#or they can give us a love me anyway 2.0
makorragal-312 · 1 month
I hope to God that this show doesn't try to bring the Buckleys back just so they can be assholes to Buck about his bisexuality because this man doesn't need anymore bullshit from those two, especially now.
And if they do choose to bring them back for that which I fucking pray they don't, it better be so that Buck can finally and rightfully cut them off and Maddie backs him on it.
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angxlofvenus · 11 months
Hii! I saw your requests were open and I thought I'd give you a hc/fic idea:
The brothers (or whoever you'd like to write for) reacting to Mc using their shampoo/ soap in the shower for whatever reason ^^
I hope this makes sense to you lol, anyways I hope you're having a wonderful day/night, don't push yourself too hard, and drink water!! You can also take any creative liberties you seem fit, or if you decide you don't want to write it I won't be offended ^^
Thank you so much for the request!! This is absolutely adorable, I hope everything is to your liking, Have a great rest of your day/night !! Genre: fluff Ship: Reader x brothers + Diavolo (individual headcanons) TW: clingy demons, minimal cussing, no use of readers' pronouns, second-person pov
When You Use Their Shampoo
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Stepping into the shower, You were greeted with the nice hot/cool water raining from above, Going to start your routine, You reached for your shampoo bottle only to find it empty! Looking around you spotted his shampoo and conditioner, surely he wouldn’t mind… right?
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100% smells it on you no matter how little you used
Won’t tease you in public but as soon as ya’ll are alone? Ho ho, he’ll never shut up about it
Smug, the definition of smug
You had to go and inflate the ego of The Lord of Pride even more
Very possessive afterwards
Congrats, You know have a scary guard dog demon!
He probably wouldn’t even really notice at first
He’d probably compliment how good you smell, Then would slowly realize…
Great, Now he's yelling gibberish while his face slowly gets redder and redder
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack, don’t do that to me!” But will become very clingy
If you say his shampoo smells good, he may lose his mind.
“Well of course ya wanted to smell Like the great Mammon!” 
Poor awkward nerd
He never saw this coming
I think he would realize you used his shampoo but won’t say anything
Flustered to the max
You have broken him
Levi.404 has stopped working, please reset.
After like the third day, You’re gonna have to bring it up
Secretly really likes it, Won’t tell you that though
I think he is very picky about scents so he knows as soon as you walk into the room
A little bit of a tease, asking if you were trying out a new shampoo
Smug 2.0 
He would tease you a little bit around the others but not bad
He would flood you with compliments, You using his shampoo would make him very lovey-dovey
Expect him to ask for ya’ll to just use the same stuff from now on
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Oh honey, he knows.
He knew before you even got out of the shower.
But that doesn't mean he's any less excited!
Better plug your ears because he will let out the loudest squeal known to mankind
Seriously, Lucifer may come and check on ya’ll helicopter mom
Asks what you do and don’t like about it
He just wants you to feel as fantastic as he does when using it
Everyone will know you used his shampoo, He brings it up in every conversation
Would also 100% ask you to use his bath products 24/7
Now Beel has never been really into insane products like Asmo or Luci
So he may not really recognize it at first
If you decide to tell him, This man will become a happy demon puddle
He’ll give you a big smile and tell you you’re free to use any of his stuff at anytime
We don’t deserve Beel
Will bury his face into your hair and just stay there
Takes you out to Hell’s kitchen that night just because he loves you so much
Oh this little shit
Tease! He won’t quit bragging!!
Smug 3.0
Such a brat about it too, He won’t let anybody near you, Well of course he’d let Beel, but who wouldn't?
He has practically locked you up in the attic with him
Why go outside when ya’ll can cuddle? 
Has really expensive products 
He may even have a custom scent
If so, He’ll know instantly that you’ve used his shampoo
He’ll bring it up with a large grin on his face
When you confirm his suspicions, he’ll just laugh
He’s so happy ya’ll are close enough to share things like that, You have no idea!
He may make a sly comment to Barbatos or Lucifer just because he’s a little possessive
Will follow you around like a lost puppy, Now Barbatos is mad at you because even less of his work is done
He can’t help it! He just loves you!
Will be the third on my list to offer ya’ll to just share bath products
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spidernuggets · 5 months
No. 18 "Plea- Please. I can't be hated by you, I just can't" with reader saying this to Jason because he just found out that the Joker is her father
Jason Todd x Joker's Daughter!Reader
"Plea- Please. I can't be hated by you, I just can't."
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You tried long and hard to fall out of your father's tight grasp of holding you hostage, telling you many times that you are his flesh and blood. His family. His face and name.
He's repeated that no one in the world will ever love you except him. And even if someone did, if they find out who you're related to, they'd instantly stop loving you. No one in the world is aware of your existence except for him and a few of his goons. Not even Batman knows that the Joker has a kid.
You've watched the Joker torture, maim, kill so many innocent people. You've watched him force other men who can't fend for themselves to work for him.
And for what? Your father does this for a good laugh. Because he's bored. Because he wants to play Tag with Batman.
But with endless lectures and monologues from the Joker, somehow, you remain to stay sane. But every time you tried to escape his hold, he somehow still managed to find you. How does he do it?
You found out from overhearing a discussion to kill Batman that the Joker would use Scarecrow's fear toxin on you to do his bidding, knowing that maltreatment wouldn't get you to do what he wants. And upon this discussion, you hear that you can't escape. That you could never escape from him. He planted a tracking chip, under your tongue.
You instantly ran to what is labelled as your bedroom. But in reality, it's just a small, cramped space with mould growing in all corners, cracks in the walls, and dried blood stains on the floor. But toss an old mattress there, and suddenly it classifies as a bedroom from dear old dad.
There's a shattered mirror hanging on one of the walls. You grab a shard off the floor, staring into the mirror, looking desoerate to take the tracker out. As soon as you lifted your tongue to rip out your tracker, you hear the Joker call for you.
"Ohhh, Y/n, my sweets!" He bellows. You drop the shard, turning to look at your dad with an unamused expression on your face, replying with a harsh 'what'.
"Clear up the attitude, hm? There's someone I'd like you to meet!" He declares, almost in a tune. Your face scrunches in confusion. Joker says no more as he walks away, expecting you to follow, as you do.
You follow him down to the ground floor of the warehouse. And you're shocked to see Robin tied up with barbed wires to a wheelchair. His face is busted, there's dark circles under his eyes, but no one would notice them seeing how bloodied his face was, and his head was hung low.
He looked scared, confused. He looked like he'd given up on trying to escape.
"Meet boy blunder 2.0!" Joker cheered, picking up his crowbar, giving Jason a swing to the leg. Jason grimaces but doesn't scream in pain. He already looks so dead. Joker scoffs in boredom. "Not playing, I see," he mutters. "No matter! I'm quite finished with you anyway. But first!"
The Joker brings out a camera, putting it right in front of Jason. You're confused as to why you were brought down to witness this. You have an understanding that the Joker would kill Robin, but you have no control over what he does. You try to help Robin, and your head would have a bullet in there.
"How long has he been here?" You quietly ask.
"Oh, you know.." The Joker chuckles. "A month... a year? Same difference," he cackles as your eyes widen.
He starts recording, and you don't realise you can be seen in the corner of the background of the footage. The Joker goes on and on with his usual, riddled speeches. Within that, it is revealed to you that this new Robin is identified as Jason Todd, who claims to hate Batman.
"Hey..." The Joker suddenly says to Jason. "I never asked. What's the big secret? Who is the big, bad bat? What's his name? Tell me!" he calmly says.
"Of course, sir. It's-"
No matter how many times you witness your father murder an innocent person, you'd never get used to the sound of his gunshot. Or the sound of his crowbar against bruising flesh. Or his maniacal cackles of dekight when he kills someone. Especially someone who is... was close to Batman.
"Never could stand a tattletale. See, my darling, Y/n?" He says to you. "This is why I work alone. No one to spoil the punchline!" He grands the camera, bringing it to get a closer look at the dead boy in front of you. "You should try it sometime." At this point, you don't know if he's talking to you or the camera. You assume this video footage would be sent to the Bat.
The Joker finishes up the footage, tossing the camera to you as you clumsily catch it. "Export the footage, my sweets. Then, send it to the coordinates that I'll send to you in a bit," he instructs to you.
"Why can't you do it?" You carefully say, trying not to get on his bad side.
"Because..." He hisses, harshly grabbing your face with a firm grip as you winced. "I told you to do it. Now go."
You glare at him, going to go export the footage and send the taoes to the coordinates, in which you assume is where Batman would be currently located.
A month later, everything is quiet. The Joker and most of his goons are out to raid Scarecrow's cookery. You take this opportunity. You head to your room, looking dead in your eyes through the mirror. You slowly open your mouth, sticking your finger in, trying to feel the lumo of where the tracker is situated.
When you find it, you grab a shard, placing it directly over the tracker. You attempted to muffle your whimpers as much as you can to make sure the rest of Joker's goons don't hear you. You were finally able to pop the tracker out, and you hold it up between your eyes, your focus on the blinking light that somehow blinds you. It makes your eyes water, but you drop the tracker to the ground, leaving it there. You're aware that if you step on it, it might send a signal to Joker, indicating that the device he planted in you had been damaged.
So you left it there in your room, you pack whatever shit you can, and you attempt once more to escape that damn warehouse. For the uears you soent in there, you took note of usually unguarded exits and the routines of your dad's goons.
And with that, you successfully stepped foot out of the warehouse. And you took no extra second to bolt away as fast and as far away as you can.
With your bolt for freedom, you go to the closest drug store. Thanks to dear old dad, you managed to steal some essentials. Vitamins, bandages- oh. And some hair dye. You go to whatever public restroom you could find. You got your pocket knife and started to messily cut your hair, along with applying every last drop of that hair dye.
You decided to stay along the outskirts of Gotham. You were never able to get out of the warehouse, so staying in Gotham, a somewhat familiar setting would be safest for you.
And since the outskirts are the poorer sides of town, where the Joker wouldn't be interested in torturing the already tortured, you knew that he wouldn't be a problem for a good while.
So you went around, figuring the in and outs of the outskirts. It's been another few years, and you've forgotten all about the Robin fiasco that occurred in the warehouse. You even forgot that he willingly revealed his identity.
The past few years had been hectic. There was a new Robin roaming around, a new crime lord emerged by the name of Arkham Knight, whose name had died down a bit and is now working alongside Batman... you think?
You were able to get a stable job at Bat Burgers. Luckily, seeing as it's a cheao, greasy fast food place, they didn't need any formal documents. You were able to rent a run-down apartment (which was a huge upgrade to your decomposing room back at the warehouse) and with a little extra cash, you were able to buy snacks for some of the kids along the outskirts.
You were fishing through your bag for your wallet when you bumped into someone, and you hit your face prettg hard against them.
"Ow! Watch it, nitwit!" You snap at them, but they scoff.
"You're the one not watching where you're going," he bites back. And you were about to make a snarky comment, but when you looked up at the stranger, you swear you saw an angel. He was tall... very tall. He also had gorgeous green eyes and a few scars on his face that made him somewhat more attractive.
Your silence indicates to him that you have nothing else to say, and he scoffs once more and leaves. You shake your head away from the thought of how good-looking he was and continued your way towards the grocery store.
You picked up a few meats and vegetables you were going to offer to the soup kitchen down the road, not forgetting to put some candy and snacks in the basket for the kids that would be there.
When you checkout, you headed straight for the soup kitchen, immediately greeting Diane, the owner of the place,with a sweet smile and a wave. You say hi to the other volunteers when you make it to the back of the kitchen, dropping off the plastic bag full of produce, telling the others you won't be long.
When you step out, you're instantly tackled by a bunch of 6 and 7 years olds hugging you tightly, all of them talking at once saying how much they missed you.
"Okay, okay," you laugh with the kids. "Hey, guess what I got," you bend down to their level, lowering your voice, as they all copied you, looking more secretive and quietening. You then whip open your bag, reveal various treats for them as the kids squeal with excitement.
"Alright, alright, one at a time!" You exclaim, happy ti see the kids enjoying their time.
When you wrap things up, you hug the kids once more, saying goodbye and that you'd see them soon. But when you swiftly turn, your face is once more met with a solid surface.
You take a step back, grabbing your nose. "Ow! Shit- again?!" You hiss, your eyes tight shut as your hands apply soothing pressure to your not really broken face.
"You know you shouldn't curse. There's kids around."
You look up, getting a sense of deja vu, seeing the same pair of emerald green eyes looking down at you smugly.
"Ugh.. you," you groaned, secretly glad you got to see him again... just wanting to admire the view, you guess.
"Ugh, me," the handsome stranger mocked with a grin. He stuck his hand out, interested to officially meet the person who continuously walks into his chest. But also, the person who manages to make these kids smile in just a split second.
You raise a brow at his extended arm, shaking it cautiously. "Y/n..." You say, shaking his hand. Didn't he know a Y/n from somewhere?
You notice him wearing an apron. "You volunteer here?" You question as Jason nods his head.
"Whenever I get free time. I only started volunteering recently. Otherwise, I'm just doing whatever. How bout you?"
"Just visits here and there. I don't have time to volunteer fully. Just drop off some food and snacks most of the time, though," you explain, and Jason smiles.
"Well, your time here definitely seems to cheer up those kids. They're always frowning," he says sadly, but you just shrugged.
"It's not much. It's all I can offer. This side of Gotham really isn't Wayne manor," you joke, unaware that you were having a conversation with a son of Bruce Wayne. Well... not until Diane comes up.
"Ah, Y/n! You've met Jason Todd!" She cheers.
Jason Todd. Where have you heard that name before? It's starting to itch the back of your mind.
"Yeah, glad you got another volunteer since you're getting fewer people to help out," you say with a sad smile.
"I know, but it's not every day you get a son of Bruce Wayne to volunteer in a little kitchen," she happily says. One of the workers at the back calls out to Diane for some help. "Well, better get back to work! See you soon, Y/n!" She happily says as she walks off to the back.
Your brows are high, and your eyes are wide as you stare at Jason. "You're... You're a Wayne?!" You say shockingly while looks down at you.
"You didn't know? I'm kind of famous," he starts to say as you look at him cluelessly. "Was announced dead but was actually alove, just gone missing?"
"Nah, doesn't ring a bell."
"Wow, you don't get out much, do you?" He laughs.
"As much as that is an interesting tale to tell, I'm not interested in rich people business," you say as you glance at your watch. "Look, it was nice talking to you. Sorry for walking into you or whatever, but I gotta go. Late for work," you explain as you were about to bolt out the door. But Jason stops you by grabbing your hand.
"Wait! I... I kind of wanted to get to know you more. Can.. I get your number?" He awkwardly asks.
"Oh..." You quietly say. "I... Sorry, I just... Don't have a phone.." You say in embarrassment. But it doesn't seem to bother Jason.
"Oh, well... where do you work? What time would you finish? I can.. uhm. Drop you home if you want?" He offers, and you smile.
"Batburgers. 9pm, " you say as Jason nods and you finally run out the door, sprinting to work.
As promised, Jason comes to visit you half an hour before your shift ends, talking to you about the soup kitchen as you wiped down a table.
When you walk out with him, you notice that he's walking you towards a motorcycle.
"You ride a bike?" You ask.
"Yeah, is that okay?"
"Is it okay?? It's sick!" You exclaim as you hop on behind him once he gets on. Under his helmet, he smiles, thinking how cute your reaction was, as he hands you a spare helmet.
He would be lying if he said his heartbeat sped up when you wrapped your arms around his waist. He just met you. He shouldn't be so nervous around you like this.
"So... would you be free any time this week?" He asks as he walks you up to your apartment complex. You insisted many times you can go on your own, embarrassed for Jason to see where you lived in comparison to Wayne Manor, but Jason assured you that he wouldn't care.
"I have work for the rest of the week," you reply in disappointment. "But... I guess I do finish pretty late each night... wouldn't mind a ride back," you say in hopes that Jason would accept your request of taking both a lift off of him, and his time to talk to him more.
He smiles in response, agreeing to pick you up after work as you gave him your schedule.
Your routine of Jason picking you up during the late nights after work continued. Soon, the two of you went out on actual hangouts through Gotham for a few weeks. Then those weeks turned to months. And soon, Jason frew tired of just being friends with you.
How the hell was he supposed to just be friends with you when his heart raced when you smiled. Or when his cheeks burn when you compliment him. Or when his stomach flutters when you hug him.
How the hell was he supposed to just be friends with you when he's trying so damn hard not to kiss you just because you looked so cute.
Ao he grew himself a pair and asked you out.
Obviously, you said yes.
And another of a couple of dates later, you made it official. Jason was so down bad that he asked you to move into his apartment. You told him so many times you didn't want to intrude his space, but he just called you dumb and ridiculous (which you took great offence to). But eventually, you caved in and agreed.
During this time, you have never felt so loved before. Jason made you forget that the Joker existed. That he was even your father. Jason proved the Joker wrong. There is someone who can truly love you.
But... then your relationship started to get messy. He stopped picking you up from work. He was out late at night, and he wouldn't tell you why. You found him early next morning laying on the couch. He wouldn't even come to bed anymore?
You continuously asked where he's getting these bruises and wounds from. But he wouldn't answer that either. He just told you that it wasn't your business and to leave him alone.
Today, he woke up around noon. He rubbed his eyes and cracked his neck, clearly another uncomfortable sleep.
He was looking around his surroundings when he sees a duffle bag by the door. He then hears from the oppostie side, a door being closed. He turns to see you dressed and with no clear expression on your face.
You've acknowledged that he was awake, but you refuse to make any eye contact with him. You head straight to the door, picking up your duffle bag, fishing through your stuff as you find what you were looking for while Jason remains on the couch confused.
"Where are you going?" He calls out.
"Home." You spit, pulling the spare keys that Jason gave you for his apartment and slammed it on the desk beside the door.
Jason instantly gets up. "W-what? But- But you are home! This is your home! Our home.." he says, panicking.
"Is it? Is our home, Jason?" You yell. "Because you're never here! And when you are here, you're sleeping. Then, you wake up and you go out. And you get hurt. And you're not telling me how or- or why! I don't know if you're cheating or if you're in a fight club, but clearly, you don't want me to know, and clearly, you don't care if I'm worried about you. So, yeah. I'm going home. Oh! And it's over," you hiss, glaring at his, reaching for the door knob.
"Wait- wait! Please. Please, I'll explain," Jason begs, as you turn, a stern look on your face.
Jason sits you down, telling you not to freak out.
Ans you've never hated yourself more than you do now. Jason tells you that he was Arkham Knight, now going by the name Red Hood. And that he used to be the second Robin.
You wanted to scream and cry. That's where you heard the name Jason Todd from. Jason Todd was murdered right in front of your eyes. Jason Todd was tortured by your father. Jason Todd was killed by your father. Jason Todd os dating his murderer's daughter.
You play it off. Saying that it all makes sense. Why he doesn't pick you up anymore. Why he's always out so late. Why he gets so many wounds and bruises.
You'll tell him. You'll tell him who you really are. Soon. It's not fair if he doesn't know. Especially since he's coming clean now.
You'll tell him soon.
You didn't know when soon would be. Every time you think soon is coming, the moment disappears.
Jason's either in too much of a good mood or he's having a breakdown and a nightmare. He has nightmares about the Joker torturing him. And it's you who's there to snap him out of it. It's you who's there to comfort him. You comfort him, telling him that the Joker isn't here. But you are. You tell him that you're there for him.
You feel so guilty. You tell him the Joker isn't out there to get him. But there you are. His own flesh and blood, cradling him, shushing him, whispering sweet nothings to him til he falls asleep once more.
You'll tell him soon.
You grew even more guilty when Jason brings you over to Wayne Manor, and Bruce, Dick and Tim welcome you with open arms. Bruce had this... look in his eyes. But you ignored it nonetheless. Jason gives you a tour of the Manor, even shows you the big cave downstairs, and takes you to his old room. You try to stay optimistic, joking about how he was such a berd, looking at all the classic books laying around. But then you came across an old photo of him. He's younger and in his Robin suit. He looks happy. It was obvious Robin meant so much to him. And your dad took that away from him.
You'll tell him soon.
One day, you went into the cave after receiving a call from Jason.
"Why did you call me here?" You asked.
"Joker's dead." Was all he says. And you froze. You don't know how to feel. Relieved? Does this mean you don't have to tell him who you are?
"I know this is random, but... Superman killed Joker. I don't know if I can finally breathe, but... I don't know. There's a tingle inside of me. Telling me that the Joker is still alive and out to get me."
You'll tell him soon. You'll tell him soon, right? Maybe now? Like, the Joker's dead. You've shown nothing but love to Jason. He'd believe you. He'd believe you are not your dad. You'll tell him. Yeah, you'll tell him soon.
Jason sighs and plays the tapes. The tapes that the Joker sent to Batman when he was Robin. And your eyes widen.
"Why the hell are you watching that??" You say in complete fear. The camera that the Joker used was old and glitchy with horrible quality. But as Jason played the tapes, you could still make out that there's a half of a figure, just peeking through the camera in the background behing the tied up, young Jason Todd.
"I don't know... Trying to find a conclusion. If anyone had to kill Joker, it should've been me," Jason says with a low voice.
"Hey... I never asked. What's the big secret? Who is the big, bad bat? What's his name? Tell me!" The tape plays, displaying on the huge screen in front of the two, and you swear you'd throw up any second now.
"Of course, sir. It's-" Before the gun gets shot, Jason sighs, pausing and rewinding.
"I'm sorry. This is all so dark and heavy." Jason grumbles. You don't say anything. You're focused on the small blur in the corner of the footage.
As Jason stares as the paused footage, he mentions, "That doesn't look like one of his henchmen."
Tell him.
"Fuck me, is that another kid?" he mutters angrily to himself, leaning in, taking a closer look at the footage.
Fucking tell him.
Jason takes a breath and presses play, and the video starts with a bang.
Tell him, god dammit.
"Never could stand a tattletale. See, my darling, Y/n?" The Joker says through the video. And time stops. Was the cave always this quiet? The video is still playing. How is it so quiet??
The camera wobbles as the Joker picks it up. He walks closer to Jason's dead body, but for a split second, you're in full, clear view. And Jason pauses the video. You weren't moving. You didn't look scared. You looked fed up.
Jason is silent. That's not you. That can't be you. Jason's head turns from the footage of you to you, currently standing behind him. No, no. That's not you. Your hair colour is different. But your face has the same bone structure.
"Y/n," he calls out. Your name is now so bitter on his tongue. "Tell me that, isn't you. He meant something else, right? 'My darling'? What the fuck does that mean? He was just scaring you, right???" Jason questions, his voice raising each sentence and his bottom lip quivering.
Your eyes are blurry as tears threaten to fall. You walk to Jason, bending down, looking up and you place you hands ever so gently on his knees.
"Jason," your voice cracks. "I wanted to tell you so bad," you whimper.
And Jason lets out a harsh, sarcastic laugh. "Fuck me. Don't fucking tell me you were working with him. You're a real fucking psychopath working with him at what? 13?" He spits, tears cascading down his scarred cheeks.
You shook your head. "Jay," you tried to sweetly call out to him. "I'm his daughter," you pathetically admit.
Jason's eyes widen to the point where it looks like his eyes would detatch from his sockets. He shakes his head slowly. But then, he shakes it faster, harsher.
"That isn't funny, Y/n," he almost chokes saying your name.
"No, it's not funny," you say. "But it's true," you start crying.
Jason pushes you away. You fall back as Jason stands up, towering over you. You've never been so intimidated by him before.
"You're his daughter? The Joker has a daughter?" Jason whispers in disbelief. And you nod in response. "So what the fuck were you doing just standing there? Ha.. What? Did you enjoy watching him put me through hell?"
"Jason- No! I wasn't even there when he-"
"LIAR!" He yells, his voice echoing across the cave. His breathing becomes heavy and uneven.
"Jason, you're going to have a pani-"
"Get out." He says.
"Get. Out. If I ever see you again, I'll end you. I may not have been able to kill Joker myself, but you? Making me think you loved me? Fuck, is this why you only tell me now? Because daddy's dead? Just get the fuck out and never see me ever again. This is your only chance," he says, looking away from you as you finally start sobbing.
"Jay- Jason. Please," you beg, shifting to your knees, looking up at him. "Plea- Please. I can't be hated by you, I just can't." You pleaded and begged and prayed that Jason would look at you.
But Jason knows that if he looks at your state, then he might forgive you. Might forget the situation. But he can't because your father killed him. And all in his mind is that you used him because you were working with his dad. And that you're only crying because his dad got killed and that you got caught. So, no. He won't look at you, and he won't forgive you.
"Jason, please, you- you're the only person who has ever made me feel loved," you sniffled. "And I- I wanted to help you then. Help you escape. But I couldn't, please! Please believe me, Jason, please," you cried harder.
"You weren't supposed to see that."
You and Jason's heads turn to the voice. Bruce comes out of the elevator to the Batcave, walking closer to the pair.
And all Jason could see is red.
"You knew?" He snarled. And then scoffed. "Well, yeah, of course you knew. You didn't even kill Joker when you found out he murdered me- You didn't even care!" Jason yells. "I don't care that Penguin or- or Riddler are out there. They didn't kill me! They didn't kill thousands- millions! The Joker did! And you kept him alive! Now that he's dead, guess what! His daughter is right here under our noses! And you knew! Do you hate me that much that you let the Joker's daughter into our home?"
"Jason, plea-"
"I TOLD YOU TO GET THE FUCK OUT!" Now that Jasin finally looked at you, all you saw on him face was pure spite and anger. There was no more love for you left in his eyes. Just pure hatred.
And you finally got it. Jason doesn't love you any longer. And your dad was right. Even if someone loves you, when they find out who you're related to, they will instantly stop loving you.
The Joker was right.
So you got up and shamefully left the cave, and once you reached the manor, you can still hear Jason screaming and roaring.
You were numb. You finally got a tatste of what true love felt like, and it slipped through your fingers ever so quickly.
And now the only person you thought ever loved you would kill you if he saw you again.
So you left. You took your stuff from your- Jason's apartment and left Gotham. Now, future generations would probably read about the Joker in their history books. But not on a single page, paragraph or sentence would your name be mentioned. Because only two people in the entire world knew who you were.
One of them was your father's sworn enemies. And the other was your father's victim. One of these people, you hardly knew, but he knew who you were and still trusted you and welcomed you into his home. The other didn't know who you were. And you loved him. And you were positive he loved you too. But once he found out your identity, he loathed you. And he wanted you dead.
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god damn that was long
pt 2
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octuscle · 3 months
Howdy, Support! I'm a 22yo twink working at a rest stop in the middle of nowhere. Only good part about my job is uh..."servicing" the passing truckers. One of 'em is a real beast of a man; late thirties, tall, burly and hairy, with a big, solid beer/roid gut that's always straining against his filthy tanktop. Everytime he stops by, we have a beer shotgun contest right in front of everyone. Loser blows the winner in the stalls. I normally enjoy losing (not that I have a choice), but this time, I want him to meet his match...literally! I want to drink him under the table, and with each beer I down, I want to feel my gut grow heavier and larger as my work clothes turn into a stained tanktop and I gradually transform into a hulking, hairy trucker that stinks of sweat, just like him. I've programmed all the relevant settings for height, muscle, hair, BO, attitude and clothing, but I just realized I don't know how to sync the transformation to an event trigger like shotgunning the beers, much less on how to make it gradual! Please help me, he's due today!
I love challenges… First of all, I'll add one more skill to your traits. "Stable up to 3.5 per mille". I don't know how much your crush can take. But now you've got a damn good chance of drinking the guy under the table. However, you should manage at least 2.0 per mille. Because your transformation will take place in parallel with your blood alcohol level. Linear, until you have reached 2.0 per mille. At 2.0 per mille, the transformation is complete.
It's around 8 p.m. when your buddy finally comes in the door. Like you said: a beast of a man. The fist bump he gives you almost breaks your forearm bones. Beast of a man? You're miles or 2.0 per mille away from that. You are cute. But a twink. Not a man.
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The regulars know what to expect. They chant "Booze! Booze! Booze!" One of them shouts that you're in desperate need of a protein shot. The others roar. Your buddy orders 20 cans of beer. He shouts to his colleagues that there will definitely be some left for them. He looks at you, winks and licks his lips. He has no idea.
The first can of beer. It really hits you. 0.3 per mille. One seventh of your way gone in one go. You feel a bit dizzy. You've been king of the highway for two years now. Well, maybe prince of the highway. You haven't put much weight on your ribs yet. But the good food at the truck stops and the hard work loading your truck are already having a bit of an effect. Your arms are no longer as thin as twigs.
The second beer. It didn't go quite so quickly. You have to burp loudly. Your buddy follows your example. 0.56 per mille. You've been driving your 7.5-ton baby through the countryside for over three and a half years. Does you good. Not as skinny as you used to be. You look healthy. Maybe a little red in the face. Drunk.
After the third beer you have over 0.8 per mille. Another burp. You need a piss. You stand with your legs apart in front of the urinal to avoid peeing on your boots. You take out your cheesy beauty from your dirty jockstraps. And empty your bulging bladder. Wash your hands? That's for twinks. You simply wipe your hands on your dirty Wranglers.
Janet brings you some onion rings with your beer. Good idea. After the toilet break, you finish your fourth beer almost in one go. Your buddy has noticeable problems. Your blood alcohol level is over 1.0 per mille. This competition between you and your colleague has been going on for about seven years. In the trucker scene, your competitions are small highlights. As soon as it is clear when and where you will next get drunk under the table and then disappear to the stalls, new routes are planned. Service stations know that you'll bring in good sales and are keen to host the competition. There used to be a lot of betting on winning and losing. Your buddy has been unbeaten for seven years. There's not much betting anymore. The odds on you winning are huge. But nobody expects that anyway.
The next beer. At 1.26 per mille, you start to falter. Your buddy weighs a few more kilograms than your 100. Maybe you're already a little over 100 - you broke that magic barrier a few weeks ago on your 30th birthday. Eat, work hard and lift iron in the evening. That shapes your body. And beer. Lots of beer. To the delight of the audience, you interrupt your drinking contest for a short burping contest. The landlord actually has a device to measure the volume. You lose. That's clear. You lack the resonance body…
The next beer is a big miss for both you and your buddy. Your dirty tank tops are now wet from the beer. But that was a quick round of drinking, so it happens. You feel a bit dizzy. Your buddy is already looking extremely glassy-eyed. A murmur goes round the room. Should you really stand a chance?
After the seventh beer, you both have to go for a piss. Shit, why are you doing this to yourselves? So that one of you can blow the other? You do that as often as you can see each other anyway. And luckily your paths cross from time to time. "Dude, has your beast grown?" slurs your buddy as you stand swaying in front of the urinals and can no longer aim and hit the target very well. "You bet your life, get ready for a lot, bro," you slur back. "And now give me a kiss, I can't wait any longer."
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You're too drunk to remember to turn your caps backwards. You push his cap off his head and it falls into a puddle of urine. Damn, it's seen worse. You stagger back to your beer cans. After the eighth beer, your first goal is achieved. 2.0 per mille blood alcohol. Spread over a proud 120 kilograms of your 35-year-old body. A passionate trucker for 13 years. Your 36-ton beast is basically your home and your family. Hehehe, there are a few other people in the family too. Mike here next to you, for example. You rip open the ninth can and empty it almost at record speed. Shit, you're going to be sick. Mike opens the can, takes a sip. And stumbles towards the toilet. He can't reach the toilet bowl. But at least he throws up in the sink.
When he comes back, he looks at you with glazed eyes. He falls to his knees in front of you to the loud roar of the audience and tries to open your trousers with his drunken head. You have to laugh. "Not here, not now, Buddie" You pull him up. Let him sober up a bit first. You should both enjoy the moment when he sucks you off for the first time!
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sid-the-sandwich · 22 days
'Obey Me!' character hobby mechanic
This is my second time writing this because I lost the first draft even though I saved multiple times.
Anyways, this is (Maybe) part 2 of stealing features from other games and incorporating it into the mechanics of 'Obey Me!' While writing the shops for each character, my mind wandered and I had a thought, what if there were hobbies like in 'Blush Blush'. Leveling up these hobbies would give rewards such as intimacy multiplier, icons, bonuses, and cards.
I'm a yapper, so this is going to be long. Not proof-read
firstly, i'll talk about the hobbies mechanics and what it would do:
There should be 4 types of hobbies:
Common- hobbies that almost every character has.
Uncommon- Hobbies that 5 or more characters have
Rare- Hobbies that 2, 3 or 4 characters have
Character specific- A hobby distinct to each character
the rewards for these would be:
Common/Uncommon- Grimm, AP
Rare- Grimm, AP, DP, DV, Character lines
Character specific- Grimm, AP, DP, DV, Character lines, Card pieces
NOTE: all four will add an intimacy multiplier that will apply to only characters who have that hobby
the rewards for the level max for these would be:
Common/Uncommon- an icon of Sheep MC doing the hobby
Rare- icon, Memory card of the characters with that hobby
Character specific- Icon, UR card of that character
The Hobbies:
Watching TV
Board games
Animal lover
Card games
Horse riding
Marine Biology
Demonus tasting
Working out
Character Specific:
Cursed Record collector
Cat Enthusiast
Competitive Eating
Tea tasting
Magic tricks
Trap making
There are a lot of hobbies listed above, however considering how long the game is running, and the amount of characters, a wide variety of hobbies make sense.
Now onto the characters:
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Board Games
Card games
Demonus Tasting:
"I'd love to share a glass with you. Meet me in my study in 20 minutes" "Careful, i wouldn't want to drink too much, who knows what I might do"
Horse Riding:
"Hold on tight to my waist, I'll keep you safe" "Let's take a trip together, far from my brothers"
"There's a piano in the music room, you're the only one i trust to use it" "Lets play a duet, naturally I'll take the lead"
Character Specific:
Cursed Record Collector:
"Come to my room, i want to show you a new record I acquired" "I used to have more records but Mammon is holding some hostage for money"
UR Card: Lucifer looking at a record player with Sheep MC on top of the record spinning.
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Watching TV
Card Games
"YOOO! THE GREAT Mammon wants to hang out with you! lets go paint the town" "WHA! I CANT HEAR YA OVER THE MUSIC FROM YESTERDAY"
"You can look but ya cant touch... well, i g-guess i wouldnt complain if ya did" "Did ya see the new edition of Devucci? Top cover baby"
"Hey my favourite human, my first, my number one... ya really wanna pay for me today, don't ya?" "YES! I just stole Goldie back from Lucifer! let's go before he finds us!"
Character Specific:
"Hey MC... whats your favourite number? thats gonna be my lucky number today" "MC you have to come to the casino with me! you're my good luck charm"
UR Card: Mammon holding Sheep MC running out the Casino
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Watching TV
Card Games
"Luke befriended me in Mononoke Land... who knew he was so good" "Can you come to my room later? i brought a new game"
Marine Biology:
"Henry 2.0 is my friend... sometimes i think i should get him some siblings" "Once Belphie drifted out to sea... we didn't see him for a week"
"Wanna make a Ruri-chan doll with me? It's n-not like i wanna hang out with you or anything" "I'm just a Yucky otaku who likes knitting"
Character Specific:
"H-Henry? y-your dressed as Henry? E-eh d-dont taunt me like that" "Can you be the Azuki-tan to my Ruri-chan? BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!!!"
UR Card: A picture of Levi in a Ruri-chan costume and Sheep MC dressed as Azuki-tan
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Board games
Animal Lover
"Don't talk, im concentrating... okay, now continue." "I wrote your name on your book for you... i know you'll enjoy it"
"whats your favourite song? ill play it for you" "My heart is fluttering... your notes are really doing something to me"
"I learnt how to knit from Raphael... he's a good teacher... maybe i can teach you some tricks" "Want to knit some scarfs for each other?"
Character Specific:
Cat Enthusiasm:
"MEOW" "Sorry about that- i accidentally cursed myself again"
UR Card: Satan and Sheep MC with a cat filter
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"hi <3 lets go out tonight!" "I can dance all night long! join me?"
"Why does Mammon have to be attractive? he's an idiot" "I'm ready for my close-up <3"
"You should wear an outfit i choose for you" "Lets go to the new lovers' Cafe, my treat"
Character Specific:
"Hehe! i have the cutest face-mask for us to try" "You have soft hands, lets join them..."
UR Card:
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Watching TV
Working Out:
"Lets play Fangol together... you remember the rules, right?" "Here... hold the stick like this... good, thats good."
Horse Riding:
"We could both ride on one horse... I'll hold you tight, I promise." "I'm not letting you ride a horse until you wear a helmet"
"You, me, Levi and Belphie should all play a game together sometime; its more fun with more people" "Lets play an easy game this time..."
Character Specific:
Competitive Eating:
"Woah! There's a human world sport that involves eating?" "MC, lets eat a whole pile of hot dogs together! I'll let you have the first bite"
UR Card: Beel eating from a plateful of hotdogs and Sheep MC cheering him on
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Board Games
Watching TV
Animal Lover
"The last time i played with Simeon, i slept through 'DevilKart' and still won when i woke up" "Sleep is like life's pause button"
"I only started knitting because i wanted a new blanket, but its actually fun" "I can knitt in my sleep y'know... maybe i can trap you in one of my knitted blankets... heh."
"Can you play me a lullaby?" "You really have a lot of time- huh?"
Character Specific:
"You remember THOSE stars? Those are the one's Beel and I gave you" "I wonder if you think about me when you look at the stars... just like how i think of you"
UR Card: Belphie stargazing with Sheep MC on his chest looking up at the stars
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Animal lover
Horse riding:
"Lucifer, Mephistopheles, and I like to take leisurely strolls on the Horse ranches... those two are like best friends" "I wonder if Barbatos will allow me to take the day off to entertain you with a ride on my horse?"
"Lets have a contest! Who can play better?" "I'll play a tune for you at the next Devildom festival... as our guest of honour"
Demonus tasting:
"Lucifer says the funniest things when he's drunk" "'I love you, now clean your room' such fun! Do i sound like Lucifer?"
Character Specific:
"I've never been beat before... you really want to play against me" "If you win, I'll be your 'pawn' for the night"
UR Card: Diavolo playing Chess against Sheep MC
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Board Games
Animal Lover
"The Young Master is lazy when it comes to learning calligraphy" "Its refreshing to see someone so young taking an interest in calligraphy"
"Knitting was something i didn't pick up for thousands of years, who knew it was so... amusing." "I created a quilt, a patchwork of human history as a side project"
Marine Biology:
"It's only logical to learn about the human world sea-life," "In another timeline, we are all fish."
Character Specific:
Tea Enthusiast
"It's piping hot... be careful." "Does it taste familiar? it contains ingredients from your home country"
UR Card: Barbatos and Sheep MC having a tea party
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Watching TV
Board games
Animal Lover
Marine Biology:
"I LOVE ALL THE CUTE FISHIES" "Barbatos likes teaching me about fish when we cook together"
"Simeon made me a sweater! its so cute! i wear it when i go to the human world!" "MC, can you help me start the row for my knitting?"
"I just sent Levi a friend request on Mononoke Land! he accepted immediately" "Simeon said I'm no longer allowed any more time on my DDD today!"
Character Specific:
"Someone get Solomon out the kitchen. PLEASE!" "Can you reach the mixer for me? Simeon put it on the top shelf to hide it from Solomon."
UR Card: Luke and Sheep MC with chef hats and aprons mixing a batch of dough.
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Board games
Working out:
"Being an angel means i have to be in top shape!" "Lets do some exercises together... i'll help you do some stretches."
"A company called 'Majolish' asked me to be their model." "Mammon and Asmodeous gave me tips on how to pose; i could show you later if you want."
"I made Luke a little sweater... Raphael helped me with the design" "Solomon took a picture of me knitting... I'm hunched over."
Character Specific:
"Leviathan keeps begging me for a new TSL novel... he really is an avid fan, huh?" "Luke said i should use a computer... i kept pressing the wrong keys..."
UR Card: Simeon typing on a computer, squinting with glasses with a Sheep MC (Also with glasses) doing the same on his shoulder
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Board games
Card Games
Animal lover
"This is how we used to write in 'ye olden days'" "Hmm... who else can i taunt with my writing?"
"Let me dream a little dream of you ♩" "I wonder what the others would say if i played your faverouite song?"
Marine Biology:
"I still cant believe I'm exiled from the sea" "do you think if i put Leviathan and Barbatos in a tank, they'd fight?"
Character Specific:
Magic Tricks:
"Get ready for the elusive Solomon-dini" "And for this trick, I will take your heart."
UR Card: Solomon in a magician hat with a magician wand, he points the wand at Sheep MC
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"I only model so that Solomon has to see my face everywhere!" "Do you... want to do a photoshoot with me?"
"Yoooo! Lets go party, i'll sneak you outta RAD" "Lets set fireworks! hahaha!"
Demonus Tasting:
"When i first came to the Devildom, i didnt understand Demonus, now i totally get it!" "I wonder how a drunk Barbatos acts like..."
Character Specific:
Trap Making:
"If you ever need help, just text me... I'll send one of my traps over" "This is 'Spider-squid v4', i made it for you..."
UR Card: Thirteen shooting a net-trap from her contraption with Sheep MC ontop of the trap
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Board games
Animal lover
"You want to see my writing, why?" "I could write you a poem, I guess..."
"I remember playing this tune in the Celestial Realm" "Could you do me a favour? Could you gather Lucifer and his brothers... i wanted to play a song for them"
"I made you a sweater... i heard this design was 'hip' with the humans" "Knitting is easy and repetitive, its addictive that way"
Character Specific:
"I remember sewing the brother's clothes in the Celestial Realm" "You know some new sowing techniques? You humans are incredible"
UR Card: Raphael sowing some clothes with Sheep MC's help
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Board games
"Calligraphy is a forgotten art" "I wish to write your name in as many fonts as i can"
"I can play a multitude of human songs I heard from the past" "Lord Diavolo once told me a story of a young boy, but he expressed it through the medium of piano... that was a long hour."
Horse Riding:
"Lord Diavolo takes Lucifer and I to ride horses sometimes, its always so... awkward" "I like racing horses, I've known how to ride horses since i was a mere boy"
Character Specific:
"i think you should be on the front page of the school newspaper" "You enjoy spending time with me?"
UR Card: Mephisto and Sheep MC with magnifying glasses
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joyswonderland1108 · 6 months
*Jikook going to Japan in 2017*
"It was supposed to be a Vminkook trip"
*Jimin going back from Paris to South Korea for JK's birthday in 2019*
In 2022: "Awww Taetae is going back to South Korea for JK's birthday 🥹" (which ended up being not true)
*JK commenting under ETA challenge with Jimin : Oh.. Jimin..*
"Wait for JK to comment "Oh.. Taehyung.." under the Hype Boy challenge"
*Jikook going to Japan in 2023*
"It was supposed to be a Vminkook trip 2.0" "What about Taetae?"
Literally.. ????
Listen, we all love us some trio content, hang out, live, etc.. 3J, Jinjikook, Vminkook, Vhopekook, Namyoonmin, etc.. BUT can't we appreciate what a duo is doing together or what they are giving us?
It is actually disrespectful to everyone, and while we're talking about Vminkook here, not only it is disrespectful to Jikook (for those who actually care about Jikook) because somehow it makes it look like their bond is being looked down on by Army but it is also disrespectful to Tae (if your only concern is Tae) because it makes it look like you see him as a weak victim or someone who somehow doesn't have friends outside of the BTS circle and has to be included in everything.
Seriously you don't have to love Jikook but at the very least if it ain't your cup of tea learn to act like you don't see it at least instead of making useless comments that make you look like the whole circus 🤡
Buy anyways, i'm not saying that Jikook in Japan isn't making people mad that Jikook are in Japan all i'm saying is that Jikook in Japan got people having a hard time accepting that Jikook are in Japan and the very fact that Jikook are in Japan to me is absolutely beautiful and precious. Did i say that Jikook were in Japan? Oh my bad i thought i didn't mention that Jikook were in Japan anygays, have a nice day and you can too plan your trip to Japan just like Jikook who are in Japan.
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cursedvibes · 13 days
I like the tragedy of Gojo “always being seen and used as a weapon by jujutsu society” Satoru not even finding peace in death and still being used as a weapon as if he’s some flesh mecha but that is literally the only good crumb I could muster from this chapter (and some kinda solid Gojo characterization in his talk with his students).
The constant sidelining of Yuuji is not making me excited, it’s making me annoyed. Yuuta and Sukuna didn’t need a revenge battle- the only thing connecting them is the motif of love and Yuuta already got his shit rocked in like 3 chapters 😭. Leave Gojo’s poor corpse alone.
Yeah, him seeing himself as a weapon fits with his The Strongest mindset. So I'm not that surprised he's fine with it, but you'd expect the others to have a little more sense. Kusakabe seems to have been the only one who had a strong moral opposition to this and I imagine Yuuji would have too, but he wasn't asked. The thing with Yuuta giving up his humanity to become stronger was set up, but him refusing to do that was the only thing that set him apart and spoke for him as a character. Now he just buys into the Strongest ideology like everyone else. Well, guess he can die like them too then. He's the only Special Grade alive anyway (being new gen I thought Gege might want to keep him alive, but with that mindset I doubt it). But then he's like mememe nobody can help except for me, so I have no choice but to take over Gojo's body.
Yuuji and Todo were handling Sukuna just fine. We got a confirmation last chapter that everyone except Choso made it out of the Furnace blast. Maki could've helped with Soul Blade for immediate back-up. If things are so dire that Yuuta has to resort to this, then that should've been shown. Although him being selfless in a selfish way is consistent I guess. But the timing of it was still wrong. I thought whatever that apparition ended up being could be a distraction, so Yuuji could contact Megumi, rip out Sukuna's heart, further tear at his soul, literally anything useful. But nope, he gets shoved aside, so we can get Sukuna vs Gojo 2.0. Thank God, that's exactly what I was missing right now...another character who has no connection with Sukuna throwing himself at him to die. Just drag this out even further why don't we? Maybe Yuuji and Todo will help this time, so it's not as much of an idle standby as last time, but it's still...why?
Also, we just established that gaining new techniques takes skill. You'd especially expect that to apply to six eyes and Limitless. Yuuta would see the world completely different. Even Gojo had a learning curve and took at least 20 years to get to the level he's on now. But Yuuta has been in that body for a minute and can already use Unlimited Void. What a fucking genius. Nobody does it like him. Why not leave the rest to him as well? Strength is all that matters right?
Also, while the humanity stuff and Yuuta being Gojo's successor was foreshadowed, he still has zero(0) connection to either Kenjaku or Sukuna. Sukuna even less than Kenjaku. With Kenjaku you kind of have the justification that he wanted to put Geto's body to rest (for Gojo), but that's it and that doesn't justify him having that level of involvement. With Sukuna it's literally just: he's a bad guy and needs to be defeated. And I guess Yuuta buys now into his mindset as well. But that is consistent you could say because he never had much of a thematic connection with Geto either aside from "please don't kill my friends because I put all my self-worth on them".
Sorry for the rant 😅 just had to get it all out of my system
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weeds-eater · 9 months
How would the housewardens feel with an overly affectionate S/O
Housewardens x reader, GN reader
Riddle Rosehearts
Would take some time getting used to, he grew up in an environment that was not very affectionate. Don't get him wrong! He loooooves your affection, but definitely ease him into it, don't immediately jump into kisses and cuddle seshes, start small with locking pinkies and patting shoulders in private
"WOAH, I-I mean... Let's settle down a bit strawberry.!"
Leona Kingscholar
Doesn't care, like, literally. Most of his time is spent sleeping or lazing around and you best believe he would pull you down with him anyways, he can either be your best dream or your worst nightmare, I daresay he's even more affectionate then you. Imagine laying down all day with the person you love, one of you lazed on top of the other, that's you and him most of the time.
"You have classes? Nuh uh."
Azul Ashengrotto
Bro would die 💀 since he's really self conscious he would immediately pass out at any physical attention, but he wouldnt go off on some self deprecating spiral (idia) No he's to prideful for that, like riddle it would take a little bit of time but would come around to love your affection, even longer to initiate it, throw in some praise and he's putty in your hands.
"I hope Im not bothering you starfish..."
Kalim Al Asim
This could not be better! His love language is a physical touch, so expect to be tackled, bit, poked, kicked, punched, hugged, etc etc all hours of the day, not that he would hurt you tho its affectionate ♡ Jamils pour soul has to deal with him AND you now as he's attached to your hip all hours of the day. He just loves you too much and finally has someone to match his love energy >_<
"HIIIIII اميرتي" *tackles you*
Vil Schoenheit
Not very affectionate sorry, At LEAST not in public anyway, he has a reputation to uphold! He'll let you lay on him as he sleeps, or cuddle his lap while he's doing his makeup, and anything else in private but in public is a big no-no, he love you an will meet you halfway but he's more of a words of affirmation guy, please praise him in return o((*^▽^*))o
"Not here leibling, but rest assured tonight I'm all yours~"
Idia Shroud
Would pass out 2.0, he's been lonely for a while and yknow hasn't been outside in a while 💀 He likes you hugging him while he's gaming, and while he getting his 2 hours of sleep cuddle up to his "I paused my game to be here" clad chest 😍 honestly id say physical touch is his love language underneath gift giving, but in public he'd DIE
"y-y-y-you wannnnna hug m-m-m-m-me?!"
Malleus Draconia
(Oh boy my favorite)
PLEASE! Touch him, kick him, bite him ANYTHING! HE'S DESPERATE! Ultimate definition of touch starved, I'd say physical affection is like #3 on his list of love languages so imagine how the other 2 are. My boy is giggling and kicking his feet, writing in his dairy about how you held his hand today like a schoolgirl, he definitely wants to recreate fairy tale scenes, be the princess to his frog 😍he's legit sad if you dont at least grab his hand daily
"YES ahem I mean yes, I will lock pinkies with you while you rant to me about the..." FNaF" lore *giggles*"
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trigun-manga-overhaul · 10 months
OVERHAUL UPDATE 08/04/23 - The Japanese Scans, again.
Hey there, everyone, and welcome back to another monthly Overhaul update!
We firstly want to say that we've noticed an increase in people asking about the technicalities of our translation, and how it appears in the Japanese version.
I, as in the project lead and translator, have absolutely been enjoying these asks. It's hard to just write a big post about all the little things that we've written, decided upon or localized. So, for people to ask about specific lines that interests them, it really helps us show some of the work and consideration going into our translation, and helping us perhaps make a people feel more trusting of our translation.
We always encourage people to take all translation with a grain of salt, as you never know what the person behind translations might've gotten wrong, missed or even changed for some selfish goal. It doesn't mean you should treat all translators with distrust, but a healthy bit of reminding yourself that you'll never truly know the Japanese text's words and intentions without reading it yourself is good.
That's why we take what we're doing very seriously and hope that we can earn, or keep, your trust as a reader, and not break that trust. We love having the chance to make you feel more comfortable by explaining our process and our choices, so never hesitate to ask if there's anything you're interested in hearing about.
We also fully embrace legitimate peer review, no matter how humbling, as there will always be mistakes and oversights. It helps us constantly improve and ensure that we give all of you the best translation, and scans, that we can muster.
Anyway, to today's main topic.
As the topic title says, we'll be talking about the Japanese scans again, however there are also other good news in connection with that. Work energy has returned for me, the project lead, and I'm cleaning pages at a quick pace again. As mentioned in this post, we changed some of the tasks each member were doing, so I picked up cleaning Trigun Vol 1 and 2.
It also seems that the result of the poll on the previously mentioned poll will be to post a chapter a week later this year. We decided to leave the choice up to everyone, and so the conclusion is that we'll eventually be running a two posts a week schedule whenever the English release is ready. The entire Japanese version posting run will take about two years and three months with a chapter a week, so will the English release posting run as well.
We'll also be making entirely new chapter upload banners with the new 2.0 scans, all in the same size and format, as to keep them clean and consistent. We'll likely be using the same banner for both Japanese and English release. We'll share more info on the exact dates for releases in the future when we feasibly can make a posting plan.
Trigun Vol 1 is already fully cleaned, and work has already begun on Vol 2. I am typesetting Vol 1 as we speak, and it will be done soon. That means that I have new scans from the early manga to show everyone.
Check below for cool new scans and a few details!
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Removing the middle seam and paper damage is always a lot of work, but getting a seamless two-page spread is always worth it. Vulpana did an amazing job on this chapter, however, after this chapter they were struck was a lot of life's bullshit and was forced to a complete halt.
This chapter page is also an example of our new combo font usage, the old font for chapter number and the new font for Japanese lettering.
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And here it is with the classic font, as some titles are entirely in English.
The only typesetting we've done for the Japanese versions are the chapter pages, chapter ends, and page indicator. As mentioned in the post about the Japanese scans earlier this week, we've done so to have the chapter and page numbering match with single volume releases, as the scans are from the Japanese Omnibuses.
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We're still moving the chapter titles to new spots to try and disturb the art as little as possible, but sometimes there's no way to avoid it.
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Other times we completely remove the chapter title from the original page, like above, and move it to another page where it fits. Like always, this includes redrawing whatever was behind the text.
The same cleaned scans will be used for the English version, where we remove all the Japanese text from the scans as well. In the end, we'll have four different versions of the 2.0 scans in storage: Japanese version in original and resized scale, and the English version in original and resized, as well.
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Sometimes removing the middle seam can be really difficult, especially when it includes a lot of straight lines that are just slightly not lining up. In the above example I spent three hours just lining every straight line up, as to not ruin the effect.
And sometimes the middle seam is very easy, only needing a few lines to be complete. One thing we can never truly hide is the change in the gradient, as all scans are different and the lighting can really change how dark or light the gradients are. We're still looking into a good way to minimize that effect, but I have some theories.
If there are any topics that you want to see for future updates, don't hesitate to let us know!
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So, I was explaining the plot of Obey me! shall we date to @loekas​ 
And here it is:
FYI: Everyone in Obey me! is emotionally constipated as F U C K
I just know that the Obey me lovers are about to come for my soul
Lucifer- pride
Basically a total asshole and prick. He constantly overworks himself. He has threatened to kill the MC many many times. He punishes his brothers in cruel ways. ( A sadist ) To make things better though, he is hot, i’ll give him that.
Mammon- Greed
A thief, will fucking steal from you. He is the MC's best friend and fandom's favorite although he acts greedy like my little brother during Christmas so I fail to see the appeal and cry blood whenever I see smut on him bcz he acts like a spoiled 5 yr old brat who loves his mom but will never admit it. You could hold a gun to his head and force him to say it but he will not
Leviathan- Envy
What a loser, honestly. All my man does is play video games and simp over underage waifu's. ( YOU CANT TELL ME RURI HANNA IS NOT LIKE 8 ) He 10/10 has a body pillow. Also attempted to kill the MC, even though MC is his only friend ( thats sad ). A hardcore gen z and hated by a lot of the fandom. Shut in Otaku and a creepy discord mod.
Satan- Wrath
Daddy issues who?? Lucifer is his dad and he HATES when he is compared to Lucifer because spoiled brat doesn't want to be like that "ugly old man". He was created out of Lucifer's wrath when their sister died and since then everyone sees him as a replacement for their dead sister he hates it. The kind of guy who would smash random objects when angry bcz of temper tantrums. I don’t feel bad for him because??? Daddy issues??? Suck it up, Lucifer isn’t even that bad your just salty he’s hotter. Also purge that outfit rn, that's a crime to fashion.
Asmodeus- Lust
A boy but so girlypop??( No hate I love girlypop boys ) Probs fucked every human, demon and angel in existence. Gossip queen and mean girl. Never trust him with secrets, he would tell the entire school. Horny 24/7, honestly a big cheater and fuckboy. Regina George 2.0, will make fun of your outfit because he wants to look better. That pretty girl that you go to talk to but turns out she has a nasty attitude and talks shit about everyone?? Thats him. Then he gets mad when people call him ugly??? Also compliment fishing on Insta all the time.
Beel - Gluttony ( older twin )
Genuinely sweet. Himbo, super muscular?? He plays sports, that one high school jock that EVERY girl has a crush on. Crying and temper tantrums when he is hungry and not given food. Tried to eat MC when he got hungry- but he apologized to MC and now they are cool. Man child tbh
Belphegor - Sloth ( younger twin )
I bet y’all were WAITING for my opinion on this one
I hate you. Murderer, literally everyone hates him. Nobody in the fandom likes him because he actually succeeded in killing the MC but they were brought back to life by the demon king and his butler. Dangerous mf, MC forgives him though?? Once you get to know him he is just a sleepy baby that wakes up with murder on his mind lol. But then again EVERYONE tried to kill MC, he was the only one that succeeded. Ngl he is pretty bad at pretending to be a defenseless human, I didn’t fall for it but the game made me go in there anyway.
Simeon- angel
My man could rail me but he would hate me irl. Holy man, jesus is good you all are unholy. Sweet? Kind? Talented writer? Grandpa that can't learn to use devices no matter what?? Everything I need in a man. Wears a slutty outfit but acts like he is all angelic and kind. Like- ✨sinful shoulders✨
Solomon- Sorcerer
Grandpa Sol. Can’t cook to save his like, Yor Forger level but even worse. Never eat his cooking, even Beel refuses to eat that monstrosity. Makes the most annoying dad jokes ever like stfu. Sussy Baka fr fr
Luke- cute baby angel
Simeon's adopted son, MC is his role model ( much to Simeon's dismay ) bcz my MC be unholy asf. Loves baking MC sweet things ( Luke pls can I marry your dad-? ) but hates when MC flirts with his father figure ( Isn't stopping me ) He is a chiwawa as per EVERYONE. Woof woof
Barbatos - Hot butler
The demon prince's hot servant, I like the butler kind. Would probably smile while insulting the shit out of you. WIll make you regret all your life decisions. Also has time manipulation where he can look into the future and stop it from happening by turning back time. The demon prince's father figure.
Could you please take me back to when I failed my math test and help me fix it-?
Lord Diavolo- Demon Prince
Demon prince, spoiled child, himbo, MC's source of secret income. When Lucifer doesn't let the MC or brothers do something they talk Lord Diavolo into changing Lucifer's mind. Biggest sweet tooth ever. Daddy Issues 2.0. Sugar daddy material, probably has a secret relationship with Lucifer.
Mc- Human
The most insane human being to ever exist.
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journalsouppe · 3 months
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I initially played ACNH for 300 hours in between release day - july of 2020, and never played the 2.0 update or the HHP dlc until recently! So I decided to make a second ACNH spread with the goals to: experience as much of the 2.0 update as possible, beat HHP, complete all the bugs and fish in the museum (I have the fossils done and I will finish art another time).
I had a ton of fun but this was the longest grind I've ever done. I still have nightmares waiting like 5 hours for that damn giraffe stag to spawn my fucking god. Super worth it though bc this was the first time catching all bugs and fish even though I've played CF and NL :}
The Lily of the Valley sticker is a freebie I got from MariKrekeler!
Writing typed below!
rating: 8.5 played: sp 2023 port: nintendo switch favorite? Y replayable? Y recommend? Y series: animal crossing
Dagnel (YT) inspired me to pick the game back up
I look so cute in my work uniform >.<
the hopeful goal is to finish bugs, fish, and flowers
forcing the villagers on vacation to work and go to school is wild T^T
I love the evolution of adding new items like partitions and nature sounds
I didn't expect to do check-ups
decorating all the buildings does get tiring
i really love the venue decor
Bam gave me the pumpkin soup recipe while wearing my fruits basket sweater T^T!!!!!!!!!!
i can only play in short bursts as it's not as fun when playing alone and it's so grindy and long
an apparel shop is a really fun idea
kk concert goes pretty hard
i haven't played aa4 yet but klavier reminds me of Julian esp bc julian was also in a band and had a falling out with a band member (ive played aa4 since then and can confirm theyre the exact same person lmfao)
okay the rest of the writing is my checklist of bugs and fish i needed to catch and ... yall im not typing that who cares about that anyways T_T
This was brutal. I curse the name of giraffe stags, mahi-mahis, and Dagnel. I had a lot of fun with HHP and I'm happy to be done with 3/4 of the museum, but my god at what cost? I wish my 2020 self did like a small grind to get these pier fish because why the hell did it take me 8 hours for the mahi-mahi T^T. Enough complaining, I highly enjoyed happy home paradise. I never played HHD for ACNL so this was a fun surprise and I loved the range of homes you could design. I also loved how there were overarching goals to complete: school, cafe, restaurant, hospital, clothing store, and when those were all done you were treated to a KK rave. I also enjoyed seeing my favorite villagers again and getting to play in seasons I hadn't previously played in ACNH. I have mixed feelings about Harv's island. I like that a ton of characters are brought back but I think some of them could've been integrated on the onto the main island better, like reese and cyrus having an add on to nook's shop and also give us another nook shop upgrade T^T. I miss playing with friends but it seems I might be making plans to play with Grimspark! Perhaps in the future I'll pick up this game again to finish art and flowers but that'll be in 2024 me problem. Tired of grinding T^T.
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svartalfhild · 5 months
A Case for Jezri
Listen, I know how the DS9 fandom feels about Jezri, but I just wanted to take a moment to explain why I like it. I'm not asking people to agree; I just want to give it some love because there are things to enjoy and to explore in that ship that haven't gotten any discussion.
(Also why is 99.9% of the Jezri tag just people tagging their hate? Who raised y'all? Please be respectful towards your fellow fans who may not feel the same as you.)
I'm no stranger to finding my gold nuggets in the trash heap when it comes to Star Trek ships. I'm the type to find the things to love about something that was executed poorly by the writers. Datasha is my TNG OTP. Need I say more.
So don't think I don't understand some of the main objections people have to Jezri. I get it. I do. So with that out of the way, let's get into the good stuff.
Julian's personal story, particularly in the later parts of the show, has a strong motif of loneliness, which comes from two or three different aspects of his life. The first one is of course the fact that he's an augment. He's socially isolated by his mental and physical superiority. No one can keep up with him, and he has to diminish himself to fit in, especially before the truth comes out. The second is the evolving lives of the people closest to him. There reaches a point where nearly all of his closest friends are either married or in committed relationships, and he's the free floater who has to hope he can still fit into their lives somewhere. The third aspect is his own shit luck with relationships. No one sticks with him for very long for whatever reason. And there was the everything with Jadzia on top of it all. Poor man couldn't catch a break.
And then along comes Ezri. Quark is quick to treat her as same old Dax with a new coat of paint, for whose affections he immediately tries to generate competition with Julian, because he is a sexist little toad. Julian, to his great credit, is like "what the fuck, Quark" and makes it clear that he sees Ezri as a different person, not Jadzia 2.0 who he now has a chance with. Ezri is his new friend, and he's not going to be pulled into Quark's bullshit.
The writing is unfortunately rather uneven when it comes to showing us the establishment and development of that friendship, so we have to piece together the vibes from several disparate moments, some big and meaningful and others more incidental, but that's not too difficult for me. Fandom has done more with less.
Anyway! Through all of that, we kind of get to see that Ezri sees Julian differently than Jadzia did in a way that allows them to click very quickly. Jadzia sort of saw Julian as an adorable puppy excitedly wagging his tail at her (and by the time he matured into someone who was more her type, he'd stopped pursuing her and then she was with Worf). Ezri sees him as the charming guy who knows how to have a good time. It seems natural to me that Julian would quickly latch onto someone who thought his holosuite adventures were demonstrative of a healthy sense of fun and not a sign of immaturity. Ezri is literally the bad bitch he pulled by being autistic.
And they are such adorable awkward nerds with each other! The big eyes! The soft touches! The fumbling! The trying to keep things platonic because they just like each other so much that they're afraid of messing things up! The breaking down and making out anyway because they can't escape the vibes! *chef's kiss*
The thing that completely sold me on Jezri, though, was their moment together at the end of the last episode where Julian is mourning Miles' departure and feeling lonely and then Ezri rolls up like "Hey~!" and expresses the desire to have dinner and do holosuite adventures with him. That was so beautiful to me. Everything is changing and so many of his friends have left and it's the ultimate pit of loneliness for him, but then there's Ezri. He has her now and he's not alone and the war is over and there's hope and the start of something new and soft. I cried, y'all. Like maybe it's because I'm at a place in my life where I feel left behind while I watch all my friends move on with their lives, but man, the way Ezri represents the light at the end of a dark tunnel for Julian just got me so good.
Here are some of the headcanons I have to supplement the sparse canon material and give further depth and enjoyment to my shipping experience:
They're both bisexual.
Since they're both healthcare professionals, they have a lot to talk about where their fields intersect. They make a great team when they're working, but this also results in them developing a shorthand with each other that is somewhat infuriating for others.
Ezri's closeness with Julian allows her to better develop her friendship with Garak, and there are several times when all three of them get up to shenanigans together.
They sometimes get each other new tea blends to try as a fun little surprise.
Ezri tries to teach Julian some of the gymnastics stuff she remembers at least once with mixed results.
Julian particularly loves hugging Ezri, and she particularly loves holding his hand.
Julian persuades Ezri to read Lord of the Rings, and she gets really into it, so they end up doing a holosuite adaptation as Legolas and Gimli. Ezri plays with her beard a lot.
Quark fucking hates how cute they are and Kira makes a point to tell him about every sweet moment she sees between them just to fuck with him.
Ezri very much gets in on the Fuck With Section 31 train and helps Julian do spy shit. The criminal psychology knowledge comes in handy.
Anyway, these are my feels. Please don't air your grievances here. I just want to sail on my dinghy and hope someone out there is sailing with me.
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Blue Castle Book Club 2.0 - Chapter 6
I still don’t love the utter contrivance of Dr. Trent receiving the phone call about his son the very moment he is about to tell Valancy his diagnosis. I know these things happen, and it is on such conveniences that plots are born, but it feels forced.
But we’re working a theme, and that theme is Nobody Cares About Valancy. As we’ll start to see, only some of that is actually true in objective reality. Valancy has been so trained by her family and her own unhappiness that she has started to see deliberate slights where none may actually exist. I’ve seen fans speculate that her heart condition is actually panic attacks, and she definitely seems to be displaying something reminiscent of social anxiety with how she assumes that everyone in the world is scrutinizing and judging her at all times.
But of course, in Valancy’s case it’s made worse by the fact that people are scrutinizing and judging her at all times, and it does make sense that she would expand what she knows of how her family treats her onto everyone else she meets. So she assumes Dr. Trent has forgotten her because she’s so insignificant as to not be worth remembering, rather than assuming that whatever news he got must have been dreadful indeed.
And it turns out that it was, actually, dreadful news that distracted him, rather than anything to do with her at all.
Valancy goes home via lover’s lane, because of course she does. I am lightly shocked that Deerwood allows canoodling of any kind in public, although my assumption is that “canoodling” in this context is closer to making out than it is to actual sex acts. Presumably if there was actual sex happening then the young girls in pairs would not be allowed anywhere near the place.
Valancy, of course, runs into both a pair of friends and a romantic couple, just to hammer home what she herself is missing so badly. Once again, she is positive that everyone is talking about her. Even in her Blue Castle everyone is always talking about her, even if there everything they have to say is positive.
Of course Lover’s Lane “debouches” onto the street. Nothing so pedestrian as “ends” or “gives way” or even “emerges”. No, for Lover’s Lane we must be French and lightly suggestive. Even our verb choices serve to remind us of what Valancy so desires and has never had.
And, of course, upon whom do we debouche? Why upon Barney Snaith! I see you, Lusty Mind Montgomery.
Barney Snaith, who gets a properly excited introduction. Barney Snaith, who gets a proper physical description and a rundown of all the worst gossip that Valancy can’t quite bring herself to believe. Barney Snaith, who is the first person we have met thus far whom Valancy never once assumes is thinking of her. Everyone else is smiling because they must be laughing at her; Barney is smiling and all Valancy can think is how much she envies him for his freedom.
But Valancy doesn’t get freedom, not yet. Valancy has to go home to her dreadful house and listen to her dreadful relatives. We know that there is change coming for her, because the story has told us so, but she doesn’t know that. And so, as Maud tells us:
Valancy’s day of destiny had come and gone. She ended it as she had begun it, in tears.
Colors mentioned:
Pink organdy dresses
Premature grey
Tawny hair dashed with red
Dark-brown eyes
Black with grease
Black pipe
Black stockings
And not a color, but honorable mention to Valancy feeling “colorless” as she walks down lover’s lane, which I am taking as communication to me directly from Lucy Maud beyond the grave confirming that I have successful picked up on a deliberate writing choice. (I mean, I knew I had, but I appreciate it just the same!)
Anyway, Barney gets a couple colors, but nothing very exciting yet. Later, his eyes will be purple. For now, they're still just brown.
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starberrywander · 1 year
New Pronoun Drop??? 🤯🤩❤️
*Infomercial voice* Are you tired of arguing about the singularity of "they"? Do you want to do away with unnecessarily gendered language and do whatever you want with your pronouns? Do you like linguistic chaos!? If so, I have the perrrfect product for you:
Pronouns 2.0!!!
Ok clickbait titles and memes aside, as a Non-binary person who has been thinking about linguistics I have some suggestions for a new pronoun system in English. Idk if anyone else will even care about this idea but I like it so I'm gonna talk about it.
So this came to me while watching a tiktok about the singular “they”, so I think that’s a good place to start. The topic of the tiktok was how because of the increased use of the singular they as a personal pronoun, some sentences can be a little confusing and that to make up for that English will likely develop a new version of the plural “they”. A few of the comments were suggesting that we should use “tha’ll” but I personally think that “theys” sounds more natural. So that’s my first suggestion; lets replace the plural “They” with “theys.” Or if you’re in “tha’ll” camp use that and we can see which one will catch on first. It doesn’t really matter, I plan to be using “theys”, at least online.
The next part is a personal preference that I have loved since the second I first heard about it, which is the concept of clusivity. If you haven’t heard of it, clusivity is when a language has to separate words for us (including you) and us (not including you). I like this a lot. I dunno why. But while we’re revolutionizing pronouns I say let’s add clusivity to English because fuck it. We/us can continue to be the inclusive (including you) version, but let’s make the exclusive (not including you) version be wees/uz because why not. For example, currently if you said the sentence “we’re going out to eat, I reserved a table for us” you would have to use context clues to determine whether the speaker was including the person they were talking to in that dinner or, like, telling their roommate about a date they had planned with their partner. But with clusivity you could specify within that sentence that it is the second option by saying, “Wees are going out to eat, I reserved a table for uz.” It looks silly but I like it and also it gives some much needed love to Z. 
And finally, I suggest that we accept all the neopronouns. All of ‘em. Like, I know a lot of us (especially enbies) have already but I mean like officially. This is more like a language culture thing, but I think we should default to they/them until someone tells us their pronouns and then respect the hell out of whatever pronouns they choose/create for themselves. Additionally, I propose adding pronouns like a kind of honorifics system. Y’know like how you’d say “mr” or the wide variety of “mrs” types? Yeah what if we replace that with a person’s pronouns instead. Like instead of Mr Jones and Mrs Jones it could be like He Jones and She Jones. Or if they used neopronouns it could be something like Xe Jones. Plus if someone had the last name Mann and used he/him pronouns he would get to officially be He Mann, and I think that is peak pronoun. 
But also, like, you could use it for first names too. It would be a way to introduce yourself and your pronouns all in one sweep like “Hi I’m She Amber and this is my friend They Hannah” and boom, you’ve just communicated names and pronouns in the most efficient way in English ever. Plus, you’ve also solved the problem of gender neutral honorifics and the sucky patriarchal concept of denoting a woman’s marital status with honorifics.
Anyway, that was my proposal for updated English pronouns. I hope y’all liked it. I will now think of myself as Ze Starberry online because vibes.
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k1ngdom-of-thieves · 2 years
Hi, can I request a reader asking them for a piggyback ride/bridal carry back to their dorm for any reason(whether it is aching feet or a sprained ankle) with the vice dorm leaders???
Yup! This is such a cute ask :)
Vice dorm leaders + Carrying reader
Trey Clover
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When he saw you fall off the broom he was immediately running to your side. He saw as you clutched your leg on the ground and realized that you definitely weren’t going to be able to go to the nurse’s office on your own. Or anywhere for that matter.
Luckily, his next period is study hall so he could take as much time as he needed to get you to rest. He slowly picked you up and carried you out of the field and into the main building. Thank god he’s a baker’s son. Dude’s definitely got muscle
When Trey dropped by the nurse’s office, there was a sign on the door that said the nurse had went on their lunch break. Of course. So he thought of the next best thing: Home sweet home.
It was a bit of a longer trip to the Ramshackle dorm but luckily there weren’t many people in the halls on the way. He was able to place you down on the couch with some time to spare before study hall finished.
“Am I tired? Don’t worry about me, your leg’s in much worse shape than I am right now.”
Ruggie Bucchi
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It took a little while to get a response when you ask Ruggie to carry you on his back. Not because he was contemplating, because he was laughing so hard after he saw you trip on a rock.
Eventually, he was able to say yes but not without chuckling. He does it out of love. He let you hop on his back while you guys had a little walk back to the dorm.
Ruggie keeps you entertained by telling you little things that’s been happening at the Savanaclaw dorm. Leona left his wallet in the bathroom again, Ruggie magically gained 500 thaumarks into his own wallet. You know, the usual.
Before you know it, you’re back in the Ramshackle dorm and Ruggie so kindly plopped you down on the couch. Once he knows you’re mostly unharmed, he makes his way to the fridge. It’s like a Grim 2.0
“What? You didn’t say I couldn’t take anything as a payment did ya?”
Jade Leech
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He saw you limping while he was on his way to the Monstro Lounge. You were leaning on the wall, trying to use it as a support while you still tried to act as casual as possible. I think only Kalim bought the act though
Jade calmly walked up towards you and started talking with you like he hadn’t noticed anything was wrong. Asshole He only asked if you were alright when you accidentally hit your ankle against a door frame and cursed as a result.
When you told him you had sprained your ankle, he chuckled and asked if you needed assistance. As soon as you said yes, Jade easily picked you up and carried you in his arms. Bet you feel like royalty now huh?
Jade walked with you in his arms like it was something he did on the daily, not a single hair out of place. He continued to carry you like this until you were sitting comfortably in your dorm.
“Why do you look so surprised? We moray eels aren’t weaklings in or out of the water, you know.”
Jamil Viper
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You sent Jamil a text asking him if he could help you with something. Even though you know well enough that he barely has free time. He responded that it depended on what you needed help with. He was a very busy guy after all.
When you told him that all he needed to do was carry you from the courtyard to your dorm, he took so long to respond that you thought he might’ve blocked your number. Jamil finally responded with and told you to stay where you were. Not that you could move much anyway.
You saw Jamil running up to the courtyard after ten minutes or so. It’s a good thing that the mirror hall is so close by huh? When he saw you clutching your foot, he immediately stops thinking about giving you the scolding he was practicing on the way here.
Jamil had you go on his back while he walked you back to the comfort of your home. His scolding was a lot less intense than normal on the way, but he still wanted you to start focusing on yourself more. Hypocrite
“I can tell you’re smiling. Please don’t get used to me carrying you like this or I might have to drop you right here.” He won’t
Rook Hunt
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Rook was by your side before you even had to say a word. He noticed your irregular walk from across the hallway and knew that something wasn’t right.
You barely have to mention your sore foot and he’s already carrying you in his arms. He’s like a gallant knight protecting his noble liege as he roams quickly through the halls.
He asks you what had happened a little while after he started taking you out of the college building. He didn’t want you to feel embarrassed answer while there was people around.
When he came to the dorm he asked if he could stay with you. He helps around with small tasks around the dorm and gives you a small ice pack to place on your ankle.
“Oh mon coeur, I would never leave you alone when you aren’t at your best!”
Ortho Shroud (platonic)
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Ortho was alerted that someone was injured thanks to the medical assistance program Idia installed for him. He immediately ran flew? towards you to check the severity of your injury.
You were kinda surprised to see a flaming robot child fly at you with a hand that turned into a first aid kit, but at least someone was helping you. After giving you a scan to check for something he could’ve missed, Ortho asks you to get on his back to carry you back to your dorm.
Idia has obviously given Ortho plenty of strength boosters because he carries you without a problem. He talks to you about all of the new bells and whistles his brother had given him over the last few months on the way to the dorm.
Ortho gently puts you down and makes sure to give you an ice pack for your foot. He even has a little machine that gives you a sticker like at the doctors.
“Here you go! I recommend you not put extra pressure on your ankle for the next 3-4 days. I hope you have a nice day!”
Lilia Vanrouge
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Lilia saw you lying on the ground, clutching your leg and clearly in pain. He slowly walks up to you to find out what had happened and ends up scaring the shit out of you in the process.
He gives your leg a quick look over before telling you how you should be more careful, humans are a lot more frail than the fae are. It’s almost like he’s said this before to someone. Lilia then tells you to hop on his back so he can get you to your dorm safely.
You’re always surprised when Lilia uses his strength as it definitely doesn’t look like his body has a lot of muscle. He gets you to your dorm in record speeds for someone who isn’t Ortho.
He tells you to relax as he gets you a drink of water. Then, Lilia casts a healing spell to fix your sprained ankle. Something that should’ve been done much sooner.
“What’s with that look on your face? You asked me to help you and carry you back to the dorm. You didn’t tell me I had to do it in that order.”
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equalseleventhirds · 8 months
Hey, do you have any recs for long form, more serious ttrpg systems for fantasy settings? I feel like I hear a lot about short/definitively-lengthed systems, but I've been yearning for a DnD-esque system without all the baggage of equip loads and complicated Challenge Ratings and other rules-y baggage I don't super care about.
do i! do i ever!
serious & long-form systems do on the whole tend to be crunchier than shorter systems (not always, but generally); nevertheless, i've picked out a........ handful......... ok there's Several, i did try to control and limit myself but u kno.......... games......... anyway, here are some that are considerably less crunchy than d&d but still lend themselves to long fantasy campaigns.
uh. under the cut for. oh god it's so long. it's so long. tried my best to explain them, u see. (which is also why it took me so long to reply lol, sry abt that)
godeater (& godeater 2.0): play in a broken, post-apocalyptic fantasy world, where dead and dying gods warp the land, and you raid their bodies for divine magic to help support humanity. 2d10-based, get weird & funky with it! i admit a small preference for version 1.0, which gave u some loose examples but left much of the worldbuilding and even character building up to u to create; 2.0 has some extra books that go with it that i haven't much looked into yet, but seem to give more solid lore to work with, if u would like that.
when the guilds pay in copper, crime pays in gold: alchemical guilds pay shit wages to use people for magical experiments. go do crimes on 'em with your own magic. d6 base, assign dice to stats to make ur own dice pool; fairly light rules and in fact very little in the way of instruction or hard lore on the gm's side, so better played with an experienced gm who's good at making their own stuff, but certainly campaign material for the right gm!
third empire - violence + beauty: the world sucks, and has sucked for a while, through two oppressive empires and into a third one. you play adventurers who are trying to carve out a little goodness, a little justice, a little vengeance, in the world. y'know. lasers & feelings based, but expanded beyond the original (which also comes with it if u get it!) into more lore, more character choices, very collaborative worldbuilding, downtime mechanics, etc etc.
ruby radiance 6e: streamlined dungeoneering built to let ppl play the way actual play podcasts sound, essentially. d20 pool system, based on trophy mechanics but v much adjusted. lots of choices to make during character creation & leveling, but much much less to keep track of during the playing part. u get it.
wizard pals: all of you are wizards, going on adventures and trying to accomplish your goals in a fantasy world. d12-based, fairly lighthearted (can lean silly but u could use it for more serious if not super grimdark adventures), much worldbuilding left up to the gm, but very simple rules, so.
grimblade rpg: (speaking of grim lol,) action & adventure in a grim fantasy world; things like character creation and rewards (and magic) fully imply a fantasy world, but worldbuilding is left up to the gm, altho there are many tables to roll on to give some help. uses d4, 6, 8, and 10; all rolls are contested rolls, with dice picked based on how serious the gm feels this roll is.
shattered aether: post-apocalyptic science fantasy, you roam around a fucked up magic world and protect ppl from various dangers. 2d6 based, based on the lumen system so fairly combat-forward in a very high-action very cool asskicking way. for some reason the font chosen for this book is murder on my eyes, but if u can get past that (or just zoom in lots and read a bit at a time) it's straightforward, simple, and fun!
familiars of terra: this one may be a little too crunchy, but i love it a lot and rly the most crunch is in character creation and tracking experience, actual gameplay is (imo) pretty easy. post-post-apocalyptic fantasy world, some science fantasy elements depending on where you choose to focus, bcos there are absolute PAGES of lore on this extremely cool and enormous world; you and your party go around with your soul-bonded animal friends to spread hope and healing and also do cool shit. y'know. card-based, again it is probably more crunchy than ur looking for but less abt tracking what you can do during things and more abt tracking experience in order to level up stats, so.
1400 quest: ok that last one was crunchy, this one's very uncrunchy. pick a handful of things and get going! clearly inspired by d&d, but very very streamlined, so things that were pages of mechanics are like, one or two sentences. gm's side of it is like, a handful of rollable tables and then do whatever, so prolly for the more experienced gm. d6 based, but you may have occasion to use other dice. also if you like this one there's others by the same author focusing on other things (1400 mage, sneak, etc), or you can check out others in the 24XX type of games, which started out sci fi but has since been expanded to a bunch of other stuff. u kno.
beast dream: pokemon-inspired game where you make friends with magical beasts and go on magical adventures! d6-based, forged in the dark, so there is a little crunch wrt deciding on position etc and stuff like stress, but the author rly wanted to focus in on letting u adventure and have fun without getting bogged down in numbers and i think that shows, stuff like load and reputation aren't so much a thing.
cognatons: play as sentient, magic-filled automatons doing whatever fantasy adventures your robot heart desires. d4-based, caltrop core, so you get a fairly simple & defined set of actions; less to keep track of, easy to follow.
dethrone the divine: you're gonna overthrow the gods, and also take their places. you're already either divine, semi-divine, or magically powerful in other ways, and you adventure with the goal of gathering power and followers so you can take the place of the shitty gods in power. d6-based, pretty straightforward system, makes characters v cool and powerful, which is always fun.
perilous: do you love dungeon crawls bcos i love dungeon crawls... streamlined and easy to understand fantasy dungeoneer adventures in this one! d20-based, leans towards tags instead of complicated numerical skill stuff to keep track of. go to dungeons, fight monsters, get treasure. simple n good. (adds in some metaplot, like who sent you, how will this affect the people living here, whatever, but rly strong with the very old core of d&d-style 'go do a dungeon' kinda thing, if that's what u like.)
high magic lowlives: ok my latest obsession bcos i'm currently planning a big ol campaign for friends in this one. there are classic adventurers in this world, out there cleaning out monster nests or whatever, but they're usually in the employ of the immortal aristocracy. you? you make your money by stealing from and humiliating the immortal aristocracy, because you're a lowlife. it's a dangerous gig, but isn't it better than going into student debt at wizard school? melds high fantasy aesthetics with like, magical twitch streaming aesthetics. fun as hell. uses all the dice and also sometimes tarot cards (mostly just for character creation, u kno). easy to understand rules, i'm having a great time.
ellipses rpg: setting-agnostic system (make ur own setting!) with simple, streamlined rules and an emphasis on improvisation. d20 based, rly just some very basic foundation and then a lot of encouragement to make things up and do what's fun. so like, loosey goosey & not super structured if you want structure, but could be fun!
unbound: setting-agnostic system but with much more formal structure, got structure around how to collaboratively worldbuild your setting and everything. obvs this means some crunch, but it's still not super crunchy, nice and straightforward rly. lotta character options but not so complex and math-heavy, u kno. card-based system. designed actually for a series of short campaigns in a linked world, tho, so if ur not up for exploring new characters a lot, may not be for you.
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