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Daily #44 - Playing the Villain part 5 (end) (feat. Surge as Sir Mordred)
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phantom-fleetways · 12 days
I am of the firm belief that the Sonic and Shadow, the Ancients, the chao and the Black arms are all connected.
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phantom-fleetways · 13 days
Ya know what? I feel a bit spicy!!!
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Here take some really bad scribbles of the Bishop's of War and Pestilence. Infinite is the younger and takes Leshy's place. While Starline is taking over Heket's place.
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phantom-fleetways · 13 days
oh for your cotl au
do you have info on any other characters?
im really interested! especially about what kind of peole he gets to join
I'm so sorry it took so long for me to answer this. Originally I was gonna respond with some nice and well polished digital art. But seeing as I can't seem to find a sense of motivation to draw but I CAN to write, I shall explain more below the cut!
I know I know, I answer a lot of stuff below a cut. This is for my sake frankly. Especially since no answer I give will be short.
So: Silver's Cult!
Frankly speaking, the building of his cult is hard. Especially when his very first crusade (and escape from Infinite's Domain) is sort of a bust when it comes to finding sacrifices.
Infinite's Domain, Rubyharth, is a vast desert torn to sunder by war. The Bishop who rules over is our funky little jackal man. And while he sends his Phantoms to hunt and kill off Silver who just... Resurrected himself (or at least appeared to). Silver stumbles onto his VERY first friend in all of this mess.
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(look I know the art doesn't look great, just bare with me. This is the best you're getting for some of them.)
Mighty the Armadillo is a kind soul and former bearer of the Red Crown. He helps direct Silver out of Rubyharth and into the safety of a mysterious portal inside of a patchwork of temple ruins. On their way to this way out, Silver stumbles (a bit literally unfortunately) onto a young bee child.
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Now... I'm not going to lie. Silver's original reaction to finding Charmy was to... Avoid. Not because the child was secretly a phantom or something stupid. Merely... Silver (reasonably so) felt a bit off about indoctrinating a literal child. But, Mighty urged him to bring the young child with them so that Silver could have an easy ticket for more suitable followers.
And this... Is how it is for a few weeks once they escape Rubyharth. Ending up in a nice grove seemingly leagues away from the harsh desert sun, yet not too far away from a nearby river. It's just Silver, Mighty, and Charmy.
Despite Charmy's age, Silver does task him with "chores" around the commune. Mostly on making simple and safe meals or keeping his sleeping quarters safe. Mighty helps with the more labor intensive stuff. Despite being blinded in one eye and lacking depth Perception, Mighty is *very* handy with an axe.
Later on though, when Silver starts to actually crusade and gather more followers. He learns to be picky. Only taking in those he seems fit to follow him and learn of his god.
Outside of Charmy, Silver only takes in full-fledged adults. Gathering about 6 people before Mighty decides to take his leave.
All 6 are just going to be a grab bag of whoever I want. So they aren't set in stone. But all the people Silver is inclined to bring into his fold are people who have these traits:
Naturally Obedient
Although, if a follower requests it, he will bring in those who lack any of these traits. (Silver dislikes this, but he'll do anything to keep Mephiles happy.)
Of course, a trait he hammers into his followers is belief in sacrifice and the belief that the good die young. Mostly since, Silver is just a bit weird and doesn't wish to send Mephiles any followers who are too old to serve him.
Over all! Silver's Cult is well behaved. Very obedient too! Oh and Charmy is definitely Silver's first disciple. When he's an adult of course, since it would be weird to make a kid a disciple.
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phantom-fleetways · 22 days
Feeling insane. Flickies are actually an invasive species within Sonic's world. Who have the ability to harness Chaos Energy. Making them basically super important to Eggman. Hence why in the modern Era we see very little to almost no animals in the majority of the games.
So birds aren't real at all in Sonic, huh? First the Aliens, now the Interdimentional birds. How is Mobius even functioning anymore???
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phantom-fleetways · 22 days
Kiturge and Sontails are like each other's inverses. But in a funny way. Thank god, I made them worse with Scourge and Spite.
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phantom-fleetways · 27 days
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Cult of the Hoglet
The last Hedgehog was killed tragically by the other gods that once ruled alongside Mephiles.
Unfortunately for them, this silver hedgehog seems unable to stay dead. Not to mention, he seemed to have started a cult!
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phantom-fleetways · 1 month
I just rewatched SaTBK and like...
Wild take I know, but these two are the same guy to me. I love them both now actually.
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phantom-fleetways · 1 month
Honestly, as much as it would be neat that Surge and Kit are kidnap victims. I would actually hate to see it come to pass. And I do mean hate.
Like listen, I'm not good at explaining things. But you all do realize the level of cop out that would be right? So what if they're kidnapping victims? That makes them no more interesting than the people Eggman has harmed or even kidnapped himself.
Surge and Kit are supposed to be impressive to Eggman. Not run of the mill. Any old annoying bad guy in IDW can capture someone and put cybernetics in them! Hell! Sonic Lost World is canon to IDW. And Tails was like half robotized or whatever they called it in that game. If Surge and Kit are two kidnap victims who have metal skeletal structures and generator's forced into them, then they are no different then a cyborg.
Like... Do you genuinely believe Eggman, the man who invented robotatization itself, would be impressed by something like that? Impressed by a Cyborg?
I honestly believe that the two aren't. Mostly due to two different factors.
Starline sucks at kidnapping people. (Even with help he's only half decent at it.)
Starline was more than happy to own a DNA sample of Tails.
Not to mention the fact that he most definitely looked into Project Shadow. Something we know impressed Eggman in the past (and maybe still does. Seeing as Shadow really is an interesting foe for him.) Or the fact that he wanted Belle's coding to help make a personality.
Like I'm not saying that they can't be kidnapped. Frankly if you want to believe they are kidnapped Mobians. Go ahead. I won't make you change your headcanons. I might not agree, but you can have them. And they don't inherently clash with my idea. I just refuse to believe the Surge and Kit we know and see are kidnap victims. Maybe they once were, many many many experiments ago. But the ones we got right here? They're test tube babies to me. They just sorta... Have to be.
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phantom-fleetways · 1 month
I loved your neo chaos sonic au
If it's okay to ask could you tell us more about it👀👀
Oh! Of course!
Frankly I haven't done much world building for it, since I have other AUs who are utter attention whores and life just LOVES to make me unable to draw for some stupid reason or another. But I do have some simple concepts I would love to share! If you feel like you can bare my aimless rambling, feel free to read the rest under the cut.
First off, setting. Generally speaking, Neo Chaos Sonic's timeline takes place after the events of Season 2's finale and the early portion of season 3's episode one.
But instead of Building Alpha Grim Sonic after a lot of dilly dallying on Nine's part, he decides to fight fire with fire. (And maybe he's a little scared of being alone, although he would never admit it.)
So he rebuilds Chaos Sonic instead. And to insure that he'll be able to beat Sonic, Nine decided to give him untethered access to the Paradox Prism.
This of course leads to Chaos Sonic deeming his normal build being to... Easy to deal with. And he is allowed a modicum of freewill by Nine. So who is he if he does not ascend to godhood to ensure the plan's execution? It's gonna be a temporary upgrade. And Nine did give him full access to the Paradox Prism.
Leading to this beautiful outcome!
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It's a MAJOR upgrade. And it comes with a hip skirt! And who is she to go against a hip skirt?
After choosing a new form of befitting of his newly born Goddess status, NCS decides to make the Grim their perfect little paradise. Their powers are simple, as she is all powerful but not all knowing or anything.
NCS can change their appearance however she sees fit. Although due to his vanity, he mostly stays hedgehog robot shaped. And generally before war is brought to her doorstep, she just stands about as tall as NMS would. So they definitely Tower over Sonic and Nine easily. They also can pool liquid metal off of them and when the liquid metal touches the ground, they become Grim Sonic Troopers. All of which seem to reflect different small aspects of her personality. Also she has glitter beams and shit. He's a magical girl, they gotta have their glitter attacks.
After a while of their new arrangement, NCS stops referring to Nine as either "Best bud" or "Sir". And starts calling him Martyr or Prophet. Treating Nine as a prized possession and less like a friend or even someone they wish to protect and keep happy.
Nine isn't initially concerned about this though. Since he's certain that they are still loyal to him. Which is true, he is. But ultimately that loyalty does not outweigh her natural selfishness.
I believe that inevitably, there will come to pass a point where Neo Chaos Sonic decides to "sacrifice" Nine to herself. If only to make Sonic run a fool's errand. If you know ANYTHING about the ending of KH3 and the whole "Save the 7" segment with Riku? Like that. (For those who don't know, imagine Nine floating above an altar of some sort with his body partially transparent blue.)
I don't really know if Sonic and Co from prime would succeed, since I really just designed Neo Chaos Sonic for the sake of designing him. But I would say that in order to take down Neo, Sonic would need to brace the abyss™️ to find Shadow's missing Chaos Emerald. Since I'm a wedger a bet that Shadow would be logically able to use Chaos Control in the prism that Neo Chaos is using to power themselves. Buuut in order to do that, Shadow would have to get close enough.
There is the possiblity that allowing Sonic to shatter himself would fix everything too. But ultimately I have no clue cuz I just haven't thought far yet.
Overall, the AU is very shallow at the moment. And seeing as I have other far more complex AUs I'm working on, it might be this way for a while. So, I'm sorry about that! But I did enjoy rambling a bit, albeit a bit aimlessly.
I just really love this design and I really love how pretty they came out! Neo Chaos Sonic is a treat of a concept to me, since I adore Neo Metal Sonic. Favorite flavor of Mets to be honest. And I figured a Neo form for Chaos Sonic would do them good!
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phantom-fleetways · 3 months
Seeing as I'm unwell and have been unwell about these for a bit:
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phantom-fleetways · 3 months
I'm a bit rusty at this whole Fic writing thing. But I hope those who pick it up, they enjoy!
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phantom-fleetways · 3 months
Happy 14th of February!
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Since today is the day of love, I'm gonna post a piece I've been holding onto for a bit. I frankly don't see enough of this ship, which sorta makes me sad. Cuz I think they could be very cute!
Homophobic Starline and Original context under the cut
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This piece is just a big reference to a funny screenshot a friend of my sent over DMs in discord while they went through Archie from start to finish.
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phantom-fleetways · 3 months
Since so many of you guys ADORED this design of Neo Chaos Sonic, I made more stuff for him!
I hath decided that they have a sorta... Complex relationship with Nine.
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And I already sort of knew what vibe I wanted for her powers. Idk if I'm going to make a proper AU for this design. I really just did it cuz I wanted to see Chaos Sonic having a Neo form. Also here's a Super design I half promised in the tags of that post.
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phantom-fleetways · 3 months
Start here!!
Hello! Welcome to a small dedication blog. If you want to see more of my fandom Nonspecific art, you can find it at @lilmysshadowxion.
This blog is mostly gonna be focused on a couple of my AUs and general Fanart. Due to that, I'm enstating a simple tagging system. Each AU, when enough work has been done to post about them here, will have its own specific tag. The list will be updated periodically to reflect this.
#Storytime - Stuff relating to lore or general lore based questions and explanations will be found here.
#Campfire - All the Fics I make, AU or not, will be found under this tag
#!!! - All asks will be filtered under this tag.
#Phantoms - Any ramblings or general musing will be put in this tag.
#Museum - All of my Fanart, AU or not, will be found under this tag.
#Toxic Waste - Any fandom/general discourse will be found here.
#Information and updates - All general important things that deal with the future or state of this blog and my activity on it can be found here.
I will warn you now, this blog will deal with complex and occasionally straight up demented themes.
Please if you don't like anything here just block and move on.
I don't really own the energy to fight with people and will use the block button liberally.
TW for Murder, Cannibalism, unreality, and generally just dark themes.
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