#okay but really if you're an Infinite fan
phantom-fleetways · 2 months
I just rewatched SaTBK and like...
Wild take I know, but these two are the same guy to me. I love them both now actually.
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cypherscript · 4 months
Pulling a favor
Been watching Hazbin Hotel, really enjoying it so far. Time to mix my obsessions together cause that's what we do here, ain't it?
"Okay, I can get you the meeting but once you're in Heaven I wont be able to go with you. Will you be okay?"
Charlie takes Lucifer's hand into hers, "I'll be fine."
Lucifer places his other hand on hers, "That's my girl". He steps back, a look of pride on his face before sighing, "Good luck, kiddo." His magic flares from the ground, taking him away in a swirl of power before he steps out into a room full of his rubber ducks. Flopping down into a pile of ducks reveals a throne like chair that he slowly sinks into. "What should I do? Heaven's never going to listen to her... but maybe... YES! Where is it?" He begins digging through the multitude of ducks before pulling out a scroll with a note, 'One Favor-open when shit hits the fan'.
With a flourish he breaks the seal on the scroll, tossing it into the air as it bursts into an acid green flame and grows larger and larger until it's nearly 6ft tall, Lucifer lowers his head: not quite a bow but somewhat respectful, "King Pariah, I have a request, I have need of-"
"Uuuuh," a voice most definitely not King Pariah spoke, "I don't know who you are but Pariah's long gone."
Lucifer looks up to see the flames displacing a human boy sitting at a table eating food with his family. "Someone... Someone defeated the Infinite King?"
"Who is it sweetie? One of your ghost friends," The mother asks as the boy stands up, grasping the 'frame' of the green fire. "Isn't Pariah the ghost that stole our town?"
"Yeah mom, I'm not sure who this is so I'll just take this into another room."
"Alright Danno, I'll save you some meatloaf," the massive man who was obviously the boys father.
Lucifer's mind was going a million mile an hour, 'The Infinite King was defeated... The scroll opened to this human boy... This boy defeated Pariah Dark in single combat... HOW?! Human's are so squishy.'
The boy released the flame to float in front of him, "So why were you trying to contact king edgelord?"
"I am... sorry... but who are you?"
"Ah... so you're not a ghost," The boy asks, tilting his head before a ring of pure white light travels over his body transforming him; hair whiter than the holy light, eyes as green as the flame he spoke into, a cloak of stars that continued for what seemed forever over a black and white hazmat suit with a crown of aurora over his head. "My name is Phantom, Pariah tried to take what was mine and I had to put him back where he came from but I suppose you've already pieced that together..." Phantom gestures to introduce himself.
"Yes sir, I have, I am Lucifer of the Morningstar."
"The archangel?"
"Yes, that's... usually not the first guess people go with, I'm also the leader of Hell. I had used this scroll to ask a favor of the Infinite King. My daughter, Charlie, is going to Heaven to meet with the other angels about this plan she has to save the sinners from being slaughtered by the angel exterminators."
"Slaughtered? Aren't they already dead?"
"Normally yes but the angel's weapons can completely destroy the sinner's soul when they're exterminated."
Phantom stills from messing with his cloak, his face stony and shadowy as the lights in the room begin to flicker, "Their souls are destroyed?"
Lucifer feels something he's not felt in a long time creep up his spine, "Yes sir, I was hoping to ask for a favor to protect Charlie while she's up there. They can easily kill her, I'll happily agree to make a deal with you for it."
"No," Phantom says, cutting Lucifer off.
"Ah... I see, thank you for your time," Lucifer goes to cut off the flame video.
"I mean 'No' to the deal. I'll help you but not for a deal, I'd also like to have a word with these angels as well"
"Oh thank you, Phantom! Do I need to bring you here?"
"No need, one second," Phantom leans away from the flame, "Can you guys put my food up?! I've got some duties to take care of love you!"
"Can do, Danno!"
"Love you, sweetie!"
"Right, step away from the flame please." Lucifer does so and Phantom steps through flame with a ripple. Once he's through the flame poofs out of existence. "Nice place, love the... ducks?"
"Ah yes, they're a project of mine..."
"Well, I've seen weirder obsessions. Now what's this about destroying souls?"
"Right, let me explain while I set up the meeting with the angels for Charlie.
Danny had never heard of such bullshit in his unlife and he worked with the observants for ancient's sake! He steps out of the portal provided by Lucifer, switching to his human form, to the so called Pearly Gates with some Suburbia Ken standing at a podium.
"Welcome to Heaven! May I please know your name?"
"Danny Fenton."
"Right let's see; Dan, Danielle, Ah yes, Daniel Fenton. Oh goodness, you've been dead for some time, why are you just now getting into Heaven?"
"..." The angel stands in silence then bursts into a smile, "Well regardless, welcome to heaven!" He throws open the gates and Danny steps inside, his nose twitching at the lack of anything. His eyes lock onto the tallest tower and makes his way to it, the elevator inside playing harps and lyres for elevator music. As he gets closer to his destination he can hear the angels and Charlie musically their debate.
"Ancients I hate Musical dimensions," He says as the elevator comes to a slowing stop. "Showtime," Danny smiles as his transformation takes place, the holy lights in the elevator dimming and flickering.
Sera looks to Charlie, "I'm sorry, the court finds that the souls in Hell can not be redeemed."
Adam is all smiles at this point, "Ohhohoho YES! I win. Suck it! You better save the day c*&ts because we're coming to your hotel first."
"Are you now?" a male voice asks from behind him, grabbing his hand as he and crushing it in his grip.
"Ah fuck, my hand! Who the fuck are you," Adam screams as the courtroom fills with the inky void of space and Phantom fades into view.
Sera looks down on Phantom and then do his crown, "What are you doing here, Phantom? You have no right to be in this court!"
"No RIGHT?! Do you know what this bastard's doing?! I have every right to be here." Phantom tosses Adam easily to the ground. "You're destroying souls!!"
Adam gets up and summons a sword and swings at Phantom with it scream, "What's it to you freak-show?! Who cares what happens those piss bastard sinners?!"
"Sinners huh? Then why are you here?" Phantom turns frigid as a chain of ice appears on Adam's neck, the end in Phantom's hand. He yanks it tightly, pulling Adam to the floor. "Mister First Sinner. How could you get into heaven?"
The other angels in the court whispering, asking the same question.
"How are you doing that?!"
"None of your business. I was hoping Lucifer's daughter would be able to talk some sense into the lot of you but it seems there's just to many rotten apples up here. Let me fix that." Phantom steps onto Adam's back, grabbing his wings and ripping them off in a quick pull, filling the court with his screams. Lute tries to come to his aid but is slammed into the ground by the inky blackness.
"Phantom that is enough," Sera shouts down to him as she flashes down to the floor, "Why are you here? How did you know know this meeting was taking place?" Phantom glances at Charlie, still holding Vaggie, causing Sera to sigh, "Of course it was Lucifer..."
"I'll freely admit he asked me to be here to watch after here but it became so much more when I found out what this asshole's been doing."
"He did what he had to do, the demons were going to rebel and we had to protect our own souls. They need to be kept in line!"
"There is no their souls or your souls. You are disrupting the balance, if you kill the soul there's going to be issues with the mortal worlds and if the mortal world goes so do yours. You were so worried about the demons attacking you? You keep destroying souls and all you're going to have to worry about is me."
"Are you threatening Heaven, Infinite King?"
The wings in Phantoms hands turn to ice and shatter into billions of pieces, "I don't make threats, Sera, I make promises." Phantom treads over to Charlie and Vaggie, thrusting his hand out and portal much like a blackhole opens up, "Come along you two." They simply step through with him as the court of angels burst into a cacophony of angelic shouts of alarm and outrage.
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simping-for-joe · 7 months
I Will Be Right By Your Side
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Leon Kennedy X Reader
You wake up feeling awful with a fever and Leon makes it his priority to make you feel better.
A/N: I got a sinus infection and watched Infinite Darkness again, I love Leon in this show and I'm upset Infinite Darkness Leon doesn't get more love cause he is so pretty. I want to live in his hair, it looks so soft, and he's such a sweetheart, I just love this man so much
You woke up this morning and immediately wished you had never woken up. You groan out in pain, a pounding headache that wasn't there last night greets you. You pull your covers up a little higher as you're freezing just from the ceiling fan above your bed.
You can't breathe properly through your nose and you let out a harsh cough. The idea of getting out of bed makes you want to cry as you hug a pillow.
"Hey, I've got to go soon-" Leon suddenly comes marching into your shared bedroom. "You okay?" He stops looking at your concern.
"Need a minute..." You reply in a grumbling and nasally voice, vastly different from your normal speaking voice. His eyes widened when he heard you speak. "Is it that bad?" You ask him.
"Yeah... you really don't sound good baby." He says softly as he sits down on the bed close to you. He gently touches your forehead and cheeks. "Sweetheart, you're burning up." He notes worried, you lean against his touch as his cold hands feel nice on your skin.
"I'm okay... really," you try to reassure him but a shiver runs through you.
"I'll be the judge of that." He replies before getting up and heading to the bathroom. He returns with a thermometer, you roll your eyes but let him get your temperature. "And that would be a low-grade fever, congratulations you're staying home." He says patting you gently.
"Leon, I'm fine." You try to argue but a harsh right afterwards does not help prove your point. Also, the fact you are shivering despite being under your comforter.
"Alright... so here's the plan. You're going to call out of work-"
"And I am going to take you to the doctor's."
"No, Leon, I am fine. You are not missing work for me." You try to argue with him.
"You are sick, there is nothing to argue about here." He tells you annoyed. You sigh, he was right, you're pretty sure if you went to work you'd end up passing out.
“Still… it’s just a low grade fever, I don’t need to go to the doctors.” You try to argue.
“Okay then… how about I just stay home and take care of you?” He suggests brushing some hair from your face. “We get some food, and watch something on the couch.”
That sounded really nice you weren’t gonna lie, and at the moment you just wanted to hug someone. Cuddling with your boyfriend as your sick and your head is killing you sounds amazing.
“Alright… that sounds good.” You nod and he smiles, before you know it he’s picking you up from bed and carrying you to the living room. You yelp out gently as he picks you up, and you wrap your arms around his neck. He smiles softly happy to have you in his arms, as he carries you to the couch. You lean against his chest and shut your eyes hoping to relieve some of the just misery you are feeling.
Leon makes sure you have water and doesn't let you leave the couch unless you have to use the bathroom. You think he's being dramatic, but if you're being honest you like being pampered like this.
You look at Leon who is busy watching the show you put on, he seems relaxed. It makes you smile softly as you relax further against him. He kisses the top of your head and turns up the TV a bit.
Maybe this sick day was good for both of you.
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cheeseceli · 7 months
Skz reacting to your mouth piercing
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pairing: skz ot!8 × gn!Reader (individually)
request: could you do a skz reaction to the reader getting angel fangs, like the piercing of it's alright.
warning: maybe a little bit cringey but what can i do
a/n: even though i said "mouth piercing", this can be read as angel fangs as well! i just changed the title so it'd be easier to understand. I wrote a few things about the angel fangs specifically as well. hope you like it nevertheless!
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When you first told him that you wanted to get a piercing, he was mentally preparing himself to simp over you
But once you actually got it???
So in love with how you look
Besides that, he would help to take care of the piercing until it healed
Always reminding you of what to do and how to do it
"I can't get over of how great you look. Does it feel okay? You're not in pain right now, are you?"
Lee Know
Shiny eyes
Open mouth
Staring at your lips like a kid who's excited
Doesn't say anything for a while
But you know he loved it
The type to be more addicted to your kiss
Would even think of piercing himself after all of this
(ngl i think his favourite type of piercing would be angel fangs, so if that's the case, he is so head over heels for you)
"Can I kiss you again?
Huge smirk
And infinite compliments
As long as my man can talk, he'd be complimenting you
The typa bf to take a picture of you like this and set it as his wallpaper
I feel like he'd want to be there while you get the piercing
But if not possible, he'd be waiting for you while being so excited
Would tell everyone how great you look with this new change
Your biggest fan
"Look how great you look smiling in this pic. It's the third time I change my wallpaper this week, because of you."
*hyunjin's voice" "sexy, hard sexy"🫸
Fr tho, my man's holding back from kissing you so hard
Wondering how he survived all those years before seeing you like this
*flashback to the tongue piercing during trainee day's rumours*
Lowkey thinks about getting a tongue piercing so you guys could "match" as well
(And if we're talking about the angel fangs, he'd paint it for sure. It's cliche but it's true)
Let's face it
He was the one who suggested it
He'd be like "good morning my love. Y'know what ? You'd look amazing with a mouth piercing"
And he's in shock
Positive typa shock
Deadass stared at your lips for a whole minute before saying anything
And when he does say something, every sentence he can form is a compliment towards you
"You look so good"
"I know Ji, you said that a few times already."
"No, you don't get it. You look SO good."
Such a simp for you!!
He wouldn't know what to do
You'd be talking and he'd be like
looking at your mouth
SO fixated
He's hypnotized
and 100% in love btw
"Felix, are you even listening?"
"Hm? Oh, sorry sorry. It's just, you look... beautiful. Really, really beautiful"
He's trying so hard to keep his posture lmao
but he's freaking out over how amazing you look
Every now and then you catch him lost in the little piece of metal, admiring you with heart eyes
Similar to Chan, he'd also take care of you to keep manutence of a piercing beforehand
I'm 100% but he's so bf material
(talking bout the angel fangs, I believe he'd be the biggest fan of it, he can't even hide it)
"You look even prettier somehow. I don't know how you do it"
He's dying to kiss you
He needs to kiss you and feel your lips right now in this moment
And he loves how the piercing makes you smile even brighter
He's giggling so much lmao
He swears he could spend a whole afternoon looking at your mouth
Probably will do it anyways
And if he didn't know about the piercing before, like a surprise, he will be so 😯
He's so devoted to you
"I'm telling you, seeing you like this was the best thing that happened to me the whole day"
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feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
dividers by @cafekitsune
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donelywell · 29 days
how does your version of the Phantom Ruby work?
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Oh buddy you're in for one hell of a ramble.
I don't care that this is stuff I wanted to reveal in my Forces retelling- I'm babbling about it neow! Besides, I have no idea when I'll be motivated enough to continue my actual canon adjacent au, SO WE CAN HAVE FUN WITH THIS!
Tw: blood
Okay, so the Phantom Ruby is an ancient artifact hidden in a pyramid in Regal Ruin Zone (Sonic R Stage because I really do hate it when zones are just a one and done thing, not overused like Green Hill Zone per say, but I want to actually explore the zones instead of just zooming by them for about 4 minutes total).
A legend says that if you sacrifice some of your blood to it, it will grant you the power to make your wishes a reality. Zero (I'm going with the headcanon that Infinites name used to be Zero) was a huge fan of this legend, he heard about it when he was doing some bounty hunts near the zone.
When you give the Phantom Ruby your blood, you and it are locked together until the blood supply is used up. Only the blood user can use the Phantom Ruby.
The Phantom Ruby is a sentient gemstone (haha, watch me make every single gemstone in Sonic sentient gods), but it lies dormant until someone feeds it blood. Because the Ruby doesn't want to go back to sleep for who knows how long, it starts whispering things into the users mind, feeding thoughts into their head to make them use the ruby more. To give it more blood, to be consumed by the lust for power.
The legend told of a god who was banished and imprisoned into the ruby. Centuries later a crow mobian found the ruby and brought it to their travel group an echidna, a leopard, a tortoise, and a scorpion. They were ambushed later that night and the crow bled onto the ruby in the battle. They realized it had the power to grant wishes, and the crow grew insane with it's power, becoming consumed by the ruby.
The other members of the group realized they need to stop the crow and cut its connection with the ruby, so they begged the gods to give them a way to save the crow. In turn, the gods gave each member a gemstone blessed by different gods a citrine, jade, amethyst, and an onyx. With the gemstones powers, they managed to save the crow from the ruby and lock it deep in a pyramid covered in complex traps and curses as to keep people away from the cursed Phantom Ruby.
Eventually, the group disbanded, with each of the members who helped save the crow carrying the gemstone they had with them as they all scattered to the different corners of the planet.
Ehem- now past this goes into the plot I have for Infinite in my Forces retelling, so you can skip this if you want.
Zero managed to get past all the traps in the pyramid and capture the Phantom Ruby for a bounty he accepted from a mysterious person who wouldn't reveal their identity. This however led to him getting the Phantom Ruby inserted into his chest and have it drive him insane with the whispers it constantly had speaking in his head. He snapped, going completely insane and mindlessly following the voice. He became Infinite, the vessel for the god of illusion.
The legend wasn't lying, as he continues to abuse it's power, the Phantom Ruby slowly started to consume him. Literally. The Phantom Ruby slowly turns his body into it as he uses the power. The process is accelerated when The Resistance begins to be able to push back after the 6 months, making him use his illusions more.
It's up to The Resistance to find the legend of the Phantom Ruby, get the citrine, jade, amethyst, and onyx (names still deciding on), and stop Infinite (and Eggman).
Thank you for letting me ramble about this! I tried to hold myself back a little bit at least from spoiling some of the plot I have for the retelling because I don't wanna ruin the story (if it ever gets made) by spoiling everything about the Phantom Ruby.
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courtmartialme · 3 months
Okay okay I am FASCINATED by your Roy hating?? I have not seen that in this fandom and I am desperate to know w h y (in the most positive way possible). Pls convert me to being a Roy hater
this is so funny HELP yeah sure
i honestly don't really hate roy or else he wouldn't be half my otp. but i only like the version of him in my head so i don't want other people to talk to me about him lol therefore it's easier to say i hate him
when i first got into fma in 2018 i actually liked both roy and riza the same amount, you could even argue i liked roy more considering i drew him more(hes easy to draw) LOL but with time in fandom i gradually grew a distaste for him because of how a lot of his fans treat riza for his sake
riza is so interesting and full of personality, and it's clear arakawa has a lot of love for her considering riza has a whole backstory as a side character while the vast majority of others do not(she has said in an interview riza is her favorite character after resembool trio). but i too often saw her being reduced to only "girl who is there to point a gun to roy when he's being silly xD girlboss babysitter xD" or she's just there to comfort roy in his manpain as if she didn't go through the exact same shit as him and Even More, but her feelings tend to go ignored ... i think a lot of royai shippers would benefit from selfshipping instead if you're just gonna use riza to explore roy as a partner LOL
realizing that made me a lil sad, but to each their own ig having bad taste isn't crime yet. so i started to focus my own work on riza since i didn't see that often. what really made my roy allergy skyrocket was trying to make things focused on riza and get people coming at me like "wow i like this thing you made about riza but what if it was about roy :)" ??!!???!!?? why are you buying clothes at the soup store!!!!!! roy is already infinitely more popular and has so many fans who make stuff focused on him and yet you come to the riza guy wanting to make the riza works about roy!!??!! it really annoys me and i still get comments like that sometimes despite being irritatingly loud about disliking roy focus to try to avoid that and it doesnt even work!!!!!! so its why i feel bitter towards roy fans
seeing riza being used as acessory to prop roy and her own feelings sidelined for the sake of focusing on roys so often by people who claim to like her too made me incredibly tired of content focused on him and of his fans lol so it's my life goal to make him the accessory for riza instead, he doesn't exist to me when he's not standing next to his wife
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velvetvexations · 7 days
can I be honest I feel like people in the fandoms (and to an extent the IH) treatment of KLCK compared to Fabian is a clear case of misogyny
our rich privileged soft boy vs their rich privileged annoying bitch
our boy who makes race insensitive remarks sometimes but it's not his fault vs their bitch whose mental issues make her make bad remarks in private
our self centered but adorable cute boy vs their self centered narcissistic bitch
idk if I'm onto anything honestly I'm very tired and have my brain on npd mode and if I posted anything about KLCK's mental issues on the subreddit I'd be ridiculed so I need to scream at someone who gets it. hope you've been doing okay! fbdnfnds
Brennan really honeypotted all the NPD members of the D20 fandom with her, huh?
But I think you're half-right. The immediate and insane reaction to KLCK having an annoying tone of voice and going hogwild on her to the extent that the fandom did, especially the infinite repetition of calling her bitch and cunt, definitely smacks of misogyny. There are other factors, though, chiefly the parasocial relationship making the fandom not only reflect but greatly amplify the opinions of the Intrepid Heroes. Like, if Brennan said he didn't like mustard this fandom would riot in the streets until mustard was removed from store shelves. With Siobhan and Ally going as hard as they did on despising KLCK, the urge to partake in the activity with your fake internet celebrity best friends did what it does.
The fact that Kipperlilly's parents were in the housing market in particular did not do her any favors. Like, the fans call Brennan a decolonial philosopher. Like I've said a few times before because it's the perfect metaphor, the fandom loves to LARP the Cultural Revolution - and that's barely even a metaphor as opposed to just literally what they're actually doing. The political aspect combines with the parasocial one, too, because now you're saving the world with your fake internet celebrity best friends. The moment, I mean the exact moment I started getting into KLCK, because up until then I was right there with everyone else going wHaT aRe YoU FoUr DiFfErEnT DoGs, was when I noticed fans on Reddit calling her a nepo baby. I started a thread about it trying to just, like, educate these children on what that term actually means and the replies drove me completely out of my mind.
So it's like, Fabian mainly gets a pass because he's a PC, because the fandom is wrapped around the cock of every PC and stubbornly refuses to accept them as anything less than perfect baby angels. Like I said, though, you are for sure correct in identifying that misogynistic element of how fans pounced on KLCK and identified her as a bitchy cunt bitch whore because her energy is very slightly grating. Or really, not even grating, honestly? Like she's clearly supposed to come off as obnoxious, but she's nothing but polite and mildly cheerful all the way up until "I want you to go fuck yourself", and even THAT was in response to the Bad Kids picking a fight.
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charmac · 2 months
People seem to forget that transmasc people can still dress feminine and vice versa. Men can wear wigs and dresses and women can cut their hair and grow beards. I think Charlie is transmasc and discovered this early so since he transitioned and looked like a male Bonnie dressed him femininely and he felt fine with it. some people are acting like men cant wear dresses and its annoying
It's definitely absolutely insanely accidental, but RCG really wrote Charlie as the most gender character of all time.
The Bathroom Problem is kinda the best example you can give anyone as to how you can have an infinite interpretation of gender: "cis man who poops transgender," I give you transman who can still enjoy wearing a dress in a certain environment, transfem whose closet is a bathroom stall, genderfluid in the place of bodilyfluids (okay, wait. WAS it definitely accidental?)
We're all on Tumblr, we all know anyone can look and dress any way and be any gender (or, if you don't understand that, I encourage you to explore and talk to trans mutuals!), which is why I think it's quite nonsensical to spend time arguing over a headcanon being dismissive of another. Charlie can be anything! Or nothing! (TY Charlie Day for my favourite line in Right to Chop "I don't really identify..." <3)
People aren't required to share the same interpretations or agree on what is a good or bad headcanon, and I think if you're getting upset by someone's own personal preferences or their interpretation for character analysis, you're just not supposed to be in the same circles of the fandom, and that's okay! You can share your own opinions, you can post your own content, but you can't keep people from personally disagreeing or expressing why they dislike a certain interpretation in their own, personal spaces online.
A lot of Sunny is pretty deep and also, very heavy. It's not surprising that people end up pulling a lot out of it, often projecting, and then find themselves very personally connected to their own interpretations and feel extremely validated when others agree with them, or feel upsettingly thrown when they see conflicting ideas. I feel all of that constantly, about many different aspects and characters, and a lot of the time I need to talk about it! I spent two years trying to do that on the SUBREDDIT and that's why I made this blog (and why my Twitter account is all but overrun by Sunny, lmfao). I think that's why most of us are here? And a lot of the time we're going to very heavily, crazily, completely agree with each other, but other times we're going to disagree as well.
Sometimes disagreement is something you can shrug off and move past (yeah, there are very clearly multiple interpretations), something you can just get over by venting more privately or one-on-one, but sometimes it's something you think is genuinely important to address/speak about, and I think that's actually how we can end up having very interesting and meaningful discussions and learn from each other.
(But if that's no good, just unfollow and block if you need to. Some people just don't get along or come from too-far distant places to agree on certain things, and that's a fact of life! This show has thousands of fans who think The D.E.N.N.I.S. System is actually a genius method, and a couple thousand more who think he is genuinely a killer ladies man)
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layla4567 · 8 months
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Pairing: Jeremiah!pre spray x Fem!reader
Summary: Jeremiah's co-worker, one day you came out of the bunker and Oh no! You've been sprayed with Ivy's pollen! Now you will look at your coworker with dilated pupils.
Warnings: Smut, making out, rough kiss, mention of finger crack, porn with plot, course words
WC: 2k
🃏🃏🃏 🃏🃏🃏
You chewed on the tip of your pencil absentmindedly as you studied the plans, Xander next to you looking at you over his black-rimmed glasses.
"Do you need help with that?"- he asked
You looked up confused, Xander was so quiet you had forgotten you weren't alone.
"No, don't worry, it's okay."
"Are you sure? I see you distracted. Why don't you rest for a while?"- He sighed, arranging his papers and plans that were on the table.
"Okay, I think I'll go out and buy something to eat, do you want something?"
"No thanks, don't come back late"
You rubbed your eyes as you stood up from your seat and stretched your muscles. So many hours in the same position had left you contracted. With satisfaction you cracked your finger bones and left the bunker leaving your coworker busy with his project.
So many months working with him in his bunker had accustomed you to memorizing the infinite hallways and doors he had. Sometimes you felt like a mole working in such a protected place, protected from what? Why did he bother to live so isolated? You had no idea, you always thought they were crazy things and manias of your nerdy partner. You went out into the forest happy to see the sky and breathe fresh air. You walked a few steps when you heard a crunch of fast footsteps behind you, when you turned around a red-haired bombshel ​​extended her hand and blew a green dust making you step back, closing your eyes tightly. The girl ran away laughing mischievously and you started coughing, moving your hands trying to dispel the dust in the air. You opened your eyes trying to figure out where that woman had gone but you were alone, suddenly you felt feverish and that could only mean one thing.
"Damn horny bitch!!"
Ivy. Ivy had thrown her lustful pollen at you just because she found it amusing to see people succumb to carnal desire. You brought a hand to your forehead checking your temperature worriedly, you were already sweating lightly. You decided to go back to the bunker and leave the shopping for another time. You walked briskly with lewd thoughts in your mind, the image of Xander passed through your mind and stayed there. You thought about his full lips and imagined them kissing you, his wide hands running over your thighs, his… No! Why were you thinking about him just now?! The pollen was stronger than you imagined and it was already having an effect on you. You quickened your pace.
You arrived at the bunker shaking and with red ears but you tried to maintain your composure so he wouldn't notice. You left your backpack on the back of your seat and sat next to him, avoiding eye contact.
"Are you alright?, you seem agitated"- he asked looking at you suspicious
You hadn't realized that your breathing had increased a little.
"It's nothing, it's just that I had to run back here. The store was closed."
He didn't say anything and looked back at his work. You took a deep breath and took the pencil, gripping it tightly and looked down at your papers. From time to time you glanced at your partner, his quick hand tracing lines on his drawing, his glasses slowly sliding down the bridge of his nose and then putting them back in place with his middle finger, his lips barely open as he concentrated. You bit your lower lip and surreptitiously squeezed your legs, the heat was increasing. Fuck.
No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't concentrate, the pollen was poisoning you inside. You felt very hot and cursed inwardly. You took off your jacket and fanned yourself with your hand. Only then did Xander look at you again.
"Are you really sure you're okay?"
His voice sounded more velvety or was it your imagination?
"Yes, yes, don't worry"- You said letting the air escape from your lungs.
But the minutes passed and you looked increasingly worse and your concentration was dissipating. You were sweating more and more and your hair was sticking to your forehead.
"Y/n you're not ok, maybe you're overexerting yourself. But it could be something else, let me take some samples for you to examine"
The boy with glasses approached with his chair near you and that only made things worse, your vision was somewhat blurry and your mind was a nebula unable to reason clearly. When he took your face to examine you, you sighed, closing your eyes and clinging to his wrist when he was going to move his hand away.
"You feel…so…soft"
Xander blushed, visibly uncomfortable, and slowly removed his hands from your face.
"I'll c-check these samples, it won't take long"
The redhead with glasses turned around to analyze the samples under a microscope. Now that he had his back to you, you were able to admire how wide he was. His muscles were visible in the tight shirt he was wearing along with his dark vest. Without realizing it you rubbed your hand against your thigh and dug your nails into your skin. When he finished looking at the samples he turned around and looked at you worried.
"Um this may not sound good but…" -he paused, meditating on his words- "I found particles of lustful pollen in the pores of your skin, that can only mean that Poison Ivy has poisoned you."
"Well… maybe I ran into her in the woods."-You sighed nervously and embarrassed for not telling him sooner.
"Well, in that case the symptoms you would feel are sweating, slight fever, dry mouth and throat, tremors in the legs and umm you know… a-a strong sexual desire"-He scratched the back of his neck with a finger, pulling at the collar of his shirt slightly uncomfortable.
"That's already happening and believe me it's not pleasant at all" -you whispered.
"Well, I guess I'll have to wait it out, maybe I can splash cold water on my face to calm the heat."
Xander made a worried face.
"That's the worst part, it won't wear off unless…well… otherwise, you'll die."
His words had left you frozen and you opened your mouth and eyes in horror. Was he trying to say that if I didn't fuck I was going to die?
Your coworker closed his eyes when you screamed. You woke up desperate, walking from side to side with one hand massaging your calvicles, your mouth was already starting to feel dry, damn it. The boy looked around nervously without knowing what to say, suddenly he approached and touched your arm, you gasped in surprise.
"I'm sorry for all this."
His eyes really showed great concern, and that made you melt like butter, even his green color seemed dreamier to you now.
"It's not your fault.."
You gasped in frustration and anguish and fell into your seat with your hands clutching your head, the tremors beginning to feel more. Xander sat in front of you.
"I don't know what I'm going to do, I guess… I'll die"
"There must be some solution"- he said
Oh yes, there was a much quicker and easier solution, but it was to fuck your colleague in the middle of the office and you clearly didn't want that, you didn't want to make him uncomfortable, disrespect him, or be unprofessional. You also didn't want to lose your kind of friendship that was formed between you. You looked at him with your eyelids heavy and your face dripping with sweat. Alarmed, he put his hand on your forehead again and that simple touch made the corners of your lips curve upwards slightly as you closed your eyes, enjoying his skin against yours.
"God you're boiling"
When he was going to remove his hand, you held it tightly again, now resting it on your cheek.
"It feels better when you touch me"
Your mind was so blurry that you didn't mention your words but he did and he turned red from the tip of his nose to the tip of his ears.
"If you want I can try...-"
"No never! I couldn't do it.."
Xander simply placed his other hand on your other cheek and caressed it, you moaned softly without thinking and then blushed embarrassed.
"Does that feel better?"
"God yes"-You gasped.
Now the redhead got closer to your face and your breathing accelerated as you looked at his lips with desire, you couldn't help it anymore, you couldn't reason, you just wanted to act, like a primal instinct that slowly took over you. You crashed your lips onto his in a fierce, rough kiss, almost knocking your teeth together. He started a little but tried to follow you. Your mouth stuck to his as if you had glue without taking your lips off even to breathe, you desperately needed to taste his lips, run all over his skin, but you knew you were being a little rough.
"I'm.. soo... sorry"-You hummed against his mouth.
Then you broke away abruptly to catch your breath and look at him, his glasses were crooked and his cheeks the color of apples, it suited him so well. You quickly straddled him to which he grunted nervously. Your kisses ran along his jaw and down to his neck, you didn't want this, but you needed it. Biting the exposed skin of his neck made him gasp, making you smile with pleasure against his skin.
"Ugh I need to see your skin, take off your shirt" - You said with a hand on the collar of his shirt trying to reach more skin on his neck and shoulders.
"Uh y-yeah"
You almost tore his shirt and vest to shreds, first he patiently undid his buttons, opening the collar of his shirt and rushed to kiss his collarbones. His suppressed moans were turning you on even more and soon you opened his shirt completely and were surprised by what you saw. How could a nerd have such a well-built body? Did he do push-ups and he hadn't told you? You looked up at him with your lips swollen and red.
"You're beautiful"-you said breathlessly
You earned a small shy smile from him, so cute. But the heat was still there, it hadn't gone away yet. You kissed him again with your tongue fighting with his while your pelvis began to move in circles against his crotch. He moaned into your mouth in surprise, you apologized panting but he told you it was fine. You continued with your pelvis tracing circles and rubbing on his growing boner. You were starting to get wet down there and breathing with your mouth open you buried your face in the crook of his neck with a whimper.
"Xander…I need you…now"
He understood, although somewhat shyly he put his hand towards his belt, you were faster and took it off without much difficulty, pulling down his pants and discovering his clear erection. You lowered your own pants and with a senton you went down towards his cock.
He gripped his hands on your hips and you moaned loudly, you should have done it slower but the need for penetration was urgent. You began your work by moving up and down while resting your face on his shoulder letting out gasps of pleasure. He tried to hold back but sometimes he let out delicious moans. Nibbling on his neck until you left hickeys, you raised your pelvis and lowered it, you wanted to keep a slow pace, but damn, you couldn't. The worst thing of all is that you sensed that it was his first time because he seemed very shy and blushed all the time as if sex were a taboo subject for him. You felt terrible about it but it wasn't your fault if that bitch Ivy had sprayed you with her shitty pollen. Your hands ran all over the redhead's body, your hands rested on his chest or scratched his back even with his shirt on. You tried to be gentle as much as you could so from time to time you would kiss his cheek or run your hand through his hair, stroking it. He responded to you with soft gasps, he seemed to enjoy it. Now your walls were getting tighter, you both could feel it.
"I'm gonna cum"-You gasped against his neck.
He wasn't ready to cum with you yet but you couldn't wait for him. You accelerated the pace, moaning brokenly, your pelvis rising higher and higher. Until, leaning closer to him, with your thighs trembling and your head on his shoulder, you came with a loud gasp. You stayed like that until you had regained your breath, you already felt better. You no longer felt that annoying fever from before. You separated a little to look at him and you realized that he was avoiding eye contact, his glasses were still slightly crooked, his chest was sweaty and his face was still red. You smiled tenderly.
"I really apologize for this again."
"Don't be, I-I understand.".
You carefully moved away from his lap and looked for disposable tissues to clean yourself. You gave some to Xander who thanked you, still red as a tomato. To respect his space, you turned around when he cleaned himself. Then they both adjusted their clothes and sat back down in the chairs. Clearly an awkward silence settled between the two of you, until you looked at the clock on the wall and realized that it was already late.
"I should go back to my house now" - You said, getting up.
Xander nodded seriously and walked you to the door.
"Let's never talk about this"-You said turning around before leaving.
"I have never agreed more."-He said and finally smiled slightly.
🃏🃏🃏 🃏🃏🃏
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vilevenom · 2 months
Part five of the ficlet collection for "Hello My Old Heart"!~
Wedding vows are hard to write. I'm just gonna say that much. I also won't lie - I struggled a bit with this one, for some reason. Hope y'all enjoy it, anyway! Previous parts: Let's Be Us Again | Suddenly, Everything Has Changed | Sleeping In | Early Birdie | Smother Me | Marry You
((Hopefully the links work. I will be forever sad if they don't))
Wedding planning should not be difficult. Mind, wedding planning was not John Dory's forte. He and Hickory had discussed a couple of ideas; primarily wanting a smaller guest list and how they would write their own vows, but that was about it. He truly had no idea how to go about inviting the guests, book a venue, arrange food…none of it. But then Poppy had caught wind of how abysmally his planning had been going, and it had been taken right out of his hands completely. He was infinitely grateful to her, really. However, Poppy's idea of what his wedding should be like and his own were quite different.
"Honestly, Popstar, it's fine. Hickory and I are good even just standing in the middle of a field and saying our vows, if it comes down to it. We don't need all this fan fare," John said quickly, watching as Poppy flipped through several wedding scrapbooks, going back and forth between them all while making notes. She looked up at him with a little frown.
"No way. You're Branch's oldest brother, and you were a member of BroZone! This is going to be big, and amazing! Trust me," Poppy said, waving a dismissive hand through the air.
John frowned and glanced at Branch, who was busy fiddling with some new invention of his off to the side. "Branch! Tell her to stop."
Branch spared John a short glance, only to roll his eyes and go back to his tools. "You're a big troll now, John Dory. Use your words."
John huffed out a breath, turning back to Poppy. She had color swatches out now and was holding them up near John's face to compare to his fur color. He grimaced, gently pushing her hands away. "Look, Poppy," he sighed, trying to put as much sincerity into his tone as he could muster, "I appreciate what you want to do. Really, I do. But Hickory and I just don't want a huge event made of this. Neither of us really like a big crowd, and we don't want some massive ragger of a party. And, before you say it, I know how that sounds coming from me. Please. If you want to plan our wedding, I won't stop you, because I really appreciate you taking all of this over for me. But can we keep it small?"
Poppy made a couple of abortive motions with the swatches in her hands, before finally deflating and nodding slightly. "Okay, fine. Family and close friends, only. But I will be making the flower arrangements as big as I want!"
"Deal," John snorted, holding out his hand, Poppy grinning widely as she shook it.
John had been ready to say his vows to Hickory withing a week of Hickory's awkward half-proposal. However, Poppy apparently needed at least three months to make the arrangements for everything she had planned. She told him, at one point, that what she had originally wanted to do would've taken six months, but after John's haggling she knocked her plans down to something she could put together in three. Plus, she had pointed out, John and Hickory's guests would need time to make appropriate travel plans and arrangements.
Needless to say, John was getting restless waiting. Two months into it, and even Sky was getting agitated.
"Why can't you do it now?" the trolling whined, flopping himself dramatically onto the ground. He kicked his little feet into the floor, his face smushed into the carpet, "Waiting feels like forever."
John snorted, elbow deep in the sink as he washed dishes, glancing over his shoulder to watch Sky briefly. "Because your aunt Poppy wants everything to be special. Plus, it hasn't been that long since your uncle Bruce visited. He's gotta make sure the restaurant is gonna be okay if he leaves again."
"UGH," Sky whined, rolling over to stare up at the ceiling. "Fine, I guess."
"Such a generous boy," Hickory laughed, taking a dish from John to dry and put away.
"Mmm. What's got your hair in a twist, anyway? It's not like anything will change around here after the wedding," John hummed, pulling the plug in the sink as he finished the last dish.
"No, I know," Sky sighed, tilting his head so he could watch his parents in the kitchen, "But, some of the kids at school were talking about aunt Poppy and uncle Branch's wedding, and some of them said only trolls in true love get married. And I know you and Papa are in true love, but a girl at school told me you couldn't be, 'cause you weren't married."
John snorted in mild offense, while Hickory simply frowned as he put the last of the dishes away.
"You tell that girl at school that anyone can be in true love, marriage or not," Hickory said as he turned to his son, hands on his hips, earning a surprised look from John, who'd had a snarky remark at the tip of his tongue. "As a matter of fact, sometimes true love just smacks ya right in the face, an' ya don't even realize it. Other times, it's real slow and creeps up on ya while yer not lookin'. True love can happen anytime, an' anywhere. You don't need no fancy ceremony an' a ring to show you've got true love."
Sky had sat up on the floor to pay better attention to his father while he spoke, little sparkles in his eyes at the impassioned speech. "Which one happened with you and Dad?"
"Well," Hickory chuckled, "The smack in the face sure happened to me." He glanced at John with a fond look on his face, "An' I'm pretty sure the slow creep happened to yer Dad."
"You big sap," John snorted, though he had to hide his face behind a hand to try and block the view of the dark flush that had spread across his cheeks.
"Muh?!" John jerked awake, blinking muzzily into the darkness as he sat up, looking around in a daze.
"Sorry, schatz," Hickory murmured, rubbing at John's shoulder to calm him down. John let out a little sigh, settling back down into the pillows.
"What's up?" John murmured, squinting through the dark at Hickory.
"I wanted to talk to you about something."
"…And it couldn't wait until morning?"
Hickory let out a breathy little laugh, petting at John's jaw gently. "I don't think so."
John waited for Hickory to speak, his brain slowly trying to pull him back down into sleep, before he forced himself into wakefulness again. "Well?" he grunted, rubbing at his face.
"Sorry. It's just…hard. It's hard to say," Hickory muttered. Another moment passed before Hickory sighed, shifting against the bed to lay flat on his back, his gaze focused on the ceiling. "I would like to extend an invitation to the wedding to Dickory."
John immediately sat up again, his mind now wide awake. "You what?"
Hickory sat up as well, holding his hands up in a placating gesture, although John could barely tell he was doing so. "I know! I know how that sounds, but…He's my brother."
"Yeah! Your brother who tried to-what was it he said? Oh, right. MAIM me? Because apparently, he wasn't actively trying to kill me. Just came real close," John seethed, trying to keep his voice quiet. "He called me a whore on multiple occasions!"
Hickory seemingly floundered for words for a few minutes as they sat in the dark in silence, while Hickory audibly fiddled with the blankets in his lap. "I'm sorry. I know he was terrible. To both of us, but especially you. But…he is the only family I have left, liebling. I want him to at least know that I'm happy. That we're happy, despite everything…This is why I wanted to talk to you now. I didn't want to argue in front of Sky."
"Oh, yes. Because waking me up in the middle of the night is going to lead to a really productive conversation," John groused, flopping back down into the pillows. He could hear Hickory continue to fiddle with the blankets for a long moment, before laying down next to him again. He groaned while throwing an arm over his eyes, already feeling the guilt welling up in his chest at Hickory's silence. "Okay, fine! You can send him an invitation. But you're going to need to talk to Poppy, since y'know…he got banished and all that."
John grunted as Hickory practically rolled on top of him and pulled his arm away from his face. "Thank you, schatz! If Poppy agrees, and he shows up, I will make sure to keep him on tight reins," Hickory hummed, pressing a smile into John's cheek.
"Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm pretty great," John grumbled, wrapping his arms around Hickory. "Now, let me go back to sleep before our kid comes banging at our door to get up."
Finally, after months of waiting, the day of the wedding arrived.
John was nervous, to say the least. He and Hickory had agreed to Poppy's weird rule that the couple needed to spend the night before the wedding apart. It had been the first night in four years that John hadn't slept next to Hickory, and that alone had been enough to set him on edge for the day. And now, only a few scant hours before the wedding, he was stood in the little tent Poppy had had set up as a makeshift dressing room, in front of a mirror, staring at himself forlornly. His outfit was impeccable; a dark purple suit that Branch had, surprisingly, picked out with black and gold accents, and a black headband to replace his goggles. Certainly not his usual color scheme or style, but definitely complimentary to his natural colors. He knew he looked good (Poppy wouldn't let him walk out in something tacky. He hoped, anyway), but that didn't stop the thrill of nerves making him sweat.
"You look like you swallowed a lemon."
Bruce's voice startled John out of his silent revere, causing the teal troll to finally turn away from the mirror.
"And what if I did?" John tried to joke, but it fell flat as Bruce walked into the tent proper, a concerned little frown on his face. He shifted under his younger brothers scrutiny, before finally letting out a puff of air, while wiping his palms on the bottom of his suit jacket. "I'm just nervous."
"Whatever for?" Bruce chuckled, moving forward to fix the lapels of John's suit jacket.
"I genuinely have no idea," John laughed, already beginning to feel ridiculous as he thought about the conversation he'd had with Bruce previously, back when Sky's egg had first appeared in his hair. "I know he loves me, no matter what."
"And he's definitely in it for the long haul," Bruce agreed, stepping back from John with an easy smile. "You've got nothing to worry about. Today is really more of a formality, then anything else."
"I bet you were still nervous when you and Brandy got married, even if you knew she was in it for the long haul," John pointed out with a cheeky grin, laughing as Bruce flushed.
"Oh, I was a wreck," Bruce admitted with a little shrug and a nod, "I'm surprised I didn't trip over my own feet while walking up the aisle." He paused for a moment, fiddling with the bright orange rose bud on his lapel. "This probably isn't the best time to say this, but I wish you'd been there."
John chewed on the inside of his cheek to stop himself from starting to cry already, and gave a little nod. "I do, too."
Bruce nodded, clearing his throat as he not so subtly wiped at his eyes. "Right, well! Break a leg out there, Johnny," the purple troll declared, spinning on his heel to walk out of the tent.
"Bruce, wait!"
Bruce paused, turning to offer his brother a questioning glance.
"I know this is probably gonna sound weird, and Poppy might lose her marbles, because we didn't rehearse it, but, uhm," John cleared his throat, tugging at the hem of his jacket to straighten it, "Will you…walk me down the aisle?"
That was enough to get Bruce to burst into tears, his hands quickly shooting up to cover his face. "Oh my god, John!" he sniffed, shaking his head, "Right before the wedding?! I'm gonna be all blotchy."
"Oh, uh, sorry!" John scooped a tissue box up from his little vanity, offering it to Bruce, "Is that a 'no', then?"
"Is that a 'no'," Bruce mocked, snatching up tissues, "Of course it's a YES, you idiot. Glitter and cupcakes, you have the worst timing known to troll kind,"
"Ha, yeah…"
"You ready?"
"As I'll ever be, I guess."
The music queue began to play, notifying John that he should be walking down the aisle now. The teal troll turned to his brother, his smile crooked as they linked arms.
"It'll be great."
"I know."
"As I've been informed, the couple has written vows for each other. You may now recite them. Hickory, you may go first."
Hickory grinned brightly at John as the two stood at the alter, barely a foot apart but both feeling like they were still an ocean away, unable to reach out and touch. Sky was stood between them, just in front of the officiator, a little pillow that had previously held the rings they'd exchanged clutched in his hands as he watched his parents with stars in his eyes.
The country troll dug into the pocket of the black and gold floral pattern suit he wore, pulling a well worn, dog eared piece of paper out. He cleared his throat as he unfolded it carefully, glancing up at John with a smitten little smile, before he began to read.
"John Dory…I will never forget the day I first laid eyes on ya. Time felt like it stopped, an' my world suddenly felt like it could be so much bigger. Ya made me realize that I could be more than what other folks told me I should be, or what I should want. You gave me hope, an' I thought that was the most precious gift any troll had ever given me. But then ya gave me yer love, an' I realized that nothin' in this world or the next would ever compare. An' then you gave me a child…an' I don't think anythin' I can say or do will ever truly express just how grateful I am to receive all of the gifts you have given me, an' to have you in my life. I love you, with all a' my heart. An' I promise to keep tryin', every day of my life, to show ya just how much ya truly mean to me."
Hickory lifted his gaze from his speech, tears in his eyes, only to let out a wet laugh at the tears already streaking down John's cheeks.
"Oh, you're good," John whispered, sniffing loudly and wiping quickly at his eyes as Hickory chuckled. "I don't have proper vows written," he admitted, reaching out to take one of Hickory's hands, once the country troll had tucked his little piece of paper back into his pocket, "But, I thought I'd do something a little unconventional. Since we've always been a bit unconventional." He turned his head to nod at Branch, who quickly pulled a microphone out of his hair to hand over to John. "Hopefully my voice isn't too mucked up from crying," he added with a chuckle into the microphone, earning a smattering of laughter from the guests.
"There goes my heat beatin', cause you are the reason…" ((click here to listen to John's song))
Cheers broke out from the guests as John finished his song, a little grin on his face as Hickory openly wept in front of him. "Haha, I win," he said quickly into the microphone, before handing it back to Branch, earning a light punch in the arm from his youngest brother.
"And with that, I now pronounce you husband and husband," the officiator announced, with another round of cheering from the crowd as Hickory yanked John into a kiss.
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Weird thing, but I miss Alfred.
It's shaping up to be one of the longest "deaths" of a famous, legacy secondary character, at least in modern DC history. And in that way, it served the narrative pretty well, subverting the usual problems with death in comics. Sure, it was all over an ego trip some bad former Editor in Chief decided to have on a whim; King didn't really plan to kill off Alfred so nonchalantly and it wasn't meant to stick. People know that, it's well documented and they even had foreshadowing that he was Clayface being a part of the plan. So the fact that it sticks should be lauded, right? This is, after all, how death works.
And, sure, it made some characters grow. Bruce, specifically, moving to a brownstone and taking care of his son all by himself is a genuinely cool idea and I'm enjoying seeing him bond with Damian in ways he never bonded with the others. Dick as a billionaire philanthropist dedicating his newfound fortune to Alfred, his late sponsor, is a genuine stroke of genius. Actual change and progress in comic books, holy shit. A feast Spider-Man fans don't even remember how it tastes!
Yet it sometimes feels like you're reading a Batman book in an empty house, because Alfred is gone, and it was over nothing. An unplanned death that took him suddenly with no real gravitas or preparation. Not exactly the same -- okay, not the same by a wide margin, -- but it kinda reminds me of how Buffy fans reacted to The Body.
The character was here, and now they're not, and it genuinely feels empty and real in a way you're not really expecting popcorn media to feel. There's no power fantasy or melodrama or anything. Someone broke his neck and threw his body on the floor, and that's the end of Alfred Pennyworth.
And like, yeah, man, people obviously write stories about other versions that are alive and flashbacks. Nobody is literally gone from comics, things don't move forward *exclusively*, Alfred is a brand unto himself and will never be truly gone. It's the same reason why aging up Jon Kent isn't that big a deal; Super Sons will release as long as someone gets the approval, it's just going to be a flashback. It's fine. But to see the world having to move forward without him has been quite something, you know? People have had big personal moments that he's not there for.
Dick and Barbara got back together, Jason moved to the Hill, Tim got a boyfriend -- it's the kind of stuff these kids could rely on Alfred to talk about, or to help out with, or to simply Be There as a zealous figure for them, and he's just. Not. And the story moves on all the same, yet now it feels like there's a panel missing, somewhere.
Albeit they had like two or three individual times when the actual fucking ghost of Alfred Pennyworth came to say goodbye and peace out to Bruce, I still think it's a pretty solid guess that he'll come back before the end of the decade. The nature of comics means sometimes you need a back from the dead story to keep things fresh, and those can be done extremely well -- Resurrection of Magneto might be the best thing released in the Krakoa era, as far as fully realized minis go. But...
Shit, Alfred missed Damian going to school, you know? That's really sad. I miss Alfred. In a way I'll never miss Uncle Ben or the Wayne couple, I really miss opening a monthly and reading the latest wit out of Alfred's mouth at his silly son and his funny crusade. The nature of comic books being infinite until they're cancelled means this sort of relationship just doesn't get cut like this very often, and I can't recall the last time I *cared* when they tried cutting it.
It will be an awkward day when he comes back and it's back to normal business again, honestly. There's now an understanding of what Batman is without Alfred that I feel they don't have a great way of addressing. Don't really envy the writer who gets the job.
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nutluvs · 3 months
Chubby s/o and Charles is EATING ME ALIVE.
i cannot hold back any longer sorry arthur fans ur gonna have to wait for late nights and little talks. i need this too tw for some body image issues + insecurity, mentions of micah being a stupid bully. but charles fixes everything 🤍
you're perfect - charles smith x chubby fem!reader - fluff 🪻
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gazing in the mirror, your eyes drifted over yourself and you frowned deeply, feeling your eyes swim with tears. "goddamn it.." you huff out, feeling over your love handles and then your belly, tracing your stretch marks. you murmur, "maybe micah is right, all i am is a useless pig." you and charles had decided to get out of the camp for a day or two, as things had started to drift into shit after hosea's death. you figured it was best for you both to get into a better headspace, but.. you had struggled with that due to lingering negative thoughts. the heavy knock at the door had you knowing quickly that it was charles, "princess, are you okay? you've been in there for about an hour." he spoke gently, a little, gentle thud on the door indicating he leaned his head against it. you quickly began to adjust your clothing, shifting your skirts and tucking your blouse back in. "i'm okay!" you called out a lie, your voice breaking a little bit, which made his eyebrows knit together. "are you sure? you seem... upset? your voice just cracked." "oh, charles.. i hate how you can just know." you mumbled, giving up on trying to fix yourself and slumping down against the wall beside the mirror. "you can come in." your permission had him opening the door immediately. once he saw how you sat beside the mirror, he sighed and with heavy steps made an approach. he sat down in front of you, his eyes soft as they quickly shifted to meet your teary ones. "look at me," charles reached over and cradled your face in his big hands, "why do you think you're ugly?" he asks, tone holding demand, although none of the scary sort. all he wanted was to know. "micah keeps sayin' so, callin' me a pig and that all i do is sit 'round doin' nothin'." a sniffle cuts your sentence off, as you raise a quivering hand to wipe away your tears, "and i'm startin' to believe him." you admitted, leaning into his touch as his thumbs grazed over your tear-stained, rosy cheeks. "sweetheart—how can you believe anything that idiot spews? he's like a fountain of lies." he hums gently, bringing you close to touch his forehead to yours. you locked gazes, and you felt a little more secure already. he was your safe person. you were always free to run to him and leap into his arms, you knew, he would drop anything for you to make you feel better. the pause between the two of you felt like it continued infinitely, but you knew he was only collecting his words. eventually, he did speak, and they were reassuring words, "all he is.. is vindictive, and a liar. you aren't ugly, you aren't a pig, you aren't useless. you're so, so beautiful—it kills me to see you breaking yourself down by agreeing with micah, to see you hating your gorgeous body because of something stupid he said." "you do so much for everyone in this gang, and you mean it with a genuine heart. there's really not one person that dislikes you, maybe aside from micah... but he only dislikes you because you're the better person. he could only dream of being as good as you." charles went on, his expression promising as he spoke, but you couldn't help but
ask, "y'mean it?" his eyebrows knitted together, and you thought he was upset before watching as he grinned while pressing a light kiss to your jaw, "do i sound like i'm joking?" he hummed, and you began to giggle. "i'm not joking, i'm being as serious as anyone can be. you deserve the world, princess. you're so beautiful. you're perfect." you blushed when he said such things, even a little more when he put his strong arms around your waist and pulled you into a tight hug, the warmth radiating from his stiff body as you sat on his lap. "i love you," charles mumbled as he buried his face into the crook of your neck, "and i mean it. you know that, and you should always know that. don't doubt yourself." he said against your skin. "i'll try not to," you stated, and when he looked at you expectantly, you sighed with a wide smile, "..promise." you leaned into him again, feeling his hands drift up your sides and onto your shoulder blades, tracing little patterns over your clothed back. "thank you for promising. i feel good, knowing you're going to start feeling better about yourself," charles raised his head, and touched the tip of his nose to yours. you could see the contentment in both his eyes and his smile. "your happiness is all that matters to me. i like seeing that pretty smile of yours."
“oh, quiet, you.”
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I'M SO SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT, I'M SO TIRED. i've had this in my drafts too long (like idk 2 days) and i thought i should finish it. so i did. sorry if it's choppy, i might?? rewrite it??? but i'm for sure that i'll make more charles x chubby reader when i have more motivation though :) thanks for reading! 🪻
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blog-on-a-log · 2 years
hello new tumblr users! a lot of you are twitter refugees, so it is necessary to teach you about tumblr culture and how it differs from twitter.
REBLOG!!! tumblr runs on reblogs. there is no algorithm so if you want to show off a cool post you found (think of it as a cool rock) you have to reblog it (pass the rock around). love is stored in the reblog. it's especially important to reblog art!!!
CHANGE YOUR PROFILE PICTURE!!! tumblr has got a perpetual bot problem. we've tried time and time again to get rid of them but they always come back. so, we've taken to the habit of blocking blogs that show up in our notes with one of the default tumblr profile pictures. don't get blocked by a blog you like just because you have a default profile picture! change it! it doesn't take that much effort! while you're at it, consider adding something to your bio to show us that you aren't a bot!
ASKS AND ANONS!!! you may have noticed you have the ability to send asks on tumblr to other users. you can also send them anonymously (unless the blog has turned anon asks off). DON'T SEND HATE ANONS!!! you will get utterly destroyed. also, it's really rude and mean, so don't. find a moral compass and follow it.
CELEBRITIES AND COMPANIES!!! yes, there are celebrities and companies on tumblr. IGNORE COMPANIES. DO NOT INTERACT WITH THEIR POSTS. i don't care if they are funny. we don't want to end up like twitter (there's a reason why you left). the only celebrity we allow on here is our local cryptid, mr. neil gaiman. he's been through the horrors with us. if content creators for your fandom are on here, treat them with respect. respect their boundaries. they are Just Some Guy On Tumblr like you are.
Q: how do i get popular on tumblr?
A: you've come to the wrong place. you don't come to tumblr to get popular, you come to tumblr to show off your hyperfixations and mental illness. no one can see your follower count except for you. you might have 5 followers or 5000. no one cares about your follower count.
Q: well, okay, but how do i gain followers?
A: gaining followers isn't the point of tumblr!!! but if you really want to, you've got to interact and tag. interact with blogs you are fans of, and tag your works for your targeted audience/fandom.
Q: well, how do i tag?
A: when you create a post, or reblog a post, there is a place at the bottom just above the post now/reblog button that says #add tags. type in your tags there. please, please, please tag content that may be triggering!!! also, we don't do things like "unalive" and "su1cide" here. this isn't tiktok, this isn't twitter. when you don't tag triggering content properly, you risk people who it affects seeing it and hurting them.
Q: what if i don't want to see certain content?
A: block the tags. go to settings, and under account, there is a place for you to filter tags. type them in. you won't see posts with tagged with the tags you enter.
Q: what is a tumblr mutual?
A: tumblr mutuals are the ones who've been through the horrors by your side. between the two of you, there is an unbreakable bond.
Q: what is superwholock? who is destiel? how many tumblr sexyman are there? why is there a ball pit? what is a kung pow penis? i heard john green was on here, where is he? why do people love the color of the sky? why do people like my shoelaces?
A: in order of questions asked: hell, you don't want to know, infinite, dashcon, homestuck, a holy weapon handed down through the generations, look up "john green cock post", we also love scrolling, did you steal them from the president?
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k-dokja · 2 years
DG/James Lee with his pregnant s/o? Fluff please? I’m quite the fan of your DG series I have them all saved! 🥰
D'aww thank you 🥺
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— I was not joking when I said all of his kids are equally accidental, okay. He's super ambivalent about passing on his genetics, so unless you feel strongly about kids one way or another, he likely would never mention it himself.
That said if you got pregnant after one of your escapades, he will defer to you about whether the two of you will keep the kid or not. He has a very "it is what it is" attitude about the whole thing.
&. If you've been trying for one, great! If not, then whatever comes up next is your decision. However, if you planned to keep the baby anyway then he has a bit of a "hm." moment where he worked out the logistic. Don't worry, he's not upset, he's simply trying to plan around having a baby.
Probably takes up less work so he can have more time with you. Publicly uses something like "need time to recuperate before the next album" but privately, his closest confidants know.
&. He's good at the preparation either way. A lot of the process of pregnancy is intuitive for him even if he didn't plan for any of this. He will begin to look up what is necessary and what isn't. If he happened to be the more organized one out of the two, then he will map out everything you need to do, from check-ups to diets, to exercise.
He'd encourage you to continue doing light exercises while carrying, it's good to maintain your good habits even while you're having a baby.
&. Because of your hormone imbalance, he will advise you to not take up as much work to avoid adding to your stress. He's infinitely patient with you and rarely loses his temper even when you're having a mood swing. Almost nothing you do can annoy him either, even if you're being clingy.
Even if you get jealous over his fans, he'd endure it in silence unless you act out somehow. The man literally transforms into a saint during these periods.
&. If the two of you haven't gone public before, then he'd notify his fan about him becoming a father anyway without divulging your identity. It'd be for the best that he's honest with his fans but he also needs to prioritize your well-being.
Maybe at a later date, near the birth. However, if he can, he probably keeps all of this under wrap if possible.
&. He's really good at giving you massages to help alleviate any of your aches. Foot, shoulder, boob, whatever it is, say the words and he will help you out. Most of the time in bed, however, he functions like your personal teddy bear and allows you to cuddle him however you pleased.
You already have his card anyway so if you have any pregnancy cravings, feel free to go on ahead and order. However, if you want something in the middle of the night, he'll be the embodiment of that "yes, honey" meme and climb out of bed to get it for you.
&. Is really good with any of your nausea if he's around. Always there to help you breathe through it, and if it gets bad enough that you throw up, he'll tie your hair back for you and stroke your back. He listens attentively to any of the doctor's recommendation and brings up any of your possible allergies or past symptoms if necessary.
He doesn't really get more enthusiastic even when the two of you visit the ob-gyn. Don't blame him for it though, it's how his face is. Might crack a joke or two about the shape of the baby after you got the ultrasound to relieve the tension.
&. Secretly finds it cute when you waddle during the later semester. Won't admit to anything unless you were seriously prodding. Find it even cuter if you got annoyed with him because of his reasoning. He also low-key likes how you look wearing maternal clothes. Just adorable all around.
He also gets a little more energetic when the two of you are out shopping for clothes and other baby necessities, too. While he has a whole list of things to buy for the baby, there's also a lot of planning around clothes since babies often grow out of them fast.
Buying for daughters is much more fun for him because of how varied little girls' clothes are. Although, his kid will get animal-themed clothes either way because of how cute they are. Look at the bear ears.
&. Will probably take you on a vacation before the baby comes so you can have your final moments to kick back and relax before the next few years of hell. Because he has the money for it, your babymoon will be somewhere nice and far, ranging from one to two weeks.
Probably at a resort where nothing but peace and quiet await the two of you. Honestly, half of this is for him, too, but he won't say that out loud and focus on you.
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beevean · 2 months
Frontiers is bad and boring to play but I take it over Forces anytime of the day, first the gameplay plays the game for you half of the time why is Classic Sonic here? Other then Sonic Team being desperate? Why did Tails forget he could fly? INFINITE was wasted and his theme song is embarrassing. Why bother using Chaos if he wasn't even going to be a boss level? Sonic is tortured ? Okay sorry but atleast Frontiers had a better ost.
why is Classic Sonic here? Other then Sonic Team being desperate?
Most likely because 1) Forces was meant to be one of the 2 games for the 25th anniversary, even if they both slid forward one year, 2) precisely to connect Forces and Mania, 3) to piggyback on the success of Generations. Do you want to call it pandering? Feel free to call it pandering, by 2016 fans weren't as eager to play as Classic again, true. But then we can also call pandering the relentless references to the Adventure era in Frontiers, both in simple "hey this reminds me of X" and in general plot beats - now that game very much wants to win the Adventure crowd back more than Forces wanted to appeal to the Classic fans.
Why did Tails forget he could fly?
Do you mean when Sonic (Sonic the fucking Hedgehog) was getting his entire shit beaten out by a terrifying creature not even his Miles Electric could understand, plus clones of formidable enemies that included Shadow?
I don't know, I get the flak against "Sonic help me", but I don't blame Tails for not knowing what to do in that situation.
INFINITE was wasted and his theme song is embarrassing.
Opinion discarded. Infinite's theme slaps absolute ass and if you don't agree AND AFTER ALL THIS TIMEEEEEEE YOU'RE BACK FOR MOOOOOOOOOOOOORE
I agree that something happened to Infinite during development, as everything in the main game hinted at him being a fully artificial creature and not a rando still sore that he was beaten by Shadow lol. But dude was cool in my book. I really like that stage where he creates all sorts of creepy illusions to stop Operation Big Wave :P he could have had more screentime, but he chewed that little screentime we had just fine. better than the end, anyway and always.
Why bother using Chaos if he wasn't even going to be a boss level?
The game was most likely rushed, which sucks, no doubt about that. But somehow, only Forces gets treated like a piece of shit for being rushed, when Frontiers doesn't get nearly the same amount of disappointment for being pretty much a test game (and we know it was rushed because of the last two islands that are pieces cut from Kronos Island and for the weird way Sonic's corruption was handled). Hell, by this point, even '06 is getting apologism even though until recently it was the king of rushed games, and much worse about it than the previous examples.
Either you're equally uncharitable with rushed games that sacrificed content (so I'm not talking about game breaking glitches), or you cut them all some slack.
Sonic is tortured ? Okay sorry
Sloppy translation. And while Sonic looks chipper after being freed, and we can argue all day if that's IC or not, you can guess from things like him beating Zavok with his bare fists or the veiled death threat he gives Infinite that deep down he's actually pretty angry.
Now, Sonic being rescued by his corruption in Frontiers in a minute, undoing all of his hard work in rescuing his friends, and him being just as chipper after Sage, the girl he had just befriended, died in space, is not sloppy translation, it's the game getting rushed to hell (although I don't know why Flynn blames time constraints when it comes to Sonic not sparing a thought about Sage lol).
atleast Frontiers had a better ost.
I like both ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and Frontiers' cyberspace themes are clearly inspired by the Avatar themes in Forces.
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section-69 · 10 months
Okay Destination Trek notes! First here's what I really liked:
- Everything was SAG compliant and there was so much important strike talk. Obvs this made some questions impossible to answer, and it was slightly hard to predict what would be wrong to say just since different actors had different comfort levels (big range from "I support my comrades but I'm not gonna pretend I'm not in Star Trek" from David Ajala to J G Hertzler encouraging us to threaten media executives with [COPYRIGHTED SPACE WEAPON] to Terry Farrell not wanting to mention working on TV or film at all), but honestly it just made the whole thing really friendly
- on that note, multiple guests said it was the best convention they'd been to in years. I don't have a lot of personal experience with them, but I was talking to a lot of older fans and many of them said this felt a lot like the early days of conventions which were also set in hotels
- being in a hotel made it a) more accessible (and there were So Many fellow disabled Trekkies to prove it!!), b) easier to hang out between activities, and c) just super personable. The guests could hang out in the bar with the fans, there were lots of comfy seats everywhere, and it was very easy to step away if something wasn't your speed.
- not being in London helps the vibes too
- not being Paramount affiliated made the tickets a bit cheaper (much appreciated)
- most of the activities were teamwork focussed. Initially I was a little freaked by that but actually it gave the whole thing a friendly social club vibe
- science talks! Community talks! Asking the actors questions about their lives and work outside of what they're most famous for! Stories we haven't all heard a thousand times!
- I'll make another post about the specifics of accessibility and why I liked this infinitely more than the official ones in London aircraft hangars, but I just really have to stress how important I found that here
- being fan organised and fan led, the focus was on us and how much we love this shit. I didn't find the old format Bad in this respect, but this really did hit different
- J G Hertzler is seriously the coolest person I've met. He stole my craft group's batleth and we couldn't be happier about it.
- So Many Cool Cosplays!!! Shout out especially to the drag queens, the older man cosplaying Admiral Janeway, the Voyage Home Spock and inflatable whale, the power chair decked out to look like a shuttle, all the babies in uniform, the tribble queen in her tribble pelt dress, all the Klingons who didn't artificially darken their skin, the furry doctor from lower decks, all of the Borg, the Klingon pug with a plush batleth, and so so many others I'm forgetting ❤️🖖❤️
Notes for Future Cons
- If you don't already have access to it because of an expensive ticket, I wouldn't bother paying for the opening ceremony. It's not actually at the start of the event and also it's literally just the actors coming on stage, saying hi, then rushing back to the autograph tables. Do go to the closing ceremony though! There's way more of a point to those
- If you're not a huge extrovert, already drunk, or completely happy in awkward situations, I wouldn't recommend being the first in the door at the parties. Give it an hour or so - they sounded very lively later on, but when I tried to go in earlier the primary school disco vibes were off the charts. Plus the music's too loud to actually talk to anyone, and no one's dancing yet. I did see one guy run past with a portable charger for his friend in a wheelchair that lost power on the dance floor though, so clearly they got cooler later on lol. Addendum here that I'm an autistic non drinker so that might colour things.
- to the white folks darkening their skin for generic Klingon cosplays, reconsider that one next year
- to the white guy wearing brown face paint to cosplay Worf specifically, what the fuck, man??
- to the person who boo'd the mention of Julian/Garak at the LGBTQ+ panel, fight me but also maybe skip whatever the equivalent is next year cause Andy Robinson's booked to come
- host mocked Scottish accents a couple times :(
- here's hoping the unions will have their demands met and we'll be able to talk about Star Trek publicly with actors who can access healthcare and pay their rent. But if not, at least we know the con will still be fun.
- maybe see you in Blackpool next July 💙
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