#oliver phelps x reader
jokatsuya · 2 years
High enough?
George Weasley x reader / George Weasley x Gn!reader
Wordcount: 744
Warnings: none
Summary: How do you think George will react if his partner is a little too small to see everything? (Y/n) gets an answer to that at the Qudditch World Cup.
A/n: It's October and what does that mean? Exactly! It's Harry Potter time! More specifically, George Weasley time. Probably the greatest comfort character ever. So if you're feeling down, grab a bunch of George stories and have a good time. Thank me later. Yours JoKatsuya
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>>See you, Mr. Weasley!", I shout through the tent as George and I head outside to make the most of the time before the game.
But before we're out of the tent, Fred pops up next to me with a mischievous grin: >>Don't do anything I wouldn't do.<< With a completely exaggerated wink, he addresses George again before disappearing again as quickly as he came. A giggle escapes me as George grabs my hand and walks outside. How could the two of them be so different, despite looking like each other? Sure their personalities have similarities, but still more crucial differences. In fact, at the beginning of our acquaintance, that was about the only point by which I could distinguish the two. In the meantime, however, I can consider myself lucky to be able to distinguish my boyfriend from his twin even on the outside.
There is a wild hustle and bustle. Music sounds from every corner, the paths are hardly to be made out because of people and the most different kinds of artists and booths provide already now for a lot of entertainment, at least those, which I see. My gaze glides up to George, who looks around almost effortlessly, brushing his hair out of his face with his free hand. Somewhat embarrassed, the blush rises in my cheeks.
>>I know I'm irresistible, but I don't want to be responsible for your neck pain if you keep staring like that.<<, George smiles and looks down at me.
>>I don't see much anyway.<<, I counter almost playfully grumpy. Even though, in contrast to the boy next to me, most of it seems small, I almost get lost next to him sometimes.
>>If I were as tall as you, I wouldn't have to look up at you all the time.<<, I say defiantly and continue to look in the other direction in a playfully offended manner.
In a jerk, a group of people passes me, pushing me against Goerge, who had apparently gone into a crouch. He grabs me and lifts me onto his shoulders with a yank.
With a squeak, I claw at him as he simultaneously stands up again: >>George!<<
>>High enough?<<, George inquires with a laugh while he squints up at me and strokes my legs with his thumbs, which he holds tightly with his large hands. Slowly, I let my gaze slide up from his face and look around widely. Wow. Already when I arrived the meadow looked huge but this....
>>Yes..., yes I think so. I could get used to it.<<, I answer mischievously and stroke with my hand through his hair, which was disheveled by his action, to straighten it at least to some extent. Whereupon he shakes his head however and makes my work very successful so immediately again to nought. He is simply charming. In his very own way.
>>As you want, Darling.<<, he brings on devotedly and holds me demonstratively more firmly. A while we go, or rather he, in such a way further and look at the most diverse booths, before we finally stop in front of a small one and he expels me with a flowing movement again his shoulders. As soon as my feet finally reach solid ground again, I stretch all my limbs and look at George, who is talking to the merchant. After a short moment in which I look around again, a hand suddenly grabs one of my cheeks before something cool brushes the other. George's face appears in front of me and he repeats the whole thing with the other side.
>>Perfect.<<, is the only word that leaves his mouth with the curled corners. Triumphantly, he shows me his just-acquired makeup pencil with the colors of the Irish.
>>Now bend down already.<<, I give giggling from me and take the tool from him. With a theatrical curtsy, he bends over and lets the procedure take place. Before he can stand up again, however, I press a kiss to his lips, which he accepts willingly with a satisfied sounding grumble.
When I slowly detach myself from him again, his hand slides around my waist as a matter of course and pulls me closer to him. I yield to him and enjoy the moment with him, before I have to share it with the others again.
>>Now it's time to show the Bulgarians who plays better!<<, George exclaims enthusiastically and we slowly make our way back to the tent.
If you want to be tagged, just write me at what.
Strictly do not: copy, claim or translate those stories of mine anywhere else  
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oncasette · 1 year
THE GOLDEN TRIO. send in a character from this list + any au! and i’ll give my headcannons about them
um okay I need your thoughts on dad!george weasley !!!
george is the best dad ever and i stand by that
his kids love him so bad because he’s the Funny dad. the dad that all the kids want to ride with on field trips—before they’ve reach hogwarts age.
he’s a pee-wee quidditch coach! can you just imagine! please! the little whistle around his neck, god
his little girl absolutely adores him. and he’s just absolutely wrapped around her little finger. they take naps together on the couch every day.
teaches the kids silly little charms before they’re of age so that they can wreak havoc when they are finally of age.
brings them to molly’s a lot when it’s his day to watch them. watches them play in the garden, and watches his daughter help molly make fudge.
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Prankster Darling, George Weasey x Female OC
1991-1992 : Le Chupacabra (Partie 1)
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❀ George et Fred l'avaient rencontrée en troisième année et l'avaient tout de suite prise sous leurs ailes. Ils l'appelaient le chupacabra et sa réputation de bagarreuse était légendaire à Poudlard. George, quant à lui, n'avait jamais vu Théodora Tonks autrement que comme le garçon manqué en colère qu'elle était.
Un fameux été 1994, Théodora change du tout au tout et est bien décidée à réclamer le cœur de George Weasley.
/!\ Cette œuvre ne m'appartient pas en totalité. La plupart des personnages (et quelques évènements) qui apparaîtront dans cette fiction sont issus de l'univers du Monde des Sorciers, créés par JK Rowling. /!\
La fraîcheur de l'hiver s'installait doucement sur le château de Poudlard. Dans le ciel noir, les chouettes et les hiboux peinaient à trouver leurs chemins parmi les nuages d'encre. Théodora dévalait la colline en direction de la petite cabane accueillante d'Hagrid. Ce dernier lui avait demandé de passer pour qu'elle rencontre le nouveau botruc dont il s'occupait. De là où elle se trouvait, elle parvenait à sentir le parfum alléchant de ses biscuits rochers. Elle se frotta les mains à la perspective de bientôt pouvoir fourrer les fameux gâteaux dans sa bouche. Théodora semblait être la seule à Poudlard à apprécier la pâtisserie du garde-chasse. Elle avait immanquablement des goûts douteux en matière de cuisine.
Elle se trouvait à quelques mètres quand elle entendit les éclats de voix qui émanaient de la lisière de la forêt. Elle plissa les yeux pour ajuster sa vision. Théodora reconnut aussitôt la tête blonde pale de Drago Malefoy, encadré par les carrures imposantes de Crabbe et Goyle, ses fidèles acolytes. Elle tendit l'oreille tout en poursuivant sa route. Malefoy semblait aboyer des insultes sur quelqu'un. Les injures fusaient en un flot ininterrompu de lave ardente. De temps en temps, il marquait une pause pour laisser le temps à Crabbe et Goyle d'assimiler ce qu'il disait. Ces deux derniers s'écroulaient de rire, applaudissant comme des primates devant un spectacle de clowns. 
Théodora s'arrêta pour voir à qui il s'adressait. Son regard tomba alors sur les visages identiques de Fred et George Weasley. Les jumeaux dardaient Malefoy d'un œil brillant, retenus chacun par un Lee Jordan et une Angelina Johnson essoufflés. Un sourire triomphal s'étalait sur le visage du Serpentard qui reprit de plus belle. L'on pouvait lui reprocher bien des choses mais il fallait reconnaître que sa pugnacité n'avait pas d'égal à Poudlard. Théodora se réfugia derrière un arbre pour les observer sans être vue. 
-...une honte pour les sorciers du monde entier,sifflait la voix trainante de Malefoy. Pas étonnant que vous vous comportiez de la sorte. Moi aussi, je me rebellerai contre le règlement si j'habitais dans un tel trou à rats. Je me demande comment fait leur mère pour passer la porte quand on sait qu'elle est aussi imposante que ce balourd d'Hagrid !
Crabbe et Goyle s'esclaffèrent une nouvelle fois. Les visages des jumeaux se durcissaient sous les paroles de Malefoy. Théodora fut aussitôt submergée par une vague de compassion envers eux deux. Les médisances de Malefoy n'épargnaient personne ; elle en avait elle-même fait les frais en son premier jour d'école, le lendemain de la cérémonie des répartitions. Elle avait subi ses attaques sans rien dire et s'était contentée de serrer les poings en se détournant. Cependant, le voir se défouler ainsi sur les frères Weasley avec une telle véhémence la remplissait de rage, sentiment auquel elle était souvent sujette depuis quelques temps.
- Mon père dit que le père Weas-moche n'en a plus pour longtemps au ministère.  Apparemment, on s'est finalement rendu compte de sa médiocrité. Ce n'est qu'une question de temps avant qu'on l'expédie avec un bon coup de pied au...
Théodora ressentit une douleur cuisante sur ses phalanges, les mêmes qui venaient de frapper Drago Malefoy à la mâchoire. Ce dernier s'étala sur le sol, faisant se soulever les mottes de terre. Il leva des yeux surpris sur Théodora qui se tenait au-dessus de lui, le visage toujours déformé par la fureur. Sa lèvre inférieure étaient fendue et un mince filet de sang souillait sa cravate rayée de vert et argent. Il esquissa un sourire douloureux.
- Va jouer ailleurs Malefoy !
- Tiens tiens, on a réveillé la bête, pouffa-t-il en se relevant. T'es le dragon de garde des Weas-moche maintenant ?
Ces derniers semblèrent s'être calmés après l'arrivée de Théodora. Ils parvinrent à se défaire des poignes de Lee et d'Angelina. Théodora les entendait respirer derrière elle. La tension était palpable. Elle sentait leur colère fendre l'air alors qu'ils continuaient d'observer Malefoy.
Il épousseta les pans de sa robe. Une lueur s'alluma au fond de son regard gris ; visiblement, l'idée de molester Théodora à son tour lui donnait une grande satisfaction. Il avait l'air d'un chien venant de débusquer un rat dans les buissons. Son visage trahissait sa malveillance. 
- Comment oses-tu poser la main sur moi, infâme sang-mêlé ?
Théodora frémit. Les yeux de Malefoy se posèrent sur ses poings serrés. Il jubilait. Derrière lui, Crabbe et Goyle s'agitaient, curieux de connaître la suite des évènements. Théodora n'avait pas peur d'eux ; en revanche, elle redoutait les paroles acerbes de Malefoy. Qu'il s'attaque à elle était une chose, qu'il s'attaque à sa famille et à ses parents en particulier, en était une autre.
- Tu sais ce qu'on chuchote au sujet de ta mère, Tonks ?
Les oreilles de Théodora bourdonnaient. Elle savait parfaitement ce que pensait les Malefoy du style de vie de sa mère. Elle savait également que les sentiments qu'ils entretenaient à l'égard d'Andromeda Tonks n'avaient rien de tendre.
Théodora ne lui laissa pas le temps de terminer sa phrase et laissa sa colère exploser. Elle s'élança vers Malefoy et levant sa jambe, asséna un coup de genou dans l'abdomen du garçon qui se plia en deux sous l'effet de la douleur. Sa figure se colora d'une belle couleur pourpre. Elle brandit alors, son poing évitant de justesse la main potelée de Goyle qui cherchait son bras pour le retenir. Elle sentit le nez en pointe de Drago se briser sous la puissance de son coup. Le bruit de son os qui cédait envoya une décharge délicieuse le long de son épine dorsale. Crabbe et Goyle s'affolèrent en voyant le sang gicler. Ils prirent Drago chacun par un bras pour l'entraîner vers le château. 
Les quatre autres n'avaient toujours pas bougé, la bouche béante. Le cœur de Théodora bondit dans sa poitrine. L'idée qu'elle ait pu infliger la douleur à Malefoy, même infime fût-elle, la délectait. Le bruissement léger du feuillage au-dessus de sa tête suffit à couvrir le murmure de sa respiration haletante. Elle entendit vaguement les clameurs admiratives provenant du petit groupe de Gryffondors mais préféra se retrancher dans sa solitude. Elle se para d'un sourire et reprit la direction de la cabane d'Hagrid, les pensées déjà tournées vers les biscuits-rochers. 
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On vint chercher Théodora dans son dortoir quelques heures plus tard. Elle cessa de brosser les poils de Plumeau, son chat, pour suivre la préfète de sa maison. Sur le chemin, elles n'échangèrent aucun mot mais Théodora n'eut aucun mal à deviner leur destination.
Côte à côte, elles descendirent une volée de marches et traversèrent un long couloir sinistre, seulement éclairé par la lumière de torches murales. La préfète la conduisait au bureau du professeur Rogue où l'attendait également le professeur Chourave.  La professeure de Botanique posa sur elle un regard bienveillant quand elle entra dans la pièce à la lueur tamisée.
 Le bureau du professeur Rogue était de nature assez  austère et son plafond voûté lui donnait un air de donjon. Des étagères sur lesquels luisaient des centaines de bocaux couraient le long de chaque mur. 
La préfète prit congé après avoir soufflé un "bonne chance" à Théodora. Retrouvée seule avec les deux professeurs, elle se maudit elle-même d'avoir cultivé sa fâcheuse tendance à perdre son sang-froid. 
- Mademoiselle Tonks, savez-vous pourquoi vous avez été appelée dans ce bureau ?demanda le professeur Chourave.
Elle contourna le bureau en bois de frêne du professeur Rogue pour se retrouver face à  Théodora qui haussa nonchalamment les épaules. Les talons de ses bottes de cuir martelaient le sol dallé d'une manière sinistre.
- Je suppose que Malefoy s'est plaint à mon sujet...
- Monsieur Malefoy affirme que vous l'auriez agressé, plus tôt dans l'après-midi. Est-ce vrai ?
- Enfin professeure, vous avez entendu comme moi les témoignages des Messieurs Crabbe et Goyle ! intervint le professeur Rogue.
Il releva légèrement le menton pour toiser Théodora par dessus son nez crochu.  
- Je préfère écouter la version de mademoiselle Tonks avant d'établir les faits.
- Les faits,répliqua sèchement le professeur Rogue, chère professeure Chourave, se sont déroulés comme suit. Le jeune Malefoy se promenait à la lisière de la forêt en compagnie de ses camarades de classe quand mademoiselle Tonks l'a agressé.
- Il s'en est pris aux frères Weasley, il fallait bien que quelqu'un riposte !se défendit Théodora en dardant sur Rogue un regard plein de défi.
- N'avez-vous pas jugé utile de faire appel à un professeur au lieu de rendre justice vous-même ?
Théodora se contenta de baisser les yeux, préférant se murer dans le silence. Elle avait beau jouer les dures, le regard glacé du professeur de potions l'intimidait. Elle croisa les mains derrière son dos pour les empêcher de trembler mais se redressa pour faire croire à ses interlocuteurs qu'elle n'avait pas perdu sa contenance. Elle entendit nettement le professeur Chourave pousser un soupir.
- Le règlement de l'école interdit les duels à la baguette magique mais les jeux de mains sont tout autant sévèrement punis.
La ton de sa voix fit frissonner Théodora qui n'avait pas l'habitude d'entendre le professeur s'exprimer si durement. 
- J'enlève cinquante points à Poufsouffle, reprit-elle.
Théodora étouffa sa plainte en mordant sa lèvre avec force. Elle pensa à la lettre qui tomberait bientôt entre les mains de ses parents, celle qui relaterait ses dernières frasques. Elle sentit un frisson d'effroi caresser son échine lorsqu'elle imagina leurs mines déçues. Ils l'avaient prévenue maintes fois de se faire toute petite, d'éviter les ennuis et surtout les bagarres. Mais Théodora avait toujours eu du mal à taire ses pulsions. Elle s'exprimait avec ses poings et n'hésitait pas à cogner si elle en ressentait le besoin. C'était sa façon bien à elle de rendre justice. Rogue grimaça et grogna doucement en croisant les bras sur sa poitrine, faisant onduler les pans de sa robe et lui donnant l'allure lugubre d'un corbeau.
- Seulement cinquante points ? Je vous rappelle qu'à l'heure même où nous parlons,  le jeune Malefoy se trouve à l'infirmerie, souffrant le martyr.
Le professeur Chourave leva un regard surpris vers lui.
- Qu'êtes-vous en train de suggérer ?
Le professeur Rogue esquissa l'ombre d'un demi-sourire, le seul geste de bonheur qu'il fût capable de réaliser.
- Je propose qu'on enlève cent points à mademoiselle Tonks, une sanction que j'estime plus que clémente.
Le professeur Chourave secoua énergiquement la tête en signe de dénégation.
- J'enlève cinquante points à Poufsouffle et Théodora Tonks sera également de corvée dans les serres pendant un mois.
Elle se tourna alors vers Théodora dont le cou s'enflammait d'embarras. 
- Vous arracherez les mauvaises herbes et vous occuperez de mes plantes. Je vous enverrai un hibou pour vous présenter plus amplement les termes de cette punition.
A côte d'elle, le professeur Rogue grinçait des dents, visiblement peu satisfait de la sentence prononcée. 
- Vous pouvez disposer.
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Thédora reçut un hibou au cours de la semaine suivante, la sommant de se rendre aux serres de Botanique le vendredi après-midi après les cours. Elle s'y rendit en traînant des pieds. Quand elle entra dans la serre numéro quatre, une bouffée de chaleur la frappa de plein fouet et colla à sa peau comme une ventouse. Le professeur Chourave était là, penchée sur un bubobulb dont elle extrayait le pus avec une douceur infinie. Elle n'avait pas semblé remarquer l'arrivée de Théodora qui toussota pour attirer son attention. 
- Ah bonjour mademoiselle Tonks !chantonna-t-elle en scellant un flacon de pus.
Elle paraissait étonnamment joyeuse compte tenu des récents évènements qui les avaient toutes les deux poussées à se réunir dans cette serre, un vendredi après-midi ensoleillé.
- J'espère que vous avez apporté vos gants de protection.
Théodora acquiesça vivement en tapotant la poche intérieure de sa robe, là où elle avait casé ses gants.
- Comme je vous l'ai expliqué dans la lettre que je vous ai envoyée, vous serez de corvée tous les vendredi pendant un mois et au-delà si besoin est. 
Elle retira ses gants en peau de dragon et les rangea dans l'armoire derrière elle. Théodora réalisa que c'était la première fois qu'elle voyait le professeur sans ses protections. Ses yeux tombèrent sur ses doigts fins, sur l'anneau brillant qui ornait son majeur. Avait-elle une vie en dehors de l'enceinte du château ? Avait-elle quelqu'un de spécial qui l'attendait à l'extérieur ? Le professeur surpris son regard. Elle ne tenta pas de cacher ses mains, comme Théodora s'y était attendue. Elle lui sourit et des rides se dessinèrent autour de ses yeux. 
- Inutile de vous dire que j'ai été très surprise d'apprendre ce qui s'était passé entre vous et monsieur Malefoy.
Le visage de Théodora s'assombrit.
- Surprise parce que j'ai réalisé que je m'étais trompée à votre sujet. Jusqu'à présent, je vous croyais différente de votre sœur mais maintenant, je sais que vous êtes aussi prompt à l'indiscipline que Nymphadora.
Elle rit doucement, suscitant un sourire sur les lèvres de Théodora.
- Je ne risque pas de m'ennuyer avec vous.
Son rire s'évanouit. Le professeur Chourave retrouva son sérieux.
- Vos raisons étaient louables, c'est pourquoi je ne ressens pas le besoin d'être sévère avec vous. De plus, vous êtes une très bonne élève et vous avez montré un réel talent pour ma matière. Je ne doute pas que vous traiterez mes plantes avec respect et soin. Peut-être vous découvrirez-vous une vocation dans cette branche, qui sait ?
Elle lança un clin d'oeil en direction de Théodora et ajouta :
- J'ai pris le soin de dresser une liste des tâches à accomplir que vous trouverez sur mon bureau. Je reste disponible si jamais vous veniez à être en difficulté. 
Théodora la remercia et le professeur quitta la serre en sifflotant joyeusement. Retrouvée seule, la jeune sorcière se dirigea vers le bureau. Elle parcourut d'un œil vif la liste du professeur Chourave et poussa un soupir en comptant le nombre de corvées à effectuer. Loin de se laisser abattre, elle rassembla ses cheveux en une queue de cheval et attrapa un balai et une pelle. Elle entreprit de nettoyer les tables maculées d'engrais. Elle rangea les produits contre les limaces sur les étagères, recompta les cache-oreilles, arrosa les plantes, rempota les pots. Elle travaillait en fredonnant, se trouvant ravie de pouvoir accomplir toutes ces tâches. Théodora se rendit vite compte que sa punition n'en était pas vraiment une. Elle se sentait apaisée au milieu de toutes ces plantes. Même la chaleur étouffante de la serre ne semblait plus la déranger. Les heures s'étiraient mais Théodora se complaisait à aller et venir dans la serre, redoutant le moment où elle devrait raccrocher ses gants et retrouver le brouhaha de sa salle commune. Il y avait encore tant à faire !
Munie d'une pince et de ses gants en peau de dragon, Théodora s'approcha d'un figuier abyssinien. C'était la première fois qu'elle en voyait un d'aussi près. La plante n'était pas au programme de première année mais elle avait lu assez de livres de botanique pour savoir  exactement comment s'y prendre avec elle ; visiblement, le professeur Chourave avait assez confiance en elle pour lui laisser la responsabilité d'une plante aussi capricieuse. Elle taillait en silence, les sourcils arqués, concentrée sur ses gestes. 
- Pas mal ta punition ! 
Théodora sursauta et laissa échapper un petit cri aigu. Elle se tourna vers la voix qui l'avait interpelée. Les jumeaux Weasley lui souriaient à l'autre bout de la serre. 
- Pourquoi on n'est jamais de corvée dans les serres ?s'enquit l'un d'eux en grognant. 
- C'est comme s'ils faisaient exprès de nous tenir éloignés des plus grandes sources de divertissement,commenta l'autre.
Ils secouèrent la tête avec un air faussement consterné et s'approchèrent de Théodora d'une démarche bondissante.
- Qu'est-ce que vous faîtes ici ?
- Avec George, on s'est rendu compte qu'on ne t'avait pas remercié pour ce que tu avais fait pour nous.
- Nous ne sommes pas facilement impressionnés mais je dois avouer que ton crochet du droit était incroyable.
Ledit George mima le coup de poing que Théodora avait asséné à Malefoy. Son frère grimaça et s'affala sur le sol de la serre, dans une parfaite imitation du serpentard. Ils éclatèrent de rire, se tenant le ventre. Théodora était trop stupéfaite pour parler. Ils l'avaient rejointe volontairement ; ils s'étaient donc renseignés pour savoir où elle se trouvait. Ils étaient là pour elle, pour lui exprimer leur gratitude. Elle sentit une boule de chaleur se former dans sa poitrine. 
Théodora les regarda tour à tour. Elle n'avait jamais eu l'occasion de leur parler et ne les connaissait que de nom. Elle savait qu'ils étaient assez populaires dans l'école, connus pour être des farceurs impénitents, au cœur de tous les évènements à Poudlard. Qu'on les apprécie ou non, personne ne pouvait s'empêcher de les admirer, de rechercher leur compagnie et d'applaudir leurs méfaits. 
Plus vieux qu'elle de deux ans, les jumeaux entamaient leur troisième année à Poudlard. Théodora les avait remarqués dès le premier jour du mois de septembre alors qu'elle se faufilait sur les quais pour rejoindre le Poudlard Express. L'un d'eux câlinait une tarentule géante sous les regards excités de son frère et de Lee Jordan, heureux de leur présenter son animal de compagnie. Curieuse, elle s'était demandée si une telle compagnie était autorisée à l'école. Dès lors, elle n'avait jamais cessé de s'intéresser à eux, toujours au premier rang chaque fois que leurs farces troublaient les couloirs du château.
Les jumeaux avaient retrouvé leur calme et l'observaient en silence.
- Tu as encore du pain sur la planche on dirait.
Théodora haussa les épaules.
- Pas vraiment, il ne me reste qu'à choyer quelques plantes et passer la serpillère et j'aurais fini en un rien de temps.
- D'accord,firent-ils en chœur.
Ils attrapèrent une serpillère chacun.
- On va te donner un coup de main.
- Non non non, ne vous en donnez pas la peine. C'est ma punition.
- Punition que tu dois effectuer après nous être venue en aide. On te doit une fière chandelle, alors laisse-nous au moins te rendre la pareille.
- Vous n'êtes pas obligés.
Le jumeau qui venait de parler leva les yeux au ciel. Il se dirigea vers un coin de la serre et posa la serpillère à terre, prêt à frotter, aussitôt imité par son frère. Celui-ci prit la parole :
- Au fait, moi c'est Fred et lui c'est George.
- Je m'appelle Théodora Tonks.
Les visages de Fred et George s'illuminèrent.
- Attends ! T'es la petite sœur de Tonks ?
Théodora esquissa un sourire gêné. Jusqu'à présent, lorsqu'elle mentionnait être la petite soeur de Nymphadora Tonks, les gens la dévisageaient avec un regard noir avant de se plaindre avec passion des méfaits de la métamorphomage. Elle soupira.
- Je tiens à m'excuser de sa part pour tout ce que...
George l'interrompit, les yeux brillants et désinvoltes.
- Tu plaisantes,s'écria-t-il. Cette fille est un génie de la farce, une de nos meilleures rencontres à l'école. Son esprit facétieux ne sera jamais oublié, nous lui devons tant.
Il posa la main sur son cœur et leva les yeux vers le plafond avec un air solennel. Théodora ne put s'empêcher de sourire. Il émanait de lui quelque chose d'étrange ; une lumière radieuse et bienveillante. 
- Tu es une métamorphomage toi aussi ?s'enquit George. Comme ta sœur ? 
Théodora perdit son sourire. Elle leur tourna le dos, faisant mine de s'intéresser au figuier abyssinien. 
- Je n'ai malheureusement pas hérité de son talent.
Elle les entendit alors s'activer derrière elle. Théodora leur en fut reconnaissante de ne pas s'attarder sur le sujet. Les jumeaux s'appliquaient dans leurs tâches mais cette attitude sérieuse s'évanouit aussitôt quand George glissa dans l'eau laissée derrière par la serpillère de son frère. Celui-ci partit dans un grand éclat de rire, bientôt rejoint par Théodora. George se releva en pestant mais ne parvint pas à cacher le sourire qui étirait ses propres lèvres. Il jeta une poignée de bouse sur Fred qui s'étala par terre sans s'arrêter de rire pour autant. 
Théodora eut tout le loisir de les observer discrètement et remarqua plusieurs traits chez l'un qui le distinguaient de l'autre. Le visage de Fred paraissait légèrement plus rond que celui de George et ce dernier était légèrement plus grand. Un petit grain de beauté saillait le cou de George, petit détail introuvable chez son jumeau. Leurs regards ne pouvaient pas non plus être plus différents. Bien que tous deux étincelaient de malice, celui de George était tinté d'un velours plus doux, plus chaleureux. 
- On t'intrigue ?
George la considérait lui aussi. Théodora se détourna en rougissant et retourna à ses plantes. 
- Je suis juste étonnée de vous voir si appliqués. Vous donnez souvent l'impression d'être chaotiques de nature.
Fred ricana.
- Rassure-toi on l'est. Disons que nous savons rester sage quand la situation l'impose.
Il y eut plusieurs autres imprévus, durant lesquels Fred se fit mordre par un plant de snargalouf. Il paniqua et prétendit que la plante l'avait mordu avec tant de force qu'il faudrait sûrement lui amputer le doigt. George l'accusa de dramatiser et ils passèrent le reste du temps à se chamailler et en quelques minutes, la quantité de corvées avait sensiblement augmenté. Théodora en fut quelque peu ennuyée mais elle y voyait également l'opportunité de passer plus de temps avec les jumeaux. Ils se confondirent en excuses et promirent de tout nettoyer en quatrième vitesse.
Epuisée et affamée, Théodora s'arrêta pour consulter sa montre et réalisa avec amertume que le professeur Chourave ne lui avait pas précisé l'heure de la fin de sa retenue. Elle se débarrassa de ses gants et les fourra dans la poche de sa jupe.
- Je vous serai éternellement reconnaissante pour votre aide. 
Fred et George qui s'étaient accordé une pause étaient allongés sous une table. Ils tournèrent vers elle des visages usés. 
- Encore une fois, nous n'avons fait que te rendre la pareille pour ce que tu as fait pour nous dans la forêt.
- Même si on aurait pu faire autant de dégâts,ajouta Fred. Pas avec nos poings, bien entendu.
- Une farce soigneusement préparée peut aussi faire office de vengeance parfaite.
Théodora sourit. Elle devina sans mal ce qu'ils avaient en tête et espérait bien avoir raison.
- Vous compter piéger Malefoy ?
Les jumeaux haussèrent les épaules, un air malicieux passa furtivement sur leurs visages.
- Nous préférons garder cela secret pour le moment.
- Pour garder l'effet de surprise.
Ils complétaient la phrase de l'autre. Théodora n'était pas étrangère au phénomène de gémellité mais elle se trouvait toujours fascinée devant l'étrange lien qui unissait les doubles. Leur synchronicité ne manquait jamais de l'amuser. Elle poussa un cri d'excitation.
- Comment ? Vous allez remplacer son shampoing par de la teinture ? Piéger son chaudron pour que celui-ci explose en cours de Potions ? Ensorceler sa plume pour transformer toutes ses dissertations en chansons grivoises ? Remplir ses chaussettes de veracrasses ? Lui envoyer des lettres d'amour en lui faisant croire que c'est Rusard qui les a écrites ?
Les jumeaux riaient, visiblement surpris de témoigner de tant d'espièglerie de sa part. Plus Théodora parlait, plus les idées fusaient dans sa tête. Elle avait toujours adoré les farces. Quand on grandit avec une sœur comme Nymphadora Tonks, la malice et la facétie devient une partie importante de votre vie. 
Petite et pas encore en âge d'étudier à Poudlard, à chaque vacance d'été, elle attendait le retour de sa sœur de l'école  avec impatience pour entendre toutes les fabuleuses aventures qu'elle avait vécues avec son amie Tulipe Karasu. Nymphadora ne manquait jamais alors de lui rapporter des produits de chez Zonko et les deux sœurs s'amusaient à les tester sur leurs parents ; ceux-ci faisaient d'abord mine de les réprimander mais finissaient toujours par s'écrouler de rire avec elles.
- Est-ce que je peux y participer ? S'il vous plaît, ajouta-t-elle face à leur étonnement.
Les jumeaux firent une moue appréciatrice.
- George, est-ce que tu penses à la même chose que moi ?
- Que Théodora devrait rejoindre notre trio chaotique ?proposa George d'un ton excité.
- Il nous faut un quatrième cerveau et elle a l'air plutôt futée.
- Moi, j'apprécie ses talents de bagarreuse. Elle a l'apparence fragile d'une licorne mais elle est aussi féroce qu'un chupacabra.
Ils échangèrent une poignée de main avant de passer chacun un bras autour des épaules de Théodora. L'odeur de la bouse de dragon restée accroché sur la chemise de Fred la fit grimacer.
- Théodora Tonks, je suis fière de t'annoncer qu'à partir d'aujourd'hui tu rejoins officiellement la cour des Grands.
Théodora demeura interdite. George resserra son étreinte et le halo de lumière qui l'entourait lui et son jumeau sembla s'étendre pour envelopper la jeune sorcière. Elle sortit de la serre à leurs côtés et quand les têtes se tournèrent vers ce nouveau trio, elle sut que sa vie était sur le point de changer à tout jamais.
- Bienvenue, petit chupacabra.
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Pairings: George Weasley x Fem!reader Summary: George and you tend to sleep and cuddle in the same bed. Warning: none?
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you always found it normal, it was like an instinct to you
you've been doing it since you were kids, and over the years it just felt natural.
it started when you first came to the Burrow, you guys were 8, Fred and George invited you over for a sleepover.
you played the whole day together and when it came to bedtime, Molly said you would probably have to take the couch as there was no more room.
But George said you could share his bed, so you climbed into his bed and he set up a pillow wall inbetween you both.
you were woken up by the sound of a loud thunder and the flashing lights of the lightning. It was an understatement to say you were scared of storms, you were terrified.
you woke up George by your light sobbing and he found you under the covers, shaking.
he removed the pillow wall and put them on the floor. he pulled you closer to him, whispering that you were ok and safe. that when he's there, nothing will be able to hurt you.
you latched yourself onto him and he held you in his arms. letting you fall asleep.
from then on, when there was a storm, he would hold you and make sure you felt safe.
when you got to Hogwarts, that didn't change, the first time it stormed in your first year, you tried your best to just sleep but you couldn't. so you went to his dorm room and opened the door, finding his bed and crawling in to it, curling up next to him.
the movement woke him up and he cursed, scared by someone in his bed with him suddenly
"I'm sorry" you apologised, explaining the storm.
he wrapped his arm around you and went back to sleep after telling you it was ok.
that morning he said that if there was a storm and you couldn't sleep, to just go there to him and he'll keep you safe.
later on throughout the years you often found yourself just going to his room anyway, it started off just because you couldn't sleep, then because you felt like it, now it's just because you like it.
you like feeling safe and protected in his arms. you liked feeling his warmth and comfort. you liked it, and he liked it too, he, on the rare occasion will come to your room to sleep with you if you didn't go to his.
you and George's roommates didn't mind at first. in the first few years they thought it was cute, you guys found comfort in each other, they found it sweet.
but now that you're in your 6th year, they began to find it odd.
weird, even. I mean your friend Angie, who you shared a room with thought it was still cute, but that's because she found the idea of you two together cute. but she still felt like it was weird. and something about it was wrong.
you guys weren't together, it was only platonic, but the way you two entwined with each other while sleeping was strange to say the least, but you and George didn't think that.
even when you had a boyfriend for a bit in your 5th year, you still went to George in the night.
neither of you ever questioned it.
so when Fred finally brought it up with his twin, George grew curious and confused. there was nothing wrong with it.
"what do you mean it's weird?" George questioned his brother
"friends don't do that type of thing" Fred informed him "it's just not- it's odd"
"it's not odd, it's normal" George shrugged
"it would be normal if you were dating, not if you're only friends" Fred tries reasoning
"we're best friends" George corrected
"that doesn't make it any better- you know what, forget I said anything" Fred sighed
George thought about that for the rest of the day. was it really that weird, or was it just Fred that thought that?
so when he heard you come into his room that night, softly walking towards his bed, he started wondering.
he watched your figure crawl into his bed and curl up next to him
"hey" he mumbled, wrapping his arms around you as you snuggled into his chest
"hey, Georgie" you whispered
he looked down as you tangled your legs with his, your hand in his hair.
he stared at you, the moon hitting your figure perfectly.
he drew shapes on your side with his fingers gently, hearing you hum at the contact. he smiled down at you as you rested.
after a while of thinking about it, George wanted to discuss it with you
"hey Y/n?" he shifted, getting more comfortable, you groaned in protest before humming in response.
"is it wrong?" he questioned.
you moved, moving your hand from his hair, eyes remaining closed
George felt bad, you were just trying sleep and he was laying there, admiring you, wondering why you two do this.
"is what wrong, Georgie?" you grumbled
you fell silent, and he wondered if you fell asleep
"Love?" he nudged you
"huh?" you whined
"do you think it's weird that we sleep together?" he interrogated quietly.
you moved away from him, opening your eyes as you yawned
"do you?" you inquired tiredly
"no" he responded shortly
"then why are you asking?" you frowned
"I don't know, you don't think it's wrong?" he leaned up, supporting himself on his elbows
"well now I'm starting to" you rubbed your eyes
you both went quiet for a moment, making it awkward
"I'll just stop coming over then, if that makes you feel better" you removed the covers and starting getting up off of his bed, he reached up and grabbed your wrist
"no, no, I like it. come back" he pulled you back into his bed. he put the covers over you and held onto you, resting his head on your chest
"I don't know, Fred was saying it wasn't normal. that friends shouldn't do this. it's a couples thing" he told you. he felt your hands in his hair again, and he felt himself begin to relax.
"well then you should know what to do" you shrugged
you weren't gonna deny your feelings for him, after all the late nights where he would hold you and tell you he's there for you, you couldn't help but wish you guys were something more
luckily, George always felt the same deep down, how could he not. the way you curled up next to him, your hand resting on his chest, right on his heart. it made his heart beat faster, and he was sure you could feel it.
"what should I do?" he questions cluelessly
"you should ask her out, that's what" you heard Fred but in from his bed
"Fred?" George sat up, looking over to his brothers friend
"don't try to deny it. you both fancy each other." the older twin said casually as he turned in his bed
you and George both looked at each other, seeing the love and care in your eyes.
"do you- uh, Hogsmeade? t-"
"yes" you cut him off, smiling up at him. he smiled back, laying back doing, holding you in his arms.
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l0standn0tf0und · 5 months
more of my fav works with George Weasley
first part
third part
fourth part
fifth part
♡ = smut, 18+ only
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her rhinestones, they shine endlessly
i think he’d look worse in pink
wish it on your worst enemy
goofy summer morning
dear george, love (y/n)
the rest will be history (I'm not afraid of these words: THIS IS LITERALLY THE BEST THING I'VE EVER READ! I mean, I cried, and I laughed, and it's just the best 4,9k words in my life)
what once was mine
don't make her wait
freckles and smiles
pretty good idea
little white lies
pay attention
in disguise
only angel
space girl
♡alone at last
♡one more night
♡decorated for me
♡delightfully devilish
♡each other's first time
♡george weasley during sex
♡george weasley headcanons
♡nsfw alphabet for george & y/n
♡kinktober 2023 - george weasley
♡george overstimulating you, and you cry
all the love to the authors of all these masterpieces: @dracoxsworld @george-weasleys-girl @siriusblackloml @acciojaeyun @gimme-gimme-georgie-weasley @desideriumwriter @pinkandblueblurbs @thebadgerclan @horrorxweasley @elfenbensord @honeymoonblues @lightininglydia @hpimaginesandblurbs @weelittleweasley
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desideriumwriter · 6 months
Don't Make Her Wait | G.W. x Fem!Reader
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Summary: With the Yule Ball coming up, George knows who he wants to take as his date, you. Too nervous to ask, Fred helps him out with a bit of luck. 
Pairing: George Weasley x Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
WC: 2.4k
CWs: cursing, poorly proofread
A/N: this has been sitting around for a bit so I lazily finished it the other night sooo have this while I work on other things!
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The Yule Ball was only a week away and George still hadn’t scored a date. Everyone around him had dates or at least knew who they were going to ask.
George tried to mentally take notes when Fred asked out Angelina. But, he was puzzled at how Fred did it with such ease. He asked her out with no hesitation, no awkwardness, just with courage, he was confident.
Fred suggested that George should just ask out Katie Bell, it was obvious that she had a liking towards him. Angelina even offered that she could ask her or Alicia Spinnet to go with George.
But that’s what the problem was, George didn’t want to just ask out Katie as his date, or Alicia, or any other girl. He wanted you as his date. He wanted you.
He just couldn’t find the courage nor confidence to ask you yet.
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George lazily spun noodles around his fork with a gloomy look on his face, his tall figure hunched over the wooden table. Fred and Lee both looked at each other and sighed at the mopey sight of George.
“Why don’t you just go and ask out y/n?” Fred questioned as he crossed his arms and rested them on the table.
“She’s probably got her eyes on one of those Durmstrang boys. I wouldn’t be surprised if she already has a date.” George muttered.
“Are you kidding me? She’s had eyes for you since last year! She practically stares at you for 80 percent of the time in charms!” Lee cried out.
“It’s because I’m always talking or being disruptive in some way! Anyways, I really don’t think she would care to go with me. I’m sure she’s already gotten a date.” George shrugged, a gloomy look on his face as he stared and poked at his food.
Fred and Lee only looked at George as if he’d gone mad.
“She doesn’t, you idiot!” Fred yelled, accidentally getting the attention of a few students near him. Silently apologizing and waiting for them to turn their heads before he began to talk again.
“She doesn’t have a date because I already overheard her in the common room complaining about how she doesn’t have a date and wants a certain someone to ask her to it.” Fred seethed, his tone strong but voice quiet.
It took a few seconds for George to realize who that “certain someone” was. It was him.
“Wh- Are you serious?” He was surprised, clumsily setting down his fork and leaning in.
“The most I've ever been.” Fred said with a stoic expression as he tilted his chin down.
“She talks about you quite a lot, and asks about you.” Lee hinted to George. “Now, all you’ve got to do is ask her out. Don’t make her wait.” Lee pointed at him, his face matching Freds.
“Yeah I know! But…I don’t know how! I don’t know what to say or what to do!”
“Oh come on, just go up to her and ask, she’ll say yes, and then congrats, you’ve got her as your date.” Fred shrugged and Lee nodded in agreement.
George disagreed however, it wasn’t as easy as Fred and Lee saw it to be. He wasn’t going to ask you out like Fred asked out Angelina, he wasn’t going to throw a crumpled paper ball at you and ask you in the middle of class. He wanted it to be special.
“No! I need to do something nice for it! I’m not gonna give her some boring proposal.” He scoffed.
“Then get her some flowers or chocolate, girls like flowers, right?” Fred commented as he shoved a mouthful of chicken into his mouth.
“It’s really not that hard, George. You’re overthinking it. Just go ask her.” Lee added in.
“I can't! I can’t do it.” George blurted out, dropping his head in his hands. Fred rolled his eyes, Lee tucked in his lips and shook his head disappointedly.
“Well, why not? What’s stopping you?” A bit of irritation was present in Fred’s voice, he was tired of George’s excuses and moping.
“I’m…scared.” George muttered, bringing his head up a bit.
“Scared? You’re scared?” Fred gawped, his voice slightly muffled due to his full mouth.
“I’ve seen you break school rules right in front of professors with no hesitation, you’ve stolen from honeydukes more times than I can count, entered the forbidden forest in the middle of the night without a smudge of fear on your face…but you're too scared to ask a girl out?” Fred was genuinely amused by George’s statement.
George groaned and grimaced, dropping his head back into his hands once again.
Fred realized he needed to do something. He needed to somehow bring up his brother's confidence. Later that night, he thought of just the lucky thing he could do.
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Fred sat down excitedly the table, looking George straight into the eyes.
“Alright first things first,” Fred set his crossed arms on the table. “you have to ask her before the end of today, or I'll ask her for you.” George’s eyes widened at his ultimatum.
“What? You’re not going to ask her! I’m the one who’ll be asking first!” George cried out, dropping his hands on the table.
“Exactly. You will be asking her first. Or I’ll tell her for-” Fred began to point at him.
“I get it! I’ll ask her today, fine! Now, can you tell me whatever bloody thing you have planned to help me?” George complained, impatient and anxious.
Fred leaned back from the table, looking around to see just in case any professors or staff were focused on them. Once he knew no one had their eyes on them, he gestured for the others to get closer.
The three boys leaned in and hunched together over the table. Fred pulled something out from his pocket and placed it carefully in the middle of the table.
It was a small vial that was filled with a golden liquid and had a tag that said Felix Felicis attached around the neck of the vial.
“Felix Felicis?” George slowly spoke aloud while taking a good look at the glass. “Isn’t this the same stuff that’s banned from Quidditch competitions?”
“It's also called liquid luck and…yes.” Fred pointed out to him, mumbling the last word in the sentence.
“Liquid luck, really? You’re telling me I need a potion just to ask a girl out?” George scoffed.
“Yes.” Fred responded flatly. “You’re being too much of a priss, I’d make you take a shot of firewhiskey instead if I could get my hands on some right now.”
“Doesn’t this take six months to brew?” Lee questioned, trying to stop another argument between the twins from happening, he picked up the vial to look at it. Fred simply nodded as his answer.
“So, how’d you get it done overnight? Or have you just been hiding this from me?” George blurted out, he seriously doubted that Fred had kept a secret from him for six months, especially a secret about a potion.
“I didn’t make it, I stole it from Snape's cupboards, along with the recipe.” Fred shrugged and proudly smiled while nudging Lee, who was still staring intently at the small bottle.
“Snape had a whole rack of little vials of this one in his cupboard. To be honest, I would’ve taken-“ Fred trailed off, stopping once he realized the two boys were staring at him blankly.
“Anyways, all you have to do is drink some of it and let it do its trick.” He shrugged.
“You’re sure of this? It’s not toxic?” George questioned as Lee handed him the bottle.
“No. Hopefully not.” Fred muttered, George popped the cork off the vial and sniffed what was inside.
“Merlin! That smells horrid!” He grimaced and moved his face away from the vial.
“Just drink it before I make you.” Fred warned, wanting his twin to get it over with.
George took a deep breath and tilted his head slightly back.
“Maybe not the…whole thing.” Fred was too late with his warning, George had already begun to dump the entirety of the liquid into his mouth.
“I was gonna suggest he should put it in his drink.” Lee said concerningly. He watched as his brother swallowed the potion with a scrunched up face, grimacing at the strong taste of the potion.
“So, how do you feel?” Lee questioned, his eyebrows knit together in concern. George didn’t respond for a minute, he only took a large, deep, sharp, breath.
“Amazing. Absolutely amazing.” A grin took over his face. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do, but I’m gonna do something.” He slammed his hands on the table as he jumped from his seat, running happily out of the Great Hall before Fred or Lee could get a single word out.
“How far do you think he’s gonna go with it?” Lee leaned over to Fred, both of them watching the other twin leave the area.
“Far.” Was all Fred could say, knowing that his twin was coming up with something big.
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You shut your textbook almost immediately after Professor Flitwick dismissed the class, this was your second to last class of the day and you wanted nothing more than the school day to be over.
As you and the other students began to gather your items and bags, some random force caused your textbook to slide off your desk and hit the floor with a loud thud. You silently groaned and sighed to yourself, you began to crouch down to grab it but a pair of hands were already clasped around it, holding it out to you.
George was handing your book to you with a huge smile on his face, you noticed the small folded up paper that appeared on the top.
You unfolded the tiny and read the messily written note.
Quidditch pitch, 6:30PM - G.W.
By the time you looked up, George was already walking out the door, his mop of ginger hair getting lost into the crowd of students.
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George was nowhere to be seen, he wasn’t anywhere in the common room, or at lunch, or his usual spot in the corridors. It was strange. It was as if he vanished right after he gave you that note.
You left the common room at six, since it was a bit of a walk to get from there to the quidditch pitch. You swiftly walked down the corridors, constantly looking over your shoulder for Flich, hoping he wasn’t lurking around to find a student he could yell at. Hoping that you wouldn’t be that student.
While turning the corner, you came across a line of viola flower petals, orange and purple. They were leading down the hallway. You followed the trail of petals, even though you knew where you needed to go.
The trail continued even once you’d reached the entrance of the Quidditch pitch, you pushed past the curtains to find a jar full of your favorite candies from Honeydukes sitting in front of your feet, your initials scribbled on the top of the lid. You were surprised no bugs were crawling over it, perhaps George cast a spell on it to keep them away.
Anyways, you continued to follow the trail, it ended in the middle of the Quidditch field, stopping at a small gift box, a ribbon messily tied around it.
You grinned and bit down on your bottom lip, picking up the box and untying the ribbon nicely. You cautiously slid off the lid of the box, a noise came out of it, a crackling noise. Before you could even peek into the box, tiny fireworks began to spring out of the box, flying all around, some fireworks exploding into tiny heart shapes in front of your face, sparklers making their own heart shapes as well.
Large ones began to shoot out, exploding into letters in the sky and spelling out your name. The small box fell out of your hands and landed in the grass as the sparks continued to fly out. You took a few steps back, keeping your distance from the box to prevent any sparks accidentally hitting your robe or hair. While in the process, your back hit into someone's chest.
“Hi!” George shouted, causing you to jump and let out a small yelp at his unexpected appearance behind you.
He had the biggest grin you’ve ever seen on his face. You haven’t seen him smile this hard since he and Fred let off a dungbomb in Filch's office and stole the Marauders Map from one of his drawers in their first year.
“Oh! Hi, Georgie.” You nervously chuckled. His behavior was different, he was more hyper than usual. He was acting as if he was a shook up can of soda that was ready to burst.
“You got my note!” He cheered.
“I did! Are you okay? You seem…joyful.” You tried to look normal, rather than completely worried.
“I’m great! Better than ever!” You could see that look on his face. Where he knew something, he had a trick up his sleeve.
“So what’s all this about? The flowers, the crazy fireworks, the candy, what’s going on?” You knew exactly what was going on, or at least you hoped you did. What else would he have done all this for?
He got down on one knee, holding the bouquet of violas close to you, he wasn’t really sure what he was doing but he didn’t really care, the excitement running through his entire body was overpowering everything else.
“Would you Y/N Y/L/N, be my date for the Yule Ball?” You couldn’t help but giggle, holding a hand over your mouth to try and contain yourself.
His expression faltered a bit, but that grin was still glued on his face.
You weren’t giggling at the fact George was asking you out, you were giggling at the eager way he did it, the lengths he went to for it. You were also extremely nervous.
George raised an eyebrow, hinting that he was waiting for your response. You caught on and swallowed your giggles.
“Of course.” You nodded excitedly, taking the bouquet from his hands as he stood up.
He gave you a quick kiss on your forehead before fully standing up straight. His face was beginning to hurt from smiling so much, but he couldn’t stop, he carried on with his joy.
“You know you could’ve just gotten me the flowers and asked? You didn’t have to do all this.” You blushed.
“Yeah, I know.” George grinned wildly as he shrugged.
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val-made-a-mistake · 1 year
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(not my gif)
summary: liquid courage - that's firewhiskey. a drink you and george can both overindulge in, sometimes, but it always seems to bring you closer together.
warnings: fluff central, alcohol (obviously), underage drinking, hangovers, mentions of vomiting, just a disclaimer, it’s been several years since i last picked up the harry potter series, you can probably guess the reason why, so i SINCERELY doubt everything will perfectly follow the timeline. my friend asked me to write something for the twins for her birthday and gave me her blessing to post, please know i’m trying my best lol. this is set loosely during the summer where the weasleys and friends attend the world cup. (google confused me on the twins’ ages so they’re seventeen, not sixteen.)
word count: 1k
tag list: @mizu-soup
a/n: happy birthday fred and george! psst...when i first posted the sneak peek of this fic, i said i had written SCENES for george, not just this singular one you'll (hopefully) read after the "read more" line. i'm planning to post these scenes as a little ficlet series eventually and develop george and reader's relationship more (firewhiskey is the main theme in all of them, as you can probably guess) but my life is a total dumpster fire at the moment, so who knows how fast that'll happen. please enjoy for now :) i love you
Up on the highest floor of the Burrow, the window was a thin, uncurtained rectangle stretching up to the roof, and early in the morning, if, say, you’d gotten so drunk on Firewhiskey the night before you’d blacked out and subsequently forgotten to hoist Ginny’s old mattress up against the wall to cover it, the sunrise nearly blinded you and every other occupant of the room come 7 AM.
Not the most pleasant awakening one could have in the early morning.
“Merlin,” Fred moaned, wincing at the stream of sunlight and shoving his face into the pillow. “Ron, get the bloody mattress.”
“Why does it have to be me?” Ron cried, bounding up from the misshapen heap of blankets on the floor.
“You’re closest, you moron!” George snapped back. “Dunno about Fred, but my head’s pounding, Y/N woke up with her head in the bucket…”
“I’m awake, George,” you bit out from the opposite side of the room, absentmindedly grabbing onto the rim of the bucket in case you were to throw up again: your mouth tasted like something had died and rotted in your throat, and your voice sounded rough and gravelly from the dehydration. “Fuck, that’s the last time I’m drinking Firewhiskey…”
“You lot okay?” Harry whispered from opposite Ron on the floor. You didn’t think anything of it at the time, but he was clutching his forehead, gently rubbing his scar. Regardless of what it may have meant, you felt pity for him: you, Fred, and George might have just turned seventeen, and had drank Firewhiskey plenty before you’d legally been able to, but Harry was fourteen, much too young for a hangover. God, he’d only wanted a sip, why’d you let it go this far?
“We’re alive, I think,” Fred groaned as Ron got up to block the window; his voice was still muffled from his head in the pillow. “Mum will have everything in the pantry for a Rejuvenation Potion, right?”
“Reckon we can nick the cauldron from Percy’s room?” you put in tiredly, rolling over onto your back to stare at him.
George snorted and rolled his eyes. “Oh, no, Y/N, that’s gonna be impossible.”
You’d opened your mouth to hit him with a snarky remark of your own, but too late: in a blink of an eye, George had vanished.
Before you could even roll your eyes at how abruptly he disappeared— and how clever he obviously thought he was as you’d failed your Apparition Test three times in a row and still couldn’t legally do it — he’d Apparated back into the room with a small rusty cauldron in his hands.
“Percy’s in the kitchen,” he told the room, his grin as smug as ever. “Go down and distract him for me, will you? Look alive, you lot.”
The sunlight no longer a threat to his wellbeing, Fred rose from the squashed, broken mess of a couch, rubbing his eyes. “I’ll see what Mum’s making for breakfast.”
He Disapparated, but not fast enough for you not to spot his identical grin. You had to glare at the wall. They loved teasing you, and no matter how much you may have loved them, you’d never hear the end of it.
There was an awkward silence as everyone seemed unwilling to move.
“Ron, get out,” George said, looking over at the misshapen heap of blankets that bore a wincing Ron.
“Fuck you,” he shot back immediately, and George grinned.
“You better not let Mum hear that sass. Harry, I love you mate, I don’t want to sound like I’m kicking you out, but can you leave me and Y/N alone for a moment? Potion’s gonna take, like, fifteen minutes to brew.”
“No problem,” Harry groaned, reaching for his glasses as he climbed to his feet. “Ron, c’mon.”
Much slower than either of the twins, Ron got up, wobbled to the door with his best friend’s aid, and with the loud CREAK of the door opening, they were gone. George was already taking the ingredients he’d gathered out of the cauldron: you saw several packets of herbs, tiny vials of juices, and a large stirring spoon.
Working deftly, he pointed his wand at the pan underneath the cauldron. “Incendio.”
A fire ignited immediately.
“Do you think you’re gonna vomit again?” he asked you as he ripped a packet of herbs open and dumped them into the cauldron. His voice was so gentle you almost didn’t register he was talking to.
You probably weren’t going to, so you finally let go of the bucket. “I don’t think so.”
“Last time she’s drinking Firewhiskey, she says,” he mocked you, wiggling his shoulders sarcastically. “That’s what you say literally ever morning after, you know.”
Slightly above him on the only bed of the room, you pinned him with the most searing death glare you could manage.
George grinned at you - his real grin, completely free of sarcasm or smugness. “Hang in there, love.”
A small silence fell as you watched him.
“I think if you had any ounce of ambition, you’d be a Healer at St Mungos,” you told him absentmindedly.
“St Mungos!” he gasped, his eyes jumping up to yours as he uncorked a small vial of a mysterious reddish juice. “How dare you, Y/N! You want to set me up with Snape for a few more years?”
You laughed, even though it upset your stomach, which was already growling incessantly. “No, I - I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Jesus, I need some of Molly’s scrambled eggs.”
“Go on without me,” he told you, eyeing a measurement of an equally mysterious brown powder that your Muggleborn background likened to hot cocoa mix. “Tell Mum I’m sleeping and am not to be disturbed. And tell Ron if he rats us out about what happens last night, he’ll wish he was never born.”
“I don’t think he will,” you said tiredly, rising. “But I’ll tell them nonetheless. I love you.”
“I love you too,” he responded. “Stay alive for me.”
You smiled gently; your head was still pounding, and now that you were on your feet, your whole world was spinning. “I’ll try.”
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Fred: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Y/N: Wasn't George with you?
George: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
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I’ve been loving these thingies! I feel so seen 🫣
(Follow the accounts written on the images through TikTok!!)
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h3rm0n13 · 4 months
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James and Oliver Phelps
Fred and George Wesley
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beansnsoup · 11 months
I saw your pinned post abt taking a break and honestly good for you, take all the time you need!!
I just wanted to send this bc I will most deff forget to ask when you come back but feel free to leave this in the inbox for months, take care of yourself first ❤️
Just a quick George x Fem reader who lived in the muggle world for yrs, George always has study session with her (which he calls study dates, much to her embarrassment) to help him in muggles studies even though it's his strongest subject (bc of his dad's job) and him asking what muggles do on dates and asking her help to develop a v thorough date plan that's for a class presentation (supposedly)- he also asks if she could take him there and have them act it out to help him memorize it for class, cute date commences with an entirely oblivious reader the whole way through, George confesses at the end but the reader thinks it's all to add realism till he finally had to convince her another way 💋👀(more than once bc she is still really contemplating if this is part of the study or not)
Ofc love, sorry this took so so long to get to
Test Subject
George Weasley x fem!reader
Summary: He's always been fascinated with you but has never gotten the courage to pursue his ideas. Until he finds the perfect excuse to get closer to you.
Warnings: flirting, angst if you squint, lmk if there's anything else
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"Come on, please!"
He was chasing you down the hallway while you were rushing to your next class.
"George, I told you, I'm busy."
"But here's the thing, I know you're not."
You groan and come to a stop. turning around to him, "Please, I need this extra help for this presentation in muggle studies."
"And it just so happens that it's about going on dates?"
"Yes! It's hard to explain right now, but will you just go out to Hogsmeade with me? Just to give me some pointers of what you muggles do on dates."
You thought for a minute, "Fine, but I'm going to think of this as tutoring so I'm going to be expecting payment."
"Ugh, alright, fine."
You smiled and speed walked with the remaining students in the hallway. Right after George made sure you turned the corner; he did a small victory dance.
You held his arm as he guided you through Hogsmeade. It wasn't too crowded that afternoon, so you were both free to do as much "studying" as you wanted without being disrupted.
First, he took you to go eat lunch, which led to you giving pointers.
He just listened to you even though he knew about a majority of these things. Because of his dad's jobs, he sort of flew through the muggle studies class, but he was just aching to spend time like this with you.
"George, are you even listening?"
"Hm?" He looks up from his food and raises an eyebrow, "Yes, of course."
You sigh, "I don't know how you suppose I'm going to help you when you never focus."
"How can I focus when there's such a beautiful girl in front of me?"
You cringe at his flirting, "I'd hit you but on muggle dates the men are just as intolerant."
George cheers, "Looks like I am focusing since I'm doing well."
You cleaned off with a napkin and set it on your plate, "Where to next?"
"Let me spoil you."
"With what cash George, you and Fred spend it on sweets and pranking supplies."
He scoffs, "I may have borrowed some from Harry, but he told me not to tell you so don't bring it up to him."
"George! You stole from Harry?"
"I said borrowed."
"Tonight went well."
You nodded, "It did."
He stuck by next to your door with you,
"Are you wanting a kiss goodbye Weasley?"
"You brought it up, not me."
He went in to close the gap between your lips, you went along with it, sensing that today had been a real date after all.
George pulled away, "See you tomorrow, gorgeous."
You stood there for a bit, trying to grasp on all that had happened, maybe you could do this again some time. You secretly hoped he'd ask.
You sat by yourself on a bench that viewed the forest, you didn't have a class for another 30 minutes, so you thought this was the best way to spend it.
"Why, hello there."
You turned around at the familiar voice, "George, how are you?"
"I've been well. You?"
"The same, say, how was your presentation, you said it was an early period, it's almost afternoon."
"Oh, well, about that."
You arched a brow, beginning to overthink, was it all just a prank, did he go back to Fred to laugh about how you fell for it and took him a date and told him all this stupid information?
"I never had to do that for muggle studies."
Your insides began to twist together, you were ready to get utterly humiliated.
"I just wanted to go out with you but didn't know how to ask."
"Look George if this another one of your sick jokes I don't want to hear it. I decided to spend all day with you yesterday, I evened kissed you for Merlin's sake."
You ran your fingers through your hair, you got up from the bench and started to walk away, "No, Y/N, that wasn't it at all."
"Then what was it, George? Why didn't you just ask from the start?"
"Because I didn't want to ruin our friendship if you said no."
You sighed, "Just tell me that you're really telling the truth, I don't think I can deal with you or myself if I find out that all of yesterday was just a big joke to you."
He walked up to you to cup your face in his palms, "Please just let me redeem myself, I love you so so much, more than you will ever know."
A tear ran down you cheek, You smiled as he wiped with his thumb,
"Thank you, you won't regret this Y/N. Let me show you how much I truly love you.
He gave you one quick kiss before hauling off to his next class across school.
I have no other exuse for taking so long for except the fact of being lazy and having huge HP writers block, pls forgive for it not being written very well.
You were so in love.
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raekensluver · 2 years
exhibition kink; fred weasley x fem!reader
what the title says. fred weasley with an exhibition kink....this is my first post of any of my writing, so if it's terrible, I apologize!
currently imagining ootp fred but u can imagine whichever era you want
you're staying over at the burrow
its summer and you, fred and george are sharing a bedroom
you and fred have been dating for a while
you two are sleeping in the same bed while george is on the other on the other side of the room
i feel like this whole thing starts from one of you having a wet dream about the other
it's you.
you have the dream.
fred is woken up by your soft moaning/whimpering
as you wake up by yourself and realize what you were doing fred would whisper to you
"what were you dreaming about my love?"
with the cheekiest smile ever
bc I said so
and that's when you would tell him.
"oh? what was i doing?"
"you were kissing me..."
"yeah? like this?
he would usher you onto his lap
and then he would start kissing your neck and somehow his hands would end up under your shirt.
your also wearing one of his shirts with no bra along with small pajama shorts while fred is shirtless and in pajama pants
as fred's really starting to get into it you would stop him and ask
"fred- what about george? what if he hears and wakes up...?
nervously glancing over to where he was sleeping
"then we gotta make sure he doesn't hear....can you do that for me love?"
you're still hesitant but let him continue
fred's now very impatient and eventually rips his shirt off of you and flips you and himself over so you're on the bottom
george is still fast asleep
 freds head is currently nestled between your shoulder while he's kissing ur neck
his hair is tickling your neck
his right hand is on the back of your head while his left is on the side of your neck
let us take a moment of silence for how god damn sexy this man's hands are omg
your hands are tangled in his hair
this seems like the moment you would let a small moan slip out
"be quiet darling....you don't want georgie to hear do you?"
when he finally buries his cock in you, you moan fairly loudly
"yea? you like that? does my pretty girl like that?"
right before he cums, it's one hard thrust and then it happens.
as he cums, it’s inside you and he’s groaning while his head is buried in your shoulder
"bloody hell y/n"
breeding kink much?
and he keeps going until he gets really overstimulated bc I said so
once both of you finish, he gets off of you and lays beside you, and gives you a kiss on the forehead
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oncasette · 1 year
falling for george weasley was easy. the way he laughed, or the way his eyes lit up every time he thought of a new way to mess with his brother. the way the ends of his hair curled up after a shower or a game—back when you were still at hogwarts. the ease with which he kissed you, pulled you into his side, draped an arm over your shoulder and called you his.
loving him was harder. waking up to discover the empty tube of toothpaste on the counter, or seeing his socks haphazardly strewn across your bedroom floor. waking up to an empty bed in the morning, sheets cold from where he’d left for work. sitting up with him on those late nights, combing a hand through his hair as he sobbed into your chest. knowing there was nothing you could do to bring his other half back, but having to deal with the consequences of a war neither of you had asked for.
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n0tasaint · 1 year
Hey!! I posted a little while ago I wanted to start writing and so far I have a little something in my drafts! It’s a Fred Weasley One Shot!!!! Well I say one shot but I’m not opposed to writing a part two if people ask for it. I will be taking requests once it’s released if you all think it’s good enough!! I plan to write for multiple fandoms, but right now the Harry Potter universe has got me on lock down!! 💗 Thanks for the advice on my last post!
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Pairings: single-dad!George Weasley x Fem!reader Summary: George hired you to babysit his daughter while he works, what if she calls you mum on accident in front of George Warnings: none I don't think NOTE: tell me if you want a part 2, because i would be down to do another one
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you've been babysitting George's little girl for about 5 months now for some extra cash and you couldn't help but notice she was a little angel that was just like her father
you had gone to school with George but you weren't in the same group, you were friendly but never really talked, so you were surprised when he remembered you when you came in for him to hire you.
he had called you in today because it was busy with the holiday coming up and you said yes.
so that's why you were in his lounge room, his little girl Chelsea on your lap with her stuffed toy as he spoke to you about what to do for the day until he gets off work
"and you can go out to the little café down the street for lunch, I don't really mind and yeah," he nodded his head, going off the list
"do you want her to bed at any particular hour?" you asked him
"no bed!" she yelled, playing with the stuffed bunny's ear
"you know what? it's the weekend, I can put her to bed after you leave" he replied
"alright, you good up here?" he cleared his throat
you nodded you head and watched as he leaned down to place a kiss onto Chelsea's head
"I'll see you both later" he smiled before going downstairs to the shop
you admired George for what he's doing for him and his family
after Fred's death he was left alone here and then his girlfriend dumped their baby on him and left, breaking up with him and tearing his life up even more
he's been left to provide for him and his little girl for 5 years now and after everything he can still put on a smile.
you felt bad for him and Chelsea, they didn't deserve any of that and you couldn't imagine how anybody would want to willingly abandon them.
"what do you want to do first, Chels?" you asked, lifting her off your lap
she struggled as she got off the couch before taking your hand in her small one, she took a few steps back and walked to her bedroom, you slouched down as you followed her
"sit" she said to you
you went over to her bed and sat down as she rummaged through her toy box
she turned back to you with a teddy bear in her hand and frowned
"not there" she whined before pointing the the ground on the purple and blue rug
"sit there" she demanded
you smiled and got off her bed, taking a seat where she pointed while she took a seat in front of you
"I'll be bunny" she started before handing you the bear "and you be mister fuzzy"
you took the bear and smiled at her before she began talking with a different voice, impersonating bunny
"what do you want to eat, Chels?" you asked her, looking at the menu of the little café George told you about
"pancakes!" she beamed, bunny in her hands
"sweetheart they don't have that" you looked down at her in her seat
"but daddy said they do" she frowned
"well it might be on the breakfast menu, is there anything you want that they have on here for lunch?" you questioned
she sighed and pouted
"fine" she crossed her arms
you read out what they have and she made her decision and got the chicken nuggets with chips
"what did you get?" she asked, shifting in her seat
you told her what you gotten and she hummed in response
"Y/n? do you like my daddy?" she asked you, giving you bunny as her milkshake came to the table
you smiled at the waitress and looked back down at Chelsea
"your dad is very nice" you blinked
"but do you like him?" she furrowed her eyebrows cutely
"sure" you replied shortly
"do you love him?"
"I barely know him" you laughed it off
"but daddy says-" she started
"-I don't think you should tell me what daddy said" you cut her off, thanking the waitress who put down your drink in front of you
"but-" she tried again but you handed her her milkshake
"how about you try your shake?" you smile when she took a sip
you and Chelsea talked about things and you told her a story of when her dad had pranked you in school that made her laugh and say her dad was mean, you decided to leave out Fred in case that made her sad or George hadn't told her of him, but you doubted he would do that
"can we go now, I wanna draw" she whined, swinging her feet
you had finished your food and had to pretend to eat hers for her to finish her plate
"alright alright, c'mon" you moved to get up from the booth and got her up
"I don't wanna walk" she cried
you slung your bag on your shoulder and picked her up and went to the counter to pay
you walked back to the shop with her in your arms
you entered the shop and saw George at the counter ringing up the products.
"there you guys are! have fun?" George smiled as he saw Chelsea. the shop wasn't rushed as it was when you left, so he had time for a light conversation
Chelsea grinned and reached for George
you passed her over and he groaned dramatically as he lifted her up
"daddy! I had chicken nuggets!" she smiled
"of course you did, you love them" he kissed her cheek, making her giggle
"what are you guys gonna do now?" he asked, looking at you and smiling
"I'm gonna draw!" Chelsea spoke excitedly
"ooh, what are you going to draw, sweetheart?" he rocked her side to side
Chelsea thought for a second before answering george
"a unicorn"
"well you better go and get to it!" he put her down on the ground and she ran up the stairs, being careful not to trip as he kept you there with him
"any problems?" he turned to you and raised his eyebrows
you wondered if you should tell him about what Chelsea was going on about, about what he apparently said for her to ask if you love him. but you didn't want to make anything awkward and end up getting fired
"no, there's never any problems with her" you shrugged
he shook his head amused by what you said
"what?" you chuckled, confused by what he was laughing at
"what do you that makes her behave like an angel?" he quizzed
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm not doing anything?" you tilted your head
"the past babysitters said she was horrible, that she was awful and behaved badly, I'm just trying to understand why she's being so nice to you" he snickered
"well that doesn't seem like her, speaking of, I should probably go make sure she hasn't hurt herself getting up all those stairs" you frowned
"right, yeah, you go" he responded quickly, watching you as you rushed up the stairs to follow her, calling her name
"do you like it?" Chelsea asked as she picked her drawing up
you looked over at her and smiled at the art she made
"it's amazing, Chels! who are they?" you beamed as you pointed to the people to the side of the unicorn that you would see in a typical children muggle book
"well that's me" she pointed to the short girl in the far right
"then that's you and Daddy" she said as she motioned to the other two
you laughed it off and she went back to draw something else
"Chelsea?" you turned to her, she looked up and smiled brightly with teeth
"why are you so nice to me? I heard you didn't like the other babysitters you had before" you interrogated her
"becuase you're nice" she kicked her feet back and forth as she layed on her stomach
"is that it?" you raised your brows
"because daddy said you were nice" she replied
you sat up and watched her "when did he say that?"
"he says it a lot, he talks about you almost everyday" she giggled
you smiled and went back to scribbling on a piece of paper
"I'm bored" she sat up and let go of her crayons
"well what do you want to do?" you blinked
"can we bake something!" she stood up and started putting her things up, cleaning without having to ask her to do it
"are we allowed to?" you asked as you watched her
"daddy said we could do anything, and we did it like, last week" she huffed, taking your hand, waiting for you to get up
"alright then"
"crack the egg" you instructed, holding the bowl with one hand as you passed her an egg. she was sat on the counter with a little chef hat that she insisted on wearing
she banged the egg on the bowl and let the egg oose out of the shell, before putting it to the side
you picked out some of the shell and passed her the second egg, letting her crack the other one.
"alright, do you know what to do next?" you quizzed
"beat it" she answered
you got the mixer and did it yourself, her watching in anticipation
you kept mixing around the bowl until it looked good
you gave her the chocolate chunks and let her pour them in as you folded it in.
"alright, let's get you down" you let go of the bowl and picked her up and put her down on the ground, getting the tray ready
you scooped the cookie batter onto the tray and put it in the oven
"when will they be ready?!" Chelsea jumped up and down
"they won't take too long, but you have to wait until after dinner to eat them" you responded before hearing the door open
"I'm home" you heard George call
"daddy!" Chelsea yelled as she ran to him, jumping in his open arms
it was the usual time he closed the shop but you hadn't realised the time until now.
you smiled as you watched them
"what are you guys doing?" he grinned and he put her down
"me and mummy are making cookies!" she giggled as she went over to you.
your smile faded away and George's face turned beet red
your mouth hung open as you avoided George's gaze that was stuck on you
"honey, um-" George cleared his throat, he bent down to her level and looked at her
"what did you call Y/n?" he blinked
"mummy?" she mumbled, not knowing if she was in trouble or not
George kissed her cheek and whispered something into her ear, she apologised before running to her room
George stood up and looked at you awkwardly
"I'm sorry, that's never happened before" he sighed
you stayed silent for a moment, not knowing what to say
"I think she's just overwhelmed by the amount of time she spends with you, she might've gotten confused or just looks up to you and sees you as a mother figure. this is the longest that any babysitter has lasted so." he finished
"it's fine" you murmured, still a little shocked
"to be honest I'm glad she chose you to be her mother figure but if that makes you uncomfortable then i'll make sure it won't happen again" he smiled slightly, looking a little relieved
"it's ok, I wouldn't blame her, I think she's just confused too" you nodded vigorously
"do you want to um- would you want to stay for dinner? maybe" he asked
"if not, maybe with me, sometime?" he asked again before you answered
"are you.." you paused, once again, shocked "asking me out?"
"I mean, only if you say yes, and if I didn't just make a fool out of myself. I did didn't I? I'm sorry, forget I said any of that, it's been a while since I've-" he rambled
you'd be an idiot to turn him down, he was an attractive and funny guy, and a wonderful father.
"-I'd love that" you cut him off
"you'd love to go on a date with me? or both? I mean after seeing you with Chelsea I think I really like you- like is such a childish word isn't it? but i've grown some feelings for you and I hope you could reciprocate them" he gabbled
"I do" you smiled nervously
he stopped and looked at you for a moment, his face flushed and his smile faded before it came back again sheepishly
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George écrivait à toute allure sur un morceau de parchemin, les sourcils arqués, les lèvres légèrement pincées. Sa plume parcourait le papier laissant dans son sillage des lignes, des courbes, des formes et des boucles d'encre.
Il s'arrêta un instant d'écrire et se redressa sur sa chaise. Ses mains trouvèrent sa nuque et y restèrent jointes. Les pointes de ses cheveux d'un roux incandescent tombèrent sur ses longs doigts, les noyant dans un bain de flammes. Il se laissa aller contre le dossier de sa chaise et ferma les paupières.
Ses yeux à elle se posèrent instantanément sur le petit morceau de peau visible sous ses mains, satin d'ivoire constellé de tâches de rousseur. Elle poussa un soupir.
C'était la troisième fois, en l'espace d'une heure qu'elle se laissait happer par ses fantasmes. Elle avait beau vouloir s'arracher mais ils semblaient déterminés à ne pas la laisser tranquille.
-Dis-lui !
Bianca sortit de ses rêveries. Janet, sa meilleure amie, la regardait avec un air avisé.
-Quoi ?
Bianca feignait sa surprise. Elle savait très bien de quoi Janet voulait parler. Elle se tourna de nouveau vers George. Sur l'angle parfait de sa mâchoire. Sur son cou gracieux. Sur ses larges épaules. Sur l'arcade tordu de son nez.
-L'amour c'est comme le soleil. Parfois, il ne faut pas tenter de s'en approcher au risque de se faire bruler les ailes.
A ce moment précis, George tourna la tête vers elle. Bianca fut prompt à baisser les yeux vers son parchemin. George n'était pas pour elle. Il en aimait une autre et Bianca s'y était faite à l'idée. Cela avait été dur mais elle pensait avoir su faire taire la passion dévorante qu'elle avait pour George.
Seulement, elle se surprenait toujours à penser à lui, à se demander ce qu'il faisait, à se l'imaginer allongé à côté d'elle, tard dans la nuit. Quand elle le croisait dans les couloirs, elle se débrouillait pour le frôler ou le bousculer. Elle s'excusait alors, saisissant cette opportunité pour toucher son bras et lui sourire.
Bianca ne ratait aucun de ses matchs de Quidditch et bien que fière membre de la maison Poufsouffle, elle arborait immanquablement les couleurs rouge et or de l'équipe de George. Elle l'encourageait en silence, les yeux rivés sur sa silhouette athlétique et gracieuse.
Elle l'observait de loin, le cherchait dans toutes les foules. Et même si George n'était pas sien, même si elle ne pouvait pas lui crier son amour, elle était heureuse. Heureuse de pouvoir ne serait-ce qu'exister dans son monde.
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