#only played minecraft and excluded me from a lot )
salsalvador · 1 year
I love no mans sky’s story and a lot of that love origionates from spite, let me explain
No mans sky’s story is very similar in terms of objective to another game, that being Starbound, by objective I don’t mean they share the same story beats or themes or anything like that, instead I mean that they both attempt to fit a somewhat linear story into a procedurally generated, “infinate”, sandbox game, a style of game that is inherently nonlinear, and both of them go about it in different ways, and obviously I think one of them does a much, much better job then the other
But first, let’s take a quick look into the storylines of both games, at least what I remember from them, because I have to get up early-ish for work tomorrow and I can’t be assed to research starbounds shitty ass story, if it means that one of starbounds two fans roast the hell out of me for it then so be it, anyways…
(Spoilers for both games ahead, duh)
Let’s start with the shitty one, starbounds story is oftentimes considered to be when the games popularity began to take a turn for the worse, as this story literally came out of nowhere and basically gave the player a god or savior or chosen one complex, they and only they could defeat the giant hentai meatball that killed earth, even though said hentai meatball is apparently locked in some alternate dimension or whatever the fuck, and how exactly this fucker killed earth is never really explained, the story attempts to incentivize exploration by forcing the player to go to different structures of the different races and scan some shit to unlock the boss challanges, witch was just a really bad way to incentivize exploration, as it’s less like a gentle or even moderate nudge in a certain direction (like how subnauticas radio incentivizes the player to get further and further from their safety pod, and thus into more areas with more content) and as such it’s probably the biggest gripe a lot of people had with the story iirc, then you have the bosses and the characters associated with them, most of witch are fine, nuru fucks tho, but If you know Starbound you probably already knew that, the thing is, tho, in the early early betas, the bosses were something you summoned on your own planets and thus on your own terms, and as such you kinda had these really cool potential encounters where you can build terraria ass style platforms in order to combat the bosses, and comparing that to the less manipulatible and more story centered boss arenas is kinda dissapointing, I know it probably won’t work with all of them, the ape one and the dope ass bone spider are such examples, but even excluding them why does the UFO have to be locked behind an arena? Why the penguin mech? Why the bone dragon? Why the funni cult leader? I’m obviously not saying that bosses with their own dedicated arenas are bad, I’m saying that transferring between one and the other is a whiplash that isn’t likely to be good for your audiance, you are basically shifting genres, but that’s not even my biggest Issue with the story, the biggest issue is how the savior complex the story forces on the player hampers the roleplay aspect of it, likely the main thing a lot of people are playing the game for, an exact same critique I have with fallout 4, both games story tries to force your character to be a certain archetype, witch means you can no longer be whatever the hell you want, a concept that similar games like Minecraft or terraria, or even other story based games like new Vegas or skyrim, take massive advantage of, as the ability to play as different archetypes inherently helps with replayability and immersion
Now for the good game, no mans sky, hopefully this is a lot shorter then my tired ass 12am Starbound hate rant, the two stories are very different outside of the objective I outlined at the start, so it’s kinda hard to compare the two directly, but while it’s fresh on everyone’s minds, how does no mans sky handle player choice regarding backstory and roleplaying within their story based game? It basically makes it so there’s not much inherent information about the player themself, the player character is a traveler, something that’s slightly more special then the common geks or korvax’s to some extent, but are still largely indistinguishable, the story seems to take pains to reiterate that the traveler is one among millions or billions, countless others have come before and after them, somewhat making the player largely unspecial, a minor footnote as the main character, and I think that’s great, the only really required thing for backstories is that the player character crashed on a planet and lost their memory, and that they are a traveler, that’s kinda it, compare that to how fallout four forces do much into the player characters backstory, they were married, they have a child, they were a pre-war veteran, they got frozen and skipped two centuries, their spouse died during the freezing process because of some asshole, there’s a lot here that’s forced into the players backstory witch hamstrings what you can use with the playable character as a roleplaying tool
There’s also another thing I really commemorate no mans sky’s setting for, and that is it’s greater setting, it’s set in a simulation, a failing one at that, witch allows there to be a crushing twist that dosent directly force your character to act a certain way, and also fits for all potential player orientations, if your character is on the greedier side, them helping the atlas could very easily be seen as an act of self preservation, If they are on the more noble side, then it’s a more cut and dry “for the greater good”. It also helps a singular, nonlinear story work in a setting that potentially allows for multiplayer, the main multiplayer hub is the Anomaly, something that’s set up outside of the direct control of the atlas, and two players interacting is kinda like two universes coming together temporarily, witch allows both of their stories to be equally canon without hamstringing the story in the process to accommodate for multiple potential people
What if you wanted to ignore no mans sky’s story tho? Well good news! You can! After the atlas there are basically nothing major the game locks behind the story, iirc you have the potential to get glyphs without going through the story, by finding special npcs and talking to them, and there’s like a largely insignificant tech or two that is used as a reward or trophy for ending the story, and it dosent hamstring content either, you can still get most of the tech and whatever else you want at a similar-ish rate, there are even other substories that arnt attached to the main one, like the living ship or the Laylaps/Minotaur upgrade story, or the colony one where you find people to work for you, or the one where you become mayor of a settlement
Is the story of no mans sky perfect? Nah, I’d like there to be more areas that take advantage of roleplaying, for instance, to really take advantage of no mans sky’s unique oppertunity in player freedom in tandem with its story, like just smaller villages that mostly act as areas to “vibe” or maybe small cities in space, the space stations we have now mostly feel like glorified gas stations or supermarkets, and in general just kinda roleplay as a drifter or vagabond without the need of a freighter, or have more of a roleplay planned route with populated areas to hit and sell too
Anyways, enough of unhinged 12:30 neurodivergant rant, goodnight Tri-state area
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meowsticmarvels · 4 months
whats on your mind rn in terms of Games ?
OOH FUN.... assuming you probably asked this bc most of my interests are games LOL but i jhave some Thoughts on games in General and the industry as a whole. buckle up!
- currently im playing. a lot of them obviously but my most recents are persona 5 tactica and the sims 4 :] - fav fav games EXCLUDING THE SPECIAL INTERESTS . - ghost trick, UT/DR, NITW, TS4 ( i havent played any other sims except the sims 2 pets for the 3ds im sorry.), super mario galaxy, goodbye volcano high - the special interest ones include pokemon (fav out of main series is sun/moon, black/white, and scarlet/violet, but i do like many spin offs like mystery dungeon), mii/wii games (i.e. wii sports), minecraft story mode, and the persona games (never finished one but i've reached various distances in P2IS-P5 excluding some spin offs and stuff like i havent started P5S or P2EP. favs r 3 + 4 + tactica) ^ ask me about any of those (or other ones i like i.e. gvh) i WILL ANSWER even if its something thatd be faster with google im better - underrated gems i'd say goodbye volcano high, death road to canada, chicory a colorful tale, signs of the sojourner, aviary attorney, tails noir, blanc. ghost trick to a lesser extent ig but the others are indie - current main wishlist (inc. ones i Will emulate): shin megami tensei V, devil survivor overclocked, fire emblem 3 houses, professor layton, pokemon black 2, persona q2, persona 3 reload ( I Want. Now. its on gamepass but i literally need everything related to it you dont get it.), wii play motion, twewy, and okami. OH also in stars and time and oneshot. also disco elysium and hylics look cool too. AND CASSETTE BEASTS. fuck i hate when every game looks good. need to play murder of sonic the hedgehog also. and looking forward to billy bust up. OH AND I NEED TO PLAY THE STANLEY PARABLE. AND BALDURS GATE 3 - i think the only game i really truly regret buying is 1-2 switch. im sorry it was good for like 2-3 weeks when the switch was new now i just do not care - i love you indie games i love you games that in general are not afraid to be weird and deviate from stuff. get crazy with it - video games r kind of an art form. if you think about it - industry kind of shit !!! stop laying off your devs!!!!!!!!!! what the fuck!!!!!! its been bad lately even my dad (a QA tester) got laid off a game he was working rly well on because they abruptly cancelled it. ok - i don't care for most FPS games. not my thing. too stressful. not enjoyable for me that much. im more of an RPG guy but i'm open to new things i played like food maker apps when i was a kid - speaking of industry stuff crunch is another thing severely a major problem. and the thing with sag aftra approving ai voices in games. Stop!!!!!!! - i miss e3 :( was a fun thing to look forward to each year - game preservation is also a real issue. like ig i get saving money by killing the servers on old consoles but in nintendos case people still actively use them theyre not that old. kind of dumb. xbox i get it the 360's been out since 2005 but 3ds/wiiu things are younger than me chill out - HATE when good fun mobile games are cash grabby. like STFU its more annoying than anything when they make resources impossible to get without paying. whats the fucking fun in that. i'd rather it be an easy way out last resort than oh i can get like 1 gem every month by doing this BUT if i pay i can get 10 of them for like 10 dolar. like ok die - waiter! waiter! more transgender as hell games please! (i.e. goodbye volcano high. that game changed lives) - also we need more autistic as hell games and i mean canonically. and not fucking Creepy Autism Simulator - more and better accessibility settings!!! i personally dont need many myself but it's important to me that others are able to play a game without severe issues due to disability. indie games doing great abt this based on feedback though ive seen a lot of good ones - any streetpassers in the chat thats all sorry it was long but i have a lot of thoughts abt Games in general. if theres any in particular u wanna hear abt shoot me an ask!!! can be one not on here i'm open to reccomendations or just things ive gathered from people who have :]
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danktango319 · 9 months
My personal story:
Bargaining phase (aka scream it from the rooftops), let’s fucking go! I am posting this here because I want to be done with this part of my story. I’ve been given permission by my mother and sister to talk about their parts in this too. By the way, if my trauma makes you uncomfortable, good. Some days I struggle to make the decision to keep going. I’m keeping names out of this.
My mother had me for the wrong reasons and my father committed suicide eight months after I was born. My mother's family had been deeply affected by mental illness due to their own personal traumas and poverty.
My father's family is an Irish Catholic group that was deeply shamed and unable to process the suicide. They didn't know that I existed. I learned about it much younger than I should have, and it's deeply affected me. I tried to talk to them about it, and I was shamed into silence. “Don’t you know you’re not supposed to talk about that?”
My mother and I struggled to find places to live, and moved frequently. I was switching schools on a regular basis. I struggled making friends. I'm also fairly certain I have autism and adhd, so the constant transitions coupled with the knowledge of what happened to my father made me something of a strange child. I was bullied by peers and adults alike. I was molested on several occasions by teenage boys. My mother and grandmother were constantly at odds, and I was in the middle of all of it. I took on adult responsibilities at a young age and would often walk alone around a somewhat rough part of town with rubber jump ropes in case anyone thought about trying to hurt me. I was physically abused, neglected, and isolated. I started watching TV and playing video games a lot. I was also pretty good at the violin.
A couple of weeks before I turned 11, my 5th grade teacher committed suicide. He had the same name as my father. It hit me really hard because at a young age, I made that connection back with what had happened. It was ironic, and it’s weird to realize that at 10. Then the trauma responses started. Because my family didn’t know what it was, I was labeled an obstinately defiant child. My traumas were never resolved.
My mother then gets married, and gets pregnant with my sister. I had been wishing for years for a sibling. I was very excited about her. I got to feed her the first meal out of the womb, and I let her lay on my chest and just watched her breathe. It was the first time in my life I ever really understood what it meant to fall in love with someone. I loved taking care of her. When I bought my first DSLR, I would make her the subject of my photos. We would walk to the park, I would let her take my stuffed animals, we would play Minecraft in creative mode and make pink cotton houses and listen to Lady Gaga and Ke$ha, and Rihanna, and watch movies. I can’t have kids. I poured a lot of love into her.
I got pretty good at the violin without private lessons because poverty fucking sucks. I made concert mistress three years in a row. I taught myself bass. I started playing with the band at church when I was 14. I started dressing up and people would notice. Sometimes certain comments were made about the size of my chest and it made me uncomfortable because I was a child.
I hit puberty and the PCOS made me gain weight even though I had been skinny my entire childhood. I was picked on by everyone, including family and friends. Not only was I this weird, traumatized kid with a strange past, now I was fat. The target on my back grew.
Honestly, my teenage years were spent isolated in my room talking to my best friend on the phone for hours at a time. I wasn’t really welcomed down where the family was, and I was told that regularly. When the rare family trip happened, I was excluded. Due to our financial situations, if I had saved up money for the things I wanted, sometimes I was expected to give it up for bills, rent, and groceries. I started having breakdowns, and was in the hospital several times. Once for trying to overdose.
I dropped out. I got a part time job filing and doing transcription at the age of 17 for the chiropractor my aunt worked for. I even spent some time when my cousin was born as the receptionist. I was never compensated for my work on the transcription despite being told that I was better than the transcriptionists who had been certified. I was never given a raise for becoming a receptionist. I left to go be a nanny. I made more money doing that than I did as a receptionist.
Then I went to college. I started with night classes because I needed someone to drive me there. Then I got my license and my grandparents bought me my first car. I was going for psychology. My entire life had been a fucking case study thus far, why not make it my profession? I have a natural passion for behavior, for helping, for figuring things out. It made sense.
In the midst of all that, my mother had a messy situation with her husband; he was a pathological liar and it took her a while to figure it out (same girl). He had taken a lot of money from both her account and his mother’s account and they were both several thousand dollars negative. He left three days before my sister’s 6th birthday. Our neighbor and good friend helped us with getting everything together for a party.
A little while later, a friend at church offered for me to live with her. My mother leapt at the opportunity because Savannah was still in the room with her at the age of 6. I went. Then I tried going back to college. But I was told I needed a job. I was driving to New Albany and back for school and struggling to keep up with that, so the thought of doing both was impossible to figure out. I know people can do it, but I’m not one of those people. Then I dropped out AGAIN and I started working. I did odd jobs, cleaned people’s houses, took care of peoples kids, retail, doctor’s offices.
I was in a long-distance relationship where my significant other would often threaten to kill herself if I didn’t respond immediately. I got on OKCupid and met the man I ended up marrying. He’s an IT guy, and it’s relevant to my story. He helped get me in at a good doctors office. I’m there for a year. We get married. It’s small, a Dudeist priest does our ceremony. Everyone has every confidence we’ll last and that the love is real.
I keep getting UTI’s because I’m allergic to a lot of shit and that came up in the bedroom. I had a reaction to a quinolone because that used to be standard practice. With the reaction came certain things, like having panic attacks at work. Despite being a hard worker and having untreated depression because I have the CYP2D6 gene and my medication options are limited, I still did my best and didn't cut corners. Oh, fun fact, the CYP2D6 gene gives you severe anxiety! I was given Klonopin to deal with the panic attacks and didn't have any shame taking them in front of patients.
I took a break from work, but I started dealing with massive amounts of fatigue. I would have to sit down after 15 minutes, when I used to be able to play DDR on expert. Six months later I had to have my gallbladder removed because it only had 7% function. I started having trouble with my tendons popping and tightening for no reason. My knees were giving me trouble. I wouldn’t figure out that it was a reaction to a medication until several years later.
At this point in time, my spouse was cheating on me, and I knew it. I was told he would never do that and I was just paranoid. We move to chase rent prices, and I’m so used to it at that point that I contemplate never unpacking. We move into the same complex as my mother, directly across the breezeway. It would be serendipitous.
My mother has pyelonephritis, and is given levaquin. She has a reaction, and winds up with the same kind of symptoms I had years before that went unanswered. I won’t figure that part out until after the accident.
My grandmother called me frantic because my cousin was showing up to her house unexpectedly. I was told to get her out of her house. I did. It was already late, so we went to a bar. We talked for a little bit, and then I ended up running into people I had known from school. We went our separate ways for a while that night. By the time I caught back up with her, she was talking to a contractor for HopCat.
We lost track of time, I was too drunk to drive, and my cousin was interested in the contractor. He was willing to give us a ride – very willing. It was a single cab truck, and I was heavier than I am now. Ergo, no seat belt. He didn’t make the turn at the 64E Grinstead on ramp. The truck flipped. I’m 99% sure I died for a minute. I woke up against the dashboard with my jaw broken. I couldn’t get myself up off the dashboard because of the whiplash. I was told by a medium years later that there were hands on me in the accident. I wasn’t able to pull myself up, but someone did. I think it was him.
I couldn’t keep my head up. I was bleeding out of several places on my arm. My jaw had broken through in two places and dislocated. One of my canines had shattered and would come out in pieces over the next day. One of the contractors men found us and called 911. He helped pull me out of the car, and I stumbled a few steps and landed face down in the grass. I didn’t have the strength or the energy to turn myself over. I thought I was going to die there because I was fading in and out of consciousness.
Eventually, the ambulance got there. They loaded up my cousin first. She had minor lacerations and a hairline fracture on her nose. She was able to go home that night. Then they struggled to turn me over, and tried to dance around using explicit words that they were struggling because my weight. When they started moving me, I realized just how much I was hurting. When they put me in the ambulance, I was making a lot of noise. My cousin screamed at me to shut up. So I did. I swallowed my pain and I didn’t show it.
I got to the ER, and they immediately dosed me with something that put me to sleep and managed the pain. I had a CT that I don’t remember. In between fading in and out of consciousness, I begged them to call my husband. They did. I woke up once to a nurse cutting away jagged skin and giving me stitches.
Eventually, my husband and my mom came up there. At one point, I had to pee. They kept turning me over and putting a bed pan under me. But because I had a broken spine and whiplash, I couldn’t sit up. With the severe physical trauma, I couldn’t pee. Even with the brain injury and the lingering intoxication, I was lucid enough to beg for a catheter. They didn’t believe me. They said that should be a last resort. I told them that I needed to pee, I couldn’t, I think my body is in shock right now. Give me a catheter. I filled two bags.
They took me up to the ICU because the inflammation and pressure of my jaw was making it difficult for me to breathe. I had an out of body experience. I barely remember my time in there. Eventually, I was out and in the TCU. My nurses loved me and said I was so sweet. My diet consisted of pudding, ensure shakes, and applesauce. Some people I had gone to church with didn’t realize the extent of my injuries and had a hard time seeing me.
It would be five days before they could do surgery. It took them five hours. Their complaint was that my mouth is small, and they were attempting to go in through existing wounds. The break was clean but where it had detached made it difficult to reattach.
I was legally bound from discussing what had happened in case of conflicting interests and swaying public opinion. I get home, and sleep on my mom’s couch for the first night. We had to wait on a hospital bed. I wasn’t allowed to be upright without the TLSO brace, my jaw was wired shut, and my only saving grace was this tooth I lost that I could fit small straws through. The only thing I could really handle eating that had some substance to it was blended chili. It was impossible to go to the bathroom or shower by myself, so my mom and husband helped me. Unfortunately, my mom is in a lot of pain herself.
I struggled to walk at first, but I kept pushing and trying. My knees were really unstable at that point, but I did it anyway. I got weird looks in public because I couldn’t wear a bra and the TLSO brace made it look funny. I had severe dysphoria. Eventually they took off the wires and I was out of the brace. I had to work to get my jaw to open again. I got a barstool to use in my kitchen so I could cook again. After a while I got tired of it and forced myself to stand as much as I could.
One day, I woke up with severe swelling in my knee. I could barely move, the pain was intense. I couldn’t hold my leg straight. They did not give me anti-anxiety or pain medication for the MRI, which I couldn’t complete because of the severity. The technician let me know that that was making his job harder and he was disappointed.
I was told by my husband that we were drowning financially. I got a job at Starbucks, which probably wasn’t the best idea, but I wanted my mobility back and I was told the only way to do that was to keep working for it. I did. At one point, my husband told me he missed being intimate. I did too, but I told him I couldn’t right then, so he could find someone else for that. He said I could too, which was a slap in the face at the time because I couldn’t even think about it with him. I was seriously contemplating suicide because of the pain. I went into the crisis unit at Baptist. While I was there, I found a therapist. We spoke with one of the therapists about our lack of a physical relationship. The therapist told him to listen to me, and he said that he refused to touch me because I was in too much pain and it was too complicated. I’m drowning in medical debts and it will be years before I get my settlement.
My husband started spending questionable amounts of time with my sister on family dinner nights. He would disappear into her room for hours at a time and watch her play video games. My family was encouraging it because he was a “positive male influence”. My sister, 11 or 12 at the time, told me that because I got to spend every other day with him, I couldn’t have his time while we were there. I told her that wasn’t right he’s my husband. I even tried to say something to my mom about it. I was told I was out of line for protesting. My injuries were dismissed. All attempts to medicate me for the pain involved substances that made it difficult to concentrate while I was driving, and I was having to take myself to appointments where doctors were also dismissing what I had been through. I started using cannabis.
I have my deposition about the accident. The lawyers say, why didn’t you call an Uber? What I legally could not say was, “I was not aware of how intoxicated Mr. Dude was, and how is calling for an Uber any different from accepting a ride from someone else?” Even if the argument there is that they are professional drivers, there’s no guarantee they’re not also intoxicated.
The spouse and I move. It was the only way to afford to live at the time, and it provided me with the opportunity to put some distance between him and my family. We were fighting on a regular basis. He’s diving further into this odd dynamic with my sister. My pain is constantly being diminished. He’s withholding affection and physical intimacy because my limited mobility and pain are inconvenient.
My sister goes into IOP. She had been dealing with severe depression and suicidality. Mom and her husband had already planned to go down to Florida, I was supposed to take care of her through it. I saw red. My sister had been self-mutilating and had a suicide plan. Why wasn’t anyone else taking this seriously? She and I weren’t on good terms because my husband had been driving this wedge between us and convincing everyone I was really abusive. I wasn’t. I was rightfully angry about the dynamic and the way he had been treating me after the accident.
I told my mom I wasn’t happy with her leaving while my sister was in the hospital, but I’d do it anyway. I got my things together. I went over. My husband had picked my sister up from school that day and was with her until I was ready to come over. I asked him to prepare Savannah for the fact that he was leaving. He didn’t. My sister and I had a big argument. She ran into her room with a bottle of pills and locked the door. I broke it down, took the pills, told my husband he could take care of her that week, and called mom to let her know what happened. She went to Florida.
My sister starts dealing with a hacker at some point. They’re messing with her Spotify, they’re sending explicit porn through her phone to other minors, they’re shutting her computer down when she tries to play video games, and they are constantly sending her abusive text messages saying truly heinous things. At first they’re trying to control her over other things. Then she gets into a relationship with one of her friends and their ammunition is that she has to leave her boyfriend or they’ll destroy her life. I immediately thought it might be my husband. He was acting strange around my sister anyway. He’s in IT. He’s the highest level technician they have there. It’s really the only thing that makes sense. No one else believed me.
Meanwhile, my settlements come in. A couple of them sat in an account with my lawyers. I take some and buy my Outback with all the safety features. I named it Scooby. I start feeling comfortable driving again.
I’m discussing the relationship between my sister and spouse with my therapist. She said he would never do that, that nothing is inappropriate about their dynamic despite never seeing them outside of the office and his tendency to lie. My spouse raped me twice that year. The rest of the settlements came in. I bought 13 fish tanks. I paid off the $500,000 in medical debts that’d been destroying my credit. I bought him a car outright. I’m smoking a lot of high-end cannabis with shatter and drinking on a regular basis. I retreated into writing, music, television and video games. I was completely isolated. My friends weren’t around and my anger over everything made me cringe apparently.
I leave my therapist because she continues to side with my husband.
I tell the spouse that I want to buy a house with the settlement money. He said no. I did it anyway. I met up with a mortgage broker, repaired our credit, and eventually bought the condo. At this point, we have agreed that it will be (ANUSTART). It was not. We move into the condo, I buy new furniture. Nothing changes. In fact, I’ve stopped going to see my mother and sister on the family dinner nights, but he still goes.
When I tell him I would like some solidarity in creating boundaries with them, he starts telling me that he’s working late on projects at work. In fact, he’s taking entire days off to go see my sister, who had dropped out of school at that point because of the stress from the depression and the hacker. He also took her out of town, offered her elicit substances, had inappropriate conversations, touched her inappropriately, etc. My best friend at the time decided to ghost me. She was talking to the spouse behind my back. He was gaslighting everyone into believing his intentions were good. He just wanted to be my sister’s big brother. I was the one that had the problem because I was so angry and “abusive”.
We buy the condo. I buy new furniture for the new start, and now the settlement money is basically gone. I’m still in a lot of pain and isolated. I’m supposed to get a job but I don’t want to sit in an office all day and lose my mobility and I’m still in too much pain to have a physical job. The hacker is messaging me pictures of my front door. They’re fucking with my devices. I keep begging my mom to get someone else to reset everything for her because I knew that it was him. He was always in his office “working”. I think he was using his resources at work to accomplish what he did.
I have an affair with the neighbors son. He’s an alcoholic and an extreme gambler. He came onto me, and I asked my husband if our agreement still stood. He said yes. I went for it. Then I was the villain. He intentionally stayed home to work so I couldn’t. He told everyone about it and skewed it in his favor. When I finally told my mother, she was only concerned with if I would leave my husband. I am drugged and sodomized and physically assaulted. The man I’m having the affair with doesn’t believe me about what’s going on and I’m in full blown perpetual breakdown mode because I’m dealing with this alone and I don’t see a way out.
In August 2021, I total my car after having a full dissociative blackout. I was listening to a playlist and a specific combination of songs threw me into it. Scoob was my one safe thing in this entire world and I lost that, too. I get COVID. I cut myself for the first time since I was a teenager. I have a breakdown and go into Our Lady of Peace. But I’m on the COVID ward. There’s no one to really talk to about what’s going on. I’m in denial and starting to believe I’m paranoid about everything because no matter how well I word it or how passionately I say it, he’s such a good guy and would never do something like that.
The hacker is doubling down on my sister when she starts to rebel and do whatever she wants. She’s going to stay with her boyfriend, and she’s going to play her games and listen to her music and live her life and she’s going to ignore the constant barrage of messages constantly tearing her down. They’re taking nude photos of her underage friends and sending them out, they’re saying they’re going to ruin her family financially and do all kinds of terrible things if she doesn’t comply.
I started really getting into talking to my stepsister. We would hang out every Friday and just talk. When I told her about what had happened, what I thought and how I felt about it, she told me that she had also found the dynamic weird.
In September, I get a message from the hacker that my sister’s boyfriend is over at her house. My husband doesn’t want my sister to be with him. When I tell my husband he immediately goes over. From the account I was given, he got into this teenage boy’s face and cussed him out. The hacker kept saying that they would turn Dustin into the FBI, and he used that as ammunition to try and force my sister and her boyfriend to break up. My sister saw him for who he was that day and never saw him again.
My husband became very depressed after that. I went to go see my sister on her birthday after not seeing her or my mother for months. She sits down with me and tells me everything over the next few months. I get a job as a kennel manager and I’m driving out to Simpsonville three times a day to walk dogs. It’s not enough money to leave, so I get a second job.
Then, in January, my grandmother sends me a link to a local news article, and we discover that my sister’s father had purposefully neglected to report his mother’s death to collect the social security checks. The house was a wreck, infested with mold and who knows what else. He had backed up the septic into the basement to cover the smell, he had left her in the bed for months and the decomp on the mattress and the floor haunts me to this day. On top of trying to work and everything else that had happened, now I’m trying to help my mother and sister with getting what remains out of the house. We had people harassing us to sell them the house whenever we were there. I told one man that we were grieving, and that the house was in extreme disrepair. He had already left his information with us, and we would call him when we were ready to sell, but there was an investigation so he would have to wait and leave us the fuck alone.
I was told by my manager that I wasn’t allowed to talk to the Vet I worked for about any of this. She was having a lot of financial issues and was really stressed out. I was forgetting things, dissociating, panicking, and still trying to bust my ass at work. It wasn’t good enough. She let me go and I stayed with the mobile groomer. We had a good relationship at first and bonded as disabled women who had to keep working because the system says we’re not worth the disability. She stuck me with another groomer full time on the truck and then everything fell apart.
Then I kicked my husband out. I got a job at a smoke shop. I let someone move in who I didn’t know was a drug-addict. People were coming in and out of my house all the time that I didn’t know, they were a rough crowd, and I was having trouble because I’m a very private person. I was sexually harassed by my boss and gave up. I went through burn out and didn’t leave my house for a couple of months.
Then I started working under the table. I was struggling financially, and my husband moved back in. I was overwhelmed, and everything else had fallen through because I was not given the grace I deserved. He knew how I felt, he knew that I knew, and he knew that if he didn’t help me, I’d take every loss and turn him in. It’s only been five months since then, but I have kicked him out again. After given the opportunity to tell me the truth, he still asserted that he did what he did because of me.
Now I’m at a new job where our awesome little store has been blowing up over the past few weeks and I’m struggling because I’ve also sprained my ankle and my cat sliced open my eyelid. I am fatigued by the weight of this sword I’ve been carrying. But if everything works out right, I’ll get to keep my condo and my car. All of this madness, all of the pain, this whole war my life has been turned into is finally paying off.
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armstrongdunn79 · 1 year
Technoblade: Minecraft YouTuber Dies from Cancer, Aged 23
Technoblade: Minecraft YouTuber dies from cancer at the age of 23
1 July
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Technoblade is a YouTuber from Minecraft, has died at the age of 23. His family has posted an emotional goodbye video on behalf of him.
The video, entitled "so long geeks" and shared to his 10 million followers and showed his father calling him "the most amazing kid anyone could ask for".
The US internet personality rose to fame via livestreaming and uploading videos of himself playing the video game sandbox.
In January of this year, Technoblade revealed to fans that he had been diagnosed with cancer.
The message of farewell, written just hours before his death and read by his father, began: "Hello everyone, Technoblade here. If you're watching this. I am dead."
He later revealed that his real name was actually Alex, reminiscing about the time he had pranked viewers into thinking his name was Dave.
He said, "Thank you all so for your support of my work throughout these years," he added. "If I had another hundred lives I'm pretty sure I'd choose to be Technoblade each time because those were the most joyful years of my life."
The online star, who took home Minecraft tournaments and had a horde of fans who reminisced about his life in a humorous way during the game explained in a video for fundraising posted in February that he undergone chemotherapy, radiation therapy and a limb salvage operation after developing a painful tumour in his right arm.
He died from sarcoma which is a rare bone and soft tissue cancer.
In August 2021, he was able to reveal his diagnosis of cancer. He stated that he initially believed the discomfort that he was experiencing was caused by a repetitive stress injury due to excessive gaming. After his arm started swelling, it was taken to the hospital. He was diagnosed with cancer.
Technoblade's true identity is unknown. However, his online avatar was a picture a crown pig.
His YouTube channel has 10.8 million subscribers. His bio reads: "I play too many video games. It's possible that I'm not the most skilled, but I do have hot elbows."
'Strategizing in heaven'
In the wake of the news of his death, fans, fellow gamers and YouTubers paid tribute online.
"I'll never forget the day I met Technoblade," recalled J Schlatt. "I left my job early to take part in an Minecraft tournament. I had no idea how to play... and the dude was able to carry us to win the whole event.
"Rest in peace, big guy. You'll always be a legend.
YouTuber Captain Puffy also known as Cara, tweeted: "Rest In Peace Technoblade. He always treated me with pure kindness. I was never excluded from anything." He could not have been more generous!"
She said, "Thanks for everything you have done for this community. It will never be the same again without you."
Tommy Innit said: "Technoblade is legendary. I cannot even express how grateful I am to have been a part of his life as a fan to being one of his closest friends. I just know he's strategizing in heaven on how to beat God ..."
Ludwig Ahgren added, "I've been watching Technoblade's for over an hour." "He was so witty and humble in the most difficult of times. I'll never forget him."
Quackity also expressed his appreciation on his blog Quackity also expressed his gratitude online, writing: "I had to have the chance to express how much admiration I had for Technoblade, not only for his massive impact on the world but also for his amazing humour, even in the darkest of times." I will miss him so much."
Jake Lucky, an eSports player, said "May he rest and be at peace."
Technoblade's father thanked his fans in the farewell clip, noting that "you meant a lot"
He explained that a portion from online orders for the merchandise of his son will now go towards charity.
The video concluded with a statement from his family, which included the following: "We, the family of Technoblade, wanted you to know how much he adored and loved his fans and his colleagues.
Technoblade was active from the very beginning. He was always seeking ways to please and reward his followers. He gave away prizes online, encouraged good sportsmanship and shared his Minecraft adventures for laughter and entertainment.
"Even after his eventual triumphs, he managed to maintain his good-natured humility, competing with a charming balance of confidence and self-deprecating wit."
Minecraft lets users create their very own virtual world by digging holes and collecting blocks.
Recent updates to the game have been used by youngsters to improve their skills in the workplace, and to solve real-world issues such as flooding.
Ted Nevison described Technoblade as being "effortlessly hilarious" and "endlessly talented". He added, "Gone too quickly."
Bad Boy Halo also paid their respects, saying: "Words cannot express how you'll miss. The lives you touched and the impact you've made on them will last for eternity."
Slimecicle said Technoblade's "personality and sense of humor, and the ability to express himself clearly were an inspiration to Technoblade and many others."
"Thank you for all that you gave to a world that took you too soon. You will always be an icon."
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gaia-is-here-now · 2 years
vent haha
after years of exclusion from things and being brushed off and people telling me "it's nothing don't worry about it" when I ask what people are up to and me being the only one not at certain events by some circumstance or another, I've kind of developed this response to when I see friends in friend groups I'm in that have existed longer than I've been in them already having in-jokes and connections.
it makes me jealous and self conscious and I don't want to be jealous about it I feel bad about being jealous of the connection other people share with eachother and even though the exclusion isn't there, it's kind of a mix of my own brain and past experiences telling me "you're annoying them" and me never actually learning how to make friends (instead people who are more outgoing ended up reaching out to me first) and I feel like I'm less of a friend than the existing friend group and I'm just intruding and it would be better if I wasn't there
so I end up isolating myself even though the only thing that happened was an existing friend group that graced me with the privelidge of their presence we're enjoying themselves and each other's company and it makes me feel so jealous and that makes me feel like a shitty person and like it's for the better that I didn't stay because if I had stayed I would have just brought the mood down and nobody wants that.
it always leads to me isolating myself and the only friend groups I have ever actually stuck with over the years are the ones I was there for the creation of and I was a part of the original roster because then I feel like I truly belong? I dunno, I feel like whenever I join something new I can never stick around because people have already made friends and experiences and there's this invisible wall that only I can see blocking me out and I'm not sure if it's created by others or by my own brain just trying to avoid another "oh it's nothing"
I just wish
actually I don't know what I wish
I wish I had friends in a similar age range to me that won't make me feel excluded and won't make me feel jealous
I don't like feeling jealous it makes me feel like a bad person and I don't want to be a bad person
I hate that part of me I hate how easily I can become super jealous about things
why is making friends so hard :[ please I just want to feel included and like I'm part of the group and even if they don't mean it, a lot of the friend groups I've ever been in have felt super alienating when it comes down to it
I just
I want friends, man
I want
I dunno
I don't wanna cry but I'm halfway there already
it's not even just friend groups I'm in, either
whenever I see a group of friends just having fun and enjoying being friends it makes me so fucking jealous. I'm so goddamn envious of that connection. and I feel angry but not at them but kind of at myself because in the end it *is* my fault that I can't have that because it's nothing anyone is doing to exclude me, they are just going about business as usual, but I just feel so fucking envious of the connection and I feel like I don't belong and they pity me and don't actually want to be my friend and I'm so FUCKING paranoid about there being a seperate chat or server where I'm not in it because that's happened before! and it fucking hurts! a lot!
god. fuck. I crave human connection. please
please please please why
why am I like this
I can't fucking interact with people because I'm terrified and intimidated by the mere prospect of it, ESPECIALLY in real life, so I post shit places just in hopes that someone will fucking comment or something so I have words directed at me in any capacity. because I'm so fucking bad at talking to people that the only way I can fill my "human social contact" quota is to hope and pray someone leaves like three words on something.
I'm not an extrovert. that seems fucking exhausting and like hell. I'm very introverted. but god I want friends my age who I can worldbuild with and play minecraft with and make characters with and who I can talk to and listen to music with and just. please I want this so bad. please.
whenever I see people @ eachother I get fucking sad. because nobody ever @'s me. people don't think of me when they see a post and that gets this fucking idea in my head that my friends don't think of me and it's a FUCKED UP way to think and it's FUCKING WRONG and I feel so fucking needy. I feel like a fucking burden and like I'm just craving attention from everyone around me because if I don't get enough, if I am ignored or something for long enough I start wondering if it's my fault and if I did something wrong because I never KNOW if I do something wrong because I don't know what is the fucking RIGHT thing to do in a friendship because I keep FUCKING ISOLATING MYSELF
please I just wanna play minecraft and make collab art and make gift art for friends (that don't exist) and occasionally get gift art from friends (that don't exist) bc that's what my brain counts as friendship. I feel unknowably loved when someone enjoys my friendship enough to give me a gift and it happens so fucking rarely and I wish I registered other acts of kindness the same way I registered gifts but I FUCKING DONT because my brain likes making things as hard as fucking possible for no fucking reason and I fucking hate it. I feel selfish. I feel jealous and I feel like I'm a bad person for wanting things and I can never ask for things fucking ever because I don't want to be a burden on people or seem too needy and I need to strategize and hype myself up to ask for things for several days or weeks and sometimes months. simple things. simple fucking things. I can't fucking ask for things.
whoo boy this is long and rambly and I don't think it helped very much but I wrote it and I'm gonna post it and probably think I'm a fucking idiot tomorrow or something. I dunno.
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ghostsknewmynights · 2 years
DSMP Superpower ideas, Part 1 (Bench Trio)
I’ve been reading a lot of vigilante Tommy fics lately, and I see a lot of repeated powers (I.e, Siren’s song, Teleportatation, Etc), and I’ve come up with a few superpowers that could fit the characters, so here they are.
This is basically just a bunch of powers that give Bench trio (excluding Tommy ig, so really just Beeduo) trauma, to be honest. Not that Ranboo can remember his. (Feel free to use them, if you want. Just credit me.)
Tommy can make a song play from him. There’s no visual cue for when he’s using his powers, but the songs get louder the closer you get to him. It’s useful as a distraction, a way to confuse opponents, and the the songs he plays all do different things to anyone who hears them.
I would recommend only using the Minecraft music discs for this, because using real songs in fics usually isn’t a good idea, and it’s easier to know which is playing.
(You can change all of the effects, btw. This is just the vibe I get from each one.)
Cat can essentially boost the energy and mood of those who hear it, however once the song is coming to an end at the slower part, their energy will slowly begin to dip and leave them far tireder than before.
Blocks makes people tireder, for some reason, sometimes even to the point that they’ll just collapse. The latter only happens if they were already tired before hearing the song. Some people even say that they saw memories or visions in their dreams, but there is no solid evidence to support that.
Far can either trigger an out of body experience, or for a person to go into a tranquil state. Tommy can’t control which, so using around Tubbo and Ranboo is a gamble.
Strad can trigger auditory hallucinations. It’s usually tapping, whispering, voices, footsteps, etc. Tommy doesn’t use it much, because it also effects him.
Mellohi does…something. Nobody can quite pinpoint what, but it does have an effect. Some say that it can trigger a kind of confidence that they haven’t felt before, but it comes at the cost of having much darker thoughts. Those people compare the experience to being ‘turned into villains.’
Ward can distort a person’s thoughts in certain ways. It’s usually as if they’re scattered, like you can’t form a full sentence in your mind without some effort. It also takes a toll on motor skills, for some reason.
Chirp can trigger a feeling of paranoia and unease, and possible delusions, that only intensifies with the volume. Most people say that it feels as if they’re walking alone on a dark street, and they feel like someone’s following them.
Stal can trigger a feeling of boredom and/or irritation, as of you’ve been sitting in a waiting room for a couple of hours. It can make people fidgety, easily annoyed, and feel generally bored.
Mall triggers a tranquil state for both the body and mind. It makes both relax, and is useful for calming down, falling asleep, and/or mediating.
Wait can make a person lightheaded, and feel ‘floaty’. Have you ever had that feeling where, maybe after running or walking for awhile, your legs just feel all weird and kind of disconnected? If you have, It’s basically like that. If you haven’t, think of it as pins and needles, but fading in and out.
I don’t really have anything for Pigstep right now, so I’ll leave it at this.
Soul fire
Remember that one time, I think it was in a hardcore world stream, where Tubbo mentioned throwing nether stars into soul fire to revive a player? Well, I do, and it’s led to this.
Tubbo can generate a Turquoise-Cyan coloured fire that he can control. He can make it hotter than normal fire, or colder than ice. Either way, it still causes burns.
When certain things are thrown into the fire, they may not burn, and instead come out with enchantments. Either that or they’ll come out looking unrecognisably charred.
The reason it’s called soul fire, is because anyone who gets burned by it will have a permanent burn scar that never truly stops hurting. Tubbo tries to never use his powers because he had an accident when he was younger, maybe when his powers first manifested, and he burned half of his face. The scar is permanent, and there’s a dull pain 24/7. He doesn’t want to make anyone else suffer from the same thing.
(But Tommy once coerced him into creating some, and he stuck his hand in to see if it was cold (because, Y’know, Blue), so now he lives with a permanently burnt and hurt hand. He says he doesn’t mind it, but he also doesn’t use his left hand for anything and winces when he does. He tells people he won a fight to get the scar. Which he technically did, because he had to argue with Tubbo for awhile, both before and after the incident.)
Silk Touch
This one seems like an obvious one, because it’s a canon part of Ranboo’s character on the SMP, but I rarely see it used.
This power isn’t the usual silk touch. Instead of just magically preserving an object, it’s a kind of Temporal rewind. The user can rewind anything they touch/break into a previous state, like turning broken glass back into a full glass pane.
I think that this would be an extremely useful power, because maybe Ranboo could simply rewind anything that’s broken. For example, a weapon that broke in battle, or his vigilante mask if it got torn. There are still limits, obviously, like size and what the object is made of (he can’t rewind things like water, because it’s not solid and there’s nothing the really rewind it to. He can, however, turn ice to water, but only like, two ice cubes.)
The drawback is that his hands may begin to burn, or he’ll feel the pain of the restored item (Like, the stab of a knife if he rewound one, or a shard of glass being wedged in his hand if he rewound some).
If you wanted to dig deeper into more serious backstory, then maybe this could kind of tie in with the theory that Ranboo is the other time traveler. Maybe Silk touch was far more powerful in the past, like it was called Backtrack or reverse, and he could rewind people and himself back in time, and maybe he even got to adulthood then.
But then he accidentally rewinds himself into the past, he loses a large chunk of memory, which included the memories of his previous abilities and life, and he’s back to being a 13 year old. He then goes on to meet Tommy and Tubbo, eventually renames his power, and things proceed into the story.
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honklore · 3 years
invisible string | dreamwastaken
(requested plot by red string of fate soulmate au, dream is still a streamer, reader has commitment issues, dream just wants someone to love, chat is the best wingman, sapnap and george try but they suck, reader is timid but dream makes them feel brave, taylor swift references, this is not very deep or poetic at all, i don’t like typing y/n so after this i’m going to move to ___)
listen to: invisible string by taylor swift
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In kindergarten, red strings were simply a crafting tool, and teachers never mentioned how much pain they would eventually bring.
Because when they appear, from a child’s eighteenth birthday and beyond, they tighten like a godforsaken high school ring that came in one size too small. Like the universe is a child tugging their mother towards the ice cream truck, you’re pulled around central Florida, passes faces you can’t memorize and voices too garbled to hear.
The string knows where you need to go, and when.
And you’re at the park, feeding ducks and trying to ignore that incessant pull that tugs at your pinky, when you hear it.
It’s a voice you know only because it’s a voice that’s been in your house before. At least, through your brother’s tablet screen. Some gamer online — a streamer, with a distinct wheezing laugh that you’d recognize anywhere.
And you do. Behind you.
You risk a small peak, and your heart drops into your chest. He’s tall. Too tall to not intimidate you. And his sandy hair is wavy, curling at the collar of his sweatshirt, falling perfectly into place when he runs his hands through it. When he does, you see it, the red string.
Which means he could see it too. All he’d have to do is turn around.
But you’re not ready. You haven’t been, not since you watched your cousin get rejected on her eighteenth birthday. Since you watched a string of fate get clipped in front of you, like the three fates had finally had enough of your cousin’s happiness.
It was enough to make you curl into yourself, and reject the natural pull set before you. So you run, and you try not to think of what would’ve happened if he saw you before you saw him. You try not to feel the clippers, but the blade feels tangible against your skin.
You don’t stop running until you arrive home.
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“Hey chat, just wanted to do a few practice runs and catch up with you guys,” Dream mumbles into the mic, already restarting his game after deciding he didn’t like his seed. The donos begin rolling in, even before Sapnap and George have unmuted, so Dream flits his eyes to the display screen, subconsciously reading along with the text-to-speech voice, “Dream, what if we shared a string of fate? Ahaha, just kidding... unless... love you bestie.”
Dream chuckles, “Actually chat, I felt a tug today! Isn’t that weird? I was actually reading up on what that could mean, and it seems like either my soulmate is in a lot of distress, or they were in my vicinity. I’m hoping, for their sake, it’s the second one. How would you even comfort a soulmate if all you can do is tug on a stupid string?”
“Simp!” George finally unmutes just to be annoying, and Dream knows soulmates are a touchy spot for him, considering he wasn’t given a string on his eighteenth. Which is strange, but not impossible. Of course, chat doesn’t know this, because it would give them more hope of becoming George’s metaphorical soulmate, but it certainly makes for awkward conversations once Dream and Sapnap get into their own soulmate bonds.
“I’m not simping, George!” Dream feels a bit defensive, because he’s genuinely just curious. He has no interest in meeting his soulmate right now. At least, that’s what he tells himself. He has his streams, and his friends, and chat. He’s fine.
[abbywastaken donated $10: dream why don’t you go back to where you felt the pull and see if you feel it again? that’s how i found my soulmate. okay luv u bye.]
“Thanks, Abby. Love you, too. Um, honestly I was in a pretty public place, so I don’t know if they would even come back anytime soon. Also, this is Orlando, right? Tourists are everywhere.”
Sapnap snorts, and Dream thinks it’s funny, since he’s in the other room. “Just say you’re a coward and go.”
“I’m not!” Dream says. “It was just a small pull, okay? It wasn’t even a big deal.”
He feels another lurch when he says that, but this one is in his chest. It taps against his heart, a quick reminder that it beats for someone else, and he needs to watch his words. “Okay, it was a big deal. Sort of. I’ll go tomorrow, okay chat?”
Chat is spamming all types of messages, from encouragement to jealousy. Dream manages to read off a few donos and create his first nether portal of the stream. He answers as they appear, eyes scanning for a fortress. “No, I didn’t see them… I’m not telling you guys where I was, that’s weird… I’m wearing a sweatshirt and jeans… Hi, Sarah and Patrick…”
He trails off as the donos do, and works at getting blaze rods. George is talking about a riddle he just learned, and he’s trying to trick Sapnap into saying something stupid.
Lost in his own thoughts, he finally closes the stream after a hasty goodbye. “What if I missed my chance?” He asks the two boys on the other line.
“It’s a string of fate, Dream,” George says. “You didn’t miss your chance.”
“Maybe they saw how ugly you are and ran away,” Sapnap says, completely joking, but the thought lingers in Dream’s head.
Did they feel the tug, and run away?
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You pour cereal for yourself, and when your brother shuffles into the kitchen, you make him a bowl as well.
He’s eleven, and as little brothers go, he’s pretty chill. Aside from the inappropriate jokes and hogging the bathroom when you have to get ready for work, you like hanging around with him.
You pass him his bowl, and he grins. “I’m gonna watch Dream’s new video on the TV, since mom’s not home.”
You furrow your brows. Dream must be one of the dozens of streamers he likes. Maybe one of his friends will be in chat with him, and you will be able to connect a voice to a face. “Can I sit with you?”
He gives you an odd look, and it’s true, you don’t ask to watch videos with him often. “I guess.”
You eat a spoonful of cereal and settle into the couch while he gets everything ready. He clicks on a lime green icon of a little white blob man, and when the first video appears, you’re taken aback by the voice.
That’s the voice you heard. It’s this one, out of all the random men yelling about a block game. It’s Dream.
“Why doesn’t he show his face?” You manage, wanting information about the person that shares your string.
“Like, he’s handsome, right? Why doesn’t he have a facecam?”
Your brother snorts. “Handsome? He’s never shown his face, Y/n. Don’t you know who Dream is? He’s like, super famous.”
“Oh.” You think of his golden hair, as sunny and soft as the glow around his entire being. His voice right now, joyous as he gets chased by his friends. “I mean, I don’t keep up with streamers.”
He begins to explain Dream and his friends, along with lore in their role play server, and it’s all interesting enough that you sit and listen, holding on to the little bits of information you can collect about your soulmate.
You file these facts in a secluded corner of your brain and try to make a whole person, along with the hair and the laugh and the intense music he plays as he gets hunted by his friends.
By nightfall, you’re following all of his socials and binge-watching his old streams, holding on to the way he speaks to his friends, and the fond way he replies to donos.
[dreamwastaken is live!]
You click on it, bundled underneath your covers as if someone might see you and find out your secret.
“Hi, chat! I know I was just live yesterday, but I cut it too short and wanted to come talk to you guys.”
He uses his avatar to wave at the screen, and it’s kind of an adorable sight.
[gogysimp donated $25: did you go see your soulmate?]
Your heart stops. Does he know? Did he see you? Or even worse, has he already found someone else, and he just hasn’t severed the tie?
“No!” Dream’s laugh pulls you out of your worries. “I was busy with meetings today, actually. And I was too nervous. Sapnap also refused to come with me, so I’m just going to go another day.”
So he didn’t see you. He just knows you were there.
You click the donate tab before you can stop yourself.
[y/n donated $1: would you reject your soulmate if you didn’t like them?]
Dream mumbles the question, and you try to ignore the way your heart deflates when he skips saying your name. “I don’t think so,” he states plainly. “I mean, logically, a soulmate would be your other half, so I wouldn’t not like them. But I know some people just don’t click, or there are other issues. So, I don’t know. I guess the only thing I can say is that I don’t want to reject them. And I hope they don’t reject me. I mean, imagine finding out your soulmate is a Minecraft Youtuber. That would be pretty weird…”
You giggle to yourself as he trails off and answers another donation. So he’s against rejection. Okay. Maybe you have a chance.
[kyra donated $60: i’m your soulmate.]
“Meet me where you felt the tug, then,” Dream says sassily. “Chat, don’t be weird, okay? I can’t control who my soulmate is, and I don’t want you guys to exclude them if they become a pat of my life.”
Oh, you think. So his chat is vocal about their opinions, and apparently they mean a lot to him. You shiver despite your warm position and imagine how annoying you might seem to his loyal viewers: someone who only knew about him because of their brother.
Insecurity pushes against your chest, so you close the stream and push your phone away, hoping to forget this ever happened, that maybe you won’t have to deal with the inevitable if you don’t think about it.
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Yogurt Barn isn’t the first place on your list of dream jobs, but it has decent pay and helps you pay off student loans, so you appreciate it nonetheless. The teal sweatshirt they gave you as a uniform keeps you warm as you scoop the frozen treats.
Your coworker, a girl named Madison, is busy manning the counter, so you check each flavor and refill the ones running empty.
“Can I ask you a question?” Madison met her soulmate, Anna, only days after she got her string. It was a textbook romance, two people meant for each other, no doubt in anyone’s mind. She might be able to help you now. That is, if you can even admit to who your soulmate is.
“What’s up?”
“I felt the tug,” you say, avoiding her eyes in favor of restacking the medium cups.
“No way!” Madison is perky in a way that makes you want to be included. You like this about her. “Did you see them? Did you talk to them?”
“He—” You want to say that the part of him you saw was perfect, enough to keep you up when you should be dreaming. But reality is nothing if not disappointing. “I ran.”
“Y/n…” Madison gives you a stern look — like a mother finding out their child didn’t defrost the chicken in time. “Why would you run?”
“I don’t want to be rejected.” The magenta swirls painted onto the walls are a stark change to the clay sidewalks of the strip mall. “And before you say he wouldn’t… It’s happened to my cousin. It’s possible.”
Madison frowns. “But that can’t be the only reason, right? I mean, we all know someone who has been rejected. It’s usually not the end of the world for them.”
“He’s a famous streamer,” you blurt, and you’re thankful the shop is as empty as it is. Just the words themselves sound fake.
Madison snorts. “Like, gaming? That’s what’s holding you back? He’s a gamer?”
“I don’t care that he’s a gamer!” You hiss. “I care that he has a loyal fanbase who more than likely all want to be his soulmate!”
“You can’t say that for certain,” Madison says. “I mean, everyone knows about the soulmate system. If you watch someone and don’t feel the pull, you know they aren’t your soulmate, right? So why wouldn’t they accept you?”
“I don’t know,” you say. “I’m just scared. I mean, he’s got this huge following and everything and I’m just me. I work in a yogurt shop for goodness’ sake.”
You head into the back to grab more cups, and the bell rings, signaling a new customer.
“Welcome to Yogurt Barn, what can I get for you?” Madison’s customer service voice pricks your ears.
You sift through the boxes to find the smaller cups and listen to the customer’s order. “Can I have a strawberry cone?”
Your string pulls, that same familiar voice filling your head, not on the screen but once again just a few feet away. He’s infiltrating your life, so close you could reach out and touch him, but it’s such a terrifying thought that you set down the cups.
You tear off your apron, and run into the break room to grab a water and calm yourself down.
It’s ten minutes before Madison comes back to find you. “Hey, are you okay? You disappeared.”
You take a deep breath and stare at the poster on the wall. It’s brightly colored, with a walking yogurt cup waving and reminding employees to wash their hands before scooping. “That was him. The guy— the pull— Dream— I can’t— Does he know? Is he following me?”
“It’s okay,” Madison runs her hand down your back. “It’s okay. He isn’t following you. When the pull starts it tends to draw the couple together until they meet. He probably doesn’t know it’s you.”
You nod and take your breaths in gulps. “Okay. Yeah, you’re right. You’re right.”
“Why don’t you go home early, okay?”
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Dream is live again.
Fresh out of the shower, you pull a t-shirt over your body and burrow into your blankets. Earbuds in, you try to focus on the sound of his voice, ignoring every ounce of anxiety that’s been riddling your mind.
“Hi, chat. I’m gonna practice speed runs again. I think George is joining soon.”
You open the chat and scroll through the emotes, clicking the ones you like and sending them, just to calm yourself down.
[kylo donated $5: did you find your soulmate?]
Dream laughs. The sound makes your chest tighten with longing. Your fingers ache. “Actually, I went to the place I felt the pull again. I dunno what I was expecting, but they didn’t show up. But after that, I was running some errands and I felt it, chat! I felt the pull again.”
He trails off while his character starts to look for a lava pool. “I feel discouraged but I don’t want to like, chase them, you know? I don’t want to scare them off.”
You click the donation tab again.
[y/n donated $1: maybe your soulmate heard your voice and got scared of you because they watch your videos.]
It’s not the total truth, but it might help him sleep better. You don’t want him to feel discouraged, but you can’t bring yourself to follow the pull.
“That could be a possibility…” Dream crafts a portal and sends his character through. “But I wish I could talk to them. I wish I could tell them that it’s okay. Like, we don’t have to rush into anything.”
[y/n donated $1: They probably wish they could talk to you too]
“Thanks, Y/n.” He sucks in a breath as soon as he says your name. The Minecraft pause screen appears and the sound of a discord call can be heard.
Your heart pounds in your chest. Something about him saying your name just solidified everything. Your arms feel hot and cold all at once, like you’ve just been thrown in a frozen lake. He has to be feeling it too.
“Chat, I gotta go, okay? I’ll try to stream again soon.”
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“Hello?” A sleepy voice comes in through Dream’s earbuds.
“George! Their name is Y/n!” Dream is so excited, his voice raising a few octaves as he talks. “Someone donated with that name and I felt like, super weird. I didn’t feel it until I said the name out loud.”
“That’s crazy,” George says, monotone but supportive. “Do you think the dono is actually them?”
“I don’t know,” Dream scrolls through their past donos and quickly screenshots each one. “I mean, they definitely could be.”
He shares the pictures in their group chat.
George hums. “It sounds like they’re trying to tell you how they feel without admitting that it’s them. Where did you say you felt a pull?”
“At the park, and at the yogurt shop down the road.”
“So go there again. Maybe all they need is a little courage. If you feel the pull this time, you should follow it.”
Dream thinks about it for a moment before finally agreeing. He changes the subject to their next jackbox stream, and George is now happily talking about how they’re going to team up against Sapnap.
He goes into Sapnap’s room that night. He sits on his desk chair while Sapnap sits cross legged on his bed, scrolling through his phone. “Do you wanna get frozen yogurt tomorrow? My treat.”
“Hell yeah!”
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The new strawberry-lemonade custard is a hit. Not only are the colors aesthetically pleasing for the teenagers who want a nice snapchat story, but there was a promotional coupon in the mail that has people lining up to the door.
“It’s not even that good,” you tell Madison while the two of you are on break. You’re both using a sample spoon to try out the new summer flavors, and in your opinion, strawberry-lemonade isn’t even the best one. “Blood orange is better.”
Madison wrinkles her nose. “No, blue raspberry is best.”
“It’s sour, though,” you say.
“Guys! Break’s over and you’ve got a line!” Your manager stares disapprovingly at the cups of custard the both of you are indulging in.
“We’re coming.” You toss the cup into the trash and walk out, scratching at the sudden itch on your pinky finger.
Pulling on your gloves, you grab a scoop and address the first customer, “Welcome to Yogurt Barn.”
You still like you’ve been caught stealing on camera. You look up, hand clutching the scoop so tightly you can feel the cold steel through your gloves.
It’s Dream.
It’s him. He’s tall, and his hair is a sunshine blond, dark at the roots and curling beneath his ears. And his freckles… little spots all across his cheeks so endearing that you get a little distracted staring at them.
Then he’s talking, and you have to focus on his jade-green eyes, not his lips, which are a warm pink. “It’s you.”
You blink. Fear strikes your spine and you drop the scoop. “I gotta go.”
“Wait!” Dream calls, just as Madison shouts your name.
You exit out the back door again. Your heart is pounding against your chest, ribs expanding, and all you can hear is the sound of your name coming out of his lips, just last night through a screen.
“Y/n?” Only it’s in front of you, a few feet away, and he’s searching your eyes for any reassurance that you won’t run away again. That you won’t reject him. “That’s your name right?” He keeps talking, a nervous smile flitting across his face. “The donos? That was you?”
You can see the string now, red and blaring, tightening with each step Dream takes. It’s signing off your fate, for better or for worse, and you can’t fathom why he’s trying so hard, why he cares so much.
It’s hot in Florida but you feel cold, chilled to the bone. You straighten up. You figure you owe it to him to look up in the eye.
He leaves you breathless, eyes shining in the sun. “It was me,” you say. “You’re Dream.”
“Clay, actually,” he says. His smile widens, and it’s magnificently bold. He’s triumphant, just from your reply, and that alone gives you the slightest bit of hope.
“Clay,” you say. “I’m— I’m not— I don’t know if I’m ready.”
“You don’t have to be.” Clay is quick to reply, hands open and palms up. It’s a complete surrender — putting it all in your hands. “We don’t have to announce it. We don’t have to be anything at all, if you need time. But I would like to be your friend. If— If that’s okay.”
But you want to be close to him. The draw of your strings pulling each other closer and closer makes you want to wrap your arms around him. If he hasn’t rejected you, maybe you can do this. “I– I want to be more than friends, but I’m terrified of you rejecting me. I’m afraid of the string getting cut.”
Clay set his brows, “I won’t let that happen. We’re connected. Fate, ya know?”
“Yeah,” you breathe, and it’s a sigh of relief. “Okay. Maybe I’ll give you my number?”
“I’ll give you mine!” Clay is animated, holding out his hand for your phone. “That way you can text me when you’re ready.”
The red string shines like gold in the Florida sun, and when your fingertips brush, it burns with a satisfying warmth.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Valkyrae (Rae) x Reader (Gender Neutral) ft. Corpse Husband
Warnings: None
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: In the most desperate of times, we may or may not be used to hearing the phrase ‘Beggers can’t be choosers’ which is exactly why Y/N’s found themself asking the most hopeless of cases when it comes to love and romance - Corpse, for help.
Requested by Xara. Hi darling! Thank you so much for this wonderful request you’ve sent me - I love writing for Rae (excuse my bi excitement, I’m just a HUGE simp) and I can’t thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to do so. Sorry it’s been two months since you requested this but here it finally is and I hope it makes up for the wait. Love, Vy ❤
“Corpse, I’m in desperate need for help.“ I don’t even bother with a friendly or even polite greeting. Being best friends for as long as we have, Corpse and I excluded the politeness that comes with phone calls a long time ago, especially when calling with an emergency. Though, let’s be honest, if I’m calling him on the phone and not on video chat like I usually do, it is an emergency.
“Given that you’re asking me, I can imagine how desperate you are.“ He has the audacity to laugh in response, causing me to roll my eyes. 
Now, don’t get the wrong idea - I love Corpse with all my heart. Him and I have been through A LOT together considering we know each other since we were teenagers. However, there are some instances in life when he simply doesn’t get me. Not that he doesn’t try to, he does and does so very hard, but he rarely succeeds. Trying is what matters, of course. Given that he is my only close friend, I can only ever turn to him with my problems though I try my best not to bother him too much, but when things get REALLY tough, I can’t help but go and vent to him. Luckily, he’s always been very understanding, but it may be because he feels like he owes me for all the times he has turned to me with his problems. I’ve tried to explain that he shouldn’t feel such a way, but that’s rather hypocritical of me cause I feel the same way.
Alright, enough digressing, back on track!
“Desperate doesn’t even begin to summarize how I feel.“ I sigh, plopping down on the couch in my living room, kicking my feet up on the coffee table as I cover my eyes with my hand. “Brutally miserable is, I think, the correct term to use here.“
I hear Corpse let out a quiet ‘oof’, one I think he hoped I wouldn’t hear. “And what led you to finally give in and ask for help, not that I can offer you much?”
I can’t help but snort at that, a snort that serves as a replacement to slapping myself across the face. “Rae texted me yesterday asking if I’d like to play Minecraft with her and I took THREE HOURS to respond! Not on purpose, I just couldn’t think of something good to say!” I know I sound like a whiney kid, but I think I’ve passed that threshold LONG ago. Of course, this whiney kid version of me only surfaces around Corpse and Corpse only. No one else is allowed to see me like this or that would legit be the end of any sort of pride I may have left in me.
“You mean you couldn’t choose between ‘Sure, I’d like that!’ and ‘Of course, I’d love to!’? Please say yes.“ Corpse already sounds disappointed and he hasn’t even heard the worst of it yet.
“No and sit tight, it gets worse. I...“
He cuts me off, “Wait, no, don’t say it. Let me guess - you turned her down? Keep in mind if you say yes I’m hanging up on you.”
I remain silent, pinching the bridge of me nose and cringing as hard as my facial muscles are willing to allow. I can’t say yes, not cause he’ll hang up but because admitting it makes it more real, and the more real it is the more depressed it’ll make me and I will go back to being a self-deprecating mess that refuses to be productive or properly functioning - aka ‘Whiney Kid Maximum’.
“I’m hanging up.“ Corpse says after waiting five seconds for my response that only comes in the form of dead silence which is more than enough of an answer in and of itself.
“No, please don’t!“ I squeak out despite my agony, “I’ll never break the cycle if you don’t help me, Corpse! I’m a hopeless case!“
“You’re a hopeless case with or without me, Y/N.“ He states, angering me ever so slightly. “Not only cause you really are, but because I have nothing useful to offer you. Not even a single advice. Even if I did, giving it to you would by hypocritical when considered how bad I am on this field myself. Hell, the very person you’re head over heels for is my personal matchmaker. If anything, you should be asking her how to swoon her...“ He pauses.
So does my brain.
For a second we’re both quiet, the silence on the line suggesting big plans are being developed - well, not on my end but still.
“Now there’s an idea...“ He mutters more to himself than to me.
“No!“ I shriek fearfully, “Please, if you love me even the tiniest bit, Corpse, don’t put me in a situation where I have to be alone with Rae! Not IRL not in a Discord call - not in ANYTHING. I close up and end up seeming unfriendly and rude because of my inability to talk to her like a normal human being! I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I just can’t do it! So please don’t make me.“
I maybe can’t read minds, but hell if I can’t at least have a rough guess of what’s on my best friend’s mind - I know he’s already scheming and coming up with odd solutions to my problem - some of which will cause me more problems but let’s not even mention those. That being said, I need to prevent him from actually carrying out any of his absurd schemes, otherwise it’s game over for me.
“Hmm, ok fine, but only cause I wanna spare you your own awkwardness. Consider it charity.“ He sighs, the disappointment even more evident now.
I sigh too, but I do so in defeated relief. It’s bittersweet, to be honest. “Thank you.”
“Don’t.“ He says sharply, “Don’t thank me. It’ll make me feel like I’m encouraging your behavior.“
Well, screw my feelings, I guess. I’m left on this battlefield alone, aren’t I?
Corpse hanging up the call confirms that I am, indeed, alone.
                                                             *  *  *
“Are you still in bed, for the love of God? It’s noon!“ Not only did he have the audacity to wake me up with his phone call, but now he has the audacity to judge me on my sleeping habits as well. Some darn nerve he has.
“What do you want, Corpse?“ I grumble out, groggy and now grumpy too. The last thing I need is the only person I can turn to turning on me. Especially not now. I don’t need his or anybody else’s judgement of me or my life, it’ll hurt too much.
“I want to know how long you haven’t showered, Y/N.“ He barks back, causing me to roll my eyes. “And when’s the last time you actually ate something healthy and nutritious and not just greasy takeout?”
“I showered last night!“ I straighten up and frown, feeling offended despite his questions being justifiable. I think that’s exactly why I’m pissed off, to be honest - he knows me and my habits too well. “And you’re just being hypocritical on the eating part!“
“Whatever.“ He mutters, allowing me to feel at least a tiny sense of victory for having proven him wrong, “Get your ass up and come play Minecraft with me, you need to be cheered up asap.“ He continues, much to my dismay. “And don’t even think about saying ‘no’. If you do, just remember, I have your address and a strong will to kick your ass into shape.“
“Into shape? We’re going to the gym or something?“ I’m honestly confused and intrigued now. Maybe the gym isn’t such a bad idea, I’m sure I could become really good friends with the punching bag.
Corpse sighs exasperatedly in a way I can basically hear him roll his eyes as well, “Not that kind of shape, Y/N. Just get on Discord, seriously, I’m worried about you.“ 
That sentence strikes a nerve. Something about that genuine concern in his voice reminds me that I still need to move on from focusing so strongly on just my failures, no matter how big or small, and keep pushing forward, if not for myself then for the people who care about me. For Corpse especially, seeing as how he’s sort of been my babysitter ever since my feelings towards Rae started to consume me whole and suffocate me. I don’t know how or when it happened, in fact I can best describe it as the Titanic: I was doing ok and then instead of hitting an iceberg the iceberg of feelings hit me and I started sinking. Corpse was there to offer me a hand to help me keep at least my head above the surface. He can’t pull me out of the water but he’s not willing to let go either. I’m afraid holding on like that will tire him out to the point of letting go of me completely, but I’m afraid of sinking too. You see my dilemma here, no?
“Ok, give me twenty minutes.“
I would have probably continued sleeping or just chilled on social media, refusing to get out of bed for at least another hour, but the debt I feel towards Corpse is stronger than the desire to be a slob so I motivate myself with every power my fragile mind can fish out of the void and push the covers off me, shivering at the drastic change in temperature around my body now that I’m exposed to the rather cool air in my room, my pajamas hopeless at providing me with any warmth.
Twenty minutes later sharp, I’m seated at my desk, in front of my computer with my headphones on, taking one last encouraging breath before entering the call where Corpse is waiting for me.
“Yo.“ I greet him half-heartedly, drawing invisible abstract patterns on my desk with my finger as if I’m avoiding eye contact with him IRL.
“Glad to see you haven’t lost your sense of punctuality at least.“ He chuckles, sounding a lot more pleasant and a lot more like my friend Corpse and less like sergeant Corpse Husband who was speaking with me on the phone earlier.
“Very funny.“ I murmur in my now common brooding manner, “Anyway, enough about me, how are you doing? Anything interesting happen since we last spoke?“
“You mean in the past ten hours? No, nothing interesting apart from that I managed to catch a few z’s.“ He replies as I join the Minecraft server, managing to get a smile out of me.
“Hey, that’s nice to hear! Good for you, Corpsie.“ I say, honestly proud and happy for him.
“Yeah, and just so you’re not calling me hypocritical on the topic of eating, I’m currently cooking myself lunch.“ He points out, now just straight up peacocking, “On that note, I got a pot on the stove so you’ll have to excuse me for a sec.“
“Please go. Don’t set your apartment on fire the first time you cook” I snicker, leaning back in my chair and fetch my phone to kill the time while he’s gone to tend to whatever attempt at a meal he has prepping in his kitchen. I feel bad for his stomach, and his kitchen, already.
“Corpse? Hi!“
Oh no. No, no, no, no, no - tell me that was an auditory hallucination and I didn’t actually hear that just now! TELL ME!
“Rae?“ I blurt out, almost falling backwards out of my chair, eyes wide, jaw hanging slightly.
Just then I get a text from Corpse:
Consider me dead and carry the convo. I know you’ve got this, Y/N
Oh that prick is gonna get it!
“Y/N? Hi! Sorry, Corpse didn’t mention you’d be playing with us, but it’s so nice to be hearing from you! It feels like it’s been forever.“ Rae replies, cheery and enthusiastic as ever, just like the absolute sweetheart she is.
With Corpse absent from his position, without his metaphorical hand holding mine, I’m metaphorically sinking and drowning. Maybe the drowning part isn’t so metaphorical after all, considering I actually am drowning in all the thoughts produced by my mind at the moment. A mind that’s going completely haywire, might I add.
“Hehe, well, funny thing, he didn’t tell me you’d be playing with us either.“ I chuckle anxiously, already breaking out in a nervous sweat. I solemnly promise to kill Corpse first chance I get, that way he’ll at least be dead for real.
“He set us up, huh? What’s his game, where even is he?“ Rae asks, properly confused as she should be.
All on-point questions, hun. And I can’t answer any of them logically.
“Um, you know, he’s off doing...something.“ And there go my conversational skills out the window, I hope they send me a postcard one day.
“Whatever, enough about Mr. Ominous. Tell me, what’s been keeping you busy?“ Oh crap, this is the question I’ve been fearing. Mostly cause I’m not prepared for it. “Actually no, let me rephrase: Why have you been avoiding me recently?“
‘Oh crap’ squared. Tripled.
“Whaaat? Avoiding you? Where’d you get that idea?“ I’m aware of my high pitched voice, but it’s not like I can do much to tone it down. Every part of me is in critical panic mode and rationality has accompanied my aforementioned conversational skills out the window.
“I don’t know, Y/N. Ignoring my texts, leaving me on ‘Seen’ and then declining my offer just to accept the same one coming from Corpse - can’t really blame me for finding it shady.“ She replies, her words making me wince and hide my face in the palms of my hands as though it’ll shield me from Rae’s brutal honesty and forthrightness. 
“I’ve been...bad at replying to everyone lately, nothing personal, I swear.“ Yeah, that sounded convincing, good gosh-darn job, Y/N!
“Why’s that?“ Something about her tone suggest she knows I’m lying and is just humoring me and my agony. I don’t know if to thank her for it or wish she’d just rip off the band-aid and confront me head-on. In that case I’d have only one of two options: freeze up or spill my guts. Honestly, I don’t know which is worse. “I thought you’d reach out to me, given you’ve found yourself in a pickle.”
I frown, confused and wary like I’m walking on thin ice over a pool of sharks, “Pickle? What pickle?“
“Corpse mentioned you needed dating advice.“ She replies simply as though it should’ve been obvious and as if it’s the most casual, regular and normal thing. Little does she know...
“Um, yeah, I guess you can call it that.“ I murmur sheepishly, my cheeks reddening.
“Who’s the lucky girl?“ She asks, the excitement now replacing the previous suspicion she was fronting, making me nervous as hell.
My heart skips a beat, “How’d you know I’m crushing on a girl?“
“Uh...“ She stumbles over her words, pausing to collect her thoughts and formulate a response, “Corpse told me!“ When the reply finally arrives it’s as high pitched as mine was earlier, suggesting something ain’t right.
I stay quiet, my mind and heart racing which is quicker. My leg is bouncing, my fingers are tapping the keyboard rhythmically as I rack my brain, pushing it to put the pieces of this enigmatic puzzle together, connect the dots.
When it finally does, I’m left with a horrific end-result, a realization that makes me go pale as a ghost, “He told you who said girl is too, didn’t he?” I say, my voice barely above a whisper. I keep the tone low so she doesn’t notice how shaky it is.
It takes her a few seconds to reply, but when she does I kinda wish she hadn’t, “Maybe...”
My first instinct is to excuse myself from the call, pack all my kitchen knives and drive to Corpse’s house but with my limbs having lost any and all feeling in them that is practically impossible. So, I settle for my second instinct which is hiding my face in the palms of my hands as though they can shield me from the immense embarrassment Corpse has set me up for.
“Listen...“ I start, not sure where I wanna go with this, “You don’t have to say anything, I get the hint. No need to bother with a gentle reje-“
“I like you too, Y/N!“ Rae cuts off my rambling with a melodic laugh, “I’m sorry, but you can be very oblivious sometimes, and I just wanted to give you a taste of your own medicine for a bit. Sorry if I freaked you out.“ Judging by her tone, she’s not sorry at all. In fact, she’s one step away from bursting out into laughter.
“Trust me, ‘freaked out’ doesn’t even begin to describe it.“ I sigh, exasperatedly, sinking into my chair alike a deflated balloon. “You and Corpse are gonna pay for that heart attack you led me to the brink of!”
This time, she doesn’t hold back, letting out the laughter she’s been holding back this whole time, “I don’t know how Corpse will do that, but could I pay my dues with a brunch on Friday?”
My eyebrows shoot up, “Miss Valkyrae, is this you asking me out on a date?“ I ask teasingly - aka with more confidence than I feel.
Please say ‘yes’. Please say ‘yes’. Please say ‘yes’.
“I don’t know, what do you think, Y/N?“ She asks, tone just as teasing as mine.
“Hey, I’m not as oblivious as you claim I am!“ I argue light-heartedly, “Does 2PM work for you?“
“Any time works for me.“ Rae replies, a smile blatantly evident in her voice. A smile that unleashes a flock of butterflies in my stomach.
And just like that, I have a date with the girl I’ve had a crush on for the longest time. It happened so fast it’s practically a blurred part in my mind, but one thing I’m sure will be crystal-clearly imbedded in my mind forever is that brunch on Friday. Just then, I get yet another text from Mr. Schemer himself.
That wasn’t so hard now, was it?
Some nerve he has, I swear to God.
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minecraft · 2 years
thoughts abt some non-minecraft games ive had recently
Halo Infinite. i am straight up not playing through all the weekly halo infinite challenges just to get a backdrop emblem, player emblem, armor emblem, vehicle emblem, or weapon emblem unless it slaps unbearably hard that it practically redefines the category (ie, weapon emblems that wrap around the whole gun or glow or whatever) so i've basically stopped playing this for now. hopefully eventually it gets better but i doubt it. Halo: Master Chief Collection. They straight up changed the upcoming exchange items on halo mcc this week, it used to say upcoming would have Halo 3: GEN2 Tinted Smoke techsuit next week but now it doesn't and probably won't. also worth noting that last week was a bit of an anomaly because it required 9 season points total to get all the exchange items instead of the usual 8 total season points and also the smoke techsuit would've made the total go all the way up to 10 and without it it's only 6 points. (you can only gain 12 points every week, excluding points from seasonal challenges and the first 100 rankups) Splitgate. my beloathed. love the drop system but also hate it. they need to fix team swat so it gives battle rifle challenge progress as it makes no sense that it doesn't, yet laser tag gives plasma rifle progress and you can easily get the gold Big Fuckin Bat Blunt-Force Bludgeon by playing grifsplitball. fun, feel like i should like it more but it doesn't really capture my emotions or make me want to play much of it, but that's also kind of a good thing. Also the paid shop is laughable at times, and i hate how they legit just rotate shit in and out. the current featured package (gold) looks like absolute trash compared to last weeks (ngc rhino armor). The Cycle: Frontier (beta). It's a full loot pvpve shooter. I killed a guy who was as nooby as i was, took his stuff then extracted. then i got killed my next two trips by duo teams with high tier gear. there's one type of enemy that is basically cannon fodder and then scorpions who are bullet sponges and thus take a long time to kill while using up stamina and making a lot of noise. didn't enjoy this game on a fundamental level so i uninstalled it and probably won't come back to it until at least full release. Destiny 2 (as a f2p). recently got into this. its super cool but it has problems too. hate the confusing progression system with the soft cap thing and different layers. older areas feel useless to grind in/for, for example say i really like earth, theres no reason or utility you can really get from reputation turn ins. would be cool if there were shaders (weapon/armor coatings) or guns you could only get after getting to a very high reputation with certain factions but at least for EDZ that doesn't seem to be the case. cosmodome is basically a tutorial area rather than a fully fleshed out area. also as a latecomer to this game while a lot of the older content is still accessible there is a significant portion that's just straight up stuff i missed out on and am unable to by design unlock. which sucks because i feel like a big part of the way the game UI is structured almost encourages the concept of collecting everything which literally isn't possible for 99% of players.
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sennamybeloved · 2 years
💞💗🤗🕹🎡🎆 FOR YOU, LUCIAN AND SENNA!! :DDD -Kittyboones/cafeiity
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💞: How did you all get together?
this is kinda a complicated question with a complicated answer, but in short, lucian and senna met before meeting me, and several months later, they both met me during a harrowing in the serpentine delta. we began working as a trio of sentinels of light, and over time, our reliance on each other blossomed into love. however, we did not get together at the same time. my first instinct was to third wheel myself and help them get together, which worked, but it didn’t last for long. a while later, they had a discussion amongst themselves about their feelings towards me, before kinda just absorbing me back into the relationship.
it’s the same for my modern fantasy au with us (which is of equal importance as canon to me) just minus all the shadow isles stuff.
💗: Was it always a polycule or did it start out as a monogamous relationship?
as previously stated, lucian and senna got together a little bit before the polycule was formed because i excluded myself from the relationship. i believed that they belonged together, and that my inclusion in the relationship would only ruin their bond. i also didn’t know if i’d function well in a poly relationship, and i was too scared to bring it up to them, because that would’ve require confessing.
🤗: Who gives the best hugs?
i don’t know, it depends; lucian is well over six foot and very muscular, he loves giving me and senna hugs but he’s kinda unaware of his own strength and tends to squeeze the air out of us, but it’s lovely all the same. he had a very tight and secure embrace. unless we’re in public or something, he won’t let go until we do. he’s berg affectionate.
senna, on the other hand, is less outwardly affectionate, but she gives such nice hugs. i headcanon her body type to be slightly different than how riot portrays her; she has more fat and WAY more muscle, giving her a very nice, strong body to hug. and she has big buff arms to hug you right back with! her hugs are usually short and sweet, but if i’m lucky, she’ll draw out our embrace while she strokes my back and plays with my hair, humming sweetly into my ear.
so i guess they both give the best hugs. i may just be bias, but i really can’t bring myself to choose between the two.
🕹: Do you play video games or tabletop games together? Which ones?
we play a lot of video games together! usually console games, and usually pvp fighting games. we try to find co-op games we can play together, but it’s really hard when most co-op games are made for 2 people. we usually just resort to games like minecraft or terraria, but none of us are particularly good at that style of game.
🎡: What’s your favorite place to go on dates?
we've always been a fan of picnic dates and dinner dates, but food and populated placed (ex: restaurants) are trouble areas for me, so we have to branch out sometimes. i like taking walks and they entertain that for me. we also occasionally go out partying together, but we're introverts and also old so it isn't our most popular date choice.
🎆: What other things do you all like to do together?
we have a garden in the summer! we also work on small indoor gardening projects throughout the year, such as mini flower gardens and other various houseplants (succulents, spider plants, etc…), as well as our (brief drug cw) honorary year-round marijuana greenhouse. we also make art together, go to a lot of shooting ranges/do martial arts and other various types of combat training, play video games, and travel, occasionally. we shop together more than we can afford, probably.
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love-n-pirates · 2 years
Accidentally reigniting the anger some people feel about opinions on Technos role in the red festival on my facts post.
I was just tryna put together some facts from the earlier server days that I thought were cool, replying with “um these are hardly interesting 🙄 everyone knows that” is a useless bit of input. I made it primarily for writing ref anyway so no info is irrelevant for me. Even if you already know it doesn’t mean everyone else does, esp. newer fans, and it doesn’t make it any less interesting. I described them as kinda niche facts because they’re small details not a lot of people remember anymore/talk about in analysis posts.
That post was for people that enjoy lore and wanted to remember older stuff. Not for your c!Techno discourse.
We’ll do the discourse here.
In my opinion as a viewer of a minecraft role play (emphasis because it is not real and does not need to be taken so serious), C!Technoblade was wrong for his actions at the festival. By this, I mean firing into the crowd after executing Tubbo. You can write on and on about how he was forced into it and how it was an emotional response or whatever but at that same festival, he had shown he could escape easily (left to use potions for the boxing match) and that he had OP gear (didn’t drown in Ponk’s game, is always kitted tf out). For story purposes I understand why he had to kill tubbo and I like that it makes it more dramatic so I can ignore that. I was just saying his actions after tubbos death were unnecessary.
Techno had just killed Tubbo, Schlatt and Quackity. Two of these were his main antagonisers and the other was his only target. He didn’t need to fire on the crowd to escape, he had all his gear and everyone was too shocked at the time to react. On top of that, a lot of the people in the crowd were Pogtopia sympathisers, they were on his side. He had no real reason to believe that they would all turn on him at that moment and he had no reason to believe he would loose to any that did.
Also note the people he did kill: Schlatt a second time(fair), Badboyhalo, Ponk, Niki and Callahan. Excluding the obvious, how many of those people were tripping over themselves to serve Schlatt? How many of them do you think Techno would have seen as a threat? My bet is that none really stood out as a worthy opponent to him (ignoring the op. capabilities of some of them lmao).
It’s even referred to as a massacre. Don’t know why people acted like it was an awful take from me to say he had no reason to open fire on the crowd when this is actively how we remember the events of the festival. I don’t know what it is about some c!techno fans that make them want to justify everything he does. Your favourite character can do bad things sometimes guys. Techno is literally an extremely immoral character in the story. That’s fine. It is entertaining.
Just because you disagree with my opinion (though I would argue to objectivity of the immoral nature of murdering a bunch of bystanders but we’ll leave that for now I guess) on a character and his motives, doesn’t mean you can then just rag on my post saying that none of its interesting and shit😭😭😭 it doesn’t have to be personal guys. Plenty of people enjoy it and I find it helpful. And if the facts upset you so much by being uninteresting or not niche enough then by all means, actually contribute something yourself that you think is!!! We’re all fans of the same thing!! There doesn’t have to be infighting! Have a good day<3!!!
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shoezuki · 3 years
This is a post on the cheating accusations around dream mostly surrounding his response video.
If you don’t want to see this or any of these posts then blacklist the tag #discourse
SO I’ve been doing a lot of digging into what dream has said in his response to Geosquare’s original video and report, which was compiled and conducted by the Minecraft Java mods on speedrun.com. 
I won’t talk about that original report in detail, but basically: the mods came to the conclusion that Dream had a 1 in 7.5 trillion chance of getting the pearl bartering rates and the blaze drop odds that he did within the 6 streams he did. As in, someone would need that luck to replicate what dream got. Therefore, he cheated. 
I’m going to put this into a sort of ‘point form’ in according to topic, attempting to put it in chronological order.
Dream’s Initial Tweets
Ok so first like. these are bad. these tweets are what he said (on twitter, excluding in the speedrunning discord) directly after the video was Uploaded to Geo’s channel. 
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worth noting he did apologize later, although i wanted to talk about these two instances so i felt the need to include it. 
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there’s a lot of interesting wording in the apology tweet itself too. I personally find that when he apologizes he tends to still be very subtextually angry in them with the tone, but more specifically. where he says ‘although i have reason to be upset’, that’s kinda weak and really unneeded. Alongside the ‘intense criticism’, it reads as him trying to say he’s still in the right. kind of like “im sorry i was rude even though I had reason to be rude’. Its an apology sure but he’s not saying sorry for how he really reacted; its justified to him.
Dream’s Response Video
Dream posted a response on his side channel DreamXD on the 22nd, along with the report he had a supposed astrophysicist conduct. I’m going to talk about the report separately from the video for reasons I’ll explain. 
Frankly, the video doesn’t really summarize or explain the report in a meaningful way. At most, it takes some points from it but tends to twist the numbers around, misunderstand the probability and math, and also what the report itself concludes. 
Essentially, dream’s video insists that the numbers found by the mods are wrong and therefore he didn’t cheat at all, yet the report concludes that the numbers found by the mods weren’t entirely accurate, however they’re still extremely unlikely. This is also all under the assumption that the report is entirely correct (ill say how its not next)
His first point is that only his 1.16 run (that was at 5th place two months ago, would have now been 16th) was deemed cheated. This is true; the mods have said that he isnt banned outright and theres no reason to question the legitimacy of his 1.15 runs. 
He also concludes that Geo’s statement that Dream didn’t cooperate with them, and that he deleted 1.16 mod folders, was false. This one is a little more complicated. It could more be chalked up to a miscommunication, although it’s relevant. Geosquare posted screenshots of the specific conversation they had:
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Essentially it wasn’t entirely clear, i can understand how geo and the mods interpreted it in such a way. Altho April added in a quote retweet thread that dream didn’t supply the folder she asked for, so he didn’t supply everything they asked for like he states in the video
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Essentially: yeah, misleading and weird on both ends. I dont think this is really anything quantifiable, although dream talked about this in the video heavily. 
Out of this though, Geo DID correct himself in the description of the mods’ video. Dream shows this in his own response, but it crops out some of what geo says. here’s from dream’s video
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that Update 2 is where he corrects himself. literally why the fuck would you crop it like this and put it in the video i mean this looks so weird and genuinely doesnt provide anything. Here’s what geo actually said
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Dream specifically cut it before the line where geo mentions how he said he deleted his specific 1.16 speedrun profile. This one is just so dumb to me. I’d say ‘why not include that’ but either i feel its a) so there’s no potential for people to say what he had actually said could be interpreted otherwise easily or b) doesnt want people to know he got so upset he deleted files (ego wise yknow). Again, I dont think this is definitive of anything but god. it feels scummy lmao
The Video: Incorrect Representation of His Own Report
Dream straight up doesnt present the report’s numbers properly. In fact it makes the entirety of his visuals forfeit, i.e. the gold block analogy that goes on for like 20 minutes. 
The mods said his luck was 1/7.5 trillion. Dream’s report says its 1/10 million (with the addition of 5 other streams) or 1/100 million (only the 6 streams).
I’ll only consider the 1/10 mil odds, since its all dream really brings up. but Basically; there’s not much difference between 1/10 million and 1/7.5 trillion. 
Dream says that the difference is 7.5 trillion minus 10 million, aka 7.4999 trillion. This is what his entire visual with the gold blocks is based on. This is absolutely incorrect, i cant stress that enough. 
You can’t find the difference of fractions by subtracting only the denominators. Like. this is elementary school math. it just doesnt work. 
It’d actually be calculated as: (1/10 000 000) - (1/7 500 000 000 000) = (74999/7 500 000 000 000)
If the mods are wrong, they’re only wrong by 749999/7.5 trillion. that’s literally only  0.000000099999866666667. 
Dream no doubt saw the numbers, considered 10 million vs. 7.5 trillion, and used these big numbers to hold his own point. PROBABILITY DOESNT WORK LIKE THAT. I really think he was just taking advantage of the seemingly big numbers here and wrote it out in a way that favoured him. The gold block analogy in the video played throughout the entire video practically, jokes were made on it, and he made a point of it being ‘so big the game crashed’. 
It’s just plain wrong. even so a difference in the odds doesnt prove shit. He’s downplaying his own odds that he found too. 1/10 million isnt a small number. Even though the legitimacy of that calculation is in question, it is still significant enough to proclaim he cheated. 
Some quick points before I move onto the report; these aren’t as significant in my eyes but it adds to the picture
there’s been criticism of his joking manor throughout the entire video, very specifically the Bill Nye joke. Considering he doesnt actually have a name to provide for his astrophysicist, this joke doesnt feel right
the mod he had a voice clip from (willz) even believes that he cheated and has agreed with the mod team the whole time. 
Dream never has a name for the mod who is apparently on his side (more understandable), the minecraft developer he quoted, or the astrophysicist (most damning)
Dream states that fabric is used by most speedrunners which is true, but fabric and fabric API are different; dream also had the latter installed. my knowledge of how theyre different is limited, all i really know is the API is what can enable editing of the code while fabric is more a modloader. im not entirely sure on this
Dream has said at the end of the video that all funds will go to the mod team so they can make a client that will regulate cheaters. this has been noted as feeling manipulative or like a ‘bribe’, but it definitely puts the mods in a bad position. 
either they accept it and look like they ‘gave in’ to dream and therefore acknowledge him in the right
they deny it and look selfish/taking dream’s kindness for granted
geo said they would insist it goes to a charity instead
Dream constantly disregards the mods as young, inexperienced, ‘just volunteers’ etcetcetc, despite the fact that theyre analysis has been discussed by people with confirmed PhDs without much criticism
Dream’s Report
The report itself is extremely interesting, in that it’s very questionable, but even so it doesn’t come to the conclusion that dream didn’t cheat. The tone between the video and the report is drastically different. 
This is from the “3. What are the goals of this document?” section:
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It essentially says this isnt intended, from the very beginning, to completely exonerate dream of cheating. Also note that the author says the mods’ report was mostly correct. 
This is at the end of “9 Conclussions”:
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It does notably say cheating isnt the only explanation, but it doesnt actually go as far to say that it’s not possible that he cheated. 
But this can be argued to not matter if we consider the validity of the report as a whole
Dream’s Report: Criticisms
Possibly the first and most known debunking of the report is by u/mfb on reddit, although there’s been much more such as this programmer criticizing the code provided at the end of the report (partially due to how the author of it stated that piglins barter 4-7 pearls, which is incorrect: it’s 4-8), Andrew Gelman, an actual statistician professor from harvard, commented on the original mods’ report as ‘impressive’ while Dream’s report is being regarded as something funny in the comments, and even analysis of dream’s behaviours and his argument by a law student
But what u/mfb posted is what i’ll focus on. Some background into the user; he’s a particle physicist, is moderator in subreddits like r/cosmology and r/astrophysics, he’s regarded as a reliable source on r/askscience and r/askreddit. Basically, multiple other people have vouched for him and before all this he had many posts in these fields. 
that’s already better than the unnamed astrophysicist. 
The post is better speaking for itself but here is a few exerpts from it;
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Essentially, the report’s methods are debunked by u/mfb-, alongside that a moderator of r/statistics regarded the report as ‘nonsensical in its application of statistics’ and linked to u/mfb-’s comment. 
i’m going to end this here. Partially because severe backpain or whatever,.
but I want to say at this point its practically definitive that dream cheated, that he lied to us, and that he continues to do so. Much more could be said on his video such as his tone, intentions, the overt emphasis on the ‘biases’ of the mods. 
I havent even mentioned that the ‘astrophysicist’ themself may be a scam; they are sourced from a website that is extremely sketchy, has no names attached to it, and was created less than a year ago (with practically no traffic on it until maybe a month ago). 
But i hope this is coherent. I have interest in this so if theres questions im always open. 
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laurenhufflepuff2 · 3 years
A list of fandoms I'm in (in no particular order, will probably be updated regularly. Some fandoms are more intense and some are more casual. Depending on the fandom, I could go on and on about fandom topics for HOURS. Let's get into it!)
Harry Potter, Disney, Marvel, DC comics, Miraculous Ladybug, Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra, Star Wars, Literature, Winx Club, Nintendo, Minecraft, Little Witch Academia, Voltron, Coraline
Harry Potter- I got into Harry Potter in 7th grade and now I am the resident expert in my family and in my friend group. I read all the books, watched all the movies (notably the British version), and I've seen the Fantastic Beasts films as well. I've also read Tales of Beedle the Bard (the Warlock's Hairy Heart was traumatizing) along with the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them textbook (plus an updated edition). I also read The Cursed Child script and while I mean no hate to anyone that liked it, I hated what it did to the canon. I am in Hufflepuff with some Ravenclaw tendencies (I took the Pottermore quiz 3 times, 2 out of 3 I got Hufflepuff, the other time was Ravenclaw). I had a pottermore account and I was so upset when it got converted to the Wizarding World page. I cosplayed Hermione in 7th grade complete with British accent and even monologued as her for a talent show (classmates and teachers would recognize me as the Hermione girl all the way through high school). I was obsessed and I still love it even if J.K. Rowling has gone off the deep end on Twitter... yeah... my favorite character is Hermione but I also relate to Luna
Disney- there's so much that goes into the Disney part of my fandom list. I'm excluding Marvel and Star Wars from this part as they were originally separate entities before Disney got the rights to them. I have seen almost every animated Disney film ever and often use random movie quotes in conversation. My favorite villain is Maleficent, my favorite princess is Ariel (followed by Belle, Rapunzel, and Anna). I relate to so many of the characters. I'm not sure who my favorite Pixar character is though (I love Violet, Sadness, Dory, and Piper (from the short)). My favorite Disney fairy is Fawn. My favorite characters overall are Ariel and Stitch. Disney is definitely on the list as one of my biggest obsessions. My favorite movies are Lilo and Stitch, the Little Mermaid, Inside Out, Alice in Wonderland (original), and The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.
Marvel- I mostly get my Marvel exposure through the MCU, other movies, and animated TV shows. I have difficulty reading graphic novels so most of my comic book knowledge comes from friends, posts, or wikis. My favorite characters are Spider-Man, Captain America, Peggy Carter, and Scarlet Witch. I also like Gwenpool, Deadpool, Spider-Gwen/ Ghost-Spider, Venom, Squirrel Girl, Daredevil, Mantis, Gamora, Black Widow, Iron Man, Thor, Loki, Bucky, Black Panther, and most MCU characters. Out of the X-men I really like Professor X, Wolverine, Mystique, Magneto, Nightcrawler, and Quicksilver (either version- MCU or Fox).
DC- this was the franchise I was more familiar with growing up but again, graphic novels aren't easy for me to read so most of my knowledge comes from information pages about the comics or from tv/movies. My earliest experience with DC came from the 60s Batman series, with Catwoman and Robin being my favorites. I also watched the Wonder Woman series from the 70s and a handful of CW shows, my favorite of which being the Flash and Arrow. I also managed to watch all 5 seasons of the Teen Titans Cartoon Network series from 2003. With that being said, my favorite characters are Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Flash, Batman, Nightwing/Robin (Dick Grayson), Green Arrow, Starfire, Raven, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Alfred. I also like most of the bat family, and when it comes to CW I LOVE Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost and Cisco.
Miraculous- this is one of my guilty fandoms but since this is Tumblr I'm not too worried about it. I love Marinette and I relate to her on an astoundingly deep level (minus the stalking and obsession with potential lovers, that's creepy). If I had a miraculous, I'd probably want the Ladybug one, but the Cat miraculous, fox miraculous, and snake miraculous are good too. My favorite character is Marinette/Ladybug.
Atla/Tlok- I jumped on the avatar bandwagon just when it was starting to get popular, so I managed to get through the series before the memes took over everything. Same with Tlok, although i couldn't completely avoid the spoilers for that when i started it. I've been wanting to get into the comics because of the short story comics I've read, they seem easier to read than superhero comics. My favorite characters are Aang, Katara, Ty Lee, Iroh, Korra, Jinora, Asami, Suki, Appa, Momo, Naga, and Pabu. I also like Sokka, Mai, Zuko, Lin, Kuvira, Varrick, Zhu Lee, and Azula. I feel really sorry for her and while I understand that a redemption arc would undermine the importance of her corruption arc, I still wish she could have one. I would love to be a waterbender or an airbender... maybe a waterbender raised in the air nation? Obviously, being the avatar itself would be awesome. The show has taught me a lot of great lessons and put a lot of stuff into perspective for me.
Star Wars- oh boy, talking about this one is dangerous. I've seen firsthand the horrors of the Star Wars fandom but then again no one will probably see this anyway so... I've seen all the movies and I remember watching the clone wars series with my brother when I was younger but we fell wayyy behind and it's taking us forever to get back into it. I've also seen the Mandalorian and quite enjoyed it. I like the prequels unironically, in fact, the prequels are some of my favorite movies. I especially like how they switched from lightsabers being heavy weapons to light weapons that can be used for all kinds of tricks that make for epic battles like the ones we see in Revenge of the Sith. The sequels were fun to watch but when I would analyze them along side their predecessors, I came to the conclusion that, for me, they were good to watch but did not do anything good for the rest of the franchise. My favorite characters are prequels/clone wars Obi Wan and Anakin, Padme, Ashoka, Leia, R2D2, BB-8, R4-P17, the Mandalorian (Din Djarin), and Grogu. If I had a lightsaber I'd want it to be blue, but when I was little I got a purple one like Mace Windu because it was closer to pink and I was into pink at the time. I still have that lightsaber and none of my friends have a purple one so it's one of my flexes. I feel like I wouldn't make a good jedi because of attachments being forbidden, so I'd probably become a grey jedi.
Literature- this is a broad term I use to cover all the random books and stories I liked reading and have studied. So we have Shakespeare (Macbeth, Much Ado About Nothing, Romeo and Juliet), The Great Gatsby (bored while reading, loved to analyze), Grendel (HATED reading, loved to analyze, Grendel really needed a hug and a friend), The Crucible, Fahrenheit 451, Dark Life (+ the sequel Riptide, both are by Kat Falls good reads, sci-fi and kind of dystopian), The Once and Future King
Winx Club- I think the show is trashy but I still love watching it. I haven't been able to get through season 6 though and I hated what they did with season 8 and Fate: the Winx Saga. My favorite character is Bloom along with Stella and Flora. I prefer rai to nick. My favorite transformations are magic winx, enchantix, and harmonix. My favorite member of the Trix is Icy followed by Darcy. My favorite Pixies are Chatta and Lockette.
Nintendo- mainly Pokémon above all else, followed by Animal Crossing. I have also played (mostly as player 2 or just never beat or watched my brother play) mario games, legend of zelda, pikmin, and kirby. Games I haven't played but I just liked the characters/the lore and probably learned about through Super Smash Bros. are Fire Emblem (Lucina mostly), Metroid (Samus and baby metroid), and Kid Icarus. Pokémon is where I'm most knowledgeable but you'll most likely beat me in battle. I am however great at MarioKart and I always destroy my friends at it. Terrible at fighting games though.
Minecraft- I like playing this casually. Sure, I'll play for hours and hours on end for months, but I prefer to stay exclusively in peaceful when playing Survival mode and I don't make anything too ambitious in Creative mode. I like to write, so sometimes I'll make a rough layout of the settings of my stories in different worlds. I prefer interior design and decorating when building, and when in survival mode I focus more on mining and gathering while my brother works on ambitious building projects. I just bring him the raw materials and furnish the interior when he finishes the outside.
Little Witch Academia- this takes up a smaller portion of my fandom list because there were only 2 seasons and a couple movies and I watched the whole series years ago, but I still enjoy it. At one point I wanted to cosplay Akko, and I loved the nod at Twilight through the Nightfall series. And I especially liked the twist that Shiny Chariot was Ursula, which I suspected for some time. The blend between magic and technology was fun to see, but I was so sad that the series ended RIGHT when Akko finally showed signs of magic proficiency. Also, Shiny Chariot being the reason Akko couldn't do magic was heartbreaking.
Voltron- this takes up a much smaller portion of my fandom list mainly because I haven't even finished it. I know hardly anything about Transformers aside from the Bumblebee movie so to me I just watch it for fun. It reminds me of power rangers, star wars, and star trek, and then there's just a transformer insert. But I don't know anything about Transformers so maybe the show is more rooted in canon than I think.
Coraline- I am in a love-hate relationship with Coraline. I have watched the movie several times, I've read the book, I've watched hours of theories and analyses on youtube, I've watched behind the scenes videos by Laika, and I even wrote a script for a fan film parody. I am amazed at how original the story is and how impressive the stop motion animation is but I also have recurring nightmares from it and it scares me/creeps me out to the max. If anyone asks what my scariness limit is, it's definitely Coraline.
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tarantulas4davey · 3 years
More and more Youtuber Au content
First of all, before I share the headcannons, the thoughts you left on my own au mean so much to me. That really made my day yesterday. Thank you so much and you are overwhelmingly nice I really appreciate it :)
Okay now onto headcannons:
- Race has a second channel called "Ant-Man" (because get it Antonio and Ant- yeah I don't remember where the post this is from went) where he makes random videos. Like random website games and stuff. No I don't know where this thought came from but it just makes sense.
- I know we already established how they got engaged but if they didn't already get engaged, they would most likely be that couple to get engaged with a ring pop or something stupid.
- fanart wall. That's all I had to say for this one.
- On social media (excluding YouTube and twitch), their profile pictures are either art by a fan, the two of them together, or each other - the times they put it as a each other it's very annoying because "why are you each other's profile picture I keep messing you up" and "why do you keep doing this"
- If they're playing Minecraft, Race just always forgets to eat. There's always people (Albert included) yelling at him in the chat to eat. That's all
Okay that's it for now I should get back to babysitting.
any day hon 🙏 theyre really well done !! and as someone who appreciates all the love you give my stuff i had to share some of it cause you 100% deserve it <3
aight ✨let’s get into the boys✨
- his second channel IS called ant-man (i’ve seen this post and i have it somewhere i swear i just can’t find the screenshot or i would add in in here for context. it’s just a conversation between race and wiesel about wiesel not being able to call race anthony cause his name is antonio, so wiesel asks if he can call him ant-man and race goes “,,,,,i’ll allow it”) and albert has a very lowkey one called ‘deadpool’ that he doesn’t post on but he DOES comment with and that’s usually the account he comments under youtube edits/compilations of them with and race mentions it during one of their ‘reacting to edits/fan videos of us’ videos and suddenly everyone’s tweeting albert’s comments at them. race’s side channel is just gaming/skit bloopers and nonsense
- oh albert purposed to race when they were 19 in a denny’s parking lot at 4am drunk as fuck slightly tipsy and jack has a video of it he’s saving to play at their wedding during his speech ✨ race cried an equal amount as the time albert was ACTUALLY asking but in his defense he had drank way too much for a lightweight on a tuesday in july
- *meme point* mmhmm, yeeeeep. it’s the far wall with no couch or table or anything against it in their gaming room. literally floor to ceiling, wall to wall fan art. stuff from their P.O. box, conventions, meet and greets, what have you, it’s ALL up there. they also have some up in other rooms of the house (the really really ornate ones on canvases and stuff) but almost all of it is up in the gaming room.
- oh fs ! albert’s twitter is a meme of race and race’s is a meme of albert, just to confuse people. race’s instagram is one of the two of them and albert’s is fanart someone made for him that he got permission to put up and he has them linked in his bio (even though he wasn’t asked to, he did it just because he wanted to) race’s tiktok is fanart of him (with the artist linked in his bio and like,,, half his comment sections) and albert’s is bibble from the barbie fairytopia movies (this sounds really out of pocket but i promise it’s like,,,, a think on tiktok) that’s all the socials i can think of rn but their youtube and twitch pfps are the official art they both commissioned for their channels originally (although that artist is linked everywhere too, cause it’s literally jack dhshdhd) fans yell at them constantly cause they change it constantly and they tag the wrong accounts fairly often
- this is the only one i slightly disagree with, actually. albert is the one that gets really invested in games and forgets to eat, race is always having to pause his and go make/order food and force al to eat or drink water. race doesn’t get as hyper focused on gaming as al does, he’s more likely to forget to eat if he’s editing for a stream. then al or chat has to yell at him to remember to be a people and eat. al is just generally dismissive of his human needs though, he’ll also just,,,,,, not sleep cause he wants to stream so race has to keep his boy alive some times.
this is from ✨hours ago✨ cause i’m a heathen and take forever to respond but i hope babysitting went well !!! or,,, at least no small children were harmed in the writing of this post. that’s the bar, apparently 😆
thank you for the ask, my dear !!! i really appreciate it :) <3
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armstrongdunn79 · 1 year
Technoblade: Minecraft YouTuber Dies from Cancer, Aged 23
Technoblade: Minecraft YouTuber dies from cancer at the age of 23
1 July
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Technoblade is a YouTuber from Minecraft, has died at the age of 23. His family has posted an emotional goodbye video on behalf of him.
The video, entitled "so long geeks" and shared to his 10 million followers and showed his father calling him "the most amazing kid anyone could ask for".
The US internet personality rose to fame via livestreaming and uploading videos of himself playing the video game sandbox.
In January of this year, Technoblade revealed to fans that he had been diagnosed with cancer.
The message of farewell, written just hours before his death and read by his father, began: "Hello everyone, Technoblade here. If you're watching this. I am dead."
He later revealed that his real name was actually Alex, reminiscing about the time he had pranked viewers into thinking his name was Dave.
He said, "Thank you all so for your support of my work throughout these years," he added. "If I had another hundred lives I'm pretty sure I'd choose to be Technoblade each time because those were the most joyful years of my life."
The online star, who took home Minecraft tournaments and had a horde of fans who reminisced about his life in a humorous way during the game explained in a video for fundraising posted in February that he undergone chemotherapy, radiation therapy and a limb salvage operation after developing a painful tumour in his right arm.
He died from sarcoma which is a rare bone and soft tissue cancer.
In August 2021, he was able to reveal his diagnosis of cancer. He stated that he initially believed the discomfort that he was experiencing was caused by a repetitive stress injury due to excessive gaming. After his arm started swelling, it was taken to the hospital. He was diagnosed with cancer.
Technoblade's true identity is unknown. However, his online avatar was a picture a crown pig.
His YouTube channel has 10.8 million subscribers. His bio reads: "I play too many video games. It's possible that I'm not the most skilled, but I do have hot elbows."
'Strategizing in heaven'
In the wake of the news of his death, fans, fellow gamers and YouTubers paid tribute online.
"I'll never forget the day I met Technoblade," recalled J Schlatt. "I left my job early to take part in an Minecraft tournament. I had no idea how to play... and the dude was able to carry us to win the whole event.
"Rest in peace, big guy. You'll always be a legend.
YouTuber Captain Puffy also known as Cara, tweeted: "Rest In Peace Technoblade. He always treated me with pure kindness. I was never excluded from anything." He could not have been more generous!"
She said, "Thanks for everything you have done for this community. It will never be the same again without you."
Tommy Innit said: "Technoblade is legendary. I cannot even express how grateful I am to have been a part of his life as a fan to being one of his closest friends. I just know he's strategizing in heaven on how to beat God ..."
Ludwig Ahgren added, "I've been watching Technoblade's for over an hour." "He was so witty and humble in the most difficult of times. I'll never forget him."
Quackity also expressed his appreciation on his blog Quackity also expressed his gratitude online, writing: "I had to have the chance to express how much admiration I had for Technoblade, not only for his massive impact on the world but also for his amazing humour, even in the darkest of times." I will miss him so much."
Jake Lucky, an eSports player, said "May he rest and be at peace."
Technoblade's father thanked his fans in the farewell clip, noting that "you meant a lot"
He explained that a portion from online orders for the merchandise of his son will now go towards charity.
The video concluded with a statement from his family, which included the following: "We, the family of Technoblade, wanted you to know how much he adored and loved his fans and his colleagues.
Technoblade was active from the very beginning. He was always seeking ways to please and reward his followers. He gave away prizes online, encouraged good sportsmanship and shared his Minecraft adventures for laughter and entertainment.
"Even after his eventual triumphs, he managed to maintain his good-natured humility, competing with a charming balance of confidence and self-deprecating wit."
Minecraft lets users create their very own virtual world by digging holes and collecting blocks.
Recent updates to the game have been used by youngsters to improve their skills in the workplace, and to solve real-world issues such as flooding.
Ted Nevison described Technoblade as being "effortlessly hilarious" and "endlessly talented". He added, "Gone too quickly."
Bad Boy Halo also paid their respects, saying: "Words cannot express how you'll miss. The lives you touched and the impact you've made on them will last for eternity."
Slimecicle said Technoblade's "personality and sense of humor, and the ability to express himself clearly were an inspiration to Technoblade and many others."
"Thank you for all that you gave to a world that took you too soon. You will always be an icon."
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britesparc · 2 years
Weekend Top Ten #516
Top Ten Most-Played Games (of Recent Years)
It feels every now and again that I have a good idea for a list that’s quite topical and relevant, but then because I have otherideas that are also topical and relevant, I end up writing it a couple of weeks later and suddenly it feels like I’m going “oh, yeah, do remember that?” Anyway that’s what’s happening today.
There was a bit of a to-do recently over Dying Light 2, which developer Techland claimed would take 500 hours to complete. Thankfully for my sanity, quite a lot of people baulked at this, thinking 500 was a lot. Now, I like games; I like playing games. But I don’t really play a lot; at least, it doesn’t seem like a lot if I’m on Twitter or games forums. I only really play a couple of big games a year, interspersed with a bunch of smaller titles; so spending 500 hours on one game seems like a luxury. Did I ever spend that much time on a game? Thinking about it, how long do I spend playing games?
I reckon I’ve hardly ever gone over 100 hours, and 500 hours is way off.
So I decided to try to find out. I used the True Achievements website, the Steam app, and my Switch profile to see how long I have actually been playing games for (it’s a pity that Xbox doesn’t have this kind of functionality built in, but I guess that’s a topic for another Top Ten…). And the results may shock you.
Obviously there’s one drawback to this, which is it’s only been possible to keep tabs on your playtime in this manner relatively recently. I’ve no idea how long I spent playing Red Alert or Duke Nukem, especially if we include using their level editors as time spent playing. Ditto for the likes of Lemmings 2, SWOS, The Settlers, or other games from earlier in my gaming career.
Also this has thrown up a couple of weird “errors”. Killer Instinct was down as being played for over 200 hours, which makes no sense. It’s true I played it a bit in the early days of the Xbox One, but nowhere near that length of time. It would make it, by far, my most-played Xbox game; and when Xbox themselves did a celebratory breakdown of my playing milestones to celebrate the console’s twentieth anniversary last year, KIdidn’t warrant a mention; as such, I’m happy to cite this as some kind of aberration. Also there are a few games that came up where it’s clearly not me playing; I’ve presumably been signed in to allow my kids to play. Therefore I’ve excluded both Roblox and Zoo Tycoon (although the latter wouldn’t have made the Top Ten, to be fair). I was tempted to do the same with Minecraft, but I couldn’t be certain; it’s surprising it’s so high, because I don’t feel I’ve sunk hours into it, so in all likelihood my kids have played it a fair bit “as me”. But maybe it was just me playing it with them? Anyway, I’ve made an executive decision to keep it in.
Here we go, and obviously no game is anywhere near500 hours. Right?
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Civilization VI(PC, 2016) – over 1,523 hours: wait, what? Fifteen hundred hours? Fifteen hundred hours? Oh Christ. Oh no. What can I say? I have a tendency to put it on “in the background” when I’m working sometimes. I’ve had it for a few years. I did, genuinely, expect this to be the only 500+ hour game. But one thousand five hundred and twenty-three hours. And this doesn’t count the fact that I’ve played it for about twenty hours on Xbox, too. Jesus.
Stardew Valley (Xbox, 2016) – 127 hours: blimey, that’s a lot. Xbox already told me this was my most-played Xbox game, and I was kinda surprised; had I been logged in whilst my kids were playing? Xbox does have an annoying habit of classing that as you playing a game. But, to be fair, we’ve played it quite a bit as a family, and my wife and I have spent (in-game) years on our farm, getting married and having a kid (in-game… and, er, IRL). So yeah, fair enough.
Civilization V(PC, 2010) – 115 hours: oh look at that. Weirdly I don’t remember ever really getting on with Civ V the way I evidently did with its sequel; it all seemed a little bit too dry and fiddly. All the same, it’s Civ, and I love Civ. This does make me wonder how long I’d spent on previous iterations of the game, and how much of my life has gone into the franchise over the last twenty-odd years or so. Actually, y’know what, let’s not think about that.
Peggle 2 (Xbox, 2013) – 102 hours: now we’re getting into “yep, makes sense” and also “totally fine with that” territory. I got Peggle 2 quite early in the Xbox One generation, and it’s always been my go-to game for a bit of light puzzling or to unwind after a more intense gaming session. I always think I’m crap at these sorts of games, and maybe I am, but I’ve spent so much time on this I’ve gotten quite close to completing every challenge. For me, that’s a big win.
Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (PC, 2017) – 95 hours: again, makes perfect sense; this is something else I’ve often got running in the background whilst I work, popping back over to finish a crossword. For a while there I was trying to get a few achievements on it which necessitated playing it over multiple days. And I stand by it, it’s a great little brain-teaser, even if the crosswords are annoyingly American in their clues, references, and spellings.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons(Switch, 2020) – 95 hours: a new contender emerges… this is a game to sink hours into, and I don’t regret it. I’ve been merrily customising the island for a little while, making it enjoyable for my kids. This was the perfect game for the pandemic, one that rewards repeated replay. In fact, the only reason I don’t play it more often is it takes so bloody long to load, and this SSD generation has put me right off.
Minecraft (Xbox, 2017) – 92 hours: as I alluded to in the blurb, this took me by surprise, but I have played it quite a bit with the nippers so fair enough, I guess. Again, it’s a game that rewards a very deep time sink, far more time than I can give it to really uncover its treasures (literally and metaphorically). The kids love it, though, and happily play with friends and family online. Actually, I wonder how long they’ve spent playing? Maybe best if I don’t find out.
Mass Effect: Andromeda (Xbox, 2017) – 88 hours: finally we start properly getting to the games that I think I prefer (apart from Civ, to be fair). Big, expansive single-player campaigns; that’s where I think my priorities lie. But we’re nearly at the bottom of this list before I get to the latest Mass Effect, I game I know I spent a long time on – it’s a big game, I remember playing it. it’s not the best Mass Effect – in fact, it’s the worst – but it’s still very good, and I really got into my character and her team. 88 hours seems right. I wish I knew how long I’d spent on the three previous entries in the franchise, to say nothing of the three Fable games…
Halo: The Master Chief Collection(Xbox, 2014) – 75 hours: ah, Halo. Probably my favourite gaming franchise. It’s interesting I’ve spent so long with the MCC boxset; I guess I did complete Halo 4 here after I got my Xbox One. And it’s been my go-to multiplayer location for the most part. And I introduced the kids to Halo here, too! So many good memories. Obviously I’ve moved on to Halo Infinite now; really enjoying the campaign so far, and the multiplayer is sublime. I’ve already played that game for nearly thirty hours, and it’ll be interesting to see how much time I’ve spent on it by 2030…
Pokémon Sword(Switch, 2019) – 70 hours: not the most popular Pokémon game but the only one I’ve ever played extensively, so I enjoyed it. We got the Switch (for the kids, natch) the Christmas that Sword and Shield came out and it was a very big, popular game in our house for a while. One of the first games my eldest every completed, and we’ve both enjoyed the expansions too (which I don’t think I have completed, to be honest). It’s quite a good, fast game to get into and get around in, unlike, say, Animal Crossing. But I do find it weird how I’ve not quite vibed with Breath of the Wild, which we got around the same time but which I’ve played a lot less despite liking it a lot more.
So there we are (I feel like I say that a lot at the end of these lists). Quite interesting, for me at least. It’s a bit of a shame that my favourite games – yer Halos and yer Mass Effects – are so low, although I’m not surprised Civ is so high. Genuinely shocked and mildly horrified at quite how long I’ve played it for. It now makes my laptop sound like a jet engine so I don’t tend to play it very much… which is why I bought it for Xbox. Send help.
It is a shame, though, that I can’t find out how long I’ve played Xbox 360 games for. I really do wonder how many hours I spent on things like Halo 3, Fable II, the Mass Effect trilogy, and Crackdown. Also, I’ve no way of knowing how long I’ve played various mobile games for; I imagine Carcassonne – across iOS, Windows Phone, and Android – could very easily outrank Civilization for my most-played game of all time.
I would like to do a similar list based on my recollection of older games, although I don’t know if it should include all games I don’t have stats for, or just games I played 20-30 years ago on PC/Amiga. In the meantime, I’m off to kick the kids off Minecraft and boot up Civ again. Just for one more turn…civi
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