chin propped up on his arms on top of her desk and his eyes sparkling.
"Hi, Marinette!" Adrien chirped, sounding incredibly cheerful and not at all bothered by Marinette abandoning the (incredibly ineffective) high road in favor of- well, calling out the bad guys. He grabbed his tablet, nudging it onto her desk. "I was looking at the picture of Jagged Stone's new jacket and- well, maybe it's not the highest-resolution photo in the world, but I thought I noticed your signature on it, like you did on the hat. Was Jagged Stone's outfit something you made?"
Next to him, Nino startled, glancing up from his notebook and back at Marinette.
"Yeah, I made it," Marinette told him, unable to hide her grin. Adrien had noticed her signature! He had looked closely enough at the jacket to notice it threaded in amongst all of the other patterns and textures going on. "Penny commissioned me for the jacket, and then I made the pants as a gift to go along with it. And I was going to tell people about it today, since I didn't want the news getting out early and spoiling the surprise, but Little Miss Lies-A-Lot decided to throw a wrench in that plan, apparently."
Adrien winced, then reached out to pat her hand comfortingly. "Well, at least you know that that lie isn't going to last long."
"Yeah," Marinette agreed. It was the light at the end of the tunnel, at long last. "Thank goodness."
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  Marinette headed back to school after lunch feeling much less excited about going there than she had that morning.
Maybe every passing hour brought her closer to the time when Jagged Stone would mention to the press where his gift had come from, but ugh were those hours ever dragging. Maybe Adrien knew the truth- and Nino did now too, since he had overheard her and Adrien talking about the pieces and the work that had gone into them and other possible applications of the dragon-scale patterning- but the rest of her classmates were apparently convinced that she was being unnecessarily mean to Lila and were acting accordingly.
(Marinette really liked the idea of scaled boots. She would have to poke through thrift shops for a base shoe, probably, but when they were finished? It would be killer.)
"Cheer up, Marinette, maybe Jagged Stone has said something already!" Tikki chirped when Marinette sighed again, her footsteps still absolutely dragging. "You know it's possible, since you were too busy helping in the bakery for the last part of lunch break to be able to check!"
"But it's not likely," Marinette pointed out. "I did check at the start of break, after all. Add in the time zone differences and the fact that Jagged is probably moving to a new place for his tour, and what are the chances?" She sighed. "And now I'll have to deal with Lila's new conspiracy theory about why I got so ticked off about the pants and jacket for the rest of the afternoon."
Lila's conspiracy theory, which Marinette had overheard Lila telling their classmates just before lunch and which was possibly one of the most maddening things about this whole mess, the thing that had made her go from being willing to wait the whole thing out to being more than a little impatient. Lila had told them that she thought that Marinette had probably wanted to claim for the credit for the jacket, because she was jealous of Lila's connection to Jagged Stone and wanted the attention for once. The tantrum-throwing, Lila had continued loftily, was probably just because Lila had told the truth before she could start spreading her lie.
Tikki giggled at that. "Yes, but just imagine the look on Lila's face when she realizes that you were actually the one to make the pieces! She'll be so shocked!"
Marinette certainly hoped so. It had taken everything in her not to turn around, march up to Lila, and inform her that actually, I DID make that outfit, and I have the receipts and progress photos to prove it!
She could have. But Lila would shove right back, and Marinette really hadn't felt like getting into another argument, not when she would get proven right without wasting her breath.
At least Marinette had Adrien to keep her sane. He knew the truth, just like Marinette, and understood why that particular story had been the straw to break the camel's back. He had wanted to know all about the process of making the jacket, and Marinette had been happy to comply. She even had in-progress shots, which meant that by the time classes let out, Nino had been convinced, too. He had been furious on her behalf, but had agreed that maybe it would be best to wait for Jagged to make some sort of comment instead of trying to argue with everyone else.
(After all- well, Marinette didn't want to risk seeing doubt in her friends' eyes if she tried to tell the truth and told them that she made the pieces. That- that would just hurt.)
With one last sigh- ugh, an akuma right now wouldn't be so bad, at least then she wouldn't have to listen to Lila 'answering' questions about what getting an on-set peek of TV shows was like- Marinette headed into school and up to the classroom.
Oddly enough, despite the fact that class was about to start, there were a lot of people missing. Alya wasn't back yet, or a lot of the other girls. Lila was there, though, and she smirked at Marinette as she came through the door. Clearly she was still riding the high of having gotten a reaction out of Marinette earlier.
Marinette smirked right back as she slid into her seat, Tikki's words coming back to her. Lila could gloat all she wanted, but that didn't change the fact that Marinette had made those pieces and the truth would come out. Even if it was taking longer than Marinette would have liked.
She was just being impatient, honestly. After sitting through months of Lila's nonsense, one day more was really nothing.
The afternoon bell rang, and Adrien twisted around in his seat to give Marinette a questioning look, glancing around at the empty seats before quirking an eyebrow. Marinette could only shrug in return.
After all, she didn't know where everybody was, either. Normally, she would have guessed that people had gotten distracted by a Lila-story in the cafeteria, but considering that Lila actually was in class, that clearly couldn't be it. She would suggest that Adrien ask Nino since Alya was his girlfriend, except Nino wasn't back yet, either.
Before Marinette could spare much more of a thought to wonder where in the world everyone was, the door burst open and their missing classmates tumbled in. They practically swarmed Marinette's desk, pushing Alya to the front to drop a gift card in front of her.
Marinette blinked.
"Wait, what's going on?" Lila demanded, her voice shrill. "Why- why are you giving her a gift card?"
"Because, Lila," Alya started, her voice absolutely dripping ice, "Marinette was the one that made Jagged Stone's new outfit. The jacket was commissioned from her by Penny Rolling, and the pants were a gift directly from her."
"But- no, I already told you guys that she would claim that," Lila said with a titter. All of it came out too pinched, too high-pitched, too fake. "I knew Marinette would claim-"
"Jagged Stone told the press who it was from himself. Marinette never claimed anything." Alya cast a disparaging look at Lila. "Now I have to wonder how much of what you've told us is a lie. All of it, probably. Did you even leave Paris when you tried to claim that you were out traveling around the world?"
"The packages must have gotten mixed up," Lila tried, her voice climbing higher yet. Their other classmates were sending her dirty looks now, too. "The tags on them, I'm sure that they must have been switched-"
Chloe scoffed from her seat. "Right, and Marinette's signature just magically managed to jump from the pieces she made and onto your gifts, right? What a lame little liar."
…okay, Marinette was officially going to count herself impressed that Chloe had actually noticed her signature, because she had hidden it pretty well. That must have been what she and Sabrina had been looking at in the pictures earlier.
Maybe it wasn't that big of a surprise after all. Chloe had seemed annoyed by Lila's grand claims as of late, and Marinette wouldn't be surprised to hear that Chloe had wanted to discredit Lila and have her spot as the most connected person in the class back.
For once, Lila fell silent. Her face had gone pale. Alya spared her one more glance before rounding the desk and sitting in her regular seat.
"We all chipped in the price of what we would have ordered at the cafe," Alya explained as the rest of the students dispersed to their seats and Ms. Bustier headed up to the back to collect Lila, probably to march her straight to the office. "Food and drinks, and then- well, I at least threw in a bit extra, because we've been giving you a lot of grief about the whole Lila thing."
Marinette grinned, picking up the gift card. An amount was scrawled on the back, and- wow, it was not a small amount. Marinette was willing to bet that more people than just Alya had put in extra. Either that, or people had very expensive tastes. "Thank you."
"It's our apology to you. We should have listened to you earlier." Alya looked sheepish. "I was just too excited about all of the potential scoops that I could get from Lila, I didn't stop to fact-check and really think about what she was saying. I'll do better in the future, I promise."
Marinette could only beam. This was what she had been waiting for.
"So…" Alya started, leaning forward with her eyes alight. Marinette quirked an eyebrow back at her. "You dressed Jagged Stone and made the coolest jacket and pants that I've ever seen! What was that like? Nino says that you have progress photos- can I see them before Ms. Bustier gets back from the office? I want to hear all about it!"
With a laugh, Marinette pulled out her phone and swiped to the photos that she had taken. "Of course! So a couple months ago, Penny approached me about designing something…"
Maybe it would take a couple weeks for them to really get past all of this and for their friendship to fully recover, but Marinette was confident that they could. Alya had no doubt learned a few lessons about listening to Marinette, and something told Marinette that Lila was going to get in no small amount of trouble, potentially even getting kicked out of their school. Even if she didn't, Lila's power was gone. No one would believe her now.
And that was how it was meant to be.
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holidaywishes · 4 years
It Had To Be You XXXIV
Chapter Thirty Four: Lush Life
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  Summary: Your friend invites you onto his podcast over the summer and asks you a lot of question about Tyler and your relationship with him; leading him to do a lot of uncharacteristic things.
  Author’s Note: Two in one week?! What sorcery is this? I kid, I kid. So, I’m sorry that the last chapter ended almost identically to others I’ve add -- but it was a fluffy smut chapter that it deserved it; especially with what’s coming up. This one jumps ahead about 5 months from January to August and that’s the biggest “warning.” Again, I was going to add some angst but I’m waiting for it to build up some more. So, this one is sweet and still pretty short but if you keep this one in mind, you’ll be able to tie all the drama together. 🤷‍♀️
  Warning: Time jump, tiniest bit of angst
  Song Credit: Lush Life -- Zara Larsson
  the other masterlist
  The last five months had been almost perfect; almost like it had been at the beginning of your relationship. Tyler took you out to the Bahama’s for a week, the two of you took in a festival in Dallas and Toronto, Chris even convinced the two of you to come back to Calgary for the Stampede where you met Ethan’s new boyfriend, Graham.
  “Ethan talks about you all the time!” Graham said upon your first meeting him, hugging you tightly
  “I’m so happy to meet you! When Ethan first mentioned you to me, I don’t think I’d ever seen him smile so wide. It was adorable” you laughed. It was true though. Ethan hadn’t really dated since Orlando and you wondered if he’d ever be in that place again so when he told you he met someone on Tinder you were nervous, because it was Tinder, but he couldn’t stop gushing about him. When he FaceTimed you randomly one day, you weren’t expecting him to tell you that things were serious; but he did, and he was so happy that you couldn’t stop smiling. Graham and Tyler talked for a bit while Ethan pulled you aside
  “I need you to do me and Graham a favour...” he said
  “Of course, I’ll officiate your wedding” you joked and he smiled before shaking his head
  “Graham just started a podcast, but he’s having a hard time promoting it...”
  “What’s it about?”
  “What’s the hook?”
  “There’s a million dating and relationship podcasts out there. What makes his stand out? What’s the brand?”
  “It.. He’s describing it as a hopeless romantic’s guide to dating in a world that is forever obsessed with hooking up.”
  “Okay, fair...” you furrowed your brow, “what’s the favour? You want me to ask Ty to go on?”
  “No, see, that’s what I thought,” he said, excitedly, “I suggested it and said it would be such a good starting off point. You know free publicity and all that. But Graham said no, because the chances of him having another professional athlete, or guest at all, were slim so he wanted someone who people could relate to!”
  “And that’s me?”
  “I mean, I’m in!” you smiled, “but I’m not sure I’ll be the most exciting guest...”
Tyler’s P.O.V.
  You and Ethan sat down outside the podcast studio while (Y/N) and Graham recorded. You could hear some of it but not enough to gain anything from it, so you turned to Ethan to talk about his relationship; listening to him gush about his boyfriend, you wondered if (Y/N) had ever been like that to her friends about you.
  “I’m glad the two of you have been able to get back to a good place,” he said, as if he was reading your mind, “she really loves you but she gets.. stupid sometimes.” He laughed at his own words and you laughed back, hearing Graham’s laugh fill the studio and (Y/N)’s follow soon after.
  “What do you think they’re saying in there?” you asked
  “We’ll have to wait until tomorrow when Graham puts it up. He does it all himself you know?” Ethan gushed, “he’s pretty amazing..” You weren’t sure what to say, so you smiled to yourself and then over at Ethan who was clearly sporting a deep red blush across his cheeks. The podcast went out the next day, like Ethan had said it would, but you had to wait an extra day to listen to it and when you finally got around to listening to it while you were driving around the city, you inhaled slowly before pressing play.
  “Welcome everyone, to those few out there who are actually listening to this podcast, welcome. Hello. Hi. Thank you for being here,” Graham started, with a laugh before introducing you, “I have a guest with me today. I’m excited, my first guest! So, welcome everyone, my new friend, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)...”
  “Hello,” (Y/N) said softly, “I’m so happy to be here. This is my first time on a podcast, so it’ll be interesting to see what happens.” You were proud of her, how confident she sounded and how happy she seemed. Graham prompted her with questions about whether or not she was single, “I’m not, no, I’m in a relationship,” she answered, “he’s busy a lot but we’re happy. He’s actually sitting outside the studio as we record.”
  “He’s a super nice guy, everyone, do you want to keep him a secret or tell people who he is?” Graham asked eagerly
  “I can say, I don’t think he’d mind..” she laughed, “Tyler Seguin”
  “What’s that like? Dating a hockey player? A pro athlete?”
  “I mean it can be a lot... Like I said, his schedule gets really hectic and sometimes I don’t get to see him very often but when we finally get to spend time with each other, we try our best to make the most of it.” You smiled at (Y/N)’s sentiment, getting a quick text from her as you pulled into your driveway
  “I just landed, Lucy’s with me. She’s already ordered an Uber. See you soon. Love you!” she wrote
  “Love you too” you replied and went back to listening to the podcast, only now realizing they’d changed topics from you to online dating
  “I hate all the apps. I was on all of them for literally like a minute,” (Y/N) admitted, “but they’re all so shallow. Even Hinge. The one app where you’re supposed to get to know someone by the answers they give but here’s the thing... NO ONE ANSWERS A GOD DAMN PROMPT!” she exclaimed and the two of them burst into laughter, “they all add pictures of themselves with fish or at a shooting range or like in a huge group of people and you’re just like: What am I supposed to do with this?”
  “Right?!” Graham continued, “and, obviously my dating apps are different than yours might be, but if you’re looking for relationships you have to weed out these guys who are just showing pictures of their abs so they can ‘move the camera down’ later...”
  “No one wants that! Like, I’m sorry. Gay or Straight, penises are not pretty to look at. I wouldn’t say that vagina’s are either but that’s why it’s called ‘bumping ugly’s’“ they laughed
  “So has Ty ever sent you a dick pic?” Graham asked semi-seriously
  “No. Thank god. I think he’s being a little more careful with what he sends because he’s been burned with stuff in the past. Which I think is completely fair and actually very smart. Plus, I don’t know what I’d do with it. I’m not gonna stare at it. I mean, I’ve seen it before and I’ll see it again. I don’t need pictures of it when he’s on the road...” You laughed along and cleaned up the house with the podcast playing in the background while you waited for (Y/N) and Lucy to walk in when you heard Graham ask something unexpected
  “Do you think you’ll ever get married? Like do you see Tyler ever proposing to you?”
  “Tyler? no. I’d marry him in a heartbeat. I mean we’ve been together something like 2 years, maybe 3, and we’ve had our ups and downs but I love his stupid face and his ridiculous love for what he does and how much he loves his fans. I love it all. Honestly. But Ty’s never been the marrying type. You know, we’re young and I think he wants to make sure that whoever he’s with is going to be the person that he wants to BE with. Because I wholeheartedly believe that he wants to marry once or not at all” you stopped what you were doing to listen to what she was saying
  “Why don’t you think that’s you though?” Ethan asked and you leaned in
  “I’m not the most confident person in the world, and it’s been a huge cause of a lot of our arguments. I can’t see ME, not him, me, ever getting past that part of myself that always jealous of the girls who slide into his DM’s when he’s on the road or the friends of the girlfriends of the other guys on the team who show up at parties or bars when the guys are out or childhood friends who are now tall, beautiful models. I guess I just think that those issues would always come up and it would just strain our relationship. We can always fix it when we’re dating but when we’re married, we’re in it. Like IN IT” she laughed
  “And he’s the guy who wants to marry once?”
  “Oh Absolutely. When you first meet him, he might seem like an eternal bachelor but once you get to know him you see this super romantic part of him and that’s the part that wants to get married and have kids and retire and just live the rest of his life in complete bliss.” You furrowed your brow at her words, having never really thought about it too much yourself, but you couldn’t say that she was totally off base. You listened to the rest of the podcast while you tidied up the house and just as it ended, Lucy and (Y/N) walked in the door.
  “HEY!” the sound of her voice felt different, as if the podcast had tainted it somehow but seeing her face brought the light back to her voice.
  “Hey” you answered, giving her a hug and kissing the crown of her head and nodding to Lucy as your welcome to her. “Can I talk to her alone for a second?” you asked Lucy
  “Go for it” she said and you guided (Y/N) to the bedroom. She giggled when you closed the door and paced in front of her but when you looked at her, you noticed her smile fade
  “What’s wrong?” she asked
  “Nothing..” you answered, “I uhm...”
  “Ty, you’re making me nervous. What’s going on?!” she whined and you rushed to calm her down, rubbing your hands up and down her arms when you got in front of her.
  “I listened to the podcast...” was all you said and she squinted at you, waiting for you to continue but all you could do was sigh.
  You waited for Tyler to continue his thought because the podcast couldn’t have been bad enough to warrant this reaction
  “I didn’t mean to say anything bad, we were just talking about us and I was being honest...” you said, a frown crinkling your face
  “No no, it wasn’t anything bad. I’m so proud of you, I loved listening to you on the podcast,” he smiled but you were still confused, “but.. did you really mean what you said?”
  “Which part?” you asked
  “The marriage part. You don’t think we’ll ever get married?”
  “Ty, we’ve talked about this before. You don’t want to get married, I don’t think I’m ready to get married anyway but you’ve always said that if you’re gonna get married it won’t be for a long time. Like once you’re out of the NHL...”
  “Yeah, I’ve said that in the past... but maybe it’s different now..”
  “What changed?”
  “What?” you stepped back, away from his touch
  “You changed my mind. My opinions on all of it.” Stepping forward and grabbing your hands softly
  “I don’t understand...?” you shook your head
  “I don’t want to get married,” he said and you gasped, “right now!” he corrected and you laughed
  “I didn’t think you did” you interjected
  “I think we’re still too young but I want to do something,” he said and you furrowed your brow again, feeling a slight headache starting from how much he was confusing you but he turned around and grabbed something off the dresser, “it’s not a ring”
  “Is that my earring?” you laughed as he knelt in front of you
  “Yes,” he smiled, “I can’t promise you I won’t screw up or that you won’t feel insecure. I can’t promise that we’ll ever actually get married but I want you in my life because you make me happy and when I picture my life in 5 years.. you’re there. With me. And the dogs.”
  “Ty...” you tried
  “I honestly can’t promise you anything but what I can promise you is that I love you and I want you always...”
  “You’re such a loser,” you joked, and he smiled, “I can’t promise you anything either. I can’t promise that I’m good for you or that we’re good for each other but I can promise you that I’ve never wanted anyone more than you..”
  “So that’s a yes?” he asked
  “I mean.. sure? But what is it a yes to? That we love each other because we didn’t really need my earring for that?”
  “That we’ll always love each other, married or not. Together or not...” you tilted your head to the side and pouted mockingly
   “If that’s what it is,” you said with a smile, moving your hand to his cheek, “of course.” He smiled and pulled you in for a hug, kissing your cheek and holding you there for a bit before Lucy threw open the door.
  “What the hell is going on here?” she said only to be met but the two of you smiling brightly.
  “We’re not engaged!” you exclaimed and Lucy’s face contorted into pure confusion, leaving you and Tyler to laugh at the situation.
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ecto-american · 5 years
Period Pains
The things @ghostgothgeek inspires me to write
On AO3
Warnings: Talk of periods
The fluorescent humming of the lightbulbs and soft music seemed to be the only background noise of the local store. Danny's eyes scanned the shelves hard, growing confused as he struggled.
Maximum absorbance? Ultra thin? Flex foam? What? What the fuck do any of these even mean?
He scratched his chin, giving a curious hum as he tried to remember the brand name Sam told him. Danny reached into his pocket to pull out his phone to try and compare the picture of the tampon box he took when Sam first made the request. He heard a store cart wheel past the aisle before abruptly stopping.
"Danny Phantom?" a confused feminine voice called out. Danny froze before remembering. Oh yeah. He really didn't wanna be seen buying these as Fenton, or even being in the tampon aisle.
"Hello, citizen," he tried to greet cheerfully, but it came out weak and timid as the reality of his decision fully hit him. He glanced to see a confused middle aged shopper staring at him with wide eyes, pushing a cart full of items. She quickly hurried past, and Danny returned his attention to the shelf.
What the fuck, none of the boxes matched. He stared, dumbfounded. Was he at the wrong store?
He nervously walked down the aisle towards the wall, and his face lit up with relief before flinching. There was more. Holy hell there were so many options! How did girls know what kind to use? Sports? Security? Click compact? What?
He held his phone up and compared the boxes to the picture. Oh thank Pariah Dark, one finally matched. He eagerly snatched the box up, tucking it under his arm. He paused. What if Sam needed two? Wait, how many were in a box? He glanced and read the box, recognizing some of the new buzzwords that he had learned about feminine hygiene products. Holy shit 36!? ...Wait was that even enough?
Danny could feel eyes boring into him, and he turned to see a couple staring at him in absolute disbelief. He felt his cheeks burn a dark green.
"It's-it's not mine," he stammered out. "It's for my girlfriend."
"You have a girlfriend?" the guy asked curiously. Danny nodded, and he glanced at the shelves. Sam didn't bleed enough to warrant a second box, right? Well she did run out. But did that mean she was almost done? "Dude! You're Danny Phantom!" Danny winced.
"Yeah, yeah, I know who I am," he muttered.
"Can I have your autograph?" the girl blurted out. Danny forced a smile.
"Got a pen?" he asked.
The girl immediately began to dig through her purse and produced a small handful of pens, as well as what looked like a study guide for some class. She offered both to Danny. He picked a purple sharpie.
"Um, hold this real quick."
He traded her the tampons for the paper, and he used a shelf to quickly sign. The girl's face brightened, and she happily took the paper back.
"Thank you so much!" she chirped, and she showed it to her boyfriend while putting the pens away. Danny took this as his chance to quickly walk away.
He stuck close to the wall, keeping the tampons between him and the wall to avoid anybody seeing. He prayed that he wouldn't run into his parents, or worse, Valerie. Both would immediately be guns blazing, assuming he was out to...steal tampons. For some reason.
"Is that Danny fucking Phantom?" a surprised voice called out. Danny walked faster, and he slipped into an aisle.
Sam didn't ask him for it, but Danny had a sister. He knew the deal. Not the whole deal, but enough to know that he would be the world's best boyfriend if he picked up a little something extra for his beloved. After some careful searching, he found what he was looking for. The vegan chocolate Sam loved the most. He smiled in relief as he picked up a bar of it.
"Danny Phantom!" a child's voice gasped. Danny turned to see two boys, no older than seven, staring at him in absolute disbelief. He felt himself relax a bit, giving a friendly smile and wave. Kids were so much easier to interact with than judging adults or lovestruck teenagers.
"Hey," Danny greeted. One boy was shyly tugging on the hem of his shirt, which Danny noticed had his logo on it.
"Hi," he replied shyly. Danny glanced up to see a woman turn into the aisle with a shopping cart. She looked surprised and paused when she saw him before quickly wheeling up.
"Danny Phantom?" she seemed so confused. Danny nodded in confirmation. She smiled a bit. "Jason loves you. Jason, did you say hi, honey?"
She reached out to put her hand on her son's head, the one in the Danny Phantom shirt. He just stared at his feet. Danny knelt to his height.
"Hey, Jason," he greeted him again. He held out his hand, allowing it to glow lightly. Some ice began form. Jason and the other kid began to stare at it in absolute awe as the glowing powers soon finally faded and left in its place a small ice sculpture of the Danny Phantom logo. Danny offered it to Jason, who happily took it.
"I want one!" the other kid blurted out.
"I gotcha, dude," Danny promised him, and he repeated the process. This time the kids were nearly bouncing in place at being able to see such an event up close. The other got a logo as well.
"Thank you!" the other kid practically shouted as he snatched it up eagerly.
"Thank you!" Jason quickly spoke up.
"Of course, just make sure you stay clear of ghosts. A lot of them aren't very nice, and I don't want to see you get hurt," Danny explained. They nodded, and both began to shove them up to their mom to show her, both chattering a mile a minute.
"Yes I see, they're very nice, be careful with it," their mom began to try and calm them down, but to no avail. "Boys, go pick out your candy." The words were like magic, and the two began to run up and down the aisle trying to find what they wanted. The mom sighed lightly. "Thank you," she told Danny, and she cocked her head curiously. "No offense, but why are you here?" Danny flinched at the unintentional reminder. He held up his items for purchase.
"Girlfriend," was all he said. The mom nodded understandingly.
"Getting chocolate's a good move," she told him. "Smart man."
"Thanks. Have a good night," he told her, giving a small wave before quickly exiting the aisle.
It's almost over. It's almost over. Danny exhaled deeply as he headed towards the self check out. He was so close. He just had to make the purchase, and then he could immediately fly out, invisible all the way back to Sam's.
Oh no. Oh no.
His heart sank as he saw the dreaded rope of doom stretched across the self check out area. Closed. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
He stared at the line. It wasn't too bad, but given his items of purchases, he'd rather go through the accident again. Danny exhaled deeply. It was for Sam. He could do this. Boyfriends bought their girlfriends tampons all the time. Hell, his dad would constantly chuck what his mom and Jazz needed into the cart with zero fucks. Why couldn't he be more like that? Danny felt ashamed of himself. He and Sam were nearly twenty. They'd been together for almost a year, and he can't just go and get tampons for her in his own human form like an actual good boyfriend? Well, way too late to back out of this now.
The ghost went to stand in line. The man in front of him, an older man with a mustache and thick glasses, glanced behind to see who came, and he immediately did a double take before staring. Danny gave a shy wave. The man frowned, narrowing his eyes at him. Danny began staring off to his left, but he could still feel the man staring at him.
"What the fuck is a ghost doing here?" the man finally spoke. Danny's eyes locked back onto the man's.
"I'm buying tampons and some chocolate for my girlfriend." It came out a bit more raspy and weak than he wanted it to, and he coughed a bit at the end to clear his throat. The man stared hard at him.
"Ghosts need tampons?" he sounded skeptical, and he took a step forward as the cashier finished checking out the person before him.
"She's human," Danny explained. The man's face darkened as he scowled. He raised a finger up to Danny.
"I think it's absolutely disgusting that you would take advantage of a human like that, and you should be ashamed of yourself," he told him. "I hope the Guys in White destroy you one day."
Danny just swallowed nervously. How do you even respond to something like that? He just bit his lip and stared off to the side again. The man, to his relief, turned to the front and refused to say another word to him. Although he did shoot him a nasty glare as the cashier gave him his receipt.
He wordlessly put his stuff on the conveyor belt, and the bored cashier began to ring him up.
"Is that all for you today?" she asked. Danny cleared his throat.
"Uh, yeah," he murmured. The cashier hummed in acknowledgement as she read out the total, and Danny handed her the cash. Something hit him, and Danny blinked. "You know, you're the first person to not say something about me doing this." The cashier gave a breathless chuckle as she handed him his change.
"You're far from the weirdest thing I've seen this shift alone," she told him. "But ignore the other dude. He's just being a pissbaby because he doesn't have a girlfriend to go buy tampons for." Danny snorted in amusement. "Tell the Mrs. Phantom I said hello."
"Will do," Danny replied. He grabbed the plastic bag of tampons and chocolate, tossing the receipt inside. He didn't bother walking out the door, but instead seized the chance to turn invisible and fly far, far away.
"You're such a dingus!" Sam's voice scowled through the bathroom door. Danny sighed from where he laid on the bed.
"I'm sorry, it's just, embarrassing," he tried to justify his weird decision. A few moments later, Sam came out of the bathroom. She looked miserable, and Danny offered up the candy bar he got her. She accepted it, immediately tearing off the wrapper.
"No. I mean, yeah. That was stupid. But you got the wrong box," she told him. Danny's eyes widened in horror.
"So do I-"
"Yeah, you need to go back." Sam took a bite of the chocolate bar.
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alysmarylin · 5 years
Without Words (Good Omens fanfic)
Crowley entered a bookshop with huge plastic bags in each of his hands. It was rather dark in the shop, and as Crowley had to open the door with his own keys, he knew there was no one except for Aziraphale in there.
- Angel! - Crowley shouted. - I'm home! I bought so much stuff it barely fitted in my car!
Crowley carried the bags to the couch corner in the shop, dropped them there, then aggressively tore his coat off, threw it on one of the couches, and threw himself on the other one.
- Angel! - he shouted once again. - Angel! My back is killing me, please! I can't stand up, seriously, come here!
He lazily took his glasses off and put them on a coffee table. He heard Aziraphale's steps and then realized he forgot to take his boots off - something that Aziraphale specifically told him to do several times - and hastily threw them off and hid under the couch. Within a second, Aziraphale appeared in a doorway. Something about his face seemed off and made Crowley feel a bit wary as if he was displeased about something.
- Angel, - Crowley smiled. - I can barely walk. Shopping malls are the creation of Hell, I told you. But not my doing, it was another demon. Forgot his name. Doesn't matter. - Crowley stretched his arm towards Aziraphale. - Please, come here. I missed you. Come.
Aziraphale walked up to the couch where Crowley was lying. Crowley took his hand and gently kissed it. Aziraphale still looked somewhat uptight.
- It's eight P.M., Crowley. I've already closed the shop. It's dark. - he said with tension in his voice.
- I didn't check up the time, I was hurrying to come back to you. - Crowley said, looking up longingly while pressing Aziraphale's hand to his cheek. - Please, come here. I want to hug you.
- You were hurrying? - Aziraphale's voice sounded a bit annoyed. - Sorry, I couldn't tell you actually were. You told me you'll be back by three o'clock at the latest. You told me we'll have lunch together.
- Ogghhh, please don't tell me you waited for me and didn't have lunch. - Suddenly Crowley sounded worried - Did you? Please tell me you did!
- I did. - Aziraphale answered, letting out some softness in his voice. - I figured you won't come by lunch. I got your voice message.
- You'll have to get yourself a cell phone, angel. I'm more of a texting person, this whole calling and voicemail thing is too much of an effort. - Crowley said, lazily closing his eyes.
- Oh, so now I have to adjust, so you won't make an extra effort? - Aziraphale exclaimed - Make the whole communication process low-maintenance?!
- No, - Crowley said, opening his eyes and leaning forward to sit. - But I have difficulties, you know... With attention. Come on, I've told you that. It's hard for me to focus on many things at once. - Crowley looked up on Aziraphale seriously, now sitting on a couch with his legs crossed. - I'm driving around a lot. I should be less distracted. You told me that yourself. Please, sit with me. I can't stand up, not yet. I mean it. I'm exhausted.
Aziraphale sat on a couch, still looking a bit moody.
- I'm sorry I was so late. - Crowley said, putting his head on Aziraphale's lap. - I haven't done this shopping thing before. On that scale. I thought it was going to take a couple of hours! Who knew it would turn out to be a bloody Odyssey...
- Did you buy everything? - Aziraphale said more gently now, starting to stroke Crowley's hair.
- Every bloo.. single item on the list. - Crowley said wearily and yet happily, closing his eyes. - It was a disaster. What's wrong with all those people, don't they have other places to crowd in... Overpopulation, if you ask me... And yeah, some extra stuff.
- What extra stuff? - Aziraphale asked, trying desperately not to sound too thrilled.
- Well, I bought a sort of... Ehhhmmm - Crowley made his usual grimace when he struggled to remember the name of something - A plug-in waffle iron, or whatever it's called... You can make pancakes, waffles, eggs, you get the idea. I can make breakfast now. Since you don't have a proper kitchen, only a fridge, and a sink, I thought it's just what we need...
- Well, I won't even touch it, Crowley. - Aziraphale said playfully, forgetting he was acting all hurt minutes ago. - If I try to cook, this place will burn down once again.
Crowley opened his eyes and looked at Aziraphale with deep sorrow in his eyes. Aziraphale immediately regretted what he said. 
- I'm sorry, dear. - he said, gently kissing Crowley's forehead. - I won't joke about it again, I'm sorry. 
- Anyway, - Crowley went on. - I bought myself a pajama, a black one, of course. I need to change in it, but not yet, too much effort... - Crowley stretched his arm in the direction of one of the bags. - Please, pull this one. 
Aziraphale dragged the bag, leaning over Crowley. 
- There is a red box on top of everything. Take it, please. - Crowley said, opening his eyes a bit. 
Aziraphale took a small red box out of the bag, untied a thin white ribbon on top of it, and opened it.
- It's not jewelry or anything, but I liked it... -Crowley murmured. - Thought you'd like it too. 
Inside the box, Aziraphale found two little keychains - one in a shape of wings, the other in the shape of a snake.
- Oh, Crowley - Aziraphale said joyfully - I love it. May I take the one with the snake?
Crowley muttered something unintelligible, while smiling gladly.
Aziraphale put the box aside and gently kissed Crowley on the nose. Crowley chuckled silently. 
- So... - Crowley finally said, opening his eyes and raising his hand to stroke Aziraphale's hair. - Am I pardoned? 
- I think you are, Crowley. - Aziraphale said, teasingly - What do you want, then, for your heroic efforts? Should I make some tea?
- Tea, yeah. With brandy. - Crowley smiled broadly. - And yourself. Most importantly, yourself... And some extra pillows, please. 
Crowley was drowsing beneath a blanket, as he heard Aziraphale come.
- Uhhhhm, angel - he said, sleepily, barely opening his eyes. - I made myself change to this... 
- Sleeping garment? - Aziraphale asked mockingly while putting a platter with tea on a coffee table.
- Yeah, you can call it that. Come here already, stop torturing me. 
Aziraphale was wearing beige lounge pants and a white T-shirt. He felt warmth run through his chest, as he saw Crowley all tucked in a blanket on a couch. He quietly crawled under the blanket to lie by Crowley's side.
- Finally - Crowley said in a loud whisper, now completely awake, with serpentine eyes wide open, smiling cunningly - You're trapped now. 
- I thought you were asleep - Aziraphale said, bemused by this sudden change. - I heard you snuffle!
- A pitfall - Crowley whispered, grinning, as he nuzzled his nose in Aziraphale's neck, wrapping his arm around his waist.
- Serpent. - Aziraphale said quietly, now grinning himself, as he put his own arm on Crowley's waist. Crowley's answer was a series of happy and glad noises. Somehow Aziraphale knew what he meant.
- I brought you tea. - he whispered in Crowley's ear. -  I made it for you, Crowley, don't you dare make it go cold. I won't have it.
- Good old lovely sweet angelic tea - Crowley muttered, all smiles. - With lovely sweet angelic brandy. I'll drink it all myself. In one take. But it's too hot now. 
- How do you know? - Aziraphale asked, playfully.
- I just dooooo. - Crowley said, mockingly. - It burnt my tongue so badly, it was aching for a month...
- Oh, please. One time and so long...
- I won't risk my tongue, angel. I'm gonna wait. - Crowley raised himself on one elbow. - I can't talk without a tongue. Can't have it burned with your lovely tea, hotter than Hellfire. 
- If you call that "talking", Crowley. - Aziraphale said, raising himself. - The noises you make... 
- Well, then... - Crowley made a sort of mysterious face, smiling broadly and looking him in the eyes. Somehow Aziraphale knew what he meant once again.
- Do you want me to try it for you? - Aziraphale asked.
- And end up in a hospital with second-degree burns? - Crowley said, sitting up and leaning for the teapot. - Naaahhh, won't do. If it's bound to happen, I'll take it upon myself. 
- Do it with style, Crowley. - Aziraphale said with a little smug smile in a corner of his mouth.
Crowley took a sip from a mug and made a loud glad noise.
- I'll take it as " it's good, Aziralhale, thank you "? - Aziraphale said, raising his eyebrows.
- Uhm-huh... - Crowley murmured, swallowing. - I just don't feel any brandy...
- It's there! - Aziraphale exclaimed, fervently.
Crowley took a bottle of brandy and generously added more to his mug.
- Sorry, couldn't feel it. Might've lost the senses after that horrid burn. - Crowley said with mocking seriousness, and started drinking with long gulps.
- Bad for you, then. My senses are just fine - Aziralhale said smugly, as he sat near Crowley. He filled his mug with brandy till the half, then added some tea, and drank it all in one gulp, while Crowley stared at him with amusement. 
- What? - Aziralhale said calmly, turning his head to Crowley. - It was a boring day. 
They looked at each other in the eyes for less than a couple of seconds, before both of them could see no more, kissing hastily and eagerly. But soon enough Crowley pulled away.
- Wait. Let me move the table. - he said
- Oh, please... - Aziralhale started to complain.
- I'm serious, what if it spills on you? - Crowley sat down and pushed the table about a half-foot away.
Aziraphale smiled at him tenderly, being touched with his thoughtfulness. He lied on his back, placing his head comfortably on a pillow. Crowley put a blanket on top of Aziralhale's stomach and slowly put his own body on top of his.
- Still sharp? - he asked quietly, leaning on an elbow and looking in Aziralhale's eyes.
- It's fine now. - Aziraphale smiled. - Come here. I missed you. 
Their kiss was long and tender, as their breath intertwined in one, but after a while, Aziraphale noted that Crowley's breath was a bit ragged and his arm was shaking. He stopped the kiss.
- Are you alright? - he asked, concerned. - You seem very tired.
Crowley muttered something unintelligible once again, as he turned on his side.
- My arms and my back... It was hard today. If you don't mind. 
Aziralhale leaned closer to him, now lying on his side too, and kissed him tenderly, while stroking his cheek. Crowley seemed blissful and relaxed, but he seemed to struggle to keep his eyes open.
- You need to sleep, dear. - Aziraphale said gently.
Crowley pulled him closer, without opening his eyes. 
- Angel - he muttered. - Stay. 
- Moment. 
Aziralhale stood up from the couch to turn the lights off. He then set the alarm clock that Crowley recently bought and placed it on the coffee table, far enough from their mugs. He was walking back cautiosly, fearing he might stumble on one of the bags Crowley brought. When he crawled under the blanket, Crowley's arms immediately wrapped around him. He felt Crowley's breath on his nape and could feel his heartbeat with his back. 
- Have a good sleep, dear. - Aziralhale whispered. Crowley made a glad voice and tightened his embrace. Somehow Aziraphale knew it meant "I love you".
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watchmegetobsessed · 5 years
The Long Way Home // Shawn Mendes - part 1
ahh okay so i have no idea how this will turn out, i’ve been trying to start a fanfiction for weeks now but didn’t carry on with any of my ideas so by posting it i’m forcing myself to do it with this one. hopefully i’ll be able to continue it as i imagined!
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Another Disney star has gone crazy?
We’ve seen plenty of young Disney stars go wild once they felt they’ve grown out of their contract with the famous company. Growing up and figuring out who you are is a hard task, especially when you are not allowed to express yourself. Lindsey Lohan, Miley Cyrus and Bella Thorne have all been there, we’ve witnessed their crazy way of breaking out of their child-like characters once they felt too old to goof around in crazy outfits and crystal clear reputation. But do we have a new member to the club?
Sloan Westbury has grown up in front of our eyes, starting her acting career at just the age of 5, being a regular extra on various Disney productions right until she got her own show at the age of twelve, called Beach kids in which she played the role of Victoria Parker, a regular girl living in California, spending most of her time at the beach with her friends, going on different adventures during the summer time. The show run for three years, up until all actors were too old to play little kids anymore. Westbury was then signed to the Disney hit movie “Disconnected” which thanks to its huge success got two additional parts in the next three years. Since she has turned eighteen she has made several attempts in breaking out of her Disney days, doing more and more controversial photoshoots and releasing some more mature songs than her previous ones, but it seems like she is done with being a child for good.
The twenty year-old singer and actress was seen at a yacht over the weekend in Miami, with a bottle of champagne in her hands, chugging the alcohol down more than eagerly while wearing nothing else than red thongs and a men shirt buttoned up only hallway, giving the paparazzi a great amount of cleavage moments. Westbury seemed to be having fun with a few of her friends on the boat, dancing to the music and not afraid of showing some PDA with a guy and later on with a girl as well. At one point she spotted the cameras and started screaming at them, throwing the champagne bottle in their direction. Fortunately it ended up in the water, no one was hurt. She was soon carried inside by her friends, but didn’t seem to be too happy about the happenings.
It is unknown if she is still working with Disney since she hasn’t had any projects connected with the company, but following this incident we are pretty sure we won’t see her smiling on the channel ever again. Just one day after her wild night she took it to Twitter to post the pictures taken during the weekend commenting on how good she looks after all.
Is it possible she is on her way to pull a Britney and maybe shave her whole head next time she loses her mind? One thing is for sure. Sloan Westbury is done with being a good girl and she is not scared to show it to the world.
 Recommended for you: Shawn Mendes has officially started working on his new album…
“Are you sure this is what you need?” Andrew’s concern about my summer plans just doesn’t let him rest, doesn’t matter what I tell him.
“Do you want me to finish the album or not?” I ask turning to him with raised eyebrows. He doesn’t answer, just takes a deep breath and breathes out.
“But like, do you need to be completely alone for that long?”
“I won’t be completely alone, Aaliyah and Brian will come and visit several times.”
“Yeah, but most of the times you’ll be on your own. Why did you have to rent that house for the whole summer? You could have just went down to the Hamptons every once in a while.”
“I told you, I need to clear my head,” I tell him the same thing I told him the first time I came up with the idea.
I started working on the new album months ago and should have been done with it by now, but I’m completely stuck. Everything I write feels like shit, I haven’t finished a song in two months and my label is not happy about it. They gave me some extra time, until the end of summer, but if I want to be done in time I knew I needed a change. I figured it would be good to just disconnect for a while, find myself again on my own, so I decided to rent a house at the beach and spend most of the summer there. I won’t disappear, I have a few gigs and interviews scheduled and I’ll do them, but other than that I’ll completely focus on myself and my music just like in the old times when it was just me and my guitar in my room.
“Just promise me you won’t do anything stupid,” he sighs tiredly. Honestly, I think my time out will do good for Andrew as well, less of me means less work for him and he could finally do his own things for a while, but he hasn’t realized it just yet. The way he sees it as a warning sign that something terrible is going to happen.
“Like what?” I chuckle turning to him. “I’ll just sleep, eat, workout and write music all day. How can this go wrong especially since no one will know I’m here? The beach area the house is at is totally private, no one will get close to me.” “Okay, I was just saying,” he mumbles.
When he pulls up at the house I can’t hold my smile back. The house is not back and not luxurious at all, I made sure about that. It’s a simple two bedroom weekend house with a spacious living room, a kitchen with everything needed, a nice deck hoovering above the light sand that leads to the water and for my biggest luck there is a small studio room as well, since the owner used to play in a jazz band and recorded music pretty often here. One bedroom is for me and the other will be perfect for when someone comes to visit me.
Andrew helps me bring all my stuff inside and the sun is already going down by the time we are finished with everything. The view is breathtaking from the deck and I already can’t wait to spend my mornings and evenings sitting here, writing music.
“I guess that’s all,” Andrew announces once the last bag is put away. “Call me if you need something, okay?”
“I will,” I smile at him.
“Brian will be here with your car on Friday.”
“I know,” I nod.
“Then… I guess see you later. Take care.”
He embraces me in a tight hug before heading out to the car. I stand on the driveway, waving at him as he drives away and then I’m finally alone. Walking back to the house I take it all in. There is no one talking to me, no car horns in the traffic, no phone ringing, nothing. Just the waves hitting the coast and the winds blowing through the deck. I walk outside and kicking off my shoes I step into the sand. It’s colder than what I expected, but still nice. I walk all the way down to the water and stop right before the line where the waves reach. The sun has already disappeared on the horizon, but the sky is still bright red and orange turning into blue and behind me I can already see the first stars shining.
I hear a door shutting and turning to the right I see a figure on the deck of the neighbor house. It’s too far away to see clearly, I squint my eye and make out a woman sitting down on the few steps leading up to the deck with a glass of red wine in her hands. She is staring into the distance, just looking blankly ahead, sipping on her drink. I feel like I should introduce myself since I’ll be spending months here, so I start walking in her direction. The closer I get the more details I see. Her wavy, dirty blonde hair is in a messy bun on the top of her head, she has a white knitted sweater on that seems to be a few sizes big and she is completely barefoot with no shoes anywhere near.
Just when I get close enough to see her face she notices me and immediately stands up. I have a sense of familiarity as I look at her face, but before I could figure it out she turns around and walks into the house shutting the door behind her, leaving me standing there in confusion.
I wait hoping she would return, but nothing happens, so I give up. Maybe she recognized me and didn’t want anything to do with a famous person. Wouldn’t be the first time, but I have to admit her reaction hurt a bit.
I walk back home and sit on my deck until the sky turns fully dark. I keep thinking about her face, trying to figure out where I’ve seen her maybe, but I just can’t. Since I have no food I skip dinner, I’m not even that hungry. I mentally note to go grocery shopping tomorrow as I take a quick shower and make my bed. I keep the window open for the night and I listen to the waves’ rhythm as I fall asleep.
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real-jaune-isms · 4 years
RWBY Volume 7 Chapter 6 Review/Runthrough
I know I’m very late with this, but finals were hell. 
This chapter went from a middle ground of curious tension to the highest hype to the deepest dread and despair over the course of its roughly 16 minutes of run time and I hated that. And I love it. I hope y’all did too, but let’s take it step by step together.
It starts somewhat close to where chapter 5 left off, the riots in Mantle have been quelled and several people are in handcuffs, including three familiar thirsty moms. Guess the Happy Huntresses are popular with housewives, wish fulfillment of making a difference in the world yourself and all that. Robyn herself is being interviewed as we’re shown the riot aftermath and people getting in line to vote at electronic polling machines. And we get our first major surprise of the episode. There were two other candidates we never heard about, Ivy Brown and Pearl Wistier! So can we get some F’s in the comments for these two, who didn’t get any recognition or screen time and with the election ending probably never will? As Robyn talks about hoping voters will make the right choice and that the connection between her supporters and the riots is pure coincidence, we see Team RWBY and JNR training while Oscar watches. Blake and Yang are jumping around atop towers, Weiss is sparring with Winter again, Ruby is practicing her semblance, Ren meditates, and Nora and Jaune are bouncing a dodgeball back and forth to test his new shield. The Bees jumping around reminded me a little of the Chibi episode where they played tag, so I liked that. Weiss bounces Winter’s Beowolf around on black glyphs in a manner that made me think of a move Sans uses in Undertale, a very fun connection, and then she knocks Winter off guard by sending a small version of her knight to attack Winter’s ankle. Her playful smirk says she’s not sorry~ Ruby’s petal form splits into three parts to go around a pillar, and Oscar finally calls her out on that being a little unusual if her Semblance really is speed. The dodgeball keeps getting hit harder and harder as Nora puts her thunderous all into it until it dissolves against Jaune’s shield when he uses the Dust upgrades to better defend. He takes some damage to his Aura but recovers again very quickly, much to Oscar’s enthusiasm. Ren’s meditation seems to suggest he’s trying to unlock some kind of precognition or ability to sense other people like he had in Volume 4 when Tyrian was approaching to ambush them. But he doesn’t quite get it down yet and instead Ironwood and Clover enter.
Ironwood is impressed by how hard the teens are pushing themselves, with Ruby affirming it to be necessary with the current state of affairs, and Ironwood seems to think the info on his Scroll is evidence of that. The poll numbers favor Robyn, which is undeniably better than Jacques winning even if the Happy Huntresses and the military are in a silent stand off, and the young heroes think the general should make more of an effort to be open with her about what they are doing since they’re all on the same side of wanting to help Mantle. Nora argues for the sake of Mantle quite vehemently, furthering my theory and probably many others’ that she was born here. Jaune seems to agree, but Ironwood says that kind of communication will have to be a two way street and by his tone of voice I’m guessing he doubts that will happen any time soon. Before Nora can offer a rebuttal Ren asks why the General is here. Turns out, with the election happening tonight and the teams having done so much work recently, they’ve decided the kids should get the night off before things really start changing once Robyn or Jacques is elected. Ruby doesn’t seem to like thinking about that, probably because everything  in Atlas will get very different once the Amity Project is complete and she still doesn’t know how that will go. 
Regardless, Team RWBY make plans for the evening. While Weiss stands around glumly looking at the news feed on her Scroll, Blake puts on some eye makeup that I’m too uninformed to know the name of and Yang stares longingly at her from her bed. At least, that’s how I saw it. The two of them are going dancing with Team FNKI, in a club where it will be too loud for Yang to be able to hear Neon’s voice. Just the way she likes it~ Meanwhile Ruby is going with Ren and Nora to meet up with Penny at a party in Mantle to celebrate Robyn’s surefire win of the election. Because overconfidence like that has never backfired in media before. Weiss is still mentally torn about her father’s big layoff stunt and how in the world he thought it would actually work out for him with what a cunning man he’s always been. Yang thinks it was just a power play that backfired, but Weiss worries there’s a grander scheme below the surface. Then she’s asked which group activity she would rather be a part of, so after seeing Blake’s adorkable attempt to do a dance move Yang is showing her she chooses the suddenly appearing third option: going to the movies with Jaune and Oscar. Volume 2 Jaune would be so impressed his older self got Weiss to agree to that kind of thing with minimal effort... but also be very upset by all the terrible things that happened to the guy up to that point. So it barely matters to our Jaune anymore. Still, hope it was a good movie cuz that’s the last we see of those three for the rest of the chapter.
Ruby and Renora are next seen walking down the street as celebrating Robyn fans pass by in a truck. Ren admits he sees Weiss’ point about celebrating a bit soon but Nora tries to be an optimist about it, that the people should be allowed to enjoy this supposed surefire thing. Ruby admits nothing will probably be a sure thing anymore once the Tower goes up and Salem’s existence becomes known, with Ren and Nora affirming that they’ve spent so long worrying about the secrets they’ve been keeping they haven’t thought about how they would have no plan to face her even once they get past that. Afterall, Jinn said she can’t be beaten. Ruby reminds them the exact phrasing was that she told Oz he couldn’t destroy her, and Nora picks up on the specifics. If Oz can’t, then maybe someone else can. And with her Silver Eyed powers Ruby seems like their best gamble for that. Personally I’m still of the mind that the point Jinn was trying to make wasn’t that “Oz can’t destroy Salem” and was instead that “Oz can’t destroy Salem”. Redemption and the restoration of her kinder former soul may be the best solution to this. But who knows? Regardless, Ren is restless and thinks they should go back to training, that they don’t have time to waste with social gatherings and fun distractions, but Nora says they’ve done enough for now and they need to unwind otherwise they’ll snap. So they’re at odds now, unfortunately...
The three reach the town hall/auditorium where the rally is taking place and meet up with Penny, who is very happy to see them but wonders why it is only these three. Nora explains what Weiss and the boys are doing and that the bees are off doing their own thing, and Ren comments that he’s relieved the two are back on good terms after everything that happened. But Nora sees this as an opportunity to be passive aggressive. See, the situation with Blake and Yang is very similar to her tumultuous “will they won’t they” with Ren. So she calls into question whether or not Blake and Yang are actually just friends or something more intimate and close after being through such deep bonding experiences, but we can tell she’s actually asking about where she and Ren stand. Ren picks up on what she means immediately and fires back how he feels on the matter while keeping up the pretext of this being about the others. It’s kinda funny to realize they’re being so indirect and also teasing how romantic things seem with Blake and Yang when the fandom has been having similar arguments. But it does offer insight into their actual feelings: Nora wants to take that step and has always worn her heart on her sleeve so she’s ready to show how she feels but she also wants to be sure Ren feels the same so she doesn’t misread the signs. But Ren is worried that with all the deep political stuff happening and the impending threat of chaos Salem’s reveal will bring, now isn’t really the right time for relationship stuff. Nora fires back that they can’t figure anything out unless they talk about it, and I do kind of agree. If there’s tension like this between the pair then it might affect their teamwork and trust.
Ruby wants no part of this awkward conversation and slides over to Penny’s side, who also realizes the argument probably isn’t about the Bees. So the two head backstage instead, where Marrow is waiting and initially seems happy to see Ruby before getting back into a work mindset and says she shouldn’t be here since she’s still an amateur who wasn’t assigned to this job. But Ruby says she’s just here to be with her friend, and offers Penny a fistbump. Penny looks overjoyed to see this invitation, and eagerly gives Ruby a bump. Unfortunately, steel fists really hurt and Ruby’s hand starts throbbing red. Ouch~ Marrow just tells her not to get in the way, since they need to stay vigilant in case of any trouble. He is interrupted by the one and only... May Marigold, one of the Happy Huntresses we saw when they stopped the truck last episode. 
May is... a deep new kind of character, for reasons that have become clear in recent days and were first brought to my mind when I saw the cast list for this episode. May is voiced by Kdin Jenzen, a lovely woman who works for Rooster Teeth and is memorable for such feats as being able to handle super hot chips with ease on the last two RT Extra Life livestreams. She is also a trans woman. This does nothing to diminish my opinion of her and it should not affect yours. This fact also adds a layer of depth to the character, as the likelihood of May being trans as well seemed rather possible. And as of December 17, this is confirmed: May Marigold is RWBY’s first confirmed trans character. An extra layer of diversity to the world of Remnant is most definitely welcome, and it also adds some depth of character to Robyn Hill. Her group is comprised solely of women, and its a very good look for her that she sees May as one every bit as much as Fiona or herself. Because as we all know, TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN. Okay, tangent over for now.
May sasses Marrow a bit, saying the Happy Huntresses won’t be the ones causing any trouble and are there to make sure nothing goes wrong. So Marrow can scram, he’s not welcome. The poor pup tries to stand up for his faction, saying Ironwood just wants to help and the Ace Ops are there for good reasons. He’s interrupted by Robyn herself though, who accepts his presence as protective assistance as long as he stays out of the way. Clearly this isn’t what May or Joanna were expecting to hear, but Robyn says they need to learn how to get along if she’s gonna be on the council. Marrow tries to give her attitude by saying getting along will be easy as long as she stays within the law. Clearly her prior roadblocking activities make him think she hasn’t been. She tries to appeal to him and get through the strict military obedience, saying the law isn’t fair to everyone and he shouldn’t always have to obey it to the word. But he’s a Faunus in Atlas, it’s preaching to the choir at this point. She says all she wants to do as a council member is make Mantle and Atlas a better place for everyone, including the Faunus. But Marrow is unmoved, he still wants to guilt her about keeping her activities legal. But she matches his attitude tit for tat, everything so far has been totally legal and he can’t prove otherwise~ Their staredown is interrupted by the absolute angel that is Fiona Thyme causing feedback on the microphone and reminding Robyn she needs to get back to the party activities. Marrow backs off and tells Ruby to leave so he and Penny can do their jobs, so she sticks her tongue out at him behind his back and waves goodbye to Penny before returning to Ren and Nora... where things haven’t gotten any better. So she just turns right around to hang out at the front of the crowd.
Fiona has a very touching speech about how this victory has been a product of Mantle’s united effort to make things better, how this is their moment and they all know Robyn will do right by them. She even gets emotional herself, and then invites Robyn herself to come on stage and talk to the crowd a bit. The two seem to whisper to each other a little, likely encouragement by Fiona that she’ll nail her speech and reassurance from Robyn that the dear girl did a good job just now. Robyn opens with a joke that her difficulty with public speaking is a bad match for this career in politics, and Ruby seems amused. She always has seemed to sympathize with Robyn and think she’s a good person, and for the most part I would agree. 
The speech proper starts with Robyn thanking her gathered followers for their votes and for thus putting their faith and belief in her. And she assures them the feeling is mutual, that she believes in the strength and change a single determined person can bring just as much as she knows there is unlimited potential to what people can do when they work together.
And with that unity, it doesn’t matter if she wins or loses because they will all continue to fight for the sake of the city that brings them together. That earns a lot of applause and she leaves the stage, though she starts to show visible concern as the radio announcer points out how close the votes are as the deadline draws fatally near. The Happy Huntresses are still confident she’s got this in the bag...
But she’s no less tense.
With all this talk of unity in mind, Nora tries again to try and address the tension between her and Ren, but deep talks like this really aren’t his thing. Ren has always been emotionally closed off, it’s just in his nature and with emotion being so important for his Semblance it’s clearly been ingrained in his mindset for a long time. Talking is not his love language, he’s always shown how he feels through acts of physical contact. Hugs, leaning on her, holding her hand at the end of Volume 4. So while she’s seeking verbal validation that it is something deeper between them, he’s not used to that and doesn’t really know how to articulate himself and express all his feelings how he wants to. That’s how I interpret it anyway. Nora gets her own read out of his attempt at an answer, and it seems pretty similar to my takeaway from it. Clearly it was encouraging enough for her to know he does like her back he just has so much on his mind he can’t figure out how to say it. Why? Because she literally says “screw talking” and kisses him!!! A KISS FOR RENORA, 7 YEARS IN THE MAKING!!!!! So the two get blissfully lost in the kiss and each other’s company for a little while, and I’m so happy for them.
Unfortunately, this is where we start to have a bad time. We cut to Watts hiding out somewhere booting up several Scrolls in front of a screen showing drone footage of the party as well as older video of Penny’s hero work in Mantle, and he’s activating tech in his rings as we see that Tyrian is in the party crowd in a cloak ready to strike on his partner’s command. The polls are about to close, Ruby is looking over at Penny happy as can be... and sees Tyrian’s tail. She moves to get a closer look, and eyes meet between former foes. She screams towards the stage to watch out, but it’s too late. The lights go out as the election countdown chant hits one, Ren and Nora are holding each other close unsure what’s happening... and Watts gives the order to begin.
He starts doing vague techno stuff with the Scrolls that‘s mostly theatrical hand waving, while at the party Robyn drops her microphone and Ruby gets knocked to the ground by the panicking crowd. Tyrian has started killing people in the audience, in an attacking style seemingly unlike his usual work. Penny activates her night vision at the prompting of Marrow (who SHOULD be able to see in the dark as a Faunus but maybe he’s in a bad position to see what’s happening or her tech optics can do more than ordinary eyes Faunus or otherwise?) and pulls out her swords before she tells Tyrian to surrender. But either that scorpion boy has some mad jumping skills to get to the rafters or Watts could hack Penny’s eyes, because in the time it takes a panicked person to run in front of her he is gone. Watt’s puppeteer act continues as he seems to lift Penny’s movements from one video and put them into the footage of Tyrian’s massacre over the image of his body. How terribly devious. And with a single tap of a district map on one Scroll he changes which candidate several entire parts of Mantle voted for. He may very well have been doing this little by little over the course of the night so the election fraud would look natural, or maybe a significant portion of people actually were voting for Jacques and Arthur just forced the final push. I think the former is a lot more likely.
Meanwhile, Marrow is calling for backup and Robyn calls her Happy Huntresses to her side so they can all keep each other safe. Fiona wants to get Robyn to safety, and at the last second sees Tyrian running across the stage to attack them. His eyes and right arm both glow purple, and he scratches a hole in Fiona’s Aura before slicing at the exposed spot with the blades on his other arm. Seems his Semblances is being able to tear through Aura and then attack a person’s body directly. Useful skill for a killer like him... Still, we know only his tail is poisonous so she probably won’t die. That was likely on purpose too though... If they found venom in her they would know Penny didn’t do it cuz she doesn’t have anything like that. Speaking of Penny, she flies up to tackle Robyn to the floor when it looks like Tyrian is going to attack her next, but he just jumps up to the rafters and giggles maniacally. This part was planned too, because when the lights come on Penny is the one standing on stage with swords drawn over an injured Fiona and confused Robyn. Much like Pyrrha and to a lesser extend Yang before her, Penny has been set up as a brutal killer. Worse yet...
Jacques has officially won the election and gives a live acceptance speech that seems like a total slap in the face. And if we look more carefully at those lying dead on the floor, a few familiar outfits can be seen. The same thirsty moms last seen getting in trouble for taking part in the riots are now going to be orphaning their children... Whether he meant to or not, Tyrian has proven his ultimate villainous status above all others. Ruby, Marrow, Ren and Nora all rush onto the stage to help Penny and Robyn, but the latter doesn’t trust them at all and the former is in shock that such brutality is blamed on her, that she’s failed her purpose as Mantle’s protector when it mattered most. It’s not helped by the fact that a survivor loudly proclaims Penny did it, and refers to her simply as “Ironwood’s Robot”. Dehumanizing her, saying she’s just another machine that’s been taken over and used as a tool of evil. When the Happy Huntresses and angry members of the crowd charge to attack Penny and those that would try to help her, Marrow uses his Semblance for some literal crowd control, making all of them freeze in place. Ren and Nora are quite unnerved to hear Tyrian was the perpetrator, but they get Penny out the back door to relative safety while Robyn stops pointing her weapon at the girl long enough to shove Ruby out of the way when she was trying to help Fiona. Our dear sheepy says she’s gonna be okay, but Marrow still feels bad and offers assistance. Too bad that means he relaxed enough for his Semblance effect to wear off and Joanna starts shooting at him so he and Ruby leave too, though he does try to assure Robyn that Atlas had nothing to do with this.
Watts uploads his deep faked footage and packs up for the night, telling Tyrian their good work is done. Out in an alley, the good guys catch their breath and quietly panic how bad things just got while Penny just stands in despair and shock. Ruby reaches out a hand to try and reassure her before realizing it’s covered in Fiona’s blood. Marrow tells Penny she has to go back to Atlas, but she’s initially not responsive. She does fly off though,, just as the Grimm attack alarms go off and the others get ready for the long night ahead... with the girls not having their weapons unfortunately. As Manticores are seen flying over Mantle and into the streets, Jacques’ victory speech continues to lay faintly veiled dread into our hearts. 
So yeah. Hell of an episode, and one I took way too long to review. School was hell, just like this chapter.
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thinkinboutkiribaku · 5 years
part I,
part II
"So, Bakugo-kun~~ my golden child, prodigy amongst my mistakes, missed you so much ; could you sign here, here and here. Use your cutest handwriting, it's gotta looks precious." Ashido blinked too much.
"The fuck are you talkin' about ?" Katsuki frowned his brows, expecting the sneakiest with her. "Wh-", when he noticed that what she had spread on the desk were shirtless picture taken (stolen) from their last sleepover ; his vein popped.
"Well, because I already accepted the money and sold these to the girls‎ ―that would be a fraud Bakugou. Ah! Did I forget to mention it ? " She bopped her finger playfully against Katsuki's nose, smiling. "Woopsie~~ ".  The sigh of her tongue sticking out aggravated his reaction so much. Only the affection-needy hold of Kaminari's arms around his shoulders prevented him from throwing fists.
"Whaaah, Bakubrooo, my man ! I missed you y'know ? Without you there's a never ending hole in the gang !" he exaggeratedly whined, holding onto tighter.
"He especially missed you 'cause he has no brain and you're the squad's brain ; Kaminari always goes dunce when you go."
"But I named you substitution brain."
"Dude !! You were out for a whole month, how do you expect me to weight the gang's dumb chaotic energy over my shoulders ?? For, I am only a mortal man," Sero opened his trembling hands in front of his face, surely prone to disastrous flashback. "Kaminari's a whole mess but even Kiri's started losing it these last few days ! Bro, please tell me you're staying for good this time !"
"He's stuck with us now, can't go back!" Kirishima leaped over Kaminari's shoulders, his weight forcing Katsuki to bend even more with his friend's burden.
"Bastards, you heavy shit-"
"The only way to get a man to stay, I see…" Sero mumbled, letting himself fall over him, alongside the others.
Following the vibes he's been giving off, Katsuki was never one to appreciate people's warmth permeating his precious personal space. But this didn't feel that much like intrusion, rather it felt just like coming home ; being enveloped by that kind of affection, he kinda missed it.
Still, Katsuki was never one to appreciate having his precious personal space ridiculed.
Thus he gave them extra time to savor and laugh their fucker's ass off before exploding and sending them flying. He was back after all, and that was how their dynamic always worked.
"So ? Finally regretting coming back ?"
"Definitely ! How can someone have that much stamina and shout non-stop for hours ? Mic-sensei ?? I can't !" Kaminari whined, spreading his arms all over his desk, empty paper sheets falling on the ground.
"I wasn't talking to you", Sero elbowed him. "And don't whine, you slept for half the hour, you coward."
"I kinda like Mic's lessons, they're easier to follow because of his voice. I don't get how you can sleep through it." Kirishima frowned.
"My sweet diligent child", Mina cuddled up behind the red hair, tightening her arms around his shoulders. "Always making mama proud."
"I thought Katsuki was your favorite child ?"
"He's too rebellious, I can't pamper him too much.", she tried ruffling Katsuki's hair, but even with his eyes closed he flicked her hand, "My best and yet worst creation... At least I can sell his ass whenever."
"Don't you dare bitc-!"
"Kirishima-kun, there's your twin waiting for you !" An extra classmate called from the door. She was next to a stranger that looked nothing special, waving dumbly from the corridor. Glaring at his face, he appeared as uninteresting and dim-witted as possible in Katsuki's eyes.
Yet, he noticed how eagerly Kirishima ran over towards that stranger fucker.
"Wait so we're all your children then ? And Sero's the daddy ? That's kinky."
"You're all my hard labor family and Sero wakes up from time to time to raise you…", she elbowed him. "Hey daddy~ pay more attention would you."
" Nopeee, I'm orphaning all of you asap now that Katsuki's back…" He whined, face against his desk." I'd still tap that though," he added with a smirk, soon joined with Mina's laugh and an elbow's soft poke.
"Eww, don't do that in front of me, i'm baby."
"Who's that fucker Kirishima just left us for," Katsuki paid no attention to his friends banters as his eyes were still fixated onto something ugly. Why was their stupid handshake that long. And why was Kirishima seeming to have fun in every part of it.
"Oh ! Right you didn't see that !"
"That dude's Kiri's lost twin, I'll tell you ! So we had PE against class B once and they got paired up and then― ! Hit it off like real bro ! Like, they both have that weird old school obsession with being manly and those old heroes movies references, hey― they even share their birthdate. I bet 5$ they're really long lost brother or something."
"Why only 5$ ?" Sero judged.
"Bro I'm broke. Anyway, since that time in PE they started hanging out together sometimes. "
"Kiri is so dazzling, he even get attention from outside our classroom. Sure is my favorite baby."
This shouldn't grip so hard, Kirishima had always been an affection magnet. Only a question of time before others got infatuated too. But Katsuki could feel an ugly emotion growling in his ribcage nonetheless. But he didn't come back for that shit.
"Katsuki ?"
"I'm going out for a bit, –-hungry."
"Hey, bring me something !"
"You can choke on this."
In need of some fresh air, Katsuki exited by the back door to wander in the corridor. Full of loud students packed together while he was walking alone. Fuckers were taking all the fresh air, Katsuki felt annoyed even more. He took a turn opposed to the cafeteria where students were usually attracted by, and hoped for some peace of mind at least.
Too bad,  going for the vending machine, he came onto Kirishima and his fake brother. They were exchanging money to buy each other stuff, and ―surprise― they craved the same candy. Acting on his reflex, Katsuki went back on his step, pressing his back against the opposite wall. It wasn't like he was hiding (of course not). He just didn't want to see the disgusting scene of Kirishima having so much fun with someone else.
He didn't go away immediately though. For some reason, their (really loud) conversation halted him.
"He was a giant, I swear I could see my life flash before my eyes !" the guy used mimics that made Kirishima laugh and Katsuki scowl harder. "I really thought we were done for."
"That sound really exciting though, feeling a life or death situation kinda !"
"It's all about that adrenaline rush."
"Sounds manly !"
"You should really join the team, it'd be fun. We'd make the perfect duo, just like in PE !" the fucker bumped shoulders with Kirishima, and what had been weighing down in Katsuki's stomach burned at the mention duo.
For he had no way to convey this ugly grip around his ribcage that was sinking deeper and deeper, all Katsuki did was kick the wall before leaving with angry steps.
He was feeling sick now.
Awoken for a little while now, thanks to the light rain tapping on the window, Katsuki still didn't felt like moving. He already felt pretty lame for actually skipping classes to rest in the infirmary, but that … feeling back there, had been too much.
Now that he was all alone with his thoughts and the reminiscence of these feelings, he had a hard time fighting them from resurfacing. Of course Kirishima was going to be loved by other and that he would make new friends ; he wasn't the best friend of the infamous Bakugou Katsuki for nothing. Katsuki knew all that, but still…
It wouldn't hurt that much if his feeling weren't going overboard for him. They'd been friends since they were five and nothing could ever come between them on <i>that</i> level, that was promise. And right now they were surely the shiniest thing in each other eyes… But feeling like these made Katsuki apprehend the day someone would dazzle Kirishima's heart away. He knew he was the shit, but nobody could control their feeling…
He would know.
And as the rain was hitting lighter and lighter, announcing he could soon leave school dry, Katsuki decided to leave those feeling behind as well. It felt bittersweet as hell but there was nothing he could do about them in that state. He'll think of a plan after having tasted something, because after sleeping for 3 hours straight he felt damn hungry.
Thinking about what he could get on the way home, Katsuki turned in the infirmary bed, and to his surprise― came facing a red hair, siting roughly on a chair opposed to the bed, gaze consumed by his phone.
He'd be lying if he said he didn't feel at the very least happy Kirishima knew where he was and waited for him, even though school might have ended since a little while now. But that was bittersweet feeling as well, because now he was reminded how precious Kirishima was and how other people might be entranced by it too. Katsuki responded to that by watching how the sun, resurfacing from the clouds, reflected its light other Kirishima's crimson face. It became even more mesmerizing when Kirishima raised his head, offering a cute smile.
"You came back to play hooky huh…"
"Shut up", Katsuki grumbled as he put himself in seating position. "You.. Did classes end long time ago ?"
"Around half an  hour… And for your notice, I was planning on waking you up in another 15 minutes or so ! Don't think I'd forget you.", his last word hitting Katsuki's heart smoother than he could know.
"Don't think I'd forget you" came clashing right against the awful "We'd make the perfect duo" line from earlier. Katsuki turned his face towards the window just next to his, and as he expected, he could see the club training in the schoolyard.
"Hey… are you going to join a club ?"
"Huh ? Why you ask ?"
"Cause you seem the type that would like that type of shit."
"It does seems nice and all, but it goes on for hours right after school… I don't really like coming home late and… I wouldn't be able to go home with you. Or to go see you on set !"
Katsuki could feel through his skin that his cheeks were slowly blushing. That was so stupid and of course Kirishima would say something like that, but damn it felt good. Especially right now… Katsuki needed indulgence.
"I don't need you coming though… Can go home on my own.", he grumbled, reaching.
"I know that," Kirishima smiled, and the vision of the sun reflecting golden hour over his face made the air around Katsuki feel sweeter and his heart beating.
In front of such feeling, he needed a moment ; thus he put his face against his knee for a while, brutally inhaling whatever. When he dropped a bit from his airy feeling, he still felt high somewhat.
"Hey, let's go, to that taco place you talked about… Or whatever, I'm fucking hungry, shit."
part I, part III
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artificialqueens · 5 years
The Diner (Branjie)- im-good-ty
a/n: Hello ppl! So I was listening to Todrick Halls “Play” (ft. Jade Novah) and I got really inspired to write this VERY VERY cheesy lesbian AU fic. I hope y’all like it and once again feel free to send some feedback ——————————
Vanessa was late again. When is she not honestly? Now that everyone had jobs and college and stuff meeting with the dreamgirls once a week was Vanjies highlight of every week. The little diner where they met up was Vanessas favorite place(as well as Silkys and A'kerias). She knew all the staff like her own family and if someone would hold her at gunpoint and asked her to tell the menu from the heart that wouldn’t be a problem. And Vanjie also loved the atmosphere that it had. Turing daytime it was just a fun place with a lot of colors- you literally could not walk in there without a smile. But as soon as the sun went down the place lit up with a lot of neon signs. And this was the moment Vanessa enjoyed it the most. Not only did the neon signs made a cute selfie light it also made her feel like she was living in a movie. Vanessa stepped through the door being greeted by the owners daughter Nina “Hey Vanessa, late again?” she smiled “Hi Nina, yeah you know traffic was a mess” Vanessa said with a smile while rolling her eyes. They both knew it wasn’t traffic that made Vanessa late but the fact that she just couldn’t choose what the fuck to wear. V walked up to Silky and A'keria who both greeted her loudly. “Giiiirl I thought that you died or something,” Silky said teasingly “was literally about to call the police.” , “It was the traffic” V quickly answered. “Yeah sure keep telling yourself that maybe one day it actually will be true” A'keria muttered. The girls continued chatting and catching up. Silky talked about her new college crush. It as some art student who Silk had seen only once or twice but was certain they’d get married someday. A'keria talked a about her new job and about her boss who was apparently a horrible human being. Making her work over hours without extra payment. “What can I get y'all,” a voice suddenly said next to them. Silky and A'keria had already ordered and Vanessa being so into A'kerias story without even looking at the waiter she just waved her hand “The usual,” “And that would be?” Now Vanessa snapped out of A'kerias story and looked at the waitress. Standing next to her was someone V had never seen before and she knew every single person working here. She was a tall girl with long blond hair. And she was absolutely gorgeous. For a moment Vanessa forgot what are words “Shake… cherry… milk” she just stuttered “Is that all?” the girl smiled, Vanessa just nodded and watched her walk away. Turning back to her friend she was greeted with puzzled looks. “Vanj you have a lady boner” A'keria joked as Silky jokingly looked under the table “Ooh and a big one too”. Vanessa just shook her head and rolled her eyes, acting like she had no idea what they were talking about. “So where were we with your boss?” she quickly tried to change the topic. “You should ask her out,” “Your boss?” “No! The blonde waitress you dumb bitch!” “What? No I don’t like her or whatever” “Well the drool on the side of your mouth is telling a different story” “And the lady boner” Silky joined in. Vanessa just but her middle fingers up and shook them in front of her friends’ faces. Nina brought them their shakes and Silkys food. From time to time Vanessa looked over her shoulder to see the blonde girl again. She didn’t know why but that stranger made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The blonde was talking with Nina and Vanessa just got lost when the girl giggled. She wished she could hear that giggle all the time. “Oh my fucking god, take a fucking picture it will last longer,” A’keria said being clearly annoyed with Vanessa not paying enough attention to her friends. “No, I was looking at Nina” Vanessa quickly said “Good save” Silky snorted out laughing. “I wanna order a coffee” V rolled her eyes again. The rest of the evening V was focused on her friends or at least that’s what it looked but in her head, all she could think about was the strangers’ beautiful face and that cute giggle. Because Akeria had work in the morning and Silky had a lecture they wanted to go home to get some sleep. Vaness decided to stay a little longer to chat with Nina. But Silk and Akeria both knew there was a totally different reason Vanessa wanted to say. They hugged and said goodbye. V went to sit down in front of the cashier. “They left early today,” Nina said “Yeah they both have a busy life now” Vanessa smiled and looked around to see if she would spot the blonde girl. “Who is that new blonde working here?”, “I’m Brooke Lynn,” a voice said behind Vanessa. V turned around to see the blonde girl standing behind her. “Like the borough?” , “No two different names, Brooke and Lynn” the girl smiled. “I’m Vanessa. Friends call me Vanjie”, “Nice to meet you Vanjie,” Brooke said stretching out her arm. They shook their hands and Brooke left to take more orders. Vanessa turned back to Nina who was grinning broadly. “Oh stop” V smailed back. She didn’t even wanna defend herself cause she was absolutely smitten by this Brooke Lynn. * Next week couldn’t come faster. Vanessa didn’t have time to go back to the diner before the dreamgirls meetup. But no matter what she was still running late. The moment she stepped out of her house she got a text from A’keria. *Hey Girl! Sorry, can’t make it today. My boss made me do over hours again. Texted Silk too. How about tomorrow? -A * *Tomorrow sounds fine - V* Although Vanessa missed her friends and couldn’t wait to hear about their week she was still hella excited to go to the diner. The diner was almost empty with just one lady drining coffee and eating an eclair. “Hey! Are you here first today? I can’t believe it.” Nina said. Vanessa shook her head “The others couldn’t make it,”, “Oh okay. Well, Brooke is outside having a smoke break” Nina said with a wink. “Just give me a coffee please” V shook her head. Vanessa took her coffee and sat down by the window. She had a book with her so she just started reading it. Vanessa hated reading but she needed to look like she was busy and not there to enjoy the sight of Brooke. “Hey Vanjie.” a soft voice said. A blonde girl was standing next to Vanessas table now. “Hi Brooke” V said with a big smile gesturing her hand for Brooke to sit down. “How is the most beautiful person on the earth doing?” Brooke said with a smile making Vanjie blush. “I’m not sure, how are you?” V flirted back. A huge group of people walked in wich ment Brooke had to go back to work. “Oh before I go” Brooke looked at Vanessa “I lost my phone number so can I have yours?” Vanessa just looked at the blonde with confusion “You can’t lose… oooooooh… that… is very cheesy” V smiled after understanding the pickup line a few seconds late. V took a pen from Brooke Lynns aprons pocket and wrote her phone number on a napkin. Yes, she could have written int directly into Brookes phone but it would have taken the movie magic away. When Vanessa got home she sat down on her couch placing her phone next to her and eagerly checking every notification she got. Finally a text from an unknown number. *Hey V! I need your help. There is this really cute girl that I wanna ask out but I think she might say no.- Brooke* Vanessa was very confused. Wasn’t Brooke just flirting with her at the diner? *Oh. I don’t know just call them or something.-V* *Can I call you first to practise?-B* *Sure- V* Immediately her phone rang. “Hi Brooke!” “Hey Vanjie. I was wondering would you like to go out with me?” “Haha sure. See it wasn’t that hard. Now you can call her.” “But I am calling her.” Vanessa could feel how her whole face turned bright red at that moment.
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fanfic-inator795 · 5 years
RotTMNT/Baron Jitsu fanfiction: Dating… With Children - Chapter Four
(Also on AO3 if you want to leave a comment or kudos)
Plot:  Benjamin Draxum hardly considered himself a man of high social standing. Not because he was uncouth or unworthy of it, mind you, but simply because he didn’t have much of a social life. Hard to have one when he usually spent his days at work, cooped up in a lab for so long that he often had his lunches in there, and his nights at home reading or doing research for more personal projects. But perhaps meeting handsome semi-retired movie star - as well as his four young sons - could change all that…
First off: Thank you all so much for the kudos and comments, it's just so SO encouraging that people are supporting this AU ^v^ Your kind words and feedback mean the world to me!
Secondly: That hiatus I was gonna go on to work on original stuff? Yeahhhh, didn't really pan out... BUT, i'm still gonna try to work on original stuff the best I can, I'm just gonna also work on fanfics when I'm in the mood. I figured trying to limit myself and divide my focus is better than going cold turkey on fanfics and not having anything to work on when I hit writer's block on my original stuff. So yeah, expect semi-frequent updates, and I hope you all enjoy this chapter! ^v^ Quick note: It takes place directly after Lou and Draxum's date in the last chapter (but before the little bit at the end of ch. 3 with Draxum going into work and Huginn and Muninn noticing his good mood, heh). Okay, here we go!
“...So, how come we’re meeting Dr. Draxum for breakfast?” Raph asked, glancing away from his window and the passing New York architecture.
“Actually it's brunch, but yeah, why?” Donnie said from the back-left seat, though he didn't bother to look up from his book, “Didn't you guys JUST see each other yesterday night?”
“I bet you guys are really good friends now!” Mikey grinned, “Just like us an’ April!”
Looking up from the road for just a moment, Lou smiled at his youngest son using the rear view mirror. “Yes, we are… But, Dr. Draxum wanted to see you all again too.” He left it at that for now, wanting him and his new boyfriend to explain the situation to his children together, as well as answer any questions they may have had.
Thankfully, three of his four kids were satisfied with this answer and went back to either looking out the window or, in Donnie’s case, reading. Leo however couldn't help but stare at his father. Something was up… He knew something was up! Maybe he wasn't as smart as his twin, but Leo still liked to think that he was a bit more observant than the average six year old, at least.
He saw the extra smiles his dad would make whenever Draxum was mentioned, and how excited he was to see him again. And his face would sometimes get sorta red too… While yeah, Leo would've been happy with his dad just making a new friend, there was something about how he hung out with the long-haired doctor that made him seem like way more than a friend. How happy his dad was to see or hear from him, how long they'd talk over the phone, how close they'd sit or stand near each other…
Oh yeah, Leo could see it clearly. The boy tipped his blue cap low over his face, trying to hide his smirk. He'd seen enough Disney movies to know EXACTLY where this was going - and maybe he hadn't shared his theory with his brothers yet, but he was still gonna rub it in their faces that he knew all along.
Soon enough, the family of five arrived at one of the big city’s cozy local diners. Before moving to help his kids out of the car, Lou made sure to swap out his normal yellow tinted glasses with his darker sunglasses - or his ‘sneaking around so no one knows I'm a movie star’ glasses, as dubbed by his kids. (Not that they even really minded whenever their dad was ambushed by fans, usually making a game out of who could sneak into the most photos or who could get the most compliments.)
Thankfully, the glasses did their job, and the hostess greeted them like she would any family. “Table for six, please,” Lou told her, “we’re still waiting for one other person.” The hostess nodded and led them to a large, round table near the back of the restaurant.
It was only a few minutes later, after they were given coffee, milk and free crayons to draw on the kids menus with, that Draxum arrived looking the most casual that Lou had ever seen him. The scientist was wearing a dark green polo with brown jeans, and his long hair was actually loose rather than in a ponytail or braid, instead simply resting over his broad shoulders. Lou quickly waved him over, flashing his boyfriend a grin that in turn made him smile softly.
“‘Morning, Dr. Draxum!” Raph greeted while Mikey waved and the twins nodded.
“Good morning to you as well, boys,” he nodded back, sitting down, “And to you, Lou.”
“Yes, a very good morning.” Lowering his voice a bit, Lou added, “For the record, you should definitely wear your hair down more often.”
Draxum rolled his eyes, though let himself smile back at the man just a little. “I’ll consider it. So, what's everyone get-?”
“Waffles!” “Pancakes!” “French toast!” “Breakfast burritooooo!”
“Boys, inside voices, remember?” Lou lightly scolded. His boys mumbled an apology before eagerly making additions to their breakfast requests, now at a much quieter volume. Draxum smiled, a bit amused by the wholesome scene. How Lou could manage to keep a level head while raising four slightly rowdy boys on his own, Draxum didn't know, but it was certainly impressive. Maybe fatherhood was just easier after dealing with the stresses of Hollywood, Draxum supposed.
“I’ll probably just get one of these bacon and cheese omelets,” Lou told him, “and what are you getting?”
His date hummed. “I think I may get a couple pieces of French toast, as well. Though just so you know, we’re getting separate checks-”
“Ah-ah, no way,” Lou told him, insistent, “You made dinner last night, I can buy breakfast today.”
“Technically it's brunch, and honestly Lou, this was my idea and I'm perfectly capable of buying my own breakfast-”
“Didn't say you weren't, Ben.” The ex-star then angled his face down a bit so Draxum could see his eyes over his glasses. “I'm just saying that I'm the type who likes to treat a guy right.”
Draxum huffed. “How annoyingly chivalrous of you,” he retorted, even if his expression was anything but annoyed. Lou just flashed him a grin.
While his brothers continued to draw and talk, no longer interested in the strange conversation, Leo just made a face at the two adults across from him. What was that thing grown ups called it? Flirting? Was this flirting? Groooooss - even if it was another bit of proof that he was right in his deduction.
Eventually, the waitress returned and took their orders. Having more than a few minutes until their food would be brought back, Lou decided that there was no better time than now. “So, my sons,” he began, getting his kids’ attention. Draxum also made sure to sit up a bit straighter, suddenly feeling a bit nervous.
...Hoping for approval from kids under ten years old. Huh… What a strange turn his life had taken in just a few weeks.
Lou seemed to feel the same, fidgeting his hands slightly as he made sure his tone stayed calm. “There was a reason why we - er, Dr. Draxum and I - wanted us all to have brunch together, because there is something we wanted to tell you all. Ah, don't worry, it's nothing bad, though it's also okay if you aren't too sure about it or have questions, okay? We just want to be honest with you all.”
“Well, what is it?” Raph asked, voicing what he as well as Donnie and Mikey were thinking.
“Well… Dr. Draxum and I have decided to officially start dating.” Lou felt himself grin, still feeling the leftover excitement and happiness from the night before. “As of last night, he is my new boyfriend.”
“Yes,” Draxum stiffly nodded, figuring he should participate in this too, “We are dating and, and we hope that you are all alright with that.”
Raph began to speak when Leo let out a cheer. “YES! I knew it! I knew you guys were gonna say that!” The boy in blue exclaimed.
“What?! Nuh uh!” Donnie argued, “you couldn't have known!” At the same time, Mikey asked in awe, “How'd you know?”
“Cause I saw how Dad would give Dr. Draxum weird smiles, and he'd do the same to Dad,” Leo told them, “And I saw how they'd get all lovey dovey and do the weird-gross flirty thing too! So I just knew they were in love!”
Draxum held back a chuckle. As embarrassing as it was to have it all laid out in the open like that - and by a child, no less - there really was no denying it at this point. He had fallen in love, and had done it more quickly than he ever would he thought. Perhaps Lou just had that special something, or maybe it was just easy for him to drag people up to his speed. Either way, Draxum couldn't say he wasn't grateful for it. Not when the results were this surprisingly satisfying.
“...Hey, Dr. Draxum.” Brought out of his thoughts, Draxum directed his attention squarely on the boy in red. “How come you think we wouldn't be alright with you dating our dad?”
“Er, well-”
“Cause you're really cool-”
“And nice!” Mikey chimed in.
“And super smart,” Donnie smiled.
“And really tall with pretty hair,” Leo added.
“Yeah! So you seem like a good boyfriend to us!” Raph finished, nodding at the doctor in approval, “Just as long as you keep bein’ nice to our dad and don't make hurt his feelings or cheat or anything!” At this, all four boys put on a bit of a scowl, a silent (and unfortunately for them, sort of adorable) warning.
Still, even while being a bit shocked that kids so young apparently knew what cheating was, Draxum made sure to look serious as possible as he nodded back at them. “I promise to try and be the best boyfriend I can be to your father.” After he said this, he felt a hand grip his from under the table. Looking back at his date, he saw a much softer smile now.
“And I will promise the same thing,” Lou said simply. And that was all Draxum needed.
“...So, what made you wanna start dating Pop anyway?” Donnie asked, raising an eyebrow, “Wouldn't you wanna date someone as smart as you?”
Draxum quickly brought his other hand up to his mouth, trying to cover up his muffled laughter while Lou gave his middle child a bit of a look. “Geez, Donnie, you should be a bit nicer to your old man, don't you think?”
“I'm not trying to be mean!” Donnie argued, “I just thought it was kinda weird. Don't scientists date each other?”
“Maybe in the movies and comics,” Draxum told him, “Not so much in real life. But as for why I wanted to start dating your father, well… It's the same reason why I chose to keep in contact with him after meeting him at the museum: I enjoy his company, and I feel comfortable with him.”
“And I'm ‘less annoying than other people’, you can't forget that,” Lou quoted with a grin. Draxum nudged him with his elbow, and Lou nudged him right back.
“So, wait,” Leo said, grimacing as he began to realize the downside to being right, “if you're boyfriends, does that mean you guys gonna start making out all the time now?”
Draxum immediately blushed, which in turn caused Lou to laugh, too amused to be embarrassed. “No, we are not going to be making out all the time. We are however still going to kiss and hug sometimes, but we’ll try to do it when you kids aren't watching, okay?”
Leo still stuck out his tongue, “Grossss.” Lou just chuckled again, leaning over and ruffling the boy’s hair.
“How do they know what ‘making out’ and ‘cheating’ are?” Draxum whispered.
His boyfriend sighed slightly. “Let’s just say that Donatello is way too good at hacking the parental locks on the tv.”
Draxum shook his head, an amused smile returning to his face. Unbelievable… Yet completely fitting. As he spotted the waitress returning with their food, he felt himself relax. That had gone over pretty well, actually. The kids were okay with it, they answered all their questions, and there had only been maybe one or two awkward moments, and they were going to have a decent, hot meal to finish off the occasion. All in all, not bad.
His French toast was looking really good as well, topped with powdered sugar and brought with hot syrup. Everyone else quickly dug into their meals - with the exception of Mikey and Lou, with the latter helping the former cut his breakfast burrito up into a more manageable size for such tiny hands - so Draxum didn't hesitate to do the same. He cut off a piece, brought it to his mouth, and-
“Are you two gonna get married?”
Draxum sputtered, nearly choking on his bite but forcing himself to swallow. “W-Wha-?”
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Lou sitting up a bit straighter, forcing a sheepish smile. “Ah, heh, Mikey, that's-”
“Oh yeah!” Raph said, nodding at his youngest brother, “Grown ups who date always get married.”
“Not always,” Donnie lightly argued as he poured syrup on his pancakes, “They also breakup sometimes.”
“But that counts as being mean, right?” Leo asked, “So if Dr, Draxum breaks up with Dad, are we allowed to beat ‘im up?”
“You boys will not be beating anyone up,” Lou said sternly, “And, ah, marriage is, well, i-it's a long way off. Very long way. We just want to enjoy dating each other for right now, understand?” The boys all sort of shrugged and nodded, accepting it more than understanding.
“Though, I will probably be around a bit more often to visit you all as well as, well, taking your father out on dates,” Draxum added, “Which means you all don't have to be so formal with me. I won't mind if you don't use my title or call me Benjamin or Ben instead.”
Mikey hummed, scooping up a forkful of burrito. “Nah, I'm gonna keep calling you Draxum.”
“It does sound cooler,” Leo commented, “Way cooler than just Ben.”
“Well, fair enough, I suppose,” Draxum told them, not minding the technical insult.
Thankfully there were no more surprise questions for the rest of their meal, even if the conversation itself was still primarily controlled by the children at the table. Donnie and Leo happily shared the books and comics they would be hoping to find at the library later that day, sparking a discussion for all three of them about their favorite books and stories. Granted most of Draxum’s favorites were a bit too high-concept for children, but he was happy to break them down for them, endeared by their comments and observations.
On the other side, Lou listened to his oldest and youngest sons tell him about the puppet show that would also be happening that day - both the good and bad things about it. (“Raphael, baby, I promise you that the puppets are not actually alive, nor are they evil, no matter what the older kids say.”) When Mikey decided to invite Draxum to come along with them to watch, Lou had to hold back a laugh when he saw the taller man’s face twist into a forced smile.
“As… fun as that sounds, Michael, I have a few errands I need to run before the day is over, so I don't think I’ll have the time.” He may have liked Lou’s kids, but he had his limits. “But I hope you and your brothers enjoy yourselves.”
“We will!” Mikey grinned, while Raph just slouched in his seat, looking much more unsure. Lou gave him another pat on the back.
Once the dishes were cleared away and Lou paid the bill, the six of them headed out to Lou’s car, with Draxum once again taking the extra step to walk him to it.
“Well, that went over pretty well, don't you think?” Lou asked, leaning on his gold painted vehicle, his kids already inside.
Draxum nodded. “Yes, I'd say it was the best reaction we could've hoped for.” He chuckled lightly before adding, “Though, I’ll have to keep your sons’ warning in mind.”
“Oh, I'm not worried.” Maybe they would last and maybe they wouldn't, but Lou had a feeling he didn't have to be concerned about his new lover cheating on him or doing anything else extremely hurtful. Although, there was one other thought in his mind… “But, ah, I'm sorry if any of the boys’ questions caught you off guard.” He rubbed the back of his neck, his smile a bit more sheepish. “Like… The whole marriage thing?”
Draxum stared at him for a moment, taking him in as he tried to wrap his head around the image of such a normally open and bold person actually looking somewhat bashful. He felt his own smile soften a bit. “While it may have surprised me a bit, yes, I supposed we should have expected it. It's only natural for a child to jump to things like that, after all. ...But, I think that you were more flustered by the idea than I was.”
Despite the heat returning to his face ever so slightly, the ex-star scoffed. “What, me? Nahhh, never!” Lou insisted. He might have gone on, if he hadn't noticed Draxum’s flat stare. “...Well, I mean, maybe a little. But, but not because the idea is unappealing or anything! I've got nothing against commitment, I can assure you I have been in exclusive relationships before-”
Lou cringed. Yeah, tell him about your past loves, that's JUST what your new love wants to hear! “I just, ah- we don't want to take things TOO fast, you know? We just started dating, for goodness sake! I may enjoy life in the fast lane sometimes but- Er, but like I said, I wouldn't mind getting married either. Totally cool with marriage! Definitely wouldn't mind if it was with you! That is, as long as you wanted to-” Wait, you guys literally got together YESTERDAY, are you seriously-? “N-Not that you have to decide that this very moment, that would be ridiculous! Heh…”
Lou held back a groan, feeling like he could slap himself as Draxum continued to stare at him, eyebrows raised. When it came to things like flirting and getting people on his good side, it felt like he could do know wrong, words and smiles flowing through him like air. But sometimes, when it was time for much more emotional and personal things - the more awkward things - it was like being shoved into a soundstage without a script! “Look, what I'm trying to say is-!”
Both men flinched at the loud horn, with Lou nearly crashing right into Draxum’s chest. “Daaaaad, are we gonna go yet?” a muffled voice from the car asked.
“I will be there in a moment, Leo, now please get back in your seat!” Sighing, he turned back to Draxum.
“So,” Draxum began, his gaze still soft and free of judgement despite everything, “what were you trying to say, Lou?”
“...I think, what I am trying to say… Is that I do not want to pressure you into anything, or push you into anything because… I don't want that either.” Even if Draxum was the first person he felt fairly serious about. Feeling a smile come onto his face, if only a little, made his thoughts come to him a bit more easily.
“You… You are a good man. Smart and interesting, fun and kind and-” And hot, so VERY handsome- “and, I want to just enjoy being in these moments with you, without really thinking of- without worrying about the future, because… Well, you're the first person that I've wanted to do that with in a long time. Not in a ‘this is a fling’ sort of way but, just in an ‘I enjoy being around you, and this feels good so let's just roll with it, a-and I also really don't want to lose this feeling or scare you off’ way, you know?”
“...Well, maybe not the fling thing but, yes, I do understand,” Draxum told him, taking a step as he kept the space between them close, “and, considering that you've kept me for this long… I think you and your kids would have to try a lot harder if you ever did want to scare me off.”
Lou grinned, taking his boyfriend’s hand. “Heh, I will keep that in mind…” Speaking of his kids, even without any more blasts from a car horn, he could hear them start to complain. Draxum could hear it too, and gave Lou a quick peck on the cheek before he needed to leave.
“Until our next appointment, doc?” Lou said, stepping back and putting his hand on the driver’s door handle.
“Are you going to keep using that line?”
“Sure am!” Draxum sighed, briefly wondering why he was agreeing to all of this again, and remembering only a second later as he watched Lou smile and cheer along with his kids as they finally left the parking lot…
He was nearly in bed when he heard from Lou again, only it wasn't a phone call but a text. Specifically, a text and a photo of a simple, fairly messy drawing of the two of them, holding hands and surrounded by a giant pink, glittery heart (as well as small, multi-colored hearts).
“Look what Mikey drew at the library arts and crafts table. I think he supports us - and he captured your likeness pretty well!”
Draxum scoffed despite his smirk as he texted back, “That boy of yours is too adorable for his own good.”
Lou’s reply came in only a couple seconds later. “I’ll let him know you liked it. ;)”
Draxum nodded at the screen. He expected to be bombarded with numerous similar looking drawings the next time he visited the Jitsu home, but it was just as well.
Taking a moment to save the picture to his phone, Draxum then set his alarm before getting into bed, a fairly relaxed and content expression on his face as he slipped into sleep.
((Splinter's awkward dad apology/speech at the end of 'Evil League of Mutants' is so sweet, he's trying his best, ya'll... Such a good rat dad... But yeah, that's pretty much where I got my inspiration for quite a bit of Lou's dialogue in this chapter, lol. Just another side of him I wanted to show. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed! ^v^))
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